
* cwillu pokes bryce with a stick (or anyone else interested in slight display corruption on radeon that goes away with Option "AccelDFS" "false")03:18
cwilluI'm reading man radeon, and interpreting it to be saying that AccelDFS is only enabled by default for plain old pci cards (not agp).  Is that correct?03:18
cwilluor is it also enabled for pcie cards?03:18
crdlbI assume the latter03:19
cwilluI just started upgrading some machines with PCI 9250 (RV270) cards.03:19
crdlbapparently, AGP is terrible03:20
cwilluPCI is just as terrible :p03:20
cwillu(not talking pcie)03:20
crdlbI don't mean in the performance sense03:20
cwillueven plain metacity without composite gets terrible corruption after an hours work or so03:20
cwilluI don't mean it in that sense either03:20
crdlbI mean in the number of gray hairs it causes03:20
cwilluI mean in the amount that glyphs start looking like hieroglyphics rather than latin letters :p03:21
cwillugimp under metacity-with-compositing or compiz show immediate corruption when drawing03:21
cwillu"AccelDFS false" fixes both the uncomposited-corruption-after-an-hour-or-so and the composited corruption in gimp03:22
cwilludoes it make sense that the old pci cards would have the same issue with that hook as an agp card would?03:22
cwilluand if so, can I suggest that DFS should be disabled by default for pci as well as agp?  (again, I'm not referring to pcie)03:23
mnemobryce: I think it would be usful if you tagged the gdm package in such a way that it automatically collected all the usual logs (like xorg.log, dmesg etc) when "ubuntu-bug gdm" bugs are filed13:21
brycejbarnes: fresh lead on the X freeze issue19:13
jbarneswhat news?19:14
jbarnesbtw apw: ping19:14
brycejbarnes: seems we have a patch in -intel from https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19304#c1319:14
ubottuFreedesktop bug 19304 in Driver/intel "[i945 FBC] spontaneous black screen (major pipe-A underrun)" [Major,Assigned]19:14
jbarnesbryce: removing it prevents the hangs?19:14
bryceafter reverting that patch, my system has been running the repro.sh script for over an hour without freeze (normally freezes in 10 min)19:14
jbarnesooh that's a good data point19:15
bryceI'm going to be doing more testing, but this is the first thing that's ever worked with compiz on19:15
jbarnesbtw that particular patch was probably broken19:15
bryceit looks like the version of the patch we have in ubuntu is an early draft of what you were working on with that bug19:16
jbarnesthe most recent one is https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=2511619:16
jbarnesbut it includes some pipestat writes that shouldn't exist in the 2d driver19:16
jbarnesbryce: yeah that was just a test hack19:16
bryceyeah the actual patch we have is one pitti made some mods to, but still based on that early version19:17
jbarneshttps://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19304 has the latest on that19:17
ubottuFreedesktop bug 19304 in Driver/intel "[i945 FBC] spontaneous black screen (major pipe-A underrun)" [Major,Assigned]19:17
jbarnesshort story is I still don't have a complete fix for pitti's bug19:17
jbarnesbut I think we've narrowed it down19:17
jbarnesanyway if that really was the cause, then yay!19:17
bryceyeah... guess we need a cleaner procedure for handling test hacks vs. proven patches19:19
brycethat is the actual patch currently included in jaunty19:19
jbarneswell the most conservative stance would be not to apply anything that isn't already upstream (just like the linux stable rules)19:22
jbarnesthat would have prevented this particular patch from getting applied19:22
jbarnessince I'm not happy enough to push it yet19:22
* bryce nods19:24
brycealso, I think I may have reviewed this patch, but I did not upload it19:25
bryce(normally I'd not upload something I didn't get an ok on from you, that wasn't upstream)19:27
brycejbarnes: does this patch affect only 3D behavior, or is it something that could cause freezes in 2D for users not using compiz?19:31
jbarnesit could affect any configuration19:31
jbarnessince it it messes with the way the GPU fetches from RAM19:31
brycehmm, two commenters on the bug report still seeing freezes19:33
brycealthough, one reporter is a bit ambiguous, and the other I wonder might have a different freeze19:36
bryceanyway, I'd done a ton of git bisecting on my box over the weekend so it's not in a very pristine state.  I'll need to get it back to a more stock configuration and do the test a few more times before I can say for certain, but this patch feels like our culprit.19:37
bryce(fwiw, git bisecting mesa == pain)19:38
jbarnescool thanks for the update19:41
jbarnesand if you see apw can you ping him about the MCHBAR stuff?  he tested those patches and I'm still waiting on his tested-by messages to intel-gfx19:42
jbarnes(along with the pnp resource code he actually used; he fixed up one of the patches)19:42
bryce<smb_> bryce, He [apw] might get back in later. He was somewhere travelling20:05
brycejbarnes: ok, confirmed that the user I thought may see the problem with UXA does in fact have the problem with UXA20:06
bryce(with or without the patch 109 present)20:08
jbarnesbut you thought that might be a separate bug?20:08
brycejbarnes: yeah that's my gut feel20:40
bryce<apw> bryce, yes got distracted.  i used a backport version so i need to send those out with the underlying core allocator range change with my tested stuff on it.  will do that in the am20:40
brycejbarnes: I've gone back to stock mesa, and still after >20 min no freeze20:41
brycealso, fwiw performance seems to be better20:41
mnemobryce: im curious... how did you "go back to stock mesa"? what commands did you use?20:42
brycejust apt-get install mesa-common-dev et al20:43
mnemook so when you bisected mesa you pulled bits into the debian git and installed an actual DEB each time?20:43
mnemoah ok I see20:43
brycewell, a bit more complicated than that, but yeah I did the testing using debs20:44
bryceotherwise, I worried it'd make it difficult to get back to a stock config20:44
mnemoyes I've tried "make install" with mesa and I had to re-roll the whole machine ;o20:44
brycemnemo: yeah I can imagine 20:46
mnemowell i'm such a newbie that I wreck my box quite often so I developed a small bash script that re-configures ubuntu just the way I want it with tons of gconftool commands and what not20:46
bryceoh, that's smart20:46
bryceyeah I had something like that on one of my psb test boxes that I used to have to reimage regularly20:46
mnemoanyway, but I was thinking maybe it was possible to do --prefix=/usr/local on mesa autogen.sh and then just delete everything in /usr/local when done but I never tried this and it seems timo also pulls into debian git and then installs a DEB20:47
brycejbarnes: oh crap20:47
brycejbarnes: I just noticed I had UXA turned on.  No wonder it was faster :-P20:47
mnemobryce: one more pretty unreleated question... is it correct that the radeonhd driver is never used in ubuntu unless the user explicitly installs it?20:48
brycemnemo: correct20:49
brycejbarnes: rats, still freezes20:54
jbarnesmaybe you should just give up and move to uxa/dri2 :)20:55
brycein fact, that was eric's only advice :-(20:55
* mnemo looks at the EOL date for EXA in ubuntu ... http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/14620:57
mnemoI guess its mid 2011 for dapper and early 2011 for jaunty20:57
* bryce returns to being out of ideas21:02
mnemobryce: which bug are you trying to figure out? and what hardware does it repro on?21:02
brycebug 359392 on i96521:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359392 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] X freezes starting on April 3rd" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35939221:03
mnemoah right the blacklist bug21:05
brycegods I'm sick of this bug21:06
jbarnesbryce: btw we've been talking about providing a multi-drm master patch for 2.6.28 kernels21:24
jbarnesbryce: it would allow for acceleration even on secondary servers (e.g. for fast user switching)21:24
bryceinteresting, tell me more?21:26
jbarnesit's a fairly small kernel patch that allows the 2d drivers to drop their drm master status21:31
jbarneswhich allows a subsequent server start to be a drm master, which means it can initialize all the stuff required for 3d21:31
jbarnesso no more second class status for secondary servers21:31
jbarnesthey'd all be equal21:31
bryceok, so on FUSA, server #1 could drop drm master status, and server #2 could pick it up during the switch?21:32
jbarnesor at startup21:32
bryceis this unnecessary for 2.6.30, or already present there?21:32
jbarnesyeah 2.6.29 and 2.6.30 already have support for it21:32
jbarnesyou'll see messages in the log about setting and dropping master21:33
brycejbarnes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/i965Users21:39
brycejbarnes: interesting that there seems to be a strong correlation between amd64 use and seeing the freeze21:39
brycejbarnes: oddly, I seem to be one of the contrary points21:40
jbarnesyeah I was curious about that...  seems only one other i386 user can reproduce the problem with the script21:42
brycejbarnes: are you 64-bit or 32-bit?21:43
jbarnes64 bit21:44
brycewhat's weird is ogasawara has the same model of laptop as me (just more ram I guess) and doesn't see the freezes during ordinary use21:47
jbarneshave you tried to force a lot of swapping (by running a memory hog or something) to see if that makes it easier to trigger?21:49
seb128did anybody had the issue using a virtual setting?21:49
seb128I just noticed that several users said not getting the freeze and having virtual set21:49
seb128I'm in this case21:49
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bryceI'm testing that theory now; seems to be working21:59
brycejbarnes: I don't generally have trouble reproducing it now, using the repro.sh script so haven't tried that.  21:59
bryceTypically I get the freeze in under 10 min of starting the repro.sh script22:00
jbarnesoh then instead you could unmounting your swap partition22:00
jbarnesand make sure you don't have a swap file22:00
jbarnesjust in case it's the swapping code that's causing the failure22:00
seb128jbarnes: "that theory" is the virtual setting one I think, not the swap use one22:00
bryceok, hmm seems seb128's theory works on my hw22:02
brycejbarnes: any idea why it would work with Virtual 2048 2048 but freeze when setting automatically (to 1280 1280)22:02
seb128I'm one of those who never had the freeze but I've a virtual setting since jaunty start I think22:02
bryceseb128: if you remove that, then do you get freezes?22:02
seb128I tried once to set 2 screens using the xrandr capplet and it did that for me22:02
jbarneswe might have a bogus check in there that disables certain features with a 2k width on 96522:03
jbarnes(945 has that limit but 965 is bigger)22:03
seb128bryce: I tried, I think it becomes way slower in some cases but I didn't get a hang22:03
* bryce tries 204722:03
bryceseb128: yeah I notice a performance difference as well22:04
seb128I'm also one of those guys who never had performances issues in jaunty ;-)22:04
brycefwiw, mdz's repro.sh script always triggers the freeze for me within about 15min22:04
seb128I'm wondering if all that is thanks to the virtual setting ;-)22:04
bryceif we had to force it to 2048 2048 I would not be sad.  A nice side effect is that it would make the projector use case work better ;-)22:06
seb128that's still a workaround though22:06
seb128but maybe it could give some clue on the issue22:06
bryceat least, it's a better workaround than our current workaround of shutting off compiz entirely22:07
bryceassuming it works for everyone and doesn't cause some other regression22:07
bryceok looks like even 2047 2047 works without freezing22:07
* bryce tries 1280 128022:08
bryceyep, froze22:14
* bryce tries 1281 128122:14
jbarneswhat's the diff in your X logs between those two cases?22:14
* bryce looks22:14
jbarnesok so exa offscreen size changed significantly22:16
jbarnesgem got more memory22:16
bryceof course, virtual was 4x's the size, so stands to reason22:17
bryceI'm going to try 1281 1281 in case more memory simply means it takes longer to fill memory and thus longer to reproduce22:17
brycenext I'll try 1400 1400.  If my guess is right, it'll still freeze but only after a longer period of time22:21
brycedah, fsck kicking in.  22:21
jbarnesinteresting that the back & front buffers have slightly different sizes in the large case22:22
brycehrm, froze at 1400 virtual after not much longer...  1600 next22:41
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bryceaha, 1600 froze after about 10 min23:12
brycehmm, 1800 seems fine so far23:35
bryce40 minutes at 1800 seems to be working ok23:58

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