
ubottuANTRat called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:20
LjLlompfong Sharn bruenig SquareHimself are trolling #ubuntu by w r i t i n g l i k e t h i s, and they are all archlinux offtopic users.00:24
LjLi think that was what the ops call was about.00:25
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:27
LjLshrimants also.00:29
popeyno ops about it seems00:29
LjLwell, when they *are* around, i think it's a good time to ban all these stupid archlinux trolls in one go.00:30
Jordan_UI think bruenig in #ubuntu might be a troll00:34
LjLJordan_U: aware00:35
LjLbut, little we can do at the moment00:35
LjLbecause no one with #ubuntu access seems to be around00:35
Seeker`no ops areound00:35
popeydoesn't !ops usually show a list of nicks in the brackets?00:43
LjLpopey: if a nickname is mentioned by the fellow calling !ops, yes00:43
popeyof course, doh00:44
LjLcan someone with actual access to the BT, which i currently lack, @mark this and the nicknames involves for posterity? it's a pity to have this whole mess off the record just because no ops were around01:19
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:24
ubottu(mark [<channel>] <nick|hostmask> [<comment>]) -- Creates an entry in the Bantracker as if <nick|hostmask> was kicked from <channel> with the comment <comment>, if <comment> is given it will be uses as the comment on the Bantracker, <channel> is only needed when send in /msg01:24
Seeker`LjL: what channel do you want in the log?01:24
LjLthis one, it's where the issue was described - #ubuntu wouldn't work, it happened too long ago01:25
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops bruenig He and other people from #archlinux-offtopic (specifically lompfong, Sharn, SquareHimself, shrimants) were trolling/spamming #ubuntu quite badly in an organized fashion01:26
LjLsometthing like this01:26
mneptokoh gawd01:26
Seeker`@mark #ubuntu-ops bruenig He and other people from #archlinux-offtopic (specifically lompfong, Sharn, SquareHimself, shrimants) were trolling/spamming #ubuntu quite badly in an organized fashion (l i k e   t h i s). No ops around to deal with situation which lasted for quite a while01:27
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:27
Seeker`LjL: happy?01:29
LjLhappier the day a nuke wipes out #archlinux-offtopic, but, yes.01:29
Seeker`sorry, the @mark was the best I could do01:29
LjLdon't tell me you have no nukes :(01:30
LjLby the way, about !appeals01:55
LjLis the irc council actually *sure* they want their mailing list address to show up every time it's called, in channels that end up logged on google?01:56
NOD62I have a question.01:58
NOD62Is anyone available?01:58
LjLi am, although i am not an op. i'm a former op though so perhaps i might help01:59
NOD62LjL: Ah, okay. xD02:00
NOD62LjL: I'm in the ubuntu-offtopic with you, and I just had a thought.02:00
NOD62LjL: Is there any Ubuntu chatrooms that are meant for an older audience?02:01
tritiumNOD62: certainly not -offtopic.  That's one of the more adolescent channels.02:01
NOD62LjL: I realize that now. xD02:02
* LjL stays out of this02:02
NOD62tritium: Yes, I know this now.02:02
tritiumNOD62: Just my observation ;)02:02
pleia2NOD62: where are you located? You may consider joining the channel for your LoCo team, they tend to revolve around real life meetings and events and as a result I've found them to be a bit more mature in genral02:03
NOD62pleia2: Canada, Ontario.02:03
pleia2many offer support and welcome off-topic discussion too (worth checking their rules though, of course)02:03
pleia2there is an #ubuntu-ca :)02:04
popeyNOD62: #ubuntu-uk is friendly and speaks English if thats helpful02:10
NOD62popey: Well, i'm just looking for people to talk to that won't flag me for talking about politics, sexuality or other mature conversations.02:11
popeywe _try_ to keep it on topic but it often strays02:11
popeypolitics is a big no-no though02:11
NOD62popey: I just think there should be a ubuntu-offtopic-mature or equivalent. xD02:12
* popey shrugs02:12
Seeker`NOD62: maybe. Would be hard to keep the immatue people out though.02:18
Seeker`NOD62: politics, sexuality or other mature conversations generally aren't good topics of conversation for #ubuntu-* channels02:19
NOD62Seeker`: Ah well, I suppose you're right.02:20
NavadeHohi, I'm unbanned on #ubuntu, but still bannedon #kubuntu02:22
Seeker`NOD62: please don't idle in here if there isn't anything else we can help you with02:30
NOD62Seeker`: Okay. xD02:30
NOD62Thanks anyway, later.02:30
ubottuIn #ubuntu, plato-bu said: ubottu: So the system is hosed until a fresh reinstall or the drivers are updated?02:32
LjL[02:06] *** MsFrizzle!n=MsFrizzl@ has joined #ubuntu03:04
LjL[02:50] <Looce> Apologies for the joins and quits from MsFrizzle. And I've been looking a bit at the conversation here from it ;) I thought SpiritOfUbuntu.ogv was the Nelson Mandela video03:04
LjLseems like it's their bot, so someone might want to have a chat with looce if you haven't already03:05
tritiumLjL: thanks03:08
ubottuIn ubottu, sgodsell said: where is source code03:12
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, AtomicSpark said: !flash64 is <reply> To download the Adobe Flash Player 10 64-bit alpha, follow the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#Flash%20for%20AMD64%20and%20PPC07:28
ikonia@bansearch bruenig07:33
ubottuMatch: *!*@ by tritium in #ubuntu on Apr 27 2009 00:06:12 (ID: 12849)07:34
ubottuMatch: bruenig!n=root@ by Seeker` in #ubuntu-ops on Apr 27 2009 00:27:45 (ID: 12856)07:34
FlannelWow... that was obnoxious.07:35
Flanneland, looks unintentional07:35
ikoniaFlannel: very intentional07:40
ikoniaFlannel: got the logs from archlinux-offtopic where they are bragging about doing it07:40
popeyscripting it to make it easier07:40
ikoniayes, sed script07:40
ikoniasomeone needs to get a grip on that channel07:40
ikoniaif the op finds that behaviour acceptable then I am sure that much be in breach of freenodes policy07:41
ikoniatime to go to the office07:44
ikoniadoes anyone know about errantego in #ubuntu ?07:45
ikoniaor "Antispamme"07:45
ikoniait / he posted this log in #freenode, which looks like some sort of bot07:46
ikonia05:12 < ErrantEgo> 11:56 PM: AntiSpamMe: 2Info risk threat [#ubuntu]: naught102 - host 121-79-30-48-dsl.ispone.net.au is in rbl.efnetrbl.org ( Drones / Flooding ); ping pctony and SeJo !att-#ubuntu-info07:46
RookI was banned in #ubuntu09:10
RookDo any ops know why?09:11
Myrtti@bansearch Rook 09:13
ubottuMatch: *!*@c122-106*belrs3.nsw.optusnet.com.au by bazhang in #ubuntu on Apr 19 2009 06:19:12 (ID: 12621)09:13
RookThats a bit odd09:14
RookCan't even remember being there then09:14
RookCan you find o what i did Myrtti?09:15
Myrttino, but that could be my mistake for not being awake enough09:16
RookThing is, i'm certain i wasn't in that chan09:17
RookLet alone this server then09:17
Tm_PMyrtti: I guess that ban is not related to this fellow, as it seems to be dynamic ip09:18
RookYeah i do have a dynamic ip09:18
RookDoes that mean anyone who has the same host as me09:19
RookWe will all get banned?09:19
Myrtticurrently yes09:19
MyrttiTm_P: the part that perplexes me is that I can't seem to find anything in BT09:20
RookBut there will be thousands of people on this exchange?09:20
Myrttinow I see the reason09:21
topylithe ban seems to have been earned by someone with another username but the same IP. unlucky09:22
MyrttiRook: is your ip range in public use or is it something that your isp gives dynamically=09:22
RookIsp gives us a dynamic ip09:23
MyrttiI know it's an isp one, but just checking that it isn't of a library or some other common denominator09:23
Myrttilike a school09:23
RookNah i'm at home09:23
* Myrtti checks up the calendar09:24
RookALso i tried searching through the logs, but i only got 3 lines?09:24
Myrtti17th and 19th were over a week ago...09:24
MyrttiRook: there seems to have been a trolling influx in #ubuntu on the 17th, which has led the ops putting a blanket ban on the afforementioned ip range09:25
MyrttiRook: which unfortunately covers you as well09:25
RookOh, is there any chance i can get unbanned?09:25
MyrttiI'm going to remove the ban, but please be aware that the ban may be reinstated if we get similar behaviour from that ip range again. You can join this channel if it's a problem at that time09:26
MyrttiRook: is that ok?09:27
RookCan't you just ban everytthing except for Rook?09:27
MyrttiRook: it's a week old ban anyway and should be removed09:27
RookThanks a lot mate09:27
Myrttiyou can join #ubuntu now09:28
RookCheers, later09:28
elkyikonia, people occasionally cry the CC and/or the ircc that this channel is hostile and ops are unapproachable. it's usually recidivist offenders who want more chances to be morons.09:32
Myrttitopyli: added you and Mirv on the access list09:33
* topyli rolls sleeves09:34
elkyMyrtti, trying to get yourself fired? "what have you gotten me into?!"09:40
Tm_PMyrtti: which access list?10:41
Tm_Pah, roger roger10:41
* Tm_P is waiting karmic repositories to open10:42
bazhangcleanup in #ubuntu-cesspool10:43
bazhangaka -ot10:44
Myrttibazhang: huh?10:48
bazhang<aprilhare> oh just seen her in her "two and a half men" episode and was wondering if she'd done a movie... intimate scene :)10:49
bazhang* [Dday] (n=X@c122-106-204-110.belrs3.nsw.optusnet.com.au): X   <-- is that thefeds?11:24
Myrttiwhy, is he behaving badly=11:25
bazhangwindowsxp_pro!n=a@c122-106-184-177.belrs3.nsw.optusnet.com.au  <-- thefeds11:25
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.11:27
ikonia@bansearch x_ 11:42
ubottuNo matches found for x_!n=x@ in any channel11:42
bazhangchances are pretty high imo that dday is thefeds11:47
bazhanghe's been re-asking that same info for a long while now11:47
Myrttibazhang: I checked the bantracker before unbanning and didn't see the pattern11:48
bazhangMyrtti, did rook /nick to dday?11:48
Myrttino, but the ident is the same as you can see11:48
bazhangoh yup he did11:48
elkyhe'll mess up again soon enough11:52
ikoniaI'm not happy about ubuntugeek URL's being given out as fixes, the solutions are very dubious12:02
bazhangfor intel problems in jaunty?12:03
elkyikonia, nastygram due for planet within the hour.12:40
ikoniaoooh on what ?12:41
ikoniathe ubuntugeeks url ?12:42
elkywithout a personal attack or a link12:42
ikoniaI look forward to the planet post12:44
elkybecause seriously, he knows better12:48
ikoniaMyrtti: nice12:50
elkyPici, well i blog under my real name, not my nick.12:52
Picielky: oh, buh..  I just didn't connect Mel with Melissa.12:53
elkysilli pici12:59
popeyelky: heh, i like the "latest post" thing on the side, it's cute13:03
elkypopey, hehe. cant remember if that was part of the original theme or not13:04
elkyi know i had to take some splotchy stuff off the side because it looked out of place13:04
popeyI dont connect Mel with Melissa either, probably because my sister is a Mel too, but Melanie13:09
elkythere are very few people who actually call me Mel13:09
elkyOne is my best friend, so it's fine. The other is the boss's PA, whose name is Elizabeth, or Bess. I return the favour and call her Bessie.13:11
elkyshe haaaaaaaaates 'bessie'13:11
elkyi mean, i dont hate "Mel". i just prefer it be from people who i dont want to strangle.13:12
PiciWas shadeslayer unbanned from #u?13:36
elkychrist i hate evolution keybindings14:09
MyrttiI hate evolution14:09
* Pici evolves14:09
elkyi just sent an email prematurely14:09
* elky headdesks14:09
* ikonia suffers prematurley also14:11
* Tm_P doesn't say it14:11
topylielky: "Mozilla Thunderbird. It’s just like Evolution, except it’s intelligently designed." -- Mark Pilgrim14:17
elkytopyli, does it handle mailing lists the same as evo does yet?14:18
elkytopyli, i switched to evo *specifically* for that14:18
topylino idea, i don't use thunderbird14:18
elkyi dread to ask.14:19
topylii just like pilgrim's punny insults14:19
topylihmm looks like the university wants to give me more money so i don't get a job14:21
PiciMore money, yay.14:21
ubottuIn ubottu, Pici said: support-#ubuntu-offtopic =~ s/jdong//14:23
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:23
elkytopyli, if you have too much...14:28
topylielky: traditionally i don't, but let's see how much they love me this time!14:29
elkyyou cant quit! they wont give you my money if you do!14:32
* genii hands bazhang a coffee15:13
bazhanggenii, wow thanks :) rough speeeling from karamella15:14
geniibazhang: I thought maybe they meant charade (masquerading or proxy or so) at first15:15
bazhanggenii, I could see that interpretation :)15:16
PiciHeres a stupid question, whats the difference between !dk and !nl ?15:30
bazhangone is danish15:31
PiciNevermind then.15:31
bazhangdifferent countries iirc15:31
PiciDanes, Dutch, both begin with D15:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about douche15:32
popeyanyone going to be hanging around in -classroom and -classroom-chat?15:47
ikoniapopey: can do if you want me to ?15:48
popeywould be handy, I'm going to be in and out15:48
popeythank you15:48
ikoniano problem15:50
ikoniaall in 15:50
LjLPici: he's already in -tr15:54
PiciLjL: oh well15:54
* Myrtti will launch him to the orbit soon15:55
ikoniaeasy there girly15:55
Myrttithere we go15:55
PiciUF opened their Karmic forum, I think it makes sense for us to re-open +1 too. Any objections?16:13
ikonianot really16:19
ikoniabe nice to keep a little grip on the early "when can we get it"16:19
Picijussi01, elky ^ ?16:23
jussi01Pici: go for it16:24
reidhey, can someone kick this guy out of -offtopic...16:28
bazhangplease remove userus from -ot16:28
reidthank you16:28
MyrttiI'm trying to figure out a nice way to do it as we speak16:29
reidwell, he has been told to stop, by pretty much every active person in the channel atm lol16:29
MyrttiI've not seen anything worthy of kicking yet though16:33
Myrttithe foul language got the first warning, we'll have to go from there16:33
PiciMyrtti: The problem is that hes annoying everyone.  Its hard to find a place in the guidelines to stick that in.16:33
ikoniacan we not use common sense in that he's disrupting the channel with random waffle ??, I know it's offtopic but it's a disruption16:34
PiciI'd like some random waffles.  With maple syrup please.16:37
ikoniaPici: banana with chocolate sauce is all I'm serving, sorry16:38
reidanyways, it seems like he's done, I won't idle in here lol16:38
reidI'll be back if he starts up again, thanks guys lol16:38
Picireid: Thanks "__16:38
Picier, "_"16:38
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, LjL said: !closing irc is <reply> Closing your IRC session is rumored to be possible, but it's definitely not recommended and our IRC channels won't support anyone who has left IRC.17:09
geniiI think useruseruser = userus_17:24
ikoniashock horror17:25
stewthey are definately the same17:30
LjLare they? "useruseruser" is a nickname i think i've seen before17:33
LjLseveral times too17:33
LjLoooh, nevermind.17:37
LjLso they *are* the same person.17:37
LjLstew: make your silly servers reverse resolve their names correctly :(17:38
stewLjL: what do you mean?17:39
LjLstew: i mean that useruseruser has the same IP as userus_, only /whowas userus_ shows a hostname, while /whois useruseruser shows the numeric IP17:40
PiciThere is something in the BT for useruseruser17:43
PiciLjL: Don't blame stew 17:44
PiciBlame Gary17:44
LjLGary is blamed by default, i need additional blame17:45
stewi have no idea17:50
LjLstew: it's just reverse DNS timing out most likely17:51
PiciLjL just needs something to complain about17:51
CaguenDios] *** CaguenDios +topyli +DBO +tsimpson LjL +elky +robotgeek +bazhang +christel +mneptok +jpds ryanakca +njan +UdontKnow +Pricey +jussi01 +genii ubottu ubot4 ubot2 wgrant +jdong__ +jdong +SWAT +tonyyarusso +Myrtti +jrib ubot3 JanC +Seeker` +nixternal Ubotwo +Pici Nafallo +DLange +Daviey +tritium +stew +Mez +SportChick +Dave2 ubuntulog boredandblogging +pleia2 +Tm_T +elky_work +popey +nalioth +jussi01_ +Flannel +fdoving +tomaw +ikonia18:14
CaguenDiosFUCK YOU18:14
ikoniaProdego: what's up ?18:16
ikoniaCaguenDios: do you need anything from us ?18:16
geniiHm, cgi:irc 18:19
popeyxcdfgkjhgcv back again 18:23
popeyaka samuel-notafk18:23
ikoniahe's in the trollpit18:24
LjLhe's Sn0wball18:26
LjLi mean, caguendios is18:26
LjLsn0wb4ll, even18:27
ikoniathat's l33t18:27
jdongthat was fun.18:31
ikoniajdong: what was ?18:31
* LjL is not sure what sn0wb4ll has against us, though18:31
jdongthe FU drive-by.18:31
ikonianice phrase18:31
ikoniaPici: as you wanted to re-open +1 - could I request it's cleared down before re-openeing so the jaunty lurkers are removed18:35
jussi01wow, that was nice...18:37
ikoniathe drive by (love that phrase) 18:37
jussi01grr, Im still huungry...18:38
popeywhat exactly do we have to do to get xcdfgkjhgcv/samuel-notafk klined?18:39
ikoniadid you not eat ?18:39
ikoniapopey: I can't get staff to acknowledge to check him out18:39
ikoniaI can only assume they are18:39
* popey sighs18:39
Pricey#ubuntu ?18:43
ikonianah, he's been in #eeepc-ot18:43
ikoniaseems to have clamed down now18:43
ikoniaPricey: not prickey today ?18:44
popeyARGH! My EYE!18:44
popeyah, there it is18:44
* popey goes for a calm drive down the M3 (hah)18:44
ikoniapopey: I think I'll go down the M418:44
* Nafallo goes to buy food18:45
ikoniapopey: the classroom sessions where very interesting, thank you for nudging me on them, I'd forgot they where going on 18:46
ikoniapopey: the current session is especially good18:49
ikoniaquite enjoyed following18:50
jussi01ikonia: I ate, but Im hungry again...18:53
ikoniahave some watter, filly your belly up 18:54
ikoniafool it18:54
ikoniatime to drive18:54
ikoniapopey: got to leave classroom - I assume you're back ?18:54
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, pepperjack said: ubottu: solaris is one of those 'other' operating systems18:54
ikoniaor could someone else just keep an eye on u-classroom-chat18:54
Piciikonia: Its already open, sorry.19:18
PiciNobody seems to have noticed though.19:19
jussi01Pici: probably worth a clear anyway19:26
Priceyany reason why?19:34
jussi01Pricey: because then people get a wake up call that this is the karmic release and avoid potential issues. but meh, not overly important.19:39
PiciPeople have been joining for a few hours now, I don't really think its needed.19:40
=== jussi01 is now known as android
=== android is now known as jussi01
ikoniaPici: no problem, 21:21
ikoniaooh a lot of time has passed21:21
ikoniahai hai21:35
ikoniafine fine, just got home21:41
ikoniadidn't realise how much time had passed21:42
ikoniayou ?21:42
=== SWAT__ is now known as SWAT
LjLshouldn't fujisan be banned on -offtopic?21:50
ikoniaI mentioned to popey I thought he was "ban on site"21:51
Seeker`ikonia: not bad; tired21:51
ikoniaSeeker`: yes me too21:52
ikonia@bansearch fujisan21:55
LjLfujisan "asked" whther there was a #swineflu channel21:55
ubottuMatch: fujisan!*@*.ftth.xms.internl.net by tsimpson in #kubuntu on Apr 08 2009 01:09:15 (ID: 12205)21:55
ubottuMatch: *!*?=fujisan@*.ftth.xms.internl.net by tsimpson in #kubuntu on Apr 08 2009 01:09:15 (ID: 12204)21:55
ubottuMatch: Fujisan!*@* by ikonia in #ubuntu on Apr 08 2009 07:27:52 (ID: 12208)21:55
LjLbut not only there is one - it's registered by him21:55
ubottuMatch: *!*?=fujisan@*.ftth.xms.internl.net by tsimpson in #kubuntu-offtopic on Apr 12 2009 19:55:15 (ID: 12359)21:55
ubottuMatch: fujisan!*@*.ftth.xms.internl.net by tsimpson in #kubuntu-offtopic on Apr 12 2009 19:55:15 (ID: 12360)21:55
LjLso that's called spamming his channel21:55
ikoniaLjL: from my point of view - I don't care what he said, he's proved himself perm ban worthy from the ubuntu name space21:56
tsimpsonwhich is why I have those bans on him ^21:56
tsimpsonand more21:56
ikoniatsimpson: yup, I'd remove him from offtopic personally21:57
tsimpsonthere is still a ban on his old cloak in -ot, just no one has bother to enforce the ban21:58
LjL(#swineflu is also not quite a free software project methinks)22:00
ikoniaLjL: you could mention it in freenode and get ignored if you want22:00
LjLgetting ignored is the best that could happen22:00
ikoniaLjL: totally ignored after direct contact with staff - as suspected22:06
LjLthe problem is not the channel in and of itself, it's hardly the only # channel that's not really ontopic22:07
LjLit's more like that fujisan has advertized it not only in #Ubuntu-offtopic but in other places as well, and in sneaky ways22:07
LjLbut at this point it's clear that freenode and i have different ideas on unsolicited advertisement of channels22:08
ikoniaproblem is it's a troll pit talking about masturbation and the like22:08
LjLthey talk about swine flu a little, too22:08
LjLbut then again... it's hardly the only channel that's used for purposes far from its topic, either22:08
ikoniacan't be bothered now22:09
ikoniait shouldn't be this hard to report issues22:15
LjLikonia: see, perhaps staff do listen after all :)22:15
ikoniano idea, I didn't complain about him22:16
LjLbut they probably did eventually notice he had spammed his channel in other channels. i can only guess.22:16
ikoniawho knows22:16
LjLikonia: did he do it in #debian? i wasn't joined22:17
ikoniayes he did, well guessed22:17
LjLhe's +i so i can't know exactly which channels (apart from the ones i've witnessed) he's done it in22:18
LjL[00:01:06] <Guest10821> PCDREAMER: PRIVATE MESSAGE <---- /me doesn't like23:02
LjLand me likes /whois guest10821 even less, isn't that a known ident for, uhm... someone23:02
ikoniaI know nothing23:11

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