
Jabonethank you, how about toggle mute?00:02
MTec007_toggle mute?00:05
MTec007_i dont know about toggle. my mute key on my keyboard is set to aumix -v0   and thats default00:05
MTec007_if you find a toggle let me know!00:06
MTec007_BooVeMan_work, it says i connected to the router but i cant access the config in my browser so i must not be fully connected.00:17
BooVeMan_workcan you ping?00:17
MTec007_what is the syntax of ping on linux?00:18
BooVeMan_workping 192.1687.0.100:18
MTec007_dont i have to specify the ammount of pings so it doesnt constantly ping?00:18
BooVeMan_workper default its constat do a ctrl+c to stop it00:19
JaboneMTec007_: i made a script that check mute state00:19
MTec007_BooVeMan_work, ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted00:21
MTec007_Jabone, cool00:21
Jaboneif [ "`/usr/bin/amixer get 'Master' | grep off`" ]00:21
Jabonethen /usr/bin/amixer set 'Master' unmute00:21
Jaboneelse /usr/bin/amixer set 'Master' mute00:21
BooVeMan_workMTec007_: thats a firewall issue00:22
JaboneMTec007_: quite simple but works00:22
BooVeMan_workif you have ufw runnign stop it for the moment00:22
BooVeMan_workthe default ubuntu firewall00:23
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist00:23
MTec007_i use firestarter00:23
=== CYF is now known as CloseYetFar
MTec007_BooVeMan_work, i can connect to the internet in every aspect but cant ping?00:25
BooVeMan_workthis would mean that you are blocking ICMP packages00:26
BooVeMan_workor you are tgetting a different IP ragne for your wireless client and that is blocked while clabel bound is open00:27
MTec007_im probably blocking ICMP00:27
BooVeMan_workthats why you can't ping :-)00:27
MTec007_ok ping yahoo.com works but not ping   still operation not permitteed00:30
BooVeMan_workmay be that your local network uses a different IP range00:31
BooVeMan_workifconfig should tell you at least your ip00:31
BooVeMan_workand the default gateway00:31
MTec007_but i can connect to the router config now00:35
MTec007_and apparently ping too00:35
MTec007_Jabone, how do I map that script to the mute button00:42
aetherfishhey can somebody help me with some printer issues? I can't print from openoffice but everything else works01:33
celthunderaetherfish so you can print from other applications?01:34
aetherfishI can print web pages from firefox perfectly fine, and pdf too01:34
aetherfishwhen I try printing from openoffice01:34
aetherfishit spews out some stuff that seems to be like the internal code or something01:35
BooVeMan_workhmm did you try #openoffice - seems a openoffice issue01:35
aetherfishhmm okay thanks a lot01:35
celthunderaetherfish, are you using CUPS?01:36
BooVeMan_worksorry that would be #openoffice.org01:36
aetherfishoh heh right01:36
aetherfishyes, I am01:36
aetherfishI'm using printer drivers downloaded from the manufacturer website01:36
celthunderdoes it actually show the name of your printer when you try to print in openoffice?01:36
aetherfishnot sure what you mean01:37
aetherfishthe first two pages consists of / followed by the names of all the characters the printer knows01:37
celthunderlike does it just say "Generic Printer" or does it say "PRINTER BRAND/etc"01:37
aetherfishlike /tilde /trademark /scaron etc.01:37
celthunderi meant on the screen01:37
BooVeMan_worklike hitting the print button in the toolbar or going through the print dialog and selecting a rpinter - which should show up as in the pdf application01:37
celthunderlike when you go to print and the dialog shows up01:37
aetherfishwell the thing is it worked fine a couple days ago when I first installed the drivers, but it just stopped working inexplicably01:38
aetherfishand yes, it shows the model number of the printer01:38
celthundercompletely up to date openoffice i hope?01:39
aetherfishuh I guess... it's not terribly outdated at least01:39
BooVeMan_worktried restarting cups or is this a not constantly running machine01:39
aetherfishyeah I've tried restarting01:40
aetherfishreinstalled the drivers too01:40
aetherfishsame issue01:40
celthunderdoes this apply only to openoffice writer or all openoffice apps?01:41
aetherfishoh hmm01:41
aetherfishhaven't tried, let me try now01:41
aetherfishit applies to all openoffice apps01:42
celthunderwhat kind of printer and model is this?01:43
aetherfishBrother HL-5370DW01:43
celthunderaetherfish, sorry, i'm not really sure...did you try drivers other than the manufacturors?01:46
aetherfishno, not really...01:46
aetherfisheverything worked fine up until today...01:46
celthunderso just today...did you do any updates today?01:47
aetherfishlast night I updated libxine and stuff01:47
aetherfishI checked, nothing pertaining to printing01:47
celthunderwhich version of ubuntu are you on and which version of openoffice/01:47
aetherfishhardy heron01:47
aetherfishopenoffice 2.4.101:47
celthundernot sure...i dont have a brother printer, i dont really print from openoffice...and honestly thats pretty out of date stuff...gl though if you find what was wrong id love to know (for future reference)01:49
aetherfishheh... thanks so much though01:49
aetherfisheh I guess I'll update openoffice and see if that helps01:49
xerxesHow do i install the tor-router on jaunty?01:50
xerxesthere seems to be no installation candidate01:50
xerxes!tor on jaunty01:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tor on jaunty01:51
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks01:51
BooVeMan_workjust tor? not tor-router01:52
xerxeswhats the difference01:54
xerxesapt-get also doesnt find tor-router01:54
BooVeMan_workno idea never used tor01:55
xerxesaptitude says it finds no candidate version01:56
xerxeshow can i fix that?01:56
BooVeMan_workxerxes: https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorOnDebian02:03
xerxesYeah...I saw that, BooVeMan..they did it with deb...but there seems to be no deb in jaunty02:05
BooVeMan_workxerxes: so I reckon you'll have a) to wait or b) build yourself02:08
xerxesok i try to build myself...wish me luck02:10
BooVeMan_workor before you may try the debian sid package as jaunty is based on sid?02:13
xerxesHow do I configure for sid?02:13
xerxesI even dont find the deb-src package here as in the build instructions :\02:14
BooVeMan_workadd deb     http://mirror.noreply.org/pub/tor sid main to sources,list02:14
BooVeMan_workxerxes: sources may be downloaded as tar from torproject.org02:15
xerxesthere is no deb-program on my jaunty, BooVeMan_work02:16
xerxesaptitude doesnt find it02:16
xerxesBut I have all repositories enabled so far02:16
BooVeMan_workadd the line I gave to your sources.list, run sudo apt-get update watch for errors and then run apt-get install tor02:16
xerxesim new to this debian/ubuntu thing so im stupid02:16
BooVeMan_workhave to go - bye02:18
xerxes_well, i have no public-gpg key, apt-get says...how do i do THAT?02:20
xerxes_*overwhelmed by thousands unix programs*02:21
xerxes_I thing I sticked to long with windows :\02:21
xerxes_Do i need just generate a pgp-key for me?02:24
xerxes_apt-get says: NO_PUBKEY CFF71CB3AFA44BDD02:30
CppIsWeird2how can i make a raw image of a hard drive (that is not currently mounted) to a file in such a way that i can mount the file as a container like a .img or .iso file?02:32
xerxes_Or is that the pgp-key for sid?02:32
xerxes_and it doesnt work bcse i have jaunty?02:33
kkruithey I am a php programmer (i know i know) and i know a little bit of c++ but would like to become familiar with C and the easiest way for me to learn i think is to start a project. dose anyone know of anything that would bee a good tutorial or maybe even something i could do that would be helpful to the community while i'm learning?04:31
cody-somervillekkruit, Do you want to learn C or C++?04:32
kkruiti would like to eventually get to get into kernel development or something similar.04:35
cody-somervillekkruit, http://www.physics.drexel.edu/courses/Comp_Phys/General/C_basics/04:36
cody-somervilleGoogle returns *tons* of stuff04:36
cody-somervilleSee #ubuntu-offtopic for more04:37
kkruitthanks again ... sorry for going off topic :)04:38
anita20Hi, can anyone help?07:17
ballWhat's the question?07:17
anita20I'm havin issues with the screen resolution of a fresh installation07:17
anita20the only option it allows is 640*48007:17
ballThat's strange.07:17
anita20(i think if I set it to default it actually runns on 800*600)07:18
ballWhat display adaptor do you have?07:18
anita20I checked some forums and tried editing the config filed and it didn´t work07:18
anita20I just use the on board adaptor07:18
anita20don´t have a graphic card07:18
Hetorhow to make a hotkey for switching keyboard layouts?07:18
anita20Do you know about anything I can do to make it work on 1024*768?07:19
anita20wait, I think I have an nvidia card07:20
Hetor(09:18:55 AM) Hetor: how to make a hotkey for switching keyboard layouts?07:20
anita20let me double check07:20
* ball nods07:21
anita20yes, it is an nvidia old graphics card07:24
anita20from xubuntu, how can I know the specs of the compupter?07:26
ballanita20: open a terminal window and type "lspci" without the quotes.07:27
ball...you may see something in the output that relates to your display adaptor07:28
ballor "lspci|more"07:28
anita20thanks, let me check and i´ll let you know what i see07:29
anita20indeed, nvidia tnt207:29
anita20well, the thing is, i am still not able to change the config07:30
Sinisterwhats the best program to get the cover art incoded into the mp3 so it liiks good07:30
MTec007_Would there happen to be any tobacco users in here?07:30
anita20to change the resolution07:30
anita20*01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV5 [RIVA TNT2/TNT2 Pro] (rev 11)07:30
ballSinister: why would you put cover art /in/ an MP3?!07:30
Sinisterso i can see it on my blackberry07:31
ballanita20: if the open source drivers don't work well, you may have to resort to the ones nVidia provide07:31
MTec007_ball, so the cover art is always with the mp307:31
* ball has never seen that.07:31
ballI've seen ID3 tags07:31
anita20do you think the ones under http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_180.51.html fit my case?07:31
Sinisterwell anytime you see the cover aret with out downloading it int already done07:32
ballanita20: I don't know.07:32
ballbrb, rebooting07:33
Sinisteri dont think amarok writes to the file07:33
MTec007_Sinister, http://www.blackberryforums.com/general-blackberry-discussion/115944-mp3-cover-art.html07:34
MTec007_Sinister, nevermind07:34
Sinisterdo you have a blackberry ?07:34
SinisterMTec007_, ?07:35
MTec007_Sinister, no i have a gen1 cherry chocolate07:35
Sinisteri had a dare 3 months old still have it blackberry 4 days its so god damn hard it makes me sick07:36
Sinisteri got 30 days to decide07:37
Sinisterball why did you have to reboot ?07:37
ballSinister: because I'm new to Linux07:37
MTec007_Sinister, i think i found something but you'd use itunes to embed07:37
ball...and the update thing told me to.07:38
Sinisteri think easytag will work now that i look at it07:38
MTec007_i reboot too xubuntu starts to slow down after a while07:38
Sinisterwhat is it MTec007_07:38
MTec007_it doesnt specifically say blackberry but its worth a shot i think, http://blog.michael-forster.de/2009/01/embedding-cover-images-in-mp3-files-for.html07:39
ballIt seems very strange to have a working Java plug-in on Linux07:39
MTec007_ball, ?07:39
ballMTec007_: I'm used to a platform where that's not an option07:40
Sinisteri think i need windows to use that MTec007_07:40
MTec007_yeah hence me saying "Sinister, i think i found something but you'd use itunes to embed"07:40
MTec007_i assumed when you asked what it was you had a windows installation somewhere07:41
Sinisteri got rid of windows in 1995 i dont know linux worth a shit but at least i dont have to reboot07:41
MTec007_theres that dont have to reboot thing again07:42
MTec007_i switched to linux and it slows down every so often so i have to reboot...07:42
MTec007_i dont get it07:42
Sinisterdo you look in top and see whats running ?07:43
* ball doesn't run Windows on his own machines07:43
Sinistereasytag is what i downloaded i think thats what i want07:43
MTec007_tons of stuff even on a reboot07:43
Sinisterlook for thinks that you closed but never died07:44
Sinisteri dont care if someone uses windoes or linux im just cheep and linux is free07:44
ballSinister: free and rather good at the same time.07:45
Sinisterwell with not running windows i have nothing to compair it to07:45
MTec007_i have an active windows installation but it hasnt been booted since i installed xubuntu07:46
Sinisteri did buy a new pc last year it had the new windows on it i was lost i got so much spam i couldnt open a web page i was just lost07:46
* ball usually runs NetBSD07:47
Sinisterthis is my 3rd ubuntu before that i was with fedora for a few years then suse then slack just after windows only thing i wanted was to dos people07:47
Sinisteri just need to be able to d/l sponge bob for my kids and put them on dvd the oldest one is 5 and to him im a god07:48
MTec007_i used windows and then RH9 went back to windows for years and then to xubuntu07:48
ballCP/M -> unix -> unix -> unix -> Linux07:49
Sinisterwell windows must be good to many people using it im just against the dual boot if you install a os thats stable that it dont go down for months and you reboot 3 times a week mite as well stay with windows i figure07:49
Sinisterthe bigest think linux has is its rock solid07:50
Sinisterthat my thinking and most of the time im wrong07:50
ballBSD is rock solid too and makes a good server OS.  Linux is nicer for the desktop though.07:51
Sinisterid like to install bsd i think id like it pluss i like that devil07:51
MTec007_I dont like the way the windows world is going with viruses on the rampage, especially that new virus, the one the media freaked out about on April 1st... that's ridiculous imho.07:52
ballSinister: it's a daemon.07:52
ballMTec007_: Cornflicker?07:52
ballI heard about it on a mailing list.07:53
ballNon-issue for me though.07:53
MTec007_yeah i wasnt prone to receiveing it either even on my windows installation07:53
MTec007_by chance has any one tried that new smokeless tobacco by camel, 'snus' ?07:56
ballIf I could afford to smoke, I'd give up and buy new hardware.07:56
MTec007_its a habbit i cant quit07:56
MTec007_i need new hardware my laptop has a blown lcd inverter07:58
MTec007_just havnt had the money to buy a new inverter07:58
MTec007_atleast my laptop has vga out so im not without a computer :)08:02
Sinistermy friend used that snus08:05
Sinisterits just snuff thats all08:05
Sinistereither you do it in the bathroom or you look like a wacko snorting it up your nose08:06
Sinisterif im not working or hunting i never chew i think its seeing someone else chewing that makes me want it08:07
Sinisterif you chew bags or mint apple or any of that fake stuff people think your a fem anyway its better to quit then no one knows08:09
MTec007_Sinister, lol08:12
Sinisteri chewed for 30 years and stoped in one day and id molest a nun for a three finger chew of cope rite now08:12
=== MTec007_ is now known as MTec007
Sinisterwell shed have to be cute for god sake08:13
Sinisterif i put one in id be sick headache probly puke and its 5 bucks a can now after talking about all its good quilitys im dying for a chew08:15
MTec007im sorry, dont relapse..08:15
MTec007be strong!08:15
Sinisteri dont have to be strong my g/f would castrate me in the middle of the night08:16
Sinister15 bucks a day and i have 3 kids id rather buy them a dora movie08:17
Sinisteri work an incentive job if i have a grat week she lets me buy a few cigars so it all works out08:18
MTec007cigars, its been way too long for me08:18
Sinisterwell this easytag is too smart for me08:18
Sinistershe dont let me light them but i can chew on them till she figures i look stupid enuff08:19
MTec007my OpusX's just reached 7 months aging now  got 3 #4's and 3 #5's :P08:19
Sinisterthe cigar i like is the acids08:20
MTec007i started on those08:20
MTec007like non flavored now08:21
Sinisterwhen i do get to light them i like the smell08:21
Sinistersmells fancy08:21
MTec007Rocky Patel is another favorite of mine08:22
MTec007now im gonna have to go buy some cigars...08:22
Sinistermy limit is 15 bucks for a cigar a 30 dollar opus im gona have to fuck half way threw08:23
Sinisterever smoke a real cuban cigar ?08:23
Sinisterthats trash08:24
MTec007never had the pleasure. my brother in law has though he liked it08:24
MTec007i believe he said it doesnt match all the hype though.08:24
Sinisternot even close08:25
MTec007i got my opus for like $10 and $11 i believe...08:25
Sinisternot saying that someone couldnt go in and fix stuff its old mello tobaco08:25
MTec0077 months ago any way08:25
Sinister10 ?08:25
MTec007like i said i only have the #4 and #5 the smallest 2 sizes08:26
Sinister#4 should be at least 15 to 20 unless it was a small store i live in a one cigar store town also08:27
Sinistercuba makes too many cigars they still ship every whare08:28
Sinisterjust not to us08:28
MTec007it might have been  7 months is a long time to forget08:28
Sinisterif you get a nice cigar and its aged fora a few years in a sherry cask you cant go wrong but cuba dont have time to age them id rather have a blunt08:30
MTec007ive got a nice churchhill padrone with a 9 year aging08:31
MTec007ive got some nice cigars i dont smoke but i usually buy things like RP, Nub, etc for herfing08:33
MTec007i dont touch the padron or opus' for anything.08:34
Sinisterwell i smoked a cohiba sposto be 25 a stick wasnt worth 4 was loose rooled and was under 40 ring gauge and if we start trading with them were gona pay 50 bucks for a 2 dollar smoke08:35
MTec007tell you what see if your local shop carries "All Americas"  they are a cheap cigar they come in a plastic wrap brick but they are not bad at all. I've gotten a few guys from the Nashville Cigar Club to try them and they agree08:37
Sinisteri want a nice most cubans are under 50 i like a big cicar 60 something that weighs 3 ounces08:37
Sinisterim only aloud to get them on special events08:38
MTec007they were like $25/brick before the tax hike08:38
Sinisterlike if were having a new kid or they are picking a new pope08:38
MTec007go buy her a new car or something08:39
Sinisteri made some rum this weekend shes not talking to me yet08:39
Myrttigood morning08:40
Sinisterhold on ill show you my still i have to piut it on my page08:40
Sinisteri need a way to put pics from my blackberry to the web so people can see them whats the best place to use ?08:42
MTec007i dont know what works on a blackberry but drop.io is a good one08:43
Sinisteri used a beer keg everyone thinks there aluminum but there stainless08:43
MTec007or you can email the pics to me08:44
Sinister100 pounds brown sugar and 1 gallong molassas and some turbo yeast 2408:44
Myrttiso, is everyone excited over Jaunty coming tomorrow?08:44
MTec007im first in line!08:44
Sinistermsg me your email08:44
Sinisteri own skunkmilk.com thats what me and my friend are gona call out moon juice08:45
Sinistertasted a lot like horse piss saturday but today it taste like taqullia08:46
MyrttiI'd like to remind you that this channel is mainly for Xubuntu support08:46
Sinisteri dont like either i just drink beer bu i love making stuff like that and giving it to guys08:46
MTec007Myrtti, but its not peak usage time:)08:47
MyrttiMTec007: FYI, Europe is waking up08:47
Sinisterand this is what gets me threw my linux questions08:47
MTec007Myrtti, no one is here yet ;)08:47
MyrttiMTec007: your logic fails since I am here08:48
Sinisterfine ill stop talking08:48
MTec007Myrtti, do you need assistance?08:48
Sinistereurop always needs assistance08:48
* MTec007 jumps behind _Pete_ and hides08:49
Myrttiwhat I was actually wondering was has anyone else had problems with the latest kernel of Intrepid and wifi?08:49
Sinisterwhat kernel ?08:50
Myrtti2.6.27-14 x86_6408:50
Sinisteris that a special kernel for xubuntu ?08:52
Myrttiit's whatever is the latest for intrepid08:52
MTec007i have wifi but dont use it but i only have 2.6.27-11-generic so i couldnt be much help i dont think08:53
MyrttiI've got Intel 3945ABG as the wifi, and it works with -13, but not 1408:53
Sinisterim using Linux 2.6.27-11-generic08:53
MTec007i think the difference is 64bit maybe?08:54
MTec007gah, ive got a headache ill return soon.08:55
Sinisterare you 64 bit?08:55
MyrttiSinister: yup08:57
SinisterMTec007, did you get it?09:02
MTec007email was blank except for "Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry"09:03
Sinisterhold on09:03
Sinisterim gon shoot my self09:11
Sinisterok now look09:17
Sinisterim gona get my old dare out fuck this blackberry09:17
Sinisterwell did ya get something?09:20
MTec007couldnt view the attachment09:21
Sinistergive me 4 min09:21
MTec007its ok if ya cant get it :)09:21
Sinisterthen im shooting my self09:21
MTec007what would that solve?09:22
Myrttimind your languages, gentlemen09:23
MTec007does any one know how to end the processes btaddconn and bdelconn ?09:24
Myrttistop bluetooth related services?09:25
MTec007yes my laptop is not bluetooth enabled.09:26
MTec007but even then those processes keep on running09:26
Sinisterdear god that was pissing me off09:28
MTec007thats cool ill buy one09:28
Sinisterpeople started making grills out of the kegs so now there is 80 dollar deposit on them09:29
Sinisteri brased the top to put a blug in and some of the braze leaks but noit real bad09:30
Sinisterwe got 16 pints of 200 proof rum i guess is what it is09:30
MTec007sounds good to me09:31
Sinisterwe made it from malosas and brown sugar09:31
Sinisterit tasted like rum for 1 day then taqulia now like water that burns like acid09:32
MTec007i wonder what it will taste like next09:33
Sinisteri have 40 gallons of black rasberry and black berries made in to wine already its 4 years old i dont drink it i just give it to people09:33
Sinisteri use champagine yeast so it gets over 20 % so for winer its stronget than two mother fuckers09:34
MTec007mmm good wine and a good cigar..09:34
Sinisteri figure if i put a 1/5 of this 200 proof into a gallon of my berry wine ill either kill or cripple up people for months09:34
Sinisterdo you live in the us ?09:35
Sinisterwhat state ?09:35
Myrttiplease, mind your language, this channel is supposed to be suitable for everyone09:35
Sinisterim in pa09:35
Sinisternow i dont like the south either but i dont think tennessee is foul language09:36
Sinisterme and my brother in law painted in the 2nd largest mall in that state a christerfer banks and a cj banks store09:37
Sinisterwas two years ago now i was layed off and my sister made him take me09:37
Sinisterim back to work now09:37
Sinisterwe went to lowes then we went on to paint09:38
Sinisterit rained all days and that idiot in the 17 car won with his fancy yellow drills09:39
* MTec007 spits on nascar09:39
Sinisterany sport you like ?09:40
Sinistertry cricket or sport fucking09:40
MTec007wait i like the sport of watching tv09:40
Sinisteryeah i like tv and i could become prow at sleeping09:40
Sinistermy dad boxed a Kangarooo when he was 18 in 195709:41
Sinisterfirst time he seen one09:41
MTec007in pa?09:41
Kangaroooboxed? like a boxing?09:41
Sinisterwas 195709:42
Kangaroooit wasnt me09:42
Kangaroooi have shared a folder in xubuntu but cant copy to it from ubuntu.. ? what settings i need to change?09:42
MTec007pa = Pennsylvania?09:42
Sinisterit kicked his ass like he was talking nasty about its pouch09:42
Sinisteryes pennsylvania 195709:42
Sinisterpeople didnt care about animals then09:43
Sinisterhe said it ballenced on its tail and kicked the hell out of him09:43
Kangarooopouch is that bag? i dong understang english words out of ubuntu context :)09:43
MTec007there are no Kangaroo's in pa.. they are indigenous to Australia.09:43
Sinisterthen the guy talked him into getting in with a 35# monkey it hung from its tail and hit him with all 4 feet when it wasnt flinging shit at him09:44
Kangarooowhy i cant copy to shared folder in xubuntu?09:44
Sinisterthis was in a circus09:44
MyrttiSinister: this is the third time I'm warning ... no, FOURTH time I'm warning you about your language, and I'm not doing it again.09:44
Sinisterno shit there not in pa09:44
Sinisterthank you09:44
Myrttiok, I've had enough09:45
Sinisteryour sorta getting anoying09:45
MyrttiKangarooo: you can see the folder in your filemanager though?09:45
MTec007that was uncalled for Myrtti09:45
MyrttiMTec007: you're entitled to your opinion09:46
Kangaroooyes in ubuntu yes i see it under smb://xubuntuname/foldername09:46
MyrttiKangarooo: and you've tried to access it the same way in Xubuntu?09:46
Kangaroooi see but copy gives error09:46
Myrttiwhich error?09:46
MTec007Myrtti, that wasnt an opinion.09:46
MTec007Myrtti, you should go back to bed asap and wake up on the OTHER side.09:47
KangaroooError while copying "ssf-cho-xvid.avi". There was an error copying the file into smb://kangarooo-laptop/desktop/. Permission denied09:47
Kangaroooin xubuntu i cant acces any network neighborhood..09:47
Kangaroooi tryd manually adding in gigolo but no success but it should automaticaly be able to view network pcs..09:48
MyrttiKangarooo: you are aware that Xubuntu does not have Samba support out of the box?09:50
Kangaroooi installed09:50
davmor2Myrtti: :)09:50
Kangarooowhen in xubuntu sharring it automatically asked to install - sory user im xubuntu i dont have sambe would u like me to install smaba? I sed yes09:51
Kangarooo:) prety good english? :) so samba and sharing is ok.. how to acces network in xubuntu i dont know.. ill try google if there is no automatical solution09:52
ubottufusesmb is a tool that allows easy access to shared folders (smb) on a network.  Links with more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb09:52
Kangaroooso fusesmb is not automatical? i need to use terminal? 1 mkdir ~/Network 2 fusesmb Network 3  cd Network 4 ls -R   ?09:56
Kangaroooi had fusesmb already installed- i think from another programm pyNeighorhood but it also didnt mount shares.. so i need to manually put theese fusesmb commands in terminal?09:58
MyrttiI don't personally use samba so I can't help you more, sorry Kangarooo10:12
Kangarooowho knows how to share folders in xubuntu? i shared but maybe IN tab Users somethings needs to be changed? settings are SMB not a Wins server.. and in users tab one user - me10:14
Kangarooowhyy... i have to cahnge back to ubuntu.. :(10:18
KickAssClownCould you help me with making users have to login?10:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:27
KickAssClownHow do I enable the user login screen?10:28
Kangaroooi think u have autologin right?10:28
KickAssClownYup, it would seem so.10:28
ubottuuse @login10:28
ubottuError: You are not identified10:29
Kangarooogo to applications -> settings -> login10:29
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.10:29
Kangaroooand in tab security there is option autologin10:29
KickAssClownI was having a blind moment because I didn't see settings until you told me to look for the menu.10:32
KickAssClownThank you very much for your help. I'm going to go sleep.10:33
kromarif i install new hardware do i need to do something so xubuntu knows there is new hardware or will it update automaticly?10:49
gabkdllykromar: hi10:50
kromarand with new hardware i mean mainboard, cpu and gpu10:50
gabkdllykromar: xubuntu comes per default with a huge set of modules10:50
kromarso i can install the new hardware and just continue using the system?10:51
gabkdllykromar: you may take a look at Applications -> System -> Hardware Drivers10:51
gabkdllykromar: that is, after you have attached the new hardware10:52
kromarok thanks a lot:D10:53
gabkdllykromar: I have never done that myself though10:53
gabkdllykromar: that is, switched out an entire Mainboard10:53
kromarok, im gona report back after the upgrade... if everything worked:D10:54
kromarwould you install the 64bit version on a phenom II and 4gb ram?10:54
gabkdllykromar: I don't think xubuntu remembers what hardware you have, I think it looks for hardware at every boot, but I could be wrong10:55
gabkdllykromar: I have no experience with phenom, but I believe you will not see the full 4gh unless you install a 64-bit system10:56
kromarok, how do i burn the 64bit version to a cd in xubuntu?10:56
gabkdllykromar: xubuntu comes with the burning utility Brasero, found in Applications -> Multimedia10:57
gabkdllykromar: it gives you the option of burning an iso image10:57
gabkdllykromar: don't forget to checksum your image before burning, though10:57
gabkdllykromar: unless you got the image via bittorrent, then you don't need to10:58
kromarhow do i checksum the image?10:58
kromari downloaded it from the xubuntu page10:58
gabkdllykromar: on the xubuntu page there will be files called MD5SUMS, or similar11:01
gabkdllythey will contain the hashes for the iso files11:01
gabkdllyyou could for example run: md5sum ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso11:02
gabkdllyfrom a terminal11:02
gabkdllyor you can run a checksum with the torrent file11:02
gabkdllyif you prefer a GUI, you can use Transmission with the torrent file11:03
kromaris there a keyboard shortcut to start a terminal?11:03
kromarnice, thx11:04
gabkdllyalt-f2 lets you start any program11:05
gabkdllyfor example xfce4-terminal, which is probably what you want11:05
kromarok its the same, lets assume it would be different, then what would be wrong with the file? would it be not complete or a manipulated version or what?11:06
gabkdllyalternatively, you can run bash and check the "run in terminal" box, and that will have the same effect11:06
gabkdllythose are two possibilities, or there could have been a problem in the transmission, some packet got corrupted while transmitting over the internet11:07
kromarok thanks for the info11:07
kromarcan i bun it at max speed or is it recomenden to use a lower speed?11:08
gabkdllylower speeds tend to be more reliable11:08
gabkdllybut a speed of 4x should be sufficiently safe11:08
kromarhmm could only choose 32 and 42:O11:09
gabkdllythat will probably be ok11:09
gabkdllyyou can check the image after burning as well11:09
gabkdllywith brasero, or by booting in to the same disk and then running the check option11:10
gabkdlly"check CD for defects" or something like that11:11
kromarseems fine:D11:14
gabkdllygood :)11:15
gabkdllywelcome to ubuntu, by the way11:15
gabkdllyI will be gone in a couple of minutes11:16
kromarthanks:D im using it for some weeks now and im absolutely fascinated how easy everything is:d11:16
gabkdllysince you have lots of ram, you might try the ubuntu-desktop11:17
gabkdllyor any other desktop for that matter11:17
tavastiis there some 'known problems' list available for xubuntu 9.04 rc ?11:17
gabkdllyit is pretty easy to install and remove them11:17
gabkdllytavasti: I believe there is, probably on the wiki11:18
kromarwhats the difference from xubuntu desktop to ubuntu desktop?11:18
tavastikromar, ubuntu == gnome, xubuntu == xfce11:19
kromarhmm so what do i gain from using gnome?11:19
gabkdllytavasti: hmmm, looks like you might have to search launchpad11:21
gabkdllytavasti: or at least, I am not finding it on the wiki right away11:21
tavastigabkdlly, neither do I11:22
gabkdllykromar: actually, I usually prefer xfce, which is why you find me here rather than in the main ubuntu channel11:23
gabkdllykromar: but, ubuntu probably has more users than xubuntu, so issues might get addressed more quickly11:24
gabkdllykromar: some people find gnome easier to use11:24
kromari guess the ubuntu desktop has more "special effects" but thats exactly why i dont need it11:24
tavastiwith gnome you get gnome filosophy11:25
gabkdllykromar: but you can always try desktops out at no risks, and just wipe them afterwards if you don't like them11:25
kromari tried ubuntu but i like xubuntu more11:25
tavasti'we can't ask/show that for user, that's too complicated'11:25
gabkdllykromar: ah, good for you :)11:25
tavastiand I have that!11:25
tavastisorry, I hate that11:26
gabkdllygnome tries to hide configuration options from its users11:29
gabkdllyso as not to overwhelm them11:29
sartstavasti: instead of xfce filosofy: 'stupid config-dialogs... booooooooring' ;-)11:29
sartsbut they get implemented though,11:29
tavastisarts, actually I'm using fvwm :-)11:30
tavastixfce panel and desktop11:30
tavastiand I would prefer config files, and proper manuals11:31
tgr_hi i was wondering if the firefox in xubuntu is different than ubuntu firefox11:49
Hetor!how to restart the sound12:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:22
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:22
Hetor!restart sound12:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about restart sound12:25
Hetor!restarting sound12:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:25
BigMoopiesHello, I have an issue that (starts) with Intrepid, My NIC will just flash and never gets an IP# (DHCP?).  The network connection just keeps trying to connect.  I went and looked at Jaunty's RC's and ran it live.  It does the same thing.  This does NOT happen in Hardy (I am using hardy).  Is there a way to see what hardy has that Intrepid and so on messed up so I can update to Intrepid, Jaunty, and so on?12:33
Pres-GasHey, all.13:17
Pres-GasHello, noumaan13:37
noumaanWe are planning to work on a remastered version of xubuntu in our local language13:37
noumaanwe are a very small group of 3 or 4 people and we are thinking about translating Xubuntu and work on a version of it that has built in fantastic support for our locale13:38
noumaanbut now the problem is that I cant find xubuntu as a translation project on launchpad13:39
noumaanthere is ubuntu and I think all xubuntu packages are in there too but how do we know which packages we need to translate13:39
ubottuTranslate Ubuntu into your own language, important translations that are needed are listed first. See https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/13:40
noumaanPres-Gas,  I know and I am already there13:40
noumaanbut the think is we dont want to translate Ubuntu packages we just want to translate packages in xubuntu13:40
noumaanwe are a small team so we need to minimize the work13:41
Pres-Gasnoumaan, the problem with that is people who use your version and do not speak english may want/need to install packages that have not been translated and are big packages like evloution for example13:42
Pres-GasWhat language, noumaan?13:42
noumaanPres-Gas,  we considered that too and we have solution for that13:42
Pres-GasIs that a language that is left to right or right to left when you read it (pardon my ignorance)?13:43
noumaanthe solution is that we will ship a documentation with our remastered version this document tells people that if they want to use some application that is not being translated they need to email us and we will translate it13:43
noumaanyes it is a right to left language13:43
knomenoumaan, maybe you should just start ubuntu translation project and begin from the xubuntu default apps/desktop translations13:44
noumaanWe think xubuntu can bring great changes in rural and less developed areas13:44
noumaanknome,  thats what we are thinking as an alternate solution13:45
knomenoumaan, that is the way it should be done.13:45
knomenoumaan, then if somebody wants to translate ubuntu into urdu, they already have your work for start13:46
noumaanok so lets rephrase the question how do we get the list of packages installed during a default xubuntu installation?13:46
Pres-Gasnoumaan, have you posted to any of the (x)ubuntu mailing lists for translators in Urdu?  There may be ways for you to expand your team in that way and I am sure Canonical can be helpful as well as the community.  Considering I am from Indiana USA and have heard of the languange, I am sure there is a need for it to be translated to it.13:46
noumaanohh last year we tried translating ubuntu but failed because its too huge for our small team13:46
knomenoumaan, 'apt-cache depends xubuntu-desktop'13:46
noumaanknome,  god why this didnt came to my mind :)13:47
Pres-Gasnoumaan, I think it is great what you are doing.  Kudos for you and your team for just jumping in there!13:47
noumaanPres-Gas,  actually we have already released Urdu Slax13:47
Pres-GasVery nice13:47
noumaanbut you know slax is not supported on lots of hardware and providing support for it is difficult13:48
noumaanWe think that Ubuntu repositories is the way to popularize linux in Urdu language13:48
noumaanand I mean when I think what great changes it could bring to Urdu computing its just wonderful13:49
Pres-Gasnoumaan, is this your team?  http://www.iosn.net/south-asia/countries/pakistan/news/urdulinux/13:49
noumaanPres-Gas,  no13:49
noumaanPres-Gas,  unfortunately these people in the official team they hardly work13:50
noumaanas you can see during last so many years they have only translated 1000 or so strings13:50
noumaanthey are too bureaucratic to be volunteers on an open source project13:51
noumaanour team consists of me I am also part of Ubuntu Pakistan and Ubuntu Urdu teams13:51
noumaanand Makki the guy who translated XFCE 4.1 his translations are now outdated but some of them are available in ubuntu13:52
Pres-GasAhhh, so I would assume you have researched this enough with "http://www.google.com/search?q=Urdu+linux&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8" and contacted some of the resources in the first couple of links?  Can you tell I am about teaming up?   ;)13:52
noumaanyeah I know all these efforts and I know most of the guys and the work they have done13:53
noumaanso Pres-Gas  what you suggest we should do to increase the size of the team?13:53
noumaanPres-Gas,  we actually need someone to help us translate installer and teach us how to test our translations13:54
noumaanand we want to keep the workload minimum so that it is possible for us to release promptly13:55
Pres-Gasnoumaan, I think knome has put you on the right path.  I would suggest that as well as a general email to the (x)ubuntu lists.13:57
noumaanok i will announce on xubuntu lists and urdu linux forums13:58
noumaanPres-Gas,  thank you for the help I think I should get going I need to make the list of packages and email it to translators13:59
Pres-GasHey, charlie-tca14:41
charlie-tcaGood morning, Pres-Gas14:41
Hetoris it possible to play music from another computer (LAN) in Xfmedia?14:56
Pres-GasHetor, are you mounting the filesystem that holds that music somehow?14:58
HetorI'm trying to add a SMB folder to the playlist14:59
Pres-GasThen you are mounting the folder(filesystem) to your machine.15:00
Pres-GasIf you are able to successfully do that, you should be able to point xfmedia to that mount and play music from it15:00
Hetorhow do I have to use 'mount' command?15:01
Pres-GasI would read up on the manpage mount.cifs, Hetor: http://linux.die.net/man/8/mount.cifs15:05
Pres-Gaseffie_jayx, you have some issues, it would seem.15:14
charlie-tcaunstable internet connection15:15
Pres-GasIndeed, charlie-tca15:16
charlie-tcaprobably ISP related15:16
* Pres-Gas is testing out Xubu 9.04 on the Dell Mini 9...ecryptfs hits resources pretty good...but not terrible15:17
charlie-tcaGreat! I heard the Dell Mini 9 had issues with Xubuntu. Let me know, huh?15:17
Pres-GasI would say I am relatively happy with performance...I suspect without ecryptfs would make it much faster...I am almost afraid to play with flash15:18
charlie-tcaWhat I saw was that it won't even boot it15:18
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, I am very happy with it...boots fine for me and works well.15:18
charlie-tcaThat's why I was hoping. Maybe a problem elsewhere.15:19
Pres-GasI am having some issues with java being "seen" by FF, but I suspect it is my own PEBKAC error15:19
charlie-tcaYeah, that is not uncommon15:19
Pres-GasWell, does xubuntu-restricted point to sun java or the open one?15:19
Pres-GasI do not have it booted ATM15:20
charlie-tcagood question. I don't know, since I try not to use it.15:20
Pres-GasNo java?  wow15:20
_Pete_anyidea how to get amarok1 to 9.04xubuntu15:21
charlie-tcaNo, no xubuntu-restricted. I install Sun Java from the repositories15:21
_Pete_this amarok2 suxx15:21
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, ahh...me too (from now on)  ;)15:22
charlie-tca_Pete_: yes, if it still available15:22
BooVeMan_workcharlie-tca: what wrong with openjdk?15:23
_Pete_not in the default repos15:23
charlie-tcaGive me a minute, _Pete_15:23
_Pete_I give you 215:23
BooVeMan_workits in kubuntu an ubuntu - why not in xubuntu - seem starnge15:23
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, my install is still relatively fresh...I could boot it up and test some other things if you want to point me to a problem list (is it launchpad)?15:23
charlie-tcaPres-Gas: take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Bugs/BugWatch15:24
charlie-tcaBooVeMan_work: I did not anything was wrong with it, just that I don't use it15:24
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, heading that way now.  openjdk does not seem to be supported ATM with the juniper networks ssl-vpn setup I have at my workplace...I am testing that now for different linux distros.15:25
* Pres-Gas works support for a university15:25
Pres-GasLinux support15:25
Pres-GasI like blowing crap up and not having someone come down on me with their hair on fire.15:26
charlie-tca_Pete_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto#Introduction%20to%20Holding%20Packages15:26
charlie-tcaIf you can find it in 8.10 or 8.04, this should help15:26
charlie-tcaPres-Gas: That would make it easier, huh.15:27
_Pete_so you are suggesting pinning amarok and then installing packages fro 8.xx ?15:27
charlie-tcaNo, holding15:28
Pres-GasYeah, and then you get to come in on the white horse and save the day (unless of course, it just no workie).15:28
charlie-tcaI think, _Pete_15:28
Pres-Gas...like cifs mounts on Win serv 2008 shares15:28
charlie-tcaAt any rate, if you install an older version, you have to either hold or pin to keep it from updating to the new version15:29
_Pete_just wondering what mess it will be15:29
_Pete_since amarok has lots of dependencies15:29
charlie-tcaAlways a good thing to ponder15:29
Pres-Gascmus for the win.  Though I have a soft spot for Amarok15:30
charlie-tcabut you did ask! I just try to answer the question as asked.15:30
_Pete_well answered, thanks15:30
_Pete_charlie-tca: looks like others have got same idea15:36
charlie-tcayup! and using amarok14 instead of amarok for the name should keep it from updating, I think15:38
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, I am not seeing any official reports about Mini 9's and no boot for 9.04.  Did I miss that?  I am still looking in case I am blind.15:38
charlie-tcaNo, I don't think it got reported when I asked. I think they just went away15:39
charlie-tcaYou know, sometimes it is "ask and hope" here.15:40
Pres-GasYeah, I hear that15:40
_Pete_so far haven't found not one kde app which v4 is better than v315:41
charlie-tcaJust run Xubuntu, you won't even need to look for any.15:44
_Pete_I do15:45
Pres-Gas_Pete_, what features are you married to with Amarok?15:45
_Pete_last.fm for starters15:46
_Pete_and general usability, but that's of cource mostly what you are used to15:47
Pres-Gaslastfmsubmitd - submission daemon for the Last.fm social music network15:47
Pres-Gaslastmp - MPD client for lastfmsubmitd15:47
Pres-Gasminirok - a small music player written in Python and inspired by Amarok15:48
Pres-Gasxmms2-scrobbler - Audioscrobbler/Last.FM client for xmms215:48
charlie-tcaDoesn't Listen do last.fm?15:48
Pres-Gasxmms2-plugin-lastfm - XMMS2 - Last.FM plugin15:48
* Pres-Gas shrugs, charlie-tca15:49
Pres-GasHey, kromar15:51
kromarim setting up a new partition for the installation and wanted to ask what the "Bootable flag" is for and if i need that on the system partition?15:52
kromaryou also have a link for "Reserved blocks"?15:57
Pres-GasYeah, look at the section "Boot sequence on standard PC (IBM-PC compatible)", kromar15:57
Pres-GasReserved blocks are for root to have breathing room in case the drive fills up15:57
charlie-tcakromar: only needed for windows15:58
charlie-tcayou don't need the bootable for Linux15:58
kromarso no need for reserved blocks?15:58
kromarah ok15:59
charlie-tcaIt reserves 5% of the partition automatically in Xubuntu/Ubuntu15:59
kromarwell im installing the 64bit xubuntu and the setup looks a bit different and has a bit more options:O15:59
charlie-tcaIs that Jaunty?16:00
kromarwhats Jaunty?16:00
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, are you sure that it is not a good practice to make "bootable" the linux partition in cases like you using a non-grub boot manager?16:01
Pres-Gaskromar, 9.0416:01
kromarno its 8.1016:01
charlie-tcaLinux does not use the "bootable" mark at all. If you are using windows boot manager, it will confuse it16:02
charlie-tcasince you can only have one bootable partition under windows16:02
Pres-Gashmmm...good to know.  Where are docs on that, charlie-tca?16:02
kromarthen why is there even an option to change it? o_O16:02
charlie-tcadamned if I know16:02
charlie-tcaI think it is legacy16:03
charlie-tcaneeded it many years ago16:03
Pres-GasYou using that as the answer to BOTH of our questions, charlie-tca?  ;)16:03
charlie-tcaI can't remember where I found it16:03
charlie-tcaIt just sticks in my brain now16:04
charlie-tcaYou can mark it if you want to, it doesn't hurt anything. I have tried both ways.16:04
Pres-GasAll good, charlie-tca.16:04
charlie-tcaEven used to mark all of my installations bootable, up to 10 on a hard drive.16:05
Pres-Gas...gotta be prepared for anything....cover all the bases16:05
charlie-tcaSure. Preparation is always good16:06
Pres-GasYe gods...I have someone who is using lokkit, and then a script that seems to promptly stomp on the lokkit chain with a iptables -F16:07
Pres-GasMethinks it is time to throw down the ufw love.16:07
RuadhHi all16:13
charlie-tca!hi | Ruadh16:19
ubottuRuadh: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!16:19
natjoIs the new DVD-/+RW drive I'm going to buy today going to be automatically detected when I install it?17:06
natjoor do i have to prepare for it by pre-installing certain things?17:06
celthundernatio should be recognized automatically...assuming your bios recognizes it fine17:10
natjocelthunder, okay thanks then I Q'ed and you A'ed and the bios should recognize it i'm not running a weird system just a run of the mill 6 yr old Dell17:12
celthundernatjo, yeah youll be fine then17:13
celthundernatjo, make sure you get an ide...unless you got a system with sata ports  (which from dell 6 years ago...doubt it)17:13
* natjo makes note IDE not SATA17:14
natjoanyway i'm going now thanks for the answer celthunder17:14
celthundernp later natjo17:14
NikolaIs Xubuntu better for Laptops than Ubuntu>18:09
CppIsWeirdhow can i tell if xubuntu is running a usb device on usb 1 or 2?18:09
CppIsWeirdNikola, not really.18:10
CppIsWeirdonly in the indirect way of it using xfce which is a lightweight wm which will use less resources which will cut battery life18:11
NikolaOh, well i am looking for a different OS for my laptop, because my cooler is ALWAYS geting alot of heat out, because of Windows Vista =/18:16
CppIsWeirdtry a can of air18:19
CppIsWeirdand vista doesnt help either.18:19
NikolaThey just put Vista on my laptop for Marketing purpose :(18:20
CppIsWeirdthis looks like an interesting article. i dont know if it is to taylor ubuntu to laptop or just getting it past all the usual driver issues. http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2005/11/17/ubuntu_laptop.html18:20
charlie-tcaNikola: Xubuntu makes a *big* difference on low-end or old hardware.18:20
kromar1any suggestions for a system font?20:01
charlie-tcaDejaVu Sans is nice20:01
SiDikromar1 Droid sans here20:02
SiDiI'm in love with it20:02
SiDiand it has a serif, a mono and a mono sans versions20:03
kromar1hmm thats not in my font list:(20:03
charlie-tcaMine either. I have used DejaVu Sans Book 10 for a long time20:04
kromar1where are the fonts located?20:17
SiDiActually i'm not sure its those20:20
SiDigive me a second20:20
kromar1wtf they want 90$ for that font on the page you linked:D20:20
SiDihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/Human-Reprise kromar120:20
SiDisee here20:20
SiDiat the mid/bottom there is a package called ttf droid20:20
kromar1which NVIDIA driver should i install in the hardware drivers window?20:25
charlie-tcaWhat are your choices?20:28
kromar1173, 177, 18020:29
charlie-tca180 if it works. It is the latest one20:29
kromar1hm during installation my computer name was set to the ip somehow, can i change that?20:30
kromar1charlie-tca: thx20:30
charlie-tcachange the ip by adding a connection and manually changing it to the one you want.20:31
kromar1well i dont want to change the ip, i want to change the name of the computer20:32
charlie-tcaOh, that is much harder.20:34
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab20:34
charlie-tcahostname is the computer name20:34
Sniper606 Whats a good .chm viewer for Linux?20:37
JaboneI've used gnochm20:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hamachi20:41
charlie-tca!info hamachi20:41
ubottuPackage hamachi does not exist in intrepid20:41
SiDiits ok charlie-tca its for a guy in #winehq but he actually has what he needs :p i just thought ubottu would know about any good doc20:43
charlie-tcasometimes it does, sometimes it is just a dumb robot20:43
Rusty_AUany major changes in Xubuntu in 9.04?22:11
cody-somervilleNew version of Xfce422:11
SiDisome people lack education22:12
sartscody-somerville: that, or proper manners.22:15
sarts(or both)22:15
sartsI prefer to blame ignorance, the alternative usually pisses me off22:15
charlie-tcaI prefer the idea they just got disconnected, personally. It is easier on me22:19

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