
didrockshi o/08:49
seb128hello asac didrocks08:50
asacmoin seb128 and didrocks08:50
didrockshello seb128 & asac ;)08:50
* asac receives a ridiculous amount of mail over weekend08:51
seb128asac: welcome to the club08:51
asacseb128: hehe ... wel, usually i read mail on weekend, so i dont notice how bad it is08:52
seb128I've been reading my emails 3 times a day to not crack under backlog today08:52
seb128it's usually not that amonth08:52
seb128I usually get 300 emails or so08:52
asachmm. i just wanted to hvae 2 days off ;)08:53
seb128I got 878 this weekend08:53
seb128asac: you are right you deserve to relax during weekends ;-)08:53
asacwith bugmail?08:53
seb128the 878?08:54
seb128it's desktop components I'm interested in, it not everything in ubuntu-desktop but just things I work on08:54
* pitti hugs asac, seb128, and didrocks08:55
seb128basically most of GNOME, but not the things other people are supposed to work, ie gnome-screensaver, etc08:55
* seb128 hugs pitti08:55
* asac hugs pitti back08:55
pittiyeah, I relaxed during the weekend, but this morning's email surge is horrible08:55
* didrocks hugs pitti back08:56
seb128going to love users08:57
seb128didrocks: did you have a jaunty party? ;-)08:58
didrocksseb128: just a jaunty release party :-) Will publish some photo as soon as I got them08:58
didrocksthe Ubuntu Party (larger public) will be the 16-17 may08:58
seb128was the jaunty one good?08:59
didrocksyes, 30 people in a "flams", very enjoyable :)09:00
didrocksseb128: and you, no party ? ;)09:00
seb128no, sleep and relaxing ;-)09:00
didrocksthat's good too ^^09:00
seb128didrocks: good comments on the jaunty milestone? ;-)09:01
didrocksif you are around Paris during the ubuntu party, do not hesitate to come09:01
didrocksseb128: I think that people were more trying to download it than already having it :)09:01
didrocksfrom what I know, in forums, everything's  better than for previous release09:01
didrocksthat's a good point \o/09:01
seb12816-17 mays, I will be in Spain09:02
seb128hum no, that's just before in fact09:02
didrocksok, thought that canonical guys were leaving just one week before09:02
seb128but too near to travel to Paris and back just before flying09:02
didrockssure ^^09:02
didrocksnext time :)09:02
didrocksseb128: I don't know what do you thing, but this one can be a good SRU candidate (bug #361053)09:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361053 in gnome-terminal "Please, sponsor gnome-terminal 2.26.1 to jaunty" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36105309:03
seb128mvo: ^ could you have a look? ;-)09:04
seb128I already sponsored some SRU and did a bunch of those, I want to try catching up on bug emails today now09:04
seb128didrocks: I will have a look later if nobody else does09:04
didrocksseb128: ok, will ping you if it's the case09:05
robert_ancellseb128: hey!09:24
seb128hello robert_ancell09:24
seb128robert_ancell: how are you?09:24
pittirobert_ancell: good evening09:24
robert_ancellseb128: I feel like I got punched in the nose :)  Hey pitti09:25
seb128robert_ancell: found things to do today? we have some bug flood after jaunty so you can probably spend the week helping on bug triage ;-)09:25
pittirobert_ancell: but you are alive!!09:25
seb128robert_ancell: ah ah09:25
seb128robert_ancell: users are great aren't they? ;-)09:25
pittirobert_ancell: I had a nose operation three years ago, I still painfully remember it09:25
robert_ancellseb128: no it was a doctor that did it to me!  And I paid for it!09:25
robert_ancellpitti: I think I am past the worst now so should all be good from now on...09:26
robert_ancellseb128: got my nose straightened to help with breathing09:26
* seb128 is happy that nobody is touching his nose09:26
pittirobert_ancell: hah, I had pretty much the same09:26
seb128robert_ancell: ah ok09:27
robert_ancellseb128: get your nose insured :)09:27
robert_ancellI've been triaging all day... the flood doesn't seem too bad yet09:29
seb128robert_ancell: you are probably not subscribed to enough components! ;-)09:30
seb128I expect compiz has quite some bugs though and half of those are probably driver issues09:30
robert_ancellseb128: it was more it just seemed about the normal amount of bugs - i.e. too many!!09:31
seb128oh oh09:31
seb128pitti: all the retracer just crashed, should I look to it?09:32
seb128"    from launchpadlib.errors import HTTPError09:32
seb128ImportError: No module named launchpadlib.errors"09:32
seb128what the?09:32
seb128I hate the new way of packaging python in debian and ubuntu09:33
seb128it's just no un-reliable09:33
pittiseb128: I'll have a look09:33
pittiseb128: I just did a pull in the launchpadlib branch, I guess that broke it somehow09:33
seb128pitti: thanks09:33
pittiseb128: currently working on the script to set up the retracers (since we need one on armel, etc., and I like to have it working anyway)09:33
seb128pitti: ok09:34
chrisccoulsonhi pitti09:38
pittihey chrisccoulson, good morning! had a nice weekend?09:38
chrisccoulsonnot too bad thanks - i slept a lot like most weekends :)09:39
chrisccoulson i've finished the tracker update now - i dropped the evolution plugin, as I can't make it work anyway09:39
chrisccoulsonsomeone else tested the evolution plugin, and they couldn't make it work either09:40
seb128robert_ancell: could you have a look to bug #343707 tomorrow?09:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343707 in rhythmbox "Rhythmbox tries to find a codec for a m3u/html file" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34370709:40
chrisccoulsonheh. that bug is really annoying09:41
pittichrisccoulson: thanks, I saw the merge request; will upload ASAP09:41
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks:)09:42
chrisccoulsoni'll have to do some more investigation on the evo plugin, but i'll have to ask upstream for some help with that09:42
robert_ancellseb128: no prob,  it sounds similar to bug 181553 which I fixed today09:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 181553 in totem-pl-parser "Playlists do not handle \r or mixed newline formats" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18155309:43
seb128robert_ancell: good that you fixed this one, I think they are different issues though09:43
seb128robert_ancell: the other one could be gstreamer typefinding detecting a wrong mimetype rather or something09:44
seb128robert_ancell: it's supposed to ignore non multimedia formats quietly09:44
robert_ancellseb128: reading more you're probably right.  The bug I fixed had a symptom where it was treating a playlist as a music file09:44
pittiseb128: ronne retracers should be fixed now09:46
seb128pitti: good job!09:46
seb128robert_ancell: interesting that you edit apport crash bug titles to remove the function name09:54
seb128I found that handy to find duplicates usually09:55
seb128robert_ancell: the desktop bug triagers usually use "fix commited" for bugs fixed upstream too09:56
seb128it's not ideal but it makes easier to know what to close in the next upload09:57
seb128by just looking at the bugs list09:57
robert_ancellseb128: yeah, it's a bit of trade off that one.  I was considering having them following the description.  I've found it easier to get a overview of the bugs if the reports have descriptions of the causes of the bugs09:57
seb128right, you have a point, and ideally apport should auto-dup similar stacktraces anyway09:58
seb128I'm pondering if we should keep the function in () after the title though09:59
robert_ancellseb128: and often it can be misleading to mark purely based on stack trace - sometimes i've seen bug reports in gnome-games/gcalctool linked based on similar traces but aren't the same cause09:59
robert_ancellseb128: I agree, I'll update them in future09:59
robert_ancellseb128: regarding the "fix committed" - I wanted to do that but hadn't because of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status - but I will definitely do that now because it has been annoying me too10:00
seb128right, different people have different workflow10:01
seb128we use fix commited in a consistant way for desktop though10:01
seb128the rational being that GNOME rolls tarball often enough10:02
seb128so it's somewhat going to land soon in ubuntu when fixed upstream anyway ;-)10:02
robert_ancellseb128: thanks,  still getting the hang of the workflow here :)10:02
seb128and it makes easier to know what bugs to close or patches to backport10:02
seb128you're weclome!10:02
robert_ancellseb128: that leads onto another question I wanted to ask - there's a number of upstream released I want to push (glade, gcalctool etc) that fix small bugs.  Is it worth pushing these for Jaunty?10:03
robert_ancell(I still don't quite get the post CD press process)10:03
seb128is there any bug fix there worth having in stable?10:03
robert_ancellseb128: well something like glade is really handy as it fixes some annoying bugs and I'd expect programmers to want the latest stable version.  Or do we expect users to get this from a PPA?10:04
seb128it's always a balance work benefit10:05
seb128hey bratsche10:05
seb128robert_ancell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html10:05
seb128robert_ancell: those are the stable uploads already uploaded10:05
seb128robert_ancell: you know the sru procedure?10:05
robert_ancellseb128: no10:05
robert_ancell(other than it appears to be practically impossible to push something into stable when you're not in Ubuntu as when I tried back a year or so)10:06
seb128robert_ancell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates10:06
seb128robert_ancell: read that10:07
seb128robert_ancell: basically the update need to be bug fixes change only and worth the work10:08
seb128robert_ancell: ie a translation updates version is not worth the stable update work10:08
seb128(especially than translators can upload translations on rosetta without source upload)10:08
seb128the gcalctool changelog has 1 line10:09
robert_ancellseb128: ok, I did read that the other year.  So reading it says in the case of the apps I am talking about a backport is more appropriate?10:09
seb128not sure if the bug is an annoyance for users or just a small thing, if you think that's annoying enough you can do a sru10:09
seb128since GNOME has freezes etc for stable series no10:10
seb128we usually do GNOME stable updates10:10
seb128when the changes are worth an update10:10
seb128I think for glade it makes sense10:10
robert_ancellglade is a better example - there are a few cases where you can generate ui files that can't be loaded.  It's a bit confusing so it would be really nice for the users.  The work seems small from my end.10:10
seb128right, for glade it makes sense10:11
seb128the gcalctool one I'm not sure10:11
seb128it's only one change ... is that a confusing thing for many users?10:11
seb128we are still early after jaunty and karmic is not open yet10:11
seb128so it's still a good time to do some stable bug fixing10:11
seb128so it's still a good time to do some stable bug fixing10:11
robert_ancellThere's another bug that I'll fix soon and I'm thinking ahead, i.e. when gcalctool 5.26.3 is released there will probably be a number of useful fixes and by that time I'd consider it useful to update10:12
seb128ok, so maybe wait for this update10:13
seb128and do the glade one meanwhile10:13
robert_ancellOK, I will do that tomorrow10:13
seb128that will do a sru exercice too ;-)10:13
seb128so this rhythmbox bug, glade to sru and bug triage10:13
seb128you already have a busy day scheduled ;-)10:13
robert_ancellseb128: will do.  it's good to have some variety for the day!10:14
* seb128 still fighting the bugmail backlog10:14
seb128we will need an e-d-s sru10:14
pittigosh, I haven't even started with that yet :(10:15
seb128once people will have managed to tell us where e-d-s is crashing10:15
seb128we are getting a lot of evolution calendar hangs10:15
=== sabdfl1 is now known as sabdfl
pittihey sabdfl10:20
sabdflhow was your release weekend?10:21
seb128hello sabdfl10:22
sabdflhey seb10:22
robert_ancellseb128, pitti:  clocking off now, see you guys tomorrow10:25
seb128robert_ancell: enjoy your evening, see you tomorrow10:25
pittirobert_ancell: sleep well, and all the best for your nose!10:26
pittisabdfl: pretty quiet, enjoyed the sun, some bicycling, and theater :)10:26
sabdflwhat did you see?10:26
pitti"What the Butler Saw"10:26
pittibrilliant English comedy10:26
pittiand back then, in 1969, probably quite a scandalous one, too10:27
pittisabdfl: how about you, rocked the office with the release party? :-)10:27
sabdflit was great10:28
sabdfland i could speak afterwards, because there was no karaoke :-)10:28
sabdfland nobody had to bring cotton wool10:28
sabdflall in all, a success10:28
pittisounds great!10:29
pittiseb128: hah, the good thing about karmic not being open yet is that SRU verification results come in very fast \o/10:30
seb128pitti: ;-)10:30
* pitti currently processes the 150-odd SRU bug mails10:30
mvoyeah, the sru-verification team is rocking10:30
seb128pitti: speaking about that do you know when karmic will open?10:30
pittiseb128: when the toolchain bits are in, currently in progress10:30
mnemois it possible to run apport-collect from an ssh shell when xorg is borked?10:31
seb128mvo, pitti: could one of you look at the brasero update waiting for sponsoring too? there is quite some users having nautilus crashing due to it right now10:31
pittinot right now, but I'll have a look at the sponsoring queue later then10:31
mvoseb128: can do10:31
pittimnemo: apport-collect doesn't need X10:31
* pitti hugs mvo10:32
seb128mvo: thanks10:32
mvopitti: if the update-manager -proposed version could go into -updates, that would rock (verification status looks pretty good AFAICS)10:40
pittimvo: I'm very eager to get it in (currently trawling through the sru bug mail)10:40
pittimvo: you got some good responses and perhaps also did an auto-tester run with this?10:41
mvopitti: I got multiple auto-test rusns (attached to the individual reports)10:42
mvothanks, I don't want to interrupt your trawling :)10:42
pittimvo: no problem, please do :)10:45
pittiI'm in SRU mode/mood anyway10:45
pittimvo: congratulations for for the first package in jaunty-updates11:13
pittimvo: shall I also copy it to karmic, or do you have the chagnes/bug closings in your karmic tree as well?11:13
mptasac, hi, I have a question about wired networks11:14
mptasac, in what circumstances is it useful to know the name of a wired network?11:14
mptFor example, when I plug the PC next to me into Ethernet I get a bubble with title "Auto eth0", which is quite ugly11:15
mptWhat would we lose by just saying "Wired network" instead?11:15
Nafallompt: so how do I know if I'm using my Canonical Data Centre statical configuration, my statical configuration for Home, or actually got an automatic DHCP?11:16
mptNafallo, I don't know. What's a "statical configuration"?11:17
Nafallompt: when you don't get an IP assigned by a central server by rather set it yourself in the preferences.11:17
mptNafallo, and what are the titles shown in the notification bubbles for each of those at the moment?11:18
Nafallompt: I would have to disconnect to check...11:18
Nafallompt: Bold text, name of the connection. underneath, non bold, "Connection established"11:19
mptNafallo, I understand that, I'm just wondering what the actual names are11:19
Nafallompt: so what you see as Auto eth0 could be Home or Canonical DCs or whatever...11:20
mptNafallo, are they what's shown in "Edit Connections..." > "Wired" > "Edit" > "Connection name:"?11:20
Nafallosame with any name for any type of connection.11:20
mptso were your names set manually or automatically?11:20
Nafallowhich is how it should be IMO11:20
Nafallomanually for the static configs11:21
Nafalloyou can change whatever connection to have a different name though...11:21
Nafalloso the "fix" for this issue would be to get Network Manager to have sane defaults I would say :-)11:21
mptAh, so a better name than "Auto eth0"?11:23
Nafalloif that is your issue :-)11:26
Nafalloalso, the defaults for wireless is Auto $SSID11:26
NafalloI can't see why it isn't just $SSID personally11:27
proppympt: if you've got 2 eth, it can be usefull to know which one is plugged11:27
mptgood point11:27
proppy(while, I agree that many desktop don't have 2xeth these days)11:28
mptSo maybe the first should be called "Ethernet", the second "Ethernet 2", the third "Ethernet 3", and so on11:28
Nafalloand nuke "Auto " from everything? :-)11:29
Nafallo(for new connections of course, don't want to touch existing configs)11:29
mptLet's see what asac thinks11:30
asacmpt: names for connections make sense when you hvae multiple connections defined11:35
asacmpt: in the case of auto connections i would think that just stating "Auto Wired Connection" might make more sense.11:35
asacmpt: dropping the eth0 works well when you have only one NIC11:36
asacwhich is on laptops, but most desktops have two NICs i think11:36
asacso we could look into making the name logic consider whether there is more than one NIC and whether there are other wired connections defined and dropping parts of the name accordingly.11:37
seb128asac: the issue is that "eth" is a technical thing not a word users understand11:40
asacseb128: yes, i see that. i have to think a bit about it11:40
asacwe could try to enumerate wired devices somehow and refer to the auto connections as "Wired Connection 1,2,.."11:42
Nafalloasac: is "Auto " actually necessary you reckon? :-)11:45
asacpersonally i wonder whether network management shouldnt look at this at the connection perspective at all; rather the user should manage his networking based on locations ... which would allow us to give the auto connection a name that refers to location used.11:45
asacNafallo: not sure.11:46
Nafalloasac: I've got LOTS of Auto $SSID by now...11:47
asacNafallo: question is if users are more likely to go and look for "manual" ways to configure connections if they see the "Auto" prefix11:47
seb128what does "auto" mean?11:47
Nafalloseb128: either it is DHCP or it is "Automagically created faff"11:48
asacauto means: all magic ;) ... encryption mode, IPs, et all11:48
NafalloI've never actually understood which11:48
proppyI don't get Auto for network I created by hand11:48
Nafalloproppy: that's because you set the name by hand? ;-)11:49
asacyeah. you have to choose the name for those explicitly11:49
proppyNafallo: yep, I remember setting the name by hand because of an hidden SSID11:49
seb128couldn't you display ".... automatically configured"?11:49
seb128where ... is the name11:50
Nafalloso yeah. I don't think "Auto " makes sense just because I choose an AP to connect to in the list :-)11:50
Nafalloseb128: why would you need to tell them at all? if they need to set up a static connection they will figure it out anyway :-)11:50
asacNafallo: for APs the auto might make less sense than for wired11:52
Nafalloasac: as in "no sense" :-)11:53
Nafallobut yeah.11:53
asacNafallo: but that name doesnt show up in menu usually11:53
Nafalloasac: really?11:53
asacwhile the wired name shows up in its full length11:53
asacNafallo: do you see any Auto in the menu for wireless?11:53
asaci would think you just see that in the editor11:54
Nafalloasac: ah. you meant like that.11:54
Nafalloasac: no, but then the only wired I see are set in the connection dialog :-P11:54
Nafalloasac: so changing the default name for wired wouldn't necessarily show "Auto eth0" either :-)11:54
asacNafallo: well. you only see the connections if there is a link on the wired device11:56
asacso plug your thing into something that has power ;)11:56
Nafallothat made no sense to me. what do you mean?11:57
NafalloI'm on wire at the moment.11:57
* mpt looks up what a "NIC" is11:59
asacmpt: device11:59
mptah, network interface controller12:00
mvopitti: wooohh! thanks - I have the changes in my karmic tree, once it oppens, I will uplaod that12:00
pittimvo: ok, I won't bother then; please upload the next wave of u-m to -proposed then12:00
asacNafallo: not sure what you mean then12:00
mptasac, are there any prefixes used other than "eth"? If so, what are they?12:01
* mpt finds http://www.netstumbler.org/f55/whats-difference-between-eth0-wlan0-wifi0-ath0-etc-18696/12:01
asacmpt: thats a theoretically infinite set of names12:01
Nafalloasac: if you look in the connection editor, you have lots of wireless Auto $SSID. those show up in the menu as $SSID12:01
Nafalloasac: when you connect to wired you get the same names as in the connection editor. ie. "Auto eth0"12:02
Nafalloasac: that's inconsistent. I can see why it happens, but it's still fail :-P12:02
Nafallompt: they can have whatever name actually :-)12:02
asacmpt: its just a label for a NIC ... in the past it was used to identify certain network devices12:03
Nafallompt: but that requires manual intervention, so I don't think we should care :-)12:03
asacfor example in /etc/network/interfaces12:03
asacmpt: the right way as i said above would be to enumerate devices and talk about them just as "Wired Device X"12:05
NafalloWired Interface X :-)12:05
mptThis MacBook has "Auto eth2" and no other wireless connections12:06
asacyes. thats possible12:06
asacyou cannot use that number to enumerate12:06
mpter, no other wired connections I mean12:07
asacso how about this idea:12:10
asacinstead of "Auto cryptic0" ... there should be a menu entry "Auto connect(ed)"12:11
asacwould that make more sense?12:11
asacthats for wired ... for wireless APs would show up in the same way as they do now12:12
* asac isnt completely happy with "Auto connect" either12:12
asacmpt: so what do you think about the idea from above: move user perspective of network management away from low level stuff like "devices" and "connections" to more a high level location based POV (home, work, travel ...)12:18
asaci get the feeling that you cannot really design a UI that looks at devices/connections in a way a non-technical user will understand easily12:19
mptasac, location handling is a whole separate issue, and there's a bunch of interesting utilities that do things like change brightness level and default printer and so on as well as network12:34
mptI'd rather just get the names fixed for now12:34
asacmpt: sure its a different issue. but having location handling tight to networking makes a lot of sense. you could auto detect most locations through networking. so worth discussing/speccing imo12:37
asacmpt: you have a list of utilities that change networking based on location?12:38
mptasac, http://www.symonds.id.au/marcopolo/ is one that includes a comparison with others (all Mac OS X)12:44
mptWindows equivalents include <http://www.netsetman.com/index.php?s=nsm> and <http://milnersolutions.com/netprofiles/>12:45
bratsche_Hi seb12813:10
asacmpt: thx13:13
=== bratsche_ is now known as bratsche
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
=== ember_ is now known as ember
* vuntz looks at the ubuntu gconf patches and sees 05_from_vuntz_gconf2-pk-default-path.patch16:34
vuntzseb128: yo?16:35
seb128lut vuntz16:44
seb128vuntz: what about it?16:44
vuntzseb128: wondering how you make all packages install their .schemas files in /usr/share/gconf/schemas.16:47
seb128vuntz: we have a dh_gconf which does that16:47
vuntzseb128: does it set the GCONF_SCHEMA_FILE_DIR env var before configure?16:48
seb128configuration is a different question than where the schemas is stored16:48
seb128no it doesn't16:49
seb128what does GCONF_SCHEMA_FILE_DIR do?16:49
vuntzit's just a way to specify where to put the .schemas files on install16:49
vuntzmake install, I mean16:50
seb128ah no16:50
seb128dh_gconf just do a mv16:50
vuntzyou're cheating16:50
seb128doit("mkdir -p $new_schemas_dir") unless -d $new_schemas_dir;16:50
seb128doit("mv $old_schemas_dir/*.schemas $new_schemas_dir/");16:50
seb128doit("rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $old_schemas_dir");16:50
seb128looking to do a similar change upstream or for opensuse?16:51
vuntzopensuse, at least16:54
vuntzupstream would be better, but this might break distros, I guess16:54
seb128how break?16:55
vuntzseb128: well, I don't know. This could have interesting side-effects16:57
seb128add a configure option to gconf to specify the default location16:57
seb128and let distro use it?16:57
vuntzyou first need to make sure all your packages have the files in the same directory16:57
vuntzI'm pretty sure it'd break some stuff on openSUSE, eg16:58
seb128we had schemas in etc and usr for a while16:59
seb128it didn't break anything16:59
didrocksseb128: adding an autotool option to gconf seems interesting (o/ vuntz)16:59
vuntzwe do some magic stuff when upgrading a package with gconf schemas16:59
seb128each package knows where it install its schemas16:59
seb128which ones?16:59
vuntzso we don't have to call gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule/uninstall if it's not necessary17:00
seb128I would be interested to know why ;-)17:00
seb128why? to spare some cpu cycles?17:00
vuntzit was pretty expensive at some point17:00
seb128I would not think it's that much ressource intensive17:00
vuntzwell. Do you do that once per package or once per apt transaction?17:01
seb128once by package17:01
seb128but only for the package schemas17:01
vuntzpretty sure it's andreasn_'s fault17:03
andreasn_hm, what's up now?17:03
andreasn_whatever it is, I think it's your fault17:03
seb128vuntz: being clever on whether schemas need reinstalling would probably take as much cpu as installing no?17:04
seb128vuntz: ie you need to compare all the key values and translations to make sure there is nothing worth updating17:05
vuntzandreasn_: come on. Admit it. You did it.17:05
vuntzseb128: cmp?17:05
seb128vuntz: and in 95% of the cases you have translations changes at least so you install the update17:05
vuntzit's just that we have more updates for the same version in openSUSE than in Ubuntu17:06
vuntz(because we rebuild packages all the time)17:06
seb128it's your rebuilding everything all the time?17:06
didrocksseb128: schema translation are embeeded in the binary package, not external?17:07
vuntzso different needs :-)17:07
seb128didrocks: there is no binary?17:10
seb128didrocks: the schemas translations are the .mo files17:10
seb128didrocks: upstream writes localized xml and we do patch to use gettext instead17:11
didrocksseb128: and those .mo files are "injected" in the package during soyuz build?17:11
* didrocks can't get the big picture for how ubuntu handles localisation :) (just hope with tdeb that it will be easier :))17:12
seb128didrocks: what is tdeb?17:13
seb128didrocks: po files are imported on upload17:13
mvo_*cough* when I last looked at tdebs (a while ago) it was one tdeb per package per  language17:13
didrocksseb128: tdeb = translation deb. It's a new format for localisation on debian system. (http://people.debian.org/~codehelp/tdeb/)17:13
didrocksmvo_: it's still the case with the latest specification17:14
seb128didrocks: and export in language packs17:14
mclasenseb128: your patch to extract schema translations is a bit broken, btw17:14
mvo_that is quite a big number of additional packages then17:14
seb128didrocks: dpkg -L language-pack-gnome-fr-base17:14
didrocksseb128: so, every translation for every gconf key are in this language pack?17:14
didrocksmvo_: for sure17:14
seb128didrocks: yes, they are in the upstream mo too17:15
seb128mclasen: in what way?17:15
didrocksseb128: ok, thanks :)17:15
mclasenseb128: intltool munges the whitespace when extracting17:15
mclasenso for long descriptions, what you get from gconf doesn't match the msgid in the .mo17:16
mclasenalso, you don't call bind_textdomain_codeset, so you may see some breakage depending on the locale...17:16
seb128ok, thanks for letting us know17:17
mclasenI've posted a working patch to gconf-list earlier today17:17
seb128pitti: ^ do you know about those issues?17:17
vuntzmclasen: do you know if installing .schemas files in /usr/share/gconf/schemas instead of /etc/gconf/schemas could break something on fedora?17:18
vuntz(changing the default)17:18
mclasenvuntz: it would break all the opencoded schema installation/deinstallation code, of course...17:19
mclasensince we don't have your %gconf macros yet17:19
mclasenso it would be a ton of busy work for little gain17:19
vuntzso yeah, wouldn't be fun for you17:19
mclasenwhich is why we  refrained from doing that so far17:19
seb128vuntz: easier way is the configure option17:19
seb128for gconf to change the default directory17:20
seb128so distros who want change just set that17:20
vuntzseb128: well, this needs some change, since right now, this is hard-coded in gconf-2.m4, which ends up in aclocal.m4 of all tarballs...17:21
seb128vuntz: ok, I see, lot of trouble for little benefit, let's wait for dconf rather ;-17:22
vuntzbut I guess we can do something similar to gconftool-2 --get-default-source in the m4, if we really want17:22
didrocksvuntz: hum, gconftool-2 --get-default-source gives me /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults in my jaunty17:25
seb128didrocks: directory where are installed the schemas != directory where the keys are written17:26
seb128didrocks: the schemas is a source which is parsed to write the values in the gconf database17:26
seb128ie the schemas are the source and the directory is where the keys are written17:27
didrocksseb128: I understand as schemas are just used once... that's why I told vuntz that this command wouldn't help us in a the gconf m4 file17:27
seb128he said similar17:27
vuntzdidrocks: this is why I said "similar to" ;-)17:27
didrocksok, didn't get it, sorry ;-)17:27
Ampelbeinping pedro_: about bug 366723, the original upstream-version does not have a properties or delete button, it's a change we introduced in ubuntu. could you please close the upstream report about this? Also, I attached a debdiff which corrects the issue.17:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 366723 in alacarte "the properties button does nothing on categories" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36672317:46
pittiseb128: yes, I do, I saw the recent bug mail for that17:48
seb128pitti: ok17:48
pittiseb128: I'll apply the updates soon17:48
pedro_Ampelbein: alright, already closed, thanks for pinging17:51
hggdhseb128, ping and hello. Would you consider an update for evolution-exchange for bug 353187?18:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353187 in evolution-exchange "evolution-exchange-storage: /build/buildd/libical-0.43/src/libical/icalerror.c:106: icalerror_set_errno: Assertion `0' failed." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35318718:07
seb128hey hggdh18:07
seb128hggdh: yes, we can sru evolution crashers18:07
seb128hggdh: do you want to work on the sru?18:07
hggdhseb128, OK, I will prepare a debdiff for it18:07
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
pittigood night everyone!18:29
Nafallognight pitti18:30
hggdhseb128, I should target jaunty-proposed on my update to e-e, correct?18:32
seb128hggdh: yes18:33
seb128'night pitti18:33
hggdhseb128, done. debdiff is in bug 353187, nominated for Jaunty, ubuntu-sru subscribed18:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353187 in evolution-exchange "evolution-exchange-storage: /build/buildd/libical-0.43/src/libical/icalerror.c:106: icalerror_set_errno: Assertion `0' failed." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35318718:41
seb128hggdh: thanks, I will sponsor that today after diner18:41
seb128but bbl for now dinner time ;-)18:41
hggdhseb128, bon appetit18:41
seb128hggdh: merci18:42
* kenvandine_wk runs for a late lunch19:10
dobeyvuntz: care to try my intltool branch that should fix your bug?19:46
vuntzdobey: sure, tell me how :-)20:59
dobeyvuntz: bzr branch lp:~dobey/intltoolize-version-magic21:01
vuntzbzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~dobey/intltoolize-version-magic": No such project: intltoolize-version-magic21:07
dobeyvuntz: bzr branch lp:~dobey/intltool/intltoolize-version-magic21:09
vuntzah, should have guessed that21:10
vuntzI guess my bzr version isn't recent enough :/21:11
vuntzbzr: ERROR: Unknown repository format: 'Bazaar RepositoryFormatKnitPack6 (bzr 1.9)\n'21:11
dobeywhat version of bzr do you have?21:12
vuntzindeed, I have 1.821:12
dobeywow that is old21:12
vuntzmaybe :-)21:12
vuntzI don't really follow versions of vcs ;-)21:12
vuntzI'll try to find the patch on lp and apply it21:13
vuntzshould be enough to test21:13
dobeyvuntz: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~dobey/intltool/intltoolize-version-magic/+merge/5908 has the diff then21:15
bryceseb128: please fill out your info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/i965Users21:40
seb128hey bryce21:40
seb128will do21:41
bryceheya seb12821:41
seb128I read the email from pitti but I don't have my laptop with me right now21:41
seb128I will do that tomorrow21:41
bryceseb128: ok, main question is do you run as 64 bit or 32 bit?21:41
seb128I can probably file the table without the laptop21:41
seb128that's a dell d63021:41
bryceseb128: I noticed a correlation between i386 and amd64 for seeing the freezes21:42
seb128you have an i386 and the freeze according to the table?21:42
bryceyeah I know, I'm the data point that breaks the rule21:43
seb128table updated21:44
seb128ogasawara also got the freeze using the test script apparently21:45
seb128you're welcome21:45
seb128I'm looking forward getting bling back on this config ;-)21:45
seb128well I've still because I didn't upgrade compiz but I know quite some users have reported bugs about that21:45
seb128bryce: did you investigate the action or having a virtual setting?21:47
bryceogasawara has the same model laptop as me (differing ram though).21:47
seb128bryce: because several people commented on the bug saying they don't have the issue and use a virtual setting ... could be coincidence but could be impacting on the issue too21:48
bryceI usually only see the freeze when running compiz for several hours; dunno if she runs with compiz enabled for such periods21:48
bryceI do not have a virtual option set, so did not investigate that21:48
bryce(since I can already reproduce the issue easily)21:48
seb128perhaps try to set one and see if you still get it21:48
seb128well virtual seems to workaround it not to trigger it21:49
bryceat this point I'll try anything ;-)21:50
brycecould be circumstantial though21:50
bryceseb128: another question21:51
seb128oh, other topic, do you know if anybody cares about nvidia closed source driver issues?21:51
seb128we get quite some users complaining about vnc not refreshing in jaunty when using those21:51
bryceseb128: since a lot of bugs that are actually X bugs (crashes) get reported against gdm, could you add an apport hook for gdm that includes the X files?21:51
bryceseb128: there was a bug that ended up being vnc not having been updated to xserver 1.621:52
seb128bryce: I guess you know how to do that so feel free to upload if you want21:52
seb128bryce: I can have a look otherwise21:52
seb128I though probably add apport hooks to quite some desktop components21:52
bryceyeah it's definitely worth learning21:53
seb128anyway if you know what to do, ie have it in xorg ready to copy feel free to do it21:54
seb128otherwise I will do that when I start on karmic updates21:54
brycethere's no hurry, it can wait until you're ready to do karmic stuff21:54
bryceyou could basically just copy /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_xorg.py21:55
bryceyou might want to add stuff to that you'd feel might be useful for debugging other kinds of gdm issues21:55
seb128well as said I've no issue with you uploading gdm so if it takes your a few minutes please do it's uploaded ;-)21:56
seb128"so it's uploaded"21:56
* bryce <-- afraid of breaking gdm :-)21:57
bryceI could send you a debdiff though21:57
seb128yeah, either opening a bug or dropping me an email would be nice21:58
seb128so I know where to start and it's on my todolist21:58
bryceok, will do21:58
bryceinteresting, setting Virtual to 2048 2048 seems to not be freezing so far21:58
seb128bryce: interesting indeed22:01
YokoZarseb128: mind if i poke you on gnome-app-install?  I found you and mvo in the authors credits, and I'm interested in expanding it a bit so it can remove Wine applications that the user's installed22:18
seb128YokoZar: you are confusing me with somebody else there22:18
YokoZarahh ok22:18
seb128YokoZar: glatzor is probably the Sebastian in this source22:19
YokoZar*looks again*22:19
seb128Sebastian Heinlein?22:19
seb128he's glatzor on IRC22:19
YokoZarAhh yeah it is him thanks22:20
seb128you're welcome22:20
seb128bryce: do you know on what component is the bug about this vnc xserver 1.6 issue? or the corresponding bug number?22:26
bryceseb128: 26081522:28

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