
wolf_anyone know how to make mythbuntu cover the top and bottum panels in Ubuntu 9.04 using gnome?00:32
rothgarHey guys, I wanted to congradulate everyone that worked on the 9.04 release. Thanks so much for all you hard work (it is greatly appriciated).00:47
rothgarI also have 2 questions for you on my new install00:47
rothgarI have a Aopen mp945-dr and the remote doesn't work. I got it working in ubuntu 8.10 by compiling lirc but I seem to have a problem compiling it this time around (I am still working on it). I also have a problem with the volume being REALLY quite. I turned the xfce volume all the way up and mythtv's volume all the way up but I still need to have my TV at ~60 to even here the sound. From my cable box I am usually fine with the so00:50
Lossifin regards to the sound is it digital out?00:52
Lossifif so you might want to try unmuting it in alsamixer00:52
rothgarno, the box has the option for digital out but I just plugged into the analog 1/8 -> rca cable00:52
Lossif(I had a similar prob)00:52
Lossifmaybe turn  off the option to control sound with the myth?00:53
rothgarI am not familiar with xfce at all, I added a sound button to the top bar but is there a better place to check if digital is muted?00:53
LossifI am not to familiar with analog out (only ever used digital out myself) but when you set up the myth  to output digital out you can tell it to turn off the machine control of the sound... maybe you can do the same with analog and just control the sound from the speakers?00:56
rothgarlooks like I was able to change the output device from ALSA:analog to ALSA:default (or /dev/dsp) and the sound is louder. Not as loud as my cable box but managable01:06
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bopfermanHello, i have just updated to 9.04 and I no longer have 3d acceleration.  I have an intel integrated 82865G01:34
Shadow__Xwell theres your problem01:35
Shadow__Xif it aint broken dont fix it01:36
bobbob1016I have mythbuntu ibex, with mplayer and coreavc.  How can I keep my coreavc mplayer through an upgrade to jaunty?01:38
superm1bobbob1016, you need to use apt pinning01:39
superm1google for it01:39
superm1assuming you built your mplayer/coreavc is properly packaged01:40
superm1if not, then you are at your wim and have a better idea how you installed it than we do01:40
Shadow__Xwhy upgrade?01:40
bobbob1016superm1: I heard about it before, thanks for reminding me.  Do I need to pin Wine too, since iirc mplayer w/coreavc uses wine.01:41
Shadow__Xit does?01:41
superm1bobbob1016, i dont think that newer wine versions break anyway01:41
superm1wine in 9.04 should work fine...01:41
bobbob1016Shadow__X: I needed it somewhere, although I doubt it is using it to playback01:42
bobbob1016I'm hoping that 9.10 will have the better UI, and I want to do 9.04 then 9.10, less to break all at once if I want to go to 9.04 then .10 six months later, instead of .04 then .10 at the same time01:43
bobbob1016By new UI I mean the myth .22 new UI01:43
Shadow__Xno .22 isnt released yet01:43
bobbob1016Shadow__X: I'm hoping by 9.10 it will be, as I said01:44
Shadow__Xi dont think there are new features in mythbuntu 9.0401:44
Shadow__Xwell that all depends on mythtv01:44
Shadow__Xif its ready01:44
bobbob1016Shadow__X: I never at any point said it was anyone but myth's decision if .22 is 6 months out.  I just said "hope"01:45
Shadow__Xi know01:45
Shadow__Xjust you are upgrading for the sake of it01:46
bobbob1016Shadow__X: I'm trying to convince myself that I need it so I have 6 months to play with .04 before I go to .1001:46
Shadow__Xok then01:47
bobbob1016And 9.04 runs great on this machine.  Tried KDE4.2 and it seems unstable like it was on 8.10, but apart from that, seems fine01:48
squish103any tips after an upgrade (click upgrade) to 9.04 i cannot boot anymore.. my root fs was lvm2 :(01:48
squish103drops me to a shell. so i plan to boot livecd, install lvm2, try mount vg's, then chroot to them, then run apt-get install lvm2 in there again01:49
bopfermanI just upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04 and I am having issues watching tv and videos in myth.01:52
bopfermanany ideas?01:53
xrothgarxdid you collect/look at your logs?01:54
Shadow__Xwhat kind of "issues"01:54
bopfermani dont get any video.01:54
bopfermanbut i do get sound01:54
bopfermanwhere are the logs?01:54
bopfermanand it also takes serveral seconds to refresh the option pages.01:55
xrothgarxif you don't want to browse to that you can go to utilities/setup -> then mythbuntu logs01:55
xrothgarxyou have the option either view the logs or upload them for someone else to look at them :)01:55
bopfermanim not sure which file to look at01:58
bopfermani have pasted my log file http://paste.ubuntu.com/158925/02:03
bopfermando you guys have any idea?02:07
bopfermanI can get into the tv, but it is realllllllly laggy02:09
bopfermanit didnt used to be02:09
bopfermanI think it is a 3d acceleration problem, but I have the intel driver installed.02:13
squish103could someone give me a tip pls. livecd booted, apt-get install lvm2, mkdir /mnt/oldrootlv, vgchange -a y, mount /dev/mapper/rootvg /mnt/oldrootvg, mount /dev/sda1 /boot, chroot /mnt/oldroot, apt-get install lvm2 BUT it cannot get to repository!02:13
squish103i cannot ping anything inside chroot?02:14
mysphytHey, folks.  This is exhausting: I'm trying to configure LIRC, and something's being done for me somewhere by Ubuntu--essentially, even without LIRC running, I get some remote input.  Since I don't know where it's coming from, I can't configure it.  :/02:21
bopfermanI just updated to 9.04 and I cant play videos.  I get the following error.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/158946/02:34
Technophilinadequate resources....02:38
bopfermanit worked before...02:39
squish103what is the best disk setup for mythbuntu or what comes out the box? any lvm options?02:40
hadsI don't think it does LVM out of the box, but you can just leave free space of course.02:43
squish103i think i learnt my leason having an lvm for root02:44
squish103think i am going to leave the lvm for the storage/recordings directories02:44
hadsYou don't need it with storage groups03:05
MythbuntuGuest28Has anyone else had trouble with mythbuntu 9.04 and pulseaudio?03:31
MythbuntuGuest28LiveTV in Mythfrontend crashes when I try to switch to the NTSC tuner in my HVR-1600, and the logs suggest that the problem is with pulseaudio03:34
superm1MythbuntuGuest28, update to the -fixes weekly builds03:40
superm1MythbuntuGuest28, there are some fixes that suspend pulse audio03:41
Shadow__Xand remember to keep spelling correct right superm103:59
map7I'm having trouble with setting up diskless clients, can anyone here help?04:57
map7I'm using mythbuntu 90404:57
map7here is the error I get on my PXE boot machine: http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/mb41412304:57
* map7 is away: Auto-away after 30 mins idle (gone at 27th Apr, 14:25:52)05:27
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Essobiheh.. rebuilt mythbuntu plugins mythvodka packages.. we'll see how well this works06:15
Essobiheh.. rebuilt mythbuntu plugins with mythvodka .. we'll see how well this works, even..06:15
TechnophilHas anyone here run up a Nova-T-500 in Mythbuntu 9.04?  I can't seem to get the /etc/modprobe.d/options fix of "options dvb-usb-dib0700 force_lna_activation=1" to work and enable scanning / registering tables.09:06
TechnophilI also get "WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/options, it will be ignored in a future release."09:07
TechnophilI also tried "/etc/modprobe.d/options.conf"09:08
superm1Technophil, so once you renamed it to options.conf, you need to reboot, or reload the modules14:05
superm1you did that right?14:05
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EssobiHmm.. if I reinstall mythtv-database packages I get an error about my password being incorrect.. anyone know off the top where the mysql logins are stored, and why re-installing does that?16:45
superm1dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database16:52
superm1!mysql | Essobi16:52
ZinnEssobi: If you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, you can perform the following to reconfigure it: 1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it for the next step) 2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database 3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common16:52
superm1basically those 3 commands will let you reset any and all mysql passwords that are stored16:53
EssobiZinn: It sets the root password somewhere automagically, with a random on install I believe..17:20
tgm4883Essobi, follow the steps Zinn provided, it will reset your root password17:21
Essobitgm4883: Ah, roger that.17:22
EssobiSoooooo... Or local cable uses the Motorola type sets... Any suggestions for a capture card for HD/standard capturing?17:24
superm1Essobi, the default install sets the root password to your user password17:26
superm1root mysql password that is17:26
superm1hmph. that was supposed to make it "less" confusing17:26
tgm4883Essobi, firewire?17:26
superm1not sure if it is doing it's job17:27
Essobitgm4883: Umm. firwire is available on the DVR models..17:27
tgm4883Essobi, are you in the US?17:27
Essobitgm4883: Yea.. From what I understand thou, the firewire isn't able to capture all the streams available..17:28
Essobitgm4883: (yea, im in the US)17:28
tgm4883Essobi, then any HD box you have should have active firewire17:28
tgm4883and no, it can't capture DRM'd streams17:28
tgm4883then you need the HD-PVR, and you need to run 0.2217:28
EssobiUmm.. so what if I want to capture everything reguardless of what it is?  shouldn't a capture card do that?17:29
Essobinevermind.. I assumes HD-PVR was software.. it's the haupp card isn't it?17:29
Essobitgm4883: There's no packages for 0.22, eh?17:32
tgm4883Essobi, you need to install the weekly builds17:32
ZinnWeekly builds are available for MythTV 0.21 (Stable) and MythTV Trunk 0.22 (Unstable, use at your own RISK) for Hardy and Intrepid.  See http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds for more info.17:32
EssobiRoger that..17:32
EssobiJebus... HD-PVR is pricey.17:33
tgm4883209 at newegg17:36
EssobiI'd really like to put a seperate frontend machine on each of my TVs, and have two or three streams available on the backend box..17:39
tgm4883you probably need 1-2 hd-pvr's then, depending on the channels you like to watch17:39
Essobiyea... that's what I was thinking... quickly becoming cost prohibitive...17:40
EssobiA nice 4x4 HDMI matrix switch would be lovely too..17:41
Guest63254hi folks17:42
=== Guest63254 is now known as barney_1
barney_1I'm interested in squashing a bug.  I wanted to confirm the package I should be working on.17:42
tgm4883barney_1, what bug17:43
barney_1I'm trying to fix password handling on the install cd... is the package I should be looking in: ubiquity-frontend-mythbuntu?17:43
barney_1specific bug is: #36315317:44
Essobitgm4883: OOOooooo.17:46
tgm4883superm1, ^^^17:46
Essobitgm4883: http://www.firefold.com/2-x-4-HDMI-Matrix-Switch-Rack-Mountable-P1919C131.aspx  <--- It's serial controlable. :)17:46
tgm4883Essobi, ok, but what does that do for you17:47
tgm4883barney_1, I think thats the right package, but i'm not familiar enough with that bug17:47
barney_1That's good enought to me.17:48
barney_1I just wanted to make sure someone didn't know for sure that it's the WRONG place to look.17:48
Essobitgm4883: Heh.. Can put all the frontend boxes, XBOX360, etc in one closet, and watch them on any TV in the house..17:48
Essobiwonder what the range on a 360 controller is.. heh.17:49
tgm4883Essobi, 30 Ft17:49
tgm4883and i'm not sure I'd want a 360 in a closet17:49
Essobihehe, about the same as my bluetooth remote for my myth setup too..17:49
Essobitgm4883: Fair enough... little kids around the house thou.... would prefer a way to keep them away from my expensive gear..17:50
Essobitgm4883: But yea... being able to selectively replicate 2 inputs to any of the 4 output simultaneously is nice..17:51
EssobiTwo frontends viewable on 4 screens in any combination..17:51
tgm4883yea, just make sure you have enough cooling in that closet17:52
Essobilol, no kiddin17:52
Essobithinking since it has direct attic space, to run it off the the side of the house with a vent..17:53
EssobiThere's already a in-ceiling speaker system wired in..17:53
Essobiconsidering running that to mpd or somesuch...17:54
superm1hi barney_1, great thanks for helping out17:58
superm1barney_1, have you used bzr before?17:58
superm1if so, you'll want to checkout lp:ubiquity to get the latest branch17:59
superm1barney_1, for the purposes of debugging though, you probably want to run ubiquity in debug mode to get debug logs and see where it is really hanging (ubiquity -d)17:59
barney_1superm1, thanks... I've been reading the devweek logs from earlier this year.  I know there's one that covers bzr so I'll read through it and get started.18:01
superm1barney_1, yeah, the jist of it is: apt-get install bzr; bzr get lp:ubiquity18:01
superm1when you are ready to submit a patch, can teach you how to commit it and push that branch to launchpad and what not18:02
barney_1I just submitted my first debdiff on sunday... That was a problem with spaces in path names... I think this is probably a similar problem.  (that other one was bug #366607)18:02
ZinnBug 366607 in usb-imagewriter (Ubuntu) "Doesn't work, if path to .img file contains spaces." [Undecided, Confirmed] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/36660718:02
superm1barney_1, ubiquity is quite a complex beast. fortunately enough, I can point you to a good starting point and rule out a lot of ubiquity code18:03
barney_1I believe I did it right... and asked for sponsorship18:03
superm1barney_1, so once you get the bzr branch checked out, look in scripts/mythbuntu at mythbuntu_install.py18:03
superm1that's what walks through and does all of the installation after you answer questions in the installer18:03
superm1it inherits a lot of functionality from scripts/install.py (the regular ubuntu installer), so you'd probably bounce back and forth between the two a bunch18:04
barney_1I'm actually looking at that file as we speak (still need to check out the bzr though)18:04
superm1cool on your first debdiff tho :) always exciting to contribute for the first time18:04
Essobitgm4883: Umm.. So why an HD-PVR instead of a HVR-1250?18:09
EssobiOr an 1800 even..18:10
EssobiOh... It's an actual HD capture box...18:17
Essobinot a tuner...18:18
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Essobisup mike18:18
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mike_764well... can't figure out how to change my nick back to barney_118:20
mike_764switched computers18:20
EssobiI think barney_1 is still on here... that's why18:21
mike_764yeah... I should be able to ghost it right?  Can't get it to work though18:21
tgm4883Essobi, because you won't get encrypted channels with a hvr-125018:21
Essobitgm4883: Yea.. I just figured that out.. Heh.18:22
=== mike_764 is now known as barney_1
EssobiIn the US, the Motion Picture Association of America has requested that the Federal Communications Commission allow providers to selectively disable the component outputs of their devices when showing recently released movies. <-- Has any US cable providers acutally done that yet?18:22
barney_1there we go18:22
MythbuntuGuest76Greetings, all. I've waited a few days... I've seen nothing really scarry so far. Should I upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 or should I backup and install from scratch? Nvidia Graphics, Intel CPU, HDTV-5500. Thanks!18:36
EssobiMy f'ing laptop dropped the wireless link mid upgrade on mine and hosed the install.. I had to go back and do a scratch 9.04 install, which was okay.. since I had no media loaded yet, save DVD I had just ripped to play with it..18:38
Essobiso *SHRUG*18:38
MythbuntuGuest76Ouch. I think I'll stay wired if I upgrade :)18:38
EssobiGood idea..18:38
MythbuntuGuest76Knowing my luck the power will fail or something :)18:39
barney_1superm1: Can you lay the ubiquity-mythtbuntu-frontend url on me... I'm having trouble finding it.18:42
barney_1superm1: ps- I didn't realize bzr was just another versioning system... I'm used to SVN and CVS so shouldn't be too much to learn18:43
superm1barney_1, lp:ubiquity is the bzr url18:56
superm1you can see it on the internets at http://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk too18:56
superm1barney_1, and yeah, bzr is incredibly easy to use, especially for just submitting a branch for patches or features18:57
barney_1so I can just check out the ubiquity trunk.. there's not branch that is mythbuntu specific?18:57
superm1barney_1, everything that is mythbuntu specific is merged into trunk18:58
superm1by being part of trunk, we see all the normal installer changes that we need to adjust because of18:58
tafkaz_73hi everyone. i just updated to jaunty, and now when i restart the box (combined backend/frontend) it'll not have any scheduled recordings. i will have to restart the backend manually then and everything works fine again18:59
tafkaz_73maybe mythtv starts before mysql but i cant say19:00
barney_1superm1: great... thanks for your help19:00
tafkaz_73looks fine in the init scripts19:00
tafkaz_73i have a mythbackend log19:00
superm1tafkaz_73, check the backend log after startup for anything that looks informative to the failure19:00
tafkaz_73maybe you could have alook19:00
tafkaz_73its pretty informative i guess, but i dont think i get it19:01
tafkaz_73when i restart mythbackend everythings back to normal19:01
superm1looks like the msyql server is probably having troubles at startup then?19:01
superm1can you try to maybe repair/optimize tables19:02
tafkaz_73i could moment19:02
superm1and see if it starts up any quicker19:02
superm1and look at mysql logs to see if there is anything it complains at startup19:02
superm1barney_1, np.   glad to get more contributors to mythbuntu - especially ubiquity :)19:02
tafkaz_73 will usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/optimize_mythdb.pl do the job ?19:03
tafkaz_73or did you have other things in mind19:03
tafkaz_73optimization didnt help19:05
tafkaz_73now lets see the mysql logs19:05
tafkaz_73theyR'e all empty19:06
tafkaz_73i will use my old my.cnf and see what happens19:07
tafkaz_73allthough it seems pretty much the same19:09
Essobitgm4883: Mmm... Maybe I can use a combination of the moto firewire and a HD-PVR.... Need to check which of my channels are 5Ced19:15
tafkaz_73mysql log looks good19:21
tafkaz_73could it be that mysql is not yet ready when myth starts to need it?19:23
barney_1tafkaz and superm1: Could this be related to the mysqld bug #32676819:36
ZinnBug 326768 in mythbuntu "mysqld_safe thinks mysqld has crashed when it hasn't" [Critical, Confirmed] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/32676819:36
tafkaz_73we're working on a fix...give a sev19:37
tafkaz_73for now i can say that it helps a lot to hold mythtv-backend from starting in runlevel 219:40
tafkaz_73for all i understand this is not a duplicate of the bug #32676819:56
ZinnBug 326768 in mythbuntu "mysqld_safe thinks mysqld has crashed when it hasn't" [Critical, Confirmed] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/32676819:56
tafkaz_73all i have to do to make it work again, is to make mythbackend not start in rl 219:57
tafkaz_73so mysql has the time to open up properly19:57
tafkaz_73after i did that everythings good19:58
tafkaz_73so what happens is19:58
tafkaz_73mythbackend wants to connect to mysql, mysql is not yet ready, mythbackend has problems starting but mysql starts absolutely flawless19:58
barney_1K-A-R-R: Visit this link and download the install manual: http://www.mythbuntu.org/installation_manual20:06
barney_1my oh my, checkout from bzr takes forever!20:12
nurettini have got no sound problem20:13
nurettinZinn: no sound20:13
nurettinmythtv cant capture line in sound.20:14
barney_1tafkaz_73: Your bug sounds EXACTLY like the problem I have been having.  I don't get corruption in the database.  I just don't have any recording schedule unless I restart the backend.20:14
barney_1tafkaz_73: This is not reliably reproducable for me.20:15
tafkaz_73just try the workaround20:15
tafkaz_73take mythbackend out of init 220:15
tafkaz_73what's it doing there anyway?20:15
tafkaz_73who wants to use myth in rl2???20:15
barney_1I don't know what rl2 is.. sorry20:16
tafkaz_73runlevel 220:16
tafkaz_73you're familiar with linux ?20:16
tafkaz_73do following:20:16
barney_1right... I am familiar with linux... just not runlevels20:16
tafkaz_73i used sysv-rc-conf20:17
barney_1rebooting now to see if I can reproduce the issue20:17
tafkaz_73which is an easy way to quickly change runlevel config20:17
barney_1yep... my recording schedule is gone.20:17
tafkaz_73ok...no get rid of mythbackend in runlevel 220:18
tafkaz_73do this:20:18
tafkaz_73sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf20:18
tafkaz_73and then sudo sysv-rc-conf20:18
tafkaz_73then scroll down to the myth entries20:18
tafkaz_73mythtv-backend and mythtv-status20:19
tafkaz_73and go to the X for runlevel 220:19
tafkaz_73just press space to toggle20:19
tafkaz_73and when you're done q for quit20:19
tafkaz_73then restart20:19
barney_1I only have mythtv-backend20:19
tafkaz_73be careful to only change these entries plz20:19
tafkaz_73ok than you dont have status installed20:20
barney_1rebooting now20:20
EssobiAnyone using a satellite source in the US?  I'm wondering if it's plagued with 5C and etc...20:20
barney_1tafkaz_73: that seems to have broken mythweb "unable to connect to the master backend at Is it running?"20:21
tafkaz_73hm mom20:22
tafkaz_73no that should work20:22
tafkaz_73is your schedules back then20:22
tafkaz_73ah i see20:22
tafkaz_73you cant look up20:22
barney_1looks like backend is not running now20:23
tafkaz_73do sysv-rc-conf again20:23
tafkaz_73this is how the line looks here20:23
barney_1I have X in 3,4,520:23
tafkaz_73thats good20:24
tafkaz_73hold on a sec20:24
tafkaz_73barney_1, try to reach mythweb again plz20:27
tafkaz_73maybe it just takes a longer time20:27
barney_1 nope...nada20:27
tafkaz_73/sbin/runlevel ?20:27
barney_1I've got to leave for work very soon.  I'm going to switch back and reboot.20:27
freebeerAnyone knows how to enable TV-out (post-install) on mythbuntu?20:28
tafkaz_73feel free to join at the bug20:28
barney_1when I type: /sbin/runlevel yeilds: N 220:28
tafkaz_73so it does here20:28
barney_1changed back, reboot... no recording schedules20:29
barney_1restart backend: schedules reappear20:29
barney_1yeah... I'm going to have to put in a script that restarts the backend on login20:30
barney_1what a horrible hack!20:30
tafkaz_73no....i thiink you should join with the bug report20:30
barney_1I've also been experiencing ext4 freeze bug20:30
tafkaz_73and try to play with the runlevels again20:31
barney_1when deleting recordings20:31
tafkaz_73i dont use ext420:31
barney_1I switched over when I upgraded20:31
tafkaz_73plz join https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/368145 barney_120:33
tafkaz_73its definitely the same issue20:33
Essobibarney_1: yea.. ext4 is still sketchy for production I'm told..20:39
freebeerTV-out on Nvidia 6200... Anyone?20:43
tafkaz_73i was just about to help him20:46
tafkaz_73and now he's gon20:46
rhpot1991tafkaz_73: welcome to IRC :)20:49
tafkaz_73i have the same card and just about a week ago i had my old tv20:49
tafkaz_73so i have a working xorg.conf20:49
tafkaz_73well....never mind20:49
BaZiLHi .. want to ask a question . if i update my mythbuntu even if it says that it doesnt have a driver for my nvidia card ? .. is that safe , can i go back if it doesnt successeed ? .. or should i stay with the version i have installed ?21:08
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=== MythbuntuGuest51 is now known as shedder
sheddercan I use myth tv to play divx files that are stored on my windows box??22:34
sheddertyvery much22:37
barney_1Anyone have advice on how to test the Ubiquity package?  Do I need to package it as CD image to test changes I make to the source?23:06
tgm4883barney_1, you could load up the live cd and then get your package on there and install it, then run through the installer23:15
barney_1tgm4883: So you mean boot to the live-cd.  Then mount a drive and use ubiquity from that drive?23:18
barney_1I have compiled the package (./configure, make, sudo make install) but I don't see an executable for the package... any hint?23:19
tgm4883barney_1, hmm23:51
tgm4883barney_1, if you can build a .deb of it, then you should be able to install (upgrade) the package in the live environment23:53

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