
=== cybersplice__ is now known as cybersplice
reid_anyone wanna help me get audio output from my server?00:46
=== reid_ is now known as reid
qsihi, what's the preferred way of generating the bridge setup in KVM? in /etc/interfaces or through virsh?02:13
JorgeJorgessonAnyone have any luck getting openfire working under Ubuntu?02:22
JorgeJorgessonOr any IM server?02:22
foxbuntuJorgeJorgesson, have you seen this: http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2007/08/howto-install-openfire-xmpp-jabber.html02:24
JorgeJorgessonfoxbuntu: yes, and that is how I got this far.02:27
foxbuntuJorgeJorgesson, alright, well explain your problem or ask your question then.02:27
JorgeJorgessonI thought I did earlier.  I cannot log into my openfire server.  I get ssl error from pidgin.02:28
JorgeJorgessonKopete also gives an error02:29
foxbuntuI didnt see it in the scrollback02:29
JorgeJorgessonNot defined though02:29
foxbuntuwell are there any relevants logs?02:29
JorgeJorgessonfoxbuntu: I understand and sorry.  Just frustrated02:29
JorgeJorgessonfoxbuntu: no errors02:29
foxbuntuwhat is the exact error from pidgin?02:30
JorgeJorgessonSSL connection failed02:31
foxbuntutry this: telnet < ip | url > 522302:33
foxbuntusee if you can connect to the port on the server02:33
JorgeJorgessonno such file or directory02:34
foxbuntuwhat was the command you entered?02:34
JorgeJorgessonas copied and pasted02:34
foxbuntu< ip | url > should be replaced with the ip or url to the server02:34
foxbuntuie or pidgin.somedomain.com02:35
infinity(Like "telnet foo.domain.com 5223")02:35
JorgeJorgessontelnet < | url > 522302:35
infinitytelnet 522302:35
JorgeJorgessonconnected to02:36
foxbuntuso it connected then?02:37
JorgeJorgessonI assume02:37
foxbuntuwell it should have gone to an emtpy console or sent header info02:37
foxbuntuotherwise it says timed out02:37
foxbuntudid you do all of these steps? http://www.igniterealtime.org/builds/openfire/docs/latest/documentation/ssl-guide.html02:38
JorgeJorgessonsec...you are going too fast02:38
JorgeJorgessonConnected to
JorgeJorgessonEscape character is '^]'.02:39
JorgeJorgessonI followed directions several times02:39
foxbuntuJorgeJorgesson, your ssl port on the server is alive then02:40
JorgeJorgessonI'm telling you, there is something wrong with Ubuntu and openfire02:40
JorgeJorgessonThat is why it is not in the repos02:41
SpaceBassevening folks02:41
SpaceBassstill diagnosing some issues from the 9.04 upgrade02:41
foxbuntuJorgeJorgesson, Im trying to walk you through diagnostics...02:42
SpaceBasshaving problems with kerberos+ldap clients ... sshfs (although ssh works),netatalk, samba...02:42
JorgeJorgessonfox, no problem02:42
JorgeJorgessonfoxbuntu: no problem02:42
SpaceBassin order to get ssh working again,I had to comment out #account [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore service_err=ignore system_err=ignore] pam_krb5.so minimum_uid=100002:42
foxbuntuJorgeJorgesson, what did you change on the Pidgin client to connect to the server?02:43
JorgeJorgessonfoxbuntu: sorry, been there before.02:43
SpaceBasssuspect that is what gave users a ticket at login, but regardless, if I can auth though ssh, I should be able to use sshfs, right?02:43
JorgeJorgessonfoxbuntu: the regular, name, server and such02:44
JorgeJorgessonAnd under advanced the required settings02:44
foxbuntuJorgeJorgesson, I need full detail to help02:44
foxbuntuJorgeJorgesson, I have to know exactly what I am dealing with02:44
JorgeJorgessonDomain:  used both my ddns and actual ip02:44
foxbuntuwhat is the domain you used when you setup the SSL self-signed certificate?02:45
JorgeJorgessonadvanced...no to require, yes to force old....yes to allow plain text....port 5223, connect server....my ip and ddns02:45
JorgeJorgessonfoxbuntu: I never changed ip addresses.02:46
foxbuntuJorgeJorgesson, ip doesnt matter right now02:47
foxbuntuwhat is the domain you used when you setup the SSL self-signed certificate?02:47
JorgeJorgessonsame as now02:47
foxbuntuyou had to give it a FQDN02:47
JorgeJorgessoni don't understand the fqdn02:47
foxbuntufully qualified domain name02:47
foxbuntuie. www.google.com02:47
JorgeJorgessonstill means nothing02:47
foxbuntunot some_pc02:48
JorgeJorgessonOk, not sure what you are getting at.02:49
foxbuntuthis step in the SSL setup: keytool -genkey -keystore keystore -alias example.com02:49
foxbuntuwhat did you replace example.com with?02:49
JorgeJorgessonI have keys generated02:49
JorgeJorgessonexample.com was replaced with my domain02:50
foxbuntuthen you need to use that in your Pidgin config02:51
foxbuntunot the IP02:51
JorgeJorgessonNot a problem.  It just does not work with Ubuntu02:51
foxbuntualso, you should set pidgin to require SSL02:51
JorgeJorgessonI tried that stuff02:51
JorgeJorgessonIt just does not work with Ubuntu as a server02:51
foxbuntuJorgeJorgesson, is you can connect to 5223 with telnet, then it is working, there is just a configuration error in your setup02:52
JorgeJorgessonOk, prove it.02:52
JorgeJorgessonNot so02:52
ScottK-desktopAre the clients Ubuntu too?02:52
ScottK-desktopWhat release?02:52
JorgeJorgesson8.04,8.10, 9.0402:53
JorgeJorgessonAll fail02:53
foxbuntuJorgeJorgesson, Im sorry. Im not going to argue. You seem unwilling to just answer questions. I have things to accomplish.02:53
ScottK-desktopIn Intrepid we killed SSL v2.  A suprising number of apps were still defaulting to it.02:53
JorgeJorgesson? I answered02:53
JorgeJorgessonfoxbuntu: I answered as simple as I could02:54
ScottK-desktopSo 8.04 clients may be a problem.  I'd test with 8.10 or later until you get it working.02:55
foxbuntuJorgeJorgesson, I am sorry. I wish you the best of luck with your problem but I am no longer willing to help.02:55
JorgeJorgessonfoxbuntu: too hard of a problem?  I'm not sure why not.02:56
ScottK-desktopJorgeJorgesson: We're essentially all volunteers here.  If he told you he can't spend more time on the problem, just let it go.02:56
JorgeJorgessonHoly cow, sorry.02:56
JorgeJorgessonI did not mean to offend, just get help02:57
ScottK-desktopFor future reference, I think "<JorgeJorgesson> Ok, prove it." probably wasn't your best bet at that juncture.02:57
JorgeJorgessonok, no problem02:58
JorgeJorgessonAnother distro might be my best choice. Thanks.02:58
ScottK-desktopI know it gets frustrating.02:58
ScottK-desktopI find SSL works quite well on Ubuntu Server.02:58
JorgeJorgessonNo, too sensitive here.  Thanks though! I appreciate the effort. A ton!02:59
ScottK-desktopI didn't see all the scrollback, so I don't have any opinion on your specific problem.02:59
PhotoJimJorgeJorgesson: I'm pretty tolerant, but I thought the "prove it" line was a bit inflammatory.  I don't think they reacted sensitively.  They reacted normally.02:59
JorgeJorgessonLike I said, no problem.  I understand.  I was wrong.03:00
JorgeJorgessonI will try Debian...03:00
JorgeJorgessonSee how that is.03:00
ScottK-desktopMy recommendation would be to consider if his statement was correct and re-examine your configs.03:01
JorgeJorgessonNot a problem..thanks scott.03:01
JorgeJorgessonchange is as good as a holiday03:02
JorgeJorgessonHey, I'm a nice guy that got caught up in frustration. If one cannot understand/tolerate that, so be it.  I understand 100%.  I came off as a goof.03:03
JorgeJorgessonSo, I carry on.03:04
ScottK-desktopGoof isn't the word I'd have picked, but no need to switch distro's over it.03:05
JorgeJorgessonYeah, it is.  I have to ask for help form time to time and it will be tough here now. No problems03:06
reidJorgeJorgesson: in my unprofessional opinion, if you were truly interested in switching distro's.. you would not be in #ubuntu-server as we speak..  however, if you are truly interested in still receiving help, I'm sure nobody here has a problem doing so03:07
JorgeJorgessonGood evening.03:08
* infinity bites his tongue.03:08
foxbuntuOk,does anybody think I was out of line here?03:08
infinityNo, you were excruciatingly polite and helpful, in the face of rather adversarial accusations.03:09
PhotoJimI don't think you were, foxbuntu03:09
reidfoxbuntu: no ur fine03:09
infinityI'd have given up shortly after he attempted to redirect his IP to telnet, personally.03:09
reidhowever, now that there is some traffic in this channel.  anyone wanna help me get audio output working on my server?03:09
foxbuntuAlright. Well I just want to make sure I wasn't casuing problems :)03:09
reidALSA installed, speaker-test outputs only to left channel03:10
reidconnections are fine03:10
ScottK-desktopfoxbuntu: Additionally, you aren't required to volunteer yourself beyond what you care to.  If you say your done, your done.  I don't think it's subject to anyone elses review.03:10
reidfoxbuntu: nah that guy was totally out of line, he acted like a child taking criticism lol03:10
PhotoJimfoxbuntu: oh, you cause problems.  ;)03:10
foxbuntuScottK-desktop, yeah, I just don't like to stop like that. But I was getting irritated and didn't want to do mean things to a user.03:11
foxbuntuPhotoJim, well...thats a given, but I am trying to keep it to a minimum03:11
reidanyone here wanna help me with ALSA problems on my server though? =P03:12
ScottK-desktopfoxbuntu: I would have wanted to do mean things to a user and attempted to restrain myself.03:12
foxbuntureid, pastebin the output of aplay -l and aplay -L03:12
reidthanks =P  brb03:13
foxbuntuScottK-desktop, yeah, I am trying to avoid things like that, after all I am an Ubuntu Member working towards MOTU :)03:14
reidfoxbuntu: aplay -l returns no sound cards03:14
reidfoxbuntu: aplay -L returns nothing03:14
foxbuntureid, intresting03:14
reidactually, no output now either lol03:14
reidwhen i speaker-test I get this03:14
foxbuntureid, does03:15
infinityI'm going to assume that you're either doing all this testing as root, or as a user that you're POSITIVE has access to audio devices?03:16
foxbuntucat /proc/asound/cards produce anything?03:16
foxbuntuinfinity, thats another thought, perhaps the user is not in the 'audio' group03:16
reid 0 [NVidia         ]: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia03:16
reid                      HDA NVidia at 0xfe024000 irq 2203:16
infinityfoxbuntu: No user added with "adduser" would have audio.03:16
infinityfoxbuntu: It's only the cute GUI tools that add users to extra groups.03:16
reidthats true03:17
reidas root, sound comes out of left speaker03:17
foxbuntuinfinity, yup03:17
reidbut not right03:17
foxbuntureid, then try sudo aplay -l and sudo aplay -L03:17
infinityreid: Okay.  And as root, "aplay -l/L" are more informative, I assume?03:17
foxbuntuinfinity, ha, I beat you to it03:17
infinityreid: (And "adduser user audio" should fix up the permissions problem)03:17
ballNow I can go to bed.03:18
reid=)  already solved half of my problem lol03:18
foxbuntureid, try speaker-test -Dplughw:0,003:19
foxbuntudoes that give you all channels?03:19
reidnopespeaker-test -Dplughw:0,003:19
reid, it also only says 0- Front Left03:19
foxbuntureid, oh its not rolling channels then03:20
ballWhat does the console usually emulate in Ubuntu Server?03:20
infinityball: The actual console (ie: tty[1-6]), or when you SSH in?03:20
foxbuntureid, try speaker-test -s103:20
infinityball: When you SSH in, emulation is entirely up to whatever string your client sends.03:20
foxbuntuthen speaker-test -s203:20
reidsame thing, cept it says "  - Front Left"03:21
reidie. no speaker number03:21
infinityball: The real console is a vt100ish emulation called "linux".03:21
foxbuntureid, then speaker-test -s203:21
infinity20:20 < infinity> ball: The actual console (ie: tty[1-6]), or when you SSH in?03:21
=== ball_ is now known as ball
ballinfinity: the actual console03:21
infinity20:20 < infinity> ball: When you SSH in, emulation is entirely up to whatever string your client sends.03:21
reidinvalid parameter error03:21
infinity20:21 < infinity> ball: The real console is a vt100ish emulation called "linux".03:21
ballinfinity: VT100ish, but with colour.03:22
infinityball: Right.03:22
foxbuntureid, alsamixer03:22
infinityball: Closer to vt220, really, but whatever.03:22
ballThat would be handy with 8-bit character sets03:22
infinityball: "linux" has its own quirks that make it not entirely VT.03:22
foxbuntureid, see if the right channel is muted03:22
reidfoxbuntu: there is no distinction between R/L channel, just Front03:22
foxbuntureid, hmm03:22
infinityball: (ie: that it can do unicode, it can do true color, etc)03:23
infinityball: But, whatever.  For most uses, it's vt100. :)03:23
ballinfinity: right, I had $TERM set wrong03:23
ball...so irssi was being strange03:23
ballokay, I can go to bed now anyway.03:24
ball...job done.03:24
infinityball: getty should be setting TERM correctly on login anyway, if you just avoid setting it in your own rc scripts.03:24
ballinfinity: force of habit03:24
ballI set it to xterm03:24
ball...which was subtly wrong03:24
infinityxterm-color would be slightly closer to correct.03:25
ballI'm used to xterm being colour by default.03:25
ballAnyway, I'm so tired I can't focus on the screen03:25
infinityI still live in the 80s.  Nothing's color by default.03:25
foxbuntureid, try aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav03:25
twbinfinity: please buy some shares in Microsoft03:26
ballinfinity: well, I'm sort of there too, but "xterm-color" is new to me03:26
reidsays its playing mono, for one03:26
reidcant tell one sec03:26
reidyeah no right channel03:26
twbreid: monophonic, not monochrome03:26
ballI'm off to bed anyway, to dream of decades gone by when computers were actually fun.03:26
twbball: spacewar!03:27
reidtwb: ?  lol I know that03:27
foxbuntureid, what type of speakers? just basic stuff?03:27
balltwb: I was thinking more of DDT03:27
ballGoodnight anyway03:27
twbball: hehe03:27
reidfoxbuntu: well, its running to a stack of 80's amp, equalizer, and tuner, and to 4 big floor monitors03:27
twbThat's carcinogenic!03:27
reidfoxbuntu: but it runs fine off my other linux installs, and off my windows box03:27
foxbuntureid, lol nice03:27
reidfoxbuntu: just can't get it to work with server03:27
twb$ file /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav03:28
twb /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 48000 Hz03:28
twbThat file *is* mono.03:28
foxbuntutwb, yea03:28
reidtwb: I know, but it should still come out of both speakers03:28
foxbuntutwb, but mono plays on all channels03:28
twbCheck alsamixer03:28
infinityreid: I think he was looking more for "normal stereo eighth inch plug, or something fancy?" :)03:28
foxbuntuthats my thinking is that something is muted03:28
twbAlso check your 3.5mm connectors are plugged all the way in03:28
reidfoxbuntu: the server is a torrentbox atm, with fluxbox =P  with an 1080p graphics card in it,  soon to be hooked up in our living room lol03:29
foxbuntureid, well why are you using -server for this then?03:29
twbreid: we don't give a shit about your graphics card, in the context of an audio issue03:29
reidinfinity: normal 1/8 plug,  changes to RCA cables though,  adapter03:29
infinityreid: Yeah, I assumed.03:29
reidtwb: if you aren't going to help me, please don't highlight my name =/03:30
twbBesides, don't you know it's more impressive to run on older, crapper hardware?!03:30
* twb is ircing from a 6802003:30
reidI'm using server, because the comp doesn't have much ram atm.. and I didn't really care for gnome and all that either03:30
foxbuntutwb, we are sliding a little ot here03:30
twbfoxbuntu: sorry.03:30
reidfluxbox is fine, and I don't want even that running when I am torrenting03:30
reidbut all of that beside the point, I just need to get both channels recognized by alsa =P03:31
foxbuntureid, you could get fluxbuntu03:31
foxbuntureid, desktop kernel with fluxbox03:31
foxbuntuwould likely be easier03:31
reidjust sucks because everything else is running great03:31
reidvideo is coming out, fluxbox is working great, my torrents are working great, etc03:32
foxbuntuwell I am sure it is fixable03:32
foxbuntuIm not trying to chase you away03:32
reidlol kk03:32
foxbuntuI just want to make it easy :)03:32
* foxbuntu is a big fan of easy03:32
reidI just want it efficient =P  and right now its the epitome of that for my needs03:33
infinityreid: Do you have any way to test this machine's sound outside of the current installation?  (Windows dual-boot, a Jaunty desktop LiveCD, etc?)03:33
reidhmm.. I could grab a live CD.. one sec03:34
infinityreid: Might be nice to know that it's not some whacky hardware issue.03:34
foxbuntuinfinity, good idea03:34
infinityreid: Though it certainly smelly like either misconfiguation, or sever driver hatred.03:34
reidlol... gentoo minimal.. thats not going to work03:34
reidahh here we go03:34
infinitys/sever/severe/ too... I really need to nap.03:34
reidone sec, rebooting server03:34
foxbuntuinfinity, I thought smelly worked well there ;)03:34
reidlive CD boots with only 512 mb ram?03:36
infinityIt's not happy about it, but it works. :)03:36
reidthats pretty sweet =P  booting up03:36
infinityI *think* we still have it working with 256, though I'm not sure how seriously we take that anymore.03:36
PhotoJimI booted it with 384 MB once.03:36
foxbuntuPhotoJim, I have too ) its nice and slow03:37
reidman, I've been using linux for like.. 10 months maybe now?  I can't even check my e-mail on windows anymore.. so many things just feel wrong.. terribly wrong03:37
PhotoJimfoxbuntu: ran ok once installed though.  PII also.03:37
infinityTrust me, I know the feeling.03:37
reidI tried to connect to a hidden SSID on my windows partition today03:37
reidand I gave up... after like 45 mintues03:37
infinityI was a kernel/toolchain hacker for ages, and to me, "Linux was for servers"... I ran BeOS, MacOS, Windows on the frontend and various UNIX/Linux systems on the backend.03:37
foxbuntureid, sounds like you stepped up to the punch and had a nice big cup of it03:37
infinityWhen I started working for Canonical, I did the whole "dogfood" thing, and now when I go back to other desktops, they drive me nuts.03:38
reidinteresting lol...03:38
reidliveCD sound only comes out of left channel03:38
reidgimme a second here, I'm going to double check my system.. its almost 30 years old, so I suppose now is the time haha03:38
infinityWell, that establishes that it's not something you broke on your own. :)03:38
reidhooking it up to my other box03:38
foxbuntureid, then likely you have a hardware issue03:38
infinityIt could still very much be a driver issue on our side.  But I'd be leaning to hardware.03:39
infinityGiven that your card isn't exactly uncommon, and I'm thinking we'd have a lot of very angry bugs if it only used one channel...03:39
foxbuntuI have like three machines with that very chipset03:40
reidworks fine on windows box, transfer over and speaker-test03:40
reidstill only left channel03:40
infinityWait, what works fine on the windows box?  Your sound card, or the stereo setup? :)03:41
reidthe stereo setup03:41
reidsame sound card03:41
infinity(The soundcard looked like onboard audio to me, so I'm thinking that doesn't move very well)03:41
reidits the same board =P03:41
reidmodel.. that is03:41
infinityIf it's an identical motherboard, then booting the Windows machine with the livecd would also be quite informative.03:41
foxbuntureid, give that a try03:42
reidits in the works =P03:42
infinityCould nail down if it *IS* a driver bug (and if it is, we'd love it filed).03:42
infinityWell, "love" is a strong term.  We wouldn't hate you for filing it?03:43
foxbuntuinfinity, correction, if it is a driver bug, please procede directly to Launchpad to file a bug report03:43
* foxbuntu proposes an Ubuntu Global Bug Patrol Squad to come get non-bug filers03:44
ScottKI'm a lot more likely just to upload the fix and not bother.03:44
foxbuntuthey would leave you alone then ScottK03:45
reidlol so while this is happening. you guys wanna hear something funny?03:45
reidaw fine03:45
infinityOnly if it involves ScottK's mother.03:45
ScottKCouldn't hear it anyway.  No sound.03:45
infinityDoubly-so now.03:45
reidanways.. my roommate is this script-kiddy ass, that dual-boots linux and windows, and insists that windows is better.  and I just said its cause he never uses his linux partition.  so he gets all angry and boots into linux and starts talking in this "oh look at me, im in a terminal, I do everything from a terminal cause im a linux fag.. watch me fsck"03:46
reidand he fsck's his mounted drive03:46
reiddestroys MBR, and can't get back into windows lol03:46
ScottKThat is funny.03:46
reidok, desktop is into liveCD now.. brb03:47
infinityDespite the lack of involvement of ScottK's mother, I'll concede that's funny.03:47
infinityJust this once.03:47
* foxbuntu give its a 4, classifies it as mildly entertaining03:47
infinityfoxbuntu: You'd be pointing and laughing if you were there.03:48
foxbuntuinfinity, thats besides the point03:48
reidyay?   both channels work on desktop03:48
infinityThat kinda rules out driver bug, then, if it's the same card. :/03:48
PhotoJimreid: tell him to run his Windows machine (once he has it running again :) ) without AV software for a month, and you'll do the same with Linux.  See who wins.03:48
reidI already explained to him that I got a torrentbox running with literally 5 or 6 commands haha03:49
infinityUnless it's something really touchy like different BIOS versions, or the infamous "this needs to be setup by the Windows driver before you reboot into Linux"...03:49
reidI have a feeling its a config issue03:49
foxbuntureid, ah here is an idea03:49
reidhow can I be sure?03:49
foxbuntureid, go get the realtek hs audio package from their website03:49
infinityreid: We kinda ruled out config issues with the LiveCD being an identical config on both systems.03:49
reidoh yeah03:49
foxbuntuinfinity, not totally, but close03:50
foxbuntureid, the alsa package from realtek is quite slick, it might make it work03:51
reidwould I be at the right place at http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=14&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false?03:51
reidno question mark after the URL, sorry lol03:51
foxbuntureid, yup, thats the one03:51
foxbuntureid, you need to have build-essential and...03:52
foxbuntuI always forget the other package03:52
foxbuntuxmlto I think03:53
foxbuntufor the build of their package to work03:53
* infinity leaves this in the capable hands of people who seem to understand modern Linux audio...03:55
reidugh.. I really.. really wish I had more keyboards and mice03:55
foxbuntuinfinity, define capable?03:56
infinityIt would date me entirely to admit that the last audio driver I committed to was the soundblaster driver somwhere in 2.0.x...03:56
reidlinks is having a little trouble going through these javascript sits03:58
reidI just had to get my mouse and get into fluxbox =/04:00
foxbuntujavascript + lynx != good_times04:01
infinityw3m kinda sorta deals with most JavaScript.  Ish.04:01
infinityThat was pretty non-committal, wasn't it?04:01
foxbuntumaybe, maybe not04:01
reidnever tried it04:01
twbw3m does not include any js support.04:03
infinityOh, wait.  What was I thinking of, then?04:03
infinityIt's something that navigates like w3m...04:03
twbOne of the lynx variants implements toy js support.04:03
twbIIRC, elinks04:03
infinityAnd less like lynx/links.04:03
* infinity shrugs.04:04
reidand do the configure make make install dance with the drivers? =P04:05
twbIt's really only enough to recognize onclick="open('webdev was too stupid to use href!')"04:05
foxbuntureid, yea04:07
foxbuntureid, its pretty easy though04:07
foxbuntureid, as long as you have build-essential and xmlto installed04:07
reid./configure isnt work04:08
foxbuntureid, it may not have a ./configure04:09
twbIMO if m-a doesn't work with a driver, you should leave it the hell alone04:09
foxbuntuls -l04:09
twbVendor drivers suck ass04:09
reidi see04:09
reidall I had to do was sh install04:09
foxbuntutwb, its actually alsa, just has custom confs for the HD codecs for realtek04:09
foxbuntureid, no04:09
foxbuntureid, you have to make && sudo make install04:10
reidsays nothing to be done for 'install'04:10
foxbuntudid make do anything?04:10
reidmake says no targets specified04:10
foxbuntureid, post the output of ls04:11
foxbuntuI dont recall the exact scripts they provide04:11
reidalsa-driver-1.0.19-5.11  alsa-driver-1.0.19-5.11.tar.bz2  alsa-lib-1.0.19  alsa-lib-1.0.19.tar.bz2  alsa-utils-1.0.19  alsa-utils-1.0.19.tar.bz2  install  Readme.txt  test.wav.bz2  version04:11
foxbuntuhmm perhaps it is an install script04:12
foxbuntuok try: sudo ./install04:12
reidyeah.. lol04:12
reidjust read the Readme04:13
foxbuntuthat too04:13
foxbuntuI knew they made it simple I just haven't used it in a while04:13
reidwhew I can't look at that while im drunk lol04:14
reidscript just almost gave me a seizure haha04:14
* foxbuntu wants to go get food and sit and watch boonedock saints04:15
reidboondock saints..04:15
reidyou can do that04:16
reidbut let me know if you'll be back04:16
reidI could do some things in the meantime04:16
foxbuntuIll be right here04:16
reidoh kk04:16
reidyeah cause I forgot to sudo su before this whole process04:16
reidso now I have to do it again04:16
foxbuntuIm just going to run out to get some food then Ill be back04:16
foxbuntuno sudo su04:16
reidwell, sudo.. sudo su04:16
foxbuntusudo ./install04:17
reidlol its going atm04:17
foxbuntualright, Im going to run off for a few to get food04:17
foxbuntuI will return04:17
reidfoxbuntu: you back?04:42
foxbuntureid, I just got back04:42
reidI just untarred it and then did other things04:42
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reidsudo ./install04:42
foxbuntudid it it ask you about setting up .asoundrc ?04:43
reidjust ran the script np04:43
foxbuntuany dialogs?04:43
foxbuntuit should have poped open some debconf stuffs if it worked04:44
reidhmm.. nope04:44
foxbuntuim betting it failed then04:44
reidits says alsa-conf could not be found04:44
reidshould I apt-get that?04:44
foxbuntuthe tarball or alsa-conf?04:45
reidit just says ./install 101: alsaconf: not found04:45
reidat the end of script04:45
foxbuntuah it di fail04:45
reidthat was after a really long time though, it did a BUNCH of things lol04:46
foxbuntureid, copy the tarball you downloaded to /usr/src04:46
foxbuntusudo cp .tar.bz2 /usr/src04:46
foxbuntuthen sudo tar ..04:46
reidits there04:46
foxbuntucd ./realtek04:46
foxbuntusudo ./install04:46
foxbuntucd /usr/src/realtek04:47
foxbuntusudo ./install04:47
* foxbuntu starts the movie and waits for the next problem from reid ;)04:48
reidnice how this community works out though04:49
reidI just helped a gnubie for like.. 90 minutes to get his ATI drivers working right on jaunty04:49
reidits awesome to just turn around and get that kinda help from someone else lol04:49
reidsame output04:50
reidwant me to pastebin it?04:51
foxbuntutry: sudo apt-get install alsa-utils04:51
reidnewest version04:51
foxbuntuyeah pastebin the last 50 lines or so04:51
foxbuntuseems like a permissions issue with where you are installing it04:54
foxbuntui mean where the installer is located04:54
foxbuntureid, try this:04:57
foxbuntusudo chmod 777 /usr/src/realtek04:57
foxbuntuthen rerun the script04:57
reidsame output lol05:01
foxbuntureid, thats strange...ok pastebin more of the output05:02
foxbuntutry to get it all if you can05:02
reidhmm interesting05:02
reidapparently alsaconf has been removed from ubuntu/debian repos05:03
reiddue to crashing other programs05:03
reidie. its no longer a part of alsa-utils05:03
foxbuntuthats alright05:03
foxbuntuits failing trying to install alsaconf anyways :)05:03
reidic =P05:03
reidu still want pastebin?05:04
foxbuntupastebin all (or as much as you can get)05:04
reidthats as much as I can get05:04
foxbuntureid, strange..Im looking into it05:08
foxbuntuthere is one more package required for the install05:10
foxbuntuI think so anyways05:11
foxbuntureid, sudo apt-get install gettext05:11
foxbuntuthen rerun the installer05:11
reidlol k05:11
foxbuntureid, isnt this fun ?05:11
reidits better than NOT knowing what the problem is (windows)05:12
foxbuntureid, no, you always know what the problem is in windows <--05:12
reidnah, I'm not talking about specifically driver issues lol, I meant more that windows can go from working to not working05:13
reidthis has never been working =P05:13
reidfor instance, this desktop of which I speak... is now totally crapped out after 2 years of the same windows install lol.05:14
reidI mean, I could just as well wipe it, but I need some of the crap off of it first, im just not ambitious enough05:14
reidappears to have installed properly05:16
reidgot a bunch of errors, but then went through the dialogs fine05:16
foxbuntuthats normal05:16
foxbuntuit worked then05:16
reidhmmm, alsamixer needs a device passed to it?05:17
foxbuntuit shouldnt05:17
foxbuntutry a reboot05:17
foxbuntureload all the alsa stuffs just to make sure05:17
reid<3 ssh05:17
reidthis would be such a bitch lol05:18
arrrghhhwhat's the best way to update a server via cli?  i used aptitude safe-upgrade, but i don't think i have the new jaunty kernel.05:19
arrrghhhor i should say the new kernel used in jaunty.  semantics really.05:19
foxbuntuarrrghhh, release update, or are you already on jaunty?05:19
reidok... everything looks fine, but still only left channel05:20
arrrghhhfoxbuntu, honestly i don't know how to tell if my headless server is on jaunty other than looking at uname -r and see what kernel it's runing....05:20
foxbuntuarrrghhh, are you trying to upgrade to jaunty from 8.10?05:20
reidhonestly, it may just be mobo problems...05:20
arrrghhhfoxbuntu, currently 8.10 is on there.05:20
foxbuntuarrrghhh, lsb_release -a05:20
reidnow that I think about it the onboard video is all fuxed on the mobo05:20
reidI had to get a new card05:20
arrrghhhfoxbuntu, ah didn't know that one!05:20
reidI may just have to get a new sound card05:20
foxbuntuarrrghhh, sudo apt-get update && sudo do-release-upgrade05:21
foxbuntureid, well then05:21
foxbuntureid, lol05:21
arrrghhhfoxbuntu, k thanks!05:21
arrrghhhdo-release-upgrade, that's the one i was lookin fer!05:21
reidfoxbuntu: lol.. I appreciate the help though.. the new audio card will at least benefit from me knowing wtf I'm doing =P05:21
foxbuntureid, np05:22
reidfoxbuntu: now the question is... new soundcard, or new mobo haha05:22
reidI bet its gonna end up being new mobo =P05:22
foxbuntureid, new mobo05:22
reidlinux doesn't like new mobos though huh..05:22
foxbuntureid, why not?05:22
reidit boots up fine if you move HD over to a diff mobo?05:23
arrrghhhreid, heckuva lot better than windows with new mobos... good lord.05:23
foxbuntureid, I swap a machine from an AMD -> Intel proc and board and just booted it right back up05:23
arrrghhhabout the only thing you need to adjust is the network controller setup05:23
reidlol nice05:23
arrrghhhat least i had to... i don't even recall what i did crap.05:23
arrrghhhit was something with the networking and a new MAC address....05:23
arrrghhhand i just removed the instance of the old nic, and bingo bango upgrado.  so easy, makes me pissed i have to replace mobos at work.05:24
foxbuntuarrrghhh, if its a desktop with NetworkManager it will revert to defaults and DHCP05:24
arrrghhhfoxbuntu, this was my headless server with a static ip...05:24
arrrghhhwhich is now updating to jaunty :D05:24
foxbuntuarrrghhh, its the ifname will change because of the hardware being changed05:25
arrrghhhyea, i know i probably came in this very room and someone helped me change that in a file...05:25
foxbuntuarrrghhh, if you really wanted to be crazy you could create a udev rule to override it05:25
arrrghhhit was obsecure tho...05:25
arrrghhhi just removed the old nic/mac entry in that file, no biggie.05:26
arrrghhhnot like it needed to be there anywyas.05:26
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arrrghhhyea when i tell people at my work who don't really know much about linux and are big windows gurus are always so shocked, almost to the point of calling me a liar, that i don't have to reinstall my os from a mobo upgrade.  i've gotten in arguments about it before lol05:27
arrrghhhthen i just grab someone from the core infrastructure team, set 'em straight haha.05:28
ScottKIf I have a machine that won't boot a CD, I just install on the target hard drive in a different machine and then move it after.05:29
arrrghhhyet another benefit.  unless the hardware is identical, can't really do that with windows :D05:30
reidI've done that many times with windows hd's  (moved them from comp to comp that is05:30
reidand booted from them05:30
arrrghhhmust've had same hardware05:31
reidmind you this was with windows 2000 server =P  I dunno about these new funky Windows's05:31
arrrghhhor similar enough i guess...05:31
foxbuntuarrrghhh, you can as long as the architechture is similar on the proc (in the same family)05:31
arrrghhhoh is that what it is foxbuntu ?  just proc arch?05:31
foxbuntuarrrghhh, yup05:31
foxbuntunot just x86 x6405:31
foxbuntuIm talking the stepping family of the proc05:32
arrrghhhi guess if you don't let it sysprep?05:32
foxbuntuso you cant (usually) go from a 1.6G to a 3.0G P405:32
foxbuntu(with the boards to match)05:32
jmarsdenI think it is also the motherboard chipset , at last on modern motherboards and XP/Vista, not sure about Win2K.  But... this is #ubuntu-server .05:32
reidfair enough05:33
foxbuntujmarsden, you got me05:33
arrrghhhwe're really kinda drifting here.05:33
* foxbuntu was ot05:33
* reid helped05:33
* arrrghhh did too05:33
reidso what do you guys use your servers for? =P05:33
arrrghhhi came in here to ask an ubuntu-server question tho demmit!05:33
foxbuntureid, thats stil l ot05:33
arrrghhhhehe everything!05:33
arrrghhhbut yea, i think i've had my question of the night answered.  thanks guys, have a good one.05:34
foxbuntunp ar05:34
supernerohey guys, just upgraded to 9.04 and suddenly my ethernet adapter is missing. i do an "ifconfig" and it only shows the loopback. everything was fine pre-upgrade. any ideas?06:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #367147 in bacula (universe) "hg" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36714706:41
arrrghhhhey again, so i did that upgrade to jaunty... and several services in my init.d didn't start on their own.  i started them, i'm assuming i need to readd them to the update-rc.d?07:14
foxbuntuarrrghhh, which services?07:16
foxbuntulikely not07:16
foxbuntuI would check the logs to see why they failed07:16
arrrghhhi looked at /var/log/messages... nothing jumped out at me.07:16
arrrghhhshould i check the syslog?07:16
foxbuntuwell /var/log/apacheerr.log i think07:17
arrrghhhnot seein any errors on any of these services in the syslog07:21
arrrghhhand nothing is jumping out at me in the apache error log07:21
foxbuntudid you try to reboot again to verify?07:23
arrrghhhi'll reboot again, no...07:23
arrrghhhi guess i didn't think it would need 2 reboots?07:25
foxbuntuworking now?07:25
arrrghhhgo figure.  yeppers.07:25
foxbuntuit shouldnt, im not sure what happened, but just a blip perhaps07:25
arrrghhhyea, it does happen sometimes... makes me wonder, but oh well.07:26
arrrghhhall the services seem to be uptoo.07:26
arrrghhhalways pisses me off when i have to reboot for every dinky little windows update lol.07:27
alanbshepard70I can't get commands to execute from a php script. I've got apache2, php5 and the apache php mod installed. exec("command"); does nothing.07:27
arrrghhhi enjoy not having to reboot my linux boxes :D07:27
foxbuntualanbshepard70, you likely want to ask that in #php07:28
alanbshepard70I asked and they had no answers, I'm starting to think it's a problem with permissions of the default ubuntu apache or php config file07:28
foxbuntualanbshepard70, possible that its apache i guess07:29
foxbuntualanbshepard70, not really sure what the defaults are off the top of my head07:30
foxbuntubut lets have a look07:30
foxbuntualanbshepard70, yeah, its a php setting for apache07:32
foxbuntualanbshepard70, you have two options, edit the php.ini for the website --or-- edit the vhost that its using07:32
foxbuntualanbshepard70, the line you need to add is:07:33
foxbuntuphp_admin_value safe_mode_exec_dir /home/legally/mainwebsite_html07:33
foxbuntuobviously change the path07:33
foxbuntuwonder why the php guys didnt mention that07:34
foxbuntumeh...oh well07:34
foxbuntuthe path should point to the dir where your external script lives07:34
alanbshepard70foxbuntu: That go in the php.ini of apache.conf?07:35
foxbuntuthat line should be inside the <virtualhost> </virtualhost> tags07:35
foxbuntualanbshepard70, it can, I would put it in your vhost though07:35
foxbuntu/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default likely07:35
alanbshepard70foxbuntu: ok thanks07:36
foxbuntualanbshepard70, to apply the changes you will need to have apache reload the confs07:37
foxbuntusudo /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload07:37
foxbuntu(there are other ways but that one is what I normally use)07:38
arrrghhhfoxbuntu, do you use ps3mediaserver?07:43
foxbuntuarrrghhh, nope07:43
foxbuntuarrrghhh, I have a PS3 however07:43
arrrghhhbummer.  you've been able to answer everything else i've asked :P07:43
arrrghhhand you don't use that?  do you use upnp/dnla media server at all?07:43
arrrghhhi've never used that one07:44
foxbuntuIm a core dev for MythBuntu ;)07:44
foxbuntuI have a vest intrest i guess you might say07:45
mitmanI am creating a software raid with mdadm in ubuntu, it seems one of the drives has errors already, can I create the Raid arry with 1 drive and add the other later to sync with it?10:44
twbAt the mdadm level, sure (assuming RAID1).  I don't know if d-i will let you do it, though.11:06
mitmanyeah mdadm and raid 111:06
mitmanbasically one of my drives crapped out.. ubuntu 8.1 dmraid implementation or intel's mobo is messed up11:07
mitmanso one my data drives is no good now11:07
twbI think you mean md RAID.11:07
twbdmraid usually means fakeraid11:08
twbe.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Matrix_RAID11:10
mitmantwb: no listen to this, the mobo has "fakeraid" in the bios, so I disabled it and wanted to setup software raid (mdadm)11:10
twbGood.  You do not want fakeraid.11:10
mitmantwb: but the ubuntu 8.10 and above install will detect the fakeraid regardless of bios setting and it will crap out11:10
twbmitman: I wouldn't know about that; you should report it as a bug11:11
mitmantwb: at one point i had mdadm software raid configured, but once the system boots i see each md raid as dm-1 and dm-2..11:11
mitmanbasically i am down to ubuntu 8:04, software raid works fine, but those settings ruined my data drives..11:11
twbEr, if you are using md RAID they should be /dev/md0, /dev/md1, ...11:11
mitmanyeah, now they are correct11:11
mitmanbut i did a force add one device to make a raid with one drive.. when i get the new drive i should be able to dd it back to the array, correct?11:12
twbIgnoring potential problems with d-i for the moment, it is trivial to: create a --level 1 --number 2 array with one drive missing; and then to later add it into the array and have it synced from the original node.11:13
mitmanokay cool11:13
mitmani have foced added it hopefully when i get the new drive should be okay to sync back in11:13
mitmanbtw, anyone know a good mail program for terminal.. ubuntu doesn't seem to have pine11:14
twbThis is a pretty standard case when you can't afford spare disks.11:14
twbThat's because pine is not free software.11:14
mitmanoh.. any alternatives?11:14
twbmutt is quite common; alpine is much like pine.11:14
twbAnd of course Emacs ships with four MUAs.11:14
mitman:-) thanks11:16
mitmanoyyy i have been working on this server for 2 days.. lets hope i can get it back to normal operational mode11:16
mitmanDo you by any chance know how to use smbldap-groupadd?11:29
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Davedanwhat is the difference between "sudo su username -c command" and "sudo -u username command" ?12:09
twbThe former is wrong.12:11
twbsudo and su do the same job, so it's silly to use both of them.12:11
twbYou should just use sudo unless you've decided that su is "more secure" (i.e. you're a wacko kook).12:12
DavedanI'm following a tutorial which has: sudo su postgres -c psql template112:12
twbWell, people are stupid.12:12
Davedanand later: sudo -u postgres passwd12:12
twbsudo -u postgres psql template112:13
twbsu USER -c "COMMAND ARGS" is the same as sudo -u USER COMMAND ARGS12:13
twbAnd sudo -i is the same as su -12:13
Davedanwhat is su - ?12:13
twbIt creates a login shell.12:14
twbsu is older, so people who are set in their ways sometimes use it because learning sudo is too hard.12:14
DavedanI wonder why people post two equivalent ways of doing the same command in the same tutorial... it's confusing12:14
twbAnd on systems without sudo -i (e.g. CentOS 4), you need to say "sudo su -".12:14
twbDavedan: probably it's just a crap tutorial12:15
twbDavedan: or if it's on a wiki, it might be that there are multiple authors.12:15
Davedantwb: :) couldn't found a better one.12:15
Davedantwb: people keep saying that postgresql is much better the mysql but I can't find decent docs for trivial operations12:16
twbWell basically PostgreSQL is designed for people who want an RDBMS.12:16
twbIt's not supposed to be easy, it's supposed to be a reliable juggernaut.12:17
twbMySQL is more like sqlite, it's designed for people who just want something that looks like an RDBMS.12:17
twbSo for example if you're wanting to store user comments on your blog, you probably don't really give a shit even if the whole database gets blown away.  You just want something to work quickly and easily, so you go with MySQL.12:18
Davedaninteresting. I'll have to read and understand what do you mean by looks like an EDBMS12:18
twbWell, for example, MySQL's default backend on Unix-like systems isn't ACID compliant, which is a pretty fundamental property of a database.12:18
Davedantwb: maybe I'm just looking for truble and I should stick with MYSQL because it's trivial to administer12:19
twbBasically my question would be "do you care about your data?"12:19
Davedantwb: what do you mean?12:20
twbWell, if you don't really care about it, then there's no problem using MySQL.12:20
twbSo MySQL would be fine for blog comments, but not for payroll.12:20
twbAdmittedly, my opinion is a little biased.12:21
Davedantwb: why is it biased? do you use postgresql?12:21
twbI concede that someone who knows MySQL well, can probably tweak it into behaving what I would consider "properly".12:21
Davedanbut I guess I'll need to teak postgresql as well12:22
twbDavedan: actually, for my own toy applications I usually use sqlite.  But if I had to deploy and maintain a production database, and FOSS was a consideration, I'd pick postgres over mysql.12:22
Davedanor, is it behave reliably by default?12:22
twbIf you want second opinions, you can try #postgres and #mysql12:22
Davedanyou helped alot12:23
twbDon't tell anyone.12:23
twbI have a reputation for surliness to maintain12:23
SpaceBasssince my upgrade to 9.04 server, I'm having a heck of a time getting any file sharing working again...afp, smb and sshfs are all broken14:04
LyonJTHow can i upgrade my server to 9.04?14:16
LyonJTwhat would the command be14:16
SpaceBassLyonJT, not to sound like a smartass, but did you check the ubuntu site? its there14:17
twbYou did well to break sshfs14:24
SpaceBassI prefer afp - but sshfs is at least a standby14:35
LyonJTLol SpaceBass no worries! thank you!14:39
SpaceBassgood luck :D14:40
andolttx: Regarding the missing /var/log/dist-upgrade content you comment on in bug #365962. It seems like something plaguing pretty much all 8.10->9.04 bugs.14:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 365962 in samba "Samba failed to install correctly 8.10 - 9.04" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36596214:47
ttxandol: interesting. I have been suspecting Launchpad recent slowness aborting some requests14:48
andolttx: Been looking at a lot of new bugs related to the server team. Can't really find any 8.10->9.04 which has a complete VarLogDistupgradeDATE.gz. They are all "empty" gzip files at 40bytes.14:50
ttxandol: so maybe there is something broken in the upgrade bug filing stuff.14:56
andolttx: Yeah, that was kind of what I was getting at :) Just don't really know it well enough to know where to look...14:57
ttxandol: yeah, me neither... Couldn't really find a bug about it but maybe I look at the wrong place. I guess someone on #ubuntu-bugs might confirm/know about it.14:58
andolttx: I mentioned it in #ubuntu-bugs. All I got was someone suspecting it as an apport issue.15:01
ttxandol: on Monday there will be more people around, I guess15:01
andolttx: Yeah, I guess so. For now I'll see if I can dig anything more up self. Is it ok to "ping" you if I discover something new?15:04
ttxandol: sure :)15:04
ttxandol: I'd say it's either something temporary due to high load on Ubuntu infra or a bug in apport15:05
andolttx: Ohh well, at least there are logs generated under /var/log/dist-upgrade/. I had this nagging feeling to confirm it before myself asking follow up question to people on providing that content :)15:13
PhotoJim:( my server fails to reboot after the jaunty upgrade.  can't mount md0 (RAID1).  grub is munged too, the 2.6.28 kernel isn't in the menu and the second of the two kernels listed is missing, which implies the update-grub didn't work right or wasn't run.  advice?15:20
Hecaterestore the backup you hopefully made before the upgrade.15:37
Hecate^^ PhotoJim15:37
uvirtbotHecate: Error: "^" is not a valid command.15:37
uvirtbotHecate: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.15:38
HecatePhotoJim, did you create a backup?15:42
PhotoJimNo, it's a home server.  the data is safely backed up.  if worse came to worst I would have to reinstall the OS but my data is safe.15:43
Hecatedo you have live cd at hand?15:43
PhotoJimI'm downloading one as we speak.15:43
Hecatemake sure it's the same architecture as the server's os.15:44
PhotoJimYup, that's why I had to download one.  The one I already had was amd64 but this server is i386.15:44
Hecate32bit server + 64bit live might work after all.15:44
Hecatebut im not quite sure-15:44
PhotoJimPIII, so no :)15:45
Hecatedefinitely not ;)15:45
PhotoJimthis will be awhile (5 Mb/s broadband, local-to-ISP mirror thankfully) so I'm going to shower & get dressed, but I'll stay in channel in case anyone has advice.  plan is to boot off the live CD, open a shell and chroot into the / partition if mdadm can see it.15:48
Hecatejust do an update-grub after the chroot. that's my main idea.15:48
Hecateif you're unlucky the upgrade messed up your initramfs-modules config as well, so make sure you have a look at that one too.15:49
a|weni'm trying to test the hardy-proposed package of ubuntu-vm-builder in a hardy chroot, but i keep getting a "/usr/bin/ubuntu-vm-builder: line 1053: vm_target_conversion: command not found" ... is it me doing something completely wrong; can't seem to find which package the file should belong to?15:49
Hecateyou will need to recreate the initramfs, in case you made any changes15:49
LyonJTIs there a java room?15:54
furythorHello I want to set up an home server from old computer, now I am wondering that since this is first time that I am setting up such servers that how I should partition the hard drives16:01
SpaceBassfurythor, what kind of stuff do you want to do with the serveR?16:02
SpaceBassothers may disagree, but I dont think partitioning is that important... its nice to have the OS and data seperate and having user directories seperate is also slick...but at the end of the day, if its one disk and that disk fails, then partitions don't really matter16:03
furythorwell, I have 3 hard drives, I can stash those all to be / so, I was thinking that how I should arrange those to partition table16:04
furythorif I would have just one, then it would not be so important as this is more "educational" project16:04
furythortypos in earlier, should have been "can't" instead of "can"16:05
Hecatehow about using a software raid1? you'll learn a lot and it increases data security.16:06
furythoraaw, hardly not an option as all three disks are different from each other (20gbytes +30gbytes +40gbytes)16:07
furythorand speed is highly likely to vary16:08
furythorwell, basic thing I am just thinking is that what is default location for www files for apache ?16:08
Hecate/var/www i think16:09
Hecatecheck your apache config16:09
PhotoJimHecate: thanks, good advice.  the image is downloaded.  I'll go tinker with the server shortly, after I feed myself. :)16:09
furythorsince I am thinking that I propably should put one hard drive for / and then two other hard disks for actual server files, and another for backups ...16:10
PhotoJimfurythor: I'm a strong proponent of separating your served data from the OS.  my server has separate hard disks for the OS and my served data.  if I have a major system problem (see: above :) ) I can just remove my data drives and put them in another system (and of course I have a backup anyway).  otherwise I don't think it's a big matter.16:10
PhotoJimfurythor: I have two identical drives in RAID1 for my served data, and then a different brand but identical-sized drive in a FireWire enclosure onto which I can put backups16:11
furythorWell, when I got € or $ decent hardware I will consider that, before it, I need to manage with hardware I got for free...16:11
PhotoJimfurythor: the different brand thing is mostly just paranoia, but if Western Digital had a bad component, and I had 3 WD drives, potentially all three could fail.  so it's good practice to have a different drive.  luckily I found a Seagate that has precisely the same geometry, so it's identical in size.16:12
furythoryeah, lucky you ...16:12
PhotoJimit all depends on how important your data is, I suppose.  disk drives are not costly anymore.  under $200/150 euros you can have a really capable system with lots of space and proper backups.16:13
furythorwell, for student with lowest incomes everything is expensive, so ...16:14
PhotoJimthen don't do RAID.  have a single drive in your server.  and have another drive in an enclosure.  get modest-sized drives you can get for dirt cheap, or free.16:14
PhotoJim120-gig drives are nearly giveaway items now.16:14
furythorYeah, I know16:15
Hecatefurythor, second suggestion. use the 20 + 30 gig drives as a raid1 (since they're probably really, really slow) and the 40 gig one as a backup drive (my favourite backup tool: dar).16:18
Hecatethis will raise the chance of data loss to the power of 2 of the "usual" chance, but that's what backups are good for ;)16:19
Hecatethinking of it: it's not the power of 2, but just doubled ...16:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #367157 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE3-4.1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36715716:36
arrrghhhfoxbuntu, does myth transcode video?16:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #367347 in samba (main) "samba error upgrade" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36734717:10
furythorand CD goes to print ...17:17
furythorDoes ubuntu server put all files into /var folder ?17:55
a|wenfurythor: eh, what do you mean by "all files"?17:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #356256 in openldap (main) "dist-upgrade stops slapd" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35625618:01
furythora|wen typo, I did mean that "what kind" files server system puts to /srv folder18:11
a|wenfurythor: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/fhs/fhs-2.3.html#SRVDATAFORSERVICESPROVIDEDBYSYSTEM18:16
a|wenfurythor: afaik no packages puts any files in that directory18:17
furythorsorry for delay I have been working on server machine as it set it self up18:32
furythorQuestion, how relay able would ubuntu server would be for being used LAN printer and filehosting etc ?18:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #351232 in postfix (main) "package postfix None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/postfix.list] failed to install/upgrade: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1 (dup-of: 349469)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35123218:42
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lamontI wonder how many more times that bug will get filed...18:51
Nafallolamont: until you fix it :-)18:54
* Nafallo looks at the bug18:54
lamontNafallo: actually, it's several different issues, some of them user-error-leads-to-broken-upgrade, and maybe some dpkg/debconf issues thrown at the wrong package, all with similar subjects.18:56
lamontthanks apport18:56
Nafallolamont: yeah. when I looked at the bug I realise I can't really bug you about it :-P18:57
Nafallowhich is a shame!18:57
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furythorDoes anyone have information where does drupal 5 files go when installed via apt-get install ?20:25
eleftheriosare there any tutorials for setting up an smtp/imap/smtp-auth with SSL on 9.04 (using dovecot-postfix) ?20:25
lamontfurythor: dpkg -L the package, would be the best bet - or see the FHS20:26
furythorYeah I found it, now I am wondering that how to setup "users" for apache so I got few different websites under /var/www20:37
=== dantalizing_ is now known as dantalizing
jgjonesHello - I was attempting to install clamav on a server - sudo apt-get install clamav - this include the clamav-freshclam.20:42
jgjonesDuring installation, when it get to the Setting up clamav-freshclam part - it then ask for a password20:42
jgjonesand at this point the installation goes no further and I'm not able to install clamav at all.20:42
jgjonesI have no idea what is the password supposed to be (if you type, it shows up in clear and doesn't do anything really)20:43
ScottKCan you pastebin the exact text?20:43
jgjonesI'm including the clamav PPA here to see if it would make a difference (none)20:44
jgjonesSetting up clamav-freshclam (0.95.1+dfsg-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa5) ...20:44
jgjones * Starting ClamAV virus database updater freshclam20:44
jgjonesat that point - it waits.20:44
jgjonestyping doesn't really do anything - just show in clear and hitting enter just goes to next line and still continue to wait.20:46
ScottKAre any of the mount points on the server remote?20:46
ScottKI'm firing up my hardy chroot to try it here.20:46
jgjonesThis is a server on a Gandi virtual server (gandi.net)20:46
ScottKWhat did you type to install it?20:48
jgjonessudo apt-get install clamav20:48
* ScottK tries20:48
jgjonesWould AppArmor have something to do with this?20:49
ScottKI suspect it's something to do with Gandi's setup and you'll have to talk to them.20:50
ScottKIf it was apparmor it just wouldn't work.  It doesn't have anything to do with passwords.20:50
ScottKjgjones: Works fine here.  Talk to gandi.20:51
jgjonesOK thanks for your help, I'll do that.20:51
jgjonesrather annoying though.20:52
JordiGHWhat's an acceptable CPU load for a web server?21:07
eleftheriosquite impressive, no configuration needed for a full blown mail system with postfix-dovecot21:08
eleftheriosI was looking for things that need to be configured21:08
eleftheriosit turns out it plays out of the box!21:08
eleftheriosimaps, smtp-auth with TLS21:08
JordiGHMy webserver is almost constantly at 50%-60% CPU, occasionally spikes to 100% for five, ten minutes, got MaxClients errors in my apache logs...21:09
furythorJordiGH that sounds like that someone is using way too much of your webserver21:19
furythorHow wide audience you have intented for your webserver ?21:19
JordiGHfurythor: It's relatively small...21:22
JordiGHfurythor: http://everything2.com21:22
JordiGHThe Googlebot is about 40% of our page requests almost all the time. :-/21:26
JordiGH(according to access.log)21:26
furythoryeah, that can be annoyance21:30
furythoris it "local area network" only webserver or someone outside your LAN using it =21:31
JordiGHIt's being used from the outside, our frontend is using pound to query this server.21:31
JordiGHTo accesss.21:31
furythorhmm, what kind of hardware server machine has ?21:33
furythorlike CPU ram etc ?21:33
JordiGHIntel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU           @ 2.40GHz21:34
JordiGHMem:          1010        319        69121:34
furythorand then it is running like 60% in many occasions ?21:36
JordiGHAll the time, pretty much.21:37
JordiGHSometimes spikes higher.21:37
furythorhow much you got swap and ram ?21:37
JordiGHI showed you the RAM, one gig. Three gigs of swap, hardly ever used.21:37
furythorhmm, and how much you said googlebot takes performance ?21:38
JordiGHPerformance I don't know how to check.21:39
JordiGHBut my access.log shows that Googlebot is a little under 40% of my page requests.21:39
furythorYeah, because it sounds that google is constantly checking site for some reason21:40
JordiGHWell, it's got pretty dynamic content.21:40
furythorso either people look your site via google, or you just end to that "inspected often" group21:40
PhotoJimany reason why update-grub would ignore a kernel installed in /boot ?  I had a boot problem, booted into live CD, chrooted in.  had some issues with UUIDs, corrected.  but update-grub seems to be ignoring the 2.6.28 kernel that the jaunty upgrade installed.21:41
JordiGHWe've got about 1,000 regular users, 6,000 new accounts per month, give or take.21:41
furythoryeah, and google propably check always when someone looks for site21:41
furythornot surprise then21:41
furythorsince google keeps its cache fairly up to date ... so ...21:41
furythorI don't know if there is much that you can do, and you still got little room for growth21:42
furythorHow complex is to define virtual hosts for my webserver that is on LAN22:34
furythorso that there can be multiple websites, which each have own content22:34
giovanifurythor: not complex at all, presuming you're using apache, read the apache docs, they're very complete22:39
PhotoJimyup, very easy.22:42
PhotoJimunfortunately USB 2.0 is still somewhat jiggered.  if you have USB 1.1 onboard and a PCI USB 2.0 card, you get USB 1.1 speeds on all ports.22:49
ahewhat backup solutions can you recommend for remote backup of servers and virtual machines (mainly user data and database contents)?22:50
giovaniahe: depends on the quantity of data, how much is being changed between backups, etc22:50
giovaniahe: rsync is a common choice for backups, it can run in a very efficient mode for data that doesn't change much22:51
PhotoJimrsync is good for local backups too.22:51
PhotoJimit takes a long time to backup a terabyte, if you back up everything.22:51
giovaniparticularly a good choice for remote backups though, because of its compression, and file difference methods22:51
PhotoJimI turn the compression off for local backups, but for remote backups it'd be very useful.22:52
ahebut rsync is more a choice if you want to roll your own backup solution, right?22:52
giovaniahe: I don't know what you mean22:52
giovaniahe: this isn't windows ... there aren't "backup products" for general backup -- that's what rsync is for22:52
giovanithere are a handful of backup systems designed for network-wide stuff (i.e. to backup 100 desktops)22:52
giovanibut that's not relevant to your situation22:52
aheyeah that's more what i'm looking for but for servers22:53
giovanirsync, trust me22:53
PhotoJimtrust him.22:54
aheso if you have lots of servers and on each you have a database and some directories you want to backup22:54
giovaniyep ... backup is not simple22:54
giovanieven in a windows pre-made product world22:54
giovanidatabase backups are tricky, everywhere22:54
aheyeah but isn't there something that incorporates rsync?22:54
andolahe: Well, rsnapshot is a nice wrapper around rsync.22:55
ahebasically i'm just looking for a more or less standard way of making backups of virtual appliances i want to create22:55
PhotoJimrsync is not hard to use.22:55
PhotoJimyou can play with it for an hour or two and learn a ton about it.22:55
andolPhotoJim: Yes, but rsync in itsef is hardly a complete backup system.22:55
giovaniahe: rsync is the standard backup tool in linux22:55
PhotoJimyou can even run it in a dummy mode where it will tell you what it would do, but won't actually do it.22:55
giovaniandol: there are no "complete backup systems" for all backup scenarios that I'm aware of22:55
PhotoJimandol: no, but we're talking about having a kitchen versus going to a restaurant.  if you have a kitchen, you can still eat.22:56
andolgiovani: No, but there are more or less.22:56
aheso i think it would be best to create a rsync setup for each kind of appliance22:56
giovaniandol: name a few?22:56
andolgiovani: Well, for example rsnapshot is more of a solution then simply using rsync, without any of your own wrapper.22:56
giovaniok ...22:57
giovaniI don't really think that qualifies, but ok22:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #346520 in bash-completion (main) "bash autocompletion for umount messed up (dup-of: 249337)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34652023:16
cowmixyeah.. I was installing python-vm-builder and when it was installing the kvm kernal mods my system crashed.. now my dpkg repo is screwed.. what's the easiest way to repair that?23:18
marshalli've installed apache, php and mysql on my jaunty desktop, php seems to be working properly with apache, but firefox asks me if I'd like to download certian php files when i try to view them23:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #367635 in postfix (main) "debian installer for real Player crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36763523:51

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