
paranThe patch for bug 345397 in evdev 1:2.1.1-1ubuntu4 causes a bad regression for me, key repeat is disabled for certain arrow keys.00:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345397 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "[patch] Fix ability to modify keyboard repeat rate" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34539700:45
paranA commend warned that this regression had been observed with this patch on Intrepid. I made a comment there, should I also report the regression as a new bug?00:45
bryceparan, yep00:52
paranbryce: ok, will do that tomorrow then.00:57
JanCbryce: does Ubuntu support multiseat systems?  ツ03:49
crdlbseveral people in +1 have said that their xorg.conf files are blank today04:12
crdlbis this intentional?04:12
JanCcrdlb: Xorg files are supposed to be (almost) blank since intrepid04:43
crdlbsure, the skeleton is great04:43
crdlbbut I got the impression it was _completely_ blank04:43
JanCwell, that shouldn't really matter AFAIK04:44
crdlbit matters a lot :)04:44
crdlbbecause it makes trivial additions non-trivial04:44
JanCmost people shouldn't make "trivial additions"04:45
crdlbeg changing the AccelMethod or enabling AccelDFS04:45
crdlbthere's no reason not to include the skeleton04:45
JanCand it's easy enough to recreate a skeleton xorg.conf if you really need it04:46
crdlbit's a pointless extra step04:46
crdlbthe skeleton doesn't break any of the autoconfig04:46
JanCnot really, as for most people it's a pointless step to parse xorg.conf  ;)04:46
JanCwhy parse a skeleton xorg.conf?04:48
crdlbwho is the implied subject in that sentence? X?04:49
JanCmost people don't even know xorg.conf exists04:49
crdlband they can stay ignorant even if it does exist04:50
JanCand AFAIK configuration tools will create it if needed04:50
crdlbthere are no configuration tools to add Option "AccelDFS" (and there shouldn't be)04:51
crdlbbut that doesn't mean you should be wasting my time by not including the skeleton04:51
JanCif there is no reason for configuration tools to set that option, there is no need for that option04:52
JanCexcept for debugging maybe04:52
JanCand it's not me that decides  ;)04:52
crdlbthe option makes EXA usable on my GPU, but it cannot be enabled by default due to buggy hardware that I don't have04:52
JanCright, so the blacklisting should be refined04:53
crdlbyou have yet to suggest a reason not to include the skeleton04:54
JanC... or to include it04:54
JanCI don't really care, except maybe parsing it takes time but is useless for most people04:55
crdlbparsing it is negligable04:56
JanCwell, I still have it, so duno  :P04:57
JanCworst case you have to recreate it once04:57
crdlbyes, which multiplies by every single user I have to tell it to04:57
JanCdpkg-reconfigure will take care of that I suppose04:57
crdlbit does, indeed04:57
JanCcrdlb: the users you should tell that to should be a tiny minority, otherwise this should be configured automaticly (and if not, it's a bug)04:58
crdlbthis is the real world :)04:59
JanCwell, help work on getting it fixed in the next version then (although I haven't heard anybody who really needed that option to get a working system, maybe that depends on what you want to do)05:00
crdlbI just fundamentally don't see the logic in not including an xorg.conf05:01
crdlbI foolishly assumed it was a bug ...05:01
JanCand by help I mean: report bugs & help testing & help nagging when it's still possible to change things ;)05:01
JanCthe ultimate goal is to get rid of xorg.conf, so everything that still needs it is a bug  ;)05:02
crdlbno, the ultimate goal is to not need the xorg.conf for anything05:03
crdlbwhich is perfectly served by installing a static xorg.conf with the distro05:03
JanCif you don't need it, then it's useless to install it05:04
crdlbit does not follow that you should delete it, though05:04
JanCmaybe an empty file with only a comment about running dpkg-reconfigure would be useful for now05:07
JanCfor those people who don't read upgrade notes etc.  ;)05:07
crdlbthe skeleton is 11 lines :)05:09
JanCwell, I don't think anything is gonna change before tomorrow  ;)05:12
crdlbof course :)05:12
crdlbstop the release!!!05:13
JanCthere are much more serious issues than this  :-(05:13
JanCright, as well as AMD/ATI AFAIK   :p05:14
JanCwell, maybe less than intel05:14
crdlbthe radeon driver is quite nice this cycle :)05:14
JanCduno, I have only intel (3x)05:15
* crdlb has no intel05:15
JanCanyway, I'm gonna sleep, 6:15 am here  ;)05:16
crdlbskip it ;>05:16
mnemo"Intel Linux Driver Kills The Netbook Experience"12:16
mnemosadly I have to agree :(12:16
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apwjbarnes, about?16:58
jbarnesapw: yeah16:58
apwjbarnes, just had some feedback on the new mchbar patches, which i refactored onto our kernel, positive16:59
apwso i'll be cleaning those up and getting back with you 'Tested-by ...' like16:59
jbarnesgreat I was just typing that but you beat me :)16:59
jbarnesI guess you can just reply to bjorn with the cleaned up version that worked for you and hopefully he'll just send it upstream16:59
apwalso just been talking about the other 965 hangs ... and there are rumours of swapping being involced17:00
apwi was wondering if the bit 17 swizzle fixups could be involved?17:00
jbarnessupposedly 965 doesn't generally have bit 17 issues17:00
jbarnesbut it's a possibility17:00
jbarnes(the swapping I mean)17:00
jbarnesshould be easy enough to test... just need a memory hog to run at the same time17:01
apwcan we tell if we have swizzling there from the dumps we get?17:01
jbarnesI don't think we provide that info right now...17:01
* jbarnes looks17:01
jbarnesyeah I think we'd have to add some printks to the mchbar checking code, but 965 doesn't have bit 17 swizzling17:05
jbarnesdoesn't mean the new swap code isn't causing problems though...17:05
brycejbarnes: I realized I didn't run with the dri option in the last couple dumps I gave you... will try again today if it still seems relevant17:18
jbarnesok thanks17:18
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brycetjaalton: I've been mulling over setting up an xorg-updates ppa or some such, with newer drivers for jaunty.  17:37
brycetjaalton: maybe as a ppa in xorg-edgers; it seems to fit well with what tormod does17:37
brycetjaalton: sound interesting to you?17:38
mnemobryce: would you then be willing to push those packages to main if they prove to be reeeally solid ?17:43
brycemnemo: well...  they couldn't go to jaunty since that's released17:43
brycemnemo: but yes, they'd be pushed to karmic main as well17:44
mnemook, there is no way xorg/intel driver gets updated through SRU/propsed and so no?17:44
bryceright, only cherrypicked bug fixes17:44
mnemoim gonna be on karmic anyway17:45
mnemoi want UXA to be rock solid for 9.1017:45
brycein certain, very very rare circumstances, an entire driver can go in as SRU, but only like if the driver was entirely busted and non-functional for everyone17:45
mnemoyea I guess intel in jaunty is bad but not nearly bad enough17:46
brycebut my idea with xorg-updates is to provide a way for jaunty users to get around this by getting new drivers to play with17:47
bryceanother idea along with that, is that we could "test run" driver updates there for karmic, before putting them into main17:48
bryceso if there are like major issues, we can identify them there and then hold off on doing the update17:48
brycebut that's just a side idea; dunno if it's worth the extra effort17:48
mnemoI think part of the problem is that intel ddx and mesa is not well tested with .28 kernel... upstream is testing more carefully with .29 right now and .30 soon17:49
* bryce nods17:50
mnemoa karmic PPA would be very nice though17:50
jbarnes2.6.28 should actually be ok... but dri1 & exa don't get much love these days17:51
mnemobryce: we're moving to UXA right away in karmic right?17:51
bryceyeah I'm unsure if we did an xorg-unstable, if it should be driver/mesa updates only, or also include new xserver, kernel, etc.17:51
bryceto keep it simple maybe just stick with major driver updates (e.g. -intel 2.7, etc.)17:52
tjaaltonbryce: yeah, sounds fine18:12
=== mvo__ is now known as mvo
brycejbarnes: system still freezes with that buffer reuse option turned off19:29
jbarnesbryce: arg19:29
brycejbarnes: want the gpu data?19:29
jbarnesif you have the INTEL_DEBUG=batch output, yes19:30
bryceis there a way to set that by default?  having to remember to restart gdm with that set each time is a PITA19:30
brycei.e. no this does not have that set19:31
jbarnesyou'd have to put it in one of the X session files i guess19:32
brycesometimes I wonder if you guys make up these options just to keep testers busy ;-)19:32
bryceis there a way to check post-boot whether the option is in effect?19:33
jbarnesbryce: yeah if we delay fixing the bug long enough the chip stops shipping :)19:34
jbarnesdunno about a post-boot check no19:34
jbarnesaside from seeing if you're getting tons of log output19:34
brycethat would do.  log output in what file?19:35
jbarnesthe gdm log iirc19:40
jbarneslike albert23 had19:40
bryceis that gdm log file useful to you to include in the data dumps?  If so I'll add it to the guide.19:41
jbarnesif it has the batch output, otherwise it's not interesting19:41
bryceis the batch output included in intel_gpu_dump or /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915* or dmesg as well, already?19:42
jbarnesno the INTEL_DEBUG=batch option makes dri clients dump a bunch of stuff while they execute19:43
jbarneswhich just ends up on stderr I think for that client19:43
jbarnesso if you start gdm that way its log will have all the batch output19:44
jbarnesfor anything X does anyway19:44
brycewhoa, no kidding, that's a lot of data19:44
bryce(fwiw, I just stuck it in /etc/init.d/gdm directly)19:46
jbarnesyeah albert23's last attachment was several megs19:46
bryceI see that an easy way to tell that it's in effect is that it slows the system down noticeably19:48
brycejbarnes: when setting dri options with driconf, do those take effect instantly or only on reboot?19:51
jbarnesthey'll take effect on newly started dri clients19:51
jbarnesany running clients won't pick up the change though afaik19:52
bryceok, now have a freeze with the dri option, your patch, and INTEL_DEBUG=batch.19:53
bryceintel_context.c:527: Batchbuffer flush with 404b used19:55
brycehrm, the compressed tarball with the gdm.log is 100mb20:18
bryce74 mb to be specific20:19
jbarnescan you put it somewhere?20:21
jbarnesbtw I hope you can meet w/anholt, would probably go much faster20:22
brycewaiting on it to upload to launchpad... might be a while20:24
brycemeanwhile, snag it from:  http://www2.bryceharrington.org:8080/files/i915_debugfs_bwh6.tgz20:25
brycejbarnes: ^20:30
jbarnesbryce: wow almost a gig uncompressed :)20:37
brycegood compression ratio... lotsa 0x00000 ;-)20:37
bryceyeah it had to run for a bit before locking up20:37
bryceit locked up while the switch-desktop OSD was showing, fwiw20:38
brycejbarnes: there is a Canonical meet up downtown Portland this friday that I'll be at, that anholt could come to if it would help for him to sit in front of the affected hw20:41
brycejbarnes: at least 3 people with affected systems will be there20:41
jbarnes_bryce: ok cool20:50
bryceforwarding the invite20:50
bryceheh, compiz is starting to get piles of "compiz suddenly stopped working!!1!" bug reports20:55
mnemobryce: is there any way I could subscribe to all incoming intel ddx and mesa bugs? i'm thinking it would be useful to help out with triage etc21:08
brycemnemo: yes, you can get this by joining the ubuntu-x-swat team21:08
brycemnemo: that will actually subscribe for all of the X bug reports, so you may have to use a filter to only include the source package(s) you actually care about21:09
mnemobryce: cool, I requested to join now21:11
bryceawesome, I've approved you21:11
mnemobryce: you use the "X-Launchpad-Bug: sourcepackage=blah" mailheader to sort the mail right?21:22
brycemnemo: exactly21:23
bryceX-Launchpad-Message-Rationale also can be useful in narrowing down what gets put in your mailbox, but sourcepackage= should take care of th ebulk of it21:24
mnemoright.. I use thunderbird so im thinking maybe I can sort into folders based on package and then color the mails based on bug status or something like that21:27
* bryce nods21:32
bryceI use mutt, and colorize based on status changes21:32
brycemnemo: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/156128/21:33
bryceheya tormod21:34
brycetormod: I was thinking of an idea sort of inspired from xorg-edgers, to set up a ppa for jaunty updates, but only for stable releases, so people who want newer drivers but not risky git updates have a place to snag them21:35
brycetormod: pretty bare bones so far, but it will be living at https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates21:36
tormodhi bryce! that's exactly what we have in ~intel-gfx-testing21:49
tormodI have just been waiting for 2.7.1...21:50
brycetormod: oh, didn't realize that was still being maintained21:51
tormod(looking) I see you go beyond intel21:51
bryceshould we merge these two things?21:51
tormodwell maintained... I am waiting for a "stable" version :)21:51
brycehave you found 2.7.0 not stable enough?21:52
tormodno, just the intel x.y.0 experience21:52
* bryce nods21:52
brycewell, a secondary reason I have for setting this up is to pre-test packages we're considering for karmic, to help us find major issues before uploading21:53
tormodthe only reason for having a separate intel repo is that intel needs newer libdrm, the other drivers usually don't21:53
bryceer, before uploading to karmic21:53
jcristautormod: also intel breaks more than others :)21:54
tormodotherwise we can just use your xup and forget about intel-gfx-testing21:54
tormodjcristau: true, it should be kept isolated, and be touched with gloves :)21:55
brycetormod: I think it'd be fine to carry newer libdrm's in xup... in fact you can see I already pulled in debian's libdrm 2.4.9 :-)21:55
bryceit's the kernel dependencies that I worry most about...21:56
tormodyes those are a pita - I guess the "mainline kernels" repo will be popular21:57
* tormod runs 2.6.30rc3 btw21:58
bryceI talked to apw about getting a .dsc for 2.6.30-rc2, although not sure if he's had time to set it up21:58
brycefor xup I'm thinking of restricting it to only updates that can run on the given series' kernel and xserver21:59
tormodyeah that's a good rule21:59
brycebut updates to mesa, lib's, etc. are okay21:59
jcristaui'd be pissed if the driver stopped working with "old" kernels. but maybe that's already happened..21:59
tormodfor the time being this == xorg-edgers22:00
bryceif we find we need something more than that, then maybe that calls for a specialized ppa, something in xorg-edgers perhaps22:00
mnemojcristau: since eric is ripping out EXA/DRI1 I guess it will soonish run only on GEM kernels (which I think is .28 and later) .. not sure when they will merge the cleanup branch to master though22:02
jcristaubut i need partial upgrades from lenny to work. that means .26...22:02
tormodcan it not run without acceleration? sounds like it dead slow anyway22:04
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brycejbarnes: another dri_debug dump with INTEL_DEBUG - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36529923:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365299 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] X freeze while running repro script" [Undecided,New]23:43
jbarnesbryce: ok thanks23:44
jbarnesgod interactive perf sucks when a build is going on23:44

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