
Staticwave_Acegood question, documentation would be really nice00:05
Lossifis it just an official repository? and I have to get it?00:26
Lossifif so... umm... how?00:26
Staticwave_Acesudo apt-get install mythnettv00:27
squish103does mythtv 9.04 allow you to install on some kind of lvm?02:33
squish103opps mythbuntu02:33
Staticwave_Aceit's not built-in, but it's not hard to do it yourself02:34
Staticwave_Ace(that's obviously a generic ubuntu howto_02:34
Staticwave_Aceand, yes, it works, I did it02:34
squish103ok thanks Staticwave_Ace02:35
squish103i just screwed up a perfectly working 8.10 that was on lvm2 jfs02:35
Staticwave_Acehow'd that happen?02:36
squish103and now have no way to get back my lvm's as it drops me to a shell without booting :(02:36
Staticwave_Acesquish103: systemrescuecd02:36
squish103i just clicked upgrade02:36
squish103boot with the CD 9.04 and do a system rescue?02:37
Staticwave_Acewell that02:37
Staticwave_Aceor use systemrescuecd02:37
Staticwave_Aceit's a distro for rescuing systems02:37
Staticwave_Acean ubuntu livecd could help02:37
Staticwave_Acethough I usually do repairs via commandline02:37
squish103ok i'll go try find it... when it comes to lvm's... if i don't have a how-to i have no clue... it is alittle above e02:37
Staticwave_Acehopefully they're still there02:38
Staticwave_Aceyou'll need to apt-get install lvm2 on the livecd after booting02:38
Staticwave_Aceto do anything useful02:38
squish103yes i did that and then i did a pvscan and lvscan or something, and i could see them listed02:38
squish103so i guess i somehow have to get them mounted and lvm2 installed in there... actually i have no idea what to do :(02:39
squish103ok so something along the lines of02:39
squish103boot livecd02:40
squish103apt-get install lvm202:40
squish103mkdir /mnt/oldroot02:40
squish103mount it02:40
squish103then chroot into it02:40
squish103then apt-get install lvm2 again02:40
squish103and try figure it out from there02:41
Staticwave_Aceyou need to mount your /boot inside /mnt/oldroot02:41
Staticwave_Acesince lvm2 will want to regen your initramfs02:41
Staticwave_Acewhich is very important02:41
squish103ok, and i probably have to initr...02:41
squish103ok thanks for the help02:42
squish103next time i am only going to use supported fs's out of the box02:42
Staticwave_Aceext4 :)02:42
squish103although lvm2 with jfs has worked quite nicely02:43
TechnophilHi, I have run up 9.04, I find on re-booting the mythbuntu logo displays, the traveler completes then the screen turns off....02:57
TechnophilCan anyone suggest what I need to do from here?02:58
TechnophilBox is a 3G Pentum Dup, NVIDIA 8500, 500T Tuner card02:59
TechnophilI can ssh in and top says not much happening03:16
superm1henrik_, what's up with the latest weekly and pulse?04:03
superm1i know upstream made some changes to pulse support. what do we need to do to comply?04:03
superm1i thought just building without pulseaudio as a build depends was actually sufficient as the code checking for running pulseaudio wont do anything04:04
TechnophilOK if it helps anyone the problem seemed to be that I selected NVIDIA component on the setup display, I think this does not configure properly and that was where the display was being sent!  Reinstalling using the default NVIDIA and no TV out installed as expected.04:34
TechnophilI also report the previous About Menu Item has somehow now got to do with xubuntu, which seems an error that somehow slipped in to the latest build...04:36
henrik_superm1: this is what I get when I try to run the frontend, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113741005:08
superm1henrik_, ah i see. so it sounds like we need to add a new conf flag to our build then05:47
wolf_Hi, is having the bottum and top panels not dissapear when openeing mythbuntu a common issue in 9.04?05:52
superm1wolf_, it is on gnome (which doesnt ship with mythbuntu by default)05:54
superm1generally turning off compiz can take care of it05:55
superm1henrik_, it looks like it should likely just be a two line diff and rebuild to fix the pulse thing05:56
superm1henrik_, but there is a big worry i have - it might ADD a dependency on pulseaudio05:57
superm1which I *really* don't want...05:57
hadsYeah, that changeset looked like it needed the headers to compile against.05:59
superm1well build dependency is fine, but if it has to link to something in pulse audio05:59
hadsKinda funny depending on pulse to get rid of it :)06:00
superm1and require you to have it installed on the resultant system..06:00
superm1but i'm thinking it might just add a dependency on libpulse0 rather than pulseaudio itself06:00
wolf_disabling compiz is kind of a big deal is there no other work around?06:10
henrik_superm1: perfect, I know it's not ideal, one other solution could be to remove pulseaudio compleatly from this project.06:11
henrik_However I'm not sure if that would be appriciated by Ubuntu.06:11
hadswolf_: Figure out what causes mythtv and compiz to not like each other and patch it is the alternative.06:25
wolf_hads, problem never happened in 8.10 so it must be a change in mythbuntu.06:26
ludmilmmhi. just installed 9.04. fresh install. i have put a video file, and then in video settings i want to apply the metadata. when i open the video setup, it opens a box asking for imdb#, but i can not enter there anything, neither with the remote, nor with the keyboard. any idea whats wrong and how to deal with it?06:45
BrondomanHas anyone successfully used a Kworld 330U (dual ATSC and Analog) USB tuner?  The em28xx driver works (from the mercurial repository) for analog but not digital.08:05
foxbuntuBrondoman, have you checked the mythtv wiki for what is or isnt supported yet with that card?08:28
BrondomanYup.  that's how I found out to try the one in the repository.  Chased down a few mailing list posts after that and they listed a patch that should have been in the repository but it wasn't (or I pulled the wrong tag).08:32
foxbuntuBrondoman, are you trying to tune to clear QAM in the US by chance?08:33
foxbuntuon the digital side08:34
Brondomannope.  DVB-T in the US08:36
foxbuntuso, OTA ATSC then?08:37
Guest26013Hi anybody want to help with me getting a lightblue screen for the menus, and a dark blue for video.. http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/f55c8890608:47
Guest26013ALso is since upgrading to Jaunty today (It was fine beforehand)08:48
=== Guest26013 is now known as Slavox
foxbuntu`Brondoman, sorry about that, power went out for a moment, still trying to get everything back online08:54
=== foxbuntu` is now known as foxbuntu
* hads hands foxbuntu a UPS09:07
foxbuntuhads, great..thanks that helps now the that power is back on09:07
foxbuntuh a d s = helpful  and delightful servant right?09:09
foxbuntuhads, ^09:12
* foxbuntu really should get a UPS, and something to backup his data to :)09:14
hadsfoxbuntu: And you were the one going on about hardware RAID, tsk tsk :)09:30
foxbuntuhads, I had RAID09:34
foxbuntuI need a backup solution09:34
foxbuntuhads, I have hardware RAID*09:34
hadsI think I'd worry about backups and UPS before I worried about hardware vs software RAID :)09:35
foxbuntuhads, its on a real server, HP DL38009:35
foxbuntuso hardware RAID is there09:35
foxbuntushould I not use it and use software RAID instead?09:35
hadsMeh, real09:36
foxbuntuIm playing CoD4 online and people are all freaking out because I am glitching the map09:38
Slavoxfoxbuntu: you naughty devil10:09
foxbuntuSlavox, heh...I know its lame, but its entertaining at 4A10:10
SlavoxYeah I grief in TF2 sometimes (On the achivement servers)10:10
SlavoxBut I hate people who glitch seriously on CoD410:10
SlavoxLike scrollers :/10:11
SlavoxFun is fun but some days I just wanna play :P10:11
MythbuntuGuest67Hello.  I'm having a problem with the audio on ripped DVDs.  It's this chattery/staticy/clicky sound.  Audio on everything else is fine, to include the audio on conventional DVD playback.13:58
ajrosshello everyone14:28
ajrossI was wondering if anyone would be willing to steer me in the right direction in getting freesat working with my nova-hd-s2 card?14:29
ajrossi've tried everything i can think of to get a channels.conf or a sucessful scan but it won't work14:30
ajrossim running mythbuntu 9.04 with an nvidia-glx-180 driver14:30
MythbuntuGuest17hallo und guten tag, ich kann leider nur in deutsch schreiben und habe seit dem update von mythbuntu 8.10 auf 9.04 ein kleines problem. kann mir jemand helfen ?14:46
tafkaz_73hi there, i am sure this question has been asked quite a few times before here, but has anyone yet tried to update his mythtv-box to 9.0415:04
tafkaz_73did it work? what are the problems i may have to expect?15:04
ajrossanyone any idea how to solve this?15:16
ajross>>> tune to: 10758:v:0:2200015:16
ajrossDVB-S IF freq is 100800015:16
ajrossWARNING: filter timeout pid 0x001115:16
ajrossWARNING: filter timeout pid 0x000015:16
BerryMarmalade2hi, after 9.04 upgrade i can view recordings but if i click one the remote frontend say that it can't find the record file17:46
tafkaz_73thats odd17:47
BerryMarmalade2how can i do?17:48
BerryMarmalade2i dont' know how the windows frontend can open the files, it's a samba problem'17:49
tafkaz_73hm your frontend and your backend are different machines?17:52
tafkaz_73is the network connection established?17:54
tafkaz_73can you watch tv from the remote frontend?17:54
tafkaz_73livetv i mean17:55
BerryMarmalade2tafkaz_73: hi, i have a linux min backand and a windows frontend18:05
tafkaz_73oh i see. well i am absolutely not familiar with win frontends18:06
tafkaz_73sorry, but i dont think i can help then18:06
BerryMarmalade2tafkaz_73: ok18:06
mac9416Alright, I installed Mythtv on my Ubuntu box and typed "mythtv-setup" as I was instructed during installation.19:40
mac9416I got a "cannot login to database" error.19:40
mac9416Any ideas?19:41
Shadow__Xmac9416, goto /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt and try and login to mysql using that info19:43
mac9416Shadow__X, You're everywhere! OK, will do.19:44
Shadow__Xno i just try and help out in some areas i know alittle bit about19:44
mac9416Shadow__X, And I thank you for it. OK I tried "mysql -u mythtv -p <Whatever it was> -h localhost" and got an access denied.19:49
Shadow__Xdont use -h localhost just do mysql -u mythtv and -p<>19:50
mac9416Second verse, same as the first I'm afraid.19:52
mac9416It seemed to assume localhost anyway.19:52
mac9416I can get into the mysql shell if I just drop all args. I don't know if that helps.19:55
mac9416Well, I think I may just try Mythbuntu as soon a shipit is back up.20:05
Shadow__Xwhy not dl it20:05
mac9416I'm using Verizon broadband wirless. 5GB/month cap. It's been 7 days and I've already hit 1100Megs. :-D20:08
mac9416Yeah, I hate to use Canonical's money, but things are difficult otherwise.20:08
Shadow__Xmac9416, i think after you hit the cap they throttle you20:09
mac9416Throttle? You mean charge extra? Or just slow me down.20:10
Shadow__Xslow you down but dont quote me on that20:10
mac9416OK, I'll check into that. Yeah, I could just time the download for the last few hours of the month.20:11
mac9416Is there any other good tv-recording software I can use until I get Mythbuntu?20:15
Shadow__Xthe only one i used extensively is mythtv20:16
Shadow__Xyou should be able to easily setup ubuntu to use mythtv but other than that dont know20:16
mac9416Well, I installed the debs, and mythtv-frontend appears in Applications, but during setup, it can't get into the datadase.20:18
mac9416(Wow, I think I put in too many commas) :P20:19
Shadow__Xwait did you install mythtv-backend and mysql20:20
Shadow__Xand what debs are you talking about why didnt you use repos20:20
mac9416Yeah I installed both. I used Keryx to download the debs because my Linux box has no Internet connection. I hate that, but it is what it is.20:21
mac9416:P I'm so poor, I can't 'ford no internet connection. :P20:22
mac9416Yeah, it gets dependencies for you.20:22
Shadow__Xbut you have the wireless20:22
Shadow__Xthats not cheap20:22
mac9416No, I'm just kidding about that.20:23
mac9416I have wireless for the laptop, but none of the desktops.20:23
mac9416Yeah, I think Mythbuntu will be the key. All the setup done for me.20:24
mac9416I may just buy the CD if it comes to that.20:24
Shadow__Xhmm i guess i mean its not like its hard to setup really20:26
Shadow__Xgo onto the ubuntu box and reconfigure mysql20:26
mac9416I don't have any experience with mysql, I'm afraid, so I'm not sure how to go about that.20:27
Shadow__Xalright h/o i am rebooting20:28
Shadow__Xmac9416, go into synaptic find mysql server and right click it and choose reconfigure20:36
mac9416Well, neither Synaptic nor dpkg-reconfigure believe that mysql is even installed. OK, I'll try installing it again.20:42
mac9416What's the name of the package? 'mysql'?20:43
mac9416I installed mysql-server.20:43
mac9416Apparenly all I have to have is mysql-server. I'll reconfig that...20:45
Shadow__Xyeah that could be why mythtv is yelling about mysql20:45
mac9416Haha, I think not. Apparently there is no 'mysql' package. It seems that 'mysql-server' does the job. Does your Synaptic have a 'mysql' package?21:00
mac9416I tried right-clicking mysql-server to click reconfigure, but that option was not there.21:01
Shadow__Xmark for reinstallation21:06
Shadow__Xand do mysql-server not mysql21:06
mac9416OK, will do.21:06
mac9416Well, reinstallation didn't help.21:31
Shadow__Xwhat did it do21:34
Shadow__Xalso try mysql -u root21:34
Shadow__Xwait hold on you dont have internet on the myth box?21:34
Shadow__Xwhat are you going to be using this for21:34
mac9416Nope. Recording off a VHS. :P21:35
mac9416It just went through the reinstallation process. No reconfiguration, no nothing.21:36
Shadow__Xoff vhs huh21:36
mac9416Now, what am I trying to accomplish with 'mysql -u' etc.21:37
Shadow__Xi dont know if mythtv is wright for that21:37
mac9416Yeah, Indiana Jones.21:37
Shadow__Xmysqpl -u root would be to log into the database from terminal21:37
mac9416Well, I think I can already do that.21:37
Shadow__Xyeah right* i guss i am off today21:37
Shadow__Xhmm ok21:37
mac9416If I just type 'mysql' I get "mysql>"21:38
mac9416A prompt.21:38
mac9416Well, it does ask my password.21:39
mac9416But I just entered it.21:39
Shadow__Xalright now we can fix stuff21:40
Shadow__Xyou need to create the mythtv user21:42
Shadow__Xfrom the mysql promt21:42
Shadow__Xtype this21:42
Shadow__Xmysql> INSERT INTO user (Host,User,Password) VALUES('%','username',PASSWORD('password'));21:43
mac9416It looks a bit scary. Could you assume some things (maybe replace them with "example")?21:45
mac9416Or just break it down for me.21:45
Shadow__Xsure insert that user  into users so replace 'username'21:47
Shadow__Xanbd replace 'password'21:47
Shadow__Xalso replace 'password' with the password mythtv will use to access its database21:48
mac9416"mysql> INSERT INTO user (localhost,mac9416,pswd) VALUES('%','mac9416',PASSWORD('pswd'))"21:49
mac9416Will that get it?21:49
mac9416Or should I use user 'mythtv' and password 'llhv9' (or something like that)?21:50
mac9416The stuff in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt.21:50
Shadow__Xi would use mythtv and the pass that mysql.txt used just for documentation sake and to remember it21:51
mac9416OK, then "mysql> INSERT INTO user (localhost,mythtv,llhv9) VALUES('%','mythtv',PASSWORD('llhv9'))"21:52
mac9416Will that work?21:52
mac9416It's a confusing line.21:52
Shadow__Xi am not quite sure at the moment21:53
mac9416OK, I'll give it a whirl...21:53
Shadow__XAdding a Database User with Password21:54
Shadow__Xmysql> grant all privileges on [databasename].* to [dbusername]@localhost21:54
Shadow__Xidentified by '[dbpassword]';21:54
Shadow__XExample:  grant all privileges on mydatabase.* to joeuser@localhost21:54
Shadow__Xidentified by 'supersecretpasswd';21:54
Shadow__Xdamn it i should of pastebined it21:54
ZinnShadow__X: Please watch your language.21:54
mac9416mysql> grant all privileges on mythtv.* to mythtv@localhost21:55
mac9416It looks good exept [databasename] which I'm not sure about.21:57
Shadow__Xfor this kind of stuff you can hop back in mythtv they know more about mysql commands than i do21:58
Shadow__Xyou could look at mythtv.org that should have some mysql info21:58
hadsYeah, mythtv isn't really the right thing to use to record off a VHS.22:30
hadsAnd there is much easier ways to setup mythtv in Ubuntu.22:30
ZinnSorry I don't know about database22:30
ZinnIf you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, you can perform the following to reconfigure it: 1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it for the next step) 2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database 3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common22:30
BenB9.04 already ships with the broken mythfrondend which willfully and stupidly breaks pulseaudio?22:31
hadsDon't think so.22:32
BenBah, ok, good.22:32
hadsIf that was a question.22:32
BenByes, it was22:32
BenBsomebody just said that he ran into that problem after upgrading to 9.04.22:32
hadsPutting question marks on the end of sentances makes them look funny?22:32
hadsI hear it's slipped into the weekly build.22:33
hadsBut should be fixed soon enough22:33
mac9416OK, got distracted there for a minute. I'll look at that howto, then try what Zinn suggested.22:34
BenBhads: yes, it 's a form of sarcastic irony and therefore can be considered funny, depending on viewpoint, but in my case, it was actually a question.22:36
BenBthe "stupid" was a statement, the "ships" was a question,.22:36
mac9416The HOWTO says:22:37
mac9416cd database22:37
mac9416mysql < mc.sql22:37
mac9416I'm not sure where to cd database from.22:37
mac9416So, I'll try what Zinn said.22:37
superm1on ubuntu the database is built for you using mythtv-database and mythtv-common22:37
superm1just follow !mysql22:37
BenBmac9416: the toturial means the source code directory.22:37
mac9416Oh, so only if I compile it myself?22:38
superm1BenB, there was a patch to -fixes that came after 9.04 that broke things22:38
superm1BenB, it should be taken care of though in today's weekly build22:38
superm1(wrg to pulse)22:38
mac9416I haven't upgraded yet, so I'm good.22:38
superm1well 9.04 itself is fine22:38
superm1it's just if you use weekly builds22:38
BenBsuperm1: "taken care of" in the sense of undoing the patch?22:42
BenBfor the record, pulse works fine here on (stock) ubuntu 8.04 with the mythtv packages.22:44
Shadow__Xbut also mac9416 mythtv isnt really for recording from vhs22:44
mac9416Shadow__X, Zinn, ya'll rock. The reconfigurations worked and now I can get to the main Mythtv screen! Unfortunately, when I go to "Watch TV" and hit enter the screen just blinks and that's all.22:45
Shadow__Xmac9416, did you setup a tuner22:45
mac9416Shadow__X, well if it even just works a little, that will be good.22:45
mac9416No, I don't know how.22:45
Shadow__Xthats why live tv doesnt work22:46
BenBmac9416: follow the tutorial further.22:46
mac9416Maybe ;-)22:46
BenBmac9416: it explains that22:46
Shadow__Xlike go get some tuners or do crazy firewire22:46
mac9416Okee-dokee, thanks! Shadow__X has been with me, what 3 hours! Thanks a lot22:47
ZinnSorry I don't know about22:47
Shadow__Xyeah its cool we have all been there22:47
Shadow__Xi am just glad i  can help somewhat22:47
mac9416Thanks to Zinn also22:47
Shadow__Xzinn is a bot22:52
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].22:52
ZinnI am alive.22:52
mac9416Dadgum, he had me fooled! Thanks hads!22:54
ZinnIf you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, you can perform the following to reconfigure it: 1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it for the next step) 2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database 3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common22:54
superm1BenB, no, it now depends on libpulse0 and can disable pulseaudio as necessary22:54
BenBsuperm1: will there be a user-friendly way to let mythtv *use* pulse (via native API or alsa emulation), as it was possible in 8.04?22:56
hadsThere's an environment variable you can set I think.22:56
BenBcause that worked fine here, and pulse is really cool. *esp* on the myth frontend, which has nice speakers, which I use for music form my other parts of the house, i.e. I *need* pulse.22:56
superm1BenB, you'll need to ask in #mythtv about behaviors with it. i think you can still use alsa emulation with this latest patch22:57
superm1i've not actually experimented with it myself yet22:57
superm1er maybe #mythtv-users22:57
superm1thats a better start22:57
hadsYeah, I was using pulse successfully too.22:57
BenBI'd rather not go to #mythtv, or I'll hit danielk who created the patch, and I'll use the worst kinds of insults towards him :)22:58
hadsJust be nicer.22:58
hadsAnd do make sure it's #mythtv-users22:58
BenBnah, when I see such arrogant ignorance, I can't be nice anymore :/22:58
hadsWell that's your problem then.22:58
Shadow__Xmac9416, so any other questions22:58
BenBthat's why I rather avoid the confrontation and leave it to others who have better developed social skills :)22:58
hadsAt least you're honest :)22:59
mac9416Shadow__X, yeah, I ran mythtv-setup, and added my capture card, but I still can't enter "Watch TV"23:01
Shadow__Xyou didnt scan23:01
Shadow__Xit knows theres a tuner but doesnt know what to tune23:01
mac9416Waaaait, that's for TV. I want the Composite(2).23:02
mac9416Do I still have to scan?23:04
superm1you have to attach a tv source23:05
superm1eg somewhere guide data comes from23:05
hadsAre you just trying to digitise some old VHS tapes?23:06
mac9416Yeah, old-school, retro VHSs.23:06
hadsIf you happen to have a PVR-150 or somesuch then you can just cat /dev/video0 > my_movie.mpg23:06
mac9416I don't even want to watch TV.23:06
hadsHonestly, it's a bit of a waste of time using myth just for that.23:07
mac9416Heavens! had I known that...23:07
mac9416Well, I plan to do some editing too.23:07
mac9416So, cat /dev/video0 > my_movie.mpg? And I can play that with Xine?23:08
hadsAre you using a PVR-150?23:09
mac9416No, ATI TV-Wonder 200. And I hate it.23:09
mac9416But, it's what I've got.23:09
hadsThen quite possibly not, no.23:10
hadsSo don't feel so bad :)23:10
mac9416No, I know I have a /dev/video023:10
mac9416If that's all that's required...23:10
hadsIt's not.23:10
hadsThe PVR-150 etc. output MPEG files which is why you can do that.23:11
mac9416So, how can I get Mythtv to play it?23:11
mac9416(I need to get a PVR)23:11
hadsPass, I don't know anything about that card but if it's supported under Linux then the normal myth setup should work.23:12
mac9416I thought I already did the normal setup in mythtv-setup. Is there something else I have to configure?23:15
Shadow__Xtry cating it23:16
mac9416OK, can't hurt.23:16
mac9416cat: Input/Output error.23:21
Shadow__Xwhere you playing the tape23:23
mac9416Yup. (Raiders of the Lost Ark) :-D23:24
mac9416No luck.23:24
Shadow__X/dev/video0 is there right23:26
Shadow__Xmake the vcr is plugged in23:26
mac9416Y'know, I had it playing in TVTime, but it stopped. Maybe a reboot is in order...23:27
Shadow__Xunless you did something normally reboots arent needed in linux all the time23:30
Shadow__Xdoes tvtime work now23:33
mac9416Nope, 'fraid not.23:33
Shadow__Xwhat does it say23:34
mac9416Nothing. No errors, just a blue screen.23:34
Shadow__Xhmm when it was working what happened for it to stop23:35
mac9416Well, I installed 'dvr' thinking I'd give it a try.23:36
Shadow__Xhmm did you run it lol oh wait23:36
Shadow__Xis myth-backend running23:36
mac9416Kill it?23:37
Shadow__Xyes either kill it or delete where you configured setup to use your tuner23:37
mac9416No good killing it. Where's that config file?23:39
Shadow__Xwhat do you mean no good killing it23:39
mac9416It didn't help.23:40
Shadow__Xyou killed the backend? and it still doesnt help23:42
mac9416Nope. No good.23:43
Lossifis there a tutorial on how to set up mythnettv on mythbuntu 9.04?23:43
mac9416Shadow__X, I'll just play arround with it tonight. It's probably very simple.23:51
Shadow__Xyeah most likely23:51

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