[00:11] knome, i fixed it [00:11] now [00:12] XUBUNTU IS DAMN GOOD :) [00:12] hi there, having a problem here [00:13] once the jaunty was released, theres a delay before all the program start [00:13] the system is responsive in general [00:13] but for some reason I have to wait for like 15 seconds before even small programs appear [00:13] looks like a rant, anybodyhere? [00:14] :( [00:14] ok next time [00:14] demon_, knome's gone be [00:14] bed * [00:27] knome, are ya here [00:27] :) [00:28] still the same problem i need to sudo pon dsl-provider every time i log in how can i fix this [01:04] Anyone know if there's a setting for XFCE to disable GTK panel icons? [01:04] In OpenOffice in XFCE, none of my icons are showing up, just tekt [01:08] * SiDi doesn't know, sorry. [01:09] No problem. I just coudve sworn there was a menu somewhere for it [01:12] I downloaded and extracted a Theme. do I just need to drop the folder into the user/share/themes folder to make it show on the prefences > themes list? [01:14] Yen, or more easily, you can throw it into .themes in your home folder [01:14] yes* [01:14] Make sure to unzip it of course [01:14] right right [01:15] what if I don't have a .themes folder in my home folder? [01:15] mykevelli, create it [01:15] mkdir .themes [01:15] ok :) i didnt want to assume it was that easy [01:15] ;) [01:16] same for .fonts, .icons, btw ;p [01:16] awesome it worked [01:17] out of curiosity, I wasn't able to move the theme i downloaded to usr/share/themes (i didnt have an optino to paste) can you think of why? [01:17] You don't have proper premissions [01:17] permissions [01:17] You can always sudo ... to get it in there though [01:17] ok excellent [01:18] anyone know of a firefox alternative for xubuntu [01:18] ?? [01:18] i kinda figured it would prompt for an admin pswd if i didnt have permissions [01:18] its eating up my computer [01:18] thanks for the help\ though [01:18] psychic, epiphany, konqueror [01:18] which is the lighter? [01:18] i'm finding a proliferation of .folders in my home dir. is there some kind of file system standard for xubuntu that apps are following or is it haphazard [01:18] epiphany runs great actually [01:18] keb, it's nomal. [01:19] It allows each user to have their own app settings [01:19] u upgrade to 9.04..? [01:19] lynx and elinks are pretty light too [01:19] yes but shouldnt some of these be inside a .gtk or .gnome folder [01:19] porter1 do u know a terminal comman to it?get [01:19] You can always press Ctrl+h to make them go away if you don't want to see them [01:19] get it* [01:20] sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser [01:21] UIt's *technically* the default browser fr Gnome [01:21] But Firefox trompped through and kind of knocked it of it's pedastal [01:21] psychic sudo apt-get install epiphany [01:21] keb, wrong app [01:22] For some reason that's for some other thing [01:22] a while back my desktop changed to a light blue, and no longer displays devices that have been automounted.. Is there a way to revert back to the original desktop config? [01:23] Would reinstalling xfdesktop help? [01:23] lol ok [01:23] sorry [01:23] It might, I'm not sure actually [01:23] weird name conflict [01:23] n2diy i cant even change the desktop background color anymore [01:24] i always get this with sudo since 9.04 pam_mount(pam_mount.c:100): unknown pam_mount option "use_first_pass" [01:24] anyone know how to clear a swap [01:24] ? [01:25] do files build up in it like cache files do? [01:25] keb, about your desktop background [01:25] keb, I didn't change anything, and I'm still running 8.04. [01:25] sudo chown yourname .config/xfce4 -R ? [01:28] SiDi all the files and folders in there are owned.grouped by me [01:28] keb u know anything abou swap? [01:29] keb, dunno then :P [01:29] psychic, best to leave swap to itself [01:29] i would but i installed it [01:29] psychic you shouldnt need to, but you can always do a swapoff and swapon [01:29] so now i have to know [01:29] install swap? [01:30] well my ram is at 50% of 512 mgb and my swap is drained? [01:30] no i need to know if i set swap up right [01:30] did you install kubuntu the regular way? [01:30] If you did, it should be working just fine [01:32] swap will be automatically freed up as you close programs [01:32] especially firefox [01:32] and each time you reboot [01:37] accckkk!!! is flash sound not working 'everywhere', or just here on my box? [01:41] mikubuntu, kill pulse audio, remove flash/gnash, reinstall flash, and you're done [01:42] my sound was working fine yesterday, now all messed up, is anybody else experiencing any sound probs with youtube? [01:42] Sidi, so this has been going on today? [01:42] Did you upgrade to 9.04 or installed GNOME / Ubuntu / Kubuntu / KDE / PulseAudio ? [01:42] i haven't done any upgrades [01:42] just updates [01:42] mikubuntu, under Ubuntu, Flash is known to have sound trouble with PulseAudio. And we don't use PulseAudio under Xubuntu :) [01:43] Show me the output of "ps aux | grep pulse" please [01:43] k, hold on [01:43] trying to set mplayer as the default dvd player so it starts up when I put in a movie, this is how far I have gotten and it's not working. I went into Settings>Removable Drives and Media>Mutilmedia tab then I set the comand for Video CD'/DVD's as this "/usr/bin/mplayer /cdrom" AND IT'S NOT WORKING!!! [01:45] 1001 6107 0.0 0.6 28480 3108 ? Sl Apr24 1:05 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --log-target=syslog [01:45] 1001 6110 0.0 0.3 5672 1572 ? S Apr24 0:00 /usr/lib/pulseaudio/pulse/gconf-helper [01:45] 1001 9332 0.0 0.1 3008 776 pts/0 R+ 20:44 0:00 grep pulse [01:45] mikubuntu@marybuntu-desktop:~$ [01:46] Okey, then the evil pulseaudio is running. [01:46] kill -9 6107 && kill -9 6110 will get rid of it. [01:46] aaaaahhhh, and how do we off his head [01:47] so i'm just doing a 'killall', or uninstall? [01:47] It's usually launched by totem, the video reader, and a few other GNOME apps that find it funny to read only GNOME's settings. You can remove pulseaudio from synaptic if you don't want this kind of trouble [01:47] Xubuntu will work fine without pulseaudio, and so should every app [01:47] this box actually running ubuntu, will it work fine as well? [01:48] mikubuntu, ahem [01:48] What i said was for xubuntu :P [01:48] Not for ubuntu [01:48] if you use ubuntu, then check for tutorials on how to get Flash to work with Pulseaudio [01:48] so i might not want to uninstall? [01:49] it's safer to keep pulse there, because many GNOME apps want it, and you'll have trouble at the next upgrade if you remove it [01:49] :( [01:49] :) [01:50] ok, but for this session, you say just do a killall -9 6107 && kill -9 6110 ? [01:50] kill -9 those two processes yeh [01:50] it'll shut pulseaudio down [01:51] will killall pulseaudio work? [01:51] what directory do wallpaper images need to be moved into to select them in the Desktop Settings list? [01:52] trying to set mplayer as the default dvd player so it starts up when I put in a movie, this is how far I have gotten and it's not working. I went into Settings>Removable Drives and Media>Mutilmedia tab then I set the comand for Video CD'/DVD's as this "/usr/bin/mplayer /cdrom" Anyone have a clue how to get this working? [01:53] parents_, isn't it "mplayer dvd://" ? [01:53] mykevelli, you have a '+' button there to add wallpapers :) [01:54] mykevelli, by default there's a .xml file somewhere in ~/.config/xfce4" that contains the wallpapers [01:54] dangit. im failing hardcore on the obvious stuff [01:54] lol, thanks SiDi [01:56] mykevelli, you're welcome [02:04] SiDi: I will try that [02:07] I've noticed i get really slow internet speeds when i connect via wireless. any ideas how I would troubleshoot that? [02:07] It's wireless, you know :P [02:08] put your router nearer, kick your neighboors from it, too [02:08] what sort of wireless? [02:09] SiDi, I mean really slow :/ i think the best i've ever gotten was about 75 kB/s [02:10] saltmiser, what do you mean, what sort? I think its 802.11B if thats what you mean [02:10] And with a wired connection ? [02:10] oh, B is old [02:10] very limited bandwidth :P [02:10] go for G (or N) [02:10] wired is about 750kB/s max [02:11] and yeah I know the router is old but I get fine speeds on my windows box [02:11] isn't wired 1000kB/s max? [02:11] is that both ways [02:11] yeah [02:11] so B is slow [02:11] no matte rwhat [02:11] haha [02:12] well, i wont get higher than about 750 with my isp so upgrading isnt really high on my list at the moment. not with a wedding coming up, anyways [02:12] mykevelli, does your router support 802.11g or n ? [02:13] almost everything supports g [02:13] SiDi; that worked perfectly, you are a god! thank you very MUCH [02:13] sadly no, its about 6 or 7 years old [02:13] parents_, i just opened my window and copy-pasted, replacing totem by mplayer :p [02:14] yup it works, thanks a lot SiDi [02:14] sidi, i guess i don't know the right command to kill those pulseaudio processes [02:15] isn't it "killall pulseaudio" wouldn't that take care of everything? [02:15] killall -9 6107 && kill -9 6110 didn't work [02:15] mikubuntu, they're probably coming back up on their own. some gnome apps will launch them if they dont find them [02:16] mikubuntu, join #ubuntu and ask there about flash+sound, there should be people with a tutorial under hand [02:16] i thought, but it din't work with killall pulseaudio [02:16] ok, i try ubuntu [02:17] I still don't kwow what pulseaudio really is [02:59] could anyone help me with an issue with xmacro [02:59] it wont record [03:00] it gives [03:00] Server VendorRelease: 10600000 [03:00] XRecord for server ":0.0" is version 1.13. [03:00] Press the key you want to use to end the application. This key can be any key, [03:00] as long as you don't need it while working with the remote display. [03:00] A good choice is Escape. [03:00] The chosen quit-key has the keycode: 9 [03:00] XQueryPointer returned: 1 [03:00] Got Start Of Data [03:00] Skipping... [03:00] d^C [03:00] derrick [03:00] and the output is blank... [03:01] and esc doent end it [03:01] escape = keycode 9 [03:01] any help [03:01] is there a software solution for using an external installation on multiple machines. I've done this manually before. But configs get over written for each machine and I'm always having to waste time on recovery an changing the entire system over to the 'new' hardware. seems 2 me that a set of configs for each system could be stored and loaded when a machine was recognized and deleted for space if no longer needed. [03:02] sry, but u lost me [03:03] any help [03:04] pcfreak30: sorry, I've never used xmacro. but posting many line like that is considered rude. please use pastebin.com or use fewer lines. If we wait, someone might see our questions and know the answer. [03:05] k.. [03:05] sry [03:05] np [03:07] zerothis did you look at diffmon? it could be used after the first install on given hardware to archive the chagnes needed [03:10] Xubuntu is my favoritest! Thank you vero much! [03:11] does xubuntu have samba capabilities out of the box? [03:12] :) [03:12] saltmiser, The newest release does, yes. [03:12] Jaunty Jackalope! [03:13] ok, does anyone have any idea why xmacro wont record. it worked in gnome. bugging out in xfce [03:15] i also tried a second keyboard [03:16] no go [03:17] cody-somerville, how? :P [03:17] saltmiser, Applications > System > Remote File Systems [03:18] oh wow [03:18] ok thanks [03:51] Before upgrading to 9.04 I was using BitPim to access my cell phone, but now it seems like BitPim does not have the access to do so. My phone is listed in the available ports inside BitPim but I think that some file permissions have been altered during the upgrade. Does any one have any ideas for me to get this working again? [03:52] what device does BitPim use [03:52] I dont really know, keb [03:52] maybe add BitPim to the group that can write to the /dev/usb/* devices [03:53] there should be a way to do this with the graphical permission manager thingy [03:54] another way is to chmod o+w, but either way you need to find out which device it uses to talk to the phone [03:55] i dont know how to find that out [03:57] Also, xubuntu used to pop up a notifiaction bubble when i plugged my phone in telling me i can configure some kind of internet connection for my phone but now it doesnt (post 9.04) [03:57] BitPim should have a setup or prefs or config dialog [03:58] well, diffmon looks like a step up from manual. perhaps I can put a few scripts together and make a working system. [03:58] /dev/ttyACM0 appears when i plug my phone in [04:00] zerothis i know there was something better but i cant recall it at the moment :/ [04:01] MTec007 do a ls -l on /dev/ttyACM0 [04:01] er, ls -l /dev/ttyACM0 [04:01] that will tell you who has permissions and what kind [04:02] well, post chmod o+w crw-rw--w- 1 root dialout 166, 0 2009-04-26 22:00 /dev/ttyACM0 [04:03] you'll want read permission as well [04:03] chmod o+rw [04:04] that is a security weakness but if it is a single user machine not a big worry [04:05] still not able to access the phone [04:07] this is just bizzare. [04:07] same error? [04:07] it was working perfectly fine before the upgrade. [04:08] what it says is it cant find my phone but my phone is listed in the available ports only after i plug it in. [04:09] type "dmesg" and see if it appears there [04:09] at the end of a long list of device messages [04:10] its there [04:10] how do I remove a directory in home? [04:11] [255218.200085] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 7 [04:11] [255218.361725] usb 2-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice [04:11] I'm trying to get avg linux to work but it keeps saying I don't have permission now that I upgraded my system what should I do? [04:11] [255218.386504] cdc_acm 2-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device [04:12] loren open a terminal and type "rmdir name" where name is the directory name [04:13] o-k [04:13] hmm so it is actually on a usb device [04:14] im sorry i have got to go noe [04:14] now* [04:15] thank you for your time keb! [04:15] it didn't work it's in file system home avg [04:15] ok bye [04:15] I don't think I typed it right? [04:15] np [04:16] what's the right command? [04:17] looks like you are trying to remove a home directory for a user named avg [04:18] I believe so it's for avg antivirus for linux I can't get it to update? [04:18] it says I don't have permission since I upgraded my system [04:18] keb, i have more time than i thought i had so if you have any more ideas for me, that would be great;) [04:18] so you want to remove it or get it working? [04:19] oh yes, then remove and reinstall [04:19] either way works for me [04:19] I need it to know I have administrative privellges [04:20] should I remove the program? [04:20] MTec007 at this point you might try googling ubuntu bitpim 9.04 [04:20] see if something changed [04:20] loren you could try uninstalling from Synaptic [04:20] yes go to System, Synaptic [04:20] I'll see if it's there [04:24] I removed it now how do I get it to work reinstall it? [04:24] It's not in Synaptic anymore [04:25] how did it get on there in the first place? [04:26] I installed it myself off of avg web site download [04:27] normally you dont need an antivirus for linux but it is useful to check email that might be going to other systems etc [04:28] yes download a fresh one and install [04:28] I like running it from time to time just to make sure something didn't get on my computer o-k I will [04:28] on Windows, avg doesnt work after an upgrade of Windows you have to reinstall avg [04:29] I'm using xubuntu [04:29] you can also try clamav it is quite a good virus scanner [04:29] they have a linux program now [04:30] I already have clamav [04:30] I like it [04:30] yes all the major antivirus vendors do [04:30] once you can find the right commands for terminal [04:31] I'm not good with terminal commands yet, I'm trying to learn [04:32] I'm going to avg web site to see if they have a newer program [04:33] there is a gui for clamav linux i think [04:33] didnt like it last time i looked [04:34] I just found the new version of avg for linux in deb [04:34] I'm downloading it now [04:35] http://free.avg.com/download?prd=afl [04:35] In case you would like it [04:36] anyone here have satilight for internet ? [04:36] thanks [04:36] your welcome [05:12] my videos play for 5 sec with no sound then freeze up anyone know why ? [05:13] flash videos ? [05:13] or all videos [05:23] I just did the three latest updates for 8.04, two of which were for Firefox, and now firefox won't fetch any pages, like it can't find the DNS servers? [05:26] if you go to a terminal and type "host www.google.de" does it gove you an ip address? [05:26] *give [05:30] well it seems thats its faffiene xine that dont play dragona plays [05:31] ww.l.google.com has address [05:31] www.l.google.com has address [05:32] Sinister : yeah i never found xine all that reliable a player. did you try vlc ? [05:32] wont work either [05:32] my firefox problem was do to the panel telling me I needed to restart firefox, when actually I had to restart the box, all is well now. [05:33] kaffeine was all i used last few ears [05:34] cool [06:05] hey anyone know if later on down the road will there be support for RS690M ati x1200 [06:05] for jaunty [06:37] hey guys i was wondering if there was any other good web browsers for xubuntu [06:39] as opposed to what? [06:39] firefox [06:39] i dunno [06:40] there r others but i dont know which [06:43] <_Pete_> ricochet: opera [06:43] R1cochet, epiphany [06:43] konkeror [06:44] midori [06:44] w3m [06:44] links [06:44] !browsers [06:44] Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary) [06:44] !browsers | R1cochet [06:44] R1cochet: please see above [06:44] oh wow [06:47] that was the wrong R1cochet [07:43] How would I fix booting that Wubi messed up when I uninstalled it? [07:44] I installed Jaunty Wubi, but windows still gives me the option to boot Xubuntu or XP during boot [07:44] Uninstalled* [07:53] have you asked in #ubuntu yet? [07:54] Yeah, but no responce. [07:55] It looks like I could remove C:\wubsomething.mbr = "Xubuntu" From Boot.INI ? [07:55] under [operating systems] [08:23] this version Ubuntu Netbook Remix if i install on my inspiron 1720 can i use wifi connection ? [08:58] hello everybody [09:02] hi [09:02] kerio [09:03] can you help me with something ..? [09:03] think im gonna try xbuntu today :) [09:03] cleaned a harddrive in preperation [09:03] not really lexad :) [09:03] thx anyway [09:03] this version Ubuntu Netbook Remix if i install on my inspiron 1720 can i use wirelles connection ? [09:03] aha [09:04] do you know something about ...this ... [09:04] if i can help you with omething? [09:04] well ..i never instal yet .. [09:04] not really lexad [09:04] but i want to instal .. [09:04] i'm new with linux [09:04] using windows on it know? [09:04] now ..ys .... [09:05] you got partitions fixed up? [09:05] but i want to know ..if that version have some drivers included .... [09:05] not ..yet ..i need a second connect for second HDD [09:05] *connector [09:05] allright, in that cause you should definately try it [09:06] grub will allow you to boot into windows as weel [09:06] well [09:06] ok ..and if i install ...so my wirelles connection shoul it work right .? [09:06] Hi, Whats the best way to configure a usb hard drive in kubuntu so that i can mount it on plugging in? [09:06] *should [09:07] (i realise there are several methods fstab//file manager//) [09:07] i dont really know lexad. im not an experienced linux user :) [09:07] lol ....what OS you use then ...? [09:07] just trying to kill some time here at work [09:07] lexad what wireless card do you have? [09:07] oh .. [09:08] i'm beginer too .. [09:08] i use linux on my server in the living room [09:08] but main system = xp [09:08] w8 i tell you ...just w8 [09:08] gonna experiment with xubuntu on that [09:08] gotta get a drive ready though [09:09] main system that is [09:09] yar, why not dual boot? [09:09] im going to use dual boot [09:09] Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN MiniCard [09:09] i have a inspiron 1720 [09:10] but i wanna back upp my data on the drive i plan to resize with gpart [09:10] lexad have you tried using xubuntu the live cd? [09:10] no .. [09:10] i'm beginer ..with linux [09:11] for the moment home i use os: win vista [09:11] Okie, well download the xubuntu live cd. Burn it and then run it. With the live cd you dont write any files to the hard drive [09:11] but i want to install on the secont HDD the Ubuntu Netbook Remix [09:11] lexad [09:11] ya [09:11] you can try livecd version first [09:11] then install it if you're still curious [09:12] live cd for Ubuntu Netbook Remix [09:12] you prolly can test if the wifi driver works in livecd-mode [09:12] and if is not work ..? lol .. [09:12] they must be some driver's .. [09:13] if you got a problem you can always try to fix it! [09:13] or go back to using windows [09:13] your choice [09:13] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR#The%20Easy%20(recommended)%20way [09:13] with regards to wireless drivers, if it doesnt work out of the box you can try and use your windows drivers using ndiswrapper [09:13] well ..i keep the win ...but i want to install on the second HDD the Ubuntu Netbook Remix [09:14] by the way what is the best partition for ..linux ? [09:14] buggers, i came here for help, not to help others lol [09:15] ? [09:15] best way? [09:16] best way is prolly to use one of the ext file systems [09:16] which you can set up with gparted thats included with linux [09:16] ubuntu [09:16] sry [09:16] linux is the kernel.. i know i know :) [09:16] if your second hard drive you plan to install onto is empty, then you can install using the live cd, and use a guided partitioning system [09:17] that way you dont need to worry about specifying the file system yourself [09:17] yes it's empty ..i want to use only for linux [09:17] yes, but it might use up all the space though [09:17] but you can use custom mode with gparted [09:18] I'm having a weird printing problem. Every time I try to print something, the printer just asks for "US Letter". This is a problem 'cos I have never seen such a type of paper. the dialogs for the programs I try to print in have the paper type grayed out, and the System/printing dialog has the paper size set to A4. Help? [09:18] thing is that linux can read ntfs file system [09:18] and after i install on the second HDD in linux i can see the windows partition ..? [09:18] lexad yes you can [09:18] but windows wont be able to read the varuious linux file systems [09:18] nice .. [09:19] after i install i want to use this on linux http://www.winehq.org/ [09:19] !ext3 | Kerio [09:19] Kerio: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org [09:19] aha! [09:19] nice :) [09:19] didn'tknow that [09:19] TheSheep do you know about how to automount usb hard drives? [09:20] Darkflare: they should automount by default [09:20] does it work with ext3 as well? [09:20] Darkflare: it's set in the volume manager setttings [09:20] said ext2 on the url [09:20] Kerio: ext3 is backward-compatible with ext2 [09:20] marvelous :) [09:20] Kerio: you can mount it as ext2 [09:21] ext4 new in 9.04 - right? [09:21] tuna-fish, letter is the default format in the US, if you install the english version it sets that as default, in most applications you can change this, in abiword its file=>page setup, and in open office its file=>printer settings, other applications have other places where you set this [09:21] !ext4 [09:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about ext4 [09:21] Kerio: yes, and it has some optional features that are not backward-compatible with ext2and ext3, unfortunately [09:21] ah, kk [09:21] (most of the time, look for page-setup) [09:21] TheSheep: I've done some tinkering, should i remove the entries in the fstab regarding the usb hard drive, and unplug and then plug back in to let it auto configure? [09:22] ! kernel [09:22] The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [09:22] what a convinient bot! [09:22] Darkflare: may work, I'm not familiar with how it's done exactly though, so can't help here [09:22] !samba [09:22] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [09:22] !botabuse | Kerio [09:22] Kerio: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [09:22] okok, sorry [09:23] ab1omen: that much I know. The problem is, I have set everything that has not been grayed out to A4, and it STILL says "insert US LETTER" on the printer when I try to print something. [09:23] even the test page [09:24] theseep, have you tried 9.04 yet? [09:25] This is a bit of a rookie question, but im running xubuntu on an old laptop, and want to speed it up as much as possible. In windows i'd uninstall the programs that where never used etc, are there any tweaks i can use for xubuntu? im already using xfce [09:25] Darkflare: you can for example uninstall cups if you are not using any printers [09:26] and the bluetooth stuff if you have no bluetooth devices [09:26] Darkflare: also check the 'autostarted applications' in settings [09:26] also, pulseaudio is such a resource hog. removing it can help a lot [09:26] Gotcha TheSheep, thanks looks like a good starting point [09:26] Darkflare: and you may save some memory y disabling 'start gnome services' checkbox in session settings [09:27] (but that makes starting gnome programs slower) [09:27] tuna-fish: xubuntu is pulseaudio-free, fortunately [09:27] good, I wasn't sure [09:27] hmm gnome applications are thinks like office and what not? [09:27] are there specific xfce applications? [09:28] not really, but the difference is "standard gtkN+ application" and "gnome application" [09:28] Darkflare: pidgin, rhythmbox, totem <-- gnome apps [09:29] hmm so the only difference would be they start up slower? but in the end they would run at the same speed, its just the initial starting that would be slow [09:29] yes [09:29] are there any commands i can use that display the gfx in terminal? [09:29] and usually only for the first time they start [09:30] Kerio: elaborate, I didn't understand the question [09:30] superb, thanks [09:30] Darkflare: the point is, xfce can load some of the gnome libraries at startup. this makes the apps start faster, because they don't have to load them, but it takes mamory no matter whether you use them or not. but if you use them, they will load and take the memory anyways [09:30] Kerio: sl [09:30] im not quite sure what gfx card i have on a system [09:30] sl? [09:31] Thesheep thanks it sounds like disabling it is the way to go [09:31] anyone can give me a link with live ubuntu cd ...pls. . [09:31] and im having problems with right driver [09:31] using a custom kernel as well [09:31] lspci | grep VGA [09:31] !download | lexad [09:31] lexad: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low! [09:31] Hello all! how to install tcsh? [09:32] div0-work: system->synaptic [09:32] div0-work: then search for tcsh and install it [09:32] oh, sorry [09:32] ubottu i need de live version .. [09:32] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [09:32] thanks! :) [09:32] Kerio: lspci | grep VGA [09:32] div0-work: alternatively, open terminal and type 'sudo apt-get install tcsh' [09:32] thx tuna [09:32] worked perfectly :) [09:32] k [09:33] using i custom kernel for that system [09:33] didn't have problems before with the gfx drifers [09:33] forced to very low resolution now [09:34] brb gonna reboot [09:35] the resultion even prevent me from getting to the hardware meny know [09:38] TheSheep, apt-get says: Could not find package tcsh [09:38] kerio do you have some live cd link for me please .. [09:38] lexad [09:38] just download ubntu cd you planning on using [09:38] works as livecd [09:38] the ubntu version u plan on using [09:38] for tcsh no suitable repositories? [09:39] and i hope do not delete my windows. . [09:39] lexad [09:39] grub will be able to boot into windows as well [09:40] ook ..10x i will try when i go home .. [09:40] if you're not pleased with grub you can always write iv over to windows boot manager [09:40] with the fix mbr command === kancerman_ is now known as kancerman [09:50] re: my printing woes. I changed the locale to danish. No dialog I could found says "Us Letter" anymore. yet, when I try to print, the printer happily asks for it === Darkflare is now known as darkflare5000 [09:52] hey i cant play movies with movie player when i have turned on my compositor [09:53] guys i need some serious help... how do i get to a terminal using grub command line paramaters? [09:55] anyone knoe hpe to boot into fail safe from grub command line? [09:56] (sorry writing from my phone) [09:56] hmm [09:56] wait a sec [09:56] okays [09:57] !info tcsh | div0-work [09:57] div0-work: tcsh (source: tcsh): TENEX C Shell, an enhanced version of Berkeley csh. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14.00-7ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 341 kB, installed size 716 kB [09:57] add single to kernel command line [09:57] so, whatever you are booting + single [09:57] (for single user mode) [09:58] TheSheep, ubottu thanks for the help! just updated the repository [09:58] tuna-fish trying now thanks [09:58] everything is ok :) [10:00] my kernal line looks like this [10:00] numbers ro quiet splash single [10:00] correct? [10:00] hmm [10:01] actually, i'd just remove anything but single from there, honestly [10:01] none of those are hw-related [10:04] i see now that i have various xorg.config files [10:04] how do i define which one to use? [10:08] whats the default root password? [10:08] for a shell prompt [10:08] isn't that deactivated? [10:08] !root [10:08] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [10:08] can any body tell me why i cant watch any video when my compositor is enabled [10:08] try sudo su [10:08] knome, are ya here mate [10:09] it says give root password for maintenance [10:09] darkflare5000, try your log in password [10:09] darkflare5000 try sudo and then your command [10:10] it will then prompt you for your pass [10:10] Kerio: he's not at a terminal [10:10] im in the recovery menu [10:10] ag ok [10:11] trying to drop to root shell prompt [10:11] darkflare5000: alt+f2 doesn't work? [10:11] darkflare5000: you booted from the cd? [10:11] no sorry let me start again [10:13] im talking from my phone, i cant boot as i edited the network interfaces wrong and now it has an issue with nfs, but that i know how to fix. im trying to get a shell so i can fix it, but need to edit the grub parameters to get to a shell [10:13] the kernal parameter single got me to the recovery menu [10:14] but the root shell option was asking for a password, and my password didnt work [10:15] woo [10:15] im.in [10:16] it shouldn't be asking for password :/ [10:16] nevermind [10:16] can any body tell me why i cant watch any video when my compositor is enabled [10:16] help [10:17] demon_: because the player uses hardware acceleration, and your graphics card decided to not display the overlays for soem reason, or to display it on another screen [10:18] demon_: 'display fill screen overlays directly' option may help [10:18] nope [10:18] but i havent installed drivers for my graphic card yet [10:18] :) [10:18] is this a problem [10:18] :) [10:21] hell yea, got it working again [10:29] demon: it may be problem :DD [10:43] wow what a mission. [10:44] my usb hardrive isnt auto mounting what am i doing wrong? it appears in the fdisk -l [10:45] and in removeable drives and media, ive selected all the removable storage options [10:45] and in the file manager ive enabled volume management [10:47] and the hard drive definatly isnt mounted, i checked in mount [10:54] arg this is so frustrating apparently it should just work [10:54] but it does not [10:54] the hard drive appears in the lsusb [10:54] but wont auto mount [11:07] Hailz all [11:10] I really need some help.... I cannot allow a file to run anymore [11:10] like iourbanterror.i386 [11:11] <_Pete_> "allow a file to run" ? [11:12] thinks it is a Dos Font file.... and no options to make Ex_able [11:12] i cannot spell to save my life sorry [11:13] i go to properties, and not like the option is gray it not even there anymore [11:13] <_Pete_> you mean you try to launch iourbanterror.i386 and it doesn't work? [11:14] to make Exaq__able [11:14] yeah permission is not allowed [11:15] <_Pete_> check ut dir is owned by you and iourbanterror.i386 has +x permission [11:15] i could .. but today i cannot [11:15] Drwx-------- [11:17] the iourbanterror file is -rw-r--r-- [11:17] <_Pete_> it should have x too [11:17] <_Pete_> chmod a+x iourbanterror.i386 [11:17] yeah but i cannot do the right click and make it [11:17] <_Pete_> in cmdline [11:17] <_Pete_> dont know about right clicks [11:18] well normall i could put in a checkmark and make it exatuable [11:18] but thanks tring now [11:22] hello! how to fixed screen resolution? Settings -> Display max 1360x768, but i want 1280x1024 [11:23] Thanks _Pete_ got it going again [11:23] Div0 nvidia ?? and using widescreen ? [11:24] DiecastMessiah, intel, and no widescreen... [11:24] monitor 19'' [11:25] No idea here then sorry... have to wait for the smarter ones then me LOL [11:25] DiecastMessiah, anyway thanks! [11:25] just a newbie... but i have to fight and learn as i go ... could help ya out if was the same setup as me [11:25] Np later [11:37] whats a good linux alternative to office (word and excel) for a low spec computer running xubuntu? [11:38] by low spec im talking 256 ram i think [11:39] abiword and gnumeric are light, and i think they can handle .doc and .xls [11:39] they should be installed by default btw [11:39] yea they are, but i was looking for something potencially better? [11:40] well koffice and open office are the only ones i know, but open office is heavy and koffice has a K in front of it, so it needs a lot of kde libs etc [11:41] yea, hmm thanks, nevermind [11:42] i'll see what abi word is like [12:12] Darkflare: google docs [12:28] google docs is an interesting alternative, but its not functional enough is it? [12:29] thanks anyway Myritti [12:34] Darkflare: considering that you don't, by most standards, have functional computer with 256 RAM... ;—) [12:36] lol its functioning pretty well =P playing music and everything lol [12:37] I was using OOo on my old laptop with 256megs of RAM, and WinXP ... well.. If it was the only big software running, it was running pretty good [12:38] this laptop dual boots with win xp [12:38] its "useable" [12:38] if you dont mind making a cup of tea everytime you open a new app.. [12:39] I was talking about OOo - once you opened it, it was good [12:39] of course, it took time [12:40] ah gotcha, ive got ms office installed on the xp partition, and its not good lol [12:40] hmm [12:40] which version? [12:40] 2003 [12:40] 2003 MSO were tbh faster then OOo [12:40] hm, strange [12:40] really? wow [12:41] maybe because MSO soft is not so memory heavy [word has like 10megs in ram] [12:43] how to set nautilus as my default file manager? [12:45] cheers for the info BSE ive gotta run, c ua [12:45] *bye bye [12:45] bye DF [13:11] need some help here... trying to share a folder on a xubuntu vm.. but when I try to access it on my host (windows xp).. it can't open the folder, network access is denied.. [13:13] <_Pete_> check xp firewall [13:13] <_Pete_> .. I assume share folder = samba on xubuntu :) [13:15] yup.. share through samba... I checked firewall.. still can't access the folder.. [13:15] how do i choose what driver to use for graphic card? [13:16] dodimar [13:16] are you the owner of the folder [13:17] how should file permissions be on the folder? [13:27] ?? [13:59] i have a problem... how do i fix initrd? [13:59] it's trying to rebuild a kernel that i removed [14:02] well, i tricked it for now [14:02] hi [14:03] hi, since i installed 9.04 my mediakeys on my notebook dont work anymore by default.. could someone point out what i should do? [14:03] tingle, you have a dell? [14:03] J_Litewski: nope HP [14:03] how do it set compiz to be the default in 9.04 /etc/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc isn't there anymore ? [14:04] tingle, ah, i had the same problem with my dell, i just went into synaptics and searched dell [14:04] installed a couple of things for my lappy and now i get all my function keys minus sound [14:05] J_Litewski: might give it a try with HP [14:05] J_Litewski: so you still dont have sound control? [14:05] J_Litewski: thats what its all about for me ;x [14:05] tingle, nope, but my sound ins't a mediakey eighter [14:06] J_Litewski: ah mkay [14:08] J_Litewski: well tahnks for you awnser.. to bad there doesnt really seem to be a multimedia key support for hewlett packet though [14:08] but all your other keys work? [14:09] J_Litewski: yeah [14:11] hmm... [14:12] but, i tricked initrd into thinking that my custom kernel is still there [14:12] i lust linked the 2.6.28 folder [14:31] hello, does anyone know if there is a way to use my numpad as keyboard shortcuts in xfce? [14:32] i can bind "alt+a" for example, or numpad - +, just not the numbers or decimal etc, i don't use the numpad to type and would like to use it for my media player [14:32] if i bind them nothing happens when i press the shortcut [14:32] EdgEy-: Mind to file a bug against xfce4-settings on bugs.xfce.org? [14:33] will do [14:34] EdgEy-: Cool, thanks. [14:37] EdgEy-, and while that isnt fixed, you can use xbindkeys (install xbindkeys-config too), this should be able to do it (though with a bit more work) [14:37] i'll give it a look, thanks [14:37] i'll fiddle a bit and see which keys i can/can't bind, just searching to see if there is already a report [14:38] bah. Has anyone had any problems with Mono running high CPU? [14:42] gorgut: no, it's very easy to make it use lots of CPU, actually you don't even have to do anything, it uses lots of CPU by default [14:43] TheSheep, hrm. Mono keeps starting when I reboot. I can kill it no problem, but how would I go about making sure it doesn't start at boot? [14:43] gorgut: see autostarted applications, maybe one of them uses mono? [14:44] TheSheep, Well, whenever I installed Tomboy notes, it had to install mono to satisfy dependencies [14:44] gorgut: that's because Tomboy is written in mono [14:45] TheSheep, But, I didn't have this problem in Intrepid. As a matter of fact, if I kill the mono process, Tomboy seems to still run fine [14:45] maybe it's another mono application that hogs your cpu? [14:45] hrm. not sure. Htop shows it as /usr/bin/mono --debut [14:45] *debug [14:46] i killed it... everything seems normal [14:47] The only things under Autostarted Apps are Network manager (not mono), CheckGmail (which I think is python), tilda (which isn't mono), and Compiz (obviously not mono) [14:50] gorgut: save your session on next logout (with that mono killed [14:50] gorgut: should keep it dead === EdgEy- is now known as EdgEy [14:51] gorgut: alternatively, delete saved sessions in ~/.cache/sessions [14:51] TheSheep, hasn't worked yet. Heh. I've done this about 3 times this morning [14:51] TheSheep, nothing suspect in rcconf either :( [15:36] Good morrow === roybot is now known as Roylap [16:15] Anybody know if it's a possibility to get an interface for unrar and use it as default instead of the default in xubuntu? [16:16] unrar is a command line utility. I don't think there is a GUI for it. You could write a script, though [16:17] ah, in 30 years i may be advanced enough to do that! [16:18] Know of an application with gui which can unrar several rar packages which is packed like part1.rar, part2.rar and so on? [16:21] hello [16:21] !HI | zelhar [16:21] zelhar: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! [16:22] I accidently closed and destroyed my xfce panels. How to I restore the default panels ? [16:23] no clues ? [16:24] zelhar, alt+f2 xfce4-panel [16:24] oh and if its in the settings [16:24] That'll only restore the panel [16:25] !panels [16:25] Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/ [16:25] yes but I need the default panel [16:25] I tryied to configure the panles and ended up sestroying them [16:25] zelhar: that explains how to restore them to defaults [16:25] I just have a blank floating panel [16:26] delete what it tells on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels then [16:26] which links explains ? [16:27] I upgraded from intrepid to jaunty and lost wireless. Any ideas? [16:28] Slonkie: right-click in Thunar , create archive to make the file, etc [16:33] ehm... [16:34] What do you mean by create archive? What i wan't is to unpack 1 file which is packed in several rar files [16:35] right-click it, expand archive, then select and expand until you hit it, then hilight that file and select unpack "just this file" [16:35] Oh, crap, probably that's wrong [16:36] I'm pretty sure i've tried everything possible with the default one [16:36] I think you will need to use the command to unrar, since it has to do several files at once [16:37] !unrar [16:37] rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free [16:54] Apologies for the potentially dumb question, but when I try to open a link from Evolution it seems to think that I want it open in Firefox [16:54] Despite my preferred application set as "Opera" [16:55] tobias|, did you set evolution use opera too? [16:55] It doesn't appear to /have/ that option [16:55] let me install it...one moment [16:56] Sorry for the trouble [16:56] no trouble [16:57] i just thought i had it installed already =] [17:00] Ah, I see =] [17:01] ah...work is sending me on a install....ill be back later sorry [17:02] Not a problem =] [17:08] 9.04... working so far with very few problems. [17:09] I decided to upgrade only because I needed hdmi sound to work, but haven't checked that one out yet. [17:14] Hi all [17:59] I'm trying to install apache2.2 but it says the package is not available, but is referred to by another package [17:59] does this mean I need to add in more software repositorys? [18:00] waan, no...just that that is not the proper name for the app [18:00] It means you should use synaptic package manager. It will have the right package name [18:01] waan, if you just type apache instead of apache2.2 you should get what you expect [18:03] vidd: I'm using ssh so do I need to use aptitude instead? [18:03] or just plain apache [18:04] !apache2 [18:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about apache2 [18:04] !apache [18:04] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [18:07] vidd:Yeah apache was the same, apache2 did the trick I probably should have tried that first [18:07] Thanks for your help [18:13] are there any good ways to speed up xubuntu jaunty? [18:15] anyone? [18:15] saketh_: only by limiting functionality, all the non-limiting ways are already used by default :) [18:16] i dont really mind limiting functionality a bit [18:17] for example, if you don't use printers, you can uninstall cups [18:17] like exchanging firefox for another browser or something [18:17] that you can do too [18:18] ok! [18:18] !browsers | saketh_ [18:18] saketh_: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary) [18:19] thanx! [18:19] i gotta go [18:19] bye! [18:24] quit [18:32] hmm [19:32] hi all [19:32] !hello | basajaun [19:32] basajaun: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! === freego is now known as forces [19:50] TheSheep, will i screw up my computer if i remove the bluetooth support? [19:51] J_Litewski: no [19:51] ok, cool [19:59] i am unable to restart x with ctrl alt backspace on 9.04. any ideas? [19:59] jasonm: it's disabled in the default X config [20:00] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XorgCtrlAltBackspace [20:02] TheSheep, awsome thanks for the help === ball_ is now known as ball [20:25] Anyone else have problems with screen modes in Jaunty? [20:26] Mine is firing up in 1280x960, which is inappropriate for my display. [20:26] ...even if I change it in the settings manager [20:38] I am getting 1280 x 800 in both ubuntu (gnome) and xubuntu on my Lenovo Ideapad Y510. [20:42] FiveAcres: that's three of us then [20:42] What display adaptor? === freego is now known as forces [20:47] hey. in Ubuntu 8.10 I am trying to locate the hosts file (looked in /etc dir first . can someone tell me where ? (did several different methods of searching for it as well [20:47] artistxe: should be in /etc [20:48] artistxe: did you make one? [20:48] ball. nope. [20:48] artistxe: try making one [20:48] ball : editing one I found [20:48] I'll be back shortly [20:48] oh. well, the question really is. etc is where it belongs ? [20:49] It should be /etc/hosts [20:49] charlie-tca, I know. it is not. [20:49] That is where it belongs. /etc [20:50] I thought it is created by default with in it [20:50] artistxe: and by locate you found nothing? [20:50] wait. I was looking for a directory , not a file. [20:50] It is a file. plain text [20:50] everywhere I read said it was in /etc/hosts/ [20:51] so of course I was looking for a dir. [20:51] n/m . thanks [20:51] \:) [20:51] understandable that you would look for a directory. === jussi01 is now known as android [20:54] charlie-tca, that one line means alot [20:54] I know [20:54] hi [20:54] hi charlie-tca [20:54] Hello, basajaun === android is now known as jussi01 [21:02] is there a list of module errors and what they mean anywhere charlie-tca ? [21:02] I don't know. I stay away from modules if I can. [21:02] have googled in vain [21:03] What module is it? [21:03] lol [21:04] Installed 9.04 and getting couple of errors referring to modules [21:05] modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.28-generic/modules.dep No such file or directory [21:05] Googgled the error itself and got nothing, huh? [21:06] that looks like a linux kernel error [21:07] basajaun, did it say 2.6.28-11-generic, or just 2.6.28-generic? [21:07] Are you using removable drives? [21:07] well I only get to one page I have contributed to a bug report page but meanwhile I would love to know [21:08] I m using removable drives [21:08] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130755 [21:08] Are you getting that on startup? [21:08] yes [21:10] Take a look at bug 347034 [21:10] bug 347034 [21:10] well i suppose patience will further everything seems to work quite well [21:11] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/347034 [21:11] robot is broken again, I guess [21:11] The last entries on bug 347034 are from me lol charlie-tca [21:12] I see. [21:13] I don't know if this will help you: [21:13] http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/modprobe-fatal-could-not-load-libmodules...modules.dep-335214/ [21:17] charlie-tca, youn are a mine of wisdom I unfortunately vaguely 0. [21:18] understand that page [21:18] Hmmm, me too [21:23] hello... I've got a question about xubuntu 8.04 and the xfce version (4.4.2) [21:23] !question | Barbatrix [21:23] Barbatrix: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [21:23] I prefer to stay away from tinckering with that anyway I have to go thanks charlie-tca [21:23] Sorry, basajaun [21:23] allright, here goes, [21:24] is it possible to change to the xfce 4.4.3 or somewhere in which Thunar bug 2502 is fixed? [21:24] don be sorry charlie-tca and talk soon [21:24] bye all [21:24] bye [21:25] (at least I guess in xfce 4.4.3 this bug's fixed) [21:25] how to add this repository http://svn.inspircd.org/index.py/ ? [21:26] ok, again in one line :] [21:26] I can't find bug 2502 [21:26] How about a little more explanation on that? [21:27] is it possible to change the desktop version of Xubuntu 8.04 (currently 4.4.2) to a version, where Thunar bug 2502 is fixed? [21:27] well [21:28] this is a long-known bug, where Thunar freezes, if you activate 'hidden files' - along with tree view - and then deactivate hidden files again [21:28] the bug's been fixed in 11/2008 [21:28] but not transferred into 8.04 [21:29] I suppose, that maybe xfce 4.4.3 has this fix included, but I don't know [21:29] I have never experienced it. You can upgrade to xfce 4.6 using a ppa [21:29] a ppa? [21:29] but it is not supported by xubuntu, only by xfce [21:30] Get it here: https://launchpad.net/~jerome-guelfucci/+archive/ppa . File the bugs against it on http://bugzilla.xfce.org/ . [21:30] Follow the instructions to add it to your sources: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%20to%20your%20Ubuntu%20repositories [21:30] Install it in a tty using ctrl+alt+f2, log in, type "sudo apt-get update", hit enter. When that finishes, type "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade", hit enter. Restart your computer, if it doesn't work, run the upgrade again. [21:30] That should contain the bug fix. [21:31] will this upgrade the whole distro? [21:32] The whole xfce part [21:32] ah ok, thank you for the hint! [21:32] Good luck [21:33] how likely is it to break the system, with compiz-fusion installed? [21:33] (and ati prop drivers) [21:33] I don't know, honestly. I haven't seen reports on it breaking Hardy, but I haven't seen too many try it either [21:34] :] [21:34] well, perhaps I'll try... [21:34] where exactly is the trash located at on the HDD [21:36] i'm trying to make a script that automajikly empty the trash [21:36] the bug I'm talking about exists at least since 7.04 and has been know for some time (on bugzilla). How could I attract the dev's of Xubuntu to this issue, so they mabe include the fix for the LTS version? [21:38] "/home/Trash-0" ? [21:39] it's owned by root, though, so your script needs root access J_Litewski [21:42] charlie-tca, do you think it's possible to talk the dev's into including the mentioned fix for Thunar into 8.04 LTS? [21:42] Barbatrix: is there a bug in launchpad for it? [21:42] If not, please file one. [21:42] http://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2502 [21:42] here it is [21:45] I'll talk to them and try to get it backported to hardy. [21:45] hey, that would be great! [21:46] how will I know if you've been successful? [21:46] We're doing an intro to xubuntu in #ubuntu-classroom in 15 minutes, so I'll work on it after that. [21:47] yeah, everybody join and come to cheer us ;) [21:47] well, well :] [21:48] I've gotta go to bed now... any chance to keep up with the results on the matter? [21:48] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/293839 will be opened again. You can keep on eye on it [21:49] okaydokey :) [21:49] Many thanks [21:50] sure [21:50] I'll switch to horizontal mode now... [21:50] good night! [21:55] is there a quicker way to download the source of ubuntu's 2.6.28-11 kernel? [21:56] i'm using git now [22:00] or is git my best bet [22:00] ?? [22:14] hi [22:34] back [22:34] charlie-tca, ? [22:34] Intro to Xubuntu is in #ubuntu-classroom right now [22:36] what should the boot file contain [22:38] k [22:42] Hello, is there a way to install xubuntu without getting the extra applications? I already have Ubuntu 9.04 installed and would like to try it out, but don't need the extra apps (abiword, gnumeric, thunderbird) [22:44] Russak, Install just xfce packages [22:45] okay. [23:03] bye [23:12] What app would anyone recommend for running vnc server on xubuntu [23:12] !vnc [23:12] VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [23:13] its just locally, i dont wanna tunnel it [23:13] Now, if I could remember the server name? [23:13] that would be awsome [23:15] !vinegre [23:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about vinegre [23:15] !vinagre [23:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about vinagre [23:16] !vino [23:16] Sorry, I don't know anything about vino [23:16] Maybe vino [23:16] d'oh [23:16] WikiZ: look at vino [23:17] rhanks [23:17] thanks [23:22] charlie-tca found, configured, but cant connect to it [23:23] WikiZ, vino only works if there is a user logging in at the desktop. [23:23] its already logged in [23:24] ah so it should have worked :/ [23:24] using winblows client tho [23:24] but should work [23:24] try using remote desktop in the same desktop [23:24] (eg connect to localhost to see if its working there) [23:26] nope, dosent work === mike is now known as Guest18865 === Guest18865 is now known as mykevelli [23:27] if im in terminal and my pwd is /home/username why would i not be able to cd to the desktop directory? [23:30] mykevelli: you should be able to using cd Desktop [23:30] It is case sensitive, and you can not use the leading "/" [23:31] bah [23:32] im an idiot [23:32] didnt realize Desktop was case-sensitive [23:32] Nah, just probably forgot? [23:34] yeah, we'll go with i just forgot [23:35] ;) [23:37] another question, actually. im trying to make this sort of windows-esque so my girlfriend can use it too. so i put the top panel at the bottom, deleted the one that was down there, and would like to have the open windows showing up on what is now my bottom panel (so it looks similar to windows) [23:37] I added the Task List to the bottom panel but it doesnt seem to be working correctly [23:37] i have one item in the list (a firefox window) and another one that says Untitled Window [23:38] and it doesnt update [23:39] Did you restart/log out/log in? [23:39] i have not yet. is that what I need to do? [23:39] Probably. It is a change to the user configurations, usually requires at least log out/login [23:40] ahh i see [23:40] thanks :) [23:40] no problem [23:58] the meny and window bar just dissapeared after a reboot [23:58] hmmm, [23:58] !panels [23:58] Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/ [23:58] WikiZ, is there still a bar? [23:58] err panel? [23:59] which packages needed for evolution+exchange? [23:59] hi [23:59] 2nd try