
_underground_buen dia con todos00:04
doleyb!es | underground00:08
ubottuunderground: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:08
_underground_como puedo registrar mi nick en este servidor?00:15
doleyb_underground_: /msg NickServ help00:17
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or !QtParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter00:18
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joshjtlhey folks, can anyone recommend a site to make forms on?00:21
fungosok, this is getting very irritating.. my Applications menu contents just got vanished00:23
fungosis there a way to "rebuild" this menu?00:25
fungosok thank you, going back to windows until 9.1000:28
supernixI am trying to install ubuntu but cant get past the partion stage00:30
supernixit just shows one option to use the entire drive and trying to do a manual partion does not give any options to resize the existing partitions00:30
khristianhi peoples00:31
khristianalgun br aki???00:32
_underground_doleyb: muchas gracias, me ha servido bastante, y pude encontrar mas info en: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/ChileanTeam/Reuniones/IrcComandos00:33
eraserheadhi, after some ours my wireless network disconnects automatically00:33
eraserheadwhy ?00:34
_underground_la pena q me da, es no poder entender muy bien el inglés :(   p' poder conversar con todos00:34
eraserhead_underground_: compra un libro e aprende00:34
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:35
_underground_eso haré  xD00:35
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joshua24hello al00:51
jose__need help00:52
joshua24fire away00:52
jose__is thare a way that i can sinc. my wm cel phone un ubuntu00:53
braden_Has anyone here got linux guest os vmware-tools 7.8.5 to compile on kernel 2.6.28?00:53
joshua24IDK on that. have u tried Net or Wiki or Forum, jose__?00:53
eraserheadkubuntu shuts down the monitor after a while00:54
jose__not yet00:54
joshua24eraserhead: check kde system settings. its a powersave thing00:54
joshua24jose__: do that then00:54
joshua24jose__: cuz IDK00:54
eraserheadjoshua24: no, it is not a powersave thing00:55
joshua24eraserhead: yes it has to be........ lol00:55
eraserheadit isnt, joshua2400:55
_underground_bye, thanks00:55
jose__how can i do the 3d using kubuntu00:55
joshua24k then00:55
joshua24jose__: get restricted drivers. after that it is autoenables desktop effects00:56
tajnapolska_cześć, jest tu kto?00:59
bokeydoes anyone know which package includes the calendar plasmoid?01:07
BluesKajbokey: try add widgets01:09
bokeyBluesKaj: i didn't ask that. but thanks01:09
pteaguehow do i force kate to only have the 1 window open?01:16
bopfermanHello, I have recently upgraded to 9.04 and I nolonger have 3d acceleration.  I have an intel 82865G integrated video card.  any ideas?01:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel01:19
BluesKaj!info intel01:19
ubottuPackage intel does not exist in jaunty01:19
thekillerhello there01:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel01:20
thekillerplease i am new with ubuntu and i need some help if possible01:20
thekilleri dont have any sound01:21
thekillerhum..no one to help?01:22
faileasthekiller: don't ask to ask. Ask!01:25
jimmy51_homeI've gotta say.... wow01:32
jimmy51_homei initiated the upgrade before i went to bed last night wondering why less than fun nvidia driver mess i'd be greeted with in the morning (like 8.10 gave me).01:33
jimmy51_homethe upgrade ran perfectly01:33
jimmy51_homeand everything. just. works.01:33
jimmy51_homeit's more responsive, looks better, and works great01:33
jimmy51_homegood job to everyone!01:33
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Danstgdoes anyone know of any known issues between ubuntu and Sound Blast cards?01:40
Danstgi can use my onboard for for the life of me i cant get my soundcard to work01:40
wolfmanzwhere does kde 4.2 keep its desktop backgrounds?01:40
BluesKajDanstg, check creative.com for linux drivers01:42
Danstgi dont get it, i've reinstalled my alsa drivers, disabled my onboard in my bios, still cant get it to work01:53
Danstgi keep getting this error whenever i try to test some of the choices in sound prefrences01:53
Danstgaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=music: Could not open audio device for playback.01:53
doleybwolfmanz: /usr/share/wallpapers01:53
khristianboa noite pessoal01:57
doleybI upgraded to jaunty, and now have silly sound effects when clicking buttons in gtk programs (like gimp, gedit, gnometris, firefox).  But if I log into a gnome session that doesn't happen.  How can I stop it in a kde session?01:58
Viking667I know I'm going to sound dumb here, but I've got an updating issue from Intrepid to Jaunty.02:00
Viking667User clicks on "Update" icon in panel, it pops up a box saying new distro is available. User elects to upgrade, box goes away, now the icon's not in the system tray either.02:01
Viking667What do I need to type in a terminal to kick off this s.o.b?02:01
doleybViking667: update-notifier-kde -u02:02
Viking667Right. I'll try that out. Thank you.02:02
Viking667yay. Thank you. Seems to work now.02:03
orihi guys02:03
* Viking667 waves a jaunty goodbye <grin>02:04
Viking667well, hello, rather than goodbye.02:04
orihey guys ubuntu saved my life, my computer crashed after a strong virus labeled as daemoon tools and i can use ubuntu boot02:05
DurtDigglerdoes dd give you any sort of indication that it's working and not just frozen02:06
replmanHi! I have installed kubuntu 9.04. Everything works fine till i installed thunderbird. The font there looks very small and unreadable. In 8.10 i changed the font using "Use my KDE Fonts " or something like that...02:13
WizzlebyHi, I've been trying to get my 9.04 install with nvidia graphics drivers to not select 1600x1200 at every start of X. I tried the info here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution but encountered issues (xrandr would exit without changing res or producing an error)02:15
WizzlebyFrom looking at my Xorg.0.log, I notice a part here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/158934/ which indicates the nvidia driver is auto-selecting 1600x1200 because no other mode is requested.02:17
WizzlebySo my question I guess is, how tor equest another mode? Sorry for lengthy explanation.02:18
BluesKajWizzleby, it could be that X is not seeing the Monitor driver and is using a compromise resolution to try to make the graphics work.02:22
WizzlebyThat is possible, however also when I added  stanza with the information to xorg.conf, the nvidia driver still did its auto-mode thing02:26
WizzlebyCurrently, it is true that it does not detect the monitor at first, although the nvidia driver detects it.02:28
Wizzlebyhere is the full log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/158940/. at line 22/23 we see X fail to detect the monitor/ at line 194, the nvidia driver detects it, and then at 203 'No modes were requested;..)02:30
* Wizzleby replaces that ) with a '02:30
jigerdoes anyone know how to upgrade from Intrepid directly to Jaunty Remix without need to install 4.2 pckages?02:32
Viking667Got a question. Where the heck do I get ncftp from??02:33
Viking667It doesn't seem to be in the repo for Intrepid.02:33
Xerohey guys how do i get dvds to play on my linux02:34
Xeroi typed $ sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse02:34
bopfermanI just updated to 9.04 and I cant play videos.  I get the following error.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/158946/02:34
jigersomebody in the room to answer upgrading to Jaunty questions or ll still on Intrepid?02:34
Xero$ sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse02:34
Viking667heh. I'm trying to upgrade to it...02:35
Xerohow do i get dvd to play02:35
Xerolibdvdread3 cant be found02:35
jiger does anyone know how to upgrade from Intrepid directly to Jaunty Remix without need to install 4.2 packages?02:35
jigerlooks like noone knows how to upgrade to Jaunty Remix. Ah well sleep is important to them02:37
slewhello, i just installed kubuntu 9.04 and i've got an hp dv5 but cant get the wireless to work.02:50
slewi have an atheros wireless card02:51
slewshould i ask my questions in ubuntu?02:52
Kasm279i cant get ANY of the settings in display settings to work03:04
Kasm279they just do nothing D:03:04
WizzlebyKasm279: Hi. I'm not sure I know how to help. what kind of graphics hardware are you using03:06
Kasm279ATi 345M03:06
Wizzlebyok, and do you have the ati restricted drivers installed for it?03:08
Kasm279no, where do i find them?03:08
Wizzlebywhat version of kubuntu are you running?03:08
Kasm279(currently im running Xfce under it)03:09
pulaskihello,  I'm looking for a kubuntu internet fax software package.  Aparently nothing turns up in adept. Can anyone suggest a package that lets me send faxes over the internet?03:09
Wizzlebyok 8.10, so KDE4 right?03:09
Wizzlebyoh xcfe03:09
Kasm279i need both03:09
Wizzlebyok, well in kde4, you open the K menu then go to system menu from there, and then select 'hardware drivers'03:10
Kasm279KDE 4.1 and Xfce 4.403:10
Wizzlebythat should ask you if you want to install the drivers for the ATI gfx card03:10
Wizzlebyhm. not sure I have any more suggestions then.03:11
Kasm279all that is there is b43-fwcutter :/03:11
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:11
Kasm279!thank you03:11
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)03:11
daningwhat's the maximize shortcuts in kubuntu?03:16
ubottukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts03:17
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ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:30
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:31
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devilsadvocatedoes attempting to select and drag text on firefox in kde 4 cause a massive system hangup for anyone else? (Warning : If you try it and it happens, system because totally... and i mean totally... unresponsive for about a minute or so)03:39
Kasm279devilsadvocate: use Opera03:48
devilsadvocateKasm279: :P03:48
devilsadvocateKasm279: thats not a solution / answer to the question. its a workaround at best for me03:49
geovannyhi, i need help with my printer, i don't found the driver for the scan, i use ubuntu 9.04 64 bits03:49
Kasm279have you used opera?03:49
devilsadvocateKasm279: yes i have03:50
ign0ramushey all.04:07
ign0ramusi'm being extra lazy tonight... how do I stop my session from being locked in Jaunty?04:08
ign0ramusi'm trying to be lazy here... you guys are not helping04:10
ign0ramusI may have to *google* an answer all on my own.  I don't want to have to resort to that04:11
* ign0ramus lays in a pile of his own filth04:12
AndySpainI can't cinfigure kmail to actually sign messages04:13
AndySpaini have specified my keys in kmail and when i write a mail and click sign and try to send it04:14
AndySpainit ells my that authentication was bad, so that my pw was wrong04:14
AndySpainbut it CANNOT be wrogn as Kmail never asked me to enter the pw at any time04:15
AndySpainalso the key administrator has a minor bug. If I create a new pair of keys and tell it to expire them in 10 months, it expires them in a few days. but later i can reset the date manually04:17
ign0ramusI found my answer via Google.  I had to use two hands to type.  I hope you're happy.04:19
ign0ramusViking667: I know.04:19
juanhello, can anyone assist me, I'm trying to add a repository but am being asked about a GNP key04:20
juani am not familiar with the process04:20
ign0ramusjuan: what's the repo?04:20
ign0ramusjuan: usually the key is on the homepage of the ppa or whatever04:21
ign0ramusjuan: and you did "sudo apt-key add"?  It should add the medibuntu key automagically04:22
juanlet me do that04:23
ign0ramusjuan: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update04:23
juanok, that worked04:24
juanign0ramus, i am trying to do the same for http://xbmc.org/wiki/?title=HOW-TO_XBMC_for_Linux04:25
juanbut I cant find a URl similiar04:25
AndySpainanyone can help me with my kmail problem?04:25
asobihow do i stop backups being made for each file i save?04:26
ign0ramusjuan: did you try:04:27
ign0ramusgpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 43C0AFF0D7FAE68004:27
ign0ramusgpg --export --armor  43C0AFF0D7FAE680 | sudo apt-key add -04:27
ipwnuwhat is the name of the application that puts the compiz-settings-manager on the taskbar??04:28
juangpg: fatal: error writing to `/home/juan/.gnupg/.#lk0x86dbab0.htpc.7271': No space left on device04:28
juansecmem usage: 0/0 bytes in 0/0 blocks of pool 0/3276804:28
juangpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.04:28
ign0ramusjuan: do you have available space on you HDD?04:30
juanyes, i do04:30
juani just figured out why i got that error04:30
juanhad to add sudo in front04:30
juannow I get this04:31
ign0ramusjuan: what if you do: "sudo chmod 777 /home/juan/.gnupg/pubring.gpg" first?04:33
mark__can someone here assist me in fixing my sound on jaunty?04:34
ign0ramusjuan: it's not the most 'secure', but it should be OK to open permissions on that single file04:34
themonsterviva jaunty04:34
redpearlduring upgrade fro 8.10 to 9.04 fail via internet. want to know if i can download alternate cd and install upgrade via command line.  i can't login to X. only command line accessible now04:34
skierpageKonqueror offered to install the Flash plug-in, now I have "Package Install" Installing flashplugin-nonfree (good?). It's installing about a dozen dependencies, weird04:35
redpearldoes gksu need to run inside GUI?04:35
skierpagemark__ I might have some ideas.04:35
ign0ramusredpearl: you can run gksu in terminal, provided you have it installed04:36
ign0ramusredpearl: you can use the LiveCD to get networking if you have a problem.04:36
mark__My pc is a dell studio 540. Every linux distro I've tried so far hasn't supported it.04:37
juanign0ramus, now I get http://pastebin.ca/140440404:37
redpearlign0ramus, i have it installed.  so gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" will work04:37
skierpagemark__, can you run System Settings?  In the General tab, click Multimedia04:37
redpearlign0ramus, now i do sudo mount -o loop ~/Desktop/ubuntu-9.04-alternate-i386.iso /media/cdrom004:37
skierpageSee what it shows for Audio Output.  Select each in turn and click the Test button.04:38
mark__im there now04:38
redpearlign0ramus, and it should redo the upgrade?04:38
mark__it says it fails on test04:38
ign0ramusredpearl: yes.  I just had to do this on an upgrade that stalled on sane-utils... PITA, but it worked.04:39
skierpagemark__ what devices does it list?  (I have Creative Audigy ZS, VIA sound chip, etc.)  If you can find one that works, move it to the top.  Otherwise it's lower level and I have no suggestions.04:39
mark__My card appears to be an HDA Intel Alc888 and the only other thing listed is pulse audio04:40
ign0ramusjuan: i am not sure exactly what the problem is... I've never used XMBC04:40
redpearlign0ramus, ok, thx. i will try. i just installed 9.04 via "side-by-side", it's really bad. it modified my partition table without my consent04:40
ign0ramusredpearl: oooh.  not cool at all.04:40
juanign0ramus, it keeps saying space issues on device too04:40
robhello!  I need some Samba help04:40
redpearlign0ramus, now i have a huge /sda2, which 8.10 resides.04:40
mark__neither work though04:40
juanand I got space04:40
ign0ramusjuan: I am not sure, as I've never acutally used XMBC; hopefully someone can help you.  I have to get some sleep now.04:41
ign0ramusjuan: have a nice day/evening, wherever you may be04:41
redpearlign0ramus, it cranked from 30 GB to 150GB. and made a new 2.7 gb partition for 9.0404:41
ign0ramusredpearl: if you would have specified 'manual partitioning', you could have done it yourself.04:42
skierpageMark__ , right if the underlying hardware doesn't work Pulseaudio probably won't work any better.  I don't know what you can do at the lower levels (alsa? lspci?  I'm guessing.)04:42
redpearlign0ramus, if it's the other way around, i can live with. 30gb for 8.10 and new 100+ GB for new 9.0404:42
lemonhello noon04:42
ign0ramusredpearl: not that it helps you now... :/04:42
redpearlign0ramus, yes. i should have.04:42
juanign0ramus, thanks for your time04:42
ign0ramusin any event, I'm going to bed.04:43
ign0ramusg'nite all.04:43
redpearlign0ramus, thx. i will download alternate cd and try reinstall the upgrade04:43
mark__I guess I'll go post on a forum04:43
mark__Thanks anyway though, I appreciate it.04:43
lemonhello ,Is there a way to help me know more about Ubuntu?04:43
lemonhow can I be an expert?04:44
lemonnobody is willing to help?04:45
AndySpainread the manuel, lemon04:45
lemonwhere is the manuel?04:46
lemonAndySpain: where is the manual?04:46
jlromero <lemon> how can I be an expert?.... use it04:47
skierpagelemon, http://help.ubuntu.com ?04:47
AndySpainor k-menu->help04:47
lemonIs that enough?04:48
AndySpainanybody can help me with kmail?04:48
AndySpainI can receive and send, but I cannot sign messages04:48
AndySpainI specified my private key there, but kmail faisl to ask me for my authentication password and says right away that pw was wrong04:49
redpearlwhere is mod_ssl on 9.04? i can't find it on repository04:50
benjamin__anyone have any recommendations for ripping cds to flac in linux?04:50
skierpageredpearl, maybe https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+search is your friend04:51
redpearlskierpage, ok, thx04:52
skierpageFlash pages in Konqueror keep giving me the "Missing Plugin" alert for 'Shocwave Flash file', but when I click [Download] it says "Requested packages already installed."04:54
skierpageI've exited and restarted Konqueror, doesn't change.  Must I reboot?  Can I get more information about this "Package install" ?04:55
skierpageGuess I need more help with packages.  Where's this KPackageKit documented, doesn't seem to be any help for it.05:00
jlromerodo you HACE to use  Konqueror?05:01
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tacosarecoolhello I found a permanent fix for toshiba laptops05:23
tacosarecooljust do the ubuntugeeks intel performance guide but just do the compiz settings manager05:24
tacosarecoolKDE4 is faster than gnome I've found but until the fix gnome was faster05:43
kathesudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:44
katheSound Problem, HP DV5Z, not only one with it, was working 8.04,8.10 not in 9.04 upgrade.  ALSA originally did not recognize hardware, did installed module-assistant ALSA now says OK, but no sound any through speakers or headjack still.  Noticed the config file was empty, tried adding option for Hp-4 did not work either.  Will not work with OSS/ALSA/PULSE, all volumes maxed and unmuted05:44
tacosarecoolhey try sudo also force-reload05:44
kathedid so tacosarecool05:45
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tacosarecoolI mean alsa05:45
kathealso tried it after a killall pulse05:45
wagshow do I emable transparency mode??05:45
wagsits broken05:46
tacosarecoolhere http://www.ubuntumini.com/2009/03/fix-audio-in-ubuntu-904-on-dell-mini-9.html05:46
tacosarecoolthat should be similar05:46
tacosarecoolwags do you have desktop effects enabled?05:46
wagsdunno how do I check??05:47
kathesorry taco, not the volume problem...  this one thing is bother me the alsa-base file in modprobe.d is well blank05:47
tacosarecoolcomputer system settings desktop05:47
tacosarecoolkathe try reinstalling alsa05:47
katheare there aptget commands for that05:48
katheor just through synaptic05:48
tacosarecoolno just use synaptic05:48
tacosarecooljust do synaptic05:48
wagsyeh they are enabled.  I will do a reboot05:49
wagsit works normally05:49
kathewill try it out shortly05:49
kathedoing restricted extras right now05:49
kathealso odd thing is the video card driver is working, better then ever before, except can't get desktop extras working, like cube05:50
kathebut sound is more important right now so i will stay on task05:50
tacosarecoolAre you using compiz for that?05:51
tacosarecoolIs it lagging for you at all?05:51
kathewas, did the upgrade, haven't verified compiz is up and going yet05:51
katheafter the 9.04 upgrade05:51
kathei've had a dozen other smaller problems05:51
tacosarecoolso it was laggy with desktop effects enabled? you probably have intel graphics I have a fix for that05:52
kathethe new testing tool was crashing, got that fixed, etc.. little things... the sound one is killing me though05:52
katheATI graphics05:52
tacosarecoolInstall compiz settings manager05:52
tacosarecool Choose General options -> General -> remove the flag on Unredirect Fullscreen Windows Choose General options -> Display Settings -> remove the flag Sync To VBlank05:53
naught101where can I see installed printers in kubuntu jaunty?05:54
tacosarecoolsystem settings advanced05:55
tacosarecoolprinter configuration05:55
kathereload alsa no go taco05:56
katheer reinstall i ment05:56
katheI am about the flood the channel with this but for your information05:57
kathelsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/kathe/.gvfs05:57
kathe      Output information may be incomplete.05:57
kathe/sbin/alsa: Warning: Processes using sound devices: 5018(mixer_applet2) 5023(pulseaudio).05:57
katheUnloading ALSA sound driver modules: snd-hda-intel snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-pcm snd-page-alloc snd-hwdep snd-seq-dummy snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi snd-rawmidi snd-seq-midi-event snd-seq snd-timer snd-seq-device (failed: modules still loaded: snd-hda-intel snd-pcm snd-page-alloc snd-hwdep snd-timer).05:57
katheLoading ALSA sound driver modules: snd-hda-intel snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-pcm snd-page-alloc snd-hwdep snd-seq-dummy snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi snd-rawmidi snd-seq-midi-event snd-seq snd-timer snd-seq-deviceWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:57
katheWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:57
katheWARNING: Error inserting snd_page_alloc (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/sound/core/snd-page-alloc.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)05:57
katheWARNING: Error inserting snd_timer (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/sound/core/snd-timer.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)05:57
katheWARNING: Error inserting snd_pcm (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/sound/core/snd-pcm.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)05:58
katheFATAL: Error inserting snd_pcm_oss (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/sound/core/oss/snd-pcm-oss.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)05:58
katheWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:58
katheFATAL: Error inserting snd_mixer_oss (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/sound/core/oss/snd-mixer-oss.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)05:58
katheWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:58
katheWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:58
katheWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:58
katheWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:58
katheWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:58
katheWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:58
katheWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:58
katheWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:58
katheWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:58
katheWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:58
katheWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:58
katheWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, it will be ignored in a future release.05:58
kathe (failed).05:58
kathekathe@kathe-laptop:~$ alsa05:58
tacosarecool!pastebin kathe05:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin kathe05:58
devilsadvocate!pastebin | kathe05:58
ubottukathe: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:58
tacosarecool!kathe pastebin05:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kathe pastebin05:58
kathethx ubottu06:02
katheand taco about the past in06:02
naught101tacosarecool: yes, but I can't see any printers tehre, I can just see "new printer" and "server settings", but not pane for existing printers06:02
kathetacosarecool, i was looking at that link trying it out06:02
naught101you wouldn't know I was a native english speaker, would you?06:03
tacosarecooltry searching for printer in the kmenu search06:05
naught101tacosarecool: I have06:06
naught101nothing... maybe I'm missing a package06:06
naught101I mean, the HP printer toolbox comes up, but that's not very useful06:06
tacosarecoolwhat printer do you have/06:06
tacosarecooloh hp06:07
tacosarecoolIt's not networked right06:07
naught101yes it is. I'm not asking how to network the printer06:07
naught101I'm asking how to see which printers are installed on my system.06:07
tacosarecooltry printing using firefox06:07
tacosarecoolthat will give you an idea06:08
naught101tacosarecool: when you go to system settings>advanced>printing, what options come up in the pane on the left?06:08
naught101or anyone else?06:12
tacosarecoolnaught did you try firefox?06:12
doleybI upgraded to jaunty, and now have silly sound effects when clicking buttons in gtk programs (like gimp, gedit, gnometris, firefox).  But if I log into a gnome session that doesn't happen.  How can I stop it in a kde session?06:13
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
tacosarecooldoley computer system settings desktop disable desktop effect or just check the ones you want.06:14
doleybtacosarecool: What does that have to do with gtk or with sound?06:15
tacosarecooloh sorry06:15
tacosarecoolsystem settings notifications06:15
doleybIt has nothing to do with notifications.06:16
naught101tacosarecool: no printers show up in firefox. one shows up in okular06:16
naught101I don't see how that's relevant06:17
tacosarecoolthat's weird06:17
=== geek is now known as faileas
naught101can someone plese tell me what selections come up in the list on the left in system settings>advanced>printing06:18
tzangerback to no composite06:18
tzangerintel video *works* but odd little problems06:19
tzangerand honestly, the display looks better without it06:19
tzangerand my keyboard is back to being 100% responsive, I thought it was due to accessibility features being half-on06:19
tzangerbut it turns out to be composite06:19
=== profesor is now known as AAnAa
tacosarecoolI have a solution06:21
tacosarecooldownload composite settings manager then  Choose General options -> General -> remove the flag on Unredirect Fullscreen Windows Choose General options -> Display Settings -> remove the flag Sync To VBlank06:22
tzangervblank was turned off06:22
JohnFluxHow do I downgrade to intel version 2.4 driver?06:23
tzangerand actually I still get a bit of a delay for keypresses on dialog boxes and such, but to be honest my konsole window is snappy and that's what is important to me06:23
tzangerJohnFlux: is there an earlier package for it?06:23
tacosarecoolyou don't need to downgrade06:23
tacosarecool Choose General options -> General -> remove the flag on Unredirect Fullscreen Windows Choose General options -> Display Settings -> remove the flag Sync To VBlank06:23
tacosarecooldownload composite settings manager06:23
tacosarecoolthanks to ubuntugeek.com06:24
JohnFluxtacosarecool: that's to me?06:24
JohnFluxtacosarecool: "General options" is where sorry?06:24
tacosarecoolin general06:24
tzangerhmm twitter plasma plugin doesn't let me reply to a specific person, grr06:24
tacosarecoolto get to general settings look at the side go on general06:25
tacosarecoolgeneral options06:25
JohnFluxtacosarecool: and where is "general options" ?  which application?06:25
bazhang!ccsm | JohnFlux06:26
tacosarecoolhey that's weird06:26
ubottuJohnFlux: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion06:26
tacosarecoolI have it checked and it's not lagging06:26
JohnFluxbazhang: what has compiz got to do with anything?06:26
tacosarecoolI just had to uncheck it from the gnome side I guess06:27
=== codebaz is now known as Mahdi
tzangerubottu: I thought compiz was not installed on kubuntu06:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:27
=== Mahdi is now known as Pishguy
juanwhich is the best nvidia drive for a geforce PCI-E 6200?06:27
juani dont get the nvidia splash screen06:27
kathehey taco.... still no go, but found out why alsa-base is blank, it's because it's now alsa-base.conf06:29
p-fHi, is there a "Help, upgrading to Jaunty broke _____" wiki somewhere? Where _____ in my case is wireless, hibernation, sound, vim syntax highlighting and colour schemes.06:42
raylusounds like you should consider reinstalling06:48
raylutzanger: it is, but it's called "desktop effects"06:48
p-fraylu, was the reinstalling comment aimed at me?06:49
raylup-f: yes06:49
p-fI'm considering it, although it wouldn't be the same distro06:49
rayluwhat would you be installing?06:49
p-fbut surely someone else has encountered the same problems06:49
p-fI have no idea, arch or gentoo?06:49
raylui've never used archlinux06:50
p-fsomething that doesn't have brutal updates like H->J06:50
p-fer, I->J06:50
raylui've actually never had a problem with either a kubuntu or an ubuntu upgrade... because i reinstall a lot06:50
p-fno coffee = no alphabet for me06:50
raylubut upgrading a gentoo kernel is brutal06:50
dwidmannp-f: h-j would be brutal ... seeing as you have to h-i-j06:50
p-fI've never had any problems upgrading a gentoo kernel06:50
p-fdwidmann: I haven't had coffee yet, I meant intrepid to jaunty :)06:51
p-fbut I've invested so much time tweaking little things that it would be a shame to switch now06:51
dwidmannp-f: so what about it is brutal anyhow, I've not bothered to yet06:51
p-fdwidmann: well (at least for me), hibernation, sound, a bunch of things related to vim and wireless don't work anymore06:52
raylui have a lot of little tweaks; that's why i also back up my xmonad, xmodmap, vimrc, vimperatorrc, and a few other configs06:52
p-fit seems to have gone smoothly for some other people though06:52
dwidmannp-f: use intrepid's kernel with jaunty? (and report bugs against each non-working thing)06:52
p-fdwidmann: do you know if upgrading keeps the old kernel just in case?06:53
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p-fI didn't pay attention in grub last time I booted06:53
raylup-f: old kernels are not removed, i believe06:53
rayluapt-cache search linux-image06:54
p-fguess it's worth a shot06:54
Guest20166every body06:54
dwidmannhi Guest2016606:54
raylup-f: wait, they're not in the repos anymore. ls /boot06:55
sunnydrakecheck /boot/ folder?06:55
p-fraylu: I'll have to reboot to have a look - I'm on windows right now (no wifi on linux)06:56
dwidmannraylu: they're not in the repos, but if you had them installed previously they won't be removed.06:56
p-fI remember seeing more than 4 entries in grub this morning, so it should still be there06:56
p-fI'll try it out, brb06:57
rayludwidmann: right. but the search of apt-cache won't be helpful07:00
dwidmannraylu: dpkg --list | grep linux-image07:01
dwidmannraylu: that would be :)07:01
tzangerfor the nonfree/restricted codecs and stuff, do I still use the nonfree repo like I did in 7.10?07:06
dwidmanntzanger: the same, however, it's enabled by default since 8.04 I think07:06
dwidmanntzanger: package to get most of that would be kubuntu-restricted-extras07:07
tzangerdwidmann: nice, thank you07:08
tim_how do I install koffice2 rc1 through apt?07:12
dwidmanntim_: there may be a ppa repo for it07:14
dwidmanntim_: wait, no, it should be  in jaunty, just install koffice-kde407:15
raylukoffice-kde4: Version: 1:
raylu!info koffice-kde407:15
ubottukoffice-kde4 (source: koffice2): KDE Office Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (jaunty), package size 8 kB, installed size 48 kB07:15
dwidmanntim_: if you don't have 9.04, see this: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/koffice-2-rc07:16
tim_dwidmann: that just got me beta 707:16
rayluany reason it's
dwidmannraylu: because it won't be 2.0 til release07:16
rayluthat's still a bad version number07:16
dwidmannraylu: there's barely such a thing as a bad version number ... so long as it keeps things straight :)07:17
rayluand just confuses me. especially if a change needs to made before 2.0 is released07:17
dwidmannraylu: (if you started throwing in things like pi or e or i into the mix, then it'd be a bad version number)07:17
dwidmannraylu: if another change needs to be made, it becomes or or something ...07:18
tim_dwidmann: well it's installed but it's only beta 7, and it crashes on loading07:20
rayludwidmann: or something equally ugly07:20
dwidmanntim_: might need to get it from a ppa repo then ... can't really promise it's stable either07:21
tzangeris there a recommended way to edit the HAL fdi policies other than manually editing xml files??07:22
dwidmannkoffice2 needs a massive amount of work ... in fact, several apps are supposedly being left out of the 2.0 release07:22
tim_dwidmann: looking deeper it looks like kword is beta 7, but kspread is rc 1 and both are using outdated references, I'm propably going to do a clean install to fix this.07:23
dwidmanntim_: what does apt-cache say about them?07:23
p-fraylu/dwidmann the old kernel was indeed there, but it didn't help wifi at all07:25
dwidmanntim_: for example ... apt-cache policy koffice-kde4 kword-kde4 kspread-kde4 | grep Installed07:25
dwidmannp-f: and the other problems?07:25
p-fknetworkmanager just sits there, spewing out its usual debug info (even though it shouldn't, but that's another topic), saying "enabling connection blah on device blah"07:25
p-fdwidmann: I didn't test hibernation, but sound's also dead07:26
doleybp-f: why use knetworkmanager?07:26
p-fdoleyb: because iw is a pain to configure for wpa07:26
dwidmannI think I tried to do that once, and gave up after half an hour07:28
p-fI actually managed to get it to work a few months ago, but that was on another computer07:29
dwidmannp-f: at any rate, not worth that much trouble07:29
=== ZaphodBeeblebrox is now known as Guest72808
saz_hi I ve upgraded to Jaunty  and now have a problem with Xserver07:30
saz_I have an ATI Sapphire X55 card07:30
saz_any suggestions?07:30
dwidmannsaz_: I think I've heard about it before, but I don't think I've heard any real solutions other than "suck it up" or "get a newer card that's supported by fglrx" or "wait for them to fix it"  or "stay with intrepid" ... granted, that doesn't mean that there isn't one, just because I haven't heard about it07:32
=== ZaphodBeeblebrox is now known as Guest60668
saz_dwidmann thanks07:34
=== ZaphodBeeblebrox is now known as Guest62648
skierpagehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware says "Kubuntu's new and easy method of installing packages is to use the 'Add/Remove Programs' tool."07:48
naught103where can I view a print job list in kde4.2?07:48
skierpagewith a screenshot of "Adept installer".  I have no such tool in Kubuntu 9.04.  Presumably that doc is out-of-date?07:49
naught103skierpage: press alt+f2, and type adept, installer should come up second07:49
naught103but adept_manager is better, and aptitude (command line) is better than that07:50
doleybskierpage: in 9.04 there is kpackagekit instead of adept07:51
skierpagenaught103, nope, adept doesn't pop up.07:51
skierpagedoleyb,  KPackageKit has no help:, no doc, no tooltips.  I guess I'll start mastering the command line (dpkg or aptitude?)07:52
tzangerwhat does "ppa" stand for with respect to ubuntu?07:54
faileaspersonal package archive07:54
tzangerfaileas: hmm, okay07:55
skierpagedoleyb, naught103, does the "Package Install" alert that keeps popping up when I go to a Flash tie in Konq use dpkg or aptitude?   I'd like to see what it thinks it installed.07:55
naught103skierpage: almost everything (including aptitude, and adept, and kpackagekit) uses apt, which uses dpkg07:59
skierpagenaught103 thanks, the fog lifts somewhat.  Sounds like yum and rpm in Fedora-land.08:00
* daskreech smells talk of apt08:00
gogreenhow to upgrade with alternate cd via command line, at console?  gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" have to run in X.08:01
daskreechAdd the cd as an apt source08:02
reallovehello. I just upgraded kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 via the automatic update process. All went ok,just the new kernel 2.6.28-11 is not in the grub menu.lst . And not the modules,it's still mounted /lib/modules/2.6.27-11-generic/ . How can I fix that ?08:04
* eagles0513875 starts swearing at flash package08:05
eagles0513875morning daskreech08:05
daskreech!ohmy | eagles051387508:06
ubottueagles0513875: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.08:06
eagles0513875lol morning to you daskreech08:06
eagles0513875i didnt type anything in here to warrent that lol08:06
=== mwolfe is now known as wikpop
eagles0513875how buggy is the flash package for 64bit08:07
marie_blubbHi, I have a problem with my printer. it works at my pc, and I can see it at http://localhost:631 . problem it doesnt work over cups at another pc in the network08:07
eagles0513875daskreech: or faileas any idea about flash. im playing some flash clips and it gets super jittery08:09
* daskreech tries to stay away from Flash08:10
dwidmannAdobe Flash is the devil.08:11
daskreechNo just the gatekeeper08:11
naught103skierpage: almost everything (including aptitude, and adept, and kpackagekit) uses apt, which uses dpkg08:12
faileaseagles0513875: try sudo alsa force_reload08:12
eagles0513875faileas: its not audio issue08:12
eagles0513875faileas: this is a flash issue08:12
faileaseagles0513875: i had super stuttery flash and that seemed to fic it08:12
dwidmanneagles0513875: probably not, but probably wouldn't hurt to try anyway08:13
faileaswhat he said ;p08:13
eagles0513875faileas: did you file a bug if you want then i can confirm it08:13
faileaseagles0513875: its intermittant >_>08:13
faileasand i haven't had it recently08:13
dwidmanndaskreech: I still think it's the devil .. if it hadn't become so dominant maybe we'd have an open standard to a similar effect today ...08:14
skierpageaptitude thinks I have flashplugin-installer, flashplugin-nonfree, and konqueror-nsplugins installed, yet no Flash in Konqueror on AMD64.  Oh well.08:14
faileasdwidmann: and its abused for web page 'desgin'08:14
doleybdwidmann: yeah but blame that more on Sun's incompetence than macromedia's evil flash.08:15
daskreechdoleyb: huh?08:15
dwidmanndaskreech: java applets08:15
daskreechI think he did say open standard08:15
daskreechSun doesn't have any web open standards08:16
daskreechcertainly not when Flash was being insinuating08:16
doleybdaskreech: if java had been handled right, flash wouldn't have had a chance to spread.08:16
dwidmannSun has opened up considerably since then, but it's probably too little too late08:16
daskreechdoleyb: It still wouldn't have been an open standard08:17
doleybdaskreech: you're incorrect.08:17
* daskreech chuckles08:17
doleybHi valdis2!!08:17
daskreechAnyway alternate history discussions shouldn't be held here08:17
valdis2first time using irc08:18
dwidmannand to make matters worse, Microsoft wants a piece of the pie too08:18
daskreechvaldis2: Welcome08:18
skierpageGot it!  After everything auto-installs, you have to do Settings > Configure Konqueror... > Plugins > Plugins tab and click [Scan for Plugins] !08:18
dwidmanndaskreech: yeah, shame when we remember that the conversations always die though :( (I'm autojoined to -offtopic ... seems many people aren't)08:19
skierpageNow to never use Flash again and ask web designers to use HTML5 <canvas>, <audio> instead even though they won't work in MSIE ;-)08:19
dwidmannskierpage: which is why many places won't move forward for another ten years, they'll stay in 199508:20
lexadhi to all ..08:21
lexadi need some help pls .08:21
lexadi just downloade'd this version Ubuntu Netbook Remix08:22
lexadi have a laptop dell inspiron 170 with wifi connection08:22
dwidmann!ask | lexad08:22
ubottulexad: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:22
lexadthis mersion Ubuntu Netbook Remix if i install on my inspiron 1720 can i use wifi connection ?08:23
skierpagehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats suggests `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras` to play MP3s.  "110 newly installed" packages ??!08:23
dwidmannskierpage: not ubuntu-restricted-extras (unless you're using gnome and wandered into the kubuntu channel mistakenly) ...08:24
dwidmannskierpage: use kubuntu-restricted-extras08:24
skierpagedwidmann, thanks, I need to read more carefully.08:25
lexadwell i can enter on #Ubuntu to ask there. .so anyone can help me .?08:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook08:26
dwidmannskierpage: otherwise you'd end up *still* not being able to play mp3's, since Ubuntu/GNOME seems to favor GStreamer for audio, while Kubuntu/KDE favors Xine08:26
rayluso i had python 2.6 installed and proceeded to install python 3...08:27
skierpagelexad, why not try booting from the live media and see if it works?08:27
raylurealizing this wasn't what i wanted, i purged it but i got this: INFO: using unknown version '/usr/bin/python3.0' (debian_defaults not up-to-date?)08:27
dwidmannlexad: what does lspci say about your wireless?08:27
bouinHello, does someone try to use xinerama for multiscreen with an ATI graphic card ???08:28
dwidmannskierpage: though, technically speaking, anything ubuntu supports, the netbook remix will support also, if that was your question08:28
dwidmannbouin: I am right now.08:28
bouindwidmann: Enabling xinerama crash my X server . . .08:29
skierpagedwidmann, kubuntu-restricted-extras says 51 newly installed packages/221 MB, less but still seems a lot just to play MP3s in Amarok.08:29
bouindwidmann: I am using the last driver from ati website . . .08:29
dwidmannskierpage: if that's all you want then that is overkill and a half.08:29
dwidmannbouin: which version of Ubuntu, which card?08:30
bouindwidmann:I am using kubuntu 9.0408:30
dwidmannskierpage: libxine1-ffmpeg -- install that08:30
eagles0513875does anyone know how to change the color of the area where ones types text in kopete. i have a custom color applier that i would like to keep on the rest of the system but change it in the chat boxes the color of the area that i type in :08:31
doleybI upgraded to jaunty, and now have silly sound effects when clicking buttons in gtk programs (like gimp, gedit, gnometris, firefox).  But if I log into a gnome session that doesn't happen.  How can I stop it in a kde session?08:32
lexadi want to know if i install that version ...on my laptop i can use  wirelles connection08:32
skierpagedwidmann ++ !08:32
bouindwidmann: I am using kubuntu 9.04 and ATI HD 2400 XT with the last drivers form ati website . . . and it does not resolve anything08:33
lexaddwidmann i don't know if that version is install himself my wirelles driver, or i must find some ..08:34
dwidmannlexad: there should be a link to a compatibility list on this thing, make sure yours is on the list08:34
dwidmann!wireless | lexad08:34
ubottulexad: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:35
dwidmannbouin: I'm not on Jaunty (yet) or I'd check08:35
dwidmannbouin: it's working fine for me with latest driver and Intrepid with a 4670 though08:35
bouindwidmann: I have seen that it was the same problem with 8.1008:35
bouindwidmann: is the 4670 an ati card ?08:36
dwidmannbouin: full name being RadeonHD 467008:36
dwidmanneagles0513875: I think I looked for that in Kopete before and couldn't manage, what's worse is sometimes the text is forced black when I'm typing and its hard to read ...08:37
bouindwidmann:it means that If i came back with 8.10 it should be fine with xinerama08:37
=== profesor is now known as PePsI
bouindwidmann:Are you using gnome or KDE ?08:37
dwidmannbouin: Possibly, unless it's a problem specific to your card, in which case I don't know if there's something you can do about it or not08:38
JohnFluxafter upgrading to 9,04 I don't get any sound in skype08:38
dwidmannbouin: KDE 4.2.2, compiled from source08:38
eagles0513875dwidmann: with the current background i am using it forces the text white08:38
bouindwidmann: do you know if they upgrated the x server on the 9.04 ?08:38
dwidmannbouin: yes, yes they did.08:39
dwidmanneagles0513875: Kopete has needed work for this area in years IMO08:39
dwidmanneagles0513875: I think it'd be a fairly simple problem to fix too08:39
eagles0513875agreed with ya on that08:39
bouindwidmann: so what do you suggest me ?08:39
dwidmannbouin: I've got no clue, have you Xinerama working with that card in the past, at all, ever?08:40
dwidmannbouin: because if so, installing an older driver or something might be able to do the trick.08:41
bouindwidmann: yes it was working very well with kubuntu 8.0408:41
doleybSo, I have plasma at 50-75% CPU for over an hour now, no desktop effects enabled, only 2 plasmoids (network and battery), not doing anything except idle in irc.  That's bad huh!08:42
bouindwidmann: seems like it's the old xserver that was working with . . .08:42
dwidmann!info xserver-xorg-video-fglrx hardy08:42
ubottuPackage xserver-xorg-video-fglrx does not exist in hardy08:42
dwidmann!info xorg-driver-fglrx hardy08:43
ubottuxorg-driver-fglrx (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( Video driver for ATI graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1:7.1.0-8-3+ (hardy), package size 9719 kB, installed size 29356 kB08:43
dwidmannSo, it would be version 7.1 of the fglrx driver, I presume08:43
bouindwidmann: I was using envy . . .08:44
dwidmannbouin: still worth a try, if that doesn't do the trick it may be a much harder problem08:44
bouindwidmann: do you think that I could try to compile the old xserver ?08:45
dwidmannbouin: Changing versions of X would probably be a nightmare08:45
bouindwidmann: yeah i guess08:45
dwidmannbouin: sure, you can try, and good luck :)08:45
JohnFluxhow do I tell if I'm using pulseaudio?08:45
doleybJohnFlux: first check if pulseaudio package is installed.  If not, you're not.08:46
JohnFluxdoleyb: seems so :-)08:47
bouindwidmann: I already compiled it for an arm platform it was a big work, I don't really want to do that lol08:50
bouindwidmann: evenmore if it is just for my computer08:50
dwidmannbouin: I imagined such08:50
eagles0513875btw flash is fixed that is strange how alsa can make flash not work right08:51
dwidmannbouin: I might have tried it once, but the source seems to be in many separate tarballs instead of just one08:51
bouindwidmann: That's right it was08:51
bouindwidmann: I am going to try to use the 8.10 . . .08:52
dwidmannbouin:  good luck ... if your time is worth money you might want to opt to put in a card without the issue instead of going to trouble for it08:53
bouindwidmann: I am at work :-(08:54
dwidmannbouin: they won't let you? not even for productivities sake?08:54
bouindwidmann: They do not really know what I am doing . . . and i keep managing the engineers . . .08:55
buzzDriveDoes somebody can tell me how do i test output display via a second screen because i can't output my display via this screen08:56
bouindwidmann: do you know why we can not download the hardy iso when we are on http://www.kubuntu-fr.org/telechargement ??? wierd !!!08:57
doleybbuzzDrive: That could depend some on what kind of vid card you use.08:58
buzzDrivedoleyb: thanks before I installed nvidia driver my screen works fine and now nothing works08:58
=== profesor is now known as AaNnAa
dwidmannbouin: I dunno, try a different mirror08:59
doleybbuzzDrive: Nothing at all?  All screens are off??08:59
daskreechhi AaNnAa ;-)08:59
buzzDriveno sorry the screen is light on but I have no display doleyb08:59
dwidmannbuzzDrive: if you have something in one of your screens, try typing in kdesudo nvidia-settings09:01
doleybbuzzDrive: You're using another computer now?  It would be hard to make a second screen come on without the first one.  Is your PC on a network?09:01
bouindwidmann: ok thank you going to try the kubuntu 8.10 . . . bye09:01
buzzDrivedwidmann: ok I am on my laptop and it works I try what you said09:01
buzzDriveOk i belive that i found the issue do I have to use Twinview or seperate screen?09:02
doleybbuzzDrive: Normally use twinview09:03
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dwidmannbuzzDrive: separate screen and KDE4 don't get along09:04
dwidmannbuzzDrive: so effectively if you use KDE4 you don't have a choice09:05
RookGuys i have installed Ubuntu within windows09:05
RookIn Ubuntu when i try to shutdown or restart i just get a black screen?09:05
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dwidmannRook: hard telling what the issue is ... I've seen buggy video drivers cause that problem before though09:06
RookWhen i tried to update drivers09:07
RookIt said i had to pay for them?09:07
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daskreechSome linux drivers are pay only09:13
marie_blubbhi, i have a problem with cupsd.conf. the file its changing by itself after restarting the server :( changes: http://ja.pastebin.ca/1404632  thats how the pc changes it: http://ja.pastebin.ca/140464609:23
marie_blubbthats why i cannot print over the network09:23
eagles0513875thats strange the flash command faileas you gave me or was it daskreech or smoeone it fixed flash but screwed up my audio  my audio seems ot be using the pulseaudio driver09:26
faileaseagles0513875: dang09:26
faileasi did09:26
eagles0513875faileas: tell me bout it09:26
eagles0513875im tempted to reboot to see if i can use my normal driver09:26
faileaseagles0513875: no idea why it works, it just does09:27
eagles0513875could there be an irq conflict between sound and flash or something09:27
eagles0513875faileas: i would prefer to use my digital driver but for some reason it doesnt work09:27
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eagles0513875this is super strange09:28
eagles0513875faileas: restarting alsa using the pulsaudio driver then back to analog driver fixed the issues09:28
faileaswierd bug tho09:29
faileaswhat audio device?09:29
eagles0513875i have 209:29
eagles0513875this is an nvidia chipset that has 2 outputs one analog and digital for some reason the digital one doesnt work :(09:29
eagles0513875which i would rather use instead of analog09:29
SandGorgonguys.. any nice image viewer in KDE - gwenview doesnt even have a ruler09:30
ubuntuhow do i add a blank space in my panel, so that my widgets don't look unncessarily "stretched"?09:37
buzzDriveOk thanks for support my second display screen works dwidmann|away09:39
kinkieHi all. I have a kubuntu jaunty installed on a physical partition (/dev/sda1) which I'd like to move to a lvm-backed rootfs. So far I'm failing, any hints on how to do it? Thanks!09:41
olembeHello. Have Kubuntu running on a Macbook, set up to use GB Mac keyboard. Anyone got any idea how I can type a # sign? Normally, on Mac,it's alt-3, but that doesn't work!09:42
eagles0513875kinkie: are you wanting to copy the partition to another drive09:43
kinkieeagles0513875: same physical spindle, but yes.09:44
kinkieeagles0513875: the situation is:09:44
eagles0513875kinkie: have you tried the dd command im not sure if that will do waht you want09:45
kinkieeagles0513875: copying the filesystem is not the problem. Rather it seems that update-initramfs doesn't peek the lvm volumes up09:45
eagles0513875kinkie: are they in the fstab09:46
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto09:46
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ubuntuis the panel spacer plasmoid in the jaunty repos?09:47
olembeubuntu: I'm pretty sure I saw it for download on kde-look.org09:48
ubuntuolembe: but the one there is the 0.1 version, which is ugly.. i was looking for the 0.2 version09:49
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olembeubuntu: ah, sorry. I don't know then09:49
rohanhttp://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Panel+Spacer?content=89304 --- this09:49
rohanthis is the one you're talking about, right olembe?09:49
olemberohan: yes, that's the one. It is listed as 0.209:50
rohanbut the available package is 0.1 only :(09:50
rohani'll need to compile from source09:50
kinkietsimpson: documentation seems to concentrate on how to set LVM up; I can do that just fine. My problem is with initramfs, not lvm :(09:50
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tsimpsondoes it say if your root can be LVM?09:51
kinkietsimpson: it can. The alternate install can do that when installing from scratch. Which I'd like to avoid if possible...09:51
olemberohan: that shouldn't be a problem. I've compiled plasma widgets from source and I'm quite a newcomer to linux!09:52
kinkie(which = install from scratch)09:52
rohani am not worried aobut how difficult it is, problem is that i just can't compile while i am on the live cd.09:52
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tsimpsonkinkie: I would suggest you try asking in #ubuntu-server more likely to find people familiar with LVM in there09:54
kinkieOk, thanks.09:55
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rocky_fortuneso how do I get flash and java working and drivers for a vid card?09:55
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash09:55
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:55
eagles0513875rocky_fortune: for flash and java i would recommend using the kubuntu-restricted-extras package it contains flash java and other proprietary drivers09:57
rohanolembe: in case you're interested, here's the package for jaunty - https://launchpad.net/~samrog131/+archive/ppa?field.name_filter=spacer&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=any09:57
olembeThanks, rohan.09:58
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rocky_fortunethis is driving me crazy10:10
eagles0513875whats wrong rocky_fortune10:10
rocky_fortunewell I googled the kubuntu-restricted-extras package since I really don't know how to get it and it tell's me to use adept which I have no idea how to work10:13
trylikhi is there any nice GUI app for creating pdf from jpegs?10:18
=== dwidmann|away is now known as dwidmann
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daskreechrocky_fortune: ping10:31
=== dwidmann is now known as dwidmann|away
daskreechrocky_fortune: Why do you want kubuntu-restricted-extras?10:33
rocky_fortunei need some flash and java10:33
daskreechInstall using kpackagekit10:34
rocky_fortunewhat's that?10:34
daskreechThe package manager10:35
daskreechSoftware managment tool10:35
daskreechrocky_fortune: You are using Jaunty ?10:35
daskreechpress alt+F2 and type package10:36
rocky_fortunefound it10:36
daskreechgo to the bottom button on the left10:36
daskreechthen click edit software sources and make sure that multiverse is checked10:37
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blackalityfilm list10:42
daskreechrocky_fortune: Doing ok?10:43
rocky_fortunenot really. It decided to crash.10:44
rocky_fortuneand it's installing some package that I don't even know.10:44
daskreechFirst time I've heard of that10:44
daskreechYes it installs a whole lot of packages10:45
daskreechThat's the point :)10:45
rocky_fortunewell I was clicking yes to multiverse then it started installing things10:45
daskreechThat's not intsalling10:45
daskreechThat's updating the list of things that you can install10:46
digdeephi, how do I change the look of kmenu into classic "windows start menu"? (I forgot how to do it)10:47
daskreechdigdeep: Right click it10:47
digdeepwhere do I change it?10:48
daskreechSwitch to classicmenu10:49
rocky_fortuneI cant seem to find the restricted extras :/10:49
digdeepDo I right click the start menu?10:50
daskreechrocky_fortune: It's finished the update?10:50
daskreechdigdeep: yes10:50
daskreechTHe button that pops up the start menu10:50
digdeepthen menu editor?10:50
hamedichايه يامان10:50
rocky_fortuneI've no idea i've changed the sofware sources like you asked.10:51
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية10:51
hamedichانا بتكلم عربى10:51
daskreechrocky_fortune: ok You should have kubuntu-restricted-extras now when you search10:52
hamedichحد عاوز مساعدة10:52
daskreech!arabic > hamedich10:52
ubottuhamedich, please see my private message10:52
daskreechrocky_fortune: If not close it and reopen10:53
rocky_fortunegot it ty10:54
digdeepI found that in Jaunty, the correct way is to add the app launch menu from widget system (with tradition menu)10:56
hamedichi have downloaded wine program that make me lunch windows program and games10:57
daskreechdigdeep: same thing :)10:57
daskreechall the right click method does is swap them out10:57
daskreechhamedich: ok10:58
rocky_fortune>.< it doesn't work on firefox10:58
daskreechrocky_fortune: What doesn't?10:58
rocky_fortuneflash and java10:58
javihola hay alguien q me entiende?10:58
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:58
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.10:59
daskreechtry install sun-java6-plugin10:59
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper10:59
daskreechflash should work10:59
ActionParsniprocky_fortune: are you using 64bit or 32bit Linux?11:04
rocky_fortune32 bit11:05
FirefisheHow do I enable the root password temporarily, then reverse the process?  (I really know what I"m doing here, but I forgot the procedure.)11:05
faileasFirefishe: sudo su?11:05
ActionParsniprocky_fortune: nice, then run: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer11:05
ActionParsniprocky_fortune: gives you flash11:06
hyper_chFirefishe: sudo -i11:06
Firefishefaileas:  I'm installing something that pops up an xterm wanting the root password.  I need to enable it system wide for this one thing, then change it back to normal.11:06
Firefishehyper_ch:  I don't think that'll work.  It's asking me for it during a script run, which pops up the xterm and a root password line.11:07
hyper_chFirefishe: then your script is wrong11:07
Firefishehyper_ch:  no, it's not11:07
* kinkie is away: Stuff to do, people to see...11:07
FirefisheI'm installing rox11:07
ActionParsnip!away > kinkie11:07
ubottukinkie, please see my private message11:07
ActionParsniprox ftw11:07
FirefisheActionParsnip:  ftw?11:08
Firefishe!abbreviations | ActionParsnip11:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about abbreviations11:08
rocky_fortunety, it works11:08
ActionParsnipFirefishe: for the win11:09
alarmhello, i just upgraded to 9.04 , the problem i have is with the nvidia drivers that need to be reinstalled. at the moment i can use only console, and the nvidia  installation package is on my windows partition, how can i mount it through console and get this file ?11:10
hyper_chalarm: 32 or 64bit?11:10
FirefisheActionParsnip:  ok... what did you mean by it?  I'm lost, sorry.11:10
Firefishealarm:  best to copy it to your /home/user directory11:11
Firefisheand use it directly from within that directory you copy it to11:11
hyper_chalarm: any specific version that you want?11:11
alarmFirefishe:  i cannot copy it. i need to access my windows partition first11:11
Firefishemount the partition?11:11
alarmhow do i do that from console ?11:11
alarmnormaly under kde its been done by i a simple click11:11
alarmbut from console ?11:12
alarmits an ntfs partition where the nvidia  .bin file is11:12
rocky_fortunewhat's it mean when it say's I need to fork?11:12
Firefishechiefly, something like:   sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda# /media/winXP11:12
hyper_chalarm: I currently use this one:  ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/180.29/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-180.29-pkg2.run11:12
ActionParsnipFirefishe: rox is awesome, short answer11:12
hyper_chalarm: you can just:    wget ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/180.29/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-180.29-pkg2.run11:12
alarmhyper_ch:  my problem is not what to use11:12
Firefishealarm:  # is the name of the drive, such as /dev/sda511:12
alarmi need to access it from my partition11:12
alarmi got the drivers , on a windows partition11:12
alarmand i dont know how to mount it from console to start the installtion11:12
hyper_chalarm: why not just redownloading them?11:12
FirefisheActionParsnip:  I'm finding that out. :-)  But I want to add it system wide, and I need to enable the root password.  Help?11:13
alarmcause I cant log into KDE11:13
hyper_chalarm: wget ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/180.29/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-180.29-pkg2.run11:13
hyper_chalarm: that downloads it11:13
Firefishethanks hyper_ch11:13
alarmi dont have any web connection through my wifi under console11:13
ActionParsnipFirefishe: you dont need the root pass, you can do everything with sudo and gksudo11:13
ActionParsnipand kdesudo11:13
alarmif i would have i'd use lynx to download it again11:14
alarmi dont , as i dont know how to mount from console the partition11:14
FirefisheActionParsnip:  Ok, let me outline the problem-at-hand.  I'm in fluxbox, accessing the rox apps, and using rox-session to setup rox with a login entry to my login manager.  During the process, it asks for my root user password.  Now, I'm aware--as we all are--of ubuntu's sudo-centric philosophy-for-security attitude, etc.  If I didn't like it, I wouldn't be here.11:15
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)11:16
FirefisheActionParsnip:  That said, I still need something to type in to the root user request popup when it appears....hence, temporarily enable root, do my business with rox-session setup, then reverse the process back to sudo,.11:16
ActionParsnipFirefishe: its at the bottom of that, if you bork your system its not my fault11:16
FirefisheActionParsnip:  I've been using gnu/linux since madrake 5, young man! ;)11:16
Firefishemandrake ;)hee11:17
ActionParsnipFirefishe: you can use kdesudo to bring up a lil popup to ask for pass11:17
ActionParsnipFirefishe: mandrake 7 here11:17
FirefisheActionParsnip:  okay, I'll try it.11:17
FirefisheActionParsnip:  it *was* all the rage way back in the days of 2.2 and 2.4 ;) hee11:17
ActionParsnipFirefishe: still rocks now11:17
FirefisheActionParsnip:  As the rest of this talk isn't 'buntu-centric, may I ap you?11:18
guedresselmy jaunty doesn't play sound in non-kde applications...11:25
guedressel...is this something only happening to me?11:25
guedresselvlc plays no sound - neither does the Flash Plugin11:26
guedresselamarok plays loud tough11:26
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:28
KiRiLoSI cant delete the trash files,i get this error:The file or folder /home/user/.local/share/Trash/files/Documents does not exist. Any solutions?Thanks11:37
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash11:39
ktminiBonjour. Désolé si c'a déjà été traité mais la mise à jour de intrepid à jaunty m'a enlevé les icones knetwork et batterie du syst tray et du coup je ne peux plus me connecter qu'en filaire, plus de wifi avec ma intel 2200BG. Solution?11:39
KiRiLoSActionParsnip, the thing is that the trash is empty and when i go to that folder there's nothing in it11:39
ActionParsnipKiRiLoS: whats the output of    file ~/.local/share/Trash/files/Documents11:39
KiRiLoSActionParsnip, the /Documents folder isnt there @ all and that's the whole problem.It caused when i erased some stuff off an external ntfs drive11:40
ActionParsnipKiRiLoS: hmm, then i would use; mkdir ~/.local/share/Trash/files/Documents11:41
ktminisince intrepid to jaunty update, knetwork and battery icons disappeared and my main problem is i can't connect with wifi anymore. Do you guys have any solution? Thanks a lot!11:41
KiRiLoSActionParsnip, oh lol,i never thought that.That may be helpfull!I'll try it out11:42
ActionParsnipKiRiLoS: just humour it ;)11:43
KiRiLoSActionParsnip, Lol!It worked :P thanks11:44
ActionParsniphahahaha textbook11:45
ktminishy up :s11:46
guedresselActionParsnip: thanks for the sound notice...11:47
guedressel...it's not what i looked for11:47
guedresselsound is actually working11:47
guedresselbut only for kde-apps11:47
guedresseli think it's something like pulse audio making my problems11:48
guedresseland i'm running a plain jaunty installation11:48
guedresselno extra software or configurations...11:48
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guedresseland non of the pulseaudio packages are installed11:49
guedresselis this good?11:49
Wazmynguedressel: there was something in the release notes about pulseaudio being installed when it shouldn't be11:49
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yaa_hi all11:50
guedresselthe flash plugin is not relying on pulseaudio - is it?11:50
guedresselit's accessing alsa directly - right?11:51
ktminiwould it bother you to at least answer you have no clue?!11:51
yaa_which parameter of dpkg lists where to install files of the pakage11:51
ktminihi yaa11:51
yaa_ktmini: %)11:52
SandGorgonanybody using wicd or any alternatives for network manager ?11:53
alarm hello, i just updated my ubuntu system to 9.04 which means also that i need to reinstall my nvidia drivers11:53
alarmtrying to reinstall them i get this error : ERROR: If you are using a Linux 2.4 kernel, please make sure you either have configured kernel sources matching your11:53
bazhangSandGorgon, the command line alternative :)11:53
alarmkernel or the correct set of kernel headers installed on your system .my new kernel is: 2.6.28-11-generic11:53
ActionParsnipalarm: have you rebooted to jaunty's kernel?11:53
yaa_network manager^ the alternative is ifconfig, route add11:53
alarmActionParsnip, i guess so, since i did a fully upgrade11:53
alarmbut now i am facing with nvidia drivers reinstallation11:54
alarmfrom the nvidia binary11:54
alarmi get that kernel error during the installation11:54
ActionParsnipalarm: then try: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get --reinstall install nvidia-glx-18011:54
yaa_does anybody know about dpkg11:54
redpearlhow to resize my partition, make it smaller, shrink it11:54
alarmActionParsnip, i am saying again "i am using the nvidia binary"11:54
SandGorgonyaa_, bazhang: sigh...11:54
alarmthats what i had before installed on my system11:54
ActionParsnipalarm: then you need to reinstall it as the dkms part of the driver will not be done11:55
yaa_SandGorgon: ?11:55
bazhangSandGorgon, its not that difficult actually, let me get you a weblink with some basics11:55
ActionParsnipalarm: if you us the package, it wil have completed that for you11:55
alarmActionParsnip,  frankly talking i did not understand what you mean :)11:55
alarmyeah  , but i use the last few years binaries from the website11:55
ActionParsnipalarm: if you use the package, every time you get a new kernel the DKMS compile to create the driver module will be done for you11:56
alarmdont want to mix up my system now with the nvidia drivers and the deb packages11:56
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 SandGorgon here are some basics you may wish to know when you dont have a gui11:56
ActionParsnipalarm: if you start using the one from nvidia.com this will not be done11:56
ActionParsnipalarm: it's the same deal, just more convenient for you11:56
alarmokie , i can start maybe traying installing the kernel sources11:57
alarmwould this easy to be done ?11:57
SandGorgonbazhang: hey thanks... but I would infintely prefer having a nice GUI based wireless manager... i have to get work done u know11:59
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* guedressel fixed the sound problem12:07
guedresseljust installed the pulseaudio package and restarted my machine12:07
guedresselnow vlc plays the sound!12:08
guedressel(whyever i need pulseaudio...)12:08
ahoxHi, does the kubuntu radeonhd driver already support displayport?12:11
ahoxI have a Radeon HD 3600 and would like to know if I can use multihead12:12
SandGorgonlatest svn konversation for kde4 is really usable - there were some problems with display, tab completion - but now it is very nice12:17
faileasSandGorgon: was that the one you linked, or is there a new one?12:17
SandGorgonthe one i linked was an older debian repo - it is usable, but has problems with nick completion. an svn build pulled from the source tree fixes all those problems12:19
* faileas wishes someone would PPA it12:19
eagles0513875ppa what12:19
eagles0513875SandGorgon: i heard otherwise in regards to konversation412:19
SandGorgonthe slightly older debian repo is http://packages.debian.org/experimental/i386/konversation/download12:20
faileaseagles0513875: konversation-kde412:21
* faileas is lazy to built it ;p12:21
eagles0513875faileas:  ill do it if someone will walk me through it12:21
SandGorgoneagles0513875: no i think it is pretty nice - konv was anyways much more usable than quassel12:21
drbobbhello, does anyone know of a fix for konqueror's vanishing statusbar?12:21
eagles0513875SandGorgon: true but i heard the kde4 port is still rather unstable12:21
faileaseagles0513875: if i did it myself, i'd use checkinstall, it wouldn't pass debian packageing requirements but... it works12:22
eagles0513875drbobb: the kde4 version of kde3 version12:22
eagles0513875faileas: i never packaged anything12:22
eagles0513875woot uck is working12:22
eagles0513875drbobb: that could be a bug i have yet to try the kde4 version12:22
drbobbeagles0513875: i've never seen this problem in kde312:22
rubinhoi need help in mixing up 2.0 to 5.1 sound can someone please help me12:23
eagles0513875drbobb: the kde4 version is still under development12:23
faileasSandGorgon: if you can point me ay how to grab the SVN code, and what prerequisites i need, i could throw together a quick and dirty deb12:23
SandGorgoneagles0513875: no crashes .. using for two days continuously12:23
eagles0513875lol faileas ill do it right though12:23
drbobbeagles0513875: and what is not12:23
rdalei've just upgraded from kubuntu intrepid to jaunty and my fonts are smaller - does anyone know why that would be?12:23
eagles0513875drbobb: the kde3 version is still in the repos12:23
drbobboh unless you meant to say the kde3 version is no longer developed12:23
faileasmaybe not12:24
eagles0513875drbobb: its currently being ported to kde4 but the kde3 version of konversation is still in the repos12:24
eagles0513875drbobb: also if you installed from svn youmight need to update the svn source code and rebuild12:25
tsimpsoneagles0513875: konqueror != konversation12:25
drbobbeagles0513875: i'm sorry, my question was about konqueror12:25
faileasSandGorgon: what version you got?12:25
eagles0513875drbobb: ahhh my bad i understood konversation12:25
eagles0513875drbobb: apologies12:25
p-fAm I correct in assuming that everything in /etc/network/if-up.d/ is executed after a connection has been established?12:25
eagles0513875tsimpson: i misread his question12:25
eagles0513875faileas: if you dont want to package but have a how to on packaging ill be more then willing to package it for the community12:26
SandGorgonfaileas: just a sec12:26
faileaseagles0513875 : there's one on the wiki.12:26
faileashttps://launchpad.net/~tonio/+archive/ppa this PPA has it12:26
ActionParsnipp-f: try it, create a little noddy script with zenity to pop up and say hi12:26
* eagles0513875 keeps fighting with uck12:26
p-fActionParsnip: well, I created one with echo none > /sys/class/leds/iwl*/trigger and my leds are still blinking on every packet I receive, so I assume there's a special trick I missed12:27
faileaseagles0513875: what do you need with uck?12:27
ActionParsnip!info uck12:27
ubottuuck (source: uck): Tool to customize official Ubuntu Live CDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.8-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 182 kB, installed size 636 kB12:27
eagles0513875faileas: customizing the iso12:27
p-f!info stupid led defaults12:27
ubottu'led' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kde4-ppa-intrepid', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']12:27
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: i know i keep getting build errors12:27
faileaseagles0513875: ya.. which part of that? ;p12:27
eagles0513875it changes12:27
eagles0513875last build it failed on resolv.conf12:28
eagles0513875trying it again12:28
* faileas has managed to add/remove packages, swap the desktop environment, and possibly add firefox plugins12:28
drbobbheh made me think of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UÇK12:28
eagles0513875faileas: interesting cuz i dunno why i keep getting these errors12:29
faileaspastebin em12:29
eagles0513875well right now im starting this again12:29
eagles0513875hold on12:29
eagles0513875unpacking squashfs atm12:29
faileasneed to feed the dog12:30
eagles0513875i wish uck had an irc channel12:30
aapzakintel graphics users here? I cannot get it working properly, anyone else can?12:30
drbobbis my memory wrong or did the kde3 konqueror have a menu setting for whether to display the statusbar? the kde4 one seems not to12:30
SandGorgonfaileas: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/159297/ should do the trick if you want to compile12:32
eagles0513875SandGorgon: hes afk12:33
SandGorgoneagles0513875: thank god i did a paste :)12:34
eagles0513875lol ya12:34
p-fwhat's the simplest way to change the global keyboard repeat rate?12:35
p-fkbdrate is only for the console, kde's systemsettings doesn't have a repeat rate entry anymore, xset requires XFree86-Misc, whatever that is.12:36
eagles0513875faileas: i get an error 3212:38
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faileasSandGorgon: thanks12:39
faileashmm.. no idea what that is12:40
SandGorgonp-f: if you find out, please let me know as well12:40
faileasSandGorgon: i'll use checkinstal ;p12:40
p-fSandGorgon: http://blog.crossedstreams.com/?p=1212:41
SandGorgonfaileas: yup that works as well12:41
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p-fSandGorgon: you could also blacklist iwlcore and led_class modules, but I'm not sure if iwlcore is used for anything else12:41
p-fSandGorgon: oops, I thought you were responding to another thing, nevermind12:42
p-fSandGorgon: (unless your leds are also blinking! :) )12:42
* faileas did it on the wrong box, the server, not the build box12:42
SandGorgonp-f: heh.. no I wanted to know about the repeat rate - I have an ergonomic keyboard and RSI :(12:42
p-fSandGorgon: apparently you can use xset, but it requires the Xfree-Misc module which I have no idea how to enable because kubuntu's /etc/X11/xorg.conf is completely strange12:43
SandGorgonp-f: yup... which is why I dont mess with it12:43
SandGorgonp-f: you could file an enhancement request as well.12:43
p-fSandGorgon: the "please put it back to what it was" enhancement? :)12:44
faileasp-f: it empty by default ;p12:44
p-ffaileas: where do I add stuff, then?12:44
SandGorgonp-f: yup :)12:45
p-ffaileas: if, say, I want to add XFree86-Misc to display12:45
eagles0513875wow lag spike12:45
trylikhi i wanted to compile kobby12:46
trylikwhat should i write as prefix:12:46
trylikcmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={prefix}12:46
faileasp-f: you add it there i think12:46
edericohello, can anyone please tell me how do I find my CPU type through the terminal?12:47
faileasederico: lshw should tell you all you need to know12:48
SandGorgonederico: sudo lshw -sanitize -C CPU12:48
ActionParsnipfaileas: lshw likes sudo (no idea why)12:49
edericothanks a lot to all of you, worked great12:50
trylikederico cat /proc/cpuinfo12:50
p-ffaileas: /etc/X11/xorg.conf has supposedly been deprecated or some such12:50
faileasActionParsnip: it makes no difference ;p12:50
trylikhow about that "CMake Error: your CXX compiler: "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER-NOTFOUND" was not found."12:50
SandGorgontrylik: sudo apt-get install g12:51
SandGorgontrylik: sudo apt-get install g++12:51
shinobynadie ke hable español12:51
shinobypuro ingles?12:51
trylikwhatever he said12:52
eagles0513875!es | shinoby12:52
ubottushinoby: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:52
ActionParsnipfaileas: i know but it says use sudo if you dont, even though the output is identical12:52
faileasActionParsnip: yes ;p12:52
shinobypues entre aki sin kerer no fue mi intencion12:52
eagles0513875shinoby: #kubuntu-es por favor este canale hablar solo ingles por favor12:52
mohan__hi guys12:53
shinobyo ke verga lo kiere uno para ayuda y salen con esa mamada fuck you12:53
mohan__cud someone look at this: http://pastebin.com/m424ff16 and check if there's a network card in there somewhere?12:53
mohan__my wireless works flawless with 9.04...its the wired thats bothering me..it doesnt appear. :(12:54
faileasmohan__: only wireless seems there12:54
gianlucai have a problem with audio12:54
ActionParsnipmohan__: 05:04.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05)12:54
gianlucaif i insert a jack of phone12:54
gianlucadon't isolate the speaker12:55
gianlucacan anyone help me?12:55
faileasgianluca: i'm afriad i don't understand12:55
ActionParsnipmohan__: is the wired enabled in bios?12:55
gianlucai have a notebook12:55
mohan__faileas: not good :(12:55
mohan__faileas: thanks nyways!12:55
gianlucain this notebook there is a jack for phone12:55
mohan__ActionParsnip: thanks!12:55
gianlucaif i play audio song12:56
gianlucathe sound go on the speakers12:56
mohan__oh yea...12:56
gianlucaif i insert jack phone12:56
eagles0513875mohan__: give me a sec to look at your pastebin12:56
mohan__ActionParsnip: hmm..u'r right...i hadnt checked that12:56
ActionParsnipmohan__: if you want wired, check its enabled in bios, you may need some bootoptions to make it appear12:56
gianlucathe audio go on the speaker and phone12:56
mohan__ActionParsnip: thanks so much :)12:56
ActionParsnipmohan__: also read through   dmesg | less   to see if its being shown12:56
gianlucai want listen audio onl y in the phone12:56
ActionParsnipmohan__: as well as    sudo lshw -C network12:56
mohan__ActionParsnip: hadnt thought of it :)12:57
ActionParsnipgianluca: what?12:57
mohan__ActionParsnip: will go try now. thanks!12:57
faileasgianluca: i think kmix has seperate volume controls for headphone and internal speakers...12:57
faileasso try there first12:57
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: you have any experience with uck12:57
faileasActionParsnip: his laptop's speakers don't mute when he plugs in his headphones12:57
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: none, sorry12:57
ActionParsnipfaileas: if i had an answer i would have replied ;012:58
faileasoh ;p12:58
faileasgianluca: you might also want to try the channel for your main language12:58
faileasno offence, but your english is not so good12:58
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports12:59
p-ffaileas: I just tried to add Load "extmod" to the Modules section, but no change - xset still complains about a missing XFree86-Misc12:59
eagles0513875hi ianc13:04
ideapadhello everyone13:04
eagles0513875hi ideapad13:04
ideapadhi  eagles13:04
ideapadwhere are you fron13:05
ideapadwhere are you from13:05
ActionParsnipideapad: this is support, not idle chat13:05
eagles0513875!ot | ideapad13:05
ubottuideapad: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!13:05
ideapadoh  yes13:05
ideapadmy english just so so13:06
ideapadplease forgive me13:06
ideapadi installed the ubuntu 9.04 DVD13:07
ideapadthen   i   install  the   kde13:07
ideapadbut i can not use the kde desktop13:08
gundam_rx78nt1Is anybody else experiencing Hash Sum Mistmatch when updating packages from ubuntu/kubuntu repositories?13:08
eagles0513875ideapad: what is your primary language13:08
SandGorgonideapad: did u do 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' ?13:08
ideapadi from  china13:08
gundam_rx78nt1I keep getting those errors and it is starting to get me very angry when it comes time to update my system.13:08
tyfonideapad: put /usr/bin/kdm into /etc/X11/default-display-manager13:08
ideapadi did so13:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch13:09
tyfonalso you have to set the X session to kde in the login window13:09
ideapad put /usr/bin/kdm into /etc/X11/default-display-manager?????/13:09
tyfonits one of the menus there13:09
ideapadthat is all right13:09
tyfonyes if you do that, the default login window will be kde and not gnome :)13:09
ideapadi can tech to you13:09
SandGorgonideapad: ok... at your login screen - you should see a small button below called "sessions". Choose 'KDE' and THEN login13:09
eagles0513875how can i import my pgp key that i have on launchpad13:09
zoggyhey guys, is there a kubuntu for kids? (kubuntu not ubuntu). thanks13:10
gundam_rx78nt1Is anybody else experiencing Hash Sum Mistmatch when updating packages from ubuntu/kubuntu repositories?13:10
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ideapad"restart Xwindows "  what meam13:10
SandGorgonzoggy: there is a arch based distro called chakra. it is a educational linux based on KDE13:10
ideapad"restart windows   " what mean?13:11
ideapadhow i do this13:11
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts13:11
trylikcan you take a look at cmake output:13:11
SandGorgonideapad: 1. First logout          2. at your login screen press "sessions" and choose KDE      3. login13:12
ideapadhave any body from china?13:12
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:13
zoggySandGorgon: thanks!13:13
ActionParsnipgianluca: sup?13:13
eagles0513875faileas: i have an open pgp key on launchpad how can i download the key onto this pc13:13
gianlucacan you help me?13:14
faileaseagles0513875: no idea >_>13:14
ActionParsnipgianluca: with what?13:14
gianlucawith audio13:14
gianlucai have a problem with audio13:14
SandGorgontrylik: you dont have  LIBINFINITY_INCLUDES and LIBINFINITY_LIBRARY set - this could happen because a) you dont have the "Infinity" library and headers b) cmake expects to supply the location information you can do this via cmake -DLIBINFINITY_INCLUDES=<something> .13:14
gianlucaon kubuntu13:14
ActionParsnipgianluca: i was here when you first asked, if I knew i would have advised. I dont know so i cant advise13:15
gianlucaif i insert a jack of phone in the notebook the audio go on the speaker and phone13:15
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: any idea how i can import my key from launchpad13:15
gianlucai want audio only in the phone13:15
trylikSandGorgon that is output from that libraries :/13:15
eagles0513875gianluca: are you italian13:15
eagles0513875!it | gianluca13:16
ubottugianluca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:16
ActionParsnipgianluca: i think its safe to say nobody knows right now, try later when there are different users on13:16
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104615813:16
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: like that?13:16
eagles0513875ty ActionParsnip13:16
SandGorgontrylik: i think that you missed out a "Q" , libqinfinity vs libinfinity ?13:16
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: what im trying to do is import the key that i have uploaded to use and associated with my launchpad account13:17
gianlucaactionparsnip do you have understand my problem?13:17
eagles0513875gianluca: ask in kubuntu-it13:17
eagles0513875gianluca: you can speak in italian in there bro13:18
gianlucabut i speak a few english13:18
eagles0513875gianluca: we are struggling to understand you though13:18
ActionParsnipgianluca: yes, totally. I just have no advice how to troubleshoot it13:18
eagles0513875gianluca: to be honest that is strange for me it works out the box for me i dont have that issue13:20
eagles0513875hi devilsadvocate13:20
eagles0513875hi dev_13:20
dev_only english ? or you speack french?13:20
zoggySandGorgon: chakra seems like competition to kubuntu, rather than an educational kid's version of kde?13:21
eagles0513875!fr | dev_13:21
ubottudev_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:21
eagles0513875dev_: try #kubuntu-fr13:21
dev_Ok sorry ;)13:22
SandGorgonzoggy: ooops.. sorry ... it was http://www.edu-nix.org/13:23
rmrfslashI was all excited to see that I had updates for kubuntu this morning. They were both updates for the updater :-/13:23
rmrfslashWhat a friggin' drag.13:23
eagles0513875rmrfslash: ?13:23
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rmrfslasheagles0513875: ?13:24
zoggySandGorgon: thanks a lot. chakra looks interesting though. being on kubuntu, i really miss the rolling releases that were the essence of debian.13:24
eagles0513875nothing wrong with updates to the updater rmrfslash13:24
zoggyanyone know of a *buntu derivative focused on kids (that's possibly kde-oriented)13:24
gianlucaactionparsnip if i want installa audio card?13:25
rmrfslashI was hoping for a barrage of updates for this, that, and the other thing.13:25
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faileaszoggy: not offhand, unless there's a sugar port13:25
rmrfslashWatching all my bugs disappear.13:25
zoggyfaileas: thanks13:25
gianlucaactionparsnip if i want installa audio card?13:25
tyfonedubuntu is the only one i know of :p13:25
tyfoni think skolelinux might be kde but its in norwegian13:25
tyfonand classroom oriented13:26
zoggythanks guys13:26
ActionParsnipgianluca: can you define "install"13:26
dbgltany reason why my sound seems relatively low compared to intrepid?13:26
ActionParsnipgianluca: software or hardware13:26
dbgltsound levels just don't go as high anymore, even on max13:26
dbgltI've checked all channels13:26
gianlucafirst and than software13:27
ActionParsnipgianluca: ok if you want support for installing pieces of hardware, head over to #hardware13:27
ActionParsnipgianluca: or #ubuntu-offtopic13:27
gianlucain software?13:27
ActionParsnip"in software" doesnt make sense13:28
gianlucaYou need to install the package "libxine1-ffmpeg" manually.13:28
gianlucawhat means?13:28
gianlucaYou need to install the package "libxine1-ffmpeg" manually.13:29
gianlucawhat means?13:29
sadaragianluca: are you a windows user?13:30
eagles0513875!it | gianluca13:30
ubottugianluca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:30
gianlucawindows and linux13:31
ActionParsnipgianluca: sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg13:31
sadarasudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg13:31
sadaraActionParsnip: beat me to it13:31
gianlucaok thanks13:31
sadaragianluca:  or if you prefer - > kmenu kpackageit13:32
gianlucacan i paste?13:34
ActionParsnipgianluca: use pastebin13:34
sadaragianluca:  read channel subject13:34
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)13:34
JuJuBeeI just installed a new network card (Netgear GA311 chipset r8169) but id does not show up.  Can someone assist me?13:34
sadaraJuJuBee: copy output of lspci -v to pastebin13:35
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ActionParsnipJuJuBee: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53844813:36
gianlucathis is my result13:36
JuJuBeeHmm, cant do that as the new card not working and the old bit the dust.13:36
ActionParsnipgianluca: why ae you logged in as root?13:36
eagles0513875i think im up the creek. i have no revocation key :(13:37
gianlucait's error?13:37
eagles0513875to revoke my gpg key :(13:37
ActionParsnipgianluca: its a bad idea to log in as root13:37
ActionParsnipgianluca: very few of us know what that means as it is in italian13:38
ActionParsnipgianluca: go  for support in #ubuntu-it13:38
gianlucaso don't found libxinel-ffmpeg13:38
gianlucain englus13:38
sadaragianluca: what version ubuntu?13:39
ActionParsnipthen you need something that provides it or a repo with it on13:39
gianlucakubuntu 8.1013:39
ActionParsnipgianluca: sudo apt-get --reinstall install kubuntu-restricted-extras13:39
ActionParsnipshould fix a tonne of stuff13:40
eagles0513875gianluca: please take my advice and ask in the italian channel  since it seems like you are not understanding13:41
gianlucaaction i have a old repository13:42
gianlucafinish process13:43
sadaragianluca: should be fixed13:45
ActionParsnipshould be ok13:45
rmrfslashfglrx for 9.04 yet? anyone know?13:45
PROject-Emerald_Is there a way to tell a program to shut down at a certain time?13:45
eagles0513875PROject-Emerald: probably through a cron job13:46
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: That is not my problem I guess, I cannot se the interface in ifconfig -a but can in lspci -v13:46
JuJuBeesadara:  It shows in lspci -v but not ifconfig -a13:46
sadaraJuJuBee: That ok, what does it show up as?13:46
sadarapaste the single line here13:47
JuJuBeeRealtek Semiconductor13:47
rmrfslashPROject-Emerald_: wdym at a certain time? You can use cron or at to schedule tasks.13:47
JuJuBeeI cannot paste anything... no network connection13:47
PROject-Emerald_Like, I want a bot to shut off at exactly 9:45 AM13:47
eagles0513875JuJuBee: when you installed jaunty did you have the network cable plugged into the jack13:48
sadaraJuJuBee: do you have kubuntu installed?13:48
sadaradoes it show up in knetmanager?13:48
eagles0513875PROject-Emerald: you need to script it13:48
rmrfslashPROject-Emerald_: like I said, you can use cron or at to schedule tasks13:48
JuJuBeesadara: using 8.04 at moment13:48
eagles0513875JuJuBee: when you install kubuntu when you want the ethernet connection i have found you need to have the cable plugged in13:49
PROject-Emerald_rmrfslash: How do I do that?13:49
JuJuBeeno, not in knetwork manager.13:49
sadaraJuJuBee: Kubuntu version?13:49
JuJuBeeKubuntu was installed, working fine.  The onboard lan crapped yesterday.  Put new PCI card in.13:49
theuser1how can i check do i need ddr 1 ram or ddr2 ram ?13:50
theuser1how can i check do i need ddr 1 ram or ddr2 ram ?13:50
eagles0513875JuJuBee: you probably need to insert the module for the card into the kernel13:50
rmrfslashtheuser1: for your motherboard?13:51
sadaraeagles0513875: 8169 should be auto13:51
theuser1rmrfslash:  ya. how can i check what motherboard i have13:51
eagles0513875sadara: dunno then13:51
sadarait's probably udev13:51
rmrfslashPROject-Emerald_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto13:52
p-fI just upgraded to Jaunty and now get this when running alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory13:52
JuJuBeesadara: so what do I do now?13:52
sadaraJuJuBee: this is porbably wrong, but try putting :auto eth1 <newline> and auto eth013:52
sadaraiface eth0 inet static13:52
p-f(and no sound)13:52
sadarain your /etc/network/interfaces13:53
* SandGorgon is away: Gone away for now13:53
sadara(eth1 rather than eth0)13:53
sadaraJuJuBee: then sudo ifup eth113:53
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rmrfslashtheuser1: try sifting through sudo dmidecode13:55
sadaraJuJuBee: let me try that again, add: auto eth1 <newline> iface eth1 inet dhcp <newline> to your /etc/network/interfaces13:55
JuJuBeesadara: ignoring unknow interface eth1-eth113:55
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=== P is now known as Pishguy
p-faplay -l now returns "aplay: device_list:217: no soundcards found" after upgrading, whee!13:55
sadaraJuJuBee: does the output of lspci -v show Kernel friver in use: line?13:55
p-fSandGorgon: xset does work, even though it's outputting an error: try xset r rate 200 3013:56
p-fSandGorgon: first one's the delay, second is the rate13:56
JuJuBeesadara: in the Realtek section?13:57
p-f100 30 makes it more or less decent13:57
sadaraJuJuBee: lspci -v should be run as root (sudo lspci -v)13:57
sadaraJuJuBee: yes13:57
rmrfslashtheuser1: sudo dmidecode --type 17  and look for "Memory Device"13:59
JuJuBeesadara: sudo lspci -v | grep kernel is empty13:59
rmrfslashtheuser1: should be a "Type:" field13:59
rmrfslashOf course mine says Type: <OUT OF SPEC> :-/14:00
sadaraJuJuBee: try sudo lspci -v |grep -i kernel14:00
sadaraJuJuBee: grep -i is case insencitive14:00
=== theseus is now known as Theseus2
fehrpknetworkmanager in jaunty does not work here: It does not display any wireless functionality. I think, it may have hardware'ish disabled my wlan card, how can I turn it on again? --> IBM Thinkpad T40p14:01
rmrfslashfehrp: use the network manager plasmoid14:01
sadaraJuJuBee: I might have a newer lspci than you14:01
sadaraJuJuBee: sudo lsmod |grep 8114:02
fehrp02:02.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5211 802.11ab NIC (rev 01)14:02
rmrfslashfehrp: be sure to shut off knetworkmanager as the two conflict14:02
fehrprmrfslash: okay!14:02
p-fSound used to work in 8.10. Now in 9.04, aplay -l gives "no soundcards found" and alsamixer gives snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory. Any ideas?14:02
p-ffehrp: I encountered the same problem. The only workaround I found was configuring it by hand with wpa_supplicant or using wicd14:02
JuJuBeesadara: shows the r816914:02
sadarap-f: driver issue14:03
p-fsadara: I sort of guessed that14:03
p-fsadara: any ideas what kind of driver issue, though?14:03
p-fwhat's the typical module for this?14:03
sadarap-f: nope  :P14:03
sadarap-f: snd14:03
p-fsadara: seems to be loaded14:04
fehrpp-f I used wicd for a long time but thought that with the new release of jaunty they would have fixed such a basic thing as networking, jee was I wrong :)14:04
sadaraJuJuBee: try find /sys |grep eth14:04
p-ffehrp: haha, your standards are too high14:04
fehrpp-f: lol14:04
sadarafehrp: you get what you pay for14:04
JuJuBeesadara nothing14:05
fehrpsadara: I pay in time, and I pay a lot...14:05
theuser1rmrfslash: http://pastebin.com/m76552d1314:05
p-f'nothing' would be better than 'wasting 10 hours'14:05
olskolircwhat is the repository link to get the mediabuntu please?14:06
sadaraolskolirc: google14:06
olskolircok sadara14:06
sadaraolskolirc: or rather http://www.google.com/search?q=medibuntu14:06
rmrfslashtheuser1: why are you pasting the results? That's how you find the motherboard and memory info.14:06
sadaraJuJuBee: try sudo rmmod rl8169 ; sudo dmesg -c ; modprobe rl8169 ; dmeg14:07
fehrpsadara: by the way, in earlier distros, networking worked totally smootly with knetworkmanager, it's just the latest two distros where there seems a little kid to have taken over the development.. or whatever14:07
* SandGorgon is back.14:07
p-fSandGorgon: read a few pages back :)14:08
fehrprmrfslash: you meant plasma-widget-network-manager - KDE plasma applet for controlling NetworkManager14:08
p-fSandGorgon: (or just xset 200 30)14:08
sadarafehrp: it only doesn't work for ppl who use the gui network managers14:08
fehrprmrfslash: that still does only show me the wired connection14:08
SandGorgonp-f: thanks!14:08
rmrfslashfehrp: do u have a wireless connection?14:08
JuJuBeesadara: I have to go teach a class.  be back in about an hour.14:08
sadarafehrp: I still don't know what was wrong with ifup/ifdown/ifconfig14:08
p-fSandGorgon: np :)14:08
JuJuBeeThanks for the assistance thus far.14:08
sadaraJuJuBee: np14:09
fehrpsadara: so it's their fault? gee, what are you talking?14:10
sadarafehrp: that's not what i meant14:10
fehrprmrfslash: you mean a card that is usually working? yes. A connection like iwconfig xxx working? the node ath0 or wifi0 is indeed not there...14:11
fehrpso, get madwifi again?14:11
sadarafehrp: I still use ifconfig/ip for my eth0 on my laptop14:11
rmrfslashtheuser1: you have 1x512MB DIMM of 400MHz SDRAM :D14:11
sadarafehrp: I don't do it to be l33t, i do it because it works14:12
fehrpsadara: well if you have the time for that it's okay14:12
theuser1rmrfslash:  what that. is it ddr 1 or dr2 ?14:12
rmrfslashfehrp: ifconfig shows wlan0?14:12
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fehrprmrfslash: no, only eth0 and lo, strangely!14:12
fehrprmrfslash: somehow I think, the interface has been kicked out on the upgrade14:13
fehrprmrfslash: so it's madwifi fault14:13
tzangergood morning.. there's a package otu there that fakes enough of an MTA that makes the package system happy... it's not nullmailer, I use that on systems where I actually NEED an MTA but don't want a full one... does anyone know what the package is offhand?14:13
fehrphmm, how do I get back my interface :)14:15
fehrpwlan0/ath0/wifi0 whatever14:15
rmrfslashfehrp: cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules14:16
Theseus2hello, i have noticed a strange behavior of my laptop. I have just installed kubuntu 9.04. If I boot my system with only my Laptop Monitor it increase the font view (but there are still 9pt in the systemsettings). If I then change to my external Monitor the font size is definitely bigger than if I boot with my external Monitor.14:16
rmrfslashanything in there for wlan0?14:16
fehrprmrfslash: # PCI device 0x168c:0x0012 (ath_pci)14:16
fehrpSUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:05:4e:41:f1:35", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="ath*", NAME="ath0"14:16
fehrp# PCI device 0x168c:0x0012 (ath5k_pci)14:16
fehrpSUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:05:4e:41:f1:35", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="wlan*", NAME="wlan0"14:16
rmrfslashdude, use pastebin14:17
fehrpI said sorry14:17
paxAre you having trouble with the wireless in the UNR as well fehrp?14:17
Theseus2I had the same problem with older Kubuntu versions (8.04, 8.10)14:17
fehrppax, yes, the interface athX or wlanX is not in ifconfig or iwconfig, so the module is not loaded14:17
paxYeah, I'm having the same problem.  Even a re-install hasn't fixed it, and I'm not sure why.14:18
fehrprmrfslash: but the entries show up in the udev rules14:18
rmrfslashwell... it sees somethin14:18
paxFairly new to the linux community myself.14:18
fehrprmrfslash: of course in that file the eth0 was also in, but I stripped that14:18
rmrfslashfehrp: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up14:19
rmrfslashu try this?14:19
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paxIf this helps, the problems began after I was using Frostwire.  The connections there ended, and then reset, and suddenly, my wireless was disconnected.  I don't know what caused it to reset, or whatever it did.14:19
speedyxhey guys, do you know if there is a repository with the last kernel 2.6.29 for jaunty?14:19
fehrprmrfslash: no such device, also for ath0 not14:19
paxwlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device14:20
rmrfslashfehrp: I have to admit, I usually cross my fingers when it comes to wireless.14:20
rmrfslashfehrp: I don't wanna claim to know how to debug this. Personally, I would be googling around14:21
fehrprmrfslash: dito... but I mean, I know where it comes from: there are kernel modules ath_hal and ath_pci which are not loaded14:21
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paxI'm wondering why it was working perfectly before, and suddenly stops...  Could it be that whatever interference that occured totally removed all traces of the Wifi device from my computer?14:21
fehrpbut should14:21
rmrfslashi c14:22
rmrfslashCan you load them manually w/ modprobe?14:22
fehrprmrfslash: let's try14:22
paxNot at all.14:22
paxThere is no trace on my box for the device(s).  I've tried reinstalling the drivers, tried the wifi tuts, etc.  Nothing seems to work.14:23
fehrprmrfslash: pax, it worked:14:23
paxDo tell.14:23
rmrfslashshoudl show they're loaded14:23
fehrprmrfslash: pax: use sudo modprobe ath_pci  and also with ath_hal  and then ifconfig ath0 up14:23
rmrfslashall right, gotta run14:24
paxath0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device14:24
fehrppax, do you have an atheros card?14:25
fehrppax: lspci  and find out14:25
joaquinzhi everybody!14:25
paxcommand not found?14:25
paxI'm sorry, I'm fairly new to all of this.14:25
joaquinzi've trouble with nepomuk/strigi ! does anybody know something about it?14:25
fehrppax, you're kidding me? :)14:26
paxFehrp - Sadly, no.14:26
fehrp"lspci" ?14:27
paxI typed it in and it gave me this.14:27
paxpax@XIII:~$ ispci14:27
paxbash: ispci: command not found14:27
fehrpsmall L14:27
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joaquinzi've trouble with nepomuk/strigi ! does anybody know something about it?14:27
fehrppax: LSPCI just with small letters14:28
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fehrpokay, gotta go too now, trying the wlan functionality.14:29
paxPardon for this huge post, but I'm completely lost...  >.<14:30
paxpax@XIII:~$ lspci14:30
pax00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)14:30
pax00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)14:30
pax00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)14:30
pax00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)14:30
pax00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 1 (rev 02)14:30
pax00:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 2 (rev 02)14:30
pax00:1c.3 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 4 (rev 02)14:30
pax00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 02)14:31
pax00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 02)14:31
pax00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 02)14:31
pax00:1d.3 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 02)14:31
pax00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 02)14:31
pax00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev e2)14:31
pax00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801GBM (ICH7-M) LPC Interface Bridge (rev 02)14:31
jussi01!paste | pax14:32
ubottupax: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:32
pax-Holds head-  I am losing my mind...14:33
paxFirst the wireless and now my mind...14:33
paxI'm guessing I'll get ED next...14:33
paxI didn't see anything in the lspci results for atheros.14:33
pax02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 02)14:34
paxIs this what I should be looking at?14:34
shrinivasankubuntu 9.04 gives me less resolution14:35
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shrinivasanhow to increase resolution?14:35
compilerwriterDid the upgrade to Jaunty early yesterday and so far so good.14:35
paxHave you googled the problem Shri?14:35
shrinivasanpax: no proper result14:35
shrinivasanit has only vesa mode14:35
paxShri - brb I'll see what I can find.14:35
shrinivasanpax: thanks14:36
shrinivasani have GA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02)14:36
compilerwriterSince I upgraded I am still using Konversation.  Heck I can't even remember the name of the default irc client that comes with Jaunty now?14:36
shrinivasangetting only 800x60014:37
compilerwritershrinivasan you may need to install a specialized driver for the ati card.14:37
shrinivasancompilerwriter: what package is that?14:37
compilerwriterI know the I have had the same trouble with my nvidia14:37
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:37
shrinivasancompilerwriter: the default irc tool is Quasselirc14:37
paxCompiler - Thank you -  I was about to say that.  I'm only finding things for Nvidia14:37
* shrinivasan looking14:38
compilerwriterpax you using quasselirc or Konversation?14:39
paxCompiler - Konversation14:39
paxCompiler - Currently trying to restore the wifi capabilities to my Acer Aspire one zg5 - Ubuntu Netbook Remix14:39
compilerwriterYes I upgraded and konversation is still on my machine and what I am using now.  I wonder if Quassel got installed but isn't the default for me.14:39
paxShrinivasan - I found this site that may help you.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=715799614:40
fehrppax: it works14:40
paxfehrp - welcome back.  :)14:41
shrinivasanpax: thanks. i am looking that url14:41
SandGorgonpax: i used to have a lot of trouble with installing windows/linux, etc. with my wireless - i bought an el-cheapo bcm4312/dell1490 and have been happy since14:41
compilerwriterGood luck on that netbook thing.  I have looked into those little things and am not sure I would be happy with them.  though it might be nice to have in my tow truck for a reference material sort of thing.14:41
fehrppax, found out more about your wlan card?14:41
paxfehrp - Not really.14:41
fehrppax, paste your lspci onto pastebin.com and send me the link14:41
yaa_any zadrot  here?14:42
paxfehrp - Here you go.  http://pastebin.com/d1ef5494314:43
shrinivasanpax: no real help on that page14:43
paxshri - Hmmm...14:43
paxshri - What is your system specs again?  I'm going to run it through google again.14:44
shrinivasanpax: ibm thinkpad T4114:44
shrinivasanpax: VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02)14:45
shrinivasanpax: 2GB RAM14:45
shrinivasanpax: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1400MHz14:45
fehrppax Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 02)14:45
shrinivasangetting only 800x60014:46
SandGorgonpax: try sudo lshw -sanitize14:46
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fehrppax: did you already try if it worked with wicd? what does "sudo ifconfig" give you for interfaces?14:47
paxshri - This is the only site I could find mentioning your specs - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/10447014:48
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paxshri - It suggests it could be a color problem.14:48
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paxTrying that now Sand - brb14:48
shrinivasanpax: that is firefox prblem14:49
shrinivasanpax: i have problem with whole system resoltion14:49
shrinivasanpax: will this help?14:49
paxshri - I notice it says '9500 or higher' - You said you have a ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02)14:51
paxShri - Perhaps it's not supported?14:51
shrinivasanpax: there is a section for below 950014:52
shrinivasanpax: read down14:52
paxshri - Sorry, I've been up for about 30 hours now.  :D  Excuse my 'out of it' state.14:52
shrinivasanpax: ok14:53
shrinivasanpax: take rest dude14:53
paxSandgorgon - The last entry says - Network: Disabled - Would this be the problem?  (Still no Atheros btw)14:53
paxshri - Can't bro.  I have things that need to get fixed.  :)  I'll rest when I fix the problems, and hopefully yours as well.14:54
shrinivasanpax: well14:54
SandGorgonpax: yup driver issue - atheros should be the best supported... did u try ndiswrapper ?14:56
paxSand - I've been working my way though all of the 'fixes'.  That is one I've seen, but have yet to address.  Where should I start?14:57
kpenroseNeed help desperately - upgrading Intrepid to Jaunty, I think my internet connection hiccuped.  tried apt-get -f upgrade.  reboot drops me to busybox shell in initramfs.  any suggestions?14:58
SandGorgonsudo apt-get install ndisgtk ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-utils-1.914:58
paxshri - I found this.  It seems to have worked for this guy - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=697292814:58
paxSand - Thank you.  brb14:59
wirechiefkpenrose have you tried using the live-cd for recovery ?14:59
SandGorgonpax: u need ur windows driver (something.inf) for this. then u can do 'sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf'15:00
kpenrosewirechiefe:  I have a live cd for intrepid.  Not sure what I should do for recovery though.15:00
shrinivasanpax: thanks dude15:00
shrinivasanpax: hope thiw work15:00
shrinivasanpax: will try now. may be have to restart x15:01
shrinivasanpax: socatch u a little time later15:01
kpenrosewirechief:  Is there a recovery option in the install?15:01
SandGorgonpax: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/NdisWrapper_The_Ultimate_Guide/15:01
rocky_fortunethe guide recommends installing windows first before unbuntu. Will it work vice versa?15:01
wirechiefkpenrose: i was going to recommend you connect up with dwidmann for recovery information but he is offline right now.15:01
wirechiefkpenrose: on the live-cd there is a recovery option15:02
wirechiefkpenrose: here is what i would do if i were faced with what you have, i would try the recovery selection with intrepid15:03
paxHope it helps shri - :)15:03
wirechiefkpenrose: and it would help knowing where the jaunty is installed which partition15:03
paxSand - Not sure where to find that.15:03
paxSand - Ran the command you gave me btw.15:04
kpenrosewirechief: I'm looking at the intrepid live-cd now, and if the boot menu it states that ther is no dedicated rescue mode15:04
SandGorgonpax: if you just google for "windows xp <your wireless card name>" u should be able to find a zip containing a driver package15:04
kpenrosebut it is possible to use the command line or graphical tools to rescue a broken system15:05
wirechiefkpenrose and then i would use this paste i can give you. to setup a mountpoint and once you get it all setup do apt-get -f install15:05
paxSand - Alright.  Once I have the driver in question...?15:05
wirechiefkpenrose: hopefully that will recover the missing15:05
SandGorgonpax: then u can do 'sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf'15:06
paxSand - Ah!  Thank you.  :)  I'll get right on that.15:06
kpenrosewirechief:  Since I was in the middle of a jaunty upgrade, should I get a jaunty cd first?15:06
wirechiefkpenrose: well its a live-cd that still would work15:06
White_Pelicanin kde 4.2, how do I tell gwenview to display hidden files?15:07
kpenroseThis is the last time I try to do an upgrade when I'm in the middle of a project for a client.15:07
wirechiefkpenrose you would basically be inside that install and using apt-get -f install to recover thats what the chroot allows you to do.15:07
wirechiefkpenrose: but you need to have it setup first i have it in some notes i can paste for you to look at.15:08
karamellahi to all15:08
kpenrosewirechief:  that would be most appreciated.15:08
karamellaif i need to shrrade any file or termeinate from the computer how can i find this tool?15:09
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:10
karamellaif i need to shrrade any file or termeinate from the computer how can i find this tool?15:10
karamellathire is no  software sherading files?15:12
geniiWhat is wherade/shrrade    ?15:12
bazhangkaramella, shred?15:13
White_Pelicanin kde 4.2, how do I tell gwenview to display hidden files?15:14
karamellameans removing files from any where15:14
bazhangkaramella, in konsole type shred --help for more info15:15
bazhangkaramella, you are welcome15:17
wirechiefkpenrose: good luck.... http://paste.ubuntu.com/159399/15:17
marco76Hi. I've installed ubuntu-restricted extras and now I have flash. the problem is that there is no sound. Any solution?15:18
wirechiefmarco76: if you dont get help you can try the #alsa channel for help with sound15:19
paxSand - Welcome back -15:19
drbobbhello, does anyone know of a fix for konqueror's vanishing statusbar?15:19
paxSand - What is the command to be Super User?  I need it to copy the file into the directory.15:20
drbobbasking again, never got any reply15:20
marco76i have sound. the only problem is with flash. when i run a video from youtube, for example, there is no sound15:20
kpenrosewirechief:  thanks15:20
paxDrbobb - Is it anything like firefox?  You can change that in the View tab.15:20
wirechiefkpenrose:  well when you get to where you think you have it , dont forget to umount the mount point15:20
drbobbpax: afaics you cannot15:21
kpenrosewirechief:  thanks again15:21
paxdrbobb - Sorry.  Haven't used it before.  Seems like that would be a simple fix.  lol15:21
wirechiefkpenrose: you might want to copy/paste that stuff to someplace where you wont lose it with a reboot.15:21
kpenrosewirechief:  gotcha15:22
marco76btw caracters displayed by konqueror are much much better then those displayed by firefox15:22
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drbobbmarco76: i'd try installing Kubuntu-restricted-extras (assuming you use KDE)15:22
paxkpenrose - I set up a part of my harddrive as a back up - I put everything I don't want erased there and every install of any OS automatically over looks it, or I can select to keep it As Is.  G-Parted works great.15:22
kpenrosewirechief:  one more question:  my install had /tmp and /var and / and /home and /opt all on different partitions.  can chroot deal with that?15:23
noren_hi all15:23
wirechiefpax good idea15:23
marco76drbobb, i installed kubuntu-resticted-extras15:23
paxwire - Thank you.  I reinstall my OS about 3 times a week.  lol  I have to keep my good files somehow.  XD15:23
wirechiefkpenrose: i dont know, what i had worked for putting grub on, there might be a need for /etc15:23
drbobbuh you skipped the K when you said so, I think15:23
marco76you're right15:24
wirechiefkpenrose: start with as few as you can . less to unmount when done.15:24
drbobbmarco76: they are not the same (but do not conflict)15:24
wirechiefkpenrose: i am sure it will need /etc thats where the sources.list is so it can do the upgradeing and updating15:24
=== dwidmann|away is now known as dwidmann
paxQuestion :  I'm trying to copy a file into the sbin directory, but the permission isn't set for me to do so.  Is there a way around this?15:25
dwidmann!sudo | pax15:25
ubottupax: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)15:25
drbobbpax: 1. you should have a good reason, 2. sudo cp ...15:25
wirechiefdwidmann can you give kpenrose suggestions for a broken upgrade15:25
wirechiefdwidmann: great15:26
dwidmannwirechief: maybe, let me scroll up15:26
paxdrbobb - I'm trying to fix my wireless, but I have to copy the window driver into the sbin directory.15:26
wirechiefdwidmann this is what i gave him to start with http://paste.ubuntu.com/159399/15:26
dwidmannkpenrose, yes, it can deal with all of those, however, you'll have to manually mount all of them in the right places15:26
wirechiefdwidmann: i think he will need /etc too15:27
dwidmannwirechief: definitely15:27
dwidmannkpenrose: in addition, you'll probably need to mount sys, proc, and tmp15:27
paxI know about using Sudo -i, etc in the Console, but what I can't seem to figure out is how to copy despite the permission being denied.  >.<15:28
dwidmannkpenrose: mount -t proc /target/proc; mount -t sysfs sysfs; mount --bind /tmp /target/tmp15:28
kpenrosedwidmann:  what is the chroot command then?  do I do one on each mount point?15:28
paxWait...  I'm a dumb ass...  I'll brb - I think I can extract to that folder.15:29
dwidmannkpenrose: lets say for example your root is /dev/sda5 and you want to mount the filesystem on /target, it would be /dev/sda5 to /target then, for your /usr you'd need to mount, lets say, /dev/sda6 to /target/usr ... and so on ... you'll have to mount them all like that15:29
dwidmannkpenrose: then, afterwards, the chroot command will be the same as always15:30
drbobbpax: sudo cp filename /sbin15:30
kpenrosedwidmann: okay, got that.  Then do I do the dist-upgrade first or the grub fix?15:31
drbobbpax: but be sure you know _why_ you want to do that15:31
paxdrbobb - Thank you.  :)  I know why I need to.  The wireless for my AA1 was castrated, and I'm trying to fix it.15:32
dwidmannkpenrose: oh, and like I said, don't forget to do the /tmp, /sys, and /proc or you probably won't have much luck ... then just go on about your business and dist-upgrade or whatever it is you need to do, yeah.15:32
SandGorgon__pax: done with the wireless?15:32
drbobbpax: be aware that cp overwrites silently15:32
dwidmanndrbobb: then perhaps we should be handing out cp -i :)15:33
drbobbdwidmann: bah, I don't want another default I'll need to change as soon as done installing15:33
paxSand - Still working on it.  Got hung up on the permission trying to copy it to the directory.15:33
wirechiefdwidmann:  is he going to have to mount "all" subdirectories for dist-upgrade ? (seems logical but) would mounting say just / do the same ? or no?15:34
drbobbthe first thing I always do after an install when the window system is working, is change click-to-focus to focus-follows-mouse (as it should be ;-)15:34
drbobb(and that includes mswindows)15:35
jpedrozaGood morning. I am having an issue with the new network management plasmoid. I can see my mobile broadband interface, but if I create a connection, I don't see the option to connect. The plasmoids reports that the serial port is disconnected.15:35
dwidmannwirechief: yes, he'll need to mount all of the subdirectories that are on separate partitions, plus the special ones sys tmp and proc15:35
* wirechief falls over15:36
wirechiefdwidmann: now i know why i have a backup ...15:36
paxIt says the driver is already installed.  O.o     Wth...?15:37
dwidmannwirechief: what's worse, he might need to additionally mount --bind his /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts too15:37
* wirechief (shakes head, rolls eyes)15:37
compilerwriterdrbobb that is why so many people have cp aliased to cp -i15:38
aapzakI'm wondering how much memory X takes from other Intel gfx users? ps -p `pgrep X` -o rssize --noheader15:38
wirechiefdwidmann: well reinstalling grub was a good use of the chroot process but i am thinking a du is really extreme, perhaps better to get a jaunty live-cd15:39
drbobbcompilerwriter: which I frankly think is silly15:39
paxI'm going to reboot and see if anything has changed.  I'll return shortly.15:39
compilerwriterIt may be silly drbobb but it does keep people from accidently clobbering things with no warning.15:40
aapzakmy X is 237532 at the moment15:40
wirechiefdwidmann: the live-cd on media would be a good recovery tool later15:40
drbobb"I wish life had an undo button" ;-)15:41
compilerwriterdrbobb but if one is worried about that one could just set the environmental variable noclobber couldn't one?15:41
dwidmannwirechief: I've got an even better one floating around somewhere in here ... SysRescue linux 0.415:41
drbobbcompilerwriter: I am not the one that's worried, I just said one should be aware of that15:41
devilsadvocateaapzak: 13512015:42
wirechiefdwidmann: i have the latest version too. but having dd an image to my usb drive was a good idea, i got everything back.15:42
aapzakdevilsadvocate: are you on intel graphics, KDE and compositing?15:42
devilsadvocateaapzak: it is taking 54 %cpu though :P15:43
devilsadvocateaapzak: yes15:43
aapzakdevilsadvocate: thats a lot of cpu15:43
* wirechief gotta go rescue a penquin out of a tree15:43
devilsadvocateaapzak: tell me about it. its actually gone down for some explainable reason. used to be 8015:44
aapzakI'm using the 2.4.1 driver ATM but memoryload still scares me15:44
compilerwriterwell drbobb there are those of us who have to work with people who should not be allowed to use a computer.  They must be protected from themselves, lest they cause the rest of us to pull out what is left of our hair.15:44
dwidmanncompilerwriter: you couldn't have said that any better15:45
wirechieflol @ compilerwriter15:46
faileasright, konversation svn is compiled and built ;p15:46
drbobbcompilerwriter: those people ought to be given managed thin clients15:46
paxI'm back again.  Rebooted - No luck.  Not sure about this ndisWrapper thing...  (I.E:  I can't brain today... I think I have the dumb)15:48
dwidmanndrbobb: that would be nice, but that's not reality15:49
dwidmannfaileas: how stable is it? (being as it's pre-beta I'm assuming it's not?)15:49
faileasdwidmann: i'm using the older version from debian and its ok15:50
faileassome graphical wiredness, thats all15:50
dwidmannfaileas: I'm still with trusty old 1.115:50
faileashttp://sendspace.com/file/c8hgj4 use at your own risk ;)15:50
paxSandGorgon - You still around?15:51
cuddlefishHello, I have a very strange problem. /var/log seems to be broken!15:54
marco76it's a virus15:54
dwidmanncuddlefish: broken you say?15:55
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failasthe package didn't seem to do anything15:58
failasoops ;p15:58
Riddellopen week starting in #ubuntu-classroom https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UbuntuOpenWeek16:01
jpedrozaCan anyone point me to something that show how to use the new network manager plasmoid for Broadband access setup. I just see a message that says that the serial port isn't connected.16:02
wirechiefjpedroza: is that for wireless connectivity ?16:03
jpedrozawirechief: It works for Wireless ABGN, but not with my Verizon Wireless card16:03
compilerwriter_Quick show of hands how many people are trying out Quasselirc?16:03
wirechiefjpedroza: is the Verizon a usb stick ?16:04
robin0800jpedroza: If that is mobile broardband kde dosn't work for me16:04
* rufong raises his paw, been on Qua less than a week. so far so good16:04
jpedrozawirechief: It is16:04
* rufong is off to ubuntu-class16:04
jpedrozarobin0800: Same here, but it worked fine under knetworkmanager16:04
wirechiefjpedroza: does lsusb show the stick ?16:05
jpedrozawirechief: Yes it shows up as ttyACM016:05
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:06
wirechiefcheck that out see if there is any usefull info16:06
robin0800jpedroza:  I've seen advice to uninstall network manager and reinstall the older knetwork manager16:06
doleybrobin0800: I bet I can guess who that advice came from..16:07
failascompilerwriter_: i tried it for a while. IMO it needs to mature a little16:07
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robin0800doleyb: Was it you?16:08
tommy_kann hier jemand deutsch16:08
jpedrozawirechief: Looks like most of that is a bit out of date. Still references kNetworkManager. Also, it is mostly about 802.11ABGN stuff, not mobile broadband.16:08
jpedrozarobin0800: I am thinking that I might just do that.16:08
jpedrozarobin0800: I might also try using kppp to manage the connection16:09
robin0800jpedroza:  Kppp crashed plasma for me16:09
robin0800jpedroza: Gnome ppp works16:10
wirechiefjpedroza: look at this bug for your card https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-widget-network-manager/+bug/33412216:11
jpedrozawirechief: Checking16:12
compilerwriter_failas I am trying it now but am not sure I like it better than konversation.16:13
compilerwriter_!de tommy_16:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about de tommy_16:13
compilerwriter_!de > tommy_16:16
bmunger_is it just me or is every released version of kubuntu full of more bugs than the last release?16:17
hamitupgrades make ubuntu better16:17
compilerwriter_bmunger_ I am not finding anything buggy about my system now that it is upgraded thus far16:17
bmunger_yea but i dont think kubuntu has enough devs to make the release date16:18
bmunger_the plasma network manager is useless.. it cant even apply a static ip address16:18
bmunger_i reported the bug almost a month before release and it never got touched16:18
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wirechiefbmunger did you use knetwork manager as a work around ?16:19
bmunger_no because i havent upgraded yet im still on 8.0416:20
bmunger_but ive been testing and so far.. i like kde 4.2 but its got some serious show stopper bugs in it that i cant deal with16:20
geniibmunger_: The intermediate releases between long-term-support releases are mostly to introduce and test out new features which will be in the long-term-releses16:21
wirechiefbmunger me too, especially when falling asleep.16:21
bmunger_i really do like the apps and everything just too many issues.. i dunno how they made it into the release16:22
wirechiefgenii so then 9.10 will be a long term release ?16:22
p_quarleswirechief: the pattern has been one LTS release every two years; meaning the next would be 10.0416:23
rufong@bmunger, its hard to remember that sometimes, exciting to jus keep installin the latest packages..16:23
p_quarlesI don't think there's been an official announcement yet, though16:23
wirechiefp_quarles: hmm okey dokey16:24
kpenrosedwidmann: did the whole chroot thing, and a lot happened, but before I do the grub-update, the new kernel for jaunty  didn't seem to install?16:25
f1yh1 all!!16:25
kpenrosedwidmann: suggestions?16:25
jpedrozawirechief: I checked that bug, but I am not even getting that far. The plasmoid reports that the serial port is disconnected. It is strange, as I created a connection, but it doesn't even show up as a connection option.16:25
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f1yрусские есть ?=)16:26
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:26
wirechiefjpedroza: well perhaps hardware differences might account for it. im not sure of the best way to downgrade back to knetwork manager16:27
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wirechiefjpedroza you would need it downloaded before removing network manager.16:28
geniiwirechief: 10.04 will be a long term release16:28
geniiwirechief: 6.04(late release made it 6.06), 8.04, and 10.04   are the LTS releases16:29
wirechiefjpedroza: do you have the livecd for jaunty you could try to see if you could download it.16:29
wirechiefgenii thank you16:29
geniiwirechief: np16:29
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Tekhnewhen running 'update-notifier-kde -u' i get the following python exception: ImportError: No module named PyQt4.QtCore. I tried running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure python-qt...' on all python QT packages, but that didn't help. anyone know a fix?16:36
Tekhneor how to upgrade to 9.04 w/o using update-notifier-kde -u?16:37
EruaranIn System Settings, under Computer Administration, I am unable to simply click on Display16:37
EruaranIf I do it suddently puts my monitor out of range16:38
EruaranAnd I have no display16:38
EruaranI am forced to restart x16:38
* Tekhne is going to reboot after the reconfigure to see if that helps16:39
SandGorgon__why is there screen corruption of text in KDE? I turn compositing on and off and it vanishes..16:39
EruaranThis is the nastiest problem I've had with Kubuntu Jaunty, and I've been using it since Alpha 5.16:40
dwidmannkpenrose: I've got some ideas (sorry I didn't read this sooner, really)16:41
Tekhnehmm, reboot didn't help16:42
marie_blubbhi i try to print somesthing over the network. dont get it done. tried cups / ipp and now samba without success. can you help me? http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/73216:43
Tekhneokay, i figured it out16:44
Tekhneit's because i had a different version of python in my path16:44
kpenrosedwidmann:  no problem16:45
GRiDhi, hibernation fails completely on my laptop, is there an easy way just to make it never hibernate16:45
kpenrosedwidmann:  I have installed the new linux image manually, and I'm almost there...16:45
wirechieflooks like knetwork manager can be installed from synaptic package manager16:45
wirechiefkpenrose: great16:45
dwidmannkpenrose: cool, let me know how it goes16:46
gooddesctop efect ibm16:46
dwidmannGRiD: just disable it in system settings16:46
MushroomKingdomTheres no chance of viruses and spyware and other malicious software while using Linux is there?16:46
GRiDyeah i can't find it, any idea?16:46
wirechiefMushroomKingdom: usually not but becareful of un known links you might get a surprise16:47
dwidmann!virus MushroomKingdom16:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:47
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2116:47
MushroomKingdomHm, yeah I usually don't go to bad sites. Just my msn got hacked and killed.. Trying to find out why16:47
dwidmannGRiD: go into system settings, advanced tab, power management should be near the bottom16:48
wirechiefMushroomKingdom: if you use windows you still need to be careful those bugs know ntfs and will attack just because they like to have fun16:48
regitalfor some odd reason when i upgraded from Kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 it seems (to me) have switched to Ubuntu16:49
regitalgnome that is16:49
wirechiefregital: can you change sessions at login to kde ?16:49
MushroomKingdomwirechief: I'm pretty certain my computer no longer has a windows system on it.16:49
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kpenrosewirechief: dwidmann:  Everything looks good now.  Thanks so much for the help!16:49
GRiDdwidmann, thanks16:50
dwidmannkpenrose: you're welcome16:50
wirechiefkepnrose what file systems did you have to mount ?16:50
regitali shall see16:50
wirechiefkepnrose all of them ?16:50
wirechiefkpenrose i would like to get that file note updated so it could be easier for the next time ;))16:51
wirechiefkpenrose i think if you still have that paste link you can add comments to it and push it back16:52
kpenrosewirechief:  had to mount them all.  Not that bad, just 5 partitions and sys, tmp, dev and proc.16:54
wirechiefkpenrose: ok so etc wasnt needed .16:54
dwidmannkpenrose: ah, good thing you remembered dev, because I didn't :O16:55
wirechiefkpenrose well thats not as bad as i was thinking it might be16:55
kpenrosewirechief: /etc was in my / partition, so I didn't need to mount it explicitly16:56
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ChristophTHi. If i suspend to ram and resume, the displays views: acpid: exiting  + powerdown. Does someone know about this problem?16:57
ChristophT*using jaunty16:57
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wirechiefkpenrose: ok, well you did something i have not had to do yet, glad it worked out for you. it works great for reinstalling grub when that time comes16:57
adaszwhen somebody want to connect with a windows client to my pc. it shows that a wrong password17:00
s4crificehi everyone... ehm, new user of ubuntu... :-) i have installed the armyops on ubuntu and now i want to uninstall it, but the directory, where the game is supposed to be doesn't exist, the game can't be open but it's in a list of applications (applications -> other -> armyops.... how can i completely delete it?17:00
adaszi need help with vnc17:01
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wirechiefs4crifice: how did you install it ?17:02
s4crificevia terminal... sh install and copy the location of run file from desktop by dragging to terminal..17:02
s4crifice(or i think it was liek that....) after installation, i've plaed the game normally...17:03
s4crificebut now i want to uninstall it...17:03
adaszi need help with vnc17:03
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wirechiefs4crifice: maybe you can get help from the game forum on how to install/uninstall17:04
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s4crificeok, maybe... i was googling it, there thay said that i have to make "sh uninstall" and the game location, but the game isn't there.... (usr/local/games...) --> that's the path for the game i did (the basic path...)17:06
s4crificeok let'S try game forum, thx17:06
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wirechiefs4crifice: you can use locate to find the games folders17:08
compilerwriterns identify DieKatze867717:08
s4crificewirechief: how? (sorry, still don't know the basics...)17:09
wirechiefs4crifice:  do locate filename    but use updatedb first, you may have to install locate17:11
adaszi need help with vnc17:11
pushraxhi all.  is ther a ATI repository I can add?17:12
s4crificewirechief: when i write locate armyops, it doesn't make anythink, and updatedb makes: can't open temporary file for '/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db17:14
wirechiefs4crifice: let it finish  so it builds up its database, it might have some things it cannot add to it but it will finish17:15
dnls4crifice:  you need to do sudo updatedb17:15
virus2009hey guys i need help before i goto class in 10 min i have a nvidia gforce 8200 graphics card what driver do i need to install?17:16
s4crificewirechief: but it doesn't make anythink...17:16
wirechiefs4crifice:  when you do sudo updatedb it will run for many minutes then return to a prompt $17:17
virus2009theres 173 180 71 and 9617:17
wirechiefs4crifice: it just depends on how many files you have , then the locate will be ready to use17:18
dnlvirus2009: im running 18017:18
virus2009thank ya17:18
s4crificei wrote it, it didn't make anythink... strange is that it didn't ask me for a password...17:19
dnls4crifice:  try the locate filename again and see if it finds anything this time17:19
s4crificehey :-) locate works now :-)17:19
dnlthere you go17:19
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virus2009ill be back on later guys haha i cant believe how much of a rush i am in thanks dnl17:21
virus2009i appreciate the help ttyl17:21
s4crificewell, it has found about 14 files....well now, if i want to uninstall it, the best was is jsut delete it, or...?17:22
s4crificew8, give me a seond... i would like to think about it :-)17:22
pushraxhi all.  is ther a ATI repository I can add?17:22
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s4crificewirechief: if i just deleted, should it be fine? it seems, that the file with game doesn't exist (?) and still are there some subbish from it....17:27
wirechiefs4crifice: well you could be ok.17:27
s4crificegreat :-) thanks for your time ;-)17:28
wirechiefs4crifice: np you have gotten a new tool to use to find things too.17:28
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.17:28
s4crificeyeah, i think i will use it for many times... (is it just my opinion that linux is more complicated then win? :-) every action lasts longer...)17:30
wirechiefs4crifice: that will change with time and experience as you learn new things it will become easier17:31
wirechiefs4crifice: start now, make a note file with all your new commands that you find and it will build up to a nice helper for you17:31
s4crificei hope so... :-) that'S pitty that the mafia 2 will come soon and i have to learn with linux :-(17:31
s4crificegood idea :-)17:32
wirechiefs4crifice: i use google docs and can access my notes from all my computers and all the distros that i test17:32
mmo|Nothing happens when I in kubuntu 9.04 presses the shortcut that is supposed to start konsole...anyone know what might be wrong?17:33
wirechiefmmo|: just drag a new one over and delete the old.17:34
mmo|wirechief: what do you mean by drag a new one over?17:34
s4crificeheh google docs? :-) i didn't heart about it ..... doesn't matter...17:34
wirechiefmmo|: use kmenu search for consol when it shows up just drag and drop17:35
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wirechiefs4crifice: you need a gmail account17:35
s4crificei have it :-) (for a two weeks...)17:35
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mmo|wirechief: but isnt it in the settings under khotkeys that I set shortcuts? Still dont understand. :-)17:36
subcoolhey - lil help.17:36
subcoolI just DL;ed a bundle... how do i "execute" it.17:36
subcoolquick PM would be great!17:36
wirechiefmmo|: ok use the search term17:36
s4crificeehm, just one more think... i have a multimedial keyboard...chicony 0108, and the media keys doesn't work... i set them up in a key shocrtcuts in linux and in amarok, but still they don't work... any idea?17:37
mmo|wirechief: the search term?17:37
wirechiefmmo|:   kmenu   lookup see the search box  type  term   you will see the terminal icon drag it to the desktop17:37
ActionParsnipyo yo yo17:37
mmo|wirechief: but I dont want it on my desktop...I want the keyboard shortcut to work?17:37
ubottukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts17:38
wirechiefmmo|: ok try alt f2   type term17:38
ahmoshi,I have problem with my sound card, ALC 889, there is nothing muted but there is no sound,and i think it isnt configured well because there is no alc 889 digitall, only analog and pulseeaudio son any help please17:39
mmo|wirechief: yes, that works. But in the configuration under keyboard and global shortcuts and khotkeys there is a definition of a hotkey for starting konsole...but nothing happens when I press it17:39
wirechiefmmo|: submit a bug then17:39
neptunepinkI'm on ye olde intrepide, how can I get two programs to share speakers? The first program is mplayer, the second is ZynAddSubFX, which uses Jackd or Alsa17:40
mmo|wirechief: hm, yeah maybe. But this was a known problem in kde 4.1. One of the good things about 4.2 should supposedly be that it fixes it17:40
subcoolHow do i figure out what type of execution a file type requires?- hhmm a lil too vague.17:40
subcoolfilename: "...blah.bundle"17:40
wirechiefmmo|: just search launchpad for it then, there might be solutions17:41
mmo|wirechief: ok, thanks. I'll try17:41
wirechiefmmo|:  you could try ubuntu-bug shortcuts17:41
ahmoscould anybody help me please17:42
linux-hdtvHow can i open a file in an existing session of Kate ?17:42
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ActionParsniplinux-hdtv: i think i have omething17:47
s4crificewirechief: one last think... ican't deleted file armyops (:-)) from usr/share/applications and usr/local/bin/armyops....?17:47
linux-hdtvhi action :-)17:47
subcool_i keep reconnecting17:47
subcool_ugh i hate my internet17:47
ActionParsniplinux-hdtv: http://www.usenet-forums.com/linux-general/97371-tabs-kate.html17:47
linux-hdtvs4crifice, sudo ?17:47
ActionParsniplinux-hdtv: if you edit ANY files, make a backup copy FIRST17:48
adasz_how can i change in krfb the password?17:48
ActionParsnipsubcool_: reboot your router if you use one17:48
s4crificelinux-hdtv: omg, i'm idiot.... :-D sorry....17:48
subcool_ActionParsnip: ya- its probably just overheating17:48
adasz_how can i change in krfb the password?17:48
wirechiefs4crifice: be careful how you use the rm command you could end up with a broken system17:48
ActionParsnipadasz_: the password for what?17:49
linux-hdtvs4crifice, you had to out them suicidal armyops :-) well done :-)17:50
adasz_i have an vnc server and when sombody want to connect they say wrong password17:50
s4crificewirechief: i will be careful :-)17:50
adasz_the request arrives17:51
Hardhead_7I have a quick question.  After a ton of work, I've finally gotten dual monitors to work with my laptop (yay!) but now I can't seem to figure out how to get the Task Manager widget to only diplay windows open on one monitor (ie, I only want the Task Manager on Monitor 1 to show windows open on Monitor 1, and the same for Monitor 2).  Any suggestions?17:51
adasz_but the password is ever wrong17:51
s4crificelinux-hdtv: heh, i've been playing it fot...let's say.... tšo minutes?? :-) And than i changed it to doom2, looks similar, but doom is more funny :-)17:51
ActionParsnipadasz_: ok then connect and you can modify the password there17:51
farukkubuntu tr channel17:51
ActionParsnipadasz_: i hope you are using SSH for the VNC if it is connecting over WAN17:51
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.17:52
ActionParsnipadasz_: VNC is NOT encrypted so is not secure at all17:52
adasz_the victim is in widnows and uses ultravnc17:52
ActionParsnipadasz_: if its connecting over LAN, its fine17:52
keymoneHardhead_7: did you try 2 task managers?17:52
Hardhead_7Yes.  But they both show all the windows on both monitors.17:52
ActionParsnipadasz_: over WAN, you are unsecure.17:53
ActionParsniplinux-hdtv: you got it?17:53
keymoneHardhead_7: well then its probably not implemented. linux is crap when it comes to multiple monitors.17:54
adasz_ActionParsnip: ok17:54
Hardhead_7I've noticed.  It worked in Gnome, though without any special configuration.17:54
adasz_ActionParsnip: the viewer have ultravnc and is on and windows client17:54
s4crificethx wirechief and linux-hdtv, it'S clear now :-) sy17:54
ActionParsnipadasz_: if you connect to the server you can then modify the password17:54
adasz_ActionParsnip: but how?17:55
ActionParsnipadasz_: you can then PM the pass to teh dude/tte to give them the password17:55
adasz_ActionParsnip: i am the server17:55
ActionParsnipadasz_: then you need to set the pass on the server17:55
Hardhead_7Also, all my menus are coming up on Monitor 1.  For instance, if I click Bookmarks in Firefox when the window is on Monitor 2, the Bookmarks menu will come up on the very right hand side of Monitor 1... any help there?  :)17:56
ActionParsnipadasz_: are they connecting via WAN?17:56
adasz_ActionParsnip: over the internet xD i think its wan17:56
adasz_ActionParsnip: who wants connect is in poland17:56
adasz_ActionParsnip: and i am in germany17:56
adasz_ActionParsnip: i have kubuntu, they have windows xü17:56
ActionParsnipadasz_: ok then we'll address security later, at the moment every keystroke is sent in clear text17:56
ActionParsnipadasz_: which vnc server are you using?17:57
subcool_since there is alot of people here17:57
subcool_someone please help me with something simple..17:57
subcool_I ahve a Package i DL'ed .. and i dont know how to execute it17:57
subcool_when i double click it- it opens into Kate17:57
adasz_ActionParsnip: krfb17:57
ActionParsnipadasz_: http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdenetwork/krfb/17:57
Hardhead_7Is it a .deb package?17:57
subcool_it says... "filename.bundle"17:58
subcool_"filename.version.bundle" - w.e.17:59
adasz_ActionParsnip: what now?17:59
niclas_hey I have a problem I have a problem I can only select 4:3 in the resolution and I want 16:9 how do I do?17:59
subcool_i think i am going to work souly off linux- i keep forgetting the commands.. and file stuff. IDK y! lol17:59
JohnFluxsubcool_: use tab complete more18:00
ActionParsnipadasz_: read that, it tells you what the password is.18:00
JohnFluxhow do I remove pulseaudio?18:00
ActionParsnipadasz_: well, how to find it out18:00
JohnFluxin 9.0418:00
JohnFluxcan I just remove the package?18:00
subcool_JohnFlux: huh?18:01
subcool_a PM would be great..18:01
subcool_from anyone..18:01
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: dpkg -l | grep -i pulse18:01
Hardhead_7Subcool, go to Terminal and type "sudo sh '<FILENAME>'18:01
subcool_It would make this easier to explain.18:02
subcool_Ah- sh..18:02
ActionParsnipsubcool_: try    file <whatever it is you have downloaded>18:02
JohnFluxActionParsnip: yep quite a few there18:02
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adasz_ActionParsnip: ok i try it18:02
subcool_didnt think it would be that..18:02
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: read the descriptions18:02
JohnFluxActionParsnip: various sound servers etc18:02
subcool_Awesome- thanks.18:02
subcool_i hate such stupid problems18:03
ActionParsnipsubcool_: as you use the system you will learn18:04
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: well thats what pulse is18:05
subcool_ActionParsnip: ya- :-)18:06
adasz_ActionParsnip: big thanks18:07
JohnFluxActionParsnip: okay sounds great.  How do I remove it?18:07
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: sudo apt-get remove <names>18:07
ActionParsnipadasz_: all better?18:07
adasz_ActionParsnip: yes all good now18:10
ActionParsnipadasz_: good lad18:12
adasz_ActionParsnip: can you know a better vnc server?18:12
subcool_adasz_: what vnc server are u using?18:13
ActionParsnipadasz_: define better18:14
OpenSorceAnyone know if a config app for Pulse exists or is forthcoming?18:14
adasz_ActionParsnip: do you know a better vnc server then krfb18:14
ActionParsnipadasz_: define "better"18:15
OpenSorceI guess that's "no" :-)18:15
subcool_there are better ones18:15
adasz_ActionParsnip: i want to set an masterpasswd18:15
subcool_i am using KRDC and i dont like it18:15
subcool_Ultravnc ROCKS!!!18:15
subcool_its it ported to linux?18:16
ActionParsnipadasz_: i dont use vnc due to security18:16
kiotocclcfox anyone18:16
subcool_They have secure methods..  ActionParsnip: what do you use for remote?18:16
ActionParsnipadasz_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC18:16
adasz_and how can i secure use vnc?18:16
subcool_isnt there SSL?18:16
ActionParsnipsubcool_: ssh and x forwarding18:16
subcool_oh wow18:16
* subcool_ gives ActionParsnip KUDOS!18:16
ActionParsnipsubcool_: i also use a LOT of web interfaces, like amarok xul remote (only available in 1.4 and Ktorrent web interface)18:17
subcool_adasz_: create a VPN and a VNC for a secure connection- but itll be slow.18:17
ActionParsnipamarok xul remote is the coolest thing ever18:17
subcool_Depends ont eh app u use18:17
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX18:17
subcool_i have been tring to use VNC on DSL. - ugh.. dont.18:18
daskreechmtux: ping18:18
ActionParsnipsubcool_: well if its ADSL, the upstream will suck18:19
ActionParsnipsubcool_: if its SDSL then definately go for it18:19
adaszadasz: lol18:20
adaszadasz: !lol18:20
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s4crificehi again, just one short question....what's the easiest way how to install tar.gz files? i didn't get the tips from google and others....18:20
subcool_ActionParsnip: idk- its Verizon. lol. it sucks no matter what18:20
adaszadasz_: xD18:20
subcool_im suprirsed i got my VOIP working18:21
ActionParsnipsubcool_: if downstream is different sped to upstream is Asymetric, then ADSL18:21
subcool_DS is faster18:21
ActionParsnipsubcool_: if both are the same speed, its symettricl, so SDSL18:22
subcool_i cant wait till it obsolete-18:22
subcool_thats all i know18:22
subcool_GO FIBER!!!18:22
ActionParsnipsubcool_: depends how much cash you want to spend on your connection18:23
Hardhead_7OK... this is a stupid question, but apparently there is a "Only show tasks from the current screen" option for the Task Manager widget.  But I can't find it.  Where the hell are widget options?18:24
mtuxdaskreech: pong18:25
ne0hello world18:25
daskreechmtux: Hiya. you had said that choqok has previews right?18:25
mtuxdaskreech: preview of what!?18:26
daskreechof reply tos18:26
JuJuBeeI wish to zip a folder inside of /var/www/_BACKUP without the entire path, what is the syntax?18:26
JuJuBeeI keep getting the entire path when I unzip.18:26
mtuxdaskreech: i if you click on "in reply to" it will load base tweet/dent18:27
* daskreech laughs. Ok I didn't try clicking ha ha18:28
daskreechmtux: If you get a chance to coerce someone with a Quassel install to let you use it there is a neat feature if someone posts a URL hovering over it will pull up a live tooltip with webkit rendering the site. That would be pretty cool for choqok18:29
mtuxdaskreech: maybe!18:30
daskreechNot a feature request per se Just thought you would like to see it so you knew it existed18:31
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AimoParruDoes anybody know why Tor is missing from 9.04?18:39
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks18:40
* ActionParsnip burns AimoParru's tinfoil hat18:41
AimoParruDon't burn my hat!18:42
AimoParruAliens are just about to catch me!18:42
kannan[drm:i915_getparam] *ERROR* Unknown parameter 6.. could somebody help how to resolve this error ?18:42
kannanX-server crashes during start up18:43
daskreechAimoParru: who do you think just burned your hat?18:43
AimoParrudaskreech: ActionParsnip18:44
AimoParruBut really, is there a reason why Tor is missing?18:44
* daskreech whispers That's actually an alien18:44
AimoParruOh dear!18:45
ActionParsnipi never understood the tor mentality, like anyone cares what you are looking at18:45
AimoParruActually, I can watch F1 from England with Tor. And I'm just curious how hard it is to be untraceable.18:47
drbobbActionParsnip: re: VNC security: I use VNC, but over ssh-forwarded connections. It's pretty easy18:47
subcool_AimoParru: very easy18:47
subcool_i dont have it setup---- yet18:47
ActionParsnipdrbobb: the ssh tunnel adds the security vnc is lacking18:47
AimoParruYes, i know. I installed it last week but now its gone.18:48
drbobbActionParsnip: depending on where you live and what you do, there may indeed be folks interested in where you're connecting to18:49
ActionParsnipdrbobb: i think if someoe was after that kind of info they'd go after business sytems18:50
ubuntudrbobb: i use Krfb to connect to Kubuntu server, but it is always using 100% of CPU, that does not happen when using XDMCP, do you have a tip?18:50
doleybActionParsnip: The home systems of business employees are typically easier targets.18:51
drbobbubuntu: sorry no clue18:51
ubuntudrbobb: thanks anyway18:51
drbobbhaven't used that setup myself18:52
drbobbactually the typical case for me is connecting to a windows vm running on a remote linux server18:52
drbobbActionParsnip: sometimes there are ppl interested not in business data, but in busting your a**18:54
ActionParsnipdrbobb: sure18:54
drbobbthat's what i'm talking about18:54
steve_00Hi could anyone help with VPN configuration?18:54
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD18:55
ubuntudrbobb: those who work for ISP companies are the ones who are able to watch what ports one is using, and then sniff on the data18:55
ubuntudrbobb: i use ssh as well, then i use a tunnel18:55
ubuntufor the rest of the connections18:55
drbobbwell that's just a poor man's vpn18:56
drbobbbut it's good enough for many cases18:56
ubuntusteve_00: not me by now, i'm testing jaunty jackalope18:56
macoO_O i just plugged in my laptop and first kwin reloaded and then the panel went away. it has not returned. also, knotify looks ugly and grey again. any idea what the heck just happened?18:56
doleybmaco: idk, can you check if /usr/bin/plasma is still running?18:57
daskreechmaco: plasma quit18:57
daskreech does alt+F2 work ?18:57
macooh yeah plasma's gone18:57
daskreechrun plasma18:57
doleybmaco: I'm afraid that simply re-executing plasma is unlikely to fix it, but you can try18:57
daskreechunless you have trunk then it's plasma-desktop18:58
BluesKajhowdy cops &robbers18:58
daskreechBang bang18:58
macowow plasma loads SLOWLY18:58
macoi ran "nohup plasma &" and then had to wait 10 seconds for it to do anything18:58
macothank you18:58
zoggymaco: i turned off desktop effects as i had the same speed problem18:58
zoggymaco: prob due to xorg drivers18:58
zbigniew_czy ktos umie po polsku18:59
Dragnslcr!pl | zbigniew_18:59
ubottuzbigniew_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl18:59
daskreechxorg sucks18:59
BluesKajthinking of a way to migrate my desktop to jaunty kde3 mix, cuz the last upgrade slowed tgings down considerably18:59
AimoParruI had very slow plasma and I got it faster using XXA acceleration18:59
ubottuKubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page18:59
Newbeehello, I have a problem with the kubntu networkmanager plasmoid.19:00
BluesKajdaskreech , yeah, but a cd would mean a clean install or does it ?19:00
Newbeevpnc does not work. some options are greyed out and after safing the options they are not there anymore. so saving seems not to work19:00
daskreechBluesKaj: Just add the ISO as a apt source and upgrade from it19:01
steve_00The new network manager in Jaunty appears not to support MS PPTP VPNs?  So I have install KVPN, but now need to install pppd - where do  I find this?19:01
BluesKajdaskreech , are you sure ?19:01
reisihow can i set a http proxy to be used when upgrading from 8.04 -> 9.0419:01
daskreechBluesKaj: No but it sounds reasonable :)19:02
zoggyAimoParru: where is XXA acceleration turned on?19:02
peteresqqqoany faqs, www etc. about making kubu work faster? i have terrible plasma experience :(19:03
ActionParsnippeteresqqqo: reduce swappiness19:03
ubuntupeteresqqqo: have /home in a separated partition, reduce swappiness19:03
peteresqqqor u joking? :P19:04
peteresqqqoi have that19:04
ubuntupeteresqqqo: which one?19:04
peteresqqqohome in separated partition19:04
peteresqqqowhat is swappiness?19:04
peteresqqqoi've been using gnome till 9.419:05
peteresqqqomy system works fine19:05
daskreechpeteresqqqo: What Video card?19:05
ubunturead about swappiness, its default value is set to 60, you can change it to 10, for example19:05
ActionParsnippeteresqqqo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85648519:05
peteresqqqoevery application works19:05
peteresqqqobut plasma and widgets on fresh install just slow :(19:05
ubuntupeteresqqqo: avoid using compiz, kwin has enough effects19:05
peteresqqqono compiz19:06
peteresqqqohere :)19:06
NewbeeI need vpnc fpr university. cannot anyone help?19:06
Peace--.-'' sudo apt-get build-dep  libmlt++1 libmlt1 inigo libquicktime119:06
Peace-error -.-''19:06
zoggyis there anywhere to check/configure display drivers on kde4? i get weird blotches in my konqueror windows, thanks19:07
daskreechQt 4.5.1 ?19:07
daskreechSHould be fixed in Qt 4.5.219:07
Peace-to me?19:07
daskreechto zoggy19:07
peteresqqqozoggy what graphics u have?19:07
Peace-:) ok19:07
peteresqqqonvidia maybe?19:08
AimoParruzoggy: it was XAA, my typo19:08
AimoParruput this line in xorg.conf19:08
zoggyAimoParru: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)19:08
AimoParru        Option      "AccelMethod"   "XAA"19:08
zoggysorry that was at peteresqqqo, not AimoParru19:08
zoggyAimoParru: thanks, i googled that and am checking it out19:09
zoggypeteresqqqo: my xorg is using the i915 graphics driver19:13
zoggybut that seems buggy as i can only work with desktop effects off and still i get "blotches"19:13
peteresqqqoyes ive noticed i experienced troubles with nvidia only and i know the newest driver sucks :P19:13
peteresqqqoso with i915 i cant help :(19:13
reisihmm latest 9.04 with nvidia drivers has problemos?19:14
peteresqqqosucked on 8.10 :P - didn't check on 9.04 yet. too much things to sort out with KDE :P19:15
reisicant see anything except nvidia on x86-64 problems in release notes19:17
peteresqqqoi had, on my laptop on 8.10 common problem with newest restricted drivers19:18
peteresqqqowhen using web browser after some time strange things apeared on screen19:19
peteresqqqoor system hangs up19:19
SandGorgon__zoggy: im getting blotches and distorted text as well - u can disable and enable compositing to get rid of it (alt-shift-f12)19:19
peteresqqqoswappiness is not helping :(19:20
peteresqqqostill the show directory widget is very slow19:20
peteresqqqoany other ideas?19:22
peteresqqqook. ill try the newest nvidia drivers19:25
takoskiHi is there a program for copy Cd audio files(data CD audio)?19:25
peteresqqqoin what sense?19:25
krioxhi people...19:26
takoskicopy mp3 to my home on cd19:26
OpenSorceWhy is there always a bit of delay on the internet with Linux? Is it IPV6?19:26
daskreechtakoski: type audiocd:/ in konqueror19:26
daskreechwait you want to make an audio cd?19:27
peteresqqqoi think there are plenty of programs to rip cd in apt :P19:27
krioxhave anybody used the 9.04?19:27
p-fI am trying to suspend to ram using /usr/sbin/hibernate-ram. Every 4-5 times, it hardfreezes my laptop after dropping to the console. Where should I start looking?19:27
krioxbecause i've got problem whit dsl conection19:27
takoskii find brasero...19:28
takoskiit's ok?19:29
krioxi have use pppeoconf to connect, but there is not a desktop utility?19:29
earleHi all. Can anyone tell me what package contains the weather forecast plasmoid?19:30
daskreechtakoski: try k3b19:30
p-fearle: plasmoid-weather19:30
p-fearle: found using "apt-cache search weather|grep plasmoid"19:31
earlesilly me, I should have tried that :)19:31
p-fyou can make up for it by fixing my suspend to ram ;p19:32
peteresqqqohey thanks guy after restart it really is working :D19:32
earlep-f: Did you try turning it off and on again?19:32
* earle runs away19:32
peteresqqqoyupie! :D19:32
neoandersenHello!  I am upgrading to Kubuntu 9.0419:33
earlePooh! It's still broken even after installing that.19:33
astrattodamn.. I'm having lots of hard freezes since jaunty..19:33
p-fastratto: join the club19:33
Newbeedid anyone get vpnc to work with the networkmanager plasmoid?19:33
earleDrag it onto the desktop and I get "The object could not be created for the following reason: could not find requested component: weatherforecast".19:33
astrattop-f: eheh I've just tried archlinux on another partition.. I guess it's xorg related since it freezes as well19:34
astrattomaybe I've found out how to trigger them... firefox + yakuake + _something_19:34
astrattoI just need to define _something_ :D19:35
astrattop-f: which video card do you have?19:35
peteresqqqobtw. it was nvidia driver that was fault19:35
peteresqqqocause my swappines =60 after restart19:36
rohdefjocky-kde seems unable to activate my nvidia driver, can I do it by command or?19:37
p-fastratto: whatever shipped with my dell inspiron19:38
p-fastratto: my freezes are hibernation-related, though19:38
astrattop-f: could you please run lspci | grep VGA?19:39
p-fastratto: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)19:39
alexishola a tod!!!os19:40
astrattop-f: same card... it's something related to xorg and intel I guess19:40
p-fastratto: are your freezes also only intermitent and during hibernate-ram?19:41
rohdefhow do I get my NVidia card to work?19:42
astrattop-f: no, without hibernation... it seems like I just have to run firefox + something else and then switch from firefox and yakuake19:42
p-fastratto: probably unrelated then19:43
yaa_south gonna rise again19:43
earleIs anyone else getting a weird whitespace issue around the Lancelot plasmoid on a panel?19:46
* earle gets a screenshot19:50
__Adam__Hello, dont laugh..... I am missing /dev    and umm yeah wont boot :)19:51
earlehttp://i44.tinypic.com/2na64ol.png # Lancelot weirdness19:52
sharjeelcan i import/integrate my windows folders in kubuntu?20:00
jurgenjust installed kubuntu  How can i login as root (login as root not permitted)20:04
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sharjeeljurgen: you have to do sudo20:06
XainCould someone help me with making an active screensaver as my background?20:06
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jurgensharjeel thx20:06
nameiner1sharjeel: you should be able to mount your windows partition(s) by just clicking on them in dolphin20:06
Jo-luisquien habla español20:07
jurgenin need to change the samba config file and i can only access it when i a root20:07
Jo-luissever of spanish20:08
sharjeelnameiner1: the mount point is /media ... can i mount it on /home /me/seomthing and such that it gets automatically mounted everytime i start?20:09
nameiner1jurgen: in a konsole window type: sudo <your favorite editor> <filename>, your are asked for your password: type in your own pw20:09
jurgennameiner thx20:10
linux-hdtvDo you know a web album/gallery creation software ?20:10
Jo-luiswho can tell me the server or channel in Spanish?20:11
nameiner1sharjeel: I have mount points for my windows partitions in /etc/fstab. I have them mounted under /media/disk and then shortcuts to my home folder20:12
Jo-luiswho can tell me the server or channel in Spanish?20:12
Pici!es | Jo-luis :)20:12
ubottuJo-luis :): En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:12
sharjeel nameiner1: shortcuts = softliknks?20:13
nameiner1sharjeel: yes, that is what I meant to say20:13
sharjeelnameiner1: could you please share your /etc/fstab file20:14
nameiner1sharjeel: but you can of course mount them directly to your home folder/something but then only you have access to them, just in case you have a multiuser system20:14
funkiwancan anyone help? after upgrading to 9.04, my screen occasionally isn't rendered properly. here's a screen shot: http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/4269/wonkyscreen.png20:14
funkiwanit'd be great if anyone could at least help me describe the problem so i can post a decent question to the forums20:15
nameiner1sharjeel: Sorry I'm not on my linux computer right now. but if you can wait a few minutes I can power it up20:15
peteresqqqofunkiwan - what graphics gard u have?20:16
sharjeelnameiner1: thats ok ... :) I'll just try a few googles :)20:16
funkiwanpeteresqqqo: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV200 QW [Radeon 7500]20:17
peteresqqqohave you tried updating your drivers?20:17
peteresqqqohabe you enabled restricted driver for ati?20:17
funkiwanwhen i upgraded to 8.? to 8.10 i had a problem with fglrx, and went with what i believe is the open source version20:18
funkiwanit's been a while since i mucked with that. how can i determine a) what drivers i'm currently using and b) what my other options are20:19
chriss_hi has amarok2 a equalizer?20:19
peteresqqqoprograms/system/hardware drivers20:19
peteresqqqoand that list all your restricted drivers20:19
peteresqqqowith green dot20:20
XainCould someone tell me how to get a screensaver set up as my background in KDE3?20:21
Dhraakelliandoes the liveCD installer support drive encryption and LVM?20:22
eagles0513875hey guys i have a gpg key on my system how can i backup the secret key20:23
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts20:23
funkiwanpeteresqqqo: sorry to be dense, what program are you suggesting i use to follow programs/system/hardware drivers?20:23
funkiwanadept installer?20:23
eagles0513875funkiwan: if your more dearing and know the names of the packages you can use the command line20:24
bahramwhhhi every one !20:25
peteresqqqolinux version of start :D20:25
funkiwani'm not afraid of the command line, i'm just not certain what command to use to determine what drivers i'm using20:26
bahramwhhis there firefox on the Kubuntu 9.04 DVD ?!20:26
peteresqqqooh im telling u the easy way :D20:26
peteresqqqobut the quickest20:26
funkiwanjust ran the program "Hardware Drivers" and it tells me I have no propriety drivers installed20:26
peteresqqqoand type in hardware drivers20:26
nameiner1jarjeel: here is a nice tutorial: www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindowsfstab20:26
peteresqqqoso u see :)20:26
peteresqqqobut does it list any possibilities?20:27
bahramwhhis there firefox on the Kubuntu 9.04 DVD ?!20:27
funkiwanas far as i can tell, my card doesn't support the ati driver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:28
peteresqqqoyeah that is20:30
peteresqqqothe problem i am reading now that 9.04 has built in open drivers20:30
peteresqqqowhich is your case20:30
peteresqqqobut i was able to install my nvidia restricted drivers trough the hardwar drivers20:31
peteresqqqoso i dunno20:31
peteresqqqoyou need to google20:31
funkiwani'm guessing my card's a bit older?20:31
peteresqqqocan be20:31
EulaliaHi #kubuntu, I was wondering, are there any current drivers for an acx111 wireless card?20:31
funkiwanafter seeing that screenshot, any idea how i can describe my problem?20:31
peteresqqqojust post it with the screenshot :D20:32
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peteresqqqoand describe how often20:32
peteresqqqothe issu appear20:32
funkiwanand any idea how i can determine what drivers i am using?20:32
peteresqqqoor how can you recreate iy20:32
peteresqqqotype in glxinfo in console?20:34
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ryanakcaWould an Intel GMA X4500HD be sufficient for our beloved kwin and plasma and, well, compiz?20:36
geniifunkiwan: Sometimes: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep drivers          will show you the name of the video driver X is loading20:36
Dhraakelliandoes the liveCD installer support LVM and drive encryption, or would I need the alternate install CD for that?20:36
ryanakcaDhraakellian: I believe you need the alternate CD20:37
funkiwangenii: i'm seeing:  /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//radeon_drv.so20:38
compilerwriterns help commands20:38
geniifunkiwan: Then thats the driver it's loading currently20:38
funkiwancool, thanks20:38
geniifunkiwan: np20:38
Dhraakellianokay,  grabbing the i386 alternate torreent20:39
PROject-Emerald_can someone tell me why my sound cuts out after about 2 hours of kubuntu use?20:39
Dhraakellianalready have lvm and encrypted /home and swap set up with suse on that box20:39
GAZRADoes someon use synergy in Jaunty?20:47
GAZRADoes someone use synergy on Jaunty?20:47
GAZRAI followed this guide and apparently it doesnt work under Jaunty anymore: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto20:47
ubuntuim tryint to install ubuntu ultimate edition 2.1 and i am having some issues could someone help me?20:48
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daskreechfunkiwan: lsmod20:49
iamanoobatthisanyone help a noob install ubuntu corrently?20:50
daskreechiamanoobatthis: sure20:51
daskreechHave you tried installing it already?20:51
sourcemakerwhat kind of plasma theme is used on this screen shot? http://kde.org/announcements/4.2/screenshots/desktop.png20:52
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daskreechLooks like oxygen20:53
RiddellKubuntu Intro talk in #ubuntu-classroom in 8 minutes20:53
iamanoobatthisdaskreech i pm'd you20:53
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chxwell, Amarok2 sucks i cant even make it repeat a track endlessly.20:54
iamanoobatthisi have installed it once and and it worked until i installed my video drivers20:54
daskreechRiddell: thanks20:54
daskreechiamanoobatthis: which drivers?20:54
iamanoobatthis9800GT Nvidia linux 64 bit20:54
Tommerhi, im using jaunty and got a problem with kontact. its crashing after creating a new "to do item". i changed the paths to my private data/kde ressoures before.20:54
senorpedrohow can i make a video from a mp3 for uploading to youtube?20:54
daskreechiamanoobatthis: how did you install it?20:55
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iamanoobatthisubuntu or the drivers?20:55
Tommertommi@PRmobile:~$ *** KMail got signal 11 (Crashing)20:55
TommerKCrash: Application 'kontact' crashing...20:55
iamanoobatthisdownloaded from the site and opened it20:55
Tommerneed help20:56
daskreech!nvidia | iamanoobatthis20:56
ubottuiamanoobatthis: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:56
daskreechiamanoobatthis: read that ^^20:56
senorpedroi want to make a video with some random graphics, how can i do that?20:58
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daskreechsenorpedro: what?21:00
GAZRADoes someone use synergy on Jaunty?21:00
GAZRAI followed this guide and apparently it doesnt work under Jaunty anymore: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto Anyone knows how to configure the client to startup with synergy on the login?21:01
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=== tyler is now known as AppleStoreFTW
senorpedrodaskreech: i have a mp3 file, i want to make a video of it with random graphics (aka visualizations) for uploading to youtube21:01
daskreechAh Umm21:01
daskreechKdenlive ?21:02
senorpedrodaskreech: like for instance this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skbz-vuDHm421:02
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zoggysorry, anyone have an issue with the xorg i915 driver? my laptop hung while you guys were discussing it earlier :(21:05
ActionParsniphey all21:06
ActionParsnipis a 32bit Kubuntu install footprint (default) any different to the 64bit default install?21:07
daskreechnot significantly21:07
neoandersenwhat does this message means? "Error: Plasma Workspace unable to create io-slave...21:07
ActionParsnipdaskreech: cheers fella21:07
theuser1_how to add this repository http://svn.inspircd.org/index.py/ ?21:07
BluesKajhi ActionParsnip21:07
neoandersenI am upgrading... 9.0421:08
daskreechtheuser1_: Wrong kind of repository21:08
theuser1_daskreech: what do you mean?21:08
neoandersenit ask to restart even with the errors messages...21:08
neoandersenbye 8.04 : )21:09
ActionParsniphi BluesKaj21:09
BluesKajtheuser1_ , http://subversion.tigris.org/21:09
daskreechtheuser1_: That is a code repository not a program repository21:09
theuser1_daskreech:  so this will not install?21:09
daskreechYes but not the way you make it sound21:10
* BluesKaj is not a fan of svn ..too much of their stuff breaks21:10
BluesKajsvn isn't a kubuntu repos, it's a seperate source altogether21:11
ubottusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/21:11
iamanoobatthisk i installed with threw the hardware drivers thing21:11
iamanoobatthisand i got the same error21:11
iamanoobatthislike x server error or something21:11
macrossotakuI am being told through dolphin that a partition is full when it is not21:12
macrossotakuhas anyone seen this before?21:12
hallownamemacrossotaku: what does 'df -h' say in konsole?21:13
daskreechmacrossotaku: How much space does it have?21:13
macrossotakudf -h tells me it is full, but it isn't21:13
iamanoobatthisanyone know what the server x error is?21:13
macrossotakuI can load partitionmanager and it tells me I have 6GB left21:14
aloneacan you get the upgrader thing to download to my user partition instead of my root partition?21:14
iamanoobatthisits not letting me boot ubuntu after i install video drivers21:14
macrossotakudaskreech: the partition is roughly 150GB and partitionmanager tells me only 143 is used21:15
aloneamy root only has 8 gigs total and there isn't room for the download as well. my /home has over 40 gigs available21:15
iamanoobatthisi have no idea what i am doing wrong21:15
macrossotakualso dolphin is unable to mount and unmout the partition21:15
hallownameiamanoobatthis: any "EE" (errors) in /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?21:15
iamanoobatthisall i did was install ultimateedition 2.1 from the dvd21:16
daskreechmacrossotaku: if df -h says it's full as far as everythig is concerned it's full21:16
iamanoobatthisand add the video drivers21:16
hallownamemacrossotaku: filesystem funnyness? ext3?21:16
daskreechhi alonea21:16
daskreechHi iamanoobatthis21:16
daskreechWould you like to get help from the command line?21:16
macrossotakuhallowname: ext3, yes21:17
iamanoobatthisthen when i restart it gives me server x error and asks for my login and pass in a "dos" like screen21:17
hallownameiamanoobatthis: ue doesnt get much upkeep anymore. install the latest drivers from the manufacturer's website.21:17
aloneadaskreech: hey there21:17
daskreechiamanoobatthis: install irssi21:17
daskreechiamanoobatthis: Do you mind a quick Command line boot camp ?21:17
hallownamemacrossotaku: checked for a bugreport about it? i dont run kubuntu's default dolphin =/21:17
iamanoobatthisanything to help me get rid of windows21:18
daskreechiamanoobatthis: OK are you in windows now or the live CD ?21:18
macrossotakuhallowname: I haven't thought about bug reports, konqueror says the same thing btw21:18
iamanoobatthislive cd21:18
daskreechok great :)21:18
daskreechopen a konsole21:18
macrossotakuhallowname: And I can copy to it from xp with the ext3 driver21:18
iamanoobatthis1 sec21:18
hallownameiamanoobatthis: read. learn. love. :)21:19
hallownamemacrossotaku: weird. dunno. never seen that before.21:19
iamanoobatthisi dont have it set up right and its allready better than windows :D21:19
iamanoobatthiskonsole is up21:19
daskreechiamanoobatthis: It's about to get more awwwwwwsome21:19
hallownamemacrossotaku: is it telling you that you dont have permissions?21:19
daskreechiamanoobatthis: Ok I'm going to do a few things. I'm going to show you how to install a program from the command line and login to IRC without a GUI then we are going to login to your computer from the Live Cd ok?21:20
macrossotakuhallowname: nope, I even tried changing permissions and ownership21:20
daskreechiamanoobatthis: type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install irssi21:20
macrossotakuhallowname: I had this problem under beta21:20
iamanoobatthisdaskreech done21:22
iamanoobatthisit said somefiles failed to download21:22
daskreechiamanoobatthis: Ok so you just updated the list of programs that are available to install and installed a new application called irssi21:22
daskreechiamanoobatthis: type irssi -c irc.freenode.net21:23
macrossotakuI get this in dolphin when I try to mount: 'org.freedeskp.Hal.Device.Volume.NotMountedByHal: Device to unmount is not in /media/.hal-mtab so it is not mounted by HAL'21:23
joshjtlanyone know of a sound recorder for kde4?21:23
iamanoobatthisdaskreech it said command not found21:24
daskreechiamanoobatthis: Ha ha ok just saw you saying things failed21:24
daskreechtry sudo apt-get update by itself21:24
daskreechThat's the update to the list of programs that you can install21:24
joshjtlBluesKaj: if that was to me... i dont think k3b records sounds21:24
daskreechThere was one for KDE321:25
BluesKajyes it does, records to file21:25
joshjtldaskreech: toalking to me?21:25
iamanoobatthisE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.21:25
daskreechjoshjtl: Yeah21:26
daskreechiamanoobatthis: Ok try sudo apt-get install irssi21:26
joshjtlBluesKaj: where Im looking right now21:26
iamanoobatthisk thats doing somethin different21:26
BorkisDrizztI am having some problems with Amarok's last.fm plugin21:27
BorkisDrizztit doesn't seem to upload played songs21:27
iamanoobatthisdaskreech done21:27
iamanoobatthistry irc cmd now?21:28
daskreechirssi -c irc.freenode.net21:28
daskreechYou should get a window where you can type in the bottom21:28
BluesKajjoshjtl, what are you trying to record ?21:28
daskreechWhen it loads up type /join #kubuntu21:28
=== tweak is now known as tweak66
joshjtlBluesKaj: stuff from my microphone21:28
iamanoobatthisbash: irsii: command not found21:28
aloneacan you get the upgrader thing to download to my user partition instead of my root partition and then copy over whatever files it needs? or any files that I should look for in root to delete?21:29
iamanoobatthisim typing: irsii -c irc.freenode.net right?21:29
costashi there21:30
=== costas is now known as costas_
iamanoobatthisok it worked21:30
iamanoobatthisnice dos irc21:30
joshjtlany more thoughts for me BluesKaj?21:31
daskreechiamanoobatthis: typed /join #kubuntu ?21:31
iamanoobatthisi just did21:32
daskreechnoobiasrex: Hi21:32
aloneaI will be right back, I need to restart firefox.21:32
noobiasrexthis is iamanoobatthis21:32
joshjtlthis might be what im looking for: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Traverso?content=4199121:32
BluesKajjoshjtl try audacity ..it should work21:33
joshjtlcant tell if its qt or not21:33
joshjtlBluesKaj: audacity is gtk isnt it?21:33
BluesKajso /21:33
joshjtli steer clear until necessary21:33
noobiasrexdaskreech what next?21:34
BluesKajoh lord ... well good luck , auadacity works just fine in any environment including windows21:34
joshjtli dont see anything wrong in trying to go for qt apps whever possible21:35
daskreechnoobiasrex: Ok second thing to teach you THE GUI in Linux is a farce21:35
daskreechIt's just a program that runs21:35
daskreechLinux is actually the DOS thing21:35
daskreechAnd by default you get 7 of them21:36
BluesKajwhat's the prob with these guys and gtk ?  I don't get ..some BS out there is gonna restrict your options ?21:36
daskreechThey act like different machines so you have 7 machines running side by side21:36
daskreechThe GUI by default get TTY (terminal) 721:36
daskreechDon't do anything till I tell you21:36
daskreechYou can switch between them with alt+Ctrl+Fn21:36
daskreechso alt+Ctrl+F1 gets you to terminal one alt+Ctrl+F4 takes you to terminal 421:37
bmunger_so when can we expect a list of changes to be available for updates applied.. is it just developer lazyness or is there another bug with it?21:37
daskreechtry go to TTY1 then back to the GUI with alt+Ctrl+F1 Then alt+Ctrl+F721:37
workspace4hello IRC21:38
daskreech!hi | workspace421:39
ubottuworkspace4: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:39
daskreechnoobiasrex: Let me know when you are back :)21:39
noobiasrexim back21:39
daskreechOk now jump back there and login to the terminal and start irrsi21:40
daskreechLogin to here21:40
BorkisDrizztirssi is nice21:40
workspace4upgradeing to 9.04 ubunut .. is this upgrade buggy ?21:40
workspace4hi ubottu21:40
workspace4I have no idea how 9.04 will run on a acer aspire one ..21:41
daskreechnoobasauris: Ok great :)21:41
noobasaurisim not gonna get kicked off server for ghosting like this am i?21:41
daskreechSo you can login without the GUI and get help21:42
daskreechnoobasauris: I wouldn't tell you to if you could21:42
daskreechYou can also go to the other terminals and run commands to fix the computer21:42
workspace4not sure. about the TOS of this server noobasauris ..21:42
noobasaurisvery great.21:42
workspace4so how bad is 9.04 ubuntu?  lolz21:43
noobasaurisok so this is all cool and stuff but how do i get the graphics card working?21:44
noobasaurisi need my hdtv moniter21:44
Laeborg!ip tunnel21:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ip tunnel21:44
Laeborg!ip transit21:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ip transit21:44
workspace4hail BOB !21:45
daskreechnoobasauris: ok jump back to the gui21:47
workspace4setting new software channels ...      4ever ...21:47
workspace4wow your not grayed out21:47
workspace4welcome back noobiasrex21:47
Laeborg!point-to-point tunnel21:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:48
workspace4i think i'm going to be sick the DOW is down 80453.9921:48
daskreechnoobiasrex: Ok open another Konsole and we are going to login to your computer21:49
workspace4co-op login21:50
noobiasrex1 sec dask i gotta get a drink21:50
daskreechnoobiasrex: ok is your install mounted ?21:50
noobiasrexno. im runnin the cd21:50
noobiasrexinstalling again21:50
noobiasrexallmost done tho21:50
daskreechnoobiasrex: Ha ha that's funny :)21:51
noobiasrexso when i start-up will it load linux or will it jump to the gui?21:52
jamesjedimasterhi, someone who uses quassel do know how to switch between channels with shortcuts?21:52
noobiasrexbtw new konsole is open21:52
daskreechnoobiasrex: The GUI is linux as well :)21:52
daskreechWell if you are reinstalling then that's fine reboot and we can finish the discussion when you login21:53
daskreechjamesjedimaster: There is none21:53
noobiasrexwell its done im restarting21:53
jamesjedimasterdaskreech: thanks anyway21:54
daskreechI filed a bug on it alreadt21:54
joshjtlokay problem... I can't record from my mic (laptop)21:54
daskreechThey should do it sooon I hope21:54
joshjtlBluesKaj: and im trying via audacity21:54
kris_Hi there. I recently switched to Jaunty, and my sound card (RS780) now stopped working. Could anyone please help me to collect diagnostic information, and then maybe fix the problem? Thanks in advance!21:54
daskreechjoshjtl: Is it muted?21:54
joshjtldaskreech: not in alsamixer21:55
workspace4pure evil. 5 hours to download ?21:55
kris_Pardon, that's an ATI RS780. "lspci" also lists a "ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)".21:56
kris_"alsamixer" shows chip as "IDT 92HD71B7X". Again, Jaunty broke my sound support.21:57
dolf1074sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop fails :(21:59
joshjtlneed record from mic21:59
daskreechdolf1074: Where?21:59
dolf1074a default ubuntu 9.04 install22:00
the_dark_warrioHi. My grub is not detecting windows partition. I have two hard disks, one with windows and the other with Kubuntu. I've re"setup" grub, but it didn't work. Any hints?22:00
tty17the_dark_warrio: yeah frub doesn't autodetect windows partitions after installation22:01
dolf1074daskreech, the following packages have unmet dependencies: smbclient22:01
tty17you have to add them manually22:01
daskreechdolf1074: what does apt-get install smbclient say ?22:01
the_dark_warriotty17: hmm, thanks. I will look in the docs so I can add it manually ;)22:02
dolf1074daskreech, it wants to remove samba4 and samba4-common before it will install smbclient22:02
mackk431just delete windows you dont need it with kubuntu22:03
tty17the_dark_warrio: http://pastebin.com/m777f583d22:03
daskreechmackk431: Where am I going to get viruses and Viagra popups from then?22:03
tty17the_dark_warrio: substitute (hdx,y) for your real windows partition22:03
dolf1074daskreech, should I remove samba4 and install smbclient? Because I still want to use my normal gnome installation22:04
kris_daskreech: You should be able to find both at your local brothel.22:04
joshjtlcan anyone give me a hand getting my mic to work (laptop) thanks22:04
daskreechkris_: But I normally get in through the windows v_v22:04
noobiasdask i accidently did the oem install so im going to install again.22:05
the_dark_warriotty17: thanks ;)22:06
joshjtldaskreech: could you give me a hand?22:06
daskreechnoobias: Huh Why?22:07
* daskreech starts the slow clap for joshjtl22:08
mackk431let me give you a fairy to help you guys http://img57.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fairyjpgg.jpg22:08
BluesKajjoshjtl , have you checked your alsamixer settings ?22:08
joshjtldaskreech: ?22:08
joshjtlBluesKaj: yeah22:08
joshjtlall turned up22:08
BluesKajdon't max them out22:08
* daskreech lets BluesKaj help22:09
BluesKaj73% is plent22:09
noobiasthe last install froze on me is why22:09
joshjtlstill nothing either way...22:09
noobiasitll just be about 15 more minutes max22:10
BluesKajunmuted? , the box at the bottom of the ctrls has 0022:10
mackk431type alsamixer in terminal and check micro volume22:10
=== root is now known as Guest42035
Guest42035does anyone here have their wifi working ?22:10
=== Guest42035 is now known as agoole
joshjtlBluesKaj: not muted22:11
kris_Howdy philippe_22:11
philippe_sorry for my english i m looking for the french support22:12
BluesKajjoshjtl , is the mic you're only audio problem ?22:12
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:12
joshjtlBluesKaj: yes everything seems to work fine22:12
zoggyanyone have an intermittent shutdown problem? i click shutdown/restart and it just ignores me. eventually, i have to shutdown from the terminal.22:12
joshjtlBluesKaj: and it worked in intrepid22:13
daskreechnoobias: Oh this is live CD again?22:13
kris_joshjtl: What kind of machine is this? An HP by chance?22:13
daskreech!java > adasz22:13
ubottuadasz, please see my private message22:13
=== inanimate_ is now known as inanimate
joshjtlkris_: nope dell22:14
inanimateSo I just recently noticed that after going into standby, X crashes when I wake up.22:14
joshjtlBluesKaj: well that was odd I unmuted a couple of things in the Playback section of alsamixer and it records now!22:14
inanimateAnd I think it was after I added UXA to my Xorg.conf22:14
agoolemy wireless card seems to be detected, but the widget says its disconnected...how can I use it ?22:14
kris_joshjtl: Ah. Was having problems with my HP until I found a related thread. Can't help you, then. Best of luck!22:14
inanimateAny ideas?22:15
joshjtlkris_: thanks looks like i dont need help anymore anyways :)22:15
BluesKajjoshjtl. yeah it's looped back22:15
mackk431yesterday i searched for more than 10 hours to get java script working after that someone told me to switch it on in firefox settings22:16
mackk431i say just dont give up haha22:16
joshjtlBlueEagle: weird22:16
noobiasyes this is live cd22:16
noobiassry i was fixing some food while it installs the rest of the way22:17
kris_Dammit. KRunner just crashed ...22:17
agooleanyone else here have an atheros wifi card ?22:17
BluesKajjoshjtl , the mute command I mean ...dunno why , a dirty way to mute22:17
kris_Nope ... make that plasma ...22:19
ign0ramushey all.22:19
ign0ramusHow do i stop Jaunty from locking my session after a certain amount of time?22:19
dwidmannign0ramus: system settings -> desktop -> screen saver .... maybe22:20
BluesKajhi ign0ramus... you gotta change that nick ..don't like to insult ppl unless absolutely must :)22:20
ign0ramusBluesKaj: I think I've earned the nick :P22:20
dwidmannBluesKaj: sshhhhhhhhhh22:20
Dragnslcrign0ramus- also check System Settings -> Advanced -> Power Management22:20
joshjtlBluesKaj: hmm still cant get audacity to record... i had gotten Kwave to record...22:20
noobiasdask im restarting now, brb22:21
Dragnslcrign0ramus- the default profile locks the session after 15 minutes22:21
bendodgeDoes anyone know how to make Strigi work in 9.04?22:21
dwidmannGrub can't deal with GPT partition tables, right?22:21
agooledoes anyone have working wifi? I can't seem to get my atheros based wifi to work,22:21
daskreechWht's GPT table ?22:21
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:21
joshjtlweird and lame22:22
dwidmanndaskreech: seemedly better than msdos partition tables.22:22
ign0ramusDragnslcr: that's it... apparently it was set to lock session when I close the laptop lid... thanks.22:22
ign0ramusDragnslcr: now, is there a way to turn off display, but NOT lock the session?22:23
Dragnslcrign0ramus- at least you have a laptop. It set that for my desktop, which really confused me. I never thought to check the laptop power management settings for a desktop computer22:23
Dragnslcrign0ramus- System Settings -> Display has a power management section22:23
sponzorwhat is the program to write files to cd/dvd ? that i can install true the apt-get22:23
merciaola, alguem do brasil?22:23
adasz_daskreech: what you mean?22:23
ign0ramusDragnslcr: some things I found to be counterintuitive, but I'm getting there.  I wish the widget on the panel had more options like in kde 3.522:23
daskreechadasz_: Mean for what?22:23
adasz_daskreech: java22:24
daskreechsponzor: k3b22:24
daskreechadasz_: In case you wanted to install java :))22:24
adasz_daskreech: i think i have installed at ;)22:24
adasz_daskreech: how can i test it?22:24
sponzorahh i have it arlady installed :P thank you22:25
kris_Uh, what's the language code for portuguese? mercia is looking for help, I think.22:25
daskreechYou are welcome :)22:25
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:25
=== lazy is now known as noobias
daskreechadasz_: type jar22:25
noobiask installed and ready for more instructions dask22:26
kris_Wow. That really is close to Spanish ... I could actually understand that ...22:26
ign0ramusadasz_: java test: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml22:26
daskreechit is they are cousins22:26
takoskihi do we know a program to make video (with personalized image or .3gp and music)?22:26
daskreech!br | kris_22:27
ubottukris_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:27
daskreechAlso :)22:27
kris_daskreech: Thanks.22:27
ign0ramustakoski: you may look into Cinerella... not sure if it plays nice in kde422:27
kris_Hi smeg0l22:27
pantera69hello to all22:28
takoskii use 8.0422:28
adasz_daskreech: Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. ; Version: Java 6 update 1322:28
joshjtldid I miss a message?22:28
daskreechjoshjtl: Nope22:28
joshjtloh ok...22:28
noobiasdaskreech what is the server i need to use with irssi again?22:28
takoskiignoramus ar u italian?22:28
daskreechjoshjtl: it's probably beneath the DE so #ubuntu can help you as well22:28
joshjtldaskreech: I got sound to record now but cant get audacity to record... any thoughts?22:28
BluesKajagoole ,  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux22:28
joshjtlohh ok22:28
daskreechnoobias: irc.freenode.net (irc.ubuntu.com also works)22:29
noobiask thanks22:29
agooleBluesKaj: I looked at some other links, and it says that my chipset should work out of the box, but it doesn't22:31
agooleBluesKaj: should I file a question? or try to find a solution by looking throug ?22:32
daskreechnoobiasrex: Yo22:32
ronin_After upgrading to 9.04 KDE becomes unresponsive sometimes and will even crash. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot that? I just recently switched over from gnome...22:32
daskreechronin_: videocard drivers?22:32
ronin_nvidia legacy22:32
noobiasrexdaskreech, im here22:33
smeg0lbetter get some food can't remember when i last ate :D22:33
BluesKajagoole , i'm sure i saw something yesterday about atheros wireless when i was having the same prob with the laptop , but it a broadcom card22:33
iklacan kubuntu do software raid22:34
W8TAHwhat possessed the devs to set up 9.04 so that EVERYTIME i log in i get asked about desktop sharing? - more importantly -- HOW DO I TURN IT OFF-- driving me NUTS22:34
daskreechnoobiasrex: This is the install now?22:34
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:34
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:34
BluesKajagoole in google linux22:34
ronin_daskreech: the visual effects still work but my menu will stop working for 5 minutes etc...22:34
daskreechikla: RAID isn't a DE function Linux does that22:34
agooleBluesKaj: in google linux ? is this a specific thread you mena ?22:34
daskreechoh. Oh lord22:34
pushraxhi all.  Do I need to add any other repositories?  I'd like to have launchpad if they are unique items to the default repos.22:34
pushraxcurrent default repositories seem small.22:35
iklawell is there a desktop and server version of kubuntu ?22:35
agooleBluesKaj: I tried the regular drivers, and those didn't work, neither did the backport drivers.22:36
pushraxdo the pro's add other repositories?22:36
ronin_ikla: is there really a server version? Wouldn't the server version just be ubuntu22:36
agooleBluesKaj: tried the madwifi drivers, and those get my card reconised, but can't connect.22:36
daskreechikla: in theory yes but all the server versions are the same Ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu etc It just changes the splash screen at the start22:36
noobiasrexdaskreech what should i do now?22:37
rayluagoole: wep/wpa?22:37
noobiasrexto get my videodrivers working that is, I downloaded the file from nvidias site but its a .run file22:38
noobiasrexi dont know how to open it22:38
daskreech!nvidia | noobiasrex22:38
ubottunoobiasrex: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:38
neoandersenhow to install nvidia drive?22:38
agooleraylu: no, I opened up the routers, there should be several free connections to choose from22:38
raylunoobiasrex: don't do that; install from the repos22:38
daskreechneoandersen: See above22:38
rayluagoole: um... what?22:38
rayluagoole: opened up the routers?22:38
noobiasrexim using ubuntu ultimate edition 2.1 does that make a difference?22:38
rayluagoole: you mean networkmanager's list of access points?22:38
pushraxwhere can I find about jaunty repositories?  Googling is brings up too much old dev junk22:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unsupported22:39
daskreechWhat version of Ubuntu is that based on?22:39
agooleraylu: I mean I got rid of all wep/wpa,22:39
raylupushrax: finn what? packages.ubuntu.com22:39
daskreech!upgrade | pushrax22:39
noobiasrexim not sure i can check tho22:39
ubottupushrax: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:39
agooleraylu: my network manager doesn't show much at all,22:39
raylupushrax: *find22:39
rayluagoole: sudo iwlist scan22:39
daskreechnoobiasrex: You got the GUI ?22:39
pushraxdaskreech: checkign that link now, thx22:39
mefisto__I want to try pulseaudio and was looking at this page: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PulseAudio but it seems it might be outdated for jaunty. will the info on that page work for jaunty? or is there a jaunty-specific howto anyone knows of?22:39
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:40
daskreechYou can't read that webpage ?22:40
agooleraylu: it says no scan results for my adapter,22:40
agooleraylu: all hte other adapters say 'interface doesn't support scanning'22:40
raylumefisto__: are you on jaunty right now?22:40
rayluagoole: is the card on?22:40
mefisto__raylu: yes22:40
raylumefisto__: pgrep -l pulse22:40
daskreech.j #coova-chilli22:40
agooleraylu: that seems ot be a problem, I don't see hte wireless light, and it says that my wireless is disconnected22:41
agooleraylu: I don't know how to figure out wether its because I can't turn it on, or the driver isn't working22:41
pushraxIs the launchpad items in the defacto repositories?22:42
rayluagoole: er... it's fairly obviously because it's not on22:42
mefisto__raylu: and...?22:42
pushraxor should I try to add launchpad repos? and if so what's the url for the deb?22:42
moukahi guys22:42
raylumefisto__: do you see pulseaudio?22:42
agooleraylu: if I type, sudo ifconfig ath0 up, then its still not on, or is htis wrong ?22:42
mefisto__raylu: no22:42
noobiasdaskreech im reading but i dont understand what im supposed to do22:42
moukaI have just finished installing ubuntu, but I am more interested in kubuntu22:42
moukahow do I install the kde desktop manager?22:43
ign0ramusIs anyone having strange visual glitches like this --> http://i39.tinypic.com/332m5q1.jpg22:43
moukaI like gnome, but kde is cuter22:43
raylumouka: kubuntu-desktop22:43
ign0ramusis it just my card that is having issues?22:43
raylumefisto__: interesting. pulseaudio should be installed by default22:43
pushraxI wish you could filter out all the non jaunty items ont he ubuntu forum.  talk about confusing22:43
moukaraylu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:43
moukais that the command?22:43
raylumefisto__: aptitude search pulseaudio22:43
raylumouka: yes22:43
rayluagoole: that doesn't turn it on22:44
rayluagoole: that activeates the card and tells linux to start using it. but the card isn't physically on22:44
moukawhat version of kde kubuntu is currently using?22:44
agooleraylu: uh, ok, then its being used ok ? so how do I turn it on ?22:44
rayluagoole: i don't know; that depends on your laptop. look for a switch, button, or a fn+f# key22:45
raylumouka: 422:45
pushraxIf there are any linux pro's on here using jaunty, can you post your apt source list please!  I want as much repo's as possible.22:45
mefisto__raylu: ok, it's installed (along with a few deps). should it "just work" now?22:45
mouka4.1 or 4.2?22:45
raylupushrax: you could just turn everything on...22:46
pushraxraylu: I have in the package manager but isnt' there more out there?22:46
ign0ramusmouka: ships with 4.2.222:46
raylumouka: 4.2.222:46
moukacool, thanks22:46
noobiasdaskreech im reading but i dont understand what im supposed to do.22:46
pushraxI've got the winehq added.  is there a skype repo?22:46
raylupushrax: yes, but they aren't as well-supported by ubuntu.22:46
ign0ramusmouka: np22:46
agooleraylu: ok got it, that was weird, and now the scan works, and I get a result of networks22:47
ign0ramuspushrax: why add more repos than you need?22:47
noobiasi have a xfx 9800gt videocard and i wanna install a driver that works22:47
ign0ramuspushrax: most ppa's end up having downtime or other issues that are not supported22:47
pushraxraylu: so we have to wait for peopel to tailor the packages for the main distribution points22:47
raylumefisto__: no idea22:47
noobiasbut i dont know how22:47
raylumefisto__: i'm more confused as to why it wasn't installed before22:47
raylupushrax: points?22:47
pushraxok ign0ramus ...22:47
noobiasi read this and it says to go to system_administration_hardware drivers22:48
noobiasbut ive done that twice and it makes the install crash upon loading22:48
daskreechnoobias: which video card do you have?22:48
pushraxpoints as repositories defined as main or mirrors of main22:48
noobias9800 gt22:48
pushraxdoes trolltech have a repo?22:50
ign0ramuspushrax: I agree that Jaunty's default repos seem a little sparse, but it is pointless to go adding ones if you don't want/need their packages.22:50
BluesKajllinux pros ?...we're all volunteers here :)22:50
pushraxBluesKaj: lol22:50
joshjtlwow there is just no getting help on #ubuntu22:51
ign0ramusjoshjtl: just figured that out, eh? :)22:51
raylujoshjtl: why's that?22:51
ikladaskreech, kubuntu alternate can only do LVM and software raid22:51
daskreechikla: you want it to do hardware raid?22:51
joshjtlraylu:  no one answers questions basically22:52
daskreechnoobias: hrrm22:52
agoole_raylu: thanks for the help, all is well now :)22:52
rayluagoole_: what was wrong?22:52
daskreechTrying to figure out if you have support22:52
agoole_raylu: well, it was properly installed, but it wasn't actually on, like you said, someone turned the button off,22:52
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agoole_raylu: also had conflicting entries for wlan0 and ath022:53
pushraxign0ramus: I'm kind of desperate.  I'm also desperate for the ATI driver 2.8.602 which has been out for a few days but not yet on the main repositories.  I tried to manually install the driver but it failed to install properly even though I got 2d going.22:53
dwidmanndaskreech: thought the idea behind hardware raid was transparency ...22:53
daskreechdwidmann: I'm trying to understand what ikla wants22:53
joshjtlhey folks im trying to figure out why i cant get audacity to record from mic, though I can get other apps to do so22:53
raylujoshjtl: i used to answer questions :P22:53
ign0ramuspushrax: so focus on resolving  your dependcies rather than adding repos you don't need.22:53
daskreechkeeps asking for RAID and says Kubuntu's server CD only supports LVM and Software RAID22:53
ign0ramuspushrax: did it compile properly?22:53
mefisto__raylu: ok I'm getting sound through pulseaudio now, but it seems it's not using the right sample rate. everything is speeded up/higher pitch22:54
daskreechAnyone here have nvidia card with 3d on Jackalope?22:54
pushraxign0ramus: yep. but the fglxgears failed,  glxgears also failed with error22:54
raylumefisto__: that's over my head, sorry :P22:54
raylumefisto__: any reason you wanted pulseaudio? a lot of people who had it installed by default wanted to get rid of22:54
raylumefisto__: it.22:55
ign0ramuspushrax: what is the recommended driver for your card?22:55
mefisto__raylu: ok, thanks anyway22:55
pushraxthe current ati driver flicker when suing wine apps and changing resolutions22:55
daskreechnoobias: There was a furor recently with a lot of nvidia cards being dropped from the drivers22:55
noobiasso am i screwed?22:55
pushraxign0ramus: I've got a 3870, but not sure if there are recommendations22:55
sotacomhi every body22:55
sotacomhi kubuntu22:55
daskreechor can someone give me the list of cards that had support dropped from the latest nvIdia drivers?22:55
smeg0ldaskreech, yes22:55
dwidmanndaskreech: which ones?22:55
mefisto__raylu: just curious about it. but why get rid of it? can't you just choose what to use in systemsettings?22:55
dwidmanndaskreech: should be easy to fetch from nvidia.com22:56
Guest30468Greetings All22:56
daskreechnoobias: I don't know I know the 9600 has issues I don't know if the 9800 does as well22:56
daskreechdwidmann: is the 9800 supported or has that been dropped?22:56
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raylumefisto__: i'm not sure. i haven't had major problems but others have had issues getting multiple sound sources to mix22:56
noobiaswell the 9800 is basically a 880022:56
daskreechsmeg0l: Which card do you have?22:56
dwidmanndaskreech: I'm going to figure that one out in a few hours22:56
smeg0lsudo aptitude install envyng-gtk22:56
noobiasso if the 8800 works the 9800 should to22:56
daskreechdwidmann: You have a 9800 as well?22:56
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ign0ramuspushrax: did you see here? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=713791222:56
smeg0lsudo envyng -t22:56
daskreechwhat driver are you using ?22:56
pushraxign0ramus: thx. looking now.22:57
dwidmanndaskreech: I do now.22:57
daskreechnoobias: Also new X :)22:57
virus2009hey guys i was here earlier with a diffrent problem now i have two more problems. ill start with the first one i have a micro innovations ic445c web cam that isnt reconized at all by kubuntu. the second one is when i drag my mouse around when playing music the song starts to get really scratchy? i dont know whats wrong?22:57
daskreechdwidmann: What driver are you using ?22:57
daskreechsmeg0l: xorg 1.6 ?22:57
pushraxbtw I love jaunty->kde4->kubuntu22:57
dwidmanndaskreech: I haven't set it up yet ... I'll be switching motherboards later, and video cards, etc22:57
daskreechsmeg0l: Jackalope22:57
dwidmanndaskreech: doing backup now ... so like I said, I'll know later22:57
daskreechdwidmann: :-) Good luck22:57
virus2009well i guess when the cpu is under a load.22:58
smeg0lyes ubuntu but i'm in the middle of installing kubuntu22:58
Guest36765A twist of faith brought me to linux, and freed me from the shackels of @indo#s22:58
dwidmanndaskreech: thanks ... I hope I won't need it but I almost know I will.22:58
daskreechsmeg0l: which video card ?22:58
smeg0l6600 nvidia22:58
daskreechdwidmann: welcome to the exciting world of Linux hardware support22:58
dwidmanndaskreech: anyhow, what sort of issues are you having with the 9600, so I know what to look for?22:58
daskreechsome obscure SCSI RAID USB controller? Works out of the box the video card you need to see the monitor What are you crazy?22:59
daskreechdwidmann: Forums are lit up with jackalope issues with 960022:59
pushraxign0ramus: that link was old.  the problem is now compatibility issue with xorg ver and and ati driver.  the latest ati driver fixes the problem.22:59
daskreechGuest36765: Welcome22:59
dwidmanndaskreech: I've not been to the forums lately, care to clue me in?23:00
ign0ramuspushrax: and you successfully compiled it, but couldn't install?  is that what you're saying?23:00
daskreechsmeg0l: Would you mind walking noobias: through envy ?23:00
smeg0li'll give it a try23:00
rayludaskreech: it works out of the box. except the box has to be assembled and configured yourself :P23:00
daskreechdwidmann: Just seems that the combination of nVidia dropping support for a set of chipsets and the Xorg 1.6 upgrade has created a hole that the 9600 falls into gracefully23:00
ghostcubeanyone an idea why quassel isnt playing an sound if i get highlighted23:01
daskreechnoobias: Listen to smeg0l. If either of you need help I should be here23:01
noobiasok from what ive read on forums, I need something to install the drivers from the nvidia site and it should work23:01
ghostcube9.04 kde 4.2.223:01
smeg0lnoobias, first you install envyng-gtk with sudo aptitude install envyng-gtk hit enter23:01
pushraxign0ramus: I completed a successful build of the main file, then it so claled installed without error.  I then did the commands to setup the ati xorg.conf and what not, then restarted.  2d worked, but 3d didn't23:01
ign0ramuspushrax: you got the "ATI Catalyst™ 9.4 Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver" ?23:02
pushraxign0ramus: I've had the same problem when using hardy kubuntu and it's usually best to wait for the repsoitory version to egt a smooth install23:02
pushraxign0ramus: yep 9,04 which = 2.8.60223:02
smeg0lthen you sudo envyng -t23:03
ign0ramuspushrax: what version of xorg?23:03
smeg0land select the recomended driver23:03
smeg0lby hitting 123:03
smeg0li pretty sure23:03
dwidmanndaskreech: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/180.51/README/appendix-a.html23:03
pushraxign0ramus: using what is in jaunty release.23:04
noobiassmeg im getting this error23:04
noobiasUnable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?23:04
smeg0ltry restarting23:05
daskreechsmeg0l: Wot23:05
daskreechnoobias: no23:05
pushraxign0ramus: qhat's the command to find out?23:05
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:05
daskreechdo you have kpackagekit open ?23:05
noobiasi dont think so23:05
smeg0lsry daskreech23:06
noobiasi got it23:06
noobiasi had to close somethin23:06
daskreechnoobias: Ok Yeah just close whatever else is open that can install program23:06
daskreechit only allows one set of installs at a time23:06
ign0ramuspushrax: Jaunty uses xorg server 1.0623:07
ign0ramuspushrax: maybe not fixable just yet? See: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/394223:07
noobiasit seems to have worked23:07
ign0ramuspushrax: not the same card, but downgrading xorg may be your fix for now23:07
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joshjtlstill trying to figure out why i cant get audacity to record from mic, though I can get other apps to do so23:08
ign0ramusxorg server = 1.6*23:08
noobiasjoshjtl is your soundcard asio?23:08
joshjtlnoobias: its intel... dunno asio23:08
noobiasTo use audacity with my mic i had to get ASIO4ALL23:09
pushraxign0ramus: thx for th einfo but I don't want to downgrade the system.  I've rather go beta/factory version23:10
daskreechsmeg0l: Continue :)23:10
noobiasso what do i do after that stuff install daskreech?23:10
ign0ramuspushrax: well, if the updated driver that is supposed to fix the issue doesn't work, then I don't know what other options you have23:10
noobiasme reboot?23:11
* daskreech points at the smeg0l man23:11
noobiasjust checking23:11
ign0ramuspushrax: i would give installing the newest ATI driver another shot, if you think it didn't install properly23:11
joshjtlim going to shoot myself in the groin23:11
ign0ramusjoshjtl: too bad you won't be able to record the sound :P23:12
pushraxign0ramus: yep true. that's why Iw as asking for repositories as I was hoping there would be more content out there.23:12
joshjtlign0ramus: haha exactly23:12
daskreechjoshjtl: To get to a higher pitch the mic can pick up?23:12
pushraxign0ramus: yep23:12
joshjtlyes! good idea23:12
gorgonzolahello. I had disabled ahci under intrepid to prevent some disk timeouts. If i boot, the modules stays blacklisted and everything is fine, however, with 2.6.28, the module gets loaded disreegarding the blacklist directive.23:12
ign0ramusI just realized my microphone isn't recognized by Kmix, but alsamixer shows it... wtf?23:15
HighHoign0ramus: maybe in kmix you need to configure channels to display it23:16
ign0ramusHighHo: checking into that... previously i had to add a line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base23:16
ign0ramusHighHo: but i don't think Jaunty uses that file anymore...23:16
drbobbhello, has anyone by chance noticed konqueror having problems with redirects like http://server.com/blah -> http://server.com/blah/ ?23:16
drbobbie. give it the first url and it hangs and eventually times out23:16
pushraxok thanks for the comments.  cheers all.23:17
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ign0ramusHighHo: You were right, but interestingly, PCM has no effect on volume like it used too...   :/23:18
smeg0luuhhh Meat Ball Sandwiches :D23:19
HighHoign0ramus: In what program? there are some programs it doesnt work in (like amarok) cos of the new backend used23:19
ign0ramusHighHo: aha...i was testing with amarok!23:19
ign0ramusHighHo: how do i set "Master" to show up when clicking on KMix instead of "PCM", which doesn't work for everything?23:20
HighHoign0ramus: right click the kmix icon and select "Select master channel"23:20
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ign0ramusHighHo: well, that was easy enough!23:21
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ign0ramusHighHo: I've only been using Jaunty (and kde 4) for a couple of days, and i'm getting adjusted23:22
ign0ramusHighHo: is Alsa still used?23:22
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drbobbugh, i need some other irc client. Quassel IRC as it is is a disaster23:22
ikoniadrbobb: there are plenty out there23:23
joshjtlhey do any x86-64 users use the 64bit adobe flash plugin, if you do, do you uninstall   npwrapper.libflashplayer.so23:23
virus2009hey guys, could you help me with my question. my web cam a microg it  innovations ic445c isnt working, i plugged it in it lights up but isnt reconized..23:23
ign0ramusdrbobb: i hated quassel - i just re-installed Konversation23:23
FanfareQ:where is app mtt (teletext viewer) in jaunty gone? Any Other suggestions (saa7134 analog device)?23:23
ikoniajoshjtl: don't have to un-install it, just don't use it23:23
drbobbyeah makes it hard to pick one ;)23:23
* MikHel is pissed off at 9.04!!!23:23
HighHoign0ramus: Yes, but arts is replaced with phonon (which uses xine or gstreamer backends) to manage sound23:23
ikoniaMikHel: not best impressed with your language23:24
MikHelikonia: I expected so :)23:24
joshjtlikonia: so you just cped the libflashplayer.so into /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ and left it at that?23:24
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ign0ramusHighHo: I wonder if that's why I can't get certain sound effects to work (like notification sounds in Firefox and Konversation)...23:24
ikoniajoshjtl: pretty much, as I recall, I moved the wrapper out23:24
drbobbapt-cache search irc client |wc -l  ==> 13223:24
* MikHel wanted to stir some muddy water about network changes in 9.04.23:24
joshjtlikonia: so you did uninstall the wrapper? how did you do it?23:25
MikHelNothing works for me....23:25
ikoniajoshjtl: just moved it, found the wrapper script and changed it to _not - but I don't think you have to do that, I did tit earlier when the plugin was earlier testing23:25
MikHelknetworkmanager does not work anymore, wicd does not work at all and plasmoid worked once on one wifi connection.23:25
MikHelDoes not work for other wifis and does not work with my USB CDMA connection... :((23:26
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noobiasim back23:26
smeg0lwb noobias23:26
virus2009i need help please :P23:26
joshjtlikonia: oh ok, yeah it seems to be running flash fine, as all i did was cp to /usr/lib... didnt remove the wrapper though it shows still in firefox:plugins23:26
noobiaswhat is next oh helpful ones23:26
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lexy1997MikHel, the only thing I have been able to get to work is the network plasmoid with kwalletmanager23:26
smeg0lit didn't work noobias ?23:27
daskreech!ask | virus200923:27
ubottuvirus2009: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:27
noobiasit installed everything23:27
ign0ramuslexy1997: MikHel: ditto here.  wicd (which i always liked) only worked when encryption was disabled :(23:27
MikHellexy1997: For me, it keeps asking for the WPA key instead of just connecting...23:27
noobiasbut now do i install the videocard from the hardware drivers screen?23:27
noobiasim just afraid to mess up my install23:28
virus2009i need help setting up my web cam its a micro innovations ic445c23:28
lexy1997Yep, you have to type the password in everytime23:28
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:28
MikHellexy1997: Further more, where I am now, it connects, but won't keep the connection more than 2 minutes.23:28
ign0ramusMikHel: dumb question, but you did set it to remember key and auto-connect, yes?23:28
virus2009thank you i have another question later..23:28
ign0ramusMikHel: are your results any different with WEP?23:28
smeg0las far as i can tell from here it should be installed i'm eating23:28
MikHellexy1997, ign0ramus: It does not even allow me to connect using my CDMA23:28
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lexy1997I did read something that said you could use network-manager-gnome as a work around23:28
MikHelign0ramus: I was not even offered a "remember key" option.23:29
daskreechnoobias: If you rebooted it should be installed23:29
Guest47750Nick] Nickname already in use, try a different one23:29
MikHelign0ramus: Have not tried WEP. WEP is not safe.23:29
smeg0li'm in ubuntu right now in the middle of installing kubuntu-desktop23:30
MikHelign0ramus: Right now I am in a T-Mobile hotspot and it won't keep the connection, even though it shows a strong signal. So I switched back to 8.10.23:30
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MikHelAppart from the networking, I like 9.04 otherwise.23:31
ign0ramusMikHel: i'm not suggesting you keep WEP, but it would help the troubleshooting.23:31
MikHelBut networking is my life line! You can't cut it like that!23:31
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MikHelign0ramus: Cannot check until I am home. In an airport right now.23:31
ign0ramusMikHel: in the jaunty widget, if you click on the connection, you can set key and auto-connect settings23:32
ign0ramusbrb dinner23:32
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MikHelIn any case. Does anybody know how the plasmoid network tool works with USB CDMA or GSM connection? I created it but it does not offer it...23:32
MikHelign0ramus_nom: I did set the auto-connect but it does not...23:32
virus2009i also have a problem with my sound output when i move my mouse around my songs scratch... its like if my cpu is under a load my songs skip.. i have a 2 ghz comp and 2gigs of ram i dont know why it would skip or scratch??23:33
drbobbthere. pidgin can also do irc ;)23:33
noobiasok so i restarted after "updating" my video drivers and i got the same error23:36
noobiassomething about x server (GUI)23:36
noobiasi am feeling like giving up23:36
daskreechnoobias: what's the error?23:37
noobiaswell why did it mess up the GUI?23:37
smeg0lsomebody will help if there capable of it23:37
noobiashold i sec23:37
noobiasfaile to start x server (your graphical interface) it is likely that it is not set up correctly23:38
daskreechnoobias: ok login to terminal 223:38
daskreechwhat does sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart say ?23:39
noobiasi dont see that anywhere23:40
MachinTrucChoseIs there an easy/quick way to have a Kubuntu machine ALWAYS accessible by RemoteDesktop or VNC on Windows (to the X interface, not just a shell). I don't want to do a Desktop Sharing invitation every time.23:40
daskreechnoobias: What?23:41
noobiashold 1 sec23:41
daskreechtype in /etc/init.d/kdm restart23:41
noobiasstopping k display manager: kdm is not running23:43
noobiastheres more do you want it?23:43
noobias(var/run/kdm.pid not found)23:44
peterhil_I have had freezes/lockups with jaunty. I have an Intel graphics card and I tried to enable UXA in Xorg.xonf. Now I replaced it with EXA and added the migrationpolicy to greedy.23:44
peterhil_Is there something else I could do? Should I really compile a newest kernel and the driver for the card?23:45
peterhil_Are there any faster way?23:45
peterhil_Also, I have messed the console setup somehow, when I tried to get it to resolution 1600x1200. How does the whole virtual console system work?23:45
noobiasnot starting kdm (kdm is not the default display manager)23:45
noobiasdoes that help you at all daskreech?23:46
abyss_Hi all23:46
daskreechnoobias: reeeealy23:46
peterhil_Now, when I switch to virtual console, the output is messed up in vertical bar in the middle of the screen23:46
noobiasthat wha tit says23:46
daskreechnoobias: ls /etc/init.d/*dm23:46
abyss_can we talk ubi23:46
abyss_can we talk ubuntu even23:47
peterhil_I remember I changed some settings in svgalib, but now I only found vgalib.config23:47
peterhil_Does gettytab have anything to do with console settings?23:47
daskreechnoobias: Just tell me if that returns more than one file23:47
abyss_anyone fancy helping me patch my atheros wlan card with madwifi ?23:47
noobiasno such directory...23:48
daskreechnoobias: you used ls ?23:48
daskreechthat's common letter L23:48
smeg0li'm in kubuntu now it wount aknowledge any passwd in gui23:49
noobiasls /ect/init.d/*dm23:49
daskreechnoobias: No /etc23:49
daskreechpress up and change it23:49
noobiasls /init.d/*dm23:49
noobiaslike that?23:49
daskreechyou get the history of the last things that you typed23:49
daskreechnoobias: Nope :) /etc/init.d/*dm23:50
daskreech/etc/ not /ect23:50
noobiasmy bad23:50
daskreechNo problem23:50
mefisto__noobias: you could have also selected the command here, then middleclick in konsole to paste it23:50
daskreechmefisto__: No GUI23:51
mefisto__oh dear23:51
noobiasls /etc/init.d/*dm23:51
smeg0lsudo /etc/ibit.d/kdm restart23:52
daskreechsmeg0l: did that already23:52
daskreechnoobias: what did mine say?23:52
noobiasno such directory23:52
noobiashell both of em did23:52
commander_does compiz fusion work on this23:52
daskreechnoobias: and it's not /ect ?23:52
daskreechinit.d ?23:53
smeg0lsudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart maybe23:53
noobiasim getting nothing23:53
mefisto__maybe cd into /etc/init.d  to eliminate typo confusions?23:54
daskreechnoobias: try cd /etc/init.d23:54
daskreechnoobias: type pwd23:54
daskreechshould be /home/something23:55
daskreechok type cd /etc23:55
daskreechcd init.d23:56
daskreechno / at the start23:56
daskreechjust init.d23:56
daskreechthen ls *dm23:56
noobiasgdn kdm23:57
noobiasgdm kdm that is23:57
drbobbdaskreech: you are truly a patient man23:57
daskreechhow the dickens did you get gdm ?23:57
noobiasbeets me23:57
noobiasi only did what i was told to do23:57
mefisto__ubuntu? xubuntu?23:57
daskreechsudo update-alternatives kdm23:57
noobias1 sec23:57
noobiassays unknown argument "kdm"23:59

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