
mwhudsonPeng_: are you here?00:31
mwhudsonErrorFromSmartServer: Error received from smart server: ('error', "'AbsentContentFactory' object has no attribute 'get_bytes_as'")00:34
mwhudsonwill that not go away until we upgrade the server?00:34
lifelessmwhudson: bug 35403600:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354036 in bzr/1.13 "ErrorFromSmartServer - AbsentContentFactory object has no attribute 'get_bytes_as' exception while pulling from Launchpad" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35403600:35
mwhudsonlifeless: oh right00:36
spivOr, possibly, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/365615 ?00:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365615 in bzr "Random 'AbsentContentFactory' object has no attribute 'get_bytes_as' errors with CHK repository" [Undecided,New]00:36
mwhudsonspiv: no, not that one, for sure00:37
spivmwhudson: upgrading the server won't fix affected branches.  When http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr/request/%3C20090422071133.GE10211%40steerpike.home.puzzling.org%3E lands upgrading the server will cause 1.13 smart clients to push unbroken stacked branches, but that won't help e.g. SFTP or <= 1.12.00:40
mwhudsonspiv: right, i read the bug report now00:41
spivmwhudson: once 1.14 is out, or the server-side fix is landed and cherry-picked to LP, (so we can hope that most new branches will be ok rather than broken) we should apply Robert's fix script to all the stacked branches on Launchpad.00:42
lifelessspiv: welcome to the connected00:43
spivlifeless: :)00:43
lifelessspiv: I have a need00:44
lifelessspiv: I want a way to say 'dammit this medium is > X'00:44
lifelessspiv: and/or to fix the 3 insert stream round trips00:45
mwhudsonspiv: ok00:45
mwhudsonspiv: please tell someone when your fix lands :)00:45
mwhudsonspiv: hang on, 1.14 isn't out yet?00:46
spivmwhudson: still at rc200:47
mwhudsonspiv: when will it be out?00:47
mwhudsonspiv: and how many changes are pending for lp:bzr/1.14 ?00:48
spivlifeless: yeah, that would be good to have!00:48
spivmwhudson: none that I know of, BasicOSX would know more but he just quit IRC...00:48
lifelessmwhudson: basicosx knows00:49
mwhudsonoh hooray00:49
spivlifeless: I can't reproduce your SSH auth problem with 1.1401:06
lifelessspiv: you don't see an explicit username passed to ssh?01:07
lifelessthats extremely odd01:07
lifelessI'm presuming you have a host that you need such a config entry on for it to work01:07
spiv(Several :)01:07
spivWild guess: does your ~/.bazaar/authentication.conf accidentally have entries for that host?01:08
mwhudsonfairly terrible, but interesting script for playing with loggerhead memory consumption: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/156842/01:10
lifelessspiv: no such file01:10
Dejanok guys, thanks for help01:12
Dejanlifeless especially01:12
lifelessDejan: anytime01:12
spivlifeless: well, I'm out of wild guesses.01:13
spivlifeless: I'd look at the code, but I'm pretty sure you've already done that...01:14
lifelessspiv: I'm hoping vila will01:14
* spiv nods01:14
lifelessspiv: I just deleted the relevant lines from my local bzr and got on with $primary goal01:14
spivlifeless: oh, I see, that patch in your mail is a patch that you'd like reversed?01:15
lifelessspiv: that would be one way to get it going01:16
lifelessI don't want to under vila's work though, so I'm leaving it open to him to decide how to reconcile the different needs and goals he has01:16
* spiv nods01:16
spivIs there a bug tag for brisbane-core bugs?01:18
* spiv blinks01:19
spivThere's now "official bug tags"01:19
spivI just set all the tags listed on http://bazaar-vcs.org/BugGuidelines as official on LP, except for those that don't seem to be used.01:28
lifelessspiv: talk to me about error mapping01:38
lifeless  File "/home/robertc/source/baz/pending/push.roundtrips/bzrlib/smart/message.py", line 355, in _translate_error01:39
lifeless    raise errors.ErrorFromSmartServer(error_tuple)01:39
lifelessErrorFromSmartServer: Error received from smart server: ('FileExists', 'dir')01:39
lifelesshow do I make that raise that actual error01:39
lifelessis it safe to just extend translate-message?01:40
spivlifeless: in remote.py?  Yeah.01:40
spivlifeless: hmm01:41
spivlifeless: that exception should be ok to do in message.py01:42
lifelesshow can I tell which are and are not01:42
spivlifeless: many exceptions need to be translated by remote.py, because they need context (e.g. a Branch object) that message.py doesn't have01:42
spivlifeless: although01:43
lifelessnearly all exceptions (I'd like to make it all) only stringify their args01:43
spivlifeless: remote.py already translates FileExists!01:43
lifelessspiv: the vfs perhaps; I'm calling in from bzrdir.py01:43
spivlifeless: (also, remote.py translates some errors that message.py could do, the evolution is incomplete...)01:44
lifelessI vant to vinish zis damn branch01:44
spivlifeless: so shifting the FileExists translation from _translate_error in remote.py to _translate_error in message.py should do what you need.01:44
lifelessspiv: for now I've just added to message.py01:45
spivlifeless: or even duplicating if you like01:45
lifelessbecause I don't want to destabilise stuff I'm not working on01:45
mwhudson_why would list(branch.iter_merge_sorted_revisions()) be [] for a patently non-empty branch?02:25
mwhudson_ah because historycache is buggy02:27
magciusWhen trying to push to Launchpad, I get this error:02:34
magciusbzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ejstpierre/%2Bjunk/its2ass/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not supp02:34
spivmagcius: you need to run "bzr lp-login jstpierre" (or whatever your username is)02:36
magciusspiv, bah, okay.02:36
spivmagcius: (assuming you're using a lp:FOO url?)02:36
magciusspiv, yeah, thanks, that solved it.02:42
Peng_mwhudson_: I'm semi-here.03:14
lifelessspiv: getting there03:21
lifeless  File "/home/robertc/source/baz/pending/push.roundtrips/bzrlib/tests/bzrdir_implementations/test_bzrdir.py", line 1234, in test_format_initialize_on_transport_ex_stacked_on03:21
lifeless    repo_format_name=repo_name, stacked_on='../trunk', stack_on_pwd=t.base)03:21
lifelessErrorFromSmartServer: Error received from smart server: ('error', "jail break: 'bzr://'")03:22
Peng_mwhudson_: Thanks for merging my branches. :)03:28
spivlifeless: cool03:29
mwhudson_Peng_: np, thanks for the branches :)03:30
mwhudson_Peng_: feel free to carry on unifiying things onto the LoggerheadConfig object :)03:30
garyvdmHow can one do graph.iter_ancestry and stop a revision, and be sure that all decedents of that revision have been returned, without the graph having to load the ancestors of the stop revision?03:31
garyvdms/stop a rev/stop at a rev...03:32
garyvdmI want to load the parent_map for a ancestors of list of heads to the lca of those heads.03:35
lifelessgaryvdm: probably you need to modify graph so that you can call lca(heads) and capture the parents03:41
lifelessgaryvdm: but we memoise parents in various ways, so mmm, no quick answer sorry.03:41
garyvdmlifeless: thanks - I'll look at that.03:42
garyvdmlifeless: I fingered out a way: http://pastebin.com/d584a90fb04:00
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
lifelessspiv: all implemented, same round trip count :P05:19
lifelessnow to find out why05:19
lifelessspiv: ping05:29
lifeless  File "/home/robertc/source/baz/pending/push.roundtrips/bzrlib/transport/__init__.py", line 1361, in _split_url05:29
lifeless    return urlutils.parse_url(url)05:29
lifeless  File "/home/robertc/source/baz/pending/push.roundtrips/bzrlib/urlutils.py", line 728, in parse_url05:29
lifeless    raise errors.InvalidURL('Host empty in: %s' % url)05:29
lifelessInvalidURL: Invalid url supplied to transport: "Host empty in: file:///tmp/testbzr-hWEuIa.tmp/bzrlib.tests.blackbox.test_push.TestPush.test_push_smart_stacked_streaming_acceptance/work/local/"05:29
spivlifeless: weird.05:30
spivlifeless: I haven't seen that sort of traceback before.05:31
lifelessI the host is empty05:32
lifelessbut why does parse_url /care/05:32
spivYeah, I've no idea why it cares, or why you'd suddenly bump into that.05:33
lifelessI'm bumping into that because our push test stacks on a local path05:33
lifelessit stacks [over there] on ../local05:33
* fullermd just got bit by that add-local-username-to-url thingy :(05:34
lifelessfullermd: reply to the thread then please05:34
lifelessfullermd: or perhaps turn it into a bug05:34
lifelessand assign to vila05:34
fullermdOh, man, is THAT what happens to you when you log off IRC?05:34
* fullermd sets up a cron job...05:34
lifelessspiv: as soon as I wired up BzrDirFormat.initialize_ex to forward to RemoteBzrDirFormat.initialize_ex when there is a smart transport I triggered that05:35
lifelessAssertionError: Incorrect length: wanted 18, got 11 for [BzrDir.open, BzrDirFormat.initialize_ex, BzrDir.open, Repository.lock_write, Repository.insert_stream, Repository.insert_stream, BzrDir.create_branch, Branch.lock_write, Branch.set_last_revision_info, Branch.unlock, Branch.get_stacked_on_url]05:35
spivlifeless: nice05:37
lifelessthere is an issue05:37
lifelesswe can't upgrade without doing a jailbreak05:37
spivReally?  Why's that?05:37
lifelesslocal is pack-0.9205:38
lifelessremote has a stacking policy pointing at $third-party05:38
lifelessour current rule says 'upgrade if the thing pointed at is stackable'05:39
lifelessbut we can't examine it05:39
lifelessI could error with the policy details I guess05:40
lifelessbut I'm going to punt and do the old hardcoded formats number in this case05:40
lifeless(oh and the client can't examine for us, because the policy is found by the server)05:42
lifeless=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/blackbox/test_push.py'06:06
lifeless--- bzrlib/tests/blackbox/test_push.py  2009-04-22 02:36:23 +000006:06
lifeless+++ bzrlib/tests/blackbox/test_push.py  2009-04-24 04:58:12 +000006:06
lifeless@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@06:06
lifeless         # being too low. If rpc_count increases, more network roundtrips have06:06
lifeless         # become necessary for this use case. Please do not adjust this number06:06
lifeless         # upwards without agreement from bzr's network support maintainers.06:06
lifeless-        self.assertLength(18, self.hpss_calls)06:06
lifeless+        self.assertLength(11, self.hpss_calls)06:06
lifeless 06:06
lifeless     def test_push_smart_stacked_streaming_acceptance(self):06:06
lifeless         self.setup_smart_server_with_call_log()06:06
lifeless@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@06:06
lifeless         # being too low. If rpc_count increases, more network roundtrips have06:06
lifeless         # become necessary for this use case. Please do not adjust this number06:06
lifeless         # upwards without agreement from bzr's network support maintainers.06:06
lifeless-        self.assertLength(22, self.hpss_calls)06:06
lifeless+        self.assertLength(18, self.hpss_calls)06:06
lifeless         remote = Branch.open('public')06:06
lifeless         self.assertEndsWith(remote.get_stacked_on_url(), '/parent')06:06
lifelessspiv: ^ woo06:06
spivlifeless: nice work06:10
lifelesstheres now a low hanging fruit of one more06:10
lifelessthe possibly two06:11
lifelessthe BzrDirFormat.initialize_ex, BzrDir.open, Repository.lock_write,06:11
lifelesssecond and third elements in that sequence06:11
lifelessI've sent it up for review06:11
lifelessschlepping it off to amazon in a second06:11
lifelessspiv: small number of failures, will clean up post review/monday06:34
lifelessspiv: I started early today, going to head into the city soon06:34
=== jelmer is now known as Guest19644
=== Guest19644 is now known as jelmer
AnAntHello, I got several packages hosted in the same branch: lp:sabily-artwork09:01
AnAntis it possible to migrate each package to a separate branch, keeping along the history ?09:01
thumperI wonder if the split command does that09:11
Peng_That's what the split command is for. Whether it's safe to use is another question.09:13
AnAnthow ?09:16
Peng_AnAnt: bzr help split :D09:16
Peng_But you might have to upgrade the branches to an experimental format.09:16
AnAntit says : bzr split tree09:17
AnAntok, I'll look at it09:17
jelmerthumper: hi09:25
thumperhi jelmer09:26
jelmerthumper: So, current bzr-git trunk should now work with bzr 1.14 proper09:26
thumperhow does that relate to dulwich?09:26
thumperdoes that matter?09:27
thumperor do we just take tip?09:27
jelmerYou'll need the tip from dulwich as well09:27
thumperI'll look to get it into LP ASAP09:27
MvGHi! Is there some huma readable specification or documentation of the bzr smart protocol?09:33
MvGIn particular, does the command allow removal of stuff like a bzr.backup directory from the remote file system?09:34
MvGBecause I've upgraded a remote repo once, and trying to upgrade yet again via bzr fails as bzr.backup already exists, and removing that dir fails as ssh access is restricted to the bzr server.09:34
Peng_MvG: Sure, it supports VFS access, so you can do whatever you want.09:34
MvGVFS = virtual file system? Virtualized by whom?09:35
Peng_MvG: bzr09:35
Peng_MvG: It might be easier to use hitchhiker (sort of like a CLI FTP client, only for the bzr smart protocol) https://launchpad.net/hitchhiker09:35
MvGSounds good. Will have a look.09:36
MvGYes, that's exactly the tool I needed. Thanks ever so much!09:39
thumperthere is a bug about the upgrade dirs09:41
thumperthe upgrade command should be able to remove old backup dirs09:41
MvGWould make sense.09:41
MvGAt least if it were sufficiently sure the upgrade went well and could be reverted if need be.09:41
mwhudsonthumper, jelmer: yay09:41
thumperhi mwhudson09:42
thumpermwhudson: do you want to do the honours?09:42
thumpermwhudson: if not, I'll get abentley or rockstar to09:43
thumperwhen they start their day09:43
MvGBTW: I've got two merge requests waiting in BB. So if anyone dev around here feels bored, I would appreciate votes on those.09:44
MvGI'll accept comments evenm from non-devs. :-)09:44
mwhudsonthumper: not really at this time on a friday night09:44
thumpermwhudson: I guessed as much :)09:44
* Peng_ babbles incoherently and falls asleep09:49
pooliethe bzr wiki is having some trouble; IS is working on it10:29
garyvdmHi - is it possible to ignore a file in a branch, with out committing a change to the branch? I.e. I want the ignore to only be for my copy of the branch.10:32
g0ph3rgaryvdm: regarding your earlier question: AFAIK you can configure a global ignore list in your bzr settings. ("global" in this case means that you do configure it for all of _your_ branches, and that this is not visible to others)12:06
g0ph3ri don't know if this is the best way, though12:07
=== jelmer is now known as Guest88668
ignasis there a way to find a commit in a shared repository?12:27
ignasbzr rebase messed up the history of my branch and I have a lost commit now somewhere12:28
ignasthat I would like to recover12:28
* SamB mumbles something about --heads12:32
hmelandignas: I think "bzr heads" from bzrtools can help.12:33
SamBoh, is that what it was12:33
* SamB knew there was a reason he was mumbling12:34
ignasi am not sure it will help me now... because I have performed a bunch of operations to recover the state on the branch12:34
garyvdmignas: bzr heads --dead12:35
garyvdmfind the revid of the head you want12:35
SamBas long as none of them involved garbage collection, you should be fine12:35
garyvdmbzr pull . -r revid:... --overwrite12:36
SamB(garbage collection of the repository, that is ;-)12:36
garyvdmSamB: the only way to do that with bzr is to create a new repository, branch, and delete the old one.12:37
* SamB thought there was some command for it in bzr.dev12:37
SamBI could be wrong12:38
mwhudsoni think there's a plugin somewhere or something12:38
ignasSubversionException: ('Unable to open an ra_local session to URL', 180001)12:39
=== GaryvdM_ is now known as GaryvdM
SamBignas: what URL ?12:40
ignasdon't know12:40
ignasthe message is not giving any12:41
* SamB wonders where jelmer is12:41
SamByou should report it as a bug on subvertpy, I think, that the URL isn't in the message anywhere12:41
ignasfirst - find the commit and make another release, sorry12:43
ignaswill do while waiting for PPA to build a package ;)12:43
ignasSamb, hmeland, GaryvdM: thanks, that worked12:56
SamBignas: what'd I do besides mumble misleading information and attempt to reassure you that your commit was probably still there?12:58
ignasSamB: on further review, probably not much ;)12:58
ignasbut still, being a part of the community counts ;)12:59
ignashow do I only merge last 2 revisions from a branch?13:02
GaryvdMbzr merge -r ..-213:04
GaryvdMor bzr merge -r -2..13:04
GaryvdMI can never remember which way13:04
ignas-2.. remove most of the changes from the checkout13:04
ignasand ..-2 still includes changes from earlier13:05
GaryvdMbzr merge -r -1..-2 ?13:09
thumperthat'll do a reverse merge (I think)13:10
thumperit will apply the reverse of -2..-113:10
ignasyeah, though if I want 2 last revisions it seems i have to do -3..-113:13
xiaohuilifeless, is there a default ssh login name for using *bzr push bzr+ssh://bazzar.lauchpad.net/~MY_LAUNCHPADID/PROJECT/name*13:57
xiaohuiWhen I use it , it shows me that Permission denied13:58
james_wyour local username is the default13:59
james_wyou can do MY_LAUNCHPADID@bazaar.launchpad.net14:00
james_wif you do "bzr lp-login MY_LAUNCHPADID" and the do "bzr push lp:~MY_LAUNCHPADID/PROJECT/name" it should work14:00
xiaohuiI am behind the firewall14:06
xiaohuijames_W, I have to use the URL for push and pull14:06
xiaohuijames_w, It works now,thank you14:14
=== jelmer is now known as Guest34677
phinzehmm on bzr switch --force of a lightweight checkout to a completely different branch, i get "Conflict: can't delete features because it is not empty.  Not deleting."14:25
phinzeany way i can tell bzr "yes yes just nuke this copy and make it like that branch"14:25
phinzerm -rf + bzr resolve is my best solution currently; just wondering if there's something i can do up front that's faster14:26
phinzeand perhaps those here would know if maybe at the end of the day it would be faster just to kill the lw-checkout and make it again14:27
phinzerather than switching14:27
ignasdon't know really, not using lw checkouts since I found out that a simple checkout is actually faster to do with my connection14:40
=== Guest34677 is now known as jelmer
ignaslw checkout saves bandwith (for me - only a bit), but takes longer14:41
jmllifeless: I've upgraded the tribunal branch anyway.14:41
ignasand if you are working on more than one branch - shared repository will take less time and bandwith than 2 lightweight checkouts14:42
ignasat least for me14:42
xiaohuiwhen I push to lp it returned the *pipe broken ERROR*14:54
xiaohuiand the connection is closed by remote host14:55
xiaohuiwhat should I do then?14:56
pooliexiaohui: maybe your ssh key is not registered with launchpad15:12
xiaohuipoolie, I have put my ssh public key to the launchpad15:15
xiaohuiand the progress showed that has push 2/515:16
xiaohuiI use bzr push again, it directly come to 2/5 amd stoped15:18
max_rI have question about bzr15:35
max_rI dir bzr branch lp:aa, did bzr pull for some time15:35
max_rthe commited local changes and it forces me to do bzr merge && bzr ci -m"merged" all the time15:36
max_ras far as I understand git allows simply use git pull even after local changes get commited, with forcing merge only on conflicts15:36
max_rcould  I get same beheaviour for bzr?15:37
james_wmax_r: not currently, no15:43
rockstarthumper, did you get your review?15:43
max_rjames_w: is it planned? quite bad that simple operations takes twice as much steps15:48
james_wI don't know of anybody working on it15:49
max_rjames_w: as I understand it is more UI problem than problem of repository or other low level stuff? I saw UI redesign planning for 2.0. Is it finalized yet?15:50
james_wUI redesign is planned for 3.015:51
james_wI don't think adding an option to make it do that is something that requires a UI redesign though15:51
max_rand what is approximate eta for 3.0?15:52
max_rIn bzr help pull I see:15:52
max_r  If branches have diverged, you can use 'bzr merge' to integrate the changes15:52
max_r  from one into the other.  Once one branch has merged, the other should15:52
max_r  be able to pull it again.15:52
max_rIt seems rather strange15:52
james_w3.0 in a 9 months or something15:52
max_rI merged branches, but I couldn't pull any more15:52
james_wI don't know if a timeline has been decided15:52
james_wafter the merge you will be able to pull the other way15:53
max_rseen now "bzr merge --pull" what it does?15:54
james_wthat doesn't do what you want15:54
james_wthat will fast-forward where possible, which is another thing that "git pull" does that "bzr merge" doesn't15:54
max_rI need something like "bzr merge --commit-if-no-conflicts", right?15:55
max_rcould it be done as plugin?15:55
max_ris relativly hard?15:55
max_ror easy?15:55
james_wshouldn't be too hard15:56
max_ris there any simple sample plugin to base on?15:57
james_wactually, it may not be that easy in a plugin15:57
max_rwhy? It looks easy as bash script, just running "bzr merge && bzr ci -m 'merged'" with some error checking on the first step to see if there was conflicts15:58
james_wbecause you don't want to open the objects more than once16:01
james_wand you don't want the tree to be modified between the merge and commit16:01
james_wthat's probably the basic thing that is needed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/157278/16:02
james_wit needs tests and polish though16:02
max_rany chance it go into 1.15?16:03
max_rand what is more correct "pull --merge-if-needed" or "merge --commit-if-no-conflicts"?16:04
james_wthat patch won't go in 1.1516:06
james_wa better version could if it passed review16:07
james_wand those two commands mean different things16:07
max_rjames_w: could you please explain difference?16:09
james_wwhether pull does something when the branches have diverged, or tells you to use merge is different to whether the a merge will commit if there are no conflicts16:10
james_wand the first option is already there, it's just spelt "merge --pull" instead of "pull --merge"16:11
max_rand how "pull --merge-if-needed" ("merge --pull" in bzr language) differs from "get all changes from that branch, and apply it locally" which as I understand is "merge --commit"16:12
james_wpull means "make my branch the same as that one"16:14
james_wwhich doesn't work if you have diverged16:14
james_wmerge means "merge my changes with theirs"16:15
james_wand when you do that you end up with something new, so you may want to check it before you commit, as the merge can't do everything16:15
max_rgot it, i thought pull means "pull all changes from that branch"16:15
james_w"pull" is different in git and bzr16:16
max_rwhich is quite confusing16:16
MvGI hope I don't start to annoy you yet, but I'm again trying to interest devs into reviewing my two open merge requests, related to reconfigure and bug 248932. Anyone willing to have a look? I'd like to get this off my head.16:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248932 in bzr "reconfigure --standalone raises IncompatibleRepositories" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24893216:25
=== jkakar_ is now known as jkakar
AnAntwhich is better way to use bzr:19:33
AnAnt1) bzr co <URL> , do some changes, bzr ci19:34
AnAntor 2) bzr branch <URL> , changes, bzr ci, changes bzr ci , .. , bzr push  ?19:34
james_wAnAnt: I prefer 2, but they are equally valid19:35
AnAntjames_w: ok20:21
AnAntI tried bzr split, but I don't think it works20:25
AnAntI have 3 packages in the same bzr branch20:25
AnAntI want to have separate branches for each package, yet I want to keep the bzr history of each package, is that possible ?20:26
james_wsplit would be the way to do it, but it may not do what you expect20:26
james_wit will keep the full history in each branch20:26
AnAnthow ?20:28
AnAntI just done this: bzr split <packageone>20:28
AnAntthen cd <packageone>20:28
AnAntbzr push file:///tmp/test20:28
AnAntI got this: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch:20:28
AnAntoh, I got an error actually when I do a bzr split:20:31
AnAntbzr: ERROR: To use this feature you must upgrade your branch at file:///tmp/sabily-keyring/.20:31
james_wnot that helpful of a message20:33
james_w"bzr upgrade --default-rich-root" is probably what you want20:33
AnAntok, cool20:38
AnAntbtw, there's no --default-rich-root option20:39
AnAntI used --rich-root-pack20:39
BasicOSXja1: Bug 355238 really set to Milestone 1.14rc2?20:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 355238 in bzr "TypeError upgrading branch to gc-chk255-big" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35523820:47
ja1BasicOSX: I'm pretty sure the bug listed there was fixed for the rc220:47
=== ja1 is now known as jam
BasicOSXthanks for quick response, research further20:48
jamBasicOSX: rev 4250 on bzr.1.1420:48
jam4250 Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager 2009-04-19 [merge]20:48
jam     (jam) Tweaks to the new --dev6-rich-root format support.20:48
jam4251 Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager 2009-04-19 [merge]20:48
jam     (tanner) prepare-1.14rc220:48
jamat least according to *my* branch of 1.14, my patch landed before rc220:49
AnAnthmmm, problem with splitting, is that I can't revert to older revisions !20:49
* BasicOSX blinks 20:49
BasicOSXWho needs search when you have jam ! :-)20:49
AnAntoh, I ccan20:49
AnAntok, thanks !20:50
jamwell, as i just did the searches myself, I knew where to look20:51
dereinehi, i want to use bazaar together with a "checkout" on ftp, how can i do this21:51

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