
bdmurrayogasawara: is this a kernel crash? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24664263/DSC00353.JPG00:23
ogasawarabdmurray: looks like it00:23
ogasawarabdmurray: don't suppose you caught the begnning of that00:24
bdmurrayI wasn't sure if it was usplash related or not00:24
bdmurrayits not mine its bug 35365800:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353658 in ubuntu "Ubuntu 9.04 hang in shut down" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35365800:24
BUGabundoogasawara: is it possible to increase the VGA size on TTY to get a longer pic of a trace back on shutdown?00:26
BUGabundoI'm getting one 60% of the time00:26
BUGabundoit usually happens when I disable wifi (intel 4965) via NM00:26
ogasawaraBUGabundo: setfont /usr/share/consolefonts/Uni1-VGA8.psf.gz00:27
BUGabundoogasawara: Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console00:28
ogasawaraBUGabundo: are you in a virtual terminal?00:30
BUGabundobut I will now00:30
BUGabundowill try to shutdown and get a traceback and a pic of it00:31
* BUGabundo thinks this stuff should be logged00:32
sbeattieBUGabundo: boot with a vesa mode on the command line: add vga=0x317 (to get 1024x768) or vga=0x31a (to get 1280x1024) and with splash and quiet disabled.00:36
sbeattieBUGabundo: hard to log if syslogd and klogd have already shutdown.00:37
BUGabundosbeattie: haven't touch vga paramt since gutsy broke it ! lol guess I should try it again00:37
BUGabundothere used to be a command to see the proper VGA size for my screen00:38
BUGabundoanyone remembers what is it?00:38
sbeattiexrandr will show you what x currently thinks it is.00:38
BUGabundonot that00:39
BUGabundothat table of vga output to place in the kernel mode00:39
sbeattieyou can do vga=ask on the kernel boot line to let it scan what modes it supports.00:39
BUGabundoahhh nice00:41
BUGabundobut I wish I remember how I used to do it00:41
BUGabundoit was so easy00:41
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* Lord_Ahriman is away (.)04:21
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YoBoYgood morning06:48
thekorngood morning YoBoY07:02
dholbachgood morning07:07
YoBoYhi thekorn, good morning dholbach07:13
thekorngood morning dholbach07:14
dholbachhi thekorn, hi YoBoY07:14
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primes2hbdmurray: Hello, did you read my email?15:06
primes2hbdmurray: sorry for late in responding.15:08
primes2hbdmurray:  BTW, about gutsy EOL thing, I figured out that status "won't fix" can't be set anymore if you are not in the ubuntu-bug-control team.15:10
lwfahi, I have been working on a bug, and have found that a patch that fixes it has been released upstream. This won't be included now until the next release cycle. What should I set the status of the bug report to? 'Fix comitted' or 'Fix released', is there a 'Fixed upstream' option hidden somewhere?15:20
lwfaoops, should have looked at the wiki first. Looks like this should come under 'Fix released' is that correct?15:22
james_w"Fix Released" is when it is fixed in Ubuntu, so it won't be that15:22
lwfathe wiki says: If a bug is fixed in the current development branch, that is good enough for Fix Released. If the bug also needs to be fixed in a stable release, use the "Target to release" link to nominate it for that release.15:25
lwfaso the question I guess is whether the upstream patch has made it into Karmic yet or not15:25
james_wKarmic doesn't exist yet, so it won't have15:25
lwfaright, so the wiki also says: For a bug task about an upstream project: the fix is in CVS/SVN/bzr or committed to some place15:28
lwfafor 'fix committed'15:28
jcastrolwfa: if you link the upstream bug to the ubuntu bug then the bug watch will mark the upstream bug as fix committed15:28
jcastroand the ubuntu bug will then still be Confirmed or Triaged or whatever15:29
lwfaunfortunately this is a bug in vim, and I don't think there's a bug tracker for vim AFAIK it seems that there are just patches sent to a mailing list15:29
jcastrobut you can tell it "I sent a patch to the mailing list" or something15:30
lwfayeah I could do that, and leave the status as 'Confirmed'?15:30
jcastroand since there's no bug tracker or you might just want to link to the mailing list post in a comment or something for reference15:31
lwfaok, I'll do that, thanks for the help, I'm quite new to bug triaging15:32
jcastrolwfa: the wiki is talking about the project's upstream task15:32
jcastroit's ok, it's confusing15:32
jcastroso basically, it's fix committed in "vim", but not in "vim (Ubuntu)"15:32
lwfaok, so I've updated the bug report. It was initially reported under vim-latexsuite as it affects that package, so I've added vim (ubuntu) as well. Would someone mind quickly having a look at the bug and letting me know if there's anything else I need to do? Mainly just as an exercise so I can learn more about triaging? It's #42283 on launchpad. Thanks.15:45
james_wbug #4228315:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 42283 in vim-latexsuite "not possible to launch evince as dvi viewer programm out of gvim latexsuite" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4228315:47
lwfaooh cool15:48
james_wlwfa: looks pretty good to me, I set it to Triaged for you15:49
james_wdoes anything need to change in vim-latexsuite to make it work?15:50
lwfaone of my comments described a workaround which would require the user to put a line in their .vimrc15:52
lwfaa workaround could be coded into vim-latexsuite I suppose, but by the time that is released the fix for vim will also have been released15:52
james_wso please mark the "vim-latexsuite (Ubuntu)" task as Invalid, as nothing needs to be done there15:56
lwfaok will do15:56
lwfawell back to real work, thanks for the help15:59
Le-Chuck_ITAHi there, I am going crazy, what is the way to add a remote bug watch to bug #67785 which already has one?16:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 67785 in evolution "default timezone set to Africa/Algeria instead of matching the locale" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6778516:36
Le-Chuck_ITAIf I say please? :)16:38
Le-Chuck_ITAI have to paste the link and close my browser!16:39
james_wLe-Chuck_ITA: what link do you want to add?16:40
Le-Chuck_ITAI want to add http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=381132 as an upstream bug16:40
ubottuGnome bug 381132 in Calendar "Evolution should use system timezone settings" [Normal,Assigned]16:40
Le-Chuck_ITAbut I can only add "also affects project" or "also affects distribution". In both cases it's not what I want16:40
james_wwhy is that different to http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=364729 ?16:42
ubottuGnome bug 364729 in Calendar "default timezone set to Africa/Algeria instead of matching the locale" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:42
james_wah, suspected duplicate16:43
james_wif you click the arrow on the left of "gnome-bugs #364729"16:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 364729 in firefox "Uploading Files to Firefox Painfully Slow" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36472916:44
james_wthen there is a URL box16:44
james_wand also just above it there is a radio button for selecting the bug you want anyway16:44
james_wjust select that and click "Save Changes"16:44
Le-Chuck_ITAjames_w: I don't know why they are different, that's why I want to link both :)16:45
james_wwell, you can only link one16:45
Le-Chuck_ITAThen the other one seems better, but I commented with the link in the bug report.16:46
Le-Chuck_ITAOn launchpad I mean. So I leave the decision to other subscribers :)16:46
Le-Chuck_ITAthanks james_w16:46
james_wthanks Le-Chuck_ITA16:49
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iso50How to I report a bug with Ubuntu?20:28
bdmurrayiso50: What application is the bug about?20:30
iso50The problem is my sound card stops working after a say in the 32bit version, but works fine in the 64bit version (8,10)20:33
iso50after a day*20:33
bdmurrayiso50: you should review https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems then20:35
primes2hbdmurray: Hello, did you see my email? sorry for late in responding...20:35
bdmurrayprimes2h: The bug control one?20:35
primes2hbdmurray: about gutsy EOL thing, I saw I can't set it as "Won't fix".20:35
primes2hbdmurray: yes20:35
iso50bdmurray: been though that20:36
bdmurrayiso50: well, it says how to report sound bugs there20:36
primes2hbdmurray: It can be done in ubuntu bug control team, isn't it?20:37
bdmurrayprimes2h: yes, it can be set by that team20:37
iso50bdmurray: I will as soon as I get my launchpad login info20:37
iso50unless 9.04 fixes it of course :-)20:38
bdmurrayiso50: it'd be good test with 9.0420:38
iso50just seems strange the 64 bit version has no issues yet the 32 bit version does20:39
bdmurrayprimes2h: I approved your e-mail but don't see it in the bug control archive now, could you resend it?20:39
primes2hbdmurray: do you mean I have to join it again?20:40
primes2hbdmurray: or you need my previous email?20:41
bdmurrayprimes2h: Didn't you send your application in this morning?20:43
primes2hI join the team (waiting for approval) last year and today I replied to your email about joining the team. Do I have to rejoin the team or resend the email?20:45
primes2hbdmurray: s/join/joined20:45
bdmurrayprimes2h: please resend the e-mail20:45
primes2hbdmurray: done.20:48
primes2hbdmurray: sorry for misunderstanding, I thought you couldn't find my email address in my joining request on launchpad20:52
savvashas anyone noticed a bug about "disappearing backgrounds" that windows that go transparent?21:19
savvas*and windows21:19
maxbsavvas: Yes, it usually affects gnome-terminal for me21:23
maxbUnfortunately I've no idea what might be causing it, so I've not filed a bug21:23
savvasmaxb: same here, with irssi + screen :)21:24
maxbI suppose I should try switching from nvidia to nv or nouveau, and seeing if the problem goes away21:24
savvasI found another user though, with qt4 applications and kwin that seem to be causing this a lot more21:24
maxbUnfortunately I can't reproduce it on demand, which makes it a real pain21:24
savvassame here :P21:25
savvasI kind of dislike quassel right now, I need my scripting! :) brb from irssi21:26
savvasmuch better :)21:28
primes2hbdmurray: I forwarded the email at your @ubuntu.com address. This morning I just replied to ubuntu-bugcontrol@lists.launchpad.net. Have you received it now?21:30
bdmurrayprimes2h: yes, I have it now21:30
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