
aragood morning all :)07:03
* ara reboots08:52
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* mvo hugs sbeattie for the sru-versifcations on u-m09:23
aramvo: ping09:33
mvohello ara09:34
aramvo: hey! I am having a broken dependency issue while partial upgrading my jaunty installation09:34
aramvo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/159180/09:35
* mvo looks09:35
aramvo: the log seems at it had fixed the issue, but when I click on the button to start the upgrade, it just closes, and nothing it is done09:36
mvoara: oh, that is a known bug (unfortuantely :/) - its fixed in my bzr tree and I plan to upload it today09:36
aramvo: thanks :) (is there a bug number to subscribe to?)09:37
mvobug 36604809:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 366048 in update-manager "update-manager crashes when upgrading cleanly re-installed box with jaunty RC to jaunty final" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36604809:37
aramvo: thanks :)09:37
mvocheers :)09:37
aramvo: I guess the fix is already in -proposed, isn't it?09:42
mvoara: not yet, pitti did not want to accept it before the previous upload made it into -updates09:43
mvobut the sru-verfication seems to be pretty good so far09:43
aramvo: ok :)09:43
arathekorn: ping10:13
thekornhi ara10:13
arathekorn: just to let you know that desktop-testing-list (@gnome) is the list for discussing the work we are doing automating the desktop tests. i.e. there are people commenting on the buildout stuff that you did: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-testing-list/2009-April/msg00021.html10:15
arathekorn: in case you're interested in subscribing10:15
thekornara, oh, thanks for letting me know, did not know about this list. I going to subscribe to this list now, and read the mails later today10:16
arathekorn: :)10:17
thekornara, how are gnome-desktop-testing and ubuntu-desktop-testing related?10:26
thekornis u-d-testing a fork, are changes synced betwenn both projects?10:27
thekornor are they the same?10:27
arau-d-t is a fork, that contains ubuntu.py (AND gnome.py). so it contains the same tests that gnome.py has + some particular tests for ubuntu applications10:28
arathe syncing between both projects is still a bit messy. We should make it a topic to discuss in the UDS10:29
thekornok, thanks10:36
arajcollado: hey10:45
jcolladoara: HI10:45
arajcollado: I am starting to review the testsuite branch10:46
jcolladoara: Thanks10:46
arajcollado: one question, why do we have per application testsuite classes?10:46
jcolladoara: If we have different setup/cleanup/teardown methods it should be needed.10:47
jcolladoara: It depends on the test suite10:47
arajcollado: but, if you have several applications per testsuite?10:49
arajcollado: where do you define the setup/cleanup/teardown methods?10:49
jcolladoara: You can use a generic test suite such as SingleApplicationTestSuite10:50
jcolladoara: or create a custom one if it doesn't fit your needs10:50
arajcollado: ok, thanks10:53
jcolladothekorn: Since I see that you weren't subscribed to the maillist, please look into http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-testing-list/2009-April/msg00021.html, I had a couple of concerns regarding using buildout10:54
jcolladoMainly it seem that buildout depends on setuptools, but the packaging tools for debian depend on distutils10:55
jcolladoso I'm not sure if that could be a problem10:55
thekornjcollado, will read this mail and follow up on it a bit later today, I'm a bit busy right now.10:56
jcolladothekorn: Sure, no problem10:56
thekornusing distutils in a buildout environment is fine, because the egg receipe is creating development eggs10:57
thekornand no `real` eggs, so using setuptools is optional10:57
arajcollado: setup.py should be updated as well to reflect the new modules (desktoptesting/application desktoptesting/test_suite)11:16
jcolladoara: Yes, you're right. I'll take a look at this11:18
eeejaycool, udt is getting some love11:19
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
arajcollado: just this change, would do the trick:11:40
ara-    packages = ["desktoptesting"],11:40
ara+    packages = ["desktoptesting", "desktoptesting/test_suite", "desktoptesting/application"],11:40
jcolladoara: Thanks11:40
eeejayara, jcollado: are you fragmenting gnome.py?11:46
araeeejay: not me. I have been busy with jaunty release. I am trying catching up with gdt now11:47
araeeejay: the msn pidging is starting to work, btw. I will try to have it finish by the end of the week11:47
eeejayara: just wondering if the changes you and jcollado are talking about include fragmenting gnome.py, but i guess not11:47
araeeejay: not, but that's a needed change, for sure11:48
eeejayara: cool, i would like to start merging in my two testing branches, "dx", and "pidgin"11:48
jcolladoeeejay: Application class is being moved to main.py in test-suite-class branch. Is that what are you asking?11:48
eeejayjcollado: and where does Seahorse and GEdit live?11:49
arajcollado: have a look to the pidgin branch. the change eeejay talks about is having a module per application11:49
jcolladoeeejay: They stay in gnome.py11:50
jpdsbdmurray: Could you possibly test the stuff for pitti at bug #236305 when you have time? Thanks.12:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 236305 in gnome-system-tools "Creating user with username 'admin' hoses admin group, sudo config" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23630512:37
* ara -> lunch12:41
arajcollado: what folder structure you were thinking on for the framework? (I am talking about the move to /src)14:10
arajcollado: src/ubuntu-desktop-test, src/desktoptesting, src/gedit, etc?14:11
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thekornara, I just repiled to the questions about buildout on the ML, this also contains a possible folder structure14:39
jcolladothekorn: Thanks for your response14:40
jcolladoara: I haven't thought it through. Let's follow the e-mail thread and I'm sure we'll get to a good solution14:41
thekornno problem, I hope it's understandable14:41
arathekorn: what packages are necessary to run bootstrap.py14:41
thekornara, python, that's all, if python-setuptools is not installed systemwide, bootstrap.py will get this file as an egg from pypi.python.org14:44
arathekorn: I just tried (I didn't have python-setuptools in my system) and it didn't work. Installing python-setuptools solved the issue14:48
arathekorn: so, in my case, I did need python-setuptools installed14:53
thekornara, ok, sorry my bad,14:53
thekornara, but you can easily achieve a situation where setuptools is automatically downloaded from pypi by using ez_setup14:55
thekornbut right, you need python-setuptools14:56
araschwuk: can you point me to the url where you are writing the specification for the qa.u.c landing page?15:43
* ara takes a quick break16:03
schwukara: no spec per se, but I set up this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/HomePage16:33
araschwuk: thanks16:39
stgraberara: is Henrik on irc.c.c ? if so can you ask him to connect on freenode ?16:41
arastgraber: he's on holidays all week16:42
stgraberok, thanks16:42
arastgraber: np16:42
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