
igcmorning all00:03
mwhudsonhello igc00:04
mwhudsonigc: did you see that bug i filed on bzr-historycache?00:04
igcmwhudson: not yet, just logged on00:05
mwhudsonigc: ok :)00:05
* mwhudson holds off on the nagging00:05
spivigc: welcome back.00:21
spivigc: there's mail on the list from Greg Ward about bzr-fastimport you should look at, if you haven't already.00:22
igchi spiv00:43
igcspiv: thanks for the tip - yet to get to email today but will soon00:44
mwhudsonwow, i have bzr revert exploding00:50
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mwhudsondulwich is requiring python 2.5 again :(01:06
mwhudsonand tests fail01:09
lifelessspiv: If my patch from friday is unreviewed, I've nearly corrected the [small] fallout from it, would love a review.01:51
lifelessspiv: '[MERGE] Reduce round trips pushing new branches substantially' is the subject01:52
spivlifeless: sure.  I'd love a review of the updated sink-side checking for missing parent inventories patch, btw.02:12
lifelesshave some administrivia I've been deferring too long to finish02:12
spivFair enough.02:12
lifelessspiv: is bzrlib.tests.blackbox.test_push.TestPush.test_push_error_on_vfs_http failing for you ?03:39
spivlifeless: passing for me04:06
spivlifeless: (py2.6, jaunty)04:06
lifelessits my removal of 'no host'04:14
lifelessoh no its not04:18
lifelessits because its not trying mkdir :)04:18
lifelessits probing for a smart server04:18
lifelessspiv: why do we have should_probe, rather than the medium probing for us ?04:21
awilkinsIs dulwich what comes after brisbane?04:23
lifelessits a python implementation of git04:24
lifelessused for bzr-git amongst aother things04:24
awilkinsAh, yes04:24
spivlifeless: it was added because really only the HTTP medium needs to be probed, others know immediately if the transport can support smart requests or not.04:30
spivlifeless: that work could probably be pushed down into the medium rather than via should_probe, if that's what you're asking.04:31
spivThere's probably a bit of extra awkwardness with the "probe" doubling as a weak version probe, I don't recall off the top of my head if that matters to anything.04:32
lifelessspiv: indeed, I've added a block of code04:34
lifelessare you subscribed to commits?04:34
lifelessif so, one commit back has my 'fix tests' commit - could you review that too04:34
lifelessthen it can land04:34
spivI am, I'll take a look.04:36
spivlifeless: sent a reply to your review reply, looking at fix tests commit now.04:42
spivThen it's *really* lunch time :)04:42
spivlifeless: that commit looks fine.04:44
lifelesscool; in which case I'll land [using your tweak from before :P] - I've replied to your reply fwiw04:46
meoblast001hi.. i just branched a project with bzr and i have no bazaar configuration directory04:53
lifelessmeoblast001: that sounds fine04:55
lifelessmeoblast001: but perhaps you mean something other than what you typed04:55
meoblast001lifeless, but i need a bazaar configuration directory04:55
meoblast001so i can set my whoami04:55
lifeless'bzr whoami --help'04:55
meoblast001lifeless, is this the correct format Braden Walters <meoblast@aol.com>04:56
Peng_meoblast001: Yes.04:57
meoblast001ok thanks04:57
mwhudsoni just this the ssh user name thing04:59
lifelessmwhudson: EPARSE05:00
* mwhudson tries again05:00
mwhudsoni just hit the ssh user name thing05:01
lifelessmwhudson: please upgrade it to a bug then :)05:03
* spiv wonders why he hasn't05:05
* spiv has lunch05:05
lifelessmwhudson: do you have an authentication.conf file?05:06
mwhudsonlifeless: yes, for launchpad stuff05:07
lifelessok, that rules out that theory :)05:08
* fullermd also has LP stuff in auth.conf.05:08
lifelessI don't have one, was wondering if that was related05:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 367726 in bzr "ssh usernames specified in .ssh/config are not honoured for bzr+ssh connections" [Undecided,New]05:12
lifelessbah, pqm failure I can't reproduce05:18
lifelesschilly day today06:24
AfCI believe "bloody freezing" would be more apt.06:31
mwhudsonAfC: i didn't think mainland australians were allowed to use phrases like that06:37
lifelessmwhudson: canadians should know06:41
AfCI am but an ex-pat, cast adrift upon a sea of strangeness and schooners.06:56
vilahi all !07:16
Peng_vila: Hello. :)07:21
lifelessspiv: and its landed07:58
Peng_Yay, "bzr pull" downloaded a reasonable amount of data instead of 5 MB.08:00
mwhudsonPeng_: working on launchpad, 5 megs is fairly reasonable! :)08:02
spivlifeless: yay08:04
lifelessspiv: found another aliasing bug though, which I just fixed in transit08:05
spivI saw that commit; it looked reasonable.08:05
lifelessyeah, I figured it was clearly correct :)08:05
AfCDoes someone have a branch of bzr-gtk handy (ie published somewhere) handy? The branch on Launchpad is stalling out.08:25
spivAfC: weird, I just branched lp:bzr-gtk with no trouble (47s, 3.7M repo)08:28
spivAfC: I can push it up somewhere for you but it sounds like something funny is going on...08:28
AfCspiv: fair enough. I'll try again.08:30
* AfC hopes it realizes it already downloaded half of it08:31
AfC[I am hoping to elucidate why `bzr viz` is claiming that pygtk is not installed]08:32
AfC[I don't think it's bzr-gtk's fault, but a glitch in the (otherwise excellent) Python packaging on this distro. I recall a similar problem when I did Python 2.4 to 2.5]08:32
mwhudsonJc2k: did you know dulwich trunk tests fail and it depends on python2.4 again?08:47
lifelessmwhudson: do you mean 2.5?08:52
mwhudsonlifeless: i do08:52
mwhudsonclearly today has not been a good day for me to try to make sense08:52
* lifeless finishes off txaws.ec208:53
garyvdmHi - I did:09:52
garyvdmbzr mv lib/diff.py lib/diffwindow.py09:53
garyvdmbzr mv lib/extdiff.py diff.py09:53
garyvdmbzr commit09:53
flacostei get the following error when i bzr branch from lp:09:53
Peng_diff.py or lib/diff.py?09:53
garyvdmMany eyes...09:54
flacoste[francis@Huxley launchpad]$ bzr branch lp:~danilo/launchpad/ajax-textboxbzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.ErrorFromSmartServer: Error received from smart server: ('error', "'AbsentContentFactory' object has no attribute 'get_bytes_as'")09:54
* igc dinner09:54
Peng_flacoste: Ah, lucky you. Known bug. It's been (or being) fixed. The simplest workaround is to not use the smart server, e.g. "bzr branch nosmart+bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/ajax-textboxbzr".09:56
flacosteok, thanks!09:56
Peng_(or sftp://)09:56
Peng_flacoste: FWIW, the problem is that newer clients use new smart server methods that require more data to be on the server, and older clients didn't push that data when using stacked branches.09:57
flacostePeng_, thanks it worked fine :-)09:59
Peng_Great. :)09:59
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jdobrienI keep getting the following error:12:33
jdobrien [unknown]12:33
jdobrien  netrc_credential_store /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins/netrc_credential_store [unknown]12:33
james_wthat's an error?12:37
james_wwhat are you doing to get that?12:37
james_wis that just part of the output?12:37
lifelesswhat does bzr plugins show jdobrien12:57
jdobrienlifeless: actually I'm experiencing that bug #35403613:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354036 in bzr/1.13 "ErrorFromSmartServer - AbsentContentFactory object has no attribute 'get_bytes_as' exception while pulling from Launchpad" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35403613:00
jdobrienlifeless: the one our whole team is experiencing13:01
lifelessjdobrien: have you applied the fix, run the fix script?13:02
lifelessspiv has had the server fix approvd today, and I'm sure mwhudson will be keen to get it uploaded13:03
* jdobrien looks for the fix script13:03
jdobrienlifeless: foo?13:03
lifelessand with the server side fix done we can start investigating other causes13:03
lifelessits kindof a generic error13:03
jdobrienas is the patch name :-)13:04
jdobrienlifeless: bzrlib.errors.TransportNotPossible: Transport operation not possible: readonly transport13:11
lifelessuse a bzr+ssh url, not an lp url13:12
jdobrienlifeless: i did: python foo.py  bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gafton/ubunet/updown-fixtests13:12
jdobrieni think many on our team just downgraded bzr...it keeps us moving but doen't help resolve the issue13:13
jdobrienlifeless: oh wait... that's not my branch13:16
jdobrienlifeless: i suspect it needs to be fixed by its owner13:16
lifelessjdobrien: thats right13:25
lifelessdowngraded bzr will cause the problem for other people13:25
jdobrienyeah...like me! I can't review anyone's branch now13:25
jdobrienlifeless: hmm...that sounds like their problem ;)13:25
lifelessyou can use sftp:// urls as a workaround13:26
spivOr even prefix nosmart+ to the bzr+ssh:// URL... the bug description should have a comprehensive list of workarounds now.13:26
lllama1Hello all. Simple question (can't quite find the right google words): how can I include (and have updated) the revid in my source files?13:41
rockyhas jelmer been around lately?13:43
lifelesslllama1: see bzr --help version-info, and also the new (beta quality in 1.14) tree filters13:51
lllama1lifeless: star. Many thanks.13:51
rockyis there anyway to disable a plugin that has been installed just for one bzr request?13:54
knielsenHi, I made a tag with `bzr tag -rrevid:XXX` in a local branch. The tag works fine, but is there any way I can see it like other pending changes? It's nowhere to be seen in `bzr status`, `bzr diff`, or `bzr missing`14:21
beunoknielsen, bzr tags14:22
beunoit's not pending, because it's already applied to the branch14:22
knielsenI assume it will be transfered as part of a `bzr push`, but it would be nice to see what tags are pending before pushing? But maybe that's not possible14:23
beunoknielsen, sure, bzr tags-missing or something like that would be nice14:23
beunofile a bug  :)14:23
knielsenbeuno: ok, thanks. So a tag is not part of a commit, I guess, bzr tag applies the tag immediately without waiting for a commit14:24
lifelessknielsen: a tag of an existing rev is immediate, yes.14:24
knielsenmakes sense I guess, thanks for the help14:24
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vilaBasicOSX: It looks like NEWS in bzr.dev is quite wrong. At least it mentions bug #256612 being fixed in 1.14rc2 where in fact the fix exists only in bzr.dev (AFAICS)16:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256612 in bzr "should prompt for usernames during HTTP Basic/Digest auth" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25661216:21
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LarstiQgah that wiki spam is irritating18:44
jamLarstiQ: yeah, I got newz to disable their accounts19:05
jamdid you also realize they are attaching files with bad html19:06
jamnasty stuff that uses javascript to rewrite the body19:06
jamand encode the actual content in decimal19:06
LarstiQjam: haven't spotted that in the notifications19:06
jamLarstiQ: Attachments don't generate emails19:06
jamwhich is also a bad thing19:06
jamI opened an rt request about having attachments generate emails19:07
LarstiQjam: ah, I was wondering if the dribble might have been data in distributed network19:07
jamLarstiQ: and even better, if you delete the *page* it *doesn't* delete the attachments19:07
LarstiQjam: great19:07
garyvdmHi - I'm hacking some new code for qbzr.19:12
garyvdmI have a simple base class - and another class that inherits form that.19:12
garyvdmWhen I lazy_import the base class - I get this error:19:13
garyvdmbzr: ERROR: exceptions.TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases19:13
garyvdm    metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases19:13
garyvdmWhen I don't lazy_import - It works fine.19:14
garyvdmHow come this is?19:14
LarstiQgaryvdm: are you doing metaclass magic?19:15
garyvdmLarstiQ: No19:15
garyvdmThis is the code and trace back19:15
garyvdmThe base class is in bzrlib.plugins.qbzr.lib.diff: http://python.pastebin.com/d18c07715 - line 3819:16
LarstiQgaryvdm: that looks to me like it should work, my only guess is that the base class is being lazy_import proxied and clashes somewhere19:17
eggy_It looks like the ScopeReplacer overloads __getattribute__, __call__ and __setattr__, and that doesn't work for subclassing19:17
LarstiQgaryvdm: jam is much more knowledgeable about lazy_import, maybe he knows19:17
garyvdmthe inheriting class is in bzrlib.plugins.qbzr.lib.commands: http://python.pastebin.com/d597201ff - line 32819:17
jamI know nothing :)19:17
eggy_LarstiQ: I don't think you can possibly proxy out subclassing19:17
* LarstiQ hands over the stage to eggy_ ;)19:18
jamgaryvdm: if you are inheriting from a class lazy importing is worthless19:18
jamso don't fret too much about it19:18
eggy_You can't even proxy out use of operators like + and () with __getattribute__19:18
jamI have the feeling that metaclasses get things messy19:18
garyvdmjam: ok19:19
eggy_jam: should this get documented? Like, "don't use this for classes you're going to subclass"19:19
jameggy_: if you want, it should be fairly obvious that using something during import that you 'lazily' imported, is just going to force the import19:19
jamgaryvdm: are you importing the class itself, or the module19:20
jamin *general* i would only use lazy import to import modules19:20
eggy_jam: ah yes, I just read it now. It does recommend to only lazy import modules19:20
garyvdmjam: Just the class I think. I'm doing: from bzrlib.plugins.qbzr.lib.diff import DiffArgProvider19:21
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rindolfHi all.20:35
rindolfWhen doing:20:36
rindolfbzr checkout 'svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/' amarok.trunk/20:36
rindolfI'm getting:20:36
rindolfbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok".20:36
rindolfWhat can I do about it?20:36
LarstiQrindolf: I recall something about the kde repo layout being specified in the bzr-svn code20:41
LarstiQrindolf: which version of bzr-svn btw?20:41
rindolfLarstiQ: bzr-svn-0.5.3-1 , bzr-1.13.0, MDV Cooker20:42
LarstiQMDV Cooker doesn't mean anything, but the others seem fine20:42
rindolfLarstiQ: Mandriva Linux Cooker20:42
LarstiQrindolf: does `bzr branch svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/extragear/` work? Ie, two levels higher20:43
rindolfLarstiQ: let me see.20:44
rindolffetching svn revision info 57/96003120:44
* LarstiQ got that inspiration from bzr-svn layout.custom.KDELayout20:44
rindolfSeems so.20:44
rindolfWhy "bzr branch" instead of "bzr checkout"?20:45
LarstiQrindolf: might want to file a bug that the layout doesn't work as smoothly for the extragear part of the KDE repo20:45
LarstiQrindolf: oh eh, you can use checkout if you want20:45
* LarstiQ normally doesn't so did not construct what he would do with that20:45
rindolfLarstiQ: can I tweak the layout locally?20:45
LarstiQrindolf: I think so20:46
rindolfLarstiQ: OK.20:46
LarstiQrindolf: see `bzr help svn-layout`20:46
rindolfLarstiQ: where can I find layout.custom.KDELayout? I don't seem to have it.20:47
LarstiQrindolf: for me, the full path to the file is /home/larstiq/.bazaar/plugins/dev/svn/layout/custom.py20:54
rindolfI see it's in /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins/svn/layout/custom.py20:54
LarstiQrindolf: yeah, that makes sense for distro installed bzr-svn20:55
rindolfLarstiQ: OK.20:55
rindolfLarstiQ: is there anyway I can use it?20:55
rindolfKDELayout, I mean.20:55
LarstiQrindolf: well, I think it is already being used, which is why it raises the NotABranch error20:56
rindolfLarstiQ: ah.20:56
LarstiQrindolf: you could look in ~/.bzr.log or maybe `bzr info` to see what svn branching scheme is being used20:57
LarstiQrindolf: the thing is, it looks like the bzr-svn KDELayout is incomplete20:57
rindolfLarstiQ: I see.20:57
LarstiQrindolf: you might be able to get what you want with the help from `bzr help svn-layout`, but additionally I think bzr-svn's KDELayout needs to be fixed.20:57
rindolfLarstiQ: OK.20:58
rindolfLarstiQ: I don't see KDELayout being used.20:59
rindolfLarstiQ: and repository UUID matches.21:01
LarstiQrindolf: hmm.21:01
LarstiQrindolf: then I'm slightly out of my depth.21:02
* LarstiQ tries it locally21:02
rindolfLarstiQ: at least I don't see it in the logs.21:03
rindolfLarstiQ: but it may still be used21:03
BasicOSXvila:  haven't looked, but I'm hoping it's a bad merge. Probably from the spiv branch where I was warned NEWS merge might be messy21:03
LarstiQrindolf: it's not mentioned when -Dsvn -Dtranport are supplied either21:04
rindolfLarstiQ: ah.21:04
* LarstiQ ponders21:04
LarstiQrindolf: bzr svn-layout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/21:09
LarstiQrindolf: gives me an inverse trunk1 layout21:09
rindolfLarstiQ: so what can I do?21:45
LarstiQrindolf: have you tried the suggestion from `bzr help svn-layout`?21:45
rindolfLarstiQ: yes, I now added « branches = trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/ » and it seems to work.21:48
LarstiQrindolf: good to hear21:49
rindolfIt currently tries to fetch info on all 960059 revisions.21:49
rindolfLarstiQ: can I used the history only starting from a certain revision?21:49
LarstiQrindolf: I don't believe so21:50
LarstiQbut I'm just a user, so I could be wrong21:51
* LarstiQ goes to bed21:53
LarstiQrindolf: jelmer doesn't seem to be online, but if you file a question/bug on launchpad.net/bzr-svn he'll get to it21:53
rindolfLarstiQ: OK.21:54
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rockywhat version of bzr did bug #183559 get committed to (if any) ?22:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 183559 in bzr "bzr switch should have a -r option" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18355922:32
kenichithe hook that lp uses to comb "bugs" revprops... is that in the bzr source tree?22:47
jamrocky: 'fix committed' means someone implemented it, not that it has been merged23:08
jamlooking at the bug, it seems Odd_Bloke did the work here: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/bzr/183559-switch-r23:09

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