
daskreechoh wait. Umm wrong command00:01
mefisto__dpkg-reconfigure daskreech?00:02
daskreechsudo update-alternatives --config kdm00:02
daskreechnoobias: You can press up to get it back00:02
daskreechnoobias: also if you press tab it will autocomplete your ocmmands for you00:03
daskreech so you don't have to type the whole ting00:03
noobiasno alternatives for kdm00:03
daskreechfine sudo apt-get remove gdm since it seems to want to not exist00:05
dan_lso...............I have some n000b questions.00:05
dan_lWell actually maybe not.00:06
noobiasits doing it now00:06
dan_lI enabled compiz as the windows manager.  I'm accustomed to running 4 desktops and the famed cube.00:06
daskreechnoobias: then try the /etc/init.d/kdm restart option again00:06
dan_lMy widget shows 4 desktops, compiz only gives me 2, so I assume there's some disconnect there that's beyond me.00:07
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dan_lI'm having a hellova time articulating this problem, so I'm hoping somebody will know what I'm talking about.00:07
Psi-JackCuriousity: Does Ubuntu/Kubuntu have any console-based configuration utilities that do basically what the KDE/Gnome-based system configuration tools do? Basically trying to figure out if there's the equivalent of SuSE yast for ubuntu for configuring things even as simple as network IP addresses for the system.00:07
daskreechdan_l: keep talking00:07
mefisto__dan_l: you don't need compiz for that. but anyway, how many desktops do you have in systemsettings > desktop ?00:07
noobiaskdm not running (var/run/kdm.pid not found)00:08
dan_lCheck for you right now, stand by.00:08
daskreechPsi-Jack: like the one cli tool ?00:08
Psi-Jackdaskreech: Pretty much, yes.00:08
daskreechnoobias: Ok great press up and change restart to start00:08
daskreechwhat was the last ok indicating ?00:09
Psi-Jackdaskreech: Not even really CLI either, but Console, as-in curses or what-not. yast for suse can run in console, kde, or gtk environments with automagic detection of which UI layer to use.00:09
noobiashold 1 sec00:09
dan_lHere's what I"m trying to figure out:  The widget that's in my panel.  Would that reflect desktops available to compiz or for kwin?  Or am I a total n00b who should self murder?00:10
noobiasdaskreech: kdmonly root wants to run kmd allready running00:10
noobiasis what it said00:10
daskreechPsi-Jack: TUI00:12
daskreechdan_l: kwin00:12
Psi-Jackdaskreech: Yeah, TUI stuffs.00:12
daskreechnoobias: KDM already running?00:12
noobiasthats what it said00:13
mefisto__dan_l: kwin does the cube and other compiz-type effects00:13
dan_lOk.  So perhaps I should try to make do with just kwin and ignore compiz?00:13
daskreechnoobias: change start to stop00:13
dan_lYeah.  I'm jujst so gnome adjusted.  But I'll give it a shot.00:13
dan_lOk one more question and I'll STFU00:13
dan_lCan anybody reccomend a good keystroke launcher?  Like Launchy, gnomedo, whatever?00:14
mefisto__dan_l: try alt-F2  is that the kind of thing you mean?00:14
dan_lCan I change that hotkey?00:15
Psi-Jackdaskreech: So, is there any TUI configuration tools for *buntu?00:15
mefisto__dan_l: yes00:16
daskreechPsi-Jack: Not a one to rule then all00:16
Psi-Jackdaskreech: Well, blasted. Heh.00:16
mefisto__dan_l: systemsettings > keyboard & mouse00:16
daskreechUbuntu's focus is to kill command line00:16
daskreechnoobias: Start it again00:16
olujiczI switched to quassel few day ago and I don't know how to remove chanel from buffer list when leaving some chanel :(00:16
Psi-Jackdaskreech: Well, a one rule them all, would do almost effectively, that. Which is why I love yast so much. It just plain works as it's intended.00:17
daskreechPsi-Jack: Yes but Ubuntu doesn't do Command line stuff unless it will kill them not to00:17
dan_lso far so good.00:17
daskreechLinux for humans and all that00:17
Psi-Jackdaskreech: You're mixing TUI with CLI again, though.00:18
noobiassame thing00:19
noobiaskdmonly wants to start kdm allready running00:20
noobiasi dont know00:20
daskreechIt says kdmonly ?00:20
mefisto__dan_l: just curious, what was the key shortcut you changed it to?00:20
daskreechalt+Spacebar ?00:20
Psi-Jackdaskreech: Just curiousity. Have you, personally, ever seen suse's yast in the recent days, from opensuse 11.0 or newer?00:21
daskreechnoobias: try startx00:21
dan_lor win+space00:21
dan_lsorry, baby was yelling at me.00:21
Psi-JackThen you know, yast itself, is a full all around configuration tool that can even check for package updates and install them, setup NFS servers and clients, setup authentication to be by local, NIS+, LDAP, etc.. All in one purely simple TUI interface, as well as GUI interface?00:22
daskreechnoobias: try startx00:22
abyss_guys how can i check my kernel version?00:22
noobiasfatal server error no screen found00:23
daskreechnoobias: oooer :)00:23
dan_lSo far I'm kinda digging on this kde thing.  Probably the most important thing I have to figure out though is whether or not I can move a window to another desktop without a mouse.  I hate the mouse.00:23
daskreechcan you install pastebinit ?00:23
daskreechsudo apt-get install pastebinit00:23
noobiascan i install pastebinit?00:23
abyss_uname thats it cheers00:23
noobias1 sec00:23
daskreechdan_l: Alt+F3 _> D -> desktop#00:24
dan_lAlright, I'm going to disable compiz go back to kwin.00:24
daskreechdan_l: advantage? You can throw windows all over the place instantly00:24
dan_lNow I"m not going to become one of you k people.00:24
daskreechdisadvantage is that you don't follow the window00:24
daskreechdan_l: cube in the next KDE release  :)00:25
noobiasim getting invalid operating pastebinit00:25
daskreechfor sudo apt-get install ?00:25
hagabakahas anyone tried arora?00:25
daskreech!info pastebinit00:25
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 344 kB00:25
mefisto__daskreech: next release? I have the cube now00:25
daskreechOh wait yeah I forgot Jackalope is out00:25
noobiasi fixed it00:25
drbobbhagabaka: yes00:26
noobiasdaskreech: its done00:26
daskreechnoobias: ok type pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:26
mefisto__hagabaka: thankyou. I'm always forgetting the name of it. and yes I've tried it00:26
daskreechGive us the URL00:26
dan_lCrap.  Where do I select the windows manager again?00:27
noobiasdo i type it here?00:27
daskreechdan_l: Default applications00:28
noobiaspastebinit /etc/x11/xorg.conf00:28
daskreechor just type kwin --replace00:28
daskreechnoobias: ha ha Sorry you type that in the terminal it will give you a URL00:28
daskreechyou type the URL here00:28
dan_lWow I suck.00:28
dan_lThanks folks.00:28
noobiasunable to read from00:28
daskreechdan_l: Yet you rock so much00:28
hagabakai can finally use plugins in it now that i have qt 4.5, but arora has the same problem as konqueror, pages like youtube and nicovideo usually require you to reload a few times before the plugin loads :/00:29
daskreechnoobias: BigX for X1100:29
drbobbhagabaka: an even more serious problem is no adblock ;-/00:31
daskreechnoobias: ok lets see if the driver is the culprit. type sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:31
daskreechand change Driver "nvidia" to Driver "nv"00:32
daskreechpress Ctrl+X to exit00:32
dwidmannarora is pretty basic for now, but all things considered it's moving fast00:32
daskreech^X is Ctrl+X btw00:32
dan_lOk.  I set the invert function to meta+n, applied the change.  Hit win+n, nothing happened.00:33
noobiasnvidia to nv @ the bottom of the text?00:33
daskreechnoobias: Right00:33
noobiassave as same file name?00:34
daskreechnoobias: Oh another little trick You can use alt+<- or alt+-> to jump between terminals beside each other00:34
daskreechnoobias: Yes00:34
smeg0lhmm i'm confused00:35
daskreechok press up to get back the KDM start and try start it00:35
daskreechsmeg0l: Me too00:35
daskreechwhat's confusing you  ?00:36
hagabakadrbobb: that hasn't bothered me much, and arora usually loads pages faster than konqueror and without javascript problems00:36
smeg0lcan't get kdesudo to work or any passwd in gui :-/00:36
noobiassorry what is the command i need to use again?00:36
daskreechnoobias: press ^R and type restart00:37
daskreechyou should get sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart00:37
drbobbhagabaka: you should really try browsing the web using a good adblocker, it's a whole new experience, and you'll never want to go back ;-)00:38
noobiasis that whati need to run the restart?00:38
noobiasit said it started00:39
daskreechDid you get a login?00:39
mefisto__maybe switch to ctrl-alt-F7 ?00:39
daskreechok press alt+Ctrl+F7 and see what's there00:40
noobiasblack screen blinking00:40
rayludrbobb: but then you lose your ad-blindness00:40
smeg0lgot to have more caffeine00:40
drbobbraylu: maybe, but i'd rather protect my sanity00:41
daskreechnoobias: still have the nvidia .run file ?00:41
rayludrbobb: then don't get an ad-blocker. when you use another person's machine, you'll go insane because of the ads00:41
mefisto__ad-blindness? how do you get that?00:41
noobiasi guess i downloaded it to my desktop00:41
rayludrbobb: though i use an ad-blocker myself. just pointing out that there's a reason not to use one00:41
daskreechnoobias: ls ~/Desktop00:42
raylumefisto__: by seeing ads and ignoring them (like most people do)00:42
daskreechSee if it's there00:42
noobiasyes i still have it00:42
daskreechok cd ~/Desktop00:42
drbobbraylu: well you *believe* you're ignoring them00:42
dan_lhmmmmm.  I don't see a krunner hotkey under keyboard and mouse.00:42
mefisto__raylu: that doesn't work for me. must be the asperger's00:42
rayludrbobb: no, i believe that i pay more attention to them on friend's machines than i did before i had adblock00:43
drbobbunfortunately, on a subliminal level they're still undermining your sanity00:43
divinusdrbobb: you can use something like privoxy with arora to get adblocking00:43
daskreechchmod u+x *.run00:43
rayludaskreech: sh [file].run should work too00:44
drbobbdivinus: good point i guess00:44
k4_k4hi i got a question - i am on ubuntu , and kdeplasma-addons asks me to install :  * OpenGL  <http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net>00:44
k4_k4what package is this ? if i try to install mesa-dev* it want to remove nvidia-glx-180-dev --- so what to do ?00:44
noobiaswhere is the desktop folder located?00:44
daskreechnoobias: under ~00:45
dan_lAha!  I am not an idiot.  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1043208.html00:45
daskreech~ is a shortcut for your Home directory00:45
noobiasi did it and it didnt work00:45
daskreechraylu: Yeah I figured00:45
drbobbheck what could the reason be that copying to my usb flash mem has become so slooooow00:45
daskreechnoobias: Capital D ?00:45
noobiasno... ill learn i promise00:45
noobiasim there00:46
noobiasnow do i run the file?00:46
ActionParsnipnoobias: ./<file name>00:46
dan_lOk folks, I'll leave you alone for now.  I"m sure I'll be back.  Thanks much for your help.  Sorry to be n00btarded.00:46
dan_lI gotsa take my daughter out for ice cream.00:46
dan_lMom will be unhappy, but I'm the dad, that's why.00:47
dan_ladios folks00:47
daskreechnoobias: sh *.run00:47
noobiassays cant open00:48
raylunoobias: the exact error would be helpful00:49
noobiasthe error says it cant open00:49
noobiasand thats it00:50
daskreechnoobias: ok try chmod u+x *.run00:50
drbobbat best 200kB/s writing to flash must mean something is wrong00:50
raylunoobias: i meant copy/paste it00:51
drbobband much of the time it just stalls00:51
noobiaslol no gui friend00:51
noobiasthats what im trying to  fix00:51
rayludrbobb: i experienced something similar once00:52
drbobbraylu: should I expect the stick to fail soon?00:52
daskreechnoobias: did the chmod ?00:52
noobiasit said no such file00:52
* Psi-Jack laughs.00:52
Psi-JackYou should be running these commands WHERE the actual .run file is...00:53
daskreechnoobias: ls *.run00:53
rayludrbobb: no00:53
rayludrbobb: i eventually just burned it to a dvd (it was a vista installation)00:53
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drbobbwell my burner is broken :(00:54
seanw__Does anyone know how to remove the KDE windows effects ( transparent stuff when moving window etc )00:54
daskreechseanw__: alt+F3 -> window properties -> desktop effects -> turn off00:54
rayludrbobb: where are you trying to transfer this file to?00:54
daskreechnoobias: ls *.run00:55
noobiasi did00:55
seanw__daskreech: thanks much00:55
daskreechyou can see the .run file?00:55
drbobbi want to take it to a place where i have a working dvd writer00:56
Psi-JackUgh. Why oh WHY does KDE's copy dialog use MiB, instead of MB?00:57
noobiasi see the run file00:58
noobiasbut when i chmod it dosent work00:58
nameinerHi, I just installed Kubuntu 9.04 64bit on my hp dv4-1120 laptop and I have a sound problem. It hangs on the startup sound. It sounds like it repeats the first half second all the time. And I can't have any other sounds. Any ideas?00:59
daskreechwhat did you type for chmod ?00:59
noobiaschmod u+x <filename.run_01:00
drbobbi suppose that if it were h/w trouble , i'd be seeing something in `dmesg'01:00
daskreechnoobias: did you ahve < in it?01:00
daskreechnoobias: tab completed the file name ?01:01
daskreechnoobias: Woah wait it has .run_ ?01:03
daskreechWith the underscore?01:04
noobiasno no underscore that was typo01:04
daskreechtry chmod u+x and then tab complete the name01:05
daskreechhi Mamarok01:05
Mamarokhi daskreech :)01:06
drbobbhey this has become ridiculously slow. might there be some problem with the kioslave, or what?01:08
daskreechHi lemon_01:08
daskreechnoobias: how's that going?01:09
noobiasiy tsn01:09
lemon_Hi daskreech01:09
noobiasit ran but it said fatal server error01:09
* Psi-Jack blinks.01:09
Psi-Jackchmod != server.01:09
noobiasno screens file01:09
Psi-JackRun it with --help so you can figure out how to use it without X.01:10
noobias^no screens found01:10
daskreechnoobias: ok lost now :) you got the .run file torun ?01:10
Psi-Jackdaskreech: Yeah, running it by itself will try to use X, and since X isn't running, or at least in the shell he's using presently, it will die.01:10
daskreechPsi-Jack: near as I recall the nvidia driver install files required you to killX01:11
daskreechCourse they could have moved on :)01:11
Psi-JackHmmm, Not sure about the nvidia drivers. I've done the ATI ones, but not the nvidia ones yet.01:15
drbobbhmm rsync seems to write a little faster01:17
drbobbstill writing to flash at 250kB/s is unusually slow, isn't it01:18
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inanimateSo does the new network management plasmoid save your WEP/WPA passwords?01:20
nameinerinanimate: I think mine doesn't, at least not when I restarted the first time.01:21
inanimateOK... That blows...01:22
seanw__wicd ftw01:23
inanimateWhy would something that doesn't even save your wireless passwords be shipped as the default for 9.04?01:23
seanw__no clue, i also found that very odd that they would release something halfway stable01:23
inanimateKNM is painful, yes, but function over form...01:23
inanimateWell it's ironic given that for 8.10 they released the beta version of KNM and NM...01:24
inanimateOr packaged, rather.01:24
Psi-JackHeh, oh hell, NM itself IS beta. Not even a 1.0 release.01:25
inanimateseanw__: No Qt version of wicd?01:25
seanw__inanimate: sorry what's that mean? im new :)01:25
seanw__whats QT01:26
inanimateThe GUI toolkit that KDE uses.01:26
inanimateAs oppose to GTK, which Gnome uses.01:26
Psi-JackGTK+ actually.01:26
seanw__well then yes it has a GUI01:26
nameinerinanimate: a lot of people also complain about static IP addresses not working01:26
inanimateI was going to say "GTK+", but then I thought "I may be wrong, and who really cares?" Oh how wrong I was =).01:26
* Psi-Jack grins evilly.01:27
inanimatenameiner: Static IP doesn't work with NM?01:27
Psi-Jackinanimate: Not really well, no.01:27
inanimateHmm... Glad I01:27
inanimate've never tried.01:28
nameinerinanimate: yup, lot of complaining about that in the kubuntu mailing list01:28
Psi-JackIt /works/, but if you run it with any kind of services needing an IP, it will often times fail them.01:28
inanimateSo far my biggest deal with NM in general is the fact that I only get a DHCP lease half the time.01:28
Psi-JackLike I said earlier. NM in itself, is still beta all the way.01:29
inanimateWell, save manually using wpasupplicant, are there any other reasonable Qt (or even better, KDE) NM frontends?01:29
mefisto__has anyone installed KDE3 in jaunty alongside the default kde4?01:32
ign0ramusI've been checking here and on launchpad, but still haven't found an answer... is there a fix for xorg using massive amounts of cpu in Jaunty?01:32
nameinerI have sound problems on my laptop (hp dv4-1120) with 9.04 64bit installed01:34
nameinerany ideas01:34
Psi-Jacknameiner: Depends. What KIND of sound problems?01:34
seanw__i hear 9.04 is extremly buggy.01:34
nameinerPsi-Jack: it sounds like it repeats the first half second of the startup sound forever01:35
kuaera9.04 has been pretty buggy for me so far.01:35
seanw__kuaera: that's why im sticking with 8.1001:36
kamlurkerHas anyone have any problems with the 9.04 upgrade killing KDE?01:36
kuaeraLots of KDE4 issues, especially with Samba support magically screwing itself up [If I manually put in the path in Dolphin, it works fine]01:36
Daskreechmefisto__: No I haven't. Is there a second part to the question?01:36
kuaeraMy file picker dialogs still always start by sorting by name descending, ignoring my settings [really frustrating if you do a lot of work with files]01:36
mefisto__Daskreech: second part would be: how did it go? any problems? does kde4 and kde3 get along?01:37
Psi-JackBleh, how do you break out of a dead ssh session?01:39
fjallagyldirhej guys01:40
fjallagyldirgot in trouble01:40
mefisto__Psi-Jack: exit ?01:40
commander_hey can awn work on kubuntu. i want to make it look like Mac OSX Leopard01:40
Psi-Jackmefisto__: I said, dead, aka, the host shut down while still logged in.01:40
Daskreechmefisto__: It has a ~.kde3 dir so I would guess so01:40
fjallagyldirtil distupgrade to jaunty there is no video playback possible anymore01:40
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fjallagyldirany ideas?01:41
kamlurkeris there a way to allow the LiveCD to write to a USB drive?  I'm trying to backup my data before recovering from 9.0401:41
nameinerPsi-Jack: any ideas about the sound?01:41
Psi-Jacknameiner: No, but I'll make a guess it's related to PulseAudio01:41
fjallagyldirkamlurker, mount it01:42
nameinerPsi-Jack: as far as I know, Pulseaudio is not used in Kubuntu, but I could be wrong01:42
Psi-Jacknameiner: PulseAudio's been used in *buntu for a while now, wether noticed or not, but in 8.10 and up it's been seriously noticed, at least by me.01:42
Psi-Jackps auxwww | grep pulse01:43
fjallagyldiranyone else in here got problems with update to jaunty 9.04?01:44
Psi-JackAhhh, so it's <enter>, then ~ to get into ssh's command-mode, similarish to telnet's old CTRL+]01:45
jessihelp! i have 9.04 64bit on an hp laptop, but i cant get the wireless to connect. :(01:45
noobiasI have figured it out01:46
noobiasit was a damn bios problem the whole time01:46
jessiheres a paste of my iwconfig: http://pastebin.com/m498163ca01:46
nameinerPsi-Jack: nameiner   7749  0.0  0.0   7524   892 pts/1    R+   20:45   0:00 grep pulse01:46
noobiasbut definetly thanks daskreech for the help i really appreciate it01:46
nameinerwhat does this tell us?01:46
jessimy husband says i cant do this myself. can you help prove him wrong?01:47
Psi-Jacknameiner: That Pulse isn't running, amazing.01:47
fjallagyldirjessi, r u sure that there s no mac restriction in the AP?01:47
jessino. whats ap?01:48
rosco_yCan anyone recommend their favorite audio player/music organizer?01:48
fjallagyldiraccesspoint jessi01:49
jessifjallagyldir: how could i tell?01:49
rosco_yI've been using Amarok, but after the 9.04 upgrade, it's not playing my mp3 files :(01:49
jessiall other wireless laptops work01:49
rosco_yAm I doing something wrong?01:49
jessirosco_y: audacious is good01:49
fjallagyldirlog in into the AP and proove if there is such a restriction (MAC filtering)01:49
rosco_yjessi -- Thank you, I am going to try it out right now :)01:50
noobiasdoes ubuntu support multi-moniters?01:50
fjallagyldiralso check if there is an DHCP server running or if static ips r used01:50
fjallagyldirnoobias, yes X does01:51
jessifjallagyldir: should i turn on mac cloning?01:51
kamlurkerfjallagyldir: /dev/sdc1 on /media/disk type ext2 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)01:51
fjallagyldircheck if mac filtering is on, and if ips r delivered via dhcp01:51
jessiall dhcp01:52
jessimac filter off01:52
oriubuntu rocks01:52
fjallagyldirkamlurker, then u should be able to write to it ...01:52
=== jessi is now known as jessi_
fjallagyldiris there a WEP or WPA key jessi_ ?01:52
dado_i need the help01:53
fjallagyldirwho not in here ... dado_01:53
oritell me dado01:53
jessi_fjallagyldir: no keys01:54
dado_i have installed ubuntu 9.04 on macbook pro everithing ok but no audio01:54
kamlurkerfjallagyldir: dolphin has the "Create new.." option grayed out as though I don't have permission to create a directory01:54
oriyou can't do nothing to solve it, sorry01:54
jessi_fjallagyldir: ssid is ournet01:55
fjallagyldirso maybe thats the reason kamlurker ? check permissions01:55
fjallagyldirjessi_, u should set ssid and all the other stuff according to ur network01:56
jessi_fjallagyldir: i have.01:56
fjallagyldirkamlurker, what does 'touch /media/disk/testfile' say?01:57
fjallagyldirjessi_, doesnt look like according to ur pastebin, there is nothing set01:57
jessi_fjallagyldir: is there a place to set it other than "manage connections?"01:58
kamlurkerfjallagyldir: touch: cannot touch `/media/disk/testfile': Permission denied -- It seems that the reason is that the owner and group are "500"01:59
fjallagyldirno i dont think so, u have hit the connect button, havent u?01:59
fjallagyldirso do a chown  as root kamlurker02:00
jessi_fjallagyldir: yes hehe. many times.02:00
jessi_fjallagyldir: and reset the router, and restarted the computer.02:01
fjallagyldirhmm restart is no solution on linux ...02:01
jessi_fjallagyldir: i have an hp dv5, the wireless button is a little light on a panel. everything else on the panel works02:01
tomsdale_I was just installing some packages to get better fonts for eclipse on kubuntu and next thing I remeber : Iḿ in a Gnome Session !!! What do I do??02:02
fjallagyldirwhen u look at the panel on the button with the connections, and u rightclick that one - what do u see?02:02
oricm'on guy stop bullshitting02:03
orismoke weeds instead02:03
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tomsdale_why does kdm start a gnome session? I dont get it - how could this happen.02:04
jessi_fjallagyldir: it says manage connections, network management settings, and panel options02:04
keyser_sozetomsdale_: any *dm can start any window manager02:04
mefisto__tomsdale_: there's a menu in kdm where you can choose which DE to use02:04
orihahaha stupid geeks02:05
Haza1_Hmm, how can i kill off a process that dows not want to be killed? :)02:05
ubuntuHELLLLP i cant get any sound form my new install on my laptop02:05
nameinerubuntu: I only have a stuttering sound on mine.02:06
Haza1_ubuntu: Try googling the laptop model + ubuntu + sound02:06
tomsdale_hm, only problem is I have to access it in Gnome - which it loads as default now02:06
fjallagyldirdoes it show up ur network jessi_ ?02:06
jessi_yeah i can see wireless interface, disconnected, and enable02:07
jessi_if i unplug the network cable it won't connect to the wireless02:07
ubuntuok thank doing it now02:07
jessi_im like 3 feet from the router02:07
=== Lord_Devi is now known as Darth_Devi
nameinerubuntu: what kind of laptop do you have?02:08
Daskreechnoobias: What? What BIOS issue?02:08
fjallagyldirjessi_, try unplug the LAN and click on the wlan in the context menu02:09
jessi_tried that, but i'll try again02:10
fungos_when I try to run a game in fullscreen it wont change the xorg resolution, but will put the game in a rectangle inside the black screen. like, my desktop is 1440x900 but the games that run 1024x768 run in a tiny quad in my 1440x900 res.. how to fix this? before 9.04 it worked.02:14
jessifjallagyldir: nothing happens when you click on the context menu02:14
tomsdale_ok, Im clueless. how can I get kdm to start into my KDE session. Im currently in Gnome against my will !! What is the command for the System Settings Program in KDE?02:14
joshjtlneed some help, I can record from mic in kwave but not in audacity02:18
tomsdale_Daskreech: Thanks - I got it.02:19
jessifjallagyldir: thanks, i guess i'll see if the forum can help. not looking good. i02:19
jessii'll have to reinstall windows it seems.02:19
tomsdale_I still cant select whether it starts into Gnome or KDE - This is a nightmare.02:21
rmrfslashare you on?02:21
raylutomsdale_: kdm and gdm should both give you that option02:22
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.02:22
rayluyep :D02:23
ubuntuHaza1_: thanks i found the reason, i had to disable the external amplifier02:23
tomsdale_raylu - I deselected of automatic login, maybe that puts it into Gnome02:23
raylutomsdale_: i don't think so...02:23
tomsdale_let me restart kdm and well know - brb02:24
tomsdaleraylu: it worked - I'm back in KDE. I think installing the sudo aptitude install gnome-control-center02:28
tomsdaleuups - sorry. Don't do that if your are on KDE.02:28
tomsdaleanyway - after installing the control center it overrides your preference and if you have automated logon enabled it sends you straight into a gnome session.02:29
rayluthen shouldn't turning off automated logon fix it?02:29
tomsdaleyep - that's what I did. Then it allows you to select your Session type.02:30
tomsdaleAnd what beauty !!! Eclipse fonts don't look like the writing on a Pizza Box anymore.02:32
raylubut eclipse is not a beauty =\02:33
raylualso, pizza is tasty02:33
tomsdaleWell, eclipse is a fatty - but now at least a fatty with nailpolish02:34
dusthello, where do i extract KDE styles/themes02:34
dustis there a gnome-art manager like in gnome ?02:35
jeye617hp printer driver help anyone? (9.04)02:37
jimmy51_homehow do you restart X from the kybd in 9.04?02:37
jimmy51_homeit used to be CTRL ALT BKSP02:37
VisTasTiCxorg disabled ctrl alt bksp. you have to edit /etc/xorg.conf to enable it02:38
VisTasTiCgoogle to find out what you have to type in02:39
jimmy51_homeVisTasTiC: is there a replacement combo?02:39
Pici!dontzap | jimmy51_home02:39
ubottujimmy51_home: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »02:39
VisTasTiCnot that i know of02:39
jimmy51_homewhy did they get rid of that?  it was very useful02:39
rayluthat seems like an excessive way of re-enabling ctrl-alt-bksp02:39
rayluit was useful but it was also a nice way to lose your work02:39
jimmy51_homemaybe a "are you sure you want to restart X" prompt would be due?02:40
jimmy51_homei dunno02:40
jimmy51_homethanks for the tip.... i'm going to try it in 3...2...1...02:40
rayluthat reminded me of gentoo emerge02:42
jimmy51_homei heard a rumor that the functionality of compiz is available in kwin now.  is that true?02:44
jimmy51_homei've got compiz tricked out pretty well right now02:44
dustOMGhow do i install themes (styles/windows) ??!?!?02:45
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:45
dusti've been seeking this for hours with no result02:46
raylujimmy51_home: i'm not sure. there is a "desktop effects" setting which you can turn on. you can also use the ccsm or similar to fine-tune compiz.02:46
Dragnslcrjimmy51_home- not all of the same effects are in kwin, but it does do compositing on its own02:46
jeiworth_jimmy51_home: afaik kde 4 has its own implementation of desktop effects, i am not sure your existing compiz config will work02:47
OnyxDoes anyone know of a way to put amarok 1 back on instead of amarok 2?  I'm definitely not a fan02:52
ubottuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok02:54
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
Picihmm.. that could use some work02:55
robin0800dust: Right click on desktop and choose appearence settings02:55
|dthacker|Dapper. hehe02:55
agooledapper was awesome.02:55
=== jeiworth_ is now known as jeiworth
agooleit was almost easyer to live with non working hardware, than knowing it worked for others but yours were broken, haha02:56
sardanoHi for all!02:56
sardanoPlease someone Should say my how can I do to know if my downloaded iso DVD of Kubuntu is OK?02:57
agoolesardano: when you run it, you can do a check, and verify the burn image02:57
matt_reboot with it in cd-rom, choose check disk for errors02:57
sardanoAre there something like an pgp file our some king of checksum like sha1 or md5 that can I verify iso file?02:58
agoolesardano: there is a md5,02:59
agoolesardano: unless I'm mistaken02:59
sardanoI only found md5 for CDs not for DVD. Where I found DVD md5?03:00
mefisto__md5 should be available03:00
matt_not sure  failsafe  might take about 8-15 min but the reboot, check cd for errors works03:00
rayluyou can also check the jigdo files, i believe: http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu-releases/9.04/03:00
raylubut yeah, gpgs are on that page03:01
agoolewhats the name of the ubuntu off topic chanel again ?03:01
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!03:02
dustrobin0800: i ment styles and windows not themes03:04
robin0800dust: Settings and appearence then03:07
dustrobin0800: yea but how do i add styles ?03:07
agooleI thought there was compiz with jaunty, or was I mistaken ?03:07
mefisto__agoole: there is desktop effects in kde4 which has compiz-like features03:09
hunter_...and now I'm bored03:09
agoolemefisto__: hum...03:09
agoolemefisto__: havn't seen them03:09
hunter_Yeah. Real original03:10
agoolehunter_: i'm bored too, lol03:10
hunter_That's wonderful, but I don't care03:10
hunter_damn it03:10
mefisto__agoole: rightclick a window titlebar, configure window behaviour  to enable desktop effects03:10
Dragnslcrsardano- took me a bit to find the DVD md5 sums. Let me find the link for you03:10
sardanoDragnslcr: Thanks03:11
agoolemefisto__: o0, works well :)03:11
dustrobin0800: do you know?03:11
Dragnslcrsardano- http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/9.04/release/MD5SUMS03:12
motdid they fix the network manager applet in 9.04 final?03:12
motit was absolute garbage in 9.04 beta ...03:12
moti don't know why every release of kubuntu they switch the network management applet03:12
dustit cant be so hard to tell how to install new styles in kde4 ?!03:13
robin0800dust: Its in advanced settings dektop themes03:14
psycohey, why do my startup scripts try to run in wine?03:15
psycoI have a compiz.sh script in /.kde/Autostart03:15
psycoand its runs  "compiz --replace" but its runs it with wine03:15
robin0800dust: What you want is system settings The advanced tab and then choose Desktop Theme Details03:16
psyconvm forgot to chmod it XD03:17
BobgartHow many of you are actually alive?03:17
dustrobin0800: oh there.03:18
dustrobin0800: nope it doesnt change styles just themes03:19
robin0800dust: Well there isn't one then03:20
BobgartSo, is this channel for anything in particular or does anybody just hang there bots here?03:20
dustrobin0800: system settings -> appearance -> windows -> (styles)03:21
BobgartLinux sucks03:21
dustrobin0800: i want these added new styles03:21
Bobgartgood for you asshole03:21
PiciBobgart: This is a support channel, stop.03:21
dustrobin0800: plz help03:22
BobgartIf this is support, then why does everybody stay in here and/or just have bots sitting here03:22
brian_Good question.03:22
brian_Speaking of questions, I just so happen to have one.03:23
dnlwould anyone have any idea why my box keeps pulling an IP via dhcp even though i have a static IP setup in /etc/network/interfaces.  it keeps going back to an IP that is not the one I assigned even without restarting the pc.03:23
robin0800dust: more info needed please03:23
Bobgartwhat's your question?03:23
dustrobin0800: Ozone, Oxygen styles i need more of those03:24
dustrobin0800: new ones03:24
brian_I just had a whole host of troubles with grub. I'm back up and running except anything internet related shuts down instantly.03:24
brian_Adept, Synaptic, Firefox, Konqur w/e its called.03:24
BobgartDid you change anything before that happened?03:25
brian_Just updated to 9.0403:25
Dragnslcr!language | Bobgart03:25
ubottuBobgart: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:25
brian_I went through adept last time to find updates.03:25
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Bobgartah, I had similiar problems. I actually just reinstalled Kubuntu so that I could get around it03:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about styles03:25
BobgartThe update killed Knetwork Manager03:26
dustrobin0800: yo man03:26
brian_So I've noticed. I can use the sudo apt-get update command and it goes through a list of files but an error occurs. I think they might be related. Why? Don't know.03:26
mefisto__dust: apt-cache search kwin-style03:26
dustmefisto__: yea?? installed03:27
dustneed new ones sigh03:27
mefisto__dust: also try apt-cache search kde-style03:27
sardanoDragnslcr: Thanks you very much. Now Where I found gpg public key file for verify MD5SUM file of Kubuntu iso DVD?03:27
dustmefisto__: yea all done.03:27
mefisto__dust: installed what? all of them?03:27
dustmefisto__: all so lame03:27
BobgartIn Microsoft Windows updating to a new OS is a big no-no. I'm guessing it's the same for Linux03:27
dustmefisto__: yea they where 4 or so03:27
Dragnslcrsardano- very good question03:27
brian_Yeah, soon as one was released, you wait a few weeks to see if its worth it. I ended up with XPsp2 till 6 months ago.03:28
Dragnslcrsardano- http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/9.04/release/03:28
dustmefisto__: is there really no way to add new styles in kde03:29
brian_Then Vista for a few and now Kubuntu. So far I like Kubuntu.03:29
Dragnslcrsardano- I would assume you want the .gpg file there03:29
=== R3DB0x is now known as boboso
BobgartI like Kubuntu too, but I'd rather go back to Windows03:29
brian_I do miss some things about it.03:29
BobgartI'm running on my laptop and it gets stuck at Competing Installation everytime03:29
mefisto__dust: is there a style you want that isn't installed? or just wishing there were more available?03:29
brian_It fades quickly though.03:29
dustmefisto__: the first choise03:30
brian_I'm running this on my laptop too.03:30
robin0800dust here you go  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14027103:30
mefisto__dust: which one?03:30
BobgartAnd you know, it seems like the entire Ubuntu community is just questions about how to get different shit on here03:30
sardanoDragnslcr: To verify a signed file I need public key of that which sign this file people or team.03:30
brian_Bobgart: what do you mean you get stuck?03:30
Dragnslcr!language | Bobgart03:31
ubottuBobgart: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:31
BobgartStays at the screen for up to 3 hours, shuts down, then can't boot. Not even into safe mode03:31
brian_So far I've found the *ubuntu community to be much more supportive then windows ever had.03:31
brian_Can you boot from a live CD?03:31
BobgartYou mean of Linux?03:32
Dragnslcrsardano- I would assume it's MD5SUMS.gpg. I've never used it personally, so I can't really help you much more than that03:32
brian_Wait, are you talking about Linux or Windows? I'm confused.03:32
Bobgartlol, I'm using Kubuntu because I can't install Windows Vista back onto my laptop03:32
sardanoDragnslcr: OK no problems. Thank very much for your help.03:33
Dragnslcrsardano- you're welcome03:33
sardanoAnybody knows where I found kubuntu Public Key?03:33
brian_Ahh right on. Gotcha.03:33
dustrobin0800: mefisto__ could you give url to a style03:33
robin0800dust: http://www.kde-look.org/03:35
motdid any of the latest 8.10 updates do weird things to anybody's system?03:35
moti'm no longer in sudoers and my root password no longer works. i didn't touch a damn thing.03:35
mefisto__dust: http://www.kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=903:36
superwadi've just upgraded to 9.04, and i'm not able to use my mouse.  the cursor is present and moves.  i can interact only with the items in the taskbar.  i can open the K Menu, but not click anything inside it.  I can click on program icons in the taskbar, but not click inside them03:36
superwadi solved this problem by a restart last time it happened, but it's not helping now03:36
BobgartSeems everybody is having problems with the new update03:36
superwadyea, more than just that03:36
mefisto__superwad: try killing plasma and restarting it03:37
superwadbut i'm most concerned with that at the moment.  that really hinders my ability to use the computer03:37
dustmefisto__: robin0800 : so i need to compile it? i get error: checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!03:37
robin0800dust also read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14027103:37
superwadmefisto__: no change03:37
BobgartOk, everybody in here is a bot or a zombie.... so, see ya no where03:38
superwadi also can't click open icons that are in the tray thing03:38
DragnslcrAt least the troll left03:38
brian_I'm not a zombie or a robot >.>03:39
brian_At least I think I'm not. Could be...03:39
dustrobin0800: ok it's jams there in qt03:39
mefisto__superwad: if you ctrl-alt-del do you get the logout window?03:39
mefisto__superwad: logout, restart X, then login again. see if it's any better03:40
superwadmefisto__: yea, i got it03:41
superwadbut then i couldn't close it to tell you all about it03:41
superwadthe keyboard shortcuts wouldn't even work03:41
superwadso i restarted X, and now it's working again03:42
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superwadaww, but now some key bindings have died03:43
superwadlike my side click in firefox03:43
superwadsigh, problems...03:43
dustchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!03:45
dustwhat's this?03:45
denton_anybody wanna be my linux tutor and let me pick your brain till my hearts content?03:45
brian_I have a problem if anyone can help.03:45
denton_looks like lots of people on here might lol03:45
|dthacker|brian_: ask your question03:45
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brian_Well, firefox, the default web browser, synaptic and adept all shut down soon as they are started.03:46
=== eugen is now known as Guest17450
brian_Well, synaptic give me an error03:46
brian_Says E: Problem parsing dependency Replaces03:47
brian_among other things.03:47
denton_brian_:you tried rebuilding deps im assuming?03:48
Guest17450hey, I plugged a firewire camera, how do I know its connect and works etc...I can't connect to it from kdenlive...03:48
brian_I'd love to get back online so I can read up on how to get my sound working again. And no, haven't tried that. I'm not exactly sure how. :(03:48
|dthacker|brb: dog wants in03:48
denton_brian_ : try sudo dpkg-reconfigure firefox03:49
brian_Tried it. Nothing. It went back to brian@wucus:~$03:50
denton_did you run fire fox again?03:51
robin0800Dust read this you need extra packages http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14027103:51
brian_Firefox started, then gone.03:51
=== Lord_Drachenblut is now known as threetwentynine
mefisto__Guest17450: run this: tail -f /var/log/messages   and then plug in the camera and watch the window for updates. if nothing happens, it's not connecting03:52
denton_brian_: maybe get anotther version of it03:53
brian_sudo apt-get install firefox?03:53
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|dthacker|brian_: have your tried starting firefox from the command line to see if any errors are generated?03:53
dustrobin0800: yea i installed them already03:53
dustrobin0800: still getting that qt error03:53
denton_no thats gonna most likely give you the current version03:53
brian_Nope. How do I start an application from terminal?03:54
brian_just type the name of the program?03:54
|dthacker|denton_: are you saying that won't work?03:54
mefisto__brian_: that's usually all you need03:54
brian_Segmentation fault03:54
denton_|dthacker| not at all, but its probably not the best approach for a new user03:55
robin0800Dust you may need development versions of Qt03:55
Guest17450mefisto__: I  get this: http://pastebin.com/m3330f90803:55
dustrobin0800: what is that qt4-dev ?03:55
brian_Wonder what a segmentation fault is...03:56
denton_pretty broad spectrum crash lol03:56
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brian_oh yippy!03:56
robin0800dust: Don't know you will have to do a search03:56
|dthacker|brian_: at this point I'd reboot.   You may have something hogging memory and not releasing it.03:56
brian_Just rebooted not too long ago. I did just get grub working again about 5 hours or so. That was fun.03:57
denton_oh yeah..03:57
brian_Would that be the same problem causing adept, synaptic to crash too?03:58
dustrobin0800: could you check fast?03:59
dustrobin0800: need lib and dev qt403:59
denton_brian_: I bet another version of FF should work , im new myself but thats what id try (easier)03:59
|dthacker|brian_: imo, yes03:59
brian_Hmm... well in snyaptic I also get this: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty_multiverse_binary-amd64_Packages04:00
denton_i think i am going to configure gnome now..04:00
brian_dunno if that helps identify what might be incorrect.04:00
dustrobin0800: still getting same error loaded lots of crap04:01
denton_yay, its a 1.4 gb file :P04:01
denton_virtual machine only has 8 gbs of memory.04:02
denton_unpacked thats another 3 gbs, lol.04:02
robin0800dust: you didn't think this would be easy?04:02
dustrobin0800: i got that qt error a ayear ago04:03
dustrobin0800: dont remember how i fixed that, i need it to compile new styles04:03
|dthacker|briand_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33267104:03
robin0800dust did you ever solve it?04:03
dustrobin0800: yep with some hearers and librarys04:03
dustbut can't find the right one yet04:03
|dthacker|brian_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33267104:04
dustrobin0800: could you check and help me some04:04
robin0800dust: do a linex google search on the error04:04
robin0800dust: do a linex google search on the error04:05
noobiasok so I have got the install to run successfully04:05
noobiasbut now i have no sound and i cant activate my second moniter04:05
dustok gotit04:08
=== FoxBlitzz is now known as FoxBlitzz_
dustnow it gives: hecking for KDE... configure: error:04:08
dustin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE libraries installed. This will fail.04:08
dustSo, check this please and use another prefix!04:08
=== sol is now known as Guest18155
EtFbI used Kubuntu 8.10 briefly but even with KDE 4.2 via an unofficial repository, I still found it flakey and broken.  Will I be similarly disappointed with 9.04, or have the KDE4 people finally got their ducks in a line?04:13
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=== sol is now known as Guest95894
robin0800EtFb: yes but some have drowned04:14
EtFbrobin0800: That would be the controversial decision to throw away the tested and functional ducks from KDE3 and make new ones out of polished concrete, right?04:15
mefisto__EtFb: 9.04 has been the best kubuntu yet for me, but others have had problems. I was wary too, so I made a new partition for a new install, but ever since, I haven't looked back.04:16
ubuntuis anyone familiar with wine04:16
EtFbmefisto__: How is it handling more recent hardware?  I have weird behaviour with my Toshiba A300's video drivers, suspend/hibernate, the assorted hotkeys, etc.  That's on 8.04.  What do you reckon: will I find 9.04 more frustrating, or less?04:17
EtFb!ask | ubuntu04:17
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:17
mefisto__EtFb: I really don't know. tried the livecd?04:17
EtFbmefisto__: I suppose I should, but then the livecd for Hardy didn't handle 1280x800 at all.  I had to install and then fiddle with third-party drivers.  The vesa driver is teh suck, as the young people say.04:18
ubuntui d/led and install winehq and then d/led conqueronline but it wont open and install it , am i missing a step?04:20
hermanlinux mint would not recognize my cd rom but 9.04 does, it still does not recognize my usb ports04:20
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EtFbherman: What hardware?04:21
robin0800EtFb: graphic driver on the install is all auto now and xorg conf is blank04:21
mefisto__EtFb: also, if you want kde3 with jaunty: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty04:21
vikramHi - I just upgraded to 9.04 on my laptop and can no longer connect to a wireless network. i know there is a bug - anyone here know a workaround ?04:22
EtFbrobin0800: Yeah - automatically broken.  Don't talk to me about Acer laptops, either - worst week of my life...04:22
EtFbmefisto__: Cool.  Could be worth a try if/when I upgrade.  I'm pretty happy with Hardy though.  It really is -- hardy, I mean.  Very.04:22
robin0800vikram: knetworkmanager04:23
EtFb(I guess that means I'm letting Hardy rest on his Laurels...)04:23
hermanacer 5100-5022 laptop 64 bit04:23
vikramhi Robin - knetworkmanager doesnt work either04:23
vikramit used to though :(04:23
EtFbvikram: wicd is better than networkmanager.  Quicker, more configurable, not stupid.04:23
mefisto__EtFb: maybe make some room for a new partition and do a separate install like I did04:23
DaskreechThere should be more articls on 50 best kubuntu wallpapers :-(04:24
EtFbherman: Oh gods, you're doomed.  Can you get a trade-in and buy a Thinkpad or a Toshiba?  (Think I'm joking?  Hoooo boy... you should see my rants on the topic of the Acer I had.)04:24
robin0800wicd don't work on jaunty04:24
hermanit does see my sd card04:24
EtFbrobin0800: WTF?  Really?  That's it for me then.  Maybe I'll try Kosmic Koala or whatever it is.04:25
robin0800EtFb: it does a good job of uninstalling the network manager04:26
EtFbrobin0800: Hell, yeah.  Best feature!  But it doesn't work apart from that?04:27
vikramwhen i try wicd i get a message that encryption is required to be enabled04:27
vikramdo i need to install anything else for WPA support ?04:27
EtFbvikram: Expand the section for that connection and type in the appropriate keys etc.  It's not very intuitive the first time, but you don't need to install anything else.04:27
CathalI have a question on formatting..04:28
robin0800EtFb: it couldnt connect to my mobile dongle but nither can kde04:29
EtFbrobin0800: Interesting - I managed to make it connect happily to a USB wifi dongle.04:30
rafael_hello i need help04:31
rafael_i initialized ubuntu04:31
CathalI want to install Kubuntu onmy laptop, oerwriting my Vista install, without harming the backup, but I have no idea which format is best under the "use as menu"04:31
Froad_either ext3 or ext404:31
Froad_but if you want stable probably ext3, unless I am misunderstanding you04:32
EtFbCathal: Which backup are you talking about?04:32
XainI prefer FAT8 myself. o.o04:32
Cathalthe D; partition, for the Vista restore, JIC I should need it.04:32
robin0800EtFb: I think these broardband dongles are very different a modem port a storage port and a monitorig port and on windows a cd rom image04:32
mefisto__Xain: was there ever a FAT8?04:34
Cathalok, so EXT3 should do the job then? thanks a lot..04:34
XainHaha, yeah.04:34
XainIt was pointless though.04:34
XainIt was teh format for the old big black floppy disks.04:34
CathalMount to "/BOOT"?04:35
thismamacooks200fresh jaunty upgrade, cheese doesn't find my webcam, camorama doesn't find /dev/video0 (I have no /dev/vid* anything). lsbusb reports a "Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0545:800c Xirlink, Inc. Veo StingRay"04:35
=== FoxBlitzz_ is now known as FoxBlitzz
XainCould anyone give me any tip's on how to go about increase system wide sound volume without having to install Pulse?04:36
XainKinda like a pre gain for the sound.04:36
Cathalheh, that's what im installiing, its been a while since I did Linux though.04:36
dentonmy weather widget does not connect to my proxy04:37
dentonsomeone should tell me how to properly set one up04:37
denton=) hint hint04:37
Cathalsorry, just re-learning it myself.04:38
robin0800denton: Thats a bug04:38
dentonnot fixed yet?04:38
dentonrobin0800: many people have that problem then huh?04:38
mefisto__denton: have you tried any other weather widgets?04:39
robin0800denton: It came up yesterday search the log!04:39
vikram_how to i get the plasma widget for network manager ?04:41
robin0800vikram: add widgits04:42
vikram_i dont see it in the list anymore. i got an error - something like object instantiation error04:43
=== Froad_ is now known as Froad
XainI have a question guy's.04:44
XainThis Konversation client run's off of a complete Freenode server correct?04:44
robin0800vikram: Something you did uninstalled it you will have to reinstall it04:45
XainDoes that mean every channel i run into will be a Linux based channel?04:45
mefisto__vikram: make sure it's installed: plasma-widget-network-manager04:45
robin0800Xain: irc.freenode.net is the server04:46
XainOk, thank you.04:46
devilsadvocateXain: you can connect to other networks.04:46
vikram_ok thanks .04:47
robin0800devilsadvocate:  both ubuntu and kubuntu use freenode04:48
devilsadvocaterobin0800: yes... and?04:49
mefisto__so does windows04:49
robin0800devilsadvocate: Thats why I quoted that one04:50
robin0800mefisto__: More important to me is~rockbox do too04:51
noobiasCan someone help me with a problem im having with running multiple moniters in ubuntu04:51
denton_yo, how would i be able to use the old kde menu bar?04:52
noobiasCan someone help me with a problem im having with running multiple moniters in ubuntu04:53
denton_or at least configure this one to use the same featurse?04:53
noobiasi can find the moniter04:53
denton_such as highlight and resize selected programs with mouse hover04:53
mefisto__denton: menu bar? you mean the menu? kmenu?04:53
noobiasbut when i try to save the conf file it says it cannot delete the orig file04:53
digdeepdenton: select application launch menu(traditional menu) from widget system (right click on the top right of the screen)04:54
denton_digdeep: thanks, ill try to take that all in04:54
mefisto__denton: I think if you right-click the kickoff menu there is an option to use the traditional menu04:54
denton_really? I'll check04:55
=== lazy is now known as noobiasrex
gizmobayI just upgraded to 9.04 and in firefox there's shadows around search boxes and buttons. Is this the way it is?04:56
robin0800denton: As long as lock isn't on04:56
noobiasrexi have it allsetup to work and when i go to save the xorg.conf i get an error saying unable to remove old x config backup file04:57
Dragnslcrgizmobay- I think it's because of gtk-qt-engine, which tries to make GTK programs look more like they fit in with KDE04:57
robin0800noobiasrex: Are you root?04:58
denton_'panel settings' are kind of helpful04:59
gizmobayDragnslcr, can I upgrade a package to fix?04:59
noobiasrexno im not root04:59
noobiasrexrobin0800 not sure how to login with root05:00
noobiasrexdoes it have a password?05:00
noobiasrexim very noob05:00
noobiasrexwith ubuntu that is05:00
denton_panel options>panel settings>more options05:00
denton_noobiasrex: dont log in with root :P05:00
noobiasrexim not root05:01
noobiasrexand it wont let me savet he file still05:01
denton_noobiasrex: if you want to use higher privileges, 'sudo'05:01
mefisto__noobiasrex: how are you editing it?05:01
noobiasrexim changing a setting in my nvidia x server settings05:01
denton_type sudo before the command05:01
noobiasrextheres no command05:01
robin0800noobiasrex: I use konquer super user thing That is available but not enabled by default05:01
noobiasrexim pushing saveto x configuration file05:02
noobiasrexand its saying no05:02
noobiasrexi cant turn on and visual effects either05:02
noobiasrexi get some silly error.05:02
lekremyelsewhey yall05:02
noobiasrexalso after updating to 9.04 my sound dosent work anymore05:02
noobiasrexim stumped05:02
mefisto__what's the command to start the nvidia config thingie? just put "kdesudo" before that05:02
lekremyelsewdoes anyone know how to get the old amarok back in 9.04?05:03
noobiasrexi have no idea what the command line is05:03
denton_all hardware problems require specific values to be configured in a range of files... it takes time :(05:03
mefisto__noobiasrex: it's in the menu?05:03
noobiasrexim used to an os listenening to me when i tell it to save something05:03
robin0800noobiasrex: Alt F205:03
noobiasrexi mean i clicked system_administration_nvidia x server settings05:04
noobiasrexit finds my moniter05:04
noobiasrexi clicked on seperate x screen05:04
noobiasrexand it says i must save the file05:04
denton_I wonder where the shared directory for VMware is , and how to open it in linux05:04
noobiasrexwhen i try to save the fil05:05
noobiasrexfile it tells me it cant delete the old backup05:05
mefisto__noobiasrex: you need root privileges to edit that file05:05
noobiasrexand if i cant log in to root how do i do it?05:06
noobiasrexi pressed alt f205:06
robin0800noobiasrex: You add sudo or kdesudo to the command05:06
noobiasrexwhat command?05:06
noobiasrexthers no command all im doing is clicking save file05:07
mefisto__noobiasrex: open the menu editor (kmenuedit) and find it in there to find out what the command is05:07
denton_noobiasrex: ill help you out05:07
denton_noobiasrex: hmm.05:08
noobiasrexi found the command05:08
denton_noobiasrex: youll need to go to recovery and give your user root editing capablities05:08
robin0800noobiasrex: You need to relaunch your program with root priviledges so it can save and dellete files05:08
denton_yeah that05:09
mefisto__noobiasrex: it's probably something like nvidia-config (I don't know because I've never used nvidia in linux)05:09
denton_so let me get this straight05:09
DaskreechHi noobiasrex05:09
denton_theres no way to drag a window into another desktop on 1 monitor..05:10
noobiasrexhi daskreech05:10
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings05:10
robin0800noobiasrex: Just put kdesudo in front of it05:10
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama05:10
mefisto__noobiasrex: so do this: kdesudo <whatever the nvidia command is>05:10
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead05:10
denton_hmmm? was that twin view in response to my question05:10
denton_Deskreech: thank you05:10
denton_Ill be sure to get that05:11
denton_and im going to make a text file for helpfull programs, and commands i hear on here05:11
xeffhello all05:11
xeffWonder if anyone could help out...05:12
denton_now i need to set up hotkeys to add text files and such05:12
denton_xeff: ask and you never know05:13
noobiasrexok so from what ive gathered the command should look like this right05:13
robin0800!ask > xeff05:13
ubottuxeff, please see my private message05:13
noobiasrexkdesudo /usr/bin/nvidia-settings05:13
robin0800noobiasrex: Yes05:14
noobiasrexi cant thank you guys enough05:14
noobiasrexi gotta restart x05:14
noobiasrexnext issue is not having any sound05:15
xeffI am on jaunty jackalope and the network manager widget doesnt seem to work properly05:15
robin0800xeff: Correct#05:15
xeffAny idea why?05:15
medjrhow can i set the windows key to show the start menu ?05:16
medjrwindows key also called super key05:16
robin0800noobiasrex: Yes the one you set up during install05:17
XainCan someone tell me what is teh best distro i could ever use with a good compatibility with Intel chipset's?05:18
=== lazy is now known as noobias
noobiasok well that worked05:19
medjrany answers please ?05:19
noobiasis there a way to give my useraccount those controls without having to do all the cmdline stuff?05:19
nsawdoes anyone know if it is possible to install knoppix to a 8gb usb stick in kubuntu?05:19
robin0800medjr: System seyttings Keyboard andmouse05:20
robin0800noobias:  what controls?05:21
mefisto__noobias: you could edit that item in the menu editor to run as a different user, and enter the user "root". that should pop up a window asking for your password whenever you run it. (that's what it normally should do anyway if it's changing system settings)05:22
medjrrobin0800 i went there but i could not find where to configure it05:22
denton_so is there a way to get a bunch of virtual desktop like Mac Os? :O05:23
mefisto__denton_: should already have them05:25
krisHi. Trying to get my sound cards to work following an upgrade to Jaunty. Here they are: Card 0 : HDA ATI SB at 0xd2500000 irq 16, and Card 1 : HDA ATI HDMI at 0xd2410000 irq 19.05:27
Daskreechdenton_: They took that from UNIX so hopefully yes :)05:28
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:28
krisDaskreech: Thanks.05:29
krisDidn't realize that 4.2 was still using ARTS ...05:29
DaskreechIt can05:30
girevikmotolinux stopped recognizing my usb hard drive05:31
krisDaskreech: Ok. The 4.2 interface is entirely different...05:31
krisI think ubottu needs his brain updated ...05:32
krisDaskreech: I thought that 4.2 used phonon ...05:33
krisAlso, searching packages.ubuntu.com for "arts" doesn't return any relevant hits ...05:33
denton_so does i386 mean windows 32 bit05:35
krisNo. i386 is a processor.05:37
girevikmotoi386 means means the processor architecture is a descendent of intel 38605:37
krisIt can run Windows 32 bit. Or any other 32 bit OS.05:37
girevikmotoas opposed to PPC (power pc) and x86_6405:37
thismamacooks200girevikmoto: don't forget m68k. Linux was made for m68k05:38
girevikmotohttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Microprocessors <- there have been many processor architectures over the years05:41
girevikmotoso... i dont suppose anyone knows a fix to my usb harddrive problem?05:47
eddybis there any way(i mean some factory repos and stuff) to get you kde4 updated with the last svn version?05:47
girevikmotoa few days ago my external harddrive stopped being detected05:47
girevikmotoi plug it in, and it never shows up05:47
girevikmotolsusb shows its existence though05:47
girevikmotodmesg shows a bunch of i/o errors05:49
girevikmotobut it works fine on a friends windows machine05:49
girevikmotoany ideas?05:50
Daskreechkris: Correct and Phonon can use whatever so it can use it if you like05:51
denton_heres a question youve heard a thousand times05:56
denton_by now someone should have this on speed dial :P05:56
denton_how do get root privs on a standard account to install software05:57
Daskreechput sudo before the command you are using to install05:57
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denton_okay i thought so05:58
denton_so its just the command that doesnt get recognized05:58
denton_weird.. i gotta get it working in VMware on windows to install shared directories05:58
krisDaskreech: Ok. But how do I install arts?05:58
=== mds is now known as mayfields
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about arts05:59
ubottuKDE 4.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.2 - Support in #kubuntu05:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde4.206:00
denton_Daskreech: actually i need to do this install in X heh06:00
Daskreechdenton_: kdesudo06:00
denton_hm .. thank you06:00
aaronHi, I just upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 and my network manager is gone... I lost all of my wep keys and had to plug into a wall to get network06:02
aaronIt's not even there06:02
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aaronany suggestions on how to get wifi working again?  (that grey globe thing worked well in 8.10)06:03
denton_Daskreech: can I add that kdesudo to a RPM file?06:04
Daskreechdenton_: WOah what?06:04
denton_Daskreech: need to install rpm file (in root) i believe06:04
denton_need to do it by double clicking preferably06:05
Daskreechdenton_: Which RPM ?06:05
denton_actually its a tool set for VMware06:05
denton_so this is where it gets confusing for me..06:05
aarondenton_: did you want to install an rpm??? there are plenty of tools to convert rpm to deb06:05
DaskreechWhere did you grab it from?06:05
aaronPlz help, my system is crypled...06:06
denton_it came with VMware (windowsXP) they designed a toolset for linux06:06
=== aaron is now known as MrDarkUser
denton_its also in tar.gz form but does not recognize the command06:07
DaskreechMrDarkUser: Crippled?06:07
Daskreechdenton_: Which command?06:07
MrDarkUserDaskreech: yes, I figured that misspelling would catch somebodies attention.. also it appears that my new IRC client doesn't have spell checking to my dismay06:08
MrDarkUserDaskreech: yes, the wifi is down06:08
MrDarkUserDaskreech: it appears to just be the dissapearance of the network manager that was in 8.10.. that was ugly and missnamed but worked reliably.. and now there is nothing to replace it.06:09
DaskreechMrDarkUser: Did you try the plasmoid?06:10
IdespnnrMrDarkUser: what about Wicd as a network manager06:11
Idespnnrworked better for me in 9.04 than the default06:11
DaskreechIf the plasmoid doesn't work try wicd06:11
MrDarkUserI got my wep key so If I can figure out where to use the configuration file, I should be able to use it... but it's gone....06:11
MrDarkUserDaskreech: that plasmoid just showed what was connected, nothing to change,  Trying Wicd06:11
Idespnnri could NOT hidden SSID with the built in wifi manager in kubuntu 9.04, I used wicd and never had much issue06:12
MrDarkUserNote, there are a whole bunch of really really cool settings under the System Settings network section.. but nothing to actually connect to a network :)06:13
MrDarkUserIdespnnr: well, wicd looks promissing, except it's redarded and telling me that encryption needs to be enabled... witch is a big DUH, just ask me for the key already06:15
MrDarkUserand I crashed it just by clicking the button a few times06:15
Idespnnrouch... dunno what your alernatives are then06:16
Idespnnrunless you like bash...06:16
cspackyou just have to expand the ssid name and click advanced settings before  you try and connect06:16
Idespnnrah yea... it would be a 1 time setup thing for the initial connect06:17
Idespnnrthen wicd should do the rest automaticaly from then on06:17
digdeephi, where can i find libgailutil.so.1806:19
Daskreech!find libgailutil.so.1806:19
ubottuFile libgailutil.so.18 found in ia32-libs, libgail-dbg, libgail1806:19
DaskreechThere you go06:19
aaronIdespnnr: thanks much,06:21
Idespnnraaron: you had trouble with the builtin plasmoid wifi manager i take it?06:22
digdeepDaskreech: great06:23
aaronIdespnnr: There was none when the computer turned on06:23
denton_awesome.. vmware tools installed successfully06:23
aaronIdespnnr: there was last time I saw it in 8.1006:23
aaronIdespnnr: and I had seen it in the search menu in 8.10, but it wasn't there in 9.04 right after the upgrade...06:24
aaronIdespnnr: When I typed other stuff in, I got a program that showed what was connected, but no way to manage it, when I went to system settings, there were ways to define connections, and a hidden way to search for networks, and no way to say "connect"06:25
aaronIdespnnr: (the plasmoid was the one that only said what was conencted)06:26
Idespnnrwere you really connected?06:26
aaronIdespnnr: no, not with wifi06:26
aaronIdespnnr: I had to find  a network jack to plug in .. I spent 1/2 hour poking about looking for anything06:27
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denton_there we go.. man that did something06:28
aaronIdespnnr: Also under system settings, I was able to type in connections, but then it kept asking me for my kdewallet, which was needless, it wouldn't let me do anything without kdewallet, so I had to poke about with wallet manager, delete one, then go back, and it appears that the network manager program06:28
denton_i was not able to add fade or slide windows effects until now :P06:29
denton_the transparent k bar is nice too06:29
aaronIdespnnr: anyway, I'm not trying to rant, I'll research more now that I'm online, it's just that anybody who depends on wifi can't jump from 8.10 to 9.04 at this time06:29
denton_im goin to log out and make sure changes are saved06:30
denton_this took me a few hours to achieve, lol06:30
Idespnnraaron: if you move to wicd you should be ok06:30
Idespnnrremove and uninstall the plasmoid and replace with wicd via add/remove programs06:31
=== denton is now known as Denton
rayluaaron: i did and wifi works fine06:43
aaronraylu: I'm sure it works for most or it wouldn't have been released. could I get a screen shot of what the network manager looks like working ?  (There was just a funky M and it said my ethernet was connected)06:45
aaron(JUST said the ethernet was connected)06:45
rayluaaron: i'm actually not on wireless right now. want the screeny anyway?06:45
ubuntistashow can i completely remove kubuntu?06:46
rayluubuntistas: are you dual-booting right now?06:46
johansjai can easily install LAMP server on my Ubuntu using tasksel. But how do I prevent it from autostarting or shutting it down?06:47
raylujohansja: you want to prevent the lamp stack from starting up when booting?06:48
johansjaraylu, ya, i don't need the localhost server to run all the time06:49
johansjai am using this pc for development purpose only06:49
raylujohansja: sudo update-rc.d -n apache2 remove06:49
aaronraylu: yes please ;)06:49
raylujohansja: will perform a dry-run of removing apache2 from the rc.d06:50
rayluaaron: gave the link. http://foor.res.cmu.edu/f/snapshot5.png06:50
johansjaraylu, and how do i start it manually after that?06:50
raylujohansja: switch -n with -f to actually remove all the symlinks06:50
raylujohansja: and do the same for mysqld06:50
raylujohansja: to start/stop it manually, sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 start/stop/status/restart06:51
raylujohansja: same for mysqld06:51
aaronraylu: thx06:51
Victorashhello i've a question. what do you use for burn images in ubuntu "?06:52
aaronraylu: I did not have that big white thing with the check.06:52
johansjaraylu, thanks06:52
johansjathat's helpful06:52
rayluaaron: yeah, that icon is kinda strange... but the popup dialog looks nice :D06:53
raylujohansja: also to note: invoke-rc.d basically just runs thngs in /etc/init.d06:54
rayluVictorash: k3b06:54
VictorashAny ideas?06:54
Victorashi'm on gnome06:54
Victorashit's ok ??06:54
Victorashi'm new on ubuntu06:54
rayluVictorash: oh. from the cli, try cdrecord, wodim, or dvdrecord06:55
cspackgnome has brasero i think by default06:56
Victorashcspack : U are right06:58
Victorashit's brasero installed06:58
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro06:59
rayluoh, you're already there. nevermind07:00
shahrami have question07:01
shahramwho knows why nvidia Driver 180.44 don;t work peroperly on Kubuntu 9.0407:01
Victorashguys from romania are sleping :))07:01
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.07:02
shahrami have just installed kubuntu 9.0407:03
shahramand install the Nvidia 180.44 driver07:03
bazhangshahram, installed how07:04
cspackshahram: did you install it via package manager or download from nvidia  website?07:04
shahramdownalod from Nvidia site07:04
cspackprobabaly need to recompile kernel module for the new kernel07:04
shahramok i think i have to install the newer vertion07:05
bazhangshahram, always use the package manager first07:05
shahramok Thankyou07:06
cspacki'm using 180.51, it works fine07:06
shahramyaa i have to downalod it now07:06
Victorashhow can i see if my video drivers are updated?07:07
shahramThankyou all07:07
cspackVictorash: if you use the package manager, it would show up in updates07:08
MrDarkUserraylu: .. I reinstalled network-manager-kde, and tried running NetworkManager and well, it didn't do anything worthwhile07:09
MrDarkUsernothing even close... what is the application name and package?07:09
rayluMrDarkUser: er, sorry, i don't remember helping you07:09
raylui think you were talking to Daskreech07:10
Victorashah so it does it automatic07:10
bazhangVictorash, yes, so always wise to use the package manager :)07:11
MrDarkUserraylu: .. oh, Aaron07:11
Victorashi don't understand, u said it updates automatic07:12
Victorashor should i search the driver in package manager07:12
bazhangVictorash, yes, if you choose to check for updates/upgrades; you can set it to notify you on a regular basis if you wish07:13
Victorashit's my second day on ubuntu07:13
bazhangVictorash, or simply type into the konsole: sudo apt-get update   followed by sudo apt-get upgrade07:14
Victorashis quite hard07:14
Victorashit seems that i don't need any updates07:15
Victorashi need a small, easy to use music player.now i have songbird, but i need something just for play music07:16
MrDarkUserraylu:  I'm the guy who is very surprised not to have his wifi work after upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04.. but it works with wicd07:16
rayluMrDarkUser: oh. can you get it working with iwconfig and dhclient?07:17
rayluVictorash: you're on ubuntu, right? mplayer, moc, or exaile07:18
rayluVictorash: or amarok if you feel like pulling in qt/kde stuff07:18
Victorashamarok it's BIG07:18
Victorasha lot of stuff07:18
Victorashradios and a lot of buttons07:18
Victorashi need somethig wint playlist and play / pause button07:19
MrDarkUserraylu: yes07:19
rayluVictorash: mplayer -playlist file.m3u07:20
rayluMrDarkUser: you haven't played with your /etc/network/interfaces, have you?07:20
VictorashMplayer isn't a movie player?07:21
MrDarkUserraylu: it works with another network manager... It worked with 8.10.. auto lo07:22
MrDarkUseriface lo inet loopback07:22
rayluVictorash: it is07:22
rayluVictorash: but obviously, movie players implement audio decoding too07:22
rayluVictorash: and you wanted the bare minimum, so here it is.07:22
Victorashbut it's not what i need07:22
rayluVictorash: yes it is. it has a playlist and a play/pause button07:22
Victorashi thought it's more complex07:23
MrDarkUserVictorash: mpc12307:23
MrDarkUseror mpg12307:23
rayluVictorash: well... yes. it has a lot of really complex features... it can play videos in your console :D07:24
rayluit's actually really cool looking07:24
Victorashi'm installing it now07:24
Victorashto see if you are right07:25
janviI have a problem with CPU usage in kubuntu jaunty 64bit, running the beta flash driver, what do I have to try next? My CPU is around 100% in youtube videos:(07:25
Victorashand if you are not, i'll send MAGIC on you, evil magic :))07:25
Daskreechraylu: It does?07:27
rayluDaskreech: ?07:27
Daskreechplay movies in the console07:27
Daskreechwithout aalib ?07:28
rayluDaskreech: -vo caca07:28
rayluor, for no colors, -vo aa07:28
rayluso i guess it's aalib... maybe...07:29
Victorashit's quite nice mplayer07:29
Daskreechyeah it is07:29
Daskreechaalib needs an update07:29
raylulol... aalib isn't that seriously of a project, is it?07:30
DaskreechWell it can be nicer07:30
Daskreechthe aa stuff in windows is better and I know they don't give a damn07:31
christinahow can i get adobe flash player? haved tried but it cant be install corret!!! please help....07:31
Victorashhow can i pass log in part ?07:31
Victorash*get over login07:32
Victorashi forgot tnx for help raylu07:32
Daskreechraylu: and my computer is too slow to transcode to aa :)07:35
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:36
Daskreechplayed a music video and the music is done the video is about 1/3 way through07:36
rayluDaskreech: you can use mencoder to encode it beforehand07:38
=== lazy is now known as noobias
noobiasWould anyone know as to why when i try to turn the advanced visiual effects i get an error?07:43
noobiasit says desktop effects could not be enabled07:44
raylunoobias: xdpyinfo07:44
rayluxdpyinfo | grep -i composit07:44
noobiasthat just confuses me07:45
victorashwhat IM client do you use ?>07:47
cspackdesktop effects require the restricted graphics drivers for your card07:48
raylunoobias: do you see composite for the second command?07:49
rayluvictorash: bitlbee07:49
raylucspack: sometimes, not always07:49
victorash<raylu>: is support Yahoo protocols ?07:50
rayluvictorash: you'll probably want to use kopete instead. but yes, both bitlbee and kopete support yim07:51
ubottuDesktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu07:51
victorashi just saw a screenshot of bitlbee07:52
raylubitlbee is just an irc->im proxy07:52
raylui'm not sure how you could get a ss of that07:52
victorashpackage manager07:52
victorashis an option07:52
victorashsee ss07:52
victorashraylu : i installed bitlbee07:54
victorashwhere i can find it ?07:54
mike-solidushey, i have a wierd issue with kde4 with compositing turned on and i wonder if its an issue in general with nvidia and qt4 and compositing or if theres a fix or if i have a special case. When i'm compositing through opengl with qt4 I get wierd rectangle glitch outline boxes where the windows dissapear and only the background is shown. Is this a known issue?07:55
rayluvictorash: like i said, it's an im-irc proxy07:56
rayluvictorash: so you need an irc client07:56
mike-solidusI'm not sure what to even search for to find it, i keep getting black rectangle bugs when i use google which is not the but i'm getting07:56
rayluvictorash: which is why i also said you'd probably want kopete instead07:56
victorashi'd use kopete07:56
victorashi don't like it07:56
victorashso it's not what i'm looking for07:57
rayluwhat are you looking for, then?07:57
victorashi need something like kopete, and pidgin07:57
victorashkopete is ..i don't know. i don't like it , some other option ?07:58
mike-solidusvictorash: whats wrong with pidgin?07:58
raylumike-solidus: it crashes and is slow :P07:58
victorashit crashes07:58
raylumike-solidus: it's also not as configurable.07:58
victorashraylu always has the aswer07:58
mike-solidusraylu: i got scared away from kopete because it deleted my buddy list last time i tried it07:59
raylumike-solidus: o.007:59
raylumike-solidus: i have a 200+ contact list across 4 networks and kopete was the easiest to manage it with07:59
mike-solidusi had a 140-ish contact list till i used kopete, now i have the 13 i remember08:00
victorashother ideas ?08:02
victorashraylu : Audacious it's a lovely music player:X08:11
victorashthis is what i was looking for08:12
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victorashhell o08:20
sean1do you know how to get a list of channels?08:20
sean1hallo besitzer08:21
victorashdon't know, search on google for what channler you need ?08:21
sean1something where everyone isnt dead08:21
victorashi can see that they have an hard disscution08:22
rayluon freenode, you can /list but i highly recommend against it08:24
rayluif you want a list of ubuntu-related channels, it's on the wiki somewhere08:24
sean1thanks finally answer that works08:25
miles_anyone have experience making multimedia keyboard keys work with Songbird?08:41
administradorhi !!08:46
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raylumiles_: m... songbird has no support for that in its core08:58
raylulook to addons08:58
miles_yeah i got the addon raylu, but still no go08:58
rayluyou may need to close songbird and unmap them in kde/gnome08:59
miles_they worked in gnome but seems a little more tricky in KDE08:59
miles_i had a good fiddle in system settings -> keyboard and Mouse -> Global Keyboard Shortcuts09:01
miles_and Imput Actions09:01
miles_Imput Actions actually seemed promising but had no fine control ... so i could assign the play key to start Songbird09:03
miles_and even after installing the command line addon in songbird it didnt work with "songbird -play"09:04
raylusorry, i haven't used songbird much since i couldn't get mocp working with it09:04
miles_plus it was always telling me that my changes wouldnt be saved (permission issue?)09:04
=== lazy is now known as noobias
noobiasi have a question concerning my videocard drivers09:06
raylumiles_: perhaps. do you know where the configs are stored?09:06
raylumiles_: wait, what is "it?"09:07
miles_not specifically09:07
* miles_ is a child of the GUI09:07
raylumiles_: what told you changes wouldn't be saved? kde or songbird?09:07
miles_the Imput Actions window09:07
rayluoh... that's strange09:08
noobiasi have my videocard installed, but i cant run 3d screensavers or any visiual effects. any one have any ideas?09:08
miles_i kdesudo'd systemsetting and no change09:08
Tm_Tnoobias: what card, what drivers you have enabled and how09:08
noobiasnvidia 9800gt09:08
noobiasand hold 1 sec09:08
noobiasdriver version 180.4409:09
noobiasand i installed it threw terminal09:10
noobiasand restarted09:10
raylumiles_: find -uid 009:10
Tm_Tnoobias: can you be more precise?09:10
miles_i would if i knew what that was09:11
noobiaswhat else do you need to know?09:11
noobiasim running 64-bit ubuntu ultimate edition 2.109:11
Tm_Tnoobias: hmmmm, then use "ultimate edition" support, as I cannot know what those fellows have done09:11
raylumiles_: er, there's a command "find"09:12
raylumiles_: in the terminal, run "find -uid 0"09:12
miles_oh you mean type find -uid 009:12
Tm_Tnoobias: problem with those unofficial "hacks" is that we cannot support them as they can contain anything09:13
miles_it waited a bit and then returned a new miles@milo:~$09:13
dreimarkI see 100% CPU usage of clipper09:22
dreimarkhow can I manage it to get less power09:22
dreimarksorry i meant klipper09:22
rayludreimark: that sounds like a bug09:23
rayluas a workaround, you can renice it09:23
raylumiles_: ok, that means that nothing in your directory is owned by root09:23
miles_ah i see09:25
dreimarkraylu: do I have to file a bug report or is it enough to mention it here09:28
rayludreimark: none of us here (i believe) are developers. it'd be nice if you had a bug report09:29
sponzorhow to change ip in wirelles configuration?09:29
sponzorfrom dhcp to manual?09:29
raylusponzor: right-click on network manager > manage connections09:30
sponzorwhen i add ip gateway etc.. do i nead to reconnect?09:30
raylusponzor: of course09:30
sponzor:P tnx09:30
miles_now my cursor looks like a comb/ladder missing a side09:31
dreimarkdoes this channel have a bot for telling common answers?09:32
miles_and changing the mouse cursor theme does nothing09:32
dreimarke.g. give me a link for reporting a bug09:32
miles_actually looks like the cursor has been cloned 10-15 times really close together09:35
miles_looks like reboot time09:36
miles_ctrl alt backspace doesnt work09:37
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:38
rayludreimark: ^09:39
miles_hooray normal cursors09:40
=== ROSHA is now known as RoozbehOnline
raylumiles_: ctrl+alt+backspace has been taken out but can be re-enabled09:46
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »09:47
raylui'm sure there has to be an easier way, though09:47
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miles_ok here's an easy one to make up for the unsolvables: how do yuo globally turn off grouping of windows in the taskbar09:52
sponzorok i changed wifi. from dhcp to manual and insert ip gateway etc.. but now it wont connect to that wirelles? whats wrong?09:53
linux-hdtvdid you have a connection earlier ?09:55
dreimarkraylu: thx09:57
linux-hdtvwhy did you change then ?09:57
sponzorbecose dhcp is when you want to go to the internet... with manual i nead to access server that is on other ip and it is not on the internet.. wifi and server are connected to the same switch..09:58
linux-hdtvah. i thought you had run into kubuntu wireless problems. i never understood networking10:01
sponzori think it is a problam of kubuntu wirelles program becose when i change ip in windows it works i can connect normal, here i cant. i think i m doing someting wrong but i really dont know what :P10:02
linux-hdtvwe all like the beauty of plasma too much ...10:03
floownhow to desactivate the [Alt] + click on windows in Kubuntu ?10:05
linux-hdtvfloown, it makes windows transparent ?10:08
floownlinux-hdtv: no it's for move it with the mouse10:08
linux-hdtvah, great10:09
darksmokewhy is there no skype in kubuntu?10:26
darksmokei cant find it in the package manageer :/10:26
Tm_T!skype | darksmoke10:26
ubottudarksmoke: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga10:26
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:27
* Tm_T hides10:27
domkerHow to mount automaticaly NTFS partition? In this release of Kubuntu (9.04) i can't mount my partiton uses for exemple:  /dev/sda5  /media/DANE ntfs user,auto 0 010:29
domker(in fstab file)10:29
ActionParsnip!ntfs-3g | domker10:36
ubottudomker: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about leadtek10:38
ikoniadomker: what happens when you try to mount10:38
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out10:38
domkerikonia: no premission to mount partition10:38
ikoniadomker: so you put it in /etc/fstab and do what ?10:39
ikoniadomker: and you do what after that10:39
LutiusVeratiusIXDoes anyone has Leadtek TV card here? I want to know how to install drivers for it....10:41
LutiusVeratiusIXand start it10:41
domkerikonia: perhaps PolicyKit tool block premission to mount :P10:41
ikoniadomker: what do you do after you've put your entries in /etc/fstab10:41
ActionParsnipLutiusVeratiusIX: its the chip on the card thats important, lscpi and lsusb will identify it for you10:41
LutiusVeratiusIXActionParsnip : It's Conexant chip on it...where can I see installed hardware?10:42
domkerikonia: nothing, i just put this entires to fstab10:42
ikoniadomker: then reboot ?10:42
domkerikonia: yes, reboot10:42
ActionParsnipLutiusVeratiusIX: like i said.... lspci and lsusb will identify it10:42
LutiusVeratiusIXActionParsnip : And what program for TV are you suugesting?10:43
ActionParsnipLutiusVeratiusIX: there are many10:43
ActionParsnipLutiusVeratiusIX: tvtime, mythtv10:43
ActionParsnip!find tv10:44
ubottuFound: gappletviewer-4.3, linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic, linux-image-2.6.28-11-server, linux-image-2.6.28-6-386, aatv (and 102 others)10:44
ikoniadomker: wo where does it say "no permssions" ?10:44
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ActionParsnipdomker: did you create the mount point?10:44
domkerActionParsinp: opssss :D10:44
domkerActionPersnip: It is my fault :D10:45
ActionParsnipoh god no10:45
ActionParsnipis the mountpoint (or lack of the issue)10:46
alarmActionParsnip, goodmorning10:48
domkerWhy my DSL connection doesn't start with system startUP ? // i uses pppoeconf tool to configure my internet connection10:48
alarmfixed it, dont ask me how10:48
alarmi downloaded the latest driver, installed also linux-source and worked like a charm10:48
ActionParsnipalarm: how?  ;)10:48
ActionParsnipalarm: did you use repo or nvidia.com?10:48
alarmi dont think it was a problem on the nvidia drivers, but on missing linux-source10:49
ActionParsnipalarm: makes sense10:49
alarmnow i am facing another problem :P10:49
ActionParsnipalarm: glad its all good10:49
alarmafter upgrade knetworkmanager doesnt start automaticaly and have to start it always from console10:50
kayessGetting all sorts of weird font corruption on occasion with kubuntu/jaunty -- nvidia drivers10:50
kayessAre there any known issues? I saw there was meant to be some corrections for font corruption in the new drivers10:51
alarmi didnt face such an issue at all10:51
ActionParsnipalarm: i'd reinstall it, or create a symlink to it in ~/.kde/Autostart10:51
kayessI was having the screen corruption problems with GTK apps before I upgraded -- that's gone now though10:51
alarmok, i'll do so10:51
ActionParsnipalarm: I dont use network manager. Icant do anything with it at all.10:52
alarmthats how i connect on my wifi , how else ?10:52
ActionParsnipalarm: i use /etc/network/interfaces file10:52
alarmi am not that 'advanced' user :)10:52
ActionParsnipalarm: lets me uninstall all the dumb tools ubuntu comes with by default10:52
alarmhuh ? knetworkmanager is not installed10:55
alarmthan how did i start the application ? :P10:55
ActionParsnipalarm: you mave find its kdenetworkmanager10:56
ActionParsnipalarm: try tab completing in konsole10:56
alarmnah , i just did run it, knetworkmanager10:56
alarmalarm@rockpc:~$ knetworkmanager , kbuildsycoca running...10:57
alarmanyway i installed it10:57
linux-hdtvGood morning ActionParsnip :-) Was there ever a Kubuntu developer here ?10:58
ActionParsniplinux-hdtv: there may be. i'm not sure10:59
linux-hdtvIs Canonical now paying for Kubuntu developers too ?11:02
ActionParsniplinux-hdtv: its offtopic here11:03
edudhi folks, i was trying kubuntu 9.04 live11:07
edudbut can't use internet 'cause network manager don't wark with static ip11:08
edudand also configuring manually interfaces file11:08
edudseems that dns won't work11:08
edudi can ping router, but can't ping out of lan11:09
edudI've also create the resolv.conf file11:09
edudbut nothing happens11:10
fjallagyldir_hej there11:10
fjallagyldir_got troubles since i dist-upgraded11:10
fjallagyldir_no more videoplayback is possible11:11
fjallagyldir_can anyone help me?11:11
SandGorgonfjallagyldir_: try installing vlc11:11
fjallagyldir_no matter which player - it crashes11:12
fjallagyldir_also vlc11:12
edudno one can help me?11:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about codecvs11:19
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:19
ActionParsnipedud: i can give you some public dns ips if you wish?11:19
edudthe dns I use is working11:20
ActionParsnipedud: if you cn ping router thats good11:20
edudseems that kubuntu don't use the dns inserted in resolv.conf11:20
ActionParsnipedud: can you ping
sheytanFirst time here, so hi all :D11:21
ActionParsnip!hi | sheytan11:21
ubottusheytan: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!11:21
sheytanwant to say, that the new kubuntu rocks!11:21
edudActionParsnip: don't know11:21
sheytaninstalled it today first time :D11:21
ActionParsnipedud: try11:21
sheytaneverything's perfect :D11:21
edudI've to reboot to try11:21
ActionParsnipedud: and then ping www.bmezine.com11:22
ActionParsnipedud: if the IP pings but the name doesn't then your DNS sucks11:22
ActionParsnipedud: then try ping your dns11:22
fjallagyldir_ActionParsnip, its defenitly not an codec issue11:22
edudnow i'm using that dns11:22
edudfrom debian11:22
edudand it works great11:22
ActionParsnipfjallagyldir_: run a player from konsole, when it crashes you will get ome output, pastebin the output11:22
edudit's not a dns trouble11:23
edudit is kubuntu that don't recognize it11:23
ActionParsnipedud: well try those tets, see what you get11:23
edudtell me just one thing11:24
fjallagyldirActionParsnip, BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)11:24
edudnetwork config, and dns config works like debian right?11:24
edudin interfaces i set ip... etc11:25
edudin resolv.conf i set dns11:25
edudor not?11:25
ActionParsnipedud: in /etc/network/interfaces  yes11:25
ActionParsnipedud: dns is setup in /etc/resolv.conf11:25
=== Marquis is now known as Marquis-Vincent
fjallagyldirActionParsnip, and Xorg.log: (EE) intel(0): Failed to pin xv buffer11:26
ActionParsnipfjallagyldir: have a look at what that means11:26
fjallagyldirActionParsnip, that means, afaik that the new intel driver has a problem11:27
ActionParsnipfjallagyldir: have yuo tried renaming the config files in .kde for the player to see if that helpls11:27
edudok, it's like debian, but when I restart /etc/init.d/networking kubuntu don't use information in resolv.conf, also after I created it and inserted dns11:27
fjallagyldirActionParsnip, its no matter of the player its with every player11:28
ActionParsnipfjallagyldir: then the common thing between is X and codecs11:28
edudciao valentina11:28
fjallagyldiris also no codec issu caus yesterday it worked before the update ActionParsnip11:29
ActionParsnipfjallagyldir: ok what upgraded today?11:31
fjallagyldirfrom 8.10 to 9.04 dist-upgrade as suggested from update-deamon11:31
ActionParsnipfjallagyldir: thats a massive step11:31
ActionParsnipfjallagyldir: i'd reinstall kubuntu-restricted-extras  just to cover that ase11:32
ActionParsnipas well as the medibuntu codecs11:32
fjallagyldiri can try11:32
ActionParsnipfjallagyldir: its free to try11:32
fjallagyldiron the run ..11:34
fjallagyldirbut i dont think so cause every player itself crushes sometimes even at startup of the player11:35
fjallagyldirwith similar error11:35
domkerWhy my DSL connection doesnt start automaticaly with system startup ? // i configured it uses pppoeconf11:39
domkerany tips?11:42
fjallagyldirdomker, have look at the runlevels11:50
domkerfjallagyldir: where ?11:52
fjallagyldirthe runlevel which u start up to11:52
fjallagyldirhave a look at man update-rc.d11:53
domkerfjallagyldir: I don't know how... // if i manuly start networking: /etc/init.d/networking start - internet works but if system bootup connection is down12:00
=== bsk_ is now known as register
digdeepIs it possible to put /etc/init.d/networking start in .bashrc12:01
tsimpsondigdeep: it's possible, but it would fail and be unnecessary12:03
tsimpsonit's started at boot and needs to be run as root12:03
domkerI tried to do symlinks and does not work.12:06
domkerin kubuntu 8.10 works fine12:07
tsimpsonsymlinks to where?12:08
domkerto .kde/Autostart12:08
tsimpsonto start what app?12:09
domkerno, to start internet connection on startup12:09
tsimpsonthat won't work, things in .kde/Autostart run at login, no boot12:10
tsimpsonif you want commands to be run at boot, you need to put them in /etc/init.d/rc.local12:11
fjallagyldirdomker, which runlevel r u running at?12:11
domkerfjallagyldir: i dont know how to check this12:12
nanoligh1I've got a problem with knetworkmanager on jaunty12:13
nanoligh1It doesn't want to connect and say eth0:disconnected12:13
nanoligh1eth0: disconnected12:14
nanoligh1I reached to connect with ifconfig but I think that when i'll reboot, the configuration will be lost12:15
nanoligh1does anybody got problem with knetworkmanager on KDE4.2?12:15
fabian_hi everyone - I can't change my icontheme since i updated to kde4, dolphin shows folders always as oxygen and other icons are shown totally wrong (go-back as kde-logo)... what's the matter ?12:18
fjallagyldirdomker, open up a terminal and run 'runlevel'12:21
nanoligh1anybody knows about knetworkmanager problems with wired connections?12:22
fjallagyldirhmm never heard about nanoligh112:23
domkerfjallagyldir: result:  N 212:23
fjallagyldirso u r in runlevel 212:23
fabian_nanoligh1: is there "no carrier" shown, when you plug it in ?12:24
hwolffhello, can someone tell me why I get no sound except for skype with works just as it should?12:24
fjallagyldirdomker, login as root12:25
nanoligh1fabian_: hum it's in french but when I'm on the icon it says eth0: not connected12:26
fjallagyldirwhat was your networkscript called?12:26
domkerfjallagyldir: networking12:27
mmo|Anyone know how to get 5.1 sound in kubuntu 9.04?12:27
fjallagyldirthen do as root 'update-rc.de networking defaults' domker12:28
fabian_nanoligh1: i experienced that problem.. it seems there are too different packages, which both refer to the command knetworkmanager... is there a "new connection"-button in the menu ?12:28
fjallagyldirmine is working with spdif-pass thru mmo|12:28
mmo|fjallagyldir: how do I set that up?12:28
fjallagyldirdoes ur soundcard have spdif and is connected ur stereo at that plug? mmo|12:29
mmo|fjallagyldir: my speakers are connected to the digital out on the sound card...12:30
domkerfjallagyldir : this command result: 'System startup links for /etc/init.d/networking already exist.'12:30
nanoligh1fabian_: yes there is, I entered the parameters of my connection but it always says not connected12:30
fjallagyldirhmm then it should start it domker, any syslog entries about that?12:31
fjallagyldiri assume domker it runs over eth012:31
fjallagyldirwhich soundcard mmo|12:31
mmo|fjallagyldir: sb audigy 212:31
fabian_nanoligh1: try to ignore the "manuel ip config"12:32
fjallagyldirdoes any sound gets out? mmo|12:32
domkerfjallagyldir: yes it runs over eth0 with pppoe auth (pass & username)12:32
nanoligh1I put DHCP? even if I got a router?12:33
fjallagyldirwhat does 'ls -lah /etc/init.d/networking' say?12:33
mmo|fjallagyldir: yes. There is sound. I actually have some success using an .asoundrc file I have that has worked in the past. It makes VLC play in 5.1. Amarok and dragon plays in stereo (and VERY low volume) though...12:33
fabian_nanoligh1: as far as i know the rooter will give you an internal ip12:34
domkerfjallagydir: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2,4K 2009-03-05 16:02 /etc/init.d/networking12:34
fjallagyldirso i would have a look at the sound-prefs at kmixer mmo|12:34
fjallagyldirmine has an output 'IEC 958 Output' switch which is for the digi out - look for smth similar mmo|12:35
fjallagyldiryou have to activate that output and deactivate the according loop - at least at my sndcrd its like that mmo|12:36
mmo|fjallagyldir: ok, thanks. I will have a look12:36
nanoligh1fabian_: it doesn't work with DHCP... would it be better with wicd?12:37
domkerfjallagyldir: i reboot my computer. I'll be back soon12:38
uguardcould you help me plz?I m trying to install the 3D model of earth widget and a message says that OpenGL shaders are not supported.12:39
fabian_nanoligh1: wicd ?12:39
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
fjallagyldirhave also issus with grafik since dist-upgrade *grrr*12:40
fabian_nanligh1: wait... didn't you say "wired connection" ? oO12:40
fjallagyldirno videoplayback anymore12:40
nanoligh1fabian_: yes wicd can replace networkmanager but I don't know if it works on KDE12:41
fabian_nanoligh1: hm, i never experienced problems with dhcp and router.. can your paste your network-config-file ?12:42
nanoligh1yes, where can I find it?12:43
fabian_nanoligh1: btw: make sure, that the old connection with manual-ip-config isn't in the connection list anymore12:43
mmo|fjallagyldir: thanks. I think I got it working now. :-)12:43
fjallagyldirnanoligh1, already tried cmd-line?12:43
fjallagyldirnp mmo|12:43
uguardcould you help me plz?I m trying to install the 3D model of earth widget and a message says that OpenGL shaders are not supported.12:44
nanoligh1yes no problem with command line if I know what file to read/write12:44
fabian_nanoligh1: file is /etc/network/interfaces12:45
fjallagyldirtry dhcpclient eth0 eg nanoligh112:45
fjallagyldirsry dhclient eth0 nanoligh112:46
atilaHi. Good morning, guys.12:46
nanoligh1fabian_: paste.ubuntu.com:80/15996012:46
mmo|fjallagyldir: by the way. Do you know how to get keyboard shortcuts working in kubuntu 9.04, or know why mine dont work? :-) I have tried setting them in khotkeys in the settings but nothing happens when I press the shortcut12:46
fjallagyldirhm mmo| no sry no idea, stuck in troubles myself with 9.04 i dont have any video playback *grr*12:48
fjallagyldirre domker12:48
mmo|fjallagyldir: hm ok. annoying...12:48
domkerfjallagyldir: now all workd find :D12:48
fjallagyldirso it looks like u r done :-)12:49
atilaThe software update on notification area no longer exists; I probably did something wrong. Can anybody tell me what program should I re-install?12:49
domkeri move networking from /etc/rd.0  to /etc/rd.2/12:49
fabian_nanoligh1: damn, knetworkmanager doesnt seem to save in this file anymore oO... same text at my file12:49
uguardcould you help me plz?I m trying to install the 3D model of earth widget and a message says that OpenGL shaders are not supported.12:50
fabian_nanoligh1: take a look at "edit connections" - how many wired-connections are shown ?12:50
bo0ts__Hi there. Are there any convenient ways to get the old network manager back?12:51
nanoligh1fabian_: I succeeded to have internet by typing "sudo ifconfig eth0 && sudo route add default netmask gw
nanoligh1but in knetworkmanager it says disconnected12:51
triunenice new gui12:51
triunefor updates :)12:51
johansja_the kpackagekit doesn't seem to be a good package manager12:51
nanoligh1fabian_: there is only one, that one that I entered parameters12:52
JuJuBeeWhat is going on with dolphin all of a sudden it is using 90+ % CPU12:52
johansja_i wished to install phpmyadmin, and libgd2-noxpm has to be removed, but then i have to do it separately12:52
johansja_the apt-get can even do a better job12:52
fabian_nanoligh1: hm, your interface-file changed, didn't it ?12:52
nanoligh1fabian_: No I don't think12:53
fabian_nanoligh1: strange..12:53
fabian_nanoligh1: but it works ?12:54
nanoligh1it works with command line but I think that when I'll reboot, it won't work12:55
nanoligh1well, I've tried and I had to write again the command line12:56
atilaHey, guys! The software update on notification area no longer exists; I probably did something wrong. Can anybody tell me what program should I re-install? Thanks in advance.12:56
fabian_nanoligh1: as i said: try to kick the one with parameters from the list and make a wired-connection with dhcp12:56
nanoligh1I tried it12:56
KransacHi everybody12:57
JuJuBeeAnybody? Dolphin using 90+% CPU for about 10 minutes, then seems to settle down.12:57
nanoligh1fabian_: "the connection to the interface eth0 failed"12:58
KransacIs there a way to enable 3D effects under Kubuntu 9.04 with a dual-screen? I have the nvidia driver for my 8600GM12:58
fabian_nanoligh1: ok.. use the terminal.. i really don't know, what the reason could be else :(12:58
nanoligh1ok thanks for your help, I'll post a thread on the forums12:59
nanoligh1I'm a little lost in KDE so... :P12:59
nanoligh1thanks, bye!12:59
fabian_anyone experienced problems with changing the icontheme ?13:00
fabian_when i change to crystal my go-back-icon changes to the kdemenu-icon... the folders dont change at all13:02
triuneKVM enabled by default13:04
triuneso VMware wont install :(13:04
fjallagyldirnot here fabian_ but i cant play videos anymore since distupgrade13:04
triunego jaunty13:04
triuneanyone know what the opposite of modprobe is13:05
triuneto unload a kernel module?13:05
fabian_fyallagyldir: yep - vlc is freakin out since dist-upgr13:05
fjallagyldirtriune, rmmod13:05
fjallagyldirnot only vlc - every player *grrr* fabian_13:06
triune# rmmod kvm13:06
triuneERROR: Module kvm is in use by kvm_amd13:06
triunehow do i get around that one?13:06
adeusrmmod kvm kvm_amd13:07
fjallagyldirtriune, Manpages are your friends13:07
=== unseen_ is now known as pisiq
fjallagyldirsee man modprobe13:07
triune# rmmod kvm kvm_amd13:08
triuneERROR: Module kvm is in use by kvm_amd13:08
triune# rmmod kvm_amd kvm13:08
triuneERROR: Module kvm_amd does not exist in /proc/modules13:08
fabian_so oxygen has a weird path for icons... folders are not saved in filesystem but in locations :(13:08
fjallagyldirlsmod |grep kvm13:08
triunereturns nothing fjallagyldir13:09
fjallagyldirso there is no module loaded called kvm13:09
triunewhen i install VMware is finds it and wont install13:09
triuneerror msg from install: You cannot install on a system with KVM enabled.13:10
fjallagyldiras root: updatedb && locate kvm13:10
fjallagyldirapt-cache search kvm13:10
triuneapt-get remove --purge kvm13:11
triunefixed it13:12
triuneguess jaunty wants to install kvm package by default now ;)13:12
triunethanks for the help fjallagyldir13:13
=== olujicz_ is now known as olujicz
fjallagyldirtriune, np :-)13:21
=== almoxarifado-2 is now known as JAMES
=== JAMES is now known as Guest74597
rmrfslashWorking fglrx for kubuntu 9.04 yet?13:32
LinuxApeSince my jaunty upgrade, printing no longer works.  Constantly get "printer not connected" errors.  Anyone had similar experience?13:33
zirodayHi, how do I get my gtk apps to use oxygen?13:33
rmrfslashLinuxApe: well... there was a slew of cups "upgrades" today13:34
zirodayis it something to do with qtcurve? How do I use it?13:34
rmrfslashzieroday: in 9.04?13:34
LinuxApermrfslash:  haven't seen them yet.  I'll check it out.13:34
zirodayrmrfslash: 8.04, is it any different?13:35
LinuxApermrfslash:  getting cups updates.   There are a slew of them!13:37
rmrfslashziroday: yes.. big diff. In fact, in 9.04 there's no way to change gtk styles, it's hard coded.13:38
rmrfslashziroday: I found that qtcurve gave the best overall look and feel to gtk apps. Anything else did funky stuff w/ scroll bars and checkboxes (spec. in firefox)13:39
rmrfslashziroday: that's even with that scroll bar fix button in 8.04->8.1013:40
zirodayrmrfslash: okay thanks!13:40
rmrfslashziroday: in 9.04 the gtk looks very good. very well integrated. I haven't seen any bugs really.13:40
rmrfslashziroday: I'm for once wholly impressed w/ the transparency they've achieved between Qt and GTK in 9.0413:41
desafinadohello folks, i use Firestarter for my security, and now it's detecting hit, does it safe? and if it doesn't maybe folks here can write what should i do to secure my ubuntu machine.13:42
LinuxApeUpgraded CUPS today, and still can't print in Jaunty.13:43
rmrfslashdesafinado: Firestarter is a great "start". I think you would be doing yourself a big favor by becoming more familiar with iptables (firestarter being a frontend to iptables). A *GREAT* place to start is here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo13:44
rmrfslashdesafinado: I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear, but you will thank me later.13:44
snikkerhow can i execute a script at logout with kde4?13:52
rmrfslashSo does anyone here know if fglrx is working w/ kubuntu 9.04 or what?13:52
rmrfslashIs everyone still in bed?13:53
rmrfslashit's 9AM EST for cryin' out loud.13:53
estantesmmm... testing on 90413:53
estantesno commend at the moment..13:53
=== guy is now known as Guest79084
domkerrmrfslash fglrx work for me13:53
estantesafter i install the kubuntu component. it change to kubuntu logon after the reboot13:53
LinuxApeAlso - amarok no longer produces any sound.  Other sound apps work, but nothing from amarok13:53
rmrfslashwell... i just installed fglrx... I'm going to give this thing a try13:54
rahim123hi there, my bash autocompletion of "apt-get install" packages is broken since i installed jaunty, any ideas?13:55
snikkerno one?14:00
IdhanI have configurate all the packages I need on one of my computer, is there any way to automatically install the same packages in the other computer based on the first one?14:00
nameinerI would be interested in that solution too14:01
victorasha good WYSIWYG editor for ubuntu14:02
DragnslcrIdhan- there is, now let's see if I can remember how14:03
fritzIsOnlinehi all, even i searched for the soultion on forums couldn' face any... why do i get "access denied" message when insterted a cd?14:04
fritzIsOnlinei can use k3b to burn on it but it's not able to see the content, what should i check?14:05
Dragnslcr!cloning | Idhan14:05
ubottuIdhan: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate14:05
DragnslcrThere we go14:05
=== k4v is now known as m4v
nameinerubotto: Thanks. I appreciate it.14:06
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rmrfslashWow... fglrx couldn't be more of a train wreck.14:09
rmrfslashIt not only left me with a brick (until I uninstalled it) but it conflicts w/ radeon and radeonhd (until you uninstall it)14:10
rmrfslashUnless I misconfigured my xorg.conf14:11
rmrfslashbut I just put Driver "fglrx"14:11
rmrfslashAnyone else here using fglrx, can you paste ur xorg.conf 4 me14:12
wirechiefrmrfslash: what graphics card do you have ?14:12
rmrfslashMobility RadHD 367014:12
rmrfslashfglrx worked in 8.1014:13
wirechiefx1300 here14:13
rmrfslashmines a r6xx14:13
wirechieffglrx is a pita now14:13
wirechiefi have been using a fglrx fix but not sure it works for every card14:14
rmrfslashwirechief: can you paste me ur xorg.conf14:14
rmrfslashI wanna see what options I might be missing14:14
rmrfslashxorg.conf is another train wreck14:15
wirechiefrmrfslash:  at the moment im on my intel machine ;)14:15
wirechiefi can go to the desktop though it has the x1300 brb14:15
rmrfslashseriously tho... what is with the restricted drivers tool saying "can't install new driver xorg.conf is invalid"14:16
rmrfslashI mean, how can it be invalid if it's working? Can't it just backup my file and make a new one or say "dud,e, you're on your own, you need to put this in your xorg.conf ______"14:17
rmrfslashI've even deleted my xorg.conf file and it still says it's invalid14:18
rmrfslashI've restored the generic failsafe xorg.conf file and it says it's invalid14:18
rmrfslashnothing makes me more frustrated than this.14:18
wirechief_http://pastebin.com/f7569b995 rmrfslash14:19
mpriceI found this maybe it will help, rmfslash: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2008-October/162229.html14:19
reesehow do I add users to 9.04? i can't find users and groups in system settings14:25
Unksireese: use kuser14:26
domkerI have problem with Canon PIMA MP170 printer. Kubuntu 9.04 show me notyfication: 'Configuring a new printer' and nothing adds14:30
domker(in kubuntu 8.10 this printer works fine)14:32
wirechiefdomker did you use localhost:631 to setup new printer ?14:33
domkerwirechief: no - i try14:34
wirechiefdomker also sometimes good to know exactly where your .ppd file is, i use locate to find it14:35
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domkerwirechief: printer work fine, thx14:40
JohanSJAi am trying to follow this howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=500208 but i can't run udevinfo14:43
JohanSJAany idea on how to solve this?14:43
JohanSJAor perhaps that only works in ubuntu14:43
canendoes anyone have a definitive guide on getting good looking fonts on linux? I had autohinting off but decided to turn it on and now it's just a bag of idontknowwhat14:47
canenall the fonts seem to bleed and gtk apps are the worst culprits14:47
caneni am using the liberation fonts in firefox14:47
wirechiefdomker great14:48
DaviddawAnybody know about fixing sound problems with a Toshiba Tecra M3 notebook ?14:49
DaviddawI can't seem to get any sound14:50
linux-hdtvhere, a firefox mailto link gives me a choice to open in yahoo or gmail only ...14:53
ngonginstalled 9.04, network manager in systray is missing, what can I do in order to get a network connection?14:54
ngongeth0 connects automatically, however, I'd like to use wlan0 as before, but how to enable?14:55
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poison_im having resolution issues with my ati 387015:07
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behnamI'm using Kubuntu 9.04 and when I click on "Shutdown" It stops after "Unmounting file systems " and then nothing happens15:10
behnamWhat can I do ? please, thanks :)15:13
=== Darth_Devi is now known as Lord_Devi
geniibehnam: Please use the pastebin website to show us the result of:   dmesg15:15
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:15
behnamgenii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/160039/15:17
geniibehnam: Reading15:17
codebazhow to convert .rmvb on linux too avi or mpeg ?15:25
trappistcodebaz: try mencoder15:26
geniibehnam: At first I suspected your bios needed acpi to be forced. But it looks like a different issue.15:28
behnamWhat could it be ?15:28
behnamI know that my acpi-support and acpid are disabled, but it worked before15:29
codebaztrappist: please help15:29
codebazcan you type command for that ?15:29
trappistcodebaz: man mencoder15:29
trappistmaybe try mencoder foo.rmvb -o foo.avi... you'll get an error, but the error will give you guidance15:30
geniibehnam: You may need model-specific acpi module, like toshiba_acpi or thinkpad_acpi    or so on15:31
behnamI'm not using a laptop15:31
behnamDo you think I should try to enable those services and restart ?15:32
geniibehnam: Did you disable previously in the bios of your computer the acpi ?15:32
behnamI don't think so15:33
behnamI should check I'm going to do that and then see what happens15:33
BooVeMan_work1hi folks - some googling didn't through up a solution - how can I fix the update notification icon so it runs the update process (klcking it) with elevated privileges?15:33
geniibehnam: OK, it would be good to look there first. The dmesg has mixed messages about it15:33
behnamThank you ! :à15:34
=== ign0ramus is now known as ign0ramus_work
turker_swap to ntfs ?15:37
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:37
BluesKajHowdy folks15:46
* genii hands BluesKaj a coffee15:47
dj_jean_jeanje suis sous Kubuntu 9.04 et je n'arrive pas à installer flash player15:47
BluesKajhey genii , thx :)15:48
BluesKaj!fr | dj_jean_jean15:48
ubottudj_jean_jean: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:48
dj_jean_jeanok ++15:48
BluesKajlots of flashplayer probs with jaunty/FF15:49
LinuxApeAnyone having problems printing to a usb printer after jaunty upgrade?15:49
cthompson_I am getting a problem after performing upgrade: the error is "config/dbus" couldn't take over org.x.config:?15:50
anbesawanyone know about ChilliSpot?15:52
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ranierisignori vi lasci a dopo15:56
endy_hi everybody....??15:57
BooVeMan_work1hi folks - some googling didn't through up a solution - how can I fix the update notification icon so it runs the update process (klcking it) with elevated privileges?15:59
nameinerBooVeMan_work: Mine does ask me when I start actually updating. Does yours not ask at all?16:02
behnamgenii: I found what it was16:03
behnamthe "halt" service was disabled ...16:03
behnamhowever, I still have a little problem16:04
BooVeMan_work1nameiner: nope - not at all16:04
behnamWhen I click on shutdown, everything is killed except aMsn ... I'm looking for a way to "killall wish" at shutdown16:05
nameinerBooVeMan_work: there was an update for that yesterday, so maybe if you update on a konsole once it works again. Do you know how to do that?16:06
BooVeMan_work1nameiner: after 10 year of linux - guess so16:07
nameinerBooVeMan_work: no offense, you never know who asks a question here ;)16:08
BooVeMan_work1nameiner: but there are only cups updates...- may this be from proposed?16:08
cthompson_fixed.... sudo dpkg --configure -a16:09
marco_PTHi. How do I install flash and java for konqueror browser?16:16
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=== eugen_ is now known as Guest79572
Guest79572hey how do I share a folder on the network?16:21
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.16:21
Guest79572I rightclick on the folder -> properties ->share -> configure file sharing,  -->> but nothing happends16:21
Guest79572BooVeMan_work1: thats a lot of stuff I need to configure...isn't filesharing builtin by default?16:23
ZoohouseQuick question. If I had Kubuntu 9.04 beta and I applied all of the updates, that means I have the release vertion of Kubuntu 9.04 right?16:25
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pavan_How do I type accentuated characters in Kubuntu?16:34
faileasZoohouse: yes16:37
* faileas just noticed the modifications that they did to screen16:37
Zoohousefaileas: thanks16:37
gundam_rx78nt1Ok, noobie question: Is it possible to configure xorg.conf with multiple cards/drivers so I don't have to edit the file everytime I connect my portable kubuntu to other machines?16:38
corpofamilia kubuntu..soy relativamwnte nuevo con kubuntu16:38
corpoayer mientras intentaba instalar kubuntu en una usb..(aun me falla)..dañe el sistema de mi apto16:39
corpoeso fue cuando intente boot por la usb16:39
corpoy resulta que se me daño el grub16:40
gundam_rx78nt1example: my regular available pc has an Nvidia card while my pc at the University has an intel card on it.16:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sp16:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:40
corpome dice que no bootea16:40
corpoerror 1716:40
gundam_rx78nt1corpo, favor de utilizar los canales de espanol.16:40
faileasi assume thats spanish >_>16:41
faileasgundam_rx78nt1: I know you can set more than one screen or adaptor. i don't know how they select which one to use tho16:41
gundam_rx78nt1faileas, you are correct.16:41
gundam_rx78nt1that is what I would like to find out.16:41
gundam_rx78nt1I have a script that will rename my xorg.conf_intel and xorg.conf_nvidia around to make it the default.  But I think there should be an easier way.16:42
Guest8841how to get drivers of ati x1600 for kubuntu 9.0416:43
gundam_rx78nt1Guest8841, have you tried the ATI website?16:44
faileasshipit is down16:46
* faileas wanted to check if his disk order was mailed16:46
BooVeMan_work1gundam_rx78nt1: I doubt if there is an easier way to do it asits no common issue to regulary switch graphic cards - i recckon you have a mobile disk from witch you boot on different machines?16:49
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=== Froda is now known as Froad
marco_PTi installed kubuntu extras but i still dont have flash on konqueror. what's the solution?16:55
BooVeMan_work1!flash | marco_PT16:57
ubottumarco_PT: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash16:57
=== lokai_ is now known as lokai
marco_PTsomething is wrong. I already installed flash but konqueror still has no flash. why?17:04
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:06
=== kenan is now known as Guest98966
keymonehi, why does apt-build ignores Olevel option from apt-build.conf?17:07
biesdorfwow what a bunch of users!!17:08
* MikHel is having major problems with his WiFi under 9.04. Anybody using a Macbook Pro?17:11
marco_PTanyone using konqueror?17:14
fdpcpnany idea why Kate won't remember which plugins i selected to enable? have to reenable them every time.17:16
ralmarHey guys, is it normal for me to see a process called watchdog/0 and watchdog/1 in the system monitor? Thanks17:18
=== BooVeMan_work1 is now known as BooVeMan_work
MikHelralmar: I have them on my system as well.17:22
claudio_hi,i have ubuntu 8.04 and my sound system doesn't work17:23
claudio_how can i do?17:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about arts17:24
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:24
BooVeMan_workclaudio_: tyr this first17:24
claudio_yes,thank you.my sound is working but i have 5 cases and the bassbooster. now are working just 2 of them.how can i do to make them all work17:25
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BooVeMan_workin Kmixer change from 2-ch to 6-ch17:26
antoranzhi, guys!17:26
antoranzwhat things were inproved in the update to the network widget today?17:26
antoranzwere bugs fixed?17:26
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about office17:28
Guest80235!open office17:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about open office17:28
marco_PTi'm so sad. I cant enable flash on konqueror. I guess I'll have to go back to Vista17:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ayatana17:29
antoranzI mean: marco_PT: what are you using to see flash? the mozilla plugin no free?17:30
antoranz(going back to vista for flash.... oh, buy! :-))17:30
marco_PTantoranz, i installed kubuntu_restricted_extras but i still dont have flash in konqueror17:30
antoranzmmmmmm............ does that include the plugin? let me see17:31
BooVeMan_workmarco_PT: I know its a workround - but why not use firefox?17:31
BooVeMan_workmarco_PT: have tried update-alternatives?17:31
antoranzmarco_PT: that's a good advice for sure!17:31
marco_PTbecause caracters from konqueror are much more better then caracters displayed by firefox17:32
claudio_does anyone knows an application for a sound system17:33
claudio_i have a 5.1 sound system17:33
claudio_5 casses and the bassbooster17:33
antoranzcheck if you have this package installed: flashplugin-nonfree17:34
claudio_is that for me17:34
marco_PTantoranz , yes, without flash kubuntu is useless for me. I'm an internet user. I like to 100% web experience. If I was just a programmer or network administrator maybe I wouldnt mind not having flash17:34
antoranznope... marco_PT17:35
antoranzmarco_PT: It's not about experience, man.. it's about freedom! (just kidding :-))17:35
marco_PTantoranz, yes, flashplugin-nonfree is installed17:36
BooVeMan_workmarco_PT: if you are an internet user - less I understand why prefer konquereror over firefox17:36
marco_PTyes, but it will be a limited freedom :)17:36
antoranzif you go to the preferences of konqueror, in the plugins section, did you ask it to update?17:36
marco_PTantoranz, yes17:36
antoranzok, hold on... I'm going there17:37
marco_PTBooVeMan_work, why firefox if there is konqueror?17:37
BooVeMan_workmarco_PT: for konqueror was and always will be a file browser - but thats me17:38
marco_PTcharacters displayed by konqueror are 1000 times better then those from firefox. by caracters I mean fonts17:38
BooVeMan_workmarco_PT: firefox allows extensions - never noticed any difference in that17:38
marco_PTif it is mainly a file browser why there is no firfox by default on kubuntu?17:39
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antoranzmarco_PT: Well.... let's just say that firefox is "better" (don't intend to start a war here, so take it easy)17:40
antoranzwell... marco_PT: the plugin does show up in my list of plugins17:40
marco_PTantoranz, i know it's better but i really like konqueror17:41
antoranzis there a so that's related to flash in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/?17:41
amgarchingif I switch IPs on interfaces eth0 and eth1 will the rules of the ufw-firewall still apply correctly when I "ufw enable" it?17:42
marco_PTantoranz, yes, it shows up. but there is no flash at all. I try for example youtube and I cant see any flash content17:42
antoranzok... in the list of directories in konqueror's plugins page, is /usr/lib/mozilla/plugin/ in there?17:43
commander_does compiz fusion work with this?17:44
commander_and kopete doesn't show the pics of people who's online17:45
antoranzI'm checking and I can see youtube videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ68hjB-RBo17:45
antoranzcommander_: I think you can enable compiz... but kde4 has it's own 3d stuff built in17:45
commander_yeah i know but it don't have the domino,fire,or skewer animation i had on ubuntu17:46
claudio_does anyone how can i enter the ubuntu romania chat?17:47
geniiclaudio_:  /join #ubuntu-ro17:47
Piciclaudio_: /join #ubuntu-roo17:47
Picier, you get the idea17:47
* genii hands Pici a coffee17:47
BooVeMan_work!ro | claudio_17:48
ubottuclaudio_: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro17:48
marco_PTfinally I have flash :)17:50
BooVeMan_workmarco_PT: what was it?17:51
p-fWhat's a good msn client for linux? I tried pidgin, but file transfers are slow and I keep getting switchboard errors. I also tried kopete, which is clunky. Is there anything else?17:51
BooVeMan_workp-f: amsn17:51
p-fBooVeMan_work: is that the one whose interface is all in tk?17:51
BooVeMan_workp-f: no idea - happy with pidgin17:52
p-fBooVeMan_work: ah yup, it's the tk one17:52
amgarchingcan anybody please "ping" and tell me if it works?17:52
Piciamgarching: works for me17:53
p-fanything else?17:53
BooVeMan_workp-f have you tried pidgin with msn-pecan?17:54
MikHelWhat is Jockey??17:54
p-fBooVeMan_work: ah I didn't know about msn-pecan - I'll have a look at it, thanks17:54
antoranzmarco_PT: glad you don't have to go back to vista17:55
antoranzwhat was the problem?17:55
BooVeMan_workMikHel: manages closed source hardware drivers17:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jockey17:55
Pici!info jockey-kde17:55
ubottujockey-kde (source: jockey): KDE user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu10 (jaunty), package size 6 kB, installed size 120 kB17:55
MikHelWhere do I find it in the menus?17:56
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amgarchingPici: thanks, can you try it one more time?17:56
BooVeMan_workMikHel: system -> hardware drivers17:57
Piciamgarching: works again17:57
pepperjackamgarching: lemme reboot it for you17:58
pepperjackone sec17:58
MikHelBooVeMan_work: OK I found it and it tells me madwifi is not active. ath5k does not work for me so I want to go back to madwifi, but I cannot activate it. If I press "activate" it grays out, but the madwifi is also grayed out still. What gives?17:59
lupine_85p-f, I use bitlbee + irssi + irssiproxy + xchat17:59
p-fBooVeMan_work: neat, it actually works17:59
lupine_85like http://lupine.me.uk/blog/?p=817:59
BooVeMan_workp-f: welcome17:59
amgarchingPici: thanks again.17:59
p-flupine_85: I'll also have a look, thanks17:59
lupine_85awesome if you happen to have a remote server sat around18:00
BooVeMan_workMikHel: in konsole kdesu jockey-kde ?18:00
amgarchingpepperjack: are you serious? Tell me if you anything I should know.18:00
MikHelBooVeMan_work: I will try that. Right now I am rebooting18:00
BooVeMan_workMikHel: kdesudo18:00
gundam_rx78nt1where can I get a lower kernel version ie: 2.6.27-xx-generic to install on my jaunty install?18:00
BooVeMan_workno kdesu18:00
BooVeMan_workgundam_rx78nt1: why would you do that?18:01
lupine_85gundam_rx78nt1, in the intrepid/hardy repos18:01
gundam_rx78nt1the current kernel will not permit me to connect to wpa-enterprise encrypted networks.18:01
gundam_rx78nt1the older kernel on 8.10 works fine.18:01
lupine_85but you might want to try a .29 instead18:01
gundam_rx78nt1.29 still doesn't work.18:02
lupine_85fair enough18:02
gundam_rx78nt1I even tried 30rc and it fails to connect to wpa-eap networks.18:02
gundam_rx78nt1so I believe the "downgrade" will work.18:03
pepperjackamgarching: sorry i was joking. not really apropriate for this channel :)  seems that something is bound to port 22 on your server but the problem is you cant connect is that right?  im not sure what the problem would be.  if is a remote server you might have someone bounce it for you18:03
pepperjackamgarching: i am for instance unable to even telnet to port 22 on that ip18:04
lupine_85pepperjack, firewall in the way?18:04
lupine_85(what is the IP?)18:04
pepperjacklupine_85: amgarching's ip is
pepperjackor the server in question is that ip18:05
p-fany ideas why my soundcard likes to die after coming back from suspend-to-ram?18:06
p-fthe device is still there, there just isn't any sound (usually the device just goes away until I reboot though...)18:07
* lupine_85 reckons there's a -j DROP somewhere between him and there. that, or the daemon is broken18:07
amgarchingpepperjack: good to know, I am kind of not allowed to "ssh" from anywhere. Was testing if firewall is any good.18:07
lupine_85kill it, start a netcat server, see if you get anything through?18:07
pepperjackamgarching: ah18:07
Mazugrazusguys how to create user using command useradd ? i wanna create user with name , psw and add him to group18:07
Mazugrazuscan someone write me an example18:07
Mazugrazushow to do it?18:07
subcool__hey- my audio has a annoying echo. I dont get it.. - if i play music.. it stutters like crazy. meanwhile if i goto the system settings- and play a test file from the multimedia area.. it sounds fine.18:08
amgarchingMazugrazus: "man useradd" or rather "man adduser"18:09
peters_What IRC client is easy to do split window so I can watch both ubuntuclassroom and ubuntu-classroon-chat at the same time?18:09
lupine_85Mazugrazus, use adduser instead18:09
Mazugrazusamgarching: i am read man useradd 20 times... and i cant create.18:09
lupine_85adduser is much easier: adduser foo18:10
PiciMazugrazus: don't use useradd, use adduser instead.18:10
Mazugrazuslupine_85: i am writing bash script so i need to use user add becouse if i use adduser i cant write like this adduser user_name user_psw18:10
Mazugrazusif i use useradd i create user but cant log in with him18:11
lupine_85does your useradd user have a shell?18:11
amgarchingexactly, this what the first line of "man useradd" is suggesting18:11
Mazugrazuscreate new user or update existing18:12
lupine_85Mazugrazus, paste the /etc/passwd line?18:12
amgarchingMazugrazus:  useradd -d /dev/null -c "Exim Daemon" -g exim -s /bin/false -u 31 exim, Bad example I know18:13
lupine_85why are you creating a root: user?18:13
Mazugrazusi am creating bash script18:14
Mazugrazuswitch must creat users18:14
MikHelBooVeMan_work: Thanks. It solved my problem. Though I had to reboot twice. I guess more reboots will tell me if there is a randomness to the success :)18:15
Mazugrazushere is my code: http://www.paste.lt/paste/5b598593a18062a75ecf56899e20109e18:15
Mazugrazusand the line i need to fix is 818:15
Mazugrazusif i could set pasword using adduser i would but i dont know any options witch could help me18:16
Mazugrazusto do like this: adduser <option> user user_psw18:16
amgarchingMazugrazus: just on style: make slash explicit: $HOME_BASE/$user, dont use $USER, this is pre-set18:17
lupine_85amgarching, HOME_BASE="/home/"18:18
Mazugrazusi wanna write it :)18:18
amgarchingMazugrazus: "chown" assumes your are in /home, but you are not doing "cd"18:18
amgarchinglupine_85: seen that, still one shouldnt do that18:19
Mazugrazuseverything i am doing in home18:19
lupine_85eh, mayhaps18:19
Mazugrazusso whats frong with my 8 line? can anyone fix it?18:19
amgarchingMazugrazus: prepend every line in do .. done with "echo", see how it works in dry runs18:19
Mazugrazusi done18:20
Mazugrazusand it reads file vart.txt and do everything good18:20
Mazugrazususer is created but i cant log in :?18:20
amgarchingMazugrazus: error message says?18:21
Mazugrazusno errors18:21
amgarchingMazugrazus: how do you tell that you cannot login then?18:21
seanw__Does anyone know of a button you can hold down when you click so that a link will automatically open in a new tab; instaed of having to right click "open in new tab" ( firefox )18:21
subcool__isnt it like shift or something?18:21
subcool__alt click?18:22
Mazugrazusamgarching: i log out and try to log in with them. and then i get login failed18:22
seanw__shift opened it in a new browser :P18:22
subcool__seanw__: ctrl18:22
subcool__ctrl + click18:22
subcool__i just tested it18:22
seanw__subcool__: ah tyvm18:23
amgarchingMazugrazus: -p: The encrypted password, as returned by crypt(3). The default is to disable the account.18:23
seanw__i knew there had to be a way :P18:23
subcool__ya- im mouse lazy18:23
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gmiernickianyone noticed certain areas of the screen are drawn black since upgrading to jaunty?18:24
Mazugrazusamgarching: fu**..you are right.18:24
gmiernickiim using the open source nvidia drivers18:24
Mazugrazusamgarching:  could you sugest something else to use?18:24
rosco_yWhat is the easiest way to auto-mount a drive?18:27
Mazugrazusmount -o remount ?18:27
rosco_yMazugrazus: and remounts whenever I reboot/startup my computer?18:28
afeijomy machine dont play dvd disks :( :(18:29
rosco_yor do I have to open up ftab or something of that nature? (newbie alert)18:29
rosco_yNo, I have a hard drive that I share with a Windows drive, and I want use it when I boot linux, without having to "mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt/ntfs"18:30
amgarchingMazugrazus: never done that, see if you can feed passwd to "passwd $user" maybe?18:30
Mazugrazusamgarching:  one more time explain in diferent words :)18:31
rosco_yam I getting the feeling that I'm talking to myself: hmmm, let me see....Yep, I am getting that feeling :)18:31
Dragnslcrrosco_y- in theory, the disk should be automatically detected18:32
amgarchingMazugrazus: echo "abc123\nabc123" | passwd -q username18:33
Dragnslcrrosco_y- you can take a look at /etc/fstab to see if it's listed there18:33
amgarchingMazugrazus: rather: echo -e "abc123\nabc123"18:34
Mazugrazusi get18:35
Mazugrazusand what it gives to me?18:36
amgarchingMazugrazus: password abc123 as if typed two times by a human in response to "passwd"?18:36
Mazugrazussorry i cant get the mind what you wanna to tell me18:37
Mazugrazusif i user adduser username18:37
Mazugrazusand then echo18:38
Mazugrazusso i wont get anything..18:38
Mazugrazusor i am wrong?18:38
afeijohow hard will it be to me replace my root hd?18:38
amgarchingMazugrazus: execute echo -e "$PASSWORD\n$PASSWORD" | passwd -q username, and see if it worked. After you did "useradd"18:39
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p_quarlesafeijo: it can be complicated, mainly because of the bootloader18:41
p_quarlesbut "hard" is relative to your comfort level18:42
afeijop_quarles: there is no simple copy then18:42
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afeijop_quarles: I'm not a low newbie :)18:42
p_quarlesafeijo: you could, but then you would need to install GRUB on the new disk18:42
Mazugrazusamgarching: i get  a line type new password, retaip new pasword........18:42
afeijoI tweaked GRUB couple month ago, I will search about installing it18:42
p_quarlesafeijo: the other important thing is to ensure that you preserve the / filesystem's permissions and links18:43
p_quarlesafeijo: cp -a is your friend in this case18:43
amgarchingMazugrazus: and I get this: Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully18:43
SandGorgonwow.. anybody check out the "screen" that comes with 9.04 ? very cool18:43
amgarchingMazugrazus: *successfully*18:44
Mazugrazusso it means?18:44
afeijop_quarles: noted!18:44
afeijop_quarles: what about if I do a fresh install of kubuntu 8, and after that I cp -a the old disk over the new one?18:45
p_quarlesSandGorgon: you mean the screen-profiles business? I disabled it because it interferes with htop :)18:45
p_quarlesafeijo: I wouldn't recommend that; if you're just trying to reinstall the same packages, there are easier ways18:45
Mazugrazusamgarching: it means that user dont have pasword know?18:45
afeijop_quarles: I did thought about restart, with the last kubuntu 8.10 and maybe kde418:46
DragnslcrMazugrazus- I'm a bit late here, but what exactly are you trying to do?18:46
afeijop_quarles: I also need windows xp to run my daughter games lol18:46
snikkerhi, how can i run a script at logoff? i'm under jaunty18:46
amgarchingMazugrazus: man, you *are* already using STDIN redirection here http://www.paste.lt/paste/5b598593a18062a75ecf56899e20109e, why not using it again for "passwd"? Type "passwd username" into cmdline and see how it works.18:46
p_quarlesafeijo: not sure what you mean; "reinstall" means wiping the / partition; nothing to do with XP or any other OSes you might have on there18:47
MazugrazusDragnslcr: i am creating a bash script to creat user. i am reading a file vart.txt and creating users but i cant create them correctly.18:47
afeijop_quarles: sorry, I was just chating. Forget for now about XP, it does not exist on my machine :) Reinstall my linux, I keep only my files, and install all app that I use again18:48
sponzorok is there any howto change ip in wlan and eth0? becose i yust cant get it working :/18:48
afeijop_quarles: can I export a list of my app to reinstall with apt-get in one line?18:48
p_quarlesafeijo: ah, ok; and fyi, you can fairly easily generate a list of the apps you have installed18:48
DragnslcrMazugrazus- and how are you doing it that it isn't working? And what exactly isn't working?18:48
p_quarlesafeijo: sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep '[[:space:]]install$' | awk '{print $1}' > package_list18:49
Mazugrazusdri create a user but cant log in with him18:49
MazugrazusDragnslcr i create a user but cant log in with him18:49
DragnslcrMazugrazus- how are you creating the user?18:49
amgarchingDragnslcr:  useradd seems to accept only enrcypted passwords, so Mazugrazus may want to set it with "passwd" directly18:49
p_quarlesafeijo: then you can use that list to install the same packages with: cat package_list | xargs sudo apt-get install -y18:49
Logifor some reason, despite my configuration, when I close the lid on the laptop it logs me out of my X/KDE session rather than suspending to ram. But selecting "Sleep" from the Power Management thingy works.18:49
p_quarlesafeijo: be forewarned that if you're changing between K/Ubuntu versions, package names change, and this will require manual pruning of that list18:50
Mazugrazusamgarching:  could you write how must look that line exectly?18:50
LogiI even logged out, deleted ~/.kde/share/config/powerdevil and logged in again to make sure I didn't accidentally leave some misconfiguration in there18:50
Dragnslcramgarching- seems like generating the password with crypt and then sticking the encrypted string into the command would be easier18:50
amgarchingMazugrazus: echo -e "$PASSWORD\n$PASSWORD" | passwd -q username18:51
afeijop_quarles: ok, in that case it will show up on the cmd line right?18:51
Mazugrazusamgarching: so just add this line and thats all?18:51
Mazugrazusto bash script?18:51
amgarchingDragnslcr:  he is new, he needs the simple the better18:51
Logiany idea why the machine would be doing that?18:51
amgarchingMazugrazus: try it interactively for *some* username first18:52
Mazugrazusamgarching: yes you are right i am newb18:52
Mazugrazususing ubuntu for univercity only18:52
Mazugrazussory KubuntuŪ18:52
p_quarlesafeijo: yes, missing packages will cause the second command to fail, and it will give you the name of the package that doesn't exist18:52
afeijop_quarles: my current HD have 200gb, I will remove it and use another one of 500 gb.  I will install WinXP, than Kubuntu right? I will need Lilo ?18:52
Dragnslcramgarching- just assigning the encrypted password to a variable would be easier than trying to mess around with the interactivity of passwd18:53
amgarchingMazugrazus: that is fine, but I need to go. Dragnslcr: not to me to Mazugrazus18:53
anbesawAny idea how I can implement a captive portal  with http redirect?18:53
Mazugrazusthis is really hard :?18:54
p_quarlesafeijo: GRUB works fine for dual-booting; you don't "need" LILO, but I guess you could use it if you want18:55
Mazugrazusamgarching: it doesnt work for user18:55
Mazugrazusi tried18:55
afeijono, it will GRUB :)18:55
afeijoI wasnt sure if grub could do it18:55
Peace-9.04 tutorial for usb live ?18:56
afeijois kubuntu 9 available??18:57
Peace-of course18:57
afeijodumb me, downloading18:57
afeijowho is using it?18:58
Peace-from alpha 418:58
BluesKajwhat about dual booting with vista , is there a recomended tutorial for restoring the vista boot menu after installing a kubuntu partition ?18:58
MazugrazusDragnslcr: any idea?18:58
Peace-for me yes18:58
DragnslcrMazugrazus- I'm trying to find the docs for the crypt command18:58
Peace-ok i have to rebbot xD18:59
amgarchingMazugrazus: it works for me. Does user "user" already exist?18:59
sponzorwhy i cant change ip?:/18:59
p_quarlessponzor: what have you tried?19:00
sponzormanage connections: add: insert ip etc... gateway change from dhcp to manual and notting. then i unplag cable and plug it, and the same dhcp no manual ip19:01
afeijohow to confirm my kubuntu version?19:01
p_quarlesafeijo: lsb_release -a19:01
afeijoubuntu 8.04.2 hardy19:02
p_quarlessponzor: does the gateway support static IP?19:02
Mazugrazusamgarching: " You may not view or modify ...... for tadas"19:02
Mazugrazususer name is tadas19:02
afeijoshall I risk updating my work machine to 9.04 ? hmm19:03
sponzorit should becose in windows everyting worked well19:03
Mazugrazussorry didnt log as root19:03
Mazugrazusi get it password updated successfull19:04
p_quarlessponzor: iirc, the best way to get a static ip address is to turn off networkmanager and set it in /etc/network/interfaces19:04
p_quarlesafeijo: what video card?19:05
Mazugrazusbut still cant log in19:05
sponzoryeah that i know but i have to change ip 10-20 times a day and i thought i could use gui program :P is there any other program to manage connections wired and wlan?19:05
sponzoror any howto of the program?19:06
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p_quarlessponzor: pardon my curiosity, but why 10-20 different static IPs every day? maybe there's a different solution possible?19:07
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sponzorbecose of work i'm configuring network security cameras... and there are "secure" networks so i cant work with dhcp i nead my ip like .222 becose of the routers... that i can access data etc.. :)19:08
sponzorits hard to explain becose i dont speak english so good19:09
afeijop_quarles: nvidia19:11
afeijogeforce 8 series19:11
p_quarlessponzor: I understand; only thing I can think of that might be easier than editing interfaces is configuring the router to give your MAC address a certain IP address19:13
p_quarlesafeijo: should be okay; you can always test with a live disk; there are problems with Intel graphics in 9.04, but nVidia's fine afaik19:14
afeijop_quarles: I will test with live cd :)19:14
afeijop_quarles: but in this case its the same HD, how to update without risking my system?19:14
DragnslcrMazugrazus- since I can't figure out how to get crypt to just take stdin and write to stdout, the best I can find is to use this in a bash script: PASS=`perl -e 'print crypt($ARGV[0], "password")'`19:15
p_quarlesafeijo: update-manager? you'll have to upgrade to 8.10 first, then to 9.0419:15
DragnslcrMazugrazus- then you can use $PASS as the value for the -p option in useradd19:15
MoryddI am unable to get the network management plasmoid working. Both wired and wireless connections say "unmanaged" Any suggestions?19:15
p_quarlesafeijo: anyway, the only real way to not risk your system is to have everything backed up; if you don't, it's already being risked19:15
sponzorthis router is home router... i dont need this here :P but in work i nead to work like i did before strict policies...:P19:15
afeijolol I dont have update-manager installed yet19:16
p_quarlessponzor: which networkmanager front-end are you using?19:17
pepperjack /wc19:17
MazugrazusDragnslcr: so i need just to add this line?19:17
sponzorthis one from 9.04 kubuntu version19:17
DragnslcrMazugrazus- and use -p $PASS in useradd19:18
p_quarlessponzor: the networkmanager plasmoid? I love it, but it's still kind of new; maybe install nm-applet and see if the static IP assignment with that works any better for you19:18
afeijoupdate-manager said that my system is updated, but I have kubuntu 8.0419:18
MazugrazusDragnslcr: i will try19:19
sponzorok tnx19:19
p_quarlesafeijo: with Hardy, you need update-manager -d; because it's looking for the next LTS version, which isn't even in development yet19:20
dag_hi there!19:21
dag_did someone already updated from kubuntu intrepid to jaunty?19:22
MazugrazusDragnslcr:  http://www.paste.lt/paste/368d6234ea5939f36f5734ace77455fb19:23
MazugrazusDragnslcr: it doesnt work :?19:23
Mazugrazusit said that i have error in line 8. PASS command not found19:23
DragnslcrMazugrazus- you'd be better off asking in a bash or general Linux channel19:24
MoryddI am unable to get the network management plasmoid working. Both wired and wireless connections say "unmanaged" Any suggestions?19:24
dag_@ Morydd: are you connecting without Knetworkmanager at the moment?19:25
geniiMorydd: Make sure your file /etc/network/interfaces          has only in it 2 lines: auto lo                  and: iface lo inet loopback19:25
DragnslcrMazugrazus- it should be PASS=`perl -e 'print crypt($USER_PASSWORD, "salt")'`19:26
Morydddag_: yes. I've manually edited /etc/network/interfaces19:26
MazugrazusDragnslcr: what is salt?19:26
Moryddgenii: I'll give that a shot. BRB (hopefully)19:26
DragnslcrMazugrazus- a string used in hashing algorithms19:26
Mazugrazusit done something :D19:27
Mazugrazusneed to check :)19:28
Mazugrazusall files and folders are in place lets try to log in19:28
dag_@morydd: KNetworkManager is everytime a little buggy, I encountered many times problems with it. I usually resolve by right-clicking on KNet tray icon, then click on "switch to offline mode" and then right click again and "switch to online mode"19:28
valdur55Hey! how can use webcam in kubuntu?19:29
dag_@valdur: what kind of webcam?19:29
dag_did you try to simply log it?19:29
MazugrazusDragnslcr: login failed :(19:30
sikor_sxehow do i use strigi desktop search on kubuntu jaunty?19:30
dag_valdur: usb?19:31
dag_valdur: and sorry, which kubuntu? 8.10?19:31
Morydddag_: right click only shows "manage connections", "network management settings", "panel options" and "remove this network management"19:31
valdur55:) Lastest kubuntu19:32
dag_morydd: take a look at manage connection: there you could find "default settings" or manual settings19:33
amgarchIn9where is the session editor gone: KDE 4.2.2 Jaunty. I have both knetworkmanager and plasma wireless applet starting every time. How to disable former?19:35
geniidag_: When for instance in /etc/network/interfaces you have declarations for eth0 wlan0 or so on, the gui network manager will not use or do anything with these interfaces. Because it will think they have been manually configured19:35
dag_valdur: plug in the webcam, then open Kopete and go to Settings ---> Configure -----> webcam tab; if you see your face, you're ready to use it19:35
gmiernickianyone know the name of the package jaunty installs that provides swf in firefox?19:35
gmiernicki(flash support)19:35
amgarchIn9gmiernicki: aptitude search flash19:36
gmiernickisearched in synaptic and that didnt work :(19:36
valdur55But... I have touchpad.19:36
valdur55Webcame based touchpad19:36
gmiernickigawd, its the name of some animal... i cant remember which19:36
dag_genii: it's the same problem of morydd?19:38
Moryddgenii: I got no change when I cleared out /etc/network/interfaces19:38
amgarchIn9gmiernicki: flashplugin-nonfree19:39
dag_morydd: have you tried with "sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces"? you'll need superuser privileges to change that file19:39
raniericome fare per caricare la lista?19:39
dag_ranieri: che lista?19:40
Morydddag_: well, I used vi :)19:40
ranierila lista dei canali19:40
BooVeMan_work!it | ranieri:19:40
ubotturanieri:: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:40
ranierisono nuovo e mi sto impappinando19:40
Pici.wii ranieri19:40
gmiernickihmm, thanks for trying, but thats not it either, cuz thats not installed yet i still have flash ;D19:40
dag_morydd: with root privileges?19:41
geniidag_: I'm suspecting this is what Morydd's isue is. There should only be the "lo" declarations in that file if you want to use the gui network manager19:43
Morydddag_: yes.19:43
gmiernickidoh, had libflashplayer.so in ~/.mozilla/plugins :X19:43
geniiApologies on lag, work required me19:43
BooVeMan_workgenii: Can I create a bridged network interface with the GUI?19:43
geniiBooVeMan_work: Not that I know of19:44
BooVeMan_workgenii: thought so - so no dice for me...19:44
geniiMorydd: For the changes to the interfaces file to allow Network Manager to use eth0 or so on, a reboot is best19:44
_debg_hi. Is there a way to change the icon on the kde start menu which says "Recently Used" ?19:45
_debg_which icon file is linked with the icon ?19:45
Moryddgenii: Not worth it then.19:45
geniiMorydd: np19:46
dag_morydd and genii: I'm using KnetworkManager, but with default values, as come with the kubuntu installation, and works fine; maybe you'll have to configure it as default, because you should use OR gui OR cli for network manager19:47
MoryddI'll continue my current tactic of "sudo -i" -> "ifdown eth1" -> "cp /etc/network/interfaces.home /etc/network/interfaces" -> "ifup eth1"19:47
MoryddI could never get the network manager to work with my home network when I first started using Ubuntu.19:48
dag_morydd: knetworkmanager is a little messy, i encountered same problems too19:49
dag_morydd: although the default values work fine for nearly every dhcp client19:49
Morydddag_: yeah, but my home network isn't running dhcp19:50
dag_morydd: if your home network have some static IP you'll better use cli19:50
dag_morydd: after you write down the etc/network/interfaces, you should reboot your pc19:51
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dag_morydd: i know that mine could seem lazy answers, but with knetworkmanager I always resolved in this manner19:55
footmy installation hangs after I select english language on toshiba laptop19:56
Morydddag_: mine is just as lazy. I was hoping to be lazier. :)19:56
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james007hello gus20:04
footjoin #kubuntu20:04
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footmy install hangs after I select english20:06
footI am trying to install kubuntu on a toshiba laptop.  Ubuntu installs fine.20:07
dag_foot: can you post your machine specifications (cpu, gpu, nic, and so on) and what version of Kubuntu you are using?20:07
dag_foot: kubuntu 8.10, 9.04, 6.10, 7.04?20:08
footIt it is a toshiba L305d it has a sempron, ati .. the rest is going to take a minute for me to track down20:09
footI am trying to install 9.0420:10
moukaHow do I add awn?20:10
moukaand how do I improve the looks of synaptic?20:11
moukait looks like it came out of the original kde20:11
moukakde 1.020:11
dhendu9411greetings all!  Has anyone had display issues with an Intel chipset upon upgrading to 9.04?20:12
PolitikerNEUmouka: Do you have gtk-styles applied? If no, every gtk program in kde will look ugly20:12
moukaPolitikerNEU: how would I know?20:12
moukaI am new to ubuntu and kubuntu20:12
dag_foot: did you try to install an alternate version?20:12
moukaI installed ubunut first, then someone suggested installing kde-desktop20:13
moukaso I did20:13
PolitikerNEUmouka: maybe try installing sudo aptitude install gtk-qt-engine-kde420:13
moukamost of the windows look nice, but synaptic just looks aweful20:13
PolitikerNEUfirefox looks good too?20:13
moukafirefox looks nice320:14
PolitikerNEUthe problem is that synaptics runs under root - and root has different style options than your user account20:14
moukaI see20:14
moukahow do I change that?20:14
dhendu9411has anyone experienced problems with graphics sluggishness?20:14
dhendu9411prior to the upgrade, I didn't have this problem.  Does the new version require that much more out of a person's graphics card?20:15
PolitikerNEUmouka: Don't know, maybe try running kdesu systemsettings and change appeareance --> gtk-styles20:15
footno, I did not try the alternate version. Should I?20:16
dag_foot: toshiba website tells that L305D has a AMD Athlon X2 cpu, is this right?20:16
footyes cpuinfo lists Sempron 3600+20:17
moukaPolitikerNEU: it says "kdesu command not found"20:17
dag_foot: take a look at http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download, and check the box below "Start Download" button20:18
PolitikerNEUmouka: Then try kdesudo or gksu20:18
dag_foot: the alternate CD provides a simple text based installer, and sometimes this make the trick :)20:18
dag_@all: goodnight, speak to you all soon!!!20:19
dag_foot: hope that helps! ;)20:20
teatimehi all20:23
skierpageIs there a way to determine how a packaged binary was compiled (bugs.kde.org wants to know)?  `file` doesn't say.20:24
teatimeI'm just trying out kubuntu 9.04 on my thinkpad with intel 965 graphics.. it keeps hardlocking X.20:24
teatimeknown issue?20:25
teatimeI tried turning off kwin compositing, it still locks up20:26
teatimeapart from this minor detail, everything works great. 9.04 is impressive :)20:26
BluesKajteatime, intel media probs is a known issue on 9.0420:27
teatimeBluesKaj: ok. thanks.20:28
teatimepity :(20:28
BluesKajteatime,  checkout launchpad for bugfixes..there are some20:29
teatimewill do20:29
wirechiefBluesKaj: the bug report for intel freezes is now over 300 threads20:30
teatimeBluesKaj: as soon as I figure out what launchpad is.. I'm about 2 days old in k/ubuntu :)20:30
teatimewirechief: well.. good to hear it's known at least :)20:31
wirechiefteatime they are getting close to a work around, still testing it.20:32
teatimesounds good20:33
* teatime browses launchpad20:33
wirechief__i  think the irc is back20:33
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)20:34
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dhendu9411wirecheif: would the intel issue mentioned above cause display lag and/or graphics corruption?20:42
vitalis there some nice library similar to the fmodex that is under gpl that I can use for the game I'm coding (to be released under gpl)? I need to play mod/xm/wav and preferably not SDL20:45
wirechief__dhendu9411: the issue has been a solid freeze. the mouse works but the screen is frozen and i found that i can recover using RSEIUB20:45
dhendu9411wirechief: do you know of any known issues with the intel gm965 video chipset?20:46
wirechief__dhendu9411: thats the chip i have ;)20:47
wirechief__dhendu9411: there are several bugs affecting us and they are working at parseing them out20:47
dhendu9411wirechief: for some reason, when I upgraded, the graphics seem very slow and when I use KATE, the wording disappears and sometimes whatever is behind KATE will leak into its display.20:48
Logiwhy isn't aptitude using my cdrom for packages which haven't been updated in the last couple of days? I did "apt-cdrom add", a line appeared in sources.list, and when I asked aptitude to update the package list, it spun up the cdrom. Then it goes on to download everything anyway.20:50
wirechief__dhendu9411: well maybe you can search launchpad for similar issues20:51
dhendu9411wirechief: I appreciate your help.  I read on a forum (I think) that the upgrade to 9.04 also upgrades the Intel driver.  Is this correct?20:51
besitzer_a german user here20:51
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:52
dhendu9411wirechief: launchpad.ubuntu.com ?20:52
ralmarHey guys I just bought 4 gigs of ram. What do you recommend me to do: a)Install 9.04 64bit edition, b)Install 9.04 32bit edition and then install server kernel or c) Other... ? Thanks20:52
wirechief__dhendu9411: https://bugs.launchpad.net/20:53
wirechief__dhendu9411: yes to the driver upgradeing20:53
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edmundI was wondering if anyone coud help with with something apt-get related?20:53
BooVeMan_work!question | edmund20:54
ubottuedmund: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:54
wirechief__dhendu9411: just search for intel driver or so20:54
bindaasralmar: i don't think you will find any difference in kernel of desktop and server20:55
ceckohi all, microphone on my dell precision m4400 does not work, no matter what I try in alsamixer20:56
edmundhello, when i try to downlaod a and intsall a package I get these errors:20:56
edmundsudo apt-get install libpng3-devReading package lists... Done20:56
edmundBuilding dependency tree20:56
edmundReading state information... Done20:56
edmundPackage libpng3-dev is a virtual package provided by:20:56
edmund  libpng12-dev 1.2.27-1ubuntu0.120:56
edmundYou should explicitly select one to install.20:56
edmundE: Package libpng3-dev has no installation candidate20:56
edmundcould someone help me with this please?20:56
ralmarbindass i think the server kernel can handle all 4 gigs and more...20:57
bindaasralmar: what are you trying to do?20:58
BooVeMan_workedmund: try sudo apt-get install libpng12-dev20:58
ralmarHAve ubuntu recognize and use all 4 gb of my ram, not just 3.2520:58
Dragnslcrralmar- the only way to use 4+ GB of memory is to use the 64-bit version20:59
edmundah yes thats working thanks booveman_work, the thing is I have a big list of thinkgs to install (E17 dependancies), and I was getting this error with multiple things. I'm following the tutorial here:                     http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97199&highlight=E17+cvs21:01
ralmardragnslcr.. nope Im pretty sure youre wrong. Think you can have the 32bit version with another kernel (server or something like that)21:02
pseudorootalgun colombiano por estos lado21:02
genii!es | pseudoroot21:02
ubottupseudoroot: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:02
pseudorootgenii me puedes ayudar21:02
dhendu9411wirechief: thanks again for your help21:03
bindaasralmar: you can do that with 32 bit server kernel21:03
ralmarbindaas.. i know hence my question "Hey guys I just bought 4 gigs of ram. What do you recommend me to do: a)Install 9.04 64bit edition, b)Install 9.04 32bit edition and then install server kernel or c) Other... ? Thanks"21:03
bindaasbut installing a server kernel for a desktop then doing a gnome or kubuntu on it just to support 4 gb ram?21:04
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geniiamarock / pseudoroot: Esta área es lengua inglesa exclusivamente. Visite el área indicada para la lengua española.21:05
yeoj_I just installed 9.04, and my sound has worked on every other system, but all of a sudden no sound... I dont understand.  It finds my sound blaster live audigy value, but no go.21:06
wirechief__dhendu9411: np21:06
skierpagePlease benevolent wiki fairy update https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu for 9.04!  It doesn't make any sense with no adept and new KPackageKit21:07
brad_Thats what I use21:08
brad_Does anyone have an idea when shipit will be back online?21:08
wirechief__yeoj_:  maybe some help over on #alsa for your sound issue21:09
skierpagebrad_ , no Synaptic on my fresh Kubuntu 9.04.  It's KPackageKit or the command line.21:10
brad_Yeah, I upgraded21:10
brad_Can you not get it from dotdeb, then install it with KPackageKit21:11
Cyclist2Hello, there! any idea on how to fix the error 'Kompare cannot parse diff output'? I am on Ubuntu 8.10 with Gnome21:12
brad_Please ask in the ubuntu channel21:13
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brad_this is for kubuntu support21:13
moukaI can someone please help with cairo-dock?21:14
skierpagebrad_ thanks but that makes no sense (I've only been a Kubuntu user for 50 hours).  I believe KPackageKit > Settings > Edit Software Sources > Third-party Software might work, but the doc is out-of-date.21:14
iklawhy does apt-get say openssh-server is not available for install?21:16
brad_@Skierpage, just google synaptic installer deb file21:18
brad_Then double click it21:18
brad_this should install it with kpackagekit21:19
fjallagyldir_hej guys maybe one of you has an idea how to workaround the jaunty intel VGA bug21:20
brad_Is the system running slow?21:20
fjallagyldir_i m glad for every suggestion ...21:21
brad_Is your system crashing and running slow?21:21
=== freak_ is now known as freak_cyberphunk
fjallagyldir_brad_, no a little slow but the main issu is that i cant watch any videos anymore21:21
brad_Ah ok21:22
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brad_Well, to fix the slowness21:22
brad_You need to open xorg.conf in terminal21:22
fjallagyldir_every player is crashing with the typical "bad alloc"  error21:22
Janne38Hello! I have problem with the resulution. The pic is not fiting in the screen.21:22
fjallagyldir_yes brad_ ?21:23
brad_have you got the correct codects etc?21:23
skierpagebrad_ I don't want to install "synaptic", I want to install Amarok 2.1 beta on Kubuntu 9.04 and then fix the wiki pages for the benefit of humanity.21:23
fjallagyldir_yes i do brad_21:23
skierpagebrad_ If the answer is to install a different package manager then it seems Kubuntu has some real issues.21:23
brad_One sec fjallagy.21:23
fjallagyldir_it isnt a codec issue also reinstall kubuntu-media-restricted21:24
fjallagyldir_k brad_21:24
brad_You can install .deb files through kpackagekit21:24
brad_Give me a couple of seconds to look at it21:24
brad_(I dont use it that often)21:24
fjallagyldir 21:25
brad_Open kpackagekit21:25
brad_And search amarok21:25
skierpagebrad_ NP, I'm getting a little whiplashed after being pointed at apt / dpkg / aptitude / KPackageKit / adept / Synaptics / ... :-)21:25
brad_Forget all the other stuff21:26
brad_Just think about KPackageKit as your software manager21:26
|PaperTiger|Two questions: What is the best program I can use to back up my entire system, including settings etc. And what program should I use to format a hard drive?21:26
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skierpagebrad_ Yup, Amarok is there.  But I want the beta version, which I think involves a different PPA, something like "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu intrepid main" ?21:27
brad_Ah ok21:27
fjallagyldirlive system and 'dd'21:27
brad_The repositories will not have beta stuff21:27
fjallagyldirand for formating 'fdisk' and 'mkfs'21:28
brad_You need to add the Amarok repository21:28
fjallagyldiror when not fmiliar with cmd-line maybe qparted or so21:29
skierpagebrad_ Right, so Settings > Edit Software Sources > Third-Party Software "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu jaunty main" ?21:29
brad_Let me check the URL21:29
brad_2 seconds21:30
fjallagyldirif you have questions try manpages first |PaperTiger|21:30
brad_Yep, thats the one21:30
skierpagebrad_ (thanks a lot BTW) looks like "pool/main" exists but not "dists/jaunty" , maybe I should ask (again) in #amarok21:30
brad_Just double check the repo stuff there21:31
|PaperTiger|fjallagyldir, manpages?21:32
fjallagyldirman 'cmd' gives you the manual pages of most commands in linux21:32
skierpagebrad_ Will do and I'll have a go at updating https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories21:32
fjallagyldiri meant 'man "cmd"'21:33
skierpageheh, adding a software source in KPackageKit while Software Update was downloading has locked up both of them. 8-/21:36
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tehborizhey everyone i enabled coolbits but for some reason my video card doesn't want to overclock. It just jumps back to default settings. i tried nvidia-settings and nvclock, and nvclock-gtk21:39
zerothishow often has this happened? <http://digg.com/linux_unix/Proprietary_Software_Can_Kill_You?FC=PRCK4>21:52
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:52
vladwhere am i?21:52
vladis this heaven?21:52
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:52
vladcan anyone explain to me what this is in one sentence?21:53
geniivlad: An IRC channel to assist people who use the operating system called Kubuntu linux21:53
vladawesome, thanks genii!21:54
geniivlad: Anytime. You have some support question regarding Kubuntu?21:54
mahican someone help me get apache running on my localhost, not domain??21:55
CradLeRckeris there a way to completely remove kde from ubuntu?21:55
vlada couple. thanks for assist though.21:55
CradLeRckerif there is can someone explain?21:55
cratylushey all, i picked a screen effect that apparently my OSdidn't like and now when i log in i just get the wall paper.  i can reach the command line.  what's the easiest way to undo or reset my set up (using kubuntu 9.04, with kde 4.2)21:55
JontheEchidna!puregnome | CradLeRcker21:55
ubottuCradLeRcker: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »21:55
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zerothisCradLeRcker: be aware that even if you never log in to a KDE session, some of your software may depend on it anyway21:57
vladi resized a taskbar today, but how would i be able to set it back to the normal height without adjusting it manually?21:57
CradLeRckermhmm yes im taking note of that21:57
vladby a normal height i mean a height of a taskbar right after the install21:57
vladsorry, it might sound like a stupid question :)21:58
vladand my other question is why doesn't "System Settings" appear in my Kickoff K-menu? it took me an hour to work out how to turn to classical menu and back to Kickoff.21:59
vladi am new to Kubuntu :)22:00
tehborizhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1141733 some help plz?22:00
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BooVeMan_workvlad: in Kickoff menu -> Computer -> system Settings22:00
vladBooVeMan, i admit to be a moron! thanks! how could i not see it? probably assumed it was like Computer folder in M$ :)22:02
afeijosystem updated... rebooting, wish me luck!22:03
vladBooVeMan_work: thank you ;)22:03
tehborizi want help plz ;d22:03
fjallagyldirwhy do u wanna overclock ur vid card tehboriz22:10
tehborizfjallagyldir: it's really really choppy in 90% of the games i have, and believe me when it's oc'ed it performs MUCH better22:10
tehboriz2x as much fps as on defaults22:11
tehborizi built a custom case for my laptop, i certainly did my cooling system right22:11
tehborizrecep: wat22:16
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tehborizso then no solution? bummer22:17
aloneaok, how do I connect to a network printer???? I have the IP address for it, but after that I dont know what to do. What is this Queue stuff????22:24
aloneaI dont even see a thing to scan the printers on the network or anything.22:27
aloneaI used to be able to do this easy, but I dont see any of the screens I used to use before. Anyone???22:29
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows22:31
DoubleD84I'm having problems with Kontact and the rest of the programs associated with it. I'm running Kubuntu 9.04 and I'm getting an undefined symbol error in libQtDesigner.so.4.. I can't of anything I've installed and I've found a big I think is related but none of the solutions pertain to me. Google hasn't really given me any solid results as well. Any ideas?22:33
BooVeMan_workhi folks - some googling didn't through up a solution - how can I fix the update notification icon so it runs the update process (klicking it) with elevated privileges?22:33
aloneaI still can't figure out how to print to a printer that is 3 feet away from me that everyone else in the room can print on in 2 secs on windows and mac22:38
DoubleD84n/m.. read up on apt-get and simply reinstalled the libQt4-Designer package and everything works fine.22:38
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jimmy51_homeoooh, the new update manager is slick22:41
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:41
LaZyFo0Lcan someone help me setup virtual box with windows xp pro?22:42
BooVeMan_workjimmy51_home: no its not - as it won't work for me22:42
LaZyFo0Lor at least point me to a faq or somethin22:42
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox22:42
FloridaGuyruning ubuntu 9.04 installed kde 4.2.2....did sudo apt-get install kdebase...dident show up in gdm anyone know what to do22:44
afeijohey, kubuntu 8.10 is great :)22:51
afeijoloooooooooooooong time to update, but...22:51
vlad__hi again22:53
vlad__my laptop fails to start after going to Sleep or Suspended modes22:54
vlad__is this a bug or my computer is misconfigured22:54
BooVeMan_workwhatr gives if KPAckageKit does not ask for my passwoord and runs under user-context?22:54
Froadvlad__; go to #ubuntu more people there23:07
ralphoBooVeMan_work: I think settings select and at bottom default will set it so it this use only.  i think. its new23:09
dentonhey guys23:10
dentonI need to reconfigure my xorg.conf23:10
dentonchange my default resolution, and change my drivers..23:11
dentonis there some sort of generalized xorg file i could just stick in my file instead of using mine?23:12
dentonVmware Workstation has not configured my xorg.conf and a copy/paste with some tweaking should be ok right?23:12
tobi_updated my kde3 with Jaunty! After that my sound's not working anymore... thought it might be PulseAudio working not right. So I removed every Pulse entry with synaptic. But it's still in my Systemsettings/Multimedia... And I cant play audio from HD, even not on youtube! Start and Testsound working finde through the HDA Intel Analog device... Someone might have a clou?!23:15
mackk431swine flue will kill us all23:16
mackk431tobi did you check if the sound is muted?23:17
tobi_well, as I said, the Testsound and the Startsound works fine!23:18
tobi_It's like the photograph with the cap on the cam ready to shoot :D23:18
dentonVmware Workstation has not configured my xorg.conf and i need to run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'23:20
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tobi_after removing Pulse I have to install ALSA instead?!23:24
tobi_Jaunty has no ALSA anymore right ?23:24
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ralmarHey guys, I currently have ubuntu 8.10 and an ATI RADEON HD4830. Are there problems with 9.04 and this card? Thanks23:29
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ralmarHey guys, I currently have ubuntu 8.10 and an ATI RADEON HD4830. Are there problems with 9.04 and this card? Thanks23:34
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arcolinuxit quassel is better tahn konversation23:39
arcolinuxi think23:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remove23:39
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:39
arcolinuxat least is the same thing but with different ways to configuate it23:39
dnlwould anyone have any idea why my box keeps pulling an IP via dhcp even though i have a static IP setup in /etc/network/interfaces.  it keeps going back to an IP that is not the one I assigned even without restarting the pc.23:40
javierHola a todos...23:42
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