
andresmujicajcastro: hi!, it seems the ics file for openweek is broken...  tested with evolution and sunbird, both online and downloading it...02:20
Christopher_DHello, I'm new here, just joined launchpad, wanted to help tho I'm a bit of a noob04:55
Christopher_Ddoes anyone know where, how, what to read etc to get started and help out?04:55
thurstonHi Everyone. Does anyone know of another good email client apart from evolution?06:55
Stupendousstevethurston: Support questions should be asked in #ubuntu, however Thunderbird is a quite popular and powerful email client07:07
dholbachgood morning07:21
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mnemoneed someone skilled in kernel performance profiling to take a look at this bug where "audio skips during intense gfx operations" --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/193578 bug is easy to repro based on steps in this comment --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/193578/comments/5515:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 193578 in pulseaudio "Scrolling Firefox interrupts Rhythmbox audio" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:09
sinelawis it possible that opencv is broken in Jaunty?15:31
kklimondasinelaw: sure - nothing is perfect15:34
sinelawkklimonda, because it fails reading video files15:36
sinelawlooks like it was compiled without ffmpeg support15:36
kklimondasinelaw: is it bug 311188?15:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 311188 in opencv "Fails to find ffmpeg headers" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31118815:37
sinelawkklimonda, maybe...looking15:40
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek starting in 18 minutes on #ubuntu-classroom :-)15:42
sinelawkklimonda, yeah, it's that bug. it's not Low, though! It's very important15:46
sinelawto many user15:46
kklimondasinelaw: it won't be fixed in jaunty15:49
kklimondaall you can do is poke developers so they add ffmpeg support for karmic.15:49
sinelawi see it as a critical bug15:58
sinelawsilly not to fix it15:58
kklimondasinelaw: it isn't that easy16:00
sinelawit's easy to change the classification from 'low'16:02
kklimondasinelaw: critical is for life threating bugs in default ubuntu installation16:06
greg-gsinelaw: this is the definition for each of the Importance settings, and what is needed to set a bug at each: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance  Since this package is non-core and it doesn't make the program unusable, there are other features of OpenCV.16:07
ubot4Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.16:07
sinelawok....... :)16:07
greg-gMost important to remember is that the Importance setting of a bug doesn't matter as long as someone else cares enough to fix it16:07
kklimondasinelaw: we could consider 'medium' but i don't know if it really has sever impact..16:07
sinelawi'm just saying, that opencv is completely useless without that16:07
greg-gsinelaw: looking at the feature list of opencv, it doesn't seem that is a correct statement (but I have never used it)16:08
sinelawgreg-g, ok, so take my word and also, see on the bug page - someone else says the same thing: "P.S. For me it is important feature to have video support in opencv.", and someone else also: "Without the ability to load videos OpenCV is almost useless."16:17
greg-gsinelaw: that is fine. but again, don't get hung up on what the Importance is set at, it doesn't actually tell developers to do things in some order, they work on what they want to work on (most of us are volunteers here).16:19
hggdhsinelaw, if you *only* (or mostly) use opencv to load videos, then of course being unable to do it makes opencv almost useless to you.16:20
hggdhbut it does not make, by extension, opencv useless for everybody16:20
sinelawmaybe i'll try to fix it16:24
hggdhsinelaw, this would be marvelous, and would really help the community. Thank you, really (I was going to suggest you to look at it, look upstream, etc, but you preempted me ;-)16:27
sinelawif I do, will it be included in jaunty regular updates?16:28
hggdhyes, it could be considered for a SRU (Stable Release Update). There are some details on SRU, though: no version changes (i.e., going from 1.0 to 1.1 or similar), cannot break existing functionality, and so on16:30
sinelawok, the fix will probably mean a patch/diff on the source package - how do i go about that ?16:31
sinelawnever submitted a fix before16:31
hggdhsee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Maintenance16:32
kklimondasinelaw: how big is this fix going to be?16:35
kklimondasinelaw: the process of preparing SRUs is here: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/StableReleaseUpdates/16:35
kklimondasinelaw: But I'd talk with some memember of motu-sru before doing any work as I'm not sure if this bug qualifies for SRU16:36
kklimondasinelaw: is it a regression?16:36
sinelawfirst i'll see if my fix works :)16:37
kklimondaif it worked fine in 8.10 than it is more likely to be SRU16:37
sinelawit worked before16:37
hggdheven if it is not accepted for SRU, you can still provide a fix under a PPA16:37
kklimondathen it would have to be backported16:38
kklimondasure, PPA are nice16:38
affluxI think I experience a bug in gcj. The Map<String, String> System.getenv() returns nothing, while running the same code in the sun jvm it works as expected: it returns all defined environment variables. Anyone knows where I should report this?16:38
kklimondasinelaw: then good luck with fixing it - if you have some questions about creating patch or sru process ask here or #ubuntu-motu.16:38
afflux(it seems gcc-4.3-source-4.3.3/libjava/java/lang/System.java always returns the empty list, whereas gcc-4.3-source-4.3.3/libjava/java/lang/System.java looks correct)16:39
sinelawok thanks all16:40
hggdhafflux, upstream?16:41
affluxhggdh: sorry, I actually meant to ask for "what upstream" exactly.16:42
affluxthese compiler packages look a bit confusing to me :(16:44
hggdhI would expect either on https://savanah.gnu.org (some project there), or the GCC mailing list16:45
hggdhafflux, "For bug reporting instructions, please see:16:45
hggdhhum. this is for gcc. I am not sure about gcj16:47
hggdh(installing it now)16:47
hggdhbut try gcj --help16:47
hggdhyes, For bug reporting instructions, please see:16:48
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MrKanisterhey pedro_. How are you?17:38
pedro_hello MrKanister!, I'm good, thanks. How about you?17:39
MrKanisterpedro_: couldn't be better ;)17:39
MrKanisterpedro_: What to do with the coming bug day?17:40
MrKanisterpedro_: It's about SRU and new bugs for karmic17:40
MrKanisterpedro_: How would you design a bug day page for it?17:41
pedro_MrKanister: Let's create a page with new bugs since the jaunty release, we need to catch-up with those17:42
MrKanisterpedro_: So we make create the site according to the date of the bugs?17:43
pedro_MrKanister: yeap, new bugs reported after April 2317:44
MrKanisterpedro_: oki, thanks. I will prepare that17:44
pedro_MrKanister: we could put some bugs there now for the announcement and update the list the Wed 29 to include the latest ones too17:44
pedro_MrKanister: we have some people that start working right after the announcement ;-)17:45
pedro_MrKanister: ok! great, thanks you17:46
MrKanisterpedro_: yep, updating it on wednesday is a good idea17:46
bdmurraypedro_: incidentally, I'm updating the bugs-since-beta report to be bugs since release17:52
pedro_bdmurray: rock!17:52
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hggdhbdmurray, hi19:04
hggdhbdmurray, I was tagging some bugs likely-dup, and it occurred to me that we could add the (probable) master in the description, following the spirit of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Description19:05
bdmurrayhggdh: on a call, will look in a bit19:07
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MrKanisterpedro_: Hi again20:25
pedro_MrKanister: hola20:25
MrKanisterpedro_: I am now searching for some minutes, but either I am blind or their is no option to show bugs with date <= 23.04.0920:25
MrKanisterI mean >=20:26
MrKanisterpedro_: hm...there is an option in bughelper... "--minbug"...this is for bugnumers higher than something20:27
MrKanisterpedro_: May this help?20:27
bdmurrayMrKanister: You'll want something like bugnumbers --status "New" --dc >= "2009-04-22"20:28
pedro_MrKanister: IIRC you can use --dc=date ; ie --dc=>2009-04-2220:28
MrKanisterthanks bdmurray and pedro_. There is nothing about this in the manpage, this shoud be added ;)20:29
lwfahow do I report a bug against documentation?20:34
bdmurraydocumentation where?20:34
lwfain gnome-panel20:34
bdmurrayyou'd report it about gnome-panel then20:34
lwfawell I've found two other bug reports about the same thing, but they've been marked invalid, even though the behaviour is different to that described in the documentation20:35
pedro_lwfa: what's the issue about?20:36
lwfapedro_: bug #366408, the panels can't be moved by clicking on empty space and dragging them, you now how to alt-click on them and drag them, but the documentation still says to do it the original way20:37
ubot4lwfa: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out20:37
lwfawow my english went bad there s/you now how/you now have/20:39
lwfabtw, the documentation I am referring to is found by right-clicking on the panel and choosing Help and navigating to Introduction to the Desktop->Using the Panels->Managing Panels20:42
bdmurrayI think that might actually be the Ubuntu documentation then20:44
lwfais there a way to file a bug report against it?20:44
bdmurraylwfa: yes, but it might be best just to open a new bug task for the bug you mentioned earlier20:44
bdmurrayI'm waiting for it to load.20:45
lwfaok, I have it open, I'll have a go, helps me to learn about triaging20:45
bdmurraylwfa: "Also affects distribution"20:45
bdmurraylwfa: distribution Ubuntu, package ubuntu-docs20:46
bdmurraylwfa: then probably modify the title to be something more appropriate20:46
lwfadone, thanks for the help20:51
pedro_lwfa: isn't that the help you get if you right click on the panel and select "Help"?20:53
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pedro_lwfa: if so that's not an Ubuntu documentation bug rather a gnome-users-guide one20:53
pedro_anyways that's something to send upstream, let's check there20:54
lwfapedro: oh ok, yes it is20:54
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pedro_lwfa: ok nice, let's update the report, I'll have a look upstream20:55
lwfaso I tried change it from 'ubuntu-docs' to 'gnome-users-guide', but it can't find a 'gnome-users-guide' source package20:57
pedro_lwfa: the source package is called gnome-user-docs, I've reassigned20:58
lwfapedro_: so, just for my learning purposes, by looking upstream you are searching in the Gnome bug tracker for a duplicate?21:01
bdmurraypedro_: so the ubuntu doc package includes stuff / points to gnome-user-docs?21:01
v6sahai guise21:02
pedro_lwfa: correct and also checking on the git repository to see if the documentation was updated or not21:02
* v6sa wanted to inform you guys that Ubuntu 9.04 still gives heavy video tearing on DELL Studio 15 (Intel video chipset)21:02
pedro_bdmurray: nope, he was referring to the documentation on the gnome user guide not in the ubuntu one, the path tend to confuse21:02
lwfaso this may be a silly question, where's the ubuntu documentation?21:03
bdmurraypedro_: right but you can go from System -> Help and Support to Customising your Computer and get to the same documentation21:04
pedro_bdmurray: but i haven't searched trough the ubuntu-doc to check that, maybe it includes links to the help files on Gnome21:04
bdmurraypedro_: yeah config desktop has this bit url="ghelp:user-guide#panels"21:05
pedro_grgr git is so slow21:07
pedro_lwfa: I've opened it at the upstream BTS at: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=580500 feel free to subscribe to it21:17
ubot4Gnome bug 580500 in user-guide "Documentation inconsistent with behaviour required to move a gnome-panel." [Normal,Unconfirmed]21:17
lwfapedro_: thanks21:17
pedro_lwfa: you're welcome21:18
MrKanisterpedro_: It seems like "--dc" is working, but it takes a LONG time to iterate over the 20.000 bugs, but it's already 10:21 PM :-/21:21
bdmurrayMrKanister: I could probably doing something a bit quicker in the datacenter if you'd like21:22
MrKanisterpedro_: Could you prepare initial list of bugs? That would be perfect. I will then wednesday add the ones that are very new.21:22
MrKanisterpedro_: Thanks a lot :)21:23
bdmurrayMrKanister: What criteria are you using new and since the release or something else too?21:23
MrKanisterbdmurray: I used the advanced search on launchpad to show all "new" ones. Then I took this URL and used bughelper with "--dc=">22-04-2009" to get the bugs I want21:25
MrKanisterbdmurray: /I used launchpad at first, because it seems likes this is a bit faster. Otherwise bughelper would have to iterate over over 40.000 bugs)21:26
bdmurrayMrKanister: It shouldn't really because it'll use -date_created sorting and it'll stop when it reaches one that doesn't meet the criteria21:27
MrKanisterbdmurray: Ok, then it was just feeling21:28
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darizzleanyone here that can get me up to speed with 5 a day?22:08
dtchenessentially, you attempt to cover five bugs per day22:13
hggdhdarizzle, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day22:15
calcdtchen: do you know if stats are being produced for the new 5-a-day?22:21
bdmurraycalc: not quite yet, I'm looking it with dholbach since the release has passed now22:21
dtchencalc: no idea, haven't been following it22:22
darizzleis anyone here in qa as their career?22:22
calcbdmurray: cool22:23
calcdarizzle: several of the people here are... they can self identify if they want :)22:23
calcdarizzle: i used to work in QA at HP, but I only do QA as a function of OOo work now22:24
dtcheni'm happy canonical is finally looking to hire a desktop audio experience person (and i think i know just the person to recommend)22:24
* calc thinks we should hire dtchen for that ;-)22:25
calcthough you probably like your current job more i would imagine :)22:25
dtchenno, elmarco or coling would be my choices22:26
calcdtchen: you should recommend for them to apply, hopefully we will have PA that works well for everyone for karmic or at least by 10.0422:28
dtchenalready done so22:31
darizzleis everyone here running jaunty?22:32
dtcheni imagine some people are22:34
BUGabundoguud evening22:36
hggdhgold evening22:37
BUGabundohggdh: ola22:38
darizzlei am here22:38
darizzlewhat is the general process22:38
darizzlelook at a bug22:38
kklimondanice link22:39
darizzlei am also reading lal the documentation ubuntu.com22:39
darizzledamn man22:40
darizzleive never had a software product with this many open new bugs22:40
darizzlethis is sick22:40
darizzlelike unlimited work22:40
BUGabundodarizzle: try Desktop Bugs lolol22:40
hggdhdarizzle, the usual process is to (1) read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase (special attention on HowToTriage), then going on and selecting whatever bug you want to work on, and doing it22:41
darizzleDesktop Bugs?22:41
hggdhdarizzle, then (3) ask here if in doubt. We will be happy to help22:41
darizzleanother question22:43
darizzledo you guys use a separate box for this22:43
darizzleor your normal box22:43
darizzleor vm's22:43
hggdhusually I run off my laptop; I also have two VMs installed22:48
darizzlethis is sick22:49
darizzlei really like the idea of ubuntu/nix23:01
darizzleis there a program made to manage the bugs page on launchpad23:02
darizzleor is that homemade?23:02
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BUGabundodarizzle: ubuntu-bug / apport23:03
BUGabundooh nevermind, that's to report bugs23:03
hggdhdarizzle, it is launchpad itself... at the bottom of the page click on Get Help with Lanchpad, then select the FAQ at the bottom... most will be answered23:07
darizzlethx hggdh23:08
darizzlewhat are your guys jobs?23:20
BUGabundodarizzle: that's a bit off topic for this #23:22
hggdhdarizzle, all that matters here is that we are all helping Ubuntu. What we do professionally is not a topic for this channel23:25
darizzlewhy was that such a sensitive question23:26
* BUGabundo wishes he was as cordial as hggdh... that would surely put him on track for bug-control team23:26
BUGabundodarizzle: its not. its just off topic. each channel has it reason23:26
BUGabundo !ot > darizzle23:26
ubot4darizzle, please see my private message23:26
hggdhBUGabundo, heh... I think you have enough credit to apply now23:36
BUGabundono I don't23:36
nellerywhat was the name of the report a bug application?23:36
BUGabundonot enouth 3rd party users bug triaged23:36
BUGabundoonly mine lol23:36
BUGabundonellery: ubuntu-bug PACKAGENAME23:36
BUGabundo !ubuntu-bug23:36
ubot4Factoid 'ubuntu-bug' not found23:36
BUGabundohumm I need to right a factoid23:37
hggdhBUGabundo, start on 3-party bugs, then23:37
BUGabundo !apport23:37
ubot4Factoid 'apport' not found23:37
hggdhtwo of them, it seems23:37
nelleryright, I was thinking it was apport23:37
BUGabundohggdh: I have enough bugs of my own23:37
nellerythere's no ubuntu-bug package23:37
BUGabundoif I start to look for other users bugs, my bug mail will be impossible to read23:37
nellerycan anybody try reproducing Bug #36823423:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 368234 in ubuntu ""Report a Problem" crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36823423:37
nellerycrashed for me too23:38
BUGabundonellery: what ubuntu version?23:38
hggdhnellery, it is installed under apport23:38
BUGabundonellery: I remember once reporting a bug on a crash on apport... yeha the tool that captures crashes was crashing23:38
nelleryI was thinking apport but I don't remember if that's just restricted to crashes23:38
nellerythere's probably duplicates23:38
BUGabundonellery: you should have apport and ubutnu-bug23:38
BUGabundonellery: $ apt-cache policy ubuntu-bug | pastebin23:39
BUGabundonellery: $ apt-cache policy ubuntu-bug | pastebinit23:39
hggdhhum. Did not work for me either23:40
nelleryI marked it under apport23:40
BUGabundohggdh: maybe it got disabled on release?23:41
kklimondanellery: not enough info..23:41
hggdhno... I looked at the menu entry (via alacarte), and it is calling "/usr/share/apport/apport-gtk -c %f"23:41
nellerykklimonda: in what sense? I was able to reproduce it23:41
kklimondanellery: i can't even try to reproduce it as there is no "Report a Problem" in system menu ;)23:42
kklimondasystem tools*23:42
nellerykklimonda: you need to add that to your menu23:42
nellerysystem > preferences > main menu23:42
nellerycheck system tools and then go to system tools and check report a problem23:43
kklimondaoh, yeah - i can see it now23:43
BUGabundonellery: $ apport-collect 36823423:43
BUGabundothat will add some logs and versions that will help pitti fix it23:44
kklimondait runs apport-gtk -c %f23:44
kklimondaand %f is probably empty23:44
nelleryBUGabundo: will do that23:44
kklimondanellery: i've changed a title.23:45
nellerykklimonda: okay23:45
pjbroadHi, could someone advice me on #358403?23:46
kklimondanellery: I wonder if the right bug shouldn't be that Report a bug can be added to system tools menu at all..23:46
* hggdh has just had the laptop sprayed with rain droplets, courtesy of the bloody dog23:47
Ampelbeinbug 35840323:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 358403 in freedroidrpg "intel_tex_image.c:355: intelTexImage: Assertion `texImage->RowStride == postConvWidth' failed." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35840323:47
kklimondanellery: i don't think that it is meant to be used as a standalone application.23:47
hggdhnot this way, no. The menu entry is wrong23:47
pjbroadI think it should set as affecting the intel driver, possibly23:47
BUGabundokklimonda: I know that pitti enabled it on most GTK apps via Help menu23:49
Ampelbeinpjbroad: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2122723:49
ubot4Freedesktop bug 21227 in Drivers/DRI/i915 "intel_tex_image.c:355: intelTexImage: Assertion `texImage->RowStride == postConvWidth' failed." [Normal,New]23:49
kklimondaBUGabundo: yes - but this bug is about running it as a standalon application from system tools menu23:49
kklimondaBUGabundo: it doesn't do anything when executed this way (without any arguments)23:49
BUGabundoahhh then the bug, is that it shouldn't even be there23:50
kklimondaBUGabundo: it is also installed in /usr/share/apport so I think it isn't meant to be used like that.23:50
BUGabundofile it and let it die there23:50
BUGabundoits a .desktop too much23:50
pjbroadAmpelbein, ok, thanks23:50
BUGabundoits too little to fix it, I guess23:50
kklimondaBUGabundo: even .desktop files is called apport-gtk-mime.desktop23:50
hggdhthe bug is either that it should not be there, or should call a different thingy, like https://lp.net23:50
kklimondaI know23:50
kklimondait was added so apport reports can be double clicked from nautilus23:51
hggdhyes, and it makes sense to have a .desktop. But I wonder about the System Tools entry23:54
hggdhI confirmed it23:55
seb128hggdh: what entry?23:56
hggdhseb128, System Tools/Report a Problem23:56
seb128it's not listed by default23:56
hggdhpjbroad, what is the issue23:57
kklimondaseb128: It shouldn't be visible in menu editor.23:57
hggdhseb128, indeed, but it is there, and can be selected. If selected, it does not work -- ergo, it should not even be shipped...23:57
seb128kklimonda: there is no way to do that23:57
kklimondaseb128: I know23:57
seb128hggdh: it's shipped for mimetype association23:57
seb128so you can double click on a .crash in nautilus23:57
kklimondaseb128: but with a name like "Report a Bug" people may add it to the menu and then try to use it.23:58
seb128kklimonda: users can shot themself in the foot yes23:58
seb128the other way would be to lock them without command line not editor23:58
seb128not -> nor23:58
hggdhthen it is invalid, with an explanation of why23:58
pjbroadhggdh, I thought it was related to the driver.  Ampelbein has adjusted now.  Thanks both.23:58
seb128yes, that's not a bug23:58
BUGabundothanks for the input seb12823:59
seb128there is just no way to have a desktop not listed in the menu and still considered for the mimetype list23:59
seb128if you mask it perfectly it will not be used in nautilus either23:59
seb128BUGabundo: you're welcome23:59
kklimondaseb128: maybe .desktop specification should be extended to support mimetype only .desktop files?23:59

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