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bryce_heya kenvandine_wk06:20
huatsmorning everyone07:16
pittiGood morning08:16
seb128good morning everybody08:19
* pitti hugs seb12808:22
* seb128 hugs pitti08:22
seb128how are you today?08:22
pittibit tired, but great! looking forward to the release08:23
pittiI'll pre-review all the SRUs this morning08:23
pittiso that I can let them in quickly after the release08:24
seb128"all", that's going to be a busy morning ;-)08:24
pittithey keep coming, yes08:25
chrisccoulsonhey pitti - i've done the tracker sru changes now08:30
chrisccoulsoni haven't put any test cases on any of the bug reports yet though08:30
pittichrisccoulson: great! directly into the tracker/ubuntu branch, of one of your's?08:33
chrisccoulsonthe changes are in my own branch (i can't upload in to the ubuntu branch): https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/tracker/jaunty-sru08:34
mvoasac: hey! re bug #363798 - can you just add ?section=universe to ubufox?09:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363798 in apturl "ubufox can't install adobe flash plugin on 64-bit jaunty" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36379809:03
mvoasac: or is this a lot of work09:03
asacmvo: well. the problem is the same. i have a script that generates those sections from apt09:03
asacmvo: not sure how i can figure that universe is a requirement for flashplugin09:04
asaci use multiverse09:04
asacmvo: so what we currently use is apt:flashplugin-installer?section=multiverse09:05
asacmvo: can i just use:09:05
asacapt:flashplugin-installer?section=multiverse&section=universe ?09:05
asaci somehow doubt it ;)09:05
asacif that works i can add a hack09:06
mvoasac: apt:flashplugin-installer?section=universe?section=multiverse should work09:07
mvogive me a sec, I test it09:07
asacmvo: thats not really url syntax09:07
asacmvo: & is the way to add multiple parameters ;)09:07
rickspencer3pitti: asac: seb128: Riddell: good morning09:23
pittihey rickspencer309:23
rickspencer3pitti: how did you sleep :) ?09:24
seb128hey rickspencer309:24
pittirickspencer3: pretty good actually, just went to bed a little lalte09:24
rickspencer3everything looks locked and loaded, great job you guys09:24
davmor2Congratulations Everybody and here's to the next release09:27
mvoasac: lets says its exploting a rather simple parser09:28
asachi rickspencer309:29
asacmvo: so the apturl above works?09:29
mvoasac: yes09:30
mvoasac: the parser is a bit simple, so this works kinf of by accident, I fixed it now to accept proper url syntax09:31
asacmvo: great. you tested it on a livecd?09:32
mvoasac: not yet, I can do that now (sec)09:32
asacmvo: please double check. i can roll that to the webservice which would fix it for all livecds ;)09:32
asac(kind of neat that i can still fix something ;))09:32
mvoasac: neat - so no sru needed09:32
mvoasac: its booting, I let you know09:33
asacmvo: not for the webservice hack. in the long run synaptich should know to enable that i think09:33
* mvo hugs asac09:33
asacbut thats karmic09:33
* asac hugs mvo 09:33
asacmvo: dont need to click on it in the browser. just running apturl "apt:..." from command line is what ubufox does09:34
mvoasac: sure, I had no intention of doing anything else :)09:35
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mvoasac: the above line works on the live-cd09:40
asacmvo: i guess i can also put universe last?09:43
asace.g. section=multiverse?section=universe09:44
mvoasac: yes, order should not matter09:45
mvoasac: hm, but let me double check09:46
asacmvo: http://pastebin.com/f4bb9e34c09:46
* mvo is in extra-carful mode09:46
asacthats appreciated ;)09:46
mvo(except for the typos)09:46
asacmvo: you could also check whether i managed to do the python above badly ;)09:46
asac(by looking)09:46
mvoasac: the diff looks fine to me09:49
asacmvo: thanks. can you do a fresh boot on livecd so you can verify in a minute?09:50
mvoasac: all good, the ordering you suggest is fine09:50
mvoasac: just did that09:50
asacmvo: ok. please go to video.google.com09:51
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asacand try the missing plugins ...09:51
mvoasac: hm, on youtube I just get the link to the adobe website09:55
Riddellmorning rickspencer309:55
asacmvo: i didnt say youtube ;)09:55
mvoasac: yes, yes, but that directed me to youtube ;) - now I got a different one09:56
asacmvo: so video.google.com directs you to youtube now ... what a shame09:56
asacmaybe they do that for germans?09:57
mvoasac: I guess it was me clicking on some link ...09:57
asacthought you are in extra-careful mode ;)09:57
asacaccidential clicks dont sound that careful ;)09:57
mvoI click on any link in the livecd :)09:57
asacyou would be a good addition to our firefox security QA ;)09:58
mvoasac: nice, worked fine - I had to restart FF though09:58
asacyeah restarting ff is currently needed. havent tracked down where in firefox this broke somewhere between 3.0 and 3.0.909:58
asacfix released! yay10:00
asacupdated bug accordingly10:01
asacmvo: hmm. is that syntax supported by apturl since hardy?10:02
asacotherwise i would have to make this jaunty exclusive10:02
mvoasac: I think it is, let me test10:03
mvoasac: the hardy version has a bug that shows the enable-component dialog twice, otherwise it works fine10:08
asacmvo: ok. probably that wont show up twice on installs that already have univers?10:08
asace.g. on real installs?10:08
asacif so thats fine because at least it also fixes live cd there10:09
mvoasac: not sure for hardy, but for jaunty it should detect that and not show the dialog at all (hardy might be buggy, not sure)10:12
asacmvo: we should verify that for intrepid/hardy after the dust has settled10:18
asacotherwise those users will see a regression now10:18
asacif not its an improvement as previously they couldnt install flash on livecd10:18
seb128ok, seems to be back normally10:35
seb128mvo: apt is displaying misleading advices ;-)10:42
seb128mvo: "W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems" for a GPG key no being available10:44
mvoseb128: right10:52
seb128update-manager and synaptic also display ugly warnings10:54
seb128that is all very user unfriendly10:54
seb128I'm not even sure how to fix that, I guess I've to import the key by some way10:54
seb128I don't expect users to understand that though10:54
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pittiseb128: hm, the jaunty-proposed gnome-applets SRU refers to bug 77263, but that says it's already fixed11:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 77263 in gnome-applets "a newly plugged usb-audio-device not listed dynamically by the mixer applet" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7726311:00
mvoseb128: so the user added a external repo to get the error?11:01
seb128pitti: ups, I've been closing GNOME bugs which were "fix commited" a bit too quickly apparently for this one11:01
mvoseb128: what should it do then, gpg --recvy-key ?11:01
pittiseb128: ok, that should be jaunty/fix committed then?11:02
seb128pitti: it was on the "fixed in 2.26" list11:02
seb128pitti: right11:02
pitti2.26.1 then, I assume11:02
pittiseb128: ok, changing; thanks11:02
seb128mvo: it's ddebs.ubuntu.com there11:02
seb128mvo: not sure what it should do but stop displaying ugly warning without a clue on what the user need to do ;-)11:03
pittiit could try fetching the pubkey from keyring.ubuntu.com11:03
seb128mvo: I guess that's the eternal debate on how much you want to annoy users about the security things they don't understand11:03
mvotrue, the idea of pitti is good11:04
seb128mvo: that's similar to the "invalid certificate" page in firefox which annoys lot of users11:04
pittiof course integrity != trust, but at least we'd get the integrity bit automatically11:04
mvoif we ensure we only put trusted keys there, we should be fine11:04
pittithe trust bit is "the user added the repo"11:04
mvoseb128: yes, its a similar problem11:04
seb128we got quite some users confused by this one11:04
pittiseb128: but unlike the ffox certs, we can do better here, since we control the archives11:04
seb128we have a stock reply pointing the wiki page on how to get a backtrace11:04
pittiwe know how to fetch PPA keys, and we know how to fetch the ddebs key11:05
seb128and quite some users come back saying "I get those warning when trying to install your debug package what's going on"11:05
seb128pitti: indeed11:05
pittiso ideally, apt would auto-fetch those, and simply refuse at all to download packages/indexes if the signature is wrong11:05
seb128mvo: do you want a bug about that? maybe there is already one?11:05
pittithen we'd get the integrity automatically, and we'd actually increase security AFAICS11:06
pittior am I missing something?11:06
seb128pitti: that seems to make sense to me11:06
mvopitti: where its wrong or where its missing?11:06
pittimvo: where it's missing11:07
mvo(if missing,that would annoy repos like mediaubuntu quite a bit)11:07
pittimvo: if you have the pubkey in the apt keyring, and the sig doesn't validate, that's a bad case, right?11:07
mvounless we add their keys too11:07
pittiso that should just refuse with an error message11:07
mvoit does11:07
pittifor missing -> try to fetch the key11:07
pittiif you don't find it, continue to spit out the warning, I think11:07
pittibut if you find it, use it to verify11:07
mvomakes me wonder why we do not put them into the ubuntu-archive-keyring package in the first place11:08
mvoits less flexible of course11:08
pittimvo: well, we can for ddebs, but not for the PPAs, since they come and go?11:08
mvothe keys for ddebs11:08
mvoright, less flexible but possible now11:08
mvo(without adding any code)11:08
pittiright, ddeb key is pretty static11:08
mvoit sounds like for ddebs at least we should do that11:08
pittibut some automagic for PPAs would rock as well11:09
* mvo prepares a update11:09
* pitti hugs mvo11:09
* mvo hugs pitti and seb128 and goes for lunch11:10
* seb128 hugs pitti and mvo11:10
seb128hum lunch11:10
seb128mvo: you are having a late lunch today! ;-)11:10
pittilate? it's barely 12 o'clock..11:11
seb128pitti: right, but mvo is having lunch a 12 o'clock usually ;-)11:14
pittimvo: rascal's crying, eh? :-)11:15
* seb128 pushes extra srus the pitti way11:16
pittibwah, can't keep up11:16
seb128pitti: don't worry I'm almost done with srus for the week, I just did one today11:16
pittiI'm 3/4 through the current queue11:16
seb128pitti: there is not too many 2.26.1 tarballs with interesting fixes we didn't get11:16
* seb128 hugs pitti, good job!11:16
pittimy sru.sh script is growing :)11:16
* pitti pats his new queuediff tool11:16
seb128I don't expect spending too much time on sru this cycle11:17
seb128GNOME is good quality in jaunty stock11:17
pittiyeah, we'll have plenty of stuff to do in karmic11:17
seb128and I expect karmic to be a busy cycle so better to start early11:17
pittiyeah, I already prepared some karmic uploads in bzr, too :)11:17
tofu_logicis there an eta on when jaunty is going live?11:17
pittitofu_logic: somewhere around 1200 UTC11:17
tofu_logicwonderful, I'll be sure to schedule an update around that time; thank you11:18
seb128you should better start now11:18
seb128things will not change and you can avoid the server hit ;-)11:18
tofu_logichah alright, thank for the tip :)11:19
pitti(and please use a local mirror)11:19
tofu_logicbut of course11:19
pittimvo: rejecting your notification-daemon upload, LP: #1312277 doesn't exist; please reupload with fixed bug number11:19
seb128over a million bugs? not here yet!11:20
pittimvo: please also open/link to a bug for the --as-needed, since that will change dependencies, etc.?11:20
pittiseb128: we'll become millionaires, don't worry ;)11:21
pittiseb128: the evince upload looks weird, the debdiff removes the 2.26.0-0ubuntu1 block from the changelog11:22
pittiseb128: can you please reupload?11:22
seb128pitti: I bet bzr was outdated, thanks for spotting11:23
* pitti gently reminds seb128 to add jaunty tasks for SRUs11:23
seb128pitti: do you want jaunty tasks for each bug fixed or only one?11:24
seb128pitti: I've at least one jaunty task by upload I think11:24
pittiall which are referenced in the changelog11:24
seb128I didn't bother adding for each bug though11:24
seb128ok, will do that11:24
pittiand usually we do _not_ need the ones which say "please sponsor"11:25
pittisince there's nothing to verify on those11:25
pittijust the actual bugs11:25
seb128right, the upload was aimed to jaunty but late for the freeze11:25
pittidon't worry, I'm fixing them up during review, just mentioning it11:25
seb128so I uploaded as it as an update11:25
pittithat's fine, it doesn't hurt to have the sponsoring bugs in the changelog11:25
pittijust saying that those don't need jaunty tasks/ubuntu-sru sub'ed, etc.11:25
seb128pitti: evince reuploaded that was just the changelog update which was not in bzr11:33
pittiseb128: merci11:34
seb128pitti: btw lool submitted a gvfs crash using apport yesterday11:36
seb128pitti: which got tagged need-armel-retrace11:36
loolUnder armel  ;-)11:36
seb128pitti: do you think we should just tag for archs which have a retracer?11:36
loolActually I wonder whether I got this crash from the broken SD card11:36
seb128pitti: or should we keep those tags in case we get a retracer for the arch one day and to make easy to list crashes on this architecture?11:37
seb128hey Keybuk11:37
seb128Keybuk: did you figure if launchpad was supposed to send emails about private bugs yesterday?11:37
Keybuk_it doesn't11:38
seb128I know it doesn't, but is that a bug or a design decision? ie did you ask a launchpad guy?11:38
seb128I would be interested to get email notification for those for the packages I'm triaging11:39
asacbugzilla sends out mails for security flagged bugs ... it was discussed and is somehow a bug because of security concerns. one idea was to send a mail with just the info that new content is available - but that isnt really nice either.11:40
asacbut probably would be  good compromise - maybe opt-in11:40
seb128and security != private11:40
seb128launchpad has different flag for those at least11:40
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asacyeah well. its somehow the same11:41
asacor not. i think security doesnt make it private11:41
asac"security flagged bugs" -> i ment private with that ;)11:41
seb128ideally crashes would not go in the bug tracker directly11:41
seb128that would makes much less noise and make things easier11:41
asaci never thought of that :-P11:42
asacif we would figure how to automatically upload our symbols to mozilla, i would disable launchpad all-together11:42
pittiseb128: well, I'd keep the tags, since it's still interesting to find them11:43
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seb128right, my though too11:43
pittilool: do we have an armel porter box/emulator where we could run the retracer?11:44
pittiseb128: email> hm, wasn't one of your major requirements back then to *not* get flooded with bug mail for crashes/11:44
pittiseb128: new evince upload has the same problem11:45
seb128pitti: gni? are you sure11:46
loolpitti: rimu.canonical.com is the porter box11:47
loolpitti: I think it could be used for that, but check with IS11:48
pittiseb128: let me look closer11:48
seb128I just debdiffed the versions locally and I don't see that, or I've been stupid and uploaded the wrong version but I don't think so11:48
pittimight be a bug in queuediff11:48
seb128retracers are quite some work to maintain11:48
seb128we have 2 armel apport-crash bugs so far11:48
seb128I would not bother if we don't receive a higher number of those11:49
pittijust pondering the possibility, yes11:49
pittiseb128: indeed, nevermind; queuediff got the older version for some reason11:51
seb128pitti: ok thanks11:51
mvoseb128, pitti: yeah, the little one likes to have her lunch early :)11:58
mvopitti: re notification-daemon> sorry for the incorrect bugnumber, fixing that now11:58
pittimvo: danke11:58
asac13:11 < gnomefreak> http://pastebin.mozilla.org/644059 is from clean install around Sat, 11 Apr 2009 12:47:46 -040012:16
asac13:11  * gnomefreak doesnt see security in there12:16
asacdidnt we add -security and -update earlier than that?12:17
asacor are you the wrong to ask?12:17
mvoasac: I'm the wrong one to ask12:17
mvoasac: try #ubuntu-installer12:17
mvoasac: but thats definitely a serious thing if generally true :(12:18
mvoasac: alternative install? or desktop install?12:18
mvognomefreak: ---^ ?12:20
gnomefreakmnemo: its a clean install12:20
gnomefreakmvo ^^12:20
mvognomefreak: desktop cd ? alternate cd ? or dvd :) ?12:21
gnomefreakmvo: desktop cd12:21
gnomefreakas of april 11th12:21
mvognomefreak: thanks, let me see if I can reproduce that12:21
gnomefreakmvo: thanks, maybe it was that daily?12:22
mvopossible, still better to double check12:22
mvognomefreak: the install was with network working?12:24
gnomefreakmvo: yes12:24
seb128pitti: oh, already accepting srus today? ;-)12:54
pittiseb128: yes, cleared with Steve13:06
pittiseb128: sorry, was at lunch13:06
seb128pitti: I just came back from lunch too13:07
seb128pitti: ok good ;-)13:07
seb128so let's clear jaunty updates today and tomorrow and start on karmic work next week ;-)13:07
chrisccoulsonseb128 seems keen ;)13:08
pittichrisccoulson: is bug 360399 a regression from intrepid? IOW, should it be SRUed?13:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 360399 in tracker "Tracker Evolution Eplug missing" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36039913:27
chrisccoulsonpitti - intrepid had an evolution plugin, but we dropped the old plugin in favour of the new module in jaunty, but didn't install all the necessary files to make it work13:28
pittiso it is a regression?13:28
chrisccoulsonit's a regression in the sense that it no longer indexes evolution mails13:29
pittiokay, thanks13:29
chrisccoulsonthat said, i've yet to see it index my mails even with the module installed correctly13:30
pittichrisccoulson: hm, if it doesn't work yet, it shouldn't be in the jaunty-sru branch13:30
chrisccoulsoni can remove it. but it might work for other people, it could be just that i'm not leaving it long enough. i keep having to reindex to test out this fix for the corruption notification13:31
pittiyour call, I think13:31
chrisccoulsoni can take it out, but i'll have to do that this evening. in the meantime, i could try and work out why it doesn't work for me13:32
pittichrisccoulson: ok, I leave it for some more maturation then13:32
pittichrisccoulson: please ping me when you are happy with it, then I'll merge and upload13:32
chrisccoulsonpitti - no problem. did you review the patch that removes the notification?13:33
pittiat it13:34
pittichrisccoulson: looks okay to me13:35
didrocksseb128: do you need some help so that I can transform all my updates in SRU (I see you made it for one: gnome-applets)?13:36
seb128didrocks: I'm not sure the other ones are worth sru uploads13:37
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks:)13:37
seb128didrocks: if you feel that some are you can do the sru work otherwise we will upload to karmic13:37
pittichrisccoulson: thanks, you rock13:37
didrocksseb128: ok, I will give it a look tomorrow13:37
seb128didrocks: thanks13:38
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pedro_happy birthday asac!14:05
seb128asac: happy birthday!14:06
kenvandine_wkasac: wow... your birthday is on jaunty release day :)  happy birthday and happy release :-D14:08
kenvandine_wk -release-party is crazy!14:08
asacthanks all!14:22
asacyes its quite a special moment for me having birthday on release day14:23
kenvandine_wkasac: today can be all about you... not jaunty :)14:23
* mvo sends asac a virtual cup of tea14:27
seb128why doesn't dgettext(domain,string) work15:30
pittiseb128: it should?15:30
seb128pitti: how do I ask for a translation of string which is in domain then?15:30
seb128    value = dgettext("libgweather-locations",value);15:31
pittiwell, with exactly that15:31
seb128is what libgweather do15:31
seb128value = "London"15:31
seb128and it opens /usr/share/locale-langpack/fr/LC_MESSAGES/libgweather-locations.mo15:31
seb128according to strace15:31
seb128which has15:31
seb128msgid "London"15:31
seb128msgstr "Londres"15:31
seb128I've tried to add a setlocale() call before the dgettext one but same difference15:31
pitti$ python -c "import gettext; print gettext.dgettext('libgweather-locations', 'Argentina')"15:33
pitti(for de_DE.UTF-8)15:33
seb128$ python -c "import gettext; print gettext.dgettext('libgweather-locations', 'London')"15:33
seb128it was for Argentina15:33
pittiindeed I had expected to need setlocale(), but apparently I don't15:33
seb128it works for Argentina15:33
pittiseb128: I used that, because London in German is "London"15:33
* pitti installs french15:34
seb128pitti: try Barcelona?15:34
pittiwell, we don't translate that either15:34
seb128pick any city15:34
pitti$ python -c "import gettext; print gettext.dgettext('libgweather-locations', 'Yekaterinburg Time')"15:35
pittiEkaterinburg Ortszeit15:35
pittistill waiting on -gnome-fr installation15:35
seb128pitti: "city"15:35
seb128pitti: it works with countries for some reasons15:35
seb128that one works too there15:35
seb128in french I mean15:36
seb128that's really a weird thing15:36
pittiseb128: indeed, it doesn't work for Wrocław15:36
seb128the translations are in the same mo file15:36
mclasenseb128: msgctxt15:37
seb128mclasen: I was just noticing that when you wrote it15:38
seb128msgctxt "City in East and South East England, United Kingdom"15:38
seb128msgid "London"15:38
seb128msgstr "Londres"15:38
seb128mclasen: thanks ;-)15:38
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
seb128bah, that sucks15:49
kenvandine_wklaunchpad is basically down... :/18:30
pittiI'm off for today, see you tomorrow18:31
kenvandine_wklater pitti18:31
pittikenvandine_wk: yeah, that's one reason why I stop now; no fun :)18:31
pittibut it was fun to merge hal for karmic18:31
kenvandine_wkpretty hard to file bugs :)18:31
* kenvandine_wk is ready for karmic work!18:31
pittikenvandine_wk: https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html will keep us busy for a while :)18:32
kenvandine_wkMerge-o-Matic, i love it18:32
idnzorHi, I came to the room to discuss this around a month back. I work for one of the leading (imo :p) user experience consultancies in the UK, covering accessibility and usability. I have been discussing with my manager the possibility of contributing my time and expertise to the Ubuntu or Gnome projects. We came to an agreement today that I could spend a few hours a week offering assistance to open source developers.19:05
idnzorso i was hoping to find a contact within canonical or gnome who could assist in moving forwards with this, ideally someone who would know of priority projects who could benefit from a few hours of our expertise19:07
idnzoras the time is limited, i thought the best approach was to deliver the work in blocks, that is, look at a particular aspect of a user journey or application and review it from a usability or accessibility perspective. as i only have a few hours a week, i feel usability testing (involving actual users) may be out of scope19:09
dobeyah you19:15
jcastrohi idnzor19:16
jcastrothis would probably interest you: http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/04/22/ayatana/19:16
dobeyhi again idnzor19:17
idnzorhello again, thank you for the link, will read it now! :)19:52
dobeyidnzor: you might also want to subscribe to the usability list on gnome.org19:53
dobeyidnzor: to discuss doing usability reviews of different gnome apps19:54
idnzorokay, i will introduce myself to that list19:56
idnzorif the reviews go well there may be scope to do testing with out facilities, although that is a little out of scope for now19:57
dobeywell, i'd started/worked on some software to use in usability testing in the past, but haven't had any time to hack on it recently20:01
dobeyit would be a good starting point to get a more complex piece of software built that would enable usability testing with trivially available resources20:02
idnzorthe most resource intensive part of usability testing is the analysis part i have found20:14
idnzorthank you for the link to the usability list on gnome, it looks really promising20:14
dobeyyeah, analysis is hard20:15
* dobey has done enough to know all about that20:15
dobeybut for gathering the data, it would be nice to have some software that anyone could isntall/use on their system20:15
idnzoroptimal usability have some good tools, but they are geared towards the web21:15
dobeyidnzor: the stuff i started was designed/built to be compatible with LogSquare from mangold.de21:17

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