
seb128james_w: do you know who is the guy who blogged about banshee and rhythmbox?00:04
Laneyseb128: ^00:05
seb128Laney: thanks00:05
pwnguinare we angry or excited?00:05
seb128none of those00:05
seb128just wanting to say that those several megabytes are the user documentation00:06
seb128rhythmbox has 6megs of those with translations version where banshee has none00:06
seb128so the argument is rather in defavor of banshee if you ask me00:06
seb128directhex: so the space is the user documentation translated in 11 locales00:08
seb128directhex: we can start dropping all user documentation to work CD space but I don't think that's a good move00:09
seb128directhex: I'm fine discussion rhythmbox against banshee but I'll not take that CD space argument as a valid one ;-)00:09
seb128discussion -> discussing00:09
seb128can't type tonight ;-)00:09
directhexseb128, fair enough00:10
directhexseb128, i'd still like a desktop team assessment ANYWAY, so they have a hit list of bugs00:10
PicklesworthI would be sad to see Magnatune and Jamendo support drop out of the default install, so hopefully those plugins can find their way into Banshee00:10
seb128we already discussed rhythmbox and banshee at UDS one year ago00:11
directhexseb128, we really need a better solution for all these localised PNGs than bundling the lot with every app though00:11
directhexone year ago, so... end of the hardy cycle?00:11
seb128we can rediscuss it, but it was not clear banshee was bringing lot that rhythmbox doesn't have and that users want00:11
directhexah, 0.1300:11
seb128directhex: yeah, there is a spec about having user documentation translations in language packs, that's blocked on soyuz changes though00:12
directhexs' been rewritten since then, so as a minimum it should be considered a pretty different app. for better for worse00:12
seb128directhex: we did look at the new banshee codebase I think, the thing is that they are similar applications00:12
seb128there is some things banshee do better and that would be nice to get in rhythmbox00:12
directhexand vice versa00:13
directhexbien sur00:13
seb128but it was not clear that we should rather spend some ressources getting those in rhythmbox00:13
seb128ie ipod syncing00:13
seb128otherwise there is only the "banshee looks nicer"00:13
seb128anyway let's wait UDS to have a proper discussion, I will try banshee again for a week or something before that00:14
seb128but as mentioned before if things which are available now as magnatune are not in banshee I doubt we will switch if there is no compeling reasons to do so00:14
pwnguindoes rhythmbox have a decent video-podcast tool?00:14
directhexRB doesn't do video afaik00:14
seb128no, rhythmbox is a music library software, not a video one00:14
pwnguinim kinda finding it unfortunate to check rss feeds in multiple places00:15
seb128there has been not a lot of user requests for video podcasting support until now00:15
pwnguin"until now"00:16
seb128I'm not sure what would be the best place for those, totem, rhythmbox00:16
seb128a podcast application00:16
pwnguinis there actually lots of user requests for it, or are we being generous on my behalf?00:16
seb128well in theory I guess than getting video podcast support in rhythmbox shouldn't be too hard00:16
seb128it has a video widget already for effects00:16
seb128and it's using gstreamer for rendering00:17
seb128pwnguin: I'm just considering it as a valid request and something nice to have, not sure how much requests we have for it, not many on lists and launchpad00:17
pwnguini have no particular favorite between banshee or rhythmbox, but rhythmbox currently holds all my ratings00:18
pwnguinso im somewhat hostage to their xml00:18
seb128somebody wrote on one of those blog comments than banshee can do rhythmbox import now00:18
seb128dunno if it imports ratings too though00:19
directhexpwnguin, sqlite isn't it, not xml?00:20
pwnguindirecthex: its very clearly xml00:20
directhexseb128, there's an open bug about ratings. afaik it doesn't handle 3-star ratings right now00:20
directhexpwnguin, really? that scales?00:20
directhexwheeee... xml in one app, embedded mysql in another. aren't media players fun00:21
seb128ah good, the gsoc project for rhythmbox syncing has been accepted00:21
directhex(amarok for the latter before someone asks)00:21
pwnguindirecthex: are you arguing that sqllite scales?00:21
seb128so maybe ipod syncing will work in karmic in rhythmbox00:21
pwnguinive got a few thousand items in rhythmbox00:22
pwnguinprobably not the biggest you'll find00:22
pwnguindirecthex: i think the main point of the day is: everyone benefits when you back up claims with proof :)00:24
pwnguinit might be handy to publish some measurements before UDS00:25
directhexpwnguin, i don't have enough dodgy music to test scalability well00:34
directhexpwnguin, i was under the impression that sql engines, even sqlite, were a bit more scalable than xml, especially for searching (unless the entire xml file is loaded to ram, i suppose)00:34
directhexhah! at this moment banshee picks a song for me whose main lyric is "all that i want is keeping it easy"00:36
directhexbah, car accident paperwork sucks00:40
slangasekI see an extra word in that sentence00:47
directhexthe car accident sucked in march when it happened. now i'm focused on more immediate concerns00:49
directhexlike how the courtesy car sucks. and the aforementioned paperwork00:49
directhexand i shouldn't be distracting a release manager. NAUGHTY directhex00:49
directhex15 pages down01:21
directhexi hope google maps links count as sketches01:21
rlaagerI'm trying to add support for the Verizon Wireless USB 760 modem. Making it actually work is trivial; it involves adding a new device ID in the right place. However, it has a useless (in Ubuntu) mass storage partition. How might I prevent that from mounting?01:43
lifelessrlaager: whats useless about it?01:43
directhexwindows drivers?01:43
rlaagerlifeless: It contains the Windows drivers.01:43
TheMusorlaager: I believe there are a lot of these around, and they are tricky to get working right. Keybuk who is not online at the moment would be able to give you the best help I think.01:44
rlaagerTheMuso: ok. For now I'll focus on getting the four-or-so-character patch for the device ID to the right people.01:45
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rlaagerIt turns out I was wrong. The device doesn't show up as *both* types, but magically switches once the mass storage device is ejected. The fix here is the usb-modeswitch package, which is packaged for Debian but is not in Ubuntu.02:54
rlaagerSo, this will obviously have to be a Jaunty+1 thing. Pulling usb-modeswitch into main should be sufficient to make a pile of these devices work out of the box.02:54
ScottKrlaager: If it's in Debian, we should get it automatically for the next release.02:55
rlaagerYes, in universe. I'd suggest promoting it to main, but I'm not an Ubuntu developer.02:56
dtchenrlaager: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportTemplate02:56
ScottKNo need to be a developer to suggest it.02:58
rlaagerI'm going to send some patches upstream. That should help me answer some of those questions.03:06
pace_t_zuluhas anyone noticed that when you change screen resolutions, panel objects and applets can get disorganized and out of order?03:24
cody-somervilleIs there a metapackage for mobile-live?03:35
pwnguincody-somerville: the flash UI?03:37
cody-somervillethe task03:37
pwnguinim not sure what mobile-live is, but there's ubuntu-netbook-remix and ubuntu-mid03:39
StevenKcody-somerville: No, there isn't03:40
StevenKcody-somerville: But apt-get install mobile-live^ will pull it in03:40
cody-somervilleStevenK, Why is gimp in mobile-live?03:41
cody-somervilleIt doesn't seem like something you'd put in the live seed.03:42
StevenKIt isn't ... ?03:42
cody-somervilleStevenK, it sure is03:43
StevenK% grep -c gimp live03:43
StevenKBut gimp is in UNR03:43
* cody-somerville does an apt-get update to see if maybe his cache is out of date03:43
StevenKActually, gimp doesn't appear in the seed lists at all03:43
cody-somervilledo an apt-get show gimp03:44
cody-somervilleTask: ubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop, mobile-live03:44
cody-somervilleIt also appears your meta packages might be out of date, they seem to pull in extra packages that aren't by the tasks03:44
StevenKI doubt that03:45
StevenKlanguage-support-en Depend gimp-help-en03:47
StevenKgimp-help-en      Depend gimp-helpbrowser03:47
StevenKgimp              Provides gimp-helpbrowser03:47
StevenKThere's your answer03:47
cody-somervilleStevenK, I'll know for sure in a little bit03:51
lfaraoneHobbsee: think there'd be any way that https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-parted could get into karmic, or has the code bitrotted? (I'm not up-to-date on that)04:19
Hobbseelfaraone: no idea, sorry04:21
lfaraoneHobbsee: kk. Upstream corpo went AWOL, I'm not sure what the proper way (in the wider FOSS world, not just in the ubuntu sense) to adopt the project.04:23
Hobbseelfaraone: i've no idea, sorry. Good luck!04:23
pwnguinlfaraone: the project's on LP, no? just start a new branch05:12
pwnguinerr, i misread05:12
pwnguinlfaraone: first step is to rebuild it. if it went AWOL by 2006, it may not even build anymore.05:16
pittiGood morning06:37
jdongcody-somerville: are you involved in the mass updating of the Dell mini repo? I'm trying to find the right people to thank06:42
cody-somervillejdong, I am.06:43
jdongcody-somerville: thank you so much for your hard work06:43
jdongit's quite a pleasant surprise :)06:43
cody-somervilleI'll be sure to pass that on.06:44
jdongthank you, please do :)06:44
cody-somervilleWhat do your sources.list look like? (including any files in sources.list.d)06:44
jdongI think I pastebinned it here on our Friday discussion06:45
jdongthe sources.list.d are mostly empty06:45
cody-somervillejdong, I think the latest update may have made changes.06:45
jdongI will check that tomorrow morning06:45
jdongI don't have the system on handy access here06:45
cody-somervilleAh, okay.06:45
wgrantPackages mutating sources.list?06:53
cody-somervillewgrant, what do you think update-manager does every 6 months?06:59
wgrantcody-somerville: That's the release upgrader. I expect it to do that.06:59
wgrantI don't expect routine upgrades to do that.06:59
cody-somervilleThen I guess its a good thing you don't have a dell mini06:59
ScottK ... running something other than Ubuntu.07:00
* cody-somerville raises an eyebrow.07:01
ScottKUNR hardy isn't an Ubuntu repo.  It's a Canonical remix of Ubuntu.07:01
cody-somervilleThank god thats changed for Jaunty07:05
ScottKAlthough continuing to describe it as a remix seems odd to me given how remix is used in the Trademark policy.07:06
dholbachgood morning07:07
cody-somervilleScottK, Its a remix because it contains bad things I think07:07
ScottKThe way remix is used in the Trademark policy is as a term for what are essentially minor derivatives.07:08
ScottKI don't know enough about what's in it for Jaunty to have a stron opinion.  It just seemed odd.07:08
ScottKsince it's in the repos.07:08
ScottKAnyway, I said I was going to bed a long time ago ....07:09
ScottKGood night.07:09
wgrantNight ScottK.07:09
Hobbseewgrant: on that mail, i'm going to go with it being something automatix, or automatix-like, fwiw.07:21
wgrantHobbsee: We'll see.07:22
ajmitchHobbsee: with the sid in sources.list?07:22
Hobbseeajmitch: yeah, that's the one07:22
ajmitchI wonder what the installer thing for cadsoft does07:23
liwany Kubuntu people around? does http://imagebin.org/46426 look normal for the OEM installer's user-setup dialog? I mean, the huge menu at the left07:23
ajmitchunless it's something run in wine, it wouldn't surprise me if that were the cause07:23
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pittimvo: bug 363465 is a jaunty or intrepid SRU? can you please add appropriate stable tasks?09:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363465 in update-manager "grub removed" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36346509:01
mvopitti: sorry, doing that now (its jaunty)09:01
* mvo checks the others as well09:02
pittimvo: ah, I see the u-m jaunty-proposed upload, thanks09:02
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pittimvo: I'll make sure that this goes in ASAP after release09:02
mvopitti: thanks a lot. I attached logs for all the upgrade ones to shw that they fix the problems in the report09:03
pittimvo: please upload nvidia-common to the queue as well, so that everything is ready on Friday09:05
* pitti hugs mvo09:05
mvopitti: nvidia-common made into -final :) - but let me check if the bugreport got closed already09:06
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pittimvo: ah, nice; no, it was still open09:06
pittimvo: wrt. bug 364583, nice! a friend of mine recently had to upgrade an old feisty of a friend of his', and it was a nightmare09:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 364583 in update-manager "release no longer supported message missing" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36458309:06
pittiapparently he didn't get this "not supported anymore" thing09:07
mvopitti: :(09:07
pittimvo: for those cases, do you think it would be feasible to have update-manager fall back to old-releases.u.c. for such upgrades?09:07
pittiI asked him to do that manually in sources.list, but it still failed with u-m, so I had him do dist-upgrade09:07
mvopitti: u-m does not well for old-release.u.c - one problem is that we can no longer do srus for old-release (or can we?)09:08
pittimvo: no, but why would we?09:08
pittimvo: I thought for the feisty->gutsy upgrade it would download u-m from gutsy?09:09
mvopitti: for the "no longer supported" message it would be nice09:09
pitti#u-release has been quiet all day09:43
pittioops, ECHAN, sorry09:43
davmor2pitti: here's why http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/all09:48
pittidavmor2: I bet 3/4 of those are from you! :-)09:49
* pitti hugs davmor209:49
davmor2:) No only about 3/5 this time lots of other people got involved :)09:50
cjwatsonrlaager: the trend upstream is to change the kernel to detect the situation and automatically deal with switching the devices around09:50
cjwatsonrlaager: see the 'option' driver, for instance09:50
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stefanlsdDoes anyone use a macbook for their ubuntu dev stuff? im looking at one and was wondering how / if it works out...?09:59
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mdzpitti: any guess why apport-collect didn't seem to run the hook on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/364830 ?10:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 364830 in linux "Regression: USB devices no longer work after docking laptop" [Undecided,Incomplete]10:13
james_wyou currently have to specify the binary package name when using apport-collect for the kernel10:14
james_wthe instructions should say "apport-collect -p linux-image-$(uname -r) <bug>" I guess10:16
mdzjames_w: hmm, I thought pitti fixed that10:26
pittimdz: I special-cased it in ubuntu-bug, but not in apport-collect yet10:28
pittimdz: this is a much more general problem than just "linux", thus I wanted to ponder it a bit more10:29
pittirunning the source_* hooks is no problem10:29
pittibut you won't get any binary package data10:29
pittiwell, I guess it's not topmost interesting either10:29
mdzpitti: I think the same special case as in ubuntu-bug is appropriate in apport-collect10:31
pittibug 350131, FYI10:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 350131 in apport "apport-collect does not run source package hooks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35013110:31
mdzodd that ogasawara documented it without trying it though ;-)10:31
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pittimdz: *nod*10:31
Riddellliw: that's intended10:41
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PecisDarbswhich I should poke about a bug in Ubuntu Security Notifications RSS feed?11:36
Laneyjdstrand and kees: ^11:37
PecisDarbsjdstrand: Ubuntu Security Notifications RSS feed is nice feature, but it throws everything together without line breaks, which results in ugly mess. Propably one line fix :)11:39
Le-Chuck_ITAHi there. I see an obvious bug that seems to have not been noticed before. Before reporting I'd like to hear from you. When updating the system, dpkg may hang waiting for input from the user, e.g. if a configuration file was "manually" edited (possibly by some system program). In that case, since the terminal window is not expanded, the user can't notice the situation. She just sees a blocked progress bar. As I know my mother, she would11:47
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cjwatsonLe-Chuck_ITA: the terminal window ought to be expanded if we notice an attempted read on the terminal, which indicates something like dpkg waiting for input. mvo put a lot of work into this in the past and it used to work. If it doesn't work now, then that bug should be filed on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+filebug11:58
cjwatson(or actually, 'ubuntu-bug synaptic')11:58
cjwatsonLe-Chuck_ITA: (you don't need to include such extensive justification, by the way; and note that very long lines are cut off on IRC anyway. It's clearly a bug)11:58
Le-Chuck_ITAcjwatson: I am trying to reproduce but er... don't know how to downgrade a package (say readahead) to the previous version11:58
Le-Chuck_ITAI tried apt-get install readahead=previous_version but it won't find it11:59
cjwatsondownload the .deb file and use dpkg -i11:59
Le-Chuck_ITAcjwatson: ok but where's the deb file? Still on the servers?11:59
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/readahead and follow links12:00
Le-Chuck_ITAaaaah thanks cjwatson, I recalled that page but tought it was on the binary package page12:00
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: conf file prompt will be automatically detected without a terminal. it might have been a ucf prompt (but that should use gtk debconf) - if you put the /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt-term.log and main.log somewhere I can have a look12:00
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: I just retry for now.12:01
wgrantLe-Chuck_ITA, cjwatson: The source seems to be readahead-list these days.12:01
Le-Chuck_ITAwgrant: in fact I was wondering...12:01
Le-Chuck_ITAin https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/readahead-list/1:0.20050517.0220-1ubuntu4 I can't find the i386 binary for jaunty...12:03
wgrantLe-Chuck_ITA: It was copied from intrepid.12:06
Le-Chuck_ITAok installed the intrepid binary and re-upgraded12:07
Le-Chuck_ITANow I have a popup12:07
Le-Chuck_ITA15 minutes ago I had to open the terminal manually, thing that I can't do now because the popup is blocking focus12:07
Le-Chuck_ITAfor the terminal window12:07
Le-Chuck_ITAso I can't have let the popup unnoticed12:07
Le-Chuck_ITAok they are waiting me for lunch, mvo: later I will give you the files but... hmmm... me dumb, are those overwritten now or are they usually appended?12:08
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: there is a backup copy made into a subdir of /v/l/dist-upgrade/12:08
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: ok I have to hurry up now, see you later12:09
mvosee you12:09
directhexis there anything special about gtk on ubuntu that could cause "GdkWindow *gdk = parent->GetGdkWindow ();" to throw "Cannot access memory at address 0x7ffeffffffc8"?12:20
liwdirecthex, afaik on ubuntu only the usual reasons apply (i.e., it's a pointer problem in the code; solution: rewrite in Python ;-)12:26
sorendirecthex: It also depends quite a bit on what parent is.12:27
directhexsoren, "naughty"12:29
sorendirecthex: That's why then :)12:30
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Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: Hi, what files would you like to see and where should I put them?13:04
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: however we might also conclude that it won't happen anymore.13:04
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: please file a bug against update-manager, attach the full logs (all of /var/log/dist-upgrade) and describe the problem again - I have a look then. thanks!13:08
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: thanks13:09
lfaraonepwnguin: just the changelog afaict, it's not a lp project.13:09
Le-Chuck_ITAmvoLe-Chuck_ITA: there is a backup copy made into a subdir of /v/l/dist-upgrade/13:09
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo I don't have a backup copy there...13:09
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo forget it13:10
Le-Chuck_ITAI used tab completion and was trying to find /var/lib/dist-upgrade :)13:10
lfaraonepitti: re bug 363759, "ubuntu-bug echo" (the test case I specified) still doesn't work.13:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363759 in apport "ubuntu-bug should guess where binaries are located" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36375913:15
lfaraonepitti: am I missing something? (I'm on 1.0-0ubuntu5)13:16
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: nope: in /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt-term.log I can only see the log of 23 march13:17
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: it's the day I installed ubuntu on this machine13:17
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: was this a fresh install of jaunty with subsequent updates or a intrepid machine that got upgraded via update-manager to jaunty?13:18
liwhmm, my desktop machine doesn't want to halt13:18
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: a fresh install of jaunty13:19
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: aha, in this case the log to look at is /var/log/apt/term.log13:19
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pittilfaraone: /bin/echo will work13:20
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: ok but now I can't see the log of the first time the terminal didn't open13:20
pittilfaraone: a single word is considered a package name13:20
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: only the second time, when I correctly got a popup13:20
Le-Chuck_ITAthe two things are clearly related :)13:21
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: the system didn't notice the terminal13:21
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: what package was it that caused it?13:21
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: if you're busy I will open a bug as you told me. Here are the two log lines13:22
Le-Chuck_ITAMi preparo a sostituire readahead 1:0.20050517.0220-1ubuntu4 (con .../readahead_1%3a0.20050517.0220-1ubuntu5_i386.deb) ...13:22
Le-Chuck_ITASpacchetto il sostituto di readahead ...13:22
Le-Chuck_ITA(sorry it's in italian)=13:22
Le-Chuck_ITAthis is the first time13:22
Le-Chuck_ITAthe second time:13:22
Le-Chuck_ITAConfiguro readahead (1:0.20050517.0220-1ubuntu5) ...13:22
Le-Chuck_ITAFile di configurazione `/etc/readahead/boot'13:22
Le-Chuck_ITA ==> Modificato (da te o da uno script) dopo l'installazione.13:22
Le-Chuck_ITA[... and the usual prompt follows ...]13:22
Le-Chuck_ITAbut the first time I found the question in the "folded" terminal13:22
lfaraonepitti: I understand, I was proposing for jaunty+1 that we look up the full path-to-binary with "whereis" if it doesn't exist as a package.13:24
pittilfaraone: ah, I see; can you please reopen the bug then?13:25
lfaraonepitti: I'll set it to "triaged" if that's OK then.13:26
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: I try to reproduce now13:26
pittilfaraone: right, thanks13:28
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: hm, I get a dialog "replace configuration file" when I test this (as I was expecting :) - you did not get this dialog?13:29
* mvo tries again with different settings13:29
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: first time, no, second time yes13:31
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: first time, I found the progress bar stuck, and I unfolded the terminal to see what was going on, and I find it waiting for me13:31
Le-Chuck_ITAin fact you can see from the logs that the system acted like no question had been asked13:31
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mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: interessting, that is a bit suprising - could you mail me the log please ( mvo at ubuntu.com) ?13:50
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo done13:52
mvothanks Le-Chuck_ITA13:55
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: thank you for taking a look at them13:56
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: looking at the log it seems like something releated to acroread caused this maybe? did you get it from mediaubuntu (I ask to see if I can get more info about it)14:00
Le-Chuck_ITAlet me check. I think it can't upgrade because it overwrites a file from an ubuntu package14:00
lfaraonepitti: if I wanted to implement that functionality, I should just write a patch for the next version of apport rather than adding that functionality in the debian package.14:01
lfaraonepitti: right14:01
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: in fact, the second time I disabled acroread!14:01
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: will now check with acroread enabled, again14:01
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo the reason why acroread can't be installed is because it overwrites a file in acroread-debian-files, which is part of medibuntu too14:02
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Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: bingo. I have the hanged progress bar in front of me14:06
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: execllent, if you expand that now, that is the last that is written there?14:10
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: in the dialog window, I see the italian for "executing post-install command for man-db". In the terminal window, I see error messages for acroread, that possibly defeat recognition of an input request, and then the usual question wether to replace conffiles. Let me pastebin it14:13
Le-Chuck_ITAwoops, did you know what ctrl+c does there? :)14:14
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/155913/14:14
AmpelbeinLe-Chuck_ITA, mvo: the acroread-issue is known: bug 35951814:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359518 in acroread "acroread failed to update in 8.10" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35951814:15
mvoAmpelbein: thanks, I'm trying to figure out why this confuses synaptic to not show the conffile prompt14:15
* Le-Chuck_ITA admires the ability of mvo to summarise a problem14:16
* mvo scratches his head, makes more tea and collects the required deb packages to reproduce the problem14:18
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: will you be around for a bit longer? there are some debug switch to try, but first I try to reproduce it here14:19
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: yes I'll be around14:20
Le-Chuck_ITAotherwise I am vincenzo_ml on launchpad, and vincenzo_ml at yahoo dot it in the rest of the world :)14:20
LaserJockslangasek: is arranging for Edubuntu mirrors something I have to do?14:35
slangasekLaserJock: well, it's not required, certainly; but it's not likely to happen otherwise, if that's what you mean14:37
LaserJockslangasek: right14:37
LaserJockslangasek: when was this decided? It's a bit of a shock tbh14:38
LaserJockslangasek: I can understand needing the space though14:38
slangasekLaserJock: when it was determined that UNR needed to fit on there because it's being heavily promoted, and it was seen that this was going to increase our mirror footprint beyond the target size - which we noticed shortly before RC14:39
LaserJockslangasek: k14:40
LaserJockslangasek: do you happen to know if it's still supported by Canonical then?14:41
slangasekLaserJock: I don't have an answer to that, sorry.  The placement on cdimage vs. releases is orthogonal to support14:42
LaserJockslangasek: ok, thanks14:42
LaserJockslangasek: do you have a deadline for the release announcement?14:42
LaserJockslangasek: considering the number of changes we made this release we really should have one14:42
slangasekLaserJock: tomorrow at 11:00 UTC14:43
LaserJockslangasek: ok14:44
LaserJockslangasek: thanks for the info, we'll get something put together14:44
slangasekgreat, thanks :)14:45
cjwatsonslangasek: sorry for the delay - looking at your release notes changes now14:45
slangasekcjwatson: okie14:45
savvasrelease notes are changed?14:46
savvashrm, back to translating :p14:46
cjwatsonexpect frequent changes, I'm afraid14:46
cjwatsonhopefully not major, but ...14:46
savvassure, no problem :)14:46
savvasdo you happen to have the wiki link?14:46
savvasthank you!14:47
slangasekyou may want to subscribe to the page, if you're a translator :)14:47
savvasthat's a good idea - I didn't do much of the work in /el, I'm just the guy that notifies the person who volunteered to translate it :)14:48
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cjwatsonslangasek: ok, largely looks fine, I made some style changes14:53
slangasekcjwatson: ok, thanks14:54
slangasekcjwatson: since when does 'apt-get purge' work, though?14:54
slangasek(nice that it does - it's just news to me)14:55
LaserJockslangasek: would it be possible to get the Edubuntu .iso on the torrent tracker?14:57
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: hm, no luck here to reproduce, could you please run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -o Debug::pkgDPkgProgress=true" and mail me the output please?14:57
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: and in what repo is acroread9 ?14:58
cjwatsonslangasek: apt 0.7.7, Oct 200714:58
slangasekcjwatson: er, wow14:58
slangasekwhere has the time gone14:58
cjwatsonwell, that's when it was fixed to actually work; I think it was added before that14:58
cjwatsonI only noticed its existence recently14:58
slangasekLaserJock: do you mean in advance of the release?14:58
ograslangasek, he indeed meand for the release14:59
slangasekall of the release ISOs are supposed to end up on the torrent tracker, TTBOMK14:59
LaserJockslangasek: ok14:59
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: acroread9 is in medibuntu14:59
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: did you manage to have a package that overwrites somebody's else file?15:00
Le-Chuck_ITAI see it must fail *before* readahead15:00
slangasekLaserJock, ogra: confirmed, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/jaunty/rc/edubuntu-9.04-rc-addon-amd64.iso.torrent works fine15:00
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: in console, the order of unpacking is reversed15:02
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: I don't see it here http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/non-free/a/acroread/15:04
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: me dumb15:05
Le-Chuck_ITAhttp://archive.canonical.com jaunty/partner acroread 9.1.0-7jaunty115:05
Le-Chuck_ITAthat's the output from apt15:05
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: execllent, thanks15:07
LaserJockslangasek: should we make both a release announcement (single paragraph or so) and release notes?15:10
LaserJockRichEd was the one that's been doing this stuff for the last couple releases, I'm not positive what all needs to be done15:10
slangasekLaserJock: the release announcement is ideally something stand-alone that I can link to from <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseAnnouncement>, à la the other flavors15:10
slangasek(the release announcement for final is always heavily trimmed)15:11
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: rock! reproducable15:13
* Le-Chuck_ITA parties 15:13
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: shall I open a bug report?15:14
Le-Chuck_ITAtjaalton: if possible the fact that Xorg crashes when wacom entries are there should be in the release notes... I bet that most people will copy their xorg.conf and go crazy.15:19
Le-Chuck_ITAtjaalton: where "most" people is referred to the few that use a tablet with ubuntu :)15:20
tjaaltonLe-Chuck_ITA: on the way15:20
tjaaltonlater this evening15:20
Le-Chuck_ITAtjaalton: thanks15:24
mvoLe-Chuck_ITA: please do, I'm debugging it currently15:32
slangasekpitti: 321404> I don't think that's the right answer.  If cdbs is going to symlink changelogs around, then cdbs should enforce the package deps too15:33
pittiwell, we can't do the latter15:33
pittiso all we could do is to not symlink at all15:34
pittiand I still refuse to accept that we should sacrice several MBs on the CDs to support a small (and unsupported) corner case which is only interesting to developers anyway15:34
pitti(corner case being partial upgrades)15:35
slangasekwhy can't you do the latter?15:36
pittislangasek: cdbs automatically add versions do dependencies?15:36
slangasekjust populate ${misc:Depends}?15:36
pittithen (1) we'd destroy the very corner case that this bug is all about in the first place, and second15:37
pitti(2) people would rightfully grill me for doing dependency changes behind their backs15:37
Keybukpitti: is the retracer working today?15:37
slangasekpitti: you can direct those people to me then :)15:37
seb128Keybuk: it keeps crashing on launchpadlib bugs apparently15:37
pittiKeybuk: it had several failures, seems that something in Launchpad changed again to make launchpadlib fall over; but it should catch up15:38
Keybukpitti: any way you can prod one through a bit faster15:38
pittislangasek: do you really think that this is such an importnat issue?15:38
Keybukwe're tying to debug why I don't receive crash mails15:38
pittiKeybuk: sure, which #?15:38
seb128Keybuk: because you don't get emails about private bugs and crash are private15:38
slangasekpitti: I think having /usr/share/doc/$pkg/changelog.Debian.gz actually *be the changelog for the package that's installed* is an important invariant, yes15:38
Keybukpitti: #36512615:39
Keybukseb128: mdz claims you do ;)15:39
Keybukyou specifically, in fact15:39
seb128no you don't15:39
pittislangasek: well, as I said, the only other option that I see is to not symlink changelog.Debian.gz then15:39
seb128that's something which is annoying me for years15:39
mdzseb128: I assumed since you reply to them15:39
seb128I'm polling on apport-crash tagged but by the launchpad UI every week15:39
slangasekpitti: I think you're far too quick to rule out having cdbs enforce the dep15:39
seb128mdz: ^15:39
seb128but -> bugs15:39
slangasekif cdbs can mangle the package contents in this manner, there's no reason it can't also mangle the package metadata to match15:40
pittislangasek: technically it can15:40
pittislangasek: but what would you gain?15:40
seb128mdz: you can see those in the web interface but you don't get emails, we are looking manually to this list regularly15:40
pittiyou'd loose the ability to do partial upgrades (for the binaries of a source package)15:40
sistpoty|workslangasek: btw.: duplicate of bug 194574 :P15:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 194574 in cdbs "can cause broken symlinks in /usr/share/doc" [Low,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19457415:40
slangasekpitti: not being confused all to hell by packages that are behaving in a way that's inconsistent with what the changelog says15:41
seb128mdz: you just get an email when somebody is marking the bug public, which bug triagers try to do15:41
seb128Keybuk: ^15:41
pittiKeybuk: it's already retraced15:41
pittiKeybuk: (2 minutes ago)15:42
slangasekpitti: having fewer opportunities for partial upgrades is not something I'm bothered by, when those partial upgrades cause (minor, but still annoying) breakage15:42
slangasekthe rule isn't "support partial upgrades with as much granularity as possible", it's "ensure that any time a partial upgrade succeeds, the packages are actually in a proper state"15:43
pittislangasek: it will cause a higher number of held-back packages for version skew between arch all/any, but that's not too bad, I think15:45
sorenWhat if we changed cdbs the other way around and only let it do the symlink thing if the dependency was appropriately versioned?15:45
slangaseksoren: that would cost us CD space, as pitti pointed out15:45
pittisoren: that woudl basically be equal to "never"15:45
sorenpitti: Ah.15:45
pittiapplications link to libraries by shlibs versions, not package versions15:46
sorenslangasek: I have no idea about the scale of that?15:46
slangasekapparently, "large enough" :)15:46
sorenpitti: Er.. Huh?15:46
sorenpitti: Oh, I get it.15:46
pittisoren: few packages do Depends: libfoo (= ${source:version}15:46
pittiwhich is what cdbs would need to add to enforce changelog consistency15:47
chrisccoulsonhey slangasek, i just noticed you added a u-r-n task to bug 36120515:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361205 in tracker "Tracker uses notifications with actions when the index is corrupt" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36120515:47
chrisccoulsondo you think bug 359207 should be mentioned in the release notes too?15:47
pittichrisccoulson: just discussing in #u-release15:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359207 in tracker "tracker starts indexing when removable media is inserted, even when indexing is disabled" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35920715:47
slangasekchrisccoulson: yes; we were just discussing this on #ubuntu-release15:47
pittichrisccoulson: we should document the effect and workaround15:47
pittichrisccoulson: do you think it's still on track for an early SRU?15:47
pittiit's only an issue for upgrades15:48
sorenpitti: Is the /usr/share/doc/$pkg symlinked or are the individual files symlinked?15:48
chrisccoulsonslangasek + pitti - i just sent a patch upstream to fix the removable media issue, and it has now been committed to git15:48
pittiso if we can SRU it early, it won't hit so many people15:48
slangasek359207> hmm, that seems less in need of release-noting, IMHO15:48
chrisccoulsonso we can do a SRU quite early for that one15:48
pittisoren: individual files, since dpkg's handling of symlinks vs. directories is a bit special and would wreak havoc too often15:48
rlaagercjwatson: I see that the option driver supports the device I have, but I'm not seeing where it does the switching.15:49
sorenpitti: Ok.15:49
Le-Chuck_ITAmvo: bug #36512915:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365129 in update-manager "update-manager does not pop up a question correctly in some cases" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36512915:49
* pitti tries to understand Keybuk's conclusion in the test bug15:49
keesPecisDarbs: it's, unfortunately, not a one line fix.  :(  We will be addressing it after Jaunty releases, though.  It's been a long-standing blemish.  :)15:55
pittichrisccoulson: mind to review https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes#Tracker%20index%20corruption ?15:59
magciusWould some people mind helping me with the notify-osd codebase?15:59
joaopintomagcius, is that about the notify-osd-better project ?16:00
magciusjoaopinto, yes :(16:00
chrisccoulsonpitti - that's mostly ok, but the more "official" workaround would be to run "tracker-processes -r". that will kill all tracker related processes, and delete all info in ~/.cache/tracker and ~/.local/share/tracker too, all in one go16:00
pittichrisccoulson: even better, thanks16:01
chrisccoulsonno problem16:01
pittithat doesn't even need a session restart, right?16:01
magciusjoaopinto, I have some stuff working but I'm having difficulty understanding "stack.c"16:01
pittichrisccoulson: wiki updated16:02
joaopintomagcius, I would like to see a description on the project, like, why is it "better" and why have you decided to fork the notify-osd instead of improving it16:02
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks16:03
magciusjoaopinto, design differences.16:03
magciusLike the image scaling and multiple notifications at one time.16:04
rtgsuperm1: are you aware of any Ricoh SD host driver quirks? I've a SanDisk 16GB SDHC that works in a XPS1330, but won't in an Inspiron 1420. AFAICT the SD/MMC parts are identical.16:04
magciusjoaopinto, if they ever change these design decisions, I'll be glad to let them merge it back into the original codebase.16:05
joaopintomagcius, using "better" in a project name to describe a different design decision is not very friendly16:07
magciusjoaopinto, it's meant to address the things that the community doesn't like about notify-osd.16:07
joaopintoyour fork may be better according to your view/goals, while the current main project is better according to it's own goals/perspective16:07
magciusWell, what should I rename it?16:08
joaopintosomething that matches with your changes ? or just some codename ?16:09
LaserJocknotify-osd-meilleur ? :-)16:11
joaopintois that better in some other language ?16:11
LaserJockjoaopinto: french I think16:12
magcius(pun on growl)16:12
magciusyano? (yet another notify-osd?)16:13
joaopintomagcius, have you tried to contact the notify-osd team about your improvements ?16:13
magciusjoaopinto, I talked to people in #ubuntu+1 and they say that the design decisions are final. :(16:14
LaserJockmagcius: final for Jaunty16:15
magciusLaserJock, that's not what I heard them say.16:15
joaopintomagcius, we are on a final phase, that's kind of obvious16:15
LaserJockmagcius: you really should go to the source though, #ubuntu+1 isn't exactly authoritative (not that they are necessarily wrong)16:16
magciusLaserJock, is the notify-osd team on a channel somewhere here?16:16
LaserJocknot sure where they're hanging out these days, you could ask tedg or mpt in #ubuntu-desktop16:17
LaserJockhttps://lists.canonical.com/mailman/listinfo/ayatana-project might also be helpful16:17
Pici#ayatana exists16:17
LaserJockah, I wondered16:17
tedgmagcius: #ayatana16:17
LaserJockmagcius: that's the name for the overall project in Canonical16:18
magciusOh, ayatana is the codename for the Ubuntu Desktop Experience project?16:18
LaserJockI think so16:19
pacejris anyone willing to guess on whether or not 2.6.31 will be included in 9.10? Along with the whole updated radeon stack that's being guinea-pigged on F11?16:37
pacejrR300-R500 users are left in a bit of a bind, since fglrx dropped support and won't work with the X server in jaunty, but the new radeon stuff isn't going to hit the end user for a while16:39
arpui cannot mount my cdrom16:40
arpuApr 22 17:02:39 arpu-jipiiiibox kernel: [42701.940393] sr 0:0:0:0: [sr0] Add. Sense: Illegal mode for this track16:40
arpuApr 22 17:02:39 arpu-jipiiiibox kernel: [42701.940404] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 124816:40
arpuApr 22 17:02:39 arpu-jipiiiibox kernel: [42701.943970] sr 0:0:0:0: [sr0] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE16:40
arpuApr 22 17:02:39 arpu-jipiiiibox kernel: [42701.943978] sr 0:0:0:0: [sr0] Sense Key : Illegal Request [current]16:40
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steveireI'm looking for info on the netbook remix. I'm installing kubuntu and I want to make sure I get the same benefits that the netbook remix brings ubuntu. Does it use a different kernel, or ext4 by default or something?17:28
steveirehttp://www.canonical.com/projects/ubuntu/unr <<< This page only says the ui is different, but it doesn't have any technical details.17:29
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ogramvo, an intresting question just came up in #ubuntu-server ... does the cdromupgrade script work in non gui mode ?17:34
ograevand, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/img-writing-from-usb-creator17:35
evandogra: Thanks.  Have you seen this one: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-karmic-usb-creator-for-windows17:37
ograheh, have you seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Win32DiskImager ?17:37
evandheh, "I see you a spec and raise you a wiki page"17:38
ograits the tool we promote for UNR and MID images ... written by the son of one of the mobile team guys17:38
evandI hadn't seen it, but davidm mentioned it17:38
ograah, ok17:38
ograwe hsould probably just build on top of that17:39
evandI'd like to see us create windows and mac backends to usb-creator and use pygtk for the frontends17:39
ograthat will get you huge dependency installs17:39
evandI'm refactoring the usb-creator code at the moment, but it's already well core/ui split17:39
evandnot really17:39
evandpy2win or cx_freeze make pretty small binaries17:40
evandI believe17:40
ograwell, the redhat liveusb-creator thing uses pyqt17:40
ograthe download is something like 30M17:40
ograwhy not have generic C based backends and native frontends ?17:41
evandyikes.  Definitely not that big for pygtk, as I understand it, but as I told davidm, we could use Wubi's winui, which is a layer on top of ctypes to create MFC windows UI17:41
ograyeah, that sounds closer to what i imagine17:41
evandI prefer writing in python.  It's easier to debug and especially easier to work with hal/dbus.17:41
ograme too, but it always brings you the dependency probs on other OSes17:42
ograbut up to you anyway, since you are likely the one implementing it17:43
evandI think we can get them quite small with py2exe or a similar program17:43
evandheh, indeed :)17:43
ograi'm only shameless promoter of whatever you write to get my images to people :)17:43
evandlol, duly noted17:43
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davidmwe have talked about this here in millbank, but I don't want to see a 30 meg download that is for sure.....17:46
calcwill karmic be open for uploads next week? (the schedule seems to imply this)18:03
* ogra would give it a week more by experience based on former releases18:05
ograuntil the new toolchain is built and in place18:05
calcoh yea18:06
* calc wants to get OOo 3.1 in as early as possible18:06
calcesp since i am moving to oem end of next week18:07
ograupload it before the toolchain is built then :P18:07
calcogra: i will if it doesn't cause anyone to scream ;-)18:11
cjwatsonogra: is bug 353196 important enough to need a release note?18:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353196 in apex "ixp4xx hwclock command stopped to work since beta release" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35319618:11
cjwatsonogra: (I don't know what previous experience you have, but mine is that it's open well within a week)18:11
calcit will only be OOo 3.1 rc2 at that point anyway so will need rebuild several times later at minimum anyway so will get plenty of toolchain testing18:11
cjwatsonpeople always seem to massively overestimate opening time for some reason18:12
ogracjwatson, well, it would be worth to people wanting a proper clock setting :)18:12
calccjwatson: people being overly anxious to upload new crack ;-)18:12
cjwatsonogra: can you open a task on ubuntu-release-notes and suggest some text, please?18:12
ogra(the bug that is)18:12
calclike watching water boil :)18:12
Riddellsteveire: yo18:13
cjwatsonJaunty opened for development on 4 Nov, five days after release. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-November/000510.html18:13
cjwatsonIntrepid opened for development on 2 May, eight days after release. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-May/000424.html18:14
ograand it took a week until we had a usable toolchain, no ?18:14
cjwatsonHardy opened for development on 24 Oct, six days after release. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-October/000348.html18:14
cjwatsonogra: err, we don't send the "open for development" mails until we have a usable toolchain18:15
calcso does the new toolchain get tested by rebuilding the whole archive privately or something like that?18:15
Riddellsteveire: it's release day tomorrow so people may be busy, what's your interest?18:15
cjwatsonGutsy opened for development on 26 Apr, seven days after release. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000285.html18:15
cjwatsoncalc: yes18:16
cjwatsonor at least so I understand it, doko tends to handle all this pretty quietly :)18:16
cjwatsondoko: ^- (how's it going?)18:16
Riddellsteveire: the likes of lool, ogra, persia, NCommander and others are probably good to ask about UNR18:17
directhexcjwatson, people overestimate opening time because they subconsciously add freeze time to it18:17
* NCommander waves18:17
Riddellsteveire: or there's a #ubuntu-mobile channel18:18
ograsteveire, and we tend to hang around in #ubuntu-mobile :)18:18
cjwatsondirecthex: it annoys me because I've been personally putting vast effort into getting it open really quickly for the last several releases, and yet people continue to say it takes multiple weeks18:18
cjwatsonwhen it just plain doesn't18:18
broonieWhere would I expect to find people working on the Ubuntu ARM kernels?18:18
loolbroonie: Probably on #ubuntu-kernel or -arm18:19
directhexcjwatson, sadly it's inevitable18:19
loolDepends what you'd like to ask18:19
directhexoh, anyone know how to generate -dbgsym packages with pbuilder?18:19
cjwatsondirecthex: I'm not going to stop calling people on it18:19
mvo_ogra: yes18:19
broonielool: Thanks.18:19
ogramvo_, already solved :)18:19
looldirecthex: I'd guess that you need to install the relevant package; I'd be curious to hear how it works18:19
directhexcjwatson, i never said you should stop, i said it's inevitable!18:19
loolpkg-create-dbgsym would be the one I guess18:20
dokocjwatson: wanted to address this in today's platform meeting ...18:20
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mvo_ogra: just out of curisosity, it should detect that it needs text mode automatically, was that not working?18:21
mvo_ogra:  who was it that came up with the question?18:21
* calc hugs cjwatson for ensuring new releases open on time :)18:21
infinitydoko: Speaking of...18:21
infinitydoko: Which architectures did you want that toolchain test on?  And is the version in your PPA now the one you actually want tested?18:22
infinitydoko: (And does it come with a shiny gcc-defaults to match too?)18:22
ogramvo_, pmatulis18:22
mvo_ogra: thanks, I will ask him for more details18:23
cjwatsondoko: can we address it here and now? :-)18:23
cjwatsoninfinity: meep, it hasn't started?18:23
directhexlool, it looks simple-ish. testing18:25
dokoinfinity: shiny gcc-defaults just uploaded18:25
infinitycjwatson: Nein.18:25
dokoinfinity: the gcc-4.4 package is ok for the test rebuild18:25
infinitycjwatson: But if it's just main on $fast_arch, it won't really take that long.18:25
dokoinfinity: archs: i386, maybe lpia18:25
infinitydoko: I don't deal in maybes. :)18:26
looldirecthex: There's the EXTRAPACKAGES option in pbuilderrc to add such packages permanently18:26
dokoinfinity: archs: i386 lpia18:26
infinitydoko: Alrighty.  I'll make that a priority today.18:26
directhexlool, yes, at "pbuilder create" time. and i need to make sure it actually works18:26
dokoinfinity: thanks18:26
looldirecthex: It works on updates too18:26
steveireRiddell: Aha, I was looking for #ubuntu-netbook and such... Cheers.18:27
infinitycjwatson: What else is on the opener TODO list for me?  I've got "test rebuild of new toolchain, karmic chroots, and karmic livefs environments"... The latter two obviously happening once the rebuild is in swing.18:28
directhexlool, confirmed as working btw18:32
dokocjwatson: well, I'd like to look at the rebuild first, and then decide, if we switch to 4.4 now, or better a bit later18:33
looldirecthex: Cool18:34
ogracjwatson, bug updated with task and text ... if you need more from me, shout now, else i'll go for the day18:35
cjwatsoninfinity: test rebuild absolutely top priority, that's probably most of it18:35
cjwatsonI think most of the rest is ours18:36
cjwatsonogra: that's fine, thanks18:37
calccan i create a repo of this type on launchpad?: Shared repository with trees (format: pack-0.92)18:37
ograok, i wasnt sure there wasnt more ARM stuff on your list, but i'll be around tomorrow morning if there is more18:37
calcit appears that type of repo allows multiple sub repos under it, looking at how bzr works on debian anyway.18:38
cjwatsoncalc: Launchpad deals in terms of individual branches; you can certainly push up a branch in that form, and it will work fine, although the whole repository won't get pushed up to LP18:40
calccjwatson: ah ok18:41
cjwatsonmvo__: bug 364620 looks as if it could do with a release note?18:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 364620 in update-manager "guidance-power-manager remains installed for 8.04 -> 9.04 Kubuntu Upgrade" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36462018:41
* calc had hoped that worked around the individual branch limitation of lp18:41
cjwatsoncalc: read up on stacked branches18:42
cjwatsoncalc: https://help.launchpad.net/LaunchpadReleases/2.1.1018:42
cjwatsonoh, and indeed18:43
cjwatsoncalc: http://blog.launchpad.net/cool-new-stuff/stacked-branches-holding-post18:43
mvo__cjwatson: yes, I add some (there is a sru for this pending already)18:44
cjwatsoncalc: of course this depends on whether there's something sensible you can set as the development focus branch18:44
cjwatsoncalc: we have a proper namespace for source package branches in Launchpad now, which we're going to start using RSN18:45
cjwatsoncalc: kiko thinks that stacked branches should work with this - i.e. you'll be able to say that the Ubuntu karmic openoffice.org branch is the development focus and push branches stacked on that18:45
cjwatsonbut we'll need to test this since we haven't really started using source package branches yet18:46
cjwatsonmvo__: ok, thanks, I've created an ubuntu-release-notes task18:47
calcreally what i had wanted when i was working on the split build (which is postponed now) was a way to have partial checkouts, or some other way to group related package-wise branches together, that aren't actually related from a scm point of view18:48
cjwatsonlool: does bug 364621 require a release note, or even a respin to remove that option?18:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 364621 in ubuntu-mid-default-settings "Ubuntu MID OEM install doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36462118:48
mvo__cjwatson: thanks18:48
calcso i would have one openoffice.org split build top level branch that 15 or so subdirs i could pull out separately, which can be done in subversion already, not sure about other scm's18:48
dokoinfinity: bah, archive too big, I've put the package on chinstrap:~doko. See question #68267. have to run now18:48
cjwatsonlool: and is bug 364623 important?18:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 364623 in linux "sr0 I/O errors in qemu armel/versatile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36462318:48
infinitydoko: Okay.  The import will take a while anyway.  I'll ping you later if I run into any pitfalls.18:50
mvo__Riddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes?action=diff&rev2=61&rev1=60 <- ok ?18:59
directhexwhat should sizeof (GdkNativeWindow) be?19:00
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mdzlool: is there any reason bug 364516 needs to stay private?19:01
ubottuBug 364516 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/364516 is private19:01
mdzlool: it's your gvfs-fuse-daemon crash on armel, I assume the coredump doesn't have any private data19:01
mdzI don't expect there is an apport retracer for armel yet, so it will stay private indefinitely unless we just make it public19:01
mdzlool: if you agree, please go ahead and make it public when you get this message19:01
cjwatsondirecthex: I believe it's typedeffed to guint32 on Linux, so 419:02
directhexcjwatson, even on amd64?19:03
cjwatsondirecthex: apparently19:05
cjwatsonit's an x window id or something not a pointer, AFAICS19:05
mdzbdmurray: I got the following numbers for the past 30 days:19:22
mdz 9% apport automated crash reports19:22
mdz 5% apport automated package failure reports19:22
mdz10% apport automated kernel bug reports19:22
mdz17% apport manual bug reports19:22
mdz56% non-apport19:22
mdzthat's just a simple scan of the tags (apport-crash, apport-package, apport-kerneloops, apport-bug)19:23
bdmurraymdz: out of how many bugs?19:24
mdzbdmurray: that's out of 7094 bug tasks19:24
mdz(it counts tasks rather than bugs)19:24
bdmurraymdz: right, that makes sense19:24
bdmurraymdz: I'd neglected the kerneloops ones in my counting - thanks for the reminder19:25
calcouch 56% non-apport :\19:31
bdmurraycalc: its better than before!19:36
directhexcjwatson, GdkNativeWindow is typedeffed to either gpointer or guint32, depending on whether GDK_NATIVE_WINDOW_POINTER is defined19:38
calcbdmurray: just turn off web submission... :-)19:38
* calc wonders what percentage of non-apport bugs are actually useful19:38
cjwatsondirecthex: yes, and GDK_NATIVE_WINDOW_POINTER is (AFAICS) only defined on Windows19:39
directhexcjwatson, a header in the app i'm trying to debug has19:40
directhex#if GLIB_SIZEOF_VOID_P == 819:40
directhex#define GDK_NATIVE_WINDOW_POINTER 119:40
cjwatsonhaha, err19:40
* cjwatson runs away19:40
directhexcjwatson, yeah, i know ^_^19:41
directhexi wish i didn't suck with C19:41
Riddellmvo: good with me thanks20:06
NCommanderhey cjwatson, you got a minute between now and release to chat about PowerPC releasability (I doubt its possible for jaunty (although the images I've tested thus far work great aside from some minor usplash bugs with NVIDIA hardware) but I'd like to have a roadmap in place for karmic)20:46
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LaserJockis the DC getting hit very hard yet? some ubuntu sites are bit slow21:47
elmoLaserJock: no21:47
LaserJockslangasek: http://www.edubuntu.org/news/9.04-release exists22:03
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cjwatsonNCommander: if it seems to basically work now, why shouldn't we release it? that's about all the standard we apply to ports ...22:36
NCommandercjwatson, works for me :-)22:36
cjwatsonNCommander: it won't go on releases.ubuntu.com, but that's just a mirroring consideration, that doesn't govern whether it's "released" or not22:36
NCommandercjwatson, no, I know (same reason ports isn't on the normal mirror network)22:37
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LaserJockslangasek: is it ok if I edit the release announcement wiki page to include Edubuntu?23:51

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