
mac9416_2BCMM: Man, I've often wondered how to do that myself. I just grabbed that information on the 'ubuntu' thread.00:00
ropetinDoes update-rc.d do anything useful for you?00:00
jmedinamac9416_2: you can use /etc/rc.local file00:01
BCMMmac9416_2, http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/00:02
BCMMinit scripts are a bit odd on gentoo, which is what i'm used to00:02
BCMMbut in order to prevent you having to use them for simple things, they have a couple of files local.start and local.stop, which are executed at the end of boot and the start of shutdown by a special init script00:03
BCMMi presumed ubuntu had something like that, but turns out it's easy to just write a script00:04
mac9416_2Yeah. Looks like the wordpress arcticle is the key.00:04
jmedinawell if is only a command you can use /etc/rc.local file00:08
mac9416_2I suppose rc.local is a script that always runs at startup?00:09
ropetinmac9416_2: yup00:13
jmedinait is run at the end00:13
jmedinaif you need something more advanced like start the program at a specific stage, shut it down cleanly, reaload service and like that then you need to write your own rc script00:14
mac9416_2Ahh, cool.00:14
jmedinajust add the command line to /etc/rc.local and you are done :D00:16
mac9416_2So, does anyone know anything about streaming audio across a network?00:43
ropetinI've used Icecast in the past to stream over the Internet.  Worked fine fo rme00:44
ropetinNo idea how it compares with any other options, but it was fine for what I needed00:45
mac9416_2ropetin: would it work on a fome network?00:46
ropetinSure, would work over any network connection00:48
josspykeranybody using the denyhost script?00:56
FFEMTcJcan someone help me setup tightvncserver on my server?01:19
FFEMTcJi installed xfce4 and tightvncserver.. i get this in the log: http://pastebin.be/1799301:25
slhawkinsI was having an issue with the Apache Status page coming up no matter where I tried to go as far as my web site went..01:35
slhawkinsSo I disabled the status module and now... php doesn't seem to work at all01:35
slhawkinsit's enabled... but when I try to access the site it doesn't even say it's there.. no message from apache or anything01:36
slhawkinswhen I direct it to a php file, say index.php... my browser downloads it01:36
buzzsawi need a way to split bandwidth i have several computers accessing the same gateway but i dont want any one to get more bandwidth than the other, also i need to make sure that surfing gets priority over any thing else02:19
genii!info trickle02:20
ubottutrickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-5 (intrepid), package size 36 kB, installed size 172 kB02:21
twbubuntu-server does not Recommend acpid.  This means that on a default 8.04 server install, I cannot shut down a server by pushing the power button on the front -- instead I have to either use ssh, or connect a screen and keyboard.02:26
twbWhere on launchpad do I gripe about this?02:27
ScottKThat sounds about right to me.  I can't remember the last time I shut down a server via the power button (or cared to)02:28
twbScottK: when you're in the machine room and have found the offending piece of junk, and don't want to walk back to your desk to turn it off.02:30
ScottKI'm not usually finding the piece of junk by staring at it.02:31
twbI concede that it's a less common case, but it's still annoying.02:31
ScottKIf it's sufficiently offensive, holding for 4 seconds will turn it off anyway.02:31
twbSure, but that's obviously unclean.02:31
ScottKRight, if it's sufficiently borked, you're unlikely to care.02:32
ScottKI don't recall ever having had trouble recovering from an unclean shutdown with Ubuntu in any case.02:32
ScottKYou're welcome to file a but (I think ubuntu-meta is the right package), but I doubt it'll get a lot of traction.02:33
twbFair enough.02:33
* ScottK reads the amavisd-new 2.6.3 release announcement and wishes they'd waited until Friday to release it.02:53
* genii waits til Friday to read it02:54
mattti'd say keep the power button thing disabled, one less way to accidentally power down a box :)03:02
John_Stamoshi i'm having a problem with dpkg and python-gnome203:41
John_Stamosi am running ubuntu server 8.0403:41
ScottKJohn_Stamos: That's a but, please file it.03:43
John_Stamosalready filed ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-python/+bug/214268 ) i was hoping someone had a solution03:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 214268 in gnome-python "[Hardy] python-gnome2 fails to install/upgade" [Medium,Invalid]03:44
John_Stamosam i correct in saying that the only solution would be to reinstall it03:45
ScottKI did set the bug to confirmed.03:46
ScottKThe problem is both packages provide a file in the same place with the same name.03:46
ScottKThere are some ways to work around such conflicts, but I don't know enough about those two packages to tell you which approach is likely safest.03:47
John_Stamosthen i guess i'll reinstall, any clue why it did this03:48
John_Stamosi think i was using a pre-release version, and the person who filed the bug said they were too in the comments03:48
ScottKYou might try purging both packages and reinstalling.03:49
ScottKThat may or may not help, but it's safe.03:49
John_Stamoswhich two packages?03:50
John_Stamospython-modules and python-gconf?03:52
ScottKpython-gcong and gnome-python I think03:57
John_Stamosso apt-get purge python-gconf gnome-python03:58
ScottKNote: Gnome stuff is off topic here and I use Kubuntu anyway, so you'd probably be better off in another channel (yes)03:58
ScottKMake sure it doesn't want to take anything useful with it.03:58
John_Stamosso if i get rid of gnome, the problem goes away?03:58
John_Stamosand sorry no one in #ubuntu responds to me03:59
joejchow long does scanning mirror take?04:04
joejcand what happens if i dont have internet?04:05
geniiIt will eventually time out04:10
aesisjoejc: are you asking about how to access repositories without internet?04:10
joejcim installing in a vm and not sure if i have internet04:10
aesisI haven't used it, but I just booted my 8.04 server VM and apt-cdrom is installed by default04:16
joejcits been 30min at what point should i think its not going to work?04:16
reidhi all, I just put fluxbox on my webserver, and I realized that whenever I type startx, all of my ports close or something.  Any input?04:49
twbThat's bizarre.04:50
ScottKports closing or startx on a web server?04:51
twbThe former.04:51
twbThe latter is silly, but not bizarre.04:51
foxbuntureid, sounds like fluxbox might have some kind of firewall configured in the session with a default policy of deny all --or-- it has it own network manager and its not configured properly04:58
reid_oh, its fixed04:59
foxbuntuwhat was it04:59
reid_yeah I was connecting to a local address on my network.  little did I know I wasn't on my network05:00
foxbuntuso the later :)05:00
reid_lol, nah I was trying to access it from my latop05:00
reid_laptop, the server is headless, hidden somewhere =P05:00
foxbuntuwell the a pebkac error then :) I have those allot05:01
reid_where u work?05:01
reid_oh I guess you get it enough in here05:01
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foxbuntuno I work in consulting too05:02
reid_however, one thing that I did notice.. is that none of the desktop apps are working05:07
joejcwhat did the last command do?05:07
reid_like I right click go to web browser, go to dillo05:07
reid_and it doesn't actually run =P05:07
aykjoejc: you are back in the main channel, it reset your IP lease05:07
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reid_hey guys07:32
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henkjan"And Soren had the brilliant idea of always installing Ubuntu Servers with a degraded RAID-1"11:10
henkjanquote from dustins blogpost11:10
henkjanis this about jaunty server install?11:10
henkjangreat idea!11:10
sorenhenkjan: I'm afraid not. Hopefully Karmic, though.11:28
incorrectI am looking at providing some sort of office voip system and IM service in the office,  I am not sure if i should invest time with jabber or asterisk, both or something else12:16
davmor2Guys I'm just running a quick test that someone went to test and couldn't complete.  I'm having issue though.  The test is the http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/ServerWhole virtulization host at the bottom.  I run the kvm command and get the following Directfb/core: Single Application Core.......Initialization error! should this not just work?12:17
simplexioincorrect: asterisk handles voip systems nicel, and extra features which voip systems need are easy to implement12:37
incorrectwhat about a video conferencing system?12:38
davmor2soren: Are you about?12:40
davmor2I'm having issues with a kvm test that is on the iso tracker12:41
sorendavmor2: I am.12:46
davmor2soren: following the kvm example here http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/ServerWhole I type in the kvm line on the server and I get a directfb issue12:47
sorendavmor2: Yes, that's expected.12:49
sorenThat's not a very good test case.12:49
davmor2If I run ssh -X user@ad.re.ss I get /usr/bin/X11/xauth:  creating new authority file /home/tester/.Xauthority and the command runs  If I don't add the -X I get the same issue12:49
davmor2soren: Thank god for that :)12:49
sorenThat's expected.12:49
sorenTry adding -curses to the command line somewhere.12:49
davmor2I didn't want to fail it if it was just that the docs were wrong12:49
sorenBy default, kvm will attempt to use an X frontend. If there's no X server available (e.g. forwarded from the client using ssh -X), it'll fail.12:50
davmor2soren: Thanks for the info I'll pass the test and we are fully covered again :)12:53
* soren hands davmor2 a "/j"13:06
Ahlee_when using a preseed file during net installation, what should mirror/http/directory be?  Mine points to the root of my local repository, but the installer is reporting that the mirror is either not valid or does not have a valid Release file on it, despite me being able to wget the Release file when dropping toa shell from within the installer13:20
ivoksdirectory should be ubuntu/ right?13:23
Ahlee_that's what I thought.13:24
Ahlee_d-i mirror/http/hostname
Ahlee_d-i mirror/http/directory string /ubuntu13:24
Ahlee_but, no go13:24
ivoksboth should work13:26
Ahlee_I built my mirror with apt-mirror, and is where dists/ and pool/ are13:27
ivoksdon't use apt-mirror13:27
ivoksuse apt-cacher13:28
Ahlee_Any reason?13:28
ivoksapt-mirror isn't maintained for some time, iirc13:29
ivoksand it explodes every now and then :)13:30
ivoksor maybe i'm thinking about some other tool13:30
ivoksright, i was thinking of apt-proxy13:31
Ahlee_fair enough13:33
Ahlee_changing to d-i mirror/http/directory string ubuntu/13:33
Ahlee_did not work either13:33
Ahlee_so something's either busted on my mirror (unlikely, as i've been using it for post-install for quite a while)13:34
ivokshave you looked at logs on your apt-mirror server?13:34
Ahlee_or i'm overlooking something extremely trivial :)13:34
_rubenchecked the access logs of your mirror?13:35
Ahlee_you read my mind - i just fired up snoop on that system to watch if any requests are being made (the logs fromt eh installer just say13:35
Ahlee_Apr 21 13:40:31 anna-install: Queueing udeb apt-mirror-setup for later installation13:35
Ahlee_Apr 21 13:49:01 main-menu[2403]: INFO: Menu item 'choose-mirror' succeeded but requested to be left unconfigured.13:35
ivoksnot the installer logs, but the logs of apt-mirror13:35
Ahlee_Nothing on my mirror13:44
Ahlee_so it's not reaching it during installation13:44
Ahlee_it's a different server than what's serving up my preseed.cfg (preseed.cfg does come off the same server as my dhcp and tftp server)13:45
ivoksshouldn't it be:13:46
ivoksd-i mirror/http/hostname string
ivoksnotice the 'string' :)13:46
Ahlee_oh god.13:46
Ahlee_platform set os state reboot -f13:47
Ahlee_let's try that again13:47
Ahlee_sorry about the mispaste13:47
Ahlee_well, thankfully or not, that didns't seem to resolve the issue13:51
ivoksanything in the apt-mirror's logs?13:52
Ahlee_no access to the server, no13:52
Ahlee_nothing on tcpdump/snoop on port 80, and nothing in the access-logs for the web server serving up the repository13:52
ivoksand how does it fail in the installer?13:53
Ahlee_The specified Ubuntu archive mirror is either not available, or does not have a valid Release file on it. Please try a different mirror.13:54
Ahlee_checking installer debug logs now to see if i can gain any insight as to where it failed13:54
Ahlee_Apr 22 06:51:06 choose-mirror[6281]: DEBUG: command: wget -q -O - | grep ^Suite: | cut -d' ' -f 213:58
Ahlee_adding a leading / to my directory, trying again13:58
ivoksoops :)13:59
Ahlee_reminds me of the joke i heard yesterday that oracle will finally do away with ls on Solaris, and replace it with select * from directory where name like '%';14:01
Ahlee_ivoks: I'm not throwing 404s for some packages, but I'm hitting the mirror, which is definitely a step in the right direction :) Thanks for your help14:03
Ahlee_er, s/not/now/14:05
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pmatuliswithout a GUI, is it possible to do a release upgrade with the CD?17:28
darkvertexpmatulis: sudo apt-get update might do the trick17:29
ograpmatulis, the do-release-upgrade tool might do it17:30
pmatulisogra: how does it get the cd?  should i edit sources.list by hand first?17:31
pmatulisand include a cdrom line?17:31
ograno, wait17:31
ograsee the bottom, should work the same in jaunty17:31
ograthe cdromupgrade script should do it17:32
pmatulisogra: ok but i assumed the cdromupgrade was a gui thing17:32
ograyou might need update-manager-core i think it triggers update-manager17:33
pmatulisi'll just try it here17:33
ograi pinged mvo in #ubuntu-devel, he should know the answer :)17:34
pmatulisogra: heh, i got him before i came here, but he must be away17:35
ograyeah, likely pretty exhausted after all the upgrade testing :)17:36
pmatulisogra: yup, it works17:37
pmatulisogra: k, to avoid getting errors you do this:17:39
pmatulissudo ./cdromupgrade --frontend=DistUpgradeViewText17:39
ograah, sweet17:39
pmatulisi'll ping mvo that he need not ping both of us back17:40
laurisis there some kind of ubuntu archive with 7.10 packages available online ?18:28
Hecatelauris, try packages,ubuntu.com18:42
laurisfound all needed packages to install update-manager-core \o/18:47
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pmatulisi'm looking for the mythical mass user creation script,  i heard about the perl script 'createusers'.  does anyone have any experience with it?19:12
jmedinapmatulis: what do you want to do?19:12
pmatulisjmedina: heh, create a batch of users, perhaps providing an input file containing usernames and passwords19:13
yann2pmatulis > what's that?19:13
yann2sounds an awful lot like my adduser.sh script ^^19:14
yann2want me to pastebin it?19:14
pmatulisyann2: where do i find it?  sure19:14
yann2http://pastebin.com/d7b8e6cb7  its a list of these :)19:16
yann2not very clean but when you have the same 3-4 users to create everywhere it helps19:16
yann2else you can look at puppet :)19:16
pmatulisyann2: ok, disabling the p/w is one way to push a script through19:18
yann2it's because i use ssh keys19:19
jmedinaI used a CSV file with two columns username,password in plaintext19:19
jmedinathen I used a simple command line to auto user creation19:20
jmedinawell that was for user in ldap/samba19:20
yann2jmedina > because you know the password of you users? bad bad you :)19:20
jmedinayann2: well Im root :D19:20
yann2root? :(19:21
yann2even as root you shouldnt know your users password19:21
yann2that way if someone cancels your ssh key you cant connect19:21
PhotoJimI don't know my users' passwords.  I create one for them, and then tell them to change it.  And I don't make a note of it, so even if they don't, I no longer have it.19:23
jmedinayann2: yeap, they change their password at first login via windows :D19:25
jmedinaotheres using a web interface, of course there is a password policy19:26
jmedinathis script it is only for the first import19:27
R4nD0m0324Hey All20:02
R4nD0m0324has anyone here ever used Arcserve backup software?20:02
jmedinaR4nD0m0324: a few years ago, than I changed to bacula20:02
R4nD0m0324did you ever have any performance issues?20:03
sbeattieHeh, the last time I touched Arcserve was... 1996 or so. That brings back some memories.20:10
jmedinaivoks are you there?20:27
gioelein which configuration file the actual Postfix mail delivery is handed-off to Dovecot?20:30
andolgioele: How do you mean?20:35
jmedinagioele: it cant be in main.cf as mail_command and as a service/transport in master.cf20:40
jmedinait depends of your configuration20:40
lamontgioele: master.cf, mixed with main.cf defining the transport, I expect... OTOH, I haven't actually looked20:50
jgjonesGreetings all20:55
jgjonesWould anyone know of a case where the network within VM's running on XenServer (Citrix) would be flaky?20:55
jgjonesI have a Ubuntu VM running on that, with SSH. Internally I can always access it without issues whatsoever.20:56
jgjonesADSL Router - port 22 is forwarded to the ubuntu VM (static IP)20:56
jgjonesSometime I can access it.20:56
jgjonesSometime I can't access it - it seem to die after a while.20:56
jgjonesand seem to wake up after I access it internally.20:56
jgjonesanyone have a clue?20:57
jmedinajgjones: probably some problem with tcp checksums or the timer21:00
jgjonesand how would I check this?21:00
jmedinajgjones: you need to use a packet sniffer and look for any problems21:00
jmedinabue well, that is about xenserver21:00
jmedinanot ubuntu itself, probably there is more info in citrix forums or in #xen21:01
jgjonesok I'm not sure how to use a packet sniffer to check - internally it does always work.21:01
jmedinawhat you mean internal?21:02
jgjonesbut when doing externally - ie from different location over internet - nmap scanning would tell me the port is filtered instead of open21:02
jgjonesinternal - behind router, in same location21:02
jgjonesubuntu vm would be with the router as
jgjonesport 22 forwarded to
jmedinajgjones: in DomU try something like this21:02
jmedinaethtool -K eth0 tx off21:03
jmedinathat have solved alot of problems with xen and linux domu21:03
jgjonesok thanks, I've saved that into a note21:06
jgjonesfor further reading - like to undersand what it does etc.21:07
gioelejmedina, lamont: no, the master.cf does not define a dovecot transport (I'm adding one right now) and main.cf does not mention it at all21:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #365259 in samba (main) "on update to jaunty, configuration questions are asked in curses dialog but debconf is configured to use kde" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36525921:12
lamontgioele: and you have mail diverted to dovecot, or you want to have mail diverted?21:14
lamontif the former, then I'd expect to see it in master.cf.  If in the latter, uh, not sure21:14
gioelelamont: I would like to have dovecot handle all the mail delivery (as stated in all the dovecot-postfix announcements)21:15
pmatulisi just upgraded to jaunty on a fresh test vm and the security respository was disabled.  anyone know why?21:24
lamontgioele: I expect that installing postfix-dovecot should DTRT, though others here would be better for answering that21:26
gioelelamont: I expected the same, but actually I cannot find how postfix-dovecot affects postfix. It installs a particular dovecot config file, but seems to do nothing on the postfix side21:27
scope006anyone have any knowledge on getting your open_files_limit above 1024 for mysql on ubuntu server21:28
geniiscope006: Something like open_files_limit = 32768 under the heading [mysqld]         in the /etc/mysql/my.cnf21:33
scope006genii, yeah but for some reason it caps at 1024 even if i set it higher21:34
gioelescope006: ulimits maybe21:36
scope006gioele, yeah it looks like you have to add entries for the mysql username to /etc/security/limits.conf21:37
u16602how can I start firefox in a terminal or from a script but then fork it to run in the background (so I'm able to do other things in gnome terminal)22:25
sorenYou add '&' to the end of the command line... but I really have to ask why you came in here - of all places - to ask this question? firefox? gnome-terminal?22:26
matttsoren: :)22:36
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ShapeshifterHi. Does someone know a wrapper for apt/aptitude or other apt clients that have pretty output? apt-get is awful. As a demo what I call pretty, this is pacman output (archlinux) http://stuff.moritzg.ch/prettypacman.png Is there something like that to wrap around apt* ? Asking, as I want to use ubuntu-server on a few servers and not arch.22:53
johnny5I'm currently running Ubuntu Server in a vmware session using a Bridged network. Is this optimal? It seems like it's slow loading?23:10
musikgoat|mainjohnny5: you could have alot of I/O going on,  is the vm disk local or networked23:16
johnny5it's strictly for local development23:18
johnny5i was thinking maybe, requests were going through too much back and forth23:19
johnny5or something to that effect23:19
johnny5maybe I just need to tune apache and mysql23:19
orudieсамый пре самый брутальный метал23:57

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