
spivbarry: it's bug 35403600:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354036 in bzr/1.13 "ErrorFromSmartServer - AbsentContentFactory object has no attribute 'get_bytes_as' exception while pulling from Launchpad" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35403600:10
spivbarry: nosmart+ is a workaround, but the root cause isn't a bug in the smart network code, it's actually a bug in stacking revealed by the smart network code.  See the bug for details and workarounds and a repair script.00:11
barryspiv: thanks00:20
mrooneyIs there any way to get a rough estimate on how many people are using a PPA I own?01:07
lifelessnot presently01:08
lifelessoh, yes  - break it badly and wait for complaints01:08
mrooneylifeless: it is possible though I imagine right? Is it something planned in the future?01:10
mrooneyIt could be pretty useful for figuring out where to prioritizing putting fixes and figuring out if the number of people using it is sufficient QA01:12
mwhudsondownload counters are planned01:12
mwhudsonand i think will arrive fairly soon -- not sure about that bit though01:13
spmas mwhudson says. check the soyuz milestones - it should be in there somewhere...01:13
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barryspm: ping02:28
barryspm: unping02:28
vladcHi, I'm getting a "This account cannot be used" message when trying to log on to launchpad. any ideas how to fix this?03:04
wgrantHmm, the help contact looks like an emdash today. That's a bit odd.03:05
wgrantI wonder if that means that your account has been suspended.03:05
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/karma-where-did-mine-go
vladcwgrant: How would I find out?03:06
wgrantvladc: I have no idea. The other instances of that I have seen have actually been Launchpad bugs. Hopefully somebody more knowledgable will answer.03:08
vladcwgrant: Aha, thanks for your help.03:09
vladcOK, I figured it out - I needed to "claim" the account.03:25
cprofitthello all... is there a procedure for deleting a team and a project?04:09
MTecknologywhat is malone?04:09
wgrantMTecknology: Launchpad Bugs.04:09
wgrantcprofitt: Ask at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion04:10
cprofittwgrant, thanks04:12
pragad7having problems with ubuntu ibex just installed one day ago. at one time screen went black whenever i clicked on screen black rectangles appeared on screen. then i created new user account and logged in and it was ok but cannot enable desktoop effects . my graphics card is intel 945g05:55
wgrantpragad7: This isn't the right channel. YOu want #ubuntu.05:55
pragad7wgrant no one has any clue over there05:55
wgrantpragad7: This channel has very little to do with Ubuntu.05:56
pragad7ant other place i could get help05:56
pragad7any other place???05:56
wgrantpragad7: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+addquestion05:56
pragad7thanks wgrant05:57
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mdzintellectronica: can you give me a hint as to how to use .searchTasks to get only bug tasks for packages in main?09:40
mdzintellectronica: a naive component='main' errors out09:40
wgrantmdz: Maybe try putting it in a list?09:41
mdzwgrant: same result: launchpadlib.errors.HTTPError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request09:44
mdzthe API doc just describes it as "Component" :-/09:44
wgrantmdz: Try catching the exception and check the 'content' attribute of the exception.09:45
mdzwgrant: component: "main" is not a valid URI.09:46
mdzI looked on the distro object to see if it provided components, but I don't see them09:47
wgrantmdz: Niiice. I don't know how to traverse to components.09:47
wgrantEverything else just exposes components as strings.09:48
* wgrant pokes around.09:48
wgrantmdz: I can't work out the URL for a component :( I wonder if they're not actually able to be traversed to yet.09:52
mdzwgrant: I don't know how to find them in the web UI either09:52
wgrantmdz: They're certainly not accessible there.09:52
mdzthe upload privileges for components seem to be hung off the distribution09:52
wgrantThis is where source access is useful.09:53
mdzwgrant: in this case it's "knowledge about where to get the source and how to find things in it" more so than source access ;-)09:56
wgrantmdz: The first is easy, but the latter is true.09:56
mdzwgrant: bzr branch lp:launchpad?09:56
wgrantmdz: Exactly.09:57
mdzbzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:launchpad": Launchpad itself has no default branch.09:57
beunoit's a private project09:57
jmlwe'll open source it later :)09:57
wgrantjml: s/it/part of it/09:57
intellectronicamdz, wgrant: looks like it's a bug. you're supposed to pass a list of component objects, but there's no way to reference a component object10:01
bigjoolscomponents are only strings10:01
bigjoolsintellectronica: ^10:01
bigjoolsdon't expose the object10:01
mdzbigjools: <launchpad> component: "main" is not a valid URI.10:01
mdzbigjools: (invoking searchTasks)10:01
bigjoolsthe object is pretty worthless on its own, which is why everything is a string10:02
intellectronicabigjools: right, but the api needs to know how to coerce strings to our internal representation10:02
bigjoolsintellectronica: I expose different properties/params/functions10:02
bigjoolsintellectronica: I guess searchTasks wasn't tested :)10:03
bigjoolsintellectronica: the meme I use is "component_name"10:05
intellectronicabigjools: how did you know :)10:08
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intellectronicamdz, wgrant, bigjools: https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/36544910:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365449 in malone "Can't search for bugs by component using the API" [Undecided,New]10:12
wgrant/win/win 1910:12
mattiHello folks, anyone from Launchpad team on duty in here? :)10:42
noodles775Hi matti, flacosta will be around later, but there's plenty of people around to be able to help in the mean time...10:43
mattiHi noodles775 :)10:44
intellectronicamatti: ask your question, maybe someone will be able to help10:45
mattinoodles775: I just need somebody to change an e-mail address associated with my account as the server is dead and I can't reset my password as the Launchpad wants to send token to this not working any more server :)10:46
intellectronicamatti: maybe mthaddon_ can help you10:46
mthaddon_matti: please ask a question on LP - this way we can verify your LP account and track the request10:47
mattiWhere exactly on LP?10:47
mattiI can send an e-mail to feedback@launchpad.net, would that be sufficient?10:49
wgrantmthaddon_: Note that he wants it for a password reset...10:49
mthaddon_matti: oh, you can't login?10:49
mattiNo, I can't :)10:49
mthaddon_matti: yeah, feedback@launchpad.net is the way to go then, thx10:50
mthaddon_matti: so you've forgotten your password _and_ your email address doesn't work any more?10:52
mattiI am not even sure if my account is still valid.10:53
mattiIt was a long time since I used it.10:53
mthaddon_matti: hmm, seems like it'd be best to just create a new account in that case - but anyway, someone will respond to feedback@launchpad.net and let you know10:53
mattimthaddon_: Granted. I shall look into this.10:54
mattimthaddon_: Could you do me a favour then and lookup upon "matti@startrek.pl" and check if this account is still in the system - so to speak.10:54
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mattimthaddon: I need my account back in order to report some annoying suspended issues back to the kernel team :)10:55
mthaddonmatti: don't see an account with that email associated10:56
mattimthaddon: Do they expire after some period of time?10:57
mattimthaddon: I can recall using my account back in the 2006 :)10:57
mthaddonmatti: are you sure it was that email address - they typically don't expire10:58
mthaddonmatti: do you remember the username?10:58
mattiI can make a bet it was "matti" :)10:58
mattifromThe Launchpad Team <noreply@launchpad.net>10:59
mattitonyyarusso: matti@startrek.pl10:59
mattisubjectLaunchpad Account Creation Instructions10:59
mattiSo it was the e-mail in question.10:59
mattiAs far as I can see.10:59
mthaddonwell we definitely don't have that email addres in the system now, so maybe it was changed after the fact11:00
mthaddonsee PM11:00
mattiCan you look upon OpenPGP public keys?11:00
mthaddonprivate message11:00
henninge_jtv1, ping11:00
jtv1henninge_: pong11:01
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mattimthaddon: I don't see any query window.11:01
henningejtv, I am on screen freeze right now ...11:01
jtvhenninge: oh nice11:01
henningejtv, so I am using xchat from that unspeakable OS currently ...11:01
jtvhenninge: zOS?  I find that a bit awkward to pronounce, but pretty cool11:02
henningejtv, xchat for windows seems to have problems with SSL connections so I cannot connect to the internal server ...11:02
jtvhenninge: ah11:02
mthaddonmatti: what's your GPG key id?11:02
mthaddonmatti: I can see your PM, but I have a feeling you can't see mine11:03
jtvhenninge: and I've got plenty other stuff to do anyway... maybe we can postpone the call for an hour and a half?11:03
mattimthaddon: /umode -CE; please, try now.11:04
mattiGot it.11:04
henningejtv, fine by me11:05
jtvhenninge: ack11:05
jtvand good luck11:05
jtvI know it hurts11:05
henningejtv, can you ask pitti to join here, please, so I can ask him something?11:06
jtvhenninge: as a man at the tail end of several months of dental surgery, I know how you feel as a man in front of a Windows screen11:06
pittihello guys11:07
wgrantThis can't bode well...11:08
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ahasenackhi guys, I get an OOPS when searching for a bug reporter with an accent in his name: OOPS-1209G118014:51
intellectronicaahasenack: did you file a bug, or find an existing one?14:56
ahasenackintellectronica: didn't file one, nor did I search for one15:03
intellectronicaahasenack: feel like? it will help a lot with tracking this :)15:04
ahasenackintellectronica: LP feels slow today, but I'll do it later :)15:04
intellectronicaahasenack: thanks15:05
intellectronica(in advance)15:05
mdzintellectronica: is there a fast way to check whether a given bug was filed by a particular person?  I'd like to do this without lots of round trips to the server, but b.owner seems to go to the server15:09
mdzI'm iterating over a large list of bugs and want to sort them into buckets according to the team memberships of the people who reported them15:10
mdz>>> b.owner # long delay15:10
mdz>>> mdz15:11
mdz<person at https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/~mdz>15:11
mdz>>> b.owner is mdz15:11
mdz>>> b.owner15:11
mdz<person at https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/~mdz>15:11
mdz>>> mdz15:11
mdz<person at https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/~mdz>15:11
mdz>>> b.owner is mdz15:11
intellectronicamdz: there's a hack: b.owner goes and fetches owner, but since you only want to compare it, you can look at the representation of the bug and compare the URI of own to the URI of the person you want to compare. let me fond out how you can get that representation15:11
mdzso the object identities don't compare15:11
mdzintellectronica: it would be great if the 'is' operator would do that transparently for me15:11
mdzor ==15:12
intellectronicamdz: yeah, that would be very useful. leonardr would know how easy it is to implement that in launchpadlib15:13
leonardrintellectronica, mdz: bug 26409815:15
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/264098/+text)15:15
mdzubottu: :-(15:15
mattiLP is suddelny very slow.15:15
intellectronicayeah, noticed that!15:16
matti"Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server."15:16
intellectronicamdz: bug.owner_link == mdz.self_link15:16
intellectronicamatti: URL?15:16
mattiintellectronica: https://launchpad.net/~motu15:16
mdz>>> b.owner_link == mdz.self_link15:16
mdzintellectronica: thanks!15:16
mdz9.04 release overload?15:17
mattimdz: Perhaps :)15:17
mdzintellectronica: ah, Keybuk is initializing karmic15:17
mdzI think that drags down the database a bit15:17
mattimdz: I can imagine that hundreds of folks is trying to get new version at the moment.15:17
mattimdz: Oh, does it affects the database? If somebody is downloading?15:18
mdzmatti: no, we're doing the setup to open karmic15:18
mattiOh. I see :)15:18
drinklaunchpad asplode? https://launchpad.net/bugs/315907 gives please try again15:22
nphasejust FYI - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/drizzle/+spec/code-cleanup-sprintf/+login can't log log in15:22
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/315907/+text)15:22
drinkI sure hope that people clicking irc links isn't the only mechanism for finding out that launchpad is down15:23
tsimpsonteh tubez r clogged15:23
nphaseapparently i'm not ze only one :)15:23
rootskilaunchpad down?15:26
craigHi everyone, is launchpad down at the moment for maintenance or otherwise? Can't seem the resolve the DNS15:26
matticraig: DNS is fine.15:27
rootskiSeems to be back Craig15:27
* craig refreshes15:27
matticraig: Whatever is affecting LP at the moment shouldn't really affect the DNS.15:27
rootskibut slower :)15:27
craigAh yes, back but v. slow. Is maintenance occuring or just a bit of server trouble?15:27
rootskiIt's handing out polite messages to try again in a few minutes :)15:28
tsimpsonI'd guess the Canonical datacenter is being hammered15:28
barmymatthttps://shipit.ubuntu.com/ is struggling... and directed me here15:28
tsimpsoninsanely hammered15:28
craigIS a new Ubuntu RC out or something?15:28
tsimpsonlike a mad man with an electric hammer15:28
yann2www.ubuntu.com surprisingly fast15:29
matticraig: 9.0415:29
craigOhh it's due out today?15:29
matticraig: Today15:29
rootski*gulp*... better take the rest of the day off then15:29
craigHaha yes, my thoughts exactly15:29
mattiI can imagine that a lot of folks don't use torrents really.15:29
psscI guess with borkage noone can prod the mirror checker15:29
tsimpsoncraig: released about an hour ago15:29
yann2matti > I am seeding x86 desktop and amd64 server... people do use them :)15:29
rootskiit started laggin about 5 minutes ago15:29
mattiyann2: Same here.15:30
rootskiwonder what changed?15:30
mattiyann2: No peers.15:30
ActionParsnipi see everyone is experiencing the lag15:30
tsimpsonwell there are probably thousands of concurrent downloads to canonical servers atm15:30
craigShame the launchpad servers are also being hammered. Had a full day set out to carry out bug resolution... oh well! Guess I'll upgrade to 9.04 whilst I wait ;)15:30
matticraig: :D15:30
ActionParsnipI was on about launchpad answers15:30
rootskithis a regular occurance on launchpad? just moved a project here.15:30
fitelpateris launchpad down ?15:31
craigI don't think so. A new Ubuntu release is a pretty big deal. Lots of people hammering the servers atm15:31
wgrantrootski: No, this is fortunately very rare.15:31
rootskiwgrant: phew :)15:31
fitelpaterI can't download image-writer15:31
wgrantmdz: This can't be normal, even for new distroseries initialisation.15:32
craigI'd try again in an ahour or so. Doubtful they'll have the servers back up before then considering the amount of attention the new Ubuntu release is getting...15:32
ActionParsnipfitelpater: its just hiddeously slow15:32
JuniorSlimShadyKubuntu 9.04 torrent?15:32
mattiDON'T PANIC :)15:32
* craig panics!15:32
* matti shakes raig! Put yourself together!15:33
craigI'ts actually quite funny how dependant I've become on launchpad in less than 3 days haha...15:33
JuniorSlimShadyKplis give me ubuntu 9.04 torrent15:33
intellectronicawgrant: apparently it's not, after all, karmic init, but simply the whole world going wild over the jaunty release15:33
intellectronicathey can't get enough ubuntu :)15:33
ActionParsnippeople need to chillax15:33
craigUbuntu is great after all. Such an ease to setup and use...15:33
pssceither that or not enough mirrors where synced....15:34
barmymatttorrents here: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/15:34
wgrantintellectronica: Hmm, I thought for previous releases LP was on another connection, so was unaffected.15:34
ActionParsnipcraig: could say that about many linuxes15:34
ActionParsnipcraig: as well as pcbsd15:34
craigYup I like OpenSUSE too... but I don't know... once you catch Ubuntu-fever15:34
mattiImpressive actually.15:34
intellectronicawgrant: well, to be more accurate, we don't really know yet what's going on. correlation != causation, of course15:35
ActionParsnipcraig: wait until you get gentoo fever, thats lotsa fun15:35
mattiI wonder if apt-p2p will do its job.15:35
craigHaha Gentoo was my first linux love :P Compiling openoffice for hours was fun.15:35
mattiIt suppose to aid when people do the upgrade.15:35
ActionParsnipcraig: i dont use it, too bloated. I use abiword15:36
craigI'm kinda glad I upgraded to the RC early now... just needed to do a quick dist-upgrade to get the the full release. 10Mb ftw!15:36
craigYeah OpenOffice is kinda bloated... I prefer Office 2007 :$15:37
craigI know I shouldn't but its interface is so efficient...15:37
yann2craig > well... i regretted using the RC because I got #362359 .. but it's still here after the release :(15:37
craigmakes life that much easier. OpenOffice with ribbon interface would be heaven15:37
kieranlaunchpad is broken?15:37
craigI'd check what the butg is but unfortunately.... launchpad problems :P15:37
ActionParsnipkieran: seems laggy for me too15:38
mattikieran: No. Only very busy.15:38
xiaohuiI cannot access it too15:38
craigyann2, What is bug #36235915:38
mattikieran: 9.04 was launched +/- two hours ago.15:38
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/362359/+text)15:38
yann2craig > I just realised it was very stupid to mention the bug as launchpad's down :)15:38
SteppzorHello. im trying to DL Win32 Disk Imaged but i it sais it cant.. and can someone point me to another DL location?:) thanx15:38
kierani forgot15:38
craig@yann2 hehe :)15:38
yann2btw the date launchpad will be opensource is coming closer, when is it exactly?15:38
persiaSteppzor, I don't know if that is mirrored anywhere, sorry.15:39
intellectronicayann2: late july15:39
Steppzor:( damn :P15:39
intellectronicaSteppzor: ?15:39
Pegasus_RPGAre there issues with the LP bug server ATM?15:39
craigYep :)15:39
craigRunning a tad slow at the moment...15:39
Pegasus_RPGk, just checking15:39
ActionParsnipPegasus_RPG: i have that too, i'd try later15:40
Steppzorintellectronica: Win32 Disk Imager.. trying do download but cant.. so looking for another mirror to DL.15:40
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mattiPegasus_RPG: LP is very busy due to new release launch :)15:40
rootskican someone change the welcome message to this channel to note that LP is getting spannered ?15:40
craigHandy -> http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/launchpad.net15:40
craigAlthough that says its up... don't lie to me website!15:41
NCommanderSteppzor, I have a copy of the 0.2 prototype release of the Win32 image writer. If you don't mind experimental software, you can use that15:41
Ursinhawe're working on it15:41
SteppzorI dont mind :P send it over?:)15:41
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: LP is down at the moment, we're working on it | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/karma-where-did-mine-go
rootskiUrsinha: thanks! ...15:42
NCommanderSteppzor,  http://people.ubuntu.com/~mcasadevall/win32diskimager-RELEASE-0.2-r20-win32.zip15:42
SteppzorThanx mate :)15:42
benstedoes the "launchpad is down" affect ubuntu updates?15:42
craigUmm shouldn't do. Different servers afaik15:43
persiabenste, It oughtn't, no.  Slowness there is due solely to upgrade pressure.15:43
craigAlthough with the amount of traffic being generated at the moment they might also be effected15:43
bensteIt's really strange all was fine during alpha beta and RC with 9.04 but now with stable release it went buggy and launchpad is down when I have ussues :-)15:44
craigI guess a lot of people just like to upgrade once it's fuly released. After all, no one likes the possibility of a buggy OS. Although some of us like to live on the edge ;)15:44
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/karma-where-did-mine-go
craigDoes that mean it's back up Ursinha? :)15:45
Ursinhacraig, oh yeah! :)15:45
craigahasenack, nice!15:46
* craig refreshes15:46
craigAha* rather... shouldn't of really pressed tab there. Sorry ahasenack hehe.15:46
TresEquisI'm still timing out on a reload15:47
Ursinhacraig, we're having some issues15:47
Ursinhalet me change the topic again15:47
Peng_Awesome, thanks for being down. I need to leave, but I wanted to check a few things on LP before going, but now it's impossible! :)15:47
craigYeah still a bit slow and connection is a bit sporadic ...15:47
Peng_Damn, it's up.15:47
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: We're having some issues with LP at the moment, we're working on it right now. Sorry for the inconvenience | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/karma-where-did-mine-go
Peng_Well, anyway, the checking took less time than writing all that. :P See ya!15:48
craigWell it's loading alright... albeit veeeeeeeeery slowly. Better than nothing though :)15:49
craigHmmm... the bazaar uplaods appear to be running fine. Just the launchpad site itself.15:49
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mdzAPI is working fine too15:56
craigthOnce you merge a branch does it disappear from the code branch views on launchpad?15:57
craigthOr simply have it status set to branched or similar?15:57
craigthLooks like the servers are gradually getting back to normal....16:00
TresEquiscraigth: I'm still timing out16:06
rippsIs it just me, or is Launchpad.net being really slow? Probably being hammered due to Jaunty release.16:09
rockstarripps, see topic16:10
jacksparrowhey guys16:10
jacksparrowcan you reach launchpad.net?16:10
Ursinhajacksparrow, /topic16:10
jacksparrowbtw I love launchpad :-D16:11
craigthWho doesn't!16:12
craigthI only found it 3 days ago and now I feel like my project depends on it :P16:12
jacksparrowI'm member since 4 days or so and I love it :D16:12
jacksparrowfound bugs that I know too and reported some others16:13
jacksparrowand today tested the bazaar thing, great16:13
craigthI managed to load a whole page! In 10 minutes total... but stil la whole page!16:13
BasicXPHello, everybody! Why can't I connect to Launchpad? Tried on few computers.16:14
craigthUbuntu Jaunty release is hammering the servers it seems, including launchpad's16:15
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jacksparrowis it out?16:16
jacksparrowBasicXP: topic!16:16
craigthWas release a few hours ago afaik16:17
jacksparrowokay, so now we know the reaseon16:17
pssccan anyone prod the mirrorchecker on lauchpad16:17
craigthMaybe... as intellectronica said earlier, correlation != causation :)16:17
jacksparrow[17:18] <mint3> jacksparrow, today, few hours ago.16:18
jacksparrowlol, yes but this is a clear one16:18
craigthCould be a seperate bug that just happened to occur that same time as the Jaunty release, although it seems unlikey :)16:18
jacksparrowbut why is launchpad so affected by it?16:18
jacksparrowI mean, the downloads don't run over launchpad do they?16:18
jacksparrowubuntu has no bzr repos or something like that on launchpad16:19
fatmikethe shipit site is not responsive16:19
craigthWell ubuntu releases and launchpad are both located on the Canonical servers afaik, so maybe thats the reason16:19
psscjacksparrow: SAN exaustion?16:19
fatmikeall should use torrents for downloading distros16:20
jacksparrowyeah torrents are the future16:20
craigthYeah, that would help. But this happens every Ubuntu release, atleast for the shipit sites etc. Not sure about launchpad since I've only just started using it.16:21
fatmikebut the daeth for music and film industry ;)16:21
craigth...as we know it16:21
craigthLess dieing more... adapting16:21
craigthForced or not :P16:21
brad__Is anyone else having problems with the ubuntu shipit server?16:22
craigthHollywood spew out crap these days anyway. All rehashes of the same old movies but now with brand new explosions!16:22
brad__Wanted to order some official CD's16:22
fatmikewhat about these piratebay guys...will they be arrested?16:23
jacksparrowit is really difficult to verify if a movie torrent really contains the movie16:23
brad__They have been convicted16:23
craigthThey've been convicted fatmike16:23
=== case___ is now known as casetj
Ursinhajacksparrow, talking about piracy at Freenode is not appreciated16:23
jacksparrowsorry it's not actually about piracy, but about legal aspects of torrents16:23
yann2about piratebay http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/04/23/1159216&art_pos=416:23
craigthAlthouh according to social media sites like digg the case might be thrown out and a retrail done. Apparently the PB lawyer was accused of bias16:23
fatmikecomeon, this server is called FREEnode16:24
jacksparrowpiratebay is more about piracy ;)16:24
fatmikewe don't give manuals for illegal things16:24
jacksparrowbut for FREE ones :)16:24
brad__Piratebay does have some free torrents16:24
brad__opensource stuff16:24
yann2fatmike > actually I am thinking of putting the torrent files to seed archaeological data from my company on piratebay :)16:24
craigthI agree with the verdict though. What they were doing was illegal afterall.16:25
brad__Im gonna upgrade to kubuntu 9.0416:25
jacksparrowhave you upgraded to 9.04 yet?16:25
brad__Gonna do it now16:25
yann2I did \o/ and seeding the torrents at 30mbps :)16:25
brad__Just got the auto updater popup16:25
jacksparrowI aint got one16:26
fatmikei'll try the netbook remix on my eee1000h16:26
fatmikeas soon as i get home16:26
jacksparrowwhich command do you use to upgrade?16:26
jacksparrowinstead of reinstalling?16:26
brad__Not sure16:26
jacksparrowthere is one I suppose16:26
jacksparrowwhy not16:26
fatmikebut i wanna receive a cd via ship for the desktop version16:26
cparkerI just submitted an answer on Launchpad Answers and I received the "Please try again" message. If I reload this page when things are back online, does anyone know if my answer will be posted? It took a while to type it up and I don't want to lose it.16:26
brad__probably sudo upgrade16:26
craigthcparker, what browser are you using?16:27
fatmikehmm i don't think so, cparker16:27
jacksparrowwhen you go back you still have it in your form don't you?16:27
cparkercraigth: Firefox16:27
fatmikeyou have to 'try again' means 'type again'16:27
craigthIf you're using firefox, clicking back usually brigns back all your form info since its cached16:27
craigthUsually anyway...16:28
cparkerOkay. I didn't want to click back and risk losing everything... Thanks.16:28
* craigth hopes he isn't wrong16:28
fatmiketell us if it worked cparker16:28
cparkerOkay, it worked. It was properly cached.16:28
kikocparker, if you reload it and repost it won't lost your post, btw16:28
craigthPhew. Dodged a bullet there :P16:28
noodlesgcI am having the same issue as cparker16:29
craigthI could see the metaphorical pitchforks being raised if I was wrong about that heh.16:29
jacksparrowcraigth, what project are you working on?16:29
jacksparrowlol.. meaning?16:29
craigthWoops! Probably best not to link to launchpad _lol_!16:29
fatmikehope they will fix this issue soon16:30
craigthjQuery tooltip plugin :)16:30
mrevellEdge seems to be working better -- https://edge.launchpad.net16:30
jacksparrowhas this something to do with ajax?16:30
craigthIt has AJAX functionality in it yeah. Less AJAX more dynamic content16:31
craigthGood demonstration: http://craigsworks.com/projects/qtip/demos/content/loading16:31
jacksparrowwow, cool16:32
jacksparrowdid you start it from scratch?16:32
craigthYup :)16:32
fatmikevery cool indeed16:32
jacksparrowdo you like owls? ;)16:32
fatmikedoes it only work with jquery?16:32
craigthYeah purely a jQuery plugin.16:32
craigthAnd I do!16:32
craigthSuch majestic creatures... symbol of intelligence afterall.16:33
jacksparroware you doing webdesign things for a longer time?16:33
craigthAround 4 years give or take16:33
craigthWhat about you jacksparrow, what's your project?16:34
jacksparrownice gfx on the page16:34
craigthWhy thankyou :)16:34
jacksparrowmy project? well, I'm not active in a project16:34
craigthAh I see, just helping out on launchpad itself reporting bugs etc?16:35
jacksparrowuntil now.. yes16:35
jacksparrowI'd like to work on an open source project but I'm actually a too worse C coder16:36
fatmikei'll have to go16:36
fatmikehappy installing the jackalope16:36
craigthHave fun fatmike :)16:36
craigthWhat's your primary coding expertise?16:36
luxosalguien conoce de jabber16:37
=== bhaskar is now known as ksbhaskar
cparkercraigth: Very nice site there.16:37
craigthThanks cparker :) Appreciated.16:37
cparkercraigth: You do all of the design, coding, CSS, everything yourself?16:38
Ursinhaluxos, what can we do for you?16:38
craigthStill needs some work on the demos section heh. Got a few moreto stick up once the RC is released... if launchpad ever gets back up I can start resolving some bugs.16:38
craigthcparker, yep :)16:38
jacksparrowwhat are you using for the gfx?16:38
jacksparrowlike for the space wallpaper?16:39
craigthPhotoshop :)16:39
craigthI think Idid the space wallpaper in the GIMP actually, but that was a while ago.16:39
cparkerI'm envious. I've been developing for the Web for close to 10 years, and I still don't have an eye for design all that much.16:39
Extendlaunchpad is down ????16:40
craigthExtend, /topic16:40
jacksparrowI think know how to design is a talent16:40
Extendcraigth, thanks16:40
craigthcparker, Wow 10 years, a long time! I'm much more a client-side programmer / designer. I know a few backend languages but I much prefer to be designing, messing with JS etc.16:41
craigthWhat's your primary area of development cparker ?16:41
craigthjacksparrow, yeah it definitely is something thats difficult to simply pick up. Have to work on it for a long time to get semi-decent at it.16:41
craigthI find sketching really helps... nothing beats a good ole' pencil and paper16:42
jacksparrowI was never good at drawing things.. I prefer playing an instrument16:43
=== DerfBWH is now known as Agentsmith
jacksparrowbut I'd like to be able to do such nice gfx.. well, who'd not16:43
craigthjacksparrow, in that case I'm envious of you! What instrument do you play?16:43
craigthI've always wanted to learn to play the guiter16:43
jacksparrowI play the drums and from time to time piano16:44
craigthCan playa few songs on the piano but thats about it16:44
saikathello every one16:44
jacksparrowclassical ones?16:44
craigthahasenack, I'm useless at drumming. No where near ambidextrous enough!16:44
cparkercraigth: I feel most at home on the server side with Perl or Python. Oddly enough, though, I spent the last 2.5 years working primarily with JavaScript.16:44
saikati can not request a cd in ubuntu ship it16:44
Agentsmithis that... an Issue, Mr. Saikat?16:45
craigthcparker, quite a big jump from python/perl to JavaScript in terms of its scope. How did you end up jumping?16:45
jacksparrowsaikat, download it!16:45
rowinggolfersaikat... stick with intrepid!!16:45
craigthsiretart, the servers are getting hammered at the moment from the traffic. Trying downloading via torrent first16:45
cparkercraigth: A job came up as a JavaScript developer, and I took it. I cut my teeth on JavaScript, so I felt pretty comfortable with that...16:45
AgentsmithYes.... hammered.16:46
saikati am in 8.0416:46
AgentsmithYou need to make a choice, Mr. Saikat.16:46
saikatbut i want to use it16:46
AgentsmithDo you live, or do you... torrent?16:46
rowinggolfersaikat: wait for windows 716:46
craigthcparker, ahh right, sounds like my dream job haha. I adore JS as a language, find it very easy to code and understand. What type of stuff are you working on recently?16:46
saikati dont use windows16:47
AgentsmithThe choice is yours Mr. Saikat, live... or torrent. You have five seconds.16:47
rowinggolfersaikat: I was kidding sir.16:47
craigthrowinggolfer, haha, good one :P16:47
craigthTo be fair though... MS have done a pretty decent job with Windows 7. It's everything Vista should have been16:47
* rowinggolfer forgot he signed the ubuntu code of conduct 3 days ago.16:47
AgentsmithJeff, Jeff, Jeff...16:48
AgentsmithI've been... waiting for you.16:48
saikati am from bangladesh my net speed is not so high16:48
craigthSee just how deep the rabbit hole goes....16:48
saikatbut i download torrents sometimes16:48
cparkercraigth: I'm working on a personal project at the moment. I'm using Django, a Python Web framework.16:49
AgentsmithDownload the torrent, Mr. Saikat, and die.16:49
craigthcparker, I'm familiar with it. A friend of mine was using it in one of his past projects. Sounded liek quite a neat framework16:49
cparkersaikat: Just be patient. Try ordering CDs a little later.16:49
cparkercraigth: It is. I'm in lurve.16:49
rowinggolferis django the only python web framework though ;)16:49
AgentsmithSwimming in an endless sea of rage, searching for a lone free CD request. .  .16:50
rowinggolferwe need more of such16:50
saikatthen i have to download torrents16:50
AgentsmithTell me, Mr. Saikat. Do you love your cat? How about..... now?16:50
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
saikati dont have any cat16:50
craigthAgentsmith is starting to scare me...16:51
AgentsmithNot anymore you don't, Mr. Saikat.16:51
=== charlie-tca is now known as charlie-tca__
eferraiuolodamn, LP is down right when I need it :-/16:51
saikatno i dont hava any16:51
craigthThat's a threat if I ever heard one :P16:51
craigtheferraiuolo, join the club :P16:51
AgentsmithBalchd, I've been... waiting for you.16:52
balchdAgentsmith: How about I give you the finger...16:52
AgentsmithBut how can you give me the finger when you have... no hands?16:52
persiaUm, we're starting to drift from the topic.16:52
cparkerpersia: Worth it.16:53
craigthI was almost inclined to think agentsmith was a bot for a moment, but that is pure comedy.16:53
persiaYes, LP has slow responses now, but let's let that get sorted, and hear about it here, and have other discussions elsewhere.16:53
mattiOK folks.16:53
mattiGotta go.16:53
fackamatohttps://code.launchpad.net/dusttheme/0.3/0.3.4 doesn't seem to work, does it?16:53
mattiTake care everybody :)16:53
craigthfackamato, /topic16:54
davideotapeHi guys16:54
cparkerfackamato: I hate tomatoes, too.16:54
rowinggolferpersia: LP is a wonderful experience IMO. not perfect. but beautiful... and honest.16:54
AgentsmithBeautiful, and honest, like the baby soft skin of a newborn...16:54
cparkerdavideotape: Hey! Long time never see! How've you been?16:55
fackamatooh sorry16:55
persiarowinggolfer, I'm not one of the people who you probably want to direct that comment towards :)16:55
davideotapeGood thanks :D16:55
davideotapecparker: yourself?16:55
cparkerdavideotape: Can't complain...16:55
davideotapecparker: goodgood16:56
davideotapeJust wondering if anyone else is having problems accessing launchpad at the moment. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't for me...16:56
* cparker points to the topic.16:56
craigthHmm on a more LP note... I'm having some slight problems with my branches. Still new to this bazaar stuff, but I'm getting some errors trying to push16:56
davideotapeAh yes, just noticed that :S16:56
craigth"bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  Try using "merge" and then "push".16:57
davideotapeIs that new jaunty users trying to file loads of bugs then?16:57
rowinggolferor shared servers?16:57
craigthThen upon trying to merge: "bzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified. "16:57
rowinggolferor bandwidth?16:57
craigthAnd I have no idea what that even means :P16:57
* TresEquis bets on shredded network fabric16:57
Agentsmithdiafero, I've been waiting for you...16:58
Agentsmithdo you have the money?16:58
davideotapeIs this a hold up?16:58
AgentsmithNo, I have something he wants...16:58
Agentsmithsomething he wouldnt want me... telling you all.16:58
diaferoIf this is supposed to be funny, go on.16:59
AgentsmithShall I tell them, diafero? Shall I tell them your -secret-?16:59
diaferoif you want to *lol*16:59
* craigth isn't sure he wants to know...16:59
* cparker covers his eyes.16:59
* persia thinks the conversation is drifting again16:59
davideotapeQuestion - how do you do that three star thing on pidgin?16:59
diaferoYeah, trying to fool poor IRC newbies16:59
craigthThree star thing? O_O16:59
diaferonot the nice way, agent16:59
AgentsmithAlas! I have been discovered!17:00
* Agentsmith goes into STEALTH17:00
davideotapeThe thing that puts three *'s infront of your name17:00
=== Agentsmith is now known as JesusChrist
JesusChristherro children!17:00
diaferoBut I might be ok not to tell anyone, Jesus.... you know, the money?17:00
davideotapeSup jesus17:00
craigthThis conversation is heading down hill :P17:00
JesusChristnot much. just chillin' on Cloud A.17:00
=== JesusChrist is now known as AgentSmith
davideotape@craigth agreed17:01
diaferoI actually was just looking for the launchpad state, and sicne it says here the iusse is know I'm going to head on17:02
craigthSo regarding my past question...17:02
davideotapeIs the fact launchpad is down and jaunty is released on the same day just a coincidence then?17:02
diaferosee you soon, agent jesus...17:02
craigth"Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified. "17:02
Phantomas Please try again                    Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.                             Try reloading this page in a minute or two.           If the problem persists, let us know in           the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode.                  Thanks for your patience.17:02
craigthPhantomas, /topic17:02
AgentSmithGoodbye, diafero. I look forward to.... "meeting you" again.17:02
* AgentSmith laughs.17:02
persiacraigth, How did you construct your local branch?17:02
davideotape@PHANTOMAS thanks, but I already gathered that much17:02
kugeliniswhy shipit.ubuntu.com is dead?17:02
Phantomasoops ... thanks craigth17:02
AgentSmithKugelinis, it's dead. You... killed it.17:03
diaferoA meeting of the 3rd kind, hm?17:03
AgentSmithYou shot it dead, and now we're coming for you, kugelinis... we're onto you...17:03
craigthpersia, I used launchpad to construct it. Then pushed to it. But I think adding it a series and resetting development focus has cuased this error17:03
craigthit to a series *17:03
craigthwell not error, but message :)17:03
davideotapeI was thinking more server overload on shipit.ubuntu.com, but ya'know, could be anything17:03
persiacraigth, Hrm.  I don't know.17:04
davideotapeAnyone know if launchpad is on twitter?17:04
craigthpersia, yeah.. stumped me too. Not even totally sure what it means17:04
kugelinisdamn, i have to get the hell outta here before agents caughtme lol17:04
AgentSmithKugelinis, have you checked on the birds, lately...?17:05
tim_s1Just received 3 emails for same bug with different bug numbers, hit refresh a couple of times when I was getting no activity,  do I mark two of them as duplicates of the remaining one when launchpad is back up and working17:05
noumaanso when launchpad is expected to return to normal?17:06
craigthSoon hopefully!17:06
noumaanI am unable to open any webpage :(17:06
craigthYeah, sucks :( In the mean time we'll just have to be patient17:07
TresEquisnoumaan: /topic says what LP admins know to date17:07
noumaani am bored i had to upload these translations thats all I had to do today17:08
craigthpersia, any ideas on how to delete a branch?17:08
davideotapeTresEquis That's as much as I know though. I'm sure that the LP admins know a bit more than that.17:08
davideotape*enters the room*17:12
persiacraigth, Isn't there a little trashcan icon?17:12
davideotapebye all. Happy bugging :P17:14
craigthpersia, maybe... launchpad is down so I can't tell...17:14
craigthAnyway to do it via bazaar itself?17:14
persiaI have no idea then.17:15
rippsHope those PPA builders get fixed soon, otherwise there might be a huge queue of builds building up.17:18
davideotaHi guys17:22
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
craigthhi davidtremblay17:24
craigthwoops wong nick ;)17:24
longsleeplaunchpad.net is down - any chance it comes up again soon?17:27
Ursinhalongsleep, we're working on it17:27
Ursinhalongsleep, as the /topic says :)17:28
longsleepUrsinha: ok great thx17:28
Ursinhalongsleep, np :)17:28
xorlDoes LP have a version I can install on my own server?17:29
Ursinhaxorl, not yet17:29
kikoUrsinha, "yet"? :)17:30
kikoxorl, why would you want to do that?17:30
kikolongsleep, we're slashdotted and fixing up the throttlers17:30
xorlkiko: Internal In house bug tracking and management w/out the publics ability to see said projects?17:30
kikoxorl, we offer that already -- just sign up :)17:30
xorlkiko: I'm talking, closed source apps, (unfortunately trademarked)17:31
grookooI understand... so that is why I can not access launchpad I presume17:31
xorlDon't want that stuff out in the public17:31
longsleepkiko: yes i could imagine :-)17:31
kikoxorl, and I'm agreeing -- we host closed source as well as open source :)17:31
xorlkiko: ah17:31
kikoxorl, we are probably the best choice for you -- let's make it happen!17:31
grookooI thought you meant launchpad is being slashdotted right now17:32
kikogrookoo, we are17:32
grookooIs it only me who has no access?17:32
* Spads points grookoo to the topic17:32
hathawshgrookoo: you and probably most in this channel :-)17:32
* craigth is also experiencing problems17:33
craigthSods law... the exact moment you really need something it goes down :P17:33
martin1980_Hello?! Don't know if I talking to the right persons but it seems to be problem with the Launchpad homepage.17:33
persiamartin1980_, See /topic17:34
craigthWOuld it be possible to automatically call /topic for everyone joins the channel :P17:34
craigthmight make life easier hehe...17:34
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic17:34
Ursinhahm, it works :)17:35
grookoocraigth: it is a mix of idiocy of not reading the /topic and other things17:35
craigthI bet that wasn't meant for me :P17:35
grookooI actually looked for info on the /topic as I joined but my IRC client makes it unreadable17:35
martin1980_Thanks! The eyes are the first one becomes blind to.17:35
KIAazethx for pointing out /topic17:36
KIAazeI was just about to ask what's wrong with LP :)17:36
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic17:37
dabearoverloaded? :p17:40
martin1980_I don't useing IRC normaly. Dare say that this is my first time. How do I  enter "/topic"?17:41
KIAazeyou just type it17:41
KIAazewithout anything before the "/"17:41
martin1980_Do I need to be in #launchpad or log out?17:42
KIAazejust type it here like a normal message :)17:42
Ursinhamartin1980_, as soon as you join the channel the topic is presented to you17:42
GilghaHi ^^17:42
martin1980_Ok! It's the blue text?!17:42
craigth"We're having some issues with LP at the moment, we're working on it right now. Sorry for the inconvenience | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/karma-where-did-mine-go"17:43
KIAazeit also appears when you first log in on a channel17:43
GilghaI can't ship the new Jaunty :(17:43
KIAazeI was wondering if I should launch a 9.04 torrent to reduce the server load (if that's the cause of the pb), but the torrents aren't even available yet. :/17:43
KIAazewell I found it here: http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/17:45
KIAazebut it's not on the official site yet17:45
KIAazeany idea of how long it will take before launchpad works again?17:46
craigthProbably not for a while yet...17:47
craigthAlthough I could be totally wrong :P17:47
maccam94heh i should have remembered that release day would also affect LP. *sigh* i guess i'll have to try out this ppa later...17:49
UrsinhaKIAaze, there are torrents, yes17:50
UrsinhaKIAaze, http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696917:50
happosadeUrsinha: Do you know why they reset that stats from http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696917:52
happosadelike every hour17:52
Ursinhahapposade, nope, I don't17:52
Ursinhahapposade, maybe in #ubuntu they know?17:52
* happosade go and try17:52
KIAazemmh, is it normal that the checksum here: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ is different from the one here: http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/MD5SUMS for ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso ?17:53
craigthMAy be a different torrent17:53
happosadecraigth: nope.17:54
KIAazeI always thought checksums were from the isos, not the torrent17:54
craigthin that case... different ISO's? :P17:55
KIAazeand which one is the official torrent?17:55
craigthprobably the first link17:55
Ursinhatorrent.ubuntu.com is official as well17:55
Ursinhabut you should ask in #ubuntu :)17:55
craigthThats the link I meant :)17:56
jeanpaul145why is the launchpad server down?17:57
jeanpaul145is it for maintenance?17:57
bob__Yeah, uh ShipIt seems to be broken17:57
craigthjeanpaul145, /topic17:57
soc1bob__: looks like they forgot the 64bit cds there ...17:57
KIAazelaunchpad is kaputt17:57
=== bob__ is now known as Bob_J
jeanpaul145I see. Is there a site I can get additional info, maybe some details?17:59
longsleepjeanpaul145: see the channel topic17:59
magciusjeanpaul145, they're being slashdotted and also hard-hitted because of the new Ubuntu release.18:00
jeanpaul145ok, but why launchpad and not ubuntu.com / releases.ubuntu.com? extra resources can only do so much18:01
Terje_Is there another site I can download Disk Imager from?18:04
racecar56ack us.archive.ubuntu.com is also down18:06
jeanpaul145or is Jaunty that buggy? :P18:06
KIAazeonly jaunty server edition :P18:07
=== hathawsh is now known as hathawsh|away
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
detructor15I've a question: Could it be, that the launchpad server is down?18:08
KIAaze-> /topic18:08
detructor15oh, thanks >.>18:08
ProbOnLaunchpadHey everyone.18:09
craigthHey :)18:10
ProbOnLaunchpadCan anyone explain to me what's happening with Launchpad? What kind of issues are up?18:10
intellectronicaProbOnLaunchpad: see the topic18:10
craigthWe're assuming its caused by the Jaunty release18:10
craigthbut it could be any number of things18:10
ProbOnLaunchpadk ;)18:11
james_wrockstar: is launchpad down?18:14
rockstarjames_w, :)18:14
bachchaplease read the message of the day...18:14
james_wI like to help where I can18:14
cody-somervillerockstar, IS LAUNCHPAD DOWN?!?!?!18:14
rockstarjames_w, is it out?18:14
rowinggolfercody-somerville: see topic18:15
racecar56ubuntu 200018:15
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/2000/+text)18:15
ProbOnLaunchpadthat site isn't working for me right now18:16
ProbOnLaunchpadlike every launchpad page at the moment18:17
=== hathawsh|away is now known as hathawsh
mitchellhello all, I cant access https://launchpad.net, is something wrong with the server?18:18
pace_t_zululaunchpad is painful right now18:18
pace_t_zulumitchell: Ubuntu 9.04 was released today, I suspect that has something to do with it18:19
Ursinhamitchell, /topic18:19
pace_t_zuluUrsinha: do you have any idea what the problem is? does it have something to do with Ubuntu 9.04?18:20
Ursinhapace_t_zulu, I'm not, we're working on trying to find out what's going on18:20
UrsinhaI mean, I don't18:20
KIAaze"<ubottu> Error: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/2000/+text)" ubottu down too?! O.o18:20
pace_t_zuluUrsinha: thank you18:21
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/2000/+text)18:21
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic18:21
markohi all18:21
Ursinharacecar56, please, stop doing that :)18:21
Ursinhamarko, hi18:21
ProbOnLaunchpadIt might be an stupid question, but how could Jaunty release cause this problem?18:22
markoanybody else havin problems connecting to lp?18:22
racecar56lp is pwn'd18:22
ProbOnLaunchpadmarko: topic18:22
markoahhh, just saw it after hitting return... ;-)18:22
racecar56 \18:22
pace_t_zului don't think it is a coincidence that LP went down on 9.04 launch day18:23
boutch5back on... at least for a couple pages ;-)18:23
boutch5working for anyone else ?18:24
KIAazethis is madness!18:24
Bob_Jback up for me18:24
KIAazethis is JAUUUUNTYYYYY18:24
emorrisboutch5: up and down18:24
boutch5yup... gone again18:24
boobaloo_hi all LP'ers18:25
pace_t_zuluUrsinha: has this problem occurred on previous  Ubuntu launches18:25
boutch5just had time to grab the nvidia 177 driver source :-)18:25
pace_t_zululooks like its back up18:25
Ursinhapace_t_zulu, I don't recall this happening the other releases18:25
racecar56why didn't nvidia 178.xx get in the repos?18:25
boutch5177 is missing, at least in x64..18:26
racecar56178 is also missingf18:26
Ursinharacecar56, have you asked in #ubuntu already?18:26
boutch5the day is gonna be long..18:26
racecar56Ursinha, no18:27
ProbOnLaunchpadOk, it's up18:27
Ursinharacecar56, you should :)18:27
racecar56Ursinha, i just did now :>18:27
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NoProbOnLaunchpathanks everyone!18:27
NoProbOnLaunchpabye =)18:27
Turlis shipit down?18:28
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blizzkidTurl: see topic18:29
Turloh, the topic explains it all, thanks18:29
racecar56O.O "E: Package linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic has no installation candidate"18:29
rockstarracecar56, that's an issue for #ubuntu, not #launchpad18:29
racecar56rockstar, i just aked there18:29
rockstarracecar56, also, racecar56 is not a palindrome.18:29
* rockstar scurries off to get on a plane18:30
racecar56but racecar is18:30
* blizzkid suggests racecar56 a nick change to 65racecar56 :p18:30
Turlwoah, jaunty-proposed is not authenticated heh :P18:30
craigthLooks like launchpad is semi-back up18:34
rowinggolferI had a semi this morning18:34
rowinggolferit's a vague term18:34
craigthNot sure what to make of that :P18:34
rowinggolfera semi-push?18:35
* craigth shrugs18:35
rowinggolfernot satisfying for client or server18:35
racecar56yay us archive is back18:40
Winger3site really slow! :)18:40
TurlWinger3: see the topic18:41
Winger3topic where url?18:42
craigth /topic18:42
Saffie_xHii xx18:46
Saffie_xLooks like Launchpad is Semi-back then!! :|18:47
Saffie_xWhats going on with this thing?? xx18:48
Oziriz:/ Does anyone know when it'll be back completely?18:48
Saffie_xNope but I wanna know18:48
OzirizI can't download Ubuntu with my connection :(18:48
* hathawsh gives thanks to Canonical for Launchpad :-)18:48
Saffie_xWhy?? xx18:48
OzirizIt's way too slow18:49
Saffie_xOh okay!! Too bad!!18:49
OzirizBesides, I want to continue my collection of Ubuntu CDs18:49
Saffie_xThats a bit sad18:50
OzirizDo we know why Launchpad is down?18:50
beunoOziriz, yes and no. We're working on it.18:50
beunosomething midly to do with the Ubuntu release18:50
Saffie_xNope not yet!! Everyone is asking everyone but no one knows yet18:50
OzirizThanks, beuno18:50
Saffie_xWell its half half18:51
racecar56the us archive is slow18:51
OzirizWell, half is better than no information18:51
OzirizI bet18:52
Saffie_xYou bet what?? xx18:52
OzirizThat the US archive is slow18:52
Saffie_xOh right18:52
OzirizA lot of people want the new Ubuntu release18:52
Saffie_xWhy Whats so good about Ubuntu18:53
OzirizIt's easy to use and stuff, good for not-quite-so-technical people18:53
OzirizI'm not an Ubuntu/Linux fanboy, but I have to say it's a very good distro18:54
Saffie_xNo I cant stand it drives Mee mad sometimes!! :|18:55
Saffie_xDunno Cause I use MSN Messenger and things like that and Ubuntu dosent provide it but I dont undeerstand why its only Window users But I dont like Window cause it takes like forever to load things up!!18:56
OzirizActually, I think it comes with Pidgin18:57
craigthUse another IM client like Pidgin or Kopete then :)18:57
blizzkidSaffie_x: ever tried pidgin? or amsn? or ... ?18:57
craigthLots of options to choose from18:57
OzirizAs you can see, there's a lot of options18:57
Saffie_xYeah I dont like it18:57
Saffie_xNot sure why!!18:57
OzirizYou don't like options? :/18:57
blizzkidcraigth: or osalt ;)18:58
racecar56 18:58
* blizzkid doesn't get why people like bloated windows live messenger18:58
craigthIF you're a windows fan I'd try out KDE 4.218:58
UrsinhaSaffie_x, ubuntu doesn't provide the MSN client but provides clients that support msn protocol18:58
racecar56blizzkid, right on18:58
blizzkidsure, it's got webcam support, but who uses that anyway? :p18:58
Ozirizblizzkid, not all people like changes I guess18:58
racecar56"GET SINGLES NOW!" ads until your nuts18:59
Ursinhablizzkid, there's amsn for that :p18:59
blizzkidOziriz: indeed18:59
racecar56amsn pwn18:59
racecar56amsn pwns18:59
Saffie_xMee I doo its better then typing!! Lol18:59
blizzkidUrsinha: I know, but I hate it :p18:59
OzirizDoesn't Skype have webcam support on Linux distros? It should be faster anyway18:59
maccam94Oziriz: yes18:59
craigthYeah it does.18:59
blizzkidI prefer finch actually :)18:59
Saffie_xI have never heard of the aMSN Isit good??18:59
magciusExcept that the Skype client for Linux is awful.18:59
UrsinhaSaffie_x, it does the job18:59
magciusI prefer Pidgin./18:59
racecar56its kool18:59
racecar56skype PHAIL18:59
Ozirizmagcius: It is?18:59
racecar56pidgin is ok but i dont like it for amsn19:00
maccam94racecar56: ...how?19:00
Saffie_xI gto Skype but I dont have any friends on it19:00
blizzkidI wish everyone used xmmp instead of msn :(19:00
magciusBut I use irssi + screen + bitlbee19:00
* persia waves the "This is the launchpad channel" flag19:00
magciusAnd sometimes ERC.19:00
* craigth likes that flag19:00
racecar56ive never used erc19:00
blizzkidmagcius: bitlbee is nice indeed19:00
* racecar56 ALSO waves the "This is the launchpad channel" flag19:00
maccam94is launchpad just overloaded right now, or are there other problems?19:01
racecar56 /topic19:01
OzirizI have a tendency to go off topic :/19:01
* Ursinha got her arm tired of holding that flag long ago19:01
blizzkidpersia: you have to admit ubuntu and launchpad are so closely related talking bout ubuntu stuff is hardly off topic ;) (as long as it doesn't go the ubuntu support way)19:02
Saffie_xWhat is a tendency19:02
persiablizzkid, Well, I suppose, but lots of people use LP for non-ubuntu stuff, and there's lots of channels to talk about ubuntu stuff.19:02
craigthAn inclination19:02
racecar56ping, does it respond fast?19:02
blizzkidtrue persia, it's not that I disagree you know ;)19:02
craigthWhen you inclined to do something in particular19:02
Saffie_xOh right19:03
blizzkidcraigth: s/your/you're ;)19:03
craigthAha yes, thanks :)19:03
EiTheL@racecar, ping is fast, around 300-400 ms19:03
magciusblizzkid, s/your/you\'re/, actually.19:03
blizzkidpseudo-code magicus :p19:04
Saffie_xWhat is this s/your/....Buisness19:04
magciusSaffie_x, sed substitute.19:04
blizzkidSaffie_x: man sed ;)19:05
Saffie_xStill have no idea what your on about19:05
magciusSaffie_x, then you haven't used GNU enough.19:05
blizzkidSaffie_x: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=sed&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=sed&fp=_rpp-4zAm3I19:05
magciusCome on, dive in, write some bash scripts.19:05
UrsinhaSaffie_x, do you use launchpad for something?19:05
Saffie_xI dunno SOmeone toold Mee to come on here as its useful19:06
OzirizMaybe Saffie_x thought this was a channel for Duck Tales' Launchpad :)19:06
Saffie_xOr maybe not19:06
blizzkidlol @Oziriz19:06
OzirizJust kidding there, Saffie_x19:06
UrsinhaSaffie_x, so I wonder what are you doing here if you don't use Launchpad and don't use ubuntu (you should be here by mistake or free association)19:07
Saffie_xI doo use Ubuntu19:07
UrsinhaSaffie_x, I don't get it then19:08
blizzkidSaffie_x: you mean you use the cd's to put your coffee on? :p :p :p19:08
Saffie_xYou think your funny dont you19:08
racecar56thats about how useful the cds i burn are19:08
racecar56my cd drives hate burning19:08
blizzkidSaffie_x: I'm just kidding19:08
blizzkiddon't get too excited19:08
blizzkidracecar56: at least you can burn cd's19:09
Saffie_xWhy you talking about Coffee for Its ment to be talking about a bug of Launch pad19:09
racecar56ping, does it respond?19:09
blizzkidcoz you said you use ubuntu but don't know sed nor man19:09
blizzkidand it was a _joke_19:10
Saffie_xNot the jokes that I tell or hear19:10
Ursinharacecar56, yes19:10
blizzkidSaffie_x: i guess you're not enough of a geek then ;)19:10
OzirizWell, blizzkid, Ubuntu is so easy you never really have to use sed or man, or even a terminal at all in many cases19:10
Saffie_xNope never will be19:11
blizzkidOziriz: I disagree on that one19:11
Ursinhawhat about moving to a proper channel to discuss ubuntu?19:11
blizzkidbut I'm far more into cli'ing then joe average I guess19:11
Saffie_xTerminal is used every hour on this computer!!  No word of a lie19:11
blizzkidtrue Ursinha19:11
Oziriz:P My doesn't even know how to launch the terminal, and I installed Ubuntu on her computer a while ago19:11
OzirizAnyway, yeah, back on topic19:11
Saffie_xWe are on topis19:12
* blizzkid invites all to #ubuntu-cafe19:12
UrsinhaSaffie_x, no, you're not19:12
UrsinhaSaffie_x, this is #launchpad, not #ubuntu-*19:12
OzirizI'll go to blizzkid's channel and quit spamming this one with unrelated stuff19:12
Saffie_xSomebody was talkin about Coffe earlier  so dont know what your on about19:12
* Ursinha sighs19:13
Saffie_xI sigh to19:13
blizzkidSaffie_x: join #ubuntu-cafe and stop nagging ;)19:13
Ursinhathanks blizzkid :)19:14
Saffie_xIm not nagging what Is Ubuntu Cafe19:14
UrsinhaSaffie_x, is the room you should go19:14
Saffie_xJust because I like to talk19:14
UrsinhaSaffie_x, please.19:14
Saffie_xI likee this one19:14
Saffie_xtim_s1 I know you19:15
racecar56lets go to ubuntu cafe19:15
Saffie_xI think we are related19:15
racecar56its just a talk channel19:15
racecar56that is what ubuntu cafe is19:15
Saffie_xI like this one I wanna talk here19:15
Ursinhathanks racecar56 and blizzkid19:16
racecar56who you banned? and yw19:16
Ursinharacecar56, the guy that didn't want to go to ubuntu-cafe :)19:16
craigthCya guys :)19:17
tim_s1Dear All apologies for saffie_x she is my 12 year old daughter who I have just taught how to setup irc on her ubuntu nettop19:19
Ursinhanp tim_s119:19
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rippsAny word on what's going on with the PPA builders?19:32
kikoUrsinha, you were pretty unbrazilian there :)19:32
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: LP is working again! Sorry for the inconvenience | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/karma-where-did-mine-go
Ursinhakiko, heh19:33
davideotaAnyone know what went wrong with LP today?20:02
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Saffie_xHii Ursinha20:12
Ursinhahi Saffie_x20:13
Saffie_xHow are you?20:13
Saffie_xWhy did you cut Mee off earlier20:14
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magciusI'm trying to make a PPA, but I don't see any instructions on how to use CDBS with automake/.21:04
magciusIs there a quick-start guide to making a PPA? This all seems wicked complicated.21:13
lizardoUrsinha: any chance that the PPA builders are not working ? I have 2 packages in my PPA waiting to be built for more than a hour now... none of them started building in any architecture21:14
lizardoof course this questions applies to anyone who knows the answer :)21:14
Ursinhalizardo, hmm, unfortunately the ones I think that could be able to answer are not here now :/21:15
lizardoUrsinha: ok no prob, I'm sure that someone will notice this and fix this (if it is really broken)21:15
Ursinhalizardo, surely, thanks for pointing that21:16
lizardoI wish it would have a "NEW queue" page for PPA builders in launchpad just like Debian: http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html21:17
magciushttps://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Frequently asked questions21:47
magciusIs the "How many PPAs can I have?" outdated?21:47
racecar56this place == silent21:48
balorDoes launchpad support git trees?21:48
magciusIt can import git, yes.21:49
balormagcius: thanks.21:49
balormagcius: ummm...how?  There doesn't seem to be an option under "Register a Branch"21:51
balorand git push ssh://me@launchpad.net/~me/+junk/branch does not work.21:54
Ursinhabalor, git won't work, only bzr.21:56
balorUrsinha: ah.21:56
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magciusHmm... I used dput to upload a PPA, but it isn't on my user page.22:17
wgrantmagcius: You need to wait up to 5 minutes, and make sure that it was signed. You'll get an email about it unless it's unsigned.22:30
wgrantAnd oh dear, that was a lot of off-topic conversation overnight....22:30
magciusRejected because "Unable to find distroseries: unstable"22:32
magciusHow do I change the changes file and then sign it again?22:33
magciuswgrant, bah, running debuild again overwrites my changes file.22:37
mwhudsonum, wouldn't you want to get the distro right i the changelog, rather than editing the changes file?22:38
magciusmwhudson, how would I do that?22:39
magciusare the changelog and the changes two separate files?22:39
* magcius is confused.22:39
mwhudsonmagcius: by changelog i mean the debian/changelog file22:39
mwhudsonyou edit that (and other things), run debuild -S which reads that file (and other things) and it creates a .changes file22:40
wgrantmagcius: The _source.changes file is completely generated. You shouldn't touch it yourself.22:40
mwhudsonwhich is one of the things dput uploads22:40
magciusmwhudson, how do I edit the description and things like that? It doesn't look like it's using my ChangeLog file (which was forked from another project)22:41
wgrantmagcius: debian/control22:41
magciuswhat do I want? project (version) jaunty; urgency=low?22:42
mwhudsonyes, something like that22:42
mwhudsondch is handy for editing the changelog, the format is rather precise22:42
magciusIs there a restriction on how recent the date needs to be?22:43
magciusOkay, I think I'm getting the hang of this now.22:45
magciusThanks for putting up with me... I'm completely new to Debian package distribution.22:46
mwhudsonthis probably isn't the best place to learn it :)22:46
mwhudsonmagcius: have you seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide ?22:47
magciusmwhudson, yeah, it's all over my head, because the instructions on help.launchpad.net are way simpler.22:47
mwhudsonwell, simpler, because they point to that page for all the details :)22:47
rippsOkay, I keep asking, but nobody seems to know why so many of the PPA build machines are down.22:52
magciusI assume they're not down, just really queued because Jaunty just came out.22:53
wgrantripps: Most of the buildds that aren't shown there are probably now acting as release mirrors. The other dead ones probably got automatically deactivated when they failed due to the overloading.22:54
rippsmagcius: Once you start getting the basics of debian packaging down, try doing some test builds using pbuilder. I good make your packages accomadate this system, because all the ubuntu PPA's and package building machines use it22:54
rippswgrant: Thanks, I was wondering about that.22:54
wgrantripps: Launchpad builds use sbuild, not pbuilder.22:54
magciuswgrant, was that developed for this purpose?22:55
wgrantAlthough they look fairly similar to the package, in some cases the differences matter.22:55
wgrantmagcius: What do you mean?22:55
magciuswgrant, is sbuild a Canonical product developed for Launchpad?22:55
wgrantmagcius: No - it was used in Debian for years before. But the one used on Launchpad is fairly hacked up by Canonical.22:55
magciuswgrant, ah, do you release your modifications?22:56
wgrantmagcius: I've nothing to do with Canonical.22:56
wgrantmagcius: But no, it doesn't seem that they do.22:57
magciuswgrant, rejected again. "notify-osd-better_0.1-1.dsc: Section 'unknown' is not valid"22:57
wgrantmagcius: That should be clear.22:57
wgrantThe error means exactly what it says.22:57
wgrantSee the Debian Policy Manual for valid sections.22:57
magciuswgrant, but my dsc file was generated?22:57
wgrantmagcius: See debian/control.22:58
magciuswgrant, would it because my Description spans multiple lines?22:58
wgrantmagcius: No - see the Section fields in all of the Package and Binary stanzas.22:59
magciusIn debian/control? That's a very short file.22:59
magciusoh, shoot.22:59
rippsmagcius: I think you get that error because in your debian/control, you haven't specify which section the source package is. notify-osd is x1122:59
soc1ppa a bit slow today?23:23
soc1"Estimated build start:               in 4 hours" ...23:23
wgrantsoc1: Lots of the buildds are being used as Ubuntu release mirrrors, and some of the others were automatically deactivated when Launchpad was overloaded this morning.23:24
soc1ah ok23:24
wgrantSo yes, it's a bit abnormal.23:25
soc1mh ok, looks i won't get mplayer built in the next few hours ...23:29
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wgrantspm: Can you kick those deactivated buildds?23:45
spmwgrant: I believe they have been. that not the case?23:46
magciuswgrant, I'm curious how do you know all this if you don't work for/not affiliated with Canonical.23:46
wgrantspm: Oh, indeed they have.23:47
wgrantmagcius: You pick these things up in the Ubuntu dev community.23:47
spmmagcius: he ask's questions and keeps his eyes open :-)23:47

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