
=== jester1- is now known as jester-
delgurthHi: I'm using mibbit webirc and I'm trying to join #ubuntu-nl16:40
delgurthbut I'm banned from there16:40
delgurthand I'16:40
delgurthand I'm not getting a +e ban for #ubuntu-nl I guess when I join #ubuntu-proxy-users16:41
Myrttithat channel is only for joining #ubuntu from mibbit16:47
delgurthso no way to join #ubuntu-nl from mibbit I guess?16:53
MyrttiSWAT, JanC ^16:54
JanCdelgurth: AFAIK there are other people using mibbit in #ubuntu-nl ?16:58
JanCI see at least one at the moment16:59
LjLJanC: yes but you have a ban on part of his IP17:00
PiciJanC: *!?=52*@gateway/*17:00
LjLa small part of it, so he could easily not be the target of that ban17:00
delgurthperhaps better if I get a launchpad mask? ;)17:00
LjLdelgurth: if you are an ubuntu member, you can get one17:00
Picidelgurth: unaffiliated cloaks do not override gateway cloaks.17:00
JanCI'll check our internal ban tracker  ツ17:00
delgurthI'm just a normal launchpad person, so guess it's not for me. And seeing above comment, won't help me either :)17:01
delgurthonly helped a few people on the forums, that doesn't qualify me as a member :)17:03
Pici!member | delgurth17:03
ubottudelgurth: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember17:03
delgurthcheers pici17:04
delgurthas said above, I'm not active enough to be one, yet ;)17:04
delgurthanyways, I'll wait till janc fixed my ban. Thanks for the help people17:05
JanCdelgurth: I'm trying to find out who banned that address  ツ17:05
tsimpson52* is quite a large range17:08
NafalloAddresses in network    - 1677721617:13
JanCdelgurth: I removed the ban17:21
delgurthJanC: thanks17:25
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calcplease kickban BSuntu from #ubuntu22:19
calchmm someone beat me to it :)22:20
tsimpsoncalc: this channel doesn't deal with #ubuntu22:21
tsimpsonand you should use the ops trigger if there is an issue, get's our attention quicker22:21
calcjust !op or something like that?22:21
LjLbest would be !ops | nickname-causing-trouble22:22
LjLonly use it when it's needed, though22:22
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ubot4In #ubuntu-cym, ianto said: ubot4: Croeso is Croeso i'r sianel Ubuntu Cymru23:45

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