
TheDraclematrix_, System->Administration->Hardware Drivers00:00
Nullifi3di seem to have a problem with my eth000:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about notify00:00
Nullifi3danyone available to help?00:00
crdlbrussianzilla: it has no options00:00
qbrixIs it me or is downloading from ubuntu for packages really slow00:00
gvfaewgrgasus eah2600 pro AGP00:00
crdlbqbrix: the mirrors are overloaded00:00
h00k!slow | qbrix00:00
ubottuqbrix: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.00:00
jdu!slow | qbrix00:00
FirefisheNullifi3d:  What seems to be your primary issue?00:00
corhereDue to limitations in my video hardware, for me to have a multi-monitor configuration, I need to set it up so that the two monitors are virtually placed vertically. Is there any way to set up X so that it can act as if it were set up so that the two monitors are arranged horizontally? i.e. I could move my mouse to the second screen from the right side of the first, instead of the bottom00:00
xmrkitejdu: no, actually, none of the files are larger than a single dvd00:00
Nullifi3dwell it drops every now and then for unknown reasons00:00
xmrkitejust bunches of small files00:00
russianzillacrdlb: Oh, ok, just wondering. Thanks for all your help!00:00
gvfaewgrgit worked fine under 8.1000:00
TheDraclecorecode, I have twin-view...00:00
qbrixah, thought so00:00
Nullifi3dill have to either go into terminal and type ifconfig or disable/enable to get it to start working again00:01
FFEMTcJI got this error: Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "globalmenu-gnome": libglobalmenu-gnome.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory when I tried to run gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list - Any idea?00:01
loshercougarten: unless you can reproduce it, it's hard to justify filing a bug. If you're willing to keep the corrupted partition around in case an ext4 developer decides they'd like to look at it, I know what I'd do (reinstall with ext3 and leave it to the more skilled filesystem gurus to work out)00:01
TheDraclecorecode, Are you sure your hardware can't support it?00:01
matrix_h00k: it shows nvidia version 180 recommended is activated00:01
FirefisheNullifi3d:  Hmm.  Are you connected to a router/switch?00:01
Nullifi3dim on a switch behind who knows what00:01
h00kmatrix_, if it's active, you'll see a green light, have you restarted since you've activated it?00:01
Nullifi3dim at an appartment complex00:01
TheDraclematrix_, ctrl-alt-backspace will do the trick too.00:01
corhereTheDracle: i am assuming you are talking to me, and yeah, the hardware cannot support it. Max virtual resolution is 2048x2048 with DRI00:01
wall-ei annoyed because when i installed jaunty 9.04 it froze my pc00:01
FirefisheNullifi3d:  *That* can be problematic.  Cable connection?00:01
h00kTheDracle, ctrl+alt+backspace is disabled by default in 9.0400:02
Nullifi3dits prob fiber00:02
gvfaewgrgminime: any ideeas ?00:02
TheDracleh00k, ... That's retarded.00:02
Mint`!dontzap | h00k00:02
ubottuh00k: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »00:02
FFEMTcJTheDracle: http://chrisjohnston.org/2009/re-enable-ctrl-alt-backspace-90400:02
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Nullifi3di dont have problems otherwise00:02
h00kMint`, I'm aware.00:02
BY-0_Sorry but i m french00:02
wall-eso i restarted and had no working gui so i booted into safe mode and fixed the broken pachages! now runns shafty00:02
Nullifi3dmy windows box never has issues00:02
losherall: to all who recommended dvd progs, I actually meant progs that would take avi files and let me convert to DVD adding my own menus.00:02
JordanCHoi folks :)00:02
matrix_h00k: you mean to restart ubuntu to activate nvidia i did that when i installed ubuntu00:02
h00k!fr | BY-0_00:02
FirefisheNullifi3d:  I see.  I would, at the very least, call your ISP and tell them you have drop issues.  Are you also using win, or straight ubuntu?00:02
ubottuBY-0_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr00:02
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Nullifi3dno no00:03
jduxmrkite: http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/ I have heard is good.  For your situation though with dvds, I do not know of a proper program (google a bit?)  However, as I said a script that generates iso images of directories and burns them (both easy to do with script) would solve the problem.00:03
Nullifi3dubuntu is the only os with problems00:03
TheDraclematrix_, What does, from commandline, 'xvinfo' output?00:03
Nullifi3di have windows running right next to my ubuntu, its fine00:03
FirefisheNullifi3d:  Okay, so we can rule out other OS issues.,00:03
cougartenlosher: oh I almost forgot, I was changing rights on files on my external drive when I lost all acess rights to many things (even all system icons where gone) that was the reason for my restart00:03
TheDraclematrix_, A bunch of info? Or like, nothing?00:03
JordanCIs there any page or resource that outlines issues with firefox and flash after updating from 8.10 to 9.04?00:03
Plightwhat's wrong with the new firefox udate?00:03
notknowuhey all... hope some1 can quickly help me.... im in kubuntu and i want 2 know.... what is ubuntu app installer called?00:03
Nullifi3dmy assumption is its a driver issue00:03
PlasmaSheepmeoblast001: I have written with brasero.00:03
xmrkitejdu: unless the directory is larger than the dvd can hold00:03
h00kPlight, you'll have to be more specific.00:03
xmrkitejdu: then it'd have to be split up00:03
cougartenlosher: but I really didn't change rights on my root partition00:03
corherenotknowu: synaptic00:04
FirefisheNullifi3d:  Perhaps you might try a new module for your ethernet card?00:04
notknowucorehere thanks00:04
matrix_TheDracle: http://www.pastebin.ca/1402373  my xv00:04
FirefisheNullifi3d:  What kind of ethernet card do you have?00:04
Nullifi3dim willing to try but i dont know how or what to get00:04
loshercougarten: that's a suspicious coincidence. No chance you mistyped and changed the wrong thing?00:04
Plighti have an error message00:04
Nullifi3dgive me a sec im gonna move irc to my other comp00:04
t1m2bafter upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04, sound playback crackles and it seems like it is sped up. anyone have similar problem/know a solution?00:04
matrix_*my xvinfo00:04
TheDraclematrix_, Looks good.00:04
histot1m2b: remove pulseaudio package00:04
h00kPlight, and the error says?00:04
t1m2bcool, thanks00:05
wall-emy 9.04 isnt working properly atall00:05
PlightAssertion failed00:05
Guest70165where to find info on useing ( tune2fs ) to trun ext3 to ext400:05
wall-eim going to try to reinstall it somehow00:05
FFEMTcJI got this error: Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "globalmenu-gnome": libglobalmenu-gnome.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory when I tried to run gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list - Any idea?00:05
Firefishe!modules | Nullifi3d00:05
jduxmrkite: unfortunately.  Unless you want to have the program mess with the directory tree there is no way around that.00:05
ubottuNullifi3d: To compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist00:05
h00kwall-e, what seems to be the problem?00:05
TheDraclematrix_, Okay, can you do System->Administration->System Monitor?00:05
Bo7what's a good vnc-viewer for XP?00:05
matrix_ThDracle so why when i play movies on my vlc they are choopy but viavable00:05
TheDraclematrix_, And then play VLC?00:05
cougartenlosher: I used gksudo nautilus and I'm very shure I just used it on the external drive. And I just gave rights, I didnt restrict them00:05
histoBo7: you may want to ask in #windows00:05
ha1331Any ideas why brand new Proliant ML350 G5 gets drasticly slower transfer speeds than proliant ML110 on exact same disk?00:06
TheDraclematrix_, Also, what is the source for the video clips? Just the HD?00:06
kholerabbiI'm having problems burning jaunty alternate. Would someone look at this pastebin and make a few suggestions?? thanks00:06
FirefisheNullifi3d:  Does that help at all?00:06
wall-ewhen i upgraded it froze my pc then restarted to no gui00:06
Nullifi3dill give it a shot00:06
loshercougarten: Well, I'm not a betting man, but ext4 _is_ new and you have what sounds like a filesystem corruption, so....00:06
h00kwall-e, did you have the ATI drivers installed?00:06
wall-e so i booted in safe mode kinda fixed everthing00:06
FirefisheNullifi3d:  Altnernatively, you might check the manufacturer's website, if any, and see if there might be a module, or module source code there.00:06
wall-eati drivers?00:06
cougartenlosher: yea, I'm just reformating at the moment00:06
petafilegnome-settings manager has die after upgrading to jaunty.  I reinstalled the package, but it still fails with  WARNING **: Failed to acquire org.gnome.SettingsDaemon and failed to acquire name00:06
matrix_TheDracle: i dont have vlc on system monitor, and i am watchin normal dvd movies00:06
histokholerabbi: did you check the md5?00:07
ha1331dd if=/dev/zero of=/serverData/fast/d1p0/vm8.img bs=1024k count=1000 Iget 80-105MB/s on ML350 but when I had it on ML110 I got ~250MB/s00:07
h00kwall-e, I've seen people have problems if they had the ATI drivers installed before upgrading00:07
cougartenlosher: thx anyway00:07
Nullifi3dhow do i find out what nic i have?00:07
cypher1i am just wondering is there any counts of how many downloads happened for 9.0400:07
Nullifi3dits a laptop00:07
Nullifi3drealtek something00:07
histoNullifi3d: lspci00:07
loshercougarten: if this doesn't solve the problem, I'd like to hear about it00:07
TheDraclematrix_, Any luck with that?00:07
PlasmaSheepOk, burning the image to disk.00:07
cougartenlosher: shure :)00:07
matrix_thedracle: with what i dont have vlc on my system monitor options00:07
jimmyyeahwhat's the ubuntu equivalent of dir /s file* - I've tried various permutations of ls -R file* but can't make it work00:07
losherPlasmaSheep: so you fixed something?00:07
Plightwhat's the process for sending error messages in irc?00:08
TheDraclematrix_, The system monitor will just show CPU usage.00:08
lstarnesPlight: what kind of error messages?00:08
gvfaewgrgok then so i'll get the 8.10 ISO, install, get ATI drivers and configure resolution/refresh rate and then update 8.10 to 9.04 ... just for the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace dumb feature (doesn't work with dontzap)00:08
FFEMTcJPlight: pastebin00:08
histojimmyyeah: locate00:08
h00kjimmyyeah, check the man page for locate00:08
histojimmyyeah: locate <searchterm>00:08
kholerabbihisto: actually no :P00:08
TheDraclematrix_, Then you start VLC, and check to see if it's something like memory or CPU spike that causes the breakage.00:08
lstarnesjimmyyeah: or find . -name file*00:08
m0|linuxHello, ever since i installed jaunty, my X is crashing X Error of failed request:  GLXBadDrawable, is there a way I could install the Nvidia 8800GTS drivers from nvidia website instead?00:08
Plightit's a firefox problem00:08
histokholerabbi: give that a try make sure the iso is good00:08
Plightit says assertion failed and a bunch of lines of code00:08
histo!md5sum | kholerabbi00:08
ubottukholerabbi: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more00:08
dkulchenkoI've just upgraded to Jaunty, and on boot, the boot stalls at "Starting up..." for about 60 seconds before booting. If I check dmesg after booting, it says: "ata1: link online but device misclassified, retrying", then "ata1: reset failed (errorno=-11), retrying in 10 secs" then 10 again, then 35, after which it boots. Any ideas?00:08
matrix_thedracle:now iam following what you are saying00:08
h00k!pastebin | Plight00:09
ubottuPlight: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:09
FirefisheNullifi3d:  Probably one of the best ways I've found to have a nice, neat listing of all hardware is the following:  sudo lshw -html > filename.htm00:09
crc-errorHi all, I'm having a video card Intel 945GM on my laptop Core2Duo 1.8Ghz, is there any driver updates I should do to the graphic\video card? because on ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty the system run slower than on the 8.1000:09
crc-errorI tried both 32 & 64 bit editions.00:09
PlasmaSheeplosher: not yet. I'm in the process of writing the downloaded image to a disk.00:09
loshergvfaewgrg: before you do, have you tried editing xorg.conf per google00:09
m0|linuxWhen I open Nvidia XServer Settings from control panel, it thinks its running it non privelege mode, I can't edit any settings cause it can't save xorg.conf file. How can I run that software as "root" ?00:09
histocrc-error: read the release notes about EXA00:09
Mike_lifeguardTransmission torrent client wants to use port 51413 & reports it is closed. How do I open ports for it to use? (& how did that get closed, or is it closed by default?)00:09
histo!sudo > m0|linux00:09
ubottum0|linux, please see my private message00:09
histoMike_lifeguard: are you behind a router00:10
Mike_lifeguardyes, a wireless router00:10
histoMike_lifeguard: then you need to opne the port on your router00:10
matrix_thedracle:my cpu processor shows 42 % then when i play movies on vlc it shows 77%, 82 %00:10
Catwoman69y2kany idea if there is a channel for command line support.  My problem is likely not ubuntu specific00:10
histo!ask | Catwoman69y2k00:10
ubottuCatwoman69y2k: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:10
Mike_lifeguardhisto: any hints? :)00:10
histoCatwoman69y2k: there is #linux-help00:10
losherPlasmaSheep: ah, when you said burning a dvd, I thought you mean from kdenlive00:11
h00kmatrix_, how high quality of movies are you playing?00:11
histoMike_lifeguard: usually you open a web page and navigate to the ip of your wireless router.  Probably
gvfaewgrglosher: i rather do the 8.10-> 9.04 thingie than terminal-ing myself to death to get de xorg.conf right... i'll have to constantly move between this PC and the problematic one and remember countless settings00:11
histo!port > Mike_lifeguard00:11
jduMike_lifeguard: or
ubottuMike_lifeguard, please see my private message00:11
h00kmatrix_, I've seen that with movies that are in 1080p and the processor simply cannot handle it00:11
Catwoman69y2kthanks.  I just realized that it was likely the I am not typing this command right so that would be more human error than ubuntu's problem00:11
TheDraclematrix_, No spikes though, when the breakage starts to occur?00:12
wall-e heres a stupid question! i got a netbook with jaunty 9.04 and whenever i open any windows it automaticly maximizes ! anyone know where to change this setting?00:12
kholerabbihisto: yes thanks. the md5sum checks out OK00:12
matrix_Quantum.Of.Solace.2008.SWESUB.DVDRip.XviD-Oliver CD1.avi 700,0 MB (733993082 byte00:12
histokholerabbi: hrm.. try burning slower or different media00:12
Mike_lifeguardyep, the IP was basically what I needed; thanks00:12
cougartenlosher: omg, I think my external drive is corrupted to, thats ugly. I had my former home there00:12
Plightok, so since the firefox update yesterday i've been getting this error http://past.ubuntu.com/1574600:12
histoMike_lifeguard: np00:12
h00kmatrix_, so, its only an avi.  what do you have for a processor and how much memory do you have?00:12
matrix_dunno how high quality is but its choopy when i play and i am playin even other same thing happens00:13
FFEMTcJI got this error: Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "globalmenu-gnome": libglobalmenu-gnome.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory when I tried to run gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list - Any idea?00:13
crc-errorhisto, What is it EXA? & where can I found the release notes related to it?00:13
cougartenlosher: not very important stuff but I'd like to get it back. can't even find the partition on the external drive now00:13
kholerabbihisto: Should it work burning cd iso to dvd? Because that is what I have been trying.. yes, and at the slowest speed.00:13
histoPlight: links no good00:13
loshercougarten: that's nasty. /home was never ext4 was it?00:13
h00khisto, add an e to paste00:13
histocrc-error: the release notes for jaunty00:13
dkulchenkoFFEMTcJ: i assume you were trying to make your system look like a Mac, right?00:13
crc-errorDo you mean to the http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904, Performance regressions on Intel graphics cards chapter?00:13
histokholerabbi: I don't think that works.00:13
matrix_i have amd athlon 1.8GHZ , 512ddr, 80gb hardrive00:13
Plighthisto: http://past.ubuntu.com/15754600:13
wall-ei will click around!00:13
cougartenlosher: I copied the home from ext3 to ext300:13
FFEMTcJdkulchenko: no..00:14
histoh00k: I did its the wrong paste thouhg.00:14
TheDraclematrix_, It's possibly the source clip.00:14
wall-ethis netbook remix  is pretty nice!00:14
jduFFEMTcJ: have you tried installing the lib?00:14
TheDraclematrix_, You may want to try mplayer00:14
Mike_lifeguardah, damn, that's /not/ the IP... but I'll find it00:14
dkulchenkoFFEMTcJ: try "sudo apt-get erase globalmenu-gnome"00:14
histoPlight: h00k I got it now00:14
h00kmatrix_, try mplayer, it also might be the file itself00:14
dkulchenkoFFEMTcJ: sorry, apt-get remove not erase00:14
histoPlight: I would sudo aptitude reinstall firefox00:14
loshercougarten: still, scary enough that we think ext4 trashed root, but to take /home with it is a nightmare00:14
dkulchenkoI've just upgraded to Jaunty, and on boot, the boot stalls at "Starting up..." for about 60 seconds before booting. If I check dmesg after booting, it says: "ata1: link online but device misclassified, retrying", then "ata1: reset failed (errorno=-11), retrying in 10 secs" then 10 again, then 35, then it continues with: "ata1: link online but device misclassified, device detection might fail", after which it boots. Any ideas?00:14
histocrc-error: yes00:14
matrix_ok iam isntallling mplayer now00:14
TheDraclematrix_, I could analyze the source clip for you- but, the content you're trying to play doesn't sound exactly legal ;)00:15
FFEMTcJdkulchenko: no package found installed by that name00:15
crc-errorhisto, thank you, will try those 2 settings asap.00:15
Plighthisto: i've been using apt-get,00:15
matrix_i dont think its source 'cuase all dvd's can not be bad quaility i can play them on my dvd player it plays awesome00:15
JordanCmatrix_: I had the same problem with VLC. You need to uninstall VLC using Synaptic, download the source tarball, then edit qt4.cpp (changing #if 0 to #if 1)00:15
ReL1Kthere any way to roll back from 9.04 back to 8.10 from a shell? i updated and vmware fusion is not playing nice00:15
reeni have still no clue how to get the middle mouse button to work with my logitex mx1000. all the other buttons work (that totals 11))00:15
TheDraclematrix_, Well, whatever ripped it must have transcoded it.00:15
JordanCThen make and install, of course00:15
reenany clue00:15
ReL1Kkeyboard and mouse doesn't get recognized00:16
TheDraclematrix_, And the transcoding could have messed up the elementary stream.00:16
histoPlight: then use apt-get reinstall firefox00:16
Guest70165where to find info on tune2fs to trun ext3 to ext400:16
m0|linuxnice xinerama support doesn't work with linux for nvidia drivers00:16
histoGuest70165: google links to the ubuntu forums.00:16
Mike_lifeguardI guess ubuntu's servers are being stressed today :)00:17
Mike_lifeguardHave there been any reviews of the actual jaunty release?00:17
Plighthisto: reinstall is an invalid operation?00:17
h00kMike_lifeguard, quite a few;)00:17
kholerabbihisto: OK, it's obviously not working on any burning ATM.. So would the Archive Mounter work :D?00:17
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
losherdkulchenko: a quick google shows you're not the only one. If the live cd sees your drives ok, I'd say your next move is to re-install from scratch00:17
h00kMike_lifeguard, for instance: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1001_3-10226746-92.html00:17
histoGuest4419: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111829500:18
h8redwould anyone help me with a rather stupid problem...i need to change boot order to reinstall, but my bios screen flashes by too fast lol.  i couldn't hit whatever key i need to in time even if i knew what it was00:18
Abedhey guys i have an issue,i wanna install or even live boot ubuntu 8.10 on my Desktop but after choosing the language and hit try ubuntu or install ubuntu,it gives me black screen on it busy box then i get buffer I/O error on device sr1,logical block , but when i try it on my laptop it works fine00:18
wolterhave any of you heard about the prey script?00:18
pepperjackh8red: usually del or f1 or esc.. i normally just slap the keyboard like a madman00:18
h00kh8red, your BIOS flashes too quickly?00:18
PlasmaSheepOK, rebooting.00:19
dkulchenkolosher: but if the system boots fine...00:19
h8redi just put in 2 gigs of ram, and now the damn thing flies by00:19
h00kh8red, F1, F2, or del, esc, or just slam keys until you get into BIOS.  What kind of computer?00:19
dkulchenkolosher: it's an inconvienence to wait 60 seconds before each boot, and a pretty big one, but it doesn't stop the system from booting00:19
Plighthow do you chane directories in the console?00:19
lstarnesPlight: cd00:19
histoPlight: cd00:19
skierpageI downloaded the .iso from BitTorrent, now what?  "After your download begins you'll be given additional instructions on how to create and use your Ubuntu CD.", but not for BitTorrent.00:19
matrix_thedracle:its vlc that does not play illegal files, but Mplayer is playin fine hahah there is allways a solution to play movies00:19
* Froad whacks wubi00:19
h8redh00k:  AMD XP2800+ 2.07 ghz00:19
Steven10172can I use a DVD-RW for the ubuntu boot disk im making?00:20
* dkulchenko is highly regretting the upgrade to Jaunty.00:20
daftykinsskierpage, you need software capable of burning an ISO to CD-R. are you running windows? grab the free program "imgburn" which is great00:20
skierpageFroad, FWIW wubi timed out twice at the metalink/.iso stage for me.00:20
h8redmobo is a Gigabyte or Gygabyte or something.  I was given this computer I don't know00:20
h00kh8red, in specific, is it a homebuilt machine or branded00:20
histoPlight: sudo aptitude reinstall firefox      do that in a terminal00:20
TheDraclematrix_, mplayer just uses a different audio-video sync that probably works with however your stuff was muxed.00:20
skierpagedaftykins, thanks!  Surely there's doc somewhere...00:20
TheDraclematrix_, VLC uses FFMPEG- which is more accurate.00:20
dkulchenkoh8red: try lspci -vvvv. it might give you the mobo name00:20
h00kh8red, yeah, try f1, f2, esc, del until you get into bios setup00:20
losherdkulchenko: a slow boot is better than no boot at all, but any kind of unexplained disk anomaly is worrying, frankly. Continue at your own risk....00:20
matrix_thedracle: fsck vlc i think i will remove it 4 ever00:20
Abedhey guys i have an issue,i wanna install or even live boot ubuntu 8.10 on my Desktop but after choosing the language and hit try ubuntu or install ubuntu,it gives me black screen on it busy box then i get buffer I/O error on device sr1,logical block , but when i try it on my laptop it works fine00:20
h8redman it goes way too fast00:20
TheDraclematrix_, VLC is nicer :p00:21
dkulchenkolosher: is it a driver issue?00:21
TheDraclematrix_, It's really just that clip.00:21
Plighthisto: i tried to reinstall firefox; sudo: unable to resolve host ... E: Invalid operation reinstall00:21
TheDraclematrix_, mplayer just uses a simpler A/V synch mechanism that just so happens to work better with messed up clips.00:21
daftykinsAbed, sounds like your CD drive may be faulty - have you tried running the disc check feature?00:21
matrix_no all dvds that iam tryin to play they play extremly choopy on vlc00:21
TheDraclematrix_, I would keep VLC for everything else.00:21
histoPlight: you have to type it in like I did. Using aptitude00:21
neal__i'm trying set up a dual monitor rig with Separate X-Sessions but apps will only appear on one monitor, anyone have any ideas?00:21
twanjskierpage: you can always download the ISO w/ another metalink client. that might be faster00:21
harpreetAbed: hard drive error00:21
Steven10172can I use a DVD-RW for the ubuntu boot disk im making?00:21
miramardesignso is there a way to upgrade to ext4?? i guess reinstall?00:21
losherdkulchenko: sorry, dunno. But are you willing to trust your data to it?00:21
arkanabarI've heard that jackalope is supposed to be snappier than ibex, both booting and running stuff.  has that been the case for any of you?00:21
TheDraclematrix_, Well, whatever you're doing your ripping with is f'n them up when it remuxes the audio and video together.00:21
Flannelmiramardesign: There is.00:21
Froadcan anyone help me install using the alternate disk?00:22
miramardesignFlannel how ?00:22
h00karkanabar, I've definitely noticed this, yes.00:22
histoPlight: or you can use apt-get --reinstall firefox00:22
h8redcouldn't i like add the cdrom drive to the grub menu or something, then force it to come up00:22
TheDraclematrix_, VLC is playing it back faithfully- and mplayer is just calculating the presentation time stamps from the number of bytes obtained from the audio channel, and then synching it to the video.00:22
miramardesignFlannel is it faster??00:22
histoPlight: with sudo ofcourse.00:22
h8redand boot to the cd from there?00:22
Flannelmiramardesign: Here's one thread about it.  I haven't verified it personally.  Definately read the full thread before starting: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111829500:22
harpreetAbed: can you paste full error?00:22
dkulchenkolosher: well, i dont know. it seems that both drives mount fine.00:22
skierpagetwanj, yup Torrent of the kubuntu amd64 iso worked great.00:22
h00karkanabar, with ext4, bootchart is reporting booting in 20 seconds00:22
matrix_thedracle: so you never play movies on vlc00:22
TheDraclematrix_, I play movies all the time with VLC.00:23
TheDraclematrix_, I use ripping software that doesn't mangle the clips.00:23
arkanabarFroad, did you read http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20081215#feature00:23
miramardesignvlc roxx00:23
Wyzardmiramardesign: You can use tune2fs to enable the extents feature on your ext3 filesystem, which effectively turns it into ext400:23
h00kh8red, you want to change your boot order to CD first in your BIOS00:23
Steven10172can I use a DVD-RW for the ubuntu boot disk im making?00:23
histoFlannel: miramardesign I notice a difference on a machine that I installed as ext4. Converting will only bennefit files that are newly written to disk.00:23
Wyzardmiramardesign: It won't reallocate your existing files to use extents, though00:23
harpreetAbed: you can try connecting external drive and install ubuntu or you can try installing over the internet just like live cd00:23
Abedharpreet :can't it is on the desktop and i am using the laptop , but the error is the same as i wrote00:23
Froadcan anyone help me install using the alternate disk?00:23
arkanabarh00k, I'm more interested in faster processes.  I want better framerates in WoW.00:23
FlannelFroad: What do you need help with?00:23
Wyzardmiramardesign: Eventually there'll be a defrag tool that can do that, but it doesn't exist yet00:23
matrix_thedracle:what software do you use00:23
chickenfuego2Wireless issue on Hardy (after kernel update): Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG not starting up automatically (not connecting to router) anymore. After stop/startstop with the network manager, it connects.. Why??00:23
Abedharpreet i don't have one00:23
TheDraclematrix_, VLC.00:23
histoSteven10172: I thought you couldn't burn cd isos to dvd. but you can try.00:23
TheDraclematrix_, Oh, to grab clips?00:24
FroadFlannel what should i expect when i put in the alt disk00:24
histoSteven10172: its rw anyways.00:24
losherdkulchenko: ok, just be sure to backup anything you absolutely can't afford to lose...00:24
arkanabarFroad, there's a howto at http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20081215#feature00:24
h8reddamn it00:24
TheDraclematrix_, I use mac based software for DVDs.00:24
ReL1Kthere any way to roll back from 9.04 back to 8.10 from a shell? i updated and vmware fusion is not playing nice00:24
Froadty arkanabar00:24
Wyzardmiramardesign: Newly-created files will use extents though00:24
chickenfuego2I could find dozen of issues with the Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG, but nothing like this..00:24
h00karkanabar, I don't emulate WoW but I've definitely noticed a speed difference00:24
FlannelFroad: It asks the same questions the Desktop CD does.  It's really straight forward.00:24
dkulchenkolosher: got it. thanks00:24
harpreetAbed: what dont you have? external drive or internet?00:24
TheDraclematrix_, Mostly I use studio provided transport streams- I work doing embedded media processor programming for a living.00:24
Abedexternal HDD00:24
unkmarwpa_supplicant is restarting.  I have been unable to set the wireless via the network-manager.  How do I stop network-manager from restartin wpa_supplicant?00:24
h00kReL1K, what exactly is it doing?00:24
morddkulchenko: do you have an intel d945 mobo?00:24
Plighthisto: i already used aptitude, can you tell me what the "sudo: unable to resolve host" thing is about?00:24
Abedharpreet External HSD00:24
harpreetAbed: you have internet on desktop? try isntalling direct00:25
ReL1Kh00k: when i boot up into X, i don't get a mouse and keyboard00:25
lstarnesPlight: did you try to change your hostname?00:25
dkulchenkomord: nope. i got a winfast.00:25
Abedharpreet try to install a new ISO image?00:25
ReL1Kh00k: tried copying the xorg.conf from a 8.10 install to try and fix, reinstalled vmware-tools, all to no avail00:25
matrix_thedracle: k so how do you like the new ubuntu 9.04 it lloks cool desktop00:25
Plightlstarnes: no, i haven't00:25
histoPlight: it couldn't reach the internet most likely00:25
ReL1Kh00k: also did a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, no lucks00:25
h00kReL1K, that was going to be my next suggestion,00:25
TheDraclematrix_, Haven't used 9.04 yet.00:25
Froadalso does anyone have experience with wubi?00:25
harpreetAbed: no iso image, what you trying to do? install dual boot?00:26
histoPlight: or I should say it wasn't able to resolve a hostname.00:26
chickenfuego2issue with Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG after a kernel update on Hardy, someone??00:26
Froadi'm trying to install the new one and it gets held up when making virtual disks00:26
h00kReL1K, perhaps this will help: http://swearingscience.com/2009/04/04/ubuntu-904-beta-in-vmware-fusion/00:26
morddkulchenko: ok, thought your prob might've been related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/29015300:26
matrix_thedracle:well try to upgrade over weekend its really much better and faster00:26
Abedharpreet yes, but i can't even get the live mode running00:26
harpreetAbed: it is your cd drive error00:26
Plighthisto: well should i do something about that?00:26
h00k!ask | chickenfuego200:26
ubottuchickenfuego2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:26
Abedharpreet wut do u mean?00:26
TheDraclematrix_, I'm going to try to install it on a server I have here- it's having issues with the CD/DVD rom though, keep getting squashfs errors.00:26
TheDracleI think either the DVD hardware is faulty.00:26
wolterwhich is the default port for smtp ?00:27
Plighthow do i close a process?00:27
TheDracleOr, there's something deeply wrong with the server setup.00:27
Wyzardwolter: 2500:27
ReL1Kh00k: lemme take a peek, thanks for the help00:27
wolterPlight System > Administration > System Monitor00:27
wolterthanks Wyzard00:27
matrix_thedracle:why not just upgrade it from terminal00:27
histoTheDracle: try burning it at a slower speed00:27
TheDraclematrix_, Doing a fresh install :p00:27
xemacs4321I have grub fragment from menu.lst , not working to boot sdb2 ? please help00:27
TheDraclehisto, Do you think the CD image is messed up?00:27
arkanabarplight, you can also run top in the terminal, it has a kill command.00:27
harpreetyou can try 9.04 if you want , or you can open the box and check your IDE00:27
TheDraclehisto, I tried doing a disk check- and it seemed happy with it.00:27
Wyzardwolter: Take a look at /etc/services btw00:28
TheDraclehisto, Is the disk check crap?00:28
harpreetAbed: you can try 9.04 if you want , or you can open the box and check your IDE00:28
xemacs4321I have grub fragment from menu.lst , not working to boot sdb2 ? please help http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/157550/00:28
TheDraclehisto, I'm thinking of just doing an install from a USB disk.00:28
Plightarkanabar: how do i use top in the terminal?00:28
matrix_thedracle:well formatin you drivers often will get you squashfs errors00:28
dftwhat's the option in synaptic to have it grab the update from 8.04 to 8.10..if that is still possible00:28
histoTheDracle: no no I've noticed issues with drives and disks being burned at certain speeds. But if you runa  disk check on the machine you are installing on then all is good.00:28
ReL1Kh00k: no go :( i might just start from scratch00:28
ReL1Kand rebuild00:28
arkanabarplight, system => terminal , and at the command line, type "top" without quotes, & hit enter.00:28
h00kReL1K, do you have your /home partition separate?00:28
histo!upgrade > dft00:29
ubottudft, please see my private message00:29
dfthisto: ty00:29
ReL1Ksame partition space00:29
Plighthisto: thanks for the suggestion I'm able to browse again00:29
Abedharpreet i exceeded the limit for this month for DSL usage so downloading 9.04 is not an option,  and what shall i check in side the box?00:29
h00kReL1K, that should make reinstalling and reconfiguring easier, perhaps think about doing that00:29
ReL1Kyea, was dreading but really wouldn't loose that much00:29
ReL1Ksince i got a shell can just trans over00:29
Abedharpreet i am trying another cd drive and waiting for the result00:29
histoReL1K: if you maek a seperate home then you can just blow out the / and all your files and settings will still be there.00:29
histo!home | reli00:30
ubottureli: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome00:30
h00kReL1K, yeah, I wish I knew about your problem more to help you00:30
histoReL1K: ^^^^^^^^00:30
Plightarkanabar: more specifically how do i use the kill command?00:30
Abedharpreet i have the same issue with the second cd drive00:30
harpreetAbed: then its your hard disk drive00:30
cmroddyis there a way to disable dragging links in firefox? i would like to select text in the link title (to copy and paste the text, search google for the text etc) and i never need to drag a link from one place to another. i searched google but it's all people complaining of the same problem and nobody with an answer.00:30
histoPlight: kill <proccessid>  or killall <name>00:30
matrix_thedracle:time to go to watch some movies thank GOD its friday00:30
arkanabarPlight, once top is running, find the PID of the process you want to kill.  hit "k" and it will ask for the PID; give that to top, and it'll do its best to kill the process.00:30
histocmroddy: right click on link in firefox and select copy url00:30
Abedharpreet wut's wrong with my HDD?00:31
cmroddyhisto: i want to select the link title text, not the URL. i can get the URL easily.00:31
harpreetAbed: inside the box IDE connections00:31
histocmroddy: just hilight one space to the left or right and drag accross the link.00:31
harpreetAbed: may be your drive is not compatible with kernel or there is bad connection00:31
ElNerdoDegeekI want to uninstall Ubuntu and install the netbook remix. Do I have to reset the MBR to get rid of grub or can I just formatmy Ubuntu side and install the new copy without fear?00:31
Abedharpreet ok i will check them, btw i have two hard disk drives so is that a problem?00:31
harpreetAbed: you mean two physical hard disks?00:32
cmroddyhisto, i only want part of the text, not the entire link. this comes up about 20 times a day for me. i end up retyping a lot of unselectable link text. if you don't know of a solution, that's fine.00:32
Abedharpreet yes , a master and a slave00:32
histocmroddy: np00:32
mysphytHey, folks.  Not sure if this is the best channel to ask in or not, but I just installed Jaunty, and I'm having difficulty configuring TV-out through my nVidia card to my 1080i tv.  Anybody around here who can help out, or should I look elsewhere?00:32
unkmarElNerdoDegeek: you will have to reset the MBR.00:32
FFForeverHi people XD00:32
h00kElNerdoDegeek, if you're using the installer and you reformat, it will replace Grub by itself00:32
harpreetAbed: option 1, go to bios and identify primary hard disk and check settings, option 2, remove one hard disk, you can install later00:33
DvyjonesIs there a changelog for 9.04 somewhere?00:33
arkanabarmysphyt, depends on whether you're trying to play HD content.  If so, computers really aren't for you.00:33
histoDvyjones: on the cd and on the download servers00:33
histoDvyjones: there are releasenotes also00:33
PlasmaSheepOK, I booted in knoppix.00:33
Abedharpreet ok i will try the two options but what do00:33
FFForeveranyone know how i can get my internal mic working in 9.04?00:33
histo!jaunty > Dvyjones00:33
ubottuDvyjones, please see my private message00:33
ElNerdoDegeekh00k unkmar: Ah! k then. So I should just format the partitions and let it install all in the live?00:33
PlasmaSheepBut there aren't any directories in /boot00:33
mysphytarkanabar: How so?00:33
Abedharpreet what about the primary00:33
Ddordahow do i start a shall script?00:33
histoPlasmaSheep: are you looking on the knoppx drive or your harddrive and what are you trying to do?00:34
histo!who | PlasmaSheep00:34
ubottuPlasmaSheep: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:34
harpreetAbed: check your bios for settings on what drive to boot from and where to locate the operating system00:34
h00kElNerdoDegeek, you could do that, you can just use the liveUSB to format it for you, it'll take care of all of it00:34
Dvyjoneshisto: That had a typo00:34
Abedharpreet  ok wait plz00:34
Dvyjoneshisto: Linked to 8.10 release notes.00:34
PlasmaSheepOK, they guy who was helping me left.00:35
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:35
ElNerdoDegeekh00k: ok then! I have a MBR changer ready just in case but I'll try that. Thaks!00:35
arkanabarmysphyt, see http://defectivebydesign.org/00:35
h00kElNerdoDegeek, good luck, I hope it works for you00:35
skierpagehisto, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 doesn't actually say anything about changes in release 9.04.  Where should I report web site content bugs like this.00:35
h00kskierpage, that is the release notes, not necessarily the changelog00:35
Flannelskierpage: You want: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904tour00:36
Flannelskierpage: er, sorry: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904overview00:36
Froadcan anyone help me with partitioning an external hard drive for install?00:36
sebsebsebFroad: yep probably00:36
sebsebsebFroad: it's like a internal hard disk, excpet it's external, and you would need to get the computer to boot from it00:36
mysphytarkanabar: I appreciate the argument, and am well aware of the problems DRM represents for free software and accessible content, but mine is more of a configuration problem than an ideological one.00:36
Froadi'm _Brian__ from before >..00:37
PlasmaSheepNevermind, looked in the wrong place.00:37
sebsebsebFroad: oh you again00:37
Froadbut in any case i found out a lot of things00:37
Froad1. wubi won't work for unexplained reasons00:37
sebsebsebFroad: such as?00:37
Froadit gets caught up when making virtual disks00:37
histoDvyjones: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/jaunty-changes/00:37
sebsebsebFroad: ok a little odd maybe00:37
Bo7Can I connect to ubuntus default vnc server (vinagre) from windows XP?00:38
Froad2. the alternate disk works00:38
skierpageBug: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/ doesn't list 9.04, general lack of links to changes.  I repeat, how to report web site content glitches?00:38
Froad3. I have no idea how to partition the drive00:38
UbbyCDIm now a jaunty jackalope!00:38
PlasmaSheepHow can I get the uuid of my linux partition from knoppix?00:38
h00kUbbyCD, welcome, welcome00:38
histoskierpage: I don't think they want it to.00:38
Froad4. I have no idea how to get it to boot from the external hd00:38
cyberspliceBo7: Yes.00:38
r_s___hi all00:38
FlannelPlasmaSheep: try blkid00:38
Froadsebsebseb  ^00:39
Bo7cybersplice: with what program?00:39
r_s___i have a problem with sound buffer,, it's not pure00:39
histoskierpage: right on the ubuntu homepage under the community tab00:39
UbbyCDDid the desktop change at all or theme00:39
sebsebsebFroad: ok so install to external with alternate disk,  or use the virtual machine?  or do both00:39
Bo7cybersplice: will tightvnc work?00:39
PlasmaSheepFlannel: That returns two 'KNOPPIX_FS' entries, an 'msdos' entry, and an 'ntfs' entry.00:39
Froadsebsebseb: I"d like to use the alternate to get it onto the external, but would it not overwrite the contents of the disk without partitioning00:40
FlannelPlasmaSheep: Why do you need the UUID?/00:40
histoPlasmaSheep: What are you trying to fix?00:40
=== carlos is now known as Guest75852
r_s___ i have a problem with sound buffer,, it's not pure00:40
r_s___any help ?00:40
UbbyCDb/c i still have my customized theme and was wanting what if anything they changed about the appearance / default theme00:40
histor_s___: are you using jaunty?00:40
sebsebsebFroad: is your external blank now or not?00:40
cyberspliceBo7: Yes. I believe the syntax is server:1 for example00:40
r_s___it's the same on 8.04 8.10 and jaunty00:40
h00kUbbyCD, do you have a separate /home partition?00:40
Froadsebsebseb, no00:40
sebsebsebFroad: ok00:40
UbbyCDno seperate home00:40
h00kUbbyCD, if you do, your settings/themes should stay the same00:41
ghirohi of all00:41
PlasmaSheepFlannel, histo: ubuntu doesn't get past the "waiting for root filesystem" stage on boot. I was told because it has the wrong uuid in /boot/grub/menu.lst00:41
Froad180/250gb free but not empty sebsebseb00:41
UbbyCDthey did00:41
h00kUbbyCD, if you don't, I might suggest doing that00:41
histoUbbyCD: they changed gdm screen bakcground and stuff.00:41
UbbyCDmaybe i do and dont know it00:41
sebsebsebFroad: normalley partitioning works well, always slight chance of data loss though, never happended to me though.  and the amount of partitining I have done00:41
ghirohow are u?00:41
h00k!home | UbbyCD00:41
ubottuUbbyCD: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome00:41
FlannelPlasmaSheep: Just change it to /dev/sdXY for the time being00:41
Froadsebsebseb: I backed it all up on a dvd in case of that00:41
macman_how can i unrar multiple rar files from the cli ?00:41
Abedharpreet i checked the bios , my 80 GB HDD is the primary / master , and the 40 GB HDD is the secondary / slave ,00:41
Froador 3 dvds but w/e00:41
UbbyCDim kinna confused why i would want to do that as it kept my theme anyways00:41
UbbyCDim probably already like that00:42
Abedharpreet i will try to disconnect the slave and live run it00:42
sebsebsebFroad:  i assume the partition it has on there right now, is a NTFS or something like that00:42
UbbyCDwhat i would like is to see the default theme00:42
histomacman_: unrar rar1 rar2 etc...  if it s a multipart rar just unrar rar00:42
r_s___histo : the sound buffer problem on 8.04/8.10 and jaunty00:42
r_s___i tried them all00:42
PlasmaSheepFlannel: Here's the output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/157560/00:42
histor_s___: hrm.. what type of sound card?00:42
UbbyCDas i have mine customized and it kept the customized stuff]]]00:42
h00kUbbyCD, http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-9-04-039-s-New-Themes-106961.shtml00:42
Froadsebastien: fat3200:42
r_s___my laptop is thinkpad r6100:42
UbbyCDlemme see00:42
histoPlasmaSheep: what is the output of fdisk -l00:42
mysphytHere's the problem I'm having, folks: using 9.04 with the 180.44 nvidia driver, I'm trying to output to my HDTV via 1080i.  I'm getting a signal, and I'm able to use the second screen to run applications, *but* my screen only fills 2/3 of the physical display.  Any suggestions?00:43
Froadsebsebseb: fat3200:43
PlasmaSheephisto: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/157561/00:43
histor_s___: No idea there did you try searching hte forums for your laptop or launchpad for bugs?00:43
sebsebsebFroad: ok00:43
sebsebsebFroad: and sometimes you want to share that data with Windows?00:43
Wyzardmysphyt: What type of connection to the TV?  (DVI? HDMI? S-Video?)00:43
Froadsebastien: definitely00:43
Froadsebsebseb: definitely00:44
mysphytWyzard: component.00:44
sonofthor12My update Manager get this error ------ W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox-3.0/firefox-gnome-support_3.0.7+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1_all.deb00:44
sonofthor12  404 Not Found00:44
r_s___histo: thx, i'll try00:44
sonofthor12any ideas00:44
h00kUbbyCD, does that help you at all?00:44
sebsebsebFroad: Fat32 instead of NTFS,  NTFS is better really, but  used to be that  not everything coud read and wirte to NTFS, I guess that's why it's Fat3200:44
Wyzardmysphyt: I'm not sure if you can do 1080i over component00:44
histoPlasmaSheep: looks like /dev/sda500:44
TheFunkbombokay, let's fix some computers!00:44
sebsebsebFroad: I think I heard that files  even take up more space on Fat32  rather than NTFS00:44
Wyzardmysphyt: and the video card is almost certainly unable to detect the TV's parameters through that00:44
affan001Hello everyone... i upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04 and my wireless card stopped working.... actually it works as in it detects/connects to the network but cant open the page.... i am using Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:4320] (rev 02)00:44
PlasmaSheephisto: /dev/sda5 doesn't show on blkid.00:45
histoPlasmaSheep: does /dev/sda3?00:45
sebsebsebFroad: ok this is easy you make  another partiton for Jaunty  as well as a swap partitoin00:45
UbbyCDI have to ask .. What the heck is the default background picture.. My granma thought it was a demon when I installed it on here computer00:45
PlasmaSheephisto: just 1 and 2.00:45
Wyzardmysphyt: Use DVI or HDMI if possible (you can get a DVI->HDMI adapter if needed)00:45
Froadsebsebseb: thanks00:45
sebsebsebFroad: then of course your computer needs to be able to boot from the external00:45
histoPlasmaSheep: thats wierd00:45
PlasmaSheepUbbyCD: It's an ibex.00:45
TheFunkbombaffan001, try plugging into an ethernet port and running an update00:45
UbbyCDkinna took some of the legitimacy out of it.. lol : )00:45
UbbyCDill google it thanks00:45
PlasmaSheepIntrepid Ibex00:45
Wyzardmysphyt: or VGA (but that's less preferable since it's analog)00:45
sebsebsebFroad: so similar to when I helped you make that virtual machine00:45
histoUbbyCD: intrepid00:45
affan001TheFunkbomb: update the package repo?00:46
sebsebsebFroad:  or not00:46
FeisarI don't believe it, I just installed 9.04 and my rt2500 wifi card STILL runs at 1mb/s. I have had this trouble sinse 8.04 and everytime it is reported as a bug - does anyone know if it can be fixed?00:46
mysphytWyzard: Sadly, my TV only has component inputs.  I have several other devices using 1080i over component, so that's not a problem.  What settings do you think it might be having difficulty detecting?  HSync/VSync?00:46
TheFunkbombjust sudo apt-get update00:46
sebsebsebFroad: hummmm  your using the alternate not the desktop cd00:46
mysphytWyzard: Trust me, I wish I could use HDMI.  :P00:46
PlasmaSheephisto: so what should I do?00:46
Wyzardmysphyt: yes, frequency ranges00:46
FirefisheIs there any excruciatingly necessary reason to upgrade to Jaunty from a nicely working Intrepid?00:46
PlasmaSheepFirefishe: nope.00:46
Froadsebsebseb: yes, regular won't work00:46
UbbyCDoh i see.. lol00:46
TheFunkbombFirefishe, I haven't found one :/00:46
Froadsebsebseb: it worked on my friend's comp but not mine00:46
Wyzardmysphyt: though for a TV the frequencies should be predefined and fixed...  there might be some way to specifically tell the nvidia driver that it's a TV rather than a generic monitor00:47
FirefishePlasmaSheep, TheFunkbomb:  I see. Guess I'll keep Intrepid for a while, then.00:47
Froadhttp://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20081215#feature sebsebseb00:47
Wyzardmysphyt: Take a look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log for messages from the driver that might tell you a bit about the signal it's putting out00:47
TheFunkbombFirefishe, at least until the servers calm down00:47
histomysphyt: you might want to check with the #mythbuntu people they are great at getting tvs working etc...00:47
FirefisheTheFunkbomb:  I just switched to the Swedish (bork bork) repositories ;)00:47
mysphytWyzard: There is, and I have.  Newer nVidia drivers have TV specific settings, which I'm using in xorg.conf.  Based on what I'm seeing in xorg.0.log, the signal looks right, but on the TV, still borked.00:48
mysphythisto: Thanks, good idea.00:48
deepbluegeneHi. i am upgrading to ubuntu 9.04 from 8.04 by using update manager. my internet speed is little bit slow today. it is taking more than expected time to download packages. can i cancle downloading of packages ?00:48
histomysphyt: by the wya how did you go from nvidia card to components?00:48
SpendiusI've a question: Is Jaunty worth it?00:48
sebsebsebFroad: I haven't used the alternate yet myself, but  you should be able to figure it out  I think.   ok you can keep your fat32, or remove it and put a ntfs there instead,  or even a Ext3 partition :)  and  put a driver in Windows so it can read and write to Ext300:48
FirefisheTheFunkbomb:  the listing at the bottom beginning with 'se' is a fast one00:48
histo!worksforme | Spendius00:48
ubottuSpendius: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/00:48
sebsebsebSpendius: depends00:48
thiebaudeSpendius: yes00:48
mysphythisto: It's an 8800 GTS; their newer cards come with adapters.  There's a special HDTV output that looks kinda like S-Video next to the DVI ports on my cards.00:48
chickenfuego2Wireless issue on Hardy (after kernel update): Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG not starting up automatically (not connecting to router) anymore. After stop/startstop with the network manager, it connects.. Why??00:49
sebsebsebFroad: do jaunty with a / in Ext4 :)  ,but as far as I know no drivers for Windows yet that  can read and write to a Ext4 partition00:49
UbbyCDif none of you have tried the dust theme included with ubuntu you should.. I really like the minimize and maximize buttons there slick but not overdone and its not gimmicy like a vista or mac clone..00:49
PlasmaSheephisto: what am I to do?00:49
histomysphyt: hrm.... Might have to pick one up then. for the component out.00:49
sebsebsebFroad: Linux file systems are better than the Windows ones00:49
Firefishehow does one do a distro upgrade using synaptic only?00:49
histoPlasmaSheep: use /dev/sda5 in your menu.1st instead of the uuId temporarily00:49
UbbyCDis it possible to grow a vdi file00:49
histo!upgrade | Firefishe00:49
ubottuFirefishe: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:49
snipdHi, im trying to access a nfs share, but the folder's permission's are 700 and im getting "mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting". how can i both access this folder from my laptop, while maining those permissions on the server?00:49
deepbluegeneit only downloaded 100 out of 1150 packages and showing that it may take more than 8 hrs. can i cancel it?00:49
Firefishehisto:  danki00:50
mysphythisto: Well, wait 'til I get it working.  :P00:50
rahmathi - i have an emergency situation - i've NEVER used linux before and I wanted to try it out. so I installed xubuntu but I think it removed windows XP - how do I get windows XP back? i need to run MatLab off of it. Please help. Thank you.00:50
histodeepbluegene: repos are getting hammered after new release.00:50
sebsebsebrahmat: ok yeah maybe xp is gone00:50
simNIXrahmat, if you accidentely told Ubuntu to wipe it its gone ...00:50
PlasmaSheephisto: kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic root=UUID=9c179172-81a9-49ff-98f5-c2eec2979a5e00:50
sebsebsebrahmat: I assume you used the guided install, but which one was it?  the use the whole hard disk one?00:50
cougartenrahmat: did you reduce the partition of XP or did you just instal over it?00:50
Wyzardrahmat: If you installed over your Windows partition then you can't recover it, short of *maybe* sending the drive to a data-recovery service00:50
=== guest_007 is now known as guest_008
UbbyCDyou did look as it was booting up to see if it asked which to boot00:51
Wyzardrahmat: but the installer doesn't overwrite existing partitions by default; you would've had to tell it to00:51
PlasmaSheephisto: that's the line in menu.lst. I don't think it'll accept anything else than a uuid.00:51
platiusdeepbluegene;  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-select-fastest-mirror-in-ubuntu.html00:51
=== guest_008 is now known as MasterYoda
UbbyCDlike right when the computer comes up it should ask you which one to boot into00:51
sebsebsebFroad: still here?00:51
cougartenWyzard: datarecovery was much t costy just to get mathlab to run ^^00:51
deepbluegeneplatius: thanks00:51
UbbyCDif you have valuable information all is not lost00:51
rahmatoh man. i just went with the default option. i really am only beginning to use linux and i have no idea what i did.00:51
platiusdeepbluegene;  worked for me00:51
UbbyCDI overwrote partitions and fully recovered the data00:51
UbbyCDeven deleted stuff00:52
thiebauderahmat: the installer gives you options00:52
PlasmaSheephisto: I got the uuid for /dev/sda5 (sudo blkid)00:52
simNIXrahmat, sorry to hear your first Linux didnt went right ... its not Linux specific - if you install windows and tell it to use the whole disk you'de have the same ...00:52
sebsebsebFroad: still here?00:53
Wyzardrahmat: How do you know you overwrote your Windows partition?00:53
UbbyCDDid you have important files you need to recover00:53
cybersplicerahmat: I don't mean to be patronizing, byt you did remove the cd yes? Do you get a menu when you boot? Ubuntu doesn't overwrite other os by default.....00:53
cougartenrahmat: have you considerrt using wine for matlab?00:53
rahmati'm not sure how to check if I overwrote the partition00:53
thiebauderahmat: how did you install it00:53
UbbyCDor if your ubuntu installation is not important at the moment you could revert your hard disk back to the old system00:53
InvisiblePinkUniAnyone have problems with Flash Fullscreen after upgrade?00:53
cougartenrahmat: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=49 it should work with wine00:53
UbbyCDtheres an option in one of those recovery programs that saved me00:53
Wyzardrahmat: What I'm asking is, what makes you think that you did?00:53
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:54
cyberspliceDamn damn.00:54
InvisiblePinkUniI'm having problems with choppy flash video on full screen00:55
=== vap is now known as vapvap
rahmatokay here's what i did: i placed the CD into the laptop and then it booted and asked me if I wanted to run the demo version or install xubuntu.  i selected install. then it gave me options about partitioning and I just went with the default.  I assume it overwrote XP because when I check the amount of disk space I have left, it doesn't look like I have anything else installed except xubuntu00:55
jylinCan anyone answer this quick question about Wubi: Is Hibernate not supported because of a limitation in the technology or simply because it hasn't been worked on yet?00:55
phantomcircuitim installing 9.04 and it seems like it's been stuck on 97% done for about an hour now00:55
faileas_asleepjylin: i believe its the former00:55
mysphytrahmat: Make sure the CD is out of your computer, reboot, and watch carefully as your computer starts up.  If you're lucky, either your computer will boot back to XP, or you'll see an option to boot to XP on the Grub menu.  It's very possible that you've overwritten your partition accidentally, but it's also very possible you did not.  If it boots straight to Ubuntu without giving you the...00:55
mysphyt...option to go to XP, you're probably out of luck.00:55
PlasmaSheepAfter doing an apt-get upgrade, the system boot hangs on "waiting for root filesystem", and gives me a prompt. I am pretty screwed.00:55
Torturedall the drama .. RCs and all people should know better than jump on a new version right out of the gate ;p00:56
rahmatwhen I reboot the computer, I don't get an option to boot from xubuntu or XP. it just goes straight to xubuntu00:56
deepbluegeneplatius: thanks again. it is working superfast now.00:56
sebsebsebjylin: I think hibernation may not even work at all, with wubi00:56
phase_shift314look up grub00:56
vapvapsome of us cant wait00:56
sebsebsebjylin: since  it puts Ubuntu inside your Windows partition00:56
Wyzardrahmat: There's a pause for a few seconds with a message that says to press Esc for the grub menu00:56
lucien_buona serata a tutti , ho fatto l'aggiornamento nel so dal 8.10 al 9.04 , e ho notato che l'avvio del sistema e un po rallentato !!!00:56
platiusdeepbluegene;  welcome00:56
thiebaudeWyzard: yea, i was about to say that00:56
Wyzardrahmat: Press Esc there to get the menu, and see if there's a Windows option00:56
Bo7how can I check if the vnc viewer vino/vinagre is up and running and listening on ports?00:57
PlasmaSheepAfter doing an apt-get upgrade, the system boot hangs on "waiting for root filesystem", and gives me a prompt. Help please.00:57
Wyzardrahmat: If you don't press a key it'll go straight to Ubuntu without showing the menu00:57
jylinsebsebseb: yea, the00:57
rahmatWyzard: I did press Ecs. there is no XP option.00:57
phase_shift314ubuntu is the best os right now00:57
jylinsebsebseb: yea, the faq says it doesn't work00:57
lucien_ciao a tutti !!!00:57
deepbluegeneplatius: it was 15KB/s now it 1350KB/s00:57
PlasmaSheepphase_shift314: I've never had this problem with windows, so I don't know.00:57
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:57
sebsebsebjylin: well wubi is only good for testing really00:58
sebsebsebjylin: you should partition your hard disk and do a real install of Ubuntu00:58
jylinsebsebseb: but I'm just wondering why00:58
phase_shift314ive had all sorts of stupid problems with windows00:58
jordanlalsa and pulseaudio playback broke for me after upgrading to 9.04, but OSS works. can anyone help me out00:58
daftykinsPlasmaSheep, that sounds very bad indeed00:58
LeempQuestion: Is there a known problem with the Fglrx Driver and 9.04? I just fresh installed ubuntu, installed fglr & the control center, and my computer couldn't even boot up. I had to boot into root safe mode, and purge the driver. Any ideas?00:58
affan001TheFunkbomb: i tried to update the repositories but it didnt show any updates... do you know which package it was supposed to update?00:58
phase_shift314like getting ripped off to start with00:58
jylinsebsebseb: well, I don't really think it's worth the trouble00:58
stittelHi! I am using the 9.04 Netbook Remix. After doing some changes to services (disabling bluetooth and some other stuff that should not be related to the core functionality of the system) the system froze after entering the password in GDM. I took out the battery and rebootet: The X server couldn't get started anymore (I got this fail-safe dialogue that the X server cannot determine my resolution/graphics card). I tried starting X manually with "sudo00:58
stittelX". It said it cannot move X.org.log to X.org.log.old. I deleted X.org.log, now the X server starts again, but after entering username/passoword in GDM I get a freeze again. The system worked perfectely before that, any ideas?00:58
TheFunkbombaffan001, go into terminal and run sudo apt-get update00:58
daftykinsLeemp, i've heard fglrx is disabled in jaunty due to non-functioning or something, google may explain why00:58
TheFunkbombtry that first00:58
Wyzardrahmat: Open a terminal (should be under Applications->Accessories) and run "sudo fdisk -l"00:59
PlasmaSheepphase_shift314: Ripped off? Windows always booted. Right now, ubuntu doesn't/00:59
jylinsebsebseb: from what I read the only difference is that r/w is through 2 filesystems00:59
Wyzardrahmat: Could you put the output of that command on a pastebin?00:59
phase_shift314i'll admit xp is a pretty stable system00:59
DaveCocan someone help me with open office?00:59
PlasmaSheepAnd no one knows what the hell is wrong with my system.00:59
jylinsebsebseb: performance is not much of an issue for my computer, so why subject myself to the nightmare of partitioning; my partitions are already so neat00:59
daftykinsyou probably need an open office channel DaveCo00:59
thiebaudephase_shift314: it should be after 7 yrs00:59
sebsebsebDaveCo: I think #openoffice or  #ooo  exists00:59
Wyzardrahmat: That'll list what partitions you have on your system00:59
phase_shift314ubuntu requires some reading to find out what to do, it is very very different from windows in the way it operates00:59
DaveCook thanks00:59
minimecLeemp: I have no ideas... but you are not the first one. Some try to use fglrx with not supported cards, others have fglrx problems with supported cards.00:59
PlasmaSheepAfter doing an apt-get upgrade, the system boot hangs on "waiting for root filesystem", and gives me a prompt. Help please.00:59
thiebaudein october of this yr ubuntu will be 5yrs old01:00
sebsebsebphase_shift314: there is a learning curve for any OS, people weren't born with the knowledge in how to use Windows either, in fact most people that use Windows can't even use it securely01:00
Leempminimec: I forget my card model, but its the mac pro ati, and i was using fglrx on 8.10 with no issues. I'll try to dig somethin up, thanks minimec & daftykins01:00
ekimmargniCan ext3 filesystems be converted to ext4 yet?01:00
rahmatWyzard: I ran the command - what's a pastebin?01:00
cybersplicethiebaude: Hopefully, there will be cake.01:00
sebsebsebekimmargni: yes, but only  for partial suppourt01:00
PlasmaSheepthiebaude: warty came out on 2004-10-20.01:00
PlasmaSheepthiebaude: That's not october.01:01
ekimmargnisebsebseb: so you have to start fresh to get 100% ext4 support?01:01
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:01
sebsebsebekimmargni: yes01:01
Wyzardrahmat: ^^^01:01
phase_shift314ok here is a stupid problem i've had with windows, a program installed directx 6 over my 9.c, windows can't uninstall the 6, now my opengl wont work01:01
sebsebsebekimmargni: and set up your self,  since guided will give you Ext301:01
ekimmargnisigh, oh well01:01
Leempminimec: Is there a secondary driver that i can use instead of fglrx? Or is that the default i already have installed?01:01
PlasmaSheepAfter doing an apt-get upgrade, the system boot hangs on "waiting for root filesystem", and gives me a prompt. Help please.01:01
thiebaudeoct is the 10th month01:01
ekimmargniI don't really need it (& ext4 isn't ready yet anyways)01:01
PlasmaSheepthiebaude: yes. Warty was the first release of ubuntu.01:01
daftykinsPlasmaSheep, sounds really bad like hard disk fail01:02
sebsebsebphase_shift314: uhmmmm   we  are Ubuntu suppourt not  Windows supourt01:02
phase_shift314yes there is a learning curve indeed01:02
BIGSEXhey all01:02
mythmanRunning Ubuntu 8.10 with mythbuntu how do i get the normal ubuntu splash screen back during boot and login screen01:02
sebsebsebphase_shift314: you can ask the Windows fan boys in #windows for help with Windows01:02
thiebaudethen that makes it 5yrs01:02
PlasmaSheepdaftykins: so what do I do?01:02
affan001i tried apt-get update but it hangs on "96% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (] "01:02
snipdHi, im trying to access a nfs share, but the folder's permission's are 700 and im getting "mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting". how can i both access this folder from my laptop, while maining those permissions on the server?01:02
phase_shift314lol i knew i was going to get that, i was merely stating please don't try and find out what the problem is01:02
minimecLeemp: the opensource driver is installed by default. there is another radeonhd, bur it's early stage.01:02
Flannel!usplash | mythman01:02
ubottumythman: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork01:02
Wyzardaffan001: That's because the mirrors are busy with everyone upgrading01:02
PlasmaSheepthiebaude: but warty didn't come out in october, so ubuntu won't be 5 in october.01:02
Leempminimec: K thanks01:02
Wyzardaffan001: should get better in a few days01:02
PlasmaSheepthiebaude: wait, fail.01:03
thiebaudeyou said 2004/10/20?01:03
phase_shift314my opengl in ubuntu works great01:03
minimecLeemp: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.7&product= For these card there is no fglrx driver in jaunty01:03
Leempbrb, rebooting trying to get the driver to work with my multi-monitor setup.01:03
oDeskhow to downgrade a package ex. gvfs ?01:03
BIGSEXi want to dual boot ubuntu 8.10 with a pre-installed XP, and i shrunk my hard drive to leave 20gb open for ubuntu, should i leave that space as unallocated when i attempt to install or should i format it beforehand?01:03
PlasmaSheepthiebaude: Sorry, spaced out a bit. You're right :p01:03
affan001ok thanks Wyzard01:03
FjssHow can I modify my HAL settings file?01:03
stittelI suppose something might be wrong with my file system after that crash. I also receive "Stale NFS file handle" for some files.01:03
Wyzardrahmat: There's no NTFS or FAT partition there, so it looks like you did choose the overwrite option01:03
sebsebsebBIGSEX: XP is on there already?01:03
DraccyHowdy. Probably a mess in here. Is there a quieter Ubuntu support channel I can hide in for wireless help?01:03
Leempminimec: Did this just take place in jaunty?01:03
BIGSEXseb:yeah, preexisting XP install01:03
PlasmaSheepAfter doing an apt-get upgrade, the system boot hangs on "waiting for root filesystem", and gives me a prompt. Help please.01:03
thiebaudePlasmaSheep: i didn't know that until someone at categor5.tv told me01:04
russianzillaHas anyone had trouble with Pidgin in Jaunty not notifying for new conversations?01:04
BIGSEXseb: shrunk my C down 20gigs to hold ubuntu01:04
Wyzardrahmat: Other than possibly a data-recovery service, you're probably out of luck, unfortunately01:04
stittelIs there a way to force a file system check on the next reboot before the file-system gets mounted r/w?01:04
sebsebsebBIGSEX: yeah just leave it unallocated and   you use the Ubuntu Live CD to make 9.04's partition, and I would recommend Ext4 :)  which means you got to manually set that up01:04
Wyzardstittel: touch /forcefsck01:04
stittelWyzard: Thanks.01:04
thiebaudewait unti ubuntu is 7yrs old,:)01:04
PlasmaSheepBIGSEX: ext4 is experimental. Do what you will.01:04
minimecLeemp: Jaunty uses xorg 1.6 There is no driver for xorg 1.6 for the cards on the upper link.01:04
simNIXstittel, touch /etc/forcefschk if im not mistaken01:04
PlasmaSheepAfter doing an apt-get upgrade, the system boot hangs on "waiting for root filesystem", and gives me a prompt. Help please.01:04
sebsebsebBIGSEX: and  backup really important data elsewhere to if you go Ext4,  because  it's pretty stable now, but may be a  few issues01:04
Wyzardstittel: (disclaimer, I haven't tried that specifically in Ubuntu, but it works in Debian)01:04
rahmatokay. thank you.01:04
BIGSEXseb: i'm using 8.10 live CD, as far as i know ext4 isn't an option in that, right?01:04
Rubin/usr/X11R6/bin/X: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//intel_drv.so: undefined symbol: drm_intel_bufmgr_gem_init  <-- after upgrade from 8.1001:04
sebsebsebBIGSEX: also the name, maybe you should name change,  it's not exactly funny01:05
sotec_prodPython still broken in Jaunty?01:05
PlasmaSheepDammit. I f'ed up good.01:05
Leempminimec: Any idea how to figure out what card i have? Eg, is there somethin in jaunty that can fix it?01:05
sebsebseb!language |  PlasmaSheep01:05
oDeskhow to downgrade a package ex. gvfs ?01:05
ubottuPlasmaSheep: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:05
Leempsotec_prod: !? python is broken!?01:05
sotec_prodThere are a few programs that are completely screwed in jaunty01:05
sotec_prodI keep getting python errors01:05
sebsebsebsotec_prod: Python broken in jaunty I doubt it01:05
BIGSEXseb: if you're actually offended, i'll change it. if you just don't appreciate my comedy, that's another issue01:05
sebsebsebsotec_prod: not now when it's stable01:05
DraccyI'm running a live session on an Acer Aspire One with an Atheros wireless card. Drivers loaded automatically but I can't connect to any networks. I can see them, but they just stall.01:05
sotec_prodWell, the internet is abound with this issue.01:05
minimecLeemp: Open a terminal and type 'lspci |grep VGA'01:05
PlasmaSheepsebsebseb: I'm only human. I can't help feeling frustrated when the OS I generally use doesn't boot, and no one knows why or is inclined to help if they indeed do.01:06
PlasmaSheepAfter doing an apt-get upgrade, the system boot hangs on "waiting for root filesystem", and gives me a prompt. Help please.01:06
sebsebsebBIGSEX: in another channel it  could be a great name, but not here.  and I am not offended by it,  I am just pointing out01:06
oDeskDraccy: goto System -> Admin -> hardware  and activate it01:06
Leempminimec: Bah, yea i have the X1900 XT01:06
histosotec_prod: working here01:06
sebsebsebPlasmaSheep: ok01:06
sebsebsebPlasmaSheep: what are you trying to upgrade from?01:06
BIGSEXgreatness knows no boundaries01:06
DaveCodoes anyone know how to move a tool bar in ooo writer so it is next to the "file, edit, vew .... Help" tool bar?01:06
sh4d3sl4y3r_i have installed jaunty successfully... and done configuring .. no errors faced till now .. the japan mirrors seem to be faster right now.. will upload the screenshots01:07
sh4d3sl4y3r_: )01:07
PlasmaSheepsebsebseb: I have 8.10. I didn't make the jump yet (but there were a few failed upgrade attempts)01:07
sebsebsebPlasmaSheep: ok01:07
Leempminimec: So this is permanent? There will be no fglrx? Or is it just a delay, in releasing it?01:07
minimecLeemp: So you can use the opensource driver (you are probably using it right now), or switch back to intrepid.01:07
sotec_prodDeluge, cairodock, the shutdown/IM status app on the panel isn't even there, and I can't install games, etc. due to python breakage.01:07
Leempminimec: bummer, k thanks01:07
sebsebsebPlasmaSheep: 9.04 may not really be worth it for you anyway01:07
Leempminimec: I think i just need to buy a new graphics card :D01:07
PlasmaSheepsebsebseb: why?01:07
sotec_prodLet me try it again and I'll pastebin it.01:08
cybersplicePlasmaSheep: Sounds like a mucked up grub config, or potentially partitions!01:08
intxanyone here ever used the hd-media bootloader to install ubuntu?01:08
=== snipd is now known as FarmCretin
deepbluegenei am developing a site on loacl system. i have stored my files in webproject folder in my home folder. how i can make thier copies in apache folder01:08
sebsebsebPlasmaSheep: i'll tell you in pm01:08
minimecLeemp: Step back to intrepid, if you have problems and wait some month. The driver will improve, because ATI gave the source to the community.01:08
deepbluegenewhen i try to create files in htdocs it does not allow me01:08
sebsebsebPlasmaSheep: and also with 8.10 you get another years of suppourt01:08
LeempQuestion: Anyone know hw you can move the bloomin panels in jaunty? I can't drag mine, and i see no lock/unlock panel problem01:08
Leempminimec: Ooo01:08
AakashPatelADP1on the macbook pro 4,1...will the keyboard backlight and screen backlight be as smooth fading in and out?01:09
Bo7cybersplice, Loesh: I cant get tightvnc to connent to ubuntus vinagre server, what should I do?01:09
oDeskNautilus cannot handel "network" locations ... i know it's gvfs package problem .. but how to downgrade ?01:09
sebsebsebPlasmaSheep: with Ubuntu it's about what is suppourted, not what is new01:09
Leempminimec: Well if i dont have issues, im fine. As long as it works well with my multiple monitor setup. Thats the main priority.01:09
cyberspliceBo7: Hang on.01:09
phase_shift314where can i configure Gnome-volume-manager to auto mount a drive?01:09
PlasmaSheepsebsebseb: This is my first major issue with ubuntu (I think I started with 7.10)01:09
DraccyWell, no help here but docs say the card should work. I sure as hell hope it does in the end.01:09
DraccyI'll keep a dual boot of Windows in case of emergency.01:09
histoPlasmaSheep: did you get going again?01:10
minimecLeemp: Good luck. I have a two screen system with a nvidia 7600gt. Really painless... ;)01:10
sebsebsebPlasmaSheep: what that 7.10 is no longer suppourted?  indeed 7.10 was rather nice01:10
DaveCol;/=-NMJ,`3=cvb xzAa21`21zac01:10
DaveCo.l/k,i have low screen space, and i want to make the most of it /.,mnb cvxzzxcvgbhnjkl';01:10
sotec_prodyea, my laptop upgrade perfectly, and infact, gave me sound AND wifi. But my desktop is all screwed up.01:10
dariocarusocan anyone help me and explain how i have to install radeonhd driver?? i have to format 3 3 times with fglrx....01:10
PlasmaSheepsebsebseb: I meant that I started using ubuntu with 7.10 and then upgraded asap after that.01:10
histoPlasmaSheep: State your problem again the error that you are getting when you boot and perhaps someone will help you.01:10
minimecdariocaruso: a moment please...01:11
sebsebsebPlasmaSheep: well you need to clean install for one of the major  9.04  features anyway01:11
dariocarusook thanks01:11
histo!worksforme > PlasmaSheep01:11
ubottuPlasmaSheep, please see my private message01:11
Leempminimec: Well it didnt work in intrepid, i had to use fglrx. So far its not working, but it wants me to restart the desktop, so we'll see once i do01:11
mysphytWyzard: it gets weirder.  When I restart X, my TV screen comes up at 2/3 width.  It flashes to full width--like you'd expect--for just a second, and then goes back to 2/3 width.  I'm poking through the Xorg log again, b ut it insists it's normal.  :/01:11
sotec_prodcrap, I can't reproduce the printout.01:11
intxI have the normal ubuntu 9.04 iso in the root directory of an ext2 filesystem and I have grub installed, how do I install ubuntu from it?01:11
PlasmaSheepsebsebseb: You mean ext4? meh. I don't want it.01:11
Wyzardintx: burn it to a CD or DVD01:12
Wyzardintx: You can't boot from an .iso file01:12
cyberspliceBo7: The syntax I gave you was right. Is the vnc server running? Is the firewall blocking it?01:12
intxyou can't?01:12
intxis there some way around it?01:12
pinionAnyone else having a problem with flashplugin-nonfree01:12
DaveCoi have a question: how can i move a tool bar so it is inline with the "file, edit.... Help" tool bar?   in open office?01:12
intxburning to a cd/dvd isn't an option for me01:12
PlasmaSheepOk, restating error message. When booting, I don't totally boot. It hangs on 'waiting for root file system' and then gives me a prompt.01:12
cyberspliceintx: Burn the ISO to cd. :)01:13
LeempQuestion: How do you restart the desktop environment in jaunty..? Ctrl+Alt+Delete isn't working anymore :o01:13
sebsebsebPlasmaSheep: that was one thing yeah01:13
stittelWyzard, simNIX: Well, OK, it kinda works. fsck fixed some errors and I can login again after renaming my home directory and creating a new one.01:13
russianzillaHey, has anyone had issues with Pidgin notifying on new conversations in Jaunty?01:13
cougartenleevi: it's just disabled01:13
minimecdariocaruso: install the xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd package..., then modify your xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/157579/01:13
Wyzardintx: If your computer supports booting from USB storage devices, you may be able to create a bootable USB device to install from01:13
stittelWyzard, simNIX: Any idea which broken file could prevent my original home directory from making me login?01:13
mysphytLeemp: there's an option in xorg.conf that'll reenable the shortcut.01:13
Bo7cybersplice, Loesh: yeah it should be running, I enabled all options in ubuntus settings from the desktop (vineagre) and the firewall is set01:13
intxthere has to be a way to install without moving it01:13
Wyzardintx: I know that's possible with Debian; I think Ubuntu supports it too, but I've never done it and don't know offhand where to get the necessary files01:13
dariocarusominimec: i have to compile somthink?01:14
Leempmysphyt: How do you do it without?01:14
minimecdariocaruso: no01:14
PlasmaSheepAfter doing an apt-get upgrade, the system boot hangs on "waiting for root filesystem", and gives me a prompt. Help please.01:14
phase_shift314dariocaruso: this was a great guide to help me install my radeon drivers, its not exactly the same drivers but it helped to understand the process ---> http://scienceonlooker.blogspot.com/2008/05/newer-ati-driver.html01:14
LiquidBSDdo ubuntu developers have a hissy fit over top posting the way so many linux and BSD developers do?01:14
Wyzardintx: look for info about doing an "hd-media" install01:14
FunnyLookinHatHere's a sweet problem - on Parallels - I installed 9.04 - it boots up and logs in... as soon as the desktop appears and is fully loaded Xorg restarts and I'm back at the login...  Ideas?01:14
Leempmysphyt: Im assuming they have a good way to do it, if they make you edit the xorg.conf to do it the ctrl+alt+del way..01:14
cyberspliceBo7: were you using the server ip or hostname?01:15
UbbyCDhey how do i resize a vdi file?01:15
Wyzardintx: It should be possible from a hard drive too, actually, but it involves doing some special setup on whatever drive you're booting the installer from01:15
UbbyCDi made another disk image01:15
AntiNekoHey all. I'm trying to resize my filesystem-drive but it's pretty confusing. I've got my filesystem on my sda1-drive but Gparted only lets me resize sda1, not filesystem itself.01:15
dariocarusoi have simply to do sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd ????01:15
UbbyCDbut im not sure how to transfer the guest os to the hd01:15
dariocarusoand change my xorg.conf?01:15
mysphytLeemp: I think restating X is just disabled by default.  Either you can add the line Option "DontZap" "False" to the ServerFlags section of xorg.conf, or you can sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (I think).01:15
PlasmaSheepAfter doing an apt-get upgrade, the system boot hangs on "waiting for root filesystem", and gives me a prompt. Help please.01:15
Bo7cybersplice, Loesh: when connecting the client? the hostname.01:15
minimecdariocaruso: install the xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd package..., then modify your xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/157579/01:15
intxWyzard: yeah.. any idea how I can do that? or find information on installing from a hard drive?01:15
cougartenAntiNeko: boot from a live CD01:15
minimecdariocaruso: yes01:15
Wyzardintx: (hd-media install actually involves making a custom bootable hard drive or flash drive which loads the installer and then loop-mounts the .iso file to get packages out of it...  you *cannot* boot the .iso file directly)01:16
dariocarusominimec: ok now i try! thanks01:16
mysphytLeemp: Another option is sudo apt-get install dontzap && dontzap -d .  Essentially it's just a little utility that does the edit for you.01:16
cougartenAntiNeko: you can't resize the partition when it's in use01:16
AntiNekocougarten: Yeah, I was gonna try that. :) Will it pop up in the menu then? Cause I can't see filesystem in Gparted01:16
Leempmysphyt: Nice01:16
cyberspliceAntiNeko: sda1 is the first partition on the drive. If it's presently windows, it's likely the only partition.01:16
AntiNekocougarten: Yep, but will it show when not in use?01:16
Crayboffi have a widgit I leave on the desktop, is it possible to make sure that shortcuts do not appear there? like if I insert a CD, I don't want the cd shortcut appearing under the widgit01:16
cyberspliceBo7:  try the ip01:16
AntiNekocybersplice: I'm dual booting01:16
Wyzardintx: I'd recommend using Google to look for info about hd-media installation...  but I didn't see it mentioned anywhere on the jaunty download page, so I don't know if it's supported by Ubuntu these days01:16
cougartenAntiNeko:  I think gparted is on the liveCD. you can find it under System - 2nd menuething (have another language) - partitioneditor01:17
phase_shift314when i installed my ati radeon driver when i rebooted i got a black screen01:17
sh4d3sl4y3r_a screenshot of my jaunty http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/6876/screenshott.jpg  .... with the ubuntu studio theme01:18
sh4d3sl4y3r_: )01:18
Bo7cybersplice, nope, doesn't work01:18
phase_shift314no big deal though01:18
AntiNekocougarten: Could I get the Gparted LiveCD?01:18
FjssHow can I modify my HAL settings file?01:18
phase_shift314who needs a monitor anyway01:18
mezysh4d3sl4y3r_: how do it get that wigdet bar?01:18
intxWyzard: that's what I'm trying to do, but it coudln't find the iso file01:18
cyberspliceBo7:  ip:1 ?01:18
cougartenAntiNeko:  yes, but the ubuntu CD works too01:18
sh4d3sl4y3r_avant window navigator01:18
UbbyCDwhere did you get that theme01:18
Sergeant_Pony_I just setup ubuntu on a acer aspire laptop and I have no sound? everything installed correctly... any ideas on where I can start?01:19
AntiNekocougarten: I actually installed through Wubi - dual booting with Windows (not using Windows at the moment, though)01:19
tgri am going to be upgradin i have a turion amd64 x2 i was wondering if i should use the 32 bit or 64 bit version of ubuntu01:19
admin_masu3701how do you save on vim?01:19
Wyzardintx: What couldn't find the iso file01:19
intxhd-media files booted off grub01:19
intxit said it couldnt read the cd rom and to make sure it was inserted01:19
intxi had the ubuntu standard iso sitting in /01:19
PlasmaSheepAfter doing an apt-get upgrade, the system boot hangs on "waiting for root filesystem", and gives me a prompt. Help please.01:20
cougartenAntiNeko: I don't know anything about Wubi, but if yu installed it to an own partition any LveCD with gparted should work01:20
Crayboffhow can i make the volume louder, the volume bars are all the way up  9.0401:20
AntiNekocougarten: Oh my, Gparted Live is only avalibale in i38601:20
Jadihey evtybody here01:20
Wyzardintx: You had the .iso file on the partition that you passed as the root= option to the hd-media kernel?01:20
kaiyilenhow do I disable IPv6 in 9.04, all the guides I've found online are for 8.10 and below.01:20
mikechelenAntiNeko, ask in #wubi01:20
genikru123Hello, i just installed 9.04 and sound isnt working, can anyone help01:21
FFForeverwhat is the difference from ubuntu source of xchat and the official xchat source besides the dcc version change01:21
intxWyzard: no i didn't.. I need to do that?01:21
Crayboffi have a widgit I leave on the desktop, is it possible to make sure that shortcuts do not appear there? like if I insert a CD, I don't want the cd shortcut appearing under the widget01:21
intxis there a help file on hd-media somewhere?01:21
intxand was that all I was missing?01:21
bryani am having a hard time getting the network manager to come up. so the machine can connect wirelessly01:21
phase_shift314Sergeant_Pony_: under System-->Preferences-->Sound, On Device tab, what is selected under sound playback01:21
BlackCoffeehi,i'm having trouble connecting my mp4 player,i plug it with the proper cable,it recharges the battery but i can't see the files on Nautilus,any hint of might be going wrong?it used to work01:21
CrayboffFFForever: are you talking about the windows xchat?01:21
Saosinhello. any ideas why rhythmbox won't play mp3 files?01:21
Jadii need help plz the screen is so dark when i instaled ubuntu 9.04 :S01:21
mikechelengenikru123, look in system prefs -> sound and try picking other devices, use test sound01:22
FFForeverCrayboff, no the one on ubuntu01:22
jv_bryan: ifconfig and iwconfig01:22
cougartenhow to play fullscreengames only on one monitor of two set up in "twinview" (nvidia)01:22
vocxSystem > Administration > Login Window, after putting in the password, the Login Window Preferences seems like it is not using modern widgets, it looks like it is using plain old GTK 1.0 widgets.01:22
Wyzardintx: I'm sure there's hd-media documentation somewhere, but I don't know where; wherever you got the hd-media files from would be a good place to look01:22
TUplinkguys my Reiserfs system has flaked out... im running reiserfsck --rebuild-tree   but it keeps freezing any ideas?01:22
mikechelenSaosin, try install ubuntu-restricted-extras, might have to enable other software sources01:22
Saosinjust installed ubuntu 9.04 and rhythmbox won't play mp3 files. it says it needs a plugin but can't find it01:22
bryanwas the network tool rmemoved?01:22
FFForeverCrayboff, the one on ubuntu reports it with ubuntu at the end of version (Xchat version number Ubuntu) it reported on a ctcp version was wondering if there was a difference01:22
sh4d3sl4y3r_Saosin : use audacious for mp301:22
crc-errorIs there any known issues related to Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty & Intel HDA sound card?:\01:22
crc-erroron notebooks.01:23
VesaythHello! I'm having a little problem with running multiple websites on one apache2 server. One of my websites I am able to view from another machine, however I am not able to with the other. I can view both websites on the local machine by typing in their domain names. The one that is not working previously used another domain name, and I've changed it over. The only thing I edited in their apache2 sites-available config files was the server na01:23
doleybSaosin: did you try medibuntu?01:23
Saosinso it won't work with rhythmbox?01:23
Saosinwhat is medibuntu?01:23
AntiNekocougarten: Could I use Knoppix instead?01:23
Saosini installed ubuntu 9.04 desktop01:23
ubottuSaosin: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:23
genikru123When i test sound, some devices show an error, others open the test window but i hear no sound01:23
CrayboffFFForever: well the ubuntu one and the xchat2 for windows are not officially maintained for what i know, sort of a side project for the xchat creator01:23
mikechelenAntiNeko, probably not, because the virtual linux file system exists inside the real windows filesystem01:23
DoubledoseI installed wubi on a second harddrive and I didnt like it so i just took out the harddrive and gave it back to my friend, well the boot screen still asks me if i want to load windows or ubuntu anyone know what I have to delete to get it to stop asking me if I want to boot ubuntu01:23
Saosinoh. so i'm stuck with the faggy ogg plugin then...01:23
CrayboffFFForever: if that answers yoru question01:23
FFForeverCrayboff, i never said windows....01:23
bryaniwconfig - retru nno wireless extensions01:23
AntiNekomikechelen: So I can't resize it?01:24
Crayboffya i know, nvm, then i cant help you, FFForever01:24
doleybSaosin: the purpose of medibuntu is for you to easily add those other plugins you want01:24
FFForeveri was just wondering what changes ubuntu made to the xchat source XD01:24
Jadimy screen is so dark what can i do to adjust darkness i have a dekstop pc not a portable01:24
mikechelenAntiNeko, look for wubi-specific instructions01:24
doleybSaosin: it's not some other distribution, its a package source you add to get those things.01:24
cougartenAntiNeko: if it comes with Gparted yes. but i dont know01:24
CrayboffAntiNeko: you can't resize wubi installs01:24
phase_shift314where can i configure Gnome-volume-manager to auto mount a drive?01:24
FlannelAntiNeko, Crayboff: you can01:24
cougartenmikechelen is right AntiNeko01:25
daedraah! I deleted my partition table on a harddrive, is it possible to recover the data it was pointing to?01:25
Saosinwhy is so complicated these days? i remember installing several linux distros years before and every one of them had libraries for mpeg decoding01:25
davygrvy9.04 BUG: "Error failed to fork pty" from Add/Remove and unable to open any terminal01:25
PlasmaSheepAfter doing an apt-get upgrade, the system boot hangs on "waiting for root filesystem", and gives me a prompt. Help please.01:25
Crayboffwha? Flannel how? i looked for this but it told me that it had to be moved to its own partition01:25
sh4d3sl4y3r_mp3 is a proprietary codec01:25
sh4d3sl4y3r_that's why its not included01:25
Saosinit wasn't before?01:25
AntiNekoI can't connect to #wubi01:25
mikechelenAntiNeko, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How%20do%20I%20resize%20the%20virtual%20disks?01:25
sh4d3sl4y3r_it was. but those distros were not FOSS compliant01:25
mikechelenAntiNeko, yeah sorry that is the wrong chan01:25
doleybSaosin: Those distros must have been more willing to skirt the law.  But medibuntu is NOT hard to use.01:25
Kr0ntabAntiNeko: you're in there... but no one else is01:26
Saosinmedibuntu is just a source, right?01:26
AntiNekomikechelen: Thanks alot! Will check out that link01:26
FFForeverwill wubi work with any linux live cd?01:26
genikru123someone help me with the sound :(01:26
intxWyzard: i got it from here, no documentation: W_McL01:26
intxWyzard: http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/01:26
doleybSaosin: The instructions are pretty easy http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-release01:26
phase_shift314if you want media get medibuntu repository01:26
daedraah! I deleted my partition table on a harddrive, is it possible to recover the data it was pointing to?01:26
FlannelAntiNeko: Crayboff https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How%20do%20I%20resize%20the%20virtual%20disks?  Oh, mikechelen already linked.  That use to be in the FAQ on the wubi site01:26
Jadisomeone can help me with the darkness :S01:26
TUplinkis there a way to disable the monotor from blanking to save power... i dont have X instale01:26
jv_anyone here uses lives?01:26
davygrvyunable to open a pty, help01:26
doleybSaosin: oops these are the instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu01:26
Sergeant_Pony_phase_shift314, 1 sec01:26
Saosinif only everyone could stop typing so i can copy the link...01:26
mikechelenAntiNeko, might want to migrate to "real" dual boot in the future, that should work for now though01:27
genikru123mikechelen: when i test sound, some devices give errors, others load the test window but i hear no sound01:27
=== noodlesgc_ is now known as noodlesgc
Sergeant_Pony_phase_shift314, it's got autodetect selected01:27
mondois there any bug about cpu freq on 9.04? because my frequency is 800MHz but there is too much noise from cpu fan ?01:27
daedraah! I deleted my partition table on a harddrive, is it possible to recover the data it was pointing to?01:27
doleybmondo: I have felt similar problems to you...01:27
mikechelengenikru123, ok which one shows no error? and what sound card do you have01:27
AntiNekomikechelen: Didn't think I'd be this amazingly pleased with Ubuntu! Was just checking it out. Will run Ubuntu solo in future01:28
AntiNekomikechelen Flannel cougarten Thanks alot, will check out link01:28
Wyzarddaedra: The data isn't gone; if you recreate the partition table (just create partitions again with the same starting/ending cylinder numbers) you should be able to access it just fine01:28
mondodoleyb: no solution yet ?01:28
Saosinso after i add the medibuntu source all i need is to restart the "add/remove applications" window, right?01:28
mikechelenmondo, you could check system monitor and see if cpu usage is high01:28
doleybSaosin: Most likely.01:28
daedraWyzard: ah that's what I thought. What is this process called so I can google it01:28
Saosinok great01:28
davygrvyunable to open a pty, please help01:28
Wyzarddaedra: fdisk01:28
Saosinit was way easier with slack 7 :D01:28
phase_shift314Sergeant_Pony_: i don't understand, i want to configure a drive to be mounted when i boot, right now i have to go to the drive before my shortcuts become linked01:28
Wyzardintx: Debian's hd-media documentation is here:  http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/ch04s03.html.en01:29
genikru123mikechelen: i have the onboard soundcard from nvidia 790i, when i select ALSA it shows no error but no sound either01:29
CrayboffFlannel: that's not resizing the wubi install, that's giving wubi it's own actual partition01:29
sh4d3sl4y3r_can anyone provide me a good guide for sun-java6-jdk installation ? like setting the path and stuff01:29
sh4d3sl4y3r_would be helpful :)01:29
mondomikechelen: interesting thing is mo cpu usage, 800MHz freq. but too much noise, i hadnt such that problem 8.1001:29
Wyzardintx: It may apply to Ubuntu as well, but you're on your own; #debian doesn't appreciate questions about Ubuntu01:29
doleybphase_shift314: Maybe you want to edit /etc/rc.local and add "mount /media/MYDISK"01:29
=== Blizzerand is now known as ^Blizzerand^
FlannelCrayboff: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html and scroll down to "Resizing virtual disks using LVPM" or whatever01:30
Kr0ntabbuncha haters01:30
Saosinand another question. do i need to edit /etc/fstab to add my other partitions on the drive for auto mounting or is there a graphical app for this?01:30
sunny_anyone knows of any sitemap genetator software for ubuntu?01:30
doleybmondo: I wish I had too much noise!  I think its not putting on the CPU fan enough, and then it decides its overheating and shuts off.01:30
VesaythHello! I'm having a little problem with running multiple websites on one apache2 server. One of my websites I am able to view from another machine, however I am not able to with the other. I can view both websites on the local machine by typing in their domain names. The one that is not working previously used another domain name, and I've changed it over. The only thing I edited in their apache2 sites-available config files was the server na01:30
phase_shift314doleyb: thank you, i think that is what i needed, i was trying to find an app that had configurations but that will do01:30
mikechelengenikru123, does it have analog and/or digital outputs? do you see that card listed with (ALSA) or (OSS)?01:30
dariocarusohi! i've do this: install by apt radeonhd driver and modify my xorg, but after the reboot is the same and my glxinfo not show radeonhd driver01:31
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dariocarusocan anyone help me, please?01:31
WyzardVesayth: You have to change the ServerName directive in the config file's <VirtualHost> block01:31
mikechelenmondo, is that from variable speed cpu fan? maybe search for your mobo model01:31
VesaythWyzard: I have01:31
WyzardVesayth: The name of the config file in sites-available doesn't actually mean anything to apache01:32
Saosinany time now. about that mounting issue i have. and don't get it out of context :D01:32
genikru123mikechelen: actually when i test in OSS it plays a noise but i still dont hear sound in web players01:32
VesaythWyzard: That's not what I changed01:32
Sergeant_Pony_<phase_shift314> Sergeant_Pony_: under System-->Preferences-->Sound, On Device tab, what is selected under sound playback01:32
Kr0ntabVesayth: you say your local machine can view the new URL's... do you have the host names defined in your /etc/hosts file?  or DNS?01:32
mikechelendariocaruso, maybe envyng would help download & install the proper driver?01:32
Saosinoh great. more errors - W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278301:32
Saosinis this bad?01:32
cbk486Hello,  I just installed the x64 bit version of ubuntu 9.04 on my pc, but my nvidia gtx260 is not showing up in the driver manager. How can I fix this and install the driver?01:32
VesaythWyzard: The file name is still the same. I went into those files and changed the ServerName from old.domain to new.domain01:32
vixwhere do i set the labels for the partitions mounted ( for the icons on the desktop)01:32
mikechelengenikru123, you mean flash?01:32
WyzardVesayth: That should be all you need to do (other than restarting apache, of course)01:32
WyzardVesayth: Are you sure the domain name actually points to your server in DNS?01:33
dariocarusothe fglrx have a bug with my card, if i install it after reboot i can't log in01:33
VesaythKr0ntab: Yes. I edited my /etc/hosts file01:33
Crayboffi have a widgit I leave on the desktop, is it possible to make sure that shortcuts do not appear there? like if I insert a CD, I don't want the cd shortcut appearing under the widget01:33
ProMaxhi ppl01:33
genikru123mikechelen, i havent tried any other method tho, just flash players01:33
davygrvyunable to open a pty, please help.  I just updated to 9.04.  It looks just like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/338071 but the solutions there don't fix it01:33
Kr0ntabVesayth: how about on your other machines?  Did you change them as well?01:33
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phase_shift314Sergeant_Pony_: oh sorry, try on oss and test01:33
mikechelengenikru123, you can check others, most should work, flash needs to be set to use OSS01:33
VesaythWyzard: I'm not entirely sure. The domain was just transferred today, so it may be an issue with the domain transfer not syncing up yet (even though it appears in my new registrar's list)01:33
VenteroHey there, got a question: What could cause the issue that my gnome-panel doesn't start automatically when I log in?01:34
dariocarusoso i had to install radeonhd but i think that are not installed01:34
ProMaxhow to update distrib  8.10  to 9.04  console ?????01:34
RoastedAnybody having the trash icon bug with Jaunty? I can't seem to get it to look full when stuff is in it.01:34
WyzardVesayth: DNS changes typically take a little while to propagate through the system; try again tomorrow01:34
Sergeant_Pony_phase_shift314, I did, nothing came out.01:34
genikru123mikechelen, i set it to OSS i still dont hear flash sound01:34
mikechelenProMax, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:34
sh4d3sl4y3r_is there an automated bot here?01:34
VesaythKr0ntab: I'm trying not trying to access the website locally through my other machines01:34
sh4d3sl4y3r_for general queries01:34
CrayboffProMax: update manager?01:34
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:34
minimecvix <alt>f2 gconf-editor you find the settings in /apps/nautilus/desktop01:34
Jadii have a intel graphic controller and the screen is so dark pleeeeeeeeeeeez help me01:35
ProMaxno Crayboff   console01:35
majorwhy isnlt flkash smooth01:35
mikechelengenikru123, it is a flash setting01:35
Crayboffoh my bad01:35
VesaythWyzard: That's what I was afraid of. I'll see what happens tomorrow and will come back in here if I still have issues.01:35
genikru123mikechelen, what do you mean, what is?01:35
ProMaxmikechelen:  i type  that not work  ,  you know why ?01:35
phase_shift314Sergeant_Pony_: have you looked at your preferences under the volume control?01:35
Jadii have a intel graphic controller and the screen is so dark pleeeeeeeeeeeez help me            brothers01:35
davygrvyunable to open a pty, please help.  I just updated to 9.04.  It looks just like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/338071 but the solutions there don't fix it01:35
cbk486cbk486: Hello,  I just installed the x64 bit version of ubuntu 9.04 on my pc, but my nvidia gtx260 is not showing up in the driver manager. How can I fix this and install the driver?01:36
Saosinwhat is the ubuntu 9.04 version called?01:36
cypher1Jadi: what do you mean by screen being dark ?01:36
mikechelengenikru123, flash uses ALSA by default and needs to be set to use OSS for your sound card01:36
sebsebsebJaunty |  Sasosin01:36
linduxedSaosin: jaunty jackalope01:36
genikru123mikechelen, how do it set it to OSS01:36
mikechelenProMax, what is the error? might need to do "apt-get update" first01:36
Saosinthank you01:36
sebsebseb!jaunty |  Saosin01:36
ubottuSaosin: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 - Please use !torrents01:36
mikechelengenikru123, im looking to see, maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=781205 will help?01:37
sebsebsebwhy does the bot have the 810  page for  release info for jaunty heh heh01:37
genikru123mikechelen, why cant i just make ALSA work01:37
davygrvyunable to open any terminal (pty), please help.  I just updated to 9.04.  It looks just like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/338071 but the solutions there don't fix it01:37
ProMaxmikechelen: hm..01:38
mikechelengenikru123, do you see your sound card listed with (ALSA) in sound prefs?01:38
daedraWyzard: so do I just do fdisk from the beginning of the partition to the end with the same filesystem as before?01:38
ProMaxno error01:38
genikru123mikechelen, yes01:39
Wyzarddaedra: use fdisk to create partitions with the same starting and ending cylinders and the same type codes01:39
dariocarusoplease anyone can tell me if when i install radeonhd driver i have to remove somethink?01:39
blbrownif I just want to do an upgrade, I get the 'alternate' iso, right?01:39
linduxedi just installed jaunty, and while i had sound without issues in intrepid, i have no sound at all here01:39
linduxedi can start music and pulseaudio has a bar thats bouncing left and right (all alsamixer sliders at max too), so apparently the music is playing and something is happening, but i hear nothing01:39
ubuntuserI'm on 9.04 release candidate.  how do I update to 9.04 final?  do I just let update manager do its thing and that does it?01:39
mikechelenpinion, yeah, ever since recent firefox updates01:39
dariocarusoi have just installed but nothings is changed01:39
minimecdavygrvy: That line didn't fix it? It di for me devpts /dev/pts devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)01:39
Wyzarddaedra: (actually, the type code is only a hint to the OS, and doesn't actually have anything to do with the contents of the partition)01:39
ProMaxmikechelen:  thanx01:39
daedraWyzard: what are type codes?01:39
mikechelengenikru123, what happens with test sound?01:39
ProMaxthat true  =)01:40
blue112Hello here :)01:40
Wyzarddaedra: the byte in the partition table that indicates what the partition is for, e.g. 0x83 for Linux01:40
daedraWyzard: ah I think I know what you mean. 82 for Linux :D01:40
blue112How can I access my "Private" folder I had on ubuntu 8.10 ?01:40
ProMaxmikechelen:  now  work =)01:40
blbrownwhat iso do I need for just an upgrade01:40
Wyzard0x82 is swap01:40
daedraoops thats swap01:40
genikru123mikechelen, i had a USB sound card plugged in, i unplugged it and i think the driver for my onboard card isnt installed, how can i install drivers01:40
daedraWyzard: thanks for that I'll play around on a test drive01:41
Wyzarddaedra: but it has nothing to do with the partition's contents; you could make a partition labeled 0x82 and put NTFS in it01:41
sirjoebobdoes anyone know if amarok 2 is capable of burning cds?01:41
genikru123mikechelen, i get this error when i test my onboard soundcard with ASLA or OSS audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Could not open audio device for playback. Device is being used by another application.01:41
mikechelenProMax, good to hear, you might want to enable automatic updates too01:41
Wyzarddaedra: Windows probably wouldn't "notice" it, but you could still mount it with ntfs-3g or whatever01:41
GBGamesI just upgraded to 8.04 TLS and then to 8.10. I see Network Connections in Preferences, but I don't understand what I need to do to get the network connection to activate once I set one up.01:41
daedraWyzard: oh ok, and would that be able to boot?01:41
blue112How can I access my "Private" folder I had on ubuntu 8.10 ?01:41
daedraWyzard: oh I see... probably lazy windows coding01:41
ubuntuseranyone know how to go from 9.04rc to 9.04final?  is it a reinstall?01:41
kholerabbiI need to mount the jaunty alternative iso as a cdrom.. anyone know how to do this?01:41
davygrvyminimec:  I switched to the aux terminals with ctrl+alt+f2 and ran mount and saw that it errors on devpts saying it has bogus options01:41
mikechelengenikru123, no driver installation should be required, might have to change some settings though01:41
mikechelengenikru123, do you want to use the usb or onboard?01:42
maddingreetings, everybody!01:42
davygrvyminimec:  sudo mount -a01:42
GBGamesIf I setup a wireless network in Network Connections, how do I tell Ubuntu to actually start using it?01:42
Wyzarddaedra: I don't know what Windows' policy is on detecting filesystems in partitions...  the point is that the type code in the partition table is just a hint to the OS that it *can* use to decide which partitions to look at and which to ignore01:42
shiznebitubuntuser: just update normally nothing more has to be done01:42
ripps!beta | ubuntuser01:42
ubottuubuntuser: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.01:42
ZanQdohi, Im using ubuntu netbook remix,  how can I get rid of the "maximize everything on load" behavior01:42
Saosinok so i added medibunto, but rhythmbox still can't find the mpeg libraries to play mp3 files. any ideas?01:42
minimecdavygrvy: All I did was to add that at the and of my /etc/fstab fils 'devpts /dev/pts devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)'01:43
genikru123mikechelen, i dont mind, but ALSA isnt working with any, and only OSS is working with the usb sound card01:43
sanguisdexso has any one else been having the time out issues with upgrading?01:43
davygrvyminimec:  doesn't work for me01:43
Paddy_EIRESaosin: you may have added the medibuntu repository but did you actually install anything from it?01:43
phantmii have a mirror site for hardy and when i use debmirror to try and update keeps giving an error ...01:43
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: all i could find was non-free-codecs. i installed this package but still can't play mp301:43
minimecdavygrvy: sorry to hear that. I have no idea what else to do...01:43
davygrvyminimec: i'm lost01:44
LeempQuestion: How do you move a panel in jaunty? They seem to be locked.. but i dont even see an unlock option01:44
Paddy_EIRESaosin: you do not need medibuntu for mp301:44
Wyzardsanguisdex: That's kinda normal in the days after an Ubuntu release because everyone's downloading upgrades01:44
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: then what do i need?01:44
evantanderseni'm having trouble with a shell script. I need to take this string "+XX.0C" (Where , turn it into01:44
Paddy_EIRESaosin: you just need to install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' from add/remove01:44
mikechelensanguisdex, could try using debtorrent01:44
sanguisdexWyzard: its odd it's the forst tiem I have had these issues01:45
biochip2khello, I have two machine with jaunty and in neither works nautiulus's typeahead search. It works on liveCD. it works on any other gnome widget. Anybody an idea?01:45
evantandersen i'm having trouble with a shell script. I need to take this string "+XX.0C" (Where X is a number) , turn it into a pure number so i can add it to a sum01:45
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: i can't find that. perhaps you can guide me where to look for it?01:45
Paddy_EIRESaosin: warning this will also install several other restricted "proprietary" apps and microsoft fonts01:45
blue112How can I access my "Private" folder I had on ubuntu 8.10 ?01:45
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mysphytevantandersen: Have you tried sed?01:45
mikechelengenikru123, is your onboard sound card listed multiple times in sound prefs?01:45
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evantandersenmysphyt no01:45
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LeempAh hah, im guessing you can't move them :o, they just give you an option on where to put it01:45
sanguisdexmikechelen: I am aboit scared of thined like debtorrent and aptp2p01:45
mysphytevantandersen: Can you pastebin the script?01:45
mikechelengenikru123, for using flash with oss, might try flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound01:45
Paddy_EIRESaosin: Applications > Add/Remove (then choose show all applications) after that search for restricted01:46
genikru123ok ill try01:46
Froadsebsebseb: sorry had to go unexpectedly01:46
sanguisdexis debtorrent better then apt-p2p?01:46
sebsebsebFroad: ok01:46
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: already did that. nothing found01:46
rippsblue112, it should work the same as before, mine hasn't changed01:46
kholerabbihow can I upgrade from the alternate cd?01:46
sebsebsebFroad: so you missed my messages?01:46
sanguisdex!more stable01:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about more stable01:46
maddini'm running ubuntu 8.10 and set up a raid 5 with mdadm over three devices. i deliberately left some space on each of the three devices to try to set up a raid 0 with windows xp. well, cardinal question, does anyone know how to do this, without loosing data an still being able to access my raid volume from linux, or even better, can i use one and the same raid array on both systems? Very interested in ideas.01:46
Paddy_EIRESaosin: which version of ubuntu are you using?01:46
blue112ripps: I have changed my hd :/01:46
Saosinlatest. 9.04 desktop01:46
Saosinjust installed it01:46
mikechelensanguisdex, only downside is somewhat high (~100mb) mem usage, otherwise debtorrent works fine on home cable01:46
blue112ripps: When I mount the old one, I can't find my datas01:47
Paddy_EIRESaosin: go to 'System > Administration > Software Sources'01:47
disismthi guys01:47
Linuz2009I don't have a sound card configured in my computer01:47
Paddy_EIRESaosin: look to make sure that the "restricted" repository is enabled01:47
rippsblue112: no clue, I suppose it might have been erased01:47
Wyzardmaddin: I don't think Windows XP supports software RAID, so you'd have to use motherboard fakeraid to combine the drives together at the whole-disk (rather than partition) level01:47
Wyzardmaddin: which would break your mdadm array01:47
mikechelenmaddin, idk about reusing the raid config, if there is blank disk space linux does not mind what else uses it01:47
=== zhanx is now known as Zh[a]nx
Saosin"proprietary drivers for devices (restricted)" is checked01:48
* Zh[a]nx is away: Gone away for now01:48
Linuz2009some help here01:48
Paddy_EIRESaosin: this is also called the mulitiverse01:48
sebsebsebLinuz2009: with?01:48
davygrvy!ptys missing01:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ptys missing01:48
genikru123mikechelen, not woRkin01:48
mikechelenWyzard, it can be done with windows-based applications01:48
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: everything is checked01:48
evantandersenmysphyt http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m5d67981701:48
Linuz2009my sound card isn't configured01:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about devpts01:48
rroblakdoes anybody know what protocol the loopback interface uses?01:48
rroblakI'm trying to understand my iptables01:49
Paddy_EIREok.. then close and reload the package lists if it asks01:49
Paddy_EIRESaosin: ^01:49
Linuz2009my volume control is unable to detect any control devices01:49
sebsebseb!iptables |  rroblak01:49
ubotturroblak: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist01:49
Wyzardrrowell: If it has an IP address then it uses IP01:49
genikru123mikechelen, do you know if i can reset everything to default settings?01:49
Froadsebsebseb just read em01:49
Paddy_EIRESaosin: or you could try via a terminal! If you would like01:49
maddi3@wyzard I will find out if its software or fake raid then first thanks so far01:49
rroblaksebastien, yes I'm reading that right now01:49
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: ok i restarted "add/remove programs" i found "ubuntu restricted extras" and it is checked. so i must have mp3 player. but why rhythmbox can't play mp3 files?01:50
Froadsebsebseb: still it's like what commands should I use :/01:50
sebsebsebFroad: ok what you want to do regarding the data partition?01:50
Paddy_EIRESaosin: it can01:50
Froadsebsebseb: idk really01:50
Linuz2009anybody respond to my question01:50
vocxWhen the refresh frequencies are not detected for a given LCD monitor, is it the fault of the video driver (kernel module) or the whole of Xorg?01:50
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: ofcourse i can do this in the terminal, but it was long ago when i used apt (on debian) and i forgot most of the arguments01:50
mikechelengenikru123, it should be at the default currently01:50
Paddy_EIRE!patience | Linuz200901:50
ubottuLinuz2009: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:50
Froadsebsebseb: my mother may need to use it, so maybe using a share partition?01:50
Wyzardvocx: driver and/or hardware01:50
rroblaksebsebseb, I'm trying to understand why my loopback is not being blocked since I don't have any rules specfically allowing it01:50
SteffyLinuz2009: Patience, there's a lot of us here. Also, give us a bit more information on your problem01:51
Linuz2009I'll wait01:51
mikechelengenikru123, use test sound with autodetect option01:51
mikechelengenikru123, which device did you get some audio from, onboard or usb?01:51
Wyzardvocx: some (mostly old) monitors just don't provide that information01:51
cypher1Linuz2009: what does your System->Preferences->Sound says01:51
Paddy_EIRESaosin: hmm.. perhaps the installation of ubuntu-restricted-extras was messed up... open up synaptic package manager01:51
sebsebsebFroad: I think do a Ext3 data partition, and put the driver in Windows so  Windows can read and write to it.01:51
VenteroAnyone has an idea how to make my gnome panel to start up automatically again (as it should do)?01:51
genikru123Mikechelen, USB01:51
InvisiblePinkUniHi sebsebseb01:51
Paddy_EIRESaosin: You know where that is right?01:51
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: nope. restarted rhythmbox now, and still can't play mp3. but the tags are read. is this progress?01:51
vocxWyzard, how old is old? Mmm... 4 years for an LCD?01:51
Linuz2009there's none default mixer device01:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext401:52
phantmianyone do anything with mirror either debmirror or apt-mirror01:52
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org01:52
maddi3@mikechelen what do you mean with reusing the raid config?01:52
sebsebsebInvisiblePinkUni: who are you?01:52
Victorrhi, does someone know if the install disk will boot an intel iMac?01:52
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: yes i know. done01:52
Wyzardvocx: That should be OK, probably01:52
InvisiblePinkUnisebsebseb: I upgraded to 9.04, but am not happy :(. Flash is choppy in full screen.01:52
sebsebsebFroad: yep ,but your install will be Ext4 :)01:52
Paddy_EIRESaosin: ok then search for ubuntu restricted01:52
SteffyVentero: check System -> Preferences -> Sessions and see if "gnome-panel" is there?01:52
sebsebsebInvisiblePinkUni: who are you?01:52
Linuz2009there's only sound events and music and movies and audio conferencing01:52
mysphytevantandersen: I'm installing lm-sensors so I can see what your input's like.  :P01:52
jv_a ghost01:52
jv_I mean, me01:52
InvisiblePinkUnisebsebseb: I'm planning to do a clean install from scratch.01:52
rippsInvisiblePinkUni: What is you video card and driver?01:52
BePhantomim so going back to 8.10 :D01:53
Paddy_EIRESaosin: and then right click it and mark it for reinstall... this may take some time depending on your connection.01:53
VenteroSteffy: Does it have to be there? I thought it should get started as part of the default gnome-session01:53
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: nothing found01:53
sebsebsebInvisiblePinkUni: yeah, but your using a differnet name, so remind me who you are01:53
davygrvyminimec: ok, got it.  alt+f2 then ran "gksudo mount -a" rather than the aux terminals01:53
InvisiblePinkUniripps: I think its Intel X310001:53
SteffyVentero: good point.01:53
Froadsebsebseb: soooo I'll want two partitions: one ext4, and one ext3 share partition?01:53
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: there were some results but not the one i am looking for01:53
sebsebsebBePhantom: yeah ?01:53
BePhantomsebsebseb, too many bugs in 9.0401:53
tanathanyone else unable to change pop notification settings? settings (theme & position) have no effect.01:53
InvisiblePinkUnisebsebseb: We talked briefly on #ubuntu-release-party yesterday.01:53
sebsebsebBePhantom: such as?01:53
sebsebsebInvisiblePinkUni: what was your name there?01:53
BePhantomsebsebseb, intel video problem01:54
rippsInvisiblePinkUni: the intel driver in jaunty is buggy due to dri2/uxa stuff, you need to either upgrade your kernel + driver with unofficial packages or downgrade the driver01:54
Paddy_EIRESaosin: then specifically search for ubuntu-restricted01:54
InvisiblePinkUnisebsebseb: InvisiblePinkUnicorn.01:54
vocxWyzard, so I should talk to the guys developing the driver? Or how can I tell, or probe my monitor for this info. I know the refresh rates but because they are in a sticker in the back.01:54
rippsInvisiblePinkUni: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/intel-graphics-performance-guide-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html01:54
sebsebsebBePhantom: yeah that01:54
evantandersenmysphyt well that grep command gives me +66.0*C +67.0*C (Degrees sign, i can't do it) I have a dual core macbook01:54
InvisiblePinkUniripps: ok cool thanks.01:54
genikru123mikechelen, i might have messed up some settings, is there a command to reset to default01:54
sebsebsebInvisiblePinkUni: what did we do?01:54
rippsripps: welcome01:54
sebsebsebBePhantom: intel proccesor good, intel graphics bad01:54
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: nothing01:54
BePhantomsebsebseb, i'll stay with 8.10 till 9.04 gets fixed01:55
mikechelengenikru123, depends what settings did you change?01:55
InvisiblePinkUnisebsebseb: Nothing.01:55
Paddy_EIRESaosin: you tried ubuntu-restricted-extras01:55
Wyzardvocx: Check /var/log/Xorg.0.log; the driver may have logged some messages saying whether it succeeded or failed to detect, and what info it got01:55
Linuz2009I don't have a sound in my computer01:55
davidfx0hello all01:55
sebsebsebBePhantom: it's not 9.04's fault that Intel do bad graphics cards01:55
Linuz2009unable to detect any sound modules01:55
Paddy_EIRESaosin: in synaptic I mean01:55
sebsebsebBePhantom: and don't suppourt Linux properly01:55
davidfx0i have a ubuntu partition on my hard drive right now but i want to use xbuntu01:55
Wyzardvocx: If necessary you can add a Monitor section to your xorg.conf containing HorizSync and VertRefresh lines with the numbers from that sticker on the monitor01:55
genikru123mikechelen, im not sure, i tried a few solutions i found on forums01:55
davygrvywhy is my /etc/rcS.d/S11mountdevsubfs.sh missing?  How do I recreate that link in the appropriate manner?01:55
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: yes. i am in synaptic, searched for restricted, ubuntu restricted, ubuntu-restricted-extras and no results01:55
davidfx0when I run the installer will it ask me which partition to install on01:55
petafileIs there a command to do a "full reinstallation" of a package, that is a package and its dependencies?01:55
rippssebsebseb: intel is usually the paragon of stability in linux, but theyre doing bleeding edge stuff with gem and dri2, so their working out the bugs in these new archetechtures01:55
dexterrAnyone here think they are an expert with ubuntu wireless setup?01:56
dexterrand want to help me?01:56
jh_ubuntuwho can tell me how to use the "make"01:56
Linuz2009need to get a my sound card configured01:56
mikechelen!ask | dexterr01:56
ubottudexterr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:56
BePhantomsebsebseb, well, 8.10 worked just fine with my video, i dunno what happened in 9.04 nor why was released with such a problem01:56
vocxWyzard, I already looked at the logs, that's why I know what to add to xorg.conf, but I'm trying to determine if this is a bug, that is, if the monitor should have been detected by the driver or xorg.01:56
Linuz2009there's no sound playing in my computer01:56
dexterrlol, ok, thanks01:56
evantandersenjh_ubuntu cd into the dir where you unzipped the file, then type "make"01:56
sebsebsebBePhantom: well use 8.10 if you want,  it has another year of suppourt on the desktop01:56
Kr0ntabSaosin: do you have universe and multiverse repos enabled?01:56
Linuz2009that includes the internet and the computer01:56
mysphytevantandersen: So are you trying to get an integer, or just trying to get rid of the + and the degrees celsius?01:56
Wyzardvocx: You could look up the monitor's model number on Google to see if others have had problems with it01:56
rroblakcan anybody explain how this iptables list allows the loopback interface to work? http://privatepaste.com/1dexD2tkCI01:57
sebsebsebBePhantom: newer is not always beter01:57
Linuz2009only when I boot up can it play a sound01:57
Wyzardvocx: or try a newer monitor to see if that's detected01:57
dexterrI am on a bootable Xubuntu right now, on my laptop.  I have been thinking of installing.  I have never used wireless in linux, and am having problems.  Can anyone help me?01:57
rippsBePhantom: what's your video card01:57
tanathanyone else unable to sign on here with SSL enabled?01:57
SaosinKr0ntab: where can i check for these?01:57
evantandersenmysphyt yes i want an interger. The number after decimal place is always a 0, so yeah an interger01:57
BePhantomsebsebseb, true, i mean it boots slower but everything works fine01:57
BePhantomripps, intel 94501:57
Linuz2009it seemed that my sound card isn't supported by Ubuntu01:57
Kr0ntabsystem... administration... software sources...01:57
Steffyjh_ubuntu: If you're installing something then usually it's type "./configure", then "make", then "make install". There should also be a README.txt. And for more info on make type "man make" in terminal01:57
SkapareLinuz2009: that or linux isn't supported by your sound card01:58
disismtIs there any way to /update/ my ubuntu to jaunty?01:58
rippsBePhantom: intel graphics is buggy due to new dri2/uxa, you need unofficial upgrades/downgrades to fix: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/intel-graphics-performance-guide-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html01:58
davidfx0can anyone help me01:58
SaosinKr0ntab: yes. everything is checked01:58
RayfordAnyone use BusinessMAP 5 from ESRI?01:58
Linuz2009how can I know if my soundcard isn't supported?01:58
Froadsebsebseb: any recommendations01:58
Wyzardrroblak: looks like the INPUT chain has no DROP rules that apply to lo except the one matching invalid packets, so lo traffic goes through the chain all the way to the end, and the chain's policy is ACCEPT so that's what happens01:58
vocxWyzard, this is a pretty generic-brand, cheap LCD, so I doubt a lot of people use it. And I have no other monitors to test.01:58
Dougshellhey guys..jaunty adds support for native nvidia drivers correct?01:58
Linuz2009its a intel 8 001:58
sebsebsebFroad: yeah01:58
Saosinin "add/remove programs" i see ubuntu-restricted-extras installed, but not in synaptic01:58
SkapareLinuz2009: what kind of sound card is it?  does it show up in the output of command "lspci"?01:58
sebsebsebFroad: reply to my pm01:59
Saosinand when i try to uninstall it from "add/remove programs" it says to do it in synaptic because other packages depend on it01:59
Dougshellback rocks..just saw them last year01:59
Dougshellband rather01:59
davidfx0if anyone gets a chance can someone pm me01:59
SaosinDougshell: :)01:59
rroblakWyzard, thanks for the wonderful explanation :)01:59
Steffydisismt: Yes, open update manager and there should be a "Upgrade Ubuntu" button in the top right corner. Visit http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading01:59
Paddy_EIRESaosin: open a terminal and type "sudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-restricted-extras" minus the quotes :)02:00
Linuz2009I don't see any sound device02:00
Skaparedavidfx0: just ask your question ... if someone here knows, they reply02:00
Linuz2009or audio device02:00
ripps!ask | davidfx002:00
ubottudavidfx0: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:00
vocxWyzard, by the way, once I've set the correct frequencies, according to the logs, it fails to detect the "virtual" size. So the login screen appears out of range. Once I log in, everything is fine. Do you know anything about this?02:00
Dougshelli have been having a lot of kernel panics lately, could this be jaunty related02:00
genikru123mikechelen, when i do "alsamixer" i see my headphone is at 0, how can i change that02:00
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: ok, reinstalling02:00
Dougshellare you on a vaio genikru02:00
Wyzardvocx: If it's failing detection then it doesn't get the monitor's preferred resolution either02:00
SaosinSetting up ubuntu-restricted-extras (31) ...02:00
SkapareDougshell: did it start with jaunty being installed?02:00
Wyzardvocx: You can specify that in a Screen section in xorg.conf02:01
ShivamDoes anyone know anything about aircrack?02:01
vocxWyzard, I actually have to set a Virtual width and height under the Screen Section, and within a Display subsection in xorg.conf02:01
Dougshellyes about a day later.02:01
disismtSteffy, it will just be an upgrade, I wont lose personal data?02:01
Dougshellyes what do you want to know shivam pm02:01
Paddy_EIRESaosin: this may take some time depending on your connection.. I am thinking its an incomplete installation of some of the packages that pulls down02:01
Wyzardvocx: that sounds right02:01
Shivamalright thanks02:01
davygrvyis insserv the correct tool to make a link in /etc/rcS.d/ from a script located in /etc/init.d/ ?02:01
Linuz2009no audio device detected02:01
SkapareDougshell: any hardware changes, like memory?02:01
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: it was pretty fast actually02:01
maxagazj'ai du arrêter la maj vers jaunty pendant le téléchargement des paquets, maintenant je n'arrive plus à la reprendre, ça freeze quand je clique sur le bouton pour lancer la mise à jour, comment faire ? y'a-t-il une ligne de commande pour lancer cette mise à jour ?02:01
evantandersendisismt you could screw up the comp, backing up is recommended. Like if the upgrade goes wrong, you could make the comp unbootable. In which case you have to something fancy02:02
Wyzardvocx: actually you probably don't need to specify the virtual size; it defaults to the largest size of the modes listed for the color depth you're using02:02
Paddy_EIRESaosin: great then you should try playing those audio files if its done02:02
SkapareDougshell: then I guess it could be ... the version of kernel in jaunty, more likely some driver in it02:02
ripps!french | maxagaz02:02
ubottumaxagaz: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr02:02
tanathdoes network manager work for anyone? has never worked for me...02:02
disismtevantandersen, ok thanks02:02
maxagazoops sorry...02:02
mysphytevantandersen: Try the updated version here: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1478d00d02:02
vocxWyzard, it's weird though, why would the login section use the virtual size? If I use an extremely large virtual size I cannot longer see the textbox to enter the username and password, but once I log in, it's fine.02:02
evantandersendisismt prolly won't, but if you have an external drive, i recommend copying your home folder over02:02
Wyzardvocx: no need to specify it manually unless you want it to be bigger than that, which you probably don't02:02
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: still nothing :)02:02
Steffydisismt: It'll just upgrade. You won't loose any data however you should ALWAYS back up critical data before attempting any form of major change to the operating system. I recomend backing your data up to a CD/DVD/USB device before upgrading or installing a newer version of Ubuntu02:03
Wyzardvocx: everything uses the virtual size02:03
tanathsays i have no valid connections, and won't let me create one. fortunately my connection still works :P02:03
Paddy_EIRESaosin: ok.. gimmie a sce02:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about insserv02:03
Wyzardvocx: If you're thinking of virtual desktops in gnome/kde/whatever, those have nothing to do with the virtual size in xorg.conf02:03
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning02:03
Linuz2009when I enter aplay -1 no soundcard detected02:03
Wyzardvocx: those work by just hiding and showing groups of windows02:03
Linuz2009aplay -102:03
Linuz2009 no detection02:03
Linuz2009said invalid option02:03
Saosinwhat was the argument for purging after removing app? so it can delete the source02:03
Kr0ntabSaosin: sorry i was getting pizza02:04
Saosinor something...02:04
mysphytevantandersen: All I've futzed with is the loop itself; the sed command strips it down to just the integer.  There are more elegant ways to do it, but that regexp should work as long as the input doesn't change.02:04
vigoSteffy: You are wise.02:04
SaosinKr0ntab: no02:04
kim0Hi guys, can someone please paste me the default kernel boot line of Jaunty (I installed using debootstrap, and dont have it ) ?02:04
Linuz2009few days ago it shown something02:04
Steffyvigo: Thank you :)02:04
Saosin*np ^02:04
=== Zh[a]nx is now known as zhanx
* zhanx is back.02:04
Linuz2009respond ASAP02:04
Steffyvigo: I've lost enough data to HDD corruptions and OS installs going wrong to have learned that lesson enough02:04
Kr0ntabSaosin: did you reload / update the repo?  if so... are you then searching for the package in Synaptic?02:04
vocxWyzard, it's hard to explain the thing with the virtual size... My monitor doesn't support bigger than 1280x1024, that is the preferred resolution. Everything else looks crappy.02:04
SaosinKr0ntab: i'm reinstalling it right now02:05
kim0Jaunty kernel boot line pleassse ?02:05
Kr0ntabreinstalling the package?  or reloading?02:05
evantandersenmysphyt it says /usr/bin/temp: line 17: syntax error near unexpected token `done'02:05
vigoSreffy: I have three tapes and about 100CD/DVDs of backups , 20+ years of learning.02:05
SaosinKr0ntab: reinstalling02:05
Kr0ntabcool so you found it02:05
Wyzardvocx: virtual size in xorg.conf is for making the framebuffer larger than the monitor's resolution, so you can't see everything at once but you can pan around by moving the mouse to the edges02:05
vocxWyzard, according to the logs, if I don't specify the Virtual size in xorg.conf, it defaults to some virtual size like 1600x1400, which I assume is causing the out of range ONLY in the login screen.02:06
=== Torhal|Away is now known as Torhal
Linuz2009sound driver is installed02:06
Linuz2009but not configured02:06
vigoSteffy: One thing that I learned, is that data CAN be replaced, if incremental backups are done.02:06
Linuz2009need to configured it at boot screen02:06
Linuz2009but don't know how02:06
Steffyvigo: Wow, that's very impressive02:06
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: i did apt-get remove ubuntu-restricted-extras, then installed it with "add/remove programs" and now i can see it in synaptic, but still can't play mp3 files with rhythmbox. any ideas?02:06
Wyzardvocx: The default virtual size is the dimesions of the largest mode on the Modes line02:06
Paddy_EIRESaosin: yeah02:06
mysphytevantandersen: Ah.  Get rid of the " ; done" at the end of the line I edited; it's redundant in the script.  In any case, the sed command should do what youw ant.02:06
Paddy_EIRESaosin: ok so open add/remove again and search for "gstreamer"02:07
Linuz2009unknown if my sound card is built in02:07
vaderHow do I search for multiple words with apt-cache search foo bar?02:07
Linuz2009or not built in02:07
Wyzardvocx: If you have any modes listed other than 1280x1024, you probably want to remove them02:07
biochip2khello guys, I have two machine with jaunty and in neither works nautilus's typeahead search. It works on liveCD. it works on any other gnome widget. Anybody an idea?02:07
kim0some please send me Jaunty kernel boot line ?02:07
Saosinok. just a sec. i did a reinstallation again from synaptic :)02:07
vocxWyzard, but I can't use those bigger modelines, they are all ruled out by the driver.02:07
Steffyvigo: I back up my data to a 1TB WD NAS device02:07
SaosinPaddy_EIRE:  ^02:07
Paddy_EIRESaosin: Gstreamer Extra Plugins is what you want02:07
UbbyCDis there a way to turn the backight even lower02:07
vocxWyzard, I don't have any modelines listed in xorg.conf, they are auto detected.02:08
tanath>.< well that's a helpful alert. i started rhythmbox & got: "Error while saving song information. Internal GStreamer problem; file a bug"02:08
UbbyCDits still kinna bright02:08
RayfordAnyone use ESRI BusinessMAP 5?02:08
UbbyCDand i have it on minimum02:08
evantandersenmysphyt now it says Unexpected end of file02:08
tanathfile a bug about what?02:08
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: great. i have it installed. still can't play mp3. :(02:08
Wyzardvocx: pastebin your xorg.conf?02:08
Saosinreinstall it perhaps?02:08
Paddy_EIRESaosin: will be right with you.. helping my niece too :P02:08
SteffyUbbyCD: please post your problem on 1 line. It makes it a lot easier to read with so many of us here.02:08
Kr0ntabSaosin: are you restarting rhythmbox?02:08
finnvader, try a 'apt-cache search word1 | grep word2'02:08
vaderfinn: Thanks, I'll give that a go.02:09
finnpiping through grep culls the list to only those items with word2, you can chain as many grep as you want02:09
mysphytevantandersen: Again, I was working on the line by itself, rather than the whole script.  The thing to pay attention to is the sed command I added--it'll do the processing you want.02:09
vocxWyzard, really simple actually, wait a sec.   Mmmm... to be honest you seem to know quite a bit, I didn't expect that. I should have saved some more logs, from a few moments ago that I was testing this stuff, so I don't have to log out.02:09
SaosinKr0ntab: for thousand time now :)02:09
TheRAtare there installation instructions online somewhere that guides me thru installing after creating a software raid on my machine ?02:09
evantandersenmysphyt yeah thanks02:09
Kr0ntabhehe had to ask02:09
finnie apt-cache search word1 | grep word2 | grep word302:09
Kr0ntabSaosin: just to be sure.. can you play mp3's through totem?02:09
test34the page title at: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading is wrong02:09
tanathUbbyCD: you might like the Negative plugin in Compiz. lets you invert colours. i find it easier to right light on dark, than vice versa02:09
Wyzardvocx: I've been using xorg since back when there was no autodetection and all this stuff *had* to be specified in xorg.conf  :-)02:10
tanathUbbyCD: *read02:10
kim0finn: I installed Jaunty using a non standard way, could you please send me the default ubuntu kernel boot line ?02:10
Wyzardvocx: (well, it was xfree86 back then, not xorg)02:10
ripps!raid | TheRAt02:10
ubottuTheRAt: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:10
vaderfinn: Yep, good ol' grep. Dunno why i din't see that, I use grep hourly.02:10
TheRAtthanks ripps02:10
doleybWyzard: ive been using it since before there was xorg.conf02:10
rippsTheRAt: your welcome02:10
SaosinKr0ntab: yes. i can play mp3 files with totem. so the problem is with rhythmbox then?02:10
Wyzarddoleyb: yes, it used to be XF86Config, and later XF86Config-402:11
Saosinis xmms still supported?02:11
sebsebsebSaosin: don't think so02:11
ripps!info xmms | Saosin02:11
ubottuSaosin: Package xmms does not exist in jaunty02:11
Kr0ntabyeah... something.  perhaps it's trying to use an audio device that's locked or insufficient.02:11
ripps!info xmms2 | Saosin02:11
ubottuSaosin: xmms2 (source: xmms2): Client/server based media player system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5DrLecter-2ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 14 kB, installed size 56 kB02:11
finnkim0, here is mine, but it's from UNR kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic root=UUID=blahblah ro quiet splash02:11
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:11
vocxWyzard, back in Ubuntu 6.06 there was no autodetection, so I actually learned quite a bit too, but I have a fairly simple setup, so I've never have major problems. However for me the important transition has been the change from the "via" driver to "openchrome"02:12
Saosinor something similar to xmms?02:12
kim0finn: Thanks .. what's UNR :D02:12
finnnetbook remix02:12
finnreplace blahblah with the uuid of your drive02:12
Wyzardvocx: hmm, I have a machine with one of those, but it's a headless router so I've never used xorg on it  :-)02:12
buzzsawi am running into a bit of an odd problem.  If i plug my cable connection into my ubuntu gateway i only get 2-3Mbit   but if i go directly into my laptop i get the 7-8Mbit i should be gettting02:12
Kr0ntabSaosin: no... xxms is not.  you can also try Banshee... my personal fav.  but rhythmbox should work.02:12
ripps!info audacious | Saosin02:13
ubottuSaosin: audacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-4ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 1139 kB, installed size 3868 kB02:13
Kr0ntabyou can reboot (gasp)... and of course you could close out RB.. delete its configuration files.. and relaunch as if for the first time.02:13
evantandersenmysphyt no matter where i place the "done"(s) i can't get it to work02:13
SaosinKr0ntab: just searching for files. it's not in ~/.rhythmbox. where can they be?02:13
Linuz2009anybody seemed to answer my question?02:13
vocxWyzard, http://paste.ubuntu.com/157606/    The identifiers are optional of course. If I omit the Virtual option, only the Login screen is borked, but once I log in everything is fine.02:13
Kr0ntabSaosin: ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox  ~/.cache/rhythmbox and ~/.gconf/apps/rhythmbox02:14
SaosinKr0ntab: and .local/share/rhythmbox :)02:15
Kr0ntabah yes02:15
tonsen_hi all togther02:16
dt3kanyone else having trouble with emerald? i cant get the installed themes to activate02:16
recauchutexashey is it true that there is an bittorrent'd apt-get?02:16
Froad_sebsebseb: pm me again02:16
Wyzardvocx: GNOME has its own screen-resolution preferences, changing resolutions with xrandr, so that's probably why the problem goes away when you log in02:16
mysphytevantandersen: I'm sorry to say that's a logic problem.  I wish I had time to debug the whole script for you, but unfortunately I have to leave--just make sure you've got all your loops correctly matched (that is, a "do" for each "done" and likewise).02:16
recauchutexas(for the dist-upgrade to jaunty)02:16
Daisuke_Ido!apt-p2p | recauchutexas02:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-p2p02:16
kim0recauchutexas: apt-p2p02:16
SaosinKr0ntab: still nothing. i'm reinstalling it02:16
recauchutexasDaiseuke: that's the name?02:16
Wyzardvocx: Try adding a Depth 24 entry with Modes "1280x1024" instead of that Virtual line02:16
evantandersenmysphyt thanks alot02:16
Kr0ntabyou da man02:16
Daisuke_Idorecauchutexas: yeah, but apparently there's still no factoid for it02:17
Saosindamn you rhythmbox02:17
Daisuke_IdoSaosin: sounds like me every day.02:17
recauchutexasthankyou kim0 Daisuke_Ido02:17
Linuz2009anybody assist me?02:18
vocxWyzard, I actually had a line like that, in the previous version http://paste.ubuntu.com/157610/      But don't remember what it did.02:18
Wyzardvocx: Also, "man openchrome" shows that there's a PanelSize option you can provide to the driver...  dunno whether that's relevant02:18
charlesatlasIs there a program to break up a large file into many smaller files so that they can be emailed and reassembled on receipients computer?02:18
Wyzardcharlesatlas: man split02:19
charlesatlasWyzard: thanks02:19
HuufartedAnybody here used Ubuntu Netbook on a eee 1000 yet?02:19
RxDxevery time I turn on my computer I have to put a password to enable wireless.. how can I save this password?02:19
vocxWyzard, it would be cool to use the Virtual option, but I just don't want it to apply to the login screen.02:19
mdl-unitI installed Jaunty when it was the RC, I don't have to do anything to be caught up to Jaunty actual, right?  Everything that changed should have come in via the updates, yes?02:20
Kr0ntabSaosin: sup?02:20
Adremelech|LaptoRxDx, probably using gnome-keyring02:20
finnmdl-unit, correct02:20
Saosinthis can't be true02:20
SaosinKr0ntab: i created another user, switched to it and played mp3 with rhythmbox!02:20
finnHuufarted, i'm using it on a toshiba nb10002:20
Kr0ntabthis was an upgrade right?02:20
CounterspellIn the Update Manager I got a message saying a new upgrade is available for Ubuntu 9.04. I clicked "upgrade", went through the process, and everything seemed OK. Now today update manager tells me again that the 9.04 upgrade is available *and* it also shows me 884 updates for my current configuration. I'm confused.02:20
gm|lapi remember trying out an nb10002:20
Huufartedfinn, what wifi chipset does that use?02:20
SaosinKr0ntab: an upgrade?02:20
gm|lapthe keyboard is horrible on that thing02:21
Kr0ntabfrom 8.10 to 9.04?02:21
finnHuufarted, ath5k_pci02:21
GodfatherofEireAnybody have any ideas as to how one would disable the BIOS-based volume & brightness display?02:21
gm|lapi have about 2xx upgrades02:21
tgr hi i am about to upgrade ubuntu 8.04 to 9.04 and i was wondering if i should use the 32 bit or 64 bit i have an amd turion 64 x2 is there much of a performance difference?02:21
werscan someone pastebin me the default /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty/11-x11-synaptics.fdi? I adjusted mine. Now, my touch pad doesnt work at all. hehe02:21
gm|lapin my current config02:21
Huufartedfinn, I mean what chipset in the wifi itself? Atheros?  5007?  5008?02:21
rippsCounterspell: You might have gotten that if the installation was insterrupted, try the upgrade again02:21
SaosinKr0ntab: no. i was browsing the net with my win and saw news article about the new ubuntu distro. so i decided to download it, burn it and try it. haven't tried the new distros :)02:21
gm|lapthis is from a CD install02:21
finnworked straight away with no configuration, but there is an option for a closed driver as well.  hang on let me find out02:21
Kr0ntabah okay...02:22
doleybtgr: The main performance benefit is if you have over 4 gig ram.02:22
gm|lapthe closed driver kinda lost its purpose after ath5k was released and atheros released ath9k02:22
DouglasKQuestion: I need to check if a patch has been applied to one of the drivers in the kernel of Jaunty.  Is there anywhere I can browse the source online?02:22
vocxWyzard, if I understand correctly, the Virtual option applies globally, that is, it will affect the Login screen. However the window manager will do magic with that option once we are logged in, to create the panning effect.02:22
finnHuufarted, AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)  that's what lspci says, not sure which particular chipset02:22
Huufartedfinn, thanks.  :)02:22
Huufartedfinn: did the wifi work immediately after install of UNR?02:23
tgrdoleyb: how much benefit is it02:23
rippstgr: linux hasn't been highly optimized, you can see a great deal of performance using a 64bit OS with a 64bit cpu02:23
finnit even worked in the live session02:23
Paddy_EIRESaosin: I badly need my nicotine fix right now.. :P  I will be straight back to you02:23
SaosinKr0ntab: lol i can't believe it. i actually never restarted rhythmbox! it always went to tray!02:23
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: great idea!02:23
rippstgr: ^I mean HAS been optimized02:23
doleybtgr: Well it's important if you want more than 4 gig ram, that's the big reaason.02:23
Huufartedfinn: I looked up the AR242x.  That uses the AR5007EG chipset, identical to mine.  :)02:23
Kr0ntabI was gonna ask you that... but man I just figured you did...02:23
doleybtgr: If you're upgrading though, probbably should stay with what you have.02:23
Wyzardvocx: no, the Virtual option affects how big applications think the monitor is, which affects everything (not just the login screen), and the window manager's virtual desktops are completely unrelated02:23
Kr0ntabSaosin: good job mate02:24
finnaccording to a quick google the nb100 has the Atheros AR5007EG, same as you02:24
Rubinhttp://pastebin.ca/1402451 anyone any idea how to debug this?02:24
tgrsome packages in 8.04 were not running well for me when i tested 64 bit02:24
Wyzardvocx: the "panning effect" is done by xorg itself and the window manager can't even tell you're doing it02:24
SaosinKr0ntab: i went suspicious when saw the rhythmbox process after i closed the app :D02:24
tgrdoleyb: i am doing a new install02:24
meoblast001can anyone here help me get DVD writing to work with KDenLive?02:24
Saosinso i killed it (with -9 ofcourse)02:24
MrVampycan any one suggest a version of Ubuntu that an older i386 400 mhz would run with02:24
dt3kanyone else having trouble with emerald? i cant get the installed themes to activate02:24
Huufartedfinn, aye.  :)  Just found that out.  Did it work immediately after you installed UNR or did you have to get the ath5k from the web first?02:24
Kr0ntabSaosin: well I like it when problems make sense.02:24
tgrhow do i find out how much ram i have i don't remember02:24
Kr0ntabSaosin: I can sleep better that way.02:24
SaosinKr0ntab, Paddy_EIRE sorry to loose your time. it was really my mistake. thank you guys for the help02:24
rippstgr: there will always be some packages that don't work right, so you make the choice whether a few apps are worth overall gains in performance02:25
Kr0ntabSaosin: no sweat.  happens to the best of us.02:25
Saosinmaybe i need some sleep :) it's 4:30am here02:25
finnHuufarted, it worked even in the live session before installing to hdd. After installation no action required, it just worked. The only bit of the NB100 that required some manual config was the microphone, but that02:25
szfMrVampy: mother-in-law ran plain-jane gnome ubuntu 8.04 on a pentium II 350 until recently02:25
finnis toshiba for you02:25
DouglasKCan one browse the source for packages online?02:25
Kr0ntabSaosin: hehe probably02:25
Saosinbut first that nicotine fix... }:)02:26
Saosini deserve it02:26
MrVampykk.. i'll have to prolly reburn the iso for 8.04.. would 8.10 run as well?02:26
Huufartedfinn, that rocks.  Does UNR come installed with netbook-launcher and Maxium already installed and running?02:26
szfMrVampy:  I assume so - its not so much the distro as the window manger02:26
vocxWyzard, by using the Modes options we absolutely restrict the possible size of the screen then? But then, how do we create an additional panning, which is cool?02:26
wersmy touchpad stopped working. i already dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it still isn't working. the last thing I did that could have caused it is adjust /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty/11-x11-synaptics.fdi. I think, i already reverted the changes, though. any idea what could stop the touch pad from working?02:26
meoblast001can anyone here help me get DVD writing to work with KDenLive? i have grey X's next to all DVD export formats02:26
szfMrVampy: btw, Hardy was chosen b/c it was LTS02:27
MrVampythe pc actually as more RAM then proc.. but seems to stale after the ubuntu loader with progression bar leavees02:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Twitter02:27
Wyzardvocx: The Modes line specifies what video modes may be used to drive the monitor, which is independent of the size of the framebuffer (the virtual size)02:27
musikgoat|maingood ubottu, stay that way :-P02:28
szfMrVampy: same here, is (was) a 305MHz with 512 RAM02:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gwibber02:28
Wyzardvocx: Initially the monitor uses the first mode listed; you can use ctrl-alt-KP+ and ctrl-alt-KP- to cycle through the other modes in the list02:28
ripps!info gwibber | FiremanEd02:28
ubottuFiremanEd: gwibber (source: gwibber): Open source microblogging client for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-0ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 185 kB, installed size 1360 kB02:28
MrVampykk szf ty for your advice.. just cant figure why the grub and installer are staling02:28
finnHuufarted, not sure about Maxium, but it's got the netbook launcher thing02:28
loshermeoblast001: doesn't Kdenlive have it's own support forums. It sounds like you need specialist help...02:29
Wyzardvocx: This was useful back when everyone used CRTs; on an LCD, you probably don't want to change resolutions anyway02:29
szfMrVampy: maybe ACPI?02:29
meoblast001losher, i'm on their IRC channel... no one is responding02:29
MrVampythru the bios?02:29
meoblast001losher, i need to ahve this working by Sunday02:29
vocxWyzard, I think I get it, but damn, I need to try this stuff... okay thanks, need to do a series of logouts to try this... yeah, there are a bunch of X commands that are actually disabled.02:29
Paddy_EIRE!patience | meoblast00102:29
meoblast001losher, and i won't be here tomorrow02:29
Huufartedfinn, every time you opened a window, did it max out the screen or did it have the standard title bar with the Maximize, Minimize, and Close buttons?02:29
ubottumeoblast001: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:29
Wyzardvocx: and panning becomes much less fun when you try to something like watch a full-screen video ("full screen" means the virtual size, so you'll be panning around on that too)02:29
vocxWyzard, have you noticed that in 9.04 they have dissabled Ctrl+Alt+Backspace?02:29
Paddy_EIRESaosin: so where did we leave of?02:30
loshermeoblast001: it seems you like a challenge...02:30
szfMrVampy: kernel argument in /boot/grub/menu.lst02:30
Huufartedfinn, I'm wasting your time lol...  I can just as easily boot the .img and find out myself off of the live image.02:30
finnHuufarted, no problem, yeah, it has maxium02:30
Wyzardvocx: yes, the xorg developers disabled it by default because apparently it was unpopular -- people must've done it by accident or something02:30
meoblast001losher, it seems that i either do this or get my team a 0/60 on a project we have to do in school02:30
szfMrVampy: check self - is it menu.lst?02:30
meoblast001losher, we have to make a video, then edit it and have it on DVD02:30
hatahthere's a new version?02:30
phiqtionguys, ext3 or ext4 when installing 9.04 x64?02:31
finnall the windows pop up full size.  All i really needed to do was much about with firefox to add pesonal toolbar to make it take up less real estate02:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about donotzap02:31
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »02:31
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: fixed it. thanks02:31
Paddy_EIREphiqtion: there is no reason not to use ext4 anymore02:31
Wyzardmusikgoat|main: It's DontZap, IIRC02:31
vocxWyzard, "hey I have a problem" .... "dude use Ctrl+Alt+Backspace" .... (minutes later) "dude, that rebooted my PC, I was downloading gazillion stuff"...02:31
MrVampyi'm like super noob when it comes to ubuntu and linux.. so i'm not sure02:31
Paddy_EIRESaosin: ah cool02:31
szfphiqtion: depends how much u value the data02:31
musikgoat|mainthanks Daisuke_Ido02:31
Paddy_EIRESaosin: anything obvious?02:31
Daisuke_Idomusikgoat|main: np02:31
loshermeoblast001: well it's not like people are deliberately withholding support. Maybe you should explore other options?02:31
Kr0ntabsuper noob!  sounds like a hero.02:31
phiqtioni value it alot02:31
etzerdhello all02:31
meoblast001losher, i threw away my windows CD02:32
MrVampylol kron02:32
mirakdoes jaunty have the lastest v4l-dvb s2api ?02:32
Wyzardvocx: not much different from the people who posted "ctrl-alt-delete is a cheat code for (some game)" on BBSes in the DOS days02:32
vocxWyzard, That actually happened to some guy I was giving advice to. But hey, every X problem is solved by killing X and restarting it, right?02:32
phiqtionhow much swap is it recommended for 2gb x64 machine?02:32
andrilcan someone help me recover a file?02:32
sebsebsebMrVampy: so much stuff here,  hard to scroll up to where you  said your issue, what is your issue? something to do with Grub?02:32
nerudahey is ubuntu as good as windows ME yet?02:33
SaosinPaddy_EIRE: guess it was rhythmbox problem. i restarted it several times but i found it's process and killed it. after that it played mp3. thought i restarted it last time but i guess it wen't to tray or something. which is strage because when i close it now it doesn't go there.02:33
hotdoghmm while trying to use the ubuntu usb start up disk creator i got an installation fail...02:33
szfMrVampy: i was suggesting to look at sending power configuration parms to the kernel at boot - i.e. shut the advanced ones off02:33
finnphiqtion, if you want it to suspend you need at least 2gb02:33
etzerdI have a broken repositorie or file or broken file name "splashy" I tried at the command prompt " sudo apt-get -f install" it doesn work. how can I remove that broken file? please someone help me02:33
Saosin*went ^02:33
Paddy_EIRESaosin: I was going to suggest you logout and back in to :P02:33
MrVampywell SZF.. not sure if it's grub or soem loader..02:33
Kr0ntabphiqtion: 1G should do nicely...  :-)02:33
phiqtionthx ppl02:33
szfphiqtion: i just went thru these Q myself - use a swap file and dont worry about it02:33
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SaosinPaddy_EIRE: i did something similar :) logged it with another user and when i played mp3 i got suspicious :)02:33
sebsebsebSaosin: I used to use Rythombox,  when  Ubuntu 8.04  had a rubbish version of Banshee, but   8.10 and 9.04 have a great version :)  also Banshee does video as well as music02:33
user15ko anjing02:33
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Paddy_EIRESaosin: hehe02:34
AlienX_anyone know if there is a fix out for pidgin crashing with gtalk?02:34
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Kr0ntabSaosin: I love me some banshee...02:34
MrVampySZF should i restate my questions and issue?02:34
Saosinsebsebseb: i'm with 9.04. looks like a fine distro, but it's really annoying this legal shit. you have to install everything manually02:34
javynwow jaunty is nice.  can someone tell me how to get the cube in it?  i can't find compiz in the applications > add/remove02:34
szfMrVampy: sure. the orc is flying02:34
doleybSaosin: not manually, its like 2 lines.02:35
Saosinguess things changed in the last few years02:35
sebsebsebSaosin: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras  there you go, that takes care of most of the propritary stuff02:35
szfMrVampy: s/orc/irc/02:35
AlienX_Saosin: apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras and quit complaining02:35
Kr0ntabSaosin: eh... you have to do that with Windows too though.02:35
Paddy_EIRESaosin: use rhythmbox if it fits your needs.. for something a little different you could try banshee or quod-libet (with all the plugins/extensions ofcourse)02:35
Saosindid that already :)02:35
Wyzardquodlibet is nice02:35
szfphiqtion: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq02:35
hatahwhat's new in 9.04/02:35
AlienX_Saosin: so why are you whining?02:35
VenteroSame question as before (still unresolved ;X): How do I get gnome-panel back to the gnome default-session? (As far as I can see all the configs in gconf-editor are set to the right value)02:35
rippsMy favorite way is to use mpd+gmpc02:35
sebsebsebPaddy_EIRE: what's  quod-libet?02:35
Kr0ntabSaosin: I would go on record that more stuff works right out of the box than any other platform.02:35
SaosinalienX_ because i can?02:35
Paddy_EIRE!info quod-libet | sebsebseb02:36
sebsebsebKr0ntab: same here :)  since the amount of drivers and so on done in the Linux kernel02:36
ubottusebsebseb: Package quod-libet does not exist in jaunty02:36
Horusofoz1Hi all02:36
Paddy_EIREname change02:36
MrVampyok.. running a 400 mhz 485ish ram pc and tryin to get ubuntu to install.. after the ubuntu progression screen leaves, i get staled at a blank blinking cursor screen, any thoughts why??02:36
StevenC68Question about Virtual box & 9.04.  I am currently unable to get to my 1900x1200 resolution.. it doesn't seem available to set...  Anyone have a suggestion?02:36
Paddy_EIRE!info quodlibet02:36
ubottuquodlibet (source: quodlibet): audio library manager and player for GTK+. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 12 kB, installed size 116 kB02:36
sebsebsebStevenC68: and Windows is your host?02:36
phantomcircuitThe google plugin for evolution doesnt work02:36
phantomcircuitwhat gives02:36
Paddy_EIREsebsebseb: above your message02:36
StevenC68yes- Vista unfortunately - I"m testing an upgrade in virtual for our automation platform02:36
szfMrVampy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions02:36
sebsebsebStevenC68: trying  Ubuntu in virtualbox is a nice idea, but  you should partition your hard disk for it later on :)   and yeah that kind of issue is common ask in #vbox02:36
SuperMiguelany one know an easy way to create a background when using an laptop screen and a external monitor so it doesnt look ugly and cut???02:37
Paddy_EIREsebsebseb: it takes some getting used to but I love the approach they have02:37
Juanhaving sound problems, how do i set the env var sdl_audiodriver permanently?02:37
sebsebsebPaddy_EIRE: ok i'll try it02:37
sebsebsebPaddy_EIRE: not now though02:37
hatahquestion, will upgrading to 9.04 from 8.10 make me loose any settings, ie; gnome desktop, conky etc...?02:37
StevenC68Agreed Sebsebseb.  I have attempted to shrink my partition - but - Vista's "unmovable" files ahve been giving me an issue -02:37
javyndoes compiz come built into jaunty or something?02:37
Paddy_EIREsebsebseb: yeah sure of course :)02:38
Horusofoz1Can anyone here tell me about there experiences using an Ubuntu netbook intandum with a home winds xp desktop and office windows xp desktop. by that I mean are there any particular difficulties transferring files or having a portable hard drive recignised?02:38
Horusofoz1Also does ubuntu have ntfs support yet?02:38
sebsebsebStevenC68: yeah and really your meant to use VIsta's tools to  resize Vista, but Vista's tools also suck really02:38
MrVampyahh ok.. change the bootoptions.. dont ask why i didnt think of that02:38
sebsebsebHorusofoz1: yes goo read and write suppourt since Ubuntu 7.10  (October 2007)02:38
sebsebsebgood above02:38
Wyzardhmm, reading and writing goo, sounds interesting02:39
StevenC68You're so right Sebsebseb!  :) - tell ya what though, I'll give another shot... I might try an external drive and just boot to it.....02:39
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sebsebsebStevenC68: you could  try Gparted, but  that might cause dataloss since it's a Vista partition02:39
sebsebsebStevenC68: and  maybe even currupt Vista :d  since it's  Vista02:40
StevenC68Ya - Hmm - it's worth a try - maybe I should install 9.04 first - wipe out vista - and put vista in the virtual box?02:40
sebsebsebStevenC68: can't you just  virtual machine a few Windows apps?  or you need a psyical  Windows install for 3D gaming or something?02:40
Horusofoz1is it reliable?02:40
mikechelenStevenC68, standard dual-boot works pretty well too02:40
DouglasKhow does one unpack (not install) a .deb package?02:40
carlomagnohello im trying to install a program but i need a librarie. i dont remember how to search and install it. can you help me please?02:41
Horusofoz1I'm considering buying a ubuntu netbook at the end of the year when the updated hardware comes out. I'll be using it full time for the first time (Experimented with wirtualboxes) so are there any resources you could direct me to for the change over?02:41
maodunI deleted my Desktop folder (well, renamed it because it was in a language I didn't want) and now the files in home directory are being displayed as my desktop (including a 'Desktop' folder I've created). Any ideas?02:41
sebsebsebHorusofoz1: our virtual machines reliable?  yes  very much so, for a few Windows apps, that won't work in Wine, and that aren't say  3D games.02:41
rippsDouglask: I believe that .debs are actually .tar.gz02:41
mikechelencarlomagno, what program?02:41
deepbluegenehi . how i can uninstall netbeans from ubuntu 9.04?02:41
DouglasKripps: thanks!02:41
happyfaceCan someone help me install a /boot partition to a floppy disk?02:41
maodunAnd by 'any ideas', I mean, how can I set up 'Desktop' to actually be my desktop folder02:41
ErgyJBjupiterbroadcasting.com to watch Lunix Action Show02:42
sebsebsebHorusofoz1: I read that  with enough space on a EEPC  virtualbox will run on that to :)02:42
DouglasKripps:  I need to check if an upstream kernel patch made it into jaunty before I bother installing.  :-)02:42
sebsebsebhappyface: why?02:42
sebsebsebhappyface: why a /boot on a floppy?02:42
happyfacesebsebseb: unbootable PCI SATA card02:42
carlomagnomikechelen its a game: pro evolution chapping and its not in repos02:42
StevenC68Sebsebseb: not much of a gamer any more.... work, school, family, self linux education, ruby, rspec, cucumber, rake, all new to me in the past 5 months -- so I study most the time and experiement...02:42
TopBunny88How Do ni upgrade  on an inplace system?02:43
gm|lapdebs are .tar.gzs02:43
sebsebsebStevenC68: how much RAM you got?   not sure if Vista in a virtual machine will work with 1GB RAM02:43
StevenC68I'll be back - going to try some tthings - (very active IRC - wow)02:43
szfhappyface: i dont think that that is possible02:43
gm|lapwith a certain directory tree02:43
phiqtionswap space should be primary or logical?02:43
Flannel!upgrade | TopBunny8802:43
ubottuTopBunny88: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading02:43
StevenC68I'm 3gb RAM - duo core 2.6 ....02:43
hotdoghow do i download unetbootin on ubuntu?]02:43
PhotoJimhmm.  "This computer is currently using the AMD 'fglrx' graphics driver.  No version of this driver is available that works with your hardware in Ubuntu 9.04."  Intel Rage 200M laptop video card.  Seems hard to imagine it isn't fully supported under Jaunty, it's a common chipset.  anyone know anything about this?02:43
Horusofoz1cool. Thanks guys:)02:43
happyfaceszf: well, there has to be a way to tell the PC to boot from the SATA hdd, through a floppy02:43
gm|lapthey have control.tar.gz, data.tar.gz (? can't remember the name) and another file which isn't a tarball02:43
sebsebsebStevenC68: with 8.10 some guy had an issue with 3GB RAM.  he got really slow and laggy02:43
jschalli thought java was gpl now, why do i have to accept some random license?02:43
Horusofoz1Any info on switching from windows to ubuntu? PDFs?02:43
gm|lapi think that other file is just .deb info02:43
sebsebsebStevenC68: hope you don't get such issues with 9.0402:43
MrVampyszf you still here02:44
szfhappyface: yes, but only the boot loader02:44
gm|lapHorusofoz1: what do you use your computer for, mostly?02:44
szfMrVampy: yes, i may miss posts02:44
StevenC68 sebsebseb: Ya - :) - ok I'll be back - going to try some stuff - then I'll be back to contribute02:44
PhotoJimhappyface: a modern kernel won't fit on a floppy.  but if you have an IDE drive in the machine, you could have grub on it, then have it transfer control to the SATA drive.02:44
jschallHorusofoz1: what about pdfs?02:44
MrVampyno prob.. havent posted since your weblink02:44
maodunoh, looks like I need to mess with .config/user-dirs.dirs. nm!02:44
sebsebsebjschall: I guess since the version Ubuntu has is not the GPL one02:44
histoPhotoJim: they have kernels that will fit on floppies. Just not in this distro02:44
mikechelencarlomagno, is that library included in any ubuntu packages?02:45
gm|lapmost linux distros have programs which read pdfs02:45
andres_hey guys anything big as to why i would update distros... running 8.10?02:45
MrVampySZF :using the boot option changing will work even though i'm instal correct02:45
sebsebseb!pdf |  jschall02:45
PhotoJimhisto: it would be tough to make a 2.6.2x kernel fit.  not impossible I suppose.  very hard though.02:45
ubottujschall: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)02:45
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading02:45
happyfacePhotoJim: I had an IDE drive but it broke, that WAS my setup... there must be a way to do this with a CD or floppy, with a fresh jaunty install02:45
mikechelenanyone else having problems with flash in firefox?02:45
A3Kwhat would cause application audio to not work? Startup sound works, as does test audio device...but applications dont.02:45
szfMrVampy: i dont understand the question02:45
jschallsebsebseb: send that to Horusofoz1, not me...02:45
coolguy4Hi, I'm trying to install a package that can't install while 'xdm' is running. Since xdm is part of X, I assume I need to close X somehow and get to a commandline-only situation.02:45
rippsmikechelen: what's your video card02:45
sebsebseb!pdf |  Horusofoz102:45
ubottuHorusofoz1: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)02:45
carlomagnomikechelen,  i already check in synaptic and nothing02:45
histoPhotoJim: absolutely very difficult. I've only seen it used for diskless systems that act as routers etc..02:45
PhotoJimhappyface: it can be done but it's a lot of work.  might be easier to just find someone who has a spare IDE drive they don't need.  even a one- or two-gig drive would do.02:46
Horusofoz1At work, administration and soon web authoring. A bit of multimedia. Same at home with a fair bit of net and email. Oh and a few games. But I'll have my desktop xp for that. I want ubuntu more for productivity. admin/design work. Maybe a low end game or 2 for when travelling02:46
MrVampySZF: you posted a link for the boot options changing, will these changes work the same during a fresh install of Ubuntu02:46
szfMrVampy: once installed you can optimize (or de-optimze) the kernel02:46
UnknownGurlcan anyone tell me the Ubuntu equivalent of kernel-hugemem?02:46
mikechelenripps, geforce 6600 gt agp02:46
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading02:46
PhotoJimhisto: I had a 486 (still have it) that I had booting off a floppy (2.2.20 kernel) for a long time.  I eventually learned the trick to make a modest /boot partition and it happily boots off hard disk now.02:46
happyfacePhotoJim: so it's not as easy as installing grub on the floppy?02:46
gm|lapMrVampy: i think they would02:46
gm|lapif i understand correctly02:46
szfMrVampy: yes. you can adjust02:46
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* Zh[a]nx is away: Gone away for now02:46
andres_why upgrade distros? n e thing particularly great about 9?02:46
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szfMrVampy: post-install02:47
mikechelencarlomagno, maybe try advanced search on ubuntu packages website to locate it02:47
sebsebsebandres_: nope02:47
PhotoJimhappyface: hmm.  good question. I don't think you can boot grub off a floppy.  I think you could only boot a kernel off floppy and it'd have to fit in 1440 megabytes.02:47
MrVampySZF : preinstall not post02:47
gm|lapandres_: i'm waiting for the apc magazine to put it on their dvd02:47
gm|lapthe onboard wireless doesn't work on this as the drivers are too old02:47
protowoxHey folk whazup02:47
jschallanyone have an epson stylus NX105 working? considering buying one02:47
gm|lapso i'm using external USB wireless02:47
szfMrVampy: ive never done that - never had to02:47
StevenC68sebsebseb: You won't believe it!  - if I ctrl+host key thingy - it goes full screen and self adjusts resolution!  it's so n00b I shouldn't even type it!02:47
A3Kjschall I use the N300 and it works well02:47
rippsmikechelen: I don't know, I don't have an nvidia on either of my computers02:47
carlomagnomikechelen, ill see thanks mike02:47
gm|lapi've had a canon i865 working on debian before02:48
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sebsebsebStevenC68: no I think that's probably a good find02:48
* zhanx is back.02:48
coolguy4In my login menu I have the option to boot to failsafe terminal, but I don't think that would work for me because I need an internet connection to run sudo aptitude...02:48
MrVampyon the newer systems neither have i.. but this one is very old02:48
NOD62I'm upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04..... It's been "Getting new packages" for 4 hours now... it hasn't moved from Fetching file 1102 of 1232... Does anyone have an idea of why this might be?02:48
gm|lapi don't know about the NX105 though02:48
pipegeekoh boy... busy in here tonight02:48
szfMrVampy: adjusted the default grub lines in an attempt to prevent strange behaviors (like sleep)02:48
TopBunny88Do i have to download the 9.04 cd image/02:48
yubinjiei upgrade  to 9.04 , but   my sysytem doesn't work02:48
gm|lapNOD62: it could be openoffice02:48
rippsNOD62: The severs being flooded by users upgrading?02:48
sebsebsebStevenC68: on the subject of noob though,  running  Ubuntu  for a long time inside Virtualbox  inside WIndows, now that's noob02:48
A3KI dont think my problem is a major one, I just don't know how to fix it02:48
mikechelenripps, maybe trying different version of proprietary driver would help?02:48
NOD62gm|lap: I haven't opened openoffice?02:49
jschallthere are about 4-5 printers in my house. not a single one of them works with ubuntu.02:49
rippsmikechelen: worth a shot02:49
sebsebsebStevenC68: same thing for wubi  if people run that for ages, instead of a real proper partitioned install02:49
NOD62ripps: Really?02:49
hotdogIm trying to create a bootable usb with USB startup disk creator but i get errors.. can anyone tell me what they mean?02:49
storrgieIf I installed 9.04 beta, and updated to the most recent releases... then should i do a reformat now that the full release is out or am I already using that?02:49
A3Kjschall name one of your printers02:49
gm|lapNOD62: i mean it could be downloading it02:49
pipegeekI just did a fresh install of jaunty (64bit), with the root filesystem on an lvm lv.  After the install finished, I chrooted to /target and installed lvm2 (and watched it regenerate the initrd).  However, lvm is not in the initrd, so I can't mount /.  Is this a known problem?02:49
TopBunny88Do i have to download the 9.04 cd image?02:49
gm|lap8.10 comes with openoffice02:49
PhotoJimjschall: any decent laser printer will work with any Linux distribution.02:49
mikechelencarlomagno, what is the library name?02:49
gm|lapunless of course you're using the server version02:49
JK3mp@Topbunny do you wanna just update?02:49
A3Keven a cheap laser like the brother HL2140 works well02:50
JK3mpYou  could just update through the normal update manager.02:50
fredericmartinsalut c fred02:50
UnknownGurlAnyone having issues with sound not working with 9.04 Jaunty?02:50
NOD62gm|lap: Well, I already have it, and i don't know why it would take 4 hours to download openoffice. >_> I think the other guy had a morel likely choice...02:50
A3KI am UnknownGurl02:50
mikechelenripps, yeah except with these drivers 3d accel is finally working :P02:50
storrgieIf I installed 9.04 beta, and updated to the most recent releases... then should i do a reformat now that the full release is out or am I already using that?02:50
szfA3K: props to that 50$ laser02:50
JK3mp@UnknownGurl whats your sound card?02:50
JK3mpi don't have issue's but ive heard of others having issue's02:50
bensterHey guys. Does anyone know how I could copy data from a CD when it tells me I do not have permission to do so on Ubuntu 8.10?02:50
PhotoJimstorrgie: updates will make your system a full 9.04 release system.02:50
mikechelenstorrgie, are you experiencing any problems?02:50
A3Kmy sound works - startup sounds and test device, but applications will not work02:50
gm|lapNOD62: the thing is, openoffice is pretty huge... are you sure you have the updated version of openoffice or just the one which came with it?02:50
ripps!beta | storrgie02:50
ubottustorrgie: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.02:50
JK3mp@benster .. can't you access root ? Or su -02:51
A3KEternal Lands crashes when I try to change settings02:51
storrgiemikechelen: no, im a little dissapointed with brasero though.02:51
meoblast001oh no... how do i tell my system that /usr/bin is where it hsould look for ffmpeg?02:51
UnknownGurlJK3mp:  On-boardRealTek ALC120002:51
mikechelenbenster, check user permissions?02:51
NOD62gm|lap: The one that came with it, I haven't updated it.02:51
jschallA3K: well there's an ancient xerox which is a winprinter02:51
Horusofoz1is it possible to remove evolution completely and set Thunderbird up as default browser in it's place?02:51
JK3mpYeah Realtek in general have been having issue's...check the forums i believe theres answers there02:51
A3Kjschall model number?02:51
jschallA3K: and then there's an oki color laser that doesn't work02:51
gm|lapthen it could quite possibly be updating it.02:51
JK3mpubuntuforums.org forums...to be specific i guess02:51
UnknownGurlJK3mp: ok thanks02:51
jschallA3K: don't remember, i can go look though. it's listed as a paperweight on openprinting02:52
JK3mpThere are several with that problem and several people have solved it for them.02:52
NOD62gm|lap: So you're suggesting that this open office update is causing what appears to be a freeze up during the upgrade?02:52
gm|lapafter all, openoffice 3.0 was released last october, apparently02:52
JK3mpIm about to get off or i'd look up how they did it myself xD02:52
szfHorusofoz1: remove Evo? there be dragond02:52
A3Kthat would be an indicator it doesnt work.02:52
jschallA3K: duh.02:52
gm|lapNOD62: i'm not saying it's frozen, i'm saying it's still downloading it...02:52
JK3mp@UnknownGurl Good luck02:52
gm|laphow fast is your internet?02:52
A3Ka lot of old printers dont work with windows though...CUPS and Gutenprint support a TON of printers02:52
meoblast001oh no... how do i tell my system that /usr/bin is where it hsould look for ffmpeg?02:52
happyfacePhotoJim: I'm gonna install GRUB to floppy using a tutorial I found and tell you the results02:53
mikechelenstorrgie, you can remove brasero if you like, seems no need for reformat02:53
gm|lapwait... what are you using to update it?02:53
A3Kanyone have any ideas on my audio problem? Sound works but not with applications02:53
jschallA3K: why can't there just be one single standard protocol for talking to printers?02:53
jj__I am having an interesting problem connected to my wifi in 9.04 on a macbook 4.1  Is there someone well versed in broadcom pain?02:53
PhotoJimhappyface: yeah, you can't break anything trying. :)02:53
storrgiemikechelen: is there a way to remove evolution?02:53
Horusofoz1sfz: What??02:53
rippsLeaving to watch some TV02:53
A3Kjschall ask the manufacturers... :/02:53
szfA3K: theres a lot on ubuntuforums posts on that02:53
DarkningHey guys - quick question if I'm not interrupting. Can I upgrade to 9.04 from my 8.10 with the 9.04 live cd without losing my stuff?02:53
A3Ksfz I will look again02:54
jschallA3K: the manufacturers are dumb.02:54
gm|lapstorrgie: considering that it's linux, of course there's *some* way. i'm not sure if apt will do it though02:54
FlannelDarkning: You need the 9.04 Alternate CD to upgrade.02:54
gm|laplemme have a look02:54
FlannelDarkning: (or you can upgrade without the CD, just over the internet)02:54
DarkningWell yeah its downloading now but at a really slow rate.02:54
szfA3K: the only thing that worked for me was to be very sure I was a member of all three audio groups02:54
Froad_sebsebseb: i'm back02:54
storrgiegm|lap: yea it wants to remove a bunch of extra stuff, i think there is an issue02:54
DarkningSo I wanted to use a download manager to get it more quickly.02:54
gm|lapstorrgie: have you tried this? apt-get remove evolution02:54
gm|lapwhat does it try to remove?02:54
storrgieI just really dont want the processes running... like evolution data server02:54
mikechelenstorrgie, default mail can be switched to another app, or evolution can be uninstalled from package manager02:54
storrgieyes i have02:54
gm|laperm, sudo apt-get remove evolution02:54
gm|lapthat is02:54
storrgieno it cannot02:54
gm|lapbut yeah02:54
gm|lapoh, right02:55
doleybjschall: lol there was one protocol, but they made more money splitting it up02:55
terrestresomeone using UsbAdslModemManager or UbuDsl in 9.04?02:55
gm|lapall i have is evolution-alarm-notify02:55
|PiP|is there an ubuntu dvd that includes both 32-bit and 64-bit editions?02:55
mikechelenstorrgie, change startup preferences and deselect the service02:55
szfA3K: did you start w clean install (incl. /home/$USER) or not?02:55
jschalldoleyb: why?02:55
storrgiemikechelen: which one do i want to disable02:55
gm|lapstorrgie: System -> Preferences -> Session02:55
storrgiegm|lap: im not a basic sorry user, i know all these things. there is nothing for evolution other than the notification thing for events02:56
doleybjschall: Because by introducing incompatible protocols, they made it harder for customers to change to a competing vendor.02:56
storrgiethat still does not disable the data server02:56
A3Ksfz I did an upgrade of 64 bit. It worked fine before02:56
PlasmaSheepsebsebseb: what was that channel again?02:56
gm|lapstorrgie: desktop or server, what version, what arch?02:56
gm|lapi have desktop 8.10 i38602:56
A3Kit still works, but not in applications.02:56
DouglasKbtw, to extract a deb: dpkg-deb --extract <source.deb> <target path>02:56
jschalldoleyb: but then they also made it harder for customers to switch from a competing vendor02:56
gm|lap(despite this being a 64-bit arch, i just don't have the x86-64 version)02:56
jschalldoleyb: so i don't buy that.02:57
szfA3K: ok - youre out of my k-base02:57
MarkJonesIf I go to the CLI and type "cd ./Packages". Am I corrent in thinking that the "./" part of that is filled in by the shell with the current directory name?02:57
A3KI can test the sound device and it plays the start sound...it plays it when it starts...but no sound in games/browser/multimedia apps02:57
szfA3K: ive just completed a 64-bit install, but server only - no X, no sound02:57
gm|lapstorrgie: have you checked /etc/rc?.d ?02:58
gm|lap/etc/rc2.d is probably the one you want to have a look into02:58
TopBunny88Recount rocks02:58
histoMarkJones: yes.02:58
A3KI dont see that problem on forums. They seem to be complete failure. Mine is no application sound02:58
mikechelengm|lap, is there a gui editor for that?02:58
gm|lapif there's an S??evolution-whatever, change the S to a K02:58
histoA3K: killall pulseaudio02:58
gm|lapmikechelen: there might be, they're called runlevels02:58
unkmarMarkJones: correct.02:58
vaporhow do i upgrade release candidate to the full release?02:58
histoA3K: youc an also remove the pulseaudio package fro now to fix the issue.02:58
histovapor: if you have all the updates it is full release.02:59
gm|lapSystem -> Administration -> Services, perhaps?02:59
histo!who | gm|lap02:59
ubottugm|lap: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:59
UnknownGurlJK3mp:  Fixed it.  :)02:59
LukeBi need help02:59
gm|lapi know02:59
scott9876I want to update from Hardy to Jackalope do I have to upgrade to Ibex first02:59
DarkningFlannel, where is the alternate CD download location on the web site?02:59
MarkJonesSweet thank you. Man I realy like shell scripting for stuff like installing an offline set of deb packages.Made a simple install.sh script for each folder of packages and I just run the script.No manual changeing directories or manually typing in the dpkg commands.Nice.02:59
PhotoJimvapor: just run update-manager.  very little will need to be updated depending on when you last updated.02:59
LukeBcan anyone help me here?02:59
UnknownGurlscott9876:  nope.03:00
PlasmaSheep!ask | LukeB03:00
ubottuLukeB: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:00
gm|lapmikechelen / storrgie: System -> Administration -> Services, perhaps?03:00
scott9876unknown how do I made the hop03:00
szfvapor: i looked up that info myself - the goog says to run update-manager -d (if it makes u feel better) ;-)03:00
MarkJonesok thank you.later!03:00
LukeBalright, it will not let me enable desktop effects, butin 8.10 it worked just fine03:00
vaporthanks for the help guys03:00
szfvapor: otherwise, what the other guy said03:00
UnknownGurlscott9876:  When you check for updates it should tell you at the top "New version available"03:00
A3Khisto I am going to restart my server and see if that fixed it. I removed pulseaudio03:00
DouglasKAnd they didn't bother to bring in the upstream fix for b43legacy into the kernel they're shipping with Jaunty.03:01
A3Kbe back if still dead03:01
scott9876no it have 8.1003:01
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:01
mikechelengm|lap, that has a bunch, yet does not include common services such as tor and mpd03:01
LukeBanyone going to help me?03:01
UnknownGurlscott9876:  odd... maybe check in the ubuntu forms then03:01
vapori can't believe people still use irc, i haven't used irc since like 199803:01
mikechelen!offtopic | vapor03:02
ubottuvapor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:02
unkmarLukeB: so your pbolem is that compiz isn't working.03:02
gm|lapmikechelen: looks like they half-assed the services thing... i remember mandrake 8.1 / redhat 7.1 in about 2003 or 2004 or something03:02
mikechelen!repeat | LukeB03:02
ubottuLukeB: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:02
gm|lapthey had a runlevel editor03:02
histomikechelen: you can use update-rc.d for system services. for things that startup in your session you go to System > Preferences > Session03:02
histogm|lap: update-rc.d03:02
gm|lapyou could enable/disable ANYTHING03:02
hotdoghow do I get mp3 support?03:02
histo!mp3 > hotdog03:03
ubottuhotdog, please see my private message03:03
gm|lapdoesn't have it here as i haven't updated03:03
LukeBunkmar: basicly, it searches for the hardware then it gives me a error saying "Can not enable desktop effects"03:03
histogm|lap: yes you do.03:03
A3Khisto that worked03:03
A3Kthanks a lot03:03
histoA3K: np03:03
scott9876UnknownGurl: your referring to update manager correct?03:03
mikechelenhisto, system -> prefs -> startup applications?03:03
henryChow much trouble would I be asking for if I attempt to upgrade ubuntu intrepid to jaunty?  What if my one of my intrepid installs is xubuntu?03:03
histomikechelen: what do you want to disable?03:03
gm|lapben@95lx:/etc$ cat /etc/update-rc.d03:03
gm|lapcat: /etc/update-rc.d: No such file or directory03:03
NOD62I wouldn't feel as bad if this upgrade manager told me the status of whatever it is that's taking over 4 hours in the same spot. +_+03:03
=== nicholas__ is now known as tacosarecool
gm|lapi have 8.10.03:04
A3Khopefully I wont have to darken the door here again :)  I do wish my pinnacle tv card worked though03:04
mccord421Has anyone ever seen System Monitor CPU usage jump only when it is being actively watched?  What I'm seeing is 90-100% CPU usage if I am watching the Resources tab, but the historical data line shows 10-20% usage for the time I was looking at the other tabs.03:04
histogm|lap: its an application you can use03:04
gm|lapi am waiting until someone has 9.04 on a CD before i use it03:04
gm|lapoh, right.03:04
histogm|lap: try which update-rc.d03:04
NOD62gm|lap: Why's that?03:04
LukeBunkmar u there?03:04
neo644Yay, im almost done upgrading :D03:04
gm|lapNOD62: not much bandwidth03:04
mikechelenhisto, storrgie wants to disable evolution data server03:04
doleybneo644: you have only begun!03:05
hotdogDoes anyone have experience with USB Startup Disk Creator?03:05
neo644no im cleaning up03:05
DouglasKQuestion: why do they label a kernel as "2.6.28" when it has at least some modules that are pre "2.6.26"?03:05
gm|lapthe main thing you want to do is find where it spawns it03:05
DarkningNeo, is the download going slow for you too?03:05
A3Kit would be nice if the connexant based pinnacle digital TV tuner cards would "just work" but we cant haver everything I suppose03:05
jj__has anyone seen where the Broadcom card is installed and recognized but the network manager plasmoid doesn't see the wifi connection?03:05
histomikechelen: the evolution alarm server?03:05
histomikechelen: what version of ubuntu?03:05
gm|lapDouglasK: sometimes there's no point in updating EVERYTHING03:05
histojj__: yes you need the firmware if you are using an old version of ubuntu.03:05
histo!broadcom > jj__03:05
ubottujj__, please see my private message03:05
LukeBunkmar u there??03:06
doleybjj__: does it appear in iwconfig? (ps plasmoids are kde)03:06
NOD62Darkning: Has the download slowed down to the point that it doesn't look like it's going anywhere?03:06
DouglasKgm|lap, ah.  Well, in this case, they pruned out the fix that lets some broadcom wireless G cards go over 1Mb/s.03:06
DarkningNah it's just slower than my 5mbps internet. :B03:06
mikechelenhisto, idk storrgie left :|03:06
LukeBso does anyone else know what i have to do? please help :-\03:06
NOD62Darkning: Wholey shit.03:06
jj__doley: no, it doesn't03:06
Darkningmegabits btw, just a standard line03:06
AZMel_HomeWhen I upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 my cpu is spiking at 100%.  If I create a new account and log in the cpu is fine.  Is there a know config file that causes this?03:06
DouglasKgm|lap, I guess if I upgrade, it's back to custom kernels.03:07
NOD62Darkning: That's a buisness line speed, is it not?03:07
jj__doleyb: no wlan003:07
FlannelDarkning: Same place as the regular one.  Check Alternate Cd.  Or, releases.ubuntu.com03:07
SuperMiguelany one knows how long vmware page has been down?03:07
histomikechelen: ahh thought it was you that needed the help.03:07
gm|lapsomeone should turn around and say "that's not really fair, if you're not happy with it, stick the limit in your hardware or on the receiving end."03:07
histoSuperMiguel: working here03:07
Darkningpardon me if I'm blind I just don't see the check option03:07
SuperMiguelhisto, to download the the server edition03:07
Darkningthere's a 32/64 bit03:07
gm|lap30 minutes of battery left03:07
SuperMiguelhisto, http://www.vmware.com/products/server/03:07
gm|lapwhen it gets down to 10 i plug it in.03:08
hotdogHey I booted into a live cd... but  i the cd has errors on it.. i download a new iso.. is there a way to make the installer use the new iso?03:08
aAnuVizZsomeone can help me, NotifyOSD to be off03:08
DouglasKgm|lap, 30 mins is more than my laptop has total in it's old battery.  :-)  Ah well.  Maybe I will update and just recompile the kernel.  It's just a PITB.03:08
histoDarkning: scroll down the page for the alternate isos.03:08
NOD62still fetching file 1102 of 1232... what's everybody else's status?03:08
histo!alternate > Darkning03:08
ubottuDarkning, please see my private message03:08
poseidonwhy is #ubuntu+1 now forwarding to #ubuntu?03:08
LukeBit will not let me enable desktop effects, cna anyone help?03:08
histoposeidon: because jaunty is out.03:08
DouglasKLukeB, what kind of video card do you have?03:09
Flannelposeidon: Because Karmic won't open for a few weeks at least.03:09
LukeBhow do i find that out?03:09
histoLukeB: hit alt+f2 and tyep in metacity --replace03:09
DarkningI got it, thanks.03:09
histoLukeB: lspci will show you what video card you have.03:09
Darkningthe 'alternate text' option on the download page was throwing me off.03:09
histoDarkning: what are you looking for?03:09
=== fdemocracy is now known as tty
histoLukeB: lspci03:10
DarkningAlso, one more question. I have the supposed 'amd64' version installed on this computer, but I have an Intel Q6600, is the amd64 a tech specific or just the title?03:10
LukeBwhats that?03:10
=== zhanx is now known as Zh[a]nx
histoLukeB: in a terminal will list your pci devices to see what video card if you still need to.03:10
Darkning@histo the alternate cd download link, I found it now.03:10
* Zh[a]nx is away: Gone away for now03:10
andrew_hey , my firefox wont start03:10
histoDarkning: k03:10
histo!away > Zh[a]nx03:10
ubottuZh[a]nx, please see my private message03:10
FlannelDarkning: "amd64" is the generic term for 64bit intel-ish computers.  just like "i386" was the generic name for 32bit (not just *i*ntel processors)03:10
=== Zh[a]nx is now known as zhanx
* zhanx is back.03:10
andrew_any help..?03:10
Darkningaha alright. That's what I thought but I wasn't sure.03:11
SuperMiguelhow can i lunch the compiz manager in 9.04?03:11
histoSuperMiguel: install compizconfig-settings-manager03:11
LukeBalright which part do you want me to give u03:11
histoLukeB: did you do the metacity command?03:11
LukeBthe graphics device?03:11
geniehostandrew_, run this : sudo firefox -p03:11
histoLukeB: then desktop effects are disabgled.03:12
Saosinanyone knows in what package are the xorg development files?03:12
LukeBvisual effects03:12
histoLukeB: if you want to permanently disable them you have to go to System > Preferences > Appearance to the effects tab.03:12
histoSaosin: the -dev packages03:12
usserSaosin, xorg-dev03:12
LukeBno histo u miss understood me03:13
LukeBit will not let me enable the effects03:13
LukeBits set to none right now03:13
Saosinusser: thanks. couldn't find it in the "add/remove" window03:13
histoLukeB: kk lspci | grep VGA03:13
aAnuVizZsomeone can help me NotifyOSD to be off03:13
histoLukeB: do that in a terminal03:13
Saosininstalling it manually now with apt-get03:13
LukeBif i try to set it to normal or extra, it says can no enable effects03:13
LukeB00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)03:14
charlesatlasWow, 9.04 is fast, polished, stable....works wonderful.03:14
zeeblehi.. what's the meta package to install xfce packages and get a xubuntu like feel after installing ubuntu? - apt-get install xfce or apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ?03:14
Darkningalright one last question, upgrading won't reset my graphic drivers will it?03:14
histoLukeB: what is the result of glxinfo | grep render     You are looking for the direct rendering:  Yes line.03:14
histoDarkning: did you install third party drivers?03:15
tofu_logichey ubuntu community, you guys are cool; you open source and isn't afraid of anything03:15
histo!hi | aAnuVizZ03:15
ubottuaAnuVizZ: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:15
DarkningYeah, I have 2 nvidia 8800GTs so I downloaded the proprietary drivers for them.03:15
LukeBhisto, for that i got Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:15
LukeBXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:15
LukeBXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:15
LukeBXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:15
LukeBXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:15
LukeBError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig03:15
FloodBot1LukeB: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:15
MarkJonesOk Im back with another scripting question. Is there any CLI command that can perform a CTRL-ALT-F1 from a script?03:15
aAnuVizZ NotifyOSD as an asset in ubuntu 9.0403:15
StevenC68found a bug03:15
histoLukeB: hrm... you need to find a proper video driver for the intel card. What version of ubuntu are you using?03:15
LukeBhisto: i'm using 9.0403:16
aAnuVizZhow active NotifyOSD in ubuntu 9.0403:16
MarkJonesTrying to make a script to automate nvidia driver install.03:16
sOpenCan aptitude/apt-get retrieve and unpack (but not install) source packages for me? I want to examine some code and if apt can do this, I will always use that instead of downloading tarballs from an individual project.03:16
Darkningatm I have 8.10, the driveres are installed and working fine.03:16
histoLukeB: ugh... there are issues with your card and compiz.03:16
histoMarkJones: why?03:16
FlannelMarkJones: chtty03:16
LukeBhisto: how do i fix it?03:16
Linuz2009I need help with my computer03:16
DarkningJust wondering if I would have to download them again once I upgrade.03:16
Linuz2009I had this issue for weeks03:16
MarkJoneschtty is a command to do that?03:16
MarkJonesill check it out.03:16
Crayboffcan someone here help me fix the built in mic? I can record laggy video, but no sound03:16
Linuz2009I'll respond for those who respond back03:16
Crayboffthe mic works in windows03:17
etzerdhello all03:17
evilbugif i start updating my system now will it take a long time to update?03:17
MarkJonesoh guess not03:17
etzerdis anyone install the new version yet?03:17
Darkningit seems to download a little slow(few hours) evilbug03:17
GodfatherofEireLinuz2009, first we have to know what the problem is03:17
Crayboffi have, etzerd03:17
Linuz2009its a sound problem03:17
FlannelMarkJones: Hmm?  did I remember the wrong command?  `sudo chtty 1`?03:17
etzerdCrayboff: how you like it?03:17
LukeBhisto: how do i fix it?03:17
etzerdI have a problem with "blackport"03:17
subrandom_hey guys where is the best place to put a fresh upgrade jaunty bug report, dealing with vlc/mplayer03:18
Craybofflast night the servers were dead, so downloading took a while, I love this version, it fixed my graphics problems and stuff03:18
Linuz2009thank you for responding GodfatherofEire03:18
ULFfuntu<install tomorrow, kickback tonite03:18
SuperMiguelany idea how long has http://www.vmware.com/products/server/ been down??03:18
aAnuVizZpls how active NotifyOSD in ubuntu 9.0403:18
etzerdshould I remove it from the repositorie03:18
GodfatherofEireLinuz2009, you're going to need to be a little more specific, because a sound problem doesnt tell us enough to help you03:18
tom_help e232 printer on local network works on win xp not ubuntu 8.0403:18
evilbugDarkning: thank you.03:18
evilbugDarkning: i'll do that later then.03:18
etzerdI mean backport03:18
Linuz2009My mixer device is gone, complete balck03:18
Crayboffanyone here who can help me record sound? the mic doesn't work in ubuntu, it does in windows03:18
LukeBhisto: how do i fix it mate :)03:19
etzerdthe Ubuntu servers are very slow today?03:19
histoSuperMiguel: just call their toll free03:19
Linuz2009No sound, no control device03:19
histoetzerd: yes because of the new release.03:19
Crayboffetzerd: they were yesterday evening03:19
Flannel!slow | etzerd03:19
ubottuetzerd: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.03:19
histoLukeB: you need to install proper video drivers03:19
=== tty is now known as facta
Linuz2009Sound Card: intel 8x003:19
LukeBhisto: judging on my graphics card, were would i download it?03:19
GodfatherofEireLinuz2009, what occured prior to the problem? did you update anything?03:19
jedimindi cant seem to get nvidia drivers running in 9.04 - any ideas?03:19
tom_linuz use windows03:19
Fjordsideanyone else here with a lenovo x200 computer?03:20
=== jedimind is now known as Guest27595
Linuz2009right now I'm updating to verison 9.0403:20
histoLukeB: i'm looking some stuff up. Do you have more than one video card? Like two places to plug your monitor in?03:20
Linuz2009still waiting to complete installation03:20
Crayboffanyone here who can help me record sound? the built in mic doesn't work in ubuntu, it does in windows03:20
LukeBhisto: no03:20
GodfatherofEireLinuz2009, when did the problem start? and what happened prior to it occuring though?03:20
=== Guest27595 is now known as jedimind
etzerdubottu: my system was crashed after I install the new version. I have the backport repositorie check, should I unchecked?03:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:20
Linuz2009last week, when I switch from window xp03:20
charlesatlasIs there a way to echo a terminals output to a line printer?03:21
Linuz2009which means that when I install Ubuntu 8.10 the sound stopped working03:21
tofu_logicLinuz2009: before we get too technical, check your sound manager and see if PCM is set to an audible volume03:21
=== mrlolplx is now known as mrlol
Linuz2009Can't open volume. no Gstream plugin/device control03:21
Crayboffoh i need help with sound too, tofu_logic, my sound is very low03:21
* DouglasK makes a post to the forums to let others know how to get >1Mb/s with their BCM4306 wireless card.03:22
histoLukeB: i'm looking some stuff up I know there are issues with you cards.03:22
Crayboffwell low enough to be annoying03:22
LukeBhisto: so does that mean Im going to have to get a completly new graphics card?03:22
histoLukeB: no it means you have to be patient while I look.03:22
tofu_logicCrayboff: please check your levels, I am a total neophyte when it comes to Ubuntu but after updating I had no sound and had to tinker with my audio levels to get it back03:22
LukeBhisto: oh, alright mate take your time :)03:22
etzerdhow to remove a broken file?03:23
DarkningAlright my questions are answered, thanks everyone.03:23
geniehostetzerd, what do you mean by broken file?03:23
coderhow can i start up the sound daemon03:23
sOpenapt-get source is the answer03:23
gm|laphey, how do i configure my firewall?03:23
tom_me printer?03:23
GodfatherofEire1Linuz2009, did it work under the live CD or was it absent there as well?03:23
TBotNikall: Anyone installed on a RS600 B50 before?03:23
histoLukeB: can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:24
Linuz2009I installed from a live CD03:24
histo!paste | LukeB03:24
sam0ubuntu has iptables as a default firewall i believe03:24
ubottuLukeB: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:24
=== GodfatherofEire1 is now known as GodfatherofEire
Linuz2009after installation the sound stopped working03:24
sam0if you want a more graphical firewall install Firestarter03:24
Linuz2009my last operating system I used SoundMAX as my mixer device03:24
GodfatherofEireLinuz2009, so it was working while you were running the live CD?03:24
Craybofftofu_logic: got it03:25
gm|lapsam0: how would i open a port, then?03:25
Linuz2009no, I didn't hear any sound03:25
Buttons840Question:  What happened to CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE to reset the x-server (is that what it's called?)?03:25
lstarnes!dontzap | buyaka03:25
ubottubuyaka: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »03:25
histoButtons840: been disabled in jaunty03:25
etzerdgeniehost: it seems like a file name "splashy" has a broken repositorie the error said.03:25
lstarneser, Buttons84003:25
buyakaany repo mirrors on the west coast getting decent speeds?03:25
geniehostetzerd, do this: sudo apt-get update03:25
Buttons840Istarnes, what you going to say?03:26
Kr0ntabmy internal apt-mirror is great03:26
LukeBhisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/157633/03:26
dorihow do you get ubuntu to start at runlevel 2 (X won't start on newly installed 9.04)? I can't even find inittab?03:26
Kr0ntabgeniehost: they're all gonna be slammed...03:26
Crayboffanyone here who can help me record sound? the built in mic doesn't work in ubuntu, it does in windows03:26
reinismy internal bleeding is great03:26
sam0gm|lap https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo03:26
GodfatherofEireLinuz2009, try this: http://www.nabble.com/SoundMax-HD-Audio-on-T60-(Ubuntu-8.10)-td21665903.html03:26
=== joe-laptop is now known as joejc
lstarnesButtons840: I accidentally addressed a message meant for you to another user03:26
etzerdgeniehost: it take so long now to use apt-get update because of the release. I did that before It take more than an hour.03:27
lstarnesButtons840: read what ubottu said about ctrl+alt+backspace03:27
jonathonthis update gna take ahwile to download03:27
geniehostKr0ntab, what do you mean?03:27
packetwhackerHi all.  Anyone seen a problem with the new VNC server in 9.04?  I can't get any VNC client to play nice.  The standard "Remote Desktop Viewer" pops up a display, but the display won't update; UltraVNC won't even connect, throwing an error..03:27
TBotNikI see latest release has caused lots of chatter.  I'm trying to install 8.x but hardware (RS6000 B50 2U rack mount server) is unwieldy.  Can use some help, if anyone has experience here.03:27
gm|lapcrap nearly ran out of power03:27
geniehostetzerd, try it some times later - but this will fix the problem for you03:27
tonyyarussoTBotNik: a) Which release?  (8.04 or 8.10?), b) Is there a specific problem with the hardware that you can elaborate on?03:28
histoLukeB: hold up looking some more.03:28
geniehostetzerd, I have same issue last night -- now it's fixed when I run : apt-get update03:28
Buttons840does ext3 or ext4 offer performance (and when I say performance, I mean speed) improvement over ext2?03:28
LukeBhisto: ok that's fine :) Thank you so much for the help btw03:28
Paddy_EIREMyrtti: Hello there.. long time no see/speak.. My head is demented trying to get xchat-gnome to automatically identify me as Paddy_EIRE when connecting... I have to do the '/msg NickServ identify <password>' command each time :-/03:29
etzerdgeniehost: where can I get libdvdcss?03:29
Paddy_EIREMyrtti: any ideas?03:29
ULFfuntuButtons840: and god made wikipedia03:29
sunny_hey guys im having a bit of trouble installing skype on my ubuntu 64 bit can anyone help me please?03:29
mikechelen!medibuntu | etzerd03:29
ubottuetzerd: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:29
Kr0ntabetzerd: medibuntu.org03:29
Buttons840I already read the wiki, it don't recall reading of any specific improvement.s03:29
T_so i got my resolution stuck on ubuntu ff and showes like 8 of same thing.. have no on board vid so cant change03:29
histoLukeB:  here you go http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113498403:30
sam0buttons... Speed = ext403:30
ULFfuntuButtons840: well, for me ext3 is hard to resize (speed I guess is YMMV)03:30
histoLukeB: you may want to follow the directions for reverting to the 2.4 intel drivers.03:30
mikechelenhow do you convert ext3 -> 4?03:30
histoButtons840: there are plenty nofication thingy speed ext4 etc...03:30
tonyyarussoButtons840: ext4 has performance advantages over ext2, but ext3 doesn't really.  ext3's improvement over ext2 is reliability, due to the journal.03:30
LukeBhisto: ok thank you, ill tell u how it goes :-P03:30
swoodyIs there any way to make acpi temperatures more accurate? It only detects 48* and 55* - or is this a hardware/BIOS issue?03:31
DangerIsGohey, im having an issue installing ati drivers for my 4870x2 on jaunty, would anyone be able to assist me?03:31
geniehostetzerd, not sure but try here: http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdcss.html03:31
histomikechelen: you have to boot of the install cd so the drive isn't mounted and run tune2fs command.03:31
Buttons840ic, thanks tony03:31
histomikechelen: then fsck and mount and edit fstab to ext403:31
LukeBhisto: so you want me to do everything they did?  including to remove xserver-xorg-video-i74003:31
sam0to make ext3=ext4 check the ubuntu forum i saw a thrad there a hoir agoç03:31
packetwhackerVNC Server....9.04...anyone?  :'(03:31
TBotNiktonyyarusso: 8.04  Box has no VIC so no video.  Added one, but still nothing.  Appears was using TTY video on COM port, not sure how to connect to that.03:31
histoLukeB: that shouldn't matter.03:31
mikechelenhisto, how do you mount root encrypted drive from livecd?03:32
geniehostcan I update 8.04 (hardy) file system to ext4 ?03:32
histoLukeB: but the one person said that going to the 2.4 driver helped his issues.03:32
sebsebsebpacketwhacker: nope and  8.04 is still recommended for servers03:32
kdaskcould anyone please tell me how to force i386 architecture on a 64 bit system?03:32
sebsebsebgeniehost: no03:32
histomikechelen: you encrypted /03:32
tonyyarussoTBotNik: Are you using the "Desktop", "Alternate", or "Server" CD image to install?03:32
lstarnesgeniehost: ext4 isn't in any versions earlier than 9.0403:32
sebsebsebgeniehost: don't think you can anyway03:32
T_can i reset the video settings in the recovery you can select to get terminal command prompt?03:32
mikechelenhisto, using alt cd install option03:32
packetwhackersebx3 Nah, It's desktop, but I'm having issues with the "VNC Server" vino-server...03:32
LukeBhisto: so you want me to follow the directions to revert to an older driver?03:32
lstarneskdask: just install the i386 version from the i386 cd03:32
geniehostsebastien, why?03:32
sebsebsebgeniehost: other guy just answered that03:33
fen_ext4 is still not recommended for production.03:33
DangerIsGoafter installing my drivers, either from AMDs site or from the restricted drivers, and upon rebooting, the ubuntu logo would come up and progress bar go all the way to 100%, then it would flash black, and up comes the booting progress, then it goes black, and booting progress comes up again, then black, then two smaller ubuntu logos, somewhat faded out on top of the screen, kinda pixelated, and it just hangs there03:33
sebsebsebfen_: lol03:33
tonyyarussogeniehost: If you update the OS, you can then also update the filesystem, but you can't have ext4 while still running 8.04.  (At least not in a supoorted fashion.)03:33
sebsebsebfen_: blah de blah at that03:33
sam0geniehost ext4 comes only in newer versions of the kernel03:33
sebsebsebfen_: Ext4 works rather well for many people that have used it03:33
histoLukeB: if you want to it sounds like it fixed their issue. Unless someone else has an idea. I think there was mention of something else on the release notes. Let me forward you that link also.03:33
kdasklstarnes: but i have a 64 bit system, wont i lose some advantage if i install the i386 version?03:33
mikechelenDangerIsGo, what video card?03:33
sebsebsebfen_: and important data should be backed up elsewhere anyway, just to be sure03:33
aAnuVizZhi helpme  notify-osd missing03:33
gm|lapok, i've added a rule to allow port 16001 and it's still filtered >_>03:33
TBotNiktonyyarusso: Using DT livecd.  Init takes a while, then CD spins, but with no video can not determine what box is doing.  Was POS (Kash-N-Karry) dedicated appliance, when I bought it.03:33
tonyyarussofen_: I think once the kernel maintainers call it stable, that's good enough for production.  :)03:34
lstarneskdask: wait, are you trying to run 32-bit binaries on a 64-bit system?03:34
gm|lapaccording to nmap03:34
space_cadetyahoo voice in ubuntu?03:34
syntax\whats new on 9.04?03:34
fen_but generally, you don't want to have to have your server down for an hour while your restore from backup because your fs crashed.03:34
NOD62gm|lap: One hour later, and still in the same spot... 5 hours in the same spot.03:34
tom_ 03:34
gm|lapNOD62: ouch.03:34
tom_ 03:34
kdasklstarnes: im trying to run 32 bit programs on a 64 bit system, if thats what you mean.03:34
FloodBot1tom_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:34
gm|lapNOD62: what are you using to update ubuntu?03:34
TBotNiktonyyarusso: I put up forum post at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113352703:34
zhanxafter upgrade file operations are taking forever to open the dailog box to open a file03:34
histoLukeB: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/UxaTesting03:34
NOD62gm|lap: the update-manager.03:34
Wyzardkdask: You don't need to do anything special for that to work03:34
LukeBhisto: ok thank you03:35
sam0i have the same problem that dangerisgo, because of the ATI driver... i use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it doesn't work like it used to... it only ask for keyboard stuff.03:35
Wyzardkdask: but you need to have whatever 32-bit libraries the 32-bit program depends on03:35
DangerIsGothere was some wiki entry that i found to install the 9.4 drivers on jaunty, and i followed them to the T, and sitll nothing, here is the link:  http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide#installing_the_restricted_drviers_manually03:35
tonyyarussoTBotNik: It's quite likely that the DT disk doesn't play nice with your server video hardware, since that sort of configuration isn't really tested generally.  I would suggest trying one of the other disk images, which will use a text-based installer method.  (Still super simple, just easier on the graphics.)03:35
fen_ok does anyone know much about the new postfix-dovecot package, does its allow for virtual mailboxes?03:35
DangerIsGosam0: is it working for you?03:35
space_cadetyahoo voice in ubuntu?03:35
DangerIsGoor did you keep them removed?03:35
space_cadetor yahoo mail on evolution?03:35
bill102299hey yall.03:35
lstarnesspace_cadet: what about it?  You aren't asking an actual question03:36
smokinjoeHas anybody in here had any problems with ubuntu 9.4?03:36
aAnuVizZhelpme  how to activate notify-osd in ubuntu 9.0403:36
space_cadetany howto's on either lstarnes03:36
histosmokinjoe: yes03:36
harrimann_Hello. If i have ubuntu and xp installed on same computer and the disk crashes do i use windows recovery or ubuntu recovery?03:36
kdaskWyzard: i get the error message "Wrong Architecture: i386" when i try to install it.03:36
histosmokinjoe: its a support room.03:36
LukeBhisto: one more quick question, were can i find  xorg.conf03:36
histoLukeB: its in /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:36
NinesvnsicksHow do I turn the notifications that keep poping up from pidgin in 9.04?03:36
lstarneskdask: what are you trying to run?03:36
LukeBhisto: ok ty03:36
Roman__Does anyone know where I can find the service tag???03:36
space_cadetlstarnes, i thought both were valid questions though.03:36
danbhfiveaAnuVizZ: isnt it active by default?03:36
DangerIsGosam0: is it working for you? or did you keep them uninstalled?03:36
NOD62gm|lap: Update-manger is the way to do it, correct?03:37
kdasklstarnes: flash player03:37
tonyyarussoRoman__: What do you mean by "service tag"?03:37
Wyzardkdask: you can't install a package built for i386 Ubuntu on amd64 Ubuntu03:37
gm|lapNOD62: i'm not familiar with it.03:37
smokinjoeWell support me and just tell me if there are any major problems with it;-)03:37
lstarneskdask: I think there's a 64-bit alpha of the flash player03:37
sam0dangerisgo after installing the ati driver with envy-ng it is still having that error03:37
gm|lapi'm not familiar with much of that stuff really03:37
lstarneskdask: also, there's the flashplugin-nonfree package in the repos03:37
histoharrimann_: depends what you want to recover? If you have serperate partitions you could recover each individually. You also have to keep in mind if you use grub boot manager from ubuntu then you may have to recover grub to recover your windows partition.03:37
Wyzardkdask: The kernel has the ability to run 32-bit programs, but installing packages built for another architecture isn't supported03:37
DangerIsGoso is this a driver issue? a jaunty issue? or a driver/jaunty issue? have you tried this driver on ibex?03:37
histolstarnes: I don't think its alpha03:37
zhanxany clues on why after the upgrade open dialog boxes takes forever?03:37
TBotNiktonyyarusso: Do I need to add more info on the forum post?03:38
histo!who DangerIsGo03:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about who DangerIsGo03:38
histo!who | DangerIsGo03:38
ubottuDangerIsGo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:38
harrimann_histo: thanks. i did use grub. so i have to restore grub?03:38
DouglasK!who douglask03:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about who douglask03:38
tofu_logicLukeB: /etc/lib/x11/xorg.conf03:38
detratezhanx: have you rebooted yet/03:38
sam0dangerisgo i haven't tried adding lines to the xorg.conf, i tried with the safety mode and a previous version of the xorg.conf, but it still doesn't work03:38
histoharrimann_: what happened and what is the computer doing?03:38
NinesvnsicksI am so glad that the Ubuntu installer sata + ide problem got fixed :)03:38
zhanxdetrate yes, gonna try it again03:38
kdasklstarnes: the alpha version is total s*** and i have already installed the one in the repos03:38
GodfatherofEireHas upgrading to 9.04 from 8.10 been known to break binary compatibilities like 8.10 from 8.04LTS?03:38
harrimann_in windows, got stupid blue screen. then reboot and get SYSTEM DISK ERROR PUSH KEY TO CONTINUE03:38
bill102299what is the keyboard command for "go" in firefox? *important*03:38
mattgyverAnyone know how to move docky's position on the screen?? (v0.8.1.3)03:38
DangerIsGosam0: have you tried older driver versions w/ jaunty?03:38
tonyyarussoTBotNik: If you have any more info, by all means add it, but I think the bigger reason you haven't gotten a response yet is that it seems like a fairly obscure problem.  Hopefully you'll find something that works.03:39
Wyzardkdask: (You could use dpkg --force-architecture but depending on the package that may break things, possibly overwriting 64-bit programs/libraries with 32-bit ones, or thinking the 32-bit package's library dependencies are satisfied when the libraries are actually 64-bit ones that a 32-bit program can't use)03:39
detratectrl+l or alt+d to get to the address bar03:39
histoharrimann_: did you install ubuntu on its own partition or did you use wubi?03:39
tonyyarussoTBotNik: You could also try sending a note to the ubuntu-users mailing list as well.03:39
happyfaceInstalling Jaunty w/ alternate gives me "Install the base sytem: debootstrap warning: failure trying to run .....deb"03:39
Its_meOne of my friend said whenever their is a new Ubuntu release, Ubuntu developers will conduct an introductory session about the new release, where can I get this Introductory session?03:39
harrimann_own partition and own disk03:39
histoIts_me: there is a tour on the home page03:39
tonyyarussoGodfatherofEire: Every release needs to upgrade packages - what exactly do you mean?03:39
bensterdoes anyone have experience installing world of warcraft wrath of the lich king off the dvd that can help me?03:40
TBotNiktonyyarusso: Mailing List?  What/Where/How?03:40
doleybbenster: have you read wowwiki on it?03:40
tonyyarussohappyface: It's possible that either your download image or burn was defective.  Try checking the CD with the "CHeck CD for defects" boot option if you haven't already.03:40
space_cadetanyone have a solution for yahoo voice?  i need to be able to call one user from within linux.  ekiga does not work03:40
danbhfiveIts_me: maybe the release notes?  try: /msg ubottu !notes03:40
bensterdoleyb no do you have the link?03:40
tonyyarussoTBotNik: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ - look for the one called "ubuntu-users", general support list.03:40
keystr0kI'm selling my laptop and need to wipe it. I have a Windows Vista partition (untouched by me, system default) and an Ubuntu partition. I planned to boot a live cd and use shred to wipe the ubuntu partition.  Is this what I ought to do?03:41
kdaskWyzard: so will dpkg --force-architecture affect other programs ?03:41
LukeBhisto: when i try to save sources.list it won't let me03:41
RustAUhey lads03:41
GodfatherofEiretonyyarusso, remember how at first people were advised not to update to 8.10 but to do a fresh install instead, especially when considering wireless/network functions03:41
=== broken is now known as brokn
doleybbenster: http://www.wowwiki.com/Wine#Installing_WoW03:41
space_cadetor does anyone know how to get pop access to yahoo with evolution?03:41
danbhfivekeystr0k: you only really need one pass with those kinds of programs03:41
happyfacethanks tonyyarusso but I have already done so... looking in console 4 gives me "WARNING: configuring 'bootstrap-base' failed"03:41
=== justdave_ is now known as justdave
bullgard4Ubuntu 8.04.2: The DEB program package cdrkit-doc is installed. But 'man cdrecord' does not produce any output. Why?03:42
keystr0kdanbhfive, yeah:    sudo shred -n 1 -z -v /dev/sda1   ??03:42
mikeypizanohey, i have an issue with desktop effects not running03:42
LukeBhisto: hello?03:42
kdaskWyzard: so will dpkg --force-architecture affect other programs ?03:42
mikeypizanoi have compiz icon installed, and if i click "reload" it works fine, but wont work otherwise03:42
histoLukeB: you need to use sudo to edit hte file03:43
histo!sudo | LukeB03:43
ubottuLukeB: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)03:43
doleybspace_cadet: fetchyahoo package?03:43
mobi-sheepI'm having issues with a broken package -- mobloquer -- in Jaunty.  I'd like to resolve this asap.  I tried the purge command and it seems to be locked up in the terminal.  What gives?  Any suggestion / references would be nice.03:43
RustAUhow can I disable having mounted disks shown on my desktop?03:43
Wyzardkdask: possibly, depending on what exactly the package does03:43
bullgard4mikeypizano: Just put your question. Please do not introduce it. This will clobber the channel unnecesarily.03:43
danbhfivekeystr0k: I dont know, never used shred03:43
mikecbAnyone else having intel issues?  I'm stable under UXA, but visual effects cannot be enabled.  Whats the deal?03:43
Wyzardkdask: I don't recommend doing it03:43
space_cadetdoleyb, tried that and got confuzzled03:43
keystr0kdanbhfive, cool... thanks.03:43
=== Arv3n is now known as Befolked
RustAUhow can I disable having mounted disks shown on my desktop?03:43
space_cadetdoleyb, plus ive read of people getting denied web login after using fetchyahoo03:43
mikeypizanomine is intel too03:43
TBotNiktonyyarusso: Thanks!  Never used before, so will try.03:43
kdaskwyzard: then how the heck am i supposed to play flash?03:43
mikeypizanomikecb, is yours a laptop too?03:44
bill102299nick what is the go keyboard shourtcut in firefox03:44
space_cadetdoleyb, basically im looking for the ypops that tsakriah ? (did i spell that right) compiled for debian03:44
mikecbmikeypizano: A thinkpad T6103:44
Mulderi wonder if the ext4 file deletion bug has been backported into jaunty kernel03:44
mikeypizanomine is a toshiba a205-s585903:44
doleybkdask: how does that relate to flash at all?03:45
mikeypizanomikecb, try installing the compiz icon and hitting "reload window manager"03:45
acorn1hello everyone, i just upgraded to jaunty, but i cannot seem to install tor. what's up?03:45
histoacorn1: are you using hte ubuntu package?03:45
histo!info tor | acorn103:45
ubottuacorn1: Package tor does not exist in jaunty03:45
Wyzardkdask: Installing the i386 flash package on an amd64 system with --force-architecture definitely will not work03:45
syntax\got a question, im currently downloading 9.04, i currently have 8.10 installed. would it be better or ok if i upgrade using the cd?03:45
syntax\pls advice03:45
TBotNiktonyyarusso: brb, going to get null moden DB9 com cable and laptop to see if I can see anything.03:45
GodfatherofEiretonyyarusso: do you remember that or...?03:45
geniehostbill102299, http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/keyboard+shortcuts03:45
Wyzardkdask: a 64-bit process (your browser) cannot load a 32-bit library (the flash plugin)03:45
TopBunny88How do I remove pulse audio and replace it with open sound system?03:46
baz_i want to move all files and folders from one folder to another, so I tried "mv /folder/subfolder/* /home/baz/newfolder" but that only moved the files - i cant see how to include the folders?03:46
mikeypizanoalso, gotta ask ya bout my averatec, touchpad is not working on 9,04, worked on 8.10 tho03:46
acorn1darn... is there any way to find a software source that'll allow me to install tor?03:46
python_userHi, quick question: just installed jaunty, it detects my 15.4 laptop screen as 15 and refused to allow the widescreen resolution.. any ideas?03:46
tonyyarussoGodfatherofEire: I'm afraid I don't actually...  (I sort of ignored the 8.10 release for the most part.)03:46
lstarneskdask: there is nspluginwrapper, which can run 32-bit plugins in a 64-bit firefox03:46
histoTopBunny88: sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio03:46
kdaskWyzard: my browser is 32 bit03:46
histoTopBunny88: alsa is installed as for isntalling oss i'm not sure on that one.03:46
GodfatherofEiretonyyarusso, no problem03:46
Wyzardkdask: not if you're running amd64 Ubuntu03:46
bullgard4syntax\: Yes.03:46
tonyyarussoGodfatherofEire: I haven't heard of anything like that this time around though - the only upgrading issues I've seen have been from alpha/betas of jaunty to final.03:46
sam0baz_ i think it is mv -t /asdf  /asdfasdf03:47
intxhas anyone here installed ubuntu on a netbook (or a cd-rom-less computer?)03:47
syntax\bullgard4: would my files still be ok? even if i chose upgrade from cd?03:47
kdasklstarnes: Thanks!03:47
syntax\would i be downloading files again or not?03:47
Wyzardkdask: anyway, I believe there's a flash package for amd64 -- it's either loads the 32-bit plugin with nspluginwrapper, or it's the beta native 64-bit one that Adobe released awhile back03:47
lstarneskdask: it can be a little bit tricky to get working though03:47
kj4intx i have03:47
acorn1intx: there is a netbook remix version of ubuntu03:47
intxkj4: what did you use?03:47
pisecxHi. My keyboard is broken on laptop. Now I've just connected external keyboard, so no problems. But is there any virtual keyboard in 9.04, that I can use?03:47
python_useranyone else had jaunty not allow laptop to go to widescreen resolution 1280x900?03:47
kdasklstarnes: is it long and complicated?03:48
Wyzardkdask: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1128497 suggests (in the last post on the first page) that ubuntu-restricted-extras should be all you need03:48
mikeypizanoi have mine working at 1280x800, does that help Python_user03:48
kj4the .img file on the ubuntu site03:48
SubboomEEEbuntu NBR03:48
intxkj4: .img file?03:48
scott9876question: can i skip intrepid and jump hardy to jackalope and how? update manager wants to upgrade to intrepid03:48
lstarneskdask: it should require only a couple commands03:48
python_usermikeypizano: so do I but thats not widescreen and it makes the font look a little weird03:48
python_userneed to be x90003:48
acorn1so nobody knows about getting tor on jaunty?03:48
lstarnesscott9876: I think you have to update to 8.10 first03:48
kj4yep, use dd to create it on a USB drive, then boot from that03:49
kj4worked perfectly on my dell mini 903:49
mikeypizanowell, ill bbl, i got to fo get this compiz thing sorted out03:49
lstarnesacorn1: for some reason the packages were removed.  I'm not sure if the packages were supposed to be re-added03:49
scott9876lstarnes: things break will they resolove themselve with the next jump03:49
Wyzardscott9876: trying to skip a release isn't a good idea; the upgrade process isn't designed or tested for that03:49
scott9876cause running a live jaunty is perfect03:49
happyfacedoes the jaunty alternate installer download packages from the internet when it runs03:49
python_userSince when does ubuntu not support common resolutions out of the box?03:49
space_cadethas anyone gotten this working??   http://www.geocities.com/t_skariah/ypops/03:49
lstarnesacorn1: it is possible to compile tor from source03:49
bullgard4syntax\: Not necessarily. If you had installed in the past some more packages (and thus programs to use), their configuration may go lost unless you backup them first (and thus can reload them after your upgrade).03:50
acorn1lstarnes: would i be able to add an 8.10 repository to the package manager to get it?03:50
lstarnesacorn1: that is not a good idea03:50
UbbyCDis it possible to turn the backlight off on my laptop?03:51
UbbyCDor turn it down past 10%03:51
space_cadet!hi | UbbyCD03:51
ubottuUbbyCD: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:51
lstarnesacorn1: there may be a repository that works with 9.04 that has tor in it03:51
python_useranyone notice jaunty doesnt do laptop widescreen out of the box anymore (intel)?03:51
UbbyCDhi bots : )03:51
space_cadetUbbyCD, have you tried the fn f7 key?03:51
mobi-sheeppython_user: It worked for me.03:51
python_usermobi-sheep: what res?03:51
UbbyCDim scared of that key what does it do03:51
space_cadetUbbyCD, fn + F7 sorry03:51
sam0Anyone knows how to set the "vesa", "nv", "ati" Video drivers in the recovery section??? In previous versions the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg did the work, but now it only asks for keyboard stuff... Even changing the xorg.conf for the one that worked before doesn't work... Anyone knows?03:51
mobi-sheepI don't remember specifically but I know it's running native.  1440 x something.  Let me check.03:52
UbbyCDis this some kinna trick?03:52
NOD62This is rediculous.03:52
space_cadetUbbyCD, on my asus it turns the backlight on my screen off.03:52
python_usermobi-sheep: I'm looking for default 1280x90003:52
pisecxis there any virtual keyboard in ubuntu? didn't find it through menu03:52
UbbyCDok lemme try03:52
python_usertahts the most common for a 15.4 screen03:52
UbbyCDdang .. nada03:52
space_cadetUbbyCD, fn F5-F6 controls brightness..  F5 down  F6 up03:52
space_cadeton my asus03:52
bullgard4Ubuntu 8.04.2: The DEB program package cdrkit-doc is installed. But 'man cdrecord' does not produce any output. Why?03:52
geniehostpython_user, any good chat room for python?03:53
jeeva11could not open the file /home/t.txt character coding:current locale(UTF-8) any one help me to display t.txt file03:53
mobi-sheeppython_user:  1680 x 1050.  That's my laptop's widescreen resolution.  You may have to configure the Xorg file manually to get your resolution.03:53
PenguI have a problem. Gparted says I'm taking up far more space than I actually am. Here's a screenshot: http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa24/LordPengin/Screenshot-4.png (the 80gb under 'media' are in an external drive, sda5 is my ubuntu partition)03:53
UbbyCDmines entirely diff i have a dell d60003:53
UbbyCDim trying to get better battery life03:53
TBotNiktonyyarusso: Can not do it tonight, took the null modem cable out of the tool bag, so have to go to shop to get it tomorrow.03:53
lstarnesbullgard4: you need cdrkit-doc03:53
space_cadetbullgard4, is cdrecord a valid command?03:53
GodfatherofEirescott9876, I would advise against that03:53
acorn1perhaps i should add a debian repository source. would that cause any problems?03:53
python_usergeniehost: I wouldn't know, I only ever use IRC when all other options fail03:53
lstarnesacorn1: it likely would03:53
NOD62I have a greater highspeed line..... I am not downloading anything else and yet... I'm still at the same place for 6 hours.03:53
space_cadetUbbyCD, does your laptop have keys marked for these functions?03:53
lstarnesacorn1: unless the repos contained only tor03:53
UbbyCDit seems my screen on the lowest brightness is still bright03:53
lstarnesacorn1: check for a PPA first03:53
UbbyCDyeh i used the hot keys to get it to the minimum03:53
geniehostPython1320, any good chat room for python?03:54
python_usergeniehost: I wouldn't know, I only ever use IRC when all other options fail03:54
lstarnesgeniehost: #python03:54
python_usermy bad03:54
PenguI have a problem. Gparted says I'm taking up far more space than I actually am. Here's a screenshot: http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa24/LordPengin/Screenshot-4.png (the 80gb under 'media' are in an external drive, sda5 is my ubuntu partition). Help, please?03:54
raghavanHi ! I'm new to ubuntu.. i installed ubuntu 9.04 3 hours back.. it was working just fine... suddenly the sound became crackles... i cant hear any music except crackles.. I got an Acer aspire 552003:54
raghavan could someone plz help me out03:54
bullgard4lstarnes: I said that cdrkit-doc is installed.03:54
acorn1lstarnes: ppa?03:54
geniehostlstarnes, cannot join it03:54
* python_user looks for the ubuntu 8.10 iso03:54
historaghavan: hit alt+f2 and type in killall pulseaudio03:54
lstarnesacorn1: personal package archive03:54
* DouglasK passes nosebleed a pack of Kleenex03:55
lstarnesgeniehost: you need a nick registered and verified with nickserv.  see /msg nickserv help register03:55
acorn1lstarnes: ah, third party sources. ok i'll try that03:55
raghavanone second, will try now03:55
acorn1lstarnes: thanks very much for the help03:55
TBotNiknosebleed: YOu too high altitude?  Is that how you got the handle?03:55
vocxWyzard, hey, it's weird!03:55
UbbyCDhard drive failurezz03:55
lstarnesacorn1: or you could just get the tor sources from their site and compile them yourself.  It should be fairly easy03:55
bullgard4space_cadet: Issuing the command 'cdrecord' produces some output. Do you call this "a valid command"?03:55
python_useranyone know why jaunty detects 15.4 screens as being 15" ?03:55
eagoI want to install kde03:56
UbbyCDbecause few people care about the .4?03:56
reiniseago: you can't03:56
nosebleedNo, just a random nick I wanted to use about 7 years ago03:56
space_cadetbullgard4, then try cdrecord --help03:56
eagobut the on I find in synaptic says won't work on my system... amd6403:56
nosebleedAnd it stuck03:56
DouglasKpython_user, int(screen_size)?03:56
reiniseago: it's impossible03:56
histoeago: then install it03:56
acorn1lstarnes: if there's no plans to include tor in the future, i'd rather do that, yeah03:56
histo!kde > eago03:56
ubottueago, please see my private message03:56
losherPengu: I'd like to see the output of 'df -h'03:56
space_cadetbullgard4, what's the package name?03:56
intxhas anyone installed ubuntu (non-netbook remix) on a netbook?03:56
intxwithout a cd-rom drive?03:57
reiniseago: don't see his message, he's a GayPal03:57
TBotNiknosebleed: Oh, thought maybe you were a BBT Sheldon or something! LOL!03:57
mobi-sheeppython_user: Google on configurating your Xorg -- It's something similar to this http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/x-config.html03:57
histo!anyone | intx03:57
ubottuintx: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:57
python_userDouglasK: ?03:57
danbhfiveintx: yes03:57
vocxWyzard, here is a description of the problem http://www.insidesocal.com/click/2008/06/ubuntu-fix-login-screen-too-bi.html    Setting the "Virtual" size to your desired size IS the solution, but then it is useless, since you cannot use the "extra" space the Virtual desktop would provide.03:57
zhanxintx running jaunty on my msi wind right now03:57
bullgard4space_cadet: The name of the package is cdrkit-doc.03:57
lstarnesacorn1: you could file a bug report related to it or look for an existing one03:57
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:57
DouglasKPython_user: aka, it prolly rounds down.03:57
mobi-sheepSee above | python_user03:57
UbbyCDarent we all a bit jaunty tonight03:57
raghavanHi HISTO, i did that, it says 'no process killed'. I did a restart couple of times and the problem still exists03:57
reiniseago: he just wants you to start using bGay03:57
acorn1another question, i'm also on a netbook and would love to use the netbook remix of ubuntu. how would one migrate?03:57
steltzi installed gimpshop and i can't find it. any ideas?03:58
intxzhanx: what was your method of installation?03:58
intxi can't seem to get anything to work03:58
=== Anomaly is now known as Guest72149
NOD62Is there any way I can check the progress of this update?03:58
zhanxintx usb drive03:58
python_userDouglasK: yeah, but why would it do that? that means you cant use the widescreen resolution?03:58
python_userit always detected it as 15.403:58
python_userfor the last 4 versionds03:58
space_cadetbullgard4, no manual entry?03:58
vocxWyzard, Essentially, this only affects the login screen. Considering that we can boot directly to one account that is no problem, but it's still annoying.03:58
steltzi sudo-apt get installed it and it said it was allready installed and up to date03:58
intxzhanx: did you download an iso and use unetbootin?03:58
SteffyHey all, I have a few partitions mounted under Ubuntu. But how do I name them? For instance one of my partitions appears on the desktop as "DATA" yet another appears as "76 GB Media".03:58
zhanxintx yes03:58
Wyzardvocx: That article is about an xorg.conf that already had a Virtual line with the wrong numbers on it03:59
space_cadetintx, unetbootin here as well (not a netbook though)03:59
DouglasKPython_user: Can't say for sure about that, I'm running widescreen on Intrepid now.03:59
danbhfiveintx: I just used the usb-startupcreator03:59
lstarnesacorn1: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tor should have some info about what happened to the tor package03:59
python_userDouglasK: yeah I had no problems with Intrepid03:59
Wyzardvocx: which is different from having no Virtual line at all, and just using the default03:59
bullgard4space_cadet: 'cdrecord --help' produces a help text just as other command-line commands do. Why is ther no man page?03:59
zhanxdanbhfive the usb-startupcreator has yet to work one bit for me04:00
vocxWyzard, it's not the wrong numbers. That's my exact behavior. It's having a virtual size that produces a big login screen.04:00
space_cadetbullgard4, http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/man/cdrecord-2.0.html04:00
bullgard4space_cadet: There is no manual entry.04:00
danbhfivezhanx: what happens?04:00
zhanxcrashes with a segement fault04:00
DouglasKpython_user, what video card?04:00
Wyzardvocx: It's having a virtual size that's bigger than your monitor's resolution that's the problem04:01
igor1121Good evening. I have a question. I just upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 on my Lenovo T60p laptop. Now when I boot up the system seems to boot fine until X.org start at which point the screen is garbled and the machine seems frozen. When this happens I cannot switch to a different virtual console and the machine does not respond to CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE. Any ideas on what to do?04:01
Wyzardvocx: that person had a 1024x768 screen, but had somehow gotten "Virtual 1280 960" in xorg.conf, producing the problem04:01
vocxWyzard, as you say, the Virtual size fools the login screen into thinking there is more room. But since you cannot pan in the login screen, you are screwed. But once you login, then everything is fine, because you can now pan.04:01
acorn1lstarnes: thanks again04:01
TBotNikAll: Sound Q: Why is sound OK on my box but disabled in Pidgin?04:01
jschalligor1121: ctrl alt bksp is disabled by default04:01
Wyzardvocx: hmm, didn't know panning doesn't work on the login screen...  I don't see why it wouldn't04:01
=== smartasstronaut_ is now known as smartasstroAWAY
danbhfive!dontzap | igor112104:02
ubottuigor1121: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »04:02
python_userDouglasK: intel04:02
space_cadetigor1121, boot to live cd, backup your stuff and install clean?04:02
igor1121BTW, I switched to using vesa driver in xorg.conf and it's still the same result. It's not a hardware issue since the livecd works fine.04:02
Wyzardvocx: but the whole virtual thing is a legacy feature as far as I'm concerned; I haven't seen it used in years04:02
ttoniHello, I have Ubuntu 8.10 installed on my system with an ATI graphics card and I frequently have problems. Some Ubuntu friends told me 8.04 might work better for me, what you folks think?04:02
vocxWyzard, well, that's the problem: panning doesn't work in the login screen.04:02
DouglasKpython_user, maybe I'll be lucky ... I'm on a slightly older nvidia.04:02
igor1121space_cadet: that's what I gues I have to do.04:02
igor1121ttoni: same problem here. Interesting...04:02
python_userDouglasK: irony... the intel driver is opensource so intrepid has excellent support, seems like they messed that up with jaunty04:03
doleybttoni: maybe they really wanted you to get 9.0404:03
Wyzardvocx: I'd say the problem is that you shouldn't have a virtual screen size bigger than the real screen size in the first place04:03
pc1oad1etterCan anyone help me send print jobs from Mac OS X to Ubuntu?  I have local printing working, and I have the printer set to share (port scan is showing 631 open)04:03
vocxWyzard, I like the ability to pan. Because then I can put more things in a single workspace, instead of creating more workspaces which is also a solution.04:03
geniehostXChat 2.8.4 how to save my room list, so every time I open xchat open my room list too?04:03
mayuyahi Wyzard04:03
pc1oad1etterBut I can't seem to get the printer to add (and send jobs) correctly04:03
TBotNikAll: REPEATING ==> Sound Q: Why is sound OK on my box but disabled in Pidgin?  Have had this happen on other U-Boxes and can not find an answer online.04:03
bullgard4space_cadet: Excellent! Thank you very much for your help.04:03
space_cadetbullgard4, yep! :)04:03
Wyzardvocx: Window manager virtual desktops are a much better solution to managing lots of windows04:03
coolguy4hi, I want to put an item in the gnome menu (the 'start menu'). The gui is not working for me. I think I need to create a .desktop file, but I'm not sure where I should put it.04:03
Steffyttoni: 8.04 works better for me though I had networking issues with 8.10. 8.04 is a LTS edition and will be supported for longer and in theory is more reliable :)04:03
coolguy4is ~/.local/share/applications/ the right place?04:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about biorhythm04:04
danes_need help. I updated and youtube is not playing anymore. What can I do?04:04
ttoniThey mentioned 9.04 but I hesitate to use it since it's testing04:04
braden_oh no... i just installed nVidia drivers and did the hack and they still won't run04:04
python_userdanes_: install flah?04:04
vocxWyzard, but I like having a super endlessly long stretched workspace. It's funny.04:04
lstarnesttoni: 9.04 has been fully released04:04
danes_python_user, I think I already have it04:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about biorhythm04:05
=== braden_ is now known as meoblast
happyfacehelp I can't install Jaunty! Debootstrap warning when installing base system!04:05
pc1oad1etterAnyone have a suggestion for adding the printer in Mac OS X to print to the ubuntu print server?04:05
danes_python_user, I think I already have it. The thing is that it loads and plays about one to 2 secs and then it stops04:05
kevin009hello, I have 3 PCs here and all of them fail to burn and verify CDs/DVDs. is there any way to fix this?04:05
kavityCan someone help me with getting dual monitors using a laptop, and a regular monitor?04:05
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE04:05
kavityWith an fglrx graphics card.04:05
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:05
kevin009they burn disks just fine in windows04:05
histo!botabuse > pcloadletter04:05
histo!botabuse > pc1oad1etter04:05
ubottupc1oad1etter, please see my private message04:05
losherkevin009: what do you use to burn?04:06
python_userdanes_: I'm not surprised, jaunty is full of these types of problems04:06
LukeBhisto: i tried both things and i still can't enable desktop effects04:06
evonI can't even get it installed04:06
python_usermobi-sheep: the wiki link wasnt really helpful04:06
space_cadetdanes_, my youtube works..04:06
evonhow do i overcome the unmount cdrom problem?04:06
space_cadetLinux 2.6.28-11-generic [i686/800.50MHz/SMP]04:07
ttoniSo does 9.04 support ATI?04:07
python_userultimatly it told me to dual boot windows mobi-sheep04:07
histoLukeB: maybe someone else will be able to help.04:07
danes_python_user, space_cadet,  any suggestions?04:07
kevin009losher: i have used both k3b and brasero04:07
space_cadetdanes_, well my youtube worked out of the box.04:07
LukeBhisto: alright thanks for trying much appreciated04:07
space_cadetdanes_, clean install04:07
mobi-sheeppython_user: I was speaking of the xorg file.  The concept is there.  You need to use nano or text editor to change the resolution size to your native resolution size. ;)04:07
LukeBcan anyone help me? I can't enable desktop effects04:07
losherttoni: 8.04 seems to be the most stable release. Whichever release you try, make sure you can recover to the previous release04:07
danes_space_cadet, ???04:07
kevin009it seems like this became a problem when the change was made in the kernel from hda to sda for all devices04:07
danes_space_cadet, how?04:07
python_usermobi-sheep: yeah, xorg is pretty much blank, and I have no idea how to get the modeline04:07
python_userwithout using a windows app04:07
python_useras instructed by the wiki04:08
vocxWyzard, please inspect this log http://paste.ubuntu.com/157647/    By the way I used the driver's PanelSize option, but it is "not enforced", and this log was without no Virtual line, it defaults to 1600x1200 which is bigger than my native 1280x102404:08
ttonilosher, thanks04:08
space_cadetdanes_, well i did set up ubuntu-restricted-extras the usual way04:08
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:08
losherkevin009: and when you say it fails, what exactly goes wrong04:08
bmx2962Why do some programs install easily, but others I need to use the console, like I did with installing Adobe AIR??04:08
space_cadetadobe air?04:08
SteffySomething simple that I can't work out: I have a few partitions mounted under Ubuntu. But how do I name them? For instance one of my partitions appears on the desktop as "DATA" yet another appears as "76 GB Media".04:08
ttonithanks folks04:08
zhanxbmx2962 its the choice of the person who made it04:08
LukeBspace_cadet: can you help me?04:08
TBotNikAll:  Well since I don't have the null modem cable for RS6000-B50 box, I guess I finish my Amanda install on this box.  Is not working right.  Install Client first, then found HOWTO that had me install server, now have a conflict.  Any suggestions?04:09
steltz!GIMP i installed gimpshop, and now it won't launch04:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:09
space_cadetSteffy, one is named data the other isnt named.04:09
=== dbunch is now known as glick
zhanxsteltz run gimp from the terminal04:09
Steffyspace_cadet: I understand that, but how do I name it?04:09
space_cadetSteffy, so... i am thinking you named it in windows.04:09
vocxWyzard, "(WW) CHROME(0): Unable to estimate virtual size"   and then "(--) CHROME(0): Virtual size is 1680x1200 (pitch 1680)"04:09
kevin009dmesg reports all sorts of i/o errors too04:09
guest_42vigo, ping04:09
doleybbmx2962: because that's how adobe made it... and they made it that way because they wanted it to work on any linux, not only ubuntu04:09
bmx2962zhanx, thanks. So its just the file type right that determines how I'll have to install?04:09
steltzzhanx: thanks i'll try04:10
Steffyspace_cadet: Nope04:10
LukeBcan anyone help me? i can't enable desktop effects04:10
losherSteffy: the tune2fs -L "label" command can be used to name ext3 filesystems. Dunno if there's a gui way to do it...04:10
zhanxbmx2962 sure04:10
BlueEaglelukeb: install the drivers for your graphics card.04:10
bmx2962doleyb, thank you.04:10
raguis there tabuntu for 8.10?04:10
python_userLukeB: what grfx card?04:10
kevin009losher: sometimes it will simply say that verification failed. sometimes the drive will become locked/unusable until I reboot04:10
Wyzardvocx: I think if you don't have a Modes line, it takes the list of all modes it knows about and filters it by what it thinks your system can do04:11
antibodyhello. I'm trying to authenticate through fingerprint reader the pam lib works however 1. If I don't pass my finger it will end forever for it and I can't type password..2. So far I only made it that 1st I ahve to pass the finger and the type the password..is there anyways I can type only one ? fingerprint is with "sufficient"04:11
kevin009losher: i've tried different speeds and file systems and all04:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fingerprint04:11
space_cadetlosher Steffy and there's also reiserfstune for the reiserfs partitions04:11
LukeBpython_user: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)04:11
Wyzardvocx: I don't know why it thinks your system can do 1680x1200 but then doesn't actually use that resolution04:11
raguhow shall I install tabuntu for 8.1004:11
meoblast001my nVidia drivers wont work.. can someone help me?04:11
python_userLukeB: that card is blacklisted due to a software bug04:11
Steffylosher: how does tune2fs name partitions? Not used it before04:11
losherkevin009: I've never seen that particular failure mode. Which release of Ubuntu?04:12
Wyzardvocx: but if you put a line saying Modes "1280x1024" then it should use just that mode and no other, so you won't have 1680x1200 driving up the virtual size04:12
LukeBpython_user: so what do i do?04:12
space_cadetSteffy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive04:12
evonanyone know how to fix the installation problem with regards to unmounting the cdrom?04:12
losherSteffy: sudo tune2fs -L "some label"04:12
space_cadetSteffy, it has info you want04:12
python_userLukeB: well, if you enable compiz, you could have unexpected side affects04:12
arHi guys can anyone offer me advise on hosting control panels04:12
vocxWyzard, the log I presented was without a Mode nor a Virtual line. That's what I'm telling you, it thinks about 1600x1200, it "tries" it on the login screen, but after logging in, it gets back to 12800x102404:12
brEz_any staffers around?04:12
Steffythanks space_cadet, losher: will give that a try04:12
Buttons840Is Python2.5 not in symnatic?04:12
Wyzardvocx: Are you using gnome?04:12
LukeBpython_user: i just want to enable visual effects,  to like normal04:13
lstarnesbrEz_: staffers of what?04:13
sprockets2000Hi, anyone have a mini 1000 (HP)04:13
vocxWyzard, yes gnome04:13
brEz_err, wrong channel :P04:13
Wyzardvocx: System->Preferences->Screen Resolution04:13
python_userLukeB: mkdir -p ~/.config/compiz/ && echo SKIP_CHECKS=yes >> ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager04:13
python_userdont cry if it breaks04:13
steltzzhanx: thank yOU!!! it worked04:13
python_userI warned you04:13
vocxWyzard, tried that already...04:13
lstarnesButtons840: try python2.5 (case-sensitive)04:13
intxwhat file system does ubuntu netbook remix use?04:13
zhanxsteltz i know it did04:13
Wyzardvocx: gnome is probably applying that setting at login; that's why it switches to 1280x102404:13
sprockets2000intx prob etx3 disregarding its ssd04:13
ax57Do I need to install regular ubuntu  first before installing edubuntu?04:13
LukeBpython_user: ok i ran that in the terminal now what04:14
finnintx, you get to choose if you use the advanced partitioning04:14
kdasklstarnes: are you still here04:14
sprockets2000but i mean ssd have a long life time now further than the netbook itself so it doesnt really matter04:14
python_userWyzard: Hi, any idea why jaunty detects a 15.4 screen as 15 and wont allow the x900 wide screen res????04:14
lstarneskdask: yes04:14
Wyzardvocx: and that method of changing the screen resolution actually changes the virtual size too04:14
intxwhat file system does ubuntu support that is okay with a ssd?04:14
python_userLukeB: logout and in then enable your shizzle04:14
Buttons840Istarnes: I try searching for "python," but only get python 2.6. :(04:14
sprockets2000intx ext204:14
arCan anyone tell me how I would get this to my server via terminal Debian package suitable for Debian, Ubuntu or other derived Linux04:14
arhttp://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin_1.470_all.deb 14M04:14
steltzzhanx: how do you know04:14
meoblast001i need nVidia drivers04:14
kdasklstarnes: it says it installed the version for i686 on my system04:14
LukeBpython_user: enable my shizzle? lol how do i do that04:14
vocxWyzard, by the way in 9.04 "Screen Resolution" is now "Display"04:14
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.04:14
zhanxsteltz had the same probem04:15
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tritiummeoblast001: System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers04:15
python_userLukeB:  I meant enable your compiz/what ever you were trying to do04:15
doleybSo I upgraded to 9.04 and now I guess the sound device is blocking!? (only one prog can use it at a time)04:15
steltzzhanx: i am steltz....04:15
Wyzardvocx: changing the virtual size when switching screen resolutions wasn't supported years ago; that's what the panning was for04:15
ax57Do I need to install regular ubuntu  first before installing edubuntu? its for my bosses kid, ive used ubuntu but not edubuntu04:15
LukeBpython_user: how do i enable it lol04:15
tritiumax57: no04:15
arbut ebox does not create emails or databases or other things that plesk or cpanel create, is that right?04:15
meoblast001tritium, that locks up while installing04:15
python_userLukeB: It's in the appearences menu04:15
glickexcuse me, what is the development tools package called? i thought it used to be called dev-tools04:15
python_useror close too04:15
zhanxsteltz i had the same problem that better for you04:15
glickyou kno what contains a compiler04:15
glicklinker, etc, etc04:15
FloodBot1glick: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:16
glickall that good stuff04:16
tritiumax57: http://edubuntu.org/news/9.04-release04:16
rippsUbuntuGeek.com has a new article on fixing some Jauntu sound issues: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html04:16
LukeBpython_user: ok so just log out? no need to restart?04:16
meoblast001tritium, i installed them directly off nvidia and now i'm prompted to go into low graphics mode every time i start04:16
python_userstfu repeating04:16
JohnFluxWhat happened to #ubuntu+1  ?04:16
python_useri already told you04:16
python_userlog out04:16
python_userthen in04:16
thothegI can't play dvd in Ubuntu 9.04. I have installed libdvdcss204:16
FloodBot1python_user: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:16
ax57tritum; could you kindly point me to a nice link to edubuntu, the one i have with linux pro mag is not working, oppps just seen you new msg i will check it out thanks04:16
kevin009losher: it has been happening to me since like 7.04 up to 9.0404:16
kdasklstarnes ?04:16
lstarnesJohnFlux: it isn't needed anymore as 9.04 is now officially supported04:16
lstarneskdask: so?04:16
Wyzardvocx: so if I understand correctly:  your video driver defaults to 1680x1200 for some reason, so that's the size of your login screen, but when you log in, gnome switches to 1280x102404:16
tritiummeoblast001: we don't support nvidia.com downloads.  Instead, we provide nvidia drivers in the repositories.04:16
MrFuzzyi need some help configuring alsa with my optical out04:16
JohnFluxlstarnes: ah04:16
lstarneskdask: i686 version of what?04:16
kdaski have i686 FF04:16
zhanxMrFuzzy razor card?04:16
JohnFluxlstarnes: I wanted to report that http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading   has the wrong title04:16
MrFuzzyATI onboard04:17
JohnFluxlstarnes: (and hence google headline)04:17
lstarneskdask: I'm not sure what to do there04:17
glickhow do i install standard devel tools in jaunty?04:17
space_cadetthotheg, i'm assuming you went through this \/\/04:17
zirodayJohnFlux: report it in #ubuntu-website04:17
python_userWyzard: Hi, any idea why jaunty detects a 15.4 screen as 15 and wont allow the x900 wide screen res????04:17
space_cadet!restricted | thotheg04:17
lstarneskdask: I use x86_64 firefox04:17
ubottuthotheg: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:17
joe262hi ppl04:17
rippsJohnFlux: try filing a bug report at launchpad, I don't know where else to put it.04:17
meoblast001tritium, yeah... well... it's not really supporting them if they won't even install04:17
tritiummeoblast001: they do04:17
losherkevin009: doesn't ring a bell. In your place, I'd do a google search on the dvd model name and see if it's a known incompatibilty04:17
sprockets2000python cant you just configure the xorg.conf04:17
sprockets2000to your liking04:17
glickahh build-essential04:17
zhanxMrFuzzy there a second set of the same options but number 2 in the sound? for my razor there was and the second one was optical04:17
vocxWyzard, yes, it errors, Out of range, in the login screen, but then it goes back to notmal.04:17
meoblast001tritium, no they don't04:17
Wyzardpython_user: The physical screen dimensions aren't really related to the pixel dimensions04:17
JohnFluxripps: ah there's a webmaster@04:17
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kdasklstarnes: apparently mozilla didnt detect my system as being 64 bit04:18
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tritiummeoblast001: no, really.  You can also install them via apt-get, aptitude, or synaptic.04:18
MrFuzzyzhanx - yea i set the iec958 switches but there is still no light coming out from it04:18
python_userWyzard: yeah but losing that .4" made ubuntu think my laptop doesnt do widescreen04:18
Templa[mobile]Ah! I upgraded to 9.04 how do I turn on my ati card???04:18
shiloh7meoblast001, i recomend reading n the forum, the answers are there04:18
meoblast001tritium, can't find them in synaptic04:18
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lstarneskdask: by default packages for 64-bit firefox are installed if you use 64-bit ubuntu04:18
meoblast001shiloh7, already tried that hack.. didnt work04:18
sprockets2000Configure the xorg file Python...04:18
tritiummeoblast001: search for nvidia-glx04:18
zhanxMrFuzzy check the bios also, i had to disable the onboard and it worked04:18
meoblast001shiloh7, worked the first time but i had to reinstall because my system pooped on me04:19
shiloh7meoblast001, hack?????04:19
rippsTempla[mobile]: if you have an rv600+ card you can use fglrx, if not, you have to use the opensource driver04:19
guest_42vigo, i guess your not around04:19
Wyzardvocx: Modes "1280x1024" should stop it from creating a 1680x1200 framebuffer and trying to use 1680x1200 video mode, and instead create a 1280x1024 framebuffer and use 1280x1024 video mode04:19
vocxWyzard, in this log, I enforce the Virtual line, but I don't specify Modes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/157653/    It works perfectly, but I can't pan, of course.04:19
space_cadetmeoblast001, hacking is something you do in windows to get a program illegally04:19
meoblast001shiloh7, there's a hack you need to do to use nVidia drivers in Jaunty04:19
space_cadetmeoblast001, we are better than that04:19
MrFuzzyzhanx: it is an onboard optical out - ALC1200 is the driver it uses, it just outputs to null04:19
Templa[mobile]ripps: Radeon?04:19
meoblast001space_cadet, hacking is when you modify things to make them work04:19
kdasklstarnes: can i install 2 versions of ff?04:19
shiloh7meoblast001, ummm, no04:19
lstarnesspace_cadet: you're thiking of cracking, not hacking04:19
lstarneskdask: yes04:19
tritiummeoblast001: no, there is no hack required04:19
python_usermeh, back to intrepid for me04:19
rippsTempla[mobile]: yes, It is quite good these, about as good as the closed source04:20
mobi-sheeppython_user: Did you look at this?04:20
space_cadetmeoblast001, actually hacking is modifying things to make them do what they are not marketed to do04:20
zhanxMrFuzzy thats as far as i can help man04:20
devin_does anyone know or where I can find out the vga parameters for menu.list for a 1600x900 20" monitor? tried hwinfo --framebuffer but it doesn't list my res04:20
tritiumpython_user: what's the issue?04:20
mobi-sheep!xorg | python_user04:20
space_cadetif you want to get technical04:20
ubottupython_user: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:20
shiloh7does jaunty have envy?04:20
meoblast001tritium, ok... well.. i found it on Ubuntu forums.. fixed the problem last time... not this time04:20
python_userTristam: jaunty doesnt detect my widescreen therefore wont make the widescreen res available04:20
meoblast001tritium, can't find nvidia-glx* in there04:20
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adrian_2002cahi all, I'm on Jaunty and I have an old sys card, is there a way to be able to play movies(so at least theyre watchable)?04:20
Buttons840Can someone check symnatic for me?  Why is python 2.5 no longer available?04:20
MrFuzzyanybody with an ALC1200 chip with optical out working/04:20
python_usertritium:  jaunty doesnt detect my widescreen therefore wont make the widescreen res available04:20
rippsTempla[mobile]: I recommend adding 'Option "AccelDFS" "True"' to your xorg.conf, it really speeds up things like flash with exa04:20
lstarnesButtons840: pythin2.5 should be in there04:20
tritium!info nvidia-glx-18004:20
losherpython_user: back to 8.04 for me...04:20
ubottunvidia-glx-180 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-180): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 180.44-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 8682 kB, installed size 26188 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)04:20
sprockets2000Python_user: the great thing about linux is you can configure it to your needs04:20
lstarnesButtons840: *python2.504:20
tritiummeoblast001: ^^04:20
tritiummeoblast001: it's there.  You're doing something wrong.04:21
python_userlosher: lol, one version further back than me hahah04:21
Buttons840I can't see it :(04:21
tritiumpython_user: intel?  Did you read the 9.04 release notes?04:21
meoblast001tritium, ok... nvm... it just cant search... i have to do it all manually04:21
Templa[mobile]ripps: Any chance we get fglrx soon? Does ati have plans?04:21
python_usersprockets2000: yeah, and sometimes you cant, because it just doesn't work04:21
llamahow can I get rid of this indicator applet04:21
lstarnesButtons840: close synaptic, open a terminal, and run aptitude show python2.504:21
sprockets2000python, it will work if you go read a little bit04:21
tritiummeoblast001: then, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18004:21
MrFuzzyfglrx is released every month04:21
sprockets2000Python, go learn about xorg and configure your xorg.conf to your needs04:21
python_usertritium: I did, and they provided no real help in getting widescreen to work (intel)04:21
MrFuzzythe new one came out last week04:21
Buttons840i believe my symnatic filters are messed, up, let me look at it a bit, thank you04:21
rippsTempla[mobile]: AMD discontinued support for older cards, your stuck with opensource for r300-r500 or lower04:21
lstarnesButtons840: if that works and you want to install it, use sudo aptitude install python2.504:22
tritiumpython_user: just pointing out that there are plenty of issues with the intel driver04:22
space_cadetButtons840,  check your software sources > download from and choose other.   then click the choose best button04:22
llamahow can I get rid of this indicator applet?  Ive disabled it and uninstalled it, but the messages just never stop.04:22
TopBunny88python_user: IMHU every man ought to have a choice of which software anbd version of oftware he uses04:22
Templa[mobile]ripps: I forget what model I have, I'll check04:22
space_cadetButtons840, it seems i have had to do that a couple of times today even because some mirrors went down04:22
Wyzardvocx: I don't think it's possible to use a virtual size larger than your monitor's resolution when logged in without having it on the login screen too04:22
tritiummeoblast001: you should have the "restricted" component enabled, which is where the nvidia-glx-* packages are located.04:23
mobi-sheepllama: Remove it from the panel?04:23
llamaI did04:23
llamaI even removed and ourged it04:23
python_usersprockets2000: I would but I have no idea how to create a modeline, only adive I found so far was to dual boot ti vista and vista do it for me (advice from ubuntu wiki)04:23
llamait just keeps coming up04:23
vocxWyzard, and in this other log, I enforce the Mode just like you say, I actually give "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600", http://paste.ubuntu.com/157655/    It also works like a charm. But no pan.04:23
MrFuzzyis there an alsa or sound irc?04:23
meoblast001tritium, now should i just restart now that i have it installed?04:23
TopBunny88space_cadet: u tried the xmissiion,com mirror04:23
mobi-sheepllama: Then I don't know why.04:23
Wyzardvocx: and I think it's very strange that you actually *want* to use a panning virtual desktop; that's a legacy feature from years ago when xorg wasn't capable of changing resolutions properly04:23
tritiummeoblast001: no need.  You can switch to a virtual console, and sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart04:23
python_userhow on earth is a human being supposed to come up with a valid modeline??04:23
Geinepython_user, what is the editor you can use to pogrom GUI for python04:23
vocxWyzard, "I don't think it's possible to use a virtual size larger than your monitor's resolution when logged in without having it on the login screen too"  <--- apparently.04:23
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sam0Anyone knows how to set the "vesa", "nv", "ati" Video drivers in the recovery section??? In previous versions the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg did the work, but now it only asks for keyboard stuff... Even changing the xorg.conf for the one that worked before doesn't work... Anyone knows?04:24
space_cadetTopBunny88, nope, it usually chooses wisconsin or chicago for me04:24
tritiumpython_user: modelines are not typically required any more04:24
losherMrFuzzy: apparently there is a #alsa. I've never used it04:24
python_userGeine: I use emacs04:24
Geinepython_user, emacs is the text edit right?04:24
rippssam0: what card do you have?04:24
losherMrFuzzy: 9.04 is notorious for sound problems04:24
python_usertritium: correct, but in this case I need a modeline. If I didn't need one then this would of been working hours ago04:24
billybigriggeris x-sane the only image scanner program i can use in ubuntu? my epson nx200 all in one printer gets recognized as a printer but not as a scanner in xsane, is there another alternative i can try?04:24
space_cadetlosher, i'm glad i have a solid asus.04:25
space_cadetlosher, everything worked oob04:25
MrFuzzythe sound hasn't worked in any distro yet04:25
Wyzardpython_user: Video drivers don't give a hoot about "widescreen" vs. "not widescreen"...  they ask the monitor what its preferred resolution is, and use that04:25
ShivamI need help with Ubuntu settings, my mouse keeps moving in the center when a new window opens04:25
sam0ripps Ati04:25
evilGUII made a backup of my home directory then when I did mv /home_backup home it disappeared.04:25
MrFuzzyi have asus and the optical out does not work04:25
Geinepython_user, my question is how to do Graphic User Interface (GUI) to be used for python04:25
Wyzardpython_user: afaik the only thing the monitor's physical dimensions are used for is calculating the monitor's DPI, which affects the size of your fonts04:25
python_userWyzard: so how can I fix this?04:25
python_userhow can i make jaunty let me use 1280x900?04:25
usserGeine, try eric or idle, python is very picky about indentation, idle or eric auto indent and emacs is just to harsh for a novice04:25
python_useri read the wiki04:25
python_userdidnt really help04:25
vocxWyzard,  "that's a legacy feature from"  <----  yes, maybe a legacy feature. But for someone who has never seen it in use, it is kind of exiting. It's kinda like marveling with a wheel when we are all using hovering cars... or something.04:26
Wyzardpython_user: What kind of monitor do you have?04:26
ShivamI need help with Ubuntu settings, my mouse keeps moving in the center when a new window opens04:26
rippssam0, your card should automatically use the radeon (ati) driver. What exactly is going wrong?04:26
evilGUIWhere would my home directory have gone?04:26
python_userWyzard: laptop lcd 15.4"04:26
space_cadetPython_user yah, it's the video card that determines the resolution capabilities.04:26
Wyzardpython_user: and what type of GPU?04:26
python_userthis has always worked right back to 7.0404:26
losherspace_cadet: I have a Q6600/ECS intel mobo and it took me hours to get sound working on 9.0404:26
space_cadetpython_user, again... the lcd has no matter.04:26
python_userout of the box04:26
meoblast001tritium, doesnt work04:26
ShivamI need help with Ubuntu settings, my mouse keeps moving in the center when a new window opens04:27
Wyzardspace_cadet: the video card has upper limits on what resolutions it's capable of outputting, but the driver uses EDID data from the monitor to decide what video mode to make the video card actually output04:27
Buttons840Is there anyways to start something in the terminal and then close the terminal without killing the process?  I like that new feature, but sometimes I want to override it.04:27
billybigriggeris there a spanish speaking channel for ubuntu?04:27
tritiummeoblast001: what does it do, then?04:27
tritium!es > billybigrigger04:27
ubottubillybigrigger, please see my private message04:27
space_cadetpython_user, you could have a 13" and get 1900 x 120004:27
askvictorHow can I get wvidal to start automatically when the system starts?04:27
python_userintel gm96504:27
meoblast001tritium: first it tells me display 0 is already being used and i'll have to use display 104:27
llamahow can I get rid of this indicator applet?  Ive disabled it and uninstalled it, but the messages just never stop.  Ive restarted and removed it from startup applications also.04:27
meoblast001tritium: then it tells me that i'll have to use low graphics mode04:27
sam0ripps i downloaded the ATI driver with envy-ng, and at the restart it broke... Using dpkg-reconfigure did the work, but now i can't go back04:27
evilGUImeoblast001: Hey.04:27
guest_42Buttons840: use & at the end of the command or hit xrtl-z and then type bg04:27
devin_how can I figure out what vga mode to use for adding a usplash on a widescreen monitor?04:27
tritiummeoblast001: probably due to your installation of non-ubuntu-packaged drivers.04:27
meoblast001evilGUI: i hate nVidia04:28
evilGUIFound it, it got moved to ./root04:28
evilGUImeoblast001: Why?04:28
meoblast001evilGUI: cuz i do04:28
tritiummeoblast001: rebooting is rarely required, but if you choose to, that is fine04:28
usserButtons840, hm a new feature? nohup command &04:28
python_userscrew it, I'll go compile a kernel with an older xorg and intel driver versions04:28
space_cadetmeoblast001, i love nvidia04:28
ShivamI need help with Ubuntu settings, my mouse keeps moving in the center when a new window opens04:28
rippssam0, envy-ng isn't supported for jaunty. What model card do you have, AMD discontinued support for older cards04:28
TopBunny88space_cadet: Please try the xmission mirror  here is the link for my sources.list > http://paste.ubuntu.com/157659/04:28
meoblast001tritium: i think i'm going to check if it's too late to return my card and get an ATI04:28
billybigriggertritium, roger, thanks04:28
python_usermake the thing quicker and purge those popups (notifications) all in one sweep04:28
tritiummeoblast001: ok04:28
evilGUImeoblast001: In Jaunty ATI users have had worse issues.04:29
danes_guys, what is the name of the online game that is a virtual world?04:29
tritiummeoblast001: which card do you have?04:29
rippsevilGUI: I have rv350 ati card, and my Jaunty experience has been great04:29
meoblast001tritium: 9600GSO04:29
sam0ripps ati radeon Xpress 200, pretty old04:29
doleybdanes_: world of warcaft? second life?04:29
tritiummeoblast001: ah, extremely new04:29
joe262danes_: second life?04:29
danes_yeah second life04:29
manuel__is anyone else experiencing very long waits for installing packages?04:29
meoblast001tritium: it worked before this 9.04 bullspit04:29
stryd_onedoes anyone know how to disable a second display setup for multihead using randr?04:29
rippssam0: then your stuck with the opensource radeon drivers.04:29
evilGUIripps: Same here with my 8600GT.04:29
llamahow can I get rid of this indicator applet?  Ive disabled it and uninstalled it, but the messages just never stop.  Ive restarted and removed it from startup applications also.04:30
danes_anyone knows how can I install it in ubuntu?04:30
Steffyspace_cadet: I tried using the guide on the link you posted and it was helpful and appears to have worked. However after remounting the partition it still appears as "78.6 GB Media"04:30
Fjordsidewhere to put iwconfig vlan0 power on so it is automaticaly set when network i loaded?04:30
Buttons840Personally, the UI "Hardware Drivers" really screwed me over with my ATI card.  I downloaded the 9.4 Catalyst from ATI website, and did an automated install (real easy), and things are working much better now.04:30
vocxWyzard, what I'm going to do, is increase the virtual size just a little so the panning is not excessive, and so the login textbox is not "out of bounds". I will only stretch it horizontally.   Also I think it is useful for people like me, who still use a 5:4 ratio monitor, instead of the now more common 16:9. The gnome-panels tend to get full of things, so this will give it, a little more room.04:30
Wyzardmanuel__: yes, it's slow because lots of people are downloading packages in order to upgrade04:30
tritiumdanes_: they provide a linux .tar.gz04:30
manuel__ahhh ok04:30
JoesephI just got an old IBM thinkpad.  It has no hard drive, so I was planning on using my usb drive with ubuntu 8.1 on it with ssh to my desktop.  However, I cannot boot from my usb device.  I have tried using the 'boot from usb' cd from some pendrive website, but it does not work.   I was wondering if anyone knew how to boot a usb device with ubuntu 8.1 on it with super grub disk, or offer any other solution to my problem.  Thank you.04:30
mobi-sheepI have issues with the packages.  I'm trying to purge mobloquer but I face some kind of locked-up issues in the terminal.  What can I do to resolve this?04:30
space_cadetSteffy, check down the page just before the first section it tells about your fstab file04:30
lrojashi all04:30
sam0thanks ripps I guess I'll have to install from 0 again04:30
ShivamI need help with Ubuntu settings, my mouse keeps moving in the center when a new window opens04:30
maodunI just installed jaunty and I have no sound (I had sound on Hardy Heron)04:30
space_cadetSteffy, you are going to have to rename the mount point in fstab04:30
llamahow can I get rid of this indicator applet?  Ive disabled it and uninstalled it, but the messages just never stop.  Ive restarted and removed it from startup applications also.\04:30
russianzillaHey, a few hours after the upgrade to Jaunty, my ability to sudo broke. Now whenever I try to run anything with sudo, it gives me "segmentation fault".04:30
maodunAny ideas what I should be checking?04:30
rippsNewer ATI cards can, and probably should, use the Catalyst drivers, everyone else, just use the opensource radeon, they work great with the older models anyway.04:31
Templa[mobile]ripps: Is radeon mobility x1300 discontinued?04:31
Fjordsidewhere to put iwconfig vlan0 power on so it is automaticaly set when network is* loaded?04:31
usserripps, radeonhd is shaping up real nicely too04:31
russianzillaWould anyone happen to have any suggestions for sudo giving seg fault?04:31
evilGUImeoblast001: Nvidia will fix it at some point, just use 8.10 for a while with a home directory on another partition.04:31
rippsTempla[mobile]: I believe that's an r500, so yes.04:31
space_cadetarrgh... i just tried to enter commands here in the xchat window04:31
lrojascould somebody help me, i tried to active the propietary drivers for my ati card and now the xorg.conf is hosed, i cant load linux04:31
Steffyspace_cadet: My other partition that is named is identical to the unamed parition in my /etc/fstab04:31
meoblast001evilGUI: :(04:32
rippsusser: Yeah, but most of the good stuff it does gets into the radeon, anyway.04:32
neil_dIn 8.10 the sound has stopped.  How do I get it to work again?04:32
vocxWyzard, talking about upgrading, I finished after 30 something hours... some packages were unaccessible and the downloading failed twice... I had to wake up around 3:00 am to continue downloading the packages...04:32
meoblast001evilGUI: can i still get the new KDenLive?04:32
histolrojas: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:32
lrojastried that, still hosed04:32
evilGUImeoblast001: Dunno.04:32
histolrojas: well how did you try to load the ati driver?04:32
moparisthebesthow can I only allow my IP adress to connect to ssh on my server?04:32
JoesephOh yeah... When I boot from the live cd, I can see my usb disk, so the usb is working.04:32
moparisthebestI need to do it ASAP because it is being brute-forced as we speak04:33
solexious|netbkHello, I'm trying to get apt-cacher working on my 9.04 server but im getting errors in the log when I try to use it to update via apt http://dpaste.com/37616/ any ideas?04:33
histomoparisthebest: well you could do it key based and have just you having hte key.04:33
histo!ssh | moparisthebest04:33
ubottumoparisthebest: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/04:33
meoblast001evilGUI: i'm just going to play with drivers04:33
lrojasubuntu 9.02, just installed, a windoww pops up, there are propietary hardware drivers for your machine... <activate>, in the middle of it, it froze...04:33
blimemoparisthebest: change the port in sshd_config04:33
neil_dIn 8.10 the sound has stopped.  How do I get it to work again?  I have removed the pulse-audio and am using alsa.04:34
blimemoparisthebest: or look into iptables  :)04:34
moparisthebestis there a way to only allow my IP (which is dynamic, but mapped to a DNS name) to log into the server?04:34
vocxWyzard, Bear with me, I still have a few questions. Is there a way to get the old "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" functionality directly. Currently, it only writes a plain xorg.conf, but it says that now everything is read from "databases", do you know anything about it?04:34
stryd_oneneil_d, you need pulse or OSS for system sounds to work04:34
NOD62neil_d: What's your Audio hardware?04:34
dgrantIs there any way to just download all the packages for the upgrade without running the upgrader utility? and then run the utility later and have it do the upgrade?04:34
histolrojas: and you ahve an ati card?04:34
r463dgrant: What?04:34
lrojasRADEON 485004:34
SeViLLahey i cant get jaunty to play any movies with totem anyone else have this problem04:35
Templa[mobile]ripps: What about the radeon xpress 1200?04:35
blimemoparisthebest: i don't know of any quick and easy way to do that04:35
JoesephThe error I get when I run the 'boot from usb cd' is an I/O error.  I have super grub disk.  Anybody know how to boot a usb ubuntu system from super grub disk?04:35
Wyzardvocx: video stuff is mostly autodetected by xorg (unless you want to override it, as you're doing) and input configuration comes from HAL now04:35
histolrojas: can you get to a command prompt?04:35
=== edgex-[a] is now known as edgex
neil_dNOD62: [SiS] AC'97 Sound Controller04:35
dgrantr463: well I don't want to do the upgrade just yet, because I'm using my computer right now, but I'd like to start the long download process04:35
=== z00m|away is now known as z00m
rippsTempla[mobile]: I pretty sure that's a discontinued as well, but you should google and find what chipset it uses.04:35
blimemoparisthebest: that's why i suggest just changing the port, as a changed port is less likely to be scanned04:35
NOD62neil_d: So it's only the system sounds that don't work?04:35
jpnubIs there anything wrong with putting the netbook remix on my laptop??04:35
Templa[mobile]ripps: Well my friend is using it with no problem04:36
moparisthebestwhat about hosts.deny and hosts.allow?04:36
vocxWyzard, but there is no way to edit exactly what goes in xorg, or edit what hal sends to it?04:36
neil_dNOD62: no sounds work.04:36
bmx2962How can I install .py file?04:36
russianzillaWould anyone know anything about sudo giving seg faults?04:36
lrojaswell, a command prompt when i use the .restore kernel04:36
NOD62neil_d: Ohh, okay.. One minute.04:36
SeViLLahey i cant get jaunty to play any movies with totem anyone else have this problem04:36
histolrojas: sudo apt-get --reinstall xorg-driver-fglrx04:36
Wyzardvocx: You can always customize xorg.conf by hand, as you're doing now04:36
RxDxplease, anyone that installed 9.04 on a notebook with intel graphics.. is your system slow?04:36
rippsTempla[mobile]: He's probably using the Opensource drivers, they work great with the discontinued models these days.04:36
histo!codec > SeViLLa04:36
solexious|netbkHello, I'm trying to get apt-cacher working on my 9.04 server but im getting errors in the log when I try to use it to update via apt http://dpaste.com/37616/ any ideas?04:36
ubottuSeViLLa, please see my private message04:36
lrojasok, i will try that and see what happens :s04:36
jpnubsevilla, i have no problems what so ever..maybe just get vlc?04:36
Wyzardvocx: and input devices can be configured by writing .fdi files that set the HAL properties you want04:36
joe262hi again04:36
JoesephI get the I/o errors right after the uniform cd-rom driver Revision: 3.20 pops up.04:36
vocxWyzard, but many things are also ignored, I believe.04:36
Templa[mobile]ripps: No, the catalyst04:36
neil_dNOD62: using the Sound Preferences to test.04:36
rippsRxDx: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/intel-graphics-performance-guide-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html04:36
lrojassadly i have to reboot aslinux is in the other partition04:37
losherneil_d: welcome to ubuntu upgrade sound hell. You might start here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 but you'll find there'04:37
histoJoeseph: did you verify the media?04:37
Templa[mobile]ripps: 9.4 version04:37
=== GodfatherofEire1 is now known as GodfatherofEire
RxDxripps, ill see.. thanks04:37
Wyzardvocx: It's also possible to disable the HAL-based input configuration and use xorg.conf for those things instead, though I don't recommend that04:37
losherneil_d: welcome to ubuntu upgrade sound hell. You might start here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 but you'll find there's no shortage of pages on broken sound after an upgrade if you google04:37
Joesephhisto: which media? the cd?04:37
rippsTempla[mobile]: Then it's either a supported chipset, or he's not using ubuntu04:37
histolrojas: well reboot and give that a try that should reinstall whatever the restricted manager was doing.04:37
histoJoeseph: yes04:37
jpnubIs there anything wrong with installing the netbook remix on my laptop??04:37
NOD62neil_d: run "alsamixer" in terminal and search for any components displaying "MM" -> they are muted. Just click the key "m" on them, and they will be unmuted.04:37
rippsTempla[mobile]: I meant ubuntu 9.0404:37
NaywranglerATI driver in amd64 won't work. I have Crossfired ATI 3870 HDs. X server crashes saying "no device"04:37
histolrojas: if not you can try removing that package04:37
RxDxripps, invalid website..04:37
TopBunny88When do i have to upgrade to jaunty04:38
Joesephhisto: I suppose not... I don't know how.04:38
zhanxTopBunny88 never if you choose not too04:38
rippsRxDx: are you sure, I'm getting it fine here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/intel-graphics-performance-guide-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html04:38
histoJoeseph: right on the installation cd menu is a check media option04:38
drlecterneil_d: I had the same problem...04:38
doleybjpnub: no its fine, go ahead04:38
bmx2962can anyone help with installing a .py file?04:38
RxDxill try to proxy it04:38
cfeddewhat you're running will be "unsupported" in a couple years.  But then what does "supported" mean for opensource?04:38
Steffyspace_cadet: I'm wondering if I need to reboot? blkid shows the Label has been set04:38
jpnubdoleyb, awesome thanks man...just wanted a simple interface, better battery performance04:38
vocxWyzard, well, I guess I can't mess with HAL directly then...04:38
space_cadetSteffy, maybe...   worth a try04:39
doleybbmx2962: you can put the py file anyplace you want, just click it or type ./file.py or whatever04:39
NOD62neil_d: The solution I gave you is a common fix for that sound card.04:39
lrojashito: i just someone else with issues by trying to get the drivers on ubuntu-64bits04:39
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:39
space_cadetvocx, i'm afraid you cannot do that04:39
SteffyOkay, cheers space_cadet. Been a real help! :)04:39
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P04:39
TopBunny88zhanx: When does 9.10 go eol?04:39
mattgyveris there a way to force gnome-do to an 'always on top' mode?04:39
TBotNikAll: Quick Q before I go off to snooze land:  What is best ISO recovery/backup for Ubuntu?04:39
drlecterneil_d: I ran alsamixer kept pushing to the right, and turned off independent hp04:39
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low!04:40
solexious|netbkHello, I'm trying to get apt-cacher working on my 9.04 server but im getting errors in the log when I try to use it to update via apt http://dpaste.com/37616/ any ideas?04:40
zhanxTopBunny88 check the site04:40
lstarnesTopBunny88: 8.10 or 9.10?04:40
meoblast001evilGUI: i've made up my mind04:40
ubottuJaunty can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your archieecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).04:40
TopBunny88lstarnes: 8.1004:40
TopBunny88link please zha04:40
TopBunny88link please zhanx04:40
anervoustwitchi just finished the upgrade to 9.10, and it looks like somethings hosed with either xfs or dmraid - anyone know which it is?04:40
lstarnesTopBunny88: I think april 201004:40
Joesephhisto: I am talking about a 'boot a usb drive cd' I found here http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-boot-cd-for-ubuntu-810/ because my bios does not seem to recognize my usb device.  If you can tell me how to boot through super grub disk, that would be great too.04:40
zhanxTopBunny88 www.ubuntu.com04:40
TBotNikAll:  Got the default "Keep", but it doesn't burn to CD/DVD, and Amanda is bombing on me so need another easy to install/use with ISO burn capability.04:41
evilGUImeoblast001: ?04:41
meoblast001evilGUI: i'm switching to Fedora04:41
vocxWyzard, okay, one last question. Is it possible to start different X sessions in a straight manner? I believe, that init scripts, or however most Linux distros boot up, call some command such as X:0 that start the actual graphical desktop. So is there a way to have multiple of these, controlled by one user, like X:1, X:2, etc.04:41
Wyzardvocx: yes, startx -- :104:41
doleybTBotNik: did you try k3b?04:41
rippsvocx: what Wyzard said, but you need a pretty powerful systme to not get any slowdowns04:42
vocxripps, Wyzard, simple that like? No catch?04:42
evilGUImeoblast001: Lets talk on your IRC server.04:43
meoblast001evilGUI: ok04:43
Z3ro3XI want to be able to access my system from the internet with SSH.  That's easy to setup.  Doing the port forwarding in the router is also easy.  What I want to know is, is there software for Linux that can do the port forwarding automatically via the upnp in the router?04:43
TopBunny88zhanx: How do i force an dist-upgrade in package manager04:43
TBotNikdoleyb: No do not even have a good list of candidates.  Had downloaded a product called "Rescue Disk" at one time, but can not seem to find it now.  Found one copy, but was Win only and version I had was Linux.04:43
Steffyspace_cadet: Yep, rebooting worked :)04:43
billybigriggeranyone here use an all in one epson printer/scanner? i can get the printer working fine, but xsane doesn't recognize the scanner, any clues?04:44
solexious|netbkHello, I'm trying to get apt-cacher working on my 9.04 server but im getting errors in the log when I try to use it to update via apt http://dpaste.com/37616/ any ideas?04:44
NaywranglerATI driver is not working on 9.0404:44
hakuninHi folks. Afraid this has been overasked but can't find good info online. I am a web dev, and want to use my Aspire One on frequent flights. I have latest v8 installed atm. Is Netbook Remix mostly targeted at simple user or would it be beneficial for me to switch?04:44
rippsNaywrangler: what model card do you have?04:44
vocxbillybigrigger, check the model on the internetz. Check ubuntuforums for clues.04:44
zhanxTopBunny88 sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:45
NaywranglerI have amd64, Radeon HD 3870 x2 in crossfire04:45
NaywranglerX.org is giving me errors04:45
NaywranglerNo device found04:45
NaywranglerDetected both cards04:45
NaywranglerSays no device04:45
FloodBot1Naywrangler: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:45
russianzillaSudo keeps throwing out segmentation fault every time I try to use it, plus Synaptic won't launch. Help lease?04:45
ShivamI need help with Ubuntu settings, my mouse keeps moving in the center when a new window opens04:45
hakuninLatest v8 desktop ed.04:45
TBotNikdoleyb: Is k3b in SPM or do I have to find on net?04:46
hakuninSo any advice on netbook vs. desktop as far as web dev concerned would be appreciated.04:46
Naywranglerdoes anyone remember the ATI config command? Will try toying around in the command line04:46
rippsNaywrangler: if have an older model card, AMD might have discontinued support with it's closed source driver04:46
halyconhey everyone I just downloaded and burnt a copy of jaunty and am just how do I start the upgrade and get it to use the cdrom instead of the internet04:46
ryanpriorhakunin: only get a netbook if you're going to use it to browse & travel. For web development, you need a full-sized screen and keyboard.04:46
losherZ3ro3X: why would you need this? As you say, it's easy, and it's a one-time setup since ssh doesn't change ports...04:47
ryanpriorhakunin: Beyond that, see !best04:47
Naywranglerit's a relatively new card04:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about x.oy04:47
anervoustwitchryanprior unless you love vi and lynx!04:47
doleybTBotNik: k3b is in ubuntu04:47
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:47
Z3ro3Xlosher, It's for two laptops.  My brothers and sisters.  Trying to talk them through stuff on the phone is a pain in the ass.04:47
NaywranglerWish I could paste the contents of X.orgs log here or somewhere04:48
ryanprior!pastebin | Naywrangler04:48
ubottuNaywrangler: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:48
anervoustwitchNaywrangler you mean like pastebin??04:48
TBotNikdoleyb: OK looking in SPM!04:48
Naywranglerthat will do04:48
vocxhakunin, some people get all excited about netbooks, because they are small and everything. Then they don't know how to accomplish a single thing. The novelty wears off.04:49
yaris1234567891hey guys how do i save and close file in crontab editor?04:49
ryanpriorThat's how you know the IRC team knows its stuff. Three simultaneous accurate answers.04:49
hakuninryanprior: ok, i'm somewhat used to it, i have macbook pro for normal dev, but my aspire's battery is 9hrs, so i switch when former runs out. speaking of "best" - afai understand there's no difference except better driver support and adopted interface. meaning that i should rather go with netbook. is my reasoning working?04:49
hakuninvocx: ^^04:49
hakunini'm talking about UNR vs. desktop ed.04:49
tacosarecoolWhat's the best size for home and root04:49
TBotNikdoleyb: Soo K3b requires KDE?  I'm on Gnome, not really ready to switch, unless there is good reason.  Do not want all the install issues.04:50
tacosarecoolshould they be the same size?04:50
histotacosarecool: how big is the drive?04:50
zhanxhakunin what netbook04:50
Z3ro3Xlosher, Because their laptops they might often change routers.  I need them to use upnp to forward SSH so I can can connect to them when ever they need my help.04:50
doleybyaris1234567891: I suppose crontab editor is probably vi, so save with !wq04:50
ryanpriorhakunin: Oh, I thought you were asking which hardware to invest in. For web development, I would tend to think that you want the desktop edition, but netbook remix might work.04:50
hakuninzhanx: aspire one, ssd, 512mb, atom04:50
Z3ro3XI mean they're  not their...04:50
tacosarecool100 something04:50
segidoes anyone here use ubuntu 9.04 in parallels04:50
histotacosarecool: I would only give / about 10 gigs max04:50
=== segi is now known as devslash
histotacosarecool: the rest for home04:50
solexious|netbkHello, I'm trying to get apt-cacher working on my 9.04 server but im getting errors in the log when I try to use it to update via apt http://dpaste.com/37616/ any ideas?04:50
losherZ3ro3X: I understand. What are they running on their laptops?04:50
ryanpriorsegi: I use it in KVM. Is your question parallels-related?04:50
devslashryanprior: yes it is04:50
gralcomy sound playback stopped working in 9.0404:50
Naywranglerwill come back with more details on ATI proprietary driver problem later04:51
Z3ro3Xlosher, Ubuntu.  I installed them my self.04:51
hakuninryanprior: sorry for confusion04:51
devslashryanprior: i get a weird error when i install parallel tools04:51
rippsgralco: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html04:51
zhanxhakunin i use the desktop on my msi wind. almost the same thing. d/l them both and try them on a usb drive you decide04:51
=== john is now known as Guest10763
nephiluswhat is the jaunty channel?04:51
MrFuzzycan somebody help me configure alsa to use my optical out on an ATI SB04:51
rippsnephilus: this is, because it's the current release04:51
ryanpriordevslash: Pastebin the error and see if anybody recognizes it as something we can help you with.04:51
Tr0gd0rmy server has 5 ips lets call them ip1 ip2...  Each is bound to its respective eth0:0 eth0:1.... How can I make outgoing connections default to ip2 instead of ip1?04:51
losherZ3ro3X: Hmm. Something like http://www.codingmonkeys.de/portmap04:52
ryanpriornephilus: This is the jaunty channel. You're in the right place.04:52
solexious|netbkHello, I'm trying to get apt-cacher working on my 9.04 server but im getting errors in the log when I try to use it to update via apt http://dpaste.com/37616/ any ideas?04:52
nephilusdoes anyone know how to install ifuse and libiphone?04:52
Guest10763 /server irc.inet.tele.dk04:52
Templa[mobile]ripps: Would anoth distro work? Or is it ati?04:52
nephilusthnx every1 btw04:52
hakuninzhanx: i have some wireless issues with latest v8 desktop core, as well as having to use pre-latest as latest was breaking wired networking too. aspire is listed first in compatibility list for UNR, so i thought these should have been fixed...04:52
rippsI doubt another distor would help, any distro that uses xserver 1.6 would share the same problems04:53
rippsTempla[mobile]: ^ forgot to say your name04:53
Templa[mobile]Do most?04:53
zhanxhakunin i had a few wireless issues also but fixed them myself04:53
ryanpriornephilus: Probably follow the installation directions. If you have any particular errors or need explanation, tell us specifically what we can help you with.04:53
hakuninzhanx: mine are unreproducable, just sometimes it doesn't negotiate ip, unless i restart04:54
rippsTempla[mobile]: Not sure, go around and check, check around the Launchpad.net bug reports, somebody has probably had your problem too.04:54
Templa[mobile]ripps: Do you think this is something that will get fixed if I wait? It's up to ati because ts closed source rght?04:54
mstonehello i was wondering if any one knew how to get the cube mode for xubuntu?04:54
loshergralco: welcome to ubuntu upgrade sound hell. You might start with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 but there's no shortage of web pages on broken sound after an upgrade if you google04:54
Z3ro3Xlosher, Thanks!04:54
mstonehello i was wondering if any one knew how to get the cube mode for xubuntu?04:55
stryd_onedoes anyone know how to disable a second display setup for multihead using randr?04:55
losherZ3ro3X: Just bear in mind that upnp is considered a huge security hole...04:55
ryanpriormstone: Install Compiz and simple-ccsm, then use simple-ccsm to enable the cube effect.04:55
rippsTempla[mobile]: AMD releases new drivers once a quarter, you might have to wait until summer.04:55
mstonehow do u get simple ccsm04:55
Templa[mobile]ripps: Ill stick with 8.1004:55
paradisaeidaeHaving installed Ubuntu 9.04 server from iso.image to virtualBox, how can I subsequently add apps, for instance gcc? ...(From the iso.image)...04:56
rippsTempla[mobile]: if fglrx is givin you issues, try the radeonhd drivers, they might have some better support.04:56
zhanxparadisaeidae software sources04:56
Templa[mobile]ripps: 3d support?04:56
formolQChi.  I guest that many of you, like me, install a fresh copy of 9.04 today.  one question : in the System menu, where is the "Quit" ??04:56
Templa[mobile]ripps: Thats a must for me04:56
rippsTempla[mobile]: doubtful, slow at best, but compiz should work fine04:56
hakuninryanprior: zhanx: gonna play live usb, see for myself...  thanks for pointers04:57
devslashryanprior: http://rafb.net/p/mz9Egk53.html04:57
ryanpriorformolQC: To shut down the system or log off, use the applet in the top-right corner of the top panel which has your name on it. When you click that applet, it will give you a useful menu.04:57
Templa[mobile]ripps: Not an option, I do 3d graphic stuff04:57
mstoneis there any other way to get the cube affect04:57
Templa[mobile]I'll stick with 8.1004:57
rippsTempla[mobile]: whatever works for you04:58
devslashif anyone can help me i'd appreciate it04:58
ripps!ask | devslash04:58
ubottudevslash: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:58
paradisaeidaezhanx: software sources?04:58
devslashripps:  i guess you didnt see the link i posted with the error04:59
losherTempla[mobile]: the same conclusion many of us have come to...04:59
formolQCryanprior : yeah, I know it's there, but it's the kind of thing I usually delete from the desktop toolbar04:59
Templa[mobile]ripps: Well, thanks for helping04:59
rippsTempla[mobile]: Your welcome04:59
rippsdevslash: don't post a link with your problem, people aren't likely to stop to read it.04:59
devslashripps i didnt04:59
Templa[mobile]losher: Keep your fingers crossed and your macros spamming04:59
devslashripps i pasted the error message i am geting05:00
millertimek1a2m3hey what do i type in the terminal to find out what my hardware is??05:00
zhanxparadisaeidae sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list comment out the ones you dont want05:00
devslashmillertimek1a2m3: you can find that out on /proc05:00
ryanpriormillertimek1a2m3: lshw will give you some info, lspci will give some more.05:00
devslashmillertimek1a2m3:  what do u want to find out05:00
mstonecan any one go to a new chat window and guide me thru geting the cube affect?05:01
rippsdevslash: just from a glance, it appears the modules don't support xserver 1.6 yet05:01
homeI installed ubuntu9.04 yesterday, but ubuntu often disconnected with internet.05:01
devslashripps:  i see... so im f'ed for now...05:01
ryanpriorformolQC: We've moved to one standardized place for logging out and shutting down the computer, so you'll have to add the buttons to the system menu manually if you still want the old behaviour.;05:01
homeWho could help me?05:01
doleybhome: Anyone can help, if you ask bigger questions.05:02
rippsdevslash: file a bug with the upstream developer, or see if they have a newer version available.05:02
nomasteryodahome, you mean wireless or wired?05:02
devslashwhats upstream ?05:02
formolQCryanprior : oh, it's doable this way, like adding a link in the menu, thanks a lot05:02
losherhome: was this while you were trying to download stuff from the ubuntu servers?05:02
devslashripps the problem has to be fixed by parallels ?05:02
ripps!upstream | devslash05:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about upstream05:02
mstonecan any one go to a new chat window and guide me thru geting the cube affect?05:02
devslashsee ?05:02
mstonecan any one go to a new chat window and guide me thru geting the cube affect?05:02
devslashubottu doesn't know what it is either05:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:03
stryd_onedoes anyone know how to disable a second display setup for multihead?05:03
rippsdevslash: parallels is a virtual environment, correct? Try out virtualbox or vmware until they update their software.05:03
zhanxunplug it05:03
devslashnah its not that important05:03
mstonecan any one go to a new chat window and guide me thru geting the cube affect?05:03
mstonecan any one go to a new chat window and guide me thru geting the cube affect?05:03
mstonecan any one go to a new chat window and guide me thru geting the cube affect?05:03
FloodBot1mstone: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:03
nomasteryodastryd_one, yes ... you can click the system, preferences, resolution and click it off05:03
stryd_onezhanx, then it stays active so windows can still open on the now invisible display05:04
devslashripps: unless, does virtual box support 3d emulation?05:04
mstonecan any one go to a new chat window and guide me thru geting the cube affect?05:04
nomasteryodadevslash, 3d yes05:04
nomasteryodalatest version is quite good... devslash05:04
devslashwow so i can use compiz fusion!05:04
Flannel!ccsm > mstone05:04
mstonecan any one go to a new chat window and guide me thru geting the cube affect?05:04
ubottumstone, please see my private message05:04
zhanxstryd_one disable it in the bios05:04
inasmu!patience | mstone05:04
rippsdevslash: upstream is term for the the people that develop the actual software ubuntu uses, Ubuntu doesn't write most of the software they take it from debian, and debian takes it from upstream05:04
yaris1234567891can google follow <a href=javascript_function_that_hides_link() /> ?05:04
ubottumstone: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:04
stryd_onenomasteryoda, thanks but I only see one display in that app05:04
nomasteryodaerrum... i would not know if it is that good..05:04
ryanpriordevslash: Support isn't 100% yet -- still experimental.05:04
doleybhome: you'll need to ask a question with more detail.  (And, what is your native language?)05:04
stryd_onezhanx, i want to do it while the box is running05:05
formolQCryanprior : in "edit menus", there is no option to make the Quit re-appear, I can add new item, but what is the command line for it05:05
nomasteryodastryd_one, you wanted more than one... ah05:05
ryanpriormstone: Did you try the suggestion that I gave?05:05
nomasteryodastryd_one, what video card?05:05
russianzillaIf terminal gives you a seg fault running sudo and the error logs have an error in libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0.1600.1, what can you do?05:05
stryd_onezhanx, the idea is, that the secondary display is my TV, and when i am done with watching movies, i'd like to turn off the TV and stay on the primary display (VGA monitor)05:05
zhanxstryd_one your hot key on the keyboard dont shutoff the second monitor?05:05
=== paradisaeidae_ is now known as paradisaeidae
mstonecan any one go to a new chat window and guide me thru geting the cube affect?05:06
stryd_oneit's a SiS650 card, currently using mergedFB to do the multiheading05:06
geniimstone: Just a friendly tip - the more demanding or annoying you become means less people who are likely to want to help you05:06
ryanpriorformolQC: I may have misled you: it looks like those aren't normal menu shortcuts after all. Let me take a look at something.05:06
Crash1hdWhat is LVM? in partitioning05:06
solexious|netbkmy bash history isnt saving, any ideas why?05:06
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto05:07
Crash1hdinasmu: thanks :)05:07
inasmuCrash1hd: LVM is "Logical volume Management." Its where you can set up multiple virtual partitions which span actual drives, and other complicated stuff like that05:07
FlannelCrash1hd: it allows (among other things) for you to use multiple drives as a single one, and also to grow/shrink partitions on the fly.  You can read more about it (including pictures) here: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-lvm/05:08
stryd_onezhanx, I'm not sure which hotkey you mean?05:08
devslashok gonna try ubuntu 9.04 on virtualbox05:08
=== ensarman is now known as afernandez
devslashryanprior: where are you located05:08
formolQCryanprior : thank you  (i will be around, searching on google for this....)05:08
FlannelCrash1hd: You don't need to compile it though.  Just use that article as an explanation of what it is.05:08
jimisrvroxwhere can I go to connect to a faster server to update to 9.04? my dl speed is sucking right now and I know it can go faster than what its doing...tried to look in software sources and thought I did all I could...05:08
ryanpriorformolQC: I figured out what you need to do.05:08
Flannel!slow | jimisrvrox05:09
ubottujimisrvrox: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.05:09
tjzcan i vnc from my winxp to my ubuntu server?05:09
Crash1hdFlannel: sounds cool (Just wondering what happens when a drive dies?) does it kill everything? or just what was located on that drive?05:09
inasmu!vnc | tjz05:09
ubottutjz: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX05:09
devslashryanprior: where are you located?05:09
ryanpriorformolQC: Launch gconf-editor, navigate to apps/panel/global, and un-check the boxes labeled "disable_lock_screen" and "disable_log_out".05:10
FlannelCrash1hd: notfun things.  Technically, it only kills stuff on that drive.  But that might be complicated.  You can also remove/add drives later, etc.05:10
tjzinsasmu , ThxQQ05:10
Cutterthe first time I tried to upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04, it downloaded some packages then asked me to reboot, then nothing05:10
FlannelCrash1hd: so, if you knew a drive was dying, you could replace it without much hassle (or if you want to add another one later, or whatever)05:10
CutterI had to launch update manager and click on the update button again05:11
Crash1hdFlannel: How would you know what was on what drive?05:11
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX05:11
Cutterwhy? was this normal?05:11
ubottuJaunty can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your archieecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).05:11
FlannelCrash1hd: You don't.  Well, you can figure it out, but you've abstracted away the physical drives.05:11
Crash1hdFlannel: So to give the feeling of having one big drive basically instead of subdeviding the drives05:12
formolQCryanprior : thank for helping me, I appreciate, but those option seems to be un-check by default05:12
Crash1hdFlannel: and having things like movies on one drive and music on another05:12
losherI have met a Chinese user. Is there a Chinese support channel?05:12
ryanpriorformolQC: Try re-checking them then, perhaps? Or re-checking and un-checking?05:12
FlannelCrash1hd: You merge all your hardware together, and then can do whatever you want with it (most people make a few smaller partitions)05:13
ubottulosher: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:13
Crash1hdFlannel: alright thanks :)05:13
snurflequestion for any experts with a curious mind...  i updated 8.10 to 9.04 today; and suddenly: my login username (top right) changes to 'root' whenever i run firefox now, and my home directory and everything else changes to 'root.  Can't shutdown or launch terminal when this happens.  help!!!05:13
formolQCryanprior : i tryed, it didn't work05:13
FlannelCrash1hd: If I have two 100GB drives, I merge them into 1 "200GB" drive, and then if I want, I can have a 150GB partition, and a 50GB partition.05:13
* edgex AmaroX: NowPlaying: Sex Pistols - Anarchy In The UK - [KORAX OMFG DDOS LOL] [17:29/] [48]05:13
jerbearanyone know how ubuntu runs on the eee pc 1000he?05:13
sprockets2000anyone useing ubuntu netbook remix, is it possible to take this gui off05:13
sprockets2000back to normal05:13
Flanneledgex: Please turn that off.05:13
nathan_I have 9.04 and two ATI Radeon HD 3870 cards in Crossfire. The Restricted proprietary driver was downloaded and installed. Upon reboot, X resfused to start up and I was left at the CLI login screen. I have pasted the X.org config at http://paste.ubuntu.com/157675/05:13
ryanpriorformolQC: That is a bug, then, and we should fix it. Do you know how to submit a bug report?05:13
losherinasmu: thank you05:13
zirodayjerbear: one sec05:14
Cutterthe first time I tried to upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04, it downloaded some packages then asked me to reboot, then nothing05:14
CutterI had to launch update manager and click on the update button again05:14
edgexFlannel; Ugh, Script gone wrong..my mistake05:14
nathan_correction, not X.org config, but the X.org log05:14
doleybsprockets2000: yeah it's possible...05:14
nathan_no screens found apparently05:14
sprockets2000do I have to actually download the DE05:14
sprockets2000and edit .xinitrc?05:14
FlannelCutter: Likely because you weren't up to date with 8.1005:14
zirodayjerbear: read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks05:14
formolQCryanprior : yeah, i've an account, i'll do it now, (thank you for your time)05:14
jerbearziroday: thanks05:15
nathan_I have 9.04 on a eeepc 1000H05:15
nathan_works ok05:15
ryanpriorformolQC: Thank you for being brave and testing the new release. :-)05:15
inasmusprockets2000: you can probably just install ubuntu-desktop05:15
nathan_The wireless is the only thing that gave me trouble, although I manually inserted the driver before the officail release and updated05:15
nathan_I think the official release fixed that issue05:16
lrojashi all05:16
nathan_dunno about the webcam though. I never bothered with it05:16
tjzhow much diskspace do we need to install ubuntu?05:16
jimisrvroxFlannel: I have 9.04 on an iso already but I have 8.10 installed can I just burn it to a cd and upgrade w/o losing everything?05:16
rippsnathan_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks05:16
tjzdumb question05:16
tjzi think < 200mb ?05:16
lstarnestjz: at least 2 GB, iirc05:17
ryanpriortjz: No, more like 2-3 GB.05:17
lrojascan someone please explain to me, how the new xorg works? if the xorg.conf is no longer relevant, where do i specify my display drivers?\05:17
snurflebeen running 8.10, 8.04 for a year, no troubles at all.05:17
lrojasi am running on :05:17
tjzwhat about the ubuntu we have on our vps? why they are 200-300mb ?05:17
lrojasluis@Cortana:~$ uname -a05:17
lrojasLinux Cortana 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:17
mobi-sheepHelp --> I have experienced a terminal lock-up in commands.  I'm trying to remove/purge a package -- Mobloquer -- so I can reinstall it again.  However, it locked up in the terminal for too long enough to know that there are something wrong.  What can I do to resolve this situation?  Please do advise. :)05:17
rippslrojas: it will autmatically determine them, but you can still use xorg.conf if you want. It will just override the automatic detection.05:17
snurfleupdated to 9.04 today and firefox quit working... no history, no home pages (even though they were all listed in preferences)05:18
lstarnestjz: that is likely the jeos edition of ubuntu05:18
blbrownubuntu-9.04-alternate-i386  I just burned this CD, but I don't get an upgrade option.  It only says install05:18
snurfletried safe mode and everything else.05:18
lrojasripps: the issue is that when i try to install teh propietary drivers it sugest, activating xserv-drivers-fglrx, it renders the machine unusable05:18
ryanpriortjz: If you are looking for a light distro <200mb, you might try Puppy Linux or Damn Small Linux. There used to be a project called µbuntu which was a tiny ubuntu-based distroy, but I don't know whether they have updated lately.05:18
Crash1hdFlannel: Does setting up a system using lvm slow it down a bit?05:19
nathan_Anyone else having issues with the ATI propritary driver?05:19
lrojasnathan: i am going nuts05:19
snurflealso lost my lower panel contents (just a blank panel now)05:19
nathan_lrojas: same here05:19
karnamein 9.04 I have 2 monitor with unmirrored mode , my taskbar moved to monitor number 2 , how  can I move it to monitor number1?05:19
FlannelCrash1hd: It's negligible, but technically yes, it is "slower"05:19
rippslrojas: what card do you have, some older chipsets have been discontinued05:19
ProMaxMan's  1 question05:19
jerbeardoes jaunty support installing to an encrypted partition?05:19
snurfleended up wiping firefox thru synaptic,05:19
inasmujerbear: yes05:19
lrojasi have an ATI RADEON 485005:19
Taladan__what's the difference between the cd image (kubuntu) and the DVD image?05:19
blbrownubuntu-9.04-alternate-i386  I just burned this CD, but I don't get an upgrade option.  It only says install05:19
=== Taladan__ is now known as Taladan
Crash1hdFlannel: right :) cause now it has to read over all drives instead of just one05:19
mobi-sheepkarname: Hold ALT and drag the panel?05:19
nathan_I have HD 3870x2. No screens found.05:20
CutterFlannel:  quite possible05:20
ProMaxhow translete  video  in  flash05:20
jerbearinasmu: as in... the installer creates it and installs to it?05:20
mobi-sheepTaladan: Languages.05:20
snurfleand wiped the .mozilla folder from my user home folder05:20
lstarnesblbrown: vheck the instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades05:20
inasmujerbear: you need to use the alternate install CD, but yes, I'm running on an encrypted parition right now05:20
ryanpriorTaladan: The DVD image includes more translations, I believe.05:20
CutterFlannel: thanks05:20
ripps!who | lrojas05:20
ubottulrojas: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:20
snurflereinstalled firefox from synaptic,05:20
Taladantaking it from 600+ mb to 4+ GB?  Jeeze...that's a lot of translations05:20
blbrownlstarnes,  I did, but there is no upgrade option.  Only "Install Ubuntu"05:20
zirodaysnurfle: sounds like your profile got borked, does doing mv ~/.mozilla/firefox/<stuffhere>.default/ /home/nick/.mozilla/firefox/<samestuffhere>.default.old make firefox respect your preferences again?05:20
rippslrojas: That should work with fgrlx... I don't know check some of the bug reports and see if someone else has your problem.05:20
lrojasripps: sorry\05:20
ProMaxcapture  screen  and translete  this  video   to site05:20
lstarnesblbrown: did you start the alternate cd, or did you mount its iso?05:21
karnamemobi-sheep : thank ;-)05:21
blbrownlstarnes, I burnt the CD05:21
=== eclipse_ is now known as eclipse[ume]
OxDeadC0decan anyone here tell me how to pipe the output from locate --regex ".*\(ttf\)$" into cp output ./ ?05:21
lrojasripps: where can i check if there is some compativility issues with the 64 bit version or the quad core intel processor ?\05:21
Danish989hey, all05:21
blbrown"Follow the on-screen instructions. "  wtf does that mean05:22
histoOxDeadC0de: you want to output to file?05:22
eclipse[ume]I am trying to get a program to run in full screen mode from command line ... I can start it up in windowed mode, then hit alt+f11. but is there a way to get it to auto-fullscreen from commandline?05:22
lstarnesblbrown: try hitting alt+f2 then entering this: gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"05:22
nathan_where do I drop bug reports?05:22
Danish989I have a problem! I just upgraded to ubuntu 9.04 from 8.10, and now the visual effects won't turn on. Can anyone help?05:22
paradisaeidaeHaving installed Ubuntu 9.04 server from iso.image to virtualBox, how can I subsequently add apps, for instance gcc? ...(From the iso.image)...05:22
snurfleit did, ziroday, but when i launch firefox now, my username changes to 'root', as does all my access... home folder frol 'places', etc.  but when that happens, i can no longer get terminal to launch, and the 'shutdown/logout/reboot' options do absolutely nothing.05:22
zirodaylrojas: they are the same compatibility issues as any other 64bit version of ubuntu05:22
lstarnes!bugs | nathan_05:22
ubottunathan_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots05:22
OxDeadC0dehisto i want to copy all .ttf files to ./05:22
rippslrojas: ati has an unofficial bugzilla: http://ati.cchtml.com/05:23
zirodaysnurfle: did you have root enabled on your previous install?05:23
kust0mparadisaeidae: isn't there an option to mount the image in the virtualbox menus?05:23
histoOxDeadC0de: then just | the previous command to cp05:23
snurfleziroday... no, i did not. i never login as root... NEVER.05:23
paradisaeidaemounted !05:23
ryanpriorparadisaeidae: to install gcc, open a terminal or synaptic within the virtual window and use it to install the build-essential package.05:23
histoOxDeadC0de: locate  --regex ".*\(ttf\)$"05:23
lrojasripps: thanks, let me check05:23
histoOxDeadC0de: then | cp ./05:23
rippslrojas: good luck05:24
Cutterwhat's the name of the MacOS-like screensaver?05:24
histoOxDeadC0de:  locate  --regex ".*\(ttf\)$" | cp ./05:24
paradisaeidaedo I use apt-get --file xxxx or summin'?05:24
OxDeadC0dehisto doesn't work05:24
snurflebut now, when i reboot, login as myself, all seems to be fine... but no lower panel,05:24
zhanxryanprior he wants to use the iso i think05:24
zirodaysnurfle: okay, so you get to the login screen, login as your user. And then when you actually login everything as if its roots desktop? So your not /home/username anymore but /root?05:24
lstarnesparadisaeidae: sudo apt-get install build-essential05:24
kust0mparadisaeidae: aptitude install build-essential05:24
histoOxDeadC0de: no nvm you would have to store them then cpo one at a time.05:24
OxDeadC0dehisto cp needs 2 params, orig location, and target05:24
Danish989I just upgraded to ubuntu 9.04 from 8.10, and now the visual effects won't turn on. Can anyone help?05:24
histoOxDeadC0de: yes my bad.05:24
kust0mparadisaeidae: or what he said.05:24
zirodaysnurfle: err okay. So what is not working _currently_05:24
ryanpriorzhanx: Does the ISO have build-essential on it?05:24
OxDeadC0dehisto so, I need to make a lil bash script then with the output from locate in an array05:24
snurfleziroday... i login as my user (greg), and everything behaves as it should.05:24
zhanxryanprior no05:25
zhanxdont think so05:25
snurflebut when i launch ff, it does not work...05:25
ryanpriorzhanx: How would he be able to do it using the ISO then?05:25
histoOxDeadC0de: nah I think you can do it without a script05:25
histoOxDeadC0de: i'm just trying to remember how.05:25
zhanxtried telling him that earlier05:25
snurfleif i exit ff, then suddenly my system thinks i am root,05:25
Cutterwhat's the name of the MacOS-like screensaver in Ubuntu?05:25
snurfleand nothing works... no terminal, no shut down or logout or reboot...05:25
zirodaysnurfle: okay, right. Can you do firefox -ProfileManager please05:25
Cutteris it Pulsar?05:25
* ripps is going to get a glass of cold water05:26
karnameI have a ait card and 2 monitor with unmirrored mode , in 8.10 i setuped this mode with ati catalyst center and in 9.04 it done with display setting of ubuntu , in 8.10 my mouse can not move to out of screen , but in 9.04 my mouse can move to out of screen 1 ( resolution of screen 1 is lower than 2 ), how can I  fix box of screen 1?05:26
snurflejust a sec... im on my lappy...05:26
IsmAvatarripps: I wish my water was cold05:26
zirodaysnurfle: then create a new profile05:26
eclipse[ume]I am trying to get a program to run in full screen mode from command line ... I can start it up in windowed mode, then hit alt+f11. but is there a way to get it to auto-full screen from command line?05:26
histoOxDeadC0de: find / -name "*.mp3" -exec cp {} /path/to/flat/dir \;05:26
lrojasripps: figures, the drivers do not work are incompatible with jaunty05:26
histoOxDeadC0de: well you want to find .ttf though05:26
zirodayeclipse[ume]: what program?05:27
histoOxDeadC0de: or you can use that syntax with your locate string05:27
doleybeclipse[ume]: add -fs to command05:27
histoOxDeadC0de: as long as its full path.05:27
fearthenofearalright,  I am having problems with my video card to the point that I can't see anything on the screen that is readable. I am at the recovery menu on my other computer. What do I do now?05:27
disismteclipse[ume], you can change settings in mplayer config file to do that. Google for it05:27
eclipse[ume]doleyb: that does not work, it wont strech to the screen.05:27
zirodayeclipse[ume]: do mplayer -fs05:27
snurflehave to reboot the machine... just a sec...05:27
nathan_lrojas: Hey I solved my problem05:27
Cutterfearthenofear: do you have effects enabled?05:27
nathan_aticonfig --initial, then reboot mahcine05:28
doleybeclipse[ume]: what happens if you run the mplayer, and then push F ?05:28
jerbearinasmu: do i choose "encrypted lvm"?05:28
lrojasnathan: how?05:28
Danish989I just upgraded to ubuntu 9.04 from 8.10, and now the visual effects won't turn on. Can anyone help?05:28
paradisaeidaeBuild-essential is on ISO, how to direct aptitude to read from there?05:28
eclipse[ume]the movie gets placed on the upper 1/4 of the screen05:28
snurfleok... logging in at the (new for 9.04) screen...05:28
rippslrojas: amd release the latest version of catalyst 9.4 before any other ditro got their hands on it. The issue isn't jaunty but the drivers05:28
eclipse[ume]if I run it window'd then fullscreen the window it will "full screen"05:28
nathan_for soemreason, ubuntu isn't configuring Xorg.conf properly05:28
nathan_with the ATI driver05:28
inasmujerbear: yeah, thats how I'd recommend doing it, then you can put your swap and root/home in that same LVM. This will let you hibernate AND have an encrypted swap05:28
Danish989cutter: I know which one you're talking about, but I forgot the name and now I can't find it in 9.04 anymore.05:28
rippslrojas: ^ amd gave ubuntu...05:29
com_hHi everyone, has anyone had any experience with twinview monitors with nvidia and xorg.conf? Need a helping hand05:29
Tomas_hey guys is there a way to brinig ubuntu to its barebone system'05:29
snurflerats... 9.04 also boots up with numlock turned off!05:29
zirodayDanish989: sure. Please pastebin the output of compiz --replace, lspci | grep VGA and /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:29
inasmujerbear: just make sure you have a small /boot partition outside of the encryption05:29
fearthenofearCutter: I don't have a clue...it was working fine and then I installed something off add or remove programs to make it be able to do 3d and then i wasn't able to do anything after that.05:29
zirodayTomas_: yes, ubuntu-minimal05:29
jerbearinasmu: how do i set that up?05:29
Danish989ziroday: terminal won't start either. When I try starting it from the menu, a window pops up that says "starting terminal" but then it just disappears.05:29
CutterDanish989: do you see one called "Pulsar" in the list?05:29
Tomas_is there a way to get that with the ubuntu's i already have05:29
OxDeadC0dehisto xargs is awesome05:29
Cutterthere's too many screensavers in Ubuntu05:29
zirodayDanish989: ah, press alt+F2 and type in gnome-terminal05:30
Tomas_i have 8.04, 8.10 and downloading 9.0405:30
inasmujerbear: you mean how to set up the /boot outside the encryption or how to set up the LVM?05:30
Cutterthe list is huge05:30
Danish989cutter: yeah, I see pulsar, but that's not the one is it? aren't you talking about the slopy colorful lines swirling around on the screen?05:30
CutterDanish989: yes05:30
Danish989ziroday: got it =) thanks, can you please tell me the command again05:30
Danish989cutter: IT's not on the list anymore, I think they removed it from 9.0405:30
lrojasstill, the bugzilla thing seems to be sugesting a 9.5 driver should arrive by april ( *confused* ), here is a coule of links to the bug reports :http://ati.cchtml.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1505 / http://ati.cchtml.com/show_bug.cgi?id=151205:30
zirodayDanish989: sure. Please pastebin the output of compiz --replace, lspci | grep VGA and /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:30
OxDeadC0dehisto: locate --regex ".*\(ttf\)$" | xargs -i -t -l1 cp {\} ./05:30
grodiusanyone know what the differences are between apt-get an aptitude?05:30
billybigriggerdoes anyone here have an epson nx200 printer/scanner? i've been trying for hours to get the scanner working, printing works fine, ubuntu detected it right away and installed the driver, test page printed fine, but xsane can't find the scanner05:30
jerbearinasmu: in particular, the /boot partition. and anything else i need to know to set it up05:30
snurfleziroday... created a new profile in ff.05:30
CutterDanish989: how does Pulsar look like on your comp? swirling 2D rectangles?05:30
sprockets2000whats the difference between ubuntu-desktop iso and the mid-lpa img (for netbooks) not netboom remix05:30
zirodaygrodius: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic05:30
Weemsis there a way I can manually set my monitor to a better refresh rate>05:30
zirodaysnurfle: okay, can you use that?05:31
Weemsits killing my eyes05:31
Flannelgrodius: Theyre both different frontends to apt.  Aptitude has a built in TUI type GUI thing.05:31
Weemsits at 60hz05:31
snurfleseems to be ok...  what the heck?!?!?!05:31
Danish989ziroday: lpsci | grep VGA didnt do anything05:31
IsmAvatarWeems: yes, /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:31
zirodayDanish989: err just pastebin lspci then05:31
inasmujerbear: before you make the encrypted parition, make a small (150M should be fine) partition for boot.  Set it's mount point at /boot.  Then when you create the encrypted partition, you can say "use the rest of the space"05:31
nathan_lrojas: The content of my Xorg.log tells me that ubuntu is using the driver from March05:31
Danish989ziroday: okie, give me a minute.05:31
snurflelooks good, ziroday.05:32
inasmu!aptitude | grodius05:32
ubottugrodius: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide05:32
grodiusFlannel: is there an advantage to using aptitude over apt-get?05:32
zirodaysnurfle: great!05:32
zirodaysnurfle: make sure to delete your old profile05:32
nathan_at the moment, executing: aticonfig --initial  solved my problme05:32
snurflepain to re-setup everything  :(  but thanks!05:32
AdysCan any op ban HiBuddy? (spambot)05:32
Flannelgrodius: Nope, there used to be.05:32
IsmAvatarWeems: I'd recommend making a backup of the file first. Screwing up the file means no Xorg05:32
jerbearinasmu: can i create it from the boot cd?05:32
snurflewell... still no lower panel... but that's a different issue i assume...05:32
lrojasnathan: sorry to bother but where can i find the xorg.log?05:32
ProMaxhow  to capture  screen video  and translete  to  web site  exemple  www.mebeam.com05:32
daftykinssudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.beforeIsmAvatarmademedowhathedid05:32
rippsgrodius: aptitude will autoremove and other stuff, but that can be dangerous, so ubuntu-devs recomend using apt-get not aptitude05:32
nathan_I am now attempted to full a full upgrade from kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04.... wish me luck05:33
zirodaysnurfle: do you have any panels?05:33
IsmAvatarhow do I change the settings for Notify OSD?05:33
CoBaY_Deadme revoila05:33
zirodayIsmAvatar: like?05:33
nathan_lrojas: It's in /var/log05:33
IndyGunFreaknathan_: why would you need luck?05:33
CoBaY_Deadcomment je config ma wifi05:33
snurflejust the top (default), but the lower one is just blank... nothing at all.05:33
gnailwho know how to write .bachrc  ? i want to add some variable !05:33
IsmAvatarziroday: Pidgin's <user> logged in/out05:33
rippsIsmAvatar: You can't... yet. They might make it configurable in 9.1005:33
exodus_msIndyGunFreak, hence the support channel :P05:33
IndyGunFreakexodus_ms: lol, i guess.05:33
inasmujerbear: yeah, you just create a regular partition, formatted ext3, that you set as "/boot."  The installer will take care of putting all the files in there, all you have to do is create it.  Normally the installer makes all this stuff it self, but when you do encryption you need something that isn't encrypted that can run stuff to decrypt the rest of the system05:33
IsmAvatarI have a few users who keep logging in and out so frequently that you may as well make the balloon permanent!05:34
IndyGunFreakexodus_ms: when in doubt, just do a clean install05:34
Crash1hdFlannel: Any idea what the best setup would be for partitioning my drives on a fresh install of ubuntu? I have 1TB drive and a 300gig drive (not using lvm as I dont need it to be resizable once done)? Thanks in advance :)05:34
fearthenofearCutter: I don't have a clue...it was working fine and then I installed something off add or remove programs to make it be able to do 3d and then i wasn't able to do anything after that.05:34
mrnfectorgnail: just edit the file in your home directory using vim, nano, gedit, etc.05:34
jerbearinasmu: where do i go in the boot cd to get to fdisk? or an equivalent?05:34
intxis there anyway to install ubuntu beside booting off a cd or usb?05:34
snurflethe lower panel (desktop switcher, trash bin, current apps...) is just blank after upping to 9.04.05:34
rippsIsmAvatar: just disable notification for login/logoff. It's either in the libnotify plugin preferences or pidgin's main preferenences05:34
gnailbut how to write .bashrc05:34
mrnfectorgnail: what do you want it to do?05:35
Crash1hdFlannel: The main thing I am using this system for is downloading and multiple vmware installs05:35
intxI know in Windows you can copy the i386 directory and install windows off there, can you do the same in ubuntu?05:35
inasmujerbear: If you use the Alternate Installer, when you get to the step about "partioning the drives" if you select custom, it has a good GUI for creating all the encryption/LVM stuff05:35
gnailadd some variable of QT05:35
jerbearinasmu: ok05:35
gnailthere aren't the file of .bashrc05:35
intxor is Windows installer actually better than ubuntu's install process?05:36
IsmAvatarwoa! Thanks so much, ripps!05:36
lrojasnathan: odd, according to the log, i am using the driver, but is not installed :S05:36
IndyGunFreakIsmAvatar: that drove me crazy yesterday to.05:36
ruserhey guys,  i've got an machine runing an old debian install. I want to get new ubuntu. i guess i'd do a network install. here is a a problem. I have /boot separate from the rest of /. and it's fairly small. i'd reformat and resize the boot up to 256Mb.  and install ubuntu.  i dont' have  usb keys or any optical drives.  what woudl you recommend?05:36
rippsIsmAvatar: your welcome05:36
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lrojasnathan: i could be reading it wrong05:36
fearthenofearalright,  I am having problems with my video card to the point that I can't see anything on the screen that is readable. I am at the recovery menu on my other computer. What do I do now?05:36
mrnfectorIf you add lines in the format "VARIABLE=value" in your .bashrc it will add those variables to your configuration the next time you source the .bashrc.05:36
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion05:36
CritenDoes anyone know if the new overlay in 9.04 has any customizable options?05:36
snurflegnome-panel brings it back, but after i reboot, it is blank again.05:37
rippsCriten: overlay?05:37
gnailoh thank you05:37
sriramomanwould someone who tried ext4 suggest whether to go for it or stay ext3... I am in a not-so-mission critical environment.05:37
gnaili will try it05:37
Critenripps: if you run pidgin and its not in the foreground and you get a message it shows up in an overlay in the upper right05:37
Critenripps: also if you change screen brightness, volue, etc05:37
neil_dHI, I am still having trouble with audio, if I run pulseaudio manually it all works, but it doesn't work automattically what is wrong ?05:38
snurflei also noticed i cant change my windows borders no matter what theme or options i choose.05:38
ryanpriorsriramoman: If you're in a not-so-mission-critical environment, it doesn't really matter one way or another.05:38
rippsCriten: oh, you mean notify-osd, it's not configurable yet. They might add some configuration for ubuntu 9.1005:38
snurflemethinks that's a compiz issue though.05:38
Critenripps: thanks05:38
Cutterfearthenofear: do you remember what packages you have installed before the screen went black?05:38
MooJoeJust wondering if anyone knows how to configure Ubuntu 9.04 so that only the external speakers play audio, currently have both external and internal audio output. If any other info is needed, can do.05:38
Bsims{fs} I know why why amraok changed but would it have killed them to include a migration tool05:38
rippsCriten: your welcome05:38
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ruserany ideas how can i convert my install?05:38
jerbearinasmu: bootable flag for /boot?05:39
Bsims{fs} I have to rebuild my database for music now05:39
inasmujerbear: yes05:39
fearthenofearCutter: it was a flgrx or something like that that would work with the video card05:39
sriramomandid people expeerience any real performance improvements on using ext4 over ext3?05:39
sriramomanamong u05:39
rusersriramoman my friend said he did05:39
thunderboltAnyone have any rumors on the System76 netbook? It was supposed to be released yesterday, but I don't see any updates on their webpage.05:39
geniiruser: debbootstrap might work OK for you05:39
Joker_-_Hi, how do I make transfert or files to a USB disk accurate instead of being "instant" and transferring in background? (the buffer kinda crashes the device and I lost all the things I had on it already. Dont want that to happend again)05:39
sriramomanthank u ruser05:39
rippsMooJoe: I don't know, maybe this article has something: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html05:40
MooJoeripps: Thanks05:40
rusergenii hrm..    but i stil lprbably wouldn't be able to resize the partiotions, right?05:40
commander_does an1 have back in time or timevault05:40
* Bsims{fs} grrs they moves us to amroak 2 which is pretty and the future but eww05:40
jerbearinasmu: ok, i created the /boot but it wont let me commit the changes unless there's a root partition05:40
commander_and when they going to add the eye candy to this?05:40
geniiruser: Not unless you did it before or after05:40
Cutterfearthenofear: I'm sorry I can't help you but try on the forums05:40
rusergenii and  it's going to install intoa dir, and then i'd should  to  chroot to it?05:40
Joker_-_How to remove buffer on file transfert to USB storage devices?05:40
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MadBoogiesis any1 having any trouble with dvd playback in vlc or totem?05:41
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ruserGenii i'd still need some media to boot off in order to resize?  dont' see how i can do it from a running system05:41
recauchutexasthis apt-p2p kinda sucks, don't it?05:41
inasmujerbear: have you created the encrypted parition, an LVM VG inside of it, LV's for root?05:41
fearthenofearCutter: thanks for trying05:41
loshersriramoman: the only person I've spoken to today who has used ext4 experienced a spontaneous filesystem corruption05:41
recauchutexasit's the 4th time i try05:41
danes_guys, a general knowledge question, which compiler can i use to compile C++?05:41
Flanneldeop flannel05:41
letubenaiahdanes_: g++05:42
rippsdanes_: The default linux gcc, would probably do fine05:42
jerbearinasmu: no, i went to manual, created /boot. trying to get back to the menu that had "encrypted lvm" now05:42
ruserdanes_ gcc will do it (g++)05:42
geniiruser: Since you can't resize mounted stuff there's not a lot of options there05:42
rusergenii,  i guess even if  it's in  r/o  mode, right?05:42
inasmujerbear: hang on, I'll quickly launch the alternate install so I can remember the exact steps05:42
rusergenii, i do have a knoppix  cd somewhere... just gotta find it :)05:43
geniiruser: I wouldn't chance that. Conceivably if you have enough ram you could make a ramdisk / and then run from there05:43
rusergenii hrm.. not a bad idea.05:43
Joker_-_how to mount synchroniously a usb drive? (mp3 player)05:43
ruserbtw,  could someone tell me the state  of  iwl4965  (intel  4965agn card) wifi05:44
ruserin ubuntu05:44
Joker_-_how to make it mount sync automagically all the time (it's not in fstab or whatever)05:44
lntdI want to be a hacker and I am wondering if ubuntu is the best dirstribution to choose05:44
ripps!google | ruser05:44
ubotturuser: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux05:44
hotdogwhat do you want to hack lol05:44
lntdI want to crack xp passwords05:44
ruserlntd, lol, choice of distribution  won't make you a hacked, but using linux will make you understand better some of the principles05:45
recauchutexashey hack a coke for me plz05:45
calcruser: it should work i've used both 3945abg and 5350 and they work fine05:45
ripps!windows | lntd05:45
rusercalc thanks05:45
ubottulntd: For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents05:45
Joker_-_lntd: stupid statement, imnsho05:45
lntdAnyway, does ubuntu support bonzai bunny?05:45
ruserhow about a suice kitten?05:45
hotdoggo buy an axe at an hardware store... proceed to target computer and start hacking away05:45
Joker_-_how do you mount a usb drive synchroniously05:45
rippshotdog = winner05:46
solexious|netbkHow can I upgrade my distro via the commandline?05:46
snurflehmmm... gnome-panel says "cannot register the panel shell: there is already one running."05:46
rusersolexious|netbk  apt-get update && apt-get upgrade   or sub for aptitude05:46
rippssolexious|netbk: do-release-upgrade05:46
snurfleand now no lower panel at all!05:46
lntdCome on guys I thought you like getting windows computers to adopt linux05:46
bazhang!ot > lntd05:46
ubottulntd, please see my private message05:46
ruserlntd what does that have to do with hacking?05:46
daftykinsthis is a support channel not a brainwashing channel :P05:47
recauchutexas(|| anything)05:47
CritenHow can i break the cursor out of a game window05:47
solexious|netbkripps, thank you05:47
snurflelol, daftykins!05:47
lntdI just want to be able to hack using telnet and stuff like that and I wanted to know if ubuntu has hacking support05:47
bazhanglntd, please stop05:47
calclntd: sounds like you want to be a script kiddie, its very much different than a hacker05:47
rusersounds like a troll05:47
CyberMeDoes ubuntu 9.04 beta update to release?  or is a reinstall needed?05:47
Adysdont feed the troll.05:47
ripps!beta | CyberMe05:48
ubottuCyberMe: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.05:48
daftykinsit should do CyberMe yes, try it and see05:48
lntdI'm not a troll, now how do I get bonzai buddy to work?05:48
defryskCyberMe, just upgrade will do05:48
bobbyyuHello, I upgraded to Jaunty; now when I insert a CD to a DVD-ROM drive, the Windows drives that were mounted dissappear.05:48
nathan_restarting into 9.04, for great justice05:48
Nullifi3dcan anyone help me with building my eth0 drivers05:48
h1dhacking support... lol05:48
Danish989ziroday: are you still there?05:48
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pinionCan someone help me with this broken package?  It's flashplayer-nonfree05:49
owen1_i added 'XTerm*termName:  xterm-256color' to .Xresources and i run xrdb ~/.Xresources .   i open new xterm and type 'tputs colors' and get 8. any ideas how to set 256 colors on xterm?05:49
CyberMeThanks ubottu, ran those commands and seems I'm all up to date05:49
rusergenii, what are the chances of me loosing my data during the partition resize?05:49
Bsims{fs}I want playlist right next to my cds in amarok how do I move it05:50
mobi-sheepHelp --> I have experienced a terminal lock-up in commands.  I'm trying to remove/purge a package -- Mobloquer -- so I can reinstall it again.  However, it locked up in the terminal for too long enough to know that there are something wrong.  What can I do to resolve this situation?  Please do advise. :)05:50
CyberMeanyone have problems with sound crackling in virtualbox?05:50
geniiruser: Pretty small if you are using gparted and the fs is already something native like ext2/305:50
billybigriggerCyberMe, i dont even get sound in vbox05:51
CyberMehahaha, I have sound using alsa05:51
CyberMea bit choppy though05:51
DarkningHey guys, my top taskbar got all juggled around when switching resolutions and stuff. How do I reset everything where it should be?05:51
rusergenii mkay,  i guessi 'm gonna  use that knoppix to resize05:51
Darkningthe time is in the middle, program icons are on the right, etc.05:51
billybigriggerDarkning, just right click on the icons and move them, might have to unlock them, then move them05:52
SciriDarkning: Right click on each icon, select move, and move it to wherever you want.05:52
rippsDarkning: 'killall gnome-panel' , it will automatically restart05:52
Danish989can someone help me?05:52
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ripps!ask | Danish98905:52
ubottuDanish989: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:52
neil_dHI, I am still having trouble with audio, if I run pulseaudio manually it all works, but it doesn't work automattically what is wrong ?05:52
DarkningWell that restarted it but they're still screwed up.05:52
rippsDarkning: than your going to have to do i manually05:53
Danish989I entered compiz --replace into ubuntu 9.04 and the window borders just vanished, and I had to force-restart it, now when I try booting back into ubuntu after the loading screen I just get a completely blank black screen.05:53
billybigriggerDarkning, just unlock them and move them manually05:53
DarkningI've tried, the time won't let me move it.05:53
pinionflashplugin-nonfree is the pkg I'm having a problem with.05:53
neil_dHI, I am still having trouble with audio, if I run pulseaudio manually it all works, but it doesn't work automattically what is wrong ?  should pulseaudio be run as root ?05:53
billybigriggerDarkning, right click and unlock it05:53
Cutterdoes someone recall what was the MacOS like screensaver?05:53
DarkningAh here we go05:53
Darkningthe lock wasn't showing up before.05:53
scott9876can someone help05:53
Cutterdoes someone recall what was the MacOS like screensaver's name?05:53
billybigriggerDarkning, roger05:53
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scott9876I can't seem to mount my cdrom05:53
bobbyyuIt doesn't happen to all the drives, the second one, which is a DVD burner, doesn't make the mounted drives disappear.05:53
Nullifi3di think i fixed it05:53
CyberMeI uninstalled pulseaudio.  headache05:53
pinionCutter: flying toasters?05:53
Danish989cutter: i defintely think they removed it from 9.04. Are you running 9.04?05:53
snurflekillall gnome-panel only brings back my top panel.  bottom one still mia.05:54
rippsDanish989: It probably means that compiz killed metacity (default gnome window manager), but failed to load itself. Just type 'metacity --replace' in a command window05:54
Tomas_hey guys just a question i was wondering is ther a way to remake ubuntu it to an OS of my own05:54
CutterDanish989: no, 8.1005:54
Danish989ripps: I can't boot into ubuntu anymore, or run a terminal window or anything.05:54
DarkningWell --- I thought it would move, the time and user won't budge.05:54
Cutterpinion: no05:54
daftykinsCutter, flurry is the OS X screensaver original, i guess you don't mean that05:54
Chr|sTomas_: sure make your own distro05:54
Danish989ripps: do you think that's the busybox error alternative for 9.04 though because of the faulty/forced restart?05:54
rippsDanish989: I don't know05:55
Cutterdaftykins: maybe05:55
Danish989ripps: do you have any suggestions though, on what I can do now? =(05:55
rippsDanish989: Can you boot into recovery mode?05:55
calcTomas_: ask on ubuntu-devel list...05:55
Cutterdaftykins: yes I think that was its name, why did they remove it from ubuntu?05:56
Danish989ripps: I actually haven't tried that yet.05:56
zhanxweird, netbook remix dont find my webcam but the desktop verison does05:56
Tomas_whats the address05:56
daftykinsnever knew there was one in Ubuntu to be honest Cutter - i'd imagine it's because Apple love to sue.05:56
MadBoogiesHi guys,  I can't seem to get my dvd playback to work since I upgraded...I open the dvd disk and a screen appears for a split second then closes..05:56
doleybMadBoogies: what is your dvd player?  and are you sure everything upgraded?05:57
Danish989daftykins: I agree. i loved that screensaver tho05:57
MadBoogiesyah i tried vlc and totem05:57
calcTomas_: if you don't even know the mailing list address or how to find it making your own flavor of ubuntu will be much too hard for you05:57
MadBoogiesinstalled all codecs05:57
Danish989ripps: I'm going to go ahead and try to restart in recovery mode then05:57
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zhanxMadBoogies reinstall vlc05:57
Cutterdaftykins: ok thanks for reminding me of its name05:57
daftykinsno problemo!05:57
losherTomas_: sorry, but calc is right...05:57
Tomas_i wish people would stop saying that05:57
calcTomas_: iow reading the lists.ubuntu.com webpage is much easier than making your own dist :)05:57
zhanxa "few" prooblems had to be reinstalled before they would work for me05:58
daftykinssaying what Tomas_ ?05:58
zhanxerr programs05:58
calcTomas_: at minimum you would need your own set of metapackages and installer05:58
Tomas_its going to be to hard for m05:58
Cutterwhat is the Pulsar screensaver supposed to look like?05:59
CutterI'm fearing that my graphic card is buggy05:59
Amaethsomeone knows how to disable one of the out-the-box hotkeys?05:59
Amaethin 904...05:59
calcTomas_: you probably need to know enough to at least become a MOTU before even attempting to make your own distribution05:59
CutterI see some strange swirling 2d rectangles05:59
CyberMeanyone have sligplayer working in ubuntu?05:59
calcTomas_: so go to wiki.ubuntu.com and read all about MOTU stuff first :)06:00
losherTomas_: what would you do with your own distribution, just curious06:00
* calc going to bed, bbl06:00
pinionI'm getting this error, what should I do?  E: flashplugin-nonfree: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal.06:01
doleybpinion: maybe dpkg-reconfigure -a06:02
recauchutexaspinion: or get the .deb and dpkg -i --foce-all06:02
litwolhello. how can i find out if i'm running 32 or 64 bit install ?06:02
claytroniclitwol: uname -a06:03
pinionhow would I get the deb for that?06:03
recauchutexassearch for it @ google06:03
VagueI just noticed jaunty was released, is this a beta still, or is it stable?06:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vino06:05
pinionVague: please read the topic06:05
ripps!jaunty | Vague06:05
ubottuVague: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 - Please use !torrents06:05
VagueOh, doh06:05
VagueThanks guys06:05
g33knikhi all06:05
losherVague: it's out of beta, but it's still new, which means it will have new bugs. If you want rock solid stability, go with 8.0406:05
pinionVague: Love ya!06:05
=== Splappy_ is now known as Splappy
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SJrUm isn't the relase notes link out of date,06:06
Vaguelosher, I honestly don't mind a bug here and there, I want to read the release notes to see what's new and sexy in Ubntu06:06
CyberMe9.04 buggy is better than 8.04 stable in my opinion06:06
dexterrI am having problems installing conky, during the ./config it does not recoginize X06:06
owen1_how to set 256 colors to xterm?06:06
SJrwho manages ubottu?06:06
dexterrcan anyone help me?06:06
azharcsHi, I am facing some problems updating, can some help. This is the error I am getting. http://pastie.org/45783106:06
crdlbSJr: in what way?06:07
g33knikis there someone who could give me some quick (hopefully) lsb installation support? I specifically need 1.0 and dont know anything other than apt-get install lsb06:07
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 - Please use !torrents06:07
crdlbSJr: oh, for the bot06:07
MadBoogiesno luck06:07
SJrthe link in that response is out of date, look at the URL06:07
administrator__i got 9.04 already06:07
CyberMerunning hardy azharcs?06:07
administrator__how do i find my seconed hard drive on here06:07
guideXwhat's better with ubuntu, dual boot, or vmware?06:07
rippsazharcs: Change your download source to Main Servier in System->Admin->Software Sources06:08
SJrguideX for what?06:08
azharcsCyberMe: Yes, hardy heron 8.0406:08
losherVague, Cyberme: was there something in 9.04 you couldn't live without. I've been seeing people with 9.04 problems on here all day long...06:08
daftykinsguideX, what do you want to be able to do with Ubuntu?06:08
azharcsripps, will try that06:08
guideXonly have 1 pc, running windows vista 6406:08
SJrI hated 8.1006:08
guideXshould i dual boot, or vmware06:08
Vaguelosher, not really, at least it doesn't look like it to me...I'm happy with my current install, I should probably wait then eh?06:08
SJrI use VMWare Workstation06:08
SJrI can even play some DirectX games.06:08
crdlbSJr: you could point that out in #ubuntu-ops if you'd like06:08
CyberMeThe network manager in 8.04 didnt cut it for me06:08
CyberMeVPN, EVDo card etc06:09
daftykinsvmware is a good solution guideX but remember you won't see it at its' bset06:09
CyberMeall had problems with 8.0406:09
bsratwhat you talkin about, SJr..06:09
rippslosher: there's tons of people here with problems EVERY release. It's actually not that bad this year, you can actually read what people are saying without it disapearing.06:09
administrator__how do i find my secoend hard drive on 9.0406:09
losherVague: you know what they say: if it 'aint broke...06:09
Cutteraww the new wallpaper is bad06:09
celthunderadministrator__, ide or sata?06:09
guideXyou can't use visual effects and such can you06:09
SJrbsrat with VMWare06:09
administrator__dont know06:09
Cutterand the login screen looks bad too06:09
administrator__i think sata06:09
CyberMewhats the biggest problem people are having today?06:10
losherripps: I don't disagree. The only thing suprising about it is that people seem surprised they have problems.06:10
VagueCutter, I prefer my custom setup, it's always easier to just find one you like on gnome-look.org or something06:10
daftykinsi've mainly seen graphics issues06:10
rippsCyberMe: Crappy intel drivers, unsupported ati cards, and occasional missing sound06:10
guideXheh, i can't clear my firefox cache from a certain point06:10
celthunderadministrator__,mkdir /media/disk; mount -t <type of fs> /dev/sdb0 /media/disk06:10
litwoli concur, having difficulties with ATI drivers.06:10
losherCyberme: my biggest with 9.04 was the sound disappeared.06:10
celthunderlitwol, whats wrong with ati drivers...work fine06:10
CyberMesound was a small issue for me too06:10
CutterVague: previous default looks were ok06:10
Vaguelosher, true, is there any way to see what's "New"? The release notes are documenting the bugs and such, I'd like to see what the new features are06:11
CyberMei uninstalled pulse06:11
Cutterespecially wallpapers06:11
Cutterin 8.04 and 8.1006:11
litwolmaybe i just dont know how to install them correctly06:11
zhanxfirefox is freezing like crazy for me06:11
CyberMejust using alsa and the only problem is virtualbox sound is a both choppy06:11
smarksi get a weird sound noise when i log off, its a real quick loud nise06:11
administrator__how would i do that06:11
losherVague: there was a page somewhere06:11
celthunderlitwol, what card do you have?06:11
rippscelthunder: people with older ati cards are butthurt that AMD discontiued driver support for them06:11
administrator__mont the drive06:11
ongolaBoyhi. i want to create a startup usb disk and it's said 'unable to find the partition number'06:11
litwolcelthunder: i do not recall right now. not in a mood to crawl under the table and investigate in the dark :-p. it can wait :)06:12
celthunderripps, then spend 20 bucks buy a new card...i just got a 4850 1gb model for 80$ and im getting a 4870 for 95 in a week06:12
VagueCutter, I haven't seen it, gotta google some then, I did change everything to different shades of blue for me (Water themes, etc) so I never had to deal with the defaults, but...06:12
CyberMeanyone partition to ext4 with this version?  It seems to be pretty fast for me.06:12
rippscelthunder: or just use the damn foss drivers, they work great with all the discontinued cards anyway06:12
JohnDoethere suppose to be a bug with ext4 still06:13
JohnDoesome lockup i think when you delete a file06:13
Vagueerr >.> Okay, I'm already unhappy with the upgrades06:13
CyberMeI haven't see that one yet.  (Knock on wood)06:13
VagueApparently firefox is just a blank gray box to me now?06:13
losherCyberme: I'd be scared to go with a new FS format for at least a coupla releases. Except maybe under vmware as a toy06:13
hateballJohnDoe, CyberMe: The lockup is pretty rare, happens when you delete large amounts of big files usually...06:13
losherCyberme: Lotta brave people out there...06:14
celthunderlosher, ext4 is broken in vmware (it doesnt work properly....to get the actual speed boost you have to do it on a physical drive06:14
CyberMeI'm an idiot like that lolol06:14
CyberMeI have a complete backup and dont mind a format if need be06:14
loshercelthunder: didn't know that, thank you!06:14
celthunderlosher, also in vmware ext4 will cry at you that theres too many fragments06:14
rippsI'm going to wait until Ubuntu actual supports ext4 as it's default fs to upgrade.06:14
MadBoogiesk i got vlc to play the sound but no video when starting via terminal.06:14
JohnDoety...since stability isn't a high priority for me, i'll be using ext406:14
CyberMevmware = cost  virtualbox = free06:14
* Vague agrees with ripps06:15
JohnDoei format my system on a weekly or monthly basis :D06:15
daftykinsactually vmware is free.06:15
celthunderCyberMe, vmware = better than virtualbox06:15
daftykinsyou are incorrect.06:15
paradisaeidaeHaving installed Ubuntu 9.04 server from iso.image to virtualBox, what aptitude command do I use to install build-essential from the mounted ISO?06:15
Vagueegh, lemme restart, and hope my freaking firefox works O_O06:15
daftykins"sudo apt-get install build-essential"06:15
daftykinsparadisaeidae, ^06:15
JohnDoeAnyone know of any apps similar to Sandboxie that runs under Linux and is free?06:15
losherCyberme: I have a complete backup: <- how I wish more people said that on this list06:15
rippsdaftykins: beat me to it06:15
daftykinsoh from the ISO, sorry paradisaeidae didn't read that bit06:15
celthunderdaftykins, depends on your situation, virtualbox isnt always free and niether is vmware.  I for instance am getting workstation free till 7.0 comes out at which time i need to buy it.06:15
CyberMeI have both and think vmware sucks.  guess its all in what you're using it for06:15
daftykinscelthunder, server (although it sucks with the webadmin) is free.06:16
zhanxparadisaeidae you had to edit your sources for the last time06:16
CyberMehahahaha @losher06:16
losherI had usb problems under virtualbox. vmware has always been my first choice06:16
grkblood13i d/led a ttf font, how do i install it?06:16
daftykinsi'm going with vmware workstation this time to avoid the rubbish web interface on server06:17
scunizi losher if usb w/virtbox is setup correctly it works great06:17
daftykinsi've not used virtualbox in a bit but i think it's inferior06:17
paradisaeidaezhanx: thanks, link nasty here, did not see yr comments.06:17
gralcomy sound playback is not working after trying the troubleshoot in 9.0406:17
paradisaeidaeUsing vBox 2.2.0 here. All good.06:17
chris1hello guys am using ubuntu 8.10 and when i try to play a game i used to play in windows with crossover it opens the game with bad grafics any ideas ?06:17
ErgyJBhahahah A drunk Alex Albrecht gets more views then LAS06:17
rippsgralco: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html06:17
paradisaeidaeLike the time sync utility installed from extras.06:17
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:17
CyberMemake sure you have virtualbox 2.2.  many improvements06:18
gralcoripps thats the guide I tried06:18
CyberMedont think its in the repo yet06:18
celthunderchris1, what game, what drivers, what graphics card, what if any are you using to emulate windows06:18
grkblood13how do you install new fonts?06:18
losherCyberMe: might give vbox 2.2. a look then06:18
scunizi!fonts | grkblood1306:18
ubottugrkblood13: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer06:18
bsmall2006how do i get the "desktop effects" button to show up in my system preferences?06:19
chris1celthunder am trying to play Guild Wars i got intel grafics card on board with my laptop and am using crossover for emulator. am sure my grafic card can play the game cause it did on winxp06:19
digdeephi, Is there any complete guide on converting ext3 to ext4?06:20
VagueSo THAT'S a jackalope!06:20
rippsbsmall2006: Have hardware + drivers that support it06:20
segihey ripps06:20
VagueIt's a bunny with horns...O_O Isn't that like...mythological?06:20
=== segi is now known as devslash
twinkie_addictomg 9.04 likes my atheros card . the last realease hated it  i think im going to like 9.0406:21
scunizidigdeep: if you have a partition set for ext3 you can make it ext4 for any NEW files after conversion.. but everything prior is ext3 still..06:21
joe__your moms a jackalope06:21
rippschris1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance06:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext406:21
scunizijoe__: stop06:21
VaguePoor Ubottu O_O06:21
CyberMeext4 is fast06:21
devslashripps: i installed virtualbox and enabled 3d acceleration but when i run compiz it says Checking for xgl: not present06:22
losherVague: ("pinion>Vague: Love ya!") what did you have to do to make pinion fall in love with you?06:22
crdlbdevslash: that is not an important test06:22
ruseri got a quick question, i before i want to start resizing stuff, i wanted to  backup my /home  onto a NTF partition, but preserver all the permisisions, so i thought i'd  i craete a loopback  image of some sort but my dd cmd for that isnt' working, and how do i acreatea  filesystem after i create it?06:22
bsmall2006ripps: i can start compiz and some of the desktop features work, but i can't get the settings manager to come up...any ideas?06:22
devslashcrdlb:  what do you mean06:22
Vaguelosher, I'm a magnetic personality =)06:22
MadBoogieshey i got some output on my dvd playback problem if anyone cares to have a looksy for me06:22
rippsdevslash: As it should, nobody has used XGL since Gutsy, what you should be looking for is AIGLX06:22
VagueIt's why I'm a sales manager, People just love me at first sight, then I take their money.06:22
scunizi!ccsm bsmall200606:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ccsm bsmall200606:22
devslashoh what do i need to install06:22
bsmall2006it wont install06:23
scunizi!ccsm | bsmall200606:23
ubottubsmall2006: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion06:23
ripps!ccsm | bsmall200606:23
crdlbdevslash: exactly what I said; it prints that because its author does not understand the importance of only printing important things :)06:23
Yonderinghello, just curious.. is there a reason ubuntu does not have PAE enabled by default?  Upcoming motherboards have 16+ gigabytes of memory available.. seems odd that the latest & greatest supports 3 by default..06:23
bsmall2006ccsm isnt found when i try to install it06:23
digdeephmm.. I need a completed guide. (The steps online are not very clear)06:23
losherVague: Sigh. no-one has ever said they loved *me* on a ubuntu support list.06:23
crdlbYondering: the server kernel does06:23
devslashcrdlb:  ?????06:23
rusernvm i got it sroted out06:23
Yonderingcrdlb, I know.  But it doesn't support my video driver.06:23
rippsbsmall2006: compizconfig-settings-manager06:24
crdlbYondering: so use the amd64 version then06:24
grkblood13ok, i insalled a font  manually and restarted the prog but still cnat see it06:24
ripps!info compizconfig-settings-manager06:24
ubottucompizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 623 kB, installed size 4068 kB06:24
devslashcrdlb:  what are you talking about06:24
Yonderingcrdlb, how's the 32-bit support in the new amd64 release?06:24
pinionAwesome, my shit is all fucked up now06:24
bsmall2006ripps: E: Couldn't find package compizconfig-settings-manager06:24
scunizigrkblood13: new fonts for your user should be put in ~/.fonts06:24
scunizi!ohmy | pinion06:25
ubottupinion: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.06:25
rippsbsmall2006: make sure you have universe+multiverse enabled in your sources06:25
crdlbdevslash: I'm not entirely sure compiz can run in virtualbox; pastebin the full output you got from 'compiz --replace'06:25
CyberMehow do you know if you should install 32 or 64 bit?06:25
Vaguelosher, =( Well, if you happen to know the answer to my possibly stupid, file-system related question, I might love you >.> Does linux have a registry? Is it more efficient to function with/without one? O_o Where does the system store application data like you'd find in a window's registry? O_o06:25
brandonban6hiya. what plugins do I need to install to get Totem's DVD player to work?06:25
grkblood13scunizi, bash: ~./fonts: No such file or directory06:25
n00b23452345im using rosetta swtone in wine06:25
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:25
n00b23452345ne1 heolp?06:25
bsmall2006ripps: i'm new to ubuntu how do i do that?06:25
scunizigrkblood13: ~/.fonts not ~./fonts06:25
n00b23452345rosetta stone runs but i have another cd with the italian language excercise on it06:26
inasmu!filesystem | Vague06:26
ubottuVague: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview06:26
Yonderingamd64 creates other hassles that I don't want to deal with, which is why I'm curious why pae isn't enabled in the 32-bit release.  JJ seems to focus on useability, yet this is still a gaping hole, imho.  =/06:26
ubottubrandonban6: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org06:26
ripps!univers > bsmall200606:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about univers06:26
ripps!universe > bsmall200606:26
ubottubsmall2006, please see my private message06:26
n00b23452345rosetta stone cane seem to load the cd06:26
Vagueinasmu, thank you =)06:26
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu06:26
bsmall2006ubottu: thanks :)06:26
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:26
rippsbsmall2006: ubottu is a bot06:27
candide_!wine > n00b2345234506:27
ubottun00b23452345, please see my private message06:27
crdlbYondering: nobody needs that much memory who can't use a server kernel or use the amd64 arch06:27
losherVague: no registry as such. All linux's permanent config data is stored in files, nearly always somewhere under /etc. It has its pros and cons...06:27
Yonderingcrdlb, the only problem currently with using the server kernel is it breaks the Nvidia X server.06:27
inasmulosher: what are the cons?06:27
bsmall2006ripps: thanks :)06:27
xy|oxwhich is the version of vlc offered with 8.10 or 9.04?06:27
Weemsim getting null device when I load the pulse audio volume control any way to fix that06:27
rippsbsmall2006: your welcome06:27
crdlbYondering: are you using the packaged version of the nvidia driver? I was under the impression that it worked06:28
doleybinasmu: Well, config files get lost when people have long ext4 delays and the apps don't flush!06:28
Yonderingcrdlb, I'm using the server kernel now and it won't activate.06:28
joe__xy|ox: version 0.99a is included with 9.04 its awesome but had a couple bugs06:28
CyberMepulse sucks06:28
losherinasmu: well, there's no central agreed on place to keep config -- this is both a pro and a con I think06:28
Vagueinasmu, well, in my opinion the biggest pro would be avoiding bloat. Registry's get filled with useless crap that's never deleted by bad program installs/removals and sch06:28
crdlbYondering: out of curiosity, what are you planning on doing that requires more than 3GB of ram?06:29
rippsI prefer smplayer over vlc/totem any day.06:29
inasmulosher, Vague: how is that different from a registry though?06:29
crdlbYondering: pretty much everything is available for amd64 now, btw (including native flash)06:29
xy|oxjoe__, does that version has the option of only 1 instance running?06:29
Vagueinasmu, well, I don't know much about Linux's base setup, hence why I asked, if it had a registry, and such O_o06:29
dogdaynoonforemost EXP?06:30
rippsVague: linux doesn't anything like a registry, but Gnome uses something similar called gconf06:30
Yonderingcrdlb, and yet the random third party apps are still available primarily in 32-bit only.06:30
inasmuVague: thats kinda what I meant, at least when your /etc folder gets filled with cruft its in named folders and is easier to figure out06:30
joe__xy|ox: I don't believe the settings for VLC change if you currently have vlc installed but there is the option I ahve used it both in ubuntu and windows06:30
VagueBut, from what I've experienced, over time, even with proper maintenance, your windows installation will get bogged down with useless registry keys and stuff of that nature, and it's never seemed to happen to my Linux installations06:30
losherVague: you could say the same about files littered all over etc. The biggest pro seems to be that one application won't corrupt another's data very easily as seems to happen in the registry.06:30
rippsVague: That's because linux doesn't need all those keys and crap. every app has it's own config file safely stored in your home06:31
VolkodavI tried the old fix for googleearth for small fonts and it does not work - anybody solved it on jaunty 64 bit ?06:31
dogdaynoonWas wonder which file system to run foremost on to find deleted txt files?06:31
Yonderingcrdlb, out of curiosity, has the 32-bit library support improved in JJ 64-bit?  it was a pain in 8.04 to use with some apps that were only available in 32-bit.06:31
Vagueripps, ahhh...Okay, so in home, every application has a hidden file/folder using all of that stuff?06:31
VolkodavGoogle has little to say about it06:31
VagueGood idea O_o06:31
rippsVague: there are exceptions, but for the most part, yes06:32
crdlbYondering: I have no idea; my main computer doesn't support amd6406:32
xy|oxjoe__, i have vlc 0.8.6 which is the one offered with 8.04, and it hasnt that option, but i have read this option is included in newer versions06:32
losherVague: this might say more about the quality of windows programmers vs. unix programmers. Fighting words on some lists...06:32
arghh2d2Vague: they start with a dot like .configwhatever06:32
zippyfishguys what a free easy to use apt that i can see my win xp shae files..i tired smb4k : (06:32
Cutterthere are now two notifications applets for the taskbar06:32
Cutterhow retarted is that?06:33
VagueIt's a lot more organised than a registry (which is a nightmare to maintain, in my opinion) I would assume, sounds lovely :} Wonder if there's a GUI for maintaining and removing useless junk under linux >.>06:33
arghh2d2Vague: so thyre hidden06:33
joe__xy|ox: vlc most definitely has the option to only run one instance of the player06:33
Cutterand Thunderbird still doesn't use any of them to show unread mail06:33
NOD62What is the command to copy and replace to a location?06:33
NOD62through the terminal?06:33
joe__NOD62: mv06:33
Yonderingcrdlb, oh well.  I had hopes that this wouldn't be an issue with this release.  I vaguely recall reading somewhere that the Nvidia X server won't work with this server kernel because it identifies as a Xen server.06:33
rippszippyfish: as far I'm aware, samba and cifs are the only way to see window shares in linux.06:33
losherVague: user apps tend to have a "dotfile" in your home directory. System apps tend to keep files under /etc. Also, most such files are often plain text and you can read them and go in and fix them if you know enough. At one time, that was kind of the only way to configure stuff.06:34
pisecxis tere any virtual keybord in ubuntu?06:34
rippsVague: ubuntu-tweak has a good app cleaner06:34
TopBunny88I just hjumped up to jaunty06:34
doleybpisecx: yes there are a few06:34
xy|oxjoe__, not version 0.8.6, its a known issue, i have searched in google06:34
pisecxcan you ive me names, please?06:34
pisecxor link06:35
Dylans_pisecx: Im sure you could do a google of it06:35
pisecxI tried06:35
pisecxdidnt find any06:35
arghh2d2app cleaner? like rm *kde* ?06:35
bsmall2006ripps: got everything to work thank you for your help again :)06:35
doleybpisecx: xvkbd, klavier, kvkdb06:35
rippsbsmall2006: your welcome06:35
Dylans_Hmm mabey search package manager06:35
zippyfish: (06:35
Vaguelosher, heh, that actually sounds sort of interesting.06:35
Vagueripps, Thanks =)06:36
rippsVague: your welcome06:36
joe__xy|ox: if you upgrade to version 0.9.9a you will get the option to run a single instance. period. Oh and it looks cooler too :)06:36
doleybpisecx: But!  try gok first06:36
Yonderingcrdlb, thanks for the input... trying something.06:36
Dylans_doleyb: Too late for pisces06:37
MarkJonesHello everyone. Does anyone run Jaunty and has gotten Handbrake GUI to run on it?06:37
losherripps: I think that's the weakness of a central repository. One bad app can trash almost anything. Separate files are less prone to that, On a mature filesystem, it's almost unheard of.06:37
GNUixMarkJones: Its working fine for me06:38
xy|oxjoe__, ok thanks06:38
albechMarkJones, yes it works fine06:38
pinionWhat can I do about this error? http://pastebin.com/m1537827f06:38
MarkJonesCan i ask if there is a package built specifically for jaunty or did you folks simply install the intrepid package from there homepage?06:38
CyberMereinstall then remove06:38
GNUixMarkJones: I installed the ubuntu package from the handbrake website06:39
scunizipinion: reinstall then remove like CyberMe said06:39
scunizichenwz: test test06:39
losherVague: there's actually a distro (I forget the name) where they said that apps shouldn't stick their stuff all over /etc, and every app gets its own dedicated directory where all it's files belong. Not worth the extra hassle IMO...06:39
MarkJonesHmm Strange mine will load, but only icons and buttons of the windows show after a mouse rollover.But its unusable and i dont know why.06:39
rippspinion: try 'sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree', then try reinstalling it.06:39
losherVague: Do you love me now?06:40
inasmulosher: you're talking about gobolinux06:40
MarkJonesI love that app too.06:40
exodus_msHow much disk space should be available for an upgrade to 9.04 from 8.04. I have ~7gbs available on /06:40
losherinasmu: gobolinux, thanks.06:40
CyberMethats enough space06:40
exodus_msty CyberMe06:40
CyberMe4gb for a full install06:40
doleybexodus_ms: lol you'll have 7 gb left when you're done06:41
trey__can some one help me with reinstalling wine06:41
Dylans_exodus_ms: I think the catche would be most of the space06:41
losherexodus_ms: how much of that 7G is in use by 8.04?06:41
Vaguelosher, Yes :} I'm learning new stuff about Ubuntu, and that's always love worthy...I was actually wondering; is there a difference between dynamic link libraries and the libraries used by the package manager? O_o Or does that function the same way?06:41
rippstrey__: 'sudo apt-get purge wine' then 'sudo apt-get install wine06:41
CyberMehe said 7gb available06:41
MarkJonesdll hell06:41
exodus_msdoleyb, yeah, I thougth so, but running into problems trying to upgrade, only "partial upgrade" available06:41
losherexodus_ms: oops. misread it, 7G available...06:41
m0u5ehow does one install files manually downloaed from getdeb but they all depend on each other?06:42
trey__that wont work cus thats not my prob06:42
Vaguesorry for the random questions O_O I'm just wandering around the applications on linux and directories and noticing things like that lol06:42
JValentineHey, um, I'm a serious n00b (as in, just installed Ubuntu), and I was working through a how-to guide on the forums to get a driver for a Lexmark z600 installed.  The last step tells me to use the command sudo /etc/rc2.d/S19cupsys restart , but when I do, I just end up with "command not found."  I was wondering if anyone could tell me what's wrong here.  Thanks for any help!06:42
mobi-sheeptrey__: That's what she said.06:42
scunizim0u5e: if it's a .deb.. just double click it06:42
trey__it wont insatll the menu links06:42
m0u5escunizi: no but i have a bunch of files and they all depend on each other06:43
m0u5escunizi: so it doesn't want to install...06:43
joe__trey__: do you mean on your desktop?06:43
dtchenJValentine: probably meant "sudo service cups restart"06:43
CoBaY_Deadjoin #ubuntu-fr06:43
doleybJValentine: look for any file resembling cupsys in /etc/rc2.d and use it instead06:43
rippsm0u5e: most files on getdeb depend on files already in the ubuntu repos06:43
Cmcleanhow do you enable graphics card support in 9.04 in virtual box on a macbook pro06:43
scunizim0u5e: then you have to use synaptic to install the missing files.  hopefully they are available.06:43
m0u5eripps: the specific app in question is westnoth, there are like 5 files on getdeb and they all depend on each other06:43
losherVague: almost all modern linuxes use dynamic libraries, which is what the package manager installs. What it means is that when a program runs, you only need one copy of a library, which all programs can share, so you save space06:43
rippsm0u5e: Before installing something from getdeb, try seeing someone has made a PPA of it on Launchpad06:44
m0u5eripps: wesnoth*06:44
m0u5eripps: well i wanted to use getdeb since it was faster, otherwise i'd just compile it myself06:44
Polterge|stok I finally got the jaunty alternate dvd06:44
Vaguelosher, oh, so in that way they're alike?06:44
trey__i sad yes06:44
Polterge|stI'm attempting to upgrade via the DVD06:44
losherVague: what are alike?06:44
Polterge|stand then I'll get any updates via the net06:44
Vaguelosher, linux, and windows, in the use of dlls?06:45
joe__trey__ right click on the desktop and it should give you an option link create link or create shorcut06:45
joe__or something like that06:45
trey__thats not going to work06:45
SUP3RCANSIRGuys, right now I'm dual booting Win7 and Linux Mint. I wanna install Jaunty OVER linux mint, how would I go about doing that?06:45
rippsm0u5e: this ppa has version of wesnoth: https://edge.launchpad.net/~stikonas/+archive/ppa06:45
joe__why not?06:45
exodus_msbtw, I meant an upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 just in case anyone was following along and thought it was possible to do an upgrade from the latter version06:45
trey__i tryed that06:45
SJrWhats a good utility that I can use to resize my hard disk with NTFS and EXT3 partitions, and not have it ravage my ability to boot.06:45
losherVague: yes, pretty much any modern OS uses dynamic libraries though the details might vary. The space saving is too big to ignore....06:46
Polterge|stSUP3RCANSIR, what are you trying to do there ?06:46
lusepuster_Goodmorning. I have just relocated and want to switch the time zone in the calendar applet, but it does not work for me, not in intrepid nor in jaunty. Get a dbus timeout. Any idea what the problem is? It's no deal breaker but it is bugging me.06:46
m0u5eripps: i kinda don't want to add an entire repository just for one app :X06:46
Polterge|stSUP3RCANSIR, are you wanting to save anything from your previous install ?06:46
trey__it wont install the links in gnome06:46
arghh2d2SJr: gparted06:46
Polterge|stSUP3RCANSIR, if you want to save anything I would advise backing it up on another partition maybe06:46
joe__trey__: have you been able to create links to other programs?06:46
Polterge|stor archive it06:46
SUP3RCANSIRI don't want it to touch my win7 installation, mint can go to the deepest darkest pits of motherboard hell06:47
rippsThe repository has only one file for jaunty, and this way, you can be sure it was compiled to work correctly with your system. You can remove the repository after installing it.06:47
joe__are you sure that the program is not command line only?06:47
psyt7hhas ctrl+alt+backspace for restarting X been removed intentionally in jauny?06:47
rusergenii: got another question about resizing my stuff.  i've got /boot separate and /  is on extended partion, does that change thigns for me in terms of resizing?06:47
rippsm0u5e: ^06:47
Polterge|stjust make sure you select the linux mint partition to be formatted when you install Jaunty, SUP3RCANSIR06:47
m0u5eripps: ah thx06:47
joe__trey__: are you sure that the program is not command line only?06:47
Polterge|stif I disappear it is because I am about to upgrade06:48
trey__im insatlling it right from synaptic06:48
SUP3RCANSIROh, I know how to do that. I meant grub wise, will it take care of the stuff for me?06:48
Polterge|stlikely so06:48
GNUixm0u5e: wesnoth is in the repositories06:48
Polterge|stit should install a bootloader etc if I recall06:48
U-b-u-n-t-uI can't seem to run openbox on the new distro06:48
ripps!info wesnoth06:48
ubottuwesnoth (source: wesnoth): fantasy turn-based strategy game - complete suite. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6a-3ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB06:48
matholumhello everyone... I have a qwik question.... how can I tell if I have to install ubuntu with a driver cd06:48
joe__trey__: but if the program doesn't have a GUI there is a good chance you won't be able to link to it on your desktop06:48
trey__it installd just fine the frest time06:48
U-b-u-n-t-uanyone else having openbox issues?06:48
SUP3RCANSIRAlright, thanks. I'll go mess around with it now.06:48
trey__it has a gui06:48
geniiruser: The / on extended previously worked fine?06:48
SUP3RCANSIROne more question! ebox or webmin for jaunty?06:49
rippsm0u5e: geez, i didn't even bother to check, it's in the universe repos06:49
m0u5eripps: its not the newest version though06:49
joe__trey__: then I don't know lol have you tried google?06:49
scunizimatholum: boot the live cd and see if everthing works.. if it does then it has all the drivers you need without needing a seperate cd06:49
axiaI installed Ubuntu 9.04 but it came with Gnome. How do I change it to KDE 4?06:49
exodus_ms!info amarok06:49
ubottuamarok (source: amarok): easy to use media player based on the KDE 4 technology platform. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.0.2mysql5.1.30-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 9448 kB, installed size 27676 kB06:49
axiais there an easy way?06:49
GNUixm0u5e: isn't the latest version 1.6? thats whats there06:49
m0u5eGNUix: 1.6.106:49
joe__axia: eh you should download Kubuntu instead of ubuntu!06:50
trey__this is the sec place to try06:50
scuniziaxia: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and then on the login screen after reboot change "sessions"06:50
Yonderingarg.  this is asanine...06:50
rippsaxia: You should have installed Kubuntu, but you still install kde by install 'kubuntu-desktop'06:50
matholumscunizi... well, that is what I am wondering... is it possible that I would need a driver cd to even install it?06:50
trey__to get help06:50
rusergenii:  yes.  so i have some randome  fat16 partition with recovery crap from dell. and a ntfs  partition with other recovery crap.  then i have /boot  then i have extended which hiolds   /  and my main  ntfs for windows.  it worked fine. but i can't seem to be able to shift the extended partition  in order to extend my boot06:50
axiathanks. I'll try that06:50
scunizimatholum: no06:50
JValentineAwesome.  I just got the driver to work.  Thanks so much for your help!06:50
axiawhat other WMs are out there which are really fast and responsive?06:50
matholumscunizi... hmm... i have tried several versions of ubuntu, and disks, and can't get it to install...06:51
axiaand don't look like ratpoison06:51
exodus_ms!info openoffice > exodus_ms06:51
binskipy2uok jaunty is REALLY nice.. no complaints thus far06:51
rusergenii:   i guess my question is: how can i extend my boot. while i have extended partition?06:51
pinionWhen I try: sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree I get sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree06:51
scuniziaxia: lots.. xfce if one of the standard quick ones...06:51
rippsaxia: Xubuntu (xfce), lxde, fluxbuntu06:51
piniondpkg: error processing flashplugin-nonfree (--purge):06:51
pinion Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should06:51
pinion reinstall it before attempting a removal.06:51
pinionErrors were encountered while processing:06:51
pinion flashplugin-nonfree06:51
FloodBot1pinion: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:51
pinionE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:51
axiathanks. i'll try them all06:51
GNUixm0u5e: I dunno.. new to ubuntu but there should be a way to use apt-get to install just the dependencies for wesnoth then download and compile yourself06:51
ruseraxia:  there is a lot of WMs06:51
scunizimatholum: that may be for several reasons.. motherboard chipset is one of the primary ones.  what are you running06:51
ruserruser:  just  search the apt repo's06:52
m0u5eGNUix: yeah i know how to compile, i was wondering how to satisfy deps using deb packages from getdeb06:52
Xcellwhich file in (Xserver-org) do i go to to add or create xtra hz resolutions?06:52
geniiruser: I'm not sure if resizing an extended partition which contains mixed filesystems is possible (I have not tried this personally)06:52
matholumscunizi: a Dell Demension 6400i... has an intel pentium 4 @ 2.6GHz06:52
billybigriggerruser, you from calgary by chance?06:52
zhanxm0u5e just do the apt-get install on it then say no and install the debs it lists06:52
cowgodhas anyone been able to get amarok 2 to import ratings and playcounts from a 1.4 collection?06:52
pinionWhen I try: sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree I get: http://pastebin.com/m1537827f06:52
ruserbillybigrigger:  yep06:52
ubuntu_does anyone know a website where i can learn about Ubuntu? I am new06:52
rippsm0u5e: install wesnoth via the universe repos, then install the ubpdate packages from getdeb.06:52
lolodoes anyone know why in 9.04 i am only able to connect to my computer (ssh) throgh the dyndns name. the local ip address dont work06:52
billybigriggerruser, right on, new to ubuntu?06:52
scunizimatholum: and what happens when you boot a live cd or try to install?06:53
ubottuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.06:53
m0u5eripps: cant do it that way, because the packages depend on each other06:53
centHOGGm0u5e: have you tried to install the main, then afterwards try: apt-get install -f06:53
ruserbillybigrigger:  i've been a debian user for long time, but i'm new to ubuntu06:53
Xcellwhich file in (Xserver-org) do i go to to add or create xtra  refresh rates?06:53
geniiruser: regular NTFS partitions can be resized if you have ntfs-progs package installed bfore using the pertitioner06:53
billybigriggerruser, cool beans, glad to see another calgarian :P06:53
centHOGGor aptitude install -f06:53
U-b-u-n-t-uI installed openbox then changed the session to openbox/gnome and it came back with an error and wont run openbox.... anyone else having openbox issues?06:53
m0u5ecentHOGG: following with the specific file location like $HOME/wesnoth.deb?06:53
cowgodhas anyone been able to get amarok 2 to import ratings and playcounts from a 1.4 collection?06:53
matholumscunizi: i have gotten sveral errors, but the main one is kernel panic, unable to mount root fs on unknown block06:53
billybigriggerruser, pumped for the flames game tommarow or are you not a sports fan?06:53
rusergenii: i see, i guess im out of luck, i've got only 30 megs for /boot :/06:53
losherpinion: tried "apt-get install --reinstall  flashplugin-nonfree" or some such?06:53
geniiruser: You booted to an ubuntu livecd or so?06:54
ruserbillybigrigger:  i'm not really from calgary,  i've been living here 6 motnh and another 6month pending untill the project is over.  but i'll be skiing tomorrow :)06:54
pinionlosher: yes, no joy06:54
rippsm0u5e: download all the wesnoth packages from getdeb into a directory, then, in a terminal, run 'dpkg -i *.deb'06:54
rusergenii: yeah, i found my knoppix cd06:54
centHOGGm0u5e: well nothing specific, they are all debs right? just do that main wesnoth deb... then right afterwards: apt-get install -f06:54
zhanxm0u5e send you a pm06:54
billybigriggerruser, ahh banff area?06:54
blbrown_winI can't past the drive check with jaunty.  Is there anyway to pypass.  Right now it says, "unclean shutdown, checking drive" and then it will exit to the command line "run fsck manually"   At the command line, how can I start X.  The drive may be bad, it is 5 years old.  But, I have been running ubuntu 8.10 up till this morning06:54
m0u5eripps: oh ty06:54
ruserbillybigrigger:  gonna go to sunshine06:54
trey__what your not going to help me06:54
billybigriggerruser, nice, i didn't go a single time this year :P06:55
ruserbillybigrigger:  lol, i've been going almost every weekend :)06:55
zirodayblbrown_win: unless you can press esc to skip it you can't skip the fsck06:55
billybigriggerruser, had lots of time, no spare cash, usually i have tons of money in the winter but no time :P06:55
pinionlosher: this is what I get: http://pastebin.com/m47ef015b06:55
blbrown_winziroday, I am at the command line now.  What is the command to start ubuntu06:55
geniiruser: Hm. Perhaps see if you can install onto the livecd the package "ntfsprogs" (in Ubuntu this is the name, knoppix may vary) and re-try then the partitioner06:55
scunizimatholum: might be an acpi issue.. there is a way of changing that on the kernel line when booting the cd.. I've forgotten how though06:55
zirodayblbrown_win: command line where?06:56
trey__bad news its not winter06:56
VagueOops >.>06:56
rusergenii:  i'm not sure how ntfsprogs gonna help me with resizing extended. i dont' think it's possible to resize extended partittion06:56
trey__just joking06:56
zirodayblbrown_win: how did you get to it?06:56
binskipy2ueverything you want to know about ubuntu, but you gotta read.06:56
losherpinion: that's a better message than the one about corruption. Tried installing the dependency?06:56
rusergenii: atlest i've got about 2 gig  unalocated on extended so it should be able to downsize the extended06:56
pinionlosher: yes, It won't install because of the error06:56
trey__fuck it06:57
rusergenii: and potentially shft it06:57
matholumscunizi: i think I have heard of that... it is acpi=off i think.... i will try that and see what it does. Plus I haven't tried jaunty yet... i will try that first...06:57
blbrown_winziroday, I start the machine.  It attemps to run drive check ("It doesn't say anything about ESC"), at 65%, it quits to the command line, saying it is a read only filesystem, etc.06:57
zirodayblbrown_win: right, you need to do fsck06:57
Xcellwhich file can edit in Xserver-org to change or add refresh rates?06:57
zirodayXcell: /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:57
zirodayblbrown_win: type in 'fsck'06:57
geniiruser: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/resize/resizing.htm indicates extended partition resizing is possible06:57
rusergenii:  oh right on let me check it out06:58
blbrown_winziroday, ok, I am doing that.  what if that fails also06:58
scunizimatholum: yep that's it.  Jaunty might fix things06:58
pinionlosher: I get alot more output when trying to do it tho: http://pastebin.com/m394169ba06:58
exodus_msReady to upgrade but have one concern, tried system>update manager and was greeted with a message "Not all updates can be installed" "run a partial upgrade" I selected "check" and was greeted with same message, should I continue with upgrade?06:58
digdeepis it possible to umount a file system with mount point "/"?06:58
matholumscunizi: i sure hope so... i have been fighting this computer for a week now...06:58
zirodayblbrown_win: then we need the eroor06:58
=== fun_femme is now known as C-WEX
andyh2Hi, I recently installed 9.04, and I've been getting extremely slow speeds when using aptitude/apt-get. About 80KB/s. I am connected via my ethernet cable and have 25mbit download speeds, but am barely seeing anything.06:58
Xcellziroday--  permission denied06:58
Flannel!slow | andyh206:58
ubottuandyh2: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.06:58
andyh2Are the servers just overloaded or... am I doing something wrong06:58
rippsdigdeep: No, than you'd umount your OS06:58
zirodayXcell: prepend sudo06:59
eNons3nseDo you guys know if Miro keeps a settings file with your rss subscriptions in it?  When I upgraded I just noticed Miro was gone, then when I re-installed it my whole list of subscriptions isn't there.  It's going to be a huuuuge pain to gather all those feed URLs again.06:59
Yonderingdigdeep, why would you want to do that?06:59
zhanxi wish i got 80 right now06:59
scuniziexodus_ms: do this in terminal  .. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and try again06:59
rusergenii: alright, i'm gonna try the  swap trick06:59
digdeepupgrade from ext3 to ext406:59
zirodayeNons3nse: if its anywhere its in your home dir, as a hidden folder. Press ctrl+h and take a look for anything related to miro06:59
geniiruser: I'm /away shortly, 2AM and require sleep here06:59
eNons3nsei already found it in there.  there isn't that file though.  it's just a few download logs.07:00
rusergenii:  thanks for the link07:00
geniiruser: Best of luck!07:00
losherpinion: looks like the problem is at the dpkg layer (duh). I notice option --force-remove-reinstreq in the dpkg man page. Give it a try, nothing to lose at this stage07:00
rusergenii: thanks07:00
exodus_msscunizi, done, it looks like the package "acroread" was the culprit07:00
pinionlosher: ? so what should I type in?07:00
rippsWho needs acroread? evnice reads pdfs just fine07:01
zippyfishthere no easy to use apt07:01
digdeep"/" is ext3 & the others are ntfs.07:01
* SJr does.07:01
=== davidw is now known as Guest48888
zippyfishfor win xp shares07:01
rippszippyfish: the add/remove software in the main menu is the easiest apt installer out there07:01
Polterge|stI wish I could just upgrade from this alternate CD without needing a network connection07:01
exodus_msscunizi, The following packages have been kept back: acroread07:01
zirodaydigdeep: why do you want to unmount /?07:01
pinionlosher: sudo apt-get --force-remove-reinstreq flashplugin-nonfree  ?07:01
zirodayPolterge|st: you can upgrade using the alternate cd07:01
losherpinion: I'm thinking "dpkg -r  --force-remove-reinstreq flashplugin-nonfree"07:02
scuniziexodus_ms: uninstall it07:02
Polterge|stziroday, well that is the option I chose when the little box popped up07:02
ubuntu_where can i read up on the shell and commands?07:02
Polterge|stalthough it is still taking its time07:02
Polterge|stsays it will take a day or more07:02
ziroday!terminal > ubuntu_07:02
ubottuubuntu_, please see my private message07:02
digdeepmy device /dev/sda7 is mounted with "/", I want to convert it to ext4, in order to make boot faster07:03
rippsdigdeep: you'd have to do it from a livecd07:03
pinionlosher: this is what I get: http://pastebin.com/mc3eda6107:03
losherdigdeep: ext3 -> ext4: I think you're very (excessively?) brave07:03
zirodayPolterge|st: one sec07:03
ubuntu_thanks buddy07:03
exodus_msscunizi, done, thank you for your help07:03
kbpany1 experience with mySQL? I get "duplicate key name" error!! what is that? :) ty07:03
scuniziexodus_ms: np :)07:03
FlynsarmyIs there no equivalent of Netlimiter for linux?07:04
kbpany1 experience with mySQL? I get "duplicate key name" error!! what is that? :) ty07:04
zirodayPolterge|st: do gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"07:04
zhanxkbp means you got to keys of the same name.. your identifiers07:04
histodigdeep: won't make a diffference in speed untill all the files are rewriten07:04
histodigdeep: there is an excellent howto on the forum though for converting www.ubuntuforums.org07:05
=== Guest48888 is now known as davidw
histoFlynsarmy: what bandwidth limiter?07:05
histoFlynsarmy: sudo apt-get trickle07:06
Flynsarmyhisto, yes, i'm looking for a bandwidth limiter for linux that can limit individual apps. I spotted one but it requires you actually open the app using it07:06
Flynsarmyhisto, i believe that was the one :) requires you to open the app using it07:06
digdeepjust have a question, do you guys install jaunty by wiping the old os or just upgrade (keep using ext3)?07:06
rusergenii: hrm.. i cna't  make free space  preceeding the extended :/07:06
losherpinion: Try "dpkg -r  --force-all --force-remove-reinstreq flashplugin-nonfree" next07:06
zhanxdigdeep upgraded07:06
acoustykhey guys i just fucked up my sound and I dont know how07:06
histoFlynsarmy: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-ubuntu-users.html07:06
Flynsarmydigdeep, new installation is safest07:06
YonderingAnybody have a link for a kernel howto?  having trouble finding one, it seems I need to reroll for pae on this box.07:06
zirodaydigdeep: different people do different things. Note that converting ext3 to ext4 won't see all the speed benefits07:06
kbpzhanx: thanx alot it works! i point 2 foreign key to 1 key on other table...07:06
dtchenacoustyk: dist-upgrade or fresh install?07:06
ripps!equivalents | Flynsarmy07:07
ubottuFlynsarmy: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot07:07
acoustykI installed compiz to see how it would run and then seemingly uninstalled it and now sound doesnt work07:07
acoustykits a fresh install07:07
acoustykof Jaunty07:07
histodigdeep: I have a seperate home partition so I just blow out the / and all my files and settings aare still there.07:07
zhanxkbp sometimes the solution is in front of you along07:07
histo!home > digdeep07:07
ubottudigdeep, please see my private message07:07
dtchenacoustyk: it's probably just your volumes zeroed/muted07:07
histoacoustyk: what doesn't work?07:07
blbrown_winis this a common error:  "Server authorization directory (daemon/ServAuthDir) is set to /var/lib/gdm but is not owned by user 108 and group 113."07:07
pinionlosher: Still not working: http://pastebin.com/m1d2aec0907:08
losherdigdeep: if this is anything except a test box, I think you're mad to risk it for some imagined speedup. What, 10% at best?07:08
nyaais there a good tv tuner card to recommend for someone that wants to use xawtv?  or a place to look at how well certain cards work?07:08
acoustykwell they changed the volume controls07:08
acoustykso that was stupid07:08
acoustykbut still07:08
digdeepok, I guess I need to reinstall everything, which means lots of things to backup and reinstall.07:08
doleybnyaa: ask myth peoples.  like mythbuntu I suppose07:08
Polterge|stit still is acting like it is retrieving the updates from the net07:08
acoustykhow do I fully uninstall compiz?  It's effects are still being displayed07:08
subsumeinstall fails with abnormal exit of sbin/modprobe/. wtf?07:08
exodus_msYondering, http://kernelnewbies.org/   http://lxr.linux.no/07:09
digdeeplosher: I guess07:09
zhanxpinion, this sounds dumb, reinstall it then uninstall it07:09
histodigdeep: or you can just continue using ext3.  Or you can convert and just wait for the files to get re writen on their own updates etc...07:09
kbpzhanx: but what if i want 2 foreign keys of this table point at 1 key of the other table !? no solution07:09
ruseris it possible to boot off  extended partition?07:09
Yonderingexodus_ms, thanks!07:09
pinionzhanx: It won't let me07:09
digdeephisto: I agree07:09
h8redjaunty is badass07:09
rippsacoustyk: gconftool -s -t string /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/current /usr/bin/metacity && gconftool -s -t string /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default /usr/bin/metacity07:09
exodus_msYondering, np07:09
zhanxpinion what does apt-get autoremove get you?07:10
* Vague rebooting07:10
ruseris it possible to boot off  extended partition? how would i go about that?07:10
Polterge|st***k, oh well I am wanting to update the packages from the dvd07:10
Polterge|stI may just let this do its thing and sleep on this one07:11
pinionzhanx: http://pastebin.com/m2c698b8a07:11
losherpinion: time to pull out the big guns. open a terminal, cd to /var/cache/apt/archives. Do an ls of flashplugin*. Is there a deb file for it?07:11
histo!upgrade | Polterge|st07:11
ubottuPolterge|st: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading07:11
histoPolterge|st: that will have directions to do it from the dvd07:11
zhanxpinion and of course that dont work07:11
Polterge|stI think ziroday gave me the right command07:12
pinionlosher: yes07:12
Polterge|stit is just trying to use the internet connection to download the packages07:12
pinionlosher two it looks like07:12
acoustykcompiz effects are still being displayed after I uninstalled it via add/remove?07:12
pinionlosher: http://pastebin.com/m8dbc6e007:12
losherpinion: do a dpkg -c flashplugin-nonfree_10.0.22.87ubuntu2_i386.deb07:12
histolosher: pinion why not just run the -f07:13
rippsacoustyk: It might be that metacity is using it's built-in compositing effects, you turn them off in System->Preferences->Appearence07:13
zhanxhisto it faile07:13
pinionlosher: ok done07:13
Polterge|stthis second time I chose to upgrade using the network connection since it is going to do that anyway07:13
histozhanx: what failed?07:13
U-b-u-n-t-uI installed openbox then changed the session to openbox/gnome and it came back with an error and wont run openbox.... anyone else having openbox issues?07:13
Polterge|stat least this way maybe I won't have to install many updates until more are released07:13
pinionlosher: sorry, ok done: http://pastebin.com/m1c29550c07:14
losherhisto: I thought that had been tried?07:14
acoustykwhen I check my appearance options it merely says that compiz is not installed07:14
pinionhisto: I tried that and no joy07:14
wersif i make aliases on my .bashrc, what code do i run to enable them? do refresh something? :)07:14
histowers: you ahve to log out and back in for changes to take effect in your .bashrc07:15
wershisto, found it. i had to source .bashrc :D07:15
=== maden is now known as popeyz
rippsacoustyk: you should have a visual effects tab in Appearence. There should be three bullets there 1 = metacity, 2 = metacity w/ compositing, 3 = compiz07:15
ruserhisto:    you can source          it07:15
FlynsarmyCan trickle be used automatically on every program the user wishes to run without htem specifically needing to open that program with it? like alt+f2 firefox07:15
losherpinion: ok, there are only a handful of files in the package, none of them important. Please stand by07:16
historuser: source what?07:16
ruserhisto:  your bash  config07:16
defrysksource .bashrc07:16
pinionlosher: standing by..07:16
ruserwhat he said07:16
acoustykripps, are you talking about the (none, normal, extra) tab?  because thats blocked out with a message saying "compiz is not installed"07:17
hulohulo! I would like to move my / to a new partition. Is it a simply a matter of rsync -avx /old/ /new ?07:17
rippsacoustyk: the first two should never be greyed out.07:17
acoustykripps, lol then we have another problem07:17
Meson8925hulo, no07:17
Meson8925hulo, it you do that it won't boot07:18
U-b-u-n-t-uacoustyk mine is the same way I uninstalled compiz too07:18
histohulo: don't know if rsync will get everything.07:18
losherpinion: ok, it looks like the package status is kept in the file /var/lib/dpkg/status. Since nothing else has worked, I propose we edit this file by hand. If I'm wrong we might mess up your system completely and you'll have to reinstall. Let me know if you want to go ahead with this...07:18
acoustykand you still experience effects?07:18
Meson8925hulo, easiest way is to do a fresh install and copy the home over07:19
U-b-u-n-t-uacoustyk nope07:19
acoustykoh well I am07:19
acoustykand I dont know why07:19
U-b-u-n-t-uthats odd07:19
rippsacoustyk: maybe you should just reinstall compiz, apparently ubuntu likes having there, just for kicks07:19
pinionlosher: let's do it07:19
ubuntu_how can i utilise my 3rd mouse button?07:19
histoMeson8925: hulo there are ways of doing it rather than reinstalling.07:19
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acoustykripps, :in the process of reinstalling atm: im going to uninstall again and see if things change07:19
huloMeson8925: it's the whole root partition (i don't have any other partitions besides boot and swap)07:19
histohulo: is the other partition going to be bigger?07:20
hulohisto: same size07:20
histohulo: you can use dd07:20
rippsacoustyk: just install compiz and leave, ubuntu apparently wants it there07:20
hulohisto: not exactly same size07:20
hulohow come i always see rsync -av in backup scripts?07:20
acoustykripps, I dont want it though, metacity uses less resources and battery power07:20
hulothat means not everything is getting backed up07:21
histohulo: dd if=/path/to/old/partition of=/path/to/new/partition bs=[blocksize]07:21
pinionlosher: so what should I do?07:21
histohulo: I would go like 1k for the block size.07:21
blbrown_winI just installed jaunty and got a bit further.  I am now getting a blank screen and the keyboard doesn't respond.  I am assuming this is an X issue.  First, how do I get to the command line on startup and then how can I run that nvidia X config through the command line07:21
hulohisto: won't there be wasted space?07:21
ruseracoustyk:  what's the problem are you tirng to sssssssssssssssssolve?07:21
rippsacoustyk: I didn't say you had to use it, just keep it installed07:21
histohulo: the other option is to create a seperate home and move that.07:21
ruserwhops. keyboard bug07:21
Meson8925hulo, you might be able to do rysnc like this rsync --delete  --exclude /proc/ --exclude /tmp/ --exclude /mnt/ --exclude /mirror/ --exclude /etc/fstab/ --exclude /sys/ -ave 'ssh -p 3784' root@ /media/_/07:21
joe__lol whops07:21
losherpinion: first, lets back the file up:  "cp /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/lib/dpkg/status.bak"07:21
huloMeson8925: hm, that looks wrong07:22
pinionlosher: done07:22
viqaswould gpartd allow me to move a partition from one hard drive to another?07:22
acoustykruse, I installed compiz to check the effects then uninstalled it but the effects are still there (i.e. desktop cube, wobbly windows etc) I want the GUI to be the way it was before the installation07:22
histohulo: yeah because of /dev etc...07:22
Meson8925hulo, and if you do do rysnc that way you will have to change the uuid after you do it so it will boot... thats who you'd do it via ssh07:22
histohulo: hrm..07:22
rippsacoustyk: compiz is supposed to be installed by default07:22
izedhey! i want to install a fresh jaunty-system - is it possible to make a list of programms that i probably use & that 'apt' can use to install ??07:22
losherpinion: got a favourite editor? Most people use gedit..., so e.g. gedit /var/lib/dpkg/status07:22
acoustykah shit07:23
hulohisto, Meson8925: everything is done locally (no remote) I thought rsync -av was a catchall scenario, with -x excluding mounted parts07:23
viqasized,  dpkg -l would list all installed applications07:23
the_foolhey i'm trying to install eeebuntu basic and i ran into a problem on the usb menu when i tried to enter install eeebuntu i got a message labeled "Boot Loader" that says "/casper/vmlinuz" and all i could do was press ok and nothing happened has this happened to anyone else does anyone know how to fix it? thanks for your time any help greatly appreciated07:23
huloMeson8925: that exclude thing will be useful though07:23
acoustykI added the additional things in the add/remove manager then07:23
mobi-sheepCan somebody please assist me out with a problem I'm having?  A package that went b0rk on me... I'm trying to reconfigure it or fix it.  I can't purge it nor remove nor reinstall.  The package is mobloquer along with moblock and other dependency packages.07:23
acoustykhopefully I didnt do any damage when I uninstalled all compiz related things in synaptic07:23
rippsacoustyk: you could probably turn off all compositin effects right now by using 'metacity --replace'07:24
ized<viqas>  - wow thats what i need - thanks ^^07:24
TheDatais there a gui for trickle?07:24
histohulo: you can just use cp to do it /proc and stuff would get recreated on boot.07:24
pinionlosher: yep, that's what I use.  ok I'm in07:24
acoustykripps, that did it07:25
acoustykthank you muchly07:25
acoustyknow I have to restore compiz to its default state07:25
losherpinion: each package has a paragraph. Look for a line that says "Package: flashplugin-nonfree"07:25
ized<viqas> if i pipe the dpkg-l command into a file, how can i use it to install from?07:25
n0s0r0gHi all. Install 9.04 UMPC on asus eeepc 900. Glxgears = 18 fps. UNR work very slow.07:25
bliZZardzI am planning to upgrade from Hardy to Intrepid(and then to Jaunty) now. Online though. Is this recommended or a fresh install is preferable?07:25
histon0s0r0g: what kind of video card?07:25
pinionlosher: yep, Found it07:25
rippsacoustyk: remember to use the 'none' option in appearence->visual effects.07:25
ruserbliZZardz:  yyyyyyyyyyyyyyeah, tha'ts betteeeer07:25
ruseroh crap ttthat bug agian07:26
acoustykblizzardz I would recommend a fresh install it makes things easier07:26
bliZZardzruser: i know its better. but is the upgrade  SAFE?07:26
U-b-u-n-t-ucompiz is suppose to be installed why?07:26
viqasized,  it might not work out for you as it will install packages taht you dont need anymore.  my recommendation is just start clean and install as you go07:26
FlannelbliZZardz: Upgrading is safe, yes.07:26
bliZZardzacoustyk: what kind of problems i can encounter if i do an upgrade?07:26
viqasized,   i would backup your /etc for sure though.07:26
losherpinion: ok, cut the entire paragraph for flashplugin-nonfree, leaving just one blank line between the previous paragraph & the next...07:26
n0s0r0ghisto, Intel GMA 910 or 915.07:26
ized<viqas> hmm, ok - so i do ...07:27
bliZZardzFlannel: will u save me from the devil, if i am plunged into darkness?07:27
acoustykblizzardz, all in all there are just alot of things that can go wrong i guess. I did an upgrade back in the day from gutsy to hardy and i vowed not to do it again07:27
pinionlosher: ok, and save?07:27
rippsn0s0r0g: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance07:27
losherpinion: exactly, save & then exit07:27
pinionlosher: allrighty, done and done07:27
gralcoI need help making my sound playback to work in jaunty07:27
bliZZardzis Jaunty a LTS?07:28
losherpinion: just to double check, run "diff /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/lib/dpkg/status.bak"07:28
zhanxbliZZardz no07:28
FlannelbliZZardz: No.  Hardy is the most recent LTS (8.04)07:28
acoustykgralco, did you check your advanced volume options?  i just made a mistake with that earlier07:28
jubeIs 46 seconds from grub to login screen on Jaunty considered fast?07:28
bliZZardzFlannel: am waiting for your seal. Shall i click the upgrade button?07:28
pinionlosher: http://pastebin.com/m2a719aaa07:28
gralcoacoustyk check what in the advanced volume options07:28
bliZZardzjube: it takes 20sec on my Hardy.07:29
Meson8925jube, depends on the pc07:29
acoustykgralco, check to see if anything is muted and volume is up07:29
bliZZardzand also the s/w installed.07:29
zhanxbliZZardz, its up to you dont wait for someone else's seal, i did it only minor issues at most07:29
bliZZardzzhanx: what kind of issues?07:29
gralcoacoustyk no nothing is07:29
jube20 seconds.. wow. i'd like it to be that fast but maybe my computer is too slow... Celeron 2GHz07:29
bliZZardzzhanx: PM'ed you07:29
zhanxhad to reinstall a couple of programs to the new verisons07:30
bliZZardzzhanx: thats fine. data corruption wouldnt be a problem - right? if in the same partition?07:30
bliZZardzzhanx: ok.done. hope my weekend is not screwed! Amen.07:30
losherpinion: looks perfect. Now dpkg should have forgotten that flashplugin-nonfree ever existed. Lets try reinstalling it. "apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"07:30
pinionlosher: well it did something: http://pastebin.com/m18006ff007:32
virtk0sI'm having an extremely strange problem -- I can't type the letter x into an xterm... I just get a system beep07:32
pinionlosher: it seems to be allowing updates for other stuff I installed now, freenx and wine07:33
losherpinion: looks good. Now just be patient and let it complete. The servers are real slow right now...07:33
rz3abk_RUSHello people, i need help, no install ubuntu on vmware (ubuntu 9.04 )07:33
pinionlosher: should I do an apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade?07:33
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losherrz3abk_RUS: do a google search, someone mentioned this may be broken earlier tonight07:34
joe__more like apt-get dist-upgrade07:34
joe__it install recommended packages to07:34
bobbyyuHey guys, when I put my CD in one of my DVD drives, my WIndows mounts disappear and I can't access them through any Window. Is this a bug?07:34
bobbyyuOr is it a misconfiguration?07:34
losherpinion: remind me, what version of the OS are you running currently?07:35
pinionlosher: Jaunty07:35
vidyadharaI have a ubuntu 8.04 on thinkpad r51 with a cdwriter07:35
ruserbobbyyu: i never heard of a bug like that before07:35
vidyadharak3d will write a cdrw but nothing shows up in the disk07:35
vidyadharait shows blank each time07:35
pinionlosher: I was on 8.10 but upgraded, that's when I had the problems07:36
virtk0sI'm having an extremely strange problem on my new jaunty install: I can't type the letter x into an xterm... I just get a system beep. It works fine in gnome, but the same thing happens in gnome-terminal, so I'm guessing it's a tty thing07:36
Aeosynth_where can i find the source for the custom gnome menu?07:36
bobbyyuThere were no error messages to speak of, the mounts just disappear.07:36
pinionlosher: It seems like the flashplugin problem is gone now though, YOU ROCK!  Thanks for all the help!07:36
bobbyyuWell, it exists.07:36
losherpinion: then "apt-get update" followed by "apt-get upgrade" should bring you up to date. Upgrading doesn't seem to be as reliable as installing from scratch, but this is the first dpkg corruption I've ever had to fix.07:37
bobbyyuKnow anywhere I can find help besides here and the Ubuntuforum?07:37
ruserbobbyyu:  wwhat does  ddddddddddddddddmesg say?07:37
bobbyyuNo message07:37
bobbyyuThe mounts just disappear07:37
pinionlosher: I didn't think I'd ever get rid of that.  You have some awesome cli kungfu!07:37
ruserbobbyyu:  did you read what dmesg says?07:37
losherpinion: Glad to help. I love a challenge. Best of luck with 9.04...07:37
bobbyyuThere was no message07:37
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bobbyyuTHe mounts just disappear like a ghost07:38
vidyadharaI have another desktop that has a dvd writer and it does everything fine07:38
tacosarecoolI finally figured out why  I was lagging I didn't install that proprietary driver and it lags no more07:38
vidyadharaalso ubuntu 8.0407:38
ruserbobbyyu: could you please run dmesg for me and past the output onto nopaste or /we ppl use here in this channel?07:38
ruserafter the mount disappears07:38
bobbyyuIt's on 9.0407:38
virtk0sOkay, it only occurs when I have 'xset b off' in my .inputrc -- pretty odd07:38
tacosarecoolcongrats on toshiba laptop compatibility07:38
ruserbobbyyu:  do you understand what i am saying?07:38
bobbyyuWhat's a dmesg?07:38
tacosarecoolext4 is so fast!07:38
ruserbobbyyu: it's a command07:39
zhanxruser he doesnt07:39
bobbyyuInto the terminal?07:39
ruserzhanx:  i figgured after he asked what's a dmesg07:39
loshertacosarecool: Seriously, Like, have you timed it? How fast...?07:39
zhanxbobbyyu open a terminal and type dmesg then enter07:39
tacosarecoolpretty fast07:39
zhanxcopy the results here07:39
tacosarecoolit feels faster than ext307:39
ruserbobbyyu:  1) put in disk 2) if mount disappeared open terminal and 3) run the dmesg07:39
zhanx!nopaste > bobbyyu07:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nopaste07:39
ruserzhanx:  erm..  he has to use nopaster07:39
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:40
ruser!pastebin > bobbyyu07:40
ubottubobbyyu, please see my private message07:40
zhanxsorry hit enter ruser and didnt notice07:40
tacosarecoolwell I'll be in the kubuntu channel after kubuntu installs07:40
tacosarecoolI just did a fresh install07:41
bobbyyuruser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/157712/07:41
bobbyyuSorry, I'm a little slow07:41
l43a2im having trouble installing ubuntu its asking for a serial number07:41
icerootl43a2: i dont think it is07:41
l43a2yea it was a joke im bored :|07:41
Frostshockhow would one go about to debug why the mute button dosnt mute the mixer in ubuntu? (HP 2230s)07:41
virtk0sokay, solution seems to be to use 'set bell-style visible' or 'set bell-style none' depending on your preference07:42
losherl43a2: there are channels for that...07:42
pinionlosher: rebooted and flash is working like a charm, again YOU ROCK!  Thanks a bunch!07:42
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losherpinion: very cool. Time for bed. Quit while you're ahead....07:42
pinionlosher: yep, nite nite!07:43
Ciroshow do I change what workgroup I am in?07:43
bobbyyuruser: Asleep while reading that? I would be :)07:43
voxif im backing up my /, and have an exclude for /mnt, but have a link from /home/$user/$mount back to /mnt/$mount, is it still going to be excluded?07:44
bobbyyuCiros: use smb.cinf07:44
bobbyyusmb.conf *07:44
ruserbobbyyu:  put in CD,  if the mount disappareas  run dmesg, paste the result into pastebin and give me the link07:44
ruserno need to read it07:44
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bobbyyuruser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/157714/07:45
jubevox, are you using rsync to copy? do you want the links to be followed?07:46
ubuntu_how do i install a bin file?07:46
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voxubuntu_: ./$filename.bin07:46
bullgard4What is a 'transport' in man wodim: "CREDITS:  Chris P. Ross (cross@eng.us.uu.net):  For the first implementation of a BSDI SCSI transport."?07:46
voxjube: nah, just taring it to a mounted raidset07:47
vdvashelp me with dual boot win&ubuntu07:47
acoustykhey all, my workspace switcher in the bottom right corner isn't working and my mousewheel will not change workspaces when turned on the blank desktop.  I just uninstalled and reinstalled compiz and I don't know what is wrong07:47
rippsbobbyyu: libbrasero-media.so in nautilus is segfaulting...07:47
Bit_Breakeris anyone currently using Irrlicht on Ubuntu?07:47
ruserripps:  you think that's the reason mount disappears?07:47
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rippsruser: It probably has something to do with it.07:48
ruserripps:  possibly07:48
jackjohnsonIt hurts! I need help why I am banned from my fave offtopic channel and the help why i'm banned channel (-ops)! It just hurts!07:48
jubevox, ok, i'm not familiar with tar. i'm sure it allows you to have both functionality. i'll check the man page and see if i can find the answer.07:48
ruserjackjohnson: you are offtopic again07:48
rippsruser: I'm checking launchpad for similar bugs07:48
jackjohnsonbecause I have to this is my last resort07:48
losherbullgard4: it just means something which moves data around07:48
ruserripps:  thanks, i'm gonna try to fix my sys07:49
marko_dwhat is with the ati issue?07:49
acoustykmy workspace switcher in the bottom right corner isn't working and my mousewheel will not change workspaces when turned on the blank desktop.  I just uninstalled and reinstalled compiz and I don't know what is wrong07:49
jackjohnsonset desktop wall on or cube + rotate on!07:49
marko_ddoes it affects free drivers too?, i'm using mythbuntu07:49
nullbyteHello, I have 4 folders. dir1,dir2,dir3,dir. How can I zip them all at once, so it becames: dir1.tar.gz, dir2.tar.gz, dir3.tar.gz?07:49
jackjohnsonyou don't07:49
LeesyKatehello everyone!07:50
rusernullbyte: for i in * do; tar -cvf $i >gzip $i.tgz ; done07:50
LeesyKatehey henux!07:50
histo!hi | LeesyKate07:50
ubottuLeesyKate: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:50
nullbyteruser: thanks a lot :)07:50
rusernullbyte:  should do the trick let me check07:50
LeesyKateso anyway, i just want to say. i LOVE Jaunty :D07:50
nullbyteruser: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `tar' :(07:51
henuxi'm experiencing occasional 9.04 lockdowns -- it freezes07:51
LeesyKateif jaunty was a man, i would totally marry him.07:51
nullbytehenux: me too07:51
digitalchemist@nullbyte: tar czvf $i.tgz07:51
marko_danyway, does it affect all ati cards or just old one?07:51
Bit_Breakerok.. Does anyone use Irrlicht? http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/index.html07:51
rusernullbyte:  yeah  what digitalchemist  said :)07:51
bullgard4losher: Your wording is rather loose.07:51
jackjohnsonhow long do you think my ban will last07:51
digitalchemist@nullbyte: no ';' right after do07:51
henuxLeesyKate: i am a bit like Jaunty :P07:51
illmortalAnyone know if there's a webpage that shows any known issues with Ubuntu 9.04? I'd like to do a little research before I dip into Ubuntu 9.0407:51
ruserinsteado f the tar -cvf i forget things already :)07:51
LeesyKatehenux: lol xD07:51
henuxLeesyKate: i feel that we are similar07:51
marko_dillmortal: have an ati card?07:52
LeesyKatehenux: howso?07:52
loshervox: normally tar will store just the link, not the files they point to, unless you use --dereference. You should be able to check exactly what will be dumped by using '-v' instead of '-x'07:52
bobbyyuripps: You do know that I'm using 9.04, right?07:52
henuxLeesyKate: smooth and cool07:52
illmortalNope, I'm using strictly GTX260, marko_d07:52
LeesyKatefair enough.07:52
rippsbobbyyu: yes, you might want to file a bug report, because I'm not seeing anything similar07:52
ruserripps:  his IP is german.  maybe direct him to a localized channel?07:53
bobbyyuWhat, report to Launchpad and use the dmesg?07:53
MrEgg964Is it just me, or do you guys also find out Jaunty makes your laptop more silent?07:53
flyguy97noob question: someone sent me an email encrypted with their key, can someone please explain what this means.07:53
henuxLeesyKate: i wrote something nasty and i almost pressed the enter but i resisted XD07:53
rippsruser: I think this is a bug and it needs to be reported07:53
ruserripps:  agreed07:53
raddyHello Everybody07:53
jackjohnsonhad a failover07:53
illmortalAnyone know if there's any problems with Flash and Ubuntu 9.04?....07:53
raddyIs there any contact converter?07:53
ruserbobbyyu: yes, file a bug at launchpad,  provide the dmesg output there too07:54
Yonderingillmortal, working perfectly on mine.07:54
gigasofti can not open java, sh, ...file07:54
raddyThat is the major roadblock in migrating to linux07:54
Critenillmortal: if you do it wrong.. yes :)07:54
voxlosher: cheers, i couldnt remember if tar actually followed links implicitly or not07:54
illmortalThe non-free Flash, Yondering?07:54
bobbyyuOK. Thank you for your assistance, ripps and ruser.07:54
rippsbobbyyu: in the help menu in nautilus there should be an option that says 'Report a Problem', click that and follow the directions to file a bug report.07:54
digitalchemist@raddy: what kind of contacts?07:54
Critenillmortal: install the .deb off there website07:54
Yonderingillmortal, correct.  I downloaded the .deb from adobe.com.  I'm using the default 32-bit kernel atm, until I can figure out a a way around my PAE problem. ;)07:55
illmortalNice, Criten. Thank you :D07:55
gigasoftany help opening Java files?07:55
illmortalOh that's another thing, how about on a 64 bit OS?07:55
losherbullgard4: that's deliberate, since "transport" is meant to be a very general term, since SCSI (small computer systems interface) was a general mechanism for connecting peripherals of all kinds to computers, I don't know what else to tell you. The first cd recorders were all SCSI.07:55
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jackjohnsonJack sent a message07:55
rusernullbyte:  got it sorted?07:55
rizanama kamu siapa07:55
Critenillmortal: anytime, i havent tryed it on the 64 bit version... tell me how it goes07:56
Ciroslemme guess, in order for my smb.conf to be read now, I will have to reboot?07:56
gigasofti can not execute sh file, any help07:56
Critenriza: hello :)07:56
illmortaloh man.. I hope it works out =X07:56
digitalchemist@gigasoft: what are you trying?07:56
Yonderingillmortal, haven't tried the 64-bit version.  Yet.  I may be driven to do that yet, and I'm dreading it.07:56
Critengigasoft: open a terminal and ./fimename.sh07:56
rizahelo nama kamu sipa07:56
ubuntu_how do i install a .bin file?07:56
raddydigitalchemist: Windows Live Contacts07:56
gigasofti tried anything and it just wont to wprk07:57
digitalchemist@gigasoft: make sure the executable bit is set "chmod +x whatever.sh"07:57
gigasoftjust a sec07:57
Critenubuntu_: ./filename.bin07:57
digitalchemist@gigasoft: otherwise, you can probably use "sh whatever.sh"07:57
illmortallol Yondering. 16GB of RAM... I'd like to be able to have all of them while screwing around on Ubuntu :P07:57
Cirosbut make sure you have chmod +x whatever.bin07:57
Cirosanyway brb07:57
rizakenapa kamu hi07:57
jubeubuntu_, you may need to make it executable first 'chmod u+x filename.bin'07:57
ubuntu_Permission Denied??07:58
openpercept_ubuntu_: try with sudo07:58
Critenubuntu_: dp what jube said 'chmod u+x filename'07:58
nullbyteruser: for i in * do; tar -czvf $i >gzip $i.tgz ; done07:58
nullbyte gives me the same error07:58
ubuntu_yea i did no luck07:58
Yonderingillmortal, i'm on the same page.   PAE enabled would handle it no problem, but it's not enabled by default in the 32 bit kernel, and using the server kernel breaks my nvidia X server.07:58
Critenubuntu_: right click the file and go to properties07:58
Critenubuntu_: then premissions07:58
digitalchemist@nullbyte: for i in *; do tar -czvf $i.tgz; done07:58
jubeubuntu_u, is the file owned by your user?07:58
unitedpotsmokersguys... can we install jaunty jacklope without install hardy first?07:59
Critenunitedpotsmokers: yes07:59
Yonderingunitedpotsmokers, yes, just download the iso for jaunty.07:59
rizabay bay bay bay bay bya07:59
nullbytedigitalchemist: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `tar'07:59
gigasoftgigasoft@GigaSoftKDE:~$ sh '/media/disk/Temp/Oracle 11G/database/runInstaller.sh'07:59
gigasoftsh: Can't open /media/disk/Temp/Oracle 11G/database/runInstaller.sh07:59
rizaaku pergih ya07:59
nullbytedigitalchemist: oops wait07:59
clouder`grris there something like flashpaper or print to pdf, so that I can't test print without a physical printer?07:59
nullbytedigitalchemist: tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive08:00
jubecoulder, yes, you can print to PDF. it's built in08:00
jubeChange the printer to PDF08:00
rusernullbyte:  for i in *; do tar -czvf $i.tgz $i; done08:00
rusernullbyte:  that will work08:00
digitalchemist@nullbyte: sorry!  : for i in *; do tar -czvf $i.tgz $i; done08:00
ubuntu_thanks guys08:00
packergood morning08:01
losherdigitalchemist: I think you need a semicolon (or a newline) after the do08:01
gigasoftchmod -x /media/disk/Temp/Oracle 11G/database/runInstaller.sh08:01
gigasoftchmod: cannot access `/media/disk/Temp/Oracle': No such file or directory08:01
Critenubuntu_: anytime! and goodnight... im off to bed :9)08:01
gigasoftany help08:01
packercan anyone please help me w/ configuring my sound?08:01
unitedpotsmokersCriten, Yondering : now i am using 32bit version, if i download jaunty which better 32bit or 64bit? which popular & not have problem?08:01
nullbytedigitalchemist, ruser, thanks a lot :X:X: it works08:01
jubepacker, we will help if we can! :)08:01
digitalchemist@losher: the do should be followed by the command ... I just forgot the $i to actually say what we're tarring   :-D08:01
rippspacker: try here first: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html08:02
ruserdigitalchemist:  :)))08:02
Critenunitedpotsmokers: 64 bit, so ive herd, has some software issues of programs not being compatible08:02
losherdigitalchemist: :-)08:02
ruserCriten:  you can always use linux3208:02
Critenunitedpotsmokers: i just stick with 32bit and everything works fine :)08:02
ruserCriten:  under adm6408:02
Yonderingunitedpotsmokers, if you want easy and don't care about using your ram beyond 3.2gb currently, stick with 32-bit.08:02
Critenruser: Yupp08:02
happosadeHow to set clock from terminal08:02
gordonjcpunitedpotsmokers: for about 99.999% of uses, you want 32-bit08:02
ruserCriten:  i was running debian for long time under amd6408:02
happosadeMy set is back to 80's o/08:02
packerjube: when I installed ubuntu my sound card was wrongly configured, and now my mic doesnt work, I need to install the driver for my soud card (realtek ac97)08:02
rusergordonjcp:  lies08:02
bobbyyuI'll report the bug. Thank you ripps and thank you ruser. You helped a lot.08:02
tofu_logicdon't you need a compatible processor for ubuntu65?08:02
Critenruser: I see no real reason to08:03
DERBYSIEGER-icertofu_logic: you need08:03
packerI downloaded the driver but I dont know how to install it08:03
happosade!hello > me08:03
ubottuhapposade, please see my private message08:03
ruserCriten: there are advantages over extended register set, etc08:03
gordonjcpruser: oh, okay, 99.995% of uses then08:03
clouder`grrjube: thanks08:03
unitedpotsmokersCriten : thx my friend... OK now i;m using jaunty RC, i download jaunty iso before the final release. do i need to download jaunty final or i just need to update everyday?08:03
digitalchemist@happosade:  man date08:03
Critenruser: i am aware of that... but i don't have the need, and only 1gb of ram :)08:03
rusergordonjcp:  that's the ammount of software you not gonna have problems with under  adm6408:03
jason_oh, new to this xchat08:03
jubehapposade type: 'sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org'08:03
Critenunitedpotsmokers: you downloaded the beta?08:04
jason_so every ok? still breathing08:04
YonderingCriten, if you only have 1gb of ram, stick with 32 bit.  less headaches ftw.08:04
unitedpotsmokersCriten::> trye08:04
gigasoftdoes anybody know how can i run *08:04
unitedpotsmokersCriten::> true08:04
gordonjcpruser: funny, pretty near everything I use has *some* sort of problems on AMD6408:04
ripps!beta unitedpotsmokers08:04
gigasoft.sh file08:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:04
ripps!beta | unitedpotsmokers08:04
ubottuunitedpotsmokers: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.08:04
jubepacker, are you sure that it's not somthing simple like the mic being muted?08:04
rusergordonjcp:  maybe that's the state for ubuntu.  i'm a debian user08:04
jubeoften that is the problem08:04
jason_oh, haha too fast, how can I chat here?08:04
gigasoftdoes anybody know how can i run *.sh file ?08:04
happosadejube: Is that possible without sudo?08:04
ruserYondering:  i second that, for 1 gig08:04
CritenYondering: im not considering going with 64-bit ;)08:04
DERBYSIEGER-icergigasoft: ./our-sh-file.sh08:05
YonderingCriten, my bad. ;)08:05
gordonjcpruser: there's no difference between Ubuntu and Debian08:05
rusergigasoft:  you have several options, all in shell:   sh  file.sh08:05
DERBYSIEGER-icergigasoft: and make sure it is exetuable (chmod +x your-file)08:05
CritenYondering: no problem.08:05
rusergordonjcp:  haha. try asking for support in here. lol08:05
jubehapposade, i would guess you need sudo to set the time on the system because it would affect all users and the whole system08:05
gigasoftigasoft@GigaSoftKDE:~$ chmod -x /media/disk/Temp/Oracle 11G/database/runInstaller.sh08:05
gigasoftchmod: cannot access `/media/disk/Temp/Oracle': No such file or directory08:05
gigasoftchmod: cannot access `11G/database/runInstaller.sh': No such file or directory08:05
jason_and body here me. H-e-l-l-oooooooooooo08:05
FloodBot1gigasoft: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:05
tacosarecoolanyone wondering if it's safe to use ubuntu on your toshiba laptops yes it is ..)08:05
gordonjcpruser: Ubuntu has some shinier graphics, that's about the lot08:05
happosadeHow many GB ram ubuntu support?08:05
CritenOkay! goodnight everyone see you around!!08:05
rusergigasoft:  you have a space in file name08:05
gordonjcphapposade: how much have you got?08:05
digitalchemist@gigasoft: you'll need \ before the space08:05
Critenhapposade: as much as you want :P08:05
Yonderinghapposade, 32-bit supports 3.2gb by default.08:05
rusergigasoft:  you need to escape it08:05
happosadejube: Okay, need to mail to system admin08:05
packerjube: no I tryed that, and after dearching in forums I concluded that I need to install the driver realtek-linux-audiopack-4.06a08:06
unitedpotsmokersthx my friends... ok now my system is up to date.. but maybe i will download a final version later.. just for in case of system problem.. :) thx my friends..08:06
happosadeI got 8 gigs08:06
jubegigasoft, use 'sh filename.sh'08:06
DERBYSIEGER-icerhapposade: enough 32bit with pam support enough llike the 64bit version do08:06
rippsdamn... i've only got 512mb08:06
Critenunitedpotsmokers: anytime! thats what we are here for!! goodnight08:06
gigasoftok, i'll try08:06
gordonjcphapposade: *you* probably want 64-bit, unless you don't much care about using >3.2G08:06
tacosarecoolalmost safe but pretty good08:06
rusergigasoft:  just  do this to run the .sh file:  sh /media/disk/Temp/Oracle\ 11G/database/runInstaller.sh08:06
digitalchemist@gigasoft: igasoft@GigaSoftKDE:~$ chmod +x /media/disk/Temp/Oracle\ 11G/database/runInstaller.sh08:06
ruserdigitalchemist:  looks like it's a mount08:06
happosadegordonjcp: yap, I need it all for VirtualBox running couple other coputers.08:06
rusergordonjcp:  no really, there are lot of ubuntu level patches08:06
digitalchemist@ruser: ahh, so +x permissions might not exist?08:07
jubepacker, ok, that's out of my field of experience because i haven't done it before.08:07
natschilwhat is it in jaunty that the developers have changed to make it faster?08:07
axiajesus what did they do to KDE? It's nearly unusable08:07
ruserdigitalchemist:  if it's a Cd/dvd it's moutned read only :)08:07
rippsOkay, it's my bedtime, later everybody.08:07
gordonjcpaxia: KDE4?08:07
nnullanyone know where i can find a changelog/comparison between 8.10 and 9.04?08:07
packerjube: ok, thank you anyway08:07
digitalchemist@ruser: well, there's always that  :-D08:07
gordonjcpaxia: yeah, it's an elaborate hoax08:07
histonnull: right on the homepage08:08
gigasofti  understand thanks All :)))))))))))  !!08:08
histonnull: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/904features/08:08
mattgyverhow do you enable crtl+alt+backspace again in 9.04... i miss it08:08
nnullhisto where abouts mate, i been looking, i need a GREP plugin for firefox heh eyes arent too good08:08
rusergigasoft:  you cna alwasy press <TAB> key to autocomplete08:08
ubuntu_how can i reduce the size of ubuntu?08:08
nnullhisto: cheers08:08
ruserubuntu_:  what do you mean by reduce the size of ubuntu08:08
loshernatschil: supposedly a new kind of filesystem (ext4) is faster. At your own risk, IMO...08:08
gandalfcomeI need some help configuring my mobile broadband device under jaunty. It connects and gets an IP adress and it seems the routing table is okay but I still cant connect to the internet.08:09
histonnull: the http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90408:09
ruserlosher:  yep,  i've got my friend running it, runs faster08:09
ubuntu_well i kind of want it more minimalistic08:09
YonderingI just wish I knew a way around my problem with the server kernel. =/08:09
ruserubuntu_:  you don't want the bloat?08:09
mattgyvernatschil, ext4 filesytem greatly improves speed08:09
sn00p-Where are the h223 codec package in ubuntu?08:09
gordonjcpubuntu_: you could try xubuntu08:09
ruserubuntu_:  then  configure your apt not to instasll suggested and recommended packages08:09
ubuntu_i dont need email clients and games08:09
histoubuntu_: use the mini.iso pick your packages that you want.  You can start with a command line system.08:09
ubuntu_what is that?08:09
rusergordonjcp: that's not areally a solution :)08:09
losherruser: people say that, but no-one will quote any actual timings...08:09
bullgard4losher: Thank you for explaining.08:09
histo!msg ubottu  mini.iso08:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:09
histo!mini.iso | ubuntu_08:10
ubottuubuntu_: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:10
nnullthx histro08:10
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »08:10
histo!welcome | nnull08:10
ubottunnull: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.08:10
ruserlosher:  i trust my friend, we've both been linux power users for long time08:10
natschilmattgyver: is it only ext4? the problem with ext4 is that I can't upgrade from 8.10 as I currently use reiserfs, which is quite fast as well08:10
=== Torhal is now known as Torhal|Away
riohow to tell jaunty not to enable bluetooth on boot?08:10
ruserlosher:  pre  debian days :)08:10
ubuntu_thanks i will check that out08:10
histonatschil: you can upgrade from ext308:10
ruserubuntu_:  you can always select individually what you want to have installed08:11
natschilhisto: what about from reiserfs?08:11
sn00p-Where are the h223 codec for h223 in ubuntu?08:11
losherruser: then I would have thought s/he'd bother to run at least one comparison benchmark. Is it so much to ask?08:11
Flannelnatschil: There should be other things besides ext4 that increase the speed as well.08:11
natschilhisto: how?08:11
ruserlosher:  i'm actaully confident he did. he startd using it from early days, when there were couple of bugs, if you were to remove a 10gig file you could have lost the data08:12
natschilhisto: is there any way I can move from reiserfs to ext4?08:12
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:12
losherFlannel: people running ext3 (myself included) have remarked that 9.04 feels slightly slower than 8.X08:12
ruserlosher: i dind't ask for benchmarks from him, i trust his words.  maybe google?08:12
jubesn00p, did you check that codec page?08:12
=== sean is now known as Guest29191
defrysknatschil, backup and format08:12
cousin_luigiI installed kubuntu-desktop over a standard ubuntu-desktop installation; I uninstalled it but the startup splashscreen still shows 'kubuntu': how do I revert to the old one?08:12
losherruser: I'm just cranky. I need to eat something...08:13
ruserlosher: just don't go overweight ;)08:13
pipershai, how 2 unbuntu08:13
tmskeHi, I've just installed kubuntu jaunty in virtualbox and when I'm installing the guest additions, X doesn't show anymore, does someone know what the problem is?08:13
Kr0ntabsup Flannel08:13
ruserit's not healthy08:13
sn00p-Where are the h223 codec for h223 in ubuntu?08:13
losherruser: Too late. Never trust a skinny computer nerd anyway....08:13
pipersHOW 2 UNBUNTU, NOWWWWWW!!!!08:13
jubecousin_luigi, you can try "sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-artwork-usplash"08:14
cousin_luigijube: thanks08:14
jubecousin_luigi, i read that from here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96048&page=208:14
ruserhas anyone tried to /boot from  extended partition?08:15
cousin_luigiruser: a logical partition you mean?08:15
ubuntu_which do you guys recommend that will allow my browser to support flash08:15
cousin_luigiubuntu_: not opera08:15
rusercousin_luigi:  a logical under extended08:15
gdlestannwhat is the dvd version of kubuntu 9.0.4  for  ?08:15
cousin_luigiruser: it works flawless for me08:15
jubeubuntu_ what browser are you using? do you see a "install plugin" at the top when you view a page with flash?08:15
marko_dwill there be an ubuntu rebuild iso for ati?08:16
phaedragdlestann: languages....08:16
tacosarecoolkubuntu really is unusable I have ubuntu and kubuntu installed08:16
ubuntu_no it didnt appear08:16
losherruser: I haven't tried booting from an extended partition. Doesn't it depend partly on the bios?08:16
gdlestannphaedra: thats it????08:16
Yonderingokay, this is too much headache for me to deal with right now.   back to windoze, I'll try this again another time. =/08:16
tacosarecooland functionallity seem to of broke08:16
jubeYondering, what's the issue?08:16
thehumphI'm not able to post on the ubuntu forums even though I am logged in ok. I never received any kind of activation e-mail - should I have?08:17
rusercousin_luigi:  mmm. how do install grub on it?  i'm under knoppix right now. I guess   grub-install --root-directory=DIR08:17
protowoxhi jube08:17
protowoxhi humph08:17
ruserlosher:  i never tried it, hence want to find out :)08:17
phaedragdlestann: that's about it :) it's so you can install the other langs without dling them.08:17
protowoxhi ruser08:17
jubeprotowox, hello08:17
cousin_luigiruser: I'd use the traditional installer08:17
protowoxhi phaedra08:17
cousin_luigiruser: from livecd08:17
rusercousin_luigi:  being?08:17
phaedraprotowox: hi :)08:17
cousin_luigiruser: ubuntu-live ?08:17
gdlestannphaedra: thanks08:17
Yonderingjube, I'd prefer not to use 64-bit, but I'd like to use all of my ram.  Using the server kernel breaks my nvidia X server, though.08:17
rusercousin_luigi:  i don't have  any spare media.  and i'm converting my debian install to ubuntu08:17
dlozariehi guys! need some help, I'm trying to give some unallocated hard drive space to my ubuntu partition. I've only 6gb left on it08:17
phaedragdlestann: yw08:17
protowoxhi indus08:17
tacosarecoolso yeah08:17
rusercousin_luigi:  while doing some maintanenace work  on my partitions08:17
protowoxhi taco08:18
cousin_luigiruser: sorry, but it sounds like a recipe for a big headache: I would start from scratch08:18
jubeYondering, why do you prefer not to use the 64-bit version?08:18
indusi tried to get old update notifier icon back in jaunty but i dont see any updates stil08:18
protowoxphaedra whazupp08:18
ubottuSaying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail.08:18
rusercousin_luigi:  well,  excatly what i'd like to do, but cause i dont' have any boot meadia, and i want to keep my  /08:18
dlozarietook a screencap of my gparted window http://i41.tinypic.com/5a32h.jpg08:19
jubeindux, i think there has only been a firefox update and if you've already installed that no updates pending yet08:19
Yonderingjube, commercial/third party apps can be a problem from my experience with past releases, even with the 32-bit libs.08:19
phaedraprotowox: not much. looking to see if there are any probs with 9.04 going on.08:19
Guest29191Does anybody know why the 3D chat program, Roomancer by Moove, closes after starting up with Wine?08:19
mobi-sheepCan somebody please assist me out with a problem I'm having?  A package that went b0rk on me... I'm trying to reconfigure it or fix it.  I can't purge it nor remove nor reinstall.  The package is mobloquer along with moblock and other dependency packages.  I do not know what I should be doing now.08:19
cousin_luigiruser: can't you postpone until you do?08:19
dlozarieis there any way for me to give that unallocated 4gib of space to /dev/sda5?08:19
rusercousin_luigi:  not gonna get it any time soon, so no point08:19
jubeYondering, I have a really old computer so not sure. but you might want to retry it. I read on the forums that it works well now even with flash and skype08:19
jubehow much ram do you have?08:19
digitalchemist@mobi-sheep: try with -f ?08:20
Yonderingjube, hmmm.   Maybe I'll download the iso and give it another shot.08:20
cousin_luigiruser: what kind of machine is that?08:20
mobi-sheepdigitalchemist: Okay.08:20
indusupdate manager icon help needed08:20
rusercousin_luigi:  laptop, amd64, want more details?08:20
izedhey! which is the recommented fs-type for a fresh jaunty-installation (ext3/4) ???08:20
mobi-sheepdigitalchemist: I think I did awhile ago when the message displayed that.08:20
indusnotifier help that is08:20
cousin_luigiruser: without optical reader?08:20
Yonderingjube, just seems like it'd be less of a hassle if they had PAE enabled by default.08:20
rusercousin_luigi:  with but i don't have spare media :)08:21
Torturedis there anyway to strip hardcoded subs out of a dvd rip?08:21
jubeYondering, what is PAE?08:21
digitalchemist@mobi-sheep: what kind of error message are you getting? ... and what is the command you're running?08:21
Yonderingjube, physical address extension.  It's how the server kernel enables memory beyond 3.2gb.08:21
zirodayized: ext4 is faster, ext3 is more reliable08:21
jubeYondering, how much ram do you have?08:21
Yonderingjube, 8gb currently in this box.08:21
rusercousin_luigi:  anyhow that's not the point. i still need to make my boot larger08:21
rusercousin_luigi:  and  traditional resizing not wokring out for me08:22
cousin_luigiruser: err...I had to install debian via network on headless servers a few times, but it doesn't seem appropriate in your case08:22
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:22
rusercousin_luigi:  i wont' be able to PXE anyhow08:22
ized<ziroday> : ok - & can i use it in combination with a seperate ext3-home partition?08:22
rusercousin_luigi:  i've done a lot of randome things in my life :)08:22
Guest10431izad: yes you can. i've tried it with jaunty, i have my / in ext and /home in ext408:23
zirodayized: yes, you can have a ext3 home partition and an ext4 rest partition08:23
=== Guest10431 is now known as Salajadin
dlozariecan anyone help me? I need to give 4gb of unallocated space to my ubuntu partition. see gparted screenshot - http://i41.tinypic.com/5a32h.jpg08:23
ized<ziroday> , <Guest10431>: super - thanks08:24
gdlestannok I"m going to bed,  spent too much time chasing down silly gremlins,   good night / morning all08:24
Guest29191Does anybody know why the 3D chat program, Roomancer by Moove, closes after starting up with Wine?08:24
ruserGuest29191:  i suggest get out and pick up some ladies :)08:24
Guest29191I'm actually waiting for the right one, thanks.08:25
zirodayGuest29191: #winehq will probably be able to help better08:25
pipershey , roomancer IS my lady08:25
zirodayruser: not necessary08:25
n0s0r0gCD Check of ubuntu-umpc flash said: "error in 1 file". I tried twice. MD5SUM of image is correct.08:25
Guest29191Pipers, You know it's a 3d chat program, right?08:25
ruserso. cousin_luigi, any ideas on the  grub-install?08:25
jubeYondering, 8G!wow. well, if you do have the time, maybe try the 64 bit version of jaunty live cd and see if the things you need work now properly08:26
Salajadinn0s0r0g: corrupt image? try downloading a new one08:26
Yonderingdlozarie, you're going to need to boot from a linux cd and use gparted from that to do this, so you can leave /dev/sda5 unmounted for the operations.08:26
n0s0r0gSalajadin, md5sum is correct!08:26
MilosDoes anyone here have a PE6650 box?08:26
Salajadineventhough md5 cheksum is correct08:26
loshermobi-sheep: I fixed one of these earlier tonight. I think /var/lib/dpkg/status gets corrupted. You should be able to edit this file by hand and remove the entry for the offending programs. This should allow you to reinstall it.08:26
dlozarieYondering, ah, I see. I'm running Jaunty right now but I have a live CD of Hardy Heron with me. would that work or would I need a Jaunty live CD?08:26
chervaanyone knowing how to fix the no sound problem with amarok 2 ?08:27
n0s0r0gSalajadin, try on 2 different flash drives08:27
zirodaycherva: ask in #kubuntu08:27
mobi-sheeplosher: Thanks.  I'll look into the file.08:27
Salajadinbut still the same image right>08:27
Yonderingdlozarie, your hardy disk should work fine, but if I were you I'd download a gparted livecd and use that.   The hardy disk image has a rather old release of gparted on it.08:27
Salajadintry downloading a new one or from another source?08:27
histonatschil: yes google has some examples08:27
switch10anyone have any good themes?08:27
Salajadinmd5checksum is for file verification08:27
zirodayswitch10: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic08:27
dlozarieYondering, OK. Will try to download the gparted live cd. thanks for the help!08:28
sn00p-anybody know of a encoder for ubuntu that does h263?08:28
Yonderingdlozarie, np, good luck.08:28
natschilhisto: for what? reiserfs -> ext4 or ext3->ext408:28
zirodaysn00p-: ffmpeg or mencoder?08:28
sn00p-ziroday, i'm looking for the codec acutally08:28
dlozarieYondering, how about Gparted on USB?08:28
zirodaysn00p-: what container/file format?08:28
chervaziroday: I'm using ubuntu and if I ask in #kubuntu they may not have my problem because they have a package i miss allready preinstalled08:29
Yonderingdlozarie, a bootable usb image from the gparted page?  that'll be fine.08:29
n0s0r0gSalajadin, somebody in #ubuntu-ru channel has the same problem.08:29
Salajadinmd5 is like a files fingerprint to identify it's authenticity, even if it has gangreen it will still have the same identity08:29
zirodaysn00p-: you can try install ubuntu-restricted-extras, that will get the lot08:30
Salajadinor something like that08:30
zirodaycherva: you shouldn't have08:30
johnfluxHey all08:30
gralcosomeone please help me get alsa working in jaunty08:30
johnfluxUpgrading to 9.04 broke my ndiswrapper, so I dont have an internet connection any more :-/08:30
Yonderingdlozarie, but from looking at this, the operations you want to perform on your drive.. move /dev/sda2 to the end, extend /dev/sda3 to encompass the free space, move your swap partition, and then extend /dev/sda5.  Plan on it taking quite a while to complete.08:31
Salajadintry downloading a new image if that doesnt work then i dont know ^^08:31
johnfluxis there any way to get ndiswrapper working again in 9.04?08:31
MadBoogiesdoes this dvdplayback bug have a solution at this time?  I am finding lots of bug and forum post but no solution.   any ideas?08:31
dlozarieYondering, got it. thanks again08:31
zirodayjohnflux: does lsmod | grep ndiswrapper show ndiswrapper loaded?08:31
zirodayjohnflux: also what wireless card?08:31
johnfluxziroday: I have to run upstairs and down again to check, what with connection broken ..   It's a strange atheros card (I bought it in Japan)08:32
mattgyverdoes anyone know how to make a connection to an Adhoc network using ubuntu?  I can see my connection, however it hangs on connection, other machines connect.08:32
mwa1folks, I am unable to checkout some file using svn client. I am getting the following error svn: REPORT request failed on '/repository/webkit/!svn/vcc/default'08:32
mwa1svn: REPORT of '/repository/webkit/!svn/vcc/default': 400 Bad Request (http://svn.webkit.org)08:32
ruserokay, let's see if my setup worked08:32
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techouseany idea why "mysql -v" works without sudo in ubuntu and requires sudo in debian?08:33
mwa1dows any one know how to configure svn client08:33
zirodayjohnflux: hmm, then you might be in luck and not need to use ndiswrapper anymore. You can get the model number with lspci | grep -i networking08:33
ychoucha_good morning people :)08:33
zirodayjohnflux: but I will need lsmod | grep ndiswrapper as well08:33
Salajadintechouse maybe the package for mysql -v is located on a different directory in ubuntu and debian08:33
prometoyshi, where does update-manager save a log about the upgrade-process (to jaunty)08:33
techouseSalajadin: nop08:33
techouse/usr/bin both08:34
zirodayjohnflux: also this will be easier if you can plug your machine into ethernet or something similar08:34
jubetechouse, maybe you have a user with the same name in ubuntu, but on debian the mysql user is root?08:34
Salajadinyep that's prolly it or08:34
Salajadinyou are in a root terminal?08:34
shadeslayerhi my fp reader is locked by an uknown app,how do i free it?08:34
techousewait...i'll try08:35
C-S-BI've tried pretty much anything and cannot get jaunty flash plugin not to freeze firefox when going to another page08:35
zirodayshadeslayer: stop the app08:35
nascentmindhi. in ubuntu 9.04 when i click on taskbar it takes some time to register the click. why is that? i am using kde.08:35
shadeslayerziroday: cant see it08:35
Salajadinif you are in root terminal then you dont need sudo08:35
zirodaynascentmind: #kubuntu is probably best08:35
Salajadinit is the sudo terminal08:35
C-S-BIs there anyone that can help get flash to work properly08:36
shadeslayerits probably a background process08:36
jubeC-S-B, which flash plugin are you using?08:36
shadeslayerziroday: tf-tool --acquire says it could not claim the device08:36
Salajadinsudo apt-get flashplugin-nonfree?08:36
nascentmindziroday, ok08:36
zirodayshadeslayer: try prepend sudo08:36
C-S-BI've tried from the adobe site, the flashplugin-nonfree and the adobe-flashplugin -installed manually and by package08:36
shadeslayerziroday: same thind08:36
Someone212Im using 9.04, with a Nvidia 7600GT PCIEx video card, hooked to it is a Sony FW900 CRT that does not provide EDID info.  My problem is that I cannot get the correct resolutions to appear in either nvidia-settings or Prefs-Display; despite adding modlines and the modes to xorg.conf  anyone have any suggestions?08:36
zirodayshadeslayer: then I don't know :)08:37
Salajadinhave you tried a restart?08:37
olskolirchas anyone ever got gmail working in evolution please?08:37
olskolirci need server addresses08:37
shadeslayeralso my numpad is not working08:37
C-S-Bjube: ^ sorry did prefix with ame08:37
Salajadinjust need to set pop3 and smtp08:37
johnfluxziroday: ndiswrapper was not loaded08:37
johnfluxziroday: I tried loading it manually (modprobe)  but iwconfig etc dont show any change08:38
jubeC-S-B, I just went to youtube in firefox, it told me missing plugins, then I chose the shockwave adobe plugin and it worked... sorry this is probably no help08:38
Salajadinhave you tried modprobing ndiswrapper?08:38
digitalchemist@olskolirc: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=7879908:38
jubeOlskolirc, yes I have gmail in evolution. I use IMAP so that I can keep everything the same between my local copy and gmail08:39
johnfluxziroday: Its an atheros AR241308:39
BilokShemI cant update from 8.10 to 9.04 due to disk space, what should i do08:39
johnfluxSalajadin: me?08:39
jubeOlskolirc, you have to first enable IMAP (or POP3) in gmail before anything will work08:40
johnfluxbillybigrigger: delete some files? :-)   Or do a fresh install?08:40
shadeslayerif there is no option i might as well ruin my uptime and restart08:40
jubein GMAIL, go to Settings -> "Forwarding and POP3/IMAP"08:41
BePhantomhi all, i have a question. Is there an easy way to update brasero in 8.10 to 2.26?08:41
daftykinsobtain the .deb and install it BePhantom08:42
chocolattim trying to install ubuntu on a toshiba satelite A215 and everytime I get pass the language screen, i drop into busybox, can anyone help me?08:42
izedhow can i bind in a seperate hdd as /home into a new jaunty-installation without deleting the files on it???08:42
darthanubisBePhantom, www.getdeb.com08:42
Someone212anyone know how to get the NVidia driver to bypass all its video mode checks and just use the modes specified in xorg.conf?08:42
jubeized, you need to set a mount point in fstab for the new /home08:43
BePhantomdarthanubis, checking08:43
darthanubischocolatt, sounsd like some kind of hardware issue08:43
darthanubisBePhantom, search for if they have a PPA08:43
ized<jube>: can i use a gui for it?08:43
BePhantomdarthanubis, in getdeb?08:43
chocolattdarthanubis: well the computer works, i have vista currently installed... it's just ubuntu doesn't want to get passed that...08:43
jubeized, a quick google search found this article about doing it: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/08:43
darthanubisBePhantom, enable proposed and backports in synaptic08:44
ljuwaidahwhat packages do I need to remove to completely remove openjdk?08:44
darthanubisBePhantom, 1st google hit http://www.getdeb.net/08:44
jubeized, might be a way to do it with a gui, but it's a little bit complicated and could prevent you from logging in if you do it wrong so best research it carefully first08:44
chocolattso anyone know a way to maybe increase my compatibility so I can install ubuntu on my laptop?08:44
DERBYSIEGER-icerljuwaidah: sudo apt-get remove openjdk-*08:45
BePhantomdarthanubis, ok backports and proposed activated08:45
ljuwaidahthanks DERBYSIEGER-icer08:45
darthanubischocolatt, I had similar issues, only to find out it was a BIOS setting08:45
ized<jube>: ok - thank you :)08:45
shadeslayerok bye08:45
jackjohnsonmy last channel resort b4 i go to spotchat pimpmymint08:45
ljuwaidahI didn't know you can use * with apt-get08:45
chocolattdarthanubis: what bios setting? what laptop model?08:45
DERBYSIEGER-icerljuwaidah: np08:45
mattgyverhow can i suspend a machine from command line/08:46
darthanubischocolatt, its a desktop. I'm not sure the setting I reset the bios. I think it was APIC something I enabled in Windows nforce bios settings on a 680i board.08:46
ljuwaidahlater :)08:47
chocolattdarthanubis: okay yeah, should I put the boot mode in noapic or something like that?08:47
darthanubischocolatt, can't hurt to try08:47
jubemattgyver, did you try 'suspend' ?08:47
mattgyver... nope...08:47
mattgyverseemed too easy08:48
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newbieindonesiaHello World08:48
jubesuspend doesn't work on my computer (it won't come out of it) so I didn't try it but maybe you can and it will work08:48
BePhantomdarthanubis, is it safe to install proposed and backports?08:48
chocolattdarthanubis: when running the boot in verbose mode, it drops into busybox when it's trying to load drivers for my r8169 gigabit ethernet card08:48
mattgyvernope, didnt come out08:49
darthanubisBePhantom, I use them for what it's worth. But there should be a pop up telling you the details08:49
darthanubischocolatt, , that sucks08:49
jubemattgyver, does suspend from the upper right hand menu work properly?08:49
chocolattdarthanubis: is that nic known to be incompatible?08:50
mattgyveryeah it does, im just testing a program08:50
jubemattgyver, try "pm-suspend" instead...08:50
darthanubischocolatt, I have no idea. Worth a gogle to check the ubuntu hcl?08:50
BmanCan someone explain me on how to install Sopcast on Ubuntu?08:51
mattgyverjube, that did the job, thanks :)08:51
chocolattdarthanubis: mm i'm googling, but i don't see anything with my kind of symptoms... im going to try noapic08:51
BePhantomdarthanubis, thanks, installing now08:51
jubemattgyver: ok, good.08:51
jubeno prob08:51
darthanubisBePhantom, np08:52
mattgyvermouse doesnt come back to life though after waking08:52
newbieindonesiahello world08:52
jubemattgyver, hmm... when you run that command, did you put sudo in front? (I'm not sure if it's required but maybe it is)08:53
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BmanAnd other prob: I first installed Ubuntu using daemon tools( what i shouldn't have done) so it crashed, I couldn't start Vista anymore, or Ubuntu) Then i burned the Live CD and installed Ubuntu. Any idea how te recover Vista? Because using the Vista installation CD and using repair doesn't work08:53
mattgyverjube, yes08:53
mattgyverill try one more time.  just to make certain08:53
jubemattgyver, there seem to be a lot of parameters for that command, maybe try: "sudo pm-suspend --auto-quirks"08:54
jubemattgyver, that will try to fix any specific issues with your particular hardware08:54
mattgyverill try that08:55
ranchahello how do we know if we are hacked08:55
jubemattgyver, also, there is another command, "sudo s2ram"08:55
jubethat one might work as well08:55
mattgyverokay, ill try that after --auto-quirks08:55
LopinSo, what's the story with Users that have older ATI cards and require more performance than what the open source drivers can provide?08:55
BmanI first installed Ubuntu using daemon tools( what i shouldn't have done) so it crashed, I couldn't start Vista anymore, or Ubuntu) Then i burned the Live CD and installed Ubuntu. Any idea how te recover Vista? Because using the Vista installation CD and using repair doesn't work08:55
mattgyverthank god ext4 reboots fast!08:56
ranchabecause my computer is changing subnet  mask by iteslf so i am afraid i am being hacked08:56
raddyHello Everybody08:56
LopinDoes anyone know what is going on with the ATI drivers?08:56
ranchai am on ubuntu this os is new to me how to make sure of security on ubuntu. i think i am being hacked08:57
raddyHow installing nVidia Proprietary Driver in ubuntu this much painless?08:57
mattgyverstill no mouse w/quirks08:57
chocolattdarthanubis: okay, i disabled my onboard lan (under bios) and now it says: begin: mounting root file system... [5.203613]ohci1394 blah blah blah blah blah blah Max Packet=[2048] IR/IT contexts=[4/8]08:57
ranchalopin i think something is going on with all drivers not just ati08:57
Bmannoone can help??08:57
raddyAre they installing gcc, make etc and kernel source by default?08:57
Lopinrancha I know that the old ATI cards are no longer officially supported...08:57
chocolattBman: keep asking, hopefully someone will see the question, it's dday+1 afterall, lots of questions :D08:58
mattgyverBman, did you get past partitioning before you crashed?08:58
LopinAnd, by old, I mean anything that I can actually afford...08:58
lazermouseOn my new Jaunty system, there's this new feature "System Testing". It dosen't work. It just comes up opening System Testing and closes.08:58
mattgyver...ill try s2ram now08:58
lazermouseHow do I get it to work08:58
aqhei sobat how are you08:58
jubemattgyver, ok. hope it works08:58
raddyCan anybody shed some light?08:58
cih997hi, can I somehow enable tabs for groups in buddy list in pidgin 2.5.5?08:58
crdlbLopin: the answer is hardy ... :/ there's nothing ubuntu can do08:58
wkerzendHow do I share my mobile internet in jaunty?08:59
Yonderingraddy, what?08:59
lazermousewkerzend: you need a routor08:59
Salajadinraddy if theyre not installed then try doing build-essentials08:59
Bmanmattgyver, yes, but problem is that doesn't mean my HDD was formatted, because I got two HDD and I got no idea on which I installed Ubuntu because at that moment I didn't know what sda and sdb was.. I was working with C: and D: all my life so.. When i go to places, Ubuntu only sees one HDD,not the other one, but I can't open it...08:59
lazermouseIf you are wid three, go to three.co.uk and have a look08:59
wkerzendlazermouse: no i dont. Im sure ubuntu does nat.08:59
lazermousewell, do you have a wireless adapter?09:00
raddySalajadin: Yondering: is build-requires and kernel source installed by default. nvidia driver installation was so smooth :)09:00
raddyinspite of lack of internet access09:00
raddySalajadin: then?09:00
cih997lazermouse: thx09:00
mattgyverbman, more than likely sdb is your d drive, is that what you installed ubuntu to09:00
Yonderingraddy, no, I don't believe they are.  Yeah, the nvidia X server install is pretty sweet now.  Just wish it'd work with the gd server kernel. ;)09:00
lazermouseyour very welcome :)09:01
Salajadininstall build-essentials09:01
Salajadinyou need gcc right?09:01
Salajadinand other make stuff09:01
lazermousei mean you're very welcome :D09:01
jubemattgyver, if that doesn't work, you can try, "sudo /etc/acpi/sleep.sh" (there seems to be so many different ways of doing this!)09:01
mattgyverjube, im amazed.09:01
Bmanmattgyver, I don't know, it was 6 o' clock in the morning.. I really was stupid09:01
ravenhi - i am using EVOLUTION... the problem is WHITE TEXT on WHITE GROUND - how can i change it in evolution itself? - tnx09:02
mattgyverits curious that my mouse doesnt come back to life09:02
johnfluxIf I use 2.8.18 it has the ath5k driver which seems to recongise my AR2413 card - I see it in iwconfig etc, but I cant connect to any network09:02
jubemattgyver, is it a USB mouse?09:02
raddySalajadin: I didn't do anything, the nvidia driver built kernel module fine. i didn't even had network access for downloading those packages09:02
lazermouseNo offensie to the ubuntu community, but I don't like that new feature Computer Janitor09:02
Salajadinmaybe it accidentally ate mouse poison09:02
mattgyverNope, its a laptop touchpad mouse09:02
lazermouseit removed a lot of my stuff09:02
mattgyverbman, the only thing i can think of doing is running a live cd of gparted and taking a look at your partitions to see whats left09:02
johnfluxlazermouse: it cant be disabled?09:02
espereguhow to get flash again after upgrading to 9.04 ?09:02
lazermouseit can09:02
mattgyverthen you can better determine where to go from there.09:02
lazermousei think09:02
lazermouseI havent got my head round it yet09:03
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lazermouseand when i upgraded, I think it might have removed some of my packages as well09:03
Bmanmattgyver, no idea what gparted is but i'll have a look on the net and report to you later allright^^ thanks mate09:03
mattgyverbman, check sourceforge, its just a partitoning tool09:04
jubemattgyver, did "sudo /etc/acpi/sleep.sh" have the same mouse doesn't come back problem?09:04
Smegzor1My ubuntu 9.04 constantly wants to do a partial upgrade.  Running the partial upgrade doesn't get rid of it.  What now?09:04
lazermouseone new feature I do like however is the notification erea.09:04
lazermouseIt is sleek and clean09:04
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djayhoganIs there any way to enable the old 'lock screen on disconnect' function from remote desktop?09:05
mattgyverjube, im testing s2ram, i had to install something first09:05
lazermousedoes Jaunty have a new improved network manager?09:05
jubeoh ok. good luck!09:05
mattgyvers2ram same thing ';\09:06
mattgyvertime for sleep.sh09:06
mattgyverI wonder why there are so many ways....09:06
mattgyverthis is crazy..09:06
jubemattgyver, there's probably some parameter that we're missing for your mouse that if we figured out, they'd all work09:06
mattgyverlazermouse, the UI is a little different, but other than that, no09:06
mattgyveryour probably right09:06
lazermousetut tut09:07
mattgyverlazermouse, i lied, they are the same09:07
mattgyveri was thinking of something else09:07
lazermouseeven more tut tut :D09:07
lazermouseIt's just i failed in getting my friend to change to ubuntu09:08
lazermouseit was the network manager09:08
mattgyverjube, sleep.sh didnt even suspend the computer09:08
jackjohnsonis it safe to upgrade Ubuntu in Wubi from Generation 9 to Generation 10 (2008.10 to 2009.04)09:08
matholumok... i am back everyone. I tried it with jaunty now and still got the "kernel panic - can't mount root fs on unknown block" error... again, it is a dell dimension 6400i with a 2.6GHz P409:08
jackjohnsonreply in pm please09:09
jubemattgyver, hmmm... i'm basically out of ideas. i'm trying to figure out what the gnome suspend button does because you said that works.. but having trouble figuring out what that button is linked to09:09
mattgyverjube, let me double check that one..09:10
* jackjohnson sucks balls - not!09:10
raddyHello Everybody09:10
lazermouseand here is something weird. When I go to the grub bootloader (I also have vista installed in seperste partition) after loading... please wait, it comes up with "FATEL" errors09:10
icqn!info gnuplot09:10
ubottugnuplot (source: gnuplot): A command-line driven interactive plotting program. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2.4-6 (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB09:10
raddyI am using New-Wave theme in ubunu09:10
jackjohnsoni am banned from -ops and why am i banned from offtopic09:10
mattgyverjube, even behaves different, asks me to log back in after a suspend from that.. i like!09:10
Bmanmattgyver, i'm on the sourceforge site now. Can i download to live cd and start it from my pc? Like normally i could have installed Ubuntu withouth burning the live CD to a disk by using wubi.. I can burn it, but have to change pc's and stuff...09:10
raddyMenu entries are hardly visible in OOo :(09:11
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading09:11
mattgyverjube, ... no mouse go figure.09:11
raddyIs this issue raised?09:11
mattgyverbman, are you already on the machine with ubuntu?09:11
mattgyveror is this a different machine?09:11
lazermousejackjohnson: I may not be an opp, but I do however know that you should NOT discuss bans in the main channel09:11
lazermouseor in offtopic09:11
johnfluxlazermouse: bans are offtopic for offtopic? :-D09:12
lazermouseyep, lol :D09:12
matholumdoes anyone know what the 'can't mount root fs on unknown block' means? I keep getting it, and I know it can't be the disk as it has happened on a ton of them and all different versions (i have tried 7.10, 8.04, 8.10, 9.04)09:12
raddyOOo Menus are not viewable when New-Wave theme used09:12
Bmanmattgyver,  yes09:12
lazermouseif you want to discuss bans, go to #ubuntu-ops , and discuss it there09:12
raddyAnybody noticed it?09:12
jubemattgyver, that's too bad still no mouse. there are some log files you might want to check: /var/log/pm-suspend.log... maybe something about why the mouse fails in there?09:12
Bmanmattgyver, using sort of XChat right now as irc client ^^09:13
johnfluxlazermouse: didnt he just say he was banned from there09:13
mattgyverbman, your on the machine right?09:13
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lazermousedid he... oh yea09:13
mattgyverjube, looks like its a known bug since 7.10 though09:13
Bmanmattgyver, yes09:13
raddyAnybody listening to me??/09:13
Smegzor1how do I run a partial upgrade from the command line?  the gui upgrader just quits with no feedback.09:13
mattgyverjube, Oh, i thought it was different.  Open System>Administration>partition editor09:14
jubemattgyver, yeah i saw people having this problem too with no solution... but the difference is your computer suspends properly from the gnome menu so it SHOULD work from command line too if you use the same command09:14
robsonwhy does the weather-util give me error 404 when i try to get forecast?09:14
mattgyverjube, no after a proper suspend it didnt work either09:14
[ifr0g]Morning Guys :)09:14
raddyAnybody listening to me????09:15
Bmanmattgyver, http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php     on this one I can just install it?09:15
jubemattgyver, oh................ i thought it worked from the menu but not the command line...09:15
mattgyverjube, i thought so too, i was wrong i guess.. darn09:15
mattgyverbman, you dont need to isntall it, its already on ubuntu09:15
mattgyverbman, System>Administration>Partition Editor09:15
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jubemattgyver, well, maybe check that log file when you have a chance and maybe there is a hint in there. otherwise i'm out of ideas. sorry!09:16
mattgyverYou should be able to see all of your physical drives, you can determine if you overwrote windows09:16
mattgyverjube, your the man09:16
djayhoganrobson: what station are you using to invoke it?09:16
jootraddy. I think some one answered you09:16
Szabokahello, everyone, i need some help installing oss sound driver09:17
n0s0r0gAsus eeePC 900: ubuntu-UMPC-liveUSB: graphic is very slow, glxgears: 18-20 fps; ubuntu-i386: graphic performance is ok; glxgears: 140-150 fps. Why?09:17
robsondjayhogan: i don't know, i'm just typing weather -c minneapolis -f09:17
Bmanmattgyver, it's not in Administration.. However under System i see something 'About GNOME'09:17
lazermouse!say |Szaboka09:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about say09:17
matholumi am thinking i may need to install sing a driver cd... how can I tell?09:17
mattgyverbman, in terminal run, sudo apt-get install gparted09:18
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lazermouseAnyway, what ubottu was trying to *say* Szaboka was that you should explain your problem09:18
mattgyveractually bman, in command line type df09:18
mattgyverpastebin the output09:18
gordonjcpugh, OSS09:18
Bmanmattgyver, Sorry, I really am a noob so don't understand what you just said... :) And how do i open the commandline and stuff :p09:18
Szabokain a minute :) please wait for me09:18
lazermouse!language |Bman09:19
ubottuBman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:19
MrNaz`does anyone here have ubuntu 9.04 and is willing to    modprobe raw1394   so i can find out if its just me or if the 9.04 kernel really is broken ?09:19
mattgyverbbman, see PM09:19
Szabokaokay, so i had some problems with my audio device in ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop, and i got the instruction to install oss sound driver instead of the alsa09:21
djayhoganrobson: it's probably looking for the weather station code instead of the city name. Try 'weather msp -f'09:22
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Szabokaand i need some help how to do that09:22
robsondjayhogan: nice thanks09:22
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Szabokayesterday i did dome modifications on my system09:23
Szabokaso my alsa driver is probably gone09:23
Szabokaactually i blacklistad the alsa driver09:23
Szabokaand now i have null output (pulseaudio mixer)09:24
Szabokaso i need some help installing the OSS drivers09:24
nephilusI think I installed ifuse right... But I don't know how to use it09:25
matholumwhen you install ubuntu, that is all done over flash, correct? or does it use the hard drive. Basically, where is it trying to load the root fs that is referenced in the "kernel panic - unable to mount root fs to unknown block"? what is unknown?09:25
matholum(by flash, i meant RAM09:25
pragad7hello xchat not working . The program 'xchat-gnome' received an X Window System error.09:26
pragad7This probably reflects a bug in the program.how to fix09:26
agaristagariI am trying to upgrade to 9.04 from 8.10 but when I do that it says " 1 package is going to be removed ( lilo ) and 2 package are going to be upgraded ( firefox , firefox-gnome-support) and I am supposedly up to date09:26
sprockets2000hey whose bright idea was netbook remixed?09:27
* matholum is starting to think he is invisible.... 09:27
Until_It_Sleepssprockets2000: Canonical? Why do you ask?09:28
agaristagari9.04 can't be 138k as the upgrade tool says ?09:28
sprockets2000its a downgrade from xp... i was stoked for it09:29
sprockets2000but it runs pretty bad, is it still beta or released as stable?09:29
sprockets2000i think xbuntu would be a better choice than it to be honest09:29
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nephilusI need an ifuse tutorial LOL09:31
gordonjcpmatholum: not totally sure what you're doing09:31
sierinjs_lvcan i freely delete contents of /tmp ?09:31
gordonjcpsierinjs_lv: not entirely09:31
LordKowsierinjs_lv: no09:31
matholumgordonjcp: i am trying to install ubuntu09:31
sierinjs_lvwhat then i can delete?09:31
gordonjcpsierinjs_lv: a lot of things keep fairly important stuff in /tmp and if you delete them then "interesting" things will happen09:31
gordonjcpsierinjs_lv: if you feel like rebooting and you're bored, go right ahead09:32
DERBYSIEGER-icersierinjs_lv: why you want to delete something?09:32
sierinjs_lvwill it be something undo'able?09:32
gordonjcpmatholum: okay09:32
sprockets2000btw anyone have a hp mini 100009:32
sierinjs_lvi like to delete09:32
gordonjcpsierinjs_lv: maybe, maybe not09:32
LordKowsierinjs_lv: in theory... you can delete the contents when the particular linux os is not running (ie from within a livecd)09:32
gordonjcpsierinjs_lv: it's "undoable" in the sense that you can always reinstall from scratch ;-)09:32
gordonjcpsierinjs_lv: mostly /tmp is used for temporary state in the running system09:32
gordonjcpsierinjs_lv: and quite often it gets zapped on a reboot *anyway*09:33
DERBYSIEGER-icersprockets2000: yes, i think someone here has a hp mini 100009:33
sierinjs_lvme just haves feeling like in win, that it's full of shi* all the time, n i have to delete it ;D09:33
gordonjcpsierinjs_lv: the only bad thing could be that deleting something important to a particular app causes it to go mental and damage other things09:34
sierinjs_lvOll Klear09:34
Szabokaso can anyone help me installing oss?09:35
jackjohnsonoss? hfjgggth09:35
LordKowSzaboka: why would you want to?09:35
gordonjcpSzaboka: urgh, OSS09:35
agaristagariwhen I try to upgrade to 9.04 it only wants to remove lilo and upgrade firefox09:35
gordonjcpSzaboka: you'd better have a good reason for that09:35
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading09:35
gordonjcpSzaboka: a good reason for wanting OSS is that you have been frozen in ice since 199609:35
LordKowmost packages these days are DROPPING their OSS support because it has long been obsoleted09:36
prometheus765hi, my Jaunty does not show updates notification icon when updates are available, also does'not checks for updates automatically. Anyone have similar problem? Or in Jaunty there is no updates notifications in notification area?09:36
blahblhey guys, i got a quick question. i'm mocing my /boot partition around, the new location is /boot located on extended partition.  however i cna't seem to get the grub menu displayed during boot, i just get dorpped into grub shell.  how can i fix set?09:36
cutoutThree things after upgrade 1. crashing when using full screen for a vedio 2. vitualbox cant run windows anymore 3. booting in textmode no usplash09:36
gordonjcpLordKow: over a decade ago, yes09:36
Szabokagordonjcp: gonna tell you: when i plug in my headphone or external sound system in my laptop, the lappy's speakers are still operational, and i got some info here on irc to install oss instead of alsa09:36
gordonjcpmatholum: I take it by your silence that you're busily installing?09:37
sierinjs_lvgordonjcp: oss = open source software? xD09:37
matholumgordonjcp: all i know is something is wrong... i just have no clue what other than the disk is ok... the computer should be ok too... it ran windows until windows did what it usually does and died... and since then it has had a memory upgrade09:37
Szabokagordonjcp: i dont have those "headphone jack sense" switch they were talking about...09:37
gordonjcpsierinjs_lv: Open Sound System, or some such, I haven't used it in over a decade09:37
matholumgordonjcp: no... i don't know what to do anymore09:37
sierinjs_lvoh >_<09:37
cutoutThree things after upgrade 1. crashing when using full screen for a vedio 2. vitualbox cant run windows anymore 3. booting in textmode no usplash help please!09:37
gordonjcpSzaboka: well, certainly installing OSS will give you a whole new set of problems to think about ;-)09:37
axisso i have a remote server with root access. It has no monitor. I wanted to be able to create a virtual desktop or a remote desktop. I ran apt-get install gnome, and installed everything that came along with it. I then installed vncserver (apt-get install vncserver).. I ran vncserver as user axis, xauth:  creating new authority file /home/axis/.Xauthority -- Starting applications specified in /etc/X11/Xsession -- but when I connect, all i see is a backr09:37
gordonjcpmatholum: well, you put the CD in, boot up, and follow the prompts09:38
Szabokagordonjcp: hehe :D09:38
gordonjcpmatholum: since I don't really know where you're getting stuck, I can't help much more than that...09:38
DaHopihello @all, have trouble to install ubuntu 9.04 X86_64 on my Athlon64 300009:38
burghello. i have just installed ubuntu 9.04. now, when i`m trying to enable window effects (compiz), it tells me that i can not. can you tell me what/how to do, please?09:38
jackjohnsoninstall drivers09:39
cutoutThree things after upgrade 1. crashing when using full screen for a vedio 2. vitualbox cant run windows anymore 3. booting in textmode no usplash09:39
gordonjcpcutout: that's nice09:39
gordonjcp!repeat | cutout09:39
ubottucutout: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:39
matholumgordonjcp: well... i get the menu and say install... then it says the acpi line (i have been telling it acpi off because it doesn't work anyway) and then it says it is forcing a dummy apic emulation... then my error09:39
quibblerrunning 9.04..i do not  get a menu window when i right click on the Desktop, has anyone a suggestion on how to get this back?09:39
gordonjcpmatholum: what's the error?09:39
prometheus765anyone have problems with update-manager? On my pc it works only manually09:39
amgarchIn9after upgrade to 9.04 navigation with arrow keys in VIM (both in KDE and Gnome terminals) feels slow. Any reason for that?09:39
burgjackjohnson: where from?09:40
jackjohnson!patience | jackjohnson09:40
ubottujackjohnson, please see my private message09:40
homeskillhow come 'sudo svnadmin dump my-repo > my-repo.dump' gives me 'my-repo.dump: Permission denied'? i'm using sudo and it's able to run the command but it wont create the file.09:40
DaHopiagain: got kernelpanic, installation wont start with 9.04 x86_64 on athlon64.. 8.10 runs properly09:40
Szabokagordonjcp: so is there another way to reinstall some normal audio drivers and turn on those so called headphone jack sense switches?09:40
gordonjcp!repeat | DaHopi09:40
ubottuDaHopi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:40
matholumgordonjcp "kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block(104,1)"09:40
gordonjcpSzaboka: I don't know, I've never run into that problem09:40
gordonjcpmatholum: o_O09:40
gordonjcpmatholum: okay, it's basically just not installed properly09:41
Szabokagordonjcp: okay thanks for the help anyway09:41
gordonjcpmatholum: at what stage does this happen?09:41
magnetronDaHopi: three strikes and you're out!09:41
gordonjcpmatholum: when you're booting from the hard disk?09:41
prometheus765anyone have problems with update-manager? On my pc it works only manually (Jaunty). In Intrepit everything was ok (notifications, etc)09:41
SzabokaLordKow: can u help me reinstalling my normal alsa audio drivers?09:41
matholumgordonjcp: this is still the live disk though.... right after i choose the install option09:41
=== rudy is now known as Guest6744
SzabokaLordKow: when i plug in my headphone or external sound system in my laptop, the lappy's speakers are still operational, and i got some info here on irc to install oss instead of alsa09:41
=== Guest6744 is now known as ZhouYu
gordonjcpmatholum: so it does this when you're booting from the CD?09:42
DaHopimagnetron: i can read.. thanx09:42
LordKowSzaboka: um... how did the alsa drivers get uninstalled?09:42
gordonjcpDaHopi: have you tried booting the 32-bit version?09:42
matholumgordonjp: it has happened on disks for 7.10, 8.04, 8.10, 9.04 and sometimes is a different number...09:42
ZhouYuis there any 'textmate' alike in ubuntu ?09:42
magnetronDaHopi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HADOPI_law09:43
gordonjcpmatholum: you have something deeply weird going on09:43
SzabokaLordKow: i think i blacklisted it in some file...09:43
DaHopigordonjcp: no, i want 64bit because of high memory...09:43
djayhoganprometheus765, check System>Administration>Software Sources. The automatic update settings are under the update tab; is it set?09:43
gordonjcpZhouYu: what's textmate?09:43
gordonjcpDaHopi: it would be a useful test09:43
matholumgordonjcp: but yes, on the disk... and will do it if i say try ubuntu too...09:43
ZhouYugordonjcp: editor in mac :)09:43
=== edgex- is now known as edgex
DaHopigordonjcp: ok.. i will give it a try..09:43
gordonjcpmatholum: at this point, I'm thinking that your CD drive is possibly failing09:43
gordonjcpZhouYu: gedit maybe?09:43
prometheus765djayhogan: yes, all settings are setted properly, it should work but it not working09:44
matholumgordonjcp: really? I would not have guessed that.... i can take my burner out of my other computer to test that though09:44
ZhouYugordonjcp: another beside jedit and gedit ?09:44
Oegly'Ello! Would anyone happen to know how to set APT proxy to automatically configuration?09:45
LordKowSzaboka: well, there are numerous files that could blacklist the alsa drivers. it's likely one of them in /etc/modprobe.d.09:45
gordonjcpmatholum: have you got a biggish USB flash drive you can overwrite?  You can install from a USB key, google for instructions on writing the image09:45
gordonjcpZhouYu: there are lots of different editors09:45
gordonjcpZhouYu: what exactly are you looking for?09:45
SzabokaLordKow: i'll have a try09:45
ZhouYugordonjcp: ok2, maybe i will googling first :)09:45
ljsoftneti have an integrated sound card in my motherboard connected to a speaker, is it ok if i install another sound card and connect it with a headphone?09:45
matholumgordonjcp: ok... i will try that... i hope i have the option to boot from it though...09:46
gordonjcpZhouYu: is there any feature in particular that you want from textmate?09:46
gordonjcpmatholum: check your bios boot order09:46
DaHopimagnetron: haha never recognized .. :) its funny because my real name is oliver .. got my nick from native indians..09:46
matholumgordonjcp: alright... one sec09:46
ZhouYugordonjcp: i just like the interface :)09:46
SzabokaLordKow: this is a folder, right, how can I edit the textfile that blacklists the driver?09:46
cutoutThree things after upgrade 1. crashing when using full screen for a vedio 2. vitualbox cant run windows anymore 3. booting in textmode no usplash09:46
C-S-Bjube, after alot of fiddling and playing, Flash is all working. Cant tell you my methodology cos I don't remember lol, just thought I'd let you know so you can 'close the ticket'09:47
gordonjcpmatholum: this probably doesn't apply to you, but I had all manner of weirdass boot problems when I reinstalled 8.04 because it found my SCSI card first and tried to boot from the hard disk in my sampler, with hilarious consequences09:47
LordKowSzaboka: alt+f2 then 'gksu gedit </folder/info/filename.whatever>' no < or >09:47
gordonjcpZhouYu: okay09:47
gordonjcpZhouYu: looks pretty similar to gedit to me09:47
m0u5ei am dualbooting vista and ubuntu, my thunderbird roaming profiles is located on my vista partion, i have also setup my ubuntu thunderbird to automatically point to that profile located under vista... whenever i start up ubuntu however, access to that drive is locked unless i "touch" the drive, how do I make it so that a user matching my credentials automatically has access to this local drive without physically having to "click" on the drive?09:48
SzabokaLordKow: sorry i dont exactly understand09:48
quibblerwhen i right click on the Desktop nothing happens....no right click menu09:48
ZhouYugordonjcp: ok2 thx for your answer :)09:48
dr_willism0u5e:  mount it properly from the /etc/fstab file09:48
SzabokaLordKow: i edited a file but a dont exactly know its name and where it was09:48
SzabokaLordKow: somewhere in /etc09:48
m0u5edr_willis: it is mounted properly09:48
LordKowSzaboka: i can't help you find it09:48
hipitihopcan someone give me a pointer on how to get my Dell XPS laptop to turn off built in speakers when headset is plugged in ?09:49
dr_willism0u5e:  if you 'click' on it to mount. then fstab is NOT doing the mounting 'hal' is..09:49
dr_willism0u5e:  if you use an fstab entry, then it will be mounted at initial bootup.09:49
m0u5edr_willis: no it is mounted, but theres something weird happening with the keyring09:49
=== stephan is now known as Antigone
dr_willism0u5e:  Not sure then,  somthing seems confuseing.09:49
LordKowSzaboka: try pastebin'ing 'fgrep -R 'alsa' /etc/modprobe.d/*' that might help me help you find it09:49
matholumgordonjcp: how'd you fix that? oh, and i don't have a boot from usb option... if it might help though, i have gotten a crc error... every now and then...09:50
dr_willism0u5e:   do you do have a fstab entry for the drive?09:50
ljsoftnetm0u5e install ntfs-config its in synaptic it automount's NTFS drives09:50
m0u5edr_willis: huh weird, your right the fstab entry is gone09:50
m0u5edr_willis: thank you09:50
dr_willism0u5e:  :)09:50
ljsoftnet i have an integrated sound card in my motherboard connected to a speaker, is it ok if i install another sound card and connect it with a headphone?09:50
smurfslovergood morning09:50
dr_willism0u5e:  if for some reason windows crashes, or whatever.. that drive might also refuse to mount at boot time. Its not a good idea to keep critical stuff on a ntfs   at times.09:51
m0u5eljsoftnet: i will check that out too09:51
smurfsloverhaving troubles installing virtualbox guest additions in ubuntu 9.0409:51
SzabokaLordKow: okay there was the blacklist file, and I got rid of the "blacklist alsa" text from it09:51
m0u5edr_willis: yeah, i just have my thunderbird profile there... th e problem is, windows can't read ext4 so i'd rather keep it on a partition that vista can read :(09:51
m0u5edr_willis: that way i can share my settings and profiles09:51
m0u5edr_willis: i back it up regularly, so im not worried that it will crash :D09:52
Pitelcan I run disc integrity check of 64bit ubuntu on 32bit machine?09:52
LordKowSzaboka: after that you will need to reboot so it reloads the alsa drivers09:52
phoozleHi, does anyone know why I can't find my wireless card in lshw -C network?09:52
SzabokaLordKow: okay brb in a minute thanks09:52
digdeepjaunty: the scroll bar and menu of firefox, gedit, pidgin, don't have any decoration (with light grey color only), anyone knows how to fix?09:53
m0u5edr_willis: hmm how would I would I add the fstab entry?09:53
gordonjcpmatholum: well, I pulled the SCSI card there09:53
pragad7hello help09:53
rusermmm. okay i successfully booted from /boot on extedned09:54
rusernow my old boot is depricated :)09:54
ljsoftnetm0u5e this is my support website http://ubuntusupport.50webs.org/ubuntu.htm look for "How to automount NTFS disk or partition"09:55
maodunregarding the performance problems with compiz and intel integrated graphics... will there likely be a patch pushed out at some point?09:55
m0u5eljsoftnet: will this bypass the new authorization system in place?09:55
ljsoftnetm0u5e i don't have an idea09:56
ZhouYui remember that ubuntu has some "mind map" software... what is it's name ? open mind or what ?09:56
SzabokaLordKow: i still have no sound09:56
ljsoftnetm0u5e it will just automount NTFS drives on startup09:56
m0u5eljsoftnet: the issue is not that ubuntu won't auto mount them09:56
m0u5eljsoftnet: its that my programs dont have accesses to the disk09:56
ZhouYufound it already... freemind :)09:56
m0u5eljsoftnet: unless i open up the drive :X09:56
pragad7do u read me. i am in doubt if my irc client is properly working09:57
pragad7hello cairo09:57
pragad7do u read me09:57
maodunSzaboka: what happens when you run 'mplayer foo.mp3'?09:57
pragad7pls reply09:57
CAiRO_where can i adjust which programs starts when I insert an audio cd? i've tried to change it in the preferred applications dialog, but it didn't work09:57
arkantospragad7: See you09:57
CAiRO_it still starts rhythmbox even though i've selected something different there09:57
pragad7thanks arkantos09:57
LordKowSzaboka: check the volume levels in the volume bar in the notification icon area09:57
ljsoftnetm0u5e ah it doesn't work if the drive where automounted right, ah ok i get it09:58
SzabokaLordKow, my driver is pluseaudio null output currently (and still)09:58
Szabokamaodun: i have vlc, i started an mp3 and it is playing but no sound output09:58
ruserpragad7  yes09:58
maodunSzaboka: are you using a laptop? internal speakers? headphone jack?09:58
Szabokayeye lappy09:59
Szabokainternal speakers09:59
Szabokaand headphone jack sense swithces are bugged09:59
Szabokacant find them09:59
=== coffee is now known as Guest92989
Szabokamaodun: that was my original problem09:59
veefwoari'm having difficulty with blender in ubuntu 9.04. when i try to use alt+rmb to do a select objects routine, ubuntu pops up a window management list. how can i remove the alt+rmb binding in ubuntu to stop this occurring?09:59
Phoenix87yesterday I was trying to upgrade fromt 8.10 to 9.04 but the updated informed me that my video card would not be supported anymore (ATI Radeon 1600 pro). Should I wait?09:59
maodunswitches are bugged? what does that mean?09:59
=== nielsslot_ is now known as nielsslot
Szabokamaodun: i plugin my headphones and i still hear the lappy's speakers09:59
Szabokamaodun: thais was th eoriginal problem10:00
holdenssi uninstalled ubuntu from my mac by using the partition editor in the ubuntu live cd, then it was unallocated space, re-booted and thought the disc utility would pick it up but it didn't, so i made the unallocated space a fat 32 partition and im stuck, i uninstalled ubuntu cause i wanted more space10:00
maodunSzaboka: and now you hear nothing? with or without the speakers?10:00
Szabokamaodun: yes10:00
maodunwhat did you change?10:00
Szabokamaodun: tried to blacklist alsa10:00
m0u5eljsoftnet: i think your way may work10:00
m0u5eljsoftnet: ill try after a reboot :)10:01
Szabokamaodun: but i got rid of that thanks to LordKow10:01
moDumasshey all, upgraded, but flash seems to crash firefox10:01
moDumassanu love10:01
maodunSzaboka:  in sound preferences, is everything set to use 'ALSA'?10:01
defryskCAiRO_, nautilus > prefs > file manager prefs > media10:01
digdeepIt looks like this --> http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/977/screenf.jpg10:01
veefwoaranyone know how to remove standard modifier key+ mouse button bindings?10:01
zhsamarok crashes, won't play mp3s ..10:02
maodunszaboka: and why were you trying to blacklist alsa?10:02
superwadveefwoar: would you try in the Keyboard settings menu?10:02
geekeningi am running windows xp and i want to install ubuntu. im planning on using gparted to partition my hard drive.10:02
superwadthere should be a section for global keyboard shortcuts10:02
geekeningcan i do that with windows already on my hard drive/10:03
m0u5eljsoftnet: okay y eah, your way works :) both ways, editting fstab, and using ntfs-config will work, thanks a lot :)10:03
Szabokamaodun: i tell you, i got that info to install oss instead... didnt really know that it's a sh't actually10:03
veefwoari couldn't find anything there superwad...10:03
matholumgordonjcp: still no luck... i haven't tried the other cd-rom though... i wish i knew what was unknown in that error message10:03
Szabokamaodun: and now i dont have alsa in the playback properties10:03
defryskgeekening, you can make room for you installation of ubuntu during install10:03
Szabokamaodun: actually at the mixers10:03
zhsdoes anyone have problem playing mp3s with amarok on 9.04?10:03
vlfarkhow can i remove the black borders which are appearing when i minimize an application ?10:03
geekeningdefrysk i read that its better to partition manually before installing10:04
geekeningbecause i want to have a fat32 shared partition. is that possible?10:04
Szabokamaodun: "device" sorry - there is 'playback: null otput'10:04
Phoenix87yesterday I was trying to upgrade fromt 8.10 to 9.04 but the updated informed me that my video card would not be supported anymore (ATI Radeon 1600 pro). Should I wait?10:04
Szabokamaodun: "device" sorry - there is 'playback: null output' **10:04
veefwoarsuperwad: it's the same as Alt+Space, only it pops up right under the pointer10:04
matholumgordonjcp: is it possible to make an install partition and boot from the HD to install? that'd be cool...10:04
defryskgeekening, if you have a partition for ubuntu ready you can choose that partition during install10:04
defryskgeekening, ubuntu will format it for you in the filesystem needed10:05
maodunSzaboka: hmm, I don't really know how to help you much beyond telling you to try to be sure all the necessary alsa stuff is installed and then to configure everything to use that. sorry, and good luck!10:05
gordonjcpmatholum: hmm, don't see why not10:05
gordonjcpmatholum: do it the same way you would a USB stick10:05
geekeningdefrysk how can i make it so that windows and ubuntu can share a parition? i want a third one to store all my mp3s and documents10:05
Szabokamaodun, can you help me in Installing all those ALSA stuff please?10:05
gordonjcpmatholum: you might need to do something clever with the boot loader10:05
Szabokamaodun, so where from and how to?10:06
superwadveefwoar: sorry, i got nothing10:06
matholumgordonjcp: the boot loader in the bios, or with the ubuntu install10:06
defryskgeekening, ubuntu can resize a space before installing10:06
wtvPhoenix87: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon10:06
holdensssomeone here who uses mac, can you please give me a yell, i need help10:06
Flannel!anyone | holdenss10:06
holdenssin regards to uninstalling ubuntu off a macbook10:06
Phoenix87wtv: would that give me full hardware support?10:07
defryskgeekening i have never had probs with resizing a partition, but results may vary10:07
adi_hello, all10:07
geekeningdefrysk thank you10:07
adi_can help someone?10:07
digdeepthe menu bar is without any decoration10:07
vlfarki want to remove the black borders which appear when you minimize an application .. is there any solution ?10:08
wtvPhoenix87: for a better explanation, see this http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide10:08
adi_please help me to install my video card !!!10:08
Phoenix87wtv: thank you ;)10:08
superwadwould anybody be able to help me configure X to work properly with my new display?10:08
OeglyWould anyone happen to know how to set APT proxy to automatic configuration?10:09
maodunSzaboka: sorry, i'm really not an expert on linux sound issues - i just resolved one myself and thought i might be able to help if you had the same problems. but google around for 'ubuntu no sound' and you should find a couple of pages that recommend loads of packages to make sure you have installed and tell you configs to check10:09
matholumgordonjcp: well i will look into either re-flashing my bios so I have the boot to usb option, or getting it to boot the install over HD... so, I guess I will get off of here and start my research. ^_^10:09
defrysk!anybody | superwad10:09
chazcoHi... anyone know how to fix Totem/gstreamer in 9.04 so that it plays OGMs properly?10:09
matholumgordonjcp: thanks for your help10:09
Szabokamaodun, thank you for your help :)10:09
superwaddefrysk: grammar help?10:09
maodunSzaboka: wish i could help more. good luck!10:09
zhsdoes anyone have problem playing mp3s with amarok on 9.04?10:10
unomiI have a usb drive which seems to be malfunctioning, are there any lowlevel tools I can use to reset it?10:10
defrysksuperwad, botcrah ;S10:10
unomiusb stick10:10
superwadi see10:10
superwadmy question still stands10:10
superwadis there any person who is able to help me properly configure X10:10
sunhawkDid anyone actually ever figure out what was going on with the absurdly slow file transfer?  Best I gathered was that it was a kernel issue...10:11
defrysksuperwad, ask a specific question10:11
sunhawkChased me through Hardy and Intrepid... eying Jaunty, and wondering if it was fixed...10:11
wtvPhoenix87: that link i gave you tells you to install it manually. if you want it to be painfree, use the command : sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx10:11
adi_I have an ATI rage 128 pro agp 4x and I have no video acceleration10:11
defryskubotu is sleeping10:12
=== pragad7 is now known as hercules
superwadfine, i'll elaborate.  i recently acquired a new widescreen monitor.  X is choosing not to display in the native resolution.  it's instead adopted 1280x1024 (1920x1080 native).  my xorg.conf file states 1680x1050 is my first choice, but it's not using that.  the display settings in kubuntu is not showing that option, and my display resolutions are appearing out of order.10:12
shadeslayerok,isnt skype available for ubuntu 9.0410:13
superwadi'd like to get this display working at the proper resolution10:13
Phoenix87wtv: thanks for the advice. Usually I used the "restricted driver" way. I was hoping to be able to do the same in jaunty10:13
dr_willissuperwad:  depending on my system/videocrds - on some machines i MUST install the proper ati or nvidia drivers for the system to set teh res properly. also i found that if you are  using VGA or DVI. always use DVI if you can.10:14
wtvPhoenix87: i wonder why restricted drivers isn't working in your pc.10:14
hanssuperwad: what exactly bothers you ?10:14
superwaddr_willis: i'm using DVI.  the nvidia drivers are installed10:14
rubydiamondHi.. is it possible to upgrade 8.10 to jaunty10:14
superwadhans: it bothers me that on my widescreen monitor, i need to display fullscreen resolutions to not have the picture stretched :(10:14
shadeslayerrubydiamond: yes10:14
superwadrubydiamond: yes10:14
dr_willissuperwad:  You did run that little control panel tool to  allow the users to select their own res? perhaps its gotten set to use the lower res some how.10:15
rubydiamondshadeslayer: but it would remove all my existing installations .. like ruby10:15
BrucevdkHi, I've got unattended-upgrades installed and modified 10periodic, 50unattended-upgrades in apt.conf.d and it's working fine but I'm wondering how exactly is it run? I can't seem to find a cronjob or anything for it.10:15
Phoenix87wtv: it is working on 8.1010:15
rubydiamondit's little dangerous10:15
shadeslayerrubydiamond: nope,you can use update manager10:15
superwaddr_willis: which control panel tool?  i never set anything through that tool; i only viewed settings.10:15
spaceninjaI'm trying to compile a gtk programg, gcc base.c -o base `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0`, but I get this compilation error.  Package gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.10:16
rubydiamondshadeslayer: will it update all distro and softwares ..10:16
rubydiamondor just core10:16
spaceninjagtk+-2.0 si this correct?10:16
joaopintospaceninja, you need the -dev package10:16
shadeslayerrubydiamond: i think everything10:16
mobi-sheep__Did you know that Jackalope Jaunty is the closest thing you can get to Skynet? >:}~10:16
rubydiamondshadeslayer: then it's a prob10:17
rubydiamondI have net connection with 300Kbps10:17
rubydiamondit would take much time10:17
dr_willissuperwad:  somewhere in the menus theres a icon to allow users to set their own res.10:17
Brucevdkspaceninja: as joaopinto stated you probably don't have the dev package installed i.e. libgtk2.0-dev10:17
mobi-sheep__!register > mobi-sheep__10:17
adi_I have an dell M782p and I have no driver for it10:17
dr_willissuperwad:  ive seen when switching monitors and stuff around. some times a user gets theirs set to a imcorrect red.10:17
dr_willissuperwad:  ive seen when switching monitors and stuff around. some times a user gets theirs set to a imcorrect resolution.10:17
spaceninjaok thanks10:18
hanssuperwad: system/preferences/screen resolution : with the proper driver for your card installed, you will see all possible resolutions10:18
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herculeshow do i get kde in ubuntu10:18
shadeslayerhercules: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:18
superwaddr_willis: it might have happened, but when i first started up the new monitor without restarting the computer, the resolution was still off10:18
erdoosudo apt-get install kde-desktop10:18
adi_max is 1024x728 but in windows i can fix too 1024x1280/85 Hz10:19
shadeslayeri cant find skype in my cache :O10:19
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superwadi'm pretty sure i have the correct display drivers installed.  i went through all that before and it was working fine10:19
BrucevdkNevermind, looks like I've figured it out. apt itself does have a daily cronjob, /etc/cron.daily/apt10:19
raddyHello Everybody10:20
haggisbasherukhi raddy10:20
superwadbrb, testing new settings10:20
mattgyverhow do you mount a network drive?10:20
chazcoHi... anyone know how to fix Totem/gstreamer in 9.04 so that it plays OGMs properly?10:20
raddyAnybody noticed that OOo menus's text color is now viewable in new-wave theme?10:20
haggisbasherukhay chazco10:21
chazcoHah, hey haggisbasheruk :D10:21
SwistakI have big problem with new 9.0410:21
haggisbasherukhows uni going chazco10:21
herculesthanks shadeslayer10:21
SwistakI dont have ó character in my system, I only see -10:21
chazcoFine, i'm over on the jlime channel atm10:21
shadeslayerhercules: np10:21
alex1how i can remove swfdec ?10:22
raddyAnybody notice it???10:22
cedric30Long time ago I created my Private & Public keys, but I reinstalled Ubuntu and I don't know if I saved the directory where my keys are saved. I only find the  revoke certificate of my keys. Someone know in which directory the keys are saved?10:22
dr_willismattgyver:  you mean a 'windows share' or a 'nfs share' or whate exctly?10:23
Brucevdkcedric30: .gnupg methinks10:23
mattgyverdr_willis, i meant a windows share10:24
xwlhello  everyone10:24
superwadnope, didn't work :(10:24
vibeckeGood day, I'm running ubuntu, and now I can upgrade to 9.04, will all settings stand as they are when I do the upgrade, or will my wireless config go out the window and I have to install it again? I also got a message that my video card was not supported....10:24
khunthas anyone experienced and file permissions issues with jaunty?10:24
cedric30Brucevdk, ,  Do you think there are the private keys into this directory?10:24
shadeslayerarrgghh.....where do i find skype??10:24
dr_willismattgyver:  gnome file manager is supposed to be able to 'browse' the network and see them. but often i have to type in th eproper 'path' to the share. Or you can mount them manually via the command line, or fstab.10:24
dr_willisshadeslayer:  its on the medibuntu repositories. has been for ages. :)10:25
Brucevdkcedric30: for GPG (e.g. email encryption etc.) yes, they're in pubring.gpg (those from other people) and your private keys are in secring.gpg. Your ssh keys should be in ~/.ssh10:25
mattgyverfstab was what i was wondering, thanks10:25
sidewalkhow do i upgrade to 9.04 from 8.10 using ssh? :-)10:25
sidewalksudo apt-get dist-upgrade?10:25
shadeslayerdr_willis: i cant find it :(,whats teh repo?10:25
Brucevdksl33v3_: it's in the docs: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading10:26
Brucevdkehh sorry sl33v3_ I meant sidewalk10:26
shadeslayerdr_willis: ubottu down10:26
dr_willisgoogle for medibuntu    the site walks ya through it10:26
shadeslayergit it10:26
mattgyvershadeslayer, sudo apt-get install skype10:26
BUGabundohey fellows jauntiers! need help.10:26
* dr_willis wonders if anyone else always adds medibuntu within the first 20 sec of a new system running...10:26
shadeslayermattgyver: :| dont have the repo10:26
jake-ausI've just installed apache... Is it bad practice to use /var/www/ as the document root, and just change the owner to myself? or should I make the document root in my home folder?10:26
mattgyveroh darn10:26
JPSmanhow can I create my own shortcuts in ubuntu to open - say - a blank gedit document?10:27
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chazcodr_willis - I have a script that does it for me :)10:27
raddyAnybody there???10:27
BUGabundoI added vga=360 to grub but it fails to use it,and then asks me a new code. if I use 360 again it works10:27
Brucevdkraddy: no10:27
* BUGabundo misses +1 :(10:27
=== slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic
sidewalkBrucevdk: they dont have instructions for console installation, or am i missing something?10:28
superwadyay, he found it10:28
Brucevdksidewalk: yes they do, read it10:28
cedric30Brucevdk, It's strange because I think I always saved this ~/.gpg/ directory but I do not see private key when I open seahorse10:28
superwadok, so why wouldn't my xorg.conf be taking effect?10:28
vibeckeGood day, I'm running ubuntu, and now I can upgrade to 9.04, will all settings stand as they are when I do the upgrade, or will my wireless config go out the window and I have to install it again? I also got a message that my video card was not supported....10:28
Brucevdkcedric30: is there something named id_rsa or id_dsa in your ~/.ssh directory?10:28
superwadhas some new magic been wrought in the fires of the internet that prevent obvious settings from taking effect?10:28
Brucevdkcedric30: whoops sorry, misread, hold on10:29
mattgyvervibecke, if you upgrade you should be okay.  Unless i misunderstand and you already updgraded10:29
cedric30Brucevdk, I have nothing saved into .ssh10:29
Brucevdkcedric30: gpg --armor --export-secret-keys <-- does this show you anything?10:29
wolfmanzis there anyway to see a boot message that shows up after the bootloader grub loads? I;m seeing some text right after grub loads but its just flashes by and i cant pause the system to see what it says is there anyway to do this?10:29
vibeckeOk, then my upgrade is under install now ;)10:30
Szabokahey guys, need some help - i reinstalled my broken alsa drivers, and still i can't find the alsa device in the sound options - any guesses?10:30
cedric30Brucevdk, Its returns nothing10:30
Brucevdkcedric30: then you've lost your private key unless you backed it up10:30
vufhi, what is the best way to install desktop edition on an existing LVM logical volume?10:31
cedric30Brucevdk, ... :( Thx, but I have the revocation certificate, can I use it to remove key from key server?10:31
Brucevdkcedric30: well, actually, let me think for a second. You say you saved in ~/.gpg . I'm not sure that's the proper directory though.10:31
Brucevdkcedric30: what is in ~/.gpg?10:31
chazcoHi.. since installing 9.04 I've had trouble playing some video files in Totem. They'll work if opened from the menu, but not from Nautilus. They also dont seem to generate thumbnails. Any ideas?10:32
cedric30Brucevdk, I have no .gpg directory10:32
Szabokahey guys, need some help - i reinstalled my broken alsa drivers, and still i can't find the alsa device in the sound options - any guesses?10:32
sidewalkBrucevdk: nope, cant seem to find on the url you gave me how to install via console/textmode over ssh, can you please point it out to me? :P10:33
Brucevdksidewalk: it's below the section entitled "Server", sudo do-release-upgrade10:33
pielordhello, how do I revoke a key that I have signed with Seahorse?10:33
Flannelpielord: revoke a signature on a key? or revoke a key?10:34
pielordFlannel: The signature10:34
ShleeHey, jaunty refuses to detect my nvidia 8700GTM10:34
choihi, I want to to test Jaunty before installing, can the alternate cd be a live CD as well?10:34
Brucevdkcedric30: I'm looking up the instructions for revoking right now10:35
sidewalkBrucevdk: so those are not instructions for Ubuntu server?10:35
Flannelchoi: Nope, you need the Desktop CD to try it out10:35
cedric30Brucevdk, Thx10:35
Brucevdksidewalk: sure they are, but that's doesn't matter, Ubutnu server is nothing more than a text-mode only install (by default) with ubuntu-standard instead of ubuntu-desktop (and a few tweaks)10:36
choioh i see.. thnx10:36
Brucevdksidewalk: from what I can tell those are instructions to be able to upgrade your system from the console, that's it10:36
sidewalkBrucevdk: thanks alot :P10:36
wolfmanzis there anyway to see a boot message that shows up after the bootloader grub loads? I;m seeing some text right after grub loads but its just flashes by and i cant pause the system to see what it says is there anyway to do this?10:36
Brucevdksidewalk: np10:36
sidewalkBrucevdk: i would never have guessed :-)10:36
orly_owlAny gotten the Nokia HS-3W working on hardy? I'd like to use it for Ekiga. http://www.nokia.co.uk/A425224110:37
ruserhey guys, this might a far fetched idea.  but  basically i have already a linux system which i'm looking to convert to ubuntu.  i don't have any media, but i can dump something into /boot and do a netinstall,  any ideas?10:37
ruserany ideas, how i can proceed, that is10:37
Flannelruser: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux10:37
JockyWilsonUbuntu 9.04 When i do gksu nvidia-settings or sudo nvidia-settings........... FAILED TO PARSE /etc/X11/xorg.con cannot save nvidia settings10:37
raddyHello Everybody10:38
ruserFlannel  nice, thanks!10:38
JockyWilsonI get message: PARSE ERROR:  Parse error on line 37 of section Module in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.10:38
JockyWilson"Disable" is not a valid keyword in this section.10:38
pielordhow do I revoke a signature on a key with seahorse?10:38
superwadJockyWilson: i get that same error (the first one)10:38
raddyAnybody noticed that New-Wave theme is incompatible with Firefox??10:38
JockyWilsonIs it a bug 9.04 ?10:38
ruserFlannel  i can use the netinstall  image, right?10:38
raddyand OOo10:38
JockyWilsonSUPERWAD how do you save nviida settings ?10:39
superwadoh, it's working now for me10:39
chazcoHi.. since installing 9.04 I've had trouble playing some video files in Totem. They'll work if opened from the menu, but not from Nautilus. They also dont seem to generate thumbnails. Any ideas?10:39
superwadi backed up my xorg.conf file, then did sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and let it regenerate the xorg.conf file.  the nvidia-settings worked after that10:40
Flannelruser: Use the "alternate CD" method, yes.10:40
JockyWilsonok  i will try that10:40
Brucevdkcedric30: ok, you've got a revocation certificate right? Is it armored (e.g. plain text)?10:40
Szabokahey guys, need some help - i reinstalled my broken alsa drivers, and still i can't find the alsa device in the sound options - any guesses?10:40
raddyAnybody noticed my message???????///10:40
cedric30Brucevdk, it's rev.asc files10:41
Brucevdkcedric30: looks like you should be albe to import it using gpg --import or perhaps even Seahorse -> File -> Import (I'm not sure if you might even be able to generate your private key from it, or if it's contained in the revocation certificate)10:41
Szabokaraddy, chill, retype your question, and wait patient10:41
choii don't know if i'd like to upgrade to Jaunty, i'm using OSS right now. is it supported?10:42
jootraddy. you got replies the last time you were here10:42
raddyMay be10:42
Brucevdkpielord: read up a few lines, might interest you too10:42
archmanhow can I make the nm applet to connect to the certain network (mine which is 3cm away from me and not some neighbours, 10m away)?10:42
Brucevdkcedric30: then after importing the certificate it seems you should send it to the keyservers to revoke your original key, at least that's what the docs seem to say10:42
raddyAnybody tried New-Wave theme in Gnome?10:42
JockyWilsonnope still "failed  to parse" /etc/X11/xorg.con...... cannot save nvida settings10:43
Flannelcedric30, Brucevdk: it's ~/.gnupg not ~/.gpg10:43
cedric30Brucevdk, ok I try10:43
BrucevdkFlannel: I know, (search up) but he said he saved in ~/.gpg so I thought he might have just saved something wrong10:43
pielordBrucevdk: I don't know where I'm going wrong, on the key properties the 'Revoke Signature' button under the Trust tab is greyed out10:43
odeencan I switch user session from the CLI?10:44
archmansuddenly, intrepid won't connect automatically with the router via Lan anymore, strange...i hate it...10:45
minimecarchman: 'right click' on the network applet, 'Edit COnnections', 'Wireless', then edit your connection --> 'Connect automatically'10:45
Brucevdkpielord: I'm running 2.24.1 and I do have some revoke buttons here and there10:45
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vufI try following http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-over-lvm-filesystem but get an error "Module dm_mod not found". Has it been renamed?10:46
JediMasterHey guys, I've got a bizzar one, running 8.10 on a production server, just woke up to find a client's website full of errors. Looked like a permissions problem, which was weird as nothing had been changed... Turns out the whole / partition is mounted read only. How can this happen, and mount -o remount,rw doesn't work and I get: mount: block device /dev/sda1 is write-protected, mounting read-only10:46
pielordBrucevdk: I've got the 2.26.1 that came with Jaunty10:46
Brucevdkpielord: can't help you then, not running Jaunty :-)10:47
zu22anyone here have experience with lighthttpd?10:47
pielord:( okay, i guess I can't revoke GPG keys10:47
Brucevdkpielord: you can always use the command line :-)10:48
pielordBrucevdk: I don't know how to use gnupg on the command line, I'll stick with seahorse10:49
archmanminimec, thanks, and for lan? maybe?10:49
archmanminimec, i dont get it why it won't work anymore10:49
Brucevdkcedric30: any luck?10:49
cedric30Brucevdk, I am still trying to revoke my keys10:50
zu22anyone here have experience with lighthttpd?10:50
minimecarchman: Same thing, but in the 'Wired' tab.10:50
Brucevdkcedric30: did you manage to import the certificate in Seahorse?10:50
FloodBot1edgex-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:50
vufWill the alternate install disk install with server or desktop tweaks?10:51
cedric30Brucevdk, Yes but it do nothing when I import it, after I try to synchronize but the keys are still on the server10:51
Brucevdkcedric30: alright, does gpg --import rev.asc do anything?10:51
cedric30Brucevdk, It try to search how to do it using the gnupg command10:51
archmanminimec, but i could connect to the network without turning on nm applet, until today...10:52
archmanminimec, lan10:52
minimecarchman: Yeah... You can do it the old Debian way, configuring /etc/network/interfaces.10:52
zu22why won't anyone answer :(10:52
zu22anyone here have experience with lighthttpd?10:52
guillomthis new indicator applet is very cute and all, but it keep notifying me of contacts who get online in pidgin, even if pidgin is set as "silent"; is it a bug, a feature, or a matter of configuration?10:53
zu22guillom: where is website of this program?10:53
danliiIs there a fix to the problem with IDE disks getting recognized as SCSI disks and thus won't work with hdparm?10:53
cedric30Brucevdk, pas de clé publique - le certificat de révocation ne peut etre applique (No public key, the revokation certificate could not be applied)10:54
minimecarchman: That would be something like 'auto eth0' 'iface eth0 inet dhcp'10:54
archmanminimec, what line do i need? my interface is eth010:54
mobi-sheepguillom | Remove the indicator applet off the panel?10:54
archmanminimec, oh ok, thanks!!!10:54
Flanneldanlii: They should still work with hdparm.  The move from hda to sda is intentional.10:55
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Brucevdkcedric30: as you may have noticed I've never done this and there's not really an easy way to mimic it. But maybe you need to import your public key first?10:55
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anteHello. I am using Ubuntu 9.04 and Monodevelop 2.0. For some reason Monodevelop cant gather class information as a normal user. It works as root though. Any ideas?10:55
cedric30Brucevdk, ok I try10:55
archmanminimec, rebooting10:55
minimecarchman: good luck  ;)10:55
en|gmaany other burn cd/dvd in ubuntu?10:55
guillommobi-sheep, well, the indicator comes handy for other stuff, I don't want to remove it altogether, I would like it to follow the config I entered in pidgin about notifications :)10:56
danliiFlannel: I get "Inappropriate ioctl for device" when trying to set 32 bit io flag and dma flag on the disk.10:56
Flannelcedric30, Brucevdk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto#Backing%20up%20and%20restoring%20your%20key%20pair for restoring, the next section down discusses revocation.10:56
mobi-sheepguillom: I think you can use your away message and it won't show up.  It's in preferences, I think.10:57
mobi-sheepguillom: Always trying to help one out. :)10:57
BrucevdkFlannel: good find, looks like I was close :-)10:57
=== ubuntu_ is now known as DaHopi
harlemdavveyis there anybody that has tried using his own ubuntu just with command line?10:57
guillommobi-sheep, thanks :) will go on exploring10:57
danliiFunny thing is it still works in Debian, although the kernel is > 2.6.1910:57
AranelI upgraded to 9.04 and now NVIDIA Driver setup has failed cause of kernel. Can someone help me?10:57
DaHopiis it secure to use ext4 ?10:57
Flanneldanlii: If you don't mind, file a bug on launchpad.  Since, that obviously should work.10:58
harlemdavveyare there sites that show how to use your ubuntu without gui??10:58
Flannel!terminal | harlemdavvey10:58
dr_willisharlemdavvey:  that would be sites on 'using the terminal' :) and 'bash'10:58
FlannelOh right.10:58
dr_willisharlemdavvey:  and there are dozens of such sites10:58
harlemdavveydr_willis: ok but there is nothing about "surviving in a life with no gui":)10:58
harlemdavveydr_willis: could you show me?10:59
Flannelharlemdavvey: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:59
dr_willisharlemdavvey:  theres a great many people that dont use X or the gui10:59
carbon_monoxideHi all!10:59
AranelDaHopi: My friend tried and lost his 200G mp3 archives :) But yes, officially its secure i think.10:59
=== supersasho is now known as supersasho_idle
dr_willisharlemdavvey:  google will have listings of many of them. and you can use google with links, or lynx, or w3m10:59
thevdiHi. If I mount partitions at /mnt instead of /media, does it mean they won't get shown on the desktop ?10:59
carbon_monoxideI have bought my new PC and using the old harddrive which Ubuntu Server on it10:59
DaHopiAranel: im frightend.. ;) i'll give it a try for my / partition, my data partitions will stay at ext3..11:00
dr_willisthevdi:  try it and see. I think they will show anyway.  You want them to show or not?11:00
carbon_monoxideHow can I make my Ubuntu to detect all my new hardwares?11:00
harlemdavveydr_willis: yes but i'm lookng for something that is specific11:00
dr_willisharlemdavvey:  specific to what specifically?11:00
m0RrEthevdi: you can change this in systen configuration..11:01
thevdidr_willis, I want to pick and choose which are shown. I have ubuntu tweak but that seems to globally turn them on or off. I want USB devices to show, for example, but my other mounts not to11:01
harlemdavveydr_willis: for exemple, sites where i can find lists of alternative programs for gui and terminal11:01
thevdiSystem configuration ?11:01
AranelCan some help me with installing NVidia drivers and 9.04?11:01
dr_willisharlemdavvey:  no idea. in many cases you just use the prper command sto do the tasks you want to do hters no real 'alternatives' to many of them.  ie: 'ifconfig' and 'mount' pretty mich are the commands you use.11:02
nikbeshey guys, i've got probles with jaunty, after the installation there are black stripes on the left and right at the display, is there anybody who can help me?11:02
DaHopiAranel: wheres the problem? i did a sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18011:02
dr_willisharlemdavvey:  i would start with some 'bash basics' sites and start working from there.11:02
harlemdavveydr_willis: what do you suggest me for "bash basics sites"?11:02
joaopintoDaHopi, ext4 is safe, of corse not as stable as ext3, but if you are afraid of losing your date, backup often, ext3 does not save you from the usual disk or human failure...11:02
AranelDaHopi: Im not using nvidia deb packages. manually installing for latest drivers. but it seems they dont work for some reason on new kernel.11:03
alex1how i can share flashplugin from mozilla/plugins for Opera ?11:03
shafi_can some one redirect me through a link in simple words in regards of virtualization11:03
dr_willisharlemdavvey:  'learning to think for yourself and dont expect to be hand held'  :)  go to google.com and search for 'bash tutorials' and 'command line basics'  or check out the urls given earlier here11:03
magentaralex1, add the firefox plugin path to opera plugin paths11:03
chazcoHi.. since installing 9.04 I've had trouble playing some video files in Totem. They'll work if opened from the menu, but not from Nautilus. They also dont seem to generate thumbnails. Any ideas?11:03
DaHopiAranel: ok.. sry i dont tryed it with the new kernel..11:03
alex1magentar: dont know where is opera plugins file or how i can cded there11:04
dr_willisharlemdavvey:   the 'advanced bash scripting guide' is a MUST read in the future, and Orieally has a 'Learning Bash book' thats also a must have referance :011:04
thevdim0RrE. system configuration ?11:04
AranelDaHopi: thanks anyway :)11:04
magentarextras -> settings -> advanced (or similar)11:04
DaHopijoaopinto: ok.. i'll try it with my / partition, no data partitions..11:04
nik_hello, how do i format a usb flash disk?11:04
Oprtzi am unable to write *.iso image 9.04 to CD. the writting speed is 4x. and when  i boot the computer with the CD. nothing happen, what is the reason? do u guys facing the same problem?11:04
harlemdavveydr_willis: thank you so much11:04
magentarcontent -> plugin options11:04
magentar-> change path11:04
m0RrEthevdi: nevermind, you can only change on/off11:04
alex1magentar: on opera ?11:04
harlemdavveyanother question, guys..: if i upgrade my system without booting and installing the live cd of ubuntu 9.04, will i lose my datas?11:05
alex1magentar: its opera:plugins but dont know how i must do now :X11:05
thevdim0RrE, where is the option you are talking about ?11:05
danliiharlemdavvey: If you upgrade with do-release-upgrade, you shouldn't lose any data.11:05
minimecnik_: there is 'fdisk' for the console and 'gparted' with a GUI. CHoose fat32 if you want to stay compatible with win/mac ...11:06
dr_willisharlemdavvey:  it pays to always have backups... :)11:06
Oprtzi am unable to write *.iso image 9.04 to CD. the writting speed is 4x. and when  i boot the computer with the CD. nothing happen, what is the reason? do u guys facing the same problem?11:06
nik_fdisk stands for formatdisk?11:06
harlemdavveywell yes, i have backups but i'm just wondering if i will lose my datas by11:06
thevdiOptrz, try doing an MD5 on your ISO and compare with the site you downloaded it from. It might be faulty11:06
harlemdavveyjust upgrading the system by command line11:06
DaHopigordonjcp: im back with running livecd of 9.04 x86_6411:06
harlemdavveyin case, what command can i use to upgrade my system?11:06
nik_actually i want to create a bootbale ubuntu 9 flash disk11:07
DaHopigordonjcp: i disabled "Cool n quiet" function in bios, now it works..11:07
minimecnik_: 'man fdisk' 'fdisk --help' in a console11:07
Oprtzthevdi: how to compare with MD5 ?11:07
nik_but usb creator gives me an error sayign"cannot determine aprtition number"11:08
thevdiOptrz, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM11:08
Oprtzthevdi: thank u dude11:08
thevdidudette ;-)11:08
archmanminimec, auto eth0 worked, thanks; even though i don't get it why it orked if i didn't have it in it...11:09
minimecnik_: use gparted and delete the existing partitions of the flash drive. The USB Creater will then format the flash drive again.11:09
minimecarchman: They changed that.. The network-manager is handling everything now... That's why. I think they changed it with INtrepid...11:10
luke29Quelqu'un utilise Compiz sou Jaunty ?11:10
nik_minimec, there is only 1 partition in my flash disk, but tis formatted with ntfs, thats why it cannot detect it perhaps?/11:10
erUSUL!fr | luke2911:10
Oprtzthevdi: it says the MD5 sum is different11:11
Oprtzdo i need to download ubuntu again ?11:11
thevdiThen your download wasn't good11:11
minimecnik_: Unmaount that partition and delete it. Then start the USB creator again.11:11
archmanminimec, but i was on intrepid for 3 months...11:11
archmanminimec, not from yesterday11:11
thevdiIf you downloaded it with some manager, you might be able to resume etc11:11
Oprtzi download from canonical server UK11:11
erUSULOprtz: you can "repair it" with a torrent client11:11
dr_willisOprtz:  i tend to get the iso files and use unetbootin to make a bootable thunb/flash drive. saves me burning to cd :)11:11
Oprtzdr_willis: i am not goo in computers :)11:12
minimecarchman: Who cares... :) It works now.11:12
thevdiYou should fit in well here then ;-)11:12
OprtzerUSUL: can u explain how ?11:12
nik_minimec, i unmounted the usb flash disk, now what do i ahve to do?11:13
mikebeechamhi guys..I wonder if you could help.  I have an Epson r220 photo printer.  This was working fine until I upgraded to Jaunty Jackal.  Now when I print, the printer light flashes as though information is being sent to the printer, but nothing prints11:13
dr_willisOprtz:  download iso, download unetbootin, plug in thumbdrive, run unetbootin. tell it  the iso name and drive letter.. and away it goes... takes like 5 min11:13
archmanminimec, lol :D11:13
erUSULOprtz: just download the torrent corresponding to the iso you have when the program ask where to save it overwritte the iso you have... the torrent client will verify the file and dl only what its needed11:13
dr_willisright now the torrent speeds are... fast :)11:14
Oprtzahh great11:14
minimecnik_: You have to unmount the 'ntfs' partition in 'gparted'. Then you can delete that partition. Having done that, you can start the USB creator again. It will tell you that the drive is ot formatted... and will format it for you ;)11:14
PeddyHow do I map keys on my mouse to modifiers? For example, I want to map a key to do alt-tab. I used xbindkeys with xvkbd, but xvkbd says "xvkbd: Mode_switch not available as a modifier".11:14
JediMasteranyone know how to setup a ramdisk without rebooting?11:14
mrwesdr_willis, screaming speeds11:15
gordonjcpDaHopi: weird11:16
gordonjcpDaHopi: glad you got it working11:16
mrweshallo wei ghetez?11:16
OprtzerUSUL: very nice idea, to fix the iso corrupted file, thanks11:17
Ademan!de | mrwes11:17
erUSULOprtz: no problem11:17
nik_i see. should i leave some sapce for documents?11:17
mrwesAdeman, I'm not Germany silly11:17
OprtzerUSUL: are u using ubuntu ? or windows?11:18
Ademanmrwes: :-p well you fooled me11:18
nik_okey it sill says "i cannot find the partition number"11:18
erUSULOprtz: o.0! ubuntu of course since its first beta version 4.10 (or was 4.04?)11:19
sprockets2000anyone use a mini 1000 (HP)11:19
ade__what kind of partition ?11:19
OprtzerUSUL: wow cool11:19
magentari just updated to jaunty but still has the old boot usplash screen, how do i change it to the new one?11:19
OprtzerUSUL: dont u miss the games ?11:19
cygnushey ubuntu 9.04 is great! thank you11:20
lazermouseSystem testing wont work11:20
mobi-sheep!register > mobi-sheep11:20
lazermouseit's ubottu's day off. just kidding :D11:20
nik_Alhough i do unmount /dev/sdc1 from within gparted when i repaeat the process with usb creator i still get the same errro emssage11:20
AdemanJediMaster: have you looked into tmpfs? it *can* be swapped out to disk by the kernel, but that's all up to your swappiness settings, so you can get a mostly-ramdisk if you wanted11:20
mobi-sheeplazermouse: Actually. ubottu isn't here. :)11:21
nik_and when i restart gparted it says the drive is still mounted in ntfs11:21
lazermouse@lart huh11:21
ade__hi..any one who do you have test ubuntu jaunty??11:21
Ademanerm, is the update manager bugging out on anyone else? it keeps popping up for me (I haven't updated yet since I'm already on jaunty and I figure the mirrors are already overstressed already)11:21
X-Ubuntu-XHelo all.. can someone plz tell me how to solved this error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/157813/11:22
X-Ubuntu-Xits when im trying running Ether Saga Online with wine 1.1.18 in ubuntu 9.0411:22
minimecmobi-sheep: Ubottu is sleeping today... ;)11:22
zaggynlX-Ubuntu-X: try wine's appdb or their irc channel11:22
X-Ubuntu-Xcan u give me the wines irc channel?11:23
Ademanubottu is probably pretty tired after yesterday...11:23
Promille_X-Ubuntu-X: what happens when you try to play it then, besides the output?11:23
Boohbahminimec: she probably needs lots of rest after the big release :)11:23
X-Ubuntu-Xit just crash and close the window11:23
AdemanBoohbah: she? how do you know? ;-)11:23
JediMasterhow can a live filesystem be changed from rw to ro and can't be put back? mount -o remount,rw / gives "mount: block device /dev/sda1 is write-protected, mounting read-only"11:23
Promille_kk.. i think its best joining #winehq as he said then11:23
va11using ekiga softphone  we can ring to a mobile who is in usa?11:23
alex1X-Ubuntu-X: try update wine11:23
Boohbahmrwes: yes ubottu is female11:23
X-Ubuntu-Xi tryied wine 1.1.1911:23
BoohbahAdeman: bazhang said so11:24
X-Ubuntu-Xbut it still wont work11:24
ravenhi - does anybody know a tool to do batch processing of soundfiles with several filters (like wavelab or something like that)? tnx11:24
minimecnik_: Give it another try and verify that you do evrything right. This is the way, you get your Ubuntu installed on that flash drive.11:24
mrwesBoohbah, well...she needs to shave then :P11:24
spaceninjaah, old version of nexuiz11:24
nik_minimec, why gaprted every time i open it it still say thet /dev/sdc1 is mounted and it is ntfs?11:24
AdemanX-Ubuntu-X: definitely a question for #winehq, but what is patcher.exe from? have you looked in the appdb?11:25
nik_i mean i unmmount and delete the aprtition and when i clsoe and reopne the program it still says that it has a prtition in ntfs11:25
kbpcould anyone plz tell me what is the difference bw %x and %X in C language? thanx alot im a newbie11:25
X-Ubuntu-Xwhere is the appdb ademan`?11:25
lrojasanybody has an idea when the new fglrx drivers are coming out ?\11:25
X-Ubuntu-Xpatcher.exe is from the game Ether Saga11:25
alex1X-Ubuntu-X: winehq.com11:25
minimecnik_: As I told you: You have to unmount that ntfs partition inside 'gparted' (right click) on the partition in gparted... 'unmount' , then 'delete'11:25
alex1X-Ubuntu-X: .org11:26
X-Ubuntu-XI have search alot on the net, but no answer that fit my problem11:26
emanouilHow can I run tar with both zxvfk and --strip-path ?11:26
AdemanX-Ubuntu-X: http://appdb.winehq.org/  you can search for your game and see if there is any information to help you11:26
AdemanX-Ubuntu-X: and if there isn't, please take the time to record it in appdb11:26
va11how can i use ekiga softphone to call a person to    his/her mobile?11:26
dman777what is the difference between tar -cjvp filename.bz2 file and bzip2 file?11:26
Ademandman777: verbosity? :-p11:27
X-Ubuntu-Xyes Ether Saga has been tested in wine, and it should be working..11:27
nik_thats what i was doing, you forgot to tell em that bottomw down i hasd to reight click and then select commit changes11:27
nik_thats why it wasnt working11:27
kbpwhat is the difference bw %x and %X in C language? thanx alot im a newbie11:27
dman777Ademan: no, because i was doing it for a man page and the man utility will not work with the tar -cvjf11:27
BoohbahX-Ubuntu-X: try a newer version of wine11:27
MaT-dgcan u choose between 32 and 64 bit in the wubi installer?11:27
minimecnik_: Good point :) So commit changes... ;)11:27
grawitykbp: if you mean the printf() thing, then %X returns uppercase output.11:28
cloolussHi. Just installed Jaunty. However I can't run compiz because I don't have the Nvidia driver installed. Normally I a message saying "propritary drivers are available" or something like that. I don't have that now, and the drivers screen is no use. How do I install the nvidia driver?11:28
nik_stills ame error message11:28
X-Ubuntu-XTryied whit no luck11:28
kbpgrawity: so it works the same if I use scanf?11:28
lazermousewhere's ubottu?11:28
Boohbahlazermouse: she is sleeping11:29
kbpgrawity: thanx alot ;)11:29
grawitykbp: in scanf, %X and %x mean the same thing.11:29
=== mint3 is now known as Mint`
nik_i mean nwo the space in /dev/scd is unallocated11:29
va11applications->internet->here i dint find xchat IRC!how to install Xchat IRC in ubuntu 8.0.4?11:29
Ademandman777: strange... very strange, you probably won't get much help in here though, for more command line oriented things I generally go to #bash (alot of jerks will say it's not a bash question, which it really isn't, but the right people to answer are in there) or ##linux11:29
Paddy_EIRE!ubottu | lazermouse11:29
Mint`!xchat | vall11:29
kbpgrawity: thanx alot dude ;)11:30
dman777Ademan: haha. ya. thanx11:30
lazermouseubottu's gone11:30
Paddy_EIREmust be down for maintenance11:30
BoohbahPaddy_EIRE: she is sleeping11:30
bazhangva11, sudo apt-get install xchat11:30
Ademanubottu is dead11:30
lazermouseno way11:30
Mint`va11,  sudo apt-get install xchat11:30
Paddy_EIREBoohbah: :)11:30
lazermouseubottu can never die11:30
va11bazhang:i did that command but some /var/ unlock coming11:30
bazhangplease take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic11:30
dman777Ademan: but lately i can't get anwsers to my command line questions on any channel. so i got desperate and came here11:30
Mint`what message do you get ?11:30
JockyWilsonUbuntu9.04 cannot save nvidia-settings - Failed to Parse /etc/X11/xorg.con.     PARSE ERROR:  Parse error on line 37 of section Module in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. "Disable" is not a valid keyword in this section.11:30
bazhangva11, what is the precise message please11:31
nik_usb creator says device is too full to fit ubuntu 699 MB more free space is needed11:31
nik_why is that because it sees the space is unallocated?11:31
va11bazhang:unlock /var/ ...11:31
JockyWilsongksu nvidia-settings NOPE still cannot save settings11:31
bazhangva11, the entire message at paste.ubuntu.com please11:31
Ademandman777: must be *really* desperate lol, erm, have you checked to see if the first 4 bytes (file header) of the two files is the same? it's possible bzip2 uses a different header I suppose.  also aren't man pages generally gzipped anyways?\11:31
Mint`!paste | va1111:32
magentarhow can i change the usplash theme to the jaunty one (my pc still uses the old one ) is update-initrd -u enough?11:32
cloolussHow can I get the nvidia driver on to my new jaunty install?11:32
Mint`clooluss,  it should recognise it.11:32
Paddy_EIREMint`: you forget that ubottu is down at the moment11:32
Ademan clooluss: system->administration->hardware drivers  should do it11:32
Mint`right, ok.11:32
cloolussMint: Ademan: No, neither of those work. It hasn't picked it up automatically, and the hware drivers screen is just empty.11:33
JockyWilsonanyone else have this problem?  Ubuntu9.04 cannot save nvidia-settings - Failed to Parse /etc/X11/xorg.con.     PARSE ERROR:  Parse error on line 37 of section Module in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. "Disable" is not a valid keyword in this section.11:33
dman777Ademan: i think the gunzip is old school for man pages. i did the 'file command' and they both said bzip2 files11:34
cloolussmint: admen: and if I try to find the driver in the repo it says nvidia doesn't support Jaunty or something!11:34
Ademanclooluss: try updating your package list with sudo apt-get update  I had a problem once like that which was fixed, but that's very strange11:34
Szabokahey i need some help with my alsa audio11:34
nik_minimec, ?11:34
AdemanJockyWilson: sounds like you're going to need to muck around in your xorg.conf manually...11:35
minimecnik_: yes?11:35
AdemanJockyWilson: did you upgrade from a previous version?\11:35
nik_stills ame error message11:35
nik_usb creator says device is too full to fit ubuntu 699 MB more free space is needed11:35
nik_why is that because it sees the space is unallocated?11:35
lrojasis there any utility or command that allows me to monitor CPU temps and fan RPM ?11:35
JockyWilsoncloolus you tried  1. sudo apt-get install envyng-core  2. sudo envyng -t  3.11:35
Paddy_EIRElrojas: yes.. lm-sensors11:36
bazhangva11, use sudo11:36
nik_/dev/sdc is unallocated at the tiome we speak, not consisting of partitions11:36
va11bazhang: i used sudo after giving password i got as authenticate failed error11:36
erdoohi everyone, my problem is black screen after group screen,  i cannot reach login screen, what can i do11:36
Paddy_EIRElrojas: open a terminal window and type this without quotes 'sudo apt-get install lm-sensors'11:36
Mint`va11, try again, make sure you are using the right password.11:37
Paddy_EIRElrojas: let me know when you are don11:37
lrojasPaddy_EIRE: ok11:37
Ademandman777: hrm, is it possible that bzip2 is creating an archive instead of just a bzipped single file? (like a tar.gz vs just a .gz) ?11:37
Mint`va11, check for caps lock etc.11:37
lrojasPaddy_EIRE: does it matter if i am on a desktop and not a laptop?\11:37
Fran-XHello, anyone can ask me hoy to login in my next connection with xchat?11:37
va11Mint:my password is correct but sudo:authenticate failed error11:37
Paddy_EIRElrojas: nope11:37
Paddy_EIRElrojas: works all the same11:38
nik_minimec, any ideas?11:38
JockyWilsonUbuntu 9.04 NEW install used envyng-core nvidia to install driver, running but when I enter the settings menu and change try to save "Failed to Parse"11:38
Ameise2I need a pastebin plugin first11:38
minimecnik_: strange. I tried that usb creator just one time and it worked for me. Try to format that drive again. I have no other ideas.11:38
=== dYna is now known as basti
Ameise2pastebin | Ameise211:38
Ameise2!pastebin | Ameise211:39
nik_minimec, when i format the partition with gaprted do i ahve to create aprtuitions in it in ordet for usb creator to work?11:39
Mint`Ameise,  the bot is down.11:39
Szabokahey i need some help with my alsa audio, i cant see alsa in the device list11:39
dman777Ademan: from what i thought they were both containers and compressed. the only thing i can think of is bzip2 file isn't in a 'container'... even though in reality it is.11:39
Paddy_EIRElrojas: ready?11:39
shivamcan anyone help me in installing oracle 10g R2 on ubuntu 8.10?11:39
nik_Apr 25 13:39:50 dell kernel: [13689.431472] VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdc.11:39
va11how to paste screenshot.png in http://paste.ubuntu.com11:40
=== miguel is now known as Guest44946
lrojasPaddy_EIRE:  yes11:40
shivamcan anyone help me in installing oracle 10gR2 on ubuntu8.1011:40
Paddy_EIRElrojas: ok then open a terminal and type 'sensors-detect' again without quotes11:40
JockyWilsonhow come Ubuntu nvidia drivers lots of tinkering needed, any windows nvidia drivers i have  installed work straight away no prob11:41
minimecnik_: just delete all partitions on the drive. the USB creator will partiton and format the device.11:41
Paddy_EIREJockyWilson: because windows is not linux11:41
Ademandman777: have you tried tar -tf <whatever> on both?11:41
lrojasok is asking me a bunch of questions regarding what modules are built into the kernel?11:41
stalker314314hi all, how to upgrade to jaunty from iso? no autorun pops, and I don't have cdromupgrade file? any links?11:41
not_irbdavidIf i install 9.04 Netbook remix, can I get a 'desktop desktop' on it as well?11:42
Paddy_EIRElrojas: yeah just answer yes to each11:42
Paddy_EIREJockyWilson: read this before asking questions here as this can be a busy channel11:42
Paddy_EIREJockyWilson: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm11:42
Szabokai need some help with my alsa audio, i cant see alsa in the device list!11:42
dman777Ademan: no, good idea.11:42
nik_usb creatot says again device is too full to fit ubuntu11:42
lrojasshould i add the lines automatically or cut and paste them in the file?11:42
shivamplease someone help me in installing oracle 10g r2 on ubuntu8.10!!!!!11:43
nik_it really gets into my nerves11:43
Saosinhello. how can i stop the x server and go into text mode only but not in init 1?11:43
nik_the device is empty!!!11:43
JockyWilson Paddy Eire OpenSuse nvidia drivers/resolution just works straightaway no tinkering needed either11:43
AdemanSaosin: you could stop gdm11:43
Paddy_EIREJockyWilson: opensuse = ubuntu!!!11:43
boumahave you ever installed ubuntu ???/11:43
SaosinAdeman: isn't gdm respawinig from init?11:43
PhotoguyHow can I make Ubuntu boot faster?11:43
lrojasPaddy_EIRE: is asking me to add some lines into /etc/modules11:44
shivamplease someone help me in installing oracle 10g r2 on ubuntu8.10!!!!!11:44
Paddy_EIRElrojas: dont worry about that11:44
BoohbahPhotoguy: jaunty is supposed to speed up the boot process11:44
annaimkonkiwhere is the ubuntu upgrade party at? has anyone upgrading had any problems?11:44
lrojasPaddy_EIRE: do i let it auto add the lines or do i do it manually?11:44
lrojasPaddy_EIRE: ok11:44
Paddy_EIRElrojas: auto11:44
stalker314314isn't there a deb for oracle?11:44
AdemanSaosin: what do you mean? (honestly init is mostly outside of my knowledge)  /etc/init.d/gdm stop  should do the trick, if not, after that you'd just need to ctrl+alt+backspace to kill X I believe11:44
PhotoguyBoohbah, I mean further speed it up.11:44
JockyWilsonUbuntu8.10 running fine just 9.04 "Failed to Parse wont save nvidia settings11:44
lrojasPaddy_EIRE: ok, done11:44
Saosinok thanks11:44
Paddy_EIRElrojas: ah great.. so just type into the terminal now 'sensors'11:45
nik_and why the hell messages say Apr 25 13:45:08 dell kernel: [14007.449925] VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdc.11:45
nik_every 2 secs11:45
dman777Ademan: i guess there is a diff. when using or not using tar. although the file utility does not see it11:45
BoohbahPhotoguy: http://lwn.net/Articles/299483/11:45
Ademandman777: did you figure out what it was?11:45
boumaum could someone help.. i removed the network connector applet from the top menu bar.. but now how can i get it back.. its not just a launcher but actuallly an applet, but its not listed under the add the panel list..11:45
PhotoguyBoohbah, Thanks11:46
stalker314314how to upgrade to jaunty from iso? i loop mount it, but no autorun pops, and I don't have cdromupgrade file (that's what is in official upgrade doc)? any links?11:46
balachmarHow can I import and internet radio station pls into banshee so that banshee puts it into the radio stations library?11:46
balachmarFor instance this one:http://www.bassdrive.com/v2/streams/BassDrive.pls I can play it just fine, but it isn't put into the library.11:46
Ademanstalker314314: the way I know how is to enable the cdrom as a repository in your /etc/apt/sources.list11:46
nik_Does anyone know?11:46
dman777Ademan: naw, it has something to do with diff. formats. i'll have to post on the forums to get a more deeper insight on how the 2 versus each other11:46
lrojasPaddy_EIRE: nice, thanks :) although it appears my computer has no sensor for the fan but the temp seems ok... is just that the fan was sounding odd11:47
Ademandman777: aw, well good luck dude, at least you have a working method though right? using tar?11:47
stalker314314Ademan: i don't have cdrom, but any link will be appreciated11:47
lrojasPaddy_EIRE: now, if the fglrx drivers worked :)11:47
Ademanstalker314314: OH, you just want to mount the iso and upgrade from that? one sec11:47
dman777Ademan: ya, for man page it must be done without the tar command(bzip2)11:47
Mint`fglrx should work on jackelope.11:47
Ademandman777: OH  tar *doesn't* work and bzip2 does?11:48
lrojaswell, maybe there is an issue with the 64bit Jackalape11:48
Paddy_EIRElrojas: not here11:48
Paddy_EIRElrojas: which card11:48
mythosHi, i'm having a weird java problem here, can any1 help?11:48
dman777Ademan: yes, although the man utility rejects a file that is bzip2 with tar11:48
lrojasATI RADEON 485011:48
thorn_PLhi how to remove songbird ?11:49
Mint`lrojas, i had the same problem with my ATI. luckily it was not 64 bit and i used the backport drivers.11:49
ayathehuskerjaunty is running much faster than intrepid for me :)11:49
Mint`jaunty is FAST!11:49
ayathehuskervery hehe11:49
Axx83Hello to everyone!11:49
Mint`ayathehusker, but mac os still boots faster imho11:50
Mint`hey Axx8311:50
lrojasMint: what do you mean your card was not 64bit ?11:50
ayathehuskerim getting faster fps running wow through wine now on my ntfs partition, than in vista in that partition :P11:50
Axx83Where do you put a power saving script in Jaunty ? I need this script to be processed at start, when I unplug ac, when I plug it, when I suspend, when I get back from suspension and when I shut down/restart the notebook.11:50
Ademandman777: ah, definitely related to container vs not in my opinion (since the tar command implicitly creates a tar container)  the reason why file can't tell the difference is because it would have to decompress each bzip file to see that one contains a tar inside it.  (or at least that's my take)11:50
Axx83In Intrepid I putted it in: /etc/pm/power.d AND /etc/pm/sleep.d but it didn't work very well11:51
magentaris it possible to use KMS with jaunty?11:51
Paddy_EIRElrojas: you have tried this haven't you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI11:51
dman777Ademan: ya, i was under the impression 'container' was just a generic term for files contained together....which would be the same for any compression like bzip2 without tar11:52
=== _NeoBlaster is now known as NeoBlaster
odeenIs there a shell command that does the same thing as "switch user" through menu?11:52
lrojasPaddy_EIRE: i havent seen that, but let me read it now (at least i dont remenber seeing it )...11:53
ayathehuskeris it worth it to install the v185.xx nvidia beta driver or should i stick with the stable 180.xx that was detected and installed via restricted manager? using a gtx280 card. Getting around ~8500 fps in glxgears currently with 180.xx11:53
progre55does anybody know how to work with IPTABLE? I need to open a port on a server for a specific IP, please help out :)11:53
dman777Ademan: i'm outter here. take care.11:54
Boohbahprogre55: ity rejects a file that is bzip2 with tar11:54
Mint`progre55, have you tried this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo ?11:54
Boohbah03:48 < lrojas> ATI RADEON 485011:54
Ademandman777: later, good luck11:54
Boohbahprogre55: http://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial.html11:54
eesittiremcekarebalck screen!!  help me11:54
progre55Mint`, Boohbah, thanks guys, let me try them :)11:54
lrojasBoohbah: ??11:54
ayathehusker 11:54
Mint`progre55, good luck.11:54
Boohbahlrojas: paste gone wrong, sorry11:55
ayathehuskercant start x essittire?11:55
dekkongHello! after I set my ubuntu machine to use a static IP the web browsing has been really slow11:55
=== Nurple is now known as Nurpster
Oli``I have an Ubuntu server install and it has a fair few python packages installed using easy_install. I assume they're not going to be upgraded when Ubuntu moves things to Py2.6 so is there any way of finding out what I need to reinstall (or, better yet, something that will do all that for me)?11:55
eesittiremcekareyes ayathehusker11:55
ayathehuskersux :( I had that issue on mint when i tried to upgrade a gfx driver without removing the old one11:56
eesittiremcekarehow did you fix it then ?11:56
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ayathehuskermints good :P not knocking it i just screwed up :P11:56
ayathehuskeri went into x in vga mode, was crawling the ubuntu forums for a while.11:57
JockyWilsonPaddy Eire  Thanks tinkered with xorg.conf file and now have TVOUT and colour dual screens  :)11:57
eesittiremcekareafter i selected ubuntu kernel, a black screen appears11:57
Mint`ayathehusker,  your best bet of sorting it out is here. hang tight and be patient.11:57
ayathehuskeri used links to browse11:57
vixi am currently using windows and connecting top my office vpn, i would like to do the same for my linux box (ubuntu/fedora) windows has a vpn dialer, does linux have a equivalent?11:57
Mint`vix,  course.11:57
ayathehuskeryou should be able to use links in the terminal and if you dont have it sudo apt-get install links11:57
Axx83Where do you put a power saving script in Jaunty ?11:58
Axx83I need this script to be processed at start, when I unplug ac, when I plug it, when I suspend, when I get back from suspension and when I shut down/restart the notebook.11:58
Axx83In Intrepid I putted it in: /etc/pm/power.d AND /etc/pm/sleep.d BUT but it wasn't run in all the cases I needed to, especially from suspend and restart.11:58
Mint`vix, heard of "vino" ?11:58
FloodBot1Axx83: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:58
vixhow is a diler different from ubuntu's built-in vpn settings11:58
eesittiremcekarehow can i fix it? i cannot reach X, black screen appear just11:58
Mint`vic, try this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC .11:59
boumaback, after removing it from the panel\11:59
Mint`Vino is decent.11:59
keeleyI have ubuntu jaunty, i try to search "tor" in repository but is not placed ... in the beta version was in repository11:59
vixi am not looking to vnc11:59
ayathehuskeranyone else not have sound in jaunty but then uninstalled pulseaudio and it returned :P11:59
pbxN00b X config question: I've installed 9.04 on a Dell Inspiron 4000. Boots and logs in. Video display is wonky (three semi-repeating vertical bands). Any way to try other resolutions/settings easily via the shell? GUI not really usable, no network connection.  If it's "forget it", just say so.11:59
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vixlooking at vino...11:59
Mint`pbx,  which gfx drivers do you use?11:59
Mint`vix, you can install it via synaptics.12:00
pbxMint`: No idea. I have not done any custom config.12:00
paul68hi I use this command in a script to get my public ip address wget -O - http://whatismyip.org/ | tail  which is working, the only thing that is bugging me is that when I come home and connect to my network this command is still trying to maintain the public ip using the default gateway from work anyone has a solution for this12:00
vixMint`: i am not trying to connect to my machine remotely12:00
vixrather just connect my my office network12:00
vixand access its resources12:00
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vixvino seems to allow me to access my desktop12:00
Mint`vix,  read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC .12:01
Boohbahvix: openvpn12:01
Mint`There is a section about accessing over the internet.12:01
vixwe have open vpn on our systems in office12:01
tormodpaul68: you need to rerun wget, not let it hang on tail12:01
Boohbahvix: you will need the client and some keys12:01
vixi would like to connect to my office resources using open vpn12:01
paul68tormod: so I should remove the tail part and I am fine?12:02
vixBoohbah: is the client already built-in or would i have to download it12:02
Mint`doubt its built in, Vix. check in synaptics.12:02
boumai lost my network applet after removing it from the panel.. but i cant get it back, can someone help ??12:02
tormodpaul68: yes as long as it is rerun when neeeded12:03
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paul68tormod: ok thanks12:03
Mint`bouma, , right click add to panel and look for "network monitor"12:03
vixBoohbah: Mint` i shal check that out12:04
boumaMint`: yeah right. but its not on that list12:04
lrojasPaddy_EIRE: the instructions seem a bit out of date.. wich steps should i follow the 8.04 ?12:04
tormodpaul68: I thought you were using "tail -f". anyway you need to relaunch wget12:04
boumaMint`: ive just installed 9.04 .. there is a system monitor only . no network monitor12:04
Paddy_EIRElrojas: just a moment12:04
Mint`bouma, am on jackelope too. its in the list. check again please.12:05
boumaMint`: well there are; battery, cpu freq, modem, system and weather, monitors but no its not, cause i searched on the word monitor.. for some reason its not on the list12:05
pbxSo, no ideas about fixing video config via the shell (no net connection, no real X knowledge)?12:05
Petrovfor virtualization, which program is recommended: vmware, xen or virtualbox?12:05
Paddy_EIRElrojas: yeah just follow the steps for 8.0412:05
BmanHi. I'm using a powerline (from devolo) here for internet. but it's real slow, and i'm not on smallband.. any idea how this can happen?12:05
paul68tormod: ok and is data stored somewhere, even removing the tail part its still searching to the gw from work?12:06
boumaMint`: i can send you a screenshot with the keywork search and the only visible applets, but the network applet simply isnt on the list. coudl i have removed it from the list somehow ?12:06
ayathehuskeryeah pbx if i remembered how i did it i could tell ya, all i know is i used text mode browser to read how to clear them and start up generic vga mode in x12:06
ayathehuskerand once i cleared them out12:06
boumaMint`: when i search on net, i only get the modem monitor12:06
BmanHi. I'm using a powerline (from devolo) here for internet. but it's real slow, and i'm not on smallband.. any idea how this can happen?12:06
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Mint`bouma, you could try to re install the gnome panel.12:07
actionshrimphey, I have a bunch of disks from an old computer with a soft-raid on them, have moved them into a new machine and want to restore the RAID with mdadm but not sure which command to use, any ideas?12:07
tormodpaul68: do you have a problem with wget, or just generally with routing? try ping12:07
pbxayathehusker: Thanks. I think I may be in generic mode already -- at least the x config looked pretty generic :)12:07
lrojasok when it tells me to "Enable accelerated the accelerated ATI graphics driver in the restricted-manager" does it mean the screen in Hardware Drivers where it shows the ATI fglrx propietary drivers?12:07
paul68tormod: with wget I guess12:07
calvinpsHello. I am just wondering if the ath5k drivers work on jaunty12:08
calvinpsi'm going to upgrade it today12:08
boumaMint`: its on the desktop of the Guest session.. but i just cant get it back for this desktop12:08
tormodpaul68: wget will just use the network layer as any other app12:08
mrweslrojas, yes12:08
Mint`calvinps,  yes it does. Had some trouble with it at first though.12:08
lrojasok, let me try it now12:09
paul68tormod: at this point the script is trying to connect to Connecting to  while my gw is
Mint`bouma,  have a read at this : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-541944.html .12:09
ayathehuskeranyone know of any gui V4L config tools i can get to figure out why my tvcard has no sound? I had one in linuxmint's menu that was really nice but dont know what it was called. Pretty sure it wasnt a mint exclusive tool tho.12:09
frank_i kinda right clicked on firefox and removed from panel, now when i minimize firefox, it closes, how can i put that back>12:09
CokeNCodeok, guys, how do i get the cube effect when i switch workspaces ?12:10
ayathehuskerdo you have ccsm?12:10
pbxpaul68: I can say pretty confidently that the problem is not wget (or any other client program, none of which get to set your network config). The problem is your network config.12:10
ayathehuskercoke rather12:10
CokeNCodeand i'm planning to buy a 32 inch tv today, with vga input. Will I be able to use this with Ubuntu without a problem ?12:10
BmanHi. I'm using a powerline (from devolo) here for internet. but it's real slow, and i'm not on smallband.. any idea how this can happen?12:11
dicanderI just upgraded from Ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 and now the Graphical login-window is all torn up. My graphics card is AMD Radeon 4870. Is there a good solution for this (disabling all AMD drivers through rootshell perhaps, but how?).12:11
CokeNCodeayathehusker, ccsm ? what's that ?12:11
ayathehuskerif you have ccsm (Compiz config settings manager) installed you can set up the rotate cube and desktop cube in that12:11
lanoxx-what package is "Software Sources" part of?12:11
ayathehuskerbut you need a 3d accelerated video card driver enabled12:11
boumaMint`: sorry got disconnedted.. i hope it didnt crash. i thought pidgen stayed open when you close the window12:11
calvinpsIm just about to upgrade to jaunty now, see ya laterz!12:12
ayathehuskermost of the little bugs i had with compiz in intrepid seem to be gone in jaunty :)12:12
Mint`bouma,  have a read at this : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-541944.html .12:12
boumaMint`: i missed that url. would you please refer me that that ubuntu message board url again ?12:12
CokeNCodeayathehusker, is that installed by default12:12
CokeNCodeif not , can i apt-get it (jeeze i'm lazy)12:12
dob1hi, what i have to change in my sources.list to update to juanty?12:13
Mint`CokeNCode, its compiz settings.12:13
MiladKhajavihow can I set my sound card?12:13
ayathehuskerits in Synaptic12:13
CokeNCodeapt-get install compiz-gnome ?12:13
lanoxx-what package is "Software Sources" in System->Administration part of?12:13
CokeNCodeuh oh, bathroom time brb12:13
ayathehuskertoo much baby laxative in the code12:13
MiladKhajaviI know that my sound card is installed but I want to know how can I check it?12:14
lrojasback in a bit12:14
MiladKhajavihow can I enavle it?12:14
ayathehuskermilad i had to uninstall pulseaudio and reboot then my sound miraculously worked12:14
Szabokahello there, please tell me a linkwhere I can download the latest ALSA drivers packages [except that sh!t homepage of theirs]12:14
ayathehuskerbut its working perfectly on my sb Xfi12:14
minimecdicander: if you wanna try to configure the opensource driver (and remove fglrx), change to a console <ctrl><alt>F1, login and do this: 1.) sudo apt-get remove fglrx* 2.) sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg 3.) sudo reboot12:14
paul68pbx: please explain?  the only weird behavior I have on that part is that my wlan adapter is called eth1 instead of wlan0 even after a fresh install of ubuntu 9.0412:15
dob1i have to change from intrepid to juanty?12:15
sean2009hi everyone 1 have a question. what is the name of the package installer thing from the command line it begins with a..... i cant remember it12:15
ayathehuskerjaunty is worth the switch, esp with ext4 its fast as hell12:15
Szabokasean2009, 'apt-get' u mean?12:15
sean2009no its called12:15
sean2009something a....12:15
Szabokasean2009, aptitude, maybe?12:16
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sean2009someone told me yesterday buti forgot12:16
pbxpaul68: I don't have any tips for you. I'm just suggesting that you not focus on wget as the source of your network problem. It's just providing a symptom.12:16
drbobbIsn't JFS at least as fast as ext4?12:16
sean2009yes aptitude thanks12:16
Szabokasean2009, np12:16
Mint`CokeNCode, have you got compiz installed ?12:16
drbobbAnd JFS has been around for quite a few years now12:17
Szabokaplease anyone, tell me a link where I can download the latest ALSA drivers packages [except that sh!t homepage of theirs]12:17
Guest28631Hi, im a new user from sweden who cannot use "normal" visual effects after upgrading to Jaunty. I have a Intel graph adapter on my laptop. Ideas?12:17
boumaMint`: well thanks for the link but its related to different bugs. the person did also mentioned using hoary..12:18
Mint`bouma,  yes it did.12:18
boumaperhaps i should just recreate my desktop12:18
Mint`Hope it gives you some insight, bouma .12:19
mrwesoh yah...bot is sleepin12:19
boumaMint`: whats the cleanest way of deleting my account and recreating it12:19
tsoppSzaboka, whats wrong with the ALSA site12:19
dicanderminimec: Thanks, worked great!12:19
younderRecreate your desktop? I just downloaded the 9.4 release12:19
arunreddychannel for jaunty ?12:19
minimecdicander: np12:19
boumaMint`: so when you go add to panel, and then search on 'net' you get the network manager ??12:19
Mint`bouma, yeah, its there.12:20
Mint`you can "useradd name" or something12:20
BoohbahSzaboka: or what's wrong with ubuntu alsa packages?12:20
cutoutupgrade was a complete disaster, 1. crash on fullscreen video, 2. evloution crashs, 3. virtualbox wont run windows anymore, 4. booting in text mode no usplash12:20
boumayounder: yeah i jsut installed 9.04, and i removed the network manger from the menu bar, and for some reason its disapeared from the add to panel too12:20
SzabokaBoohbah, i suddenly blacklisted it but i got rid of that entry12:20
SzabokaBoohbah, and now i dont have audio on my lappy @ 9.0412:20
darrender, why would a dbus restart cause all GDM sessions to terminate?12:20
rconancan anyone suggest why my initramfs doesn't have the correct device nodes for some of my disks?12:20
Szabokatsopp, it does not start the downloading...12:21
ayathehuskeranyone know how to force close a wine app without using htop? Really noobish question just figureing out if theres another key combo for a windows Alt-f4 to close an app thats locked12:21
tsoppSo try another mirror..12:21
SzabokaBoohbah, my problem was, if i plugged my headphones in, i still heard the lappys speakers12:21
ayathehuskeri usually use htop to kill stuff12:21
SzabokaBoohbah, which i dont want12:21
SzabokaBoohbah, and someone told me to "upgrade" to oss, which is a sh!t as you say here in irc12:21
emorrisayathehusker: wineserver -k        will kill all wine apps12:22
JediMasterhey guys, what's the offical way to upgrade from 8.10 server to 9.10?12:22
SzabokaBoohbah, and i want to restore my alsa drivers, so i went to reinstall them12:22
JediMasterer 9.04 even12:22
Mint`JediMaster,  update manager -d12:22
JediMasterkk, thanks m0RrE12:22
JediMasterer MindVirus12:22
FloodBot1JediMaster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:22
JediMasterwill type it =)12:22
SzabokaBoohbah, please tell if you can help me, i just 'apt-get install'-ed the alsa drivers, that were available12:22
mrwesJediMaster, alt + F2 | gksu update-manager -d | then click distribution upgrade available button12:23
SzabokaBoohbah, and the voice control says i'm still having null output12:23
JediMastermrwes: running a server via ssh12:23
cutoutupgrade was a complete disaster, 1. crash on fullscreen video, 2. evloution crashs, 3. virtualbox wont run windows anymore, 4. booting in text mode no usplash12:23
ActionParsnipcutout: was intrepid ok for you?12:23
emorrisJediMaster, Mint`:  no, update-manager12:23
Mint`ouch cutout , there are days like that. However it is all "sortable"12:23
emorristhe -d is for devel release12:24
mrwesJediMaster, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade12:24
mrwesmaybe -d too12:24
cutoutActionParsnip: Yes it was great12:24
intuitionim using ubuntu 9.04.. i installed graphics drivers and now the screen cant stop shaking after i set resolution to 1024x768 by terminal. also, if i try to start screen display options it becomes slow as hell12:24
intuitionhave to kill it through console mode12:24
ActionParsnipcutout: then why did you fix something that wasnt boken?12:24
Mint`emorris, it does work.12:24
intuitionany idea about how can i... well.. see a decent non-shaking screen please? And maybe fix the display screen options.. xD12:24
JediMastermrwes: I usually just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade12:24
cutoutActionParsnip:  getting the "great new stuff"12:24
SlipstreamSo, uh, don't hurt me if everyone asks this, but has anyone else got no sound?12:25
JediMasterjust wondered what the offical way was12:25
SlipstreamWith Jaunty, that is.12:25
ActionParsnipcutout: looks great doesnt it...all broken12:25
mrwesJediMaster, well there ya go12:25
ayathehuskerslip if you have the drivers show up but no sound12:25
ayathehuskertry uninstalling pulseaudio with synaptic and rebooting12:25
cutoutActionParsnip:yeah feels awsome12:25
bEe_please help me: how can I restore files from broken ext3 partition?12:25
JediMasterso update-manager -d then?12:25
ayathehuskerit got mine working12:25
emorrisMint`: it is not official policy12:25
cutoutMint`: what can I do12:25
emorrisJediMaster: no -d12:25
SlipstreamSo it'll default to alsa or something?12:25
JediMasterthere's no upgrade instructions on ubuntu.com for 9.04 yet =(12:25
Mint`JediMaster,  http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading try have a read.12:25
JediMasteremorris: kk12:25
JediMasterMint`: no details for 9.0412:26
emorrisJediMaster: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading12:26
SlipstreamCouldn't I do the same thing by going into sound and setting everything to alsa?12:26
JediMasteralready looked at it12:26
ActionParsnipcutout: ok i'd ask about virtualbox in #vbox but i'd get the other stuff righted fist, bootsplash is intransient so put it on the back burner for a while12:26
JediMasteremorris: again it's not updated for 9.0412:26
ayathehuskeri tried that as suggested and it didnt work for me still was no sound12:26
SlipstreamAlright, I haven't tried what you said yet so I'll give it a shot.12:26
emorrisJediMaster: it is while i'm looking at it right now12:26
calamari_is there a way to change the corner in which notifications appear in jaunty?12:26
JediMasteroh wait, I was looking at the link from the homepage12:26
ayathehuskeri dont really know how pulseaudio works maybe but i tried everything for hours then read a post about that and it worked in seconds hehe12:26
Mint`JediMaster,  entirely your call, update-manager -d does work however.12:26
SlipstreamLuckly I use openbox so it can remove ubuntu desktop for all I care.12:27
ActionParsnipcutout: get fullscreen video resolved. Have you installed video drivers?12:27
ayathehuskeryeah even in gnome12:27
grimboyHey, I've pretty much followed this guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet) for a network install. I get as far as the netboot installer menu, but when I select any of the options I get as far as loading ubuntu-installer/i386/linux......loading ubuntu-installer/i386/initrd.gz......ready then I get no output.12:27
cutoutActionParsnip: after upgrade no12:27
ayathehuskeri removed the desktop and it didnt mess anything up12:27
JediMasterwth? it took me to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes which is out of date12:27
ActionParsnipcutout: i'd do that, your new kernel may need some drivers for video12:27
JediMasterahh that's on the upgrade notes12:28
boumaMint`: i cant reinstall gnome-applets and gnome-applets-data, i can only remove them. synaptic doesnt offer to reinstall.12:28
SlipstreamHuh. Then it must just install everything in the default setup or something.12:28
calamari_is there a way to change the corner in which notifications appear in jaunty?12:28
SlipstreamLike some kind of pseudo-package.12:28
JediMasterright, so the offical way is: sudo do-release-upgrade12:28
maxbcalamari_: no :-(12:28
cutoutActionParsnip: but compiz working , even urbanterror is working12:28
SlipstreamDie pulseaudio, die.12:28
calamari_maxb: what?! no way at all? thats crazy...12:29
danbhfivecalamari_: no12:29
maxbcalamari_: yes, it's utterly crazy12:29
tsoppdidn't you just say no12:29
danbhfivecalamari_: its not that crazy.  I think it will be there next release12:29
calamari_maxb: i have conky in top right corner.. and libnotify stuff goes over it.. thats annoying12:29
ActionParsnipcutout: oh, cool (urban terror rocks hard)12:30
maxbdanbhfive: It's crazy that they rushed this notification overhaul into Jaunty half-baked12:30
cutoutActionParsnip: lol12:30
ActionParsnipcutout: have you tried multiple players, does it crash if you disable compiz?12:30
Mint`sorry guys, phone call atm.12:30
Paddy_EIREmaxb: it aint half baked.. you can do better then the gates are open12:30
JediMasteromg 5997kB/s on the upgrade!12:30
ActionParsnipcutout: check out penumbra too, awesomely scary game12:30
calamari_maxb, danbhfive: thanks anyway...12:30
JediMaster6 MegaBytes/sec lol!12:30
danbhfivemaxb: well, you might think its crazy, but its certainly not unusual.  That how everything happens in linux.  Its just not feature complete12:30
ayathehuskernice lol12:31
emorrisJediMaster: or use update manager. both are specified in that link. update-manager for desktops, do-release-upgrade for servers12:31
JediMasterdamn the gb mirror is fast12:31
cutoutActionParsnip:  tried multiple players and it crashes too when compiz is disabled12:31
ayathehuskeri got the install cd at 2.4 MB/sec only on mine but i think thats the max of my cable lol12:31
JediMasteremorris: it's a server via ssh, doing it in screen just in case12:31
cutoutActionParsnip: searching for penumbra :)12:31
emorrisJediMaster: ah, didn't realise. thought you were using a desktop12:31
frank_is there a temp program in ubuntu that you can place in a panel to show temps of hardware?12:31
maxbdanbhfive: Sure, but when you're replacing one implementation with another, it makes sense to me to achieve feature-parity before changing over the default12:32
SlipstreamSo that did nothing.12:32
ActionParsnipcutout: ok, un the video player from terminal, when it crashes you will get intelligent output12:32
SlipstreamGoddamn Canonical. How can they have such an epic bug in a stable release???12:32
ActionParsnipcutout: the game isnt free but the demo is12:32
SlipstreamHave they made any announcements about  the sound/video issues?12:32
johnfluxMy Network manager doesnt work after upgrading to 9.04.12:32
ActionParsnipSlipstream: tell that to microsoft *koff*Blaster*koff*12:32
SlipstreamCause I'm probably going to use XP until it's fixed.12:32
ayathehuskeri cant get my tv card sound working but i think i need to install some v4l gui prog that i dont have12:33
ruruthMy CPUs don't throttle, since jaunty update.12:33
Slipstream*hint* Linux is supposed to be open...with communication.12:33
ActionParsnipSlipstream: its OSS, no warranties, no garuntees12:33
ruruthI saw powernowd being removed.12:33
ayathehuskerdoes it say you have a sound card detected?12:33
zap0why is it so hard to download the torrent file?12:33
ActionParsnipruruth: if you use amd cpus you dont need powernowd12:33
ActionParsnip!slow | zap012:33
ayathehuskeryeah oss will work most likely but alsa generally sounds smoother on my card since i have to use beta drivers for it in either alsa or oss12:33
SlipstreamAre you seriously telling me that a major issue that affects many users doesn't matter because "its OSS, no warranties, no garuntees"12:34
zap0for a new linux user, my experience so far is aweful.12:34
ActionParsnipzap0: the torrent speed is relative to the seeders12:34
tsoppzap0, download a torrent file?12:34
cutoutActionParsnip: I wont get good output because when it crashes I have to restart it just blanks out12:34
secret901I just upgraded to 9.04 and now I can't watch any video with any program12:34
danbhfivemaxb: thats not how ubuntu works.  That would be called a "rolling release" type schedule.  Debian has that.  Ubuntu releases every 6 months, with the goal that the features that _are_ there won't be buggy.12:34
zap0i can't even download the .torrent file.12:34
SlipstreamSee? This release is retarded with bugs.12:34
ActionParsnipcutout: do you mean restart the whole system?12:34
secret901I keep getting "badalloc insufficient resources for operation ubuntu" errors12:34
Paddy_EIREzap0: you seem to fail at google12:34
johnfluxI wish I could get that far - my network doesn:t work at all12:34
ActionParsnipcutout: doesnt ctrl+alt+backspace work12:35
tpfennigI also has some issues with video. I deinstalled all VLC and gstreamer and reinstalled. That did fix it.12:35
ruruthActionParsnip: powernowd did also do frequency scaling for intel cpus12:35
JediMasterso who here has braved the scariness of ext4?12:35
tpfennigI guess package manger got a bit out of sync12:35
zap0Paddy_EIRE, good one moron, you think someone about to install linux doesn't know how to use a web browser.12:35
tsoppI'm using ext4.12:35
ActionParsnipruruth: exactly, so haul it out if you use amd12:35
cutoutActionParsnip:did not try it but anyways I wont get that output :P12:35
JediMasterand has anyone had any disasters with it?12:35
ayathehuskerme jedi its been really fast and stable so far12:35
JediMastertsopp: how are you finding it?12:35
tsoppIts fast.12:35
SlipstreamI'm on Ext4 on /root.12:35
ruruthActionParsnip: I have no cpu frequency scaling at all now. I have an intel cpu12:35
ayathehuskersuper fast copying12:35
ActionParsnipcutout: find a way to output it to a file12:36
SlipstreamHaven't noticed anything in particular, but it seems faster.12:36
tsoppThough on my laptop it caused issues, I'm not sure I would recommended it on most laptop hardware.12:36
JediMastertsopp, Slipstream, ayathehusker: noticeably faster? Any issues at all?12:36
Paddy_EIREzap0: watch your attitude I found this link in all of 2 seconds.. at least I dont blame others for my own inadequacies http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2009/04/23/ubuntu-904-jaunty-released-torrents-available-here/12:36
f0rmatI have been having problems on my laptop during the previous release and it's got worse in the present release. Characters are printed wrong and the screen shows static :| didn't happen in windows and it lags12:36
cutoutActionParsnip: this is alittle bit advance for me :(, but I;'ll try12:36
secret901this new release is noticably slower and messed up video12:36
SlipstreamMy computer is always kinda quick. Can't really tell. But I'd go for it any way.12:37
intuitionsecret901 are uhaving video problems too?12:37
secret901intuition: yes12:37
zap0Paddy_EIRE, i found the link too in 2 seconds.. what of it.   it doesnt work.12:37
secret901intuition: I can't watch any videos12:37
Paddy_EIREzap0: I have no intention of helping you any further12:37
tsoppzap0, do you mea nyou don't have a program to handle .torrent files?12:37
JediMasterI think I'll put off upgrading the production servers to ext4 just yet, but may try it on my desktops12:37
secret901intuition: I keep getting "badalloc insufficient resources for operation ubuntu" errors12:37
SlipstreamAnyway, so have there been any annoucements about all these bugs yet?12:37
Assenziohi everyone12:37
intuitionoh that.. im trying to change my resolution.. i cant open screen display properties... it gets stuck i need to ctrl alt f1 and kill it12:37
Paddy_EIRE!attitude | zap012:38
tpfennigMy guess on video problems is also that it is xorg related.12:38
zap0tsopp, the link to the torrent does not work.  i can't transfer a .torrent file via HTTP.12:38
intuitioni'm new to linux though secret901. But the screen doesn't stop shaking if i set another resolution by xrandr12:38
secret901intuition: Ctrl+alt+backspace no longer seems to work either12:38
danbhfiveActionParsnip: C-M-Backspace is gone.  Its now SysRq+k12:38
tpfennigI could also fix some issues when I moved xorg.conf out of the way12:38
danbhfivesecret901: ^12:38
tsoppzap0, can you download anything else?12:39
zap0Paddy_EIRE, your bot appears to be broken too.12:39
ActionParsnipdanbhfive: it can be re-enabled12:39
SlipstreamWow...that's a lot of updates.12:39
zap0tsopp, yes, i've been download stuff for the last 6 hours of hundreds of different web sites.12:39
Paddy_EIREzap0: it aint my bot.. and it goes down for maintenance every now and then12:39
immeWill the Ubuntu 9.04 clear my home directory of unneeded files?12:40
tsoppzap0, so when you click on at orrent file it doesn't prompt you to download? I'm not sure I understand ...12:40
danbhfiveActionParsnip: yeah, but I've heard that many distros are going this direction.  So I figure its fine to settle down on the new standard12:40
Paddy_EIREzap0: perhaps research before you plunge into something head-first and expect immediate gratification12:40
intuitionWhy would installing graphic drivers make gnome-display-properties stop recognizing the monitor and therefore,making the screen shaking constantly, plus, SO graphic environment completely crash when i try to open the display settings?12:40
intuitioni'm using ati radeon 385012:40
intuitioni just uninstalled the driver and everything seems fine.. :S12:40
tsoppyea it probably12:41
tsoppfell back to radeon, the open source driver12:41
JockyWilsonanyone cloned ext4 256 inode partitions...... what program did you use Norton Ghost incompatible 256 inode12:41
tsoppfglrx has been causing a plethora of problems for me12:41
zirodayJockyWilson: clonezilla12:41
jtan325waht's the hot terminal to use these days? anything work switching from urxvt?12:41
intuitiontsopp what do you mean? :s im not familiar with linux at all.. please speak as to a child :p12:41
ActionParsnipdanbhfive: i'm old school, so i like the old stylee, thankfully its an option to reinstate the combo12:41
zirodayjtan325: #ubuntu-offtopic is probably the best place to ask12:41
Paddy_EIREjtan325: terminator perhaps :)12:41
JockyWilsonziroday where they ext4 256 inode partitions you cloned ?12:42
JockyWilsonNOT 128 indoes12:42
zirodayJockyWilson: not sure12:42
zap0tsopp, im not a moron, i write software in asm/c/c++ for last 10 years..   its really simple..  the link to the .torrent file on the ubuntu web site will not transfer a file.  the transfer does not occur.  the header does, i get the filename, just not the tranfer.. its like the server is saying "here have a file, of zero bytes"12:42
tsoppintuition, there are two drivers, the open source radeon driver and fglrx which is ATI's propietary driver. So far I found that fglrx doesn't work in Jaunty, I could be wrong, so if you upgraded and were using fglrx before it could have caused issues. By uninstalling it, it defaulted to the radeon driver which works.12:42
zirodayzap0: if the .torrent is not working then why not use just a normal http or ftp download?12:43
immeWill the Ubuntu 9.04 clear my home directory of unneeded files OR are the only two options 1. to remove it all(with backup) or 2. to keep it all ?12:43
intuitiontsopp, but i didnt install the radeon drivers... i installed SO, then ATI's propietary driver, uninstalled and reinstalled it couple of times.. but i dont know about existance of any other.12:44
zirodayimme: what do you mean by removing unnneeded files?12:44
johnfluximme: It shouldn't touch your home directory at all12:44
immeziroday: for instance , the gimp2.2 , gimp2.3 directories , keeping gimp2.6 directory...12:44
tpfennigsounds like imme doesnt use the alternate update cd.12:45
johnfluximme: of course the official answer is that you should always backup12:45
zap0ziroday, i dont want the ubuntu, i want the torrent.12:45
zirodayimme: no, unless you use the --purge option when uninstalling it won't touch those files12:45
D_AEvening everyone, has anyone got twinview running o.k. in 9.04 with nvidia? Mine seems flakey12:45
zirodayzap0: why?12:45
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tpfennigziroday: --purge doesnt touch /home12:45
JediMasterwow 9.04 boots faster than 8.10, actually timed it, had to reboot 8.10 earlier, took 57 seconds from ping down to ping up, takes 50 seconds on 9.04 =)12:45
johnfluxziroday: --purge would affect home directory files?  I dont think so12:45
tsopp9.04 boots in 10 seconds for me :P12:46
zirodayjohnflux: tpfennig oh my bad, was under the impression it did :)12:46
tpfennighi Umeaboy12:46
immeokay , thanks ziroday , johnflux , tpfennig .12:46
UmeaboyWhat device should I install bootloader on so that Ubuntu will load as it should?12:46
neil1985*~ hey guys ~*12:46
johnfluxJediMaster: technically that just means the the network came up faster12:46
ayathehuskeri love 9.04 it boots as fast as dos 612:46
zirodayUmeaboy: hd0?12:46
tpfennigUmeaboy: depends on your installation12:46
gordonjcpzap0: paste the actual link you're having problems with, please?12:46
Umeaboyziroday: That doesn't work.12:46
zap0gordonjcp http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent12:46
johnfluxJediMaster: 50 seconds still sounds a long time though - slow machine?12:46
UmeaboyThe bootloader won't load then.12:46
tpfennigUmeaboy: what is your current status?12:46
UmeaboyI get Error 2 then.12:46
seismicplease help me, i have a black screen problem...12:47
zap0gordonjcp, from the web site.12:47
johnfluxJediMaster: oh, that was a complete reboot?  nm12:47
UmeaboyI'm in the installation and the part to coose where to install the bootloader on.12:47
gordonjcpzap0: very very slow here, it's probably being hammered12:47
tsoppzap0, that one doesn't work for me either.12:47
w-heathi, I'm having problems getting vino to work on Jaunty. I can connect just fine and the mouse seems to move around, but I cannot click anything. Nothing seems interactive although, when I reconnected the actions I took seem to have been taken (ie. I clicked a terminal shortcut and nothing happened. Reconnected and terminal was open). Any ideas?12:47
zirodayzap0: tried using wget?12:47
JockyWilsonwhat is best/bloatware free mp3 player on Ubuntu12:47
tsopp(just tried wgetr)12:47
gordonjcp!best | JockyWilson12:48
tpfennigUmeaboy: you do a fresh nstall of Ubuntu 9.04  on a standard intel based system with one IDE/ATA hard disk ?12:48
seismicplease help me, i have a black screen problem...12:48
zap0ziroday, curl says "curl: (7) couldn't connect to host"12:48
Paddy_EIREzap0: I just added each of those torrents (ubuntu and kubunu) to my client and they all work12:48
UmeaboyNot 9.04. 8.10.12:48
UmeaboyI have no choice atm.12:48
tpfennigUmeaboy: ah ok12:48
gordonjcpPaddy_EIRE: they're not working for me, then12:48
UmeaboyI'm going to upgrade from 8.10.12:48
tpfennigUmeaboy: but a fresh install?12:48
server_Alloha i installed ubuntu 9 but the package "tor" is gone, where can i find it?12:48
zap0Paddy_EIRE, i've tried several times.12:49
Paddy_EIREgordonjcp: explain what you are doing12:49
Paddy_EIREzap0: ^12:49
gordonjcpPaddy_EIRE: clicking on the link on the webpage12:49
JockyWilsonwhat winamp 2.91 equivalent on Ubuntu ?12:49
tpfennigUmeaboy: and you let it install on the whole disk?12:49
gordonjcpPaddy_EIRE: it's really quite simple.  I click the link on the webpage, and it sits there for a long long time without actually connecting to the server12:49
UmeaboyI don't know how to make partitions that suit the hdd.12:49
UmeaboySo therefor I play it easy.12:49
tpfennigUmeaboy: shouldnt the installer do that autoamtically?12:50
server_people why is tor not in the packages anymore? is that by a Orwellian meaning or is that package forgotten?12:50
gordonjcpPaddy_EIRE: I suspect the server that's hosting the torrents is being hammered12:50
Paddy_EIREgordonjcp: well that is not what is happening here.. try right clicking and save link as12:50
tpfennigUmeaboy: or did you try to do your own layout?12:50
Umeaboytpfennig: Do what exactly?12:50
gordonjcpPaddy_EIRE: won't make any difference.  The server is not responding.12:50
Paddy_EIREgordonjcp: those torrent files are only bytes really12:50
tpfennigUmeaboy: create the partitions12:50
zap0Paddy_EIRE, i tried click, save as click, curl.  all failed :(12:50
server_this is so FUNNY, everything is present, but only the "tor" package is unfindable12:50
tpfennigI dont recall the 8.10 installer exactly12:50
Umeaboytpfennig: I'm not good at it.12:50
gordonjcpPaddy_EIRE: again, what the files actually are doesn't really matter if the server is just timing out12:50
server_why is that people?12:50
Paddy_EIREthis is weird..12:50
tpfennigUmeaboy: are you on that machine currently also?12:51
sjovanhi guys, how do you automatecly set up xorg and start useing restricted drivers in ubuntu? i got a nvidia geforce 6100 card. i installed ubuntu-server (but later on installed gnome-desktop-environment)12:51
server_is this a joke of George Orwell?12:51
UmeaboyYes, it's beside me.12:51
Paddy_EIREgordonjcp: well I am in Ireland.. I dont know if geography is a concern12:51
server_and why is always nobody listening in this linux world12:51
server_BSD users will allways help12:51
gordonjcpPaddy_EIRE: fwiw it redirects to http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent instantly, and then that server seems to be dead12:51
tpfennigUmeaboy: and your are inside the installer?12:51
gordonjcpPaddy_EIRE: I'm in Scotland, on Virgrim Media12:51
server_why are linux people so rude?12:51
gordonjcpserver_: have you actually got a point to make?12:51
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tpfennigUmeaboy: ok. let me first check grub message12:52
SlipstreamI think it's because we're people.12:52
UmeaboyStep 7 of 7.12:52
gordonjcp!patience | server_12:52
server_tell my why is there NO tor in the packages?12:52
gordonjcpserver_: I don't bloody know12:52
server_everything is here12:52
server_except TOR12:52
gordonjcpserver_: <shrug>12:52
ayathehuskerno idea12:52
server_George Orwell anyone???12:52
ActionParsnip!info tor12:52
SlipstreamWhat about him?12:52
tpfennigUmeaboy: did you complete an installation procedure once but then it did not boot?12:52
tpfennigUmeaboy: and is this a new machine?12:52
server_that there is no tor package available could be a brainstorm of George Orwell12:53
UmeaboyYes and no to your two questions.12:53
gordonjcpserver_: are you on drugs?12:53
server_lolz not yet12:53
gordonjcpserver_: George Orwell is dead12:53
gordonjcpserver_: he's not even on the tor team12:53
server_but people where can i find TOR?12:53
ayathehuskereat some shrooms smoke a bowl and then you wont think we are rude12:53
steven_Hey, I enabled visual effects and has successfully installed. However all window drag/handle bars have disappeared, how do i get them back?12:53
Umeaboyserver_: Install vidalia.12:53
Paddy_EIREgordonjcp, zap0 the only thing I can think of is to DCC you the torrent files you want..12:53
server_vidalia does not work12:53
UmeaboyTor will be installed at the same time.12:53
server_cause tor not depends on it12:53
zap0Paddy_EIRE, i would greatly appreciate that.12:53
gordonjcpPaddy_EIRE: I've already got 9.04 down, it just seems odd that the server has gone tango uniform12:53
server_i installed vidalia offcourse12:54
UmeaboyIt did for me in Mandriva.12:54
Paddy_EIREzap0: ok just a sec12:54
Umeaboytpfennig: Now what?12:54
server_how can i find trustable sources.list without spyware and stuff for tor???12:54
sjovanwhat nvidia-glx-* do i need for geforce 6100 ?12:54
tpfennigSo on what screen name are you now?12:54
tpfennigUmeaboy: on start?12:54
james^CsMe installed Jaunty KDE3 rmx, after that I can't play sound through my Kaffeine, VLC or even online (youtube). When loggin in my Linux the start-sound is playing as it is when I run a hardware media-test! What's wrong ?12:54
server_this REALLY suck!12:54
server_i go back to FreeBSd12:54
MrNaz`server_ from www.torproject.org ?12:54
gordonjcpserver_: tor is in Ubuntu12:55
MrNaz`does anyone here have ubuntu 9.04 and is willing to    modprobe raw1394   so i can find out if its just me or if the 9.04 kernel really is broken ?12:55
server_sudo apt-get install tor12:55
server_type this in a terminal12:55
server_tell me what yah see12:55
Paddy_EIREzap0: which would you like... all of them?12:55
gordonjcpserver_: no12:55
ghabitHello. Which one of ubuntu you can advice? i386 of amd64?12:55
ayathehuskerjames^Cs try removing pulseaudio, worked for me and a few others didnt work for everyone12:55
zap0Paddy_EIRE, x86 desktop12:55
Paddy_EIREsure thing12:56
gordonjcpserver_: 1) I'm not running Ubuntu, 2) you need to learn to use google12:56
james^Csayathehusker , I will try that ... thx a lot12:56
MrNaz`server_ tor is in the ubuntu repository. i just did    aptitude search tor    and confirmed it12:56
server_this is soooooo FREAKIN funny12:57
server_there is NO tor12:57
steven_Hey, I enabled visual effects and has successfully installed. However all window drag/handle bars have disappeared, how do i get them back?12:57
gordonjcpserver_: your computer is broken12:57
server_Package tor is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:57
server_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or12:57
server_is only available from another source12:57
server_E: Package tor has no installation candidate12:57
gordonjcpserver_: you need to box it up and send it back to the shop12:57
FloodBot1server_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:57
server_i think ubuntu 9 is broken12:57
sjovanserver_: maby you need to uncomment in sourc.list?12:57
james^Csayathehusker , btw: when I tryed to play a "test-sound" through the PulseAudio it said that it's not working fine and switched automatically to my HDA Intel Analog Audio device12:57
server_the upgrade from ubuntu 8 to 9 failed12:57
MrNaz`server have you typed     aptitude update    ?12:57
server_and Now there is NO tor :((((12:57
MrNaz`since you installed?12:57
Slipstreamayathehusker: Did you only remove pulse-audio, or did you also get rid of other libraries?12:57
olegbi cant see tor in 9.04 either12:57
server_olegb, this is so weird12:58
server_Orwell rolls in his grave!12:58
MrNaz`server_ type this:     aptitude update      and THEN type     sudo aptitude install tor12:58
MrNaz`and then pull your head out of your ass12:58
gordonjcpserver_: you're too stupid to find it12:58
sjovanwhat nvidia-glx-* do i need for geforce 6100 ?12:58
gordonjcpserver_: and it's got nothing to do with George Orwell12:58
gordonjcpserver_: do you want me to call you a waaaahmbulance?12:58
Slipstreamserver_: What does Orwell have to do with this? You're really confusing me? Do you actually know who he is?12:58
ayathehuskerserver is high on eugenics12:58
server_yes that works gordonjcp12:58
gordonjcp!ops | server_12:58
user___server_: please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list12:58
server_wtf is aptitude????12:58
gordonjcp!ops server_12:58
unop!info tor12:59
gordonjcpwhere tf is ubotu?12:59
server_why no more apt-get ???12:59
b3rz3rk3robviously ubuntu 9.04 is broken, it was only released a few days ago.. give it a while guyz12:59
MrNaz`server_ it is the new version of apt-get12:59
zap0Paddy_EIRE, i dont think its transfering, this IRC client is likely not setup for DCC, sorry.   any chance you can post a http link ?      feel free to PM me.12:59
SlipstreamMrNaz: No, it isn't.12:59
unopMrNaz`, err, that's not correct12:59
dirtbag666Hi there12:59
olegbthere was talk about removing it - due to the fact that the package was too old. the torproject recomments using http://mirror.noreply.org for tor-debs12:59
gordonjcpolegb: 2.odd is in Jaunty12:59
SlipstreamDon't mix aptitude and apt-get.12:59
server_Initializing package states... Done12:59
server_No candidate version found for tor12:59
server_No candidate version found for tor12:59
FloodBot1server_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:59
gordonjcpolegb: 0.2 rather12:59
znaganyone having problems with jaunty netbook remix, it takes alsmost a minute to connect to the wireless network13:00
user___server_: did you read my previous comment?: please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list13:00
MrNaz`Slipstream / unop well i've been using it as a replacement... the debian people told me aptitude was apt-get with better dep management ?13:00
tsoppAw he's gone.13:00
b3rz3rk3rznag, what netbook are you running?13:00
znagim running a eee pc 1000he13:00
SlipstreamMrNaz: I've also heard it's better, but that might just be elitism.13:00
wobbleyheadznag: yeah i was having the same problem, switched to xubuntu and use wicd and it connects quicker now13:00
SlipstreamAfter all, it IS Debian. :P13:00
olegbgordonjcp: might i be missing a repo, since i cannot se the tor-package (i am updated) :-)13:01
MrNaz`Slipstream so you don't think that it is ?13:01
ghabitGuys, which one arch to choose - i386 of amd64?13:01
gordonjcpolegb: odd13:01
lrojaswhat do i need to install to be able to play mp3 and DVDs ?13:01
unopMrNaz`, that would be correct - but it isn't a new version of apt-get .. apt-get is still very much in development and aptitude isn't part of that process, it's developed separately13:01
SlipstreamNo, not really. They're both just frontends for Apt.13:01
MrNaz`ghabit if you're asking, then use i386 version13:01
b3rz3rk3rznag, a friend of mine has the same model and isnt having that prob..perhaps a reinstall?13:01
D_AHi everyone, can anyone here help me with my xorg.conf I'm trying to config twinview monitors with a nvidia card, Works in current state, but I need to swap the res around on my monitors, if I do it kills my second monitor? http://pastebin.com/m1c221cbd13:01
SlipstreamI don't think either is better or worse.13:01
znagi also have the smape problem on my acer aspire one 110L13:01
wobbleyheadIrojas: find ubuntu-restricted-extras that would load everything you'd need13:01
ayathehuskerx64 version is really fast but not sure if the 32 one would also be fast hehe13:02
ghabitMrNaz`: Is there other reasons?13:02
intuitionis there any sound drivers to install other than default ? my microphone is doing background noise13:02
znagb3rz3rk3r: tried multiple times but the issue is the same on my aspire one 110l also running jaunty netbook remix13:02
MrNaz`ghabit no there are no reasons, use i386 otherwise you'll be in here in a few days asking more questions13:02
ayathehusker64 bit one is faster file transfer and stuff on 64 bit architecture also faster with rendering fractals and stuff i heard so i went with it because i like fractals O_o13:02
SlipstreamI still can't believe none of these issues were fixed during alpha. >.>13:02
zap0Paddy_EIRE,  after about 30 re-starts, it finally transfered.  got it thatnks.13:03
chazcoHi.. anyone know how to fix Totem only intermittently playing video files on 9.04? Quite often it only plays the sound...13:03
Paddy_EIREzap0: great stuff.. enjoy :)13:03
Slipstreamchazco: I highly recommend VLC.13:03
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ayathehuskervlc is nice :)13:03
b3rz3rk3rznag, sorry man, dont have one to test so i cant help in this case.. keep asking tho, and checking the bug reports13:03
Slipstreamchazco: Totem is just generally glitchy, at least for me.13:03
server_pls people help me13:04
server_i need some help...13:04
MrNaz`Slipstream i dont suppose you're running 9.04 are you ?13:04
chazcoSlipstream - Tried VLC on 8.10, but DVB support seemed quite poor... also need something to do the thumbnails (which also seems to be broken though now)13:04
ayathehuskeri like that scorched 3d is in synaptic i love that game13:04
SlipstreamYes, I am.13:04
Guzahi, how can i print on envelope13:04
SlipstreamAnd I'm begging it gets some rapid updates.13:04
SlipstreamOr else I'll have to go back to Intrepid.13:04
znagseems interesting that i never had connection probs using the madwifi drivers so i thougt it might be related to athe ath9k kernel module13:04
Boohbahserver_: we can help, but first you have to calm down and describe the problem13:04
server_i am feeling like that southpark people13:04
SlipstreamAnd I just got cozy with Ext4.13:04
server_in the night of the living homeless13:04
ayathehuskerstill having sound probs slip?13:05
server_"CHANGE!!!! Change!!!"13:05
MrNaz`Slipstream would you mind running modprobe raw1394 ? on my box i get "invalid symbol in raw1394.ko" so i think the module is broken in the 9.04 kernel... i'm looking to confirm that13:05
djiezesI cannot start an app (bandwidthd) via rc.local. When I start it manually with "sudo /etc/init.d/bandwidthd restart" it works fine. But when I add that line to rc.local, the application does not start. Anyone an idea how to resolve this issue?13:05
Guzathis is my first time to use GUI, so please if u can help me13:05
SlipstreamMrNaz`: It gives me no feedback. I assume it works.13:05
server_i wanna install tor13:05
server_but tor is not available in interpid13:05
MrNaz`Slipstream hmm.... kthanks13:06
Boohbahserver_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/tor says it is available in the universe repository13:06
cachedI wish to get a wireless card/wireless USB adapter for my desktop. Any recommendations as to what I should or should not get (or how I can figure out if the product is supported?)13:06
Stevie_pis this the right channel for getting some help using ubuntu?13:06
matrixblueWhat source is python2.4-gtk2 found in?13:07
cachedStevie_p: yes?13:07
Stevie_pokay :)13:07
wWalesi couldnt find any info in the irc channel faq about asking graphic related questions, should i ask in this channel?13:07
doc_brown"You are about to install software that can't be authenticated" for a wine update.  Is this strange?13:07
server_thanks Boohbah13:07
server_i installed by hand13:07
user___djiezes: just a wild guess. rc.local is ignored, because ubuntu uses upstart13:08
mathrickhi, how can I disable the new notification thingy and go back to standard notification-daemon?13:08
AlienX_wWales: just ask your question so long as it's about ubuntu :)13:08
inflexhiya all.  Is it possible to throttle the download rate on the Ubuntu upgrade?  Right now mine is going ahead at 150kB/sec but I'd prefer to cull it back to ~100kB/sec so I've got 50kB headroom for my normal stuff atm13:08
boumais rtorrent removed from 9.04 ?? i cant see it13:08
lastnodeHi, I was just wondering whetehre there is an easy way to write a scroipt where it checks if a net connection is reeceiving data and then disconnects and reconnects it if it is not13:08
Aiggyquick question13:08
lastnodeinflex: usually when you begin to browse, itwill get throttled13:09
Boohbahbouma: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/rtorrent  -- it's in the universe repo13:09
Aiggyis there a way to flash the icon on NetworkManager upon activity?13:09
Stevie_pHelp me please: I cloned my working ubuntu install to a new bigger disk. Everything went fine. I just booted from the live cd, and I now want to increase the root partition using GParted, but I seem to only be able to make the partition smaller, not bigger. What is causing this problem and how can I fix this? Any help is appreciated.13:10
chazcoHi.. anyone know how to fix Totem only intermittently playing video files on 9.04? Quite often it only plays the sound, sometimes it will freeze on the first frame. Thumbnails also seem a bit buggy.13:10
inflexlastnode: I'm on a shared network, just worrying about other people getting niggly :|13:10
mathrickAiggy: there's another applet, network monitor, that does that13:10
matrixbluechazco, consider switching to mplayer13:11
olegbgordonjcp: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/allpackages doesnt meantion tor either - this is strange13:11
mathrickAiggy: and I personally recommend nedspeed-applet, it13:11
user___lastnode: you might use netstat or iptraf for dianogis and ifconfig up/down for making the switch13:11
mathrickit's extremely useful for monitoring your net activity13:11
server_Boohbah, THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!13:11
server_it workz!!13:11
doomhzhow can i change my terminal font spacing?13:11
Boohbahserver_: welcome :)13:11
server_Niccceee :))13:11
ayathehuskergrats server :)13:11
Aiggy@mathrick: Thank you. Is it something that will clutter the system? the computer is a bit "weak"...13:11
chazcomatrixblue - I've tried several other media players before (VLC, mplayer, gxine (and totem-xine))... had different issues with them. Only Kaffeine (too bloated) and Totem worked well, but now Totem seems to have problems... Thanks anyway13:12
boumaBoohbah: so why doesnt sudo apt-get install rtorrent work ?13:12
boumaBoohbah: ive got the universe repo selected under sources13:12
Stevie_panyone got a clue, on my partition size problem?13:12
dekkongHello! after I set my ubuntu machine to use a static IP the web browsing has been really slow13:12
mathrickAiggy: no, it doesn't use any resources to speak of. It's just a tiny applet that sits in your panel13:12
ayathehuskerjaunty runs world of warcraft nice :)13:12
mathrickAiggy: I use it all the time, since it shows me traffic speeds at a glance13:12
Boohbahbouma: are you sure? can you pastebin your sources.list? did you apt-get update?13:12
matrixbluechazco, what kind of media are you trying to play? mpeg, mp4, avi, etc13:13
doomhzanyone know how can i change my terminal font spacing?13:13
doomhzplease help13:13
daftykinswhich terminal, doomhz ?13:13
jintxodekkong, do you have the same DNS servers set manually as the ones that you would normally get through DHCP? one bad dns can really slow you down13:13
wobbleyheadWhat file systems is everyone using to share between ubuntu/osx/xp? i was using the ext2 drivers for xp and osx but they don't seem to be working after upgrading to jackalope and ext413:13
chazcomatrixblue - Quite a few types of file including OGM, AVI, MP4, MPEG, DVD, M2T (mpeg transport)... OGM seems to be particularly picky atm... also need something to receive DVB-T.13:14
matrixbluedoomhz, Edit > Profiles13:14
doomhzdaftykins: default terminal window from ubuntu13:14
Smegzorpasting with a middle mouse button click stopped working in my ubuntu a long time ago.  I'm running 9.04 64bit with gnome.  The mouse used to be set up in xorg.conf but no more.  Where is it configured now and how do I get middle click paste working again?13:14
SlipstreamFAT32, what else?13:14
Aiggy@mathrick: will do, thanks. Got fed up with windows. Too slow for my machine + I won't pay for another license (its MSDNAA).13:14
jintxowobbleyhead, I cuadruple-boot and use FAT32 for "My DOcuments" partition13:14
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b3rz3rk3ranyone had any experience running 9.04 on a GMA X3100?13:14
ayathehuskerdoes anyone know how to get a script file to autorun when double clicked? I can execute them by clicking but i always get a menu to open them in a text editor or run them, is there a way to make it always launch on double left click?13:14
daftykinsgnome-terminal then? Edit -> Profile Preferences doomhz , change the font to one of preferred spacing13:14
doomhzmatrixblue: can't change letter spacing from there...13:14
Boohbahwobbleyhead: ntfs has read/write support in linux.13:14
wobbleyheadjust wondering if maybe NTFS would be a better option as the support is getting better is osx and linux13:14
Stevie_p:wobbleyhead i'm using ext3 without problems13:14
lastnodeuser___: both those apps can detect data being received? (because data gets sent just fine)13:14
daftykinsare you after getting rid of monospace or gaining monospace doomhz ?13:15
matrixbluedoomhz, have you unchecked use system font spacing and input you own number?13:15
jintxowobbleyhead, I might use NTFS if I had a windows runing, but without windows, what's the point, really? :-)13:15
SlipstreamI don't really like NTFS because it isn't quite as neutral as FAT32, but it is technically better I suppose.13:15
jintxoand I don't think (ot sure) that MacOS can write to it13:15
chazcowobbleyhead - I used to use FAT32 but it had summertime problems, so i'm using ext3 now with the ext2ifs on Windows.13:15
user___lastnode: just read the into of man netstat13:15
doomhzmatrixblue: yes, unchecked it...13:15
anomie1hello, I just upgraded to 9.04 and my sound is now very low ... almost but not quite inaudible ...13:16
Slipstream...is it possible to run a defragmenter on WINE?13:16
ayathehuskeri have my vista install mounted as NTFS and my ubuntu installation is on an ext4, its running smooth and launching apps on my windows drive via wine is also quite fast, faster than windows loads some of them13:16
doomhzdaftykins: i like monospace but the space between letter become to little and i barrelly can read the output :)13:16
wobbleyheadI use a fair few VM's for testing new builds for work and some of the virtual hard disks are about 30gb, but FAT32 won't support a single file that large13:16
jintxoyes, but "osx" was part of the initial question.13:16
daftykinswhat kind of apps do you run from your Vista install ayathehusker ?13:16
SlipstreamAnyways, I want to watch a video so I'm off to XP. Later peeps.13:17
tpfenniganomie1: maybe you can adjust the PCm volume?13:17
daftykinschange to a good font and size font doomhz13:17
doomhzdaftykins: everything happend after I upgraded to Jaunty...13:17
server_by all13:17
chazcoHi.. anyone know how to fix Totem only intermittently playing video files on 9.04? Quite often it only plays the sound, sometimes it will freeze on the first frame. Thumbnails also seem a bit buggy.13:17
jintxowobbleyhead, vmware has an option for spliiting drives into 2 GB chunks13:17
anomie1PCm ?13:17
lastnodeuser___: thanks13:17
jintxovirtual drives, that is13:17
tpfenniganomie1: right click on loudspeaker symbol and open13:17
anomie1i have all volumes turned to 100%13:17
tpfenniganomie1: I have MAster ans PCM volumes there13:17
tpfennig(some more even)13:18
anomie1I only have Master there13:18
wobbleyheadjintxo i had gone that way but it seemed to slow the vm's down quite a bit.....did anyone else have that problem?13:18
tpfenniganomie1: click on settings13:18
tpfenniganomie1: maybe you can enable PCM13:18
user___lastnode: netstat --statistics | grep received..13:18
anomie1how would i enable PCM?13:18
dekkongHi! When i use static ip adress in ubuntu web browsing becomes really slow13:19
anomie1tpfennig I see a prefences13:19
jintxodekkong, do you have the same DNS servers set manually as the ones that you would normally get through DHCP? one bad dns can really slow you down13:19
tpfenniganomie1: select the box on the lefzt13:19
tpfenniganomie1: oh you are on Ubunu 8.10 ?13:19
anomie1upgraded to 9.04.  ...13:19
Mint`anomie1, well done.13:19
anomie1now only have "Master VOlume" listed...13:20
dekkongjintxo:The DNS settings are the same as on my laptop which is running XP and it's fast13:20
lastnodeuser___: thanks13:20
tpfenniganomie1: you shoudl not open settings first when right clicking but loudness13:20
tpfenniganomie1: I dont know how they call it in english13:20
hoinerI just upgraded to 9.04 and when i restarted i can select the new kernel in boot, but then it sort crashes/blacksreen weirdness. I cant see GDM. I think its a Xorg problem. Any ideas how i can fix it?13:20
tpfenniganomie1: second entry with right click13:20
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jintxodekkong, and you say that if you don't set them manually (you use dhcp, I assume) then it goes fast on linux too?13:20
Jaunty69hi, so folks.. i just installed Ubuntu 9.04... so what should i install for the EYECANDY13:20
anomie1yes Volume Control tpfennig13:20
tpfenniganomie1: ah k13:21
tpfenniganomie1: can you see PCM there?13:21
anomie1no - for some reason all i have is Master13:21
erriettaomg im so sorry13:21
erriettait automatically joined13:21
wobbleyheadjaunty69 go to preference->appearence and then start to tweak it13:21
tpfenniganomie1: ok on the bottom of the volume control there is another settings button!13:21
siloamj/ surabaya13:22
anomie1tpfennig: yes Preferences13:22
tpfennigor preferences maybe13:22
tpfennigah k13:22
tpfennigclick that13:22
wobbleyheadjaunty69 also the compiz settings manager would help as compiz is installed by default13:22
anomie1tpfennig : Only 1 option in there: ... "Master Playback"13:22
daftykinsi also recommend the simple compiz config settings manager Jaunty69 , "sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm" to install it, it'll appear on system -> preferences menu13:22
tpfenniganomie1: ummm what kind of computer do you have? ;)13:23
anomie1tpfennig dell core213:23
anomie1tpfennig xps13:23
anomie1(& many thank yous for helping me)13:23
L3dPlatedLinuxwhat do I do with a .run file ( In the fear of sounding stupid) do i run it in term or just run it period ?13:23
hoinerI just upgraded to 9.04 and when i restarted i can select the new kernel in boot, but then it sort crashes/blacksreen weirdness. I cant see GDM. I think its a Xorg problem. Any ideas how i can fix it?13:23
tpfenniganomie1: hm strange I have about 14 sound controls which I can enable. Maybe you are missing something13:23
Jaunty69ayathehusker: so I should install NVidia driver for the graphics card13:23
daftykinsL3dPlatedLinux, i'd recommend checking what it is first with a text editor, you'll need to then "chmod +x blah.run" then "./blah.run" in a terminal, or right click and enable 'execute' in the permissions13:24
anomie1tpfennig:  yes is strange.  I do not have nvidia graphics drivers installed ...13:24
tpfenniganomie1: when you close that sound volume you should open the plain settings again13:24
segin|kvircL3dPlatedLinux: Probably best best to do it in term.13:24
tpfenniganomie1: maybe you can switch the sound device13:24
segin|kvircL3dPlatedLinux: Also run "file" on it, if it says something like Bourne shell script text, then run it with "sh" :)13:25
anomie1tpfennig : Hey found it!!13:25
anomie1is "Device" dropdown at top ...13:25
jintxodekkong, and you say that if you don't set them manually (you use dhcp, I assume) then it goes fast on linux too?13:25
tpfenniganomie1: aha?13:25
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chazcoHi.. anyone know how to fix Totem only intermittently playing video files on 9.04? Quite often it only plays the sound, sometimes it will freeze on the first frame. Thumbnails also seem a bit buggy.13:25
tpfenniganomie1: I have alsa mixer chosen13:25
anomie1Selected HDA NVidia(ALsa Mixerr) & more playback options appeared ..13:26
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tpfenniganomie1: and now look for PCM volume13:26
tpfenniganomie1: in volume control13:26
anomie1tpfennig got it. THANKS@!!!!  What is PCM?13:26
pitbullthe1st_Has any one had the ext4 file system give up on them and if so how did you fix it?13:26
anomie1fixed thanks!13:26
tpfenniganomie1:  thats the WAC sounds I think13:26
tpfenniganomie1: I never understood that fully ;)13:27
tpfenniganomie1: but it works13:27
tpfenniganomie1: master is for all volumes13:27
anomie1tpfennig:  yes the sound system on ubuntu is obscure art form .....                well have a good one &13:27
tpfenniganomie1: its on other linuxes the same ;)13:27
anomie1thanks again13:27
tpfenniganomie1: no problem13:27
daftykinsanomie1, PCM is basically a standard form of sound - sound in a very raw uncompressed form, pulse code modulated - the form audio is on CD. basically it means how it is as sent to your speakers13:28
ninadspafter an upgrade from intrepid to jaunty, where do i look for converting my ext3 to ext4?13:28
Caos121[ Hola ]13:28
roxan!ext4  > roxan13:28
Caos121ciao a tutti13:28
daftykinsi've seen some guides on google ninadsp13:28
hoinercan anyoneplease help me13:28
hoinermy system is no unbootable!13:28
hoinerI just upgraded to 9.04 and when i restarted i can select the new kernel in boot, but then it sort crashes/blacksreen weirdness. I cant see GDM. I think its a Xorg problem. Any ideas how i can fix it?13:28
daftykinsask away hoiner , with as much detail as you can13:28
ninadspdaftykins : thanx... i'll do taht.. :)13:28
roxan!ext4 | roxan13:28
hoinerdaftykins ok13:28
hoinerdaftykins i just upgraded from 8.10 to 9.0413:29
jintxo!ext4 | jintxo13:29
roxanhoiner: can you try with older kernel?13:29
hoinerdaftykins everything went fine did a distupgrade.. tried old kernel aswell13:29
Caos121non cAPISCO NA MAZZA13:29
ninadsphoiner: did you try  to use the recovery mode?13:29
hoinerninadsp i did13:29
pitbullthe1st_Has any one had the ext4 file system give up on them and if so how did you fix it?Has any one had the ext4 file system give up on them and if so how did you fix it?13:29
ninadsphoiner: what does it say? tried xfix?13:29
hoinerninadsp i get a list of ptions13:29
[ifroog]I am on ext413:30
hoinerninadsp i did aswell.. but the YES13:30
ayathehuskerthis cube looks so awesome, why do more people use windows than this :P this is so much better13:30
gorthaughi, i've a "problem" with VLC in Ubuntu 9.04... when i open a video it's opened in a new window, but i've actived the option for integrate the output video in the interface window... can somebody help me?13:30
[ifroog]And its smooth. No problems yet since yesterday.13:30
hoinerninadsp and daftykins i reset the Xorg file from an orginal backup i made !! iam now in GDM with the old kernel!!13:30
MrbyteHi all..I am sure this has probably been asked several times... I upgraded to 9.04 yesterday on my laptop, without issues. When I got home I opened my laptop and wireless wouldn't connect. It shows as disabled. I searched on the forums and it seems to be a widespread issue. Any pointers on how to fix?13:30
hoinerninadsp and daftykins any idea why it screwed up?13:30
SmegzorAnyone know how to fix my middle mouse paste?  The middle button.  It does nothing!13:31
ninadsphoiner: one thing you can do to check teh diagnostics is to check the X logs at /var/log/Xorg.*.log13:31
ojhi, i just made a clean install of 9.04 over my 8.04 and when grub was installed, it doesn't point to my xp anymore13:31
cyclothunderhello everyone13:31
hoineroj that a well to do fix13:32
daftykinshoiner i would make a backup of xorg.conf and then delete the real one, then try booting. do you have ATI graphics with the fglrx driver from your old install?13:32
hoinerOJ i suggest you google grub13:32
ninadsphoiner: i guess it might be a problem of drivers... try booting from the newer kernel now.. if its fixed, then maybe the older xorg.conf might be having what you need13:32
ActionParsnipoj: add an entry to /boot/grub/menu.lst13:32
hoinerdaftykins fixed it now.. rm xorg.conf and cp a backup, booted old kernel =]13:32
ninadspoj: try reinstalling/updating grub.. there is a command to update grub...13:32
user___oj: maybe the old menu.lst still exists in the dir13:32
daftykinstried booting a newer kernel with it like that hoiner ?13:32
cyclothunderi have no sound on hdmi on my laptop. using ubuntu 9.04 ... any ideas??13:32
gorthaugoj: download Super Grub CD, burn in and boot whit this cd13:33
CasperinHello, I'm having a problem with the graphical driver. I can't add any kind of visual effects to 9.04. It's working perfectly in 8.10 (without any sort of configuration on my part). It's searching for a driver, but apparently doesn't find anything.13:33
Kerioim running a counter strike server under ubuntu13:33
ninadsphoiner: next step, try to use the newer kernel and still see if it works13:33
Keriorecently it has started to use the amd optimized binary instead of the iontel one13:33
chazcoWhat is needed to go back to 8.10 from 9.04 (too buggy), with a separate /home partition? Worried config files may have changed...13:33
ojActionParsnip, my XP is on /dev/sda1 but grub thinks it is on /dev/sdb3.. so what should be root notify (hd0,1) right?13:33
CasperinI'm running on a Lenovo R61i13:33
Kerioanyone have any idea how to force it to use the intel binary?13:33
zirodaychazco: you can't13:33
ActionParsnipoj: no, grub doesnt use /dev/anything13:33
ActionParsnipoj: it uses disk numbers13:34
daftykinsKerio, you can force drivers by entering them into the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file13:34
ninadspoj: try sudo update-grub once, befire manually playing with the menu.lst13:34
roxanchazco: fresh install13:34
chazcoroxan - Yep, but will the config files on the /home partition still work in 8.10?13:34
user___Kerio: what do you mean? ( you and your scripts decide which binary is called)13:34
roxanchazco: yes, for all the application you'll install on 8.1013:34
chazcoroxan - Ah, thats not so bad then...was worried the newer versions in 9.04 may have changed them13:35
Townkhi all, I'm using auto login on my laptop and evey time I turn it on, I have to enter my password for keyring to connect my wireless network, anyone here knows how to connect it automatically?13:35
hoinerninadsp will try newer kernel later :D just happy iam back13:35
roxanchazco: that's the advantage of separate /home13:35
Kerioim using fragaholics optimezed kernel13:35
gnaili have a problem about kdevelop  the problem is " configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check "  i don't what happen thank you for your help13:35
ojgorthaug, i have the supergrub cd but that just loads the existing grub file , or boots partitions manually... i guess i have to reinstall grub13:35
ninadsphoiner: sure.. no probs... just teh next logical step in trying to find what went wrong.. :)13:35
ActionParsnipoj: http://pastebin.com/d386b0e99    see how the partitions are identified in the examples13:35
roxanTownk: you can change it from keyring manager13:35
chazcoroxan - Yep, but only ever done upgrades that way, not downgrades :)13:36
Keriorecently after some hlds server updates it has started to use the amd optimized binary instead of the intel one13:36
Kerio(and it is a intel cpu)13:36
Townkroxan: tks, let me try here13:36
ninadspoj: if you are booting off the supergrub cd, then you either have a broken grub, or some similar issue...13:36
ninadspoj: try sudo grub-install, after reading the man pages...13:37
Townkroxan: keyring-manager is Encryption and Keyring menu?13:37
Keriodaftykins, i cant find any cpu settings or info in that file13:37
ojninadsp, no you're misunderstood, the grub is okay, i boot ubuntu through it, and other linux oses (after editing the root partition for those also, somehow it was pointing somewhere else) now all that's left is to fix the xp boot13:37
roxanTownk: wait let me check13:38
ninadspoj: ohh.. sorry... try update-grub or manually fix the menu.lst then... :)13:38
daftykinsi thought you meant graphics Kerio - there are no processor drivers per se13:38
user___Kerio: are you running a patched kernel, which contains patches not provided by ubuntu?13:38
Kerioaha, ok13:38
Keriouser___ yes13:38
daftykinswhat exactly do you mean when you say Intel and AMD binary drivers Kerio ?13:38
Keriospecial low latency kernel13:38
user___Kerio: so then maybe this is not a good place to ask.. :-)13:39
Kerio./hlds_run -game cstrike -sys_ticrate 1000 -pingboost 3 +maxplayers 14 +map de_dust2 +ip
KerioAuto detecting CPU13:39
KerioUsing AMD Optimised binary.13:39
user___Kerio: #linux is not distro-specific. they have a bunch of knowledgavle people there13:39
Keriobut you seem so knowledgable!13:39
Z_Godcan anybody help me with finding out the cause of kernel panics and segfaults?13:40
Z_GodI've done a clean install of jaunty now, and I still get random kernel panics and loads of segfaults13:40
kn100quick question13:40
erUSULKerio: what's the output of "cat /proc/cpuinfo" ? use pastebin13:40
kn100is there any way to get a vista like search bar in ubuntu nautilius13:40
roxanTownk: its under accessories -> password and encryptoin keys13:41
liamJust installed Ubuntu with nvidia driver 180. and it works OK. But it doesn't let my resolution go to ther max of 1440x90013:41
user___Z_God: you might do the mem-check on the install-cd, it takes ages but still its very helpful13:41
Z_GodI did a memcheck several times already13:41
Z_Godbut it seems to be ok13:41
liamthe nvidia settings program only goes upto 1360x76813:41
liamany ideas?13:41
Z_Goddoing a badblocks check atm13:41
kn100is ther any way to get a file search bar in nautilius?13:41
liammy card can handle 1440x90013:41
nafurhi... i updated to jaunty yesterday and now my ubuntu drops to the initramfs-shell telling me that the root device didn't appear... looks a bit like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/29015313:42
ruedigerI just installed 9.04 with the alt installer and I've set up a software RAID1 with LVM on top. But booting the System now results in Grub giving me an "Error 16". What's wrong and how can I fix it?13:42
* roxan is away: Excuse me.13:42
Townkroxan: tks again, let me check13:42
qsihello anyone knows if I create a kvm image using: "sudo ubuntu-vm-builder kvm jaunty" where its xml config file ends up?13:42
kn100is ther any way to get a file search bar in nautilius? like in a popular OS we all love to hate13:43
nafuris there anything known about this in jaunty?13:43
arvind_khadriruediger, re-install grub13:44
ackbahrHi! I made the mistake of formatting / as ext4 when I installed Jaunty yesterday, so now I'm stuck because Clonzilla can't read ext4, so I can't backup my system. Does someone know if I can copy everything in / , reformat in ext3 then put everything back in place? If so, how can I make sur permissions and ownerships won't be messed up?13:44
arvind_khadriruediger, and see if you have set the correct path in menu.lst13:44
kn100is ther any way to get a file search bar in nautilius? like in a popular OS we all love to hate13:44
arvind_khadriruediger, do  you have two HDDs?13:44
gnailwho can help me with my kdevelop problem ?? thanks .....................13:44
spaceninjakn100: ctrl + F13:44
ninadspackbahr: you could use the live cd to transfer data from the ext4 to any other partition and do your reinstall...13:45
mfc_codershould be a search button also13:45
Townkroxan: hey man, sorry to keep bugging you but I can't find where to set it to always allow network manager, do you know where it is?13:45
erUSULackbahr: tar with -p (preserve) should be able to backup or dump cpio...13:45
ninadspackbahr: ohh.. sorry.. didnt read your question completely.. follow erUSUL13:46
arvind_khadrignail, ask away, if someone knows they would answer13:46
liamcan someone help me get 1440x900 working on the latest ubuntu release :)?13:46
arvind_khadriliam, graphics card?13:46
liamThe nvidia settings only show up to 1360x768 - but my card supports 1440x900 just fine.13:46
liamnvidia 9800gt13:46
gnailthank you     when  i run configure  it  have a problem  : error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check13:47
ninadspgnail: are you trying to compile kdevelop? or is it happening when you try to compile a cpp code?13:48
thenebHi, just installed jaunty and Xorg won't start but it comes up with the ncurses recovery. When I press any keys I get character codes just echoed to the screen.13:48
ackbahrninadsp: Thanks13:48
gnaili try to compile a c++ kde13:48
ninadsptheneb: tried xfix from the recovery menu tht you get?13:48
liamarvind_khadri, any idea?13:48
ackbahrerUSUL: Thank you, that's exactly what I need.... Without z or j, tar won't compress?13:48
=== ayathehusker is now known as AyaTheHusker
ninadspgnail: sorry... but i didn't understand yo completely... are  trying to compile a c++ file?13:49
KaigeosI just upgraded to 9.04 things mostly seem fine.13:49
erUSULackbahr: yep z uses gzip j uses bzip213:49
arvind_khadriliam, you could check up xorg.conf and try hand writing it13:49
erUSULackbahr: use z13:49
gnaila simple kde  application13:49
gnaili am sorry i am a new er13:49
ackbahrerUSUL: Well, actually I have more HD space than time, so it's ok without compression....13:49
ravenhi - (how) is it possible to show fullscreen video ONLY on an external screen also with several virtual desks? - tnx...13:49
StarTrekXIwhy does tracker not index hidden folders and how can I tell it to do so?13:49
ninadspgnail: ok.. have you tried compiling the file from something other than kdevelop?13:49
ninadspgnail: it's ok.. even i am new here.. :)13:50
Kaigeoshowever I can only use kernel if I try I get a hex dump preceded by BUG:13:50
erUSULackbahr: also you will have to exclude /proc/ /sys/ /dev/ from the backup and other things a light search in google will give you the best combination to backup a root fs13:50
Kaigeosis there someway I can make another attempt to upgrade the kernel? or fix it?13:50
arvind_khadrignail, you could presumably get more help in kubuntu :)13:50
erUSULackbahr: z is pretty cheap nowadays in cpu13:50
Paddy_EIREliam: hey there.. open a terminal window and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" without the quote marks13:50
ackbahrerUSUL: Even if it's designed to get back of the same system?13:50
gnailyeah  i am learning kdevelop and qt413:51
ninadspgnail: well i agree with arvind_khadri, but try to see if kdevelop has found the c++ compiler...13:51
ackbahrerUSUL: not "of", sorry, "on".....13:51
ninadspgnail: maybe that's your error... try out #kubuntu for better help...13:51
gnailyes but how to find  , i don't know how to do13:51
erUSULackbahr: yep they are generated at runtime they do not "exist" on the HD platters13:51
ninadspgnail: check the settings of kdevelop to see if it has found the c++ compiler.. most ide's have an option to set the path to the compilers...13:52
sdwrageHey all13:52
mecikahmm, anyone who can tell me how to make the sound work from the 3.5 mm audio plug work on my laptop (the sound works but only in the inbuilt speakers,  when I plug in my headset the sound stops working)?13:52
ninadspgnail: should be somewhere in the preferences...13:52
sdwrageWhat folder to I place Gnome themes into13:52
erUSULackbahr: if you do the backup from a livecd the point is moot though ;P13:52
gnaili have setted  path13:52
ninadspgnail: and the compiler is there at the path?13:52
ninadspgnail: i assume you would have checked that... :)13:53
gnaili will try at kubuntu  thank you13:53
ackbahrerUSUL: Ah, ok.... So I need something like "tar -pRz /dev/hda1/ /dev/BACKUPPOINT" + an option to avoid the aforementionned folder?13:53
ruedigerarvind_khadri: I have two hdds13:53
klikliksdwrage, ~/.themes/13:53
Townkroxan: I found it, was not in Keyring manager, is on System->Administration->Authorization13:53
ninadspgnail: sure.. best of luck13:53
gnailthank you13:53
pokey19hello. where are the applications in ubuntu? :|13:54
Townkroxan: then you have to find network-manager and allow everyone to change system connection13:54
arvind_khadriruediger, then see in menu.lst that root has been assigned proper coordinates and grub should be installed on hd013:54
gnailif i learn  programing at linux   which bool  i need ??13:54
Townkroxan: it's working now, thanks!13:54
sdwrageThx kliklik13:54
gnailsorry i write wrong13:54
gnailit is book13:54
ruedigerarvind_khadri: seems to be correct root=/dev/mapper/vg1-root--lv which exists13:54
pokey19where are the applications kept in the file structure? I've downloaded and installed some apps, but can't find where they are :(13:55
szfpokey19: welcome to *nix ;-)13:55
ackbahrerUSUL: But getting back to the original problem, do you think the system is going to survive if I transfer it just like that from ext4 to ext3?13:55
ruedigerkernel /vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic root=/dev/mapper/vg1-root--lv ro single13:55
ruedigerinitrd /initrd.img-2.6.28-11-generic13:55
arvind_khadriruediger, thats the partition where ubuntu exists?13:55
ninadspgnail: maybe #linux is a better place for that?  especially if you want to work on linux and not distro specific programs?13:55
pokey19szf: where are they? :| i need to use a program i cant find it13:55
anomie3hello -- have Nvidia module fails to load on XPS Dell13:56
ninadsppokey19: do you mean the installers of the programs? or the programs themselves?13:56
MrNaz`can you install a package from 8.10 in 9.04 ? the new version seems to not work (dvgrab)13:56
ruedigerarvind_khadri: yes. this is the partition where I installed /13:56
EoL{s}Hi, all, I am getting firefox lag scrolling, selecting tabs, etc. Anyone know how to fix? (Smooth scrolling is disabled.)13:56
user___pokey19: google: wiki fhs linux13:56
EoL{s}(It runs fine on windows, just not on Ubuntu.)13:56
pokey19ninadsp: the programs themselves13:56
arvind_khadriruediger, mind making the root = UUIDS ?13:56
szfpokey19: no really, linux like other unices is non-monolithic - where things are installed just depends13:56
anonIt seems I can not install the ATI driver for Radeon 9550, without my computer being borked. Does anyone else have this too?13:56
ninadsppokey19: tried the menu on top left?13:56
ruedigerarvind_khadri: making what?13:57
ninadsppokey19: incase you have deleted it by mistake, you can add it back by right clicking on the top panel and adding the menu again..13:57
szfpokey19: for example, i install local softwares in ~/opt/local13:57
arvind_khadriruediger, change the root line to look as root =<UUID here?13:57
arvind_khadriruediger, change the root line to look as root =<UUID here>13:57
anomie3am in lo res mode... to 'fix' only way to fix is to uninstall nvidia drivers ....13:57
pokey19szf: ok thanks. ninadsp : i tried that. I downloaded and installed a program using "sudo apt-get install XXXX"13:57
szfpokey19: someone else could choose /opt13:57
pokey19so i assumed it just installed it in some default location13:58
ruedigerarvind_khadri: ok. the uuid that's given in menu.lst? (there is a line uuid d3d...)13:58
sdwragekliklik, I can't find the themes folder in home...13:58
ninadsppokey19: what was the prog? maybe i could help out13:58
szfpokey19: depends on how you installed in - from deb?13:58
sdwrageso should it be /home/myname/.themes?13:58
ninadsppokey19: you can find out by 'whereis XXXX'13:58
szfpokey19: tarfile?13:58
KaigeosI just did a distro upgrade from Intrepid to Jaunty using update manager. When I reboot I get some sort of screen dump with BUG: followed by a hex dump, then STACK: followed by another hex dump. I also can't use recovery mode for, I have to use or nothing at all. can I fix the broken kernel setup?13:58
ninadsppokey19: try the whereis command.. read up its manpage for further details... 'man whereis'13:59
arvind_khadriruediger, you can get the uuids from the cl , ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid13:59
djiezesI try to start the application bandwidthd via /etc/rc.local with this command: "/etc/init.d/bandwidthd restart". But I get an error in /var/log/daemon.log that eth0 is not up, so it doesn't start. This used to work in 8.10, but now in 9.04 the app does not start. Anybody an idea how to resolve this issue?13:59
pokey19whereis gnome-vim    #=> :gnome-vim13:59
L3dPlatedLinuxFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/dists/intrepid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]    what does this mean13:59
sdwrageoh whoops... where do I install the login screen?14:00
sdwragelike if I downloaded a login screen theme14:00
user___djiezes: you need to configure eth0, please pastebin your status quo of 'ifconfig -a'14:00
ninadsppokey19: to access gnome-vim, look for gvim... if that is the output you are getting, then maybe the command does not exist...14:00
ninadsppokey19: vim in gnome is by the command gvim afaik... :)14:00
ActionParsnipL3dPlatedLinux: check http://archive.ubuntu.com/14:00
ActionParsnipL3dPlatedLinux: the next folder in your file was dists when it should be ubuntu14:01
arvind_khadridjiezes, why rc.local , apps can be made to start in session14:01
sdwrageanyone? where do I install my login screen theme?14:01
pokey19okay. i'll have to read up on some things. I thought there might be some programs directory containing them all but i guess not. Thanks for the hell ninadsp and szf14:01
va11what is the use of Ekiga SoftPhone in ubuntu?14:01
arvind_khadrisdwrage, system-> admin > login window14:01
pokey19** help u mean14:01
pokey19i mean14:01
Edulixhi, inside the ubuntu live cd, in which place are the .deb packages stored?14:01
pitbullthe1st_Can any one help?  I left my computer on all night and when I cam to it in the morning it would not unlock I just got a blank screen but when I droped to shell there were loads of errors well one error that kept repeating saying about the ext4 filing system. So I did a reboot and all I get is error 17 and the grub fails to boot.14:01
ninadspsdwrage: tried using the 'login manager' in your system settings to set/install the themes?14:01
djiezesarvind_khadri: it doesn't start via session either, i had that problem on intrepid too, but succeeded in getting it to start via boot via rc.local14:01
ninadsppokey19: yes please read up fhs... :)14:01
sdwrageawesome thx14:02
ruedigerarvind_khadri: and than run grub-install again and reboot?14:02
szfpokey19: 'thanks for the hell' that's funny14:02
chrisdoneanyone got a link about getting the old amarok back that was on intrepid? the new one is ugly and horrible so I imagine a few people wanted this14:02
arvind_khadriruediger, ya, i am just taking my chances.... am not sure if this will work or, do not curse me14:02
djiezesuser__: here's my pastebin, if that helps.14:02
djiezesuser__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/157903/14:03
tapasnow it's system trashing time.. trying to upgrade :)14:03
ruedigerarvind_khadri: I won't curse you! Thanks for your help so far!14:03
djiezesuser__: but i guess the problem is that my system tries to start bandwidthd, before eth0 is up. Now it is up, after boot is done.14:03
arvind_khadriruediger, no probs, do tell if it works :)14:03
BoomShakacan anyone help me enable compiz on 9.04? i assume i need to enable the restricted nvidia drivers, however there is no option to do so in the restricted drivers manager...14:03
* szf thinks that there was a recommendation not to have /boot as ext414:04
magentarchrisdone, did you try this already https://launchpad.net/~bogdanb/+archive/ppa?14:04
user___djiezes: yes, the pastebin in line 5 says that eth0 is up.14:04
djiezeschrisdone: there's a repository made by bogdan or something, search on google with "jaunty" and "amarok14"14:04
user___djiezes: read about upstart. google wiki upstart, then delve deeper with the given links14:05
djiezesuser__: yes, but that's when booting is complete. problem is that eth0 does not seem to be up when bandwidhtd starts via rc.local.14:05
ninadspchrisdone: i too prefer the older amarok... the newer one is very unstable...14:05
anomie3sdwrage: System > Prefs > Users & Groups14:05
user___djiezes: you need to tell ubuntu to run the b* script after network config scripts14:05
djiezesuser__: and how do i accomplish that?14:06
BuGo_laptopsirex`, o sedi :) Gerai14:06
ruedigerarvind_khadri: yeah it boots14:06
_ester_hi, anybody have bug with OpenOffice3 emailmerge?14:06
arvind_khadriruediger, yay :)14:06
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ruedigerarvind_khadri: thx. you are certainly the master of ubuntu14:06
sirex`BuGo_laptop: kodėl gerai?14:06
arvind_khadriruediger, no, am just a beginner :)14:07
ruedigerarvind_khadri: hmm, maybe I was too quick. I end up in the initramfs with an "ALERT! /dev/root does not exit"14:07
user___djiezes: two ways: ask the following question: how i can change the execution order of scripts in upstart? second way: let google help you :-)14:07
ninadspdjiezes: yay! i'd been looking for amarok 1.4.. thanx a ton! :)14:07
BuGo_laptopsiaip :) sirex`  kur foto?14:07
arvind_khadriruediger, could you please pastebin your menu.lst14:07
ubottuŠiame kanale bendraujama anglų kalba. Jei ieškote pagalbos lietuvių kalba, prisijunkite prie #ubuntu-lt kanalo.14:07
djiezesninadsp: no problem, i share your sentiments.14:07
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:08
sirex`BuGo_laptop: iki vakaro turėtu būti, dabar programinu web gallery.14:08
user___ah, ubottu is back14:08
gnaili have some question about kdevelop , who can help me , the problem is  first i run automake & friends 2ed i run configure then it has a problem " configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check "  , and i don't how to deal with it !14:09
ruedigerarvind_khadri: give me a second14:09
arvind_khadriruediger, sure take your time14:10
chrisdonedjiezes: thanks14:11
gnaili have some question about kdevelop , who can help me , the problem is  first i run automake & friends 2ed i run configure then it has a problem " configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check "  , and i don't how to deal with it !14:11
KaigeosI just did a distro upgrade from Intrepid to Jaunty using update manager. When I reboot I get some sort of screen dump with BUG: followed by a hex dump, then STACK: followed by another hex dump. I also can't use recovery mode for, I have to use or nothing at all. can I fix the broken kernel setup?14:11
arvind_khadri!repeat | gnail14:11
ubottugnail: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:11
gnaili have some question about kdevelop , who can help me , the problem is  first i run automake & friends 2ed i run configure then it has a problem " configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check "  , and i don't how to deal with it !14:12
iNgaraGehow to change the mysql data directory from /var/lib/mysql to for exp: /home/walid/dbases/mysql14:12
gnailthank you14:12
iNgaraGehow to change the mysql data directory from /var/lib/mysql to for exp: /home/walid/dbases/mysql?14:12
arvind_khadrignail, did you try to google your problem ?14:12
ninadspiNgaraGe: the setting is a part of the my.cnf file if i remember correctly.. gimme a min to check it14:12
gnaili have try it14:12
arvind_khadrignail, nothing came up ?14:13
iNgaraGebut it return a problem (socket)14:13
iNgaraGei tested it14:13
ActionParsnipiNgaraGe: you could move the folder, then create a symlink14:13
gnailno they give me a answers is "" , but it does not work14:13
iNgaraGei will see thx14:13
lrojashi all, does anybody know hoe can i install the VLC player on Jackalope ?14:13
blbrown_winWith Jaunty, I can't boot with X enabled.  How do I launch ubuntu and go straight to the command line.  E.g. there is the splash screen (with that line like it is loading) and then once it tries to start X, I get a blank screen and the keyboard doesn't work14:14
RetributionI Just used the install windows to install VLC14:14
gnailt is loading) and then once it tries to start X, I get a blank screen and the keyboard doesn't work14:14
gnail<Retribution> I Just used the install windows to install VLC14:14
gnail<-- hcq 已经退出 (Client Quit)14:14
gnail--> wr35nn89 (n=wr35nn89@AOrleans-15714:14
FloodBot1gnail: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:14
Retributioncan anyone else use cpu frequency scaling in jaunty? I just can't get it to work anymore14:14
_ester_ubuntustudio 9.04. package openoffice.org-emailmerge don`t install. Result: freeze on "mailmerge.py..." at terminal. How fix it?14:15
gnaile  thank you14:15
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:15
jendahello, I've installed ubuntu 9.04 and I've small problem, pidging and skype aren't starting automaticlly, however in skype is this option marked, thx 4 support14:15
arvind_khadriRetribution, sudo apt-get install vlc14:15
=== banie is now known as Angah-Along
archmanWhere can I read about some first impressions on Jaunty? (bugs, problems...)14:15
Boohbahlrojas: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/vlc  -- in the multiverse repo14:16
EoL{s}Hi, all, I am getting firefox lag scrolling, selecting tabs, etc. Anyone know how to fix? (Smooth scrolling is disabled.)14:16
ninadspiNgaraGe: sorry.. i couldnt find it... pls do check the mysql documentation..14:16
jendaahoj, poradi mi nekdo s autostratem pidgina a skype?14:16
Angah-Alonghi..i having problem with my jaunty..i cannot set max for my vga..my chipset is nvidia geforce 7000m..any help?14:16
iNgaraGei will check thx ninadsp14:16
Retributionarvind_khadri, I know. I just answered someone who wondered and provided one alternative way to install ;)14:16
ruedigerarvind_khadri: http://rafb.net/p/oEGFbk89.html that's my menu.lst14:17
blbrown_wingnail I got the same issue14:17
arvind_khadriRetribution, aah sorry saw it now :)14:17
Retributionhehe no problem arvind14:17
arvind_khadriruediger, lemme see what i can do for you14:17
Angah-Alongany idea where i can find my driver chipset?i'm using 64bit version..14:17
ruedigerarvind_khadri: maybe I have to update the initrd for lvm and ext414:17
Retributioncan anyone else use cpu frequency scaling in jaunty? I just can't get it to work anymore14:18
arvind_khadriruediger, actually iirc /boot has been advised against ext414:18
platiushmm Braseros seems to be burning the same iso twice on the same media14:18
user___iNgaraGe: did you try /etc/mysql/my.cnf: [mysql]:datadir ?14:18
ruedigerarvind_khadri: oh14:18
arvind_khadriruediger, hey your uuids dont match in the menu.lst14:19
ruedigerarvind_khadri: but he fails mounting /14:19
blbrown_winthere is my issue.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7142703#post714270314:19
arvind_khadriruediger, the uuid line and root = <uuid> is different14:19
sdwrageonce I install a theme or login theme via the theme manager I can delete the tar.gz file right?14:19
iNgaraGeand also i changed the mysql folder owner14:19
ruedigerarvind_khadri: the uuid given is the uuid of /dev/sdb1 (where my /boot is)14:19
iNgaraGeand the the same problem14:20
nafurmight be a good idea to do dist-upgrade too, not just upgrade -.-14:20
ruedigerarvind_khadri: and the root=<uuid> is the uuid of my lvm volume14:20
user___!quote > iNgaraGe14:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quote14:21
=== fedora is now known as Guest94658
erUSULackbahr: tar -pRz /dev/hda1/ /dev/BACKUPPOINT <<<<< no tar backups files not partitions14:22
user___iNgaraGe: please pastebin your mysql-log14:22
ruedigerarvind_khadri: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid gives me http://rafb.net/p/K5AVMQ23.html14:22
erUSULackbahr: tar -pRzcf backup.tagz /mount/point/rootfs14:22
=== Guest94658 is now known as tue
tyranosis there a way to have colors in a ssh session14:25
_ester_ubuntustudio 9.04. package openoffice.org-emailmerge don`t install. Result: freeze on "mailmerge.py..." at terminal. How fix it?14:25
doleybtyranos: ssh should pass along the colors used by your remote apps14:26
Boohbahtyranos: do you mean colored shell prompt or colored ls output?14:26
jeroen-I thought Tracker was installed as the default search daemon in Intrepid, but not in Jaunty. Dud I miss something, was Tracker not installed by default in Intrepid or is there a new better search daemon!?14:26
PanarchyCordial Greetings my Worthy Friends14:26
Boohbah!hi | Panarchy14:26
ubottuPanarchy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:26
tyranosBoohbah, just found out that vim works but th eprompt doesnt14:27
Johnny_B_Goodhow can I make my machine to an access point?14:27
zetheroo1for some reason samba is not working in Jaunty14:27
grimboyHey, I've pretty much followed this guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet) for a network install. I get as far as the netboot installer menu, but when I select any of the options I get as far as loading ubuntu-installer/i386/linux......loading ubuntu-installer/i386/initrd.gz......ready then I get no output.14:27
zetheroo1I cannot see the other computers (running Linux) on the network14:28
PanarchyCan anyone here please recompile (and link to the newer libraries) the Fortran (GNU) g77 compiler for Ubuntu/Debian?14:28
PanarchyThanks in advance14:28
Boohbahtyranos: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-tip-prompt/14:28
BoohbahPanarchy: you'll have to be more specific14:29
tyranosBoohbah, just did a source .bashrc and is working sorry for the stupid question14:29
BoohbahPanarchy: what version of ubuntu? what library versions?14:29
ruedigerPanarchy: why not use gfortran?14:29
PanarchyBoohbah: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy-updates/g7714:29
Panarchyruediger: Does it do the same thing?14:30
ruedigerarvind_khadri: when I change the uuid entry to my root uuid I get a file not found.14:30
Boohbahtyranos: you can add a 'source .bashrc' line to ~/.bash_profile so that will happen automatically next time you login14:30
ruedigerPanarchy: yeah. it's the gnu fortran compiler. the g77 is obsolete14:30
floatinghello. im looking for a system monitor tool that shows graphs like gnome-system-monitor, but also would show temperatures from acpi and hdd ? or if there is a command-line system monitor tool like top, but shows temperatures also14:31
Panarchyruediger: Excellent14:31
mnemofloating: the package "lm-sensors" has some temperature sensors stuff14:31
PanarchyOn another note;14:32
PanarchyI'm starting to learn how to package for Ubuntu using the official guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#rules however, at that point (rules) I can't seem to understand it. On my system (Jaunty i386 9.04) on VMware, I'm getting the following rules file: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/157886/14:32
PanarchyCan someone please explain? Or can someone please suggest a better guide?14:32
mnemofloating: ksensors is a front end for KDE and sensors-applet for GNOME14:32
=== dr_willis is now known as BillGatesPuppyLo
floatingtx, ill lookinto14:33
tyranosboobah, so u mean ssh uses bash_profile , because i have edited .bashrc and it works localy but on ssh session i have to tpye it manually , i m just curious :)14:33
ruserhey guys, i've got a question, i'm new to gnome.  and jsut got ubuntu installed, but because i didn't want all the default bloat. i was doing selective package installation.  but looks like i'm not runing a desktop manager14:34
chazcoHi... has anyone had any luck playing .ogm files in Totem on 9.04?14:34
Boohbahtyranos: bash_profile is read for a login shell and bashrc for a non-login shell14:34
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mnemoPanarchy: the rules files can be very different depending on which package you're working on14:34
radithzanyone  pls help me14:34
Panarchypackage that was being mentioned in the guide14:34
ruserso. what  is the gnome desktop manager and whcih package should i get? :)14:35
eleftheriosis it safe to upgrade to 9.04 from 8.10 on a production desktop? Are there any issues reported so far?14:35
tyranosBoohbah, thx14:35
Panarchyradithz: What seems to be the problem?14:35
ruseralso i can't run more then one app because of that14:35
ravenhi - (how) is it possible to show fullscreen video ONLY on an external screen also with several virtual desks? - tnx...14:35
radithzi have problem with my keyboard14:35
radithzi have panasonic CF-40 laptop with japan keyboard but i cant find out keyboard layout14:35
user___Panarchy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_(software)#Makefile_structure14:36
radithzi have panasonic CF-W4 laptop with japan keyboard but i cant find out keyboard layout14:36
zetheroo1how do you setup sharing folders in Jaunty?14:36
blbrown_winI upgrade jaunty through cd, how do I change it so it doesn't use the cd anymore14:36
VCooliozetheroo1: install samba; after that rightmousebutton and share away14:36
radithzPanarchy,  can you help me pls...14:36
Panarchyuser____: Should I be using a different tutorial?14:36
Panarchyradithz: What does it say on the back of the keyboard?14:37
blbrown_winI am at the command line14:37
Tetsuooi am in the partition screen of ubuntu install: i accidentally created a encrypted volume and now it wont let me delete it anymore14:37
sathiahi all14:37
Panarchyradithz: How are you typing now?14:37
zetheroo1VCoolio: yeah its all installed .... restarted computer etc .... still not working14:37
radithzthe keyboard is work but not with the symbol and hotkeu14:37
radithzthe keyboard is work but not with the symbol and hotkey14:37
radithzthe keyboard is work but not with the symbol and hotkey14:38
BuGo_laptopwhere can i find older packet versions. I need amarok 1.414:38
sathiaanyone knows how to get decent 802.11n out of a  Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN14:38
radithzpls i need you help14:38
PanarchyBuGo_laptop http://package.ubuntu.org14:38
vvk-does anyone know why VLC won't show video in the same window where the interface is? I have "Integrate video in interface" turned on in the prefences. The video window's title is 'XVideo output'. What video output setting should I use?14:38
Panarchyor try launchpad14:38
ruedigerarvind_khadri: hmm. it really seems like initrd is missing ext4 support. When I try to mount /dev/mapper/vg1-root--lv manually from the initrd I get an "[ 163.232987] EXT4-ds: dm-0: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (240)."14:38
tendHello my friends, i updated my lyx(1.5.6)  to version in 1.6.2 and when14:38
tendi tried to open a document writted with the older version i took14:38
tendthis :this is from different version of lyx and lyx2lyx script failed to14:38
tendconvert it. What can i do, because i have wtitten a lot of documents in14:38
tendmy job.14:38
FloodBot1tend: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:38
tendThank you14:38
Boohbah!enter |tend14:39
VCooliowhat options should I set in fstab when automounting my windows partition?14:39
ubottutend: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:39
sdwrageonce I install a theme or login theme via the theme manager I can delete the tar.gz file right?14:39
radithzi have been go to on the system preferences keyboard but i cant find out panasonic model14:39
bartekHi there. I just upgraded to 9.04 and am having some major display issues. I was working fine with 8.10 but now when I load up it just flickers and then stalls with some lines across the screen. Any tips on what I can do about this?14:39
VCooliosdwrage: right14:39
sdwrageok th14:39
radithzPanarchy,  pls14:39
Paavi2_0how do i paste between virtual consoles? (without mouse)14:39
ruedigerarvind_khadri: hmm. it really seems like initrd is missing ext4 support. When I try to mount /dev/mapper/vg1-root--lv manually from the initrd I get an "[ 163.232987] EXT3-fs: dm-0: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (240)."14:39
PanarchyHow does the Ubuntu packaging thing work? Do I request a sponsor or something?14:39
BuGo_laptopPanarchy, but there is just 2.1 version.14:39
chazcoHi... Totem in 9.04 only seems to play OGM files reliably if they are opened from the menu, not if opened from Nautilus. Thumbnails also fail. Any ideas?14:40
tyranosPaavi2_0, try shift + insert14:40
PanarchyLook everywhere14:40
sathiaanyone about 802.11n? it's slow as hell: Bit Rate=24 Mb/s14:40
n8tuserPaavi2_0-> i dont think you can14:40
zetheroo1how do you configure samba in Jaunty?14:40
user___Panarchy: using a different tutorial will not necessarily help you. what is the exact error message that you get with Your makefile?14:40
TAIPAN_I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.04 the other day, but for some reason, my Intel I810 graphics card, which runs 200 FPS on GLX Gears, won't play any 3D games that use OpenGL... they just freeze the system and I have to restart.  By disabling DRI in the Xorg.conf, I can get the games to run fullscreen, however GLX Gears gives me 64 frames per second... Does anybody know how I can get the direct rendering to work properly?14:40
blbrown_winwhat is the command line command to get the latest packages14:40
Dr_Williszetheroo1:  could install samba, and edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf all you want. or use some gui tools.14:40
Paavi2_0tyranos: i know that, but how do i copy14:40
tyranosctrl insert14:40
radithzi cant setting volume with fn plus f414:40
n8tusersathia-> and you can type much faster? what rate should it be?14:40
PanarchyBuGo_laptop: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/amarok14:41
PanarchyFound it :D14:41
radithzi cant enter any symbol like dollar dot and etc14:41
sathiaat least 56M. don't be sarcastic, moving files inside the lan is too slow14:41
radithzPanarchy,  pls resolve my problem14:41
Paavi2_0tyranos: that's the thing i do after i've copied something, i know that already...but how do i copy text in a virtual console14:41
VCooliocould someone copypaste his options for his ntfs windows partition in /etc/fstab?14:41
bartekWhere is the file located where I can adjust my keyboard layout? I dont have a GUI so I just want to edit from terminal14:41
Panarchyuser___: No errors, they are just explaining the actual file, and I have a different file14:41
radithzPanarchy,  i need your help14:41
n8tusersathia you do know, no guarantee of speed eh? they throttle down automagically14:42
BuGo_laptopwhat this 2 means then? amarok (2:1.4.10-0ubuntu3.1)  strange naming system14:42
sathian8tuser, then why it takes ages to move an iso?14:42
BuGo_laptopi have found this too. but i have missed that this is 1.4 not 2.1.414:42
Panarchyradithz: Have you tried using the auto-text-guess feature within the Ubuntu Installer?14:42
zetheroo1Dr_Willis: I cannot see the other Ubuntu comps on the network14:42
radithznot yet14:42
PanarchyBuGo_laptop: Yup. Well, just give it a go.14:42
radithzcan you teach me?14:42
n8tusersathia no guarantee of speed on wireless14:42
BuGo_laptopPanarchy, big thanks!14:43
=== sukke_ is now known as sukke
topsyandpip56_viHey guys14:43
sathiayes, but it should work a little better, believe me it's akward when in windows i can go up to 108Mb14:43
tyranosPaavi2_0, just direct the output to some file using > filename14:43
so0kyhi there, my sound doesn't work.  I am running Ubuntu 9.04.  It didn't work with previous versions.  Does anyone know if it is possible to get my sound working?14:43
topsyandpip56_viNobody will ever beleive how Im talking14:43
Panarchyradithz: Bootup from the Ubuntu disc. Use the first option. Double click the icon for Install. Press next until you find the keyboard layout part. Now test it out (little text box down the bottom for just this purpose)14:43
bartekWhere is the file located where I can adjust my keyboard layout? I dont have a GUI so I just want to edit from terminal14:43
topsyandpip56_viIm running Ubuntu 4.10 right now14:43
PanarchyBuGo_laptop: You're very welcome!14:43
Panarchytopsyandpip56_vi: Upgrade to 9.0414:44
PanarchyYour using a system that's 5 years old14:44
user___Panarchy: this is a good explanation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_(software)#Makefile_structure  please pastebin your makefile and tell us which exact line you dont understand14:44
Panarchy(and isn't XP)14:44
topsyandpip56_viI cant find the commands14:44
radithzthat mean i must be reinstall me ubuntu14:44
Panarchyuser____: The entire rules file14:44
topsyandpip56_viI never wanted to upgrade incase something went wrong14:44
shivamanyone please help me in installing oracle 10g R2 on ubuntu 8.10..14:44
chazcoHi... Totem in 9.04 only seems to play OGM files reliably if they are opened from the menu, not if opened from Nautilus. Thumbnails also fail. Any ideas?14:44
zirodaytopsyandpip56_vi: then do a fresh install14:44
Panarchy<topsyandpip56_vi>: What's the problem14:45
BloodElfhey again. is there a sound equalizer program with ubuntu?14:45
zetheroo1any ideas? I cannot see the other computers on the network.14:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sponsor14:45
toehioI installed ubuntu on a partition alongside windows. When I boot I get error 17. What is wrong?14:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about packaging-guide14:45
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.14:45
ubottuUbuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.14:45
radithzPanarchy,  my ubuntu has been installed on my computer and text its work14:45
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases14:45
OnyxI'm having issues with my sound as well.  I just upgraded to 9.10 -- the login sounds play, but all other sounds are dead after that.  Is there a way to fix this issue yet?14:45
ruedigerarvind_khadri: this is really really strange. When I create a symlink from /dev/mapper/vg1-root--lv to /dev/root and end the shell than it boots 0o14:45
sathiaany idea on 802.11N?14:45
Panarchyradithz: Then what's the problem?14:45
shivamanyone please help me in installing oracle 10g R2 on ubuntu 8.10..14:45
sathiawhere should I look?14:45
radithzbut when i cant enter symbol14:45
Panarchysathia: try wikipedia14:46
ubottuwikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, you can find it at http://wikipedia.org14:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pie14:46
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - For more info see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-February/000536.html14:46
radithzhotkey like volume fn plus f4 and etc14:46
topsyandpip56_viIm SO behind14:46
shivamanyone please help me in installing oracle 10g R2 on ubuntu 8.10..14:46
radithzPanarchy, are you understand?14:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about scorched3d14:46
Panarchyradithz: Guess not...14:46
bazhangPanarchy, and topsyandpip56_vi /msg ubottu14:46
shivamanyone please help me in installing oracle 10g R2 on ubuntu 8.10..14:46
Panarchybazhang: kk14:46
Panarchyshivam: sudo apt-get install oracle14:47
radithzPanarchy,  i should do now?14:47
Panarchyshivam: or just type in "oracle" and it should give you suggestions14:47
jlgshkubuntu español14:47
radithzPanarchy,  what i should do now?14:47
Panarchyradithz: Enjoy Ubuntu14:47
BoohbahPanarchy: hehe i doubt oracle is in ubuntu repos14:47
waylandbillhello. could someone recommend a dvd ripping application?14:47
Panarchywaylandbill: Pliars14:48
fantasmadoes x-chat have firewall support14:48
fantasmafor proxies14:48
jimi_hendrixhi, i am trying to install jaunty, but the installer crashes at about 75%, what should i do14:48
OnyxI'm having issues with my sound as well.  I just upgraded to 9.04 -- the login sounds play, but all other sounds are dead after that.  Is there a way to fix this issue yet?14:48
Panarchyfantasma: Yup14:48
fantasmahow do you set it?14:48
VCooliojimi_hendrix: did you do a cd check?14:48
radithzi tried this tutor but doesn't work14:48
PanarchySettings->Preferences->Network Setup14:48
gandalfcomeI have just installed squid and it uses the standard port 3128. unfortunatley my client gets a proxy server refused connection. How do I enable the proxy for all clients? thanks14:48
doleybOnyx: The common fix is to remove pulseaudio package14:49
fantasmai'm using x-chat for gnome14:49
fantasmai guess it doesnt have that14:49
Panarchyradithz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/22232414:49
radithzi see now14:50
Onyxdoleyb: Any ideas about what's causing pulseaudio to break?  Is there another package that should take its place?14:50
Panarchyradithz: Maybe try a modprobe panasonic-laptop14:50
PanarchyDunno though14:50
Panarchyradithz: You're welcome!14:50
AyaTheHuskeralsa should kick in when you remove pulse14:50
doleybOnyx: well, pulseaudio is not needed for most systems.14:50
Panarchydoyleyb: Type in sudo apt-get autoremove14:50
Boohbah!info dvd::rip | waylandbill14:50
ubottuwaylandbill: dvdrip (source: dvdrip): perl front end for transcode and ffmpeg. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.9-0.0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1386 kB, installed size 3088 kB14:50
r0y4lis nit normal that i get no shell if i press strg+alt+f1 in 9.04? if i switch back to f7 the login (gdm) is prompted???14:51
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:51
doleybr0y4l: its normal to get a shell on f114:51
Panarchyeveryone, type in: /clear14:51
r0y4ldoleyb: yes, i know because of that i asc, there is no shell :(14:51
Onyxdoleyb: It wants to remove "ubuntu-desktop" along with pulseaudio.  Sounds dangerous.14:51
elkyPanarchy, stop that.14:51
Panarchyoops, I need that wikipedia MakeFile link again. Anyone have it?14:52
r0y4ldoleyb: under 8.04 it works, but with 9.04 i only get a blinking cursor14:52
elkyPanarchy, please come into #ubuntu-ops now.14:52
doleybr0y4l: yep, you're abnormal.14:52
waylandbillthank you Boohbah14:52
JordanCHeya folks. Any news or information on how to un-b0rk flash after upgrading from ubuntu 8.10 ?14:52
r0y4ldoleyb: my friend sitting next to me in the office has the same issue14:52
so0kycan anyone here be kind enough to assist me with a sound problem?  I am running Ubuntu 9.0414:52
fantasmaanybody know how to disable the system beep or at least lower the volume on it14:52
ubottuso0ky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:52
fantasmaeven if my volume is low the system beep is loud at the same volume14:52
r0y4lfantasma: sudo rmmod pcspkr14:53
r0y4lfantasma: and than blacklist it14:53
fantasmasounds kinda dangerous14:53
doleybso0ky: A common recent source of sound problems is accidental-installation of pulseaudio package.14:53
fantasmai wont regret not having a pc speaker right14:53
Onyxfantasma: Disconnect the speaker, lol14:53
scott2All, I am having an install problem with 8.0.4 LTS on a VM without networking.  The base install fails when configuring apt-get, I believe there is an install log created, I can get to the shell prompt, but I don't know where the install log is kept. (Text install).14:53
fantasmaits a laptop14:53
marquinosHi! I have a question, please :) Can I update from Ubuntu 7.04 to Ubuntu 9.04 with only one update? (Maybe with the alternate CD? :) Thanks!14:53
AyaTheHuskernope they are crappy hehe14:53
lazermousefantasma: I would like to also14:53
AyaTheHuskerpc speakers are crappy :P14:53
so0kyk sorry.  my sound is not working under Ubuntu 9.04 and it was not working under previous versions.  How do I get it working?  How do I uninstall that package?14:53
r0y4lfantasma: that was one of the first things i did before i made anything other :)14:54
doleybmarquinos: The instructions say that such a long upgrade isn't supported :(14:54
fantasmar0y how do you blacklist it14:54
fantasmait totally worked but i think blacklisting will keep it from coming back right14:54
PrebenRwhere is the documentation for the different kernel modules?14:54
TAIPAN_Anybody know how I can get DRI to work on my Ubuntu 9.04 machine with 3D OpenGL games on an Intel I810 so that my xserver won't freeze every time I try to load one?14:54
r0y4lfantasma: added blacklist pcpskr at last line in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf14:54
marquinosdoleyb, :) thanks, "long upgrade" is only 1 more version? What can I do?14:55
user___PrebenR: which documentation14:55
doleybso0ky: a package can be removed like with sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio14:55
emanueledoes somebody talk italian?14:55
so0kythank you14:55
fantasmawell there goes my pc speaker14:55
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:55
gordonjcp!it | emanuele14:55
mnemoTAIPAN_: there are newer intel drivers available for jaunty in this repro --> https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates/   i have no idea if they work well for your card though14:55
ubottuemanuele: please see above14:55
PrebenRuser__, I'm trying to find out what the different modules I have loaded on my system do14:55
hulohelu! is it fairly safe when moving / to a new partition to use rsync -avx /path/to/old/ /new ?14:55
PrebenRuser__, like the font module, what is it good for? trying to power optimise a laptop14:56
doleybmarquinos: You could technically try to upgrade multiple steps to 8.10 and then 9.04, but that's grunky.  Probably better to back up your home dirs / stuff and get an install cd.14:56
TAIPAN_mnemo: would those drivers be installed by default by the 9.04 install disk?14:56
marquinosthanks very much doleyb! ;)14:56
emanuelecan you tell me the italian channel?14:56
lanoxx-is there any image viewer for gnome that can display animated gifs? eog cant to that14:57
Quayleanybody knows if there are drivers for ATI in Ubuntu 9.04 ?14:57
mnemoTAIPAN_: if you add that PPA and update the new drivers will overwrite your existing jaunty drivers yes14:57
user___PrebenR: ok, i suggest installing the kernel source as if you *would* want to compile a kernel. then start the kernel compile config. you will get description texts for the subparts (module or monolithic) of the kernel. !kernel14:57
lanoxx-or is there some kind of converter for gif -> what ever?14:57
so0kyis there anything I should do after I remove the package?  I just removed it.14:57
radithzPanarchy,  thank you very much my problem has been resolve14:57
TAIPAN_mnemo: Thanks, I'll try that.14:57
PrebenRuser__, that's all?14:57
Tetsuooin the partition manager whats the meaning of these letters "f" "K" ?14:57
radithzPanarchy,  thank you very much my problem has been resolve14:57
emanuelei've graphic problems with ubuntu 9.0414:57
radithzPanarchy,  thank you very much my problem has been resolve14:57
radithzPanarchy,  thank you very much my problem has been resolve14:57
FloodBot1radithz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:57
emanuelei have gma 310014:57
PrebenRuser__, ok but not much info there. Thanks anyway14:57
Quaylei upgrade yesterday ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04, and i can't use compiz14:58
user___PrebenR: thats a way to get info about the modules, if i understood you correctly14:58
Josep23912hi, which is the latest documentation for EXT4 Encryption, im thinking of testing it in a virtual machine14:58
colzanihi people, i have install ubunut 9.04 64 Bits in my acer 4520 with ext4. When i shutdown the system, its stop on a blank screen with prompt. When i push any key, this shutdown.14:58
Josep23912i understand that crypto and luks are filesystem independant14:58
so0kythank you, that fixed the problem.  have a good day.14:58
user___PrebenR: you can also reead the kernel sourc files. usually you get a fast grasp even if you are not into programming14:59
dxdemetriouon Jaunty when I use sudo or gksudo it waits some time to ask for the password and some time to start what I call. how can I fix this? It has to do with fingerprint?14:59
Tunna`whats the relation between these people : http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/6060/img2uth.jpg ???? WHO IS SMART ENOUGH14:59
SingAlongI just SSHed into my VPS account. I'm using ubuntu 8.0414:59
SingAlongI need to run a python script that performs actions on a mysql db in the background. So I tried doing "sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb" to install the python mysql wrapper. But it says no apt-get command found14:59
=== Zanrotian is now known as Zantorian
bazhang!ot > Tunna`14:59
ubottuTunna`, please see my private message14:59
hulohelu! is it fairly safe when moving / to a new partition to use rsync -avx /path/to/old/ /new ?15:00
szfdxlr8r: youve installed thinkfinger?15:00
=== lucas is now known as Guest50833
user___SingAlong: thats possible. try whereis apt-get to find out if it exists on the VPS15:00
macvrhi all... does apport send crash reports or does it just collect them to be easily uploaded by us in launchpad?15:01
SingAlonguser___: I tried "whereis apt-get" and I got the result as "apt-get:"15:01
=== tyrant is now known as Guest46830
hulomacvr: don't use apport, there are serious bugs15:01
Quaylemy opera is without sound when i run flash applications15:01
Quayleor videos in flash...15:01
hulomacvr: which is fairly ironic, considering it's use15:02
[t0rc]I'm using modprobe and : options forcedeth msi=0 msix=2   makes my ethernet cards work. What does this command do and where should I put it in the new Jaunty (used to go in /etc/modprobe.d/options)15:02
user___SingAlong: so there is no apt-get on the VPS15:02
macvrhulo: what the problme?15:02
SingAlonguser___: how do I install that?15:02
colzanihi people, i have install ubunut 9.04 64 Bits in my acer 4520 with ext4. When i shutdown the system, its stop on a blank screen with prompt. When i push any key, this shutdown. My notebook use nvidia chipset with amd64 processors. Any know the problem ?15:02
SingAlonguser___: or how do I install any application without the apt-get?15:02
Tunnawhats the relation between these people : http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/6060/img2uth.jpg ???? WHO IS SMART ENOUGH15:02
macvr!ot > Tunna15:03
ubottuTunna, please see my private message15:03
bazhangTunna, dont paste that here15:03
hulocolzani: there's probably a "press any key to halt" message that doesn't get to show15:03
hulocolzani: check logs15:03
Tunnagrrr i keep disconnectiong.15:03
Tunnaanyway, whats the connection between these people : http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/6060/img2uth.jpg ??15:03
user___SingAlong: i suggest to check the docu/FAQ of your VPS, its different with every VPS15:03
bazhangTunna, stop that15:03
SingAlonguser___: ah! k15:03
huloTunna: pow! insta-ban!15:03
SingAlonguser___: how do I find out the OS I'm running?15:04
colzanihulo, ok15:04
SingAlonguser___: I just tried "yum" and it showed me the help for yum!!! shit. I asked the host to install Ubuntu15:04
colzanihulo, but the system dont shutdown automatly ?15:04
wirre238I ran aptitude install sun-java6-jdk but when running 'java' I get a segmentation fault... any ideas?15:04
bazhangSingAlong, watch the language15:05
SingAlongbazhang: sorry!15:05
procdaemonSingAlong: "uname -a" should tell you your os15:05
hulocolzani: i don't get that error. there's a chance it'll be explained in /var/logs/..15:05
SingAlongprocdaemon: it just says linux mydomain.com 2.6.xxx bla bla bla...15:06
Z_Godit seems jaunty amd64 is completely broken15:06
SingAlongprocdaemon: I dont get the OS name15:06
storrgieanyone having an issue with brasero where it just sits there and says "normalizing tracks" forever....?15:06
Z_Goddoes anyone have it actually working stably?15:06
=== mhao1 is now known as mhao
PrebenRuser__, found this site that has the info. http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v2.6.29/Documentation/15:06
PrebenRuser__, what is the best way on ubuntu to prevent a module from being loaded?15:07
esrI'm trying to find out where Ubuntu carries the information that a given user is an administrator allowed to change network settings.15:07
PrebenRuser__, default ubuntu system that is15:07
Tetsuooi have googled for like 15 minutes what the ... do the letters "f" and "K" next to the partitions in the installation screen mean???15:07
=== acuster is now known as avc_lunch
wirre238nobody experienced seg fault after installing java jdk?15:08
storrgieanyone having an issue with brasero where it just sits there and says "normalizing tracks" forever....?15:08
rjune_Where can I find some short examples on how to work with libapt-pkg?15:08
colzanihulo, ok, i will verify, thanks15:08
connexhi everyone, i need serious help, in the middle of the 9.04 upgrade process my computer rebooted which rendered it half working, i need help recovering!15:09
defryskstorrgie, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=712554015:09
CorpusCallosumguys do you have any ide about how i can fix the problem that asus z series motherboard which i cannot use the FN keys and external monitors??15:10
CorpusCallosumI asked forum but no answer15:10
graingertdoes xchat support the new messaging system?15:10
storrgiedefrysk: thanks man15:10
defryskstorrgie, google ;)15:10
HeXiLeDTetsuoo give an example15:10
TetsuooHeXiLeD, 10GB   f    ext415:11
connexlooking at the kernel.log the following line is being written all the time: evbug.c: Event. Dev: input1 , Type: 4 , Code: 4 value: 207 or 0 or 215:11
storrgiedefrysk: came here first15:12
Xcercai read that to install tor run apt-get/aptitude install tor but i keep seeing that no package is available,  what extra repos should i add ?15:12
HeXiLeDwhere do you get the K Tetsuoo ?15:12
defryskk = keep15:13
defryskf = format15:13
defryski guess15:13
connexsomeone please help me!!!15:13
Tetsuoook I already proceeded15:13
erUSUL!info tor15:13
ubottuPackage tor does not exist in jaunty15:13
erUSUL!find tor15:13
ubottuFound: akregator, bacula-director-common, bacula-director-mysql, bacula-director-pgsql, bacula-director-sqlite3 (and 377 others)15:13
user___PrebenR: you can blacklist modules in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf15:13
erUSUL!find onion15:13
ubottuFile onion found in axiom-doc, axiom-test, calibre, gimp-gap, kde-l10n-de (and 18 others)15:14
HeXiLeD!find vidalia15:14
ubottuFound: vidalia15:14
schone_ hi all, after giving chmod 777 access to a whole folder, its sub folders and files I can now only see the folders and not the files, is there a way around this?15:15
ravenhi - (how) is it possible to show fullscreen video ONLY on an external screen also with several virtual desks? - tnx...15:15
=== tomtom is now known as Guest13371
XcercaHeXiLeD  ,  i'll try just installing vidalia then , thanks15:15
sreenathschone_: try `chmod -R 777 <folder>'15:16
Administ1atoroHas someone connect to internet with speedtouch 330 in Ubuntu 9.04?15:16
user___schone_: what does ls -al say (please pastebin)15:16
bowman_Hi there, by using the recovery mode selection in grub menu anyone can have the root access to any ubuntu machine. Am I wrong ?15:17
connexhow do i run upgrade from cli?15:17
Xcercacool , i have vidalia install but not tor...15:17
wWaleshow do i get flash player plugin to work in ubuntu 9.04 64bit version?15:17
sreenathbowman_: You can set a password to access recovery mode.15:18
n0s0r0gHow to setup Canon LBP 2900 in Jauntry. Printer doesn't print after these steps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/Canon_LBP_290015:18
bowman_sreenath: thanx I'll check for documentation.15:18
AJNpa28here is something fun for you guys to think about - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112771015:19
ravenhii - i am trying to15:19
AJNpa28because it just works out of the box on everything, except my laptop15:20
sreenathbowman_: `startupmanager' is a GUI program to change the /boot/grub/menu.lst file. It supports adding a password.15:20
ravenhi - i am trying to create a startup usb using the tool. the sysrescd IMAGE seems to be the wrong format for that (no graphical support) - can i transcode it or do it another way? tnx15:20
erUSULwWales: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree15:20
wWalesi did that but its only showing a grey screen with a "play" icon15:21
wWalesand nothing happens when i try to "play" it15:21
CuriousCatWould anyone know how to enter into a shell script a command that would shutdown my computer without needing a password to be entered by myself?15:22
wavyhey guys whenever i boot up i get an error saying that it gave up waiting on root device and that  a module was missing15:22
gordonjcpCuriousCat: you could add shutdown to the sudoers file15:22
sreenathwWales: Try this: http://tr.im/jGJ815:22
AJNpa28we'll just call it the sloppy salamander until i get b43 firmware to write to disk15:23
defrysksudo gasswd -a username shutdown15:23
defrysksudo gpasswd -a username shutdown15:23
* noukist AFK15:23
Argus18Has someone connect to the internet with speedtouch 330 in Ubuntu 9.0415:23
n0s0r0gwavy, MSI laptop?15:23
erUSULArgus18: no that version but i used to do it in previous versions...15:24
erUSUL!adsl | Argus1815:24
ubottuArgus18: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE15:24
wavyn0s0r0g: gateway laptop15:24
ninadspCuriousCat: tried gnome-power-cmd shutdown ?  it'll work only if the user has permission to shut down the system as per teh authorizations set in gnome settings15:24
CuriousCatHmm. i think that was a bit vague. Let me explain again. I have a script that is supposed to do an rsync on several directories. What I want to do is run this and leave it, so it has to shut down after the rsync is finished. So how do I write the shutdown part?15:24
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erUSULCuriousCat: sudo shutdown -h now ?15:25
hexogenHi. Was just wondering how you can turn of auto-sleep while closing the lid in the netbook remix. Asus Eee 90015:25
ninadspCuriousCat: try adding the user tht is executing the shell script to the shutdown grp, as suggested...15:26
=== imag_afk is now known as Imaginativeone__
CuriousCaterUSUL: But that will ask for my password.15:26
ninadsperUSUL: that would require a password.. :)15:26
cherylcan anyone talk me through getting a soundblaster awe32 installed?15:26
defryskhexogen, hAVE A LOOK AT POWERMANAGEMENT15:26
CuriousCatninadsp: thanks! Will try that out.15:26
defrysksorry caps15:26
ninadspCuriousCat: also, do check out gnome-power-cmd15:26
Jeruvybug 115:26
sreenathhexogen: System -> Preferences -> Power Management15:26
erUSULCuriousCat: i thought you run the rsync as root15:26
ubuntu_I lost power while updating my distro.... can some oe please help me.. KDE loads with a limp and gnome doesn't load15:27
Guest14891Hi everyone, I just got a new video card NVIDIA dual DVI and I would like to use my onboard PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82G35 Express PCI Express for a third monitor. When clicking on Monitors it advises me that it can no longer open as I installed the nvidia drivers and to use NVIDIA setting I'm wondering what I could do at this point?15:27
ubuntu_DAMN YOU15:27
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Bucky
hexogensreenath, defrysk thanks a lot, used to debian where you have to fool around with the acpi scripts :)15:27
CuriousCaterUSUL: actually running duplicity which uses rsync. No, it doesn't run on sudo.15:27
wWalesstill not working, is there some special package i need to get to run 32bit apps in 64bit?15:27
=== kaane11 is now known as kaane
erUSULBucky: finsh the upgrade15:28
BuckyerUSUL: I can't even get into snaptic15:28
erUSULwWales: ia32lib for a start15:28
wWalesim new at this, i just do sudo apt-get ia32lib?15:28
BuckyerUSUL:  When I boot it just gives me a black screen. I'm on a live cd right now15:28
erUSULBucky: boot into recovery mode run « uptitude update && uptitude dist-upgrade » cross fingers15:28
ninadspwWales : sudo apt-get install ia32lib15:29
FarmCretinHi, what a terminal command to open a specific folder in nautilous?15:29
ninadspBucky: do you have a kernel that will work from the system?15:29
erUSULFarmCretin: nautilus folder15:29
PhotoJimerUSUL: you mean "aptitude" not "uptitude" I imagine?15:29
Buckyninadsp: no15:29
erUSULPhotoJim: ooops yep15:29
erUSULBucky: is aptitude not uptitude15:29
vvvvI accidentially created a new partition table on the disk where my / is on. My system is still running and i can access and copy files, what wil happen when i reboot?15:30
ninadspBucky: last option is obviously a reinstall.. but before that you could try to chroot from ur cd to the disk system15:30
BuckyerUSUL:  caught that15:30
wWalesninadsp: i got the message "couldnt find ia32lib"15:30
erUSUL!find ia3215:30
ubottuFound: lsb-core, lsb-cxx, lsb-desktop, lsb-graphics, lsb-languages (and 3 others)15:30
erUSULwWales: is ia32-libs15:31
joanki123how do i get the update manager from the command line?15:31
Befriend28Hi all I have just installed my first MythBuntu and configured it, but I don't get sound when I watch live TV it just give me an buffer overflow independent of what I configure in the setup > genrel15:31
Falchionout of interest15:31
marco__flash doesnt have sound. does anyone knows the solution?15:31
=== michael` is now known as dROg
wWalesow it says i already have that15:32
erUSULBucky: boot into recovery mode run « aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade »15:32
perturbedhey .. i dont have usb start-up disk creator in my ubuntu 9.04 .. i upgraded from 8.10 by an alternate cd . can anybody help me ?15:32
BuckyerUSUL:  Boot into recovery.. like from GRUB?15:32
erUSULBucky: or as others have sugested you can chroot from the livecd and do the same... may be easier for you15:32
sreenathjoankil23: update-manager15:32
erUSULBucky: yep from grub15:32
joanki123if 8.04 is the LTS, is it best i stay with that than try to upgrade to 9.04?15:33
mortal1hello, I have my home directory on a separate partition and i was wondering if I could encrypt my home partition without losing data currently on my home partition?15:33
perturbedhey .. i dont have usb start-up disk creator in my ubuntu 9.04 .. i upgraded from 8.10 by an alternate cd . can anybody help me ? ....15:33
Dr_Willis!find usb-disk15:34
ubottuPackage/file usb-disk does not exist in jaunty15:34
Dr_Willisperturbed:  may be a extra package ya gotta instakll15:34
BuckyerUSUL:  How do I chroot?15:34
Buckyand what would I do after that15:34
ravenhi - i am trying to create a startup usb using the tool. the sysrescd IMAGE seems to be the wrong format for that (no graphical support) - can i transcode it or do it another way? tnx15:34
dahumpCan anyone in here help me with amarok2 in ubuntu 9.04?15:34
Boohbah!unetbootin | perturbed15:34
ubottuperturbed: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:34
perturbedhow do i install unetbootin ?15:35
raddyHello Everybody15:35
perturbedi sont find the pakages in the synaptic :(15:35
dahumpCan anyone in here help me with amarok2 in ubuntu 9.04?15:35
erUSULBucky: you mount the root partition of your ubuntu somewhere... for example /mnt/ with « sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdxx /mnt/ » then you chroot to it « sudo chroot /mnt/ »15:35
Boohbah!info unetbootin | perturbed15:35
ubottuperturbed: unetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 304-1 (jaunty), package size 187 kB, installed size 564 kB15:35
joanki123if 8.04 is the LTS, is it best i stay with that than try to upgrade to 9.04?15:35
raddyFrom where Jockey aka Hardware Drivers download nVidia drivers???15:35
perturbedany terminal command to install unetboot in ?15:35
Boohbahperturbed: you will need to enable the universe repository, then 'sudo apt-get install unetbootin'15:36
vvvvHow is it possible that my system is running when gparted shows no partitions on the disk where my / was (i clicked create new partition table because i thought it was the usb pendrive i wanted to partition)15:36
sreenathperturbed: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html15:36
erUSULBucky: /dev/sdxx shoulb be your particular partition15:36
raddyFrom where Jockey aka Hardware Drivers download nVidia drivers???15:36
perturbedokay . i'll try boohbah15:36
mortal1joanki123: if your satisfied with your current system, and value stability over new features, then yes, stick with long term support15:36
Dr_Willisraddy:  from the repositories15:36
Dr_Willisraddy:  same asy a get all the other packages15:37
dahumpCan anyone in here help me with amarok2 in ubuntu 9.04?15:37
=== vvvv is now known as vverheijen
joanki123mortal1,  thanks  - i will15:37
x3cionmy music is running way too fast, how can i fix this?15:37
raddyDr_Willis: From which repository?15:37
OobleWow, this is mental.15:37
dahumpDoes anyone know why amarok in ubuntu 9.04 says it is playing a song when there is no sound coming out and the counter does not count down?15:37
perturbedhow to enable universal repositories ?15:38
Dr_Willisraddy:  whatever one its in.  universe, or multiverse most likely15:38
=== carlo is now known as Guest46302
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories15:38
BrucevdkHi, I just bought a Logitech ClearChat Wireless USB and it is properly detected. I can't make it use Alsa but the most annoying thing right now is that no matter what I do I can't mute the microphone in gnome-volume-control. I'll post to the Ubuntu Forums once I've done some more debugging but I was wondering if this reminded anybody of something.15:38
mortal1can anyone tell me if I'd be able to encrypt my /home without overwriting the data on the /home partition?15:38
wWalesthansk ubotto was looking for a link like that15:38
Oobleperturbed: System -> Administration -> Software Sources -> check "universe".15:38
christian_anyone have a princeton VL2018W monitor?15:39
Scaretcan i pm somebody? i have problem with sharing files on kubuntu 9.04 and windows pm me if u can help15:39
perturbedthere is nothing called universe there :(15:39
raddyDr_Willis: Hardware Drivers application suggest to install 180xx version of nVidia drivers, but Add/Remove app only has versions till 177, that is not installable.15:40
vverheijenHow  is it possible that my system is running when gparted shows no partitions on the disk where my / was (i clicked create new partition table because i thought it was the usb pendrive i wanted to partition)15:40
perturbedokay okay i got it15:40
basslinerScaret: ask your question here and maybe someone knows a solution and might help15:40
Brucevdk!pm | Scaret15:40
ubottuScaret: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:40
Dr_Willisraddy:  i just saw/installed 180 here.  using the hardware-manager tool15:40
Oobleperturbed: It's called "Community maintained Open Source software (universe)".15:40
perturbedyes yes got it15:40
perturbedthat is already ticked15:40
perturbedlet me try to install unetboot in from terminal15:40
raddyDr_Willis: I also tried to, but the app crashed.15:40
Dr_Willisraddy:  it was REAL SLOW here...15:41
Dr_Willisnvidia-glx-180 - NVIDIA binary Xorg driver15:41
mortal1perturbed: what package are you looking for here?15:41
Dr_Willisbut it did eventually work15:41
raddyDr_Willis: What version of Ubuntu?15:41
perturbedi want to install unetbootin ....os = ubuntu 9.0415:41
Dr_Willisraddy:  9.04 that i just isntalled 20 min ago15:41
perturbedmy 9.04 does not have usb starup dick creator15:41
Dr_Willisraddy:  the servers are taking a hammering today.15:41
perturbeddisk *15:41
Dr_Willisperturbed:  you use 'unetbootin' instead.15:42
old_roger9.04 looks nice, and seems faster15:42
BuckyerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/157958/15:42
perturbedi am trying to install it15:42
perturbedbut it gives me an error in the terminal15:42
perturbedno installation candidate15:42
christian_does anyone know if there is a way from stopping a computer from going into idle mode after being kept on for a while?15:42
randomusrhow is everyone here?15:42
Dr_Willisperturbed:  update/upgrade/try again15:42
perturbedit is updated15:42
Dr_Willisperturbed:  sudo apt-get update,  sudo apt-get upgrade, try again15:42
perturbedupgraded today itself15:43
Dr_Willisperturbed:  its installing it here.15:43
marco__no sound on flash. any solution?15:43
old_rogeryou should try changing options in the power management15:43
BuckyerUSUL:  Any idea on that paste bin? http://paste.ubuntu.com/157958/15:43
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erUSULBucky: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.15:43
erUSULBucky: do what it says run  dpkg --configure -a15:43
sontagshi everybody. I've installed ubuntu 9.04 un a toshiba portege r500. enabling "normal" visual effects (via system > preferences > appearance) thows this errer: "Desktop effects could not be enabled". the graphicc card is a Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950. does anyone knows about such an issue?15:43
christian_nothing in power management allows you to prevent the computer from going into idle.15:43
braintorchHi, guys and girls. I have a file, splitted with total commander. I need to join that pieces in one file again. I've tried to use cat and output cksum had not concur with crc file. How can get original file?15:43
mortal1Does anyone here know if I can use the /home encryption on my /home partition w/o losing data on the partition?15:44
mortal1or would i need to wipe it to encrypt it?15:44
perturbedokay let me try that15:44
Dr_Willismortal1:  i think so.15:44
IListenUscreen: http://parduoduv.puslapiai.lt where's problem in my ubuntu?15:44
randomusris it possible to get the "Super" Key to work like it does in windows? meaning to open the Applications menu, and lock the computer?15:44
BuckyerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/157960/15:44
OtienoHi Guys, my wired connection has refused to connect at all. It just appears grayed out(inactive) how do I solve this?15:44
Dr_Willismortal1:  theres ways to encrypt specific directories if you want a compramse15:44
gordonjcpOtieno: is the cable plugged in?15:44
slevin_kalevrawhy does ubuntu+1 forwad me here. is karmic koala not started?15:44
delivoshi. i'm trying to install ubuntu on an xp system, dual-booting. it's put the boot loader in an unexpected place, and when i boot from the disk that has the loader on, the screen floods with "grub loading stage 1.5". windows comes up as normal. how can i fix the boot loader?15:45
old_rogermaybe not, but you can set it up so the computer never sleeps15:45
Dr_Willisslevin_kalevra:  i thought it was Wabbid Wallrus15:45
McGinnis_tI have a dell mini 9 with Dell's version of Ubuntu. Yesterday morning I did an update to install a new package; everything was OK. This morning I woke up to find 182 packages that need to be updated! I can't find anything online to say why there are so many updates. I checked the versioning with synaptic and see that most of the packages are listed from a different repo. Like the Linux image: installed version=2.6.24-19.41 (hardy-updates), latest version=215:45
erUSULBucky: do not use sudo in this case you are alrady root15:45
mortal1Dr_Willis: Well, my home folder is located on its own partition15:45
braintorchCan anybody help me?15:45
erUSULBucky: run  « dpkg --configure -a »15:45
IRClc1Hi to all, I need Help!!!, tried ubuntu 9.04 live, but it asks me (initramfs)15:45
ninadsprandomusr: you should be able to.. however you'll have to do it manually...15:45
Dr_Willismortal1:  copy it over somewhere else perhaps. encrypt, copy it back.. im not that paranoid15:45
mortal1So could I encrypt the home folder without losing data?15:45
raddyDr_Willis: Thanks for your help. i am manually downloading the packages15:45
randomusrnindsp, is there a tutorial someplace?15:46
BuckyerUSUL: Working15:46
dserodioMcGinnis_t: which repo?15:46
randomusrninadsp, is there a tutorial someplace?15:46
Dr_Willismortal1:  ive seen it asked in here befor and mentioned on the forums.. proberly worth checking out the forums15:46
ninadsprandomusr: not that i know of.. u can ask around... but u'll have to change the keyboard shortcut settings15:46
randomusrwhat file holds those settings?15:47
erUSULBucky: after  « dpkg --configure -a » retry the « aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade »15:47
mortal1I'll just tias when i get it downloaded, can't be that complicated15:47
raVen1hello guys..i have a problem with 9.04 using wubi...i booted the ubuntu 9.04 then  halfway on the loading screen,messages came out..my problem is..i can see that "Activating swapfile swap".. took like 10 minutes..unlike the 8.10 Ubuntu, which booted faster15:47
sreenathrandomusr: Go to system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts15:47
McGinnis_tdserodio: i havn't changes my source.list from what dell provided. would you like it?15:47
ninadsprandomusr: i dont know the file, but u can go to system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts15:47
vossIm getting about 40 to 70 kb/s on update is that normal for right now?15:47
BuckyerUSUL: It's spitting out a shit load of permission denied15:47
lord_hypnoshow do I upgrade from linux mint 6 felicia to ubuntu 9.04?15:48
erUSULBucky: :| unspected15:48
dserodioMcGinnis_t: I don't have a Dell mini, I was just wondering if the new repo looks "suspicious"15:48
BuckyerUSUL: Huh?15:48
fehrphey all, is ubuntu 9.4 also behaving with a very long latency when opening programs at you? It's very slow here.15:48
erUSULBucky: i did not spect that... you may have to do it from recovery mode after all15:49
Gekzquestion: what's the default image viewer in jaunty?15:49
sreenathlord_hypnos: You can't. Copy all of your files off of your computer and install using the install cd.15:49
erUSULGekz: eog ?15:49
vossMcginnis, I have a dell mini 9, I wouldnt use the dell repositories get a 386 NBR and use that.15:49
raVen1hello guys..i have a problem with 9.04 using wubi...i booted the ubuntu 9.04 then  halfway on the loading screen,messages came out..my problem is..i can see that "Activating swapfile swap".. took like 10 minutes..unlike the 8.10 Ubuntu, which booted faster15:49
OobleOK, my turn: I just plugged in my laptop to my home monitor through the VGA port, and the Display preference app won't let me up the resolution to its native 1680x1050. My work monitor, which is 1280x1024, works fine. Any ideas?15:49
BuckyerUSUL: yeah it loks like it http://paste.ubuntu.com/157963/15:49
GekzerUSUL: are you sure?15:49
A4Techhi all!15:49
McGinnis_tdserodio: Not that I can tell. It looks the same.15:49
A4Techpeople help me please15:49
Buckyokay I guess I will be talking when I get back15:50
vossmcginnis the dell repos are 8.0415:50
A4Techhow add tags to audio files bitrate = 1600 ( wav)15:50
sreenathOoble: Maybe your graphics card doesn't support such a high resolution.15:50
erUSULGekz: no; did not upgrade yet but default gnome viewer is eog15:50
A4Techamarok exaile rhythmbox don't add15:50
McGinnis_tvoss: Is LPIA bad?15:50
A4Techeasytag too15:50
Ooblesreenath, I have a feeling it does, but I shall double-check.15:50
erUSULA4Tech: wav files can not have tags15:51
GekzerUSUL: ah15:51
A4Tech:D ...15:51
A4TecherUSUL thx!15:51
Xcercaif i installed 9.04 RC then when the official version came out do i still need to do a distrobution upgrade or is it just the packages ?  how can i check ?15:51
n0s0r0gCanon LBP 2900 in Jauntry. dmesg | grep "ccpd": ccpd[3959]: segfault at b7254004 ip b7e3e572 sp bfcb3160 error 4 in libc-2.9.so[b7dcd000+15c000]15:51
sreenathOoble: Do you have the restricted driver installed? Those are usually better for graphics cards.15:51
randomusrninadsp, does resetting key bindings require a restart?15:51
erUSUL!final | Xcerca15:51
vossLPIA isnt bad but it isnt pure 386, the Dell Mini 9 runs the 386 repos just fine, I switched mine over to 9.04 notebook remix from a usb flash drive15:51
ubottuXcerca: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.15:51
A4TecherUSUL flac support?15:51
ninadsprandomusr: nopes15:51
* roxan is back (gone 02:09:16)15:51
ninadsprandomusr: it should work as soon as u press ok...15:51
erUSULA4Tech: flac does support tags yes as does ogg flac and vorbis files15:52
randomusrninadsp, no OK, just close15:52
Ooblesreenath, is there one for ATI cards? Also, the native resolution of the laptop monitor is 1600x1200, which is larger than the external.15:52
ninadsprandomusr: then close it is.. :)15:52
sreenathOoble: Hmm... I don't know.15:52
kantehey everyone! guys, I'm about to install 9.04 and can't choose between ext3 & ext4.15:52
vossIn theory LPIA was supposed to give you longer battery life, I get 4 hours and 15 minutes of battery off the standard i386 NBR15:52
randomusrninadsp, right, did that, still nothing15:52
kanteis ext4 that good already to use?15:52
marco_flash has no sound. any solution?15:52
defryskkante, use the default then , safe choice15:53
A4TecherUSUL: And how can I convert wav => flac without loss of quality?15:53
roxankante: use ext3 for now15:53
ninadsprandomusr: please wait around and ask.. afaik, it shoul dhave done it15:53
vossmarco, whats your system15:53
McGinnis_tvoss: OK. I will give it a try15:53
raddyCan anybody suggest a fast server :(15:53
kanteroxan: ok thx!15:53
wWalesits says now under addons/plugins in firefox that i have the flashplayer plugin but when i go to a site that has flash movies it directs me to adome.com, it has some linux version but none of them work in ubuntu 9.04 x86_64 for me :(15:53
erUSULA4Tech: flac is lossless cadec you will not loose quality... you can use any utlity you want like soundconverter15:53
raddyEvery server is not good for more than a few seconds15:53
McGinnis_tIt is still weird that there would be so many updates15:54
Xcercawill apt-get and aptitude list the same packages ?15:54
ninadsprandomusr: i have to leave.. so pls ask sum1 else..15:54
roxanXcerca: yes15:54
A4TecherUSUL: You have no script to convert?15:54
dserodioMcGinnis_t: maybe it's because of the 9.04 release which was somehow "delayed" to your mirror?15:54
lord_hypnosthanks sreenath15:54
Cezar22I just upgraded to 9.04 and I think I messed up removing emerald--I have everything running, but I'm missing compiz effects even with compiz-manager --replace enabled. What do I need to do to get compiz running?15:54
erUSULA4Tech: no15:54
meoblast001is it normal if jockey's "Downloading and installing driver" window sit's at 0% forever?15:54
A4Techok. thx all15:54
Tetsuois nvclock no longer in the jaunty repositories? I really need it or my graphic card will overheat in a few minutes!15:55
McGinnis_tdserodio: That is kinda what I thought. However, I didn15:55
roxanCezar22: did you check http://techspalace.blogspot.com/2009/04/compiz-problem-in-jaunty-solved.html15:55
vosswales, X64 flash has been kinda wonky15:55
McGinnis_tI didn't think that they backported so many updates on a release15:55
Cezar22roxan: checking it out15:55
Ooblesreenath: Gonna try the monitor on Windows. Haven't done that yet. Thanks for your help.15:55
wWalesbut shouldnt i be able to use 32bit flash in 64bit os somehow?15:55
OtienoHi All. My wired connection wouldn't work. It appears grayed out on the on the panel. Any help?15:56
hanasaki jaunty-desktop-amd64.iso  <= is there a 64bit intel version?15:56
slevin_kalevraanyone here using empathy in 9.04?15:56
sreenathwWales: Try this: http://tr.im/jGNI15:56
erUSULwWales: yes just install the flashplguin-nonfree package15:56
wWalesi tried that but when i opened it i got an error message15:56
slevin_kalevrahanasaki: u can use that link itself15:56
erUSULwWales: has worked flwlessly since hardy for me15:56
hanasakislevin_kalevra:  thats amd64.. is there a special one for intel 64?15:57
wWalesim newb at this, should i have to reboot in order for it to work properly?15:57
slevin_kalevrathe standard is by amd so its called that it is same as intel64bit15:57
hanasakislevin_kalevra:  thanks15:57
dadnetbook remix?15:57
slevin_kalevraEmpathy users here?15:57
meoblast001why won't my nVidia drivers activate?15:57
roxan!compiz | roxan15:58
ubotturoxan, please see my private message15:58
Maevacan I keep my music mp3s on my hard drive once I install the new ubuntu ? (I got 8.10)15:58
dserodioslevin_kalevra: yeah, AMD got ahead of Intel on that one15:58
studenthi guys15:58
ph8hi all, strange question but i've just upgraded to jaunty and i need to know which kernel it's using, i.e. what should grub be booting to? I left my grub/menu.lst unaltered and now i think it's borking because it's trying to boot into an old kernel15:58
ph8can anyone using jaunty give me a uname -a?15:59
dserodiodad: I installed it yesterday15:59
slevin_kalevradserodio: yeah. too bad they couldnt make too much money even though they were first15:59
roxanph8 uname -r15:59
studenti want vista like glossy pannel for my lovely ubuntu 9.04, from where and how can i get it ?15:59
hanasakiis there a jeos of jaunty yet?15:59
dadhow do you like it?15:59
C_Kode_Ubuntu 9.0.4, does anyone have issues enabling the Nvidia drivers?15:59
roxanph8: its 2.6.28-1115:59
squarebracketi need a program that differentiates between ID3v1 and ID3v2, is there any such program for linux? (winamp does this)16:00
ph8will reboot any try it16:00
roxanC_Kode_: not for me16:00
cezar22roxazer: that didn't work16:00
gossequestion... how can i set certain programs to autoload when gnome boots? (ubuntu 9.04)16:00
JohnDoe1Linux NETWORK 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux16:00
hanasakiC_Kode_:  works fine for me16:00
roxanstudent: install compiz-config-setting-manager and start it from preference16:00
C_Kode_roxan: I attempt to enable and it opens a download box then disappears and nothing happens16:00
mishaFarC_Kode Nvidia drivers onley when you have stabilish connection16:00
Guest14891I'm wondering if I could run an NVIDIA dual DVI + onboard DVI to have 3 monitors connected?16:00
felimwhiteleyAnyone here have an upgrade problem with fully encrypted drive. build-initramfs has not created a shortcut in /dev/disks/by-uuid/ pointing to sda5 and it falls back to busybox16:00
studentroxan: already installed compiz16:00
cezar22Can anyone help me get compiz enabled on 9.04? It used to work until I removed emerald and now it just doesn't work at all, even though I have compiz-manager --replace running16:01
cwraigsquarebracket, i use easytag for all my tagging needs but i dont know if it does that16:01
LeenucksHi all, I installed jaunty on my previous version 8.10 and seems to have a problem with video... any video player crashes on opening file and when I scroll down any webpage it seems to rewrite every single move..16:01
hanasakiC_Kode_:  i had a problem with the proxy....  cometo think of it16:01
C_Kode_mishaFar: establish connection to what?16:01
Leenucksanyone can help?16:01
roxanstudent: I'm talking about compiz setting manager not compiz, do you have program to change compiz settings?16:01
hanasakiC_Kode_:  go to a prompt and aptitude install it16:01
C_Kode_I can use synaptics no problem16:01
daddserodio: is it reasonably stable so far?16:01
meoblast001as i expected... my stupid nVidia drivers won't activate and now Vesa is on16:01
meoblast001how do i turn these stupid PoS on16:01
roxanLeenucks: do you have intel board?16:01
pragad7while downloading viasynaptic manager or apt-get i am getting awful download speeds like less than half kB/swhile my netconnection speed is like 10KB/s. i installed ubuntu only two days ago and it wants to downlaod updates of 200mb .it will take atleast 1 month to updatea at that speed.pls help.my netwotk card isRealtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC16:02
Leenucksyes I have intel borad and intel graphic card16:02
wWalesok i got the 64flash installer to work now, it gives me three options: dapper, feisty, gutsy, which one is for jaunty?16:02
squarebracketcwraig, it doesn't :(16:02
gossecan anyone help me?16:02
hanasakithis is all DVD's... where is the CD image?   http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/release/16:02
roxanLeenucks: seems like you need to revert the graphics to 8.1016:02
macvr!ask |gosse16:03
ubottugosse: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:03
ruruthSince jaunty update, I have no sound anymore.16:03
mishaFarC_Kode_ to Nvidia driver I have16:03
ruruthSeems like an alsa driver problem16:03
Leenuckshow can I do that?16:03
gosseI already asked, ubottu, and no one seemed to have notice. let me ask again.16:03
pragad7while downloading viasynaptic manager or apt-get i am getting awful download speeds like less than half kB/swhile my netconnection speed is like 10KB/s. i installed ubuntu only two days ago and it wants to downlaod updates of 200mb .it will take atleast 1 month to updatea at that speed.pls help.my netwotk card isRealtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC16:03
=== Froad_ is now known as Froad
ruruthWhen I kill pulseaudio and try aplay directly I also have no sound output!16:03
cezar22I need help enabling compiz on 9.04. I had it running fine on 9.04 but after removing emerald it no longer functions, even though I've set compiz-manager --replace16:03
gossequestion... how can i set certain programs to autoload when gnome boots? (ubuntu 9.04)16:03
macvrgosse: add the programs to startup applications16:04
=== sharperguy2 is now known as sharperguy
gossein startup-manager?16:04
macvrgoose system>preferences>startup applications16:05
fwaokdaAnyone have a tutorial/instructions on how to make my netbook remix verison like the regular desktop verison of ubuntu 9.04?16:05
studentroxan: can you help me in that please!16:05
NightReaperanyone got rr232x to work on kernel 2.6.28?16:05
NightReaperany workaround etc16:05
cutoutafter upgrade it is slow and boots without usplash(textmode)16:05
studentroxan: i want vista like pannel in my ubuntu 9.04 GNOME16:05
Jeruvyfwaokda: why not just install the regular version?16:05
meoblast001how do i activate an nVidia driver?16:06
Abueleitor_hi all i hve a problem with my wireless card on ubuntu 9. It detects it but i cannot connect, i mean i can see the networks but i cannot connect, plese help16:06
dax2112rush1Hi, I have a custom built kernel package that did install correctly but post-install steps fail (initrd image generation). Now every time I install a package it will retry those post-install steps and fail. Is there any way to prevent this (my system runs fine, so I don't really care about post-install steps)?16:06
roxanstudent: install compiz-config-seeting-manager and play with the settings, but wait, what exactly do you mean by vista like pannels16:06
fwaokdajeruvy, would it probably be able to run all my components right away such as wireless card, etc?16:06
diomadsoni have problem with my Intel card graphics16:06
studentroxan: glossy pannel :)16:06
cutoutafter upgrade it is slow and boots without usplash(textmode) help me plz16:06
Abueleitor_hi all i hve a problem with my wireless card on ubuntu 9. It detects it but i cannot connect, i mean i can see the networks but i cannot connect, plese help16:06
roxanstudent: the title bar16:06
studentroxan: no taskbar16:07
ruruthno sound in jaunty!!!16:07
studentroxan: both top and bottom16:07
=== papermates_ is now known as paperones
Jeruvyfwaokda: I cannot say for certain, but I've been hearing folks in here doing it with success.  Just an idea I toss to you :)16:07
roxanstudent: you mean transparent?16:07
Abueleitor_hi all i hve a problem with my wireless card on ubuntu 9. It detects it but i cannot connect, i mean i can see the networks but i cannot connect, plese help16:07
macvrcutout> pastebin the menu.lst16:07
NightReaperAnyone here with a HighPoint RocketRAID 2320 that can help me out?16:07
fwaokdaJeruvy: alright I'll go download it then thanks16:07
meoblast001should i just call nVidia?16:07
roxan!patience | roxan16:07
ubotturoxan, please see my private message16:07
sreenathAbuleitor_: What happens when you try to connect?16:07
studentroxan: yeah but not 100%16:07
paperonesI have a problem with ubuntu 9.04 and samba16:07
Abueleitor_the green buttons16:07
roxanstudent: righ click the bar and select the transperency16:07
C_Kode_thanks guys, I think I got it now.  Just have to reboot.  bbiab16:07
Abueleitor_always are in a loop16:08
cutoutmacvr: hhere to find it :P16:08
roxanstudent: i mean property and then transperency16:08
Abueleitor_never get green16:08
paperoneswhen I try to change my samba users password I get this message16:08
studentroxan: no no not like that :(16:08
paperonesmachine rejected the tconX on the IPC$ share. Error was : NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE.16:08
paperonesFailed to change password for pietro16:08
roxan!patience | Abueleitor_16:08
ubottuAbueleitor_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:08
macvrcutout: /boot/grub/menu.lst16:08
studentroxan: i want rounded like vista :)16:08
sreenathAbueleitor_: Did you enter the network password correctly?16:08
paperonesI googled for hours trying to find a solution, but I couldnt find anyting of helpful16:08
studentroxan: thats one look nice16:08
paperonesany help ?16:08
Abueleitor_but its very strange16:08
roxanstudent: I exactly dont know how it looks in vista,16:08
studentroxan: u never used vista16:09
Abueleitor_cos i can see nets but cannot connect16:09
Abueleitor_its very strange16:09
diomadsonanyone hve a Intel video card?16:09
daftykinspaperones, does "dmesg" give any better detailed output?16:09
roxanstudent: no, only few times at clients16:09
Abueleitor_i use a acx111 chipset16:09
pragadi am getting 10 times low dowloadspeed inubuntu why my network card is Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC16:09
studentroxan: Ok16:09
paperoneslet me see16:09
Abueleitor_its a texas instruments16:09
sreenathAbueleitor_: Try to connect to another network. Does that work?16:09
cutoutmacvr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/157980/16:09
Abueleitor_i try to connect to an open network but it do not works16:10
paperonesunfortunately not16:10
ph8hi all i've just upgraded, i have encrypted root+swap and several other 'normal' drives. My root (sda3) seems to decrypt fine, i'm prompted for a passphrase. But now my boot gets stuck on 'Begin: waiting for encrypted source device...' whereas usually i'd get another password prompt to decrypt my swap -> sdc516:10
ph8any idea what might be wrong?16:10
roxan!enter | paperones16:10
ubottupaperones: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:10
daftykinsso is this an smb or cifs mount of a windows box over LAN paperones ?16:10
Jeruvypaperones: this works on windows, but may work with samba: net use \\targetip\ipc$ "" /user""16:10
MidasManchuhey mates, I'm having a couple of difficulties with the 9.04 upgrade.  Firstly, my cpu scaling is now disabled.  Secondly, there appears to be no package for kernel-source with 9.04?  I can't install the latest nvidia drivers16:10
eyore15apologize if this isn't the correct forum ... I'm new to Ubuntu and would like to contribute; I'm an English teacher and thought I might help somehow with documentation.  Can anyone point me to a place to start?16:10
pragadvery low download speed less than 1KB/s in ubuntu while it should be 10KB/s16:11
Abueleitor_i am  exhausted with this16:11
Abueleitor_i cannot resolve the problem16:11
macvrcutout: remove the vga-791 from the kernel lines... the splash will work...16:11
diomadsonme too16:11
joanki123can anyone tell me how i install subversion through the repositories?16:11
Digital_PioneerCan someone tell me how I can make the system start with a decent resolution with an Nvidia graphics card?16:11
joanki123which packages do i choose?16:11
mishaFareyore15 no16:11
paperonesdaftykins : its just an smb server16:11
zach2200i know this might seam domb but how do i get my computer to talk to my mp3 player16:11
Abueleitor_i tihnk i am gonna cracy16:11
C_Kode_Good stuff.16:11
pragadwow whats happening16:11
DJVistaMani am installing ubuntu right now but it is stuck at "starting Ubiquity..." for 10 min16:12
Falchionthat's a secret16:12
MidasManchueyore15, I'd suggest looking at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu16:12
paperonesI can past my smb.conf if u want to see16:12
roxanjonaskoelker: select svn from synaptic16:12
Digital_PioneerI was hoping Jaunty would provide a way, but I still have to reset it in cursed nvidia settings everytime X starts.16:12
Jadii have a problem with the graphic card Intel(R) 945G my pc is so dark with ubuntu can i have drivers or something for that :S16:12
basyHi. is there any soft, that can print directory of photos 4 photos on each A4 (i need to print 1000 photos this way) any ideas plz?16:12
pragadjadi i have had the same problem16:12
daftykinsah sorry paperones haven't spent much time with sharing in that direction16:12
DJVistaMananyone have a solution for that16:12
daftykinssomeone else will help16:12
paperonesbut I don't think is that the problem because I tested it with testparm and before to upgrate to 9.04 it worked fine16:12
meoblast001my nVidia drivers won't install... can anyone help?16:12
Digital_Pioneerzach2200: Plug it in. ;)16:12
sreenath!enter | Abueleitor_16:12
ubottuAbueleitor_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:12
daftykinsthat's all you get after double clicking Install after booting LiveCD DJVistaMan ?16:13
paperonesno worries .. thanks anyways16:13
robin0800zach2200: It might not as MSC/MTP broken in gnome works in kde16:13
sreenath!patience | Abueleitor_16:13
ubottuAbueleitor_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:13
DJVistaMani clicked install16:13
MidasManchuany ideas on cpu scaling in 9.04 and why it no longer works?16:13
figAny PHPMyAdmin experts? I upgraded 8.10 to 9.04 and now PHPMyAdmin is not allowing me to log-on.16:13
cutoutmacvr: thx, for the desktop being very slow :(16:13
NightReaperAnyone here with a HighPoint RocketRAID 2320 that got it working in Ubuntu 9.04 that can help me out??16:13
DJVistaMani got the install menu, i clicked install ubuntu and now it is stuck16:14
Digital_PioneerNightReaper: http://www.google.com/linux16:14
ninadspfig: in the upgrade to jaunty, there is a step in which mysql asks for a new password,if i remeber ir correctly...16:14
macvrcutout: for the desktop ask the ques, again for the room, explaining what is slow...16:14
ninadspfig: remember tht passwd and try it.. i didnt have any issues...16:14
=== richard is now known as Guest9968
mib_rfdp2ai wanna to install kubuntu inside ubuntu , how do i do this ??16:14
roxanfor all of you who are having problem with nvidia activation, did you guys checked this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1026512&page=216:14
Jeruvyfig: try logging in with root no pass, then see if it works16:14
daftykins"sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" mib_4a6rub16:14
ninadspmib_rfdp2a: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop16:15
joanki123can anyone tell me how to install subversion on hardy 8.04?16:15
daftykins"sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" mib_rfdp2a16:15
meoblast001my nVidia drivers won't install... can anyone help?16:15
Digital_Pioneermeoblast001: Any errors given?16:15
NightReaperDigital_pioneer: the problem is that the official driver is for kernel 2.6.25 and I have kernel 2.6.28, I was wondering if anyone knew a workaround for this16:15
DJVistaManand my cd drive isn't flashing anymore16:15
Digital_PioneerNightReaper: Should be able to just reinstall the driver...16:16
meoblast001DiCK454_, no.. i hit the activate button.... it "installs" then the light is still grey.... if i reboot.. i get the low graphics error16:16
daftykinsDJVistaMan, reboot and boot off the CD again, and try "check CD" and "test memory" to see if they come back ok16:16
meoblast001oops that was for Digital_Pioneer16:16
Jadiany drivers for Intel(R) 945G ubuntu  my pc is do dark :S16:16
mib_rfdp2adaftykins look at this http://www.mibbit.com/pb/2VplZ816:16
perlsyntaxWhat oes this error mean16:16
NightReaperDigital_Pioneer: I get a error-message when trying, 2 sec, I'll post it16:16
cezar22OK seriously, what do I need to do to completely remove compiz and reinstall it as if it was a brand new ubuntu install?16:16
perlsyntaxPlatform ruby 1.8.7-27p does not have valid rubygems16:16
=== slevin_kalevra is now known as tgpraveen
Maevacan i upgrade my ubuntu without losing my data files ?16:16
perlsyntaxi don't understand what this means.16:16
shinn816 16:17
* roxan is away: Excuse me.16:17
Digital_Pioneermeoblast001: Yuck, no fun there. Try installing them from Synaptic.16:17
cezar22OK seriously, what do I need to do to completely remove compiz and reinstall it as if it was a brand new ubuntu install? Compiz was working FINE before with 9.04 and now it refuses to enable. I just want it to work like it did last night16:17
macvr!upgrade > Maeva16:17
ubottuMaeva, please see my private message16:17
perlsyntaxwhat package do i need16:17
daftykinsmib_rfdp2a, try "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and pastebin any errors please16:17
meoblast001Digital_Pioneer, tried that too16:17
wall-ewhen im making partition for linux should my swap be logical or primary??16:17
Digital_Pioneermeoblast001: Still no errors?16:17
daftykinswall-e, it doesn't matter, but generally primary MBR partitions are bootable, thus swap does not need to be16:17
[t0rc]is there a way to check if you have all the dependencies for a specific thing you are compiling? I swear there was a command to do this and I simply forget it...16:17
=== timburke_ is now known as timburke
wall-edoes it matter if i make it bigger then my actual RAM16:18
meoblast001Digital_Pioneer, it tells me i need to run nvidia-xconfig.. but i already ran that16:18
daftykinsnope wall-e16:18
dooner[t0rc], normally the ./configure script will complain if you missing something16:18
wall-eand should i put it in front or back16:18
schmrzHi All. I'm having problems with my graphics card. I have an ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 graphics card and I have tried installing the drivers from the repositories - got a black screen after reboot. Then I tried to install the one from www.ati.com - again, the black screen. Any ideas?16:18
mib_rfdp2adaftykins is this command will upgrade my ubuntu to ubuntu 9.04 ??16:18
mishaFarmulti-media keys in ubuntu16:18
DJVistaMandisk check successfull16:18
wall-ei read if i put2gb on both ends is a good idea16:18
daftykinsno mib_rfdp2a16:18
ajahwhat`s the buttons combination of logout like before ctrl+alt+backspace ?16:19
daftykinsusually twice physical RAM is a good figure wall-e but for 4GB+ i stop at 4GB swap16:19
figmsg ninadsp Thanks, there was a dialouge that, I honestly don't remember, but I don't think that's the issue. I can access Mysql through cl and haven't changed any passwords. Also, my apps can access mysql just fine.16:19
[t0rc]dooner: true true, but I do recall using something like checkdep or something previously with it and was curious to find it. Hrmm..thanks though16:19
daftykinsit's disabled as default ajah, it's called "zapping" and has to be re-enabled via somehow else, google for a guide16:19
sreenathwall-e: I doesn't matter if it's bigger than your ram; it is recommended to make the swap partition 4/3 the size of your ram. Put it on the outside of the disk for faster speeds.16:19
Digital_Pioneermeoblast001: Yeah, the Ubuntu folks ditched xorg.conf for some incomprehensible reason. Horrible decision, IMHO. Now there's no way to reconfigure X as near as I can tell.16:19
konami have a problem with nautilus in the latest ubuntu. It always has the horizontal scrollbar, it doesn't matter how many items there is in the directory. The real problem is that it moves and lose the focus of the folders in the directory, it moves to the center...16:19
sreenath!enter | wall-e16:19
ubottuwall-e: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:19
pragadwhy download speed is slow in ubuntu any idea16:19
Xcercadoes Ctrl + Alt + Backspace not work in 9.04 , what did they change the restart x keys to ?16:20
NightReaperDigital_Pioneer: Here's the errormessage: grep: /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-server/build/include/linux/version.h: No such file or directory16:20
NightReaperexpr: syntax error16:20
NightReaper../../../inc/linux/Makefile.def:85: *** Only kernel 2.4/2.6 is supported but you use 2..  Stop.16:20
Digital_Pioneermeoblast001: You are on Jaunty right?16:20
wall-eis that 4000 bytes 4gb right?16:20
pragaddl speed  is ten times slower in ubuntu16:20
daftykinsstill seeding torrent pragad ? the APT mirrors are getting hit hard here and there so yours may not be up to speed for your connection, it should change over time16:20
meoblast001Digital_Pioneer: no..... Jaunty phails... i'm on intrepid now16:20
DJVistaManpragad    - check if your isp is having problems16:20
Xcerca!restart x16:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about restart x16:20
schmrzHi All. I'm having problems with my graphics card. I have an ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 graphics card and I have tried installing the drivers from the repositories - got a black screen after reboot. Then I tried to install the one from www.ati.com - again, the black screen. Any ideas? There are no restricted drivers availible in the Hardware Drivers16:20
mib_rfdp2adaftykins the same problem16:20
zach2200okay so i still dont get it16:20
Digital_Pioneermeoblast001: Well, this seems to be a known issue in Intrepid. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1026512&page=216:20
daftykinsmib_rfdp2a, is there a graphical login or any other user possibly logged in running an update or installing software? only one software installation can be done at once16:21
figmsg Jeruvy That's the problem! I have root set without password. I can access mysql from cl but not from phpmyadmin. I get 'access denied' with user 'root' and no pw16:21
marksmanis it normal for Ubuntu 9.04 to be unresponsive when completing massive file transfers from other disk drives?16:21
NightReaperDigital_Pioneer: I've got x64 version btw, maybe I need som 32bit librarys or something?16:21
Digital_PioneerNightReaper: Sounds like you need to install the kernel-headers package for your kernel.16:21
zach2200lol i need someone to explain it to me im  simple16:21
pragaddaftykins so is the downloading form only apt mirrors16:21
Digital_PioneerNightReaper: Search for it in Synaptic.16:22
daftykinsif you're upgrading or installing software pragad yeah16:22
Jadipragad its doesnt work16:22
mib_rfdp2adaftykins but when i've putted the cd of ubuntu 9.04 it runs ...16:22
NightReaperthx, gonna check now16:22
Jadiits still dark16:22
FinnishHow do I fix a thing with python? csvcnt.i18n.Error: Locale 'fi_FI.UTF8' not found16:22
mib_rfdp2adaftykins note**: my ubuuntu is ubuntu8.0416:22
pragadjadi did you create new user account16:22
schmrzI'm having problems with my graphics card. I have an ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 graphics card and I have tried installing the drivers from the repositories - got a black screen after reboot. Then I tried to install the one from www.ati.com - again, the black screen. Any ideas? There are no restricted drivers available in the Hardware Drivers.16:22
Jadiyes pragad i did16:22
Jadican you pass me the drivers16:22
daftykinsmib_rfdp2a, can you pastebin a file for me please? /etc/apt/sources.list please16:22
pragadschmrz jadi also same problem16:23
mib_rfdp2adaftykins ok16:23
MidasManchuugh, I need to get cpu scaling back up16:23
DJVistaManit said reboot disabled by hardware. how do i fix this16:23
pragadjadi someone gave me acommand in here lets ask them16:23
MidasManchuapparently I don't have a file called scaling_governor16:23
PingJockyQuick one... Is there a different Kernel Between ubuntu and ubuntu NBR in 9.04?16:23
MidasManchuno idea where it comes from16:23
zach2200is robin0900 still in the room16:23
MidasManchuany ideas?16:23
studentroxan: just google vista like pannel16:23
robin0800zach2200: What player?16:23
pragadhow to update drivers there was some command involving xorg16:23
zach2200i have no clue16:23
Jadiany one has a solution to install a intel Intel(R) 945G drivers16:24
niko__iao a tt...non riesco a regolare la risoluzione dello skermo...qualkuno puo aitarmi_ ho ubuntu 8.416:24
mib_rfdp2adaftykins ,here it is http://www.mibbit.com/pb/Y4T6bA16:24
daftykinspragad what graphics?16:24
schmrzpragad: No, he's asking about Intel graphics16:24
zach2200are you talking about the mp316:24
Jadi daftykins: this one Intel(R) 945G16:24
robin0800zach2200: yes16:24
pragaddaftykins this is for jadi .i had this problem now solved16:24
daftykinsmib_rfdp2a, ok this may sound strange but you need to first upgrade to 8.10 and then to jaunty. even if you have the CD you must upgrade in a two-step procedure16:24
schmrzHi All. I'm having problems with my graphics card. I have an ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 graphics card and I have tried installing the drivers from the repositories - got a black screen after reboot. Then I tried to install the one from www.ati.com - again, the black screen. Any ideas? There are no restricted drivers availible in the Hardware Drivers16:24
pragaddaftykins someone gave me the command i doent remember it16:25
delivosi'm trying to set up a dual boot system. which device should the boot loader go on?16:25
=== avc_lunch is now known as acuser
PingJockyQuick one... Is there a different Kernel Between ubuntu and ubuntu NBR in 9.04?16:25
=== acuser is now known as acuster
mib_rfdp2adaftykins but i have a graphics card problem with ubuntu 9.0416:25
erUSULdelivos: the one the bios boots16:25
daftykinsi have intel GMA950 graphics on my laptop but i don't need to install any newer intel graphics driver?16:25
robin0800zach2200: msc or mtp?16:25
daftykins"sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-intel" pragad ?16:25
BuckyerUSUL:  after running all the shit though recovery mode I get this once I boot16:25
defryskdaftykins, nope16:25
NightReaperDigital_Pioneer: thx, looks like that did the trick16:25
felix_hi. cant write dvd. brasero doesnt recognice blank medium.16:25
daftykinsshould be on as default pragad16:26
mefistofelixdoes 9.04 handle mod_php5 with apache-worker?16:26
BuckyerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/157988/16:26
daftykinsmib_rfdp2a, what are you wanting to do then?16:26
Digital_PioneerNightReaper: Excellent! :)16:26
delivoserUSUL: should i go for (e.g.) /dev/hdc, or do i need to specify a partition too?16:26
trancefatHi all, i have a live cd of kubuntu 8.10, so if i want to install kubuntu on my existing ubuntu installation, then can i do it thru the kubuntu live CD or must i go thru synaptic>kde-desktop?16:26
Lighttitanso how do I get dvd movies to load up Mplayer instead of totem player16:26
mib_rfdp2amy graphics card is intel GM965 ....16:26
mib_rfdp2adaftykins my graphics card is intel GM965 ....16:26
Jadidaftykins:sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-intel     its say impoosible to find the packets :S16:26
zach2200i dont know what that means16:26
Dr_Willistrancefat:  the cd wont let you install kubuntu onto a ubuntu install. use package manager is safest16:26
SirikCan I ask a question that has probably been asked 1000's of times?16:27
mib_rfdp2adaftykins is there any solution for this problem ..??16:27
erUSULdelivos: i allways install in MBR /dev/sdc16:27
daftykinsok Jadi, no internet connection?sorry i'll have to concentrate on one other for now16:27
neil1985*~ can anyone help me regarding installation of ubuntu? :o) ~*16:27
felix_hi. cant write dvd. brasero doesnt recognice blank medium.16:27
BeastieBoy71Hello all. This is my first time on IRC so I hope I don't break protocol. I have installed 9.04 but have a boot delay of 3 minutes. My laptop bluetooth device is automatically switched on during the boot process, the driver is loaded, and 3 mins is spent looking for devices. Can I prevent the device from switching on? Or can I reduce the time spent search for devices. I don't wish to use bluetooth. What other info would anyone need. Thanks.16:27
daftykinsmib_rfdp2a, can you remove the CD and see if the line "deb cdrom" fourth from top disappears?16:27
Jadidaftykins: no there is internet conccetion16:27
Jadiits the same pc from i talking16:27
bruce_oywhen i have tried to install ubuntu 9.04 but failed with this error:ata4 softreset failed.my motherboard is RS690-SB600(AMD/ATI A69G).any buddy can help me out?16:27
pragadjadi that was the command it worked for me16:27
BuckyShoot can anyone help me out? http://paste.ubuntu.com/157988/16:28
PingJockyfelix_: Try installing K3B and see if that will write16:28
Siriki would very much like to use ubuntu, but as a die hard windows user the only real thing that bothers me about linux is the folder structure16:28
Jadipragad maybe they deleted the file16:28
sreenath!coc | BeastieBoy7116:28
ubottuBeastieBoy71: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/16:28
felix_PingJocky,  the same. i tryed burn (console app) too. it says the same16:28
Sirikis there a way to make all the folder structure resemble windows?16:28
Lighttitanso how do I get dvd movies to load up Mplayer instead of totem player. Weird, I normally get quick responses from here but I have asked this question for 2 days and no one says how to do it.16:28
Jadi daftykins:  i have internet connection16:28
defryskBeastieBoy71, system > administration > services16:28
mib_rfdp2adaftykins i didn't understand ??16:29
mib_rfdp2awhat do you mean ??16:29
defryskBeastieBoy71, turn off bluetoooth16:29
trancefatDr_Willis: thanks16:29
sreenath!Guidelines |  BeastieBoy7116:29
ubottuBeastieBoy71: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:29
TarBarUgh, the screen brightness slider on jaunty is buggy. It makes my screen flicker almost giving me a seizure.16:29
zach2200im not sure what that means robin080016:29
daftykinsmib_rfdp2a, you see line #4 which says "deb cdrom..." ? take out the jaunty CD and tell me if that line disappears when you close and re-open /etc/apt/sources.list16:29
SupariAny reason why Kubuntu 9.04 does not  show Picture Thumbnails ?16:29
wall-eeverytime i tryed making the partion for /root i said it was not defined so i just left it as /16:29
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:29
=== JulianC93 is now known as JC|AFK
bruce_oywhen i have tried to install ubuntu 9.04 but failed with this error:ata4 softreset failed.my motherboard is RS690-SB600(AMD/ATI A69G).any buddy can help me out?16:30
casmith789hi people, I'm using Konversation as my IRC client, and I want to know how to get it to open links that start http:// and end in .txt in my web browser. Any ideas?16:30
Sirikdoes anyone know of a way to change the ubuntu folder structure? or of a linux distro that has a windows style folder structure?16:30
robin0800zach2200: how do you transfer music?16:30
daftykins"/" is called root but /root is the user account "root" 's /home wall-e , two different things16:30
mib_rfdp2adaftykins  yes there is ...look :==>http://www.mibbit.com/pb/vpTEJY16:31
zach2200robin0800 i download it then point and clik16:31
ZykoticK9Lighttitan, open up nautilus then goto Edit / Preferences, then the Media tab - "DVD Video" / "Open with other application" / then give it your mplayer command (perhaps "mplayer dvd://1" might work?).  Good luck.16:31
chrisn2323i have an error16:31
jb0nd38372Im curious, im running ubuntu 8.10 and have compiz running with several effects, question Im curious about, when running an app fullscreen, a game for instance does having compiz running affect fps that my fullscreen game produces?16:31
schmrzWhy aren't there any restricted drivers for my ATI Xpress 1100 graphic card in the Hardware Drivers?16:31
wall-ethanks i might come back and bug yall if it doesnt work!16:31
Sirikdoes anyone know of a way to change the ubuntu folder structure? or of a linux distro that has a windows style folder structure?16:31
daftykinsjb0nd38372, absolutely. it lowers game performance16:31
sloth想问下 支付宝控件 怎么装?16:31
peterwanghi guys, I was just wondering, what was that really cool program which, instead of doing "make install" all the time, turned your built source code into a deb and installed it?16:32
=== mooshed is now known as TheCompanion
chrisn2323after I preformed a hard reset yesterday when I boot up, it hangs on a message kernel panic VFS unable to sync root etc.16:32
chrisn2323please help?16:32
Roland-hey, is there a way to custom install ubuntu? I mean install only base and then choose packages, etc16:32
ZykoticK9jb0nd38372, I'm interested to hear someone elses answer, as I believe having Compiz running DOES affect games, but I'm not really sure.16:32
sreenath!repeat | Sirik16:32
ubottuSirik: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:32
daftykinsRoland-, alternate install CD16:32
Roland-where can I find alternate install cd ?16:32
pulzerHello, I got some problems with sounds after upgrading, before in 8.10 everything worked perfectly with pulseaudio but now, i get sound in world of warcraft with "padsp wine wow.exe" as my launchcommand, but any other app is just dead silent16:33
robin0800zach2200: I mean drag and drop is msc and having to use a program is mtp16:33
studenthow to get vista like pannel in my ubuntu 9.04 GNOME 64bit16:33
BeastieBoy71Thanks all. I have turned off bluetooth using the button on the laptop, but it is always switched on again 11 secs into the boot, which is when the delay starts. I have disabled the service but it doesn't stop the boot process looking for devices. On previous installations, bluetooth didn't automatically switch on, but now it does.16:33
mib_rfdp2adaftykins yes there is ...look :==>http://www.mibbit.com/pb/vpTEJY16:33
jb0nd38372daftykins, is there an easy way to temp disable everything and give whatever I wanna run fullscreen top priority?  other than system / preferences / appearance / visual effects / none?16:33
chrisn2323Roland- on the ubuntu site...16:33
sreenath!repeat | student16:33
ubottustudent: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:33
chrisn2323after I preformed a hard reset yesterday when I boot up, it hangs on a message kernel panic VFS unable to sync root etc. please help me16:33
peterwanghi guys, I was just wondering, what was that really cool program which, instead of doing "make install" all the time, turned your built source code into a deb and installed it? help would be appreciatted.16:33
erUSUL!checkinstall | peterwang16:34
ubottupeterwang: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!16:34
studentsorry mate :(16:34
BuckyerUSUL: you avail for help?16:34
Roland-thanks found it16:34
peterwangTHANK YOU!!!16:34
PMantisWebsite error:  http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/desktopedition  The tour points to the 810 tour, not the 904 tour.  :)16:34
chrisn2323after I preformed a hard reset yesterday when I boot up, it hangs on a message kernel panic VFS unable to sync root etc. please help me16:34
Yonderingflashplugin-installer is the package to use for adobe's flash 10 on x64?16:34
erUSULBucky: more or less busy with another person :)16:35
sponzorhow to change faranhates to celsium? in system monitor? :P16:35
dadchrisn2323 -my experience with that was a bad stick of RAM16:35
sreenathPMantis: I don't think they've create the 9.04 tour yet.16:35
mib_rfdp2adaftykins hello where are you ??16:35
zach2200oh i have done them both ways but on time it said   deviec cant be mounted and now i can see files but cant put anything on it now16:35
PMantissreenath: Yes, it's there.16:35
sponzori mean from farenheit to celsium16:35
Roland-I see the fonts problem is still unsolved16:35
sreenathPMantis: Oh.16:35
PMantissreenath: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/904features/16:35
erUSULBucky: i did look to the pastebin... the permissions of sudoers are messed up...16:35
erUSULBucky: i'm starting to think that reinstall is the best solution16:36
PMantissreenath: I just guessed at the URL. :-)16:36
BuckyerUSUL:  Okay when you et a chance help me out okay? I'm clueless16:36
Rubinevery time i join this channel, freenode disconnects me, and then i join successfully the next time16:36
daftykinsprivate message mib_rfdp2a16:36
erUSULBucky: if you can of course16:36
vapfarenheit = 32 + (9/5)*Celsius16:36
BuckyerUSUL: Thanks man16:36
robin0800zach2200: so its not mounted?16:36
BeastieBoy71If I have done it correctly, here is a short extract from dmesg: http://pastebin.com/d592d2f816:36
oxmox_hi i want install the postgresql 8.4 beta from launchpat but the it dont like the postgresql--common because it want 98 and it is 98~jaunty installed16:36
zach2200i guess16:37
mrbojanglesanyone know how to remove the modules.dep missing before splash in jaunty16:37
RenatoSilvaHow to set the compiz cube bottom background in 9.04? In the settings manager I can find only a top option (cube > appearance)16:37
Xcercadoes privoxy have a GUI at all , or is that only in windows ?  i know it's working but i like to see the messages16:37
YonderingMRToilet, uber. =p16:37
jb0nd38372Anyone here by chance running an ati 2900 hd or better16:37
meoblast001my nvidia drivers wont work.. can someone help me?16:37
robin0800zach2200: My player won't mount in gnome only in kde16:37
Viatahey, I'm looking to install the dns-keygen program on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server edition, but I can't seem to figure out how to install it.  any ideas?16:37
MRToileti own in halo16:37
Yonderingmeoblast001, which dist and which kernel are you using?16:38
meoblast001Yondering: 8.10 and server16:38
h8redupgrade to jaunty.  it fixed all my nvidia issues16:38
pilif12pi have a question, again16:38
meoblast001h8red: rofk16:38
francisjaunty eyepatch16:38
zach2200well what is that16:38
Tetracommmeoblast001: You downloaded the installer from Nvidia's website and installed them using their instructions?16:38
Yonderingmeoblast001, server kernel breaks the nvidia X server as far as I can tell.  are you using it for pae?16:38
nnullanyway to view the desktop in UNR ?16:38
CritenHello everyone!16:38
meoblast001Tetracomm: i tried but that failed too.. something about kernel sources16:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:39
Dr_Willisnnull:  look in the /home/Desktop directory? :)16:39
njustinI just upgraded my 8.10 system to 9.04, and grub got all messed up, saying that my HD string was bad or somthing.   I was finally able to boot off of Super Grub Disk, and install grub back with a backup of my orignal menu.lst, I was able to boot into windows, which im in now, but i still cannot boot into ubunut, it says that the kernel image is wrong or somthing, which i understand, but how...16:39
njustin...can i fix all this?16:39
TetracommPastebin the error(s) so that we can see.16:39
meoblast001Yondering: yes.. and it worked might fine until i upgraded to jaunty.. switched to fedora.. then went back to intrepid16:39
=== JC|AFK is now known as JulianC93
Dr_Willisnnull:  other then that. ive never noticed or needed a way16:39
pilif12pI have a queston16:39
h8redmeoblast001: the whole time I used Intrepid I scoured the net for a way to get my nvidia drivers to work, found nothing.  i installed 9.04 last night and it just worked after I enabled them16:39
pilif12pIn spark, an IM client, when i click a link it wont open in Firefox16:39
MRToileti am the worlds largest athlete16:39
zach2200robin0800 what is that and how do i get it16:40
Yonderingmeoblast001, yep.  I used to use the server kernel on 32bit for pae as well.    Apparently the current server kernels have xen enabled, and Nvidia's X server hiccups when it sees that.16:40
gnutshello everyone. I just tried to submit album info to muzicbrainz through sound juicer and get 'failed to execute child process "usr/lib/firefox-3.0/firefox' in jaunty the location is "usr/lib/firefox-3.0.9/firefox". how do I edit the command in sound juicer to get them to match?16:40
lakis1982hello ... i upgraded the xubuntu 8.10 to xubuntu 9 jaunty ... i have a keyboard that has some multimedia keys ..... the problem is that since i upgraded xubuntu the two buttons for incresing decreasing volume of system, do not work anymore... they do not respond.. does anyone know why ??? any solutions ???16:40
nnullDr_Willis, heh not the directory mate, in UNR alt+f1/f2 still work but i have this "quick launch menu" that doesnt let me view the desktop wallpaper16:40
meoblast001Yondering: so what do i do?16:40
meoblast001Yondering: the stupid green light in jockey won't even turn on16:40
Yonderingmeoblast001, take a hard look at using 64 bit instead of pae for your ram.16:40
pilif12pideas for my question?16:40
meoblast001Yondering: should i shoot myself first?16:41
pilif12pMRToilet, spamming ftl16:41
=== kjkjl is now known as pragad
meoblast001Yondering: i'm going to call nVidia... as soon as i can find their number16:41
jb0nd38372For the loss?16:41
pilif12pfor the lose16:41
Dr_Willisnnull:  never noticed.. i really dont care much for UNR over the normal desktop.16:41
Yonderingmeoblast001, not necessarily.  Native 64bit app support is very good so far in jaunty.  The only headaches I can anticipate are getting the random third party 32-bit apps to run properly.16:41
RedMushroomi just upgraded to the new version of ubuntu, and i have to manually configure my xorg.conf file. i edit it to the correct settings, type startx, and everything looks good. i go back to the terminal and type ./gdm start, and it comes up in low graphics mode. it also shows low graphics mode when i reboot. how can i fix this so it uses the correct setting i now have in my xorg.conf file w/o having to kill gdm and get at it through a 16:42
exarkunWhat's the supported upgrade procedure for servers?16:42
pragadhow to download software for ubuntuwithout synaptic or apt-get for they are slow16:42
meoblast001Yondering: exactly16:42
pilif12pIs jklock ever here anymore?16:42
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!16:42
jb0nd38372Is there an app, or another way to get a general idea of fps a system is capable of besides using glxgears?16:42
Yonderingmeoblast001, I'm currently finishing up a 64 bit install myself on this box.16:42
BeastieBoy71Is there any way to prevent a USB device from initialising at boot?16:42
evilGaryMRToilet: please stop that16:42
=== MRToilet is now known as NTFS
meoblast001Yondering: i had too many problems with 64-bit16:43
* RedMushroom facepalms @ MRToilet/NTFS16:43
pilif12pCan sombody answer my question?16:43
Roland-any major changes in ubuntu 9?16:43
delivoserUSUL: great boot loader advice, thank you!16:43
lakis1982hello ... i upgraded the xubuntu 8.10 to xubuntu 9 jaunty ... i have a keyboard that has some multimedia keys ..... the problem is that since i upgraded xubuntu the two buttons for incresing decreasing volume of system, do not work anymore... they do not respond.. does anyone know why ??? any solutions ???16:43
Yonderingmeoblast001, likewise.  But, this is a new release and worth another look.  I'm told much has changed on the 64-bit side as well.16:43
RedMushroomRoland-: they added a great new suite of bugs16:43
[4-tea-2]BeastieBoy71: not sure if that's what you mean, but I think you can keep the kernel from loading the module needed to run the device.16:43
h8red64bit sounds like some old bullshit16:43
pragadhow to download software for ubuntu. is there any place like download.com .16:44
RedMushroomi just upgraded to the new version of ubuntu, and i have to manually configure my xorg.conf file. i edit it to the correct settings, type startx, and everything looks good. i go back to the terminal and type ./gdm start, and it comes up in low graphics mode. it also shows low graphics mode when i reboot. how can i fix this so it uses the correct setting i now have in my xorg.conf file w/o having to kill gdm and get at it through a 16:44
cutoutmacvr: it did not work16:44
jb0nd38372ati support, atleast for my system is completely broken in 9, had to reinstall 816:44
meoblast001Yondering: i think i want an ATI card now16:44
Viatai'm looking for a password generator for CLI ubuntu, any recommendations?16:44
Yonderingh8red, I wouldn't recommend 64 bit if you don't have more than 4gb of ram.16:44
GneaViata: apg16:44
RedMushroompragad: your choices for d/l'ing and installing software on linux are just the apt-get command and the package manager16:44
Viatagnea: thanks16:44
Bineaglehi,why i cant activate visual effect in ubuntu 9.0416:44
Yonderingmeoblast001, thier X server may hiccup on xen too though.  I haven't tried it personally.16:44
jb0nd38372pragad, applications / add & remove16:44
pawel_how to minimize fullscreen game or switch workspaces when playing fullscreen game (Ctrl+Alt+Arrows does not work for switching workspaces) [I am using GNOME] {the game is OprnArena}16:45
macvrcutout: pastebin ur NEW menu.lst16:45
BeastieBoy714-tea-2 - How could I prent this device being turned on?  Bus 004 Device 003: ID 0a5c:2101 Broadcom Corp. A-Link BlueUsbA2 Bluetooth16:45
hey`hey buddies, is there any englis/spanish dictionary software I can use offline?16:45
h8redBineagle:  sounds like your drivers aren't installed16:45
meoblast001Yondering: so what if i restart now and select generic kernel?16:45
meoblast001Yondering: will it work?16:45
[4-tea-2]BeastieBoy71: lsmod and see if you can identify the module used for that Bluetooth device by its name.16:45
Yonderingmeoblast001, fwiw, if we ever recieve word that nvidia's X server gets a workaround for the xen issue, or ubuntu releases a 32-bit kernel with pae enabled, I'll switch right back to 32 bit.16:45
ZykoticK9pawel_, I've never had much luck with minimizing fullscreen games under linux :(  good luck.16:45
Bineagleall driver is installed16:45
pragadjbond38372 and redmushroom but those add/remove synaptic apt-get give me ten times lower download speed then windows16:45
Yonderingmeoblast001, it should work, yes.16:45
meoblast001Yondering: i'll try that16:46
Bineaglei have a intel graphic card16:46
cutoutmacvr: don't have one! I returned the old one , but what I did is removing the complete line16:46
Yonderingmeoblast001, you just won't be able to see all of your memory, obviously.16:46
erUSULdelivos: no problem16:46
h8redBineagle:  sorry i don't know anything about intel cards.  are you sure it's capable of doing all the effects?16:46
macvrcutout: i told u to remove only "vga=791" , not the whole line!!!16:46
LurkersABineagle: Compiz is disabled for intel graphics16:46
BeastieBoy714-tea-2 - I believe it is btusb16:46
cutoutmacvr: I did too but no result16:47
pragadapt-get,synaptic, add/remove are slow16:47
h8redi have an integrated intel video card on my laptop and i sucks.   i wouldn't even try to enable any special effects16:47
LurkersAh8red: Effects are disabled on Intel Graphics16:47
Viatapragad: a new release just came out, the servers are probably getting hit hard16:47
figJeruvy: That worked, thank you very much :)16:47
pilif12pHelp please?16:47
[4-tea-2]BeastieBoy71: yeah, sounds like a good guess.16:47
cutoutmacvr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/157997/16:47
almosthow do I get jaunty to work from a usb stick16:47
pragadviata thats why i want to know if there is another way to downklkoad softwre for ubuntu like download.com16:48
Gnea!helpme | pilif12p16:48
ubottupilif12p: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience16:48
h8redLurkers:  I figured, mine doesn't have opengl or anything anyway16:48
RedMushroompragad: nothing that can be done about it. it's just what you have16:48
[4-tea-2]BeastieBoy71: in /etc/modprobe.d create a file called blacklist-btusb containing "blacklist btusb"16:48
BeastieBoy71Could you have a look at this short dmesg output. Does it mean anything to you?  http://pastebin.com/d592d2f816:48
h8redI got compiz going on my desktop though with a Geforce2, it's sweeeet.  I'm going to swap it out with a Geforce4 though, is there anything special I need to do?16:48
pilif12pdid anyone see my question?16:48
[4-tea-2]BeastieBoy71: I *believe* that should keep the kernel from loading the module and thus it should not be initialized.16:48
LurkersAh8red: Bineagle http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904#Display%2520freezes%2520with%2520Intel%2520graphics%2520cards16:48
pragadredmushroom are u sure16:48
RedMushroomscrew this, i'm upgrading back to 8.10 >:-(16:49
erUSULh8red: you shouldn't have any problem afaics16:49
pragadredmushroom but that sucks. how can it be16:49
Gneapilif12p: we really don't have the time to scrollback for one question - better to ask every 5 minutes until someone answers16:49
jerbeardoes anyone know if wifi works out of the box with the eee pc 1000he?16:49
RedMushroompragad: believe me, if there were another option, i would take it. it's just the way linux works16:49
meoblast001Yondering: that worked but usplash chocked on the driver16:49
[4-tea-2]BeastieBoy71: I think dmesg tells us that we're right.16:49
almostRedMushroom: if it helps any howtoforge.com is your friend16:49
h00kjerbear, yep116:49
njustindo the new 9.04 iso disks install ubuntu on a ext4 system by defualt then?16:49
pilif12pHow do i set a default program?16:49
ripps!intel is The intel driver in Jaunty is buggy due to architectural changes related to the switch to DRI2/UXA, you can fix it by reading these links and installing either unofficial upgrades or downgrades.16:49
erUSULnjustin: no not by default... there is an option though16:49
pilif12pso, when i click a link it opens firefox16:50
FloodBot2ripps: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:50
jerbearh00k: seriously? is it a native driver?16:50
h8redSo if I just swap the cards out it will recognize that when I boot back up and find the appropriate drivers for that card?16:50
dadjerbear: yep!16:50
h00kjerbear, i'm on it now16:50
RedMushroomalmost: sorry, that doesn't help. i came in here for answers, not "go google!" responces16:50
h00kjerbear, on my EEE16:50
BmanHi. My internet is SOO slow on Ubuntu. I'm using a powerline, and i'm download at 13kb/s from megaupload. No-one else is on PC here at home at the moment so.. Does anyone know how this come?16:50
BeastieBoy71I will create the file now. I assume that I don't need the quotes?16:50
LurkersARedMushroom: What was the issue causing you to edit xorg.conf?16:50
h8redI'm going from a Geforce2 MX to a Geforce4 Ti16:50
jerbearh00k, dad: i'm thinking about getting a 1000he, but i'm just concerned about how easy it is to setup the hardware (touchpad, buttons, etc). any advice?16:50
Gneapilif12p: well, you could start by launching firefox and making it your default web browser - are you doing this for a particular filetype?16:50
[4-tea-2]BeastieBoy71: you assume correctly. :D Have a look at one of the existing blacklist-* files.16:51
h00kjerbear, everything works out of the box.16:51
RedMushroomLurkersA: it's popping up in "low graphics mode", and in 8.1 i edited xorg.conf to fix it, and restarted the gui, but it's not working on 916:51
almostRedMushroom: answers that you might not get16:51
jerbearh00k: and you have a 1000he?16:51
macvrcutout: have u edited the menu.lst to add the 2nd line root...16:51
h00kjerbear, the camera and bluetooth is turned off in the BIOS, but everything else works.16:51
h00kjerbear, yes16:51
gmorphisneeding help with sound on clean install of 9.04. In PulseAudio Volume Control Output Device I have "Null Output" as the device. Input Device is okay. I have no sound what-so-ever. When I play an MP3 I see the volume bars moving as if it should have sound but I hear nothing. I've googled all this morning and can't resolve it. And I'm fairly new to linux. Any ideas to try to look at?16:51
jerbearh00k: do those components work when turned on?16:51
dadthe hot buttons are a bugger, I'm working on it now16:51
h00kjerbear, yep16:51
LurkersARedMushroom: Did you install any Non-free drivers? like ATI catalyst, or NVidia?16:51
RedMushroomLurkersA: nope, just what was with the install CD16:51
jerbearh00k: dad just said he was having problems with the buttons. any input on that?16:52
Kr0ntabh8red: you might be okay.... the new xorg.confs are left blank as things are automatically detected.  but if you get into trouble... let us know.16:52
h00kjerbear, which buttons?16:52
RedMushroomhang on a sec while i put something on pastebin16:52
pilif12pGnea, it is, when i click a link it wont open though16:52
LurkersARedMushroom: Do you have an Nvidia graphics card or an ATI?16:52
jerbeardad: ^16:52
[4-tea-2]gmorphis: a null device is usually a dummy accepting data and discarding it. a null audio device would appear to play sound to the software using it, but would never output anything to any hardware.16:52
[4-tea-2]gmorphis: does that help in any way? ;)16:52
pragadredmushroom couldnt we be using torrents16:52
jerbeardad: is yours a 1000he? what buttons don't work?16:52
BmanHi. My internet is SOO slow on Ubuntu. I'm using a powerline, and i'm download at 13kb/s from megaupload. No-one else is on PC here at home at the moment so.. Does anyone know how this come?16:52
RedMushroomLurkersA: vesa i believe. it's the one integrated with the system board16:53
gmorphisthat explains why I see the bars and hear nothing.. but not how to get sound :)16:53
tapasi wonder whether my LUKS setup survivses the upgrade :)_16:53
h8redKr0ntab: Thanks.  I didn't do anything special when installing jaunty to set them up in the first place.  It found the legacy drivers for me and allowed me to just enable them.  No rigamorel I had to go through with 8.10 that never worked in the first place16:53
Labutawhelp how to configure Network card at ubuntu server 8.0416:53
tapasotherwise i'm screwed :)16:53
chrisn2323after I preformed a hard reset yesterday when I boot up, it hangs on a message kernel panic VFS unable to sync root etc. please help me16:53
lazermousebrasero won't work16:53
jerbearh00k: does the volume control use the OSD?16:53
h8redI'm very impressed with this version16:53
jpnubdoes the netbook remix work on amd??16:53
LurkersARedMushroom: Hmmm. Sorry, can't help then. Hope someone else can help or you can find something via google.16:53
Labutawhelp how to configure Network card at ubuntu server 8.04 please16:53
RedMushroomLurkersA: http://pastebin.com/m62c9aff2 <--- that's what i did in 8.1 to fix this issue16:53
lazermousejpnub: Intel Atom only16:54
h00kjerbear, the FN+F11/F12 (volume up, volume down, respectively) controls the volume levels by default16:54
jerbearanyone else have the 1000he?16:54
h8redNo way can I enable all the effects I have going with this hardware on a Windows box16:54
erUSULLabutaw: editing /etc/network/interfaces16:54
[4-tea-2]Bman: perhaps someone could give advice if you added some detail about how your computer is connected to teh Interweb.16:54
evilbugjust updated to 9.04 (xubuntu), looks great.16:54
erUSULLabutaw: man interfaces16:54
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Labutawany links erUSUL16:54
jerbearh00k: and that all works as expected, and uses the OSD?16:54
jpnublazermouse, thanks...is there another version of small and light ubuntu that would run on amd that you know of?16:54
h00kjerbear, yep16:54
=== JiYu is now known as Jiyu_
lazermousenot that I know of16:54
unkmarbroadcom 4318 nic problems with 9.0416:55
lazermouseThere's a small version of debian though16:55
jerbearh00k: anything else to be aware of? i'm really trying to find an easy piece of hardware to install to16:55
Gneapilif12p: okay, if you right-click on the link, does it give you the option to "open with..." or something close to it, where you can choose firefox from an application list, and then click on a checkbox to make it so that it will open with that application from then on?16:55
=== Jiyu_ is now known as JiYu
h8redI'd like to learn this scripting stuff, but it seems really complex.  I need a book or something with the most basic shell commands so I can even get around in the OS16:55
RedMushroomwhere can i d/l ubuntu 8.1 again? the d/l page just has 9.04 and 8.04LTS16:55
lazermousebye everyone16:55
gmorphis4 tea 2: any ideas on how to see the sound to work?16:55
evilbugexcept that top is showing me a little over 1.5gb ram usage and i only have a couple of terminal tabs open and pidgin.16:55
erUSULLabutaw: google should be of help... you have to create an stanza for ech interface or iface... depending on how the card is configured (dhcp static ip etc) you have one options or others16:55
h00kjerbear, I have not run into any quirks, everything is excellent.  i'm on mine now.  Also, the advanced desktop effects even look surprisingly good.16:55
unkmardrivers installed but wireless device not showing as ready with network applet.16:55
Gnea!shell | h8red (this is a really good starting point)16:56
Labutawk thnks erUSUL16:56
ubottuh8red (this is a really good starting point): The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:56
Kr0ntabh8red: there's a ton of books available.16:56
FormodenOkay, so... I just did some updates... Now get this... Pidgin and conky are open... and compiz... But I have no Gnome Desktop.16:56
almost{devil} are you the guy in sidux?16:56
pilif12pGnea, no, this is in spark16:56
Gneapilif12p: what is spark?16:56
tapasevilbug: hoe much of that is caches/buffers?16:56
krishnani have a webserver which runs on hardy server edition. I have a domain like www.something.com. I installed wordpress. Iam able to see the blog on http://something.com but not on http://www.something.com. why is this? can anyone help me?16:56
h8redI bought one called Classic Shell Scripting but I didn't know what the hell it was talking about so I returned it lol16:56
h00kjerbear, see my private message16:56
LadyNikoncongrats on the new release16:56
evilbugtapas: 99mb X_X16:56
Yonderingmeoblast001, yt?16:56
LabutawerUSUL one more thing can i install webmin at server ubuntu comandline mode and also i like to use dns at freedns is it posible16:57
* RedMushroom says screw it to ubuntu and walks out the door. ubuntu sucks.16:57
h8redLadyNikon: Yes, it is awesome16:57
pilif12pGnea, its an IM client16:57
meoblast001Yondering: ?16:57
chrisn2323after I preformed a hard reset yesterday when I boot up, it hangs on a message kernel panic VFS unable to sync root etc. please help me16:57
Yonderingmeoblast001, just thought you'd like to know.. finished my 64 bit install.. multimedia, flash, 32-bit support.. all working fine so far.16:57
neil1985*~ kinda puuling my hair out here, anyone good with installing UBUNTU? ~*16:57
Gneapilif12p: never heard of it, and I don't see it in the ubuntu repository16:57
SimonLarsenHas anybody found a real solution to the no ethernet after upgrade problem yet? I'm desperate.16:57
[4-tea-2]gmorphis: you could start by using "lspci" to identify your real audio device and google for its name and ubuntu. That's how I usually fix my hardware trouble. :D16:57
unkmarI need professional help. Anyone up for a labotomy?16:57
h8redI really like how helpful everyone here is.  No snobby attitude like my last failed foray into Linux almost 10 years ago16:58
almostRedMusharoom: cold shower!16:58
LabutawerUSUL one more thing can i install webmin at server ubuntu comandline mode and also i like to use dns at freedns is it posible?16:58
njustinwhat different about the alternate install disks?16:58
Gneah8red: things have changed quite considerably since then16:58
h00kh8red, we try to set up a helpful community environment :)  I'm glad to know things are working well.16:58
almost<neil1985> take a look at howtoforge.com16:58
evilbugtapas: any clues?16:58
h8redGnea: Yeah I'm glad it clicked with someone we need Linux for the masses :)16:58
Gneah8red: there are still llamas out there, but they tend to operate in their own environments :)16:58
erUSULLabutaw: webmin is not suported in debian7ubuntu there is ebox16:58
Kr0ntabh8red: you'll find that the Ubuntu community is all about people.  :-)16:59
erUSUL!webmin | Labutaw16:59
ubottuLabutaw: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.16:59
tapasevilbug: install htop16:59
erUSULLabutaw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/158011/16:59
tapasand sort for mem usage :)16:59
tapasthen yku know the culprit16:59
Gneah8red: it clicked with a lot of people - the problem was getting them all on the same page lol16:59
erUSUL!ebox | Labutaw16:59
ubottuLabutaw: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox16:59
krishnani have a webserver which runs on hardy server edition. I have a domain like www.something.com. I installed wordpress. Iam able to see the blog on http://something.com but not on http://www.something.com. why is this? can anyone help me?16:59
Kr0ntabh8red: and Im glad ya feel welcome16:59
JohnDoe1How do you tell if Ubuntu is using KDE or GNOME?16:59
chrisn2323after I preformed a hard reset yesterday when I boot up, it hangs on a message kernel panic VFS unable to sync root etc. please help me16:59
lakis1982hello ... i upgraded the xubuntu 8.10 to xubuntu 9 jaunty ... i have a keyboard that has some multimedia keys ..... the problem is that since i upgraded xubuntu the two buttons for incresing decreasing volume of system, do not work anymore... they do not respond.. does anyone know why ??? any solutions ???17:00
h00kjerbear, also note https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks states there is a recording problem but I haven't been effected by it at all, hopefully your dad wont eitther17:00
gmorphisI have pulse audio 0.9.14 default source is: alsa_input.pci_8086_293e_sound_card_alsa_capture_0 laptop has no sound. It's an HP dv4t running ubuntu 9.04 64-bit please help17:00
pragadjohndoe1 by default ubuntu uses gnome17:00
robin0800JohnDoe1: See if yp17:00
cousteauany advice before I upgrade?17:00
cousteau(alternate CD)17:00
pragadbecause you have kubuntu for kde17:00
Veinorcousteau: backups?17:00
robin0800JohnDoe1: See if you've got an about gnome17:00
meoblast001i'm trying to upgrade with alteranate CD... can anyone help me so i don't screw up like i did last time17:00
h8redThanks.  Everyone has done a very good job.  I put Ubuntu on my parents computer a few weeks ago and haven't received one tech support call hah.  When they were running XP I'd get a call every weekend when they'd try to check their email17:00
Gneah8red: and, that isn't to say that we don't get the occasional troll in here that will try to lead you astray and piss you off, so if it does happen, please try to remember that they don't represent the majority of us :)17:01
pragadif your desktop sucks it must be gnome17:01
Lunar_LampI'm having issues mounting my encrypted / partition with Jaunty.  It worked in Intrepid, and the old intrepid kernels work.  Any suggestions? The error I get is "ALERT! /dev/disk-by-uuid/[uuid-here] does not exist"17:01
Veinorcousteau: also, download an 8.10 CD just in case your net connection goes bad17:01
Gneah8red: nice job17:01
erUSULLabutaw: hope this links clarify things17:01
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience17:01
cousteauwhat's the best way to use the alternate CD? burn it or mount the ISO?17:01
daftykinsLunar_Lamp, the UUID has probably changed for the new kernel17:01
evilbugtapas: htop is only showing me 262mb/2gb.17:01
gnutssorry ignore that17:01
LabutawerUSUL ill try to understand17:01
Rioting_Pacifistis anybody running the firefox 3.5(beta)? (sheritoko) and flashblock?17:01
Ohkiehi. i want to uninstall evolution. it says it will uninstall gnome-gdb as part of the uninstall.. is this ok?17:01
almosth8red: well in 10 years you have come a long way17:02
erUSULcousteau:mounting the iso works and you save a cd-r XD17:02
Lunar_Lampdaftykins: it doesn't look like it, as the UUID it references in the UUID of /dev/sda2 where the encrypted partition is /dev/sda2_crypt17:02
krishnani have a webserver which runs on hardy server edition. I have a domain like www.something.com. I installed wordpress. Iam able to see the blog on http://something.com but not on http://www.something.com. why is this? can anyone help me?17:02
Labutawthough i've try the GUI but so laggy to my pentium 3 800mhz17:02
excess21Anyone having any issues with the new flash plugin?17:02
cousteauerUSUL: imagine I'm stupid and have already burned it17:02
daftykinsLunar_Lamp, that will be for the current kernel though :) not in the eyes of the newer kernel17:02
nnullDr_Willis, just for reference mate: theres an option in System > Prefs > Switch Desktop Mode to change between the usual desktop mode and quicklaunch option mode :)17:02
cousteau(on a CD-RW)17:02
h8redOnce I can sync my Blackberry up with Evolution, get a Acrobat quality PDF Editor, and be able to edit Word Perfect docs, I can finally completely ditch Windows17:02
erUSULcousteau: then use the cd-r really there is no difference although HD can be faster than cdrom drives17:03
Lunar_Lampdaftykins: how do I find out what the new kernel thinks the UUID is?  I don't have the blkid command available to me when I get dumped at the initramfs.  Also, my fstab no longer has any UUIDs specified.17:03
[4-tea-2]Ohkie: gnome-gdb or gnome-dbg?17:03
njustinwhat different about the alternate install disks? I am being recommended to use it, although i dotn fall under any of the conditions listed in the release.ubuntu.com/juanty directory listings17:03
njustinthey say less chacne of 'failure'17:03
erUSUL!alternate | njustin17:03
ubottunjustin: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal17:03
Ohkie4-tea-2: gnome-dbg yeah typo first time17:04
gmorphisis there anything I can check on my system regarding the lack of sound? thanks17:04
njustinubottu: thank you :)17:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you :)17:04
LabutawerUSUL what's the purpose of ebox anyway it didn't mention it on the link17:04
[4-tea-2]Ohkie: yeah, get rid of it17:04
daftykinsLunar_Lamp, you could backup your configs and reference static to devices instead of UUID to see if you can boot, then change to UUIDs once booted into a working config if you're happy renaming config files from tty / livecd though there's probably a better way.17:04
Labutawlols new assignment again17:04
njustinomfg i didnt just do that17:04
almosterUSUL: glad to see your still here you were a great help some years back17:04
Ohkie4-tea-2: thanks17:04
ranticHI everyone, I'm about to install Ubuntu 9.04 but I notice the install differs from 8.10 -- I'm trying to have it install on the largest continuous free space but by default of the 50gb I have free, it says Ubuntu will only occupy 2gb?17:04
erUSULLabutaw: is like webmin a web interface for administration of linux servers17:04
krishnani have a webserver which runs on hardy server edition. I have a domain like www.something.com. I installed wordpress. Iam able to see the blog on http://something.com but not on http://www.something.com. why is this? can anyone help me?17:04
krishnani have a webserver which runs on hardy server edition. I have a domain like www.something.com. I installed wordpress. Iam able to see the blog on http://something.com but not on http://www.something.com. why is this? can anyone help me?17:04
FloodBot2krishnan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:05
daftykinsthat drive may need to be defragmented rantic17:05
ardchoilleI unstalled Ubuntu 9.04 yesterday and this thing ROCKS! Good job and kudos to the devs :)17:05
Lunar_Lampdaftykins: my fstab already references /dev/sda1 etc rather than uuids17:05
erUSULalmost: i'm glad you still remember the helping hand XD17:05
LabutawerUSUL: is like u can have a GUI in the command line |?17:05
[4-tea-2]Ohkie: -dbg packages are mainly of importance for developers, they contain debugging symbols, I think.17:05
tapasevilbug: well, there you go17:05
LadyNikonerUSUL: i got hacked using webmin.. so make sure you do a better job of locking it down.17:05
Bineaglebut when this update for intel card will be availeble? my ubuntu desktop look like msDOS without compiz :(17:05
erUSULLabutaw: you can install a gui in the server if you really like too17:05
tapasevilbug: show us the output of free -m17:06
ranticdaftykins: I formatted the drive with XP less than 3 days ago, and purposely left 51gb left for Ubuntu. I do however notice that I can manually drag a slider to increase the free space it installs on. Would that be safe?17:06
daftykinshmm something else must refer to it by UUID Lunar_Lamp , sorry i'm too inexperienced with encryption to know17:06
almosterUSUL; yes it was with brezzey badger17:06
lakis1982hello ... i upgraded the xubuntu 8.10 to xubuntu 9 jaunty ... i have a keyboard that has some multimedia keys ..... the problem is that since i upgraded xubuntu the two buttons for incresing decreasing volume of system, do not work anymore... they do not respond.. does anyone know why ??? any solutions ???17:06
erUSULLadyNikon: i recomended not to use it. i'm helping Labutaw17:06
wamngwhere is Opera downloaded?Ubuntu9.0417:06
unkmar_problems with broadcom 431817:06
LadyNikonerUSUL: oh ok.  I missed that17:06
erUSULLadyNikon: /lastlog -regexp Labutaw17:06
chrisn2323after I preformed a hard reset yesterday when I boot up, it hangs on a message kernel panic VFS unable to sync root etc. please help me17:06
pragadcan i get kde without apt-get,synaptic,add/remove programs17:06
LabutawerUSUL if i use GUI installation error especially using 8.0 im stuck only version 6 is working17:06
LadyNikonerUSUL: i will take your word for it.17:06
Roman123Any openvz users available?17:06
h8reddo I have to defragment my hard drive and stuff?  run system utilities like I did in windows?17:06
erUSULalmost: .... years have gone by...17:06
Labutawim installing it at Compaq pentium 3 800 mhz17:07
[4-tea-2]pragad: yes, but why? ;)17:07
Jeruvyh8red: no17:07
tapasok, trying to restart :)17:07
daftykinsrantic try using partition editor within the livecd to create partitions in that free area manually instead of through the installer to see if you have any better luck / options. the XP setup was how many partitions + what types out of interest?17:07
SwistakHello guys17:07
h8redsweet!  Also, I don't know if I screwed up but I did this jaunty install in ext4 whatever that means17:07
SwistakI have got problem with seting up 2 display configuration17:07
h8redinstead of the default 317:07
evilbugtapas- total: 1998, used 1500, free 498, buffers 97, cached 113717:07
erUSULLabutaw: you can install a gui from the installed system... jus do « sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop » to get the full desktop ubuntu gui17:07
Swistakthats my xorg.conf http://pastie.org/45805917:07
daftykinsnewer and potentially more data-loss-prine h8red17:08
attila_do I get problems if I install catalyst9.3 in Jaunty?17:08
Jeruvyh8red: thats the new filesystem, beware still some bugs...17:08
lestmeforgetEvery time I start a terminal, $PWD is /. Why?17:08
erUSULLabutaw: for a server maybe it is wiser to just install a window manager17:08
pragad[4-tea-2]because htose are slow17:08
scuniziWhy is scrollkeeper suddenly taking 80+ % of cpu #1 on my Hardy system.. it's never done this in the past.17:08
SwistakMy problem is: I got two screen displaying pulpit but there is no compiz, compiz dont work17:08
almostcan wine be run from command line on a server?17:08
h8redWell, so far so good at least heh17:08
Labutawwindow manager is diferent from GNOME right?17:09
pragad4 tea17:09
erUSULalmost: well it needs a gui to dsiplay the window program...17:09
daftykinsdon't keep anything important on it h8red :)17:09
mirakis it necessary that nvidia-180-libvdpau-de depends on nvidia-180-libvdpau ?  because the -dev files have architecture all, however we can imagine that we want to build an application that supports vdpau, even if there is no nvidia support on a particular architecture17:09
pragad4 tea how do i get kde17:09
h8redwow really it's that unstable?17:09
daftykinsyeah gnome == desktop environment Labutaw17:09
h8redwell hell17:09
doonerSwistak, what graphics card?  I'm running Twinview on my nvidia with compviz no problems.17:09
daftykinswindow manager = metacity, compiz, kwin17:09
erUSULLabutaw: gnome is Desktop envoirment it has file browser desktop icons and a lot of infrastructure17:09
Swistakdooner, 7600 geforce17:09
pragad4 tea u around17:09
doonerSwistak, are you using Twinview or xinerma ?17:09
daftykinsSwistak, i use nvidia 180 drivers on jaunty with 2 x DVI screens and twinview17:09
daftykinscompiz = fine17:10
Labutawso windows  manager is just a GUI or Command line?17:10
[4-tea-2]pragad: downloading a huge project like KDE will take a while, especially now when the Ubuntu servers might see a lot of load. Is that what you mean? Download takes a long time?17:10
* Gnea clicks on the 'upgrade' button for to 9.0417:10
Labutawso windows  manager is just a GUI for Command line?17:10
h00kGnea, good luck :)17:10
Swistakdooner, I dont know, wait please17:10
daftykinsit's what draws the minimise/maximise/close and title bars etc Labutaw17:10
h00kGnea, I think you'll enjoy it.17:10
pragad4 tea yes17:10
erUSULLabutaw: no you can run graphical programs in it17:10
Gneah00k: lol thanks17:10
lakis1982hello ... i upgraded the xubuntu 8.10 to xubuntu 9 jaunty ... i have a keyboard that has some multimedia keys ..... the problem is that since i upgraded xubuntu the two buttons for incresing decreasing volume of system, do not work anymore... they do not respond.. does anyone know why ??? any solutions ???17:10
Bagelis____ darkness.irc.gr17:10
doonerSwistak, cause if you run xinerma no compviz, but switch to Twinview and it should work fine.17:11
GneaI designated a system specifically for upgrading distros - a week ago, this system was running 7.1017:11
pragad4 tea yes17:11
jetienneq. how to change the default video player launched when i click on a .avi in nautilus ?17:11
Labutawaws but i can't use GUI like gnome or kde im stuck during installation :( i wonder why also i try reinstall 2 days now17:11
[4-tea-2]pragad: you could try different mirrors or just be patient. Other ways to get KDE (like building from source) might download faster, but it will take much longer when the download is finished. ;)17:11
h8redI guess it's normal for Linux to use so much ram, even though I'm not running many apps and everything seems really quick?17:11
daftykinsjetienne, right click properties on a file and change to "open with" tab17:12
Swistakdooner, ok, i think i use xinerama, how to switch to twinview?17:12
daftykinsSwistak, hit alt+f2 then type "gksudo nvidia-settings"17:12
Labutawi mean 2 days reinstalling and downloading distro iso17:12
almostif i have installed a tar ball from source with./configure, make and make install how to uninstall that tar ball?17:12
pragad4 tea i also have to 200 mb upgrades in the waiting list . what do i do17:12
doonerSwistak, what daftykins said ..17:12
EpicReviewsI have a compatibility question17:12
erUSULLabutaw: you have the server installed ¿? then just do « sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop » and everything will be as if you have installed the dektop verson17:12
Gneah8red: it depends on what the distro is running - standard Ubuntu comes with Gnome, which is a known mem-muncher. if you'd like something that's less memory intensive, but still works well, you may want to consider xubuntu17:13
Argus1Hello evryone. Can someone help me to connect to the internet with Speedtouch 330 in Ubuntu 9.0417:13
daftykinsh8red, default Linux behaviour is to fill up RAM first so everything stays fast. then page afterwards17:13
nixpixgood day all:)17:13
EpicReviewswill Ubuntu 9.04 work with my ATI Mobility Radeon HD 36508 ?17:13
EpicReviews(graphics card)17:13
h8redGnea:  Thanks, I'm quite happy with Gnome and things are still running very quick.  I was just curious is all17:13
Swistakdooner, daftykins: ok, I have this configuration dialog17:13
Dr_WillisEpicReviews:  ive heard of issues with the fglrx drivers  - bit thats nothing new. check the forums for that exact video card perhaps?17:13
Swistakdooner, daftykins: just tick of enable xinerama?17:14
crdlbEpicReviews: you have an extra digit in that model number, but yes, it should work with the proprietary driver17:14
daftykinsSwistak, change to "X Server Display Configuration"17:14
h8redThe real test is going to be having NeroVision running in my XP VM convert some Xvid to DVD ISOs17:14
EpicReviews@ Dr - are you in the Puppy Linux IRC room too?17:14
daftykinsclick "Configure" by "configuration" Swistak17:14
Swistakdooner, daftykins: configuration: separate x screen [configure] and next +> TwinView yes?17:14
Labutawreally? heheh k let me try the sweetness but i have'nt configure my network card for internet lols17:14
daftykinsyes Swistak17:14
nixpixI have a rather major problem. Is anyone up for helping me with it?17:14
Gneah8red: :) there are some others out there who made a non-official distro called EliveCD, which uses Enlightenment - not sure that it's up to 8.10 or 9.04 spec yet, but it'll run on a system as slow as a 100mhz CPU and requires only 64Mb of ram17:14
daftykinsSwistak, now click apply?17:15
douglnixpix, dont keep us guessing17:15
Labutawany links for configuring network interfaces for commandline17:15
daftykinsboth screens still ok Swistak ?17:15
h00kLabutaw, check out ifconfig17:15
Labutawi meant step by step lols im still new17:15
Swistakdaftykins, as they was, no change17:15
almostDMC: hows the coffee plantation going?17:15
Swistakdaftykins, I must reboot?17:15
LurkersA!ask > nixpix17:15
ubottunixpix, please see my private message17:15
h00kLabutaw, type 'man ifconfig' in a terminal window17:15
daftykinskeep the window open and try enabling desktop effects from system -> preferences -> appearance Swistak17:15
daftykinsthe screens should have blinked?17:16
h00kLabutaw, it'll shhow you everything there is to know :)17:16
AHow do I use apt-get from the command line to search for a package?17:16
Labutawh00k i only see the lo17:16
dreamywhats exa or xaa ?17:16
daftykins"apt-cache search x" where x is what you search for A17:16
GneaA: apt-cache search something17:16
erUSULA: aptitude search string17:16
TunnlRatCan someone help me, i went to install the updates for ubuntu this morning and my laptop locked up now when i try to install the updates it gives me an error and wants me to run a command as the superuser17:16
javahi my compiz stoped working after i upgraded to ubuntu 9.1017:16
Swistakdaftykins, the composite extension is not available17:16
Labutawbut my interface not aappear17:16
unkmar_problems with broadcom 4318 wireless17:16
javahi my compiz stoped working after i upgraded to ubuntu 9.10 can any budy help me17:16
h00kLabutaw, the loopback, which means your network card isn't being recognized17:16
gmorphis4-tea-2: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) so try googling HD audio Controller ubuntu?17:17
daftykinsok Swistak hang on, be sure to click "Save to X configuration file" before closing nvidia-settings17:17
crdlbjava: it's 9.04, but what GPU do you have?17:17
Labutawso what should i do to recognize my lan17:17
h00kLabutaw, you'd have to figure out which network card you have17:17
Labutawagain another taking notes17:17
erUSULLabutaw: lspci | grep -i net17:17
h00kLabutaw, and make sure its supported17:17
javacrdlb yes its ubuntu 9.04 typing mistake gpu is intel17:17
TunnlRatdpkg --configure -a how do i run that as the superuser ?17:17
erUSUL!sudo | TunnlRat17:18
ubottuTunnlRat: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)17:18
h00kTunnlRat, in the terminal add 'sudo' before it17:18
Swistakdaftykins, http://wstaw.org/d/7c3017:18
TunnlRatahhh i see thank you17:18
LurkersAjava: compiz is disabled by default for intel cards17:18
crdlbjava: a GMA965 of some sort (ie an X3000 or up)?17:18
bercikDoes fglrx 9.3 support xserver 1.6?17:18
daftykinsSwistak, have you saved to X?17:18
crdlbbercik: no17:18
Swistakdaftykins, ok I will make reboot, I saved to x17:18
LurkersAjava: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904#Display%2520freezes%2520with%2520Intel%2520graphics%2520cards17:18
Labutawso ls has also purpos for networking17:18
daftykinsno Swistak17:18
daftykinsno reboot needed17:19
almostwhich file will have all the IPV6 details?17:19
javaLurkersA but it was woking before upgrade i enabled it17:19
daftykinscan you pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf please Swistak17:19
Labutawi mean display the pheriperals17:19
Swistakdaftykins, so What should i do?17:19
nixpixmy graphics drivers have seemingly stopped working since I updated from 8.04 to 8.10, and ubuntu refuses to start with kernels 2.6.28-11 and 2.6.27-11, presumably for the same reason as it refuses to run advanced graphics in 2.6.24-33 and 2.6.22-1417:19
javacrdlb its x310017:19
h00kLabutaw, lspci, yeah17:19
TunnlRatPerfect that worked thank you thank you!!!!17:19
erUSULLabutaw: no lspci != ls. lspci list pci devices including network cards ;P17:19
LurkersAjava: Yes, but it is disabled in 9.04. You Upgraded to 9.04 -> It is disabled17:19
crdlbjava: it was blacklisted, to override it, see /msg fusiobot blacklist17:19
Swistakdaftykins, http://pastie.org/45806417:19
cutouthello, does any one know how to restore the default usplash17:19
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meoblast001what's the default kernel version for Ubuntu?17:19
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork17:19
bercikcrdlb: thanks, and is there some trick to have xserver 1.5 in Jaunty?17:19
erUSULmeoblast001: which ubuntu version17:20
ActionParsnipI'm glad all this compiz stuff is getting turned off, less stuff breaking17:20
javaLurkersA ok how to enable it17:20
crdlbbercik: not a supported one17:20
LurkersAjava: You don't17:20
unkmar_Aliend robbed me of my soul.  How can I get broadcom 4318 wireless to function in the Network-manager applet?17:20
meoblast001erUSUL: sorry... forgot to specify.. 9.0417:20
Labutawcoz ls also use for list of content in directory17:20
daftykinswhat version ubuntu/xubuntu/etc again please Swistak ?17:20
LurkersAjava: There will be a patch at some point17:20
doonerdaftykins, you sure no reboot needed?  I thought anytime I mucked with xinerma settings it wanted to reboot (at least restart X)17:20
erUSULmeoblast001: 2.6.28 afaik17:20
crdlbLurkersA: no ...17:20
LurkersAjava: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904#Display%2520freezes%2520with%2520Intel%2520graphics%2520cards <--- Read17:20
TunnlRatDoes anyone know how to get my laptop speakers working in ubuntu? the sound works with headphones and i know the speakers work just not in linux17:20
Swistakdaftykins, 9.0417:20
meoblast001erUSUL: if i compile a newer one witll things break?17:20
h00kmeoblast001, my 9.04 is using 2.6.28-11-generic17:20
javaLurkersA ok17:20
=== Belial` is now known as Belial-
daftykinsdooner you're maybe right but apply button usually sets immediate for me. i'll try one thing then give in17:21
cutouthello, does any one know how to restore the default usplash17:21
erUSULmeoblast001: depend on your hardware... you have to make sure is supported on the kernel you compile... ubuntu adds a bunch of drivers to its kernels17:21
daftykinscan you make a backup of xorg.conf with terminal please Swistak ?17:21
crdlbjava: it can be overridden, see /msg fusiobot blacklist17:21
erUSULmeoblast001: i use 29 on intrepid and works fine17:21
doonerdaftykins, Twinview I think does that but once you have xinerma set it needs to restart x to unload it.17:21
meoblast001erUSUL: all my stuff has opensource drivers except my nVidia card17:21
erUSULmeoblast001: vanilla from kernel.org i mean17:22
ActionParsnipdaftykins: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_working17:22
echo6_erUSL: which drivers are addedd to the vanilla kernel by ubuntu?17:22
daftykinsoh ok dooner thanks i did not know that17:22
fblade1987hey guys i have some regex questions am i able to ask them in here?17:22
vosstunnl, check your speaker volume in the mixer, it may be set all the way down by default17:22
meoblast001erUSUL: how do i take all the non-free stuff out of the kernel?17:22
erUSULecho6_: well i do not know the complete list17:22
LabutawerUSUL it suported i saw to ethernet controller ofcours i have 2 interfaces i plan to use this as my router and firewall goodbye windows and winroute's17:22
echo6_erUSUL: is the list available from somewhere?17:22
Labutawdling and intel17:22
Labutawdlink and intel17:22
erUSULmeoblast001: use gnewsense's kernel (or the entire distro) is ubuntu FSF_Cleaned_Up17:23
unkmar_vanilla? looks more like chocolate. how do I get broadcom 4318 wireless to work with the network-manager applet?17:23
Belial-anyone else having a problem with the new notification system not working correctly? I've done a few google searches and none of the suggestions are working so far. Pidgin is the only notifications that will pop up. The volume control bar uses the specific gnome theme's interface. System is 9.04 and is completely up to date. Notify-osd is installed and running in the background.17:23
Belial-any ideas?17:23
Labutawbut when i try nano /etc/networks/interfaces i only see the lo and local host17:23
erUSULLabutaw: wha are the models of those two controllers ?17:23
Labutawdlink and intel17:23
meoblast001erUSUL: i'm looking to make a kernel that's like the desktop kernel but with PAE... i need PAE without XEN17:23
erUSULLabutaw: and in "ifconfig -a " ?17:23
Labutawboth wired17:23
wasutton3is there a quick way to set up a server on ubuntu to push a bootable operating system over the network?17:24
Labutawlols i see them17:24
erUSULmeoblast001: then use the ubuntu sources17:24
javacrdlb what is  /msg fusiobot blacklist????17:24
daftykinsthe more i read the xorg.conf the more i agreed with you dooner :D thanks for saying. reboot first then we'll see17:24
erUSUL!kernel | meoblast00117:24
ubottumeoblast001: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages17:24
echo6_meoblast001: Isn't there a kernel line option for PAE?17:24
meoblast001erUSUL: whch package do i want the source of17:24
meoblast001echo6_: i've never compiled a kernel before17:24
erUSUL!info linux-source | meoblast00117:24
ubottumeoblast001: linux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB17:24
crdlbjava: an irc command to ask that bot for its 'backlist' factoid17:24
java /msg fusiobot blacklist17:24
daftykinsdooner,  i was thinking force "Composite" item, do you remember if it is "extension" section or "module" ?17:25
jpnubI wish I could install netbook remix on my amd laptop :(17:25
LabutawerUSUL eth0 and eth1 , where can i see thos configuration of my network interfaces?17:25
crdlbjava: try again without the leading space17:25
Yonderingmeoblast001, seriously.. take a look at 64 bit.  I was down the same road you're on yesterday, and everything I've tried so far is working perfectly in 64 bit.  What are you going to do with this pc?17:25
Jeruvyjpnub: did you try the regular release?17:25
ph8is jaunty 9.04?17:25
erUSULLabutaw: yopu have to add them yourself17:25
doonerhmm let me look17:25
cutouthello, does any one know how to restore the default usplash17:25
user___ph8: yes17:25
LurkersAph8: Yes17:25
LurkersA!usplash > cutout17:25
ubottucutout, please see my private message17:25
ljsoftnetwould ubuntu recognize the 8 core's of the latest intel core i7?17:25
c0r3how do i install my iball webcam in intrepid17:25
erUSULLabutaw: look this http://paste.ubuntu.com/158011/17:25
doonerdaftykins, I at he office on my netbook, my dual display is @ home. let me ssh over there17:25
LurkersA!webcam > c00p17:26
ubottuc00p, please see my private message17:26
LurkersA!webcam > c0r317:26
java /msg fusiobot blacklist17:26
soulnafeinthis new ubuntu 9.04 is really smooth and slick and the boot is faster17:26
jpnubjeruvy, yes but I would love the simplified UI and better performance17:26
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras17:26
cutoutLurkersA:  it says event not found17:26
Yonderingljsoftnet, without knowing more I would guess yes.  Try a livecd first though.17:26
evilbugtapas: after a reboot the ram usage is back to normal.17:26
LurkersAjava: Type it in channel window17:26
LabutawerUSUL thanks17:26
erUSULLabutaw: no problem17:27
meoblast001Yondering: i've always wanted to build a kernel though.... now i have a reason17:27
elkycrdlb, can i speak to you in #ubuntu-ops for a moment please?17:27
echo6_can anyone explain to the differences between added_modules and added-modules for make-kpkg ?17:27
Belial-so is there anyone successfully using the new notification system?17:27
boobles_devilleIs there anyone here who could help me with an upgrading question going to ubuntu 9.04?17:27
ljsoftnetYondering i really don't have a core i7 though just wanna share my taughts and wonder if anyone knew17:27
Yonderingmeoblast001, well, awesome then.  =]  good luck.17:27
Belial-or i should say, is it working correctly?17:27
jpnubmeoblast001 how could you WANT to build a kernel haha17:27
winterBelial-: i just installed 9.04 in part to test it17:27
skid_row9.04 upgrade hell: http://izismile.com/story/index.php?code=hZDY5ZDg0M17:27
winterit works with pidgin17:27
winterhaven't seen any other notifications pop up, but that doesn't mean it's not working17:27
WatchBotskid_row: Please keep your links on topic and work safe.17:27
spiritedShowing a friend ubuntu17:28
spiritedhello all.17:28
doonerdaftykins, Actually i can't get to my home computer at the moment, So I not sure. Also have to run and get some lunch.  will check in a bit sorry...17:28
echo6_jpnub: I always end up building a new kernel! to take out modules I don't need for my laptop as an example17:28
LabutawerUSUL after i configure my lan can conect to repository now like sudo dpkg upgrade all?17:28
javacrdlb ok i did what the ubot said now do i need to relogin17:28
Belial-winter: yeah, it only works for pidgin here too. supposedly the volume control uses the same interface but mine isn't. it's using gnome's. or gtk's, whichever.17:28
jpnubecho6, how hard is it do something like that?17:28
timocan any one help my computer keeps locking up, i have latest updates17:28
erUSULLabutaw: you should be able yes17:28
jpnubrebuild a kernel that is.17:28
tapasevilbug: i still think you probably saw caches/buffers..17:28
meoblast001jpnub: never done it before :P17:28
erUSUL!kernel > jpnub17:28
ubottujpnub, please see my private message17:28
echo6_jpnub: kernel rebulding is easy, just getting the kernel config can be tricky though17:29
meoblast001jpnub: i actually want to debianize a standard desktop kernel + pae so other's can use it too17:29
crdlbjava: no, just try compiz from system > prefs > appearance > visual effects: normal17:29
user___timo: define lock up, please :-)17:29
winteralso, sound isn't working in 9.0417:29
spiritedcould someone point me to that website explaining about how to set up my ubuntu media player so I can watch my bought DVDs?17:29
echo6_jpnub: the UBuntu kernel guide is quite good17:29
winterbut i was expecting that17:29
=== Phoenix87 is now known as PhoenAWAY
cutoutLurkersA: Ok but the fefault usplash is not included in the list17:29
Labutawand sir erUSUL im not going to use GUI heheh kinda smoth runing to my pentium 3 800mhz17:29
soulnafeinduring the boot, is Ubuntu supposed to show some text (boot messages) after the progress bar completes and before the splash screen appears?17:29
timouser___:  mouse every thing stops working, only a reset will help17:29
jpnubecho6_ maybe i'll give it a shot :)17:29
tapasspirited: RIAA.com?17:29
winter(also, while i'm on the subject, it still has a hard time with my motherboard... no worse than slackware, though, and it actually boots which is an improvement over 8.10)17:29
spiritedthanks will try that.17:30
javacrdlb ok it worked thanks17:30
tapasspirited: that was a joke17:30
echo6_jpnub: Enjoy! there are some guides on the forum as well, usually I do lspci lshal to enumerate the hardware I have on the box17:30
erUSULLabutaw: maybe if you are going to use this machine only as a router you can use some distro oriented only to be routers... like ipcop zeroshell shorewall etc17:30
javacrdlb thanks :)17:30
tapasspirited: SCNR17:30
echo6_jpnub: then strip out the modules I dont need17:30
spiritedoh noes.:)17:30
echo6_jpnub: occassionally I apply patches17:30
spiritedok thanks17:30
jpnubecho6, sounds like a good idea...thanks17:31
timoany logs i can look at ?17:31
user___timo: ok, reboot and then have a look at /var/log/messages.17:31
echo6_jpnub: take a peek at make-kpkg + all its dependencies, it is actually very good and provides a means to build debian packages for kernel images/headers17:31
user___timo: use the tail command..17:31
=== Mark_Milliman is now known as Mark_M|Away
Labutawrouters... like ipcop zeroshell shorewall etc <== aws another alien  is that a distro? i also plan for my dns server at freedns coz it says also support DDNS17:31
timoyeh tail -f17:32
LabutawerUSUL: routers... like ipcop zeroshell shorewall etc <== aws another alien  is that a distro? i also plan for my dns server at freedns coz it says also support DDNS17:32
jpnubecho6_ yea that does look useful :)17:32
joanki123i'm trying to code with qt and coin3d... the latest versions are not in the repository - is it a bad idea to do a manual install by downloading from the source's site?17:33
timoI think it might be pulseaudio >:o17:33
PROject-EmeraldI need some general help *ubuntu-wise, and apparently nobody knows in #Kubuntu17:33
michele86sorry, how i can enter on ubuntu.it?17:34
JordanCmichele86: /join #ubuntu.it17:34
randomusrhow can I recover/change my password for su?17:34
gordonjcprandomusr: don't use su, use sudo17:35
=== brucebarton_ is now known as Out_Cold
randomusrgordonjcp, trying to install hotwayd and it recommends using su17:35
LurkersArandomusr: ubuntu doesn't use su17:35
Flannelrandomusr: It's confused (those instructions aren't necessarily for ubuntu).  use sudo.17:35
Out_Coldhave people been getting along with the 9.04?17:35
JordanCgordonjcp: Then prefix any commands which require administrative rights with "sudo"17:35
JordanCsudo <command>17:35
gordonjcpJordanC: yes, I know17:36
JordanCsu is disabled17:36
[4-tea-2]gordonjcp: then follow that advice17:36
EoL{s}I'm using firefox 3.0.9 on Ubuntu 9.04, and it lags scrolling and selecting new tabs. Smooth scrolling is off. Anyone know how to fix?17:36
randomusrwhat about No Rule for make install?17:36
gordonjcp[4-tea-2]: can you read?17:36
gordonjcp[4-tea-2]: I was telling randomusr not to use su17:36
Polterge|stwell I would get along with it alot better if it would upgrade my OS using the files from the alternate install dvd and not the internet17:36
JordanC<randomusr> gordonjcp, trying to install hotwayd and it recommends using su17:36
[4-tea-2]gordonjcp: srz, mishap ;)17:36
gordonjcpJordanC: then, as Flannel said, those instructions aren't entirely suitable for Ubuntu17:37
randomusrJordanC, what's the error , no rule for make target install17:37
gordonjcpJordanC: bear in mind that I've been using sudo for about as long as I've been using Unix ;-)17:37
AsusA3Nsalut comment faire pour installe ma web cam?17:37
Polterge|stthe alternate install dvd has a default option to use the internet to download packages whether you click yes or no when the upgrade option box pops up after installing the dvd17:37
topsyandpip56Im having a small graphics problem17:37
DASPRiDgordonjcp, beer in mind... thats a good idea :)17:37
JordanCgordon: I didn't know that sudo was so old :P17:37
TonyTheTigerHiya, firefox works poorly, when i scroll it takes a while to scroll through pages as if my comp is really bad. I am already using swiftfox. What can i do for firefox (and flash) to work properly?17:37
Polterge|stif you have an internet connection it will use it whether you tell it to or not17:38
punkrockguy3Does TF2 work through wine?17:38
Polterge|steven if you think you are selecting the option to tell it not to17:38
randomusrok so, does anyone know what it means to get the error, no rule to make target "install"?17:38
topsyandpip56The card is a 3dfx Voodoo 317:38
JordanCgordonjcp: Are you trying to install hotwayd?17:38
gordonjcpDASPRiD: couple of weeks yet until the beer is ready ;-)17:38
gordonjcpJordanC: no17:38
topsyandpip56And its on Xubuntu17:38
gordonjcpJordanC: I've never even heard of hotwayd17:38
randomusrJordanC No I am17:38
Polterge|strandomusr, that sounds like a config file error or something to that effect17:39
prs22tomIs there a way to set video refresh rate from the command line?17:39
JordanCOops, wrong user :D17:39
topsyandpip56Can somebody help?17:39
randomusrPolterg|st I agree, but don't know what packages I might be missing.17:39
Polterge|stthis is kind of like false advertising if I cannot upgrade using the CD files instead of the net17:40
randomusrPolterg|st I suspect that it's something to do the zlib or libxml versions that I'm using17:40
hacked_kernelI installed Ubuntu 9.04 and I have Intel mobile GM965/GL960 VGA, I'm unable to enable visual effects, on Ubuntu 8.10 it was working.17:40
MrSunshine_gah why do i not get a swedish layout even tho ive put swedish in the keyboard layout thingie _17:40
Polterge|stI have 2 ubuntu 9.04 dvds and ironically with both of them I cannot upgrade my OS to 9.0417:40
JordanCtopsyandpip56: You'll have to give a tad more information before someone will be able to help you17:40
V0iD_   17:40
Polterge|stnot from my computer anyway17:41
Polterge|stit is forcing me to use a net connection17:41
LurkersAhacked_kernel: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904#Display%2520freezes%2520with%2520Intel%2520graphics%2520cards17:41
ienorandhacked_kernel: They are blacklisted since they can cause serious crashes17:41
ienorandhacked_kernel: sad but true...17:41
ph8i've been using slocate for years17:41
topsyandpip56Oh, well, All 3D stuff is extremely laggy, meaning the wrong driver is running, and the max resoloution is 800x60017:41
ph8slocate is no longer included in jaunty17:41
Ultraputzhey all -- just upgraded to jaunty and now the LUKS passphrase does not appear. it just sits there doing the knight-rider thing, no disc activity.17:41
ph8how do i find files on my pc from the cmd line?17:41
TonyTheTigerHiya, firefox works poorly, when i scroll it takes a while to scroll through pages as if my comp is really bad. I am already using swiftfox. What can i do for firefox (and flash) to work properly?17:41
dunkeli installed ubuntu 8.10 as an persistent installation on a usb-drive, but when I boot it up, a white screen comes up and that's it. someone know how to fix it?17:41
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soulnafeinis there a way to see messages during boot instead of progress bar?17:41
topsyandpip56On its original OS (Windows 98) it could go up to 1024x76817:42
topsyandpip56And 3D worked17:42
penthiefph8: man locate17:42
topsyandpip56Its Xubuntu 8.0417:42
Polterge|stI don't know why I have to wait 2 more days to upgrade my OS on dialup when I have the ___________ dvd's right here in front of me17:42
ph8soulnafein:  yes, in grub edit the entry you use to boot ('e'), second line down usually the kernel line - press 'e' to edit that after scrolling to it, something like 'ro quiet splash' will be there17:42
ph8take away the quiet and splash (quiet and splashscreen) options17:42
sd32man i hate the Herculean effort you have to make to find a md5 for kubuntu17:42
ph8and press 'b' to boot17:42
topsyandpip56Any more information you need?17:42
[4-tea-2]Ultraputz: your / is encrypted?17:42
Polterge|stthat is not logical to design an upgrade this way17:42
soulnafeinph8: thanks17:43
ienorandsoulnafein edit menu.lst and remove the "quiet" and "splash" bits... or just press ctrl+alt+f1 during boot...17:43
Ultraputz[4-tea-2] -- yeah17:43
dreamywhat was called the software support to use the m6 ly, svideo out ?17:43
TonyTheTigerhow can i find out if my graphics card has its drivers installed for ubunutu?17:43
soulnafeinguys is there a way to change how long these new notifications in jaunty stays on the screen?17:43
timouser___:  I found noting in /var/log/system17:43
h8redPolterge|st:  Sorry man I don't think you can really get by with dialup and this OS17:43
PlasmaSheepAre the jaunty update servers down for anyone else?17:43
timoany other ideas?17:43
Ultraputz[4-tea-2] --it dropped after a few minutes and said it couldn't find the (enc.) volume and now it's dropped me to busybox17:43
Polterge|sth8red, you can but it will take a looooooooooooooong time17:43
Polterge|stand if not well I guess it is good enough reason to switch to primarily using a mac17:44
[4-tea-2]Ultraputz: then I can't help, I was too scared to encrypt / and went for /home and /var instead.17:44
Ultraputz[4-tea-2] --alert /dev/disk/by-uuid/ " " " does not exist17:44
JordanCtopsyandpip56: I'm guessing that it isn't going to that resolution?17:44
h8redPolterge|st:  or another distro of Linux17:44
topsyandpip56No, its not even in the list17:44
Polterge|stnope a mac17:44
PlasmaSheepAre the jaunty update servers down for anyone else?17:44
thiebaudePolterge|st: many things are moving to high speed internet17:44
topsyandpip56the top says: 800x600@56hz17:44
Polterge|stI'm going to be burnt out after Ubuntu17:44
skeletalguys, i have download a file here, when i type "./configure" work fine, but when i type " make" show some erros....why guys?17:44
MrSunshine_gah why do i not get a swedish layout even tho ive put swedish in the keyboard layout thingie _ anyone?17:44
skeletalwhat i need?17:45
Polterge|stif the best distro on the net can't give me what I need ...17:45
[4-tea-2]Ultraputz: that's the second time in a few hours I see someone complaining about that message.17:45
Polterge|stI doubt another will17:45
topsyandpip56And the driver isnt running propery17:45
Ultraputz[4-tea-2] --you can't actually encrypt / because there has to be something to boot from.17:45
PorkStreudellet me ask you guys... i want a 3 monitor setup..  how do i do it? dual header vid card + 1 additional vid card?17:45
ienorandPlasmaSheep: I'm able to update lists all right17:45
LurkersAskeletal: It will tell you in the error17:45
PlasmaSheepPolterge|st, Ubuntu isn't the best distro.17:45
Ultraputzso there's a tiny little bootstrap, then it loads the tools to encyrpted the disc and boot normally17:45
soulnafeinienorand: thanks17:45
[4-tea-2]Ultraputz: well, you could leave /boot unencrypted and use an initrd image.17:45
Ultraputzthat's kind of how this works17:45
JordanCtopsyandpip56: Any chance you can give more specific information? "Isn't running properly", "Doesn't work" aren't that great at illustrating the problem17:45
Ultraputzbut you still have to unlock the disc to get to /home and so on17:45
h8redPolterge|st:  best is subjective17:45
cheekeeubuntu 9.04 doesn't seem to have shutdown/restart icon17:46
PlasmaSheepienorand: Look what I get (part of it) when I do update: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/158035/17:46
h8redbut if you have the money and can afford mac hardware and software go for it17:46
FreshPrinceskeletal, we can't help u if you are not able to paste us the error17:46
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:46
topsyandpip56Im using a 3dfx Voodoo 3 card in a old machine, now with Xubuntu 8.04. The maximum resoloution seems to be 800x600, and the driver is not running even though I have installed it,17:46
PlasmaSheepcheekee, It's in the user switcher.17:46
Polterge|stI've been extremely patient and am doing my best to wait 2 or 3 "more" days to update my OS17:46
TonyTheTigerJust because my display is working, does it mean my graphics card drivers are installed properly?17:46
Polterge|stbecause that is what it will take at the very least to get it upgraded17:46
Ciroscurses PlasmaSheep  got it before me17:46
[4-tea-2]Ultraputz: as I said, I was too scared to try that in the first place. All the info I can give is, that other people have the same problem, perhaps check launchpad?17:47
JordanCtopsyandpip56: Okay, which driver?17:47
PlasmaSheepCiros: :D17:47
h8redTonyTheTiger:  nope17:47
=== Argus1 is now known as Remus3
thiebaudehi Remus17:47
TonyTheTigerh8red, And would missing gfx drivers cause a sluggish firefox?17:47
topsyandpip56So, does anybody know how to fix it?17:48
h8redTonyTheTiger:  I don't know about that, but you should check to make sure your video drivers are installed right.  If FFox was sluggish my first guess would be you need more ram17:48
JordanCtopsyandpip56: Yeah, have you checked your xorg configs?17:48
topsyandpip56Yes, but the xorg in 8.04 is different17:48
TonyTheTigerh8red, I have enough ram, i susspect its the drivers as its mainly the rendering of firefox thats slow i.e scrolling.17:49
h8redwhat kinda vid card?17:49
TonyTheTigerits a laptop and some built in ati card17:49
td123hmmm, there seem to be an unusually large amount of visible bugs in this release :17:49
ienorandPlasmaSheep: I've got no idea, you could try switching upgrade mirror I guess, that's mine > http://www.mibbit.com/pb/0jQFKH it seems to ign (ignore?) some of the ones you had problems with...17:49
PhotoJimTonyTheTiger: if it's the Rage 200M, ATI support for the Linux driver has tailed off and the new Linux drivers don't support 3D.  that would explain it.17:49
* Polterge|st shakes his head .... next time make the distro upgradeable from the DVD17:50
Polterge|stplease please please17:50
PhotoJimPolterge|st: if you use the "alternate" disc it is17:50
Polterge|stif you do anything at all next time to make it better17:50
Polterge|stdo that17:50
FlannelPolterge|st: It is? er, should be.17:50
Polterge|stPhotoJim, I have both no it is not17:50
Polterge|stit says it is17:50
FlannelPolterge|st: You don't boot to the CD, you put the CD in afterwards.17:50
PlasmaSheepienorand:  why does it return 404's?17:50
Polterge|stbut it doesn't do it that way17:50
TonyTheTigerPhotoJim, Yes i think it one of those 200m but might be an express.17:50
PhotoJimPolterge|st: maybe the DVD is broken.  did you try the alternate CD?17:50
Polterge|stFlannel, that is what I did17:50
Polterge|stI put it in afterward17:50
Polterge|stalternate CD17:50
PhotoJimTonyTheTiger: that is very likely your issue.  open source support will come.  they're working on it.  but it's not here yet.17:50
Viatain a custom script, how do I assign a file with a pathname to a variable?17:51
h8redTonyTheTiger: try System > Administraton > Hardware drivers17:51
secret901I just upgraded to 9.04 and now I can't watch videos with any program17:51
Polterge|stit asks if I want to upgrade  from the dvd17:51
h8redsee if there's something there for you to enable17:51
russianzillaHey, I was wondering, is there a way to remove, purge and reinstall libgtk2.0-0 without it removing every GTK program installed?17:51
Polterge|stand then it starts downloading friggin packages17:51
MrSunshine_why cant i freakin change keyboard layout?17:51
secret901I keep getting "badalloc insufficient resources for operation ubuntu" errors17:51
Polterge|stwhen all the packages are right there on the dvd17:51
ienorandPlasmaSheep: Honestly, I don't know17:51
FlannelPolterge|st: It will download some packages, you don't have *every* package on the DVD.17:51
topsyandpip56Please! This problem is really annoying!17:51
LurkersA!patience > topsyandpip5617:52
ubottutopsyandpip56, please see my private message17:52
ienorandMrSunshine_: does it not work thorough perfs menu?17:52
Siriushello, I've just installed Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty, but my resolution is very low.. 800 X 600 ... and it does not detect my "Ultra '17" Monitor... my card is NVidia Riva TNT2 Model 64" .. what is the problem ? in the Video Card or in the Monitor ? this resolution is very looooow.. please help17:52
Polterge|stwell it is saying that 1037 of 1474 packages17:52
Polterge|stand I'm on dialup17:52
topsyandpip56Sirius: Im having a similar problem17:52
Polterge|stI hope it doesn't download the rest of those17:52
Polterge|stsurely it isn't going to do this17:52
randomusranyone else using hotwayd do check hotmail?17:53
FlannelPolterge|st: It'll tell you it needs all of the packages, and then it'll "download" the ones it has from theCD17:53
Polterge|stplease someone tell me it was designed a little better than what I'm thinking it is going to do17:53
SiriusI'm trying to find the problem but I cannot find it,....17:53
MrSunshine_ienorand, i had to add the same layout again and then remove the old one (both swedish) and now it worked17:53
porter1Anyone know why xfce isn't showing the pretty new notifications, instead of the old oes?17:53
FlannelPolterge|st: Please stop using the enter key as punctuation.17:53
Siriustopsyandpip56, : some progress at your end ?17:53
meoblast001how do i tell usplash that just because nVidia drivers are slow to load, it doesn't need to kill itself17:53
dassoukii'm suspiscious that my ubuntu maximum brightness is not the actual max brightness17:53
topsyandpip56Sirius: No, sorry!17:53
dassoukihow can i check17:53
ienorandMrSunshine_: Odd...17:53
grkblood13ok this is mostly my fault because i havent touched my apache in a few months but im trying to start it back up and i keep gettign 403 errors17:53
grkblood13ive been messign with it for a while and no luck17:54
=== Lex_ is now known as Eland25
Flanneldassouki: Does it get brighter when you plug it in vs have it on battery?17:54
penthiefgrkblood13: What does the error_log say?17:54
Viatain a custom script, how do I assign a file with a pathname to a variable?17:54
Siriuscan anyone help me with my problem ?17:54
grkblood13one sec17:54
dassoukiFlannel ya it does, but windows vs. ubuntu .. windows seems brigther17:54
Eland25Viata: file()17:54
h8redSirius:  I don't solve problems I cause them17:54
disownHi. Just upgraded to 9.04. The animation of virtual desktop changes feels more sluggish, like the frame rate dropped. Reconfiged xorg and checked settings. Didn't find anything. Anyone else?17:54
Viataeland25: thanks i'll try it out17:55
Flanneldassouki: You (likely) can disable that in your BIOS (the 'max brightness' being lower on battery)17:55
h8redWow I'm actually using some of my swap file17:55
EpicReviewshow long does this thing take to download?17:55
Eland25umm were you talking PHP? I suddenly realize my lack of focus17:55
doleybdisown: What's your vid card and drive?17:55
Siriush8red, i'm not in the mood for games now.. I have a real problem17:55
secret901is there some way to fix the "badalloc insufficient resources for operation" errors I keep getting while trying to play videos?17:55
FlannelEland25: "This thing"?17:55
doleybEpicReviews: with the server load from yesterday, it can take long!17:55
StarbucksIm having an issue with my ubuntu installation I have just installed version 9.04. And am in need to set up a speed touch 330, I've tried the file yet its just given me an error asking for some kind of python file. Thanks.17:55
EpicReviewsUbuntu sry17:55
Polterge|stEpicReviews, my sentiments exactly17:55
doleybEpicReviews: If you get a bit torrent, its 10 minutes.17:55
dassoukiFlannel: ooh it's not plugged in vs. non plugged, it's plugged vs.s plugged17:55
unikon in the home folder what do i need to do to view the entire  contents doesnt it start with a ~17:55
disowndoleyb: i810 card, where do I check the driver? Think its -intel17:55
=== Argus2 is now known as Argus3
PlasmaSheepEpicReviews:  doleyb speaks the truth17:55
EpicReviewshmmm ok maybe I'll try a torrent17:55
rootxhi, can somewhere tell me where i can get irssi for ubuntu, and how to install it... could you private message me with the anwser please. Thank you in advance.17:56
LurkersAunikon: ls -a17:56
Flannelrootx: sudo apt-get install irssi17:56
h8redSirius:  whats the problem17:56
EpicReviewsI need one for the 9.04 desktop 6417:56
Siriushello, I've just installed Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty, but my resolution is very low.. 800 X 600 ... and it does not detect my "Ultra '17" Monitor... my card is NVidia Riva TNT2 Model 64" .. what is the problem ? in the Video Card or in the Monitor ? this resolution is very looooow.. please help17:56
ienorandMrSunshine_: Here I've just, added SE, removed US, marked SE as active and applied system wide, worked fine ever since...17:56
Siriusthat's the problem17:56
johnfghi folks!17:56
glitsj16porter1: xfce uses notification-daemon-xfce by default i believe, you might have to change to notification-daemon ...17:56
rootxflannel.. where do i download it from, and do i want the source, or binary?17:56
rootxand where do i type that command?17:56
joanki123i've deleted all of my folders by accident.... including my desktop.  how can i reinstall my desktop?17:56
h8redSirius:  sure you have the right drivers?17:56
LurkersArootx: In a terminal17:56
meoblast001oh no17:56
Flannelrootx: You don't manually download it from anywhere.  apt will download it from the repositories.  Type it in a terminal.17:56
h8redA TNT2 will require legacy drivers17:56
meoblast001it's doing it again17:56
topsyandpip56Im using a 3dfx Voodoo 3 card in a old machine, now with Xubuntu 8.04. The maximum resoloution seems to be 800x600, and the driver is not running even though I have installed it.17:57
imbezolsince updating to jaunty my system now trims itself back from 3.0 ghz to 800 mhz when not busy. how do i deactivate that feature?17:57
* meoblast001 is ready to hit his head off the desk17:57
MrSunshine_ienorand, well i did that, rebooted and then it didnt work17:57
dunkelsomeone know how i can fix this white screen when booting ubuntu 8.10 from a usb-drive? don't even see any login screen17:57
LurkersArootx: Applications | Accessories | Terminal17:57
MrSunshine_had to add swedish again, remove the old swedish and now it worked17:57
Siriushow can I check if I have the default ones ?17:57
Polterge|stme too meoblast00117:57
SiriusI'm a little newbie in these things17:57
secret901how do I get my videos to play again?17:57
meoblast001guess i'll just install the Fedora packages17:57
Polterge|stnext time I will wait until a .10 release17:57
johnfgbefore I install one of the flash players on ubuntu 9.04, is swf a good player?  I've always run adobe, but prefer open source.17:57
freeanshuSirus: try this...take terminal and type in xrandr17:57
h8redSirius:  System > Administration > Hardware Drivers17:57
StarbucksAnyone have any idea how to install a speedtouch 330 modem on ubuntu version 9.0417:58
doleybsecret901: medibuntu?17:58
Sirius"Can't open display" in randr17:58
timoI think tattoos are not so bad, they surely are not stupid.17:58
SiriusHardware drivers do not reveal proprietary drivers17:58
Siriusit's empty there17:58
dattai am using jaunty and i want to know more about janitor17:58
timoSmoking is stupid.17:58
dattawill it delete my programs if they are installed?17:58
Ultraputztimo - so is capitalism, but we tolerate that too17:58
marinoCIAO A TUTTI17:59
topsyandpip56I'll just put it on the forums.17:59
freeanshuSirus:U've a driver prob17:59
PlasmaSheepUltraputz: capitalism doesn't kill bystanders17:59
topsyandpip56Thanks anyway.17:59
rootxThanks for your help all. :)17:59
timoUltraputz: sure17:59
Siriusand how should I proceed ?17:59
UltraputzPlasmaSheep: you'd find people all over the world who might digress :-)17:59
Siriuswhat steps must I take to resolve the problem ?17:59
PlasmaSheepUltraputz: That's not capitalism, that's inept presidents.17:59
freeanshuSirus:Try downlaoding them18:00
h8redSirius:  It found my invidia drivers.  Add in the Medibuntu repository into your software sources18:00
freeanshuSirus:Use Synaptic18:00
Flannel!themes | rootx18:00
ubotturootx: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:00
dattaplease give me more information about the deb packages that are to be deleted in janitor18:00
joanki123i've deleted all of my folders by accident.... including my desktop.  how can i reinstall my desktop?18:00
Flannelrootx: Also, you might be interested in browsing through: https://help.ubuntu.com/18:00
Lossifis there a way to a CHMOD to all the folders and files in a directory?18:00
Siriusok, wait, adding repository18:00
=== nihil_ is now known as Guest37422
randomusrdoes anyone here use hotwayd to check hotmail?18:00
rootxThanks!!! :)18:00
PlasmaSheepLossif: chmod -r18:01
=== Guest37422 is now known as _Nihil_
ienorandjoanki123: create a new user?18:01
FormodenHey guys... Any idea why I'm getting a GUI, but no actual gui?18:01
PlasmaSheepFormoden: Curious.18:01
joanki123ienorand, are you serious?  i can't recreate it??18:01
FormodenPlasmasheep: Yeah me too.18:01
PlasmaSheepFormoden: What do you mean?18:01
defryskjoanki123, sudo mkdir /home/yourusername18:01
randomusrI'm trying to configure evolution to check hotmail through hotwayd but it's completely not working. I don't know what options to set18:01
=== Mark_M|Away is now known as Mark_Milliman
joanki123defreng, my user exists, but mjy desktop is gone18:02
joanki123the folder or link at least18:02
PlasmaSheeprandomusr: check the documentation.18:02
ravenhi - i am trying to create a startup usb using the tool. the sysrescd IMAGE seems to be the wrong format for that (no graphical support) - can i transcode it or do it another way? tnx18:02
defryskjoanki123, sudo chown /home/yourusername yourusername18:02
defryskjoanki123, and login18:02
FormodenPlasamasheep, Well.. I have Firefox, Conky, and pidgin working, perfectly. But no gnome-panels, or gnome-desktop and I can't open terminal to fix it...18:02
PlasmaSheepjoanki123: do you have a desktop folder?18:02
randomusrPlasmaSheep, I did, and the documentation is severely lacking18:02
joanki123PlasmaSheep, I deleted it18:02
meoblast001anyone here use kdenlvie?18:02
PlasmaSheeprandomusr: Ah, sorry then.18:02
joanki123by accident, of course18:02
* timo so happy pulse is fixed18:03
FormodenPlasmasheep, Well.. I have Firefox, Conky, and pidgin working, perfectly. But no gnome-panels, or gnome-desktop and I can't open terminal to fix it...18:03
PlasmaSheepjoanki123: well, that's it then (unless someone can help you with saving it)18:03
=== Nehal is now known as Guest82884
u007-1Hi, i'm having problem installing ubuntu 9.04 on my sl400 thinkpad... it hang on after keyboard layout, showing the starting partition and then it ended18:03
randomusrPlasmaSheep, If I was a mail admin, I'd prolly have it figured out lol18:03
Acedipcant find w32codecs in synaptic, what is their new name..?? help plz18:03
PlasmaSheepFormoden: can you right click?18:03
=== Guest82884 is now known as Nehal1
LossifI do "sudo chmod -r 777 /media/terra/"18:03
u007-1it stop responding.. and shows that its still processing18:03
Lossifand it says "chmod: cannot access `777': No such file or directory"18:03
Lossifoh and I just upgraded to 9.04 and mounted a second hard drive18:03
FloodBot2Lossif: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:03
LurkersAAcedip: w32codecs are in medibuntu18:03
Siriusok, I've added the Medibuntu repository. Now how do I use synaptic to install the driver ? I've typed "nvidia" but it gives me the same packages18:03
FormodenOnly on Firefox and Pigdin18:03
defryskAcedip, add medibuntu repo18:04
u007-1ohh its okay now... took like 3mins18:04
PlasmaSheepLossif: maybe it's chmod 777 -r18:04
FormodenPlasmashhep, Only on Firefox and Pidgin18:04
PlasmaSheepLossif: chmoding anything 777 is a horrible idea.18:04
Polterge|stok I'm going to go make some coffee and hopefully when I get back I will see more progress on my updates, and hopefully that one guy is right about it not downloading every single package because I'm too  young to go bald or grey18:04
secret901anyone have problem where they can't play videos after upgrading to 9.04?18:04
Siriush8red, freeanshu , what should I do next ?18:04
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:04
imbezolanyone know how to turn of processor frequency scaling in jaunty?18:04
FormodenPlasmasheep, there anyway to get a terminal open in this state? >>18:04
joanki123ugh.  i'm probably just going to reformat then AGAIN18:04
doleybsecret901: Check if your upgrade was complete, any packages left behind?18:04
atomekkwelcome from Jaunty \o/18:05
joanki123for me, it's never a one time format - it is always 2 or 3 times.  ugh.18:05
PlasmaSheepFormoden: recovery mode.18:05
secret901doleyb: nope, seems all packages are upgraded.18:05
doleybsecret901: well what would your video player be?18:05
secret901doleyb: I keep getting the "badalloc insufficient resources for operation" error18:05
skeletalguys, i'm trying install the stardict, but when i type "./configure" into the directory all work fine, but after when i type "make" command show some erros.   Take a look, guys, please: http://pastebin.com/d237adcc318:05
FormodenPlasmasheep, I'd love to be able to... Read how to fix it while I fix it/ xD18:05
secret901doleyb: it doesn't matter, none of them work18:05
dattaplease tell me more about janitor please18:05
skeletalsomeone can help me?18:05
marviHi! Would you recommend 9.04 on a Asus eeepc 901? Or should a try an older version?18:05
PlasmaSheepFormoden: try lynx? :p18:05
EpicReviewswhoever recommended torrent thank you18:06
Acedipdefrysk, they are also called by some other name in ubuntu repo ?18:06
Nehali'm trying to install the nvidia accelerated drivers, but whenever the 'downloading and installing driver' dialog box comes up, it stays at 0% and just freezes. i've tried many time18:06
Polterge|stno doubt when all of the bugfixes are released jaunty will be great but I don't know if it was really ready for final and I think those guys just had a deadline to meet18:06
Polterge|stin another month or so I can see it becoming pretty good18:06
Nullifi3dalright kids18:06
freeanshuSirus: U got the drivers?18:06
Nullifi3dim having a major prob with my wired nic18:06
dattaplease tell me more about janitor please18:06
Acedipand how to add medibuntu repo ??18:06
Nullifi3dcan anyone help18:06
EpicReviewsI'm already at a higher percent than I was after an hour18:06
doleybsecret901: it helps to say some names.  But also, make sure you didn't accidently get pulseaudio.18:06
defryskAcedip, nope18:06
ubottuAcedip: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:06
stuckeyI just installed 9.04 and I need a little help...18:06
Yonderingmarvi, 9.04 has new enhancements for netbooks from what I understand.  I'd try that before an earlier version.  Make sure you get the netbook remix though.18:06
StarbucksCould anybody please direct me to a webpage whereby I can make my speedtouch 330 work please? I have tried a file on ubuntu 9.04 but it does not work.18:07
secret901doleyb: I tried vlc and mplayer18:07
LossifPlasmaSheep: for some reason that directory is read-onlly18:07
stuckeyI made /var to be 1GB, and when I just noticed that It's completely full...18:07
PlasmaSheepLossif: which?18:07
marviYondering: thanks. Will try that!18:07
zap0anyone able to download a .torrent file from ubuntu web site ?18:07
secret901doleyb: pulseaudio worked when I used it in 8.10, doesn't seem to be what's causing the problem18:07
EFIJILFIEIHi there !18:07
doleybsecret901: What happens instead of playng?18:07
Lossifmy /media/terra it was a HD I just mounted18:07
stuckey/var/cache/apt/archives just fills up...18:07
PlasmaSheepLossif: Even as root?18:07
stuckeyhow do I make it where it doesn't do this all the time?18:07
randomusrPolterg|st, Jaunty works great now, only minor issues that seem far irrelevant when compared to other OS's18:07
secret901doleyb: they open the file, but then the program closes18:07
gianniI have a poblem guys18:07
freeanshuSirus: I dont know If i could help u much as I've not gone in Jaunty. So sorry.18:08
zap0how do i download ubuntu via a torrent ?18:08
secret901doleyb: the command line output says "badalloc insufficient resources for operation"18:08
EFIJILFIEII can't upload on MegaUpload : Firefox crashes.18:08
russianzillaHow do you open a .so file?18:08
freeanshuyes gianni18:08
PlasmaSheep!bittorrent | zap018:08
ubottuzap0: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P18:08
Polterge|strandomusr, well I'm sure that is true and all but there are some glitches in it such as the upgrade process18:08
defryskzap0, see topic18:08
Dr_Willisrussianzilla:  why do you think you need to?18:08
dimedodoes anyone know how i can configure ip network setting for the initramfs environment when i use initramfs-tools?18:08
Lossifplasmasheep: well... when I try to share it over samba it is18:08
zap0PlasmaSheep, the link on the web site doesn't work.18:08
randomusrPolterg|st, so fresh install it and migrate files?18:08
Polterge|strandomusr, for instance it should install the files from the dvd first before ever using a network connection and then search the net if a connection is available as a 2ndary thing18:08
freeanshugianni: tell18:09
russianzillaDr_Willis: I can't use any graphical programs with sudo because it gives me a segfault, and my error logs all point to a .so file that's created by libgtk2.0-018:09
Polterge|stand "then" it should look for newer versions of some of the packages18:09
zap0defrysk, can you actually confirm its available ?18:09
Dr_Willisrussianzilla:  and 'opening' it is supposed to do what excatly?  Perhaps reinstall it. MIGHT fix somthing.18:09
dreamywhats the application to use tv out ( svideo ) for the mobility readeon m6 ly ?18:09
Polterge|strandomusr, I have too much valuable stuff to lose and not enough space to back it all up18:09
Dr_Willisrussianzilla:  you do realiuze that with Graphical apps you should NOT be using sudo, but use 'gksudo' ?18:09
russianzillaDr_Willis: I've tried reinstalling it at least five times now, including deleting the file and letting the package replace it. No good.18:09
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)18:10
randomusrPolterg|st, have you experienced any dependancy issues due to the order in where it checks for packages upon install?18:10
Dr_Willisrussianzilla:  gksu, or kdesudo18:10
Polterge|stonly 3 that said they would no longer be supported, randomusr18:10
zap0why can't ubuntu web site manage to make a torrent work ?18:10
defryskzap0, whats available ?18:10
Polterge|stother than that it is downloading every package even though I have the alternate DVD18:10
Dr_Williszap0:  the torrent worked here for me fine18:10
russianzillaDr_Willis: I realize that, but gksudo is broken too.18:10
skeletalnobody can help me?18:10
Dr_Willisrussianzilla:  sounds like you may have deeper issues then.18:10
russianzillaDr_Willis: As is gksu.18:11
Paddy_EIREskeletal: what is the problem?18:11
zap0Dr_Willis, can you make it available to me ?18:11
Polterge|stzap0, you need a torrent client18:11
zap0i need the .torrent first.18:11
Dr_Williszap0:  i dident keep the .torrent file. I saw it on many other tracker/torrent search sites also18:11
rippsHow's the server load today?18:11
Paddy_EIREzap0: O_o18:11
TonyTheTigerhow can i find out what my graphics card is on my laptop with ubunutu? (driver isnt installed yet but need to know model so i can install it)18:11
Dr_WillisI was getting a single iso file in about 6 min.  i think18:11
rippsTonyTheTiger: lspci |grep VGA18:11
defryskzap0, first the client, then you can download it18:11
randomusrI suppose that can create some unneeded traffic and slow the system Polterg|st18:11
zap0Paddy_EIRE, the file i get was not a valid torrent file... the ubuntu web site is broken.18:11
h8redwhat would be a good amount of ram to give to a Win XP Guest VM18:11
Paddy_EIREzap0: you want the alternative install for i386?18:12
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: lspci | grep VGA18:12
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h8redI'm thinking of giving it a gig18:12
Paddy_EIREzap0: its not.. I downloaded from it18:12
zap0Paddy_EIRE, i dont know what alternative implies.18:12
randomusrPolterg|st, maybe they'll do a refresh?18:12
Dr_Willisworked for me18:12
Polterge|stI have nothing against 9.04 I just think the update process could be tweaked a little bit for the purpose of speed being the first priority and updating to the very latest packages if a network connection is available being the second priority18:12
usserh8red, i have it running on 51218:12
Paddy_EIREzap0: oh I thought you where asking Dr_Willis for the alternate cd18:12
Polterge|strandomusr, maybe I dunno18:12
Dr_Willisalt cd is also at that site.18:12
skeletal<Paddy_EIRE> So guy, i have problema with StarDict18:13
* pronoy_ is happy that jaunty is such a success18:13
randomusrPolterg|st, what can ya do?18:13
freeanshugianni: yes18:13
TonyTheTigerthanks, I have another problem, when i select the highest level of desktop effects I get a message saying i need some 3d support update.18:13
TonyTheTigerwhen I say do it, it hangs on 0%18:13
Paddy_EIREskeletal: Is that a kde application?18:13
zap0Paddy_EIRE, im *still* trying to downlad a .torrent file18:13
skeletal<Paddy_EIRE>When i type the commando " make" show some erros. Take a look: http://pastebin.com/d237adcc318:13
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: are you using jaunty ?18:13
h8redusser:  it has 700 now, but not sure if I want to give it more since I'm using it to transcode video in NeroVision, which is a pretty intensive task18:13
Paddy_EIREzap0: what about the one I gave you?18:13
TonyTheTigerhmm not sure what jaunty is but im using 8.1018:13
secret901I upgraded to Jaunty and now I can't play videos in any video application.18:13
gianniI have a poblem, whenev I type in a cetain lette my ubuntu cashes18:13
Polterge|stTonyTheTiger, compiz must be installed and you need to make sure your vid driver is being used18:13
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: its intrepid and18:13
randomusrdoes anyone know of a good prepackaged distro for testing network/server security?18:14
zap0Paddy_EIRE, you never gave me one, it didn't transfer anything..  i dont know if i have DCC working.18:14
skeletal<Paddy_EIRE> I dont know.18:14
Polterge|stif you have a decent vid card that is supported it should not give you many problems if you do those things18:14
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: you know what card you have .........install the drivers.....and then install compiz18:14
randomusrthis would be for proof of concept18:14
Paddy_EIREzap0: you said that you got it18:14
LurkersArandomusr: NST18:14
Paddy_EIREzap0: ok I will upload it to mediafire or something18:14
russianzillaDr_Willis: Never mind, apparently after about six months it was my system theme....18:14
randomusrLurkersA, thanks18:14
nfrshow can I configure the delay and speed of keypress repetition? that is, when a key is pressed and held18:14
PunerFor a month I have had Windows Xp and then Wubi install of ubuntu 9.04 RC.18:14
PunerNow I want to add Windows 7 to the dual boot. Is this possible to do? Will it mess up Wubi?18:14
zap0Paddy_EIRE, no,  i said the 30th retry of the ubuntu web site give me a pile of /dev/random  crap.18:14
TonyTheTigerpronoy_, ill go attempt that cheers.18:14
Dr_Willisrussianzilla:  a theme breaking things? thats.... weird.18:15
Oprtzi download ubuntu 9.04 2 times, and both times check sum was not equal, do anybody know the best server to download ubuntu 32bit x86 version for desktop? thanks18:15
Nullifi3danyone available to help with my wired nic18:15
Nullifi3didk whats wrong18:15
russianzillaDr_Willis: No kidding, especially after months. Something about deprecated code.18:15
Dr_Williszap0:  http://isohunt.com/torrents.php?ihq=ubuntu+desktop18:15
zap0Paddy_EIRE, can you make avaiable to me via http the .torrent files you have18:15
Nullifi3di keep dropping18:15
giannican anyone help me?18:15
LurkersAOprtz: use a torrent18:15
Paddy_EIREzap0: which ones do you want18:15
keonneIm trying to do a clean install over my xubuntu 8.04 of Ubuntu 9.04. when I try to install it fails to launch the GUI and goes into the command line.18:15
Polterge|stOprtz, type "get ubuntu" into google18:15
keonneI know the CD works because I used it just before on another computer18:15
randomusrLurkersA, wasn't there a another decent one that was shutdown?18:15
Dr_Willisrussianzilla:  ive had old 'settings' in gnome/kde goof things up befor - but never that badly18:15
zap0Paddy_EIRE, x86 desktop.18:15
Punercan anyone answer my question or what18:15
LurkersArandomusr: look on distrowatch18:15
OprtzPolterge|st: okie18:15
keonneis there a way to install 9.04 through the command line?18:16
Polterge|stthere is a website that officially has it18:16
raazmanI just installed 9.04 freshly and I try playing music and it seems like the music is slow and at a lower tone18:16
pronoy_keonne: booting from a disk ?18:16
raazmanany help on tht?18:16
keonnepronoy_: yes18:16
Polterge|straazman, you probably need restricted media plugins maybe18:16
pronoy_keonne: its not a RC is it ?18:16
Polterge|stthat is just a guess18:16
dattawill anything rong be done if i remove deb packages? after installation?18:17
keonnethe disk works as well...i installed 9.04 on another computer today18:17
raazmanPolterge|st: i thin kit already downloaded and installed tht on its own18:17
dattaor do i have to keep them18:17
keonneno not a RC18:17
keonnethe iso is from this morning18:17
Polterge|straazman, hmmm18:17
HelloWorlddatta: No.18:17
Flanneldatta: nope.  `sudo apt-get clean` will do it for you18:17
Polterge|straazman,  have you rebooted or logged out since it installed that package ?18:17
dattai use jaunty, can't i use the janitor?18:17
TonyTheTigeranyone know whether there are ubuntu drivers for the ati radeon 200m express graphics cards?18:17
raazmanumm no i dont thin kso18:17
nfrshow can I configure the delay and speed of keypress repetition? that is, when a key is pressed and held18:18
Nullifi3dneed help with my wired nic18:18
pronoy_keonne: hang on18:18
keonnepronoy_: i dont understand why the GUI fails to load and it falls back to command line...18:18
Polterge|straazman, try rebooting or logging out and see if it changes anything18:18
raazmanPolterge|st: you think I should try rebooting?18:18
raazmanok ill check18:18
Polterge|straazman, if it does not then there may be another issue18:18
Polterge|stsometimes it fixes things18:18
raazmanok let me try that18:18
crdlbnfrs: look in system > preferences > keyboard18:18
keonnepronoy_: basically the install screen comes up and i can select to install 9.04 but it dosent get much further after that18:18
nfrscrdlb: using kubuntu18:18
Polterge|stit may or may not work18:18
rippsdatta: Janitor removed locally installed packages and old kernel pacakges. In most cases it's okay to use it, but you might lose software that you manually installed outside of apt.18:18
fwaokdaI downloaded the 9.04 desktop img and I used the image writer to write it to my usb thumbdrive... but when I restart the computer and try to boot up through the thumbdrive nothing happens and it just goes to the grub menu... how can i fix this ? :(18:18
Polterge|stworth a try though18:18
raazmanPolterge|st: hopefully it does =/18:19
gianniI have a poblem, whenev I type in a cetain lette my ubuntu cashes18:19
crdlbnfrs: you might have more luck in #kubuntu then18:19
Polterge|styeah I know what you mean18:19
Paddy_EIREzap0: it'll be another moment as mediafire take forever to upload to even with simple text files18:19
pronoy_keonne: why don't you go for an upgrade ?18:19
Polterge|stI like the media features in Ubuntu personally so I'm hoping this isn't a common problem18:19
PunerI want to add Windows 7 to the dual boot. Is this possible to do? Will it mess up Wubi?18:19
raazmanok im going to reboot18:19
dattaripps thanks for the information18:19
keonnepronoy_: I have Xubuntu 8.0418:19
Dr_Willisgianni:  and what letter is that?18:19
pronoy_keonne: so ??18:19
gianniI can't type it18:19
keonnepronoy_: and I was hoping to do a clean install...18:19
rippsdatta: your welcome18:19
keonnepronoy_: but i am open to upgrading?18:20
gianniwhat is the missing lette18:20
nfrscrdlb: I am, no reply from there18:20
keonnehow do I upgrade from Xubuntu 8.04 to Ubuntu 9.04?18:20
Oprtzwhich location is best to download ubuntu 9.04? i download new ubuntu 2 times but it has some check sum errors,18:20
pronoy_keonne: hmm....i'll check for the clean install using command line....for upgrading check the channel topic18:20
Dr_WillisOprtz:  use the torrents.. they are faster then the download servers18:20
Flannelkeonne: You have two separate things going on.  You need to convert to Ubuntu, and upgrade.  (In any order).  Also, you'll need to upgrade to 8.10 and then to 9.0418:21
jimiusi'm tryin gto upgrade to 9.04, but my terminal says i have no spcae left on device, how can i check how much is left om the diskwhere the /tmp/ folder is ion?18:21
gianniI can't do anything without typeing that18:21
OprtzDr_Willis: okie thanks18:21
Flanneljimius: df -h18:21
disowndoleyb: I've got a intel 945GM and I found out that there is a problem enabling tiling in the kernel. Will try UXA accel method and reboot. brb18:21
atempuI've recently found a bug and want to make sure it's affecting everyone18:21
Dr_Willisgianni:  so you mean to say any time you hit the 'r' key the ubuntu system crashes? or reboots? or does what exactly? Does this also affect teh CONSOLE?18:21
crdlbnfrs: I'm sure it's in the kde control panel somehwere, I just have no idea where :/18:22
pronoy_Flannel , keonne: i have nothing on installing jaunty fresh using command line18:22
nnullanyone know the default password for u: ubuntu on 9.04 LiveCD's ???18:22
gianninot boots18:22
Dr_Willisgianni:  i would try the console, and a different keyboard for starters.18:22
keonneFlannel: So first  I will upgrade Xubuntu to 8.10, then convert xubuntu to ubuntu, and then upgrade to 9.04?18:22
cnus8nnnull: there is no passwd for the user ubuntu on live CD - just press enter18:22
Paddy_EIREzap0: http://drop.io/Paddy_EIRE#18:22
LossifDoes 9.04 have anything that would make it I could not mount a drive from 8.04?18:22
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TonyTheTigerguys where can i get to the restricted driver manager option? its not in system > administration :s18:23
Dr_Willisgianni:  yes. the alt-ctrl-f1 cosoles..18:23
LossifI have a bunch of files on a drive that I can see but it won't let me play them18:23
Flannelkeonne: That would work.18:23
Labutawhelp afte configure my etc/network/interfaces how will i know that i have the internet connection18:23
juliushi all is the ubuntu latest stable to try?18:23
Dr_WillisTonyTheTiger:  its called hardware-drivers now it seems18:23
Flannelpronoy_: Define "command line"?18:23
jimiusit says /dev/sdb5/ uses 50 of 54 gb available,. but i hardly have anything on it18:23
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: hardware driver.....system > admin18:23
Paddy_EIREzap0: did that work?18:23
Labutawhelp afte configure my etc/network/interfaces how will i know that i have the internet connection?18:23
zap0still waiting for it to load.18:23
keonneFlannel: Thank you. Is there a guide to convert xubuntu to ubuntu or it is a simple process?18:23
TonyTheTigerDr_Willis and pronoy thanks.18:23
raazmanPolterge|st: Thanks, problem solved :)18:23
jimiusman, sucks that i can't just see the physical drives18:24
atempujulius: yep.18:24
Flannel!puregnome | keonne18:24
ubottukeonne: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »18:24
rippsjulius: as always, when in doubt, try a livecd first18:24
pronoy_Flannel: as keonne said......the gui fails when the cd is booted18:24
Polterge|straazman, I thought that might help18:24
raazmanPolterge|st: A simple reboot fixed it18:24
Flannelkeonne: Er, that factoid... is wrong now.18:24
Flannelkeonne: Give me a sec18:24
Dr_WillisTonyTheTiger:  i always run it from 'jockey-gtk' they never change that :)18:24
atempujulius: Just don't use ext4 for now18:24
raazmanPolterge|st: yup18:24
keonneFlannel: OK18:24
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attila_how do I find out, which graphics driver is used? (jaunty)18:24
u007-1Labutaw: ipconfig?18:24
jimiushow can i see physical drives a'la windows in18:24
keonnepronoy_: im just going to upgrade for simplicity sake18:24
Flannelkeonne: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome18:24
Flannelpronoy_: so, use the alternate CD?18:24
nnullcnus8n, using openssh its not accepting it18:25
pronoy_attila_: it automatically detects according to your vga18:25
Polterge|straazman, sometimes it has to reference certain libs I think before logging into X18:25
Polterge|stI think it has something to do with the priority that things are loaded18:25
atempuattila_: Go to System, Administration, Hardware drivers18:25
crdlbattila_: 'glxinfo | grep renderer' will give a hint18:25
pronoy_Flannel: alternate cd ?? how will that help ?18:25
secret901after I upgraded to Jaunty I can't watch my videos through vlc or any video player.18:25
Salajadinsudo apt-get remove --purge kubuntu-desktop18:25
Flannelpronoy_: Because it doesn't have a GUI?18:25
raazmanPolterge|st: But it was playing music, but why distorted?18:25
Salajadinsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop18:25
Instiwhen I go to do a dist-upgrade it wants to remove a whole lot of useful packages, is there any way to tell it to leave them alone?18:25
pronoy_keonne: check Flannel's reply18:26
keonnethe alternative CD?18:26
Polterge|straazman, that might have been a dependency error18:26
Flannelkeonne: Yeah.18:26
BadRobothi there18:26
Polterge|stor possibly something dealing with memory18:26
Salajadinkeonne try the one i said above18:26
raazmanPolterge|st: ahhh ok18:26
nnulldw all good18:26
matt__Hi all i have my 8.04 box running mdadm raid 1 for the system drives both have a /boot on them so that if either fail the system will still boot.  I want to perform and upgrade to 9.04 meaning i have two upgrades to do 8.04 - 8.10 - 9.04.  I don't want to risk loosing my system so i have removed one half of my raid 1 mirror and now started the upgrade process (still running now).  My Question is....... Once the upgrade is complete how will the remerging of the m18:26
raazmanPolterge|st: well thanks for that. I would have been sitting here trying to figure it out and probably realize it the next day.18:26
BadRobotI need some help regarding which file system to use. I am installing ubuntu and i am not such which file system to use18:27
keonneok i will try the alt CD18:27
Polterge|straazman, it is likely that there could have been a memory leak or something that was needed such as a certain lib might not have been referenced or loaded correctly18:27
BCMM_is there a way i can make the system run a script after everything else has booted up?18:27
BadRobotext3 or Ext418:27
Polterge|stI'm just guessing though18:27
keonneand then if that dosent work I will try to upgrade18:27
keonnethanks guys18:27
Polterge|straazman, hehe I've had similar problems before18:27
faeryan_Anyone else here experienced a problem where the whole system freezed and doesn't respond to anything from mouse or keyboard after only the monitor has been turned off?18:27
attila_crdlb, "OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 20060815 AGP 8x TCL". Cant see the driver in this string :)18:27
Dr_WillisBCMM_:  rc.local is often used for that.18:27
pronoy_BadRobot: ext3 or 4 mounted at /18:27
BCMM_Dr_Willis, where is that?18:27
Dr_WillisBCMM_:  in /etc/ where its been for years. :)18:27
rippsattila_: that means your using the opensource ati drivers18:27
raazmanPolterge|st: ahh ok gotcha.18:27
hateballBCMM_: does it ahve to be exact? if not, start a script in rc.local with "sleep <value>"18:27
crdlbattila_: you're using the radeon driver18:27
Dr_WillisBCMM_:  where most configs are at.18:28
BadRobotYeo I know,but which do you guys recommend EXT3 or EXT4?18:28
BCMM_hateball, is rc.local not actually after everything else then?18:28
Paddy_EIREzap0: hello... did you get that?18:28
pronoy_BadRobot: i guess ext3 is the one i am on18:28
rippsBadRobot: ext3, some issues still pop up regarding ext418:28
kyle_does the aspire one wifi work18:28
BCMM_is ext4 considered stable yet?18:28
Polterge|stBadRobot, ext4 is newer and faster18:28
Paddy_EIREBCMM_: yes18:28
Polterge|stext3 was the filesystem in 8.1018:28
Polterge|stext3 is more stable probably18:28
TonyTheTigerhello can anyone help me install my graphics card via the command line?18:28
rippsBCMM_: yes, but that doesn't mean there aren't a few bugs here and there.18:29
hateballBCMM_: Well, GDM starts etc... I'm not sure what you consider "everything" :)18:29
Polterge|stext4 is faster and better for file transfers if I'm not mistaken18:29
zap0Paddy_EIRE, yes thanks.  download the iso now...    finally!18:29
attila_ripps, crdlb thx18:29
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: just install the debian package of the corrosponding vga18:29
Polterge|stbetter for large file transfers rather18:29
rippsTonyTheTiger: what's you card?18:29
BCMM_wow, i shouldh've been paying attention, i've just formatted some big hard drives18:29
fwaokdahow do i find out which drive label my usb drive is using?18:29
theuser1 does any one here have ssh server runing ?18:29
fwaokdalike sda sdb etc18:29
Dr_Willistheuser1:  ssh run fine here.18:29
TonyTheTigerxpress radeon 200m18:29
Lossifif I had a second hard drive under 8.04 and I mount it as a second hard drive under 9.04 will it still work?18:29
Dr_WillisLossif:  should.18:30
hateballfwaokda: run "dmesg" in a terminal when you insert it18:30
raevolwhat do i need to be able to play .aac files in rythmbox in ubuntu? wiki mentions gstreamer-plugins-bad but i already have all the gstreamer packages18:30
fwaokdak thanks18:30
TonyTheTigerpronoy_, im behing a proxy lan so installing stuff with a gui doesnt work too well. I have set up the command line properly so thats how i gotta do it.18:30
kyle_what is the netbook remix like?18:30
LossifDr_Willis: fstab looks different18:30
theuser1Dr_Willis: can i poke in . just for testing18:30
Dr_Williskyle_:  nice in aways annoying in others.18:30
secret901I'm getting "badalloc insufficient resources for operation" errors when trying to play videos in any player after upgrading to Jaunty.18:30
Dr_WillisLossif:   try mounting it by hand.. it should have a rather normal standard fstab entry.18:30
TonyTheTigerripps, xpress radeon 200m ATI18:30
BadRobotthx you guys18:31
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: sudo apt-get install <packgage name>18:31
kyle_what is netbook remix like?18:31
BadRobotso should I stick with ext3 then?18:31
LossifDr_Willis: well I tried. and when I try to share it it says I don't have permission18:31
kyle_what is netbook remix like?18:31
kyle_what is netbook remix like?18:31
kyle_what is netbook remix like?18:31
TonyTheTigerpronoy_, I know that much (thank god) but the package names and installing a gfx driver i would imagine is slightly more complicated.18:31
FloodBot2kyle_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:31
Dr_Williskyle_:  care to carify? You can install the remix on a normal desktop if you want to see how it 'feels'18:31
TonyTheTigerI could be wrong though.18:31
badcloudanyone run into skype audio problems after running gnome mplayer?18:31
LossifDr_Willis: or try watch any videos off it18:31
pronoy_BadRobot: you need to decide that on your own bro......... its like asking what's better gnome or kde18:31
Dr_Williskyle_:  its like a huge fluffy marshmellow with  eyes.18:32
pronoy_TonyTheTiger..hang on18:32
kyle_what is netbook remix like?18:32
Dr_WillisLossif:  its ext2 or ext3 you MUST set the owner/permissions properly on it..18:32
Polterge|stBadRobot, do you prefer stability or do you prefer cutting edge software and speed ?18:32
winter__what's a good tutorial on audio?18:32
BadRobotwell, both18:32
LossifDr_Willis: it is ext3, how do I do that?18:32
zakirshello , i am having a problem with my cd drive , it shows any cd as a blank cd i want to install 9.04 ( iam currently on LTS ) , therror it shows when i try to bvrowse the disc on nautilus is Could not open location 'burn:///' "    help would be much appreciated18:32
Polterge|stbtw BadRobot at some point ext4 will become as stable or more stable than ext318:32
Dr_WillisLossif:  with the chmod and chown commands normally.18:33
winter__if i use oss i can get sound, but then there's no software mixing so it only shows up in one program18:33
BadRobotbut I need a fast file system, but which does mess up with my HDD18:33
Dr_WillisLossif:  they need to be owned by the user you want to access them18:33
Polterge|stit wouldn't hurt to try ext4 BadRobot there were data loss problems but I think that was patched18:33
pronoy_BadRobot: if you are ready for experimentation go for ext4 rely on stability then ext318:33
Polterge|stBadRobot, just make sure you use a partition larger than 4 gb18:33
winter__Polterge|st: they were "patched"18:33
winter__ext4 has a semi-broken design18:33
winter__from what i understand18:33
* winter__ is trying ext4, though18:34
Polterge|stwinter__, exactly18:34
Miro1I just install Ubuntu 9.04 and I can't connect to the internet with Speedtouch 330 . Did anyone connect with  this type of modem?18:34
Polterge|stI am thinking about trying it too18:34
maxagazmy update to jaunty has failed because my laptop has powered off, then i got a syntax error in /var/lib/dpkg/status, which i replaced by status-old to continue the install, but i'm losing the following processes, how to know what should be done after this step ?18:34
ravenhi - (how) is it possible to show fullscreen video ONLY on an external screen also with several virtual desks? - tnx...18:34
pronoy_if winter__ is right then i guess BadRobot you should stick to ext3 for now18:34
winter__for me18:34
jmcand_hi all where is the thunderbird .def  folder in ubuntu 9.04?18:34
kaushikiitdi just used sudo apt-get update to update to 9.04 from 9.04 beta...how can i confirm that update is done?18:34
winter__i like xfs :P18:34
Polterge|stI may use ext3 and upgrade to ext4 when it is more stable18:34
erUSUL!final | kaushikiitd18:34
ubottukaushikiitd: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.18:34
winter__i was sold on xfs when it was able to revive itself after a drive was totally scrambled18:34
Dr_Willisraven:  on my nvidia/twinview setup. I just drag the video player to the 2nd monitor and fullscreen it.18:34
zakirsubottu,  i am having a problem with my cd drive , it shows any cd as a blank cd i want to install 9.04 ( iam currently on LTS ) , therror it shows when i try to bvrowse the disc on nautilus is Could not open location 'burn:///18:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:34
winter__(partition table cooked, etc)18:34
Polterge|stI don't know much about XFS18:34
Polterge|stI haven't ever used XFS before18:35
Dr_Williszakirs:  ubottu  is a 'bot' :) not a person18:35
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: check this http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_Catalyst_8.1_Driver_Manually18:35
winter__Polterge|st: it's EXTREMELY reliable in my experience18:35
happosade!XFS | Polterge|st18:35
ubottuPolterge|st: xfs is a high-performance journaling filesystem originally developped by Silicon Graphics for their IRIX OS. It is now fully supported by Linux so you can install Ubuntu on it if you wish. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFS18:35
zakirsDr_Willis,  phail :|18:35
Tetsuohow can I tell firefox or java to use OSS instead of ALSA for sound output?18:35
coz_zfs is cool I dont about xfs18:35
winter__zfs is something else entirely :)18:35
BadRobotok thank you guys for your help , i will use ext3 for while then18:35
Dr_Williszakirs:  try some othe rcd burning app perhaps.18:35
zakirsDr_Willis,  any help regarding my PROblem18:35
TonyTheTigerpronoy_, thats a Ubuntu Gutsy Installation Guide18:35
winter__xfs has never done me wrong18:35
Dr_Williszakirs:  i tend to use k3b18:35
ravenDr_Willis yes i do it the same way but when i change the desk the external monitor changes too - that's the problem18:35
zakirsDr_Willis,  even live cd is not working :|18:35
winter__so i just use it by default, but like i said: trying ext4 right now18:35
* pronoy_ remembers when he thought ubottu was the ultimate supporting man on the channel :)18:35
zakirsis it a problem with my drive ?18:36
Polterge|stI remember in BeOS their filesystem was pretty good18:36
BadRobotAnyone using AMD Athlon Neo processor?18:36
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: its more or less the same18:36
Polterge|stI wonder if the BeFS is anything like XFS18:36
erUSULpronoy_: ROTFL18:36
erUSULPolterge|st: nope18:36
winter__i should try installing an ext4 ubuntu on one partition and then an xfs ubuntu on another partition and compare using bootchart :)18:36
happosadeless is more18:36
Dr_Willisraven:  twinview has a option to have 2 seperate X sessions on each display.. perhaps ya want that.18:36
TonyTheTigerpronoy_, oh ok. ill try it. Saw it before and thought that was installing another ubuntu version.18:36
dfgaswhen i install ubuntu on my amd 750mhz, it installs fine, but the pata hard drive shows up as sda, when i reboot to get into the new installation grub gives me an error 18. any ideas?18:36
Dr_Willisraven:  or set the video player to be 'shown on all desktops/sticky/18:36
Polterge|stthe BeFS was pretty stable unfortunately they stopped development on the OS18:37
happosade!grup error 1818:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grup error 1818:37
winter__XFS's "killer app" is xfs_repair18:37
happosadedamn :D18:37
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: its just a guide to ati18:37
winter__which can fix damn near anything18:37
EnissayHow can i use paltalk with linx ? -not express flash version-18:37
ravenDr_Willis separat Xview does not support it i mean - i tried it already18:37
Polterge|stthat sounds pretty nice18:37
LadyNikonoops wrong channel18:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about update-manager18:38
Polterge|stwinter__, is XFS pretty quick ?18:38
ravenhow to set up your second option?18:38
happosadedfgas: If I remeber rigth, err 18 means that something is wrong in partitions. I am not sure.18:38
zach2200who knows how to cransfer music to an mp3 player18:38
winter__it is very nice when you need it, but until you really need it :)18:38
winter__it's acceptable18:38
maxagazWhat does the command "update-manager -d" do exactly ?18:38
winter__i don't really notice any difference between ext3/xfs/reiser 318:38
winter__although actually i like reiser3 the least of those choices18:38
winter__i haven't done any benchmarks18:39
twelphI just installed jaunty, but I cant seem to find docky after I installed Gnome-do?18:39
bigfoot_yetihi guys18:39
happosade!benchmark > me18:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about benchmark18:39
nnullmaxagaz, "man update-manager" in terminal18:39
happosadeok, uncool..18:39
Polterge|stit sounds like XFS is as fast as ext3 just more stable18:39
winter__http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/388 <-- basic benchmark18:39
bigfoot_yetianyone familiar with sw-raid5 ?18:39
winter__Polterge|st: that would be my take yeah18:40
winter__MIND YOU18:40
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: you know that's a bad chip18:40
zach2200lol zach2200 neds help understanding  what he is doing wrong18:40
winter__i don't think grub likes xfs18:40
mib_u2bd5eixwhich site do u guys go to customize ur linux18:40
kaushikiitdis there any difference between ubuntu 9.04 beta and final18:40
zach2200anybody any body18:40
Lossifis there a way to chmod ALL of the folders and files in the folders at once w/o going in and doing it individualy?18:40
winter__not 100% sure, but last time i partitioned for ubuntu (which was like 7.10 admittedly) i needed a separate /boot partition on ext318:40
erUSUL!final | kaushikiitd18:40
ubottukaushikiitd: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.18:40
pronoy_mib_u2bd5eix: we do it on our own..... install what you like.......18:41
winter__that SHOULD be fixed by now :)18:41
Polterge|stmib_4a6rub,  add/remove programs in the menu18:41
maxagaznnull, it does more than what is said in the man pages18:41
Polterge|stwrong nick18:41
Polterge|stwas for mib_u2bd5eix18:41
mib_u2bd5eixwhere do people usually get their applications? -customize?18:41
TonyTheTigerpronoy_, what do you mean a "bad" chip?18:41
Vve34Hello everyone :)18:41
maxagaznnull, i'd like to see all the commands it's running18:41
Vve34I'm new on IRC chat :)18:41
kaushikiitderUSUL:but wouldnt it be better if i reinstall the final version all over again?18:41
twelphAnyone know how to get docky in jaunty? It doesnt seem to be in Gnome-do in the repo18:41
Polterge|stwinter__, yeah I'm waiting to see how long my upgrade to 9.04 will take me18:41
mib_u2bd5eixim using mibbit to IRC18:42
winter__i just installed from a fresh iso18:42
happosadeVve34: You can ask what ever you wany (about Ubuntu) in here.18:42
pronoy_mib_u2bd5eix: well google would be my answer......i have this whole mac thing ......and i have completely customized my pc to look like mac18:42
mib_u2bd5eixit takes 10 mins to install18:42
winter__bought a big HDD recently so i figured i may as well18:42
Polterge|stI'm using the alt dvd to upgrade so that I do not lose any valuable saved stuff but it is downloading most of the files anyway18:42
=== mib_u2bd5eix is now known as username1
Vve34do you know what is better? Xchat or X-chat Gnome??18:42
winter__i had to replace my motherboard recently and ubuntu 8.10 refuses to boot on the new one18:42
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: i meant that never have i seen an ATI guy not having trouble with his card.........i mean nvidia is so much easier to maniuplate18:42
Labutawhelp after configure my etc/network/interfaces how will i know that i have the internet connection?18:42
winter__(even the install disc won't boot)18:43
Polterge|stVve34, Xchat never does me wrong18:43
nnullmaxagaz, "top" ? .. other bust out your hex editor and sniffer and find out18:43
winter__Vve34: i prefer Xchat (non-gnome)18:43
pronoy_Vve34: i guess Xchat2 is good18:43
user___Labutaw: check the output of ifconfig18:43
Vve34OK Thank you very much :)18:43
johannixi'm having trouble with sound. It only plays one stream max. So if I have firefox open, it works, but then RhythmBox won't work. But if RhythmBox is the only one open, it works fine.18:43
Polterge|styeah non-gnome is what I prefer18:43
pronoy_Vve34: it'll work even on kde18:43
Polterge|steven though I like gnome18:43
maxagaznnull, it runs a list of commands, i'd like to see this list18:43
Polterge|stI just prefer the non-gnome version as it is cleaner looking18:43
h8redI'm using X-Chat Gnome.  I like it pretty well so far18:43
happosadeVve34: I think that Xchat is good for beginner. Irssi is more cooler, but you need know what to do for use it.18:43
TonyTheTigerpronoy_, well I havent had a problem with it yet, I havent installed it and my ubuntu is working. Only my games and firefox render slowly.18:43
TonyTheTigerpronoy_, but i expect it to be solved wen installed.18:44
pronoy_Polterge|st: i am on pidgin right now !! :D18:44
TonyTheTigerhopefully i wont have any problems *fingers crossed*18:44
nnullmaxagaz, not sure mate.18:44
h8redTonyTheTiger:  FF is a bit laggy for me too.  I'm assuming it's bc my videocard is old, Geforce2 MX18:44
nfrscan anyone figure out, why after upgrade kubuntu 8.10 -> 9.04 I no longer have "Keyboard" in systemsettings -> Keyboard & Mouse? (no reply from #kubuntu)18:44
Polterge|stpidgin is good too but I can't wait for their -vv to get fixed and implemented18:44
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: well bro......to every man his own .......... i would still opt for nvidia........18:44
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines18:44
Labutawuser__ i only saw lo but no eth1 and eth018:44
happosade!irc-clients | Vve3418:44
ubottuVve34: please see above18:44
Labutawuser__ i only saw lo but no eth1 and eth018:45
Polterge|stthe developers seem reluctant to do that for pidgin but that is one thing that would draw more users to linux18:45
Vve34happosade: Thank you :) :) [sorry my english is very bad- i know]18:45
TonyTheTigerpronoy_, Wao, I didnt mean it as an argument, I dont really have an option I would choose nvidia over ati anyday but its a laptop so i cant.18:45
Polterge|stpronoy_, when pidgin gets webcam and voice I will like it better18:46
pronoy_Polterge|st: you know...irssi is good too.......and the one preinstalled on kde.....don't remember its name.....i think konversation......thats cool too18:46
Polterge|stthat or when empathy messenger is made a little better18:46
Polterge|stoh yeah of course18:46
n8tuserLabutaw-> you have added an entry in your interfaces file?18:46
Polterge|stI used to use irssi18:46
Labutawn8tuser yes i did18:46
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: oh....haahaha.........i also support a desktop over a laptop :D hahahah18:46
n8tuserLabutaw -> can you post in pastebin your interfaces file?18:46
Labutawsudo nano /etc/network/interfaces18:47
Labutawhow n8tuser18:47
n8tuser!pastebin | Labutaw18:47
ubottuLabutaw: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:47
scythehow can I stop creating the documents, pictures, ... dirs after creating a new user?18:47
Vve34OK thank you - for everyone :) see you next time :)18:47
Vve34bye bye18:47
=== Fuli is now known as Guest57740
* pronoy_ thinks Vve34 is another satisfied customer although he didn't ask anything regarding ubuntu........but what the heck :)18:48
winter__Polterge|st: http://linuxgazette.net/102/piszcz.html <-- another set of benchmarks (again, dubious quality)18:48
kazagistar_I have a new Nehalem system, but /proc/cpuinfo only lists 1 of the 8 cores (4 processors each with hyperthreading)... any ideas on how to fix this?18:49
Labutawn8tuser http://paste.ubuntu.com/158060/18:49
raevolwhat do i need to be able to play .aac files in rythmbox in ubuntu? wiki mentions gstreamer-plugins-bad but i already have all the gstreamer packages18:49
stuckeyCan anyone tell me why "T" doesn't toggle the "stay on top" funtion of mplayer for me?18:49
stuckeyIt just says "Stay on top: Disabled" when I hit "T".18:49
broumilaei kaneis ellinika?18:50
n8tuserLabutaw -> what happened to the rest of the entry? like for lo?18:50
stuckeyIt never switches to "Stap on top: Enabled".18:50
Labutawi erase it18:50
fwaokdawhen I tried to run "fdisk /dev/sdb/" I get the error "Unable to open /dev/sdb"... I can mount/unmount the drive via disk mounter panel applet and view files on it but for some reason can't format it any ideas?18:50
pronoy_raevol: mine don't play either..i think you need xine codecs for this18:50
n8tuserLabutaw -> that wasnt too wise18:50
Flannel!gr | brou18:50
ubottubrou: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes18:50
=== Fuli__ is now known as Fuli
raevolpronoy_: do you know which ones?18:50
Labutawaws :( i forgot how to construct i back18:50
subsumeinstall fails at abnormal exit of /sbin/mobprobe..... what's the deal?18:51
pronoy_raevol: i can check..wait18:51
subsumei can't get anything but initramfs18:51
n8tuserLabutaw -> man interfaces18:51
subsumei installed knoppix HD version fine.18:51
gestohow can I update from 9.04 beta to new 9.0418:51
Labutawn8tuser im using textmode only18:51
Labutawi dont have GUI18:51
=== PriceChild is now known as pricey
=== pricey is now known as Pricey
n8tuserLabutaw -> man interfaces does not require gui18:51
=== x-24 is now known as JimGrey
intuitioni just installed qemu. . but i can't find it. how can i find an application please? lol18:51
kazagistar_gesto: just update to the newest patches with Update Manager, and you have it18:52
bigfoot_yetiany sw-raid expert please priv me18:52
douglasawhintuition: it should be under System Tools or Accessories. I'm not sure which one off the top of my head18:52
n8tuserintuition -> dpkg -l grep appname18:53
gestothank u18:53
n8tuserintuition -> dpkg -l |   grep appname18:53
triciensif you want a graphics card that just 'works' with Ubuntu, nVidia > ATI?18:53
Nullifi3danyone available to help me with my wired nic? drops every now and then18:53
Nullifi3dmostly on high load18:53
Dr_Willisqemu is the kind of tool. that you want to read its docs...18:53
Nullifi3dive resintalled drivers and blacklisted r816918:53
Nullifi3ddoesnt help18:54
Labutawn8tuser lols i dont understand what they say18:54
Labutawman interfaces18:54
Terinjokesis there a way to make a Ubuntu Live CD with VNC or SSH on by default?18:54
JockyWilsonUbuntu 9.04 NEW install.  Nvidia settings cannot save... /etc/X11/xorg.conf           Force Nvidia to SAVE settings  sudo nvidia-settings. Error message "Failed to Parse" anyone else experienced this?18:54
n8tuserLabutaw -> is english a 2nd language for you?18:54
theuser1in a 2 user account .1 . 2 .   on ssh.  if i have 2 accounts. 1 and 2 and i am runing both on the system. and someone ssh on 2. will i be able to control 2 or see what he is doing in 2. specially when he is in cammand line as well as sharing destkop with freenx ?18:54
Skapareshould I just go ahead and report the loud beeping at shutdown on the launchpad bug report page?  or is there a known fix for it? ... BTW it doesn't happen in kubuntu (but kubuntu has other issues)18:55
Dr_Willis theuser1  most likely.. no18:55
tricienscause i'm not having much luck with ATI HD387018:55
kazagistar_intuition: install "virt-manager", it is a simple yet powerful front-end to qemu18:55
agooleis there a way to re-start the upgrade ? I seem to have broken packages18:55
n8tuserLabutaw  try this   w3m http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/   on a command line to see the sample, no need for gui18:55
Labutawi mean the example stated why there is a ethe0-home  (home what thus it means)?18:55
Labutawk thanks18:56
intuitiondouglasawh :s cant find anything either at applications, places or system... well, can't find qemu i mean..;18:56
intuition n8tuser, i see it listed but it doesnt seem to provide info about it's location for me to start it up. (Im sorry im 100% new in linux)18:56
=== drkto is now known as drktoG
theuser1Dr_Willis: if he controls mouse and keyboard. makes icons on desktop. install apps . and on the same time iam watchin the desktop..  not even then.?18:56
pronoy_raevol: w32codecs18:56
n8tuserintuition -> which appname   will give you the location18:57
intuitionwell, i was searching for qemu.. :S Heh.18:57
Dr_Willistheuser1:  you can have multiple 'desktops' in linux. you CAN share the current desktop. or you can have  ones that are running and not nbeing displayed locally.18:57
intuition kazagistar_, thanks for the suggestion, i'll take a look18:57
JockyWilsonUbuntu 9.04 New install.  Cannot save nvidia-settings . "Failed to Parse" anyone else having this problem?18:58
Dr_Willistheuser1:  inlike how it works in windows normally.18:58
Dr_WillisJockyWilson:  you have to runthe tool as root user.  I just tryed it18:58
theuser1Dr_Willis: will you control my desktop ?18:58
Dr_WillisJockyWilson:  the menu/things dident run the tool as root like it should18:58
Dr_Willistheuser1:  why do i want to?18:58
Labutawn8tuser this link was given by si erUSUL  --> thats what i follow http://paste.ubuntu.com/158011/18:59
JockyWilsonsudo or gksudo nvidia-settings makes NO difference = PARSE ERROR: Parse error on line 41 of section Module in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.18:59
JockyWilson"Disable" is not a valid keyword in this section. Segmentation fault18:59
theuser1Dr_Willis: may some desktop icons. ill be shure it works. and see if i can see whats happening18:59
raevolpronoy_: i don't see that package18:59
Mayorov_Gíó è åáàòü, ñêîê òóò íàðîäó))18:59
JeruvyBCMM_: heres a blog entry that discusses several methods to do this: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/18:59
Dr_WillisJockyWilson:  ediot the file. remove line 41?   My xorg.conf is like 10 lines long18:59
agoolehow do I force a package that is kept back to be upgraded ?18:59
arvind_khadriagoole, pin it19:00
ienorandagoole: Try upgrading through synaptic?19:00
arvind_khadriagoole, oh sorry i read it the other way round19:00
Dr_Willistheuser1:  YOU have to purposly 'share' your current desktop. You could run the remote desktop viewer and connect to it. for a 'recursive' effect to see if it works.19:00
pronoy_raevol: you have medibuntu repository ?19:00
MegarainAny know any software, packages, etc, for deaf users?19:00
agooleienorand: i'm stuck to console only, haha,19:00
agoolearvind_khadri: s'ok , lol19:00
agoolei'm pretty stuck19:01
Labutawn8tuser also is it necesary to put auto eth0 what  makes auto eth0 so special?19:01
fwaokdaI'm trying to format my usb drive but can't seem to format it through gparted or on windows machine... can someone help me out :( ???19:01
leffsI want to know if there is support for the GM965 Intel Graphics video device?19:01
theuser1Dr_Willis: how19:01
jamesdixonis this the area for technical support?19:01
digitaloktaywhen i want to install my nvidia 173 driver with jockey installer,  after reboot DKMS installation [Fail]19:01
JockyWilsonDr Willis Old graphics card resoluntion is not detected by Ubuntu at installation I have to manually tweak xorg.conf to get multiple resolutions19:01
Dr_Willistheuser1:  shre the desktop. run the remote viewer client.. read the docs.. connect to 'localhost:port#' and see if it works19:01
Dr_WillisJockyWilson:  my 8800gtsxxx dident have th right res till i installed thenvidia drivers.19:02
theuser1Dr_Willis: it works on local host. but i want it to be rmote19:02
jamesdixonDoes anyone have an IBM THinkpad and were you able to get the 3rd mouse button to scroll?19:02
xaos11jamesdixon, yes19:02
n8tuserLabutaw -> auto  makes it auto up on boot19:02
jamesdixonI've tried and tried...can't seem to get it to work. Any tips?19:02
JockyWilsonall i get is 800x600 and "unknown monitor" Ubuntu 8.10 + 9.04 installation19:02
xaos11jamesdixon, what model?19:02
Dr_Willistheuser1:  try testing by connecting to your ip then. instead of localhost.19:02
JockyWilsonbefore i tweak xorg.conf file19:02
jamesdixonand I'm running Linux Mint 619:03
mambokurthi there. is there a possibility to generate grubs menu.lst automatically, i.e. is there a command to say grub to search through your devices for another os?19:03
FlannelBlah12309: please stop that19:03
xaos11jamesdixon, there is a thinkpad linux wiki out there that should help19:03
theuser1Dr_Willis: ip doesnt works. dont know why. and when i connect as            shh localhost               i only asks paswwrod for user 1 . but i want to first give user 2 login then its passwor. how can i do it?19:04
SazafrazHow come Adblock Plus doesn't work after I installed 9.04?19:04
jamesdixonthat site is down for the past 4 days.  I hope it goes back up again19:04
pronoy_Flannel: what's he doing ?? is that some bot command or something ?19:04
gordonjcp!ops | Blah1230919:04
ubottuBlah12309: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:04
Flannelgordonjcp: Erm?19:04
Dr_Willistheuser1:  might have to forward the proper ports then.19:04
raevolpronoy_: i don't, i think i am just going to get different formats of these files, it's just one album19:04
raevolthanks for the help19:04
gordonjcpFlannel: oh, you already poked 'im, sorry, didn't notice19:04
AmaranthBlah12309: Are you actually here?19:04
* raevol is off19:05
theuser1Dr_Willis: i have19:05
jamesdixonhow do I load up the xconfig file to edit it? what exactly do I type in the terminal?19:05
ienorandSazafraz: It works okay for me... save settings & reinstall?19:05
Carroarmato0Ubuntu Jaunty, great succes!19:05
pronoy_raevol: cool.....but you won't be able to listen to 3gp files' audio too19:05
Dr_Willisjamesdixon:  sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:05
arvind_khadriAmaranth, no he is there on #debian too19:05
n8tuserLabutaw -> on a command line do this  --     zcat /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/network-interfaces.gz19:05
AmaranthThis was a triumph, I'm making a note here, huge success19:05
n8tuserLabutaw and read through it19:05
jamesdixonthanks Dr_Willis19:06
Labutawk thanks19:06
=== satoshi__ is now known as satoshiabe
epalmto install skype, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype says "Add the Skype repository*: deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free".  how do i do this?19:06
Labutawwow long words to type :)19:06
Sazafrazienorand: Well the thing is I have the icon on the top right of firefox, but when I installed it, it never asked which filter I want to subscribe to19:06
Dr_Willisepalm:   go to the medibuntu repo site  - they got skype packages.. id use those befor the debian pacakges19:06
mambokurtis there a possibility to generate grubs menu.lst automatically, i.e. is there a command to say grub to search through your devices for another os?19:06
agooleepalm: they also have a script you can run too19:06
bruenigepalm: vim /etc/apt/sources.list19:06
Dr_Willis!medibuntu | epalm19:06
ubottuepalm: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:06
eitriHey, I'm trying to backup all my dvd's and I'm wondering how I should do that in ubuntu. I would like to make exact copy(copy/paste does not work. How do a do this?19:07
gestoI followed your instructions and run update Manager in order to update from 9.04 Beta to latest 9.04 .How can I make sure that I am now running the stable ?19:07
Dr_Willismambokurt:  ive nevver seen/found the tool that does that under ubuntu.. other then the installer.19:07
AshexAnyone have a suggestion for a desktop widget/applet that will display system info?19:07
jamesdixonfor some reason, I don't even have a "mouse" section in my xorg.conf file....perhaps I'll post it on the forums and see if anyone there can help19:07
beryloghi, how can I see all my windows minimized of all my desktops and not only the windows of the current desktop in Ubuntu?19:07
Sh3r1ffeitri: create iso's of your dvd's19:07
mambokurtDr_Willis: you know some place to ask for that?19:07
fwaokdaI have a usb drive that is acting funny... i think its in read only mode. I don't know how to fix it, here is some info i got from dmesg on it... http://www.tinyurl.com/fwaokda  -- can someone plz help me so i can install 9.04 already :( ?????19:07
Labutawsir n8tuser it working i can pink now the only prob is auto eth1 ahahaha19:08
Labutawthanks thanks now what's next19:08
mediaanyone have the problem of medibuntu not showing up in synaptic?  I had to install everything from the terminal :-/19:08
utabakhi I would like to record what I am doing on my desktop for a tutorial, which application should I use to record it as a movie?19:08
Labutawlols the webmin19:08
eitriSh3r1ff: ok I figuered that out by my self.. But somehow I can't get that to work. I think it19:08
joaopintoutabak, recordmydesktop19:08
pronoy_media: yeah19:08
Sh3r1ffmedia: do a refresh in synaptic19:08
eitriSh3r1ff: ok I figuered that out by my self.. But somehow I can't get that to work. I think it's me lacking css og something19:08
mediawhich way do you suggest?19:08
farfanepalm: install ubuntu tweak, http://www.getdeb.net/download/4222/0, and in the "applications" tab you can install lots of cool apps19:08
ienorandjamesdixon: I don't have a mouse section either... I think thoses things are configured otherwhere, but I don't know whence.19:08
Sh3r1ffeitri: apt-get install libdvdcss2 ;)19:09
utabakjoaopinto: thanks, I will check that immediately19:09
Sh3r1ffmedia: the button that says reload ? ;)19:09
mediayeah I did that heh19:09
TonyTheTigerGet: 2 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid-updates/main fakeroot 1.9.5ubuntu1.1 [114kB]19:09
TonyTheTiger0% [Waiting for headers]19:09
OKNI've upgraded my system yesterday to jaunty but i am having a problem with the headphone jack, when i plug it in the sound keeps on going through the speaker, I have a sony vaio19:09
TonyTheTigerim stuck on that.19:09
OKNcan anybody help me plz?19:09
Sh3r1ffmedia: search for w32codecs19:09
Sh3r1ffmedia: if you find it, everything is ok19:10
mediait shows up because I installed em from the terminal :-/19:10
eitriSh3r1ff: not that easy, it's not availible, but referred to by another package19:10
PropengHello everybody19:10
TonyTheTigeri guess ubuntu isnt ready yet, ill have to return to it in a few months.19:10
TonyTheTigerCheers for the help guys.19:10
Sh3r1ff!medibuntu | eitri19:10
Carroarmato0I think there is a problem with synaptic in Jaunty not displaying all available packages, like wireshark or banshee19:10
ubottueitri: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:10
irmandoscan someone help me with the following zenity command19:11
irmandosCDIMAGE=`zenity --file-selection --title=Ubuntu iso: --file-filter="*.iso"`19:11
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: i suggest you copy the package name and download it manually........i have a bad internet connection and thats how i do it19:11
eitriSh3r1ff: ah, I new I was missing something.. Thanks :)19:11
agoolehow do I reinstall dpkg ?19:11
afro-botwhat about janitor?19:11
agoolewill this affect adept ??19:11
M4rotkuhello all, can anyone give me a command that I could put in my rc.local that would set the volume settings for "front" speakers to 019:12
pronoy_Sh3r1ff: yeah.....i haven't figured out how to get w32codecs installed on my system........plz flag me for this conversation19:12
[TK]D-FenderI've jsut upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 (LONG process), and post-restart I've got it saying that I have a partial upgrade and I see the following packages listed : brasero, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad,lib-lucene2-java.19:12
epalmSh3r1ff: when installing medibuntu, why is there a "Any Ubuntu Release" option, along with jackalope, ibex, heron, etc?19:12
LurkersApronoy_: Add the medibuntu repos19:12
jirka_Good evening, how can I check If xv video is working or enable it? I'm using the new fglrx driver.19:12
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kazagistar_irmandos: perhaps Ubuntu iso: should have quotes?19:12
fwaokdais there anyone here who can help me repair my usb drive? its not working correctly after using ubuntu image creator... plz???19:12
pronoy_LurkersA: i did and the problem is w32codecs package refers to some other package19:12
Sh3r1ffepalm: medibunti isn't something you install, it adds packages to your repositories19:12
OKNis there any option to enable the headphone, or is it a buy or sth19:12
BuckyerUSUL:  Hey you up for it yet?19:12
=== MrComplain is now known as Samual
epalmSh3r1ff: understood.  the question stands.19:13
TonyTheTigerpronoy_, thanks for the help, but theres just too much things to do in ubuntu and being behind a proxy lan doesnt help with ubuntu's way of working with things.19:13
PropengWould someone help me install ubuntu? It just "doesn't start"19:13
=== Samual is now known as H_M-Ubuntu
Sh3r1ffepalm: where did you see that? cause normally you add the line in sources.list that corresponds to your distro19:13
kazagistar_fwaokda: no one can help you if you don't state your problem19:13
epalmSh3r1ff: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu19:13
JackWat|LapHas an experienced issues when connecting to VPN?  When I try to connect it says 'no valid vpn secrets'19:13
epalmSh3r1ff: "Any Ubuntu Release and keyring"19:14
[TK]D-FenderWhen I start the partial upgrade it says it will remove : libdb4.5-java and install libdb4.6-java, libdb4.6-java-gcj, and upgrade liblucene2-java.19:14
BuckyAnyone around willing to help me with suid permmisions? There all fucked up on my pc as far as I can tell and I need some one to help me with them19:14
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: well.....I have the same problem.....i usually manage by dividing my upgrade in 2 or 3 days........thats the best thing i like about the debian system.......your software can be installed in parts :)19:14
agoolecan someone help me with trying to fix dpkg ?19:14
kdaskcould someone please explain to me why you should use 64 bit ubuntu on a machine capable for it verses 32 bit? is it faster?19:14
raehey,, anyone from brazil, RS?19:14
Sh3r1ffepalm: that part is to download the key and add it, it is for every distro the same19:14
digitaloktaywhen i want to install my nvidia 173 driver with jockey installer,  after reboot DKMS installation [Fail] and cant start gdm19:14
Dr_Williskdask:  for some tasks it can be faster. and it can access more ram.19:14
kazagistar_Propeng: at what point does it stop starting? what does it do instead?19:14
Sh3r1ffepalm: you do that, and the part that corresponds to your distro19:14
Dr_Williskdask:  and now a days - it should support everything 32bit does19:14
raehey,, anyone from brazil, RS?19:15
pronoy_kdask: the processor buffers 64 bit commands and is obviously faster......19:15
TonyTheTigerpronoy_, well I dont understand much about how to do it seperatly and while the irc is helpful i can expect people to hold my hand for too long.19:15
BuckyAnyone able to help with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/157988/19:15
kdaskDr_Willis: is there a minimum RAM requirement?19:15
Dr_Williskdask:  min? err.. no. thats not  an issue19:15
BuckyI can't even shut down my computer because I don't have permission19:15
[TK]D-FenderBut it fails to do so, without error messages or any kind of notification of its results19:16
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion19:16
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD19:16
TonyTheTigerpronoy_, haha the thought of going back to vista has made me want to to attempt fixing this once more.19:16
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: there's nothing much to it......all you need to see is the dependencies and individually download them as per your internet resources.........the debian packages can be found at packages.ubuntu.com and all you need to do is to install them and carry on with your software installation19:16
[TK]D-FenderAnyone able to lend a hand on this?19:16
fwaokdakazagistar_, stated it a couple times, but dont mind doing it again: I used ubuntu image creator trying to put 9.04 on my usb drive. It completed restarted machine but it wouldn't boot up from the usb drive. I get back into ubuntu, and the drive no longer automounts... I install gparted and try to format it but it comes up as 3.76GiB unallocated. So I tried to plug into windows and format in there, but windows says it can't and to check 19:16
agoolehow do I fix a broken dpkg ?19:16
kdaskso it will speed up your computer even though you have less ram? Dr_Willis, pronoy19:16
PropengWhen I select "Install Ubuntu" from the startup menu, it just displays a blank screen then lists some text, then stops. Screenshot: http://image-fast.com/image/b19589a2ef8b/ubuntu.png19:17
Buckypronoy_: Any ideas on this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/157988/19:17
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: vista made me cry.....couldn't find a decent kernel debugger for it now that softice development is halted19:17
kdaskpronoy_ i meant19:17
macman_guys .. whats a good swf player besides firefox ?19:17
MegarainHey, I've only found one mention of translation ubuntu into ASL. Any one got some more info?19:17
ftjjHelp on ubuntu 9.04 installation19:17
Dr_Williskdask:  depends on the task.  it can19:17
epalmSh3r1ff: seems like the guide is a bit contrived.  the command entitled "Any Ubuntu Release and keyring" seems to add the source list, apt-get update, apt-get the keyring, and apt-get update again.  further below, there's "Then, add the GPG Key: " with similar commands19:17
losher!pt | rae19:17
ubotturae: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:17
ftjjsystem menu fails to activate upon click19:17
kdaskDr_Willis: what kind of tasks?19:18
wWalesi have a geforce go 6150 on my notebook, im running ubuntu 9.04, the Hardware Drivers manager [recommends] nvidia driver 180.44, however on nvidias site theres a 180.51 driver, has anyone had any experince with this driver?19:18
TonyTheTigerpronoy_, vista isnt too bad imo its just I find working in ubuntu more productive as i can for some reason connect to internet more reliably.19:18
Dr_Williskdask:  ones with lots of numbercrunching19:18
Oliver___hey ppl, any chance anyone's installed 9.04 on mac pro?19:18
TonyTheTigerpronoy_, also i installed LAMP for learning on ubuntu too.19:18
kdaskDr_Willis: like what?19:18
losheragoole: broken how, exactly?19:18
ravendo you know any tool for batch processing audio - to add fade in and fade out?19:18
pronoy_TonyTheTiger: as i said.........to every man his own19:18
gener1ci am trying to use gpasswd as root and it gives me premission denied , is it because i am using it over ssh? and how do i resolve it?19:18
Sh3r1ffepalm: epalm19:19
BuckyAnyone able to help with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/157988/19:19
gener1csame goes for editing the sudoers fule19:19
gener1cother commands are fine19:19
M4d3Lhi. where I can find the best ubuntu theme?19:19
Dr_WillisM4d3L:  Ubuntu dosent have themes.. 'gnome' does.19:19
BuckyM4d3L:  best is a matter of taste19:19
grafthi, i just upgraded to jaunty and now have no flash player in firefox... flashplugin-nonfree is installed, gnash and swfdec aren't. what gives?19:19
Dr_WillisM4d3L:  there are 10000000's of themes/ and stuff out  check gnome-look.org19:19
BuckyM4d3L:  google gnome themes, compiz themes and emerald themes19:20
Sh3r1ffepalm: my bad, was a bit to fast, or you do the any distro, or you do your distro and then add the key, the part any distro uses `lsb_release -cs`to knwo which versiion you have19:20
M4d3LDr_Willis: am not impress about theme on gnome-look.org19:20
losherBucky: what release are you running, and when did the problem start?19:20
fwaokdakazagistar_, do you know anything i could try?19:20
farfan<Bucky> you must have more than one instance of sinactic open19:20
pronoy_M4d3L: gnome-look.org19:20
Dr_WillisM4d3L:  then ya havent looked at many of them.19:20
Dr_Willisthe gnome-art tool makes installing new theme parts easy also. :)19:21
barbaroshi all. having problem with wubi installation. getting permission denied error. any idea?19:21
losherfarfan: that doesn't explain why his /etc/sudoers is no longer owned by root19:21
intuitionhow can i configure left and right mouse buttons ? They seem to only work for firefox19:21
meoblast001how do i fix this http://imagebin.ca/img/mD3qnGFI.png19:21
kdaskDr_Willis: like what?19:21
pronoy_M4d3L: try emerald themes19:21
Buckylosher:  I lost power during the distro upgrade to 9.xx and then had to boot into recovery mode and fix broken packages.. Now when I try to do apt-get update or sudo apt* it pops up with that19:21
digitaloktaySystem->Administration->Hardware Drivers and check the box to enable the restricted drivers for my NVIDIA card, but the installer dont install it,19:21
Dr_Williskdask:  movie encodeing.. just go get 64bit if your machine can handle it. :P19:22
pronoy_M4d3L: trust me i am a mac eyecandy freak.......or check out mac4lin at sourceforge.net19:22
Dr_Willismac4lin - heh - i had to help someone Uninstall that the other day19:22
kdaskDr_Willis: what about 3d games?19:22
Dr_Williskdask:  no idea.  i dont worry about games19:23
pronoy_DrWillis: what !! its the coolest thing ever :)19:23
floatingsigh. how can i add a GPG key to a PPA ? im trying this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.4  ,but the GPG guide on launchpad link is too ambigious, or too complex19:23
Dr_Willispronoy_:  i hate the os-x look.19:23
losherBucky: well, we can fix the immediate problem, but there's no telling how much secondary damage there might be. If I were you, I'd give up on the upgrade and do a from-scratch install of 9.04. You have backups of anything indispensible, right?19:23
Buckylosher:  v.v What do you think.19:23
pronoy_Dr_Willis: oh i totally love it ......you know with the magic lamp and all19:24
losherBucky: v.v ?19:24
PropengWould someone help me with an installation problem please?19:24
Dr_Willispronoy_:  yea.. so 'usefull' (riiiiiiiiiiighhhhhhhht...)19:24
LinuxIdiotabout to try ubuntu for the first time on a roughly year old laptop, do I want the 64 bit version?19:24
faushi, I am trying to use tetherbot, has anyone gotten this to work in ubuntu?19:24
pronoy_Dr_Willis: hehe. ... :D19:24
digitaloktaycan anyone help me with the nvidia driver geforce fx 520019:24
Dr_WillisLinuxIdiot:  if the thing can run 64bit - might as well.19:24
Buckylosher: nvm No I didn't back anything up but I'm just going to burn my home fodler to a dvd and do a fresh install19:24
Sh3r1ffLinuxIdiot: if you have a 64bit processor, yeah19:24
pronoy_kdask: someone say games ?19:24
theuser1 is there a way that i can see my ssh details. who is logged in to my ssh server or freenx and what is he doing?19:24
LinuxIdiotHow would I check that?19:25
Dr_Willis64bit has matured very much in the last year...19:25
kazagistar_LinuxIdiot: What processor do you have?19:25
Buckylosher:  It sucks though I finnaly got it tweaked with everything I did.19:25
losherLinuxIdiot: you want 32bit release 8.0419:25
w3wsrmntheuser1: w19:25
LordMetroidAnyone else noticed a slowdown with 9.04?19:25
LinuxIdiotAMD Turion dual core19:25
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theuser1w3wsrmn: w what19:25
Dr_Willistheuser1:  the 'who' command tells who is logged on.. byt you cant 'watch' their ssh session woth out other work.19:25
JeruvyLordMetroid: the opposite actually.19:25
w3wsrmntheuser1: w. press w, then enter.19:25
losherLordMetroid: everyone, except those who switched to ext419:25
onceuponastack                                                                                                                 I am not happy w Jaunty :|19:25
Dr_Willistheuser1:  if you wanted to 'share' a ssh terminal session with a user. you could check out screen19:25
kdaskDr_Willis: i'm having a problem installing 32bit flash player in 64 bit ubuntu 9.04, is there any way you could help me? pronoy_ yes i did19:25
LordMetroidI can barely type in gedit it goes like 20fps19:25
losherBucky: that's how I'd do it...19:26
Dr_Williskdask:  i just installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and it worked.. (i think)19:26
pronoy_kdask: when you talk about 3d games you mean hardcore games or chess like :) ?19:26
LordMetroidlosher, what comes as default?19:26
kazagistar_LinuxIdiot: then it is 64-bit19:26
CrocoJetI am trying to copy some files (1.5Gb) to kingston pendrive and is very slow, someone knows if exist some problem with new ubuntu version for this ?19:27
digitaloktaythe jockey driver installer dont install nvidia driver19:27
kdaskwhat does ubuntu-r-e install? does it install the alpha version of flash player 64 bit or does it install the 32 bit version? pronoy_ hardcore19:27
kazagistar_LinuxIdiot: you might want to try 32 bit anyways simply because some applications have slight issues in 64bit still19:27
meoblast001does anyone know how to fix this in kdenlive http://imagebin.ca/img/mD3qnGFI.png19:27
pronoy_pronoy_: checked out crysis warhead ?19:28
macman__guys .. whats a good swf player besides firefox ?19:28
Dr_Williskdask:  no idea.. but flash is working here fine19:28
ryanpriormacman__: Firefox is not a swf player.19:28
LordMetroidCan one switch to ext4 after installation without destroying all data?19:28
LurkersAmacman__: VLC19:28
losherLordMetroid: if you're typical, ext3, very mature, dependable, no known important bugs. Unless you need something specific from 9.04, 8.04 is a better, more stable release19:28
Dr_Williskdask:  Ubuntu-restricted-extras - is like the first thing i install on a new isntall19:28
Jeruvykdask: you should remove any flash packages you installed, visit a website in your browser that uses flash (youtube) and then download it that way.19:28
fwaokdaI used ubuntu image creator trying to put 9.04 on my usb drive. It completed restarted machine but it wouldn't boot up from the usb drive. I get back into ubuntu, and the drive no longer automounts... I install gparted and try to format it but it comes up as 3.76GiB unallocated. So I tried to plug into windows and format in there, but windows says it can't and to check and see if it is in read only mode. I then did a dmesg on it and got 19:28
deanyfor some reason, when ive tried 8.04 server or 9.04 server in vbox (no problems in intrepid as host) I do apt-get update and it works, then i install  something , anything and apt-get install whatever and as soon as it starts it locks the vm up? how odd.19:28
michele86sorry, how i can enter on ubuntu.it?19:29
LordMetroidYeah, I don't really want ext4, heard about the recurring data losses.19:29
pronoy_!it | michele8619:29
ubottumichele86: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:29
ryanpriormichele86: To join the ubuntu-it channel, type /join #ubuntu-it19:29
LordMetroidI just want a gedit that I do not need to wait for my characters to show up after I typed them19:29
kdaskJeruvy: it tells me "WRONG ARCHITECTURE: i386"19:29
ehrenyuHi, I need help. When I'm installing updates, it's telling me I have to manually run 'dpkg --configure -a'. Synpatic Package Manager says the same thing. I've looked through the FAQs, but I don't get what I need to do. The error message I get is 'E: _cache->open() failed, please report.' T_T I19:29
losherLordMetroid: bugs are only to be expected on a new implementation. Wait a few releases before relying on it...19:29
LurkersALordMetroid: Vim?19:29
Jeruvykdask: what tells you that?19:30
BobngEvery time I boot in Ubuntu19:30
Bobngthe keyboard and mouse stop working at login19:30
kdaskthe deb package installer, Jeruvy19:30
LordMetroidLurkersA, no, I like gedit, it always worked on previous releases without problem, so what is slowing down the system...19:31
mercutio22hello there19:31
LordMetroidIs there a way to see what is hogging resources?19:31
ryanpriorLordMetroid: top19:31
LurkersALordMetroid: 'top'19:31
=== ExToshibaStris is now known as ExAstris
Jeruvykdask:  Don't install it via package, install it via browser.19:31
CrocoJetalways new version ... lot bugs ... something is wrong, I think19:32
EspenBeany idea to help me connect to a wireless network? I am in a hotel with free wlan. in my room I can connect but not in the lobby. same network name but different channel. good signals both places. I use Ubuntu 8.0419:32
kdaskJeruvy: installing via browser always fails for some reason19:32
EspenBethere is no wep or wpa19:32
BassistHey all, I have a problem with Jaunty. Multimedia keys aren't working, and all the bug reports on launchpad don't help in any way19:33
caimlashi. I've heard that 9.04 has a problem with the ati HD 3300 onboard chipsets for video. Can anyone substantiate this?19:33
BassistThe notification shows that the volume changes, but it stays the same volume19:33
GreedOtherWould using ext4 on a netbook be overkill?19:33
Dr_WillisGreedOther:  proberly19:33
ravendo you know any tool for batch processing audio - to add fade in and fade out?19:33
ryanpriorGreedOther: Meh, doesn't really matter.19:33
btakitaHello, does anybody know of a site that explains how to get sound to "just work" with firefox on 9.04?19:33
ExAstrisHi all. I think I did myself in: I'm running 9.04, I downloaded the newest ATI proprietary drivers becasue I thought I needed to update to fix a graphics issue I've been having, but I've had the worst possible outcome. Can't start X, can't run aticonfig - says that no compatiable card was detected, and when I try to startup x it just is a black screen with random colored dots on it near the top.19:33
ryanprior!sound | btakita19:34
ubottubtakita: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:34
ryanpriorExAstris: try restarting in safe X mode19:34
firesoulwell, does swtiching from Jaunty development version to final release needs the installation of entire software again ?19:34
btakitaubottu: thanks19:34
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:34
kjel__Hello everyone. I'm having a problem booting the realtime kernel for Ubuntu Studio Jaunty. Can anyone advise?19:34
ExAstrisryanprior: How? :S19:34
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications19:34
firesoulAny significant difference b/w both of 'em ?19:34
Bassist!Multimedia Keys19:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Multimedia Keys19:34
Dr_Willisfiresoul:  shouldent..19:34
xanguafiresoul: just use the update manager...........19:34
kdaskJeruvy: installing via browser always fails for some reason19:34
ryanpriorExAstris: It should be an option in Grub. When it's saying "grub loading..." at the beginning, press a key to interrupt it, then select the safe graphics mode.19:35
Jeruvykdask: hmm then I am not sure, never had a problem with that method.19:35
btakitaryanprior: Did that activate the ubottu bot?19:35
deanyGreedOther, journaled filesystem writes more data each write than something like ext2, so if you have a SSD drive, its generally best in the long tun to choose ext2.19:35
ExAstrisryanpiror: righto. Hold on just a sec.19:35
firesoulDr_Willis, Any significant difference b/w development version and the final release.. Bandwidth here sucks though.. :)19:35
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:35
kdaskim f*%$^d! :(19:35
deanyGreedOther, but its upto you.19:36
Dr_Willisfiresoul:  no idea.  proberly updates19:36
BassistHas anybody managed to get multimedia keys to do what they are intended for? I've tried everything I'm aware of, but they're just not effective19:36
BassistUsing 9.04 and Gnome19:36
gener1cwhy cant i edit my own sudoers file!?@#19:36
ExAstrisBassist: They work fine on my Mac keyboard.19:36
=== mohammed is now known as Guest51871
ExAstrisgener1c: Maybe you need to be running as root? xD19:36
OKNi am missing the switches tab from the volume control after upgrading to jaunty... is that normal19:36
Dr_Willisgener1c:  useing the 'sudo visudo' command ?19:36
BassistExAstris: The notification window shows that the volume changes/mutes, but nothing happens19:36
Guest51871 hello19:36
gener1csudo echo 'texts here' > /etc/sudoers19:37
gener1cpremission denied19:37
firesoulDr_Willis, synaptic does it i guess. thanks any ways :D19:37
Dr_Willisgener1c:   you DONT echo text that way with sudo19:37
ExAstrisbassist: not a keyboard issue then.19:37
gener1cExAstris i used sudo to edit it19:37
kjel__Has anyone seen an error that starts with tick_handle_periodic for the real time kernel in Jaunty?19:37
LordMetroidI have like 100 MiB in the swap, you think that is what is causing it?19:37
BassistExAstris: Any idea what it could be?19:37
Dr_Willisgener1c:   read    http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/09/a-root-shell-on-ubuntu-the-right-way/19:37
LordMetroidI also hear with each character type how something is being processed(most probably a seek on the HDD)19:38
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:38
Flannel!it | francesco_19:38
ubottufrancesco_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:38
Dr_Willisgener1c:  its best to backup your sudoers file In case.. and use 'visudo'19:38
ExAstrisryanprior: Um, I held down a the 'e' key but did not do anything. just brought me to normal boot menu19:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about radeonhd19:38
fausryanPrior: hey this is foster19:38
ExAstrisBassist: I'm afraid not, but it seems like your sound card is not configured correctly.19:38
n8tuserkjel -> you are way far advance than most of us19:38
fausis there a wifi log for the connection tool gnome uses ?19:38
fausI'm trying to connect to an ad hoc network and having some trouble19:39
BassistExAstris: Ok thanks anyway19:39
ExAstrisbassist, np.19:39
FloodBot2kj4: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:39
fausis there a wifi log for the connection tool gnome uses ? Im trying to connect to an adhoc network but it doesnt seem to be working19:39
FloodBot2kj4: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:39
flippoThat was interesting noise.19:39
loshermeoblast001: r u still there?19:40
meoblast001losher: yes19:40
ExAstrisryanprior: is it a boot option of som  sort?19:40
helozjiskyany body got malfunctions ? jaunty+ext419:40
ehrenyuhmmm !dpkg19:41
chazcoHi... Totem in 9.04 only seems to play OGM files reliably if they are opened from the menu, not if opened from Nautilus. Thumbnails also fail. Just tested this on Debian Lenny and thats affected too. Any ideas?19:41
Bassisthelozjisky: So far no19:41
faushas anyone used android wifi tether? I am having trouble connecting to an ad hoc wireless network19:41
fausryanprior: hey this is foster19:41
btakitaAnybody have news on how the transition to pulse audio is going. It still seems broken...19:41
ZanQdoI'm following this tutorial on ubuntu netbook remix 9.04 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192281 and Im getting this on configuration http://pasteall.org/523819:41
ExAstrisryanprior: Cause the first text in grub I see is "grub loading stage2", and at that point interrupting it does nothing19:41
helozjiskyBassist: 2 times until now19:41
meoblast001losher: ?19:41
BleSShow to change the video mode when is starting up --where is showed a line from left to right--?19:42
Bassisthelozjisky: ?19:42
btakitaThe sound test works, but sound in firefox is silent. Wtf?!?19:42
N0_Named_Guyhello, just upgraded to 9.04 via alternate CD.... My mouse just stopped working, AFTER runnign the new Janitor program... what can I do to get it back to work?19:42
gener1csudo echo 'texts here' > /etc/sudoers19:42
gener1cok i used sudo -s19:42
gener1cthat worked19:42
PaUamistä nää oikein puhuu?19:42
loshermeoblast001: regarding your homework problem, just out of curousity, I installed kdenlive on my 9.04 system, and although I don't really know how to drive it, I was able to load an mpg clip and on the render page I could select PAL and highlight the choices there. So maybe you should try deinstalling and reinstalling?19:42
helozjiskyBassist: don't know why, just no response19:42
LordMetroidDo I need klogd and sysklogd?19:43
fausanyone have trouble connecting to an adhoc network wireless?19:43
Bassisthelozjisky: Your system doesn't boot?19:43
[CB]NickUK``Hello Ubuntu, I am currently having problems with my Graphics drivers. They are installed because i can get Compiz working however whenever i go and play a game the system will lockup due to a graphics issue or it will become very laggy. The games run fine on windows, However i can play some games if they are linux native and i can run them under sudo.19:43
meoblast001losher: i've already reinstalled 9.04 completely19:43
loshermeoblast001: and the same problem?19:43
meoblast001losher: yeah.. reinstalling now19:43
helozjiskyBassist: it does boot19:44
helozjiskyBassist: but sometimes suddenly no response under Gnome19:44
meoblast001losher: it works now :)(19:45
ExAstrisryanprior, are you there? how do I start safe x (is that the same as bulletproof-x?)19:45
loshermeoblast001: that only took what, 12 hours...?19:45
meoblast001losher: 12 hours and 3 distros i'd say19:45
Bassisthelozjisky: Sorry, I'm just as confused as you are19:46
meoblast001and if you want to go into detail... 2 kernels19:46
meoblast001well.. no 4 kernels19:46
loshermeoblast001: and you haven't even started editing yet....19:46
[CB]NickUK``Hello Ubuntu, I am currently having problems with my Graphics drivers. They are installed because i can get Compiz working however whenever i go and play a game the system will lockup due to a graphics issue or it will become very laggy. The games run fine on windows, However i can play some games if they are linux native and i can run them under sudo.19:46
meoblast001losher: i haven't even started the project yet.... actually... O_o.. i still have a kernel and nVidia driver to clean up19:46
losher!it | francesco19:46
ubottufrancesco: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:46
meoblast001losher: i can't use PAE unless i recompile my kernel and nVidia drivers take so long to load up that Usplash just kills itself19:46
ravendo you know any tool for batch processing audio - to add fade in and fade out?19:46
baz_i'm thinking of upgrading to 9.04 through the upgrade manager - should i do it?19:47
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:47
loshermeoblast001: I know the feeling. Supporting ubuntu makes me want to kill myself19:47
echo7my firefox keep closing one me19:47
chazcoHi... Totem in 9.04 only seems to play OGM files reliably if they are opened from the menu, not if opened from Nautilus. Thumbnails also fail. Just tested this on Debian Lenny and thats affected too. Any ideas?19:47
helozjiskyBassist: thanks, i think it's hard to find the problem19:48
meoblast001losher: is it possible to put a DVD video on a CD?19:49
faushow do you turn on a wifi connection with iwconfig?19:49
helozjiskyBassist: the root cause19:49
glitsj16echo7: any errors showing up when you start firefox via terminal ?19:49
=== Torhal|Away is now known as Torhal
jtrent90hey there.. im trying to install my graphics drivers but when i enter the terminal to close x server.. it wont let me login, even though it'll let me log in with the same details on the gui..19:50
* fujimitsu munches on coffee beans19:50
Flannel!away > Torhal19:50
ubottuTorhal, please see my private message19:50
floatingi installed gnash, and chose it in the preferences-applications in firefox for shockwave-flash, but when i rightclick a running youtube video, it says adobe19:50
Guest92765i make a aptitude upgrade and i have no xserve19:50
MaevaERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the19:50
Maeva       Adobe Flash Player installer.19:50
thazarcheck this out19:50
thazarbest i was ever seen19:50
WatchBotthazar: Please keep your links on topic and work safe.19:51
jtrent90could anyone help me (: ?19:51
rippsjtrent90: what's your video card?19:51
TorhalFlannel: I was idle for 13 hours. It's not like I have an auto-away every 10 minutes.19:51
echo7glitsj16 nope i was installing flash for youtube19:51
echo7glitsj16 and when i open it youtube and play video it exit19:52
majorflash is broken19:52
jtrent90nvidia (:19:52
ExAstrisHi, I'm gonna repost my question since it appears nobody is still helping me. I downloaded the new ATI proprietary drivers and installed them, but I cannot start X; it doesn't crash, just hangs at a black screen. dpkg-reconfigure does nothing to help. When I attempt to run aticonfig, I get "no supported adapters detcted" even though my card, a radeon x1600, IS supported AND appears in lspci | grep VGA19:52
FlannelTorhal: Correct, but you can still effectively be away without a nick change.19:52
MegarainAny one willing to help me get sound working properly with my dell XPS m1530?19:52
rippsjtrent90: oh, nevermind you issue is with the login... Have you tried to use recovery mode from bootup?19:52
loshermeoblast001: depends on how you plan to play it. There are formats designed to store video on CDs so that many players (but not all) will play them. You would have to transcode your DVD video (mpeg2) into VCD video (mpeg1)19:52
=== florin is now known as Guest75924
majorI have same card have issues also19:52
TorhalIndeed, but one message in 13 hours is hardly disruptive.19:52
Shortguy109I downloaded limewire.deb and it won't show on my applications :o anyone know whyy?19:52
=== Guest75924 is now known as florin_
JeruvyExAstris: did you check the release notes?  it's possible your card is blacklisted or not supported anymore.19:52
NewbzThis the right server for Kubuntu issues?19:53
jtrent90i havent.. which problem could that remedy? i can login to the GUI but the terminal keeps saying login incorrect19:53
ExAstrisLet me look.... but what can I do to get back to the old drivers?19:53
FlannelTorhal: If everyone here did that, it'd be 140 messages extra per hour.19:53
ExAstrishow can I revert so I can continue using my system with X?19:53
rippsExAstris: I don't hink the x1600 is supported by AMD in the closed driver anymore, what does 'lspc |grep VGA' say?19:53
MegarainStill looking for help with the sound.19:53
Maevahow do I install the flash driver ? flashplugin-nonfree is already installed how come ?19:53
TorhalMeh. I don't need to lurk here, anyway.19:53
rippsExAstris: ^lspci19:54
jtrent90the problem isnt with the video card driver, its with turning off x.. cos it wont let me log in outside of x19:54
xanguaflash diver Maeva¿19:54
ExAstrisripps, it says "01:00.0 VGA compatiable controller: ATI Technologies INC M56P [Radeon Mobility X1600]19:54
microlithis there a reason that removing Evolution breaks Gnome horribly?19:54
faushow can I manually connect to a wifi network via iwconfig? ifconfig wlan0 up doesnt seem to activate my connection19:54
majorflash high cpu cycles jerky video major issues with video cards19:54
Itakuis there a torrent download of 9.04? im not waiting 3 hours for a download19:54
Shortguy109I downloaded limewire.deb and it won't show on my applications :o anyone know whyy?19:54
veggteppeHow do you check if all you'r driver's are installed?19:54
Maevai know xangua which one, is there 64 bit ?19:54
glitsj16echo7: don't know of any jaunty issues with the flash plugin sorry, still on 8.10 personally .. but there should be people around here to confirm or help out with flash as it is so wide-spread, best of luck19:54
FlannelItaku: Of course. http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ has links to all of them19:55
marksmanis there a way to have a virtual installation of Windows XP inside of Ubuntu?19:55
switch10ya u gotta rip it19:55
xanguathat i know, there is no adobe flash for 64 bits Maeva, am i wrong ¿?19:55
erUSUL!virtualizers | marksman19:55
ubottumarksman: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications19:55
switch10sorry. vurtuLBOX19:55
TetracommI want to view a SIlverlight page in Ubuntu, but it says that I only have Moonlight 1.0, and 2.0 is required. I couldn't find a 2.0.19:55
Shortguy109I downloaded limewire.deb and it won't show on my applications :o anyone know whyy?19:55
ExAstrishmmm, I think I dl'ed the wrong drivers19:55
meoblast001losher: rofl... dvd renderer crashed19:55
meoblast001losher: does yorus?19:56
majoranybody have intel gma 310019:56
[CB]NickUK``Hello Ubuntu, I am currently having problems with my Graphics drivers. They are installed because i can get Compiz working however whenever i go and play a game the system will lockup due to a graphics issue or it will become very laggy. The games run fine on windows, However i can play some games if they are linux native and i can run them under sudo.19:56
majorworking nice19:56
echo7glitsj16 omg it close again19:56
ipfwIs it really worth running the 64bit version ?19:56
xanguahttp://www.go-mono.org/moonlight/ Tetracomm19:56
jtrent90im having trouble disabling x.. not the actual command just because outside of x it wont let me log in to the terminal.. any ideas?19:56
Chr|sif you have a 64bit machine19:56
ExAstrisipfw: depends on what you're doing. I personally don't use 64bit, but if you're doing anything intense you should19:56
ExAstrisIf you already have a 32bit install, don't reinstall just for 64bit19:57
microlithnothing like ridiculous dependencies19:57
loshermeoblast001: haven't tried it. I usually render using cli commands and one of transcode, ffmpeg or mencoder. What *exactly* are you trying to do?19:57
Tetracommxangua: I went there already, and that is 1.0, not 2.0.19:57
Itakuwow, ive never seen a torrent 1MB/s down19:57
MegarainStill looking for sound help.19:57
Chr|sMegarain: try #alsa19:57
glitsj16echo7: does it crash on any non-youtube flash page as well ?19:57
helozjiskyany body got desktop hangs ?19:57
echo7glitsj16 ya19:58
meoblast001losher: burn a video to a VOB file19:58
mr_frostee9.04 FLASH DOES NOT WORK.......I fixed mine by removing all swfdec and flash plugin whith firefox shut down.  The I re-installed flash plugin still with firefox shutdown and evrything worked as advertised.19:58
MegarainChr|s: I'll give'm a buzz. IF not, I'll bump back over here.19:58
loshermeoblast001: source format of the video?19:58
Chr|sMegarain: they have a script you run and post to the channel19:58
glitsj16echo7: try mr_frostee's advice i'd say19:58
meoblast001losher: idk19:59
=== macman__ is now known as macman_
meoblast001losher: it's listed under DVD19:59
microlithwas evolution somehow integrated into Gnome even further with the 9.04 release or something?19:59
BleSShow to change the video mode when is starting up --where is showed a line from left to right--?19:59
majornvidia viddeo cards run great19:59
ipfwInpsiron X1400 with 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-19 runs fine, but with 2.6.24-23 right before my desktop loads (after login), the screen goes light colored (almost white) and stays that way .... What the heck is doing this ?19:59
majoranything else isssues19:59
loshermeoblast001: got transcode installed, and/or mplayer?19:59
ripps!intel | major19:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel19:59
renderohello, what changed since kernel 2.6.28, because i cannot establish a ppp <-> nas interface and connect to internet anymore19:59
ipfwThe box is not locked, I can still ctrl+f1 to get to a console and operate text mode just fine19:59
echo7mr_frostee can explain the steps I have to take?19:59
majorIntel gma 3100 big time issues20:00
meoblast001losher: why?20:00
helozjiskyany body got desktop hangs ? jaunty+ext420:00
MegarainChr|s: I'll see if any one is awake. I've been having this volume trouble since beta.20:00
veggteppeHaving this weird feeling that my Graphic card aint installed, anyone know how i can check it?:) (nvidia geforce 9600gt or somet)20:00
loshermeoblast001: these tools will identify video formats20:00
=== enissay_ is now known as Enissay
Geinehi all, how to install PyQt?20:00
felixsullaAnyone here running Ubuntu on a Lenovo SL300?20:00
meoblast001losher: vob is used for dvd video20:00
fausI am having trouble connecting to an adhoc network wifi wirelessly, any suggestions?20:00
cougartenVirtual box can NOT run an existing XP in linux, right?20:01
loshermeoblast001: that's your output (final) format. What is your input format? i.e. where did the video come from?20:01
erUSULcougarten: no afaik but ask in #vbox20:01
frooschcougarten: might me true, but even less it cann run a non-existing XP20:01
chester_mAtop says that acip is "eating" 100% of my disk (i think), i'm with several performance problems. Any ideas?20:01
meoblast001losher: from Kdenlive20:01
cougartenfroosch: a "to-be-installed"-XP is somehow non-existent :)20:02
majorTo much work to get video cards runnung nice20:02
majormajor pain in the ass20:02
majorI am Maddddddddddddd20:02
loshermeoblast001: I mean, was the original a webcam capture, or off the net, or what?20:03
microlithtime to re-install 9.0420:03
meoblast001losher: an avi and an mp320:03
microlithgo go evolution20:03
mortal1howdy folks, I'm running linux, but I have xp running in a vm.  What's the best way to ensure that the vm can read my linux partitions?20:03
microlithmortal1: what VM tool are you using?20:03
kjel__Anyone here with good kernel debugging skills?20:03
microliththe easiest way is to do it over the networking20:04
mortal1i think i found something20:04
mortal1shared folders20:04
mortal1under virtualbox20:04
echo7how can i make my monitor to tv screen? with 9.0420:04
mortal1good deal20:04
FloodBot2mortal1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:04
microlithtime to reinstall20:04
dmz241I am a newbie at linux. I am currently using windows and wanted to know if I would get a anydata adu520A to work on it. If yes how?20:04
loshermeoblast001: And what kind of edits are you planning?20:04
epalmupgraded to 9.04 from 8.10, youtube says i have "an old version of Adobe's Flash Player".  i uninstalled / reinstalled flashplugin-nonfree, restarted firefox, no change.  is this expected?20:05
meoblast001losher: idk... for this example i just mixed them together20:05
Jeruvy!hcl | dmz24120:05
ubottudmz241: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:05
meoblast001losher: just to test it20:05
majorflash broken20:05
etzerdHello all20:06
loshermeoblast001: dunno how sophisticated the editing is, but avidemux is less flexible, but more mature & reliable. Wanna download & try it?20:07
ipfwfunny a update from 2.6.24-19 to 2.6.24-23 allowed compiz to be turned back on, kernel should make those calls :P20:07
Shortguy109I downloaded limewire.deb and it won't show on my applications :o anyone know whyy?20:07
meoblast001losher: i heard it is confusing20:07
etzerdhow's the new release is doing?20:07
loshermeoblast001: Less so than kdenlive. I'll talk you thru a simple edit if you like20:07
etzerdI'm waiting for some good words before I install it.20:07
dmz241maybe I am asking this wrong. I am looking to get a cdma modem working for using internet on ubuntu20:07
echo7How i check what video card i have???20:08
_CySurflex_Hello #ubuntu! Hoping someone can help me...I upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 via upgrade manager, and now my system boots into a scrambled screen, ctrl-alt-f1/f2/f3 dont work either. I am able to boot into recover mode though. Any suggestions?20:08
meoblast001losher: i think i'm going to try qdvdauthor and take my kdenlive exports and burn them with that20:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 3g20:08
echo7What is the command to check for video card model20:08
etzerddmz241: just plug the modem on the USB port and it should work fine20:08
dmz241ubottu thanks anyways20:08
mr_frostee9.04 FLASH BROKEN: I fixed mine by deleting swfdec, gnash and flash-plugin with firefox shutdown.  Then install ONLY the Adobe flash-plugin with firefox still shutdown.20:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks anyways20:08
Geinehello all, how to install PyQt ?20:08
Shortguy109I downloaded limewire.deb and it won't show on my applications :o anyone know why????20:08
erUSULecho7: to know the model ? --> lspci | grep -i vga20:08
loshermeoblast001: So kdenlive exported some files. I thought it had crashed before it produced any output20:09
Tommy3!!! got big trouble here! Power failed during upgrade. Any way to restart? I have command line.20:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:09
dmz241etzerd how do I connect it then? right now I have a easy wireless net software that I use to dial in20:09
erUSULShortguy109: some programs do not put an entry on the menu. alt+f2 type limewire hit run20:09
JeruvyShortguy109: debs don't usually install all the little stuff on the desktop, you'll have to either add it yourself or install from a ubuntu package.20:09
glitsj16Shortguy109: you did install the downloaded .deb ? If so, you can always run "sudo updatedb; locate limewire.desktop" to find the exact location of that file20:09
xanguaShortguy109: have yoi tried to remove and then add again your menu prom the panel20:09
Shortguy109thanks erUSUL it worked :)20:09
erUSULShortguy109: you can add a launcher to the menu manually... right click on it and choose edit menu20:10
meoblast001losher: no.. only when it's exporting VOB files for DVDs20:10
erUSULShortguy109: or to the panel or in the desktop... choose your poison XD20:10
etzerdI have a Verizon UM150 CDMA USB MODEM I just plug it to the USB port and I click on the network Icon on the lower right hand corner and select it, that's all and it should work fine20:10
loshermeoblast001: ok. best of luck20:10
Shortguy109lol thanks, c yaz20:11
echo7Anyone here have ati video card I have Radeon 7000/ve and is there a ati x server settings??20:11
epalmsynaptic says flashplugin-nonfree "is a transitional package that can safely be removed after you installed flashplugin-installer"20:11
sriramomanhow do i set key trust level to ultimate in seahorse20:11
Tommy3!!! got big trouble here! Power failed during upgrade. Any way to restart? I have command line.20:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:11
Joakkocan someone help me with20:12
usr13epalm: There are sometimes problems with the nonfree one.20:12
Joakkoa issue in grub 2220:12
_CySurflex_I upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 via upgrade manager, and now my system boots into a scrambled screen, ctrl-alt-f1/f2/f3 dont work either. I am able to boot into recover mode though. Any suggestions?20:12
exodus_msupgrade to 9.04 wiped out amarok play count, ratings etc. Luckily I had saved my playlist in a location other than amarok's default location. Any way to restore those settings that were saved in amarok before the upgrade20:12
usr13epalm: And it would probably not be good to have both installed at once.20:13
meoblast001losher: thank you20:13
Driv3r912Anyone here know why Google Earth 4.3 worked flawless in Ubuntu 8.10 and not on my new Ubuntu 9.04? I don't use Compiz -- and all Desktop and Appearance Effects are disabled?20:13
macman_can i convert swf to mov ?20:13
Driv3r912Google Earth 4.3 is glitchy and skips a lot when zooming in or moving.20:14
Driv3r912As compared to the smoothness in Ubuntu 8.10?20:14
=== daox is now known as armadillol
macman_swf to mov is this possible20:14
Driv3r912macman_ I believe ffmpeg does it.20:15
Driv3r912Or VLC.20:15
losherTommy3: not really. Use the livecd to back up any files you can't live without, and then do a full new install20:15
=== nullifi3d_ is now known as Nullifi3d
Tommy3losher: fraid of that . ok  thanks20:15
tumbleweed05so i want to boot camp ubuntu 9.04 on my brand new nvidia mac mini. anyone know what the install/driver situation is like?20:17
_CySurflex_how do you reset the graphics settings via recover mode ?20:17
losherJoakko: dunno, please say more about your problem20:17
exodus_msupgrade to 9.04 wiped out amarok play count, ratings etc. Luckily I had saved my playlist in a location other than amarok's default location. Any way to restore those settings that were saved in amarok before the upgrade20:17
Geinehello all - any body know how to install PyQt ?20:17
amartin83hello everybody, does anyone tried to install 2,3... distros on one usb pendrive??20:18
tumbleweed05amartin83: how big is the drive?20:18
exodus_ms!info python-qt320:18
ubottupython-qt3 (source: python-qt3): Qt3 bindings for Python. In component main, is optional. Version 3.17.6-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 4878 kB, installed size 21404 kB20:18
loshertumbleweed05: try a google search. Otherwise, if the live cd runs well, there's a good chance the install will too. No guarantees tho'. Back up anything you can't live without before you start20:18
joaopintoGeine, search for it on the package manager20:19
CasperinI just installed 9.04 on a Lenovo R61i, but the graphics card doesn't seem to work properly. I can't enable any sort of visual effects. I posted about it on ubuntuforums.org, but no answer. Anyway ideas?20:19
tacosarecoolI decided I like gnome better than kde20:19
khelbenhow can i play mp3 files?20:19
Volkodavanybody has issues with mic recording on macbook pro aluminum on 9.4 ?20:19
amartin83tumbleweed05, i have 3 x 4gb20:19
tumbleweed05losher: i already have the partition setup so i don't think i can mess it up too bad. definitley not my first stroll with ubuntu installs20:19
khelbenI can't seem to find the codec?20:19
digitaloktayhi http://rafb.net/p/85lXNN78.html20:19
Geinejoaopinto, I do, but when I install it nothing come under programming tools20:19
mr_frosteeI use banshee for .mp320:19
tacosarecoolBut part of my panel broke how do I fix it? It's the part where you can set yourself online via the panel20:20
loshertacosarecool: I like fvwm with no fancy 'desktop' stuff at all best20:20
ipfwin 8.04.2 is there an easy way to disable compiz as the WM ?20:20
khelbenmr_frostee is the codec included?20:20
khelbenmr_frostee: is the codec included?20:20
joaopintoGeine, pyqt is not a graphical application, it's a library for python, you are not expect to find a menu entry20:20
faushas anyone gotten a tethering app to work for the g1 in ubuntu ?20:20
digitaloktayRunning DKMS auto installation service for kernel 2.6.28-3-rt                 *  nvidia (173.14.16)...                                                [fail]20:20
ipfwseems the 2.6.24-23 has issues with compiz.real when I kill that my X session loads up, but I have wm to handle my windows.... with 2.6.24-19 all works fine20:20
joaopintoGeine, please read about developing with python before diving on pyqt20:21
tacosarecoolfaus they removed tehtering apps from the market.20:21
digitaloktayRunning DKMS auto installation service for kernel 2.6.28-3-rt                 *  nvidia (173.14.16)...         [fail]  can anyone help me20:21
tacosarecooldoes anyone know how I can completely remove kde20:22
tacosarecool!remove kde20:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remove kde20:22
theuser1 why is java runing on my proces table and taking 50% of cpu?20:22
Everest!remove kde20:22
losher!mp3 | khelben20:22
ubottukhelben: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:22
porter1tacosarecool, type KDE into synaptic20:22
faustacosarecool: yeah but if you have root you can still do it20:22
porter1And remove anything you see. There are certain KDE base packages that most kde programs are dependent on20:23
fausI can see the wireless signal with the network manager after I manually add the essid, with full signal strength, but it still can't connect20:23
HazukiDo any of the Livecds support wireless hardware? I have a zd1211 wireless adaptor I'd like to use in live mode20:23
=== Guest87757 is now known as NCommander
exodus_msGeine, sudo apt-get install python-qt4  sudo apt-get install python-qt4-doc  pyGTK and a pyQT4 GUI frontends available20:23
tacosarecoolIf I remove kde's things then I won't be able to log in20:23
TopBunny88 /j #windows20:23
exodus_msupgrade to 9.04 wiped out amarok play count, ratings etc. Luckily I had saved my playlist in a location other than amarok's default location. Any way to restore those settings that were saved in amarok before the upgrade20:23
tacosarecoolI need to make it so I have gdm back20:23
draginxxHow come when I play wmv files, sometimes the video seems messed up or it stops ofr a few seconds then plays on (using VLC, MPlayer and totem dont work with it at all)20:23
draginxxOn ubuntu hardy 64 bit :)20:23
=== NCommander is now known as Guest85976
tacosarecoolhow do I change my default login manager20:24
nixpixguys and gals, would you mind having a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1136650 ?20:24
khelbenubottu: thx20:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thx20:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm20:24
EverestI remove kmail , kontact20:24
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:24
Dadio-ZAregister /?20:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:24
amartin83tumbleweed05, it's 3 pendrive, 4gb each. But i want to use only 1 pendrive, make 3 or 4 partitions 1gb each and install different distro on each partition. I tried it today, bo no success so far20:24
porter1tacosarecool, when you install gdm, it will ask if you want it as tte default I believe20:24
porter1(or reinstall)20:24
Everestyou know SDram is good for 300,000 writes sometimes20:25
Everester... 30,00020:25
tacosarecoolreinstalling gdm thanks20:25
porter1Of course, if you get rid of gdm, I beliveve that gdm will handle things20:25
Everesthey wheres a good teck chat'20:25
TunnlRatCan anyone tell me why i can hear sound through my headphones and not my laptop speakers? I know they work20:25
Evereston freenode20:25
porter1I meant kdm20:25
Everest./  ?20:25
=== Everest is now known as Eveready
draginxxkhelben, thanks for the links20:26
=== khelben_ is now known as ikke
draginxxbut I did install the non open codecs20:26
ikkekhelben: no problem20:26
epalmafter upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04, skype's contact list fonts are all huge20:27
epalmthat's also a huge problem for me20:27
kjel__Anyone with good kernel debugging skills here?20:27
digitaloktayRunning DKMS auto installation service for kernel 2.6.28-3-rt                 *  nvidia (173.14.16)...                                                [fail]20:27
khelbenikke: just install it20:27
Evereadyand I remove that other useless KDE thing, that launches with ALT_space20:27
JrRainehow do I install the KDE4 desktop enviornment alongside Gnome so as to make it as a another session?20:27
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:27
EvereadyJR: you select your desktop at the GDM login manager20:27
porter1JrRaine, install kubuntu-desktop20:27
fujimitsuFlannel:  have you seen me away, by any chance?  i dont know if quassel has some auto-away thing i should fiddle with20:27
Evereadyjust delete GNOME20:28
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org20:28
korrxhi all have good time on our favorite distro   !!!!!!!20:28
JrRainethanks porter1, this won't install KDE3 though?20:28
porter1KDE4 is the default for kubuntu now20:28
Flannelfujimitsu: Nope.  At least, not with a nick thing.20:28
compute32how to get blender working?20:28
JrRaineporter1: ok great thank you20:28
porter1compute32, what do you mean?20:29
fujimitsuroger that, Flannel20:29
veggteppeAnyone that got the PDF Ebook "Getting started with ubuntu" ?:)20:29
compute32I got blender installed and  when I click on it in the applications menu It won't open a window20:29
losherkjel__: I don't think a lot of kernel hackers hang out on the beginner's support lists20:29
porter1compute32, you mean it is only opening in fullscreen?20:29
compute32In terminal I get an error saying that opengl isn't stable or something like that20:29
msn102Hi. I'm trying to compile a kernel for ubuntu 8.10. I downloaded source(2.6.27), made the new config, but the compile process failed with: make[1]: *** [vmlinux.o] Error 1. Don't know if i did something wrong.20:29
compute32porter1: no it dosen't open at all20:29
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:29
compute32any program that uses opengl won't open20:30
spanthercompute32, do you have installed the nvidia graphics card drivers?20:30
Luig1I have a blank DVD-RW in my DVD-RW drive, and it's not recognizing anything at all; it won't let me blank it or anything. What should I do?20:30
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages20:30
Evereadyisnt the kernel like, linux20:30
compute32spanther: yes20:30
tapasa program that would be really nice would be one that looks at timestamps of all files on the system20:30
chazcoHi... can I download the old login screen from somewhere?20:30
tapasthen it looks for packages containing files that haven't been touched for ages20:30
spanthercompute32, type "glxinfo | grep direct" inside a terminal and show me output20:30
D3RGPS31How do I disable IPv6 :320:30
fausanyone here use tetherbot ?20:31
digitaloktayanyone how can i install nvidia binary drive on ubuntu studio? it says Running DKMS auto installation service for kernel 2.6.28-3-rt        *  nvidia (173.14.16)... [fail]20:31
fujimitsu!linux > Eveready20:31
ubottuEveready, please see my private message20:31
tapasdamn why did i have to upgrade my system? now all timestamps are bumped ;)20:31
exodus_msgrrr, whats up with amarok? anyone know how I can find the "correct" qt sql driver for 2.0.2 so that I can import my stats from 1.4?20:31
Evereadyeye eya20:31
spanthertapas, and i can't choose region and country in me-tv :P20:32
spantherbut i use kaffeine now x)20:32
compute32I have a FX5500 256memory DDR pci card  graphics card20:32
loshertapas: you could write something to do that, but since everything fits into less than 5G and disk is so cheap now, I'm not sure it's worth the bother20:32
digitaloktayi cant install (173.14.16) driver, can anyone help me?20:32
compute32it's made by nvidia20:32
tapaslosher: yeah, just to keep complexity down20:32
tapaslosher: like mysterious package interoperation bugs..20:33
tapasactually i'm just right now thinking about how to implement it in bash20:33
Flannellastlog -clear20:33
chazcoHi... can I download the old login screen from somewhere?20:33
tapasstep 1] get list of all packages [simple]20:33
tapasstep 2] get list of all files in package [simple]20:33
lucaxhow is intel video cards situation in jaunty? are bugs fixed already?20:33
tapasstep 3] do some statistics on the age of the files [not so simple]20:34
guntbertmsn102: you have installed build-essential?20:34
tapasstep 4] use some decision to present the user packages which he might opt to remove20:34
D3RGPS31How do I disable IPv6?20:34
jamesclayden1983i have some how badly messed up my xorg file on my other ubuntu box. I have tried the auto fix in the recovery boot mode and i have looked at it manual. everything is set to default ...... device. Is there any other way to get ubuntu to reconfigure this file for me?20:34
EvereadyD3RGPS31 : does it hook up default?20:34
D3RGPS31Eveready: yes20:35
Luig1D3RGPS31: Are you using a router?20:35
D3RGPS31Luig1: yes20:35
BmanHi. I dl'ed a rar-file from megaupload. How do I extract it? because it says archive type not supported20:35
digitaloktayspanther, woran kann es liegen, das ich diese meldung bekomme?  * Running DKMS auto installation service for kernel 2.6.28-3-rt                 *  nvidia (173.14.16)...            [fail20:35
Luig1D3RGPS31: I'm no expert in this field, but I imagine that if you disable it there you won't need to worry about it again.20:35
Geierhi, i want to find out whether my cpu supports 64bit. cat /proc/cpuinfo yields the lahf_lm flag, does that mean it's 32 or 64 bits?20:35
D3RGPS31Luig1: that doesn't apply then20:36
Flannel!de | digitaloktay20:36
ubottudigitaloktay: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:36
compute32spanther: this is what I got outputted:  http://dpaste.com/37757/20:36
loshertapas: its hard to do in just the shell, because there's no easy way to sort files by age. I suggest a perl or python script is the way to go....20:36
EvereadyD3RGPS31 : theres stuff in the Connection manager20:36
=== NickUK is now known as [CB]NickUK
EvereadyD3RGPS31 : in Kicker taskbar tray20:37
digitaloktayFlannel,  * Running DKMS auto installation service for kernel 2.6.28-3-rt   *  nvidia (173.14.16)... [fail] i get this error when i want  to install nvidiadriver on ubuntustudio 9.0420:37
msn102if followed all the steps from the offical ubuntu guide, i'm going to try to start over see if it errors during compile again20:37
Eveready!translate Ухожу я от вас20:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:37
spanther-laptopcompute32, this output tells me that your graphics drivers don't work20:38
compute32spanther-laptop: So what do I need to do?20:38
Tortured__stupid wifi20:38
python_userI can't join kubuntu (client issues) so I have to ask here. Just moved over to kubuntu and cant find where to configure basic hardware such as mouse speed etc, any ideas?20:38
PlasmaSheepHello all.20:39
compute32what drivers would I need: I have FX5500 256 memory DDR PCI card from nvidiaa20:39
spanther-laptopcompute32, it seems like you can't use the actual drivers. try the legacy ones then. or did the lower version work before?20:39
guntbertmsn102: you *could* pastebin the output, maybe someone sees the cause20:39
PlasmaSheepHow can I set the default window manager?20:39
PlasmaSheepUbuntu starts up without one,.20:39
tacosarecoolOk now how do I fix my panel so I can set my status next to my name20:39
KYWLhi, I'm trying to compile Conky but it keeps telling me that my X11 can not be located any ideas?20:39
ExAstrisI'm screwed. I found that the drivers I DL'ed were indeed incompatiable with my card, but the drivers that are are incompatiable with the jaunty kernel! What do I do??20:39
Luig1I have a blank DVD-RW in my DVD-RW drive, and it's not recognizing anything at all; it won't let me blank it or anything. What should I do?20:39
compute32Spanther-laptop:  I tried the old drivers and new ones.  All don't do anything.20:39
compute32I did had it working.20:39
digitaloktay * Running DKMS auto installation service for kernel 2.6.28-3-rt   *  nvidia (173.14.16)... [fail] i get this error when i want  to install nvidiadriver on ubuntustudio 9.0420:39
digitaloktay * Running DKMS auto installation service for kernel 2.6.28-3-rt   *  nvidia (173.14.16)... [fail] i get this error when i want  to install nvidiadriver on ubuntustudio 9.0420:39
Luig1I mean attempt to20:39
FloodBot2digitaloktay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:39
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:40
Gnea!repeat | digitaloktay20:40
ubottudigitaloktay: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:40
EvereadyLuig1 : go to videohelp.com and see they have mediums and drives all reviewed20:40
Luig1It doesn't recognize that there's anything there.20:40
Samy1Salvete fratres . Quid agistis hodie?20:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about latin20:40
usserdigitaloktay, nvidia drivers do not work on real-time kernel which is what you appear to be running20:40
spanther-laptopCompBrain, aww :/ sorry then. here the actual drivers work fine :( but anyway your 5500 pci card is old. think about a replacement card for cheap :) newer nvidia model. maybe yours isnt supported or its a jaunty bug cause jaunty is out new now. cant tell you precisely20:40
PlasmaSheepHow can I set the default window manager?20:41
KYWLI've also tried apt-get x11-common but that was already installed, so what am I missing?20:41
Luig1The thing is it recognizes the other blanks I have, just not this one, and I want to reclaim this one. Is there a way for me to test it or something?20:41
GneaPlasmaSheep: you get no GUI at all?20:41
EvereadyLuig1 : could be a number of things , have you got one to work before?20:41
slaytanichey, anyone knows how can I stop wpa_supplicant from running on my _wired_ system?20:41
Bonyshi all20:41
spanther-laptopdigitaloktay, sry i didn't respond cause i have no knowledge about this yet myself :/20:41
mcnellisI'm trying to set up ircd-hybrid and It's running and the port is open on my network but I get "Connection failed. Error: Connection refused" when I run netstat -l it doesn't list that it's listening on the port set by irc20:41
PlasmaSheepGnea: No, it just starts up without metacity. Running metacity --replace fixes it.20:41
exodus_msneed to update my QSQLITE driver so that amarok 2.0.2 can import my 1.4 sqlite db. Just upgraded to 9.04 any suggestions on how to update this driver20:41
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:41
compute32but my windows since I have dual OS on the computer . Long ago blender would work etc. Then when I booted into my windows xp  to do hw for college. I had some software install to see linux particians. So windows detected  the linux particians I never had problems until that day I done hw. windows gave me a prompt saying that it's formatting drive R: meaning my linux partician to ntfs. it did this automaticly.20:42
GneaPlasmaSheep: so that's what it tries to start with when you login from the gdm prompt?20:42
python_userI can't join kubuntu (client issues) so I have to ask here. Just moved over to kubuntu and cant find where to configure basic hardware such as mouse speed etc, any ideas?20:42
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs20:42
PlasmaSheepGnea: It doesn't start a wm at all when I log in.20:42
[CB]NickUKHello, I am currently having problems with my graphics can anyone help?20:42
Nullifi3dcan someone please help me :/20:42
Evereadymmmm ... XMMS220:42
PlasmaSheepGnea: I need to know how to set a default wm.20:42
GneaPlasmaSheep: is this a brand new installation?20:42
D3RGPS31I just upgraded to 9.04, and /etc/modprobe.d/aliases is gone; is this suppose to happen?20:42
digitaloktayusser, when i reboot, x dont start, i musst to edit in xorg.conf nvidia to nv to start gdm20:42
Bahaamay i have some help  ?20:42
Luig1Eveready: This disk is the same as the others I use as far as I know, apart from not working. I may have used it before (it was sitting in a case in a drawer), but there are no scratches as far as I can see.20:42
Geier[CB]NickUK: what graphics?20:42
GneaPlasmaSheep: and I need to know some information in order to help you set it correctly.20:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:42
compute32So it erased everything even important website work. so I used partimage to try and restore anything I can. which ended up destorying my xp partician . So I had to reinstall everything.20:42
usserdigitaloktay, nvidia proprietary drivers do NOT work on real-time kernel20:43
[CB]NickUKWhen i play a game or watch a video it is very jerky, However the effects are fine.20:43
usserdigitaloktay, your only option is nv20:43
RedWarhello all20:43
hbekelKYWL: got x-dev and libx11-dev?20:43
compute32This is where when I installed ubuntu again I  was not able to load blender or anythig that used opengl.20:43
Geier[CB]NickUK: what video card do you have20:43
losherSamy1: be well brothers. What are you doing? today.... ?20:43
tacosarecoolHow do I fix my gnome panel so I can post my online status next to my name.20:43
=== mydnight is now known as MydnightTM
EvereadyDamn, NVIDIA? I got my ATI to play MS$ directx Age of Mythology like a champ20:44
veggteppewhen i have used "cd "folder" " to go to a place, how do i c whats in that folder again?20:44
Evereadyunder wine20:44
KYWLhbekel, no I'll try20:44
grawityveggteppe: 'ls'20:44
Nullifi3dhaving a problem with my wired nic - RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller - dropping sometimes. ive blacklist r8169 driver, installed 8168, still same issue. ubuntu 9.04 amd x6420:44
usserdigitaloktay, well actually i take it back someone managed to hack around it http://meandubuntu.wordpress.com/2008/07/17/install-nvidia-17713-drivers-on-realtime-kernel/20:44
GneaPlasmaSheep: so is this a new installation or did you upgrade? what version of ubuntu are you running?20:44
veggteppeThank you :), may i ask how i opel that folder aswell?20:44
compute32spanther-:laptop: I  was able to  get blender working before xp decided to format my linux hard drive. After that I installed ubuntu and I was never able to get blender working or any opengl app20:44
veggteppeopen *20:44
PlasmaSheepGnea: hold on, let me try one last thing.20:44
St0n3-C0lIs there some ppa available from where we can get the latest ffmpeg and other stuff for hardy?20:44
Bahaaubuntu 9.04 64 bit setup crashes at install( uniquity )20:45
matholumhello everyone... I have an error in my jaunty install that i remember seeing someone else have yesterday... i didn't pay attention though so I need some help... it says "BusyBox ... built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands" what do i do?20:45
digitaloktayusser, and this works?20:45
ExAstrisCan someone help me, please? I attmpted to upgrade my drivers for my ati card, but dled and installed the wrong thing. I've found the RIGHT drivers, but they aren't compatiable with the Jaunty kernel. I can't get into X; what can I do?20:45
usserdigitaloktay, it might, the last i heard nvidia didnt support rt kernel.20:45
GneaExAstris: what drivers did you install?20:46
melikim in love with ubuntu remix edition :D20:46
meliknetbook remix*20:46
loshermelik: why?20:46
tacosarecoolHow do I fix my gnome panel so I can post my online status next to my name?20:46
ExAstrisfglrx 9.4 for my graphics card. The correct ones were 9.3.20:46
Geiermelik: I'm thinking about installing it20:46
digitaloktayusser, ok thx a lot, i print this page and try to install20:46
melikGeier, u'll love it!20:46
GneaExAstris: how did you install them? via .deb package?20:46
melikits the best losher20:46
Geierk :D20:46
EvereadyExAstris : do you have a backup of xorg.conf?20:46
melikGeier, ill send u some screens20:46
melikhang on20:46
=== Mark_M|Away is now known as Mark_Milliman
Nullifi3dhaving a problem with my wired nic - RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller - dropping sometimes. ive blacklist r8169 driver, installed 8168, still same issue. ubuntu 9.04 amd x6420:46
ExAstrisno, via a .run from the adobe site, Gnea. Eveready, I don't believe so.20:46
EvereadyExAstris : look and see /etc/X11/xorg.conf>>>>>>>>> anything20:47
fujimitsu!away > Mark_Milliman20:47
ubottuMark_Milliman, please see my private message20:47
ExAstrisEveready: Hold on, I've just rebooted. I know there are a few in there from a dpkg-reconfigure I did, but those are all broken. I'll see if there's anything older20:47
usserdigitaloktay, get more recent driver too, i think its up to 183 now20:47
D3RGPS31How can I restore /etc/modprobe.d/aliases20:47
digitaloktayusser, ok i have 173er driver20:48
GneaExAstris: ah, we don't support .run files for graphics drivers, there should be a 9.3 .deb out there... you should drop down to the shell (ctrl-alt-f1) and use the file.run --help to see if it has some sort of --uninstall feature20:48
echo7ati 7000 radeon tv out in ubuntu 9.0420:48
PlasmaSheepHello all.20:48
Tabascorkhi people20:48
ExAstrisI can't drop down to the shell, Gnea, ctrl-alt-f1 does nothing. I have to boot into recovery mode. I'll look for a 9.3 .deb, but it seems unlikely :S20:48
Bsims{fs} Why is amarok 2 so darn unstable? Why cant I change the layout on it... Why can it not remember I want an album shown under various artists and More importantly WHY does the guess from file name not work AT ALL20:48
Luig1I just don't understand this. There is definitely a disk in this drive, regardless of whether or not there is actually something on it, yet every DVD program I have is reporting that the drive is empty!20:48
PlasmaSheepGnea: I made a clean 9.04 install and overwrote the home directory I got with it with my 8.10 home dir (which I know realize was very stupid).20:49
ExAstrisah, here's an xorg.conf from my upgrade a day ago20:49
Luig1The DVD-RW in my drive is the same as the others I use, as far as I know (apart from not working). I may have used it before (it was sitting in a case in a drawer), but there are no scratches as far as I can see.20:49
GneaExAstris: well, get the drivers from the .run file uninstalled first20:49
gesto_How can I determine which release of 9.04 am I running ?20:49
compute32spanther-laptop: so what should I do?20:49
ExAstrisGnea: I have no idea how...20:49
ExAstrisGnea: But I'll look at that file. remind me, what's the rename command?20:49
PlasmaSheepgesto_: there's only one 9.0420:49
GneaExAstris: do you have another computer that you can ssh to it from?20:49
kane77hi, I have slight problem with jaunty.. it fails to install on one of my computers - the installer freezes at about 25% of copying files. I checked cd for defects and it said it was alright. what could that be?20:49
GneaExAstris: mv20:49
RedWarOk, question, I am on 8.04 LTS, those that are in the newest version, do you think I should switch or stay with LTS?20:50
spanther-laptopcompute32, i would replace my old card with a newer one. you dont need a high end one but a newer one :-)  if i were you ^^  but thats up to you :)20:50
spanther-laptopmy 8800gt works very fine. so theres a problem with your card itself20:50
PlasmaSheepHow can I set a default window manager?20:50
gesto_Yes ! Thank you .I meant beta or latest stable .20:50
ExAstrisyes, there's no uninstall option. Thanks, Gnea. Should I try to restore that x.org conf?20:50
losherRedWar: no point upgrading unless there is something you specifically need in 9.04 that 8.04 doesn't have20:50
D3RGPS31How can I restore /etc/modprobe.d/aliases20:50
minimecExAstris: Hold on. I can help you.20:51
GneaPlasmaSheep: hrm, I'm still waiting for mine to finish upgrading 9.04... you can always choose a different session20:51
TabascorkI'm gonna guess that I'm not the only one having problems with ATI drivers?20:51
ExAstrisminimec: I'm all ears.20:51
Luig1Is 9.04 still dealing with those Intell graphics issues?20:51
St0n3-C0lRedWar: If you've intel graphics card, Stay with LTS!20:51
GneaPlasmaSheep: not sure why metacity is bombing out, but maybe your ~/.xsession-errors file can give a clue20:51
xanguaLuig1: yes20:51
compute32spanther-laptop: the graphics card does work. I mean I  use this same computer with windows and I get no problems.20:51
matholumanyone have ideas on what i should do with the busybox prompt?20:51
tacosarecoolLuig1 its alot better20:51
ExAstrisI was so happy too, the 9.04 update went so well. Then WINE started being obnoxious and I screwed up.20:51
Taruzgood day to20:51
Taruzall of you20:52
aadityahey peeps. my firefox won't start. traced it to the package xulrunner-1.9, but pakage managers are unable to remove/reinstall xulrunner-1.9*20:52
tacosarecooljust install the software modem driver for some reason that made it better20:52
KYWLSt0n3-C0l, so no composition in 9.04 means stick with LTS?20:52
PlasmaSheepGnea: it works when I do metacity --replace, so metacity isn't broken, it's just not starting up.20:52
Taruzcould someone help me out with a couple of questions?20:52
minimecExAstris: can you go on a console with <ctrl><alt>f1? If not boot your machine in recovery mode.20:52
EvereadyExAstris : try the uinstall first , but it migh be good to have a solid xorg .conf backup once its all done20:52
ExAstrisminimec, I'm already in recovery.20:52
Luig1tacosarecool: do you mean they've updated it, or that you are dealing with it fine?20:52
GneaPlasmaSheep: the method that it's using to start it is broken.20:52
ExAstrisEverready: There is no uninstall.20:52
abstortedminds1I have 2 hard drives, one has ubuntu and windows with an MBR partition (grub) and it works fine, the other harddrive is a storage drive...my question is when installing gentoo on the storage drive, do I simply add an entry manually to grub for the location of my gentoo installation?  or  how does this work?20:52
ExAstriseveready, I can't find one.20:52
spanther-laptopcompute32, yes but the linux driver doesnt work as you showed me some time before. blame nvidia ^^20:52
echo7how i ati 7000 radeon tv out in ubuntu 9.04???20:52
Shay26Hello , i downloaded the new version of Ubuntu (9.04 64 bit) from the installer i choosed to create new partition with EXT4 , when the installation process getting to 41% i getting error msg : errno 5 Input/output , i tryed to install the Ubuntu on other computer and it the same problem , any ides ?20:52
minimecExAstris: OK. So you have the root console?20:52
EvereadyExAstris : then is there a backup file?20:52
ExAstrisminimec: That I do.20:52
tacosarecoolit's alot better I've only had it dim once20:52
Evereadyxorg.conf~ or somethin g20:53
ExAstrisEveready: There is an xorg.conf backup from a day or so ago20:53
minimecExAstris: do these three steps: 1.) apt-get remove fglrx* 2.) dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg 3.) reboot20:53
Gnea!english | jjvideo2520:53
ubottujjvideo25: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat20:53
Evereadyrename then logout and ALT+backspace20:53
tacosarecoolBut i'm on ext420:53
ExAstrisminimec: right.20:53
tacosarecooland my swap is 2gb20:53
Evereadyneed to be root20:53
St0n3-C0lKYWL: Intel users having issues including me. The performance is bad when I tried ubuntu 8.10 and im closely linked with the reviews20:53
Evereadyrename then logout and then ALT+backspace20:53
Tabascorkecho7: ATI drivers are pretty much screwed up in 9.04.  I can't find anything on it that works.20:53
jjvideo25thats fine20:53
aadityahow can i force dpkg to remove a package despite of the failures in post-install scripts?20:53
hbekelabstortedminds1: yes, you can do that20:53
minimecExAstris: That should remove fglrx, reconfigure the xserver to the defaults and reboot.20:54
ExAstrisit's removed. reconfiguring.20:54
Taruzhello there20:54
abstortedminds1hbekel, so the partition right now looks like    HD1-250gb/250gb  HD2-500gb, would grub--install do this automatically? or should I do this by hand?20:54
Taruzi have a problem with ntfs and ubuntu20:54
PlasmaSheepGnea: here's .xsession-errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/158110/20:54
Geierwhat is ist?20:54
hbekelabstortedminds1: no idea, i'd edit the menu.lst manually20:54
tacosarecoolHow do I fix my gnome panel? After I installed kde it broke somewhat, I decided I like gnome better.20:54
abstortedminds1ok thanks20:55
Evereadyit wasnt apt ... apt use dpkg ... yea20:55
ExAstrisrebooting now, wish me luck.20:55
Taruzhere's the whole deal, i have a dell poweredge 2800 server, windows 2003 crashed, and cant boot due to a Stop 7b error message20:55
echo7Tabascork no ur wrong20:55
Taruzi booted with ubuntu20:55
echo7Tabascork http://www.x.org/wiki/radeonTV20:55
Evereadyleast this way you rid of the files, hehe20:55
KYWLSt0n3-C0l: I see, so go back to 8.04? Is compiz supported with most intel GMA 9xx chip-sets?20:55
Taruzi can mount the harddrive20:55
echo7run the xrandr works perfect20:55
gumpweaWow - would it really kill them to host the MD5 sums on a server that's actually responsive?20:55
Taruzbut when i try to copy a 1.7H20:55
spanther-laptopcompute32, i bet there is a way but i won't know it then ^^20:55
echo7Tabascork run the xrandr works perfect20:55
Taruz1.7GB file20:56
ExAstrisgumpwea: They exist to annoy you, whoever they are :D20:56
tacosarecoolHow do I fix my gnome panel? After I installed kde it broke somewhat, I decided I like gnome better.20:56
Taruzit copies for a while and  it freezes20:56
echo7Tabascork works for tvout20:56
Evereadyminimec : it would appear to work, xorg.conf, but modules still would load up at boot time20:56
Taruzlater on i got a input output error20:56
PlasmaSheeptacosarecool: detail would be nice.20:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about detail20:56
St0n3-C0lKYWL: The version I ran, in it compiz did run but i switched it off.20:56
ExAstrisit's booting, minimec.20:56
kenkenHello guys! im having problems with ubuntu after upgrading to 9.04. the system crashes when im trying to boot.20:56
Taruzsometimes copies 128mb sometimes it copies 140mb20:56
ExAstrisI'll know in a sec how this works :S20:56
Bsims{fs} anyone have a freaking clue why  or how I have an empty album named unknown?20:56
Taruzthe drive is fine20:56
=== Mark_Milliman is now known as Mark_M|Away
minimecEveready: What? That works out of the box... ;)20:57
Tabascorkecho7: I assume you got it to work then?20:57
loshergumpwea, ExAstris: they're doing it on purpose. Weeds out the faint of heart and the quick-thrill seekers...20:57
St0n3-C0lIf I get what I need in Ubuntu 8.0420:57
St0n3-C0lI might not turn back.20:57
tacosarecoolPlasma I installed kde the gnome panel broke somewhat after I installed kde. The part that broke you know the top right where your name is broke. Because I decided I liked gnome better afterwards.20:57
St0n3-C0lI want the latest ffmpeg and other stuff20:57
echo7Tabascork yes20:57
ExAstrisyea, no luck. Can't start X. Just a bunch of random colors near the top of the screen. Bars of red, then green/purple, then green20:57
KYWLSt0n3-C0l, I see20:57
ExAstrisjust like before20:57
kenkensomebody that can help me?20:58
minimecExAstris: good luck...20:58
echo7Tabascork i need to fix xorg.conf which i have no clue how to open20:58
Taruzplease can someone help me out, i only have a few questions20:58
ExAstrisminimec: bit late, see above.20:58
ttturboim using mint, can i ask here or is there a better place to go20:58
Taruzi have a problem with ntfs on a RAID0 drive in a poweredge server20:58
St0n3-C0lKYWL: Just to tell you, I don't have even 9xx series chipset. I have 845. So don't know about 9xx performances on 8.04. ayways would be better20:58
ExAstrisback into recovery mode for the 400 billionth time.20:58
GneaPlasmaSheep: hrm, not sure if that's the right one or not... when are you given a chance to type metacity --replace?20:58
kellihi all20:58
doonertaruz  my guess is that NTFS ate it self enough that you cannot read it.20:59
tacosarecoolPlasma I installed kde the gnome panel broke somewhat after I installed kde. The part that broke you know the top right where your name is broke. Because I decided I liked gnome better afterwards.20:59
St0n3-C0lttturbo: Hmm, better ask in LinuxMint on irc.spotchat.org20:59
PlasmaSheepGnea: The GUI works fine, I can open a terminal without a problem.20:59
Evereadyminimec : lmao20:59
Shay26Hello , i downloaded the new version of Ubuntu (9.04 64 bit) from the installer i choosed to create new partition with EXT4 , when the installation process getting to 41% i getting error msg : errno 5 Input/output , i tryed to install the Ubuntu on other computer and it the same problem , any ides ?20:59
minimecExAstris: I have done that myself and I told a lot of people here on the channel to do so. It always worked.20:59
Taruzi can see all my files, all i need is a sql database20:59
Taruz1.7gb in size20:59
Evereadymkfs kills NTFS20:59
ttturbowell, you know how you can switch between desktops by using the mouse wheel, i was messing around in compiz settings and I cant get it to work again20:59
Taruzim trying to copy it to a SD card20:59
Tabascorkecho7:  Wouldn't it be easier to do it dynamically in the terminal?20:59
kellii have just loaded ubuntu9.04 and i need help20:59
St0n3-C0lno idea with compiz friend21:00
St0n3-C0li don't use it21:00
PlasmaSheep!ask | kelli21:00
ubottukelli: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:00
ExAstrisminimec: Nope. Just tried loading backup xorg.conf, STILL nothing. What the hell is going on?21:00
GneaPlasmaSheep: okay, then what you need to do is this: logout, login again, open the terminal, and before you type metacity --replace, type this:  cp .xsession_errors temp_xsession_errors21:00
Evereadykelli : come to #linuxforchicks21:00
PlasmaSheepgnea: sure.21:00
livingdaylightpeeps: i'm lurvin my fresh install of Jackalope - its Jaunty! Alrite, but its the same ole drum role at boot up. It would be nice to see this developed and refined with wach release. But we have the same drum roll since 6 releases or more ago.... Question: anyone know where and how i can get a different sounding boot up sound? please?21:00
GneaPlasmaSheep: thanks21:00
echo7Tabascork whats the command to do that?21:00
ttturbowhat is compiz and what could you use instead21:00
tacosarecoolI installed kde the gnome panel broke somewhat after I installed kde. The part that broke you know the top right where your name is broke. Because I decided I liked gnome better afterwards.21:00
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion21:00
dergringoHmm Hi! I need some help configuring my microphone. It works fine, but as soon as I mute the Microphone in the Playback! Section. It does not record anymore. The problem is just that I can't disable microphone output to the speakers. So I always hear myself. Any hint?21:00
echo7Tabascork I'm a starter on computers21:00
echo7Tabascork and linux21:00
kenkenExAstris: what graphic card are you using?21:00
ExAstriskenken, it is an ATI radeon x160021:01
ExAstrisand until today, it was my friend.21:01
doonerTaruz, well normally if WIndows blows up and kills the drive.  normally I found the repair it in *nix, then reboot windows to force the chkdsk21:01
Evereadyhuh .. I have a radeon21:01
mr_frosteeI have found a lot of 9.04 help at http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php since I updated.21:01
Taruzwell i tried to use the recovery console, but when it starts21:01
doonersince if it is in a inconsistant state, you will see the errors you are seeing21:01
kenkenim using ati radeon 9600 pro and i think i have a similar problem..21:01
Taruzit gets stuck trying to read the drive21:01
ExAstrisSigh. I seriously screwed up, but I have no idea what to do.21:01
tacosarecoolI installed kde the gnome panel broke somewhat after I installed kde. The part that broke you know the top right where your name is broke. Because I decided I liked gnome better afterwards.21:02
ExAstrisAt this point I think I'm just gonna grab the jaunty ISO, reinstall...21:02
Tabascorkecho7: there are 3 commands on that web page you gave me that are numbered.  just enter one of them in the terminal and see what that does for you.21:02
ExAstrisbut is there a way for me to do that without losing all my data again?21:02
EvereadyI have a 9200 pro, and Jockey hooked me up with the 2400HD driver21:02
PlasmaSheepExAstris: that's what I did when ubuntu didn't start.21:02
ExAstrisPlasmaSheep: The only gaurenteed fix.21:02
PlasmaSheepExAstris: do you have an external hdd?21:02
doonerTaruz, did you try ntfsfix?21:02
ExAstrisPlasmaSheep: I have 3!21:02
phouldoes anyone know what they are using for system info in this picture21:02
minimecExAstris: Are you sure you removed all the fglrx packages by typing apt-get remove fglrx* ?21:03
mythosHi, can any1 help me please?21:03
msn102still having no luck with kernel compilation. anyone know what the errors i pasted mean21:03
ExAstrisminimec: I'm pretty sure. I did it twice, on the 2nd try it found nothing to remove... but I installed from a .run, so...21:03
Taruzi havent tried that, ill google for it, do you think my ntfs is screwed up, why would ubuntu just copy around 128-140 mb of data21:03
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:03
Tabascorkecho7: of course, that doesn't work on my machine because I don't have s-video... :/21:03
mythosi need some1 to try my Java applet, it seems to work for me on windows21:03
mythosbut crashes on ubuntu21:03
PlasmaSheepExAstris: Simple then. Copy whatever you want to keep onto the external hdd, reinstall, and then copy it back (just be careful wit the hidden folders, you can f up the window manager)21:03
doonerTaruz, yes I am pretty sure the NTFS is screwed up.21:03
EvereadyJava is better in Linux hehe21:03
mythosis that why it crashes -.-21:04
Evereadywell... Sun just got bought sooo21:04
ExAstrisPlasmaSheep: Well, yes, but what about my applications? I don't want to have to reinstall everything.21:04
echo7Tabascork do u know a way to auto run terminal with script21:04
fujimitsujaunty is very quick to install, if you just think you dont like whichever desktop environment, then just reinstall with whichever you like ..21:04
minimecExAstris: Oh I see!! Go to /usr/share/fglrx or something like that... There is an uninstall script..21:04
ExAstrisminimec: Righto.21:04
mythosEveready, can you see if it crashes for you too? maybe i didn't install JRE as needed on ubuntu21:04
echo7Tabascork can i pm u21:04
Taruzif the company im doing this for looses that database they are sooo screwed21:04
mythosafter all i'm new here21:04
Taruzletme try ntfsfix21:04
twanny796is chkconfig used in Ubuntu?21:04
mfc_coderWhat is the name of that Program Manager looking window in 9.04 Remix?21:04
phoulanyone know what system monitor is being used in this picture: http://narf41.deviantart.com/art/Ljuda-10882713121:04
Taruzill be back in a minute, thank you21:04
doonerTaruz, i've seen ntfs get messed up enough that windows won't boot, an ntfsfix, and then a reboot into windows to chckdesk can fix the problem, then you can copy it off21:04
PlasmaSheepGnea: logging out/in.21:04
mythossince when i run it with the applet viewer with NetBeans - it works...21:04
tacosarecoolI installed kde the gnome panel broke somewhat after I installed kde. The part that broke you know the top right where your name is broke. Because I decided I liked gnome better afterwards.21:04
mythosvery odd.21:04
Evereadytoo late dpkg purget the script21:05
doonerTaruz, if they don't have backups,then they are already screwed :)21:05
ExAstrisminimec... that directory doesn't exist.21:05
loshertwanny796: no, but you can download/compile/install it yourself. Seems to work...21:05
Taruzi guess they are :p21:05
sgodsellmythos, is there any 3D?21:05
yowshianyone know of a mouse macro creator for linux other then Xmacro and xnee?21:05
Evereadyreinstall it! lol21:05
Evereadygod no...21:05
Tabascorkecho7:  as far as auto-running... I have no idea.  You'll have to ask someone else about that.21:05
kellii loaded ubuntu9.04 and a box with "Tracker Applet" came up and wont go away?21:05
Gneayay, 20 more minutes21:05
python_userkubuntu jaunty doesn't show any hardware or common control panel style options.. any idea why? was this a design decision?21:06
veggteppeAnyone that got the PDF Ebook "Getting started with ubuntu" ?:)21:06
minimecExAstris: /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh21:06
Gneakelli: it won't? would you prefer it did?21:06
ExAstrisyes, got that.21:06
kenkenwhat is the defult ati driver when updating to 9.04? does it come a new driver when updating or is it the old one21:06
Skaparepython_user: start panel > applications > system21:06
=== plustwo is now known as deegee
tc-I have Jaunty installed here and a lot of programs just die with Segmentation fault, Firefox, Galeon, the update manager, synaptic..... Something seems very unstable. Is it a known problem, if so what do I do about it?21:06
=== Mark_M|Away is now known as Mark_Milliman
mythosyou see the spider walking?21:06
minimecExAstris: You do the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg afterwards... :)21:07
ExAstrismythos: Sorry, what? I was telling minimec, it's uninstalling21:07
python_userSkapare: yeah, theres nothing there like "mouse and keyboard settings"21:07
PlasmaSheepHello all.21:07
ExAstrisminimec: I guessed XD21:07
mythosoh sorry21:07
kelliGbea : yes21:07
Gneakelli: did you check the list from: right-click on the top bar, 'remove applet' and select the tracker there?21:07
mythosi just need some1 to see if my java applet works for him, since it doesn't work for me21:07
PlasmaSheepGnea: http://paste.ubuntu.com/158116/ Some of it seems to be about conky.21:07
Skaparepython_user: I found hardware drivers there ... guess you gotta look around ... different concepts than gnome21:07
Tabascorkkenken:The default driver is open source.  As far as I know, the restricted drivers are not compatible with 9.0421:07
python_userSkapare: I'm not looking for drivers21:07
python_userI wanna config the mouse21:07
tacosarecoolI installed kde the gnome panel broke somewhat after I installed kde. The part that broke you know the top right where your name is broke. Because I decided I liked gnome better afterwards.21:07
python_userand a few other things21:07
ExAstrisOMB YES!21:07
ExAstrisX STARTED!21:08
tacosarecool!I installed kde the gnome panel broke somewhat after I installed kde. The part that broke you know the top right where your name is broke. Because I decided I liked gnome better afterwards.21:08
FloodBot2ExAstris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:08
=== CoskunD is now known as coskund
PlasmaSheepTabascork: restricted drivers are always compatible =/21:08
python_userthey should be in the "systems settings" like the screenshots show, but I have nothing.. or very little21:08
ExAstrisminimec: I got in. IT looks weird as hell, but I'm in.21:08
ExAstrisminimec: must be logged in as root21:08
sgodsellmythos, a bug walking on the screen?21:08
grkblood13is there a way to find out where an ip is located21:08
Skaparepython_user: there were some other things I saw labeled preferences and administration (didn't find drivers there so I moved on)21:08
losherError: I am only an engineer, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:08
mythosit works for you?21:08
stz184NTFS volumes are mounted correctly in /mnt/ but doesn't appear in My Computer. Can I fix it? 9.0421:08
Skaparepython_user: maybe mouse stuff is in those21:08
ExAstrisI'm gonna reboot normally and see if it works21:08
mythosso why doesn't it work for me?21:08
python_userSkapare: I've looked for over 2 hours now, I seriously cant find anything21:08
sgodsellwhat graphics card are you using?21:08
mythosi'm running Ubuntu 9.0421:08
TabascorkPlasmaSheep: they don't work for me.21:08
GneaPlasmaSheep: are you sure you cleaned your /home out properly when you reinstalled?  x-session-manager[7712]: WARNING: Could not launch application 'nvidia-power.sh.desktop': Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process "/home/alyosha/bin/nvidia-power.sh" (No such file or directory)21:08
minimecExAstris: Good idea...21:09
mythosand installed JDK + JRE21:09
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:09
Skaparepython_user: *shrug* ... maybe #kde knows21:09
ExAstrisminimec: some things, I can do xD21:09
mythos+ using FF21:09
python_userthis is really bad from an end users perspective, when I find them I'm gonna submit a patch to kde to get this fixed21:09
haggisbasherukhttp://pt.kuki.me/iso/Kuki 3.0 Pre Release/test/21:09
tacosarecoolI installed kde the gnome panel broke somewhat after I installed kde. The part that broke you know the top right where your name is broke. Because I decided I liked gnome better afterwards.21:09
kenkenTabascork: what can be the problem, when im trying to boot the system crashes and gives me just strange colours21:09
sgodsellmythos, what graphics card do you have?21:09
python_userSkapare: lol, #kde didnt know21:09
PlasmaSheepGnea: curious, I don't even have an nvidia card. I guess I didn't clean it well enough.21:09
haggisbasherukopps wrong channel21:09
ExAstrisminimec: booting now.21:10
mythossgodsell, Geforce 8500GT21:10
python_userThis looks like some ubuntu design decision to me21:10
python_userno one has any clue21:10
spaceninjainkscape is buggy21:10
Skaparepython_user: well, unfortunately, I don't (yet) since I didn't need to configure mouse ... and I'm going back to gnome because konqueror is borked21:10
ExAstrisI will say that Jaunty boots extremely fast compared to 8.1021:10
PlasmaSheepExAstris: definitely.21:10
ExAstrismmm delicious x21:10
python_userSkapare: also trying to find where to change to double click for icons21:10
Taruzhey dooner, do you think that if delete all the partitions in the server, then reinstall and try to recover the information using some software like filescanvenger or something like that21:10
tacosarecoolI installed kde the gnome panel broke somewhat after I installed kde. The part that broke you know the top right where your name is broke. Because I decided I liked gnome better afterwards.21:10
Taruzdo you think i could recover some files?21:11
EvereadyI need to get Jaunty on the Atom computer21:11
PlasmaSheepGnea: So what do I do now?21:11
Tabascorkkenken: I'm not entirely sure.  ATI has to fix the problem, since it's their piece of crap.21:11
sgodsellmythos, I know on the 945 intel.  I have problems with java 3D.  It just doesn't work.  Sun will have to do an update for xorg 1.621:11
ExAstrisIt's so good to have it back. Thank you, minimec, gnea, PlasmaSheep for your help!21:11
Evereadyjust found out it is a dually21:11
PlasmaSheepEveready: netbook remix21:11
Evereadyyee ha21:11
Skaparepython_user: no idea, sorry21:11
minimecExAstris: np21:11
mythosi've got everything installed, the nvidia graphics driver also21:11
mythosand my applet is 2d21:11
Evereadymm hmm21:11
PlasmaSheepExAstris: I don't think I particularly helped, but no problem nonetheless :p21:11
ExAstrisminimec: words cannot describe how relieved I am.21:11
tc-tc@Zputnik:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade; Reading package lists... Done; Segmentation faulty tree... 50% <-- Is this bad? :)21:11
ExAstrisPlasmaSheep: well, you tried.21:11
mythosand it WORKS when i run it with applet viewer21:11
mythosjust doesn't work when i try it with FF or Konqueror21:12
Evereadyit had option to have Ubuntu factory installed... now I ned a 1gb stick and Ill be ready21:12
GneaPlasmaSheep: well, how did you clean it in the first place? you made mention about backing up your /home to an external drive... but did you just copy everything back over or do you even have a separate /home partition?21:12
Evereadyerr format my 4gig sd card21:12
hrhodes31seems lik everything that can work does in ubuntu21:12
sgodsellmythos, how did you install the plugin to ff21:12
PlasmaSheepGnea: I just copied everything.21:12
mythosummm 1 line in the terminal21:12
ExAstrisI bet my original issue is still there... but that's okay. better then no GUI at all21:12
minimecExAstris: Yeah... Sometimes I have this feeling too...21:12
GneaPlasmaSheep: okay. try this then: make a new user. logout, login with the new user. does metacity croak with the new user?21:12
mythosi'll look for it, sec21:12
ExAstrisminimec: :D21:12
tacosarecoolI installed kde the gnome panel broke somewhat after I installed kde. The part that broke you know the top right where your name is broke. Because I decided I liked gnome better afterwards.21:12
ExAstrisyep, my original WINE problem presists. gotta downgrade :(21:13
adelie42Anyone else finding the update servers being really slow? Guessing it is because of the recent release21:13
phoulwhat version of kde is in the kubuntu-desktop for jaunty21:13
mythossgodsell, like this:21:13
mythos~$ ln -s <path to java jre>/libjavaplugin_oji.so ./libjavaplugin_oji.so21:13
TabascorkYeah I couldn't download new packages last night.  I finally got a few to work this morning.21:14
macman_no luck21:14
sgodsellmythos, does ff show it21:14
macman_how to convert swf to mov or m4a21:14
sgodsellmythos, about:plugins21:14
Gneaadelie42: it's also the weekend... most people get on during the weekend, so yes, both of those combined will slow things down.. not much you can do about it other than to try again and hope the round-robin dns picks a faster server for you21:14
tacosarecoolmac http://mediaconverter.org21:14
mythosit shows me www.mmf2.com/java/index3.htm with no problem...21:14
mythosbut crashes my whole screen, and makes me reboot when i load the linux.htm21:14
mythoswhich worked for you + works great for me in windows21:15
adelie42switching to apt-p2p helped some, but I don't think enough people really use it. I look forward to it being standard once it works out a few more bugs21:15
yowshianyone nknow how to use xmacro?21:15
losherso, is vmware workstation free or not? Some people say yes, but the web site quotes prices...?21:16
Evereadyyowshi : what you wanna do21:16
slim|hey guys i have an issue21:16
meoblast001has the issue been fixed with DVDstyler having no sound when you make an iso21:16
python_useranyone using kubuntu?21:16
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:16
slim|i cannot have sound from my speakers i use jaunty21:16
PlasmaSheepHello all.21:16
Eveready!man man21:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about man man21:16
slim|i can only use my headphones21:16
PlasmaSheepGnea: negative.21:16
python_userWhy has jaunty hidden the hardware and other config option in the control center?21:16
yowshiEveready: loop some mouse actions. gnee constantly crashes and i cant figure out how to get xmacro to work21:16
slim|whats goin' on ?21:16
Geierslim|: probably a pulseaudio problem21:16
tacosarecoolI installed kde the gnome panel broke somewhat after I installed kde. The part that broke you know the top right where your name is broke. Because I decided I liked gnome better afterwards.21:16
mythossgodsell, do you have any idea why is that happening?21:16
adelie42control center?21:16
mythossgodsell, since other java applets work for me21:17
Evereadykmix is the sound mixer21:17
python_useradelie42: it's kde21:17
tc-apt-get upgrade segfaults here, what to do?21:17
PlasmaSheepGnea: metacity works fine for wak the unprivileged user.21:17
Dr_Willistacosarecool:  thats the fast-user-switching (i think applet) readd it to the panelif it vanished21:17
adelie42segfault on apt-get upgrade??21:17
Evereadygnee ...21:17
tc-adelie42: Yeah :(21:18
Dr_Willisthat sounds like a good sign to do a clean install21:18
mythosEveready does it work for you too?21:18
mythoscan you please check?21:18
EvereadyIs gnee a daemon , background process for xmacro ?21:18
loshertc: what release, did it ever work, did you *do* something that broke it?21:18
GneaPlasmaSheep: okay, then something is screwy with your dot-files.21:19
adelie42tc-: that is really weird. can you do other apt-get commands that do not segfault? also, are you sure it is apt-get that is faulting and not a package script it is running? what does it do before faulting?21:19
Evereadyyowshi : have you researched their website homepage or any google help you with gnee ?21:19
PlasmaSheepGnea: Affirmative.21:19
theunixgeekThe icons for the Qt development utilities (Linguist, Designer, and Assistant) aren't the new ones. Where are the icons supposed to be installed in Ubuntu?21:19
python_userany kde users here?21:19
theunixgeekpython_user: #kubuntu21:19
BleSSdoes anybody can auto-mount an usb memory in Jaunty?21:19
Dr_Willispython_user:  lots of them - but #kubuntu is best21:19
tc-losher: Jaunty, It works on fresh reboot, but after a while it segfaults21:19
adelie42python_user: many, but there is also a kubuntu support channel21:19
lucaxany good video editor to put sound to a video??21:19
loshertc: using ext4 by any chance?21:20
templaedhelOk, so I upgraded to 9.04, but ati and ubuntu screwed my system, so I need to go back to 8.10 until the next ati driver realese. I have separate home main partitons, all I need to do is install 8.10 on the main partiton and all my data will be left alone right?21:20
tc-losher: Firefox, galeon and synaptic also segfaults21:20
python_useradelie42: I cant access that channel from my uni21:20
GneaPlasmaSheep: so get rid of your dot-files and try logging in with your normal user again21:20
Geiertemplaedhel: yes21:20
theunixgeektemplaedhel: yes, theoretically21:20
yowshiEveready: i have i dont really understand the documentation that i have found21:20
python_usercan only access this chan through mibbit client21:20
ShinyHati am trying to route my usb ports into a virtualbox xp machine so i can use usb devices under xp, any advice?21:20
tc-losher: I was using ext4 on previous install, but now using etx3 again21:20
sgodsellmythos, can you try www.runescape.com21:20
adelie42lucax: many. some good oncwe to start with are openmovieeditor and kdenlive, but you may also like kino21:20
sgodsellsee if it works for you21:20
python_userI can't access #kubuntu so I'm looking for a kubuntu user here.. any????21:20
loshertc: ooh, that's an important additional detail. Was it an upgrade or a fresh install?21:20
templaedhelGeier: is there an easier way where I won't have to reinstall my programs?21:20
mythostried it, the main menu shows but the 3d doesn't21:20
Evereadyyep I use kubuntu21:21
tc-losher: Fresh install21:21
Geiertemplaedhel: not that i know of21:21
Evereadybut I have 8.0421:21
BmanHi. Got a question for aMSN in Ubuntu. Quick question. Can someone help me plz? I just don't want to save conversations, how can i fix this?21:21
python_userEveready: do you have common config option in the systems settings>21:21
SquarcUbuntu 9.04 FTW !21:21
python_userlike mouses settings?>21:21
abstortedminds1Brman, use pidgin21:21
* Tcl is off .....Pe Tun21:21
Squarcjust upgraded from 8.10 :D love it :)21:21
Evereadycommon config...21:21
sgodsellmythos, it is a sun xorg 1.6 graphics bug21:21
mythosin runescape when i check "high graphics" i just get a white screen21:21
yowshiEveready: and some of it my own tries have failed to reproduce21:21
mythosxord 1.6?21:21
tc-losher: I had to do manual fsck once on reboot21:21
python_userEveready: yes, like mouse settings21:21
spanther-laptopSquarc, me too :P21:21
mythoscan't be fixed?21:21
sgodsellmythos, xorg 1.6 version21:22
python_userI want to configure the useability not the look21:22
python_userseems to be no where i can do that21:22
nmvictorhi guys?is their a problem with php5?Cant get it from the ubuntu repositories.tried and im told of error 404.file not found21:22
mythossgodsell, any way i could fix this?21:22
Evereadywhat do you need ? mouse settings?21:22
spanther-laptopmythos, thats because of the free version of java which gets used. remove this and use the proprietary one to get best results21:22
python_userEveready: mouse settings and something to edit the single and double click options for icons21:22
kane77hi, I have slight problem with jaunty.. it fails to install on one of my computers - the installer freezes at about 25% of copying files. I checked cd for defects and it said it was alright. anyone can help diagnose and install?21:22
templaedhelman, I liked 9.04, except for the whole, no graphics drivers...21:22
Evereadypython_user : do you want it default ?21:22
ExAstris9.04 has level 10 awesome/21:22
Majoraanyone here use audacity?21:23
loshertc: sounds like something is corrupting a library. The bad news is, I've seen no other reports of this happening with a clean upgrade and ext3. Intel hardware by any chance?21:23
* Majora on ubuntu 8.1021:23
ExAstrisMajora: on occasion.21:23
mythosspanther-laptop, can you please specify how?21:23
Squarctemplaedhel: just wait a few days I guess ?21:23
adelie42kane77: private chat?21:23
EvereadyMajora : all the time21:23
MajoraBecause it won't work for me :|21:23
python_userEveready: i want to configure it21:23
sgodsellmythos, not that I am aware of?    if you have hardware virtualization then you can run qemu and run an older os, until they get it fixed21:23
sgodsellthat is what I am doing right now21:23
spanther-laptopmythos, there are non free packages and tutorials showing you how to install adobe flash player in ubuntu. just google :)21:23
mythosadobe flash player???21:23
tc-losher: Core2 duo cpu21:23
mythosspanther-laptop, my problem is with Java Applets21:24
templaedhelSquarc: no, because fglrx no longer supports my 2 year old card, so I need to use open source drivers,which have no 3d support,which is what I do21:24
Evereadypython_user : well then... configure it. why do you need my mouse settings?21:24
sgodsellspanther-laptop, he is talking about java21:24
loshertc: any other programs segfautling?21:24
MajoraEveready, ExAstris: Did it work "out of the box" for you? i.e. all you did was apt-get it (or whatever) and nothing else was done.21:24
mythosspanther-laptop, my problem is with Java Applets, and a particular one - with my own21:24
python_userEveready: I'm asking if there is an area in the gui where i can configure this21:24
slim|any one have the same problem ????21:24
python_userI'm asking if you know of a way to configure basic things21:24
python_userI have none21:24
squirreltechhey guys i need help with acer aspire 1355 LCI and ubuntu 9.04. the Xorg fails on graphical install and it kicks me out to the bash and when i check the xorg.conf files it just has the default sections with nothing in them21:24
python_userI see no options available to change any funcitonality21:24
squirreltechany ideas?21:24
mythosspanther-laptop, when i enter the java applet i created in windows it works, and in ubuntu it crashes everything and makes me reboot21:24
ExAstrismajora: I haven't installed it on Ubuntu, but I assume it does :S21:24
tc-losher: Do you think using other fs will help?21:24
rafael_hi i'm trying to launch dreamweaver with wine but there are some errors http://pastebin.com/d1fe37ad9   any suggestion?21:24
Geierslim|: need to specify which problem again21:25
ShinyHati am trying to route my usb ports into a virtualbox xp machine so i can use usb devices under xp, any advice?21:25
EvereadyMajora : I had to configure the sound for jack and get LAME21:25
Shortguy109does anyone know why when i try to open limewire.deb and install it it says an error has occurred21:25
Evereadybut I already had lame... hee hee hee21:25
sgodsellmythos, I already know it is suns java with xorg 1.6 combo.  That is the problem.21:25
usserShortguy109, frostwire21:25
loshertc: no, ext4 is to be avoided, too new, but ext3 is rock solid. If you've done a fresh install onto ext3 that's not the cause...21:25
mythosok so my question is how do i fix that without reinstalling an older OS?21:25
Venterorafael_: Rename the drive_c/windows/WinSxS-folder to winsxs21:26
python_userEveready: any idea?21:26
Shortguy109usser: i've used limewire before tho on the old ubuntu21:26
sgodsellmythos, what is your hardware.  CPU?21:26
mythossgodsell, i've installed ubuntu just to see that the java applet i create will work for both windows and linux21:26
Venterorafael_: And the subfolder Manifests to manifests21:26
Shortguy109usser: + i like the limewire 5.1.2 :o21:26
BmanHi. Got a question for aMSN in Ubuntu. Quick question. Can someone help me plz? I just don't want to save conversations, how can i fix this?21:26
tc-losher: I had to do manual fsck on both ext4 and ext3 after first reboot on system to fix corrupt filesystem21:26
mythossgodsell, intel core 2 duo e4500 2.2ghX2 as i remember21:26
BmanHi. Got a question for aMSN in Ubuntu. Quick question. Can someone help me plz? I just don't want to save conversations, how can i fix this?21:26
MajoraEveready: Oh, that's probably what I need to do XD21:26
rafael_Ventero thx i'll try immediately21:26
spanther-laptopmythos, go at "install/remove software" and search for java. there check "Sun Java 6 Runtime". scroll down a bit and check "Sun Java 6.0 Plugin" too21:26
usserShortguy109, frostwire is exactly the same + its not speed limited like limewire basic21:26
squirreltechhey guys i need help with acer aspire 1355 LCI and ubuntu 9.04. the Xorg fails on graphical install and it kicks me out to the bash and when i check the xorg.conf files it just has the default sections with nothing in them. any ideas?21:27
nmvictoranyone got my question?21:27
Shortguy109usser: it wud have the same amount of ppl sharing the songs too? :o21:27
EvereadyMajora : lame isnt neccesary21:27
python_userAnyone know where I can configure my mouse options in kubuntu jaunty?21:27
MajoraEveready: It keeps telling me "Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate."21:27
loshertc: but you currently are running a clean from-scratch 9.04 install on an ext3 filesystem, no ext4?21:27
usserShortguy109, it uses the same network, gnutella it shares like 90% of code with limewire, but its opensource21:27
EvereadyMajora : unless you dont want MP3 export21:27
Shortguy109usser: ah awesome :) thxxxx21:28
tc-losher: Yeah, no ext3 now21:28
mythossgodsell, got both checked, to remove?21:28
usserShortguy109, no problem21:28
Evereadypython_user : hey , run kcontrol21:28
tc-losher: no ext4 even :)21:28
loshertc: all ext3, pls. confirm21:28
Evereadypython_user : accessories , hardware something21:28
=== alyosha is now known as PlasmaSheep
squirreltechhey guys i need help with acer aspire 1355 LCI and ubuntu 9.04. the Xorg fails on graphical install and it kicks me out to the bash and when i check the xorg.conf files it just has the default sections with nothing in them. any ideas? how do you command line configure xorg?21:28
PlasmaSheepGnea: Success!21:29
PlasmaSheepthank you!21:29
tc-losher: Yes, all ext321:29
GneaPlasmaSheep: cheers :)21:29
yowshianyone know how to use xmacro?21:29
lewenchThere an app to randomize wallpaper on ubuntu jaunty?21:29
python_userEveready: this is the problem, i dont have that21:29
Evereadyyep. config in the audacity. try alsa or OSS21:29
Bahaacan anyone help me ?21:29
Evereadymajora: yep. config in the audacity. try alsa or OSS21:29
squirreltechhey guys i need help with acer aspire 1355 LCI and ubuntu 9.04. the Xorg fails on graphical install and it kicks me out to the bash and when i check the xorg.conf files it just has the default sections with nothing in them. any ideas? how do you command line configure xorg?21:29
tc-losher: /home is reiserfs though21:29
Shortguy109usser: which of the 5 ones do i download? :o21:29
loshertc: time to pull out a bigger gun. Run:  "sudo strace -o /tmp/t apt-get upgrade" and then post /tmp/t to pastebin21:29
sgodsellmythos go private21:29
Evereadymajora: if you have Jack running, use jack21:29
sgodselltoo much chatter going by21:29
Ultraputzdoes anyone know what overrupts conf/conf.d/cryptsetup on boot ?21:30
loshertc: /home isn't touched much (if at all) by an upgrade, probably a red-herring...21:30
Ultraputzer cryptroof21:30
janviHello! I had a strange issue today, youtube videos played off twice as fast as usual21:30
Gnea!bug 36120521:30
MajoraEveready: how do I configure, under preferences?21:30
usserShortguy109, ubuntu version21:30
guntbert!ask | Bahaa21:30
ubottuBahaa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:30
squirreltechhey guys i need help with acer aspire 1355 LCI and ubuntu 9.04. the Xorg fails on graphical install and it kicks me out to the bash and when i check the xorg.conf files it just has the default sections with nothing in them. any ideas? how do you command line configure xorg?21:30
python_userAnyone know where I can configure my mouse options in kubuntu jaunty?21:31
MajoraEveready: It's already set to OSS21:31
=== florin is now known as Guest3863
jpnubswine flu21:31
doleybsquirreltech: normally ubuntu doesn't have xorg.conf anything done to it.21:31
=== Guest3863 is now known as florin__
Shortguy109usser: there's redhat rpm noarch, ubuntu deb amd64, debian deb i586, tar.gz, ubuntu deb i38621:31
Gneasquirreltech: usually with this:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg21:31
ClintegerI accidentally turned on some sort of accessibility thing by hitting super-r, how do I zoom out again? :|21:31
doleybpython_user: system settings, keyboard & mouse, mouse21:31
Clintegerand how do I disable the keyboard shortcut?21:31
DavidChipmanHi all. I'm having OpenGL issues with 9.04.21:31
loshersquirreltech: step one, check the xorg logfile for errors21:31
usserShortguy109, ubuntu deb. are you on a 64 bit version of ubuntu?21:32
Bahaaok,, Installing Ubuntu 9.04 desktop 64-bit crashes (uniquity), i tried with XFS and Ext4 , and crashes with both,  i don't want to use other filesystems, what should i do ?21:32
python_userdoleyb: i dont have that option in jaunty21:32
=== ptr__ is now known as pipegeek
Shortguy109usser: i don't think so21:32
fostotHowdy folks.21:32
compute32spanther-laptop: I am trying to reinstall nvidia driver21:32
usserShortguy109, then ubuntu deb i38621:33
Clintegerhelp :<21:33
compute32I got the direct driver from nvidia21:33
Shortguy109usser: thanks :)21:33
Clintegereverything is really zoomed in21:33
python_userdoleyb: in systems settings there is no option to config any hardware21:33
compute32it's saying to stop x server before installing21:33
fostotAnyone in here ever had luck getting the Rocket Raid 2320 working in ubuntu?21:33
compute32what'st that?21:33
doleybpython_user: what options do you have instead?  What's between Input Actions and Multimedia?21:33
doleybpython_user: And, do you mean to be asking about kubuntu?21:33
python_userdoleyb: nothing21:33
Clintegerhow do I zoom out, i accidentally hit super+r!?!?!!21:34
Dr_Williscompute32:  the package manager version of the nvidia drivers dident work?21:34
Dr_WillisClinteger:  super + mouse wheeel i recall21:34
compute32Dr_Willis: no21:34
spanther-laptopcompute32, yeah. you can't install them while being in desktop mode. you need to go out of it with control+alt+F2. there you have to login and then you need to type "init 3" to change runlevel. then you can install fine :)21:34
tc-losher: I guess I'll just file a bugreport21:34
salvadorflhello i have a cuestion i just upgrade from ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 jaunty but awn-window-navigator does not work, when i click'it just flush any idea?21:34
barfI dist upgraded my PS3 Ubuntu from 8.10 to 9.04, upgrade looked OK21:35
barfBut rebooting it was no joy, it stops the boot process and goes into shell, but I am not able to type in that shell :-(21:35
Dr_Williscompute32:  what video card?  You may want to put a post on the forums also. In caseothers have the same issue.21:35
tc-losher: What info should be in it?21:35
ClintegerDr_Willis, ah thanks, how do I disable that though? It's a keyboard shortcut in redcar editor :<21:35
LucasReeceso just installed 9.04 on a dell dimension e520 and no sound when watching bbc flash video. any ideas please?21:35
loshertc: what was in your /tmp/t file?21:35
compute32spanther-laptop: anything I should prepair before doing this? I mean I don't want to lose data and settings.21:35
doleybLucasReece: does all your other sound work fine? (mp3s and stuff)21:35
Dr_WillisClinteger:  its a compiz settng -  install the ccsm tool. and tweak compiz as needed21:35
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion21:35
loshertc: Did you run  "sudo strace -o /tmp/t apt-get upgrade" ?21:35
compute32Dr-Willis: nvidia Geforce FX5500 256memory PCI21:36
tc-losher: I'll try21:36
Shortguy109usser: thanks very much :D frostwire is working :)21:36
spanther-laptopcompute32, well best is to make backups of your data :) oh and after you've installed the nvidia driver go to /etc/x11/xorg.conf and set driver from "nv" to "nvidia"21:36
barfAnyone installed ubuntu on an acer aspire one yet?21:36
Dr_WillisClinteger:  i find it odd that a progra would have 'super+r' as a setting. :) thats one of the reasons compiz uses super- So much - rarely interfears with other programs21:36
doleybpython_user: are you sure you're in system settings?21:36
Dr_Willisbarf:  it works fine here. :) on one right now21:36
usserShortguy109, cool, no problem21:36
doleybbarf: yeah people have done that.21:36
fostotAnyone here able to help me get my 4th and 5th mouse buttons working in X? i've attempted with xorg.conf method adding the buttons to the Mouse Device21:36
ClintegerDr_Willis, yeah I thought it was weird, but idk why21:36
Dr_Willisbarf:  check the forums also - theres a few little tweaks to do to get the SD card working21:36
fostotNot helping21:36
LucasReecestartup sound yes but thats about it. gone to system preference and sound and clicked on test button but nothing. see in the forums a few users are having similar probs?21:37
ClintegerDr_Willis, the installation instructions for it [it's really very new] say "It's best to do in ubuntu where you can just install these dependencies: ..."21:37
Dr_WillisClinteger:  that zoom is a feature my wife loves.21:37
squirreltechi need help with acer aspire 1355 LCI and ubuntu 9.04. the Xorg fails on graphical install and it kicks me out to the bash and when i check the xorg.conf files it just has the default sections with nothing in them. any ideas? says no screens found, screens found but none are useable it says how do you command line configure xorg?21:37
barfDr_Willis: But does wifi work without windows drivers?21:37
compute32spanther-laptop: any good software that will make a total backup of my system? I have a externail hard drive 500gigs21:37
Dr_Willisbarf:  worked with no extra stuff needed here.21:37
spanther-laptopcompute32, i dont know any :( i just copied my files to drives ever21:37
Dr_Willisbarf:  the wireless dirvers are very well supported by the linux default stuff21:38
Bahaaok,, Installing Ubuntu 9.04 desktop 64-bit crashes (uniquity), i tried with XFS and Ext4 , and crashes with both,  i don't want to use other filesystems, what should i do ?21:38
Dr_Willisbarf:  some versions/variants may differ i hear a little. but over all it works21:38
nnullman my burner is cryinb21:38
ubottucompute32: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:38
losherBahaa: drop back to 8.0421:38
elzeari have a problem with instal a driver for ATI 200M graphic on my ubuntu 9.04 , could someone help me?21:38
squirreltechi need help with acer aspire 1355 LCI and ubuntu 9.04. the Xorg fails on graphical install and it kicks me out to the bash and when i check the xorg.conf files it just has the default sections with nothing in them. any ideas? says no screens found, screens found but none are useable it says how do you command line configure xorg? this is all during install phase. how do i install using non-graphical (command line)21:38
barfDo I have tio installe ndis wrapper pr madwifi at all?21:38
Bahaalosher ,no solution yet ?21:38
rafael_Ventero thank you so much it worked. now i have a new problem - it crashes... maybe i have to copy my files from a new installation, without entering serial number?21:39
doleybbarf: 9.04 should have less need for madwifi..21:39
Dr_Willisbarf:  NO you do not.21:39
Venterorafael_: Do you get an error message?21:39
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Dr_Willisbarf:  the default ubuntu install had all the stuff needed21:39
barfSo wifi will work from alternate 9.04 install? Wow, I will try that :-)21:40
Dr_Willisbarf:  check the forums - they got info on   the AAO and  9.0421:40
dimedohas anyone here used the dropbear initramfs scripts provided with the current packets?21:40
LucasReeceany other ppl havin trouble with sound in 9.0421:40
slim|i have a sound issues in jaunty21:40
barfMost stuff here is LAN based anyways, so if only one of the memory card slots work will be of minor issue for me.21:40
slim|no sound came out from my speakers21:40
Harvey8765hi all can anyone explain to me what the simplebackup package is, does it simply compress the files its backing up and does it also save all my computer settings, never got my head around it. ?21:40
doleybslim|: was this an upgrade?  Did you consider removing pulseaudio package?21:41
Dr_Willisbarf:  left card works with a simple 2 lines of editing.. right side card i hear also works IF ya got a sd card plugged in when you boot up.21:41
tkjok coy..21:41
barfDr_Willis: I prefer WLAN21:41
rafael_Venturo yes a pop up windo says to reinstall i can post the result on terminal... hold on a sec21:41
jbrodmannanyone else using the UNR?21:41
barfSpace is soo server-like21:41
Dr_Willisjbrodmann:  yes. but i enabled the normal desktop :)21:42
exodus_mssooooo pissed, would have been nice if during my upgrade to 9.04 there was a warning to the effect "caution, stop, before you continue your amarok 1.4 install will be completely erased and replace with 2.0.2, including the collections.db which contains all your ratings, play counts etc" Nice of them to include a "import 1.4 collection" wizard to import a db that does not exists21:42
klierik_hi there.. tell me please why vmware 6.5.2 after some time make with guest OS - auto suspend??? and can anyone tell me wha my FF3 under 9.04 doesn't download addons from off site??21:42
doleybslim|: some people had trouble because they got pulseaudio installed when they shouldn't, and it fights alsa.21:42
jbrodmanni've been tempted to do the same, but held off.21:42
slim|do i remove pulseaudio too ?21:42
tkjhow to remastering21:42
yoasifexodus_ms: backups, learn how to use them21:42
doleybexodus_ms: you are right!  but probably #kde or #kubuntu would be more interested in hearing that.21:42
barfDoes the new amarok play iTunes shares?21:42
Dr_WillisI find it odd that a 'upgrade' would affect any files in the users home dir...21:43
exodus_msyoasif, your an idiot dude21:43
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yoasifexodus_ms: at least i know the difference between your and you're21:43
fostotAnyone here able to help me get my 4th and 5th mouse buttons working in X? i've attempted with xorg.conf method adding the buttons to the Mouse Device21:43
doleybDr_Willis: not during the apt-get upgrade, but the first time the new package is run by the user.21:43
andypatchesIs there a program to browse Pocket PCs through bluetooth? The default won't let me send files to the CF card, and i don't have enough non card memory to send files to21:43
guntbert!attitude | exodus_ms21:43
ubottuexodus_ms: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:43
EanHi all, is there ANY way to move that *** new notify bubble? I need to runt to see it on my second screen above my bed...21:44
Dr_Willisdoleyb:  you mean the first time amarok runs it deletesw the database?21:44
barfAnd if the upgrade touvhed anything in the home dir, it shouuld re index iwth the latest eversion.21:44
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rafael_Ventero ok here is the error http://pastebin.com/d3ca19d7f21:44
doleybDr_Willis: jaunty includes amarok2, which seems pretty incompatible with previous amarok in terms of setup and interface.  many users were distressingly surprised.21:44
tkjhow to remove grub21:44
yoasifand yeah, amarok 1.4 is no longer supported21:44
meoblast001what programs are people using for DVD video authoring?21:45
doleybDr_Willis: also amarok2 has ugly buttons.21:45
Dr_Willistkj:  install some other boot loader over the mbr21:45
exodus_msyoasif, I guess I can make a habit of exporting mysql or sqlite to an xml file or something to that effect on a regular basis because if I decide to upgrade the previous configurations will be overwritten, nice suggestion but I would rather do something more productive, I do have a life outside of linux21:45
Dr_Willisdoleyb:  i rarely use it :)21:45
yoasifexodus_ms: automate it21:45
tkjwhat it is21:45
Venterorafael_: Did you import the registry as described here? http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=769421:45
exodus_msyoasif, then again, cron or something similar, I would rather spend my time listening to the music I enjoy instead of wasting it being paranoid :P21:46
hbekelyoasif: that's not a solution, that's a workaround. exodus_ms is right, no package upgrade should destroy user data21:46
yoasifexodus_ms: if it was important to you, you should have backed it up. it sucks that the package was upgraded/removed, but that can happen with an upgrade21:46
CritenHi everyone!!!21:46
exodus_msthank you hbekel21:47
hbekelyoasif: is that official ubuntu policy?21:47
yoasifexodus_ms: yes, file a bug report21:47
RkyRaccoonive been having some trouble with brasero since 9.04.  It says it can't burn a .iso file because it doesnt have permissions to access the drive.  Ive changed the permissions and it still wont work.21:47
yowshiEveready: how do i know where a certain spot on the screen is in XY coordinates? i am getting close with trial and error to the spots i want but not close enough21:47
fostotAnyone here able to help me get my 4th and 5th mouse buttons working in X? i've attempted with xorg.conf method adding the buttons to the Mouse Device21:47
yoasifhbekel: is what official ubuntu policy?21:47
flaxyhey, does the minimal cd installation also have option to install openssh/lamp and other services like the server install has ?21:47
myles7897okay so I have two hard drives. I install ubuntu 9.04 clean on the slave and then booted up into the master drive that has ubuntu 9.04 upgraded from 8.10. so then I wiped clean the other drive with gparted. and now when I boot up it gives Grub error 2221:47
dekkonghello! I cant fast forward in rythmbox21:47
exodus_msyoasif, ok, I understand that, there are plenty of bug reports on this issue.21:47
hbekelyoasif: to touch ~/ during upgrades/installs of packages21:47
yoasiffostot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto21:48
rafael_Ventero yes there was another tutorial i followed, but i see the same things i did... i remember i had some problem with the .wine ownership but i resolved and executed evrything21:48
ExAstrisHow can I change my color profile in Ubuntu? Jaunty changed mine and it's too bright.21:48
fostotYoasif, thanks21:48
yoasifhbekel: well, is he sure that that is what happened? or did the first startup of amarok2 remove it?21:48
Ultraputzassuming your down to busybox from a failed boot, is there anything you can do to adjust something in the init image?21:48
RkyRaccoonive been having some trouble with brasero since 9.04.  It says it can't burn a .iso file because it doesnt have permissions to access the drive.  Ive changed the permissions and it still wont work.  Anyone have any ideas?21:48
yoasifhbekel: is it reproducible?21:49
b4sherim programming in bash, how can i compare if 2 files are equal ? (compare byte per byte)21:49
CritenRkyRaccoon: does it work if you run the program as root?21:49
Ultraputzb4sher, diff21:49
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doonerb4sher, cmp21:49
exodus_msBut if we are willing to spread the good news of *nix and *buntu eventually (as it has already been noticed) new users are not so "savy" and cautious. This type of bug could really turn away those folks away21:49
RkyRaccooncriten, I havent tried that.  how do i?21:49
usserb4sher, diff21:50
crdlbyowshi: it's far from ideal, but if you run xev, move the created window, and click on it, you'll get a root coordinate pair in the terminal21:50
CritenRkyRaccoon: go into a terminal and type sudo then the name of the burning priogram21:50
myles7897okay so I have two hard drives. I install ubuntu 9.04 clean on the slave and then booted up into the master drive that has ubuntu 9.04 upgraded from 8.10. so then I wiped clean the other drive with gparted. and now when I boot up it gives Grub error 2221:50
exodus_msyoasif, yes, the old collections db had been removed21:50
fantasmahow do i make ubuntu log out after a certain amount of inactivity and go to the login screen for another user like it does on windows21:50
compute32ubottu: I am thinking to use the simple backup program from add/remove programs.21:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:50
compute32When I do the back up to my external hd21:50
compute32How would I recover the data back? Do I have to use the live cd?21:50
yowshicrdlb: what? i dont want a window i want a a button thats in a window21:50
usserb4sher, basically if `diff 1 2` returns nothing the files are the same21:50
dreamyhello ! .. i need software to switch my Svideo out .. i know it exists ( but think wiky is down and i cant find it )21:51
doonerdiff will show you the differences,if you want to compare them byte by byte (even binary files).  cmp is what you want21:51
hbekelyoasif: that's the question. if it was deleted during first run, then it's amaroks fault, if during package ugrade, then ubuntu is to blame21:51
usserb4sher, where 1 and 2 are names of files21:51
yoasifexodus_ms: you're sure about this?21:51
mneptokcompute32: i'd recommend you read up on rsync21:51
yowshicrdlb: and the position of it so i can write an xmacro21:51
yoasifalso, exodus_ms i dont see the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/amarok/+bugs21:51
dreamyits for the radeon m6 ly21:51
Venterorafael_: You said when you start Dreamweaver you get a message before it closes. What exactly is that message?21:51
RkyRaccooncriten, I got the same error "You do not have the required permissions to use this drive.21:51
exodus_msyoasif, yes, and it has been documented in several other instances, I can grad some urls if you like21:51
dreamycrdlb: hi ..  you there ?21:51
crdlbyowshi: if you're using a compositing manager, you could make the xev window semitransparent and click through it21:51
CritenRkyRaccoon: hmm..  thats odd.. try a different program. sorry i got to go.. im on lunch and time is up :P21:51
crdlbyowshi: then get the root coordinates from the terminal output21:51
flaxyhey, does the minimal cd installation also have option to install openssh/lamp and other services like the server install has ?21:52
yoasifexodus_ms: is any work being done on it?21:52
crdlbdreamy: maybe21:52
RkyRaccooncriten, Its fine I appreciate the help21:52
yowshicrdlb: i am not. cimpiz is not being cooperative since my update21:52
dreamycrdlb: its a question i got :S21:52
exodus_msyoasif, not at the moment, mostly work arounds and a ppa package available for jaunty to use amarok 1.421:52
TetsuooI have the impression my laptop gets extremely hot since I updated to jaunty and it smells slightly burned. what can I do?21:52
b3nwdoes anyone know if there is an updated bluetooth help page? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup still refernces 7.04 and 7.1021:52
D3RGPS31When I use tasksel to install 3D creation and editing suite, i get aptitude failed (100); what do I do21:52
dreamycrdlb: i know theres software to activate my M6 ly radoen  - svideo out .. its typed in a web page at think wiky .. but i cant find it21:53
doleybflaxy: it can install all that later.21:53
yoasifexodus_ms: but ubuntu's update-manager is removing the collections etc?21:53
doleybTetsuoo: i have the same troubles :(21:53
kellianyone know a user friendly chat rooms for girls using linux21:53
doleybkelli: #ubuntu21:54
exodus_msyoasif, it appears that amarok 2.0.2 is overwriting the files, also no option during install to "choose" which db you want to use21:54
kane77kelli, there is http://www.linuxchix.org/21:54
SawBossHey is this the right channel for ubuntu/linux noobs or is there one more appropriate for near total linux beginners?21:54
SargiHi, I have a Problem with Firefox and the Adobe Flash Plugin (Ubuntu 9.04). Flash works, i can watch videos on youtube and so on. But if I try to leave a website with flash or close the tab, Firefox freezes and i have to kill the Process. It is reproducable, it happens always. Can anyone help me?21:54
LjL!women > kelli    (kelli, see the private message from ubottu)21:54
Crayboffhow would I make a built in mic more sensitive? now when I try to record with it, i have to turn the volume all the way up. I have Pulse Audio installed21:54
rafael_Ventero the message is in italian - i start from terminal, the message pops up when it arrives here fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet and the text in the windows window is : it is not possible to use dw cs3 , please reinstall or contact adobe.21:54
fantasmahow do i make ubuntu log out after a certain amount of inactivity and go to the login screen for another user like it does on windows21:54
SawBossSargi, I have some of the same poblems in my fresh 8.04 install21:54
exodus_msyoasif, take a look here --> https://launchpad.net/~bogdanb/+archive/ppa21:54
yoasifexodus_ms: sounds like an amarok bug unless it happens at install, which is then a package manager problem21:55
rafael_Ventero then dw starts and crashes after  2 secs21:55
SargiSawBoss, I had this problem in 8.04 too, but only sometimes21:55
doleybSargi: have you tried concurrent audio playback with other apps?21:55
exodus_msyoasif, you are currect, it belongs to amarok21:55
neeteexHello, anyone can help me to find back a correct config of lam server ?21:55
yoasifexodus_ms: either way, no bug reports sounds like no one is working on it21:55
dreamycrdlb: you dont know the answer ?21:55
Sargidoleyb: yah, amarok is playing21:56
crdlbdreamy: I missed the question; I have no idea about tv out, it didn't work on my M7 last I tried21:56
erichammondWhat kernel does Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty run?  Is it still 2.6.28?21:56
neeteexI mean LAMP server of course : since 9.04 PHPmyAdmin won't connect !21:56
linduxederichammond: yes21:57
D3RGPS31I try to install 3D creation and editing suite through tasksel, i get aptitude failed (100); what do I do21:57
Sargidoleyb: wow, stopping amarok solves the problem21:57
erichammondlinduxed: Thanks. You'd think this would be easy to find, but ubuntu.com seems to have become covered with marketing jargon.21:57
dreamycrdlb: i just need to know the name of the software app ( project) .. its typed in a think wiky web page at the section of the radeon 7000 but .. the web paGE is down :S .. damn (21:57
doleybSargi: I think you have audio blocking problems.  Maybe you should consider removing the pulseaudio package.21:57
yoasifexodus_ms: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok can you find the bug here? if not, please file a bug report. because it does sound pretty nasty21:58
rafael_Ventero may be i have to try to import a registry from a demo version, not a registered one? i looks like a kind of protection...21:58
doleybSargi: or maybe not remove it! i can't tell.21:58
b4sheranyone know any method for update a backup (tar.gz) with the last modified files? any cmd?21:58
dreamycrdlb: ok... i get it .21:58
dreamycrdlb: ty anyway21:58
Sargidoleyb: dont I need pulseaudio ?21:58
CrayboffHow can I increase mic sensitivity?21:59
crdlbdreamy: atitvout? (from the google cache of that page ...)21:59
dreamycrdlb: k , thats good help21:59
Ultraputzi've hit a snag -- basically, in the jaunty upgrade, it failed to update the uuid that cryptroot is assigned, and so the machine fails to boot and drops to busybox in initramfs.22:00
Ultraputzdoes anyone know a) how to mount the encrypted volume and continue the boot process, and b) assuming that occurs, how to fix the imge? :-)22:00
echo7"Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system."22:00
echo7What do i do22:00
SR_ELPIRATACray, have u gone to volume preferences? in the recording tab there is a mic boost check mark22:00
echo7How i close it???22:00
Ultraputzecho7 - open your terminal22:00
echo7Ultraputz and?22:01
NookLo all22:01
Ultraputzecho7 -- type killall firefox22:01
yoasifexodus_ms: any luck?22:01
Ultraputzif you're running the beta, it may be something like firefox-31 or smething22:01
CrayboffSR_ELPIRATA: i've been in volume preferences, but I can't find a mic boost22:01
Ultraputzbut if that exits, you're good22:01
Ultraputzand can restart it after a moment.22:01
SR_ELPIRATAcray, on my ssytem appears 3rd from the bottom22:01
exodus_msyoasif, just his, but it did not work for me --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/36687522:02
doleybSargi: I don't know if you need it, but I think you don't.22:02
CrayboffSR_ELPIRATA: in preferences? Digital Input?22:02
echo7Ultraputz you been great help . HUG!22:02
SR_ELPIRATAcray on my system is shown on alsa mixer22:02
yoasifexodus_ms: but thats isnt the same bug... he had his collections backed up22:02
yoasifexodus_ms: your collections were removed by amarok2/the packager22:03
CrayboffSR_ELPIRATA: I opened up Volume Control, what do i do now? open up preferences? go to the recording tab? what?22:03
yoasifexodus_ms: you should file a new bug22:03
SR_ELPIRATAcray, gimme a sec22:03
dtchenCrayboff: / SR_ELPIRATA: not every codec exposes a Mic Boost mixer element22:03
Crayboffdtchen: how would i go about getting it?22:03
dtchenCrayboff: you can't, it's a driver thing22:03
Crayboff:( so is there a way to boost mic sensitivity? it is hard to hear it, even with volume all the way up22:04
NookCan anyone recommend a good lightweight desktop environment? ATM I like LXDE and FVWM-Crystal.22:04
SR_ELPIRATAcray, what kind of audio card u have22:04
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dtchenCrayboff: has anyone explained using paman to digitally "boost" the gain?22:04
Crayboffdamn i keep forgettign how to check22:04
Brando753alright i upgrade to ubuntu 9.04 and now my screen is messed up22:04
Dr_Willisnook  then install ldxe if you like it.22:04
Crayboffdtchen: not to me22:04
janviNook: Openbox or fluxbox22:04
krow_is there a way to solve the sound crush that might happen after the pc goes on sleep?22:05
Dr_Willisopenbos and fluxbox are not 'desktops' :)22:05
yoasifjanvi: lxde already uses openbox22:05
freed4mnI'm looking for some help with compiling programs, i've tried this several times, but failed every single time. Is there anyone who is willing to help me out?22:05
janviyoasif: part of it22:05
Dr_WillisI tend to use jwm + rox filer on light weight systems22:05
dtchenCrayboff: please install paman and use it22:05
yoasifjanvi: part of openbox?22:05
Sargidoleyb: i think i need it, because if i try to remove it, synaptic wants to remove ubuntu-desktop22:05
Dr_Willislxde uses openbox for its window manager last i looked. and pcfm (?) for its file manager.22:06
Crayboffdtchen will do22:06
yoasifDr_Willis: pcmanfm22:06
SR_ELPIRATAanyone noticed the ubuntu screencasts lately? I can't download them, I know I used to be able to22:06
Dr_Williswhich i alweays remove because i cant stand tht fimenanager :)22:06
janviOpenbox is openbox..22:06
dtchenCrayboff: once you install it, the executable name is "paman". you'll want to click the Devices tab, then choose your input device22:06
adam_loweI'm looking for help getting the mic for my UVC webcam to work in 9.04. Webcam worked out of the box but the mic is not working. I've tried unmuting everything and turning up volume in control but wondering if this is a pulse vs alsa issue or somehow tied to my nvidia card.22:06
Brando753alright i upgrade to ubuntu 9.04 and now my screen is messed up22:07
dtchenCrayboff: don't choose the monitor(s)22:07
yoasif!xorg | Brando75322:07
ubottuBrando753: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:07
BerzerkerI'm having a problem, when I boot, all I get is a flashing cursor22:07
freed4mni'm having problems compiling YAPH (yet another proxy hunter), is there anyone who can help me?22:07
Berzerkerbefore grub shows up22:07
dtchenCrayboff: there is a Volume slider; you'll want to choose a value to the right that's slightly higher than 100%22:07
NookI must say, big thumbs up to the guys who worked on Jaunty. My EEE PC almost works flawlessly outta the box.22:07
dtchenCrayboff: be careful, however; there's plenty of clipping once you move beyond 150%22:08
Dr_Willisnook my aceraspireone works very well also22:08
Crayboffhmm forgot i already got it, dtchen22:08
Nook@Dr_Willis Good stuff - it's good to see netbooks running so well on Ubuntu.22:08
Dr_WillisNook:  i had to do 3 little tweaks. its 99.9%  perfect :P22:09
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:09
NookDr_Willis - Me too. Well, just a few custom scripts to get all the function keys going.22:10
ThreetimesHi, I have a ASRock G31M-GS mobo with a Realtek RTL8111DL NIC and the NIC doesn't work. Can't see it in lshw...22:10
NookDoes anyone have a favorite alternative for Firefox? Think lightweight (running an EEE)22:10
yoasifNook: are the function keys labeled?22:10
ThreetimesNook: opera22:10
NookYoasif: meaning?22:10
ifireballNook: Epiphany22:10
Dr_WillisNook:  firefox runs fine here. :)   i cant live without the firefix extensions im used to,.22:11
Nook@Threetimes: The Opera 10 Alpha is blisteringly fast on Windows!22:11
yowshiouch Macro can realy screw with the mouse22:11
dfgashow do i install nvidia drivers on 9.04. i searched synaptic and every nvidia thing is installed22:11
yowshiand keyboard22:11
yoasifNook: are the function keys physically labeled with things that don't work when you press them?22:11
dfgasi don't see drivers in there though22:11
BerzerkerI can't boot into ubuntu, just flashing cursor  before grub shows up22:11
Dr_Willisdfgas: i just ran the hardware-drivers tool (jockey-gtk) and it installed them for me.22:11
Nook@Yoasif No... they all work now.22:11
ThreetimesNook: last time i tried (ubuntu) it was unstable, but i guess the final would be as stable as 9.6422:12
NookEpiphany was pretty good, although the browsing experience seemed a bit sluggish.22:12
yoasifNook: so they were labeled but you had to setup custom scripts?22:12
Skiessiis qt 4.5.1 going to be in jaunty?22:12
Crayboffdtchen: works perfectly, thanks man22:12
MaleXachiHow can I with this key for jaunty come: NO_PUBKEY 7889D725DA6DEEAA?22:12
dtchenCrayboff: np!22:12
cottimahello, I have a feature that I would like to see in the gnome panel in the "Window List".  The option to remove the text to the right.  Just have the icon, but still have hover text.22:12
ThreetimesHi, I have a ASRock G31M-GS mobo with a Realtek RTL8111DL NIC and the NIC doesn't work. Can't see it in lshw...22:12
ifireballNook: try Midori22:12
dfgasDr_Willis, i tried that, then i wasn't doing anything so i hit cancel and now it won't show any drivers either22:12
adam_loweanyone have insight on getting Omnivision Mic embeded in dell SP2208WFP Monitor's Microphone to work? Camera is great out of the box but can't get mic to work.22:12
Dr_Willisdfgas:  it can be REAL REAL REAL slow today22:12
Nook@Yoasif: Yeah, most of them worked. Only the wi-fi toggle didn't work (which was solved with eeepc-tray)22:12
Nookand an eee dkms22:13
cottimathis would include "custom menu bar"22:13
stalker314314hi all, how is ext4 called in ubuntu, i want to add it to fstab - ext4, ext4fs, ext4-dev...?22:13
dfgasDr_Willis, any idea how i could get it to show me the drivers again?22:13
yoasifNook: did you file a bug report for hotkey-setup for that wifi key?22:13
Dr_Willisdfgas:  remove all the nvidia packages and rerun the tool perhaps.22:13
NookNope. Where do I go?22:13
dfgasDr_Willis, k, will try22:13
Berzerkercan't boot into ubuntu, just flashing cursor before grub shows up22:13
NookYoasif - where do I go?22:13
Dr_WillisBerzerker:  either no mbr got loaded.. or you got a hardware issue.. does a live cd work?22:14
NookYoasif - new to the whole bug-reporting thing despite using Ubuntu for around 2 years now.22:14
drabostahi, i have a problem with wlan. i have a bcm4328 rev 0322:14
drabostai am running latest ubuntu22:14
ThreetimesHi, I have a ASRock G31M-GS mobo with a Realtek RTL8111DL NIC and the NIC doesn't work. Can't see it in lshw...22:14
BerzerkerDr_Willis: it worked before I restarted, and I think a live cd should work22:14
yoasifNook: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hotkey-setup/+filebug and use this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting22:14
Dr_WillisBerzerker:  i would test it and see..  or else its booting and really goofing up somting badly.22:15
NookThanks yoasif22:15
Dr_WillisMaleXachi:  thats one way to get ignored.. state the problem. and have patience22:15
drabostaproblem is , that i have to manually do echo -e '#ssb workaround, added `date`\ninstall wl modprobe -r b43 b44 b43legacy ssb; modprobe --ignore-install wl $CMDLINE_OPTS; modprobe b44;' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/wl22:15
drabostafor it to start22:15
MaleXachiAah okay22:15
Gneaokay, 9.04 is installed and running.22:15
voracioushow to configure compiz in ubuntu??22:15
drabostaany help ?22:15
Dr_Willis!ccsm | voracious22:16
ubottuvoracious: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion22:16
yoasifMaleXachi: if you arent getting help fast enough, try ubuntuforums.org22:16
=== nomasteryoda is now known as nomasteryoda|w
voraciousI hthanks22:16
Dr_Willisdrabosta:  other then putting that line in /etc/rc.local :) not really22:16
Gneadrabosta: what's the problem?22:16
wWales[Driver][install] need helpwith installing my 180.51 nvidia driver, i got it to work on my wubi install of ubuntu 9.04 before by getting some package i dont remember that contained kernel source? the nvidia installer (i think) needs it to properly implement the driver.... as you can see im somewhat confused in all this and would greatly appreciate any help22:16
stalker314314anyone have ext4 partition, can they tell me what to write in fstab for filesystem type (ext4, ext4fs, ext4dev...), i want to mount / as ext422:16
Nook@yoasif - it seems to overly complicated to report a bug?22:16
Nook*so overly complicated22:17
yoasifNook: people don't necessarily have your hardware; they need all that info so they can fix it22:17
drabostaGnea, i have to manually put this line when i start to get my bcm4328 (rev 03) working , echo -e '#ssb workaround, added `date`\ninstall wl modprobe -r b43 b44 b43legacy ssb; modprobe --ignore-install wl $CMDLINE_OPTS; modprobe b44;' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/wl22:17
Dr_Willisstalker314314:  the 'cat /proc/filesystems' command imples you use 'ext4'22:17
dtchenNook: i don't think "ubuntu-bug hotkey-setup" is too complicated.22:17
yoasifstalker314314: have you converted the filesystem to ext4?22:17
Gneadrabosta: looks more like a solution to a problem to me... so what's the problem?22:17
gujaHow to change icons in gnome 2.26? I saw something about theme properties, but I don't have path System-Preferences-Theme?22:18
stalker314314yoasif: ne, i will, after reboot22:18
g0ldfinGaI can't seem to get my bluetooth adapter working in 9.04 Netbook Remix on my hp mini 1010 does anyone know if it is possible to get working?22:18
b4sherim in bash: how can i write a line "test test" in a file? i only know write commands, for example ls > file, but.. strings particulars?22:18
gordonjcpb4sher: "echo"22:18
Dr_Willisb4sher:  echo 'hello' > foo.txt22:18
Dr_Willisb4sher:  time to check out some bash tutorials :)22:18
Nook@yoasif - do you have a link that has something like 'ubuntu bug reporting for beginners'? I'm interested in helping out - I just need to learn how first to make things easy for everyone.22:18
chrisdehow do I access configuration for the fancy compiz stuff in jaunty? I want to disable animations22:18
Lr5g0ldfinGa: one option could be to try "blueman", google it to find the program22:18
Dr_Willischrisde:  install and use the ccsm tool22:19
Nook@chrisde install ccsm22:19
Dr_Willis!ccsm | chrisde22:19
ubottuchrisde: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion22:19
chrisdethanks, chaps22:19
Nookchrisde: sudo apt-get install ccsm22:19
hbekelb4sher: echo "some text" > somefile22:19
Nookshould work22:19
Gneadrabosta: is that a usb or pcmcia wireless card? or is it builtin or pci?22:19
yoasifNook: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs22:19
hbekelb4sher: >> to append22:19
exodus_msyoasif, pm?22:19
b4sherbut if i need write at the end of the file?22:19
Nookyoasif - awesome sauce. Thanks!22:19
drabostaGnea, built in22:19
asathoorhi - I have a strange problem: in U 9.04 the buttons are missing on nautilus windows and windows are maximized as a default.22:19
stalker314314Dr_Willis: ok, i think it's plain 'ext4', will try that22:19
Gneadrabosta: what version of ubuntu?22:19
drabostaGnea, 9.0422:19
Dr_Willisstalker314314:  you could of just TRIED it and seeif it complained. :)22:19
Lr5b4sher: try replacing > with >>, I think that was how it goes22:20
hbekelDr_Willis: sorry22:20
Gneadrabosta: what's the make/model of your system?22:20
stalker314314Dr_Willis: yeah:)22:20
drabostaGnea, Hp dv656022:20
Dr_Willis heh - it pays to be carefull with > and >>22:20
eventhey, i have 2 files .rar but i cant open , File type not suported : $22:20
ThreetimesHi, I have a ASRock G31M-GS mobo with a Realtek RTL8111DL NIC and the NIC doesn't work. Can't see it in lshw...22:20
Dr_Willis!rar | event22:20
ubottuevent: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free22:20
Gneadrabosta: okay, so there's a button on it that turns the wireless on/off?22:20
Sargidoleyb and SawBoss: dont know if you're still interested, but following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 solved the problem for me22:20
eventthanks dr_willis22:21
drabostaGnea, yes,22:21
Lr5anyone else got Java crashes on some sites (not all)?22:21
xMopxHey, anyone know how I can disable automatic screen dimming on 9.04?22:21
Lr5Java crashes, Ubuntu 9.04 upgrade22:21
Gneadrabosta: when you flip the switch 'off', do any of the modules get auto-unloaded?22:21
stalker314314Dr_Willis: i wouldn't ask, but vim highlights for fstab doesn't recognize ext4, obviously that didn't make it to 9.0422:21
yoasifxMopx: see the screensaver panel in preferences22:21
drabostaGnea, no22:22
Dr_Willisstalker314314:  never noticed vim having fstab highlighting. :) but then again..  i rarely have to edit fstab more then every 5 mo22:22
sierinjscan i adjust the time i have to wait for taskbar to come out?(auto hide: on)22:22
Gneadrabosta: and when you turn it back 'on', does the wireless work just fine or do you have to reload the modules?22:22
drabostaGnea, have to reload the modules22:22
xMopxyoasif: Thanks22:22
sierinjsGnea: can i adjust the time i have to wait for taskbar to come out?(auto hide: on)22:23
NookOkay, installing a lightweight DE and going to try out midori, epiphany, and opera all at once ;) Wish me luck.22:23
drabostaGnea, i forgot, the bluetooth turns off when i flip the swith to 'off22:23
egchi all22:23
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egcdoes ubuntu server have a desktop?22:23
egci.e. GUI?22:23
xMopxIf you install gnome-desktop, yeah22:24
Gneadrabosta: okay. and if you turn the computer all the way off and start it (cold-boot) does the wireless work just fine from the first time the modules get loaded?22:24
Dr_Willisegc:  since its a server.. no. ;22:24
asathoorin U9.04 the nautilus - and other windows opens maximized - and the buttons on top of the window are missing, how can I get them back?22:24
Gnea!repeat | sierinjs22:24
ubottusierinjs: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:24
egcDr_Willis: hehe22:24
egcxMopx: thx22:24
Dr_Willisasathoor:  you dident use the netbook remix did you?22:24
ashen_sharugaHas anyone ever had a problem develop where they can no longer install ubuntu?  My situation: I've been able to install numerous flavors of linux, always maintaining dual boot with Winxp.  However, I am attempting to install and tryout Jaunty which will startup and work in the live session, but when while running install hangs after step 3 - when it is scanning the partitions.  Any ideas22:24
drabostaGnea, it works when i manually load the modules22:24
chrisdejust installed compizconfig-settings-manager per your instructions and accessed it from the Appearance control panel, but it opens a window with nothing in it and then freezes and I have to close it. known bug?22:24
asathoordr_willid: yes I dis22:24
=== Lloir is now known as MrSpirit
drabostaGnea, Otherwise the wireless are not working22:24
Gneadrabosta: okay, but it won't work right until you do? are all of those modules loaded at boottime?22:25
Nook@Dr_willis - what do you make of netbook remix? I think that the default gnome interface copes rather well on a netbook actually ;)22:25
Dr_Willisasathoor:  you switched to a 'normal' desktop ?22:25
sierinjsGnea: panels' auto-hide is on.. how can i change the time i have to wait for it to come out?22:25
Lr5ashen_sharuga: patience, I once had something similar that got cured by standing back for a while22:25
drabostaGnea, how can i check that ?22:25
Gneasierinjs: I don't know. please wait another 5 minutes before asking, and please ask nobody in particular.22:25
ashen_sharugaHow long if reasonable?  10 mins?   and hour?22:25
asathoorand when I removed the netbook, that didnt go well with gnome the problem came22:25
Dr_Willisasathoor:  threr is a program called 'maximus' thats auto ran - that auto-maxamizes apps.. it needs to be disabled from the gnome-startup sessions..22:25
Gneaashen_sharuga: 5 minutes.22:25
Dr_Willisasathoor:  thats about the onlyu issue i saw with the netbook remix22:26
asathoorok, thanx a lot22:26
=== zach is now known as Guest50678
Dr_Willisasathoor:  i dident  remove anyting. just disabled that autorunning of maximus22:26
asathoori'll try that22:26
Dr_WillisNook:  it works. :) but i dont care for the  dumbed down desktop either.22:26
Gneaashen_sharuga: of course, it helps to pay attention to the HD LED and see if it's just a solid light, or if it flickers at all.22:26
D3RGPS31anyone have experience in configuring xorg for an ATI R HD 4850 (latest proprietary drivers)?22:26
Dr_WillisNook:  that 'maximus' bug is very annoying however. :)22:27
drabostaGnea, if i go to "hardware drivers" right after a cold boot. it says wireless driver loaded but not in use. I have to manually load them to get my wlan working22:27
Gneadrabosta: when it boots up, issue the 'lsmod' command and look at the list to see if they're all there - also, check the output of the dmesg command to see if there are any errors22:27
asathooryes it is, i am trying to find maximus22:27
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Guest50678whats the command to find out my video card from terminal ?22:28
Dr_Willisasathoor: system-> preferances -> startup-applications22:28
deniz_if an application u installed by compiling gets an update, you need to manually recompile the update for it to be updated?22:28
jake__i have an eeepc 1000 with ubuntu 9.04 - it does not connect to security enabled wireless (unsecure works fine) - any ideas?22:28
Dr_Willisdeniz_:  of course.22:28
asathoormy ubuntu is in danish22:28
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Dr_Willisdeniz_:  its not going to get updated by the package manager.22:28
drabostaGnea, can i put that line in /etc/rc.local and the modules will be loaded at boot ?22:28
deniz_Dr_Willis, so such a luxury is only available through applications from repositories?22:29
Dr_Willisasathoor:  around here 'danish' is a sweet roll you eat at breakfast. :)22:29
Dr_Willisdeniz_:  thats one of the main reasons to have a package manager.22:29
asathoornow I found it .... :)22:29
Guest50678umm, whats the command to find out what my video card is from terminal?22:29
drabostaGnea, Thanks for your help :)22:29
Gneadrabosta: it's better to check if the modules are all properly loaded or not - perhaps some of them are being prevented from loading automatically - you should check the blacklist file at /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:29
Dr_Willisasathoor:  the only reason i knew to look for maximus was from trying the netbook remix in the older releases. :)22:29
Gneadrabosta: np22:30
asathoorand maximus is OFF22:30
asathoorthanx dr_Willis22:30
roccity_Guest50678: you can try lspsi22:30
Nookwhat's the difference between Firefox and Iceweasel?22:30
=== LAZERBOYE is now known as Lazermann
Dr_WillisNook:  the icons.22:30
Nookother than the name ofc.22:30
GneaNook: the name22:30
Dr_WillisNook:  and the name22:30
Nookand icons ;)22:30
Dr_WillisNook:  and the 'leetness'22:30
JeruvyNook: Iceweasel is now deprecated also22:30
asathoorwell we call it bread from vienna...22:30
NookWasn't there a licensing fiasco that caused the rebranding?22:31
gordonjcpNook: Firefox is insufficiently free for the hardcore Debianistas22:31
D3RGPS31anyone have experience in configuring xorg for an ATI R HD 4850 (latest proprietary drivers) :/22:31
Dr_WillisNook:  fiasco vs 'over reacting' :)22:31
homeskillhow can i make it so sudo won't ask me for a password when i try to sudo [command] ?22:31
GneaNook: exactly, but that was specifically for Debian22:31
meoblast001has anyone here ever made a DVD with Devede?22:31
Nookah ok.22:31
hbekeldeniz_: ubuntu is not a source distro... but you could possibly automate rebuilds based on repository updates. or use a source distro like gentoo22:31
GneaNook: note that Ubuntu is "based on" Debian, it is NOT Debian22:31
Dr_Willishomeskill:  edit the /etc/sudoers file with visudo and RESEARCH sudo befor editing that file.22:31
Nookyep, I know that part ^^22:31
Dr_Willishomeskill:  and back it up.. you can really goof things up :)22:31
homeskillDr_Willis is it less safe?22:31
LazermannDoes anyone know whether there is any package for software modem for Toshiba Satellite running Ubuntu 8.1022:32
yoasifgordonjcp: not exactly... debian wants to patch the ff tree, and firefox only allows their branding on their compiles22:32
LazermannThanks in advance22:32
gordonjcpyoasif: which is fair enough22:32
yoasif!modem | Lazermann22:32
ubottuLazermann: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto22:32
GneaNook: hehe, just making sure - many don't, so want to make sure the message is clear22:32
mythosguys, if i reformat the drive and install 8.04 instead of 9.04 will my startup screen(boot menu) get ruined?22:32
JeruvyGnea: well thats debatable, especially with the utnubu group.22:32
Dr_Willishomeskill:  i set it up where spefifc users can run specific apps without needing the sudo password..  You can easially add security 'holes' if you are not carefull22:32
Lazermannthank will look22:32
yowshigrrrr anyone here know how to use xmacrorec to get it to record toa file?22:32
NookGnea: No worries - I'm not that much of a b00b,22:32
gordonjcpyoasif: I may release my projects under the Mozilla licence, or refuse to allow Debian maintainers to package it altogether...22:32
ashen_sharugaThe issue I think isn't with Jaunty - I tried to use an old ubuntu 8.04.2 just to see if I could still install that way.  The same sort of thing is happening - it hangs after scanning for the partitions.  Windows can still startup, so it would seem that partition tables are still ok.  So why can the live cd 'see' all the partitions, but can't mount or install to them?22:33
NookAnyone remember MadFox?22:33
majorhow to I enable accelration via chrome22:33
yoasifgordonjcp: whys that22:33
Lazermannalso how to connect through VPN on 8.10???22:33
Guest50678umm, with the new distro of ubuntu, my display driver isn't supported, what must i do to fix this ?22:33
GneaJeruvy: it's not debatable. Ubuntu uses the .deb package management system, but it doesn't use the actualy .deb files. Many are rebranded, but the information within the .deb files themselves are changed, and so therefore they are not Debian packages.22:33
D3RGPS31Anyone have experience in configuring xorg for an ATI R HD 4850 (latest proprietary drivers) :/22:33
gordonjcpyoasif: Debian vandalism, misdescribed packages, broken packages, general messing about22:33
mythosDoes anybody know maybe, if i reformat this partition and reinstall 8.04 will i have troubles with the boot menu showing 9.04 still?22:33
exodus_msIf anyone is experiencing a problem using the "import wizard" in amarok 2.0.2 to import their old 1.4 colections.db try    sudo apt-get install libqt4-sql-sqlite    restart amarok 2.0.2 go to setting>configure amarok>collection>import collection>amarok 1.4 and it should import your db22:33
yoasifgordonjcp: simplest way to solve that is to package it yourself.22:34
Dr_Willismythos:  just change the menu.lst file perhaps?22:34
hbekelexodus_ms: so it wasn't deleted after all?22:34
exodus_msoops, sorry, That is if you are using sqlite and not mysql22:34
TuxMan1how do I list & connect to wireless network trough the terminal?22:34
owen1which one should i use22:34
gordonjcpyoasif: I wrote a softsynth plugin which was packaged for Debian, with the wrong contact details, wrongly attributed, wrongly described and not actually from a working SVN checkout22:34
SPQRobinhello, my sound isn't working, I tried several things but it's still not working22:34
mythosDr_Willis: where is it located?(Linux n00b here)22:34
owen1 which one should i use - ~/.Xdefaults or ~/Xresources ?22:34
gordonjcpyoasif: the maintainer refused to answer any emails, other people at his organisation refused to do anything about it22:34
Dr_Willismythos:  /boot/grub/menu.lst22:34
gordonjcpyoasif: eventually I went and spoke to one of his colleagues at LRL and was able to sort-of salvage the situation22:34
exodus_mshbekel, no, just missing libqt4-sql-sqlite needed for amarok 2.0.2 to import 1.4 sqlite collections.db22:35
b4sherlast question :P, anyone know any cmd for view the creation date of a file? CREATION DATE, no last edit.22:35
gujaAnyone using xf86-video-intel video driver_22:35
Dr_Willismythos:  backup the original. and read the grub docs :)22:35
asathoorok, thanx to dr-Willis maximus is off, and everything works fine...22:35
Dr_Willisb4sher:  i dont think thats reorded.22:35
dtchengordonjcp: that doesn't speak badly of Debian but of the maintainer22:35
jake__does ubuntu have a problem with all wpa enabled wireless, or just mine?22:35
Dr_Willisb4sher:  recorded. - ive seen that asked befor.22:35
svenskois anyone else experience very slow download speeds from the 9.04 repos?22:35
JeruvyGnea: you missed my point entirely.  If Ubuntu is "feeding" packages BACK to Debian, then can you REALLY HONESTLY say it isn't related?  But take it in light jest as it's meant :)22:35
Dr_Willissvensko:  servers are loaded.22:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about load22:35
asathoorsvensko >> you can change to the fastest server22:35
Guest50678umm, with the new distro of ubuntu, my display driver isn't supported, what must i do to fix this ?22:35
GneaJeruvy: fair enough :)22:36
svenskoah, makes sense Dr_Willis22:36
exodus_mshbekel, my old db was still intact ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/collection.db22:36
gordonjcpdtchen: yeah, but there's no mechanism in place to "appeal to a higher power" and pull a bogus package22:36
gujaHow do I see in Ubuntu which video driver is system using?22:36
b4sherDr_Willis, recorded? recorded file ?22:36
platiusSvenstaro; http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-select-fastest-mirror-in-ubuntu.html22:36
b4sherDr_Willis haha22:36
Dr_Willisb4sher:  the creation date is not stored. just the last access/written date i belive22:36
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:36
D3RGPS31Anyone have experience in configuring xorg for an ATI R HD 4850 (latest proprietary drivers)22:36
s_spiffhey anyone found ntfs-3g or ntfs-config gui based tool on synaptic??? in jaunty22:36
b4sherDr_Willis ok thanks22:37
mythosDr_Willis: if i format the drive and reinstall 8.04 won't it recreate that file then?22:37
gordonjcps_spiff: isn't ntfs just a filesystem?22:37
mythosDr_Willis: *partition22:37
Dr_Willismythos:  if you reinstall.. it will remake it. of course. :)22:37
MimmoXhi everyone22:37
NookOf the many things I enjoy doing... one of the highest has  got to be sitting in bed with me EEE.22:37
mythosDr_Willis: yeah, i'm a java programmer and i've got bugs in 9.04 crashing the system when the applet is loaded here22:38
s_spiffgordonjcp: i know it is a file system. But ntfs-3g and ntfs-config are packages in repos which allow you to read write to your windows partitions :)22:38
Dr_WillisNook:  you lie.. We know you take it to the Loo. :)22:38
SaVaGe_iS_GoDhey niggas22:38
Dr_WillisNook:  Im in the Garrage with mine.22:38
mythosDr_Willis: some1 told me its because of Xorg1.622:38
NookOh god, it's true!22:38
MimmoXwow thanks to god there's someone22:38
Dr_Willis!ohmy > SaVaGe_iS_GoD22:38
ubottuSaVaGe_iS_GoD, please see my private message22:38
mythosDr_Willis: so i'll have to install 8.04 with Xorg1.5 for it to work well22:38
Dr_WillisNook:  :)22:38
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:38
gordonjcps_spiff: so you install the filesystem support, and mount the drive.  No biggie.22:39
NookSorry if I'm going on about it. You see, I live in South Africa where the EEE isn't  available. It took 5 weeks to import mine, and I got it 2 days ago. So I'm happy!22:39
Dr_Willismythos:  no idea on  that. I missed the original problem22:39
ojI just have to say I LOVE the new pidgin alerts and now playing info the way it's displayed on Jaunty =)22:39
MimmoXsorry me due to the intrusion but I've got a problem with amarok 2, my system is fresh of Jaunty22:39
s_spiffgordonjcp: true. which if i'm not mistaken is ntfs-3g.22:39
mercutio22I just finished upgrading to 9.04 but I got this error: update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic22:39
mercutio22dpkg: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 122:39
doonerNook, i'm actually using myAspire one at the office, since I didn't feel like carrying the 17" on the Motorcycle today.22:39
peopeIs lilo the new standard for bootloader now?22:39
MimmoXis there anyone who could help me? it's about media devices manager22:39
mercutio22what does it mean:22:39
mythosDr_Willis: my applet crashes Ubuntu 9.04, and worked well for me under windows, i was told its a known Bug that sun needs to fix and its because of Xorg1.622:39
Dr_Willispeope:  lilo is the OLD OLD OLD stanbdard22:39
SaVaGe_iS_GoDare any of you 5stARS22:39
mythosDr_Willis: and that i should install an older DiST of ubuntu for it to work well(that has xorg1.5)22:40
gt1haven't tried jaunty what's it like22:40
ojpretty good22:40
lopezare there any Italian people in this chat?22:40
mneptok!it > lopez22:40
ubottulopez, please see my private message22:40
yoasif!it | lopez22:40
peopeDr_Willis: did an upgrade to the new release and got questions about lilo. Thing is I use grub right now. Is this normal?22:40
ubottulopez: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:40
Dr_Willisgt1:  its like fluffy marshmellows with  toasted coconut on the outside22:40
JohnDoe1like any other releases so far...works great on my 1000HE Eee machine22:40
FloodBot2SaVaGe_iS_GoD: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:40
lopezgrazie mille!22:40
FloodBot2SaVaGe_iS_GoD: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:41
Dr_Willispepper_:  no idea.. LILO is old.. grub is 'new'  Grub2 is to be the next  :)22:41
NookGuess what's coming soon? An 8-cell 10500mah battery for me EEE... which should give me around 10.5 hours on Ubuntu ;) *high-five*22:41
ojwhy is SaVaGe_iS_GoD spamming22:41
deowoodany indian thr??22:41
Dr_WillisNook:  and cost as much as the whole thing. :)22:41
yoasif!in | deowood22:41
ubottudeowood: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India22:41
ojdeowood, oye putar kya haal hai?22:41
deowoodbas badhiya paaji!!22:42
yowshianyone here know how to use xmacro to get it to record to a file?22:42
usserNook, i just bought the same one, yay22:42
LinuxIdiotI just installed Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit for the first time ever.  I am a complete noob.  I'm trying to get Flash to work, and I'm not having any luck22:42
Dr_WillisLinuxIdiot:  install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package.. and Poof flash and a lot of other stuff get installed..22:42
Nook@usser Awesome! I gotta import mine, so its about a month to go.22:42
kapipiHey, I have been using jaunty since alpha, and upgraded almost daily. I checked for updates earlier today, nothing. I check now, 400+ packages to upgrade. Normal?22:42
LinuxIdiotwhere do I find that?22:42
Dr_WillisLinuxIdiot:  assuming you dident break anything bty tryingto install flash some other way :P22:42
MimmoXsome help about Amarok2? :$22:43
Dr_WillisLinuxIdiot:  its in the package manager listing22:43
LinuxIdiotPlease don't say that lol22:43
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:43
Dr_WillisLinuxIdiot:  every clean install. first thing i normally do is install that package. :) it then installs like 9 other things.22:43
egccrazy, i always wondered what the lsb in lsbrelease stood for22:43
Dr_WillisLinuxIdiot:  it grabs flash, java, some fonts, and other bits22:43
mneptokegc: Linux Standard Base22:44
LinuxIdiotwhere do I find the package?  Sorry I'm totally new here, just finally reached my boiling point with Vista22:44
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)22:44
egcmneptok: exactly ;)22:44
Dr_Willis!synaptic | LinuxIdiot22:44
LinuxIdiotthanks, I'll check that out22:44
ubottuLinuxIdiot: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto22:44
MimmoXsupercow rulez22:44
Saffie_xSo how do you like your coffee22:44
egci like my coffee spiked with redbull22:44
Evereadyyea really?22:45
CradLeRckercan anyone halp me?22:45
=== alyosha is now known as PlasmaSheep
Dr_Willis!ask | CradLeRcker22:45
ubottuCradLeRcker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:45
Saffie_xNo we talking bout coffee22:45
GneaLinuxIdiot: you will also find that, with Linux, if you want to copy & paste a weblink, you don't have to right-click and 'copy' then right-click to 'paste' again... just highlight it once, then middle-click in the browser location to paste it22:45
yowshianyone here know how to use xmacro to get it to record to a file? or get xmacro to at least display whats going on when using rec2?22:45
Nook@Gnea: I didn't know that. Thx.22:45
EvereadyI like Kaldi coffee , it is the supremest22:45
Gneajust don't middle-click in the IRC window ;)22:46
Saffie_xWho likes toes22:46
D3RGPS31How should I set xorg up for an ATI R HD 4850 with proprietary drivers22:46
Evereadywith my coffee?22:46
GneaSaffie_x: what?22:46
MimmoXubottu: I've got problems managing media devices (a great chinapod) with Amarok2. Could I have any pieces of information about this all? I was in love with amarok fast forward, now I feel like a fish out of the fishball ç_ç22:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:46
kapipiAnybody else who had to upgrade 450+ packages today? (After updating previously today)22:46
Saffie_xwho likes toes in there coffee22:46
Evereadyonly toested toes22:46
PlasmaSheepHow can I change the templates directory?22:46
Nookcya'll in a bit. Gonna try out my alternative Desktop Environments.22:46
CradLeRckerAnyone know a way to speed up ubuntu? I just installed it and am running xubuntu atm.  Its extremely laggy, even firefox takes a while to load pages. My comp laptop isnt that old, i just go it in august. if anyone knows how to makes it faster.. plz help. lol thx22:47
Gnea!offtopic | Saffie_x22:47
ubottuSaffie_x: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:47
SinnerboyI like Whiskey in mine,but I'm Irish22:47
Evereadyis red bull carbonated ?22:47
=== lacqui_ is now known as lacqui
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:47
askandHi! I recently bought a Behringer UCG102 to record my guitar with. The problem is that there is no sound on the computer when playing on the guitar. Recording into for example audacity is fine and I can playback the recording afterwards. But how do I do if I want to hear the guitarsound 'live',  so to speak, on my computer? 22:47
* Gnea looks oddly at Eveready 22:47
Saffie_xI like 14 sugars in my coffe with 4 cpoons of coffee22:47
D3RGPS31!troll Saffie_x22:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about troll Saffie_x22:48
Brando753alright i upgraded to ubuntu 9.04, Now my screen is windowd and my sound dosent work, i cant fix it in screen resoultion ;(22:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remote22:48
PlasmaSheepShould we call an op?22:48
GneaSaffie_x: sorry, we don't care.22:48
GneaPlasmaSheep: no worries22:48
kapipiIs there a new way repositories are organized? aptitude seems to pull from a lot of repositories currently, a lot of them named translations...22:48
D3RGPS31PlasmaSheep: yes22:48
PlasmaSheep!topic | Saffie_x22:48
ubottuSaffie_x: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic22:48
Saffie_xIm on toppic22:48
lewenchIs there a way to put the desktop icons as a list instead of icons22:48
PlasmaSheepSaffie_x: No.22:48
MagicI have a quick question. I downloaded the release candidate 5 days ago. Should i bother downloading the actual release of 9.04, or is the 9.04 RC fine?22:49
Gnealewench: you mean, just the names?22:49
D3RGPS31How should I set xorg up for an ATI R HD 4850 with proprietary drivers >.<22:49
PlasmaSheepAnyone know how I can change nautilus' templates dir from ~/Templates ?22:49
BromaxSuxFetching file 1065 of 1390 on distibution update..22:49
Saffie_xyeah go to californa22:49
LinuxIdiotok so I got the package manager up, how do I find and install the base package that includes flash?22:49
GneaMagic: you can, and you can also just upgrade to the current release packages and be just fine22:49
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
egcif i want all the server capabilities of ubuntu server but still need the box as a desktop, is it easier to install server edition and then X, or to install desktop edition and then install all the server components?22:50
lewenchGnea, No. Like how you can put a folder in list mode. How the information is displayed in a detail type view, I want that setup for my desktop icons.22:50
Magicthanks :)22:50
egcsounds kinda obvious, but i never know ;)22:50
=== Milosz|Gaming is now known as Milosz
D3RGPS31!ops Saffie_x Spamming22:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:50
Gnea!flash | LinuxIdiot (open up firefox, and follow the directions here)22:50
ubottuLinuxIdiot (open up firefox, and follow the directions here): To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:50
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:50
D3RGPS31PlasmaSheep: thank you22:50
PlasmaSheepD3RGPS31, the channel is busy enough as is.22:51
MimmoXcoff coff! *trying to get attention*22:51
waldoso why can't I boot my newly converted ext4 partition w/grub in jaunty?22:51
PlasmaSheepThanks, op(s).22:51
mneptokMimmoX: ask Kubuntu questions in #kubuntu22:51
PlasmaSheepAnyone know how I can change nautilus' templates dir from ~/Templates ?22:52
Gnealewench: that can't be done on the desktop itself22:52
waldoanyone successfully get ext4 booting in jaunty?22:52
D3RGPS31How should I set xorg up for an ATI R HD 4850 with proprietary drivers :D *feels safe with Ops around*22:52
PlasmaSheepwaldo: me22:52
mneptokPlasmaSheep: gconf-editor22:52
BCMM_i have "Error 15" in GRUB state 1.5 after adding a hard drive to the system, what is my best way of fixing things?22:52
=== Athenon__ is now known as Sarawr|Dreaming
MimmoXmneptok: ok thanks22:52
PlasmaSheepmneptok: where?22:52
doonerwaldo, sure. Converted my netbook over to use from an ext3 Jaunty beta install.. So far no issues..22:52
VenteroAnyone got an idea why my gnome-panel doesn't start on login though it's part of the default session? :/22:52
hbekelBCMM_: adding a harddrive might have changed the order of sd* devices22:53
ZeddeHello , I have installed ubuntu 9.04 in a virtual box and after  I installed the guestaddons the mouse pointer disapeared , I can still click on stuff,  the mouse is working just as X starts but after few sec it goes away, my guess it's when he mouse modul loades it happens22:53
Gnea!ati | D3RGPS31 (many of the ATI cards can be setup by following the ATI link from this site, as the directions there are fairly precise)22:53
ubottuD3RGPS31 (many of the ATI cards can be setup by following the ATI link from this site, as the directions there are fairly precise): For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:53
waldodooner-- did you do anything special w/grub?22:53
BCMM_hbekel, yeah, it will've22:53
D3RGPS31Gnea: I didn't ask how to set up the drivers, i asked how to setup xorg22:53
BCMM_hbekel, i've had to change the boot device order22:53
waldodooner I get grub error 2 when I try to boot22:53
GneaD3RGPS31: well, setting up the drivers sets up xorg22:53
waldodooner I'm trying ot reinstall grub from a rescue cd but doens't seem to work22:53
doonerwaldo,  you need to reinstall grub.22:54
dooneri did it from a chroot22:54
BCMM_hbekel, i presume i fix with a livecd then?22:54
hbekelBCMM_: is there a bootloader installed on your bootdevice?22:54
EbdomosProblem: Upgrading to jaunty, however the upgrade is stalled on open transit tycoon (a game I never played)... Should I cancel the upgrade and uninstall openttd, then start again?22:54
=== stephen is now known as Guest72559
BCMM_hbekel, what do you mean?22:54
D3RGPS31Gnea: i'm asking for a more customized setup of xorg for ati22:54
BCMM_hbekel, grub boots as far as stage 1.522:54
hbekelBCMM_: update grub, then22:54
GneaD3RGPS31: so have you read and tried following the directions on that site?22:54
Guest72559Hi: Can someone please point me to a reliable "how to get sound running" I've tried everything I can find and none of it works.22:54
BCMM_hbekel, how should i do that? livecd and chroot?22:55
Gnea!sound | Guest7255922:55
ubottuGuest72559: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:55
BCMM_hbekel, and what command?22:55
D3RGPS31Gnea: yes, i've read and done the following directions on that site22:55
Guest72559ALSA is selected everywhere22:55
miikhow do i get all audio/video to work?22:55
waldodooner I mounted /dev/sda1 in the rescue disk to /tmp and then tried chroot /tmp grub-install /dev/sda1 but it didn't seem to do anything22:55
Guest72559I've been to both of those22:55
CradLeRckeri have a problem with performance.  everythign lags in ubuntu the odd thing is that the laptop isnt that old, its a compaq cq50. the cpu is also running at max speed all the time. if anyone can help.. plz pm me22:55
hbekelBCMM_: it's documented22:55
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:55
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:55
doonerwaldo, i followed these..  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/353071/comments/222:55
waldoBCMM seems that we have the same probelm..22:56
BCMM_hbekel, where?22:56
waldodooner letme take a look at that.22:56
doonerwaldo, and this: http://blog.fusi0n.org/linux/converting-ext3-partitions-to-ext4-on-ubuntu-904-jaunty22:56
DanaGGuest72559: Try opening (or first installing) pavucontrol, and check which evice is set as default.22:56
Guest72559Sound in Ibex and Jaunty22:56
waldodooner this looks really helpful!  Thx22:56
Brando753alright i upgraded to ubuntu 9.04, Now my screen is windowd and my sound dosent work, i cant fix it in screen resoultion ;(22:56
egcdo the 'bu'!22:56
egccrap, hoseage22:56
=== Guest72559 is now known as Stephen
doonerwaldo, booted of a UNR usb key, did the chroot, then just reinstalled grub. remember to change the fstab to ext4 as well and it worked fine22:57
dekkongHi there! I have som issues regarding Mircophone use .. when I try to record my voice with sound recorder my voice gets really laggy22:57
=== Stephen is now known as Guest21706
waldodooner yeah changed ext4...  i'll try that first link you gave me .22:57
GneaD3RGPS31: tried this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84759322:58
homeskillarg ubuntu can drive me nuts. i'll have my laptop unplugged for say 30 min, on an 2 hour charge, and then i go plug it in just to be safe and it it shuts down at the very second i plug it in and reboots itself sayin i'm low on battery. wth22:58
PlasmaSheepAnyone know how I can change nautilus' templates dir from ~/Templates ?22:58
Gneahomeskill: have you adjusted your power management settings to be less restrictive?22:58
usserwaldo, dont forget to copy all your files back<->forth by default all the benefits of ext4 are applied on newly created files onyl22:58
Guest21706# alsamixer => fialed for default: No such file or directory22:58
homeskillgnea like what22:58
D3RGPS31Gnea: Yes; I just ran into a problem and have to uninstall my drivers xD22:59
Gneahomeskill: it was a yes/no question22:59
homeskillgnea ok i just told it to hibernate instead22:59
Gneahomeskill: okay22:59
affluxis there any specific reason why there is no libgcj.a in ubuntu?22:59
macacalbiohi ppl22:59
egcext3 is default fs type right?22:59
gaevi è capitato il blocco di ubunto 9.04?23:00
mercutio22help me out please, I have got un unfinished upgrade to 9.04: http://paste.ubuntu.com/158150/23:01
Guest21706Anyone good with sound debug? Mine's not working in Jaunty and didn't work in Ibex23:01
PhotoJim!it | gae23:01
ubottugae: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:01
miiktotem complains "Windows Media Speech Decoder"23:01
dekkongHi there! I have som issues regarding Mircophone use .. when I try to record my voice with sound recorder my voice gets really laggy23:01
=== Guest21706 is now known as MyNameIsStephen
macacalbioif you were thinking of building a ipsec tunnel to your office, which pkg would you use? open or strong swan¿?23:01
pyhackerI just upgraded to ubuntu 9.04, and the new notification system does not seem to be enabled by default. How can I enable it?23:01
=== Berzerker1 is now known as Berzerker
waldousser thanks ..23:02
waldolets see if it worked23:02
pyhackerI just upgraded to ubuntu 9.04, and the new notification system does not seem to be enabled by default. How can I enable it?23:03
PhotoJim!patience | pyhacker23:03
ubottupyhacker: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:03
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:03
Flannelis more what he meant23:03
PhotoJimFlannel: Yup, :)  Thanks.23:03
linduxedi accidentally removed the network manager panel app23:04
zds_linduxed: nm-applet.23:04
linduxedhow do i get it to start automatically23:04
linduxedzds_: in jaunty23:04
PhotoJimpyhacker: I'm not aware of a way to re-enable it, but you can run it manually every few logins.23:04
waldodooner your'e a genius!!!23:04
waldoit worked!23:04
linduxedzds_: its a panel app here i think23:04
zds_linduxed: I think you mean "nm-applet".23:04
PhotoJimpyhacker: it's in the menus, under Administration.23:04
zds_Try entering "nm-applet" in your terminal, does it pop up?23:05
Berzerkerwhat's the program that I see everyone using that is sort of like desktopx for windows23:05
ianm_does anyone with a Wacom Bamboo see the cursor jiggle around constantly?23:05
ZeddeI'm running ubuntu 9.04 and after installing the guestaddon the mouse pointer disapear , I can still click just I can't see the pointer23:05
miikMOTHERFUCKER!! I GET PISSED FUCK OFF!!! I WANT WATCH PORNO AND THIS IDIOT TOTEM SAYS "Windows Media Speech Decoder" not found!!!!23:05
Gnea!caps | miik23:05
ubottumiik: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:05
pyhackerk i'll try brb23:05
miikwhy the fuck my porno dont work?23:05
dob1_hi, how can i see the new desktop notification on ubuntu?23:05
DanaG!ohmy | miik23:05
PhotoJim!ohmy | miik23:05
=== Testing is now known as Guest14125
ubottumiik: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.23:05
miiki knew i should never have installed this hippie communist shit23:05
Gneamiik: fix your attitude if you want help.23:05
miikwith windows my porno works23:05
DanaGmiik: time to find a different site, perhaps.23:05
macacalbiomiik you bore me more than my granny23:06
miikhelp me23:06
dob1_i have to enable desktop effects ?  i need this?23:06
DanaGmiik: time to find a different site, perhaps.23:06
miikit says ""Windows Media Speech Decoder" cannot find23:06
DanaGmiik: or run totem in CONSOLE.23:06
DanaGPerhaps it'll give google-able error messages.23:06
Gneamiik: go calm down first.23:06
doonerwaldo, nah not a genius, just a good memory.23:06
Flannel!attitude | miik23:06
Zeddemiik: sudo apt-get install vlc23:06
ubottumiik: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:06
macomiik: that's a little not-family-friendly23:06
linduxed1zds_: well the thing is that its working in the background, but i cant get it to be shown23:06
macomiik: try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras to get codecs or grab w32codecs from medibuntu23:07
maco!medibuntu | miik23:07
waldodooner now I just need to figure how to copy some key files to get the benefit...23:07
ubottumiik: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:07
=== linduxed1 is now known as linduxed
waldowaldo or recreate them or something23:07
Alabaster_Wneed some assistance with gparted23:07
gt1hey whats jaunty like23:07
piccagt1, fast23:07
miiki didnt need medibuntu or ubuntu-restricted-extras in 8.10, it still worked, why not now?23:07
doonerwaldo, I think there are some knobs you can fiddle to rebuild with extents, But Ihaven't tried yet..23:07
linduxedzds_: so regardless of whether its there or not, it just doesnt show up23:07
gt1picca: worth trying?23:07
zds_linduxed: Aha; I'm unsure; I don't really use gnome -- I have it loaded into my fluxbox.23:08
UserXYZanybody up to answering a question about nvidia on 9.04?23:08
waldodooner interesting..23:08
russianzillaUserXYZ: I'm not an expert, but I'd be glad to try.23:08
corinthI don't understand the purpose of this new applet, the indicator applet. Is it possible to minimize evolution or something that appears in it into it?23:08
Gneamiik: 9.04 is a totally new distribution. it will take time to get used to it. some things change, some things don't.23:08
Guest14125Hello :)23:09
zds_by it, I mean nm-applet.23:09
linduxedzds_: well normally i wouldnt ask either as i too use an other WM, but right now i need gnome23:09
LinuxIdiotok so I have AMD64 processors and installed the 64 bit version of 9.04.  I can't get flash to work, and I don't know a thing about linux...anybody want to walk me through this?23:09
MHz128How do I determine what version of NTFS-3G I have installed?23:09
=== LAZERBOYE is now known as Lazermann
macomiik: to get windows media codecs for totem? sure you would've...probably installed a while ago and forgot23:09
Alabaster_WWhen I run gparted, it tells me there is at least one bad sector on the disk. Running a chkdsk in windows gives me no error. Running other utilities give me no error23:09
Dr_WillisLinuxIdiot:  ubuntu-restriocted-extras dident get it going eh?23:09
zds_You may just want to rm your gnome-panel config.  There's probably a simpler alternative, however -- that isn't as destructive.23:09
macomiik: if you use vlc as someone else said, though, that may have included ones for that23:09
Alabaster_Wyet gparted will not rezise the disk23:09
russianzillaLinuxIdiot: Try this. http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/thankyou/?installer=Flash_Player_10_for_Linux_(.deb)23:09
miiknow im about to cry, my flash stopped working23:09
miikcan i undo everything i did 10 mins ago?23:10
deniz_LinuxIdiot, sudo apt-get install gnash mozilla-plugin-gnash23:10
LinuxIdiotit says wrong architecture when I try to install that23:10
Dr_Willismiik:  we dont have esp :) we donmt know what you did23:10
macomiik: you could actually, like, BUY your videos at an adult store like you people who don't have computers d23:10
doonerwaldo, http://kernelnewbies.org/Ext4#head-3891522e0601162aab24c73c1f148a1e28c6a9d4  seems to indicate an online defrag tool can migrate. but I haven't gotten around to playing with it that much as my netbook is my toy computer23:10
dob1_how can i see the new notificantion on ubuntu?23:10
Jaffarkelshac Hi, is anyone else having to restart or logoff and on when you install an app on 9.04?23:10
miikmaco who the hell buys porno??? what you think the internet was invented for?23:10
miiki hate linux people, you complain about porno dont work, they say "go rent it in a store"23:11
macomiik: communication between scientists at different universities?23:11
waldodooner taking a look--23:11
LinuxIdiotdeniz, where do I put that?23:11
PhotoJimmiik: linux people have boyfriends and girlfriends and spouses and don't need pr0n.23:11
mrwesheh...didn't Al Gore invent the internet? heh23:11
russianzillaLinuxIdiot: Go to Applications, Accessories, Terminal, then paste that code into the window.23:11
miikPhotoJim, i call bullshit23:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:11
Flannelmiik: Watch your language23:11
Alabaster_WWhen I run gparted, it tells me there is at least one bad sector on the disk. Running a chkdsk in windows gives me no error. Running other utilities give me no error23:11
Gneamiik: we don't complain about porno not working, you do. please, go chill out for awhile and, uhm, find some pictures. then come back later.23:12
miikthank god, now my flash works again, i hve no idea why23:12
macomiik: we sure do have bf/gf. my bf is in the channel :)23:12
waldodooner well thanks.. I'll worry about rewriting those files at some future time :)23:12
miikGnea, pictures is so 1990, i want movies23:12
Gneamiik: well, you're still going to have to fix your attitude to get the help that you need from here, regardless.23:12
macomiik: this channel is supposed to be family friendly. could you not refer to things that aren't pg-13?23:12
Alabaster_Wffs this kid needs to lrn2internet before he comes here...23:12
miikmaco, well i need my porno to work, what should i do? i have no choice23:13
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doonerwaldo, i going to poke around, I stuck at the noc anyway.  So might as well see what I can find..23:13
ojcan I ask a programming debugging question here?23:13
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:13
macomiik: first off, could you stop saying that word because NOT PG-13??? just say "wmv", mmmmkay?23:13
miikmaco, ok i need my .wmv to work23:13
MHz128How do I determine what version of NTFS-3G I have installed?23:13
Gneamiik: have you tried a different media player?23:13
waldodooner: yeah for me the most useful thing would be rebuild my mysql files from scratch...  maybe I can just do this in mysql...23:14
Alabaster_Wcan I ask a question about the usage of gparted here?23:14
kesiodedoes anyone know where I can find the elephant skin looking wallpaper that came with Hardy Heron?23:14
=== zds_ is now known as zds
PhotoJimMHz128: not sure of the "best" way, but if you run Synaptic or aptitude, you can search for ntfs-3g and it should show you the version.23:14
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php23:14
macokesiode: packages.ubuntu.com should have the source package for ubuntu-backgrounds from hardy23:15
MHz128PhotoJim, cool, is there a simple command i could use?23:15
Flannelkesiode: one easy way would be to just grab the source package for the one from hardy, which will have it in it (you can snag that at packages.ubuntu.com)23:15
azizالسلام عليكم23:15
Gneakesiode: probably on a hardy heron cd image23:15
doonerwaldo, could just dump the db, drop it, recreate it.23:15
azizاحد يعرف عربي23:15
macokesiode: one part ofthe source package is a .tar.gz file. it'll be in there23:15
Jamedoj, i'm sure there is a channel for your programming language in freenode23:15
Alabaster_WGnea: yes, i know what it is and i have even used it before...23:15
oj!ar | aziz23:15
PhotoJimMHz128: using Synaptic should be simple.  It's in the administration menu, I think.  (Running the Evil OS right now, can't look :)  There is a way to search in there that is reasonably obvious.23:15
ubottuaziz: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe23:15
GneaAlabaster_W: then please, don't ask to ask a question, just ask :)23:15
waldodooner yeah I'm going to tar the /var/lib/mysql directory and then untar it23:15
Alabaster_WWhen I run gparted, it tells me there is at least one bad sector on the disk. Running a chkdsk in windows gives me no error. Running other utilities give me no error23:15
Jamedoj, fi not ask your question here23:15
ojer..aziz is speaking in arabic23:15
miikmy flash stopped working again23:16
Flannel!sa | aziz23:16
ubottuaziz: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية23:16
miiki hate ubuntu23:16
MHz128PhotoJim, thanks man23:16
PhotoJimFlannel: oh, that looks like heck on irssi :)23:16
Alabaster_Wi need to resize this windows partition and install ubuntu23:16
PhotoJimMHz128: np, let us know if you have problems23:16
miikwhat is the problem with this os?23:16
miikis it cuz i picked 64-bit?23:16
GneaAlabaster_W: likely, the windows filesystem has already detected and re-mapped around the bad sector23:16
TetracommI love Ubuntu.23:16
azizكيف الابنتو الجديد 923:16
miikwhy wont this useless piece of shit work?23:16
exodus_msmiik, dude, you need to go23:16
PhotoJimmiik: I had a productive comment to your question, but I rescind it due to your attitude.23:16
LinuxIdiotok deniz flash still isn't working, I mean it sort of is, but not all the way23:16
Patricwww.eroticam.ws ;)23:16
macomiik: oh 64bit. in that case, w64codecs23:16
FlannelPhotoJim: No it doesn't.  Make sure your irssi is set up for UTF-8, also make sure your console is as well (and screen if you're running irssi in screen)23:17
LjL!language | miik23:17
russianzillaAlabaster_W: Not to discourage you, but when I had that exact problem I ended up just reformatting the whole hard drive.23:17
ubottumiik: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:17
maco!language | patric23:17
ubottupatric: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:17
maco!spam | patric23:17
ubottupatric: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...23:17
PhotoJimFlannel: yup, running it in screen.  how do you set it up for UTF-8?23:17
Brando753alright i upgraded to ubuntu 9.04, Now my screen is windowd and my sound dosent work, i cant fix it in screen resoultion ;(23:17
macothere's not a spam one?23:17
doonermiik, i would say PICNIC...(Problem In Chair, Not In Computer)23:17
LjLmaco: there's an !ops one... but don't call it, i'm sure they'll notice quicktly enough23:17
mrwesdooner, nice one23:17
Alabaster_Wrussianzilla: I was afraid of that... I didn't want to reformat. It would take awhile. Oh well...23:17
macodooner: pebkac is the one i know "problem exists between keyboard and chair"23:18
DanaGI converted to ext4, and just left all my stuff alone.23:18
FlannelPhotoJim: you start screen with -U, for irssi, there's a uh, /set term_charset utf-823:18
dooneryep, PICNIC, PEBKAC, ID10T23:18
russianzillaAlabaster_W: If I remember right, there is a way to override the bad sector warning, but it requires some effort and it's not particularly intuitive. It didn't do me much good.23:18
exodus_msdooner, I'm going to shamelessly steal that one and use it :P23:18
PhotoJimFlannel: Thanks.  I'll check that out.  any other UTF settings, or will utf-8 handle everything?23:18
deniz_LinuxIdiot, ok so if that gnash doesn't suit your needs, do              sudo apt-get remove --purge gnash mozilla-plugin-gnash && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree            but just out of curiosity...doesnt firefox give you a selection of flash applications to download & install when you visit a website with flash?23:18
doonerwe have lots of ways of closing trouble tickets :)23:18
Alabaster_Wrussianzilla: it's probably safer to reformat. I'll try again23:18
doonerexodus_ms, I stole it from some place, so knock yourself out.23:18
Alabaster_WThank you #ubuntu!23:18
LinuxIdiotyeah I get the option for a few different downloads23:19
Alabaster_Wyou people are awesome23:19
dooneri've used it to close a variety of Trouble Tickets :)23:19
Alabaster_Whave a very pleasent day!23:19
exodus_msdooner, cool23:19
homeskilli have ubuntu 8.10, is it easy to upgrade to 9.04, or likely to corrupt my system? am i better off backin up everything, formatting and straight installing jaunty?23:19
linduxedi accidentally removed the network manager panel app (nm-applet), how do i get it back to the tray?23:19
oj:Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel <--- what does that mean?23:19
exodus_msoj, register with freenode23:20
LjL!register | oj23:20
ubottuoj: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode23:20
PhotoJimoj: you can register a nickname on the IRC server so that no one else can use it.23:20
kesiodehow do I switch from wicd back to nm-applet?23:20
DanaGalt-f2 and nm-applet.23:20
russianzillahomeskill: Possibly. I updated yesterday and had to work out a few kinks, but for the most part it was alright. It varies.23:20
DanaGif wicd is installed.. you have to reinstall network-manager-gnome.23:20
kesiodeDanaG, cool thanks23:20
DanaGs/and/, /23:20
FlannelPhotoJim: That should handle everything.  There may be a way to set screen to UTF as well once youre running it, but I'm not aware of it.  It'll likely be with whatever the key combo is to allow you to set parameters (which I can't ever remember)23:20
deniz_homeskill, i dont know if things changed but based on my experience ubuntu breaks on upgrades, debian doesn't23:21
g33knikhi all23:21
homeskilldeniz_ ive had debian break on upgrades because of things like glibc23:21
PhotoJimFlannel: that's ok.  I need to reboot the machine on which screen is running.  I'll just deploy it with the correct settings.  Thanks again for the help.23:21
homeskillthough that was 5 years ago23:21
marmotI'm running 9.0.4 via VMware fusion on the Mac. I have a new Apple mini keyboard without the numpad. Anyone know how I can map the delete key to backspace in Ubuntu. Its driving me nuts.23:21
FlannelPhotoJim: no problem23:21
dob1how can i see the new notifications on ubuntu???23:21
dob1i need desktop effects? what the fuck i need?23:21
linduxeddob1: 1. stop cursing23:22
g33knikI am looking for a way to get hardware manager to re-ask me about using restricted drivers is there a way to do this? I hit cancel the first time because apt-get was running in a nother window but now i want to enable them (nvidia 700m ubuntu8.10)23:22
macacalbiosome1 with a little experience on using ipsec servers? i'm trying to figure out which of the *swans is "the best" (need windows compat)23:22
Jamed!language | dob123:22
ubottudob1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:22
deniz_homeskill, i find that shocking, anyways what i would recommend is you back up all your data then upgrade without a fresh reinstall23:22
gidnaIs it stable the 9.04 version?23:22
Linuz2009my computer doesn't appear to have sound23:22
linduxeddob1: 2. for the notifications, try using a messenging app like pidgin23:22
ojdob1, you should just google your simple problem and stop cursing23:22
ray_x9.94 64 bit works gerat for me23:22
Linuz2009PCM is turned up23:22
DanaGI've had no issues with upgrades, usually.23:22
mrwesgidna, they released it, of course23:22
russianzillahomeskill: I've upgraded twice before, once through Network Upgrade and once through the Alternate CD. The Alternate CD worked pretty well, but I had to reinstall a few programs. If you're handy enough, go for the upgrade. If it breaks, well, then just reinstall. Win-win.23:22
Linuz2009and the volume is up as well23:22
dob1i just want to know if i need desktop effects or not for this new feature23:23
Linuz2009my computer is a sony brand23:23
PhotoJimg33knik: there's an app in the Administration menu that will let you install hardware drivers.23:23
BUGabundohi. does jaunty supports ati radeon 4870 ??23:23
Flanneloj: That sort of attitude ("Just google it") isn't something we like to promote in this channel.  Please refrain from it.  Thanks.23:23
Linuz2009model VGN B100B23:23
homeskillrussianzilla, deniz_, true and thansk23:23
dob1sorry for the language23:23
PatricHejah Leute, schaut Euch mal www.eroticam.ws an - Sind die scharf dort!23:23
=== elpargo__ is now known as elpargo
linduxeddob1: 3. desktop effects you get by activating your graphicscard and the going to appearance and setting visual effects to extra23:23
russianzillahomeskill: Also, seriously, getting the Alternate CD over torrents is way faster than using the servers that have been totally hammered the last few days.23:23
gidnaIs it true that the new version boots faster than the others?23:23
Linuz2009its an old computer and there's seemed to be a malfunction in my computer23:23
Linuz2009no sound in internet and in start up23:23
mrwes!release | gidna23:23
ubottugidna: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases23:23
deniz_homeskill, np23:23
pope_I'm trying to figure out the best way to make Compiz and Flash/Firefox play nice together on my MSI Wind. Flash/Firefox work fine w/o compiz, and Compiz works great but screws up Flash/Firefox. I've looked around online, but I haven't found any real suggestions to accomodate them both together, any suggestions?23:23
dob1linduxed: i know, just my question is: this new feature is related to desktop effects?23:24
linduxeddob1: no23:24
dob1linduxed: ok thanks23:24
Linuz2009I'm running ubuntu 9.0423:24
g33knikphotojim: when i go to hardware drivers it doesnt show anything, the first time ever I went to it i had to click cancel when it asked about enabling restricted drivers. I want to either have it ask me again so i can click enable or enable it manually23:24
Linuz2009switched from ubuntu 8.1023:24
Linuz2009anybody help me?23:24
AAA28hey guys i have ubuntu 8.04.2  hardy i got support till 2011 should i update to new one? 9.0423:25
Linuz2009its faster23:25
PhotoJimg33knik: if there are restricted drivers, it should still prompt you there if you want to use them.  it will first search to see if any are available.  you haven't screwed yourself up.23:25
Linuz2009and appear better23:25
FlannelAAA28: Probably not.  If there's nothing that sticks out at you, stick with 8.04 until the next LTS (10.04)23:25
PhotoJimAAA28: depends on how important stability is to you.  the more important your machine is, the less incentive to upgrade yet.23:25
AAA28i will wait for next lts23:25
AAA28thanks guys23:26
ray_xagree - no need to change23:26
Linuz2009I have a issue23:26
Linuz2009about my computer sound23:26
cheryljoin xubuntu23:26
g33knikphotojim: i never installed the restricted nvidia drivers but now i want to and it is not asking me to do it again. i tried apt-get install nvidia-glx and tried envy without success23:26
ray_xdid it work with 8.10 ?23:26
LinuxIdiotok I now have flash functioning, thanks deniz23:26
mastaofdisastahey all, what is the purpose of the /lib/firmware directory?23:26
UbuntuNewbieQuick question regarding Link Layer Topology Discovery Protocol installation for Vista network discovery map of Ubuntu, I attempted (miserably) to perform the instructions followed at ( http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-the-lltd-protocol-responder-for-linux-on-debian-lenny ) but the final lld2d.exe does not execute upon using "start" anyone can help me walk-thru with a little bit more information?23:27
PhotoJimg33knik: you're running the Hardware Drivers applet in the Administration menu?  (I think that's what it's called)23:27
PhotoJimg33knik: it should be there.  hmm.  perhaps try a reboot and then look?23:27
Linuz2009anybody help?23:27
T-M-TCan anyone help me with Ati driver (Radeon 9700) in Ubuntu 9.04?23:27
g33knikit comes up empty tried rebooting23:27
Linuz2009I need help23:27
PhotoJim!ask | Linuz200923:28
ubottuLinuz2009: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:28
=== mib_zthtbw is now known as yournewnickname
Linuz2009My computer can't play sound23:28
RobTheHamIs this the right place to ask about an upgrade problem or is there a dedicated channel?23:28
PhotoJimRobTheHam: Here is just fine.23:28
ojguys can someone tell me exactly what to do to register for the ##c channel? I don't know what identify /msg nickserver help23:28
pope_compiz vs flash/firefox issues on my MSI WInd with 9.04, any suggestions to make them place nice together?23:29
LjLoj: ask in #freenode23:29
dreamydoes xrandr connects my svideo out .. or does it only reports if its connected or diconnected?23:29
Linuz2009how can I make my computer to play sound?23:29
nixpixguys, I'm having a major upgrade problem involving my nvidia drivers. if you could take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1136650 it would be appreciated a bunch23:29
Linuz2009my computer can't seem to play sound23:29
RobTheHamOK - son upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 and now has black screen - I know various flavours of Linux (eg. RH or SuSE) but not Ubuntu and would appreciate any advice23:30
mastaofdisastahey all, what is the purpose of the /lib/firmware directory?23:30
illumin8Hello everyone, i have a very old acer tower, with 64mb of ram DSL doesnt seem to friendly of a linux install for it. anyone able to suggest something?23:30
Dr_Willismastaofdisasta:  for wireless card firmware i belive23:30
Jameddreamy: to connect it try xrandr --auto23:30
dbgltwhat's the go with installing restricted drivers (nvidia) on jaunty?23:30
Dr_Willisillumin8:  Puppy linux, tiny core linux, feature linux.23:30
PhotoJimRobTheHam: if you press alt-F2, alt-F3 etc. you should be able to find a login prompt.  you can log in and then try reconfiguring gdm.23:30
ALiENr0xhello anyone know how to restart compiz when crash without restarting?23:30
Dr_Willisillumin8:  or track down some moar ram!23:30
dreamyJamed: to connect my svideo out ? .. does xrandr connects it ?23:30
illumin8Dr_Willis, thank you :)23:30
Dr_Willisillumin8:  or learn to use the console23:30
dreamyJamed: ill try it..23:31
Dr_WillisALiENr0x:  install and run 'fusion-icon' it makes it easy23:31
=== mirk_ is now known as mirk
Jameddreamy: running yrandr only just tells you what is connected23:31
marmotI'm running 9.0.4 via VMware fusion on the Mac. I have a new Apple mini keyboard without the numpad. Anyone know how I can map the delete key to backspace in Ubuntu. Its driving me nuts.23:31
mastaofdisastaDr_Willis: I'm aware of that, but I was looking for more details on it.23:31
ALiENr0xDr_Willis: no work good.. crash on start23:31
Jameddreamy: i mean xrandr23:31
RobTheHamPhotoJim - unfortunately that doesn't work, keyboard etc frozen, have to go into recovery mode to anywhere at all23:31
dreamyJamed: i did xrandr auto.. no errors were reported .. but it still displays the svideo is disconnected23:32
PhotoJimRobTheHam: can you ssh in from another machine?  failing that try rebooting into a rescue kernel.23:32
Dr_WillisALiENr0x:  you got somthing real goofy then.   yoy mean the desktop crashes whtn the user logs in?23:32
mastaofdisastaDr_Willis: does the kernel automatically recognize that directory as a firmware directory?23:32
ALiENr0xDr_Willis: only on log in dont crash :)23:32
Dr_Willismastaofdisasta:  i think the kernel modules some how look there.23:32
g33knikanyone: what is working nvidia 7000m acer laptop driver (works with compiz) restricted or not - ubuntu 8.1023:32
ALiENr0xDr_Willis: with compiz --replace crash23:32
RobTheHamPhotoJim - yeah can boot a rescue kernel, found lots of reports of similar problems but none exactly the same23:33
dreamyJamed: u think ill be needing xrandr after using atitvout .. and running it (atitvout ntsc) and no errors occured23:33
Jameddreamy: did you read the manpage of xrandr, maybe theres yomething abaout your problem23:33
PhotoJimRobTheHam: do you know what is causing the failure?23:33
Jameddreamy: i am don't know atitvout23:33
fantasmahow do i make ubuntu log out after a certain amount of inactivity and go to the login screen for another user like it does on windows23:34
dreamyok jamed ..23:34
g33knikfantasma: i believe in screen saver options you will find a checkbox for what you want23:34
fantasmascreen saver asks for a password to log back in23:35
Dr_Willisfantasma:  ive never seen a way to make the user log out.. seen where itgoes to a screen where a different user can start a new session. Not sure its possble to force a logout easially23:35
macofantasma: you can make it lock screen with an option to switch user....that work?23:35
fantasmai want other users to be able to log back in23:35
fantasmathat might23:35
fantasmalet me check it out23:35
macofantasma: there's a button on the password box to switch user23:35
artzymamawhat is the conf file for screen resolution?  My GUI does not reflect my monitor's capabilities23:35
Dr_WillisIt would really suck of you got forced to logout because you went to the loo. :)23:35
PhotoJimartzymama: there is a setting in the Administration and Preferences menus to set screen resolution.  (can't remember which one it's in, but one of the two)23:36
g33knikdr willis you get logged out while getting a log out lmfao23:36
RobTheHamPhotoJim - from the Xorg.0.log it looks like Xwindows can't find the keyboard or mouse. Checked devices with hal-device and they look OK. Also tried 'X -configure' to see what that came up with - again all devices look OK in xorg.conf.new23:36
artzymamaPhotoJim, see note...my GUI doesn't show it23:36
macoartzymama: shouldnt involve a conf file anymore. check system -> preferences -> display23:36
Dr_Willisg33knik:  thats why we have wireless.. :)23:36
macoartzymama: then X isn't detecting that it's possible23:36
PhotoJimartzymama: sorry, missed that.  perhaps try reconfiguring gdm?23:36
deowoodanyone knows of a free shell provider on port 443 allowing port forwarding?23:36
PhotoJimRobTheHam: hmm, weird that it wouldn't see keyboard or mouse.  PS/1 or USB?23:36
macoartzymama: at least, that's what i'd guess it is. what does xrandr say?23:36
=== veovis is now known as veovis_
=== veovis_ is now known as veovis
Dr_Willisdeowood:  what are youy trying to do exactly?23:37
artzymamaPhotoJim, remind me the command23:37
artzymamamaco, one sec23:37
ianm_does anyone with a Wacom Bamboo see the cursor jiggle around constantly?23:37
PhotoJimartzymama: I'd have to google it.  have a google and I can give you a hand if you can't find it.23:37
RobTheHamPhotoJim - PS/2 keyb and USB mouse23:37
UbuntuNewbieRegarding  Link Layer Topology Discovery Protocol installation for Vista network discovery map of Ubuntu, I attempted (miserably) to perform the instructions followed at ( http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-the-lltd-protocol-responder-for-linux-on-debian-lenny ) but the final lld2d.exe does not execute upon using "start", anyone out their successfully performed this using howtoforge or another method please say so.23:37
artzymamaPhotoJim, been there...now I'm here23:37
g33knikl8tr all23:37
Rayfordanyone use ESRI BusinessMAP 5?23:37
PhotoJimRobTheHam: hmm, weird.  keyboard & mouse work ok in Windows set up that way?23:37
PhotoJimartzymama: k.  hopefully someone else has more expertise on this than I do, then.23:38
ianm_deowood: ! :)23:38
artzymamamaco, says I can go to  1280x1024, but gui shows only 1024 x 768 as max...xrandar differs23:38
deowoodwell i have to access internet via ssh23:39
veovisQuick grub question:  I had Vista and Kubuntu 9.04 (ext4) installed, and I just added Ubuntu 8.10 to the mix, forgetting that it would overwrite GRUB23:39
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:39
macoartzymama: xrandr -s 1280x102423:39
deowoodhence i need any free  shell  provider...23:39
DanaG!find libdb-4.1.so23:39
ubottuPackage/file libdb-4.1.so does not exist in jaunty23:39
DanaGXilinx tools need that library.23:39
LinuxIdiotI am using 9.04 on a laptop, how do I make it so no sound comes out of my laptop speakers, but sound does come out of my external speakers?23:39
DanaGDO I have to go fish around for the Intrepid version?23:39
DanaG!find libdb-4.2.so23:40
ubottuFile libdb-4.2.so found in libdb4.223:40
RobTheHamPhotoJim - Windows!!! Everything was fine under 8.10 - machine is an Ideq SFF with SIS 65X integrated graphics (the drivers for that are loading OK so I don't think that's the problem), only has Ubuntu23:40
DanaGWhere's 4.1?23:40
abstortedmindsi was about to upgrade to 9.04 with ext4 support, anything i should know or be worried about?23:40
kesiodehi all, awhile back I switched to wicd and I'm not happy with it.  However, if I alt-f2 and try to run nm-applet it's not found.  How do I switch back to the default one?23:40
veovisI installed KDE on top of Ubuntu 8.10 and am using the GRUB editor from there, but I don't know the kernel path23:40
Dr_Willisabstortedminds:  when in doubt.. backup stuff23:40
UbuntuNewbieAnyone familiar with Link Layer Topology Discovery Protocol please mention so I would like your help implementing this.23:40
PhotoJimLinuxIdiot: if the speakers are plugged into a headphone jack, should just work.  if they're USB, they actually are a physically separate sound card so you'll have to change your system settings to use that sound card instead of the built-in one.23:40
LinuxIdiotthe external speakers work just fine, but I don't want the laptop speakers to work23:40
PhotoJimRobTheHam: have you tried booting the Ubuntu install CD to the live desktop to see if the mouse/keyboard work there?23:41
veovisPhotoJim: actually, I have the same problem23:41
Linuz2009can anyone help me with pulse audio?23:41
PhotoJimveovis: with the audio problem or with the mouse/keyboard problem?23:41
veovisPhotoJim: on my laptop, plugging in a 3.5mm jack does nothing23:41
Linuz2009its on and everything, but I don't think its connected in my computer's built in spwaker23:41
PhotoJimLinuxIdiot: I wonder if it's a hardware issue.  plugging in the external speakers into the headphone jack should disable the built-in audio.23:42
DanaGI really wish there were an open-source alternative to the Xilinx EDK.23:42
PhotoJimveovis: hmm, that's a different problem.23:42
fantasmais it possible to have a user that has no password?23:42
RobTheHamPhotoJim - that was my next step - I've got an old live CD but would need to download the same for Jaunty - guess I'm just going to have to bit e the bullet and do it :-)23:42
hggdhfantasma, yes23:42
Dr_Willisfantasma:  yes.23:42
YusbuntuHi guys i've problem with my intel GM965 card (graphics card) it's not working .i just need to run the desktop effects . ofcourseon ubuntu 9.0423:42
fantasmanew user account wont let me create it...23:42
PhotoJimRobTheHam: :) it would give you some additional information.  you coudl also try a different mouse & keyboard, or different ports.23:42
Dr_WillisI think you may have to use the passwd command or edit the passed file manmally23:42
veovisPhotoJim: no, it's the same, plugging in a 3.5mm jack into the laptop's sound card does not route the sound to the speakers, they play on my laptop speakers23:42
macoYusbuntu: its disabled in 9.04 at the moment due to a bug23:43
Dr_Willisfantasma:  not really reccomended. :)23:43
fantasmaits a guest account23:43
fantasmadon't worry...23:43
Dr_WillisThere was a 'guest' feature in ubuntu i thought.23:43
FlannelDanaG: Don't we all.  It's not even free for linux.  There are some HDL utilities in the repos though, I'm not aware of anything that's packaged up like Xilinx though.23:43
fantasmais there?23:43
PhotoJimveovis: usually those jacks are wired via hardware to automatically disable the built-in speakers... the same way that it works if you plug headphones into a ghetto blaster.23:43
hggdhfantasma, heh. We worry not, it is your machine ;-)23:43
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roy_hobbsI think I was doing something to the permissions in my home directory when my desktop icons stopped displaying properly...23:43
exodus_msDanaG, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/158173/23:43
Dr_Willisbut not really a guest account. you have to login as a different user first. then you can go 'guest' and let a friend borrow the pc23:43
DanaGAnd the EDK is MicroBlaze, not just vhdl.23:43
Polterge|stok I'm back with "yet" another problem23:44
RobTheHamI'll set it going overnight - I just feel like it's something really simple that I'm missing but like I said Ubuntu/Debian is unfamiliar to me23:44
Polterge|stnow the automatic upgrade box doesn't pop up when I put the DVD in the drive23:44
Dr_Willisfantasma:  or just make the password guest  and set the wallpaper/motd to say that23:44
AdilHi everyone23:44
FlannelDanaG: kpicosim will do picoblaze stuff.23:44
Polterge|stand my system keeps reverting back to the old install23:44
nicholashubbardif ServA has access to a subnet and you want ServB to use that same connection without it being a NAT do you have to do anything beside turn on ip_forwarding and add a static route on ServB to point to ServA for that subnet?23:44
lockdall you need for a guest account is mount a tmpfs on a "guest user" home directory, really23:44
veovisPhotoJim: yeah, it's wierd.  Normally that's what it does, but apparently mine do it through drivers23:44
Polterge|stI was somewhere around 1085 packages of 147423:44
Polterge|stand it does this23:45
fantasmahow do i remove the password?23:45
fantasmapasswd wont let me leave it blank23:45
AdilI have been struggling to set up a software Raid1. There are a few nuances. Can sone one help? Private msg would be more convenient i suppose23:45
PhotoJimveovis: I've not run into that.23:45
Polterge|stis my system just retarded or what is wrong here23:45
Polterge|stI installed new ram also23:45
Polterge|stI dunno if that will have anything to do with the new problem23:45
Polterge|stI added 256 mb more ram on  this old machine23:45
DanaGmicro != pico.23:45
Dr_Willisfantasma:  you may have to manually edit the /etc/shadow file (CAREFULLY)23:46
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fantasmadefine carefully23:46
b4shercan i view with any cmd my actual path dir? (string example: ~/Desktop/dir1/dir2)23:46
fantasmacan i just remove the encrypted pass23:46
Linuz2009Hi everyone, my output device isn't working23:46
fantasmaand replace it with a * like it has for the other users23:46
T-M-TIf anyone have ideas why i can't make my radeon 9700 work in ubuntu 9.04 i would be thankful. :)23:46
Linuz2009I want to let my input device work23:46
macofantasma: uh, * would be "cannot log in, period"23:47
Dr_Willisfantasma:  a * ? huh?23:47
fantasmaso what do i put23:47
fantasmainstead of a *23:47
Dr_Willisfantasma:  man passwd :)23:47
Yusbuntumaco why is it desaibled?23:47
DanaGman passwd.23:47
Dr_Willis:: perhaps - ie blank.23:47
macoYusbuntu: he's referring to system users23:47
macoYusbuntu: like cups23:47
macoif you leave it blank, that wipes the password23:48
Polterge|stah ok23:48
Polterge|stn/m I fixed it23:48
Yusbuntumaco so that mean there is no solution ??23:48
Polterge|stwas a prob with gksu23:48
Dr_Willisfantasma:  note that the users that DO hae a password have a huge string of gobbly-gook :) thats the encrypoted password in that field. some how...23:48
Polterge|stkilled restarted it23:48
Polterge|stworks now23:48
Yusbuntumaco or even i've to wait some updates??23:48
fantasmafound a good post regarding my problem23:49
fantasmaif anybody else needs to know....23:49
RobTheHamPhotoJim - OK, thanks for the chat - got a lot of downloading to do! Bye23:49
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selocolwhat happened to the program, screen? did it get a new look?23:49
Dr_Willisfantasma:  set the 2nd field in /etc/shadow to be :: (ie blank)  it says? :)23:49
PhotoJimRobTheHam: np, good luck :)23:49
kfizzhey all, i have a quick question if anyone feels like helping me out. in my system monitor i have two processes: "tracker-extract" and "tracker-indexer" that are taking up to 100% at times, does anyone know what these are because this is the first time it's happened23:50
Yusbuntumaco so that mean there is no solution for the intel graphics card????23:50
macoYusbuntu: unless you want it to be crashy....no23:50
macoYusbuntu: well i mean, you can set compiz to skip checks23:51
MaT-dgwhat is the pad to gedit?23:51
kfizzpad? or path?23:51
macoYusbuntu: compiz has i965 blacklisted.  whether its due to actual instability in this version or expected instability in a newer version that ubuntu ships, i am unsure23:51
MaT-dgpath* srry23:52
kfizz usr/bin/gedit i believe23:52
kfizzWIth a / at the beginning23:52
qsiwhen running kvm my bridge keeps being created with as ip although I have changed it in /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml to another value, where does this come from?23:53
Yusbuntumaco do you mean i've to wait ubuntu 9.10 ???23:53
kfizzbut you should just be able to type "gedit" in either the terminal or run application box23:53
macoYusbuntu: oh no, its something they just ran out of time on and expect to fix in the next few weeks, i think23:53
Adili have a question regarding software raid23:54
kesiodeever since upgrade to jaunty, pidgin isn't working.  It was giving a "segmentation fault" error.  I reinstalled and now I get "Illegal Instruction"/23:54
Adilif two hard drives are mirrored... and the raid 'name' is md023:54
Adilis md0 what I add in fstab?23:54
kfizzkesiode, how did you reinstall? make config or apt-get?23:54
ikoniakesiode where did you get the pidgin install from ?23:54
MaT-dgkfizz: I needet it for greasemonkey in firefox. Asked me wich editor I  wanted to use to edit scripts. /bin/usr/gedit was the answer, thx :)23:54
ikoniaAdil use uuid's, but yes /dev/md0 would also work23:54
kesiodekfizz, ikonia I used apt-get to remove and install23:54
kfizzwelcome, happy coding23:55
BleSSmy usb memories are not being mounted, dmesg | tail doen't show nothing about it, any idea?23:55
PhotoJimAdil: yes.  I've noticed too that there needs to be a bootdelay=xx factor added to the grub menu.lst too, at least on my server.  otherwise the raid md device isn't "up" yet when the sysetm tries to mount / ... shouldn't be  aproblem if you aren't using the array as /23:55
Yusbuntuok i will wait them , thank you Mr.maco and i hope from you to talk with ubuntu staff to solve the problem23:55
macoMaT-dg: /usr/bin/23:55
macoYusbuntu: ms23:55
Adilif sda is what is being mirrored, do I need to add sdb's uuid in fstab as well?23:55
Adilif only two devices for raid123:56
ikoniaAdil: no, just the meta devices, not /dev/sda or /dev/sb23:56
DanaGWhen dmraid is installed, uuids match the metadevice.23:56
kfizzkesiode: what did you say happened when you try running pidgin from the command line?23:56
PhotoJimAdil: no.  the raid array has its own UUID.23:56
ikoniaAdil: just the uuid OR device name for /dev/md023:56
DanaGoh, you're using md, not dm.23:56
kesiodekfizz, it tries to open and then gives an "Illegal Instruction" error23:56
Adilso if i need to make a file system, I would make a filesystem for md023:56
Adilis that correct?23:56
ikoniaAdil: yes, treat it as a disk23:56
Adilthank you23:57
PhotoJimAdil: Yup. mkfs.ext3 (or whatever) /dev/md0 (or whatever)23:57
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selocolum there's this bar on the bottom of my 'screen' how do i turn it off?23:57
yowshii need an easy to use macro making programme for recording mouse and keyboard movements23:57
kfizzkesiode: have you tried using synaptic and right clicking on pidgin and marking "For Complete Removal"?23:58
illmortalHey guys, I installed Ubuntu 9.04 and after installation, Windows 7's boot manager is still the primary... I called Ubuntu onto my 2nd HDD.23:58
illmortalcalled - installed*23:58
Tobias|Hiya people. I'm currently running Xubuntu 8.10 via a live CD. Forgive me for the possibly ignorant question, but where would I go to access the NTFS partition on my HDD?23:58
ikoniaillmortal: then your bios is not booting the disk where you installed grub23:58
AdilOne last question. I fdisked sda into sda1 and sda2 and gave them Id fd for raid auto detect23:58
artzymamamaco, my screen goes berserk when I try that setting...my screen resolution worked in the previous 2 versions of ubuntu...uuurrrgggghhhh...thoughts?23:58
kfizzkesiode: that way all config files that were created will be removed also23:59
macoartzymama: goes berserk?23:59
Adili can see them in fdisk.. but mdadm can not open them23:59
atmosxbest vnc server software?23:59
ikoniaAdil: mdadm doesn't "open" disks23:59
kesiodekfizz, doing that now, how would you like me to reinstall23:59
nicholashubbardanyone know where I can find a guide for doing routing on ubuntu (not NAT, just routing)23:59
Adilwell let me rephrase that23:59
kfizzkesiode: either syanptic or apt-get23:59
Adili am trying to create level1 raid for sda1 and sdb123:59
artzymamamaco, berserk = changes and covers only 3/4 of screen, and "kind of" locks up on me23:59
ikonianicholashubbard: routing is done with iptables, there are some good guides on the netfilter site23:59
LinuxIdiotI have 9.04 64 bit on my laptop, I have my external and laptop speakers working just fine.  How do I get it so that my laptop speakers don't work but the external speakers do?  It worked fine in Vista23:59
illmortalikonia, I checked bios and even making Ubuntu's HDD the primary in BIOS still Windows 7's boot manager shows.23:59
atmosxnicholashubbard: I don't think that this is an Ubuntu specific topic. Check out the iproute guide23:59
Adilbut mdadm gives me the error cannot open /dev/sda123:59
kfizzkesiode: not sure, but it's possible could be a bad config file that's causing the error23:59

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