
Kangaroooi want a filter all lauchpad emails .. how can i do that? i searched launchpad but it gives more.. i searched launchpad.net bug question but it doesn show anything.. how to view all launchpad emails? what i should search in gmail?00:51
mwhudsonKangarooo: have you seen http://blog.launchpad.net/bug-tracking/gmail-filters-for-launchpad-bug-email ?00:53
Kangaroooyeeey thx :) i hope there ill find answer- looks like that from url.. :) and there can i find more helpfull launchpad using tips or somewhere else? :)00:54
mwhudsonthere is stuff on help.launchpad.net00:55
mwhudson(tbh, the filtering is about the only area in which gmail isn't clearly the best MUA -- i don't understand what's so hard about filtering on arbitrary headers)00:55
Kangaroooeh.. actually with that link- there is no solution 4 searching all bug and question emails from launchpad.. :(00:56
Kangarooosearching launcpad.net gives also ubuntu mailing lists and answers.launchpad.net show question emails but doesnt gives launchpad bug emails from bugs.launchpad.net00:58
mwhudsoni guess you might need more than one rule01:00
KangaroooHello! i found BIG bug in Launchpad.. Emails to Team Members are not possible to put in one Launchpad search so also not in one big Launchpad label01:17
Kangaroooi now wanted to add all emails from launchpad to be in 1 label launchpad but if team This message was sent from Launchpad by the user XXX (https://launchpad.net/~XXX) using the "Contact this team" link on the XXX team page to each member directly. For more information see https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ContactingPeople01:18
Kangarooothis messege as all other that directet to team users from launchpad im not able to  search with other emails from launchpad01:20
wgrantKangarooo: Such messages have an X-Launchpad-Rationale header, like any other Launchpad email.01:21
Kangarooowhat that? ok better how to search all emails from launchpad and launchpad emails like this last i descibed?01:23
CarlFKbooted live cd into rescue mode: root w/ networking.  ran grub, kenrel vmlinux = segfauilt.  trying to report with ubuntu-but, which launched ... lynx I think...01:23
CarlFKit isn't accepting my login - do I need to enable cookies?01:24
wgrantKangarooo: Filter on the X-Launchpad-Message-Rationale header field.01:24
Kangaroooso i need to put in search: X-Launchpad-Message-Rationale ? ok did that.. 0 results..01:25
wgrantYou need to tell it that it's a header field.01:25
Kangaroooin search and in filter there is no field for header so.. cant search headers..01:26
wgrantWhich email client are you using?01:26
wgrantAh. Ahahah.01:27
Kangaroooyes the most used one on planet earth.. stupid ppl with their gmail :)01:27
=== mwhudson changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: -- | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/karma-where-did-mine-go
mwhudsonah damn, i should have clicked the buglink before removing it from the topic :)01:59
SnovaI can't even load it.02:00
RafikHello, have somebody already reported the IOError happening now ?02:38
mwhudsonRafik: no?02:38
RafikA server error occurred.02:38
mwhudsonservers are being restarted at the moment02:39
mwhudsontry again?02:39
Rafiknow I receive an oops : Error ID: OOPS-1213EB38102:40
Rafiknow it's ok02:40
UrsinhaRafik, this must be consequence of the servers being restarted02:40
mwhudsonyeah, me too02:41
Rafikit was just unusual to have such IOError02:41
Rafiki'm on the edge environment02:41
UrsinhaRafik, is it working now?02:42
mwhudsonRafik: yeah, non-edge should be fine02:42
RafikUrsinha> yes, it's working fine02:42
doctormoI'm packaging up a binary driver which has a license which allows redistribtion, what's the rules on putting in on my ppa?05:12
LaserJockhi all, I noticed that I get a "permission denied" page when I try to do a team search for "canonical"06:55
LaserJockobviously there are likely private teams, but surely the non-private ones should show up on a search06:56
spivLaserJock: sounds like a bug06:59
wgrantLaserJock: That was fixed a week or so ago.07:36
LaserJockwgrant: ok, I'm not running edge07:37
CokeHi. Not really launchpad-related, but surely launchpad-generated ;) question here: what service do you use to get a webpage with screenshots and project-specific mailinglists? So far, all I can do with launchpad is host my code.08:09
wgrantCoke: Launchpad does mailing lists too, and I think screenshots would go on your project's homepage.08:11
Cokewgrant: it only has team mailing lists08:12
Cokewgrant: while it may suffice, it is also misleading since I'd setup a mailinglist primarely for a specific project rather than a development team.08:12
wgrantCoke: It has mailing lists that happen to be linked to teams, because a mailing list is a group of people. That doesn't mean that a team isn't associated with a project.08:13
wgrantIIRC they were going to work on linking projects and teams next release.08:13
Cokewgrant: what if I make a new project with new people, I need a new team to make a new unrelated mailing list?08:14
wgrantCoke: Yes. Teams are cheap./08:14
Cokewgrant: and frivolous to my work08:14
Cokewgrant: I'm currently spreading out the project over three different sites08:15
wgrantCoke: Is it particularly arduous to create an object representing a group of people in order to have something for that group of people?08:16
Cokewgrant: it's one extra step for every project08:17
Cokewgrant: also, since the team, for me at least, wouldn't represent any real group, it'd just be a placeholder08:17
lifelessCoke: there are bugs open about this already08:18
wgrantCoke: Right, there have been extensions to the project registration UI proposed to allow easy creation of the usual teams.08:18
lifelessCoke: some thoughts though, if I may08:18
lifelessCoke: firstly, projects may have N teas08:18
wgrantCoke: It is a real group. The group of subscribers to the mailing list.08:18
lifelesssecondly, you may want lists without a project08:18
lifelessfor instance, a list coordinating many projects08:18
Cokewgrant: as I understand it, subscribers and team members are not the same thing08:18
lifelessCoke: they are the same thing08:18
Cokelifeless: indeed.08:18
wgrantCoke: Right, the team members are a superset of the suscribers.08:18
CokeFor huge project I could see a purpose of this grouping08:19
CokeCan a team have multiple lists?08:19
lifelessCoke: they are the same in that: if you are not in the group you cannot be subscribed; and if you don't want to receive mail but you want to e.g. read online, you still need to be in the group08:19
wgrantNo - the list carries the name of the team.08:19
lifelessCoke: 'subscription' is just 'the folk that have the mailman 'deliver mail' flag turned on.08:20
CokeAh. So to have -users and -devel I'd have to setup two teams?08:20
wgrantlifeless: You can read the archives of non-private lists without being a member.08:20
wgrantCoke: Yes.08:20
CokeThat's not good at all.08:20
wgrantWhy not?08:20
lifelesswgrant: yes, but please think about this for a couple of seconds :)08:20
Cokewgrant: unless you actually have teams and use them in practice it's useless08:20
lifelessCoke: I assure you, the internals of every mailing list manager look the same here08:21
wgrantCoke: It's not useless - they have mailing lists attached08:21
Cokewgrant: but what team? I don't have a team08:21
lifelesswoah guys08:21
Cokewgrant: the mailing list subscribers are the casual users of my software08:21
lifelessCoke: to have a group of people receive mail, with the ability to configure and tweak their settings, you need a group of people recorded somewhere.08:22
lifelessCoke: in launchpad that is *called* 'Team'.08:22
Cokelifeless: mailmain subscriptions and I don't configure and tweak their settings.08:22
Cokelifeless: they apply to the mailinglist via usual subscribe and tweak their own settings08:22
lifelessCoke: works exactly the same for launchpad, in fact we use mailman08:23
CokeAs an example, I just added a mailing list to a project on a nother host, since the creation I did not touch any settings, yet the mailing list grows and lives.08:23
lifelessCoke: you wouldn't need to touch lots of settings in launchpad08:23
Cokelifeless: so people can subscribe without me even noticing?08:24
wgrantYou just need to create an open team, create the list, ignore.08:24
lifelessCoke: is there some reason you think you would need to? What is the thing you are actually objecting to?08:24
wgrantCoke: If it's an open team, you don't need to know.08:24
Cokelifeless: I want to create _only_ a mailing list with least possible administrative work08:24
CokeI have no team so it makes no sense for me to create a team08:24
CokeThe mailing list users are certainly not part of my team either.08:24
lifelessCoke: I think you are arguing for the sake of arguing, or you are attaching more meaning to the word team than it carries in launchpad08:25
Cokelifeless: possibly08:25
lifelessit would possibly be better if we changed the UI to say 'group' rather than 'team', but it currently says 'team' because thats where it started out.08:25
CokeI'm assuming a team has special rights for projects, etc.08:25
CokeSo what a team is only for maintaining mailnig lists?08:26
lifelessits a group of people08:26
lifelessit can be a list08:26
CokeI can create 3 teams for my one project to have three different mailing lists?08:26
CokeOk, I can live with the extra administrative task of creating a team before creating a mailing list.08:27
wgrantA team is just some group of people. For bug subscriptions, or assignments. For privileges. For branch ownership. For mailing lists. For polluting the namespace. For adding useless emblems to your listing. There are lots of good reasons.08:27
Cokewgrant: well, I understand that08:27
lifelessCoke: its a single button click in the team once you create it08:27
CokeI like the idea of grouping users, I just don't see why mailing lists had to be tied down to that functionality08:27
lifelessCoke: because you have to have a group to send mail to them :)08:28
Cokeit's two completely different things imo08:28
wgrantIsn't a mailing list a group of users? Isn't that the point?08:28
Cokelifeless: sure, but that group is self-maintained in my case.08:28
Cokefluid and unknown08:28
lifelessCoke: and it is in launchpad too08:28
Cokelifeless: it will work, but I still don't see why a group of launchpad users has to be connected to a group of email addresses08:29
Cokethey have nothing to do with eachother in my case08:29
lifelessCoke: well, I can understand your point of view08:30
CokeIs the name of the list based on the name of the team?08:31
lifelessbut I don't subscribe to it, because with a list you still need to validate addresses (to stop spammers signing people up), and so on08:31
lifelessit is the name of the team08:31
lifelessor the name of the team is the name of the list, if you prefer :)08:31
Cokelifeless: naw, I don't verify.08:31
Cokelifeless: I occationally block.08:31
lifelessCoke: mailman's subscription process does that08:31
lifelesswhich means that it is still happening :)08:32
CokeStill, my team will be a placeholder only with me as only real member, rest are simply subscribers.08:32
CokeI dare not press "Create"08:32
CokeCan I remove it if I make a test one?08:33
lifelessif you want to experiment, use staging.launchpad.net08:34
lifelessyou can do whatever you like there, its deleted daily08:34
wgrant(and it doesn't send email)08:35
Cokelifeless: yeh, I created a branch for one project that got screwed up, I couldn't push to it or use it in any way, so I created a new one and now I have two since I cannot delete the first one.08:35
wgrantCoke: You'll see a delete button next to the title of the branch.08:36
Cokewgrant: I'm looking at the code overview08:37
Cokecannot find "delete" on that page08:37
wgrantCoke: On the branch page.08:37
wgrantNot the listing.08:37
wgrantThere's a bin icon to the right of the title.08:38
Cokewhere title says "Bazaar branches of <project>" ?08:38
wgrantCoke: No, that's the listing page. Go into the actual branch.08:38
lifelessclick on the name of the branch08:38
wgrantThe title is something like 'lp:blah'08:38
Cokefound it08:39
CokeI had to enter the branch details page08:39
CokeI like the UI a lot, but I'd like a skin with text instead of Icons.08:39
CokeI really really don't like graphical user interfaces.08:40
CokeBut if I have to use them I usually prefer the button to say "Close" rather than hve an image that I have to interpret. :)08:40
Cokenever understood why people find icons easier to understand than plain text. might be to save space? dunno.08:41
spivCoke: "A picture is worth 1000 words".  If it's a very small picture like an icon it might still be worth a couple of words ;)08:42
Cokespiv: bah, humbug! there's a reason chinese are now moving on to alphabet. ever see a collation table for hieroglyphs? :)08:43
wgrantBut if it's the current Launchpad delete or edit icon, they're well known to not be worth much.08:43
lifelessCoke: chinese use ideograms don't they ?08:43
Cokewgrant: they are too small and cannot be easily searched for, that's all.08:43
Cokelifeless: well, true08:43
Cokelifeless: might even be that hieroglyphs are phonetic, I don't know08:44
wgrantCoke: Those two are particularly notorious.08:44
Cokein any case, both will eventually die out in the name of efficiency. hehe.08:44
CokeDo you guys use some host in particular for the project website?08:45
wgrantSome projects use a cheap general webhost, others use a VPS, we use a relevant server lying around uni somewhere...08:46
CokeOk, I'll just stick with freshmeat for some screenies08:46
CokeAny possibility of launchpad setting up a simple http server with virtual hosts?08:46
mwhudsonit's been talked about08:47
lifelessalternatively a wiki per project08:52
lifelessor some mix08:52
Cokelifeless: wiki would be nice, but it involves a lot more development from launchpad team08:52
Cokea virtual http host would literally take them an hour to setup, hehe.08:53
sp_Coke: maybe for the initial setup, but securing that one, especially if people want/need PHP, CGI or databases, (and people will want that too), will probably take a lot longer and require a lot more time for everyday administration09:03
sp_A built-in wiki probably won't need that much extra time for securing the setup, but requires some time to be developed :)09:04
Cokesp_: this could be rather easily solved by making just the front page wiki formatted09:12
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CokeOk, it wouldn't be a full wiki solution, but it would keep it small and tidy09:13
philnwhen i create a bug using launchpadlib and get bug's self_link i get something like: https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/bugs/36780009:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 367800 in elisa "foo" [Undecided,Invalid]09:39
philnbut i see a traceback when i open that url09:39
CokeIs there a way to link to a specific subpage of a project? Like myproject/code or myproject/answers?09:41
thekornphiln, yes, because the correct url to this bug in the web ui is https://edge.launchpad.net/bugs/36780009:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 367800 in elisa "foo" [Undecided,Invalid]09:41
thekornphiln, so you have to drop "api." and "beta/"09:42
philnthekorn: isn't there a way to get a valid url with the api?09:42
tsimpsonthekorn: all you need is the bug ID, it's just https://edge.launchpad.net/bugs/<BugID>09:42
thekornphiln, no there is not api method, but you can construct the url like tsimpson said09:43
philnok .09:43
* tsimpson drinks more coffee before addressing the wrong person again09:44
tsimpsonit's only the 3rd time in the last hour :|09:44
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wgrantphiln: You might want to use staging.launchpad.net to avoid polluting the real database.10:47
philnwgrant: ok, sorry10:48
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cjwatsonIs there a mail server running for staging.launchpad.net? I'd like to test a fix for bug 246307, and would rather not use production if possible14:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246307 in ubuntu-dev-tools "OOPS when e-mail sent to Launchpad has incorrect encoding" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24630714:09
beunocjwatson, staging doesn't send out emails14:10
beunocjwatson, there's an inbox that some people can check14:10
cjwatsonbeuno: I'm not interested in sending out e-mails; as you'll see if you look at the bug, I'm interested in sending a mail *to* staging to find out whether it handles it correctly14:12
beunokiko, staging recieved email, right?14:13
XiXaQI'm on a notify list for a bug, so that whenever someone adds a comment or changes something, then I get an email. However, when I open that bug to have a look at it and to post a comment, the checkbox that determines whether you should be notified or not, is not checked.14:19
XiXaQshouldn't that know that I'm already on the list and make sure it's checked, and if I wanted to remove myself from the list, simply uncheck the same box I used to add myself to the list?14:19
eagles0513875hey guys i am trying to validate an old pgp key i created a while back and im havin some issues :(15:39
eagles0513875i dont have my secret key :(15:41
eagles0513875can anyone help me15:41
LarstiQeagles0513875: what are you trying to do?15:42
eagles0513875upload my pgp key to launchpad15:46
eagles0513875its an old key i created a while back15:46
LarstiQeagles0513875: if you don't have the secret key, you can't use it anymore15:46
LarstiQeagles0513875: either you'll need to find the secret key, or create a new one15:46
eagles0513875LarstiQ: what i find strange though when i do sudo gpg --fingerprint its picking up my 2 old keys15:48
LarstiQeagles0513875: --fingerprint uses solely the public key information15:49
LarstiQeagles0513875: try -K to see a list of secret keys available15:49
eagles0513875what would secret key look like15:52
LarstiQeagles0513875: look like where? gpg -K lists _only_ secret keys. Everything listed is a secret key.15:53
eagles0513875its listing a pub then key fingerprint then uid then sub15:53
LarstiQdoes it start with sec#  ?15:54
eagles0513875neither of the 2 do15:54
LarstiQwhat keyring does it say it gets the key from?15:55
LarstiQeagles0513875: might need gpg --show-keyring -K15:55
eagles0513875its saying --show-keyring is depreciated15:59
|eagles051387|LarstiQ: what is the key id im trying to upload a new key16:14
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts16:14
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eagles0513875There is 1 error.17:41
eagles0513875(7, 9, 'No public key')17:41
eagles0513875anyone alive in here17:45
eagles0513875thats teh error i get up above when i try to sign the ubuntu code of conduct17:45
maxbeagles0513875: Do you have a PGP key registered with launchpad?17:47
eagles0513875yes i do mars17:47
eagles0513875mt maxb ya i do17:47
eagles0513875what does that error mean17:48
maxbWell, that was my only guess. You'll need to wait for a help contact to be on duty here, or file a question in the answers tracker17:52
eagles0513875maxb: question i had 2 other keys which i lost the secret key for that is why i had to recreate do i have to resign the code of conduct again17:52
yann2hi :) any issue with launchpda today? it seems pretty slow from here17:53
eagles0513875yann2: dunno if you can help me17:54
eagles0513875im trying to sign the code of conduct again i have uploaded my pgp key to my profile on launch pad17:54
yann2https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 < timeout on that17:54
eagles0513875There is 1 error.17:54
eagles0513875(7, 9, 'No public key')17:54
eagles0513875thats the error i get17:55
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1/+text)17:55
yann2eagles0513875 > I have no idea I'm afraid :)17:55
yann2erf thanks ubottu  for confirming :)17:55
eagles0513875any launchpad experts in here18:01
maxbIf there's no-one around, you can leave a question at http://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad18:04
eagles0513875ty btw maxb18:08
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alfHello, any idea how to change subscription settings for a branch (eg what kind of notifications to receive)? I can't seem to find it!18:31
thekornalf, there is an "Edit your subscription" link on a page of the branch you are subscribed to18:34
thekornit's a link lik: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~udt-contributors/ubuntu-desktop-testing/ubuntu-desktop-testing/+edit-subscription18:35
thekornlike, even18:36
alfthekorn: thanks, I was also looking for changing a team subscription. It is the small pencil like icon in the subscribers list in that page... not so easy to spot!18:41
leifjCan anyone help me merge two identities or delete one of them - I got myself registered twice19:04
beunoleifj, sure. Could you file a question in: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad?19:05
beunothat way we can verify your identity and do it19:05
leifjabsolutely - thanks!19:05
maxbWhy not just use the automatic interface?19:05
* maxb tries to remember url19:05
leifjdidn't know there was one...19:05
leifjthat would be even better19:05
salgadoleifj, if you have access to the email addresses of both accounts, then you can do it yourself19:05
salgadoleifj, https://launchpad.net/people19:06
leifjthat I can do19:06
leifjfantastic! thanks19:06
leifjworked like a charm, thanks for the tip guys19:13
leifjnow I'm excited about launchpad but I have a question...19:23
leifjhas anyone talked about integrating launchpad.net with federated identity?19:23
LarstiQleifj: I'm familiar with federation, but not federated identity as a term? Although it makes me think of openid.19:25
leifjopenid 2.0 is closest to what I would like even if most of the communities I'm involved with use SAML 2.019:25
leifjthe big difference from openid 1.0 is that the relying party gets attributes along with an identifier - it would see to be very easy to setup launchpad.net to autocreate users based on attributes (email, displayname, etc) aswell as doing sso19:27
leifjit would almost be doable exernally from launchpad.net if there was an api for user management that could be used...19:27
LarstiQleifj: all I know is that lp is an openid (version?) provider19:27
LarstiQleifj: there is an lp api, I don't know how user management is done there19:28
leifjpointer to the api?19:28
LarstiQleifj: https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpadlib I think19:29
leifjthe openid provider is the "wrong" side - its about producing identities, I was talking about consuming identities19:33
leifjthe apis might help when I find docs...19:33
* LarstiQ gets launchpadlib19:35
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LarstiQleifj: launcpadlib/README.txt mentions https://help.launchpad.net/API19:36
leifjthe apis don't support identity creation/import which doesn't really surprise me...19:44
leifjyou'd need a trusted entity which would be allowed to create persons or better still integrate (say) a saml sp or openid op in launchpad.net19:46
leifjneeds to be openid 2.0 or saml 2.0 though - 1.x won't do the job19:46
LarstiQleifj: have you considered talking to the launchpad developers? Maybe mail to launchpad-users?19:47
leifjI guess I should - I'm literaly minutes into this thinking. Federated identity is something I try to apply to all intresting services I come across.19:48
leifjwho should I talk to specifically?19:48
LarstiQleifj: I don't know specifics, if the launchpad-users mailing list is not appropriate I'd direct you to kiko19:50
kikoleifj, what's cookin?19:50
leifjthis seems to be off-topic for a users list - they typically have too much traffic for an individual email to catch the eye of the right people19:51
leifjoh I see19:52
BenBI guess it's know that the server has a flu and is extremely low (20-30s per page)?20:22
rowinggolferfolks, advise please.20:29
rowinggolferI have a project at http://launchpad.net/openmolar20:29
rowinggolferI would like to make a deb20:29
rowinggolferbut I am confused as to exactly what the PPA system does on my behalf20:30
LarstiQrowinggolfer: it builds .debs from source uploads, and provides an apt repo for people to add to their sources.list20:30
LarstiQrowinggolfer: you still have to do the packaging yourself20:30
rowinggolferas per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Python ??20:31
mthaddonBenB: should be returning to normality soon20:31
LarstiQrowinggolfer: that seems a thorough tutorial, yes20:32
BenBmthaddon: so, you're on it, good, thanks.20:32
mthaddonnot me personally, but yeah, it's a known issue - is it still slow for you?20:32
BenBmthaddon: yes20:36
BenB(and for others I spoke to)20:37
gsprIs the PPA size estimate still off?21:04
gsprmy PPA (https://launchpad.net/~gspreemann/+archive/ppa) is estimated at 935 MB, but it doesn't seem right at all21:06
happosadeHow does those PPA really works?21:18
happosadeCan I get my own applications or get newest from LP?21:19
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XiXaQhapposade, you can host your own projects on launchpad, yes, and you can publish packages in a PPA which users can subscribe to. That way, updates to your packages will be pushed through Ubuntus update system.21:27
happosadeCan I subscribe projects to my personal PPA and then just add it to mine source list?21:28
maxbhapposade: Projects do not subscribe to PPAs. I don't understand what you mean. Try explaining what you're trying to do in more depth, or explaining it differently.21:33
happosadeI would like to subscribe newest verion of some projects, and download them from personal PPA.21:34
maxbThat is not how PPAs work.21:35
maxbYour personal PPA contains only what *you* publish21:35
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rowinggolferI am editing the debian changelog for a package I am building22:05
rowinggolferhow do I find my bugnumber?22:05
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mwhudsonrowinggolfer: i don't understand22:12
rowinggolferI am at the ~dch -e22:12
rowinggolferfollowing this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Python22:14
rowinggolfer"if the package is only for ubuntu, the bug should be a launchpad bug"22:15
rowinggolfer"and we should change 'Closes' with 'LP'"22:16
rowinggolferso I am unsure what I should use in that line22:16
rowinggolferI have the following22:16
rowinggolfer* Initial release (LP #nnnn) <nnnn is the number of your ITP>22:17
rowinggolferso, where can I find the number of my ITP??22:17
rowinggolferdoes that make sense?22:17
rowinggolferis that what I put in there??22:19
Ampelbeinrowinggolfer: no, you must first open a bug on launchpad and enter the bugnumber there.22:19
rowinggolfermy software is bug free though ;)22:20
mwhudsonbut it has this terrible bug of not being packaged for ubuntu22:21
rowinggolferok... that's bug no.122:21
mwhudsonrowinggolfer: are you packaging for ubuntu proper or a ppa?22:21
mwhudsonthen you probably don't want to bother with a bug for now22:22
mwhudsoni don't think uploads to ppa's close bugs anyway22:22
mwhudson(i should hope not!)22:22
rowinggolferI have opened said bug now22:23
rowinggolferso I put that number in there?22:24
=== sale_ is now known as sale
=== Snova_ is now known as Snova
Jeruvyfyi: timeout errors on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cve23:42
* Ursinha looks23:43
Ursinhabug 353590 :)23:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353590 in malone "ubuntu/+cve page timing out" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35359023:47

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