
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362352 in thunderbird "package thunderbird failed to install/upgrade: files list file for package `xulrunner-1.9' contains empty filename" [Undecided,Incomplete]00:00
asacam i tired or is the problem hard to identify ;)00:00
asaci mean understanding his problem ;)00:00
asacdirecthex: the one in the test page is similar00:01
directhexasac, i know, but i DEFINITELY got the ubufox window with my version00:01
asacah you do some data00:01
directhexi'll take a screenshot for posterity!00:01
LnsHey all, a couple things I wanted to bring up00:11
directhexasac, http://www2.apebox.org/wordpress/picturebox-2/miscellanous-junk/?pid=220#picture_nav00:12
LnsIn Jaunty w/Firefox 3.0.8, I was having major issues on Facebook when Adblock Plus was installed (even when completely deactivated). I couldn't do anything on FB - comment, see many pictures, etc... it wasn't until I completely removed Adblock that things actually started working again (even though, as I said, it was disabled)00:12
LnsSecond thing, is there a way to remove the authentication from a closed tab so, say, someone can't come up to my browser instance and go history -> recently closed tabs, and re-open my, say, authenticated firewall config page?00:13
asacdirecthex: yeah. thats how its supposed to work00:23
asacLns: have you tried a different adblock version?00:23
Lnsasac: nope just tried the latest one from mozilla addons00:24
directhexasac, and DOES work! barring the whole "everyone on the internet uses plugin detection" issue00:24
Lnsasac: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865 i believe (not on the same system but i'm sure this is it)00:24
asacLns: removing authentication from the tab is difficult ... especially if its session cookies. i dont think there is such a feature. guess you should close app (remember tabs) and start it to get that effect00:25
Lnsoh another thing I noticed (in jaunty) when i install the adobe flash plugin, it doesn't ask me to restart, and when i re-visit the flash page it prompts me to install the plugin again.00:25
asacLns: its a bug that it prompts you again00:25
asacit used to work without restart00:25
Lnsasac: rgr00:25
asacbut something broke that00:25
asaci haven't tracked that down00:25
Lnsno worries just thought i'd throw it out there =)00:26
asacits known ;)00:26
asaca bunch of bugs about that00:26
Lnscool...yeah the one that worried me the most was the closed tabs thing00:26
asacits kind of an interesting idea00:26
Lnsi can see both sides of the issue..but i'd have to think that most people would assume when the tab is closed your session w/the site is also closed00:26
Lnsjust like if yo uclose the browser window itself00:27
asacmaybe a feature that allows you to invalidate session cookies for current tab/page might exist in form of some extension00:27
asacLns: i know, but its difficult.maybe user has more tabs open from same site and so on00:28
Lnsasac: there's no way for FF to know that the tab being closed is the last one from the site open, and therefore closes the session cookie?00:28
Lnsi know i'm probably greatly trivializing it00:28
Lnsmaybe a 'treat tabs as windows' option or something00:30
Lnsalthough i'm not sure if it's the case if you have multiple windows vs tabs00:30
asacLns: well. figuring out if its the last one is probably still doable. but the UI is not easy.00:31
asacyou do not want to do that by default it think00:31
asacso either you make it upon request00:31
asacor you have a pref the user can change for all sites00:31
asacor you make that only for certain sites00:31
asaclike bank/launchpad/mozilla00:32
Lnswhy not do it by default? I'd think that's the more secure way00:32
asacbut also more annoying00:32
asacsome sites dont need that much security ;)00:32
Lnsreally? I mean, I'm just talking for myself but when i close a tab i'm pretty much done with it00:33
asacbut if you visit the site like 20 times a day and still close the page in between?00:33
Lnsi would expect to have to log in again if i went back...it surprised me that it didn't00:33
Lnswhy not keep the tab open in those cases? :)00:33
asacif you do like 300 things in a day00:34
asacits easier to open what you need on demand00:34
Lnswell that's a poweruser there00:34
asacthan searching for the tab you already have opened ;)00:34
Lnsthat would, i think, mandate some manual config to relax the security00:34
asacdepends how you define powerusers00:34
asaca lot of users use the webbrowser all day00:34
Lnsas i do, with at least 3-7 tabs open at all times00:34
asacLns: as i said its an interesting idea00:35
Lnsjust thought i'd throw it out there =)00:35
Lnsthanks for listening ;)00:35
asaci would think that was already discussed though. but we will see00:36
Lnsi'd think so too00:36
asacmozillla bug 30722000:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307220 in tkgate "Error when tkgate starts simulator " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30722000:38
asacmozillla bug 27203000:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272030 in libass "please don't install ./usr/lib/libass.la" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27203000:38
asacLns: ^^00:39
asacthats wrong ;)00:39
ubottuMozilla bug 117222 in Networking: Cookies "Limit Scope of Session Cookies (new tabs and windows)" [Enhancement,Assigned]00:39
ubottuMozilla bug 210466 in UI Design "Cookie Manager does not respond to Ctrl+W "close window"" [Trivial,New]00:39
asaclast bug is differnet as it seems ;)00:40
Lnsyeah those are a bit different, though related00:40
Lnsso there's no way to force a second browser instance?00:41
Lnsi guess that's why you get a "firefox is already running" ;)00:42
Lnswhich is kinda a pita when you close and rapidly re-open it00:42
Lnsbefore it's done dying00:42
asacto some degree thats te reason for that already running thing00:43
asacthe real reason is that it checks for X window to see if it needs to start a new process or send a command to an already running one00:44
asacso if you start them quickly both will not see that window00:44
asacand think: lets start a full new firefox00:44
asacthen the firefox process loosing the race fails wit hthat alert00:44
Lnstoo bad there's no easy way to do File -> New -> Session Window00:46
LnsI guess that's more along the lines of that bug thou00:47
LnsOh well, back to work =)00:49
asaci am off00:51
BUGabundobye asac00:52
Nafalloasac: yes. we know. ;-)00:52
BUGabundohappy release party00:52
Nafalloasac: a little bit off, not to much that we will avoid you... :-)00:53
BUGabundo2am... guess I'm hitting the pillow! good release party everyone02:03
directhexasac, does ubufox have any greasemonkeyish ability to tweak a single web page?08:49
asacdirecthex: no ;) ... thats what greasemonkey is for09:20
directhexasac, hm, i was wondering whether it'd work as a nice filthy hack for triggering the plugin finder09:22
asacdirecthex: hmm09:28
asacdirecthex: if you have an example greasescript that would detect that flash detection kit that would be indeed a great thing09:29
directhexasac, it doesn't need to be that complex really - every single "install silverlight" button on the internest ends up in the same place - http://go-mono.com/moonlight. so all you need to do is sniff the url09:30
directhexor i could smile sweetly at upstream to hax their page & detect jaunty09:30
asacdirecthex: you mean fixigin Silverlight.js ?09:31
directhexasac, well, i mean just a hack for that one page to insert a 1 pixel SL control if jaunty is detected, regardless of silverlight.js09:32
asacdirecthex: ah. ok. would be good, but finding such a grease script would be better ;)09:34
directhexasac, well, it's easy for silverlight - because Silverlight.js is pretty much the only detector in wide use, you just check to see if any of its methods are defined09:35
asacdirecthex: if you could come up with a prototype that adds a "<object " somewhere on the side (maybe invisible)? would probably workaround09:36
gnomefreakasac: what is RETR command in thunderbird?10:03
asacgnomefreak: that looks like an IMAP protocol command10:05
gnomefreakasac: i hope not since all the email addresses are pop10:05
asacyeah seems to be a protocol command (could be imap or pop)10:05
asacgnomefreak: why do you ask?10:05
gnomefreakah ok10:05
gnomefreakasac: i got the error a few times today as well as a few last week10:06
asacgnomefreak: so you get a dialog popup?10:06
BUGabundoit issues the list of unpulled emails10:06
asacBUGabundo: is that pop or imap (or both)10:06
gnomefreakasac: yep10:06
BUGabundoboth AFAIK10:07
BUGabundomost POPs10:07
asacheh. tha t explains why i got a bunch of hits for imap on google too10:07
gnomefreaksays its a temorary problem10:07
BUGabundoimap(s) uses last10:07
gnomefreakasac: did you push 3.0.9 yet?10:10
asacgnomefreak: if you see it a gain show me a screenshot please10:11
asac(the RETR)10:11
asacgnomefreak: its pushed10:11
asac8 hours ago i think10:11
asacto jaunty-security10:11
gnomefreakasac: ok will do. I'm getting a security announcment on 3.0.9 from the security mailing list10:11
BUGabundosecurity pocket already opened?10:12
gnomefreakfrom Jamie (not sure who it is but he is with Canonical10:12
asacgnomefreak: i just sent a dent about it10:15
asacgnomefreak: jamie is jdstrand10:15
asac(in this channel too)10:15
BUGabundou guys use and abuse all means of comunication10:15
gnomefreakah ok i havent loaded gwibber yet, its too early to deal with errors10:15
BUGabundoemail, im, irc, microblogs10:15
gnomefreakok so most emails are in that small font while some are normal :(10:20
BUGabundognomefreak: usual advcice: make a new TB profile and try to reproduce10:23
* gnomefreak hates when people ignore emails10:25
asacgnomefreak: i guess mails with html vs. plain text10:25
gnomefreakBUGabundo: it doesnt happen all the time, so im fairly sure its not profile related10:25
gnomefreakasac: that could be it is this more of a Ubuntu issue or Mozilla?10:27
asacgnomefreak: most likely the user messed his font setup10:30
asacat least if the difference is so that its annoying10:30
asac(or its really just a few mails)10:30
asacusers should only allow simple html10:30
gnomefreakasac: not a few but most are small some are normal10:30
asacgnomefreak: what is selected in  View -> Mesage Body As ?10:31
asacuse text or simple html10:31
gnomefreakwhould i need to restart Tbird?10:33
gnomefreakif not than plain text didnt work10:33
gnomefreakHTML doesnt help either10:34
gnomefreakhow are we handling the applicants to extension team?10:39
asacgnomefreak: if we dont know them they get added to the cheering team10:41
asacwhat name was that again?10:42
gnomefreakhe joined lots of teams10:42
asacgnomefreak: #ubuntu-release-party ;) ... you are not even there10:42
asacgnomefreak: we reject him telling that teams are something to contribute first10:42
asacgnomefreak: point him to the team we have set up10:43
asachow was that called again?10:43
gnomefreakmozilla squad10:43
gnomefreakubuntu-mozillasquad to be exact10:43
asacgnomefreak: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozillasquad10:43
gnomefreakhe was already a member of the team still looking for more info on him10:44
asacwell. we dont know him ;)10:45
asacreject him and tell him he should contribute here for a while first10:45
asacbut given that he joined the daily team even10:46
asaci would think he hasnt done this to contribute ;)10:46
directhex<script type="text/javascript">if(/Ubuntu\/(\d+.\d\d)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1]>=9.04)document.write("<object type=\"application/x-silverlight\" data=\"data:application/x-silverlight,\" width=\"0\" height=\"0\" />");</script>10:50
directhexmy first javascript of 200910:50
armin76asac: i'm i right thinking that libgtkembedmoz is not available on xul 1.9?10:52
gnomefreakasac: thanks for updating the mailing list admin <still too damn early>10:54
asacarmin76: yes10:54
armin76asac: thanks :)10:54
asacgnomefreak: i found out something good. i can reply to a mime part of the ml approval mail10:54
asacto reject his mail10:54
asacso i for rejection you dont even need to go to webinterface10:54
gnomefreakon sweet10:54
asacsame for approvals ... but you have to include the password in the reply to the -request (take care that that doesnt go to list or user if you want to try ;))10:55
asacgnomefreak: if you look at approval mails there should be two attachments10:55
asacone is a snipped similar to what you get when you confirm your account on subscription10:55
asacarmin76: those folks need to use the glue10:56
armin76asac: bumb :)10:56
gnomefreakok i see attachments10:56
asacarmin76: 99.99% of those asking that at least dont know10:56
asacgnomefreak: not sure if you can reply to an attachment in tbird. guess you would need to open it with double click first10:57
asacgnomefreak: can you open such an attachment as a mail by clicking on it in tbird?10:57
gnomefreakasac: yes10:57
asacgnomefreak: yeah. so you should see instructions in there10:58
gnomefreaki have it open10:58
asaci didnt really understand the approval ... but the reection is easy ;) ... just reply10:58
gnomefreakdepends there are 2 attachments10:58
asacwithout changing anyhting10:58
asacgnomefreak: well. if you read the content you will see which is the right one10:58
asacits pretty obvious10:58
asachas a subject like "confirm ...."10:58
gnomefreakah ha found the right attachment10:59
asacbut i think thats a new feature. its definitly a new milestone in mailing list handling ;)10:59
gnomefreakso for spam i just send a empty email with header and subject intact?11:00
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
asacgnomefreak: yeah.11:02
asacgnomefreak: well you just hit reply11:02
asacdont need to remove anything from body11:02
asacjust reply ... send11:02
gnomefreakthats too easy11:03
asacafter having done a few you could start trying how the approval works11:03
BUGabundoand then we get his pass11:03
asaclet me know if you find11:03
asaci would think that you probably have to write11:03
asacApproval: password11:03
asacin the first line of the body11:03
asacbut the instructions are somewhat unclear11:03
gnomefreakwell leave me a few so i can try it out ;)11:03
asacno worry11:03
asaci dont read mail today till evening11:03
gnomefreakthat they are. but who runs it?11:04
asacgnomefreak: what do you mean?11:04
asacgnomefreak: oh. can you remove cruft from the mail admins page?11:04
asacgnomefreak: i guess bluekuja is still in there11:04
gnomefreakoh eait thats us nevermind, no sense in asking us to make it more clear11:04
asache certainly shouldnt get those mails anymore11:04
asacgnomefreak: ah i see. its mailman upstream freature i guess11:05
asacgnomefreak: so mailman project  ... or launchpad11:05
gnomefreakmore info on this would be great11:05
asacthey run those lists11:05
asacgnomefreak: but maybe we can edit the text in the admin interface ;)11:05
BUGabundothere goes the mirror11:05
BUGabundoits out11:05
asacgnomefreak: i would suggest to check mailman documentation11:06
asacthey probably explain that11:06
gnomefreakok i can do that this week i hope11:06
asacgnomefreak: http://www.modwest.com/help/kb13-283.html11:07
gnomefreakoh this cant be good11:07
asacthere is a bit more ... search for -request11:07
asacanyway ... you will figure11:07
gnomefreakok they close the bug but say its not yet fixed in tbird b3pre11:08
gnomefreakoh i see tbird's xul is being changed to 1.9.2a1pre11:09
gnomefreakfrom 1.9.111:09
gnomefreakoh no thats 3.111:09
gnomefreakcan we get that added to dailies11:09
gnomefreakthat didnt give me anything, i keep looking after smoke =>email11:12
asacgnomefreak: i think we had a branch for 3.1 at some point11:13
gnomefreakPlanning for transition from FF 3.0 to FF 3.5  doesnt make sense i think someone messed the subject up11:14
asacnot sure if fta kept on maintaing that11:14
gnomefreakok i can ping him later if im here11:14
asacgnomefreak: fta is away for a few weeks ;)11:14
gnomefreakok i wont ping him later ;)11:14
asache is doing kind of a long term trip ;)11:14
gnomefreaki can use one of those too11:16
asaci could just go and live in the dschungle for a while11:16
asacjust next to a nice waterfall so i can cool myself down ;)11:17
gnomefreakbe back smoke11:17
* gnomefreak forgot to call babysitter11:40
gnomefreakasac: take a look at but 105915  i dont see any auto filter11:40
gnomefreakbug 10591511:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 105915 in linux-source-2.6.17 "cant find mixer after update" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10591511:41
gnomefreakor not11:41
gnomefreakbug 10591811:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 105918 in thunderbird "Thunderbird 'Create filter from message' should use 'To' instead of 'From'" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10591811:41
gnomefreakthere you go11:41
asacgnomefreak: do you have filteres. isnt there a filter* file somewhere in profile11:55
asacask user to attach that11:55
gnomefreakok will do11:55
asacgnomefreak: its msgFilterRules.dat11:56
asacits somewhere in the profile11:56
asaci think in the directory of the account the filter was created for11:57
gnomefreaki dont see it in mine11:57
gnomefreakunder default11:57
gnomefreakno wonder im llooking in firefox :(11:58
gnomefreakasac: filterlog.html or the messagefilters...dat12:00
asacgnomefreak: .mozilla-thunderbird12:00
asacis tbird 212:00
asac.thunderbird-3.0 is tbir 312:00
gnomefreakyeah i know12:00
gnomefreakyeap its the .dat12:01
asacgnomefreak: you have jaunty-security lines for sources.list at hand?12:02
gnomefreakyeah you sould too :)12:02
asacgnomefreak: can you plesae post your lines12:02
gnomefreakholy shit12:03
gnomefreakthey are not in there12:03
gnomefreakthats a bad bug12:03
gnomefreak-proposed is added but security isnt? this is default list from a clean install12:04
asacgnomefreak: go to administration -> software sources and enable them ;)12:04
gnomefreakthey should be in /etc/apt/sources.list upon install, hint these repos are important12:05
asacgnomefreak: they are in there if you install ... i am pretty sure12:05
asacits just that i removed them manually i gues12:05
asacas i usualyl run development release12:05
asacand hence i dont ned them ;)12:05
gnomefreaknot here during last install maybe 3 weeks ago12:05
gnomefreakmaybe because its not final?12:07
gnomefreakbut people that use pre release will now have to add them12:07
asaci think its been in there since beta at least12:08
asaci made a few test install after beta and it was in tere for sure12:08
BUGabundognomefreak: -proposed is not enabled by default12:09
BUGabundoand it needs a serious work!!!12:09
BUGabundoit should use apt-listchanges to let the user know what BUG its testing12:09
gnomefreakBUGabundo: i know but security repos are not in the sources.list12:09
BUGabundoclean install?12:10
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/644059 is from clean install around Sat, 11 Apr 2009 12:47:46 -040012:11
* gnomefreak doesnt see security in there12:11
asacdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-security universe main multiverse restricted12:16
BUGabundothats strange12:16
asacdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-security universe main multiverse restricted12:16
asacdeb http://ubuntu.intergenia.de/ubuntu/ jaunty-updates universe main multiverse restricted12:16
asacdeb-src http://ubuntu.intergenia.de/ubuntu/ jaunty-updates universe main multiverse restricted12:16
asaci just added those12:16
BUGabundolet me ask on +112:16
BUGabundognomefreak: 2 ppl just checked and its there!12:18
gnomefreakthats a stock list12:18
gnomefreaki didnt touch that one12:18
gnomefreakBUGabundo: also upgrade will have them12:19
gnomefreakthis is clean install12:19
BUGabundofresh install12:19
BUGabundothats what i asked12:19
BUGabundoreally strange12:21
BUGabundoat lunch i'll try a kvm image12:21
BUGabundoi'm getting confirmations of FF3.0.9 getting installed!12:21
gnomefreakasac: bug 365357 have you seen this problem? I havent in a while12:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365357 in xulrunner-1.9 "pkg did not install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36535712:28
gnomefreakyuck i dont think it is xulrunner but ill ask a few12:30
asacgnomefreak: yes thats etcinsvk12:36
gnomefreakthought so12:36
gnomefreaki commented but i havent sent it yet12:36
gnomefreakim trying to break u-n atm12:37
gnomefreakl;ets hope that works12:37
gnomefreakasac: should flashplugin-installer depend on *-nonfree12:41
gnomefreakand the other way -nonfree depend on -installer12:41
asacgnomefreak: its all ok as it is atm12:42
asac-nonfree depends on installer ... but not the other way around12:42
gnomefreakasac: bug 365400 i marked as ubufox12:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365400 in ubufox "Firefox doesn't detect flash plugin after upgrading from 8.10" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36540012:43
gnomefreaknot sure exactly what he means, -installer is what?12:43
asacflashplugin-installer is the new package name12:44
gnomefreakfor -nonfree?12:45
gnomefreakif so than it should install -nonfree when -installer is installed12:45
gnomefreakor at least use replaces12:46
gnomefreaksorry conflicts or replaces12:46
gnomefreakok damnit where did the firefox bug about assertiuon error (not restarting after update?12:51
gnomefreakopps go12:51
asacgnomefreak: no ... it installs installer in case non free is installed12:52
asacjust the other way around12:53
asacwe migrate to installer and not to nonfree12:53
gnomefreakthan installer should be enough to view flash?12:54
asacgnomefreak: i already asked on the bug12:55
asacgnomefreak: when i say: "this is a bug in firefox, not ubufox, you dont need to say: "this isnt a bug in firefox" and invalidate that13:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 355112 in ubufox "Ask.com keeps being re-added to Firefox search bar after updates" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:23
asacyou did that to that bug13:23
asacfixed bug13:26
gnomefreaki missed a few posts that being one of them13:27
asacno problem13:30
gnomefreakok back to TV for a while. need break before FTBFS :)13:33
gnomefreakasac: when repling to mailing list i double click on the attachment and reply or i reply to the normal email?14:03
apachelogger~order birthday package for asac14:08
* kubotu is running to the corner shop to get a birthday present.14:08
* kubotu slides a birthday cake and a present down the bar to asac and gives everyone a nice frosty mug of beer.14:08
kubotuHappy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday asac, happy birthday to you!!!! - Wooooho!14:08
kubotuHappy Birthday asac :D14:08
kubotuTo your health!14:08
* apachelogger hugs asac14:08
[reed]ah, hippy barfday, asac14:08
BUGabundobday? ohhhh happy b'day asac !!!!14:12
armin76happy bday asacbuntu14:13
gnomefreakhappy birthday asac for some reason i thought you just had one14:18
gnomefreakok back to SM-2 again be back later (i hope later rather than sooner)14:20
asacusually i dont announce my birthday ;)14:22
asacbut today i had to because of this nice coincident14:22
BUGabundoso its asacbuntu14:24
asacright ;)14:24
BUGabundoor jaunty alex14:24
asactoo bad i dont have a j ;)14:24
BUGabundoAlexander Jackalop14:24
asacanyway ... doing extended lunch now to celebrate this special moment ;)14:25
BUGabundogo a head14:27
BUGabundohave a slice of cake on me14:27
BUGabundou deserv14:28
gnomefreakhave a strong drink for me ;)14:32
gnomefreakfor me and ill buy14:32
* gnomefreak back to this broken crap14:33
armin76[reed]: did you saw the bugs where i cc'ed you?14:33
[reed]armin76: which one?14:37
BUGabundognomefreak: u just want to give him a bad liver14:38
BUGabundosmoke is bad enough already14:38
gnomefreaksmoke drink bad but fun :)14:39
armin76[reed]: yesterday, super-h related14:40
[reed]got bug #s?14:40
[reed]I see14:40
[reed]I skipped over those14:41
[reed]ok, I've tagged reviewers14:42
[reed]that basically what you want?14:42
armin76yup, thanks14:52
gnomefreak[reed]: was the pango patch commited upstream yet?15:05
[reed]I do believe so15:05
[reed]let me look15:06
gnomefreak[reed]: thanks15:06
[reed]mozilla bug 47887115:08
ubottuMozilla bug 478871 in GFX: Thebes "compile error 'struct _PangoFcFontMapClass' has no member named 'context_substitute' with pango 1.23" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47887115:08
[reed]yep, fixed15:08
gnomefreak[reed]: thanks now it might build :)15:08
gnomefreakok its at a safe point to walk away, be back to check on build later15:31
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreak1687 people in #ubuntu :) and im still not here im just scared its going to fail15:59
gnomefreakdamn thing still fails to build17:05
asacgnomefreak: sunbird?17:15
asacor sm217:15
asachow does it fail?17:15
asacsame pango thing?17:16
asacprobably didnt apply the patch17:16
gnomefreakasac: no its not pango give me a minute and ill post it17:19
gnomefreakasac: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/64407617:22
gnomefreaki doubt its our bug17:23
gnomefreaklooking upstream for bug but cant find the string errors anywhere. im here and eating and searching :)17:33
gnomefreakLP is still very very slow17:57
[reed]asac: heads-up, we're firedrilling19:10
NCommanderAre there known issues with Firefox on SPARC?20:44
g0ph3rhi folks, after todays update of firefox 3.0.9, i can't start thunderbird anymore: it always gives only a segfault. i'm using ubuntu 8.10. what puzzled me a bit is that i could not find a bug about this... so i was wondering if this might be just me and stumbled in on here to check if this is already a known issue or not20:53
g0ph3rhm... well, i guess i'll try more tomorrow. it's getting late for me now21:03
[reed]NCommander: yes21:28
NCommander[reed], anything I can do to help?21:29
[reed]talk to armin7621:29
NCommanderarmin76, ping21:30
armin76NCommander: hi, whats up?22:02
armin76NCommander: well, not much you can do, or yes, have a look at mozilla bug 44865822:05
ubottuMozilla bug 448658 in Phishing Protection "nsUrlClassifierDBService has bad alignment, causes SIGBUS" [Critical,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44865822:05
armin76look at my align.patch and find a solution for it so it works on msvc :)22:06
asac[reed]: *sigh*22:34
NCommanderarmin76, I can fix it on MSVC22:37
asac[reed]: hmm... no mail i see about the cause22:37
asacoh found something22:37
NCommanderarmin76, can we get it into karmic though (and maybe SRU into jaunty?)22:37
asacNCommander: the patch should land upstream ... then it will get automatically to all our releases22:41
NCommanderasac, I want it fixed for the existing releases22:42
NCommanderI actually have a SPARC box I care about22:42
asac"... then it will get automatically to all our releases"22:42
NCommander... huh?22:42
asacall includes existing releases22:42
* NCommander maybe missing how Mozilla is SRUed22:42
asacNCommander: mozilla is SRUed monthly through -security ;)22:43
BUGabundoasac: what are you doing here? go celebrate your bday with family and real world friends!22:45
asacheh. i already did ;) ... more to come on weekend22:45
asacbut thanks ;)22:45
BUGabundoeheh np22:46
NCommanderarmin76, that build failure looks unrelated to the alignment change O_o;22:46
kbrosnanMozilla is doing a 3.5b4 test day tomorrow http://quality.mozilla.org/events/2009/apr/24/firefox-35-beta-4-test-day any questions /msg me23:40
NCommanderarmin76, I'm looking into how to resolve this and fix on MSVC. SPARC alignment is similar to ARM so I think I can use some of the same tricks to fix it23:49

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