
wgrantHave I missed the downtime announcement?02:26
spmerr what?02:27
wgrantThere's meant to be a Launchpad release some time tomorrow.02:27
wgrantBut we haven't been told when.02:28
spmoh. that'll be our thursday morning. so ~ 44 hours awayish.02:28
wgrantIt would be nice if the announcement went out more than a day in advance.02:28
wgrantSo we can plan rollouts that generally involve Launchpad-hosted branches.02:29
spmnah. more than 15 seconds notice is over-planned. living on the bleeding edge is good for your blood pressure!02:30
spm... says he who has been known to schedule outages 2 months in advance... ;-)02:31
spmseriously tho. I haven't heard it's off, so assume it's still on. no idea (yet) how last weeks fun may/not impact.02:32
wgrantI suppose I need to complain to mrevell.02:32
spmask nicely might work better :-)02:33
mwhudsonthis rollout should be almost downtime free aiui02:34
mwhudson(but launchpad will be read-only for a while)02:34
mwhudsonof course this means a new procedure etc, so things could potentially fall down in flames :)02:34
wgrantI saw that read-only-launchpad was landed this cycle, but thought that would only affect the rollout after.02:35
mwhudsonah, maybe02:35
wgrantBut having it read-only is also not entirely good in case last-minute fixes are needed. So more notice would still be good.02:37
mwhudsonnot disputing that02:37
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ScottKIs the publisher crashing?  I see some builds sitting accepted for over an hour.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1~intrepid1/+build/961586 is an example.05:25
ScottKNevermind.  Seems find now.06:13
gsprIs the PPA size estimate still off?06:55
gsprmy PPA (https://launchpad.net/~gspreemann/+archive/ppa) is estimated at 935 MB, but it doesn't seem right at all06:55
spmgspr: is showing 560Mb for me. you may have hit a mid update or something?06:56
wgrantIt was bigger this morning.06:57
wgrantThe files probably hadn't been removed yet.06:57
gsprah, thank you guys06:57
gsprI just hadn't refreshed it from last night :)06:57
spmone way to solve the discussion - time to drag du out. brb.06:57
gspr560 makes a lot more sense :)06:58
wgrantgspr: Packages aren't actually removed from the archive disk for around a day after you delete them.06:58
spmgspr: yup. 564 on disk according to du. you're in the clear.06:58
wgrantThey are removed from the indices, but not the disk, within 20 minutes.06:58
gspryeah, I was just a bit confused yesterday, because the size estimate seemed to be way off. Then I deleted some stuff I didn't need anymore, and only after I did that did I realize that maybe that stuff could actually account for the huge size ;)07:00
gsprthanks again07:00
spmgspr: be aware that you can request more space if you really need it. just ask in a question via the Questions/Answers part of launchpad.07:03
gsprspm: Yeah, I know. I just thought I would make sure I wasn't keeping crap around before asking07:06
spmgspr: now THAT's the attitude we like to see! :-D07:07
gsprI gotta run... If you have anything to do with the PPAs, spm, I'd like to thank you for a great service. The PPA system is brilliant :)07:08
spmgspr: thanks, I'll pass that on to the developers!07:09
rowinggolfermorning folks.09:57
rowinggolferI have a couple of newbie questions again.09:57
rowinggolfermy project is http://launchpad.net/openmolar09:57
rowinggolferand last night, I successfully built my first deb!09:58
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rowinggolferhowever, I am a crap coder, and I keep breaking the app.09:58
rowinggolferso I have 2 questions.09:59
rowinggolfer1. how to make a dev branch?09:59
rowinggolfer2. how to use my ppa to automate the deb builds.09:59
* rowinggolfer needs a mentor09:59
noodles775Hi rowinggolfer :), congrats on creating your first deb!10:03
noodles775I'm sure I'm a crap dentist too, so good thing I'm not working on your teeth ;)10:03
noodles775Have you read the help instructions for PPAs yet?10:04
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rowinggolfernoodles I have, but am a little confused.10:11
rowinggolferthe PPA would be _my_ PPA, ? linked to my profile?10:12
rowinggolferso independent of the project??10:12
noodles775rowinggolfer: that's correct. But you can also create a team for your development work, and then use the team's PPA.10:13
rowinggolfera one man team?10:14
noodles775rowinggolfer: yeah, it's not worth it unless you later get some other people helping... for now I'd just use your own PPA.10:14
rowinggolferlooking at the link you kindly provide, I seem to have ticked most of the boxes10:15
noodles775Great work!10:15
rowinggolferwell the howtos are well written10:16
rowinggolferbut I am often a little nervous making the final steps10:16
noodles775rowinggolfer: yeah, mrevell is pretty good with words ;)10:16
mrevellOh thanks -- if there's anything that needs changing in the guides then make sure to let me know or just file a bug against LP :)10:18
rowinggolfermrevell: their is one typo is the python packaging page.10:19
rowinggolferI will report that10:19
rowinggolferok...so I have a deb within that link....10:19
rowinggolfer(which works.. but the program id useless without a suitable database)10:20
rowinggolferso that's what needs to go into my ppa?10:20
noodlesrowinggolfer: sorry, I lost my connection earlier, I had replied to your question, but it didn't get through:11:29
noodles<noodles775> rowinggolfer: yes, the deb source package is what you'll upload to your ppa, and the binary packages will be built from that.11:29
noodles<noodles775> rowinggolfer: but it's independent of your code... you upload it from your local machine (using dput - see Uploading section on the above help link)11:29
noodles<noodles775> (I could be wrong, but normally you wouldn't commit your deb source package as part of your source tree)11:29
* noodles has been limited to web app development, and hasn't done much packaging.11:30
wgrantmrevell: Can we please have more notice for future downtime?11:31
mrevellHi there wgrant -- do you have a recent down-time in mind?11:32
wgrantmrevell: The one in a day or two.11:32
mrevellwgrant: Aha, well there'll be virtually no down-time for this next roll-out :)11:33
wgrantmrevell: Will it be read-only, or just really short?11:33
mrevellwgrant: This will be the first roll-out for read-only. Hence I'm sending an email today detailing what's going to happen and how it'll be different.11:34
mrevellwgrant: So, it's a limited service11:34
mrevellbut still available to get data out11:34
mrevelland use the OpenID to get into other services11:34
mrevellsuch as the Ubuntu wiki11:34
rowinggolfernoodles - thanks.11:34
mrevellwgrant: I could send the notification on the Friday before the roll-out, though, as we still need to let people to know about read-only.11:35
wgrantmrevell: I'm aware of the functionality and reasoning for the read-onlyness. But more than a couple of days of notice would be good, given that you probably know weeks before.11:35
wgrantAnd some of us need to plan rollouts of our own, and it's not good to have LP down around that time.11:35
mrevellwgrant: fair point. The full calendar, as we have it,  is here -- https://dev.launchpad.net/Releases/2009Calendar11:37
mrevellhey wgrant, what's your t-shirt size?11:38
wgrantmrevell: From the UDS ones, L seems to have been best.11:39
mrevellwgrant: message me your postal address and I'll get a Launchpad shirt in the mail for you.11:39
mrevellwgrant: that's assuming you want one, heh11:39
wgrantmrevell: Knowing the date helps, but sometimes LP will be down for several times longer than usual, or at a different time. You would hopefully know that more than two days before, except in exceptional circumstances.11:40
wgrantmrevell: Thanks!11:40
mrevellwgrant: Length of down-time isn't something we generally know until quite close to the date, hence one of the reasons for leaving the mail till later on.11:40
wgrantmrevell: Hrm, OK...11:41
lifelessmrevell: two mails perhaps :P11:46
mrevelllifeless: Heh, it's an option but I bet most recipients would prefer not to have two emails :) I'll make it clearer in the next email that the release calendar is public and available for everyone.11:47
t0mppahello, can anyone help me with importing an openpgp key to my launchpad account or did I stumble to the wrong place?12:00
rowinggolferhey t0mppa12:02
rowinggolferhave you read https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey12:03
rowinggolferan excellent how to I followed last week12:03
rowinggolferif I can do it... anyone can!12:03
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t0mppaah now I see it, was trying to use the uid instead of pub to send it and it refused to send12:08
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t0mppathat settled it, thanks!12:10
t0mppathe import page was just talking about key-id and that was a bit confusing12:11
rowinggolfert0mppa: direct your comments at mrevell-lunch - don't let him enjoy his free time ;)12:11
t0mppai'm not that evil, problem was more of silly me not finding the help page really :)12:13
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eagles0513875is launchpad on the fritz today on the sluggish side14:56
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MagicFabweird in this bug, upstream status appears as "UPSTREAM CLOSED" and in LP is shows as "FIX RELEASED":19:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 220825 in virt-manager "SSH dialog for first remote connection to unknown server should not be a password field" [Wishlist,Confirmed]19:56
dgt84Hey, I'm trying to push a release on launchpad for my project but I'm not sure I understand how this is done... anybody around that could help?21:06
beunodtchen, sure21:08
beunoyou want to upload a tarball?21:08
beunoor a branch?21:08
dgt84beuno, I have a branch in bzr that I tagged and created a tarball of. I'd like to upload the tarball if possible but I can't figure out where that can be done. I created a new series called 'stable' but there is nothing on the page about releases.21:16
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beunodgt84, right, it's a bug in the UI that's being fixed21:19
dgt84beuno, so what can I do to make a release?21:20
dgt84beuno, seems I can do it on edge.launchpad.net, will try that21:21
beunoyou need to create a milestone21:23
beunoand then you can create a release off of it21:23
beunodgt84, create a milestone off the new series21:23
beunoand then a release off of that milestone21:23
dgt84beuno, k21:23
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dgt84beuno, that all seems to work now, thakns a lot for you help!21:25
beunodgt84, you're welcome21:25
beunoand sorry about the pain21:25
beunowe're making it awesome21:25
beunojust had to break things a bit  :)21:25
dgt84beuno, no worries, I'm pretty new to Launchpad but very impressed so far.21:25
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gesercprov: shouldn't the source packages copied from jaunty to karmic which FTBFS get a new build attempt in karmic?22:38
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