
bokeyScottK: the bug report was filed yesterday.00:58
ScottKbokey: What bug?00:58
bokeyScottK: for inclusion of libical000:58
ScottKbokey: I mean what bug number?00:58
bokeyScottK: sure hang on a sec00:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 367131 in intrepid-backports "Please backport libical0 (0.43-2ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1) from Jaunty to Intrepid" [Undecided,New]00:59
bokeyScottK: ^^^^00:59
bokeyDemn you told me to file it lol01:00
bokeyThe calendar plasmoid's chewing up CPU.01:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 352673 in kdebase-workspace "plasma cpu usage 40% and more" [Undecided,New]01:00
bokeyother than that its pretty decent01:01
ScottKRiddell: I just approved ^^^ backport.  I'd appreciate it if you'd take care of it (it's a pre-req for 4.2.2 backport)01:02
ScottKbokey: Thanks.01:02
ScottKGotta run01:02
bokeyScottK: Sure now worries.01:03
* Gon salio: Ausente por el momento01:47
* Gon ha vuelto.01:53
RiddellScottK: that bug asks for libical 0.43-2ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa102:09
Riddelljaunty has 0.43-202:09
Riddellyou want the 0.43-2 version?02:09
Goni take an screenshot with my plasma issue02:13
neversfeldeGon: what plasma theme is this?02:25
ScottKGon: That looks similar to what happens to me.02:32
Gonneversfelde: oxyglass more02:39
GonFAIL! my plasmoids looks horrible XD02:40
lex79I have same issue with plasma, also with qt 4.5.103:23
ScottKSomeone with more patience than me needs to write a good bug report.03:30
lex79ScottK: I think there isn't a steps to reproduce it, so seems difficult to write a bug report :)03:33
ScottKYes, that's why I haven't, but at least describe the  problem.03:35
lex79ScottK: I asked in #plasma and the answer is:03:47
lex79lex79: as far as i can tell, there is no such problem in kde 4.2.2 (i am running it). you should bother the kubuntu guys to get working graphics drivers03:47
lex79hmmmm :)03:48
ScottKlex79: Then I'd ask tomorrow in #ubuntu-x about what would need to be in a useful bug report.03:49
lex79ok, as you want, btw I think is not driver issue, I tried different versions of nvidia driver.03:52
ScottKAnd it happens to me with Intel04:02
ScottKSo if it's an X thing, it may not be a driver, but something else.04:02
mvoRiddell: what should we do with bugs like bug #366482 - its caused by the problem that there is no debconf frontend for qt4 and therefore sun java does not instal (pre-inst failure). we could refuse to upgrade packages with known problem like sun-java here? or switch to terminal debconf (ugly)?09:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 366482 in update-manager "[kde] Ubuntu 9 upgrade Could not install '/var/cache/apt/archives/sun-java6-bin_6-13-1_amd64.deb'" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36648209:52
eagles0513875mvo: is that being installed using kubuntu-restriced-extras or just the java package. cuz for me java installed fine in the kubuntu-restricted-extras package10:06
ghostcubemvo i updated with update-manager -d on kubuntu and all worked fine :)10:07
ghostcubeand sun is 6.13.110:07
eagles0513875and i installed with kubuntu-restricted-extras and it installed fine10:07
mvoghostcube: did you use the gtk or the kde frontend? its only a problem with the kde frontend because there is no debconf qt4 frontend10:07
ghostcubethe only strange thing i have is installing mysql5 will now autoremove akonadi-server- and akonadi-kde10:08
ghostcubemvo, i think i used the gtk frontend10:08
mvoghostcube: thanks10:08
ghostcubeupdate-manager is gtk in generall from konsole or ?10:08
mvoeagles0513875: its a user bugreport, I don't know how he installed it. but I'm pretty certain the problem is the missing debconf support10:08
mvoghostcube: yeah, update-manager is gtk (but the release upgrader component is also available for text and kde)10:09
ghostcubemvo, i had this problem too for an kde 3.x to 4.x update with the kde own installer a time ago10:09
* mvo nods10:09
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Riddellmvo: we should probably look into writing a debconf frontend for karmic?11:19
Riddellmvo: for jaunty just refusing to upgrade would be acceptable if you think that's possible as a SRU11:19
ScottKRiddell: Would you please do the backport in bug 367131?  It's a blocker for 4.2.2 and I'd like to get started on that while the buildds are still not very busy.12:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 367131 in intrepid-backports "Please backport libical0 (0.43-2ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1) from Jaunty to Intrepid" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36713112:30
RiddellScottK: version number was the query12:34
Riddell02:09 < Riddell> ScottK: that bug asks for libical 0.43-2ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa112:35
Riddell02:09 < Riddell> jaunty has 0.43-212:35
Riddell02:09 < Riddell> you want the 0.43-2 version?12:35
ScottKRiddell: I missed that.12:35
ScottKLet me  see.12:35
ScottKRiddell: 0.43-2.  There is no ubuntu1, the versioning in the PPA is just unfortunate.12:39
Riddellgroovy, backported12:51
ScottKOK.  Here we go then.13:04
* Riddell keeps hands inside the carrage13:25
* seele sighs13:25
seelekpackagekit has some problems, doesn't it13:26
seeleand theyre different problems from adept so it is impossible to figure out if switching was a good idea or not13:26
* seele pokes her eye with a stick13:26
eagles0513875compared to adept its much better organized13:27
seeleyes, but barfing a forking error every time you update is unreasonable13:28
* eagles0513875 swears at having to try and revoke his gpg key oon launcpad13:29
Riddellseele: is that the timeout error?13:33
RiddellI've uploaded a version with a raised timeout to my PPA13:40
seeleRiddell: yeah13:41
Riddellmm, 4.2.3 in two days time13:42
Riddellseele: try packagekit from my ppa  deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jr/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main13:51
Riddellsee if that helps13:51
neversfeldethere is a "© 2005-2008 Canonical Ltd" on kubuntu.org, should be 2009?14:02
RiddellI suspect that applies to the theme (stolen from ubuntu.com) rather than the content (which is community made)14:04
neversfeldesure, should be changed in the theme, but maybe this is not a high priority bug :)14:07
seelekpackagekit is written in c++, right?14:07
txwikinger_workfinally Kubuntu at work :)14:16
a|wenJontheEchidna: do you have any kdelibs insight?14:22
JontheEchidnaa|wen: in regards to what?14:22
a|wenJontheEchidna: is the file /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/designer/kdewidgets.so placed correctly, or shouldn't that be /usr/lib/kde4/plugins/designer/kdewidgets.so ?14:25
Riddellit's a plugin for a qt app14:25
a|wenRiddell: so location is correct?14:26
RiddellI'd say so14:26
Riddellbut check it works still14:26
a|wenmilian: /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/designer/kdewidgets.so should be the right placement ... what exactly caused you trouble regarding it?14:27
Riddellseele: I can't recreate that packagekit issue today.  have you had any luck with the package in the PPA?14:36
seeleRiddell: haven't restarted kde yet.. i will after my meeting (20 minutes)14:38
eagles0513875Riddell: i am noticing another bug but its probably not related to seele's but i have noticed after changing the sources it refuses to reload them14:38
Riddellwhat sort of changes?14:41
eagles0513875Riddell: any kinda whether it be adding source code repos pre release switching which repos are used14:42
eagles0513875i hit reload and the same box comes back up asking me to reload or close14:42
eagles0513875i end up updating my repos via command line14:42
eagles0513875what do you mean14:43
Riddelljust annoyed at what sounds like a significant problem14:45
eagles0513875do you recommend filing a bug against the new package manager14:46
Riddellyeah I guess so14:46
Riddellthere may well already be one14:46
eagles0513875ill look and if need be confirm it14:46
eagles0513875uck is giving me grief as well14:47
ScottKRiddell: Would you please accept the kde4libs in Intrepid (backports).  The LP U/I is giving me fits right now.14:50
RiddellScottK: done14:52
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.14:53
RiddellI wonder if we should organise a meeting to discuss UDS plans14:55
RiddellI wonder who's even going to UDS14:55
eagles0513875Riddell: not sur if you would like to confirm this bug14:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 367972 in kpackagekit "kpackagekit fails to update repos after changing source list" [Undecided,New]14:56
HobbseeRiddell: wasn't that supposed to be decided months ago?14:57
a|wenRiddell: +1 for your PPA scheme! that looks very sane to me14:59
RiddellHobbsee: which?15:00
HobbseeRiddell: who's going to UDS15:00
Riddellmaybe, doesn't mean I know about it15:01
* ScottK probably ought to make some travel arrangements. 15:01
seeleRiddell: didn't have any problems updating a few things from your ppa, so hopefully it's fixed15:02
* jussi01 wishes he was going....15:06
txwikinger_workDoes anybody have problems using firefox on jaunty Kubuntu?15:21
eagles0513875what kind of problem15:22
txwikinger_workI can't retrieve websites anymore15:22
txwikinger_workI can enter the url into the address field, but I can not start it to download it15:22
eagles0513875you probably have it set to working offline15:23
txwikinger_workI tried that15:24
Riddellrm -r ~/.mozilla  :)15:25
eagles0513875there was another nasty bug i found on launch pad that i found in regards to firefox15:27
eagles0513875it some how was causing this persons pc to use 90% of processor15:27
txwikinger_workRiddell: same difference15:30
Riddelltxwikinger_work: using network manager?15:30
txwikinger_workno don't think so15:30
Riddellyou aren't?15:31
Riddellmaybe firefox expects you to use network manager15:31
txwikinger_workit is not really the downloading.. it does not seem to get the event15:31
txwikinger_workit does?15:31
txwikinger_workAt home I don't use it either15:31
txwikinger_workand firefox works15:31
Riddelldunno, just a thought, this isn't really the place for firefox problems, not my area15:31
txwikinger_workI only need it because of firebug.. maybe we need to have something like that in Konqui15:32
ScottKWay to veer back on topic.15:34
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* seele grumbles about openoffice STILL not supporting transparent pngs15:38
Riddellhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/UDSKarmic/Attendees is lacking any Kubuntu types15:40
ScottKThe sarcastic reply is we figure there's no point in going since Ayatana is just going to design it for us anyway.15:42
ScottKThe true reply is I figured I'd add myself after I get travel plans.15:42
* txwikinger_work has not gotten any response15:44
Riddelltxwikinger_work: response from what?15:46
Riddelltxwikinger_work: about what?15:46
txwikinger_workif I get sponsored15:46
Riddelllet me ask15:47
sebasWho is packaging the networkmanager plasmoid?15:47
sebasRiddell: I'm planning to attend UDS, but canot find the invitation email anymore15:48
sebasNeeded to clear some things up before I could say that I can attend, but that's happened now15:48
Riddellsebas: jcastro says he'll resend15:52
sebasRiddell: ah cool, thanks15:52
Riddelltxwikinger_work: ask jcastro (he says he e-mailed you at the time)15:52
txwikinger_workok.. I will15:53
sebasAs to the networkmanager plasmoid, in the archives there's a pretty outdated snapshot15:53
sebasThe most critical issues are fixed in current svn, so an update would make a lot of sense15:53
sebasWill has also fixed the build on top of 4.2, if that was the reason15:53
Riddellsebas: there's no paticular person tasked to packaging it.  me and others looked at svn versions about three and one week before release and it seemed to be more buggy15:54
Riddellsebas: but if now is a good time to do a package an update would indeed make a lot of sense15:54
sebaslast week fixed quite some bugs15:54
eagles0513875Riddell: the only problem which seems to still be around is static ip issue15:54
sebaseagles0513875: filed a bug?15:55
sebaspreferably on bugs.kde.org15:55
Riddelleagles0513875: WPA is said to be broken, got told of problems with WEP today15:55
sebasI'm using it with WPA, and I'm connected15:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 339313 in ubuntu-release-notes "Kubuntu Jaunty: Cannot Connect To Wireless Network with WEP shared key" [Undecided,Fix released]15:55
sebasso it's at least not totally borked15:55
sebasI doubt it's overall more broken than that snapshot though15:56
a|wensebas: i think it was WPA2 that had some problems, whereas WPA1 did work okay15:56
eagles0513875Riddell: im connected to wpa as we speak  as well as at home15:56
sebasa|wen: I can't test that unfortunately15:57
eagles0513875sebas: no i have not yet in regards to the static ip issue15:57
* a|wen can't test that either15:57
Riddellopen week starting in #ubuntu-classroom16:01
Riddellhmm and I'm down to do a talk today, what should I say?16:04
Sputsebas: I had a problem with nm-applet keeping to ask for my password, and refusing to connect... though it worked once16:05
Sputsebas: haven't properly investigated though :/16:05
Riddellnm-applet not really sebas's concern :)16:05
sebasSput: that's the GNOME applet, I don't know its code16:06
Sputsebas: can't networkmanager connect to wireless pre-login, btw?16:06
Sputsebas: I meant networkmanager-applet :)16:06
sebasThat one's fixed, Sput :)16:06
sebasupdate from svn16:06
Sputnm-applet fails similarly though, it stores the password in its keyring and then prompts me again... displaying the password *hash*16:06
Sputsebas: ah ok, very recently? I thought I tested with some version last week16:06
Sputooooh. intel guys fixed KMS compeltely broken for my card.16:07
sebasSput: yeah, very recently16:09
sebasiirc that is16:09
Sputsebas: ok, I can try again :)16:11
Sputcurrently I keep switching between wicd and networkmanager *g*16:11
sebasyeah, networkmanager in kde4 is not quite ready for prime time16:12
sebasbut constantly getting closer16:12
sebasOne of the more visibly lacking things is proper artwork16:12
=== mars_ is now known as marseillai
Riddellhugs to sebas and will for working on it16:15
* |eagles051387| hugs all the dev's for creating the best distro around16:16
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: You are beautiful! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicSpecs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KarmicKDEMerges
Sputsebas: ah yes, I see a lot of commits since I last updated16:19
Sputwill try again :)16:19
ScottKRiddell: Reading the backscroll I'm glad we left KNetworkManager on the DvD.16:21
RiddellScottK: mm, totally16:21
|eagles051387|if anyone needs me to test something let me know16:25
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Sputsebas: fun, after upgrading to current drm-intel-next kernel, I can't suspend/resume via commandline (hibernate-ram) script anymore, but PowerDevil has stopped kicking me out of X and can actually resume now :D16:34
Sputexcept that it locks the screen after resuming now :)16:35
ScottKSuspend/resume works fine here on my Intel laptop with my release based distro ....16:36
seeleanyone know what plasma files you have to rm to get a clean desktop? i've still got old theme files and images16:37
seelee.g. the logout image is still skewed when in a new user it is fixed16:37
Riddellseele:  rm -r  ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* ~/.kde/share/apps/plasma*  I'd say16:42
sebasIt's probably pixmapcachages though, not config files16:42
Riddelloh why does my todo list keep getting longer today instead of shorter16:46
seelesebas: are those cached somewhere?16:48
sebasyeah, but I dunno where right now :o16:50
Sputsebas: clicking any of the wireless connections doesn't do anything16:50
sebasseele: <alediaferia> sebas: ~/.kde4/cache-hostname/kpc?16:52
sebasSput: any output in the console?16:52
sebas(plasmoidviewer networkmanagement to test)16:53
* sebas << dinner16:53
Riddelldinner is strictly greater than sebas, that's a large dinner!16:54
ryanakcahehe :)16:54
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seeledamnit, my plasma bar still isn't transparent17:02
seeleand the logout menu is still skewed17:02
a|wenseele: what desktop style do you use?17:03
seelea|wen: default17:05
seeleso whatever that is17:05
seeleit's supposed to have a transparent panel or something. i created a new user and all this stuff is fixed, it's just my old account that has weird stuff17:06
seeleand i can't just rm -rf .kde/ either.. too much important stuff17:06
a|wendelete everythin plasma-related in .kde and delete you kde-cache + kde-tmp while logged out, and the login again ... that would be my best guess17:10
* a|wen goes hunting for the missing letters in his sentences17:11
seelea|wen: i did17:12
seelethat's why i'm confused17:12
seeleis there anything outside .kde i should be removing?17:12
JontheEchidnaI turned compositing off, removed ~/.kde/cache-hostname/kpc/*, then turned desktop effects back on17:13
JontheEchidnaand now my panel is transparent17:13
seelehmm.. what/where is the compositing option?17:14
JontheEchidnadesktop effects == compostiing17:14
seeleJontheEchidna: when you log out is the Moon image skewed like in intrepid or is it fixed?17:15
JontheEchidnaOnly if I had compositing on, then turn it off17:16
JontheEchidnathe dialog gets a weird border, and the moon is stretched17:16
seeleyeah.. i got it now.. thanks :)17:16
RiddellJontheEchidna: do you have any impressive stats on how many bugs you've triaged?17:33
JontheEchidnaI haven't really been keeping track17:33
RiddellJontheEchidna: any impressive numbers I can wow an audience with?17:34
eagles0513875can i ask a question in regards to triaging bugs or should i ask elsewhere17:34
Riddellyou may17:35
eagles0513875is triaging a bug one where a bug cannot be reproduced?17:35
JontheEchidnaAccording to Launchpad, I have over 5,000 bugs related to me: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~echidnaman/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INVALID&field.status%3Alist=WONTFIX&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.17:35
* JontheEchidna really hates the size of launchpad search urls17:36
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do we have a minion again?17:37
JontheEchidnawe need minions17:37
* apachelogger remembers saying something that everyone who applies for mofu must first get in a new minion17:37
eagles0513875well im working on confirming bugs17:37
apacheloggereagles0513875: are you capable of doing proper bug forwarding as well? ;-)17:38
eagles0513875apachelogger: im willing ot learn17:38
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: take bug 333528 and get eagles0513875 filled in on the finer points of upstreaming please :)17:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333528 in kdeedu "step hangs trivially" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33352817:39
eagles0513875im currently fixedmy pgp key on launchpad which im currently trying to sign ubuntu code of conduct which isnt working for some reason but thats besides the point17:39
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* eagles0513875 still waiting17:40
JontheEchidnaOk, so basically forwarding bugs means filing a bug with KDE17:42
eagles0513875its ok JontheEchidna i understand your busy17:42
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: ok17:43
JontheEchidnaactually I was watching yotube :P17:43
eagles0513875so much for work17:43
JontheEchidnaanyway, we need to give the kde developers as much info as possible17:43
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: can i pm ya with something offtopic17:43
JontheEchidnaso once we get enough info we file bugs at bugs.kde.org17:43
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: sure17:43
* eagles0513875 love the name for 9.1017:44
JontheEchidnalet me see if I can find a good example...17:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: can I assign a bug to you, so that it gets taken care of for karmic? .... it's about a main inclusion17:46
apacheloggerbug 33352817:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333528 in kdeedu "step hangs trivially" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33352817:46
apacheloggerbug 66362 rather :)17:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 66362 in kdeedu "Equation Solver not enabled in Kalzium" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6636217:46
eagles0513875is the new konversation4 gonna be included in karmic17:47
JontheEchidnaI think it's pretty safe to say that we'll upgrade konversation to its KDE4 version in Karmic17:47
JontheEchidnaI've been using it for a month or so and it's pretty good as it is17:47
eagles0513875someone was talking bout i think there is no newer package or something of it in the ppa's17:48
eagles0513875im willing to package it if need be17:48
JontheEchidnaok, so here's an example of a bug I forwarded: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18506117:49
ubottuKDE bug 185061 in general "KSysGuard crashes in KSignalPlotter::beamColor() on exit after importing sheet" [Crash,New]17:49
JontheEchidnaActually, I forgot to include the link to the bug at launchpad17:49
JontheEchidnabut it's bug 33218717:49
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: question when you backtrace. you need the dbg package installed right17:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332187 in kdebase "Reproducible crash in kde system monitor when editing a sheet" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33218717:50
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: yes17:50
eagles0513875ok :)17:50
apacheloggerNightrose: bug 31625617:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316256 in kdeedu "parley crashes after multi-choice quiz" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31625617:50
Nightroseapachelogger: looking17:50
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: so in the case of bug 33528 you'd file an upstream bug saying "This bug was originally reported at https://launchpad.net/bugs/332187" and then give the reproduction steps and backtrace17:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 332187 in kdebase "Reproducible crash in kde system monitor when editing a sheet" [Unknown,Confirmed]17:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 33528 in gbib "starting gbib produces segmentation fault in breezy" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3352817:51
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: gotcha17:51
Nightroseapachelogger: will poke Daniel about it again17:52
apacheloggerNightrose: kthx17:52
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: then you'd go back to the launchpad bug, open up the "KDE Educational Application" task, and put that url in17:52
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: just link back to the bug filed upstream17:53
JontheEchidnayou see on the bug where it says "KDE Educational Applications"?17:53
eagles0513875give me a sec17:53
eagles0513875Riddell: can i pm ya with a quick question17:55
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: i see what your saying under assigned to you put the link to the upstream bug report17:56
Riddelleagles0513875: try it and see :)17:56
eagles0513875lol :( you got me scared now Riddell17:56
Nightroseapachelogger: Daniel says he dosn't think anything was done there17:56
apacheloggerNightrose: upstream bug should be confirmed I guess :)17:57
Arminiusfor asking for an update of the package list, shall I write to the mail list?17:58
Arminiusthe kubuntu package that is on the package list of Adept, is not the up to date version...17:58
JontheEchidnaArminius: you should file a reports at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu17:59
Arminiusok thx ;)18:00
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: didn't we have a bug like bug 367164 before?18:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 367164 in kdebase-workspace ""Set date and time automatically" doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36716418:00
* JontheEchidna is having a hard time finding it18:00
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: about rooting not working?18:04
eagles0513875i just want some feedback for you guys. i end up stripping kde back to command line then installing only kdebase would it be possible to include a 3rd version where kubuntu comes with nothing but base kde to allow for installing of what ever the end user wants. i am not sure if it is just me or not but it is a million times faster18:04
apacheloggerthat one is in kdesudo and hopefully fixed18:04
JontheEchidnaoh yeah, it was a kdesudo issue18:05
apacheloggerno cookies for tonio :P18:05
eagles0513875this is a rather nasty and annoying bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-widget-network-manager/+bug/34944518:05
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, eagles0513875: bug 357511 needs forwarding18:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 349445 in plasma-widget-network-manager "[jaunty] sometimes network manager asks for a WPA-Key although it is stored in KDE wallet" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357511 in kdeedu "SVG export in Kmplot doesn't work properly" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35751118:05
apacheloggereagles0513875: poke sebas with it18:06
eagles0513875sebas: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-widget-network-manager/+bug/34944518:06
* eagles0513875 feels really good helping improve kubuntu18:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: maybe you should bump https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1837318:28
ubottuFreedesktop bug 18373 in desktop-entry "Current desktop file spec unclear on validity of non-set Path entry" [Normal,New]18:28
txwikinger_workcan software updates authenticate against ldap?18:40
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: did you post a bug upstream yet bug # 357511 or would you like me to do that18:43
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: I was going to let you do it18:44
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: i was going to just wanted to make sure you did do it while i was eating dinner18:44
JontheEchidnaok, that's cool18:45
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: bugs.kde.org18:46
* eagles0513875 forgot my bugs.kde.org password lol18:49
sebaseagles0513875: please update to the latest version in SVN, I'm almost sure it's fixed18:50
sebasOr poke someone to update the package in the archive18:50
eagles0513875sebas: apachelogger told me to poke you about it18:50
sebasI saw that, doesn't change anything wrt the above :)18:50
eagles0513875sebas: what repos is it in18:50
sebasWait ... poke apachelogger to update the packages :)18:51
sebasmain, I guess18:51
sebasI just installed the package today and saw that it's way outdated18:51
eagles0513875apachelogger: can you update the package for network manager re the bug i linked earlier18:51
sebasSo bugreports right now aren't useful unless you're running svn18:51
apacheloggerit tends to become that way after release :P18:51
sebasconclusion: don't ship code that's in playground?18:52
apacheloggereagles0513875: can't, too little time ... ask JontheEchidna or Tonio_18:52
sebasIt has up and downsides18:52
apacheloggersebas: I would have shipped nm-applet to be honest :D18:52
eagles0513875sebas: this is much better then knetworkmanager18:52
sebasKeeps us on the toes, but also yields a lot of fixed-already-bugreports18:52
eagles0513875hey JontheEchidna18:52
sebasapachelogger: I would have called that a smart move, tbh :)18:53
eagles0513875sebas: why not have it added karmic18:53
apacheloggeranyway, I suppose we could just push a more recent snapshot to jaunty-backports18:53
sebaseagles0513875: don't ask me, I'm just a developer but haven't been involved with that decision18:53
sebasProbably because we *tried* to get  it in shape in time, but that didn't happen yet18:53
a|weneagles0513875: karmic is not open for uploads yet18:54
sebasapachelogger: well, no one wants that ancient SVN snapshot in main, so updating that makes way more sense18:54
eagles0513875a|wen: is there a wishlist for stuff to be added to karmic18:54
sebasAssuming it actually is in main18:54
sebaseagles0513875: it's called your personal TODO list :)18:55
a|weneagles0513875: well; updated packages of everything ;)18:55
eagles0513875ya lol18:55
apacheloggersebas: you should drop a mail to the list ... indeed it makes sense, then again we wouldn't want to risk regression so it shoudl go through a prelonged testing stage and stuff, which then again makes it outdated once it is in jaunty-updates ... but in theory it would make a lot of sense :)18:56
RiddellJontheEchidna: how many people do you think there are looking out for Kubuntu bugs?18:56
JontheEchidnalex79 does some work on bugs18:58
sebasapachelogger: tbh, I'm quite extremely busy this week, and I don't even use the package18:58
sebasrunning trunk makes more sense since I often end up fixing the bugs18:58
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 47133 needs uberforwarding18:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 47133 in kdemultimedia "MP3-support should be hidden when lame is not installed" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4713318:58
eagles0513875apachelogger: what was that bug that you linked earlier trying to consolidate open browsers and accidentally closed the bug18:59
apacheloggersebas: oh dear, that sounds like "nah, you do it" :P18:59
JontheEchidnaRiddell: apachelogger was the other big triager, until his employment18:59
apacheloggereagles0513875: dunno, read backlog18:59
lex79JontheEchidna: yes a bit :)18:59
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you need to go recruit em nasty triagers19:00
* a|wen tries to care for kubuntu packages in universe19:00
eagles0513875well im helping confirm bugs when i can19:00
JontheEchidnayeah, the MOTUs do a good job looking after universe19:01
a|wenif you have any packages in that category that i'm totally overlooking, just give me a hint19:01
JontheEchidnaLure does a good job with digikam19:01
JontheEchidnaa|wen likes kile19:01
a|weni need to have it work, for the next time i have to write one of those big reports :)19:02
* apachelogger thinks digikam should go main19:03
* eagles0513875 likes kile 219:03
* apachelogger even more thinks digikam should go CD19:03
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: basically i copy the problem as well as how to reproduce the bug right19:03
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: The problem, steps to reproduce, the backtrace19:04
sebasapachelogger: exactly :)19:04
a|weneagles0513875: i have an sru on the way for you to test when it gets accepted in main19:04
JontheEchidnaalso linking to the launchpad bug report is good too19:04
a|wenin -proposed19:04
eagles0513875a|wen: sweet :) im a latex addict19:04
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: there is no back trace https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeedu/+bug/35751119:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 357511 in kdeedu "SVG export in Kmplot doesn't work properly" [Low,Confirmed]19:04
apacheloggersebas: man, now I gotta find someone else to do it19:04
apacheloggerdelegation < work at times19:04
RiddellMamarok: what does "Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team Education Focus Group" do?19:04
eagles0513875apachelogger: do what19:04
Riddellfor that matter what does "Harald Sitter's Groupies" do?19:05
apacheloggereagles0513875: write a mail19:05
sebasRiddell: lol :D19:05
apacheloggerRiddell: send me flowers once a month19:05
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: oh, I thought we were talking about bug 33352819:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333528 in kdeedu "step hangs trivially" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33352819:05
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: nope19:05
eagles0513875i thought you did that one JontheEchidna19:05
JontheEchidnaI could do it19:06
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: ill do that bug you just linked what bout that other bug. what do i do since there isnt a backtrace19:07
JontheEchidnabacktraces are only useful in crashes anyways19:07
JontheEchidnaso just give the problem, steps to reproduce, link to the bug19:07
JontheEchidnaadding a copy of the attached picture to the KDE bug wouldn't hurt19:07
eagles0513875you want i do both bugs19:08
JontheEchidnathat's fine19:08
apacheloggerit's openweek again19:10
apacheloggermaster Riddell is doing a session19:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you get that mp3-support bug forward19:11
apacheloggerthat one was rotting for far too long19:11
JontheEchidnadoing it now ;-)19:11
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: noob question the bug reporting wizard is asking what kde version and distribution method am i off to a good start19:11
apachelogger~order cookie for JontheEchidna19:11
* kubotu slides one of world's finest cookies down the bar to JontheEchidna.19:11
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: I guess, yeah19:12
* eagles0513875 gives the room a gigantic cookie fore the best distro around19:12
Riddellapachelogger: I hope you  don't mind if I use you as an example of a model Kubuntu contributor19:12
JontheEchidnagive it the version that the reporter reported with or the most recent version that it's reproducible in19:12
a|wenRiddell / ryanakca: the link to "KDE 4.2 announcement" on http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-release doesn't work ... it should be updated to http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.2/ (or the 4.2.2 announcement?)19:12
ryanakcaa|wen: Sure.19:12
apacheloggerRiddell:  not at all, I have the biggest .... ego anyway :)19:13
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: it doesnt say what version  of kde that is being used19:13
RiddellMamarok: you're not a kubuntu member?  we should change that19:13
a|weneagles0513875: new upstream snapshot of the network-manager-widget uploaded to https://launchpad.net/~andreas-wenning/+archive/ppa ... cross fingers and hope that it builds ;)19:14
eagles0513875thanks im guessing it uses cmake a|wen19:14
apacheloggerclaydoh: bleeding-edge is too clumsy IMHO19:15
ryanakcaa|wen: kde.org/announcements/announce-4.2.2.php or kde.org/announcements/4.2/guide.php ?19:15
apacheloggerclaydoh: experimental fits the usecase best ... as that includes any kind of unstable software and/or packaging19:15
claydohapachelogger: yes, I agree after looking at it, its just a word anyway :)19:15
a|wenRiddell: what do you think? which kde 4.2 / 4.2.2 announcement?19:16
Riddella|wen: 4.219:16
Riddellpeople are interested in the main release not the bugfixes19:16
a|wenryanakca: number two, please :)19:17
ryanakcaOK, thanks19:17
claydohapachelogger: but I do see people getting a little confused by too may repos, and normal backports as wel19:17
claydohor rather any overlap19:18
claydohbut that most likely wouldn't be a problem in most cases I assume19:18
ryanakcaa|wen: fixed19:20
a|wenryanakca: thx!19:20
apacheloggerclaydoh: those people that would get confused, wouldn't know what updates and backports are for anyway ;-)19:21
apacheloggerit however raises a support problem19:21
claydohapachelogger: won't stop 'em though :)19:21
apacheloggerlike that dood comes along and says "after latest amarok update from backports it is crashing at startup"19:21
apacheloggerdoes he mean ubuntu's backports or kubuntu's19:21
ScottKThose should be supported if they are from actual backports.19:21
ScottKapachelogger: There's only one backports repo and both use it.19:22
apacheloggerScottK: see ppa thread on the list19:22
claydohso we use -updates ppa as we have historically done, then -experimental, then -ninja19:22
* ScottK looks for updates on the topic.19:22
apacheloggerclaydoh: not sure, but the naming might be a problem19:23
apacheloggerthen again .... how many users do actually know what name a certain ppa actually has?19:23
RiddellScottK: do you process New queue?19:24
RiddellScottK: what other archive admin tasks do you do?19:24
RiddellI'm planning on using you as another model developer in my talk19:25
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claydohapachelogger: well the naming is not important, really19:25
ScottKI can accept/reject into frozen pockets.  This means -backports and -proposed (although I only do that for Unvierse/Multivers).19:25
ScottKAlso accept into -release with the development version is frozen (I also just do this for Universe/Multiverse)19:26
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: did i do this right https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19086019:26
ubottuKDE bug 190860 in general "SVG export in Kmplot doesn't work properly" [Normal,Unconfirmed]19:26
ScottKRiddell: I can also prepare sync/backports for the syncbugbot, but because i don't work for Canonical, I need someone with data center access to actually run it for me.19:27
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: looks good19:27
eagles0513875im having trouble changing the assigned to on the bug for some reason19:27
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: nm its working slight lag spike19:28
ScottKRiddell: Thanks to pitti's sru-accept.py, when I do accept and SRU via LP gui, all the bug changing magic gets done just like if I had data center access.19:28
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: does this look good as well19:28
eagles0513875a|wen: question what do you recommend in regards to network widget the one from source or prepackaged19:29
ScottKRiddell: Since I'm also the motu-release team, I'm one stop shopping to get stuff in for Universe/Multiverse during release freezes (I can both approve and do it) and I found the new queuediff (pitti again) really useful for that.19:30
ScottKRiddell: Does that answer your question?19:30
Riddellsuper, thanks ScottK19:31
* txwikinger_work has figured out the firefox problem19:31
Riddellalthough you're missing a photo in your launchpad profile19:31
JontheEchidnaRiddell: is it better to request syncs after karmic is open? That's what I was thinking19:31
a|weneagles0513875: it should be the same ... the only thing we have changed in the source is a category in the .desktop file19:31
eagles0513875txwikinger_work: was going to ask you about that19:31
txwikinger_workDo you have the same problem?19:31
ScottKRiddell: Missing would imply it's by accident.19:31
txwikinger_workIt is an sqlite problem19:31
eagles0513875a|wen: if i opt to compile from source im guess its cmake or the normal make make clean make install all that19:31
RiddellScottK: :)19:32
txwikinger_worksince the update to jaunty, sqlite does not work anymore on nfs19:32
eagles0513875txwikinger_work: no i dont have that and im using firefox as we speak19:32
RiddellJontheEchidna: doesn't really matter, you can open bugs, or you can poke me at the time with what needs done19:32
a|weneagles0513875: probably ... i personally always find it easier to make things as proper .deb packages :)19:32
eagles0513875a|wen: well ill download the package :)19:33
eagles0513875whose in charge of kpackagekit19:33
Riddellanyone who wants to be19:36
Riddellwe don't have package maintainers19:36
eagles0513875that bug that i mentioned earlier of the dialogue box when you hit reload it doesnt reload it brings back the dialoge box asking reload or close19:37
MamarokRiddell: of course, I fully agree with you :)19:38
eagles0513875i guess i can get a hold of the source code and try and find the issue19:38
MamarokRiddell: is there already a meetin scheduled?19:39
RiddellMamarok: you're going to be another of my model KDE dudes19:39
RiddellMamarok: no there's not, we should schedule one19:39
Riddellwhat's the website called for scheduling meetings again?19:39
* apachelogger thinks Mamarok would be perfectly fitted for scheduling one :P19:39
* eagles0513875 is ready to go ape on kpackagekit19:39
apacheloggerdoodle.ch I think19:39
apacheloggerI might have catched a cold19:40
Mamarokapachelogger: usually yes, but not tonight, I have to run to work now, I'm already late19:40
apacheloggerugh, night shifts19:40
Mamarokapachelogger: but if your pateince extends to tomorrow I would be happy to do so :)19:40
apacheloggerMamarok: have fun ... I suppose19:40
ScottKapachelogger: I've read the ML now.19:40
* apachelogger is on duty tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and probably all the way to saturday19:41
MamarokI'll try to, at least it brings some money to the household, we have two very hungry cats here...19:41
apacheloggerso my pateince extens a lot :D19:41
ScottKI still say there's only one -backports and it's the same as Ubuntu's.19:41
Mamarokok, off for tonight19:41
eagles0513875a|wen: i seem to have another snap shot of the network manager form svn O_o how will i know that i got the one from your ppa19:41
apacheloggerScottK: read descriptions in Riddell's last mail19:42
* ScottK will (again)19:42
apacheloggerit is meant as a QA level before ubuntu's backports19:42
ScottKThat's as we've done before.19:42
ghostcubeehlo humans19:43
ScottKWith my backports dude hat on I'd never approve such a complex backport otherwise19:43
apacheloggerScottK: lol, would you rather have broken backports :P19:43
ScottKapachelogger: I suspect we are mis-communicating.  Let me go read up.19:43
a|weneagles0513875: look at the version numbers and go for the newest ;)19:44
a|weneagles0513875: the one i just uploaded is 0.0+svn959985-0ubuntu1~ppa119:44
apacheloggerScottK: we upload to ninjas, do initial QA, copy to backports for immediate access at release day, resolve upgrade issues we didn't catch before, then copy to official backports19:45
apacheloggeri.e. what we did for 4.219:45
ScottKExcept we didn't copy for 4.2, we re-uploaded.19:46
apacheloggerwell, yeah, whatever seems better :)19:47
RiddellI think copying to backports is better19:47
Riddellbackports takes so long to build it's unusable19:47
apacheloggergood point19:47
ghostcubesomeone have a minute19:47
apacheloggernah, gotta look for some cough medicine19:48
ghostcubego smoke a blunt19:48
ghostcubebut back to topic19:48
ghostcubehmm i mentioned yesterday peoples if you install mysqlserver akonadi-server and akonadi-kde wents to apt-get autoremove19:49
ghostcubethis is not wanted or ?19:49
ghostcubeon 9.0419:50
ScottKRiddell: I can see that in some cases.  Right now we're building right along.19:50
ScottKRiddell: When we copied 4.1.3 to -proposed there wase some breakaged in LP that caused failure to upload in non-ppa archs.19:51
ScottKHopefully that doens't happen any more.19:51
ScottKapachelogger: I think your point (I think it was you) about more restricted upload rights is good.19:53
Riddellghostcube: doesn't happen here, probably asomething got removed which was keeping those packaged installed19:55
|eagles0513875|hey guys i think i found a nasty bug19:59
|eagles0513875|i just installed another version of network manager which i got out of the kubuntu experimental ppa and im now without a wireless and wired connection O_o19:59
ghostcubehmm Riddell i just did an system upgrade and then installed mysql hmm19:59
|eagles0513875|shouldnt one still be able to have an internet connection with or without a network manager?19:59
apacheloggernot if the implementation is broken19:59
apacheloggerwhich seems to be the case with what you got from experimental20:00
|eagles0513875|apachelogger: how can i remedy the situation or is a reinstall required20:00
apacheloggergo to packages.ubuntu.com and get the official verson20:01
* ScottK notes he did exactly 100 excess uploads in Jaunty.20:01
apacheloggeror run apt-cache policy $PACKAGE to find out what precise version the official version is and then run apt-get install $PACKAGE=$VERSION20:01
|eagles0513875|i was going to use the one that a|wen has in his ppa20:01
apacheloggeror you create /etc/apt/preferences containing something like20:02
apacheloggerPackage: $PACKAGENAME20:02
apacheloggerPin: releaes o=Ubuntu20:02
|eagles0513875|apachelogger: i lost connection after uninstalling so i cant download anything onto machine in question20:02
apacheloggerthat should force dist-upgrade to downgrade20:02
ScottKGoing back through Gutsy/Hardy/Intrepid I was always #15 on UTU.  I had 100 to many uploads for that this time.20:02
apachelogger|eagles0513875|: well, use a usb stick :P20:02
apacheloggerget the package form packages.ubuntu.com and voila20:03
|eagles0513875|O_o lol have to get rid of me bootable usb :(20:03
|eagles0513875|then again i dont know whats worse having to strip kubuntu and build it back up again20:03
|eagles0513875|or doing what you suggested20:03
JontheEchidnaWe aren't shipping a default konq profile anymore, correct?20:03
a|wen|eagles0513875|: don't you have a cable to plug in?20:03
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: well, KDE does, so do we20:04
|eagles0513875|a|wen: tried that as well20:04
|eagles0513875|it didnt work20:04
apacheloggerone of the fatal flaws of Konqueror are it's profiles20:04
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: ah, I meant that we aren't shipping a custom one20:04
JontheEchidnawe're using the upstream one20:04
|eagles0513875|apachelogger: i would take konqueror over dolphin any day20:04
a|wen|eagles0513875|: plug in cable ... "sudo ifup eth0" if that works "sudo dhclient eth0"20:04
|eagles0513875|to be honest dolphin is too sluggish to use with remote shares20:04
apacheloggerScottK: where am I this time?20:04
|eagles0513875|a|wen: will try with my wifi20:04
JontheEchidnadolphin and konq use the same thing to connect to remote shares20:05
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: no custom ones, no20:05
ScottKapachelogger: #9, right behind me.20:05
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: ok, thanks. That should fix bug 13709120:05
JontheEchidna*should mean that bug 137091 is fixed20:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 137091 in kubuntu-default-settings "Spanish Translation error in "Trucos y Consejos" on Konqueror" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13709120:05
apacheloggerthat is cool as well20:05
ScottKapachelogger: Yep.  Even with having to vanish for long stretches you were still the #3 non-canonical uploader in the cycle.20:06
|eagles0513875|a|wen:  i tried first command it says ignoring device. it seems like when i remove the other svn version of network manager it rmoved the device modules in the kernel20:06
|eagles0513875|it removed the modules from the kernel20:07
a|wen|eagles0513875|: it's probably because it is not in your interfaces file20:07
apacheloggerScottK: that is quite lovely actually :)20:07
|eagles0513875|thing is even on a clean install all i would find is the loopback device a|wen20:07
apacheloggerubuntu does not create the others due to networkmanager20:07
apacheloggerwell... it would in a ubuntu server install20:07
apacheloggernot the desktop ones though20:07
a|wen|eagles0513875|: i know ;) ... they rely on the network-managers nowadays20:07
|eagles0513875|would me going in and adding fix the issue20:08
a|wen|eagles0513875|: add this line to /etc/network/interfaces "iface eth0 inet dhcp"20:08
|eagles0513875|a|wen: can i use my wifi instead20:08
a|wen|eagles0513875|: after that try the "sudo ifup eth0"20:08
a|wen|eagles0513875|: you can try ... if it is unencrypted you should manage with a 4-5 shell-commands to do it20:09
|eagles0513875|its encrypted20:09
apacheloggeractually you can do via interfaces as well20:09
apacheloggerjust read up on the manpage20:09
apacheloggergetting encryption to work properly is a PITA though20:09
a|wen|eagles0513875|: go with the cable, until you get a network-manager back again20:10
apacheloggerman, kdemm is filled with crappy kmix bugs20:10
|eagles0513875|ok a|wen20:10
|eagles0513875|speaking of kmix i have noticed a peculiarity with it20:10
a|wen|eagles0513875|: add that line to the interfaces file and do a ifup and you should hopefully get network again20:11
|eagles0513875|i got network20:12
|eagles0513875|question becomes how do i know im getting the network manager from your ppa a|wen20:12
a|wen|eagles0513875|: plasma-widget-network-manager version 0.0+svn959985-0ubuntu1~ppa120:12
|eagles0513875|cuz there is also another svn version in kubuntu-experimental20:13
|eagles0513875|it would be nice to have yours in there 220:13
a|wen|eagles0513875|: that is old as hell20:13
|eagles0513875|a|wen: im suprised yours hasnt taken its place20:13
a|wen|eagles0513875|: well, it could get there ... but right now you are the first one to install it; so you're todays smoke-tester :)20:14
a|wen|eagles0513875|: i386?20:14
|eagles0513875|a|wen: you building another one20:14
|eagles0513875|it looks like its currently building still20:14
apacheloggerclearly neon needs a brother for kubuntu specific nightlies20:14
a|wen|eagles0513875|: hehe; exactly ;)20:14
|eagles0513875|a|wen: how much longer cuz i need the cable my desktop20:15
a|wen|eagles0513875|: which architecture?20:15
|eagles0513875|im on 64bit jaunty20:16
|eagles0513875|a|wen: any eta on completion20:16
* a|wen is trying to get launchpad to give him the answer ... but it is sloooow20:17
|eagles0513875|im having issues loading your page now20:18
|eagles0513875|let me get on irc from the laptop in question20:18
|eagles0513875|get of my old laptop server lol20:18
a|weneagles0513875: around an hour ... amd64 has a backlog; it says buildstart in ~43 minutes20:19
eagles0513875would the 386 version work as a temporary solution20:19
a|wennot on amd6420:20
eagles0513875i think bug 365632 is in desperate need of a look at. it seems there is a nasty bug on firefox and the nvidia drivers20:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365632 in firefox "Firefox will not quit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36563220:20
eagles0513875had the person downgrade the drivers it seems to be the same issue. funnily enough im on an nvidia chipset and dont experience this issue20:21
ScottKeagles0513875: Firefox is OT for this channel.20:23
eagles0513875its linked to bug20:24
ScottKYes, but not ours.20:25
eagles0513875ScottK: would that need to also be filed at firefox site if they have a bug filing system20:26
ScottKFor firefox sutt #ubuntu-mozillateam is what you want.20:26
eagles0513875ok thanks scott20:26
ScottKNot quite sure how I did that.20:26
eagles0513875a|wen: ill install whats in current repos then tomorrow ill upgrade to the new 64bit network manager20:29
* eagles0513875 goes back to network-manager rc20:29
a|weneagles0513875: okay, was merely a service, as i had done the ppa svn snapshot before, so had everything ready20:30
eagles0513875a|wen: i really wanna help ya out but i kinda have to help my dad with a problem and hes back in usa and im in central europe and need to get my desktop back online so i can remotly connect to his pc. at least then i can use wifi20:31
a|weneagles0513875: no problem :)20:32
eagles0513875interesting now i cant find the rc of network-manager widget20:32
Riddell~twitter update Kubuntu Intro talk in 30 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom20:33
kubotustatus updated20:33
eagles0513875Riddell: whats the topic20:34
eagles0513875is it a close deal20:34
Riddelland the kick arse community20:34
eagles0513875cough cough language :p20:34
Riddellach you're allowed to say that on children's telly now20:36
JontheEchidnaI don't think that applies that strictly in here, since it's not a user support channel20:36
eagles0513875im joking20:37
eagles0513875darn network-manager causing plasma to sigsev 1120:37
eagles0513875a|wen: current version in ppa1 of 64bit is borked20:39
a|weneagles0513875: it is still building?20:40
eagles0513875the version 94 something20:41
eagles0513875946101 which is in ppa1 of main20:41
eagles0513875a|wen: did that pull the package you are currently building20:42
a|weneagles0513875: it is still not finished building... patience my friend :)20:43
eagles0513875a|wen: i know im justwondering what i pulled cuz i seem to have a partial install of the plasma widget20:44
a|wencould be the old version in my ppa20:44
eagles0513875yours is newer then whats in the ppa1 main20:45
a|weneagles0513875: not impossible20:46
a|weneagles0513875: is has finished building now ... should be able to find it in ~10 minutes20:46
eagles0513875:) i think its up a|wen20:52
eagles0513875this is messed up its still picking up the version i had20:52
* a|wen hates that a hal restart kills all sound :(20:52
eagles0513875version 94610620:53
eagles0513875a|wen: try unloading all alsal modules to fix flash that is stuttering20:53
=== jussi01 is now known as android
a|wenwell, i have no sound at all in kde ... even the test-button gives an error messagesound20:54
a|weneagles0513875: should be 95998520:54
eagles0513875when i do apt-cache policy its still showing the previous version20:54
eagles0513875hi Ahadiel20:54
eagles0513875mt hi android20:54
=== android is now known as jussi01
Riddellanyone want to forward questions for me?20:55
a|weneagles0513875: the PPA's are not instant in that regard ... there is from 5-10 minutes delay after build is finished20:55
eagles0513875questions for what20:55
Riddellthe talk20:55
eagles0513875ahhhh ok  well its been about 10 min already a|wen20:56
eagles0513875if you want i can20:56
a|weneagles0513875: complain to the launchpad folks ;P20:56
eagles0513875a|wen: im not bothered20:57
eagles0513875but funny thing im trying to download it form the site nothing is listed there 64bit wise20:57
a|weneagles0513875: yeah, it takes a little while before it is listed on the site as well20:57
eagles0513875ahhhh ok20:57
eagles0513875so it has to replicate itself accross the network20:58
a|weneagles0513875: jup ... it seems that everything happen at fixed times every 5/10 minutes; so depending on your luck it takes a short or long time20:59
eagles0513875bah ok lol20:59
eagles0513875a|wen: its there lol needed to run sudo apt-get update21:03
eagles0513875removed the experimental repos21:06
a|wensounds like a good security measure21:07
eagles0513875its still not displaying right21:07
eagles0513875the widget isnt showing up21:08
eagles0513875its a blank spot on the bar21:08
eagles0513875and i think if i try to right click on it its gonna crash plasma workspace for me21:08
a|weneagles0513875: also after a re-login ... or maybe a remove/re-add og the widget21:08
eagles0513875i already removed it and am readding it21:09
a|wenit shows fine here for me21:09
a|wenand even picks up some wireless AP's in the area21:11
eagles0513875hey a|wen sry for being such an annoyance tonight but is there an init.d script to restart plasma workspace21:17
a|weneagles0513875: nope ... you need to kquitapp plasma and then start it again21:18
apacheloggermgraesslin: https://edge.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/kde-l10n I still need to make the version actually work (currently it is < ubuntu) + the repo will probably change, so just take that as a proof of concept ;-)21:22
mgraesslinapachelogger: great21:22
mgraesslinand thanks21:22
eagles0513875a|wen: i killed with sig 15 and yet it still not showing up right for me21:22
* eagles0513875 slides a gigant mug of kubuntu brew to a|wen for all his patience with me21:23
a|weneagles0513875: might be some cache-foo ... or there might be a problem on amd64 only21:24
a|wenthough the cache should have little to say here when thinking twice21:25
eagles0513875a|wen: ill reboot to see if its the same issue21:26
a|weneagles0513875: okay ... i'll cross fingers :)21:26
eagles0513875thanks i need it21:26
eagles0513875ill be back21:27
eagles0513875a|wen: :) party it worked21:35
eagles0513875a|wen: would it be possible to make it where the user can just restart plasma to have the icon of the widget display without it restarting21:35
a|weneagles0513875: well, for me it worked without even restarting plasma ... but some things with plasma is still a bit fragile (at least while we still deal with alpha widgets)21:37
eagles0513875well for me i had to reboot im wondering if its a 64bit thing21:37
a|wengood question21:38
a|wenbut at least it looks to work ... i'll just check that the packaging is up-to-date tomorrow, and then put it in kubuntu-experimental21:39
a|weneagles0513875: if anything is failing utterly please let me know ... cause then there is no idea in throwing it at -experimental21:39
eagles0513875so far the only issue is that first thign i mentioned21:40
a|wenokay, thx21:42
ScottKApparently the issue with notification persistence not being honored got fixed in the last week or so in KDE trunk.  Dunno if we want to fix that for KPackageKit or not at this point, but there may be a patch.21:47
eagles0513875a|wen: question have you tested static ip's21:47
a|weneagles0513875: nope21:48
a|wenright now the network manager can't recognice my ethernet card at all (never could)21:48
eagles0513875strange it recognizes mine21:49
a|wenhaven't looked much into ot yet ... my laptop is used as a stationary, so don't relly use it atm21:50
eagles0513875thing im afraid of putting kubuntu desktop on my old laptop is i am using a static ip for shoutcast on it and that seems to be the only way to get a static ip21:50
ikoniaeagles0513875: just set it in the interfaces file21:51
eagles0513875ikonia: i know but its not that it bothers me im thinking bout the community as a whole those that like using gui's i know it has been an issue with the previous knetworkmanager21:54
nixternalthanks Riddell, you totally rocked it!21:58
ikoniaeagles0513875: so why does that stop YOU putting it on your old laptop ?21:59
ikoniaeagles0513875: putting it on YOUR laptop won't effect the community in anyway21:59
ScottKRiddell: Would you please accept kdebase-workspace for intrepid-backports.  LP U/I is flaky again.21:59
eagles0513875ikonia: reason being was the issue after rebooting loosing that static ip22:00
eagles0513875anyway im using ubuntu server with kdebase22:00
RiddellScottK: done22:04
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.  That was the last of the "must be done in this order" packages.22:04
Riddellnixternal: awooga!22:05
Riddellnixternal: and you wouldn't have guessed my laptop died just before the talk started and I did the whole thing on my knees with the server in my back cupboard22:06
nixternalthat is dedicated22:06
* claydoh wants a hot tub party and to be beatifull :)22:07
* claydoh will take the hot tub in preference to looking good22:07
nixternalclaydoh: that is why I didn't get in the hot tub, I would have scared people out of the water22:08
nixternallike NCommander did :p22:08
claydohnaw, you are better looking than I by far22:08
NCommandernixternal, I wasn't naked :-P22:08
NCommandernixternal, or in just swim trunks22:08
nixternalNCommander: that's even worse! you were fully clothed and still scared them away :D22:09
eagles0513875lol Riddell a|wen new svn version of network-manager widget is looking promising22:09
NCommandernixternal, not really, Riddell didn't run.22:09
Riddellclaydoh: you are good looking, all Kubuntu people are good looking!22:09
eagles0513875im the description of person you mentioned one who wears a bowtie lol22:09
eagles0513875anyone else on a 64bit system willing to test something for me22:12
nixternaleagles0513875: what's up?22:14
nixternal64bit here22:14
eagles0513875nixternal: can you help me test out the svn wifi widget in a|wen's ppa22:15
eagles0513875i need to see if you have the same issue where to get the widget icon to display right i had to reboot my machine22:15
nixternalI am running the nm plasmoid from trunk already22:16
nixternalthe icon displays fine for me, though it still has the same exact problem I had in 4.2 with it and some wifi spots showing up below the panel22:17
eagles0513875im running in one that a|wen packaged earlier22:18
eagles0513875that i noticed as well22:18
ikoniaeagles0513875: yes, but you said that you knew how to fix the static ip so it wasn't a problem22:21
eagles0513875ikonia: on ubuntu server i did as you said by adding the necessary stuff to the interfaces file22:22
ikoniaeagles0513875: it doesn't matter if it's a server or a desktop22:22
ikoniaeagles0513875: I don't understand why you're running server anyway22:22
sebasnixternal: that's actually a bug in QGraphicsLayout :/22:23
eagles0513875ikonia: im hosting a shoutcast server for a friend the only thing i added kde base for was kmyfirewall22:23
sebasit doesn't always update the size, so the applet's popup doesn't resize22:23
ikoniaeagles0513875: you don't need a server install to host a service22:23
eagles0513875i know but it gives me practice with command line stuff22:23
ikoniaeagles0513875: you can use the command line on any desktop install, or disable X on any desktop22:24
eagles0513875ikonia: also when i was setting this up i wanted to test out the server version of jaunty22:25
ikoniaI'm sure22:25
ghostcubequassel drive me nuts22:25
ghostcubehow to get it play a sound for nick higjlighting22:26
SputSettings -> Configure Notifications, ghostcube22:27
ghostcubehmm yeah but it doesnt play it when i get highlighted22:28
ghostcubeit only popsup notify22:28
=== barteqx is now known as siekacz
Riddell~twitter update ooh, STV bought the rights to south park, it's actually quite amusing22:43
kubotustatus updated22:43
ghostcubecan anyone may test quassel notification and sound on 9.0422:46
neversfeldeghostcube: highlight me22:47
ghostcubeneversfelde, ping22:47
neversfeldeworks :)22:47
ghostcubehmm ok why not here22:47
ghostcubeneversfelde, what have you set to get a sound on ping22:49
neversfeldedefault settings22:49
neversfeldeghostcube: but this is probably a question for #kubuntu?22:49
ghostcubethought it is a bug22:50
ghostcubei will ask in kubuntu sorry22:50
eagles0513875can anyone take a look at bug 38538 i think parts of the bug have been fixed and just need to be pushed forward as updates23:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 38538 in dpkg "man pages suggest info pages that don't exist." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3853823:16
ScottKeagles0513875: Not a KDE package, so off topic here.23:18
eagles0513875ScottK: eenlightenme here. dpkg falls under kde23:19
ScottKeagles0513875: No, that's part of Ubuntu Foundations used by all Ubuntu types.23:19
ScottKHere we just do the Kubuntu unique parts.23:19
eagles0513875so would that be recommended for upstream23:20
ScottKNo, #ubuntu-devel.23:21
* eagles0513875 night room23:25
eagles0513875well i cant do anythign wiht that bug since im still abnned :( from that channel23:26
ikoniaeagles0513875: yes you can23:26
ikoniaeagles0513875: what do you expect/want to do with that bug ?23:26
ScottKikonia: Please take it to PM then since it's OT here.23:26
ikoniaScottK: no sweat23:26
ikoniajust fed up of hearing being banned as weak excuse23:26
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
bokeyhey ScottK g'day :)23:31
* bokey waves to people23:31
* eagles0513875 wave goodnight to room23:31
Riddellclaydoh: stalker :)23:32
bokeyRiddell: g'day23:32
bokeyikonia: howdy23:32
* bokey sips early morn coffee23:33
* eagles0513875 makes bokey fresh pot of java23:34
EagleScreencan I make a pbuilder chroot for hardy under Debian testing?23:34
bokeynice thanks eagles0513875!23:35
eagles0513875night bokey23:35
ScottKbokey: Hello23:35
bokeylaterz eagles051387523:35
bokeyhave a g'day folks23:36
ScottKEagleScreen: I'm pretty sure you can.  Look at the version of debchroot in Hardy and the one in Lenny.  If Lenny > Hardy then you can.23:36
ScottKbokey: They backport is in progress.23:36
bokeyScottK: yep read the bug report. thanks :)23:37
EagleScreenwatch my error please http://pastebin.com/d55f4c5c123:37
EagleScreenwhat is debchroot? it does not seem a package and it is not a command23:39
EagleScreenthe problem seems to be with the keyring23:41
ScottKI always remember that package name wrong anyway23:53
ScottKEagleScreen: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ubuntu-keyring23:55
EagleScreenis it debootstrap?23:55
ScottKYes.  Thats the one23:55
EagleScreendo I need ubuntu version to can build for ubuntu releases?23:55
EagleScreencan Debian debootstrap recognise Ubuntu releases existence?23:56
ScottKThe Debian one has Ubuntu releases in it.23:56
ScottKIt just won't know about later releases and so that's why the version check I mentioned earlier23:56
EagleScreeni am currently using Debian Sid version of debootstrap which is 1.0.13 and look this: http://pastebin.com/d55d796a723:59

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