
=== foka_ is now known as foka
ograwoah, booting mid with the usb key attached to a 1.1 hub on the jax is really painful14:15
ograhmm, to sad the partitioner doesnt fit the screen14:18
ograthe timezone map actually looks awesome14:18
playyaogra, should i restart the hildonized ubiquity?14:22
loologra: Yeah I love the TZ choser14:23
ograits really only the partitioner thats not 100% perfect14:24
* ogra is falling over that evtouch *just works* on UNR14:25
ograthats how package management works :) break a package, dont look at it for the whole release and notice that everything is fine in final testing14:25
=== asac_ is now known as asac
persiaplayya, It's really not worth it: better would be to work just on the partitioner component to try to make it fit in the resolution available.14:27
persiaThat also provides future-proofing to support non-hildon technologies for similar resolutions.14:27
ograwow UNR is really sweet on the Q114:27
amitkif we could only get the touchscreen working14:29
ograamitk, it works here on the current UNR image14:31
ograout of the box14:32
* ogra_jax waves from a successfull MID install14:49
loolamitk: grep -rli HZ /etc/sysctl.* yields nothing14:51
loolamitk: Anything else I should collect before shutting down?  :-)14:51
amitklool: upload the /etc/sysctl.conf to the bug14:52
loolamitk: I see buffer I/O errors no sr014:57
loolThat's probably the issue14:58
plarsAnyone here have a netbook that you know not to work at all, or with really major problems under UNR?19:29
cgreganplars: dell mini12 should have some video issues20:18
plarscgregan: really? mine doesn't... do you have any details about it?20:19
cgreganplars: unless we have the vid driver in our restricted20:19
plarscgregan: oh wait, you're talking mini 12... didn't see that until now, I have a 920:20
plarscgregan: is there a bug open on it?20:21
plarscgregan: just looking for more things to add to that page I showed you20:21
cgreganplars: no bug that I am aware of for distro....the shipping image has the proprietary driver20:22
persiacgregan, Is that poulsbo related?20:39
persiaOr is there another video chip with issues?20:39
cgreganpersia: yes..poulsbo20:39
mkrufkyi think there's a memory leak in that poulsbo driver 21:28
mkrufkytry streaming video for more than just a few days, and then calling the system "sluggish" is an extreme understatement21:29

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