
NCommanderlamont, so seemingly Ubuntu jaunty/sparc is semi-happy; I just managed to boot an installer CD16:21
* lamont will pull even fresher CDs today, and go trash his hppa box tonight late16:40
NCommanderlamont, well, the sparc CD itself though is hosed16:48
NCommanderIts suffering from no cd modules in the kernel (a bug we had in powerpc; two cents says it affects ALL port architectures)16:49
* lamont adds netinst to his mirror tree16:49
NCommanderlamont, which port architectures do you have, HPPA, SPARC, Ia64?16:50
lamontyeah - I haz thouze.16:52
NCommanderlamont, I can't find cheap ia64s, although I now have more SPARC boxes then I know what to do with :-/16:52
* NCommander also just can't find used PA-RISCs at an acceptable price point16:53
lamontyeah - and sparc is the most problematic of the bunch for me16:53
lamontin terms of "need to find a serial console whatsit for it"16:53
NCommanderlamont, I have two, want one?16:53
NCommanderlamont, want one of mine, I have an Ultra 10, a Nextra X1 and T1 (although I think the X1's NIC is fried), and the hairdrier^W SunFire v12016:54
* lamont has an SB1000 or so16:54
NCommanderI got all my sparcs for $350 plus HDDs, RAM, and power cables16:55
NCommanderAmazing how cheap they become :-/16:55
NCommanderI plan to set one up as a pubic porter16:57
jbaileyNCommander, Where are you?18:02
NCommanderjbailey, Rochester, NY18:02
NCommanderjbailey, you?18:02
NCommanderSo every SPARC CD is broken ...18:02
jbaileyNCommander, Can you swing by Toronto at some point?18:03
jbaileyI'll liberate my old ia64.18:03
jbaileyIt's sitting in a data centre there.18:03
jbaileyI'm now in Montréal.18:03
NCommanderjbailey, I could do it tonight18:03
jbaileyLemme ping Andrew.18:03
jbaileyHe's not online at the moment.18:03
NCommanderw00t, I got the SPARC netinstall image going18:03
jbaileyWhen I see him on, I'll get him to get it out of his rack for you and ping you in this channel.18:03
jbaileyHe was supposed to give the ia64 some love but never did.18:04
NCommanderjbailey, seriously?18:04
NCommanderI dunno what to say18:04
NCommanderjbailey, do you have an interest in ia64?18:04
jbaileyI got it originally for Debian IA64 NPTL and Installer work.18:04
jbaileyHP was kind enough to give it to me18:04
NCommanderjbailey, I'm almost willing to bet money ia64's installer is hosed :-/18:05
jbaileyWhen I left FundSERV, I put it in the data centre at UofT.  Eventually I arranged to give it away since I hadn't done anything with it and they wanted the space back.18:05
jbaileyia64 has a reasonable chance of not being, it's cared for actively in Debian.18:05
NCommanderjbailey, the kernel in Ubuntu has not seen a lot of love18:05
NCommanderNo one with hardware18:05
jbaileySo it'll face ports-wide issues, but aside from that should generally be a first class citizen.18:05
NCommanderthe installer on all ports are hosed, I can fix it if I had the machine18:05
jbaileyIIRC, Ubuntu has an option for a pristine upstream kernel now, doesn't it?18:06
NCommanderNot in the installer18:06
jbaileyI think Ports should all use those by default.18:06
jbaileyRight, but I'd twiddle that.18:06
NCommanderThe problem is the installer can't load the module18:06
NCommanderbecause it changed the name 18:06
jbaileyIt'd be the best way of getting care.18:06
NCommander(it tries to load ide-something but the module now something-ide)18:06
NCommanderjbailey, what are the specs on that machine18:09
NCommanderjbailey, and how much is that server worth? (I need to see if I need to declare it when crossing the US-Candian border)18:14
jbaileyNo, that was the lower one.18:19
jbaileyI don't remember anymore.18:19
jbaileyDual Itanium2 900mhz 10Gb RAM.  Dual 30gb SCSI18:19
jbaileylamont, What was the zx6k version of that box called?18:20
NCommanderThat's fairly good hardware (more powerful than any of my SPARCs)18:21
* NCommander wonders if ia64 has any users though anymore who would want to run Ubuntu on it18:21
jbaileyNCommander, I don't know that it ever did.18:23
jbaileyWell, aside from me and LaMont18:23
NCommanderjbailey, directhex was using it on a desktop for awhile18:23
* NCommander just wants to make the ports of Ubuntu not suck :-/18:23
NCommanderI'm still trying to find a release of Ubuntu that can work on SPARC for a fresh install18:23
jbaileyDapper should.18:24
NCommanderI ran into the SILO - Illegal Instruction bug18:24
NCommanderwhich also exists in edgy18:24
* NCommander sees if his T1 is affected18:25
NCommanderThe T1 won't boot. Period.18:27
* NCommander is seeing if there is an OBP upgrade available18:32
NCommanderjbailey, are you going to be at UDS?18:43
jbaileyNCommander, Nope.18:44
NCommanderjbailey, a pity, I'd liketo have a meeting about ports18:44
NCommander(although if your in Montreal, your not far from me)18:44
jbaileySetup a VC or something like that.18:44
jbaileyI can do googletalk easily.18:44
* NCommander nods18:44
jbaileyI could probably figure out Skype if I had to.18:44
NCommanderjbailey, beside ia64, what ports are you interested in seeing in a working status?18:45
jbaileyEh, I don't actually care at all anymore.18:53
jbaileyIf I did, I'd get my ia64 back myself and just fix it.18:53
jbaileyI'd originally hoped that Ubuntu would be welcoming to non-primary architectures and grow a community of people interested in running recent stable versions of things.18:55
jbaileyThat was when I worked at Canonical and was on the distro team.18:55
jbaileyBut, it didn't happen.  *shrug*18:55
NCommanderjbailey, PowerPC is the only port that seems to have had any life outside of canonical19:06
jbaileyThat's not fair.  LaMont had another job at one point.19:07
lamontjbailey: srsly.19:08
lamontand sparc did too19:08
NCommanderlet me rephrase19:12
NCommanderPowerPC is the only port that seems to have managed to survive since Canonical stopped supporting it19:12
NCommanderUnless I'm mistaken19:13
NCommander(which may be truth)19:13
NCommander^- jbailey and lamont 19:13
jbaileylamont, True.19:13
* NCommander didn't mean to offend lamont or jbailey :-/19:13
jbaileyHardly an office.19:15
jbaileyI'm a lazy hippy, and LaMont went back to Canonical.19:15
jbaileyoffense, even.19:15
lamontNCommander: -ports isn't exactly anything where one is allowed to be offended...19:17
* NCommander stares blankly at lamont19:18
NCommanderI suspect my caffeine levels are looking low19:18
NCommanderOr the sounds from my SunFire is going into my head19:19
lamontNCommander: it's more one of jbailey and I both have thick skins, and that sometimes shows in our conversation, even in this channel19:20
NCommanderlamont, ah19:20
* NCommander is trying to remember if I met you last UDS or last sprint19:20
lamontlast UDS I made it to was boston19:20
NCommanderATM, I'm trying to find a CD for SPARC that is 1. bootable 2. installable19:20
NCommanderSo far Dapper-Fiesty, and Hardy-Jaunty fail19:20
NCommanderI'm looking at downloading Warty ...19:21
NCommandergutsy is a bust too19:40
lamontI bet hoary or breezy works20:22
lamontpretty sure hoary or breezy was the first sparc release20:23
lamontI'd have to go read the announcement again20:23
NCommanderWarty was20:26
NCommanderI got dapper netinstall to start20:26
NCommanderLooks like its semi-ok20:26
NCommanderKinda weird20:26
NCommanderDapper works20:26
NCommanderThen everything up to Jaunty is a complete and total bust20:27

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