
AquinaOh I saw the website update. The bluish Xubuntu 9.04 looks n1ce! :-)00:15
charlie-tca__Glad to hear it. :-)00:15
AquinaThe idea with the sun is great.00:16
Aquina(those rays)00:16
charlie-tca__Let knome know that00:16
Aquinak ;)00:16
Beldingi tried the live cd, its great00:17
charlie-tca__Glad you like it.00:17
AquinaWell I/we cannot cause we're tied to 8.04. But I'm gonna give it a try in a few weeks on my private system.00:17
Xubuntu___rulesWhy can't i get a free Xubuntu CD with ShipIT service?00:36
cody-somervilleXubuntu___rules, Xubuntu isn't available via shipit00:39
Xubuntu___rulesWhy? And, when will it, if you know?00:39
Xubuntu___rulesI mean, it would be really nice if we had Xubuntu CD's00:42
R1cochetis there a torrent for new release?01:21
charlie-tca__Any mirror has torrent files: http://xubuntu.org/get01:22
R1cochetthank you01:22
charlie-tca__no problem01:23
R1cochetany better to do reinstall over upgrade?01:24
Kangarooowhy xubuntu 9.04 dont have guest possibility like ubuntu?02:00
cody-somervilleKangarooo, it does02:00
Kangarooowell in ubntu 9.04 i can click username and then from choose panel i can choose shutdown or restart and so on and also Guest.. i have xubuntu 9.04 and nope there is no guest..02:02
cody-somervilleKangarooo, You just need to create a launcher to run /usr/share/gdm/guest-session/guest-session-launch02:05
Kangarooocody-somerville: in ubuntu i have option to load guest without logging out - its preinstalled.. guest cant get in if normal user is not logged...02:05
Kangarooook for me if ill need it.. just thinking about just users.. :)02:06
Kangarooomaybe in xfce it needs to impemented? i dont know does gnome has that option made?02:07
psychiccan someone help me configure my display drivers?02:16
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:23
Kangarooohttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/gdm-guest-login how to add corectly this as wishlist to xubuntu project and to witch one?02:25
psychicdo u know how to fix display problems02:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about report02:30
Kangarooook so is it problem with card?02:31
Kangarooopsychic: do u have launchpad or ubuntu forum login registered?02:32
Kangaroooi think 4 video card problems try posting like this one http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=705386302:33
psychici dont know02:38
psychickangarooo i know other people had the same prob on the same computer02:38
psychicnot mine just the same model02:39
psychici fixed i once and then i made the mistakeof using restore02:39
Kangarooowhat restore?02:39
psychicso it reverted to 800x600 instead of 1024x76802:39
psychicpress esc at start up02:40
psychicand i used the restore to last good config02:40
psychici did that to try to fix some other problems02:40
Kangaroooaah.. ok i think there must be file with saved settings i just dnot know where.. we can ask others.. who knows where is x settings storred? so the old x conf file can be found?02:41
psychicyea that would benice02:42
psychicis it  in etc/x11/?02:42
Kangaroooeverytime settings are changed config file makes new copy.. or something like that02:42
psychicyea i have a few versions of the configs i notcice02:42
psychicshould i just try deleting te new one?02:43
Kangaroooi know that config has system whitch makes copys..02:43
psychici though it might02:43
Kangaroooits very usefull for experts but not 4 me :)02:43
Kangarooowell not until im expert also :)02:43
Kangaroooi dont see.. anyone can help with this problem?02:45
psychiccan i put a screen shot in pastebin02:49
Kangaroootwitpic.. what more temp pic pastebin webs are ther?02:51
ballKangarooo: imagebin.org02:52
Kangaroooyes good thx :) maybe ubuntu bug reports need new  image bin? and make together with capture image programm - copy to pastebin02:54
Kangarooooops copy to imagebin.. auto upload auto open link02:54
acalbazaok... silly question... my update manager does not show an update for 9.04?02:54
psychickangarooo can i send u a screen shot? maybe u could tell me if i'm looking at the right files for x02:54
Kangaroooor auto upload auto copy link...02:54
acalbazarunning ibex02:54
Kangaroooput in imagebin- many ppl will see and first with answer will help02:55
Kangarooogive link02:55
acalbazahow else can i upgrade if update manager does not show an update option?02:58
telavivIs there a difference between installing ubuntu then and installing xfce-desktop, and installing xubuntu?03:02
psychicfor some reason it wont work03:02
psychici uploaded it03:03
psychicbut it isnt showing up03:03
Kangaroooacalbaza: what verison u have?03:03
psychici have been doing it for 7 minuts now03:03
Kangarooopsychic: why in launchpad i cant put that bug also affects distribution xubuntu? Also affects distribution/package03:04
psychici dont know03:04
psychicthats ur post?03:04
Kangarooomaybe some one else knows :)03:04
* ball can't figure out Launchpad03:04
ballI got my photo on there and that's about the limit of my Launchpad prowess03:05
psychici couldn't figure out outlook lol03:05
* Kangarooo is try to digga and figga aut Lauchpad03:05
ballpsychic: that reminds me, I need to install a VNC viewer03:05
psychicno problem03:06
psychichey ball u know anything about display problems03:06
Kangarooo4 2monts already :) and also to figa launchpad way of use for ubuntus03:06
psychici am normaly in ubuntu channel03:06
ballpsychic: what's the issue?03:06
psychicthen i relised i had xubuntu03:06
psychicthere over 1000 people in there at any time03:06
psychici am only getting as much as 800x60003:06
ballpsychic: the regional channels are a nice way to avoid that.03:06
psychici need higher res03:07
ballpsychic: what is your display adaptor?03:07
Kangarooomaybe there is no way to report that distribution has problem with xubuntu couse they totaly similar only window sistem changes?03:07
psychicit might be a trident cyberblade does that sound right?03:07
ballpsychic: I don't know.  What does lspci say?03:07
psychicball http://pastebin.com/m48e6956503:08
ballpsychic: it may be worth pasting just line 16 into #xorg along with a "how do I choose the right driver for this?"03:10
ball...or check out their Web site.03:10
psychicwell last time i had this prob i had to comment out a line now i cant remember how03:11
psychicball the prob is i did the restore to last good config and that messed it up do u know how to go back to the previous configuration?03:12
ballpsychic: I've never had that problem in Xubuntu, so I don't know, sorry.03:13
Kangarooomy experience says best is to put all max info about problem in launchpad and then check it next day.. and answer al questions.. and put what could it be affecting.. so ubuntu xubuntu xorg xfce03:15
Kangarooopsychic: was my forum link usefull with commands?03:15
natjois it normal for the auto upgrade to go slow on day of release because usually it is going ~200kB/s but today i'm getting ~50kB/s?03:17
psychicno i didnt read much  what is it again?03:17
psychicu know if u go into #ubuntu u might be able to get that answer03:17
psychictheir normaly quite assistful03:17
Kangarooowell there are all commands 4 video info getting03:18
natjookay i'll re-ask there03:18
psychicwhats the link?03:18
Kangarooopsychic: i think this problem is completley affecting ubuntu also03:18
psychicwell amoung other things03:18
psychicit would require a more intelligent and effortful society to accomplish a ubuntu based world lol03:19
psychickangarooo u agree?03:19
Kangaroooxubuntu is just a flavor of ubuntu so all problems of xubuntu affects ubuntu. i think 4 video card problems try posting like this one http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7053863 or like this hmmm i cant find other link but it had all commands i used and the more info the bug is hotter and it helped getting bug done with next update :)03:24
Kangarooowell i have one problem not done.. i recomment contact also ubuntu loco team in ur lcation.. i have one in latvia but ill now lead it since it has no movement and false leader- just a linux person but noone 4 ubuntu03:25
psychickangarooo what do u think about this one, what would be the best flavor for a toshiba satallite laptop  2.66ghz  with 512mgs of ram onboard grphics bring the ram down to 470..03:26
ballbrb, need yoghurt03:27
Kangaroooput max possible ram and xubuntu if u need 4 fast .. if u dont need network neighborhood and dont have other partitions take xubuntu.. if network neighorhood needed - sebd me info how to get it.. couse i couldnt or take ubuntu03:28
psychici have both only use xubuntu with the ubuntu intrepid desktop03:29
Kangaroootake latest 9.04 version xubuntu and install with friends while catching sun and also make them see live03:29
Kangarooo*i mean try on they comps live cd :)03:30
Kangaroooi have also both but im waiting  when xubuntu will be easy network neighrhooding.. also using dropbox- good thing when xubuntu will have good NN ill just pop all config to it and on clean install get all back :) and with good NN ill baackup to closest PC :)03:32
ballhello kromar03:52
kromari installed windows and wanted to ask whats the easiest way to get the grub loader working again03:52
ballI don't know.03:54
ball...perhaps it's possible from the livecd though03:54
Kangaroooi !google windows ubuntu grub03:57
kromarthnaks for the links:D gona read and try it03:58
Kangaroookromar: thats really no pronblem.. done that 2 times :)04:01
kromarya looks really simple04:04
kromararr i cant start it from the cd:/04:06
kromaror is it possible to start the 32 bit version to make it for the 64 bit version?04:07
Kangarooowhy not? kromar04:10
kromardont know:D04:12
Kangaroooshut down pc put cd and start04:12
Kangaroooand put the correct 64 or 32 version04:13
kromaris there a way to get the correct hd, partition for it? im not exactly sure where i put it, its on the first harddrive that one im sure but im not sure which partition..04:14
kromarits sda1 in the partition editor04:14
kromarwould that be hd0,0?04:14
Kangaroooeeem.. well if u have ubuntu live then start in live mode and check in some system or partition manager..04:16
Kangaroooand besides- u can change it many times to nr 1 or n2..04:16
kromarthe partition manager only says /dev/sda104:17
kromarwell the a is for the first harddisk and 1 for the first partition if im not wrong... so that would be hd0,0 right?04:18
kromarsweet worked perfect:D04:21
Kasm279i messed up dpkg :(04:21
kromaronly the name of the windofs is still an old one04:21
Kangaroooi dont know.. if i remember orectly then i have in bios second HDA to start and from there grub load hda0,404:22
Kasm279wat do i do:04:23
Kasm279E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:23
Kasm279E: _cache->open() failed, please report.04:23
Kangarooou installed updates?04:24
Kangaroooi think it continues where it stopped when next time started..04:24
Kasm279i was installing apps and my laptop completely and utterly froze04:25
Kasm279it happened with kubuntu, too04:25
Kasm279(befor i changed to xubuntu)04:25
Kasm279is anyone there?04:29
* Kasm279 leaves04:31
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.04:31
Adityadid anyone notice that the xubuntu alternate CD doesn't work without an Internet connection?05:05
AdityaXubuntu 9.0405:05
AdityaIt tries to download the release file and then aborts.05:05
Moodhow do i check the version of my xubuntu?06:40
Florin23uname -a06:41
Mooduname only shows linux version. i want xubuntu version06:42
Florin23uname -m06:42
Moodcody-somerville: are you around?06:43
Florin23uname -r06:43
Florin23uname -v06:44
tavastiMood, check what you have in /etc/apt/sources.list06:57
Moodtavasti: i found the solution: either lsb_release -a, or cat /etc/issue should do the trick ;-)06:58
tavastiin general, /etc/issue can be anything (admin may change it), but that lsb_*, that's interesting, thanks07:02
Moodooh- i don't like the ugly lines separating the apps in the panel07:04
Moodin xfce 4.607:04
Moodhmm... xubuntu 8.10->9.04 upgrade re-installs packages i removed... interesting...07:16
=== freego is now known as Guest32352
Hetorjust upgraded to jaunty09:15
Hetoris it possible to edit system sound theme?09:23
Sinisterhave the church services started yet ?09:38
Hetorsound stopped working10:08
Hetordamn alsa10:12
R1cochetwhat about it?10:13
Hetorit just crashes every day and all I can do about it is restarting my comp10:15
R1cochetwhat version of xubuntu?10:15
Hetorit also happened in interpid10:16
R1cochetno probs on intrepid for me10:16
R1cocheti just ran jaunty on live cd and there was an option to run oss10:17
TheSheepHetor: check the logs in /var/log, the ones with .0 are from the previous boot10:17
R1cochethi TheSheep10:19
R1cochetany1 know why xubuntu doesnt come w/ OOo3?10:19
HetorTheSheep: which one should I check?10:21
ablomenR1cochet, because open office is huge and heavy, but offcourse you can install it with add/remove software10:21
TheSheepHetor: messages for start10:25
tavastiis do-release-upgrade ok method for upgrading xubuntu, or should I use some GUI tool for it?10:43
tavastirelease notes recommends GUI10:45
basajaunproblem mounting ntfs usb drive after upgrade to 9.04                          -----12:46
TheSheep!bugs | basajaun12:47
ubottubasajaun: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots12:47
basajaunI am looking for a solution12:53
TheSheepbasajaun: there might be a solution documented on teh bugtracker12:54
TheSheepif someone already reported a similar bug12:54
M0m023Excuse me I am pretty new to xubuntu 9.04 I just changed over from ubuntu today... Works fine. But my Wifi PCMCIA Card with Atheros Chipset is not found. The documentation for ubuntu said it should work out of the box... Somebody know where i should look to find a solution?12:56
TheSheepM0m023: system->hardware drivers doesn't list it?12:57
M0m023btw it stoped working on ubuntu 9.04 rc12:57
TheSheepM0m023: how about lspci?12:57
M0m023lspci shows this: Atheros Communications Inc. Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)12:58
M0m023but iwconfig nothing12:58
TheSheepM0m023: anything related to it in dmesg | less ?12:58
TheSheepM0m023: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113416512:59
M0m023thanks to all i will try the thread13:00
M0m023dmsg | less shows nothing13:00
M0m023sorry to fast13:04
M0m023dmesg | less shows me : "[    0.000000]  BIOS-e820: 000000003ff7e000 - 000000003ff80000 (ACPI NVS) :" in the last line and i dont get back to the command line nor can i close it via alt+q or ctr+c13:06
TheSheepyou can scroll with arrows and pgup/pgdown, and quit with q13:08
M0m023what shall i look for?13:09
TheSheepsomething about loading kernel module for your card, and any errors with ti13:09
M0m023will do thanks!13:09
FoxkehHey, guys, guess what?13:11
TheSheepyou upgraded and somethng broke13:12
FoxkehLol, no.13:12
FoxkehI've so far only uninstalled 8.10.13:12
FoxkehBut, instead of Jaunty breaking on me, I'm gonna upgrade to Ubuntu!13:12
TheSheephardware upgrade along the way?13:13
FoxkehWell, ok, so it may break.13:13
FoxkehThat's the cool thing, my five year old computer can run it, it disables Compiz on me, but who cares? I wanted Gnome.13:13
TheSheepgood for you13:13
M0m023[ 4510.179279] ath_hal: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.13:13
M0m023[ 4510.181783] ath_hal: (AR5210, AR5211, AR5212, RF5111, RF5112, RF2413, RF5413)13:13
M0m023[ 4510.205240] wlan: 0.9.413:13
M0m023[ 4510.217319] ath_pci: 0.9.413:13
M0m023is what i thinkcould be related13:14
M0m023no errsors13:14
TheSheepM0m023: looks like it loads fine13:14
FoxkehSo, any bugs with Xubuntu 9.04?13:14
M0m023i think wlan1 is my usb wifi13:14
TheSheepM0m023: you did check if your didn't disable wifi with some button or something?13:15
M0m023i am online via wifi with the usb stick but iwant my better atheros pcmcia card to work13:15
M0m023TheSheep: just a fresh install of xubuntu13:16
TheSheepM0m023: some laptops have a button to disable wifi...13:16
M0m023TheSheep: I Have a thinkpad t30 there is no button sorry13:17
TheSheepM0m023: it would be an easy solution ;)13:20
TheSheepM0m023: you could try to search teh forums further, and the bugtracker13:20
TheSheepand maybe also ask at #ubuntu, as this is not specific to xubuntu13:20
M0m023TheSheep: would have been very happy if it was that :) Will do thanks!13:21
* Pres-Gas sighs13:33
Pres-GasWhat a pretty little distro we have.13:34
Pres-GasThis is the FIRST time I have not had to change GDM and the first time I have done minimal tweaking to the xfce goodies13:34
PhotoguyAre there any good servers for Xubuntu 9.04? Maybe a good torrent?13:46
PhotoguyRight now it's only going 30kbs13:47
SiDiPhotoguy, the french update servers are up at the moment13:59
SiDiive got 600kB/s, my max bandwidth13:59
PhotoguySiDi, This one?   France (free.fr)14:00
SiDiSec, Photoguy14:00
SiDiFree will be overloaded during the day14:01
SiDiIs there any related to the university of nantes ?14:01
PhotoguyI don't see any..14:01
PhotoguyThey are all according to country14:01
SiDiThey have an huge bandwidth and usually no downloaders14:02
PhotoguyOh, I was talking about Xubuntu14:02
SiDiGonna find the direct URI to their mirrors :)14:03
SiDithey have xubuntu too14:03
PhotoguyOh, really?14:03
* Photoguy joins the search14:04
SiDiActually they dont :@14:04
SiDithey have edu and ku but not xu :(14:04
SiDiI'll have to mail them...14:04
SiDiftp://ftp.free.fr/mirrors/ftp.xubuntu.com/releases/9.04/release/ try these, or try the torrent14:05
PhotoguyOh well, mine is going a reasonable 100kbps14:05
SiDitorrents should be well-seeded14:05
SiDianyways if you're having trouble, free.fr got an awesome bandwidth in the mornings :P but will half of france downloading on their servers by the evening, their bandwidth then falls a little14:06
PhotoguyThat's where I am, but I'm doing the normal download14:06
PhotoguyWhat country are you in?14:06
PhotoguySiDi ^14:07
SiDiIn france :P14:07
PhotoguyAh, I'm Israel..14:08
PhotoguySame as Germany time.14:08
SiDiFree.fr is the 3rd ISP here. they got bleeding-edge network (and the worst ever tech support), and they offer websites with FTPs for anyone in france, even if not a client :P14:08
Slonkiegmt +114:08
SiDii got 20gbs of storage space there :)14:08
SiDiYeh its gmt+1 here too14:08
PhotoguySiDi, Did you email them?14:27
SiDiI will, one day.. :P14:29
PhotoguyNo problem..14:30
PhotoguyMine speeded up..14:30
PhotoguyBut it keeps slowing down.14:31
=== NCommander is now known as Guest73647
=== Guest73647 is now known as NCommander
penguen_hi. how do you spell xubuntu?15:37
Pres-GasYou got it penguen_15:37
penguen_thanks :)15:39
Kerioxubuntu or regular ubuntu, thats the question :)15:52
sartsthat's like: cappuchino or latte15:53
charlie-tcaI go with Xubuntu everytime.15:53
sartshow do you want a decent answer? ;)15:53
=== freego is now known as forces
Kerioomg, 10MB/s from ftp!15:54
Kerionice mirrors :)15:54
charlie-tcaAnd that is only the beginning15:54
Kerioif i install xubuntu, is it hard to change which os to boot first in grub?15:55
Kerioif i decide to keep xp15:55
charlie-tcayou simply edit /boot/grub/menu.lst15:55
sartsit isn't hard :)15:55
Kerioyea? "gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" and then change it?15:56
Keriothe order15:56
Kerioshould work wright?15:57
Keriohmm, right or wright15:57
Kerioforgetting my english15:57
charlie-tcagksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change the default  0 on line 14 or so to the number of the OS you want to boot first15:58
Kerio0 = to boot first=15:59
Kerio1 = boot second?15:59
charlie-tca0 is the first entry down at the bottom of the file. After you get it installed, you count the entries down to what you want to boot first16:00
Keriookok, thx. I'll give it a shot16:00
charlie-tcamine is 5, for the fifth entry16:01
Keriothat easy ey? :)16:01
Kerioburning a copy know16:01
Keriogparted can resize partitions without causing catastrophy - right?16:02
charlie-tcaYou should always backup what you do not want to lose.16:02
Kerioexample, got a 436gb in ntfs where i store stuff. usually no problem resizing it?16:03
Kerionothings foolproof but pretty much?16:04
charlie-tcaI never use ntfs, but have not seen many reports of it giving problems.16:04
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents16:05
Keriook, thx16:06
=== Hetor1 is now known as Hetor
AquinaDo you think it will be possible to upgrade from (X)Ubuntu 8.04 LTS to 11.04LTS? (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades suggests this a bit by saying "The upgrade will not be presented by default because 8.10 is not a Long Term Support (LTS) release.")16:24
SiDiAquina, it will16:24
Aquinathx! :-))16:25
Hetoranyone was having problems with reset button? It doesn't work for me sometimes16:26
SiDiDoes anyone know if we have a baobab xfce equivalent ?16:26
SiDiHetor, ctrl+alt+backspace ?16:26
AquinaSure try: Filelight (Philesight)16:27
SiDiAquina, thanks16:54
SiDiew, its a kde app.16:57
awwaygdmap is about visualization disk space17:07
=== awway is now known as lukinfore
SiDiPfft, no sound now :(17:11
=== Roonux_ is now known as Roonux
theuser1what is the package name for kde 4.1 ? . i have 4.2.2 and what to remove it. but keep its setting and install kde 4.1 ?17:47
J_Litewskiheh, i just fixed a BIOS corruption.17:47
charlie-tcatheuser1: You would have better luck on #kubuntu. We work with Xfce here17:47
J_Litewskinow, does anyone know how to solder a BIOS battery back onto a laptop motherboard?17:48
* SiDi compiling ALSA drivers now. i'll make a clean reinstal next time :x17:48
J_Litewskilol genii17:51
charlie-tcaJ_Litewski: same as a desktop? (use a small soldering iron) ( Never done either one)17:51
J_Litewskii got it taped on atm17:51
J_Litewskiit works, it just takes forever and a day to boot17:51
SiDii have to install a tool (xmlto) that has PulseAudio as a dependency in order to install ALSA. Is this normal ?17:53
charlie-tcaPulseAudio library is normal to install ALSA, but I don't know  why xmlto should be. It is just an XML to ??? conversion tool, isn't it?17:57
charlie-tcaMaybe I worded that wrong, the library is part of Xubuntu installation.17:58
SiDiIt is, charlie-tca18:03
SiDii need it to compile alsa-utils18:03
SiDiand it requires pulseaudio :/18:03
SiDi!info pulseaudio18:04
ubottupulseaudio (source: pulseaudio): PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.14-0ubuntu20 (jaunty), package size 402 kB, installed size 1780 kB18:04
charlie-tcaNot according to dependencies in synaptic package manager, it doesn't seem to18:04
charlie-tcaYou're compiling alsa-utils? Can't just install it?18:05
SiDicharlie-tca, i wanted the latest :P18:07
SiDicause strangely, with the one shipped with jaunty, i was having a poor volume18:07
SiDi(and it erased my changes in modprobe.d/alsa-utils)18:07
SiDi(i ended up with no sound, and pulse launching itself :X)18:07
charlie-tcayeah, I believe alsa-utils will require pulseaudio then.18:08
SiDii wonder why i didnt have xfce4-notifyd installed, too18:08
charlie-tcaI keep trying to avoid pulseaudio, but I suspect it is going to be a forced issue.18:08
SiDii fear so, too18:08
charlie-tcaWe aren't using it, are we?18:08
SiDiWe don't18:09
SiDiwe're still on ALSA afaiik18:09
charlie-tcaI don't have xfce4-notifyd installed. I think we use gnome notify18:09
SiDioh, notifyd ?18:09
charlie-tcaYeah, notifyd18:09
SiDiI installed it but dunno how to launch it :D18:10
SiDiI'm gonna reboot the session to see if the daemon launches18:13
SiDixfce4-notifyd is pretty cool :)18:19
charlie-tcaI have heard that before.18:20
zoredachecan you make it accept notifications from the network?18:20
SiDizoredache, do you mean you ssh and then call notify-send ?18:21
SiDi( charlie-tca i think notify-osd still looks cooler ^^)18:21
charlie-tcaAw, cool, cooler, both are good18:22
SiDiI'll see what features xfce4-notifyd has18:22
SiDiwhat bugs me is that at the moment it seems to put all the notifications above each other18:22
SiDiwhich isnt a great feature18:22
zoredacheno, I want it to accept messages like Growl on OSX by leaving a udp port open and accepting messages from the network18:23
BSESiDi: did you found where is session saved? :D18:24
SiDiBSE : i will NEVER check that box again :D18:24
BSEits in ~/cache18:24
SiDithanks :P18:24
SiDizoredache, i really dont know about that then18:24
xae8kooIs xbuntu worse than ubuntuwith bluetooth?18:25
zoredacheSiDi: no worries, I'll look at it when I get around to upgrading...18:25
charlie-tcaxae8koo: Should be the same.18:25
xae8kooSure? There is a diffrence between kde and xfce...18:25
SiDixae8koo, we use the same packages ;)18:26
SiDiwe use the same bluetooth-applet, and gnome-bluez and obex-ftp packages, afaik18:27
SiDibluetooth works "out of the box" in xubuntu18:27
xae8kooNot with my phone!18:27
SiDiAlt+F2 and +F3 are broken :(18:28
SiDixae8koo, with mine it does. :)18:28
xae8kooSony ericsson k600i18:28
Bensawsomehey guys is there a way to get an xubuntu cd shipped to you? cause i saw the ubuntu one but no xubuntu :(18:29
SiDiBensawsome, not at the moment18:29
xae8kooSiDi: Is the shipping free?18:29
SiDiWe dont have direct canonical support, so we don't have funds for shipping CDs.18:29
Bensawsomeoh ok SiDi :(18:29
zoredacheBensawsome: find a friend that has a cd-burner and bandwidth and ask nicely?18:29
Bensawsomelol yep18:29
xae8kooIS there any other things like xfce that is bether with bluetooth?18:30
zoredachebetter  how18:30
xae8kooThat it can actually pair with my phone18:30
xae8kooAnd stay paired18:31
zoredachedunno, have you tried doing a search for your model of phone and linux and bluetooth?18:31
xae8koozoredache: It didn't work18:37
xae8kooI don't have hidd installed.18:37
xae8kooDo I need bluez-compat for bluetooth?18:38
zerothisI had dual monitor working but it quit. I can use xrandr to make extend my desktop  and drag things to is, but both monitors show only the left of it. or the right (not both, one side per monitor)18:38
zoredacheI really don't know anything about it...18:38
zoredachexae8koo: have you see this?  there may be some tips here.. http://dev.zuckschwerdt.org/openobex/wiki/SupportedPhonesSonyEricsson#SonyEricssonK600iV600iK608i18:38
YashyAnyone using cairo-dock in xubuntu? I have the two panels running at once right now.19:11
AquilaiIs anyone else having problems using the Altgr modifier key?19:34
AquilaiI was trying to assign Altgr+Left to go to previous workspace/Desktop and Altgr+Right to go to next.19:34
AquilaiBut when I press the key combo the keyboard freezes and to go around this I would have to mouse click onto any window's titlebar and press the keyboard button direction opposite to the one that the window is being dragged to.19:36
AquilaiOh I'm using xubuntu 9.04 virtually brand new without any compiz or window related packages installed.19:37
floatingtrying to install xubuntu, but when i boot the cd it lets me choose lang, but when i choose "install xubuntu" or check disc for errors" it freezes19:48
floatingi think i had this exact same problem on other pc elsewhere, but didnt try to solve it19:51
floatinghow cant i find much info for this from google i wonder19:51
Slonkiefloating tried running the live cd19:52
boscopmy friend has a resolution of 800x600 and he can hardly read  anything because the fonts are too small. how can he change the resolution?19:54
floatingtry xubuntu without any change to your computer freezes the pc also19:54
zoredacheboscop: usually that means the video card hasn't been detected properly...   You may need to check to see if you can/should install a restricted driver19:58
floatingcan the cd be defect to make it freeze like this again19:59
zoredachea cd defect could make a system freeze, it could also be insufficent memory, incompatible hardware, or other things20:02
zoredachefloating: btw, how much memory does the computer have20:02
alienkid10this it the eeor: /var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000 near line 1: newline in field name '#padding'" from dpkg --configure -a?20:07
floatingok the cd is bad. how can i burn this so that it works ?20:07
floatingshould i try burning with lower speed ? i have only 1 cd-rw disc, which has been burned over many times. i erase it with the fast method and burn the discs with automatic speed option, but that seem to fail to create a working xubuntu disc20:08
alienkid10this is the error: /var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000 near line 1: newline in field name '#padding'" from sudo dpkg --configure -a?20:10
floatingon another pc, when i choose test memory or any other option, i get a popup that says I/O error , boot cd or something20:10
floatingi try burn the same iso with a lower speed ...20:11
floatingi took a complete erase cd/dvd, but this seem to take a long time, ill report back20:11
alienkid10is there a fix for my problem?20:12
alienkid10or should I jsut reinstall?20:12
floatingwhat does it mean to "finalize" disc or not when burning disc i woner20:19
FoxkehI try running sudo dpkg --configure -a and it keeps saying "Parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000" near line 1:" in there it just says "#padding". Any ideas how to get it to run?20:19
FoxkehNevermind it's this "parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000' near line 1:20:20
Foxkeh newline in field name `#padding'"20:20
floatingi mean i know that much that if i dont finalize, i might burn more to the disc, but as it is not finalized by default, i guess i can burn images like xubuntu disc without finalizing20:20
floatingok, burned with slowest possible (8x) and still freezing. i guess i try burn it with "finalizing" next20:23
SiDiIs anyone having trouble with keyboard shortcuts ?20:33
SiDiI really don't feel like reinstalling intrepid tonight20:33
SlonkieI'M NOT20:34
Slonkiesorry caps.20:34
SiDiDamn it20:34
SiDithey just all stopped working20:34
SiDiwhatever i do..20:34
SiDiGreat, they're absolutely ALL broken. only alt+f4 still works20:36
SiDino more system/xfwm shortcuts20:37
SiDiAnd it completely ignores keyboard settings, too20:37
SlonkieThat's just great20:41
SiDiSlonkie, do you mind doing a ps aux | grep gnome please ,20:42
knomeSiDi, that must be because you whining at #xubuntu-devel all the time lately20:42
SiDiknome, its really a crazy thing :D20:43
SiDiAlpha 3 was SO stable20:43
SiDiand it went worse at each release20:43
knomethat must've been because cody-somerville20:43
SiDibad management :D20:44
SiDiThanks Slonkie20:44
Slonkienp :)20:44
floatingok, the xubuntu desktop cd is freezing. tried burning the image in 4 ways. what is the difference in the alternate cd ?20:44
floatingi mean what advanced options should i try.. well i guess i burn and see. at least it is 700MB while desktop was much smaller20:47
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal20:48
Beldingthe alternate cd's have never done me wrong20:51
Beldingalmost always have issues with the live cd's20:51
SiDi4.6's shortcut manager is COMPLETELY broken :|21:05
cody-somervilleI highly doubt that21:09
Pres-Gascody-somerville, must you always have to examine the wounds?   ;)21:10
=== boscop__ is now known as boscop
Pres-GasHey, kromar21:10
kromarif i want to run linux in virtual box under windows do i need to install it in virtual box or can i load the one i already have on the drive?21:11
zoredacheinstalling on a new virtual hard disk would probably be easier and more standard21:12
SiDiThe culprit seems to be that xfce4 itself wasnt updated during the upgrade process :|21:18
basajaunhi all21:19
linux-hdtvHi, thanks for xubuntu. I tried kubuntu 9.04 and it is still quite buggy. how easy is setting up multimedia etc in xubuntu ?22:21
gartralok, my friend is running xubuntu 9.04, upped from8.10, he doesnt seem to have a gamma correction22:22
SiDilinux-hdtv, as in every other ubuntu22:24
SiDiyou run totem, it tells you what misses22:24
SiDi(or you add medibuntu to your repos and apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-areas)22:24
floatingis there a tutor or a website that gives the recent info on how to install codecs/ flash etc.. and other essential stuff22:26
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:26
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:26
SiDiHere floating22:27
SiDisee above too, you'll need it22:27
Verus2008i updated from ubuntu to xubuntu. how can i use the files from the windows xp partition?22:27
Verus2008like pictures an videos. under ubuntu i could go to the xp partition, under xubuntu not22:28
fifi_I have upgaded my XUBUNTU from 8.10 to 9.04 and now when I move a window I get kicked back to login screen.22:28
fifi_Has anyone seen this?22:29
fifi_Please help.22:29
Verus2008i think here isn anybody who can help me :(22:29
SlonkieYou'll need to mount your windows xp partition22:30
Verus2008but how? i cant see it anywhere22:30
zoredache!ntfs3g | Verus200822:30
ubottuVerus2008: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions22:30
linux-hdtvthanks, sidi, in kubuntu, i installed medibuntu now, but with your second command i get:22:31
linux-hdtvapt-get install ubuntu-restricted-areas22:31
linux-hdtvE: Couldn't find package ubuntu-restricted-areas22:31
SiDisudo apt-get update22:31
SiDito get the packages from medibuntu in your apt cache first22:32
SiDithen aptitude search restricted-area, to check the package's actual name22:32
SiDithen sudo apt-get install <exactname>22:32
knomeit's xubuntu-restricted-extras22:32
* SiDi self slaps.22:32
SiDiI'm really useless today22:32
knomeor are we talking about a different thing? :P22:33
fifi_I have upgaded my XUBUNTU from 8.10 to 9.04 and now when I move a window I get kicked back to login screen.22:33
SiDiknome, he's on kubuntu actually :P thats why i said check package, wasnt sure if restricted areas had flavours22:33
fifi_Does anyone know how to solve this problem with moving windows kicking me out to the login screen?22:34
SiDiNot me :x22:35
SiDiCheck your .xsession-errors file22:36
fifi_Totally new to this... how do I do that?22:36
knomeSiDi, kubuntu-restricted-extras22:36
SiDififi_, you can just open it with your favourite text editor22:37
SiDiwe might have to need you to put it on a pastebin22:37
knomefifi_, alt+f2 > mousepad /home/yourusername/.xsession-errors22:37
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:37
fifi_welp... I'm having to IRC on a different system because after that Xubuntu upgrade I literally can't do anything22:38
fifi_I'll go find the errors file...22:39
SiDififi_, tell us if you see something weird22:40
SiDiesp. beginning with 'EE'22:40
gorguthey guys, I just upgraded to jaunty and I'm having issues with pulsaudio. Are there any known bugs?22:42
SiDigorgut, did you use to have GNOME too ?22:43
SiDigorgut, the first thing i did was sudo aptitude purge pulseaudio, then things related to sound went much better22:43
SiDiyou can reinstall it after if you want, though22:43
gorgutSiDi, no, upgraded directly from xubuntu 8.1922:43
gorgutSiDi, err... 8.1022:44
SiDigorgut, i mean, did you ever had gnome/kde before on this 8.10 install ?22:44
gorgutSiDi, nope. always xfce22:44
SiDithen you're not meant to have PA at all, afaik :|22:44
SiDianyways, try to remove it and you'll see if any app asks for it as a dependency22:45
SiDihere i've been having sound till it was removed :D22:45
linux-hdtvsidi, may i ask you, i installed the restricted modules with synaptic now, looks like it added 2 server entries in my boot options, and since i use a usb keyboard i can not select the standard boot.22:49
linux-hdtvhow can i remove the server boot options ?22:50
linux-hdtvfrom the cli ?22:50
SiDirestricted areas doesnt add anything to boot entries :p22:50
SiDiits just a set of codecs22:50
SiDibut you can remove them by editing /etc/apt/sources.list22:50
linux-hdtvi need to remove grub/lilo entries, sidi ...22:51
zoredacheremoving the entries in /etc/apt/sources.list wouldn't remove the codes or a new kernel...22:51
SiDi/boot/grub/menu.lst sorry22:51
SiDiand i really don't know about lilo :x22:51
SiDizoredache, i'm *really* in a bad state :(22:51
linux-hdtvthanks, i hope it is using grub22:51
SiDiAll my apologizes.22:52
zoredachelinux-hdtv: use a command like 'dpkg -l | grep linux-image' to see the installed kernel images. use a command like apt-get purge package to remove the one you didn't want22:53
basajaunupgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 and hell, modules error, usb ntfs drives don't mount, wine entry in app menu disappears and appeard at random and system is much slower than under 8.10, irony is , if I log into the kernel its tells me I am in jaunty no errors and its a beautiful system what is going on ?22:54
zoredacheperhaps you manualy compiled your own video drivers or something and you haven't recompiled for the newer kernel?22:56
madocMay I ask a question here about my new upgrade in Xubuntu?22:58
zoredache!ask | madoc22:59
ubottumadoc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:59
madocAfter my upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04, when I MAXIMIZE any window on my desk top I get kicked out of the session and returned to the login screen.  Help?23:00
linux-hdtvthanks sidi, that worked.23:00
zoredachemadoc: I would guess it is something related to your video card, or video drivers... I don't know how you would need to troubleshot or fix that though23:03
madocIs there a setting I can tweak that has to do with maximizing a window that will not cause my system to close the session?23:03
alec-xubuntuI have installed a wireless card, but it only works if i open a terminal and ifconfig eth0 down. How can i configure eth0 to be down when xubuntu starts? Also is there a way to get the wireless card to auto connect without needing to click on the ring main thing?23:04
linux-hdtvi did the purge, thanks zoredache.23:05
madoczoredache -- this system worked perfectly with 8.10 and all the preceeding versions.  Why would it fail now?23:05
linux-hdtvi have sound in kde, but not in mplayer playing avi.23:05
zoredachemadoc: maybe something about the new kernel, or an updated video driver or whatever introduced a bug...23:06
alec-xubuntuoh and hi ^_^23:07
madocso much else is working, Zorodache, is there anyway to diagnoze this.  When I maximize a window there is a brief moment when it shows a blue screen -- like it is choking -- and then bang -- new login screen again.23:08
linux-hdtvSiDi, thanks for the help, i hope you get good sleep soon.23:10
SiDihiya alec-xubuntu :) I don't know about the eth0 issue, but your network-manager should auto connect to networks on which you previously connected; you can right click, edit connections, edit your connection and then ensure that the "auto connect" box is checked, though23:10
SiDilinux-hdtv, cheers23:10
zoredachemadoc: I suspect I would be tempted to try running from the livecd for a bit to see if a) the video works b) the crash/bug happens23:11
alec-xubuntuSidi, i think i have manually configured a wired connection, but it doesnt appear in the network manager. Where can i check to see if it is configured somewhere?23:11
madocI'm a total beginner and really just hoping to get this system working like it was.  I could even live WITHOUT ever maximizing a window EXCEPT that firefox is opejning up in a Maximized state and that will cause the crash as well.23:12
zoredacheif it doesnt' happen in the 9.04 livecd, then that would seem to indicate that there is something broken about your setup...23:12
SiDialec-xubuntu, wired or wireless ? anyways Right Click the network-manager's tray icon (usually looking like 2 computers), then "Edit connections"23:13
madocmy cd drive is screwed on this system -- I upgraded off of the update manager.  Is there anyway I can reinstall this OS without a working CD drive23:13
alec-xubuntuSiDi the wired connection is the one thats causing the problem. I configured the wired connection before intalling the network manager, and now it doesnt look like it has a wired connection however when i use ifconfig after a boot, eth0 is configured with a static ip, even though its not plugged in. I remember configuring it, but i dont remember how i configured it. Im fairly sure i didnt use the network manager23:15
alec-xubuntuSiDi thank you for you time too =)23:15
ramb0Good afternoon ...23:15
zoredachealec-xubuntu: try editing your /etc/network/interfaces... if you had a static set, maybe it is still set there23:16
ramb0Anybody has tried to connect to the Ubuntu Xserver thru the LAN?23:17
linux-hdtvsound is workin in avi now too, thanks all :-)23:17
zoredacheramb0: connect how?  using what service?23:17
alec-xubuntuzoredache spot on mate! it was in there, thanks!23:17
zoredachealec-xubuntu: you could change eth0 back to dhcp, or you could simply remove the 'auto eth0 or allow-hotplug eth0' lines23:18
MaxweOkay, so here's my scenario: I had been using a programme called "Mnemosyne" (http://mnemosyne-proj.org/index.php) for a LONG time on 8.10, and now that I just upgraded to 9.04, it won't open at all. This is really screwing me up and I need some sort of solution, or a quick, easy way of downgrading so I can export my information from the programme, upgrade again, then re-install this programme on the new system and import the information. ANY IDEAS?!?!?23:18
MaxweI'm freaking out a little :P23:18
ramb0I just have an Ubuntu box without monitor....23:18
alec-xubuntuhmm i just outright deleted it23:18
ramb0I just tried this in the host :  xhost +23:19
Maxwe: '(23:19
MaxweAny ideas people?23:19
zoredacheramb0: did you just set the server up?  have you install an ssh server?23:20
ramb0 yes of course23:20
madoczoredache -- I have gone back to the update manager and been told I need a partial instal... when I click to complete this the update manager fails.  Do you know the code in the terminal for this?  Maybe that will make it work.23:20
knomeMaxwe, if you run the app on terminal, what does it output?23:21
MaxweI cannot remember how to run it on terminal.23:21
MaxweI haven't had to set up my system in ages.23:21
zoredachemadoc: try doing a 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' in the terminal23:21
Maxwe(Xubuntu is wonderfully stable and is, obviously, the shit)23:21
knomeMaxwe, open the terminal from the applications menu and try mnemosyne23:21
madocthanks BRB23:21
MaxweTraceback (most recent call last):23:21
Maxwe  File "/usr/bin/mnemosyne", line 4, in <module>23:21
Maxwe    import pkg_resources23:21
Maxwe  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 2562, in <module>23:21
Maxwe    working_set.require(__requires__)23:21
Maxwe  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 626, in require23:21
Maxwe    needed = self.resolve(parse_requirements(requirements))23:21
Maxwe  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 524, in resolve23:22
Maxwe    raise DistributionNotFound(req)  # XXX put more info here23:22
Maxwepkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: Mnemosyne==1.223:22
MaxweThat is what I receive.23:22
zoredache!pastebin | Maxwe23:22
ubottuMaxwe: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:22
MaxweOh yeah.23:22
MaxweLol, forgot about that.23:22
MaxweOh well, I wouldn't really call that a flood, seeing as how so little actual talk is going on right now :P23:22
MaxweBut yes, that's the output.23:22
alec-xubuntuHow can i prompt xubuntu to open the update wizard? im on 8.1023:23
zoredacheMaxwe: the 'DistributionNotFound' seems like it might be telling that the distro isn't supported23:23
zoredachehave you checked to see if there are updates23:24
ramb0Hey people: Can anybody tellme how can I enable Ubuntu to answer XDMCP requests?23:24
MaxweThere are none.23:24
MaxweBut yes, I did check :D23:24
MaxweI think the quickest option would perhaps be to downgrade my system?23:26
zoredacheMaxwe: perhaps... but there is no way to do a downgrade other then to backup, format, reinstall, and restore your data23:27
MaxweWell..that is shit, isn't it.23:27
MaxweAny ideas then? :P23:27
zoredachemake a backup before you do an upgrade next time, so it is easier to go back...23:28
knomeMaxwe, try to contact the developer about this bug? :P23:28
MaxweI realized that after I had started the process, but it was being a bitch.23:28
MaxweKnome: somehow I doubt that would be a quick, efficient solution.23:28
MaxweAnd everyone forgets to back up once in a while.23:28
ramb0ZOREDACHE: what I want to do is connect to ubunto via XDMCP. is it possible?23:28
ubottuxdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ to find out how to configure it23:29
zoredacheramb0: Yes it is possible, but I haven't done it...    I know that there are docs on the ltsp portion of the wiki23:29
ubottuLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project23:29
MaxweSo knome/zoredache: any better ideas? :P23:30
knomeMaxwe, try to contact the developer about this bug? :P23:30
MaxweThere isn't just some easy way to dowgrade?23:31
MaxweWell that's really inefficiently designed then.23:32
ramb0thankyou very much.23:32
zoredacheMaxwe: can you point to any other major OS that allows easy downgrading from a major update?23:32
knomeMaxwe, there is a reason why you can't downgrade.23:32
zoredacheosx, doesn't, windows doesn't....23:32
MaxweBut when one upgrades in windoze, things still work.23:33
knomeMaxwe, not *all* the apps.23:33
MaxweDude...I ran windoze for YEARS.23:33
knomeMaxwe, dude, so did i.23:33
MaxweI'm about to finish year one on Xubuntu.23:33
MaxweBut I cannot recall ever having any big problems like this with windoze.23:33
zoredacheMaxwe: my experience strongly disagrees....  (I doen tech support for windows for years)23:34
MaxweThe only drawbacks were the billions of viruses, malware, and other shit.23:34
SiDiMaxwe, since when can windows upgrade ?23:34
MaxweYou can install over a windoze system.23:34
knomeMaxwe, it's day two after release. sooner or later that bug will be fixed.23:34
SiDiinstall over, yes. upgrade from win a to win b, no23:34
knomeMaxwe, and it's not actually ubuntu's fault that the app doesn't work.23:34
MaxweStill though, why should it make a difference?23:35
MaxweDo they edit it THAT much every release?23:35
MaxweDo they totally rebuild the kernal or something?23:35
SiDiThey edit *a lot* of things every release. They don't only add 2 lines to their kernel23:35
zoredacheMaxwe: dependancies... the application must depend on versions of libraries that have been changed23:35
knomeno, but seemingly the app creator wants to keep that bizarre check on.23:35
SiDialec-xubuntu, you mean the "update-manager" ?23:36
alec-xubuntuSidi ... oh dear, that sounds highly likely23:36
zoredacheit might be possible to simply setup the application in virtualbox or to build a intrepid chroot to run the app from23:36
alec-xubuntuSidi thanks, this is precisely what i was after23:37
SiDialec-xubuntu, :)23:37
mib_i83nzjnghello, xubuntu noob here23:37
SiDihello mib_i83nzjng23:37
mib_i83nzjngi seem to have broken my xubuntu somehow23:37
zoredachemib_i83nzjng: we need specifics... what happened, what is broke, what have you tried....23:38
SiDirebooting x23:38
SiDioh, btw, whats the package that puts the "kill x" shortcut back ?23:39
mib_i83nzjngwhen i try to start my computer i get an error message like system tray not found23:39
mib_i83nzjngi don't see any panels anymore23:39
mib_i83nzjngall i see is my desktop23:40
knomemib_i83nzjng, alt+f2 > xfce4-panel23:40
mib_i83nzjngso i'm unable to start any apps or anything23:40
mib_i83nzjnglemme go try23:40
SiDiShortcuts still not working :( what did i miss :(23:43
mib_i83nzjngoh sweet! there is a panel now! thankyou thankyou23:44
knomemib_i83nzjng, np.23:44
mib_i83nzjngmay i also ask, what's the best way to terminate an unresponsive app?23:45
knomemib_i83nzjng, xkill. i'm not sure if ctrl+esc was the default shortcut for it.23:46
SiDiI think it was ctrl+Alt+escape23:46
SiDihard to check right now though :D23:46
knomehighlt possible.23:46
mib_i83nzjngahh i see, ctl-alt-escape seems to be it23:49
mib_i83nzjngthanks again everyone for the help!23:49
MaxweOkay, never mind.23:53
MaxweProblem solved, thank you people.23:53
MaxweEverything works, life is good.23:53
MaxweXubuntu is the shit.23:53
SiDiSomeone minds banning his nickname ? ><'23:54
zoredachewho, wha?23:55
SiDi<Maxwe> Xubuntu is the shit.23:55
zoredachehe wasn't registered... there really wouldn't be much point... plus, he meant that it was good23:56
zoredacheit is slightly offensive, but I doubt he will be back, and if he is, I suspect a simple warning would discourage his choice of language....23:57
SiDiyou're right.23:57

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