
=== dwidmann_ is now known as dwidmann
=== agent is now known as Guest76405
Guest76405hi, i have a problem with the instalation of debian, can somebody help me?00:08
BluesKajGuest76405 join #debian00:10
Guest76405oh sorry wrong channel :-)00:10
romkakubuntu the best00:17
cjaecan I skin firefox to anything under the addons no right I have to find a linux compatible skin or no?00:19
tsimpsonany skin should work00:20
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=== ubuntu_ is now known as Aesran
ceckohi all, microphone on my laptop is not working, any idea where i should look for solutions?00:33
rmrfslashDoes compositing benefit from 3D acceleration?00:34
ceckoi played with kmix channels and googled for help, but no luck (i have dell precision m4400)00:35
Oceanwatcher_Any specialists on configuring dual monitors here? Anyone know of a gui similar to DisplayConfigGTK - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DisplayConfigGTK - for KDE?00:35
rmrfslashOceanwatcher_: was System Settings > Display of any use?00:36
=== joe__ is now known as AlphaWaves
Oceanwatcher_rmrfslash: No. I can set different resolutions, but when I hit Apply, the resolution change back to the same. There is no way to tell the card to show two monitors instead of one mirrored.00:41
god__can someone tell me how to fix my screen resolution?00:41
Oceanwatcher_god_: Settings>Display00:41
rmrfslashOceanwatcher_: nvidia or ATI?00:41
Oceanwatcher_ATI Radeon 9550, opensource drivers00:42
rmrfslashme too.00:42
rmrfslashwell Radeon mobility hd 367000:42
god__no man, it only lets me go 800x600 or something like that but i know my card will push 1280x70000:42
god__sorry thought that was to me00:42
rmrfslashgod__: I assume proprietary drivers? If yes, then try using the installed NVIDIA config tool00:43
god__whats the command?00:43
god__i might have tried that already00:43
rmrfslashgod__: I forget. There should be an icon somewhere in Kicker > System maybe?00:44
rmrfslashgod__: Kickoff.... whatever00:44
rmrfslashgod__: try nvidia tab tab00:44
god__if its the thing that let has something to do with enbling the device, every time i do that my system wont boot00:44
god__it gets stcuk at a black screen00:45
god__poo on proprietary00:45
god__what do you mean nvidia tab tab00:45
rmrfslashOceanwatcher_: you could try editing xorg.conf manually :-/00:46
rmrfslashOceanwatcher_: that's the best I can come up w/00:46
Oceanwatcher_lol - Yeah. Have spent this whole day doing it.00:46
rmrfslashOceanwatcher_: fun stuff huh?00:47
Oceanwatcher_Got a tip about a legacy driver from ATI that might work. Going to download and test.00:47
god__so what about this nvidia tabbing?00:47
Oceanwatcher_Not fun to edit xorg.conf manually.00:47
rmrfslashgod__: go to the command line and type in nvidia then hit tab00:48
rmrfslashgod__: should reveal something like nvidia-settings00:48
rmrfslashgod__: that might be the program (run it w/ sudo)00:48
god__either nothing happens or terminal wants to tell me all of its commands00:48
god__if i tab twice00:48
rmrfslashgod__: try just typing sudo nvidia-settings00:49
god__command not found00:49
rmrfslashr u using the proprietary driver?00:49
rmrfslashor the reverse engineered open source one (blech!)00:50
god__no thats bad juju, when i do that it tells me to reboot, then i get stuck at a black screen and have to reinstall os00:50
god__ive reinstalled 4 times and would rather avoid doing it again00:50
rmrfslashI see00:50
=== agent is now known as Guest41223
god__im not sure what it is, i know it has something to do with the nvidia card though00:51
rmrfslashwell.... like Oceanwater, you can try editing xorg.conf manually :-/00:51
god__I know that X11 supports it but im not sure it will run in ubuntu se00:51
god__I cant, when i go into conf file theres nothing in it about resolution00:51
god__I can post the file if you wish00:51
rmrfslashYou add stuff to it00:51
rmrfslashmake sure you back up the original one though00:52
god__how do i run the back up if i screw the other one00:52
god__better yet, can reinstitute the old from root terminal in safe mode if i mess it up?00:52
rmrfslashYou just copy the exisitng xorg.conf to your home directory or copy it to say /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak00:52
rmrfslashthen go crazy w/ the one that's there00:53
god__just in case?00:53
god__i found some blogs about this, but i didnt know what i was doing so i came to ask first00:53
god__actrually i could have posted it for ocean but hes =gone00:53
rmrfslashif you reboot and your display doesn't come up properly (cuz you screwed up xorg.conf), you should be dropped to a command prompt00:53
god__check this out and tell me if this is what you mean00:54
rmrfslashSee the Screen section00:54
god__im guessing the red text is what i add or edit right?00:55
rmrfslashTry adding this (hang on)00:55
rmrfslashyou there?00:57
god__i was waiting on you, thought you had a lot to type00:58
rmrfslashsorry my inet got all hung up00:58
god__its kool, what part of that should i add?00:58
rmrfslashnote where I put #BEGIN and #END00:58
god__oh, yeah i see that now00:59
rmrfslashYou showed me an ubuntuforum00:59
god__I have no defualt depth, should i add that as well?00:59
god__yeah, i just wanted to know if we were on the same page00:59
god__when im done with this, will i just write out?01:01
rmrfslash_Man, Cox is killing me.01:06
god__hey thanks for that fix rmrf, that worked perfectly01:08
rmrfslash_now you're at a blazing 1024x76801:09
god__you forgot to mention to mention that I needed to restart. I forgot to remember that that would need doing01:09
god__nope, im 1280...01:09
rmrfslash_oh, yeah.... you need to restart ;)01:09
god__well thanks again. im off to confuse myself some more01:10
god__i loathe being newb01:10
rmrfslash_it happens01:10
rmrfslash_editing xorg.conf is one of the most tedious things to do... and the most unforgiving if you make a mistake or typo. The next best is making a typo in /etc/sudoers01:12
theverantanyone know why file sharing doesn't work in folder properties in Dolphin/Konq?01:14
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Wazmynhow can I get kuickshow to turn tall photos up automatically?01:37
=== CoJaBo-A1tec is now known as CoJaBo-Aztec
roccity_is Kubuntu in freeze now or is there gonna be a suprise in the next day or two?01:57
dwidmannhmm, wonder how long till freepress/savetheinternet/others react to that one01:59
Oceanwatcher_rmrfslash_: Tried the driver from ATI. After downloading 80 MB I realised it is for Xfree86... Not very fun, this...02:01
Anyoseyowhat is defrag software for kubuntu02:01
Anyoseyoand last question: should the release client update to the final release automatically?02:03
Anyoseyooh and another one :P do you guys prefer kde or gnome02:03
dwidmann*coughcough* Like you're not going to get a biased answer in this channel02:04
Anyoseyofigured it being 'kubuntu' which is kde02:04
tsimpsonAnyoseyo: there is no defrag, ext3 does not suck like FAT or NTFS02:05
geek_Anyoseyo: actually the smart question would between kde3 and kde402:05
Anyoseyomajor :)02:05
Anyoseyoi'm defragging this windows hd on a old comp02:05
Anyoseyomy mom used it : 65% fragged02:06
Anyoseyoand geek_ what is the answer02:06
geek_Anyoseyo: its OT, but i'd give JKdefrag a shot02:06
geek_Anyoseyo: i miss certain aspects of kde3 - the fact that it was mature and better integrated02:06
Anyoseyoalready using smart defrag :P02:06
geek_ask me in a year though, and i'll tell you KDE4, no questions asked02:06
Anyoseyowhy is jkdefrag better :P02:07
geek_Anyoseyo: its lightweight, portable, and gives you a load of control02:07
geek_its open source ;p02:07
Anyoseyoi'll use it when i defrag my external02:08
* geek_ uses windows XP and kubuntu on the desktop. mostly kubuntu ;) other than gaming02:08
Anyoseyoyou'll be like me :P02:09
geek_Anyoseyo: ideally though i wish i had another box here so i can run both at once ;p02:10
WazmynIs there a way to get kuickshow to flip tall photos up automatically?02:10
* tsimpson shouts out "Virtualization"02:10
Wazmyngeek i've got XP on here, but it's been months since I used it02:11
steevzWhen I launch Maya I get the error "Segmentation Fault" and it fails to load. Any ideas? It was running yesterday.02:11
geek_tsimpson: i do that. I'd rather have independant systems tho ;)02:11
geek_oh, and a SGI video converter cable ;p02:11
=== don is now known as Guest39811
Anyoseyoi'll try it out02:14
Anyoseyowhat windows applicatoins will i miss geek_02:15
geek_Anyoseyo: for me, paint.net. otherwise, i'm amazingly platform agnostic02:16
nassrati, under gnome ssh-askpass pops up whenever needed even from inside gnome-terminal. But under kde ssh-askpass only pops up when there is no terminal (as the ssh-add docs say). How do I make KDE more like gnome02:18
nassratin that aspecgt02:19
steevzWhen I launch Maya I get the error "Segmentation Fault" and it fails to load. Any ideas? It was running yesterday.02:21
genii*nix Maya version?02:22
steevzMaya 2008 Unlimited x6402:23
steevzsteevz@linux:~$ maya02:24
steevzSegmentation fault02:24
steevzI find it strange that it was working yesterday and I haven't touched anything.02:24
=== Teh_Real_DM is now known as Annyoseyo
genii"segmentation fault" usually indicates bad ram02:25
nassratgenii: is that in general? or do you mean in maya?02:26
geniinassrat: In general02:27
nassratit could be bad code02:27
geniisteevz: I'd recommend to run memtest86 or similar on your ram and see if some may be going bad02:28
nassratanybody here know anythin about SSH_ASKPASS?02:28
steevzCould it be because I have 7gb of ram?02:30
steevzinstead of like 8?02:30
nassratsteevz: i think you should always use the same types of ram02:31
nassratatleast in pairs02:31
steevzThey're all DDR2 OCZ 6400 3 are 2gb 1 is 1gb02:31
Annyoseyothe 1gb could be giving you a problem02:32
steevzMaybe.. Well, I'll try popping it out.02:32
steevzMaya was starting yesterday with the 7gb.. =\02:32
steevzoh well, I'll try and let you guys know.02:32
nassratanybody here know anythin about SSH_ASKPASS?02:43
steevzHm.. Maya still Segmentation Fault without the 1gb stick of ram.02:44
nassratsteevz: try running memtest from a live cd for atleast 1 pass and see if there are any errors02:46
nassratif there ar02:46
nassratthen put each stick in by itself, and see which one is busted02:47
god__having trouble with nvidia drivers. every time i try to enable the proprietary ones, my startup screen goes black after reboot...02:47
nassratit could be combinations of them that dont work02:47
nassratas well02:47
nassratsteevz: to tell you the truth, i dont think its your ram, i think its your settings02:48
nassratthere is something that caused a bug in maya and is segfaulting02:48
nassratprobably has nothing to do with kubuntu, so dont know why you here though02:48
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bjrnhow'x the support for ati x700 in 9.04?03:00
dwidmannbjrn: one really good way to find out that one ... to try it and see if it works for you, because03:02
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/03:02
=== geek_ is now known as faileas
bjrnahhh, like trying to drink gasoline ... cute. get the point03:04
god__can someone tell me where i can drivers for an nvidia gfx card?03:07
dwidmann!nvidia | god__04:33
ubottugod__: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:33
CoJaBo-AztecIs there a way to fix the GUI controls curruptoin in Firefox?04:46
=== richard is now known as Guest82267
=== MinusSeven281 is now known as MinusSeven
Deathmathkubuntu is installing :)05:03
=== Deathmath is now known as Anyoseyo
Anyoseyoinstalling a driver >.>05:16
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde405:21
=== maximo is now known as Nasra
Nasrahi, just installed KDE Desktop....do I have do any twicking at all?05:23
ubottuKDE 4.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.2 - Support in #kubuntu05:25
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johnsheng__where am i?05:31
|dthacker|you are here05:31
jpsnl1you're in cyberspace, planet linux... the ubuntu region05:32
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johnsheng__do you speak chinese?05:32
JP-sNLonly heavily under the influence of opium... but i never get the stuff i order at the .cn take-away though05:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch05:35
|dthacker|neither do I, ubottu, neither do I05:35
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:36
johnsheng__oh,thank you05:36
dwidmann|dthacker|: seems ubottu knew more about it than you thought ;)05:37
* |dthacker| bows to dwidmann05:38
dwidmann!brain |dthacker|05:38
ubottudthacker|: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:38
yaa_guten Morgen05:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about politeness05:46
=== Deathmath is now known as Anyoseyo
Anyoseyodidn't work05:51
Anyoseyoanyone have advice with bios?05:51
Anyoseyocause i installed the newest release candidate with unetbootin to my external hd05:51
Anyoseyoand then i thought i changed the bios, but it just booted w/ windows05:52
Anyoseyo266 useful people :D05:54
SandGorgonwhat do you guys do to make firefox look good on Kubuntu 9.04 ?05:58
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=== johnsheng__ is now known as johnsheng
god__I just installed kubuntu on my HP G60 123CL. Everything seems to be going well, there are a few devices i havent checked into yet. For some reason however, KDE or what ever the GUI is called seems to be a bit slow and jerky. Anyone have any ideas?06:22
faileasgod__: which version of kubuntu?06:25
god__8.10 intreped ibex i think06:25
god__I dl/ed the iso about 2hours ago from official providers, when I do checks in terminal it says 8.1006:26
faileasWell, it might be KDE 4 being a pain06:28
faileastry updating first to see if whatever causes it is patched06:28
god__yeah ive done that, from what ive gathered its just the kde. My gfx has the correct drivers. That was a beast. Is it possible to turn off some of the desktop effects?06:29
god__how would i go about that?06:29
dwidmannsystem settings->desktop->desktop effects06:30
god__thx Ill give that a try and get back to you all06:30
yaa_!drinking beer which made me beer alcoholic06:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:31
god__wich would be better for this issue a bilinier filter or tri?06:31
dwidmanngod__: experiment and see06:32
god__Im very aqfraid to experiment with this. Its my firt boot of a linux machine ever06:32
god__Im rather nervous right now06:32
dwidmannyou should be able to change it without it messing anything up, it'll do the familiar "click okay within 30 seconds if this setting seems ok" deal too, I think.06:33
god__wow the trilinear seems to work well. I didnt have to turn off efects06:33
god__thanks again. I know this one was an easy fix06:34
god__but I appreciate anyhow06:34
dwidmanngod__: easy fixes are great though06:34
god__one more question. Why are the religous distros of ubuntu no longer supported?06:35
god__LOL As long as no one supports the wal-mart distro i think i can agree with the religous deal06:35
god__well thanks again guys/gals. You all have a goog evening06:36
dwidmannwal-mart distro o.O06:36
dwidmannIf that exists that's just FUNNY.06:36
dwidmann(seeing as Wal-Mart corporate wide is pretty Microsoft-centric)06:37
god__ok back again with another KDE Q. Can I downgrade from KDE 4 to KDE 3?06:42
dwidmanngod__: which version of Ubuntu? Kubuntu 9.04 will have a semi-official KDE3 remix06:43
dwidmanngod__: I don't know if that will conflict at all with the KDE4 packages, but it might.06:44
god__got 8.1006:44
dwidmanngod__: you're less unlucky than you think, 9.04 should be available before the end of the month06:44
dwidmannand if it isn't, they'll have to call it 9.05 :P06:45
dwidmann04 = April06:46
god__I get it, thats kool06:46
god__what do you know back track 4? if anything?06:46
dwidmannAs per downgrading while on 8.10 .. I don't think there are even offial-ish packages of KDE3 for 8.10, if there are any at all.06:48
god__just wanted to see if anyone else knew anything. Im not too sure of the rules for this room so i wont post a link here, but you can google it06:48
dwidmannAnd downgrading can be kind of risky ...06:48
god__I just deal with the lag. Its better than dealing with vista06:48
dwidmannMesses things up sometimes06:49
dwidmannwhat lag?06:49
god__umm in the graphics there this weird lag06:49
god__like when i change between windows06:49
dwidmanngod__: no doubt introduced by desktopeffects06:49
god__its only the graphics though, no aps or other devices seem to be affected. at least horribly06:50
dwidmanngod__: desktop effects doesn't get along well with all cards ... probably for various reasons06:50
dwidmannWord has it (for example) NVidia's 2D is crap (though it's 3D is good)06:51
god__lol its funny you should mention Nvidia06:51
god__Im on the hp g60 and its got mostly amd and nvidia stuff06:52
dwidmanngod__: only thing that matters here is the VGA06:52
dwidmanngod__: (funny because ATI is AMD, if you know what I mean)06:52
god__I know you're right about ATIvsAMD but I just now put that together06:53
god__I have a fealing that im going to have trouble with my dvd burner's drivers. You wouldn't happen to know where I could them?06:54
dwidmannDVD burning should be fine ...06:54
god__how bout my wireless?06:55
god__ndiswrapper for that?06:55
dwidmannWireless is hit & miss06:55
god__thats what Ive read so far06:55
dwidmann!wireless | god__06:55
ubottugod__: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:55
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god__respond to this if you see it, im testing my wifi06:59
god__respond to this if you see it, im testing my network06:59
god__yo for the wifi or yo for the network?06:59
god__dude no thats confusing, did you two requests for response or only one?07:00
dwidmannIt was intent on being confusing, and apparently I've responded :P07:00
god__roflcopters to that07:00
god__I just dont know where to land07:00
SandGorgonhow do I get flash with firefox? I have install ed flashplugin-nonfree and it works OK with konqueror07:02
god__how did you get firefox? through adept downloader thing?07:03
SandGorgonI untarred a release..07:03
god__where did you find it? at mozilla?07:03
god__sry to ask so many Qs, this is my time in kubuntu, well in linux for that matter07:04
god__first time*07:04
dwidmanngod__: http://images.despair.com/products/demotivators/delusions.jpg07:05
dwidmann(just kidding, for the record)07:05
god__I like jokes07:05
SandGorgongod__, yup.. 3.0.9 off the firefox site07:05
god__how r u guys directing text to me in red?07:06
dwidmanngod__: we prefix everything we say with your nick.07:06
dwidmannsee also:07:06
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:06
god__dwidmann: test07:06
god__man linux is soo much fun, and im such a nerd07:07
god__dude I love demotivator, thats gr807:07
god__I just got firefox and flashplayer installers in tar format. How do I install them?07:27
petsoundsgod__ : i think it would be easier if u installing software via terminal07:37
=== petsounds is now known as Bob_Dylan
god__ive tried installing flash plugin for firefox in kubuntu 8.10. It doesnt seem to work. Any suggestions?07:58
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:08
pteagueif it's 64bit you're having an issue with, might try installing the 64bit version of flash08:10
=== kron is now known as Nugrul
SandGorgongod__: run "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree; mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins; cp `which libflashplayer.so`  ~/.mozilla/plugins" and restart firefox08:32
=== Heliwr_ is now known as Heliwr
hitanghow can l edit /etc/apt/sources.list ??? help08:46
hitangi have Bug 175540: Adept crashes with SIGABRT with invalid sources.list.  Adept crashes with SIGABRT with invalid sources...08:47
=== _MinusSeven is now known as MinusSeven
=== kevin_ is now known as kdomn
kdomnHi, im having problems getting my parallel port working, is there somebody that could help me or direct me somewhere helpfull?09:01
=== k4v is now known as m4v
=== ROSHA is now known as RoozbehOnline
=== panthy is now known as testingleresting
moskalenkoHi! Does anybody scan to pdf with xsane?09:46
moskalenkothe thing is that the size of pdf-files, which i get from xsane are too large!09:47
=== Heliwr_ is now known as Heliwr
chalcedonywhat's the best way to get kubuntu?10:02
chalcedonyis it a torrent? if so name of torrent server?10:02
chalcedonytorrent downloader10:03
dwidmannchalcedony: that works, another way is download the iso via http or ftp ... go to http://www.kubuntu.org and click on download ... it should show you all the ways of getting Kubuntu10:06
ubottuKubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) torrents can be obtained at http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/8.04/release/ (KDE 3.5.9) or http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4/releases/8.04/release/ (KDE 4.0.3)10:08
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P10:08
ActionParsnipchalcedony: i'd recommend torrents, it allows you to upload to new users, has good error checking and is pausable10:08
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=== stone is now known as lecta-fills
altrortlausing Gparted I can see "only" 2 Partition ... the first about 74 Gb and another unallocated about 7 Mb ... i suppose there're no ghost partition..10:46
altrortlait's correct to say that10:46
moskalenkoaltrortla: don't think so10:47
altrortlaghost partition for preinstalled S.O. may be in 7Mb?10:48
moskalenkoit's an allocated space10:48
altrortlaThe problem is that i want to see if there's ghost partition on my hard Disk...10:50
tsimpsonaltrortla: when windows installs it keeps 7MB free10:50
altrortlaand 'im trying to use Gparted to see it10:50
tsimpsonit probably uses it as a kind of swap space during install10:50
altrortlaGparted CAN see ghost partition?10:51
tsimpsongparted can see it if it's a partition10:51
altrortlaso it's strange that I have a recover CD without Ghost partition..10:53
crash2kanyone home?10:58
crash2kguess not ¬¬10:59
crash2kim not hungry11:00
crash2k305 users and silence ?11:01
=== javier__ is now known as Helio-2000
crash2kdum di dum....11:01
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
yaa_!how to drink beer11:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:15
ubottuBeer is always appreciated.11:15
yaa_donno how to ;)11:16
yaa_do it again :)11:25
yaa_say pshhh and smile11:26
asranieldoes kontact autostart for somebody here? here and on another laptop it tells me that it's already started and i have to start it manualy11:35
ActionParsnipasraniel: ln -s `which kontact` ~/.kde/Autostart/startkontact11:38
asranielActionParsnip: that would add it to the autostart folder, no? i actually have that problem on session restore11:39
ActionParsnipasraniel: yeah, the autostart folder is to help autostart stuff11:40
ubottuTo make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot11:40
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto11:40
millunon my first boot kubuntu tried to figure out my language settings and restricted drivers...11:41
asranielActionParsnip: yes sure, but i have the option that restores my last session. now in my last session i always have kontact open. but when restoring the session kontact tells me that it already runs, and i have to exit it and start it manualy (works for all other apps)11:41
millunhow do i bring those back?11:41
asranielmillun: i think you can still install the language over the language thing in system settings. there is a button for the system language or so11:42
ActionParsnipasraniel: hmm11:43
asranielActionParsnip: appart from that kubuntu works great, but this is really anoying, and i never had it before (and i can reproduce it on my and my girlfriends computer)11:43
millunand those restricted drivers?11:44
ActionParsnipasraniel: you could have the app close as part of your logoff script11:44
asranielmillun: in the menu you have System/Hardware driver11:44
ActionParsnipasraniel: i'd log a bug that the app wont persist in the saved profile thingy11:44
asranielmillun: the real name is something with jockey-kde11:45
milluni've tried clicking "Activate" but nothing would happen11:46
asranielActionParsnip: i summited a bug, with one other person confirming. but no dev or so, so i'm gettin nervous that this will never be fixed. i mean, i can't be the only one that always has a kontact running11:46
asranielmillun: for that i can't help you, always worked for me11:47
millunwhat did u mean by "jockey-kde" ?11:47
ActionParsnipasraniel: i dont personally, you could have a logoff script to kill the process11:47
ActionParsnipasraniel: then when you logon the usual kde autorun thing will kick in11:48
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asranielActionParsnip: sounds a little too complicated to be used by the average user (like my girlfriend). probably have to bug a dev over this11:48
ActionParsnipasraniel: true but if you felt confident, you could implement the workaround for now11:49
asranielActionParsnip: sure, but for me it's not that bad that i have to click on exit kontact and reopen it everytime. but for my gf it's less cool (and i wont see her for at least a month)11:50
ActionParsnipasraniel: is her lappy running jaunty?11:51
asranielActionParsnip: yes, works great apart from that11:52
asranielActionParsnip: because she has a brand new lappy i wanted something newer than 8.04. 8.10 had a really bad KDE, but 9.04 is great again. so i didn't have a choice11:52
ActionParsnipasraniel: different DE?11:53
asranielActionParsnip: yes, 4.1. i help out in kde developement so i know what each version can and can't, and i know that 4.1 would not have been ready for my gf, but 4.2 absolutely is11:54
ActionParsnipcould use LXDE but use the KDE apps11:55
ActionParsnipor XFCE11:56
ActionParsnipor all the other DEs available11:56
asranielActionParsnip: i'm too much of a kde and plasma fan for that, and as i said, apart from the kontact startup bug it works very good and fast11:57
ActionParsnipyour call11:58
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ActionParsnipbut you do have a choice11:58
ActionParsnipasraniel: maye its the user11:59
ActionParsnipasraniel: try creating a fresh user and setting it up with the app12:00
kaddi(this is on intrepid with kde 4.2, all updates installed) my xorg rocketed up to 60% over the last couple of days, any ideas how i can troubleshoot to find, what eats up all my cpu?12:00
ActionParsnipasraniel: see if its the same12:00
asranielActionParsnip: yes, i'll do that. because i installed kubuntu a little over a month ago, and there where quite a few updates since then. thx for reminding me of that12:01
Guest95137hi i got a bit of a dazzle//////////12:05
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xisle_tx4ive installed ubuntu on my pc 10gb hdd and then i got another 80gb hdd given to me is there anyway i can mount that drive with the other 10gb and use that for sav etc...12:06
ActionParsnipxisle_tx4: sure12:09
ActionParsnipxisle_tx4: i'd recommend using the larger drive as /ome for user data12:10
ActionParsnipxisle_tx4: you can probably fit your whole OS on the 10Gb12:10
ActionParsnipxisle_tx4: if you use your swap partition, put it on the new drive too and you will see a speed increase12:11
ActionParsnipoh well12:11
ActionParsnipxisle_tx4: if you use your swap partition, put it on the new drive too and you will see a speed increase12:13
xisle_tx4and how would i go about using that im totally new to the ubuntu scene!12:14
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cumulus007Hi, there's a big problem with plugins in 64-bit Firefox12:21
cumulus007For some reason, the Qt curve theme has some trouble with those plugins12:22
cumulus007when the page loads a plugin, let's say Flash, the console output noticies the following error:12:22
cumulus007(npviewer.bin:8051): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libqtcurve.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6412:22
ActionParsnipcumulus007: you need to use the 64bit flash plugin12:23
cumulus007ie, there are some problems with the software architecture12:23
cumulus007ActionParsnip: I got that12:23
ActionParsnipcumulus007: and copy the .so to ~/.mozilla/plugins    you will need to make the folder12:24
cumulus007ActionParsnip: sometimes the plugin loads succesfully, but it might end as a grey sqaure12:24
cumulus007ActionParsnip: I already did that12:24
ActionParsnipcumulus007: you have plugins in the wrong arch12:24
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cumulus007I'm running Kubuntu 64 bit, and I installed Adobe Flash 64 bit12:25
cumulus007and the 64 bit Java plugin from Sun12:25
ActionParsnipcumulus007: cumulus007: i recommend uninstalling the flash plugin packages and use the tar.gz thing you have used12:26
kaddican i upgrade from intrepid 32 to jaunty 64 bit or do i have to reinstall?12:27
ActionParsnipkaddi: will need a reinstall12:27
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kaddinot good :/12:27
cumulus007ActionParsnip: it doesn't help at all12:34
ActionParsnipcumulus007: ok then: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree12:35
ActionParsnipi ate flash12:35
ActionParsnipactually flash is ok, its adobe who suck12:36
Vezirugh i hate this and me down laptop12:36
Vezirx finds no modes for the screen with default xorg.conf12:36
Vezirand the dvd-rw barely works so it won't let me install because of all the squashfs errors12:37
Vezirso i can't fix it12:37
ActionParsnipVezir: what is the output of :   lspci | grep -i vga12:37
Vezirwell seeing as i can't install anything either for some odd reason12:37
Veziri am stuck in windows12:37
ActionParsnipVezir: install from a usb stck12:37
Vezircause it was a handmedown12:38
ActionParsnipVezir: can the system boot from usb?12:38
Vezirthank god12:38
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:38
Vezirbut not cardbus for someodd reason12:38
ActionParsnipVezir: get a 1Gb usb stick and you can install from it12:38
Veziri have a 2gb SD card and a usb card reader, i'm sure that will work12:39
Vezirunless it's like my old ps2 wshich can't read from drives12:39
ActionParsnipVezir: as long a sit attatces to the usb bus its fine12:39
ubuntuCan I run Dstkop 3d?12:41
Vezirugh, to do this i would have to copy 2gb of pictures almost12:42
Vezirfrom that thing to this laptop12:42
ActionParsnipubuntu: you need to install and confiure video drivers first12:42
Vezirwhy does this laptop have to be a chinese piece of crap12:42
ActionParsnipVezir: you should have a backup of your data if its important12:42
Vezirit's the chery qq of laptops12:42
Veziri do. on my desktop. i just like to keep my most recent pictures tro use during anecsdotes12:43
ActionParsnipVezir: thats not a backup, a backup would be on a disk or media that ISNT attatched to your system12:43
ActionParsnipVezir: like on another system or on a dvd for example12:43
Veziri guess12:43
Veziri used to host them remotely12:44
Vezirbut i got lazy12:44
Vezirand my hosting was through a friend12:44
ActionParsnipVezir: if the drive fails, you WILL lose the data12:44
ActionParsnipVezir: ergo, no backup == data is disposable12:45
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=== ROSHA is now known as RoozbehOnline
Acedipwill the kubuntu 9.04 be out with ubuntu or kubuntu follows a diff release cycle12:48
Acedipi mean will it be out tomorrow12:48
peacethe same day12:49
peaceand yes i am on kubuntu 9.04 and it works great12:49
Veziri'm getting ready to put 9.04 on here12:49
Veziri wanna mess with kde4.2mainly12:49
ActionParsnipAcedip: sre it will be released in the usual flavours12:50
Vezirof course i don't have internet at home anymore12:51
Vezirand my card reader won't work12:52
Acedipkubuntu will be out with kde 4.2.212:52
Vezir4.2.2 is out12:52
peaceAcedip: i am on kde 4.2.212:53
peaceand yes12:53
peaceAcedip: you can see here http://www.vimeo.com/425995112:53
inma_¿qu´e tal?13:01
inma_es la primera vez que pongo esto... ¿esto es como el IRC, no?13:02
inma_oh ok, sorry13:02
peace!spanish | inma_13:02
ubottuinma_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:02
peacebuena sorte13:02
inma_I have said13:03
inma_and how are you?13:03
peacefine xD13:03
inma_and that this is the first time I use thid13:03
inma_this is like IRC, isn't it?13:03
peaceinma_:  you can find support on #kubuntu-es in your language13:04
peaceinma_: it is13:04
peaceanyway if youi know english you can ask here inma_13:04
peacei am italian xD13:04
inma_what is this "room" exactly for?13:04
peaceenglish support room13:05
inma_ciao peace13:05
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inma_support, ok13:05
inma_then I gues I can ask: how do I set Dolphin on Gnome as the default file explorer?13:06
peacedolphin is the default file manager for kde13:07
peaceyou should use nautilus for gnome desktop13:07
inma_I am using Gnome right now13:07
inma_alternate between sessions, depends on the day13:07
peacei think that you have to ask on #ubuntu channel because i used only kde13:08
inma_and I definitely don't like nautilus...13:08
peaceand i think yu have to set on gnome13:08
inma_ok, thanks!13:08
peaceyou have not to set dolphin for that13:08
peacebut gnome13:08
the_dark_warriois it possible to disable the beep sound?13:09
kaddiwhich one?13:09
the_dark_warriofrom gvim13:09
inma_then I am going to the ubuntu room, ciao peace! and grazie mile!13:09
kaddiwhen does it beep?13:10
peaceinma_: buena suerte13:10
peaceinma_: if i remember something of espagnol13:10
the_dark_warriowhen pressing backspace on an empty line, for example13:10
the_dark_warriowait, pressing BS on the beginning of the document produces a beep13:11
peacei think yes you have to set the program13:11
peacefor example on konsole you hvae to go on settings13:11
peaceand find out there13:11
inma_I'll do13:12
inma_I have some other problems with kde13:12
the_dark_warrioisn't it possible to disable beep for hole system? Im trying to mute it on Mixer, but doesn't seem to work13:12
inma_specifically graphic problems13:12
kaddiok, from what i can see you go to edit ->settings -> 12 ->errorbells but I'm not sure how to set the right thing13:12
peaceinma_: nvidia?13:13
inma_the icons on the right bottom panel appears "mixed"13:13
inma_intel 94513:13
peaceo shi i have the same xD13:13
inma_and I get some strange colourful lines and and brief pause when I open a menu or firefox13:13
peaceinma_: have you kubuntu 8.10?13:14
peaceinma_: mmm kde4.2.2?13:14
peaceoh no man13:14
peacekkde4.1 is evil13:14
peaceyou should upgrade13:14
peaceit's not hard13:15
inma_how do I do that? I didn't get any upgrade notification....13:15
peacei think you have to add some repository13:16
peacehere on kubuntu 9.04 it works great , less compiz because the new driver sucks13:16
peacelet me see a while i have seen that stuff13:16
kaddiif you wait till tomorrow or the day after jaunty will be released and automatically features kde 4.2.213:17
peaceinma_: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.213:17
peacekaddi: he has 8.1013:17
peacechangin kernel is not a nice idea expecially if you hardware work13:17
kaddijust thought i'd point it out...13:18
inma_if by "he has 8.10", you mean me, it's she13:18
peaceinma_: no tiengo problema xD13:19
peaceshe has 8.1013:19
inma_so do I upgrade, or do I wait till Jaunty is tested in mass a little longer?13:19
[mors]I have my laptop with some blocks corrupted on the HD. Do you know a decent tool that will boot from a cd, or run on linux and will mark those blocks as unusable ? e2fsck takes ages and locks up completly when it gets to the damaged blocks. I left it working all night long and in 8 hours e2fsck only managed to scan 1% of 240GB13:19
peaceinma_: are you expert? if not wait13:20
inma_noooooooo, I totally newbie13:20
peaceinma_: wait13:20
kaddiwhere you planning on upgrading?  I just mentioned it because I thought it would be unnecessary for you to go to kde 4.2 and upgrade to 9.10 tomorrow.13:20
kaddi*to go to kde 4.2 today13:20
inma_mors, have you tried HDD regenarator? It is supposed to fix bad block, at a physical level13:21
[mors]inma_: don't know that program13:21
[mors]how is it used ? were can I get it ?13:21
peacegoogling ?13:21
ActionParsnipinma_: softare physically repairing hardware13:21
ActionParsnipi have my doubts13:21
* ActionParsnip websearches13:21
peaceit's not open source13:22
[mors]peace: do I look like I care ?13:22
inma_it's worth the try... if you don't have too many bad sectors13:22
inma_I was not planning on upgrade yet13:22
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inma_I am using right now gnome, since the lines and the little pause are really annoying13:23
inma_so I can wait13:23
SmartBastardfirst time kde user here13:23
SmartBastardlooking good13:23
peaceinma_: you should upgrade kde, to fix a lots of problems13:23
peaceinma_: yoi should de-activate dekstop effects13:24
inma_so it fixes the weird lines?13:24
inma_and the icons?13:24
[mors]inma_: kde41 had too many issues13:24
peaceinma_: here there is my video made with intel 945gm http://www.vimeo.com/425995113:25
peaceand you should know i was using recordmydesktop so it's 3 time slower than it will be without recordmuydesktop13:25
inma_cool! I have too much to learn...13:27
millunSending failed using mail() as PHP's default mail() function returned boolean FALSE.13:28
millunis it possibly due to some SElinux restrictions? does kubuntu have SElinux? :)13:29
millundo i need to change something in php.ini for mail() to work?13:29
rmrfslashmillun: do you have sendmail installed? Also, maybe #php can help13:30
millungood point rmrfslash13:31
rmrfslashmillun: also, check out http://www.php.net/mail (which coincidentally refers to *nix sendmail)13:33
milluni didn't realize i had nothing installed13:33
rmrfslashmillun: you have kubuntu installed ;) good start.13:34
milluni usually install from DVD instead of CD13:35
millunyeah, good start indeed :)13:35
rmrfslashmillun: while this is off-topic, I do some wed dev myself. You know about the Oracle Sun take-over?13:37
rmrfslashmillun: lots of ppl speculating about what this means for mysql13:39
milluni heard of it... i mean.. i read it in topic of #mysql13:39
milluni don't particularly care about future of mysql13:39
faileasmillun: other than that its the most popular free database in the world13:40
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* faileas tbh is a little more concerned with the more minor things, like virtualbox13:41
milluni thought postgresql was better13:41
faileasmysql is forked and is unlikely to die. Openoffice, i donno. Java can't die.13:41
rmrfslashmillun: I think the user base for mysql is like triple postgres13:41
faileasmillun: technically? maybe. its just not as common13:41
rmrfslashI agree, Java won't die (Oracle Fusion Middleware is built w/ Java), Solaris who knows, Open Office will probably stay (what's the alternative?), mysql is forked but this will give it a limp13:42
rmrfslashOracle tried killing mysql a year ago (tried buying Sleepy Cat)13:43
faileassolaris... i donno13:43
rmrfslashSun took mysql under it's wing13:43
faileasrmrfslash: the lack of OOo alternative is annoying ;p13:43
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rmrfslashwell, there's Koffice ;)13:43
faileasrmrfslash: not all the boxen i use/maintain are linux ;)13:44
faileasnot to mention, OOo is a heavyweight13:44
rmrfslashyeah I despise it too13:44
rmrfslashI dunno, there's MS Office inside a VM :-/13:45
faileasVMs are even heavier13:45
* faileas wants something tiny and nimble13:45
faileasi'll settle for a small light app that can do powerpoint slides and such13:46
rmrfslashQt is not avail on win, mac and *nix13:46
faileasthere's QT4 for windows13:46
rmrfslashKubuntu 9.04 tomorrow?13:50
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party13:50
rmrfslashHey, it's tomorrow somewhere!13:50
tsimpsonso, "most likely, yes" is the answer13:50
tsimpsonwe never guarantee a data, but unless something goes horribly wrong, (like an asteroid hits the release manager on the head), then it should be13:51
dstarcopying and pasting isn't working reliably from xterms from me, even though I have 'sync selection and clipboard' selected in klipper. Anyone know a solution?13:52
SandGorgoni am using kde 4.2.2 with skulpture and droid fonts - looks quite good!13:52
rmrfslashunless the internets go down13:53
dstarIs there a way to get Konsole not to steal my right-mouse-button clicks? I need to right-click in elinks far more often than I need the menu for konsole...13:56
dstarand if so, what?13:59
dstarAnyone? Anyone? Ferris?14:09
julzlist irc.lodestoneit.co.uk14:11
BluesKajHowdy all14:41
DragnslcrShh, don't make so much noise14:42
* genii listens to the crickets14:44
inma_hi there! any program similar to Mathematica or Matlab for kubuntu?14:45
genii!info octave14:46
ubottuPackage octave does not exist in intrepid14:46
yaa_how could i uninstall google earth 4.214:47
genii!info octave3.014:47
ubottuoctave3.0 (source: octave3.0): GNU Octave language for numerical computations (3.0 branch). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.0.1-6ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 7641 kB, installed size 26832 kB14:47
geniiyaa_: There should be an Uninstall program in the Google Earth folder14:48
yaa_genii: no14:53
yaa_there is no one14:53
faileasinma_: look up sage14:56
inma_sage is free?14:57
faileasits not  properly packaged (you need to download, and decompress a tarball and run something there) but i'm told its excellent14:57
yaa_locate google | grep uninstall > none14:57
geniiyaa_: Try then:  bash ~/google-earth/uninstall14:57
yaa_genii: i ve got a 4.2 version14:58
faileasinma_: one moment, i go find a link14:58
genii"locate" won't find files you've added since last updatedb command, btw14:58
yaa_sudo updatedb first14:59
yaa_i did15:00
faileasinma_: http://www.sagemath.org/15:00
geniiyaa_: There anything in /opt directory with google type name?15:01
inma_thanks faileas! I'll take a look15:02
yaa_genii its for 5th version?15:02
geniiyaa_: So you have 4.2 and 5 and you want 4.2 removed?15:03
yaa_i do not have 5th15:03
yaa_only in bin package)15:03
yaa_i want to install 5th but remove 4.2 first15:04
geniiyaa_: It normally installs to either: /home/yourname/google-earth           or to: /opt/google-earth                (there may be variations on uppercase or so)15:05
yaa_i have /home/.googleearth15:06
yaa_but nothing for uninstall there15:06
yaa_home/user/.googleearth i mean15:07
yaa_Cache  crashlogs  instance-running-lock  myplaces.backup.kml  myplaces.kml  myplaces.kml.tmp  Registry  Temp15:08
yaa_only this15:08
yaa_in ~/.googleearth15:08
AnyoseyoI changed the bios, but it still boots off windows after using unetbootin15:14
Deviant2PeerHi all. I'm trying to get my nokia phone to send {notes, contacts, events, ...} to the computer using bluetooth. kbluetooth seams to have a obexserver but I can't get it to work.15:20
Deviant2Peeranyone has managed to do something similar can give a piece of advice?15:20
cosmodadhiya. I just upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 and now all my desktop icons are gone.15:21
cosmodadany idea how to fix this? I noticed that upgrading to Intrepid did not complete in the first run for some reason, so I did a manual apt-get dist-upgrade.15:22
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cosmodadnot sure if the desktop issue could be related to this.15:22
Guest26656hey, I'm trying to set fireFTP to open stuff with the text editor but its not working...I don't think I set the paths right, where are things installed?15:24
Guest26656i've set it to "/usr/share/applications/kde4/kate.desktop" does that look right?15:24
AnyoseyoOK, i'm just installing 8.1015:25
Anyoseyoi'll upgrade tomorrow >.>15:25
Anyoseyojust seems i can't boot off my external hd :(15:26
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ownerHello, qualche italiano?15:32
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Pici!it | owner15:33
ubottuowner: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:33
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bercikWhat command builds .deb from source please?15:46
faileasbercik: the proper way. or the quick and dirty way?15:47
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faileasthe latter is called checkinstall and is used intread of install after make install15:48
bercikfaileas: hm.. proper:)15:48
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=== mikroskin is now known as mdorsch
faileasbercik: proper... i suggest reading the debian documentaion on the subject15:48
faileasits complex15:48
LjL!packaging | proper way15:48
ubottuproper way: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports15:48
bercikthank You :)15:49
* faileas uses checkinstall for most part. I know, bad geek.. BAAAD15:49
subxero37I'm having a bit of trouble getting nvidia drivers to work on 9.04 RC.15:50
cosmodadcan anyone tell me why I cannot see my desktop icons since I switched from KDE 3 to 4.1?15:50
cosmodadthey are still in ~/Desktop, but KDE 4 does not show them.15:50
LjLcosmodad: i think it's because KDE 4 by default doesn't have a "folder desktop"15:51
LjLbut current KDE 4.2.2 (?) can have that feature optionally15:51
cosmodadLjL: so how do I get my icons back?15:51
LjLcosmodad: either add a folder plasmoid to your desktop, and assign it to the ~/Desktop folder... or, i don't know, but there is another way.15:52
LjLcosmodad: i would try looking in the desktop properties? right click on desktop that is15:52
subxero37That's how it's done in the recent releases, from what I've seen. Just add the desktop folder view to your desktop; I think you can use the button in the upper-right to do that (just a guess)15:53
cosmodadLjL: I couldn't find anything in the desktop properties.15:54
cosmodadsubxero37: you mean by adding a mini-program or however its called?15:54
LjLplasmoid, it's called15:55
cosmodadLjL: how do I add that?15:55
* Morydd doesn't care for plasmoids15:55
subxero37Yeah. Excuse my guessing, I've only used KDE 4 for about 20 minutes thus far15:55
subxero37Mainly spending my time trying to get my nvidia card to work properly15:55
cosmodadLjL: I can only add mini-programs and panels in the context menu of the desktop.15:56
LjLcosmodad: and what's wrong with that?15:56
MoryddThey seem less useful given the fact that I generally keep my windows maximized.15:56
faileassame as me15:57
LjLMorydd: but plasmoids are also what lies on your panels.15:57
cosmodadLjL: I cant seem to see how to add this folder plasmoid.15:57
cosmodadsorry, I'm all new to KDE 4 stuff.15:57
LjLi use kde 3.5 myself.15:58
Laeborgif im going to buy a new gfx card to PCI Expess 16x and it should work perfect in kubuntu, what should I choice then ?15:59
subxero37nvidia cards have always worked better for me in Linux than ATI cards have, although I prefer ATI's hardware16:00
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LaeborgOkay, im more looking for a complete name on a card, because I really don't have a clue what to choice. It should play HD movies without lagging and so on.16:04
doleybLaeborg: gosh, do you mean a blu-ray disc?16:04
Laeborg.mkv files ect.16:05
Laeborgmin. 720p16:06
subxero37A few friends of mine own GeForce 9600s and 9800s, and they work great under Linux16:06
subxero37If you're curious, there's a review of a 9800 here - http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=msi_9800gt&num=116:06
LaeborgThere is also the ATI Radeon HD 483016:09
doleybLaeborg: It doesn't take much of a card to play an hd mkv.  Usually it's the cpu that'll make it lag.16:11
edea86I can't write accents on konversation or amsn16:11
edea86how do I fix it? everything is set to utf816:12
LaeborgOkay. Im also thinking of buying a Intel Core2Quad or a Intel Core i7. Is both of them supported by linux ?16:13
subxero37x86-64 CPUs are all x86-64 CPUs; they're supported just fine16:13
subxero37Although i7s are new and priced quite a bit higher; a Core 2 is still a fantastic CPU16:14
LaeborgWhich of these to CPU's would you recommend? Core i7 should be better, but Core2Quad is cheaper.16:14
LaeborgI have a Core2Duo in this machine, and it works perfect.16:14
doleybLaeborg: what megahertz is the cpu that gives you a problem playback?16:15
doleybLaeborg: (Like for example, some modern laptops have 800 mhz, and that'll be a problem)16:16
faileasthat and some MKVs are plain problematic16:16
LaeborgIntel Pentium D 2,8 ghz16:16
Laeborgbut the machine is really unstable, and goes down around once every day and so on16:16
doleybgoes down!  that is fun.16:17
Laeborgcrappy machine :P16:17
subxero37What do you mean by "goes down"?16:17
subxero37Have you run a memory test?16:18
Laeborgyes, no errors16:18
subxero37How's the power supply?16:18
LaeborgBut the machine is 3-4 year old, and have been runned almost 24/7 since I got it16:18
subxero37Those are the two things I usually point fingers at16:19
doleybLaeborg: If video speed is important for you, you may want to get a card with vdpau.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VDPAU16:19
Laeborgpower supply = the psu ?16:20
Lord_DeviI've been trying to create a libvirt Virtualization environment on my lan. However, while the guest OS's can see the gateway+internet, they get Destination Unreachables pinging to the rest of the lan. The lan gets the same thing pinging the guest os from anywhere but the gateway(which the libvirt is on). Any insights perhaps?16:21
subxero37Most guest OSes use networking that allows access to an external network, but not the internal network16:23
subxero37There should be an option to use bridged networking, which should fix that, I believe16:23
astroliteLord_Devi: if you use userspace networking with kvm you only get tcp (and i think udp) not icmp16:23
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subxero37Or that, too. I could be wrong.16:23
astroliteif you want icmp as well, you need to use tun/tap16:24
astroliteor bridge16:24
Lord_DeviOh I see, I wasn't aware of that16:24
Lord_DeviThe guest's Nic device is a tun, which I have bridged to a br0 I had already meade for my internal Nic(eth1), paired with an openvpn tap0.16:24
Lord_DeviDo you suppose that could cause any wierdness? Haven't a tunnel AND a tap on the same bridge?16:24
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Lord_DeviI don't understand why real computers route through the br0 fine though, and then VMs do not..16:27
astroliteLord_Devi: sorry, i haven't done that extensive testing.. try setting up things as simple as possible, begin with just a tun-device on host and try pinging and go from there16:27
Lord_Devihehe, yeah i did. Thanks though.16:28
Lord_Devithe br0 was an attempt to fix the tun.. basic Vm networking with libvirt all seem to be pretty much a basic NAT only setup16:28
astrolitei have only set up a virtualized network with server connected with the userspace network on host to give them access to internet, really simple stuff16:31
Lord_DeviAh yeah16:32
Lord_DeviThe basics are very nice and work well. I think it too bad that 8.04 has such an old version of libvirt.. Oh well16:32
Lord_Devibtw Kde 4.2 is awesome.. Just though I'd throw that out there.16:32
faileasLord_Devi: ya. It is. and a lot more stable and uable than the 4.1 series16:33
=== johannes_ is now known as johanneswilm
subxero37I agree, even after only using it for a short time. It's polished and works well.16:33
subxero37Still can't get my nvidia driver to work with 9.04 RC.16:33
Lord_DeviYeah! That's the biggest thing. It's perfectly stable.. fast and so much more customizable than gnome. I hated using gnome for so damned long.16:34
subxero37The Hardware Drivers app shows an available driver with my GeForce FX5500. Clicking Activate grays out the window, and nothing ever happens.16:34
subxero37I switched to a GeForce 6200, and the now the Hardware Drivers app shows nothing at all.16:34
Lord_DeviYou can always try installing it manually16:34
subxero37What's the package name? Maybe I did the wrong one.16:35
bercikCould some open ati driver user paste me a xorg.conf please?16:35
Lord_Devi'nvidia-glx-180' 'nvidia-common', and 'nvidia-settings'16:35
Lord_Devithe first one being the driver itself16:36
subxero37Hmm... I gave that a shot, and nothing changed (still no acceleration, no nvidia info in xdpyinfo)16:36
subxero37Inserting "Driver "nvidia"" into my xorg.conf prevents kdm from starting and drops me to a virtual terminal16:36
subxero37With no errors, which I found weird16:36
Lord_Deviis that 9.04 or 8.10?16:37
Lord_Deviperhaps you need linux-restricted-modules too?16:37
subxero37It's 9.0416:38
Lord_Deviah ok, so no nvidia-glx then...16:38
subxero37Yeah, gives "no installation candidate" and recommends the actual packages, so no big deal there16:39
subxero37Have they not fixed that, or will it stay that way?16:39
Lord_DeviNot much help I guess. Not really awake yet myself. I just went over https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, and there is a bunch of possibly helpful looking items there. But nothing stood out16:40
Lord_Devioh it's going to stay that way. Just nvidia-glx is an <=intrepid package. It's something else now... or included in nvidia-common or something.16:41
subxero37I'll run over everything again and look more closely at the logs and whatnot16:43
Lord_Devisubxero37: pay special attention to ~/.xsession-errors16:44
tattersHow do I copy a file in terminal using the disk label rather than the mount point or /dev/sda116:45
SheeEttinis there a known problem where (under KDE) after one tries to log in, it just leaves you at the log-in background?16:46
Lord_Devitatters: I know of no handy switch or utility for that. You'd have to make a script using awk or sed or something. Or maybe something could be done with udev rules... That's a good question.16:47
Lord_DeviSheeEttin: Check your ~/.xsession-errors . That will probably let you know what it is hanging on.16:48
SheeEttinLord_Devi: thanks16:48
SheeEttinbut any other suggestions if it doesn't?16:49
tattersLord_Devi: thanx for responding, I assumed using disk label would add convenience seems to added to my headaches lol16:49
yoritomohello all16:49
yoritomoi tryed kde icon editor, but impossible to save any icon :s16:49
Lord_DeviSheeEttin: Depends how far one is willing to investigate the matter. A person can do quite a lot to debug X issues. It's probably just some KDE component missing a library though.16:50
subxero37I reinstalled the nvidia drivers and checked xdpyinfo again; still no nvidia text. .xsession-errors reports things like "extension GLX missing on display :0.0"16:50
theuser1!info | freenx16:50
ubottufreenx: Retrieve information on a package: !info <package>16:50
ubottu'freenx' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kde4-ppa-intrepid', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']16:50
theuser1!info freenx16:50
ubottuPackage freenx does not exist in intrepid16:51
Lord_DeviSheeEttin: One has to make sure it's KDE first if logs don't help. Could be a driver issue... in which case you need to attempt to enter a different X environment and make sure X works.. If not then you can address that issue16:51
theuser1!info vnc16:51
ubottuPackage vnc does not exist in intrepid16:51
genii!freenx > theuser116:51
ubottutheuser1, please see my private message16:51
yoritomohow comes it is impossible to save a file under kdeiconeditor ?16:51
subxero37Do you have write access to the directory in which you're trying to save the file?16:52
yoritomoyes on my desktop, but no matter where i want, it never accepts :(16:52
yoritomoeven if i try with kdesuod16:53
yoritomopossible to make icons with Gimp ?16:54
SheeEttinLord_Devi: libs sounds reasonable... I'll look into it, thanks16:55
bebegeHow do I install Mozilla FIrefox?16:56
yoritomoor anyone knows a nice linux icons library on the net ? i needed to make a launcher for Vice emulator that is why i planed to make the icon, but if i can find ready to use ...16:57
Lord_Devibebege: aptitude install firefox16:57
Dragnslcrbebege- Same way as anything else, with apt/adept/kpackagekit16:57
bebegeI'''m kinda new to this whole Linux thing....16:57
Dragnslcrbebege- what version of Kubuntu?16:58
yoritomoin the GUI click on the menu /system/adept/ and type firefox in the search fiels16:58
Lord_Devibebege: It's actually really simple to install applications in Linux. And uninstall them. Does each very cleanly and fast to boot.16:58
Dragnslcrbebege- I doubt that. Most likely either 8.10 or 9.0416:59
bebegehow I get the versio?16:59
Dragnslcrbebege- you can open Konsole and run "lsb_release -a"17:00
bebegeI downloaded this version af Kubuntu about a year ago... I finally decided to try it now....17:00
DragnslcrMight want to try a newer version then17:00
Dragnslcr9.04 is officially released tomorrow17:00
bebegeoh ohhhhh...17:00
Lord_Devibebege: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months, and each one is generally quite an improvement over the previous version.17:00
=== administrator_ is now known as Tobi
Lord_DeviTobi: Hi17:01
Tobican where German17:01
Dragnslcrbebege- you can download the RC disc if you want, or you can wait an extra day or two and use the release disc17:01
Dragnslcr!de | Tobi17:01
ubottuTobi: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:02
bebegeI think I'll wait....17:02
Tobi:( i cant good english17:02
=== Haza1_ is now known as [-Haza-]
Dragnslcrbebege- especially if you're on 7.10 or 8.04, 9.04 should be a pretty big improvement17:03
serwishi all17:03
bebegehey.. ti says that firefox status is installed.... where the hell do I run it from?17:03
Tobii have a problem with my update installer17:03
DragnslcrShould be in K Menu -> Internet17:03
bebegedon't see it there.....17:04
serwiscan anybody help me to install polish language to package "kile" ?17:04
yoritomowhat is the best icon library for ubuntu ?17:04
Tobii can't package installed it's error17:04
Dragnslcrbebege- that's a bit odd. Not sure where else it would be, unless the package is messed up and didn't add a menu entry17:05
Lord_Deviyoritomo: Oxygen-Refit from kde-look.org17:05
bebegeI'm gonna try downloading it again....17:05
TobiNo moment pls17:05
Dragnslcrbebege- alt-F2 should give you a run dialog, then just type "firefox"17:05
Dragnslcrbebege- you can add a menu entry yourself, too (right-click the K Menu and go to Edit Menu17:06
Lord_Devibebege: Firefox will appear in your application menu under "Internet" when it is installed. I suggest you installl the package 'flashplugin-nonfree' as well for flash support17:06
Tobii can't open the folder Adept Installer why17:07
bebegecool... cool...17:07
bebegeI's actually redownloadingas we speak...17:07
bebegeI saw a message about files currupt, that's why I took the option of download it again.....17:07
Tobiwhere has icq and can german for me help17:08
yoritomothanks Lord_Devi17:08
Dragnslcr!de | Tobi17:08
ubottuTobi: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:08
Tobiwie offt den noch17:09
Tobiich hab ein bescheuertes problem mit packeten isntalliren und da antowrtet keiner im forum17:09
Tobipls help17:11
SheeEttinLord_Devi: looks like you hit the nail on the head, installed kubuntu-desktop and kdebase and that pulled in some apparently-necessary packages. Thanks. :)17:11
DragnslcrTobi- I've told you twice what the German channel is17:11
genii!de | Tobi17:12
ubottuTobi: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:12
Tobiok wen mir keiner helfen will17:13
stephen_Tobi: #kubuntu-de vielleicht?17:13
stephen_I notice that there's a netbook remix for ubuntu. Does anyone know what the differences/advantages are with it over netbook, and how do I get the same advantages on kubuntu?17:14
stephen_Is it a different kernel and stuff?17:14
devilsadvocatestefan_, probably not17:15
george_oh noooo! To get adobe air installed i coppied 32 bit libs to my /libs32 folder (im 64bit ubuntu) now when i run the flock browser (which everything used to work) i get flashplayer.so [/opt/flock/plugins/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64] Segmentation fault17:15
george_and it just crashes17:15
devilsadvocatestefan_, different applications perhaps, and different defaults17:16
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stephen_devilsadvocate: Any idea where I can find someone who knows?17:17
devilsadvocatestephen_, no idea. maybe they have an irc channel for that as well?17:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook17:17
Lord_DeviSheeEttin: Oh good to hear it!17:18
roberto_how can install firefox?17:19
Dragnslcrstephen_- http://www.canonical.com/projects/ubuntu/unr17:20
Dragnslcrroberto_- same way as any other software, with apt/adept/kpackagekit17:20
rmrfslashwhat does it mean when your caps lock key is blinking and everything is hung on your computer? I assume it's not a good thing.17:20
Dragnslcrroberto_- just install the firefox package17:21
roberto_my adept doesn't find firefox17:21
Dragnslcrrmrfslash- I'd say that's a Bad Thing (tm)17:21
Dragnslcr!info firefox17:21
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.8+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.2 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB17:21
DragnslcrIt's in main, so I doubt it isn't available17:22
=== scomar is now known as dang3r
Dragnslcrroberto_- what does it show when you search for firefox?17:22
rmrfslashThis happens often when clicking on things in Plasmoid NetworkManagement17:22
ralphomake sure 3rd party apps is checked and you hit apply17:22
roberto_a lot of additional package for firefox but note the web browser17:22
roberto_a lot of additional package for firefox but not the web browser17:22
roberto_first of all17:23
roberto_sorry for my bad english!17:23
faileastry sudo apt-get install firefox :)17:23
faileas(from terminal, :) is not part of the command )17:23
roberto_i did sudo apt-get etc etc and it works17:23
roberto_but the question is17:23
roberto_why myy adept doesn t find firefox?17:24
Dragnslcrroberto_- you might have to hunt a bit. Adept's search isn't very good in KDE417:24
DragnslcrIt tends to return a lot of unrelated packages17:24
stephen_Dragnslcr: Thanks. I had a read, but it's not really technical enough. It only says that there's a different interface, but I'm sure there's more to it than that.17:24
DragnslcrKPackageKit (the replacement for Adept in 9.04) lets you search only by name17:25
subxero37Still no luck with nvidia drivers. They simply do not load, whether they are installed manually or not17:26
=== stephen_ is now known as steveire
jackcyI've read that there will be a netbook edition of ubuntu tomorrow, will there be a kde -_> kubuntu netbook edition too?17:27
faileasi doubt17:28
devilsadvocatejackcy, the kde one will probably take a lot longer17:31
mysteriousвсем привет17:32
genii!ru | mysterious17:34
ubottumysterious: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:34
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mugenjoin #ubuntu17:38
Guest40270isn't kubuntu 9.04 supposed to be released today?17:40
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - JAUNTY IS NOT YET RELEASED - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:40
=== angel is now known as angel__
=== _jonathan is now known as myselfhimself
myselfhimselfI would like to reinstall kubuntu17:41
myselfhimselfbecause I want it to start with opengl disabled (I'm using the nv driver for nvidia)17:42
myselfhimselfcould you tell me where my notes are located17:42
myselfhimselfthe plasma notes17:42
myselfhimselfI would like to back them up and restore them after kde reinstall17:42
myselfhimselfno actually I don't want that17:43
myselfhimselfsorry thank you17:43
jackcymyselfhimself: it would be enough to make a: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or use the original xorg.conf17:43
myselfhimselfjackcy ok17:43
myselfhimselfjackcy since you're answering me17:44
myselfhimselfI could further and resolve my nvidia API mismatch problem17:44
jackcymyselfhimself: you should find the xorg.conf in the directory /etc/X11/17:44
myselfhimselfjackcy yes I know that location and have already edited the file several times. I understand what you intended by proposing me to get the original xorg.conf or do a reconfigure17:45
jackcymyselfhimself: what exactly is the problem?17:45
myselfhimselfI'm using nv because my nvidia driver doesn't work17:45
myselfhimselfwhere "doesn't work" means I have API mismatch errors in the dmesg and kdm cannot run17:45
shock_day13how much time is remaining for jaunty to release?17:46
jackcymyselfhimself: i had the same problem a week ago. after a kernel update the new module was not installes. so i reinstalled nvidia-glx-18017:47
jackcyafter that it worked17:47
jackcyshock_day13: jaunty should be released tomorrow17:47
myselfhimselfjackcy I also installed nvidia-glx-18017:48
shock_day13its taking forever17:48
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Jaunty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseParties17:48
myselfhimselfjackcy though... I actually I had installed the NVIDIA....run installer which did not work because of some .so error17:48
myselfhimselfjackcy I'll try reusing the 180 deb package you installed yourself17:49
jackcymyselfhimself: i see. also tried this once. there is an uninstall option in the install script from nvidia, you could try that. if weas described in the readme i think.17:49
bercikGuys, what sould glxinfo say about vendor if i use "ati" drivers?17:50
myselfhimselfjackcy yes I'm doign that --uninstall now17:50
myselfhimselfjackcy do I need a system reboot after the nvidia-glx-180 installation ?17:51
jackcymyselfhimself: best way i figured out was to remove the nvidia packages (sudo aptitude remove nvidia...) and then install them again with the hardware driver tool. Obviously they are making some additional thinks too.17:52
myselfhimselfjackcy ok, what's that hardware driver tool you mention ?17:53
jackcymyselfhimself: on my systel (intrepid) it's located in the application menu --> system --> hardware drivers (it installs the proprietary drivers if available)17:54
myselfhimselfjackcy ok .. I actually have never installed graphical drivers this way... I'll use that next time. As to now I'm in full shell mostly. because kdm runs (the login screen) but not kde (because it needs GLX because of an old KDE setting and that does not work with nv)... so let's see for this nvidia-glx-180 installation first17:56
quassel208how can I know the ip off my msn contact ?17:57
jackcymyselfhimself: then you could try to move your .kde directory (mv ~/.kde ~/.kde_old) and try then17:58
quassel208I want to know which ip my contact has17:58
myselfhimselfjackcy ok I'll do that now thank you17:58
myselfhimselfjackcy what's the difference between .kde and .kde4 ? I have been using the same installation "ubuntu root" for a long time, and had kde-3.5 before too (I now have kde 4).. which .kde folder is used now ?18:00
EagleScreenI think kde4 uses .kde since intrepid18:00
myselfhimselfjackcy ls -la shows that .kde4 is the most recent one18:00
EagleScreenbut i am not completly sure18:01
myselfhimself.kde is from 2008 & .kde4 from yesterday in 200918:01
jackcymyselfhimself: that's historical. hardy used .kde with kde3.5.x, and .kde4 with kde4. but with intrepid using kde4 as standard the paths switched back to .kde18:01
myselfhimselfEagleScreen jackcy it seems different here (.kdethat's strange18:02
myselfhimselfactually no .kde is the most recent as you said (its contents are more recent)18:02
jackcymyselfhimself: what version are you using?18:04
myselfhimselfjackcy 8.10 intrepid18:05
myselfhimselfwith kde418:05
myselfhimselfso yes you were right I had to work with .kde18:05
XainCould someone tell me how to erase a dvd using k3b?18:05
myselfhimselfkde still doesn't boot further than the hard drive blinking icon18:05
EagleScreenrename your .kde and you will see18:06
myselfhimself.xsession.org says communication problem with "kded", it probably crashed18:07
jackcymyselfhimself: you can restart the display manager with: sudo /etc/init.de/kdm stop and_then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start)18:09
myselfhimselfjackcy yes18:10
myselfhimselfI could simply reinstall kde...18:10
myselfhimselfI'll google my .xsession errors18:10
myselfhimself.. as a first step18:10
myselfhimselfHey has someone replied to that k3b question above ?18:10
XainNo, not yet.18:11
XainI could really use some help with it if someone know's anything about it.18:12
jackcyxain in the tools menu, but you only have to erase dvd-rw18:12
jackcyxain dvd+rw are simply overwritten18:12
XainFormat DvD-RW option does not work.18:12
JuJuBeeHow do I set dns servers via command line?18:12
XainSo if i create a new data project it will automatically write over it?18:12
jackcyxain exactly, but you can append it if you made a multisession before18:14
jackcymyselfhimself: i had to do that for a friend last wednesday bacause kdm was defect (gdm worked) i removed kubuntu-desktop kde-core kdm kdebase-workspace , cleared the cache and then reinstalled it. worked perfectly18:16
XainAll i want to do is erase the current data stored on the dvd and replace it.18:16
XainJust a single session i suppose.18:16
myselfhimselfjackcy ok I understand that, I think that I'll do it and what's the cache ?18:16
myselfhimselfjackcy thanks for your help at least for now, because I have the nvidia driver working correctly now18:17
XainI just told it i wanted to burn my new data, so i guess it's deleting my old data while writing the new data.18:18
myselfhimselfjackcy none of the kubuntu-desktop and kde-core packages were installed (I had remove them when trying to work out my nvidia problem...) !!18:21
jackcymyselfhimself: all the packages that are downloaded and installed are saved in the /var directory. you can clean them with (sudo aptitude clean). This saves space and downloads all the packages from the server (again) which is not done if it is already downloaded18:21
jackcymyselfhimself: then you know why you cannot log on to kde18:22
=== lorenzo-2357 is now known as calamaro-2357
jackcyxain then you can just make a new dvd-data project and burn it18:23
oobeim using 9.04 beta and for some annoying reason my cpu wont go past 1000MHz its using powernowd18:23
Picioobe : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.18:25
oobeok thanks18:25
XainSo far so good, thank you jackcy.18:27
XainIs there a channel for people who are running Intel chipset's?18:31
XainIf so i would really like to know, haha.18:31
XainHa, i found one. xD18:33
VeovisQuestion: I've been trying to load Launchpad, but it keeps timing out.  Is the site down right now?18:41
geniiVeovis: Works fine from here (Canada)18:43
Veovisgenii: thank you, the problem is probably on my end then.18:43
adaszQuestion: sorry for the bad gramatik and the false written words first, i am from german18:44
adaszmy display is refreshing all 10-20 sec18:45
jackcyadasz: ask your question18:45
Veovisyour display doesn't refresh for 10-20 seconds?18:45
Veovisor your display refreshes 10-20 times a second>18:46
adaszor a black screen come for <1sec18:46
adaszno all 10-20 sec the screen turn black for under 1 sec18:46
adaszit looks like i blink18:47
VeovisSorry, I'm trying my best to understand you... your display is fine for 10-20 seconds, and then it goes black for a little under a second?18:48
VeovisI'm looking up the problem, I'm not sure what it is.18:48
Veovisgive me a minute, or more likely, someone else might know faster than I can find it18:49
yrl__adasz: does it happen frequently? after this second your display is ok again?18:49
adaszits ok18:50
yrl__it's ok all the time or is it going black again after some time?18:50
adaszall the time it gets black18:50
yrl__do you know what gfx card you have?18:51
scherfaadasz: Which graphic card u are using? maybee hardware problems?18:51
VeovisI found a launchpad entry on something similar, but I can't load it18:51
subxero37Still no luck with nvidia drivers. Tried two different cards and three different driver versions (two from the repository, one from nvidia). No luck with ATI drivers either. Tried the xorg-video-fglrx driver (which caused kernel panics) and the ATI driver, which won't even install.18:52
subxero37I'm relatively pissed.18:52
adaszscherfa: an 8600GTS18:52
scherfaadasz: here 7300GS works fine ..18:52
yrl__adasz: i had a similar problem some time ago... it turned out to be my power supply gone bad18:53
adaszscherfa: have you installed some drivers?18:53
yrl__have yout tried playing some games in windows or something like that? does that happen then as well?18:53
scherfaadasz: no the default nvidia drivers work here ...18:53
adaszalso you installed drivers? i only installed kubuntu 1 hour ago^18:54
jackcyadasz the mentioned bug is about mmonitors connected with hdmi cable. do you use such a cable?18:54
yrl__i'v got nvidia 280gtx and kubuntu always worked fine18:54
adaszno i have an  VGA calbe18:54
Veovishas anyone checked that link for me?  I can't load launchpad for some reason, but it looks like the person who filed the bug has the same problem as adasz18:54
Veovisah, thank you jackcy18:55
yrl__veovis: it's a bug for intel gfx18:55
Veovisyrl__ okay, thank you18:55
VeovisThe VGA cable is secure, right?18:56
=== eugen_ is now known as Guest17316
Guest17316hey whats a good screen rocorder for kubuntu?18:56
adaszyes in windows is all perfekt but in linux not18:56
Veovisokay, good18:56
yrl__adasz: have you tried disabling desktop effects?18:56
geniiGuest17316: Usually something like Krecordmydesktop18:57
adaszno can you tell me how? yrl__?18:57
Guest17316genii: is that in the repo?18:57
genii!info krecordmydesktop18:57
ubottukrecordmydesktop (source: krecordmydesktop): KDE frontend to recordmydesktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1~alpha1+debian-2 (intrepid), package size 69 kB, installed size 288 kB18:57
geniiGuest17316: Yes18:57
yrl__adasz: click the menu, then select computer on the bottom then click "system settings"18:57
yrl__adasz: then select the "desktop" icon, and untick the option "enable desktop effects"18:58
yrl__then of course click "apply" :)18:58
adaszno the option is deaktivated18:59
yrl__hmm no luck there then...18:59
yrl__ok try running this command then: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE18:59
Guest17316genii: I search for it in the repo, and I can't find it19:00
Guest17316searched for "Krecordmydesktop"19:00
adaszdamn i kicked me out to login display19:00
yrl__try apt-get install recordmydesktop19:00
geniiGuest17316: Enable the "Universe" repository19:00
Guest17316genii: how do I do that from settings?19:01
yrl__adasz try this:  cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE19:01
adaszi checked the apply effekt and it kicked my to login19:01
jackcygenii i do not have it in my repo too (jaunty)19:01
geniiGuest17316: Do it from in Adept19:01
Guest17316genii: I have universe checked in settings19:01
genii!info krecordmydesktop jaunty19:01
ubottuPackage krecordmydesktop does not exist in jaunty19:01
geniiGuest17316: Appears it has not been packaged for 9.04 yet19:02
VeovisI was just about to say that, but the bot beat me to it19:02
Guest17316genii: anywhere else I can get it from?19:02
adasz        (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.19:02
adasz(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER19:02
yrl__adasz: thats all?19:03
Veovisthere is a program called istanbul, I've never tried it, but it is another screenrecorder19:03
geniiGuest17316: In a last resort, you could add the Hardy deb-src line for that repo (Universe) then apt-get source krecordmydesktop               and build it19:03
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.19:03
yrl__guest: apt-get install recordmydesktop19:03
geniiGuest17316: Afterwards commenting out again the Hardy line in the sources.list file19:04
Veovisand it is in the jaunty repos19:04
dstarwhy does the maximize button not maximize my windows?19:04
Guest17316genii: I would do that...but don't know how...19:04
adaszyrl: yes its all19:04
geniiGuest17316: Perhaps then investigate the bot's remarks on !screencast which Pici was so kind to point out19:04
yrl__adasz: then maybe you should try the restricted nvidia driver19:05
Guest17316genii: i'm searching for screencast in the repo...19:05
adaszyrl:from where?19:05
yrl__adasz: open the menu, type "hardware" in the search box on the top. you should see "Hardware drivers" icon. click it19:06
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Guest17316genii::...its not in the repo either...19:06
yrl__adasz: then an application should show up and you should see the nvidia driver on the list - activate it19:07
adaszthere are 3 drivers19:07
yrl__is there any nvidia driver there?19:07
adaszi aktivate the wirh the biggest number19:07
Veovis180.77 I believe adasz19:08
yrl__adasz: after it is installed you should reboot19:08
Veovisyeah, that's the one19:08
Veovishi j1319:08
adaszok w8 plz i19:08
adaszcome BACK19:08
Veoviswe'll be here19:08
j13what up veovis19:08
geniiGuest17316: "screencast" is not the name of a program but more a description of what you are wanting to do. The bot recommended the applications named:  recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, and demorecorder19:08
j13where r you from ?19:08
Veovisnot much, just trying to learn and help at the same time19:09
j13i cant use my web cam on kopete what can i do ??19:09
Guest17316o ok19:10
yrl__well since we're all here maybe i would ask about something: anyone played with nepomuk on kubuntu?19:10
Veoviswhat's the make and model of the webcam?19:10
geniij13: Does it work with the application called "Cheese" ?19:10
Veovisyrl__, nope19:10
j13i dont have tried19:11
j13lets see19:11
adaszok iam back19:11
=== natschil_ is now known as natschil
Veovisokay adasz, keep us updated as to if it works or not19:12
adaszhm i think it works now perfekt19:12
adaszno blackscreen19:13
Veovisj13: I believe that the program is called cheese camorama19:13
VeovisThat's great adasz, I'm glad you got it working19:13
adaszhehe thx for the help to all19:14
adaszhow can i update kubutnu?19:14
yrl__apt-get update && apt-get upgrade19:15
Veovisyou can use your package manager, it should show an icon in the system tray when you need to update19:15
Veovisor, if you're like me, apt-get update && apt-get upgrade in the terminal19:15
yrl__i personally dont like this "packagekit" thingy that came with jaynty...19:16
Veovisoh, too late on that one :P19:16
adaszhow i can join root?19:16
Veovistype sudo before the command, but be very careful19:16
adaszwithout logout19:16
Veovistype exactly what we said, and nothing else19:16
geniiadasz: sudo is used in (k)ubuntu and no root19:17
Veovisroot can really destroy your computer19:17
adaszi know, in the shool we lern to work with linux, only how install nas and nis19:17
geniij13: What does: lsusb                    say for the camera?19:17
yrl__well you should type something like that: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:17
yrl__cause the second command will not run with root privileges19:18
Veovisadasz: I wish more schools would teach linux19:18
adaszsudo is also the command that login into root and work out the command?19:18
Veovistemporarily, yes19:18
adaszhehe i install my sister and mother linux in the next days19:18
j13cheese work great19:19
Veovisawesome, more users is always good19:19
Veovisj13: that's good and bad19:19
adaszfor my mothers its good because they dont play games19:19
Veovisif cheese works, then the problem is with the software, not the drivers or hardware19:19
j13is kopete maybe19:20
adaszbut how do you play games?19:20
Veovisadasz: that's the only reason I keep windows.  Plus, if they need help, you can ssh into their systems to help19:20
Veovisadasz, there is a program called WINE that emulates windows, there are free games, and that's about it19:21
Veoviscommercial games are almost all for windows19:21
yrl__but there is also a commercial program called "cedega"19:21
VeovisI do know that Valve's Steam is coming to linux soon19:22
yrl__its actualy a wine clone designed to run games in linux19:22
adaszi have hl1 and hl2 and played cs:source19:22
Veovisand I believe there's a company that ports windows games to os x and linux called crossover games or something similar19:22
Veovisyeah, those might be on linux soon.19:22
adasznice ;)19:23
VeovisI know that left 4 dead came with linux files and libraries19:23
j13i need to use my camera with msn users ?19:23
j13some good messenger program with cam ??19:24
Veovisbut I'm not sure if they'll port older games or just make sure newer games run19:24
j13kopete doesnt work with cam19:24
adasztest skype19:24
j13skype works with msn users?19:25
Veovisj13: I'm not sure, I don't chat much.  I know pidgin works with msn, but last I checked, it doesn't do video19:25
adaszno sry ^19:25
j13yes is true19:26
adaszveovis: how can i update to kubuntu 9.xx19:26
VeovisI don't think I can help you find a good program for video chat then, maybe someone else can19:26
Veovisadasz: I would wait about a week or so, and then your package manager should show you a button that you can click to update19:27
j13a good msn with cam for linux ???19:28
j13thanks veovis !!!19:28
Veovis9.04 should be out some time tommorrow, but the servers are going to be demolished again19:28
Dragnslcradasz- official release is tomorrow. Adept should notify you about it (maybe not until Friday morning)19:28
adaszohh ok19:28
Veovisj13: not a problem, I hope you find a good program19:29
DragnslcrThere will be instructions on kubuntu.org too19:29
j13i hope so thanks19:29
Veovisbut like I say, it would be better to wait about a week or so until people have finished19:30
SilentDisbit of an odd one here... I use EVDO to connect to the internet.  I stopped using network manager because i needed finer control over my network settings.  I'd like the machine to bring ppp0 up whenever /dev/ttyACM0 appears (when i connect the modem and HAL does it's magic).  suggestions?19:30
Veovissorry SilentDis, I have enough trouble with network manager, I can't help19:31
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SilentDisVeovis: that's why i uninstalled network manager completely19:31
adaszok thx Veovis19:31
Veovisthat's a good idea actually.  I might have to do that19:31
Veovisand don't assume that because one person can't help,  that no one can19:32
SilentDisVeovis: was easier to just use pppconfig and setup all the scripts that way (for the EVDO) then setup my /etc/interfaces with the ppp0 stuff.19:32
yrl__silentdis: you can play with udev a bit but it can be a tricky solution19:32
adaszhow can i add some widgets?19:33
SilentDisyrl__: it seems simple enough... when ppp0 is down, and /dev/ttyACM0 exists, `ifup ppp0`19:33
Veovisadasz: new widgets?19:33
yrl__silentdis: and how can you discover if ppp0 is down?19:34
SilentDisyrl__: the easiest way that comes to my mind is a quick `ifconfig`19:34
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adaszthe miniprograms on the display19:35
yrl__well execute ifconfig, grep for the interesting line then check for ttyacm0 and do ifup :) you can do it in one line i guess19:35
SilentDisyrl__: yeah, `ifconfig -s` shows just the interfaces that are up19:35
adaszohh i finded it out19:36
SilentDisyrl__: therein lies the problem.  i r noob at shell scripting, and have very very limited knowledge of... well, cron i guess would be doing this...19:36
JoeMPCHi all!19:37
SilentDisyrl__: i know exactly what needs to be checked... but the automation of it is where i'm getting hung up lol19:37
yrl__well lemme see19:37
yrl__ifconfig -s | grep ppp0 should show you a line of text when ppp0 is up and no line when ppp0 is down19:38
JoeMPCAnyone from Kilkenny/Ireland??19:38
adaszhow can i get a python skript driver?19:38
SilentDisyep, confirmed19:38
pteague-z "string" to see if string is empty19:39
yrl__if [ -z "$(ifconfig -s | grep eth0)" ]; then echo "OK"; else echo "BAD" ; fi19:40
yrl__somwthing like this should check if interface is up... replace eth0 with ppp019:40
yrl__aaand replace "-z" with "-n" :)19:40
Veovis_adasz: Sorry, my computer died, and now I can't get on the Internet19:40
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adaszooh ok no problem i test something19:41
SilentDisyrl__: ok, that works great...19:41
Veovis_Did you get your question answered19:41
=== Guest66679 is now known as mrgaga
adaszwitch question do you rememberß19:41
jackcymyselfhimself: any success?19:41
Veovis_I'm going to be slow because i'm typing from my iPod19:42
SilentDisyrl__: how would i go about checking if /dev/ttyACM0 exists?19:42
Veovis_Adding new widgets19:42
yrl__you can use -a...19:42
adaszyes i added some widgets but some need python-skript-driver19:43
yrl__if [ -n "$(ifconfig -s | grep eth0)" -a -a /dev/ttyACM0 ]; then echo "OK"; else echo "BAD" ; fi19:43
Veovis_That's your question, right?19:43
Veovis_You should be able to apt-get with that text19:43
=== adasz is now known as adasz_
SilentDisyrl__: if you don't mind me asking, why the 2 '-a's?  i'm trying to learn this stuff hehe19:44
yrl__silentdis: so in conclusion we have: if [ -n "$(ifconfig -s | grep ppp0)" -a -a /dev/ttyACM0 ]; then ifup ppp0; fi19:44
yrl__the first "a" is to combine the two expressions (on the left and on the right) togetrer19:45
yrl__the second "a" is to check if file exists19:45
SilentDisyrl__: ahhh, gotcha19:45
Veovis_adasz_: Can you apt-get install python-script-driver19:45
adasz_sudo apt-get install python-script-driver19:46
jackcyasasz_ you should have python already installed. if not, you can install it with the package manager. some text editor  like kate support the syntax. you could also try eric to develop. a good place to start is the documentation diveintopython19:46
KiRiLoSIt seems that i got some trouble with my Nvidia Drivers,anyone willing to help me out?I am using 9.04 kubuntu i38619:46
SilentDisyrl__: now, i assume this'll need to run on a timer or some such under cron?  got a resource you can point me to to read up on that?19:46
vertago1anyone know why the network manager plasma applet doesn't display some of the wired connections?19:46
Veovis_Yeah, try it19:46
yrl__silentdis: yea i think you should but there may be a better way but it would require more work i guess19:47
Veovis_I'm not 100% sure though19:47
yrl__just google about cron for a bit its not that hard19:47
adasz_veovis: they don't find something19:47
SilentDisyrl__: thanks.  i'll have to tweak this a little bit (as I need to get it to check when ppp0 is not up, rather than is up)19:48
yrl__then just replace -n with -z19:48
Veovis_Okay, I can't look anything up for you without exiting the chat, no multitasking on the iPod19:48
Veovis_Sorry adasz_19:48
adasz_ohhhh no problem19:49
adasz_when you want you can look later19:49
adasz_dont must be now19:49
adasz_but thx for help19:49
Veovis_ 19:49
adasz_jackcy what you mean?19:49
vertago1vmware player's nat connections are showing up on the network manager applet under wired connections, but the wired connection I added through the connection manager doesn't always display and sometimes is drawn under the wireless connections. I was trying to figure out how to get launch pad to let me add it as a bug.19:49
Veovis_Not a problem, it's fun19:50
jackcyasasz_ i meant that python should be installed by default, i misunderstood you (hab dich falsch verstanden)19:50
Veovis_I'm done for right now, I have some housework I need to do19:50
Veovis_Bye all19:51
rmrfslashDoes anyone know how to test if your machine belongs to a particular NIS group?19:53
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lorecasteris there a special room for OOo3.1?20:05
myselfhimselfthanks for your help !! jackcy20:09
jackcymyselfhimself: did it work?20:10
=== _jonathan is now known as myselfhimself
lorecasteris there a special room for OOo3.1?20:10
geniilorecaster: Probably just #openoffice.org20:12
lorecasterkripes, it would be that easy. :P thanks20:12
lorecasteralways a pleasure, Genii20:12
geniilorecaster:  :) You're welcome20:12
=== pier is now known as ZeTa
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SilentDisyrl__: hey.  I got the script to work if i run it by hand, and i can see in the system logs cron runs it once a minute...  but it won't actually 'go' when cron executes it :(20:18
yrl__silentdis: do you have this script in a separate file?20:18
SilentDisyrl__: yes20:19
yrl__what command are you running in cron?20:19
SilentDisyrl__: * * * * * root /root/internet-check.sh20:19
yrl__try replacing it with "/bin/bash /root/internet-check.sh"20:20
yrl__without quotes of course20:20
subxero37Would anyone know why xorg-driver-fglrx is hanging my system? I can't even drop to a virtual terminal and can only reboot with alt+sysrq+b20:20
Pici!ru | artyom20:20
ubottuartyom: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:20
SilentDisyrl__: brb, we'll see if it works now :)20:21
SilentDisyrl__: again, thanks for the help!20:21
subxero37I have an ATI Radeon 9800 and the official ATI driver won't install; installing xorg-driver-fglrx causes the system to hang completely. This is under Kubuntu 9.04. Is the 9800 not supported?20:24
SilentDisyrl__: woot!  it came up on it's own!  thank you :D20:24
SilentDisyrl__: but i did find a bit of a flaw in ppp... roflmao20:25
SilentDisyrl__: lets say the `ifup ppp0` command fails for whatever reason (modem not ready, stray cosmic rays, etc), the interface won't come back up till i issue a `ifdown ppp0` command (which fails too)...20:26
SilentDisyrl__: sounds like i need some extra checking in the script that brings ppp0 up, i.e., to release everything in case it doesn't work right20:27
yrl__well if you issue ifconfig ppp0 (without -s) you  should find a line that shows if the interface is working or not20:27
jackcysubxero37 i have no ati but read somewhere that some cards only are supported by the radeon driver20:28
yrl__for example i have something like this with my eth0; UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:120:28
SilentDisyrl__: that's the problem.  `ifup ppp0` appears to go through, but for whatever reason, it hangs the modem.  the interface doesn't come up (no ppp0), but it's 'stuck' till i issue a `ifdown ppp0`20:29
yrl__so you can try "ifconfig ppp0 | grep UP"20:29
yrl__or whatever it says with ppp links i dont have one so i cant check20:29
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SilentDisyrl__: think like this:  `ifup ppp0` *command executes, but sticks the modem, and cannot be brought up anymore* `ifdown ppp0` *frees whatever is stuck* `ifup ppp0` *works as intended*20:32
yrl__you would have to check somehow if ifup worked or not20:33
SilentDisyrl__: checking logs now, it appears i'm getting a 'no carrier' at times, which is what it's hanging on.  I need to figure out how to get ppp to clear itself should that happen20:33
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yrl__you should try executing "ifup ppp0; echo $?" and see if the script returns with a different code if it fails20:34
SilentDisyrl__: that's the problem here, it's scripts inside scripts inside scripts lol.  `ifup ppp0` executes a pppd connection script.  when that connection script goes, it shows an error in the logs, but reports back everywhere else that it succeeded (it ran, after all!)20:35
yrl__i guess you just have to check with pppd or whatever ppp daemon youre using20:36
yrl__cant help you much there20:36
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SilentDisyrl__: understood.  i wish i wasn't using consumer-level hardware that's attempting to multitask as difference devices, then this stuff wouldn't happen and i know it lol20:37
SilentDisyrl__: EVDO ~ DSL over a cellphone.  computer - usb cable - motorola V3m phone :P20:38
SilentDisyrl__: having said that, this SHOULD work 90% of the time, and you've been an amazing help with this.  I'll get it licked sooner or later, thank you :)20:39
jackcySilentDis: you could try something like "if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then" to check if the returncode last command failed (bigger than 0)20:39
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adaszhey all20:47
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adaszwho know CpuFreqDisplay?20:48
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[-Haza-]adasz: I do not use CpuFreqDisplay but i can help you. Your best bet to get help here is to ask your question and hold tight. That way people know what your problem is and might be able to help you. Its the whole "don't ask to ask" sorta thing :)20:56
adaszhow can i hold tight?20:58
jackcyadasz wait for someone to know the answer20:59
adaszwenn i insert a widget20:59
=== CarlSagan is now known as GuYbRuShThReEpWo
adaszsome widgets mean that the python script driver is missing21:00
adaszor cant be use21:00
adaszsry my OS is in german21:00
=== GuYbRuShThReEpWo is now known as mackk431
adaszhow can i install an package in the terminal?21:01
Dragnslcrsudo apt-get install packagename21:01
geniisudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install packagename21:01
jackcyadasz or = same is you can search it with (sudo aptitude search name) and install it with (sudo aptitude install name)21:02
geniiI love that linux always has multiple ways to do something.21:02
jackcyme too *g*21:03
adaszthx i try to install the python-plasma21:03
adasznext problem21:04
adaszscript initialize failed21:05
adaszthe widget shows21:06
adaszscript initialize failed21:06
jensaHello! I'm pretty new to Kubuntu, and i'm having problems with my sound.. I cant install my soundcard drivers... it executes everything and installs it, then it fails.21:07
rramalhoi installed kubuntu on my imac 24"21:09
rramalhoand installed the flashplayer21:09
rramalhobut i can't have no sound in youtube for example21:09
rramalhocan anyone give me a hint?21:09
jackcyadasz on my system (9.04 rc) the cpu monitor works out of the box maybe its broken in 8.10 but i can't tell for sure21:09
jensarramlho, i have the same problem - have you installed kubuntu-restricted-extras?21:10
jensayour soundcard drivers?21:10
adaszjackcy: how can i update to 9.0421:10
rramalhojensa: it's got sound all over the place21:11
Lord_Deviadasz: ALT-F2: update-manager -d21:11
jensarramlho, but not on youtube+21:11
jensaah okai21:11
rramalhoanything with flash21:11
jensai dont have sound in any place ;<21:11
jackcyadasz Type Alt-F2 and type into the box update-notifier-kde -u (but it's released tomorrow, you could wait i think)21:12
adaszno new update available21:12
adaszjackcy i want to learn more about linux21:13
adaszalso i go out of the normal way to learn more ;)21:13
jackcyrramalho i have the same problems with amarok blocking the sound card. so i close it and i then i have sound21:13
rramalhojackcy: i don't have amarok running21:14
jackcyadasz mail/icq if you like?21:15
jackcyrramalho you could still try turning off the kde notifications21:16
jensaHow do i see what soundcard i have in my comp?21:16
rramalhohow do i do that jackcy ?21:17
jackcyjensa lspci21:17
rramalhojensa: command line lspci -v21:17
jackcyrramalho system settings --> notifications --> second tab21:17
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nighteaglehi everybody21:18
nighteaglei'm using kubuntu hardy heron, and when i want to print some documents, i have them printed very small on the paper21:18
rramalhojackcy: use system bell ? lol :)21:19
rramalhodoesn't work21:20
rramalhonoone has problems with flash player21:20
rramalhoguess i'm a unlucky bastard...21:21
rramalhoback to os X then...21:22
rramalhofound this21:26
rramalhoit's a bug21:26
=== mr is now known as mrgaga
rramalhook, for anyone with problems on flash player: go to the mixer and take the PCM sound from volume... ZERO21:29
zettoвсем привет21:56
|PaperTiger|When I try watch a film on Kubuntu, the video viewing area flickers black and film footage. How do I stop this?22:04
dabblerso...what time is official release time ?22:21
dabbler40 minutes to the '23/04/2009' here  :)22:22
dabbler38 minutes22:23
dabblerso what time is official release time?22:23
dabbleranybody !!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????22:23
bindaaswill this release be less buggy than last release ?22:24
dabblermines been doing well the past month or 222:25
susbwoyHi, I just want to verify the 56k modem on this laptop will be working. Not sure if it is in this lspci -> http://pastebin.com/m6e943ebc   (buntu 8.10/toshiba satellite u400 laptop). Can anyone point me into direction to find out? kppp is using /dev/modem by default but there is no such device.22:28
dabbleri use dsl...no idea how to even help you on that one22:28
adaszquestion: i want to install an ftp server on my kubuntu22:35
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP22:35
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP22:36
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd22:36
tsimpsonsee https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html22:36
adaszis this tool with an interface or only terminal22:36
tsimpsonyou can install that in a GUI, it doesn't mater22:37
adaszhow in the GUI?22:38
adaszand witch ?22:38
johan__je suis nouveau sous Kubuntu je viens de l'installer et j'ai deja fait une connerie !22:38
tsimpson!fr | johan__22:38
ubottujohan__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:38
tsimpsonadasz: read https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html you can just use the package manager to install packages22:39
tsimpsonbut it's a daemon, so you'll need to edit text files and use the command line to set it up22:39
adaszis there nothing like filezilla?22:40
tsimpsonfilezilla is not a ftp server, it's a client22:41
adaszfilezilla is an ftp server22:42
DragnslcrFilezilla has both a client and a server22:43
adaszYEEEEEEEES somebody know it22:43
tsimpsonthe server is ONLY windows22:43
adaszgive it servers for linux that are likes filezilla server?22:44
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd22:44
tsimpsonjust read the guide to install a ftp server22:44
tsimpsonwe don't really do GUI daemons22:44
susbwoyHi, I just want to verify the 56k modem on this laptop will be working. Not sure if it is in this lspci -> http://pastebin.com/m6e943ebc   (buntu 8.10/toshiba satellite u400 laptop). Can anyone point me into direction to find out? kppp is using /dev/modem by default but there is no such device.22:44
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP22:44
DragnslcrAccording to the bot, there are GUI frontends to pure-ftpd and proftpd22:44
tsimpsonsure there are GUIs to configure it, but you need to install a ftpd first22:45
DragnslcrIn theory, the config file for an ftpd shouldn't be too complicated22:45
DragnslcrThe last couple I tried, though, weren't that great22:45
PROject-EmeraldHey, I had a quick Kubuntu question22:47
norenPROject-Emerald: yes u can use konsole22:48
PROject-EmeraldIf I switch from Ubuntu to Kubuntu is it a good idea? I'm a total linux noob and someone told me Kubuntu was more newbie-friendly22:48
PROject-EmeraldDon't answer me before I ask my question... I asked that in #Ubuntu for a reason22:48
tsimpsonyou'd have to use it to know if it's right *for you*22:48
tsimpsonI prefer it over gnome any day22:48
Cirosthe only difference  is the gui front end, one is gnome, the other is KDE.     and what tsimpson said.22:49
CirosI prefer kde, but then again I know kde better than gnome22:49
PROject-EmeraldI have no idea what the difference is, so I'm gonna go ahead and use it :D22:49
PROject-EmeraldAre the terminal/console commands different? like sudo apt-get install etc22:49
DragnslcrPROject-Emerald- best thing to do is try out both for a few days and see which one you like better22:49
tsimpsonPROject-Emerald: all terminal commands are the same, just the GUI applications are different22:49
DragnslcrNope, the shell is the same22:49
norenPROject-Emerald: look and feel is better in kde22:50
PROject-EmeraldAnd err, can someone teach me how to mount .iso's on linux? I used to use Nero but I don't feel like it :)22:50
tsimpsonUbuntu = Ubuntu base (cli) + Gnome, Kubuntu = Ubuntu base (cli) + KDE22:50
DragnslcrIt's still the same base operating system. Kubuntu is just Ubuntu with KDE as the desktop instead of Gnome22:50
tsimpson!iso | PROject-Emerald22:50
ubottuPROject-Emerald: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:50
PROject-EmeraldOk. Brb 2 secs, restarting22:50
PROject-EmeraldOk. should I download 8.10 or 9.04?22:56
tsimpsonPROject-Emerald: if you have ubuntu installed, just install kubuntu-desktop22:56
tsimpsonor wait about 12-16 hours and get jaunty22:57
PROject-EmeraldJaunty comes out in 12 hours? Sweeeet22:57
norentsimpson: i think fress install will be better22:57
tsimpsonnot *exactly* 12 hours, but about that22:57
drbobbin jaunty's dolphin, right click -> preview this file, does nothing23:01
drbobbis that how it (not) works for you, or is something broken on my system?23:02
Anyoseyoso how much longer til release :)23:02
tsimpson10 minutes longer now you asked23:03
userdzrak hna kho23:03
userdzchkoun had el 3ibed23:03
tsimpsondrbobb: where do you see "preview this file" ?23:04
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:04
seriairana nkalkou fi enass23:04
drbobbtsimpson: when I right click on a file's icon23:04
userdzMerci, on ne savait pas, oui on a besoin d'aide, avec mon binome, on souhaiterait installer skype pour travailler notre projet23:04
tsimpsondrbobb: any particular type of file?23:05
userdzmais, je n'arrive pas de mon cote, je peux poser le prob en Anglais, s'il le faut23:05
tsimpsonuserdz: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:05
lordofthepigsHello, how can I start a process using konsole, and make it so that it doesn't die when I close konsole23:05
drbobbtsimpson: just tried witj .txt and .odt23:05
devilsadvocatelordofthepigs, add an & at the end of the command23:05
tsimpsonlordofthepigs: try "process &"23:05
lordofthepigsusing 'program &' doesn't work, because when konsole is closed the process dies23:05
jimmy51_homehello.  i have an HP scanjet 3970.  I'm running Kubuntu 8.10.  What app do i use to scan photos and output jpegs?23:05
userdzok, sorry, yeah, i would like that you help me to install skype on my PC23:06
SlimeyPetelordofthepigs: use a program called 'screen'23:06
SlimeyPeteit's in adept/synaptic/apt-get23:06
tsimpsondrbobb: do you have the information panel open?23:06
lordofthepigsI just thought that I could use krunner instead...23:07
drbobbtsimpson: uhhh no i don't23:07
userdzsomeone can help me please23:07
jimmy51_homein digikam i get "no KDE-scan service available"23:07
seriaiyes nazim you  want to play with me hhhhhhhhhhhh23:07
userdzdon't tell me like this ANABA23:08
darkenergyjimmy51_home: is "kooka" present?23:08
lordofthepigsyay, Krunner does that fine :-)23:08
jimmy51_homedarkenergy: apt-cache policy kooka shows nothing installed23:09
jimmy51_homeshould i install it?23:09
userdzAnaba comme to #ubuntu-fr23:09
darkenergyjimmy51_home: i use kooka in 8.0423:09
tsimpsondrbobb: looks like that's a bug in dolphin,23:10
jimmy51_homedarkenergy: it says it's not available or reference by another package or is obsolete23:10
seriainazim ,we will not able to travel like this ,so if  you want we can try to install skype in  your machine23:10
seriaison firste step23:10
darkenergyjimmy51_home: there must be a replacement23:10
seriaigo to windowsos23:10
seriaiwindows os23:11
drbobbtsimpson: i was sort of expecting an embedded preview, the way it used to work in konqueror23:11
tsimpsondrbobb: that's what the information tab is for23:11
darkenergyjimmy51_home: skanlite?23:11
tsimpsonerm, panel, not tab23:11
drbobbtsimpson: in that case, i suppose selecting preview this should pop up the info panel23:12
drbobbrather than do nothing23:12
tsimpsondrbobb: it's actually trying to get it to preview in plasma23:12
tsimpsondrbobb: it needs the Previewer widget enabled23:13
tsimpsonit *should* tell the user it failed because of that or fall back to showing the information panel, but it does neither23:14
drbobbtsimpson: uhhh wouldn't have guessed that anytime soon if you hadn't told me23:14
tsimpsondrbobb: I wouldn't have guessed either, I read the output from dolphin on the command line23:15
tsimpsonand, fortunately, I know enough about dbus to search for things23:15
jimmy51_homedarkenergy: installed skanlite, but it starts to run (i see skanlite in the taskbar) and it disappears.23:16
tsimpsondrbobb: please file a bug against dolphin at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+filebug23:16
darkenergyjimmy51_home: run it in konsole and see if there are any error messages23:17
jimmy51_home"no KDE-scan service available"23:17
jimmy51_homeKCrash: Application 'skanlite' crashing...23:17
jimmy51_homei didn't think it would split into 3 lines23:18
darkenergyjimmy51_home: http://www.sane-project.org/cgi-bin/driver.pl23:18
darkenergycheck if your scanner is supported23:19
Cirosokay, how can I find out what is causing a  SIGSEGV segmentation fault on a air app >.>23:19
jimmy51_homedarkenergy: it says it's supported "Good"23:20
jimmy51_homeall three scanning apps i've tried died with seg faults23:21
jimmy51_homeit's making me think whatever the backend to scanning is isn't working.23:21
darkenergyif a different application crashed the scanner  might become inaccessible23:23
jimmy51_homehow can i restart the scanning "service"?23:23
darkenergyi dunno, reboot? anyone know a better way?23:23
darkenergyreboot and avoid the 1st app23:24
davidjheinrich_does anyone ere know where official xrandr documentation is? Where the randr webpage is?23:24
davidjheinrich_where can I submit complaints and bug-reports?23:24
davidjheinrich_randr sucks for me23:24
jimmy51_homei'll try that!23:24
adaszwho have time?23:32
adaszhave a question23:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:32
adaszhow to mark all items in the packege manager23:33
adaszhow to mark all items in the packege manager ?23:38
adaszis here somebody?23:38
darkenergywhat package manager?23:39
chris__adasz: this will be sooo much software ! :)23:40
geniiadasz: If you plan to install everything listed in the package manager, we are talking you need about 80-100Gb free.23:40
adaszadept i want to install all the games automatic23:40
darkenergytry the keyboard shortcut ctrl-A to select all listed packages23:41
darkenergyright-click and "request install"23:41
adaszdon't work23:41
darkenergyclick something on the list first23:42
noren_adasz: just search games and install the related pack23:43
eraserheadhi, firefox and konqueror don't have sound23:43
adasznoren: but i want to install all at once23:43
adaszdarkenengry: i dont work when i rightclick it do the same if leftclick23:44
noren_adasz: wat do u mean by all the games, u can install the game packages23:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about game23:46
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php23:46
adasznoren: i want to mark up all the games in the package manager ( ADEPT ) so that i dont must mark up all one for one23:47
liarhe wants to install all available games at once23:47

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