
le1Hey guys00:52
* le1 action00:53
aragood morning all :)06:39
thekorngood morning ara06:53
aragood morning thekorn06:54
liwhow's it going? are we releasing today?06:56
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araliw: hopefully :-)07:03
araliw: the release team is shaping up the release notes and the latest packages are being accepted (or rejected) into universe07:04
araliw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes07:04
davmor2Morning All08:16
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arahey davmor208:34
BUGabundohi everyone09:44
arahey BUGabundo09:50
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BUGabundoara: hey, back09:51
BUGabundothis is quiet here! all tests done?09:51
davmor2BUGabundo: Finished Yesterday09:54
araBUGabundo: yes, everything is frozen now09:55
BUGabundookay nice to know everything went smooth09:55
BUGabundokinda reminds me of that kernel bug a few releases back09:55
BUGabundowhere everyone was working on it until release09:56
BUGabundoppl are going crazy on +1 and release-party09:56
davmor2BUGabundo: they always do :)09:56
BUGabundoehehe true09:57
davmor2Morning Heno09:57
henohey davmor209:58
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* schwuk loves the easy configuration of mobile broadband connections in Jaunty :)10:04
BUGabundoschwuk: it helps. but NM 0.8 will bring modem manager, which is supposed to be even better10:05
BUGabundobut according to asac thats going to take at least another year10:05
schwukBUGabundo: I'm happy with this - necognised and configured my old N95 without a hitch, and now I'm happily typing from the train :)10:06
asacschwuk: take care .... you will become even more addicted ;)10:07
asac24/7 internet without any way to escape ;)10:08
schwukasac: actually, now I feel complete - I already had 24/7 access from my iPhone, it's just nice having a real keyboard!10:09
asacschwuk: yeah. but phone is still different from a real hackbox ;)10:09
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asacat least on a train you will bump into GPRS at some point ... which is similar to being offline ;)10:10
BUGabundoasac: i get that while being at home10:11
BUGabundoGPRS is sooooo bad10:11
BUGabundogood enough for irc though10:11
schwukasac: yep, on both counts. I've been considering a G1 as a hackable phone, but I'm waiting to see what they do with the pre.10:13
asacBUGabundo: you should move to a real metropolitan area ;)10:16
BUGabundoohhh thats low10:16
BUGabundoi live 10km from the 2nd biggest city in PT10:17
slangasekso you're stuck with Telefonica?10:17
BUGabundoslangasek: we dont have Telefonica here! thats our neibours country. ;) duh10:18
slangasekhmm?  I thought it was Telefonica in .pt as well, last time I was there10:19
BUGabundowe have PTCom, Optimus, Vodafone, Zon, etc10:19
BUGabundotelefonica? no. u are mistaken slangasek10:19
BUGabundomaybe in roaming?10:19
slangasekno, this was back when everybody carried pagers around :)10:20
BUGabundoAFAIK "they" never operated here, and i tend to know this stuff10:22
schwukasac: you forget that I'm in the North of England where GPRS is the norm - I'm looking forward to hitting civilisation soon.10:28
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* slangasek wavse11:50
davmor2I'm on the train for London so I can once again confirm that 3g works :)11:51
fader_davmor2: How come you're not over in #ubuntu-release-party helping to ask if it's out yet? ;)11:52
davmor2I don't want the release delayed by 2 hours each time I ask :D11:53
davmor2goning there next :)11:53
davmor2going even11:53
mvodavmor2: going to the release party :) ?12:04
asacmvo: are you positive that the final cds have -security?12:28
asac13:16 < asac> 13:11 < gnomefreak> http://pastebin.mozilla.org/644059 is from clean install around Sat, 11 Apr 2009 12:47:46 -040012:29
asac13:16 < asac> 13:11  * gnomefreak doesnt see security in there12:29
asaci really hope thats not a problem still ... or gnomefreak was confused ... just would like to be sure12:30
slangasekupdates is also absent12:30
slangasekthat's... not good12:31
mvoI'm running a kvm install now, I asked him and he said his image was from ~11. April12:31
mvo(desktop install)12:31
slangasekwere there relevant changes made since then?12:31
mvoit might be something releaeted to having network (or not) too12:31
asacisnt anyone here in testing who has a fresh install so we at least know that security is in there ;)?12:32
mvoI just have upgraded images :)12:32
asacheno: ^^12:32
mvoasac: looks good here, I can try without network afterwards12:35
thekorni've made a fresh install a few minutes ago, and I've both, jaunty-security and jaunty-updates enbaled12:36
arathekorn: I have a kubuntu install from yesterday and I also have the jaunty-security updates enabled12:38
asacsounds good ;)12:39
mvoasac: yep, have it too12:39
asacmvo: even without networking?12:39
mvoasac: trying that now12:39
mvoasac: without network too12:56
asacmvo: do we need to test apr 11 or so to check? or just ignore?12:56
cjwatsonthe installation I've just done from a USB stick has -security and -updates12:57
cjwatsonit's possible it broke due to some kind of transient network problem (although the installer shouldn't have that flaw any more...)12:57
asaccjwatson: you know whether you changed anything in this regards since apr 1112:57
cjwatsonno, I didn't12:57
cjwatsonas in I can be pretty certain that the installer didn't change in this area since then12:57
cjwatsonso it sounds like a bug if it's reproducible but I don't think it's across the board12:58
mvoI was not able to reproduce it without network13:08
mvowould asking gnomefreak for the log help?13:08
asacwhich log would show something valuable?13:11
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mvoI enabled the proposed version of update-manager, so if someone feels like SRU verification for u-m (*hint*) that would be much appreciated. a intrepid image and "update-manager --proposed" is all that is needed :)14:04
jtholmescharlie-tca, have you ever seen the likes of the excitement on the party channel14:28
slangaseksure, 6 months ago? :)14:29
jtholmesah yes, every 6 mos14:29
jtholmesnice job steve14:29
jtholmesslangasek, you didnt get much sleep the last few days :)14:30
charlie-tcano, I ain't going14:30
jtholmescharlie-tca, question after open week when do we start testing again14:31
slangasekpff, sleep is for the weak14:31
* slangasek faints from exhauston14:31
* mvo sends slangasek a cup of fine japanese tea14:31
jtholmesslangasek, i loved that  tap tap business14:31
slangasekI suspect it's unoriginal14:31
slangasekas in, I probably did the exact same thing 6 months ago in a similarly sleep-deprived state. ;)14:32
charlie-tcaNot sure. I won't have an image until the alpha214:32
jtholmesmaybe so but it got the channel attention14:32
jtholmescharlie-tca, ok just wondered14:32
charlie-tcaHang in here, and check with davmor2.14:33
slangasekjtholmes: actually, me setting the channel +m got the channel's attention. ;)14:33
jtholmescharlie-tca, havent been in early on other rels,  will the images start on  cdimage as always14:33
charlie-tcayes. Should be just change jaunty to karmic14:34
jtholmescharlie-tca, thx14:34
charlie-tcaYou are welcome14:35
jtholmesslangasek, i never saw such a giddy bunch in my life on the party channel14:35
slangasekI think the channel attracts the giddily-predisposed, by its nature14:36
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jtholmesbug 35788416:24
ubot4jtholmes: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: HTTP Error 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable16:24
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