
Daskreechkb9vqf: Joys of being unofficial :)00:01
neversfeldeapachelogger: yes, nice one.00:04
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I believe we usually notice Ubuntu changes *after* hell breaks loose00:09
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Can you feel the love tonight?
Riddell_sime: seaLne knows where's good for akademy00:25
Mamarokapachelogger: you tried to highlight or were tired to? (small typo in your blog)00:32
Mamarokapachelogger++, liked that blog post :)00:32
ScottKapachelogger: Excellent blog01:25
neversfeldeis the official kubuntu 9.04 announcement available for translators?01:35
claydohrgreening: ping02:07
claydohapachelogger: yes, definitely a good blog post. very well said02:11
claydohJontheEchidna: same for yours as well ;)02:17
rgreeningclaydoh: pong02:23
claydohhi rgreening any links or useful info for the release notes regarding lpia?02:24
rgreeninglpia install from alternate was flawless, with one small caveat. During install, dhcp failed to work, so no live update. However, all worked as expected after reboot.02:25
rgreeningThis was on my Acer One 11002:26
ScottKrgreening: dhcp bug should be fixed.02:26
ScottKThat was in the last kernel upload.02:26
rgreeningScottK: cool.02:26
ScottKJust for you.02:26
rgreeningScottK: :)02:26
claydohare there any wiki pages or links? esp for downloads?02:26
rgreeningI'll try it again tomorrow then02:26
rgreeningclaydoh: not that I am aware.02:27
rgreeningclaydoh: I just dl the img and used usb-creator to make the usb stick to install from02:27
ScottKThere's probably UNR instructions on doing that that apply with our image.02:27
rgreeningother than that, same as any other alt install for x8602:27
ryanakcaRiddell: Anything to do for the website or will you take care of it?02:28
rgreeningbtw, the remix stuff was crap... in what I tried a few weeks back.02:28
ScottKryanakca: Talk to NCommander about adding some powerpc stuff to the release announcement.02:29
claydohwill all the ports be available in the normal downloads, or do folks have to hunt for them?02:29
ScottKPorts aren't mirrored.02:29
ScottKI know that.02:29
claydohI only see images in the ports area02:29
ScottKI think that's where they will be.02:30
claydohso i can just oint to that then when its all live02:30
neversfeldeclaydoh: I'm writing a german release announcement, is the english one public?02:31
Daskreechsabdfl: ping. Re: Your blog I think that as before when some projects were eager for a time based release and some were wary The proper time for a long support period will depend from project to project. some will be doing crazy things in the early releases (Compiz comes to mind) while some will want the early releases to be stable as quickly as possible so they can break away from the old release (which they hate)02:31
claydohneversfelde: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/JauntyJackalope/Final/Kubuntu02:31
neversfeldeclaydoh: thank you02:31
Daskreechsabdfl: The reason for making the big changes is probably a vital consideration02:32
ryanakcaNCommander: Hi, I'm supposed to talk to you about adding some powerpc stuff to the release announcement?02:32
DaskreechI had said I'd do a human changelog didn't I ?02:43
a|wenapachelogger: well said!02:52
soccerooshey fellows, Just testing the 2009-04-20 RC release and I'm wondering why I can't move around my screens in the Display config. It allows me to rotate them, but not set them beside eachother. I can only duplicate.03:02
socceroosGraphics card is a Radeon Mobile x60003:02
neversfeldesocceroos: you will get better support in #kubuntu03:04
socceroosok, thanks neversfelde03:05
* JontheEchidna waves hi to vorian03:21
* vorian waves hi back03:23
* ScottK slaps an "apologist for management" sticker on JontheEchidna's forehead.03:24
Daskreechkb9vqf: ping03:31
kb9vqfDaskreech: pong03:31
DaskreechCan the KDE3 CDs be installed alongside KDE4 ?03:31
Daskreechor do they conflict on ~/$KDEHOME03:31
Daskreechwhere do they save config?03:31
kb9vqfYou can install KDE4 and KDE3 side by side, no problem03:31
kb9vqfKDE3 is in ~/.kde303:31
Daskreechit has a ~/.kde3 ?03:31
kb9vqfI think the only conflict at all is in the default-settings packages03:32
JontheEchidnayou know, for karmic konqueror should really use update-notifier-kde for notifying the user about flash03:34
tsimpsonthat wouldn't be too hard for konqueror, but if they use other browsers...03:40
JontheEchidnaIt already prompts/installs the package03:41
JontheEchidnait just doesn't do it through update-notifier-kde03:41
JontheEchidnaalso sites that do flash detection on their own such as youtube won't trigger the prompt03:42
tsimpsonI mean, all it'd take is a dbus call from konqueror03:44
JontheEchidnaoh, yeah03:45
JontheEchidnafirefox would be hard03:45
Daskreechkarmic konqueror04:02
DaskreechI likes :)04:02
NCommanderhey all04:10
NCommanderScottK, raphink poke?04:10
ScottKNCommander: I think you want ryanakca.04:12
* NCommander is half-dead ATM04:12
NCommanderactually, I'm on life support ;.;04:12
ScottKNCommander: Pastebin some text.04:15
NCommanderScottK, I'm having issues testing it, but sure, I'll cook something up04:16
_simeRiddell: thanks. I06:26
_simeRiddell: I'll ask him.06:26
nixternalwhois kb9vqf06:41
nixternalerr, that didn't work06:41
nixternalkb9vqf: did you just start following me on twitter?06:42
nixternalsome ham radio nut and linux buff is following me now, you were my first suspect :p06:42
nixternalnope, it isn't kb9vqf06:42
kb9vqfnixternal: Nope, that's not me :)07:31
kb9vqfnixternal: Actually, I've never used (or even seen) twitter in my life!07:32
* kb9vqf feels old07:32
* Daskreech hands kb9vqf his komplimentary walKer07:33
* kb9vqf runs Daskreech over with it07:33
DaskreechOw your leather sandals chafe07:34
_SimeseaLne: ping08:12
raphinkNCommander: yes?08:45
apacheloggerdo we have a party today?09:08
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Jaunty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseParties09:08
* jussi01 waves to apachelogger09:09
apacheloggeryou know, I don't feel like joining a ubuntu channel :P09:09
seaLne_Sime: pong?09:11
blizzzAttention! Ambuscade! joining #kubuntu-release-party leads to the ubuntu one09:11
apacheloggerlike we wouldn't have expected that09:11
sabdflhappy release day everyone09:17
apacheloggerhappy release day sabdfl :)09:18
sabdflfeeling groovy!09:18
jussi01happy release day sabdfl!! :D09:18
sabdflhow do you guys feel about kubuntu 9.04?09:18
jussi01sabdfl: from my view itll have a similar rep to feisty - an excellent release.09:20
_SimeseaLne: Hi, I'm trying to get my accommodation for GCDS organised. Can you recommend a hotel and group? (sharing)09:21
seaLne_Sime: it really depends what price etc you are looking for, have you looked at the http://www.grancanariadesktopsummit.org/hotels page? the sharing is just really up to you to find someone09:27
davmor2Congratulations Everybody and here's to the next release09:27
_SimeseaLne: I'm looking for cheap. But the problem the sharing. Is there are a kubuntu group?09:28
seaLnenot that i'm aware of, i'm sharing an apartment with Riddell09:29
blizzzsabdfl: happy release day! Kubuntu 9.04 is a good release, it makes fun to work with esp. with KDEs possiblilites. Speaking for Germanspeaking Kubuntu Community it is a pity that translations are broken again .09:29
_SimeseaLne: ok, I guess that's full then.09:30
seaLne_Sime: yeah sorry09:30
sabdflblizzz: do you know what the LP guys are doing about kde translations?09:30
_SimeseaLne: thanks for your help anyway. ;-)09:32
blizzzsabdfl: i'm afraid i have no deep knowledge in that issue. apachelogger has mor insight and blogged about it recently09:32
seaLne_Sime: sorry it wasn't much use, trying to manage the groups leads to an incredable amount of work unfortunatly09:33
apacheloggersabdfl: unkown09:37
apacheloggersabdfl: I will create a list of major issues and present it to the responsible people, there are problems on multiple levels really.09:38
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
blizzzi got to go to work, bye09:38
apacheloggerblizzz: have fun :P09:38
blizzzapachelogger: ty, i will :รพ09:39
dpmapachelogger: I have just joined the Community team as Ubuntu Translations Coordinator. I'm aware of the Kubuntu issues and I also read your blog post this morning. Please feel free to e-mail me with the list of issues and I'll be glad to help09:43
dpmapachelogger: david.planella <at> ubuntu.com09:44
apacheloggerdpm: thanks, I'll do that :)09:44
dpmapachelogger: also please feel free to add any Kubuntu l10n related issues there -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslatingUbuntu/JauntyTranslationIssues, which is a useful overview for translators and developers09:50
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Let's get ready to party!
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ^ please update that wiki page09:58
Riddellclaydoh: announce ready to be copied?09:58
milianhi guys, there was this ppa for Qt 4.5 on kubuntu 8.10 right?09:58
miliancould someone give me the required entry for my sources.list?09:59
milianI need it for development (and yeah, I could just update to 9.04 but I don't want to risk to break anything right now)09:59
milianand yeah I think just updating qt is less risky :)09:59
Riddellmilian: actually I don't of one10:00
milianhm I'm most sure I once read about it but cant find it right now10:00
milianthats strange10:00
apacheloggerexperimental probably10:01
apacheloggerbut if it really ships Qt 4.5 you should reconsider using it10:01
apacheloggerthat is really experimental in 8.10 :P10:01
tsimpsonnope, not in -experimental10:02
apacheloggerthen I don't recommend trying it at all :P10:02
milianapachelogger: I'd need it for development10:03
apacheloggerupdate to 9.0410:03
milianso well, I should maybe just update then after all...10:03
milianlet's hope it doesn't break to much10:03
apacheloggeras long as the archive servers don't die10:03
milianthough one thing: is the intel driver fixed now?10:03
* tsimpson wonders if the Qt SDK for Linux would be better10:03
apacheloggeror maybe you should use some unkown mirror10:03
milianI read about it not working on phoronix10:04
milian-not working +being awfully slow10:04
apacheloggernever noticed any slowness10:04
apacheloggerprobably only affected certain chips10:04
milianhm so lets try10:04
milianhow are you doing btw?10:04
* apachelogger is tired because he studied rosetta half the night :P10:07
* Riddell is groovy because it's release day!10:07
* apachelogger is groovy because justice is making his speakers bounce10:07
apacheloggerif I had  radio setup I would do a radio show right now10:08
milianI think I'll just checkout qtcopy and compile that for now10:08
RiddellNCommander: what should I say about powerpc and other ports?10:41
Riddellcurrently we have "Kubuntu 9.04 now supports the lpia architecture,  so you can now enjoy KDE on your Intel Atom based netbook."10:42
ryanakcaRiddell: I'm around for the next half hour or so, what can I do?11:41
Riddellryanakca: read over node/7811:44
RiddellI'm still editing11:44
davmor2Sweet topic :D12:02
apacheloggersomeone with amd64 around?12:19
Riddell#ubuntu-release-party is a bit mad12:22
Riddellapachelogger: mibby12:22
apacheloggerdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/project-neon/staging/ubuntu jaunty main12:22
apacheloggerinstall kde-nightly12:22
Riddellhow's this? http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-release12:33
tsimpsonlooks good12:35
apacheloggerRiddell: do we support 8.04 to next LTS?12:36
apacheloggerif not it probably should be mentioned that 8.04 to 9.04 is the only supported upgrade path12:37
Riddellapachelogger: not officially although I think we should make sure it works12:37
seaLneseems fin12:37
RiddellI wonder if we should support 8.04 to 9.10 though12:37
Riddellinfact I think we should12:37
seaLneyeah there will definitly be people waiting for a second 4 release before installing12:38
apacheloggerRiddell: I would be worrid about the foundations in that scenario12:38
apacheloggerso, IMHO 8.04 to next LTS should be the only other path12:39
Riddellthat means people are running it unsupported12:39
Riddellapachelogger: kde-nightly installs12:43
apacheloggerRiddell: does it also work?12:43
apacheloggerthere is a session option in kdm12:43
Riddellhmm, that would require me getting out of bed12:44
apacheloggerinstall nx12:44
Riddellooh, xephyr over ssh -X works well12:45
Riddellapachelogger: looking great12:46
apacheloggerRiddell: thanks a lot12:46
apacheloggerScottK: kdebase stack building ... now if only the buildds would not try to build everything on amd64...12:46
Riddellapachelogger: hmm, no window borders though12:47
apacheloggerRiddell: screenshot please12:47
apacheloggermight be broken KDE though ;-)12:47
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, I just went through old kde-l10n discussions about rosetta ... carsten once came up with an idea that rosetta should fetch translations directly from KDE SVN12:49
apacheloggerdo you think that would make sense + is possible?12:49
* apachelogger thinks that this might be dangerous when a string has to be changed and translation and our pot files get out of sync12:50
Riddellapachelogger: fetching (and sending) directory from svn has been talked about since the start but I havn't seen it happen12:50
apacheloggerI'll add it to the complaints12:50
apacheloggerRiddell: I guess it would make sense to use KDE's reviewboard thingy?12:51
apacheloggerthat way KDE l10n forms a seperate QA position12:51
Riddellapachelogger: starting kwin manually fixes my issue12:51
RiddellI've never looked reviewboard I admit12:51
apacheloggerme never :D12:51
apacheloggerbut in theory it would make sense I assume12:51
* apachelogger is wondering how fedora does it12:52
apacheloggerthat transifex thingy they are using looks actually quite awesome12:52
apacheloggerand more mature12:52
apacheloggerrdieter: how do you upstream translation changes to KDE? diff?12:53
Riddell~twitter update nearly there!12:56
Riddellhmm, no bot?12:56
Riddellhow do the cool kids twitter these days?13:02
apacheloggeryou gotta ask ophra :P13:02
apacheloggerRiddell: choqok13:03
apacheloggerthough, the cool kids use identi.ca nowadays13:03
apacheloggerbeing open source and not having ophra as user... :P13:03
RiddellI really don't get why people care about the twitter source code above any other of the 99.99% of websites that don't have source code available13:04
apacheloggerRiddell: because there is a sensible alternative (which IMHO actually is better in most areas)13:05
Nightroseyea - identi.ca is better - it being open source is a bonus imho13:06
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.13:08
ScottKNightrose: Personally I don't consider licenses that place restrictions on my ability to modify code for my own use free (AGPL), so open source, yes, but not particularly free IMO.13:09
Nightrosehmm yea13:10
Nightrosemore free than twitter in any case13:10
ScottKTrue, that.13:10
ScottKSo I hear Qt 4.5.1 has been released.  Will it be included in Jaunty? </aol>13:10
RiddellScottK: how does AGPL place restrictions on modifying code?13:11
ScottKRiddell: If I modify it and run it in a way that interacts with the outside world (to paraphrase), I have to distribute my changes.13:12
ScottKGPL traditionally only affect distribution.13:12
kubotuI'm a v. 0.9.15-git (master branch, revision beefd7f [gettext: support version 2]) [2 days, 15 hours, 43 minutes and 42 seconds ago] rubybot, (c) Tom Gilbert and the rbot development team - http://ruby-rbot.org13:12
RiddellScottK: that's not a restriction on modifying (or using)13:12
ScottKRiddell: Sure it is, I can only modify it if I distribute it.  That's a restriction.13:13
Riddellit's a restriction to ensure continued freedom.  and it doesn't restrict modification13:14
ScottKThat's one view.  I view it as a restriction on my freedom to modify code.13:14
Riddellsecret BSD fan are we? :)13:15
ScottKThere are things for which I am a fan of BSD.13:15
ScottKIf I'm trying to spread a technology into both FOSS and proprietary systems, it's the only way to go.13:16
ScottKI don't, however, generally use it for my own work.13:16
ScottKActually, I like MIT in that class of licenses better anyway.13:16
ScottKGotta run.13:16
Riddellthis choqok thing is showing me twitter replied I never knew I had13:16
* JontheEchidna yawns13:17
Riddellpeople are actually using twitter to send me moderately important messages13:17
* apachelogger hugs Riddell13:17
JontheEchidnawhoa, bug 334657 has a patch13:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334657 in qt4-x11 "Subpixel/Lcd mode with VRGB/VBGR makes qt4 applications on Jaunty unreadable" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33465713:19
JontheEchidnabtw, how did firefox get an SRU before karmic was open for development?13:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: security doesn't need SRU13:20
JontheEchidnaoh right, firefox point releases are security13:21
JontheEchidnabut shouldn't it have gone in -security then?13:21
apacheloggeris it not?13:21
JontheEchidnanope, -updates13:21
apacheloggerkpk showed it as security updates here13:21
JontheEchidnaGet:3 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty-updates/main firefox-3.0 3.0.9+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 [887kB]13:21
apacheloggermagic I guess13:22
JontheEchidnaso when does karmic open? I want to get this font corruption SRU'd as soon as possible13:29
JontheEchidna*font corruption fix13:29
RiddellJontheEchidna: karmic doesn't have anything to do with SRU13:33
Riddellusually takes a week or so for toolchain to get in and stuff to open13:33
JontheEchidnaRiddell: don't you have to push the fix into the latest development version before you can SRU?13:36
RiddellJontheEchidna: not if you can convince the SRU person it needs in more speedily13:37
* Riddell rolls a drum13:37
JontheEchidnaI'm preparing packages for upload to my PPA so that people can test it13:38
* Riddell beats out a tune on the drum13:39
* JontheEchidna remembers that qt4-x11 takes 30 mins to do a debuild -S13:40
* Riddell holds breath while rolling drum13:48
JontheEchidnakubuntu.org is already being hammered13:51
apacheloggerMamarok: ping13:55
Riddellladies and gentlemen....13:56
RiddellI present to you13:56
Riddellthe labour of your wonderful work for the last six months, Kubuntu 9.04!   http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-release13:56
* Quintasan starts claping his hands13:56
apachelogger~order party13:56
* kubotu gives everyone a party hat and a hand full of conffeti.13:56
* kubotu turns on tha most funky party music as well as the all shiny disco ball.13:56
kubotuapachelogger: wanna dance with me? :-)13:56
* kubotu starts shaking her tight ass13:56
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: You are beautiful!
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Beautiful" by Moby [Hotel, 2005]; see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more13:57
* Quintasan is listening to Morbicae I'ma Firin' Mah Lazor13:57
* Riddell hugs apachelogger, JontheEchidna, Quintasan 13:57
* Quintasan hugs everyone13:58
=== barteqx is now known as siekacz
* apachelogger hugs the whole far too small channel and throws cookies13:58
* Riddell snogs jefferai 13:58
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: how do you feel about l10n?13:58
* Quintasan greets jefferai with his lazor13:59
JontheEchidnaa bit depressed, but cautiously optimistic about the future13:59
JontheEchidnaI mean, it's not exactly horrible. But it still sorta sucks13:59
mgraesslincongratulations to everyone who worked on this release :-)14:00
* Quintasan shakes his own hand14:00
Riddellkubotu is a her?14:01
QuintasanI just noticed I'm looking for bugs to fix @_@14:01
apacheloggerRiddell: that depends on the point of few I suppose14:02
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: check inbox14:02
JontheEchidnadigg it!14:03
apacheloggerdigg is now completely useless in konqueror14:03
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: your doc looketh good14:05
apacheloggerstill not complete though14:06
JontheEchidnaprobably need to mention that really old templates need to go when they are no longer being uploaded14:08
apacheloggerI think that rosetta needs to get tighter binding with soyuz14:09
apacheloggerit is more behaving like a general translation system rather than one which is currently mostly used for stuff that comes from packages and goes to packages14:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: feel free to add stuff14:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do you think it should be able to browse by type?14:11
apacheloggeri.e. filter all desktop files14:11
apacheloggeror documentation14:11
JontheEchidnathat would be neat14:11
* apachelogger thinks there should be a general query composer14:12
JontheEchidnawhoa, I just wrote "crush the cruft" without using K's :D14:12
apacheloggeroh dear!14:13
* JontheEchidna added a new paragraph14:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: IMHO it should mail the uploader of $version where the template is not available anymore and ask whether to remove or remove later (which will trigger a mail once new devel cycle starts)14:20
apacheloggeror of course an "I scrwed up" option ;-)14:20
* Sput likes "You screwed up" options more14:21
JontheEchidnasounds sensible14:21
vorianCongrats Kubuntu Peeps!14:26
vorianJob Well Done :)14:27
apacheloggerSput: btw, I thik quassel should only fetch backlog for channels I joined14:29
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: updated14:32
rdieterapachelogger: (sorry for the belated reply wrt translations), but for kde/translations, we generally do everything upstream (either via submitting patches/diffs, or simply committing directly to kde svn)14:37
DaskreechRiddell: All things man made unless other wise specified are female14:38
apacheloggerrdieter: you don't add strings via patches?14:39
* apachelogger pulls Daskreech's nose14:40
* Daskreech beeps14:41
rdieterapachelogger: ah, we try to avoid that (with rare exceptions)14:43
apacheloggerrdieter: hehe, ok, thanks :)14:48
apacheloggerjefferai: you need to fix your connection :P14:48
ScottKJontheEchidna and apachelogger: Stuff that's published in -security also gets copied to -upates since it's mirrored and -security isn't.15:01
apacheloggerah, sensible I guess15:02
JontheEchidnaEstimated build start:  in 15 minutes15:04
ScottKRiddell: The Intel release note we have provides a lot less information than the one in the Ubuntu release notes.  I'd suggest we update our note with a copy/paste or link to that one.15:12
apacheloggerlaunchpad seems somewhat slow :P15:15
ScottKapachelogger: When is that not true?15:17
apacheloggerI mean more than usually15:18
ScottKCanoncial data center is probably pretty hammered.15:20
Mamarokapachelogger: pong15:30
apacheloggerMamarok: you are into localization?15:30
Mamaroknot lately, but yes15:31
* Mamarok did some translations to French15:32
apacheloggerMamarok: wanna help with fixing the kubuntu l10n process?15:33
Mamarokif I can do so, yes15:33
Mamarokthat mess needs all the hands it can get anyway15:34
apacheloggerMamarok: see inbox15:34
apacheloggerjonny and moi are working on a paper explaining all the issues we have with the current stuff15:34
* Mamarok reads15:35
Mamarokouch, direct from Rosetta is a no go IMHO, that would break too much stuff15:37
MamarokI think what should be done on Rosetta is also preventing mr Everybody to translate stuff15:37
Mamarokwhy would there be changes to go to upstream when everything is well done there? Shouldn't it be the other way around?15:38
* Mamarok thinkgs what Rosetta needs is much more team control15:39
Mamarokit seems to work for Gnome, why doesn't it for KDE?15:39
dpmapachelogger: please remember to send such document to the ubuntu-translators list at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-translators, so that translators can join the discussion. It would be good to see more Kubuntu people there15:39
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
apacheloggerMamarok: there is not much of a team, german consits of one dood15:40
apacheloggerdpm: aye aye15:40
Mamarokthe French have a nice team on Rosetta, and nothing gets past them15:41
apacheloggernot every language though :D15:41
Mamaroknewbies can't approve stuff, review is mandatory15:41
Mamarokwith that many Germans around?15:41
apacheloggerreview doesn't enforce review by someone who is qualified15:41
apacheloggergerman team is mostly doing gnome and foundations15:42
* Mamarok ownders whywell, team review I mean of course15:42
apacheloggerand some mr. everybody who do a bit of translation, which mostly doesn't get approved due to above reasons15:42
Mamarokwell, team review I mean of course15:42
* Mamarok still wonders how they could ignore the minimum 3 KDE folks who applied for UTC15:43
NCommanderhey guys15:43
Mamarokbut with mr. bacon choosing why am I astonished in the first place...15:44
apacheloggerMamarok: utc?15:45
NCommanderryanakca, you around?15:47
MamarokUbuntu Translation Coordinator...15:47
Mamarokwhich they took more than 6 months to search15:48
ScottKThe person that approves the translations in Rosetta is a Launchpad person not even connected to the distro.15:48
apacheloggerScottK: the imports, not the translations15:49
apacheloggerthe translations are approved by the associated team AFAIK15:49
ScottKI thought it was all LP.15:49
apacheloggerthat would be quite weird indeed :)15:49
Mamarokapachelogger: difficult to read, I'll make more line breaks15:49
ScottKThen if we get our own team to be the associated one, we can approve our own?15:49
dpmapachelogger: that's right. Teams are responsible for approving and reviewing translations15:49
Mamarokdpm: if ther actually *is* a team...15:50
* Mamarok wonders how they don't break Gnome with that mess15:50
dpmMamarok: of which specific language are you talking about?15:50
DaskreechMamarok: Cause they communicate with them?15:53
apacheloggerdpm: hm, just wondering ... what happens if the responsible team is inactive or too swamped to provide sensible quality and/or completeness?15:53
dpmthe same as in upstream, if inactive, strings won't be translated15:56
dpmapachelogger: have you ever done translation work?15:56
apacheloggernot in rosetta15:56
dpmwhich language have you translated?15:56
apacheloggerdpm: if the files translation is too incomplete I certainly hope it will not be shipped?15:57
Mamarokdpm: I did use Rosetta some time ago (more than 2 years), but don't anymore, it's far too messy15:59
* Mamarok loves pootle15:59
Mamarokoh, and while we are at it, since the time, why is there still no glossary? There are upstream...16:00
Mamarokapachelogger: did some small changes16:01
MamarokI have to run now, sry16:02
dpmapachelogger: I think the first thing, if you want to contribute, would be to contact the Ubuntu German translators -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGermanTranslators/ They will tell you about their translation and review processes and you will be able to try rosetta for yourself16:03
apacheloggeryeah, probably a good idea16:03
dpmtheir mailing list is quite active as well, and seems they are doing some good work translating and reviewing16:04
Mamarokbbl, work calls16:12
apachelogger" It also does not have16:12
apachelogger any screen savers by default.16:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you should blog16:12
apachelogger"why screensavers destory our lovely planet"16:13
JontheEchidnaEarth day was earlier this week too...16:17
Daskreechsomeone is saying that kpackagekit can't install digikam but apt-get can16:44
ScottKI think I've heard that before.16:46
* ScottK has never actually used kpackagekit.16:46
ScottKrgreening: Did you get a chance to retry your Atom install?16:47
DaskreechI tries to remove ligpod4-nogtk16:48
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=== PeterGriffin is now known as maco
jhgfwhy doesnt kubuntu use Koffice?17:52
ScottKjhgf: Because it's not particularly useful to a large fraction of our userbase.  Just because something's KDE, it doesn't get a free ride.17:52
JontheEchidnaOpenOffice still has more features than KOffice. The KOffice developers themselves say that KOffice isn't ready to be an OpenOffice replacement17:53
jhgfScottK: but OOo is Java and the JIT makes it take forever to start17:53
ScottKI don't think OOo is ideal, but right now it's better.17:55
JontheEchidnaI'd love it if we could switch too, but at the moment KOffice is a bit too young to be included by default17:55
jhgfhow is the qt-version of firefox comming along btw?17:55
ScottKFor my own use case, I email documents for $WORK around a lot and ALL the people I communicate with use MS Office.  Until KOffice matches OOo for MS Office import/export, I can't even consider it.17:56
ScottKjpds: Good news.  I went to check the Kubuntu shipit page to see if it got left behind again and it didn't.  So progress ....17:58
ScottKjpds: It does, however, still refer to downloading the Jaunty beta.  Does that need an RT?17:58
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milianhow can I get the palette of the default KDE color scheme?18:35
milianor any way to get a palette for a dark-text-on-white-background scheme18:36
milianno matter what the user has selected18:36
ScottKmilian: You'll probably get better support in #kubuntu.18:45
milianwhop, no in #kde-devel :D18:45
milianwrong channel, thanks ScottK18:45
ScottKThat too.  No problem.18:46
yao_ziyuani just read kubuntu 9.04's announcement. so it's using qtcurve 0.62.8 for gtk2 apps and oxygen for kde4 apps?19:01
=== fregl____ is now known as fregl
yao_ziyuanalthough it's too late for 9.04,19:02
JontheEchidnayao_ziyuan: correct19:02
yao_ziyuani don't think the blue Air wallpaper is the best suite for the grayscale Oxygen kde4 widget style.19:02
yao_ziyuani think Plasmalicious is.19:02
JontheEchidnaRiddell: what do you think the best way to getting Qt 4.5.1 to jaunty would be?19:06
JontheEchidnaSRU or backport?19:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: backport unless .1 only includes bufixes19:07
ScottKJontheEchidna: I'd suggest instead of updating we cherrypick any important patches for -updates.19:08
JontheEchidna.1 also has optimizations19:08
ScottKAre there a lot we're missing?19:08
JontheEchidnathe changelog is somewhat huge19:08
apacheloggerqt changelog is always huge19:08
JontheEchidnaI suppose we should cherrypick the most important ones19:08
JontheEchidnaI'm already preparing an SRU for the font brokenness19:08
apacheloggerI'd upload to backports see if any of the bugs reported in lunchpad are fixed and cherrypick fixes for those19:08
ScottKapachelogger: I'd rather not.  How about Kubuntu Experimental?19:09
JontheEchidnaI was planning on kubuntu-experimental anyway, going to download the tarball now19:09
apacheloggerwell, there is not too much point into experimental from my POV19:11
apacheloggerit's not really experimental :P19:11
JontheEchidnaer, not experimental, my ppa19:11
JontheEchidnain the experimental/staging section of my ppa19:11
apacheloggerwhy not kde4 ppa?19:11
JontheEchidnathat could be an option too19:12
JontheEchidnashouldn't we get rid of kubuntu-members-kde4 and go back to only using kubuntu-members?19:12
JontheEchidnawe dropped -kde4 from everything else19:13
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: good point19:13
yao_ziyuansee my desktop,19:13
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: mail list get discuss19:13
* JontheEchidna will write up the email19:14
yao_ziyuanthe black Plasmalicious wallpaper suits well with the grayscaled QtCurve (which largely copies Oxygen)19:14
apacheloggerand it is extremely black19:14
yao_ziyuanand black is sexy19:14
apacheloggerblack is hard on the eyes, depressing and in general not recommendable19:15
apacheloggeranyway, for karmic we wil use air plasma theme making the whole thing look much nice as a whole19:15
neversfeldewe should enable weather wallpaper by default :)19:15
* apachelogger pokes neversfelde19:16
yao_ziyuanair plasma theme?19:16
yao_ziyuanwhere is it?19:16
apacheloggerthere are people without intarwebs19:16
yao_ziyuanin kde 4.3?19:16
apacheloggerand there are people with so horribly slow intarwebs, that they wouldn't want to have it suck up by weather19:16
yao_ziyuanwhere can i download kde 4.3?19:16
apacheloggeryao_ziyuan: dood19:16
apacheloggeror #kubuntu19:16
apacheloggerjust not here19:16
neversfeldeanyway, weather for Nuremberg seems to be broken, it is always raining ;)19:17
apacheloggercomplain to the german government :P19:18
yuriycongratulations everyone on Jaunty!19:24
* JontheEchidna hits send19:28
ScottKI'm loving lolcats in teh comics widget.19:33
jjessewow didn't realize that lolcats was there19:36
ScottKIn addition to finding them funny, as an added bonus my 15 year old daughter finds it horribly embarrassing that she likes something her Dad likes too.19:38
jjessethat's probablly the best part19:40
JontheEchidnaI think we should use .tar.lzma for Qt19:54
nixternalhow much more compression do you get?19:55
nixternali typically prefer .bz2 as that has worked well for me...i tried lzma on a few of my packages and there was nothing really noticeable in size19:56
Quintasan_outits something worng with my connection or servers are hammered?19:57
nixternalservers are hammered19:57
Daskreechto paper thin copper19:58
Quintasan_outoh god, about 1000 files to download19:58
ScottKI did a test upgrad the day Hardy released and it took over 12 hours to finish.19:59
N1EAHello I don't know if this is a bug or lack of a feature.  There does not seem to be a way to connect to a hidden wireless network in Kubuntu 9.04 or earlier.19:59
N1EAAny suggestions on where to go or what to do?19:59
N1EAThe problem doesn't exist in Gnome (Ubuntu)20:00
JontheEchidnaThat's a known bug20:00
Quintasan_outN1EA: I think this is known problem with network manager20:00
nixternalN1EA: I connect just fine to hidden wireless networks...my main one here at home is hidden20:01
nixternalhow is it a problem? it works for me20:01
nixternalmeant to add a ;p to that one20:01
N1EAnixternal - ok then how do you do it?20:01
nixternali just added the essid and the info for my network and it connected20:02
JontheEchidnaN1EA: bug 33081120:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330811 in knetworkmanager "Can't connect to a hidden network" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33081120:02
DaskreechI'm really not sure why anyone upgrades or downloads the ISO on the day it comes out20:02
N1EAI tried that - but it just doesn't connect - I even enter the 10 hexadecimal code and nothing!20:02
nixternal"If I put the network visible, the widget connects automaticly as configured. It keeps working if I hide the network, but after that it doesn't connect if I have to reboot my laptop."20:03
nixternaloh, I bet you that is exactly why it is working for me20:03
Daskreechyou never reboot20:03
nixternalI just recently set the one segment to hidden20:03
N1EAI have to logout and go to gnome to use the Internet.  It is like going out behind the barn to smoke when i was a teen ager!20:05
DaskreechN1EA: You could just use he gnome network manager20:06
nixternalwhy do people hide their essid anyways? it is easy to find using something like netstumbler anyways20:06
N1EANetstumbler cannot find my network!20:06
nixternalwhy not?20:06
N1EAno identification is sent20:06
N1EAHey Daskreech - that is a great idea - I never thought of that!!!  Genius!20:07
nixternaljust because you shut broadcast off doesn't mean it can't be found...even the manufacturers know this and usually put in the manual that hiding isn't really secure20:08
ScottKIf your AP is in use, then it's transmitting RF.  It's findable.20:08
N1EAYou can find it when it is transmitting r.f. but I have changed the firmware - you hear it but you don't know what it is.20:09
nixternalthat is why I typically leave mine wide open...if you authenticate you get full bandwidth...if you don't auth you are given 5k20:09
N1EAI get full download speed on downloads equal to wired ethernet.20:11
DaskreechIs there a plasma goodness package ?20:18
usr_Has not anyone thought of the possibility of eliminate gdebi-kde to save space in the Kubuntu CD? I Think that is better a program that does it all, I see no need of gdebi-kde on Kubuntu now that we are with KPackageKit. What think the developers?20:18
Riddellusr_: it's only brought in because install-package uses some of its classes and it was too late to do the restructuring20:19
ScottKusr_: There are some functions in other packages (update-notifier, IIRC) that still need it.  Yes, we thought of it.20:20
RiddellJontheEchidna: qt 4.5.1 in backports and if it has important enough bug fixes we can look at getting it in updates20:21
DaskreechShould we have KDE goodness package ?20:23
usr_OK, thank you. until another time!20:23
blizzzif someone is bored, here is somethin to read ;) http://www.kubuntu-de.org/english/interview-with-kubuntu-developer-jonathan-thomas20:29
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
nixternalhahaha, just got kicked from the release party channel20:43
blizzzwhat did you do?20:44
Daskreechfart in the general direction20:45
kb9vqfHmm...is there any way to get a build prioritized on the PPA system?:20:47
kb9vqfI'm deparately trying to get the KDE3 CDs out by tonight, but "Estimated build start: 04/25/200920:48
* kb9vqf is scared20:48
kb9vqfI hope that build start date is wrong...20:48
nixternalblizzz: I typed this -> Windows 7 CD Key : ABC123-DEF456-GHI789-JKL012-MNO34520:49
ScottKkb9vqf: Talk sweet to NCommander.20:50
Daskreech /boot nixternal20:50
nixternalmessing with the people in the channel who needs to have an ego boost by stying opped the entire time20:50
DaskreechI mean20:50
NCommanderkb9vqf, I can rescore in a PPA20:50
blizzznixternal: so you turned to a windows troll? ;)20:50
nixternali love trolling..it is so much fun20:50
nixternaland the best part about it, i have ops in that channel too20:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vixternal20:51
ubottuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Windows7 lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, and help on the MIRC client too! <nixternal> I LOVE MIRC!!!20:51
nixternallet the trolling begin20:52
nixternal14:52:40 [ nixternal] i am running karmic now20:53
DaskreechThere are no trolls anymore20:53
Daskreechonly Qties :)20:53
ScottKDaskreech: Those were Trolls, not trolls.20:53
Daskreechbut the action isn't capitlized20:54
kb9vqfNcommander: Well, it's the python-kde3-kde3 for Intrepid in my personal PPA...then I copy the binaries to the KDE3 maintainers PPA20:55
NCommanderkb9vqf, link to PPA?20:55
kb9vqfNcommander: https://launchpad.net/~kb9vqf/+archive20:56
kb9vqfNcommander: I'm also probably going to have to rebuild kde-guidance-kde3, but let's see if the new python-kde3-kde3 does the trick or not20:56
NCommanderkb9vqf, rescored to 5000, they'll be the next builds20:59
NCommanderDamn, we're down a LOT of PPA builders20:59
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kb9vqfWell, that explains it.  Also seems quite slow on the network end of thing21:00
kb9vqfThanks for the rescoring!21:01
* Lure_ had double release today: kubuntu jaunty and my 3rd daughter21:02
ScottKLure_: Congratulations.21:03
Lure_ScottK: thanks!21:04
blizzzcongrats Lure_ :)21:05
neversfeldeLure_: : Congratulations21:06
Daskreech!kde3 | kb9vqf21:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde321:10
eagles0513875i agree wiht the room topic21:10
Daskreechkb9vqf: Got it? :)21:10
eagles0513875Daskreech: somehow everyonce in a while konqueror locks up and crashes on me does it do the same thing for you21:12
DaskreechNo but help is in #kubuntu21:12
eagles0513875Daskreech: wanna see if i can debug this on my own trying to find the konqueror debug package21:13
Daskreechils like 700 megs IIRC21:13
ScottKRiddell: Any objection to me adding more about ports to the release announcement?21:14
eagles0513875thing is im not using the default kubuntu i kinda have stripped it to kdebase package only21:14
joshjtl_hey folks, Im getting lockups, I dont know why21:17
seaLnekb9vqf: let me know a wget able location of them when they are ready if you want them mirrored again21:17
schedcan some one help me regarding dolphin - file manager21:18
schedI need to work on that21:18
ScottKsched: #kubuntu for help.21:18
schedI am using the proxy network21:19
schedso i they are giving me the limited access to the network21:19
schedIs there special channel for the irc for dolphin?21:20
eagles0513875sched: #kubuntu is the new support channel for kubuntu21:21
ScottKIt's not new.21:24
ScottKJontheEchidna: http://rdieter.livejournal.com/13559.html - careful on 4.5.21:24
ryanakcaNCommander: am now21:33
blizzzryanakca: we wonder if we can "steal" the download-page from kubuntu.org.  how is it implemented in drupal? is it possible to copy it more or less easily?21:34
eagles0513875anyone have any lockups with konqueror im working to try to get to the cause of it randomly crashing21:34
joshjtl_how do i find out what version of xserver-xorg-video-intel i have installed?21:35
NCommanderryanakca, I will have an edit for the website for you in a bit21:35
ryanakcablizzz: Steal for where? You'll have to talk no newz2000 (#ubuntu-website)... at the moment, it's an iframe pointing to a page under ubuntu.com since kubuntu.org isn't aloud to have PHP in its nodes21:36
eagles0513875apt-cache policy package name  joshjtl_21:36
joshjtl_thanks e-jat21:36
joshjtl_meant thanks eagles051387521:36
eagles0513875no problem joshjtl_21:36
joshjtl_eagles0513875: any idea where I might look for an unreleased updated version of this package?21:37
eagles0513875joshjtl_: im not sure to be honest maybe form xorg from svn21:37
eagles0513875joshjtl_: do you know a debug package of konqueror?21:37
joshjtl_i dont sorry21:38
blizzzryanakce: for kubuntu-de.org21:39
blizzzryanakca: so it won't be possible to translate it?21:39
joshjtl_does anyone know where i can look for an unreleased updated version of the package xserver-xorg-video-intel ?21:41
eagles0513875joshjtl_: check out xorg website they probably have something in svn trunk21:42
ryanakcablizzz: try asking newz2000 ... he might be able to put up a translated version for you...21:42
ScottKjoshjtl_: siretart is the guy that can hook you up.21:42
joshjtl_ScottK: ah... hmm not here though21:42
ScottKTry #ubuntu-motu.  If he's online, he'll be there.21:42
* eagles0513875 wonders why konqueror doesnt like myspace website21:43
ScottKBecause it's an evil mass of Flash and other poorly considered technologies and khtml isn't exactly the least buggy thing out there.21:43
eagles0513875ScottK: that seems to be the only site that it locks up on other sites are fine21:44
blizzzryanakce: ok, thank you21:49
eagles0513875what do i need to get started bug fixing21:50
NCommanderryanakca, you around?22:36
txwikingerWhen is qt4.5.1 available in updates?22:42
ScottKProbably not at all.22:45
ScottKJontheEchidna is putting it in a PPA to try it out.  That's the first step.22:45
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lex79ScottK: which ppa?22:48
ScottKNot sure.  Either his or Kubuntu Experimental.22:48
RiddellScottK: go ahead22:48
Riddelladding ports stuff to release announcement22:49
Riddelledit the intel stuff too if you had changes there22:49
JontheEchidnashit: Uploading qt4-x11_4.5.1.orig.tar.gz: 121595k/121596k22:49
JontheEchidnait's been like that for half an hour22:49
ryanakcaNCommander: Temporarily, I'm in the middle of cooking supper, feel like just /msg'ing me the changes?23:03
NCommanderryanakca, I just need you to add the ports annoucement, so http://paste.ubuntu.com/156794/23:04
seelehmm.. should we have a uds planning meeting soon? UDS is in a month23:09
ScottKryanakca: I took care of it.23:11
ScottKRiddell: It should be there now, Please review.23:12
RiddellScottK: now there's two ports sections23:14
RiddellScottK: you should merge in or delete the lpia bit23:14
ScottKWill do.23:14
Riddellseele: yep23:15
RiddellScottK: you include URLs which should be links23:18
nixternalanyone else here building KDE trunk on top of Ubuntu Server at all?23:18
ScottKRight.  Remind me to smack NCommander for giving me wikimarkup that i had to hand edit into htm.23:19
ghostcubehmm succesfull updated to 9.04 :)23:19
Riddelladd thoughts here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicSpecs23:19
Riddellseele, everyone ^^23:19
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: You are beautiful! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicSpecs
ghostcubehmm faster then 8.10 with nvidia23:20
lex79ghostcube: hmmm :)23:21
nixternalRiddell: I am interested in the QA stuff for Karmic most definitely...what type of QA were you thinking? Automated QA?23:21
nixternalSystem Config Printer sounds fun as well23:21
ghostcubeand the task icon garbage has gone23:21
nixternalWhy not add firefox to the list of browsers to review?23:22
ghostcubeqt 4.5 at all looks smoother23:22
ghostcubebut lm-sesnors still sux23:22
nixternalwhat's wrong with lm_sensors?23:22
ghostcubemy chipset :|23:22
nixternalcan KOffice open .doc files yet?23:23
* nixternal thinks it can open .docx files though23:23
RiddellKWord has been able to open .doc file for the last 10 years23:26
Riddellnixternal: dunno but our testing currently is a bit limited to the installer and doesn't include stuff like l10n23:26
txwikingerHehe.. that sounds longer than MS Word ;)23:26
ScottKRiddell: links fixed.23:27
ScottKRiddell: I'm off for the evening, so feel free to edit if you think it needs it or I'll fix it more later.23:27
a|wen_JontheEchidna: IIRC one of the reasons for moving away from kubuntu-members ppa was so we didn't  have  to "broadcast" build-failures to all kubuntu members23:28
JontheEchidnaif we only use it for copying over stuff from other PPAs that shouldn't be a problem23:29
joshjtlcan I install kubuntu-restricted-extras minus flash ? so some how like apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras -flashpackage ?23:30
nixternalRiddell: about kword, that was my mistake, I switched around .doc and .docx....can it open .docx files yet23:33
Riddellnixternal: dear gods no, they have better things to do than work man years on formats which exist for no reason other than to pretend being open but not23:36
a|wen_JontheEchidna: oh, right then ... just wanted to check that we we're aware of it23:36
Riddelljoshjtl: it's a recommends, you can remove it afterwards, or just apt-get install all the recommends (also user questions in #kubuntu)23:36
* JontheEchidna adds his thoughts to the wiki23:38
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nixternalRiddell: I agree, however without its support, then I don't think koffice is ready for it just yet...OO.o at least allows people to work with that nasty format :)23:41
Riddellat some point someone has to stand up to MS, standards will never win if they can just create a new file format every year and we have to spend multiple years adding support23:45
JontheEchidnawe could set it up so that if the user tries to open a .doc file, that it recommends to install OpenOffice just like it does with mp3/flash, etc23:46
ryanakcaScottK: thank23:50
seelenixternal: oo.o supports docx? since when?23:52
seeleoh, youre still talking about .doc23:52
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RiddellJontheEchidna: really, KWord opens .doc files23:56

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