
brycejbarnes: is the gpu dumping stuff particular to 9xx?  is it at all worth trying for 8xx freeze bugs?00:36
jbarnesso far it just decodes 9xx stuff mainly00:40
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seb128bryce_: did you try to trigger the intel crash with a virtual config?11:44
seb128there has been 2 new comments from users who don't have the issue and have virtual settings today11:45
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hyperairis there a reason i965 has been blacklisted in jaunty?18:58
hyperairi commented out the line in the compiz loading script and it seems to run fine18:59
mnemohyperair: if you do "aptitude changlog compiz" maybe there is a comment about the reason on that change?19:00
hyperairmnemo: i'll poke it later when i'm back in jaunty.19:01
hyperairthe installer hung on me.19:01
hyperairwell then19:01
hyperairoff i go19:01
hyperairwith another attempt with the usb startup thing19:01
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jbarnesapw: get a chance to put together those mchbar patches yet?19:21
jcastrobryce: that is ouchy19:51
brycejcastro: yeah19:56
paranbut that is a nice graph.. I didn't know gnuplot could output SVG :)20:04
jbarnes_bryce: those trends are pretty scary... all of the used drivers have positive slopes20:45
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brycejbarnes: yep20:47
brycewell, except for -nv and -openchrome20:48
jbarnesyeah that's why I qualified it with "used" :)20:48
jbarneswe're clearly in the worst shape though... and only partly because there are so many intel chips out there20:48
bryce-ati at least has fewer bugs now than it did at the start of  the period20:49
jbarnesyeah that's nice20:49
jbarnesI wonder how many ati bug reports are supressed when people just move to the proprietary driver though20:50
bryceactually for jaunty, we've seen the reverse situation20:50
jbarnesif they find a bug in fglrx I wonder if they report it directly to ati or just live with it too20:50
jbarnesoh really?20:50
bryce-fglrx was not available for the longest time, so people were using -ati, and then when we finally did get it, they dropped support for all pre-R6xx chips20:51
jbarnesoh right20:51
bryceso this cycle a LOT of people have been forced to shift to -ati.20:51
brycealso the functionality gap between -ati and -fglrx is a lot narrower than between -nv and -nvidia20:52
bryceI've given up on -nv pretty much.  I think in karmic we're going to switch to -nouveau like fedora has20:52
jbarnesyeah might be in ok shape by then... the fedora guys have been putting a ton of work into it20:53
brycewith -intel, I'm a bit concerned in that with the EXA -> UXA transition, is upstream going to care any longer about bugs when using EXA?  If not, what do we do with all these existing bug reports?  wontfix them?20:54
bryceI guess, once we have new -intel bits in place, we'll ask people to retest against that, and close the bugs if they can't reproduced there20:55
jbarnesyeah that's one option20:57
jbarneswe'll continue to do 2.7.x releases though20:57
jbarneswhich means asking users to try uxa might become more viable over time with juanty, since the driver has it and it should get more usable over the 2.7.x period20:58
brycethat's good to hear21:01
bryceI'd like in karmic to retain the option of switching back to exa for users who have trouble with uxa21:01

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