
m4voh sorry, you're right00:12
nhandlerWho manages irclogs.ubuntu.com ?02:46
LjLnhandler: RT... basically canonical02:54
nhandlerLjL: Before I report the issue, could you try and confirm that http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ shows the list of years twice?02:56
LjLnhandler: uhm, not for me02:56
nhandlerHmm...Ok. I'll try another browser to try and figure out the cause. Thanks LjL02:57
LjLi tried both konqueror and firefox, both work here02:57
nhandlerLjL: This is what I am getting now in FF: http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/8164/screenshotosy.png03:01
=== k4v is now known as m4v

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