
MythbuntuGuest33!help release date00:33
Zinn!help release date For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].00:33
MythbuntuGuest33Does 9.04 come out on thursday too or is it normally a little later than ubuntu release date?00:35
xavieronassisRecently when I go to watch a recorded show rather than the show playing, I get a message saying "the file for this recording is empty" - anyone know what's happened? It's been working perfectly until this week.01:06
tgm4883!logs xavieronassis01:11
ZinnSorry I don't know about logs xavieronassis01:11
tgm4883!logs | xavieronassis01:11
Zinnxavieronassis: MythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/   You can use mythbuntu-log-grabber from the Applications menu to automatically post the most relevant logs to our pastebin.01:11
xavieronassiswill do... thanks01:30
xavieronassisI've ssh'd into the box and looked at the syslog from 4/20 when there was an error in recording. I've posted a bit from the end... http://pastebin.ca/1399081 only the frontend only machine is Ibex the FE/BE is Hardy Heron - didn't find log grabber. there.01:51
xavieronassisThis one may be more relevant http://pastebin.ca/139908902:00
gizmobayWhen I start LiveTV for the first time from the main menu, I don't get any channel info through a popup. I cahnge the channel and then I get it. Is anyone else seeing this?02:04
Steve_anyone available to help me out a bit with 'apt-get source mythtv'?05:19
Steve_I get this: NOTICE: 'mythtv' packaging is maintained in the 'Bzr' version control system05:19
Steve_not sure what I can do05:19
Steve_hmm i see now that there is a program called bzr05:21
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womboI just brought a new AMP today to replace my crappy LG multimedia/DVD crap15:02
womboWhat is the best way to get sound to it?15:02
womboCurrently I am using a 3.5mm plug15:02
womboUsing the mobo sound card I can only do 3.5mm stereo or some other plug15:03
wombo< I thought it was toslink but it says on the back SPDIF, but it isnt an RCA type socket15:04
womboMy option is to just buy a new sound card for it so I can finally get 5.115:04
rhpot1991if it looks like optical then it prob is optical15:05
womboso using that I can pass the full stream across, like DTS or whatever it is for the AMP top sort out?15:06
rhpot1991wombo: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Configuring_Digital_Sound15:09
rhpot1991wombo: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Configuring_Digital_Sound_with_AC3_and_SPDIF15:09
r3vilei have to edit something in "~/.vlc/"  where is this path, or what means the ~ ?15:51
rhpot1991~ is your home directory15:52
rhpot1991if you hit ~ then tab, it should convert it to the full path15:52
r3vileok thx15:53
r3vilehm its /home/main/.vlc15:55
r3vilebut there is no such folder15:55
r3vileim using mythbuntu , where can i find the .vlc folder there?15:56
rhpot1991r3vile: first, are you sure you have vlc installed, I don't recall if its there by default15:56
r3vileyes i have :P15:57
r3vilethe problem is, that i want control vlc by remote and i found a tutorial how to do this, but there i have to edit ~/.vlc/...15:58
r3vilewhich i cant found15:58
rhpot1991make it then15:59
rhpot1991mkdir .vlc15:59
rhpot1991or if its a file just create it with your editor16:00
r3vileno, im afraid, thats not the right way ;)16:00
r3vilei have vlc.. so there must be such an folder16:00
r3vilewell i am going to upgrade vlc16:04
rhpot1991r3vile: sometimes packages only create those if they are needed, and there will be a default config somewhere else16:04
rhpot1991most times you only do that for user specific configuration, so either you are editing the wrong place or need to create it16:05
mattwj2002hi guys23:59

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