
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10) discussion channel | Karmic is NOT RELEASED and will surely break your system if you use it | Schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule | Please join #ubuntu for all other support questions | Happy bug hunting
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hallownameanyone know if karmic's kubuntu will be starring firefox? or just K apps?21:04
hallownamei mean the regular cd version. its sorely missed by kubuntu users. great work on jaunty btw. flawless. ;]21:06
AlienX_is there a good repo of nightly builds for pidgin by chance?21:23
ikoniaAlienX_: no21:28
AlienX_ikonia: sad. It'd be nice to have gtalk working again in pidgin :-\21:29
mrweswow...that didn't take long to make the switch over21:31
wlodiHi lads. Do you know if there is a solution for video freezing in jaunty?21:41
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ikoniawlodi: jaunty support is now in #ubuntu21:43
wlodiikonia: sorry, whats this channel for?21:44
ikoniawlodi: /topic will give you a hint ;)21:44
wlodiikonia: now its perfectly clear:) thx21:44
ikoniawlodi: not a problem21:45
ienorandIs there any way to actually test Karmic atm? Doesn't the lives start to pop up after the 30th?22:01
ikonianot really22:02
ikoniaempty repos, and a base tool chain from what I've read22:02
ienorandso I can't easily start broking for a while then... When does the daily's normally start?, is it in confunction with alpha 1 or toolchain upload?22:05
ikoniabe a while yet22:06
calcienorand: probably won't be much before alpha 122:08
kklimondafirst alpha's release is planned for 14th may..22:09
calckarmic is still frozen at the moment so really not much to test22:10
ienorandfair enuf, I should maybe stay off the crack a while now when jaunty is running reasonably well, after a niceo trip through alpha...22:11
calci'm hoping to get OOo 3.1.0~rc2 uploaded later this week if karmic opens by then22:12
BUGabundoomg we are back to +1 !22:35
kklimondaBUGabundo: indeed :)22:35
mefisto__I want to try pulseaudio and was looking at this page: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PulseAudio but it seems it might be outdated for jaunty. will the info on that page work for jaunty? or is there a jaunty-specific howto anyone knows of?22:35
* BUGabundo sends out kiss and [[]]22:35
BUGabundoguess I'll need to distupgrade to KK22:36
kklimondaBUGabundo: i've just restarted xchat and got a nice surprise :)22:36
kklimondaBUGabundo: sure ;)22:36
BUGabundowho is using it already?22:36
ikoniaBUGabundo: there is nothing to use22:36
kklimondaBUGabundo: I've create pbuilder chroot so far ;)22:36
kklimondaikonia: there is a new gcc22:37
kklimondaand binutils! ;)22:37
ikoniakklimonda: but what do you use it with ?22:37
kklimondaikonia: gcc or chroot in general?22:37
mefisto__oh is this channel now for 9.10? has jaunty been officially released?22:38
kklimondamefisto__: ;D22:38
BUGabundomefisto__: Yes22:38
BUGabundokklimonda: can you check if UM -d will upgrade to it?22:39
kklimondaBUGabundo: nope22:40
BUGabundoother wise, I'll have to do what I always tell users not to: sed sources and dist-upgrade22:40
kklimondaBUGabundo: it is way to early - i don't even upgrade a vm i've prepared just for it ;)22:41
BUGabundokklimonda: at this point it will be like running jj with proposed22:41
maxbkarmic hasn't shown up in http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development, hence update-manager not offering it22:41
kklimondaBUGabundo: i don't think that they have even updated toolchain completely.22:41
maxbJust have a look at the karmic-changes ML archives - barely any packages have been uploaded so far22:42
kklimondaBUGabundo: please, tell me you are doing it in VM ;}22:42
BUGabundomaxb: I saw a bunch of them on the archive22:42
BUGabundokklimonda: do you think I'm that crazy?22:42
BUGabundoI ran it bare metal!22:42
BUGabundoI've been doing it since 6.10 beta22:43
maxbWell, define a bunch. a non-trivial number, yes, but nothing other than utter core or toolchain stuff22:43
maxbSources that have been uploaded to karmic so far: base-files binutils cdbs debhelper debootstrap ecj flex gcc-4.3 gcc-4.4 gcc-defaults gcj-4.4 gjdoc java-common lpia-wrapper22:45
kklimondaBUGabundo: you said few days ago that karmic is switching to swap files. Do you have some links to discussion or something I could check?22:46
BUGabundoso I won't even notice it eheh22:46
maxbSo, only 14 source packages, and none that are likely to bring significant behaviour changes to the vast majority of people22:46
ikoniaswitching to swap files ?22:46
BUGabundothe prob will be, that ill have to run both pockets22:46
kklimondaBUGabundo: well - gcc -v returns 4.4 ;)22:46
BUGabundoand that will eventually cause me trouble22:46
BUGabundoas usually22:46
BUGabundokklimonda: devel-discuss ML I think22:46
BUGabundolet me get my email archive and tell you the subject and ML22:47
kklimondaBUGabundo: and does it mean that we could expect hibernation to work without swap partition in karmir or karmic+1? ;)22:48
kklimonda(not that hibernation works at all with my nvidia but I'm still interested)22:48
BUGabundokklimonda: works for me22:49
BUGabundowith closed driver22:49
kklimondaBUGabundo: last time I've tried it didn't resume from hibernation..22:49
kklimondabut it was some time ago22:49
BUGabundowith open driver X fails, know bug, thought fixed22:49
kklimondai'll check it right now :)22:49
BUGabundowith NV it even fails to boot22:49
BUGabundokklimonda: sorry, can't file the email22:50
BUGabundomaybe just ask to cjcolin ?22:50
BUGabundoI think it was an email from hime22:50
* kklimonda_ writes memo to himself: "hibernation doesn't work without a swap partition, you idiot. Don't forget that."22:53
kklimonda_but it still shouldn't lock up my computer..22:53
=== kklimonda_ is now known as kklimonda
ienorandAnyone knows if there are there any plans to update gnumeric in Karmic? looking at lp it seems not to have a lot of activity goin on...22:53
kklimondaienorand: what version is in debian unstable?22:54
BUGabundokklimonda: aaahaha22:54
BUGabundokklimonda: file a bug???22:54
BUGabundohere $ ubuntu-bug gnome-power-manager22:54
kklimondaya, it shouldn't give me an option to hibernate at all22:55
ienorandkklimonda: Ah, yea, 1.9.6 is in sid... so guessing this will be the one in Karmic?22:55
kklimondaienorand: it will have to be upgraded manually as there are some ubuntu-specific changes.22:56
kklimondaienorand: you will have to request merge22:56
ienorandkklimonda: ok, well first I'm going to test it and see if it rides reasonably stable.22:57
kklimondaienorand: also you should check what changes were made in ubuntu and if they still apply to newer version.22:57
BUGabundoienorand: maybe put it on your PPA to test, and then help with debdiff22:58
ienorandHeh, I don't even have a ppa yet :) , and I'm not sure how much I'll be able to dig down an mess with things, but I'll see what I can do.23:00
kklimondaienorand: you will have to apply changes that were made in ubuntu1 release.23:01
kklimondaa patch from ubuntu2 should be already in debian package.23:02
BUGabundoienorand: I guess you are a great candidate for the next #classroom session then23:02
ienorandBUGabundo: Looking up the schedule...23:03
ienorandBUGabundo: Ah, that's a good suggestion, I'll see if I can make that session, 6 in the morning, ah, shouldn't be too bad...23:06
kklimondaienorand: 6AM isn't that bad - One session I was really interested in was at 2AM ;)23:07
ienorandOne goog thing about irc, no one sees if you look lie a zombie :D23:08
kklimondai was even able to ask few questions.. but the following day was a horror ;)23:08
ienorandkklimonda: Heh, that's not that late :P23:08
kklimondaienorand: sure - it lasted until 3AM23:08
kklimondaienorand: and I had to wake up at 7 ;)23:09
ienorandIf you just take a brisk run around  ~4pm you can manage to become completely nocturnal :-|23:09
BUGabundokklimonda: 2am is not bad. at weekend s I'm up at that time23:10
kklimondaBUGabundo: it was a thursday if I remember correctly ;)23:10
BUGabundothis went quiet!23:23
* ienorand is messing with debian repos23:25
FFForeveris the repo open?23:33
kklimondaFFForever: yes - but there are almost no changes so far23:34
FFForeveranyone know how i can get my internal mic working?23:34
kklimondaFFForever: only new gcc and binutils was uploaded so far23:34
ikoniablindly hitting repos, it is a mistake opening this channel23:34
ikoniaFFForever: support is in #ubuntu23:34
BUGabundoikonia: hehe23:34
kklimondaFFForever: it isn't really topic for this channel - support is on #ubuntu23:34
FFForeverikonia, =( ubuntu is overan but idiots who cant/won't help me =(23:34
FFForeverive tried 8 times in there 2day...23:35
BUGabundoFFForever: its usual! :(23:35
kklimondaFFForever: try ubuntuforums.org23:35
BUGabundobut still lots of ppl eager to help, there23:35
ikoniaFFForever: no more/less than idiots blindly asking about KK repos23:35
kklimondaFFForever:  there might be a better chance of someone noticing your question there.23:35
FFForeverkklimonda, true but after no resonances after asking 8 times gets old...23:36
kklimondaI think that ubottu should get a !repo flag ;)23:36
ikoniaFFForever: I can't see you asking once in the logs in #ubuntu23:37
kklimondaFFForever: fast answer is that you should check your mixer and set input sources to ``Internal Mic''23:38
kklimondaFFForever:  but I don't remember if that is enough to fix it.23:39
BUGabundoFFForever: also try alsamixer and try to mute/unmute the mic23:40
BUGabundoalso what apps are you using to test it?23:40
BUGabundoand increase BOOST/Gain23:40
FFForeveraudacity and sound recorder i am trying23:41
FFForeverand skype...23:41
BUGabundoforget skype23:42
BUGabundoknown bug, won't work, for most users23:42
FFForeverahhh but i need it for cs:s lol23:43
FFForeverexternal mic is said to work but not the internal one23:43
FFForeverthe sound dude in here during the alpha said it had to do with the kernel and he would fix it but he never did =\23:43
maxb23:33 < FFForever> is the repo open?23:46
maxb23:34 < kklimonda> FFForever: yes - but there are almost no changes so far23:46
maxbIt's not really open - 23:33 < FFForever> is the repo open?23:47
maxb23:34 < kklimonda> FFForever: yes - but there are almost no changes so far23:47
maxbIt's not really open - it's still frozen23:47
BUGabundomaxb: bad boy23:47
maxbSecond time I was *trying* to paste: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/23:47
FFForevermaxb, ahh so when does it thaw-out?23:47
BUGabundoFFForever: you mean dtchen? he is not even here! guess still stuck on #ubuntu until he re-login23:47
FFForeveryeah dtchen :D23:48
BUGabundoFFForever: and NO, he did not yet SRU his fixeds23:48
maxbI assume it gets thawed when the core-devs working on the toolchain uploads say its ready23:48
ienorandFFForever: Does switching analog/digital inputs (deep down in the misty alsa mountatin...) give you anything?23:55
BUGabundo !sru | FFForever23:57
BUGabundois the bot still on holiday?23:57

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