
jpdspopey: Better hope the Victoria line is not on strike like it was today.00:08
jpdsPlenty of ways to reroute tho.00:09
popeyand plenty of time too00:10
popeyright, now bed!00:10
* jpds follows everyone's suit.00:10
Nafalloand no. I think it was only today.00:18
wgrantCan we kill people who post links, as usual? Or only later?00:23
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (casslab)01:59
geniiLjL: You're not just gonna kick em or such? 02:01
LjLgenii: with no access?02:01
geniiAaah OK02:01
LjLthe fuck02:03
LjL[03:00:46] <casslab> hi. i seem to be srsly fucking with you in there eh?02:03
LjL[03:01:13] <LjL> uhm you just sound more or less like a commonplace troll, why?02:03
LjL[03:02:23] <casslab> because you seem raged, that's why02:03
LjL[03:02:29] <casslab> also, i don't know what a troll is.02:03
LjL[03:02:42] <ubottu> troll02:03
LjL[03:02:55] <LjL> type /msg ubottu troll - that will tell you02:03
LjL[03:03:13] <casslab> how about i pee in your ear instead?02:03
* genii makes coffee and doughnuts for Pici02:06
=== wgrant__ is now known as wgrant
PiciSorry, I'm playing with QoS here and I'm having issues with my ssh connection02:10
wgrant_Ah, I see PartyBot is back.02:13
geniiWhats this bunny thing? The bot kills a bunny when you ask the not-to-be-asked Q?02:25
wgrant_genii: The topic used to say that a bunny was killed each time. But that got changed.02:26
geniiHehe, OK02:26
geniiHopefully PETA didn't get involved02:26
LjLwhy is mtecknology removing bans from #ubuntu-release-party?03:20
wgrantI was wondering that.03:20
Madpilotdidn't even knew he was an op03:20
LjLwhy is mtecknology generally doing things with op privileges that he doesn't have?03:21
wgrantubuntu/member/* is.03:21
LjLthat ban he removed was a spammer.03:21
Madpilotah, -release-party  has the blanket /ubuntu/member/* as op03:21
tonyyarussoyes, yes it does03:22
tsimpsonLjL: has he said why he did it yet?03:23
tonyyarussoLjL: are the watchbots smart enough to automatically tell people to go to the proper channels if they ask about the release or upgrading and such in #ubuntu?03:24
geniiMaybe partybot should specify what timezone the 18:30 is supposed to reside in :)03:27
tsimpsonnah, make it as vague as possible03:28
tsimpson18:30 on Pluto03:28
LjLtonyyarusso: no03:28
tsimpsongive them something to google03:28
LjLtsimpson: no03:28
LjLgenii: meh, it's a joke to begin with! do you want it to take leap seconds into account too? :<03:28
geniiLjL: Samoa is the last timezone before international date line for instance. so make it something like that03:29
geniiI'd kill myself laghing03:29
genii*laughing, even03:29
tonyyarussoSamoa sounds good to me :P03:30
geniiIt will also occupy them when they go resorting to google or so to find out what the hell timezone it's in03:30
tsimpson<MTecknology> I just figured that because of the nature of the channel bad behaviour is moderately common and that if they were banned for 5 hours, they either wouldn't come back or when they did they would behave. I also figured that it would be nice to have a clean banlist. And that there's going to be plenty of ops around to take care of things.03:33
geniiSee, the "where the hell is samoa" stuff starts now03:33
LjLtsimpson: how's about he stops figuring things and leaves the goddam banlist alone instead03:33
tonyyarussotsimpson: he's probably right frankly.  Unless it's major, most of our bans there are removed after an hour or so.03:33
LjLtonyyarusso: it was a spamming of "fuck"s.03:34
* tonyyarusso doesn't know anything about the specific one in question though03:34
wgrantLast release the ban list was cleared out regularly.03:34
tonyyarussoLjL: mmkay03:34
LjL23 fucks.03:34
tsimpsontonyyarusso: I was thinking that, but they have no op experience, so I'd be nice for them to *ask*03:34
tonyyarussoEither way, if he's going to be doing stuff there, he should be in here or #ubuntu-irc.  I leave it to one of y'all to tell me which is more appropriate for this.03:34
tonyyarussotsimpson: agreed.03:34
tsimpsonhmm, I suppose it's a "core" channel (ie: non-loco)03:35
tsimpsonso here03:35
tsimpsonthere we go03:36
tsimpsonif you want to volunteer to help keep -r-p sane, I think we can let you idle here for today03:38
tonyyarussoMTecknology: it's also helpful to direct people to -r-p and +1 as appropriate from #ubuntu if you can watch there.03:39
MTecknologytonyyarusso: when did you become an op, and what channel?03:39
* tonyyarusso remembered to get chanpeak.pl running in time this go around03:39
wgranttonyyarusso has been an op forever.03:39
* LjL shakes head03:39
MTecknologyI never even knew that03:40
tonyyarussoMTecknology: November of 2006 iirc, and of #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic first.03:40
tonyyarussoDecember rather, according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TonyYarusso03:40
* tonyyarusso should really update that03:41
MTecknology-r-c Is the most active #ubuntu- channel I've ever had op privs in03:41
geniiIs Malone some scifi writer named freenode box? eg: <ubot3> Stupendoussteve: Error: Could not parse data returned by Malone: The read operation timed out04:06
wgrantMalone is the old name for the Launchpad bugtracker.04:08
tritiumGood evening.04:08
tonyyarussogenii: No, I think Malone is the bug-tracking component of Launchpad.  That would be info from the bugsnarfer plugin.04:08
geniiAh, OK04:08
geniiHehehe the Lenin Cat is getting somewhat upset in there04:23
MTecknologyI wonder if he believes me04:25
geniiProbably not now, i think he/she finally caught on.04:26
genii(As with the other 99% at this point)04:26
MTecknologyI was surprised they believed it at all04:26
tonyyarussoAnyone know who the release manager is this dev cycle?04:31
tonyyarussosounds plausible.04:33
* tonyyarusso didn't know if they changed up more often or not04:33
wgrantslangasek is the release manager.04:38
wgrantHe was hired for that purpose.04:38
Flanneltonyyarusso: I've got chanpeak going already... wonder what it was last year.05:00
wgrantAre .pool links instant-kick-worthy again?05:08
tsimpsonwhen it's obvious, yes05:09
tsimpsonSkapare: do you know why you were forwarded here?05:09
Skaparetsimpson: because I was answering a question someone ask05:10
tsimpsonpoting links/md5sums to pre-release images (those in .pool) will not be tolerated05:11
tsimpsonthose may not be final images and only slow down the release05:11
Skaparetsimpson: links I can understand ... md5sums?  that's just helps people be ready to verify their downloads05:12
Skaparetsimpson: I'm not giving links05:12
tsimpsonposting md5sums makes people think it's official, which it is not05:12
Skaparetsimpson: of course, if people look around, they can find them themselves, it's not hard <--- and I didn't even suggest this05:12
Skaparewell, if you says so05:13
tsimpsonyes, they can find it themselves, nothing we can do about that05:13
Skapareplease suggest it on the topic ... people might be giving md5s in PM, too05:13
tsimpsonbut we don't want anyone to incorage that05:13
SkapareI know more than one person already has them05:14
FlannelSkapare: Good for you.  What about our policy are you having trouble understanding?05:14
SkapareFlannel: how about reading what I just wrote ... do you have more to add to that?05:15
tsimpsonSkapare: as long as you understand, you are free to rejoin #ubuntu-release-party05:16
FlannelSkapare: I read all of what you just wrote, there's lots of things people can be doing in queries, I don't think "what ifs" are really prudent.05:16
SkapareFlannel: so what do you think is the standing issue?05:17
SkapareFlannel: you did read the part where I suggest making the policy more visible?05:17
SkapareFlannel: not that you have to do that ... I'm just saying you'd avoid more problems if more people knew05:17
FlannelSkapare: I did.  As I said, I read everything you wrote.05:17
SkapareFlannel: if you did, then it should be apparent to you that I now know the policy (the one that most people don't yet know)05:18
SkapareFlannel: so is the policy itself secret?  or is it OK for me to tell others not to give out MD5s ?05:18
tsimpsonSkapare: the topic has been updated in -r-p already05:19
Skaparetsimpson: OK ... I will adhere to that (would have even if you hadn't added it to topic ... it was just an idea)05:20
tsimpsonwe tend to put off having it in the topic, it can give people the IDEA to look for them05:21
SkapareI see05:21
Skapareso then maybe it would also be good for people to not mention they already have it and installed it (which I did earlier today)05:22
* genii blames the DDOS attack now of the mirrors squarely on Skapare05:22
FlannelSkapare: That would be a good thing to avoid doing, yes.  Because, by golly, you *dont* already have it.05:22
FlannelSkapare: Also, you should refrain from lighting your pants on fire.  Should we put that in the topic as well?05:23
SkapareFlannel: if that's a true statement, then I wasn't giving out the MD5 of the real release, was I05:23
FlannelSkapare: Good evening Skapare.05:23
tritiumFlannel: greetings from California05:24
FlannelHowdy tritium05:25
FlannelSkapare: Is there anything else we can help you with today?  If not, we ask you please don't idle here.  Thanks.05:26
Skaparetsimpson: so if someone asks for MD5s ... can I direct them to download the MD5SUMS file when they download the release?05:27
tsimpsonwe'd prefer it if you just didn't respond at all05:28
Skaparetsimpson: so you'll take care of it?05:28
tsimpsonif I'm watching, yes05:28
tsimpsonor another op will05:29
Skapareso only ops do "support" in the party channel?05:29
tsimpsonno, we just makes sure things don't get out of line05:29
tsimpsonnothing stopping us having fun in-between05:30
Skaparebut telling someone that MD5s are in the MD5SUMS files, as they have been for years, is out of line?05:30
FlannelSkapare: If you tell them to download the MD5 when they download the relase, you're fine.05:31
tsimpsontelling someone in the channel also tells 177 others05:31
FlannelSkapare: As I imagine you already knew; please stop wasting our time.05:31
Skapareso "support" answers (but not revealing the release leaks) should be PM?05:31
FlannelSkapare: No.  What on earth gave you that idea?05:32
SkapareFlannel: I didn't know the policy against revealing MD5s, before ... I'm finding out now05:32
FlannelSkapare: Again, stop wasting our time.  You seem like an intelligent enough person to not need this spelled out.  If you do actually need this spelled out for you, I suggest you refrain from participating in #ubuntu-release-party this time around.  There are a number of other channels you can participate in which aren't so grey.05:33
Skaparewell, I'll leave this channel now so I'm not idle here05:34
* tsimpson looks for painkillers05:34
Madpilotthat bot in -release-party is nicely programmed. it picks up almost all the variations of 'is it out yet' that I've seen :)05:34
FlannelI... updated a few gutsys to Jauntys, no idea if we'll use them, since it looks like other factoids have taken the place, but...05:37
ubottuThe Release Managers are currently hungover, and wont be releasing jaunty today.  No jaunty for you!  NOT YOURS!!!05:37
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Jaunty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - for in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseParties05:37
geniiThe !hangover makes me wonder if they hire a bunch of drinkers now for managing releases....05:38
* genii hands tsimpson the Advils05:39
ubottuThe Release Managers are currently hungover, and wont be releasing jaunty today.  No jaunty for you!  NOT YOURS!!!05:42
tsimpsoneh, ubot3 is insanely out of date05:44
ubottuhangover is <alias> hungover - added by Hobbsee on 2007-10-18 06:47:0505:44
Flannelhungover also works05:44
Amaranth<djlinux64_> Amaranth: can you please remove me from blacklist05:44
FlannelAmaranth: hah05:44
Amaranthhe believed the partybot05:44
FlannelAmaranth: Try to sell him the Golden gate bridge while you're at it ;)05:45
* tsimpson tries to feel sorry for him, but failz05:45
Amaranthsomeone do the sed thing to make it say jaunty instead of gutsy05:45
FlannelWhich one?05:45
tsimpsonwho has access to ubot3?05:45
Flannelfactoid =~ s/gutsy/jaunty/05:46
Flannelwhoever does05:46
Flannelobviously, fix factoid to said factoid.05:46
Flannel(and yes, it is case sensitive, and you do have to do it multiple times if theres multiple gutsys in teh factoid, no /g)05:46
ubot3In ubot3, Amaranth said: !hungover =~ s/gutsy/jaunty/05:47
ubot3In ubot3, Amaranth said: !hungover =~ s/gutsy/jaunty/05:47
tsimpsonwe have no access05:48
Flannelisn't ubot3 Mr Yarussos?05:50
geniiuot3 has gone rogue!05:50
tsimpson/whois ubot3 shows who's it is05:51
Flannelyeah, but... that'd require me to like... look...05:51
Flanneltritium: Are you in CA right now?05:52
Amaranthtsimpson: it's only the release party, I don't mess around with such people05:52
Amaranthas long as we clear the list after the release so they can try again in 6 months05:52
Madpilotnaliot h's bot05:52
tsimpsonAmaranth: kicking without thought == trouble05:53
Amaranthtsimpson: Killing the servers before they mirror == trouble05:53
Flanneltrouble === trouble!05:53
tsimpsonwere you here when someone threatened to "complain to canonical" when they were removed, and started spamming every #ubuntu* channel they could find with .pool links?05:54
Amaranthnope, sounds like a good way to get yourself banned from #ubuntu-* forever though05:54
tsimpsonyes, they were a moron, but it still caused us trouble05:54
tsimpsonI think it was around dapper/edgy maybe05:55
Amaranthoh hey, I think I was here then05:55
AmaranthI think I banned them05:55
FlannelAh... Dapper was a fun release.05:55
tonyyarussoFlannel: no.05:55
Flanneltonyyarusso: 05:55
AmaranthI know I had a lot of fun PMs a couple releases ago05:56
Madpilotdapper I remember as being insane. the first of the huge releases05:56
Flanneltonyyarusso: erm, yeah, so I found out.05:56
FlannelMadpilot: Indeed indeed!  We broke 1500 with Dapper!05:56
FlannelOr... did I mix up my releases?05:56
AmaranthWe haven't gone much above that since05:56
Madpilotand no -release-party as a safety valve then05:56
FlannelAmaranth: er, we broke 2000 for Edgy?05:57
FlannelOr, was it feisty?05:57
AmaranthDid we?05:57
FlannelI think Edgy05:57
FlannelAgain, that was before -r-p05:57
AmaranthI know we had one huge release then the one after didn't get any larger05:57
AmaranthStopped paying attention after that05:57
Madpilotnice, the partybot is now quoting IPs to sound even more threatening06:23
Madpilotwhoever thought that refinement up, I admire you06:23
Madpilotit's wonderfully evil06:23
wgrantMadpilot: It only seems to do it sometimes.06:24
wgrant... did he believe me?06:26
tsimpsonit seems to do it only fore repeat "offenders"06:27
wgrantIt does. Only after it gives the delay message a couple of times to the person.06:27
MTecknologywhat happened while I was gone... +o's all around06:46
tsimpsonit's just easier when there are a few nutters06:47
FlannelMTecknology: I was thinking about putting my cinnamon roll hat on too.06:47
AmaranthThat prerelease idea is great wgrant06:47
AmaranthI was going to plead to their moral side about not delaying the release for everyone06:47
MTecknologyI've never heard of +o like that06:47
FlannelMTecknology: As a cinnamon roll?06:47
Amaranthmtecknology: release time, of course06:48
ubot3In #ubuntu-release-party, prateek said: !hey, is the bot out?06:48
* genii sips and munches a cinnamon roll06:48
AmaranthI'm now opped in every channel I'm in that I have access to except #ubuntu-desktop06:48
AmaranthProbably won't need it there :P06:48
tsimpsonis there a need to be +o in #ubuntu?06:49
AmaranthWait, this release is going to use akamai?06:49
FlannelAmaranth: I saw that comment in -motu06:49
Amaranthtsimpson: Keep the crazies in check just by them seeing it06:49
profxhaving issues with a user in #ubuntu06:49
FlannelHi profx, how can we help you today?06:49
profxand I think Amaranth is about to flex some power06:49
Amaranthoh, I wasn't even looking06:49
Amaranthsorry, just preparing06:50
profxu just opped up06:50
Flannelprofx: Trouble with whom?06:50
profxi see06:50
tsimpsonAmaranth: see ;)06:50
bazhangask about windows in ##windows channel profx 06:50
profxsure bazhang06:50
profxalready did06:50
ubot3In #ubuntu-release-party, prateek said: !42 is anything out06:50
AmaranthGnea looks to be a very helpful person in #ubuntu who isn't doing anything wrong06:51
profxanything else you need to discuss bazhang ?06:51
bazhangit takes two coins to click06:51
profxAmaranth, I see06:51
Amaranthprofx: If you can't get help in ##windows you'll just have to wait or look online somewhere. #ubuntu is not the right place06:52
Amaranthprofx: Try stackoverflow.com maybe, they seem helpful06:52
profxinstigating the conversation isnt doing someting wrrong, I agree06:52
profxbut it could lead into something more, if s/he doesn't drop with the person offense...06:52
profxAmaranth: i prefer IRC, thanks06:53
Amaranthprofx: That's fine then, wait for a response in ##windows06:53
profxbut, you being an intelligent person and all06:53
AmaranthPlease don't ask offtopic questions in #ubuntu on the busiest day of the year06:53
profxcould understand that people in the channel -may- have more knowledge outside of the scope of the channel06:54
profxbusy? because?06:54
Amaranthprofx: That's not really the point though06:54
Amaranthprofx: We're about to release Ubuntu 9.0406:54
Flannelprofx: Yes, but #ubuntu is about Ubuntu support.  We have other channels for non-ubuntu support.06:54
AmaranthSurely as an Ubuntu user you know the release is coming06:54
profxsorry, my bad06:54
profxi didnt realize06:54
profxmy apologizes Amaranth06:55
profxhave a nice night all06:55
Amaranthtsimpson: BePhantom wants to be unbanned (changed his nick to HaikuOS)06:55
tsimpsonAmaranth: I asked him to join here, he refused06:55
MTecknologyhe got banned while I was gone?06:56
HaikuOShello, i want my ban removed in ubuntu-release-party, i was never warned of the new topic06:56
=== HaikuOS is now known as BePhantom
FlannelHi Thierry_, how can we help you today?06:57
BePhantomAmaranth here i am06:57
AmaranthBePhantom: It's up to tsimpson, he banned you06:57
BePhantomtsimpson unban me06:57
tsimpsonBePhantom: why did you refuse to come here to discuss it?06:58
BePhantombecause your action is wrong, i wanted to talk personally06:58
BePhantomis wrong for several reasons: 1st you should warn first, kick is possible06:58
BePhantom2nd you should tell people of channel rules, teach them first06:59
BePhantomonce those things are done then ban06:59
tsimpsondid you red the topic?06:59
BePhantomno, as you can see from the ip you banned I'm not english speaking06:59
AmaranthBePhantom: Posting a link to a hidden directory means you should know you're doing something wrong anyway06:59
FlannelAlso, please stop using the enter key as punctuation.  Thanks.07:00
AmaranthBePhantom: You are using English quite well now, I'm sure you can understand the topic07:00
BePhantomAmaranth someone gave me that link, did you ask me if i was new to ubuntu?07:00
tsimpsonyou seem to read/write english well enough07:00
tsimpsonwhy did you post the links in the first place?07:01
BePhantomwell, thanks. Still it's your duty to tell people to follow the rules, if nothing happens then the last resort:  to ban07:01
MTecknologyBePhantom: I warned you many times earlier about your behavior07:02
BePhantombecause i thought it was the final version, it's not like i pirated something07:02
BePhantomMTecknology you didnt07:02
BePhantomplease dont lie07:02
tsimpsonI have logs showing he did07:02
bazhangsame here07:03
BePhantomI can change my ip, but i rather come here and talk to tsimpson and show him his error07:03
tsimpson[04:31]<BePhantom> i have a boner dependency problem in my pants07:03
tsimpson[04:31]<MTecknology> BePhantom: don't07:03
BePhantomtsimpson that was just a joke, didn't you read the other comments?07:03
BePhantomyou don't seem to pay much attention07:03
tsimpsonyes, but that's just one instance I see07:03
BePhantommuch worse things are being said under your nose07:04
tsimpsonI can't watch 100% of the time07:04
tsimpson"<BePhantom> I can change my ip, but i rather come here and talk to tsimpson and show him his error"07:05
tsimpsonthat makes me want to unban you?07:05
tsimpsondo you know that's against freenode network policy to ban evade?07:05
BePhantomtsimpson you are mistaken, i think every op here will agree that you should warn first07:05
FlannelBePhantom: I think you'd be best served if you just parted this channel and cut your losses regarding that channel.  Try again in six months.07:05
BePhantomFlannel sure, that channel is not that important, what worries my is that tsimpson has op07:06
topyliBePhantom: please don't tell ops what their duties are and what their opinions are07:06
MadpilotBePhantom, sounds like you had warnings. You don't get one warning per op, you get one warning, period.07:06
BePhantomMadpilot i didnt, i didnt get a warning like "dont post those links, check the topic"07:07
FlannelBePhantom: As I said previously, I strongly suggest that you part this channel now.07:07
AmaranthBePhantom: Reading the channel topic is required. You can't say you didn't read it as an excuse.07:07
AmaranthBePhantom: That's true in every channel07:08
BePhantomAmaranth i didnt, and i didnt know it was an illegal (or something) link07:08
BePhantomim new to ubuntu07:08
BePhantomim using it since one week07:08
BePhantomdo you think i know what an unofficial link is?07:08
tsimpsonyou are not new to IRC07:08
tsimpsonyou should know to read channel topics07:09
bazhangthis is going nowhere.07:09
BePhantomno, i chat in Haiku07:09
FlannelBePhantom: Duly Noted.  Please try -release-party again in six months.07:09
BePhantomok Flannel07:09
MTecknologyHow can I list all hostmasks in a channel?07:10
Amaranthtsimpson: That's some irony right there :P07:10
tsimpsonMTecknology: /who07:10
Amaranthtsimpson: Also, the issue you were talking about with a previous release, was that the one where the person had a support contract with Canonical and complained to them?07:10
MTecknologythat was fun07:11
tsimpsonAmaranth: yes! that's the one07:11
Amaranthtsimpson: Yeah, that was fun07:11
tsimpsonbtw: Apr 23 06:49:46 <BePhantom_>    ok, ill unban myself07:11
MTecknologytsimpson: Is it possible to grep that list?07:11
topyliAmaranth: any particular reason you're opped on -ot?07:11
tsimpsonMTecknology: you can /who *somehost*, but not per-channel07:11
MTecknologyk, thanks07:12
Amaranthtopyli: I'm saying my cinnamon rolls for when I get hungry07:12
tsimpsonheh, the bot's on Apr 26th :p07:12
Amaranthtopyli: Actually I'm just hoping the crazies will see someone with @ and think twice07:12
Amarantherr, saving07:13
MTecknologytsimpson: What's wrong with this? /who c-24-7-127-169.hsd1.ca.comcast.net07:13
Amaranthway to ruin a joke :/07:13
tsimpsonMTecknology: nothing?07:13
tsimpson* #ubuntu-classroom n=zhurai c-24-7-127-169.hsd1.ca.comcast.net irc.freenode.net zhurai H :0 ...07:13
MTecknologydoesn't display anything07:13
tsimpsonlook in your server window/tab07:13
topylidunno. myself, i hate it when people go "careful now, $OP here"07:14
MTecknologyhrm. idk what I was doing wrong, thanks07:14
Amaranthtopyli: Yeah, it sucks, but if it keeps someone from spamming links...07:15
ubottuIn ubottu, genii said: !linus is Linus Torvalds, eccentric. Grandfather of it all.07:15
* genii hides07:16
MTecknologywait... partybot lies too?? I never noticed that07:17
Amaranthhaha, yeah, awesome stuff there07:17
Amaranthmy itouch has the mail app open so it is hitting gmail once a minute checking for new mail07:18
Amaranthwhen it dings it is release time07:18
Amaranthwell, either that or someone responded to a forum post07:18
* Flannel runs off to send Amaranth an email.07:18
Amaranthit already dinged once07:18
MTecknologyhow do you get that email?07:18
MTecknologythe announce list?07:18
Amaranthmtecknology: yep07:19
Flannelubuntu-announce, yeah07:19
Amaranthit isn't official until an email has been sent to that list07:19
MTecknologyI should change my check frequency07:19
Amaranthbtw, make sure one of you gets the torrents mirrored somehow07:21
Flannelone of you, eh?07:21
AmaranthFlannel: I'll try too07:21
Amaranthbut the more the merrier07:21
FlannelDepends on when it gets released, but yeah.07:21
FlannelOooooh, this'll be the first time I use my brand new torrent tracker!07:21
MTecknologyI'll start up torrents before I go to sleep if it's released07:22
geniiUhoh,: <PartyBot1> ubot3: Servers now added your host to the distributed blacklist (the torrents are also locked)07:22
MTecknologyI'll need a script to authenticate me to my university network sometime tonight07:22
FlannelMTecknology: It'll be released in at least seven hours.07:23
Flannelat least.07:23
MTecknologyI have time to sleep....07:23
MTecknologyI'll be in class already07:23
FlannelYeah, were you considering staying up?07:23
MTecknologyI was...07:23
FlannelHow many releases have you been through? ;)07:23
AmaranthI'm thinking I can stay up 90 minutes longer to keep the channels sane07:24
Flannelactually, Intrepid was released awfully early in the day.07:24
MTecknologya few, but usually I go to sleep, get up and they're out. I've never been up for the release07:24
AmaranthAfter that wgrant gets to take over :)07:24
genii2:25AM here. Another 35 minutes and i shut the coffeepot and beer taps in -r -p off07:25
FlannelEh, I take that back.  7.10 was released in about five hours, 8.04 was released in six, and 8.10 was released in eight.07:25
geniiSo at that rate, 1007:26
Flannelor nine.07:26
geniiI think they may soon start pitting the bots against each other07:27
FlannelI predict.... 9 hours ahead, and at :37 (so, nine hours and nine minutes, I suppose)07:28
MTecknologytsimpson: perhaps a modification so they ignore each other?07:30
geniiInteresting that it still tweaks on the silenced ubot307:31
tsimpsonMTecknology: yeah, except I don't have access to ubot3 or PartyBot07:31
MTecknologyoh- then give me access :P07:31
tsimpsongenii: parybot is +o and channel is +z07:31
geniiToo bad07:32
* tsimpson makes Amaranth explain the +z07:32
Amaranthyeah, I wanted to see what it was doing still :P07:32
Madpilotinteresting - I'm still seeding both alt & livecd for the RC, and they both started up again a while ago. Hope people don't think they're getting the real thing...07:32
Amaranthplus if we mute people we can see them troll for a bit :)07:32
* genii hands bazhang a coffee07:33
bazhangthanks genii :)07:33
geniiAnytime :)07:33
* genii watches Amaranth lie to wtv about the bot and almost dies laughing07:35
bazhanggrexo dual-trolling in ##economics and -ot07:41
Madpilotthere's a ##economics? bleh. as bad or worse than ##politics?07:43
bazhangnah, actually pretty sane comparatively07:44
geniiI guess the beancounters don't get excited about much in there07:44
MTecknologyFlannel: hey... you were saying release around 9 or 10... what tz?07:45
FlannelTheir tempers aren't easily liquified.07:45
FlannelMTecknology: that was hours from then.07:45
FlannelMy guess is nine hours minus six minutes.07:45
Flannel(from now)07:45
MTecknologyI meant, what time zone07:46
ubot2`Factoid '0' not found07:46
genii"from now" sorta negates what time zone, I'd think07:46
MTecknologyoh - wow...07:46
MTecknologyI should go to sleep07:46
FlannelMTecknology: I agree.07:46
FlannelMTecknology: However, for you... thatd be what, 9:37 am?07:47
FlannelOr, no, 10:37?07:47
* tsimpson guesses between 6 and 8 hours07:47
geniiFor me 11:5607:47
MTecknologyI'll be just about to get out of class at that time and I'll be spending tim w/ my gf07:47
MTecknologyI only have two classes tomorro07:47
geniiBleh. I'll be at work for 3 hours already by then. Assuming I get some sleep07:48
tsimpsonso IRC has not eaten your life yet..07:48
FlannelJust have wget && btlaunchmanycurses all set up....07:48
MTecknologytsimpson: it nearly has. My gf got upset with me for being in irc today07:48
tsimpsonjust look all disappointed and say "you really don't understand me, do you?", you'll get away with murder ;)07:49
MTecknologyjpds: FUNNY!07:50
ubot3In #ubuntu-release-party, Orlsend said: !Jaunty is released now!07:50
geniiAt least nixz seemed to have learnt something about asking when it's out :)07:51
ubottuIf you are running a completely up-to-date 9.04RC, you are most likely running 9.04 release already07:52
FlannelThat factoid needs to be beleeted!07:52
Seeker`Flannel: why?07:52
Seeker`aha, it doesn't work because ubot3 is muted07:53
FlannelBan dodging, eh?07:53
FlannelI suppose being annoying is a bad wya to draw attenion to yourself07:53
Flannelbeing able to type would be a better way.07:53
ikonialook up "chronic"07:54
Seeker`morning ikonia 07:54
Seeker`going to the nodnol release party?07:54
* genii slides ikonia a coffee07:54
Flannelikonia: Back with a hostmask!07:54
ikoniaFlannel: ahhh you where quicker07:55
ikonialets get that cloak removed07:55
MTecknologyAmaranth: I missed that the first time and didn't get it07:55
MTecknologywrong chan too - sorry07:56
ikoniamsg ubottu @bansearch chronic07:56
ubottuThe operation succeeded.07:57
MTecknologybansearch? - I should play with that on my channels...07:57
tsimpsonyou don't need the '@' in /msg either07:57
tsimpson@help bansearch07:58
ubot2`tsimpson: Error: There is no command "bansearch".07:58
ubottu(bansearch <nick|hostmask> [<channel>]) -- Search bans database for a ban on <nick|hostmask>, if <channel> is not given search all channel bans.07:58
tsimpsonMTecknology: ^07:58
MTecknologytsimpson: I can't use it w/ ubottu though. I have it setup on mtbotu I think07:59
tsimpsonas long as you have a relativity recent bot07:59
MTecknologyis that what you guys use to watch for ban evasions?07:59
MTecknologytsimpson: You helped me set it up :)08:00
FlannelMTecknology: Actually, ban evasions are usually caught just by puny hoomans.08:00
Myrttiwhy is it that a release wakes up all the trolls and twats?08:00
tsimpsonMTecknology: I can't remember when I added it though08:00
tsimpsonmay have been before, or after08:00
Seeker`MTecknology: its easier than loading up the bantracker, especailly over 3G08:00
MTecknologyIt's there, I'm subscribed to the branch too08:00
Seeker`morning Myrtti 08:01
* Seeker` is at work already so he can leave early to get to London08:01
* Myrtti took today off08:01
* tsimpson will get a Bantracker API one day, it's on his "things to do after I do the thinks on my todo list"-list08:01
Seeker`Myrtti: nice08:02
geniiWell, gnite/morning, I have to /away and sleep before i don't make it into work tomorrow08:02
Seeker`Myrtti: any idea what time you are headed to the party yet?08:02
Myrttiand tomorrow too :-) going to be a tourist, I've got nice things looked up in Google maps08:02
MyrttiSeeker`: no, depends on things like how painful the train trip has been08:02
* Myrtti is doing her morning stretches to get the sensation back on her calf08:06
* Seeker` is coding already08:06
Amaranthbest fail ever08:07
FlannelOne wonders if he's just like... "I'm sliding... lets push the gas!"08:08
MTecknologyI'm confused with this08:09
Seeker`confused with what?08:09
MTecknologythe video - watch the breaks - it's intentional08:10
* Seeker` isn't going to start watching youtube on 3G with a bandwidth limit08:10
FlannelWhat's that?  Coefficient of kenetic friction is lower than coefficient of static friction?08:11
Seeker`popey: :P08:12
MTecknologyIs it just me, or does toyo|desk want to argue?08:12
Seeker`this bandwidth has got to last all month08:12
MTecknologyYou get a blackberry in the US you're forced to buy an unlimited data plan08:13
Myrttirelease days make me loose hope in humanity08:13
Madpilotrelease days certainly bring out the crazy08:14
Madpilotby the truckload08:14
ikonia@mark #ubuntu chronicpirate suspect chronic user ban dodging, remove ban for monitoring as he claims its not him as long as he is identified to the account chronicpirate that is over 1 year old08:14
ubottuThe operation succeeded.08:14
tsimpsonI thought we generally allow "damn"08:15
Myrttifujisan in -r-p08:15
MTecknologyI thought any swearing wasn't08:16
Seeker`tsimpson: I've never seen anyone warned for it before08:16
Myrttime neither08:16
Seeker`MTecknology: depends on how you define swearing08:16
tsimpsonif you're  offended by "damn", you should not use the internet ;P08:16
FlannelMyrtti: different fuji*08:16
ikoniaMyrtti: blat him08:16
ikoniais he different ?08:16
FlannelI don't think he's the same08:16
ikoniaI can't keep track of him and his nonsense changes, different client though08:17
MTecknologytsimpson: If you're offended by swearing you shouldn't us the internet08:17
MyrttiI think elky said it really  is him08:17
Flannelcould be.08:17
FlannelI didn't look into it.  Its just a different nick.08:17
tsimpsonMyrtti: 6-42-215.ftth.xms.internl.net is fujisan08:18
* wgrant reappears.08:18
tsimpsonand unaffiliated/pacopaco/x-8542708:18
tsimpsonnick Paco_Paco08:19
MTecknologyis wtf swearing then?08:19
tsimpsonbecause it's an acronym08:20
MTecknologyThere should be a white/black list... that was actually a good idea08:20
Flannelwe should have an orange list, a yellow list, and a red list.08:20
FlannelAnd... choose between them randomly.08:21
FlannelThat'll keep them wondering.08:21
tsimpsonI don't think the CoC would let us put up a giant list of swear words on the wiki ;)08:21
MTecknologyoh - it wasn't the damn being mentioned - it was the recurring usage08:21
MTecknologygot the log if you want to see08:22
FlannelI don't think a giant list of swear words would be pertinent anyway.08:22
tsimpsonI'm pretty sure only americans are offended by "damn"08:22
MTecknologyor list of words words that are considered swearing by some that are ok08:23
tsimpsonand only the slightly more religious ones08:23
wgranttsimpson: It's certainly not even slightly offensive in Australia.08:24
GaryI could do with such a list, it'd be like "word of the day" on work emails08:24
FlannelI think we'd be fine going back to our original definition: as long as you're not being abusive or obnoxious, and aren't being derogatory, etc.08:24
MTecknologyShould he be advertising an unapproved channel? Orlsend08:25
wgrantNo, he shouldn't.08:26
wgrantThat channel shouldn't exist.08:26
MTecknologyshall someone bring it down and kill him?08:26
MTecknologyok. I'm starting to see how this op thing goes. You catch people because it's the annoying ones you remember08:29
jussi01ikonia: ping08:30
tsimpsonyou need to be all seeing and all knowing08:30
ikoniajussi01: pong08:30
jussi01ooh, you are around :) Ill pm08:30
tsimpsonWOO: Was scheduled for Apr, 27, 00:30 (Samoa time)08:32
Seeker`tsimpson: ?08:33
tsimpsonSeeker`: the bot is up to Apr 27th now08:34
geniiCan't sleep, and some visitors08:34
MTecknologyjussi01: hi, and I love you08:34
jussi01MTecknology: o.O08:34
Seeker`MTecknology: stop sucking up to IRCC members08:34
* tsimpson gets no love?08:34
MTecknologytsimpson: I gave you love when I was coming in here08:35
MTecknologytsimpson: ({)08:35
MTecknologySeeker`: why would I suck up?08:35
tsimpsonok, that sounds rude...08:35
MTecknologytsimpson: It's a hug.. :(08:35
tsimpsonno, the " I gave you love when I was coming in here" part08:36
Seeker`MTecknology: they make all the rules/ decisions (theoretically)08:36
tsimpsonreally, just the "gave you love" bit :p08:36
MTecknologySeeker`: I really don't suck up to brown nose, it just entertains me08:36
MTecknologyI don't even know who most of the council members are (I don't think so anyway)08:37
Seeker`is'nt it jussi01, pi ci , n a 1i o th, el ky and someone that never comes on IRC?08:38
jussi01and Pric-ey08:38
jussi01as well as bored- andblogging08:38
MTecknologyand mako08:39
jussi01not mako08:39
wgrantmako is CC08:39
Seeker`jussi01: yeah, the latter is someone that never ocmes on IRC as far as I can tell :P08:39
MTecknologywhich is ple.ia2 on?08:39
MyrttiAmericas membership board?08:40
MTecknologyok - my head is clear now :)08:40
geniiMan. Drunken visitors at 3:30am to remind me I'll never get to go to sleep when I need to. So why not check in here, etc08:52
geniirelease-party seems to have calmed down some, anyhow08:53
MTecknologythe behavior is better :)08:54
Flannelrickroll +108:54
geniiNo, you haven't been rickrolling them, have you??08:54
geniiPoor unsuspecting bastards08:55
Seeker`oooh, good idea08:55
FlannelSomeone else did.  But I fully condone that behavior.08:55
geniiProbably some link in /topic, eh08:55
FlannelPartybot ought to rickroll people08:55
MTecknologyAmaranth: going to sleep?08:55
Flannel"In order to be removed from the blacklist, please fill out this form:"08:55
Amaranthmtecknology: yep08:55
MTecknologyAmaranth: g'night08:56
Amaranthgood night08:56
popeysurprised we haven't seen people posting lots of links to mirrors08:56
popeyusually they start doing that and saying "It's out, look this mirror has it!"08:57
popeyor linking to the .pool08:57
geniiThere was some of that .pool stuff earlier08:57
popeyglad they put a note on it, helps to discourage08:57
MTecknologyhrm... 5hr left to sleep09:00
FlannelMTecknology: Yep for which part?09:01
FlannelMTecknology: when *he* didn't even catch the reference, I'm feeling rather down about the possibility of others.09:01
MTecknologybefore I need to get up for class09:01
FlannelNo, "yep" in -r-p09:01
geniiMTecknology: 2 1/2 hrs here... :/09:01
MTecknologyI missed it09:02
tsimpsonMTecknology: ?09:02
tsimpsonwhy did you kick Lord_Devi?09:03
MTecknologyI'm too tired, I though that was a link09:03
tsimpsonok, look closer next time ;)09:04
Seeker`friends don't let friends op when they are tired :P09:04
MTecknologyI apologized09:04
MTecknologybut he does think he has the release version09:04
tsimpsonthat's up to him to think that09:05
Seeker`time for me to disappear09:05
FlannelNothing (technically) wrong about being incorrect09:05
tsimpsonhe may even have it, as long s he doesn't post links or guides to getting it09:05
MTecknologyah! chanserv deopped me09:05
MTecknologyI can09:06
MTecknologyI can't imagine why it did that after I told it to09:06
MTecknologyHe got the apology :) - 03:05 <Lord_Devi> That's ok. =) I'm off to bed anyway. Altho that would be a great way to rickroll someone I bet. Read I couldn't do that in the CoC though09:06
* jussi01 is staying out of the party this year...09:07
* genii tries to lure jussi01 back in with coffee09:07
MTecknologyThe commercial about extenze us on, time for sleep.09:07
MTecknologyit comes on at 0300 every single day of the week09:08
* MTecknology kickbans MTecknology from IRC (time zZzzZzZ)09:09
geniiOK gonna try sleep again09:11
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
tonyyarussoSay, I've heard of people using LPIA builds for netbooks.  Does that make any sense?09:15
jussi01tonyyarusso: yep09:15
* tonyyarusso is confuzzled09:15
jussi01tonyyarusso: I do09:15
tonyyarussojussi01: why?  What's it do?09:15
Seeker`hi evilGary :)09:15
jussi01tonyyarusso: better battery life 09:15
evilGaryhey Seeker` 09:15
jussi01ooh, evilGary is here...09:15
tonyyarussojussi01: is it slower or anything as a tradeoff?09:15
Seeker`why aren't you in -uk Gary?09:16
FlannelSeeker`: Because he's evil09:16
jussi01tonyyarusso: not that I know of - its super fast on mine, was really suprised09:16
tonyyarussojussi01: what machien do you have?09:17
wgrantlpia has some Hildonisation hacks, but it's also compiled with CFLAGS appropriate for Atom CPUs.09:17
jussi01tonyyarusso: LG X110 - basically a MSI Wind with 3g09:17
* jussi01 thanks wgrantfor the super explanation09:18
tonyyarusso(btw, the MSI Wind nettop is pretty darn cool)09:18
FlannelMTecknology: You're supposed to be off in bed09:18
jussi01tonyyarusso: the LG is cooler09:18
* MTecknology runs away09:18
tonyyarussojussi01: nettop I say09:18
* tonyyarusso built one; is on it now09:18
popeythe tradeoiff is you cant upgrade it easily09:18
popeyno lpia in the repo09:18
jussi01tonyyarusso: oh... read too fast...09:18
tonyyarussoIt has the Atom 330, which is dual-core 64-bit09:19
jussi01popey: what?09:19
tonyyarussopopey: how does it work if it's not in the repo?09:19
popeythe dell mini 9 is pre-installed with -lpia and not -i386 isnt it?09:19
popeytry update-managering it to the next release09:19
popeysee what happens09:20
wgrantpopey: I believe so.09:20
wgrantpopey: What do you mean lpia isn't in the repo?09:20
MyrttiI should go and do some laundry09:20
popeylpia specific builds of packages09:20
wgrantpopey: They are. lpia is an Ubuntu arch as of Gutsy or so.09:21
popeywgrant: kernel only, or everything?09:21
wgrantpopey: UNR is even an official flavour now, and doesn't have some strange extra Canonical archive.09:21
wgrantpopey: Everything.09:21
FlannelHow handy.09:21
wgrantpopey: Well, lots of things fail to build, but 90% of it is there.09:21
FlannelUNR *and* ARM for Jaunty?  Sheesh.09:21
popeyas a random pluck09:21
popeyno -lpia in there09:21
wgrantpopey: It's on ports.ubuntu.com, with the other ports.09:22
popeyah, that makes sense09:22
popeywhich is why update-manager cant find it09:22
popeythats sub-optimal09:22
wgrantpopey: Only i386 and amd64 are on archive.ubuntu.com.09:22
wgrant(and powerpc and sparc for older releases)09:22
popeygo buy a dell mini 9 and see what happens when you try to upgrade it via the standard published method09:23
wgrantThe Dell Mini 9 does not come with Ubuntu installed.09:23
wgrantYou should not be trying Ubuntu upgrade instructions on it.09:23
popeywell thats a marketing fail then09:23
wgrantIt comes with an unofficial Ubuntu derivative, Ubuntu Netbook Remix 8.04.09:24
popeybecause people in the ubuntu community are buying them believing they have ubuntu09:24
wgrantIt does not use the Ubuntu archive.09:24
popeythat should be better documented09:24
FlannelI suppose everyone's starting to wake up.  We've only got 300 people this time around, last peak was 713.09:24
popeyFlannel: its not been as well advertised as last time I think09:24
wgrantUS isn't here yet.09:24
FlannelI think a lot of people aren't really excited about Jaunty also.09:25
popeyhush your mouth!09:25
tonyyarussoI don't know why not.  It seems better than Intrepid by quite a bit.09:25
popeypeople are getting jaded perhaps, complacent09:27
FlannelJaunty didnt really have many new features09:28
Flannelexcept what, notifications?09:29
Flannelpeople *dislike* notifications09:29
wgrantFlannel: We have no new notifications. They're just differently presented.09:30
Flannelwgrant: They're unclickable and retarded, from what I hear.09:30
wgrantFlannel: The unclickability is quite intentional,  and probably a good thing.09:30
* Flannel only upgraded to Hardy a few months ago, isn't really up on all the new fangly bits.09:30
wgrantThey are now just notifications - they appear as translucent overlays and you can click through them.09:30
tonyyarussoIt's true, the new notifications thing is pretty absurd.09:31
wgrantThey don't pop up huge bubbles that require you to click on them to go away.09:31
Flannelwgrant: unclickable is intentional yes, but a good thing, I doubt.  *I* would never want unclickable notifications.09:31
tonyyarussoNo idea why so much hype was wasted on that.09:31
wgrantLots of people love it, lots of people hate it.09:31
Madpilotthe 'new fangly bits' in Hardy included having printer trouble for the first time ever. Was not impressed, hope Jaunty does better...09:31
popeyMadpilot: i plugged a printer into my jaunty setup, its scanner and printer were picked up before i sat back down09:31
popeystarted using it immediately \o/09:31
popeyprinting win09:31
wgrantMadpilot: You don't have the problem unless you have filed the bug.09:31
Seeker`time to go, seeya09:32
Madpilotwgrant, it was just intermittent enough I never filed a bug...09:32
wgrantI'd say that Ubuntu's printing support is pretty damn good.09:32
* tonyyarusso can't access the BBC web site...odd09:32
Madpilotit has been until now. I like zero-config printing... except when it decides to stop working. Powering the printer off then plugging it back in & powering it up again fixed it every time, but still09:33
tonyyarussoNo functional bot in -r-p it seems.09:34
Flanneltonyyarusso: It's +b09:34
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)09:34
Flannelor, +z too09:35
wgrantI could certainly see its response.09:35
wgrantBut I guess I'm opped.09:35
tonyyarussoFlannel: why?09:35
Flanneltonyyarusso: It and doohicky bot were having at it earlier.09:35
FlannelYou can go ahead and remove the +b, to see... just be aware you may need to replace it if it gets out of hand09:36
tonyyarussoI gotta go to bed too soon to babysit a bot, so I'll pass.09:36
Flannel"you" is a general term, but whatever09:37
tonyyarussoLooks like we have a pretty decent showing of higher-ups in -r-p already09:45
wgrantNo RM, though.09:46
ikoniatonyyarusso: higher ups ?09:47
tonyyarussowgrant: nope.09:47
wgrantikonia: Canonical releasy people.09:47
tonyyarussoikonia: Important dev-types, Canonical employees, etc.09:47
* tonyyarusso set hilights on a bunch of them.09:47
tonyyarussoThe RM and sabdfl are still notably absent.09:48
tonyyarusso(But online)09:48
wgrantI imagine slangasek's asleep.09:48
wgrantHm, no, he's not.09:49
ikoniaI imagine sabdfl has better things to do than sit in a channel saying "woot" 1000000 times09:50
tonyyarussoikonia: You would think, but then, you never know.... ;)09:51
tonyyarussoYou know what would be a rather spiffy?  A system for sending an SMS upon release.09:57
wgranttonyyarusso: Email.09:58
tonyyarussowgrant: But how?09:59
wgranttonyyarusso: Receive email on your phone.10:00
tonyyarusso160 characters isn't enough to display the confirmation e-mail needed to subscribe with mailman.10:00
tonyyarussoI suppose I could create a filter in gmail.  Boo.10:01
wgrantThey are being surprisingly well-behaved.10:13
wgrantAlthough they are creating channels in your namespace.10:19
wgrantAlright, I'm off to dinner. Although it doesn't look like anythings going to go bad.10:21
tonyyarussotsimpson: They should know better - just do a remove on link-posting.10:30
elkyikonia, he usually joins on the day, so he'll appear sometime tomorrow10:46
elkywgrant, who is creating what channels?10:46
wgrantelky: Somebody was told off for creating some earlier, and I saw recently somebody said they'd created #ubuntu-seeders.10:47
ikoniaoh good10:48
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, X3 said: ubottu: this is ubuntu+110:50
MadpilotI just realized I'm going to be AFK for all of tomorrow. no release day insanity for me...11:05
elkywgrant, ugh, they still havent fixed the eeepc701 launcher issue.11:05
elkyMadpilot, you sound so dissapointed!11:05
wgrantelky: Have you filed a bug?11:06
elkywgrant, i metoo'd a bug11:06
wgrantelky: OK, good.11:06
elkywgrant, it's the vid card choking on the compositing in clutter i suspect11:07
elkybut that's an epic regression, to make UNR unusable for all 701s11:07
Madpilotelky, I need my monthly  quota of kickbans, release days are good for making quota :)11:08
wgrantelky: Bug #?11:08
MyrttiI've got a bad feeling about nytrix in -r-p11:09
elkywgrant, trying to find it11:09
wgrantMyrtti: Same...11:09
Myrttibugabundo is getting there too...11:10
Madpilotthere's several in -r-p rapidly earning enough rope11:10
popeytsk, bugabundo should know better11:10
wgrantI know.11:11
elkypopey, s/should/does/11:11
popeywell, indeed11:11
thirdwheelah, this is where they all hide when their super powers aren't needed... neat11:12
Madpilotam amused11:12
wgrantNow the PMs roll in at high velocity...11:15
Madpilottoyo's gone from -r-p11:15
MadpilotGodwinated himself11:16
Myrttithank god for that11:16
Madpilot"<toyo|desk> you are just mad cuz you wanna be natzi"11:16
elkywgrant, it's um... i cant find it :-/11:17
elkywgrant, did lp have a meltdown any time in the past week?11:18
wgrantelky: No, surprisingly.11:18
wgrantIt has been up all week, IIRC!11:18
wgrantA first.11:18
elkythen where the heck has this crap gone11:18
elkywgrant, hah, better than i can say for cerium11:18
wgrantelky: Yeah.11:18
wgrantelky: Did you see it was down again today?11:18
elkyi didnt see, but it wouldnt surprise me11:19
elkyi see now. still not surprised11:19
elkythey *really* need to figure wth is doing that11:19
wgrantThey do.11:20
ubottutsimpson called the ops in #ubuntu (fincan)11:20
Madpilotidiotic linkage. dealt with.11:21
jussi01Madpilot: probably best not to tell them idiot though ;)11:21
Madpiloteven if true?11:21
jussi01even then. :D11:22
wgrantThis is amusing.11:24
Madpilotwe're over 1500 in #u too. Fun.11:25
Myrtticould someone explain the idiots the mechanics of rsync?11:25
wgrantMyrtti: I've tried.11:25
wgrantMyrtti: It doesn't work.11:25
elkywgrant, um... no torrent file for UNR?11:30
jussi01is it out yet? is it out yet? *g*11:32
tsimpsonI hate everyone right now...11:33
* jpds hugs tsimpson.11:33
jussi01tsimpson: I hate you too :P11:34
Madpilotso tempting to run /cs kb * in -r-p... sooo tempting11:34
jussi01Madpilot: nah, just use clear :D11:34
MadpilotI'm not even sure the op-script I use accepts wildcards, but so tempting to find out11:35
jpdsMadpilot: No, I find +m more tempting.11:35
Madpilotyes, but it's much less evil than a mass kickban11:35
tsimpson+m is still distracting11:35
tsimpsonthanks ubot2` 11:35
* Pricey messes with topic and fails ever so slightly11:38
tsimpsonjussi01: Nytrix and Newb`s in #u please11:39
ikoniaPricey: = fail, then end11:39
MadpilotKeybuk is having fun in -r-p now :)11:39
Madpilotbacking the ISO up onto floppies indeed11:39
wgrantGood to see them in there.11:39
tsimpsonjussi01: you missed Nytrix11:40
ikoniaughhh serial ban dodger trying hard to get in in +111:40
elkyso long as 'try' is the operative...11:41
ikoniathink got all his attempts covered for the moment11:41
jussi01you are welcome :D11:41
Newb`sUbuntu 9.04 is out11:44
tsimpsonplease explain to everyone here why you think it's ok to post links11:44
tsimpsonno, it's not11:44
tsimpsonthere, you failz11:44
Newb`sit's out11:44
jussi01no, its not out11:44
Newb`sNot on the front page but we can download it11:44
tsimpsonuntil it's on the front page of ubuntu.com and the announcement email is send, it's not out11:45
jussi01Newb`s: We have done this several times already ;)11:45
ikoniaNewb`s: we do you feel you are better qualified than ubuntu to say when THEIR release is out ?11:45
Newb`sWhen the "official" annoucment will be done, the Bandwidth won't be good11:46
wgrantNewb`s: Torrents.11:46
Newb`sNow on ddl we can have 1Mio/sec11:46
Newb`swgrant: I use torrents11:47
Newb`sBut some people can't use them (restriction)11:47
ikoniaNewb`s: so if you want bandwidth - why are you telling other people where to get it now ?11:47
ikoniaNewb`s: how about let canonical/ubuntu launch/release their own product when they want11:47
Newb`sikonia: I don't want bandwidth for me11:47
Newb`sI have already downloaded it from torrents11:47
ikoniaNewb`s: then let other people worry about it11:47
Newb`sAnd Now I'm seeding11:48
Newb`sLet's wait for canonical announce so11:49
ikoniayes, that is the most sensible thing to do 11:49
Newb`sthe CD iso is the same as the last daily-build11:50
bazhangzomglololol is hamburgerfriesan known element in -ot11:52
jussi01Newb`s: alright then, if you have nothing further, please part11:54
ikoniaserial ban dodger now becoming a pain in +111:55
bazhangchronic? ikonia 11:55
ikoniausing multiple nicks/ips 11:56
ikoniathing is he was muted for something minor and he just kicked off with abuse, if he just chillded out for 2 seconds it would have been resolved but he's just behaving like a jerk trying to dodge11:57
bazhangwhoa that stinks11:57
ikonianow he's making threats that he's going to kick down my doors ????11:57
ikoniahe's a grown man....????11:57
marcusdavidusis ikonia here?12:04
marcusdavidusi dont like u 12:04
marcusdavidusif u keep ban me becosue i call u 40 years old mac user i  will call u other names 12:05
jussi01marcusdavidus: is there something we can help you with?12:05
marcusdavidusyes ikonia ban me becouse i call him 40 years old mac user12:05
Madpilotright, because showing up here and continuing to call ops names is SUCH a great way to argue your case...12:06
marcusdavidus after he  gimem me 10 useless links and dont restand my problem and act liek i was be 10 years old idiot who cannot use bash 12:06
jussi0110 useless links?12:06
marcusdavidusyep 12:06
jussi01you mean the links on how to behave on IRC?12:06
ikoniajussi01: no it was a bot factoid to help him with his problem12:07
tsimpsonyou should probably give them a look12:07
ikoniathe irc ones came after the behaviour 12:07
marcusdavidusyep but this was not any help sience this links are outdated12:07
marcusdavidusand i ask one simply question si anyone make succefull upgrade from itnrepid to jaunty rc i dont ask gimme oinks to man pages12:07
jussi01marcusdavidus: and just why do you think that because you didnt get quite what you think you are after, you can behave in this way?12:08
marcusdavidusin what way ?12:08
jussi01calling operators names, being rude?12:08
marcusdavidus i say that he  act loike 40 years old mac user12:08
marcusdavidus is all than he ban me 12:08
bazhangnot so.12:08
bazhangthe channel has logs, you know.12:09
marcusdavidusyep so show me 12:09
ikoniamarcusdavidus: you can search through logs for your behaviour if you want, I don't see why I or others should bother when your acting poorly 12:10
marcusdavidusnope i will not search for anything i say why u ban me if u say is not truth prove me wrong 12:10
ikoniaon the day you where banned I asked you to join here to discuss it, you joined other ubuntu channels to complain about it and sent rude pm's to me, I told you on that day - I would not discuss it with you until you could do so calmly12:10
marcusdavidusi send rude pm to u today after u ban me again without reazon12:11
ikonia17:35 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with marcusdavidus12:11
ikonia17:35 <ikonia> you can speak in the channel again when you can talk to people12:11
ikoniathat was on he day of the ban12:11
marcusdavidusshow first ban 12:11
ikonia17:37 <marcusdavidus> i have no idea who the hell u think u are but if u act like 13 years old usa retyard i teach u good manners12:11
ikonia17:38 <ikonia> let me know when you want to talk about it without being rude12:11
ikoniathat was on the day of the ban12:11
marcusdavidusthis was after u ban me first time12:11
ikoniayes, directly after I banned you12:11
marcusdavidusshow reazon fro first ban 12:11
ikoniayou asked for proof of your behaviour - there it is12:11
ikoniaand as I said at the time, I'm not discussing it futher until you can do so politley12:12
marcusdavidusshoow reazon to first ban imho12:12
ikoniayou asked for proof of your behaviour - there it is12:12
ikoniaand as I said at the time, I'm not discussing it futher until you can do so politley12:12
ikoniathats the last I'll say on the matter 12:12
marcusdavidus yep i go angry after  first ban12:12
marcusdavidus becosue u ban me for nothing12:12
ikoniamarcusdavidus: search the logs and re-read the incident12:12
ikonia@logs > marcusdavidus 12:12
ikonia(ubottu will pm them to you ASAP)12:13
ikonia!log > marcusdavidus 12:13
ubottumarcusdavidus, please see my private message12:13
ikoniasorry my mistake12:13
marcusdavidusomfg screw it i found answer for my video problem in google and im going back to gentoo  u ubuntu ppl should grow up imho cyu12:14
Madpilottres mature12:15
Madpilotwith slanty bit over that first e12:15
ikonia12:15 < marcusdavidus>  ma ktos problem z odtwarzaniem   video na jaunty po upgradzie z intrepida?12:17
ikoniain -pl - looks like he's not fixed his video issue :)12:17
ikoniaI've fixed it, but I need to ask for help still ?12:17
elkyikonia, you must act beyond your years ;)12:17
ikoniaelky: I'm actaully 52 ;) 12:18
ikonia(kidding) 12:18
elkyi figured12:18
Myrttiok, I need to hit the shower12:19
ikoniado'nt hurt it12:19
elkyyou make the jokes of a 50yrold though :P12:20
ikoniamy best gags are 50 years old12:20
jussi01ikonia: stop lying, you are 6312:20
ikoniajussi01: no , I LOOK 63....I'm actually much younger12:20
elkyi'm guessing he's early 30s. i seriously dont know12:20
jussi01oh... right... so you are now claiming ot be benjamin button?12:21
ikoniais it wrong that I'm chuckling to myself that marcusdavidus is struggling in -pl to get his video issue fixed.....after claiming screw you I have it fixed anyway12:21
wgrantApril 30.12:21
ikoniajussi01: no, I'm brad pitt12:21
elkyikonia, not really. it just means you haven't been op long enough, hehe12:21
Madpilotright, I really do need to crash. Far past my bedtime. Have fun with the lunatics, trolls and noobs, everyone.12:22
wgrantEven robbiew is at it. Wow.12:30
elkybwahaha. proprietary wifi driver is b0rked too12:36
tsimpsonneurobuntu_: can we help?12:40
neurobuntu_sorry just saw somepost something about this channel, i joined to read the channel title12:40
tsimpsonthen please don't idle here12:41
neurobuntu_"these aren't the droids I'm looking for" I'll move along12:41
nixzstsimpson: plesae unban me12:41
tsimpsonPalZer0: can we help you?12:41
nixzsthe other ip12:41
PalZer0oh crap.....i thought the channel was invite only12:41
PalZer0i be gone12:41
tsimpsonnixzs: why did you change your IP to get around the ban?12:41
tsimpsonyou could have just /msg'd me to ask about it12:41
nixzsI did'nt, besides because I don't wanna miss the announcement12:42
tsimpsonthen you should follow the rules, yes?12:42
nixzsbut I need my former ip unbanned please12:42
nixzsI am now12:42
tsimpsonif you follow the rules and stop telling people it's released when it's not announced12:43
tsimpsonthen you can rejoin12:43
nixzswow, that wasn't me at all12:43
nixzsI am waiting for  the CHANNEL's announcement12:43
nixzswill the announcement be caps lock or something similar to make it clear ?12:44
tsimpson<nixz> tsimpson: no, before I checked both folders Jaunty and 9.04 and both hod RC on the name. Now they don't. So something gotta be changed12:45
tsimpson<nixz> as I said I am not blind12:45
nixzstsimpson: c,mon give me another chance12:45
tsimpsonif you agree not to ask questions like "is it out yet" and "when will it be out", then I will12:45
tsimpsonand yes, we'll make it known that it's released12:46
nixzsok, I've already out-asked that question12:46
tsimpsonyour original host is unbanned12:47
nixzsthanks a lot!!!12:47
tsimpsonno problem12:47
tsimpsonyou can part here now12:48
Seeker`got "Turkish man takes an interest?" from guru_ in PM12:48
Seeker`he is in #u12:48
nixzsha ha, party here12:57
nixzsis not the same thought12:57
ubottuPlease keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.12:57
nixzsok bye13:00
ikoniaPici is the factoid king13:02
ikoniaPici: that was a record in #ubuntu for factoids in under a minute13:02
Seeker`15:09:57- guru_: to eat a banana like a big turkish_?13:10
tsimpsonSeeker`: just /ignore them13:11
tsimpsonthey aren't even in #ubuntu any more13:11
Seeker`fair enough13:14
wgrantAn elmo!13:15
tsimpsonnot as if there was much anyone can do even if they were13:15
tsimpsonas it's nothing in the channel13:15
brinstarcan i be unbanned from release party, i didnt know i wasnt supposed to post links13:17
tsimpsondid you not read the topic?13:18
bazhangas it is says in the /topic: do NOT post links?13:18
brinstarguess not13:18
ikoniabrinstar: who banned you please13:19
brinstartsimpson: 13:19
ikoniabrinstar: when where you banned ?13:20
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)13:20
brinstarabout 2 hrs ago13:20
jpdsWTF at -r-p?13:20
jpdsOh, d.c.c.13:20
ikoniajpds: /part is your friend13:20
bazhangsandman did the exploit13:21
brinstarcan u ub me then13:21
brinstarive learnt my lesson13:21
sponzorwhy cant i get to #ubuntu-release-party13:23
bazhangsponzor, how may we help you13:23
tsimpsonbazhang: <FloodBot2> sponzor has requested an exploit test, but is not known as a victim13:24
brinstarcan you unban me13:24
tsimpsonPartyBot forwarded them but has no way to test/unban!13:24
sponzori m confused :))13:24
brinstarman what is your problem13:25
shadeslayerum i have a problem13:25
shadeslayerone sec13:25
shadeslayer-!- Mode change [+e] for user shadeslayer13:26
shadeslayer17:50 Warning: Port sent with DCC request is a lowport (0, unknown) - this isn't normal. It is possible the address/port is faked (or maybe someone is just trying to bypass  firewall)13:26
shadeslayer17:50 DCC SEND from SandMan [ port 0]: ff???f? [0B bytes] requested in channel #ubuntu-release-party13:26
shadeslayer17:55 DCC aborted receiving file ff???f? from SandMan13:26
shadeslayeris that normal?13:26
ikoniashadeslayer: someone attempted to exploit you13:26
popeyhas Assid been banned from r-p?13:27
ikoniashadeslayer: it is nothing to do with the ubuntu channel, but an individual13:27
shadeslayeri have no idea13:27
shadeslayerfreenode then13:27
popeyhe's back as Assd and banging on about ##ubuntu-seeders13:27
wgrantbazhang: SpaceHobo is fine.13:27
tsimpsoneveryone who was forwarded to #ubuntu-read-topc can now re-join13:27
tsimpsonpopey: ## is ok13:27
popeyoh, course13:27
shadeslayerikonia: so should i report to freenode13:27
ikoniashadeslayer: I believe it's already been taken care of13:27
Picishadeslayer, ikonia: it was to everyone in -r-p13:28
shadeslayerok thanks 13:28
elkytsimpson, not ok, but not within our stomping ground13:28
tsimpsonelky: ## is not13:28
elkythat's what i said. it's not within our stomping ground13:28
tsimpsonoh, you mean in -r-p13:28
wgrantLooks like we are about to go.13:28
tsimpsonwell, it's only for today, but yeah13:28
elkyas for abuse of the ubuntu name, all the ## channels are doing so13:29
bazhang<isitout> ?  <--nick of the day13:29
elkyespecially the one whose twitter account is spreading the link pre-release and contributing to the release being later than it should be because of extra server strain.13:29
Seeker`there must be a better way of distributing the isos without making them public13:31
Picihttp://www.engadget.com/2009/04/23/ubuntu-9-04-jaunty-jackalope-is-gold-ready-for-download/ links to the iso page too :/13:31
wgrantSeeker`: That's .pool.13:31
wgrantPici: You'd think they'd know better than that...13:31
ikoniathat's really poor13:31
Piciwgrant: I would, but I guess not.13:31
Seeker`wgrant: thats public though13:32
wgrantSeeker`: It has to be public, or the mirrors can't mirror it...13:32
Seeker`wgrant: are you trying to tell me there isn't a way of transferring data from computer A to computer B without making it public to the whole internnet?13:33
ikoniaSeeker`: they allow anonymous mirroring, so in that situation, no 13:33
wgrantWhat ikonia said.13:33
wgrantThe mirrors aren't all registered.13:33
tsimpsonmake sure to +m when announcing13:33
Seeker`why not distribute it to the official ones "secretly"13:33
Seeker`then you'll at least have a decent base when everyone starts leeching the b/w13:34
bazhangmichael_wigren, how may we assist you13:36
michael_wigren@bazhang I was booted to #ubuntu-read-topic where it was suggested I come here to see if my router is exploitable. 13:37
tsimpsonmichael_wigren: if you mean in #ubuntu-release-party you can join whenever you want13:38
eagles0513875hey guys is it possible to get unbanned now that jaunty is releasing13:40
Myrttieagles0513875: how can we help you?13:40
eagles0513875i was banned until jaunty release is it possible to get that ban lifted so i can contribute to the community by fixing bugs etc13:41
Myrttiit's not released yet13:41
eagles0513875any chance to get the banned removed or not just yet13:41
Myrttieagles0513875: we've got our hands full with the release right now, if you can wait after it's over13:42
eagles0513875ok 13:42
Seeker`eagles0513875: If you were told to come back here to discuss it after the release, then I suggest that is what you do13:42
bazhangfrom +1?13:42
ikoniaeagles0513875: you keep saying about fixing bugs yet you keep saying you don't know how to fix bugs13:42
PiciI poked Hobbsee about it, shes going to think about what should be done.  Its her ban.13:42
ikoniaPici: my personal stance is not13:43
ikoniafor the records13:43
tsimpsonyay for +m13:43
ikoniahe's been a pain in more channels and uses this bug fixing nonsense asn an excuse, you don't need access to the development channels to "fix bugs" more so when you no zero programming language13:43
Seeker`3 h ours till the end of work today \o/13:45
bazhanghe was in freenode yesterday asking to become staffer13:45
Myrttiplease, make the pain go away, release the damn thing13:45
ikoniaSeeker`: 1 hour for me - I think :)13:46
Seeker`ikonia: you heading to london release aprty?13:46
* Myrtti is packing up in Warboys to leave soon13:46
ikoniawell, as I'm on the edge of London and probably in London later I thought I may pop over13:47
Seeker`ikonia: whereabouts are you now then?13:48
wgrantAre these fake PartyBots permissible?13:49
tsimpsonif they are actually bots, no. if they are people pretending to be bots, maybe13:49
ikoniaSeeker`: by tower hil13:49
wgrantThey are people.13:50
Seeker`ikonia: closer than I am at the moment then13:50
ikoniaSeeker`: I'm about to head a little futher out first13:50
Seeker`ikonia: out east?13:50
ikoniatrying to work it out........west I think, yes, west bound platform13:51
tsimpsonwgrant: if they get annoying/distracting then we'll have to "deal" with them13:51
Seeker`ikonia: fair enough; i13:51
wgranttsimpson: They seem to have quietened down now.13:51
Seeker`m going to be getting in to euston around 513:51
tsimpsonif they get annoying just +q13:53
ikoniaSeeker`: I don't know London that well so I have to assume13:54
Seeker`ikonia: fair enough13:54
ikoniahowdy Hobbsee 13:55
PiciThe website has been updated.13:57
wgrantIt has.13:57
wgrantStill no slangasek, though...13:57
tsimpsonsomeone +m and actually announce13:57
Hobbseedamn!  I haven't got hte torrent files out yet!13:57
ikoniaHobbsee: it's out ! 13:58
Seeker`please and the misery13:58
ubottuPartyBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)13:58
elkyHobbsee, the kubuntu torrent files dont seem to want to behave13:59
* Hobbsee is trying to figure out if these are ubuntu or kubuntu14:01
Hobbseeoh, they're ubuntu14:01
ikoniarelease day is rubbish14:16
tsimpsonubottu: channel #ubuntu supybot.plugins.PackageInfo.defaultRelease jaunty14:16
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:16
tsimpsonubottu: channel #kubuntu supybot.plugins.PackageInfo.defaultRelease jaunty14:16
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:16
tsimpsonubottu: channel #ubuntu-offtopic supybot.plugins.PackageInfo.defaultRelease jaunty14:16
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:16
tsimpsonhmm, easier to do14:17
tsimpsonubottu: config supybot.plugins.PackageInfo.defaultRelease jaunty14:17
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:17
ubottuIn ubottu, Pici said: no torrents is <reply>  Intrepid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).14:19
ubottuError: You are not identified14:19
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:19
wgrantPici: s/Intrepid/Jaunty/14:20
Pici!torrents =~ s/Intrepid/Jaunty/14:20
ubottuI'll remember that Pici14:20
bazhangsorry to mess it up Pici 14:20
PiciUpdated !jaunty and !intrepid accordingly.14:24
ikoniaPici: you are fast today, kudos14:25
tsimpson!search intrepid14:33
ubottuFound: intrepix-#ubuntu-offtopic, intrepid, intrepid-#kubuntu-kde4, kde3-#kubuntu, interpid, shipit, queue, intelbrick, ibex, download14:33
ubottushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Intrepid (8.10) CDs14:34
ubottuThe queue of packages awaiting approval to enter the archive and scheduled for build (also known as the NEW queue) is at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+queue14:34
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:34
wgranttsimpson: Drop Edubuntu from !shipit14:34
Pici!shipit =~ s/Intrepid (8.10)/Jaunty (9.04)/14:34
ubottuNothing changed there14:34
Pici!shipit =~ s/Intrepid (8\.10)/Jaunty (9.04)/14:34
ubottushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Intrepid (8.10) CDs14:34
tsimpsonI think the () confuses it14:34
tsimpsonregex and all14:34
ubottushipit is <Reply> shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send Jaunty (9.04) CDs14:36
tsimpson!queue ~= s/intrepid/jaunty/14:37
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson14:37
ubottuConcerned about Intrepid breaking Intel e1000e gigabit adaptors? See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5841972#post5841972 for a more realistic assessment.14:37
tsimpson!download ~= s/Intrepid/Jaunty/14:37
wgrantThat one can probably die.14:37
Pici!forget intelbrick14:37
ubottuI'll forget that, Pici14:37
Piciwgrant: Indeed.14:37
tsimpson!search intrepid14:38
ubottuFound: intrepix-#ubuntu-offtopic, intrepid, intrepid-#kubuntu-kde4, kde3-#kubuntu, interpid, ibex, intelbrick*, 8.10, intrepidkde314:38
ubottuIn ubottu, Daskreech said: torrent is Jaunty can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/9.04/kubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/9.04/kubuntu-9.04-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent (change for your desktop/server or i386/amd64 needs). Please help seed if possible.  Torrents for the DVD can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/jaunty/release/dvd/14:49
DaskreechJust sent an update for torrents for the kubuntu channel14:49
bazhangnice :)14:49
PiciI actually just updated it a few minutes ago14:50
ubottuJaunty can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your archieecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).14:50
ubottutorrents is <Reply> Kubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (9.04) torrents can be obtained at (CD) http://ie.releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/jaunty/ or (DVD) http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/9.04/release/14:50
LjLwouldn't it be better to use put torrent.ubuntu.com in those factoids?14:50
DaskreechThat only has the DVD14:50
tsimpsonhas anyone closed down +1 yet?14:56
ikoniaI can clear it :)14:56
bazhangseems so14:56
Picignomefreak asked me to keep it open14:56
ikoniastill seems quite a few people in there14:56
bazhangthough I fled when pici opped up14:57
tsimpsondon't we usually +f #ubuntu-release-party ?14:57
Picitsimpson: We do14:57
tsimpsongood, I'm not too tied that I'm imagining things14:57
LjLactually we usually forwarded to #ubuntu, only last time i insisted for forwarding to -r-p14:57
LjLand then, forwarding -r-p to -offtopic because that's wonderfully evil.14:58
Daskreech-f to #edubuntu14:58
tsimpsonnah, +f #debian14:59
popey#gobuntu :)14:59
tsimpsonlets be evil14:59
LjLtsimpson: they can be more evil than you :(15:00
tsimpsonthat's why I don't join #debian15:00
tsimpsonnot on freenode anyway15:00
LjLPici: why? they end up there on their own anyway15:01
ikoniamost of them are already in #ubuntu so it won't make a difference15:01
PiciI thought we were being evil.15:01
LjLPici: but as ikonia said, it won't make a difference. no, #debian means being evil - but then you have to face the consequences15:02
PiciLjL: Fine fine.15:02
tsimpsonWatchBot is going to join/quit a lot if it dies because www.ubuntu.com is down...15:02
LjLit shouldn't die, but it does anyway15:02
LjLthere's a connect timeout but apparently it doesn't get respected15:02
tsimpsonyay for obscure bugs15:02
LjLi thought it was the DNS request that overruled the timeout15:03
LjLbut there's no reason why my DNS servers should be busier today than usual... only the site itself would be15:03
ikoniamore site busy = more look ups15:03
tuxiceHello, can we get ubot3's jaunty factoid changed?15:04
ikonia!jaunty 15:05
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 - Please use !torrents15:05
ikoniatuxice: what's the problem with it ?15:06
tuxiceIts saying that jaunty is not released yet :D15:06
Piciikonia: ubot3 not ubottu 15:06
ikoniaaren't they synced ?15:06
tuxiceubot3: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - JAUNTY IS NOT YET RELEASED - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:06
ubot3tuxice: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:06
PiciThey get synced automagically, I'm not sure how often though15:07
tuxiceubot3: jaunty15:07
ubot3Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 - Please use !torrents15:07
Picielky: goodnight15:07
Picituxice: The bot will automatically be synced soon15:08
MTecknologyg'morning :)15:11
* Myrtti is in the train15:12
ikoniahowdy traveller15:12
* genii crawls in and licks coffee residue off the bottom of the emptied -release urn15:12
MTecknologyFlannel: You lied to me. For that I will never forgive you for the next xx minutes15:12
ikoniaMTecknology: ?15:12
MTecknologyikonia: his estimation of the release time was wrong and I was going to be awake for it.... but holy crap my phone didn't go off and I'm late for work15:13
MTecknologyand shower and everything in the next 15min15:14
tsimpson"[07:47]* tsimpson guesses between 6 and 8 hours" it was announced at 14:02 here15:16
* tsimpson was right15:16
geniiThe servers must be getting hammered right now i suppose15:16
ikonialooks that way15:17
MTecknologyFlannel: ok... I guess you were right, I should have woke up on time :P15:23
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
FlannelMTecknology: Hmm?15:41
MTecknologyFlannel: love you L(15:41
FlannelMTecknology: Isn't it a nice feeling though?  Wake up to a new day, and a new Ubantu?15:42
MTecknologyya it is. Trying to start torrents15:43
ikoniawoot, etc etc etc15:44
Myrttinearly in london15:45
Flannelbother.  Anyone got xubuntu torrents?15:49
MTecknologymy hd light isn't stopping right now, I think I'm at my torrent limit15:52
PiciMTecknology: Is there anything else you need from -ops? You can join #ubuntu-offtopic and discuss Jaunty there :)15:52
MTecknologyeh, that channel isn't my cup a tea, but I can depart from here. 'twas fun15:53
* Pici shrugs15:53
FlannelWe're close to peak in #u... except, I think my peak from last April wasn't the max.15:54
PiciPeak for #ubuntu@freenode: 1714 (Thu Apr 24 15:07:10 2008)15:55
geniiHm. 1697 currently15:56
geniiPici: Is that "how can I hack stuff" guy PMing you or so? 16:01
ubot3In #ubuntu-release-party, its_out_right_no said: !when is netbook release16:06
Picigenii: no16:07
FlannelPici: yeah, that's what I've got too.  I suppose I didn't miss it.16:22
naliothwow, we're breaking records 1716 people in #ubuntu 16:31
PiciYeah :)16:31
jussi01elevnty one!!11!!116:54
Madpilotis rww in #u spouting utter crack? "running 64bit OS on 32bit arch is more secure - it's uncrackable"16:58
Madpilotoh, nevermind. Am an idiot in need of more tea16:58
LjLuh, rww is usually not an idiot16:58
Madpilotyea, I know. he was making a joke, and I didn't catch the smily16:59
PiciIts -offtopic anyway16:59
Madpilotand yes, it was ot, not u16:59
Madpilotand I very seriously need less blood in my caffeinestream17:00
MyrttiLondon wohooooo17:19
Madpilotoff again - have fun, everyone17:28
jpds!staff | http://paste.ubuntu.com/156618/17:33
ubottuhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/156618/: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)17:33
jpdsTriggered by using !fact in #ubuntu.17:35
PiciWhy is that a staff issue?17:36
jpdsCos it spams the crap out of anyone using factoids.17:36
jpds(And it could be in places I can't see right now)17:37
PiciI'm pretty sure it was a user earlier tdoay.17:37
jpds[!] :   ircname : Bot17:37
* jpds EODs and out.17:37
* Pici greps logs17:37
* jussi01 thwacks ikonia18:04
PiciAnyone happen to know what noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com is?18:05
SeekerAnyone happen to know what people at the london party look like?18:06
jussi01Seeker: I know what Myrtti looks like...18:12
PiciI need to get back to work, can't watch #ubuntu anymore.18:12
SeekerI'm outside, don't know what anyone looks like18:12
SeekerJussi01 am on my mobile phone18:15
jussi01Seeker: theres a pic there...18:15
SeekerWill have to quit to look18:16
jussi01Seeker: what kind of rubbish mobile you have?18:16
SeekerK770 the app is rubbish18:17
jussi01isnt jono gonna be there? thought he was in blighty atm18:17
SeekerDunno can't see anyone i recognise18:18
=== SWAT__ is now known as SWAT
SeekerBack soon18:19
* genii sips18:40
geniiAlthough after 2 or so hours of sleep coffee may not be enough to keep me lucid today18:41
eagles0513875hey guys i hav ea ban that was until jaunty release which has just been released can i get the ban lifted 19:16
PiciUgh.  I need to go to a meeting, can someone please take care of -offtopic?19:30
Picitopyli perhaps?19:30
topyliPici: a bit busy, can't babysit full time. i can take only take occasional peeks19:31
topylilooks like taking care of jackjohnson would go a long way19:32
topylimeh, he's just "special" it seems19:36
blizzkidlo all, I'd like to register #ubuntu-cafe but it was registered by a not so active person (last seen January 2009), is it possible to reclaim it?19:49
topyliblizzkid: hello. i can't help, just saying hi so you know we're not entirely dead :)19:55
blizzkidI'll just wait for someone else :)20:14
* nixternal wonders why there is a show of @ force in the party room...i find that rather annoying and see it as an ego booster for people20:48
Flannelblizzkid: What's -cafe for?20:52
ikonia@bansearch eagles051387520:54
ubottuMatch: eagles0513*!*@* by Hobbsee in #ubuntu-bugs on Oct 06 2008 01:09:44 (ID: 5220)20:54
ubottuMatch: eagles0513*!*@* by Hobbsee in #ubuntu-devel on Oct 06 2008 01:04:51 (ID: 5219)20:54
ubottuMatch: eagles0513*!*@* by Hobbsee in #ubuntu-motu on Oct 06 2008 01:03:58 (ID: 5218)20:54
eagles0513875hey guys can i talk to someone about my ban21:05
blizzkidFlannel: I'd like it to be a place to talk about buntu but with lots of room for off topic talk21:06
Flannelblizzkid: How is that different than #ubuntu-offtopic?21:07
eagles0513875Flannel: may i talk to you after you have finished discussing blizzkid's irc channel 21:08
blizzkidFlannel: not really different I guess, but I thought It'd make a nice name21:08
blizzkidand when trying to register I saw it was owned by a not very active person21:08
blizzkidFlannel: Would it do harm to have different offtopic chans? imho not21:09
Flannelblizzkid: We try not to have multiple channels for the same purpose, it just generates confusion.21:09
blizzkidFlannel: well, I guess you could use cafe for just socializing21:10
blizzkidand -offtopic for "offtopic ubuntu" chat21:10
Flannelblizzkid: -offtopic is for socializing, etc.21:11
PiciFlannel: Technically we've been asked to not interfere if someone wants to create a new Ubuntu channel.21:11
Piciblizzkid: Unfortunately, no one is around that is able to request that the channel be dropped for use.  21:12
FlannelPici: I'm sure that's "new channel" as referring to a channel that serves a new purpose.21:12
blizzkidFlannel: I see your point, still don't see harm in it though21:12
blizzkidfact it is registered anyway...21:12
FlannelPici: Or do we really want someone creating #ubuntu-support, etc?21:12
topylithe name is nice, but it does seem like a duplicate of something that already works21:12
topylifor values of "works" of course :)21:13
ikoniaa channel should have a purpose,21:13
FlannelPici: I'd never say no to someone wanting to make #ubuntu-superawesomeproject or whatever for discussion and goings on of superaweseomeproject team21:13
* ikonia is back in the office21:13
blizzkidI still think it wouldn't harm as it exits anyway21:14
ikoniablizzkid: if it's registered what's the problem - use it ?21:14
Piciikonia: It is registered.21:14
ikoniagreat, so what's the problem ?21:14
topyliblizzkid: can you not contact the person who currently owns it?21:14
blizzkidtopyli: he was last seen Jan 2009...21:14
blizzkidthat's my issue21:14
ikoniathat's only a few months ago 21:14
Piciblizzkid: I'll discuss it with the other Ubuntu IRC Council members and we'll see what we can do to release the channel.  21:14
ikoniablizzkid: does that stop you using the channel ?21:15
blizzkidthx Pici 21:15
jussi01blizzkid: IMHO, we have plenty of offtopic chans already21:15
blizzkidikonia: kinda, can't set a topic eg21:15
ikoniablizzkid: ok, so if someone sets a topic the problem goes away 21:15
* jussi01 imagins genii in #ubuntu-cafe handing out coffees :P21:15
blizzkidikonia: as no-one actively manages the chan, I could as well do it21:16
topyliwll a channel should have live people on the access list21:16
ikoniawhat's the problem using offtopic ?21:16
Piciikonia: The Community Council has asked us to be cooperative when users want to create new channels in the Ubuntu namespace.21:16
blizzkidand btw, doesn't the name refer to ubuntu forum levels? ;)21:16
FlannelPici: I really don't see a need for a new channel that serves an identical purpose of a channel that already exists.  I know that's not the spirit of the "Don't stop new channels" guideline, even if its within the letter.21:16
ikoniaI appeciate that, I'm trying to understand why ?21:16
PiciFlannel: Neither do I. But I just think we're being a bit harsh here.21:16
ikoniain asking the purpose ?21:17
ikoniaI'm questioning the purpose of an identical channel to -offtopic - not stopping just asking the reason ?21:17
blizzkidalso if no-one manages it, no-one can moderate it21:17
ikoniablizzkid: #ubuntu-offtopic is moderated21:17
blizzkidikonia: I'm not talking about offtopic21:18
Flannelikonia: He's giving a reason why he can't currently use it.21:18
blizzkidI'm talking about cafe21:18
ikoniaI missed that21:18
Flannelikonia: That's what I'm here for :)21:18
ikoniawhat is different about cafe and -offtopic ?21:18
topylithe channel has 3 users at the moment btw21:19
blizzkidikonia: I like the fact that it has the pub sound and the fact it refers to the forum levels21:19
topylithe name is wonderful21:19
blizzkidtopyli: yeah, some ppl talking in #launchpad joined21:19
blizzkidcoz they were discussing ubuntu21:19
ikoniaI'm sorry but I don't see the point of another official offtopic channel because it has the word cafe rather than offtopic21:19
topylilooks like the channel could be treated as "new"21:19
ikoniathat's not being harsh, thats me not understanding the point 21:20
blizzkidikonia: I don't think you're being harsh you know21:20
geniijussi01: I'd do the #ubuntu-cafe bartender thing if someone requested it :)21:20
blizzkidI just try to explain why I personally think it might be a nice chan to have21:20
blizzkidgenii: you'd be welcome :)21:20
ikoniaI simpley don't get it, what's to stop someone opening #ubuntu-pub or #ubuntu-coffeshop because it sounds like their local hang out ?21:21
PiciAhem.  I think we should let the IRCC discuss this and then we will get back to you blizzkid.21:21
* topyli sets mode +barista to genii21:21
blizzkidikonia: I think they should be able to21:21
ikoniasorry - didn't mean to question that21:21
blizzkidok Pici 21:21
topyliPici: +121:22
jussi01Ok, blizzkidthe resolution is the Council will discus and ge back to you. anything else you need?21:22
Piciblizzkid: You can either wait in #ubuntu-irc or if you want to PM me your email address we can get back to you that way.21:22
blizzkidno thx Pici 21:22
Piciblizzkid: I cannot guarantee that the answer will be today.21:22
blizzkidnp Pici I'll try to leave my pc on or start a screened irssi on my server21:24
* topyli advertises memoserv21:24
topyli"for all your asynchronous needs"21:25
Flanneltopyli: what? use services the way they were designed to be used? nonsense!21:25
LjLcan i make #ubuntu-ljl?21:25
LjLi want to21:25
LjLlater i'm going to package myself21:26
* blizzkid svn checkout LjL :p21:26
FlannelI don't want to ask what the build deps are...21:27
LjLmadness and rage are depends21:28
blizzkidthese are great dep's :)21:28
LjLsarcasm and obnoxiousness are recommends21:28
LjLthe suggests are humor-bad | humor-ugly21:29
LjLconflicts with sanity21:29
blizzkidLjL: what about sarcasm-ultra?21:29
topylino public releases yet due to uncertain legal status21:31
ikoniaLjL: I'm sure panarchy will help you package it for his distro21:33
topyliubuntu users can easily install using automatix21:39
blizzkidhmmz, does shipit have an irc channel?21:41
blizzkidapart from #launchpad I mean?21:41
ikoniasomeone else asked the a few days ago, the answer was no21:42
ikoniahello Z3ro3X 21:42
ikoniahow can we help ?21:42
blizzkidikonia: that's too bad... I'd like to know why I always get such a small amount of cd's (being a local support point) :)21:42
Z3ro3XI was told to come here to be tested.21:42
ikoniaZ3ro3X: ahhh did you not get auto tested as the /topic suggested ?21:43
Z3ro3X<FloodBot1> Z3ro3X: Sorry, but I am unable to test you (are you using your usual nickname?). Please contact the operators (type « /topic » to find out how).21:43
LjLno, because he's not banned, and he's in #ubuntu21:43
Z3ro3XMost have been a false positive.21:43
ikoniaLjL: ooh21:44
ikoniawell spotted21:44
Z3ro3XWhen I rolled out of bed I forgot I left IRC running and when I looked I was in channel #ubuntu-read-topic.21:44
LjLi can let the bots test you anyway21:45
LjLif you're unsure you have that problem21:45
LjLyou can try asking for a test now if you want, it will work21:45
Z3ro3XBut I was also still in #ubuntu21:45
Z3ro3XSure, why not.21:46
Z3ro3XDid you do the test?21:47
jussi01blizzkid: is there anything else you need from us?21:47
LjLZ3ro3X: no, you need to say "test me" in -read-topic again yourself21:48
blizzkidjussi01: no, I was just hanging around, but if I have to leave I will :)21:48
jussi01!idle | blizzkid21:48
ubottublizzkid: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.21:48
blizzkidok, np :)21:48
LjLZ3ro3X: you're not vulnerable21:48
blizzkidsee ya21:48
Z3ro3X* Received a malformed DCC request from FloodBot3.21:48
Z3ro3X* Contents of packet: DCC SEND 1234567890abcdef21:49
Z3ro3XWhat does that mean?21:49
FlannelZ3ro3X: that means you're not vulnerable.21:49
LjLZ3ro3X: don't paste that21:49
LjLZ3ro3X: that string is what causes users to get disconnected21:49
Z3ro3XThanks every one.21:49
Z3ro3XThanks for the help, later.21:49
blizzkidjust a quick question, what does one have to do to become an ubuntu irc moderator?21:59
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
elkyblizzkid, we choose people who we observe behaving appropriately.22:23
elkywe do not take applications, since 99% of them are 'so i can kick people for fun'22:23
blizzkidyeah, so true22:23
blizzkiddo you monitor all ubuntu related channels?22:23
blizzkidI mean the official ones ofcourse22:24
jussi01blizzkid: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam22:27
blizzkidk, I'll take a peek22:28
blizzkidsee ya22:28
Guest28437i was wandering if i could be allowed back into #ubuntu22:43
Guest28437i was told to come me22:43
Guest28437by ikonia22:44
ikoniaI told you to come here as I didn't want to dicuss it in another channel which is nothing to do with ubuntu22:44
Guest28437well can someone let be back in?22:44
Guest28437not you ikonia22:44
ikoniaI put the ban on you curtis22:45
ikoniaif there is nothing else you need curtis, it would be appreciated if you left the channel and went about your irc day 22:46
Guest28437shut up22:47
ikoniathank you for justifying my stance 22:47
Guest28437your welcome ikonia22:47
ikoniaif there is nothing else, please leave and go about your irc day22:48
bazhangikonia, your thoughts on removing ban on a7a (aka ahmed)22:48
bazhangGuest28437, please part the channel22:48
=== Guest28437 is now known as Bballfan
ikoniaBballfan: please leave if you need nothing else.22:49
bazhangikonia, he was flooding nonsense then ban evaded, told him to come back in 48 hrs or so; wanted to know your thoughts on giving him another chance, then if that does not pan out a longer term ban.22:50
ikoniabazhang: my only gripe is the persistant attempts at ban dodging, but we can discuss this once curtis has left22:50
bazhangthey dont seem to be like being called by their nom de troll22:51
ikoniabazhang: I don't have a problem removing the ban - he seems a competant user, just not aware of the "process"22:51
ikoniabazhang: if he graps to come here for problems rather than do his own thing, I see no problem 22:52
bazhangikonia, agreed, and if he spams more nonsense then lengthen the ban to at least a week22:52
ikoniaI just don't think he knew "good irc manners" 22:53
bazhangprobably right22:54
ikoniaplus the language issue muddies the water22:54
SeekerHow be?22:55
Seeker2Tunnels suck23:01
bazhangbetter than seeker_clone :)23:02
ubottuIn ubottu, triciens said: it is easier to ask a question here, correct?23:03
* Seeker2 met myrtti23:04
Seeker2There were a lot of people i didn't know though23:06
Seeker2They should have had name badger23:06
* Seeker` returns23:46
FlannelDone seeking?23:46

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