
kklimondabug 36704000:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 367040 in aap "Please sync aap (1.090-1) from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36704000:17
kklimondawe can't sync applications with debian in stable releases, and fix for #112329 should be backported from mainstream to all supported ubuntu release. right?00:18
hggdhkklimonda, correct. Depending on the issues, it might be considered for SRU00:19
kklimondait crashes at start00:19
kklimondawhen no arguments are passed00:19
kklimondawhen -t is passed00:20
kklimondait tries to concatenate string with a tuple00:20
kklimondaso this bug should be marked as invalid?00:20
hggdhas far as I can remember, Debian will be automagically sync-ed for Karmic00:21
kklimondabut a bug to sync it to jaunty (and probably some older releases) is invalid?00:22
kklimondaa request*00:22
hggdhbut better to ask in #ubuntu-motu00:22
hggdhyes, it is incorrect to sync to Jaunty00:22
hggdhs/sync to/sync for/00:23
kklimondaI'm not sure that fixing 112329 is worth an effort - 1.072 was released 5 years ago..00:26
hggdhI agree, but this is a decision that is not ours to make... the packager will decide.00:26
kklimondaalso last release was over 2 years ago00:27
kklimondasigh, it is using cvs and it returns 404 error..00:28
kklimondaheh, even if we fix 112329 it won't work00:30
Ryan5217:38 -locobot_2(n=UbuntuLo@ubuntu/bot/locobot)- #ubuntu-bugs: The channel is logged (at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode). Please observe the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. Thank you!02:04
Ryan52you do realize that there's chanserv that can tell you that, right?02:04
meoblast001i think the flash package is broken05:18
Yonderinghola.  I'm not sure if the issue I have could be considered a bug or not, anyone here I can bend an ear for a minute?05:58
leifdk1978morning guys07:37
YoBoYgood morning08:11
YoBoYfeeling alone leifdk1978 ? :p08:11
leifdk1978YoBoY: hey a bit :)08:12
leifdk1978afk a min or 2 need a bath08:12
YoBoYtake your time08:12
leifdk1978back YoBoY :)08:20
leifdk1978any one here :)09:05
=== yoasif__ is now known as yoasif
leifdk1978well just gota wait09:19
sorenleifdk1978: If you have questions, just ask them.09:19
leifdk1978need some guiding on bugs is on launcpad and there is a huge amount of bugs and i would like to help but have no idea09:20
leifdk1978any one wana get me started :)09:52
BUGabundoguud morning09:57
kklimondayawn.. morning.. :)09:58
leifdk1978any one got time for a new bug guy10:00
BUGabundoleifdk1978: shoot10:00
leifdk1978just how to start on it is brand new  is the bedst way to start removing duplets or10:01
jpdsleifdk1978: I think the best way to start, is to look at the bug pages for your favourite packages and seeing if you can reproduce and confirm the bugs.10:04
leifdk1978ok thanx10:04
jpdsAnd of course, ask here if you're unsure of anything.10:05
leifdk1978ok thanx a lot guys10:06
leifdk1978how do i set a bug as a wish11:00
BUGabundoleifdk1978: you only do if you are in bug control team (I think)11:01
leifdk1978ok lot os wish is put in bugs11:01
BUGabundoif you don't, usually you just ask here, and hope some one does11:02
BUGabundoleifdk1978: ususally some of those are better redirect at brainstorm.ubuntu.com11:02
BUGabundo !brainstorm11:02
ubot4Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!11:02
leifdk1978hmmm strange 2 bugs have same  number11:40
BUGabundoleifdk1978: ha?? link ?11:41
leifdk1978x4 of same bug11:43
BUGabundono just one bug, serveral task11:43
BUGabundoexample a bug can affect kernel and Xorg at the same time11:43
kklimondaI don't like the way LP does it.. for some reason It confuses me ;)11:44
leifdk1978keeep on searching11:44
leifdk1978yeah big time11:44
BUGabundohumm from what I've seen, LP is the best BTS around11:44
kklimondaIndeed - but there are some rough edges still.11:45
leifdk1978weee i found a bug i had me self :)11:45
leifdk1978:) exactly the same11:46
BUGabundoleifdk1978: if you are going that way, you will end up worse then me, subscriving to over 500 bugs11:48
leifdk1978ha ha yeah yeah i know11:49
BUGabundoI hare reviewing new bug queue.... I just keep seeing stuff I have too11:49
BUGabundoand then I sub to them all11:49
kklimondadoes PPA still have 1GB quota?11:51
BUGabundothey can increase it if you ask/need/deserv11:58
kklimondaNah, I'm just curious :)11:59
BUGabundoohh I was going to ask: "do you deserv?"12:00
kklimondabut playing with package sources is addicting ;)12:02
porthosekklimonda: the last I heard it was only 1GB per PPA, but know that you can have more than 1 PPA, I'm not sure how it works,12:02
tricienshi, I'm trying to debug and I don't understand how to Import the debug symbol archive signing key. I'm following the guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash13:23
MrKanistertriciens: Hi. You open a terminal and run the 3 lines of code starting with "gpg". Just copy and past them one by one.13:25
triciensMrKanister: thanks13:25
MrKanistertriciens: Your're welcome13:26
triciensI'm trying to follow these instructions: "And then you attach gdb using "gdb -p $(pidof gnome-display-preferences)" and you can activate logging in gdb using "set logging file gdb.txt" followed by "set logging file on". Finally you just press CTRL-C to break the program and run "bt full" to collect the stack. Then you run "c" to resume execution of the program, wait like 1 second then you press CTRL-C again and repeat "bt full".  But I get "gdb: option 13:41
hggdhtriciens, you got cut off at "But I get13:44
triciensBut I get "gdb: option '-p' requires an argument" in the terminal after I run "gdb -p $(pidof gnome-display-preferences)". Any ideas?13:44
hggdhis gnome-display-preferences running?13:45
triciensoh! it should be gnome-display-properties13:45
hggdhthere you go13:47
triciens"Afterwards, attach the gdb.txt file to this bug report." Where can I find that file?13:52
hggdhwhere you ran gdb from13:55
triciensthis is so confusing13:56
hggdhdid you find it?13:59
triciensthis is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/36675714:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 366757 in xorg "Display Preferences causes 100% CPU usage and does not open correctly" [Undecided,New]14:06
hggdhon the terminal, under which directory were you at?14:06
hggdhno, this is already under gdb14:07
hggdhthis is what you see now?14:08
triciensyes, I see (gdb) now14:08
hggdhOK, you did not exit gdb. Type 'q' (for 'quit') now14:08
hggdhand hit enter14:08
triciensok, done14:09
hggdhnow look for the file14:09
hggdhls gdb.txt14:09
triciensI'm looking in etc/apt but it's not there14:10
triciensmaybe it didn't get created14:10
hggdhwhere were you when you started gdb?14:10
hggdhunder /etc/apt?14:10
triciensi think so14:11
triciensI followed the instructions on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/36675714:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 366757 in xorg "Display Preferences causes 100% CPU usage and does not open correctly" [Undecided,New]14:11
hggdhbad idea... your userid does not have the necessary rights to write there14:11
hggdh'cd' back home, or 'cd /tmp'14:11
hggdhand (sorry) try again to get the trace14:12
triciensok, I have cd to back home14:12
hggdhgood. Now, get the gdb backtrace again14:13
triciensis that the "gdb -p $(pidof gnome-display-preferences)  " bit?14:13
triciensok, I ran  "gdb -p $(pidof gnome-display-preferences) and now I have (gdb) and flashing cursor14:15
e-jatbug 34040814:17
hggdhgood. now we go back to the instructions: type in 'set logging file gdb.txt', hit enter14:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 340408 in medibuntu "[Jaunty] AMR decodec not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34040814:17
e-jatanyone know the status ?14:17
hggdhthen 'set logging file on'14:17
hggdhe-jat, it is still in new14:17
hggdhtriciens, did you get it done so far?14:17
e-jathggdh: can u play 3gp file with video + sound ?14:18
hggdhe-jat, I do not even have medibuntu installed14:18
e-jatowh ok ..14:18
hggdhthis is a medibuntu bug, *not* Ubuntu14:19
triciensyes, my PC is running very slowly because this bug is using most of my CPU14:19
hggdhtriciens, OK. Now press Ctrl/C14:19
triciensi just did            set logging file on14:19
triciensok i have pressed ctrl/C14:20
hggdhtype in 'bt full', to get the first stacktrace (or BackTrace), and hit enter14:21
triciensNo symbol table info available.14:21
tricienslots of stuff on screen including No symbol table info available.14:21
hggdhit is the end -- the backtrace itself -- that we are interested in. If you *did* install the debug packages the bug asked for, it should be good14:22
hggdhif in doubt, pastebin it here14:22
ubot4pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:22
triciensI still don't know where to find the gdb.txt14:27
hggdhhold on, your pastebin shows you are still under gdb (and we are not done yet)14:28
triciensthanks for the help by the way14:29
hggdhtype in 't a a bt full' (thread apply all backtrace full), and hit enter. Pastebin the output of this command again.14:30
andolLooking at bug reports on issues related to an 8.10 to 9.04 upgrade. There seems to be an awful lot of those with empty VarLogDistupgradeDATE.gz attached14:30
hggdhtriciens, also: when asked for '---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---', type enter14:32
andolTake bug #365915 as an example of what I just mention. I see lots of these at least on the bugs related to the server team.14:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 365915 in openldap "package slapd 2.4.15-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36591514:32
hggdhtriciens, until you get back to (gdb)14:32
triciensdone. You want me to pastbin that?14:32
hggdhtriciens, yes, please14:32
hggdhandol, that is strange14:33
hggdhtriciens, OK. Now please type in 'c' (continue), and hit enter. Wait some few seconds, and CTRL/C14:34
andolhggdh: Yes, thought so. Want more example? From what I have seen so far it covers pretty much any 8.10 -> 9.04 server bug14:35
hggdhandol, yes, another example, please14:35
hggdhtriciens, after getting back under the (gdb) prompt, again type in 't a a bt full', and hit enter. Keep hitting enter until back in the (gdb) prompt14:36
hggdhtriciens, OK. now type in 'q' (quit). This will end the gdb run, and put you back under the shell.14:37
triciensThe program is running.  Quit anyway (and detach it)? (y or n)14:38
hggdhtriciens, take the time also to kill gnome-display-properties14:38
hggdhtriciens, type in 'y'14:38
triciensyou want me to 'end process' the gnome-display-preopeties from within System Monitor?14:39
andolhggdh: bug #367157, bug #366044, bug #36571814:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 367157 in squid "package squid 2.7.STABLE3-4.1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36715714:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 366044 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "MySQL upgrade failed when updating to 9.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36604414:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 365718 in postfix "package postfix 2.5.5-1.1 failed to install/upgrade:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36571814:39
hggdhandol, this looks more like apport is not getting the correct files (they all seem to have been apport-collected bugs)14:40
andolhggdh: agree14:41
tricienshggdh, I killed it14:42
hggdhtriciens, which process is using all CPU?14:42
hggdhoh, OK14:42
hggdhis CPU usage back to normal?14:42
triciensthat's the strange thing hggdh, I killed the process but still the CPU is 100%14:43
hggdhI thought so, I did not see anything weird in the backtrace14:43
triciensnone of the processes in System Monitor are using much CPU14:43
hggdhbut the CPU is still tagged at 100%?14:44
triciensYes, CPU 1 is around 100% and CPU 2 is near 0%. Then they swap over. I say CPU but really I mean 'cores'14:44
hggdhthat's OK. Allright, go back to the terminal you ran gdb from, and type in 'top', and hit enter14:45
triciensthe command that is using 100% is 'Xorg'14:46
hggdhwhich programmes are at the top (using a lot of CPU)?14:46
hggdhand bad...14:46
tricienswhat does that mean?14:47
hggdhgood -- we know which programme is the offending one; bad: it *is* xorg14:47
hggdhso your X session, right now, is hosed...14:48
triciensyes, I find I have to logout then back in to stop the CPU 100%14:48
hggdhtriciens, it only happens when you run g-d-p?14:48
triciensso far14:49
hggdhok. Suggestion: *right now*, do NOT run g-d-p ;-)14:49
triciensI think Ubuntu and ATI HD3870 do not like each other14:49
hggdhand you will have to end your X session (perhaps reboot) to clean up14:50
tricienscan you update my bug-report?14:50
hggdhtriciens, are you using fglrx?14:50
tricienswhat is fglrx?14:50
triciensoh its the propietary drivers14:51
triciensyes, I am14:51
triciensthe problem only started after I enabled the drivers14:51
triciensand rebooted14:51
triciensand ran dg-d-p14:51
hggdhOK. This means you are running code that we (the LInux community) do not have access to14:51
triciensyeah, that kinda sucks14:51
hggdhwhich means *only* ATI can help14:52
hggdhyes it does. A lot.14:52
hggdhhold on14:52
triciensdo you know how I can tell ATI?14:52
hggdhplease have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Debugging14:53
triciensAre nVidia drivers open-source?14:53
triciensAre ATI likely to release the code for theirs?14:53
hggdhit lists what has to/should be done in order to gather data for ATI14:53
hggdhonly ATI can answer that question. I hope they do14:54
hggdhnVidia are also closed-source14:54
triciensMore and more people are going to buy ATI, because their cards seem better for the price these days14:54
* hggdh also has an ATI board, but stays clear away from ATI drivers14:55
triciensso you dont game on your PC?14:55
hggdhlaptop. No I do not -- don't usually have time for it, unless it is chess. And chess does not need a lot of graphics ;-)14:55
triciensso I wonder why nVidia drivers work well with Linux14:56
triciensboth are closed source14:56
hggdhbecause their code sucks less currently14:56
triciensI think all the bugs I've got with Ubuntu are caused by ATI drivers14:57
triciensI guess if your hardware works well, so does Ubuntu14:57
hggdhwell ATI is not the only issue we have, but it does have a larger-than-fair amount of issues14:57
triciensHow good are the ATI devs at releasing fixes, new drivers etc?14:58
hggdhif the hardware if fully understood by the Linux community, it will tend to work without issues14:58
triciensdo they listen to the community?14:58
hggdhI do not know... the X guys would know better about ATI. It seems ATI is getting better, but still closed14:59
tricienswell, thanks for your help14:59
* andol wonders what to do about bug #364811. Apprently the person in question uses a canonical netbook repo, which contains a not entirely updated mysql-server package.15:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 364811 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1 installation failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36481115:59
andolWhile it is not an official ubuntu repo, it is still a Canonical repo...15:59
Bahaais 9.04 full of bugs ?16:01
jpdsBahaa: All software is.16:03
Bahaai meant , are they more than what 8.10 has or less ?16:04
jpdsThere's no way to accurately measure that.16:04
Bahaaalready downloaded 9.04 64-bit desktop edition16:05
Bahaabut you know..16:05
jpdsOld bugs get fixed, new features get added which may have new bugs.16:05
Bahaainstall crashes16:05
Bahaaso, haven't yet used it somehow16:07
hggdhandol, good question16:17
andolhggdh: Anyhow, it seems as if the repo is out a sync. Just talk to a Canonical person about it and hopefully that will clear up the bug.16:18
hggdhandol, good. I was going to suggest getting hold of a Canonical person... did they tell you how Canonical bugs are dealt with?16:19
andolhggdh: No, but I'll see if I can get an answer on that too.16:20
andolhggdh: Got the respons that today is sunday, his day off, etc. Guess we'll have to wait a day or two :)16:26
cypher1isnt bug 346289 duplicate of 31492816:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 346289 in ubuntu "Choppy Flash playback in full screen." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34628916:44
cypher1bug 31492816:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 314928 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i915GM] MTRR entry missing since jaunty - is this intentional?" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31492816:45
hggdhcypher1, they seem to be related, but I am not sure they are dupes. At least a comment about 314928 can be added on 346289 stating it may be a dup, and the tag 'likely-dup' added17:01
cypher1hggdh: thanks i have done that17:04
cypher1hggdh: what is ubunt-x-swat team ?17:05
hggdhthe group that deals with X17:05
hggdhwe owe them a lot: they take care of X and bugs on it17:06
dtchen(see also #ubuntu-x)17:07
cypher1seems like they have a fix for the mtrr issue in their repository .. if it works out for me i will mention it in the bug too so that people who want to try can do that17:09
hggdhcypher, good. Please try to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Description17:10
hggdhsince we have a possible workaround17:10
andolhggdh: Regarding bug #364811. Seems like "Ubuntu Netbook Remix" is a good target to Subscribe :) Also, seems like it is intentional that the repository in question is in a diffrent state than the normal Ubuntu ones.17:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 364811 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1 installation failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36481117:16
hggdhandol, thank you. Nothing like learning something new on Sundays ;-)17:17
andolhggdh: Scary isn't it? :) Actually, myself I kind of enjoy spending sunday afternoons doing som bug triage...17:20
andolCould anyone set the importance of bug #356256 as Wishlist? Unless you think it qualifies as real bug of course.17:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 356256 in openldap "dist-upgrade stops slapd" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35625617:52
charlie-tcaI would be happy to. One question, though. Is it ever safe to upgrade the databases when in use or do they have to be stopped for it?17:57
charlie-tcaIf they must be stopped, it is invalid17:57
andolcharlie-tca: That's a really good question :) yet, considering that we have now provide unattended security upgrades which also covers openldap, etc17:58
andolcharlie-tca: I guess I'd say it is relativly safe, depening on how criticial your database is.17:58
Nafalloandol: can be blacklisted easily17:59
charlie-tcaokay, done17:59
Nafalloandol: coming to think of that... can you adjust unattended upgrades conf on adder please? ;-)17:59
andolNafallo: Yes it can be, but of lot of people who doesn't run really critical database probably doesn't do that.17:59
andolcharlie-tca: thanks18:00
charlie-tcaYou are welcome18:02
hggdhthis seems really like a legit request -- minimising ldap downtime on upgrades18:10
andolhggdh: Yes, I kind of agree, but where is the bug? This is after all standard apt/dpkg behavior, isn't it?18:11
andolhggdh: On the other hand, if you run any serious user auth from openldap, you usually have a slave as well?18:13
hggdhandol, yes. There are two other points: (1) you do not go through a release upgrade with users logged in; (2)18:13
hggdhif you have users on your system, you schedule downtime for upgrades18:13
charlie-tcaI those are all valid points, wishlist is correct status, since it will keep the bug around but not make it a "gotta get this done" bug18:14
khunti am experiencing problems with permissions on executable scripts and launchers19:13
khuntit seems to be a bug19:13
khuntif i log in as root and change permissions it goes back to what it was19:13
Ampelbeinkhunt: could you elaborate?19:19
khunti have some scripts that i use to dial a 3g connection19:21
khuntsince jaunty i can only run them as root19:22
khunti start thunar as root and i can run them fine19:22
khuntchange the permissions to allow all read write access19:22
khunttry running them normally doesnt work19:22
khuntview permissions and they still only allow root19:23
hggdhkhunt, can you 'ls -l' one such script?19:26
khuntok ang on19:29
khuntso ls -l <script name>19:29
khunt-rwx---rw- 1 root root 918 2009-04-24 21:45 three3g.sh19:30
khuntsorry that script is ok19:31
khunt-rwx------ 1 root root 867 2009-04-24 21:45 t-mobile3g.sh19:31
khuntfor some reason jaunty has altered all the permissions of these files19:33
khuntthat never happened in intrepid and hardy19:34
hggdhwell, both of them are owned by root, and executable by root only19:38
khuntif a file is copied by sudo does it make it owned by root?19:39
khuntbefore i installed jaunty they worked fine and now i can only operate them from a terminal using sudo19:40
khuntbut they were copied using sudo in intrepid19:41
hggdhyes, the resulting copied file will be owned by root19:41
khuntyou see i have an install script19:41
khuntthat copies the files into a directory created by the script19:41
khunti always use the same install script19:41
khuntwhich worked fine in older ubuntus but all of a sudden is borked19:42
hggdhkhunt, out of curiosity, what is your umask?19:54
BUGabundocan some bugcontrol member please strip a clear password from bug 33578619:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 335786 in wine "DynamicLibrary::LoadLibrary: Failed to load 'gs3functioninterface.dll'." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33578619:59
jpdsBUGabundo: Don't see one.20:08
BUGabundoits there20:09
BUGabundojpds: hggdh already touched it20:09
BUGabundohe just marked it Private20:09
BUGabundonot much we can do20:10
jpdsJust change your password.20:10
BUGabundoits not mine20:10
BUGabundobut great sujestion none the less20:10
charlie-tcaI looked and could not find it either20:18
greg-gyeah, it is in the log of the description, should stay private then as the log will always be there20:22
charlie-tcaShould have a note put in the description, then, so nobody turns it public20:23
greg-gyeah, I'll do it real quick20:23
khunthggdh umask?20:28
jpdskhunt: Type 'umask' in a terminal.20:29
jpdskhunt: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umask for info.20:30
BUGabundothanks greg-g charlie-tca20:33
BUGabundoI'll let my brother know about it20:33
charlie-tcano problem20:33
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hggdhkhunt, so you run your install script, and the scripts get to be created with permissions 766?20:56
hggdhI think that this (the password showing on the wine debug output) should be a bug in and on itself21:00
BUGabundohggdh: ehee21:46
BUGabundoif you file it let me know about it21:46
hggdhBUGabundo, I cannot file it -- I do not use wine, and have no idea how to repeat it22:24
BUGabundohggdh: heeh22:33
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