
ernakk3i need some help with grub03:47
ernakk3anyone can help me , an install of windows overwrote the linux loader03:47
ernakk3for xubuntu03:47
j1mcernakk3: yes... i can help.03:50
j1mcif you have a spare cd, probably the easiest thing to do is download a super grub disk.03:51
j1mcyou can even install it to a usb...03:51
prodigyhey peeps, i have a quick question.I 'm looking for one of the *buntu distributions that will work on this antique system04:05
prodigyThinkpad 600E (Pentium II, 400 Mhz) . I was thinking of xubuntu, can anyone confirm that it will work on it just fine?04:05
j1mcprodigy: how much ram does the system have?04:06
j1mc400mhz is fine for processor speed, though.04:06
j1mcprodigy: it should run, but veeeeeeeeery slowly.04:06
j1mcwell, pretty slowly04:06
prodigywell it's an old system...i have to set it up for a friend..and i want to make sure he gets the convenience of apt-get and all so i don't have to hold his hand 24/704:07
prodigyas long as he can still watch movies, surf the web, email, listen to music then it's all good..which he should be able to do with xubuntu i hope04:07
j1mcif you can get it to 256mb, you should notice some improvements.04:07
j1mcwatching flash video may be choppy w/ 160mb04:07
prodigythat's his decision, but i'll let him know...now to download xubuntu's iso, burn it and give it a test-drive04:08
j1mcyou know the new release of xubuntu is coming out tomorrow, right?04:08
j1mcthe new release will be faster than the previous one.04:08
j1mci would also definitely recommend using the "alternate" install cd.04:09
j1mcthe "live cd" won't work with 160mb of ram.04:09
prodigywell i want to make sure the sound and wireless will work..so if i try it with the current release and it works, most likely the newer one tomorrow will work too, in that case i'll just re-do it all ..but i wanna make sure it'll work on sound/wireless04:09
j1mcyou could also try the 9.04 release candidate image (that has already been released)04:10
j1mcand then just update from there.04:10
prodigythere's an alternate version to that 9.04 RC?04:11
j1mcyes - just a moment, and i'll provide the link04:11
prodigythank you04:11
j1mcthat's the link for the release candidate, which was released a week ago04:12
j1mcthe alternate install is toward the bottom of the page04:12
prodigycool...takes me 4 minutes to download04:13
prodigyi have a fast connection04:13
yoasifhey guys... i'm running jaunty and i installed xfce4-panel... i don't have a manu, any chance u guys know what i need to install to get a menu?04:13
prodigyhm, the desktop CD one requires 128 megs04:14
prodigyminimum that is..this system has 16004:14
prodigyshould i just get that?04:14
prodigythat way i can boot up to it and see if it will actually work for evertyhing04:14
prodigyproblem is i don't have many CD-Rs rofl04:14
prodigycan't afford to burn too many CD to try out which distro works04:14
cody-somervilleyoasif, Actually, it might be xfdesktop404:15
cody-somervilleprodigy, The CD requires 192mb to be able to install04:15
cody-somerville*Live CD04:15
yoasifcody-somerville: giving the xfdesktop4 thing a shot04:15
prodigyDesktop CD04:16
prodigyThe desktop CD allows you to try Xubuntu without changing your computer at all, and at your option to install it permanently later. This type of CD is what most people will want to use. You will need at least 128MB of RAM to install from this CD.04:16
prodigymaybe a typo then i guess04:16
cody-somervilleWhere do you see that?04:17
cody-somervillethanks for pointing that out :)04:18
prodigyso i'm just getting the alternate version :) for my 160megs old antique04:19
yoasifcody-somerville: thanks a ton, that works great04:27
yoasifone other question: what is the syntax for customizing the clock time display in the panel?04:27
cody-somervilleIt should have help right there for you04:29
yoasif_hey not sure you guys got my last message since my wireless conked out... but is there somewhere i can find the syntax for customzing the clock applet in xfce4-panel?04:37
cody-somervilleyoasif_, there should be help there in the dialogue04:42
yoasif_i see nothing there, running jaunty04:42
yoasif_what does it say for you?04:43
yoasif_under clock options04:43
cody-somervilleTry using the orage clock instead04:44
yoasif_cody-somerville: don't really want to, heh... (running an openbox install, trying to keep dependencies down)04:45
yoasif_i guess i'll just file a bug report04:45
=== yoasif_ is now known as yoasif
yoasifcody-somerville: i filed the report here in case you care: http://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=528204:58
zerothisI vaugly recall from my redhat 5.0 days, finding an insane option to 'do not automount' a partition. (insane cuz I could barely manage to manually mount anything, why disable the possibility). Does xubuntu have a similar option, I'd rather not have an ntfs partition mounted without a good reason first05:13
zerothissorry, I'm gonna nee more info than that, where do I use "noauto"05:25
celthunderzerothis, noauto in /etc/fstab05:25
celthunderput it in the drive options like rw,noauto,users05:26
zerothisok, but its not in /etc/fstab/05:30
celthunderzerothis, what isnt? your drive?05:32
celthunderadd it then...05:32
zerothisthe partition is not listed in /etc/fstab. only my linux partitions are. the ntfs, which I don't want mounted each time, is not in there05:40
MTec007i have stopped the bluetooth service but the btaddconn and btdelconn processes are still running, how do i exit them?07:55
Hetor9.04 is gonna be released today :D09:20
tavastiany idea is xubuntu images available immediately after release, or is there some delay?09:24
skepand the usual crazy scenes are in #ubuntu-release09:24
skepi think xubuntu was released at the same time as ubuntu..09:24
skeplast times09:25
tavastiskep, what crazy scenes?09:33
skep"is it out?" every x seconds ;)09:37
Hetoris it out?09:37
skepWas scheduled for Apr, 27, 17:30 (Samoa time), but now that you've  asked, it's been delayed by 1 hour09:39
knomeapr 27? :P09:41
knomestop confusing people and start giving right an courteous service ;P09:49
dosingratHello. Is the testing time for 9.04 prolonged ?09:55
skeprelease is still today09:56
dosingratYes, it is April 23rd, and xubuntu web page lists 8.10 as the stable release, while 9.04 is still RC - release candidate, not stable.09:59
dosingratSo I thought, maybe the testing time is prolonged for couple of days, a week maybe, for some reasons.10:00
skepunless its stated otherwise on the webpage or the dev-lists, final release should vome out today10:01
knomedosingrat, nope. it is released today, but not yet.10:01
dosingratok, maybe in few hours I hope.10:01
knomedosingrat, no idea.10:01
skepalmost done with my backups..the lan here is soo slow..takes ages to rsync data..anyway, important things are mostly backed up, so 9.04 can come :)11:14
skepI wonder how good/bad ext4 will work..11:15
tavastiI don't know about relase, but image is there11:18
skepI wouldn't trust the image, unless an official statement is out11:20
tavastiand torrent doesn't work11:20
tavastirejected by tracker - Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker11:20
sartstavasti: when xfce is released, it happens we rebuild tarballs sometimes before the announcement.11:22
sartssame version-number, different checksum11:22
sartsbesides checksum there is no way to tell if it is a wrong package11:23
sartsplease wait for the announcement11:23
tavastiOk, I'll try to hold my horses :-)11:24
skepjeeez..the other channel is like hell..this here is my heaven atm12:15
Hetor"Is it out yet?" "No it's not"12:16
Hetor"Now?" "NO"12:16
lovingunixhello  i have 2 old p2 8 mg ram pc at school that run xp fine but for some strange reason can't run linux mint you think they can can my loved xubuntu on it fine or your advise me to put flubox on them?12:17
tavastilovingunix, describe more 'can't run linux'12:18
lovingunixwell linux mint boots afther ages but that's it no desktop12:18
lovingunixbut very strange as xp pro runs fine on both what you advise then?12:19
lovingunixbtw at boot i get a message acpi something disabled could it be that?12:19
skepxp runs fine on 8mb ram?12:20
lovingunixmaby it's not 8 mb from bios i read like that12:20
lovingunixbut they can run xp fine  yes12:20
lovingunixwhat you advise ?12:20
FlyOnThe1allI wonder if NTLoader even loads with 8 megs of ram12:21
lovingunixbios says pentium 2 400 something hz on both i think 8mg sdram12:21
lovingunixisen't it strange linux mint can't load desktop from live cd then?12:22
lovingunixso i was thinking to put xubuntu that is for older pc's or you thing flubox is better  as there even older ones with still windows 98 and 95 i have to install linux on12:23
lovingunixwich shall i chose ?12:23
skepfluxbox require way less cpu/memory12:24
TheSheeplovingunix: xubuntu won't work in less than 16MB, and needs at least 64MB for graphical environment12:24
lovingunixi see so strange if they really got 8 mb xp runs fine on both12:25
TheSheeplovingunix: it's still unusable with it, I guess you need around 96-128MB for a bearable speed12:25
TheSheeplovingunix: it's probably not 8MB12:25
lovingunixso you advise me to go for flubox or or i miss some stuff as it's school need so office web classic school stuff or xubuntu?12:25
lovingunixif you tell me flubox has everything needed for school use even no internet12:26
lovingunixi will try put that ok?12:26
TheSheepif windows xp runs on it, xubuntu would run too, probably12:27
lovingunixso strange linux mint won't load desktop and goes so slow to boot live cd as it's ubuntu just made easy how you explain that TheSheep ?12:28
TheSheeplovingunix: livecd usually needs much more ram than installed version12:28
lovingunixi see12:29
lovingunixok i  love this xubuntu btw12:29
TheSheeplovingunix: it would probably work fine installed too12:29
lovingunixi want to use it for my vb box too as i use xp home and then learn linux from vb12:29
lovingunixdo we miss anything with xfce vs gnome or kde for home use ?12:29
sartslovingunix: SMB mounts can be a challenge12:31
sartsotherwise, not really... i guess.12:31
lovingunixsmb is sorry?12:31
lovingunixwe planned to keep the printer ones with xp pro and all the rest that are no printers with xp and 98 95 or 2000 put linux so any usb divice or printer will go on the xp ones with printers12:32
lovingunixwhat are smb?12:32
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:33
TheSheepit's window's "network" icon12:33
lovingunixo we don't need that12:33
lovingunixso it's like a telnet and server to collaborate between 2 os linux and windows right?12:34
TheSheepno, it's a file transfer protocol12:34
TheSheepso that you can browse files on other computers and copy them12:35
lovingunixim taking intel xubuntu as that they are p2 so intel right?12:35
lovingunixi have amd 3000 for my pc12:36
lovingunixso i have to take amd version of xubuntu 64 right?12:36
TheSheepnot necessarily12:36
TheSheepI'd use the 32bit version if it's a desktop12:36
TheSheepeasier to use flash and java and video codecs12:37
TheSheepand the benefits from 64bits are small12:37
lovingunixi understand so the intel version is for amd too right?12:37
lovingunixas i have that and the amd lower12:38
TheSheepthe i386 version is 32bit, the amd64 is 64 bit, both for intels and amd12:38
TheSheep64 bit processors can work in 32 bit mode12:38
lovingunixthanx ok i got right one12:38
TheSheepso the i386 version will work on both12:38
lovingunixso you think the live cd will load fine on this old pc's vs the linux mint?12:38
TheSheepthey are called 'intel' and 'amd' because those companies created the respective standards12:38
lovingunixas that is the problem loading the live cd's12:39
TheSheepI don't know about livecd, might not work12:39
lovingunixit does that but very slow and then not load12:39
lovingunixill see btw12:39
TheSheepyou might need to use the alternate cd12:39
lovingunixyou think on the pc's that run win 98 and 95 live cd can load?12:39
TheSheepit has menu-based installer and needs much less ram12:39
lovingunixthose has less ram12:39
TheSheepbut it won't run a lie system -- it only lets you install12:40
lovingunixwell oldest pc we have at school are with 95 95 and 20012:40
lovingunixmaby your right alternate is better12:40
lovingunixis the menu grafical easy as ubuntu one?12:41
lovingunixim taking xubuntu alternate torrent12:42
lovingunixso will download fast12:42
TheSheepI think there was a howto on using it somewhere12:43
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal12:43
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate12:43
lovingunixthanx for all the info :)12:48
xarvhwill xubuntu be released today as well?13:07
Pres-GasHey, all.13:09
=== skep is now known as Frasier_Crane
TheSheepxarvh: it seems to be already13:14
TheSheepxarvh: I'm downloading it at least...13:15
xarvhTheSheep: would you give me the link? Can't find it myslef =)13:15
xarvhtorrent if possible =)13:15
Frasier_Cranetorrents can change until the final announcement!13:16
Pres-GasSo, on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Bugs/BugWatch did we get the Critical release bugs before release?13:18
Hetordamn I fucking love Guake13:18
* Pres-Gas reads the launchpad pages...13:19
Pres-GasI guess not13:19
xarvhdloading =)13:21
Frasier_Cranelike every release i will wait for the official announcement..better be 100% sure..and i can wait some hours more..can install it not before tomorrow anyway ;)13:27
TheSheep!language | Hetor13:27
ubottuHetor: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:27
Frasier_Craneseems like its out13:58
Pres-GasYup...page changed14:01
Frasier_Cranestill no luck on thre mirrors14:06
Pres-Gastry ftp://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/linux/ubuntu-releases/14:09
Hetortopic needs to be updated14:10
Hetor9.04 is out14:10
tavastiif you want mirrored torrent14:11
Frasier_Craneor just here14:13
=== TheSheep changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | Xubuntu 9.04 is out! Download, Share it, Seed it! | Get Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Need help and no one around? Get in on the mailing list action at http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users
xCwhere do i dl 9.04?14:20
charlie-tcaxC: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/jaunty/14:22
waanAre ubuntu and xubuntu identical apart from xfce?14:25
charlie-tcaThey are not identical. They are close, using the same repositories and base system14:26
liarcan i upgrade from kubuntu 8.10 with xubuntu-desktop installed to xubuntu 9.04 with the alternate cd??14:26
charlie-tcaI am pretty sure Xubuntu alternate cd will not upgrade kubuntu14:31
Frasier_Cranemight be just easier to re-install a fresh 9.04..14:32
=== Frasier_Crane is now known as skep
waancharlie-tca: I currently have ubuntu 8.10, can I cross upgrade to xubuntu 9.04?14:36
SamArthur9.04 is out - seeeeeeeeeeed! :)14:36
waanI suppose I would need to re-install anyway for the new filesystem14:37
charlie-tcaYou would be better off with a fresh install of xubuntu 9.04, I think.14:38
charlie-tcaCheck the release notes. It looks buggy to me14:38
waanYes, is that a good choice?14:38
waanOhh ok14:38
charlie-tcaproblems with deleting files, and problems maintaining files on some drives14:39
liarwhat filesystem should i use on a netbook with ssd?(acer aspire one)14:39
charlie-tcaext3 would be a good choice14:39
charlie-tcaYou can reset the time between fsck runs14:39
waanHmm xubuntu isn't on my mirror yet, but ubuntu is14:40
charlie-tcagive it a chance. Servers look swamped already14:40
waanrelease and source folders are there, but they're empty right now14:41
skeptry another mirror or torrents14:41
charlie-tcaIt just takes time14:41
charlie-tcaI can't even get to the images right now.14:42
likemindeadSo Ubuntu 9.04 has dropped by Xubuntu 9.04 hasn't yet?! Grr...14:42
waanI only get unmeterd from my ISP's mirror unfortunately so I have no option but to wait, or just upgrade ubuntu and then install xubuntu-desktop after14:42
charlie-tcaOr the mirror hasn't got caught up yet14:42
liarcharlie-tca: isn't ext3 bad for ssd's? because it is a journaling file system14:42
charlie-tcaI go direct to cannonical server, and can't get through14:43
likemindeadUse .torrents folks!14:43
waancharlie-tca: heh servers are maxed pushing to mirrors maybe14:43
charlie-tcaliar: I don't know.14:43
charlie-tcaUse ext2 then. At least it is not in testing14:43
charlie-tcaIf ext4 was working really good and reliable, it would be the default in jaunty14:44
skeptorrents are still not really fast..only 1 seeder and lots of peers with max 40% :-)14:44
charlie-tcaPeople got to get it first, to seed the torrents14:45
Hetorxubuntu.org is still outdated..14:45
charlie-tcaHetor: being updated now14:45
likemindeadThey just added a 9.04 link on the left.14:45
waanYeah I noticed that too14:46
waanTried to get 9.04 but thought they were still doing it14:47
skepso..i guess i will try ext4..if i remeber corrctly i can force a manual sync to be on a safer side with a special command..14:50
Pres-Gasskep, I think I am going to wait a bit more...see what we all decide for the next LTS14:57
pvullo_when will xubuntu jackty will be available ?14:57
NikolaIs there a ShipIT Xubuntu?14:57
TheSheeppvullo_: it is14:57
likemindeadpvullo_, NOW.14:57
pvullo_argh ! can't find the page !!14:57
likemindeadLink under News on the left side of the front page.14:58
pvullo_ubuntu.com is down !!!14:59
NikolaToo many people are downloading.14:59
skepxubuntu.org is fine14:59
NikolaBut Ubuntu is a dead link ( for now...)14:59
likemindeadI'm using Deluge.14:59
skepme too15:00
pvullo_it is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/9.04/release/15:01
likemindeadDammit... I'm at work and all the ports are closed for .torrents.15:02
charlie-tcaYou can do a direct download with out using torrent then15:03
likemindeadGuess I'll have to do that.15:03
SlonkieAnyone know how to open a publisher 2007 (Microsoft crap) on xubuntu?15:05
Slonkieit's an publisher 2007 document ofcourse15:05
likemindeadI don't think that format is supported on any Linux software. I looked quite a bit.15:05
pvullo_Wouhou !!!! 1M/s ! what enormous bandwith they have !! that's crazy !15:07
charlie-tcaSlonkie: won't gimp open it?15:07
Slonkiesorry diden't get the document yet15:07
SlonkieI'll see if it works, charlie-tca. :)15:08
charlie-tcaI don't know for sure. Might have to use something to convert the document type instead.15:08
Pres-GasOkay, so once you use ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase, do you need to then do ecryptfs-(re)wrap-passphrase?15:09
Slonkieno gimp can't open it charlie-tca.15:13
Slonkiedon't be! ;)15:14
charlie-tcaPres-Gas: don't know15:14
* Pres-Gas rtfm's within "/usr/share/doc/ecryptfs-utils15:18
Hetorcrap. I had to reboot while was updating :\15:19
charlie-tcaoops, I don't think we can say that15:19
Hetorcan anyone help me with a sound problem?15:21
charlie-tcaHetor: Did I fix it?15:21
Hetorsound breaks very often, and all I can do to fix it is to log off15:22
charlie-tcaYou mean it just quits in the middle of playing?15:22
Hetorit usualy happens when I'm quiting a game15:23
charlie-tcaIs it using pulse audio?15:23
HetorALSA, I guess15:23
Sniper606I am running the RC, how come I am not seeing any updates in my update manager yet?15:25
charlie-tcaCheck if the game mutes it in mixer properties15:25
charlie-tcaSniper606: because there probably aren't any yet. If the RC did not have critical bugs, changes won't be made for the Final.15:26
charlie-tcaYou can run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in terminal to check for sure15:27
charlie-tcaBeing the RC and Final releases, changes are kept to an absolute minimum15:27
Pres-Gashmmm... charlie-tca, it does not seem to permanently unwrap it.  I catted out the passphrase file and it was gobbledygook15:28
charlie-tcaThat seems right, isn't it?15:29
Pres-GasYeah...I think I will file a bug or request for the man page to be clear about that15:30
waanHmm the links are up on xubuntu.org but it take me to an empty mirror15:37
likemindeadUse .torrents if you can.15:37
waanI cant unfortunately15:37
likemindeadSame here. :-(15:38
charlie-tcaThe mirrors are not all there yet. They are still updating.15:38
waancharlie-tca: ok thanks i'll keep checking15:38
charlie-tcait is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/9.04/release/15:38
charlie-tcaThat one works.15:38
waancharlie-tca: would you have a guess as to when it might be ready on the australia mirror, as that is my ISP?15:38
charlie-tcaCould be up to 24 hours. It depends on when they actually update their mirror again15:39
Slonkie!hi | novabar_15:39
ubottunovabar_: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!15:39
waanOhh ok, I thought it was pushed to the mirrors15:39
novabar_everything has disappeard from my desktop. What happened?15:39
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
skepdownload finished..lets burn this thing up15:41
likemindeadLucky bastard... I have close to two hours to go...15:42
waanI have undetermined amount of time to go15:43
likemindeadI'm getting anywhere from 60-100KB/sec15:43
skepwell..but no time to install later..have to do it tomorrow..so i'm not really lucky ;)15:44
Slonkiei've got a network printer in my network, any one know how i can add this in xubuntu?16:46
charlie-tcaApplications -> System -> Printing , I think. click on Server, connect16:47
=== charlie-tca is now known as charlie-tca__
wtv1taskbar dissappeared. help!17:00
wtv1xfce 417:00
ladanzstupid question: when i click on upgrad under xubuntu, he does upgradeXubuntu, and not Ubuntu, right?17:00
ladanzso, happy upgrading!17:00
charlie-tca__!panels | wtv117:01
ubottuwtv1: Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/17:01
wtv1charlie-tca__: thanks ^^17:01
charlie-tca__You are welcome17:01
ladanzbeen busy the last days guys?17:02
ladanzbecause of the update and stuff?17:02
=== mogul218_ is now known as mogul218
Feisarcould someone give me a link to the 9.04 torrent?17:25
charlie-tca__is now valid17:27
Feisargreat, that worked thanks17:27
AquinaHey I've got a serious question. I had a look into the Xubuntu 8.04 ISO-file I downloaded last year and found no copy of the GPL in it. Why is it?17:41
_Pete_why should you find?17:42
AquinaBecasue it's written in the GPL that there has to be kept alicense intact with the project.17:43
TheSheepAquina: I think the license is in the /usr/share/docs/ of every package17:43
_Pete_so is ubuntu GPL project?17:43
TheSheep_Pete_: no17:44
AquinaFor ident: Xubuntu v8.04.iso (md5sum 665bcc283e131be4cb71ecb2bf0e3794)17:44
_Pete_well, that might be the reason there's no gpl licence :)17:44
TheSheep_Pete_: ubuntu is not a 'product' in the sense of license, it bundles a lot of products with different licenses17:44
TheSheep_Pete_: each program has its own license in /usr/share/docs/programname17:44
_Pete_Aquina: -^17:45
_Pete_Aquina: you got your answer?17:47
AquinaHm... I see. Why not putting Xubuntu under a license and (package the parts seperately)?17:47
TheSheepAquina: the parts have sometimes incompatible licenses17:47
TheSheepAquina: there is an option in the installator to only install gpl-compatible parts, though17:48
likemindeadWow... I'm getting a whopping 6KB/sec from a mirror in Canada.18:02
zoredacheuse bittorrent perhaps?18:03
likemindeadCan't. The ISP here at work has every port I've tried closed. ;-(18:03
Kemeroswhat are the alternate versions in the tracker?18:05
Kemeroslike this: xubuntu-9.04-alternate-i38618:05
charlie-tca__Alternate version requires less memory to install. It does not use the graphic installer.18:05
charlie-tca__It won't run as a live cd either.18:06
Kemerosthank you for clearing that up :)18:06
charlie-tca__You are welcome18:06
Kemerosdamn.. no utorrent for linux...bittornado it is then18:08
* likemindead thinks it's awfully quiet in here for a Release Day...18:38
charlie-tca__Everybody is busy trying to download, so they don't have questions yet.18:40
charlie-tca__And, the U.S. mirror is still not up18:41
StKit's downloading here :> ... I'll be able to test it myself when it'll be downloaded but maybe someone can saved me some times ... I'd like to know if canonical includes a menu editor in xubuntu 9.04 ? (xfce 4.6 doesn't includes one at the moment)18:48
likemindeadMy local LUG is mirroring. ;D18:48
likemindeadBut only Ubuntu at the moment. :-\18:49
charlie-tca__Gnome includes a menu editor. Xfce 4.6 in xubuntu does not.18:49
charlie-tca__Canonical will not add to Xubuntu.18:49
StKok thanks for your answer charlie-tca__19:01
charlie-tca__You are welcome19:01
charlie-tca__There will be a menu editor in Xfce 4.8 when it comes out19:02
=== mogul218 is now known as mogul218_
mloolmHello, does anyone know if it's possible to setup a user without write/owner permissions on their home directory?19:11
mloolmto prevent the use from making changes, or creating new files19:11
zoredachethere are other places in the filesystem where they would write like /tmp19:12
SiDimloolm: i think you're looking for a guest account. You can't prevent an user from writing on the HDD19:13
mloolmI'm setting up an internet kiosk, once I've setup the desktop I want to prevent any changes being made or files being saved to the machine19:13
SiDiOr he/she won't be able to use a graphic environment, as it needs to write files here n there19:13
mloolmokay, I thought it was a bit of a longshot, thanks for helping me on on this19:14
SiDimloolm: you still *can* do it though19:14
likemindeadAt least you won't have to worry about virus infection...19:14
zoredachemloolm: have you consider building something like the livecd where the 'real' filesystem is read-only, and then you have a read-write filesystem unionfs mounted on top.  the read-write fs would be whiped each time19:15
mloolmI'm removed permissions from 99%, but if I change ownership on .dmrc xfce won't log in19:15
SiDibut make sure that the permissions on any folder beginning by . are normal, and make sure there is no additional app that will require writing to the ~... but you can't do more than that, and if they know about /tmp or about ls -la they'll be able to write19:15
mloolmsomething like how a live CD works would be perfect, I hadn't considered that19:16
zoredacheyou could use some of the tools out there to build a livecd to build a live enviroment like you need, then build a fat filesystem on your drive, and copy files onto the dirve like you where building a liveusb19:16
mloolmthank you, I'll look in to the live CD tools.  I don't mind if they write to /tmp, I just don't want any permanent changes made to the home directory19:17
charlie-tca__You could set up a skeleton file in /etc and copy it to /home after the user is finished; it will erase /home and reinstall the needed files then19:17
likemindeadWill most optical drives hold up to running a LiveCD constantly?19:19
zoredachelikemindead: not really, but the livecd enviroment can be easily installed to a flash-based device which should last for a long long time19:20
likemindeadThat's what I figured would be best.19:21
zoredacheor you could even netboot a live-enviroment and have no local devices at all19:21
zoredachethe ltsp basically does that19:22
FireSidefor live CDs i use a bNAND USB Drive... i write an ISO to it and it shows up as a USB cdrom drive19:22
Pres-GasIs it me, or is launchpad slow right now?19:23
FireSideits kind of a cdrom emulator built into a flash drive19:24
zoredachePres-Gas: it is release day... almost everything tends to be slow....19:24
Idespnnrhey folks19:24
Pres-GasI figured, zoredache, but I am wanting to rule out wonkyness with my interwebz19:24
Idespnnrim interested in some functional differences between gnome and xfce...19:25
Idespnnrwill I notice a usability(applications) difference19:25
charlie-tca__Launchpad is broken19:26
zoredachethere are differences here and there...  You may notice them onoccasion19:26
Idespnnrim guessing then that for the most part the enduser wont notice it19:27
zoredachethe differences I see asked about most often are related to accessing networks, and the menu-editor...19:27
zoredacheIdespnnr: it depends a lot on the user...19:28
Idespnnrwell, im thinking of a user geared more towards running applications19:29
Idespnnrone whos only on the computer to run firefox, audacity, some media player19:29
Idespnnrif its all more management stuff like network config and menu editing, there sounds like there no functional difference from a usability perspective19:30
likemindeadAny of you folks involved in a LUG?19:53
SiDiNot me20:17
datacrusherwhere do i find xubuntu 9 torrents?20:19
datacrusherthanks! what the difference from desktop to alternate20:20
charlie-tca__Desktop uses a graphics installer and works as a live cd. You can try it before installing.20:20
charlie-tca__Alternate uses a text based installer and you don't get to try it first20:21
charlie-tca__Alternate uses less memory for installing, too20:21
datacrusheri see20:21
charlie-tca__You need the alternate cd if you to encrypt the drive20:21
datacrusherwell, im certain about installing it. but maybe some of the buddies from home wanna take a look20:22
datacrusherill stay with the desktop one20:22
datacrusherthanks for the information!20:22
charlie-tca__You are welcome20:23
Pres-Gascharlie-tca__, you do not necesarily need the alternate cd for encrypting20:23
charlie-tca__Well, actually, since the encryption part don't work on the live cd...20:23
Pres-GasWorked for me20:23
charlie-tca__or did that get fixed too?20:23
Pres-GasI was installing with an RC release and appending the "user-setup/encrypt-home=true" worked20:24
charlie-tca__Great! But you still need the alternate cd to encrypt the entire drive?20:25
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P20:26
ubottuJaunty can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your archieecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).20:26
demmonwhere can i find xubuntu torrent20:28
Pres-Gasdemmon: http://xubuntu.org/get20:29
premorphoshey im a newb to xubuntu but it rocks....wile poking around trying to lern/geting ati drivers to work, i srewed up pretty bad... please help me20:43
Slonkie!ask | premorphos20:44
ubottupremorphos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:44
premorphosgot it..i need to get my default driver back but how20:44
cody-somervillepremorphos, Applications > System > Hardware Drivers20:45
cody-somervilleDisable the restricted drivers20:45
cody-somervilleor do sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg20:45
premorphosallright so simple... tnx20:46
premorphoscody-somerville, im being told that xerver-xorg is missing, any ideas21:05
cody-somervillexserver-xorg, not xerver-org21:05
premorphosthats what i meant sorry..21:06
cody-somervilleThat might explain your problem21:08
premorphosits quite funny im runnung xubuntu in low grafics and without windowdecorator. and trying to fix my os. i installed the propetiatry driver for ati21:10
psychici need some assistance21:15
vinnlWith what?21:15
charlie-tca__vinnl: website update needed - http://xubuntu.org/get - Upgrading - Need to change from Xubuntu 7.04 to 8.04 now. 7.04 and 7.10 are EOL21:15
vinnlcharlie-tca__, will do21:16
charlie-tca__crap, wrong channel. Oh, well21:16
psychicmy display is only using 800x60021:16
psychici need larger i had larger then it reverted to the smaller21:16
psychicand my desktop icons and files disappeared21:17
vinnlpsychic, regarding the latter... Can you press Alt+F2, then run xfdesktop?21:17
premorphosit is complete horror. i got xerver-xorg and vesa ticked in synaptic but still cant untick the godforsaken ati driver21:18
psychicok thats done21:18
vinnlpsychic, and? Did the icons reappear?21:18
psychicbut my screen size is still way of21:18
psychicits been acting up on me since 2 days ago first it switched themes on me21:19
psychicthen the display shrunk21:19
psychici ran out of diskspace i was down to 3.3 mb21:20
psychici thought that was the problem but it didnt do anything to clear up 9 gigs21:20
psychici also had a problem with xchat the channel list disappeared and it wouldn't reconnect at all so i searched bulleteins til i found out how i can reach xubuntu help on pidgin21:22
psychicis anyone else here21:22
charlie-tca__Have you tried running updates from a TTY console?21:23
charlie-tca__Also, a complete restart?21:23
psychicand yea21:25
psychicactual the thing that caused the screen to shrink was when i was trying to fix some other stuff i did the esc thing on start up21:26
psychicto restore it to its last good configuration21:26
premorphosi installed the ati driver in system/add/remove utility.. system crashed.. how can i backtrack this change? ps verry happy for help21:31
charlie-tca__Add/remove utility - remove21:33
premorphosdont work qus outher prosesses are dependent21:35
premorphosim not alowed21:35
premorphosps tnx for youre reply21:35
demmonthe damn torrent for alternative I386 stopped on 99.90% damn torrent21:36
Beldingmine stopped at 41% but slowly starting up again21:36
demmoni am seeding with 60mbs but downloading with 0.621:37
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!21:43
NickPrestaIs anyone else experiencing X slowing down and even locking up briefly, when Firefox is open full screen and you try to Alt+Tab or open new tabs, etc? My X usage jumps up to ~70%21:44
premorphosi figured it out it had to be done threv synaptic... hmm odd21:45
TheSheepNickPresta: yeah, ff is a hog21:45
premorphosyes but mine can go to 100%21:45
TheSheepNickPresta: it happens especially if you changed some gtk settings ad didn't restart ff21:45
NickPrestaTheSheep, my system isn't extremely 'low spec', and in 8.10, this was a non-issue. This only started happening right after the upgrade.21:45
TheSheepNickPresta: it happens for me in 8.1021:46
TheSheepNickPresta: although rarely21:46
TheSheep9.04 has too slow window switching for me to upgrade21:46
NickPrestaTheSheep, well, it happens in other applications that are open full screen and you have ~4 windows open all at once. *shrug*21:46
premorphosis ff hoggin proccesor capasity, you say21:46
NickPrestaAny time I Alt+Tab or minimise/maximise windows, X jumps to > 30% CPU usage. Firefox is not even open and it is happening right now..21:47
TheSheepNickPresta: from what I understand, they wanted to make window refresh more fluent, so now they wait until it refreshes completely before switching -- I like the old way better, it shows some artifacts, but works instantly21:47
NickPrestaTheSheep, hmm. Are you saying this is directly related to XFCE 4.6?21:48
TheSheepNickPresta: what's your graphics card?21:48
TheSheepNickPresta: I'm not entirely sure if it's the same thing as for me21:48
NickPrestaTheSheep, Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000]21:49
TheSheepmine's intel...21:50
r3texwhen I upgraded to Jaunty my application shortcuts stopped working. Am I supposed to turn them on or something?21:51
NickPrestaHmm. Well, this is inconvenient. I'm going to do some more research and see if I can figure this out. I like Xubuntu because its light-weight and things were _instant_ on this laptop.21:51
vinnlr3tex, do *none* of them work anymore? Also, are you talking about shortcuts in the panel, on your desktop, in your menu or elsewhere?21:52
r3texvinnl: I know of 2 places to set up shortcuts, the windowmanager, and application shortcuts. Only the latter are not working.21:52
psychiccan some one help me resize my display21:53
r3texvinnl: for example I can't change volume with `aumix` or open a terminal21:53
psychici have a black frame around the screen21:53
psychicits in 800x600 i need larger 1200 somthing21:53
vinnlr3tex, ah, you mean keyboard shortcuts, like you press a key combination and it executes an application?21:53
premorphosdoes any body know a simple way to appy the proprietary drivers for ati radeon 9000. in intrepid. iv tryed every thing on the forums21:58
r3texvinnl: exactly21:59
r3texit stopped working after I rebooted into Jaunty21:59
vinnlr3tex, possibly something went wrong with the conversion to the new configuration system, have you checked the new settings?21:59
premorphosbtw my baby is back to normal21:59
vinnlWorst case scenario: you'll have to set them all again22:00
charlie-tca__If you upgraded or kept the /home from 8.10, you might have to delete ~/.config to get things working right.22:00
r3texvinnl: yeah, I've messed around with the config files. Can I clear .config/22:06
vinnlYeah or rename it so you have a backup, just in case22:06
r3texI also have to do it while X is off I think22:08
Digit0just installed 9.0422:19
vinnlCongrats :)22:20
Digit0how can I controll the LCD brightness ?22:20
psychiccan someone help me with my tech issue?22:23
zoredache!ask | psychic22:24
ubottupsychic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:24
Digit0how can I control the LCD brightness in xubuntu?22:32
psychiczoredache how do i resize my screen to fill the display??22:34
zoredachepsychic: not sure.  I would guess xorg hasn't properly detected your video card, you nay need to install a restricted driver or something.22:41
psychicwhere can i find one?22:42
psychicit used to function correctly22:42
conkJust installed 9.04.  After updating using Update Manager all desktop icons disappeared, and I'm unable to add them back.  Found a post elsewhere saying Conky could be to blame - but I cannot find the config file, under Home or anywhere else.  Tried Catfish but it gives a fatal error.22:43
vinnlconk, can you see if pressing Alt+F2 and running "xfdesktop" works?22:44
cj__Digit0: (might depend on Xfce version) open shell and type: "xfce-setting-show backdrop" (w/o quotes)22:46
conkvinnl - Many thanks.  Yes that worked.22:46
vinnlGood :)22:46
r3texvinnl: clean config, everything's reset but no application shortcuts working22:46
r3texnot even the default ones22:46
r3texd'oh :(22:46
r3texsorta annoying22:46
r3texi like having a shortcut for terminal for example22:47
vinnlEhm... They *are* listed in the settings application?22:47
vinnlTell me about it, keyboard shortcuts are half my productivity22:47
conkvinnl - So I have a better understanding, Can you briefly explain what went wrong?  c22:47
r3texyou mean like 'command' '<Alt>Return' ?22:47
r3texsure, like <Control><Alt>Delete is for xflock422:48
r3texthat doesn't work either22:48
vinnlconk, I don't know *how* it went wrong, and why (you're not the first), but somehow the application that manages the desktop (xfdesktop) crashed and you just restarted it22:48
vinnlr3tex, that's really odd :S You might check in the #xfce channel22:48
Digit0cj__, the version that comes with xubuntu 9.0422:48
Digit0I dont have that command22:49
r3texalrighty thanks22:49
conkvinnl - but if it crashed, I would have expected it to load upon reboot, but it didn't.  Probably a bad assumption.22:49
vinnlNot if you save your session on logout conk22:50
vinnl(You don't happen to use Xubuntu 9.04? It should automatically restart upon crashing there)22:50
conkvinnl - Good point.  Thanks again!22:51
vinnlyw :)22:51
vinnlI'm off too, bye22:53
zutmeI just installed xubuntu 9.04 on my dell inspiron mini 9 and the sd card reader doesn't seem to be working. It worked under a different ubuntu variant based on 8.10. Any ideas?22:57
WDCHello. I am in a LiveCD of 9.04 right now, and there is no option under the manual selection of the partitioner that says ext4.23:23
WDCAny ideas?23:23
avutonI hate to be the 10^9'th person to ask (hope I'm not) but will the new xfce4 hit jaunty (and when or is there a bug?)?23:36
charlie-tca__Yes, it is in Jaunty. Yes, there are bugs. No, it is not the default, ext3 is. Yes, you must use the alternate cd it partition with it.23:37
charlie-tca__http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 for the issues with ext423:37
charlie-tca__Ignore all of that. I misread it.23:38
charlie-tca__Xfce 4.6 is in jaunty. Works great! Xfce 4.6.1 will be upgraded to in a few days23:38
WDCCan anyone please help? I have no ext4 option in my Xubuntu 9.04 install23:44
charlie-tca__WDC: You need to use the alternate cd to use ext423:45
WDCcharlie-tca__: really23:45
WDCcharlie-tca__: Well that's great23:45
charlie-tca__Please read the Ubuntu release notes at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90423:45
charlie-tca__It is not the default for a reason. It does have bugs in it.23:46
avutonSorry, should have been more specific, 4.6.1 was what I was talking about :) Thanks23:46
charlie-tca__Did I answer it?23:46
avutonYes, thanks :)23:47
charlie-tca__You are welcome23:47
WDCYep i got it23:48
WDCThank you very much!!23:48
charlie-tca__You are welcome23:48
WDCOh realy quick, what type of bugs does it bring?23:48
charlie-tca__sometimes it will lock-up the kernel when you delete files.23:49
WDCThat's it?23:49
charlie-tca__grow/shrink the partition to lose data23:49
* WDC thinks about his deleting habits23:49
charlie-tca__Those are the ones noted. There may be more23:50
WDCThat's not too bad23:50
WDCWell thank very much. I'm downloading the torrent right now23:50
avutonYeah, if you are hell bent on losing information then go all the way and try btrfs. Not saying it has known problems, but why not just go all the way ;)23:50
charlie-tca__I would think it depends on how often it locks up23:50
charlie-tca__Your testing ext4 is appreciated. Please report any bugs you find23:51
WDCcharlie-tca__: oh yes of course :)23:51

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