
D-Lyriumwhy 4GiB? Ubuntu is only 600mb...00:01
cherylron_o - U updateding to Jaunty now?00:01
ron_ouhmm, no.. 8.1000:04
ron_oI like being behind the curve. :)00:04
ron_omuch safer. :)00:04
D-Lyriumhmm, I copied the contents of the CD (rather than just the ISO) to the USB stick and that didn't work either :p00:05
D-Lyriumis there any other way to install Xubuntu on my laptop, considering it doesn't have an optical drive?00:11
ron_oD-Lyrium, there are plenty of howtos on the internet. Just search for it.00:15
ron_oand make sure your BIOS is set to read USB from the sar00:16
ron_owhatever. Maybe he wanted me to do it for him.00:16
Moodmaybe he wanted you to do a net install over irc :-s00:17
roybotQ: Does xubuntu 9.04 have support for eee pc like ubuntu "netbook remix" has?00:32
SiDiroybot, i don't know if we ship all the usual netbook drivers directly on the liveCD as they do01:06
SiDibut xubuntu should work correctly under netbooks, since its lightweight01:06
SiDitho netbook edition is more designed for netbooks, with actual UI changes that may fit your needs better, with the very little screens these things have01:07
Ultraputzanyone know cryptsetup ?02:22
Ultraputzbetter question: assuming that boot failed and dropped you to busybox, and you wanted to try booting again without _rebooting_ -- is that init? what's the command to initate the sequence  -- or rather, is it possible, keeping the present version of the ram fs?02:23
* SiDi doesn't know :x :D02:31
psychiccan come one help me fix my display size02:37
Ultraputzwhat's wrong with it?02:41
psychicits in 800x60002:41
psychici need 1024x76802:41
Ultraputzopen up the settings panel and click displays02:42
Ultraputzstart -> settings -> displays (i think)02:42
Ultraputzif it's in the list under resolution, you can set it and you should be good to go02:43
Ultraputzif there's nothing in the list, or none of the resolutions that should be... i probably can't help you :-)02:43
psychicno been there02:43
psychicdont work02:43
Ultraputzwhat do you mean doesn't work ?02:43
psychicwell thanks anyways02:43
Ultraputzlogout and log back in?02:43
psychici cant get higher then 800x60002:43
Ultraputzi can tell you ballpark what's wrong:02:44
Ultraputzbasically it's somewhere betwee xorg and your video setup02:44
Ultraputzas in the driver it's using.02:44
Ultraputzif it can't figureit out, it uses a generic setup and that limits you to unaccelerated low-res, etc.02:44
psychicyea i know02:45
Ultraputzmy suggestion is, if you know what your video hardware is...02:45
Ultraputzsearch it out on ubuntuforums.org02:45
psychici have days on end lol02:45
Ultraputzthen you're going to come out of this a little closer to linux expert than you went into it :-)02:45
Ultraputzvideo problems are what makes users strong :-)02:45
psychicyea i feel that02:45
psychiclol true02:45
Ultraputzroll the dice on ubuntu-forums02:46
Ultraputzer ubuntuforums.org02:46
psychici'll figure it out02:46
Ultraputzanother thing...02:46
Ultraputzit may be that you rvideo hardware needs / highly benefits from a restricted driver02:47
Ultraputzand you have to turn that on in the ubuntu repository, download it...02:47
ron_orah, upgrade's xserver failed. Probably has to do with me nvidia graphics card.02:47
Ultraputzand then it has it's own setup, usually through a control panel called restricted drivers, though it may have something even stupider like it's own setup program.02:47
Ultraputzupgrade <expletive>ed me.02:47
psychicyea i dont know how to get restricted drivers02:47
Ultraputzyou turn it on in synaptic02:48
Ultraputzits in the preferences.02:48
psychicron_o i have trident cyrberblade not nvidea02:48
Ultraputz9.04 was my great white hope, theoretically, my ati chipset was supported02:48
Ultraputzi'd love to find out02:48
Ultraputzas soon as i can boot my machine again, i'll let anyone whose curious know :-)02:49
SiDi!info emesene02:50
ubottuemesene (source: emesene): platform independent MSN Messenger client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-2ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 1260 kB, installed size 4400 kB02:50
psychicdo i press close or revert after i check the restricted drivers02:51
kromarhow can i resize the system partition?03:01
ademI need some help with wifi connections and such. Can someone help me really quickly? I just think i'm doing something stupid.03:09
galvonixi would help, but i dont run wifi here03:12
psychicgo into #ubuntu03:12
galvonixso never tried it03:12
psychictheres more of a chance u will get your answer03:12
galvonixway more conversations going on there03:13
psychicgalvonix agrees03:13
ademI'll try.03:13
psychici only come in here for the long shot on an xubuntu techspert03:13
galvonixi just love this version of xfce in jaunty03:13
psychici am upgrading to 9.0403:14
galvonixu will like it03:14
ademI love 9.04 so far its just this wireless problem that's giving me a headache.03:14
psychici am having to much trouble with the  display03:14
galvonixi never use gnome anymore. xfce kicks ass03:14
psychici'm glad i dont use wireless03:14
galvonixah that nvidea bug?03:14
galvonixme 203:14
psychicno i have an even better one03:14
galvonixthere is a reason i dont use it lol03:15
psychictrident cyberblade03:15
galvonixwhats the bug u are running into?03:15
psychicthe same as nvidea i think03:15
psychici need to get 1024x76803:15
galvonixi think thats who makes it for the other brandings03:15
psychicbut its not giving me anything larger than 800x60003:15
galvonixyea im running 115203:15
galvonixyea that so sounds like a driver issue03:16
psychicits common to toshiba satelites03:16
psychicor so i gather from forums03:16
galvonixwere u coming from ibex?yea i have seen a couple of those cards03:16
psychicthe funny thing is after i fixxed the problem oncwe i cant find the same forums anymore03:16
galvonixATI support rocks in this one too, but that dosent help u03:16
galvonixi HATE it when that happens to me03:17
psychicactualy i dont know what it means03:17
galvonixwhich is a lot03:17
psychicbut when i start my computer i get somthing that says unsupported ati chipset03:17
psychicit said that even when the display was working03:17
galvonixit was working in prior versions, right?03:18
psychicthe biggest pain for me is i'm trying to get someone to like ubuntu03:18
psychicno i havn't upgraded yet03:18
galvonixyea thats always the case when u try to convert people.03:18
psychicits in the process03:18
psychicbut i had the prob when i 1st installed xubuntu03:18
galvonixhumm, yea im sure there will be a fix soon enough posted in the forums03:18
psychicand then i got it fixed03:19
galvonixyea its just a matter of finding the answer again03:19
ademApparently its a problem with locked and unlocked wireless03:19
psychicthen i accidently restored to that last good config on start up03:19
psychicand the display prob cam back03:19
galvonixi hayea thats gonna be a weird fix03:19
galvonixhave an idea that is03:19
galvonixi have had that happen to me when i look up a fix and then need it again on another install, but cant find it anywhere03:20
psychicgotta start keeping forums in a cd03:20
ademSomething is really wrong here.03:21
galvonixi got ayea or have a better way of searching03:21
psychiclike a save fav postings on the site03:21
galvonixim sure if i learned PHP i'd have that taken care of03:21
galvonixyea mozilla has the keywords with the bookmarks03:21
galvonixkinda can help03:22
psychici'm working on that one slowly03:22
galvonixthe PHP?03:22
psychicmostly html is what i'm learning now03:22
ron_oI forgot what a nightmare it was getting nvidia recognized.. hehe..03:22
galvonixive been thinking about learning that one too03:22
ron_ogot upgrade working. :)03:22
psychicso what are the common problems in 9.04 so far03:23
galvonixi think the xfce version in jaunty rocks compared to ibex03:23
* galvonix has had no issues03:23
galvonixi have KDE, Gnome and XFCE, xfce is my default03:23
psychici dont know what i have03:23
galvonixfluxbox too03:24
psychici know xfce cause i used it03:24
psychicand i think gnome03:24
galvonixyea its like a fast gnome03:24
psychicwhat is?03:24
galvonixtakes like half the memory too03:24
psychici might be able to ditch the swap03:24
ron_oxfce ain't like gnome at all. But it does use some of its apps.03:24
galvonixyea gnome is similar to xfce, but xfce does it fast03:24
ron_opsychic, don't.03:24
galvonixi said similar....it has two menu bars by default03:25
galvonixmeant similar03:25
psychicbut it is notably faster ?03:25
psychicthe new one03:25
ron_owhy would 9.04 be much faster?03:26
galvonixnot so much, just a better version of xfce compared to 8.10 (imho)03:26
ron_ousually the more complicated it gets and user friendly the slower.03:26
ron_oyou have an old pc?03:26
psychici dont know why it would be faster but some just are03:26
galvonixbetter code03:26
psychici have a toshiba laptop03:26
ron_ofor speed fluxbox is best.03:26
galvonixim on a vaio from 200403:27
ron_ogalvonix, yah, keep dreaming. Maybe less bugs.03:27
galvonixyea fluxbox is pretty sweet03:27
ademI'm on a viao as well.03:27
galvonixi like it's menus03:27
ademFN series?03:27
galvonixim a P4 3.3 GHz 1 gb ram03:27
galvonixvery fast with linux03:27
ron_op4.. hot.03:27
ron_obut still fast.03:27
galvonixyea except for windows03:28
ron_oluckily I got the core2duo about the time it came out.03:28
ron_oI really like it.03:28
galvonixthats a kick ass chip03:28
psychicmines 2.66 ghz p4 and 512 mgb ram03:28
ron_o2gb here. :)03:28
psychicthe problem is its got onboard graphics  guess03:28
galvonixyea i need to stick 5 more simms in there03:28
ron_othe thing is I really want speed because I'm starting to get into virtual computing.03:28
psychicthat brings the useable ram down to 47003:28
galvonixi run the VMware workstation no problem here03:29
ron_oeven at this speed, another OS slows things down.03:29
galvonixof course03:29
ron_onah, I'm using Virtualbox.03:29
ademugh, i just need to make this thing into a mediapad.03:29
galvonixit's about 30 percent slower than running it natively03:29
adempentium M, 1.73ghz, 512mb ram03:29
ron_othe problem is VB is still fairly new, and the guest OS can't use my coreduo yet.03:29
galvonixi like both, i just use VMare03:30
galvonixron: that blows03:30
galvonixwhats the point of the duo part lol03:30
ron_oI really like xubuntu and ubuntu, but they'd be start to really push the envelope when you do an upgrade on visuals. Like their own wallpaper and cool music.03:31
galvonixi think i ran into my first issue03:31
galvonixyea GNOME is heading that way i hear03:31
ron_oit's smart.03:31
galvonixKDE 4 is kinda pretty03:31
ron_oit's like, "you've arrived"..03:31
ron_ogreat advertising.03:31
psychicyea i seen one of the ubuntu systems that had some wavey windows and stuff03:32
ron_olinux is dead on visuals03:32
psychiclike if u grab a window to move it03:32
ron_othat's probably from 3D desktop stuff.03:32
galvonixit really depends on how much work you want to do with screenlets and all that other visual crap03:32
psychicit would have motion to it like the bottom would drag and catch up with the top after u stop moving it03:32
psychiclike it was going fast or somthing03:32
galvonixthere is always compiz03:32
ron_oI hated compiz.03:33
ron_obesides the wow factor I showed folks.03:33
galvonixyea i don't care for it much either03:33
galvonixi once had my windows catch fire when closed03:33
psychiclol how03:33
galvonixunder the "custom, custom" settings in visual effects....i dont use it in xfce03:34
galvonixone of the prefeences03:34
galvonixin gnome03:34
psychicabout 6 hrs remaining03:35
galvonixwhen i burn an ISO the breaso thing flakes out03:35
psychicnow were at 403:35
galvonixhow are u downloading it?03:35
psychici cant stand the fluctuation i think theres bad lines or somthing03:35
dsmith_6hrs to download what?03:36
ron_ouse kde.03:36
galvonixyea. u using torrent?03:36
psychicit was at 2hr and some minuts earlier03:36
ron_ouse k3b rather for burning.03:36
galvonixyea the update servers were like 30k/bps the day it was released03:36
psychicyea i'm sure03:36
galvonixgotta try that03:36
psychici gotta grab something to eat03:37
galvonixi did a sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and it took HOURS03:37
dsmith_k3b is good03:37
galvonixyea ill try that03:37
dsmith_so is soundconverter pkg03:37
ron_oand burn DAO for iso.03:37
ron_oalways DAO.03:38
galvonixgod i need cigarettes03:38
* dsmith_ is going to insatll ver. 9.05 on his very old lappy03:38
dsmith_er..9.04 ahem03:38
galvonixu mean 9.04?03:38
* galvonix types in the dark too03:39
dsmith_the +1 is a extra release feature...cough...cough03:39
galvonixah so far it's working flawless for me03:39
galvonixor it could be 9.04.103:39
* NikonRaccoon looks in, is looking for help with installation issues with 9.0403:40
galvonixwhats the problem?03:40
dsmith_clean install or update/03:40
psychicyeea alls i care about is relayingthe jist of it i knew u know what i meant03:40
galvonixeither works good03:40
galvonixif u update prepare not to do too much for a while03:41
NikonRaccoonSeems to hang on the live CD when the bar is at about 15-20%. Unfortunatly, I don't know what to do to troubleshoot from here03:41
galvonixthe conical servers are _swomped_03:41
dsmith_i bet MS wishes thier servees were swamped....ooops03:41
galvonixgo into your x.conf file thingie and disable wuiet boot03:42
galvonixyea atleast ours still work when we release software03:42
dsmith_yea, do verbose03:42
NikonRaccoonOk, how do I do that for the live CD?03:42
* galvonix is not too sure u can03:42
galvonixthere is a key u can press, right?03:42
galvonixare you sure your install media is ok?03:43
NikonRaccoonRan the integerity check right after I burned it03:43
psychicif i had that probwith it hanging i'd hope i had some way of getting a new download and redo it03:43
* NikonRaccoon also gets the hang with the Ubuntu Disc as well03:43
galvonixstrange....booted right up for me....what kinda machine u running?03:43
galvonixi would think so03:43
NikonRaccoonCompaq Armada M70003:44
NikonRaccoonIs a laptop03:44
galvonix_figures_ i hate those compaq03:44
NikonRaccoonRan 8.04 just fine03:44
galvonixwell u wont know until you see what POST message it hangs on03:44
galvonixotherwise it could be 100's of things03:45
galvonixtry to search google with how to disable quiet mode in the x config file03:45
psychicone of the most stress ful things for me was not being able to get on xchat servers03:45
galvonixwhy not?03:46
psychicthen hrs later i found that i can get there through pidgin:)03:46
psychicthats still a mystery03:46
galvonixim using xchat now03:46
psychicstill dont work03:46
* NikonRaccoon was able to get it to install earlier, but the Live CD and install both hang at the same point. Tries recovery mode03:46
galvonixyea that works too03:46
galvonixi havent been on IRC for ages03:46
psychicit took me almost a day to figure out how it worked on pidgin03:47
galvonixafter the launch i came on here03:47
galvonixyea pigin can be a bitch03:47
galvonixi hate how the menus are laid out03:47
psychici'm just a newbie to it all03:47
psychici was just figuring out windows03:47
psychicthen it got to infected for me03:47
galvonixoic....well u are lucky to realize the err of your ways early03:47
psychicand so i turned to the only complete and free os03:48
psychicubuntu here i come03:48
galvonixyep....u will never look back03:48
psychici might come close somtimes03:48
galvonixi started using linux a long time ago, but ubuntu is the best for most folks03:48
psychicyea i hear03:48
galvonixwb ron03:48
galvonixi use gentoo, debian and of course ubuntu03:49
galvonixcompared to gentoo this is easy03:49
psychici thought about trying some other linuxs but03:49
galvonixgentoo is cool though03:49
psychicone step at a time03:49
galvonixhave u checked out linux mint?03:49
galvonixits the same as ubuntu03:49
galvonixjust more pretty03:49
galvonixin gentoo you compile your compiler03:50
galvonixi use it for a lot of servers03:50
galvonixand i have debian 5 running on an old mac g4 i turned into a server03:51
NikonRaccoonLast line that shows is: 20.084041 ---[ end trace 9b3abb066ab7cc1a ]--- init: rec-default man processes (15410 terminated with status 13903:51
galvonixi have no clue what that could mean, try asking in the #ubuntu channel03:51
* NikonRaccoon merfs03:52
NikonRaccoonI can't scroll up to see the top of the trace either03:52
galvonixi gotta jet people....take care03:53
=== galvonix is now known as galvonixAWAY
psychicpeace u to03:54
FirefisheI'm on a system running xubuntu, ubuntu, and kubuntu (kde 4.2.2).  I'm wanting to boot into xubuntu (xfce4) exclusively, use xfce's desktop, window manager, file manager (thunar)--and have thunar manage *all* file mgmt. issues--but am having problems.  I turned off gnome compatibility, logged back in via kdm's gui login screen, and the x-server was restarted each time.03:56
FirefisheI logged in via Failsafe, and   did `startxfce4' on the command line.  Here's the output of the terminal:  http://rafb.net/p/EkrjAk38.html03:56
psychicask the #ubuntu channel03:56
psychicyou will get your answer there03:57
Firefishethank you03:57
psychicbe patient yet persistant03:57
psychictheres alot of people03:57
Firefishethey may ask me to ask here ;) hee03:57
psychicover a thousand03:57
psychicdont settle lol03:57
Firefisheubuntu-offtopic might also be of help03:57
psychici have xubuntu and i use #ubuntu all the time03:57
Firefishevery good then :)03:58
Firefishethanks again03:58
psychicyup i'm heading there myself but i'll be here to03:58
FirefisheI'm there03:58
Firefishebusy tonight, I see03:58
Firefishepsychic:  hmmm...busier than usual04:07
psychicthe way to catch i have learned is ask to ask a question they hate it04:12
psychicbut for some reason they stop and help then04:12
psychicthe nice thing is even tho there is a problem with my display on the laptop if i plug it into the 46 inch lcd it works fine04:15
psychici cant get it above 800x600 on the laptop monitor04:15
psychici dont know if u overseen any of my tech issues from earlier04:16
psychicbut that was the big one04:16
jek2bdanyone know why my volume control disappeared when I upgraded to jaunty? volume hotkeys inop too04:18
ron_omust be a bug. Someone had the same problem earlier.04:18
jek2bdok does anyone know what the name of the program that did the volume control is so I can just add a launcher?04:19
psychiccan u type in something like in the xfce version like if ur desktop disappears? u run xfdesktop to get it back04:19
psychicyea thats it04:20
psychictry to run it04:20
psychicmaybe alt f2 will work04:20
jek2bdthat's what I found but it doesn't offer the slider on the panel like before the upgrade04:20
ron_othere's also a standalone app called gvtray or soemthig like that.04:20
jek2bdit comes by default with no controls enabled which is annoying04:21
psychici'm asking how to get it for u in #ubuntu04:21
jek2bdapropos gvtray has no results04:22
ron_owell it's for linux, but not for ubuntu specifically.04:22
ron_osudo /etc/init.d/kvm stop04:23
jek2bdok so I could download it that's helpful thanks04:23
ron_odon't know why there isn't volume control. That sucks.04:23
ron_oI ain't going to 9.04 ever if they don't have that one.04:23
jek2bdwhat does the sudo cmd do I mean the stuff after sudo I know what "sudo" does04:24
psychicjek2bd i guess u can try right clicking on the top bar and add it04:25
ron_oat http://fora.tv I am watching a flash video, and even when I restart the computer the flash video continues from where it left off, so  I know it's on me computer. Anyone know where it might be besides the obvious?04:25
ron_olike /tmp or in opera's cache?04:25
DiecastMessiahHailz all04:25
jek2bdthe prob is that its not in the menu of stuff to add in jaunty04:25
ron_owhat about thru xfapplet? Showing gnome applets in the panel?04:26
ron_ono luck there?04:27
DiecastMessiahhave a question about games and Vsync ... will it help out in speed at all???04:27
jek2bdapropos for volume only turns up the mixer which sucks so they accidentally killed easy volume control in jaunty.04:28
DiecastMessiahasked some friends and they have no idea.... best they say is try it and see if it work or not with in on or off..04:28
DiecastMessiahwith it** on or off04:28
DiecastMessiahOk better question then ... what does Vsync do... godd idea to use or not?04:42
FirefisheI'm on a system running xubuntu, ubuntu, and kubuntu (kde 4.2.2).  I'm wanting to boot into xubuntu (xfce4) exclusively, use xfce's desktop, window manager, file manager (thunar)--and have thunar manage *all* file mgmt. issues--but am having problems.  I turned off gnome compatibility, logged back in via kdm's gui login screen, and the x-server was restarted each time.04:47
FirefisheI logged in via Failsafe, and   did `startxfce4' on the command line.  Here's the output of the terminal:  http://rafb.net/p/EkrjAk38.html04:47
Firefishescratch that paste04:47
Firefishefirst one's  deleted04:47
ron_othere's reasons why there's a different distro for each display/window manager.04:52
gorgutdoes anyone know of a tor package for jaunty>?04:53
psychicnot me04:54
gorgutwtf. that sucks04:54
dabbillwhat network manager does xbuntu use?04:54
psychicwell i thought say i didnt was better then 72 people saying nothing04:54
psychichmm i'll try to find that out for u04:55
psychicand in the mean time check with people in #ubuntu04:55
gorguti did, no repsonses there either04:55
psychictheres alot more people04:55
psychictry this way04:55
psychicthey hate it but it gets attention04:55
psychicask them if u can ask a question04:55
psychictype it like04:55
psychici have a question04:55
psychicif u dont get some one just flood a bit lol04:56
psychicjust a sec04:56
DiecastMessiahdabbill, mine just says Network Manager Applet04:59
DiecastMessiahhttp://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager/  << website for it... its gnome if that helps out05:00
psychichavn't got anywhere on that one for u gorgut or the network manager question05:01
DiecastMessiahI missed the question about the network manager05:02
gorgutDiecastMessiah, what's the question?05:02
DiecastMessiahno idea... was tring to help out05:02
gorgutoh lol05:02
ron_ois there a linux app that can help find where a program is accessing or writing to on me hard drive?05:03
ron_olsof ain't cutting it and I don't know why.05:03
DiecastMessiahlike a mount program?05:03
psychici dont knwo05:03
DiecastMessiahohh i see mmmm not sure05:03
ron_olike if I wanted to know what Xchat was doing, and what files it accessed or where it was writing its log files.05:04
psychicsomeone asked about what network manager xubuntu uses i tried to find it couldn't05:04
ron_olike I said. lsof should do it, but it aint.05:04
DiecastMessiahbest i can say is to open in termial05:04
DiecastMessiahopen it in termial and do what ya do want and then look back to see what it did05:04
ron_oterminal doesn't give you every nitty detail unless the app has some kind of -vv (extra verbose) settting.05:04
DiecastMessiahok then i am no help lol05:05
DiecastMessiahi guess i was lucky the few times i did that....05:05
psychichow do u enable restricted drivers05:06
DiecastMessiahhow i found out alot of sound problem and things.05:06
gorgutron_o, "sudo dpkg --listfiles <packagename>" will give you a list of the files that a package installs... does that help?05:06
ron_olooks like strace will do it.05:06
psychicis it in synaptic?05:06
ron_oI'll try it out tomorrow,.05:06
ron_ogorgut, no.05:06
ron_ogo to fora.tv and watch one of their videos.05:07
DiecastMessiahin synaptic make sure you allow restricted packages05:07
ron_otrying to find out where it's being installed on me system.05:07
gorgutpsychic, I would think you would need to uncomment some debs05:07
ron_oeven when I used another web browser, it recognized that it was on my computer.05:07
ron_oI mean, wtf?05:07
gorgutin your /etc/apt/sources.list05:07
psychicok thanks05:08
psychicgorgut what do u know about display problems05:08
gorgutpsychic, I've had a few05:08
psychiclike ones where u get a lil black border around the screen and cant get the full 1024x768 u need?05:08
DiecastMessiahwell you can turn that on..... and also there are other sources lick you can add05:09
gorgutpsychic, not sure about that one. never had anything weird like that happen to me05:09
psychiclol now it's weird b4 it was just a pain05:10
DiecastMessiahmmm sound like you need to make bigger on the monitor itself... or you have some problems with Margins05:10
DiecastMessiahcheck out settings in workspaces and Margins to be sure05:11
DiecastMessiahbecause i have odd things.. when i change screen res's i have to tweak my monitor just a little to get rid of black area05:12
jek2bdfound gnome-volume-control using catfish but its not the interactive panel control I had before05:12
arrrghhhok, so i KNOW i have flash installed (i have xubuntu-restricted-extras installed) - is there something different in jaunty?  i lost flash in that upgrade.  or do i need to symlink that .so file again?05:12
psychicgood for u jek2bd05:12
psychicmaybe u can make a link to it on your tool bar05:13
DiecastMessiahadd your Keys??05:13
jek2bdit just pops open a window like xfce-mixer but it opens much faster. go figure05:14
psychic3hrs 38 mins on 9.04...05:15
psychicabout 4 hrs05:15
psychicand its been downloading for 2 or 3 now05:16
psychic18 kB/s lol05:16
psychici should have gone with torrents05:16
psychicnow its 56.305:16
psychic2 hrs05:16
psychic4 hrs05:16
psychicsorry i know i'm flooding it's fun tho05:17
DiecastMessiahjek2bd, when you close the ternimal does the vol_ controll go away to05:17
psychicjek2bd mabe there is something in the properties to place it in the toolbar05:17
jek2bdwhen I launch it from the terminal yes05:17
jek2bdwhen I use a launcher in the panel no05:18
jek2bdnot trying to be a smart a$$ I'm a newbie05:18
psychicme 2 but i'm exploretive05:19
psychicu cant mess anything up 2 much05:19
DiecastMessiahI newbie to... but i like to help out.. with i can .05:19
psychicooh that reminds me05:19
gorgutpsychic, apparently you Tor was dropped from Jaunty due to lack of maintaining05:19
gorguthave to use the latest version for intrepid from a different repo05:20
jek2bdthe only way I've been able to get a volume control to stick in the panel since 9.04 is to ad it as a launcher like you would any other program. my volume controls disappeared in the upgrade. I wonder though if I log in with a fresh config if it would come back05:20
DiecastMessiahanyway i am off later all05:20
psychictheres an app that backs up your sysytem so if u have a problem u can restore to a specific point instead of being stuck with a case where after u get all the bugs out u need to start back at a bug filled reinstall like state05:20
jek2bdlike blow away my settings and have them be set to defaults05:21
psychicand gorgut i dont know what a tor is05:21
DiecastMessiahjek2bd, try to open with Alt F2. then logout and save session05:21
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DiecastMessiahsee if that will do it....05:21
gorgutpsychic, Tor: "The Onion Router" it's a anonymizing agent05:22
DiecastMessiahmy panels gone me one day and thats how i got it back05:22
psychicit's still downloading it's just downloading slow.... theres lots of people geting it from the same source as me apparently05:22
jek2bdok f2 does nothing on desktop if that's what you meant05:23
psychicdiecast what is the command for jek2bd after the alt f2?05:23
jek2bdalt f205:23
psychicgorgut hmmm?05:23
DiecastMessiahwell you said you open it.... not sure the command05:23
psychicjek2bd u still on the volume control or is it somthing else05:23
DiecastMessiahjust use alt f2 .. run command window not the ternimal05:24
psychicyea tru05:24
DiecastMessiahthen just reboot05:24
psychicthere is a list of run commands somewhere i'll do a search for u jek2bd05:24
DiecastMessiahor logout.. should work... just to save the session05:24
jek2bdok thx already have a launcher in panel but it only opens window not interactive volume control like b405:24
psychici gave up on my own tech probs for now05:24
DiecastMessiahnm the launcher you made05:25
jek2bdits workable just annoying to loose something obviously useful like the volume control when upgrading05:25
DiecastMessiahok well thats all the idea i have....05:26
DiecastMessiahlater all05:26
jek2bdthanks for all your help05:26
DiecastMessiahoff you play some urbanterror05:26
jek2bdI really appreciate it05:26
jek2bdbye yall05:27
psychicjek2bd i just remembered somthing05:29
psychicoo to late05:29
=== Freudian|Sleep is now known as Lucifer_Cat
kebi just dist-upgraded to xubuntu 9.04 and now my desktop background wont change color06:45
pcfreak30ok, could anyone give me a clue as to why flock freezes 5 times a minute07:17
kebmaybe it doesnt work with your version of gdm or xorg07:20
pcfreak30anyone home...07:20
pcfreak30it works07:20
pcfreak30i have 9.0407:20
pcfreak30but it goes "uninterriptable' too much07:21
pcfreak30llike almost every action i take07:21
pcfreak30and is the highest memory hog in my cpu07:21
pcfreak30then firefx would be highest07:21
pcfreak30so, anyone have any ideas as why this is occuring07:24
pcfreak30over 5 times a minut07:25
pcfreak30freezes for like 20-30 secs a time07:26
pcfreak30it is version 2.0.307:26
kebwhat if you kill it, does your system still freeze like that07:27
pcfreak30keb: its not the system07:28
pcfreak30flock feezes07:28
pcfreak30nothing else07:28
pcfreak30its equal to not respnding in windoze07:28
pcfreak30and does it 5 times a min07:29
kebhow do you know it is flock and not something that flock depends on07:29
pcfreak30i got the install from getdebs.net07:30
pcfreak30manually put in flash07:30
pcfreak30and it works like crap07:30
kebif you use synaptic or apt-get to install extra stuff, it will be properly integrated into your system07:31
pcfreak30um no...07:31
pcfreak30if u tryed it ur self07:31
pcfreak30its not in the repos07:31
pcfreak30or i would have07:31
kebi dunno how goot getdebs.net is07:31
pcfreak30well they make it easir07:32
pcfreak30cause it goes innto the /opts dir by default07:32
kebmaybe its not in there because it isnt compatible07:32
pcfreak30this got put in standard07:32
kebyou might have to compile it from source to ensure it works right07:32
pcfreak30i used the 8.10 version cause its all they had07:32
pcfreak30i may try07:33
pcfreak30but will do other things first07:33
pcfreak30does anyone have any clue as to why the ubuntu boot screen refuses to appear on my vizio lcd hd tv07:34
JohnWphi, i was wondering what's the easiest way to browse files via smb with xubuntu, im running it in a virtual machine and ive shared the outside files with vmware and ive installed the vmware tools07:35
SlonkieMight wanna try gigolo07:35
JohnWpi tried googling about but most of its outdated07:35
pcfreak30vmware or vbox07:35
JohnWpis there a smb sharer gui i can install, i tried looking at Linneighborhood07:36
JohnWpbut it's not in the repos anymore07:36
pcfreak30man, flock was bugging. now ff is doing it...07:38
pcfreak30how can i get my lcd tv to show the ubuntu boot screen07:38
JohnWplinkthanks Slonkie07:38
SlonkieApplications>System>Remote Filesystems07:39
Slonkieor type gigolo in terminal, whatever you prefer :).07:39
pcfreak30how can i get my lcd tv to show the ubuntu boot screen? anyone07:41
SlonkieIs your lcd tv your primary screen?07:42
pcfreak30it has a rgb hook up07:43
JohnWpSlonkie: can Gigilo do discovery?07:43
pcfreak30to my tower07:43
pcfreak30so tv = monitor07:43
pcfreak30its used for my hd tv as well07:43
pcfreak30aka digital cable07:43
pcfreak30johwp: dont believe so. i looked at it. no option 4 it07:44
JohnWpSlonkie: i found it, and its shared but where in my / is it07:58
JohnWpshared to,07:58
JohnWpthe open button in Gigilo doesn't do anything :(07:58
JohnWpsays it's connected07:59
JohnWpi tried df -h07:59
JohnWpto see mounted places, doesn't show up07:59
Slonkiesorry JohnWp, i don't have a solution, but i do have the same problem.08:06
pcfreak30ok, it seems that the deb had an issue'08:08
pcfreak30cause the flock.com version works fine08:08
solotimhi, what is the command name of xfce menu editor?08:09
solotimthank you ricochet08:18
Maxwell2432My problem: I just installed Xubuntu 9.04 on my new laptop, it's an HP Pavilion dv1000, and for whatever reason, I am unable to connect to a wireless network, but have internet access when I plug it in with an ethernet cable, any ideas?08:18
solotimno, system can't find the "xfce4-MenuEditor". I'm using 9.0408:19
SlonkieMaxwell2432, what's your wireless card?08:20
SlonkieI'm afraid it's Broadcom since it's HP :(08:20
Maxwell2432I don't know08:24
Maxwell2432I was trying to figure that out earlier, but gave up.08:25
Slonkietype lspci08:25
SlonkieShould show you it08:26
Maxwell243206:06.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)08:26
R1cochetdo u have the driver?08:26
SlonkieWhat i expected.. Sorry i don't know the solution, but now you might be able to get help on google.08:27
Maxwell2432No, I do not have the driver08:28
Maxwell2432well, actually i don't know.08:28
FirefisheI'm on a system running xubuntu, ubuntu, and kubuntu (kde 4.2.2).  I'm wanting to boot into xubuntu (xfce4) exclusively, use xfce's desktop, window manager, file manager (thunar)--and have thunar manage *all* file mgmt. issues--but am having problems.  I turned off gnome compatibility, logged back in via kdm's gui login screen, and the x-server was restarted each time.08:40
FirefisheI logged in via Failsafe, and   did `startxfce4' on the command line.  Here's the output of the terminal:  http://rafb.net/p/4id4Q231.html08:40
foogmaahmm, I haven't tried that kind of system in a long time08:47
Firefishexfce only, eh?08:47
foogmaaI wonder if all the DMs can play together anymore08:47
Firefisheyah, tell me about it08:47
foogmaayeah, I'm exclusively Xfce at this point08:48
Firefishexfce is  up, but I have gnome/nautilus icons08:48
foogmaaXubuntu has a lot of Gnome stuff in it08:48
foogmaanow that I think about it, Gnome has been messing around with their session manager08:49
foogmaano telling how much stuff they have come up whether you want it or not08:49
foogmaaI really don't know, though08:50
foogmaaI played around with a minimal system... added xorg and openbox08:51
foogmaaand before I knew it, I was adding Thunar and Xfce panel08:51
foogmaaso... I realized I was just rebuilding Xubuntu from the ground up :P08:51
Slonkieyou gotta love firefox eating 1gb of memory for 5 tabs -_-10:58
Sinisterout of how many ?11:11
basajaunhi all11:15
basajaunusb ntfs drive still do not mount in 9.04 bug  347034 in lauchpad any ideas?11:18
Lusulehey there :) i'm trying to get bitlbee working in irssi in xubuntu, but when i try to connect it says connection refused to local host - i guess this is because i need to restart the daemon but none of the commands relating to xinetd seem to work - what is the command to start the bitlbee daemon?11:25
pleia2Lusule: use with care, but these directions might get you on the right track: http://www.chinnodog.com/?p=10211:32
pleia2(assuming /etc/init.d/xinetd restart doesn't work magically)11:33
Lusulepleia2: says command not found when i try that11:33
pleia2oh, probably need to install xinetd :) the directions above say that too11:34
Lusulepleia2: thanks i'll have a look - what does xubuntu use as a daemon as standard then?11:35
pleia2in this case it's not really an xubuntu thing, it's just how the bitlbee package works11:36
pleia2I don't see many packages using xinetd these days, mostly they have their own init scripts in /etc/init.d/11:37
pleia2Lusule: hmm, is there an /etc/init.d/bitlbee restart command?11:39
pleia2oops :)11:40
Lusuledoes that mean all that faff with xinetd isn't needed?11:40
* Lusule starts uninstalling11:40
Lusulethanks pleia2 :)11:40
pleia2looks like, sorry, the bitlbee package has changed a bit between releases, I haven't kept up11:40
Lusuleah well, at least it's a simple solution now :)11:42
pleia2working, I hope?11:43
Lusulewell, i'm connected to localhost :)11:43
pleia2great! :)11:43
Lusuleso thanks!11:43
pleia2quite welcome11:43
kebi got a lot of messages like this when upgrading to 9.04: Xlib: extension "Generic Event Extension" missing on display ":0.0".13:33
NomikosJust upgraded to 9.04 which worked, but I get a regular terminal instead of a gui on reboot. Suggestions?13:34
NomikosI had once installed Kubuntu-desktop on it, a mention of which briefly flashes during boot (something about "could not start K-Desktop, not the default")13:34
=== Guest30923 is now known as Jimm
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=== Guest3061 is now known as waan
waanI've just installed xubuntu and I cannot get the wireless adapter to connect. I have a Linksys WAP45G (BCM4318)13:42
waanChecked the hardware drivers and there's nothing in there.13:43
BCM43Does anyone know why my xorg.conf would be blank?13:46
titan_arkhey :)14:06
titan_ark9.04 looks great!14:06
basajaunntfs usb drives are not read in  9.04 and its driving me crazzy14:07
basajauna bug has been filed in launchpad #34703414:08
basajaunI wish to God someone had an Idea before I roll back to another version14:09
BCM43basajaun: really?14:11
basajaunBCM43,   yes been battling with the problem since I installed 9.0414:13
BCM43basajaun: that sucks. I'm still struggling to change my xorg.conf14:14
basajaunBCM43,  on 9.04 ?14:14
BCM43basajaun: no, 8.1014:15
basajaunI must be stupid everything was running well in 8.1014:15
basajaunwhat is the problem then BCM43 ?14:16
BCM43some idiot decided that there should no longer be an xorg.conf14:16
basajaunlol yes14:16
basajaundo you have a screen resolution problem?14:17
BCM43now, i get artifacting, and the fix requires me to change a non-existent file.14:17
waanI'm trying to get my wireless working, it says wpc54g's don't work out of the box so i'm googling like crazy14:17
BCM43waan: http://forums.linksys.com/linksys/board/message?board.id=Wireless_Adapters&message.id=298714:19
BCM43that help at all?14:19
waanI'll check it out14:20
* basajaun curses in seven more or less known languages14:20
waanI think that's a bit old, it was working in ubuntu 8.10 before I Just installed the latest xubuntu and I never had to worry about any of that ndiswrapper stuff. Just installed fwcutter and extracted the drivers14:21
waanbut I don't even see that program in synaptic14:23
BCM43use aptitude14:23
waanThere are some posts on the ubuntu forums regarding jaunty so i'll check those first14:24
waanBCM43, what is aptitude?14:24
BCM43waan: a command. What are you trying to install?14:24
waanA firmware extracter for broadcom chipsets, but I don't even know if I am supposed to do that with the new version14:25
waanBCM43, ahh nevermind its b43-fwcutter found it14:26
waanBCM43, ahhhhh now that I am connected to the internet it found the driver to install via "Hardware Drivers" so I should be fine14:27
BCM43waan: nice14:27
waanI wonder why it wasn't listed there when I was offline, I would have just plugged straight in and installed it instead of worrying about what the problem was @_@14:28
waanBCM43, there is no xorg file in 8.10?14:28
BCM43waan: no14:28
waanMine had one for 8.10 and 9.40 but they had nothing usefull in them, just default monitor/screen with no settings14:34
waanBCM43, so you should be able to just define those sections and make whatever changes you need14:34
waanMostly because settings are automatically configured by the xserver now14:34
BCM43nothing at all for me. Idk what to do14:35
BCM43i miss xorg.conf :(14:35
basajaunow BCM43  :)14:35
BSEaah :D14:36
BSEI just understood ubuntu versioning :[14:36
BSEwell, but I have a problem, Jaunty changed how panel behaves?14:36
waantry this it should restore your xorg file, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg14:37
BSEI am not able to add there anything :(14:37
BCM43now look at debian versioning14:37
* basajaun looks at the useless usb drives and cracks up14:37
waanBCM43, or just "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"14:38
waanI don't really know what "-phigh" does14:39
=== Pricey is now known as Prickey
waanalso, did enybody else get a notification right after installing, that the language pack is not completely installed?14:41
kebwaan when you get that notification, click on it and follow instructions, it will go away afterwards14:46
waankeb, yeah I am installing the language packs now. There are some files for openoffice too. Any idea why they are needed?14:48
waansome stuff they missed out of the release?14:49
kebfor spell check and stuff14:50
kebthere was a problem with install taking forever due to language packs, so they may have delayed those until after first bootup14:50
basajauntwo module-errors at start up14:50
kebim speculating, but i was one of those who reported the problem last year for low memory systems14:51
waanAhh ok, thanks for the info. System is all updated now and ready to use14:51
waanBCM43, any luck?14:52
basajaunjust hope a fix comes out I have to split now bye all good luck waan  and BCM4314:59
duritongso I updated15:27
duritongan I was hit by http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1127373 as well15:27
artistxeuhhhh. no15:28
duritongas well I can't figure out how I can edit the menu, as my customized menu got lost during the update (the old xml file is still in the .config) anybody knows anything?15:28
artistxeduritong : first. trying to find it in the new settings manager. but there is a setting to let xfce manage your desktop. also. are you SURE you are not logged into a gnome session ?15:30
artistxeas far as losing any info during the update, you did do a backup ?15:31
duritongartistxe: I changed the session to xfce and I have the menu and everything15:32
duritongand I can't find it in the new settings manager15:32
duritongwhere should the menu editing be?15:32
artistxehmmm. I remember going directly to a file somewhere and deleting the entries manually15:33
artistxestill trying to find everything again from my previous version15:33
artistxeduritong : which menu ( maybe window-list) or do you mean the desktop menu ?15:35
duritongwell in general the xfce menu15:35
duritongso I assume the desktop-menu15:36
artistxethere is an app called alacarte to edit menus15:36
duritongyeah but this one edits the wrong menu15:37
duritongany changes to this menu won't be respected by xfce15:38
artistxechecking it right now15:38
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duritongartistxe: http://wiki.xfce.org/howto/customize-menu15:40
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artistxeseeing that bug in listed on other forums as well15:41
artistxeduritong, yes. that is file I was speaking of. to edit anything manually is the best way imo15:41
duritongI can change the location of the menu file using right click on the menu and then properties15:41
duritonghowever choosing the old format will fail15:42
duritongso I assume I have to change to the new format15:42
artistxehaving an issue myself here. trying to see if I can get 3d acceleration from my vid card or I may end up reverting to 8.1015:42
duritongmine is working fine15:43
duritongwell starting of compiz got lost, but that isn't that annoying15:43
artistxeduritong. I have one of the ATI cards that is no longer supported , but I am the type to (usually with success) find a workaround15:44
duritonghmm yeah ati cards suck15:44
artistxeyes. but I bought this laptop for my girl and did not want her stuck with windows15:45
duritongI can understand that15:46
artistxeeverything works fine excepting applications like Google Earth or 3d games which we don't use anyway15:46
artistxebut. I do want to use certain applications fullscreen15:46
tinglehi, since i installed 9.04 i cant maximize windows anymore whit alt+f5 what was normally default in the previous release. Could someone point me in the right direction to set the shortcut again?15:52
artistxesettings manager > keyboard maybe15:55
zerothisI have a borderless window that can be dragged (no resize, min/maximise/close) somewhere and need it for a presentation. How can I move it back on screen?16:22
=== freego is now known as forces
BSEzerothis: huh? what somewhere means?16:27
zerothisits not in alt+tab, not in windows list, not on screen. its 'missing'16:29
BSEah :(16:29
BSEnot even little part of it is visible?16:29
zerothisBSE: good point. no, I checked the edges and corners of my screens, not even a pixel for dragging.16:33
BSEand it just disapeared, or opened "away" already?16:33
BSEif opened, maybe in some config file there is wrong position :/16:34
BSEor you have another screen, just not visible [I had the problem before when I was on windows - dual display without second monitor]16:34
zerothisI have VGA-0 left of DVI-0. there is an S-Video on my card that;'s never worked, but I just got jaunty few days ago, all xrandr it off and see what happens opened away already. a config file would be standard, this is a 'Christian' app, standards are apperently un-Christian :)16:39
=== Prickey is now known as Pricey
kromarwhat append to disk manager? cant find it anymore since i upgraded to 9.0416:47
nahoJhey all. did a fresh install of xubuntu 9.04 and my sound card seems to not work, any ideas? in mixer it says intel 82801db-ich417:48
pcfreak30could anyone help me get the boot logo to appear on a vizip lcd hd tv...18:05
tinglehi, since i installed 9.04 i cant maximize windows anymore whit alt+f5 what was normally default in the previous release. Could someone point me in the right direction to set the shortcut again?18:25
charlie-tcaMaximize windows should be Alt+F10; see the shortcuts in Applications -> Settings > Window Manager18:27
charlie-tcaSome stuff got moved and re-arranged to comply closer to freedesktop.org standards18:28
tinglecharlie-tca: ty18:31
charlie-tcaYou are welcome18:31
Idespnnrpcfreak30: the issue with a boot logo not on your TV is probably because of a resolution your TV doesnt support18:31
ZeZuwhere is the network / wireless panel in xubuntu ?18:31
charlie-tcaZeZu: upper right in the panel. Same as Ubuntu18:32
pcfreak30how do i change the resolution of the boot logo18:37
ZeZuusplash.conf then redo initramfs18:37
charlie-tcamodify /etc/usplash.conf18:38
pcfreak30ok thats odd18:39
pcfreak30my boot logo wont come up\18:40
pcfreak30but the resolution is set correctly18:40
pcfreak30oh, um where does apt put source packages18:40
pcfreak30where does apt put source packages18:43
jek2bdfor those with laptops with volume control issues in jaunty you can add xfc4-mixer to your panel and if you mouse over it you can then adjust volume with scroll wheel (right side of track pad on mine) I have no idea why the volume controls are disabled19:20
jek2bdhow do I find out what number a given key combo like fn+ rightarrow is so I can then enter said number in /usr/share/acpi-support/key-constants and even if I change something here will it change what a given key is mapped to?19:24
jek2bdall asleep?19:25
charlie-tcaMaybe nobody knows the answer19:26
SlonkieAnyone experiencing that listen music player wont open when one double clicks an .mp3 file (Listen is set to defaut for this, and nothing else opens)19:34
jek2bdthe mapping to my volume keys broke when I upgraded to jaunty I'm just trying to fix that possibly by forcing the key combo (whatever number that maps to I've no idea how to find out) to map to what it was / what I want it to be...19:35
vinnlSlonkie, nope, I don't use Listen... Could you try opening it from a terminal window and see if it produces any output there?19:35
charlie-tcaSlonkie: yes, there is a bug on it.19:36
jek2bdI had that happen with listen when I didn't have all the codecs loaded19:36
SlonkieOkay charlie-tca.19:36
Slonkievinnl, may i ask which mediaplayer you use?19:36
vinnlSlonkie, Music Player Daemon, but that really isn't for everyone :P19:36
SlonkieOkay. :)19:37
vinnlI've used a lot though, I remember I quite liked Rhythmbox, and Banshee as well but that's quite heavy. Quod Libet is decent too19:37
Slonkieyeah i don't really like those. Listen or Amarok i prefer19:37
vinnlHeh, long live freedom of choice :)19:38
psychici have a message when i start my computer it says no exec line in session file xfce4 is that because i updgraded to 9.04???19:40
charlie-tcayes, psychic19:40
psychichow do i fix it?19:41
psychicor make it stop telling me that if its not needed?19:41
charlie-tcaChange .dmrc in your /home to xfce19:41
psychichow do i get there?19:41
psychicterminal or somthing19:41
charlie-tcaright now it should be ~/.drmc has Session=xfce419:42
charlie-tcaopen places, your name,19:42
vinnlpsychic, in Thunar, press Ctrl+H to show hidden files19:42
charlie-tcathen cursor down to .dmrc19:43
charlie-tcadouble-click it to edit it.19:43
psychicit looks like this in the file19:45
charlie-tcaYes, change it to Session=xfce19:45
psychico ok19:45
charlie-tcaThen save the file. Next time you log in, the error should be gone19:45
psychicanyone know how to fix display probs19:46
psychici am stuck in max of 800x60019:46
psychici need 1024x76819:46
psychicand display doesn't exist in the menu19:47
charlie-tcaYou don't have Applications -> Settings -> Display?19:47
psychici lost it as i was trying to manualy config it but it didnt matter because even wwhen i had it in settings it didnt help19:48
charlie-tcaSelect recovery mode from the Grub menu, then select XFix .19:48
psychichmm thats what caused the prob in the first palce19:50
psychicand does failsafe have somthing to do with this problem in any likelyness19:50
charlie-tcawhat is "failsafe?19:51
psychici dont know it says something about it when i start up19:52
jek2bdxfce4-display-settings is the program just run it in bash19:52
psychicthought it was like safe mode in windows19:52
psychicit stil dont go higher then 800x60019:53
psychicthanks tho now i know that command19:53
psychicey jek2bd whats up back again19:53
psychici didnt even realise who was typing19:53
jek2bdnot much19:54
jek2bdfound where keys are mapped to numbers controlling vol but no idea what the number is for my keys I want LOL19:54
psychicu know just as u left the room i thought i found somthing that would fix ur audio inconvience19:54
jek2bdjek2bd = just enough knowledge 2 be dangerous19:55
psychicu know how to get to the menu of items that start with your computer19:56
jek2bdyes I think its in settings19:56
psychici found 2 that get me there19:56
psychicgo there unlock and then click the audio ones19:57
psychictheres a few19:57
jek2bdthanks I'll try that19:57
psychicits called services19:57
psychicgo to it19:57
psychicit should work for u19:58
jek2bdok I found sessions and startup is there a different one?19:59
psychicservices is what i use19:59
vinnljek2bd, Services is under System19:59
psychicyea thanks19:59
charlie-tcaApplications -> System -> Services19:59
jek2bdthanks vinnl19:59
* charlie-tca too slow again19:59
psychic***not pro enough in this20:01
jek2bdI have all the audio services enabled from last night stumbled upon it and still no volume keys working20:01
psychichow u do that star thing20:01
psychici'll look for somthing brb20:01
psychicare u using the right device in sound properties20:03
charlie-tcajek2bd: when you right-click the volume control in the panel, left-click properties, try selecting different things under mixer control20:04
psychiche doesn't have it in panel20:04
charlie-tcarather, mixer track20:04
jek2bdwho knows it adjusts my volume when I slide the slider with the mixer window open and neither of the two options give me make the volume keys on my keyboard work20:04
charlie-tcathen it needs to be added?20:04
psychicyea thats should be in the mixer properties20:05
jek2bdI have it in panel now as a launcher and if I put my mouse over the icon I can adjust it using the equiv of the scroll wheel (right side of my track pad)20:05
charlie-tcaThey probably need to be added to Applications -> Settings -> Keyboard; shortcuts20:05
psychici dont know how to config that stuff20:06
psychici dont need to know yet tho20:06
jek2bdok I'll play with that. it doesn't work now so it can't get worse LOL20:06
charlie-tcaAll you do is open it, click add, tell it what to do, hit the key you want it assigned to.20:07
jek2bdok but I don't want to launch a program I want to perform an action within a program20:07
jek2bdthe add dialog opens a file browser for the command or script you want to launch with that hotkey20:08
charlie-tcaYes, you just tell it that, but I don't know the commands for volume. It should be like volume=au0 for off?20:09
charlie-tcaYou don't have to put a program name in, you can put just a command to be performed20:09
jek2bdmy mute button works its the up/down vol that broke :)20:09
charlie-tcaYou do have to use a valid command, which I don't know20:10
jek2bdok where is the command to increase volume is there a man page for it apropos volume is mostly about disks and there's one entry for xfc4-mixer and it's man page doesn't show a flag for schooching the vol one way or the other20:11
jek2bdinfo xfce4-mixer isn't any more helpful than the man page was its cookie cutter.20:12
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts20:12
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts20:12
jek2bdfrustrated at having to do that since it was working before and jaunty broke it20:13
charlie-tcaIt is just because there are so many changes with Xfce 4.620:14
karaHow do I add thunderbird icon to the main bar, next to my firefox icon?20:15
charlie-tcaAdd a launcher to the panel for thunderbird20:15
karaah ok, I will try and figure that out. THanks for the tip20:15
dpnuxApp finder would help :)20:16
vinnlkara, right click the panel, select Add New Item, then Launcher. Then open Applications->Accessories->Appfinder and drag Thunderbird to the left pane of the launcher dialog (you can remove the existing item in that pane)20:16
charlie-tcaYou can get all the information for the launcher from /usr/share/applications/thunderbird20:16
vinnl(And yes, that process should, and will, be easier ;-)20:16
jek2bdkara icons are un usr/shar/pixmaps so you can find them if you're still running 8.1020:16
charlie-tcavinnl: does that work now?20:16
vinnlcharlie-tca, only to the launcher dialog, not to the panel itself :(20:17
charlie-tcaOh, I see!20:17
karaThanks a lot guys! I am used to regular ubuntu where everything is stupid simple... it's a little harder to figure out here lol.20:17
vinnlYeah this is what I've found to be the hardest part of Xubuntu...20:17
karaAh that worked perfectly! Thanks so much guys. This is why I love the Linux community.20:19
BSEhmm, I am not able to add governor to the panel20:22
BSEand it changed back the application menu and I forgot where I changed it :D20:23
BSEit changed - upgrade to jaunty20:25
charlie-tcaBSE: what changed back?20:29
charlie-tcaThe menu formats are different for Jaunty, so the 8.10 configuration files don't work with it20:30
BSEyeah, thats probably it20:30
BSEbut I am not able to find where to set it again as I want:(20:30
charlie-tcaThere is no menu editor now. Perhaps http://wiki.xfce.org/howto/customize-menu  will help?20:31
BSEcharlie-tca: I would kiss, you, but probably youll not appreciate a kiss from man :D20:32
charlie-tcaYou're right. Just a hug will do.20:32
* BSE hugs charlie-tca 20:33
* charlie-tca thanks BSE and hugs him back20:33
dpnuxguys, how to detect the correct nvidia driver? i am using 420Go.20:33
dpnuxnever mind, I found some info on Nvidia Website.20:35
BSEhmm, shouldnt driver pack detect it automatic?20:36
charlie-tcadepends on the version of Xubuntu20:36
dpnuxyes, but there are 3 driver version but it lead to 96.xx driver20:37
dpnuxcharlie-tca: Jaunty, mate.20:38
charlie-tcaI normally pick the latest version, but on my old cards, I only get 96 showing, too20:38
dpnuxI just move from ubuntu to clean xubuntu which is very fast for my old laptop.20:39
charlie-tcaThat's good to hear20:39
pcfreak30how do u compile source packages with apt20:39
pcfreak30like if i downloaded the source, then modified it20:40
pcfreak30how could i hae apt compile and build20:40
charlie-tcaI would say "google" for that one20:41
charlie-tcaOr, to say it simpler: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo20:43
kalebI am making this xubuntu computer for the kids and I am wanting to remove all programs from the application list except the ones they are going to use. How would I go about that?21:31
kalebLike I want to remove, system and other21:32
charlie-tcahttp://wiki.xfce.org/howto/customize-menu would probably help with that21:32
nom_in xubuntu 9.04 I change my display resolution to 1024X768 but each time I log back in its changed back to 800x60021:33
nom_how do I fix that21:33
kalebThanks Charlie21:33
charlie-tcaYou are welcome21:33
BCM43I have a 82830 CGC and I am getting huge amounts of artifacts. Solution here: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=61433 involves editing xorg.conf21:34
charlie-tcaIf you add the sections you need to xorg.conf, Xubuntu should use it.21:35
BCM43charlie-tca, k, thanks21:35
nom_charlie-tca,  how do I add a section to xorg.conf?21:36
charlie-tcaedit it using gksu mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:36
nom_Where is the image used as background on the login screen? I would love to use it as my wallpaper its very beautiful21:41
=== nom_ is now known as noumaan
charlie-tcalook in /usr/share/gdm21:42
charlie-tcaYup, /usr/share/gdm/themes/Xubuntu-jaunty , I think21:43
kio5I installed xbuntu on an old Dell Optiplex and I'm getting the dreaded no network devices available. http://paste.ubuntu.com/158803/ anyone have any suggestions to help a newb out?21:50
charlie-tcaThe card is detected, what does "ifconfig" tell you?21:57
charlie-tcanm, I see it now21:57
charlie-tcanm, I see it now21:58
kio5I have the syslog handy too if your interested.21:59
charlie-tcaNo, it won't help me. I don't know how to get it to show up.22:09
charlie-tcaMaybe someone will, give them a chance22:09
kio5Ok, thanks for looking into it.22:09
psychicwhos still here22:13
psychici fixed my display...!!22:13
psychici finaly got it 4 days now22:14
edbinhi tedious22:14
psychicit's in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=806835&page=222:14
psychichello tedious22:14
tediousI just installed Xubuntu 9.04, and now every time I try to go into Second Life, my laptop shuts off within a couple of minutes.  this only happens with Second Life.  Any ideas on how to keep this from happening?22:15
tedioushello, psychic22:16
psychicneed help?22:16
tediousyes, please22:16
psychico i see22:16
psychici'm not sure on that one22:16
edbinnor me - totally at a loss22:16
edbini have a clean install22:17
edbinit works fine22:17
psychicso i'll tell u what i tell everyone u might be able to get ur answer in #ubuntu channel22:17
tediousoky, thanks, I'll try that22:17
psychicbe persistant22:17
byteframeUpon installing jaunty, updating, I then install either the 96.XX or 173.XX nvidia proprietary driver, and xfce doesnt start up. I get a blue screen, mouse pointer, and nothing starts up (panel, desktop, etc). I CAN bring up the run dialog by hitting control f-2, and the nvidia driver is working (fast move/resize). How do I debug the xfce desktop?22:17
psychicthey will send u here22:17
tediousokay :)22:18
psychicalt f222:18
psychicxfdesktop might work22:18
psychicrun it22:18
charlie-tcaSound like it is the proprietary driver, not the desktop22:18
psychicand this is how i learn22:18
charlie-tcaIf you don't install it, everything works?22:19
edbinhave you tried running xfce4-panel?22:20
byteframepanel works, but things are weird.22:27
byteframeThe shutdown button just asks to close the panel.22:27
byteframeThe whole xsession doesnt seem to be starting22:28
byteframeI should try a non automatic login, but it defaintly happens as a result of the nvidia driver.22:28
charlie-tcaYes, try the automatic login and add your comments to the bug report, please22:28
charlie-tcarather, no auto login,22:28
edbinif you have just started the panel, you will need to log off from applications menu22:29
charlie-tcabug 35129322:29
edbinthe panel will then start automatically22:29
byteframecharlie-tca, ah nice, thanks for the bug tip22:29
charlie-tcaThanks for commenting22:29
byteframeSlackware forever.22:30
lymlheya, i just installed ubuntu netbook remix on my eee 700, however it is running a bit slow so I wonder if it is possible to migrate to xubuntu while still keeping the netbook goodies (drivers, launcher, battery settings etc etc) to squeeze a bit better performance out of it?22:38
psychicwhat is the best performing 9.04 setup i can do22:48
psychicis there a theme22:48
demon_nice work guys 9.04 looks f*** nice22:49
tediousI am having trouble with my laptop overheating and shutting off when I am in Second Life since I installed xubuntu 9.04.  can anyone tell me how to adjust my fan speed?22:52
psychicanother trouble uh oh'22:52
demon_tedious,  lol i am not here to judge but dont you have a real life :D22:53
psychicwhat is second life?22:54
demon_a game22:54
psychiclike a safe mode?22:54
demon_so you can live a second live22:54
demon_to be what ever you want22:54
charlie-tcapsychic: A plain background uses the least resources22:54
charlie-tcaAlso, no compiz or compositor22:54
psychici thought so as far as themes tho is there one in 9.04.. that is least consuming to ram?22:55
psychichow do i turn that stuff off22:55
demon_yes but you need 196 min for the compositor22:55
charlie-tcaI don't know, Have not tested them.22:55
demon_they are turn off22:55
demon_on* sorry22:55
tediousdemon_ : yes, I do, thank you, but as my fiance is four thousand miles away, it is the opnly way we get to dance together for the moment...22:55
charlie-tcaSettings -> desktop22:56
charlie-tcaimage NONE22:56
demon_lol tedious  mine is 3000km :)22:56
psychicnow thats ok by  me22:56
tediousso demon_ : so you need Second Life too then22:56
demon_tedious,  to just a plane ticket :D22:56
tediousbut now I can't stay in more than a minute or two before overheating22:56
demon_tedious,  its the flash22:56
demon_that is the problem that is overheating the CPU22:57
demon_have you ever played this game on linux??22:57
tediouswhat I do about it?22:57
tediousyes, it ran fine in 8.1022:57
psychicu know i heard someone mention a program tht was eting up 3 gigs of ram and 4 gigs of swap lol22:57
demon_flash 10?22:57
demon_try opera tedious22:58
demon_maybe will heat up less with it22:58
knomepsychic, that's called windows on vmware with unlimited resources22:58
tediousSecond Life is not over browser it's a stand alone application22:58
demon_lol nice nick knome22:58
knomedemon_, thanks.22:58
knomedemon_, thanks for the nice comment earlier also. :P22:59
demon_for the xubuntu??22:59
knomedemon_, yeah.22:59
demon_soooooooooooooo manyyyyyyyyyy things to choooooooose22:59
demon_i can make it the way i like it and its small and i dont need e17 just xfce23:00
psychicyea thats right23:00
psychicwhats it do23:00
demon_knome, here comes the big test if this works i will LOVE IT23:00
knomedemon_, right :P23:01
demon_didnt pass the test23:01
knomedemon_, what is what you are talking about?23:01
demon_i cant use my web cam23:01
knomewhat is its model?23:01
demon_aaaaaaa model23:02
demon_Bus 004 Device 002: ID 046d:0929 Logitech, Inc. Labtec WebCam Pro23:02
knomewhich logitech?23:03
demon_labtec webcam pro23:03
knomed'oh, right.23:03
demon_there are some UVC or smt like that drivers but dunno23:03
knome"This webcam is supported by gspca_zc3xx driver."23:04
demon_doesnt work mate23:04
demon_i have tryed with amsn23:04
demon_knome,  can you help with it23:05
knomenot really.23:06
knomei have little experience on hardware in general.23:06
knomei usually just read and test what others have done and successed in.23:06
knomedemon_, have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam ?23:07
demon_sudo apt-get install xawtv23:07
demon_will this help?23:07
knomeno idea.23:07
knomeyou always can try23:08
psychicwhats the run command  for audio?23:16
psychicnow i'm having that problem23:16
demon_knome,  still doesnt work23:20
knomedemon_, sorry to hear.23:21
knomedemon_, maybe somebody can help you at some point. i'm sure it is possible to get it working.23:22
Gartral1how do i adjust gamma in jaunty xubuntu?23:26
Gartral1using an intel gfx card23:26
Gartral1lspci | grep VGA gives: 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82810E DC-133 (CGC) Chipset Graphics Controller (rev 03)23:30
lukinforewat that been fixed in ubuntu version?23:31
lukinforecurrent is 0.7.5-4ubuntu223:32
likemindeadAnyone loving/hating ext4?23:46
likemindeaddemon_, are you using ext4?23:47
demon_lemme see23:47
likemindeadIt's not the default option. You'd have to manually choose it at install.23:48
demon_nope 323:48
demon_i like 3 its the best23:48
BSEI was thinking about it, read huge flame in bugging zone, and decided it is not necessary :)23:48
likemindeadI have a couple of friends who've been using it since Thursday. They're loving it. Boot times from 13-20 seconds.23:49
likemindeadI actually just forgot when I installed Xubuntu 9.04 Beta. ;-(23:49
BSEI am not doing filesystem intensive work and I am booting once per day :P23:51
likemindeadWell, even with ext3, my old 1.8GHz Celeron/2GB RAM desktop is booting running _very_ nicely with Xubuntu 9.04. ^_^23:53
BSEsame here :) with new low-end laptop23:54
* likemindead is away: BBL -- Zombies23:56

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