
Jordan_USpammer in #ubuntu00:55
tsimpsonwell, "Spammer in #ubuntu" really got our attention, because we all ignore ops calls...00:58
tsimpsonHi, how can we help?01:00
TetracommI setup a Mibbit page so that the visitors of my website could join the Ubuntu channel right away, and it doesn't let them in automatically, is there any way to allow them in automatically?01:00
tsimpsonno, they get forwarded to #ubuntu-proxy-users 01:01
tsimpsonthen they get let into #ubuntu from there01:01
tsimpsonas soon as the mibbit client attempts to join #ubuntu they get sent to that channel, then they will be told to join #ubuntu01:02
TetracommIt would be nice if they were directed or forwarded there automatically, though.01:09
tsimpsonTetracomm: they have to be in #ubuntu-proxy-users because a bot sets an exempt when they join and remove it when they part01:15
tsimpsonunfortunately we get enough abuse from proxy users (including mibbit) that this is needed01:15
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (thetroll)01:22
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
* genii spis02:28
geniisips, even02:28
tritiumnalioth: ping.  ubot3 MIA.02:57
* genii sips and sends the bots in POW camps some care packages02:58
tritiumgenii: how thoughtful ;)03:00
naliothtritium: network issue03:00
tritiumnalioth: no problem.  Thank you!03:00
* mneptok farts seductively03:44
* genii suddenly notices in wonderment a large green noxius cloud03:46
tritiumHi, mneptok 03:54
mneptoktritium: pack light clothing. it's in the 90s here.03:55
tritiummneptok: awesome.  Thanks for the advice.03:56
mneptoktritium: i packed coming from Quebec. thank whatever gods your family worships that tech conferences always have free t-shirts.03:56
tritiumheh :)03:57
* tritium goes to pack04:02
geniiMy sister just left for Quebec yesterday04:09
tritiumJust banned god__ for harassing me in a /query for not supporting Ubuntu Satanic Edition, and preaching to me.04:36
Madpilotwhen does the 'party' channel open to take care of 'yay, new version' nonsense?06:39
FlannelIts already open, isn't it?06:40
FlannelOnly 24 people.  Interesting.06:40
wgrantAnd only a little over 24 hours to go... it is a bit low.06:56
FlannelIt'll be more like 34 hours at least.06:57
wgrantUntil last release it was often around 28 hours from now, IIRC.07:02
Flannel4am my time? no.  It was always mid-morning07:03
Flannelafter I left for the day, etc.07:03
wgrantHuh. At least two releases in the last few have happened while I was out, and I think that would have been 0500-0700UTC.07:06
wgrantIntrepid was certainly much later.07:06
FlannelErm, what?07:06
MadpilotFlannel, dealing with 'unitedpotsmokers' charming quit msg?07:06
* wgrant finds logs.07:06
Flannelbut, why does...07:06
Flannel /mode +b *!*adsl-074-236-013-101.sip.mia.bellsouth.net07:06
Flanneladd what I just did add?07:07
FlannelMadpilot: That'll be in a moment07:07
Flannel5 -!- mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*adsl-074*@*] by Flannel07:07
FlannelOh, I did screw that up.07:07
FlannelAh, must be nick lengths07:07
wgrantOf course, I translated those times the wrong way. I rarely have cause to go from local to UTC :(07:09
FlannelThat's not the first time he's used that part message either.07:09
jussi01tsimpson: ping07:48
Garylol, I'm not a woman, well at least not during the week... (re: <+Seeker`> I always knew Gary was really a woman! :P )08:01
jussi01Gary: ROFL!08:09
Tm_Tgenii: there's many places I'm not in list08:31
ikoniaunitedpotsmokers: hi 08:46
unitedpotsmokerswhat is this?08:47
unitedpotsmokersi never join this channel08:47
ikoniayou've been forwarded here because of your part messsage08:47
unitedpotsmokersi'm dont understand08:48
ikoniayou're part message was "fuck time" - that is unacceptable in the #ubuntu channels - so you have been banned from #ubuntu and forwaded to this channel08:49
unitedpotsmokersohh... i'm sorry08:49
unitedpotsmokersok i change.. :p08:49
* Myrtti pulls a random problem out of her hat as a excuse to change the topic at #xubuntu gently08:49
unitedpotsmokersdone.. :)08:50
ikoniaunitedpotsmokers: you've been spoke to about this before 08:50
ikoniaany chance you could try to make sure ANYTHING with rude language in on your client is removed before entering the #ubuntu based channels08:50
unitedpotsmokersyeah... i already change it... next time never happen again.. im sure08:51
ikoniaok, 08:51
unitedpotsmokersso this channel for people make trouble like me?08:52
ikoniaunitedpotsmokers: ok - the ban's ben removed. You can join #ubuntu. Please remember - this is the second time at least you have been spoke to about this part message if it happens again it won't be as straight forward to resolve08:52
ikoniaunitedpotsmokers: please read the /topic 08:52
unitedpotsmokersikonia: now i join back #ubuntu, then i quit, if u see a rude language, just tell me ok.. 08:54
stewcrashing keyboards offend me09:16
Myrttidoes anyone have time and energy to babysit #xubuntu with me?09:24
Myrtti@mark #xubuntu MTec007 *sigh*09:48
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:48
MyrttiUNCALLED FOR?!09:49
* Myrtti shakes head09:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about samba-#xubuntu09:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about smb-#xubuntu09:51
Myrtti!search fuse09:52
ubottuFound: fusesmb-#xubuntu, coffee, ntfs, trolls-#ubuntu-offtopic, kidding, captive, fuse, lfs, aptlock, adept-crash-fix09:52
Myrttitopyli: new urlshortening service of choice for me (works from abroad as well): g0.fi10:24
topyliMyrtti: also, a bit more user friendly than http://www.freakinghugeurl.com/index.php10:32
* tsimpson wonders what's wrong with tinyurl and it's simple API10:43
Myrttitsimpson: it's not tiny?10:43
Myrttitinyurl.com < go.fi10:43
Myrtti^ in preference10:43
Myrttigod I need coffee10:44
elkytsimpson, go.fi fits microblogging better10:48
tsimpsonsomeone needs to make a g.o url :p10:49
tsimpsonsuper short10:49
elkynot sure that's RFC compliant.10:54
wgrantHey, with the TLD free-for-all that can happen.10:55
elkysingle letter namespaces?10:57
elkythat is going to break the brains of software developers trying to do stuff like url detection...10:58
jussi01elky: my favourite is www.fi - now thats a weird url :D10:59
elkywho's the lucky bastard with wi.fi i wonder10:59
Myrttisci.fi is my fave11:00
Myrttiboth are pre-FICORA (the authority who now handles the domains in Finland) domain names11:00
elky... host geeky.fi returns a timeout11:02
* jussi01 cant wait to get home, and go to the post office to get his new guitar :D11:05
jussi01cept itll be tomorrow before that happens - cause Im home at 1am...11:06
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:12
ikoniajussi01: what have you bought ?11:13
jussi01ikonia: standardish electric + a little amp11:13
ikoniavery nice11:14
bazhang [EatPotato] (n=linux@ potato, and parsley, too  <--ban evasion in -ot11:14
ikoniabazhang: who is he ?11:14
bazhanggroovyorange!n=username@ ikonia 11:14
ikoniadoes he ever get board11:15
jussi01i dunno, does he get plank?11:16
topylihmm also "freechatter" was around yesterday11:16
ikoniasee if we can resolve this nicley as it's getting old11:16
bazhangyep freechatter1 was him as well11:17
ikonialets see if we can put an end to this11:17
* ikonia goes out on a limb11:17
ikoniaEatPotato: hello there, thanks for joining11:17
ikoniaEatPotato: just wanted a few minutes of your time to discuss something if you have a moment ?11:18
EatPotatoyes, right now11:18
ikoniaEatPotato: ok, I'm going to try to be as honest as possible with you to make this as clear as possible, I'd really appreciate you doing the same11:19
ikoniaEatPotato: you are groovyapples/freechatter/many other usernames yes ?11:19
EatPotato"freechatter_1", but it will be free after 60 days11:20
ikoniaEatPotato: no - please just answer the questions are you the same user as groovyapples growasoranges and many other nick names of that style11:20
bazhanggrow-as-apple, groovyorange, sp0rtily, z, patchpockets11:21
EatPotatoAnd "potato" is more good, when we're about learning something. "WastePotato" is the one to respect.11:21
ikoniaif we could be honest about this to try and resolve this it would be much easier11:21
ikoniaEatPotato: so you are grow-as-apple, groovyorange, sp0rtily, z, etc11:21
ikoniabecause I'm asking you11:22
ikoniait would be appreciated if you where hones tto try to resolve this - 11:22
EatPotatoLet's resolve it, What the best can I do for many people?11:22
ikoniaEatPotato: please just answer the question11:23
ikoniaso you are grow-as-apple, groovyorange, sp0rtily, z, etc ?11:23
ikoniayes or no 11:23
EatPotatono, but you ask it due to... wait again11:23
ikoniaok, I can wait11:24
ikoniawhat about that ?11:24
ikoniaactually - that doesn't matter, 11:25
ikoniaI'll ask one more time to be %101 clear11:25
EatPotatoThis is MTS, - for our part of Russia11:25
ikoniaEatPotato: what has that got to do with it ?11:25
ikonia"are you grow-as-apple, groovyorange, sp0rtily, z" ? yes or no answer only just to be %101 clear11:25
EatPotatoI had been told not to bother with IPs or so from my friend.11:25
ikonia"are you grow-as-apple, groovyorange, sp0rtily, z" ? yes or no answer only just to be %101 clear11:26
EatPotato2^5-3*9 clear, no11:26
ikoniajust say yes or no - no other text 11:26
ikonia"are you grow-as-apple, groovyorange, sp0rtily, z" ? 11:27
ikoniaok, thank you - you can leave now11:27
ikoniaI appreciate you coming into the channel 11:27
EatPotatoBut I can be nice if you somehow want it.11:27
ikoniawho said you had not been nice ?11:27
ikoniayou can leave the channel now please, thank you for joining and answering the question11:28
EatPotatoIf yoo loved someone, it's not me. But, I can be your buddy.11:28
bazhanghe's lying11:28
ikoniaI suggest removing him11:28
bazhanghe quit that channel11:29
ikoniaI was going to try to work with him to get the ban's removed11:29
ikoniaI know11:29
ikoniathat's one of the things he did when I asked questions, which also makes me think he's lying11:29
ikoniahe also knows a lot about the other guys, and "shouldn't bother with his IP address" - now sure how you select ip addresses11:29
bazhangalready marked in the bt, also uses abra with the serverloft address11:29
ikoniajust giving him a chance to come clean to work with him, he didn't so as far as I'm concerned ban doding11:29
ikoniaI thought we banned *.serverloft ?11:30
jussi01ikonia: youve mail...11:30
elkyikonia, not the whole domain, no11:30
* jussi01 prods ikonia11:37
ikoniaelky: ahhh I thought serverloft was gone as a known problem host like some of the others11:39
ikoniajussi01: ok11:39
bazhang* [lirvan] (n=vorkisny@ fdsafdsf  now as * [pragad] (n=vorkisny@ fdsafdsf asking very odd questions (yesterday different issues)11:39
wgrantbazhang: He seems fairly innocent. Although the questions are odd.11:40
bazhangwgrant, okay, just a heads-up11:40
* genii makes some more coffee14:07
* jussi01 takes some of genii's coffee14:09
Myrttigaaaaaah coma14:10
* jussi01 is off.. laters all.14:12
geniijussi01: Fare well :)14:21
ubottuIn ubottu, Pici said: no releasenotes is <reply> Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes15:06
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:06
Myrtti!membership > hifi17:06
* genii sips18:30
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - JAUNTY IS NOT YET RELEASED - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party18:34
ubottuJaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+118:34
Picifyi ^18:34
genii-release-party is open now then?18:36
geniiPici: Ok, thanks18:53
geniiI've got an idiot PMing me "butthole" every second or two, streaming. rocko (n=rocko@c-67-167-117-152.hsd1.il.comcast.net)19:20
geniiDunno what channel(s) he may be originating in19:20
PiciHes not +s19:21
geniiBizarre. Why do people do stupid stuff like that?19:23
LjLPici: you mean he's not +i19:24
PiciLjL: I must.19:24
Seeker`nalioth: any chance of prodding the mootbot logs?20:42
* jussi01 waves20:49
* jussi01 waves from helsinki....20:50
jussi01still another flight yet20:50
Seeker`where are you headed?20:54
ubot3In #ubuntu-release-party, Orlsend said: !beer is Nice21:02
guntberthi, is ubottu  in #ubuntu+1 the same bot as in #ubuntu (same database) or are these two different ?21:07
Seeker`jussi01: ?21:09
Seeker`guntbert: ubottu is the same bot wherever it is21:09
guntbertSeeker`: ah, I see - because in #ubuntu+1 the factoid !outyet (..... for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+1) sound a *littele* strange :-)21:10
Seeker`don't use that factoid in +1 then :P21:10
guntbertSeeker`: obviously :-) np anyway, thx 21:11
guntbertand bye21:11
Seeker`Myrtti: when are you arriving in London?21:20
Seeker`jussi01: where are you headed?21:22
Seeker`where were you?21:22
jussi01Seeker`: guess...21:23
jussi01Seeker`: I was off hobnobing with the stars21:23
jussi01jpds: meep. wrong answer21:23
* genii hands jussi01 the "Home Sweet Home" wall tapestry21:24
jussi01Seeker`: I was attending the Launch of our new phone...21:24
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, jacob said: !mainline is If you're looking to try out a mainline kernel (ie, no Ubuntu patches), visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds at your own peril.21:25
jussi01that one again?21:25
jpdsThat isn't the first time that's been requested.21:25
jussi01Seeker`: anyway: http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-news/local-news/2009/04/21/bid-for-the-liverpool-fc-bling-phone-and-raise-cash-for-charity-100252-23433527/21:26
jussi01jpds: and it isnt the first time itll be rejected...21:26
jpdsjussi01: And like the French called one of their Paris airports: Orly?21:27
Seeker`jussi01: cool21:28
jussi01Seeker`: yes its running linux (in answer to your unasked question...)21:28
jussi01oh, boarding time... laters21:31
geniiikonia: They seem to be having their share of spam in ##windows today21:40
tsimpsonlooks like .pool hit google again22:29
wgranttsimpson: At least people have to generate filenames this time. But that's not too hard :(22:52
LjLperhaps -r-p should be in topics?22:59
Seeker`can I haz access in -release-party?22:59
* Seeker` is defenseless against popey23:00
popeyi never did owt23:00
Seeker`but you might23:00
Seeker`especially if i start mocking you23:00
popeyhere's a tip23:01
Seeker`but but but23:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about already23:03
Seeker`!already is <reply> If you are running a completely up-to-date 9.04RC, you are most likely running 9.04 release all ready23:04
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, Seeker` said: !already is <reply> If you are running a completely up-to-date 9.04RC, you are most likely running 9.04 release all ready23:04
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:04
Seeker`!already is <reply> If you are running a completely up-to-date 9.04RC, you are most likely running 9.04 release all ready23:04
LjLalready or all ready23:04
jpdsLjL: both.23:05
ubottuIf you are running a completely up-to-date 9.04RC, you are most likely running 9.04 release all ready23:06
Seeker`!already is <reply> If you are running a completely up-to-date 9.04RC, you are most likely running 9.04 release already23:06
ubottuBut already already means something else!23:06
Seeker`ubottu, no already is <reply> If you are running a completely up-to-date 9.04RC, you are most likely running 9.04 release already23:06
ubottuI'll remember that Seeker`23:06
Seeker`now how long will that take to propogate to ubot3?23:06
LjLit's hourly IIRC23:07
LjLso... 52 minutes :)23:07
jpdsno idea, but 2 and 4 will get it on the o'clock.23:07
MyrttiSeeker`: the train is at Kings Cross four-ish, but we need to check in at the hotel too before heading to The Warwick23:16
Seeker`whereabouts is the hotel?23:17
* popey thinks now would be a good time to look up where the release party is23:18
Myrttipopey: lulz23:18
Seeker`popey: near picadilly circus23:18
Seeker`just off regent street23:18
LjLUbuntu - Your semi-valid excuse to party at least every six months!23:19
popeywpic win23:20
Seeker`Myrtti: fair enough. I can get in to Euston around 1710 if i get in to work early enough23:20
popeymy train comes into london victoria, so thats just a couple of stops on the toob.. awesome23:20
Seeker`oooh, I can get more pocky from the trocadero23:21
popeywhat is this "pocky" you speak of?23:21
popeyyou strange excuse for an English person23:21
popeywith your wierd dialect23:21
Seeker`seen adverts for mikado?23:21
popeyadverts are for plebs23:22
Seeker`biscuit stick coated with chocolate23:22
popeyoh, seen the posters23:22
* popey is now a pleb23:22
popeyrock on, i will get into london victoria at 18:29, leaving plenty of time to get to the joy that is picadilly23:22
* Seeker` will probably be in london by 5-ish23:24
Seeker`Myrtti: what time are you heading from hotel to party?23:25
ubot3In #ubuntu-release-party, Sciri said: ubot3: rockstar is your friend!23:32
jussi01HOME!!! :D :D23:37
ubottuIn ubottu, alienkid10 said: current is 8.1023:50
MyrttiSeeker`: no idea, have to consult D about it23:57
Myrttianyway, going to bed23:57
Myrttitis too late23:57
* Seeker` heads to bed too23:58
Seeker`see you tomorrow with any luck23:58

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