
EagleScreenkarlic version is 1.0.1200:01
ScottKIf you're using the sid version, hardy should be no problem at all.00:03
ScottKI think 1.0.13 knows about karmic even00:03
EagleScreenso I am obteining this problem http://pastebin.com/d55d796a700:09
EagleScreenUBUNTU_MIRROR="fr.archive.ubuntu.com"             is it right?00:12
ScottKEagleScreen: You probably would get better help on this sort of thing in #ubuntu-motu00:13
ScottKKDE 4.2.2 all uploaded to intrepid-backports, now it's just waiting for the build.00:49
quassel208where does kubuntu install icons to ?01:10
claydohRiddell: was that a ping :)01:24
quassel208jontheechida why dont my kde icons that i updated with svn, dont show up in my taskbar01:26
ScottKvorian: Are you planning on coordinating 4.2.3?01:27
JontheEchidnaI could coordinate if vorian wants a break, if someone would provide a batcave01:37
JontheEchidnaoh wait, I'll be gone over the weekend01:37
JontheEchidnanevermind then01:37
lex79JontheEchidna: when 4.2.3?01:38
JontheEchidnaIt'll be tagged in two days01:38
JontheEchidnameaning we'll probably start working on it in three days01:38
ScottKGot 4.2.2 done into intrepid-backports just in time.01:39
ScottKRiddell: We really ought to bake a plan for 4.2.3 here pretty quick.01:39
ScottKNext week I'm working 2000 - 0600 UTC in a facility with no internet access and will be stuck with hotel wifi.  I don't think I'm they right person.01:41
lex79JontheEchidna: I have become kubuntu member before starting to work?01:41
JontheEchidnaI don't think that you have to be one, no.01:42
ScottKseele: Nice discussion on amarok usability01:45
ScottKDear Launchpad: Please peddle faster.01:46
seeleScottK: thanks, i hope they find it useful01:48
ScottKseele: You're welcome.  Thanks to the action on my Quassel notification it only took one click to get here to reply ....01:49
ScottKSpeaking of usablility ...01:49
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks again for Kubuntu/Ninjas/DependencyGraph (and a written procedure on how to keep it up to date).  As always it made getting the KDE builds in the right order a lot easier.02:27
ScottKryanakca: I'm just finishing up with adding KDE 4.2.2 to intrepid-backports.  Once it's done on i386/lpia/amd64 I'm going to remove it from the kubuntu-experimental PPA.  It does occur to me that the upgrade instructions in kubuntu.org may need updating ...02:50
lex79Kubuntu-dev keep up-to-date kde packages with kubuntu-dev-tools? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Ninjas/BuildEnvironment02:54
vorianthe batcave04:18
shtylmansomething needs to be done about the not connected ethernet "plug" on the network widget05:46
shtylmanit doesn't look like anything network related...had several users give that feedback05:47
shtylmanand these are people that have been using linux for quite a while :)05:47
ScottKsebas was here earlier and agreed the icons need work.05:48
shtylmanand the wifi icon works poorly on lighter backgrounds...05:49
shtylmanoh and ScottK you might be interested...I couldn't get too much info before my friend just formatted, but he tried the update app from intrepid to Jaunty and it didn't work.05:52
shtylmansaid it never really got past the first step05:52
shtylmanthis was over wireless though, but still...kinda an unpleasant experience if someone was just trying it and did'nt know better05:52
shtylmanI think part of the problem is the sheer number of packages to update05:53
ScottKI upgraded my laptop over wireless and it was no problem.05:53
shtylmanScottK: oh...I am sure it works...just sharing alternate stories and such05:53
shtylmanI think part of the problem was that it failed once and had to be killed manually cause it was just hanging05:54
shtylmanthat I am sure had some very bad side effects05:54
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ScottK-laptopScottK: Ping06:19
Riddellthat'll be Karmic open09:39
Tm_TRiddell: hooray (:09:40
Tm_TRiddell: would it be 4.3 series straight away?09:40
RiddellI'd rather merge then go to 4.3 when the beta is out, too much possibility for error doing two two at once09:41
Tm_TRiddell: ah, yes, from beta and forward I meant09:41
Tm_TI'm still trying to get funding so I could get more involved on KDE and its working in Ubuntu (edu)09:42
RiddellTm_T: going for that finnish summer of code  again?10:01
Tm_TRiddell: nope, too old, I got some "expert/advocate" gigs for summer but that's not enough10:02
Tm_Tglad I got my health getting better still10:02
a|wenany preferences for where to upload a new shapshot on the network manager widget? kubuntu-experimental is fine?10:20
MamarokMorning all10:25
Mamarokwe have problems with the backtraces from Jaunty: the amarok-dbg package is useless:10:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 368470 in amarok "missing debugging symbols for amarok" [Undecided,New]10:26
a|wenMamarok: is the amarok-dbgsym package any better? (might be a chance that, that one works instead)10:27
MamarokI can't test, I have Amarok-SVN here only, will ask some folks over at #amarok10:29
Mamaroka|wen: and that package would be in the repos?10:30
a|wenMamarok: they have their own repository; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash10:31
Mamarokthanks, will have a look10:31
Riddella|wen: -experimental is fine yes10:33
* a|wen starts uploading10:34
eagles0513875morning guys10:56
a|wenmorning eagles051387511:06
a|wenScottK: regarding the kdelibs 4.2.2 backport ... it might be worth adding kubuntu_69_do_not_show_plasma_popups_over_screensaver.diff to it; that was one of the very big annoyances with 4.2.211:07
ScottKa|wen: Yes.  I agree.  Give me a package and I'll upload it.11:08
* Riddell uploads his first package to karmic11:08
eagles0513875a|wen:  :) morning11:09
* eagles0513875 cheers at Riddell11:09
eagles0513875amarok 2.1 is looking rather promising as well :) i have it currently installed no issues here11:10
eagles0513875any bugs for upstream that anyone has come across this am11:11
ghostcubehi :)11:14
eagles0513875morning :)11:15
a|wenScottK: i have set it to testbuild while i'm out for a few hours ... you'll get a debdiff when i'm back11:21
* a|wen adds two merges to his to-do list for tonight as well11:22
eagles0513875can i ask a slightly offtopic question about a channel11:23
Nightrosea|wen: nice sig ;-)11:24
RiddellI noticed that too11:25
eagles0513875is there a translations channel11:25
dpmeagles0513875: #ubuntu-translators on this same server11:25
eagles0513875thanks dpm11:26
Riddelldpm: you have hilights working I take it :)11:26
dpmRiddell: I'm just super quick ;)11:26
eagles0513875dpm: does taht channel also go for kubuntu translations as well11:27
dpmeagles0513875: yes, of course!11:28
eagles0513875ok dpm just checking11:28
eagles0513875seems dead in there though :(11:28
dpmeagles0513875: you mean dead in the sense that it only took two minutes for your question to be answered ;)11:29
eagles0513875lol dpm didnt notice you were in there11:29
dpmeagles0513875: np :)11:30
eagles0513875anyone got any thing that needs testing11:51
Riddelleagles0513875: bug 368497  (not sure if it's in the archive yet)12:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368497 in acpid "/etc/acpi/powerbtn.sh does not check for KDE 4" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36849712:00
eagles0513875Riddell: that means apt-cache search or apt-cache policy it and see what repo its in12:01
Riddellyes, it'll be in jaunty-proposed if it's available12:02
tsimpsonwhat do we do about bugs in the kde3 remix?12:02
tsimpsonspecifically bug #36833112:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368331 in kubuntu-meta "kubuntu-desktop-kde3 states unmet dependencies, even after sudo apt-get -f install " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36833112:02
eagles0513875Riddell: i have subscribed to that bug and will get to testing in a few hours time12:08
eagles0513875Riddell: question re the bug you gave me whats in the repos is 1.0.6-9ubuntu4 im guessing ubuntu 5 is still in the pipline is that my correct understanding12:12
Riddelltsimpson: close them, we don't support it12:13
tsimpsonok, just wanted confirmation12:13
Riddelltsimpson: maybe he'll want to make a product in launchpad for it if he wants bugs but he hasn't yet12:13
tsimpsonyeah, I looked for one but could not find it12:13
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* eagles0513875 waits to test the new acpid package that Riddell pointed the bug to12:17
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sebasRiddell: in case Jorge has re-sent the invitation already ... I didn't receive it12:38
eagles0513875would anyone like me to package a newer version of kvirc 4.0 which is still in svn12:40
Riddellsebas: re-poked him12:41
eagles0513875Riddell: you think i should package a newer version of kvirc 4.0 which is still in svn12:42
Riddelleagles0513875: can do if there's new stuff we would want and it's a good time to package (no notable bugs)12:43
Riddellthere's plenty merges to be done if you're in a packaging mood12:43
eagles0513875well currently kvirc in jaunty repos seems to be 4.0 which is still in th ekvirc testing trunk12:44
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports12:44
eagles0513875Riddell: must commend you on your work for kde. alot of the bugs i see are with gnome12:45
eagles0513875Riddell: can i ask you another question re kubuntu and clustering. would we want more packages for clustering or clustering isnt a big thing for ubuntu12:49
sebasRiddell: thx12:54
Riddelleagles0513875: that's something the server team will care about12:55
eagles0513875Riddell: just wondering since im gonna be packaging i would also package cluster related stuff if there is any new things that are not in repos12:56
eagles0513875Riddell: is there a server devel channel12:56
RiddellI expect so12:57
eagles0513875Riddell: just want an opinion how would you feel about merging apt-get and apt-build12:58
ghostcubemerging what ?13:06
ScottKeagles0513875: You really need to stay on topic.13:10
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* eagles0513875 bbl guys13:26
Mamarokghostcube: beware with that fjallagyldir chap, he is a Gentoo user and has been trolling around this morning...13:27
Sputalways them gentoo users!13:36
ghostcubeMamarok: oh13:41
ghostcubeMamarok: thx i havent known this13:41
MamarokSput: exactly13:48
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports14:02
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eagles0513875Riddell: are you around bro i have a question regarding the acpid bug you want me to test from earlier14:29
Riddelleagles0513875: mm?14:32
eagles0513875Riddell: i did an apt-cache policy after adding the proposed repo and the current version that is out. is the 64bit version still being built of ubuntu5 version that is going into karmic14:33
Riddellyou want 1.0.6-9ubuntu4.9.04.3 from jaunty-proposed14:34
eagles0513875ok just checking14:34
eagles0513875and adding that repo all of a sudden makes kpackagekit not let me open my source list14:34
Riddellsoftware-properties-kde doesn't start?14:35
eagles0513875Riddell: it doesnt open teh sources.lst from package manager14:36
eagles0513875the button goes grey like its opening something then nothing comes up14:37
Riddellwhat happens when you start software-properties-kde manually?14:37
eagles0513875Riddell: it works that way but not through kpackagekit14:38
eagles0513875its strange how that repo breaks software-properties-kde from loading through kpackagekit14:38
eagles0513875brb gonna test acpid14:41
eagles0513875Riddell: that acpid fix has worked :)14:46
JontheEchidnaYay, karmic's open14:48
eagles0513875afternoon JontheEchidna14:48
JontheEchidnamorning here :)14:48
eagles0513875Riddell: should i mention that on the bug report. also thing is i tested this on a 64bit system not sure if the same outcome will occur on 32bit14:49
JontheEchidnaRiddell: automoc can definitely be synced, the delta is just debian/changelog and the maintainer field14:49
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I think cmake can be synced to. The delta is your quickie cmake-gui packaging, debian now has a more permanent solution14:50
Riddelleagles0513875: yes mention it on the bug report please.  it's the same code, just shell scripting so same on all platforms14:51
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: You are beautiful! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicSpecs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KarmicKDEMerges | Meeting http://www.doodle.com/3hvuw76ydubbgseg
eagles0513875Riddell: ok will do.14:52
eagles0513875Riddell: is there a way if we have konqueror as default webbrowser when clicking on links it opens up a new tab instead of a new window14:52
Riddellyes, is user question, tickbox somewhere in config options14:53
eagles0513875Riddell: got it :)14:55
eagles0513875Riddell: if there is anything else that needs testing let me know14:57
Riddellagateau: are you guys registering specs for UDS?15:05
agateauRiddell: not that I am aware15:06
* eagles0513875 is ready to kill kpackagekit15:06
agateauRiddell: better ask on #ayatana15:06
RiddellI sorted https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicSpecs into some categories for specs15:22
Riddellsebas: I'm told to tell you to book travel toot sweet15:23
eagles0513875Riddell: if i take on some issues with kpackagekit would you be willing to mentor me as how to fix them or are you busy15:23
NightroseRiddell: amarok 2.1 beta 1 packages for jaunty are in the experimental ppa right?15:23
eagles0513875Nightrose: ya the are15:24
Riddelleagles0513875: can you code?  kpacakgekit is fairly complex, I don't know much about how its internals work15:24
eagles0513875Nightrose: have it on here already and that is something to consider for karmic as well15:24
NightroseRiddell: we get a lot of negative feedback since the jaunty release with 2.0.2 and I am trying to write a carefully worded article so at least some of them know where to get a newer improved version15:24
RiddellNightrose: dunno let me look15:24
eagles0513875Riddell: i would love to learn15:24
neversfeldereminds me of that amarok ipod stuff :/15:25
Nightroseneversfelde: ?15:25
RiddellNightrose: amarok - 2:2.0.90mysql5.1.30-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa115:25
Riddellis in there15:25
neversfeldeNightrose: I wnated to have a look at 2.1 beta to make it work with ipods15:25
Nightroseneversfelde: go go go! :D15:26
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: You are beautiful! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicSpecs | Sync/Merges: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KarmicKDEMerges http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/kubuntu-desktop.html | Meeting http://www.doodle.com/3hvuw76ydubbgseg
eagles0513875i have 2.1 on here as we speak no issues so far knock on wood15:26
RiddellJontheEchidna: cor, what's that?15:27
neversfeldeNightrose: I kow amarok devs will never tell when a release is planned, but that would be to much work, if beta2 is release tomorrow?15:27
JontheEchidnaRiddell: it shows the rdepends of kubuntu-dekstop and their versions in $DEV VERSION and sid15:27
JontheEchidnait's quite nifty15:28
Nightroseneversfelde: we announce tagging on our packagers list15:28
eagles0513875neversfelde: they mentioed for 2.1 in about a month or so15:28
Nightroseneversfelde: and beta 2/final is at least two weeks away still i'd say15:28
neversfeldeNightrose: k, than I will try it15:28
Nightrosethanks :)15:28
neversfeldeafter I have fixed my girlfriends vista laptop :(15:29
* JontheEchidna steps out for a bit15:33
NightroseRiddell: JontheEchidna: ScottK: http://pastebin.com/d16ee771f <- comments on getting that to planet kde and ubuntu? any additions?15:47
eagles0513875Nightrose: Jon has stepped out15:48
eagles0513875Riddell: do you want me to give you the link for the acpid bug i tested15:48
Nightrosewe are honestly a little suprised by the amount of negative feedback since the jaunty release - we hoped we had finished with that :(15:48
eagles0513875negative feed back of amarok or the release as a whole15:49
Nightroseamarok 2.0.215:49
Nightrosewhich is kinda understandable - after all we got it back then as well15:49
RiddellNightrose: "consider downloading packages from the website and installing them with dpkg."  I'd say  "deactivate the repository after you have installed amarok"15:49
eagles0513875Nightrose: what kinda negativity are we talking about though cuz in all honesty i havent had any issues with 2.0.215:50
RiddellNightrose: good otherwise15:50
Nightroseotoh it shows that kubuntu is quite sucessful and probably the most widely used distro among our users ;-)15:50
NightroseRiddell: thanks :)15:50
Nightroseeagles0513875: people missing features mostly15:50
Nightrosenot liking the look15:50
Nightrosethe usual stuff15:50
eagles0513875Nightrose: i cant go back to version 115:51
Riddellrgreening, shtylman: I e-mailed you, gmail sometimes thinks I'm spam so let me know if it gets through15:52
eagles0513875a|wen: ping15:52
eagles0513875Riddell: i think we should really push a|wen's plasma network manager widget forward as an update. i have someone complaining bout entering the password twice. once for the wallet then 2nd password to connect to the wifi after opening the wallet which has the stored password15:56
Riddellyes, but it goes against the normal SRU procedure (tagetted minimal patches only) so it would  need lots of testing to even be considered15:57
ghostcubeanyone owning an ipod and running amarok 2.0.9 from ppa jaunty15:58
ghostcubeand likes to test something15:58
eagles0513875ghostcube: i think neversfelde might have one he was in here talking bout it earlier15:58
eagles0513875i have a zune but that is no help15:58
ghostcubehmm, ok thx will ask him15:59
ghostcubeneversfelde: ping15:59
eagles0513875ghostcube: i think hes off fixing his gf's vista laptop :(15:59
eagles0513875patience young grasshopper lol16:00
ghostcubevirus inside switch to anything else16:00
a|wenNightrose: thx ... you need a good sig :) ... i even use it when replying to ubuntu-lists ;)16:00
eagles0513875Riddell: testing like what static ips etc16:00
Nightrosea|wen: ;-) i like my sig!16:01
eagles0513875a|wen: can i give your ppa so someone else can download the plasma widget you repackaged last ngiht16:01
a|weneagles0513875: a new version was uploaded (or actually 99,9% the same as the one you have) was uploaded to kubuntu-experimental16:02
eagles0513875oh really16:02
* eagles0513875 goes looking for the memo16:02
a|weneagles0513875: so just have them test that one16:02
eagles0513875whats the .1 percent that is different16:02
a|wena changelog entry16:02
eagles0513875a|wen: ill test static ip when i get home see if there are any issues with that16:03
a|weneagles0513875: okay; cool16:04
eagles0513875a|wen: dunno why i have a hunch that is still a problem with the new network management system16:05
a|wena hunch?16:06
a|wenScottK: http://awen.dk/packages/kde4libs_4.2.2-0ubuntu1~intrepid2.debdiff16:06
eagles0513875a|wen: the old network manager for some reason they couldnt fix the static ip issue with the gui. im hoping that isnt the same thing this time around16:06
* a|wen will try an intrepid 4.1.4 to 4.2.2 upgrade on his netbook later tonight :)16:07
eagles0513875good luck a|wen16:07
ghostcubehmm 4.1.4 to 4.2 worked fine16:07
ghostcubeas i did it last time16:07
a|weneagles0513875: well i have no idea what has been fixed or not in the svn snapshot16:07
* eagles0513875 needs to figure out how to package an updated svn version of kvirc 4 since its still in testing16:08
a|wenghostcube: i'm pretty sure it is going amazingly smooth :) ... and if not, then i'll just need to fix the packages16:08
eagles0513875a|wen: will you be willing to mentor me in packaging something16:09
a|weneagles0513875: i can try; but in any case, the collaborative knowledge in this channel when just asking around is pretty amazing :) ... it's hopefully kde related ;P16:11
a|weni'm back in a bit ... need to get my sound working again (every time an update includes a hal restart my sound dies!)16:12
eagles0513875well the current kvirc 4.0 is still in beta16:12
eagles0513875im suprised it made it to jaunty16:12
eagles0513875wb a|wen16:19
a|wenahh, much better16:19
eagles0513875have no idea how but my default audio device always dies on me and i end up use the pulseaudio driver16:20
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eagles0513875be back on from home16:23
RiddellJontheEchidna: top quality merging there16:51
JontheEchidnaRiddell: thanks :)16:51
JontheEchidnaSo I heard about an archive reorganization for karmic16:52
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JontheEchidnain regards to main/universe16:52
JontheEchidnagot any info on that?16:52
RiddellI don't really, I expect we'll hear more at UDS16:52
Riddellbut hopefully we'll be able to open up Kubuntu uploads to people easier16:52
JontheEchidnanice, sponsorship is getting old fast16:53
RiddellJontheEchidna: maybe time you went for core-dev then :)16:53
jpdsJontheEchidna: Last I was told (last Thursday) - it's not going to happen any time soon.16:53
JontheEchidnaok, so then going for core-dev would make sense16:53
JontheEchidnaSpeaking of sponsorship... could someone take a look at bug 368657 please?16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368657 in plasma-widget-quickaccess "New upstream release (QuickAccess 0.8)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36865716:54
JontheEchidnaeek, akonadi got rejected16:56
Riddelloh I got the tar from debian, bad idea16:59
Riddellis there no bug for the kpackagekit "failed to fork" issue?16:59
JontheEchidnaRiddell: there is, just a second17:00
JontheEchidnabug 27241017:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272410 in packagekit "packagekit says: The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27241017:00
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: anything for upstream17:01
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: you might find this useful: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+upstreamreport17:02
JontheEchidnathe column at the very end shows a list of bugs that need forwarding17:02
RiddellJontheEchidna: quickaccess uploaded17:02
shtylmanRiddell: got it... (and yea...for some reason it was in spam)17:03
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports17:05
Riddellshtylman: fooey, guess gmail still doesn't like my server17:05
eagles0513875a|wen: going to test out the widget with a static ip17:05
JontheEchidnaoh, cool. kdetoys is in universe so that means I could upload the merge myself...17:06
JontheEchidnabut probably best to wait until after 4.2.317:06
a|wenNightrose: so where was the sig you was so proud of :)17:06
Nightrosea|wen: heh nothing special - just saying "Lydia Pintscher - amarok community manager" andlinking to my claimid profile and amarok, kde and kubuntu ;-)17:08
eagles0513875a|wen: this looks promising17:09
claydohRiddell: so am I the stalker or are you :)17:09
eagles0513875a|wen: its ignoring the static ip all together17:10
* a|wen thinks it sounds like Nightrose has a lot of hats17:10
a|weneagles0513875: so nothing new i guess?17:10
eagles0513875also a|wen it seems to revert the subnet mask to 0 instead of what i put in17:11
eagles0513875and it ignores the static ip all together17:11
a|wenwell at least it recognices that you have a network card17:12
Nightrosea|wen: heh maaaaaaaaaybe17:12
eagles0513875a|wen: if it wasnt for the awesome kubuntu team adding the patches for my wifi  card to the kernel i would be swearing to patch the kernel17:13
* eagles0513875 gets to filing bugs upstream17:13
* a|wen better secretly send the credit on to the kernel team ,)17:14
Nightrosehttp://blog.lydiapintscher.de/2009/04/28/amarok-2-in-kubuntu-jaunty/ <- can someone answer that comment?17:15
shtylmanRiddell: I think it doesn't much like the fact that from is different from the actual sender :/17:16
eagles0513875a|wen: my other laptop had a bcm4311 card this laptop has rev2 which uses same fwcutter17:17
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: sry to interrupt you but that link you gave me the last column do those bugs all have to go upstream17:19
JontheEchidnathe last column is a list of bugs that should go upstream, yes17:19
eagles0513875ok just making sure cuz i see some bugs triaged and wishlists just making sure17:20
* eagles0513875 runs to stationer17:21
shtylmanRiddell: should any installer topics go on that page (of ideas)?17:21
nixternaljeesh, I am disappointed with you all...nobody has been poking KDE/Kubuntu questions at Mark during OpenWeek yet :p17:23
Riddellshtylman: yes17:24
RiddellNightrose: no idea, maybe he could do pinning, but really easiest just to install then deactive17:26
NightroseRiddell: thought so17:26
a|wenNightrose: it is not really possible that way; apt-preferences will always stick with the lowest pinning it seems ... but I've added a slight alternative17:32
Nightrosea|wen: thanks :)17:33
* Riddell bops Nightrose 17:33
Riddelloh wait, wrong bop!17:33
* Riddell bops nixternal 17:33
a|wenNightrose: no problem ... I started learning quite a bit of apt-preferences after loosing my kubuntu installation ~20-30% to debian unstable17:34
Riddellfreeflyi1g: are you coming to UDS?17:37
nixternalwhat is wrong with asking the QA question..the first question was done in fun...if there is no sense of humor damnit, then I don't know....the 2nd Q was serious, as the Ubuntu QA side is doing amazing work17:38
nixternaltired of people boohooing today....17:38
* Riddell hugs nixternal 17:42
nixternalsilly screen-profiles17:42
nixternalI always fat finger some key combo that just messes it all up...I can't reproduce it because I don't know what combo I hit :)17:43
a|wenyay, Amarok news on the local open source planet again ... new fancy stuff for amarok 2.217:44
Nightroseby nikolaj?17:45
Nightrosenixternal: same here - and I don't have fat fingers :(17:45
nixternaloh I do17:45
a|wenNightrose: exactly ;)17:46
* JontheEchidna testbuilds kdesvn 1.3.017:48
RiddellJontheEchidna: akonadi failed to build on amd64?17:49
JontheEchidnaRiddell: all archs it seems17:49
JontheEchidnafailed to link mysqld to akonadi-mysqld17:49
a|wenJontheEchidna: do you merge with debian?17:50
JontheEchidnaa|wen: yeah17:50
JontheEchidnaoh, I probably should have asked if you were doing so first... hope I'm not duplicating effort/stepping on your toes17:51
a|wenJontheEchidna: never made it further than my todo-list ... so i'll just cross it out :)17:52
eagles0513875im back17:52
nixternalsabdfl: I appologize if I upset or made you sad with my Kubuntu question...it was done in good spirit and to be fun, not be an ass17:56
nixternalI was having fun during his Q&A and he got sad, and then the world fell apart with people messaging like I just broke their little glass house17:58
* seele rolls her eyes17:58
txwikinger_worknixternal: ROFL17:58
JontheEchidnaugh, I don't understand this akonadi build failure18:02
rickspencer3nixternal: I think there's a good chance that sabdfl can take it :)18:03
lkraiderhello, I'm trying to modify a kubuntu live-cd, and want to setup some programs to autostart when kde loads18:07
lkraiderI tried adding some scripts on .kde/autostart but they don't start when the kde session loads18:08
lkraider(it's kde 3.5.10)18:08
Riddell.desktop files in /usr/share/autostart/ should work18:09
lkraiderso .sh scripts don't work?18:09
lkraiderjust tried a .desktop file and it works, yey :)18:13
lkraidertried a bash script and it didn't18:13
lkraiderthanks :)18:13
nixternallkraider: the bash script is executable right? I have plenty of bash scripts in .kde/autostart that work fine18:14
lkraiderthey work on an installed system, but I couldn't make it work on a remastered live cd18:14
JontheEchidnaRiddell: got a problem. I can't testbuild the fix without a pbuilder, and debootstrap doesnt' know about karmic18:30
JontheEchidnamaybe if I change debian/changelog to jaunty temporarily....18:31
freeflyi1gRiddell: yes18:33
eagles0513875do we have an upstream contact for xorg-server18:41
* eagles0513875 getting upset with phonon crashing constantly18:44
nixternalanyone else have problems installing from the iso's provided by bittorrent?18:45
nixternalevery single one of them has yet to work for me..the Kubuntu one gets the furthest though before it tanks18:45
Mamaroknixternal: the amd64 worked like a charm here18:48
eagles0513875a|wen: pping18:49
a|weneagles0513875: pong18:49
a|wenJontheEchidna: dist-upgrade a jaunty chroot until debootstrap with karmic arrives18:50
eagles0513875a|wen: had someone install the new widget from ppa seems like that first issue i had last night is only unique to 64bit linux18:50
a|weneagles0513875: okay ... strange; well i have heard of it before, so not a new thing18:51
eagles0513875ok a|wen just thought i would let you know18:51
a|weneagles0513875: jup, thx18:51
eagles0513875wait a|wen take that back seems like person is on a 64bit laptop as well and it didnt happen to him18:52
eagles0513875im not sure it could be that i have a rather customized kubuntu18:52
nixternalMamarok: hrmm, that is the one I am using...I get the Red Screen Of Death for "Select and install software"18:52
a|weneagles0513875: okay ... not impossible; it's hard to know what it is really18:53
eagles0513875the static ip issue is something that goes way back to knetwork manager if there is anything i can do to help you wiht that let me know18:53
Mamaroknixternal: actually, didn't use the torrent, but downloaded it from the Swiss server18:53
nixternalya, I am downloading from a server now18:54
nixternalhey Riddell, have you checked out the Network Manager from Pardus? It looks really good18:54
a|weneagles0513875: it has been there for a long time ... does it work for the nm-applet or whatever the ubuntu one is called?18:57
eagles0513875the widget that is in the ppa18:57
=== Gon_ is now known as Gon
eagles0513875where upstream does thsi bug need to be reported https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/+bug/3310618:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 33106 in grub-installer "reboot after install failed with Error 15: file not found" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:59
a|weneagles0513875: that one looks like a very old one ... sure that it is still relevant?19:00
eagles0513875a|wen:  if you look near bottom it reoccured in 8.1019:01
a|weneagles0513875: okay ... well; lower-level stuff, we're not really experts in that here19:04
eagles0513875a|wen: jon gave me that to report upstream so he didnt really specify what to focus on19:04
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: may i pm ya19:04
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: just focus on the kde stuff19:05
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: doesnt look like much on there kde wise19:06
eagles0513875found something19:06
JontheEchidnathere's kdebase19:06
JontheEchidnathe akonadi failure was due to a missing comma19:20
JontheEchidna~order brain19:20
* kubotu shouts: OMG!!!!! RED ALERT! We lost a brain. Get me a medic, NOW!19:20
* eagles0513875 yells nooooo JontheEchidna19:20
* eagles0513875 transplants my brain into hisbody19:20
* a|wen starts merging kile with debian19:26
JontheEchidnakdesvn uploaded if anyone was interested19:27
a|wenJontheEchidna: cool19:27
* JontheEchidna does a final testbuild of fixed akonadi19:27
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: question regarding kdesvn does it follow compilation procedures of the kde techbase19:27
nixternalseele: excellent review of amarok...funny thing, everything you brought up in it, I have experienced, and from time-to-tie still experience19:28
a|wendamn, things are going slow from here19:29
a|wen~order internet19:29
* kubotu slides internet down the bar to a|wen19:29
eagles0513875~order kubuntu19:29
* kubotu tells eagles0513875 to better use http://shipit.kubuntu.org19:29
eagles0513875a|wen:  you aint the only one with a slow net 10mbps cable and yet slow as hell due to bandwithcaps19:30
eagles0513875that and bandwith throtelling from 7am to 11pm19:30
a|weneagles0513875: mine has roughtly been equal to 56 kbit/s modem most of tonight19:31
* nixternal pets his 18MB down 6MB up, non-throttling internet19:31
a|wenyay! karmic chroot, eta. 20 minutes19:33
* JontheEchidna merges kwin-style-dekorator19:34
* a|wen notes it should be spelled "dekoratør" :P19:37
eagles0513875a|wen:  you  busy building stuff19:38
a|wenrather multitasking ... reading mail, in a meeting and merging stuff19:39
eagles0513875multitasking as well here19:39
eagles0513875probably more then you are a|wen19:39
seelenixternal: yeah, that seems to be the feeling i'm getting from a lot of people19:41
seelenixternal: so far the devs have been receptive, so hopefully some good will come from it19:42
nixternaloh rock on19:43
eagles0513875im digging 2.119:43
seelethey also have a project in the season of usability, so maybe one of the students will continue working on the playlist, or run another study19:43
nixternalya, I miss the KDE 3 version to be honest with this latest one, but I have to admit, once they iron it out, I don't think there will be a player any better or even close to be as good19:43
eagles0513875anyone have any idea how kvirc 4.0 which is still beta how it made it into jaunty19:45
nixternaleagles0513875: I would suggest you search lp, as I am sure someone filed a packaging report for it19:46
eagles0513875strange cuz there are features in the version in jaunty that are not working such as themes. im gonna be working on packaging a more uptodate svn package of it19:47
* JontheEchidna facepalms19:47
JontheEchidnathe debian packaging for dekorator has direct modifications to the source :/19:47
JontheEchidna...and a .svn directory19:48
* eagles0513875 face palms :( amarok stopped playing this stream for me19:52
* eagles0513875 takes that back there we go :)19:52
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
JontheEchidnaoh, wait. The direct changes were in our package19:57
JontheEchidnaRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/160156/19:59
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin
* JontheEchidna uploads dekorator and grabs kdiff320:10
* eagles0513875 cheers at JontheEchidna and myself20:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping20:11
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pong20:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: https://edge.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/kde-l10n20:12
apacheloggershould we move that to some other location? ... I would go for kubuntu-ppa, but since that is not existing yet20:12
* a|wen is klimbing with the koala "pbuilder-aw karmic kile_2.1.0~svn958896-0ubuntu1.dsc" there we go :)20:13
JontheEchidnajust wondering, what's the difference from the l10n packages in the archive?20:13
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the ones in the archive don't have .mo as they were stripped20:13
JontheEchidnaoh, right20:13
apacheloggerso those pacakges provide the most original l10n experience20:13
apacheloggerso I hope at least :D20:13
apacheloggerwoohoo, now systemsetings is speaking german all over the place20:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so, should we use some other ppa?20:14
* apachelogger just needs to change the dput config20:14
eagles0513875apachelogger: thanks for packaging amarok 2.1 btw for the ppa :)20:15
NightroseJontheEchidna: can you have a look at the last comment at http://blog.lydiapintscher.de/2009/04/28/amarok-2-in-kubuntu-jaunty/ please?20:20
ghostcubeis 2.1 2.09 ppa20:21
ghostcubeheh seems to have a ipod bug20:21
JontheEchidnabug 36847020:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368470 in amarok "missing debugging symbols for amarok" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36847020:22
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so, what ppa to use?20:22
JontheEchidnaI suppose we can always copy them over to the kubuntu-ppa once we create it, so kubuntu-members-kde4?20:22
* apachelogger thinks one should be able to copy a whole ppa :D20:23
a|wenJontheEchidna: "amarok-dbgsym 2:2.0.2mysql5.1.30-0ubuntu3 [79,7MB]" ... i suppose that one works instead?20:24
JontheEchidnathat one would work20:24
JontheEchidnadoesn't help for the ppa packages though20:24
JontheEchidnaugh, why would the dbg packages be empty?20:24
apacheloggerbuild with DH_VERBOSE=120:25
apacheloggerprobably will tell you why20:25
* JontheEchidna really, really hopes we can drop the whole mysql shit from the amarok packaging in karmic20:25
apacheloggera|wen: what do you think?20:26
apacheloggerkde-l10n ppa in kubuntu-memers-kde4?20:26
a|wenapachelogger: i vote for everything that provides better translations20:27
apacheloggergood thing I am not admin there  :S20:27
apacheloggerah screw it20:27
apacheloggersomeone promote https://edge.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/kde-l10n20:27
apacheloggermgraesslin: ^ now superseds stock jaunty packages20:27
apacheloggeronce we have a more suited ppa, drop me a mail so I can reupload to that instead20:28
* mgraesslin has to test :-)20:28
apacheloggerbut until then ... I am $sick, so I should be in $bed20:28
a|wenapachelogger: i think Riddell was going to make the new setup very shortly20:29
ghostcubeschweinegrippe  Oo20:29
apacheloggerghostcube: as a matter of fact one of my co-workers actually was to mexico recently20:29
ghostcubeheh good viruuses cant use dsl20:30
ghostcubebut go to doctor#20:30
ghostcubethis isnt funny20:30
apacheloggerI was, nothing to worry about for now20:31
eagles0513875hey apachelogger im trying to link the upstream bug report to bug 269428 but its not letting me for some reason20:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269428 in kdenetwork "Too large window to select kmail contact equivalent to kopete contact" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26942820:35
* eagles0513875 knocked 2 bugs of that list20:42
a|weneh, the doc-dir is still /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML right?21:32
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: :) thanks for that link that will keep me busy for a while almost got all the knetwork bugs reported upstream21:37
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
a|wenshouldn't we change that in our version of /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/makefiles/1/variables.mk then?21:38
* a|wen guesses that would break syncs :/21:39
eagles0513875dont mean to interrupt i got an email back on 2 of the bugs i just reported upstream can i forward the emails to someone to possibly  confirm the issue as fixed and on the other file a possible wish list as i am not understanding what the other bug is21:40
JontheEchidnaa|wen: then we'd have to patch all of our kde3 apps to use kde4, which would be somewhat wrong21:41
JontheEchidna(otherwise khelpcenter wouldn't pick up their help pages)21:42
JontheEchidnathe better approach would be to lobby to get the change in debian21:42
a|wenJontheEchidna: the long-term solution is to lobby then ... but does khelpcenter pick-up things in the kde4 dir?21:42
JontheEchidnanope, we changed all of our kde4 apps to use kde/21:43
JontheEchidnaand patched khelpcenter to look in kde21:43
a|wenokay; so everything that uses pkg-kde-tools will not work currently with khelpcenter21:44
JontheEchidnait should all work21:45
a|wenwell, /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/makefiles/1/variables.mk says to place the docs in kde421:45
JontheEchidnathen every KDE app should ftbfs21:46
a|wenJontheEchidna: do we build against pkg-kde-tools at all?21:47
JontheEchidnawe don't use that .mk file21:47
JontheEchidnathat's what it is :)21:47
JontheEchidnawe use kde4.mk21:48
* a|wen increases the diff and decreases the size of debian/rules again21:48
eagles0513875can i forward some responses to 2 of the bugs i posted upstream21:49
eagles0513875since i dont know how to respond21:49
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: can i forward them to ya21:50
eagles0513875bug 144756 the upstream respons needs an answer21:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 144756 in kdenetwork "proxy settings don't affect" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14475621:51
eagles0513875as well as bug 269428 the upstream response needs answering if this bug has already been solved or not21:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269428 in kdenetwork "Too large window to select kmail contact equivalent to kopete contact" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26942821:51
eagles0513875if you dont mind JontheEchidna21:52
JontheEchidnahuh, for some reason bugs.kde.org isn't working for me21:53
eagles0513875you broke something lol21:53
JontheEchidnawell, you could see if its still a problem I suppose21:53
eagles0513875how so21:54
JontheEchidnaby testing?21:54
* JontheEchidna goes to eat21:56
eagles0513875ill test that out in the morning late here21:56
neversfeldeghostcube: what should I test?22:04
ghostcube if ipod is usable in amarok 2.0.9 if you have one22:04
neversfeldeghostcube: nope, it is not usable atm22:06
neversfeldeghostcube: it is a known issue22:07
ghostcubeyep i told to some in amarok22:07
ghostcubeneed fix22:07
neversfeldeyes :)22:08
* a|wen is looking for someone who is 64-bit capable22:18
a|wenplasma-widget-network-manager in kubuntu-experimental; is https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2009-April/002810.html reproducable on 64-bit?22:18
a|weneagles0513875: for you, when you have the time ^^22:22
eagles0513875a|wen: on the to do list for tomorrow22:23
eagles0513875a|wen:  i havent had that happen to me to be honest22:26
eagles0513875i have removed like the widget of vp and what not no crashes22:26
a|weneagles0513875: okay, hmm22:27
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
* eagles0513875 cheers got all the network bugs upstream :)22:40
eagles0513875night a|wen :) got all the knetwork bugs for upstream done :)22:42
a|wennn eagles051387522:44
* a|wen is out as well22:44
JontheEchidnaSo, debian's kdewebdev is kde423:27
JontheEchidnashould we follow?23:27
seele$2m a year on kubuntu and kde, huh?23:30
lex79JontheEchidna: standards version for karmic is 3.8.1 ?23:31
JontheEchidnalex79: yeah, if it's not it will be once the proper package is synced/merged23:32
JontheEchidnaa good policy is to always stay with what debian has23:33
lex79JontheEchidna: ok, but if the packege is not in debian?23:33
JontheEchidnause the latest23:33
lex79Can i bump standards-version?23:33
JontheEchidnain non-debian packages, yes23:33
lex79yes, ok thanks23:34
JontheEchidnaoh, and I see now that it is 3.8.1 since devscripts got uploaded this morning23:34
lex79uhm kdelibs5-dev not yet in karmic23:37
lex79pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: kdelibs5-dev (>= 4:4.4.2) but it is not installable23:37
JontheEchidnanot necessarily, it just says its uninstallable23:38
lex79JontheEchidna: this means that I can't build a package with pbuilder but I can attach debdiff in LP ? :P23:42
lex79very good :)23:42
JontheEchidnaI'll see if I can testbuild it23:43
JontheEchidnathis early on karmic is still similar enough to jaunty that it shouldn't make too much of a difference what it is testbuilt on23:43
lex79so I can testbuild it with pbuilder-jaunty?23:44
lex79before attach in LP23:45
JontheEchidnaprobably, though once pbuilder-karmic starts to work you really should use it23:45
JontheEchidnaand if it fails now in pbuilder it'll probably fail in the archive, so uploading before it is fixed would be a bad idea23:46
JontheEchidnabut maybe we can see what the problem is if you post the debdiff23:46
lex79JontheEchidna: good lesson, thanks :)23:47
JontheEchidnaactually, I take that back. you really should be testing on karmic23:47
JontheEchidnaif it fails in karmic but not in jaunty it probably means that the archive has changed enough that you need to test in jaunty23:48
JontheEchidnabut post the debdiff and I'll see if I can find the problem :)23:48
lex79uhm it fails because I'm stupid :) kdelibs5-dev (>= 4:4.4.2)23:53
lex794.4.2 ?23:53

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