
gnomefreakasac: if your around, i know its a bit early for you to be here, however what standards on FTBFS would be upstream problem as opposed to local bug? [reed] if your here please feel free to give me some guide on how to tell upstream FTB or our FTB02:20
asacgnomefreak: depends02:40
asacgnomefreak: we should ensure its not a problem on our side before asking upstream to look into it02:41
gnomefreakasac: if iget time tomorrow i will try again02:41
gnomefreakok grabbinb latest daily and going to bed im tired and cranky as hell02:52
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
kaushalwhen is Firefox 3.0.9 going to be added in Ubuntu 8.04 repository ?07:06
kaushalchecking in again for my query :)07:41
kaushalhi again09:00
kaushalreposting my query here again, when is Firefox 3.0.9 going to be added in Ubuntu 8.04 repository ?09:00
ghindokaushal: When it's added to the other Ubuntu repositories? :p09:28
ghindokaushal: Probably not too long.  When was it released?09:28
directhexguys, how do i go about debugging a plugin?12:39
asacdirecthex: plugin != extension12:40
asacwhat do you mean ;)12:40
asackaushal: we wait 24h before releasing security updates12:40
asackaushal: in that way we dont run into regressions and let mozilla catch them for us12:40
directhexasac, i said plugin!12:40
asacdirecthex: you never know ;)12:41
asacdirecthex: i guess you know that there is no general answer to that question, right?12:41
directhexasac, how do i set a breakpoint on a plugin with "firefox -g", since the plugin and its symbols aren't loaded until FF has been run?12:42
asacdirecthex: usually setting breakpoints up-front works12:43
asacdirecthex: if your plugin spawns a new process you need to tell gdb to follow that12:43
directhex0x00007fdd8b7275a4 in MoonWindowGtk::InitializeFullScreen (this=Cannot access memory at address 0x7ffeffffffc812:47
directhex) at window-gtk.cpp:5012:47
directhex50GdkWindow *gdk = parent->GetGdkWindow ();12:47
directhexthat's the best i've got from it so far12:47
directhexooh, i got a breakpoint to break12:52
directhexhm, what a big backtrace12:53
kaushalasac: Thanks :)12:55
kaushalasac: I didnot understand about this line < asac> kaushal: in that way we dont run into regressions and let mozilla catch them for us12:56
kaushalgive me examples :)12:56
asackaushal: from time to time mozilla - after doing weeks of QA and stuff - release and suddenly something is broken12:56
asacthats a regression12:56
asacthe worst regressions are usually detected quite quickly12:56
asacso waiting 24h is enough12:57
asacwe released at the same minute in the past, but at some point there was a data loss regression12:57
asacand mozilla has a heavy weight QA process12:57
asac(which is good)12:57
asacso it took a couple of days again12:57
asacand we were not supposed to release a quick fix to our users without waiting for them12:57
asacthats why i dont release at the same time anymore and let them catch the bugs for us ... so i dont have to sit a week on a patch that would fix our users suffering, but not being allowed to distribute that12:58
asac(because of trademark stuff)12:58
asackaushal: hope that explains it13:00
kaushalasac: awesome much appreciated :)13:01
kaushalasac: great and Thank you13:01
asacdirecthex: ;)13:03
asacdirecthex: referred to "what a big backtradce"13:03
asacdirecthex: so all figured?13:03
kaushalasac: we as in means "ubuntu" right ?13:04
kaushalor canonical ?13:04
asackaushal: what part are you referring to?13:05
kaushal17:10 #ubuntu-mozillateam: < asac> kaushal: we wait 24h before releasing security updates13:05
asackaushal: thats ubuntu ... yeah13:05
directhexasac, working with upstream13:05
asackaushal: but thats also kind of canonical ;)13:06
directhexasac, upstream reckons it's an ubuntu problem of some kind, and i reckon they're right.14:25
directhexasac, the problem doesn't occur with the .xpi download of the plugin14:26
asacdirecthex: thats not really much info you are giving ;)15:22
directhexgiving it as i get it!15:23
asacdirecthex: you didn't tell me what the bug is about at all :)16:11
directhexasac, moonlight-plugin-mozilla causes browser crashing if you try to display a full-screen video (test site is http://videoshow.vertigo.com)16:12
directhexasac, happens with packages but not upstream .xpi, so it's something ubuntuish causing issues16:12
asacdirecthex: moonlight is in the archive?16:13
directhexasac, sure16:13
asacso they do stupid plugin guessing and dont trigger ubufox16:13
asacstupid folks16:13
directhexhm? who does?16:13
asacthe website16:13
asacit should just display the embed/object thing16:14
asacand dont use a detection kit16:14
directhexah. detection kitting is part of upstream Silverlight.js16:14
asacwhich is stupid16:14
directhexi.e. blame microsoft for lack of plugin finder in msie for breaking it for everyone else ;)16:14
asacanyway. whats the package called then?16:14
directhexmoonlight-plugin-mozilla, source package moon16:14
asacdirecthex: ok. installling. did you add our plugin meta data to control? (i think remember that you did that)16:15
directhexasac, yes, i don't know how correct it is of course :)16:15
asacyeah. we need the anti-plugin-detection-kit ;)16:17
directhexi'm testing in a 32-bit vm to see if it's 64-bit-related16:19
asacgood idea16:19
directhexit is indeed a 64-bit problem16:19
asacgood. so its upstream!!!16:20
directhexor a regression someplace else ;)16:21
directhexhm, possible fix from upstream. etsting...16:31
jdhore1Is there a estimated ETA for Firefox 3.0.9 hitting Hardy's repos?21:00
=== beDrung is now known as bdrung
directhexasac, in case you were curious, upstream bug located & just dpatched. i'll SRU it for jaunty21:42
asacdirecthex: showing patch would entertain me ;)22:41
asacjdhore1: we release 24h after mozilla for various reasons22:41
asacso any minute22:41
directhexasac, http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-mono/moon/trunk/debian/patches/moon_fix_gdk_pointer_size.dpatch?revision=3966&view=markup22:41
asacso undefined prototype somewhere?22:42
directhexsomething like that. gtk-2.0/gtk/gdktypes.h defines GdkNativeWindow as either gpointer or guint32 depending on whether GDK_NATIVE_WINDOW_POINTER is defined22:48
directhexGDK_NATIVE_WINDOW_POINTER is defined in moonlight.h depending on whether GLIB_SIZEOF_VOID_P is 8 (as it is on 64-bit platforms)22:49
directhexand GLIB_SIZEOF_VOID_P comes from glib.h22:50
directhexso... include glib.h then moonlight.h, and sizeof(GdkNativeWindow) is 8, otherwise it's 422:50
directhexa fixed plugin will be landing in incoming.debian.org within minutes22:51
asacdirecthex: will you do a SRU for jaunty?23:15
directhexasac, need to do the paperwork, but yes, it's very much my intention23:15
directhex[ ]moon_1.0.1-3.dsc22-Apr-2009 22:32 1.5K23:37
BUGabundoasac: hi23:37
BUGabundoasac: how to rebuild fontconfig cache?23:37
asacBUGabundo: fc-cache --system-only23:38
asacat least i think23:38
asacusually you dont need to do that, right?23:39
BUGabundobut a user seems to have a corrupted cache23:40
directhexasac, assuming for a second that a silverlight site isn't using browser detection (it's true, some don't), would the moon package be picked up by ubufox as-is? or is extra work needed for the metadata i added to debian/control to be seen?23:41
asacdirecthex: havent checked.23:41
asaci would suggest to do a test site23:41
asacdirecthex: but form looking at control it looks right23:42
directhexasac, how does ubufox do the searches, i.e. where is the data it searches?23:43
asacdirecthex: what is a typical moonlight extension?23:44
asacfile extension i mean23:44
asacerr sl ;)23:44
directhexasac, erm..... for SL1? .js23:45
asacdirecthex: http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/pfs/test/3_triplecontent.html23:46
asacdirecthex: unfortunately i have no file so you have to click on the tools -> manage content plugins23:46
asacand have to select search23:46
asacfor silverlight mimetype23:47
asacthats what you would get if there would be real content with file23:47
asacdescription seems to be quite long23:48
directhexasac, patches welcome23:49
directhexasac, if it helps, i'll look at some dummy SL content for your page23:49
asacdirecthex: you sure you can use silverlight in the description?23:50
asace.g. trademark23:51
directhexehm... i'll look into that23:51
asacXb-Npp-Description: The GNU SWF Player (http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/)23:52
asacanyway. i think its ok except maybe the silverlight name23:53
asacubufox should line break at some point23:53
directhex<object type="application/x-silverlight"23:56
directhex       width="240"23:56
directhex       height="197"></object>23:56
directhexworks for me. give it a punt23:56
directhexi extracted the actions taken by Silverlight.js when it inserts the <object> into the DOM23:57
directhexthat cut-down version seems valid23:57

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