
asacwe  have access to bot, but only through branches08:49
asac[reed]: do you have mh's bugzilla email address?09:06
[reed]asac: mh+mozilla@glandium.org, no?10:00
asac[reed]: ah yeah. sounds familiar ... think we should CC him on that bug?10:06
[reed]what bug?10:06
asacTHE ;)10:06
[reed]there are two...10:06
[reed]this release fixes two bugs10:06
asac[reed]: yeah. but one is public isnt it?10:07
[reed]in a way10:07
armin76why not me? :(10:34
* armin76 stabs asac 10:34
asacarmin76: stabbing is not nice either ;)11:34
armin76!info sqlite3 karmic11:38
ubottu'karmic' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kde4-ppa-intrepid', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']11:38
armin76when is that going to be available? :P11:38
asacno clue ;)11:49
armin76asac: wrt the sparc failure, may want to add --disable-jit if arch is sparc until bug 48658412:16
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 486584 could not be found12:16
armin76until mozilla bug 486584 gets fixed12:17
ubottuMozilla bug 486584 in JavaScript Engine "tracemonkey uses Solaris-only code on SPARC" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48658412:17
asacarmin76: yes. i would think that makes sense12:19
asacarmin76: but you should ask on #spidermonkey or so on mozill achannels12:19
armin76stupid sun, i can't believe how a company can screw its sparc users12:22
asacthey simply prefer solaris ;)12:23
armin76the change should be backed12:24
armin76[reed]: do it! :P12:24
asacarmin76: you can ask for blocking?12:32
asacand suggest to backout until thats fixed?12:33
asacor was blocking already denied?12:33
armin76asac: doubt they care for sparc12:33
asacarmin76: well. at least asking ... not sure if they care more for sparc/linux vs. solaris ;)12:34
* armin76 suggests asac does it 12:42
asacarmin76: why not use mikes code to make a patch?13:15
asacargh ....bz is slow :(13:19
asacbugzilla ;)13:20
armin76asac: i have no clue how to do it :)13:34
=== asac_ is now known as asac
eagles0513875hey guys thought i would bring this bug to yalls attention20:27
eagles0513875-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: SKS 1.0.10  mI0ESXSXZAEEAMJk6IDrIaNpH0HnyiInJB0E39qpktQpuFTRa4+mlRR/1Sh9lT/cOkfN6OSk Hyq2jcPm5IsonJNeLSqm2gtGHtITw4T88V5WqjOjZGXZTHZqOqCb138+ftE/62E7JETjXbg6 MyG6EF03FAcFG1U2GkvzykQpYbj6i4SdTAPjPowfABEBAAG0IUxhdW5jaHBhZCbug 36563220:27
eagles0513875mt sry bout that20:27
eagles0513875bug 365632 is what i would like to bring to your attention20:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365632 in firefox "Firefox will not quit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36563220:28
asaceagles0513875: have you tried to disable your extensions?`20:59
eagles0513875asac: im not having the problem21:00
eagles0513875im letting you guys know about the bug of the person who reported it21:00
asacyeha. extensions are often the problem21:01
asachmm he says he tried with all disabled21:01
eagles0513875asac: i wish i coudl do more but im still a novice when it comes to bug fixing21:02
eagles0513875asac: bug 365632 also same issue in 3.921:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365632 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox will not quit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36563221:24
eagles0513875or what ever the other version is in the repos21:25
BUGabundoguud evening22:36
asac[reed]: i still see 489647 on linux upstream builds crashing22:42
marnoldHello could someone review this debdiff http://paste.ubuntu.com/159639/ its tagged for karmic but i'm thinking of trying for an SRU22:43
asac[reed]: please test too: downoad 3.0.10 build and open the testcase22:44
marnoldshould I rename the binary packages22:44
asacNafallo: good question. is there a bug filed against debian package?22:45
asacerr marnold22:45
marnoldno its a Ubuntu speific change because of iceweasel not being available in ubuntu archive22:47
asacmarnold: well. debian shouldnt prefix their package with iceweasel22:47
asacthats what i ment22:47
asacjust vimperator would be good enough22:48
marnoldhmm the practice seems  to be widespread though22:48
[reed]asac: I'm not crashing on https://bug489647.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=37424922:48
marnoldshall i file a bug in Debian then22:49
[reed]not crashing...22:49
asacmarnold: yes please. ask him kindly to rename his binary package and keep us updated22:49
asac[reed]: seems to be racy. when running under strace it doesnt crash, but if i start it without strace it always crashes22:53
marnoldasac, are there any other bugreports of this sort in Debian22:53
asac[reed]: where can i see submitted crash reports?22:53
[reed]go to about:crashes22:54
[reed]in your browser22:54
[reed]are you sure you're on 3.0.10?22:54
asacMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042315 Firefox/3.0.1022:54
asaci moved .mozilla away22:55
[reed]Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042315 Firefox/3.0.1022:55
asacstart ffox22:55
[reed]that's what I have22:55
asacand just open the attachment22:55
asaclooks identify22:56
[reed]what's your bpid?22:56
asacthat sucks ;)22:56
asacjdstrand: could you please download mozilla build and run the testcase ;)? just in case i have messed something up that i dont see.23:00
jdstrandasac: I am in the process of checking the ones in ubuntu-mozilla-security, but can also check that one23:01
asacjdstrand: check the upstream one first please ;)23:02
asacjdstrand: [reed] didnt see and, while i can reproduce it if i dont atttach strace23:02
asaci need a third opinion23:03
[reed]asac: is your clock way off?23:03
[reed]your crash report says April 17th23:03
asac[reed]: no its not. how can remove crashes i have in about:crashes?23:03
asacso its clean and i can submit a new one?23:04
[reed]you don't have to remove any23:04
[reed]but there's a button on that page23:04
[reed]if you crash again, you'll get brekpad23:04
asac[reed]: new id: http://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/pending/34ac9c9a-9a6d-4ce6-b4e7-7ace6209042723:06
[reed]I've tried on both intrepid and jaunty23:06
[reed]new profiles23:06
[reed]mozilla.org builds23:07
asacstill has apr 1723:07
jdstrandasac, [reed]: 3.0.10 from mozilla.org did not crash.23:07
[reed]I cannot reproduce23:07
jdstrandthis is on jaunty/i386 using the reproducer in the bug as a local file (which crashes jaunty 3.0.9)23:07
[reed]oh, that's your kernel date... juanb thought that was your submit23:07
asacjdstrand: i use it as remote file even23:07
asacjust clicking on it23:07
jdstrandI simply did:23:08
asaci didnt have a crash once or twice so maybe tried a bunch of times23:08
jdstrandtar -jxf ./firefox*bz223:08
jdstrandcd ./firefox23:08
[reed][05:09:08PM] <ss> That's still a different crash.23:09
[reed][05:09:18PM] <ss> Should crash in nsTextFrame23:09
[reed]jdstrand: are you on karmic?23:09
[reed]or jaunty?23:10
jdstrandup to date jaunty23:10
[reed]asac: you're on jaunty, too?23:10
asaci think karmic isnt even open23:10
asaci better go back home then ;)23:10
asacoh damn ... i am home ;)23:10
jdstrandI just did 20 times and no crash23:10
[reed]yeah, can't reproduce this23:10
jdstrandthis is in a kvm VM23:10
asachell whats going on ;)23:10
asacmaybe its a font issue23:10
jdstrand(again, i386)23:10
jdstrandchroot problem?23:11
asacno its a real install23:12
asacits i38623:12
BUGabundochroot 32bits->64 or viceversa will fail with a lausy error message23:12
jdstrandcould an old .mozilla be causing an issue?23:12
BUGabundoI think I reported that a while ago23:12
asacjdstrand: i remove .mozilla for this test23:13
asaci have fresh profile and all23:13
asaccrashes 100% if i dont use strace or gdb23:13
asacbut maybe i am just on crack ;)23:13
jdstrandasac: fyi, I did my test with a new user as well23:15
asacjdstrand: have you checked on your real install?23:15
asacjdstrand: it seems to need speed (e.g. with strace -f -eopen it doesnt happen)23:15
jdstrandasac: real as in my personal system? no. but these VMs are as real as they get. stock ubuntu-desktop installs23:16
jdstrandbtw, ff 3.0.10+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 with xr also works fine under the new user23:17
jdstrandI'm going to try with an existing user now23:17
asacjdstrand: yes. but what i mean is that its kind of performance sensitive ... when i slow down the process it seems to happen less likely23:17
asacbut i guess you understood that ;)23:18
jdstrandexisting user is fine23:18
[reed]asac is just cursed.23:18
jdstrandthe VM is fast, but I can try it on my system23:18
asacmaybe i should reboot :-P lol23:19
jdstrandasac: ok, tried it in my personal system, it no longer crashes23:22
jdstrandintel core duo 2.4 GHz... (fast enough?)23:23
asachow annoying23:23
jdstrandasac: I just reloaded 40 times with no crash23:24
asacjdstrand: ok. guess thats enough then ;)23:28
jdstrandfor giggles I even removed the control characters, still works fine23:29

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