
Nafalloyeah. that's what I tried to say. thanks SamB :-)00:00
* SamB waits for that dosemu ARM build00:01
* SamB wonders why nobody is laughing00:14
* SamB begins to suspect that nobody here has any idea how dosemu actually works00:15
spmSamB: cause it's too early in the morning and I'm only half way thru coffee? :-)00:15
* Nafallo haven't had a reason to use dosemu ;-)00:37
exarkunHow do I remove branches from code.launchpad.net/project?  And what if they're branches created by someone else?00:57
intellectronicaexarkun: you can't remove someone else's branches. you can remove your own by clicking the rubbish bin icon next to the branch title on the branch's page00:58
exarkunI don't really want to delete the branch.  I just want to make it so they aren't listed on the project's code page.00:59
exarkunFor example, because they have been merged.00:59
intellectronicaexarkun: right. you can't do that. but it sounds like a sensible idea to me. there's really not much point in displaying merged branches. file a bug01:01
mwhudsonmerged branches should be hidden by default01:02
LarstiQI guess.01:02
mwhudsonah, is this for twisted?01:02
mwhudsoni guess bzr-svn can't necessarily tell when branches are merged in svn01:02
exarkunWhat if X is a branch of main, and then I make a branch Y of X, and then merge Y into main?01:03
exarkunIs it expected that X would be hidden in that case?01:03
mwhudsonyes, i think so01:03
exarkunHm ok01:03
mwhudsoni think the check is "is the tip of X in the ancestry of trunk"01:03
exarkunI thought that's what happened in this case, but I might also have messed up the merge somehow so that it wasn't actually quite that.01:04
exarkunOh.  Or maybe someone committed another rev to X after I branched to Y.01:04
* exarkun looks at some histories.01:04
mwhudsonthe code confirms my understanding01:05
exarkunMmm no I must have just merged wrong.  The revision that looks like it should be the merge doesn't actually look like a merge revision should look.01:06
mwhudsonexarkun: which branches on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/pyopenssl should be hidden?01:06
mwhudsonoh ok01:06
exarkunThat only adjusts my feature request slightly, I think :)01:06
exarkunIf I hork a merge, what should I do to get the branch hidden on that page? ;)01:06
mwhudsoni guess get the person who owns the branch to mark it as merged01:08
exarkunOkay, I didn't merge the branch on purpose, because it came from the wrong place and had extra revisions I didn't like and such.01:08
mwhudson(or abandonded)01:08
mwhudsoni think we'd like to have old branches fade away after a certain amount of time, but this hasn't done yet01:08
exarkunThat sounds like it will be good01:11
rippsIt's occured to me that more and more people are using Launchpad to build PPA packages, are there any plans to add more building servers? Otherwise the queues are only going to get longer01:17
Ampelbeinripps: normally there are way more ppa-builders but i guess they are being used as archive-servers for the time being since jaunty was just released and the run for the archives is currently very high.01:29
rippsAmpelbein: Ah, that makes sense01:30
LarstiQripps: usually my uploads are processed switfly01:30
LarstiQswiftly even01:30
NafalloAmpelbein: releases.ubuntu.com rather :-)01:33
AmpelbeinNafallo: ok, was just guessing. you know better ;-)01:35
jensesorry I have a newbie question, I want to checkout a single directory from a bazaar branch - it is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-new-wave/anton/devel/files/head%3A/newwave-theme. If I checkout the whole trunk with "bzw branch lp:anton" I fetch so many things I donĀ“t need02:22
SnovaI'm not sure if you can fetch a single directory with Bazaar.02:23
jenseSnova, ahh okay, thanks. I will use the release zip file instead02:24
rippsOccasionally I see these private build being done by the PPA builders, what exactly does that mean? Can certain people use them without disclosing what being built?03:39
wgrantripps: Those are builds from private PPAs, which are used by the Ubuntu security team and various other parties who need to keep things hidden.03:41
rippswgrant: ah, thanks, I was wondering about that.03:42
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* VK7HSE-Eee (Error ID: OOPS-1212ED297) :(08:19
VK7HSE-EeeI keep getting whilst attempting to copy packages from one ppa to another...08:20
spivVK7HSE-Eee: hmm, looks like a bug (rather than a simple timeout or something temporary like that)08:34
wgrantspiv: Anything obvious in the traceback?08:35
spivVK7HSE-Eee: please file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz, make sure you include the OOPS ID08:35
VK7HSE-Eeespiv: yeah! I'll just have to wait to see when it gets resolved ;)  not that I can make any sense of!08:35
VK7HSE-Eeespiv: ok!08:36
spivwgrant: Some sort of interaction with database replication I think08:36
wgrantspiv: Ah, ugly.08:36
spivwgrant: I'm rapidly losing touch with modern launchpad, though :)08:36
spivwgrant: I suspect it's actually a fairly trivial bug, perhaps some code just needs to be tweaked to perform transactions on the master rather than a slave, or something.08:37
VK7HSE-EeeI purposely did it about 12 times just to make sure there was really a problem!08:37
spivVK7HSE-Eee: :)08:37
VK7HSE-Eeespiv: the url you quoted is broken!08:38
spivVK7HSE-Eee: works ok for me...08:41
spivVK7HSE-Eee: did the comma accidentally get included in the link for you, maybe?08:42
VK7HSE-Eeespiv: Hmm... I'll check...08:42
VK7HSE-Eeespiv: no it didn't... any I'll just navigate my way there!08:45
VK7HSE-Eeespiv: is this what you meant?   https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz08:46
savvasbug 82753 - "Add comment" sends to +addcomment instead of a dropdown comment input box and typing in the comment and sending shows that error08:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 82753 in gstreamer0.10 "/usr/bin/gst-launch not available" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8275308:58
VK7HSE-Eeebugger! got this (Error ID: OOPS-1212EC352) when attempting to file the bug! :-/08:58
VK7HSE-Eeemaybe I need to logout/in but select not to use beta?08:59
wgrantVK7HSE-Eee: You can disable the beta redirect at https://launchpad.net/08:59
wgrantBut I wonder if these three OOPSes are related.09:00
VK7HSE-Eeewgrant: you also get the option when you login!09:00
wgrantVK7HSE-Eee: Ah - I haven't logged in for a while.09:01
VK7HSE-EeeNope that didn't work either! now got another OOPS...  (Error ID: OOPS-1212EC361)09:02
savvashttps://launchpad.net/ -> Click on the relatively huge disable for 2 hours button and go to https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug (without edge) :)09:03
VK7HSE-Eeehas to be an internal error me thinks!09:03
wgrantAn OOPS is an internal error, yes.09:03
VK7HSE-Eeesavvas: that's what I just did...09:04
VK7HSE-Eeewgrant: I realise this!  ;)09:04
savvaswell it works for me09:05
wgrantMe too.09:05
savvasVK7HSE-Eee: while at https://launchpad.net log out and log back in09:05
savvasor.. did you try that?09:06
VK7HSE-Eeesavvas: yup, I'll do that and clear cookies as well ;)09:06
savvasgood idea!09:07
VK7HSE-Eeewell that worked! bug has now been submitted...  Bug #36719009:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 367190 in soyuz "Error copying packages from one ppa to another (Error ID: OOPS-1212EA687) " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36719009:10
VK7HSE-EeeHmm must be an echo :P09:15
VK7HSE-EeeAll worked fine when not using the beta pages for copying...09:21
spivwgrant: your guess might be right.  OOPS-1212EC352 looks like the same kind of error.09:27
wgrantspiv: What about OOPS-1212ED326?09:28
spivwgrant: that one too09:29
wgrantOoh dear.09:29
wgrantSo it wasn't just the session.09:30
wgrantBut they're all edge, and there have been some DBish changes on edge lately.09:30
spiv"Slony-I: Table foo is replicated and cannot be modified on a subscriber node"09:30
spivThe "foo" varies in the different OOPSes.09:30
wgrantr8278 could be relevant.09:31
wgrantI imagine there are significant store selector changes there.09:31
savvasso wait09:39
savvasOOPS-1212ED326 is the same bug?09:39
wgrantMost probably.09:39
wgrantThe main slave store is being used, rather than the main master, on some write operations.09:39
wgrant(it looks very like that, at least)09:39
savvasshould I set bug 367189 as invalid then? :)09:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 367189 in launchpad "[edge] OOPS-1212ED326 cannot add comments" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36718909:40
wgrantProbably mark 367190 as a duplicate of it.09:40
wgrantit's certainly still a bug, just more general...09:40
savvasheh I can't do duplicates either :P09:41
wgrantUse production.09:41
savvastrying now09:41
savvasworks, wheow09:42
rohanwhatever i try to do on LP, i always get the Oops! message09:48
wgrantrohan: Go to https://launchpad.net/ and disable the beta redirect.09:49
rohanghosh thanks, i was trying to find that option!09:49
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: edge.launchpad.net having issues - use launchpad.net instead | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: -- | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/karma-where-did-mine-go
spivwgrant: thanks09:50
BUGabundoguud morning10:04
BUGabundois (Error ID:             OOPS-1212EC388)           on edge known?10:05
wgrantBUGabundo: See the topic.10:05
BUGabundoI had to stop redirection10:05
BUGabundook! thanks10:05
BUGabundothen I'm gone! sorry for the noise10:05
wgrantKmos: See the topic.10:15
Kmoswgrant: ah ok =) thanks10:15
spm*** edge has been restored to "prior most recent update" - should be ok again - ping me if still oopsing ***10:40
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: -- | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/karma-where-did-mine-go
wgrantspm: There's something wrong with the JS on bug pages, still. YUI undefined errors.10:54
wgrantThat might have been there yesterday - but I don't remember it.10:55
spmwgrant: :-( I'd assume it was there yesterday; or is a caching/browser issue of some sort. bzr uncommit; bzr revert; restart; doesn't leave much room for doubt :-)10:59
=== welten is now known as welterde
VK7HSEWARNING! NOOB QUESTION!  is there a way to delete a ppa that you have created and no longer wish to have ???12:28
wgrantVK7HSE: You certainly can't do it yourself, but you might be able to ask an admin to do it for you.12:29
VK7HSEwgrant: Ok!... is there a reason as to why you can't though?12:30
wgrantVK7HSE: I don't know. Maybe because it's hard to automagically remove the archive from disk, or because it makes apt angry. Or maybe just because it hasn't been implemented.12:31
VK7HSE;)  ok thanks...12:31
Ampelbeinhi there. is there a problem known with the "package-chooser"-thingie on edge? (I don't know what it's called) If i want to assign a package to a bug, on the non-edge i can enter few letters, select "choose" and i get a result list. on edge there is just an empty list.13:00
bjfsHi, I was thinking about Ubunturo status, but got stuck with the signing of the Code of Conduct. Error 7,8 Bad Signature. Yeah, right ;p13:51
bjfsokay, nevermind; figured it out...14:01
sekuhello. I want to get https://code.launchpad.net/~keebus/simple-pygame-gui/main but i can't find where to download it... except for downloading each file separately.14:03
LarstiQseku: you can get the code with `bzr branch lp:~keebus/simple-pygame-gui/main`14:04
sekuyet another cvs :D14:05
* LarstiQ looks if there is a release14:05
LarstiQnope, doesn't seem to be14:06
ikus060Hi, it's been an hours that i'm trying to get my 'Translation' to work. May some one help me to get it run ?14:37
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colonelqubitwhat markup syntax does launchpad use in bug comments?16:42
colonelqubitI'd like to link to one bug from another bug report, but there's no Preview button so I can check my syntax.16:45
andrea-bscolonelqubit: Launchpad doesn't use any markup syntax; if you want to insert a link to an another bug just write "bug #123" (replacing 123 with the correct bug number)16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 123 in rosetta "There's no direct way to see the project info when translating it" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12316:47
colonelqubitandrea-bs: Thanks. Is that doc'd somewhere?16:48
andrea-bscolonelqubit: I think it is somewhere on https://help.launchpad.net but I'm not sure16:49
tlatelolcoHello! I have a problem while uploading a .changes file to my ppa17:33
tlatelolcoit prompts "Checking signature on .changes" "gpg: no openpgp valid data was found" "gpg: can't verifiy the signature"17:36
LarstiQtlatelolco: did you sign it with the gpg attached to your launchpad account?17:39
tlatelolcoum, with the gpg -s command?17:45
tlatelolcogpg -s *.changes ?17:45
LarstiQtlatelolco: debsign17:47
tlatelolcook! but it wants to sign with the wrong key (not the one of ppa)17:50
Ampelbeintlatelolco: it takes the changelog-entry, extracts the mailadress of the topmost entry and signs with that17:55
Ampelbeintlatelolco: the ppa-key is used to verify downloaded files, not the ones you send.17:56
tlatelolcook. i understood. thank you! :)17:57
Ampelbeinyou're welcome.17:58
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happosadeWhen I make new blueprint, what I need to put in "For"18:15
happosadeIf it should be for anyone and any app18:15
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joshua24anyone have an idea? Launchpad can't find my GPG key I added with          gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys? its been like 25-30 mins...20:21
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: -- | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/karma-where-did-mine-go | All JS currently broken on edge: http://launchpad.net/bugs/367337
tlatelolcoHello! I had a rejected upload. Here is the mail sent to me:21:40
tlatelolcoUpload rejected because it contains binary packages. Ensure you are using `debuild -S`, or an equivalent command, to generate only the source package before re-uploading.21:40
tlatelolcowhat is it??21:40
LarstiQtlatelolco: what the message says, you're uploading binaries but should not.21:44
tlatelolcothe .deb?21:44
LarstiQtlatelolco: yes21:45
tlatelolcoisn't it the goal - to upload the .deb, for the ppl to install our packages?21:45
ikus060Hi, I need some help here to configure the translation 'system' for my project.21:45
LarstiQtlatelolco: no, you upload the source, the ppa builders then build the .deb from that.21:46
ZuLuuuuuucan we upload .exe files for windows projects?21:46
LarstiQtlatelolco: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Building your source package21:47
LarstiQZuLuuuuuu: not that I know of21:47
ZuLuuuuuuoh, sorry to hear that, I have some cross-platform projects which include setup.exe files for windows users21:49
ZuLuuuuuuthis means I won't be able to host them completely on Launchpad21:49
LarstiQZuLuuuuuu: you could file a question on the launchpad project to ask what you could do.21:49
ZuLuuuuuuLarstiQ: Thanks21:50
LarstiQtlatelolco: just upload the source with dput as mentioned21:50
LarstiQtlatelolco: private messaging people on a general question is usually a bad idea21:51
LarstiQI, for one, am going to bed now.21:51
LarstiQgood night21:51
gmbZuLuuuuuu: Yes, you can add them to a particular series as a download. They would be unconnected to PPAs in that case.21:55
LarstiQgmb: doh, forgot about that.21:55
gmbLarstiQ: Last time someone asked this question I had to actually try it out to be sure I wasn't imagining it. ;)21:55
SnovaI wonder if that means KVirc has made a new release.21:57
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ZuLuuuuuugmb: thanks, that's good news.22:45
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