
LaserJockjcastro: ping00:29
slangasekLaserJock: yes, thanks00:58
LaserJockslangasek: done, thanks01:06
=== Snova1 is now known as Snova
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lamontdo-release-upgrade -d  --mode=server03:52
lamontChecking for a new ubuntu release03:52
lamontNo new release found03:52
lamontwhy does it hate me so?03:53
wgrantlamont: Which release?03:54
lamontia64 with intrepid installed, pointed at a "reasonably current" mirror of the world03:56
wgrantAh. ia64.03:56
lamontyeah.  ports03:56
wgrantIt should still be using the same meta-release-development, though, I would think.03:57
lamontwell, given that they're all forced by the local proxy to the same place, and that has the same file for all of them, yeah03:58
lamontso it claims jaunty03:58
lamontsupported: 0 though03:58
wgrantThat's fine.03:58
lamontwtf.  how did I get an intrepid version of that file04:00
lamontwgrant: a well placed rm meta-release-development fixed it.04:01
wgrantlamont: Hmm. It sends appropriate cache headers.04:02
lamontwell... there's some horrific abuse in the way the local mirror is tied into it all, and it coughed up an intrepid file before I freshened it... so let's go with PEBCAK04:03
wgrantThat sounds convenient.04:03
lamontwell, no way in hell _I'M gonna campaign to re-roll _anything_ at this point04:05
geofftdo-release-upgrade really doesn't have a man page?04:07
wgrantgeofft: I noticed that... it has a --help, though.04:09
wgrantIt sounds like it deserves a bug report.04:09
geofftwhat's the difference between -m desktop and -m server, anyway?04:09
wgrantgeofft: Possibly different hints.04:10
geofftHm. I download the updater .tar.gz and look at DistUpgradeMain.py...04:15
geoffthelp=_("*DEPRECATED* this option will be ignore")04:15
geofftIs there a better way to see what extra stuff do-release-upgrade does beyond dist-upgrade, or should I continue to UTSL?04:26
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magciusGuys! I got multiple message support working in notify-osd!05:50
lifelessStevenK: hoist a brew for me at the release party06:16
StevenKlifeless: You can't make it?06:16
lifelessStevenK: I'm booked already tonight and slug is friday06:16
StevenKRelease party is Saturday06:16
lifelessthats right :)06:16
lifelesswe'll see, I have some things happening saturday, but will try06:16
chris062689Is this the correct channel to go to if you need help package DEBs?06:19
chris062689Which channel should I go to?06:21
lifeless#ubuntu-motu is a good place to learn about packaging06:21
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dholbachgood morning07:22
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tjaaltonhow come the -security uploads are not shown on *-changes?07:50
sorentjaalton: For security reasons, of course.08:12
* soren crawls back under his rock08:13
pittiGood morning08:16
* slangasek waves08:17
mdkehappy release day :)08:18
tjaaltonslangasek: would you like me to edit the relnotes wiki directly, or add the wacom entry as a comment to the bug?08:21
slangasektjaalton: either is fine; the latter ensures we don't have to worry about getting in the way of each other's edits08:22
tjaaltonslangasek: ok, I'll do that then08:22
directhexmerry releasemas!08:39
tjaaltonasac: firefox creating huge (4GB) sparse files on NFS sound familiar to you?-)08:43
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asactjaalton: not really ;)09:06
asactjaalton: a sqlite db?09:06
tjaaltonasac: formhistory.sqlite.. I was equally surprised09:07
tjaaltonno idea how to reproduce, but some users have had that09:07
liware sparse files problematic on nfs?09:08
tjaaltonI'm not sure09:08
tjaaltonmight be an nfs boog09:09
geofftis this new with Jaunty or some new Firefox version?09:10
tjaaltongeofft: no, with hardy09:12
tjaaltonat least I believe it was09:13
sabdflhappy release day, all09:17
ograsabdfl, to you too :)09:18
pittihey sabdfl, and to you!09:23
directhexit's a sabdfl!09:24
sabdfllife and kicking09:25
sabdflerr... liVe and kicking09:25
davmor2Congratulations Everybody and here's to the next release09:27
tseliothappy release :-)09:27
* pitti goes to pre-review the ton of SRU09:34
slangasekpitti: yay :)09:35
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mdzcalc: that 56% is down from 63% for March09:39
slangasekwow, is that a percentage of new bugs or of all bugs?09:39
ograwe have bugs ?09:40
directhexpitti, i want an SRU for something. should i arrange for an 0ubuntu2 to be uploaded directly, or wait for karmic, sync -3 into karmic, and request that be used for the sru?09:41
pittidirecthex: I'd advise to upload 0ubuntu1.1 as an SRU now09:42
pittiunless you really meant -3, and not ubuntu309:42
directhexi meant -309:42
pittithen 0ubuntu2 is okay09:42
directhexso "do it now" then09:43
directhexdebdiff time!09:43
pittiyes, please prepare the bug for SRU, and upload to the queue09:43
directhex1.0.1-0ubuntu1.1 is the correct versioning for an sru?09:44
pittidirecthex: it's a valid one; it's not the only correct one09:44
pittithe main point is to avoid version clashes with karmic uploads09:44
directhexi'll requestsync it for karmic as soon as it opens09:46
* tonyyarusso would like to briefly remind sabdfl, slangasek, and anyone else who may care that we are using #ubuntu-release-party again for Jaunty. Remember to have fun today!09:49
directhexi still think thursday releases suffer from an inherent party-related flaw09:51
cjwatsonFriday releases suffer from an inherent don't-release-and-then-disappear-for-the-weekend bug :-)09:52
cjwatson(oh, and they also tend to result in missing news cycles)09:52
henoand give less wiggle-room09:54
directhexreleases full stop suffer from an inherent don't-release-then-get-drunk bug09:55
directhexsolution: debian ;)09:55
LaserJockdirecthex: I don't know, if it took me that long to get a release out I'd want to get drunk for a long while09:55
directhexLaserJock, could always ban security teams from attending parties...09:56
directhexokay, i have a debdiff. now to do the SRU paperwork09:58
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directhexhm. for an SRU i can't upload myself, do i hunt for a regular motu to upload it first, or go straight for a motu-sru person to take care of the lot?10:14
pittidirecthex: oh, I thought you were motu10:19
pittidirecthex: subscribe motu-sru for approval10:19
pittidirecthex: AFAIR, motu-sru wants to ack universe SRUs before upload anyway10:19
directhexpitti, i'm just a lowly contributor. not even formally a member of any kind yet (though i now have a handy wiki page for people to leave me glowing testimonials)10:21
directhexpitti, i've subscribed motu-sru, and i'll poke cody-sommerville when he wakes (spoke with him yesterday about this bug)10:21
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Keybuksetlocale() is not malloc()-safe11:19
wretched_dutchmacan anyone tell me were I can suggest new programs for future ubuntu releases??11:26
directhexwretched_dutchma, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages11:27
wretched_dutchmathank you :)11:27
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slangaseksuperm1: how much lead-time do you need for http://mythbuntu.org/9.04/release to go live?11:52
slangasekTheMuso, luisbg: same question, regarding getting 9.04 on http://ubuntustudio.org/downloads11:55
Ampelbeinpitti: hi, i noticed you assigned me to bug 351017 . does that mean that there is more work to be done on the package?12:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351017 in mjpegtools "[SRU] mpeg2enc crashes with SIGILL on non-p4 architectures." [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35101712:05
pittiAmpelbein: no, I just want every release targetted bug to have an assignee12:06
pittii. e. the one in charge for the bug12:06
Ampelbeinah, ok.12:06
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TheMusoslangasek: sorry again since the website is not my area, I can't help.12:12
* TheMuso is thinking though that he should change that for karmic.12:12
TheMusoi.e get web access since nobody ever appears to be around when these things need doing.12:13
slangasekTheMuso: fwiw, _MMA_ tells me he's more-or-less stepping down due to work committments, so I guess that would be a good idea :)12:13
TheMusoslangasek: Yeah I'm well aware of that.12:13
TheMusoThing is I tend to do a fair chunk of stuff as it is, that the others don't want me to take any more on, however they sometimes don't pull their own weight.12:13
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madduckat what time can we expect the release today?13:04
jpdsmadduck: When it's announced on ubuntu-announce.13:04
madduckoh how familiar that answer is :)13:05
madduckthe reason i am asking is because i need to talk to one of your developers asap and would like to make sure I get the timing right13:06
james_wmadduck: you need to talk to someone as soon as it's released, but not a moment before?13:08
madduckand i just wanted to get a bit of an idea when that would be13:09
madduckanyway, i'll just wait13:10
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* ogra points madduck to #ubuntu-release-party ... 13:11
ograwill be announced there first13:12
madduck"Every time you ask if it's out yet, a unicorn loses it's horn." -- few, glad i asked the right question then. :)13:12
ograbusfahrer,  #ubuntu-release-party13:12
busfahrerThanks, already in there, hehe.13:12
madduckgood luck all13:13
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lifelesshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/288797 seems unfixed13:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288797 in synaptic "[Intrepid] Synaptic unusable - Can not find packages" [Medium,Fix released]13:32
mvolifeless: upgrade or fresh install?13:33
slangasekTheMuso, luisbg: now would be a good time to make http://mythbuntu.org/9.04/release available13:33
slangasekTheMuso, luisbg: er, I mean http://ubuntustudio.org/downloads of course13:34
lifelessmvo: read the comments13:36
lifelessmvo: ask for more info etc:)13:36
mvolifeless: sorry, I thought you were hit by the bug too13:36
slangaseksuperm1: the sooner http://mythbuntu.org/9.04/release can be made available, the better13:37
lifelessmvo: I am subscribed forvarious reasons :)13:39
slangasekNCommander: do you have access to get http://xubuntu.org/news/9.04-release updated?  looks like I just missed mr_pouit, and Cody's not around AFAICS13:39
lifelessmvo: so I am seeing a stream of people still sayng they are hitting it13:39
mvolifeless: they are hitting a different bug it seems (the fact that adding a new repository does not immediately update the index)13:40
mvobut I will respond in the bug13:40
Ampelbeinpitti: i get a failed to built for powerpc for mjpegtools (351017), http://paste.ubuntu.com/156499/ . How can I get access to the config.log?13:40
pittiAmpelbein: you can't; you need to reproduce/debug it on a local machine13:47
pittiAmpelbein: perhaps because -mno-sse2 is applied on all architectures instead of just i386, and the switch doesn't exist on other arches?13:48
pittiAmpelbein: yeah, I think that's it13:49
pittiwrap it into something like13:49
Ampelbeinpitti: that's what i suspect. but i don't have a powerpc-architecture here to test it. and since its the only change, yeah thats it. i broke another package13:49
pittiifneq ($(findstring $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), i386 lpia),)13:49
pitti CFLAGS+=-fno-sse213:49
pitti(or whatever the flag/variable was)13:50
c_kornin how many hours will jaunty be released?13:51
Ampelbeinpitti: will do that. is there a way to "simulate" another architecture with pbuilder? or perhaps with virtualbox?13:51
ograc_korn, -> #ubuntu-release-party13:51
pittiAmpelbein: no, but you can change "i386" to "foobar" and verify that the flag isn't applied then13:51
c_kornogra: thanks. I should have known that there is a channel for everything13:52
Ampelbeinpitti: ah, yeah. cool. thanks for the help. (and sorry for breaking the package in the first try)13:52
pittiAmpelbein: no prob13:52
miki4242pitti: hi, i'm the guy who mailed you about using v4l-dvb with dkms, sorry for long silence :-)13:54
pittihi miki424213:54
miki4242had too much work going on to reply earlier13:54
miki4242pitti: there were some problems regarding espeak: portaudio19 doesn't play nicely with pulseaudio. do you know what is going to happen to the release?13:58
pittimiki4242: you might want to talk to TheMuso about that13:58
persiaAmpelbein, In extreme situations, it's possible to cat config.log during the build, but try other things first.13:59
persia(as in when it fails on a buildd, but isn't failing locally, etc.)13:59
miki4242pitti: ok thanks13:59
kirklandseb128: howdy14:00
seb128hi kirkland14:00
kirklandseb128: i just enabled jaunty-proposed, to help do some testing of those packages14:01
kirklandseb128: on dist-upgrade, i see:14:01
kirklandseb128: removing evolution, and such14:01
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 9.04 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
kirklandseb128: the last time i saw this, it took me about a day to resume my normal access to email :-)14:01
seb128kirkland: could you try to figure why?14:01
kirklandseb128: try to figure out why it wants to be removed?14:01
seb128I know14:02
kirklandseb128: or why i lost a day fighting evolution?14:02
seb128kirkland: non !i386?14:02
directhexman, jaunty's been out for AGES! why's karmic taking so long to open? boo!!!!!! :<14:02
seb128kirkland: non i386 I mean14:02
kirklandLinux t61p 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:02
kirklandseb128: ^14:02
seb128wait for the amd64 build to catch up for evolution-data-server14:02
Ampelbeinpersia: ok. i think pitti found the error and provided a fix, am now testing here and will reupload.14:02
seb128it built on i386 so -common is available but not the amd64 binaries14:02
kirklandseb128: aaaahhhh14:02
seb128yet another reason why I use an i386 install ;-)14:03
kirklandseb128: wow, that's a nasty little race in our build system14:03
* pitti hugs slangasek, awesome work! congrats14:03
kirklandseb128: so last time, i must have dist-upgraded later in the day and it found a published build14:03
persiakirkland, It's worse when something FTBFS for only some architectures, because then it's more than a race condition.14:03
kirklandseb128: and then i was working again14:03
seb128kirkland: where it's really an issue is if the amd64 fails or take some days now14:03
kirklandpersia: seb128: ack.  that sucks.14:04
slangasekpitti: you too :)14:04
slangasekcongrats, all!14:04
seb128binaries are copied to -updates though14:04
seb128so we don't have the issue in updates14:04
directhexis my cake in the mail, then?14:04
seb128slangasek: congrats!14:04
* kirkland hugs slangasek 14:04
persiakirkland, The alternative is one copy of arch:all binaries for each arch, which is too painful to contemplate.14:04
seb128well the bug there is also too strict depends between arch all and any binaries14:05
persiaKeybuk, You win.14:05
kirklandKeybuk: oh, yeah, i'm installing it now :-)14:05
seb128and apt being stupid, you can tell that to mvo ;-)14:05
ograKeybuk, on its way :)14:05
directhexpitti, i want to help you for giving me a moment to visualize monkey island's Lemonhead as a debian developer... "and the package says 'maintained by lemonhead'... just like one of mine!"14:05
dholbachasac: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :-)14:05
directhexKeybuk, beat you to it14:05
directhexKeybuk, [14:02] <directhex> man, jaunty's been out for AGES! why's karmic taking so long to open? boo!!!!!! :<14:05
seb128asac: happy birthday ;-)14:05
persiadirecthex, Except you didn't use ALL CAPS, so it doesn't count as a well-formed pony request.14:05
pittiasac: oh? happy (age++)!14:06
directhexpersia, poot.14:06
directhexboo! asac gets jaunty for his birthday. i got a car accident!14:06
ograasac, DUDE ! happy b-day !14:06
mvoseb128: its not sutpid, just a bit ... slow thinking14:06
mvo(ok, it is)14:06
pittidirecthex: plusungood14:06
seb128mvo: ;-)14:06
superm1slangasek, should be live now14:06
slangaseksuperm1: great, thanks14:06
seb128mvo: I know, people should use "upgrade" and not "dist-upgrade" too14:07
mvoasac: HAPPY BDAY14:07
ion_(age++) = λx→age++x14:07
directhexion_, nerd!14:07
kirklandseb128: i wonder if update-manager is any smarter about this than apt-get ...14:07
seb128kirkland: update-manager never remove an installed package so yes14:09
seb128kirkland: it would just wait for the amd64 build to be available14:09
seb128kirkland: and put the -common upgrade on hold14:09
kirklandseb128: cool, that's good to knoew14:12
* cjwatson starts pushing karmic seeds14:12
kirklandseb128: i suppose that's why i saw the issue14:12
kirklandseb128: cheers, thanks for the help ;-)14:13
cjwatsonNCommander,mr_pouit: please branch lp:~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.jaunty to lp:~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.karmic14:14
seb128kirkland: you're welcome, let me know if that's autofixed in one hour when the amd64 build is there14:14
cjwatsonsuperm1: please branch lp:~mythbuntu/ubuntu-seeds/mythbuntu.jaunty to lp:~mythbuntu/ubuntu-seeds/mythbuntu.karmic14:16
superm1cjwatson, i thought i already did, will do if not14:16
wgrantI find it a little odd that the feature tour recommends that I use Microsoft Office formats.14:17
cjwatsonI didn't look :)14:17
cjwatsonsuperm1: oh, so you did. queue-jumper :)14:17
=== canonical_millba is now known as elmo
directhexwgrant, ?14:21
wgrantdirecthex: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/904features/web-browsing/, bottom right.14:22
slangasekmr_pouit: are you in a position to publish http://xubuntu.org/news/9.04-release, which still 404s?14:22
cjwatsonjames_w: please add karmic to the package importer14:23
asacthanks all ;)14:23
directhexwgrant, i think it means it in a "interop with windows weenies" kind of way14:25
directhexalso, vista-- #randomly rebooted me mid-game as it decided to apply some updates i didn't ask it to14:25
[reed]so, I was surprised to see update-manager telling me fglrx isn't supported on 9.04 -- anybody know the bug # tracking that or when that may be resolved so I can actually upgrade?14:26
directhex[reed], ati dropped support for any cards older than $VERYNEW14:26
mvo[reed]: fglrx does not support r5xx cards anymore, just r6xx,r7xx14:26
directhex[reed], there's no fix. ever. unless ATI start doing what nvidia do, and have multiple fglrx releases at once which all support modern kernels & xservers14:27
mvo[reed]: there is a decent chance that the free driver works well for you, but it seems that its lacking in some areas (games), compiz should be fine14:27
mvo[reed]: best try that out with the livecd14:27
slangasekcody-somerville: hi, I can has http://xubuntu.org/news/9.04-release ?14:27
cody-somervilleYup. Bringing that online now14:27
[reed]so, I have an "ATI Mobility FireGL V5200" card14:27
[reed]I don't know what that maps to14:27
[reed]as far as rxxx goes14:28
pittiheh, www.ubuntu.com is basically dead14:28
directhex[reed], RV53014:29
[reed]that sucks14:29
ograpitti, not for me14:30
directhex[reed], use the Free driver, or contact ATI, or stay using intrepid or older forever, or buy a new laptop. those are the options14:30
mvo[reed]: little we can do unfortuantely (other than to warn about it)14:30
directhex[reed], sorry, but that's what happens with proprietary stuff14:30
[reed]well, the only reason I use it is because I have an external monitor, and fglrx seems to be the only thing that can do dual monitors correctly14:31
mr_pouitNCommander: cody-somerville: can you create the branch? (I'm not on my machine right now)14:31
cody-somervillemr_pouit, branch for what?14:31
persiacody-somerville, karmic seeds.14:32
ogralikely karmic14:32
ograah persia beats me14:32
Ampelbeinpitti: attached modified debdiff to bug 351017, i tested locally with something arbitrary and the flag did not get applied. thanks.14:32
* persia was using a very light stick14:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351017 in mjpegtools "[SRU] mpeg2enc crashes with SIGILL on non-p4 architectures." [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35101714:32
pittiAmpelbein: can you upload yourself, or do you need a sponsor?14:32
Ampelbeinpitti: i need a sponsor.14:33
pittiAmpelbein: uploaded, thanks! will process with the next batch14:35
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dokolamont: would you like to have GCC-4.4 as the default for hppa and ia64?14:58
calcmdz: oh that is good news then :)15:15
pittimeh, launchpad.net is slow, or is that just me?15:29
pittiwell, I guess it's the DC connection being maxed out15:29
gnomefreakpitti: its launchpad15:30
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ebroderWhat's the best way to request a large-ish number of CDs for a student group I'm involved in to hand out to users? The last time we tried to order a batch of Intrepid CDs through shipit, we got 315:55
ScottKebroder: There's a "special request" link on the shipit page that gives you a chance to explain why you need more.  That's worked for me.15:57
ebroderOk, I'll try that...as soon as shipit comes back up15:57
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cumulus007Hi, a tour to introduce Ubuntu during installation was promised for Hardy, then it was delayed for Intrepid, and finally it would come in Jaunty16:55
cumulus007however, it's not there in jaunty16:56
cumulus007why is this?16:56
persiacumulus007, Maybe nobody wrote it yet?16:56
ion_You didn’t implement it yet. :-P16:56
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superm1cumulus007, you mean the ubiquity slideshow spec?17:00
superm1cumulus007, it's been discussed at the last two UDSes, and it will be discussed again at this one I believe17:01
superm1evand might know more on why it was delayed17:01
cumulus007Okay, I hope this will be implemented17:01
evandcumulus007: it's scheduled for Karmic.  We need to coordinate work between four teams, and that turns out to be quite difficult.17:06
cumulus007okay, that's a pity17:06
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azeem_bah, sorry17:32
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Kanohi, why is jaunty not default on packages.u?18:06
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sorenKano: Probably an oversight. However, I suspect that at this very second, Intrepid is still what most people uses, so it's not that bad :)18:21
ScottKKano: Because there isn't one magic "we released, so let's update every web tool everywhere that Ubuntu uses" button.18:25
Kanoyou could write it18:26
sorenNo, we couldn't.18:27
persiaKano, not trivially, because people write new web tools for Ubuntu every day.18:28
Kanopackages is old18:28
sorenKano: And not run by Canonical.18:28
sorenKano: I'm not even sure the guy running it is an Ubuntu user.18:28
ScottKPackages.ubuntu.com and packages.debian.org are the same codebase.18:29
gesersoren: packages.u.c is hosted on sulfur.canonical.com now18:29
sorengeser: still on Frank's behalf, though, isn't it?18:30
sorenI mean.. We provide the hardware, but I thought he ran it.18:30
ScottKAFAIK that's true.18:30
geserthat I don't know18:30
calcis there a particular reason LP is falling over18:31
calcit seems about 50% failure rate for me currently18:31
ScottKcalc: It's in the same data center as the primary mirrors.  It's release day.18:31
* calc thought it was separate from the package distribution system18:31
calcScottK: so overloaded it can't even get to its backend i suppose?18:31
ScottKNot sure where the bottleneck is, but clearly there is one.18:32
calcthe page itself works but operations on it pop up the oops page18:32
ScottKThis happens every release.18:32
* calc thinks the LP server needs a dedicated connection to its database server18:32
pittiKeybuk: who's the MoM person nowadays? it needs to be flipped to Karmic, and all "updated merges" reset to "outstanding"18:33
cjwatsonpitti: Keybuk said earlier he'd already poked MoM18:33
pittiah, nice18:33
cjwatsonhe says he suspects archive.ubuntu.com hadn't quite pulsed out karmic yet18:34
cjwatsonso it'll get round to it18:34
cjwatsoncalc: having trouble due to the load on shipit; they're aware, but it will probably also naturally subside18:34
calccjwatson: ok18:38
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trunkzNot entirely sure as to whether this is the correct channel, but I was reading up on the mailing lists, and it sems libspe2 should be in the repo's.. but it isnt.18:48
trunkzIts an important ps3 component of ubuntu.18:48
ScottKtrunkz: For discussing getting new packages in, #ubuntu-motu is a better channel.18:49
calctrunkz: its not there for ps3? or just not there for other arches?18:50
trunkzcalc, doesnt seem to be for powerpc or x86 (just ran it on my intel box)18:50
trunkzScottK, will have a try there :)18:51
calctrunkz: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libspe2/2.2.80-95-3.1ubuntu118:51
calctrunkz: it shows like it is there18:51
trunkzI know.18:51
pi_mHi, how can I disable the new notifications?18:51
trunkzBut its not in the repo's18:51
trunkzI've compiled the source from launchpad18:51
trunkzbut it seems apt-get & dpkg dont believe that its installed.. which is another problem :p18:51
trunkzTrying to do it via checkinstall now, hopefully the .deb will register itself.18:52
calctrunkz: this isn't it? http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/main/libs/libspe2/libspe2-2_2.2.80-95-3.1ubuntu1_powerpc.deb18:52
trunkzthat might be libspe2-2.. which it wont be18:53
trunkzi'll double check.18:53
calctrunkz: its built from the same libspe2 source18:53
calctrunkz: it looks like the sover changed18:53
calctrunkz: between 2.2.0 and 2.2.80 it changed name from libspe2 to libspe2-218:54
trunkz.. ahh18:54
calctrunkz: at least from what i can see18:54
trunkzdo they still have the 2.2.0 debs on there?18:54
calctrunkz: yea... look :)18:55
calcnot in jaunty as it is old, but its in intrepid18:55
trunkzya just saw itin intrepid18:55
trunkzthats going to fix a heck of alot of problems if it works.18:55
calctrunkz: what problems are you seeing? is it just a problem with your own code linking against the wrong library name?18:56
trunkzspe-medialib wont recognise libspe2 :)18:57
calctrunkz: spe-medialib is probably an old version then or not up to date with the spe2 libary18:57
trunkzAll this.. just to get video working properly :)18:57
calctrunkz: so i take it spe-medialib isn't something that is in ubuntu?18:58
trunkzIt should be. but it isnt :)18:58
calctrunkz: so just modify its source to link the correct lib and/or just recompile it and it should work18:59
trunkzoh hello.. seems to play nice now.18:59
calcyou might not have to modify anything depending on how it finds the spe library when building18:59
pi_mOr can you tell me where I can find this information (how can I disable the new notifications)?19:00
trunkzI'll probably submit a request for static builds of spe-medialib to be included in the repo :)19:00
ScottKtrunkz: It'll get turned down.19:04
trunkzI'll bribe them with cookies.19:04
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pacejranyone have any speculation about the radeon driver stack in 9.10?19:44
persiapacejr, At this point, it's mostly an upstream thing: I doubt the decision would be taken as to what or how or any such until at least post UDS.19:47
Kanoi hope the first new package for karmic will be vbox 2.2.x19:48
pacejrpersia: yeah, i figured. 2.6.31 will likely be just too late for 9.10 anyways, right?19:49
persiaI don't know.  Depends on when it releases, and what the kernel team decides at UDS.19:50
pacejri seem to remember they've only switched to a kernel in the middle of ubuntu's release cycle once in the past few years19:50
persiaNo, the kernel switches in the cycle at least once *every* cycle.  It only switched late in the cycle once.19:50
persiaThe kernel team selects a version to target early in the cycle, and generally keeps to that choice.19:51
LordKowthe version selection really does have a lot to do with each specific kernel release.19:56
calcas 2.6.30 isn't even released yet it is unlikely 2.6.31 will be in karmic19:56
calc2.6.31 at the current kernel release rate would be out sometime after July (maybe August?)19:56
LordKowi would guess 2.6.30 in june. so.. late august.19:57
pacejrand i suppose the kernel team would be hesitant to patch the new radeon bits into 2.6.30?19:58
calcfeature freeze is also late august so it will be interesting to see what they decide to go with :)20:00
pacejrat least fedora is guinea-pigging a lot of the new radeon stuff for us20:09
Kanobut it was too late to fix intel onboard it seems for 9.0420:10
MarfiPassing word from #ubuntu...torrent link is being buggy20:11
Marfiback to work. Wonderful release!20:12
jdongKano: I don't see a solution for that mess until probably closer to Karmic's release timeframe.20:14
jdonglooks to me like upstream is the one in a state of flux.20:14
Kanoupdated intel drm maybe20:15
magciusI've got this annoying bug in my fork of notify-osd where the message box flashes for a minute before fading in. Anybody want to help?20:15
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ScottKjdong: siretart was reporting significantly better performance with the current release.20:27
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NCommanderThat's fun20:44
jdongScottK: performance isn't my issue; stability is my biggest concern currently20:47
jdongScottK: EXA doesn't work anymore since Jaunty, UXA hardlocks every few hours and dies on resume20:48
ScottKjdong: I see.  For UXA, I agree.20:48
LaserJockjdong: talking about -intel20:48
ScottKEXA works here, just is slow.20:48
ScottKLaserJock: Yea20:48
LaserJockyeah, I'm really buggered by it still20:49
ScottKEXA + Greedy works reasonably well here.20:49
LaserJockI have to turn off compositing or my GPU freezes within a few minutes20:49
NCommanderpitti, is there any chance we can setup a SPARC retracer? (I'm currently actively debugging issues on SPARC< and it would be handy)20:49
jdongEXA for me deadlocks in some GEM call when Compiz tries to start.20:49
jdongit's a bug that I can produce in every modern-ish distro past Intrepid20:49
ScottKjdong: Which Intel do you have?20:52
ScottKjdong: Any chance you could give backports approval some love.  I'm sure it needs it.20:52
jdongScottK: GMA950 in a old generation Macbook20:52
jdongand Backports is on my TODO list which is getting shoved to the weekend.... courses are really killing me right now20:53
persiaNCommander, You can run apport-retrace locally.20:56
NCommanderpersia, link to documentation?20:56
* NCommander suspects he needs the debug libraries installed :-/20:57
persiaman apport-retrace20:57
YokoZarhmm the release notes page still refers to Ubuntu 9.04 beta (http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904overview)20:58
persiaYokoZar, IF it's not already filed, file a bug against ubuntu-website.20:59
cody-somervillewhere did gtk-displayconfig go?21:00
YokoZarpersia: done.  didn't realize we had a website project in launchpad, makes sense21:03
magciusSorry... Ubuntu packaging n00b here... how do you use CDBS with automake?21:05
persiamagcius, Better to ask in #ubutu-motu (and there's a couple files you can include, but how many to include depends on what you want to do).21:07
ScottKmagcius: Packaging questions are better in #ubuntu-motu21:07
siretartjdong: ScottK's right. I'm currently running jaunty with 2.6.30-rc2 and intel 2.7.0 release (karmic ships 2.6.3) and EXA acceleration.21:28
ScottKkees: The last upload to the release pocket was your sepolgen upload.21:30
NCommanderjdong, ping?21:55
keesScottK: \o/  :)22:39
joaopintomy system hanged on a "Checkign initramfs for custom DSDT" after a crash, the only bug I found for the same message is bug 58386, but is rather old22:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 58386 in linux "ACPI: Looking for DSDT ... not found! (message during boot)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5838622:45
joaopintoany ideas ?22:45
ScottKjoaopinto: File a new bug.22:46
joaopintohum, shut it down for some more minutes and booted fine now22:46
joaopintonot sure i'll be able to reproduce22:46
joaopintoI have left my laptop for 10 minutes, and then found it shutdown, with the caps lock blinking22:46
joaopintogrr, now the wifi is also working22:48
magciusWould it make sense for Ubuntu to do the Select Best Server thing before a dist-upgrade?22:49
magciusI think that's a reasonable request.22:49
alex-weejanyone offer an explanation as to why "outline" is the default mode in compiz?22:56
alex-weejresizing used to be slow22:56
alex-weejbut it isn't anymore22:56
alex-weeji can cook up a config patch debdiff if it's worth it22:56
mrooneypitti: around by any chance?23:12

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