
Myrttimmmm bed 00:20
Seeker`Myrtti: was nice to meet you00:20
Myrttifeetsies hurt00:20
Seeker`I know the feeling00:21
MyrttiSeeker`: likewise :-)00:21
Seeker`I should really move from sofa to bed, but that involves moving00:21
Seeker`Myrtti: did you stay long after I left?00:23
jpdsSomething deal with HappyHater in #u.00:24
MyrttiSeeker`: not really, chatted a bit with popey, Daviey and Nafallo and left00:24
Myrttidsample had an ickle chat with jono to my great surprise 00:25
Seeker`fair enough00:25
Seeker`I didn't manage to speak to jono00:25
jpdsMe neither.00:26
Myrttijpds: uhm, you were there?00:27
jpdsMyrtti: I was with Nafallo towards the time you left. :-)00:28
jpdsI was kind of wondering if you knew who I was. ;000:28
Myrttiwhy don't I notice these things?00:29
Seeker`I think we need to get people to circulate a list of faces / irc nicknames00:29
Myrttijpds: I usually tend to go by the technique 'if they know me, they'll come and talk'00:30
Myrttiotherwise its hopeless00:30
PiciIt worked out the other way for me at UDS... mostly.  00:31
jpdsPici: The only reason I knew you were you was cos I saw your IRC ;)00:31
Seeker`Myrtti: you looked kinda scared and confused when I came over to you00:32
MyrttiI wear pink and am female. if people don't realise to come and talk when they recognise me, I camn't be blamed ;-)00:35
MyrttiSeeker`: might have, I confess nothing00:36
Myrttithehe, someone is "playing" with their NDS00:38
Seeker`nintendo DS?00:39
Myrttinintendo ds lite, yeah00:39
Myrttiterribly cute :->00:39
kitchehmm by chance can a op maybe put in the topic for #ubuntu that the servers are being hammered right now? or is there a switch for ubottu for it?00:41
Myrttii iz sleepy, good night00:43
Seeker`have fnu tomorrow being a tourist00:43
Nafallomeh. stop talking about me damit00:44
Nafallogot three passwords righly spelled first try, but can't spell 'damnit' damnit00:44
Seeker`did anyone bump in to ikonia00:45
Seeker`last I heard he was near croyden travelling 10mph towards london00:45
foxbuntuCan someone tell me who an admin is for #ubuntu-server or give me a hand in there. I got someone swearing and refusing to move his chatter to -offtopic00:55
=== foxbuntu is now known as orudie_thefaggot
=== orudie_thefaggot is now known as foxbuntu
HardDiskhi fellas, im chanop for #ubuntu-eg, just wanted to let you know that apparently there was word someone wanted to take over due to my inactivity, I just wanted to apologize for my absence, I was in the process of marriage and a new job meaning i now live between Egypt and the UAE.  Just to let you know Im still around and will continue support as always in a few days time.03:44
tritiumFlannel: yes, through tomorrow morning.06:11
FlannelWhereabouts? and for what?06:11
ubottuIn #kubuntu-devel, Daskreech said: !athing is an example factoid06:23
FlannelHi Daskreech, how can we help you?06:35
DaskreechFlannel: In a moment just setting it up now06:35
ubottuIn #kubuntu-devel, kb9vqf said: !kde3 is  Kubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page06:36
DaskreechThere we go :)06:37
kb9vqfI have changed the factoid for kde3 and was wondering what the status is06:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde306:38
FlannelWas there no factoid originally?06:38
ubottuNo, intrepid does not include KDE 3, only KDE 4. Please continue to use Hardy if KDE 3 is deisred.06:38
DaskreechFor some reason it's only allowed in the kubuntu chan06:38
Flannelnot allowed, just set up that way.  Might be prudent to make that a full factoid.06:38
ubottuIn #kubuntu-devel, kb9vqf said: !kde3-#kubuntu is  Kubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page06:38
FlannelYeah, I'm not sure why it has its own thing.06:39
DaskreechBy full factoid you mean generally available ?06:40
ubottuKubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page06:41
FlannelIt was an awkward way to put it, but yeah, that's what I meant.06:41
kb9vqfThanks for the update!06:43
FlannelNo problem.  Thank you.06:43
DaskreechFlannel: Question on the bot factoids06:43
Daskreechare they flagged in anyway for updates?06:43
Daskreechwould that make sense? There are quite a few kinda crusty factoids hanging around06:44
FlannelThats true.  It happens.  We end up doing spring cleaning sorts of things every so often.06:44
Daskreechand it would be nice that at least in the first week of a release factoids are updated to be current 06:45
DaskreechI know obviously not everyone of them can be reviewed but perhaps time critical ones can be flagged so the the week prior to a release they can be looked over06:46
Flannelhi zzver, how can we help you?07:08
zzverSry i speak only rus :x07:08
zzvera... How i can open file manager in icewm?07:08
zzverHow to open the file manager in icewm?07:10
jpdsGood morning.07:55
jackjohnsonwhy did i get blocked on offtopic?08:19
evilGaryafter a few warnings and you don't know?08:22
topylijackjohnson: for bein deliberately annoying and ignoring any friendly advice08:22
ubottuThe operation succeeded.08:23
topylijackjohnson: anything else we can help you with?08:24
jackjohnsoni was havin a poop out08:26
jackjohnsonwhat does @login do08:27
Myrttinothing if you do it08:27
jackjohnsontopyli: you were actually banning saying : enough and this is rude08:28
topyliit is?08:28
topylisorry if you find it rude. i, as well as others gave you several warnings during a period of an hour or so. eventually, you had to be removed08:29
topylijackjohnson: so is there anything else we can do for you? unfortunately you cannot idle on this channel08:33
topylijackjohnson: please part the channel if there's nothing else. come back if you have further requirements in the future08:36
jussi01Daskreech: anything else you need from us?08:40
jussi01!idle | Daskreech08:53
ubottuDaskreech: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.08:53
jussi01and thats my opinion today10:05
jussi01evilGary: huh?10:12
evilGarysorry, was distracted with the bollocks word :p10:15
jussi01evilGary: hehe10:27
screamsayonaraam i getting.. 'redirected' here because i accidentally swore or something in ubuntu-offtopic10:50
bazhangscreamsayonara, you were warned about swearing and continued to do so, please in the future keep the #ubuntu channels family-friendly (think G-rated)10:56
screamsayonaraim a linguist,10:56
screamsayonaraits like the whole "the world is flat" thing10:57
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.10:58
bazhangscreamsayonara, is there something else we can help you with today?10:58
screamsayonaraif samuel l jackson is allowed to say motherfucker, then i am allowed to say shit. thanks for your !command explanations *tips hat*10:59
bazhangmatt@d122-104-161-81.rdl18.qld.optusnet.com.au  wondered if that was thefeds, but quit after being asked to go to ##windows11:07
ubottuIn ubottu, Fz said: kk is yes12:14
ikoniagnomefreak: nothing much going on in +1 anymore time to close it yet ?13:32
ubottufaileas called the ops in #ubuntu ()13:32
jpds-cn dude pasting text13:32
gnomefreakikonia: you can,i havent had time to check KK toolchain yet13:33
ikoniagnomefreak: it can be left open, I'm only asking13:33
ikoniagnomefreak: no pressure13:33
bazhanggroovyorange in -ot13:34
bazhangas eatpotato13:34
ikoniaEatPotato: hi, thanks for joinining13:35
ikoniaEatPotato: have we spoken before ?13:35
EatPotatoIt nice when someone want me13:35
EatPotatoIt's even the same PC13:35
ikoniaEatPotato: what was your nickname when we spoke ?13:35
ikoniakholerabbi1: how can we help ?13:36
kholerabbi1you can't. I am being a tourist :D13:36
ikoniaEatPotato: one moment13:36
ikoniakholerabbi1: this channel is for operator/irc issues only, 13:36
topylikholerabbi1: sorry, no tourists13:36
ikoniaEatPotato: in that case - same question as before really, just to confirm you are not "grow-as-apples" or "groovey orange" users13:37
EatPotatoVegetarian though...13:38
ikoniaEatPotato: thats not what I asked13:38
ikoniaEatPotato: and you're %100 sure you've never used those nicknames 13:38
ikoniaEatPotato: ok, thanks for popping in 13:39
EatPotatoyeah, I should disconnect from the channel then13:40
ikoniaEatPotato: if you could part the channel (unless there is something you need from us) and go about your IRC day, that would be great13:40
ikoniathanks for coming in 13:40
ikoniabazhang: pateince.......13:40
bazhangikonia, not sure what you mean; he is lying and ban-evading, of course every time you ask that he will deny.13:41
ikoniabazhang: no way of taking action at the moment, just updating logs.....patience13:41
bazhangstill the same creepy evasive answers, and no resolution.13:42
ikonia+o offtopic13:42
ubot2`Factoid 'o offtopic' not found13:42
ikoniacan't do anything at the moment but store info for when it's needed13:42
ikoniabazhang: plus he follows the same patern as oranges - which is when kicked join #philosophy and troll/random babble13:44
bazhangikonia, yep13:44
ikoniafujisan is also in there with him 13:44
bazhanghe should just /nick leper and be done with it13:45
ikoniaha ha ha13:45
ubottuIn ubottu, pepperjack said: blueray is possible in Ubuntu.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD14:00
eagles0513875hey guys i have a ban on me on ubuntu-motu channel i had a ban on kubuntu-devel channel which was lifted yesterday after jaunty release. can i get unbanned in the motu channel14:03
ikoniaeagles0513875: from my point of view - I wouldn't recommend lifting the ban on #ubuntu-motu or any other channels as I find your input more trouble and disruptive then useful, and you refuse to listen to advice and follow it14:04
ikoniathat is my personal comment on your ban14:04
eagles0513875ikonia: im behaving in devel and i am currently trying to work on verifying some bugs at the moment. im being super quiet in the devel channel14:05
ikoniaeagles0513875: you've been in for less than a few hours, so thats not really a good example14:05
ikoniaeagles0513875: and your behaviour / input in the other ubuntu channels are also the guide I'm using to make my comments14:05
eagles0513875in kubuntu im super quiet unless there is something i can help someone with 14:05
eagles0513875i spend most of my time in kubuntu-offtopic14:06
ikoniaeagles0513875: I've spoke to you a few times about #kubuntu and your comments in there14:06
ikonia(and thats just one example)14:06
eagles0513875would i be better off talking to the person who originally banned me14:08
ikoniayes, hobbsee is not around14:08
ikoniaI'm making my comments in the channel so that it's logged and noted by hobbsee14:08
eagles0513875ok 14:09
eagles0513875well i shall vacate the channel and return tomorrow14:09
jpdsI didn't know BT served .au.14:18
eagles0513875hey Hobbsee14:20
eagles0513875may i talk to you for a min 14:20
Hobbseeeagles0513875: yes, here.14:21
eagles0513875well you remember i had a ban till jaunty release14:21
eagles0513875that has been removed on kubuntu-devel and ubuntu-bugs but it hasnt been removed off motu14:22
Hobbseeno, you had a ban till the intrepid release.  You screwed up before the release, however, and got a permaban.14:22
ikoniaeagles0513875: it's not been removed from ubuntu-bugs14:22
eagles0513875i was in there yesterday14:22
eagles0513875unless it got put back on 14:22
ikoniaeagles0513875: then you where ban dodging14:22
eagles0513875i was on this nick14:22
eagles0513875i would like to join the bug squad but i cant due to the ban14:23
ikoniaeagles0513875: then current nickname would not let you get in 14:23
eagles0513875well then i dunno what happened last night 14:24
ikoniahowever you where changing nick names a lot yesterday in other channels14:24
ikonia20:17 -!- eagles0513875 is now known as eagles05138714:24
ikonia20:18 -!- eagles051387 is now known as eagles0513875_14:24
ikonia20:19 -!- eagles0513875_ is now known as eagles051387514:24
ikonia20:31 -!- eagles0513875 is now known as eagles05138714:24
ikonia20:32 -!- eagles051387 is now known as eagles051387514:24
eagles0513875ikonia: i was doing that so i can setup a cloak14:24
eagles0513875and linking and all that 14:24
ikoniayes, maybe that was the issue though, you changed nicks to one that was to get around the ban14:24
eagles0513875if i did i didnt do that on purpose 14:25
eagles0513875i would love to join the bug squad but i cant due to the ban :( 14:25
Hobbseeeagles0513875: why were you thinking it was OK to join that channel, if you knew you were banned?14:25
eagles0513875Hobbsee: which channel ubuntu-bugs14:25
eagles0513875i thought the ban was until jaunty release 14:25
Hobbseeno, it was originally until the intrepid release, like i said earlier.14:26
eagles0513875and i was as ikonia showed changing nicks so i can link and  group nicks to get a cloak14:26
HobbseeThen you ban evaded, and showed absolutely no sign of improvement.  Thus, it became a permanent ban.14:26
eagles0513875that was an accident that i was probably on another nick14:26
HobbseeNow, is there anything else we can help you with?14:26
eagles0513875well i would love to get on the bug squad but cant :( so no chance at a ban reversal14:26
Hobbseenot until you show you can behave in userland channels.   If you've had no bans in userland channels between now and the karmic release, then we'll look at removing the bans in -motu, -devel, and -bugs, OK?14:27
eagles0513875Hobbsee: well im in devel right now14:27
eagles0513875on this nick14:27
Hobbseeeagles0513875: #ubuntu-devel.14:28
eagles0513875was the ban on ubuntu-devel or kubuntu-devel14:28
Hobbseeyes, i've seen you there, asking support questions, and not adding to anything.  One can only wonder how long it will be before you get booted out of there too.14:28
Hobbseethe ban was in #ubuntu-devel.  We've covered this.14:28
eagles0513875ok im just making sure i dont wanna be ban evading again 14:28
eagles0513875Hobbsee: i only said one thing and have been quiet the rest of the time14:29
eagles0513875watching and learning14:29
* eagles0513875 will leave channel before he gets into more trouble14:29
* eagles0513875 leave14:29
Hobbseefor the record, you're not welcome in #ubuntu-motu, #ubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-bugs, and possibly a few others...14:29
* Hobbsee updates the bantracker14:31
ikonia@bansearch fujisan15:07
ubottuMatch: Fujisan!*@* by ikonia in #ubuntu on Apr 08 2009 07:27:52 (ID: 12208)15:07
tsimpson@bansearch fujisan15:12
ubottuMatch: fujisan!*@*.ftth.xms.internl.net by tsimpson in #kubuntu on Apr 08 2009 01:09:15 (ID: 12205)15:12
ubottuMatch: Fujisan!*@* by ikonia in #ubuntu on Apr 08 2009 07:27:52 (ID: 12208)15:12
ubottuMatch: fujisan!*@*.ftth.xms.internl.net by tsimpson in #kubuntu-offtopic on Apr 12 2009 19:55:15 (ID: 12360)15:12
tsimpsonI knew I had some on them15:12
elkydid he actually play up?15:19
ikoniano, I was just curious to how banned he was, and if he was dodging a kline 15:23
elkyhe's been acting very different the past week15:25
elkyby very different i mean a stark one almost like 'spent a night in a gaol cell with a big black dude named bubba'15:26
elkythere is still a ban on his unaffiliated cloak for u-ot i believe15:27
elkybut he hasnt had that for donkeys15:28
ubottuIn ubottu, LjL said: !no dontzap is <reply> To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The key combination AltGr+SysRq+K can also be used to achieve a similar effect.16:38
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (konza)18:47
DBOhmmm, my client seems to think hes not banned18:49
LjLkonus_ is banned by *!*@ns1.noxis.org18:50
DBOthere we go18:51
DBOI am PMing him18:51
jackjohnsonexcuse me why was blcoked19:01
bazhangjackjohnson, you wished to speak with topyli ?19:11
bazhangjackjohnson, not sure if he is around right now.19:11
jackjohnsontopyli, sorry i had a little prob in offtopic, but make the kickban temporary (5m)19:11
topylii am here. thanks for hilighting bazhang19:11
bazhangtopyli, aha, okey19:12
jackjohnsondbo is in the channel19:12
topylijackjohnson: so how can i help?19:13
gnomefreakok +1 can be closed and people kicked, i will worry about toolchain later im way too busy for the next week or so19:19
topylijackjohnson: did you come here to talk about your ban on -offtopic?19:20
topyliotherwise, i don't think we have much business together19:20
topyliidling on this channel is not allowed19:20
bazhang!idle | jackjohnson 19:23
ubottujackjohnson: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.19:23
jpdshi Seeker` 19:23
Seeker`ikonia: ping19:26
Seeker`hi jpds 19:26
topylisorry, got disconnected. it was a terrible 20 seconds!19:32
topylijackjohnson: please part the channel if you have no inquiry19:33
* gnomefreak sits back and watches with a drink in hand19:37
topylijackjohnson: do you have to be removed from here *again*?19:38
topylifor the record, i'm no longer dealing with jackjohnson19:52
bazhangit takes two coins to click as they say19:52
bazhang* [Guest95367] (n=ahmed@ Ahmed  seems like he was ban-dodging again instead of coming here to have ban lifted19:55
bazhangjackjohnson, please part the channel19:55
* Myrtti has aching tummy and feet :-<19:55
Seeker`Myrtti: whats wrog?19:56
Seeker`I guess feet is too much walking19:57
topylitoo big a city :(20:01
topyli@mark jackjohnson banned from -ot, then turned into a professional idler on -ops. never asks for any operator service. new trolling technique is to annoy ops by presence20:03
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:03
MyrttiSeeker`: i've got no idea, either too little to drink or badly cooked food20:06
geniiBleh. Work is busy today.20:07
Seeker`Myrtti: :/20:08
topylilack of drinks does sound like something that could be responsible for all sorts of ailments20:08
Seeker`Myrtti: I'm assuming dinner last night tasted ok?20:08
Myrttiyup, my prime suspects are tomatoes at breakfast or the ice cream20:09
Seeker`ice cream for breakfast?! :P20:10
geniiDamned English cooks!20:10
Myrttiand also have blisters whih was expected20:10
geniiWhats weird is they usually boil the crap out of everything actually.20:10
MyrttiSeeker`: lunch actually ;-)20:11
Seeker`genii: oi!20:11
Seeker`Myrtti: :)20:11
Seeker`Myrtti: what touristy stuff did you get up to?20:11
Myrttihyde park, science museum, covent garden, kleopatra obelisk20:12
Seeker`I worked :(20:15
MyrttiI'm enjoying the fact I didn't and actually got off me arse and walked and moved (painful reminders acquired!)20:16
ubottuScottK called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()20:23
rwwHey everyone. !o4o and its application to LGBT issues came up on https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-lgbt/ recently, and I figured it'd be good to give you guys a heads up, so you know what's going on if you start getting asked questions about it all of a sudden. Also, if anyone has a second, can you check that my interpretation of things in https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-lgbt/msg00019.html is correct? Thanks :)20:45
evilGaryrww: hehe, I see why there have been comments, but I feel the section which contains "sexuality" has been misinterpreated here, It's really to stop people saying things like "oi you homo" or "my mate fred is so gay/ghey" etc20:55
rwwevilGary: then that should probably be clarified, because people seem to think it means serious discussions of sexuality :)20:56
evilGaryI take it we are talking about this regarding a -offtopic or loco channel, not the main support channel?20:58
evilGaryas one of the staff on freenode, I can confirm that homophobic behaviour is offtopic on this network, and o4o is not meant like this, however for serious discussions, i'd (with my staff hat on here) suggest it'd be wise to move to a channel such as #gaygeeks20:58
Myrttii'd have comments, but commenting with me n800 is somewhat painful21:00
evilGaryMyrtti: are they similar to mine or different? :p21:01
evilGaryalso, get a n810, they have a keyboard :-)21:01
Myrttisimilar to both yours and rww's21:01
MyrttievilGary: I got this especially because it doesn't21:02
evilGaryyou keyboardphobic you O_O21:02
Myrttimakes switching between languages easier. n810's finnish keyboard isn't eveen with a proper layout21:03
* Seeker` prods evilGary to look at PM21:04
rwwevilGary, Myrtti: The person I was replying to just replied back saying that now that he /read/ the guidelines, they seem a whole lot less controversial than he was lead to think (funny how that works).21:04
evilGaryas well as reading them, it's also the reasoning behind why they were written like that.21:05
Myrttiin general, the guidelines are mostly guidelines, and how theey are applied is dependant on the op21:05
evilGarythere is no homophobia implied or meant, and to read some in is not what they were written for (if that made any sence)21:05
Myrttisexuality is ok, as long as the discussion is in general suitable for your mother and 10y o niece to read21:06
PriceyMyrtti: !o4o requires rewriting then?21:07
Myrttigender is ok, as long as there is no pix or it didn't happen-demands21:07
Priceyboth are on o4o..21:07
Seeker`I couldn't care less who joins what channel, just that what they talk about is suitable for that channel21:07
Seeker`Pricey: I don't believe o4o needs rewriting21:07
Myrttime neither21:08
Seeker`"Don't discuss offtopic things" should suffice21:08
Seeker`sadly, peopple need clarification as to what exactly that means21:08
Priceyo4o currently states that gender and sexuality are o4o?21:08
Seeker`Pricey: yes21:08
Seeker`Pricey: Noone should give a **** what gender or sexuality someone is on any of the channels21:09
* Myrtti curses he slow typing21:09
Pricey20:06:42 <+Myrtti> sexuality is ok, as long as the discussion is in general suitable for your mother and 10y o niece to read21:10
Pricey20:07:19 <+Myrtti> gender is ok, as long as there is no pix or it didn't happen-demands21:10
Seeker`a reasonable discussion of it is probably acceptable; however from what I've seen from -offtopic, no discussion can stay sensible for longer than about the time it takes the light to travel 2 inches21:10
Priceywhich is why the general consensus is to nip it in the bud before its an issue?21:11
Seeker`Pricey: I believe that is a sensible policy21:11
Priceyright i think i understand what you were on about now sorry21:11
evilGaryand thats why I suggested moving subjects such as this to a more apt place21:11
Myrttibut if gender was banned altogether, I'd have to be quiet about 1/3 of the time21:12
evilGaryit's not that they are not allowed to be talked about, it's more about generally keeping the channel sane21:12
evilGaryand if sexuality was banned, i'd be doomed21:12
Myrttias far as sexuality goes, mine is none of you're business, but if someone wants to discuss it 'in depth' (pun intended) i'm sure theres more suitable places than -ot21:13
Myrttis/discuss it/discuss theirs/21:14
Seeker`I think I'm being discriminated against! I'm diabetic and o4o says no discussion of drugs21:14
* evilGary facepalms21:15
rwwIf a discussion springs up about LGBT rights in #ubuntu-offtopic, is proceeding reasonably and is family-friendly, and is then interrupted by a couple of people making anti-LGBT comments, then what? The discussion has to end because a couple of people can't act maturely?21:15
evilGarydepends what comments, and if I see them21:16
* evilGary hides21:16
Seeker`rww: I think that the point is, -offtopic as a channel is so incredibly immature, it will descend ito anti-LGBT comments eventually21:16
Myrttiidiots are kicked, and the discussion is directed to more suitable channels21:16
Myrttilike Gaygeeks or smth21:16
Seeker`rww: and then you have to clear up the mess and calm the children^Wusers down again21:17
Myrttiagain, case by case, tthat's what i'd do21:17
topylii have a simple anti-asshat policy21:18
topylino logic behind it, just remove asshats21:18
Seeker`I think a hybrid of Myrtti and topyli's methods could work21:18
* Myrtti chuckles21:19
evilGarywe should merge them21:19
Seeker`what? Myrtti and topyli ?21:19
Myrttioh noea21:19
topyliMyrtti is a great drinking buddy but i don't think we're that far yet21:20
evilGaryrww: have we gone any way to confirm the meaning of o4o?21:21
MyrttiI suspect your missus and my dsample would not agree either21:21
rwwevilGary: Yes, this discussion was helpful, thanks :)21:21
* Seeker` waves to dsample21:21
MyrttiSeeker`: waves rceived, returned21:22
topylibelieve it or not, i'm watching conan the barbarian. it's on tv .)21:23
topyliit's wonderful!21:23
topylihis was a tale of sorrow21:23
Seeker`is there some new meaning to "wonderful" I hvaen't heard of yet?21:23
Seeker`or are you just missing a </sarcasm>21:24
rwwAnyways, I'll leave you to your TV discussion before someone throws !idle at me. Thanks for the discussion :)21:24
Myrttinp was fun21:24
topyliSeeker`: hey no conan dissing!21:29
topyliporn link on -fi21:31
topyliah the troll left21:31
guntbertHi, in #ubuntu21:34
guntbert<millertimek1a2m3> hey if anyone needs help, message me :)) put my name in it or talk to me directly21:34
guntbertI'm not sure, but in some way these lines (there are more) look fishy to me21:35
Seeker`Myrtti: pm?21:36
* LjL laughs at ML posting21:49
topylithanks guntbert. is there anything else?21:50
guntbertit might be he tries to lurk people into PM though21:50
topyliyes it does sound like that21:50
guntbertno, nothing else, just wanted to wait for any reaction, bye :-))21:51
ubottuIn ubottu, histo said: !ext4 is This question is coming up more often in relation to ext4 since it's now an option in Jaunty. Conventional wisdom would say it's too early yet to use it, unless you really need some of it's benefits now. Information can be found at: http://kernelnewbies.org/Ext422:15
LjL!ext4 is <reply> We don't know. Maybe.22:16
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, LjL said: !ext4 is <reply> We don't know. Maybe.22:16
LjLthought i'd make a shorter verison.22:16
chxplease help #kubuntu mari floods the channel22:17
ubottuchx called the ops in #kubuntu ()22:17
ubottuByron called the ops in #kubuntu ()22:18
histoHow long do suggestions to ubottu take to get added usually?  Just curious...22:18
jpdsLjL: You're worse than http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E51BQVOmdo :P22:21
LjLpeople this day can't convery information without using links to flash stuff that forces me to start firefox :(22:21
LjLhisto: sometimes forever22:24

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