
=== ja2 is now known as ja1
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xiaohuithere is connection time out ERROR when I use *bzr push URL*  under the proxy03:24
xiaohuibut I could connect the URL in browser03:24
xiaohuiI also set the enviroment variable http_proxy correctly, so what is the matter?03:25
spivxiaohui: is it an lp: URL?  ISTR a bug about the XML-RPC query that does not using the proxy.03:36
spivxiaohui: the other common problem is that http_proxy needs to look like "http://host:port/", not just "host:port".03:36
xiaohuiyeah , the URL is https://code.launchpad.net/~MY_LANUCHPADID/PROJECT/name03:38
spivAh, so two things:03:38
xiaohuiand I have set the right http_proxy03:39
xiaohuispiv: Is there some difference between http and https by using the bzr03:45
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distaticaIs there a way to perform a command on every file under bzr control, while ignoring files that aren't?03:51
lifelessbzr ls --recursive | xargs command03:53
spivxiaohui: sorry, my network dropped out03:53
xiaohuispiv,  you there? what are the two things you mentioned above? Thank you03:53
xiaohuioh, it doesn't matter03:53
spivxiaohui: so, that URL will redirect bzr, the actual URL for writing to the branch is bzr+ssh://~MY_LAUNCHPADID/PROJECT/name03:54
spivxiaohui: Er,03:54
lifelessbln ;)03:54
spivxiaohui: ... is bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~MY_LAUNCHPADID/PROJECT/name I mean :)03:54
spiv(I can't blame that typo on a network dropout!)03:55
xiaohuiso, how could I push then?03:55
spivThe other thing I was going to say is that typically you'd just use lp:~MY_LAUNCHPADID/PROJECT/name as a shorthand for that.03:55
spivbzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~MY_LAUNCHPADID/PROJECT/namebzr push03:56
spivbzr push bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~MY_LAUNCHPADID/PROJECT/name03:56
xiaohuiyou mean I should replace the *https * to *bzr+ssh*03:57
spivAnd replace code.launchpad.net with bazaar.launchpad.net03:57
xiaohuioh , I will try it03:57
xiaohuispiv: I had use the lp:~MY_LAUNCHPADID/PROJECT/name beforre , but it had the same ERROR04:01
xiaohuiopps, it cannot works04:07
lifelessxiaohui: bzr+ssh needs port 22 open04:07
xiaohuihow to open the port 2204:08
lifelessxiaohui: it will depend on your firewall/system administrator04:08
lifelessxiaohui: if you're in an office environment, talk to your system administrator, ask for port 22 opened to 'bazaar.launchpad.net'04:09
lifelessxiaohui: in a home environment it should be a setting on your firewall/modem/router04:09
lifelessmwhudson: bzr+https writing please :)04:09
distaticathank you lifeless. Another question, how can I completely remove bzr from a directory? I have done bzr remove * to get all files to the unknown state, but I need to remove .bzr from any subdirectories.04:10
mwhudsonlifeless: how does that work with auth?04:10
distaticaor just find them and delete them manually?04:11
xiaohuithank you ,lifeless04:11
AfClifeless: [is there a way to specify a high port for a bzr+ssh urlspec if that's the workaround? I would have guessed bzr+ssh://host.example.com:12345/... but presumably if not then .ssh/config is entirely reasonable to use instead]04:11
lifelessdistatica: find . -name ".bzr" | xargs :)04:11
lifelessAfC: either should work04:12
lifelessmwhudson: https - certificate, or basic or digest04:12
lifelessmwhudson: apache ends up doing the auth, just like ssh in bzr+ssh04:12
mwhudsonlifeless: so for launchpad we could tell people to generate a certificate and upload it to their profile?04:12
distaticalifeless: ok, was wondering if there was a way through bzr. That worked great. thanks again04:13
lifelessdistatica: anytime04:13
lifelessmwhudson: we could, but using basic auth (safe over https) and their lp password would be easier04:13
mwhudsonah right04:13
mwhudsonwell, "not a 3.0 goal"04:13
* mwhudson goes back to git imports04:14
lifelessmwhudson: 'stretch goal' :P04:14
lifeless(man I hate that term)04:14
mwhudsonlifeless: we need stretch goals like we need holes in the head04:14
lifelessmwhudson: they are what let us shit?04:15
lifeless[if you don't eat you dont ...]04:15
AfCtetracontakaidigon (there, take that)04:46
AfC[which seems an awful lot of trouble just to say 42-gon]04:47
xiaohuilifeless , if I don't use the http_proxy, do I need to use the bzr+ssh?04:47
lifelessxiaohui: if you want to push to launchpad, you need to use bzr+ssh. the 'lp:' short syntax expands to bzr+ssh04:48
xiaohuithat is a terrible thing04:49
AfCxiaohui: um, so, do you follow that http:// and bzr:// are different protocols [to accomplish the same goal of transporting (in this case, receiving) revisions]? The "receiving" part is important; you can't use those to push revisions. That's where (for example) bzr+ssh:// comes in. It is the Bazaar network protocol, but tunnelled over SSH (and invoking a bzr --server instance on the far side one-time).04:49
lifelessxiaohui: ssh is very secure, its a standard protocol.04:50
xiaohuido you know how to set the proxy for ssh? BTW, I use ccproxy for proxy the http04:50
lifelessxiaohui: you may be able to use socks in your environment. I don't know what ccproxy is04:51
xiaohuiAfc: yeah  I see04:51
AfC[there are corner case scenarios whereby you can push over HTTP and Bazaar, but both have ... weaknesses ... whereas SSH is the standard for providing secure connections (in practice, actually, it's more used for the authentication and access part)04:51
AfCwhereas (say) raw HTTP PUT and bzr (pushing) would imply that the server end is configured to allow such connections & to do something with them.04:52
AfCWhich would be silly, because then anyone or anything could "push" to your repo. Bad. So {shrug} we ride over ssh, letting that handle the logging in part]04:52
AfC(which is all bog-standard and widely accepted)04:54
xiaohuilifeless: when I use *ssh https://launchpad.net* ,it return 'cannot resove the hostname'04:55
lifelessxiaohui: if you want to test ssh, use something like 'ssh bazaar.launchpad.net'04:55
xiaohuilifeless: Oh, I should learn something about ssh04:56
xiaohuilifeless: how to use the socks for ssh04:57
lifelessxiaohui: I don't know, I don't have firewalls blocking me04:58
lifelessxiaohui: socks is a way to proxy many things, and *if* your operating system and firewall support it you could use it.04:58
lifelessxiaohui: but that is really up to you04:58
lifelessxiaohui: you haven't told use anything about your environment, so I have to be very vague in trying to help you04:59
lifelessxiaohui: because just about anything could be wrong04:59
xiaohuilifeless:I am working on Debian lenny05:00
lifelessxiaohui: ok. And why do you need a proxy?05:00
xiaohuiand I use an ccproxy as the http proxy server on the WinXP05:00
lifelessok, ccproxy lists SOCKS as a supported protocol05:01
xiaohuilifeless: I am working in an LAN of my school05:01
xiaohuilifeless: yeah ,ccproxy support socks proxy05:01
lifelesshttp://www.debian-administration.org/articles/449 refers to a thing called tsocks05:02
lifelessthere may be other things that will get your debian machine using socks05:03
lifeless[like I say, I don't have a need to use socks myself, so I don't know what will or won't work for you]05:03
xiaohuilifeless: thank you very much05:04
xiaohuiI will learn something about ssh05:04
xiaohuithanks ,lifeless :)05:04
lifelesswe'll be here to offer more guidance once you can get ssh to connect to bazaar.launchpad.net via socks05:04
xiaohuilifeless: :)05:07
mwhudsonlifeless, spiv: streaming pull is totally awesome, thanks guys :)05:25
spivmwhudson: :)05:29
mwhudsonpushing a new stacked branch is still a bit chatty, but i guess you know that05:30
spivYeah, getting slowly better though.05:31
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lifelessmwhudson: should be 22 round trips06:01
lifelessmwhudson: if its not, upgrade your server :)06:01
mwhudsonlifeless: funny you should suggest that...06:01
lifelessmwhudson: did you have thoughts on minilanguage for the server?06:02
mwhudsonlifeless: not really06:02
lifelessspiv: how are you going06:09
lifelessspiv: haven't heard boo from you this week :(06:09
spivlifeless: alright, although I seem to be fighting off headaches a bit more than I'd like06:13
lifelessyou need some fresh air!06:13
lifelessgoing to the release party tonight?06:13
spivlifeless: I have an updated patch for checking for parent inventories.06:13
lifelessI'm very close to a api permitting 'get me a repository ready for making a branch on'06:14
spivJames Squire, isn't it?  Tempting!06:14
lifelesswhich is about as far as I could push the refactoring without 'big questions'06:14
spivYeah, I can imagine :)06:14
lifelessfinding holes in the refactored code [the code is fine, the definition was less so, and as that was just refactored - well you know the mess and cluster of bugs we started with]06:15
spivI think it'll be a quiet night and try to get to sleep early for me, though.06:15
lifelessso i'm now tweaking to make the behaviour be something I'm happy with06:15
lifelessI'm not going to the release, slug is frida06:15
spivI'm seeing Jerry Springer: The Opera on Friday.06:16
lifelessI had no idea that even existed06:17
spivYeah, that was pretty much my reaction.  Then I found it starred David Wenham...06:17
lifelessI vant a vull report06:18
spivI'll do my best.06:18
mwhudsonJerry Springer: The Opera caused a record number of complaints when it was on the bbc in the uk06:38
mwhudsonmany before it was screened and most from people who hadn't watched it06:39
mwhudsonnot a very pretty sight :(06:39
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lifelessspiv: found a stacking upgrade bug07:07
lifelessspiv: may fix bug $whatever07:08
lifelessok, time to go - ciao!07:10
spivlifeless: cool.  ciao07:12
spivlifeless: heh, "initialize_on_transport_ex"07:45
lifelessbetter names whileuwait07:47
beunolifeless, was about to propose upgrading loggerhead to --dev6-rr, but, bug #36543309:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365433 in bzr "Must end write group before releasing write lock on CHKInventoryRepository" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36543309:34
beunoand hi  :)09:35
Peng_You mean upgrading lp:loggerhead?09:35
Peng_Or just a copy of it?09:35
beunoPeng_, well, it *could* be lp:lh  :)09:36
beunobut that's up for discussion09:36
beunomwhudson, Peng_, how would you feel about that  ^^09:37
beunoassuming it actually worked  :)09:37
Peng_How do we feel about upgrading lp:loggerhead?09:37
beunowe will most likely won't (or shouldn't) do it before bzr 1.14 gets rolled out in Launchpad next week09:37
beunoPeng_, yes09:38
Peng_Personally, I'm being very conservative about dev6, but that's just my possibly-somewhat-misinformed opinion, and I don't think anyone else should necessarily follow it.09:39
beunoPeng_, well, we want the format to kick ass09:40
beunoso we have to test it09:40
beunoit's this chicken and egg thing09:40
Peng_With all of the bugs being actively fixed, and the fact that it's a big upgrade with can be wonky about ghosts and stuff, and the discussion about changing how upgrading to rich-roots works, I'm not planning to use it soon.09:41
Peng_OTOH, dogfooding is good, so I'm feeling bad about that.09:42
Peng_I'm all for testing upgrading different things to dev6rr, but I'm not interested in using it in production.09:42
Peng_It *is* a beta format, yaknow.09:42
beunoI don't want to do it at the expense of making it more painful to work on LH, so it's either unanimous or no-go09:43
Peng_Well, unless it broke, it wouldn't be very painful.09:43
Peng_Oh, right, the rich-root upgrade. Still, I don't mind that.09:43
beunoit will mean you need to have it rich-root locally as well09:44
Peng_But I can always use 1.9-rich-root if I'm afraid of dev6rr. :D09:45
Peng_Yeah.Like I said, there's that discussion about changing how upgrading to rich-roots works. I don't understand if matters or not, so I'm personally blocking on it until I do.09:46
Peng_Err, s/^Yeah,//09:46
Peng_Backspace fail.09:46
beunoto some extent09:46
beunoupgrading LH was under 2 minutes09:46
beunoso if the format changes09:46
beunoit's not really too painful to re-upgrade09:47
Peng_Take everything I say today with a small grain of salt. I'm feeling extremely apathetic and unmotivated.09:53
Peng_Still, I am interested in testing dev6rr (until the first branch I tried failed, which kind of killed the mood...), but I'm wary of using it in production yet.09:53
beunoPeng_, sure, we'll come back to it as time goes by09:54
beunofor starters, I couldn't upgrade locally09:54
beunoand launchpad doesn't support it yet09:54
beunoso it's al least a few weeks away09:55
Peng_You couldn't upgrade locally?09:55
Peng_Woah! I just tried upgrading that branch again, and it worked!09:55
Peng_Wasn't there a fix for ghosts, recently? Maybe it was that.09:56
beunoPeng_, bug #36543309:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365433 in bzr "Must end write group before releasing write lock on CHKInventoryRepository" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36543309:57
mwhudsonbeuno: no, let's not make lp:loggerhead a development format09:57
beunook ok, so everyone except me is sane09:58
LarstiQgrrr, why won't bzr+ssh trigger a bzr-email run!09:58
* LarstiQ SMASH09:58
Peng_I didn't say *that*. I'm hardly sane, I just happen to disagree with you on this. :D09:58
Peng_Hmm, is it just me, or does dev6rr make check & reconcile much faster? :D10:01
beunoit should do everything faster  :)10:03
Peng_Wuh-ohs, bzr-search doesn't like the branch, though.10:03
Peng_The branch seems to work otherwise, though. :) http://bzr.mattnordhoff.com/loggerhead/pytz/pytz-2008f.dev6rr/10:08
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Peng_Indexing with the Python version of _btree_serializer works.10:10
LarstiQspiv: you still awake?10:10
spivLarstiQ: yep10:12
spivLarstiQ: somewhat distracted by imminent dinner, though :)10:12
LarstiQspiv: I'm struggling with the smart server executing my email hook, and you seemed to be clued in bug 211967 ;)10:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 211967 in bzr "bzr smart server should support hooks" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21196710:13
LarstiQspiv: ah, eet smakelijk! :)10:13
spivLarstiQ: the things I'd check are a) is the plugin that adds the hook actually getting loaded10:17
spivLarstiQ: and b) is that plugin registering a post_change_branch_tip hook?  (post_commit won't work for you, for example)10:17
LarstiQspiv: right, I'll have to read some code to see what 'post_commit_push_pull' actually does10:18
awilkinsAnyone in Oregon?10:19
* awilkins is going to be in Bend, OR for a week10:19
spivLarstiQ: IIRC, the only hooks you can rely on in the server context are {pre,post}_change_branch_tip10:19
spivLarstiQ: (and even then only if the client is 1.5+ or so)10:20
LarstiQspiv: 1.14rc2+, so that should be fine10:20
LarstiQspiv: k, thanks10:20
spivLarstiQ: "commit", "push" and "pull" aren't actions that a smart client will trigger on the server, but updating the branch tip is.10:21
spivLarstiQ: (Well, unless a post_change_branch_tip has a hook function registered that then does a push!)10:22
jmlcan I use loggerhead to subscribe to changes to a single file?10:30
Peng_jml: Subscribe how?10:34
Peng_If you mean the Atom feed, it seems that you can't.10:38
Peng_Hm, I thought that was possible.10:38
Peng_Oh, cripes. My bzr+http server is running an old copy of bzr.dev thanks to a bug, which means it doesn't know about development6-rich-root. Sigh.10:39
jmlthat's what I meant10:39
Peng_(Bug 348308, hinthint. :D )10:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348308 in bzr "Smart server jail breaks bzr+http with shared repos" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34830810:41
mwhudsonjml: finding changes to a file is moderately expensive10:45
mwhudson(and possibly loggerhead goes about it in a fairly daft way)10:46
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Taldencd ..11:06
TaldenSigh... damn focus grabbers11:07
mwhudsonTalden: where are you in nz?11:12
* mwhudson is in palmerston north11:13
TaldenGetting cold down there yet?11:14
mwhudsonnight before last was pretty damn cold11:14
mwhudsonfirst frost of the year11:15
TaldenWe should be due for the regular morning fog - not yet though.11:15
spivPeng_: time for me to do something about that bug I gues11:20
* Peng_ hugs spiv11:20
Peng_Hmm, I can't branch that branch anyway. Something or other in groupcompress dies.11:21
Peng_I can pull, just not branch. :\11:21
LarstiQspiv: it does get loaded, and called, but my section in locations.conf doesn't match11:34
LarstiQspiv: ok, solved, thanks :)11:36
lifelessbeuno: I am pro dogfooding but: I wouldn't move mainlines to a beta format11:39
lifelessbeuno: move to rich root now (see my thread on bazaar@ for details of what is involved - its not a no-brainer)11:39
beunolifeless, sure, sounds like a saner upgrade path11:40
beunoPeng, mwhudson, are you guys ok to moving to 1.9-rich-root?11:40
mwhudsonbeuno: mmmmmmmmmmmmm11:41
mwhudsonbeuno: you need to upgrade all stacked branches before you update the trunk11:41
mwhudsonbeuno: so it's a bit hostile to our part time contributors11:41
lifelessmwhudson: beuno: you should both read my posts about this on bazaar@11:41
lifelessmwhudson: has to bbe done sometime11:42
spivLarstiQ: oh, right, yes11:42
spivLarstiQ: the URLs on the server aren't so helpful...11:42
mwhudsonah man, i'm behind on the list again, after having caught up with it on tuesday11:43
spivmwhudson: that's ok, I hear that rebase is a fast and drawback-free way to catch up!11:45
mwhudsonspiv: is that the one where i read the most recent mail and delete the rest?11:47
spivmwhudson: not sure, but that doesn't sound like a bad strategy anyway...11:48
alsurenI just tried to do a commit, and forgot that there was a 10GB file in the repo12:14
alsurenwhen I hit ctrl-C it just hung, so I killed it using kill12:14
alsurennow I'm slightly scared that I could lose a lot of data12:15
alsurenor already have: bzr status hangs and grinds away at my hard drive12:16
bob2stop, copy the repo if you have enough disk12:16
bob2does bzr log show that commit?12:17
alsuren*plugs in his external hard drive*12:17
alsurenonce it's copied, what should I do?12:20
alsurenbob2: what now?12:41
james_walsuren: I would suspect that status is hashing the huge file12:48
james_wif you "bzr rm --keep huge_file" it might work12:48
pmezardwith bzr1.14, replacing a file with a directory does not generate the same (API level) log output whether i remove the file with 'rm' or with 'bzr rm'. is there any reason to this ?12:51
alsuren*removes the lock*12:51
pmezard(and remove with 'rm' crashes with < 1.14)12:51
lifelesspmezard: start by filing a bug12:52
pmezardshould it be considered a bug ?12:52
lifelessalsuren: move the file out of the tree, so that bzr *can't* read it12:52
lifelesspmezard: any crash is a bug12:52
pmezardthe crash is fixed in 1.1412:52
lifelesspmezard: ok, kk12:52
pmezardbut the fix seems to introduce a different behaviour12:53
lifelesswhat is different in the api ?12:53
lifelessalsuren: and after moving it, do 'bzr rm --keep path' to tell bzr not to version it12:53
pmezardlifeless: with bzr rm, iter_changes() yields for paths and kind: (None, u'd') (None, 'directory'), then (u'd', None) ('file', None)12:54
pmezardlifeless: and with 'rm': (u'd', u'd') ('file', 'directory') and (None, u'd/a') (None, 'file')12:55
pmezardlifeless: (ah yes, i am also adding a file to the newly created dir in the same commit)12:55
MvGHi! I'm again looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/248932 for which I wrote http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.bazaar-ng.general/56725 about a week ago, without much of a reply so far.12:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248932 in bzr "reconfigure --standalone raises IncompatibleRepositories" [High,Confirmed]12:56
pmezardlifeless: to summarize 'bzr rm' yields: remove file, add dir, add file in dir12:56
pmezardlifeless: while 'rm' yield: change file into dir, add file in dir12:57
pmezardnot a big deal, just unexpected12:57
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lifelesspmezard: thats expected12:58
lifelesspmezard: here is why:12:58
lifelessbzr rm removes the fileid - think 'inode'12:58
lifelessrm does't remove the fileid12:58
MvGjelmer had responded here on IRC while I had been away, pointing out similarity to "bzr upgrade". I'm not sure I agree, so I've got this question for you: Would you expect "bzr reconfigure --standalone" to use current default formats, or rather the format used by the former shared repository? I'd expect the latter, I believe.12:58
lifelessso bzr thinks its the same object changing state12:58
lifelessMvG: I'd expect the latter12:59
MvGIn that case, I think there is not overly much code to be shared between "bzr upgrade" and "bzr reconfigure" I think.13:00
lifelessI'd say, write any code needed, and we can look for similarities and refactor during review13:02
MvGAm I right that symbols starting in an underscore, like Repository._format, are considered private and should not be accessed outside their class?13:02
lifelessbut upgrade is different - it needs to plan an upgrade path rather than just change state/location13:02
lifelessMvG: generally yes. But more specifically read docstrings13:02
lifelessMvG: because python has no 'friends' / 'protected' / 'private' we can't write code 'private to bzrlib' substantially more clearly than 'private to module' or 'private to class'13:03
lifelessMvG: which is why a lot of _FOO's are used from other modules within bzrlib13:03
lifelessthe only thing that is definite is that an _FOO should only be used by client code or plugin code if they are willing to track and change their code each time we change it...which we feel free to do on _FOO's.13:04
MvGThe patch at http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.bazaar-ng.general/56725 lists which ones I'm actually thinking of. Grepping the corresponding sources for occurrences in docstrings right now...13:04
lifelessMvG: definitely don't add getter/setters for _format13:06
MvGOK, saves me some work, so I'm glad. :-)13:06
lifelessMvG: a) _format reflects whats on disk, setting it would be semantically odd13:06
lifelessand b) its private-to-bzrlib so its fine for it to be used whereever13:06
MvGBzrDir._format doesn't reflect what's on disk if there is no repository within the current .bzr dir.13:07
lifelessyes it does, because it reflects the fact that the .bzr dir is e.g. a metadir, or an svn control dir or whatever13:07
MvGThus setting that makes sense prior to creation of a non-shared repo.13:07
MvGAh yes, sorry, you are right.13:08
lifelessMvG: BzrDir._format.repository_format = foo is what you are doing?13:08
MvGRight now, yes.13:08
lifelessMvG: you might consider13:08
MvGAnd I want to massage that code so far it has a chance to get merged.13:08
MvGI do have the repo open... initialize on an existing dir should work? Will try that.13:09
lifelessthats the API :)13:09
lifelessas long as the target bzrdir has no repository13:10
lifelessso 'add a repository to this branch which currently shares one' is:13:10
lifelessrefs = branch.tags.get_tags.dict.keys() + branch.last_revision_id()13:10
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lifelessrepo = branch.repository._format.initialize(branch.bzrdir)13:10
lifelessfor ref in refs:13:11
lifeless   repo.fetch(branch.repository, ref)13:11
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lifeless(and it might be nice to supply an appropriate bit of logic to delete the repository in the event of failure)13:11
MvGGood point, but not urgent.13:13
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ronald__thompsonIs there something like trac for bazaar instead of svn?13:47
awilkinsTrace with the bzr plugin?13:48
awilkinsLoggerhead? Launchpad?13:48
pmezardlifeless: ok, got it, thanks13:48
ronald__thompsonoh I didn't know there was a bzr plugin.  Thanks!13:50
MvGlifeless: Thanks to your hints I improved my patch: http://rafb.net/p/nTSrQQ25.html14:01
MvGDo you think this has a chance being merged? Should I submit a merge request?14:01
SamBawilkins: launchpad doesn't seem to have a wiki engine ...14:01
SamB(for tickets or wiki pages)14:01
MvGHow would I figure out whether a formerly lightweight repo requiores rich roots when reconfigured to standalone?14:03
* SamB hasn't used trac with the VCS support, so wouldn't miss anything in using it with bzr even without a bzr plugin ...14:03
MvGIs there some API to delete a repository inside a .bzr dir, or should I access the file system directly if reconfigure fails to import form the shared repo?14:03
SamBMvG: lightweight -- I thought that didn't have a repository ?14:04
awilkinsSamB: There's a wiki for Launchpad dev at dev.launchpad.net, but I'm not sure what relationship it bears to the actual Launchpad code14:04
SamBthat is, not in it's own directory14:04
* MvG is waiting for sourceforge to include trac-bzr with their trac setup...14:04
MvGSamB: That's the reason I wrote "formerly lightweight": It is lightweight, you want to reconfigure it to a standalone branch, so you have to choose a suitable repo format.14:05
MvGlifeless: Up there you wrote "refs = branch.tags.get_tags.dict.keys() + branch.last_revision_id()" for importing. Why do you need the tags, shouldn't they all be ancestors of the last revision id?14:07
thumperjelmer: ping14:16
alsurenI'm trying to split off a sub-directory into its own repo, and I'm very confused.14:17
jelmerthumper: pong14:17
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thumperjelmer: LP is soon to use bzr 1.14, and I'm wondering which revnos for dulwich and bzr-git we should use for best performance given we aren't using bzr.dev14:18
alsurenwhat is the proper workflow for bzr split?14:18
alsurenbzr split proj; bzr commmit; ... what do I need to do in order to make proj a nested branch, rather than just an ignored folder?14:20
jelmerthumper: It should be possible to allow bzr-git trunk to be used with bzr 1.14 if we disable some features if bzr doesn't provide them14:22
jelmerthumper: but pull from remote git branches won't be possible with 1.1414:22
jelmerthumper: (just "fresh" clones)14:23
MvGCan I get the selftest to keep its temporary files, so that I can have a look at the file system situation where the error occurred?14:29
jelmerthumper: still there?14:32
lifelessMvG: no, they don't have to be14:33
lifelessMvG: lightweight checkout ? - tree.branch.repository ;)14:33
lifelessMvG: I have tosleep, can't chat much mor tonight14:33
MvGOK... I might get a merge request on the way in the meantime.14:34
jelmerthumper: looks like I was wrong about 1.14, it already has my patch for update_revisions14:42
thumperjelmer: sorry, dragged into another meeting15:18
thumperjelmer: I can wait for 1.15 to upgrade bzr-git and dulwich15:18
thumperjelmer: however I am interested in your suggestions for sizes of git branches that are supportable with bzr-git on 1.14, and 1.15, and future15:21
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max_ris brisbane-core in bzr.dev ready for testing?16:15
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jelmermax_r: yes16:20
MvGI've got two merge requests waiting in BB. I'd be happy to answer any questions that arise while I'm here on IRC.16:29
jelmerMvG: feedback/review is generally done over email16:32
MvGOK. Last time I sent a patch asking for feedback, I got none per mail but some here on IRC, including yours... :-)16:33
jelmerI might have a look at the reconfigure one at some point16:33
MvGThey both concern reconfigure.16:35
jelmersorry, the incompatible revisions one16:35
MvGThanks. That's the more important one for me as well.16:38
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
Dejanhello everybody21:41
Dejani was wondering if bazaar can use some CGI on remote website for a certain repository21:42
Dejanis something like that done, does anyone know?21:42
bob2Dejan: to do what?22:30
Dejanbob2 to push/pull22:34
bob2why do you want to involve a cgi?22:34
bob2to do writes ovver http without webdav?22:34
Dejanand quite often people have only one account to access their hosted website22:35
Dejanso they would setup a CGI script there to be used by VCS22:36
Dejanthere are some who can use this22:36
Dejanfossil project for an example22:36
Dejan(by Sqlite guys)22:36
bob2dunno if such a thing exists22:36
bob2there's less pressure in a dvcs, since you only need one person able to push to that repository22:36
Dejancan i use ftp to push, but users would use http to pull?22:38
Dejanbecause i do not want to give my ftp access details to anyone22:39
jearlDejan: yes you can push via ftp and pull via http22:40
Dejanjearl, excellent22:42
Dejanty guys, i will try that22:42
Dejani appreciate your help22:42
jearlDejan: Yes, this makes bzr the easiest (and cheapest) to host of all of the DVCSes.22:42
Dejanjearl, i think this CGI i talked about would make it a #1 choice for some users22:43
Dejanand it is not difficult to do22:43
Dejanif it works via ftp, it should work via HTTP GET/POST methods22:44
DejanI see no reason why such thing would be impossible, and i certainly see why it would be feasible to do22:44
bob2someone just needs to do it!22:45
bob2or convince your host to do webdav22:45
jearlDejan: It seems to me that I remember something about a bzr+http protocol.  The problem was that it didn't do authentication.22:45
Dejanthat is another thing22:46
jearlDejan: I might just be imagining things though.22:46
Dejani just guess, but it most likely uses PUSH22:46
Dejanit is also a nice thing22:46
Dejanbut not many web servers do that22:46
lifelessDejan: our server already can work via fastcgi22:48
lifelessnot much plumbing would be needed t support regular cgi I suppose22:48
eferraiuoloI was curious if there are bzr commands you can use to modify a branch.conf file?22:49
bob2not in general22:52
Dejanlifeless, care to elaborate?22:53
jearleferraiuolo: What modifications would you like to make?22:53
Dejani use fastcgi too22:53
Dejanin fact i use it exclusively22:53
eferraiuololike the name and public url22:53
eferraiuolojearl: I'm trying to setup loggerhead on a big shared repo and realizing that it needs some meta info to be useful22:54
eferraiuoloI wasn't sure if I had to modify each branch's branch.conf or could run some commands to add the info I wanted22:55
bob2url is set by push --remember, iirc22:55
eferraiuoloI was just curious how people add meta info like name public_url to the branch.conf without cd-ing into the dir and editing it manually22:57
bob2no need to cd ;p22:58
bob2though, if it is neccessary, the loggerhead docs should mention it22:58
jearleferraiuolo: when I configured loggerhead I think I put this information in the loggerhead.conf file.22:58
jearleferraiuolo: it's been a while though.22:58
eferraiuoloyeah, that's one place22:59
eferraiuolobut not good for people making a clone of my branch22:59
eferraiuoloI would prefer to keep the metadata with the branch22:59
eferraiuolojearl: do you know if you can have multiple loggerhead servers running on different ports? It didn't seem possible when I was looking into it23:00
lifelessDejan: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.1.14/en/user-guide/index.html#serving-bazaar-with-fastcgi23:00
lifelesseferraiuolo: eferraiuolo often people setup locations.conf with cascading configurations23:01
lifelesseferraiuolo: setting=root_setting\nsetting:path_policy=append\n23:01
lifelesseferraiuolo: this is in 'bzr help configuration23:02
Dejanlifeless, and i use bzr http://.. for it?23:07
lifelesshttp will autoprobe, or bzr+http will assume it is configured and use it23:09
mwhudsonjelmer's not here!?  gasp23:17
Dejanlifeless, so bzr+http assumes cgi??23:21
Dejani thought both are using dav23:21
lifelessDejan: no, it assumes POST23:21
lifelessDAV is only used by the bzr-webdav plugin23:21
Dejanso bzr-webdav:// is the correct URI then?23:22
Dejanwhich scheme is used if one uses dav?23:22
lifelessyou've lost me, what are you actually trying to ascertain23:22
Dejanalso http:// ?23:22
lifeless[i think - see the bzr-webdav plugin README though for details]23:23

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