
MarkJonesSomething as simple as trash dont work I dont know if the release is even ready seems premature.00:00
Anacranomwgrant, i add a printer, choose "Windows Printer via Samba.."> Browse---> error msg00:00
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.00:01
wgrantMarkJones: It works fine for everybody I know.00:01
hggdhMarkJones, what is the bug #?00:01
MarkJones1 sec00:02
shavlirthere's the ext4 bug, maybe the same thing?00:02
handlehereHi :) - is there an apt-get command to upgrade 8.10 to jaunty?00:02
loomsenapt-get time && wait00:02
BUGabundohandlehere: read the release notes http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90400:03
mattwj2002so what time will it be released?00:03
mattwj20026 hours to midnight for me :)00:03
BUGabundohandlehere: and then makea backup. only then run $ update-manager -d00:03
wgrantmattwj2002: Never.00:03
loomsenas soon as your notifier notifys u00:03
hggdhmattwj2002, as soon as it is ready00:03
MarkJones             Bug #36502500:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365025 in ubuntu "deleted files not going in trash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36502500:03
Z_Godit's already 1:04 here00:04
Z_Godso it must be out00:04
* ienorand can't take all this sensless animal slaughtering anymore and is off to bed00:04
cowgardenyea, must be out in germany00:04
KyleKZ_God: i dont think they can release something at a certain time in any time zone00:04
wgrantMarkJones: That bug doesn't exist.00:04
loomsensame procedure twice a year00:05
hggdhMarkJones, you reported the bug today, and you consider this a blocker? (BTW, you did not answer the question posed to you in the bug)00:05
Z_GodKyleK: why not?, just give the dutch mirrors one hour earlier access than the UK mirrors, etc. etc.00:05
wgrantMarkJones: That bug does not exist, as you have not given the requested information.00:06
wgrantAnd as hggdh said, you reported it just a few hours ago.00:06
loomsenso you think they're just waiting for the time to pass by till they finally can release jaunty?00:06
handleherebugabundo: bugabundo tyvm, i guess xubuntu is released in higher version later ten the ubuntu right?00:06
Z_GodI'd be surprised if there would still be bugs to fix at this moment00:06
wgranthandlehere: No - at exactly the same time.00:07
wgranthandlehere: Although the announcement might come out a few minutes later.00:07
loomsenbut u can try and add the servers for maui waui and pray00:07
coz_Z_God, how about nautilus  open dialog still being painfully slow :)00:07
MarkJonesWhat do i have to include?00:08
MarkJonesIts my first bug report ever00:08
Z_GodI'm a KDE user, so I don't think that's very important :P00:08
Z_Godbut if you still experience this with a fresh install on multiple systems that would be bad00:09
hggdhMarkJones, describe how you delete the file00:09
wgrantMarkJones: What he asked. How exactly are you deleting? Through a menu? The delete key? Which options are checked in Edit->Preferences->Behaviour->Trash?00:09
hggdhMarkJones, for example "I open a terminal and issue 'rm thisfile'"00:09
Z_Godcoz_: because it's really unlikely it'll be fixed in the coming hours00:09
loomsenu open a terminal and issue rm= /dev/null00:10
coz_Z_God, oh no  I have to sudo nautilus to get things done lol00:10
Z_Godcoz_: try sudo apt-get install konqueror ;)00:10
hggdhloomsen, if you are not willing to help out, please do not confuse the issue00:10
loomseni just helped u out buddy00:10
coz_Z_God, cant do that I am a long hater of anything kde :)00:10
Z_Godcoz_, how come/00:11
coz_Z_God, I used kde way back with red hat  and have never found it worth the effort ever since :)00:11
cowgardencoz_: you have to use gksudo made a huge mistake once with sudo :)00:11
Z_Godcoz_, but why the hate then?00:11
coz_Z_God,  it is a "cute"  look number one second it is always having issues and far less stable than gnome00:12
loomsencause u better dont use gksu at all00:12
loomseny do u think u have to go with super-cow powers00:12
m1ri have installed 9.04 RC today and set all HDD partitioning to default, it made SWAP 11GB ??? is that normal ?00:12
TheFunkbombhas anyone done an upgrade to 9.04 rather than a fresh install?00:13
coz_loomsen,  because at this point. on this install.. nautilus open dialog takes 30 minutes to do what normally takes me 3 mintues  so sudo nautilus does it for me00:13
thiebaude11gb is too much00:13
Z_Godcoz_, ok I should look at Gnome sometime then, when I started with KDE, Gnome didn't exist yet, and I never really tried it seriously00:13
hggdhm1r, how large is your disk?00:13
m1r500gb with 32mb cache00:13
coz_Z_God,  well it is not pretty at first but logical if nothing else00:13
loomsencoz, ur prlly making things worse00:13
Daskreechcoz_: Far less stable?00:13
m1rin any case 11GB seems too much (4gb ram in system)00:14
TheFunkbombI guess not00:14
coz_Daskreech,  well I dont want to get into bashing anything here but yes its always had issues00:14
loomsenit's just a predefined percentage of your HDD00:14
hggdhm1r, please open a bug on this. This is a bit excessive00:14
loomsenif youure going with defaults00:14
* Daskreech shrugs00:14
loomsendefaults suck btw00:14
Z_Godcoz_, I care more about functionality than looks, kind of became addicted to all KDE's features though00:14
DaskreechWorks nicely for me00:14
m1rhggdh: how to report bug ?00:14
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots00:15
hggdhm1r, see above00:15
Z_Godcoz_, I still prefer KDE 3 over 4 atm00:15
m1rtnx guys00:15
DaskreechZ_God: KDE3 is there for Jaunty :)00:15
coz_Z_God, understood00:15
Z_Godyeah, I saw that, that's really great (hardy doesn't support my hardware)00:15
Anacranomso no-one's found issues with samba?00:16
loomseni did00:16
Z_Godbut I should check gnome out too I guess, I wonder about the future of GTK though00:16
loomsensince alpha 4 or so00:16
BUGabundom1r: big disk?00:16
Z_GodI barely use Samba00:17
loomsenwasnt able to access my network HD, but i was able to access it through my virtualbox O.o00:17
Z_GodI guess it's much less popular these days than it used to be00:17
wgrantZ_God: What about GTK+'s future?00:17
BUGabundowhat's the damn installer name?00:17
wgrantBUGabundo: ubiquity00:17
BUGabundom1r: $ ubuntu-bug ubiquity00:17
BUGabundowgrant: thanks00:17
BUGabundonice to see you so active today wgrant00:17
Z_Godwgrant, I guess you know about the evolution of Qt from version 3 to 4, I have no clue how GTK is doing compared to Qt 400:18
BUGabundomissed you on +100:18
loomsenthis is not a bug00:18
loomsenit's a default value00:18
wgrantZ_God: There is a GTK3 planned in the next couple of releases. A lot of cleanups and new nice stuff.00:18
m1rloomsen: so its normal to assign that much on "large" disk ?00:18
hggdhbut we still should look at this default00:18
DaskreechZ_God: Isn't right now since it hasn't upped a version yet00:18
wgrant11GB of swap doesn't make sense, so it is  abug.00:18
Daskreechwgrant: whats new?00:18
Z_Godwgrant, is there a big advantage with GTK3 over Qt 4?00:18
loomsenm1r, so it's normal going with defaults and wondering they arent customized?00:19
wgrantZ_God: It's less crap that Qt :P00:19
TheFunkbombAnyone upgrade to 9.04 rather than a fresh install?00:19
wgrantZ_God: This war has been going on forever, I'm sure you know.00:19
kklimondaTheFunkbomb: worked fine for me.00:19
wgrantDaskreech: I don't recall. I'm not big GUI person.00:19
shavlirTheFunkbomb: yes, I have00:19
TheFunkbombno issues?00:19
sintTheFunkbomb: i do fresh install :)00:19
SkapareI always do fresh install00:19
m1rloomsen: ok , tnx. but was just wondering why assigned so much00:19
Z_Godwgrant, I guess both have their advantages, but I've only looked at Qt, so I know why Qt is nice, I have no clue about GTK00:19
* genii sips and thinks about some QuTeGTK project00:19
sintbut just because my old system is a mess :D00:20
loomsenmin as possible ↑00:20
wgrantZ_God: Parts of Qt are nice, but others I utterly hate.00:20
Skaparekeep your data separate from the system, and make backups ... then fresh install is the way00:20
loomseny would u think that?00:20
TheFunkbombI don't want to lose all my settings00:20
* Daskreech sits with genii00:20
* Skapare has done fresh installs since way back when he managed mainframes00:20
BUGabundom1r: I would consider it an UI bug00:20
BUGabundofile it and let me know!00:20
loomsenseparate home partition for the win funk00:20
Z_Godwgrant, those parts have been done better in GTK?00:20
geniiwgrant: Eventually my crystal ball says we'll see something like GTK-fusion00:20
TheFunkbombSo, when 9.04 gets released tomorow, what would the command line be to run the upgrade?00:20
kklimondaTheFunkbomb: do-release-upgrade00:21
BUGabundoloomsen: there is no current need for separate home00:21
* genii slides Daskreech a coffee00:21
TheFunkbombkklimonda, thanks00:21
kklimondaTheFunkbomb: even ``sudo do-release-upgrade''00:21
BUGabundoloomsen: the installer can reinstall the system without touching the USER data00:21
loomsenyep bug, and windows works too00:21
TheFunkbombwould that work now?00:21
wgrantZ_God: Yes. Buildish bits, for example.00:21
BUGabundokklimonda: NO sudo for UM00:21
m1rBUGabundo: cant report atm, my mails are on other system and dont have access to them :(00:21
kklimondaTheFunkbomb: if you kept your sources.list sane you shouldn't have any problems..00:21
kklimondaBUGabundo: even for cli tool?00:21
BUGabundom1r: why do you need email?00:21
TheFunkbombI'm nervous about that lol00:21
BUGabundokklimonda: AFAIK... but u can test it00:21
kklimondaTheFunkbomb: if you append -d option it will upgrade right now00:22
m1rBUGabundo: to login to launchpad ?00:22
SkapareBUGabundo: bu having /home separate you can do a reformat, which ensures any bad files go away00:22
TheFunkbombI'll just wait until tomorrow00:22
BUGabundoTheFunkbomb: just remove any 3rd party sources00:22
BUGabundom1r: ahhh00:22
kklimondaTheFunkbomb: nothing will change - the release is already frozen.00:22
BUGabundoSkapare: False! the installer does that for you00:22
loomseni have partitions / /boot /opt /usr /home00:22
Z_Godwgrant, I understand what you mean00:22
kklimondaTheFunkbomb: if you want to upgrade existing installation then you can do it now00:22
TheFunkbombWill I lose all my themes and stuff?00:22
loomsenjeez, depending what u did with thhem00:23
SkapareBUGabundo: how do you reformat a partition and keep one directory of files?00:23
hggdhthe discussion about whether a single partition, or multiple, has raged for a long time. I use many00:23
kklimondaBUGabundo: i don't have any system that isn't either LTS or 9.04 already :)00:23
loomsenif you have em in ~/.themes in your separate home part you wont00:23
Z_Godwgrant, seems it's smth that is required for many good things in Qt, so it seems reasonable in one way, but I guess it can be annoying too sometimes00:23
loomsen(this is as far as i remember one of the first sentences in the getting started)00:23
TheFunkbombso, for me to upgrade right now, it's "sudo -d do-release-upgrade"?00:23
kklimondaBUGabundo: I think I've even removed all VMs with ubuntu so I can't check if it works without sudo. maybe you are right00:24
BUGabundoSkapare: easy, I select it NOT to format! the installer REMOVEs all system files00:24
wgrantTheFunkbomb: For a desktop installation 'update-manager -d'00:24
BUGabundokklimonda: launch a KVM/QEMU image?00:24
kklimondaTheFunkbomb: either ``do-release-upgrade -d'' or ``sudo do-release-upgrade -d''00:24
TheFunkbombwell, which is it?00:24
loomsenupdate-manager -d if you want00:24
BUGabundoTheFunkbomb: $ update-manager -d00:24
BUGabundothat's the ONE00:24
TheFunkbomband I need to disable all third party?00:24
wgrantTheFunkbomb: do-release-upgrade is for when you don't want a GUI.00:24
SkapareBUGabundo: reformat has in the past made the difference when merely deleting all files failed ... I stand by my recommendation to reformat ... and in some cases even suggest wiping the partition to binary zero before the format00:24
wgrantTheFunkbomb: It will disable third-party repositories for you.00:25
TheFunkbombI'm going to try00:25
kklimondaBUGabundo: update-manager will launch GTK+ window and he has asked for cli command.00:25
BUGabundoTheFunkbomb: not that you need, but its better00:25
mattwj2002my new ubuntu install is going to be 64 bit :)00:25
kklimondamattwj2002: do you have 4GB of ram?00:25
TheFunkbombI assume I should shut everything down first?00:25
TheFunkbomblike firefox and IRC00:25
BUGabundoTheFunkbomb: have you read the release notes?00:25
mattwj2002exactly 4 GB actually00:25
BUGabundoTheFunkbomb: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90400:25
TheFunkbombI have not00:25
wgrantTheFunkbomb: Most things except Firefox should keep running fine.00:25
SkapareBUGabundo: its all part of the absolute assurance factor ... but then ... I do farms of servers ... I have to BE SURE more so than most people, I guess00:26
BUGabundoTheFunkbomb: then that's the FIRST thing you should do. the second is a backup00:26
* BUGabundo slaps loomsen for free pub00:26
BUGabundoSkapare: I would have to agree on that00:27
BUGabundobut we are talking on single user Desktop here00:27
SkapareBUGabundo: but do we at least agree that people should have 2 or more away-from-the-machine backups of their important data?00:27
jimqodewhen is 9.04 going to be released? And  please don't hurt me if this is not the right channel00:27
BUGabundoSkapare: only two ? lol00:27
kklimondajimqode: in the next 24 hours.00:27
loomsenpff, opera is best00:27
BUGabundojimqode: come one! why kill anohter bunny?00:27
SkapareBUGabundo: what number do you suggest?00:27
TheFunkbombscrew it.  I'm going for it00:27
TheFunkbombeverything is backed up00:27
TheFunkbombactually, let me back up everything again00:27
loomsenif you wont read anyway00:28
SkapareBUGabundo: I do have 4 backups of most things, myself ... 6 of some00:28
BUGabundobrb /me gets a cookie00:28
loomsencreate a /boot partition as ext3 about 800 MB or so00:28
loomsenanother / of 20GB or so00:28
loomsenand a last one /home00:28
kklimondaloomsen: why does he need /boot ?00:28
* Skapare made his /boot just ext2 ... didn't feel a journal was worth taking the space for it00:28
loomsenas big as ou want00:28
TheFunkbombI'm backing up my home folder00:29
* Skapare made his /boot only 125MB00:29
kklimondait's all matter of preferences - 20GB for root is overkill in my opinion.. also 800mb for /boot is way too much..00:29
loomsenhe doesnt need, but as ext4 doesnt really fully support grub it might happen that it wont start up anymore00:29
kklimondaloomsen: no00:29
loomsenSkap_ not everyone keeps his pc clean :)00:29
SkapareTheFunkbomb: do it twice while I duck in case BUGabundo hits me for not recommending 4 backups :)00:29
* mattwj2002 a 1.5 TB root00:29
kklimondaloomsen: the only thing you must remember is to launch grub-install when you convert ext3 to ext400:29
Skapareloomsen: oh ... yeah ... forgot about that00:30
kklimondaloomsen: then grub works as expected00:30
TheFunkbombmy external hdd is very noisy lately.  That can't be good00:30
SkapareTheFunkbomb: depends on the noise and its cause00:30
shavlirdrop it off a tall building, that should shut it up :-)00:30
loomsenthat would work00:31
Skapareor do a burn-in ... in a ceramics kiln00:31
Skaparemash it under a steam roller00:31
loomsenok, to be somewhat helpful00:32
loomsenget smartmontools00:32
TheFunkbombdo you think it would be easier if I just did a fresh install and then copied my home folder back?00:32
BUGabundoguys! my recommendion on Partitions right NOW is a single / for all disk, with a 8 GiB of swap at the begginig of the disk, any one who disagrees, please state your reason!00:32
BUGabundoSkapare: backups are for wimps I do BZR on my stuff00:32
racecar56i use /home as a seprate00:32
kklimondaBUGabundo: 8GB for swap is way too much..00:32
racecar56i have 3.81 GB on my laptop00:33
thiebaudeit is00:33
loomseni'd go for sth like 50% of RAM00:33
TheFunkbombI mean, I don't mind doing a fresh install if I can just copy stuff back from my external hdd00:33
cowgardenloomsen: 100% is better for hibernation00:33
kklimondaTheFunkbomb: that's the safest option.00:33
loomsenyes funky babe, this will work :)00:33
* Skapare notices a 9.04 iso on an rsync server that isn't -rc- ... hmmm00:33
BUGabundokklimonda: might be today, but not in the near future00:33
TheFunkbombokay, I'll just download it.00:33
loomsenoh well, true00:33
kklimondaBUGabundo: why?00:33
TheFunkbombburn it to a CD00:33
BUGabundokklimonda: that's what I have with 4Gibs of RAM00:34
BUGabundo2.5 times ehehe00:34
kklimondaBUGabundo: the only reason to keep 4GB of swap would be to enable hibernation00:34
loomsenlol never00:34
kklimondaBUGabundo: i don't use swap at all00:34
racecar56what about 3.81 gb of swap?00:34
BUGabundoloomsen: with less then 1.5 time you won't hibernagte to disk00:34
kklimondaBUGabundo: and I have 4GB of ram00:34
thiebaudeBUGabundo: thats about right since you said you have 4gb00:34
DaskreechZ_God: What don't you like about KDE4?00:34
thiebaudei only have 512 mb00:34
loomsenbut it wont ever be that full00:34
Skaparemmm ... several 9.04 isos w/o -rc- ... along with the isos with -rc-00:34
Skapareso does that mean it's out now?00:35
loomsentho i dont use hibernation anyway00:35
racecar56look at ubuntu.com00:35
BUGabundokklimonda: for KK we will have default for swap in file00:35
kklimondaSkapare: maybe mirrors are syncing..00:35
Skaparekklimonda: these look complete00:35
loomsenjust get a netinstall image everyone00:35
cowgardenloomsen: hibernation is slower than restartin jaunty :)00:35
loomsenyou'll be downloading the stuff anyway00:35
dtchenSkapare: rsyncing the appropriate images from cdimage or releases is sufficient00:35
TheFunkbombI cannot find it00:35
cowgardenloomsen: at least on my SSDs00:35
BUGabundocowgarden: not for me00:35
kklimondaBUGabundo: does it mean that we'll use tux-on-ice to enable hibernation without swap partition?00:36
wgrantSkapare: Those images are outdated, AFAICT. Remember that the RM preseeds mirrors a day or two before to make it quicker to push the final ones out.00:36
BUGabundoI use hibernate with compression00:36
racecar56"ubuntu 9.04 coming soon!" guess not00:36
BUGabundo !daily | TheFunkbomb00:36
cowgardenBUGabundo: isnt that standard?00:36
ubottuTheFunkbomb: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/00:36
Skaparedtchen: yeah ... so they can sync up fast ... and if you have the rc isos, you can too00:36
loomsen:) tried the new fedora cow?00:36
Skaparersync rsync://mirrors.cat.pdx.edu/ubuntu-iso/.pool/00:36
loomsen← likes it00:36
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu+1's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:36
Z_GodDaskreech: it's not stable yet, but I only used 4.100:36
BUGabundocowgarden: no! I had to install uswpu00:36
Z_Godmaybe 4.2 will satisfy me ;)00:36
cowgardenBUGabundo: very intresting00:37
racecar563.x ftw00:37
DaskreechZ_God: Maybe :) It's very improved00:37
racecar563.5.x for big ftw00:37
BUGabundoTheFunkbomb: rsync -vvhhP --stats rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/dvd/current/jaunty-dvd-i386.iso ~00:37
Z_GodI missed middleclick in konq00:37
Z_GodVS left click00:37
Daskreechracecar56: Shouldn't that be for big win00:37
thiebaudeBUGabundo: when will you get 9.10?00:37
racecar56Daskreech, yeah00:38
TheFunkbombI have no idea what that is00:38
racecar56thiebaude, oct 200900:38
DaskreechWhat does middle click do?00:38
TheFunkbombI'm already downloading an iso from your other link00:38
BUGabundothiebaude: As soon as I can00:38
DaskreechOther than paste :-)00:38
loomsenget the mini isp00:38
thiebauderacecar56: yea i know that :)00:38
racecar56ill get 9.10 if my gfx card dosent puke again00:38
Z_God Daskreech: open a file in an external application00:38
kklimondathiebaude: i'll install it in vm as soon as possible and then i'll wait till last alpha to upgrade my system.00:38
=== yml_ is now known as yml
ttyim curious if tomorrows release will improve acpi control of netbooks00:38
kklimondatty: probably not00:39
loomsenlol never00:39
BUGabundotty: no00:39
DaskreechZ_God: Ah didn't know that. everything that I wanted to open in Konqueror did so anything I didn't want didn't00:39
thiebaudewhen it first comes out i will start testing it00:39
loomsengoogle for intel driver netbook00:39
Daskreechracecar56: Try the live CD00:39
racecar56Daskreech, ......of what?00:39
racecar56Daskreech, i have a real 9.04 :P00:39
kklimondatty: unless you are upgrading from 8.10 then there is a chance you will get better support.\\00:39
ttykklimonda: okay..00:39
racecar56Daskreech, i upgraded from 8.10 yesterday00:39
ttyim on debian 500:39
Z_GodDaskreech: it's handy to be able to choose between a kpart and an external app :)00:40
ttywhat i would love to have is cpu scaling and disk spin down stuff00:40
Daskreechracecar56: and the video card puked?00:40
loomsenkeep deb tty00:40
loomsenor try fedora00:40
ttyalso, sensing brightness control00:40
ttywhen i plug the machine out of ac i want the brightness down half00:40
racecar56Daskreech, before i upgraded, after it was fixed i upgraded00:40
ttyyou know what im sayin?00:40
DaskreechZ_God: with middle click :) cause you can do that now00:40
ttync10 does not seem to be supported much00:40
ttyloomsen: heh00:41
ttywhy should i keep deb? ;)00:41
racecar56Daskreech, i made a report on launchpad but it got fixed right after :P00:41
Z_GodDaskreech: that's great :)00:41
drinkycrowis jaunty official yet?00:41
loomsenaptitude install power-manager?00:41
Daskreechracecar56: Ah so welcome to Jackalope then00:41
BUGabundodrinkycrow: NO00:41
racecar56drinkycrow, no00:41
racecar56drinkycrow, its in rc00:41
BUGabundodrinkycrow: and you killed yet another bunny00:41
sinti hope 9.04 will fix every but i've ever had :D00:41
BUGabundoracecar56: False!00:41
sintbug i mean00:41
racecar56Daskreech, yeah, it's pretty cool00:41
BUGabundoracecar56: it's a bit above RC00:41
Daskreechsint: It will and add fully new ones00:41
ttyloomsen: ill try that00:41
* drinkycrow loves bunnies00:41
loomsensint: another half a year to go00:41
racecar56BUGabundo, ORLY? tomorrow it comes out00:41
* racecar56 has 9.04rc00:41
Daskreechracecar56: It's my fave release since Feisty00:41
BUGabundosint: did you file bugs for all probs you had?00:41
BUGabundoracecar56: no. just check cdimage and you will  see the changes past RC00:42
sintDaskreech: hehe, than i should skip 9.04 and install 9.10 :D00:42
racecar56Daskreech, i never known about ubuntu until hardy00:42
Daskreechsint: :-)00:42
racecar56Daskreech, i found out about it in june 200800:42
BUGabundobeen using it since 5.1000:42
loomsenyou should00:42
racecar56wow cool00:42
Daskreechracecar56: Welcome to Kubuntu then :)00:43
racecar56i have a copy of 5.10 i dont know why though00:43
BUGabundoI have a wall full with older releases00:43
sintBUGabundo: no, cause most of them where already in the list00:43
loomsenactually, imho this is a very very disappointing ltr00:43
racecar56i downloaded it a few months ago00:43
thiebaudeBUGabundo: i do too00:43
cowgartenI started with hardy beta (but used another distri before a bit)00:43
thiebaudesince 6.0600:43
racecar56i have all of the oldies, from 4.10 to 7.1000:43
BUGabundohumm I started way before... did the al shabang: red hat, knopix, kurumim, etc00:44
racecar56i have my first ubuntu disc, it's 8.04.000:44
TheFunkbomb16 minutes remaining on this download.  Then I have to transfer it because my stupid CD burner is broken00:44
loomsenguess i'm gonna run it till fedora releases 11 and then say bye to ubuntu00:44
Daskreechracecar56: Jackalope has a nice KDE4 setup and an optional 3.5 so should go ov er pretty well00:44
BUGabundoracecar56: I envy you! I want a 4.1000:44
lucaxhey guys im on jaunty and have intel x3100 gma... compiz doesnt work do i have to enable something??00:44
* Daskreech started with Redhat 4.200:44
racecar56my cd drive -=HHHAAATEESSSSS=- to burn cds00:44
BUGabundoTheFunkbomb: do you have an USB?00:44
thiebaudeBUGabundo: i was windows for a long time, until 1 yr ago00:44
racecar56BUGabundo, easy00:44
racecar56BUGabundo, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com00:44
TheFunkbombBUGabundo, I'll just transfer it via file share00:44
BUGabundoracecar56: you will email me a copy?00:44
BUGabundowith the original sleave?00:45
kklimondalucax: there are some regressions in intel driver.. may be that your card is blacklisted00:45
BUGabundoTheFunkbomb: NO.. put the image into a USB and boot from ti00:45
racecar56http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/warty/warty-release-install-i386.iso ubuntu 4.1000:45
lucaxkklimonda, any ideas what can i do?00:45
TheFunkbombBUGabundo, that will work?00:45
Skapareracecar56: then use a USB memory stick00:45
TheFunkbombI gotta clear the porn off of it first00:45
cowgartenI need the fucking adobe suits, otherwise I'd say goodbye to winshit forever00:45
racecar56Skapare, tats what i do00:45
BUGabundoTheFunkbomb: that's how I boot ubuntu most of the time00:45
Idespnnrlucax:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance may help00:45
loomsenlucax: google= ubuntu intel <enter your card here>00:45
Skapareracecar56: me too00:45
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:45
racecar56Skapare, my cd drives HATE me00:46
Idespnnri got dinged pretty hard by the intel regressions00:46
BUGabundoTheFunkbomb: see System -> admin -> make usb00:46
Idespnnri eventually rolled back the driver version00:46
kklimondalucax: if it's blacklisted than that's because of serious bugs in driver. you should wait for update00:46
Idespnnrnow it seems to behave00:46
racecar56Skapare, even this external one, they all burn cds like a 4x00:46
TheFunkbombokey dokey00:46
sintcowgarten: will never happen00:46
loomsenget 2.6.2900:46
racecar56i want it00:46
cowgartenI had to burn a CD since my old computer hates to remember it's bios and USB sitcks in general00:46
loomsenkms is enabled by default for intels00:46
thiebaudeloomsen: got a link for 2.6.29?00:46
racecar56all my comps can boot usb00:46
Skapareracecar56: at USB speed and DVD rates, 4x is about all that can be done00:47
racecar56but none of them can burn00:47
loomseneven worked out of the box with nouveau n my nvidia00:47
Skapareracecar56: I do get faster on my internal SATA one00:47
TheFunkbombI got an 8 gig USB stick for 20 bucks00:47
kklimondalucax: but it may be possible that you are affected by some other bug that prevents compiz from launching00:47
racecar56Skapare, :( i wish i had a sata cdrom, i have ide, NOOOOOOOOO00:47
kklimondalucax: enable Terminal and then do..00:47
SkapareTheFunkbomb: I got 2 of them for $19 each :)00:47
cowgartensint: I fear you're right. but maybe crossplatformengines will become good enough one day so huge programs like adobes will be released on it00:47
BUGabundoI'm thinking of getting a bunch of 1G sticks and put jaunty on it to give away00:47
racecar56Skapare, i have sata hard disks, however00:47
SkapareTheFunkbomb: and a 16 for $4000:47
TheFunkbombwell, that's pretty much the same price00:48
Daskreechracecar56: So you downloaded the KDE3.5 RC cd?00:48
TheFunkbombif my math is correct00:48
racecar56Daskreech, no00:48
racecar56Daskreech, i use gnome00:48
Skapareracecar56: sata rulez ... for now00:48
Daskreechracecar56: ah shame :)00:48
lucaxkklimonda, yeah they said they have problems with intel on beta... but not on rc...00:48
coz_scsi is better :)00:48
racecar56Skapare, what the... actually i DO have sata cdrom00:48
sintcowgarten: i started to kick windows off the system and run it within vmware, so i can use adobe stuff when i need it, but i don't have to do any reboots :)00:49
kklimondalucax: run terminal and then do ``/usr/bin/compiz --replace''00:49
Skapareracecar56: then it should be able to go faster00:49
sintcowgarten: i don't really like the wine <> adobe stuff00:49
racecar56Skapare, as fast as a mitumi00:49
racecar56Skapare, as fast as a mitsumi00:49
kklimondalucax: you should get some informations about status of compiz support..00:49
Skapareracecar56: the x rate isn't the same between CD and DVD00:49
racecar56Skapare, i kno00:49
racecar56Skapare, but one thing: my cd drive burns as fast as a mitsumi00:49
cowgartensint: I need full power for some projects :) (and currently I have only 1gig RAM :( )00:49
BUGabundocoz_: Skapare: SSD is better00:50
Skapareracecar56: and I have found DVD media more reliable than CD media, so when I do need to use opticals, I just do DVD00:50
BUGabundoeven better RAID0 SSD00:50
racecar56Skapare, i dont have enough dvds00:50
coz_BUGabundo, :)  solid state00:50
lucaxkklimonda, http://paste.ubuntu.com/156217/00:50
racecar56Skapare, my cd drive is an atapi dh16a1s00:50
lucaxor anyone! http://paste.ubuntu.com/156217/00:50
SkapareBUGabundo: yeah, still expensive, but that's the way I'm going when I get a netbook (soon)00:50
coz_BUGabundo,  i agree00:50
sintcowgarten: ya, you need to double the ram. for the rest its ok if you not do to much stuff in linux. i can even use my wacom in windows smoothly00:50
racecar56i have a laptop and a desktop, all ill have for now00:51
sintcowgarten: but i only have 3gigs of ram :(00:51
cowgartensint: cool00:51
racecar56http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/warty/ free ubuntu 4.10 for ANYONE00:51
kklimondalucax: your card is blacklisted - you must wait for an update00:51
coz_BUGabundo,  especially the intel SSD with 2,000,000 hours00:51
racecar56sint, omg i only have 2gb00:51
cowgartenI sint I will double my ram 4shure00:51
Stupendousstevelucax: The intel card is blacklisted due to a bug00:51
racecar56http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ all the old releases00:51
Skapareracecar56: I just have DVD drives ... they double as CD drives for me ... all are LG brand ... IDE in one machine, SATA in another, and a USB external for misc uses00:51
loomsenlucax, ghet the new kernel00:51
pwnguinsint: ive got 1gig of ram and ubuntu works just fine on my wacom...00:52
loomsenyour only way00:52
lucaxloomsen, where00:52
cowgartenSkapare: I think DVDs have their data layer between the plastic, not right beneath the label as CDs00:52
Skapareracecar56: but every machine now has USB jacks and memory card slots, and those are more convenient00:52
fincanany new about the release?00:52
cowgartenpwnguin: it's about wacom + vmware00:52
Stupendousstevelucax, loomsen compiz is the one blacklisting the card00:52
g4lv4tr0njust noticed countdown on ubuntu site has now changed from 1 day to go to coming soon00:52
Idespnnrkklimonda: are we waiting on intel for an update? the xorg-intel dev team?00:52
racecar56Skapare, actually i have dvd dual layer00:52
pwnguincowgarten: well, thats just nuts00:52
loomsenoh i see00:52
racecar56Skapare, thats what my cd drive is00:52
sintpwnguin: ya but if you run windows inside of ubuntu then it lags with photoshop and stuff when having just 1gig of ram00:52
loomsen*ignore me then*00:52
cowgartenpwnguin: I needz Adobe00:52
lucaxso maybe on -30 kernel it will be fiexed??00:52
loomsenread changelogs00:53
sintpwnguin: its nearly unusable00:53
kklimondalucax: it's not kernel issue00:53
Skaparecowgarten: yes, and DVD still use azo dyes whereas CDs quit doing azo dyes a while back (azo is more expensive)00:53
racecar56=_= i wish my cd drive didnt suck, what's wrong with it?00:53
racecar56i dont know00:53
kklimondalucax: you are probably affected by this bug: bug #35939200:53
Skaparecowgarten: blu-ray, though, has new issues ... data too close to the recording surface00:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359392 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] X freezes starting on April 3rd" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35939200:53
lucaxso maybe tomorrow after ubuntu release ill be all done with this00:53
racecar56yay im on a secret irc channel now XD00:53
Qrawlwheres the release party channel00:53
=== _Floops is now known as Floops
kklimondaIdespnnr: I don't know who is the upstream developer is.00:54
cowgartenSkapare: I'll stick to USB-sticks SSD and external drives. cheap enough these days00:54
SkapareOK, well my 9.04 non-rc download is done ... gotta convert it to hyprid for the USB, then go install to laptop00:54
racecar56lets see how many people will join my irc channel......00:54
QrawlMake a Release-Party channel00:54
loomsenthe control + R channel00:54
cowgartenthre is00:54
Skaparecowgarten: I have like 7 TB of data ... SSD is still to much for that00:54
Stupendousstevelucax: I doubt it will be fixed by release, but it will be fixed.00:55
racecar56#ctrl+r NOW there is!00:55
slingeris there a list of current bugs anywhere?00:55
racecar56join it00:55
Stupendousstevelucax: It is possible to ignore the blacklist if you aren't having issues00:55
lucaxStupendoussteve, thats sad00:55
sintslinger: i think so ;)00:55
cowgartenSkapare: indeed. I need more space sooon :) (or have to organize my drives better)00:55
racecar56ill sotp now00:55
lucaxStupendoussteve, how do i ignore blacklist?00:55
BUGabundoslinger: yes00:55
cowgartenSkapare: how did you fill 7TB?00:55
Stupendousstevelucax: See http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Blacklist - If you do ignore it, and get freezes, I suggest ignoring it again00:55
BUGabundoslinger: the techincal over view and release notes have a list of prio bugs00:56
BUGabundoslinger: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90400:56
slingerBUGabundo, thanks00:56
racecar56but it isnt released O_o00:56
lucaxk Stupendoussteve thanks ill give it a shot00:56
BUGabundoslinger: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/TechnicalOverview00:56
racecar56OMG it wants only 256 MB ram????? requirements have LOWERED!00:57
BUGabundoit used to be 38400:57
BUGabundobut now you can install it from boot00:57
BUGabundowithout the need for desktop00:57
racecar56maybe i should try 9.04 on my compaq presario sr1020nx LOLOL00:57
racecar56i thought you could do that scince hardy00:57
cjaehello everyone00:57
loomsenlol jeez, still searching the channel :D confess racecar, you punked me00:58
racecar56#ctrl+r and #35939200:59
cowgartengood night I' leaving01:00
cjaeok I dont know much about pulse audio, I have an intel ich5 ac 97 onboard and a cm9738 pci card, after an update I dont have sound would I still be using alsa or would it be pulse (using kubuntu 9.04)01:00
racecar56what is the topic talking about "NOT aUPPORTED!"01:00
kklimondaracecar56: it's still not released.01:01
BUGabundoracecar56: go with xubuntu. gnome is to heavy for it01:01
racecar56kklimonda, no, look, it says "aUPPORTED" and anyway, xfce sucks01:01
loomsen<-- running pulse without any issues for a cpl o days now01:01
BUGabundoloomsen: no! its real. I'm there01:01
racecar56kklimonda, i dont like xfce cause it craps with wine01:01
racecar56xfce + wine = disaster01:01
HalowI've not tried wine with xubuntu yet... perhaps I should.01:02
* Skapare is trying to decide whether to install amd64 or i386 ... on a laptop with 1GB of RAM01:02
Halow64 bit tends to use more RAM on me.01:03
drinkycrowCtrl-Alt-Backspace disabled by default in Xorg01:03
loomsenu should rather take your chip into consideration01:03
HalowThere's that too...01:03
drinkycrowto eliminate the problem of accidentally triggering the key combination.01:03
loomsenOption DontZao 001:03
loomsenDontZap 001:03
StupendoussteveSkapare: Use i386, 64 bit uses more ram and is often a bit more work01:03
loomsenbut i agree01:03
drinkycrowi have to wonder how someone accidentally ctrl alt backspaces01:03
loomsenstupe, i love my nearly 32bit free OS a lot 8)01:04
* foogmaa hasn't used 32-bit since 200501:04
HalowIt's hard. I need my ZSNES.01:05
loomsen*IN LOVE*01:05
HalowWhich seems to not want 64-bit at all.01:05
BUGabundo !dontzap | drinkycrow01:05
ubottudrinkycrow: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »01:05
Stupendoussteveloomsen: I don't love an OS, that would be weird.01:05
loomsencreate a chroot for it halow01:05
BUGabundodrinkycrow: IF you had read the release notes you would know that already01:05
StupendoussteveThere's also no noticeable difference in general01:05
pwnguinHalow: what about snes9x?01:05
drinkycrowclearly that's what i was reading01:06
drinkycrowmy point was that i have to wonder how someone accidentally ctrl alt backspaces01:06
pwnguindrinkycrow: emacs01:06
pwnguinfat fingering control+alt_delete01:06
BUGabundopwnguin: eheh01:06
StupendoussteveSomeone on IRC tells them to hit it :)01:06
drinkycrowhas sudo rm -rf / been disabled too?01:07
loomsengive it a go01:07
FlynsarmyIs cgmail fixed in jaunty? it never started with the pc in intrepid01:07
pwnguin"quick check out this cool new easter egg in ubuntu: shift alt printscreen k! lolololz"01:07
Halowpwnguin: Some of the games that run fine with ZSNES seem to have strange effects going on. But forcing the 32-bit on 64-bit makes other strange effects, so...01:07
loomsenyou'll be surprised01:07
hggdhdrinkycrow, yes, it is disabled by default01:07
LjLdrinkycrow: yes, since a few versions.01:07
loomsenhalow: chroot01:08
yoasifis there a MOTU channel?01:08
pwnguinyoasif: yes.01:08
Halowloomsen: I'll have to look into that, thanks.01:08
StupendoussteveYes, #ubuntu-motu01:08
yoasifthanks pwnguin and Stupendoussteve01:08
pwnguinyoasif: you like the daily show01:09
loomsenanyobe messed with btrfs yet?01:09
yoasifpwnguin: yes01:09
jeiworthyoasif: really? is t stable?01:10
SkapareStupendoussteve: OK ... then I'll try 64-bit first ... then 32-bit ... so I can see how both behave and end up with 32-bit on there01:10
yoasifloomsen: i replied to pwnguin sorry, havent messed with btrfs01:10
FlynsarmyHave the drivers for 64-bit caught up yet? Are there any gaping holes in software that isn't available on 64-bit?01:12
yoasifsupposedly 64bit is now good01:12
BUGabundo64 bits as been good for a couple release01:13
yoasifi still wouldn't mess with it unless i had more than 4gb ram, but thats just me01:13
FlynsarmyIs there any noticable speed increase? i've read ppl both saying its faster and its not faster01:13
foogmaait's faster if you do a lot of CPU stuff like 3D or encoding01:13
Halow64-bit xubuntu does alright on my measley 2gig ram.01:13
mrNotYouhow long till jaunty comes out?:s01:13
Halow!outyet | mrNotYou01:14
ubottumrNotYou: Jaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+101:14
SkapareBUGabundo: in 8.10 a bug in the network-manager that would lose WEP keys got fixed in a security update in 32-bit but the same security update in 64-bit didn't fix it01:14
SkapareBUGabundo: but in 9.04 it works fine in both01:14
TheFunkbombokay, I'm making my USB start up disk.  If this doesn't work, I just want you all to know that I love you01:15
BUGabundoSkapare: really? I wonder if asac messed it up !01:15
SkapareBUGabundo: no idea01:15
stoojHello folks01:15
BUGabundoTheFunkbomb: we love you back too... specially if you have a cure syster01:15
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1!01:15
loomsenflyn: its not faster, its wider01:16
BUGabundohome of crazy ppl and bad bots01:16
SkapareBUGabundo: what I noticed was, after I updated network-manager, then it had the right key ... I did not have to re-enter it ... so it seems to have saved it OK, just not read it correctly01:16
faileaswe wouldn't mind a cute sister either ;p01:16
BUGabundoloomsen: faster stronger better01:16
loomsenimagine a highway, it doesnt make a difference if 10 cars pass per hr01:16
dash|x58is there a way to install drivers for a monitor?01:16
loomsenit does tho in the rush hr01:16
dash|x58on ubuntu01:16
TheFunkbomband here we go01:16
SkapareBUGabundo: it always got some bogus key ... and it was the same key every time and same between 32 bit and 64 bit01:16
SkapareBUGabundo: maybe it was Canonical's office wireless key :)01:17
BUGabundodash|x58: usually monitors don't use drivers. but they are detected by xorg ,and some pass along bad EEID data01:17
BUGabundoSkapare: LOL01:17
SkapareBUGabundo: but I'm not worried now since it worked in 9.04-rc ... and trying 9.04 now01:17
dash|x58ive having trouble just increasing my resolution01:18
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:19
shavlirI wish ubottu was mroe helpful01:19
shavlirI want him to fix all the bugs too!01:19
dash|x58really, i've read that whole page already01:19
dash|x58i dont know how to work with xorg.conf01:20
loomsencat /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:20
loomsenand paste it here01:20
BUGabundoloomsen: NO NO NO01:20
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:20
BUGabundonot here PLEASE01:20
BUGabundodon't flood us any more then its already01:20
loomsenat the pastebin it should read01:20
A|iis it out yet?01:22
A|iit's 23rd01:22
TheMagicianwell, my computer can't boot from USB01:22
BUGabundoTheMagician: LOLOL01:22
TheMagicianWhat the heck?  This is not my name01:22
BUGabundoand bonus +1 for the new nick TheMagician01:22
HalowTheMagician: Is it enabled in your BIOS? Or... is it really unable?01:23
TheMagicianhold on01:23
TheMagicianPeas and crackers01:23
dash|x58thats my xorg.conf file01:23
* dash|x58 has no idea how to configure xorg.conf lol01:23
sahakwhere can I download Ubuntu 9.04?01:24
dougbdoes anyone think the ISO of the nightly build they have up will be the same build for the official release?01:24
dash|x58my monitor could hit up to 1680x105001:24
Halow!daily | sahak01:24
ubottusahak: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/01:24
shavlirif you are going to mess around with xorg.conf, make sure you make backup first01:24
TheFunkbombI have no idea why it keeps using that name01:24
dash|x58anyone know anything about automatix?01:24
BUGabundodougb: I would be on it01:24
shavliryou know you can just type /nick TheFunkbomb, right?01:25
stoojdash|x58, yes.01:25
BUGabundodash|x58: DON'T please don't! its DEAD and EVIL01:25
TheFunkbombyeah but I can't remember my password lol01:25
TheFunkbombit's stored in xchat01:25
dash|x58i really cant do anything with 800x60001:25
yoasifautomatix is pretty dead... medibuntu repo does pretty much anything you'd need01:25
TheFunkbombI wish I could fix that so it won't do that anymore01:25
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:26
racecar56back again01:26
HalowTheFunkbomb: That's probably set in Xchat too.01:26
racecar56mine can go to 1680x1050 also01:26
stoojdash|x58, what the others have said though. automatix (and ultimatix, it's successor) are best avoided01:26
TheFunkbombYeah, I'm about to crash my computer so it doesn't really matter I guess01:27
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases01:27
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - For more info see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-February/000536.html01:28
brodieare there any known issues with python2.6's sys.path configuration in 9.04?01:28
brodieor more specifically: why is site-packages gone from the path?01:28
brodieand why does distutils still install into site-packages?01:28
yoasifbrodie: sounds like you found a bug01:29
dash|x58so anyone know how to set resolutions in xorg.conf?01:29
dash|x58all the howto's i've looked through don't make sense at all01:29
yoasiftalk to kklimonda, he helped me with a python related issue before01:29
LeempSo 9.04 will be download-able tomorrow right?01:30
dash|x58i already have 9.0401:30
yoasifLeemp: at some point, yes01:30
racecar56i also have 9.0401:30
dash|x58just sudo update-manager -d01:30
kklimondayoasif: sure - what problem do you have now?01:30
joan_0I have a problem with Ubuntu Jaunty for netbook. When I start with USB the boot stops and show (initramfs) promt. What is this ?01:30
kklimondayes* :)01:30
Leempdash|x58: I'm going to be doing a full format, so that wont work ;)01:30
loomsen@ python01:30
dash|x58well, download the iso at the website01:30
Leempdash|x58: and yes, i could probably just install the RC and update, but blech.01:30
yoasifkklimonda: brodie is having a distutils issue with python01:31
Leempdash|x58: The official isn't out yet, is it?01:31
Leempdash|x58: I didnt see it01:31
dash|x58yeah it is01:31
loomsenecho 'export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages' >> .profile01:31
dash|x58its on the main site.01:31
joan_0I tried with 2 USB, and I have checked the md5sum, anyone knows what is the problem ?01:31
kklimondabrodie: there was a big change in sys.path in Python 2.6 in both debian and jaunty01:31
dash|x58if anything you can still do a complete install with 8.10 through the upgrade.01:31
Leempdash|x58: heh, they didnt update the index page then.. as they are talking about using the RC.01:31
kklimondabrodie: in nutshell - instead of site-packages you have dist-package and default installation patch for "custom" modules is /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ instead of /usr/lib/python...01:32
Leempdash|x58: Even the download page is purely RC. :p01:32
Leempdash|x58: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/01:32
kklimondabrodie: but it shouldn't be a problem if you use distribution setuptools as they are patched to work with this layout.01:32
brodiekklimonda: is this documented anywhere? what was the rationale? and why does distutils still install into site-packages?01:32
leftyfbIs there any type of live feed for the jaunty release? Either download numbers of bandwidth or comments or something? We're going to have an LED sign at our release party and would like something live updated on it.01:33
BUGabundodash|x58: don't use SUDO with UM01:33
kklimondabrodie: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com/msg05489.html - i think this is the best link01:33
dash|x58sudo with um?01:33
kklimondabrodie: what distutils do you use?01:33
dash|x58update manager?01:33
BUGabundojoan_0: there are a few of those bugs around01:33
BUGabundocheck LP and you will find a recent one01:33
dash|x58why not?01:34
BUGabundodash|x58: why use it ?01:34
joan_0my bug BUGabundo ? I can't find in LP, go to se now again01:34
dash|x58well, thats the command i read to use01:34
BUGabundodash|x58: where?01:34
Leempdash|x58: They mention it here: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-9.04-desktop , but the download page they point you to only has 9.04. I'm not complaining, just saying that its not fully out hehe01:35
brodiekklimonda: just vanilla distutils shipped with ubuntu01:35
loomsenguys, i had that problem after building compiz from giz01:35
Leempdash|x58: Oh n/m, i was thinking today was the 23rd. So yea, officially, i don't see any mention of 9.04 non-RC :P01:35
kklimondabrodie: try passing --install-layout=deb to python setup.py install01:35
loomsenln -s /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages /usr/local/lib/python2.6/01:35
loomsenadd the line i posted earlier to your profile and log out01:36
joan_0I wait for final release, I hope it works :( byes !01:36
LeempQuestion: On a side note, has the ext4 data loss bug been fixed?01:36
wirechiefjoan_0:  for usb booting issues check here https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/36303801:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363038 in casper "casper USB media fails to boot: USB storage device not detected, drops to (initramfs) prompt" [Critical,Fix released]01:36
dash|x58sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:36
brodiekklimonda: i'm not really interested in a workaround, but more about the functionality itself. i'm troubleshooting an issue a user is having with a python program i distribute01:36
Leempis Ext4 safe to use now?01:36
dash|x58does that even work on 9.0401:37
loomsendont reconfigure01:37
loomsenyou wont reconfigure anything01:37
brodiekklimonda: would you not consider it a bug that distutils is configured to install into a path that isn't in sys.path?01:37
loomsenyou'd deconfigure01:37
dash|x58dude, the problem is i dont even know how to configure it01:37
kklimondabrodie: the reasoning is that modules installed by user shouldn't override those provided by a distribution so they go to /usr/local/01:37
brodiekklimonda: i understand that. i should clarify that the setup.py script actually sets --prefix=/usr/local01:38
joan_09.04 RC does not boot from usb disk. OK ! thx !01:38
joan_0Is not my problem, is a bug01:38
dash|x58i think im about to install xp on my ubuntu machine01:38
wirechiefjoan_0: i posted a quick fix on that bug01:38
JDSheweyI am having trouble with jaunty+catalyst 9.4+Radeon X60001:38
JDSheweyHas anyone else reported issues with this?01:38
shavlirdash|x58: have you read this?http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397301:38
yoasifdash|x58: you're insane!01:39
dash|x58thats what people say...01:39
joan_0wirechief, go to see :D01:39
brodiekklimonda: if dist-packages is where it should be installed, then distutils should install it there, and not into a path that isn't in sys.path. this makes the conventional "setup.py install" command install a non-working program01:39
shavlirJDShewey: yes, I dont think the proprietary drivers work yet01:39
dash|x58Identifier    "CM752ET"01:39
JDSheweyshavlir: yep. That's my issue. Crashes when loading glx.01:40
dash|x58do i put e228wfp there instead?01:40
kklimondabrodie: i don't know if passing --install-layout=deb isn't the *right* way of doing that in debian right now..01:40
kklimondabrodie: it does look like a bug to me.01:40
JDSheweyAlso having trouble with ipv6, but was able to work around that by using for my DNS server.01:40
JDSheweyToo bad I can't turn it off anymore.01:40
kklimondabrodie: but python setup.py installs modules to /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages as expected01:41
shavlirdash|x58: it just has to match in the monitor and screen section01:41
kklimondabrodie: i've just checked with django01:41
brodiekklimonda: and if you pass --prefix=/usr/local?01:43
Death_Syni wish they'd toss up .torrents, I could go ahead and be seeding01:43
dash|x58so i copy and paste the same code under screen & monitor?01:43
kklimondabrodie: yes - then it's wrong - looks like a bug to me.01:43
rconanare there dailies of -server images?01:43
kklimondabrodie: you can file bug report or leave it to me01:44
brodiekklimonda: i don't have 9.04 available to me right now (it was a user report), so that would be appreciated01:44
brodieif i had to guess, the fix is probably a one liner01:44
shavlirrconan: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/01:44
kklimondabrodie: i'll take care of it01:45
rconanshavlir: cheers01:45
wirechiefBUGabundo: when does the next test release show up ? will it be ubuntu+101:46
rconankarmic alpha 1 on the 14th May01:47
rconanwirechief: ^01:47
wirechiefrconan: thanks01:47
joan_0wirechief, rootdelay ? is this ?01:47
wirechiefjoan_0: no01:47
BUGabundorconan: wirechief but *we* will be here way before that01:47
wirechiefjoan_0: go to the end of the thread01:48
HalowWhatever shall I do without my #ubuntu+1? ;)01:48
rconanBUGabundo: my workload at the moment is huge... I can't see myself installing karmic until past alpha201:48
joan_0wirechief, you talk about the last build01:49
BUGabundorconan: heeh01:49
lucaxok just to say... performance on jaunty is bad really really bad on intel x310001:49
HalowThere has been some serious regression on Intel graphics cards.01:49
rconanbloody coursework and exams? who made third year of university so hard...01:49
yow|x2ack, still getting freezes. anyone using Intel video getting freezes?01:50
joan_0I see it tomorrow, is late. Thanx a lot for the help wirechief  ;) byes !01:50
wirechiefjoan_0:  well there should be something about the missing files, the choice was to download the final or as i found just get the missing files01:50
dash|x58im getting problems with permissions with editing xorg.conf01:50
dash|x58how do i bypass this?01:50
yow|x2sudo dash|x58 ?01:50
Halowdash|x58: Editing with Text Editor (gedit)?01:50
shagayow|x2: using intel video and no freezes. netbook01:51
HalowIf using gedit, use gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:51
shagaworks very well01:51
dash|x58gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:51
dash|x58thats what i type into terminal?01:51
BUGabundorconan: yeah I get you . I still have one more exam for setember, and since I lost my job, I can finish my Intership !01:53
BUGabundonot lost.... I kicked the boss, and went way01:53
rconanI'll be sure to get karmic installed on a spare drive in my LAN box once I've finished exams01:54
yow|x2hmm maybe doesnt affect your specific card shaga, you're lucky! :)01:54
shagaseems so :)01:55
oobei installed the beta does it upgrade automatically to rc01:55
oobewhen i type lsb_release i get No LSB modules are available.01:55
rconanoobe: as long as you run update-manager01:55
yofeloobe: and what does 'lsb_release -rd' give you?01:56
oobeDescription:    Ubuntu 9.0401:56
oobeRelease:        9.0401:56
yofelthen you've got the rc01:58
oobeits 11am 23rd in austalia where i am01:58
dash|x58it didnt really seem to do anything01:58
* Skapare found the first problem in 9.04 that wasn't a problem in 9.04-rc01:58
oobewill ubuntu be released at 12am us time01:58
dash|x58im restarting ubuntu, hopefully if i did things right it'll change resoltuion01:58
oobeor possibly later01:59
dash|x58us time?01:59
BUGabundoSkapare: what?01:59
dash|x58eastern you mean01:59
Skaparenetwork-manager ... when setting wireless key ... the "apply" button remains always grayed-out and unpressable01:59
BUGabundoyou found more bugs then me? it can't be01:59
oobedash|x58, im 18 -22  hrs in front of US i dont care that us has a small time zone diff01:59
Skaparethat's the only bug I found so far ... just did get 9.04 and install it01:59
Skaparethis is the amd64 version, desktop02:00
Trunkz_Not sure if this was reported or not02:00
digitalpsykoim on the rc now and im getting strange battery readings from the battery monitor, wheni hover the mouse over it it says that i have 58% left and 3 hours, when i bring up both batterys one has 98% and one has 18%, anyone point me in the right direction?02:01
Trunkz_but; I cant seem to set ps3-video-mod02:01
Trunkz_just says error 102:01
shavliroobe: 5 hours is small time?02:01
digitalpsykoi have new dell e6400 9cell + 12cell battery plate02:01
jeiworthman, is it me or why is kubuntu starting to feel like f#$%ing windows? intel vga problem, right? changed to UXA in the xorg.conf., ok? running linux, you should assume that a simple xserver restart would sufffice...3 reboots later i finally have xorg running again without changing _anything_ :P02:01
digitalpsykoshould be around 18 hours with both batterys, at 12watts02:01
Halowjeiworth: Intel's messed up all over the *buntus.02:02
=== jamesfoster is now known as jamessfoster
bjsniderjeiworth, intel users are in for a rough 6 months02:02
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BUGabundo2am... guess I'm hitting the pillow! good release party everyone02:02
jeiworthjust *buntus or since kernel 2.6.18?02:03
* DanaG is glad to have ATI, surprisingly.02:03
BUGabundobjsnider: or just one month until a fix is available02:03
HalowNight BUGabundo.02:03
bjsniderBUGabundo, i doubt it02:03
jtholmesBUGabundo, where are you at country02:03
oobeshavlir, for people who live all over the world and now whats going on yea02:03
SkapareBUGabundo: I'll play around with it a while before submitting it, and test it in 32-bit02:04
jeiworthwell at least cpu is down to 20 instad of 30-50%02:04
jeiworthwhich is still a lot imho02:04
dash|x58gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:04
jeiworthbjsnider: in six months i will already be running 9.10 :D02:05
bjsniderthere is no magical fix available in xorg.conf. the 2.7 final release driver still has abunch of problems. intel users might wantt o stick with 8.04 or 8.1002:05
Mr_Youanyone know what time jaunty will be released tomorrow?02:05
jtholmesMr_You, there is not specific time  down load the RC tonight and update after that to save time02:06
jeiworthbjsnider: grmpf well, i will try the downgrade howto and see if that helps02:06
bjsnidergrmpf indeed02:06
=== wgrant__ is now known as wgrant
Mr_Youjtholmes: well I can wait, I'm just wondering if its going to be release tonight/this coming morning for EDT folks.02:07
jtholmesMr_You, no telling02:07
jtholmesMr_You, they havent actually set a time yet as far as i know02:07
jeiworth...oO(typical, extra check the hardware for linux compatibility and buy pure intel and just then intel has to go ahead and screw up their drivers)02:08
bjsniderintel will be great in a few months02:09
jeiworthyeah well, not that i wanted to play any opengl games or anything in the meantime ;oP02:09
bjsniderwell go down to intrepid then02:09
shavliris it possible to do dual monitor with vesa?02:10
bjsniderthe intel driver in jaunty is 2.6.3, and the current stable one is 2.7, which still has a lot of problems. so even if you upgrade immediately to koala, you're still going to have lots of problems for awhile02:10
oobedoes anyone know how i change the font size in kubuntu 9.04 they seem smaller02:11
jeiworthbjsnider: well, the problem is that i am what some call an "early adopter". others might call it "version freak" ;o)02:11
jtholmesoobe the terminal window font02:11
oobeyeah and other things to02:12
bjsniderjeiworth, forces beyond your control have made that difficult in this case02:12
oobefirefox displays pages smaller aswell02:12
jtholmesoobe dont know about other, but terminal window, select settings appearance font at bottom of page02:12
oobeactually ff is ok02:12
Mr_Youanyone using Eucalyptus?02:13
oobejtholmes, ty02:13
jtholmesoobe i may have told you wrong let me look02:14
jeiworthbjsnider: :D well, before i give up i will try this howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.402:14
amon__why is port 8008 open02:14
JDSheweySo... I want to set up a dual head setup. I want KDE on one monitor, and a virtualbox VM on the other, but I want to use compiz and keep the ability to use the edge flip. I can't want to stack the monitors, so I would like to have some sort of key combination to switch which monitor the mouse/keyboard is bound to. Is this possible?02:14
jtholmesoobe  settings->edit current profile -> appearance bottom of window for font size02:15
dash|x58i give up02:15
dash|x58everything i've done to increase my resolution doesn't work02:16
oobeyep got it thanks worked it out you pointed me in the right place i found my way there the first time02:16
dash|x58now i have issues with the nvidia settings manager02:16
dash|x58it ruined everything on my xorg.conf02:16
jeiworthdash|x58: backup rul0rz02:17
bjsniderdash|x58, pastebin the xorg.conf file02:18
dash|x58i did back it up02:18
dash|x58but whatever02:18
oobethats ok then02:18
dash|x58seems useless to try02:18
dash|x58do you think i'd have more luck running higher resolutions with onboard video02:18
oobewhat card do you have02:18
TheFunkbombI gotta wait to burn a CD because someone is on the other computer02:18
bjsniderdash|x58, pastebin. the. xorg.conf. file. please02:19
oobedash|x58, if its a newish mobo with onboard nvidia you should get whatever your monitor is capable of02:19
jeiworthrighto, lets see if that helped02:29
vossAnyone know what time JJ will be officially released tommorow?02:32
TarBarOh is it tommorow?02:32
TarBarI thought it was today, site says coming soon.02:32
wgrantvoss: When the testing is done, and the release manager is confident of its stability.02:32
geniivoss: That Q is already getting hammered to death in #ubuntu-release-party02:32
wgrantTarBar: It is today in some parts of the world. Tomorrow in strange places like the US.02:32
TarBarI'm from Australia, expected it to be out now :)02:33
wgrantTarBar: I'm .au too.02:33
TarBarAh sweet :P02:33
vossIts not 9 am thursday in most parts of the world yet02:33
wgrantTarBar: Give it 12 hours ± a few.02:33
TarBarah ok02:33
BhaalWKIs there a release channel or is the partying going on in here?02:34
wgrantBhaalWK: #ubuntu-release-party02:34
TarBaro.o its a real channel02:34
vossThe Ubuntu team will probably wake up around 10 am SA time and take a few aspirin for their  hangover and hit enter , then skynet will be born or JJ will be released ...either way not much longer ;-)02:34
wgrantIt is.02:34
BhaalWKSo it is, thanks02:34
wgrantTarBar: It gets dozens of messages a second around release.02:35
wgrantIt is ridiculous.02:35
TarBarsounds exciting.02:35
vossWhats the real difference between JJ and the RC?02:36
wgrantvoss: Bugfixes.02:36
vossIm guessing not much, although a new version of flash was sent out tonight02:36
wgrantThere are quite a few bugfixes.02:37
yoasifnew flash right before release? wtf?02:37
vossyoasif, I suspect its a minor bug fix02:38
wgrantvoss, yoasif: The last Adobe Flash update in Ubuntu was before RC.02:38
jeiworthweeeell that didnt help02:39
jtholmesthere havent been any updates to the RC's today at all02:39
StupendoussteveThey're probably frozen until release02:39
Stupendousstevethere was only one yesterday?02:39
vosswgrant, well I got a flash update tonight02:39
wgrantvoss: Not from Ubuntu.02:39
jtholmesvoss update via update manager02:40
jtholmesfor 9.0402:40
vossThats where I got it...update manager02:40
jeiworthi just got firefox update02:40
jtholmesstrange the RC's are frozen02:40
jeiworth5 minutes ago02:40
wgrantjtholmes: Why is that strange?02:40
jtholmesbecause the RC's are frozen until release tomorrow02:41
wgrantjeiworth: There have been no Firefox updates for more than two weeks.02:41
wgrantjtholmes: Why is that strange?02:41
Stupendousstevejtholmes: They freeze so no unknown bug breaks everything right at release, would you like installing, getting the updates and finding your system unusable?02:41
vossOf course Ive got the debian-multimedia and medibuntu added as sources.02:41
wgrantvoss: Right, so it probably has nothing to do with Ubuntu.02:41
jeiworthwgrant: just sayn, i am downloading them right now02:41
jtholmesbecause any changes would require all tests for the particular RC's affedted02:42
jeiworthlatest swcurity update 3.0.902:42
wgrantI think there is some terminology confusion here.02:42
jtholmesall tests to be rerun02:42
hggdhactually this update is from -security02:42
vossI have flash 10.0 r22?02:42
thewrathdoes anyone know where i can just get the wubi.exe02:42
thewrathfor jaunty02:42
thewrathbc the RC that I have does not allow me to do that via the DVD02:42
wgrantThe Ubuntu release candidate is released a week before release. Any images after then are *not* release candidates.02:42
wgrantThey are candidate images for the final release, but they are not called release candidates.02:43
wit3tyg3rhmm interesting....so the new release is called Jaunty Jackalope? lol interesting name....not too much different than the other release's names02:43
thewrathwgrant: do you knwo where I can get the wubi.exe file02:43
jtholmeswgrant true02:43
jtholmesbut changes to those candidates are frozen until release tomorrow02:43
hggdhyes. Except for security updates02:44
jtholmeshggdh, cant challenge that but they would have to be outside the candidates02:45
Lofde_I LOVE this 9.04 beta!!02:45
vossWe could title 11.4 Mobile Moose02:45
Lofde_It is Sweettttt02:45
Lofde_After testing it.. and Windows 7....02:45
thewrathanyone know where i can get the wubi.exe file02:45
Lofde_man... I hate Windows now..02:45
Lofde_I am sooo much in love with linux02:45
wit3tyg3ri haven't downloaded the RC yet cuz i didn't want to run into stability issues02:46
Lofde_I am still running 8.10... but using VirtualBox... so.. I doubt ill make the switch yet but i love the easy of picking everything up02:46
vosslofde, dont get too over the top, understand what each can and cannot do.02:46
Lofde_Windows 7 didnt even grab the Drivers for the network for VirtualBox.. stupid M$02:46
wit3tyg3ri hope the final release is pretty stable02:46
wit3tyg3rwindows 7 sucks in my opinion02:46
Lofde_voss, I can do anything with linux M$ can do + more02:47
jtholmeswit3tyg3r, what is in cdimage now should be what is there tomorrow02:47
vossLofde, 9.04 Netbook Remix is a pretty amazing piece of work.02:47
Lofde_wit3tyg3r,  it does to me because from an IT stand point i dont want to have to support that crap02:47
snadgethe counter is broken :p02:47
Lofde_there are so many options and stuff, i mean its way way better than vista id say, but i hate how theres just more and more "OPTIONS TO SAY NO... I dONT WANT YOUR MS stuff"02:47
wit3tyg3ri use Mac OS X as my primary OS and Ubuntu as my secondary02:47
Lofde_really.. netbook... i am loving the development for "mids"02:48
wit3tyg3ri have Windows XP running on a virtual machine using VMWare Fusion02:48
jtholmeswit3tyg3r, i have been using it for weeks it is stable, but there are various problems02:48
wit3tyg3rand i am going to get Ubuntu 9.04 on another virtual machine02:48
wit3tyg3rlike what kind of problems?02:48
wit3tyg3rare they mostly driver issues?02:48
Lofde_I am a die hard ubuntu fan... i would go for "mac" but i want to use HP hardware or dell .. or something i want instead of what they throw together02:48
Lofde_ive worked for dell too so i know  their warranty pretty good ;) know how to get what i need done :P02:49
vosswit3, Im running World of Warcraft on linux.02:49
jtholmesvideo problems with certain hw configs etc.  sound problems but that is outside the stability issue02:49
vosslofde, my netbook is a mini 902:49
bjsniderLofde_, does linux have hardware accelerated directx 10.1?02:49
StupendoussteveHmm. I want them to put the Jaunty ISO online, with a torrent link... I don't even care about the ISO, but I want to seed.02:49
vossbjsnider, linux uses opengl02:50
wit3tyg3ri see...yeah Ubuntu usually has a few driver issues but they seem to work out eventually...i have a compaq laptop and ubuntu 7.10 didn't work because of video driver issues02:50
jtholmesStupendoussteve, that was discssed today dont know what the outcome was02:50
bjsnidervoss, i am aware of that02:50
wgrantStupendoussteve, jtholmes: They will prepare some seeds before the announcement. Then it should bootstrap itself pretty quickly.02:51
jtholmeswit3tyg3r, my advice is to run the LiveCD for a bit and see what problems crop up02:51
vosswit3, 9.04 is light years ahead of 7.1002:51
jtholmeswgrant, right02:51
vossEven my logitech webcam works in 9.04 which is pretty amazing02:51
wit3tyg3ryeah i ran the live version of 7.10...it failed to load on the compaq...i hate HP and Compaq because they make their hardware impossible to work with02:51
wit3tyg3rDell is good about the hardware and making drivers available02:52
wit3tyg3rand Mac just has everything uber beast02:52
wit3tyg3rso i am going to run ubuntu on the mac02:52
jtholmeswit3tyg3r, i have had good success with toshiba, tecra and satellites in laptops, and i build my own desktops02:52
vosswit3, their mini9 comes with 8.04 NR for lpia but I dumped that in favor of 9.04 i386 NR02:52
Annnyoseyohow can I update to 9.04 from 8.10 when it is release02:52
wit3tyg3rthere is an option under the administrator menu that will let you check for updates02:53
vossanny, update-manager -d02:53
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading02:53
wit3tyg3rthen you need an internet connection to download the new version02:53
Annnyoseyoi'm super new to ubuntu02:53
kungpowzaany advantage to a format/install over the upgrade?02:54
vossanny, open a terminal and type in sudo update-manager -d and then run update manager and the upgrade will be available02:54
jtholmesAnnnyoseyo, your are welcome02:54
jtholmesi never upgrade always fresh install but that is my preference02:54
kungpowzauseally mine also02:54
wgrantUpgrades generally work fine.02:55
vossjtholmes but ubuntu upgrades are fairly painless.02:55
kungpowzathats good to know02:55
PhotoJimI've got a system that's been upgraded from dapper drake... no problems02:55
Annnyoseyojtholmes: why?02:55
wit3tyg3rwould you have to go through the trouble of restoring needed files when you do the fresh install?02:55
jtholmesboss true but swap to different partitons and test before commiting02:55
Lofde_boshhead, direct-x or anything M$ doesnt concern me02:55
Barriduswit3tyg3r, i normally just copy over my /home02:56
wit3tyg3roh ok02:56
Lofde_i hate anything not "open source" ... and even if directx is now.. i still hate it..02:56
wit3tyg3ri see02:56
vosslofde, it only concerns me when a popular game wont run without directx,02:56
jtholmesAnnnyoseyo, i have all my usr var etc in separate partitions and i can link in new root and test before movng to latest release that way02:56
bjsniderLofde_, so for you it is about ideology and not functionality02:56
Lofde_voss... is there no team of hackers or programmers from ubuntu working on a open source... game driven engine compatible with X02:57
jtholmesdont get me wrong, they have done a great job on updates, i just prefer fresh installs02:57
bjsniderlinux will likely never be a gaming platform02:57
vosslofde, I believe there is a directx wrapper for opengl.02:57
kungpowzadx on linux i would love to see that day02:57
DG19075prefers fresh installs too02:57
StupendoussteveIt works fine with opengl games, ID Software ftw (for example)02:57
vossbjsnider, World of warcraft runs on linux under WINE right now.02:58
Daskreechbjsnider: Based upon?02:58
bjsniderthat's one game02:58
Daskreechvoss: having games and being a gaming platform are different things02:58
Daskreechvoss: I can play Doom and Doom II on the iPod02:58
Lofde_what platform does sony use for the PS3 for game development02:58
DaskreechIt's still not a gaming platform02:58
Lofde_because... if your game REQUIRES Directx.... i blame that on development..02:59
DaskreechLofde_: Linuxish OS Windows for development02:59
thewrathwhy cant i install jaunty in windows like i could earlier and like intrepid and hardy02:59
wgrantthewrath: You can.02:59
wgrantJust the same as Ubuntu 8.04 or Ubuntu 8.10.02:59
bjsniderit will be years before gallium offers opengl 3.1 for all graphics hardware, and even then most games don't offer opengl versions, plus the consoles all use directx02:59
thewrath  wgrant  how02:59
wgrantthewrath: The same method.03:00
thewrathbc when i download teh RC DVD and ran wubi it does not allow me to03:00
Daskreechbjsnider: None of them use directX03:00
vossWhich consoles use directx? Xbox03:00
wgrant'does not allow me to' is about the most useless description of an error, ever.03:00
vossXbox is a microsoft product of course they would use directx03:00
thewrathdoes not give me the option to03:00
Daskreechwgrant: Stuff just happened is a worse one03:00
thewrathfull instlal, demo or more information. no option to install in widnows like before03:00
wgrantthewrath: Run wubi.exe, which I pointed you to.03:01
Lofde_I think sony should open development to the community like apple has... look how many apps have been made... and how much stuff that could be developed .. home brew games ect... sure they are the ONLY one right now keeping away piracy though... but.. as Bluray drives get cheaper and time moves on i doubt it will last long03:01
thewrathwgrant: does not give me the  otions03:01
wgrantDaskreech: mmm, perhaps.03:01
wgrantthewrath: I don't know. I don't use Windows.03:01
wgrantthewrath: Maybe you can only use a CD.03:01
thewrathanyone can help me?03:01
DaskreechLofde_: #ps3linux and #ps3dev would like to speak to you :)03:01
thewraththat is silly03:01
wit3tyg3rthewrath: try downloading the ISO of the CD and not the DVD03:01
DaskreechLofde_: Also you can self publish a game for PS2 now without sony approval03:01
wgrantthewrath: Windows is silly, too.03:01
thiebaudethewrath: did you download wubi.exe from the net?03:01
thewrathwgrant: true about windows03:02
thewrathbut it worked before with jaunty03:02
thewrathwhen it was in beta03:02
vossJust run ubuntu in virtualbox on windows03:02
Lofde_I think ubuntu started a fire though.. and its going to be hard to ignore..03:02
thewrathi got it from evand who is dev and ran it form the DVD03:02
thewrathwhere can i get the most updated wubi03:02
DaskreechWe started the fire!! It was glowing and burning as the world was turning!03:02
jtholmesthewrath, not sure what the problem is but that got tested  and passed03:02
Lofde_I tech consult.. and help people that know nothing about PC's.. or computers.. and everyone i talk to is saying "i am thinking about getting a new one and i want to get a mac"03:02
vosslofde, hey we didnt start the fire, it was always burning since the world was turning03:03
thiebaudejust go online an install wubi.exe from within windows03:03
Daskreechvoss: Beat you to it :)03:03
Lofde_voss.. i can agree.. freedom will rain03:03
thewrathjtholmes: issue is wubi not allowing to install ubuntu in windows like before03:03
Lofde_and reign03:03
thewraththere is no option for it03:03
vossdas but I got it right03:03
wgrantDaskreech, voss: It's going to need quite a few more verses until you can fit 'Ubuntu' into it.03:03
Daskreechvoss: Not in accordance with his statement :)03:03
Nirrad1stHello.  I am getting ready to flash my bios. I downloaded the program from acer and I believe it runs from windows. Now what I am wondering is the linux bootloader going to interupt the bios opperation when I reboot?03:03
vossDas, I got it right according to billy joel ;-)03:04
jtholmesthewrath, look on launchpad and see if a bug was reported03:04
wgrantI have to agree with voss there.03:04
Daskreechwgrant: But ... british political sex and LTS Blown away.. what else do I gotta say?03:04
Lofde_Nirrad1st,  i would call acer.. be ware03:04
thewrathjtholmes:  you tell me bc there is one?03:04
thiebaudethewrath: ,http://wubi-installer.org/03:04
vossLTS blown away *groan*03:04
DaskreechNirrad1st: Not if you boot from the media03:04
wgrantDaskreech: That doooooesn't quite flow right :(03:04
DaskreechJFK just didn't fit the Convo :)03:04
Nirrad1stLofde i hear yeah. ok thanks03:04
thiebaudethewrath: and download to a folder in windows03:05
Lofde_Some companies like acer Nirrad1st  might only make .exe update drivers03:05
jtholmesthewrath, let me see what was tested03:05
Nirrad1stThats just it there is no media i am on a laptop.03:05
thewraththiebaude: that is for 8.1003:05
thewrathjtholmes: thanks03:05
thewrathmy mind is almost completely dead for the night03:05
Lofde_and its really really crazy.. when you call ... they will say "you changed your OS " oh we dont support that03:05
Lofde_its really nuts03:05
vossnirrad, no I used hp booting utility which works fine.03:05
thiebaude9.04 isn't out for wubi yet03:05
Lofde_maybe you could google some acer forums03:05
Daskreechthiebaude: Huh?03:05
thewraththiebaude: that is for 8.10 not 9.0403:05
thiebaudei know03:06
thewrathi need one for 9.0403:06
Daskreechbjsnider: So why is Linux impossible to be targeted as a gaming platform?03:06
vosslofde, hp has usb booting utility that works fine with any flash drive and any companies bios, it just gets you a dos prompt03:06
DaskreechLofde_: Oh #ubuntu-ps3 as well :)03:06
wit3tyg3rthewrath: i might be late but here's a link http://wubi-installer.org/03:06
Lofde_Daskreech,  i love the free games that are on the apt-get03:06
bjsniderDaskreech, i said unlikely, not impossible03:06
Nirrad1stok I will look around a little more first thanks for the info. was just hoping maybe some one with an acer who has tried this might be here.03:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about plymouth03:06
thewraththiebaude: when i run that it says for 8.10 but where does it pull the fiels to install03:06
bjsniderDaskreech, and i already explained it03:06
thewrathwit3tyg3r: have it but for 8.10 not 9.0403:06
vossYou have to install it on the flash drive using window but other than that it works great03:06
Daskreechbjsnider: the pace of development?03:06
Lofde_Daskreech,  i was playing something like q3a on here.. and it was free and fast and fun!03:06
thewrathbut when i run that where does it pull the files from?03:06
bjsniderDaskreech, linux doesn't have access to direct3d03:07
thiebaudethewrath: it installs it to a folder on windows03:07
DaskreechI don't think that it will ever be the premiere gaming platform as it is with servers but I think like the desktop it can be very viable03:07
Lofde_bjsnider,  opengl > direct3d03:07
phoozleto run DX you actually need Windows, it isn't portable03:07
thewrathwhere does it pulls the install fiels at03:07
vossI was supposed to get a pccard for a t30 laptop I was working on but they sent me a pci card by mistake :)03:07
bjsniderLofde_, no it is not, sir. it is not close03:07
jtholmesthewrath, it was tested and only one bug reported and it did not affect every machine so it shuld install03:07
Nirrad1sthmmm interesting voss. I do have a 1 g flash drive but i have tried booting a linux live from it with no success. I did set options in bios before hand.03:08
Lofde_bjsnider,  i dont develop :/ ... i dont even play the ps3 anymore.. i am thinking of selling it...03:08
jtholmesbut that is as far as i go with windowz i know nothing about it03:08
DaskreechOpenGL is stuck in the mud right now. If they get kicked into gear I don't think there is much pain points between OpenGL and Dx03:08
wit3tyg3rthewrath: i think this should help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99116903:08
wit3tyg3rit might help03:08
DaskreechLofde_: To me to me03:08
Lofde_i can find more "things to fill my time" than "gaming" it hurts to know but03:08
wit3tyg3ri am not 100% sure03:08
bjsnideropengl is a standard, not actual software03:09
vossnirrad, microsoft made one good operating system... DOS it was reasonably priced , ran on anything and had no DRM.03:09
Lofde_Daskreech,  60gb, still under warranty, extended through toys r us, originally 599 ... looking to get around 350 - 400  ;/03:09
Daskreechvoss: They bought DOS03:09
DaskreechLofde_: Mail me03:09
Lofde_only the 60gb's play hardware accelerated PS1 and PS2 games03:09
Nirrad1stvoss lol well put03:09
Lofde_voss.. the next big thing for MS was NT...03:10
DaskreechVideo card makers march to a Dx beat though03:10
TheFunkbombokay, disk is burned03:10
Nirrad1stok hopefully will be back soon. Thanks everyone for ideas .03:10
TheFunkbombagain, if I don't see you again, remember that I love you all03:10
vossnirrad, DOS works well for flashing bioses03:11
Lofde_Daskreech,  as consumers such as you and i change... and scream GIVE ME LINUX DRIVERS! so will companies change03:11
shashi_saStill 9.04 is not available for download. Still how many hours left ?03:11
Lofde_shashi_sa,  get it off mininova or a torrent03:11
wgrant!jaunty | shashi_sa03:11
Ububeginshashi_sa: 2 more hours left03:11
ubottushashi_sa: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - JAUNTY IS NOT YET RELEASED - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party03:11
sebsebsebLofde_: I don't particulary like that word consumer, because companies call everyone that, and also  treat  consumers as idiots normalley03:11
ubottuJaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+103:11
kklimondashaga: less then 2003:11
Nirrad1stI am just super aprehensive , because the last time I flashed my bios. I was without a comp for 3 years lol03:11
shagakklimonda: what?03:12
vossI just flashed my pcchips motherboard a couple days ago so I could put a 9750 phenom in it :)03:12
Daskreechbjsnider: Isn't having OpenGL good for a gaming platform?03:12
shagaoh, wrong nick complete03:12
b14ckhey, i installed amarok on ubuntu 9.04, but it wont play like 90% of my music, worked fine on gentoo03:12
b14ck it seems like it doesnt want to play my mp3 v0 files03:12
b14ckany idea why?03:12
UbubeginSo does Ubuntu 9.05 works out of the box for the wireless cards..03:12
shagagood night all. hope to upgrade into final JJ once I wake up :p03:12
sebsebsebtwo things from the bot saying to join this channel heh03:12
thiebaudeUbubegin: 9.0403:12
shiznebitmay i ask is apt-p2p functioning yet ?03:12
wgrantUbubegin: Ubuntu 9.04 supports most wireless cards out of the box.03:12
sebsebseband  regarding the release   it's not the 23rd in  the whole world yet03:12
jtholmesNirrad1st, wow that was a huge bios upgrade :)03:12
wgrantshiznebit: It has been functioning for years - it's just not installed by default.03:13
Daskreechbjsnider: Not beating a dead horse I hope. You just sound to me as if you are saying that Dx is the only viale gaming platform03:13
bjsniderDaskreech, the extent to which your system actually implements opengl is dependent on your graphics driver. mine is currently at 3.0.003:13
wgrantDaskreech: He does that a bit.03:13
Nirrad1stlol no just couldnt afford another comp for awhile03:13
newcomerb14ck, i don't know what amarok uses as a backend, but i'm sure it's a codecs thing03:13
vosswgrant, except for usb which is a bit trickier.03:13
b14ckmy amarok only plays flacs, i want it to play mp3s03:13
bjsniderit is. it is the only viable gaming platform. i don't know how to say it any clearer03:13
b14cksomeone tell me what package i need lol03:13
wgrantvoss: Most of them still work fine.03:13
Nirrad1stBut it went bad , very bad lol03:13
shiznebitwgrant, it is oh ok, is it worth using ?03:13
wgrantshiznebit: It depends on your situation.03:13
wgrantbjsnider: You are yet to give a concrete reason for this.03:13
Daskreechsebsebseb: Well that's part of being a consumer03:14
bjsniderwgrant, i did awhile back. nobody read it03:14
Daskreechb14ck: libxine1-ffmpeg03:14
Ububeginwgrant: cos ubuntu 8.10 had this wrethed problem.. it wouldnt work with my wireless ..... hope they have fixed it....03:14
vossububegin, I tend to use cards with Atheros chip sets, they have nice strong range and ubuntu has no problem with them03:14
sebsebsebDaskreech: well it's not  a great system over all03:14
b14ckDaskreech, thanks very much03:14
wgrantUbubegin: There is a *lot* of variety in wireless cards. YOu might have one from a bad manufacturer that makes it very difficult to write drivers.03:14
DaskreechI read your reason but not having DirectX doesn't mean that it can't be used a gaming platform03:15
gregoroviushi... sorry if this has been asked often, but I would like to get 9.4, and i'm wondering if it's likely to change from the rc to the official release03:15
shiznebitwould intel be a good choice for wireless cards ?03:15
Daskreechand a viable one03:15
vossububegin, which manufacturer made your card?03:15
Ububeginvoss: mine's a laptop dude....  Hp DV-4 1301Tx03:15
sebsebsebDaskreech: who are you talking to?03:15
b14ckDaskreech, works great now03:15
Daskreechgregorovius: very little03:15
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:15
wgrantshiznebit: They're fairly well supported, yes.03:15
Daskreechsebsebseb: for which statment?03:15
* sebsebseb Ubuntu can also be pretty good for gaming, good native Linux games exist to03:15
wit3tyg3rthewrath: was that link i sent you able to assist you?03:15
sebsebsebDaskreech: the directx comment03:15
jtholmesgregorovius, not much what is there right now will probably be the release tomorrow03:15
sebsebsebjtholmes: your tommorow is already my today03:16
sebsebsebjtholmes: and has been for just over 3 hours now03:16
jtholmessebsebseb, true ;)03:16
Daskreechsebsebseb: bjsnider I'm Just trying to figure out if he means that Linux cannot be a viable gaming platform or cannot be the premiere or first choice gaming platform03:16
* sebsebseb expects Jaunty to be released about 7pm GMT03:16
UbubeginAnother qn... should I get the Ubuntu 9.04 today or wait a couple of days, so that the team would fix more bugs...03:16
MindVirusCan someone please help me make flash work?03:17
DaskreechI'll agree with the second statement but not the first03:17
MindVirusUbubegin, wait.03:17
MindVirusIt's not long at all.03:17
DaskreechUbubegin: Bugs isn't the issue it's bandwidth03:17
jtholmesUbubegin, get it now and update03:17
* sebsebseb thinks Jaunty won't be released when it's still the 22nd in any part of the word03:17
DaskreechGetting it now means avoiding the insane rush03:17
MindVirusGood point.03:17
bjsniderDaskreech, walk into a game store and buy a random game for the pc. it likely won't work with your linux system, whatever it is, even with wine or cedega or what have you. it might work with mine, but it's a crapshoot. that game will work on windows though.03:17
sebsebsebheh I put GMT,  we are on BST here03:18
sebsebsebin UK03:18
thiebaudebjsnider: i'll rather buy a gaming system03:18
MindVirusCan someone please help me make Flash work? I don't know what information to give so I'll say what is asked of me but I don't know what's relevant.03:18
* sebsebseb has used Ubuntu since the second release in 2005, so won't get all hyped up over 9.04, plus the testing I have done etc03:18
thiebaudeMindVirus: where did you install flash from?03:19
MindVirusthiebaude, I definitely used apt-get.03:19
MindVirusBut I don't know what flash I have installed.03:19
MindVirusRight now Flash "works"...03:19
MindVirusThe plugins show.03:19
MindVirusBut that's about it.03:19
Daskreechbjsnider: Right Fine I understand that. But you seem to be saying that people won't be able to target LInux because of technical issues. With most consoles using OpenGL and obviously phones etc not using Dx at all that doesn't seem like a reasonable assesment03:19
MindVirusTheir functionality is strictly limited.03:19
thewrathwit3tyg3r: not reallly03:19
Ububegindaskreech: but the final release isnt out yet, right...03:19
thiebaudeMindVirus: i usally go to the adobe website and download the .deb flash file03:19
robin0800sebsebseb: It willbe utc time i think03:19
vossdaskreech, noone plays directx games on $200 netbooks :)03:20
wgrantthiebaude: That's not the right way to do it.03:20
DaskreechUbubegin: Trust me it's close enough03:20
wit3tyg3rthewrath: ok...i'll see if i can find anything else03:20
MindVirusthiebaude, I'm only going to use apt-get.03:20
thewrathanyone else have an idea/03:20
Daskreechvoss: Yes they do03:20
sebsebsebrobin0800: lol 9.04 is not even that impressive anyway03:20
Daskreechsebsebseb: It's nice for kubuntu :)03:20
thiebaudewhy, i did it and a few minutes later i got updates03:20
sebsebsebDaskreech: maybe, but  can get  a KDE 4.2  PPA in 8.10 anyway03:20
MindVirusAny suggestions?03:20
vossdaskreech, what game do they play?03:20
thiebaudethen i dont know03:21
robin0800sebsebseb: it seems more stable than 8.1003:21
bjsniderDaskreech, gallium won't even offer a modern version of opengl for years, and that's not controversial. i'm not sure why you're bringing in opengl, which is the weakest part of your possible argument into this.03:21
Ububegindaskreech: other than the gnome and kde issue.. is there any real differnece between kubuntu and ubuntu03:21
Daskreechvoss: There are hundreds of 5.00 casual Dx only games that people who are grabbing a netbook would be likely to play03:21
StupendoussteveUbubegin: No03:21
StupendoussteveUbubegin: You can change from one to the other with apt-get even :)03:21
sebsebsebrobin0800: not sure about that, since I have a borked upgrade.   ,but yes I will be clean installing  once final is out and doing Ext4.  9.04 on Ext3 sucks03:21
thewrathhttp://noncdn-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ wats that all about03:22
Daskreechbjsnider: Well you started with DirectX :) SDL would be a better comaprison but you mentioned D3d so ...03:22
thewrathwhat does it mean noncdn?03:22
UbubeginStupendoussteve: Oh.... so they are the same eh.... think I will stick to ubuntu then....03:22
DaskreechUbubegin: No the only difference between them is KDE and Gnome03:22
StupendoussteveUbubegin: If you ever want to try the kde side, the meta-package is kubuntu-desktop03:22
vossDidnt they release 3.1 opengl just this past month?03:23
* sebsebseb RIP KDE3 sadly not in repo for 8.10 or 9.04, 8.04 though yes03:23
newcomeri thought i get a head start and start upgrading now. was that a bad idea or is it that most packages in jaunty repos won't change at release?03:23
Daskreechvoss: Safely ignore that Videocards won't supportit for at least one release and rivers probably won't get sorted out until the release after that03:23
shiznebithey guys can you tell me a couple of games and game companies that offer PAID games to linux ?03:23
brianskiis anyone else having problems with no audio on jaunty?03:23
bjsniderDasqi said linux doesn't currently have directx. that doesn't equate to opengl in any meaningful way. historically opengl has been way behind and there are only a small number of opengl games03:23
shiznebitI know of 2Dboys03:23
Daskreechsebsebseb: Look at http://kubuntu.org :)03:23
Stupendousstevebrianski: Going from the launchpad answers, yes a few people are03:23
bjsniderwhat linux would need to be a gaming platform is directx instead of opengl03:23
brianskithere is a bug for it, but it's old and i'm not sure if i'm the only one with jaunty on my particular hardware03:23
sebsebsebshiznebit: Google.  42 of the best commerical linux games,   that should come up with some  linuxlinks.org articles.  they did a few,  wine games and so on as well03:23
sebsebsebDaskreech: lol03:24
thiebaudebrianski: sometimes mine would be muted03:24
Daskreechnewcomer: At release they are fronzen except for serious bug fixes and security patches upgrade now and You wil be fine03:24
sebsebsebDaskreech: KDE4 sucks,  except for some of the apps.  which I use in Gnome anyway03:24
brianskiStupendoussteve: can you give me a pointer? i haven't found a bug with an active discussion?03:24
Stupendousstevebjsnider: Macs don't have DirectX, yet they get some games that we don't03:24
StupendoussteveNot some, many03:24
Daskreechshiznebit: http://happypenguin.org03:24
brianskithiebaude: just randomly, or ?03:24
StupendoussteveWhat Linux needs it market share, then the developers will come around :D03:24
Daskreechshiznebit: Quite a few are listed there03:24
thiebaudebrianski: randomly03:24
vosssebseb, I used to be a KDE fan until Kde4, gnome has improved quite a bit including getting rid of that stupid foot :)03:24
bjsniderStupendoussteve, mac isn't a gaming platform either. i watched my roommate wrestle with his system for years and he finally gave up on it03:25
sebsebsebDaskreech: KDE3 was alright, but I would use Gnome normalley.  and I used Ubuntu since  second release in 2005,  with Fedora Core 2 and 4 befoer it,  and uhmmmm  Gnoopix,  Morphix,  etc etc live cd trying.  so yes I know about Kubuntu03:25
newcomerDaskreech, thx man03:25
Stupendousstevebjsnider: Consoles are gaming platforms. Anything else is a computer.03:25
shiznebitthanks, Daskreech  and sebsebseb03:25
thiebaudeStupendoussteve: i agree with that statement03:25
jtholmesvoss did you ever see the original foot version of gnome, dark and very ugly several years ago03:25
sebsebsebshiznebit: for what?03:25
brianskiStupendoussteve: my vt220 is a gaming platform??03:25
Daskreechsebsebseb: I'm just saying the top news announcement on the page is the KDE3 Jaunty CDs03:25
bjsniderStupendoussteve, that's a whole different ball of wax03:25
vosskde 3.5 was quite good, Kde4 was slick but unusable03:25
sebsebsebDaskreech: oh really?03:25
Daskreechvoss: Why was it unusable ?03:26
sebsebsebDaskreech: so your saying there is an offical  KDE3  9.04?03:26
Daskreechsebsebseb: That's kinda why I gave you the link :)03:26
vossdaskreech, the kde4 interface sucked for me.03:26
darthanubisDaskreech, because it was not finished/polished03:26
Daskreechvoss: In what way?03:26
darthanubismany ways03:26
sebsebsebDaskreech: maybe enough people compalined about  KDE3 going bye bye in the 8.10 and 9.04 repos, and so they decide to do something about that03:26
shiznebitsebsebseb, for the '42 of the best commercial linux games'03:26
Stupendousstevebrianski: Search for jaunty sound on https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/03:26
Daskreechdarthanubis: True03:26
vossdas, it was less user friendly than 3.503:27
sebsebsebshiznebit: yeah and wine games and stuff.  42 of the best wine games03:27
Daskreechsebsebseb: No they put out a call for people to help and one person stepped up03:27
Stupendousstevebrianski: There are a few general "No sound!" questions which may be of use03:27
sebsebsebshiznebit: they did a few of these game articles on the site03:27
Daskreechvoss: Yes well they said that at launch :)03:27
Daskreech4.2 is nicer03:27
sebsebsebshiznebit: I get the impression that you think  commerical games are better than community games, well I would like to point out, it really depends on the game03:28
Daskreech4.3 should be interesting as well but not a huuuuuge leap03:28
Daskreechwesnoth and FB are crack on eggs03:28
vossdas, ive moved on gnome is good enough now.03:28
Daskreechvoss: Oh yeah I just wanted to find out why people didn't like KDE 403:28
DaskreechSort of my informal survey03:29
shiznebitactually not really i just once found a game i really liked, and forgot the name of it. I new it was commercial but i could never find the page, so thats really what i was looking for03:29
brianskiStupendoussteve: yikes there are a lot, ok thanks03:29
Daskreechshiznebit: what was the game like?03:29
shiznebitPenny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness03:29
shiznebitdidn't get to play it, but buying and dling now03:29
Daskreechshiznebit: Ha You couldn't remember penny arcade?03:29
shiznebitlol nope and i completely forgot what it was called03:30
Stupendousstevebrianski: Hopefully one or more has a good answer for you :)03:30
sebsebsebright, but can  install KDE3 and 4 into the same install,  like can with 8.04?03:30
mikechelenanyone know what is causing this java error: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- No such file or directory03:30
TheFunkbombStupid CD burner didn't burn the CD03:31
TheFunkbombI was like, "Why won't it boot?!"03:31
Stupendousstevesebsebseb: That page says yes, you can03:31
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - JAUNTY IS NOT YET RELEASED - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party03:32
Daskreechsebsebseb: yes03:32
sebsebsebStupendoussteve: ok good,  no need to virtual machine 8.04  then03:32
sebsebseb8.04 for KDE303:32
sebsebsebno need for that anymore03:32
brianskiStupendoussteve: yeah, here's hoping ...03:32
Lofde_haha... everyone Know that "Windows vista" Commercial where the kid goes and has a budget of 1500 to get a  PC..... i wish at the very end he would have said "now i am going home and whipping the hard drive and installing ubuntu on it!"03:33
StupendoussteveOoo a party!03:33
wit3tyg3rLofde_: hahaha that would be awesome03:33
thewrathanyone knwo when it might get released i mean like est afternoon, etc?03:33
* sebsebseb maybe i'll forgive 9.04 a bit more for trying to force me into using fusa by removing shutdown and logout from system menu in Gnome, because now KDE3 :)03:34
vosslofde, Make that commercial and put it on youtube!03:34
Lofde_voss... i should.. i do a lot of A/V stuff03:34
wit3tyg3rthewrath: i'm hoping in the morning eastern time03:34
sebsebsebaltough I would still mainly use Gnome, but  I hardly  ever bother to shutdown properly or logout anyway03:34
thewrathwit3tyg3r:  okay me too03:34
wgrantsebsebseb: They will come back into the System menu if you remove FUSA.03:34
jtholmesthewrath, i doubt the release manager is even awake yet03:34
sebsebsebwgrant: yes I know, but what if want both?03:34
Lofde_I worked for a company that made hardware Mpeg4 and mpeg2 encoders for the video broadcast industry.. and its interesting stuff03:34
thewrathwit3tyg3r: when was 8.10 releaed what time of day do u remember03:34
wgrantsebsebseb: Then you are unlucky.03:34
thewrathjtholmes: its still wed at 1035pm est03:35
wit3tyg3rthewrath: no...too long ago for me to remember lol03:35
thewrathwit3tyg3r:  okay03:35
sebsebsebwgrant: there must be a way to add it back, without removing fusa03:35
thewrathwell ia m off to bed tahnks for all the help ill be back on tomorrow03:35
wgrantsebsebseb: I don't think so.03:35
thewrathwhere would i find the release when its released03:35
wgrantthewrath: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.0403:35
sebsebsebwgrant: well if 8.10 can  have both nicely, then I expect it's possible somehow with 9.04 to03:35
wgrantsebsebseb: The code was changed to remove them.03:36
sebsebsebwgrant: yes and it's the most stupidest thing  that has ever been done to Ubuntu03:36
wgrantsebsebseb: I think you might be exaggerating a bit.03:36
wgrantsebsebseb: You are free to file a bug.03:36
sebsebsebwgrant: that's one thing removing something  enitrely,  that's another removing something,  that people can easilly add back without having to remove something else03:37
SkapareBUGabundo: the network-manager eventually started working ... I'm not sure what the issue is ... more testing is needed ... it may be a problem of first time being run03:37
sebsebsebwgrant: also I have used Ubuntu since the second release in 2005, and  shutdown and logout have been in the system menu, no problem, untill now03:37
cjaeis ok if I am multiple errors when starting akonadi server?03:37
wgrantsebsebseb: You are free to file a bug. And you are being completely irrational when you state that it is the most stupid thing.03:37
wgrantsebsebseb: Software changes.03:37
sebsebsebwgrant: yeah and not that good ones03:38
wgrantsebsebseb: Huh?03:38
sebsebsebwgrant: newer is not always better,  oh 9.04 is  pretty good really, except for this one little thing03:38
wgrantsebsebseb: I thought it was the most stupid thing ever.03:38
sebsebsebwgrant: it is,  other changes have been good03:38
thiebaude9.04 is the best for me03:38
cjaeit is not registered at dbus and no agents found03:38
shiznebit10.04 should be GODLY03:39
sebsebsebwgrant: now  I know of a guy who  left Ubuntu, because of the thing I am complaining about,  but he has  had some other reasons,  now  I thought he was maybe being a bit  extreame/unfair03:39
sebsebsebwgrant: he left, because of a few reasons03:39
wit3tyg3ris 9.04 going to be an LTS release?03:40
thiebaudewit3tyg3r: no03:40
wgrantwit3tyg3r: No. Ubuntu 10.04 will be.03:40
Lofde_American Idol is sooooooooooooooo awesume03:40
sebsebsebwgrant: I should be able to have them in the menu, and  have fusa, really, but no03:40
wgrantsebsebseb: As I said, file a bug.03:40
wit3tyg3rwgrant: ok..i see03:40
Lofde_A chu03:41
Lofde_bless me03:41
jeiworthLofde_: ok, now you are starting to scare me :P03:41
sebsebsebwgrant: a feature decision, or  I should say removing a feature, the option of having both,  isn't  a bug03:41
Lofde_I love DVR "directv > comcast"03:41
wgrantsebsebseb: I am a developer. I say file a bug. I am right.03:41
Skaparesebsebseb: what's the thing you don't like about 9.04 ?03:41
jtholmeswgrant, i love rants!03:41
wgrantIt deserves a bug.03:42
TheFunkbombstupid cd burner03:42
SkapareTheFunkbomb: use a USB memory stick03:43
sebsebsebSkapare: how  they have atempted forcing me into using fusa,  by removing  shutdown and logout from the system menu,    or  by  removing fusa, to get back in menu03:43
TheFunkbombSkapare, my computer won't boot from USB03:43
TheFunkbombalready tried03:43
wgrantsebsebseb: You cannot complain until you have filed a bug.03:43
thiebaudei have it on the system menu03:43
cjae is ok if I am multiple errors when starting akonadi server it is not registered at dbus and no agents found03:43
SkapareTheFunkbomb: oh, bummer03:43
wgrant+/win 1903:43
sebsebsebwgrant: a bug that would be ignored I expect03:43
TheFunkbombyeah.  Three computers and only once CD burner works.  And that one is offlimits to me03:43
wgrantsebsebseb: File a bug.03:43
TheFunkbombone rather03:44
sebsebsebwgrant: what's the site for filling a bug though?03:44
sebsebsebwgrant: or I just use part of my luanchpad account to do it?03:44
Skaparesebsebseb: I guess I don't understand ... I was able to shut mine down ... and to log out03:44
wgrantsebsebseb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+filebug, most probably.03:44
jtholmessebsebseb, thought you would never ask03:44
TheFunkbombI'm thinking about just updating via the net but I'm worried about this ext4 stuff03:44
sebsebsebSkapare: via fusa yeah, but can you from the system menu in gnome?03:44
wgrantTheFunkbomb: It won't use ext4 unless you explicitly tell it to.03:44
TheFunkbombwgrant, the Jaunty page said it might not boot though03:45
Skaparesebsebseb: the little thing in the upper right corner?03:45
TheFunkbombif I don't03:45
sebsebsebSkapare: yes that's fusa03:45
wgrantTheFunkbomb: Where?03:45
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - JAUNTY IS NOT YET RELEASED - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party03:45
sebsebsebSkapare: untill 9.04 people could also  shutdown or logout from the Gnome system menu03:45
DG19075has found the best Ubuntu installs to be from the DVD using the text mode. It works perfectly every time  for me......03:45
Skaparesebsebseb: seems to get the job done ... you want it in a different menu?03:45
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/03:45
TheFunkbombit's on one of those03:45
sebsebsebSkapare:  it  used to always be in the system menu,  untill 9.0403:45
wgrantTheFunkbomb: You mean the release notes?03:45
Skaparesebsebseb: isn't the gnome menu controlled by some config file somewhere that you could change?03:46
TheFunkbombthink I should just do it anyway?03:46
sebsebsebSkapare: not for this it seems,   apparnatlly  can't  have it back unless removing fusa, but  I want both03:46
wgrantTheFunkbomb: The release notes advise that if you explicitly make your filesystem ext4, you need to reinstall GRUB.03:46
TheFunkbombah so ext3 will work?03:46
sebsebsebTheFunkbomb: yes, but  9.04 is better on Ext4  by the sounds of it03:47
wgrantTheFunkbomb: Yes. We wouldn't exactly release it if it was going to make most computers unbootable on upgrade.03:47
wgrantsebsebseb: ext4 is still unproven and somewhat buggy.03:47
TheFunkbombthat does make sense03:47
TheFunkbombokay, what's the command again to upgrade?03:47
sebsebsebwgrant: says an Ubuntu dev?03:47
wgrantTheFunkbomb: update-manager -d03:47
Skaparesebsebseb: well it works for me ... works noisy ... loud beep ... funky screen flashing ... that 8.10 didn't do ... but it goes down03:47
snadgewhere are the 9.04 release isos? ;)03:47
TheFunkbombI'm gonna do it.  No time to chicken out03:47
Lofde_its ready?03:47
wgrantsebsebseb: To what?03:47
sebsebsebwgrant: that Ext4 is buggy?03:47
wgrantsebsebseb: Yes.03:47
sebsebsebwgrant: ok I got to clean install anyway really03:48
Lofde_its out?03:48
Skaparesebsebseb: so you are using kubuntu now?03:48
wgrantsebsebseb: There are known bugs in the ext4 implementation in the Jaunty kernel, that will be fixed after release. It is also inevitably less reliable than ext3, as ext3 has had years to have issues ironed out.03:48
wgrantJust a few days ago an issue with resizing particularly filesystems was uncovered.03:48
sebsebsebwgrant: when will the Ext4 bugs get properly fixed?03:49
wgrantsebsebseb: When they are.03:49
* Skapare suspects some ext4 bugs may never get fixed, based on some readings03:49
snadgenever mind that.. where are the install discs ;)03:49
sebsebsebwgrant: I  upgraded  from 8.10, to alpha6 a few issues there that remained,  continued updating, now I can't even get updates.  so yeah  I have  good enough reasons to clean install now03:49
melik"Unable to find any workgroups in your local network. This might be caused by an enabled firewall"03:50
meliki'm on kubuntu 9.0403:50
wgrantsebsebseb: "can't even get updates" isn't too useful an error description.03:50
melikanyone know what i should do to fix samba?03:50
sebsebsebwgrant: and so I had been running this on Ext3 for about a month now03:50
sebsebsebwgrant: ok  stop sign on top panel03:50
wgrantsebsebseb: Run 'apt-get -f install'03:50
sebsebsebwgrant: however over and it says:  An error occured when checking for updates03:50
meliknow it sees it heh03:50
meliknever mind03:50
sebsebsebwgrant: ah yeah good idea03:50
snadgeim still using wifemurdererfs03:51
sebsebsebwgrant: plus my KDE4 is all buggered still, from when I upgraded.  ,but I had the ppa  in 8.10 for kde 4.2.   no log in sound on gnome.     not sure if  all the updates have even worked etc.   it's best to clean install once final is out I think :)   and yes  I know I was trying development versions, and so there would be bugs03:52
sebsebsebwgrant: people say  Ext4 has  quicker file system checks and such,  so  I want to try it out really.   would you recommend I have  data  I want to be sure to keep some where else as well,  just in case?03:52
wgrantsebsebseb: I would.03:53
TheFunkbombI'm doing it!03:53
wgrantsebsebseb: fsck is much, much faster.03:53
sebsebsebwgrant: you would what?03:53
wgrantTheFunkbomb: Installing, or upgrading?03:53
wgrantsebsebseb: I would keep very good backups.03:53
TheFunkbombcross your fingers03:53
sebsebsebwgrant: well most of my data isn't exaclty important, but there are a few things I would want to keep for sure03:53
TheFunkbombsuch as porn03:54
TheFunkbombI hear ya03:54
sebsebsebTheFunkbomb: lol,  you shoudn't be talking about such things here, to keep the channel family friendly :)03:54
TheFunkbombI'm sorry "penetrative arts"03:54
sebsebseb!troll |  TheFunkbomb03:55
ubottuTheFunkbomb: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel03:55
jeiworthsebsebseb: come now, dont be so square03:56
sebsebsebwgrant: I need to buy  my own external really,  but   having stuff in  the vista partition as well,  is a sort of backup.  not a proper one, since if the hard disk fails...03:56
=== xerxes_ is now known as Xerxes_on_Mepehd
=== Xerxes_on_Mepehd is now known as MepehdroneXerxes
ScUlHaMb4dOHello, everybody!03:57
Daskreechshiznebit: You have No idea waht 10.04 is03:57
DaskreechYou don't even know what 9.10 is going to be like03:57
jtholmesScUlHaMb4dO, greetings03:57
sebsebsebwgrant: ok thanks for your help03:58
wgrantsebsebseb: np03:58
=== MepehdroneXerxes is now known as Xerxes
sebsebsebwgrant: what do you  develope for Ubuntu?03:58
ScUlHaMb4dOI have a doubt, I'm running 9.04 RC, when the final version is launched, if I use the update manager and keep updating the system, will it be the same of the final version, or I will have to use update-manager -d?03:58
sebsebsebScUlHaMb4dO: yes it will be the same as final03:58
ScUlHaMb4dOsebsebseb: Thank you!03:59
wgrantsebsebseb: It varies. I've done security stuff, X stuff, general touch-hundreds-of-packages stuff, a bit of GNOME stuff...03:59
jtholmesScUlHaMb4dO, just updating should handle things for you03:59
petafileI bet everyone here has ben asking today, but is there a time that jaunty is supposed to be released?03:59
TheFunkbombI had the same question but didn't want to be a called a troll again :/03:59
myk_robinsonevening. How do I disable the login screen sound? Sometimes if I have left the laptop volume up loud, that login screen noise is kinda frightening :)03:59
sebsebsebTheFunkbomb: heh heh03:59
jtholmespetafile, no03:59
ScUlHaMb4dOYeah, I was going to ask it too03:59
sebsebsebwgrant: oh right  well keep up the good work04:00
petafilehow many people have asked that today?04:00
shiznebitDaskreech, 10.04 will probably be the time when we have excellent opensource 3D driver support :)04:00
kungpowzanot me04:00
LordKowmyk_robinson, System -> Preferences -> Sound -> Sounds tab04:00
ScUlHaMb4dOWell, 8.10 was launched like 2pm in my time04:00
LordKowit's under Desktop. select Login and click Disabled.04:00
Daskreechshiznebit: Heh04:00
ScUlHaMb4dOwhich it GMT -304:00
sebsebsebshiznebit: I know it was a joke, but  yeah  I highly doubt it since Windows will still have most market share04:00
myk_robinsonLordKow: I checked there, I already have it disabled. That is the noise for after you login, I need to disable the one for the login screen04:00
bjsnidershiznebit, how would you define excellent opensource 3d driver support?04:00
LordKowoh that one04:01
DaskreechScUlHaMb4dO: update-manager -d would techincally be 9.10 when 9.04 is out04:01
Anyoseyowhere is the party :P04:01
DaskreechLuckily that doesn't happen until a few weeks after 9.04 comes out04:01
Daskreechthen you really don't want to do it04:01
ScUlHaMb4dODaskreech: Thanks!04:01
ScUlHaMb4dOWell, nobody knows when the final version will be released?04:02
jtholmesnot yet04:02
TarBarAnyoseyo, in #ubuntu-release-party04:02
yoasifwindows is losing marketshare04:02
yoasifno place to go but down04:02
Anyoseyoty TarBar04:02
TarBarYw :)04:02
Daskreechyoasif: No It could feasibly go up04:02
yoasifDaskreech: i really doubt it... apple is making inroads, as is ubuntu/netbook distros etc04:03
LordKowmyk_robinson, press alt+f2 and run "sudo gdmsetup". it's under Accessibility -> "Login screen ready"04:03
Daskreechyoasif: true but they still could feasibly go up :)04:04
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)04:04
shiznebitbjsnider, the moment my crappy ati x1300 could play nexuiz at a reasonable framerate and resolution, not 640x480 and 18 fps ;)04:04
LordKowhush, sudo works perfectly fine for this scenario.04:05
wgrantLordKow: gksudo is still much safer.04:05
myk_robinsonLordKow: just disabled all sounds in the Sound preferences, it still does it..04:05
LordKowmyk_robinson, interesting. let me try.04:05
LordKowoh well i'll test it in a bit. numerous downloads going atm04:05
CITguy-Artemismyk_robinson: what seems to be the issue?04:05
LordKowmyk_robinson, you might need to reboot.04:06
bjsnidershiznebit, even thought he hardware is old junk04:06
myk_robinsonCITguy-Artemis: I want to disable the "hand drums" sound that plays on the login screen, GDM, i think its called04:06
Daskreechshiznebit: Oh good open sourcedrivers for old cards. Oh then yes04:06
CITguy-Artemismyk_robinson:  which version of Ubuntu?04:06
myk_robinsonJaunty, Gnome04:06
LordKowmyk_robinson, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1332515&postcount=604:07
LordKowand oh yea. that's a dev using sudo.04:07
LordKownothing wrong with sudo.04:07
yoasifanyone know what package i need to install to get a menu in xfce4-panel?04:08
CITguy-Artemismyk_robinson: I'm not sure what everyone else told you, but you'll need to disable the sound for the "Question" event and possibly restart the gdm via "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"04:08
LordKowi think robinson is there he just needs to restart gdm via ^ that command04:09
DaskreechCITguy-Artemis: Probabaly want to mention that will kill X04:09
myk_robinsonCITguy-Artemis: I have disabled that sound and just logged out/back in. Should that be sufficient, or will i need to restart the service as you suggested?04:09
CITguy-Artemismyk_robinson: you'll need to completely restart gdm04:10
linuxuz3rwhen is 904 going to be released04:10
CITguy-Artemislinuxuz3r: later04:10
sebsebsebwgrant: so  making a  Ext4 partition with 9.04 no problem,  and could use that for years,  but  the kernel itself needs some better  suppourt for Ext4 really.     just checking if I understood this correctly or not04:10
wgrantsebsebseb: Yes.04:10
linuxuz3rCITguy-Artemis: when is later?04:10
jtholmeslinuxuz3r, we dont know04:10
myk_robinsonJust thinking, those sound preferences are for my user profile, how will it effect the login screen? Particularly if there are multiple users. Is the gdm.conf method a better way since its global and takes effect before the user actually logs in?04:11
CITguy-Artemislinuxuz3r: after now04:11
wgrantNobody knows.04:11
Daskreechbefore much later04:11
sebsebsebwgrant: ok good, because when I put 9.04 on with Ext4 soon,   I just  want to keep on updating that install for ages04:11
CITguy-Artemislinuxuz3r: seriously, we don't know04:11
linuxuz3rok thanks04:11
Daskreechsebsebseb: Don't be fooled :)04:11
sebsebsebDaskreech: what?04:11
LordKowmyk_robinson, gdm must be the same for all users because no user is logged in it (thats what gdm does)04:12
Daskreechyou'll find a reason to wipe it :)04:12
LordKowit = yet04:12
Daskreecha year and a half BRTFS will come out and you'll wanna wipe it again04:12
myk_robinsonLordKow: right, that's why I'm thinking that editing the gdm.conf should resolve it04:12
kklimondaDaskreech: i still have an ubuntu installation that i made from 5.10 install cd and then upgraded it up to 8.04 ;)04:12
sebsebsebDaskreech: ha ha yeah, maybe, if  I  get  9.10  on  beta or alpha.  which I am likely to do, but  beta04:12
LordKowmyk_robinson, yea... im just confused because gdmsetup is the GUI for changing gdm.conf.04:12
myk_robinsonLordKow: the link someone posted here a littlebit back showed an option for the sound played at the gdm and settings a variable to false04:13
* sebsebseb thinks it's great that KDE3 is an option in 9.04 after all :) sucked how it wasn't in repo for 8.1004:13
Daskreechkklimonda: I'm not saying it's impossible but if you are going to wipe your drive to install the first release of a new file system I don't think you are the kind of person who will easily resist new thigns coming out to make you wipe again04:13
Daskreechsebsebseb: No one stepped up to do it. If people help thigns get done04:13
DaskreechRight now it's one guy doing it he needs help as well04:14
sebsebsebDaskreech: are you a dev?04:14
DaskreechI'm devish04:14
sebsebsebDaskreech: is  the actsaul KDE3  suppourted at all stil though?04:14
Daskreechnot by canonical but it's supported by Kubuntu04:15
LordKowmyk_robinson, yes indeed. i thought that the gdmsetup option would have handled that, though. ubuntu is all about GUI > CLI so thats what i go for first.04:15
g4lv4tr0nany update about jaunty release04:15
LordKowi myself am CLI > GUI04:15
Daskreechg4lv4tr0n: Yes04:15
* Daskreech hugs LordKow04:15
LordKowso a lot of times gui bugs pass me right on by04:15
DaskreechHow do you manage image collections ?>04:15
sebsebsebg4lv4tr0n: don't expect 9.04  untill  it's not the 22nd in any part of the world still04:15
DaskreechThat's the only thing I can't do in CLI04:15
LordKowi convert them to ascii.04:16
DaskreechLordKow: That's not managing :-P04:16
Daisuke-IdoDaskreech: managing, mangling, same diff04:16
LordKowyes it is. i formulate the real image in my brain based on the ascii image im looking at ;)04:16
g4lv4tr0nseb what do you mean ? has it been delayed ?04:16
DaskreechLooking != managing04:16
jtholmesg4lv4tr0n, no one knows when it will be released04:17
* Anyoseyo needs to bookmark the countdown/party channel04:17
Anyoseyocan anyone tell me again >..04:17
g4lv4tr0noh it was meant to be today the ubuntu website said 1 day to go before midnight uk time and after midnight it said coming soon ???04:18
CITguy-Artemisg4lv4tr0n: the official release is supposed to be the 23rd, but we don't know if that means midnight or later on in the day04:18
Daskreech!jaunty > Anyoseyo04:18
ubottuAnyoseyo, please see my private message04:18
Anyoseyoty Daskreech04:18
g4lv4tr0nanyone know of the improvements between rc and final ?04:18
Anyoseyonifty bot we have here :)04:18
loomsen1cpl of patches04:19
TheFunkbombI'm nervous about this working04:19
CITguy-Artemisg4lv4tr0n: bug fixes and patches04:19
jtholmesg4lv4tr0n, bug fixes mostly04:19
* robin0800 someone clear the pile of dead bunnies04:19
TheFunkbombwhat if my computer isn't good enough?04:19
Daskreechrobin0800: With lightning04:19
shiznebitits usually midnight of the date posted, so in this case midnight of april 23. Thats how the betas worked04:19
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: How CLI friendly are you?04:19
TheFunkbombI'm not familiar with that term04:19
g4lv4tr0ni prefer jaunty rc to intrepid :)04:19
g4lv4tr0nthings generally work a lot better04:20
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: Does the acronym TTY mean anything to you?04:20
loomsen1← thinks jaunty sux04:20
Daskreechloomsen1: \o/04:20
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: Be afraid :)04:20
TheFunkbombI know I've seen it.  I just don't know what it means04:20
DaskreechOn the other hand I'm runing Gnome-shell and that sucker eats hardware04:21
g4lv4tr0nloomsen1 why do you think it sucks ? did you use intrepid ?04:21
TheFunkbombWhat have I done?!04:21
jtholmesTheFunkbomb,  terminal window, command line interface04:21
loomsen1i used intrepid since it was as alpha as jaunty was when i started using it04:21
TheFunkbombThis is gonna be a 3 packs of cigarettes night04:22
TheFunkbombI still have my 8.10 disk04:22
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: Smoke in #ubuntu-offtopic04:22
TheFunkbombThis is Jaunty related04:22
DG19075has discs from 7.0404:22
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: What are you computer specs ?04:22
TheFunkbombAMD 3700+ 2gigs of ram04:22
CITguy-ArtemisTheFunkbomb: you'll be fine04:22
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: Ooooook04:22
kklimondaTheFunkbomb: what graphics card?04:23
TheFunkbombIt's an older machine though04:23
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: Im running the Git interface for Gnome 3.0 and I have a 1.2 Ghz T-Bird athlon and 512 megs of RAM04:23
TheFunkbombNvidia intergrated sorta deal04:23
DaskreechIf that helps you feel any better04:23
TheFunkbombit does, thanks04:23
TheFunkbombNvidia GeForce 4Go 440 I think04:23
TheFunkbombI can't remember04:23
DaskreechThough openeing a web page with flash does kill the machine04:24
DaskreechI have a ATI 9600 Pro04:24
DaskreechYou'll be grand04:24
CITguy-Artemisi've got Intrepid running on 384MB RAM and a Pentium II04:24
TheFunkbombthat does just the opposite of making me feel better04:24
DG19075is running an older emachines with a 1.2 GHZ P4 and 512 Mb of RAM and ubuntu runs fine04:24
shiznebitDaskreech, dont use flashblock ?04:24
Daskreechshiznebit: More like don't install Flash04:24
TheFunkbombSee, I pulled some old computers from the dump and I had no luck running Ubuntu on them04:24
TheFunkbombThese were like P3s and P4s though04:25
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: I was running Jackalope on a Sis 2 Meg Video card04:25
Daskreech4 meg sorry04:25
TheFunkbombYeah, that's greek to me04:25
manpooleso anyone know a particular time of the release?04:25
TheFunkbombI gotcha04:25
DG19075even Flash runs well here....04:25
CITguy-Artemis!jaunty | manpoole04:25
ubottumanpoole: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - JAUNTY IS NOT YET RELEASED - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party04:25
kklimondamanpoole: there is no such a thing04:25
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: Think of the worst video card you can think of then break it in half then spit on it that's a Sis video card04:25
Daskreechgranted I can't run GNome 3 on it04:26
DG19075running SiS video here04:26
Daskreechbut Gnome 2.26 seems to do fine04:26
TheFunkbombI'm just not as computer literate as most people here.04:26
hemanthgnome do , docky theme not active04:26
DaskreechDG19075: Phear the GnomeShell04:26
TheFunkbombgnome-do docky doesn't work on Jaunty?04:26
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: If you want to know something ask. We can teach :)04:26
DaskreechIT does04:26
hemanthgnome do is , but not docky theme04:27
DaskreechI just found out about 2 hours ago and turned it on04:27
TheFunkbombWell, hopefully as soon as I get my tax money back from the government, I'll start building a better system04:27
hemanthhow do I enable composition ?04:27
TheFunkbomband then once I get a good job, oh man.04:27
TheFunkbombit's gonna be gangbusters up in this hizzle04:28
CITguy-Artemishemanth: first, you'll need the 3D accelerated driver for your video card installed04:28
hemanthCITguy-Artemis: mine is non-free , me on Nvidia04:28
bjsniderCITguy-Artemis, assuming there is one04:28
LordKowyay just installed the latest jaunty daily which will become my karmic devel vbox04:28
CITguy-Artemiswhich card? integrated or dedicated?04:28
kklimondaLordKow: good idea04:28
LordKownow to see if virtualbox has vbox built for jaunty yet (closed source004:29
DaskreechIsn't vbox open source?04:29
DaskreechHopefully Oracle will keep it that way04:29
DaskreechGrubby buggers04:29
kklimondahmm.. nice - newest vmware workstation supports easy install for ubuntu 9.04..04:30
hemanthCITguy-Artemis: it's dedicated04:30
loomsen1this means?04:30
hemanthCITguy-Artemis: Gforce04:31
CITguy-ArtemisLordKow: I've got jaunty alpha running with acceleration on VBox 2.204:31
Zorix_vmware workstation newest release doesnt work well for ubuntu04:31
Zorix_in fact it made it worse for my install04:31
TheFunkbombZorix_, as a host or a client?04:31
kklimondaZorix_: what happened?04:32
Zorix_ubuntu 8.04 as host, 9.04 as client04:32
TheFunkbombgo on04:32
Zorix_it doesnt have X11 driver support04:32
TheFunkbombI would like hear more about this04:32
LordKowCITguy-Artemis, yea im using the intrepid build but it's built against intrepid's pulseaudio which creates some minor annoyances04:32
kklimondaZorix_: weird - it worked for me afair..04:32
Zorix_it makes the thing run in 800x600 until i manually force it to 1024x76804:32
Zorix_it keeps mouse cursor locked04:32
CITguy-Artemisreally, like what?04:33
Zorix_the vmware-config-tools says it has no support for the version of X04:33
leohartxis final release out ?04:33
LordKowCITguy-Artemis, scratchy sounds when pidgin plays audio.04:33
kklimondaZorix_: it's 6.5.2 ?04:33
Daskreechleohartx: A monkey just died04:33
TheFunkbombOne of my dreams is to have a workstation with Ubuntu as host and freebsd and Vista as clients and still enough juice to blow most machines out of the water04:33
Zorix_yes kklimonda04:33
hemanthCITguy-Artemis: What is the next step ?04:33
CITguy-ArtemisDaskreech: lol04:33
CITguy-Artemiswhich GeForce card is it?04:33
LordKowTheFunkbomb, won't happen when vista will intentionally memleak itself to use up all available memory04:34
loomsen1why vista?04:34
kklimondaZorix_: interesthing - i'll see what's going on soon04:34
Zorix_kklimonda: good luck04:34
hemanthCITguy-Artemis: forgot the version , is there a way to chk ?04:34
loomsen1lol lord04:34
TheFunkbombWell, Vista or 7.  either one.04:34
CITguy-Artemishemanth: you should be able to use the included drivers in jaunty04:34
leohartxDaskreech: huh ?04:34
loomsen1dont get in neither04:34
loomsen1take dos...04:34
Zorix_kklimonda: it's still usable its just not really an improvement04:34
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: Sure thing just wait for three windows releases when Vista is like dos is now04:34
CITguy-Artemis"lspci | grep VGA"04:34
hemanthCITguy-Artemis: no it say unable to enable desktop effect04:34
TheFunkbombThe i7 mobos support 24gigs of ddr304:34
Daskreechleohartx: Stop asking if it's out. The topic will change when it is04:35
hemanthCITguy-Artemis: GeForce2 MX/MX 40004:35
CITguy-Artemisoh, I've got the same card in my server04:35
TheFunkbomb8 minutes until the package dload is done04:35
kklimondaZorix_: but what weird is that 6.5.1 worked just fine.04:35
hemanthCITguy-Artemis: drivers ?04:35
Zorix_i noticed there hasn't been a daily build of ubuntu/kubuntu in 2 days, is there expected to be a build for final release or is it going to be the 4/20 build as final?04:35
hemanthCITguy-Artemis: auto updated aye ?04:35
kklimondaZorix_: it is possible.04:35
CITguy-Artemiswell, the unfortunate truth of the matter is that you'll have to install via the official NVIDIA driver04:36
Zorix_kklimonda: you running 6.5.2 yet?04:36
hemanthCITguy-Artemis: oki will have a look04:36
CITguy-Artemissince the latest versions of Ubuntu (since 8.10) have stopped supporting legacy cards, you'll have to install them from NVIDIA.com04:37
DaskreechWait. They stopped supporting them? Why?04:37
kklimondaZorix_: yes - but i've deleted my jaunty vm in meantime so i was testing it with different distributions.. i think everything workd as expected but now i'm not sure..04:37
hemanthCITguy-Artemis: ok thanks :) , will download it from there04:37
wgrantCITguy-Artemis, Daskreech: NVIDIA dropped support for them, not us.04:37
kklimondaCITguy-Artemis: shouldn't hardware manager install -legacy driver?04:38
shiznebitDaskreech, same reason ati stopped supporting R500 and less ?04:38
kklimondaor whatever it's called?04:38
Daskreechshiznebit: No I know why nVidia ATI would do it Why would Ubuntu do it?04:38
CITguy-ArtemisIMHO, the open drivers included via the repository suck04:38
Zorix_vwmare really needs to provide a .deb package for ubuntu installations of vmware-tools.. its not like ubuntu is small anymore04:38
Daskreech the FOSS drivers support the old cards04:38
CITguy-ArtemisDaskreech: not fully04:38
kennethhas anyone else seen kernel panics on LTSP clients with Jaunty? One of my two fails to boot and says "not syncing"04:38
TheFunkbomboh man, I hope my wireless is supported04:38
CITguy-ArtemisI've had issues getting 3d Accelleration to work04:38
bjsniderthe last time i checked the 96 driver still works on old nvidia cards, and was updated for intrepid04:38
DaskreechCITguy-Artemis: Well Duh nVidia doesn't publish the specs for the cards04:38
LordKowubuntu still provides the nvidia 71x and 96x drivers...04:38
kklimondaZorix_: i know that there is opensourced and GPL'd (or something) version of vmware-tools04:39
loomsen1drivers in the repo usually get updated a cpl o days after nvidia releases new drivers04:39
TheFunkbombwell, it was supported by an 8.10 upgrade so it should now04:39
kklimondaZorix_: so maybe they are going this way.04:39
CITguy-ArtemisI've never had an open driver work for 3d Acceleration04:39
Zorix_kklimonda: that would be optimal04:39
DaskreechCITguy-Artemis: Mine work wonderfully04:39
Jordan_UCITguy-Artemis, The nv driver doesn't support 3D acceleration04:39
CITguy-ArtemisJordan_U: therein lies my struggle04:39
kklimondawell, installer is scanning mirrors atm so I'm almost done04:39
loomsen1chose the 96 s3eries and ull be fine04:40
hemanthCITguy-Artemis: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us , this is it right ?04:40
Jordan_UCITguy-Artemis, nouveau might work but it is still in heavy development04:40
loomsen1hemanth: (05:40:00) loomsen1: chose the 96 s3eries and ull be fine04:40
kklimondaZorix_: this whole problem with jaunty and 6.5.2 is weird because that's the first version that supports Jaunty from the box (by detecting it when asked for cd/image)04:41
CITguy-Artemishonestly, since I've got the installation of the official NVIDIA drivers down "to an art" I don't even bother with the open drivers04:41
Zorix_kklimonda: its not even in the ubuntu client version list either04:41
kklimondaZorix_: also mouse and video drivers are opensourced and included in vmware already.04:41
hemanthloomsen1: ok04:41
hemanthCITguy-Artemis: to an art :)04:41
kklimondaZorix_: i mean in ubuntu04:41
CITguy-Artemishemanth: that should do fine04:41
wgrantCITguy-Artemis: What art? Clicking on the button that does it all for you?04:41
bjsniderwgrant, yes, that art04:42
Zorix_kklimonda: yes but it seems somehow limited because it would unlock mouse from screen without ctrl-alt04:42
CITguy-Artemiswgrant: no i compile the driver for my system04:42
wgrantCITguy-Artemis: That's not a good idea.04:42
kklimondaZorix_: are you sure that you use right driver?04:42
wgrantCITguy-Artemis: And also not useful.04:42
CITguy-Artemisdoesn't take more than 5 minutes04:42
kklimondaZorix_: X is known to ignore vmmouse and use plain mouse instead04:42
bjsniderit's not q question of time'04:42
CITguy-Artemiswgrant: enlighten me as to why?04:42
wgrantCITguy-Artemis: Because we have a perfectly good one-click way to do it that doesn't work around the package management system.04:43
hemanthloomsen1: 9 series is it ?04:43
Zorix_kklimonda: yea i dont like that04:43
CITguy-Artemisusing the restricted drivers manager?04:43
wgrantCITguy-Artemis: Yes.04:43
CITguy-Artemisstill, you are using open drivers that do not support the 3d acceleration04:43
* Daskreech hugs his ATI card04:43
loomsen1yes, if the specs meet ur card....04:44
bjsnidernot using jockey you aren't04:44
CITguy-Artemisand those drivers are meant to be used with as many systems as possible, so they are generic to your system at best04:44
bjsniderjockey installs the restricted drivers04:44
loomsen1QUOTE: Legacy releases for GeForce 2 through GeForce 4 series GPUs04:44
loomsen1if u got older gpus04:45
loomsen1geforce5 only 17304:45
bjsniderwgrant, here's another reason: jockey installs a working xorg.conf. the nvidia-installer doesn't04:45
loomsen1verything above newest04:45
loomsen1lol njsnider04:45
loomsen1sure it does04:45
loomsen1it even asks u if it should generate one for u and tells u that your old one will be backed up04:46
wgrantbjsnider: No! It can't! All those people who don't know how to compile the drivers themselves *must* be lieing!04:46
hemanthloomsen1: done downloading :)04:46
loomsen1if u werent clever enough to do that yourself04:46
loomsen1aint hard, drop to a shell04:46
hemanthloomsen1: yup :)04:47
loomsen1stop gnome with: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop04:47
loomsen1read first04:47
bjsnidernvidia-xconfig breaks xorg.conf04:47
loomsen1stoned obv04:47
kklimondaZorix_: so far so good - video driver works fine, mouse doesn't as expected04:47
hemanthloomsen1: yes04:48
loomsen1i have a quite demanding game going on atm, wait, i posted this so often, i'll just fetch u a link04:48
kklimondai think i'll file a bug against vmmouse cause it should be detected04:48
StupendoussteveDoes update-rc.d work in ubuntu/upstart? I don't want gdm to autostart04:49
wgrantStupendoussteve: Yes.04:50
* Daskreech looks over loomsen1's shoulder and says put X in the corner then you have two ways to get TicTacToe!04:50
StupendoussteveGreat, thanks04:50
DaskreechSooo Who is going to be using plymouth ?04:50
kklimondaZorix_: i'll update to current as it's RC release - maybe there is some regression? But I don't think so..04:51
Zorix_maybe it just didnt like the upgrade from 6.5.1 to 6.5.204:51
loomsen1wrong link04:52
Daskreech!info plymouth04:53
ubottuPackage plymouth does not exist in jaunty04:53
Zorix_cant wait for plymouth04:54
bjsniderplymouth isn't being added until koala04:54
Zorix_yea i heard that was a possibiliy04:54
loomsen1which keeps u from fetching it yourself?04:54
loomsen1just get the fedora live image if you cant wait04:54
AlexFera!info plymouth04:55
ubottuPackage plymouth does not exist in jaunty04:55
Daskreechbjsnider: Yes but I heard it was an option in jackalope as was ext404:55
bjsniderthere are no kms drivers in the jaunty kernel04:56
loomsen1jeezus christ04:56
wgrantUbuntu 9.04 uses Linux 2.6.28, which does not have KMS/04:57
loomsen1then get the new one?04:57
loomsen1jeez, its YOUR very own OS04:57
=== yoasif_ is now known as yoasif
loomsen1you can do to it whatever you want04:57
kklimondaloomsen1: in my opinion it defeats a purpose of using "friendly" distribution.04:58
baudelaireanyone think linux will get a zfs like fs anytime soon?04:58
Daskreechbaudelaire: read on brtfs04:58
bjsniderbtrfs will be in the 2.6.30 kernel, which will be in koala04:58
baudelairei'll check it out04:58
loomsen1kk: so the purpose should be to have an OS which a blind guy as well as a wall street bank can use?04:58
loomsen1jeez bj04:59
baudelairei hadn't heard of it04:59
Daskreechbaudelaire: Tux3 as well04:59
DaskreechThat's even further out04:59
DaskreechOr you could just use Opensolaris :)04:59
loomsen1you'll have both04:59
brianskibjsnider: btrfs will not be anywhere near usable on 2.6.30 or koala04:59
brianskiits still heavily in development, and that won't change for years, not months. that's why so much work went into ext405:00
bjsniderit will be available though05:00
loomsen1if u wanna try, issue icantbelieveitsnotbtr to the cmd line in fedora05:00
CITguy-ArtemisI don't get why people would want to jazz up their startup splash or bootloader for an OS that doesn't need to reboot.05:00
loomsen1and take a look05:00
Daskreechbrianski: huh?05:00
bjsniderext4 was worked on primarily by one guy. there's a whole team at oracle that's working on btrfs05:00
CITguy-Artemisno offense to those of you that do05:01
brianskiDaskreech: what huh?05:01
loomsen1lol CIT05:01
loomsen1*THUMBS UP*05:01
DaskreechCITguy-Artemis: I don't get why people would pay money for an OS that has to reboot to change the sound scheme but no offense to peopel that do05:01
MurielGodoiis there a channel to release-party?05:02
Daskreechbrianski: I fail to see how ext4 development had anything to do with brtfs05:02
brianskiMurielGodoi: see topic05:02
baudelairei would much rather stick with linux on my systems -- that being said zfs has some awesome technology.  we need someting like it in linux05:02
DaskreechIt's not even the same folks.05:02
Daskreechbaudelaire: I'd argue that Solaris needs it more :)05:02
brianskiDaskreech: ah. it didn't, but its being marked stable in the kernel and use by distros has to do with btrfs not being ready anytime near soon05:02
brianskithat was my main point. that btrfs is not going to be a fs you want to use on koala05:02
baudelaireDaskreech, oh?05:03
kklimondaZorix_: mouse also works after i've installed manually xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse - even without messing with xorg.conf05:03
loomsen1i give up05:03
MurielGodoibrianski: I know that is not release... I just asked for the party channel that is create on every night before the release05:03
loomsen1buddy kk: only thing that changed about your xorg05:04
loomsen1is that it allows empty INPUT devices05:04
bjsniderbrianski, btrfs has a full-time development team, not some guy working on it in his spare time05:04
bjsniderbrianski, and they've already been working on it for years05:05
loomsen1and btw, the xorg.conf doesn't hurt half as much as you may think it will05:05
Zorix_kklimonda: oh good to know05:05
kklimondaZorix_: also whole process (except for installation of vmmouse driver) is fully automated05:05
brianskibjsnider: if you want to use btrfs in koala, don't cry to me if you lose data :-)05:06
kklimondaZorix_: vmware has detected that I'm going to install 9.04, asked for login and password and then installed it without any user input.05:06
Zorix_kklimonda: i will check it out with release tomorrow05:06
Daskreechbrianski: Yes but that's cause brtfs is being written from scratch while ext4 is an addition to ext305:06
loomsen1just surf back for like 2 weeks on ubuntuforums.org ^^05:06
Zorix_not bad05:06
loomsen1funny as hell05:06
DaskreechOther than being file systems that are both linux centric they have little else in common05:07
bjsniderbrianski, i'm simply making the point that it's unlikely to take years more before it's stable and usable05:07
deemohey guys! i just updated to jaunty, but my top menu bar for every maximized app is gone! It does this with both compiz and metacity. Any pointers?05:08
coder_Hello , the system has no sound, and when i start up the system, i got an error pulseaudio  configured for pre-user sessions, Could you help me?05:08
loomsen1aint an error, open your volume control and disable mute05:09
coder_Hello , the system has no sound, and when i start up the system, i got an error that pulseaudio  configured for pre-user sessions, Could you help me?05:09
loomsen1(06:09:32) loomsen1: aint an error, open your volume control and disable mute05:10
philsfI updated the package information with aptitude, but after that Update Manager never notified me that there were updates. is this a known bug?05:10
philsf(this includes firefox, which was a security upgrade)05:11
wgrantphilsf: It will notify once a day for security updates, and once a week for non-security updates. It might not do that immediately.05:12
philsfwgrant, I just suspected because my other system is a Hardy one, and it's instantaneous05:12
wgrantphilsf: This changed in Ubuntu 9.04.05:13
philsfwgrant, right, will check the release notes, thanks05:13
fixxxermetRelease is 23rd, right?05:15
fixxxermetGuess the other time zones need to catch up05:16
thebishopdoes anyone know if the Nouveau driver is supported on PowerPC?05:16
kklimondathebishop: it may05:16
thebishopkklaine, will that work with compiz?05:17
kklimondathebishop: no05:17
thebishopany idea how close nouveau is to supporting desktop effects generally?05:17
kklimondawell, they have started working on some basic 3d stuff on some hardware05:18
loomsen1worked earlier here for my nvidia 8600M gt05:18
thebishoploomsen1, oh yeah?05:19
loomsen1yep, fedora beta live image, issued nouveau.modeset=105:19
kklimondathebishop: according to their status page almost nothing in 3d part is done05:19
loomsen1thats the point05:19
thebishoploomsen1, with compiz?05:19
loomsen1no 3d05:19
loomsen1no, just plymouth05:19
loomsen1till you'll be able to run compiz with nouveau i guess some more time has to pass by05:20
thebishopmy brother would like to install ubuntu on his G5 iMac05:20
thebishopit's got a geforce 5200 which is why i ask05:21
loomsen1173 series driver and GOGOGO05:21
thebishoploomsen1, PowerPC05:21
kklimondathebishop: he's out of luck05:21
loomsen1in doubt, fetch the NVIDIA-*.pk2.run05:21
thebishopkklaine, yeah, i figured.  hopefully nouveau will make some progress in the nearish future05:22
loomsen1pk2 is the one supporting the most architectures05:22
thebishoploomsen1, i don't think that is correct05:22
kklimondathebishop: there were no closed drivers for linuc ppc05:23
loomsen1then read05:23
Daskreechhi DShepherd05:23
kklimondaso you are right05:23
thebishopthe pk2.run file only supports x86 iirc05:23
DShepherdDaskreech, haha. hey man05:23
loomsen1well, just said its the one supporting more machines than pkg1 and pkg005:23
loomsen1thats what Aaron says at least05:24
DShepherdDaskreech, i am considering to go jaunty.05:24
DaskreechDShepherd: saw http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/288 ?05:24
racecar56i say jaunty is pwn05:24
loomsen1l8r race05:24
vantreesedawas pleasantly surprised with 9.04 RC and the ease in making the WiFi work compared to previous versions.05:24
DaskreechDShepherd: Stay on Hardy :)05:24
demmonRC have problems with my nvidia05:25
* DShepherd whispers to Daskreech I am on intrepid05:25
DaskreechDShepherd: Stay on Hardy :)05:25
DShepherdDaskreech, i saw the link but i never read it. reading it now05:26
DaskreechSeriously though jackalope is quite worth it I Think other than the bugs and FUSA it's a solid release05:28
Raere9.04 better be compatible with tuxracer05:29
DaskreechTuxracer hasn't been worked on in years05:29
Raeremy point05:29
Raereit better be compatible05:29
DaskreechIt got forked to planet penguin racer which is what installs if you install tuxracer package now05:30
[t0rc]awww I thought Jaunty was supposed to release today05:30
jtthi feel betrayed05:30
Daskreechwhich I may also add is now a dead project which has been forked to a new project05:30
DaskreechUbuntu got dropped from GSoC ?05:31
DaskreechDShepherd: want to get back to KDE though :(05:32
meshuggah_when will 9.04 stable? how many hours?05:33
Daskreechmeshuggah_: A lamb just died05:33
meshuggah_Daskreech, sacrificied?05:34
Daskreechmeshuggah_: Everytime someone asks that question :)05:34
loomsen1meshuggah: nervous?05:34
DaskreechWon't someone think of ewe?05:34
meshuggah_loomsen1, nervous? no, i use Debian05:34
loomsen1well then... keep it05:34
meshuggah_loomsen1, it is probably what i am gonna do05:35
Daskreechmeshuggah_: That's about as non shaky as it gets05:35
loomsen1meshuggah: jaunty aint worth it imo05:35
Daskreechloomsen1: Wait till 10.0405:36
brianski1meshuggah_: are you a crazy person?05:36
meshuggah_but i will try the livecd, not sure my p4 1.5ghz 256mb ram will like it05:36
Daskreechbrianski1: be nice05:36
meshuggah_brianski, , yes what is the meaning of meshuggah you think?05:36
brianski1Daskreech: that's what the name means :-)05:36
DaskreechYes but you don't point that out :)05:36
brianski1whatever, i'm crazy too05:36
meshuggah_i am just a little bit crazy05:36
brianski1meshuggah_: i thought there was an extra syllable in there, meshuganah or something05:36
loomsen1yo skreech, didnt get that, 10.04?05:37
Daskreechloomsen1: Gnome 3.005:37
meshuggah_brianski1, hmm to be honest maybe, anyway meshuggah is a great metal band too05:37
loomsen1ohh, well, fedora ships with gnome too, debian too, a lot of distros do actually05:37
lucaxstill having problems with x3100, any ideas about a compiz ppa on launchpad or something like that??05:38
loomsen1compiz is stable atm05:38
DaskreechIs compiz ever stable?05:38
loomsen1you wont experience any difference05:38
=== meshuggah_ is now known as meshuggah
loomsen1actually it is considered stable, yes05:38
crdlbthe problem isn't compiz, except that ubuntu added a i965 blacklist in compiz-wrapper05:38
kklimondaDaskreech: well, it mostly works here05:39
loomsen1they're working on 0.9 now05:39
lucaxok but even with compiz disable im not getting as much performance as i had on hardy!!05:39
kklimondalucax: SKIP_TEST or whatever it's called didn't help?05:39
frewsxcvis the final uploaded yet?05:39
lucaxkklimonda, nope05:40
meshuggahfrewsxcv, :)05:40
kklimondalucax: you won't - there were regressions introduced in 8.10 - just read release notes05:40
WatchBotloomsen1: Please keep your links on topic and work safe.05:40
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes05:40
meshuggahloomsen1, this link is funny lol :)05:40
loomsen1replace train with rape if you wanna see sth really funny :D05:41
joserodrigohello, please i need help with wireless on 9.0405:41
lucaxyeah i could go back to hardy but i wouldnt have lastest software on my computer05:41
AK_Davejoserodrigo: What is your wifi chipset?05:41
joserodrigoi have  atheros05:41
joserodrigoom a satellite a21505:41
AK_Davejoserodrigo: Thats not a chipset. Thats a manufacturer. And "Satellite a215" is the name of a model of Toshiba laptop. Not a wifi chipset. You can cull through 'lspci' and find your chipset.05:42
loomsen1 cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ath_pci.conf05:43
AK_Davejoserodrigo: But those two facts alone make me believe you have an Atheros 5xxx series wifi card and you're using the wrong, old ath_pci module and need to be using the ath_pci from madwifi05:43
loomsen1which is blacklisted05:43
joserodrigowaht do you think i should do?05:44
joserodrigoi am new at ubuntu,,,05:44
loomsen1docter[~] cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ath_pci.conf05:44
loomsen1# For some Atheros 5K RF MACs, the madwifi driver loads buts fails to05:44
loomsen1# correctly initialize the hardware, leaving it in a state from05:44
loomsen1# which ath5k cannot recover. To prevent this condition, stop05:44
loomsen1# madwifi from loading by default. Use Jockey to select one driver05:44
loomsen1# or the other. (Ubuntu: #315056, #323830)05:44
loomsen1blacklist ath_pci05:44
lucaxwhere do i find the line to comment so i can have compiz on my intel x3100??05:45
AK_Davejoserodrigo: What do I think you should do? 'lspci' and confirm that you do indeed have an Atheros 5xxx series wifi chipset.05:45
=== Anyoseyo__ is now known as Brian_
=== Brian_ is now known as Brian__
kklimondalucax: what happens when you run ``SKIP_CHECKS=1 /usr/bin/compiz --replace'' ?05:45
=== Brian__ is now known as _Brian
crdlblucax: /msg fusiobot blacklist05:46
=== _Brian is now known as _Brian__
kklimondalucax: ``SKIP_CHECKS=yes /usr/bin/compiz --replace''05:46
vantreesedaI did "apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty" and rebooted and my AR242x chipset started working.  When using 8.10 I had to use the madwifi driver.05:46
joserodrigoAtheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)05:47
Raereit's just magic05:47
Raereany technology sufficiently advanced is indistuingishable from magic05:47
Raerein this case, Jaunty05:47
lucaxkklimonda, nothing it says my card is blacklisted and its using metacity05:47
kklimondalucax: even with SKIP_CHECKS=yes ?05:47
crdlblucax: you need to run the second variation05:47
lucaxkklimonda, Blacklisted PCIID '8086:2a02' found05:47
crdlbthe script explicitly checks for 'yes'05:47
AK_Davejoserodrigo: See, I was wrong. I guessed one chipset, you had a different one. Yeah, 'sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules' is one way.05:47
lucaxkklimonda, well now compiz is on05:48
lucaxkklimonda, where can i place that so i can run compiz on everysession05:48
crdlblucax: /msg fusiobot blacklist05:49
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=== jblackhall_ is now known as jblackhall
frybyeIs Jaunty going to go "gold" today on schedule or ...?05:49
wgrantfrybye: Yes.05:49
Daskreechfrybye: Yes in short05:49
frybyekoool... ;=)05:50
magciusGuys! I got multiple message support working in notify-osd!05:50
kklimondamagcius: yes, it works for some time.05:51
Daskreechmagcius: How and what is that?05:51
kklimondawait, multiple messages?05:51
magciuskklimonda, yes... I forked it.05:51
joserodrigo I did "apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty"  from the synaptyc packege manager05:52
joserodrigoand it did not worked05:52
Daskreechmagcius: Wouldn't it be easier just to remove notify-osd ?05:52
joserodrigoi did it some days ago05:52
magciusDaskreech, but I like teh pretties!05:52
meshuggahis ubuntu 9.04 rubbish ?05:52
kklimondajoserodrigo: this package doesn't do anything right now05:52
* Daskreech wouldn't like to see the result of a forked app everytime someone didn't like GNome Defaults05:53
joserodrigoso i should  do ? "apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty"05:53
Daskreechmeshuggah: Yes!05:53
lucaxok thanks guys now works ok (compiz)05:53
crdlbmagcius: what is 'multiple message support', precisely? displaying multiple notifications from the same app in parallel instead of serially?05:53
magciuscrdlb, yes.05:53
kklimondajoserodrigo: you can do it but it depends on current kernel so nothing will change.05:53
magciuscrdlb, kklimonda: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/119372/notify-osd-multiple-messages.png05:54
roved2101Daskreech: whats wrong with it05:54
RichardWolfVISo, today's Jaunty's realease, ¿right?05:54
crdlbDaskreech: notify-osd isn't gnome :)05:54
vantreesedajoserodrigo: make sure the ath5k module is not blacklisted.05:54
meshuggahRichardWolfVI, , maybe05:54
RichardWolfVII had to revert the intel driver, though :(05:54
joserodrigoso what should i do for my wifi to work?05:54
vantreesedaand that the ath_pci is05:54
Daskreechroved2101: If he had asked if it rocked then the answer would be the same05:54
kklimondamagcius: i like default behaviour05:54
ex_machinaDId they specify a time for the release?05:54
magciuskklimonda, yeah, well I don't.05:54
Daskreechcrdlb: Painfully aware of that05:54
joserodrigohow do i check that?05:54
lucaxwhats supposed to be wrong with intel and compiz?05:54
=== testbox_jaunty is now known as BillGatesSucks
kklimondamagcius: the only place where multiple messages were useful for me was IM05:54
roved2101Daskreech: thats not nice05:54
crdlblucax: it varies05:55
magciuskklimonda, Banshee?05:55
Daskreechroved2101: But it is factual05:55
kklimondamagcius: and it was solved by using append05:55
meshuggahBillGatesSucks, change your name please05:55
magciuskklimonda, or whatever other music you setup you have?05:55
loomsen1billgates actually does a lot of nice things with his money05:55
kklimondamagcius: It doesn't matter for me that I see notification about new tracker few seconds later.05:55
=== BillGatesSucks is now known as TheEndofMicroSft
roved2101loomsen1: yes he does. Prison planet stuff05:56
TheFunkbombHi friends!  I'm now all jauntied up!05:56
_Brian__billgate is actually not evil :P05:56
MarkJonesbillgates ensloves millions every year05:56
meshuggahbillgates is our savior, we wouldnt have computer, windows is a great thing05:56
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: All It's base R belong to us!05:56
_Brian__windows isn't bad05:56
_Brian__I'm on windows right now >.>05:56
DaskreechSomebody set us up TheFunkbomb05:57
MarkJonesWindows is the root of all evil05:57
TheFunkbombI'm off to hack the matrix and the gibson at the same time05:57
_Brian__windows is evil that we must learn to accept :D05:57
meshuggahMarkJones, he give lot of money to people05:57
loomsen1meshuggah: not quite accurate, if you want it like that steve wozniak is our saviour05:57
yoasifmeshuggah: gates didnt invent computers05:57
crdlbmagcius: music players should be fixed to update their existing notification05:57
roved2101windows killed my cat05:57
crdlbso that's not a valid example05:57
MarkJonesyeah not me though so i can say what i want about the bastard05:57
meshuggahMarkJones, he made a lot of job opportunities05:57
MarkJonesok Im done05:57
_Brian__i ought to go05:58
Daskreechcrdlb: Speaking of not being Gnome how long is the experiment slated for?05:58
crdlbDaskreech: sorry?05:58
roved2101is the log off shutdown options coming back to the menu in gnome05:58
wgrantroved2101: It will reappear if you remove the user switching applet.05:59
crdlbDaskreech: I'm still just as lost05:59
roved2101ok cool thanks wgrant05:59
mattwj2002roved2101 go to the top right corner05:59
mattwj2002you can shutdown there :)05:59
roved2101 and remove it05:59
crdlbwgrant: nice, never would have guessed that ...05:59
roved2101thats ok unless I kill the panel06:00
mattwj2002you killed it? o.O06:00
DaskreechThe notify-osd is a canonical experiment to see how well it could work before trying to see if it can be pushed upstream. How long are they expecting to keep it running?06:00
loomsen1not even that would harm you, it would reload06:00
roved2101mattwj2002: ive killed it06:00
wgrantDaskreech: Forever, I guess.06:00
roved2101many times06:00
kklimondaDaskreech: there is no upstream06:00
mattwj2002not sure what to tell you :S06:01
Daskreechkklimonda: Hahahahaha06:01
kklimondaDaskreech: notify-osd is another implementation of notification specification.06:01
loomsen1mumbles if you are looking for something similar06:01
DaskreechNo one implements the notification specification06:01
DaskreechSo if you mean the FD.o then it would be the implementation of it06:01
roved2101mattwj2002: other than that it was ctrl at esc but that seems to have gone now due to x06:01
kklimondaDaskreech: ?06:01
crdlbDaskreech: what?06:02
crdlbthe notification spec is not a cross-desktop one, yet, unfortunately06:02
crdlbbut it's still a spec06:02
mattwj2002you could kill x with a ctrl alt backspace06:02
loomsen1add Option DontZap 006:02
kklimondaDaskreech: both notification-daemon and notify-osd are implementation of notification spec.. neither do it right but they try ;)06:02
DaskreechNear as I recall There is a notification specification that neither Gnome nor KDE uses since both have issues with it06:02
loomsen1to your xorg.conf serverflags section06:02
magciuscrdlb, can you do that with notify-send?06:03
crdlbmagcius: I do not believe so06:03
kklimondaDaskreech: http://www.galago-project.org/specs/notification/0.9/index.html this is specification.06:03
magciuscrdlb, then I consider it broken (my setup uses notify-send)06:03
Daskreechkklimonda: Yes I know06:03
crdlbmagcius: pfft, using notify-send is silly06:03
kklimondaDaskreech: what do you mean that GNOME and KDE has issues with it?06:03
crdlblibnotify is not hard to use06:03
bsratwhen does this release, eastern time?06:04
Daskreechbsrat: When it's out06:04
magciuscrdlb, it's a bash script that goes along with mpd.06:04
bsratwaiting for this, since my last update removed half my OS06:04
crdlbmagcius: right, so write something more powerful :)06:04
kklimondamagcius: and what is broken?06:04
mattwj2002well I am off to bed06:04
bsratwas the repos hacked?06:04
mattwj2002I hope to install the new ubuntu tomorrow :D06:05
mattwj2002good night all!06:05
bsratnite matt, me too06:05
meshuggahgood nigh mattwj200206:05
TheFunkbombhey, did anyone else have a slow boot up the first time?06:05
TheFunkbombwell, slow for ubuntu06:05
magciuskklimonda, notify-send?06:06
loomsen1compared to what funk06:06
TheFunkbombcompared to 8.10?06:06
lucaxi did not have a slow boot, but didnt notice any difference with 8.1006:06
kklimondamagcius: how is it broken?06:06
TheFunkbombwell, that's interesting06:06
TheFunkbombI'm here though so that works lol06:06
loomsen1i notice a small glitch of about 2 seconds if I specify vga=791 in the kernel line06:06
magciuscrdlb, hold on, scratch that, I think you can append with notify-send.06:07
loomsen1+1 to forget this release of ubuntu before it's officially released06:07
lucaxok im switching back to windows 7 rc, ubuntu jaunty doesnt do the job...06:08
DogBoyis this where we beg you not to?06:08
loomsen1i enforce you to06:08
loomsen1prlly better06:08
lucaxi was jockin06:08
Daskreechwindows 7 seems nice06:09
AK_Davelucax: wish ya luck with that!06:09
DogBoyit's always the user that bitches like "linux sux windows is better" that gets the most help06:09
lucaxintel x3100 works ok with compiz i dont know why they blacklist it06:09
crdlbmagcius: I don't see how, unless it's an undocumented option06:09
loomsen1i have yet to give it a try06:09
crdlblucax: there are many hardware variations06:09
hemanthalt+tab not switching windows06:09
frybyeDaskreech: for a change something new from ms that actually might be somewhat useable (and non.open and expensive and...)06:10
crdlbmagcius: regardless, using notify-send when you are capable of real programming seems silly :)06:10
DaskreechMS does quite a lot of  new stuff06:10
lucaxim not sure about windows 7 even if it looks ok and works ok, there will still be viruses and sh"#T for it so... its not a good deal06:10
magciuscrdlb, something like notify-send -h string:append:yes06:10
Daskreech just none f it is usually very good06:10
hemanthloomsen1: I installed nvida drivers , now if effects enabled , window border missing06:10
loomsen1well, then you didnt install emerald obv06:11
loomsen1or you chose a theme which you havent installed06:11
loomsen1or you havent even chosen a theme06:11
campeewhat time does jaunty come out?06:11
crdlbmagcius: replaces_id is one of the parameters to the Notify method, which takes the ID you don't get from notify-send06:11
TheFunkbombmaybe it's just me but things seem crisper in Jaunty06:11
ubuntunoobneedinthe new windows 7 basic on release will only run 3 applications at a time unless you buy the upgade microsoft is a bad joke i think06:11
loomsen1true funk06:11
hemanthloomsen1: I have embrald , me on compiz now !06:12
loomsen1that was my first impression of the alpha 3 back then06:12
magciuscrdlb, with what libnotify method? Replaces/Appends is a Canonical extension.06:12
TheFunkbombthe text in terminal seems crisper.  as lame as that sounds06:12
loomsen1it actually isnt lame at all06:12
lucaxwe cant say bad stuff about windows, its a good OS for some people, it just a lot of viruses and security bugs for it, thats all, plus they want to make money so they need to release just an OS and not a complete suite of stuff for you to be ready to go after you install it06:13
loomsen1they finally managed to work on the fonts06:13
TheFunkbombgreat, I just spent an hour updating for crisper terminal text lol06:13
crdlbmagcius: I'm talking about the actual dbus method06:13
loomsen1get inconsolata06:13
hemanthloomsen1: what next ?06:13
magciuscrdlb, oh.06:13
loomsen1aptitude install ttf-inconsolata06:13
AK_DaveTheFunkbomb: What installed with the upgrade?06:13
TheFunkbombAK_Dave, yeah06:13
loomsen1well, your driver works? then do whatever u like hemanth :)06:13
TheFunkbomb99% of the problem with Windows computers is the user.06:14
hemanthloomsen1: ha ha :)06:14
TheFunkbombMost of those people should be nowhere near a computer....ever06:14
hemanthalt+tab is not working06:14
lucaxi tried os x and it was really easy to work with... i would rather pay for it than payin for windows06:14
campeewindows 7 is out?06:15
lucaxbut still, ubuntu (linux) works ok, and didnt have to pay a thing...06:15
lucaxits a good OS, but not the greatest, i think the greatest OS is not out yet06:16
AK_Davelucax: I use XP all day at work. XP is never the problem for me at work. Its the other crap that comes along with the network, the incredible layers of security. And having 4gb ram on a desktop but running all of my applications off a citrix server somewhere else.06:16
campeeincredible layers of security in windows xp?06:16
lucaxi agree06:16
AK_Davecampee: No, network security layers.06:16
Rusty_A1does jaunty have OO.o 3?06:16
AK_DaveRusty_A1: yes06:17
calcRusty_A1: 3.0.106:17
lucaxRusty_A1, yeah06:17
campeewindows xp has network security layers?06:17
loomsen1os x is basically unix with a custom kernel, which isnt 2 hard to achieve if you think that apple builds the hardware as well06:17
AK_Davecampee: No, networks have security.06:17
kklimondaloomsen1: you forgot about whole user interface ;)06:17
lucaxi used all os, from bsd to apple, and i can say good stuff and bad stuff of every one of it...06:17
lucaxof them06:18
campeelinux ftw06:18
TheFunkbombI think linux is the best out of all three.06:18
calcloomsen1: doesn't hurt that apple has had unix (real unix) for decades and bought NeXT which is what OSX basically is, which is also unix based06:18
loomsen1yah, well, cmon, they have to offer sth that would justify the prices06:18
calcmicrosoft had their own unix as well06:19
campeethey had to offer something because all of the previous versions of the Mac OS were awful and were not network operating systems06:19
campeemicrosoft used to have the most popular unix OS!06:19
TheFunkbombnow all I need to do is check to make sure evolution is working06:19
TheFunkbombwell, the notify part at least06:20
ubuntunoobneedinwill jaunty have support for ipod touch?06:20
loomsen1y shouldnt it06:20
Rusty_A1not flawlessly06:20
Rusty_A1it has Amarok 2, so it is much easier06:20
loomsen1gmusicbrowser ftw06:20
campeeamarok 2 is SHIT06:21
Rusty_A1you won't be able to connect and sync straight away06:21
TheFunkbombI installed banshee.  I like it much better than Amarok06:21
campeeplease give us amarok 1 back!!!06:21
ubuntunoobneedinwhat will be involved in connect and sync06:21
loomsen1i dont see any difference between amarok. banshee, exaile, songbird....06:21
joserodrigodoes anyone knows how to connect a blackberry as a modem?06:21
Rusty_A1you'll need technical knowledge, as well as a jailbroken iPod06:21
TheFunkbombooh.  Jaunty failed to auto-mount my external HDD06:22
Daskreechcampee: or amarok 2.x+106:22
loomsen1only app which actually felt most like it could replace foobar2K is gmusic imo06:22
DaskreechI haven't looked at foobar in years but I hated it when I tried it06:22
ubuntunoobneedinmy biggest problem with linux is my lack of education06:22
loomsen1jose: i only had to connect my phone to use it as a modem06:22
loomsen1dont have a blackberry tho06:22
campeeubuntunoobneedin: books06:22
loomsen1campee: deprecated06:23
ubuntunoobneedincampee could you suggest a good one i am working on linux bible 2008 right now06:23
TheFunkbombwell, that's no good06:23
joserodrigoloomsen1: without using apn?06:23
campeeubuntunoobneedin: the best thing you can do is take a class, probably. tried your local community college?06:24
campeei learned a decent amount of my unix/linux stuff reading books though06:24
ubuntistasand the final version when is gonee be uploaded in the mirrors?06:24
TheFunkbombthat's really bad in fact06:24
loomsen1jose: yes, just had to type in my prviders number and was online06:25
campeei awnted to get an RHCE, so i studied a lot for that. you can read one of those certification books to learn a decent amount about red hat linux.. the skills are portable06:25
yoasifloomsen1: what are you missing from foobar? just wondering06:25
loomsen1yoasif: in the meanwhile actually only the style06:25
copproOkay, I think PHP is broken... which package should I need?06:26
copprovery funny06:26
campeeubuntunoobneedin: if you want to learn about linux and networking and server applications, i found this webpage to be useful and easy to understand: http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/06:26
ubuntunoobneedinthanks campee06:26
yoasifloomsen1: is that all? tons of apps that you can customize the look of :)06:26
coppro(I'm trying to mirror a Mediawiki; either PHP itself is broken or the deps on mediawiki aren't06:27
loomsen1and the usability, tho gmusic is perfect once you get used to and get to know all of the non obv controls06:27
TheFunkbombdid anyone else have a problem with their external hard drives?06:27
campeei went from knowing almost nothing about linux to earning my RHCE (supposedly the best linux certification) in one year06:27
Daskreechcampee: try LPI06:27
drone1i wan lpi...06:27
loomsen1yoas: true, there are tons of apps to customize and so on06:27
drone1LPI weeeh!06:27
SuperQcampee: You're doing better than some paid people I know then06:27
campeeis LPI any good?06:28
drone1non vendor specific certification06:28
Daskreechcampee: Quite06:28
campeelast time i checked RHCE was the best06:28
loomsen1and, prlly i'm just not skilled enough06:28
TheFunkbombI guess not06:28
drone1yes it is good06:28
Daskreechcampee: Depends on your metric06:28
campeei like working on red hat servers06:28
campeei heard for LPI you need to know scripting06:28
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: Does it turn up in /dev ?06:28
drone1LPI is is linux certification for non vendor specific06:28
SuperQredhat is a lot like working with commercial *NIX06:28
loomsen1but i miss reflections, you know, that .net crap which made everything a little bit nicer :)06:28
Daskreechcampee: Yes you do to some extent06:28
TheFunkbombDaskreech, I will check06:29
campeeyeah. i just saw that red hat had a huge market share so i thought it would be the most valuable cert i could get06:29
Daskreechcampee: Depends on your metric :)06:29
campeewhat does that mean?06:29
drone1LPi is kinda like RHCE06:29
DaskreechWhat you are using to guage value06:29
SuperQcampee: Some people value other things than certs06:29
drone1but broader06:29
loomsen1yoas: http://customize.org/foobar/skins/5728006:29
Daskreechdrone1: Not really RHCE is a practical test and LPI is written06:30
drone1i value irc more than certs06:30
loomsen1used this layout for quite a while06:30
SuperQcampee: I know atleast a few people that wouldn't consider someone for a job if they had RHCE on their resume06:30
campeei just wanted something that would help me get a job and help me earn more money06:30
TheFunkbombDaskreech, yeah, it's in $ dev/disk06:30
drone1Deskreech, well yeah but the knowledge you acquire is basically the same06:30
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: As what ?06:30
SuperQcampee: But they're _very_ picky06:30
campeeSuperQ: i've never heard of that. i've heard of that with MCSE though (which i have also)06:30
Daskreechcampee: then yes RHCE is the most valuable06:30
copproso anyone know about PHP?06:30
TheFunkbombDaskreech, as USB06:30
campeeSuperQ: most people tend to respect the RHCE06:30
SuperQcampee: Much more than MCSE, that's for sure06:30
TheFunkbombYou want a pastebin?06:31
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: can you mount it manually ?06:31
campeeit's a 100% hands on test. it's not a multiple choice exam. you have to know what you're doing to pass it06:31
TheFunkbombDaskreech, I don't know how to do that06:31
campeei also wanted to learn more about linux, so it was a win/win for me :)06:31
drone1i still want lpi06:31
loomsen1lol, obv06:31
SuperQcampee: Someone I know has a sysadmin at their work that has taken RHCE several times and failed06:31
Daskreechcampee: The RHCE website claims that an incentive to take the exam is that at you have a 70% chance of failure :)06:31
SuperQcampee: So you're probably doing very well06:32
campeeDaskreech: i failed the first time :(06:32
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: can you open a terminal ?06:32
TheFunkbombI'm there06:32
Daskreechcampee: They were right then06:32
campeei passed the second time though :D06:32
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: mkdir test06:32
campeei am taking my vmware certified professional test this friday06:32
Daskreechcampee: You'll fail LPI first time as well06:32
SuperQanyway, this doesn't seem related to 9.04 ;)06:32
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: mount /dev/diskwhateveryousaiditwas test06:33
Rusty_A1impressions on 9.04 everyone?06:33
campeeSuperQ: that's crazy that they've failed multiple times.. it's $800 every time06:33
SuperQRusty_A1: Great so far06:33
SuperQcampee: Yea, I dunno if their job is paying for it or not06:33
DaskreechMy job pays for one exam. The one that you pass06:33
DaskreechNice incentive06:33
SuperQDaskreech: Yea06:34
SuperQ |06:34
TheFunkbombI did that wrong lol06:34
Daskreechtake any exam you want. if you pass then will pay :)06:34
campeei'd milk that06:34
campeeget my CCNA06:34
zhuraiJaunty may break your system  <-- lol, if it broke your system now, then they should not even bother releasing jaunty o/06:34
SuperQbah, don't bother with CCNA06:34
campeeyou mean CCIE?06:35
SuperQthat one06:35
lenyel_has anyone tried using xmonad and had problems launching terminal mod-shift-return does nothing?06:35
campeei'm nowhere near being able to pass that exam06:35
campeethat is the hardest cert there is06:35
TheFunkbombDaskreech, I'm not sure what to do :/06:35
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: pastebin the output of ls /dev/sd*06:35
SuperQI don't do cisco stuff anyway06:35
loomsen1Rusty: I wanna specify why i think it sux, besides the obsolete kernel it ships with and the lack of btrfs (even if its just for experimental purposes)06:35
SuperQmost of the stuff cisco makes is crap06:35
Daskreechloomsen1: install your own kenrel06:36
loomsen1i do das06:36
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:36
DaskreechSuperQ: As a Linksys user I say ... no06:36
loomsen1ok, then i wont continue06:36
TheFunkbombDaskreech, http://paste.ubuntu.com/156341/06:37
Daskreechloomsen1: There you go06:37
loomsen1well, one more thing, i'm on jaunty for quite a while now, and just yesterday my high CPU load got a little bit better06:37
TheFunkbombsbd is the external I do believe06:37
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 test06:37
* Amaranth fears riots over intel and IO issues06:37
loomsen1Das: but this cant be the intention if you're trying to contribute to a not yet released distro06:38
TheFunkbombDaskreech, where should I make that directory?06:38
loomsen1if I'd do it myself i wouldnt even care06:38
TheFunkbombIn dev/disk?06:38
loomsen1if it was hardy, jaunty or leonidas06:38
Amaranthloomsen1: It's basically released06:38
Daskreechloomsen1: Only if you are contributing kernel modules and I'd argue you shouldn't do that through a distro06:38
AmaranthNothing is going to change at this point06:38
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: You made it already06:38
TheFunkbombyeah but I deleted it because I thought I made it in the wrong place06:38
loomsen1ama_: but it wasnt 3-4 weeks ago06:39
loomsen1and a look into ubuntuforums.com will show06:39
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: Doesn't matter where just run "mkdir test && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 test && ls test06:39
Res2216firestarHi, what time UTC is the final version 9.04 planned to come out?06:40
Rusty_A1no time announcements06:40
Rusty_A1its out when its out06:40
HiveDronehello all :) I have a question I hope might have an answer before I reinstall after the new release. I installed 9.04 about a week or so ago, and installed the ATI drivers that was suggested by ubuntu at the time, the x server failed to start afterwards, is there a "quick" fix to this? and might it be related to running ATI Xfire?06:40
ubottuJaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+106:40
TheFunkbombDaskreech, "mkdir: cannot create directory `test': Permission denied"06:40
Rusty_A1run it as root06:40
Rusty_A1eg sudo mkdir06:40
AK_DaveHiveDrone: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'06:40
Res2216firestarOk, thanks, not familiar with the ubuntu cycle (mozilla geek) :)06:41
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: You said you deleted it?06:41
ubuntistaswhen ubuntu it's gone be uploaded in the mirrors?06:41
loomsen1HiveDrone: usually the xserver tellx you why it failed to start06:41
HiveDroneAK_Dave: thank you :) I will try that :)06:41
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: what does pwd say ?06:41
loomsen1and this is usually more reliable than us guessing06:41
HiveDroneloomsen1: it said no screens were defined as I recall06:41
TheFunkbombDaskreech, http://paste.ubuntu.com/156344/06:42
loomsen1i dont have an ati, so i dont know how the tool is called, but i'm pretty sure there is a tool to configure xorg.conf06:42
TheFunkbombThat does not look good06:42
loomsen1and, i'm sorry dave06:42
cdm10Hi guys... has anyone noticed that the new login theme wasn't made into a version with a face browser?06:42
loomsen1but youÄre command wont do the trick06:42
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: Hope you have windows06:43
loomsen1it would DEconfigure xorg.conf06:43
TheFunkbombI do.  On my desktop downstairs06:43
loomsen1replacing it with a generic06:43
pwnguini swear the html 5 spec is designed to be a browser stress test06:43
AK_Daveloomsen1: I think it is 'aticonfig'06:43
TheFunkbombA lot of that external HDD is uhhh private stuff06:43
loomsen1yep, sth like that06:43
TheFunkbombwe'll leave it at that06:43
HiveDronethx guys :) got some pointers to try out now :)06:43
AK_DaveHiveDrone: type 'ati' and doubletap TAB before pressing enter06:44
loomsen1nice one AK06:44
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: connect it up to the windows machine and run a chkdsk on it when it's done then unmount it properly06:44
HiveDroneAK_Dave: oki :)06:44
loomsen1i'm using TAB after nearly every letter in a terminal06:44
TheFunkbombI'll do that tomorrow.06:44
Daskreechloomsen1: I hate that06:44
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: Too private to do right now? :)06:44
TheFunkbombI don't want to wake up the family but I'll go do it06:45
loomsen1Daskreech: pardon?06:45
loomsen1what do you hate?06:45
Daskreechloomsen1: Always trying to autocomplete everything06:46
loomsen1well, it's actually more like getting a list of options06:46
loomsen1than autocompleting06:46
DaskreechI'll be writing a report and when I know what I want to say in my head I'll hit tab and wonder why it's not autocompleting it06:46
forecan someone tell me why, since i upgraded to 9.04 the flash player in my website doesnt display anymore?06:46
Daskreechloomsen1: Same thing :-P06:46
foredo i need to reinstall flash06:46
loomsen1things i wanna autocomplete i usually aliased with sth not longer than 3 letters :D06:46
foreDaskreech,  i do the SAME thing06:46
AK_Davefore: Jaunty doesn't have adobe flash06:46
td123AK_Dave: what?06:47
Rusty_A1what? why not?06:47
td123AK_Dave: how does it not have adobe flash?06:47
forewell how do i get it06:47
Rusty_A1swfdec and gnash suck06:47
Daskreechloomsen1: But OO.o has autocomplete for words you have done before with tab as well and IRC has nick completion06:47
td123I'm gonna checki if it doesn't have adobe flash06:47
Daskreechand I spend a lot of time in the terminal so I just expect all things to autocomplete06:47
DShepherdhey, how can i upgrade my ext3 to exta while upgrading to jaunty... and will i die doing it?06:47
DaskreechIt's a little annoying06:48
td123DShepherd: you mean ext4?06:48
DShepherdtd123, right. slip of the fingers06:48
AK_DaveThe package in Intrepid was 'adobe-flashplugin' and its not in Jaunty right now.06:48
DaskreechDShepherd: Upgrade then convert06:48
loomsen1I dont think the AI shipped with jaunty will be able to go for some killing yet06:48
cdm10AK_Dave, no, it was flashplugin-nonfree06:48
loomsen1maybe in 10.0406:48
td123AK_Dave: hold up, booting jaunty in my vm :P06:48
vartthere is shockwave flash plug-in for firefox06:49
foreAdobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package)06:49
AK_DaveThis was my #1 flash fixer command before Jaunty: sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree && sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin06:49
DShepherdDaskreech, technically, OO.o only autocompletes words over a specified length.06:49
robin0800fore: Try adobe's site06:49
cdm10!info flashplugin-nonfree jaunty06:49
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)06:49
forethats in synaptic06:49
DShepherdDaskreech, will i die? :)06:49
foreand installed06:49
DaskreechDShepherd: No06:49
DaskreechYour computer will06:49
kaali!info rtorrent jaunty06:49
ubotturtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 325 kB, installed size 884 kB06:49
DaskreechDShepherd: I changed that to be 2 in my now dead install06:49
td123adobe flash is jaunty... its called flashplugin-nonfree06:50
Rusty_A1!info amarok jaunty06:50
ubottuamarok (source: amarok): easy to use media player based on the KDE 4 technology platform. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.0.2mysql5.1.30-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 9448 kB, installed size 27676 kB06:50
DShepherdDaskreech, huh?06:50
td123AK_Dave: adobe flash is called flashplugin-nonfree06:50
DaskreechDShepherd: The length of the word06:50
AK_Davetd123: No, different packages.06:50
loomsen1just get the archive from adobe06:50
td123AK_Dave: stop giving me heart attacks06:50
td123AK_Dave: what?06:50
loomsen1it's only one file06:50
DShepherdDaskreech, your sick!!!06:50
td123AK_Dave: it installs adobe flash what else do you want?06:51
DaskreechNo I just type fast06:51
trippin hi i was wondering if some one in here could tell me what i can do to fix my menu.lst file, i just upgraded to 9.04 and i'm still using uname -r 2.6.27-11-generic06:51
DShepherdDaskreech, so works like and and not and like and this autocompletes? your sick!06:51
DShepherdDaskreech, interesting, but sick06:52
AK_Davetd123: There was two seperate packages. flashplugin-nonfree was the inferior. Now there is only flashplugin-nonfree06:52
td123AK_Dave: it works though, and what was inferior?06:52
loomsen1actually it does only matter if you have a 64 bit OS06:52
loomsen1otherwise just grad any flashplugin you get your hands on06:53
DaskreechDShepherd: I normally type past those pretty quick06:53
DShepherdDaskreech, kewl06:53
AK_Davetd: It does work, but I can't make a comparison any more because I'm using Jaunty. With Intrepid, it was night and day on Hulu.06:53
Cycomis there support for K10 (AMD Phenom) temperature sensing yet?  Or at least a way to not have my CPU fan run at full speed all the time?06:54
KelloggsFrostiesDoes anybody know when vpnc via network-manager will  be going to work in Kubuntu Jaunty?06:54
DShepherdis there a 'one button' or one command to upgrade ext3 to ext4? is there a wiki page with this info?06:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext406:55
DaskreechStupid bot06:55
td123AK_Dave: hmm, really? get it from adobe's site then :/06:55
ubuntistaswhen ubuntu it's gone be uploaded in the mirrors?06:55
robin0800Its about time ubottu is brourt up to date06:56
td123ubuntistas: I think it will take some time (ask again in half a day) :P06:56
cdm10AK_Dave, you know, it was possible you were using a non-Adobe flash player before... Adobe Flash, while it's much more compatible with sites, can be a LOT slower and more CPU-intensive. flashplugin-nonfree simply, and always has simply, downloaded the latest Flash from the Adobe website and installed it for you.06:57
AK_Davetd123: Sure, but the original question was "adobe flash in jaunty". That question can be honestly answered "yes" or "no" and it all depends on your perspective. I said "no" because the adobe package isn't in the repos, although there is functional flash and you can download from Adobe.06:57
loomsen1just mind your OS06:57
cdm10AK_Dave, there is most certainly an adobe flash package. flashplugin-nonfree.06:57
loomsen1amd64 get the apropriate plugin and you wont suffer from any high load, sound lack or whatever06:57
vartDaskreech: like this? http://kyleabaker.com/2009/02/23/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-904-and-ext4/06:58
td123AK_Dave: no... the flash player that is installed in flashplugin-nonfree IS adobe's06:58
cdm10!info flashplugin-nonfree jaunty | AK_Dave06:58
ubottuAK_Dave: flashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)06:58
loomsen1mine is running like a charm06:58
AK_Davecdm: If true, the removing flashplugin-nonfree and installing adobe-flashplugin would be a wasted effort and it most assuredly was not wasted effort on Intrepid.06:58
cdm10!info adobe-flashplugin intrepid06:59
ubottuPackage adobe-flashplugin does not exist in intrepid06:59
Daskreechvart: I don't know. DShepherd. LIke that?06:59
cdm10AK_Dave, I'd like to point out that adobe-flashplugin doesn't exist.06:59
cdm10AK_Dave, at least in the repositories. You may have downloaded it from somewhere else.06:59
AK_Davecdm10: I'd like to point out that I used to install it regularly.06:59
cdm10AK_Dave, see the ubottu message07:00
genii!info flashplugin-nonfree07:00
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)07:00
td123AK_Dave: ok, so you can download adobe-flashplugin from intrepid and install it on jaunty07:00
cdm10AK_Dave, if you installed it, it was from somewhere else.07:00
cdm10td123, the issue here is that adobe-flashplugin doesn't seem to exist, in jaunty OR intrepid.07:00
Amaranthcdm10: it's in partner and it's only 32-bit07:00
td123cdm10: then he got it from somewhere else07:00
AK_Davecdm10: But it does appear that the function of that package may be rolled into the flashplugin-nonfree in jaunty07:00
DShepherdvart, i guess so. i have heard about some issues with grub after upgrading. have you heard of such (Daskreech )07:00
AmaranthAK_Dave: Nope, adobe-flashplugin is an actual packaged version approved by Adobe07:01
Daskreechhaven't been paying much attention to ext3 upgrades most people I know are doing clean installs with ext407:01
AmaranthThat's why there is no 64-bit version, Adobe doesn't allow packaging prereleases07:01
cdm10Amaranth, so adobe-flashplugin is DEB-packaged by Adobe, while flashplugin-nonfree just downloads the tarball from Adobe and installs it?07:01
Amaranthcdm10: It isn't done by adobe but it is done with their permission07:01
cdm10Amaranth, interesting. Thanks for telling me this.07:02
cdm10AK_Dave, apologies for doubting its existence07:02
cdm10Amaranth, is 64-bit Flash still not released?07:02
vartDaskreech: yes ... but i do not use ext4 so far... too unstable for my likings according to the number off reported bugs...07:02
RandumKiwiplease don't bash me for this, but, I can't find the time+timezone for ubuntu 9.04 release, can anyone point me in the right direction?07:02
AK_Davecdm10: No offense taken.07:02
Amaranthcdm10: Still a Labs project, last time I checked07:02
cdm10RandumKiwi, it will come out when it comes out, it's not exactly scheduled too precisely. Never has been.07:02
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
DShepherdvart, any speed improvements with ext3?07:03
RandumKiwiI figured it was an exact time, but I'm UTC/GMT+12, so it's a little confusing comparing times on the internet sometimes, since I'm so far ahead :|07:03
cdm10Amaranth, was there any functional difference between the payload of the two packages?07:04
vartDaskreech: it is one of the key features. I cannot say for myself though :)07:04
Amaranthcdm10: Nope, just the packaged one is guaranteed to not break when Adobe updates flash07:04
Amaranthcdm10: With the download one it breaks when they update until the package is updated07:04
cdm10Amaranth, thanks07:04
DaskreechDShepherd: not much with day today stuff fsck is crazy fast07:05
loomsen1no it doesnt07:05
loomsen1but if it makes things easier... hold it07:05
DShepherdboot Daskreech ?07:05
Daskreechyeah jackalope is a lot faster booting for me07:05
RandumKiwithanks, looking forward to the release, just brought a new toshiba a300/m00... an awesomely spec'd laptop, so, can't wait to try it out, but it would be a waste of time to try, when the release is so close and I'd just have to re-do everything I install/configure/etc. :)07:05
td123Daskreech: same here :P07:06
cdm10Will things like the faster booting still kick in if it's upgraded and not fresh-installed? I've only tested on VMs.07:06
AK_DaveSo... how to check the version of flash I have installed?07:06
Cycomhahaha! nevermind. I'm an idiot. I thought it was my CPU fan making all the noise, but mysteriously when I installed nvidia-glx-180, the fan stopped! how bout that?!07:06
Cycomit was my GPU the whole time.07:06
loomsen1dpkg -l | grep flash07:06
cdm10Cycom, nice :)07:06
td123RandumKiwi: prepare yourself to get stuff working :P since it's a new laptop and there are probably going to be issues if the hardware is new also :P07:07
Daskreechcdm10: should but of course cleaner is better07:07
cdm10Cycom, just one word of advice, I found that my system stopped being able to resume from suspend with -180...07:07
RandumKiwitd123: It's a new laptop, but also, end-of-line... ;)07:07
AK_Daveloomsen1: Thanks!07:07
RandumKiwi.. but, it's still better spec'd than most laptops around :D07:07
td123RandumKiwi: oh, smart move! :D07:07
Cycomcdm10: it has worked fine for me with my card in another system. about to test it on this one, though this is only wubi07:07
vartDaskreech: or you asking if 9.04 is working faster even on ext3? then answer is yes07:07
Mark_MillimanI haven't seen an update in two days after update-manager upgraded. Is there something up?07:07
cdm10Cycom, I'm running Intrepid on the machine that broke, so maybe the kernel in Jaunty fixes it or something.07:08
loomsen1AK listen07:08
td123Mark_Milliman: yes, they're releasing 9.04 :P07:08
cdm10Mark_Milliman, everything's frozen for release07:08
loomsen1you have a 64bit system right?07:08
Cycomcdm10: I told myself if I get audio, video (already working) and temp sensing (already working with a make install of lmsensors 3.1), that I would go all linux on it :)07:08
Mark_MillimanIs it that time already?  I haven't been paying attention. :)07:08
AK_Davecdm10: My take-away from this is that the two packages, in Intrepid, must have simply been installing different versions of Adobe Flash. Both Adobe, different versions. But the package for Jaunty conventiently enough installs the current version.07:08
AK_Davecdm10: We both learn together. :)07:08
td123Mark_Milliman: it's today07:08
loomsen1get the archive i linked to above, remove every occurence of flash on your pc with aptitude --purge remove07:08
Mark_Millimandoh! doh!07:09
loomsen1save the archive to your home or where u prefer, I have a separate /opt partition for flash64, java64 and so on07:09
loomsen1however, remove everything and then ln -s it to the common places07:09
loomsen1that way it wont show in apt07:10
loomsen1so  it wont break if the flashplugin gets updatet07:10
cdm10Cycom, hardware support has gotten a lot better, very very fast. In the few years I've been using Linux, crazy stuff has happened.07:10
Mark_MillimanI guess I'll have to check again in the morning and see a flood new stuff.07:10
cdm10Mark_Milliman, probably not07:11
AK_Daveloomsen1: I have 64bit Jaunty. Curiously, I show as already having but have only installed flash from apt-get not the archive you linked up.07:11
cdm10Mark_Milliman, you're probably running prett ymuch what they're releasing on CD later07:11
loomsen1maybe they got the metapackage in it in the meanwhile07:11
loomsen1there's a debian package which will install a script to check your arch and grab the apropriate package07:11
cdm10AK_Dave, that's the version they have in Jaunty, it's the latest...07:11
Mark_Milliman@cdm10, I think I need to go to bed. I am not paying attention.  You are right. I probably have everything from the RC that will be released.07:11
Mark_Millimanoops this isn't Twitter07:12
AK_Davecdm10: Yes. You lagged out. I'll resend.07:12
cdm10Mark_Milliman, go to bed, you won't miss much, just a bunch of crazy traffic in the channel when it's released :)07:12
loomsen1AK: tho, theres still a difference07:12
AK_Daveloomsen1: ?07:12
Mark_Millimandcm10, you are right.  I need sleep.  I just wish that the ATI drivers for older cards performed better in 3D.07:13
loomsen1for me, installing the deb package made opera nspluginwrapper try and wrap what it thinks is a 32bit flash lib07:13
hifiMark_Milliman: you can try to get more of the old cards with some optimizations from the program side07:13
loomsen1if i simply link libflash.so to operas plugin directory nspluginwrapper doesnt even start07:13
loomsen1so i prefer that way07:13
AK_Daveloomsen1: I don't use Opera.07:14
Mark_Millimanhifi, I think I have tweaked my xorg.conf file about as much as I can.  Videos now play pretty well when Compiz is running.07:14
loomsen1then keep an eye on that07:14
Mark_Millimanhifi, 2D performance screams though but I like my eye candy.07:15
billybigriggerwhat is pybootchartgui?07:15
hifiah, eye candy :)07:15
loomsen1may happen with FF as well (actually most plugins opera uses are the ones for firefox)07:15
loomsen1pybootchart is a system tool imo07:15
loomsen1a very powerful one too07:15
Mark_Millimanhifi Firefox scrolls poorly with the radeon drivers with Compiz active07:15
billybigriggeri just saw an update for it07:15
hifiwhich card07:15
Mark_Millimanthat is probably my biggest complaint.07:16
loomsen1what former was the bootchart pkg and created jpgs is now pybootchart07:16
Mark_Millimanhifi, Mobility X130007:16
billybigriggerso whats the pybootchartgui then?07:16
hifiuh, that should be so bad07:16
billybigriggeri thought all it did was pump out .pngs of your boot times07:16
loomsen1a viewer for the compressed format your bootchart is saved now07:16
hifireally, X1300 should do fine with compiz I suppose07:16
Mark_Millimanhifi, scrolling is crappy but it often overshoots and I have to scroll back.07:16
hifithough the chipset is pretty crappy07:17
Mark_Millimanhifi, zooming in and out of the cube is jittery, but rotation works well07:17
hifiI have a X1550 64bit on my work workstation and it's kind of slow07:17
Mark_Millimanhifi, in some ways the driver performs better than flgrx.  No tearing.07:18
loomsen1check your permissions on your video devices both of you07:18
TheFunkbombokay back07:18
TheFunkbombDaskreech, IT WORKED!07:19
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: Of course it did07:19
TheFunkbombI chkdsked the h-e-double hockey sticks out of it07:19
ludditegday all - was planning on upgrading today but its delayed - which is fine - im happy waiting as it usually means they are making it better07:19
TheFunkbombI was all /fing and stuff07:19
loomsen1Heres a howto check and fix permissions for nvidia cards, i guess with minimal brain usage you should be able to find it for intel cards07:19
Mark_Millimanloomsen1, on the device itself or in xorg.conf?07:19
TheFunkbombit was totally sweet07:19
ludditebut is there a scheduled day they are looking to release?07:20
TheFunkbombokay, it's definitely bed time though07:20
TheFunkbombthank you all for your help07:20
loomsen1i dont know where the device is located for intels07:20
Mark_Millimanloomsen1 we are talking about ATI cards07:20
loomsen1just to make sure its not a permission bug07:20
loomsen1use ls -alh to view permissions in a terminal07:21
loomsen1ls -alh /dev/07:21
Mark_Millimanloomsen1, let me check out the article07:21
loomsen1and try and find your card, for me its /dev/nvidiactl07:21
DaskreechTheFunkbomb: Good night07:22
loomsen1(the 2nd post isnt recommended, it was a problem related to that driver back then)07:22
td123wait, so since 9.04 is in a freeze until release, does that mean that there will be updates right after they release it?07:23
td123now I get it! :D07:24
loomsen1so, relly really clever would be downloading a netinstall.iso07:24
loomsen1that way, you'll be installing while everyone else is still downloading ;)07:24
loomsen1servers will be under heavy load today07:24
wtvhow many hours to go?07:25
AK_Daveloomsen1: I'll just push a torrent over to my FreeNAS box and get in the car to go to work.07:25
td123loomsen1: that would be great if I only did this one time (which I'm not)07:25
wtvits 23rd april in most parts of world07:25
linuxguymarshallI am trying to get my battery working on my Lenovo S10. Ubuntu 9.04. Same issue as described here : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1035411.html            I have asked many places, waited for long times and no one seems willing to help. Anyone have any solutions they want me to try?07:25
loomsen1well, most of us upgraded already anyway right?07:26
loomsen1wont be much of a difference07:26
loomsen1some updatet packages07:26
loomsen1nothin more nothin less07:26
AK_Daveloomsen1: True. Nothing gained for me, except bragging rights for seeding the torrent.07:26
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - JAUNTY IS NOT YET RELEASED - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party07:26
loomsen1you might wanna give it a try :)07:27
loomsen1(my first blog, so comment it will ya! )07:28
coz_ah oh obvious self advertising lol :)07:28
AK_Daveloomsen1: Oh, self advertising. Okay. Because it doesn't appear to apply to me. But maybe if I read deeper.07:29
linuxguymarshallAnyone at all? Can I get an ounce of advice?07:29
AK_Davelinuxguymarshall: have you tried installing ibam?07:29
loomsen1applies to everyone having an intel chip07:29
loomsen1amd owners will prlly only have to change the downloadlink07:29
AK_Daveloomsen1: Well, I suppose I have a P4 in my server. But it runs BSD not linux.07:30
linuxguymarshallAK_Dave:Doing that right now07:30
coz_guys just noticed an older bug reappeared ... putting images and icons on the desktop they will not update  if I change them until I go into the home folder  and click the "Desktop" icon07:30
AK_Daveloomsen1: Big thing missing in the how-to is WHY would I do this? What do I gain? Whats the advantage for me in loading new microcode for my CPU? Would this benefit my Intel Atom based netbook?07:31
loomsen1i cannot check/confirm, i dont have any icons at all ^^07:31
Ububeginwhats up with Jaunty... its not yet released...07:31
loomsen1big answer is the first pic07:31
Ububeginwhats up with Jaunty... its not yet released...07:32
loomsen1you may notice the 2 lines nearly overlap the whole time07:32
loomsen1and intel usually updates the microcode pretty often07:32
loomsen1so, you'd do it due to the same reasons you update your OS07:33
UbubeginIsnt it the 23rd already in the US now... Has it been delayed...07:33
linuxguymarshallAK_Dave:iBam Total battery time : 1:54:00           Total charge time : 2:00:0007:33
linuxguymarshallAK_Dave:It is plugged into AC07:33
AK_Daveloomsen1: Yes, the two lines overlap. I don't know what the graph means.07:34
ludditei think that they will have to put the next release 9.11 instead of 9.1007:34
cemcjaunty with gnome. I have no visual effects enabled, still when I minimize a window, there's a basic minimize effect. How can I disable that?07:34
AK_Davelinuxguymarshall: I think that addresses what you were seeking.07:34
ludditeoh dear - 9.11 references :-)07:34
melikubuntu with kde 4.2, full desktop effects works perfectly on an asus 901 eeepc lol07:34
loomsen1it's the load of each of the two cpus07:34
pace_t_zululuddite: why do you think 9.11?07:35
AK_Daveloomsen1: the Atom isn't dual core. It is hyperthreaded.07:35
ludditei have 8.10 running perfect any reason to upgrade?07:35
loomsen1doesnt matter07:35
loomsen1it shows the benefit07:35
linuxguymarshallAK_Dave:No, I want my battery monitor to work, and the data is not changing, it has been unplugged for a few mins now07:35
AK_Daveloomsen1: Okay, I'll give it a shot on the Atom but I don't have a way to try this on my P4.07:36
loomsen1i posted the official description on top of the post07:36
loomsen1this applies to P4 as well07:36
loomsen1it's like a bios flash yet without flashing the bios07:36
ludditepace_t_zulu because 8.04 and 8.10 and 9.04 all released later in the month - so its getting to the end of the month - so i predict that the 9.10 release will miss the 10 and release in the 1107:36
loomsen1it aint persistant neither, you'll have to uodate the code upon every boot07:37
AK_Daveloomsen1: The P4 is the heart of a FreeNAS fileserver. It runs BSD. It runs an embedded install.07:37
loomsen1i see07:37
loomsen1well, as they say, dont preach, mention ^^07:37
loomsen1just wanted to mention ^^07:37
AK_Daveloomsen1: I could I suppose shell in and try this but being BSD it uses all different stuff inside. BSD is pretty much voodoo to me.07:38
manpooleso what is expected be different about the final version anyone know?07:38
loomsen1never messed with, so i believe you unseen :)07:38
loomsen1couple of bugfixes07:39
Amaranthmanpoole: Little secret: if you're up-to-date right now you have the release07:39
loomsen1its not windows, the final will be obsolete in a week as well07:39
AK_Daveloomsen1: Anyways, I'll try this right now on the netbook and report if it bricks. :P No, seriously, I reboot the netbook ONLY when a kernel update requires it. Suspend/Hibernate otherwise. It had a month of uptime until I installed Jaunty on it.07:39
loomsen1yeah, i remember you mentioned that earlier07:40
loomsen1So, where's the difference? Just curious, i dont use hibernation at all07:40
loomsen1maybe i'm missing sth? :)07:40
linuxguymarshallI would really like to get my netbook battery running. Not knowing how much juice I have left is a big problem07:40
ludditeis there any reason to upgrade once 9.04 is out?07:41
ludditeim on 8.1007:41
loomsen1linuxguymarshall: did you try asking proc?07:41
loomsen1the same reason every upgrade is useful07:41
Daskreechluddite: please read the changelog and answer that for yourself07:41
AK_Daveloomsen1: One of my motivations to install Jaunty instead of sticking with Hardy was I wanted to repartition anyways, and in doing so I added a swapfile on the SSD so I could hibernate. Jaunty is considerably crisper than Hardy, but the UNR interface is very sluggish so I stick with gnome.07:41
ludditeoh yeah ofcourrse - i forgot about the changelog07:42
linuxguymarshallloomsen:Not sure how to do that. I don't really consider myself an advance IRC user07:42
ludditeis it using a different filesystem by defualt?07:42
loomsen1^^ u dont have to be :)07:42
AK_Davelinuxguymarshall: Are you using the Power History that you get to by R-click the battery applet on the panel?07:42
loomsen1linuxguymarshall: for me its under /proc/acpi/battery/BAT107:44
loomsen1cd /proc/acpi/battery/BAT107:44
loomsen1ls -alh07:44
linuxguymarshallI know what it is07:44
linuxguymarshallAll the data seems wrong07:44
linuxguymarshallAnd does not tell me what I want to know07:44
loomsen1so same data there as well?07:44
linuxguymarshallyes, same, no accurate data07:45
cemcjaunty + ati(fglrx) + compiz, all the window minimizations/maximizations/resizes are slow. Is there any bugreport I can add comments to ?07:45
linuxguymarshallI was using the battery for an hour earlier and all the indicators showed the same thing as the battery does at 100%07:45
loomsen1i see, so it didnt show the unload stats if i get u right07:46
linuxguymarshallNone of the data changes07:47
loomsen1humm, you have the power manager installed? it has a couple of features to show graphs07:47
loomsen1not working neither07:47
loomsen1humm, gl then ^^07:47
linuxguymarshallIt detects the battery, it knows all the information about it such as type and manufacturer, but it just cant tell the battery life07:47
linuxguymarshallWhich for a 3-cell netbook is a problem when I am happy to get 3 hours07:48
loomsen1nor can the files under /proc?07:48
loomsen1you have acpi-support installed too i guess?07:48
loomsen1and you havent disabled acpi on your kernel boot line07:49
AK_Daveloomsen1: Okay, I did the apt-get. I'm in section 2. I edited /etc/modules and did sudo depmod -a. Big delay. But lsmod doesn't show a microcode module07:49
linuxguymarshallI checked GRUB and reinstalled ACPI07:49
loomsen1do u have /dev/microcode07:49
DanaGmicrocode and ACPI don't have anything to do with each other.07:50
loomsen1and udev?07:50
loomsen1well, nice one Dana07:50
AK_Daveloomsen1: I have all the udev stuff. I do not have a /dev/microcode07:50
DanaGmicrocode is for CPU microcode updates.07:50
loomsen1maybe you have to logout and back in07:50
DanaGthe dsdt is the ACPI thing.07:50
linuxguymarshallI have rebooted multiple times07:51
loomsen1Dana, I'm just fightin on two fights07:51
loomsen1dont worry07:51
DanaGah.  Two conversations at once.07:51
roxanwhat is the date and time07:52
loomsen1is the node that should have been created07:52
loomsen1wait, i'm doing it in a chroot07:53
AK_Daveloomsen1: No /dev/cpu no /dev/microcode no /dev/cpu/microcode07:54
DanaGfunny thing seen on an HP Pavilion N5240 (also known as Omnibook XE3-GC, I think):07:54
DanaGBios dated 1992.07:54
DanaGThis was a P2-Celeron laptop.07:54
loomsen1humm, i just noticed i didnt even have to create it in my chroot07:54
DanaGI don't think P2 existed in 1992... did it?07:54
loomsen1has it by default07:55
loomsen1heres the log07:56
linuxguymarshallSo, anything for me?07:57
loomsen1dmesg | grep .i error07:57
loomsen1dmesg | grep -i error07:58
loomsen1dmesg | grep -i warning07:58
AK_Daveloomsen1: I think the problem is that 'sudo depmod -a' just isn't doing anything. But it seems to do SOMETHING. I mean, it pauses with a delay for a sec or two.07:59
loomsen1whats the output of cat /proc/modules07:59
loomsen1maybe pipe it through | grep microcode08:00
AK_Daveloomsen1: nothing08:01
AK_Daveloomsen1: no microcode module08:01
karbois the version available through the update-manager the final version, or the rc? it says '9.04', but is it still the RC?08:01
loomsen1maybe your kernel doesnt support it?08:01
loomsen1but thats pretty strange, as its enabled by default08:01
gartral2will upgrading break stand alone .debs that ive installed, or break coston gcc installs?08:02
AK_Daveloomsen1: Yes, probably Atom doesn't support it.08:02
loomsen1linuxguymarshall: take a look into the help of the battery applet08:02
loomsen1theres some troubleshooting08:03
loomsen1but... guess u did that already eh08:03
loomsen1AK_Dave: sorry, shouldnt be :)08:03
linuxguymarshallYes, I have tried just about everything I can think of08:03
loomsen1i bet u did08:03
loomsen1what vendor is it?08:04
raddyHello Everybody08:04
raddyAt what timezone final version will be out?08:04
loomsen1sup rad, did u steal the release image?08:04
freakabcdhi all.08:05
loomsen1no, there is no timeline08:05
Furuhey all! Ive been waiting for a month now:P Is it worth installing the RC version? can i just upgrade it to the release version once the release is out?:P08:05
freakabcdwill the dvd iso be released simultaneously along with the cd image?08:05
loomsen1open a special tab in your browser and try and build a robot which hits ctrl +r once every ten seconds for u08:05
td123Furu: just wait, you waited 30 days but you can't wait less then a day more?08:05
AK_DaveFuru: My opinion is: sorry, yes, yes.08:06
Ububegincan someone pm me when ubuntu 9.04 is released...  its already 12.05 pm in san francisco... Shit, are they based in Hawaii08:06
freakabcdFuru, if you really cannot wait, then the update is certainly possible. Given that it was an RC, you will expect very few (if any) changes to the final release08:06
gartral2loomsen1: its called the ReloadEvery... plugin08:06
raddyfreakabcd : so they are not working till last minute to iron out more bugs.08:07
Furu09:10 AM in norway... maybe they are based in australlia because i belive they are around 3am:P08:07
UbubeginFuru:  yoh, it dinner time in Aussie already08:07
loomsen1if you're goin after that, samoa would most likely be the deadline08:08
UbubeginFuru: on the 23rd April , I mean08:08
freakabcdraddy, in your dreams my good friend.08:08
AK_DaveUbubegin: I bet the folks at Canonical got a good night sleep and might throw the switch when they show up at their desks in the morning, their time.08:08
freakabcdtoo much work to roll out last minute fixes08:08
loomsen1but it's such a pleasure observing the forum08:08
Furuah,, ububegin ofcourse. my bad:)08:08
raddyfreakabcd : I think most Distros will use the RC-to-Final period to prepare Online Updates for the Critical issues found in RC.08:09
raddyAm i right?08:09
freakabcdi mean, given the time required to complete a full build and test if (possible bug has been fixed) or (something else has broken down), there will almost never be last-hour changes08:09
freakabcdor even last day unless it is a showstopper bug08:09
loomsen1i guess its more important to prepare the servers for the reload every... plugin attack08:09
BonezAUhi, does anyone know what time in UTC Jaunty will be released? It's the 23rd April here right now at 3:10pm so I just want to get a rough idea of when the final release will become available... thax08:10
freakabcdyeah, most of the stuff happening now is admin work, syncing mirrors, etc.08:10
loomsen1most of us updatet anyway or am i wrong?08:10
UbubeginBonezAU: i think they are following Samoan time... so another 4 more hours....08:10
BonezAUUbubegin: awesome, thanks ;)08:10
freakabcdBonezAU, it is 7:10 in NZ now. maybe they want to wait till the last minute to announce and release :p08:10
BonezAUfreakabcd: yeah I'm in Perth08:11
raddyBut this release is not that promising :( it is like Win7 to Vista :(08:11
UbubeginBonezAU: just kidding , dude.. you didnt think , I was serious, did you..  I dont even think there is a server in Samoa... :D08:11
loomsen1*signed* raddy08:11
stimpieraddy, lets hope not08:11
BonezAUUbubegin: no, I knew you were joking :)08:11
Gabz^laptop12:00 pm UTC is the normal release time08:11
freakabcdUbubegin, there doesn;t nee to be a server there if they just want to use that timezone for release08:12
loomsen1sigh, my hope died a cpl of days ago08:12
Furumaybe the dev's have overslept...08:12
BonezAUI'm in the +0800 timezone, and it's 3pm now. so maybe at 8pm tonight it will be released?08:12
freakabcdGabz^laptop, 1200 UTC? grr.. thats going to be 2200 for me08:12
UbubeginBonezAU: where you from.. i am same timezone also.. from singapore08:12
raddyI dunno what hell Ubuntu devs where doing in the last 6 months, :(08:13
BonezAUUbubegin: I'm in Perth, Western Australia08:13
AK_Daveraddy: weeeeeed08:13
BonezAUvaiting....vaiting...vaiting... :)08:13
BonezAUsmoko time08:13
* zhurai is gmt-808:13
loomsen19AM here08:14
AK_Daveraddy: Flavoured postage stamps, perhaps?08:14
UbubeginIf even sees the ubuntu 9.04 released.. Inform us directly here... then we can proceed to whack the server....08:14
raddyNovell and Redhat is taking lot of challenges in polishing beta stuff and releasing it early n'all and providing expermental new featues08:14
Ububegineven/anyone i mean08:14
raddyBut Ubuntu even disabled EXT408:14
loomsen1yep, i really enjoied fedora earlier08:14
loomsen1and actually i wanted to boot into sabayon like one hr ago ^^08:15
Ububeginraddy: for ubuntu 9.04 , do we have to partition the hard disk with ext4 ..or will the ext3 work08:15
AK_Daveraddy: Jaunty can use ext408:15
loomsen1raddy:  i totally sign that08:15
loomsen1it's a disappointment08:15
raddyAt least they could spend the last 6 month designing a steller theme for Gnome, but they didn't. instead added some themes from Gnome-Looks :(08:15
loomsen1they enable ipv6 by default, dont ship the new kernel, disable Zap08:16
loomsen1thats definetely to much08:16
Ububeginraddy: there is a recession going on, man... what makes u think canonical didnt lay off developers.08:16
raddyUbubegin : I think you have to partition your drive as EXT4 before installing Ubuntu08:16
loomsen1Ububegin: up 2 you08:17
loomsen1ext4 drives can even be mounted as ext308:17
freakabcdUbubegin, ext4 is essentially ext3 + extras08:17
AK_Daveloomsen1: new kernel didn't make codefreeze for Jaunty. Its nitpicky, but Canonical is getting harda$$ about their 6mo release cycles and trying to force everyone to toe the line. Kernel not ready on their schedule? Next release!08:17
freakabcdUbubegin, as loomsen1 said, you can mount ext4 partitions in intrepid08:18
loomsen1next release is in 6 months08:18
AK_Daveloomsen1: Yes.08:18
foogmaawhat's wrong with ipv6?08:18
loomsen1there's no ipv6 in germany08:18
raddySee folks i am really disappointed in the development Ubuntu done in the last 6 months, as they are just polishing Debian packages :(08:18
loomsen1whats wrong with compiling it as a module?08:18
foogmaaI don't have ipv6 on my modem or router, but it causes no trouble here08:19
crdlbsome broken consumer networking hardware apparently breaks when ipv6 is enabled08:19
crdlbloomsen1: modules are not free08:19
AK_Daveloomsen1: thats the downside of scheduled releases. Perhaps a rolling upgrade suits you better.08:19
loomsen1it definetely does08:19
loomsen1actually i'm rolling quite a while already :D08:19
loomsen1but i got other distros installed too, tho this is the most complete and my main dist08:20
AK_Daveloomsen1: I don't see it as "right way" or "wrong way". Ubuntu is part of Canonical's business model.08:20
raddyPeople are also saying that Runniing Performance is not that much improved to earlie versions08:20
AK_Daveraddy: I'll say Jaunty is pretty crisp, and Kubuntu Jaunty is really crisp.08:21
loomsen1what really improved are the fonts, finally they managed to work on intercompatibility to windows fonts08:21
raddyConsidering Windows 7 is not too far, Canonical could have done much much better in last 6 month08:21
godorhi, is on Jaunty still ext2 a good choice for a solid state disk?08:22
lupine_85nah, (k)jaunty is a good piece of work08:22
cdm10godor, ext2 isn't a good choice for anything08:22
AK_Daveraddy: Lot to be said for having Microsoft's development budget.08:22
godorwhat to use on a ssd08:22
loomsen1cant compare that anyway08:22
lupine_85godor, depends entirely on how much writing the ssd can cope with08:22
loomsen1microsoft will release 7 which will thereafter be as it is for some years again08:23
LordKowthere are at least two sets of fonts that i can think of that completely own the microsoft core fonts: RH's liberation fonts, and the droid fonts08:23
lupine_85jffs2/cramfs/something else that gets turned into a ramdisk on boot is always am option08:23
cdm10godor, ext3 should be just fine08:23
loomsen1microsoft updates are only patches, they dont add any functionality08:23
lupine_85generally not worth the effort, eye08:23
cdm10modern SSDs aren't going to wear out too fast.08:23
AK_Davegodor: I use ext4 with my netbook's SSD.08:23
godorthe wiki said ext2 minimizes disk writes08:24
loomsen1me 2 except my boot is ext308:24
raddyI accept that Canonical don't have as much deep pockets as MS has, but they could have at least improved their theme, it is badly aging :(08:24
loomsen1/ /home /opt /usr all ext408:24
cdm10godor, it's true, but ext2 isn't anywhere near as reliable as ext3.08:24
AK_Daveloomsen1: My /boot is ext2 and / /home are both ext408:24
lupine_85raddy, have you seen kubuntu jaunty?08:24
raddylupine_85 : Not yet,08:24
lupine_85I updated it a couple of days ago and dropped stuff08:24
loomsen1wont be much of a difference will it08:25
raddylupine_85 : but they are using standard theme.08:25
loomsen1it cant be much of a difference08:25
lupine_85still gorgeous08:25
AK_Daveraddy: First login to kubuntu jaunty, prepare to be discouraged at how long it takes to set up profile or whatever it does for a long delay. Second login? WOW!08:25
lupine_85and gorgeouser than any windows monstrosirty08:25
godorthanks, than i could giv ext4 a try on my acer aspire one (got 1,5 GB Ram so no swap partition)08:25
AK_Davegodor: No swap means no hibernate.08:26
loomsen1but you should be able to create a persistens image which will run completely in ram08:26
raddyIs Desktop search working in Kubuntu 9.04?08:27
godorlooseman1: First I like to keep it simple08:27
raddyBoth Kubuntu and Ubuntu is only delivering updated apps.08:27
raddyNothing else08:27
lupine_85raddy, that and a whole lot of integration testing08:28
loomsen1yep, cpl of lines of code to be replaced by another cpl of lines08:28
freakabcdraddy, well. we could go back to debian with their insanely long release cycles!08:28
lupine_85oh, and bufixes.08:28
raddylupine_85 : is desktop search working?08:28
steveccchi all - does anyone know what time the full version will be available - its 23rd in uk but presume you have to wait for the US to catch up?08:28
loomsen1freakabcd: we could as well go forth to fedora...08:28
lupine_85not a clue, work's still using hardy08:28
Ububegin"It's worth noting that the speed boosts seem to be much greater for those willing to risk the Ext4 filesystem" .. so ext4 gives faster boot up speed08:28
lupine_85(we have an ltsp system we don't want to break)08:29
raddylupine_85 : what i am asking is, Desktop Search working from KDE Menu08:30
loomsen1fedora really isnt much of a difference, packagekit is integrated WAY better than it's been so far in jaunty08:30
lupine_85raddy, hang on, I'll just walk out of work and go home and check for you08:30
* lupine_85 never tends to use search08:30
td123steveccc: it's the 23rd in the US already also08:30
loomsen1so one could even install deb packages if one would08:30
raddylupine_85 : don't take that much pain.08:30
lupine_85I wasn't planning on it ;)08:30
Ububeginsteveccc: you have to wait for the samoan time.. its still 22nd April there..08:31
lupine_85is totally the 23rd here too08:31
stevecccububegin: is that a joke or is that true?08:31
loomsen1or use the reload every ... plugin08:31
lupine_85wish it were still the 22nd08:32
Ububeginsteveccc: its true.. i swear upon my privates..08:32
godorso ext4 is also for a solid state disk a good option08:32
loomsen1as long as its not your boot disk08:32
loomsen1it is08:32
td123loomsen1: why can't it be your boot disk?08:33
loomsen1you should consider whether you want to turn journaling off or not08:33
godorgrub support of ext4 shuld be there in Jaunty true?08:33
raddyIs Kubuntu contain OOo, Firefox, etc?08:33
loomsen1might happen that the last 30 seconds of your work disappear after reboot08:34
stevecccububegin: i just saw it - weird - you would have thought they would center it on a major country time zone maybe a location in africa (that is where ubuntu is based on isnt it?)08:34
godorcan i turn jurnaling off under ext4?08:34
td123steveccc: saw what?08:34
loomsen1raddy: if you dont want all that junk, just get a netinstall iso08:34
loomsen1and install a cl system, then use apt to grab xorg gnome-session and gdm08:35
loomsen1and there you go08:35
Ububegintd123: he fell for my joke and thought they were really releaseing it based on samoan time.. btw, its arnd 9pm 22nd april in samoa08:35
steveccct123: i am in #ubuntu-release-party where they mentioned somoa08:35
raddyloomsen1 : i didn't treat Firefox, OOo as junk. it is really necessary, moreover i don't have such a fast internet/08:35
loomsen1raddy: using opera, but my point was actually that i prefer installing what i want than removing what i do not want08:36
raddyIs system tray icon uglyness when compiz enabled issue resolved in KDE4?08:37
frybyeHey greetings to Samoa - enjoy! ;=)08:37
Cycomcdm10: remember what I was talking about before with my sound?08:38
Cycomcdm10: how it was my last hurdle?08:38
Cycomcdm10: FLAWLESS VICTORY.08:38
loomsen1for instance, i dont have a printer, i dont need 100mb of supporting driver modules for HP, epson canon and 5 other japanese/korean/whatever printers08:38
raddyloomsen1 : Ohh ok08:38
frybyesteveccc: come in #ubuntu-offtopic a moment pse...?08:39
Geoffrey2well, hopefully the partition editor got some work after the jaunty RC came out, because it really needs a lot of it....08:48
* genii peruses the "Contact Us" part of GParted's site08:50
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Geoffrey2granted, I should probably know better than to use the gparted on an RC live CD instead of simply using the last stable release....09:00
UbubeginWas scheduled for Apr, 27, 08:30 (Samoa time), but now that you've asked, it's been delayed by 1 hour09:03
Geoffrey2I tried to resize the /home partition, it gets about 85% through, then gives me a message that there's nothing to do, but after it's done the partition is still the same size it was to begin with...09:04
marcusdavidus anyone got choppy video in flash in totem smplayer etc?09:12
marcusdavidus in jaunty yestarday upgradet from intrepid09:12
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foogmaamarcusdavidus, what type of video card?09:13
cato`marcusdavidus: I do, but thats a problem with xorg and dri09:13
marcusdavidusgf2 mx mx 400 64  mb ram09:13
cato`I got a nvidia mobile 730009:13
marcusdavidus not intel card09:14
foogmaawow, that's old09:14
LordKowso karmic... kernel 2.6.32 perhaps?09:14
LordKowand what gnome 2.30? or are they doing a 2.28?09:14
marcusdavidusyep thats old but works fine till now lol09:14
foogmaayeah, maybe a bug in xorg09:14
LordKowas for the latter, 2.2809:14
cato`marcusdavidus: do "glxinfo |grep dri" show just the "yes-line" or does it print a lot of errors?09:15
marcusdavidusno dri09:15
LordKowoh 2.6.30 wont be out until june, so probably 2.6.31 for karmic depending on it's amount of code change09:15
marcusdavidusmarcusdavidus@UHope:~$ glxinfo |grep dri09:16
marcusdavidus hmm so time to edit xorg09:16
marcusdavidusany other module exept dri ?09:17
loomsen1marcusdavidus: which driver are u using09:17
cato`marcusdavidus: just move xorg.conf to xorg.conf-old and let it probe all its modules automaticly09:17
cato`(my english sucks today)09:17
LordKowsyslets and threadlets due for kernel 2.6.31 seem like one giant security hole to me09:17
marcusdavidusloomsen1: 96.43.1009:17
marcusdaviduscato`:  hmm ubuntu can make xorg alone ?? intresting09:18
loomsen1right one, and where exactly is the problem?09:18
ipatelwhen can 9.04 be expected for release (it was meant to be today)?09:18
cato`marcusdavidus: never xorg-releases doesnt need a config file09:18
loomsen1i dont get any dri output neither from the command above09:18
loomsen1you gotta look into your Xorg log09:19
loomsen1cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep dri09:19
loomsen1dri & dri2 should be load by default09:19
timfrostipatel: there are 24 hours in the day, and it also depends on time zones.   So I didn't expect to see it in the first 12 hours of my day (since NZ is 12 hours before GMT)09:21
tuxiceWhats are countdown looking like?09:21
tuxice10 hours?09:21
ipatelit say "coming soon"09:21
loomsen1google: time now in samoa09:21
loomsen1and count down to 12 pm09:21
ipatelwhich timezone should we be looking for?09:21
tuxice2,5 hours to go09:22
loomsen1the last which will still have the 23rd on their calendar09:22
foogmaa8 hours to go, give or take 8 hours09:22
loomsen1its 10 am here09:22
UbubeginFollow samoan time.. and you cant go wrong09:22
tuxiceits 4 am here09:22
loomsen1at least 14 more from my point of view09:23
tuxice 04:23:10 up 7 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.32, 0.80, 0.4909:23
tuxice4:30 am09:23
timfrostThe announcement is usually during the 24 hours covered by GMT09:23
Mantorpit's safe to upgrade from 8.10 or you still recommend fresh install??09:27
joaopintoMantorp, in general it's safe09:27
_g0tmi1k_I always do fresh09:27
Mantorpaha ok..09:27
joaopintoMantorp, but if you plan to benefit form the ext4 performance performance you should backup your data and do a fresh install09:28
corinthIs there a specific time that Jaunty will be rolled out today?09:28
_g0tmi1k_whats the down side with ext409:29
Mantorpok...than i'll do a fresh09:29
joaopinto_g0tmi1k_, much less tested than ext309:30
loomsen1_g0tmi1k_: i experienced dataloss of my most recent data before rebooting09:30
foogmaaext4 isn't quite completely stable just yet09:30
loomsen1_g0tmi1k_:  not every time for sure09:30
Chr|sI am waiting till ext4 gets tested and put to use :)09:30
loomsen1but it happened09:30
joaopinto_g0tmi1k_, I decided to go with ext4 because, I do not expect ext4 to be less reliable than an hard disk or other piece of software which manages my data, so, if I care about my data, I backup :)09:31
loomsen1and my laptop powered off twice when the tmp dir ran out of space09:31
ipatelyes there is a question about its stability, this is why ext4 will be made default in 9.10 based on user feedback09:31
loomsen1during kernel compiles :|09:31
loomsen1sucked after 1hr configuring and another build09:32
loomsen1but its completely clean after booting up :D as if it didnt happen09:32
loomsen1hadn't happened09:32
LordKowim about 90% sure ext4 will be 'production ready' for 9.10 (linux kernel wording). if that is the case then it is almost a guarantee ubuntu will set ext4 as default for next release09:33
loomsen1lol thats half a year to go09:33
loomsen1btrfs should be ready then09:33
LordKowit's in a weird stage right now. it's out of development, marked stable, but not production ready.09:33
LordKowthats like saying its stable but it may not be.... more testing needed09:33
ipateldefinately weird as the project dates back to 2006!!09:34
Chr|sLordKow: yup, I'm sticking with ext3 it has been tested and is pretty stable09:34
joaopintoit is stable, but not widely used, we makes it "We think it's stable" :P09:34
loomsen1i dont think ext4 will have a long life at all09:34
LordKowhonestly, if a desktop user asks me if ext4 will work... i'd say yes.09:34
loomsen1it's a dead end09:35
loomsen1the patch created to disable journaling in ext4 shows09:35
BUGabundoso is it out yet? eheh09:36
_g0tmi1k_joaopinto: thanks for the heads up09:36
ipatelBUGabundo | so is it out yet? eheh <- Join the Queue!!09:37
Chr|s"is it out yet" going to be the #1 thing asked today /sigh09:37
boumathis is a good thing tho right09:39
boumacause it would be worse to release bad software09:39
ubottuJaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+109:40
BUGabundoipatel: lol i was joking!09:40
ipatelme too ;-)09:41
geophoenixext4 is the default filesystem in 9.04 ?09:41
BUGabundoi've been using, testing, improving, announcing jaunty for too long09:41
BUGabundogeophoenix: NO09:41
boumaso is it delayed ? .. the topic is correct and still stands ?09:41
ipatelno it;s not09:41
loomsen1jeez even the bot gets upset little by little09:41
ipatelits an optional feature09:41
BUGabundobouma: no, its on time09:41
Mantorpi think I'll stay od ext309:42
Mantorpdon't wanna have dataloss09:42
boumaBUGabundo: :P ... i must say, being from australia its been thur for 18hrs, i havent bothered to check what timezone its going to be released in09:42
slytherinext4 is not default, it is available as advanced option09:43
cellxCan I choose this option with ext4 during my first installation?09:43
BUGabundobouma: history tells me that it will be out around 16-20h GMT09:43
BUGabundocellx: yes u can09:43
BUGabundoloomsen1: please preface messages with nicks!09:44
loomsen1BUGabundo:  yep ur right09:44
LordKowperhaps firefox 3.5 will *finally* get released this summer09:44
BUGabundoLordKow: i dont care! i already used it, and now i'm on 3.609:45
thalias09It is not important when Jaunty is released, it is important that we today go out and teach people about Ubuntu(Jaunty) and GNU/Linux.09:45
loomsen1BUGabundo: usually when I hit TAB in pidgin i'm yelling at myself short after09:45
thalias09Spread the word09:45
boumaBUGabundo: nice.. so in 7-14 hours09:45
BUGabundobouma: around that!09:45
BUGabundoloomsen1: why?09:45
loomsen1bouma: sth like that i guess09:45
boumawell i might run out of beer09:45
loomsen1cause i tab me out of the window...09:45
thalias09Spread the CDs and DVDs09:46
minimecthalias09: Yeah, but first they have to get that baby stable... xserver, compiz, hal... Quiet buggy ...09:46
thalias09Spread the USb sticks09:46
loomsen1BUGabundo: i'm not 2 often in IRCs09:46
cellxwhat is mistrustful to take ext4? I read some in the forum, they lost their files during using ext409:46
haggisbasherukmy friend of 65 years old wants to try ubuntu tommorrow :)09:46
Ububeginthalias09: get down to richmond, washington and teach the pple there about Jaunty... :D09:46
boumacan i get the RC and then rsync it to the final.. or would that be inefficient09:46
boumaat an iso level09:46
thalias09minimec, The development of the Ubuntu releases is too short for full stable and rock solid releases, unfortunately09:47
cellxI ll teach my father to use jaunty in their old pc... :)09:47
joaopintobouma, the final iso can already be found on some mirrors09:47
thalias09Ububegin, I am something like 8000 km away from richmond09:47
fincanjoaopinto: links?09:47
boumajoaopinto: really ... hrm, i almost could head back to uni to download it09:47
haggisbasherukthalias09: thats a long walk :P09:47
slytherinbouma: RC should be final. I don't think any changes have happened since RC.09:47
minimecthalias09: Nothing against that, but if you have regression on your mouse, data exchange with your phone and the whole xserver...09:47
Ububeginthalias09: 8000km.. are you still in the US09:47
boumaslytherin: oh, really. i didnt realise09:48
boumacan anyone else confirm what slytherin just stated. that the RC = final09:48
slytherinbouma: when in doubt, you can rename the ISO and use torrent to verify that youhave got all the bits09:48
Ububeginbouma: rc is not FINAL.. rc  = release candidate09:48
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.09:48
x3cionIf the RC would be final, it'd be called final instead of RC I guess09:48
slytherinbouma: I mean rename ISO when final comes out.09:48
loomsen1 lsb_release -a09:48
BUGabundoloomsen1: u have to join us more often09:49
omerhello all09:49
loomsen1BUGabundo: if you get to read jaunty you can go to bed, nothing will happen09:49
slytherinomer: hi09:49
joaopintox3cion, not really, the RC is called RC because it's made available before the final release, if there are no major problems found with an RC, it becomes final without changes09:49
cellxshould we wait until jigdo file are release too or is torrent faster enough?09:49
loomsen1BUGabundo: last one wasnt for u BUG09:49
BUGabundoloomsen1: i got up an hour ago! nothing is stopping me now09:49
UbubeginI have a feeling Jaunty has been postponed... well, shit happens.. sometimes09:50
BUGabundoexcept my dad took my car, with ubuntu laptop inside :(09:50
BUGabundo!language ! Ububegin09:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:50
BUGabundo!language ´| Ububegin09:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about language ´09:50
x3cionStill a chance for changes though!09:50
BUGabundo!language | Ububegin09:50
ubottuUbubegin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:50
omerUbubegin: damn is that true?09:50
BUGabundo3rd is the charm09:50
BUGabundowell guess i'll have to install portableubuntu here09:51
omerare amazon ec2 ami images also being distributed?09:51
samo_Hi guys im in New Zealand, over here the 23rd is almost over and still no final jaunty.. kinda false advertising :P09:51
loomsen1BUGabundo: I'll try ^^ in response to being more often around ^^09:51
UbubeginBUGabundo: sh!t is vulgar word.... Aww, c'mon...09:51
thalias09The Ubuntu time zone is the time zone of GMT +/- 1 (whatever the South African time zone is)09:52
BUGabundoUbubegin: just behave, ok?09:52
haggisbasheruksamo_: release is GMT09:52
x3cionReminds me of austin powers09:52
Ububeginsamo_: isnt NZ close to Samoa.. but you are different by a day... :)09:52
thalias09So if it will be released at 20 GMT then you in the NZ time zone have to wait something longer09:52
omerdoes anyone know if amazon ami ec2 images are being released simultaneously?09:52
samo_yea we are at the start of every day:)09:53
mntnpngnI wish they would release the torrents about a day earlier09:55
loomsen1omer: i dont think anybody can tell you for sure, but the voice of reason tells me they wont release an iso on a server prior or later to any other server09:55
omerloomsen1: alright thanks09:56
* BUGabundo wispers all image tests are done and passed! image soon to be available09:56
UbubeginBUGabundo: are u inside man on the ubuntu team09:57
Guest12333OMG it's happening!!!09:57
Chr|swhat is 12am samoin time in est?09:57
x3ciontouch ubuntu-9.04[mostest-stable-ever]-desktop-i386.iso09:58
BUGabundoUbubegin: im just in touch with the correct ppl09:58
haggisbasherukyou could just get yesterdays image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and update guys09:59
joaopintofinal is out !09:59
mntnpngnthat's not it09:59
Ububeginjoaopinto: BS... dont irritate us10:00
joaopinto(everyone checking ubuntu.com :D)10:00
Teknojaunty is postponed by month10:00
mntnpngnthat's a daily build10:00
loomsen1the alias for fetching an apt update from cl shows10:00
haggisbasherukthere was only 7 updates this morning wen i updated10:00
loomsen1(yup here)10:00
aprilharezomg is it out?10:00
BUGabundothere goes the mirror10:00
aprilhareit aint out. you be liar loomsen110:01
Jordan_Ucellx, Bittorrent is better than jigdo near release because the apt mirrors are already going to be hammered with people upgrading10:01
loomsen1nah, i never! its obv a server crash due to Ctrl+R Overload attack10:02
joaopintolet's see how will archive.ubuntu.com behave after the release10:02
BUGabundojoaopinto: behaves? it will crash like it always does10:03
loomsen1(might be quite a hint: chose another server)10:03
joaopintoBUGabundo, :P10:03
BUGabundojoaopinto: even neanc and darkstar hit the ground on this dates!10:03
haggisbasherukBUGabundo: i take it the intel driver problem will be a high priority for fixing ?10:03
BUGabundojoaopinto: i usualy track their stats via phpinfo! its crazy! IOs of about 20.10:03
loomsen1haggisbasheruk: yes, but you have to fetch your image from the main server10:03
BUGabundodata transfer around many terabytes10:03
BUGabundoand this are LOCAL server10:03
BUGabundoi can even image how much bw does it take for every server in MAIN10:04
BUGabundoi dont even know how many are there... behind that proxy10:04
loomsen1most of all, i'd bet more than 75% upgraded already anyway10:04
BUGabundowgrant: do u know?10:04
Jordan_UBUGabundo, How does mirrors.kernel.org usually fair?10:04
BUGabundoJordan_U: i dont use those, so i cant tell10:04
wgrantBUGabundo: How do I know what?10:05
haggisbasherukloomsen1: doesn't daily jaunty image + update = final release10:05
joaopintoBUGabundo, archive.ubuntu.com points to 5 different IPs10:05
loomsen1haggisbasheruk: it does10:05
wgrantBUGabundo: Oops, misread.10:05
haggisbasherukglad i got it yesterday then :) loomsen110:05
loomsen1even if you hadnt reinstalled your system since the very first day of ubuntu it wont be a difference10:06
* Assid waits for his copy so he can stretch his legs and seed10:06
loomsen1-wont + wouldnt10:06
joaopintoBUGabundo, for pt we have only one :\10:06
BUGabundojoaopinto: its in coimbra!10:08
loomsen1actually i'm really looking forward to seeing this channel getting obsolete within 10 mins after the release :D10:08
BUGabundojoaopinto: but behind any IP u could have a mirade of servers10:08
BUGabundowgrant: if u know how many servers are behing releases.u.c and cdimage10:08
wgrantBUGabundo: I don't.10:09
joaopintoBUGabundo, right, if you use a proxy10:09
BUGabundojoaopinto: which is a good idea for round robin10:09
* Assid will put up a mirror IF he can get his hands on it10:09
joaopintoBUGabundo, is very unlikely that they have 5 proxys for archive.ubuntu.com :P10:09
BUGabundou never know!10:09
BUGabundomaybe diferent places10:09
joaopintoBUGabundo, for round robin they are already using the DNS :P10:09
BUGabundojoaopinto: where are all those IPs from? diff ISPs?10:09
joaopintoBUGabundo, well, all those 5 IPs are on the same subnet....10:10
* haggisbasheruk farts to clear the room for final release :)10:10
loomsen1(heard small countries like luxembourg and the netherlands have some pretty fair servers which arent under 2 heavy load)10:10
loomsen1so get the 10 MB of the netinstall and gogogo10:10
adam7just use bittorrent10:11
adam7spread the load :)10:11
LordKowthis channel wont be obsolete immediately after release. there are some of us who are already thinking karmic10:11
minimec_9.04 is not stable at all. Just another system freeze by clicking the banshee icon in the tastbar...10:12
loomsen1lol #210:12
loomsen1well, leonidas more likely10:12
BUGabundoi wonder if netinstall handles BT10:12
BUGabundonot bluetooth ROFL10:12
loomsen1well, 10MB?10:13
haggisbasherukminimec try banshee with debug option , -d i think10:13
loomsen1BT would prlly be prelonging everyything rather dann helping to spread with 10mb10:14
Jordan_UBUGabundo, You can use bittorrent with apt so it should be doable, though not a built in feature10:14
loomsen1really BT with apt?10:14
adam7you can download the iso then upgrade from that10:14
ganeshar what time wioll 9.04 be released..?its 23rd today..10:15
rubsohey guys, which is better ext3 or ext2 filesystem?10:15
minimec_haggisbasheruk: That is not a banshee thing. Compiz starts to struggle with more then 4 Windows in use. You see the performance goiing down instantly... and I am not on a Intel graphics chip.10:15
adam7rubso: ext3 if you need journaling10:15
loomsen1how did u partition minimec?10:15
haggisbasherukminimec :(10:16
BUGabundo!debtorrent | loomsen110:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about debtorrent10:16
rubsoadam7: what's the advantage of 'journaling'?10:16
BUGabundo!apt-torrent | loomsen110:16
ubottuloomsen1: The idea for using BitTorrent for pushing out updates has been registered here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/apt-torrent10:16
loomsen1BUGabundo: tx10:16
minimec_loomsen1: seperate /home and a 500mg swap10:17
adam7rubso: if your computer crashes, you can recover: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journaling_file_system10:17
loomsen1mounted with noatime option? helped here10:17
rubsoah, Thanks for the link mate!10:17
minimec_loomsen1: ext310:17
loomsen1minimec: been using jaunty for quite a while and really had to fight hard against a high cpu load bug10:18
noqqSo.. where is 9.04 full release? :)10:19
loomsen1update-manager -d10:19
noqqloomsen1: Ow sorry k, was only checking the website.10:19
noqqCan I also choose from there to update to Netbook Remix?10:19
loomsen1noqq: dunno10:20
BUGabundoloomsen1: dude... preface messages! LOL10:20
BUGabundonoqq from cdimage10:20
BUGabundonoqq: http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ubuntu-9.04-rc-netbook-remix-i386.img10:20
blackbutterfly_IT IS RELEASED!!!! SEE UBUNTU.COM!10:21
noqqBUGabundo: Ye, Iḿ already running 9.04 .iso RC, because I didn know how to write .img, people told I could update afterwards to Netbook in Ubuntu itself.10:21
* BUGabundo ppl should stop hammering cdimage! i cant even load it now10:21
blackbutterfly_....just a joke *hides*10:21
slytherinnoqq: AFAIK, all the packages related to netbook remix are in repository (except any proprietary codes you might be using).10:21
loomsen1well, wont be much for me anyway ^^10:21
noqqslytherin: "AFAIK"?10:22
incorrectwhen should i start mirroring jaunty repositories?10:22
loomsen1noqq: as far as i know10:22
noqqloomsen1: Lol k10:22
loomsen1incorrect: whut? yesterday?10:22
incorrectloomsen1, let me see what poor suckers bandwidth i can eat10:23
BUGabundoincorrect: humm cron rsync every 2h ?10:23
minimec_loomsen1: I am using this on a 5year old HP nc8000 Laptop. My testing machine... I see prolbems with compiz, xorg 1.6 and the bluetooth stack.10:23
slytherinnoqq: As far as I know10:23
incorrectBUGabundo, 2m?10:23
BUGabundoeheh 2 min wouldnt even allow to connect10:24
loomsen1minimec still not usual... my roommate has a P4 of the same age, been running it without any problems, had one instance of VBox running with my pokerapps and installed another winXP iso into a second one10:25
loomsen1minimec:so this should work10:25
minimec_loomsen1: Maybe it's the OpenSource ati driver. I don't know...10:26
loomsen1minimec_: but, tbh, i'm not 2 convinced of jaunty at all anyway10:26
loomsen1have u tried with indirect rendering?10:27
minimec_loomsen1: Not either until now, but I give it a chanve to improve ;)10:27
minimec_loomsen1: ATI opensource driver has no indirect rendering as far as i now.10:28
loomsen1minimec_: nah, i'm gonna run it one more month and then replace it with fedora i think10:28
loomsen1minimec_: no direct rendering more likely10:29
minimec_loomsen1: The property driver has indirect rendering now, but very early stage (poor performance).10:30
BUGabundoanndddddd kubuntu is out ftp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/kubuntu/releases/9.04/release/10:31
loomsen1minimec_: just 2 state: direct rendering: the gpu renders incoming events10:31
loomsen1minimec_:  indirect rendering: the X server does10:31
loomsen1minimec_: so events are not passed to the video device directly10:31
UbubeginBUGabundo: what about the fan favourite... Ubuntu...10:32
loomsen1(GPU could render faster than the X server, so direct rendering is what you'd like to have ):)10:32
BUGabundoUbubegin: its coming its coming10:32
dn4when I plug in my portable usb drive in jaunty it mounts it as a Read-only file system and IC annot delete files off the usb drive10:33
dn4any ideas?10:33
mntnpngntorrent doesn't seem to be working10:33
minimec_loomsen1: I know that. That's why I tell you, that the ati property driver included indirect rendering for compiz with version catalyst 9.3. But it is very slow. The opensource driver has no indirect rendering.10:33
UbubeginBUGabundo: ewww... i got reminded of some *movies* ... "its coming,its coming" ...10:33
BUGabundodn4: sudo chown -R YOURUSER10:33
loomsen1minimec_: oh, i see, so no rendering infrastructure at all10:33
joaopintoBUGabundo, that will no work for a vfat filesystem10:34
therpis this the right place to whine about the VRGB qt bug?10:34
dn4dn4@dn4:~$ sudo chown -R dn410:34
dn4chown: missing operand after `dn4'10:34
adam7therp: use a USB key10:34
adam7(whoops, wrong person)10:34
loomsen1dn4: how did u create the filesystem?10:34
joaopintodn4, what type of filesystem does the usb device contain ?10:34
cellxnew edubuntu is online10:34
linux-hdtvHi, is eSata hotplugging working on the latest Jaunty ?10:34
minimec_loomsen1: I have direct rendering with the opensource driver, but no indirect...10:35
freakabcdBUGabundo, do you know if the dvd iso will be released at the same time??10:35
loomsen1minimec_: did u log out after your first login? you prlly did right10:35
loomsen1minimec_: cause on first launch theres protobuf building its cache10:36
mntnpngnahh..  it looks like it's out10:36
BUGabundomntnpngn: not yet10:37
minimec_loomsen1: I had a complete system freeze (even 'raising skinny elephants...' wasn't possible anymore.10:37
BUGabundothey are waitng for some mirrors to ssync10:37
* BUGabundo bets rsync link already has final10:37
therpare the mirror using bittorrent to sync?10:37
loomsen1minimec_: oouuuhhhh hurts10:38
therpprobably not... but in this case it would make total sense ;)10:38
joaopintousually mirrors use rsync10:38
dn4loomsen1, the file system was already created on the usb drive10:38
mntnpngnwhat is ubuntu-9.04-mid-lpia.img ?10:38
BUGabundotherp: no... just plain old rsync10:38
mrweshas the the feeding frenzy began?10:39
X3website news http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-9.04-desktop annouces release of jauty for today yet nothing is out10:39
freakabcdBUGabundo, i see the kubuntu dvd iso. but from my experience only the cd iso for ubuntu gets released straight away10:39
joaopintoX3, the day is not over yet10:39
mntnpngncca45d814048b5b322773561ad7c75d8 *ubuntu-9.04-dvd-i386.iso10:39
freakabcdi've had to wait a day or so to get the dvd iso previously. hopwe it is not the case today10:39
mntnpngnis that correct md5 ?10:39
loomsen1dn4:  so you wanna delete the actual content and create a whole new one?10:39
dn4loomsen1, nope I just want to delete files on the usb drive10:40
dn4apparently Jaunty likes to automount the file system as Read-Only10:40
X3joao pinto amigo does the 23rd correspond to UK 23rd or another timezone 23rd10:40
cellxkubuntu is now released for amd64 and i38610:40
freakabcdmntnpngn, where did you find the dvd iso?10:41
mntnpngnit looks like isos were built on 21st10:41
loomsen1dn4: you most likely will have to deflate the file system first10:41
freakabcduh.. you're looking in the dvd directory?10:41
nikolas_hi guys, when should we expect the final release of 9,4?10:41
dn4loomsen1, what does that mean?10:41
mrwesI smell blood in the water10:41
rubsocellx: where do i find the cd iso?10:41
X3nicolas 23rd mate today sometime10:42
loomsen1if you had a bootable image you orlly have a squashfs, little endian, ramfs or so image10:42
X3cellx links pls10:42
freakabcdX3, well.. some of us in AU/NZ are going to 24th pretty soon :)10:42
mntnpngnI know where the isos are but I'm not touching it...   I should let it mirror first10:42
=== minimec_ is now known as minimec
freakabcdmntnpngn, but these are the one not from 21st right?10:42
X3freakabcd: no shit really10:42
freakabcdif yes, i know where those are10:43
rubsocellx: that's DVD. where is the CD version?10:43
freakabcdi'm waiting for a proper statement saying that those are the full release dvd isos10:43
X3freakabcd keep waiting10:43
cellxrubso: sorry, it?s only dvd...10:43
anishthe ftp iso's still show 4/2110:43
X3they may be there yet the switch may have not been flicked yet10:44
rubsocellx: what!?!!! no more CD releases!?10:44
cellxrubso: no, maybe bit later...10:44
BUGabundorubso: NO10:44
anishso when its released , everyone here just stops talking about jaunty and switches to koala ?10:44
mntnpngnfreakabcd: I'm looking at the bunch of .iso, .torrent, .list, and .manifest files...   .torrent has timestamp of 4/23/2009 9:07 AM10:44
rubsooh, ok. thank god.10:44
dn4k I did10:44
dn4sudo chown -R dn4 /media/SEA_DISK10:45
dn4that might work it is going through 100gb of files changing permission10:45
BUGabundodn4: what FS was the pen?10:45
mntnpngnfreakabcd: however .iso file has timestamp of 4/21/2009 06:58pm10:45
dn4BUGabundo, vfat10:45
dn4wait -R is read only10:45
dn4I don't want READ ONLY I want to delete stuff10:45
loomsen1-R is recursive10:46
BUGabundodn4: chown wont work on vfat10:46
X3well Im gonna try the ftp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/kubuntu/releases/9.04/release/kubuntu-9.04-dvd-i386.iso in VM ill let you guys know if its the final or not soon as I have it10:46
loomsen1but you still will have to deflate your image10:46
BUGabundoloomsen1: 3rd time: preface nicks10:46
freakabcdmntnpngn, 6:58 pm? i can see dvd-iso with 21/4/09 2006 hrs10:46
BUGabundodn4: maybe it was not unmount properly10:46
dn4BUGabundo, any ideas then on how to access the file system and delete stuff?10:46
loomsen1BUGabundo: i'm really sorry buddy, honestly, i'm tryin10:46
mntnpngnhehe...  admin blocked it already10:47
adnchello, is the exact release time known for ubuntu 9.04?10:47
BUGabundodn4: fsck it, and then remount10:47
mntnpngnit usually happens around 7-9am EST10:47
cellx7pm GMT maybe..10:48
minimecYasf 'yet another system freeze' lol10:48
dn4BUGabundo, fsck /dev/sdb1 ?10:48
mntnpngnthe servers are inaccessible for a day or two....10:48
loomsen1BUGabundo: dont you think he has a *.img file? mountin it still wont extract single files10:48
adncthank you, then it is not worth waiting for it10:48
loomsen1it's most likely an Iso image10:49
ubottuJaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+110:49
mntnpngnanyone know what ubuntu-9.04-mid-lpia.img is?   it's 827648 KB in size10:49
dn4You must have r/w access to the filesystem or be root10:49
freakabcdmntnpngn, err.. an image?10:49
slytherinmntnpngn: lpia is low powered intel architecture, in other words atom processors.10:50
BUGabundodn4: if the disk is not properly unmount even root wont mout it with RW10:50
deanymntnpngn, mobile edition, lpia arch (like G1 mobiles and netbooks)10:50
freakabcdperhaps you just extract it or dd it into a mid SSD10:50
X3ubottu: this is ubuntu+110:50
loomsen1[BUGabundo: dn4:}  isos are mounted read only10:50
BUGabundodn4: thats why i adviced u to fsck10:50
mntnpngnahh...  nice...  thanks10:50
BUGabundoloomsen1: its a USB Drive10:50
loomsen1yes, but the image is an image10:51
loomsen1BUGabundo: otherwise he'd be able to acess files10:51
haggisbasheruki would imaging the mid image is not so good with the new intel driver10:51
BUGabundodamn! dont u read?10:51
dn4Free cluster summary wrong (468761 vs. really 100587)10:51
BUGabundosee ?10:51
mntnpngnI got .torrent files for the final release isos but trackers aren't working yet10:51
td123do they have the desktop cds yet?10:51
loomsen1BUGabundo: erm, not why this should be an evidence for any of out theories, but i obv see that sth went wrong while creating it o.O10:53
dn4odd BUGabundo when I try to correct the free cluster it doesn't do anything10:53
loomsen1(whispers: unless its a compressed FS)10:54
mntnpngnohh... so tempting to post the link..10:54
loomsen1sup NTAuthority10:54
NTAuthorityI just installed Jaunty10:54
NTAuthorityand my keyboard is acting strange10:54
NTAuthoritytyping e's, i's and a's everywhere10:55
NTAuthorityand not listening to many keys10:55
NTAuthorityduring typing this, the Insert menu opened 15 times10:55
NTAuthority(in Pidgien, and there are the e'se)10:55
NTAuthorityon Windows, eno problems, so tehe keyboard isne't broken10:55
NTAuthority(note the extraneous e's)10:56
minimecNTAuthority: What kind of keyboard is that? PS/2 or USB? Manufacter?10:56
NTAuthorityUSB, apple default, worked with other Ubuntus10:56
NTAuthority(white apple plastic)10:56
dn4the FS says W95 FAT32 (LBA)10:56
loomsen1NTAuthority: is it a new account you created?10:57
NTAuthorityfrom after install10:57
BUGabundodn4: lets start over10:57
BUGabundodn4: u have an USB stick in vfat right?10:57
BUGabundowhat do u have there?10:57
dn4Seagate portable USB10:57
minimecNTAuthority: I also have some regressions on my Logitech mouse. Could be xserver 1.6 related or HAL (usb).10:57
NTAuthorityokay, it's normal e's, and alt-i/alt-a together10:57
NTAuthorityminimec: and my mouse is less stable as well, may be10:58
loomsen1NTAuthority: you may configure it in your xorg.conf if you want it to be more stable, you probably didnt recofigure the initial xorg.conf yet right?10:59
NTAuthoritystill default config yeah10:59
NTAuthorityofftopic by the way, WOW, kde4.2 looks really nice11:00
NTAuthorityinstalled kdebase-workspace to run plasma in gnome, cute tasklist panel :)11:01
BUGabundodn4: so do u have any important data there?11:01
dn4I think I know what happened11:01
dn4it is all due to power issues getting to the device11:02
BUGabundoand fsck doesnt fix those?11:02
loomsen1NTAuthority: http://pastebin.com/m6b4f1de411:02
loomsen1modify it to your likings and add it to your xorg.conf11:03
mntnpngnso...  everyone is busy installing it?11:03
loomsen1NTAuthority: restart your x server, and it should be better11:03
NTAuthorityloomsen1: 'your likings', should I eknow about meouse settings ine xorg.conf?e :(11:03
dn4BUGabundo, I am fixing to say F it and delete the entire drive11:03
loomsen1NTAuthority: man xorg.conf11:03
NTAuthorityand would USB mice need another device name? / man, meh11:04
cavaradossihi, i try to add a pptp vpn to network manager, i have added correct settings but i took "failed connection timed out"11:04
loomsen1NTAuthority: nooo, just opern a terminal, and type: man xorg.conf11:04
BUGabundoguys calm down: ITS OUT11:04
BUGabundodn4: that would be on way11:04
drinkycrowanybody tried doom3 in jaunty yet?11:04
BUGabundodn4: fsck should work too11:05
NTAuthoritywasn't planning on reading man pages today11:05
leohartxBUGabundo: i cant access this site11:05
loomsen1then happy e'ing+NT11:05
cavaradossiis there any alternative network manager except11:05
loomsen1oops, fc11:05
mntnpngnblah...  torrent is still not working11:06
BUGabundoleohartx: too much load?11:06
cavaradossiis there any alternative network manager except  KVpnc ?11:06
BUGabundomntnpngn: still not there http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/11:06
loomsen1NTAuthority: i havent configured mine at all, got a logitech MX1100 with 12 buttons, all working11:06
cavaradossianyone to help me with VPN connection ?11:07
cavaradossipm me11:07
NTAuthorityit's mostly my keyboard after tweaking mouse[alt-i]sensi[alt-i]vity11:07
leohartxBUGabundo:there is no rc in these images, i hope it's real11:07
NTAuthoritymy mouse fix[alt-i]e[alt-i] afte[alt-i]r tha[alt-i]t11:07
mntnpngnwell..  I guess I'm lucky to have downloaded the torrent file before the server went down11:07
leohartxBUGabundo:btw, i've accessed in to it11:07
td123mntnpngn: no you aren't, no share it :P11:08
deanyis it safe to add  the vbox intrepid repo to jaunty?  the deb is listed for intrepid/jaunty11:08
loomsen1NTAuthority: serioz stuff, for sure11:08
haggisbasherukany word on PS3 image BUGabundo ?11:08
td123deany: I don't think so11:08
leohartxBUGabundo:but this final release is uploaded on 21st, too soon ?11:08
td123deany: I know that installing vbox regenerates the ramdisk and this could be a per kernel thing11:08
mntnpngnleohartx: I've noticed that too but .torrent has today's date on it11:09
BUGabundohaggisbasheruk: arent they built?11:09
td123deany: I wouldn't just add the repo without confirming if it would be ok or not11:09
deanyUbuntu 8.10 ("Intrepid Ibex") / Ubuntu 9.04 ("Jaunty Jackalope") i386 | AMD64   says its the same deb for both....11:09
BUGabundoleohartx: mirror admins just told me the 21 is FINAL... its in the .pool11:09
dn4thanks for the help anyways BUGabundo I am not sure why this stuff is happened :(11:09
haggisbasherukduno , havent looked BUGabundo, sorry11:09
BUGabundoDesktop: http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent11:09
NTAuthorityyay, so ctrl-alt-bksp is disabled nowadays11:09
leohartxBUGabundo: oh, i get it, ty11:09
ubottuJaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+111:10
RustAUwow 9.04 RC looks pretty11:10
td123wait, so is it released?11:10
td123what did BUGabundo paste then?11:10
haggisbasheruknotifications r nice RustAU11:10
popeylink to the torrent11:10
td123so torrent is up but no seeds?11:11
RustAUloads significantly faster11:11
BUGabundoRustAU: its out! really11:11
RustAUI didn't say it was out11:11
Guest95599got a question, today is april 23- where is 9.04 like fully?11:11
popeyBUGabundo: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2009-April/thread.html until there is an announcement there, it isnt11:11
popeyBUGabundo: you should know better11:12
Paavi2_0it's not out yet11:12
ninjafuryAfter upgrading to Jaunty, Netatalk isn't working properly. Can;t mount shared drive on my mac. Anyone know how I can fix this?11:12
Guest95599its april 23rd11:12
loomsen1cmon, the bot just told us it aint out yet11:12
haggisbasherukyes but sysv-rc-conf fiddling can make it super dupper fast RustAU ;)11:12
leohartxmntnpngn: can you give me bittorrent link ?11:12
cavaradossianyone to help me with VPN connection ? please pm me11:12
RustAUI'm not smart enough to fiddle with that11:12
BUGabundopopey: i do know better! bad on me! please kick me again11:12
anishalso, it aint 23rd april everywhere in the world11:12
mntnpngntrackers are not working yet11:12
RustAUis there a new font or am I picturing things?11:13
td123ok, right now I'm dling at 400KiB/s please don't start downloading 9.04 until AFTER I have finished :D11:13
Guest95599thats crap11:13
loomsen1the fonts have finally been corrected11:13
deanythe only update since yesterday when i installed a daily iso, is firefox... install a daily if you cant wait..11:13
Guest95599im getting 89!11:13
RustAUsudo update-manager -d ftw11:14
haggisbasherukyes RustAU fonts r nice n crisp11:14
leohartxonly juanty-server version is available11:14
BUGabundodeany: the firefox is in security11:14
BUGabundoso it wont change the iamges11:14
geophoenixcoming soon.................11:14
BUGabundoleohartx: no! desktop too11:14
ninjafuryso anyone know why netatalk stops working in Jaunty?11:14
Guest95599so, you guys were never truly sure of your release date you just wanted people to hope and wait?11:14
deanyim just sayin, there cant be a whole lot of difference between the last daily and the final...11:14
fincanstill there is no news?11:15
loomsen1deany:  dead on, couple of lines of code11:15
slytherincavaradossi: what help do you need with VPN?11:15
td123damn it ppl, I told you to not click the link after I finished dling 9.04, now I'm at 250kbs11:15
slytherinGuest12333: we are sure of date, we are not sure of time11:15
dn4deany, and loomsen1 wouldn't apt-get upgrade solve that issue with those lines of code?11:15
RustAUrestarting for nvidia drivers :-)11:15
slytherinGuest12333: have you ever been part of release process?11:15
Guest95599so maybe this afternoon when i get home11:16
loomsen1dn4:  it would it would11:16
thorit will come out at high noon gmt11:16
Guest95599do i have to uninstall the beta and reinstall a new image then?11:16
* dn4 is happy he downloaded the latest release a few days ago11:16
joaopinto!beta | Guest9559911:16
ubottuGuest95599: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.11:16
NTAuthorityseems to occur in tty1 as well, but not on windows11:17
NTAuthorityand only after some time being booted11:18
loomsen1NTAuthority: dmesg | grep error11:18
loomsen1NTAuthority: dmesg | grep warning11:18
NTAuthoritya few:11:18
loomsen1NTAuthority: then plug your keyboard/mouse out, plug it back in11:18
NTAuthority[  249.566581] keyboard.c: can't emulate rawmode for keycode 24011:18
loomsen1NTAuthority: and run dmesg | tail11:18
* td123 is going to be happy in approximately 35 minutes :D11:18
td123unless I drop below 200kbs11:19
loomsen1NTAuthority: and dont post it here11:19
rascal999anyone know when 9.04 is ready?11:19
td123it's already out11:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about notyet11:19
loomsen1NTAuthority: pastebin.com11:19
BUGabundorascal999: its getting synced by mirrors11:19
td123I mean11:19
haggisbasherukfor those Aspire One users out there , Kuki Linux 1.7 (based on Jaunty final) is now in testing #kukilinux for details11:19
td123ynot ready11:19
BUGabundoshould be out soon11:19
Yasserwhat does noncdn release mean???11:19
NTAuthorityyasser: not-redistributed to mirrors, I think 'no Content Delivery Network'11:20
therpwhat would be the easiest way to rebuild a jaunty package from source? is apt-build still recent?11:20
loomsen1therp: yes11:20
NTAuthorityhm, may be my hub, should try directly connecting to the root hub11:20
error404notfoundis there a way to get pinged as soon as jaunty is released?11:21
fincanfinally :)11:21
td123error404notfound: lol?11:21
Yasseryoohoo its out!11:21
MantorpFINNALY it's out11:21
td123error404notfound: click on my link, you can already dl it11:21
error404notfoundtd123, exactly.... i have beenw aiting for 2 weeks on this channel11:21
fincanwaiting for CD :)11:21
fincanI could found only DVDs11:21
td123cd is out11:22
NTAuthoritymy problem seems fixed for now... now I know should replace my hub I think11:22
miklcctWhere can I find the final?11:22
fincanlink CD link plz11:22
loomsen1NTAuthority: good11:22
td123link is in history11:22
td123i already pasted link11:22
Yasserno torrent for unr iso???11:22
error404notfoundbut the site says its yet to come11:22
c00pcan u update via apt yet ?11:22
BUGabundoYasser: http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent11:22
OsamaK_Is <http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/> the finals?11:23
BUGabundoc00p: $ update-manager -d11:23
BUGabundoOsamaK_: yes11:23
YasserBUGabundo, i meant netbook emix torrent11:23
leohartxtd123 : i cant find it11:23
td123leohartx: look again, I'm not repasting11:23
OsamaK_great. good job all :)11:23
td123leohartx: look at OsamaK_'s link11:23
joaopintoBUGabundo, judging from the releases.ubuntu.com redirect, they use some CDN system :P11:23
leohartxOsamaK_ : great11:23
=== OsamaK_ is now known as OsamaK
Yassermaan so many leechers n so little seeders...im going for the link11:24
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me fix my screen resolution... i am on jaunty now and i am unable to get screen resolution. When i boot i get a message that i915 drivers not founds and that ubuntu is running in low graphics mode11:25
c00pBUGabundo: ta11:25
c00pdoing now :)11:25
fincanlol main channel blocked for chatting xD11:25
fincanis ready :)11:25
drinkycrowanybody tried doom3 in jaunty yet?11:26
geophoenix ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso            20-Apr-2009 15:3011:27
geophoenixits not ready11:27
c00pyay 400kbps for me :)11:28
leohartxi'll try dvd version this time11:28
miklcctc00p: Which mirror do you use?11:28
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me fix my screen resolution... i am on jaunty now and i am unable to get screen resolution. When i boot i get a message that i915 drivers not founds and that ubuntu is running in low graphics mode11:28
Guest95599how are you guys getting 400 kbps?11:28
c00pmirror.aarnet.edu.au :)11:28
c00pI think anyways11:28
oobeapt-get dist-upgrade doesnt do anything11:28
BUGabundooobe: $ update-manager -d11:29
BUGabundooobe: this is not Debian11:29
oobethat doesnt do anything either11:29
PerryArmstrongoobe; just follow the instructions here.. http://ossarchives.blogspot.com11:29
noqqYou people mean with $, sudo?11:29
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me fix my screen resolution... i am on jaunty now and i am unable to get screen resolution. When i boot i get a message that i915 drivers not founds and that ubuntu is running in low graphics mode11:29
miklcctI normally download ISOs from http://ftp.hostrino.com/pub/ubuntu/cdimage/ at about 10MB/s but there is no Jaunty.11:30
BUGabundonoqq: NO SUDO for UM11:31
leohartxmiklcct: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/11:31
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me fix my screen resolution... i am on jaunty now and i am unable to get screen resolution. When i boot i get a message that i915 drivers not founds and that ubuntu is running in low graphics mode11:31
geophoenixyou have to w8 more to download it from mirrors11:31
td123coming back when my cd dl's :d11:31
=== jordan is now known as Guest72275
Guest72275how are people getting 400 kbps for the download(of the RC) ?11:32
miklcctIs there a mirror with Jaunty at speed more than 1MB/s?11:32
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel libdrm-intel111:32
drinkycrowdoes jaunty implement Linux Really Flexible Sound System 3000 Ultra Edition?11:33
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; already installed11:33
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: if it still wont work check if your driver got blacklisted maybe?11:33
ikoniageophoenix: please stop that11:33
loomsen1and look around11:33
geophoenixhave to stop eating on my keyboard:P11:33
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; can you check here..http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111568411:34
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; the problem started since 8.10 and its still existing in 9.0411:34
marcusdavidushello is me again11:35
RustAUhow can I remove the mounted disk links from the desktop?11:35
tucunaIt has been released!11:35
tucunaanyone wants a torrent link?11:35
Guest72275if i keep the beta updated... will i get all the fancy desktop stuff that is supposed to come with the full version of 9.04?11:35
leohartxi knew :)11:35
marcusdavidusanyone got problem with temporally slowdowns in video play ?11:35
NTAuthoritywho invented the 'indicator applet' - lol11:36
dn4why did marcusdavidus get banned?11:37
Guest72275is this real?11:37
ikoniadn4: don't worry about it11:37
fincanlol change channel topic :)11:38
leohartxthis is amd 64 dvd version, there is no "rc" but i'll perform checksum before use it : ftp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/dvd/20090421.3/jaunty-dvd-amd64.iso11:38
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; hit on any solution??11:38
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: still readin11:38
_g0tmi1k_so its out?11:38
leohartxi cant belive that final release had came on 21st11:38
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; okk11:38
RustAUout at http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/11:39
_g0tmi1k_not the RC?11:39
_g0tmi1k_its final11:39
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: guess the driver you specified is simply wrong, but i cant tell u as i dont have an intel11:39
geophoenixinstead of hunting the link to download 9.04 , let's w811:39
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; so how will i know that... i never got this problem in hardy11:39
_g0tmi1k_but its out?11:39
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: could you post your actual xorg.conf into the thread? that would be helpful11:39
miklcctgeophoenix: I'm urgent in getting a live CD to boot to modify my / partition.11:40
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; sure in a second11:40
tucunageophoenix - why wait - just get the torrent and help distribute11:40
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; done11:41
_g0tmi1k_wheres the tortrent?11:41
miklcctI want to get the CD in 2 minutes.11:41
sandraladei have the rc installed but flash plugin wasnt working11:41
geophoenixmiklcct: any Livecd can do that11:41
tucuna_g0tmi1k_ - yes, it is out11:41
ikoniadn4: please control your language, we know what WTF means and don't need to see it11:41
sandraladeso i uninstalled it and installed intrepid flash11:41
sandraladeis working fine11:41
sandraladeone problem left11:42
_g0tmi1k_thanks for the torrent!11:42
=== ubuntu-drummond is now known as Mobuntu
PerryArmstrongisn't the final release not yet out. I still see only the RC11:42
_g0tmi1k_going to dl it @ uni, then seed it at home!11:42
sandraladerunescape high detail crashes firefox11:42
bibsthajunty is out right?11:42
sandraladein intrepid was working ok11:42
drinkycrowanybody tried doom3 in jaunty yet?11:42
joaopintosandralade, have you filed a bug report about it ?11:42
bibsthais Jaunty out already?11:43
bibsthawhere can i know?11:43
sandraladei read about the same bug11:43
sandraladeit wasnt solved11:43
bibsthahttp://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ says its out pls where can i find about it?11:43
joaopintobibstha, read the topic11:43
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: ?11:43
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic11:43
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; ???11:43
tucunajoaopinto - but that is outdated11:43
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: Your driver line should read i810 rather than i91511:43
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: try please11:44
joaopintotucuna, no it's not11:44
tucunayes it is11:44
bibsthajoaopinto, http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ says it is already11:44
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; okk i'll try that..but i was told i915 is the updated version11:44
loomsen1oh, well, possible11:44
loomsen1as i said, i dont have an intel card11:44
Guest72275i detest transmission11:45
Guest72275takes forever to look up my port11:45
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: but u should remove all these modelines if you did not create then yourself11:45
joaopintotucuna, bibstha , the release itself involves several announcements, web, irc, etc, the official announcement was not made yet, despite the final image being available already on some sources11:45
minimecGuest72275: Deluge is your friend...11:45
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: even if, you probably wont need them11:45
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; then how will i get all those resolutions??11:45
* Guest72275 hugs Deluge then11:45
tucunajoaopinto sounds like my grandfather or a priest - who cares?11:46
joaopintotucuna, if you dont care, just don't ask !11:46
naxahi all!11:46
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; i might need 1024x768 and 1024x800.... these two modes are perfect for my XP11:46
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: if your device is capable you'll get them, if not the moelines won't change it neither11:46
tucunai am not asking11:46
joaopintotucuna, so do not answer either11:46
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; because of these problems i decided to get a new monitor and also a graphic card11:46
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: this doesnt affect your XP if you have a dualboot sys11:47
loomsen1yeah, i915 is a cpl of years old right11:47
minimecPerryArmstrong: <ctrl><alt>F1, then login, 2.) sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg 3.) sudo killall gdm 4.) sudo gdm && exit That's what I would do. Like that Jaunty is choosing the driver for you.11:47
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; no i just said that these resolutions look good with Xp and i suppose that it might work well with ubuntu11:47
Guest72275whats more important11:48
syadowwhy my amarok2 cant play mp3 ??11:48
Guest72275the fact i have a sinus infection and have a quiz in math today11:48
Guest72275or ubuntu11:48
ikoniaGuest72275: the first is offtopic - so I suggest dropping it11:48
Guest72275it was a joke11:48
bibsthajoaopinto, woohoo.. thanks so its the official iso im guessing11:48
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; so shouldn't i change the code from i915 to i810??11:48
minimecsyadow: I would add the medibuntu.org repo and then search for 'lame' in synaptic.11:48
ikoniabibstha: its not11:49
ikoniabibstha: wait for the announcment on the main page11:49
aboSamoor Hi, can you help me ? I want to download a podcast. Rhythmbox is not saving the files by their titles, banshee can not continue downloading [known bug] ?!11:49
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: well if you say its updated... dunno11:49
loomsen1then no ^^11:49
varanussyadow: you should download the codecs, if you haven't done it already11:49
joaopintobibstha, it is likely to be the final iso, but until it's announced, you are not sure ;)11:49
PerryArmstrongloomsen1;  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  by running this i get back the same code which i got before changing it. This makes my screen resolution smaller11:50
nabilelisahi all - is there any difference between "installing the RC now and doing a software update later on today when the final version is released" and "waiting to install the final version"?  i'd think they would have the same result if i can get the RC to install correctly, but maybe somebody here knows otherwise?11:50
PerryArmstrongand very difficult to look at the screen11:50
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: this only generates a default config11:50
joaopinto!beta | nabilelisa11:50
ubottunabilelisa: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.11:50
bibsthajoaopinto, humm considering the fact that its not released yet.. i guess it will still take 3-4 more hours?11:50
syadowvaranus, but my rythmbox can play ..... it tats meant i aldy download da codec or amarok2 got differnt codec?11:50
slytherinminimec: lame is not mp3 decoder, it is encoder11:50
PerryArmstrongloomsen1;  okk then how do i come back to my GUI11:50
joaopintobibstha, no idea, the release can happen any time :)11:50
slytherinsyadow: does amarok use gstreamer as backend?11:51
nabilelisaubottu: thanks!11:51
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:51
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: how? i didnt tell u to run that! i never tell anyone to run that...11:51
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: hold on a minute11:51
loomsen1i'm writing a minimal xorg.conf for ya11:51
minimecslytherin: yeah, I have seen that now. I thought it does both11:52
PerryArmstrongloomsen1;  okk11:52
Rods_Tigerbefore Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04 gets released, could someone check the dialogue box when you press the 'power' icon in the bottom right of the screen, and confirm that the 'quit session' dialogue box has an entry for 'restart' that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever?11:52
syadowslytherin, i dont know11:52
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: could u run lspci | grep -i video please11:53
loomsen1just to make sure your bus id is correct11:54
Rods_Tigerthe 'quit' icon I mean, not the 'power' icon.11:55
sandralademy first linux distro was fc 3 lol11:55
BUGabundoback after power failuer11:56
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: ...11:56
BUGabundolet me check release party11:57
PerryArmstrongloomsen1;  no output11:57
minimecPerryArmstrong: Its lspci |grep VGA  ;)11:58
loomsen1minimec: :)11:58
loomsen1minimec: thx11:58
PerryArmstrongloomsen1;  00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)11:58
PerryArmstrongminimec; thanks11:58
sandraladewhats the indicator applet used for on rc?11:59
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: answered to your thread12:00
bibsthaeveryone is pming with their blog links12:00
PerryArmstrongloomsen1;  i'll check it12:00
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: checked blacklists too and didnt find i91512:01
loomsen1so... should be fine12:01
mib_y0kegaquestion for kubuntu users does KOPETE support webcam chat on msn and yahoo msgr ?12:01
PerryArmstrongloomsen1;  so i should replace the code with this code and then restart12:02
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: and replace your current, if you want make a backup, but dont simply add this to the end12:02
PerryArmstrongloomsen1;  sure12:02
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: my synaptic shows intel as the driver12:03
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; so what does that indicate??12:03
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: its either i810 or intel12:04
td123aww yeah, just got ubuntu i386 desktop cd :D12:04
TychoQuadMy 3G modem is no longer identified by the network manager whenever I plug it in in Jaunty. it sees it if it's plugged in when I boot the computer, but if i disconnect it, it's lost until next boot. anyone have any ideas?12:04
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: the driverline12:04
td123have there been any problems with 9.04 yet?12:04
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading12:04
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; so i should try both options and see the result??12:04
s_spiffanyone upgrading?12:05
loomsen1yes, in the one i posted i issued i91512:05
loomsen1as you said12:05
s_spiffor recently upgraded?12:05
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: but there is no such driver installed12:05
mib_y0kegaquestion for kubuntu users does KOPETE support webcam chat on msn and yahoo msgr ?12:05
sandraladerelease candidate here12:05
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: try with intel as the driver first12:05
sponzorhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/9.04/ <--- this is still beta?12:05
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: if it fails, take i 81012:05
s_spiffsponzor: i think everything 9.04 is now in RC stage12:06
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; okk then12:06
s_spiffsandralade: no breakage issues right?12:06
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; i am restarting12:06
td123no, everything is out12:08
td123it doesn't say anything like alpha beta rc in the name for a reason12:09
incorrecti see the .iso out!12:09
the_eraserhey is jabber.org down i cant connect.12:09
incorrectthe download page has changed12:09
sandraladewheres the iso to find?12:09
BUGabundosandralade: releases.u.c12:10
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thewrathis jaunty out?12:11
incorrectlooks like its out12:11
incorrectcheck that mirror12:12
loomsen1the_eraser: i can acess jabber12:12
BUGabundothewrath: officially NO12:12
thewrathBUGabundo:  okay bc it does not say release canaddate anymore12:12
thewrathBUGabundo: how can the iso for intel x86 be between 600 & 700 mb12:13
mib_y0kegathis means it will be updating main page any min now12:13
thewrathhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ does not say RC12:13
loomsen1thewrath: common size for a desktop install cd12:13
thewrathBUGabundo:  how big is the ISO12:13
thewrathloomsen1: when i got the RC it was like 4gb12:13
whatteyye it is12:13
the_eraserloomsen1: Error resolving jabber.org:12:14
the_eraserTemporary failure in name resolution12:14
loomsen1thewrath: maybe you chose the dvd instead of the cd version12:14
cavaradossii have the beta 9.04 with all updates12:14
cavaradossido i have to download the iso?12:14
thewrathloomsen1: i downloaded it from this : http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/12:14
loomsen1the_eraser: http://pastebin.com/m8e2dbb212:15
thewrathloomsen1: i should be able to install it as a inwodws app right12:15
joaopinto!beta | cavaradossi12:16
ubottucavaradossi: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.12:16
loomsen1thewrath: i dont know buddy, dont have any clue bout windows installs12:16
thewrathloomsen1: okay12:16
BUGabundoQUESTION any one with fresh install can u please pastebin your sources.list ?12:16
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: wb12:16
sandraladeok ill do that12:16
holdensshttp://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/   no RC there anymore12:17
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; when i tried intel it got my screen smaller...nearly half the size of monitor12:17
CugelThey'll wait till all mirrors are updated.12:17
aguiteldates of iso images are abril 2012:17
thewrathwait till all mirrors are updated for waht Cugel12:18
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: i810 didnt work neither?12:18
td123I already dled the final iso12:18
td123works great12:18
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; when i tried i810 it got it the same way as it was with when i tired with i91512:18
PerryArmstrongnow i get only 1 error before login screen12:18
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: which is?12:18
CugelThey will wait with the announcement of 9.04.12:18
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, just got back again. There are 2 drivers for intel chipsets: i810 (old) and intel (new)12:19
* incorrect wonders when 9.10 will be out12:19
ikoniaincorrect: don't be silly please12:19
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; The following error was encountered: you need to update your configuration to sole this   (EE) No devices detected12:19
incorrectsorry i couldn' help it ikonia12:19
frk2incorrect on 9/10 ?12:19
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; and i am running Ubuntu in low graphics mode12:19
BUGabundoQUESTION any one with fresh install can u please pastebin your sources.list ?12:19
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; got back in the sense??12:20
freakabcdthe new intel driver in its current release and form *might* not be suitable for older chipsets (like mine, 855GM and maybe even yours!). In this case the Xorg people recommend you use i81012:20
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; and whats the new one??12:20
loomsen1freakabcd: passing this one to u ^^12:20
minimecPerryArmstrong: Again... what if you just did a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ...12:20
loomsen1minimec: STOP IT!12:20
ulngplease can someone tell me where the correct forum/chan is to ask the question "What time will Ubuntu 9.04 be released officially?"12:20
PerryArmstrongminimec; it shrinks my screen to half my monitor size12:21
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, What exactly is the problem? The display resolution on your laptop not the right one? I assume you have posted your xorg.conf file somewhere on pastebin?12:21
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: minimec: it just drops you back to default12:21
Cugelulng: here, of course.12:21
ulng:) Cugel12:21
loomsen1@ freakabcd12:21
the_eraserthe torrents are 23 april means its realesed?12:22
freakabcdthanks loomsen1. I will take a look now12:22
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; its pc not lappy12:22
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; i posted it here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7125052#post712505212:22
ulngso does anyone know when it's going to be released officially?12:22
sponzorin 3 ours12:22
ulngthanks sponzor12:22
sponzori m joking i dont know :P12:23
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, does not matter. i remember you mentioned 945G/GZ as your chipset. Xorg driver i810 supports this chipset. And so does the updated and 'newer' intel driver12:23
sponzorit should be soon becose the mirrors dont show rc anymore12:23
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; but then i still get that message12:23
PerryArmstrong The following error was encountered: you need to update your configuration to sole this   (EE) No devices detected12:24
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd, loomsen1, minimec; just something that i noticed.... i have a shotcut to screen resolution on my panel and i see the message "Unknown" and "Rotation not supported12:25
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: what if you simply comment out the BusID line and try again?12:26
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; hey where can i post my screenshot??12:26
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, that is very suspect. Intel chips (rather the intel) drivers are the first ones to add support (and really good one at that) for rotation. Infact XrandR from keithp was built up from the intel driver he was working on12:26
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: i like shutter12:26
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; whats the link12:27
TychoQuadMy 3G modem is no longer identified by the network manager whenever I plug it in in Jaunty. it sees it if it's plugged in when I boot the computer, but if i disconnect it, it's lost until next boot. anyone have any ideas?12:27
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: heres the sources.list entry:12:27
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, ls -l /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/i*12:28
AlleyKatis it out in the update channel?12:28
AlleyKat'it' being 9.04 :)12:28
freakabcdDoes that ^^^^ show intel_drv.so and i915_drv.so ?12:28
slaytonAlleyKat, do you like de-horning Unicorns?12:28
AlleyKatnot being a virgin I doubt I could catch one :P12:29
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; http://paste.ubuntu.com/156465/12:29
slaytonAlleyKat, read the channel topic12:29
PerryArmstrongloomsen1:i didnt follow what you said12:29
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: http://pastebin.com/m43fb3e2012:29
BonezAUany update on when the release will come out?12:30
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, i don;t see i915_drv.so in there so you cannot have Driver "i915" in your xorg.conf12:30
freakabcdedit it and make it i18012:30
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: thats the sources.list for shutter12:30
AlleyKatand no doubt that Q is asked a million times a day :) its just that the day of the RC I updated, and hmm I guess I was a few hours early... tok an hour...12:30
AlleyKatneed better line I know12:30
PerryArmstrongloomsen1:i forgot to say that i changed it just now to i810 and its the same12:30
AlleyKatmebbe I'll just wait and try tomorrow12:31
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: yes, you mentioned12:31
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd:i forgot to say that i changed it just now to i810 and its the same12:31
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freakabcdcan you post the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file?12:31
PerryArmstrongloomsen1:sorry i mistyped the message to you.. it was for freakabcd12:31
AlleyKatI just hope for something fixing my dual screen problem12:31
incorrectwhile installing 9.04 i was dismayed to see that the installed took over 5 minutes, can we should aim in future to have the installed done in around 30 seconds12:31
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, it is ok. I am paying attention :)12:31
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: ^^ thought so12:31
PerryArmstrongincorrect; i took me 2 days12:31
freakabcdAlleyKat, what graphics card?12:32
PerryArmstrongincorrect; my download speed is 12kbps....so took 2 days12:32
AlleyKatradeon HD 360012:32
incorrectPerryArmstrong, my pxe boot takes around 7 mins to build me a fully working system dropping on my custom config12:32
loomsen1freakabcd: PerryArmstrong basically you're doing the same we already did , and this is really strange12:32
PerryArmstrongloomsen1: ya... and i already did this 5 times before12:33
incorrectPerryArmstrong, i would install faster if you weren't hanging around on irc using up your bandwidth12:33
perlsyntaxwhen is ubuntu 9.04 is going to  be for download?12:33
freakabcdAlleyKat, last I heard, the ATI folk got their act together. I must have misheard if you've been having problems with just dual screen setups12:33
incorrectperlsyntax, it already is12:33
incorrectjust not offically12:33
perlsyntaxwhat the link?12:33
AlleyKatruns fine on screen 1, but lists too low hz speeds for screen 2... the 2 screens are exactly same type12:33
PerryArmstrongincorrect; while the upgrade took place i didnt take up any bandwith for other purposes12:34
perlsyntaxincorrect do you know the link?12:34
BonezAUlooks like the final release is out?12:34
perlsyntaxbut where12:34
incorrectperlsyntax, try looking at the dir structure of the mirrors12:34
AlleyKatit ran fine on b2, but after updating to b4, screen 2 began flickering12:34
xukunperlsyntax, http://www.releases.ubuntu.com/12:34
AlleyKatand the system became choppy12:34
incorrectBonezAU, it has been for ages12:34
freakabcdAlleyKat, b2..b4.. I don;t comprehend that unfortunately. Are these betas?12:35
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; where can i post my screenshot12:35
perlsyntaxi was looking on the main site12:35
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, imageshack.us12:35
perlsyntaxbut didn't see it12:35
BonezAUincorrect: so the final release is available via torrent only at this point in time?12:35
freakabcdperlsyntax, huh? click on the releases folder and there you have it12:36
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: did u install shutter? after you took the shot click screenshot-->upload12:36
loomsen1and chose one12:36
incorrectBonezAU, http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/ubuntu-releases/9.04/12:36
joaopintoBonezAU, officially the final releas is not available in anywhere12:36
incorrectapart from on that mirror12:36
AlleyKatI'll just wait a few days, then update and get back here for help resetting screen settings :) thx freakabcd12:36
darthanubisThere has only been one update since release candidate. Why every six months do ppl have a fetish with downloading, and jamming up the servers, to get the disc label "final". An apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade will suffice.12:36
perlsyntaxso that the stable one then12:37
freakabcdAlleyKat, perhaps best to ask for help also (simultaneously?) in #xorg12:37
PerryArmstrongloomsen1, freakabcd; http://img5.imageshack.us/content.php?page=done&l=img5/513/screenshotmfl.png12:37
BonezAUincorrect: thanks... but any idea why that mirror only?12:37
incorrectBonezAU, there are other mirrors12:38
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; i didnt find shutter in my repos12:38
AlleyKatafterall my win setup runs perfectly, its just that I'm a bit anxious to get a just as perfect setup in ubuntu and begin using that more permanently.. ok thx, good advice12:38
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, Thsi is after you changed the xorg.conf file and put i180 in the Driver line?12:39
loomsen1i posted the link to the sources twice...12:39
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, not to be pedantic, but you did restart X right?12:39
PerryArmstrongloomsen1,freakabcd; it was before and after12:39
JPSmanHA, so since all the servers are getting dos, where can I find a reliable torrent of the RC?12:40
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; actually i dont know whats X though i heard i many times and i dont know how to restart it... anyways i logged out for doing this12:40
BluesKajdarthanubis, the servers aren't allowing network upgrades yet , altho one can DL torrent, ftp etc images12:41
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, Ctrl-Alt-Backspace. make sure you save any docos or other work you were doing and close applications also before doing that key combo12:41
loomsen1freakabcd: wont work12:41
freakabcdloomsen1, huh?12:41
ienorandfreakabcd: dontzap...12:41
freakabcdloomsen1, did canonical remove that from Xorg code?12:42
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: X is what differences the ttys from your desktop environment, X binds input and output devices together12:42
ienorandPossibly alt+sysreq+K will work12:42
loomsen1and creates a more than BIOS12:42
darthanubisBluesKaj, I just updated and got the newer firefox. I was not talking about 8.10-9.04 but an update from a pre-release 9.0412:42
loomsen1BIOS= basic input output system12:42
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; freakabcd; ya it sisnt work when i pressed the keys12:42
frybyeHi - I have a fully- updated 9.04 that was a beta a bit back - and the brasero seems to be still held back?12:42
ienorandfrybye: install via synaptic?12:43
Cougartenhi, this seems o be a bug: I can check "import profiles" on install even if those are an the partition I will format. The profiles where not imoprted and are lost now. (I had a backup of home, others may have none)12:44
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; freakabcd; this problem existed more than 4 months12:44
loomsen1erm, PerryArmstrong12:44
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; freakabcd; i tried many ways...didnt work out12:44
frybyeienorand: synaptic says it is installed.. but I find it nowhere in the gui??12:44
loomsen1do u use a netbook?12:44
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; whats a netbook12:45
frybyeand the update manager gui shows it as held back...?12:45
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: a subnotebook12:45
mvofrybye: its a known bug, will get fixed via a update right after release. its still haveing the old brasero12:45
PerryArmstrongloomsen1;never heard of12:45
mvofrybye: just start update-manager and it should offer you the latest brasero12:45
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: nevermind, u said u have a desktop pc right12:46
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, out of curiosity; what are those CG video tutorials you have there on your desktop?12:46
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; ya12:47
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; i have Computer Graphics subject in my semester. I am a CS student...12:47
x3cionWhy does my kde update notifier show "5 software updates are available" even if there's none?12:47
frybyeI marked brasero for an update in synaptic and it seems to hvae worked...12:47
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; CG is computer graphics...12:47
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; i made lots of downloads this week and i have my sem exams...so i didnt find time to rearrange and clean my desktop12:48
mvofrybye: yeah, its just a transient issue, everyone will get it with the next update-manager run, its just a bit of a glitch not a real bug12:49
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, yes I knwo what CG is. I meant what tutorials are they? they are of lectures of the concepts/programming of CG (or) tutorials utilising certain programs (such as maya, 3dsmax,blender,etc.) ?12:49
mvo(well, its a real bug, but not a serious one)12:49
Nikola94I would rather wait for it to OFFICIALLY come12:49
CougartenI can check "import profiles" on install even if those are an the partition I will format. The profiles where not imoprted and are lost now.12:50
JPSmanhahhahahaha awesome.  But i'll wait for the torrent.  Anyone have a link???12:50
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; concepts.. you can get the video tutorials of many subjects at nptel.iitm.ac.in12:50
Nikola94it is NOT out YET!!!!!112:50
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; yes12:50
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: just found this12:50
|ns|nR8how long till its official and all the repos go down12:50
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, ok. i just wanted to know what the videos were of. I've seen way too many of them12:50
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: try and run it maybe, can hardly get worse...12:50
freakabcd|ns|nR8, all the repos 'go down' ?12:50
danbhfive|ns|nR8: the servers are already starting to distribute partial images.12:51
|ns|nR8there cool12:51
cousteaujaunty has just freezed12:51
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; what do i do with that??12:51
loomsen1run it12:51
loomsen1if you have it12:51
Nikola94cousteau: ofcourse, since you use illegal download link12:51
|ns|nR8they usually get a good hammering freakabcd12:51
freakabcd|ns|nR8, they're in that process right now12:51
|ns|nR8lots go down..not all12:51
cousteauI mean, it's not responding12:52
freakabcdthey don't go down. the link's become congested or the response is slow due to the load12:52
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; ??12:52
Raylzdo we have any date for the release?12:52
Raylzye, when12:53
cousteauit doesn't respond to REISUB12:53
X-TaZ8 minuts remaining .. :)12:53
Nikola94Let me tell you the rules12:53
minimeccousteau: I also have that problem with a ati9600 mobility + compiz + more than 4 WIndows open. Then I have a great risk for a complete system freeze.12:53
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: do you have such a file on your pc? cd /usr/share/bug/xserver-xorg-video-intel/12:53
freakabcdRaylz, if you want to know when the official announcement will arrive, then we have no clue. if you want the isos, you can grab them at the usual place(s)12:53
Nikola941. if it isn't released now, it will be released in 1 hour 2. look at rule number 1.12:53
cousteauin fact, this is a laptop so I'm not sure if the sysrq key works12:53
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: sudo chmod +x && ./script12:53
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; i have that directory12:54
frybyeremind me of the #name for the releaseparty please?12:54
Raylzfreakabcd: are they rc isos or finished images?12:54
cousteauneither Ctrl Alt F1 nor Ctrl Alt BkSp12:54
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: sudo chmod +x script && ./script12:54
freakabcdRaylz, final images. cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/releases <- check for yourself12:54
Raylzfreakabcd: ty12:55
freakabcdofcourse, use your closest/local mirror12:55
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; this is the output: ./script: 15: 3: Bad file descriptor12:55
Nikola94wait for the official announcment...12:55
danbhfivecousteau: how to you press the sysreq key?  C-PrintScreen?12:55
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: if you type pwd you get that directory? if so12:55
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; how do i run this??12:55
cousteaudanbhfive: Fn+del12:56
Raylzfreakabcd: it was http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/release/ though :)12:56
cousteauthe del key has a sysrq written on it12:56
PerryArmstrongloomsen; oshan@roshan:/usr/share/bug/xserver-xorg-video-intel$ pwd12:56
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: is what pwd shows?12:56
freakabcdcousteau, Fn+sysrq key12:56
danbhfivecousteau: hm, I guess its different for different keyboards12:56
freakabcdthat is sysrq. now press whatever else you need to along with that12:56
loomsen1ls -alh12:56
cousteauI have also tried Fn+prt scr, Fn+alt+prt scr...12:56
freakabcdcousteau, what do you want to press? i mean what combo? sysrq+... ?12:57
underjjjjjis it being released today or not?12:57
loomsen1no man12:57
Nikola94It will be12:57
cousteaufreakabcd: reisub12:57
ubottuJaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+112:57
freakabcdreisub ?12:57
Nikola94Guess not12:57
loomsen1just a late !st aprl joke12:57
Cougartenunderjjjjj: just install it, it will update as soon at it is final12:57
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; http://paste.ubuntu.com/156479/12:57
Nikola94lol, maybe12:57
underjjjjjwhat you mean no predetermined time. the release date is 23rd april12:57
loomsen1last year maybe12:58
loomsen1nothin new today12:58
minimecfreakabcd: raising elephants is so utterly boring reisub!12:58
freakabcdcousteau, if you mean you want to type out 'busier' holding the sysrq key, its not going to work on your laptop keyboard. cos 'i' and 'u' keys are numpad when Fn key is pressed.12:58
freakabcdis it reisub or busier?12:58
BluesKajunderjjjjj, the image iso is already available http://rs.releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/12:59
cousteauanyway, I've tried SysRq+B; that should reboot the PC12:59
cousteauand SysRq+RB12:59
omeryeah i see the release has been available http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/13:00
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: i'm sorry, i dont have any clue how i could help you there o.o13:00
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, mate. you're going to have better luck in #xorg with your issue. just hope that not all of them are sleeping at the same time :)13:00
cousteauI think it's a linux problem; I also had the same problem with a desktop pc13:00
freakabcdcousteau, what is a linux problem?13:01
cousteauor a similar one, can't remember13:01
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; already tried there with no success13:01
AlexFeraIf i have already ubuntu 9.04 RC, is there any need to reinstall ubuntu 9.04 final release?13:01
cousteauthe not working SysR1q13:01
ienorandonly sysrq+b is a bad idea, kinda like ripping power pug out of running computer...13:01
freakabcdi still don;t know what you want to do. i mean eventually; i.e. the reason for sysrq+...13:01
cousteauAlexFera: no, it will update automatically13:01
freakabcdcousteau, you do realize you need to have Alt pressed as well, right13:02
joaopinto!beta | AlexFera13:02
ubottuAlexFera: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.13:02
freakabcdcousteau, Alt+SysRq+b and say bye bye before.13:02
cousteauienorand: it's a good idea for testing if SysRq works13:02
cousteauand it doesn't13:03
PerryArmstrongloomsen1,freakabcd; i guess i'll leave13:04
PerryArmstrongloomsen1,freakabcd; no positive outcomes as of now13:04
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: sorry buddy13:04
cousteauI'm gonna reboot using the button and check if REISUB works with an unfreezed system13:04
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: gl with that13:04
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; no probs13:04
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; ya thanks13:04
cousteauok, the button did work13:05
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: yw, l8r13:05
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, i want to try out JJ on my laptop to see if I have any issues. and I am on the ancient 855GM chipset13:05
cousteauI didn't have to remove the charger and battery13:05
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; whats JJ13:05
freakabcdJaunty Jackalope13:05
freakabcdNext one is ofcourse KK13:05
BluesKajI guess we north american network upgraders have to wait for the sun to cross the international dateline before we get any service :)13:06
* BluesKaj goes back to bed13:06
PerryArmstrongloomsen1,freakabcd; and i suppose its better i buy a new monitor...this is an old one which i have...and i am getting a graphic card too.. which one is best for both Ubuntu and windows13:06
freakabcdSun don;t cross international dateline. Oracle already did: select * from Sun13:06
ulngfirst alpha release of 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is supposed to be May 14th13:06
loomsen1lol freak13:06
W8TAHBluesKaj: i dont know - im in north america and ive gotten all my updates -- im fully running 9.04 -- works sweet13:06
SwedeMikeplenty of people downloading via bittorrent already, anyway13:07
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: i like my nvidia in the meanwhile13:07
cousteauaargh!! I accidentally pressed and holded the Print Screen key13:07
SwedeMikeI'm seeding 50 megabit/s13:07
ienorandcousteau: ^^13:07
BluesKajW8TAH, did you get an update this morning ?13:07
cousteauand hundreds of screenshot windows have appeared13:07
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: and actually i'm at least not upset with their releases, so...13:07
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; is there any configuration no's to it like your monitor or motherboard13:08
W8TAHBluesKaj: ya13:08
BluesKajmain server?13:08
W8TAHBluesKaj: dunno - which ever is the default13:08
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: pardon? you mean if i lack support for sth? no actually not13:08
W8TAHBluesKaj: had 4 security updates waiting when i got here this morning13:08
BluesKajthe server depends on your area/location13:08
freakabcdW8TAH, default would be your local mirror13:08
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: i dont have a hdmi out so i cant check that13:09
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; sth??13:09
W8TAHoh - -ok - then i guess its the cleveland ohio area13:09
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: something13:09
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; hdmi??13:09
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: if you dont know what it is you prlly wont miss it13:09
ienorandcousteau: turn on group windows in panel and close group...13:09
cousteauhmm... Fn+prtscr == Fn+sysrq... weird13:09
freakabcdloomsen1, yo man. why you talking about hdmi to us lowly intel folk?13:09
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; i didnt get you13:09
cousteauienorand: never mind, I clicked several times on the Cancel button until it stopped13:10
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: did u ask if theres anything i'd like to run but am not able? then no13:10
ienorandcousteau: Yea, I have that as well, seems kernel ignores fn-keys or something13:10
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: but i have a notebook13:11
cousteauI hate laptops13:11
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: so, maybe i'm not the proper one to ask ^^13:11
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; okk13:11
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; i have been working on ubuntu since a year...and i reported maybe 3 bugs...13:11
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; and i wish to be a core devloper...though i dont know any coding for ubuntu..13:12
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; any idea13:12
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; i checked the wiki...its a bit crap13:12
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, don;t fret right away. It will take a long time.13:12
nandemonaiHi guys.13:13
freakabcdand everyone was a noob when they started. so no need to feel bad13:13
matissehow do I upgrade from 8.10 to 9.x ?13:13
nandemonaihttp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ <- Are the torrents here for the final?13:13
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; not anymore since i wanted to get badly into developing..13:13
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: maybe a nice start13:13
freakabcdthere are lots of meanings for 'developing' though13:13
nandemonaiI wanna help out by seeding :D13:13
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; not exactly...but then what i meant is...how should i go about13:13
nandemonai(Been on Jaunty since beta).13:14
joaopintonandemonai, there is no final version until there is an announcement13:14
drone1seed it13:14
freakabcdnandemonai, grab the torrent and get the iso and then seed13:14
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: http://linux.die.net/abs-guide/13:14
nandemonaiAh ok so the torrents there are for the RC?13:14
freakabcdnandemonai, torrents are there for the final release13:14
nandemonaiI'm a lil confused because it doesn't say rc.13:14
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; i meant it as be one of the persons responsible for coding in ubuntu. ;loomsen113:14
victimI recently updated to a Jaunty RC will I have to do something special whenever 9.10 is released?13:15
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: then try and contact the guys over at debian maybe13:15
nandemonaivictim: Just keep updating ;)13:15
victimthanks :)13:15
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, then you have a lot to learn. Sure there is coding going on for the linux distribution called 'ubuntu', but the amount of coding that goes into this, compared witht he coding that goes on for the applications is (frankly) almost nothing13:15
alex2jaunty is not rlsed ? :-O13:15
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; how frequent does the kernel et updated...is it as crazy as people like me waiting for an ubuntu release13:16
SwedeMikethere are plenty of mirrors that are still fast anyway, I had no problem getting 10 megabytes/s from my not so local mirror (10ms away)13:16
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: well, no ^^13:16
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; ohhh yes...i am aware of that13:16
=== the_eraser is now known as release_me
victimwill Jaunty ever be released? Isn't Jaunty the pre release code name for 9.10 or am I being pedantic?13:17
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; okk but then i suppose its the kernel which plays more important role than a release13:17
Light-no thats Karmic Koala13:17
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; okk but then i suppose its the kernel which plays more important role than a distro release13:17
SwedeMikevictim: you're confusing it with "sid" in debian.13:17
* victim lols at himself13:17
alex223.4 is now where it will be officialy ? :P13:18
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; i have unix in this sem...so i do know some commands....i just checked that link13:18
victimSwedeMike: I probably am, I've tried many distro and they all have excellent naming conventions13:18
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: http://git.kernel.org/13:19
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, if you want to get into kernel devel, then I strongly recommend reading LDD and hanging around #kernelnewbies(on oftc, not here)13:19
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; whats LDD13:20
freakabcdmany of the prominent kernel devs hang out in that channel13:20
ernstpcan anyone start eclipse 3.4 on jaunty?13:20
ernstpor eclipse at all?13:20
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, Linux Driver Development. Its a book. freely available!13:20
=== release_me is now known as the_eraser
ernstpthinking that todays security update of firefox broke it13:20
joaopintoernstp, are you using sun's java ? the last time I have checked eclipse was only running fine with sun's jre13:20
PerryArmstrongfreeakabcd; or is it Linux Device Drivers13:21
freakabcdjoaopinto, eclipse seems to work fine with openjdk13:21
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, didn;t I say that? oh wait what did I say?13:21
joaopintoah ok13:21
freakabcdlol, i made a mistake with ldd, first time its happened! must be getting sleepy13:22
PerryArmstrongfreeakabcd,loomsen1; is the kernel same for both rpm and debian13:22
PerryArmstrongfreeakabcd,loomsen1; is the kernel same for both rpm based and debian based13:22
ernstpjoaopinto: yes. it's been running fine for a week but today it stopped working13:23
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, yes. it is the same kernel. maybe a different release and maybe with different patches, but essentilly the same kernel13:23
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; whats a patch13:23
joaopintoernstp, that's odd, firefox should not touch the jre package13:23
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: a file which specifies which lines of another file shall be replaced13:24
ernstpjoaopinto: eclipse uses swt which uses xulrunner13:24
loomsen1and against what13:24
nandemonaiAlrighty guys, it's been fun. Seeya when the beta for 9.10 comes out ;)13:24
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, a patch is a 'fix' essentially some code that fixes a bug or makes some new functionality in existing code13:24
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; ohkk....13:24
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; i always wonder where does free software and open source developers get their income....i was really baffled when one of my juniors asked this when he asked me this when i took a seminar on FSF and OSS13:25
J-_"USB Startup Disk Creator" Will that let me install Ubuntu from USB once I get an image on the usb drive?13:26
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: well, there are different ways to gain money even with free software13:26
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; how???13:26
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, developing software is like any other job. companies pay for development.13:26
PerryArmstrongtake example of ubuntu...who pays them13:27
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: like some might be paid hardware developer, and just code OSapps for fun13:27
td123PerryArmstrong: shuttleworth13:27
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: or maybe ur box asks u for alittle script to do whatever13:27
freakabcdfor example many of the people working with Xorg (the display system you use) are paid by the graphics card manufacturers (such as intel, nvidia, ati) or other companies that have a vested interest in the technology13:27
PerryArmstrongtd123; whats that13:27
rskiPerryArmstrong: a debian developer and millionare13:28
PerryArmstrongloomsen1; so i pay for whoever writes that script13:28
rskiwho quit debian went to space and started ubuntu13:28
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: and you think that if you distribute your base source you might profit l8r on from some source added by others13:28
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, td123 meant Mark Shuttleworth. look him up on wikipedia13:28
rskihe puts money in ubuntu via cannonical13:28
td123PerryArmstrong: you don't know who shuttleworth is and you're in ubuntu? hah, that's funny, now cut the crap out :P13:28
rskiPerryArmstrong: wikipedia is a good source of information about mark shuttleworth13:29
loomsen1td123: well, as long as steve wozniak is known.^^13:29
freakabcdtd123, he is a new user. so maybe he doesn;t know!13:29
PerryArmstrongtd123; founder of Ubuntu??13:29
freakabcdloomsen1, the other 'fake' steve eclipses the Real(tm) Steve (Wozniak) most of the time :(13:29
loomsen1freakabcd: sad and true, but maybe woz doesn't mind, or even enjoys?13:30
RandumKiwiHey, is anyone else having trouble burning the Jaunty release to disc?13:31
freakabcdperhaps. I've always felt the Real Steve did Real work! while the fake steve did most of the 'faking' :)13:31
PerryArmstrongone thing...why do companies pay for a free software and OSS when its given free13:31
loomsen1freakabcd: at least he looks as if he was off his feed ^^13:31
RandumKiwiin particular, the 64bit desktop edition13:32
RandumKiwitried from 2 different sources, neither worked.13:32
_Fauchi95_Hello! When I want install 9.04 the installer stands by loading the partitions manager. I have used the alternate cd too, but it is the same13:32
drone1software is free tech support is not13:32
rskiRandumKiwi: sure because it's not out yet13:32
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: well, most commercial liinux distros don't sell the sofzware but the support & maintainance13:32
Cougartenwhats best to run windows inside of linux?13:32
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, perhaps you want to read ESR's book13:32
RandumKiwirski: .. are you telling me the images are designed to fail?13:32
rskigotunandan: try virtualbox if you have a windows license. else use wine13:33
rskiRandumKiwi: im saying it's not out yet13:33
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; where do i et that book??13:33
Cougartenvirtualbox thx13:33
drone1maybe they used proprietary software to make the images thats why theyre crappy13:33
freakabcdin your local library perhaps?13:33
loomsen1(whispers there are virtual box images for download available too out there )13:33
RandumKiwirski: ok, well, I've used this link, plus the same package on another server: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso13:33
rskiso did the md5sum match?13:34
RandumKiwiboth failed at 82%13:34
rskihow does it fail13:34
drone1that image is for amd64 architecture13:34
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, if you don;t mind reading from screen: http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/cathedral-bazaar/13:34
loomsen1google will open even more doors, i'm sure13:34
drone1is there a pdf for cathedral bazaar?13:34
RandumKiwirski: I've tried 4 discs, 2 downloads from different mirrors.13:34
rskiRandumKiwi: looks like fault discs to me, could be a k3b bug also13:34
freakabcdI'm not sure. Maybe13:35
rskiErrno: 5 (Input/output error), write_g1 scsi sendcmd: no error13:35
RandumKiwirski: oh, also 2 different burners.13:35
RandumKiwiburner programs*13:35
RandumKiwinot burners themselves though :/13:35
drone1they used nero to burn make the image <.<13:35
X-TaZHave you checked ou md5 ?..13:35
X-TaZburnt at low speed ?13:35
drone1remove the burn word13:35
RandumKiwirski: yes13:35
RandumKiwiX-TaZ, i mean13:36
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; i'll check that out13:36
freakabcddrone1, http://webyes.com.br/wp-content/uploads/ebooks/book_cathedral_bazaar.pdf   (or)   http://www.si.umich.edu/~rfrost/courses/SI110/readings/IntellecProp/Cathedral-Bazaar.pdf13:36
drone1use the default cd/dvd creator13:36
freakabcdPerryArmstrong, ^^^ if you want the pdf13:36
drone1thanks freakabcd13:36
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; ya i want pdf...and whats the ESR you mentioned13:36
freakabcdEric S. Raymond13:37
drone1ESR omg13:37
PerryArmstrongare you all users of ubuntuforums13:37
freakabcdthats the guy;s name :)13:37
drone1he said it13:37
drone1eric is great13:37
freakabcdnope. I have never registered there. but I occasionally look there for some info13:37
drone1open source advocate13:37
rskisure i visit the forums sometimes13:37
freakabcdhes the one without a beard. If you want beard, you want RMS -> Richard M. Stallman13:37
PerryArmstronghere's another thread of mine read it and answer in the forum itself as i am leaving now13:37
ernstpyeah, the xulrunner update breaks eclipse 3.413:37
PerryArmstronghere's another thread of mine read it and answer in the forum itself as i am leaving now http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113279113:38
loomsen1PerryArmstrong: lately i havent been active 2 much13:38
PerryArmstrongyou guys just add me as friend in the forums;;will keep in touch...13:38
RandumKiwirski: I'm trying another cd burner npw13:38
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; whats ESR13:38
freakabcdEric S. Raymond. I just told you!13:39
PerryArmstrongfreakabcd; and the pdf you mentioned13:39
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Jaunty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseParties13:39
freakabcdthats the book he wrote. explaining the concept(s) of opensource, etc.13:39
drone1freakabcd: thanks for the pdf's13:39
freakabcdno worries dROg13:39
drone1i will be Salajadin later13:39
drone1i am drone1 when im at office13:39
drone1and am Salajadin at home13:39
freakabcdlol, ok.13:39
freakabcdi'm always freakabcd13:40
XulOrezBusi am shocked and saddened there are no Release Parties in NC :/13:40
drone1lol thanks again13:40
freakabcdok guys/gals. I've gotta go to sleep now. Goodnight all13:40
PerryArmstronggood bye everyone13:41
XulOrezBusthere is13:41
loomsen1← out as well13:41
dansmith91so why isn't it out yet?13:41
ubottuJaunty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be.  Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more Jaunty/9.04 questions join #ubuntu+113:41
rskidansmith91: just like duke nukem forever, it will be released when it's done.13:42
RandumKiwiduke nukem forever will never be released.13:42
RandumKiwithere's a big difference13:42
rskidnf just have a longer release cycle...13:43
rskibit like debian13:43
PerryArmstrongsomebody also asked me whether OSS and FSF developers get well paid when compared to closed source as Microsoft and i had to tell that guy who asked me in the seminar that i really didnt have any idea about that13:43
PerryArmstrongsome baffling questions that i got pissed and felt dumb when i conducted a FSF session...13:44
rskiPerryArmstrong: kernel developers usually get paied pretty good, but closed source developers surely get more.13:44
RandumKiwiI thought we just let OSS dev's starve? :)13:44
PerryArmstrongrski; okk13:44
PerryArmstrongif you have any idea about this thread do post it there as i am leaving now http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113279113:46
ugliefrogis today the day that 9.04 is released13:46
PerryArmstrongrski; what about distro devlopers for example ubuntu or Fedora or Red Hat13:46
JerkyBoysugliefrog: yes13:46
ugliefrogIs it best to upgrade through internet or download iso13:47
RandumKiwirski: It worked... the computer I burnt it on is a 64bit with 32bit OS, yet the first one that kept failing at 82% was a 32/32bit... do you have to burn 64bit CD images on 64bit computers?13:48
PerryArmstrongugliefrog; depends upon your download speed13:48
PerryArmstrongRandumKiwi; writing images doesn't depend upon the architecture13:49
RandumKiwithat's what I thought.13:49
RandumKiwi.. is it possible that there is something in the image that just won'13:50
RandumKiwi.. is it possible that there is something in the image that just won't work with 32bit though?13:50
RandumKiwi(i.e. corrupted, etc?)13:51
thordomsorry for annoying question, but will ask O:-), Ubuntu 9.0.4 is there a time (inc. timezone, as I am in UK) when it will be released?, as I would like to download whilst in the office with fatter pipe to internet :)13:51
TylerSzaboI dare you to ask that in #ubuntu-release-party13:51
PerryArmstrongdo you mean writing ISO to cd or installation13:51
TylerSzaboI believe the answer is no13:51
thordomcouldn't find that room on this server13:52
TylerSzaboand the rumour is that they're confirming the mirrors sync'ed13:52
thordomok, thx Tyler :)13:52
TylerSzabohowever it appears that the isos for the release are up on some mirrors13:52
Cougartenthordom: just download it now. If anything changes to the final release you can get it through small updates13:52
thordomCourgarten: another idea, thx13:53
TylerSzabohow reliable is 8.10 -> 9.04RC ?13:54
derspanksterI did a fresh install to a new hard drive - only issue I had was that I had to reinstall swfdec for some reason.13:56
PerryArmstrongrski; there??13:57
rskiplaying some quake13:58
PerryArmstrongrski; what about distro devlopers for example ubuntu or Fedora or Red Hat13:58
PerryArmstrongcompared with kernel developers13:58
PerryArmstrongrski; any idea14:00
JerkyBoyslooks like 9.04 is out14:02
usergrHow can I update my ubuntu to final version?14:02
okanasikYea but why the date shows 20th of april on mirrors and all ?14:02
PerryArmstrongJerkyBoyz; where i dont see it14:03
zoggydoes anyone else have problems with many jaunty apps not saving settings, for example kate, plasma etc14:03
zoggyi have to reconfigure kate each time i open a file14:03
Asad-awayupgrade instructions from 8.10, anyhwere ?14:03
Asad-awaysince it's officially out now14:03
Cougartenits not14:04
SandGorgonbye bye jaunty... i'll see you guys at karmic14:04
Asad-awaythe ubuntu site is saying it's out ... ?14:04
bazhangyep it is14:04
usergrYes its out!!14:04
CougartenLETZ PARTY HARD!14:04
usergrHow to upgrade from RC to final??14:04
Cougartensudo apt-get dist-upgrade (if you want to force it)14:04
BluesKajthe main network server is upgrading packages as we speak14:04
mbeierlI guess this channel is soon to be closed ;)14:05
Cougartenusergr: just take the new updates14:05
mbeierltime to change the topic !14:05
X3ubuntu+1 is always open for the next release14:05
bazhangerr no14:05
hifitopic is oldish ;)14:06
X3errr yes14:06
mbeierlI heard they close it until the next release is far enough along to warrant a channel14:06
bazhangthe channel will close for a bit X314:06
Asad-awayShould I update using "Update Manager" .. it has the 9.04 update option ?14:06
eagles0513875hey bazhang grats on jaunty14:06
eagles0513875Pici: grats on jaunty14:06
X3well I never known it to close14:06
BluesKajAsad-away , yes14:07
X3but then again im not sad enough to be here every day14:07
Asad-awaythe cd / iso has the upgrade option too?14:07
Asad-awayI don't want to download so many packages just to re-download them in .iso14:07
x3cionX3, not yet14:07
tuxFandvd problems in jaunty , cant play dvds14:07
CougartenAsad-away: just install and update14:07
X3dvd of kubuntu wot install in VM14:08
Asad-awayusing the cd/iso Cougarten ?14:08
X3anyways been emotional not14:08
usergrI run the update manager and reloaded but no new updates14:08
CougartenAsad-away: : why not? not all packages of the world will change. just a few small updates will come14:08
Asad-awayohh ok Cougarten14:09
Cougartenbye folks14:09
mishusomeone should probably change the topic..14:09
=== adam7_ is now known as adam7
usergrso i have the final ubuntu 9.04?14:09
BluesKajAsad-away , in the terminal , sudo update-manager -d14:09
zoggywill jaunty be a long term support edition?14:09
usergrdid it14:10
PerryArmstrongi have RC and i checked updates but i didnt get any for the final release14:10
mvousergr: are you behind a proxy maybe? try moving away the file ~/.update-manager-core/meta-release14:10
BluesKajzoggy, not until 10.0414:10
usergrno proxy!14:10
mvousergr: or are you on jaunty already :) ?14:10
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (RC) discussion channel | Jaunty is RELEASED!!! | This channel is closing, please join #ubuntu for continued Jaunty support
BluesKaj1 yr from now , the 10.04 edition will be LTS14:11
mvoPerryArmstrong: thats ok, its now jaunty-final :)14:11
zoggyBluesKaj: thanks14:11
usergrI am on Jaunty but its (it was) RC14:11
BluesKajzoggy , np14:11
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.14:11
PerryArmstrongmvo; are you sure...because i didnt get any updates14:11
usergrThanks guys14:11
mvoPerryArmstrong: oh, not any since RC - does update-manager show nothing if you run it manually (via system/administration) ?14:12
PerryArmstrongmvo; ya14:13
BUGabundoBluesKaj: u cant say that for sure! its not yet decided14:13
BUGabundoit can be 10.04 or 10.1014:14
BUGabundoread Mark's blog14:14
x3cionSo, whats in the next release?14:14
slytherinx3cion: next as in which one?14:14
x3cionI personally prefer a coffee cooking... whatever14:15
SandGorgonx3cion: cloud computing in Karmic14:15
x3cionso my pc can make coffee14:15
x3cionI dig the tab-thing for dolphin in kde 4.3!14:15
BUGabundox3cion: 9.1014:15
x3cionYeah, guessed so14:16
SandGorgonx3cion: how did u install 4.3 ?14:16
x3cioni didnt, i just looked it up14:16
x3cionits already fixed in 4.3 in the kde bugtracker thingy stuff14:16
dekkongYO guys! is it possible to update from 9.04 Beta to 9.04? :14:16
x3cionI wanted to drag and drop tabs around14:16
BluesKajBUGabundo , well that's what my sources , who are supposed to know these things , tell me14:17
x3ciondekkong,  "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"14:17
dekkongx3cion: yeah thx I know but someone told me yesterday that it aint gonna work :P14:17
x3cionoh... well i dont know really14:17
x3cionbut its a long time till 9.1014:18
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.14:18
dekkongmy update manager has been downloading stuff now for more than 3 hours .. an still 4 to go .. what is going on :P14:18
tuxFancant play dvds in jaunty , why?14:19
gotunandantuxFan: use ogle14:19
x3cionBut I also have a problem currently. I have a laptop and an external screen connected to it and use it in dualview. Now I wrote the config into my xorg.conf. Everything works fine now, it really puts them next to each other from start on. But my internal display (LVDS) starts with a resolution of 1280x854 instead of its default 1440x90014:19
x3cionI'm using the radeon driver and have a X60014:20
LurkersAtuxFan: Or go to medibuntu and install 'libdvdcss2'14:21
x3cionLook at that http://pastebin.com/dc9a6cc3 its detecting the vga, but not the lvds :\14:22
minimecx3cion: Could it be, that the maximal possible resolution for your card is 2*1280?14:22
BUGabundotuxFan: install codecs or CSS14:22
BUGabundoits not legal everywhere in the wolrd14:23
BUGabundotuxFan: or use medibutnu14:23
BUGabundo!medbuntu | tuxFan14:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about medbuntu14:23
x3cionminimec, if i configure it with xrandr (xrandr --output LVDS --auto --output VGA-0 --right-of LVDS --auto) then it works and the resolution is default14:23
tuxFani got libdvdcss2 install14:24
x3cionminimec, but some kind of restriction seems to be there, its really weird14:24
x3cionif i turn on composite for example, a bit of the right screen is black14:24
tuxFanstill cant play dvds , any idea?14:24
x3cioni had this before14:24
BUGabundotuxFan: what app? totem?14:24
BUGabundoplease try totem-xine, vlc, mplayer from medibuntu14:25
slytherintuxFan: what do you mean by can't play? which player?14:25
tuxFanboth , xine and totem14:25
slytherinBUGabundo: please don't suggest medibuntu unless it is absolutely necessary14:25
BluesKajBUGabundo , Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition Released". www.ubuntu.com. ... "As a result, we can commit that the next LTS release of Ubuntu will be 10.04 LTS14:26
BUGabundoBluesKaj: link please14:27
BUGabundoslytherin: mind tell me why?14:27
PiciWe don't control medibuntu.14:27
BluesKajslytherin , medibuntu is fine , it doesn't break anything and the packages available there work well14:28
BluesKajBUGabundo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu14:28
BUGabundoBluesKaj: thats not even oficial wiki14:28
BUGabundoPici: right... thats a valid reason14:28
slytherinBluesKaj: BUGabundo: in this case particularly there is nothing medibuntu packages do which ubuntu package can not.14:28
BluesKajpicky picky :)14:28
BUGabundoslytherin: correct14:30
BUGabundoBluesKaj: just want a clean source!14:30
BluesKajslytherin , fine stick to your argument , but there are ppl who use media apps provided by medibuntu who would disagree ...if you want to remain a legal/purist , that's your business.14:30
BUGabundoBluesKaj: like marks blog where he states changing the not yet certain date14:30
BUGabundoi do use alot of stuff from MB14:30
BluesKajURL/and date ?14:31
BluesKajfrankly I don't really care ...the LTS is on schedule and medibuntu is perfectly fine , ask the bot14:31
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:32
ugliefrogdang its going to take 2hrs and 19 minutes to upgrade14:32
BluesKajbut it doesn't tell you it breaks your system14:32
BluesKajok , I'm gone ..14:32
BUGabundougliefrog: change mirror?14:34
ugliefrogBUGabundo: Its already in the process....I dont want it to mess up..I should have  thought of that before I clicked upgrade14:36
BUGabundougliefrog: still donwloading? then its not a prob14:36
BUGabundoonly installing may be14:36
BUGabundoand force to run dpgk --configure -a14:36
BUGabundobut downloading should not be a prob14:36
ipatel9.04 has been released14:37
BUGabundoipatel: oh really?14:37
ipatel(final version)14:37
rskilets see how long it takes for the servers to crap their pants14:38
BUGabundorski: they already are14:38
PiciFYI, this channel is forwarded to #ubuntu now, so if you leave, you can't come back until closer to Karmic A114:38
BUGabundoguys i'll miss u all! really!14:39
BUGabundoi cant be on #ubuntu14:39
BUGabundoto noisy!14:39
rskiso where's the koala14:40
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule14:41
SandGorgonanybody have link to kubuntu desktop torrent ?14:41
rskiPici: i think i found it! http://static.arstechnica.com/koala-ubuntu-2.jpg14:41
PiciNo comment.14:41
BUGabundojoaopinto: akgraner calc dtchen gnomefreak Hew hggdh jpds kklimonda maxb mvo nhandler Pici pwnguin rww  [[]]]14:41
jpdsBUGabundo: Hi.14:41
PiciBUGabundo: uh...14:42
Hewsee everyone back here for Karmic :-)14:42
BUGabundoHew: yep! i'm sure a bunch of us, will be reunited soon14:43
BUGabundoits a peaty this # gets closed!14:43
Hewit's a pity we don't have a new development release to start using already! Stable makes me feel funny :P14:44
Hewah well, time to help out with sru-verification14:44
gnomefreakPici: lets leave it open for today, i will check toolchain uploads, once tool chain is in we should open channel IMHO14:45
Picignomefreak: Okay.14:45
* gnomefreak has other thing more pressing atm. thanks Pici 14:45
SandGorgoni see the DVD of kubuntu .. but not the CD ISO...14:45
gnomefreaks/pressing/pressing issues/14:45
BUGabundoHew:  miss runing UM 4x a day14:45
BUGabundognomefreak: thanks14:46
TuTUXGis it out?14:46
BUGabundoTuTUXG: u came when ppl were already picking up the trash!14:46
TuTUXGsory guys, just woke up ;)14:47
BUGabundothe all party was WAITING for it14:47
BUGabundothis was the earliest release i ever remember of14:47
BUGabundo14h GMT not bad14:47
gnomefreaksee #ubuntu-release-party for release fun or #ubuntu for support14:47
BUGabundo14:16 to be exact by the email14:47
TuTUXGim so happy!14:47
BUGabundognomefreak: release-party is a mess! blows my mind there14:48
BUGabundoits worse the offtopic14:48
gnomefreakBUGabundo: agrees14:48
gnomefreaki agree even14:48
BUGabundotheres a limite to what i can track! eheh14:48
gnomefreaktool chain is not released yet but will know more after i deal with this14:49
rconanBUGabundo: I thought I remembered one in the morning but I might be wrong14:50
BUGabundoit would be so cool to not have to wait a *week*14:50
gnomefreakmy fault im missing repos to check toolchain14:50
BUGabundorconan: cant be sure... i've just been tracking releases since 6.1014:50
BUGabundo7.10 was a 19GMT14:51
rconanok... I was gonna say... that's most of them14:51
BUGabundo8.04 16GMT14:51
BUGabundo8.10 15.30GMT i think14:51
BUGabundoso this was the earliest i remember14:51
BUGabundoits just a question of checking announce emails14:52
BUGabundoshould be fast!14:52
BUGabundorconan: feel free to collect it eheh14:52
gnomefreakok ill be back a bit later14:52
thiebaudehi BUGabundo14:53
BUGabundocant find 8.10 https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-October/thread.html14:53
BUGabundothiebaude: [[]]14:53
rconan4.10 was at 140614:54
rconanso that's earlier :p14:54
rconanoh no... 1606 I got the TZ wrong14:54
BUGabundowrong archve duh14:54
BUGabundorconan: eheh14:54
BUGabundo8.10 Thu Oct 30 14:11:31 GMT 200814:55
BUGabundo8.04 Thu Apr 24 13:17:20 BST 200814:55
BUGabundo7.10 Thu Oct 18 12:15:03 BST 200714:56
rconanBUGabundo: probably a little offtopic to paste them all :p14:56
BUGabundo7.04 Thu Apr 19 15:18:16 BST 200714:56
BUGabundorconan: we are already dead14:56
BUGabundoso now its nostalgic14:56
BUGabundountil toolchain14:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:57
BUGabundoat least there will be a irc log of it14:57
BUGabundook Pici14:57
rconanwhere is this archive you're using14:57
rconan5.04 was Fri Apr 8 02:48:08 CDT 200514:57
rconanwhich is 07:48:08 GT14:58
BUGabundorconan: ubutnu-anounce14:58
d1bwhat's after jaunty ? koala ?15:04
sebsebsebd1b: Karmic  Koala15:04
td123when's the alpha 1 coming out?15:11
td123I never stay with the stable for long15:12
sebsebsebtd123: yeah  same here15:12
sebsebsebtd123: ,but as a result,  I got alpha6 of jaunty15:12
sebsebsebtd123: and carried on updating, and still have some issues now15:12
td123sebsebseb: do a fresh install :P I always do that when I install an os15:12
sebsebsebtd123: I am looking forward to doing a nice clean install with the final and Ext4,  but  probably better to wait untill weekend.  since the download servers will be packed15:13
td123sebsebseb: I dled the jaunty cd this morning just when it came out :P 400kbps speeds :P15:13
td123I bet they're like 400bps atm :P15:13
sebsebsebtd123: I should have upgraded when it was on the beta really,  then  things maybe would have been a bit better.  ,but the  two main issues were KDE 4.2 buggering up.  and no sound in  Gnome.  so  nothing major.   KDE 4.2 apps still worked in Gnome.  I had the ppa in ibex before upgrading15:13
sebsebsebtd123: I just tried to  upgrade another computer from  8.04 to 8.10, but  404 error messages for a few packages.   apparnatlly it's all on the same server15:14
td123yup, I still feel kde needs more polish :/ although gnome needs more exciting stuff15:14
sebsebsebtd123: well  KDE3  is actsaully available for 9.04 :)15:15
td123oh, that's convenient15:15
sebsebsebtd123: indeed15:15
slytherinI am out of here. Enjoy your upgrades.15:15
sebsebsebtd123: there's a seperate CD it's on a rc,  a bit behind  actaul 9.04.   and  yeah can install it into  9.04,  like could with 8.04.  have KDE3 and 415:15
nztalthank you all for your help during the course of this channel.15:20
sebsebsebnztal: it will be back, when there is something to talk about when it comes to 9.1015:25
dany_21a_sebsebseb: kde3 for 9.10 - how or where can i get this?15:26
dany_21a_*errr 9.04 i mean15:26
sebsebsebdany_21a_: indeed, but it's  currently a release candiate and a seperate CD15:26
sebsebsebdany_21a_: well you can install  it into 9.0415:26
sebsebsebdany_21a_: ,but it's  still a release candidate15:26
dany_21a_okay thx... will give it a look...15:26
sebsebsebdany_21a_: it's a little behind the proper 9.0415:26
sebsebsebdany_21a_: since only one guy has been doing it15:27
sebsebsebdany_21a_: it's great the KDE3 has been resurected for Ubuntu though.   it had died before with 8.04 being the last one that had it in repo15:27
kklimondaBUGabundo: you called? :)15:52
BUGabundokklimonda: no! just saying good bye! we're closing15:53
BUGabundotd123: i dont usually see u around!15:53
gnomefreakIrssi 0.8.12 (20071006) - http://irssi.org/15:54
td123BUGabundo: :P15:58
td123too busy optimizing a neuronet15:59
Laneynobody's kicked us all yet?16:02
Laneyhow boring!16:02
* gnomefreak has no problem clearing the channel ;) be carefull what you wish for16:05
EruaranI wish for chocolates... with little K's on them ;)16:07
* td123 wishes for a chocolate that looks like the ubuntu logog16:09
Eruaranyou know, I reckon they'd sell :)16:11
td123if you like off the color coating you get a secret terminal message inscribed in the chocolate :P16:13
* td123 runs off to the patent office16:13
td123oops like -> lick :D16:13
EruaranThat settles it then16:14
EruaranWe shall put in a request16:14
EruaranUbuntu chocolates in the Canonical shop16:14
td123Eruaran: if it gets approved, I want to get the first one free :D16:14
Eruaranwhats better, milk, dark or... belgian16:15
ikoniagents - check the /topic in here please16:16
Eruarankk ;)16:16
EruaranSo will this channel re-open again when 9.10 alpha 1 appears ?16:17
LjLEruaran: sooner than that, most likely16:18
kklimondaBUGabundo: well, see you soon when karmic is released for development - well, maybe I'll go and see what's happening on #ubuntu for a while :)16:19
td123kklimonda: you better have a 24 " monitor to catch a glance at what's written on the screen :D16:21
rwwHeh, so if I leave this channel, I can't rejoin it?16:56
W8TAHis there a release party channel anyplace?16:58
rwwW8TAH: #ubuntu-release-party16:58
W8TAHthanks - congrats to the devs etc16:58
* td123 is waiting for kranky koala to enter alpha 1 :D17:02
manpooleheh on the 9.04 features on ubuntu.com they have the jonas brothers listed on last.fm lol17:03
* td123 screams like a girl17:10
=== mogul218 is now known as mogul218-
funkyHatheh. bye everyone!18:07
Chr|sI wanna get kicked!18:09
Chr|swhen jaunty comes out #ubuntu will be the mains support channel for it then karmac will be for this one correct?18:10
PiciChr|s: Jaunty is out18:11
Chr|soh cool18:11
PiciOnce the toolchain is released for Karmic then this channel will open, or near Alpha 118:11
Chr|sok thanks18:12
lemonadeok, bye18:13
lemonadesee you soon ;)18:14
rwwsebsebseb: FAIL18:29
sebsebsebrww: no  didn't fail, just checking I could send messages here still18:30
rwwsebsebseb: I know. It was a joke.18:31
rwwsebsebseb: I might as well.18:31
TheFunkbombThank you all for the good times18:36
Killeroidhmm, is this channel still open?20:41
Cycomwell it's not like there isn't going to be a 9.1020:44
Killeroidyeah but they usually shut tihs channel down till an alpha(I think that or a toolchain) is released for the upcoming release20:45
PiciIts already invite only.20:51
ttyso is it20:55
tty TychoQuad> My 3G modem is no longer identified by the network manager whenever I plug it in20:58
tty          in Jaunty. it sees it if it's plugged in when I boot the computer, but if i disconnect20:58
tty          it, it's lost until next boot. anyone have any ideas?20:58
ttyreason enough to avoid it!20:58
sebsebsebCycom: what's a toolchain?21:04
sebsebsebPici: invite only?21:04
rwwKilleroid: The channel's set +f, so anyone who tries to join it gets sent to #ubuntu instead. So it's closed in the sense that nobody can join.21:08
oobeim still using beta and nothing works to   update21:24
sebsebseboobe: yeah21:25
sebsebseboobe: I  did a  8.10,  to  alpha6, to  beta,  to rc21:25
oobeand rc wouldnt upatte21:26
oobeit thinks it is the newsest21:26
sebsebseboobe: upgrade install. and things are still messed up here and there from alpha6,  now  I got the stop sign.  I am clean installing this   on the weekend21:26
sebsebseboobe: probably better to clean install.  there can still be some bugs left behind from the beta, or bad config files21:26
sebsebseboobe: are you running Ext3 or Ext4 by the way?   I am trying Ext4 when I clean install :)21:27
oobecat /etc/lsb-release21:42
oobeDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 9.04"21:42
oobelooks like i have juanty but i dont21:42
yofel_well, back here then for karmic guys, bye!21:48
nemohey folks22:48
nemoI was on the beta. now that release has happened.22:48
nemodo I have to do anything special to switch to it?22:48
nemoor did that happen automatically?22:48
nemois there any way I can check?22:49
jacobnemo: if you have all updates applied, you're all set.22:49
nemoyep. all up to date22:49
nemothat means the guy I put on the beta 2 weeks ago to avoid making him jump from ibex is up to date too22:49
nemowell. that's it I guess. see y'all.22:50
badfish69what linux kernel version does jaunty use?23:41
joetheoddbadfish69, 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:44

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