
Szadeki have sound ... but i dont know waht happened00:05
Szadeki reboot using the other kernel , nothing happened , rebooted again using the latest , and sound works again well this is strange00:06
BUGabundoSzadek: es tuga?00:07
Szadekbugabundo : sim00:07
BUGabundodidn't see you on #ubuntu-pt00:07
Szadekwell , i prefer here , so i can train my english writting =)00:09
BUGabundoplease join us there _too_00:09
Szadekbut you're right ill join there too00:09
Szadekthere i am =)00:09
BUGabundozbrahead91: hi00:12
zbrahead91Anyone else got any sound issues?00:13
BUGabundosome do sure00:13
BUGabundowhat's up with you zbrahead91?00:13
zbrahead91How to fix them please :(00:13
cjaeHi,, when using the plasma dashboard in kubuntu 9.04 can I have the widgets I install opnly show when I use "show the plasma dashboard"?00:13
zbrahead91I have startrek and cannot watch. The ulyimate travesty00:14
BUGabundozbrahead91: you have to talk to dtchen. but he is way now00:14
zbrahead91well, hear :p00:14
BUGabundozbrahead91: file a bug and he will get in touch with you , or you can ping him back in here when he comes back00:14
BUGabundozbrahead91: for bug use: $ ubuntu-bug alsa-base00:15
BUGabundobut try opening alsamixer on terminal and see if everything is unmuted00:15
zbrahead91How do I switch (temporarily) to OSS?00:15
BUGabundo$ pasuspend APPTORUN00:16
BUGabundothat will give you alsa00:16
Volkodav_no updates last 2 days - is it all done for release ?00:16
zbrahead91alsa fails to according to Sounds00:16
zbrahead91I updated today00:16
zbrahead91last nights updates, methinks00:16
zbrahead91which broke my audio >:(00:16
zhuraiquestion: what exactly is the difference between ext3 and ext4?00:17
kklimondaVolkodav_: more or less00:17
BUGabundozhurai: google for it. too many to enumerate here00:18
kklimondaVolkodav_: there may be some last minute exceptions in universe but nothing big.00:18
kklimondazhurai: check wikipedia00:18
zhuraiI am >_>00:18
kklimondathere is nice article about ext4 afair00:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext400:18
Volkodav_netbook remix seems to have some issues00:18
thotshttp://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Main_Page , some info on ext400:18
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org00:18
zbrahead91Ooo-err Ubottu needs updating :p00:19
BUGabundozbrahead91: feel free to susgest a factoid00:19
zbrahead91SOUND LIVES \ o /00:19
zbrahead91Unmuting headphones did the trick, odly00:20
zbrahead91#I also PPA'ed 0.9.1500:20
zbrahead91Star trek, come to pappy :D00:20
zbrahead91bye and thanks BUGabundo + rep to you00:20
=== yml_ is now known as yml
mrwesIs there going to be a final kernel update on the 23rd?00:27
Hammer89Just updated to 9.04... impressed so far. Working flawlessly.00:29
coz_guys just noticed that ryhthmnbox opens to systray  not windowed  and I see not setting to change that?00:30
drinkycrowi don't think you can00:31
coz_drinkycrow, what rythmbox?00:32
coz_drinkycrow,  sure  it always opened windowed until jaunty00:32
drinkycrowi'm running intrepid and it doesn't open windowed00:32
drinkycrowit didn't in hardy either00:32
coz_drinkycrow,  yeah it did in both for me00:32
drinkycrowidk what to tell you00:32
drinkycrowi did a fresh install of intrepid 3 days ago and that's not how it happens00:32
coz_drinkycrow,  no biggied just something I noticed00:32
mrwesI'm opened to the screen00:33
mrweser mine00:33
fizkIn jaunty, why does shutdown just logout the user?00:33
coz_mrwes,  you opened to the window?00:33
mrwesLemme try it again...hold00:34
coz_mrwes, thats been typical here as well until  jaunty00:34
mrwescoz_, yep -- opened straight to the Window00:34
coz_fizk,   are you hitting the shutdown icon on the panel?00:34
fizkdoes anyone know why shutdown leads to logout?00:34
coz_mrwes,  yeah its suppose to open windowed00:35
mrwesversion 0.12.000:35
coz_fizk,  mm  I generally just go to System/shutdown00:35
coz_mrwes, let me check here00:35
fizkcoz_: System -> Shutdown ?00:36
coz_mrwes,  mmm same version here   maybe I will uninstall and reinstal00:36
coz_fizk,  are you running gnome or kde?00:36
fizkcoz_: i don't see that00:36
fizkcoz_: gnome00:36
BUGabundocoz_: fizk that's no longer there!00:36
mrwesanyone else running gnome-do?00:36
BUGabundoFUSA now removes that00:36
* BUGabundo screams to mrwes MEEEEEEEEE00:36
coz_BUGabundo,  oh!  I am upgrading the beta here it is still there00:36
BUGabundocoz_: shouldn't00:37
mrwesBUGabundo, I just installed it -- seems pretty kewl00:37
mrwesnever used it before00:37
coz_BUGabundo,  I have  a dbus command actually I use to shutdown the system or call up the UI00:37
fizkshutdown leads to logout...a bug, no?00:37
fizki shouldn't be the only one00:38
coz_fizk,  open a terminal and paste this command see if it is what you want to see00:38
coz_fizk,     dbus-send --dest=org.gnome.SessionManager /org/gnome/SessionManager org.gnome.SessionManager.Shutdown00:38
BUGabundomrwes: when you find the ALL Plugins you will like it even more00:38
BUGabundofizk: AFAIK you are the only one00:38
coz_mrwes, just installed what?00:39
fizkBUGabundo: dang00:39
mrwesBUGabundo, yah I'm actually looking at that now00:39
mrwescoz_, gnome-do00:39
coz_BUGabundo,  which app are you talking about?00:39
coz_oh   ok  I didnt like that one :)00:40
BUGabundoam I lagged? I saw the reply before the question00:40
BUGabundocoz_: there's no way you don't like it! only if you don't use it or you are a MOUSE crazy person00:40
mrweswow...even one for SSH00:40
coz_BUGabundo,  no I have a wacom tablet that I use with Easystroke00:40
BUGabundoI hate mice, so having a keyboard do all with 3 chars is GREAT00:40
coz_much nicer00:40
ceckohi all, where should i look to get help getting my microphone to work?00:41
mrwesyah I like doing things from the keyboard too00:41
kklimondahmm.. i just got a weird bug. when i change screen brightness both old and new notification is displayed00:41
BUGabundocecko: what's up ?00:41
BUGabundothis is crazy. 8 ppl asking audio question in 4 h? what happened last night?00:42
kklimondaprobably because g-p-m for root is launched..00:42
ceckoBUGabundo I'm on dell precision m4400 running kubuntu jaunty and the mic is not working00:42
BUGabundocecko: open alsamixer on a terminal and check to see if all levers are unmuted00:43
coz_ah uninstalled and reinstalled rhythmbox  it now opens windowed :)00:44
ceckoBUGabundo ok, (i have tried kmix already) fyi this is not since last night only .)00:44
mrwesno updates today aye?00:44
kklimondamrwes: there were few packages updated but nothing big.00:45
BluesKajnon yet , prolly saving them up for thurs00:45
coz_cecko,  which mike is this ..make and model I mean?00:45
mrwesBUGabundo, can I execute a bash aliases from gnome-do?00:45
ceckocoz_ could you suggest where to find that info?00:46
BUGabundomrwes: never tested00:46
coz_cecko,  well actually the best place to go for audio issues  on any system is  #alsa  channel00:47
coz_cecko,  they would most likely be  more capable of getting to the root of the issue more quickly00:47
mrwesBUGabundo, you can open a terminal, just don't know how to pass the aliases to it from gnome-do00:48
BUGabundomrwes: time to write a plugin?00:48
ceckocoz_ to my root as well? ok, I'm going there .)00:48
coz_cecko,  what do you mean?00:48
mrwesBUGabundo, I don't know how to do that :(00:48
coz_cecko,   just go to the alsa channel00:48
coz_cecko,   #alsa   or   /join #alsa00:49
ceckocoz_ thank you00:49
mrwesBUGabundo, do you use the superkey and spacebar ?00:49
* magcius wonders if osd-notify has improved since he last played with it.00:49
coz_cecko,  not trying to push you away here guy:)  its just that the alsa chennel had much more experienced people. hopefully, to deal with sound specific issues including hardware compatability00:50
BUGabundomrwes: yes of course00:51
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mrwesBUGabundo, oh...I was wondering if the bind keys can be changed00:51
magciusCan some people answer some silly questions about notify-osd?00:51
=== floopsie is now known as Floops
magciusI want to see if it is worth wasting my time again.00:51
BUGabundomrwes: it can00:51
BUGabundomagcius: what's up ?00:52
* BUGabundo starts to be very very tired! 1am here00:52
magciusBUGabundo, does it still cut off messages and shrink images to a really silly size?00:52
BUGabundoimg size here looks good00:52
mrooneysilly is a very relative term00:52
BUGabundoeven to big some times00:52
magciusBUGabundo, it was around 50x50 for me.00:52
coz_magcius,   what is it you want to know ?00:52
BUGabundoand messages are still trunked when too big, but they are BIG enough00:53
magciusBUGabundo, are multiline messages supported?00:53
BUGabundoI see at least 8 lines of test00:53
BUGabundolet me test it with a really long text00:53
magciusSo this is good for starters.00:54
BUGabundo$ notify-send fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo00:54
BUGabundojust shows 3 lines there00:54
BUGabundobut that's because its all HEAD00:54
BUGabundobody is much longer00:54
BUGabundoI just don't know how to do it00:54
Teknois it possible to chat between users with notify-send :D00:55
BUGabundoahh "space"00:55
BUGabundoTekno: no of course not00:55
coz_ magcius  "maybe " this could help?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD00:55
Teknowrite + notify would be cool00:56
BUGabundomagcius: I just tested and it has 3 lines for HEAD and 10 for BODY00:57
timcHey, how do i disable the notification system?00:57
BUGabundotimc: go back to ibex00:57
BUGabundoyou can't do it on jaunty00:57
mrwesit's hard coded correct?00:57
Jordan_UBUGabundo, Sure about that, that doesn't sound right00:57
BUGabundobut some apps can do it too, like pidign00:57
timcso every time someone signs on pidgin, i will have a pop up notification?00:58
BUGabundoJordan_U: do you know how?00:58
magciusYeah... images are still extremely small.00:58
magciusBut it's better.00:58
BUGabundotimc: no! you can change that on pidgin Plugins00:58
BUGabundomagcius: how big is your screen? its fine for me00:58
mrwesdamn...gnome-do is sick00:58
magciusBUGabundo, 1600x120000:58
magciusI hate gnome-do.00:58
BUGabundomagcius: file a bug to make the image vectorial and depdent on the screen size and resolution ?00:59
magciusIts TinyURL plugin is useless... it doesn't copy to the clipboard.00:59
timci missed it first time around BUGabundo, thanks.00:59
mrwesand fast!00:59
magciusBUGabundo, or just use the original size?00:59
* BUGabundo slaps magcius for talking down on DO00:59
magciusWhat's the point of a TinyURL plugin if it just shows you the URL on the screen?00:59
magciusAnd you can't even select it.00:59
BUGabundomagcius: do you really want a 800px avatar there?01:00
BUGabundomagcius: fill free to fix the plugin01:00
magciusBUGabundo, notify-send showed the original size and when apps needed to shrink they shrunk it themselves.01:00
BUGabundodidn't know01:01
magciusAlso, is there a way to turn on Compiz without having it reset all my settings?01:01
magciusAnd turn off all my plugins?01:01
BUGabundomagcius: alt+F2: compiz --reload ?01:02
BUGabundomagcius: alt+F2: compiz --replace ?01:02
HalowWhy not tab to the "open url" the plugin makes, then copy it? o_001:02
HalowFor the Tiny url plugin.01:02
magciusHalow, because maybe firefox is closed?01:02
magciusHalow, and it takes like 10s to open up?01:03
HalowHmmm... wonder just how hard it is to change those....01:04
magciusBUGabundo, okay I just did that and gnome-panel isn't showing :(01:06
Halowmagcius: You can copy it straight to clipboard. Tab to where it says open and press the down arrow and gives a wide range of options.01:06
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BUGabundomagcius: really ? then you messed your WM. did you enable dontzap?01:10
BUGabundoother wise you need to go to a TTY and restart GDM01:10
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Hammer89is there any way to change the settings for the indicator applet?01:18
BUGabundoHammer89: NO01:19
magciusnotify-osd seems to be sloooow01:20
magciusoh wait, it only shows one at a time???01:20
kklimondamagcius: yes01:20
magciusurggh... why?01:20
kklimondamagcius: design decision?01:21
magciusIs there a way to make it override the last notification?01:21
magciusThrough notify-send?01:21
kklimondamagcius: i don't think so.01:22
magciusThings that differ from the de-facto implementation in a project that serves to be a replacement shouldn't be left to "design decisions"01:23
magciusThat's an extremely immature design decision then.01:23
=== sisto1 is now known as sisto
magciusI'm going to say that a lot of users are going to go unhappy.01:23
magciusYes, it looks prettier, but when you set out to make a replacement the functionality should be the same.01:24
daftykinsif you don't like it you don't have to run jaunty01:25
daftykinsno really, i'm just saying01:25
kklimondamagcius: there is gnome-stracciatella-session package which provides "clean" GNOME session (with notification-daemon instead of notify-osd and few other changes)01:26
Paavi2_0can anyone tell me which audio backend swfdec uses on jaunty?01:26
magciusIf you provide something as a feature that's different, you don't go OUT OF YOUR WAY to force your differences on the user.01:26
magciusYou provide a "legacy mode"01:26
kklimondamagcius: to be honest I don't know what fd.o specification says about it01:26
daftykinsyou're talking like this is the only OS where changes are forced upon users - care to look at Windows over the years magcius ? :P01:26
kklimondanotification-daemon isn't really standard by itself.01:26
magciusdaftykins, and that's why I don't use it? Duh.01:27
magciuskklimonda, it's the de facto implementation.01:27
daftykinsso run Intrepid if you have issues :P01:27
daftykinsand you're the one i'm saying 'duh' about, jesus01:27
BUGabundoguys calm down! this is Off Topic, okay?01:27
Paavi2_0i get sound on rhythmbox et co. but with swfdec there's no sound. it does show the videos though...01:27
magciusAnd you still provide no solution.01:28
BUGabundoplus much as already been written about that on blogs, LP, and MLs01:28
kklimondamagcius: it doesn't matter imho - it doesn't follow specification in few points afaik so copying it's behaviour may not be the right way.01:28
magciuskklimonda, notification-daemon follows the exact freedesktop.org specification because the developers wrote BOTH.01:28
kklimondamagcius: it isn't true - i know at least one place where notification-daemon doesn't follow specification.01:29
magciuskklimonda, things that were not in the specification (like queueing behavior, possibility of actions, image resizing) is where they differ.01:29
magciuskklimonda, where?01:29
BUGabundokklimonda: magcius: please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic. thanks01:30
magciusHow is this off the topic of the next Ubuntu?01:31
BUGabundomagcius: because its WontFix at the higher level01:31
magciusBUGabundo, then I'll fork notify-osd.01:32
danbhfivemagcius: maybe you can just install notification-daemon?01:32
magciusdanbhfive, but that's not an option when Jaunty releases for good.01:32
BUGabundomagcius: sure. great idea. maybe you can get a massive amount of user to use it01:33
kklimondamagcius: for example body text markup - specification says that only few (listed) tags are to be used by notifications.01:33
kklimondamagcius: but notification-daemon happili accept everything and so developers take it for granted.01:33
kklimondamagcius: and when doesn't current queue work for you?01:34
magciusAnd also, the volume indicator applet is broken on my system.01:34
kklimondamagcius: then file bug - obviously it should work01:35
magciusI don't want it to be labeled wontfix because I'm using OSSv4.01:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oss01:36
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions01:36
magciusOkay, this is broken.01:38
magciusIf I notify-send -u normal test then 2 ms later do notify-send -u critical test2 the other one doesn't override it.01:39
BUGabundomagcius: $ ubuntu-bug notify-osd01:41
kklimondamagcius: critical notification does override all queued normal notifications.01:41
rushtonhi all, sorry if this has been asked (a lot) before, but am i able to get effectively what will be released tomorrow instead of the rc?01:41
magciuskklimonda, all queued? Shouldn't a critical override the current notification?01:41
BUGabundo !daily | rushton01:42
ubotturushton: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/01:42
rushtonoh excellent, thankyou01:42
geek_rushton: well, in theory, you should be able to install, and update to get a disk equivilent to the nightly builds01:42
BUGabundomagcius: I've been powdering that too01:42
BUGabundoI hate to not get the Disconection from NM in time01:42
jtholmesthe nightly builds have actually stopped what is there now will only be respun if the problem is release critical otherwise as I understand it what is in the daily and current dirs etc. will be released01:44
kklimondamagcius: not according to NotifyOsd wiki page.01:45
rushtonyeah that's why i thought the daily/nightly builds would be as good as the real thing :P01:45
kklimondamagcius: don't know what specifications says about it - from quick look they don't mention it at all.01:45
BUGabundojtholmes: I see there from 2001:45
BUGabundoso they are running01:45
ZelutBUGabundo: yo, can you help me a bit more with this sound issue? I'm still stuck.01:46
jtholmesBUGabundo, some are from 20 and some are 20.1, 21.1, 21.3  21.4  but only minor changes01:46
BUGabundoZelut: not much. you have to wait for dtchen01:47
jtholmesrushton, you should be able to upgrade now (barring catastrophic problem) and run update after the01:47
jtholmesrelease on thrus01:47
ShackJackHi all - weird sound issue with recent Gateway install - speaker makes an intermittent "clicking" sound (?!) I don't have computer with me - just wondering if anyone's run across a similar issue?01:48
rushtonyep, sounds good. thanks01:48
ZelutBUGabundo: thanks.01:48
ShackJack^^ Sound system didn't default to PulseAudio for some reason, so I figure maybe I'd trying changing that to see if it stops the issue...01:48
BUGabundoShackJack: known bug01:48
jtholmesrushton that way you beat the rush (ton) :>)01:48
BUGabundoShackJack: bug 34562701:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345627 in linux "Crackling / scratching noise using Pulseaudio" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34562701:49
BUGabundoI forgot to rsync all my images today01:49
BUGabundoI'm doomed tommorow01:49
geek_jtholmes: lol. If you really wanted to beat the rush, you can always order a disk ;p01:49
BUGabundocwillu I guess I'll have to testrun your script01:49
geek_(i admit i did, got impatient, then downloaded it ;p)01:49
BUGabundogeek_: thanks for remind me that I forgot yet again to make my special request01:49
ShackJackBUGabundo: Thanks - though I'm not sure that's it -for some reason the install didn;'t default to PulseAudio ... and it's more of a distinct "clicking" vs. scratching/crackling...01:50
jtholmesgeek_, true, true, but tooooo many of us like the long waits :)01:50
geek_jtholmes: I have a disk in the mail ;p01:50
ShackJackBUGabundo: I will have the owner try switching to PulseAudio though to see if that cures it... Don't know why fresh instll didn't default to that though...01:50
geek_ok, its for the box which keeps having its hard dtive die ;p01:50
jtholmesgeek_, do you have slow comm line01:51
rushtonheh i'm actually not usually so impatient, just need to do an install today :P01:51
geek_jtholmes: cable net. And i use axel to download. I tend to keep a recent official ubuntu disk in my toolkit in case01:52
mattwj2002aprilhare are you running ipv6?01:52
geek_that way if someone wants to try it, i give them the disk, and order a new one01:52
aprilharemattwj2002: ipv6 up and running :)01:52
mattwj2002how are you doing that?01:52
mattwj2002ipv6 proxy?01:52
aprilharemattwj2002: miredo01:52
mattwj2002miredo ?01:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about miredo01:53
geek_jtholmes: i got a nearly 800 kbps download speed using it ;p01:53
jtholmesgeek_, well what is on  /cdimage now I suspect will not change much tomorrow everything but the kub dvd's has been tested for major show stopper bugs01:53
geek_... DVD?01:53
aprilhareaye package in intrepid/jaunty - lets you tunnel ipv6 through routers etc01:53
jtholmesgeek_, lucky u i get about 37601:53
geek_jtholmes: well i was using a threaded downloader01:53
jtholmesgeek_, what is axel01:54
geek_i need to work out how to make it handle mirrors though, then i can spread out the load01:54
geek_jtholmes: its like wget, but it downloads with multiple threads01:54
aprilharehas anyone got the problem or knows how to fix a situation where the update manager doesn't realise that you have updated your package information recently? it thinks its been 8 days ago but it was 2 minutes ago..01:54
geek_makes better use of your connection01:54
jtholmesgeek_, interesting will have to look into it01:54
geek_jtholmes: one tip, use the alternate display mode. the standard display mode uses up a load of CPU01:55
aprilharemattwj2002: install miredo and enjoy ipv6 goodness01:55
geek_aprilhare: which tunnel broker does that work with?01:55
jtholmesgeek_, ok thanks01:55
BUGabundogeek_: jtholmes: using rsync makes that so insignificant!01:55
aprilharegeek_: it contacts either the m$ teredo server or a ubuntu one if memory serves01:55
geek_BUGabundo: there's a fast rsync mirror?01:55
jtholmesBUGabundo, i see, i always use rsync01:56
BUGabundogeek_: axel won't help you when the single copy of daily is on cdimage01:56
* aprilhare throws things at his update manager01:56
geek_BUGabundo: it will help as long as there's a http download thing ;)01:56
BUGabundogeek_: not faster, but saves you from downloading it all again01:56
mattwj2002aprilhare do I have to restart or anything?01:57
mattwj2002let me try to restart pidgin01:57
geek_anyone know how i can get the gnome network manager accessable in another desktop environment?01:57
BUGabundogeek_: I know it works with KDE01:58
BUGabundoactually I think you want nm-applet01:58
BUGabundonetwork-manager is a system daemon01:58
geek_thats what i needed01:59
geek_BUGabundo: lxde in my case01:59
aprilharemattwj2002: try web browsing to http://ipv6.google.com/ and admire animated google icon01:59
aprilharewell... when it isnt earth day that is.02:00
aprilharefirst time i've seen the animated icon disappear02:00
racecar56is there a fglrx for ati radeon 2400?02:01
darthanubisnemo, it was a BIOS setting preventing the install cd from continuing02:01
darthanubisI don't know which one02:01
darthanubisI got it installed now02:01
* aprilhare chose nvidia geforce 9500 instead of ati radeon card02:01
aprilharegt even02:01
darthanubisjust bought that card today02:02
darthanubisfor $32!!!02:02
racecar56aprilhare my laptop has a geforce... anyway i dont care02:02
racecar56aprilhare just IS there?02:02
xerxesHi...i have jaunty installed and want to use tor, but aptitude says, it has no installation candidate02:02
xerxesHow do i fix that?02:02
BigMoopiesWill Xubuntu be out in 2 days along with Kubuntu/Ubuntu ?02:02
BUGabundoxerxes: go to their site and read the wiki02:03
racecar56april 23rd... today's 21st...02:03
jtholmesBigMoopies, everything is suppose to come out thursday02:03
shagatried axel. loving it :)02:03
BUGabundoxerxes: tor as been removed and blacklisted from Ubuntu archives02:03
shagathanks for recommendation whoever it was02:03
xerxesI did that and they managed that with deb, but i dont find deb02:03
BUGabundofor not being up to date02:03
BigMoopiesjtholmes, Any special time?  Like can I download it in the morning ?02:03
BigMoopiesjtholmes, Or will it be in the afternoon02:03
aprilhareracecar56: just is there what? :)02:03
racecar56aprilhare is there a fglrx for ati radeon 2400?02:03
BigMoopiesjtholmes, reason I ask is I have limited bandwith besides 1-6 AM02:04
xerxesWhat does that mean, BUGabundo?02:04
BUGabundoBigMoopies: after 16h UTC02:04
aprilhareracecar56: sorry wouldn't have clue was making general comment about my choice of gfx cards sorry02:04
jtholmesBigMoopies, you could download the cdimages now they wont change that much and any changes can be handled with updates02:04
BigMoopiesBUGabundo, 16 UTC = ? CDT?02:04
BUGabundoBigMoopies: just get the daily and the rsync if there are any changes!02:04
racecar56aprilhare k, i dont really care that i have ati, and i don't really like ati but i just happen to have one02:04
BUGabundoBigMoopies: timeanddate.com ?02:05
aprilhareracecar56: wasn't making comment re you02:05
aprilharemaking comment re me :)02:05
BigMoopiesBUGabundo,  10 am02:05
BigMoopiesBUGabundo, I guess it can wait till Friday02:05
igorguewhere are the compiz blacklisted cards?02:05
BUGabundoxerxes: means you have to search on their site02:05
thiebaudeHi BUGabundo02:05
BUGabundoBigMoopies: why? get it today! then rsync02:06
BUGabundothiebaude: really? I better go to bed!02:06
jtholmesBigMoopies,  you wont like the download speeds on friday02:06
thiebaudeits 2am there?02:06
xerxesBUGabundo: They do it with deb, but there is no deb on my jaunty02:06
BUGabundoxerxes: I never used tor, so I don't know. I'm just passing the info I read on the ML02:07
BUGabundothere should be a deb for it on tor site02:07
BUGabundoYAY finally read all but one email from devel and devel-discuss. time to celebrate by hitting the #pillow02:08
BUGabundobye guys02:08
thiebaudegeek_: my 9.04 is fixed02:08
geek_wierd. looks like lxde dosen't work with nm-applet for some reason02:08
geek_thiebaude: yay02:08
thiebaudei edited my xorg.conf file02:08
xerxesyeah..but i didnt find the deb-programm for jaunty02:08
BUGabundogeek_: yes known bug02:09
BUGabundonow I'm really out02:09
xerxesim new to the debian/ubuntu thing so im stupid02:09
geek_BUGabundo: bleh02:09
Paavi2_0lxde didn't work with wine's "icons" on notification area either - it doesn't show them at all02:09
thiebaudegeek_: i got lxde, im going to check it out02:09
geek_i just need it to stay online ;p02:09
stoojHello all02:10
jtholmesstooj hello02:11
racecar56does fglrx work for ati radeon 2400? i want to know before i upgrade02:14
BooVeMan_workcan I use sid packages in jaunty?02:15
BooVeMan_worklike the tor package?02:15
DanaGracecar56: that's an R600 series card, so yes, it should be supported in Jaunty.02:15
nemodarthanubis: what's your laptop model?02:15
DanaGJust watch out for this bug:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/31460002:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:15
racecar56DanaG, yay :D02:16
nemodarthanubis: there are a couple of possible suspects02:16
mase_workBooVeMan_work: wouldn't recommend it. there is no guarantee of binary compatibility02:16
racecar56DanaG, mk02:16
DanaGJust remember the "aticonfig --acpi-services=off" command mentioned.02:16
darthanubisnemo, it is a desktop I built nforce 680i02:16
mase_workBooVeMan_work: you can grab the source from sid and recompile it on your jaunty box02:16
racecar56DanaG, so i install it with ati's package, not jockey?02:17
jtholmesBooVeMan_work, jaunty is not necessarily a image copy of  sid02:17
DanaGThere's a newer 9.4 official out now.02:17
geek_aprilhare: hmm, just curious, if i got miredo, is my ipv6 ip address the one for eth0 or teredo?02:17
DanaGyou'd want to run theirs with --buildpkg Ubuntu/jaunty02:17
aprilharegeek_: the ipv6 ip is provided via teredo and the packets go via the teredo server (i think).02:18
aprilharei don''t know much about it i just enjoy it :)02:18
geek_aprilhare: ya but which is my ip address ;p02:18
racecar56DanaG, kk02:18
aprilharegeek_: both, of course02:19
geek_i can't seem to be pinged from either ><02:19
aprilhareboth the ipv4 and ipv6 ips would be valid and the ipv6 ip would correspond to the machine you're using02:19
racecar56DanaG, what about a radeon 9500?02:20
mattwj2002hi aprilhare02:20
DanaGracecar56: that'll need the open-source driver.02:20
mattwj2002why can't I do a ping6 to google.com02:20
racecar56DanaG, cool, woot02:20
aprilharemattwj2002: hello - do ping6 ipv6.google.com02:20
racecar56DanaG, i only use the fglrx cause my cards don't work with the open source one02:20
mattwj2002oh there it goes02:21
DanaGOh yeah, and the OSS drivers have recently gained some power management support and very basic 3D support for R600.02:21
DanaGNot enough for compiz, though.02:21
aprilhare--- ipv6.google.com ping statistics --- 9 packets transmitted, 8 received, 11% packet loss, time 8017ms; rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 389.769/538.931/1486.948/359.366 ms, pipe 202:21
BigMoopiesjtholmes, "rsync" ?02:21
racecar56DanaG, ok02:21
geek_ahh http://testmyipv6.com/ helped ;p02:22
* DanaG 's IPv6 address is 2002:4709:3419:1:290:4bff:fec9:6397 (TCP port 37481).02:23
aprilharei created a little icon "restart miredo" for any troubles i run into - uses command gksudo /etc/init.d/miredo restart02:23
DanaGI have my router doing my translation.02:23
BigMoopiesjtholmes, So you want me to download the RC copies02:23
aprilhareooooo more ipv602:23
racecar56DanaG, we were told long ago when we ordered this thing (the 9500) that it was a ati vampire, and i THINK it's a 9500, is it?02:23
jtholmesBigMoopies, are you familiar with rsync command02:24
aprilhareDanaG: my router and modem are too stupid for such things02:24
racecar56DanaG, yeah02:24
DanaGmy router runs dd-wrt.02:24
BigMoopiesjtholmes, No02:24
racecar56DanaG, i for some reason remember it being a 950002:24
DanaGNot sure what you mean by vampire.02:24
racecar56DanaG, ill trry to find stats02:24
jtholmesBigMoopies, and you dont have any 9.04 cd's whatever on hand, alphas etc.02:25
DanaGracecar56: you thinking of this?  http://www.driverheaven.net/news/12955-ati-gargoyle-clock-screensaver.html02:25
DanaGoh wait, that's 9800.02:25
DanaG9700 was the 3-headed dog.02:25
BigMoopiesjtholmes, No. I am using Hardy.  I was wanting to run Jaunty live to see if it screws up like Intrepid02:25
BigMoopiesjtholmes, Before I install02:25
bitmonk1can i upgrade to jaunty at the command line from intrepid?02:25
=== bitmonk1 is now known as bitmonk
jtholmesBigMoopies, ok what flavor do you want  ubuntu kubuntu02:26
BigMoopiesjtholmes, Xubuntu02:26
bitmonkall of the instructions i see are to use update-manager -d and that requires me to install gnome, which i'd rather not on this lightweight cloud server..02:26
aprilhareDanaG: my netgear router would not run such a thing. too stupid.02:26
kklimondabitmonk: do-release-upgrade -d02:26
bitmonkah ok..02:26
DanaGWhat router, including model number?02:26
bitmonkthanks, i was wondering if i could set dev, should have just tried -d ;d02:26
DanaGbitmonk: try do-dist-upgrade?02:26
jtholmesok let me look up the xubuntu dir and then i will paste the commands for you02:26
bitmonkthere we go, jaunty.tar.gz coming :)02:27
racecar56DanaG, hold on im gonna get out the vid card and see02:27
aprilhareDanaG: wgr614v602:27
DanaGV6... may be dd-wrt-able.02:27
bitmonkthanks kklimonda02:27
DanaGMine was a V3.02:27
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:27
Volkodav_I found tomato better the dd-wrt02:27
DanaGI don't like tomatoes.  =tþ02:28
darthanubiswelkl fresh install held pver /home from debian, deleted all .pulse files, and no sound expect when gdm starts02:28
BigMoopiesjtholmes, rsync looks like SFTP commands02:28
Volkodav_lighter and more stable too02:28
aprilharedd-wrt says mine is a work in progress02:29
jtholmesBigMoopies, perhaps but i wouldnt know about sftp commands02:29
Volkodav_see if tomato supports it02:29
BigMoopiesjtholmes, either way.. Is it possible to get Xubuntu Jaunty .. uh.. RCsomething now ?02:29
BigMoopies(and run it live)02:29
racecar56DanaG, just got the card...02:30
racecar56DanaG, heres the stuff02:30
jtholmesBigMoopies, yes hold on i am putting together 4 commands to handle it for you02:31
racecar56DanaG, RV280Se/128M/HP02:31
racecar56DanaG, LPNH202:31
racecar56DanaG, RV200 series...02:31
geek_aprilhare: mine is 52001:0:53aa:64c:1c7e:185b:c442:efa8 port 835202:32
DanaGRV200-ish is a 9200 or such, isn't it?02:32
racecar56DanaG, i knew it was a 9xxx02:32
racecar56DanaG, but i wasn't sure, shure thought it was a 950002:33
racecar56DanaG, hmm02:33
racecar56DanaG, i took a guess and thought it was a 9500, but i guess i was wrong02:33
jtholmesBigMoopies, paste.ubuntu.com/155661  note that lines 4 and 5 are long lines02:34
xerxes_hmm...i tried to get the tor-version of debian sid, but apt-get says:  NO_PUBKEY CFF71CB3AFA44BDD...how to manage that?02:34
xerxes_aw...i meant the debian version of tor, of course02:35
BigMoopiesI'll just wait.02:35
darthanubisno sound :((02:35
darthanubisthis has to be the worst scenario02:35
geek_xerxes_: sounds like it expects the repo to be signed02:36
xerxes_Can anyone help me?02:36
xerxes_So yunty only works with signed yaunty repos?02:36
kklimondaxerxes_: no - you have to add public to to keyring02:37
kklimondapublic key*02:37
xerxes_how to do that?02:37
wirechiefxerxes_:  use this and substitute the key gpg --keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu --recv-key 1C79A27CD5E8190902:38
geniiHm, "yaunty"02:38
kklimondaxerxes_: ``sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com CFF71CB3AFA44BDD''02:38
wirechiefgpg -a --export 1C79A27CD5E81909 | sudo apt-key add -02:38
wirechiefhehe well ok you got it02:39
xerxes_yeah...that worked fine...thanx wirechief...what did i do?02:42
wirechiefxerxes_: now you gotta do apt-get update02:42
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wirechiefxerxes_: to see if it liked it02:42
kklimondaxerxes_: you have added public key that was used to sign debian repository to your keyring.02:43
xerxes_yeah i did that..and after that the apt-get install...it worked fine02:43
wirechiefxerxes_: that key you were looking for will add that repo to your  key-ring02:43
wirechiefxerxes_: fine02:43
xerxes_i have no clue about that key-stuff02:43
xerxes_i think i must study that when time is left02:44
wirechiefxerxes_: its in the debian manual ;)02:44
xerxes_does tor start automatically every time i boot up the machine?02:45
wirechiefxerxes_: just save that coding for next time, i use a .doc file on google, that way i can access my junk from any of my three computers ;)02:45
xerxes_or do i need to configure something02:45
wirechiefxerxes_: i dont even know what tor is ;) just saw you needed to add the key to your ring02:45
xerxes_cool...tor is an anonymizing router software02:46
xerxes_it hides your ip02:46
xerxes_for the bad guys and wannabes like me :D02:46
wirechiefxerxes_: ;)02:47
kindofabuzzwhy you wanna be a bad guy?02:47
DanaGoh, sudo do-release-upgrade02:47
xerxes_i want to see Paris Hilton poppin on the net and dont want to be killed by her bodygards for that :D02:47
DanaGthat's the command-line update-manager.02:47
kindofabuzzxerxes_, paris hiton looks like a pretty stick02:48
robin0800kindofabuzz: Perhaps he's a bad guy already?02:48
* wirechief has to catch a train bye02:48
xerxes_Well she reminds me of my ex-girlfriend02:48
kindofabuzzxerxes_, no body?02:48
xerxes_well its Paris Hilton in 16:902:49
kindofabuzzanyone got a good mail sever setup guide?02:50
racecar56i gotta go... if anyone wants me then ill be on #ubuntu02:54
kindofabuzzyou can't have 2 or more channels open? =)02:54
racecar56just trying to make looking at multiple channels less frantic02:54
racecar56as im only on one :P02:54
sebsebseboh well this channel02:54
sebsebsebis going bye bye soon02:54
sebsebsebonce 9.04 is out02:55
sebsebseb  #ubuntu is suppourt for 9.04 as well02:55
kindofabuzzwell then it will be for 9.1002:55
racecar56nah.. i wont leave02:55
racecar56ill stay02:55
sebsebsebyes  and then 9.10 development here, when that starts02:55
racecar56thats a while away02:55
kindofabuzzi'm sure it's already started02:55
racecar56it is02:55
racecar56i think02:55
kindofabuzzkinky koala?02:56
racecar56i know they have the code name for it.. i think they have 10.04's also02:56
racecar56something along those lines02:56
sebsebsebwell at least one guy has left Ubuntu, because of 9.0402:56
kindofabuzz10.04 lesbian lioness02:56
sebsebseb,because of it's changes to Gnome02:56
sebsebsebno  shutdown and logout in the system menu etc etc02:56
sebsebsebno new gdm  etc02:56
shavlirso if I have a random system hang after login in 9.04, is this the correct place to ask?02:56
sebsebsebshavlir: at the moment, but not on April 23rd02:57
kindofabuzzsebsebseb, huh? no shutdown in system menu? i have it02:57
magciusIsn't that #ubuntu+2 ?02:57
shavlirIf I had to guess, I'd say it is a graphics problem, but I can't say for sure.  some strange things I see are that xorg.conf is blank, and the xorg process is only taking up 24m in dram.02:57
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: no shutdown and logout in the system menu yeah02:57
geek_xorg.conf being blank is normal02:57
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: unless fusa is removed or whatever02:57
geek_strangely enough02:57
racecar56ubuntu+2 redirects to here02:57
kindofabuzzsebsebseb, oh that was his problem, that's weird02:57
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: not just that02:57
shavlirit hangs as soon as I try to do anything cpu intensive like open firefox or browse the programs menu02:58
geek_thats odd02:58
geek_my taskbar went blank02:58
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: notify-osd, launchpad-integration, fusa, gdm, gpm02:58
geek_shavlir: what kinda graphics card?02:58
shavlirati radeon02:59
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: the changes they have made to fusa, and the non-use of the new gnome-{display,power}-manager02:59
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: just copied in what he told me a little while ago02:59
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: and he has a point about getting KDE 4.2 in there, but not new Gnome stuff03:00
racecar56will #ubuntu+1 be about 9.10 when 9.04 comes?03:00
sebsebsebracecar56: once development starts yeah03:00
sebsebsebracecar56: and there's something relivant to say about 9.1003:00
kindofabuzzI'm switching to OpenGEU once they get the 9.04 version of it out.. The 8.10 version is nice but they are still in "beta" with 8.1003:01
* genii knocks at the door of #ubuntu-release-party03:01
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: what's  OpenGEU?03:01
racecar56hi genii03:01
sebsebsebgenii: yeah the hype each release, but  9.04 isn't that great really03:01
kindofabuzzsebsebseb, e17 based ubuntu03:01
* genii hands racecar56 a coffee03:01
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: oh  enlightment/03:01
kindofabuzzit's nice, try it out sometime03:01
geniisebsebseb: I wait usually for the LTS releases03:01
sebsebsebgenii: ,but not this time?03:02
geniisebsebseb: I have 9.04 on a dev partition for testing, otherwise not much excited about it03:02
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: yeah I have installed enlightment into Ubuntu before, but then it's like, how do I use it?03:02
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: Elive I heard is all nicely set up though, for people to try03:02
shavlirthe livecd also hangs for me (also after login), so I had to install with "safe mode"03:03
kindofabuzzsebsebseb, OpenGEU is very easy to use. Elive charges $ though03:03
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: uh?  I think Elive is free to download?03:03
racecar56evil is hiding in elive o.o03:03
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: ok OpenGEU  that's a wm?03:03
kindofabuzzsebsebseb, not what i read the other day, well it's free to run the livecd, but if installed, they want money. i03:04
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: distros that  want money, suck03:04
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: I mean want people to buy it03:04
kindofabuzzsebsebseb, e17 is the wm, then it has it's own version of Compiz, it's really fast03:04
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: which has it's own compiz?03:04
kindofabuzzi forget what their 'compiz" is called03:04
faileaskindofabuzz: which distro?03:05
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: ok thanks i'll check that one out to03:05
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: I guess better to run that from a Live CD,  than  in a virtual machine?03:06
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kindofabuzzsebsebseb, yeah the livecd works great, even the compositing03:06
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: I am going distro trying crazy, once I got 9.04 final on with Ext4.  at the moment  a  upgraded  8.10, to alpha6, to beta, to rc,  install,  which  well has some problems03:06
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: yeah I always thought Elive probably better to run from a Live CD, than in a vm?  and I guess same thing for  this opengeu03:07
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: I mean if it's using compiz or something like compiz?03:07
kindofabuzzit's not compiz though, lemme find out what it's called03:07
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: I guess try  those out in virtualbox first, and  can always make a live cd  as well if I want to03:08
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: ok thanks well,   going away from computer03:08
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: ,but can read what it's called etc, when I get back03:08
faileaskindofabuzz: they do have just a repo i think i didn't recall em expecting to pay for an install03:09
kindofabuzzfaileas, taken from elive's site: For the next stable release, it is planned to allow the download totally free. Instead of pay for the download you should pay just for the installation. This means that the live mode is entirely free and you should pay only if you want to install Elive in your hard disk.03:10
failease live... i thought you meant opengeu03:11
kindofabuzzsebsebseb, it's called Echomorph03:11
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: ok thanks bye03:12
* kindofabuzz packs a bowl03:12
shavlir:-( no one wants to help me with my system hang?03:14
jtholmesshavlir, what is going on03:14
racecar56should i upgrade to 9.04rc?03:15
shavlirmy keyboard stops working and mouse becomes choppy after login when I try to do anything cpu intensive like open firefox or browse the programs menu03:15
racecar56or should i wait until its released?03:15
jtholmesshavlir, ubuntu or kubuntu or ??03:16
shavlirI am competely updated to the latest, did a safe-upgrade this morning03:16
jtholmesshavlir, ubuntu03:16
shavliralternate install with dmraid...but it does the same thing on the livecd too03:17
DasEishavlir: checked your logs for errors / what a machine ?03:17
jtholmesshavlir, DasEi has the start of the solution03:18
shavlirxorg.0.log has an error, somethign do do with entry poitn failed03:18
shavlirreverting to softwar render03:18
DasEishavlir: which graphics ?03:19
shavlirradeon hd240003:19
racecar56i have that too03:19
DasEishavlir: did you check hardware-drivers ?03:20
shavlirwhat do you mean by check? I'm just using the whatever the default is03:20
shavlirxorg.conf is blank, so that's kind of cinfusing03:20
DasEishavlir: under system you'll find a option for prop. drivers > enable if possible03:21
robin0800shavlir: system/hardware drivers03:21
jtholmesshavlir, xorg.conf is dynamic now03:21
shavlircan't get there, hangs if I browse the programs menu03:21
robin0800shavlir: log out and choose failsafe03:22
DasEishavlir: can you boot safe boot / terminal (ctrl-alt-f1), then : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:22
shavlirfailsafe still hangs, I'll try the reconfigure now03:23
Tecnadoes anyone know why my dvds won't play?03:24
faileasTecna: got libdvdcss installed?03:24
Tecnalet me check03:24
=== seanflaherty is now known as szf
robin0800Tecna: Get it from vlc's site03:25
DasEiTecna: or try vlc itself03:25
faileasTecna: i recommend adding the medibuntu repos, they have a copy of that and other useful things there03:26
pace_t_zuluhas anyone noticed that when you change screen resolutions, panel objects and applets can get disorganized and out of order?03:26
racecar56although im on 8.1003:27
robin0800DasEi: VlC dosen't include that lib though it is available on there site03:27
racecar56i remember replacing my monitor from a 1280x1024 to a 1680x1050 and BOY things went wacko03:27
DasEirobin0800, which dvd- lib ?03:27
shavlirDasEi: robin0800: jtholmes: reconfigure using frame buffer didn't work, same hang03:27
Tecnafaileas: what are medibuntu repos03:28
DasEishavlir, I won't use framebuffer;; xorg.0.log ? also check syslogh/kernellog03:28
faileasTecna: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu I'm suprised you haven't heard of them03:28
robin0800DasEi: libdvdcss2 its a dvd decryption libary03:29
DasEirobin0800, aah, see/know ; until now vlc's own codecs could handle every dvd I found , Tecna03:30
DasEiTecna: medibuntu is good to check, else sudo apt-get install vlc (standalone Player)03:31
NaynayProprietary AMD/ATI driver still doesn't work03:32
robin0800DasEi: Coundl't play Dark Knight without it03:32
Naynayjust tried it only an hour ago on a fresh installed system03:32
darthanubisgot my sound back03:33
darthanubisI think it was some sound gconf file in ~03:33
DasEiNaynay, ubuntus prop or the one from vendor ?03:33
DanaGNaynay: define "doesn't work" -- and what hardware?03:34
darthanubisUbuntu J.J. is Dynomite!03:34
tretlehi, Im trying to compile a program on jaunty and I am getting an error regarding qt headers and libraris03:34
tretlechecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!03:35
NaynayDoesn't work as in AMD64 RC CD install. Immediate patching up the latest version, and then installation of the restricted driver for AMD/ATI cards03:35
kindofabuzzinstall QT then03:35
tretleI think its installed03:35
NaynayMy hrdware is two Radeon HD 3870 s in crossfire03:35
kindofabuzzevidently not03:35
tretleis qt4 not backwards compatible with 303:35
kindofabuzzyou have to install the QT dev packages03:35
Naynayall done from the gnome desktop. No fancy CLI work done here03:35
racecar56im on 3 irc channels and its getting frantic...03:35
StupendoussteveOnly 3? ;P03:36
NaynayUpon reboot, x doesn't start03:36
Naynaythis bug has been around a while. I figured it might have been dealt with by now, so close to release03:37
racecar56#ubuntu is flooding03:37
Naynaymind you, that it's amd64, not i386. Maybe i386 driver works. I don't know.03:37
StupendoussteveNo it's just busy03:38
racecar56thats what i meant03:39
crdlbtretle: what is it?03:39
tretlelol, a procedural planet generator from 2003 :D03:39
crdlbtretle: Qt4 were compatible with Qt3, it wouldn't be called Qt4 :>03:39
crdlbif Qt4 were*03:40
racecar56it should have been qt 3.10...03:40
shavlirman this is frustrating03:41
tretlethats what I am trying to compile03:41
crdlbtretle: I would start with libqt3-dev to start03:41
crdlberr remove one of those 'start's03:41
crdlbracecar56: what?03:42
crdlbyou mean 'would have'?03:42
crdlbhmm, that package doesn't exist :/03:42
racecar56why, does qt 3.10 exist?03:43
racecar56i didn't think so03:43
crdlbyou've lost me03:43
kindofabuzzlol i made the front page pic of our local newpaper. that's me standing up with back to camera: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/hr.asp?fpVname=TN_CA&ref_pge=lst03:43
tretleI have libqt3-mt-dev installed already but its still bringing up the error03:43
crdlbtretle: the exact same error? :/03:44
shavlirblue shirt or yellow shirt?03:44
crdlbtretle: you could try libqt3-compat-headers03:44
tretlecrdbld - yes, I installed that when I tried last night03:44
crdlbfrom libqt3-mt-dev's desc03:44
racecar56good idea03:44
racecar56it works for me03:44
tretleIm not a kde user so I am unsure as to what package could be causing the issue which is why I came for help on irc03:45
kindofabuzzshavlir, that's me in the backgroung with my left hand playing with my ponytail lol it's was 4:20 on the dot and i was walking instead of partaking =)03:46
tretlebothe the compat headers and dev version of qt3-mt do not help03:47
racecar56O_o works for me03:47
mbeierlanyone here know if there's anything new in jaunty that can help me with umts/hsdpa/hsupa cell modems?03:48
shavlirkindofabuzz: if you arent looking closely, the red logo on the back of your shirt makes it look like you have an uber pony tail03:48
tretleracecar56 - are you talking about the problem I am having?03:48
mbeierlMy only external indicator on the modem indicates I'm getting hsupa connectivity, but only umts speeds...03:49
kindofabuzzshavlir, lol sure does03:49
racecar56tretle yes03:49
tretleare you using kde?03:49
tretlebut you have successfully gotten to the make stage with that code?03:50
racecar56not that exact code, i havent tried03:50
racecar56but others seem to work fine with it03:50
crdlbtretle: pastebin the config.log03:50
racecar56good idea03:51
racecar56should i upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 or should i wait until it comes to stable?03:52
tretleracecar56 - it is stable03:53
racecar56tretle stable as in release03:53
tretleonly problem I have run into in weeks is trying to compile code which is untouched since 2003 :D lol03:54
jtholmesracecar56, if you have any of the video types having problems then i would wait03:56
racecar56jtholmes, if you mean with video cards, then if there isn't a fglrx then ill wait03:56
crdlbugh, this buildsystem looks a little bad03:56
jtholmesracecar56, i wouldnt know about fglrx i was referring to the talk on this channel the last two hours :)03:57
crdlbthere is a fglrx, but only for r600+03:57
crdlb(and that's not going to change)03:57
tretlecrdlib - its from 2003 :D lolz, Though I want to see how it runs and use it as03:58
tretlea base for experimentation03:58
tretleremove stupid dependencies and rewrite it03:58
tretlea game depending on qt is pretty weird03:59
crdlbheh, it is old, they consider 20 MB to be big :)03:59
tretleI know, I actually laughed out loud when I read that :D03:59
racecar56that IS quite a few 3.5" floppys03:59
racecar56even high density03:59
racecar56i once saw a download for 10mb to be big..04:00
racecar56dont remember year though04:00
crdlband 34 seconds later, I have it04:00
racecar56i waited forever for something that is 30 mb ._. firefox is so slow04:00
tretleIts the only engine for procedurally generating planets available licenced under the gpl though, the only other open source equivalent was one which was under the mit licence and i don't like that licence04:01
kindofabuzzracecar56, what does FF have to do with your d/l speed?04:01
crdlbtretle: ...04:01
racecar56kindofabuzz, in the 8 KB/s04:01
yoasif whats wrong with the mit license?04:02
racecar56kindofabuzz, O_O04:02
crdlbyou realize the MIT/X11 license is just extremely permissive, so you can just use the GPL for your modifications?04:02
kindofabuzzracecar56, that's either the server or your connection, not the browser04:02
tretlewell, to put it another way every other open implementation is only partially open, developers want you to write code but they also want to sell your code04:02
racecar56kindofabuzz, tried wget and it was in the mb/s04:02
tretleonce the project matures04:02
* kindofabuzz shrugs04:03
racecar56kindofabuzz, if anything is worse than wget its horrible04:03
faileaswget is actually pretty fast04:03
crdlbtretle: so don't contribute under that license04:03
kindofabuzzracecar56, ff isn't your only choice you know04:03
faileasgranted there's faster things04:03
mbeierl1no 3g modem users here?04:03
racecar56im using cable04:03
racecar56kindofabuzz, im not dumb enough to not know that... if i was i would have been using IE on windows all my life04:04
faileasracecar56: i tend to copy the download link and use axel or wget for most part ;p04:05
kindofabuzzracecar56, what's IE and windows?04:05
racecar56kindofabuzz, ._.04:05
racecar56faileas, i do too, but all the losers these days use javascript to download04:05
faileasi don't use IE even on windows ;p04:05
racecar56i _HATE_ ie04:06
kindofabuzzI haven't even been on a windows box in like 2 years04:06
racecar56and i don't like windows one bit04:06
kindofabuzzi'd probably feel retarded on one.04:06
racecar56sadly i still have to use it because all these buttheads wont make linux stuff04:06
crdlbwow, people in #ubuntu+1 dislike IE and Windows?04:06
* crdlb is shocked04:06
kindofabuzzcrdlb, i don't dislike them, just like other things =)04:07
racecar56i HATE IE but i dont hate windows, but i dont like it either04:07
racecar56but i don't trust micro$oft at all, i only use window$ because i have to in some cases04:07
racecar56i dualboot04:07
geniiThe "windows apathy" syndrome04:07
yoasifcrdlb: haha04:08
racecar56genii btw the server project is stuck as molasses04:08
kindofabuzzi have absolutly no need to run windows04:09
racecar56i wish i could get my server to run ubuntu04:09
racecar56i have to use it because MANY things i need use it04:09
* tretle used to dual boot years ago but just got rid of it one day and every now and then when I am forced to help friends on their machines I am amazed with how horrible it is to use, networking, erratic file transfer estimations, anti virus software wasting resources, etc04:09
racecar56and the buttheads won't make linux versions, and it lags wine04:09
kindofabuzzracecar56, like what?04:09
DanaGracecar56: what's worse is mod_rewrite... so if you try to wget a file... you get an html file.04:10
racecar56kindofabuzz, screen capture, as i make movies, and all the linux ones that i know suck04:10
kindofabuzzracecar56, ahh ok. lemme see some of your work04:10
shavlirdoes anyone know what video drivers the "safe" live cd uses? those seem to work for me, while the normal stall hangs04:10
faileastretle: i actually don't mind windows. Its os x that annoys me04:10
tretleone thing I actually like from microsoft is the new office though04:10
shavlir"safe graphics mode" that is'04:10
racecar56kindofabuzz, youtube04:10
crdlbshavlir: vesa, I guess04:10
faileasracecar56: you could run ubuntu, and run a windows VM in it04:10
yoasifracecar56: why not try debian/bsd04:11
racecar56faileas, i do that04:11
racecar56faileas, its just some things dont work in vm04:11
shavlircrdlb: how do I force those after install?04:11
kindofabuzzracecar56, umm youtube is huge. am i supposed to guess which ones are yours?04:11
racecar56yoasif, i do use debian and bsd04:11
racecar56kindofabuzz, racecar56404:11
racecar56kindofabuzz, not _ALL_ of them are recorded though, but most are04:11
crdlbshavlir: you can put Driver "vesa" in Section "Device" of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:11
shavlirexcept xorg.conf is blank04:12
racecar56kindofabuzz, virtualbox ms-dos is one, i made it a while ago, and i dont use vista anymore04:12
crdlbshavlir: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:12
racecar56what does the -phigh do?04:12
tretlecrdlib did u look at the config log?04:12
faileasracecar56: unless its a game? i doubt, and why would anyone be gaming on a server ;)04:13
racecar56faileas, some are games, and i can run them somewhat in vm, just i cant host server04:13
crdlbracecar56: only asks high-priority questions, which seems to be none these days04:13
racecar56crdlb, ?04:14
* tretle suspects once onlive hits so will microsofts desktop marketshare04:14
racecar56kindofabuzz, found my stuff yet?04:14
kindofabuzzracecar56, yeah04:14
racecar56notice: windows live backwards is evil04:14
racecar56kindofabuzz, kk04:14
crdlbtretle: my suggestion would be to use the MIT-licenced one ;>04:14
racecar56kindofabuzz, whaddya say04:14
jtholmesshavlir, i think you can also boot with  vga=vesa  as a kernel parameter04:15
kindofabuzzracecar56, haven't seen anything really that'd i'd be interested in watching. no offense lol04:15
DanaGevil swodniw?04:15
racecar56kindofabuzz, k, thats fine04:15
racecar56DanaG, lold04:15
racecar56DanaG, swodniw = lolwut04:15
kindofabuzzracecar56, about to watch your cars gone wild04:15
faileastretle: the technology might take a few years. you need a 5 mbps internet line for that ;)04:16
jtholmesshavlir, dont mess with xorg.conf unless you know what you are doing it is now mostly dynamic04:16
kindofabuzzwell your My first Cars game movie04:16
DanaGspeaking of "windows live" backwards.... you get "evil swodniw"04:16
racecar56that one is over a year old04:16
=== sisto1 is now known as sisto
shavlirjtholmes: so if I specify Driver "vesa" it wont work?04:18
crdlbit will work04:18
tretlewonder whether onlive will be on ubuntu too04:18
jtholmesshavlir, specify vesa where?04:19
shavlirin xorg.conf04:19
shavliri suppose I could try the kernel param04:19
crdlbthat's not related to X04:19
jtholmesshavlir, it will work but you have to know the syntax of xorg.conf04:19
DanaGheh, remember my decapitated laptop?   Oddly enough, vesa does not work on it!04:19
racecar56from #ubuntu: "racecar56: STILL going CrAzY without the dumb FGLRX, i wish it would work!"04:19
DanaGDoes not work... as in... won't start at all.04:19
racecar56it wont install right O.o04:19
racecar56it says installing for a millisecond and stops04:20
crdlbracecar56: consider it a feature04:20
jtholmesshavlir, do you know how to edit grub menu when booting04:20
crdlbshavlir: did you run the dpkg-reconfigure command?04:20
shavlirI did run the reconfigure, but it didnt help04:20
shavlirsame hang04:20
shavlirI do know how to edit grub menu04:20
racecar56kindofabuzz, whaddya say04:21
shavlirI'll keep trying random stuff04:21
andresmhso I am trying to revert to Xorg 2.4 following this instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.4 but I get E: Couldn't find package xserver-xorg-video-intel-2.4. Any ideas?04:21
crdlbshavlir: I didn't suggest it would fix the hang04:21
crdlbshavlir: but it _did_ give you a non-blank xorg.conf04:21
jtholmesshavlir,  then add  vga=vesa to the kernel line and see if things work04:21
crdlbthat won't affect X04:21
crdlbX does its own modesetting for now (pre-KMS)04:22
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment04:22
robin0800mbeierl1: Yes I'm using a usb stick 3g modem04:23
kindofabuzzracecar56, just another capture of a gme. why are you playing kids games? =)04:23
racecar56kindofabuzz, i have NO EARTHLY clue04:23
racecar56kindofabuzz, i make these clips from boredom04:23
kindofabuzzracecar56, i used to be a big gamer, until i discovered Linux, plenty of things to do in linux (the geek factor)04:24
kindofabuzzt...o keep busy04:24
shavlircrdlb: jotholmes: yay! no more hangs if I specify Driver vesa in xorg.conf04:24
shavlirI'll put off fglrx to another day :-)04:24
racecar56kindofabuzz, i want to make more vids that need screen capture, but all the linux video recorders _S_U_C_K_04:24
andresmhso I am trying to revert to Xorg 2.4 following this instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.4 but I get E: Couldn't find package xserver-xorg-video-intel-2.4. Any ideas?04:25
Lasiviananyone else having a problem with khubd using 100% cpu?04:25
racecar56kindofabuzz, so all i can make is all this04:25
kindofabuzzracecar56, wine them =)04:25
racecar56kindofabuzz, you SURE it's gonna work?04:25
kindofabuzzracecar56, recordmydesktop doesn't cut it?04:25
racecar56kindofabuzz, i'd imagine it's impossible04:25
racecar56kindofabuzz, oh boy does it suck04:25
kindofabuzzracecar56, no, but won't hurt to try04:25
racecar56kindofabuzz, it lags, it uses a uncommon format04:26
jtholmesshavlir, excellent so the driver being loaded has problems with your hardware or it has a bug04:26
kindofabuzzuncommon format? huh?04:26
jtholmesshavlir, do you know about ubuntu-bug  for reporting bugs04:26
kindofabuzzracecar56, it helps to turn compiz off with RMDT04:26
racecar56kindofabuzz, i dont have compiz running, i have 0 desktop effects04:27
Lasivianhrrm, ksoftirqd is taking the other cpu as well04:27
Lasiviannot good04:27
racecar56kindofabuzz, it makes things flicker04:27
faileasanyone remember what that yakuake style programme that was gtk based was called?04:27
shavlirjtholmes: I do not know about ubuntu-bug. shoudl I report this?04:28
Lasiviananyone know how I can restart khubd?04:28
* faileas is still working on wolfbane04:28
jtholmesshavlir, yes04:28
faileasmy jaunty/xfce bows ;p04:28
jtholmesshavlir, but you have to know what driver is loading for your video when not using vesa do you know how to do that04:29
racecar56kindofabuzz, oh and a reminder for you: i dont use the things that i record all the time...04:29
jtholmesshavlir, using  lspci -vvv  etc.04:29
racecar56kindofabuzz, the stuff i make in movies aren't used hardly04:30
shavlirI'll do it tomorrow04:30
jtholmesshavlir, ok then lsmod  etc and put all that info in one file and then run ubuntu-bug and it will walk u thru it  then attach the  file containing all the info you gathered to the but04:30
racecar56kindofabuzz, that and i use windows cause nobody made a linux version of windows movie maker04:30
shavlirkindofabuzz: I'm curious, since you have the same gfx card as me, what happens when you try the livecd04:30
kindofabuzzracecar56, there are all kinds of linux things much better than windows movie maker i believe04:31
kindofabuzzshavlir, how do you know what card i have?04:31
racecar56kindofabuzz, like...?04:31
shavlirbecause you told me you had an hd240004:31
racecar56and i do too04:31
racecar56same exact card04:31
shavlirshort term memory ftw :-)04:32
LasivianI guess rebooting is the only way eh?04:32
kindofabuzzshavlir, i never said that04:32
racecar56i will try to restart...04:33
kindofabuzzracecar56, avidemux04:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about avidemux04:33
shavlircrap, it was racecar5604:33
shavlirnot kindofabuzz04:34
jtholmesah so racecar56 is the problem  :)04:34
jtholmesshavlir, anyhow you know what is going on so please try and report it04:34
kindofabuzzwhat happened?04:35
shavlirjtholmes: will do04:35
racecar56kindofabuzz, that's not windows movie maker-like thats an EDITOR....04:35
racecar56kindofabuzz, it can't even save (for me)!04:36
kindofabuzzit can't save? what?04:36
kindofabuzzwhatso WMM isn't an editor? then what is it then?04:37
racecar56OH NOES i installed the FGLRX and it STILL lags like a mitsumi reading an ubuntu live cd!04:37
Lasivianwonder if this is related to me trying a brand new kernel04:37
racecar56kindofabuzz, windows movie MAKER04:37
kindofabuzzso what does that mean?04:37
Stupendoussteveracecar56: Have you ever opened WMM?04:37
racecar56Stupendoussteve, i have used it bazillions of times, yes04:38
racecar56Stupendoussteve, dosen't it MAKE movies?04:38
kindofabuzzso it's makes the movies? i don't get it? another program for lazy windows users?04:38
StupendoussteveA camera does04:38
racecar56Stupendoussteve, you can edit movies but only movies you made with IT04:38
StupendoussteveThat makes no sense04:38
kindofabuzzracecar56, there's avidemus, cinelerra, kino, and a few more04:39
StupendoussteveIt encodes the files04:39
racecar56you put together pics & movies...04:39
racecar56and smushes them into 104:39
Stupendoussteveany editor does that04:39
racecar56kindofabuzz, thats what they all say04:39
kindofabuzzummm that's what you do with an editor04:39
racecar56kindofabuzz, and they ALL suck.04:39
kindofabuzzyou haven't even tried them04:39
racecar56yes i have04:39
StupendoussteveObviously an editor edits movies, it doesn't make them :D04:39
StupendoussteveiMovie is somehow magical in that it does both04:40
racecar56avidemux edits movies, you change how 1 file is...04:40
racecar56is NOT what im looking for04:40
kindofabuzzi don't see a product called windows movie maker being better than something like avidemux04:40
racecar56avidemux edits movies04:40
racecar56you edit 1 file04:40
kindofabuzzyou edit movies clips to make a movie04:41
racecar56cinelerra is a fork bomb04:41
racecar56for me04:41
racecar56don't even know how to use it04:41
kindofabuzzwell learn?04:41
racecar56-.- it lags04:41
kindofabuzzi bet you can do much more with it than WMM04:41
racecar56im pretty sure i could, but im not advanced04:42
Stupendoussteveracecar56: Seen kdenlive?04:42
StupendoussteveIt's a nonlinear editor, kind of like WMM is04:42
kindofabuzzahh hence the windows movie maker rocks!04:42
racecar56Stupendoussteve, i have heard of it, but never launched it04:42
racecar56Stupendoussteve, i happen to have it installed04:42
kindofabuzzKino too04:42
racecar56......maybe i should peek at kino again04:42
StupendoussteveNonlinear editor doesn't make movies. Duh. :P04:43
kindofabuzzracecar56, you're on linux, don't be afraid to learn something. =)04:43
StupendoussteveTo be fair, avidemux is a video file editor04:43
racecar56kdenlive is just like cinerella, makes me crash like i just did04:43
racecar56i crashed04:44
racecar56my stupid "So and so has crashed" that comes every time i start comp just bugged me04:44
StupendoussteveIt might be worth figuring out why all these programs crash, or sending a bug report04:44
racecar56take 2... ill try kdenlive again04:45
racecar56not this time04:45
racecar56step 2: find a decent recording software04:58
TheFunkbombSo, how do you guys like Jaunty so far?04:58
racecar56i like it04:58
racecar56i use it in a vm04:59
TheFunkbombI see04:59
TheFunkbombHow does it compare to 8.10?04:59
danbhfivebig better badder newer04:59
racecar56new themes... better gnome04:59
TheFunkbombhow stable?04:59
racecar56i like 2.26 better04:59
racecar56i find it pretty reliable04:59
racecar56i say it's pretty good for a release05:00
TheFunkbombvery interesting.05:00
zhuraiof course, cause it's 2 more (or 1 more depending on where you are) day till it is released05:00
racecar56i say it was worth releasing on rc05:00
racecar56rc was cool enought05:00
TheFunkbombHow did you guys update?  Clean install or update?05:00
zhuraiI dled the RC and installed it on my laptop05:00
racecar56clean install obviousle05:00
racecar56because i installed to vm05:00
TheFunkbombright, right05:01
zhuraimostly, for me cause I moved all the shit to another area (windows partition).05:01
TheFunkbombperhaps, I will ghost 8.10 to my external05:01
racecar56how the heck....05:01
zhuraias well as for me (laptop uses ath5k) might as well just do a clean install just in case if it doesn't like the ath5k build I already had installed05:01
TheFunkbomband then try a fresh install of 9.0405:02
racecar56what screen capture software is the best? i'd mostly like xvidcap that worked05:02
TheFunkbombI don't like istanbul05:02
zhuraime neither05:02
racecar56its CRASHY05:02
zhuraiit didn't tape my video correctly05:02
racecar56is there such thing as a xvidcap that works?05:03
zhuraino idea05:03
zhurainever tested it05:03
racecar56xvidcap is horrible05:03
zhuraiI just then went into windows partition and then taped using fraps afterwards O_o'05:03
dotblank3racecar56: gtk record my desktop05:03
racecar56i click record and it freezes, can't stop it.. and it isn't even recording05:03
zhuraithen again, I'd wish there was an alternative to all the windows shit, so I can nuke the windows already o/05:03
racecar56dotblank3, sucks05:03
TheFunkbombI swear to God, if those people don't stop turning off the desktop computer at night, I'm going to break their faces.  Now I have to walk all the way downstairs to boot it.05:04
racecar56zhurai, im with you05:04
TheFunkbomboops wrong chan.  sorry05:04
dotblank3racecar56: nah its ok, it just doesn't seem to handle certan apps well though05:04
racecar56dotblank3, i dont like it, it lags baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad05:04
dotblank3TheFunkbomb: You should look up WoL05:04
dotblank3racecar56: better computer?05:05
kindofabuzzracecar56, sounds like you need better ram and a better vid card05:05
racecar56world of laughter?05:05
dotblank3TheFunkbomb: Wake on Lan05:05
racecar56ha ha05:05
TheFunkbombIs that like WoW and LOL?05:05
racecar56world of laughter?05:05
racecar56dotblank3, i have a computer from 2007...05:05
TheFunkbombdotblank3, it's an XP machine05:05
TheFunkbomband they turn it off at night05:05
dotblank3racecar56: that doesn't mean anything05:05
racecar56kindofabuzz, anything wrong with a computer from 2007?05:05
TheFunkbombI can't remote connect and run updates if it's off05:05
dotblank3TheFunkbomb: its supported in most bioses05:05
racecar56kindofabuzz, 2gb mem, 4 core05:05
racecar56dotblank3, 2gb mem, 4 core05:06
racecar56dotblank3, anything wrong?05:06
TheFunkbombdotblank3, but does it work if the whole system is off?05:06
dotblank3racecar56: harddrive is huge when doing screen cap05:06
dotblank3TheFunkbomb: yes05:06
racecar56dotblank3, 500gb05:06
DanaGoh yeah, you have to tweak things a bit to get ubuntu not to take the damned interface down on suspend.05:06
dotblank3TheFunkbomb: You may notice that ethernet ports light up despite being off05:06
TheFunkbombMaybe I'll just break their faces anyway05:06
racecar56dotblank3, roughly 247 gb free...05:07
dotblank3racecar56: space is irrelevant its all about speed05:07
racecar56dotblank3, my windows partition is only like 55 gb, and... quad core, i said that05:07
racecar56dotblank3, would a quad core help?05:07
dotblank3racecar56: Speed of your hardrive.. read write throughput05:08
racecar56dotblank3, sata05:08
dotblank3racecar56: still not enough data05:08
DanaGheh, my school (Cal Poly) talks about sustainability... and then leaves at least 1000 P4-based computers on all night, every night.05:08
racecar56dotblank3, what would work?05:08
dotblank3copy a large file somewhere on your drive. how fast does it transfer05:08
DanaGSome Intel NICs support wake-on-LAN from poweroff.05:08
kindofabuzzracecar56, you ssaid that compiz is weird on your system too, i have compiz running on an old 1.5Ghz and have no problems, something is wrong with your system somewhere then05:08
racecar56kindofabuzz, no, its drivers that fail05:09
racecar56kindofabuzz, if i run compiz any 3d thing flickers05:09
kindofabuzzracecar56, ahh, well i use legacy drivers05:09
dotblank3DanaG: TheFunkbomb: any bios dated year 2000 and greater have WoL its almost mandatory05:09
kindofabuzzold card05:09
TheFunkbombdotblank3, and that comes stock?05:09
TheFunkbombin the bios?05:09
racecar56radeon 2400 hd?05:09
dotblank3TheFunkbomb: if its a nic built into the mobo then it will work.. if its a pci nic then you have to sometimes use a WoL cable05:10
TheFunkbombI'll just tell her to leave the computer on05:10
racecar56my nic in the mobo just in case u didnt know05:10
dotblank3TheFunkbomb: most of the time it just works though05:10
racecar56my video card isn't in mobo05:10
racecar56i have no idea what is in my mobo...05:10
dotblank3racecar56: we need a benchmark... how fast does your drive copy files?05:11
loquitus_of_bor1How do I play DVD's in Jaunty?05:11
TheFunkbombI'm installing it.  We shall see05:11
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:11
racecar56so... back to xvidcap, what's wrong?05:11
loquitus_of_bor1kindofabuzz: what about DVD's in 9.04?05:12
dotblank3racecar56: try disabling compiz and then run gtk-record-my-desktop05:12
racecar56dotblank3, i haven't a big file05:12
kindofabuzzloquitus_of_bor1, it will be the same05:12
racecar56dotblank3, and i DONT have compiz05:12
loquitus_of_bor1kindofabuzz: thanks05:12
racecar56dotblank3, i dont even have my drivers05:12
racecar56dotblank3, for vid card05:12
dotblank3racecar56: well theres your problem05:12
racecar56dotblank3, they refuse to install05:13
TheFunkbombit won't work, probably because she turned the power strip off05:13
dotblank3racecar56: this isnt a recording program issue its a driver issue05:13
racecar56dotblank3, kk (mumbles yet my laptop dosen't work with this either and it has all of the drivers in the world it needs)05:13
dotblank3TheFunkbomb: LoL, but also note that WoL has to be turned on in the bios (potential security threat is why by deafult its off)05:14
TheFunkbombI'll just make her leave the computer on.05:14
DanaGSome NICs also need you to boot Windows and set it from there.05:14
dotblank3DanaG: What a horrible nic05:14
DanaGTheFunkbomb: what sort of integrated NIC does it have?05:14
DanaGI don't have such a card that needs that.05:14
TheFunkbombI have no idea05:14
DanaGlspci -nn can tell you.05:15
racecar56ahhhhh still dosen't work05:15
racecar56oh btw anyone want my lspci? ill pastebin it05:15
TheFunkbombThe whole reason it's set up for remote desktop is because she's too lazy to run windows update and the virus scan05:15
TheFunkbombso I do them at like 12am05:15
dotblank3When I first used WoL I remote turned on about 10 servers in a a garage.. it was very cool...05:15
DanaGOne thing that sounds fun: wake a machine, and then play audio from it.05:16
dotblank3TheFunkbomb: use ubuntu and auto-install updates05:16
DanaGBonus points if you play mic audio through it -- from a mic on your end.05:16
TheFunkbombdotblank3, she won't use Ubuntu.  I tried05:16
manpoolewhy the move to diable ctrl alt backspace?05:16
TheFunkbombAlso, here is another lol part.  She doesn't like me remote desktoping because she doesn't want me to see what she's doing.05:17
dotblank3DanaG: this one computer had really bright LEDs and at night would light up the room. WoL was complete awesome with that.. it would scare ppl05:17
racecar56http://racecar56.pastebin.com/f76e2ec6a lspci05:17
zhurai <manpoole> why the move to diable ctrl alt backspace? <-- it says in the release notes....05:17
TheFunkbombI should also mention that I know all her passwords because I set the computer up05:17
zhuraiCtrl-Alt-Backspace disabled by default in Xorg05:18
zhuraiThe Ctrl-Alt-Backspace key combination to force a restart of X is now disabled by default, to eliminate the problem of accidentally triggering the key combination. Users who do want this function can enable it in their xorg.conf, or by running the command dontzap --disable.05:18
zhurai@manpoole: there you go05:18
Jordan_UDanaG, More fun is to use a voice synthesizer while someone is using the computer, at first giving generic sounding error messages then slowly responding more and more humanly to what the person is doing to freak them out :)05:18
racecar56it helps me alot because all of these programs are running bad because of stupid jockey-gtk that refuses to install _ANY_ driver05:18
manpooleits hard to believe that could accidentally be hit05:19
zhuraijust do that command then o/05:19
kindofabuzzwhen XP first came out i didn't know about the voice recognition feature and it was on. i kept on getting weird things being typed into any text box. i thought i was being hacked, it was just XP listening to me because mic was on05:19
zhuraikindofabuzz: LOL05:19
racecar56i have my lspci a few lines up05:20
racecar56if anyone wants it05:20
dotblank3TheFunkbomb: I would suggest running a headless session over vnc yet i keep forgetting about windows limits and cost (terminal server is the only thing that can really do that)05:20
* zhurai isn't in his linux partition(s) right now anyways05:20
DanaGah: 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 01)05:20
kindofabuzzracecar56, i need the contents of your ~/.ssh too, problem may be there.05:20
TheFunkbombOr... I could just let the machine crash and burn05:20
TheFunkbombworks for me!05:21
DanaGgoogle for rtl8111 wol05:21
DanaGor rtl8168b wol05:21
DanaGand the word "linux"05:21
racecar56kindofabuzz, all that is in there is known_hosts, want that?05:22
kindofabuzzracecar56, i was kidding man05:22
racecar56kindofabuzz, ummmmmm................................................................................................. ok05:22
racecar56DanaG, specific links?05:24
CameronI am running jaunty, and I have desktop effects enabled for one user account, but when I switch to another user account, desktop effects isn't enabled.  When I enabled it via apperance preferences, it says "desktop effects cannot be enabled"05:24
DanaGI'[m doing homeverk, so I can't be digging around in specific links.  :(05:25
DanaGWait, is the computer a Windows one or a Linux one?05:25
DanaGIt's easy to do in Windows -- look in device manager.05:25
racecar56DanaG, both05:25
dotblank3Cameron: whoa weird...05:25
zhuraiDanaG:who are you talking to...05:25
racecar56DanaG, i dualboot05:25
DanaGThe one that needs waking, I mean.05:25
racecar56DanaG, want me to go into window$?05:26
DanaGHmm, check in Linux first.05:26
racecar56DanaG, im in it now05:26
racecar56DanaG, so do what05:26
DanaGethtool is one thing to try.  man ethtool.05:26
racecar56"The program 'ethtool' is currently not installed." so i install it....05:26
dotblank3racecar56: wait.. what is your problem again?05:27
racecar56DanaG, xvidcap freezes after starting to record, and jockey-gtk refuses to install fglrx05:28
racecar56http://racecar56.pastebin.com/f3a246811 is the return of 'ethtool eth0'05:29
Jordan_Uracecar56, Refuses in what way?05:30
racecar56Jordan_U, it says "Installing driver..." for a millisecond and then dissapears05:30
Camerondotblank3: yeah.. and if I logo out of the first user, and login as the second user (so only 1 user is logged in) it will then allow me to enabled desktop effects !05:30
DanaGracecar56: try it on command line.05:30
racecar56dotblank3, xvidcap freezes after starting to record, and jockey-gtk refuses to install fglrx05:31
DanaGthe driver install.05:31
racecar56i did05:31
DanaGodd... the official 9.4 one doesn't work?05:31
racecar56i tried gtk and cmd05:31
DanaGdo it the --buildpkg way.05:31
racecar56ack the official 9.x SUCK05:31
DanaGThat way it gives debs.05:31
racecar56they make 3d flicker (on windows)05:31
racecar56ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cool05:31
racecar56never known that05:31
Camerondotblank3: and then if I switch back to the other user, their desktop effects is disabled.. so, its like only one user can have it enabled at a time05:31
racecar56DanaG, WARNING: Official ATI drivers ALWAYS kill my Ubuntu.05:32
TokenekieHi, I have a question about the usb-creator package. It might be a bug. It does NOT involve initramfs/busybox05:32
DanaGdefine "kill"05:32
racecar56DanaG, they make my computer unaccessible (places > computer) fails05:32
DanaGOdd... I see no reason for it to do that.05:33
DanaGYou always do --buildpkg way, not the bare install, right?05:33
racecar56this was long ago05:33
crdlbno need to yell05:33
racecar56"DanaG: do it the --buildpkg way." "racecar56: never known that"05:34
TokenekieCan anyone help me with a possible bug regarding the usb-creator package?05:34
racecar56Tokenekie, what is it05:34
racecar56restarting X so i can see if i finally fixed my vid card's drivers05:35
Salajadinhi all05:36
Salajadinim new here05:36
Salajadinnew to irc05:36
Tokenekieracecar56: I have a 4GB usb drive (FAT 32) and when I adjust the slider for persistence all the way to the left, the usb-creator will not create any persistence filespace05:37
racecar56i was new 3 months ago... never was interested until then05:37
Tokenekieracecar56: However, if I allocate less that 1.2 GB of space, usb-creator successfully creates the persistence filespace05:37
Salajadini installed jaunty 2weeks ago the not sofinal version05:37
dotblank3Tokenekie: this is by design05:37
racecar56http://racecar56.pastebin.com/f2c4e7bdf ummmmmmm.... glxgears ODD outpud05:38
Salajadinwhat are persistence filespaces for?05:38
racecar56Tokenekie, weird05:38
racecar56Salajadin, so you wont lose data05:38
Tokenekiedotblank3: Would it make sense to make this a new feature? Especially for usb drives capable of storing much more data?05:38
racecar56Salajadin, if you download (etc) during live cd05:38
Salajadinso is it like a cache05:38
racecar56i have a 4GB also05:38
Tokenekiedotblank3: Why would it be by design anyway?05:38
racecar56but its a ext205:38
Salajadinit is not a filesystem?05:38
DanaGracecar56: hmm, maybe some opengl libs are not diverted properly?05:39
DanaGOh, and check the xorg log.05:39
Salajadinhmmm i think its more of like a swap forusb?05:39
dotblank3Tokenekie: Persistent data is support by that utility..05:39
racecar56DanaG, the heck? wheres xorg log...05:39
dotblank3Tokenekie: if you move all the way to the left that means 0 bytes can be used for modified data05:39
dotblank3Tokenekie: it would be beter to just use discard on shutdown05:40
DanaGIf you plan to make a persistent liveusb... why not just make an installed system?05:40
Tokenekiedotblank3: Well if that was the case, then I should be able to allocate, say, 2GB for persistence (out of a 4GB drive)05:41
Tokenekiedotblank3: But I cant even do that05:41
dotblank3Tokenekie: you should be able too....05:41
Jordan_UDanaG, Compression05:41
dotblank3Tokenekie: will the slider not move?05:41
racecar56xorg log looks bad05:41
DanaGDoes it save changes just to home, or to all?05:41
DanaGAnd does it have that stupid persistent-net-generator that makes me end up with eth16 if I move a drive around a lot?05:42
Tokenekiedotblank3: Nope. The program loads the ISO files, then right when it starts to make the persistence filesystem it exits with a return status of 005:42
DanaG16 is an exaggeration... but I have seen udev rules for up to eth8.05:42
Jordan_UDanaG, All ( except some things like the kernel because the unionfs isn't mounted until after the kernel is loaded05:42
Tokenekiedotblank3: I then have effectively created a non-persistent, but working, live USB05:42
robin0800_Tokenekie: What format is the stick05:42
dotblank3Tokenekie: wierd.. do you have all filesystem tools... anyway this can be done manually..05:42
DanaGJordan_U: ah, so I'd have to use a bare, anyway.05:42
racecar56ahh SHOOT i cant copy the xorg log because it lags on scrolling!05:43
Tokenekierobin0800_: It is formated in fat3205:43
DanaG!info pastebinit05:43
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 344 kB05:43
DanaGthen pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:43
Jordan_UDanaG, A bare what?05:43
MeIhello everyone, got a problem with youtube playing my flash, i already have flash install with the newest version and youtube still prompts me to install flash05:43
Tokenekiedotblank3: I had a hard time following the online tutorial for setting up a persistent file system. I dont know if it was outdated or anything05:43
DanaGa bare install.05:43
DanaGno unionfs.05:43
racecar56http://racecar56.pastebin.com/f7a42d06c it is MILES long05:44
Jordan_UDanaG, What are you trying to do?05:44
racecar56MeI, noscript05:44
racecar56MeI, maybe05:44
DanaGI have an installed system that I like to usb-boot on various computers.05:44
racecar56MeI, if you dont have it, then what browser you using?05:44
DanaGToo bad nvidia binary driver breaks *.05:45
Salajadinis there a channel for pxe booting in ubuntu?05:45
TokenekieCan anyone else verify that they have installed a persistent live USB with more than 2GB allocated to their persistent filesystem?05:45
MeIracecar56, i have flashplugin-nonfree installed, I am using firefox05:45
racecar56MeI, :/ swfdec might work better05:45
TokenekieTalking about Jaunty05:45
racecar56DanaG, i posted link to xorg log, got it?05:46
MeIracecar56, swfdec ? how do i find it?05:46
racecar56MeI, sudo apt-get install swfdec && sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree05:47
DanaGkey:   (WW) fglrx(0): Failed to open DRM connection05:47
DanaGLooks like fglrx isn't loaded.05:47
racecar56bah humbug05:47
racecar56uninstall + reinstall it? i dunno05:47
MeIracecar56, can find the package swfdec??? I just upgraded to Jaunty05:47
DanaGracecar56: check dmesg.05:48
racecar56MeI, dosent work?05:48
DanaGand check if 'radeon' is loaded.05:48
MeIracecar, no package found05:48
DanaGloaded == in lsmod05:48
racecar56DanaG, should i | tail it? or not05:48
DanaGor | less05:48
Skapareis there an RSYNC mirror with the RC isos?05:48
MeIracecar56, i reinstalled flash and still no cookie05:49
KyleKI'm having a problem with Xorg, the keyboard/mouse aren't functional when Xorg is running05:50
racecar56MeI, dang, ask someone else as im using intrepid, i might not be able to help05:50
racecar56MeI, sorry05:50
MeIracecar, it is cool thanks :)05:50
racecar56MeI, k no problem05:50
Tokenekiedotblank3: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent tells me to create two partitions on my live USB. However, the way that the persistent usb I have that was created by usb-creator only have 1 partition according to fdisk -l. Is the package using the same method to create a persistent usb?05:50
TokenekieSorry about the grammar, messed up a bit there. I meant to say that my current live-usb only has 1 partition.05:51
racecar56DanaG, AHAHAHAHA, i found evidence05:51
racecar56DanaG, at least a clue05:52
racecar56DanaG, wait as i catch it on printscreen05:52
DanaGyou know, you can dmesg | less05:52
racecar56has nothing to do with dmesg05:52
DanaGis it in some log file somewhere?05:53
michasbHum, I find it silly that OpenLDAP in Jaunty uses cn=config without asking to set a cn=admin,cn=config password OR providing a means to update the configuration.05:53
groensalso, is this where the release party will be at?05:53
michasbStill trying to figure it out...05:53
TokenekieCan anyone help me verify if a problem I have encountered with the usb-creator package is a bug, or a missing feature?05:53
KyleKhmm maybe i can run an older version of Xorg05:54
racecar56groensal, #ubuntu-release-party i think05:54
groensalracecar56: cool thanks :)05:54
racecar56groensal, kk05:54
racecar56DanaG, http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/8627/linuxrestrictedmodulesf.jpg05:55
michasbProgress: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OpenLdapCnConfigMigration05:56
DanaGPerhaps you need to boot a same kernel you have built the modules for.05:56
DanaG... or something.05:56
KyleKaww is puc down?05:56
racecar56DanaG, ummm... huh?05:56
TokenekieCan anyone help me verify if a problem I have encountered with the usb-creator package is a bug, or a missing feature?05:57
DanaGhmm, try running aptitude dist-upgrade in console, perhaps.05:57
SandGorgonwhat do you guys do to make firefox look good on Kubuntu 9.04 ?05:57
macoDanaG: usually how it works....if the module's not built for your running kernel, it won't load05:57
macoSandGorgon: set GTK to use GTK themes and not bother trying to make it do Qt emulation, because the tabs will just look wrong05:58
DanaGgoogle for qgtkstyle\05:58
DanaGer, wait, that's the other way.05:58
DanaGmaco:  But if a package has failed to update... you might have your system in an inconsistent state where headers != running version.05:58
SandGorgonmaco: where do I set GTK to use GTK themes?05:59
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
Jordan_USandGorgon, Might want to ask in #kubuntu but you can try the qt-gtk theme engine ( which is really fun because it's Firefox's XUL emulating your qtk theme which is in turn simply an emulation of your qt theme )05:59
macoSandGorgon: systemsettings -> appearance -> gtk styles & themes05:59
hifiwhen the release party starts exactly05:59
macohifi: that depends on your city06:00
hifilets say GMT06:00
SandGorgonI just want Firefox to look decent - that is the biggest problem with transitioning to KDE06:00
macouh...so you want the Ubuntu UK LoCo's release party in London?06:00
hifiumm, the big release?06:01
hifiit supposedly in one day06:01
* DanaG has to go get ready for bed. 10PM.06:01
macooh you want to know what time the CD images come out?06:01
DanaGClass at 8am tomorrow => I get up at 6:15 or so.06:01
macothe usual answer is: at some point while there is at least 1 timezone that still calls it Thursday06:01
TokenekieCan anyone help me verify if a problem I have encountered with the usb-creator package is a bug, or a missing feature?06:02
macothe second half of the usual answer is: every time you ask, it's delayed by 2 hours06:02
hifiroger that :)06:02
Jordan_UTokenekie, Depends, what is the bug / missing feature ?06:03
hifiI have never been here when its released so I was just curious06:03
TokenekieJordan_U: I have a 4GB (fat32) usb drive and I wish to allocate the maximum amount of remaining data to persistency. However if I do that, usb-creator exits with a return status of 0 the moment it begins to write the persistent filesystem. This problem does NOT happen if I allocate 1.2GB or less to persistency06:04
DanaGhmm, try allocating 1.2 and resizing?06:04
DanaGif it's a partition, that is.06:05
TokenekieDanaG: How do I resize06:05
DanaGOr is it a loop mount?06:05
DanaGI'm not sure how the persistence works.06:05
Jordan_UTokenekie, Sounds like a bug to me06:05
TokenekieDanaG: No I dont believe it is a partition06:05
TokenekieDanaG: I am unsure myself really06:05
DanaGtime to go off nowzzz.06:05
Jordan_UDanaG, Now that you mention it it should be a loop mount though, or at least that should be an option instead of a separate partition06:06
Salajadini think its like a swap thing06:07
TokenekieJordan_U: Do you have any knowledge about the usb-creator bugs? There is an entry on launchpad talking about a similar issue but I cant verify if it is the same issue. I dont want to keep duplicating bugs.06:07
Jordan_UTokenekie, Can you link to the bug report? I don't know much about usb-creator but I can probably tell you if it's a dupe06:08
KyleKhey im running jaunty but when I run the X server the keyboard stops responding06:08
TokenekieJordan_U: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/346700, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/33248506:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346700 in usb-creator "[jaunty alpha 6+ daily] usb-creator creates incorrect free, persistent space; to /cdrom not /" [Undecided,New]06:10
KyleKokay its a problem with Xorg06:12
TokenekieJordan_U: Just to reiterate, my usb-creator does not "fail". So link 2 might not be the same issue.06:12
TokenekieJordan_U: Instead usb-creator just doesnt even attempt to create the persistence. It exits with a status 006:13
TokenekieI hope someone else has these problems. Please mention if it has, therefore we know it is an actual bug, not just a problem with my particular instance.06:13
manpoolequestion what are some of the startup aps i can diable on a desktop?06:15
racecar56i am so tired of all these dumb slow scrolls06:15
manpoolefor faster bootup06:15
manpooledid it06:15
Salajadindisable it06:15
Salajadinand visual assistance06:16
manpoolepower manager is that only for laptops?06:16
Salajadinand remote desktop06:16
manpooledisabled those too06:16
PictureMan2k9Is it possible to run the RC CDs LIVE?06:16
manpooleso i can disable power manager06:16
PictureMan2k9or are they install only?06:16
manpooledidnt know if that had anything to do with screen turning off06:17
Salajadindisable check for new hardware06:17
faileasPictureMan2k9: i think they do live06:17
manpoolei disabled powe manager06:17
Salajadinand nothing happened right?06:17
manpooleseahorse daemon what is that06:17
manpoolewell i havent rebooted since disableing power manager06:17
PictureMan2k9faileas: I don't see the Xubuntu version06:18
faileasPictureMan2k9: its well hidden *g*06:18
faileasone moment06:18
Jordan_UTokenekie, It's not a duplicate, it may be caused by the same underlying bug but I would file it and let the developers figure that out, possibly mentioning that the other bug might be related06:18
TokenekieJordan_U: Thanks, ill get on that06:19
Salajadinseahorse is used to manage encryption keys06:19
faileasPictureMan2k9: that will work06:19
Salajadindisable print queu if you dont have printer on06:19
racecar56ok so where is xorg log again?06:19
PictureMan2k9faileas: I reckon http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/9.04/rc/xubuntu-9.04-rc-alternate-i386.iso is what I want06:20
Salajadinand disable the evolution alarm06:20
manpoolesalajadin any thing else to a faster boot?06:20
Salajadinwait imma give you a link06:20
faileasPictureMan2k9: no06:20
Jordan_UPictureMan2k9, The alternate CD is not live06:20
faileasalternate disks arn't live06:20
Salajadini use this whenever i optimize ubuntu06:20
manpooleohh... didnt disable print queue i have a printer but does that just keep the scheduled prints from the previous session?06:21
Salajadinit's sort of like my ubuntu checklist06:21
* faileas tends to prefer the 'mini' version over alternate anyway06:21
Salajadinyou can disable it when you dont have anyprintjobs06:21
DanaGEasier to leave it enabled.06:21
DanaGOtherwise you have to predict when you'll want to print.06:21
PictureMan2k9http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/9.04/rc/xubuntu-9.04-rc-desktop-i386.iso .06:21
faileasthat'll work06:21
PictureMan2k9faileas: I'm wanting to see if I have the same trouble as Intrepid would give me.  I'm guessing the Live version will work perfect, as Intrepid messed up Live too ?06:22
PictureMan2k9faileas: Or should I wait for the real release to test it06:22
faileasPictureMan2k9: its a live disk06:22
faileaswhat's the worst that could happen?06:22
Salajadindoes your machine have two cores06:23
PictureMan2k9faileas: It shoots beams out of my DVD+/-RW , and makes me praise the Sacred X-Men Cow06:23
PictureMan2k9faileas: or something06:23
racecar56DanaG, pastebinned dmesg http://racecar56.pastebin.com/f4de5bfc206:23
faileasor something06:24
faileasactually, one previous release did have the tendancy to bork a certain common network card ;p06:24
PictureMan2k9faileas: yeah anyway.  Intrepid doesn't work with my NIC, it makes it twinkle around and never gets an IP# (DHCP?)06:24
PictureMan2k9faileas: The router light just flashes over and over, same thing with directly connecting to the modem06:24
manpooleohhh yes two cores06:24
manpooledidnt see that06:24
PictureMan2k9faileas: i don't know that issue with Hardy06:24
PictureMan2k9don't have*06:24
Salajadinmanpoole, http://news.softpedia.com/news/Optimize-Ubuntu-8-04-for-Speed-86405.shtml06:25
Salajadini use this06:25
Salajadinit works on jaunty too06:25
manpoolemy dell bios is crazy slow06:25
PictureMan2k9faileas: yet Intrepid works just fine on my old p2 450 MHz.  *shrugs*06:25
manpoolebut im going to give it a try06:25
Salajadinbut if your not confident on using some of the fixes here don't dare use them06:26
faileasi have a PIII 450 ;p06:26
Aleksey_Shi all06:26
faileasits running as a server tho06:26
manpoolewell did you use them and the work?06:26
PictureMan2k9faileas: My niece is using the old P2 now with XP06:26
Salajadinmanpoole, use at your own risk06:26
manpoolethats good enough for me06:26
Salajadinyep every single one of em06:26
manpooleim up to a risk06:26
manpooleim running ext4 afterall lol06:26
esohay guys06:28
maverickNo sound.. just a static or hum...... a faint crackling sound....06:29
maverickrunning jaunty RC06:29
Aleksey_Smaverick: what programs did you test?06:29
vartmaverick: try to blacklist the pc speacker module06:30
moj0risinghi. I'm trying to find the CD ROM device name on my system.  I can see that it is mounted as /home/us/.gvfs/cdda/mount/on/sr0/ but I don't know what is mounted there. If I use the mou t command I can't seem to find it. Can anyone point be in the right direction?06:31
moj0risingit's usually something like /dev/cdrom06:31
maverickvart: i mean, i try to listen to my mp3 songs and that's all i hear.... just low static.. when i had installed jaunty beta..and downloaded codecs..it was fine.. i made some changes in volume control manager pr sth.....06:31
maverickAleksey_S: vart :    how to do that???06:31
vartmaverick: so maybe it just muted? could you undo your changes?06:33
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Salajadinmojorising, try sudo gedit /etc/fstab06:34
VeinorWho here is gonna have a release party? 8D06:34
Salajadini believe theres info on your mounts infstab06:35
vartmaverick: sudo modprobe -r pcspkr                      - to temporary disable it06:36
Salajadinmanpoole, how's it going?06:37
maverickvart: I tried.. I had perhaps changed audio driver/card..but no use.... [no, not muted]..... i also tried to do sth like making every setting to default.....but that didn't work either....06:37
manpoolejust reading about it06:38
manpoolethinking about trying concurrent booting06:38
manpoolethe hd speed up has a lot of confusion in the comments06:38
manpooleand im on ext406:38
maverickvart: disabled it...i am trying to listen to the songs again...06:38
Salajadinhmmm concurrent booting rocks06:38
manpooleso im going to skip the hd tweak06:38
Salajadinthta's the concurrency=shell stuff right06:39
manpoolewhat processor do you have?06:39
Salajadin2 cores06:39
manpoolesilly question. you do not need 64 bit or anything for that do you?06:39
maverickvart: no..same crackling sound06:39
Salajadinthat setting letsyou utilize more your 2 cores06:39
manpooleyea supposedly06:39
Salajadinmine is x8606:40
Aleksey_Smaverick: what player do you use?06:40
manpoolei want to do more research into the concurrent booting before i try it06:40
maverickvart: is there a way that i can change it to default sound settings.......06:40
maverickAleksey_S: songs in rhythm box06:40
manpoolealthough i could easily boot to a live cd and change it back06:40
maverickAleksey_S: vids in smplayer and vlc06:40
maverickAleksey_S: but just sound is the problem06:41
Aleksey_Smaverick: what about system sounds? ubuntu welcome sound etc06:41
vartmaverick: if you do dmesg | grep alsa                 - do you see any problems with the driver initialization?06:41
joetheoddCan anyone else not update the repos?06:42
maverickvart: nothing happened...i typed the cmd and nth happened06:43
moj0risingSalajadin: BIngo. I was able to find it there: /media/cdrom0 .. Thought I checked there already but oh well. Thank you!06:43
maverickAleksey_S: no i didn't hear..but in the last session i had muted my speakers..that's why i might not have heard it....06:44
Salajadincongrats mojo06:45
maverickAleksey_S: vart : Can't I just put back every sound property to default...so that I can hear sonds again..and I hope my mp3 codecs aren't disturbed..even if this happens.. i will download them again.....06:46
ajaviddoes 9.04 kernel 2.6.28-11 have support for ext4 volumes?06:48
dash|x58why doesn't ndiswrapper work properly in 9.0406:48
dash|x58it didnt want to accept my windows driver ;[06:49
vartajavid: yes06:49
vartmaverick: I do not know how. but I would try to reinstall the alsa driver (alsa-base package etc)06:51
Salajadinajavid, yes it supports ext406:54
Salajadinimusing that kernel and i have ext4 on my /home partition06:54
maverickvart: ok..thanks...i will try06:54
theriexanybody know where I can find a temporary solution to the wireless issues, until the final is released?06:55
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:55
theriexgee thanks for the dumb persons guide06:56
maverickAleksey_S: hey ..got any thing for me..??06:56
manpooleSalajadin about to try concurrent booting07:00
manpoolebrb wish me luck07:00
Salajadingoodluck manpoole07:04
* Skapare finally decided to just go ahead and download the RC despite there being only 2 days, and is writing it on the USB key now07:06
SandGorgonin kubuntu 9.04, how do I get flash with firefox? I have install ed flashplugin-nonfree and it works OK with konqueror - but doesnt work with FF07:15
petsoundsSandGordon, download from http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/ and select .deb package07:30
paul68hi did the support for creative labs xfi cards improved in the new release or is it still crappy07:31
loquitus_of_bor1I have xi fi.... seems to be ok07:32
CaneToadOnce the jaunty official release becomes available, what will the steps be to upgrade from 8.10?  Is it just a matter of pressing Alt+F2 and typing in "update-manager -d" ?07:33
racecar56no -d because it's gonna be released07:33
racecar56-d for now until tomorrow07:34
paul68loquitus_of_bor1: did you have to do something special to make it work or did it work correctly by itself?07:35
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racecar56omg getdeb retired 8.10? i didnt even know they do that! O_O07:39
jpdsracecar56: Once it's removed from the archive/releases, it's a pretty good sign that you need to upgrade. :)07:40
racecar56maybe i should upgrade to 9.04 right now...07:40
racecar56i will07:40
racecar56as soon as i can, i will07:40
racecar56i tested 8.10 (back in the good ol' days) but i test 9.04 in a vm instead, now07:40
paul68loquitus_of_bor1: ?07:41
racecar56just one thing:07:41
CaneToadracecar56: are you saying that once released it will automatically update from 8.10 to 9.04, or do I have to change some settings for that to happen?07:41
racecar56my idiotic ati drivers broke07:41
racecar56CaneToad, no, you have to do it manually, it will tell you to upgrade when you launch update-manager tomorrow, as it will be released tomorrow07:41
racecar56CaneToad, if you cant wait then to update-manager -d in a terminal or whatever07:42
racecar56jpds, as soon as i fix my gfx card ill upgrade07:42
jpdsracecar56: Your choice when to do it :)07:42
racecar56jpds, ill be upgrading fast, i like new versions :>07:43
racecar56is it good to keep at least 1 of a older version of a kernel?07:43
racecar56like have 2.6.27-14 and -1307:43
rumpelIs this a bug, not to have audio-controls (by mouse movement)  in vlc fullscreen in jaunty?07:46
racecar56im gonna restart a bunch of times and attempt to fix my gfx card07:49
racecar56ill be back in a bit07:49
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drbobbis there some ubuntu or debian derivative/remix that would be usable on a laptop with 256M RAM?07:53
drbobband preferably not Xubuntu, I don't really like Xfce much07:53
rumpelwhy not upgrading ram?07:54
drbobbhard to get ram suitable for older machines07:55
coz_drbobb,    ebay :)07:56
drbobbI recently had to stow away a sun ultrasparc server because ram upgrades are not available at a reasonable price07:56
coz_drbobb,  rdram?07:56
drbobbone that was in great working order btw07:56
drbobbebay is great if u are in the us07:57
rumpelhow much RAM needs Gnome?07:57
coz_ebay.uk   ebay.it  etc I believe07:57
coz_rumpel,  what do you have now?07:57
rumpelJaunty, 2GByte07:58
coz_rumpel,  that is more than enough for gnome07:58
yoasifdrbobb: you can try crunchbang lite07:58
drbobbcoz_: it seems that laptop's hdd may die soon07:58
rumpelwas only curious...07:58
drbobbcoz_: not worthwhile investing much in it07:58
coz_drbobb,   yeah if its a laptop   I wouldnt even bother07:59
rumpelbut where could i look for infos about gnome's ram usage?07:59
yoasifGNOME will run like crap on that machine heh08:00
rumpelah.. got it08:00
drbobbyoasif: thx i'll look it up08:00
drbobbwhat about the netbook remix? is it only suitable for atom-based machines?08:01
rumpelwhats the fattest gnome-process in mem?08:02
yoasifdrbobb: netbook remix is still heavier than a crunchbang08:04
mnemorumpel: here is my GNOME system running right now (8GB machine) --> http://pastebin.com/f3c5ffd9c08:04
yoasifdrbobb: the debian lxde desktop might be something you might want to check out as well08:04
mnemorumpel: RSS column is memory size08:04
drbobbyoasif: crunchbang looks pretty nice indeed.08:05
racecar56good news: my GFX is fixed! XD08:05
rumpel@mnemo not very convenient... but tnx. "top" gives me a mem usage around 3-5% of my 2Gigs... ist this possible?08:05
racecar56XD because i reported bug and now ill have to say its working again08:05
topylidrbobb: netbook remix is gnome. it's not light at all08:06
rumpelnot an urgent question, just out of curiousity08:06
djhashwhats the current recommendation for a driver to be used on ATI Radeon X1950 series on an AMD R790FX chipset?08:07
topyliwell, any lighter than ubuntu anyway08:07
drbobbtopyli: so 1GB RAM is pretty much the minimum for reasonable performance?08:07
racecar56jpds, i fixed my gfx card, should i update-manager -d or should i wait until tomorrow?08:08
stahlstiftGood Morning - Someone found a not locked Mirror for final? Please Query :)08:08
yoasifyou can just install jaunty and use openbox or fluxbox or lxde for speed08:08
drbobbyoasif: thx for lxde, I hadn't heard of that one08:08
mnemorumpel: here is top sorted by mem --> http://pastebin.com/m13c441db08:08
racecar56yeah, fluxbox/openbox PWNS08:08
racecar56at speed08:08
jpdsracecar56: which you want - only critical fixes will go in by then.08:08
crdlbI use 512MB with "reasonable performance"08:09
racecar56jpds, just wait?08:09
rumpel@mnemo tnx. Looks like on my machine...08:09
racecar56jpds, oh i see what you sayin08:09
jpdsracecar56: You can start upgrade to download all the necessary packages (without installing) with: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -d08:09
racecar56jpds, k08:09
drbobbI'm curious about the unusual UI in netbook remix, so I'd still like to know whether Atom is actually a requirement, or can it run on a celeron machine?08:10
racecar56jpds, that seemed to say i had latest08:10
racecar56jpds, should i use update-manager -d?08:11
jpdsracecar56: Did you change your sources.list to jaunty and run apt-get update?08:11
rumpel@racecar56 worked for me08:11
racecar56jpds, oh, no, ill do08:11
stahlstiftdrbobb: you can switch to normal mode in the preferences08:11
topylidrbobb: i'm running gnome on my eeepc with 512M RAM. it's not fast but works well08:11
racecar56me do now08:11
topylidrbobb: it will work on 256M too, but you won't enjoy it08:12
mnemorumpel: if you care a lot about performance, consider helping out... see for example --> http://live.gnome.org/GnomePerformance and http://live.gnome.org/MemoryReduction08:12
yoasiftopyli: try using a lighter DE/WM... you'll be happy you did08:12
drbobbstahlstift: that wasn't my question, i was asking about the cpu requirements08:12
topyliyoasif: i know08:12
stahlstiftdrbobb: I tried yesterday the Netbook Remix with my MSI Wind and it runs really smooth. Both Mode - even Compiz worked08:12
rumpel@mnemo if its really so small, i dont care about gaining more free ram ^^08:12
topyliyoasif: the thing is, the window managers and such don't make such a difference if you're running the same apps. those are the memory hogs08:13
yoasiftopyli: it's a bit of everything, i find08:13
stahlstiftThe interesting thing is - the most people who are shouting about "this app uses to much ram!" have >4gb ram :)08:14
topyliyoasif: i've built desktops on fvwm and enlightenment countless times, but i always end up running the gnome daemons because i like what they do. in the end, i've noticed i might as well run gnome08:14
yoasiftopyli: which daemons? they can mostly be replaced with faster alternatives08:15
topyliyoasif: gnome-settings-daemon and evolution-data-server are essential. that means you need dbus. i like gnome-volume-manager so i run it. and so on. i like computers doing stuff *for* me, that's why i bought one in the first place08:17
rumpelwhich would this alternative be for pulseaudio? alsa?08:17
rumpelpulseaudio on my eee 4g sux :P08:17
Skapareall those wireless issues I had with bad network-manager not reading the WEP key in Intrepid ... works OK in Jaunty RC ... for 32-bit ... will try 64-bit next08:18
topyliyoasif: i also end up running gnome-panel because i like some of the applets. then i throw in nautilus because integrates so well with all the rest. then i'm basically just a window manager away from gnome :)08:18
yoasiftopyli: ah, i don't run evolution... alpine here08:18
yoasiftopyli: i find thunar to be faster than nautilus with most of the same features08:18
topyliyoasif: i want my information synced between all my devices08:18
topyliyoasif: it's not about file management, i don't do that anyway08:19
Skaparethe only issue I see is network-manager was a little bit aggressive in trying to connect to the first open system (a neighbor) it found as soon as I tried to access it08:19
Skaparebefore I could configure the key for my own secured wireless08:19
yoasiftopyli: yeah i have no idea what type of syncing evolution provides, heh08:20
topyliyoasif: i've been around longer than gnome, i can appreciate the convenience it brings08:20
topyliyoasif: not evolution, evolution-data-server08:20
J-_Anyone else having a problem with Banshee deleting either database entries, or mp3s? On my setup, they have to be deleted through the root user, and I'm listening as regular user so I doubt the actual mp3s are affected. I hope not anyway08:21
yoasiftopyli: yeah no idea what that does08:21
topyliyoasif: basically it lets me sync all my devices over the internet, via syncml. smartphones and other sane devices speak syncml08:21
dagonetanybody use audacious?08:21
dagoneti always get this bug > can't play in network shared file08:22
yoasiftopyli: yeah looks like fun... sadly gnome runs slow on my machine (dual core turion) so i just run really light apps08:22
dagoneti don't know whether in jaunty has been fixed yet08:23
yoasiftopyli: gnome and apps, rather08:23
atarihas anyone a clue how to get printing working with a samba printer and auth? i always get "can not prompt for authorization"08:23
ghindoDoes anybody know if the Intel issues will eventually be fixed in Jaunty, or will we have to wait till Karmic?08:23
topylidagonet: now are you mounting this share? if you do it with nautilus, audacious probably won't work since it doesn't understand gvfs. mount the share by hand into the filesystem08:24
racecar56atari you got further than me :P08:24
atariracecar56: hm?08:24
racecar56atari mine dosent even DETECT any printers08:24
yoasiftopyli: slow login too (an issue when you dont have working suspend)08:24
ataridetect? mine didnt detect the printer either... i just added it manually ;)08:24
racecar56atari oh, ok08:24
dagonettopyli:no i didn't mount it08:24
atariracecar56: let me guess: you try to add a printer which is in an other workgroup?08:25
topyliyoasif: dunno. either you're a very busy person or there's something wrong with your setup .)08:25
topyliyoasif: being busy is moot btw, since if you don't let gnome do its stuff, it'll be *you* who has to work more and eventually get less done :)08:26
racecar56atari no, same08:26
atariracecar56: k08:26
atariracecar56: hm08:26
racecar56atari all of our comps are in the workgroup called WORKGROUP08:26
yoasiftopyli: not sure how it would help me... evolution looks decent, so i may want to look into that instead of alpine08:26
zhuraihm... question: what time of the day (and what timezone) is the release going to be...well released?08:26
topylidagonet: well you should mount it of course, make the files available :)08:27
crdlbzhurai: expect late08:27
topyliyoasif: nah, evolution is not worth using just for email08:27
yoasiftopyli: linux in the last few years has just gotten slow, so it's not just me being busy08:27
dagonettopyli:you mean by modifying fstab?08:27
zhuraicrdlb: why though? O_o, are they going by the GMT time or what GMT+/- time?08:28
crdlbzhurai: it's released when the release manager declares it so ...08:28
topyliyoasif: my experience is quite the opposite. i have no idea about linux, but gnome has become progressively lighter and faster during the last 5-6 releases08:28
zhuraiI ment when is the website updated and the disk image released....08:28
topylidagonet: eventually, probably yes. you can just do it from any shell with "mount" too08:29
crdlbdagonet: how exactly are you loading the song into audacious?08:29
zhurai= I'm not doing this via release manager08:29
crdlbdagonet: are you actually using jaunty?08:29
dagonetnot yet08:29
yoasiftopyli: nautilus just took 5 seconds to load08:29
crdlbzhurai: I meant the person :)08:29
dagoneti'm still using intrepid08:29
yoasifthunar... 1 second08:29
zhurai <crdlb> zhurai: I meant the person :) <-- >_< eh08:30
yoasifand it appeared in 5 seconds, then it looked horrible while it drew the icons for another second or so08:30
topyliyoasif: interesting results. you should file a bug and provide clues as to how to duplicate it08:30
crdlbdagonet: well, depending on your answer to my previous question, it may be fixed in jaunty08:30
racecar56whatever that bug is, im gonna have it fixed08:30
racecar56cause im upgrading as we speak08:31
yoasiftopyli: don't even think it's a bug, since i see it all the time... nautilus is heavy, thunar is very light08:31
racecar56i agree with you08:31
racecar56pcmanfm is also pwn08:31
topyliyoasif: nautilus is definitely bigger of course08:31
topyliyoasif: it also does much more for you in return :)08:31
racecar56loaded my /proc folder in a millisecond, nautilus took like... probably a minute08:32
topyliyoasif: but since you speak in terms of "file managers" and "mail clients", we're not on the same page at all08:32
MarkJonesHello I was wondering if reporting bugs is helpful if so I would like to know how I can help report bugs?08:32
racecar56wow brasero is jumping to catch up with gnome's versions...08:32
topyliyoasif: you should definitely use nautilus or evolution or most of gnome in fact08:32
yoasiftopyli: i'd love to not run "file managers" and "mail clients" if it were FAST08:33
racecar56from 0.9.1 (i think) to 2.26 O_o08:33
crdlbracecar56: 1s to open and 1s to load /proc here08:33
topyliyoasif: err, definietly NOT use them08:33
yoasiftopyli: but it isn't, so i make do08:33
crdlbracecar56: every gnome module does that08:33
racecar56crdlb, k08:33
dagonetis anybody know the link to final release build status?i had this in the last intrepid release, but i forgot it08:34
racecar56tomorrow its coming out08:34
racecar56apr 23rd08:34
racecar56and today is 22nd08:34
racecar56woot 80% done downloading08:35
yoasiftopyli: i *like* GNOME it's just slow and my machine doesn't feel fast when i'm using it...08:35
dagoneti mean the link to a web page that inform jaunty release build status08:35
MarkJonesNo one knows how to report bugs?08:35
yoasifMarkJones: launchpad.net08:35
dagonetMarkjones: why don't you report it via launchpad08:35
racecar56yoasif, i agree with you, my laptop dosen't necessarily like it either.08:36
racecar56yoasif, however my pc (with 2 more cores) handles it better08:36
MarkJonesThank you Ill go and see launchpad then.08:36
dagonet@yoasif:why not to try netbook remix on your laptop08:37
racecar56ahhh nooooooooooooo it canceled, gonna download again -_-08:37
topylidagonet: netbook remix is gnome08:37
dagonetbut it's more light08:38
yoasifdagonet: i'm running openbox and i want more speed, i think playing with firefox is going to give me more of a boost than switching to another WM/DE08:38
topylidagonet: really? i sort of doubt that08:38
dagonetyoasif:wait for chromium or firefox 3.508:38
racecar56jpds, O_o apparently the -d option on apt-get dist-upgrade seems to download, but not install..... lul08:38
yoasifironically, i too am running gnome-panel and gnome-settings-daemon and gnome-power-manager08:39
racecar56what happened to firefox 3.1?08:39
yoasifff 3.1 is going to be ff 3.508:39
dagonettopyli:have you tried it yet?08:39
topylidagonet: yes, i give it a whirl every now and then to see how it's doing08:39
racecar56blah version skip O_o08:39
racecar56they move their versions too fast08:40
racecar56there should have been a firefox 1.108:40
yoasiffirefox needs to speed up too08:40
dagonetyoasif:i agree08:40
yoasifhasnt been as fast as the ff 1.5 days and phoenix days in a looooooong time08:40
racecar56just M$ with their internet exploder is going to v8.0.x O_o08:40
dagonetfirefox 3 is soooooo sloooww08:40
racecar56i miss ff 1.x08:41
jpdsracecar56: That's what I said....08:41
topylidagonet: it is gnome, plus a few applets, a theme, and a metacity hack. they also replace the menu with a clutter-based launcher which i would suppose is heavier, not lighter than the gnome menu08:41
mnemoracecar56: just install it then :P08:41
racecar56jpds, k08:41
racecar56mnemo, i am08:41
jpdsracecar56: It's so everything is on your computer so you can install faster.08:41
atariracecar56: do you have any special chars in the passwords?08:41
racecar56jpds, k08:41
dagoneti've tried FF3.1 beta 3 and it's faster than FF 308:41
racecar56atari, i havent done it with auth08:41
racecar56atari, i dont know08:41
racecar56atari, maybe someone else will know08:42
dagonettopyli:so you think it's better use lxde than gnome..08:42
topylidagonet: i guess08:42
yoasiftopyli: kinda disappointed that netbook remix is slow :(08:42
racecar56gnome thinks it is still v2.24 but it's actually 2.26 xD08:42
yoasifit's a major annoyance that i have with gnome/ubuntu in general08:43
dagoneti've tried linux mint fluxbox and it is faster than the gnome one08:43
topylidagonet: if you want a light desktop, build it on fvwm. you can build beautiful, fast and functional desktops with it08:43
yoasifkinda hard to sell a new os when it is slower than the os it replaces08:43
topyliyoasif: i don't think it's slower, i think it's the same08:43
dagonet@topyli:thanks FYI i'll take a note on that.08:44
racecar56i dont like the *box WM's because they don't have a networkmanager-like thing, i don't know how to connect otherwise08:44
crdlba panel + nm-applet still works08:44
yoasifracecar56: wicd08:44
yoasifand what crdlb said08:44
crdlbnm-applet isn't actually an applet08:44
topyliracecar56: network-manager has nothing to do with your desktop08:44
yoasiftopyli: what kind of hardware are you talking about?08:44
yoasifubuntu is noticably slower than xp on most hardware i have tried it on08:45
yoasiftopyli: it's a lot slower than windows 7 as well08:45
topyliyoasif: my hardware? i have a dog slow eeepc and a ridiculously fast desktop08:45
dagonetdoes NM has a better fix on jaunty yet? yesterday i've tried jaunty beta, and NM did fine.08:45
topylii run exactly the same setup on them08:45
atarii think i just found a bug... :/08:46
yoasiftopyli: my issue is really less with gnome than it is with firefox... i like adblock plus enough to downgrade my DE experience (firefox just sucks down cpu)08:47
topyliyoasif: i use epiphany08:47
topylii never liked firefox08:48
yoasiftopyli: if epiphany had an adblock port alike, i'd use it... i like the speed, but i don't like ads08:48
dagonettopyli:have you tried chromium PPA daily build yet?it's fast.08:48
topylidagonet: i did try it but it's been a long while08:48
dagonettopyli:yeah..it's still alpha version08:49
yoasiftopyli: i was looking forward to epiphany-webkit too, but again... no adblockplus08:49
topylidagonet: i don't see it becoming very "gnomish" not very likely i'll be using it08:49
topyliyoasif: epiphany comes with adblock, installed by default even08:49
crdlbit's not quite ported to the webkit version yet, though08:50
yoasiftopyli: completely dead version, the rules arent updated anymore08:50
topylicrdlb: right08:50
crdlbyoasif: uh08:50
topyliyoasif: the ephy adblock has nothing to do with the firefox extensions08:51
crdlbif so, you could get that fixed instead of just running away :)08:51
yoasiftopyli: yeah it does, they based it off of adblock  and filterset.g08:51
yoasifand adblock is dead now and filterset.g is also dead08:51
yoasifit doesn't use the same rules as the new versions of adblock plus, so i can't take advantage of the community rules08:52
topylii'm not an adblock expert, but ephy's one does work and that's enough for me08:52
topyliyou can add any rules you want. i always use one based on finnish rules08:53
yoasiftopyli: i know, but if i use adblockplus + easylist, i dont have to08:53
yoasiftopyli: plus, it gets updated automatically08:54
topylianyway, i like a web browser that just shows me web pages and integrates well with all my gnome apps08:54
topyliyou can analyze ad blockers all day but i won't run firefox and ruin my workflow08:54
* crdlb actually doesn't use adblock (even when it's available)08:55
crdlbI just don't use flash in my main browser session08:55
yoasiftopyli: how does using firefox ruin your workflow?08:55
crdlbby being weird?08:55
yoasifcrdlb: i'm used to linux apps not really following any kind of standards; everything is weird08:56
topyliyoasif: by being a selfish isolated application that isn't aware of what i'm doing08:56
crdlbyoasif: gnome doesn't have that problem :)08:56
topyliyoasif: that's why i use gnome apps08:56
yoasifcrdlb: at least firefox is weird in a way that i'm familiar with08:56
crdlbnor does kde, I assume08:56
topylii would guess kde is pretty coherent too, yes08:57
yoasiftopyli: crdlb : if i wanted to use a walled garden, i would have stuck with mac os x08:57
topyliyoasif: anyway, please don't talk about "firefox" and "linux apps" in the same sentence. firefox is not a linux app by any stretch08:58
crdlbyoasif: you know perfectly well that that is a false comparison :)08:58
topyliit's primarily designed with windows users in mind. this explains the strange UI design and the feature creep08:58
yoasiftopyli: uh, it runs on linux, it's a linux app08:58
faileastopyli: actually, the three main OSes it runs on have different UIs08:59
unitedpotsmokersat last, i upgrade from intrepid to jaunty successfully...YAHOO08:59
topylifaileas: they do? i haven't seen any trace of gnome design in firefox08:59
crdlbit's the same UI with different backends08:59
yoasifand it's less about firefox and more about the multitude of different interface libraries and nonconformance to standards08:59
faileastopyli: on the other hand, they don't follow the gnome UI thing08:59
yoasifwhich i am fine with09:00
topylifaileas: of course they don't. that would break on windows09:00
faileasnot to mention, firefox is very skinnable, someone just needs to add a gnome ui spi09:00
faileasxpi even09:00
topylifaileas: eh?09:00
yoasiffaileas: canonical installs one... ubufox09:01
crdlbmozilla has already done that to the best of their ability09:01
topylifaileas: it *looks* just fine on gnome by default. it uses the icons and the gtk theme no problem09:01
yoasifit tries to be a bit nicer on gnome09:01
crdlbfirefox 3 does a _much_ better job of faking gtk+ than firefox 2 did09:01
unitedpotsmokersbut some people said, fairefox 2 is faster than firefox 3...09:02
crdlbif you want a fast firefox, run the win32 version in wine09:02
yoasifcrdlb: i would if it used pango fonts, heh09:03
unitedpotsmokersi used firefox 3 before (in windows), and it take much time to load..09:03
yoasifor anything that looked semi reasonable to load09:03
unitedpotsmokersbut i'm happy firefox 3 in ubuntu09:03
yoasifto look it*09:03
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
drbobbI have found a stopgap workaround for my troubles with broken SIS vga support in Jaunty's Xorg: I load the kernel sisfb (framebuffer) driver at boot, and use Xorg's fbdev driver instead of the (broken) sis driver09:07
racecar56sorry, my internet got knocked due to upgrade09:13
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virtuelvAnyone lose their desktop effects overnight?09:26
MikeHHi all09:29
ghindoHey there09:29
MikeHSince upgrading to jaunty, I seem to have lost sound - I now jjust get very "fine" crackling instead.09:29
racecar56works for me09:29
racecar56and i just upgraded09:29
MikeHPulse, Alsa and OSS were all working independantly before.09:29
jamieleshawHello is it possible to order 64bit versions of ubuntu throuigh shipit?09:33
racecar56from when i remember09:33
racecar56i look again..09:33
jamieleshawcause when i did it just then i could not figure out how.09:33
racecar56i just tried again and you ARE right...09:34
racecar56back in Nov 2008 there was09:34
jamieleshawwil you beable to later on in jauntys life?09:35
racecar56i don't know... probably09:35
racecar56tomorrow it will come, im using rc right now09:35
MikeHhrm odd, alsamixer shows that it seems to have 0'd my Master Volume during the upgrade09:36
MikeHthe cracking seems like an odd behaviour for something so simple09:36
minimec           ] [ Wellark         ]09:36
minimec10:36 [ emma            ]            ] [ Wellark         ]09:36
minimec           ] [ Wellark         ]09:37
minimecfor a command listing.09:38
racecar56xvidcap crashes with "xtoffmpeg.c add_video_stream(): video codec not found", i knew this was fixed by installing libavcodec-unstripped-51 on intrepid but im using jaunty rc and it dosen't even let me install it09:45
popeyracecar56: i get the same issue, will look at it today09:45
wgrantracecar56: Try libavcodec-unstripped-5209:48
racecar56wgrant, omg it worx :D09:48
racecar56wgrant, even better than intrepid09:49
racecar56i gotta go, bye, thanks alot wgrant09:49
wgrantracecar56: np09:49
ActionParsnipam I right in thinking there is going to be a massive pack of updates on release day if I have beta installed and fully updated to 5 mins ago?09:50
wgrantActionParsnip: you might be looking at one update. Perhaps two.09:51
ActionParsnipjust curious09:52
ActionParsnipwork is dead and my mind is wandering09:52
wgrantBut we're now really, really frozen.09:52
wgrantOnly utterly critical changes are going to get in now.09:52
ActionParsnipdidnt even have to reboot any VMs09:52
ActionParsnipwgrant: gotcha09:52
zirodayActionParsnip: if you want to beat the release day rush, download the rc the night before and then rsync it after its released09:54
zirodayActionParsnip: but normally the torrents are great on release day, if you can get on one09:54
wgrantOr rsync the daily.09:54
ActionParsnipziroday: i got beta on the day of release and its been flawless and i'm fully upto date now09:54
wgrantOr torrent the RC and rsync the daily, then rsync or torrent the few megabytes delta to final.09:54
ActionParsnipjust wondered if the jump to final would be a huge one. I'm anticipating a kernel release to change grub so it doesnt say "testing"09:55
zirodaywgrant: I just like watching my connection peak on release day09:55
zirodaywgrant: through torrents09:56
wgrantActionParsnip: That was changed almost a week ago.09:56
ActionParsnipand i'm expecting a boatload of people asking "my grub still says testing, am i still using beta? How can I gt final?"09:56
wgrantActionParsnip: Have you not upgraded since then?09:56
ActionParsnipwgrant: upgraded just now09:56
ActionParsniplet me chack09:56
ActionParsnipwgrant: tbh i havent rebooted in a good while09:57
wgrantActionParsnip: Check /boot/grub/menu.lst09:57
ActionParsniptitle           Ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-11-generic09:57
ActionParsnipwgrant: i know ;)  looks like its changed09:57
ActionParsnipwgrant: cat /boot/grub/menu.lst | grep title09:58
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Pitelparty tomorrow? ;)10:08
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Haggis-AAOPitel, i will party when UXA is stable on Intel graphics chipsets ;)10:11
Barridusalsa-only sound doesn't work for me (had to disable pulseaudio due to crackling sound)  alsa works everywhere else.  anyone have any ideas?10:14
Barridusargh.  meant to say alsa-only sound does not work in pidgin.10:14
usergrI installed kubuntu-desktop on my current ubuntu installation (9.04 RC) and the result is that I have no sound in both of them. I also want to add that before the kubuntu-desktop installation alsa in ubuntu worked like a charm10:25
usergrAny ideas?10:25
ActionParsnipusergr: have you tried a reboot?10:26
szfusergr: did you retain your present userid?10:27
usergryes, the first 2 or 3 times I had sound on gnome (still no sound in kde) but wgen I installed and used the greek language the problem was existing in both environments even after a restart10:28
ActionParsnipusergr: ok then reboot, log in. then read through    dmesg | less10:29
usergrAlso I hear a noise .....hhhhhhh all the time10:30
usergrIs  dmesg | less a command? ( I am not an experienced user and I need some extra help)10:30
amon_yes you enter it in a terminal10:31
amon_application accesoires terminal10:31
usergrThank you I should apply it in kde or gnome?10:32
amon_wherever you want10:32
cqhello, what day should jaunty be out?10:32
usergrOk I 'll try it now and I 'll inform you10:32
ActionParsnipcq: about 2 days now10:34
cqcool, thanks10:35
usergramon_ , I run the command, now what to do?10:37
amon_i dont know what were you talking about before10:38
usergrI just run the command dmesg | less after rebooting10:39
ActionParsnipusergr: ok then use cursors to read through the system coming up10:39
ActionParsnipusergr: and services starting10:39
amon_what are you debugging usergr?10:40
ActionParsnipamon_: ubuntu had sound, install kubuntu-desktop and now no sound10:41
usergrI do not understand you, after applying the command I see sth like areport10:42
amon_ok, strange problem, i cant provide any further help10:42
usergrAnyway, Thanks for any advice10:42
ActionParsnipusergr: you could try: sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart10:44
ActionParsnipor restart pulse or alsa10:44
usergrI 'll try it10:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sounds10:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about soud10:44
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:44
* ActionParsnip can type10:44
peacemaybe instead he is not on audio group10:44
peacekernel is the same10:45
peaceso driver is the same10:45
peaceso it has to work10:45
amon_usergr: did you use synaptic to install kubuntu-desktop10:45
peacein the terminal10:45
peaceusergr: type group10:46
amon_check in synaptic > file > history if it removed stuff related to sound when you installed kubuntu-desktop10:46
usergrgroup is no command10:47
peaceusergr: groups . if you are not in audio groups please add your user on audio group10:50
peaceusergr: missing an "s"10:50
usergrno stuff removed related to sound10:50
amon_i am also not in the ausio group, but my audio works10:51
usergrI am not in the audio group10:51
usergrhow to add my user?10:51
amon_adduser user group10:53
peaceamon_: here instead with kde if you are not in aduio group it had not worked10:53
peacelike in debian...10:53
peaceafter that i think you have to reboot X10:56
usergrIt says: (user name) is no group10:58
usergrso whats the name of the user?10:58
peacekdesudo kuser10:59
peaceusergr: read up10:59
peacethen add your user to audio group11:00
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
usergrDid it!11:01
usergrnow how can I restart X?11:01
ActionParsnipusergr: reboot11:01
ActionParsnipjaunty has zap disabled by defauly11:02
usergrOk , I 'll do it11:02
Haggis-AAOdontzap --disable will sort that ActionParsnip :P11:03
usergrUnfortunately its the same11:04
usergra hhh........11:04
ActionParsnipHaggis-AAO: yeah i know but ive just had a talk in #ubuntu about it and why its disabled11:05
crash2khuh didnt i switch node?11:05
ActionParsnipHaggis-AAO: its a different combo no involving sysrq (unless you use !zap)11:05
Haggis-AAO #ubuntu is to noisy to follow such a discussion :)11:05
usergrHow can I completely remove kubuntu-desktop ? It may work then11:05
crash2kparsnip are you in kubuntu or ubuntu? O,o11:06
ActionParsnipHaggis-AAO: thats why we use highlighting11:06
Barriduswow 2 days so soon11:06
usergrIn synaptic as I know thos can't be done11:06
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »11:06
crash2kwow ignored O,O11:06
ActionParsnipcrash2k: give me chance11:06
usergrI ll do that11:06
crash2kok :P11:07
ActionParsnipcrash2k: i use kubuntu + lxde as I think the kde desktop is horrific11:07
ActionParsnipcrash2k: but i live kde apps like amarok and ktorrent11:07
crash2kno i meant where you still in the kubuntu node xD11:07
crash2kirc node...11:07
crash2klol nvm11:07
faileasActionParsnip: hmm, what do you use as a network management app?11:07
* faileas is having trouble getting wireless on lxde on one box, with is keeping me on xfce11:08
ActionParsnipfaileas: /etc/network/interfaces11:09
faileasActionParsnip: erf. I'd rather avoid that, though i just need it to connect to a specific WPA/WPA2 wireless access point11:11
ActionParsnipfaileas: its all i use, if its only connecting to a single point it will make the system boot faster too11:11
ActionParsnipfaileas: especially if you use static ip11:12
faileasActionParsnip: i don't11:12
ActionParsnipfaileas: thats all i use personally, saves hdd space too as you dont need apps to configure your network11:13
=== haggisbasheruk is now known as Haggis-AAO
deanythis portable ubuntu is cool..11:15
Haggis-AAOwhat device you using it on deany ?11:16
faileasActionParsnip: i'm unfamiliar with it, and i don't think it works with WPA/wireless right?11:16
faileasoh well11:17
bartmonHi! I'm having problems enabling compiz. The part of the wrapper script /usr/bin/compiz-wrapper that is giving me grief is the running_under_whitelisted_driver() check. It should complete successfully but it fails. I've executed the commands manually and I don't see why the function fails... I use the OSS radeon driver since fglrx has dropped support for my card and this is definitely visiblie in the Xorg log. Can you offer some insight?11:18
faileasi'll give lxnm a shot. i can always reinstall networkmanager if things go badly11:18
Haggis-AAOfaileas, wifiradar is quite nice to use ;)11:19
faileasHaggis-AAO: I used to use that, ages ago ;p11:19
Haggis-AAOit is much nicer now11:20
ActionParsnipfaileas: sure it can11:20
ActionParsnipfaileas: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26313611:20
faileasdeany: its a varient of andlinux11:20
faileasActionParsnip: thanks, i'll oive it a shot if lxnm is not to my liking11:21
faileasdeany: it is nice though11:21
Haggis-AAOi ment what hardware device deany :P11:22
Q_ContinuumQuestion on the Netbook-Remix; is there anything preventing it from running on more powerful machines?  (Any issues with larger than 10" screens?  other than it's layout is optimized for low-resolution)11:24
ActionParsnipQ_Continuum: i think its just the screen thing. Its just hardy with some minor tweaks11:26
Q_ContinuumYeah, the new interface or whatever.  Just figured I'd check and make sure nothing wonky like disabling features :-P11:27
ActionParsnipQ_Continuum: could try a vm/vbox to test it11:28
ActionParsnipxpud is worth keeping an eye on too :D11:28
Q_ContinuumEh, I figure I'll grab the final release and fire it up off a USB stick.11:28
Q_ContinuumSince that's what it's designed to do :-D11:28
deanywhen installing smplayer and mplayer, when i run smplayer it says the mplayer used is obselete...its from the repos11:29
deanysmplayer/mplayer works , apart from stopping the video when adjusting volume within application11:29
IntangibleLiquidmy friend is using ati driver for his ubuntu. after some updates, whenever display is run xorg spikes up to 100% cpu and it hangs. any idea?11:30
carl0s-I've got a really weird problem. Epiphany keeps losing internet access. Known issue? All networking is working, but not Epiphany, almost as if I have a bad proxy set up, but I have no proxy. FF is fine.11:31
Le-Chuck_ITAHi. When upgrading the system, if some package asks questions such as "there is a modified configuration file (which I didn't modify but that's another issue) do you want to replace it", it does not expand the terminal nor ask the user. So basically it looks like the upgrade is stuck. Is this a known bug?11:38
Le-Chuck_ITALasivian: are you using your old home directory?11:39
ActionParsnipLe-Chuck_ITA: no, you have modified a config file and the package contains a new one, you are offered if you want yours or the new one11:39
ActionParsnipLe-Chuck_ITA: if you view the differences you will see + and - signes, + means the line is added, minus means its deleted11:40
Le-Chuck_ITAActionParsnip: at least read what I wrote :) Problem is the window is not expanded, so e.g. my mother would not have gotten out of it11:40
Le-Chuck_ITAshe would have rebooted the system to make the window disappear. And at that point... dpkg is broken!11:40
Le-Chuck_ITAyou'll need dpkg --pending --configure11:40
Le-Chuck_ITANot that I allow my mother to install upgrades, eh11:41
Le-Chuck_ITAsometimes children must be authoritative with parents11:41
ActionParsnipLe-Chuck_ITA: if you look at the file that is going to be changed you could create a copy in the same folder named  <filename>_old then let the updater have its fun11:42
Le-Chuck_ITAActionParsnip: problem again is that the default behaviour is to just show an hanged progress bar11:42
ActionParsnipLe-Chuck_ITA: the updater borked did you say?11:42
_bti dont think ActionParsnip is reading things properly here11:43
Le-Chuck_ITAI must click on the arrow to expand the terminal... and I did that just because it was taking too much time. It should pop up something11:43
ActionParsniplet me sit properly and read11:43
Le-Chuck_ITAor at least blink and open the terminal11:43
* Le-Chuck_ITA feels like looking for a needle in a pile of bugs11:44
Le-Chuck_ITAI will write to u-d-d11:44
Le-Chuck_ITAit's impossible to find such a bug if there is one.11:44
topylihmmm whenever i've seen that dialog, there's a sane default action (keep/replace) and you can proceed by simply hitting enter11:44
Le-Chuck_ITANo... I will report the bug :)11:44
topyliif not, then it's a bug indeed11:44
Le-Chuck_ITAtopyli: it's there indeed, but it's "inside" the terminal window that you can expand11:44
Le-Chuck_ITAdo you remember dpkg frontends?11:45
Le-Chuck_ITAonce upon a time ubuntu used the gtk one, now they are using the console one11:45
topyliLe-Chuck_ITA: okay then it's broken11:45
Le-Chuck_ITASeems like nobody noticed it.11:45
Le-Chuck_ITAlet me try with ubuntu-devel11:45
joaopintoLe-Chuck_ITA, such prompts should automatically expand the console window...11:48
Le-Chuck_ITAand also call for attention no?11:49
Le-Chuck_ITAI mean blinking the window name in the window list11:49
joaopintoexpanding the window is already a call for attention :)11:49
Le-Chuck_ITAlet me retry11:49
* Le-Chuck_ITA downgrades11:49
* Le-Chuck_ITA discovers that the history of system upgrades is not stored in synaptic's history.. grrr11:50
joaopintoLe-Chuck_ITA, I remember seeing some bugs related to window not being expanded when it should, but I guess those are fixed already, unless you found a new bug case11:50
Le-Chuck_ITAjoaopinto: I think so :) Do you know where can I find the names of the packages upgraded in the last upgrade?11:51
usergramon_ I removed kubuntu-desktop and reinstalled ubuntu-desktop and now sound works ok in both environments11:51
ActionParsnipusergr: weird11:52
joaopintoLe-Chuck_ITA, you should be able to find it at /var/log/dpkg.log, but I believe there is another log specific for update-manager, but I am not sure11:52
usergrStrange things happen..11:52
amon_usergr: nice, maybe you should file a bug11:52
Le-Chuck_ITAjoaopinto: dpkg.log is fine, thanks11:52
ActionParsnipusergr: stranger things happen at sea11:52
usergrThat's true11:53
Le-Chuck_ITAnow I need to list conffiles of a pakcage11:53
usergrWell guys, thanks again, wish you a great day11:54
joaopintoLe-Chuck_ITA, dpkg -L package | grep \/etc11:54
Le-Chuck_ITAjoaopinto: are ALL files in /etc marked as config?11:54
joaopintoLe-Chuck_ITA, yes11:54
Le-Chuck_ITAjoaopinto: now the last thing... I tried sudo apt-get install readahead=1:0.20050517.0220-1ubuntu411:57
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Le-Chuck_ITAbut it says that version is not found11:58
joaopintoLe-Chuck_ITA, isn't that a version from the old release ?11:58
joaopintoif it is, is not available on the current release repositories...11:58
joaopintoalso, downgrading to a version from a previous release, may cause serious breakage11:59
Le-Chuck_ITAjoaopinto: it's the version that was installed today before the upgrade11:59
wgrantRight, so it's no longer published.11:59
wgrantSo you won't be able to see it in apt.11:59
joaopintoLe-Chuck_ITA, oh, you mean, a regular update ?11:59
the_dark_warrioI have a notebook and a USB Keyboard. When I plug in the keyboard, it works fine, when I plug out, the notebooks keyboard doesn't work on the first time. I have to restart (Pressing power button) to make notebooks keyboard work. Any hints?12:10
weltallhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-main-menu/+bug/345595 => anyone has an idea on how to fix this?12:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345595 in gnome-main-menu "Applications launched from the menu running on DISPAY=:0.1 are opened on DISPLAY=:0.0" [Undecided,New]12:11
the_dark_warrioweltall: are you using nvidea drivers?12:13
weltallinstalled on the live12:13
the_dark_warrioI'm having some bugs with nvidea too12:16
the_dark_warriowith 2 displays12:16
the_dark_warrioopenning synaptic there is a bug with that "fade" of the screen ..12:17
weltalldunno but this doesn't look like an nvidia issue12:17
weltallit's because DISPLAY isn't set correctly12:17
weltallcould be no one uses dual screen without xinerama or twinview like things12:18
weltallopening a terminal from a terminal in the first screen by specifing correctly the display12:20
weltallallows you to open correctly things from that terminal directly12:20
weltalland it goes in the right window12:20
the_dark_warrioi see12:20
deanyWine is still locking up my pc (RSEIUB doesnt work) when using a file/folder browser, a wine one, not gnome one, unless I enable compiz12:27
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BigMoopiesHello, I have an issue that (starts) with Intrepid, My NIC will just flash and never gets an IP# (DHCP?).  The network connection just keeps trying to connect.  I went and looked at Jaunty's RC's and ran it live.  It does the same thing.  This does NOT happen in Hardy (I am using hardy).  Is there a way to see what hardy has that Intrepid and so on messed up so I can update to Intrepid, Jaunty, and so on?12:33
Salajadindhcp from router?12:35
ActionParsnipsup Salajadin12:36
BigMoopiesSalajadin, I think DHCP is turned off with the router.12:36
BigMoopiesSalajadin, It's actually setup switch like (I guess).  The modem is set to give us IP#'s12:37
BigMoopiesSalajadin, It is a sat modem/router/blah blah.. HN7000S.  We are plugged in to the switches.  Not the switches,  and the internet in the "internet" port12:37
Salajadinthen you hafta set ur machine to get dhcp from gateway?12:38
Salajadinoh okay12:38
BigMoopiesSalajadin, yeah like I said it started with Intrepid12:38
Salajadinthe issue here is?12:39
BigMoopiesSalajadin, I tried to manually give it and use the gateway (the modem), and it didn't work.12:39
Salajadinyou cant get dhcp right12:39
BigMoopiesSalajadin, How?  It twinkles around and never gets connected12:40
Salajadinhmmmm hold on my feet is itchy12:40
BigMoopiesSalajadin, Wouldn't it be a 'driver' type screw up?12:40
Salajadinif it is a driver type screw up a reinstall and upgrade shud fix it12:41
Salajadinbut you said the issue is reccuring with every upgrade right?12:41
BigMoopiesSalajadin, eh?  I ran the live CDs of Intrepid , installed Intrepid, and it was still messed up.  Then I ran LIVE Jaunty CD while ago, and issue  was still there.12:41
BigMoopiesYes, Hardy is fine12:41
admin_masu3701my cpu fan runs alot..that means hight cpu usage12:41
admin_masu3701how can i fix that problem12:42
Salajadinso that means it is not a driver issue or the one you are using is deprecated12:42
jubeadmin, use the command 'top' to see what is using the cpu so much12:43
BigMoopiesSalajadin, duprecated? IE: no longer supported?12:44
Salajadinwhat does your /etc/network/interfaces say?12:44
Salajadinnot that12:44
Salajadini mean the driver but that wud be impossible12:44
BigMoopiesSalajadin, in hardy? it says auto lo | iface lo inet loopback12:45
admin_masu3701iface lo inet loopback12:46
jubeadmin_masu3701, use the 'top' command to see what is using your cpu12:47
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: have you disabled acpi?12:47
Roland123hi.. i upgraded to 9.04 a few minutes ago.. and after the upgrade my laptop's touchpad stopped working. how to fix that?12:47
admin_masu3701ActionParsnip: no12:47
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: ok, if the cpu is working overtime it can be that12:48
SalajadinMoopies, have you tried connecting your machine to other network?12:48
BigMoopiesSalajadin, I tried connecting directly to the Modem.  It didn't work then12:49
BigMoopiesSalajadin, It would still 'twinkle' about12:49
BigMoopieser.. well I guess, it just never worked then.12:49
Salajadini mean to other dhcp networks? aside from your modem12:49
BigMoopiesSalajadin, er? no?12:50
Salajadinbut thaat wud be inconvenient to do12:50
BigMoopiesSalajadin, To me .. it should work directly connected to the modem if it wasn't a driver or something error ?12:50
admin_masu3701ActionParsnip: so how do i disable acpi?12:50
Roland123anyone having touchpad issues after upgrade?12:51
Salajadinyeah i agree12:51
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: you dont wanna, it will most likely make it spinup. is your cpu overworked?12:51
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50389512:52
jubeMoopies, what is in your /etc/network/interfaces file under the #primary network interface section?12:52
Salajadinenter dmesg12:52
Salajadinsee if your ethernet card i called properly there12:53
admin_masu3701ActionParsnip: top command shows 80 % firefox12:53
admin_masu3701and thats the hightest12:53
BigMoopiesjube, in hardy? or are you talking about Intrepid/Jaunty12:53
jubein both... just to see if they are different12:53
BigMoopiesjube, I can only see in hardy right now (as I can't connect in those others).12:53
Salajadinauto l0 shud be fine12:53
jubethe line you quoted above is for the loopback interface... i think the more important part is below that12:54
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: then kill firefox off12:54
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: is the fan ok now?12:54
admin_masu3701how do i kill? you mean close it?12:54
Hiratohi, I updated my existing install to kubuntu jaunty, so far it's really been annoying me that ALSA doesn't seem to play very nice with phonon at all (using the xine backend), like for example, before the upgrade I could have amarok, firefox and a game using libsdl (the alsa build specifically), any tips on allowing that behaviour again? it's really not fun having to kill applications just because I want sound in another12:54
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: yes close it12:54
BigMoopiesjube, when I 'cat /etc/network/interfaces' , I only see "auto lo"12:54
paul68how is the support on the creative labs xfi cards under jaunty?12:55
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: if it returns to normal then firefox is to blame12:55
BigMoopiesthen under that "iface lo inet loopback"12:55
BigMoopiesand that's it12:55
Salajadintry dmesg, lspci and cat /proc/interrupts see if your NIC is properly called there and everything matches12:55
jubeok... maybe mine is setup differently then because it has more in there... i'll keep thinking12:56
admin_masu3701ActionParsnip: it slow down12:56
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: ok you have some choices12:56
Salajadinmoopies and i have the same setup for /etc/network/interfaces12:56
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: for a start: sudo apt-get --reinstall install firefox12:56
Salajadinmaybe it is protocol issue12:57
Salajadinlike pppoe12:57
dstarargh. Copying and pasting from an xterm isn't working properly under kde, even though I have Klipper set to sync the selection and clipboard. Anyone have a solution?12:57
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: try this: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_old12:57
BigMoopiesSalajadin, in hardy "00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82562V-2 10/100 Network Connection (rev 02)"12:57
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: then relaunch firefox12:57
Salajadini guess everythings in place12:57
admin_masu3701ActionParsnip: reinstall first? or remove it first12:58
Salajadinlemme get this12:58
BigMoopiesSalajadin, should I try "lspci" in the Intrepid/Jaunty CDs ?12:58
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: just the command i gave you12:58
BigMoopiesto see if it shows the same thing12:58
Salajadinu have modem connected to internet right?12:58
Salajadinso do i12:58
BigMoopiesYes.  The modem is a sat modem12:58
BigMoopiesIt takes care of DHCP12:58
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: if its ok after that you have 2 choices, run with the new profile and recreate shortcust / saved passwords / whatever. oR you can copy the profile back and troubleshoot why its chewing your CPU so much12:59
admin_masu3701ActionParsnip: the mv one of the reinstall one12:59
BigMoopiesI can't turn DHCP , or any other settings off, at the Sat modme12:59
Salajadini have wifi router with four ethernet ports that is connected to modem12:59
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: the reinstall one first, then the move one12:59
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: thats why i told you them in that order12:59
Salajadinit acts as a switch right12:59
Salajadinam i right?12:59
Hiratoanotehr thing that'd been annoying me is that 1280x1024 is forced on me at every boot, despite the nvidia driver reporting that 1920x1440 is possible (and as such, me setting it through there), any ideas on how I could get (k)ubuntu to acknowledge the correct ability of my monitor, since I can no longer do it via sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:59
BigMoopiesYes, everything is plugged directly in to the switches12:59
Salajadinmy modem was
BigMoopiesIf I tried to turn DHCP on at the router, and plugged it in to the Internet port, it slows everything down and I get ping time outs everywhere13:00
BigMoopiesThat's correct, so is mine13:00
Salajadinand when i bought my router it has same default ip as my modem13:00
BigMoopiesand we all get and above13:00
Salajadinso i get issues13:00
paul68how is the support on the creative labs xfi cards under jaunty?13:00
Salajadini cant connect it all together13:00
ActionParsnippaul68: creative have problems supporting windows13:01
Salajadinso what i did was i changed the ip address of my router13:01
ActionParsnippaul68: i'd check the HCL13:01
Salajadini changed it to
BigMoopiesSalajadin, my router IP address is
ActionParsnippaul68: or pretend you have installed Jaunty and look for guides about it13:01
ActionParsnippaul68: i can't say myself as I avoid creative like Paris Hilton13:01
Salajadinis that legal?13:01
Salajadintry changing your ip to
BigMoopiesLocal DHCP is turned off at the router.13:02
Salajadinlets makeit a different subnet13:02
Salajadinno you must set it to dhcp13:02
BigMoopieswhy?  I would be having two "networks"13:02
Salajadinno no no13:02
admin_masu3701ActionParsnip: it uses less % cpu13:02
paul68ActionParsnip: I will upgrade to jaunty when its comming out and was hoping that there might be a better support on these cards. I bought this card when I was still a windows, I changed shortly after to linux13:03
Salajadinwill be the gateway13:03
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: ok great and the fan is spinning slower?13:03
BigMoopiesHow no no no? The modem does DHCP for us13:03
Salajadinthen your internal networkwill ve
Salajadinhow do you configure your router?13:03
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: ok you now have 2 choices: you can rebuild a new profile with favourites and passwords and themes and all that fluff13:03
Salajadindo you get a web gui?13:03
BigMoopiesSalajadin, I don't see how this has to do with the issue.  I have ran Intrepid on my other computers just fine.13:04
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: OR you can rename back your original profile (notice we used mv and not rm) and troubleshoot that13:04
Salajadinhow many machines?13:04
BigMoopiesThe old P2 450MHz takes the "tulip" driver.13:04
admin_masu3701ActionParsnip: what do you mean profile?13:04
BigMoopiesbut it works perfectly13:04
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: and you'll be basically pulling your plugins out of it and themes until it works13:04
BigMoopiesSalajadin, 3 machines, and the modem (all switches full)13:04
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: the settings that you have for firefox are stored in ~/.mozilla13:04
Salajadinwhat is the ip address of that and os of the machines13:05
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: they involve how it looks, your bookmarks, cache, passwords etc13:05
admin_masu3701ActionParsnip: oh yea..cause i dont have my bookmarks no more13:05
magciusOkay, so I forked notify-osd, and now it's showing the full image size!13:05
BigMoopies192.168.0.1 is the modem, then whatever the other machines get.  The router is
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: by renaming the profile, you forced mozilla to give you a default one which has made it work, so now we KNOW that the program is fine, its your SETTINGS that are breaking it13:05
Salajadinyou don't have white lists right?13:05
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: so you gotta choose, rebuild or rename back and fix13:06
BigMoopiesSalajadin,  the other machines are like, 3, 413:06
paul68admin_masu3701: for remembering your bookmarks in firefox you could use foxmarks which stores your bookmarks online13:06
admin_masu3701ActionParsnip: ok..what what would be the best option at this time13:07
ActionParsnippaul68: or just add the .html to your nightly backup ;)13:07
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: there is no best13:07
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: both are viable options, you must choose13:07
paul68ActionParsnip: thats a new one for me where do I find that13:07
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: rebuilding will give a cleaner profile but you will have to reteach firefox your passwords and bookmarks13:08
Salajadinthis weird13:08
BigMoopiesSalajadin, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-502058.html13:08
mikechelenhow can flash be set to use pulseaudio?13:08
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: if you rename back yu will have all your old stuff but you may spend ages hauling plugins and skins out of it to make it run well13:08
holdensswhy isn't jaunty not released?13:08
BigMoopiesSalajadin, Perhaps I should try to put the Intel driver on a disk and try to install it ?13:08
Salajadinit would be easier to have router give out dhcp13:08
Kartagiswhere is jaunty changes file located?13:08
paul68holdenss: because its still in beta13:09
holdenss1 day to go?13:09
Kartagisholdenss, ir's due tomorrow13:09
paul68holdenss: will be released tomorrow13:09
admin_masu3701ActionParsnip: so rebuilding is the option13:09
paul68holdenss: correct13:09
ActionParsnippaul68: let me find thepath for you13:09
Salajadinbig moopies go to firefox and type
paul68ActionParsnip: thanks13:09
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: if thats the way you wanna go thats fine13:09
holdenssisn't that ip for lacie nas?13:09
admin_masu3701ActionParsnip: i dont care too much about the passwords and themes...13:10
BigMoopiesSalajadin, I'm at the router now13:10
admin_masu3701getting the bookmark would be great13:10
Salajadinok have you ever been there?13:10
BigMoopiesSalajadin, yes13:10
BigMoopiesSalajadin, I had to set it up , make a firmware upgrade, etc13:10
BigMoopiesSalajadin, I think downloading that driver from the forums, is the way to try13:11
Salajadinokay let'stry that first13:11
BigMoopiesyeah.  I guess I'll brb13:11
BigMoopiesand try it in live CDs13:11
Salajadinif it wont work tryletting your router handle dhcp13:11
BigMoopiesstrange that it magically works in Fedora, and hardy13:12
ActionParsnippaul68: :~/.mozilla/firefox/<somerubbish>.default/bookmarkups13:12
BigMoopiesbut Intrepid -> Jaunty it doesn't13:12
admin_masu3701ActionParsnip: so how do i store bookmarks online?13:12
ActionParsnippaul68: i'd also grab: bookmarks.html from ~/.mozilla/firefox/<somerubbish>.default/13:13
ActionParsnippaul68: but if you backup the entire ~/.mozilla folder you can reinstate it anyplace13:13
Salajadinlol that was unpredictable13:13
paul68admin_masu3701: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/241013:13
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: no idea, ask paul6813:13
paul68ActionParsnip: ok thanks13:14
BigMoopiesI would be able to access my desktop to install from Live CDs right ?13:14
BigMoopieshere goes13:14
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion13:14
paul68ActionParsnip: in your opinion is a fresh installation better then an upgrade? if you use the fresh install and you have a seperate home partition how does this effect the program files that can be found there?13:15
ActionParsnippaul68: depends how much you've played with your system. If you've had stuff off and on and big services installed then taken off then it'll feel like a new system. Otherwise an upgrade can keep your existing settings and be less heartache13:17
Kartagiswhere is jaunty changes file located?13:17
joaopintopaul68, program files are not stored on the home directory13:17
ActionParsnippaul68: i had to do a clean install of intrepid then upgrade to jaunty to get my video working as my CRT monitor wasnt returning modelines when asked13:17
ActionParsnipjoaopinto: can be ;)13:18
joaopintoActionParsnip, not from regular packages :P13:18
ActionParsnipjoaopinto: wine apps are by default ;)13:18
paul68ActionParsnip: in your homedrive you have for example ./eclipse to name one13:18
s0u][ightwhen does jj get released?13:18
joaopintothose are not real apps :P13:18
ActionParsnippaul68: yes, that is the config file for your user for that app13:19
ActionParsnippaul68: you can even give it to other users but permissions and ownerships will need to be set13:19
ActionParsnips0u][ight: 2 days tops13:20
paul68ActionParsnip: so I need to install all the apps again to make to config files work or am I wrong?13:21
admin_masu3701paul68: so now that i have xmark, will have to go on the site to view my bookmarks?13:22
paul68ActionParsnip: also what is the easiest way to install all the apps that I want in 1 shot is that feasable with a script so I just run the script for the next releases13:22
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:22
virtuelv_I suddenly lost hardware acceleration, desktop effects and functions such as "rotate display" sometime during the last day13:23
virtuelv_(Intel chipset)13:23
virtuelv_are there open bugs on this, or anyone who's seen similar13:24
paul68admin_masu3701: no you logon and you add your bookmarks like you used to, when you have more then 1 pc you install xmark on there to, you logon there aswell and each time you add a bookmark it will be syncronised on the server and later on on the first pc13:24
ActionParsnipvirtuelv_: what happens if you switch back to metacity / kwin then execute   compiz --replace   in a terminal13:24
paul68ActionParsnip: ok thanks13:24
admin_masu3701paul: logon where?13:25
virtuelv_ActionParsnip: nevermind, see this: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NzIyMA13:25
virtuelv_I don't see how shipping with ugly regressions in the RC is feasible13:25
paul68admin_masu3701: you have in firefox under the tools menu the option xmarks where you can syncronise directly if you want13:25
paul68admin_masu3701: when you installed xmarks you had to create a username and logon right?13:26
virtuelvActionParsnip: the driver is blacklisted13:27
ActionParsnipvirtuelv: nice, useful info (good job i dont use intel vga)13:27
ActionParsnipvirtuelv: and it is feasible as they are doing it now13:28
virtuelvActionParsnip: Which sounds certifiably insane, given that almost *every* netbook in existence suffers from it13:28
admin_masu3701paul: so bookmark show in firefox and xmark site13:29
ActionParsnipvirtuelv: well it sounds known so i'm sure it'll get sorted when intel sort it13:29
virtuelvActionParsnip: Yes, and then what?  generally Canonical won't upgrade the driver between two releases, except for security patches13:30
ActionParsnipvirtuelv: go make noise at canonical to release it as soon as possible, or watch the intel site for updates13:31
ActionParsnippersonally i think intel should quit with the video chios and just make cpus13:32
virtuelvthe intel-site alternative is not feasible for me, since I won't do out-of-band updates on my laptop13:32
thiebaudeActionParsnip: got my intel i815 fixed in 9.0413:32
peaceintel chipset are good for  office13:32
peaceand cheaper13:32
ActionParsnippeace: because ati and nvidia make them so much better, its like a plumber trying to fix your electric wiring13:33
ActionParsnippeace: just do 1 thing and do it really well13:33
peacethe world doesn't do that13:33
ActionParsnippeace: can use an onboard nvidia chip for next to nothing13:33
peacelike apple... ibm and company13:33
ActionParsnipthiebaude: awesome dude :D13:34
thiebaudei edited my xorg.conf file13:34
thiebaudeadded Option "DRI" "other"13:34
paul68admin_masu3701: just to be clear you install xmarks and then you had to restart firefox to finish installation  then when you launch firefox again its asking you for your credentials (username password). at this point its going to ask you what you want, and you make your selection.  when you are serving on the net with firefox and you want to create a new bookmark you just do it like you used to do. xmark will synchronise13:34
peacethiebaude:hey what did you add?13:34
paul68this info online and when you install firefox on a new pc you just install xmarks and you can download the previous stored bookmarks from the online server13:34
thiebaudeOption "DRI"  "other"13:34
ActionParsnipthiebaude: you are leet dude, everyone is terrified of xorg.conf, trying to phase it out and stuff13:34
thiebaudeand i have no performance problems at all, its just like old times13:35
ActionParsnipthiebaude: not so scary one you get to know it13:35
peacethiebaude: could you paste your  xorg?13:35
thiebaudei have been editing it for about 3 months13:35
peacethiebaude: i have intel 945gm13:35
peacethe new driver is very nice on 2D but with 3d sucks ...13:36
peacedamned driver13:36
thiebaudewhat is the command13:36
thiebaudein the terminal13:36
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:36
thiebaudeim just going to post it13:36
peacethiebaude: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:36
wirechief_ thiebaude you can use pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   too13:36
virtuelvand https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes#Performance%20regressions%20on%20Intel%20graphics%20cards13:37
* faileas hadn't realised the x restart keycombo was disabled13:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nozap13:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zap13:38
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »13:38
thiebaudecat /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:38
ActionParsnipthats it13:38
SupreamTacoBellif I install Jaunty RC now, will I be able to get the differences of the RC and the final release by just updating packages ?13:38
faileasthat seems odd13:38
ActionParsnipthanks Tekno13:38
SupreamTacoBelltomorrow or whatever13:38
thiebaudei never knew how to use pastebin13:38
faileasSupreamTacoBell: yes13:38
faileasassuming there's major changes ;)13:38
SupreamTacoBellfaileas: So I wont be have to download the CD ISO again ?13:38
faileasSupreamTacoBell: no13:39
SupreamTacoBellfaileas: just use apt-get update , blah blah.. install .. etc?13:39
fredrikwim looking forward to karmic koala already :)13:39
faileasSupreamTacoBell: yes13:39
* faileas did that with intrepid ;p13:39
ActionParsnipSupreamTacoBell: when you upgrade you will upgrade into final, seamlessly13:39
thiebaudethe xorg.conf file is empty except in the options section of Device add "DRI"  "off"13:39
SupreamTacoBellActionParsnip: so there's no real reason for me not to install the RC version I just downloaded a moment ago13:39
wirechief_thiebaude: well if you dont have pastebinit its a great tool easy to use (but needs to install it)13:39
SupreamTacoBellActionParsnip: right?13:40
faileasSupreamTacoBell: other than the usual craveats about pre-release software ;)13:40
ActionParsnipSupreamTacoBell: youcan if you want, if you have intrepid and are happy with it then theres no real reason to upgrade at all13:40
peacequote ActionParsnip13:40
SupreamTacoBellActionParsnip: I am using 8.0413:40
SupreamTacoBellActionParsnip: I wanted the new XFCE13:40
thiebaudeinstalling pastebinit now13:40
joaopintoSupreamTacoBell, the answer to your initial question is yes13:40
ActionParsnipSupreamTacoBell: 8.04 is maintained for a while yet13:41
SupreamTacoBellActionParsnip: yeah but the new XFCE is prettier13:41
SupreamTacoBelland I like prett13:41
peaceso you have your answer SupreamTacoBell13:41
virtuelvSupreamTacoBell: if you're using XFCE, you might also enjoy LXDE13:41
faileaslxde is awesome ;p13:41
SupreamTacoBellalright.  virtuelv: LXDE?13:41
SupreamTacoBellvirtuelv: I just don't like "Bog me down so firefox can hardly run on a 1.8 GHz dual core system"13:42
ActionParsnipfaileas: +1 for lxde13:42
faileasSupreamTacoBell: I have xubuntu jaunty running on my PIII 733 w `128 mb ram ;p13:42
stevecccapologies for those in #ubuntu who have just heard me ask this but are there any links to the new isos available so that automated downloads can be setup ahead of tomorrow?13:42
SupreamTacoBellfaileas: I thought about installing it on my P213:42
virtuelvSupreamTacoBell: then you'll enjoy LXDE far more13:42
faileasActionParsnip: I might give it another short when i can be bothered to13:42
thiebaudewhere do i open pastebinit?13:42
virtuelvafter having tried it, I'd classify XFCE as heavyweight13:43
faileasSupreamTacoBell: lxde is lighter than xfce13:43
wirechief_thiebaude:  just right click it and use open13:43
ActionParsnipvirtuelv: could install flwm ;)13:43
SupreamTacoBellfaileas: how would I install that ?13:43
joaopintosteveccc, this is the proper channel to talk about jaunty :P13:43
virtuelvSupreamTacoBell: sudo apt-get install lxde13:43
SupreamTacoBellvirtuelv: how simple.13:43
faileaswhat virtuelv said13:43
virtuelvit'll draw in the necessary extensions itself13:43
joaopintosteveccc, no disadvantages, unless there was some critical bug on the RC installer, which I am not aware off13:44
wirechief_thiebaude: if you right clik on it there are options13:44
virtuelvthe only caveat with LXDE is that some applications startup configuration needs to be modified13:44
stevecccjoaopinto: are you on 9.04 now then?13:44
wirechief_http://pastebin.com/f21ef7b0a thats mine for testing stuff13:44
ActionParsnipSupreamTacoBell: http://www.dacostabalboa.com/es/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/lxde.png13:44
SupreamTacoBellvirtuelv: and then I will be able to change the session at login to lxde as if I installed "ubuntu-desktop" for GNOME ?13:44
faileasSupreamTacoBell: yup13:45
joaopintosteveccc, at home, yes, right now at work, not :P13:45
SupreamTacoBellActionParsnip: lookes like a lighter version of "KDE" ?13:45
stevecccjoaopinto: is it a large improvement over 8.10 or just little improvements13:45
virtuelvSupreamTacoBell: yes13:45
SupreamTacoBellActionParsnip/virtuelv does it make me want to rip my screen apart like KDE?13:46
SupreamTacoBelland shoot it.. curse voodoo on it13:46
virtuelvand the file manager is a good bit better than thunar13:46
SupreamTacoBellthere's just something about KDE that made me want to tear the screen all apart13:46
joaopintosteveccc, I wouldn't call it a large improvement release, but there are some significant benefits, like performance13:47
faileas3 or 4?13:47
SupreamTacoBellvirtuelv: can it view the 'network' ?13:47
virtuelvSupreamTacoBell: no, LXDE is super-simple13:47
faileasi loved 3. F needs more spit and polish13:47
SupreamTacoBellvirtuelv: like Thunar can't13:47
stevecccjoaopinto: performance in terms of gui speed or general disk / memory access etc13:47
virtuelvSupreamTacoBell: unknown, because I've never tried, given that I just use sshfs for remote disks13:47
SupreamTacoBellI haven't tried 413:47
SandGorgonSupreamTacoBell: try the skulpture theme and see if doesnt make things better -13:47
thiebaudeSection "Device"13:48
thiebaudeIdentifier"Configured Video Device"13:48
thiebaude        Option          "DRI" "off"13:48
thiebaudeSection "Monitor"13:48
thiebaudeIdentifier"Configured Monitor"13:48
thiebaudeSection "Screen"13:48
thiebaudeIdentifier"Default Screen"13:48
joaopintosteveccc, general disk access, mostly because of the change to ext413:48
thiebaudeMonitor"Configured Monitor"13:48
thiebaudeDevice"Configured Video Device"13:48
SupreamTacoBellvirtuelv: I was having to use firefox and GNOME's nautulius or whatever13:48
joaopintoand the boot speed also, because it had some major optimizations13:48
SupreamTacoBellfor smb://13:48
stevecccjoaopinto: is ext4 default on installation or optional?13:48
SupreamTacoBelland so on13:48
joaopintosteveccc, optional13:48
SandGorgonthiebaude: i would suggest using pastebin for pasting a large piece of text13:49
stevecccjoaopinto: see i want to use that but converting my data ext3 partition to it does worry me a little - may run with it only on the operating system partitions for a while and see how it goes13:49
SupreamTacoBellAnyway, right now I have hardy installed. and XP.  I guess I should back up everything from hardy, put it to the NTFS or external drives.. Give windows back all the data , then install Jaunty?13:49
ActionParsnipSupreamTacoBell: its gtk based13:49
SupreamTacoBellOr how would I go about that ?13:50
joaopintosteveccc, I did a backup/restore13:50
karol^anyone experienced slower 2d after switching to Intel UXA acceleration?13:50
joaopintosteveccc, my concerns with ext4 are not higher than the regular disk failure concerns, so either I have backups because I care about the data, or I don't ;)13:50
stevecccjoaopinto: sorry yes i would do that too but i just meant long term reliability rather than loosing data on the upgrade13:51
ActionParsnipSupreamTacoBell: when you reinstall set the home folder on its own partition13:51
joaopintosteveccc, upgrading ext3 to ext4 does not provide the performance benefits from a new ext4 fs13:51
SupreamTacoBellActionParsnip: Ok.13:51
SupreamTacoBellSpeaking of that, do I want ext4?13:51
SupreamTacoBellWhen I go to install Jaunty13:51
stevecccjoaopinto: i see your point and agree but i am just thinking that ext4 as it is new may have bugs where ext3 should be solid and all bugs ironed out by now - is that unfounded?13:51
virtuelvSupreamTacoBell: no13:51
SupreamTacoBellvirtuelv: still crappy?13:52
virtuelvyou do not want ext4 until applications have stopped misbehaving13:52
thiebaudesudo pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:52
stevecccjoaopinto: you mean you have to create ext4 from fresh to get the performance benefits ?13:52
ActionParsnipthiebaude: pastebinit doesnt need sudo for that as your user can read the file13:52
ActionParsnipthiebaude: you only need that if your user dioesnt have read access13:53
joaopintosteveccc, yes, upgrading is possible, but will keep some ext3 related settings , unlike a fresh ext4 fs creation13:53
SupreamTacoBellActionParsnip: So I was correct though, I want to give everything back to the NTFS partition ?  Then resize it all back up, depending on what's free from the windows NTFS after giving it all back?13:53
SupreamTacoBellActionParsnip: another thing, how would I save myself trouble from having to go and using 'fixmbr' in XP's CD ?13:54
joaopintosteveccc, well, if stability is your priority, yes, some problems were already identified and fixed with ext4 during Jaunty's development, and it's like to have rare bugs, just like ext3 had :P13:54
SupreamTacoBellafter giving all the partitions back to NTFS13:54
stevecccjoaopinto: i think i will install 9.04 on my os partitions then copy any data i want to keep temporarily over to that partition and then format and setup my new ext4 datab partition and then copy it over then.13:54
thiebaudethats it13:54
thiebaudetrue wirechief13:55
SandGorgonhave all the ext4 issues with KDE been resolved - the delayed allocation problem ?13:55
joaopintothere is nothing like a long time and large user base for stability :)13:55
thiebaudethanks everyone for helping me on that13:55
joaopintoSandGorgon, I don't know about abything specific to KDE, there were some general cases in which files would be truncated in the event of a system crash13:56
SandGorgonjoaopinto, yup that's what ... are those fixed ?13:56
steveccci just hope the sound issues are resolved - the update on my desktop - when audio moved over to pulse audio killed all audio - hoping this wil be resolved in 9.0413:56
joaopintoSandGorgon, I have read that there were some patches to work around those "problems" (since they could also be address at the application side), I think they are "fixed"13:57
joaopintosteveccc, you can always test with a liveCD ;)13:59
stevecccjoaopinti: oh yes i will be :)14:00
stevecccjoaopinto: do you use gnome or xfce14:02
steveccci like the thought of xfce for speed but not really used it so may give it a try on live cd14:03
joaopintoI like xfce when the hw can't handle gnome :P14:06
Q-FUNKcould someone check this and tell me if adding those two lines would be acceptable?14:10
Q-FUNKthis apparmor+cups issue has been a show stopper for ages.14:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 295536 in cups "cups-pdf fails bad status reported and no pdf created" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:10
space_cadetso whats the word on the release date?14:10
eagles0513875woot im excited guys jaunty comes out tomorrow14:10
space_cadetnow will my system upgrade me automatically14:11
eagles0513875space_cadet: all you do is update like normal if there are any packages that need updates14:11
wirechief_eagles0513875:  all  users are excited but those handling problems here are going be really busy for the next week14:11
space_cadetactually, i'm thinking of just going for a clean install14:12
eagles0513875wirechief_: hell ill be helping if i could program14:12
Dimahey guys, who knows when is the launch time of 9.04?14:12
eagles0513875space_cadet: then use unetbootin to create a bootable usb and install it off of that if you can if not youll have ot use cd on older hardware that doesnt usb boot14:12
Dimait has to be today (but what time :()14:12
wirechief_eagles0513875: just pointing newbies to the community howto docs will be a big help14:12
space_cadeteagles0513875, that's what I do anyway14:12
eagles0513875wirechief_: been working on closing old bugs on launch pad as of late14:12
eagles0513875or new bugs that are from older releases like dapper and what not14:13
eagles0513875wirechief_: does that help at all or not really closing old bugs14:13
wirechief_eagles0513875: thats great... me too.. but closing old bugs doesnt help those that have not got all the fixes yet14:13
eagles0513875wirechief_: well i would help by fixing bugs thing is i dont have much programming experience14:14
space_cadetquestion:   is there support for 3 integrated speakers (laptop) yet?14:14
joaopintoeagles0513875, it helps if you verify that they are fixed14:14
wirechief_eagles0513875:  not to worry though, google is the best teacher14:14
eagles0513875joaopinto: how does one do that just install the program and try it out14:14
eagles0513875wirechief_: you have any recommended languages i should focus on14:15
joaopintoeagles0513875, if there is a good description on how to reproduce the bug, yes, installing and testing should be enough14:15
wirechief_eagles0513875: i would learn how scripts work first14:15
eagles0513875wirechief_: bash scripting you mean14:16
space_cadetscripting in general...  would be a plus14:16
eagles0513875if people would mentor me i would help out gladly14:16
wirechief_eagles0513875:  i started by just reading them and seeing how they work but best to learn from masters of them14:16
joaopintopython would also be nice :P14:16
space_cadetmaybe even c14:17
eagles0513875i have dive into python that book in pdf once i finish my exams im gonna do it so i can get bug fixing14:17
eagles0513875c/c++ python are on my to learn list14:17
joaopintoc is a bit harder :P14:17
eagles0513875need to do my first 2 exams of lpi14:17
eagles0513875joaopinto: did java last yr so c/c++ im not finding that hard14:17
wirechief_eagles0513875: i used sidux for about 4 months and they have fantastic scripts but the best ive found are in kanotix14:17
eagles0513875syntax i need to get used to14:17
* space_cadet remembers the days when batch scripts were the big thing (ms-dos)14:18
joaopintoC is not comparable to java, I am not talking about C++ :P14:18
eagles0513875wirechief_:  joaopinto hop in kubuntu-offtopic we taking this channel offtopic14:18
jason_froebeanyone else experiencing a memory leak with dolpin (kubunu 9.04) when viewing a folder that has video files?14:18
wirechief_good idea14:18
jason_froebe32 bit14:18
eagles0513875jason_froebe: i experience something that slows it down badly when trying to access files on a windows machine with smbfs and im on 64bit kubuntu14:19
eagles0513875jason_froebe: i would recommend to file a bug and also try it out in konqueror see if you have the same issue14:19
space_cadetso if I install the RC today, and the release is tomarrow, ...14:20
jason_froebeeagles0513875 - I see the same on local disk as well as nfs & smbfs (cifs).  when looking at top, dolphin will take in excess of 1.8G of ram14:20
jason_froebethanks - will do14:20
eagles0513875jason_froebe: havent seen that but i do notice its super sluggish compared to konqueror14:20
space_cadetare there any big changes between the RC and the (pending)release14:21
eagles0513875not that i know of i could be wrong14:21
eagles0513875im still on the beta lol14:21
jason_froebewas hoping it was just me ;-)14:21
eagles0513875just been updating it daily and every few hrs14:21
joaopintospace_cadet, you will get the updates tomorrow14:22
joaopintoI mean, probably you will get those today, after installing, it is very unlikely that you get updates tomorrow, since most people will be partying :P14:23
space_cadetgrab the keg14:24
BluesKajHowdy all14:41
* genii hands BluesKaj a coffee14:42
BluesKajhey genii , thx , and a good morning to you :)14:43
geniiBluesKaj: Yer welcome, and good morning also14:43
shashiIs 9.04 gold now ? Can i download it from some where ?14:45
space_cadetsee you guys on the jaunty side.14:51
Roland123how to get sound working? intel corporation 82801 ( ich7 family )14:51
PartTimeJerkI am running Jaunty 64 bit and am having trouble with my mouse (Logitech G5) will frequently stop working, I have tried another mouse (Razor Diamondback), and uplugging it and plugging it back in, but the only thing I've found to work is a full restart, please help14:52
magciushttp://dl.getdropbox.com/u/119372/notify-osd-better.png <--- my notify-osd fork14:57
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic15:00
charlie-tcashashi: not yet. The release will be tomorrow15:01
tadeu_guys, any known problem about upgrading 8.10 to 9.04 ?15:04
magciustadeu_, it all depends on your system configuration.15:04
PartTimeJerkI am running Jaunty 64 bit and am having trouble with my mouse (Logitech G5) will frequently stop working, I have tried another mouse (Razor Diamondback), and uplugging it and plugging it back in, but the only thing I've found to work is a full restart, please help15:07
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience15:07
tadeu_magcius, well i have 8.10 in my laptop, with basic web development tools15:08
tadeu_postgre, php, apache15:08
magciusthat should be fine for an upgrade15:08
PartTimeJerkmy mistake....15:08
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes15:09
Picitadeu_: The release notes are necessarily final, but they'll give you a good idea of what you can expect.15:09
tadeu_nice, thanks15:10
=== hedgee is now known as cky
VenteroHey there! Got a question: How can I get my panel to show up when I login? Since yesterday I have to start it manually with "gnome-panel" after logging in... :/15:13
AnyoseyoI'm trying to boot 9.04 onto an external hd15:14
bercikIs there any unofficial repos sources.list for Jaunty?15:18
bercikIs there any unofficial repos sources.list for Jaunty?15:19
joaopintobercik, you should use the update-manager for the upgrade, it takes care of the sources.list changes for you15:20
bercikjoaopinto: i mean unofficial repos, non-free, private..15:21
ShackJackbercik: Not sure what you mean by "unofficial" but you can check off the "multiverse" in Software sources for that kind of software, and certain projects will post their PPA so you can have the cutting edge stuff - gnome-do, banshee for example...15:29
bercikShackJack: i thnik multiverse is what i mean. My target is: have more avaible packages:)15:31
ShackJackbercik: Gotcha... you can add Medibuntu repos et al... but it mostly depends on what your needs are... the multiverse should suit most ppl and then the program-specific repos for programs you have a particular interest in staying up to date with...15:32
bercikShackJack: There are not already built sources.lists similar to lists that could be added to previous versions?15:34
ShackJackNot that I know of, but it's pretty trivial to add desired sources to your current list...15:35
bercikthanks then:)15:36
faileasspeaking of which15:36
* faileas needs to see if there's a virtualbox PUEL repo for jaunty ;)15:36
leohartxis 9.04 out ?15:39
faileasnot yet15:39
Moryddwhat time/timezone does the new version usually go out?15:39
leohartxas i see now, it's 23rh in US15:40
jtholmesMorydd, believe it is UTC or UTC +-115:40
bercikGuys, whats the command to build deb package from source?15:41
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic15:41
jtholmesMorydd, the daily builds show -5 hours from what ever time is on the file15:41
Mint`!topic | leohartx15:41
ubottuleohartx: please see above15:41
ubstubHello I'm using an nvidia geforce 6200 and I'm getting a lot of artifacts on the screen15:41
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic15:42
MoryddI'm trying to decide if I should keep looking for it today, or if I'll need to wait till Friday. :)15:42
ubstuboh so I won't get support for jaunty?15:42
Mint`!jaunty | ubstub15:42
ubottuubstub: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:42
jtholmesMorydd, looking for the final release, today?15:43
Daemonuswhat nvidia card you guys recommend to run a 1920x1200 res with compiz? cheers15:44
BluesKajubstub , make sure you have the nvidia-glx-180 driver installed  for you card15:44
Moryddjtholmes: well, it'll be the 23rd _somewhere_ when it's still the 22nd here. (US CDT)15:44
ubstubBluesKaj, can I get that from synaptic?15:44
jtholmesMorydd, what time zone are you in  ie  UTC  -+15:45
ubstubBluesKaj, yes it's installed15:45
Morydd+6 I think.15:45
ubstubBluesKaj, is there a way I can disable effects? Maybe that will help15:46
MoryddDST screws me up though Could be +5 right now.15:46
leohartxi'm waitting for final release to create a stable local repository15:46
Moryddoops -515:46
charlie-tcaMorydd: and, it will probably not release until late in the day15:46
jtholmesMorydd, well i dont think the release will be final much before you awake tomorrow15:47
Moryddokay. Thanks.15:47
MoryddFriday it is.15:47
jtholmesMorydd, what flavor ubuntu kubuntu15:47
_btthe Krap choice15:48
BluesKajubstub , it might , i have the 7600GT and haven't seen many artifacts with effects enabled , altho I don't know how these 2 cards compare.15:48
jtholmesMorydd, why dont you down load what is there now it wont change much then update on fri and save a lot of time15:48
ubstubBluesKaj, how do I disable them? I don't see an option in nvidia x server settings15:49
leohartxi dont like kubuntu15:49
Moryddjtholmes: I have a history of having things fail in interesting and unique ways, so I prefer to wait till there's official support.15:50
leohartxkubuntu remind me about windows15:50
faileasleohartx: you do have two official windows managers, and one unofficial one15:50
faileaser... three15:50
BluesKajubstub, kmenu/applications/system/desktop effects15:50
leohartxno, just one15:50
doleyblol i dont like non-k ubuntu, because it reminds me of mac.15:50
faileasleohartx: wierdly enough, gnome's default, and xfce remind me of when i messed around with mac OS *15:50
faileasleohartx: xubuntu is also officially supported15:51
ubstubI'm on Gnome15:51
BluesKajubstub ,on kubuntu , dunno what it is on gnome15:51
faileasi'm on kubuntu on one box, and xfce on another15:51
leohartxyeah, gnome make linux unique15:51
jtholmesMorydd, good  4 u, hope all goes well15:51
faileas(ok, so i also dualboot XP and 2000 on those boxen. But thats cause almost all my non server boxen are dualboot ;p)15:52
jtholmesMorydd, btw we all have that particular problem of unique failures etc. :)15:52
Moryddjtholmes: if I had a dollar for every time I'd gone looking for answers and gotten "I have no idea how that would happen" I'd be moderately more wealthy. It's fun.15:52
ubstubok got it. It seems to help. Thanks BluesKaj15:53
faileasMorydd: ever had a problem randomly dissappear? ;p15:53
jtholmesMorydd, same here15:53
jtholmesabundantly frequent15:53
BluesKajubstub, np, hope it does :)15:53
VissudI'm trying to do an update-manager -d15:59
Vissudand when it does it's calculations, it says it has 153 packages to uninstall, and 1 toinstall, 103 total to d/l15:59
Daisuke-Idoare you already running jaunty beta?15:59
Vissud103k to d/l16:00
Vissudno, I'm on ibext16:00
Daisuke-Idoyeah, that doesn't sound right :(  anyone else have any ideas?16:00
mvoVissud: could you make /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log available somewhere?16:00
Vissudoh, heh, never thought to look thee..one sec16:00
Vissud2009-04-22 09:56:44,612 DEBUG Upgradable, but held- back:16:02
Vissuddoes that mean anything?16:02
Vissudand yeah,i can upload the file somewhere16:02
Vissudwell, nm, lemme, just upload it16:03
Roland123how to get sound working after Jaunty upgrade? intel ICH7 family16:04
boumacan anyone tell me if im going to have problems with an intel x4500hd video16:04
boumacard in my laptop16:04
askandIs anyone in here able to freeze their computer eith the command "strace gedit" ?16:05
Vissudmvo: http://www.shanebrady.com/main.log.gz16:05
boumaam i better of sticking to 8.10, ... i am hoping for performance increase actually. but i would really like to hear from someone that has already tested it16:05
Valen1anybody know when the "offical" release *time* is?16:06
Valen1its meant to come out today16:06
Mint`!topic | Valen116:06
ubottuValen1: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:06
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases16:07
charlie-tcaValen1: no16:07
ribois there a reason why janunty doesn't have openssl 0.9.8k?16:07
Valen1thats all nice but it doesn't really answer the question16:07
Mint`soon Valen116:07
Vissudnothing stickes out of me at the logs16:08
Valen1I gathered, just got fed up with the state of my current system, was about to Dl the RC but saw the "offical" release is due16:08
jbroomeValen1: get the RC and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade after the release16:09
SandGorgonso is this going to be a Karmic discussion from tomorrow?16:09
jbroomeSandGorgon: this chan usually closes for a week or so after the +1 is released16:09
Vissudmvo, any ideas?16:09
Daisuke-IdoValen1: you're definitely best doing RC today since as always, servers will be pummelled at release16:09
PiciSandGorgon: No, the channel will be closed until Karmic begins developing.16:09
charlie-tca<Valen1> anybody know when the "offical" release *time* is?16:09
charlie-tcaanswer, no16:09
=== Valen1 is now known as Valen
charlie-tcaSeems very direct as an answer16:10
Valenfrom you yes, the !topic however wasn't paticularly helpfull16:10
mvoVissud: it looks like there is a jaunty universe entry in your sources.list already16:11
boumafrom what ive read the intel video issues wont be fixed until 9.10 ?? is this true :(16:11
mvoVissud: its definitely a strange looking one16:11
charlie-tcaYou could grab the daily image, which will actually become the final16:11
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/16:11
Vissudmvo, yeah, I think did something to get the latest nvidia driver16:11
Vissudi guess I can just rmove that and see what happenes16:11
SandGorgonhow do I use rsync to update from RC iso ?16:11
charlie-tcabouma: I think that is as correct as known right now.16:12
joaopintoSandGorgon, rsync source target , where source=url to the final iso, target= your local rc iso filename16:12
Valenprobably best to wait i spose16:12
charlie-tcaIt will not fixed in Jaunty final release, at least16:12
boumacharlie-tca: thats sad.. do you have intel hardware ? im trying to find out if i will be affected16:13
boumacharlie-tca: i mean intel video hardware16:13
charlie-tcaI killed that machine16:13
charlie-tcaSandGorgon: for the alternate cd: rsync -tzhhP rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily/20090420.1/jaunty-alternate-i386.iso .16:14
macvrValen: by this time tomorrow jaunty will definately be released...16:14
Daemonusdue at GMT+02:0016:14
mvoVissud: the apt.log file might have some more clues, but from what I can see now its a mixture between intrepid/jaunty. but its not doing a good job calculating the upgrade, some stuff like totem or python-xapaian ends up in the remove list16:15
faileasGMT+2 is a timezone...16:15
SandGorgoncharlie-tca: I use the desktop ISO ... i suppose I just have to change the name of the iso16:15
Daemonuswell yeah 12am gtm+216:15
Vissuddoes Skype work better in jaunty? :)16:15
charlie-tcarsync -tzhhP rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily-live/current/jaunty-desktop-amd64.iso .16:16
Vissudbleh, did the same thing again16:16
charlie-tcachange the amd64 to i386 if 32-bit16:16
charlie-tcaSandGorgon: and don't forget the dot at the end16:16
Valenwonder if its worth going to 64bit on the desktop now16:16
=== Ghirai|XPee is now known as Ghirai
SandGorgoncharlie-tca, thanks16:16
charlie-tcaValen: depends on the amount of ram, since 32bit sees 3.2GB.16:17
Valenrunning 64bit on my server/tv16:17
Valenonly got 2gb in the desktop16:17
Valen6Gb in the server (hence the 64 bit)16:17
charlie-tcaProbably be about the same then.16:17
Valenstill seem to be be plenty of issues with flash and the like on the 64 bit platform16:18
Valenany better in 9.04?16:18
piksii'm not having any particular issues with flash on 64bit, haven't had for a long time. only some minor glitches here and there16:19
_g0tmi1k_What time 2morra is 9.04 out?16:19
Pici_g0tmi1k_: When its done.16:19
_g0tmi1k_... :(16:20
Paavi2_0might be 11.59pm16:20
Paavi2_0or might be 6am16:20
_g0tmi1k_so its still been updated...like...right now?16:20
Vissudwill not upgrade properly16:21
VissudValen, you need to use the 64 bit flash directly from Adobe16:21
Paavi2_0well, there are still some bugs on release candidate and they have to be solved first16:21
Vissudthe nspluginwrapper is awful16:21
Valenoh i didn't know they had a native 64 bit flash16:22
piksiit's beta16:22
Vissudit's still alpha16:22
Vissudoh, beta now? cool16:22
Valennspluginwrapper is really really crap lol16:22
piksiValen: nah, you were right it's not even beta :->16:22
ValenI'll have to stick that on my tv computer16:22
Daisuke-Idobut it works pretty well16:22
Daisuke-Idoi haven't had any firefox crashes with it16:23
PiciIts actually technally a Release Candidate, but whatever.16:23
Valenat the moment i cant order pizza on the tv computer :-<16:23
piksisurprisingly it has worked pretty well compared to wrapped 32bit16:23
=== peace is now known as Peace-
MarcNI did it a few days ago, but forgot the magic command to upgrade to Jaunty RC.16:23
Valenthe pizza site kills flash16:23
Daisuke-IdoPici: flash 10 64-bit?  it's still considered alpha according to adobe16:23
PiciDaisuke-Ido: Oh.16:23
Vissudeven in alpha, it kicks nspluginwrapper's ass16:24
Daisuke-Idobut most importantly, it works :D16:24
Valenknow any "how to"'s on the install that worked well?16:24
Valenjust off hand16:24
HalowOrdering pizza from your TV...16:24
Valeni run mythbuntu on my "server"16:24
HalowYeah, it just sounds so crazy. :)16:24
Valenthe pizza place has some giant crappy flash based application thing to do the order with16:25
PiciDaisuke-Ido: I thought you meant Jaunty16:25
=== nielsslot_ is now known as nielsslot
Valenworlds most pointless and irritating use of flash ever16:25
Peace-Valen: i don't use flash to see the video16:26
Valenits not a video, its an online ordering system16:26
Valenhmm given that I might try 64 bit for the desktop16:28
MarcNHow do I upgrade to Jaunty/RC?  I did it on my other laptop, but do-release-upgrade -d nor update-manager -d16:28
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:28
bercikCould some open ati driver user paste me a xorg.conf please?16:30
noqqok, I like Ubuntu, but it's just not suitable for my netbook. How do I uninstall?16:31
Peace-noqq: have you tried eeebuntu?16:31
jbroomenoqq: you don't really uninstall, you install something else on top of it16:31
Peace-noqq: that's is for eeepc16:31
pwnguinnoqq: im assuming you tried the netbook packages in ubuntu?16:31
faileasnoqq: are you dualbooting?16:32
MarcNPeace-: that will work in a few days, but to upgrade today to RC?16:32
Valeneeexubuntu is pretty nice16:32
ValenIF your after a really fast boot and your netbook has SSE3 support take a look at moblin16:33
Valen~5 second boot16:33
jbroomeMarcN: if you're keeping uptodate with apt-get update, you're running the same stuff the rc has16:34
Peace-MarcN: well i dunno because i am on xD kubuntu 9.04 from alpha416:34
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.16:34
dt3kwhen exactly will the update for 9.04 final become available?16:35
PiciWhen its done.16:35
dt3kAmazing answer16:35
MarcNPeace-: I've got intrepid and want to upgrade my 2nd laptop to Jaunty/RC.  More than just editing /etc/apt/sources.list.16:35
BluesKajhmmm, I think the devs should be careful with advising the dist-upgrade command , it's broken some setups lately16:35
jbroomethanks Pici16:36
macvrbercik: did u upgrade from intrepid or hardy?16:36
eper3zhey dudes, how do i add jaunty to my grub list?16:36
bercikmacvr: fresh install16:36
BluesKajaptitude safe-upgrade is more recent and obviously meant to be safer16:36
olejlIs this the recommended approach if I want to install latest fglrx drivers https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Install%20from%20ati.com%20(latest%20version%20of%20drivers)?16:36
jbroomedt3k: that's the only correct answer right now16:36
VenteroHow do I get my Gnome-panels to start up automatically when I login? :/16:37
macvrbercik: previous version u have used? xorg.conf is not used  now16:37
bercikmacvr: i never used Ubuntu, Gentoo was before16:37
olejleper3z: Try this: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/16:38
bercikmacvr: what is used if not xorg.conf=16:38
macvrbercik: i'll just paste my xorg... whats the problm anyway?16:38
olejleper3z: or maybe this is better: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows16:39
bercikmacvr: i got very poor performance16:39
SheeEttinis there a known problem where (under KDE) after one tries to log in, it just leaves you at the log-in background?16:39
SheeEttini.e. it never switches over to the user session?16:40
macvrbercik: http://paste.ubuntu.com/155984/ <<< fglrx aint yet supported for my laptop...16:40
bercikmacvr: so whats Your video card? thanks for paste16:41
macvrbercik: mobility x1400 ... but even with this ati driver, everything works, compiz with full effects,16:41
bercikmacvr: x1400 is brand new, not?16:43
Picibercik: No, its a few years old.16:43
bercikPici: thank16:43
macvrbercik: its i think about 2-3yrs old16:43
thiebaudehi Pici16:44
bercikmacvr: You want to know my problem? Ati has just called my x30 legacy :P its unsupported so i cannot use fglrx with Xorg.16 lol16:44
macvrbercik: install 8.10, it has fglrx16:45
bercikmacvr: but i want Jaunty lol16:45
kungpowzaati is the worst16:45
noqqHey, I had a lagspike.. big one. I was asking about how to uninstall Ubuntu. To the people who asked me question; I have Dual Boot, I did not try the Netbook version.16:45
macvrbercik:  then u could do a upgrade16:45
bercikkungpowza: yes16:45
pacejrbercik: it's a bummer, right? and all the new -ati work isn't going to hit ubuntu until 9.10 or 10.416:46
bercikmacvr: using Linux is complicated. Old card= shit support16:46
macvrpacejr: 10.4!!!!!!!!16:46
VenteroAnyone got an idea about my panel-problem? :/16:47
eper3zok, so i have gparted open but dont know how to add jaunty to grub list16:47
ubottuTo learn how to uninstall applications in Ubuntu - please visit http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/16:47
charlie-tcabercik: I still run a PII and PIII using Xubuntu16:47
bercikcharlie-tca: couse its supported and works16:48
charlie-tcaIt is very old, though16:48
bercikI wanted to play some game using Wine but i cannot couse i have to use fglrx16:48
charlie-tcaThat's not linux, that is ATI's fault16:48
berciki know. becouse will not support my card anymore16:49
macvrbercik: i think if u upgrade from an 8.10 install, to 9.04 u can use the fglrx... i not sure about this., but there is something int the last line of the know issues about this, it says do not select the new driver or something...16:49
pacejrmacvr: i'm hoping it will be in place by 9.10. i think the mesa bits will be in place, but the kernel bits won't be going in until 2.6.3116:49
charlie-tcaubuntu is doing everything they can to try and support those old ati cards16:49
pacejrand 2.6.31 might not make it into karmic16:49
miracle2kIf I want to run OpenVZ on jaunty, what is my best option? Is there a PPA for the kernel maybe?16:50
macvrpacejr: u are using ati too?16:50
WNzHey everyone. Is Jaunty being released at midnight or later in the day?16:52
jbroomeWNz: no  specific time.  it's released when it's released16:53
WNzi'm excited about it :)16:53
eper3zhow do i add jaunt to my grub list16:53
faileaseper3z: it should be automatic when you install i'd think16:54
WNzeper3z: It should automatically add it...16:54
eper3zit didnt16:54
whatteyhow did u upgrade? ;o16:54
eper3zi put in usb stick16:54
eper3zchose first partition option16:55
mphillmiracle2k: i know there are debian repos that work16:55
eper3zit got installed on my secondary hd16:55
noqqCan someone help me with uninstalling Ubuntu?16:55
thiebaudewhattey: update-manager -d16:55
eper3zseperate from my 8.10 install16:55
thiebaudeand other ways16:55
WNznoqq: now why would you want to do that? :p16:55
Valenits kind of hard to "uninstall"16:55
Trunkzdoes anyone know if jaunty supports ps3vram as swap?16:55
Trunkzi.e. the ps3vram patch.16:55
=== Kissaki^0ff is now known as Kissaki
WNznoqq: Easiest to just delete the partition or reformat it16:56
Valenits an operating system not an application16:56
jbroomenoqq: like i said before you either need to reinstall or delete that partition16:56
jbroomeand grow out the one for the other os16:56
hifiwill a dvd boot if you burn a 700MB CD-R ISO into it?16:56
noqqWNz: Will that not make things corrupted, like files in the registry?16:56
Trunkzhifi: yes16:56
eper3zcome on dude16:56
eper3zhelp me16:56
jbroomehifi: yes, you just waste 3 GB of space16:56
thiebaudehifi: if its burned correctly16:56
WNznoqq: what? You are thinking winblows16:56
hifiI'm actually wasting almost all of it16:56
Trunkzps3vram working on 9.04?16:56
noqqjbroome: I told to you guys I had a lagspike, so I did not receive any messages16:56
vvk-what should be the best way to get tor (and only tor) running with Jaunty? https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorOnDebian - no jaunty packages available.16:56
hifithiebaude: a normal iso burn will work?16:57
thiebaudehifi: it should16:57
hifiI have never burned dvd's and I have a stack of them and don't want to waste good CD-R discs ;)16:57
noqqWNz: Iḿ having dual boot now, so do I reformat the partition in Windows?16:57
jbroomehifi: it'll work fine, just a waste of space16:58
thiebaudehifi: yea, i dont even burn cd's16:58
macvreper3z: u actually have to set the BIOS to load the ext drive before the primary hard drive16:58
whatteydvdrw's <316:58
hifiI'm just lazy to make a bootable usb stick to netinstall jaunty...16:58
hifimini.iso o/16:58
macvreper3z: grub is not involved... grub only lists the OS in that particular drive16:59
WNznoqq: never ever ever mess with partitions in winblows16:59
WNzthat's a bad situation waiting to happen16:59
TrunkzDoes anyone here know if ps3vram is supported in 9.04? :)16:59
TrunkzSo I can go ahead and install jaunty16:59
noqqWNz: Then how do I reformat the partition? Just GParted in in Ubuntu?16:59
WNznoqq: pop in a ubuntu livecd and use the partition editor16:59
WNzwhat is your goal?17:00
noqqWNz: I don got a livecd, however, I do got usb with 9.04 on it, that I can run live,. is it the same?17:00
jbroomeTrunkz: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-cell/2009-March/000346.html seems to indicate yes17:00
Trunkzawesome :)17:00
macvrnoqq: usb will work, the same way as live cd too17:01
WNznoqq: will accomplish the same task17:01
WNznoqq: but what are you trying to achieve?17:01
jbroomeTrunkz: found that on google.. i actually had no idea what ps3vram was.17:02
noqqWNz: Well, I don want to disrepect Ubuntu, it's just not really working smooth at a netbook.17:02
noqqWNz: On PC though, it's a great piece of art.17:02
ghabitHello. Will be ubuntu-9.04-rc changed or just renamed as release?17:02
Trunkzjbroome: i'm a google noob17:03
Trunkzmucho appreciated17:03
Peace-hey guys i have solved be troubles with intel and kubuntu 9.0417:03
TrunkzNow I dont know whether or not to get the RC17:03
Trunkzor wait till tomorow and get the actual release xD17:03
Peace-now i got the old dirver and it works fine17:03
WNznoqq: ah. get the ubuntu netbook remix17:03
TrunkzI only have one DVD.. which is a pain17:03
jbroomeTrunkz: i used ps3vram jaunty as my search term17:03
WNznoqq: it's specifically designed to take advantage of netbooks17:03
TrunkzIs it still possible to do a net install?17:03
noqqWNz: I dont understand how to recieve it. I did update-manger -d.17:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unr17:05
thiebaudenoqq: update manager should come up17:05
noqqthiebaude: ye, and I checked for updates, 78 came up and I all installed them.17:05
AlexFeraWhy do i hear, sometime, static when someone logins in pidgin? i use ubuntu 9.0417:06
macvrnoqq:  did u install ubuntu or the net boot remix?17:06
WNzAlexFera: alsa or oss?17:06
noqqmacvr: Ubuntu, because I couldn get the .img writing part done17:06
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.17:06
WNznoqq: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR17:07
macvrnoqq: ubuntu neds higher system specs than netbook remix.. so hence it is bound to be slower, u should use UNR that is optimized for netbooks17:07
TrunkzDoes ubuntu still support net installs? (using one dvd, and fetching the 'packages' from a mirror)17:09
TrunkzI remember doing this back in the 6.xx days17:09
HalowTrunkz: You'll want to find the minimal CD.17:09
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:10
Trunkzwohoooo xD17:10
Trunkzaccording to that site17:10
Trunkzthe only one for the PS3 (Cell?) is 7.1017:10
Trunkzwould that not be able to get the newer releases anyways?17:11
HalowIt might be using 7.10's repos... Hm. I haven't used it in a while, and on a regular desktop that was being a real pain to install on, even with the alternate CD.17:12
jbroomeyeah if you have the DVD you've got all the packages there.17:12
jbroomeTrunkz: the ps3 jaunty RC is out there, i saw it earlier in the week17:12
Trunkzya I know its out17:12
TrunkzBut I only have one DVD.17:12
WNzwell ok i'm done here17:12
WNzbye guy17:12
Vissudbleh, even the cdrom doesn't seem to work for me17:14
Vissudguess I'm going to have to just do a clean install *sigh*17:15
yoritomohello all17:16
yoritomowhen the final jaunty will be relaeased, what would i need to do from my beta version? just a normal update ? or need to make a version update like i did from 8.10 to 9.04 beta ?17:17
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.17:17
thalias09A question to the development process of Jaunty: The code of Jaunty is "frozen" until the release - tomorrow - , right? So, do the devs take patches for Jaunty after the release even if the patches are not security - or similar important - patches?17:18
danbhfivethalias09: its a judgement call.  Just file a bug report, and file against karma and jaunty-backports, and see what happens17:19
AlabamaHitwhat time zone is ubuntu on? I'm so excited on th new realse :) just wondering what time zone so i know when it would be relased.17:22
rconanAlabamaHit: it isn't done at any specific time... releases are made when they are ready. be patient17:23
SuPeRhAm8.10 was few days overdue last time ;)17:23
bercikSomebody of You tried "ati" driver with games on WIne?17:24
noqqHow to get ubuntu netbook remix when I already got 9.04 installed on my nettbook?17:25
Vissuddoes this mean anything to anyone:  guessing 'ubuntu-desktop' as missing meta-pkg17:27
Vissudeven though it's installed?17:27
jbroomenoqq: the ubuntu-netbook-remix package might do what you're looking for17:27
thalias09The flavors of Ubuntu have meta-packages with similar names - for example Ubuntu is "ubuntu-desktop" - . Installing in the debootstrap chroot the meta-package "ubuntu-desktop" gives you what is on the Live CD17:29
thalias09noqq, So with the above : Installing in the debootstrap chroot the "ubuntu-netbook-remix" meta-package gives you this flavor of Ubuntu17:30
Andy80I was trying to test Jaunty on my Asus EeePC 901, but it doesn't work :( I've tried two versions: the NBR and normal desktop edition. With the .img of NBR I wasn't able to create a working SD card (I tried using ImageWriter and dd ), every time I get errors. I'm able to create a bootable SD with Desktop .iso and "USB Startup Disk Creator", but after 4-5 seconds, while is booting, I got prompted in a busybox shell....17:30
Andy80any idea?17:30
pwnguinthalias09: except, you really need openGL for the clutter UI17:31
thalias09pwnguin, ???17:31
pwnguinthe netbook remix17:31
pwnguinuses netbook-launcher17:31
pwnguinwhich uses clutter17:32
pwnguinwhich uses opengl17:32
pwnguini think you can work out a three level implication17:32
thalias09Jo, man , I can check the three level deal17:32
Alexia_Deathflash sound is gone again:(17:33
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CrocoJetis possible enable and disable open-ssh via "gnome-session-properties" ?17:36
steveireHi. Does anyone know about the netbook remix? Apart from different interface, what is different in it?17:37
deanyhow do you stop thiumbnails being cached?  i have previews all off in nautilus, but viewing images in eye of gnome uses .thumbnails to store them17:37
Yellow_Fuzzysteveire: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR17:37
jbroomesteveire: http://www.canonical.com/projects/ubuntu/unr17:37
darkvertexis it out yet?17:38
VenteroAnybody knows how I can get my Gnome panel to automatically start when I log in?17:39
jtholmesdarkvertex, do you mean the final release?17:41
darkvertexjtholmes: yes.17:41
jtholmesdarkvertex, supposedly tomorrow sometime the RC that is there now is going to be very very close17:42
bercikGuys, what sould glxinfo say about vendor if i use "ati" drivers?17:43
darkvertexjtholmes: that's great, thanks. can;t wait to try :)17:43
jtholmesdarkvertex, have fun come back here w/problems17:45
danbhfivewill the jaunty UNR image wipe your harddrive?  or is that warning only for Hardy?17:46
jtholmesdanbhfive, i might be able to answer your question if i knew what UNR was17:48
danbhfivejtholmes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR#The%20Easy%20(recommended)%20way17:49
DG190751UNR=Ubuntu Netbook Remix17:49
steveireYellow_Fuzzy: jbroome: Those only mention interface changes. Surely there's some under the hood changes as well to improve boot time, power etc?17:50
steveireDoes it use the exact same kernel/filesystem as the dektop edition?17:50
bronsonWhy does Ubuntu require me to log out and log back in every time I change the screen resolution?17:50
bronsonWhat is this, Windows?17:50
jtholmesdanbhfive, well now that i know what unr is i know i cannot answer your question lets see if anyone else chimes in17:50
bronsonsteveire, I didn't see the question, server vs desktop?17:51
bronsonif so, it's a different kernel.  more optomized for throughput at the expense of latency (responsiveness)17:51
bronsonfew other changes too but you'd probably never notice.17:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lpia17:52
steveirebronson: Nope, the question was netbook remix vs desktop edition..17:54
Picilpia = low power Intel architectural17:54
charlie-tcabronson: logout/login is not the same as a system restart. It just restarts Xorg17:54
campeehas anyone had issues with changing their screen resolution? mine was set to the max resolution, 1600x1050, and then i changed it to 1024x768. now i can't change it to anything other than 1024x768. i even tried deleting my xorg.conf file, which i saw was updated with a "virtual resolution" entry17:54
Picier, ural/ure17:54
steveireI can only find info about the ui differences, but no one can tell me if there's any under the hood differences too.17:54
campeei have an intel 845 vid card in an intel mac mini, btw17:54
danbhfivePici: yeah, I found that out on google.  I was hoping the factoid would tell me what distros are compiled with lpia support.  That, I couldn't quite figure out on google17:56
porter1Anyone having severe Firefox rendering issues?17:57
campeenot I17:57
charlie-tcadanbhfive: Ubuntu alternate has lpia support17:58
campeeso, i'm looking at the topic.. will the version of Jaunty that's released tomorrow break my system as well? :)17:58
Volkodavof course it will lol\17:59
charlie-tcaI'll take that back, there is an ubuntu alternate-lpia.iso17:59
campeeoh, fun17:59
danbhfivecharlie-tca: hmmm, I'm kinda hoping they have an UNR-lpia, since that's what makes the most sense for my eee.  I would think thats what makes the most sense for allot of netbooks out there.18:00
chocobananaI everyone!!!!18:00
chocobananacan somebody tell me, if one installs Ubuntu 9.04 RC1, do you need to reinstall when the final version comes out to get all proper or this is nonsense?18:00
vart_campee: I had issues with the VirtualDesctop - some files were modified in the home directory, I just removed all hidden files that I thought could be relevant - and after restart of X it started with the default setting. Took some time to reconfigure it to my likings, but at least it works now as before18:01
bronsoncharlie-tca, there's no difference in my book.18:02
campeechocobanana: good question18:02
bronsonYou have to close all windows and stop everything you're doing.18:02
campeevart_: any idea what the diretory name was?18:02
goshawkhi, with the lastest jaunty kernel i get a unable to handle kernel NULL pointer reference and my computer get frozen http://pastebin.ca/139984118:02
chocobananacampee: thanks, ehehehe18:02
goshawkam i the onluy one having it?18:02
charlie-tcaIf there is difference, why have two iso's?18:02
bronsonIt's a reboot of the desktop.18:02
campeei haven't had that issue, goshawk18:03
charlie-tcachocobanana: as long as you run updates, it will be the same18:03
charlie-tcachocobanana: you will not have to install the final version.18:03
chocobananacharlie-tca: great! so that also means there's no need to change any configuration files or take any other procedure?18:03
bronsonAnyone know why changing screen resolution now requires logout/login every time?18:04
bronsonIt's incredibly annoying.18:04
campeebronson: YES18:05
campeebronson: and in my case, it doesn't even work!18:05
manpoolewhen I hit shutdown in ubuntu jaunty and click shutdown during the thirty second countdown the computer seems to instantly turn off....18:05
bronsonIt's a huge regression.18:05
bronsonWill Jaunty ship like this?18:05
vart_campee: I haven't figured out exactly what caused the problem - deleted some subfolders in ~/.config, deleted ~/.gnome* etc like this just scanned all hidden files in home folder and guessed what could be relevant18:05
manpoolesurely it cannot shut down that quick?18:05
campeebronson: hope not, but don't know18:06
charlie-tcabronson: sorry, mixed my messages up18:07
manpooleanyone have that?18:09
chocobananabronson: does it change the resolution only after logging out and back in or does it change immediately but asks you for logging out and in again (this is what happens to me...)?18:09
manpoolewhen i click shut down it seems to instantly power off its within a few seconds18:10
manpooleis that a bug or just extremely fast?18:10
chocobananamanpoole: Jaunty shuts down here extremely fast, so it's probably ok18:10
chocobananamanpoole: you may want to fsck your hdd to double check if nothing wrong is there18:10
sammydf -h18:12
hallownamehi, im on a 200m card. works great. somehow. it used to need fglrx :? now i dont kno what driver im using on jaunty. just worked. problem: cant get to tty1. tips?18:12
jeffreyfWhen exactly will Jaunty be released...I know it is 4/23, but at what time is it scheduled to "go live"18:12
thiebaudejeffreyf: i heard 1pm london time18:13
_stink_i want to try the jaunty daily image for the netbook remix.  the wiki page has this warning for *Hardy*: *WARNING. INSTALLING THIS IMAGE WILL DELETE ALL THE CONTENTS OF YOUR HARD DRIVE.*  Does this hold for the jaunty images?  I would expect it to act like a normal installer - i have other partitions i don't want to ruin.18:13
danbhfivejeffreyf: no one knows18:13
thalias09only beliefs18:13
Daisuke-Idoseems a little odd, i haven't had any updates in a couple days (been checking daily since installing the beta)18:14
hallowname_stink_: read its source :) mount the img, pull out its squashfs, mount that, and read exactly what voodoo the installer does. or ask the ppl tho made it maybe?18:14
jeffreyfThanks.......I guess it is ready once it is ready then.....sometime on 4/2318:14
hallownamehow can i see what video driver im using? once upon a time i would have 'nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf' ;p18:16
danbhfivehallowname: lshw -C video18:17
hallownamedanbhfive: thanks18:17
hallownamedanbhfive: that doesnt tell the driver tho18:18
thiebaudehallowname: what video card does your computer have?18:19
danbhfivehallowname: are you sure?18:19
hallownamethiebaude: xpress 200m18:19
hallownamedanbhfive: yup :)18:19
danbhfivehallowname: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit <(lshw -C video)18:19
hallownamethiebaude: stupid mobile ati radeon =/18:19
bronsonchocobanana, sorry, afk.18:21
bronsonIt doesn't change resolution.  It says, "You must log out and log back in"18:21
bronsonSo I close all windows, save all documents, log out and back in, and I still get the old resolution.18:21
hallownamedanbhfive: http://pastebin.ca/139986318:22
chocobananabronson: which graphics card?18:22
bronsonSo I open Display Prefs again and select the new res again, and THEN it works.18:22
bronsonchocobanana, it works like this on both my ATI desktop and my Intel GMA4500 laptop.18:22
danbhfivehallowname: hmph, you are correct18:22
chocobananahallowname: on a terminal, type "glxinfo" and look for "OpenGL vendor string" in the output18:23
hallownamedanbhfive: once upon a time, fglrx would let me access tty1 when 'ati' and 'radeon' wouldnt. now i dont know what im using ;p18:23
chocobananabronson: which ATI card?18:23
hallownamechocobanana: one sec18:23
bronsonI think logout-login happens every time when going from a smaller res to big.  Going from big to small doesn't seem to require it.18:23
bronsonchocobanana, Radeon 365018:23
hallownamechocobanana: DRI R300 Project18:24
chocobananabronson: for that card, fglrx CCCPanel is more reliable for dual screen configuring18:24
chocobananahallowname: you're using xorg's radeon driver18:24
hallownamechocobanana: thank you :)18:25
bronsonchocobanana, I'm using the open source driver.18:25
hallownamethis card used to need fglrx for 3d. thats cool. tty1 would be nice tho ;p18:25
bronsonthe fgl driver crashes on hibernate18:25
chocobananahallowname: that's weird... but familiar at the same time18:26
chocobananabronson: your best bet for dual monitor support is the fglrx driver18:26
chocobananabronson: as for the intel card, maybe it is too recent? I would google dual screen x4500 ubuntu18:27
jmichaelxi just finished upgrading to kubuntu jaunty from intrepid, but when i log in, i have no panel, no folder-view desktop, etc. could anyone tell me what i need to do to get them to show up?18:27
oobeim using 9.04 beta each version of ubuntu changes how things are configured and for some reason even though i setup sysfsutils and added the value 25 in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold kubuntu 9.04 thinks its ok to keep my cpu limtied 1000 MHz even when playing back HD content transcoding or compilling software18:27
hifianyone using multiple X screens in dualhead?18:27
chocobananahallowname: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=44352618:28
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 443526 in xorg-x11-drv-ati "tty[1-6] don't work on Toshiba laptop with radeon driver" [Medium,Closed: wontfix]18:29
MikaelnI've just tried the live cd of jaunty, and it seamed to work fine.. so I installed the system. But after I logged in to the system, the system "hangs".. I get a black background, and a moveable mousepointer.. but nothing more... any suggestions? =)18:30
bronsonchocobanana, each machine is single monitor.18:32
bronsonthey both require logout/login though.18:32
bercikI have got some problem with ati open.source driver. It runs very slow even in ExtremeTuxRacer :P18:32
bronsonI'm surprised that campee is the only other guy that sees this...   You guys never change screen res?18:32
chocobananabronson: oh! damn! I thought your problem was enabling/disabling a 2nd screen... So it is just changing the resolution...18:33
chocobananabronson: lemme try here18:33
oobeim using 9.04 beta each version of ubuntu changes how things are configured and for some reason even though i setup sysfsutils and added the value 25 in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold kubuntu 9.04 thinks its ok to keep my cpu limtied 1000 MHz even when playing back HD content transcoding or compilling software18:34
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Guest12872how do I install the nvidia driver?18:36
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chocobananabronson: I think I just had the same problem. Lowering the resolution is no problem. Increasing asks for loggin out and in. After logging in, resolution didn't go up. I had to increase it again and it worked. Then I lowered - it worked. Then I quit the resolution app and opened and increased the resolution and it worked. Can you try this?18:37
SuperN100my video card is a nVidia Corporation GeForce 8300 GS18:38
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment18:38
VenteroAnyone got an idea why my gnome panels don't automatically start up when I log in...?18:38
racecar56how's things going here?18:38
mishudoes anyone know when 9.04 will be launched? i mean an approximate time (and time zone)...18:38
jbroomemishu: no, when it's ready18:39
racecar56mishu, i know it will be tomorrow18:39
ubottuJaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+118:39
racecar56i didnt know ubottu was here18:39
bercikI have got some problem with ati open.source driver. It runs very slow even in ExtremeTuxRacer :P Is it normal?18:39
charlie-tcaThanks, Pici18:39
mishuok, thanks18:39
racecar56bercik, it cant do 3D i believe18:39
racecar56bercik, well... not nicely18:39
SuperN100jbroome, that doesn't tell me much18:40
racecar56bercik, non-open source drivers work better for 3D, but there may be another way around....18:40
bercikracecar56: so how do i anable 3d? i cannot fglrx18:40
racecar56bercik, why not?18:40
bercikcouse my radeon x300 is no longer spported :/18:41
SuperN100jbroome, I am guessing I need nvidia-glx-new  ?18:41
racecar56bercik, use hardware drivers18:41
bercikracecar56: what is it?18:41
racecar56bercik, system > admin > hardware drivers18:41
MikaelnAnyone got any idea of why I just get a black screen and a mouse pointer when I'm logging in.. (It works fine on live cd)..?18:41
jbroomeSuperN100: if it's a current card yes18:41
bercikracecar56: it doesnt find anything..18:42
racecar56Mikaeln, i have that problem on some old compaq sr1020nx but it wouldnt work period...18:42
MikaelnThis is a fairly new computer... just a few months old...  Got any idea where to look? Which logs? =)18:42
racecar56bercik, run "jockey-gtk -c && jockey-gtk -u && jockey-gtk && exit" (no quotes) in terminal (no alt+f2)18:43
manpoolemy juanty shuts down from linux in about 2 seconds or 1 second....is this normal?18:43
SuperN100jbroome,   nvidia-glx-96 nvidia-glx-71 nvidia-glx-180 nvidia-glx-173 , is what is available it seems.  I see my card listed under 173 , but I don't see any information on 180 .  Should I risk 180 or just install 73?18:44
bercikracecar56: and if i use Kubuntu?18:44
SuperN100I see it now, http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/nvidia-glx-18018:44
racecar56bercik, replace all the jockey-gtk's with -kde i think, its been a while scince ive userd it18:44
bercikno output18:45
chocobananamanpoole: does it say shutting down at the very end of the process?18:46
bercikracecar56: so what now?..18:47
manpooleno it pretty much just shuts down instantly18:47
manpoole2 gigs of ram18:47
chocobananamanpoole: it doesn't even show the ubuntu logo?18:47
manpoolewas like this after a fresh install18:48
chocobananamanpoole: hmmm... did you install from the RC1 iso or before?18:48
manpooledidnt know if it was crazily quick or a bug18:48
manpoolerc1 iso18:49
chocobananamanpoole: processor and hdd speed?18:49
manpoole2.6 amd 5000 x218:49
decowhat time is 9.4 officially available for download?18:49
manpoole7200 rpm18:50
manpoolehad to google it18:50
Paavi2_0deco: when it's ready18:50
chocobananamanpoole: you're shutting down from inside Gnome or GDM?18:50
decoPaavi2_0: i know it's today but what time exactly?18:51
Mikaelnok, seems like it's pulseaudio I've got problem with.. anyone knows that system?18:51
charlie-tca!outyet | deco18:51
ubottudeco: Jaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+118:51
Paavi2_0deco: actually it's tomorrow for me...are you somewhere in australia or what?18:51
Paavi2_0deco: it's not today then, it's tomorrow18:52
manpoolethe release manger lives in europe i hear18:52
decoPaavi2_0: rats :-( thanks18:52
Paavi2_0deco: if you don't worry about big bugs you could always go for the release candidate ;)18:53
bercikHow do i get 3D if i cannot run fglrx please?18:53
chocobananamanpoole: did you already fsck?18:53
manpoolewell it did the check when it was rebooting once18:53
Paavi2_0bercik: by using the right video card and right driver18:53
manpooleand that was really fast18:53
bercikPaavi2_0: what driver is right for my x300?18:54
Paavi2_0bercik: x300? is it ati?18:55
chocobananamanpoole: I'm not sure if it can be a problem or not... I would ask again later on or post in the forum18:55
bercikPaavi2_0: yes18:55
campeevart_: i think the entry is .config/monitors.xml to get the resolution to change18:55
bronsonchocobanana, that's exactly it.18:55
manpoolei did some stuff to get a faster boot time, but it was shutting down this quick out of the box18:55
chocobanana bronson: did you try quitting the Display Preferences window and open again before bring the resolution up?18:56
vart_campee: ok18:56
Adyethsdoes anyone know if the problem with ubuntu locking up randomly for no apparent reason is fixed in the new version thats about to be released?18:56
bronsonNo, I'll give it a shot.18:56
chocobananamanpoole: it would be great if that's expected behavior but I understand the concern :D18:56
bronsonBut I see this so much that something resets it to bad behavior.18:57
bronsonIt isn't like logging out & back in once fixes it forever.18:57
Paavi2_0bercik: in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Drivers (or something similar) Are you using a Polish translation?18:57
manpoolemy hd is already in bad shape18:58
joaopintoAdyeths, there are plenty of bugs fixed on this release, and some others introduced, unless you reported the bug, and checked it's status, you will not get an answer18:58
bercikPaavi2_0: i am Polish, but i use Finnish translaton :P   I tried this way. You know? It doesnt show anything18:58
campeeyeah that's definitely it. just confirmed. that file apparently isn't being updated correctly.18:58
manpoolecorrupted section i partitioned to not use18:58
Paavi2_0bercik: Järjestelmä -> Ylläpito -> Laiteajurit19:00
chocobananamanpoole: do you suspect it's because of the shutdown issue?19:00
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bercikPaavi2_0: hehe, nice. I understand but i already told: This tool donest show me anything19:00
manpoolespontaneous combustion19:00
manpooleor something19:00
bronsonchocobanana, HAHAHA19:01
manpooleand that was when i was running 8.10 on ext319:01
bronsonyou're right, quitting & restarting display prefs seems to work.19:01
Paavi2_0bercik: aww. bad news for you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112832419:01
bronsonhow odd.19:01
chocobananabronson: smells like a bug19:01
chocobananabronson: wanna have the honor and report?19:02
bronsonchocobanana, sure19:02
chocobananabronson: :)19:02
Paavi2_0bercik: there might be some proprietary drivers for ati later on, but right now you have to get along without them...and 3d of course...19:02
chocobananabronson: bug = oddities :P19:02
Paavi2_0bercik: you might want to google for yourself though...there might soon be a solution/workaround of some kind19:04
chocobananamanpoole: I'm not really sure what would be the best thing to do...19:04
manpoolethe release is tomorrow lol19:05
bercikPaavi2_0: so: even the open-driver is not yet availble=19:05
geniiWhy no krecordmydesktop in 9.04? Unmaintained or so?19:05
chocobananamanpoole: maybe you could try and reinstall 9.04 with ext3 and see if there's a big difference19:05
joaopintoPaavi2_0, bercik , the closed source ATI driver is working fine for me19:05
manpooleooohh but i like ext4 lol19:05
setuidWhere do I configure KDE themes from the CLI? I have a headless box with kdelibs, and I need to theme the apps that use them.19:05
bercikjoaopinto: and for me not:( 3D is veeery slow19:05
Paavi2_0joaopinto: does it support 3d?19:05
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popeygenii: i updated recordmydesktop and gtkrecordmydesktop for 9.04, could do krecordmydesktop too19:06
bercikjoaopinto: how to check what is not right for me ?19:06
Paavi2_0i'm glad that i've got nvidia on my desktop :)19:06
joaopintoberbmit, did you install fglrx ?19:06
bercikjoaopinto: no, i cannot19:07
chocobananamanpoole: I knew you would say that, hehehe19:07
bercikmy card is unsupported19:07
chocobananamanpoole: how about the boot process, how many secs. +-?19:07
neurobuntuDoes Jaunty ship with the JuJu firewire stack?19:08
DanaGjuju?  what's a juju?  =þ19:08
neurobuntuJuJu is the newer firewire stack (its actually a few years old)19:09
manpoolebootchart says 13 seconds19:09
neurobuntubut it wasn't in Intrepid or previous releases19:09
jmichaelxi just finished upgrading to kubuntu jaunty from intrepid, but when i log in, i have no panel, no folder-view desktop, etc. could anyone tell me what i need to do to get them to show up?19:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about juju19:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firewire19:09
bercikjoaopinto: could You show me what vandor shows Your glxinfo?19:10
setuidAnyone know? some sort of 'kcontrol' or 'kde-config' or something?19:10
charlie-tcaJuJu is not in the jaunty repositories19:10
neurobuntucharlie-tca, it wouldn't be called juju19:11
chocobananamanpoole: from grub to gdm?19:11
DanaGwhat's a juju?19:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext419:11
DanaGIf you mean the new firewire stack in 2.6.28... yes, it does have it.19:11
DanaGIt's just blacklisted by default.19:12
neurobuntuDanaG, SUWEET!19:12
MikaelnAnyone know why I can run the liveCD, but not the installed version.. (pulseaudio seems to hang the system after logging in)19:12
DanaGI've been using it; I'm not sure what the advantages are, though.19:12
joaopintobercik, server glx vendor string: ATI19:12
DanaGmodules are firewire-core and such.19:13
DanaGYOu'll just have to edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-firewire.conf19:13
bercikjoaopinto: ohoo. I got different: mesa. Could You tell me how did You installed Your drivers please? i realy nneed it19:13
setuidlooks like it's called 'systemsettings'19:13
odinsbaneanybody here try xorg-edgers using an intel GM965/GL960 ?19:13
joaopintobercik, I did nothing special, I got the usual warnign the my card required a restricted driver, and clicked to install19:14
joaopintobercik, what is your card model ?19:14
neurobuntuDanaG, can you point me to anything official that says that the stack is included but blacklisted19:14
bercikjoaopinto: i havent got any pop-up about drivers. My card is (unsupported) x30019:15
kbmaniacHi all, is the flglx ati driver working with xorg yet ?19:15
odinsbaneor tell me how I can safely undo any damage I do if I install development drivers?19:15
bercikjoaopinto: You know what is interesting? Jockey doesnt show anything to install19:15
joaopintobercik, lspci | grep Radeon19:16
bercikjoaopinto: Are You sure You use OPEN driver?19:16
DanaGhmm, I can't find anything.19:16
bercik01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M22 [Mobility Radeon X30019:16
joaopintoberbmit, grrr, no, I am using the proprietary driver, that's the "restricted"19:16
DanaGoh: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2008-December/003930.html19:16
rippskbmaniac: Yes, if you card is rv600+19:16
DanaGbug 27646319:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276463 in linux "Enable new Firewire stack in default kernel config" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27646319:17
kbmaniacmy card is a Asus ATI Radeon HD 3650 - any hope ?19:17
bronsonchocobanana, bug 36521019:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365210 in gnome-control-center "gnome-display-properties mistakenly requires logout to increase resolution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36521019:17
melikis there a CLI installer for ubuntu?19:17
joaopintomelik, yes, just download the alternate cd19:17
meliki'm trying to install Kubuntu 9.04 on my asus eeepc 90119:18
neurobuntuDanaG, thanks again19:18
melikand i cant see the next buttons :/ lol19:18
DanaGWhat were the advantages of the new one, anyway?19:18
joaopintobercik, have you tried to manually install the fglrx driver ?19:18
bercikjoaopinto: yes, but its not possible. I am not SUPPORTED any more19:19
chocobananabronson: cool19:19
bercikso You dont use open one19:19
cjaerconan: are you around?19:19
rconancjae: yeah19:19
rconancjae: did you mean me or someone else?19:19
rippskbmaniac: I believe that the 3650 is an rv671, so it should work with catalyst 9.419:20
cjaerconan: you still working ok with all the updates for beta?19:20
kbmaniacripps, many thanks, will give it a go :)19:20
rconancjae: yeah... not too bad19:20
rippskbmaniac, if your unsure about compatibility, try out a jaunty livecd first.19:21
DanaGMake sure to tell people to use the --buildpkg, not the plain install!19:21
MikaelnMy hardware works fine on the livecd... but not when I've installed it...19:21
kbmaniacthats not a bad idea, but if it flopps I am happy to hack xorg & back out,19:21
cjaerconan: yeah I m starting to get weird things happen, you said you did ext4 too right? I was wondering if I set ktorrent to preallocate by filesystem type it will understand ext4 or is this a strictly kernel thing?19:22
jmichaelxi just finished upgrading to kubuntu jaunty from intrepid, but when i log in, i have no panel, no folder-view desktop, etc. could anyone tell me what i need to do to get them to show up?19:22
neurobuntukbmaniac, describe the problems you are experiencing19:22
vart_melic: alt+click - you could move the window around19:23
SandGorgonjmichaelx: please rm your ~/.kde. also check whether you are using ext419:23
jmichaelxty SandGorgon19:23
rconancjae: I don't use ext4 or ktorrent19:24
rconancjae: I use ext3 and rtorrent :p19:24
kbmaniacusing 'vesa' driver on wifes machine, tried flglx earlier but it was incompatible with xorg version19:24
joaopintokbmaniac, the latest fglrx driver works fine19:25
cjaerconan: rtorrent much lighter?19:25
kbmaniaccool - love (k)(x)ubuntu :)19:25
Paavi2_0no torrent client seems to work for me. might be due to closed ports on ufw :/19:25
rconancjae: I run it on a server without X so it's not really an option19:25
SilentDisbit of an odd one here...  i use EVDO to get online.  I'd like it so when my phone is plugged in (/dev/ttyACM0 appears) that ppp0 comes up.19:25
cjaerconan: ahh19:25
rconancjae: in fact... that server is running intrepid19:26
DanaGoh yeah, one issue I have with fglrx:19:26
SilentDisi should note, i am NOT using network manager, as i needed better control over my connection19:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:26
DanaGoh yeah, I plugged my phone into my computer, and it just guessed at making a CDMA connection.  It never asked me about any connection details -- not even a username or password.19:27
SilentDisDanaG: that is part of why i went without network manager and just set it up by hand19:27
dreamonstrg+alt+f1 only a dark screen appears.. no input no text.. only darkness. Anybody knows a trick to fix it?19:28
Newkanyone having problems with gnome-do's docky skin, and nvidia drivers19:28
Newkfreezes the system momentarily and everytime u try to access it19:28
racecar56what's strg? ctrl?19:30
cjaerconan: ok I have one thing that is amazingly annoying, I have an update that when you run the mouse over the gear it says two updates availiable but when you slect kpackage or whatever it is now it says one blocked update that is adobe flash nonfree19:30
dreamonracecar56, Yes.. its a german keyboard.. CTRL+ALT+F119:31
racecar56dreamon, kk.. thought so19:31
cjaeI have been using aptitude to install stuff, how do I make this go away and does it mean that the update could cause problems or what19:32
* cjae is sick of seeing the gear and thinking that might be actual updates19:33
kklimondawhat do developers say about envyng? Should it be used in cases when normal hardware managers fails to install working drivers?19:34
=== albech_ is now known as albech
rconancjae: have you tried running apt-get dist-upgrade from terminal instead of using any of the graphical managers?19:40
rconancjae: with some dependancy changes graphical managers go wrong19:40
cellxwhich time in CET area like Berlin the jaunty will be released?19:40
nrzulhi all19:41
rconancellx: no-one knows... when it's ready19:41
nrzulcan anyone help with amarok?19:41
rconannrzul: what's the problem19:41
kklimondarconan: you shouldn't run clean apt-get dist-upgrade. there are some quicks applied by update-manager that may not be applied by apt-get dist-upgrade19:41
nrzuli install kubuntu 9.0419:41
nrzulamarok don't play last.fm19:41
kklimondaif you don't wan't to use graphical update manager you should do ``sudo do-release-upgrade''19:41
rconankklimonda: quirks like what? update-manager just runs apt I thought?19:41
rconankklimonda: I'm not talking about release upgrades I'm talking about updates19:42
cjaerconan: I was using aptitude, but the annoying kpackage keeps telling me I have a package that is blocked, that is already installed19:42
nrzuln ow i'm updating system may be will work///19:42
cellxrconan: thanks, I ll go bed and wait for the surprise in next morning...19:42
rconannrzul: sorry... don't use last.fm try looking on launchpad for a bug19:43
nrzulwhat ide good for c++?19:43
kklimondarconan: no - for example it checks if your gpu is supported by new drivers and if not it allows you to stop upgrade or install open drivers (and it updates xorg.conf)19:43
rconankklimonda: I'm not talking about up*grade* I'm talking about up*dates*19:43
m1ri cant find monitor resolutions/refresh rates in xorg.conf and my 2nd monitor cant display 1280x1024, where could i find that so i can enter it manualy ?19:44
rconancjae: I'm not sure what dependancy tracking algorithm aptitude uses but I know one of them wont change package versions for dependancies and ends up refusing to install some updates19:44
rconancjae: what package is it?19:44
rippsrconan: simple update: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade.19:44
rconanripps: but that fails to upgrade some packages (usually early in development cycles when dependancies are changing)19:45
KaedennHey. Where do I put a script to have it run on boot, as root?19:46
rippsrconan, than straight aptitude has package conflict handling, but it's not as easy to use as update-manager.19:46
oDeskhello i'm on 9.04  update-manager -d  prints error "GtkWarning: could not open display"19:46
rconanripps: as does apt-get dist-upgrade :p19:46
rippsrconan: You shouldn't use dist-upgrade with ubuntu19:46
rconanyou just occasionally have to watch out for it removing things when it shouldn't...19:47
osubuck_2 days till release and its killing me :P19:47
rconanripps: I'd like to see some reasons why...19:47
Nikolaosubuck_: 2 days or tommorow?19:47
DanaGI use aptitude for everything.19:47
rippsprecisely like you said, it will remove things it shouldn't. If you have a working X, use update-manager.19:47
osubuck_its the 2nd here.... supposed to be released on the 4th19:47
oDeskrconan: dist-upgrade is works, but i want to know what is the Gtk warning!19:47
kklimondarconan: packages shouldn't be held back at this time. If they are someone was probably using some 3rd party repositories.19:48
rconankklimonda: true... although he did say it had been there a while19:48
rconanoDesk: probably the debconf trying to run the gtk gui instead of the terminal version19:48
kklimondarconan: than we should be more specific - you shouldn't use apt-get dist-upgrade (or aptitude) to upgrade from one release to another.19:48
cjaerconan: flashplugin-nonfree19:48
rconankklimonda: I totally agree there!19:48
nemoI have a 5 day old update of jaunty19:49
DanaGI usually DO use aptitude.19:49
kklimondaDanaG: you shouldn't.19:49
DanaGEven for release-upgrades.19:49
DanaGWhat's the reasoning?19:49
nemoand I keep getting bad sigs19:49
nemoeven if I disable everything but main19:49
rippsaptitude works fine, but it's not officially supported by ubuntu, the core-devs prefer you use apt-get19:49
* nemo tries another mirror19:49
rconancjae: I would try doing "apt-get upgrade flashplugin-nonfree" (or aptitude) since that will definitely sort out anything held back19:49
kklimondaDanaG: sometimes things change between releases that aren't handled by simple package upgrades.19:49
rconanDanaG: apt-get has had most of the features of aptitude ported to it now anyway (like autoremoving and such)19:50
osubuck_thats why im waiting for the final instead of installing the RC19:50
kklimondaDanaG: you can see some examples in ``/usr/share/pyshared/DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py'' file.19:50
cjaerconan: ok thats kind of what I figured, but the wording "blocked" made me think I should nt :p19:50
rconancjae: I don't think there's any reason except being held back due to dependancies19:51
rconancjae: I think they changed the way flash was installed for jaunty... am I right?19:51
DanaGI still like the ncurses UI of aptitude.  =þ19:52
cjaerconan: i   kubuntu-restricted-extras Recommends adobe-flashplugin | flashplugin-nonfree  ....this is what I got from aptitude why flashplugin-nonfree19:55
rconancjae: oh... I think you just need to remove flashplugin-nonfree19:57
* rconan checks19:57
rconancjae: flashplugin-nonfree is now a transitional package19:58
rconanfor adobe-flashplugin19:58
rconansorry no... flashplugin-installer19:58
DanaGI sure hope we can still nspluginwrap Flash.19:59
VenteroSorry for asking again, but I still haven't solved this: How do I get gnome panel to start automatically (how it normally does) when I log in? :X19:59
DanaGI like not having Flash crashes take down the whole browser.19:59
DanaGWithout nspluginwrapper... if flash dies, so does Firefox.19:59
DanaGIt also means you can killall -9 npviewer.bin if it starts devouring CPU time.19:59
DanaGI even use nspluginwrapper on 32-bit.20:00
tywashere Unable to find simple control 'PCM',0 ? I'm in ubuntu 9.0420:01
ibrahim7689hello, if i install jaunty 9.04 RC and then use the update manager to install the updates, will my system be 'in line' with the coming 9.04 stable release?20:04
joaopintoibrahim7689, yes20:05
Piciibrahim7689: yes20:05
robin0800ibrahim7689: there have been no updates for the last two days20:05
ibrahim7689ok thanks20:05
ibrahim7689robin0800: are you saying the rc is in line with the stable release anyway?20:06
joaopintothere have been some updates after the RC20:06
robin0800ibrahim7689: That I don't know20:06
ibrahim7689one more thing, is there a tool to set the time according the internet time servers?20:07
joaopintoibrahim7689, ntp20:08
robin0800ibrahim7689: There may be updates tomorow to bring it into line with the release20:08
rippsI belive ntpdate is installed by default20:09
joaopintorobin0800, Is very unlikely to have updates on the release date, since the ISOs need to be frozen and mirrored several hours before that20:09
rippsIt's pretty calm here, considering the fact that jaunty is so close to release.20:11
robin0800joaopinto: Although that is true in the past updates have come out at the same time as the release20:11
mphilli downloaded off iso.qa.ubuntu.com20:12
mphillmight as well get it now before the servers are totally hammered tomorrow20:12
joakim`anyone using banshee with the mirage plugin here?20:13
rippsI'm a steadfast gmpc+mpd user20:14
ibrahim7689is anyone running jaunty on <=25620:14
ibrahim7689im glad/amazed to say that it has been working so far20:15
ibrahim7689a bit laggy but usable20:15
mphillibrahim7689: try lxde20:15
mphillmake sure you get the lxde network manager too20:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lxde20:15
nztali just got a laptop i'd like to put jaunty on.  it has a recovery partition, at the end of the drive, instead of at the beginning of the drive.  i'd like to keep the original windows on there in case i get a job that requires it.  i'm not sure how to do this, since the recovery partition, is at the end.20:15
Rolieibrahim7689, I'm running intrepid with 72 MB of memory, no Xorg though20:16
ibrahim7689hmm i have a full gui, and it runs smooth considering the hardware20:17
ibrahim7689Dell L40020:17
ibrahim7689pretty nice little laptop20:17
ibrahim7689for the money20:17
Roliewhat are the min specs anyway for jaunty20:18
rconan384 MB RAM for the graphical installer20:18
ibrahim7689it said 256mb for the gui installer20:18
rconanhmm... I might be wrong20:18
ibrahim7689and i guess i have proved that is true ;)20:18
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu20:18
PiciProbably close those those ^20:19
ibrahim7689the installer said i needed 256mb but only had 255mb, so i wasnt really bothered about the 1mb20:19
ibrahim7689everything went smoothly20:20
Rolie384 MB it is, but "smoothly" is rather subjective ;)20:20
ibrahim7689i had to use wubi20:20
rconanI'm sure I tried the installer with 256 and had to use alternate disc (maybe that was another reason)20:20
ibrahim7689im using the desktop edition, not the alternate20:20
rconanpossibly the system memory mapped graphics card used some which meant I didn't have enough20:20
HalowYeah, I couldn't get the GUI installer going at 256 on my mom's computer either.20:20
rconanalternate works with <32MB IIRC though20:21
ibrahim7689like i say, i was forced to use wubi because this machine is so old it cant boot off usb or usb cd drives, at least it didnt when i tried20:21
fincanany news about the time?20:21
charlie-tcadesktop always takes more than the alternate cd20:21
charlie-tca!notyet | fincan20:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about notyet20:21
rconanfincan: no... and there wont be... no-one will know until it's ready and released20:21
* Halow wishes ubottu had a !time command.20:21
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)20:21
HalowGuess not.20:22
rconango to20:22
rconan-ops and ask for one20:22
ubottuJaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+120:22
rconanah... good20:22
fincannice the bot active xD20:22
HalowGood one.20:22
varton 256M it is recomended to use Xubuntu20:22
ubluntuanyone know why my video driver doesnt increase my resolution?20:22
ibrahim7689i was going to go with xub but thought i wud try ubuntu first20:23
HalowYep, I used Xubuntu. But even then, the GUI installer wouldn't go.20:23
ibrahim7689really, what sort of hardware are you using?20:23
ibrahim7689it cant get much worse than mine :)20:23
charlie-tcaI thought mine was the worst, PII, 400MHz, with 192MB ram installed xubuntu from the desktop cd20:24
HalowYou know, I can't remember... It was my mom's computer. I'm scared to give her Jaunty yet, as she's got Intel graphics.20:25
ibrahim7689hmm it seems the min reqs are a bit exaggerated20:25
charlie-tcaAh, yes, intel graphics is not so good now20:25
ibrahim7689jauntys supposedly got good intel support20:25
ibrahim7689how come?20:25
charlie-tcaXubuntu mins should be in line20:25
HalowWell, like was said before, it's possible since she has onboard video that some of the memory was being held back.20:25
racecar56i have a comp with 1GB ram and intel celeron and it cant run ubuntu, only xubuntu20:25
rippsibrahim7689: intel is kinda buggy because of the shift to dri2 and uxa20:26
racecar56and it's acpi dosen't work with xubuntu20:26
_kal_--->> UBUNTU 9.04 FiNAL ISO HERE : http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso <<---20:26
_kal_--->> UBUNTU 9.04 FiNAL ISO HERE : http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso <<---20:26
=== sukke_ is now known as sukke
ibrahim7689i didnt have any problems on my other laptop with an intel, using uxa20:26
ibrahim7689it ran fine20:26
dt3kl i e s20:26
racecar56lol .pool to hide it20:26
racecar56it exists!20:27
haggisbasherukhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ daily images here20:27
Pici_kal_: please stop. The release notice has not yet come out;20:27
ibrahim7689heh this is gonna be like when a new episode of lost comes out and there are like at least 5 hoaxes on the torrent sites every time20:28
charlie-tcaHate to say it, but if you read that url with out the iso:20:28
charlie-tcaImages here may not be final even if they look as if they are; by distributing pre-release images here we can make final mirroring faster.20:28
* ripps is mentally preparing himself for the chaos that is going to come with the release20:28
racecar56dun dun20:28
Picicharlie-tca: Glad to see that PSA20:28
Nikola94lol, someone took mah nick... -.-20:29
rconanNikola94: ghost them20:30
rippsI used a register nick, nobody can steal mine20:30
dt3kThe file kie posted is: 20-Apr-2009 16:02  698M  Ubuntu 9.04 Release Candidate (Jaunty Jackalope)20:30
racecar56i registered mine20:30
haggisbasherukme 220:30
racecar56its a redirect20:30
Nikola94how do i register it?20:30
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode20:30
_kal__yeah dt3k ?20:30
GullstadAny words about the X.org - Compiz unstability?20:30
_kal__yeah the file is dated from April 2020:31
dt3k_kal__: the file you posted inst final, its "20-Apr-2009 16:02  698M  Ubuntu 9.04 Release Candidate Jaunty Jackalope)20:31
_kal__it's the final release20:31
rippsFor my ati 9600pro, Compiz is the most stable it's ever been20:31
dt3k_kal_: it's the RC20:31
rconan_kal__: It is *not* out. That is *not* the final release. It is not released until the mail to the ubuntu-annouce mailing list. Please stop linking.20:31
_kal__yes it is, you'see tomorrow20:31
abhinaysorry to ask this, when is the final release?20:31
Gullstadripps: I think it was a Intel-chipset thing.20:31
dt3ktomorrow abhinay20:31
rconan!notyet | abhinay20:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about notyet20:31
Pici!outyet > abhinay20:31
_kal__check the md5 tomorrow and you'll see I were right20:31
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases20:31
ubottuabhinay, please see my private message20:32
dt3k_kal__: you're not very bright20:32
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Jaunty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseParties20:32
haggisbasherukNice to see GEM support with intel but crazy to see the nasty graphics glitches20:32
abhinayThanks for the info guys! :)20:32
rippsWell, since RC is in freeze and probably isn't going to get any updates, this is probably the same as the release20:33
rconanripps: no... that isn't true20:33
deanyhow can i stop eye of gnome/gthumb (seems its a nautilus/gnome thing really) from filling that .thumbnails folder with gigs of thumbnails?20:34
rconanthere are almost always at least a couple of updates20:34
_kal_yes it is, that's the final : i always get ubuntu final release one day before its official release date, using this method : md5 prooves it's correct :]20:34
Nikola94I think i register this one lol20:34
rconan_kal__: It is *not* out. That is *not* the final release. It is not released until the mail to the ubuntu-annouce mailing list. Please stop linking.20:34
_kal_anyway, enjoy the latest release everybody, it rocks20:34
_kal_see ya20:34
rconanwell thank god he's gone20:34
deanyeven windows lets you stop caching thumbs...cmon20:35
racecar56and if window$ can do something linux can't, that must be patched right away20:35
nemodeany: symlink .thumbnails against /tmp ? :)20:35
deanydont wanna go the asty route and chown root the folder20:35
rippsdeany: dude, my .thumbnails is only 80mb, how many image files do you have?20:36
deanynemo, good idea...hmmmm20:36
nemodeany: setting it read only would probably work too20:36
nemodeany: personally, I set a bunch of directories to use $HOME/ramdisk20:36
deanyits not huge, but I just dont want them...20:36
nemojust to speed things up20:36
nemoalso means they get reset on reboot of course20:36
nemotheoretically linux caches such things, but...20:36
nemoif it is on a ramdisk it is guaranteed transient and cached :)20:36
deanyI dont wanna waste ram on the useless things20:37
deanyjust gimme an option to say no.20:37
* nemo has ram to burn :D20:37
rconanRAM is cheap these days20:37
deanyI guess i`ll try the read only method first. see what happens.20:37
racecar56i dont know if i do or not...20:38
rconanbetween the PCs in my flat there's 22GB20:38
ubottuGnome bug 551171 in general "Eog creates thumbnails even when deactivated in nautilus" [Minor,Unconfirmed]20:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255030 in eog "Eog creates thumbnails even when deactivated in gnome" [Low,Triaged]20:38
Kai_wpStill no luck with Compiz Fusion here. Here's was happens when I try to enable it: http://pastebin.com/d7026d56f20:38
racecar56actually i have no more ram :<20:38
Kai_wpI'm running with an XFX Nvidia 8600 GT XXX.20:38
nemodeany: looks like comment #1's suggestion about wiping the thumbnail cache might work for you20:38
nemodeany: also restricting its size20:38
nemodeany: actually size is probably all you care about20:39
nemoracecar56: well, my gentoo laptop has only 96MiB of ram :)20:39
nemoracecar56: my desktop is at 4 gigabytes20:39
nemoor gibibytes :)20:39
deanywhat was comment #1 again?20:40
racecar56nemo, my laptop is 2GB and my desktop is also 2GB20:40
nemodeany: in the gnome bug20:40
nemosuggests setting thumbnail_cache max size/age20:40
nemodeany: I guess that means that would impact both nautilus and eog thumbnailing20:40
racecar56nemo, how old is the laptop? mine from late 200620:40
nemoracecar56: P13320:40
nemoracecar56: I have a P100 too :D20:41
racecar56nemo, ?20:41
nemopentium, 133MhZ20:41
nemodunno when it was made. 98 maybe? 99?20:41
racecar56i dont know20:41
racecar56my first comp was probably from 9720:41
nemoracecar56: heh. my first computer was a trash 80 :D20:42
racecar56yet i got it in 200320:42
* rconan has a 1998 pentium 3 900 laptop20:42
deanythx nebbes20:42
arunreddyWhen jaunty going to release20:42
deanyi mean thx nemo20:42
* racecar56 has a compaq sr1010z20:42
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases20:42
nemorconan: nyah nyah my laptop is wimpier than youuuurs :)20:42
rconan!outyet | arunreddy20:42
ubottuarunreddy: Jaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+120:42
rconannemo: you are clearly the winner20:42
rconan!ot | rconan20:43
ubotturconan, please see my private message20:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:43
Blues-Manhi all20:43
lupine_85ooh, my kubuntu has megachanged20:43
Blues-Mani'm on kubuntu jaunty I can't connect through NetworkManager anymore and wlan0 interface is down at every startup20:43
vartare there other folders like .thumbnails that could be linked to /tmp to save place and clear on reboot automatically?20:44
Blues-ManI wonder why20:44
lupine_85now to get nvidia-glx working properly again20:44
nemovart: seems to defeat the purpose of caching, no? :)20:45
nemoI like the idea of just restricting the thumbnail cache better20:45
nemounless your uptime is decent of course20:45
nemolong uptime I suppose is roughly comparable to setting thumbnail cache expiration to a month or two20:45
vartnemo: I'm on the netbook - so I prefer to minimize disk usage even it slightly increases the latency of some operations20:46
nemovart: SSD netbook?20:46
racecar56my hard drive on my laptop is loud20:46
racecar56but i have some hard drive from y2k thats louder20:46
nemovart: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-flash-filesystems/ - 'cause I was wondering if you'd considered one of these20:47
nemovart: or at the very least, cranking the sync times waaaay up20:47
vartnemo: no - but still twicks for sdd helped to decrease the temperature of the netbook, I was worried before it that disk usage was extreamly high20:48
nemovart: and allowing a higher level of fragmentation (since it doesn't matter as much with SSD)20:48
nemovart: shame. was looking for someone to try a flash filesystem and report to me the results :)20:48
nemovart: been considering buying the "pursebook" when it is released this year20:48
nemolike the vaio P series, but with actual, oh, linux compatibility20:48
dalton2345anyone know when i;ll be able to download the official jaunty release. how many hours20:48
racecar56hows it goin20:49
nemovart: (the one by wistron)20:49
Kai_wpIf Compiz Fusion won't run on my PC, then how can the "Extra" setting under the "Visual Effects" tab of "Appearance Preferences" work?20:49
Pici!outyet | dalton234520:49
ubottudalton2345: Jaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+120:49
racecar56typed wrong window20:49
Kai_wpDoesn't it use Compiz?20:49
Sniper606wh not just install the RC then update20:49
Sniper606thats what im doing20:49
nemoKai_wp: you sure it works? :)20:49
dalton2345is it the same sniper?20:49
nemoKai_wp: have you tried enabling it? might just check, decide there are no drivers, and abort20:49
Sniper606yep its the same20:49
dalton2345i have the rc downloaded, didnt burn it yet20:50
haggisbasherukback in a while , installing todays latest jaunty iso20:50
nemoKai_wp: well. this is interesting. I just tried on my semi-sucky work laptop20:50
St0n3-C0lAnyone here who uses intel driver?20:50
nemoKai_wp: this intel card now seems to work with compiz - it didn't before...20:50
Kai_wpnemo: I seem to have this bug when attempting to use "compiz --replace" https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/31621420:50
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/316214/+text)20:50
St0n3-C0lspecially i810 users20:51
nemoKai_wp: I just switched to "normal" from metacity. good times.20:51
vartnemo: thanks for the link - I will read it later20:51
SilentDisodd, i've not seen any updates come down for a day or 2 now, usually i see quite a few.20:51
Kai_wpnemo: Well, the "Extra" setting workrs for me too, but Compiz Fusion doesn't work and it used too. XD20:51
nemoKai_wp: you enabled some bad plugin? *shrug*20:52
Kai_wpnemo: No I can't get Compiz Fusion to run at all, as in this bugreport https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/316214 it writes "XGL: Not present" and a long line of errors until it aborts.20:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316214 in compiz "compiz.real chrashed with segfault" [Medium,Incomplete]20:53
Kai_wpnemo: I just wonder how I can run "Extra" effects when Compiz Fusion won't run at all.20:53
nemoKai_wp: ps auwx | grep compiz ?  :)20:54
vartSilentDis: Actually release freeze was declared on 16 when RC was released... So updates after that date should be considered strage :) - no updates in last 2 days should be ok20:54
nemosee what options *they* are passing, then try running that same commandline by hand?20:54
nemoKai_wp: 'course, ubuntu probably uses some gconf settings...20:54
nemoKai_wp: might have to look to see what they are setting there too. and maybe using a wrapper.20:54
vinitHi all20:54
SilentDisvart: huh.  i am almost sure i pulled a new vid driver and kernel update since the 16th...20:54
nemoKai_wp: hm. on my sucky system  --indirect-rendering is enabled20:55
vinitWhen jaunty will be available ?20:55
Kai_wpnemo: Where can I enable that20:55
Kai_wpvinit: Tommorow20:55
vinitmeans I am asking about time ?20:55
Kai_wpvinit: Precisely April the 22nd.20:55
nemoKai_wp: I was just checking process list. that's what ubuntu was passing to compiz20:56
ripps!outyet | vinit20:56
ubottuvinit: Jaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+120:56
vinitbut here in my country it is 23rd20:56
vartSilentDis: I know... I got last update about 50-56 hours ago20:56
vinitbut on down load page it is not there20:57
* lupine_85 tries to work out if this new kubuntu is pretty or not20:57
vinitubottu what do u mean by join #ubuntu+120:57
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:57
* SilentDis hugs ubottu20:58
SilentDishe's helpful... if a little dumb at times ;)20:59
HalowHe's "special". ;)20:59
SilentDisrides the short open-source bus lol20:59
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:00
guntbertapropos: is ubottu  here the same bot as in #ubuntu, or are these two different ?21:00
SilentDispoor abused bot.  s'ok we wuv him anyway :)21:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about snack21:00
ubottucoffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java21:02
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository21:02
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories21:02
=== Trunkz_ is now known as Trunkz
rippsstop abusing the bot21:02
SilentDisit's a bit like chicken-browsing wikipedia.  you'll eventually get to kevin bacon!21:03
* charlie-tca thinks poor bot is overworked21:03
Kai_wpEr, I actually don't know what the mean by Multiverse repository, so I checked21:03
rconanif you want to piss around with the bot do it in #ubuntu-bots21:03
rippsKai_wp: use /msg if want to ask a question, that way you don't spam the channel21:04
bercikFglrx and open drivers are already working fine in Jaunty, right?21:04
* genii sips some delicious coffee21:04
rippsbercik: yes. fglrx only works rv600+21:04
bercikripps: Thanks. And will not work with olders, will it?21:05
rippsbercik: never, amd discontinued support all models r500 and below21:06
rippsradeon is your only resource for those cards now21:06
bercikripps: and radeon driver doesnt support full 3D?21:07
rippsbercik: depends on your card, newer cards, not so much21:07
bercikOK, one more thing: How to downgrade to XServer 1.5?21:07
rippsInstall Ubuntu 8.10 or less21:07
bercikripps: not possible to just downgrade?21:08
racecar56i have a computer with a rv280se21:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about whee21:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wheee21:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:08
racecar56hee hee21:08
rippsracecar56: leave the poor bot alone21:08
racecar56does 6.06 have xserver 1.5?21:10
crdlbracecar56: much older21:11
crdlb!info xserver-xorg-core dapper21:12
ubottuxserver-xorg-core (source: xorg-server): X.Org X server -- core server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu10.13 (dapper), package size 3450 kB, installed size 10172 kB21:12
racecar56lol 1.021:12
racecar56!info xserver-xorg-core fiesty21:12
ubottu'fiesty' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kde4-ppa-intrepid', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']21:12
racecar56!info xserver-xorg-core gutsy21:12
ubottuxserver-xorg-core (source: xorg-server): X.Org X server -- core server. In component main, is optional. Version 2: (gutsy), package size 3590 kB, installed size 10288 kB21:13
racecar56!info xserver-xorg-core hardy21:13
ubottuxserver-xorg-core (source: xorg-server): Xorg X server - core server. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.1~git20080131-1ubuntu9.2 (hardy), package size 3980 kB, installed size 10884 kB21:13
crdlbstop that21:13
racecar56im done21:13
crdlbwhat are you looking for?21:13
racecar56just looking at info21:13
racecar56finding out the xserver versions for distro versions21:13
rippsracecar56: if want to ask a bot a question use /msg ubottu21:13
piksiracecar56: you can do that in query21:13
rconanor in #ubuntu-bots21:14
racecar56i wanna leave now.. im pretty much donbe chatting.. cya later21:15
blagis there an eta as to when the 2.6.29 kernel is expected to arrive in the jaunty repos?21:17
maxbblag: never21:17
ubottuJaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+121:17
=== hedgee is now known as cky
blagi know its not out yet...when it does come out, will i be able to get the 2.6.29 kernel from the repos at some point?21:19
glootechhi, lulz21:19
jacobblag: not from the archives, no21:19
jacobblag: if you would like to test a mainline kernel (no ubuntu patches) you'll find info on that here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds21:20
rippsjacob beat me to it21:21
milkncatWhen is the release date for ubuntu 9.04 ?21:21
kklimondamilkncat: when it's done21:21
kklimondamilkncat: tomorrow/today based on your local time21:21
ripps!outyet |milkncat21:21
ubottumilkncat: Jaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+121:21
blagjacob: ah, thanks.21:22
rippsHmm... there needs to be a bot alias for mainline21:23
racecar56ive decided ill come back21:23
rippsOr at least mention it with the kernel alias21:23
racecar5600:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Cirrus Logic 5446 GD21:23
jacob!mainline is If you're looking to try out a mainline kernel (ie, no Ubuntu patches), visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds at your own peril.21:25
jacobnow someone just has to approve it21:25
ienorandIs anyone else seing very odd behaviour in evince... If I mark text in a pdf it also marks a huge chunk on the opposite column, making copy-paste impossible: e.g. the end of http://departments.colgate.edu/physics/faculty/EGalvez/articles/ajpbs02.pdf (see "acknowledgements" particularly)21:26
cougartenhi, is my homefolder decrypted when the screensaver requires authentification on activity (I encrypted my homefolder with the alternate installer (jaunty))21:29
blagienorand: yes, i see the same thing21:29
joaopintoienorand, yes, same here21:30
cougartenand btw, It seems to be possible to encrypt the disk and the homefolder with the alternate install CD, maybe there should be a note so you don't encrypt it twice because you are scared the first selection on encrypt might not include home21:30
blagienorand: griffiths is a good text, i must say.  im staring at mine now.  :-)21:31
rippsI don't see the point in encrypting your entire /home, If I have some really secret stuff (e.g. porn) I'll just the encrypted /Private folder21:31
rconanripps: things like .ssh and .gnupg being encrypted is often nice21:31
rconansame with .firefox and .thunderbird now I thinik21:32
rippsrconan: those can just be symlinked from the Private directory21:32
cougartenI have a spare computer so I can mix real need and proof of concept :)21:32
rconaneasier to just encrypt /home as far as I see21:32
rconanif the proc can handle it21:32
joaopintocougarten, your home folder is not generally decrypted, it is decrypted on a per need basis, with the keys retrieved during login21:32
joaopintocougarten, unlocking with the screensaver has no effect on your data21:33
joaopintoripps, it's safer to assume all your data is private, unless you want it to be public21:33
rippsIt just seems an unneeded level of secrecy, that's all21:34
cougartenjoaopinto: so it can be partitially decrypted? (somwhere on the way between a programm requesting a file and reciving the decrypted file)21:34
nztaljoaopinto, do you know, if its difficult to reinstall ubuntu, if you have a encrypted /home, keeping your /home data ?  given that you'd be formatting /21:34
joaopintocougarten, yes, that is how it works21:34
cougartennztal I could copy the home decrypted or take it allong encrypted. After the install there is a note that you need a secure key which was generated to encrypt it.21:35
cougartenjoaopinto: great :)21:35
joaopintonztal, I am not using an encrypted home, but it shouldn't be hard, just make sure you read how-to before doing it :P21:35
ienorandblag: bleh... means that evince's marking system is borked. Seem to find ongoing work upstream though (after a bit of bug-sniffing): http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=325189 &https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=400621:36
ubottuGnome bug 325189 in general "text selection doesn't follow columns" [Normal,New]21:36
Ahmucksomeone told me 9.04 was out ?21:37
nztalcougarten, that is a particular phrase, which i have printed out.  would that be good enough ?21:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about notyet21:37
blagthe sad part is that i dont even get annoyed when gnome stuff doesnt work anymore...21:37
kklimonda!release > Ahmuck21:37
cougartennztal: you will decrypt by typing your userpasswort which unlocks the real password used for encryption21:37
ubottuAhmuck, please see my private message21:37
* ienorand didn't know ubottu handled bugzilla as well...21:37
cougartennztal: that real password is randomly generated21:38
BUGabundoguud evening !21:38
joaopintohello BUGabundo21:38
BUGabundonice to see all this usual _faces_21:38
charlie-tcaHello, BUGabundo21:39
ubottuJaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+121:39
ienorandHia BUGabundo21:39
charlie-tcaThe fun is just beginning21:40
nztalcougarten, ok thanks.  i think i'll have to reinstall, just to find out.  i may wish to change my user password, and i cannot do that right now, without locking me out of gnome.  on reinstallation, i simply want to keep my encrypted /home user data21:40
cougartenbtw: my ubuntu froze a few days ago while shutting down after an update, I had to reset and now grub or the MBR or something is broken. Is that a common problem or did I/my PC fucked it up on its own?21:40
BUGabundojoaopinto: charlie-tca: ienorand hi back21:40
cougartennztal: you have to choose the alternate installer (in case you didn't know)21:40
xemacs23456cougarten, use bootable cd/dvd and see if you can look around21:41
nztalcougarten, yes thats what i used to encrypt it.  maybe thats why i couldn't keep the data a long time ago, when i tried to preserve the data.  i may be worrying about a whole lot of nothing.  :)21:41
cougartenxemacs23456: I can, but all the grub tricks didnt work (but they changed something at least)21:41
xemacs23456cougarten, what type of filesystem, can you check and repair it from the dvd ?21:42
cougartenACPI: Aborted because invalid compressed format (err=1).  [...] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable tu mount root fs unknown-block(0,0)21:43
cougartenxemacs23456: ext4 :) maybe a bad Idea21:44
xemacs23456cougarten, fsck is equivalent if chckdsk21:44
xemacs23456cougarten, yes you may loose data  with sck21:44
cougartenxemacs23456 guessed that, it can just be run from the normal install version, right?21:45
cougartenxemacs23456 luckily there's not to much to lose21:45
xemacs23456i think so i have not used ext421:45
nztali am now trying to make room at the beginning of a laptop hard drive, because at the end of the hard drive is a recovery partition for a windows installation on a laptop, is that a problem, installing ubuntu, at the beginning of a laptop, with recovery partition at the end ?  i've made the recovery disks.21:45
cougartendoes it make a read speed difference on an ssd?21:45
BUGabundonztal: on newer systems there is no prob where you place it21:46
cougartennztal should be no problem, but I'm no pro either :)21:46
nztalthanks BUGabundo21:46
BUGabundonztal: on some older ones /boot was required t obe under the 1024 sectors limit21:47
nztallast laptop was stolen :/21:47
BUGabundonztal: makes backups and use encription this time eheh21:47
cougartenthx and bye21:48
BUGabundocougarten: leaving us already?21:49
cougartenBUGabundo: I don't think I could be much help :)21:50
cougartenbut I can stay aswell :) thank you21:50
VenteroAnyone got an idea how to make my gnome panel start up automatically when I log in...?21:50
racecar56dosen't it already21:51
jpdsVentero: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove21:51
BUGabundocougarten: any one can, on their own way21:51
Sniper606Ventero, hit alt-f2, then type in gnome-panel21:51
jpdsVentero: NO, don't do that, misread question.21:52
VenteroSniper: That's not automatically ;P21:52
cougartenokey, good. than I'll stay. I like to contribute a bit :)21:52
Sniper606yah it works21:52
Venteroracecar56: No, it doesn't do that anymore :(21:52
Sniper606trust me21:52
racecar56jpds, im running 9.04 :>21:52
Sniper606ive had it dissapear on me before21:52
Venterojpds: Ooookay o_O21:52
jpdsracecar56: Cool.21:52
Sniper606when you shutdown choose save session21:52
Sniper606and when you restart it will work normally21:52
jpdsVentero: I read 'GDM' instead of 'gnome panel'.21:52
VenteroSniper606: Tried it, didn't help21:52
racecar56jpds, i like it, it IS faster, just one thing i won't have ext4 as i upgraded21:52
racecar56jpds, and xvidcap works AWESOME21:53
racecar56does xvidcap record sound?21:53
jpdsracecar56: Yeah, but you can convert ext3 to ext4.21:53
racecar56jpds, orly? im interested21:53
racecar56jpds, without losing data, right?21:53
ribothere's some caveat to going from 3 -> 421:54
jpdsracecar56: http://kernelnewbies.org/Ext4#head-3891522e0601162aab24c73c1f148a1e28c6a9d421:54
ribolike some features that won't work21:54
VenteroSo, anyone else got an idea? :/21:55
sherwinhello. How do I register a nickname?21:56
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode21:56
sherwinthanks. Now, I have my wifi card working in my desktop using ndiswrapper. How do i make the ndiswrapper module load on boot? apparently, something is different in jaunty21:58
racecar56sherwin, add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules?21:58
sherwinactually, nevermind, I think i just found the file,  /etc/modules21:59
sherwinsorry, beat me to it:)21:59
sherwinone more thing. I have two networks, a private and an unencrypted. I need help figuring out why this computer will not connect to the WPA network. The unencrypted works fine. My laptop works fine, its running Jaunty as well. But not the desktop. Wifi card is a netgear wg311v322:00
racecar56does 8.04 work with rtl8029AS?22:00
VenteroJust to make sure: Gconf-editor says  /desktop/gnome/session/required_components_list is [windowmanager,panel,filemanager]. Doesn't that mean that it should start those 3 components whenever I log in? :/22:00
unitedpotsmokershello, when jaunty jacklope will release?22:01
svuI cannot get any sound from jaunty (ppc), how could I debug that?22:02
crimsunsvu: use: ubuntu-bug alsa-base22:02
cougartenis the wpa+wpa2 encryption bug solved?22:02
ienorandcougarten: What bug? ( I think I might be ill as well :) )22:03
cougartenhmm, wifi does not connect than. I search for the bugreport, brb22:03
haggisbasheruklol @ night rider bootup :)22:04
BUGabundocrimsun: new nick?22:04
crimsunBUGabundo: no, just forgot to switch22:04
crimsun(and no point now in using /nick)22:04
cougartenienorand having rt2860 (its in the EEE PC 901/1000)22:05
ienorandcougarten: No: Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61)... so maybe not the same problem then...22:06
cougartenyea, than it's something different22:06
BUGabundocrimsun: are you busy? I have a loco user requesting help with PA22:07
sherwincougarten: you using ndiswrapper?22:07
crimsunBUGabundo: not atm22:07
BUGabundocrimsun: no prob. thanks anyway22:07
cougartensherwin on my EEE? no22:08
crimsunBUGabundo: err, that was "no, i'm not busy atm"22:08
sherwinis that what you're having trouble connecting WPA with?22:08
BUGabundoeheheh crimsun I better sleep more! LOL22:08
cougartensherwin: no need to help I just switched to wpa222:08
sherwinjust curious. My laptop with Atheros connects just fine to my WPA2, but this desktop i am working on for a friend will not connect to it using ndiswrapper's WG311V3 driver.22:09
cougartenbut my Netgear wg311v3 USB does not work (without the wrapper too, but I don't need that stick either)22:09
sherwincougarten: the wg311 is working for me on my unencrypted network.22:09
cougartensherwin i found an alternative to the wrapper, one moment22:09
sherwinI think I'll just tell sherwin to unencrypt their home network :) they dont have a neighbor for about five miles either direction22:10
BUGabundocrimsun: here is xhaker asking for help22:11
BUGabundointroductions done, now lets fix it!22:11
cougartensherwin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6759228&postcount=6822:11
xhakercrimsun: first ubuntu install in this machine.. current cdimages.. no sound.. p5q-em board with ich10.. also it says Realtek ALC120022:13
cougartensherwin: anything I could try with my Netgear? otherwise I'll shutdown that mashine and use the monitor for something else22:14
erle-jaunty will be released soon but the kernel still does not boot up on my machine22:14
sherwinsorry, just got a phonecall, let me read and catch  up22:14
DaskreechCan I configure the notification?22:14
DaskreechLike Can I turn some programs off from using it?22:15
BUGabundoxhaker: wget http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh and run it22:16
sherwincougarten: this one is the desktop card, not usb. looks like it used a marvell chipset22:16
sherwin00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireless (rev 0322:17
cougartensherwin: k, sry22:17
sherwinno prob, every little bit helps22:17
BUGabundocrimsun: ping ?22:17
DaskreechI don't really mind if it's turning them off from notifying all together or having them use another notification system22:17
kklimondaDaskreech: some applications has options regarding notifications. But not all of them.22:18
Daskreechkklimonda: So it's just from the applications POV then22:18
DaskreechThat makes sense actually22:18
BUGabundoxhaker: crimsun seems to be away no :\ still run that and post the link22:19
BUGabundoxhaker: or file a bug with $ ubuntu-bug alsa-base22:19
kklimondaDaskreech: there is going to be do-not-disturb mode (when notifications aren't displayed but logged to ~/.config/notfy-osd.log) in notify-osd but ETA is uknown to me.22:19
DaskreechSo there is not going to be any configuration for the notification system22:19
DaskreechOr at least non is planned?22:20
BUGabundoDaskreech: not for this cycle!22:20
kklimondaDaskreech: Last time I was reading about notify-osd developers' point of view was that no configuration is required.22:20
kklimondayeah, that too.22:21
DaskreechOk so if I don't want something to notify turn it off I f idon't want it to use this NOtification system I'm SOL ?22:21
BUGabundomaco: ping. is crimsun still online? available?22:21
calcDaskreech: iirc you can uninstall the notify-osd package22:21
kklimondaDaskreech: if applications doesn't provide any way of setting it then yes, yoo are out of luck.22:21
BUGabundocalc: I guess its better we don't start advertising that!22:22
Daskreechcalc: Yeah I've heard about a gnome-scintellia package aswell22:22
rconannot sure if this counts as on topic but... what is an inode? what does using different sizes do? and how does it effect performance on ext322:22
BUGabundoor else we will have users on a poor state to debug latter22:22
crimsunBUGabundo: sorry, connection issues22:22
thiebaudehi BUGabundo22:22
BUGabundoDaskreech: straciatela22:22
Daskreechrconan: it's the anchor for a file name22:22
DaskreechBUGabundo: Thanks what's the implications of that?22:22
crimsunxhaker: please run `ubuntu-bug alsa-base'22:22
rconanDaskreech: what difference does bigger or smaller ones make?22:22
BUGabundocrimsun: np! what's up with your net? I keep hearing about probs there!22:22
Daskreechrconan: what are you speaking on? Numbers of Inodes?22:23
crimsunBUGabundo: if i knew, i'd be in trouble22:23
kklimondaDaskreech: removing notify-osd will delete ubuntu-desktop meta package and there may be problems during next release upgrade.22:23
rconanDaskreech: one of the filesystem creation options is inode size and ext2-ifs for windows doesn't support large ones so I was wondering if using smaller than default would make a difference22:24
Daskreechkklimonda: No I meant for the gnome-straciatela22:24
Daskreechrconan: Ah Umm that might be block size.22:25
kklimondaDaskreech: oh -  gnome-straciatella-session adds "Upstream GNOME" session to GDM.22:25
kklimondaDaskreech: when you launch it you will get notification-daemon instead of notify-osd.22:25
kklimondaDaskreech: and few more minor changes (hidden indicator-applet, mainstream mail notification for evolution).22:25
DaskreechGnomeShell? :)22:26
kklimondagnome-shell is still in development22:26
haggisbasheruki am all Jauntied up with todays latest image :) running great so far on Acer Aspire One A150 , very fast boot and responsive22:26
DaskreechGnomeShell is planned as an option for Gnome+1 ?22:26
DaskreechI know I'm running the Git now22:27
kklimondaDaskreech: i've heard they are thinking about including it in 2.30/3.0 release22:27
haggisbasherukis todays image whats being released tommorrow ?22:27
kklimondaDaskreech: but so far nothing final about it..22:27
airtonixquestion: intrepid killed the font preview thumbnailer in nautilus. Is it back in jaunty?22:28
cowgardenI dislike nautilus :)22:28
Daskreechah as I had understood it would be something to play with in 2.28 and the default in 2.30 with a possible option to revert to default22:28
haggisbasherukhi khunt22:28
Daskreechcowgarden: pcmanfm or dolphin :)22:28
DaskreechOr thunar22:28
khuntwhat you doing here :-)22:28
haggisbasherukjust installed todays daily image :)22:28
haggisbasheruki am nosey :P22:29
cowgardenDaskreech: yea, pcman was nortoncommander-like, right?22:29
airtonixcowgarden, no22:29
cowgardenoh so I mixed them up. have to make a filebrowserinstall-session one day22:29
airtonixpcmanfm is a simplified clone of windows explorer22:30
khunti am trying to create a .desktop file to launch a script but it keeps saying unable in initiate child process ./3gdial.sh no such file or directory but I know for a fact it lies and that the script is excecutable22:30
g4lv4tr0nwhat times the jaunty release ?22:30
ellarwill jaunty have bittorrent link http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent so i can program a scipt to download it in night?22:30
airtonixquestion: intrepid killed the font preview thumbnailer in nautilus. Is it back in jaunty?22:30
BUGabundothis is a bit OT, but anyone knows where I can get jaunty artwork to print and set on a stand for jaunty launch?22:31
ienorandApr 22 15:59:49 Mell kernel: [73349.810469] iwlagn: MAC is in deep sleep! < could this, from kern.log, be a reasom for wpa not working?22:31
DaskreechKubuntu ships with the weather plugin for Jackalope?22:31
BUGabundoDaskreech: should!22:31
airtonixwtb answer22:31
khunthaggis is it safe to upgrade kuki yet?22:32
=== Oradeanul is now known as Siropel
khuntdoes it still break?22:32
haggisbasheruki would think it would be fine now but intel driver is a mess now :(22:33
khunthow bad?22:33
khuntIntel driver has been poor for a couple of kernels22:33
haggisbasherukartifacts on GL22:33
thiebaudekhunt: you have an intel graphics card?22:34
khuntI have 222:34
thiebaudeis your X freezing?22:34
khuntone in my dell22:34
haggisbasherukinly been runnning for 5-10 minst khunt so have not messed with things yet22:34
khuntand one in my aa122:34
khuntI am on dell now22:34
khuntseems fine22:34
khuntnot freezing22:35
khuntam all up to date too22:35
thiebaudeyea, i fixed my problem yesterday22:35
haggisbasherukglxgears stutters :(22:35
khunti am having .desktop issues22:35
admin_masu3701when is 9.04 coming safe to install?22:35
* haggisbasheruk is running todays daily image22:36
joaopintoadmin_masu3701, 9.04 is already safe to install, not final yet22:36
BUGabundoadmin_masu3701: either never or 2 months ago22:36
cowgardenadmin_masu3701: and for shure in 2 month XD22:37
BUGabundocowgarden: are you sure ? LOL22:37
admin_masu3701joapinto: i had the beta version but my wireless card couldnt work22:37
BUGabundoadmin_masu3701: let me put it this way: if you are scared, just keep what you have22:37
Halow!outyet | admin_masu370122:37
xhakercrimsun: bug 36529222:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365292 in alsa-driver "Asus P5Q-EM ICH10 No Sound Jaunty post RC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36529222:37
ubottuadmin_masu3701: Jaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+122:37
BUGabundoxhaker: hey tas bibo22:38
crimsunxhaker: ok, will look soon22:38
xhakerBUGabundo: a net no desktop é feia :)22:38
xemacs23456who do i talk to about contributing to ubuntu ?22:38
admin_masu3701am just making sure that my wireless will work..22:38
Daskreechadmin_masu3701: should be safe but try the live CD22:39
BUGabundoxemacs23456: just beeing here, you already can contribute22:39
BUGabundoxemacs23456: what are you good at?22:39
kaalianyone here knows when it will be released?22:39
BUGabundoadmin_masu3701: did you file a bug for it?22:39
BUGabundokaali: sure22:40
xemacs23456qa, c, c++, perl, it22:40
BUGabundokaali: its shedule for tomorrow22:40
BUGabundoxemacs23456: guess #ubuntu-motu would be a good point to start!22:40
kaalii ment time..   allready 23.4 here.. :D22:40
xemacs23456or i can even mentor22:40
Daskreechkaali: Need to get it the minute it comes out?22:40
BUGabundokaali: humm 22:40 here22:40
xemacs23456ty BUGabundo22:40
admin_masu3701Daskreech: ok22:40
kaalicuz i'd like to "donate" my 100mbit to distributing it22:40
thiebaude5:20pm here22:41
admin_masu3701BUGabundo: no22:41
BUGabundokaali: if history teachs us something, 16-20h GMT22:41
thiebaudewron time22:41
BUGabundoadmin_masu3701: then how do expect it to be known by the devs and keep you posted on the fix???22:41
mrweskaali, so grab the torrent and seed back22:41
kaalimrwes: thats what i had in mind..22:41
BUGabundomrwes: not just "a" torrent, but all of them ehehe kaali22:42
BUGabundoxemacs23456: but feel free to tag along in here, and help fix bugs!22:42
kaalitoo bad i have to go to work at 15pm +2 gmt22:42
dalton2345first there first serve eh22:42
admin_masu3701is 9.04 all different thn the 8.10? what are the new stuff?22:43
khuntread the changelog22:43
khunton the website22:43
kaalimaybe if i could somehow get .torrent(s) before release..?22:43
charlie-tcaIt is only 21:43 GMT now22:43
mrwesadmin_masu3701, it's 0.94 better22:43
Daskreechkaali: Yes you could and no one would be on them22:43
kaaliso those will be waitin in my torrent client til "seeder" comes up22:43
xemacs23456seems like more teaching basic admin skills here and main channel22:44
kaaliDaskreech: i know22:44
kaaliDaskreech: plz tell me where22:44
Daskreechadmin_masu3701: Read the changelog :-)22:44
BUGabundokaali: get the daily images22:45
BUGabundoand the rsync tomorrow if anything changes, force check and seed them22:45
mrwesI didn't see any updated today aye?22:45
BUGabundoxemacs23456: if #ubuntu is your like, sure! its too *crowd* for me, and many of us here22:45
BUGabundomrwes: no changes here either22:46
admin_masu3701Daskreech: what the link to the site?22:46
BUGabundoubuntu.com admin_masu3701 LOL22:46
kaaliBUGabundo: i dont need images..    just .torrent.. :D22:46
mrwesBUGabundo, you got my addicted to gnome-do22:46
BUGabundoadmin_masu3701: or http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90422:46
kaaliso i can be there tire after release.. to seed like mofo22:46
xemacs23456i have very high speed connection , just sampling channels now, trying to decide if i want debian or ubuntu22:46
BUGabundokaali: but I can just get the images, and just seed them22:46
BUGabundomrwes: I told you22:47
Daskreechxemacs23456: How experienced are you with Linux?22:47
BUGabundoxemacs23456: eheh Ubuntu please? or both22:47
Halow!outyet | fincan22:49
ubottufincan: Jaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+122:49
haggisbasherukwhen the wind blows your way fincan :P22:49
fincanjust trying sweety bots :)22:50
BUGabundofincan: Halow is not a bot!22:50
HalowNot last I checked, anyway. ;)22:51
haggisbasherukfincan: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/22:51
fincanhaggisbasheruk: final?22:52
haggisbasherukor http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/22:52
haggisbasherukjust do an update tommorrow for any changes22:52
cowgardenBUGabundo: kaali want's to go to sleep and make his computer seed as soon as possible without further interaction22:52
kaalicowgarden: pretty much22:53
kaaliand work tomorrow so i cant sit on the computer waitin when it will be released22:53
foogmaaactually, it should be out in 14 hours, give or take 12 hours22:53
BUGabundocowgarden: kaali there are no FINAL torrents yet on torrents.ubutnu.com:696922:54
cowgarden.. I know22:54
cowgardenbut it was possible to set them up allready, wasn't it?22:54
kaalirss would be nice22:54
BUGabundocowgarden: NO. it needs the hash22:55
ferronicahello people22:56
ferronicaso ubuntu 9.04 OUT???////22:56
crimsunxhaker: please unmute 'Surround', 'Center', 'LFE', 'Side'22:56
haggisbasherukhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ then update tommorow ferronica22:56
ferronicathis one is RC22:57
ferronicanot final one :(22:57
haggisbasherukits daily image22:57
ferronicaya i know22:57
ferronicabut i need final release :)22:57
HalowAs long as you update it will be the final release.22:57
ferronicai will wait22:57
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.22:57
joaopintoso just wait22:57
ferronicabut there is no official release of final version though22:58
noreni upgraded from the 8.10 will i have to change the repo list now22:58
pinnerup_Any ideas when tomorrow JJ will be released? Thing is I've been asked to do an intro to Ubuntu to a smaller crowd tomorrow evening (about 18 hours from now) and it would be really neat if I could use the new version instead of II. (The coinciding date was incidental.)22:58
Daskreechpinnerup_: get the daily22:58
xhakercrimsun: not sound yet22:59
DaskreechThey won't know the difference22:59
thiebaudealready 99 people in #ubuntu-release-party22:59
pinnerup_Daskreech: That's probably right. It doesn't say?22:59
ferronicathis 8.10 release buggy22:59
crimsunxhaker: and if you mute 'IEC958'?22:59
Daskreechferronica: Seems ok For Kubuntu22:59
crimsunxhaker: as a heads-up, your codec isn't well-supported in jaunty22:59
norenhi Daskreech22:59
ferronicamy keyborad multimedia keys didnt worked22:59
crimsunxhaker: you really want a git snapshot of alsa-driver - not even 1.0.19 is new enough23:00
ferronicausing Microsoft laser mouse and KB 6000 version 2.023:00
cowgardenBUGabundo: the hash.. got it now :)23:00
GullstadI'm guessing ubuntu stable wont be released when time hits 00:00? =)23:00
ferronicahere 23rd 3:00AM23:01
HalowDepends what time zone... and which day you're talking about.23:01
ferronicabut no update23:01
BUGabundonoren: WHAT????23:01
BUGabundonoren: don't manually change the sources.list23:01
BUGabundonoren: use $ update-manager -d ! it will do it all for you23:01
xhakercrimsun: eek.. i's seeing Null Output (PulseAudio Mixer) on the sound preferences23:02
Anyoseyohow much longer til release :)23:02
xhakercrimsun: i should be seeing HDA Intel there right?23:03
BUGabundoAnyoseyo: several hours23:03
crimsunxhaker: what's the output from: pactl stat|grep ^D23:03
xhakercrimsun: default sink and default_source auto_null{,.monitor}23:04
crimsunxhaker: yeah, that's a problem.23:04
ah7013i'm running the janunty release candidate will i be able to upgrade to the final version when it comes out?23:04
noren_i upgraded from the 8.10 will i have to change the repo list now after the official realeas23:05
Anyoseyoand how will you upgrade?23:05
crimsunxhaker: are the basics working? i.e., pasuspender -- speaker-test -c2 -Dplughw:023:05
Halowah7013: Yes, just keep doing your daily upgrades and it will be the final.23:05
HalowUpdates even.23:05
BUGabundoah7013: yes you can! just run update-manager23:06
xhakercrimsun: nope.. open error -22 invalid argument23:06
BUGabundonoren_: stop saying stupid stuff! why would you have to do that?23:06
BUGabundowho here wants to open a poll to vote Gnome DO in the Desktop Seed for Karmic Koala? ?23:07
thiebaudeBUGabundo: yes23:07
noren_y so rude23:08
HalowDesktop Seed?23:08
BUGabundonoren_ sorry! didn't mean to be! I'm just asking23:08
crimsunxhaker: much as i suspected. you'll likely need http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/tiwai/snapshot/alsa-driver-snapshot.tar.bz223:08
BUGabundoHalow: the seed that states what will be installed in the desktop version23:08
BUGabundonoren_: also start the conversation with the nick of the person you want to talk to23:09
JerkyBoyswill 9.04 be released at midnight?23:09
BUGabundoJerkyBoys: no, not exacly23:09
JerkyBoysjust wonderin23:09
Daisuke-IdoJerkyBoys: it will be released when it's released.23:09
foogmaait's usually released around noon GMT give or take about 8 hours23:10
JerkyBoysi go into work late tomorrow, so just wondering if anyone know when23:10
Anyoseyoall these anxious people >.<23:10
JerkyBoysi am excited23:10
Daisuke-Idofoogmaa: should have just said +/- 12 hours :D23:10
* Anyoseyo just installed 8.10, and will now need to update23:10
HalowBUGabundo: But what about K/Xubuntu? I realized while trying Xubuntu (and knowing I can't live without Do) that I needed to install a LOAD of GNOME things just to meet dependencies for the plugins.23:10
Daisuke-IdoJerkyBoys: so upgrade now23:10
BUGabundoman... I scared another user! am I that rude?23:10
xhakercrimsun: thanks for the help.23:10
JerkyBoysupgrade to what, 9.04 is not out23:11
thiebaudeBUGabundo: your kewl23:11
gotsanityanyone got any experience running a wine program in a dedicated x server?23:11
foogmaai've never seen a release that went up at 1800 GMT though, it's always earlier23:11
BUGabundoJerkyBoys: I've been running jaunty since november! for me its just another day23:11
Daisuke-IdoJerkyBoys: it's a release candidate.  if you upgrade now and keep up with the updates, you'll already HAVE the release version.23:11
JerkyBoysi dont like beta's or RC's23:11
BUGabundoAnyoseyo: please read the release notes23:11
Daisuke-Idoit's not lie everything is going to change in a matter of hours23:11
BUGabundothen $ update-manager -d23:11
DaskreechHalow: Kubuntu has krunner23:12
BUGabundoHalow: DO works on Xub, but that is another seed, and I bet the core devs don't want the bloadt that DO brings23:12
Daisuke-IdoJerkyBoys: besides, at this point, the RC is final, since all that's left is packaging and such.  there will likely be no major changes to packages from this point until release23:12
HalowAhh... I tried Kubuntu for about all of a day and made a u-turn for gnome. :)23:12
JerkyBoysi read they will be correcting the ext4 issue23:12
BUGabundoDaisuke-Ido: JerkyBoys: its not even RC. its archive current stat23:12
JerkyBoysits no worries, i can wait23:13
=== Trunkz_ is now known as Trunkz
Jacxzany eta on final? :p23:13
Daisuke-IdoBUGabundo: upgrading from intrepid at this point is to current, but installing from an RC cd would be just that, RC.23:13
Daisuke-IdoJacxz: when it's done23:13
Daisuke-Idosometime in the next, oh, 25 hours23:14
BUGabundoDaisuke-Ido: actually tehre were some _minor_ changes to RC23:14
leprechauquick question....what timezone does the countdown on the official site use?23:14
Daisuke-IdoBUGabundo: and doing updates after installing RC would bring that into line with the current23:14
BUGabundoof course23:14
BUGabundoleprechau: no idea! UK maybe?23:14
HalowThis is why everyone should just switch to UTC. ;)23:15
JacxzUK is over so nope23:15
leprechauBUGabundo, hehe i was just wondering...i finally convinced my wife to let me linuxcize her laptop and I don't want to wait to long and let that oppurtunity expire23:15
leprechaualso..didn't want to download a whole iso and have to do it again 24hrs later23:16
BUGabundoleprechau: you won't! you can rsync the changes23:16
Halowrsync! Because BUGabundo keeps pushing it. ;)23:16
BUGabundoand some users told me they can do the same with torrents23:16
ienorandleprechau: It shouldn't make a difference23:16
* BUGabundo me loves rsync Halow23:16
leprechauyeah...but im anal retentive...i want to get a real 9.04 release cd ... not have to write RC on it with my sharpie ;p23:16
leprechaubut i guess you are right23:17
BUGabundothen do a netboot install LOL23:17
leprechaui could rsync the iso23:17
x-ipanybody knows at which hour will be 9.04 isos uploaded and the mirrors ready to upgrade ? :D23:18
ubottuJaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+123:18
x-ipat 00 am ?23:18
kklimonda no23:18
x-ipi'm at ubuntu+1 hehe23:18
Daisuke-Idox-ip: but you apparently didn't read the rest of it23:18
Daisuke-Idothere is no predetermined time when it will be.23:18
leprechau* Topic for #ubuntu-release-party is: Ubuntu (9.04) Jaunty Jackalope is due some time on 23rd April 2009 | Channel guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseParties for parties in your zone | Every time you ask if it's out, a bunny dies!23:18
x-ipok ok, np ... going to #ubuntu-release-party hehehe23:18
leprechaudead bunnies :/23:18
thiebaudethe party is starting next door23:18
leprechaux-ip, you just killed a bunny23:19
x-ipthanks x'D23:19
Daisuke-Idoleprechau: i want to go and keep asking if it's out yet23:19
x-ipwhy ? :S23:19
ienorandRC was at ~6pm GMT I think, so expect something similar...23:19
Jacxzcya in realse-party x-ip23:19
x-ip/j/ #ubuntu-release-party23:19
BUGabundox-ip: mirrors tend to have a cron, running from 1h to 24h23:19
x-ipwow x'D23:19
haggisbasherukbunny killers23:19
ienorandButhen again i could be wrong23:19
x-ipi readed the topic23:19
x-ipsorry :S23:19
x-iptoo late >.<'23:19
thiebaudeBUGabundo: there might be updates in 1hr?23:20
BUGabundothiebaude: ah?23:20
BUGabundolet me check out http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90423:21
BUGabundolet me check out #ubuntu-release-party23:21
* BUGabundo wishes there was a DEL for stupid posts to IRC23:21
cowgardenBUGabundo: I want Gnome-DO to be shipped along (but not docky as default, stucks a bit on netbooks/older PCs)23:24
ppehi, when will be the stable-ubuntu 9.04 released?23:25
BluesKajppe, tomorrow23:25
Skapareppe: when it's ready23:25
ienorandI like the quote from part channel: Every time you ask if it's out, a bunny dies!23:25
coz_pit roasted rabbit is tastey :)23:26
ppeI have a boring sroll-bug in the updated beta. I can only scroll slow in firefox and openoffice3. mark is buggy, too. I hope this will be fixed in the stable ubuntu.23:28
dash|x58can someone help me successfully increase my resolution?23:28
dash|x58every attempt i've failed ;/23:29
kklimondappe: it may not - you should file a bug.23:29
ppekklimonda: so I have to post in launchpad? :(23:29
kklimondappe: yes23:30
robin0800dash|x58: Put it Xorg conf?23:30
ppekklimonda: maybe it will be fixed..23:30
kklimondappe: is your 9.04 updated?23:30
BUGabundoppe use ubuntu-bug23:30
BUGabundokklimonda: what is he's package?23:31
ppeit's sudo apt-get update, yes?23:31
kklimondappe: yes23:31
ppehmm... I'm up to date..23:32
BUGabundoppe: now $sudo apt-upgrade23:32
BUGabundoand then23:32
BUGabundoppe: now $sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:32
kklimondaBUGabundo: if it's slow scroll in some applications than it may be something with video drivers and compiz. if it scrolls only in those two applications I don't know :)23:32
giskardi am having trouble adding a new user with users-admin23:33
kklimondappe: what is exactly your problem and what is your hardware?23:33
BUGabundogiskard: sounds like a known bug23:34
ppekklimonda: I have a geforce 8800 an athlon x2 2.6 ghz and 4 gb ram.23:34
tasHello, I have a question to ask about Gnome panels and AWN; Basically I want to disable the last Gnome panel I have and use only AWN, it's fine if I have to delete it, but I dunno how to do that, either, can anyone help?23:37
DaskreechAnyone using The git for Gnome-Shell?23:38
kklimondappe: and it scrolls slowly in firefox and ooo or you can only scroll in those two applications?23:38
BUGabundotas: hi23:38
BUGabundocan I recommend gnome-do ?23:38
tasHello BUG O:23:39
BUGabundoits a lot better then AWN23:39
BUGabundoalso to reply to you, just right click on the pannel, and choose properties23:39
tasYeah, I tried Gnome-Do, but I cant have a notification area in Docky23:39
BUGabundothere you can enable an option to hide the applet23:39
tasSeeing as what I want is a dock like OS X or a taskbar like Windows 7, Docky doesnt work out for me quite yet23:39
BUGabundotas: there's a new skin for DO, called Docky....23:39
tasYeah, but it doesnt have a notification area23:40
tasSo AWN works out better23:40
Daskreech!info docky23:40
ubottuPackage docky does not exist in jaunty23:40
nicurohello. does anybody know when jaunty will be launched?23:41
tasTommorow, I think23:41
tasOf course23:41
xerxesnicuro: You can get the daily snapshot23:41
tasif you wanna know when you can get it, you can get it right now23:41
BUGabundo !daily | nicuro23:41
ubottunicuro: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/23:41
ubottuJaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+123:41
xerxesand then make an update tomorrow23:41
tasthe RC version, anyway23:41
J-_Are the final Jaunty ISOs ready yet for download?23:42
shavlirand another bunny dies needlessly23:43
robin0800J-_: Another Bunny just Died23:43
BUGabundoJ-_: NO23:43
geniiWas it a bunny or a baby jackalope?23:43
BobngI think I have found a bug23:44
* genii checks the corpse for antlers23:44
BUGabundoBobng: really? is it that hard?23:44
J-_Settle down. ;(23:44
BobngWell it seems to not replicate itself now23:44
robin0800genii: Its a bug23:44
tasAnyway, about deleting the Gnome panel23:45
tasNo one know how?23:45
foogmaaI don't know but that seems like a Sessions type of thing23:46
tasYeah, I checked that23:47
tasIt didnt work O:23:47
tasI only wanna remove the one panel so I can have only AWN as my interface23:47
BUGabundotas did you do what I told you to?23:47
shavlirright click, delete this panel?23:48
foogmaaoh, so just drag the panel around?23:48
kklimondatas: right click on panel and then "delete this panel"23:48
tasCheck properties in the gnome panel? Yes, I tried that23:48
tasIt doesnt work23:48
kklimondatas: what happens?23:48
tasThe setting is disabled for some reason23:48
TecnaCompiz keeps messing up23:48
kklimondatas: hmm.. is it your only panel?23:48
BobngWell look at this23:48
aljosaany info if fglrx driver will be available soon23:49
Bobngwhen selecting the last item of a drop down panel23:49
Bobngthat normally fits fine23:49
tasIt's only one panel23:49
BUGabundotas don't DELETE it, just hide23:49
nosferathooaljosa, i also want to know ;]23:49
Bobngit scrolls to the bottom and wont show any other items until you move up23:49
Bobngwhen it SHOULD look like this http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/2483/screenshotaddremoveappl.png23:49
tasIt work work that wat23:49
J-_What will be changed on the latest ISO that will be released?23:49
nosferathooaljosa, maybe it will be best to ask ati/amd directly?23:49
kklimondatas: then you can't remove your only panel.23:49
J-_from the lastest beta23:49
tasSince I need to setup a notification area in AWN23:49
kklimondatas: you would have to remove gnome-panel package.23:49
kklimondait is unsupported23:50
tasHow do I go about that?23:50
kklimondaand stupid as gnome-panel is dependency of many other packages23:50
BUGabundoJ-_: from beta? a lot. from RC not much, from daily almost sure, nothing23:50
kklimondatas: you could try ``sudo chmod -x /usr/bin/gnome-panel'' to prevent it from launching23:50
J-_Is there a daily ISO then?23:50
tasAllright then23:51
kklimondatas: but again it's unsupported and weird things may happen.23:51
tasThen nevermind then23:51
tasSo odd, though23:51
kklimondatas: can't you delete notification area from panel?23:51
kklimondaand then add it to awn23:51
tasWell, I dunno how23:51
shavlirJ-_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/23:51
tasThat might work, though23:51
glootechany second now!23:51
Z_Godmay jaunty really break my system? ;)23:51
kklimondatas: right click on notification area applet and Remove from panel23:52
shavlirbroke mine23:52
shavlirbut I fixed it :-)23:52
Z_Godwhat did it break?23:52
thiebaudeZ_God: mine too23:52
kklimondatas: you have to click left from the first notification icon - this should be notification applet..23:52
cowgardenmine too :)23:52
shavlirgrpahics drivers didnt work out of the box23:52
TecnaDoes anyone have anyideas about why my compiz desktop cube is suddenly 100% Opacity, when the settings say it's 0%?23:52
tasAh, I see23:52
tasThanks, monda23:52
Anacranomi tried to add a network printer shared on a windows box- received message- "There were no print shares found.  Please check that the Samba service is marked as trusted in your firewall configuration. To do this, select System->Administration->Firewall from the main menu." But there is no "Firewall" there, and i edited the menu and there's no option to add it, anyone know where this is?23:53
Z_Godshavlir: which driver?23:53
kklimondanosferathoo: just install and you will know ;)23:53
nosferathookklimonda, I don't want to messup anything, I'm working on this hardware ;]23:54
tasThanks, monda23:54
kklimondanosferathoo: this version: 2:8.600-0ubuntu2 isn't the latest one?23:54
kklimondanosferathoo: well.. no pain, no gain ;P23:54
Z_Godso jaunty will be released today, is it likely I'll get an upgrade notification soon?23:54
BUGabundoZ_God: wanna kill yet another bunny?23:54
Z_Godwhy not?23:55
shavliryou can force an early upgrade to the RC, or just wait23:55
BUGabundoZ_God: you can upgrade NOW. just read the release notes, make a backu23:55
BUGabundoZ_God: and $ update-manager -d23:55
Z_Godyeah I know, but I just wondered whether it'd happen automaticly23:55
BUGabundoZ_God: bunny joke, see topic23:55
J-_I can upgrade to from the beta to the rc?23:56
Z_GodBUGabundo: I guess I'm stupid, cause I don't get it23:56
BUGabundoZ_God: LOLOL23:56
Anacranomdid 9.04 hide the gui-firewall settings?23:57
hggdhJ-_, all you need is to run update-manager23:57
Z_GodJ-_: should be np23:57
ienorandBUGabundo: The bunny joke topic is in the other chan...23:57
wgrantAnacranom: There are none by default.23:57
J-_I guess the point would be to install the newest rc to get rid of all the stagnant crap I have installed snice alpha 4 I think it was when I installed Jaunty.23:57
BUGabundois it?23:57
wgrantAnacranom: There never were.23:58
shavliryeah, the topic wasnt changed here, someone just posted it23:58
* robin0800 Topic for #ubuntu-release-party is: Ubuntu (9.04) Jaunty Jackalope is due some time on 23rd April 2009 | Channel guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseParties for parties in your zone | Every time you ask if it's out, a bunny dies!23:58
BUGabundoAnacranom: you may want to check $man gufw23:58
MarkJonesAre all the Jaunty updates in the repos are they the only ones that exist or are there usually ones that pop up in the lest second at release? Cause if so then there are still a lot of bugs in Jaunty if the updates on repos are all there is.23:58
Z_Godhehe, seems I'm not that stupid23:58
Anacranomwgrant, BUGabundo  i tried to add a network printer shared on a windows box- received message- "There were no print shares found.  Please check that the Samba service is marked as trusted in your firewall configuration. To do this, select System->Administration->Firewall from the main menu." But there is no "Firewall" there, and i edited the menu and there's no option to add it, anyone know where this is?23:58
MarkJonesTrash bin dont even work on mine.23:58
wgrantMarkJones: None of those bugs exist until you have reported them.23:59
Z_GodI guess half of the people in that channel have names like "BunnyKiller"23:59
MarkJonesI reported it23:59
BUGabundoMarkJones: there are still lots of bugs in 6.0623:59
Anacranomi have the same printer on my desktop using 8.0423:59
wgrantAnacranom: We don't run a firewall by default. What is giving you that message? It shouldn't.23:59
loomsenall bugs busted here --- except ubuntu itself...23:59

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